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File: 1.65 MB, 1278x906, 1405680643603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15304347 No.15304347 [Reply] [Original]

it's finally Sandworm's time to shine!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15304351 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 800x1042, 201604070201_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15304354
Quoted by: >>15305855

I love sand worms, but there's not much that can be done with them, story wise.

>> No.15304357

Jesus christ I knew I should have made the thread.

>> No.15304359

What's wrong with Sandworm?

>> No.15304362
File: 329 KB, 1350x1350, RowletC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That leaves two more. Design wise I felt like Rowlet kinda overshadowed the other two in terms of popularity. I should do some changes on the other two a bit.

>> No.15304363 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 960x800, 1442903670475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15304364
Quoted by: >>15304371

But snakes are nice

>> No.15304366 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 468x653, 1260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15304370

x is best girl

>> No.15304371

how about a reptile cult that has rituals for whatever reptile based monster women want to be?

>> No.15304378
Quoted by: >>15304382

How can one person be so wrong? Y is obviously the one true waifu.

>> No.15304382

You fools, Z is legendary

>> No.15304384
File: 417 KB, 648x905, 1450811106029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragons. Friend or foe?

>> No.15304389
File: 323 KB, 1402x992, Crazy gun dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15304390


>> No.15304391

Friend with benefits.

>> No.15304395

What you doing right now

>> No.15304399
File: 831 KB, 557x568, 1397863032162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304434

>Being mad about Sandworms
Taste this bad should be illegal.

>> No.15304400

Talking about Dragons.

>> No.15304403

I titled that image "Red Headed Perfection" in my personal archive.

What does that tell you?

>> No.15304404

Working. Thinking about Hellhounds.

>> No.15304407

Reading crap, writing worse crap, got QI in the back ground

>> No.15304414

Playing poker on Granblue Fantasy and cursing my awful luck.

Makes me wonder though, what would monster girl casinos be like?

>> No.15304419
File: 153 KB, 1200x1067, Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15304420

Playing Slime Rancher but it looks like I've done what's to do. Gonna go find out if Stellaris is any good.

>> No.15304434

Dancing queen?

>> No.15304436
Quoted by: >>15304450

Why are elves so dirty and treacherous?

>> No.15304446
File: 481 KB, 771x1100, update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No waifu? Just make your own.

>> No.15304449

Crabman's Golem is the best.

>> No.15304450

The nature of Elves is to hate and revile anyone who hasn't proven their worth.
Of course, once they lose to the cock, you'll never find a woman more doting, affectionate and servile.

>> No.15304457

I'm really lovin the Updated golem design

>> No.15304477
File: 113 KB, 700x1000, typical japanese lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lizard grills are best

>> No.15304479

Owls are top tier

>> No.15304491
Quoted by: >>15304498

Overhyped and broing. I much prefer KC's.

>> No.15304496
Quoted by: >>15304498

Crabman's proportions are shit, KC's actually looks reasonably attractive.

>> No.15304498

Guess I like big tits too much.

>> No.15304500
Quoted by: >>15304503

Better than the old one? Sure, that was shitty cosplay tier
But new one is much better than crabshit

>> No.15304503
File: 135 KB, 960x540, 0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304513

KC's new golem is still sort of cosplay tier.

>> No.15304509
File: 816 KB, 800x1200, Anubis want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304522

Gothic/Victorian themed Golems when

>> No.15304513
Quoted by: >>15304517

"Cosplay teir" is such a vague phrase you could apply it to most monster girls.

>> No.15304516
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, [BudLightSubs] Concrete Revolutio - The Last Song - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2016.05.28_21.07.09].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304520

My counterpoint: Moths

>> No.15304517

KC's got his own idea of what "Cosplay-tier" is even, that being his "Majin-type" girls. Dhampir and Witch, to name two...

>> No.15304519
Quoted by: >>15304521

I will go on a adventure for riches and treasure. my trusty sword skill shall see me to glory! Just need to aviod the more bullshitter monsters

>> No.15304520

moths are fine too

>> No.15304521

adventuring is overrated, Id rather just mind my own business and be a inventor, show some monsters the power of science!

>> No.15304522
Quoted by: >>15304529

One can only hope soon.
>Pale skin
>White hair
>Golem bits are reminiscent of motifs used in lich and wisp designs
>Black gothic pinnacle shoulders

>> No.15304529
Quoted by: >>15304535

>wanting more pauldrons

>> No.15304535

Obviously not so obnoxious as the last pair. But look at golem pauldrons. He's proved he can do them well

>> No.15304539
File: 46 KB, 600x324, 600px-Tremors4034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304544

just kidding, moe vore is cute

>> No.15304544
Quoted by: >>15304582

Not really. Not unless her girl bits eat you

>> No.15304548

Introducing monsters to tech when

>> No.15304564

>"Fufu, Deear~"
>Turn around to see your tall, soft wight waifu with her face half hidden by a camera
>"You really like that don't you?"
>"I love it! Hey, make the face."
>A slight blush covers your cheeks, "What face?"
>A smile covers hers, "That face you make, come on. The one where your tongue slips out and your eyes roll back."
>Beet-red now, "W-why?"
>"I need it. This 'camera' thing lets me see it whenever I want."
>"...You already can see it whenever you want."
>"Fufu, I know, I know but I mean when we can't be together, like when I'm out being an emissary."
>Camera zooms in as your eyes dart around nervously before you hesitatingly open your mouth and let your tongue slip out, whole face crimson as your eyes roll back.
>"Kyaa!" The camera PoV drops as a blur tackle you off screen and you see clothing fly off.

>> No.15304582
Quoted by: >>15304593

It's close enough, really. Not all vore is a giantess eating you.
A lot is like..a pit of tentacles engulfing someone.

And a giant worm eating you is pretty vore fetish in my mind.

>> No.15304589
Quoted by: >>15304606

You really couldn't make the OP one of the recent official arts? Like the golem redesign?

>> No.15304592
File: 1.62 MB, 1776x2600, 14358907345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304902

Thicker tails.

>> No.15304593

>Not all vore is a [thing] eating you.
That's literally what vore is though. I don't think simply being in a tentacle pit is vore. And the worm isn't really "eating you" the way I see it. Just kind of enveloping you. Like, being inside a wisp's cage wouldn't be "vore", the primary motive and result behind being inside a sandworm isn't for it to digest or swallow you.

>> No.15304594
Quoted by: >>15304602

>lich that now archives rare tomes on her laptop to not damage the pages
>Kunoichi learning to get round/destroy security systems
>Succubus trying to charm a guy via phone
>nightmares and alarm clocks

>> No.15304602
File: 947 KB, 1800x2250, 1464121314257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15304654

I want to help Lich-chan start an online forum about Necromancy!

>> No.15304606
Quoted by: >>15304762

You really couldn't make the thread in the designated furry boards? Like /b/ and /trash/?

>> No.15304608

>Hotheaded Dragon who causes a scene everywhere she goes
>People call her Godzilla behind her back
As her husband, would you work to discourage others from calling her names behind her back, or would you work to cool her head and take away the reason they do so?
Secret third option, embrace and encourage her behavior to teach people to fear her.

>> No.15304611

third option as long as I gain the powers to destroy shit with her

>> No.15304623

>you always goes around apologising for your "clumsy" dragon waifu
>the second your back's turned she goes back to wreaking shit with a smile on her face


>> No.15304630

I HATE elves.

>> No.15304636
File: 171 KB, 715x1000, Elf in a Bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss pal, I'm completely fine with elves

I would even marry one

>> No.15304654

I bet her forum would get trolled by elves who are only tough online because they know what will happen to them if they act haughty in real life.

>> No.15304686
Quoted by: >>15304698

Everyone does.

Except faggots.

>> No.15304698
Quoted by: >>15304702

>Not knocking up an Elf
>Not forcing her to bear the humiliation of being pregnant with some human's spawn
>Not watching in unrestrained delight as that defiant, proud attitude is slowly broken by none other than her own hormones
>Not relishing the affection your Elven wife now lavishes upon both you and your daughter she gave birth to

>> No.15304702
Quoted by: >>15304732

I'd rather fill up a spider's womb with my seed.

>> No.15304726


>> No.15304732

>Not an elf-spider

>> No.15304752

Goddamn Elves, they are more semen demons than Lillims will ever be.

>> No.15304762

>tfw you used to frequent a thread on /co/
>Threads moved to /trash/
>Thread is now a Trump and /pol/ circlejerk with 75% of the art posted being characters with MAGA hats shooped on to them

>> No.15304771
Quoted by: >>15304780

>Going to /co/

>> No.15304780

The aforementioned thread, RWBY general, is the only reason I went to the board. I don't much give a shit about comics nor any currently airing cartoons.

>> No.15304793


>> No.15304799

Christ they're like bronies.

>> No.15304807

I know anon, I know. We all make mistakes.

I even used to write lewd stories of it. Not very good ones, but sometimes I think of doing monster girl ones.

>> No.15304811

>He goes to /co/
>He watches RWBY
>He doesn't want to make america great again
I don't know which is worse

>> No.15304813
Quoted by: >>15304832

I think its okay, not ground breaking or anything but its alright

>> No.15304814

So are you saying that if we circlejerk and start to post monstergirls in MAGA hats in the Monster Girl Generals, they'll finally be banished to /trash/ where they belong along with you greenposters?

>> No.15304816
Quoted by: >>15304824

>It's bed time for little Jinko kitten daughter.
>Lift her up, she embraces you
>Try putting her into the bed
>She growls and digs her claws into your clothes
>Pull her back she calms down
>Try putting her back she growls and digs her claws again
What do?

>> No.15304817
Quoted by: >>15304825


What MG would be the best hidden nazi?

>> No.15304819

>Never heard of /trash/ before, let's check it out
>Zooptopia General
>ERP Thread: Fuckin' an Animal edition
>Gfur 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Clop Dumps
>Fapping Together Thread: BJ Edition
what is this place

>> No.15304821

Please do not bully us Mister Native /jp/sie! Haven't we been great guests here on your board all these years?

>> No.15304824
Quoted by: >>15304828

Lie down with her until she falls alseep. Use the moment of peace to wonder how a corpse managed to give birth to a Jinko.

>> No.15304825
Quoted by: >>15304842

Regular elf
everyone suspects the darkies, but what about regular elves?

>> No.15304828
Quoted by: >>15304838

She may have lied about where she got the ovaries from

>> No.15304830
Quoted by: >>15304843

That's not the reason they were banished to /trash/, that's what happened after they moved to /trash/.

If I remember correctly they're there during the post season hiatus or something.

>> No.15304832
Quoted by: >>15304886

but it was fan-wanked to the point where it reached attack on titan levels of overrated. the bajillion react vids didn't help

>> No.15304838
Quoted by: >>15304850

Seems like the furry containment board. Becaue they needed another one that wasn't /b/

My waifu's body is 100% hers!

>> No.15304842

>not wurm who just pretends to be retarded

>> No.15304843

So I take it that making a general during these times is considered spam or something?

>> No.15304844

A fun place.

>> No.15304850
Quoted by: >>15304871

/trash is to /b what /b is to normal people

>> No.15304864

I'm going to make a orange and apple farm, and then corner off a part for the insect girls to eat without ruining my shit

>> No.15304871
Quoted by: >>15304878

So what you're saying is that trash is the new place I should direct the furfags that happen to drop by every now and then.

>> No.15304878

Pretty much.

>> No.15304886
Quoted by: >>15304896

Its the internet
alot of people over-hype shit. I like to just see for my self, like RWBY and OPM

that being said I dont know how bad the rwby general was as the only other thread I go to here is the /v drawthread.

>> No.15304891

So I went and looked at the ERP thread.
I guess I can understand why some pepole don't want RPing here.

>> No.15304896
Quoted by: >>15304909

The threads used to be pretty good. Lots of original content (art and stories mostly), and they were fully aware that RWBY is ads. Now it's just old art with MAGA hats and waifu wars.

>> No.15304902
Quoted by: >>15304906


>> No.15304903
File: 388 KB, 1800x2250, kb2bJP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The softest! The cutest! The cuddliest!

>> No.15304906
Quoted by: >>15304913

You can't be fucking serious.

>> No.15304909
Quoted by: >>15304916

what does this mean?

>> No.15304913 [DELETED] 


>> No.15304916
Quoted by: >>15304936

Ass. Ducking autocorrect

>> No.15304922 [DELETED] 


>> No.15304929

The fuck are you doing

>> No.15304930
Quoted by: >>15304941

just tell me the fucking sauce

>> No.15304936

I see
well ive got a lot of free time on my hands and I cant 24/7 anime so might just give it a chance

>> No.15304941
Quoted by: >>15304976

Lurk more you faggot

>> No.15304951

What would the opposite of a shirohebi be like?

>> No.15304957


>> No.15304959

An Apophis?

>> No.15304966

Kurohebi? Sounds great for a mayadere.

>> No.15304976 [DELETED] 

top de la kek, /b/ro XD

>> No.15304985
Quoted by: >>15304986


>> No.15304986
File: 385 KB, 1800x2250, feoVYif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've summoned her! What are your three wishes?

>> No.15304987
Quoted by: >>15304995

An atheist unloyal whore blacksnake

>> No.15304995
Quoted by: >>15305026

Oh myyy.

>> No.15305026
Quoted by: >>15305045

I want to have some snake pussy.

>> No.15305036


>> No.15305039

My first wish is more tomboyish hellhounds!

>> No.15305045
Quoted by: >>15305113

The big black V?

>> No.15305077
File: 168 KB, 900x1197, 2d3be7c909c92e98a23da21b5b7dea2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it Asanagi.

>> No.15305086

He the guy with all the downer endings right?

>> No.15305087

Instead of being hyper possessive like a Shirohebi, she'd try to build her husband a harem like a Bicorn would.
She would never let the other girls forget that she's the queen of the castle, though.

>> No.15305091

I recognize those eyes....

>> No.15305094
Quoted by: >>15305115

the flame would drive him to seek more girls.

>> No.15305101

>she'd try to build her husband a harem like a Bicorn would
So she's shit

>> No.15305102

His doujins are all sorts of fucked up but his twitter and pixiv are pretty vanilla.

>> No.15305104

He's the guy that likes ryona in general. Punching stomachs and moderate guro.

>> No.15305106
Quoted by: >>15306308

No, that would be shindol

>> No.15305113
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, 0260ce45e143f1afb6c1a4d63a461e4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15305115

>He's just running around sticking his dick in random holes
>Gets arrested for trying to rape a cop
>She asks him why he did something so dumb
>"I don't know! I can't stop!"

>> No.15305123

>Loved gurren laggan round the time I saw his doujin.
>Tore apart one of the hypest moments of the show

>> No.15305130
File: 209 KB, 521x662, 232e9493aeab1db30fa195e7071607e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you meet your waifu's father

>> No.15305132
Quoted by: >>15305165

>She would never let the other girls forget that she's the cuckqueen of the castle, though.
How could they forget? The laughter would peel through the halls endlessly as they all have turns gangbanging her husband as she watches

>> No.15305144

>tfw her dad is Paladin san who's huge and wears a barbute everywhere

>> No.15305149

Snacks to feed her and a future where I will her with kittens.

>> No.15305165
Quoted by: >>15305173

But she still cuddles with him at the end of the day, so she wins.

>> No.15305173
Quoted by: >>15305199

>this is what cuckqueens believe

>> No.15305199

It's cuckquean, and you're missing the joke.
Some black guy tweeted to the effect of "You might be fucking my girl, but at the end of the day I'm the one cuddling with her so I win."

>> No.15305206
Quoted by: >>15305226

>I'm the one cuddling with her so I win.
>Implying some perceived emotional intimacy makes having your girl be the town bike worth it
My fedoras are tippping on their own

>> No.15305207

You get a one night stand while he forms a deep emotional connection with her

You'd have to think pretty shallow to think he's the loser here.

>> No.15305219

How very beta of you.

>> No.15305222

>If you have sex with your enemy's wife, he wins

>> No.15305226

You're not seeing it. He might be fucking other girls as much as he wants, but he only loves her so it doesn't matter that she an taste other girls when she kisses him.

>> No.15305228

>he forms a deep emotional connection with her
Hahahaha. A deep financial connection maybe.

>> No.15305233

>cuddling with a cheating whore
No friend, that was not the correct answer.

>> No.15305278
File: 1.43 MB, 1828x1200, 356890834514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea why this got deleted when I posted it last thread.

>> No.15305283
Quoted by: >>15308136

I've got you in my sights.

>> No.15305285

Do Gazers wear shoes with their sticky feet or do they just float everywhere?

>> No.15305295
Quoted by: >>15305314

I want a passive aggressive Kiki to hang out with me!

>> No.15305300

I want to steal her eyedrops!

>> No.15305306
File: 55 KB, 320x240, gazerfag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15305314

I want to transform my rowdy thugdere Kiki childhood friend into the perfect ara ara maid.

>> No.15305322 [DELETED] 

Did you commission this pic as well?

>> No.15305323
Quoted by: >>15305325

There is literally nothing wrong with posting cute pictures of the monster girl you love

Especially in a monster girl thread

>> No.15305325

You monster

>> No.15305327
File: 1.22 MB, 2897x3541, ChYGzqhUUAAwTuK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15305355

Did you commission this pic as well?

>> No.15305331

>Hating on Gazerfag
>Wasting images on shit cartoons

>> No.15305355

I'm not gazerfag, just a regular gazerfan.

>> No.15305404

Slime girl

Sea Cucumber

>> No.15305409

oh boy here we go

>> No.15305411

>Sea cucumber
Oh lord what the heck

>> No.15305416
Quoted by: >>15305425

Go bait somewhere else

>> No.15305425
Quoted by: >>15305457

it's monster girl doujin, not a bait.

>> No.15305433
Quoted by: >>15305460

>futa on male
You might want to try /y/.

>> No.15305457

>those tags
>not bait

>> No.15305460

futanari are not gay, they're exactly like girls.
Please guys don't be transphobic.

>> No.15305470

>Tags: Big Penis, Futanari, Huge Penis, Dickgirl On Male
>It's a dirty, cheese filled phimosis cock
Absolutely degenerate

>> No.15305471
File: 142 KB, 1044x2048, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15305476
Quoted by: >>15305824

Stop being silly and do your homework, young lady.

>> No.15305478

I hope that she brings a lot of sunscreen if she’s going to the beach.

>> No.15305481

I like how I couldn't read that out loud with a straight face

>> No.15305491

>not gay
Okay, that's funny, I give you that.

>> No.15305499

Some fetishes are worse than others indeed. Good lord...

>> No.15305504

>Go meet Dragon waifu family
>Looking at how strong she is, her mom and dad must be some kind of monsters.
>Her mom is fucking NEET dragon
>Her father is a weak and sickly prince
>The nearby kingdom sacrificed him because he was too useless and her mother was really lonely and lazy and she felt sad about the prince's situation so she took him.

And such is my waifu family.

>> No.15305514


>> No.15305552
Quoted by: >>15305593

Cause Gazers are stinky smell nerds!

>> No.15305593
File: 46 KB, 600x450, gazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15305597

Don't bully the Gazer, or she's gonna cry!

>> No.15305597

What happens if you poke one of the tail eyes

>> No.15305604

>"They're exactly like girls"
>Proceeds to categorize them as trans
You only contradict yourself. Please go with your bait.

>> No.15305622
Quoted by: >>15305637

>TFW weak and sickly
Being a NEET dragon's prince must be the best feeling in the whole wide world

>> No.15305623
Quoted by: >>15305655

I going to hell
and Im going to drag a demoness back with me to fuck

>> No.15305637
Quoted by: >>15305657

Too bad she's a NEET.

>> No.15305655
Quoted by: >>15305686

Sorry anon, you're going to a different hell with only males because you did 'that'

>> No.15305657
Quoted by: >>15305676

I wouldn't care that she's lazy and lunges around all day, I wouldn't care if her lair is messy, I wouldn't care that she's older then me yet still has childish interests like anime, I wouldn't care that all her lethargy has put her out of shape. She'd want to take me under her wing (literally and metaphorically) to protect and love, and I'd absolutely adore her for it. I'd cuddle her, serve her, and follow her around like a puppy. If I was to be abandoned in a cave left for dead, she'd be the one person I'd want to meet and stay by her side always.

I want to lay on top of her cuddling her, then lean up to whisper in her ear I love you!

>> No.15305661
File: 341 KB, 750x1000, ftMZWvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15305663

>Having to be polite to your father in law when he's smaller than the shits you take and flinches every time you move

>> No.15305670
Quoted by: >>15305697

Succuplank more like.

>> No.15305676
Quoted by: >>15305735

But Anon, if you are weak and sickly I don't a NEET dragon would work too well. Her place would probably be all messy and shit and you shouldn't work too hard. Also, she would have to get stronger in order to protect you from the dangers of the world.

Would you still love her if she dropped that NEET attitude in order to stay with you?

>> No.15305678

Wow anon you're so alpha

>> No.15305686

fuck you! I am the master of my own fate!

>> No.15305692
Quoted by: >>15305700

I would like a submissive yellow scaled dragon

>> No.15305697

You aren't feeding her, thats why.

>> No.15305699

How do I stop a Wurm from being lewd?

>> No.15305700
Quoted by: >>15305709

How loyal do you want her?

>> No.15305704

give her a thick t-shirt

>> No.15305707

She needs more milk.
Holst milk or semen. Both will do.

>> No.15305709

Borderline fanatical.

>> No.15305730

Why contain it?

>> No.15305735

It's OK, I don't want her to work herself too hard. Her loving me is work enough. I can do small stuff like keep the place in decent condition. I wouldn't want her to change herself just for me, she's already done so much.

I'd want her to be happy, and I'd want to help make her happy in any way possible.

>> No.15305751
File: 141 KB, 1741x1423, wbCZZ2i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yetis are fit!

>> No.15305784
File: 174 KB, 763x713, dorkella handholding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to love Druella, I want to impregnate this blackberry flavored dork!

>> No.15305793
Quoted by: >>15305830

She's a blueberry. Have you ever even seen a blackberry?

>> No.15305824
File: 1.02 MB, 2368x3612, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of homework do you think they gave her in monster school?

>> No.15305830
File: 296 KB, 344x502, Deruella_sticker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15305847

She seems more grey than blue though

>> No.15305834

Rape 101

>> No.15305847

It's a cool gray. Which you get by mixing about 5% blue with neutral gray. Blackberries aren't gray either.

>> No.15305853

I want to impregnate Miia

I want her to make a content warm smile as she forces me to cum inside and then say "i love you"

>> No.15305856
Quoted by: >>15305881

Probably standard stuff you see at school, although sex ed will be more indeph and history classes will involve researching bloodlines.
Everyone brings in little pieces of paper but for the dragon and vampire who have ancient scrolls going back centuries.

>> No.15305855

Somebody's never read Dune.

>> No.15305881
Quoted by: >>15305921

>Vampire demands a boy tell her of his lineage to see if his bloodline would be a good match with her own
>"Uh, well, I know that I'm 1/8 Irish. Does that help?"

>> No.15305899
Quoted by: >>15305944

>Be sculptor, start having strange dreams of a woman clothed in the sun, intense heat radiating from within her ivory cloak
>Start sculpting your greatest masterpiece, much to the fright and worry of your friends and family
>The skeleton is the easiest part, but when it comes to craft the organs, you begin to struggle
>It's hard to capture such divine beauty in the flesh
>Dreams are intensifying, her touch scorches like red hot iron and her eyes are full of passion, asking you to continue to build
>She gives you the knowledge you need through a kiss to the forehead, marking you with a crescent shape
>It's been weeks since you started on your task, your hair is sweaty and wet against your scalp, your beard thicker than ever
>It must be PERFECT, nothing less will suffice
>At times you can feel her hands guiding yours as you sculpt her plump breasts and thick thighs
>If the Goddess above could do it for Man in the beginning, so can you. Determination burns in your bosom.
>It takes horse hair to emulate the real thing, long and flowing down to the small of her back
>A small downy carpet above the fleshly slit between her legs
>You stop, your work finished, expectantly.
>Nothing, no movement, no sign of life. Just... an empty vessel.
>Disheartened, you retire for the evening. A wisp of light enters into your creation, stirring it to motion while the skin cracks, showing off the glow from within as its hair goes alight with fire.
"God Clay shaper. The angel Epael I have been named."
"God Clay shaper, I am come."
>TFW the sex she has with you that night is enough to shake the very city to its foundations

>> No.15305902
File: 1.39 MB, 2039x2783, 57114385_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15305917

>> No.15305917
Quoted by: >>15305935

She's absolutely defenceless, I just want to put a blanket over her and sit by her side until she wakes up.

>> No.15305919

lol wut a beta dyel manlet faggot, right bro? bet you rek that cuck;s waifu's pussy all day lmao manlets ritte

>> No.15305921
Quoted by: >>15306037

>Vampire pouts and mumbles something about doing it herself before walking out.
>one week later the boy finds a piece of paper presented to him by the vampire showing that his entire bloodline is......lowborn.
>Vampire just tells him they'll 'make it work', although he'll need to marry into her family matrilinially.

>> No.15305935

>She's absolutely defenceless,
Her lewdness is a great nightmare

>> No.15305944

What would an adobe golem be like?

>> No.15305947

She'd crash a lot.

>> No.15305948

Golem with a sombrero

>> No.15305950

Unreliable and overrated

>> No.15305958
File: 111 KB, 241x236, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this is? I keep seeing them around corners but whenever I go to get a good look they disappear.

>> No.15305966

You should put your fist in it.
I hear good things happen if you do.

>> No.15305969
Quoted by: >>15305978

That's your friendly protector anon

Go try saying hi next time you see it

>> No.15305971

Purge it with fire. Manticores are shit.

>> No.15305978
Quoted by: >>15306204

That seems like the best course of action. Couldn't hurt, right?

That sounds odd. How would good things happen?

>> No.15305992
Quoted by: >>15306204

>You should put your fist in it.
Does this end with an alien robot bursting out of the ground while you have to cut your stuck hand free with a sword

>> No.15305996
Quoted by: >>15306004

There are a few steps you need to take. Firstly, find a wisp, lich, wight, demon or helhound. Then pledge your soul to her. Not only does this tie into the second step, it pleases the girl and will net you a waifu. The second step is to have some form of deadman's switch activated suicide. Then simply lay your guard aside and wait for the assailant to come to rape you. Just as she closes in, release the switch and enjoy the most peaceful oblivion you'll ever experience for a short moment before your soul is transferred over to its owner to be replaced in your body. This scarrs the manticunt for life.

>> No.15306004

I want to see a comic of this
I'm a terrible person

>> No.15306007

Throw a coin in it and make a wish.

>> No.15306013


>> No.15306033
File: 806 KB, 992x1403, d80c5d93b247cbcab53efea3eeb8a760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get this poor girl some clothes.

>> No.15306037

Be honest now anons. How many of you would do this if it was a condition for marrying a high class monster girl?

>> No.15306039

I hate lilims.

>> No.15306044
Quoted by: >>15306066

I'm not sure what that condition implies

>> No.15306051
File: 351 KB, 850x997, 1464406609882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to breed with a Jubjub that has that body.

>> No.15306055

Depends on if i actually loved her

I don't want to marry someone i don't love

>> No.15306056

Sure thing, but I have to ask her why their gone in then first place and why come to me for help?

>> No.15306060

Should I give her my pants or my shirt?

>> No.15306063

Not like your bloodline isn't going to end anyway when you marry a monster girl that can only birth monster girls.

>> No.15306065

I wanna curl up with a Wurm on a cold winter night.

>> No.15306066
Quoted by: >>15306087

Long story short, you take her last name and so do any future children.

>> No.15306073
File: 1.32 MB, 1349x960, feab0808b2b12a396ac8d6aaf501125f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You came to the wrong neightborhood, mofufucker.

>> No.15306082

Sure why not, would never expect a woman I love to do something that I wouldn't do myself.

My family would just be happy that I secured my future too.

>> No.15306087
Quoted by: >>15306089

But in my country children have two last names, one for each parent.

I would anyway, not that much of a great deal.

>> No.15306089

I meant people in general, not only children

>> No.15306096


Oh sorry.

>> No.15306099

>wrong neighborhood
>all this mofu

I think im in the right place. For i will become a literal mofu fucker.

>> No.15306106

This is my neighborhood now.

>> No.15306112
Quoted by: >>15306133

>You will never move into a little mofutown in your city because of the cheap rent and be met with this
Mixed feelings.

>> No.15306116
Quoted by: >>15306175

>TFW only Quicksilver writes about slutty mofu bird

>> No.15306117

it would make sense. I'd be fine with it.

>> No.15306121

Those thighs are miraculous

>> No.15306122
Quoted by: >>15306140

>Room so cold my breath comes out misted
>But is so warm under my sheets I'm overheating
I need a corpse to cuddle to balance this out

>> No.15306133

>Move there because of the cheap rent
>Half the price of the next cheapest place
>Everyone warns you that it's a bad idea and that the extra money is worth it
>Blow them off
>Pleasantly surprised by how nice everyone is to you
>The local shops always give you discounts, delivery drivers refuse tips, and your landlord and neighbors always make a point to ask if there's anything you need when they see you
>Then, of course, comes the full moon
>You go to bed like normal, only to be woken up by the sound of someone in your apartment
>Your eyes snap open, but you only see darkness
>You soon realize that you're blindfolded and tied up, and can hear multiple people around you
>You're raped until sunrise
>You call the police, but they take one whiff of you and call you a slut before leaving
>You signed a contract too, so you're stuck in this apartment for a year
>Every full moon it's the same thing, but after a few months the culprits are obvious
>Their growing bellies give them away

>> No.15306140
File: 255 KB, 1000x733, 1438658430877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306151

Find a yeti and yuki onna who will stop fighting long enough to cuddle you at the same time

>> No.15306143

This seems like my neighborhood.

>> No.15306146
Quoted by: >>15306192

Do I have to raise the kids?

>> No.15306151
Quoted by: >>15306256

No that just makes the inside of my sheets hot if we add my body head to the equation and assume the coldness of Yuki onna is cancelled by the yeti. I need an undead who doesn't emit coldness, but soaks up my heat.

>> No.15306159
File: 1.56 MB, 1760x1034, 98402937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You signed a contract too, so you're stuck in this apartment for a year
You say this like it's a problem

>> No.15306175
Quoted by: >>15306295

I didn't mind that story.

>> No.15306188
Quoted by: >>15306222

Well it's time to give in to the depression and humiliation, and when one of the mofu ask you what's wrong, confide in her your experiences, pretending to be oblivious to her growing belly. Expel it all like a catharsis, water works and all. And then wait until the night of the full moon, run a hot bath, put on some good music loud, down two bottles of vodka at once and open your arms from elbow to wrist. Be the martyr that sparks a city wide reform to treat men better.

>> No.15306192

No, no men ever stay.
They lure one in with cheap cost of living and a warm atmosphere, then rape him and raise the resulting daughters while he escapes. Then the process repeats.

>> No.15306194

Fuck mofutown, I'm moving to Dragon Town.

>> No.15306199

But anon, you can't rape the willing

>> No.15306204

It's just your friendly neighborhood red tenticle.

No, it just results in you finding yourself face to face with a rare, red spiny tentacle girl.

I would.
Would be well worth it.

>> No.15306208

>It's just a bunch of lizard girls with fake wings
They'd still spoil you rotten though.

>> No.15306220
Quoted by: >>15306303

Aww, they're not real dragons? Well, whatever one I have as a roommate better be really good at spoiling.

>> No.15306222
Quoted by: >>15306250

But most men love to be treated that way.

Maybe if the got husbands and had loving families, they wouldn't have to do this sort of thing the first place.

>> No.15306223

False dragons?
I'd be more than happy to work as a cuddle slut in that town.

>> No.15306231

I knew there was more than one person who went to both this and that general.

>> No.15306238
File: 811 KB, 1050x800, mofu spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be one mofu who takes pity on me and doesn't rape me? Will she tenderly love and take care of me?

>> No.15306250
Quoted by: >>15306267

>But most men love to be treated that way.
Memes aside, I probably couldn't handle actual rape. Like, Mgs are all hot right, and I'm a slut so asides from the furries any rape would probably stop being rape halfway through. But that's because I can see and relate to the rapist, and the odds of it turning into something more are high. But blind folded? Used and abused like a warm dildo by every one around me and then treated like the occurrence and by extension I wasn't even worth bringing up afterwards? I wasn't even worth a relationship after the fact? I'd probably neck myself.

>> No.15306256
Quoted by: >>15306272

The yuki can turn up her cold to even it out, but then the yeti will turn up her heat and hug tighter causing the yuki to get colder until they turn it into a contest of coldest vs hottest

>> No.15306258

Reminder that gaining the strength to protect your wife is one of lifes finest goals

>> No.15306265
Quoted by: >>15306296

That's not mine, I'd rather be a house husband and bake food and keep the house clean for the waifu. I think supporting your wife and following behind her is one of lifes finest goals.

>> No.15306267

>I wasn't even worth a relationship after the fact? I'd probably neck myself.
Harsh, but honest. I imagine the frequency of such events would suffer a sharp rise, post MG introduction.

>> No.15306272

Just gimme a wight, fuck.

>> No.15306278
Quoted by: >>15306312

Just protecting? or becoming famed warriors that can wreck shit both alone and together?

>> No.15306285

How much is the rent on a ryu-owned shrine/property?

>> No.15306295
Quoted by: >>15306307

It wasn't bad but it's better than a faggot like Robert doing it.

>> No.15306296
Quoted by: >>15306304

Nah fuck that house husband stuff Id rather have a co worker to build greatness together. where the drive to do things beyond pleasing your wife?

>> No.15306303
Quoted by: >>15306314

Well, real dragons aren't really the community type.

Your roommate would always come back tired, cranky and soaked in sweat from weapon training. But if you're nice enough to have a hot bath ready for her, she would hug you and have you try out all her cooking.

She has to practice those domestic skills you see, for when she gets a husband. It might be a little odd seeing someone so muscled humming happily in a frilly apron with hearts on it while she writes your name on a homemade cake in icing. Or how she stands a little too close to you. Or how she asks you all the time about what men like and how to make them happy. Or how she blushes when her friends tease her about how close she is to you.

You wouldn't molest such an innocent creature would you?

>> No.15306304
Quoted by: >>15306345

>where the drive to do things beyond pleasing your wife?
Why would I need anything but my wife to be happy?

>> No.15306307
Quoted by: >>15306338

I don't think the dread writefag had anything to do with it, but I'm not here enough to know for sure.

>> No.15306308

ShindoL's only done a couple real "Downer Endings" that I can recall. His Legend of Zelda Doujin, and his most recent manga, Emergence.

Really went all the way on "Downer" with the latter. Like, geezus, guy does hot half-ass.
Like when Z-Ton decided to do NTR, he tripled down on the concept.

>> No.15306312

No matter what, a man is a protector of what he owns. but you must also have faith in you wife's ability to defend herself.

>> No.15306314
Quoted by: >>15306353

Of course not. I'd rather her have her way with me one day when she comes back from work, tired, sweaty, and grumpy. And ready to fuck me in the most primal way she can.

>> No.15306324
Quoted by: >>15306352

Foxes really are the worst!

>> No.15306333

I would stay there. Sounds like a nice place.

>> No.15306338

It's less him and more the site he's on

>> No.15306345
Quoted by: >>15306358

You seriously cant tell me that your wife's pleasure is all that matters. what about other goals, dreams to do great things, to put your mark on the world? will you truly be happy when you keel over and all you've done is made cookies daily and no one cares enough to remember you?

It may be the world you want anon, but that is a world I reject with all my heart.

>> No.15306352
Quoted by: >>15306366

I know right. A community of wolves would ensure he wakes up the next morning in a pile of wolfus all snoozing contently, their alpha female cooking breakfast for him, making sure he understood that he was loved. Not like these fox shits

>> No.15306353

>she goes full lizard brain
>drags you by the collar into the bedroom
spends the whole next day apologizing

>> No.15306358
Quoted by: >>15306388

>to put your mark on the world?
she is my world and making her happy is all I need in life

>> No.15306366

...Do they have rooms for rent in their community?

>> No.15306372
File: 68 KB, 479x370, 1441316581318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mindbreak with Link; TSF Monogatari has a scat scenario, mindbreak, rape, impregnation, cuckolding, futanari; Life of a Dairy Cow has BBC, impregnation and rape, anal fisting, guro, snuff ending; Lucky Yui is fucking bestiality

>X of an Era has incest, cuckolding, futanari, impregnation; Slime Girl has snuff, breeding, cumpumping; Bat ninja has NTR, >monsterboys, some serious mental issues

>Horitomo and Ahobaka
>Centaur mangas with MALE CENTAURS, may or may not include NTR, one of them has a human boy taking a horse dildo up his ass
>Ahobaka's NTR has a female centaur literally getting studded in front of her human boyfriend by big horse cock

I just want this pain to end.

>> No.15306383

Why are centaurs such NTR bait. Why can't they beat the horsecock?

>> No.15306388

I will disagree
To put your self below someone like that disgusts me to no end. a loving relationship is fine, but you might as well be a fucking robot with your mindset.

>> No.15306400
Quoted by: >>15306421

Because all people can see is size and because of human women being whores who only care about size horse dicks become the default 'best eva' despite finishing literally within 10 seconds.
Human dick > all other dick.

>> No.15306405

They literally do in Horitomo's

>> No.15306420
File: 378 KB, 1117x609, VAMPMILK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15306421

Like in all things, the real strength of humanity is in our stamina.

>> No.15306422

It's still shit

>> No.15306427

But I'm not below her, we're equals in love. I desire her happiness and she desires mine. Truly, that is the sign of the strongest bond.

>> No.15306429

Excuse me, I need to go enact a plan with a haughty vampire.

>> No.15306438
Quoted by: >>15306451


>> No.15306439

I feel like you've been dwelling on this for a while.

>> No.15306444
File: 11 KB, 243x207, 1439751506943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She beats it in the Horitomo doujin but the closest answer I can offer you is it probably has something to do with Greek mythologies.

Basically, alot of the times in Greek mythos they were depicted not much differently than you see in Crabman's MonMusume world. Big, burly horsemen who have a habit of getting shitfaced, embracing dick measuring contests, and kidnapping and fucking human women in their drunken revelry like a bunch of Slavs.

There were exceptions to the rules like Chiron, who became the constellation Sagittarius. He was a well-learned healer and archer that was different from his ken in that regard. But for the most part, Centaurs would get drunk, fuck their horsepussy wives and go on raiding parties to fuck human women as well.

TL;DR: Male Centaurs are literally, not figuratively shit tier in all forms of media with the exception of Chiron and almost always lose to human dick because while they have massive horse cocks, they last maybe ten to twenty seconds tops.

That and human dick can actually stimulate a horsepussy's G-spot, unlike the big red love rocket at the bottom of a Centaur's horse barrel. Hell, the fuckers can't even properly masturbate themselves, having to slap their shafts up and down by moving back and forth like retarded rocking horses.

Centorea is still waifu material, irregardless of that fact. Half-breeds a QT 3.14

>> No.15306446


This is perfect.

>> No.15306451
Quoted by: >>15306453


>> No.15306453

No thank you, I don't like Vampires.

>> No.15306457

I am seriously fucking sick of this whole "househusband" thing, there are a lot of things I hate in this thread but this I'm starting to truly despise.

>> No.15306458

He definitely has been. I'm wasn't even the first guy he was talking to, who knows how many anons he's gone through.

>> No.15306461
Quoted by: >>15306493

>they last maybe ten to twenty seconds tops
People keep saying this but there is nothing to suggest that as human/horse hybrids their reproductive organs remain so laughable premature despite their size.

>> No.15306462

Paladin Chan deserves to get cucked

>> No.15306464

You deserve to get cucked.

>> No.15306467

Paladin chan deserves to be placed in front of a lilim an get her life sorted out

>> No.15306468

No she deserves to be monsterized and then tenderly loved and impregnated.

>> No.15306470

But what if you want to be a house husband to a nice strong mg?

>> No.15306475

I'm going to be a househusband for my onee-san monster girl when lilims rule the world and you can't stop me!

>> No.15306481

I'll be sure to remember your impotent hatred when I fantasize about cooking a baller as fuck roast for when the waifu gets home.

>> No.15306482

But its the way of the thread, why fight it?

>> No.15306487
Quoted by: >>15306491

See, I don't consider a lot of that "Downers". Fucked up, certainly, but not a "Downer" in the end.

Forgot about Life of a Dairy Cow though, that was pretty bad. And was Slime Girl Z-Ton? Thought that was someone else.

Far as I know Horitomo is pretty vanilla all around.
Ahobaka is almost without exception awful all around.

Was that one Horitomo? Eh. Well, I guess defied NTR is better than straight NTR. No NTR at all would be better still, but if an artist feels compelled to delve into that genre...

>> No.15306488
File: 116 KB, 783x852, 1460144567847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306520

England Comic Con was fun today. The ATM situation was a disaster, though.

Saw lots of Ahri cosplayers, and exactly one Papi cosplayer, which was a nice surprise. No monstergirl doujins, though. Maybe next time, but the merchandise they usually bring in is pretty entry-level and repetitive over several years. At least I managed to buy both ZOE games for £18.

So did the thread archive naturally this time, or what?

>> No.15306489
File: 212 KB, 960x540, 1463445398751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to a thread where people talk about hhow much they want to get aggressively mated by half-human, half monsters.
>these often greatly surpass humans in strength and sometimes even in intelligence.
>gets triggered by the fact that many people want to be the submissive/domesticated partner

Your just plain fucking stupid to come here. I know that some monster girls are for maledoms but this is like going to a Christian church and expecting support for gay marriage and abortion.

>> No.15306491

Kill yourself, NTR is trash no matter what.

>> No.15306493

>Half-breeds a QT 3.14
Now that you mention it, Cerea's the only example of a half-breed centaur we have, and she's a female. That means there's a 50% of chances human-centaur couples only can make female centaurs. If you add this to the canon fact that female centaurs are starting to abandon their males for human, that could make centaurs a only-female race like lamias and harpies in the future. That makes me happy.

>Let's give the monsterboys all the plusses and none of the flaws
If we go with that, 2D human men have 30cm long dicks, can last days and cum 1l of semen because hentai told me so.

>> No.15306496
Quoted by: >>15306499

Unless it's a girl getting cucked.

>> No.15306498

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.15306499
Quoted by: >>15306517

Still shit. He's right.

>> No.15306500
File: 497 KB, 866x911, 1445483472579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306513

They're abandoning their centaur husbands because they're literally the niggers of the EMG world. They want all the bitches, think having a massive dick is best, spend all day chasing those bitches around, don't care when they spirited away by human men who love them for being themselves rather than how many children they can foal.

>> No.15306508

I never said it wasn't.
Just that defying the convention is better than playing them straight. Better =/= Good.

>> No.15306513

Do you even know what cuck means?

You forgot that human men actually attracts them unlike their males.

>> No.15306517
Quoted by: >>15306531

You're wrong.

>> No.15306518

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.15306520

>So did the thread archive naturally this time, or what?

>> No.15306521
Quoted by: >>15306530

>If you add this to the canon fact that female centaurs are starting to abandon their males for human, that could make centaurs a only-female race like lamias and harpies in the future.
A few threads back, I came up with the theory that, with the way Centaur Society is moving now, evolutionary biology may cause the rare male births to lose the rough looks they developed previously, to better compete with humans for female centaur mates. Yes. Traptaurs are the future.

I imagine this theory makes you less happy.

>> No.15306522
Quoted by: >>15306527

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.15306524

Don't you like male centaurs getting cucked? Cry some more faggot.

>> No.15306527 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15306534

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.15306529

What I hate is the simplicity.
I don't give a fuck about maledom in this case, I just don't like the idea of a being a stay at home guy and it annoys me that that's where it ends for most people.

People no want to do something with anyform of meaning other than "how will this please my wife" its the same thing for ages and Im itered of it.

I don't give a fuck about a monsters power and intelligence, I'm just sick of "nope, house husband" being the response to almost fucking everything.

>> No.15306530
Quoted by: >>15306548

>compete with humans for female centaurs
You wot, fag.

>> No.15306531
Quoted by: >>15306552

No, they are pretty spot on. NTR is shit in all its incarnations.

>> No.15306534
Quoted by: >>15306537

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.15306537
Quoted by: >>15306544

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.15306542

Foxes will treat you like human garbage! Hook up with a cute wolfu instead!

>> No.15306544
Quoted by: >>15306561

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.15306547

Hey guys, guess who just got tickets to Wonderland?! Who wants to come with me?

>> No.15306548

Hes saying that since horsesluts like bishounen men, the only centaur males to breed will naturally grow more attractive and "pretty". Perhaps this ill coe about by female centaurs returning to ther biological roots, or perhaps this will be due to centaur men seducing human women with their giant horse cocks and learning to last longer. Who knows, that's crabman for you.

>> No.15306550
File: 37 KB, 270x276, 1381443361367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306571

>Neightborhood full of Titanias
>Neightborhood full of Lamias
>Neightborhood full of Krakens

>> No.15306552
Quoted by: >>15306563

What if the woman getting NTR'd is shit?

>> No.15306553
File: 766 KB, 1000x1000, 25c44c50cc2caefa6b2bc6515729ada72701775d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.15306554

Maybe I will.

>> No.15306556

Not gonna happen, crabman is not as much of a faggot as that guy is. EMG may have monsterboys, but crabman make sure to point out human men are always better and desired for all the females over their own males (if they even have), and they're only used as a joke/plot purpose.

>> No.15306557

That too.

>> No.15306560
Quoted by: >>15306565

I sort of get how you feel. I'm fed up of the cute shit at this point, but just like your pet hate it doesn't make up the whole thread, so I just leave and do something else if the subject pops up.

>> No.15306561
Quoted by: >>15306566

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.15306563

All NTR is shit no matter the situation. "The woman being NTR'd is shit so its okay!" No, you coward. Break the relationship and then fuck the other woman.

>> No.15306565

In my defence, he asked and I tend to get ranty

>> No.15306566
Quoted by: >>15306576

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.15306568
File: 244 KB, 1200x1729, Fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the first thing that came to mind when people are calling Traptaurs now fuck off to Bourbon/Shoggocks/Whoever is pushing that shit.

>> No.15306570

Are the guys repeating each other dicking around or are they both bitterly trying to enrage the other?

>> No.15306571

>Neightborhood full of Titanias

Sounds like a great place to live.

>> No.15306572
Quoted by: >>15306623

Got a example?

>> No.15306574
Quoted by: >>15306700

The impulse to write them into your setting at all is a red flag. It's like writing furry futa scat and portraying it as a joke/plot purpose. No. Fuck off.

>> No.15306576
Quoted by: >>15306586

Shut up, fag.

I'm just fucking around.

>> No.15306580

You're welcome to leave any time.

>> No.15306582
Quoted by: >>15306700

The minotaurs in 12Beast seemed to like each other just fine. But that got cancelled, so maybe Crabman caught on that MBs a shit?

Yeah, that's a pretty good depiction.
And it's usually Bourbon.

>> No.15306586

Shut up, fag.

I'm just fucking around.

>> No.15306589

>Reading EMG
>Talking about EMG
>Seriously discussing the garbage in EMG.
Go back to /a/ you fucking faggots.

>> No.15306590
Quoted by: >>15306597

What the fuck am I reading in that picture?

>> No.15306592
Quoted by: >>15306607

Not him, but MGs are what you make of them, and it's anons' tastes that dictate whether they are stronger or smarter than humans.

>> No.15306593
Quoted by: >>15306608


>> No.15306594
File: 242 KB, 295x498, 1409793345152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306610

I know right? I'm mainly into femdom but I also love easygoing girls a lot. It's one of my favorite archetypes.

>> No.15306597

Z-Ton basically saying a gelding horse (Which is something that happens in real life because stallions are assholes) is a trap and applied it to Centaurs.

>> No.15306601

>Talking about a monster girl manga in the monstergirl thread is wrong

>> No.15306607
Quoted by: >>15306646

What's the point if they aren't?

>> No.15306608

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.15306609

>neighborhood full of onee-sans such as wocks, titanias, krakens.

When can i move in?

>> No.15306610
Quoted by: >>15306626

Easygoing femdom sounds great.

>> No.15306612

Not him but there's extremely good reasons for wanting to keep the EMG fanbase away.

>> No.15306614

I feel like we should discuss EMG and the issues with EMG more often. Too often do I see faggots defending that shit here, or seeing it as anything other than 3dpd crap. In doing so, the number of actuall EMG fans should drop either in finding that they aren't welcome here, or in realizing the manga for what it is

>> No.15306620
Quoted by: >>15306621


>> No.15306621


>> No.15306622
Quoted by: >>15306628

>Monster boys
>That entire arc with that 3DPD cow bitch
>Furries and yuri NTR
Fuck off to /a/ and don't come back you faggot.

>> No.15306623

Not him but lets do this

If I was to say something simple like "I want to go one a adventure with a demon" you would get a bunch of people quitting early to become a house husband, and chunk saying that they would fix the contract to have headpats and cuddles and the rest will force alps like most succubus related topics.

only a small few would actually have a interesting reply of how a demon would help them on the journey or how what the mission would be that would need a demon.

>> No.15306624

I'm going to try and find a single onee-san there and ask if a poor young helpless boy can stay with her! But, I don't have any money, though if there's any other way I could pay her, that'd be great!

>> No.15306626
Quoted by: >>15306634

I wasn't even talking about easy going femdom, just easy going girs, but yeah that would be great as well.

>> No.15306628

>3DPD cow bitch

>> No.15306630
Quoted by: >>15306655

Link me to the threads where that kind of potential coontent is shut down due to people prematurely going "lol no househusbando". You're exaggerating.

>> No.15306634
Quoted by: >>15306657

If you're willing to get spoiled? Anytime.
Yeti's would be good at that.

>> No.15306635


The only acceptable version is when a man's bachelorhood is NTR'd

>> No.15306637

The one who had a guy she liked and he also liked her but she let another guy milk her naked tits because of a dumb misunderstanding that could have been solved if she talked to him.

>> No.15306645
File: 137 KB, 700x711, 57106082_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15306646
Quoted by: >>15306666

Depends on what want out of them.
Adventures in fantasy land?
Being a househusband for a porwerful mistress?
Being King Big Dick ruling over simpler, base creatures?
You decide what the point is, anon.

>> No.15306647
Quoted by: >>15306659

Cathyl the Minotaur.

Lives on a farm run by a guy whom she identifies as her boyfriend. She put him in the hospital when she overheard him muttering some female names in the barn one night. They were the animals that he tends to, that she was too stupid to remember the names of, despite working there herself.

Then when Darling and his harem visited their farm, she took Darling to a secluded spot, and asked him to milk her since she was pent up, and she couldn't wait for her boyfriend to get back from the hospital she put him in.

>> No.15306648

You're full of shit, there's very few times when that's actually happened. The majority of the time house husband stuff is separate from those kinds of situations.

Besides, it's not going away since it's been here since the /a/ days. It's not going to change any time soon so the only options are to let it be and post about stuff you enjoy or leave.

>> No.15306655
Quoted by: >>15306667

The convo goes on for long, there is no shutting down, its just the same results same shit different brand.

but I know you you guys are going to say. "your the one with the problem, nut up or shut up" so ill end here

>> No.15306657
Quoted by: >>15306672

But there's so many onee-sans, how will I know which is the right one for me?

>> No.15306659
Quoted by: >>15306671

>I'm to embarrassed to ask the women I work and live with to help me
>Lets get this random guy to see touch and milk my tits and drive me to the brink of orgasm because thats okay
Jesus and there are people who defend this

>> No.15306666
Quoted by: >>15306703

I just like them to be better then base human women in most aspects. Kind of the point for me.

>> No.15306667
Quoted by: >>15306724

You also chose an awful example to use. The entire point of MGE demons is that they protect and spoil their contracted man which makes them perfect for the content you're complaining about.

It's almost like the setting isn't for you.

>> No.15306669
File: 1001 KB, 1550x2400, 9792214e5d4d6cfbe195241014dca96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laguna a cute little tittymonster. Then again, Granblue has a lot of cute little tittymonsters.

>> No.15306671
Quoted by: >>15306678

I know, right?

Hell, I actually like EMG for what it is, but I sincerely think that might be one of the worst chapters. Fuck, Crabman even did an omake for the published release that included the two Barometz Twins making fake flyers for the farm basically whoring out the Minotaur. "Cathyl a Slut" is pretty much a canon gag, so it's not like we're reading too much into it or some such.

Bright side: Those barometz twins were adorable, as were the antics of Papi with some bird chicks.

>> No.15306672
Quoted by: >>15306692

You dont find the right one, they find you.

>> No.15306674

I find the childish headpat stuff worse, but I see I'm not the only one fed up with the repetition on here.
But complaining about it does nothing, we need to be the ones to write the interesting scenarios and start the discussions we want to read.

>> No.15306678

>I actually like EMG for what it is,
You're a fucking idiot then.

>> No.15306691
Quoted by: >>15306729


That it does.
Yaia makes me want to commit a crime.
Her fate episode where she gets jealous is beyond cute.

>> No.15306692
Quoted by: >>15306714

I'm going to hang out in the middle of Onee-san Square with a sign that lists my personal traits and wait for an Onee-san to sweep me off my feet!

>> No.15306693

Maybe he likes vapid balloon tits on stick figures, you don't fucking know

>> No.15306695
File: 109 KB, 513x788, 4491e85ea296160c9044ebf01fcb1f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306705

The game's a grindfest but I don't regret getting into it. Now if only the devs would stop being faggots and make this semen demon obtainable.

>> No.15306700
Quoted by: >>15306715

Well, to be fair if you put a monsterboy in any capacity in a monstergirl story it turns from an actual MG story into a Generic Fantasy/Modern Setting #146u842758251.

I mean, I'm not going to judge what people put in their stories so long as they remain pertinent to the content of the thread and aren't done to bait out rage. Bob and the TFT faggots like Ovaries and Aftyn excluded from that statement, of course. They have enoug bestiality, monsterboys, and futa to sink an entire continent.

>> No.15306702

We all have our guilty pleasures in life, anon.

It's not like Monster Girls are a very high-brow concept in the first place. It would be nice if they were though. Maybe someday we'll have a more varied and interesting line-up of content to choose from.

>> No.15306703
Quoted by: >>15306760

And there's nothing wrong with that, Satan. I think most would agree.
Personally, I'm just tired of the "lol inferior humans" shtick that sometimes gets pushed so hard, especially considering a magical wish-fullfilment setting.

>> No.15306705
Quoted by: >>15306719

Apparently she's only 130 CM.

So tiny that her tits would be at crotch height.

>> No.15306708

>reading EMG for some sort of plot and not to see cute monstergirls doing cute things and to see your favorite girl

The main cast is all really cute
The only one i don't like is cuckfish

>> No.15306713
Quoted by: >>15306722

Crabman either makes a girl with a decent that has no real cons but a terrible personality, or a girl with a great personality but her monster parts have so many cons it's not worth it. How can one person fuck up so hard all the time?

>> No.15306714

Just go to the "free otouto's" building and hold up the sign.

>> No.15306715
Quoted by: >>15306720

>I'm not going to judge what people put in their stories so long as they remain pertinent to the content of the thread
Well you should because monsterboys by definition are unrelated to the thread. Monstergirls doesn't save that, and they need to me redirected to /d/'s /tg/ smut

>> No.15306719
Quoted by: >>15306733

That just makes her attitude all the better, she's aggressive for a shortstack.

Standing paizuri would be easy too.

>> No.15306720

I'm saying that so long as it doesn't have monsterboys or any explicit /d/ or /tg/ shit I don't mind it.

>> No.15306722
Quoted by: >>15306741

Rachnera and Lala are good.

>> No.15306724

I'm not the example guy. I said my piece and was done then.

>> No.15306725
Quoted by: >>15306787

The thing is, the monster girls aren't cute and they aren't doing cute things. All the monster girls are terrible in EMG.

>> No.15306728
Quoted by: >>15306938

Ah, I just interpreted your stance as sympathetic.

>> No.15306729
File: 1.48 MB, 900x1100, 757fa81abe5c180821e6fc9228c140ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306742

>Her fate episode where she gets jealous is beyond cute.
Does Narumeia ever get jealous due to her lovey dovey onee-san personality?

>> No.15306732
File: 245 KB, 600x750, Lala holding her head in her underwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306738

>The only one i don't like is cuckfish
She got better overtime.
Still "Worst" of the bunch. I felt for her in the chapter with the human girl though, when her gothic lolita fashion was insulted.

Gothic Lolita is nice.
Lala and Rachnee best girls tho.

>> No.15306733
Quoted by: >>15306770

Too true.
She probably be pouting up at you while she gives it too.

I want her to fall asleep in my lap so that I can call her cute when she wakes up.

>> No.15306737

While I get that posting monsterboys is haram in these threads (monter GIRL thread and all), why are people getting so triggered over even just the implicatins of monsterboys existing in a setting? Are you afraid of competition and getting cucked by monster dick or something?

>> No.15306738

You mean Mia and Tio

>> No.15306741


>> No.15306742

I can't answer as I don't have her yet.
I'm a waterfag.
Silva and Societte a cute.

>> No.15306743

Nah fuck you I'm not doing this again

>> No.15306747

Fuck off.

>> No.15306748

>why are people getting so triggered over even just the implicatins of monsterboys existing in a setting?
No one wants it, and its inclusion by definition dictates it is no longer threat related. You have to understand how niche and definitive a sub-genre of fantasy this is. The mere inclusion of monsterboys takes this out of monstergirl relevance and tosses it into generic fantasy. which is not what this thread is for.

>> No.15306749
File: 423 KB, 1135x1944, 56637736_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

• Ladies to whom romance is an important thing
• Cheerful, faithful, but also a bit mischevious, they'll take any opportunity presented to sneak away from their shrine and join you for some company and relaxation
• Will wear their white miko kimono just a little more open at the collar than they should to look attractive to you. Love dressing beatifully and gracefully, and will dress sexily if they can pull it off with elegance
• Take great pride in their tails, brushing them every morning, afternoon, and night
• When handholding, will interlock the tips of their fingers with the tips of yours before touching palms, blush and smile
• Will initiate sex by taking you out into the forest on a moonlit night, kissing you and gently pushing you onto the ground, before wrapping herself around you as you take her womanhood

• Monstergirls who embody the essence of passion and wildness
• Can range from quiet and serious to excitable and determinedly energetic; either way, the concept of personal space doesn't exist to them
• Like to wear free, unrestrictive clothes like shorts and sleeveless tops. Why cover your limbs when they're covered in fur? Don't be surprised to find their clothes drenched in sweat, covered in flora, and torn in many places
• Will keep their tails as clean as needed to maintain their own health, but won't mind if you give them a nice pampering too
• Will grab your hand in their fluffy paws without any hesitance whatsoever, grinning that tomboy grin as you slip your fingers between their paws and squeeze back
• Will initiate sex during the full moon, wherever you might be, more-or-less on the spot. Near-aggressive kissing is guaranteed: your neck, cheeks, ears and forehead will not escape unkissed as they wrap their legs around you and ride you into the ground, both of you hugging for dear life as sexual instinct overcomes your bodies

There's something for everyone.

>> No.15306760
Quoted by: >>15307001

There is somewhat of a point to it being pushed so hard, considering how dumb the "muh humanity" crowd can get if they can get away with it.

>> No.15306762
Quoted by: >>15306788

The funny thing is the people that don't realize this likely don't have much experience in fantasy in the first place.

>> No.15306766

Because it takes the foundations of the setting and breaks them into a million tiny pieces?

>> No.15306770
File: 1.09 MB, 1038x1700, cdf7cd84e835f4beb8a564c3f8ca2e28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306785

You would probably earn yourself another pout or some verbal barbs for that, she's not exactly the honest type.

>> No.15306771

Foxes and Wolfus are basically the same, why is this even a thing?

>> No.15306772


>> No.15306774
Quoted by: >>15306803

You know what would be nice.
getting into wood carving with a sharp clawed monster.

>> No.15306776


>> No.15306777
Quoted by: >>15306792

>Being dominated by the Wolfu or the Fox
Fucking nerd.

>> No.15306780

Foxes are sluts! Unfaithful sluts!

>> No.15306785
Quoted by: >>15306794

Just requires a hearty laugh and a pat on her head.
Just gotta get ready to dodge.

>> No.15306787

So are MGE monster girls if you think about it hard enough.

So don't.

>> No.15306788
Quoted by: >>15306872

They are complete newfags who don't get the ins and outs and the finer nuances of what makes one thing X and another thing Y.

Foxes: Blindfold and gangrape you and leave you naked, shivering and lonely in the morning
Wolfus: Gangrape you with plenty of kisses and cuddles and leave you naked, warm and in a pile of wolf fluff as one of the more considerate and older of the group cooks breakfast in the next room and offers you a coffee to help you on your feet and into the shower

>> No.15306789

My problem with this is what if we want to discuss Monster Girls who come from a generic fantasy story? Are we to exclude them purely on the predication they come from a setting which does not focus upon them exclusively?

>> No.15306790
Quoted by: >>15306807

But the question I have is are either of them trustworthy and actually want real relationships with me, because trust and good chemistry are important if any monster girl wishes to date me?

>> No.15306792

They hide their true faithfulness behind a veil of playfulness and mischevious actions.

It's not being dominated if you fuck them back as hard (or as gently) as they fuck you.

They're a type of canid monstergirl, and all canid monstergirls are loyal and faithful to the death by nature.

>> No.15306794
Quoted by: >>15306826

Now I just want to put my hand on her head and keep her at arm's length while she tries to land blows with her short arms.

>> No.15306796
Quoted by: >>15306812

Guys, guys, don't need to fight.

Both foxes and wolves are shit, snakes are best

>> No.15306797

Foxes don't share their men around, I don't think they're the unfaithful ones.

>> No.15306798
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x1371, tmp_31437-best245911792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this EMG bullying

Please don't

>> No.15306799
Quoted by: >>15306817

I wanna go to a hot spring with the dragon 5!

>> No.15306803

You mean like a lamia or a succubus or something? carving trinkets and shit? sounds like a nice hobby

>> No.15306804

Talk about them but don't discuss the setting because it isn't relevant. Post a picture of them and talk about what you would like to do to/with them but don't bring their setting into it

>> No.15306806

why not? its Saturday and the angry maledon anon has left

>> No.15306807
Quoted by: >>15306847

That's also important. Spend a good few months visiting the fox at her shrine, getting to know her over the food you bring, or the food she cooks. Or spend months bonding with a wolfgirl in the forest, hunting, camping and taking trips into the city together.

>> No.15306808
File: 525 KB, 1150x1600, rip muh dik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example. I think that this is a 10/10 cutie. and I have spoken about what I'd like to do to her before. But I don't feel the need to talk about vampire monsterboys either, and it was never an issue.

>> No.15306809

Can't we just get angry about Elves?

>> No.15306812

>No legs
>No mofu
Wrong, snakes are alright.

Fuck off you shitposting faggot.

>> No.15306813

Not him but it falls under the usual "Not on topic but we might still talk about it sometimes" rule. Like the Onis in Re Zero. Because the on topic place for talking about their setting is the entirety of /a/ or /tg/ for more traditional stuff.

>> No.15306816
File: 224 KB, 425x708, 1463966222171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the weekend. It's to be expected.

I want Crab to draw some more miko Miia.

>> No.15306817
File: 3.80 MB, 2000x2500, Colorful dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bathe in warm water heated by a dragon's fire!

>> No.15306818

EMG is trash, go back to /a/

You too.

>> No.15306819
Quoted by: >>15306842

Did you guys watch that one H-Anime and get disillusioned or somethin'?

Mkay, fair enough.
I think an easier phrasing would be "If you know Monster Boys are a part of something, don't bring it up, ignore them and keep the focus on MGs."

>> No.15306820
Quoted by: >>15306829

Crabman and EMG are always shit on (with reason).

>> No.15306821
Quoted by: >>15306831

He wasn't angry about maledom, The word "househusband" was apparently used enough to trigger him.

>> No.15306826
Quoted by: >>15306898

I'd watch out, she may just use your arms to flip you over her.
I'm sure if you fake getting injured they she'd feel really sorry about it....although payback about making her worry may soon follow.

>> No.15306829

Miiafag never gets shit on

>> No.15306831

For the record I am sorry about that. I've gotta control my anger better.

>> No.15306838

Because he's cool, and chill.

>> No.15306842
Quoted by: >>15306901

Well that's your fault, you identified the setting as the point of the contention. And regardless of how many great MGs the setting holds, the whole thing needs to be thrown in the trash. You;d have to talk about the MGs independent of the setting in that instance.

>> No.15306847
Quoted by: >>15306867

I suppose both cases would work out fine for me, but I can't help but feel like either of them could try to do things to me against my will, I just need both of them to understand I need a lover who not only i can trust but also shares similar lies to me and is serious about the fact she truly loves me. What happens if I did get to know one of these two lovely ladies?

>> No.15306849

Also a good source of new content which is nice since you faggots drove all the writefags out.

>> No.15306852
Quoted by: >>15306884

He rarely brings the setting in with his waifuposting.

>> No.15306860
Quoted by: >>15306870

Wait so moose doesn't check these threads anymore? that sucks.

>> No.15306865

>since you faggots drove all the writefags out
No, writefags get burnt out, encounter writers block, or have to deal with IRL stuff you bitter faggot.
t. Writefag

>> No.15306867

Either one is capable of being serious about the matter. It's more up to you to take the time, I suppose.
Wolfus are probably less versed in patience, though.

>> No.15306870

If Moose would start doing monstergirl stuff outside of his current story I'd actually feel compelled to read his shit again.

>> No.15306872

Foxes: Blindfold you and slink silently around you, whispering lewd, loving things into your ears. Maybe even surprise you with the occasional little kiss or nip to your chest, fufufu-ing when you jump in surprise. Will sit on your lap, surround you in their tails and fuck you in that position, and make sure the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning after taking off your blindfold is her sweet, smiling face.

>> No.15306877

They are still here. Slowly producing. Procrastinating.

>> No.15306884
Quoted by: >>15306902

I get the feeling he's the sort of guy who'd do his best to rescue Miia from the setting she's in right now.
Change her story from a harem one to a romance one.

>> No.15306886
Quoted by: >>15307056


New chapter of this, chapter 24.

>> No.15306898
File: 832 KB, 900x720, 0c563b8e01046db7319350e0dcf4e9c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15306908

All of this is making me want to go and spend money on merchandise of her. Why do side characters have to be this cute? It's unfair.

>> No.15306901
Quoted by: >>15306933

Wow, you...really hate things that don't focus 100% on MGs, huh?

>> No.15306902
Quoted by: >>15306921

>Change her story from a harem one to a romance one
So the first two chapters of EMG

>> No.15306908

Either way, I want to make her smile and fill her with little dorafs.

>> No.15306914
File: 645 KB, 1024x861, CjUJT_OUkAEtNFh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15306915

why's her clothes off?

>> No.15306921
Quoted by: >>15306927

Yeah, exactly. No harem frustrations or competing, and no trying to play for page-space or attention because there's so many other girls about.

Just dates, waking up wrapped in lamia tail, and punching anyone who so much as looks at her funny.

>> No.15306927
Quoted by: >>15307038

The manga should have been about many guys getting a gf/wife monstergirl, something like the first shorts he made.

>> No.15306928

What a messy, sleepy fox. She doesn't seem like a morning person, unless those morning involve sleepins and snuggling.

>> No.15306933
Quoted by: >>15307015

I say this time and time again and it makes me think you're being disingenuous and are deliberately evading the point. My personal feelings on monsterboys are neither here nor there. While I think Tolkien would have been 500% better with pale orc girls raping human boys, I'm not going to be triggered that the setting isn't like that.

But that is irrelevant. My feelings don't matter. It's rather cut and dry. The setting is not relevant to these threads. It doesn't belong here. This isn't the generic fantasy thread, it's been in the title and it will always be in the title. "Monster Girl thread"

>> No.15306934

She doesn't know how to wear them.

>> No.15306936
Quoted by: >>15306975

Fox in socks!

>> No.15306938

I'm not in the mood to bite the bait so fuck off.

I'm not sympathetic, as one of the faggots mentioned earlier I'm hardly stupid enough to post /tg/ or /d/ in here willy-nilly without expecting any reprecussions from the fine people of Ye Auld MGG.

>> No.15306940
Quoted by: >>15307024

Well since I tend to be one who takes his relationships slowly and I don't want to find out what a wolf girl who lose patience does to me, I'd guess I have to go with the fox girl instead. I guess I should head up to her shrine and start getting to now her better to see if we hit it off well on the chemistry, though my inner fear and shyness i hope not get in the way. I want to learn to trust and find love, all I can hope is this goes well and that she's a person i'll enjoy hanging around with and getting to know.

>> No.15306945

Because she's a whore like the fox that she is. I bet she's just waiting to be used by dozens of men.

>> No.15306955

>Wolves are less versed in patience
>The pack hunters that stalk their prey are less versed in patience than foxes that raid farmers

>> No.15306971

I want to be kidnapped by a monster girl!

>> No.15306972

Wolves raid farmers too, you know. And ranchers.

>> No.15306975
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>> No.15306985
Quoted by: >>15307003

So then, which one would be the most trustworthy and better to form a strong relationship with? It's important I know so I can have a good relationship and a companion I can feel safe/comfortable around with anything that could talk about, sharing our likes and doing things together while both of us enjoy one another.

>> No.15306987
Quoted by: >>15307061

I just pulled something out of my ass, I don't really know anything about the hunting habits of foxes. Only that wolves have been shown to exhibit great patience in hunting prey to the tune of days and miles to find the right opportunity.

>> No.15306988
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Quoted by: >>15307057


>> No.15306996
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Quoted by: >>15307006

nice doggies.

>> No.15307001

We can make a distinction between conceding that maybe humans have some good points and self-congratulatory wank, but I see what you mean.

>> No.15307003
Quoted by: >>15307055

You can't go wrong with either, really.
That's canid girls for you.

>> No.15307004 [SPOILER] 
File: 499 KB, 1100x854, 1464472927641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh anon! Looks like you tripped into a magical puddle that's transported you to MGE world!

After you dry off from getting drenched you can go and woo your favorite MG, no trouble at all, barring Zipangu region where you have a 20% chance of being abducted by an Ushi-Oni.

How will you woo said Monster Girl? Song? Dance of your people? Poetry? Maybe something else entirely?

>> No.15307006

Is that Caster?

>> No.15307010
Quoted by: >>15307023

>Be happy tailor in a small village
>We get invaded by undeads
>Zombies and Skeletons flood the roads and assault everyone
>Get caught by them and raped until I lost consciousness
>Wake up in some kind of laboratory
>Hear maniacal laughter in the distance
>A tall, skinny girl wearing a bloodsoaked lab coat comes
>She looks like a high-level undead
>She waves her hand around
>I suddenly levitate
>Get chained onto some kind autopsy table
>She leaves
>Try to break the bindings
>She comes back carrying a bloody pig head
>Freeze in horror
>She waves her hand again
>My pants bursts
>"Let's mesure how long it takes for a man to reach climax using a severed pig head." she says in a sinister voice
>"We'll repeat this experiment a hundred times and then we'll try with a chicken neck."
>She laughs manically
>I can only hope that I lose my sanity before she breaks me

>> No.15307012
Quoted by: >>15307049

I start my quest to have sex with every species of Monster Girl at least once.

Gotta catch 'em all.

>> No.15307013
Quoted by: >>15307037

>favorite MG
I have a lot of favorites. Ushis are one of them.

>> No.15307014

Give her shinies, and my dick

>> No.15307015
Quoted by: >>15307025

My point is that regardless of what's relevant or not to the thread, the way you're wording your statements makes it seem as though you personally have something against everything not focused wholely on MGs.

>> No.15307023
Quoted by: >>15307064

You had me until the forced sex with severed animal heads.

>> No.15307024
Quoted by: >>15307096

A wolfu in/developing a relationship wouldn't throw it away by forcing you into sex. Even during a full moon, she'd probably run off into the forest and masturbate herself violently the entire night. It'd be a test of spirit and endurance for her, but when you finally take her to the bed, just imagine how sweet it'd be.

Kind of reminds me of that greentext way back about a werewolf girl who still had an urge to kill during the full moon. So every day preceding that night, her and her lover would go deep into the forest. He'd kiss her goodbye while chaining her to a tree, and wait out the night safe at home while she raged.
In the morning, her chains would be broken, and she'd be sleeping in the same clearing he left her, covered in blood.

>> No.15307025
Quoted by: >>15307053

I do, but not because of what it is, but because people like you keep trying to push it in the threads. I couldn't care less out of the context of these threads desu

>> No.15307026

>Rolled Merrow
Fulfill her chuuni love fantasies by explaining how I am a man from another world looking for love.

>> No.15307036

What if I have multiple favorite monster girls?

>> No.15307037


This, I have so many favorites I had problems even to make the top 15 template.

>> No.15307038
Quoted by: >>15307044

Some later chapters were like that.

Shame about the one guy who got the slutcow.

>> No.15307043

>Zipangu region where you have a 20% chance of being abducted by an Ushi-Oni.
I'll take that chance to impress a Crow Tengu with my knowledge of folklore and creepy shit.

>> No.15307044

The guy who got the yuki-onna is the luckiest one in the manga, though.

>> No.15307049
Quoted by: >>15307068


>> No.15307053
Quoted by: >>15307078

I'm not trying to push anything.These threads are just for monster girls, obviously.

I was just taking issue with how your statements made it seem like you vehemently hated anything not 100% focused on MGs to the exclusion of all other things. Which would be extremely pitiful.

>> No.15307055

I wonder can I date both the cute wolf girl and the cute fox girl, both are trying to woo me and I'd feel bad for laving out one? If not, then i'll go with the fox girl since I tend to take my time with relationships and I'd like to get to know her, see if she truly loves me and has good chemistry with me in terms of likes/personality.

>> No.15307056
Quoted by: >>15307264

Why do you keep posting this schlock when you know people don't give a shit about you.

>> No.15307057
Quoted by: >>15307084

God, why are lolifoxes so unbearably enticing?

>> No.15307061

Heh. Mostly it involves living relatively near where prey animals congregate (water usually) and picking off the young/weak.
But the animal comparison isn't very good for MGs usually anyway.

>> No.15307062
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I take the closest ship leaving for the mist continent. Then begin my pilgrimage to the temple of the Monkey Monks high in the mountains. To learn how to defend myself from Monster Girls, and also learn some impressive and lewd bedroom techniques.

>> No.15307064

That's probably on the softer end of things a mad Lich scientist would do to a man she captured

>> No.15307066

>Find deck of cards
>Show magic tricks
>Win her heart (hopefully)

If it doesn't work, I can always go full dragon slayer.

>> No.15307068
Quoted by: >>15307086

It's for my book! You'll thank me for when I produce a guide describing how sex is with each girl. People will pay for that information!

>> No.15307076

>I wonder can I date both the cute wolf girl and the cute fox girl
Unless they're the firmest of childhood friends, they'd be at each other's throats. Maybe literally.

>> No.15307078
Quoted by: >>15307109

>I was just taking issue
Why the fuck would you "take issue" with how I felt about something unrelated to the thread? Why are you even trying to read into what I'm saying? My message isn't between the lines, bud. Monsterboys are fine. Anywhere else but here.

>> No.15307081

>barring Zipangu region where you have a 20% chance of being abducted by an Ushi-Oni.
Ushi-Oni happens to be my favourite so all I need to do is track her down and challenge her to show me what she's got.

Given even monster friendly Ziapangu is terrified of them I can imagine she would appreciate someone being so forward and stupid.

>> No.15307082
File: 889 KB, 1049x641, Ushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would woo an Ushi-Oni

>> No.15307084
Quoted by: >>15307098

It's a trick, don't fall for it!

Foxes are tricksters!

>> No.15307086
Quoted by: >>15307105

What if the girls get upset if you mark them as "Average" or even "Subpar"?

>> No.15307088


Probably just be nice to her.

>> No.15307089
File: 153 KB, 959x870, 1426181054547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307097

Ushi-Oni cuisine is for men with brave hearts, big appetites and a love for lots of spice.

>> No.15307090

I want to live with the Monkey Monks.

>> No.15307092
Quoted by: >>15307133

It's never nice to break hearts anon.
I'd think hard about it before pursuing either. Get to know them in a casual sense.

>> No.15307094

Did you just make up monstergirl Fox and the Hound?

>> No.15307096
Quoted by: >>15307202

That's a good sign having the willpower not to assault me because she truly wants to have a relationship with me, I'd be so flattered and thankful for that. I do feel bad that she as to go off and restrain herself due to feelings she can't control due to the moon, makes me want to know her more and help her out as our relationship grows stronger together. I'd want to date this wolf girl and get to the point where I tell her that if she ever gets urges due to the full moon, 'd be there to help her through such an emotional and physical feelings overwhelming her; How would she feel if I told her that?

>> No.15307097

Ushis are dumb spiders that can't cook for shit!

>> No.15307098

I can't help it. They've already suckered me in with their blond hair, plush tails, puffy vulvas and cute lolifox feet.

>> No.15307102
Quoted by: >>15307108

Let's make this more interesting.

You end up in whatever corresponding area you live in to MGland. eg People in England go to Wonderland, people in Japan go to Zipangu etc. etc.

>> No.15307105

You're right, it wouldn't be fair on them. I couldn't bear to see them cry.

Also if I wrote that having sex with an Oni is like having a monster truck slamming into your pelvis and rate it low I'd get my ass kicked and forced to give a better 'review'.

>> No.15307108

Where the fuck do people who live in Michigan go?

>> No.15307109
Quoted by: >>15307117

Because it's really easy to believe there are Chris-chan tier autists in this thread, and that idea scares me.

>> No.15307114
Quoted by: >>15307121


>> No.15307116
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>> No.15307117
Quoted by: >>15307150

>and that idea scares me.
Then maybe you should grow a fucking sack and not take the internet so seriously.

>> No.15307121
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Training montage time!

>> No.15307126


>> No.15307130

I want to sit her on my lap and caress her ears until she starts drooling and humping me.

>> No.15307131

Well what wildlife have you got around there?

>> No.15307133

agreed, I'd want to get to know them as best I can so I know that whichever girl I choose to date I can fully say I made the right decision, one that took many long days and nights to make. Also, they are my childhood friends so that's why i want to try so hard to date both of them since all three of us get along really well, plus i can tell they both like me and vice versa.

>> No.15307134

I'm gonna brush her hair.

>> No.15307137
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Quoted by: >>15307247

Don't do it, you'll regret if for sure!

>> No.15307150
Quoted by: >>15307160

Or maybe we should both just stop browsing and talking in this thread because it's an extremely stupid waste of time, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

So, given we both spend a fair amount of time chatting with people in this thread, I think it's "Normal" to be concerned about the mental stability of other participants.

>> No.15307151
File: 633 KB, 645x560, ahri baking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307166

I want to get bitten by a kumiho!

>> No.15307155

Clothed paizuri

>> No.15307156
File: 636 KB, 1200x1200, Up to no good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, you can trust a Fox. They only have the best intentions in mind.

>> No.15307160
Quoted by: >>15307171

>I think it's "Normal" to be concerned about the mental stability of other participants.
No. It isn't "normal" to give a fuck about other shitheads online. Where the fuck did you waddle in from, tumblr?

>> No.15307162


>> No.15307166

Me too, but not by that whore.

>> No.15307168
Quoted by: >>15307179

That fox is cute, I want her to sit in my lap so I can pet her ears.

>> No.15307171
Quoted by: >>15307182

Yes. Now tell me your pronouns so that I don't trigger you further.

>> No.15307174
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Quoted by: >>15307214


>> No.15307179
Quoted by: >>15307191

If she sits on your lap, that fluffy tail is going to be all in your face.

You dirty mofu addict.

>> No.15307182
Quoted by: >>15307198

Call me Xyw, shitter

>> No.15307183
File: 355 KB, 560x840, 5bb7baeadd40112547475751da3335fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes in sweaters!

The lack of fluffy tail on this one bugs me to hell though

>> No.15307189
File: 85 KB, 566x793, :3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first test will be to get your clothes back from Zoboomafoo. You'll need to chase her through a Monster Girl-infested jungle naked to get them back.

>> No.15307190
File: 115 KB, 752x1063, academy ahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahri is a pure fox!

>> No.15307191

I'm no mofu addict! I just like cute fox girls!

>> No.15307196

Find a Siren and play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zacUcCCOoRw

If that doesn't work then I give up and start swimming into open water to sacrifice myself to a Sea Bishop.

But not before I call out that all Sirens have shit taste in music.

>> No.15307197
Quoted by: >>15307221

I wonder if there's a Monk at the monastery who's hands are callused permanently from spanking monkey ass.

>> No.15307198

Yes xyw.

>> No.15307202
Quoted by: >>15307286

>How would she feel if I told her that?
Well, she'd want to throw you onto the bed and take your hot semen into her yearning womb right then and there.
Her blood would be boiling enough to put a hellhound to shame.

And you could tell her, "I'm not ready for sex yet."
She'd listen, but she'd probably punch a solid concrete wall hard enough to shatter it out of forcefully repressed lust.

>> No.15307204

More like the antithesis of such.

>> No.15307209
File: 75 KB, 800x807, 44bd81f94c09fc7d28ab63706742924a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. I bet you want to rub your grubby hands all over her soft, silky and massively fluffy tail. Maybe bury your face in it and huff deeply too like the degenerate that you are.

>> No.15307210

She's a canon slut.

>> No.15307213


>> No.15307214
Quoted by: >>15307242

It exists to be spanked!

Is raping the monkey allowed once you catch her?

>> No.15307221
Quoted by: >>15307268

He can deliver spanks at speeds up to 200 miles per hour. Fast enough to spank even the strongest of Dragons.

>> No.15307228

Of course not, maybe I want to pet it. But I wouldn't huff the tail.

>> No.15307229
File: 1.36 MB, 400x500, ahri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's experienced then!

>> No.15307235
Quoted by: >>15307241

You know I would. I'd massage that tail from base to tip while breathing it in enough to submerge my brain in that scent.

>> No.15307241
File: 412 KB, 600x5284, 5976449_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nerve of humans, to complain about MG rapes while participating in mofu molestation.

>> No.15307242
Quoted by: >>15307269

>Is raping the monkey allowed once you catch her?
If you've trained enough, and your Lewd-Fu is strong, otherwise Zoboomafoo will deftly counter your groping hands and rape you instead.

Just use it to drive your training. That someday you'll be able to pound her fat ass and wipe that stupid ':3' off her face and replace it with an ahegao.

>> No.15307247

What would the consequences be?
Because it'd take a hell of a lot to dissuade me from lotus cradling a lolifox and filling her belly with warmth.

>> No.15307253
File: 559 KB, 1038x1942, 0b8dc025c9eb374de57f3b3f6218f044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'd only molest the mofu consensually!

>> No.15307262
Quoted by: >>15307274

Rare pink mofu!

>> No.15307264
Quoted by: >>15307291


Because I don't give a shit either.

>> No.15307265

It's not molestation if you cuddle afterwards.
Even if you're just holding the tail like a daki.

>> No.15307266
File: 501 KB, 1000x1200, 55301295_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15307267
Quoted by: >>15307275

Shh anon, we all have our addictions.

Dragon and cuddle addiction best addictions.

>> No.15307268

>He's nameless, but tells you of a secret technique called the Five Fingers Palm Of Lust
>Tells you to watch, turning towards a distant mountain
>He lifts a hand out of his modest kimono, pausing like a statue of the grand Buddha
>Time seems to slow as his callused palm and the bottom sides of his fingers glow gold and slams forward in a spanking motion
>You can swear you feel a gust of wind because of the pressure unleashed by his slap
>Try to say something
>He lifts up a finger
"Though the wind may blow, the mountain will never bow down."
>You hear a very distant "HYAAAA~N" that echoes throughout the mountain ranges
"But should the lizard jump upon a scorpion's back, it will be stung all that much sooner."

>> No.15307269

I'll train as hard as I can then.

>> No.15307274

I'm gonna molest and huff this fox's rare mofu! It bet it smells like strawberries!

>> No.15307275

Ha, good thing I have no addiction.

Now if you'll excuse me I seem to be out of Holst milk.

>> No.15307277

What a cow.

>> No.15307278

>Lewd Succubus bites off more than she can chew

>> No.15307286
Quoted by: >>15307363

What said was that as our relationship grew and our bond grew also, I'd want her to know that I'd like to help her during the full moon and that I'm ready for anything she could do during the time, including sex. I don't want her to bottle up her lust, she's my friend and lover who shouldn't have to suffer from feelings she can't control, i want t help her out with it. After a night of letting out all that bottled up lust, what wold she say in the morning and how would she feel about what I said when i told her about wanting to help her out with the lust?

>> No.15307291

Clearly you give enough of a shit to continuously post your cringe-worthy shit here.

>> No.15307298 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.59 MB, 3000x3000, 1464475924106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a good girl though!

>> No.15307301
Quoted by: >>15307315

She's literally a succubus posing as a fox. Regardless of what those dickless kikes at Riot think.

>> No.15307307

Livers really do go straight to your thighs.

>> No.15307311

She's used more pipe than your average plumber could ever hope to.

>> No.15307315

Still worth it, for a fox lady like that.

>> No.15307327
Quoted by: >>15307333

>TFW you will never fuck a Kumiho so hard that she ends up love biting you while you pump her full of your children

>> No.15307333
Quoted by: >>15307336

You can recognize the husband of a kumiho by his love scars.

>> No.15307336

Or a Rusalka's

>> No.15307349

I enjoy not being dead though.

>> No.15307360
File: 1.10 MB, 1061x1500, 1426768176612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But being dead is awesome.

>> No.15307363
Quoted by: >>15307413

Yeah, you could always sit behind her and finger her to orgasm, even if you didn't want outright sex. That could include some teasy neck biting and breast tweaking from behind while she bites and clutches at your arm.
Either way you want to blow that dam, in the morning she'd probably be kissing and licking your face like she were made for it. Maybe growling seductively for a round two.

>> No.15307365

I want to touch that Lich butt.

>> No.15307367
Quoted by: >>15307449

I want to teach a Wurm ballroom dancing and show everyone that they're perfectly capable of being graceful.

The hard part is getting strong enough to lift a Wurm.

>> No.15307371
Quoted by: >>15307401

Hathorite Lich when?

>> No.15307401

I'd like to ask you, purely hypothetically of course, if a story with a hathorite lich were to be made, how would you like it to go down? And play out?
What would you like it to involve?

>> No.15307404
Quoted by: >>15307415

What if you don't stick your dick in her? She can't suck your soul out through your tongue or fingers, right?

>> No.15307413
Quoted by: >>15307465

True I could always do that and i would blow the dam, but no matter what I'd just be happy to help her out when she's suffering from emotional stress and doing so would only make our relationship stronger. in the morning afterwards, when she wakes me up to apologize for acting so crazy, I'd pull her into a tight hug and just spend the rest of the day telling her it's alright I understand why it happened. Then as we sit their cuddling and nuzzling each other I'd ask her if she wants to go for round two but this time without being fueled by full moon lust but by true love, I want to express my love/passion for her too and want to know how she'd feel about this whole deal that happened last night as well as right today?

>> No.15307415
Quoted by: >>15307466

Who knows how her magic works. I'd take that risk, though.

>> No.15307417
File: 164 KB, 800x1050, 1458180448656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfus are the most perfect monster girls.

>> No.15307425

then its not molestation

>> No.15307427
File: 145 KB, 950x900, a stern mofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307428

I disagree.

>> No.15307428

Ladies, plase don't fight.

>> No.15307436
File: 987 KB, 1240x1748, 8b6c4a05dc11a8cbeab35994030f9717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean vampires

>> No.15307440
File: 636 KB, 777x1100, 1430701258493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307499

> how would you like it to go down? And play out?
Something similar to those greentexts I suppose, basically starting with the Lich endowing herself with lactation abilities for experimental purposes (and maybe to save on her and her husbands grocery expenses).
And showing how her body and mannerisms alter (softer, thicker proportions. Starts wearing cowprint) up until the point she becomes an actual Hathorite.
>What would you like it to involve?
Since it involves a Hathorite, milk will be involved in some fashion. But the question is what kind lewd stuff can you pull when writing about a thick milky super cadaver?

>> No.15307441

If you could kill and bring back one writefag each which ones would you choose and why?

>> No.15307449

Mamano protein supplements, brother. I believe in you. Show the world that Wurms can be classy ladies.

>> No.15307451
Quoted by: >>15307483

God I want to love that Wolfu so much.

>> No.15307454

I would kill my lazy and procrastinating self and bring back my creative and hardworking one.

>> No.15307455

Bob and motherfucking Parkedbuggy

>> No.15307457
File: 412 KB, 800x900, 1435497413810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer, stop posting

>> No.15307463

Lich using her cold body to deliver refrigerated aphrodisiac-laded milk via nursing handjob. Her using her new gained proportions to good use and realizing she made her nipples too sensitive.

>> No.15307465
Quoted by: >>15307505

Now who says she can't be fuelled by love and full moon lust at the same time?

>> No.15307466
File: 143 KB, 640x579, ahrifag meeting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308963

Is the soul sucking a voluntary act or not? I guess we'll never know.

>> No.15307472
File: 427 KB, 833x1000, a3660005e88bcc5021d30c65d7c2e5bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree canidaes are the best over all.

>> No.15307476

If writefags are anything like artists, I bet they're not even dead but just lazy and unmotivated.
t. artfag

>> No.15307482

She can't help it, Anon.
She's feeling crabby.

>> No.15307483
Quoted by: >>15307526

I know what you mean. That skin, that body, those eyes, and her general bearing just makes me want to kiss, nuzzle, and touch foreheads together forever. And paint her white with cum once it overflows from her too, but that's a given.

>> No.15307488

In other news, the sky and ocean are blue, pollution is bad, sjws are hypocritical idiots, and monster girls continue to only exist in our hearts.

>> No.15307492

Artfags get paid though, it doesn't benefit them to be lazy.

>> No.15307493

What are all those bubbles

>> No.15307494
File: 511 KB, 983x1327, 1459631390837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just lazy and unmotivated
I want to write some proper non greentext fat-bottomed loli Lizardman facesitting smut, but I never had the motivation to do it.

>> No.15307498

I had a dream where I was raped by an entire village of wolfus once. It wasn't cool

>> No.15307499

Are there any Hathorite stories?

>> No.15307505
Quoted by: >>15307515

True and it would explain why it felt less like lust and more like passion from the bottom of her heart, especially since i so kindly chose to help her out with such an emotional point in our strong relationship. I just want to make sure we both were able to come across just through body language alone, that even the full moon can't take away the strong amounts of love and passion we feel for each other or the happiness we felt towards each other. In the morning after round two, we can relax in bed for the rest of the day and watch shows together, all the while nuzzling each others faces and me scratch her ears to help make sure we both feel as happy and comfy as the other. I wonder how happy she be to hear that last night was great and that she had the cutest smile ever after she fell asleep on my chest,letting my heartbeat soothe her into blissful rest?

>> No.15307509
Quoted by: >>15307520

You're just being dream-tsundere. Next time you dream about it, you'll have fun.

>> No.15307512
Quoted by: >>15307520

Too ruff?

>> No.15307514
Quoted by: >>15307554

I'm not sure if Harbladors Mooezzin stories count or not.

>> No.15307515
Quoted by: >>15307562

Damn nigga, do you hate sentence structure and paragraphs, or do they just hate you?

I'm guessing you're not a native English speaker.

>> No.15307516
Quoted by: >>15307541

I want a story about a scrawny Order librarian girl who get's forced into a Hathorite cult and becomes a T H I C K monster girl.

>> No.15307518
Quoted by: >>15307531

cosplay-tier, the lot of them.

>> No.15307520

They kept screaming and passing me around, I was at the ground at all times and all I could see was their hungry and lustful eyes

>> No.15307526
File: 125 KB, 1076x1000, 1458458847909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post sex cuddles with a wolfu would be the best experience, especially getting to hear her tail wag against the bed.

>> No.15307531
File: 412 KB, 526x1200, 1450601894398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307539

Not this one.

>> No.15307533
File: 257 KB, 824x1440, 1feb08e5082b895436ea3e585061f357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to raise a family with one.

>> No.15307539

Powerful Wolf muscles!

>> No.15307541
Quoted by: >>15307558

I'd pamper her so much.
It would be especially nice if she was still a shy, awkward girl who fumbles with her words.

>> No.15307542

We are no longer the Monster Girl Thread.

This is now Wolf Girl Thread. Please welcome your new fluffy, wild, eternally faithful saviours, /wgt/.

>> No.15307546

It's laziness and a lack of motivation and a feeling that no matter what I do I'll never please anybody in here or myself based on my writefag name and skill level.

>> No.15307550
File: 193 KB, 600x848, 46457330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please welcome your new fluffy, wild, eternally faithful saviours, /wgt/.

>> No.15307553
File: 996 KB, 1000x1000, 55430529_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307564

>> No.15307554
Quoted by: >>15307575

Maybe, got a link?

>> No.15307557

I've seen how this turns out.
It's called underworld

>> No.15307558
Quoted by: >>15307574

Just be careful, she may still act like a small girl, but she's cuddle cat levels of thick now. And se's not used to her new body at all.

>> No.15307559
Quoted by: >>15307575

Best girl in Graystorm is a Hathorite. It's not really the focus of the story though.

>> No.15307562
Quoted by: >>15307585

Truth be told I am a native English speaker, but tend to get caught up typing on the fly so I often don't notice when my sentence's structure. So yeah sentence structures and paragraphs do seem to hate, for reason unknown.

>> No.15307564

>Left girl has cat print on her.
She's a dog.
Going to fill them with kittens and pups

>> No.15307565
Quoted by: >>15307609

Don't start a war you can't win flea-ridden manslut.

Unrelated to that, what the fuck happened up there since the thread start? This was a whole new level of retardation, autism and bait, is this the true combined power of weekend and summer?

>> No.15307567

I will!

>> No.15307572
Quoted by: >>15307600

Kek, sharp.

>> No.15307573
File: 493 KB, 1080x1920, 1457307879347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I bet lovebites from a Wolfu would be great.

>> No.15307574

>Ends up burying me in her newly expanded chest.

Yep, going to pamper her and cuddle her

>> No.15307575
Quoted by: >>15307603

It's the Ushi-Oni story
Shame that plump camel girl died not long after there was that alternate reality dream ;_;

>> No.15307584
Quoted by: >>15307600

Vampires are obviously the good girls

>> No.15307585
Quoted by: >>15307622

>so I often don't notice when my sentence's structure.


>> No.15307591
Quoted by: >>15307666

Who's the mofuest

>> No.15307600

It was too obvious to ignore.

I dunno.
I can say many things about that movie but I doubt that 'good' would describe any side in it.

>> No.15307603

Yeah I'd say it counts.

>> No.15307609

I noticed that too. Some of it right at the beginning of the thread has been deleted, but not all of it.

It's not a war when the side opposing the wolfus doesn't even stand a chance.

>> No.15307618

Yeah it was, let's just say these days my expectations on that are on a new low record because irl. Glad to be able to spend time here.

>> No.15307619
Quoted by: >>15307634

On the vampire side only the high ranks were corrupted/bad guys

On the werewolf side most of them were brutal and barbaric, only the leader/s from the first movie were good guys, and they change that with the fourth movie were they're all bad guys

You tell me.

>> No.15307622

Yeah this comes into play only when posting in threads, in reality my writing is actually very solid even if my hand writing is overall mediocre.

>> No.15307634

I'm telling you that I would nail a vampire in the heroines suit and a werewolf in rags in under a heartbeat.

>> No.15307643

So a while ago, APM commissioned Bupiti to make that nice little ceramic statue of a gazer.

Does anyone here know of any other artists who can be commissioned to make custom figures or statues in that same vein?

>> No.15307656
File: 2.32 MB, 3327x3021, 12977617824462742368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what MGs would be vulnerable to bullying or tricking due to being naive about their own abilities or natures?

Pic related, obviously.

>> No.15307666

Probably one of Sub-res' girls. They're like 99.9% mofu and 0.1% girl

>> No.15307674

>50$ base price
Okay, makes sense since time, effort and material
>27$ shipping
Jesus christ

>> No.15307677

That must be a Dhampir, vampires aren't that retarded.

>> No.15307680
Quoted by: >>15307705

>left to right panels
>right to left reading
Who thought this was a good idea

>> No.15307681
File: 633 KB, 521x818, 1463687999727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullahans don't get nearly enough love.

>> No.15307682
Quoted by: >>15307690

Bupi's prices have went up since I last commissioned him, but he's the only artist I know of who does statues like that.
My waifu statue cost $65 + $30 shipping back when his base price was only 35 instead of 50.

>> No.15307685


>> No.15307690
Quoted by: >>15307716

That's Brazil for you, I suppose.

I think they've gotten a little better since then. What was their base price before, anyway?

>> No.15307694
File: 1.79 MB, 2288x1089, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307799

>I think we can all agree canidaes are the best over all.
They are tied with undead

>> No.15307704

Brazil has insane protectionist tariffs. You can easily pay double or triple to import certain goods... though I wouldn't have imagined it would be nearly as bad for stuff being shipped the other way.

>> No.15307705

Well to be fair that only applies to 1/4 panels but the point still stands

>> No.15307716
Quoted by: >>15307729


>> No.15307729

Oh, you said it before in your spoilered post as well. Sorry, I completely glossed over that.

>> No.15307751

I want to take care of a idol group of monstergirls consisting in a Raiju, a Witch, a Satyros, a Valkyrie and a Merrow!

>> No.15307772
File: 990 KB, 1506x834, popstar ahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to date a mofu idol!

>> No.15307773

So, statues and figures aside, how about plushies?
Anyone here know any artists who do those on commission at a high quality?

The events of today have kind of made me wish I had some merchandise of my waifu, not just art.

>> No.15307777

>no siren

Come on, Anon.
That's what they're made for

>> No.15307793

Those are the whores that rivalize us in sales
I did it with random pages from the wiki

>> No.15307799
File: 139 KB, 850x889, sample-1b410970df3253b3632d687eab9cd2c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307838

why is she so perfect?

>> No.15307800

Checked, holy quads demand sirens.

>> No.15307806

I'm surprised people are posting so much wolfus without posting hellhound.

>> No.15307814
File: 425 KB, 2048x1536, 1462640225975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307841

you jinxed it anon!

>> No.15307838
File: 1.12 MB, 1400x998, 47491902_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Momiji, she is a wolfu who's design has been perfected over the years by fan artists, with a fluid and relatively undefined personality which can be inferred in different, all favourable ways by different people.

Also, have you SEEN how she looks? She's goddamn beautiful.

>> No.15307841
File: 770 KB, 800x1000, 1bcb95f493c2e2028bbfd80a8eeb4aef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307852

Time for Hellwan!

>> No.15307852

What about tiny hellwans who have enough smug to make up for their height?

>> No.15307860
File: 661 KB, 1600x1200, --hellhound-monster-girl-encyclopedia--e0c11da00b37d78a5c4efdcc2346cc65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15307941

thats cause shes a dork

>> No.15307865
Quoted by: >>15307876

Or maybe two tiny hellwans with enough smug to rival one big hellwan?

>> No.15307869
Quoted by: >>15307876

You herd them all up and wrap them up in a big blanket. Then you can call them a bunch of tiny hotdogs.

>> No.15307874

You did that on purpose, didn't you?

>> No.15307876
Quoted by: >>15307886

Could be good.
They'd both work together to try and take you I would imagine.

Group pouting would ensue.

>> No.15307878

The floor is now mofu
How do you deal with this situation?

>> No.15307880
File: 186 KB, 850x560, 1435627685777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather one big Hellwan that uses her physical strength against me

>> No.15307884
Quoted by: >>15307900

Hump it.

>> No.15307886
Quoted by: >>15307899

>They'd both work together to try and take you I would imagine.
Oh, absolutely. I'm not sure I could beat two tiny hellwans in a naked wrestling match, but I could sure as hell try.

>> No.15307890

The floor is now my cum
How does the mofu deals with this situation?

>> No.15307899

How big?
Tall, dire, or 'Has to crouch when walking through doors/in small houses'

That seems like an oddly specific competition.

>> No.15307900


You have just fallen into an Ushi's trap and fucked her through the floor, making her pregnant and your waifu by MGC law.

>> No.15307901


>> No.15307905

They would swim in it and rejoice.

>> No.15307910
Quoted by: >>15307937

>That seems like an oddly specific competition.
I just don't like it when my clothes get all sweaty, wrestling with two tiny hellwans produces a lot of heat.

Just taking precautions is all, promise.

>> No.15307919

So basically, Anego?

>> No.15307922
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, 1420084821935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between "Tall" and "Dire"?

Also, taller than myself. It sucks when you're into femdom but you're also 6'4".

>> No.15307932
Quoted by: >>15308104

>Sub-res replied to me out of the blue with a sketch for my commission
>The tail is PHAT

My penis is not ready.

>> No.15307936
Quoted by: >>15307949

tall is 5'11 to 7'0
dire is 7'1 to 8'0+

>> No.15307937

That they do.
They'd probably be sweating as well, their shirts soaked through.

Tall tops out at 6', Dire goes up to 8' with additional muscle.

>> No.15307941

Nerdhounds are for bullying. I want to demolish her in a game and mock her in school about it the next day

>> No.15307949
File: 826 KB, 1985x2806, 1458158424083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in Dire need of a big strong Hellhound to spoon with.

>> No.15307948
Quoted by: >>15307986

No, they don't have clothes on either. You don't understand how much I hate doing laundry.

>> No.15307951

Dire is also about how ¿width? she is.

>> No.15307952
Quoted by: >>15307967

Hellhounds are huge! That means they have huge tits!

Rub and tease!

>> No.15307967
Quoted by: >>15307991

Pro tip: rub until it's pleased

>> No.15307970
Quoted by: >>15307974

imagine the piggy back rides, you could see everything

imagine her picking you up to give you a smooch i need this ;~;

>> No.15307974
Quoted by: >>15307979

I wanna be princess carried by a hellhound!

>> No.15307979

you slut!

>> No.15307983
File: 401 KB, 854x1200, brown zapdoggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiju are the superior wans! They're quite electrifying to be around! I'm shocked you haven't realized this yet!

>> No.15307986

I....You aren't really wrestling are you?

Good taste.
Gotta make her the small spoon.

>> No.15307988
Quoted by: >>15307996

I'm surprised people are posting so much hellhounds without posting oneesan.

>> No.15307991
Quoted by: >>15308001

Then comes the taming.

>> No.15307995
File: 369 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308027

I'd rather be the small spoon so I can rest my head against that chest mofu.

>> No.15307996

You already got your Memehounds anon, don't push it.

>> No.15307997
Quoted by: >>15308015

They're weasels though.

>> No.15307999

I agree
I need more puns though

>> No.15308001
Quoted by: >>15308020

Nice one.

The joke, I mean.

>> No.15308004

Oh man, imagine a 7 foot tall hellhound curling up into as small a ball as she can so that you can clamber up behind and spoon her, covering as much of her body as possible.

>> No.15308015
File: 112 KB, 1024x763, Raiju Yoruichi Stretching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown Raijus Best Raijus.

Raiju just means "Lightning Beast". The Beast Part can be much anything. KC's profile example is a weasel, yes. But then here's a cat.

>> No.15308016
File: 380 KB, 738x632, 1436304134114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15308017

Is it possible for a waifu and husbando to clean each other's ears at the same time?

>> No.15308020

What joke?

>> No.15308027
Quoted by: >>15308043

Would she stroke your hair while you nuzzle it?


>> No.15308043
File: 563 KB, 2048x1862, 1461454792433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. With her big meaty paws.

>> No.15308049

8'5 Anego Hellhound who gets flustered when you notice her banchou dress is 1 cm shorter!

>> No.15308061
File: 547 KB, 950x1024, zapdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get kidnapped by the dastardly Thunderbird and Raiju Shock Squad! They say they're gonna do horrible things to me, like forcing me to watch sappy chick flick with them!

>> No.15308083

>Nazi Vampire
Anon, I need this.

>> No.15308096
Quoted by: >>15308099

Be careful anon, you might trigger a janitor.

>> No.15308099

I just want some reading material though Anon.

>> No.15308100

Give me a monster girl.
I-It's not like I'm going to do something with it.

>> No.15308102

Only if I can get a big breasted british one.

>> No.15308103
File: 125 KB, 774x1032, rip-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308124

Who wouldn't want to protect this cute and innocent maiden

>> No.15308104
Quoted by: >>15308149

What species is he?

>> No.15308105

So, I've been gone for like 2, or 3 weeks. What all have I missed in my time away from this glorious hellhole?

>> No.15308111
File: 796 KB, 3300x4200, 1444257294063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Native, Anon

>> No.15308113
File: 523 KB, 884x1000, LavaGolem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308127


>> No.15308115
Quoted by: >>15308127

Like, in a pic, or just mention one, or what.

>> No.15308119
Quoted by: >>15308123

Are Rattlesnake-chans venomous?

>> No.15308123
Quoted by: >>15308144

Aphrodisiacs Anon.

>> No.15308124
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x2000, Wasted Potential The Wan Type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rip Van Winkle was the greatest waifu in that series. Legs for FUCKING DAYS, a love for German opera. A gun that never misses fric-a-frac

>> No.15308125

>TFW you will never reply to the guy who draws Monster Girl butts fast enough
>Your waifu will never get her butt drawn

>> No.15308127
Quoted by: >>15308134

Just mention one, like >>15308113

Does she rattles when she wants sex?

>> No.15308129
File: 618 KB, 854x1200, Titania1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308156


>> No.15308134

Wouldn't surprise me at all.

>> No.15308136
File: 1.36 MB, 1330x1170, Gazer76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've got you in my sights.
The mental image of this was funnier than it should have been, I had to do a quick sketch of her dressed like this.

>> No.15308144
Quoted by: >>15308150

But I don't want to get bitten by her, she's not a vampire so bites would probably hurt

>> No.15308146
Quoted by: >>15308174

Are you the same fellow that drew the ferris wheel Lich the other day? Because that looks nice.

>> No.15308149
File: 534 KB, 564x816, Jehuty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308164

>What species is he?
Sub-res is, as far as I am aware, a human. To my knowledge no other species exists with an aptitude for artistic expression, technological interfacing, and an ability to learn and communicate a high-level verbal language.

I hope I have been of assistance.

>> No.15308150
Quoted by: >>15308195

Not for long Anon, and, unless I'm remembering wrong, snake bites don't hurt, it's when the body reacts to the venom that pain sets in. But it's not a venom, it's an aphrodisiac so it'll feel good!

>> No.15308153

I'm really glad I had to type that when I did, you're a cool guy.
All of 76's lines are golden

>> No.15308154

Makes me wonder if there are any other EMG waifufags who hang out here but don't say much about it.

>> No.15308155


>> No.15308156
Quoted by: >>15308207

Titanias using fairy companions as her husband's onaholes when

>> No.15308164

is she*
Oh god, I can't believe I failed to notice that error until you pointed it out. So yeah, what monstergirl does the commission involve?
Also, nice mecha musume Jehuty.
There's a very quiet Cereafag.

>> No.15308165
Quoted by: >>15308172

I know one guy here is a waifufag for Asuna, of all people.

And before you ask, yes, it's the glopping Asuna.

>> No.15308166

Giant rats!

>> No.15308168
Quoted by: >>15308174

Would each of her eyes get visors too?

>> No.15308172
Quoted by: >>15308182

From the Succubus Heroines thing?

>> No.15308174
Quoted by: >>15308210

That's me, yeah. I still gotta do that Hathorite Lich, but I've been trying to work on proportions a bit first.

I was actually going to do that, but I couldn't get it to look any good.

>> No.15308182
Quoted by: >>15308188

No, Anon. The glopping Asuna. The "two years' worth of semen" Asuna.

>> No.15308188
Quoted by: >>15308193


>> No.15308189
Quoted by: >>15308210

>what monstergirl
There's a reason I posted Jehuty, besides trying to convey robot sass in my previous post. You should be able to figure it out.

>> No.15308193
Quoted by: >>15308201

Sword art online
With all that glopping, she might as well be a succubus

>> No.15308195
File: 419 KB, 479x459, excitement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308205

What if you get bitten by a whole hunting party's worth of Rattlesnakes?

>> No.15308201
Quoted by: >>15308220


>> No.15308205

Well then you're going to want to call a doctor because you will most definitely have an erection lasting more than 4 hours.

>> No.15308207

Holy shit, I just remembered where did my fairy fetish came from. It was from that one episode of Harvey Birdman where a fairy or something gets in his pants!

Thanks, Anon.

>> No.15308208

Oh, that's awesome!
Good work nuke.

>> No.15308210
Quoted by: >>15308241

Lovely, I like your artstyle.
Mecha Musume Lilim?

>> No.15308214

Wew lad.

I bet she rattles her tail when she's flustered.

>> No.15308217
File: 87 KB, 704x853, 1464398076376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Lala mains Reaper.

>> No.15308220
Quoted by: >>15308230

Anon, I want you to type "Asuna Sword Art Online" into Google so you know exactly what character I'm talking about.

Then I want you to click on this link and read this:

Then I want you to understand that despite the site it's posted on, the above piece is not fanfiction. It is an extra chapter the author of SAO themselves wrote, and is intended to be completely serious and canonical in the SAO universe.

>> No.15308222

>Trash mains trash
Makes sense.

>> No.15308223
Quoted by: >>15308245

>a very quiet Cereafag
He should request in the WWD and get more art of her.
He's probably the best Cereafag out of all the ones in the /a/ boards.

>> No.15308226
Quoted by: >>15308231

>Lala spinning around with toy guns yelling 'DIE DIE DIE DIE!'

>> No.15308228
Quoted by: >>15308261

I can see her repeating all of his lines in a funny voice like Tracer does

>> No.15308230

What's a google?

>> No.15308231
Quoted by: >>15308237

>She has a pair of Nerf guns and a cheap halloween skull mask
I need this.

>> No.15308233

I'm a huge Miiafag although the Shirohebi is my one true waifu.

>> No.15308235

Lala pops adderall in CS:GO now?

>> No.15308237

>Mero mains Bastion
>Fires her turret and lets the vibrations do the rest

>> No.15308241
Quoted by: >>15308264

No, but I like that idea. A mecha musume lilim, why don't we have that yet? A combination of sleek, sexy cyborg parts on a lovely lilim body would be great.

>> No.15308245
File: 39 KB, 500x437, 1464058023724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308255

The WWD is a rather volatile place, especially when residual drama is dragged out into the general drawthread. It even has a dude that waifu'd Cathyl for whatever fucking reason.
That Cereafag may actually benefit from avoiding that place in that regard.

>> No.15308255

What he should do is start at the wednesday threads. And then the WWD. Ease into it, you know? Make buddies.

>> No.15308259
Quoted by: >>15308267

What is the WWD? I'm not familiar with that acronym on 4chan.

>> No.15308261
File: 211 KB, 1000x1000, 1450331386554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lala is in her room
>She's masturbating to Rule 34 of Reaper
>"D-Death cums~"

>> No.15308264

Ask ELH, he's our resident Mecha Musumefag since he gave us that Ushi-Oni who knew that it Has To BE THIS WAY

>> No.15308265

Don't bully her! Reaper is her husbando!

>> No.15308267
Quoted by: >>15308273

Probably Wednesday Waifu Drawthread.

>> No.15308270
Quoted by: >>15308277

But I will, Reaper is a loser.

>> No.15308273
Quoted by: >>15308278

WWD is the weekend waifu drawthreads.
Wednesday waifu threads are where people sit around and talk about their waifus.

>> No.15308277
Quoted by: >>15308292

>Second in command for most of his life
>Tries to get revived, still angsty at Morrison
Yep he's a loser alright

>> No.15308278
Quoted by: >>15308297

Whatever, I'm too tired for this shit.

>> No.15308280

I haven't heard that name in a long time, is he even still here?

>> No.15308281

I'm gonna mock her for liking such an edgy character! I bet she writes fanfics about her oc fucking Reaper!

>> No.15308285

We also got Mantis Jensen from Sketch-kun.
She's the cutest little cyborg in the city.

>> No.15308289

His ghost still haunts this place. Probably.

>> No.15308292
Quoted by: >>15308310

Best part
>Nobody takes him seriously.

>> No.15308294

He's here in spirit.

>> No.15308297
Quoted by: >>15308332

I did mean it when I said he should join.
Drama's died down a lot in recent weeks and Miiafag probably needs a 2nd to make requests with.

>> No.15308299
Quoted by: >>15308306

>We also got Mantis Jensen from Sketch-kun.
Sub-res drew that.

>> No.15308306

I thought it was sketch-kun

>> No.15308310
Quoted by: >>15308344

I like how whatever Genji says in jp it's 10 times edgier than any of the lines from Reaper

>> No.15308311
Quoted by: >>15308319

Why are Mantises so gosh darn cute? I mean, I don't really like the other bug girls but every time I see a Mantis I just want to hold her close.

>> No.15308313

Any drawing requests? I'll draw one

>> No.15308316
File: 627 KB, 754x1160, 55594313_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15308318
File: 174 KB, 600x502, 1437924956993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Elf holding Ilassa's diary

>> No.15308319
Quoted by: >>15308340

Because they are
A. Tiny
B. Kuudere

Perfect for sitting in your lap and stroking the hair of along with teasing her antennae

>> No.15308322

Draw a request from a girl with not many pics.

>> No.15308325

far as I know, sub doodled jensen mantis and there was also an anon going around shopping jensen shades on some of latenight's mantis drawings

>> No.15308327
Quoted by: >>15308338

So who's the guy who's requesting a senran as a Raiju in the /v/ drawthreads?

>> No.15308328
File: 364 KB, 798x1000, Mothman KC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308988

Sub-res and Latenight have very distinguishable styles.
Lactating oppai loli Moth.

>> No.15308332

Isn't that the place that hates Gazerfag and had horrible porn drawn of Gazer? They seem autistic.

>> No.15308334

A kesaran pasaran girl doing whatever you like.

>> No.15308338

I'm not sure if he browses this place or not.

>> No.15308340
Quoted by: >>15308346

This is correct, but let's not forget touching her fat Mantis butt while she can do nothing but squirm.

>> No.15308343

It was.
But that's because one guy who's known to shitpost like that did it because Gazer isn't inherently /a/, and he hated him for that.
Cerea's bonafide /a/, she won't get shit on.
At worst, if he lurks for a few threads before requesting there or something, he can get a good idea of what's expected, but things have calmed down a bunch since that time.

>> No.15308344
Quoted by: >>15308362

What does he say?

>> No.15308346
Quoted by: >>15308377

Thick mantis thighs and a bouncy rear for you to tease.

>> No.15308349
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1000, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I got a whole ref sheet ready for this one.
Pharaoh as a desert bandit.

>> No.15308352
Quoted by: >>15308369

Horrible porn? Do you have the link to it?

>> No.15308358
File: 228 KB, 1038x888, scb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else do you think I pick up stories for the wordpress?

>> No.15308359

Mantis reading a book titled "How to hunt boys for dummies"

>> No.15308362

Mostly just normal shit, the occasional statement of frustration at a death, or an affirmation that he'll do better.

That or stuff about dragons and/or honor. Typical nip stuff.

His brother's pretty much the same. Just a bit more emo. Still easier to take seriously than Reaper.

>> No.15308364
Quoted by: >>15308370

What would she even steal? She's rich.

>> No.15308369

No I'm not linking to it.

Oh shit ELH, what are you doing these days? Met any new people?

>> No.15308370
Quoted by: >>15308387

Your heart

>> No.15308371
Quoted by: >>15308393

You pay slave children to do it for you, obviously.

>> No.15308376

Oh, now I'm curious. Just the archive link won't hurt.

>> No.15308377
Quoted by: >>15308386

But how would she be able to hunt with those lewd things?

>> No.15308378

New golem doing a handstand.

>> No.15308379
Quoted by: >>15308384

>Pharaoh + Shantae + Ishizu + Heartless + Aladdin
...what even.

>> No.15308384
File: 690 KB, 1480x2264, For My Sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but that's how reference images tend to work.
You have [Subject Character] then examples of what you want placed in a neat and orderly fashion.

>> No.15308386
Quoted by: >>15308398

Lower center of gravity allows her to keep her balance.

Besides, the thick thighs allow her to tightly wrap around her prey and that rear allows her to pin them down by sitting upon them.

>> No.15308387

Or your virginity.

>> No.15308393
File: 61 KB, 854x441, wordopressuhardu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said anything about paying the children.

>> No.15308394


>> No.15308396

Yes and no. Most of the latest additions to the drawfag commission list have been suggestions rather than people I've personally interacted with. I'm still between several stories, including the one with the golden ryu and a hellhound one.

>> No.15308398
Quoted by: >>15308411

Anon please, my cock can't handle this. God damn Mantises being so lewd.

>> No.15308410


>> No.15308411
Quoted by: >>15308418

They also purposefully wear small skirts and underwear thats a tad too small so that you can get better distracted by the skindentation.

Some even wear stockings for the same reason.

Sure, they may have some more stealth issues that their smaller cousins don't have but the increased capturing capability is well worth it.

Some breast based breeds have mastered techniques where they press their chest into a man's face to blind him.

>> No.15308413

I'm scared. How the fuck would an augmented Lilim even work?

>> No.15308418
Quoted by: >>15308427

What a bunch of sluts, Mantises deserve to be raped if they're going to dress and act so lewd.

>> No.15308419

Either a sick one who replaced her bits to strengthen her failing flesh or a science one who wants to augment her already impressive abilities.
Add or subtract chuuni until satisfied.

>> No.15308421

She can cast spells from the Options floating around her too. So she can cast multiple high level sexual spells all at once.

>> No.15308427
Quoted by: >>15308439

And THAT is how they get you.
They get you to try and rape them only to drain you dry and engage in post coital cuddling.

>> No.15308430
File: 380 KB, 1000x806, 1463346773962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this Mantis doing?

>> No.15308439
Quoted by: >>15308450

That's it, I'm going to have to marry every Kuudere bug I see now.

>> No.15308441
Quoted by: >>15308447

Placing her order

>> No.15308445

Sexually harassing that poor boy.

>> No.15308447
Quoted by: >>15308452

But it looks like she's in a class.

>> No.15308448

Being polite with her pinky finger.

>> No.15308450
Quoted by: >>15308474

Practicing her seduction techniques for the big test.

Just remember not to worry if they nibble your ears, its how they show affection.

>> No.15308452
Quoted by: >>15308461

It looked like a restaurant with menus, it is a class huh

She's still placing her order for some hot anon dick

>> No.15308453
Quoted by: >>15308460

But why?

>> No.15308456
Quoted by: >>15308466

>freaking out
>not just getting her to blow you under the table by dropping your pencil on the floor between you both as an excuse for her to sneak onto the floor

>> No.15308460

Because of the matriarchy.

>> No.15308461

You can't do that in class though!

>> No.15308462

It's okay, they're childhood friends though.

>> No.15308463

I want to groom a Centaur until she goes from a lowly farm hand to a Southern Belle!

>> No.15308466
Quoted by: >>15308476

But what if the teacher catches you? Then you might have to do it in front of the whole class.

>> No.15308468

Space Marine and snek. Don't care how, don't care why, I just need it.

>> No.15308472
File: 206 KB, 1000x707, 34329736_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15308473

Heretic please.

>> No.15308474
Quoted by: >>15308489

What if I nibble their ear back?

>> No.15308476
Quoted by: >>15308488

That's a risk I'll just have to take. Hopefully she did her homework last night and has her technique down, or we'll be there all day while the Professor Ghoul shows her how to do it.

>> No.15308477

>The space marine isn't purging the disgusting heresy

>> No.15308488
Quoted by: >>15308498

>Making your childhood friend watch as another woman sucks your dick
You're a horrible man, anon.

>> No.15308489
Quoted by: >>15308497

Then they collapse into a twitchy, softly moaning heap.

>> No.15308497
Quoted by: >>15308500

Is that good?

>> No.15308498
Quoted by: >>15308507

But my only childhood friend was the cougar grapesnake down the block, and she's totally fine if I bone other women. She helped me rope my first girlfriend, even.

>> No.15308500

Well, it leaves them open for you to removed their sodden panties, small enough to function as a thong, and go to town on their rear or womanhood.

>> No.15308507
Quoted by: >>15308533

You're scum. A Mantis isn't to be used like some common whore!

>> No.15308533
Quoted by: >>15308537

Of course not. You ditch whores when you're done, I fully intend to take her out on some nice dates after she does me a favor like that. I'm not some prick.

>> No.15308537
Quoted by: >>15308561

But you are, you don't stay faithful to your childhood friend.

>> No.15308561

What if one has multiple childhood friends?

>> No.15308567

We need more Sandworm stories. Writefaggots please.

>> No.15308568
Quoted by: >>15308577

What do you do when you get a boner just by looking at a certain monster girl's face?

>> No.15308570
Quoted by: >>15308592

Then you're lower than trash.

>> No.15308573
Quoted by: >>15308583

Is it too late? Could you please draw a group of giant mice hanging off someone!

>> No.15308577
Quoted by: >>15308582

Marry her.

>> No.15308579
Quoted by: >>15308592

You get ganged raped and turned into a communal husband.

Is best end.

>> No.15308582
Quoted by: >>15308589

But I'm already into another species

>> No.15308583

It's too late, I already started working on one
Probably should've mentioned that

>> No.15308589
Quoted by: >>15308596

Anon you don't understand. You marry her.

>> No.15308592

For having multiple childhood friends?

It's not rape if I want it.

>> No.15308596

But what about the ones I love with my heart? I don't want this feeling.

>> No.15308598
File: 572 KB, 2048x1536, CjluKmAVAAM6utz.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening!

>> No.15308605

Activate it

>> No.15308610

Time to wait forever for scans and translations

>> No.15308616


KC is talking about the Seven Seas release, can someone translate?

>> No.15308623

>The dirty gaijin are getting monster girls now, maybe I should make a fatass harpy to 'congratulate' them.

>> No.15308625
Quoted by: >>15308634

If GT is at all accurate, then the 7, rather than referring to Seven Seas, is actually the number of profiles he's redrawn for the English Release? I suppose the Golem was just a teaser, and we'll have to wait for the English Release to see the rest?

And now he's returning to work on the MGE-2.

>> No.15308627
Quoted by: >>15308634

Remake 7 races completed for the English version of the demon daughter picture book , it tries to return to work of the picture book Ⅱ ···

Didn't say it had to be good

>> No.15308634

So what 7 do you think he's redone?

Hopefully the old harpy and lamia artwork are being redone.

>> No.15308639

Harpy and lamia are two obvious ones.

>> No.15308646
Quoted by: >>15308681

Zombie and werewolf are the other two, along with pixie and red oni.

>> No.15308649
Quoted by: >>15308681


>> No.15308650
Quoted by: >>15308692

He finished remaking monsters for the Seven Seas release.

>> No.15308651
File: 2.89 MB, 1878x2568, 1446339209331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the hellhound delinquent to drink one too many vodka sodas when we're at a party and get uncharacteristically friendly.

>> No.15308655

gargoyle could use some lovin

>> No.15308664

Honestly Gargoyle is probably the best of the older girls that still holds up.

>> No.15308672
Quoted by: >>15308750

I'm still kind of surprised Gargoyle doesn't have more art or stories

>> No.15308676
Quoted by: >>15308691

I want a blushing drunk Hellhound delinquent to hug me uncomfortably close and giddily tell me I'm her best friend.

>> No.15308678

Goodness they look so enticing. Like brand new school supplies.

>> No.15308680
Quoted by: >>15308702

Black Harpy
Devil Bug

>> No.15308681

>Red Oni

I think that's actually all of the oldest art. Am I missing anything?

>> No.15308683
Quoted by: >>15308690

Beware anon when Hellhounds get to friendly they try and "become best friends!"

My pelvis still hurts.

>> No.15308690

It's your fault Anon for being easy and falling for her tricks. Be vigilant next time you go drinking with a wan.

>> No.15308691 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, 1464493366180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308705

i want a drunk hellhound to princess carry me up to a bedroom and lazily toss me onto the bed and then drunkenly slur about how she's gonna make me moan only for her to pass out on top of me

loen wen colors

>> No.15308692

As in the Golem was the finisher, or he still has more but hasn't revealed them?

>> No.15308702

>Black harpy
Crow Tengu?

>> No.15308705

I want her to wake up the next morning only to find me cuddling her!
I want to see her blushing!

>> No.15308706

"A dark valkyria facing off with the hero she raised back when she was still a valkyria". I wish I could write OCs sometimes.

>> No.15308709
Quoted by: >>15308729

Crow =/= Crow Tengu

Crow Tengus are disgusting NEET weebs. Real crows are cool badass birds.

>> No.15308717

If only

>> No.15308729

Take that back.

>> No.15308738
Quoted by: >>15308743

>NTR shit

Fuck off

>> No.15308743

That's not NTR so I don't know why you're getting your panties in a wad.

>> No.15308748

Dark valkyries can only be transformed under the influence of the man they're looking after can't they? It'd make no sense for her to attack the hero if she wasn't someone else's.

>> No.15308750
Quoted by: >>15308762

There is: http://pastebin.com/GDshvD2U

>> No.15308754
Quoted by: >>15308758

The original post literally said "[A Dark Valkyrie] facing off against [The Hero] that SHE raised back when SHE was a normal Valkyrie."

>> No.15308756

>hawk place

Check your spelling bro.

They become Dark only when they realize how much they crave the dick.

>> No.15308757
Quoted by: >>15308765

Going by the nature of Dark Valkyries, it kind of is.
They don't fall and fuck off somewhere and maybe come back later, the process of turning into a Dark Valkyries involves them becoming increasingly obsessed with the hero they're paired with until they finally give in and fuck him, which corrupts him at the same time.

>> No.15308758

but there's no face off to be spoken of in that case. Dark Valkyries are masochistic and submissive to a disturbing degree.

>> No.15308760
File: 227 KB, 850x1200, 1st_wyvern and armor guy battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the 1st prize winner of the sketch raffle!


>> No.15308762
File: 714 KB, 2800x1593, 1464129119362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308771

thanks famigula

>> No.15308764

The original guy messed up but you could easily have the hero turn on his valkyrie if she corrupted. She just wouldn't be the one instigating the fight.

>> No.15308765

I'm not even the original guy but there are such things as creative liberties.

>> No.15308767
File: 219 KB, 850x1200, 1st_post battle patpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope y'all are having a nice evening /mgt/ o/

>> No.15308769


>> No.15308771
Quoted by: >>15308779

Oh shit this is finally done? Last I saw he was just finishing up the drawing and considering a color pallette.

>> No.15308774

more wyverns required!

>> No.15308779

its the only artwork the gargoyle hasi have no clue when the guy finished it

>> No.15308780


Nice deliveries snib.

Well, I did install a rear control arm differential spacer today...

>> No.15308781

Lucky bastard, and it's nice to see more Wyvern content.

>> No.15308783


>> No.15308788
File: 141 KB, 850x654, It's how they choose their mates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308793

I want to marry a 'Roo

>> No.15308789
File: 615 KB, 900x1050, 1461758215847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308800

>You will never get a Hellhound drunk at a party
>She will never lead you back to her room
>You will never talk about your hobbies and interests together
I should just end it now.

>> No.15308793
Quoted by: >>15308803

I hope you like a wife that shitposts constantly.

>> No.15308800
File: 47 KB, 821x1021, 1463102023850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we become great friend and
start seeing each other a lot more often and eventually fall in love with each other?

>> No.15308803

>Shitposts constantly
Por que?

>> No.15308810


>> No.15308812

>No big booty Hellhound delinquent with a secret nerdy streak to be best friends with.
>She'll never end up pinning you to the bed after a particularly tense game of Killer Instinct and steal your first kiss and your first time.
>She'll never introduce you to her gang as her boyfriend the next day and threaten to beat down anyone who hurts you.

>> No.15308813

Mate, she's a true blue Aussie. Australians are natural shitposters. They just do what they would do in real life.

>> No.15308815

that's a given.

>TFW no hellhound delinquent who remains distant and mean at first and grows exponentially nicer and closer

>> No.15308827

>No big and tall Hellhound anego who does that above
>Then lets you sneak under her skirt during her next library duty to give her kisses down below from behind the counter
>The old Librarian just smiling knowingly and letting you two do whatever you want so long as you 'keep it subtle'

>> No.15308830
File: 1.12 MB, 1240x1754, 1454037853086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308866

Of course. Best end.

>You will never feel safe and protected with your Hellhound GF

>> No.15308846


>> No.15308858

That's soooo fucking nice! The second picture is really cute too, its great to see monstergirls actually in action how they would be. Thank you for drawing that man, really

>> No.15308861

When are the OVA's coming out anyway?

>> No.15308865
File: 1.09 MB, 800x1129, 7bce03a9544a_60B2E3F8_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we boycott this or something?


>> No.15308866

>Your Hellhound GF will never cuddle up to you at night to scare your bad dreams away.
Goddamn it.

>> No.15308868

But why?

>> No.15308870

Wolfgirls are too rough.

>> No.15308872

That's why you chain them up.

>> No.15308876

>buying stuff on steam
How can I boycott a game from a service I refuse to use in the first place?

>> No.15308881

I was about to tell you guys about it. It's actually pretty good.

>> No.15308884
Quoted by: >>15308917

>It's a "le retro" art style
What Monster Girl would be the best Penn Jilette type? Cause we need a trash can for this. A big one.

>> No.15308885

They aren't rough once you accept their love

>> No.15308891

>free to play

>> No.15308916

I want to have protected, responsible sex with my monster gf since we both love each other, but we can't support a child right now.

>> No.15308917
Quoted by: >>15308921

For some reason, manticore just seems to fit. Unfortunately, I now have the image of "into the tailpussy it goes" stuck in my head.

>> No.15308918

So Anon, what do you do if your waifu starts slipping you minomilk because she wants you to have muscle?

>> No.15308919
Quoted by: >>15308953

>Protected and responsible sex
Good luck trying to convince your waifu to let you use a condom.

>> No.15308920
Quoted by: >>15308924

Drink it

>> No.15308921
Quoted by: >>15308936

Too bad Manticores are shit.

>> No.15308924
Quoted by: >>15308978

Ok, what is she and when do you stop?

>> No.15308925
File: 154 KB, 1024x1304, 1449148135208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15308928

I'd already be downing that stuff by the gallon, not sure why she thinks she has to sneak more into my diet.

>> No.15308926
Quoted by: >>15308928

Drink it? She would only want what's best for me. Besides, easy muscle? What's not to like? Though I might start to slip her holst milk. She can be softer...

>> No.15308928
Quoted by: >>15308935

Your minotaur likes muscle.
LOTS of muscle.

A muscle/soft husband and wife combo?
What is she and do you princess carry her to the bed?

>> No.15308931
Quoted by: >>15308953

She'll tell all her friends that you tried to use a condom with her, and they'll tell their husbands, who will come kick your ass for being gay.

>> No.15308935
Quoted by: >>15308940

I'll give it all I have to carry her to bed. She's a Wurm, so it'll be tough. But damnit if I won't give it my all!

>> No.15308936

That's part of what makes them perfect for this. Tell me that any other MG has the general unpleasantness to make a good Penn. Their personalities are practically made for this.

>> No.15308940
Quoted by: >>15308944

A super soft wurm?
You could just give her pies if you want that to happen.

They love the stuff.

>> No.15308941
File: 166 KB, 265x303, 2304820394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey MGG have an Ignis done on a cheap android tablet at the studio during free time.

Another month or so of project work and I should be able to sketch more stuff, hopefully take requests too.

>> No.15308942

Oooh, fancy

>> No.15308944
Quoted by: >>15308946

Yeah, I guess mamanobama has me covered making sure it pads all the right places.

>> No.15308945

I like it. The tits look a bit unnatural, but it's great otherwise.

>> No.15308946

Hips, breasts, belly, or rear?

>> No.15308950
Quoted by: >>15308961

I like extreme hourglass figures. So 3 out of the 4. If I could have it pad her hips, breasts, and rear, while keeping a tone stomach, that'd be ideal.

>> No.15308953
Quoted by: >>15308966

But, I'm just a student right now! We'll have as many kids as we can financially and emotionally support just as soon as I get a steady source of income.

>> No.15308954

hope you can do one for me, never have before and it'd be pretty awesome, if its even close to that quality or not

>> No.15308957

Not him, but are there Hathor ingredients that can specifically pad out a certain part of my dragon waifu? I want to teach her a lesson after she ate my lemon tea cakes.

>> No.15308961

She'd be giving Jessica rabbit a run for her money.
May even wear the dress on a special occasion.

Mammy bammy would do most of it but I guess it would depend on what part your aiming for.

>> No.15308963
Quoted by: >>15310942

Late to this convo, but: Pull out before she reaches nine stacks.

>> No.15308964

Try rubbing/massaging the target area.
I have no idea if it'll work but it'll be fun.

>> No.15308965
Quoted by: >>15308976

Wonderful. I always liked how that dress looked. Red is my favorite color too.

>> No.15308966
Quoted by: >>15308975

They make birth control pills and stuff.

>> No.15308970
Quoted by: >>15308976

Her belly, hips and rear. I'm not looking for extreme stuff, but enough to make it noticeable and so all her friends will bully her. About cuddle cat proportions.

I'm trying to bully the dragon, not pamper her.

>> No.15308972

What kind of lesson are you trying to teach her, Anon?

>> No.15308975
Quoted by: >>15309005

Pretty sure demonic energy makes that shit act like a sugar pill.

>> No.15308976
Quoted by: >>15308985

The question is if your wurm has the scales/hair to go with it.

Ice cream and cake would be best.
She'd be sporting thick thighs, a pudgy middle, a wide rear, and some noticeable thighs in no-time.

Just watch out, she may start trying to hide her body should you keep it up.

>> No.15308978
Quoted by: >>15308984

Minotaur, and when we are both the ones aheagoing

>> No.15308984

The rare double ahego?
Quite a good goal

>> No.15308985
Quoted by: >>15308990

>Just watch out, she may start trying to hide her body should you keep it up.
It'll only stop when she stops eating the spiked hathor food from the fridge. Until she learns she can't steal other people's food it keeps up.

Also it's summer, she can't wear her sweaters all the time. It'll be too hot and they won't fit.

>> No.15308988

I don't do loli but hope you like it anyways

I don't get lactation but I got to draw moth boobs so it's okay. Sorry for the quality, art block

>> No.15308990
Quoted by: >>15309006

You wouldn't take her to the beach would you?
Forcing her to wear a bikini that's far too small for her?

Would you oil her body for some suntan?

>> No.15308993
File: 226 KB, 327x433, Alp_crop3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309000

Sounds like she's stage 3, she gets pinned against the wall and impregnated

>> No.15309000
Quoted by: >>15309004

Could be that she just needs to do a little more before she reaches that point.

How hard/rough would it be?

>> No.15309003

Looks fine to me. I'd a moth.

>> No.15309004
Quoted by: >>15309011

Super rough.

I doubt she's using minomilk for cuddles. Her eyes are gonna roll back into her head.

>> No.15309005

It's okay, conception rates are low anyways.
Honestly though, once you've had raw sex, the prospect of going back to condoms is grim enough that you'd legitimately rather just jack off.

>> No.15309006
Quoted by: >>15309011

Well sure, though that sounds like it could be a bit too embarrassing for her, I don't want to humiliate her completely. I just want to teach her that taking things without permission is a bad thing.

Or I want her to rape me roughly as punishment for falling out of line. I'd be fine with either.

>> No.15309007

that's some good shit, nigga

>> No.15309011
Quoted by: >>15309084

Cumflation or no cumflation at the end?
Tongue hanging out?

Well, if she found out then I'm sure she'd make sure you felt just what you did to her.
Face sitting would ensue and she may berate you for what you did.....Although she will apologize for taking your food and remark that she won't misuse her vassals in such a way ever again.

>> No.15309014
Quoted by: >>15310926


Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.15309015

Looks good.

>> No.15309026
Quoted by: >>15309079

So yotsuba manga where they flush newborn babies into toilet is not "downer"?

>> No.15309079

Ah, forgot about those too...
And why the fuck did you have to go and remind me? Fuck man.

>> No.15309084
Quoted by: >>15309089

All of the above.

>> No.15309089

She'd be hitting stage 3 in no time then.
You sure know how to treat an alp

>> No.15309119


>> No.15309124


>> No.15309174
File: 619 KB, 1600x2000, 1456646710459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309203

Some kind of fertile, hot, dark, and glowing dog.

>> No.15309185

I shall unearth relics and valuable stuff with a gnome!

>> No.15309187

>Implying Dr. Bellwurm wouldn't be the best
>"Once again, Dr. Anon, what was briefly yours is now mine."

>> No.15309188

What happens when a anon with a sweet hat tells you how the shit you found belongs in a museum?

>> No.15309195
Quoted by: >>15309207

Tell him I shall sell half the crap, and keep the rest to as proof to my kids that I did cool stuff before I get a cushy desk job.

>> No.15309198

I want to tell an ara ara monstergirl that she belongs in a museum.

>> No.15309203

Very dangerous!

>> No.15309207

>You will never be a retired adventurer/archaeologist that has a gnome contract.
>You will never come back one last time to show your kids and naysayers that you've still got it.

>> No.15309208

>You belong in a museum
Now all I can picture is a cocky little archaeologist alp

>> No.15309212

I would like to insult a aged succubus that way.

>> No.15309213

>Night at the Museum with Pharaoh, Mummies, Gargoyle, Vampire, a Lich who pretends to be a wax sculpture, a Living Armor and a Cursed Sword in the armory.

Would you be able to handle that much cursed and undead lovin'?

>> No.15309233

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember to research the proper way to take care of pregnant waifus.

Don't want them doing anything crazy now, do we?

>> No.15309235

I thought a good little story would be a bunch of new guards at a museum, and one by one they get claimed by the monsters

>> No.15309241

>Night shift guard is woken up by is superior
>"Dave, want to tell me why the new exibit armour is hugging you?
>Dave doesn't know what's worse, the fact he might be fired or the ethereal voice asking him if it should `remove the threat`.

>> No.15309242
Quoted by: >>15309249


What sort of crazy things would a pregnant waifu do?

>> No.15309243
Quoted by: >>15309249

I cook weird shit all the time, food cravings will be a adventure

>> No.15309247

what's a good safe word?

>> No.15309249

Well, the most obvious would be her sex drive getting ramped up.

She'd also want to try out a few positions that are regarded as baby safe.

Also, dragons may request you find them a horde of chocolate coins.
Not a box, not a crate, a horde.

See above.
Get good and you could even try to put your head on them like royalty.

>> No.15309254


>> No.15309256

FEED ME.... no seriously feed me, I haven't eaten all day

>> No.15309259
Quoted by: >>15309272

Y'know, I'm starting to think that KC's not going to be putting the MGE-2 out at C90 this summer.

I've been thinking for a while now that I want to purchase the book in person, so I've been looking into going to Japan, attending Comiket, etc. From what I can gather, Comiket registration closed in April, and if the web catalog of doujinshi circles I found is correct and up to date, then KC's not registered.

Of course, I'm not sure it is correct and up to date, since I'm having a bit of trouble finding much info on C90 at all...

>> No.15309260
Quoted by: >>15309267

>Anon gets his waify pregnant
>He treats her like usual
>Life is great, she is overwhelmed with joy
>A few weeks pass and she suddenly snaps
>Throws in the rape cave and rapes him constantly
>She completely lost her mind and thinks only about sex
>She finally gives birth and regains her sanity
>Anon asks her what the hell happened
>She was just worried their child would be weak if they didn't have sex

Pregnant waifus must be treated with the utmost care

>> No.15309261

Edward Cullen if you want shit t end right there

>> No.15309266
Quoted by: >>15309275

Is there any good stories with the spirits other then that undine one?

>> No.15309267

This feels like a Monster Girl version of random food cravings.


>> No.15309272
Quoted by: >>15309279

I remember KC tweeting that he registered barely in time

You're the first person I see saying that he won't release MGE 2 at C90

>> No.15309273
Quoted by: >>15309279

That rings a negative bell and I don't know why.

>> No.15309275
Quoted by: >>15309283

Not to my knowledge, hell the only other spirit I know is both on MGU and kinda sucks

>> No.15309279

Did he? Hmm...maybe the catalog I found is just out of date then.

I'm just feeling a tad nervous I suppose. If I want to go buy it in person, then that leaves me just 2 months to book a trip. Sure if it turns out not to be there, I'd still get to enjoy the rest of Japan, but I'd still feel a bit disappointed I missed out on buying the book.

Probably because yuri.

>> No.15309283
Quoted by: >>15309291

Care to nutshell as I'm not singing up there?

>> No.15309285

Ah, knew it was some thing.

>> No.15309288

>random food cravings.

She'd ask for various positions, blowjobs and other perverted moves

>> No.15309291
Quoted by: >>15309297

As if as I remember it was a one shot about a Ignis that is contracted to a woman who has long gone succubus, the spirit wants the woman all to herself and hates that they need men to maintain themselves.

so yeah kinda low as I cant really appreciate yuri

>> No.15309297

I was trying to incorporate spirits into a horror story outside of "Burn everything" but my brain cant form fresh ideas apparently.

>> No.15309298

Remember, its all fun and games with magic till family members find the naked Succubus chained in the basement.

>> No.15309301

Ah, right, my bad.

>> No.15309306
Quoted by: >>15309322

I don't have a succubus, I have a lolifox.

>> No.15309310

It was her idea.
What kind of husband would I be if I didn't indulge in her fetishes?

>> No.15309311

That reminds me of an...unfortunate tale, from FFXIV.

>> No.15309312
Quoted by: >>15309316

I would have given her clothes.
She's mine and I have to take care of her.

>> No.15309315
File: 624 KB, 723x525, 1432612111861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, she didn't have to be chained up; she's just kinky. And let's be real, if any of our parents came across an attractive woman in our house, naked and looking to fuck us of her own volition to bear children, the most we'd get is a 'Don't get carried away.'

>> No.15309314

My daughteru is a Kobold, not a Succubus anon, please.

>> No.15309316

Don't forget the bowl full of boiled eggs

>> No.15309322
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1166, 73c55a1b99b6748350be3946a4cca12b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309327

Let her out you monster.

>> No.15309324

I wouldn’t say no to that.

>> No.15309327

No way, she likes it down there.

>> No.15309330
Quoted by: >>15309338

Would be fun if they revealed it at the dinner table
>"So anon, why don't you tell us about your friend downstairs?"

>> No.15309337

>Not using her magic to hide herself or commpelling them to forget her
your demon is broken, get a new one

>> No.15309338


>> No.15309350

Worse if your with her at the time
>"What is this anon!?"
>"Mother, I can explain!"
>The succubus looks exited "Are they here to watch us master?"
>Anons brain shuts down registering her words

>> No.15309355

How about a chained hellhound? restraining her till she gets hot with enough lust to melt the chains and give you a right sexual pounding?

>> No.15309357
Quoted by: >>15309364

Yes. Bonus points if you make her wear the cone of shame.

>> No.15309360

Then I will train to the bone to make sure it ends in a double KO

>> No.15309364

combined with>>15309298
>"Anon what's with the hat?"
>"she knows what she did"

>> No.15309366
Quoted by: >>15309368

>handcuff a hellhound
>she just looks down as her wrists go from black, to glowing orange with incandescence
>the handcuffs start to turn all goopy, before the steel melts entirely and drips from her arms like slightly more viscous ice cream on a hot summer's day

Everything about hellhounds gives me boners.

>> No.15309368
Quoted by: >>15309384

That's why you need chains that take longer to melt. like a day or several
gotta plan this shit out.

>> No.15309371
Quoted by: >>15309382

Make a sneak photo of kay cee if you carry that all out. I wanna see if he falls into the whole otaku archetype like Crabman ended up to.

>> No.15309382
Quoted by: >>15309385

I dunno man. From what I hear, Comiket's a very line-heavy convention. I've practically got a phobia of holding up lines, so it's not like I could ask him for a selfie or some shit.

Also I'm pretty sure that Comiket, due to the cosplay culture, has a dedicated photo area or somethin', and then photography's restricted or banned everywhere else. Now I don't know that, but it seems a fair guess.

>> No.15309384

You could make chains out of hafnium carbide or tungsten, but then you'd still need to contend with a hellhound's Doomguy-tier strength.

>> No.15309385
Quoted by: >>15309388


>> No.15309386

How about a man that gets tricked by a fox to believe she's weaker than she really is.

>> No.15309388

I'll not deny this.

>> No.15309390

>writing shitty story and world buildan
>having trouble working on Lilim character's overall appearance and character
>didn't have a lick of an issue doing the Succubus' or the bastard child of Gawain and a genderbent Solaire
>yet this one fucking character is tripping me up
I swear the horns are the biggest issue, really. If I could draw more than smugki_onnas and hershey's dark slimes I'd draw the damned ironing board of a girl.
...Of course...that would mean being both a drawfag AND a writefag, which would suck.

Anyway, have any good Wurm pics surfaced recently?

>> No.15309391

>you will never be dommed by a deceptively strong lolifox

>> No.15309394

A dude that hunts a average looking 1 tail and when he corners her she tuns into a cc 9 tail

>> No.15309399

That could be fun.

>> No.15309400
File: 735 KB, 1101x1605, 55812916_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15309403
Quoted by: >>15309405

How about a low profile vampire? one that dosen't act like her upper-class brethren?

>> No.15309405
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x700, 1450736891325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309410


>> No.15309410

wonder what he did to get her? did her sisters approve?

>> No.15309412

I bet if she had a dhampir older sister she would encourage it as a fuck you to their mother

>> No.15309413
Quoted by: >>15309461

Saved her from a destitute homelessness

>> No.15309417

I shall wear a jacket made out of shoggoth

>> No.15309436
Quoted by: >>15309441

>Go to supermarket
>Try to grab sweets or something fatty
>Your arm tries to resist
>That's no good for your health! Remember what the doctor told you!

>> No.15309441
Quoted by: >>15309453

>Anon struggles against the coat made out of his maid
>An employee comes over and asks him if he's okay

>> No.15309453

>Shoggoth disagrees with anon all day.
>youtube videos pop up of a interpretative dancer

>> No.15309459

What would an Anon and his Jinko daughteru do for Father's day?
Would they go to the beach and play in the water filled with various other MGs learning to swim?
Would they only realize on the way back home that they forgot to bring the Mother with them?

>> No.15309461
Quoted by: >>15309478

Every day, vampires are kicked out of their mother's manors by their dhampir sisters in a misguided attempt to teach them to fend for themselves. Never knowing how to hunt for a man to feed from, never knowing how to turn haughty into lewd, and not even knowing how to earn a living. But for just a small donation of your blood you can help these delicate beauties. Call now, and we'll send one of these poor homeless vampires to your home for you to heal. Don't hesitate, call now.

>> No.15309469

I'd hope the outside looks like a normal jacket and the inner lining looking like a shoggoth, with the purple flesh and yellow eyes.

>> No.15309478
Quoted by: >>15312891

>You'll never make an ex-homeless vamp so happy and content with herself, you and her life, that when she runs into her dhampir sister by chance, she doesn't even mind that the corrupt and lazy half-blood acts like making her homeless was the right thing to do because of how happy she obviously she is now.
>She'll never have to be the one restraining you from calling the slobby cunt out on what a horrible thing she did, stop you from showing her the pictures of your waifu from before her life really started to turn around

>> No.15309481


>> No.15309506
File: 1.37 MB, 1073x857, dirty elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are for purging.

>> No.15309514

GRant us eyes

>> No.15309519
File: 77 KB, 600x450, CjluKmAVAAM6utz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309530

Wock doujin went on sale today!
Scans when?
Or was everyone already turned off by the shota and the tentaclejobs?

>> No.15309522
File: 113 KB, 1024x814, CjnHud9VEAE-cYf.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't stop this serial hugger!

>> No.15309524
Quoted by: >>15309537

I wanna be Puck
I HATE Elves

>> No.15309526
File: 138 KB, 1024x1154, CjnHud3UgAENxko.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15309530
File: 596 KB, 1200x1724, ENG004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just looks plain shit, especially compared to his other stuff.
Also the lizard one needs to be translated immediately.

>> No.15309533

That Elf, maybe.
Rem best girl.

>> No.15309537

>implying E.M.T. isn't your angel

>> No.15309539
Quoted by: >>15309543

What is it about it that looks shit?

>> No.15309542

>It just looks plain shit, especially compared to his other stuff.

>> No.15309543
File: 868 KB, 1200x1724, ENG006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309550

It just does.

>> No.15309544
File: 324 KB, 2048x1628, CjnHud9VEAE-cYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That res
Anon please stop triggering my autism.

>> No.15309546
Quoted by: >>15309558

She's a shit who abandons him after refusing to hear him out multiple times.
She only comes back into the picture later to try and steal him away from Rem.

>> No.15309547
Quoted by: >>15309558

Doesn't she turn into a huge cunt with only the blue cunt remaining loyal? MC fucked up hard. He should have just been killed by gutslicer until he hit on the perfect combination of word and actions to make her his waifu

>> No.15309549
Quoted by: >>15309568

>Not Ram

>> No.15309550
Quoted by: >>15309552

I gotta admit Kraken is the best older sister type, it's not even close

But you can't just say Jabberwock is shit, she's a great girl too

>> No.15309551

What is the best thing about kuuderes? For me it's the voice. Are there actually japaneese women who talk with that soft and emotionless voice, or is it just a fake VA thing?

>> No.15309552

Jabberwock isn't shit, her doujin is.

>> No.15309558
Quoted by: >>15309565

To be fair he is an annoying faggot most of the time.

>> No.15309565

He needs a sadist like gutslicer. Some one who can recognize when he is acting and tear him down do his despicable ground zero.

>> No.15309568

Ram is a mindbroken cockslut that belongs to the clown.
Who, by the way, engineered every ounce of suffering the sisters went through, including the severing of Ram's horn and the slaughter of their village in order to get his hands on them. He brainwashed Ram so that she's loyal enough to go against Rem for his sake, and is using her as a baby factory so that she can shit out a new body for him to snatch.

>> No.15309576
Quoted by: >>15309584

Well there goes the episode I was going to watch
The elf is still fine though

>> No.15309584
Quoted by: >>15309600

You don't find this out until later, anime won't get that far.

>> No.15309587
Quoted by: >>15309594

Clown has good taste in oni.

>> No.15309594

You can't really argue that when red ha no personality outside of mindbroken cockslut

>> No.15309600

I should probably start reading the novels then but Tate and Overlord have drained all my desire of reading more for a while.

>> No.15309611
File: 115 KB, 900x1200, 54696455_p16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, dude! Here's breakfast.

>> No.15309621

Go read kumo. It's fun.

>> No.15309624

What is it? Why is it surrounded by milk?

>> No.15309634
Quoted by: >>15309662

Hope you can read moon.

>> No.15309635

Thanks. Want to eat it wit me?

>> No.15309641
Quoted by: >>15309647

Talking of milk, seems this guy is getting better http://i.imgur.com/QPbIGXP.jpg

>> No.15309647

>You'll never have a milky vamp sit in your lap and feed you breakfast with her tits bare
>You'll never lean forward and catch one between your teeth for a mouthful of cool, sweet milk

>> No.15309648
Quoted by: >>15309658

It's an omurice on a white plate. The plate is on a little tray.

>> No.15309649
File: 731 KB, 2454x3266, 1433690601670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tits are for babies! Only babies like big tits!

>> No.15309658
Quoted by: >>15309664

Oh, so that explains the tomato sauce.

>> No.15309660
Quoted by: >>15309685

She says, while standing on her pencil legs.
When it's said by a stick, it just seems like butthurt. A woman needs MEAT on her lower half.

>> No.15309662

>Nowi not liking the boingy!
I should probably get on with that again.

>> No.15309663

Why are you trying to start shit, shill?

>> No.15309664
Quoted by: >>15309665

It's a little heart made out of ketchup.

>> No.15309665

I know what it is

>> No.15309669
Quoted by: >>15309677

Sabbath plz.
I still want want to go the sabbath.

>> No.15309672
Quoted by: >>15309682

Every time you post, I think about this.

>> No.15309674

>Using ":large"
>Not using ":orig"

>> No.15309675
Quoted by: >>15309794


Why do you keep repeating this?

>> No.15309677

The Sabbath probably has lots of fun things to do on a sunday.

>> No.15309681
Quoted by: >>15309684

Like what?
Just playing around or something more specific?

>> No.15309682

>you will never get a ride home from Ran

>> No.15309684
Quoted by: >>15309694

Oh, you know. Charity drives, bake sales, barbeque parties in the park, pool parties at the baphomet's house, impregnating loli werecats, helping feed the homeless, and other community events funded by it like beach volleyball tournaments, holiday events like halloween, and paintball.

>> No.15309685
File: 765 KB, 1280x720, big fat bird butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tits are for babies! Only babies like big tits!

>> No.15309686

Like picnics in the kesaran pasaran fields.
Or going to the beach except the water is actually an aphrodisiac-saturated slimegirl
Maybe going to the playpark made entirely out of tentacle plants

>> No.15309694
Quoted by: >>15309696

I should go there right now.
Is there an applications form for becoming a onii-san or can you just go there?

>> No.15309696
Quoted by: >>15309704

Just show up anytime, and feel free to flirt with any loli not wearing a ring or collar.

>> No.15309699

Papi's the cutest. Wanna protect, impregnate, marry and be a big brother to her all at the same time.

>> No.15309704
Quoted by: >>15309713

Then I’ll go and find a cute loli fox and take her home and impregnate her.
And I guess collars are like engagement rings so I’ll go and buy her a expensive one as well.

>> No.15309708

Camera angles don't equal meat.

>> No.15309713
Quoted by: >>15309719

>not getting her a ring and a collar

It's like you're not even trying to love your lolifox.

>> No.15309714

>You'll never be roped into the onee-sabath
>You'll never be surrounded by big easy-going titty monsters
>And that one heretical baphomet who finally mustered the courage to take the initiation trials and become a big onee-san herself.

>> No.15309717

not trying to be confrontational or anything but apparently the canon of that girl says she has the "best" ass out of all the harem girls

>> No.15309719
Quoted by: >>15309744

Damn, I’ll get her a gold ring and the collar embroidered with gold. That would make her happy right?

>> No.15309726

Well, what's her competition? A snake, a horse's rear, a fish, and an actual giant spider.
She's the only one who actually possesses an ass.

Youre right though, her ass and legs are divine regardless.

>> No.15309735

I am a champion of slim chests, but slim chests come with responsibility. A big fat ass that jiggles when you slap it is an absolute necessity, and I'm sorry but Papi's ass doesn't deliver.

>> No.15309742
Quoted by: >>15309768

With what now?

>> No.15309744

Of course it'd make her happy. But the reason you get her both the collar and ring is symbolic. It shows that you're embracing both her human and her animal-like sides.
Plus, it'll make her blush like crazy when you get on one knee to fasten the accessory around her neck, breathing against her ticklish skin, and follow up by taking her tiny, slender left hand and slipping the ring on her finger.

I'm not sure why I'm saying this, considering I absolutely detest the concept of collars on monstergirls, but hey, I like the symbolic aspect of that dual-acceptance.

>> No.15309753

Will they like guys who willingly went inside their headquarter? or will they throw him out because "you're so easy it's no fun"?

>> No.15309757

>or will they throw him out because "you're so easy it's no fun"?
That doesn't sound like anything a group of laid back, easy going titty monsters would say.

>> No.15309762

Not all of them want shotas who fear the very concept of sex. I'm sure many would love a sensible younger brother who'll love and cuddle his older sister unconditionally.

>> No.15309768


>> No.15309772

Sounds like a comfy place to be.

>> No.15309778

What's the best thing about falling asleep in bed surrounded and covered by cuddly kitsune lolis?

>> No.15309782
File: 302 KB, 1280x720, bird booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic then.
To be fair, Lala hadn't shown up by then.
This looks quite jiggly if you ask me.

>> No.15309794

Why not, dude?

>> No.15309802
File: 159 KB, 1280x1811, 1428250054242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your baseline, anon. A woman's hips, thighs and ass can go bigger, but never smaller than this.

>> No.15309808
File: 904 KB, 1000x914, monorus wight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can do better.

>> No.15309814
File: 543 KB, 1700x1200, 0bfab883ae5f63d131e6437810857368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fuck it elinposting time.

>> No.15309837
File: 481 KB, 1000x750, 1431723007861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15309845

Elin time best time.

>> No.15309845
File: 787 KB, 1200x1487, ef14b2a42ef67bf3af3e262946379819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elins are for handholding intercrural in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.15309849
Quoted by: >>15309853

>coming from intercrural

>> No.15309851

Elins are for hard and fast anal with lots of biting, spanking, hair pulling and light choking.

>> No.15309852
Quoted by: >>15309854

>You'll never tell a x monstergirl to get off your lawn

>> No.15309853
File: 329 KB, 800x1131, 3e8e7812cb91a3ce5ed3fd5411f0c737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't impregnate an elin's thighs

>> No.15309854

>tfw have an M1 Garand near my bed just in case I lucid dream this

>> No.15309861
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 1435945927884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But a bit more gentle would be nice~
Oh no, you don't get to make requests. You will either refer to me as "Sir" or "Your Cockship" during this session you desert dwelling tart.

>> No.15309889
File: 242 KB, 567x800, 1399349369310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stacking monster girls 5 feet high when?

>> No.15309898
Quoted by: >>15309902

What the fuck was she even doing in that video? It almost looked like she was scratching ass.

>> No.15309902

Adjusting her panties.

>> No.15309920

What fetish even is this? Like, the top half is a child, but below the hips is the lower half of a late teen/woman. It's like an unstacked shortstack. Why? How did this quasi-pedophilia even come about? For that matter you see plenty of loli with exaggerated nearly adult features, specifically thighs and ass. Is it a subconscious recognition that grown women are better that is bleeding into the art?

>> No.15309928
Quoted by: >>15309932

You're face to face with the men who sold the world.

>> No.15309932


>> No.15309933
Quoted by: >>15309942

I think it plays into the whole child-bearing aspect while maintaining the general form of a loli. Wide hips, large rear, etc.

>> No.15309942

I know the dick is such a simplistic creature if can just bulldoze through cognitive dissonance, but how does an artist reconcile the fact that in order the make their fetish better they need to add elements of its antithesis? Why not just give up on the fetish at that point, if its so shit?

>> No.15309950
Quoted by: >>15309966

>they need to add elements of its antithesis?
I'd wager to say that it's not an antithesis at all, those artists just enjoy lolis with wipe hips and fat asses. Same way some people like oppai loli. It's just what they're into and there isn't a way to explain that.

>> No.15309958
Quoted by: >>15309966

>if you slightly change it that means the original is shit
gee willikers i guess the original kalashnikov is shit since there's only about a billion clones

>> No.15309960
Quoted by: >>15309966

You're too short sighted, nothing says that body shapes have to stick strictly to one type.
>Tall girls with a flat chests
>Oppai lolis
>Bottom heavy short girls
They're just different flavours and nice for their own reasons.

>> No.15309964

>TFW I want to breed an Elf

>> No.15309966
Quoted by: >>15309976

Well that's what I don't understand about it. If fucking children specifically is your thing, the form of a mature woman kind of is the antithesis. It's not that I don't get that they like it, I get it, there's lots of it out there. What I don't understand are the hows and whys.

>if you improve it that means the original is shit
Well yeah? It isn't an arbitrary change, they do it to make it more fappable.

>You're too short sighted
Yeah maybe I'm being binary about this.

>> No.15309970

Don't we all?

>> No.15309976
Quoted by: >>15309977

>Well yeah? It isn't an arbitrary change, they do it to make it more fappable.
And improvements to kalashnikovs were done to make it more reliable

>> No.15309977
Quoted by: >>15309979

So the original was shit, no?

>> No.15309979
Quoted by: >>15309984

well 75 million were built which is about a fourth of all weapons currently in the US so you tell me

>> No.15309984
Quoted by: >>15309986

>Cheap shit and massproduced
Sounds about right. Why are we even talking about guns?
>You'll never fuck the Elf Simo Hayha

>> No.15309986

>Why are we even talking about guns?
just the first example I came up with of something that can not be improved upon without necessarily being shit

in the end it's completely subjective since it is a fetish

>> No.15309998
File: 26 KB, 1116x677, 5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310143


>> No.15310075
File: 181 KB, 888x1500, 1464203023800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are lewd.

>> No.15310088
File: 363 KB, 1000x1500, Dark Elf Is preparing to attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry a Dark Elf!

>> No.15310116
File: 1.51 MB, 2376x1772, 1442562796214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310168

Elves are criminally underrepresented in stories no matter what the phillistines say

>> No.15310140

God those look so nice

Can't wait to get mine

>> No.15310143

This Succubus underestimates me, my slapping attack can ahegao even the most powerful of Lillims!

>> No.15310149
Quoted by: >>15310174

I want to see a clumsy kitsune waitress that keeps accidentally knocking over things with her tails

>> No.15310165

Look how fluffy her arms are, you could be massaging her paws and arms and lose your hand inside all that fluff

>> No.15310168
File: 409 KB, 1000x1000, 3e3d433fb9375859eb366897c6ef45df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it is consensual (no, mindbreak does not count) is fine

>> No.15310174
File: 213 KB, 728x896, 1464106401599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I'm sorry.

>> No.15310189
File: 913 KB, 1125x1312, 6c818216eb4009f11c256f1057556ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310215

Sorry for whut? Our mommy taught us not to be ashamed of our tails. Especially since they're good size and all.

>> No.15310192

>You'll never be a Order squire on a secret exchange to the TrumpElves, their elders and your elders deciding it may well be worth seeking an alliance similar to the alliances of old between man and elf against the monter menace
>You'll never train under one of their Elf-Paladins, paladins much like your own but relying more on magic than steel with a battle style that is more offensive and aggressive than it is protective and defensive.
>You'll never go patrolling the perimeter with her and sleep together in the wilderness on long ranging missions, not even the slightest sliver of lewd intent in her mind.
>You'll never be ambushed by a party of demons
>You'll never slay them all, but receive a deadly blow of corrupting energies that you shielded her from
>She'l never tearily confess that she began to have feelings for you along your journey, that she can't bare to have it end here like this
>She'll never lay hands upon you and use her magic to heal you, the corruption being channeled part way from you to her
>With the both of you half corrupt, you'll never decide to not return home where they would surely exile or even execute the both of you, but wander together helping those in need and fighting the corruption that make the two of you go mindless with lust each full moon

>> No.15310215
File: 2.48 MB, 1924x2665, 1448580496609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310266

Sorry for not sucking on those tabi, leatherman.

>> No.15310224
Quoted by: >>15310917

Elves are definitely made for gently breeding.

>> No.15310266
Quoted by: >>15310286

I wonder how a shine maiden kitsune would react if I started kissing her feet through her tabi.

>> No.15310286

She'd post in a ded general on jaypee about how much it turned her on.

>> No.15310291
Quoted by: >>15310348

Time to marry her, in that case.

>> No.15310305
File: 554 KB, 749x875, Vamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310312

Time for the best kind of posting then

>> No.15310312
Quoted by: >>15310329

That red fingernail paint makes her look sultry.

>> No.15310329

She's undead. How can she be hot?

>> No.15310336

After fresh blood plumps her lips fully red and gives color to her pallor she's be hot enough to cuddle for an evening.

>> No.15310340
Quoted by: >>15310926

Requester here, she looks delightfully milky. Thanks drawbro.
I have to say, your style looks kinda familiar. Do you hang around the drawthreads?

>> No.15310348
Quoted by: >>15310369

Good taste in waifu characteristics, anon.

I've got exactly 0 tabi fox pictures however.

>> No.15310369
File: 3.34 MB, 2590x3624, 2baf795059623872afb0d5a268314b62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a couple. Might dump some later if it won't saturate the thread too much.

>> No.15310371

Friction. Sweet, wet, fleshy friction

>> No.15310376

My kingdom for a Waifu!

>> No.15310389

>worshiping women
your kingdom will collapse

>> No.15310392
Quoted by: >>15310398

Where the fuck do you think you are, fag

>> No.15310396
Quoted by: >>15310443

I don't think MGTOW and monster girls waifus are compatible.

>> No.15310398

John Glubb

>> No.15310411

>you will never integrate monster girls and usher in the age of decadence (aka orgies)

>> No.15310443
Quoted by: >>15310464

MGTOW are only GTOW because of women being 3dpd twats. I'm sure MG's would entice them back into the fold.

>> No.15310464
Quoted by: >>15310479

For me the only reason i want MGs to be real is to see the circus human women would make for attention, would certainly pay to see that.

3DPD world is bad enough to not let your pure waifu into it at any cost.

>> No.15310479
Quoted by: >>15310501

That's why you enter the 2d world

>> No.15310501
Quoted by: >>15310529

Lucid dreaming is a meme

>> No.15310529
Quoted by: >>15310572

Yes... lucid dreaming... sure.

>> No.15310572
Quoted by: >>15310612

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15310597
File: 171 KB, 1350x1350, LittenC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entry-level monster girl.

>> No.15310607

I want to bully her paws.

>> No.15310608
Quoted by: >>15310611

Entry-level DELETE THIS

>> No.15310611

Too large?

>> No.15310612
Quoted by: >>15310626

It was an ellipsis used to indicate a hesitant silence as if to collect one's thoughts as if they weren't entirely sincere but had been unwittingly offered an easy out.

>> No.15310616


>> No.15310626
Quoted by: >>15310635

Aren't there other ways to do that? I was under the impression that ellipses are used for omitting things, rather than showing a contextual mindset.

>> No.15310633

Her ass is entry-level.

>> No.15310635
Quoted by: >>15310645

I was always under the impression that [...] was omission and ... was simply a long pause

>> No.15310639
Quoted by: >>15310650

The nose looks a bit too cheesy

>> No.15310645
Quoted by: >>15310654

In informal writing, I suppose so.

>> No.15310650
File: 144 KB, 960x540, 0040d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for EMG button noses(tm), but if enough anons dislike it, I could always consider a change.

>> No.15310654
Quoted by: >>15310665

Because isn't an ellipsis used to indicate a pause or silence when transcribing a speaker?

>> No.15310655

Rowlett's the cutest, Litten-chan shouldn't even try!

>> No.15310657
Quoted by: >>15310681

The button noses were always ugly to look at.

>> No.15310662
Quoted by: >>15310681

Button noses are furry and a bad design choice

>> No.15310663

Those noses are the reason why everyone hates EMG beast girls.

Ears & tail only or get out.

>> No.15310665
Quoted by: >>15310669

Uh, no. An ellipses is used to omit words in for example a large paragraph without altering the meaning of it.

>> No.15310669
Quoted by: >>15310673

"Depending on their context and placement in a sentence, ellipses can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, a mysterious or echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence. Aposiopesis is the use of an ellipsis to trail off into silence—for example: "But I thought he was . . ." When placed at the beginning or end of a sentence, the ellipsis can also inspire a feeling of melancholy or longing."

"In reported speech, the ellipsis can be used to represent an intentional silence."

>> No.15310673
Quoted by: >>15310692

Yes, this point was covered as informal writing, which it unarguably is.

>> No.15310674

>Ears & tail only or get out.
Limiting it to those is a little too cosplay, throw in some paws and limited fur along the limbs and that's around the right limit.

>> No.15310678
Quoted by: >>15310698

Paws are shit.

>> No.15310680

>it's a "muh cosplay" episode
Yiff in hell, furfag.

>> No.15310681
Quoted by: >>15310696

Do you guys tolerate clown noses like Popplio's?

>> No.15310683
File: 132 KB, 1025x737, 391D5FB038BF1C89864F6876BFC1913E45D6813B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this too furry?

>> No.15310686

>a little too cosplay
Kill yourself.

>> No.15310687

Button noses are fine with me so long as the facial bone structure is still purely human.
Anons here just have a kneejerk reaction to it because >furry
Don't let it stop you.

>> No.15310692
Quoted by: >>15310700

I don't think reported speech is informal

>> No.15310695

Post your lewdest ideas/fantasies
The ones that almost make you blush as you're typing them

>> No.15310696
Quoted by: >>15310713

I don't recall seeing that Popplio girl drawn with a clown nose.

>> No.15310697
Quoted by: >>15310706

Not him but I would argue that thoe legs are shit tier and furry ZR is the only answer ever.

>> No.15310698

Shitposting hour already?

>> No.15310700
Quoted by: >>15310723

Reported speech in a story? Yes.

>> No.15310703

So Hellhound, Cheshire, Manticore, Yeti and Anubis are furry now?
Just right.

>> No.15310705
Quoted by: >>15310720

>It's a "Label all people who don't conform to my shitty views on MG as shitposters" episode
simply eric

>> No.15310706

Agreed. The whole point is that the monster parts are supposed to resemble clothes so the girls still look mostly human.

>> No.15310710

What if it's kind of /d/?

>> No.15310713
Quoted by: >>15310721

She definitely has one.

Since I made her a selkie, I'm going for a setting and draw concept art of Popplio where she can have a human form for ease on land if she takes off her nose.

>> No.15310714
File: 327 KB, 1588x2048, 1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting raped and husbandoed during a late night subway ride courtesy of a CC Hathorite Werewolf.

>> No.15310718

It's the weekend, all 48 hours of it are shitposting hour.

>> No.15310720
Quoted by: >>15310726

Why do you keep talking about episodes?
I could say the same to you, anyway. People don't want monstergirls just with paws and tails? Better call them all furries.

Why am I replying to such obvious bait?

>> No.15310721

There really wasn't an issue there since she looks like she has the nose on as a prop like most clowns instead of it being part of her biology.

>> No.15310722

Just thinking about fucking my Dragon while she kisses me, locks me with her legs, arms and tail and protects me from the outside with her wing hugs while occasionally saying "you're mine" and giving love bites on my neck makes my heart beat faster and I can't concentrate.

>> No.15310723
Quoted by: >>15310729

Doesn't it mean something more like reporting on the dialog in a court proceeding?

>> No.15310726

>Why do you keep talking about episodes?
It's a shitty meme, it's useful though because you can tell that anyone who uses it is a retard.

>> No.15310729
Quoted by: >>15310737

Reported speech in a nutshell is basically past tense writing. I also said that wrong, basically any use for ellipses as a "silence" is inherently informal.

>> No.15310733

It's less about resembling clothes for me as it is how much I enjoy the inner thigh and how having a fur ZR is basically perfect for that. That goes for scales and chitin too. ZR is love, ZR is life.

>> No.15310737
Quoted by: >>15310754

Eh. So how do you indicate silence in formal writing?

>> No.15310742
Quoted by: >>15310772

Nah, I hate monstergirl designs where their nonhuman features resemble clothes. It's why I dislike KC's lizardman, mantis, aspects of the jabberwock, and a fair few other things he's felt like drawing.

I much prefer them when they appear to make some sort of aesthetic sense, and outline the sexy bits while managing to look sexy and nonhumanly exotic too.

>> No.15310747
Quoted by: >>15310755

>The whole point is that the monster parts are supposed to resemble clothes
That's the point of mainstream catgirls, good luck finding many Lamias where their tail looks like clothes.

>> No.15310754
Quoted by: >>15310768

A space between each dot ( . . . ) IIRC.

>> No.15310755

maybey it could be like
a boot

>> No.15310759
Quoted by: >>15310767

>The whole point is
I think that people find MGs appealing for a variety of reasons and trying to pin it down to one aspect is hopeless.

>> No.15310766

Having a Knight turned into a dragon that I get to dominate into a loyal warrior wife.

>> No.15310767

>I think that people find MGs appealing for a variety of reasons
yeah but which are the correct reasons?

>> No.15310768

What, really? Well its very easy to see how the more formal, less apt version of "..." became more commonly used informally as silence or pause because putting a space after each dot just because is stupid.

>> No.15310772

His lizards actually look totally fine naked, their actual clothes just hide the transitions between the skin and scales.

>> No.15310774
Quoted by: >>15310946

It's completely subjective. You're right and wrong is entirely up to you.

>> No.15310792

There really isn't a correct preference for monster girls. Some want more monster features, some want less. The only thing neither wants is full-on human or full-on monster.

>> No.15310825

Furries arn't full on monsters though. They are anthropomorphous animals. That indicates a modicum of humanity. So while full-on monster isn't wanted, neither is anything over 50% monster

>> No.15310834

Even the "human" ones differ significantly when it comes to their behavior and mindset, not to mention abilities. That's what really sets them apart from 3D.

>> No.15310835

Some of the classics are more than 50% monster. Lamias, slimes, mermaids, sphinxes, etc.

>> No.15310842

The idea of putting it down to a "percentage of monster" in the first place is fucking dumb. There'll never be an agreed upon "50% monster", which is why this while thing is retarded.

>> No.15310843

>Monster girl waifu announces she's pregnant with Quints.
How do you react?

>> No.15310849
File: 490 KB, 800x713, 1461817068686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna produce a lot of milk.

>> No.15310850
File: 124 KB, 452x541, 1434657933057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310896

Over 50% isn't allowed? You heard the man, hide the spiders.

>> No.15310852
File: 1.95 MB, 1600x1157, 1352533663317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be a busy household.

>> No.15310853
Quoted by: >>15310866

But Sphinxes are just regular catgirls with paws.

>> No.15310854

I only wanted three.

>> No.15310856
File: 803 KB, 760x1200, Kikimora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is silver/white/grey hair so amazing?

>> No.15310863

I think I like kikis now.

>> No.15310865

>Half human- Half monster
>Half human - half fish
Seems like 50% to me
These are like 75% human and 25% monter. they just have paws, a tail and ears
Now this is a good one. It looks entirely human, but is also entirely slime. I guess its both?

>> No.15310866

Not the taur style but watch me get replies of
>Lion pussy

>> No.15310870

Pick her up, princess carry her up to the bed, pomf her onto the sheets and gleefully cuddle her. With nuzzling and forehead touching while talking about the plans we'll have to make to accomodate five amazing children.

>> No.15310873

>albino kikis
The purest.

>> No.15310878


>> No.15310879

She looks very pretty on top of carrying the full-on anime portrayal of slavic girls.

>> No.15310882
Quoted by: >>15310895

So you mean the style that doesn't exist in the MGE, and is never brought up or discussed here?

>> No.15310884
Quoted by: >>15310895

They're basically centaurs but with lion instead of horse, right?

>> No.15310887

It's amazing how one simple change can completely change my opinion on a girl.

You know what would also look great? A group of silver haired Khepri, you would probably need to change the colour of their wings and clothing to match though.

>> No.15310890

Snow kiki looks so pure.

>> No.15310895

We've discussed them in the past. Why do you think there's a lion pussy meme?

You got it, chief.

>> No.15310896

Ushi Onis would be 100% monster going by this stupid metric. Not a single bit of them is human.

>> No.15310898
File: 812 KB, 1200x1363, 1416272220982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White hair and brown skin is the best combo

>> No.15310904

>Why do you think there's a lion pussy meme?
You mean the one you made up?

>> No.15310905
File: 210 KB, 1200x1064, 096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harpies are the best.

>> No.15310909

Well, she's going to lactate a lot then. Excellent.

>> No.15310911

I've very sure I didn't. Someone replied to me with ribbed referring to lion pussy. I'm not the kind of person to just make things up.

>> No.15310913
File: 522 KB, 1920x1080, vampirechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310924

I want to facefuck Vampire-chan!

>> No.15310916
Quoted by: >>15310921

Sorry, catfucker. Horsepusy is the only tauric meme around here. You're just kind of derided.

>> No.15310917
File: 186 KB, 924x634, Enemy sighted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vanilla Elves are for gentle breeding
>Dark Elves are for teasing during a chuuni BDSM session with babymaking
>Moon Elves are for kuudere ear nibbling
>Night Elves are for doggystyle booty spanking breeding of the highest carnality
>Blood Elves are for staying go

>> No.15310919

What timing anon, right now I got some crazy nausea and you're not helping.

>> No.15310921
File: 430 KB, 516x501, smugcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310937

>horsepussy isn't derision

>> No.15310924
File: 98 KB, 594x830, 1462545698144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15310936

Best faction

>> No.15310926

I'm just a nobody, please carry on

>> No.15310928

The one he made up that has been mentioned many times in the Monstergirl thread previously?

>> No.15310931

The official elven fucking committee approves of this list.

>> No.15310936

>you will never raise an army of skeleton and zombie girls to spread hugs and waaarmth to the cold men of the Empire
>you will never raise wights to educate the hoi polloi
>you will never save the world from the ravages of P'Orc raiders from the south and succubi rapebands from the north

>> No.15310937

>Implying blood elves aren't for crazy good mana junkie sex

>implying it is
You faggots have done a pretty good job of accepting it. It has its own defense force now

>> No.15310942

Couldn't you also just be a bureaucrat, lawyer, or ginger? Seeing as they already don't have souls.

>> No.15310944
Quoted by: >>15310955

>Wanting to fuck a mana junkie
They're worse than cocaine addicts

>> No.15310945

There is a single notable horseposter and he's incredibly obvious.

>> No.15310946
Quoted by: >>15310965

>You're right and wrong is entirely up to you.
I disagree
its up to the group to decide what is right and what is wrong

>> No.15310955

Hey. When in Silvermoon, under a different name and and insuring that the mana junkie can't find you again, do as the mana junkies do. It's like a vampire but instead of blood it's spirit essence.

Eeh, Try and have a serious go at horsepussy fags and see if it gets you support or opposition.

>> No.15310959

>hurr steppes
>hurr kingdom
>here have this greetext scenario
>what, you want to have fun with it?
>nah fuck off mate, you get captured and raped by an amazon centaur
>and you get captured and raped by an amazon centaur
>and you get raped, then captured, then raped again by a bandit amazon centaur
>hey aren't these greetexts fun every thread guys?

Every FUCKING time.

>> No.15310965
File: 240 KB, 1200x1920, 56379389_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's a good thing that this will never happen, though.

>> No.15310966
File: 811 KB, 1600x1825, 56858032_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310972
Quoted by: >>15310980

Lovely boots, but the heels are too high.
Wolfgirls wearing boots is my fetish.

>> No.15310973
Quoted by: >>15310999

The sad thing is I'd do something like that for a story but it's not MGE related. Mana crazed Elves the way you described are L O O D

>> No.15310976
Quoted by: >>15310999


At least you don't have to deal with the whole 'nature' crap that comes with the purple ones....although the purple ones are beasts in bed.
Specially the druids.

Still, tauren are the best to visit for a good lay.
>No group of plain dwelling minotaur and holst girls to lay with while you're out adventuring.

>> No.15310977
Quoted by: >>15311027

Your art is good, I'd like to see more of it.

>> No.15310978

I wanna coach a Wurm with an amazing voice to be an opera singer!

>> No.15310979

Those are mofu gang signs! She's signaling her fellow fluffy gangsters!

>> No.15310980
Quoted by: >>15311062

>Too high
I don't understand.

>> No.15310999

If WoW went down the line of MG rather than furry, I'd still be playing.
>Taurens are minotaurs for the physical classes
>Holstaur for the magical and shamanic
>Pandaren are Ren Xiongmao
>Worgen wolfus

I don't think the thread would really mind if you wrote about being high and alone in a seedy and smoky mana den somewhere in the thick of Silvermoon, surrounded by naked and horny blood elf sluts. After all, even though it's 90% of the thread, this isn't only the MGE thread.

>> No.15311017
Quoted by: >>15311091

Will you at least draw more tiddies here in the future?

>> No.15311027

I'll do more requests from time to time, haven't done much MG art yet.
I prefer staying anon and not posting my links

>> No.15311035
Quoted by: >>15311091

Make a separate dA/tumblr/whatever account just for monster girl art so we can't figure out who you are

>> No.15311038
Quoted by: >>15311059

That it would.
>Dwarfs go full shortstack and gnomes go full science loli
>Undead are a race of cuddlebug zombies, ghosts, whatever.
>Lichqueen keeps invading to get all the men for her own forces.
Merlocks are a race of flatfish.

>> No.15311039

I wanna lick the milk out of her moff fluff

>> No.15311040
File: 81 KB, 1320x633, 1428099113817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no elf onee-san to impregnate

>> No.15311045
Quoted by: >>15311091

You could always make an imgur album especially for monster girl stuff. That way you can keep it separate from anything else.

>> No.15311048
Quoted by: >>15311076

Would a fox girl be offended if I brought her in from a blizzard and wrapped her up in a fox fur blanket to stay warm?

>> No.15311049
File: 256 KB, 800x1000, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311066

>cosplay-tier/unfitting parts/whatever argument
I think this picture is a good example of the monster parts looking natural, but not too graphically animalistic. They aren't disproportionally big like a lot of the monstrous arms and legs in KCs art, but still obviously nonhuman and attached to the body.

>> No.15311059
Quoted by: >>15311089

I'd rather buffstack dwarves and shortstack gnomes honestly.
>Irate flatfish gargling at you interspersed with shouts of "COCK"
>You think you can handle just the one but then the entire beach and half the ocean aggros
>Raped to death by an army of flatfish and you're sent back to that ara ara spirit healer who just looks at you with an "ufufu"

>> No.15311062
Quoted by: >>15311086

You heard me. Boots are great because they're tough and rugged, but sleek and tall, following and hugging a girl's calves.
Heels that high are just a vector for breaking your ankles and giving you walking problems in the future.

>> No.15311066
Quoted by: >>15311131

This supports what I was saying perfectly though.
>Under 50%
>Furry ZR

I wish KC wasn't so hung up on his comically BIG MEATY PAWS

>> No.15311075

This is what everyone should do with their Onee-sans.

>> No.15311076


>> No.15311086

The point of ridiculously high heels is not to walk.

>> No.15311089
Quoted by: >>15311094

That would be better.
One's hard from forging, the other's soft from science.
They'd also have green shortstack competition from goblins.

>All the mad science that would ensue between the two to out do each other.

I can only fear for the integrity of my pants at the things they'd do.

>> No.15311091


Good idea, made an album

>> No.15311094
Quoted by: >>15311122

Just don't get in a party with a goblin and a gnome and if you do, stay far away from scholomance. They may find some interesting research there and it'll make their experiments and researches go in another direction

>> No.15311097
File: 76 KB, 172x206, 1463523436889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you, I look forward to seeing your album grow mystery man.

>> No.15311109
File: 76 KB, 728x944, 54696455_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch was an hour ago dude, where were you?

>> No.15311111

What monstergirls do you think would look better with brown skin instead of the one on their profiles?

>> No.15311122

>One uses her science to buff up her chest while the other focuses on her rear
>End up arguing about which is better the whole dungeon with bits so big it gives Debuffs
>Worgan hunter doesn't quite know what to do and the orc tank's getting aggressive again.
>Such is the life of a holy paladin.

>> No.15311129

Don't make me think sad things about Ran.

All of them except for the ones which should explicitly be pale, like vampires, and with nonhuman skin colours, like hellhounds, demons, liches and so on.

>> No.15311131

>This supports what I was saying perfectly though.
>Under 50%
>Furry ZR
What were you saying before? That isn't very clear from your post.

>I wish KC wasn't so hung up on his comically BIG MEATY PAWS
Yeah, they don't look very natural. For example, the profile Bapho's hooves are too big, they look like some wierd distended cosplay boots or something, but in that picture they look like they're the right scale and a theoretical human foot couldn't even fit in there.

>> No.15311141

Perfect. Looking forward to your future work, your style's cute as hell.

>> No.15311147
Quoted by: >>15311155

Manticore (Which has been done already)
Damphirs could tan very fast dues to being 50% Vampire
Vampires could tan incredibly well since sunlight doesn't kill them, and instead weakens them.

>> No.15311148
File: 343 KB, 537x758, 14569878769063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no silver haired combat kiki

>> No.15311154


>> No.15311155

They look much better with light skin

>> No.15311165


>> No.15311176

Dark elf

>> No.15311187
File: 99 KB, 240x219, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she doing?

>> No.15311195

She sees anon's dick

>> No.15311198

Being shit

>> No.15311201

Beating The Lion King for Sega Genesis.

>> No.15311204
Quoted by: >>15311228

She is probably giddy about some gift she is preparing for the boy she likes, what a nice manticore!

>> No.15311210

Being worse than the original manticore design.

>> No.15311216

You're right, that would require a lot of concentration.

>> No.15311219

It starts.

>> No.15311226

Hanging out with my cool wolfu friends rather than that dumb fox hag

>> No.15311228
Quoted by: >>15311247

proving that not all manticores are sadistic rapists. How nice of her to break the stereotype.

>> No.15311247
Quoted by: >>15311275

Only because they're sadistic rapists that doesn't mean they can't buy gifts and be nice from time to time.

>> No.15311275
Quoted by: >>15311345

This. I may be chained up in the basement all day but at least she gave me some nice chocolate.

>> No.15311294

Eating that dragon treasure cove.

>> No.15311343
File: 308 KB, 741x753, she saw your penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW wrote that greentext originally with the Dark Elf oneesan

I'm pretty sure there are people who would tell me to fuck off to /v/ or /tg/ for writing Blood or Night Elves famiglia. As fun as binding a grape faced bint to a tree with chloromancy and having the branches or vines hold her in place while I breed her sounds, it's just not for the thread. I've learned mostly from my mistakes, now all I gotta work on is to not get angry at stupid shit that either I or other people do.

>> No.15311345
Quoted by: >>15311354

She even bought you a pc from what I can see.

>> No.15311354

Yep! She is pretty nice.

>> No.15311369
File: 92 KB, 600x847, 1462773652577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we've discussed maid, milkmaids, etc.

But what about monstergirl bodyguards?

>> No.15311387
Quoted by: >>15312394

>I'm pretty sure there are people who would tell me to fuck off to /v/ or /tg/ for writing Blood or Night Elves famiglia

People have written fallout stuff before. It's no problem, really.

>> No.15311388


>> No.15311390

>now all I gotta work on is to not get angry at stupid shit that either I or other people do
Me and you both. My own stupidity pisses me off the most.
I want a silent Jinko bodyguard in a suit who only speaks when she thinks I'm hurt or something urgent comes up, then she would sound quite panicked.

>> No.15311392
Quoted by: >>15311410

Demons would be amazing at that.

>> No.15311394

That shit eating grin the kid has, he knows he is in heaven and I'm not. Fuck you shota, your kind is always ruining my happiness.

>> No.15311397
File: 362 KB, 1400x1536, kiki snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311454

I'd probably a bratty little shit and always try to provoke my kiki bodyguard/maid if i was under their protection

>> No.15311410

>Demon bodyguard
>her contract naturally doubles as a marriage contract as well

>> No.15311421

>Silver Dragon who has neck mofu instead of that weird draconic beard being your bodyguard
>She's been with your family for six generations now, swearing a life oath of fealty so long as each generation gives her a child to go out into the world
>You're getting hit on by a Succubus at the bar who despite her size can't hear the dragon approaching
>Silver scaled hands clamp onto her shoulder, a sultry Auld English voice stating matter of factly
"Thou wouldst be wiser to remove thineself from my master's presence. It would pain him so to see you wake the dragon and the winds of Cocytus."
>Succubus just arches an eyebrow at the Auld English before calling her a BBA
>You end up having to pay for the damages when a Succu-popsicle is left sitting in the stool, your guardian princess carrying you from the 'Den of Charlatans and Inequity'

>> No.15311436
Quoted by: >>15311473

>swearing a life oath of fealty so long as each generation gives her a child to go out into the world
Soiled it. Only a certain faggot would have taste this shit.

>> No.15311446

>Wanting your dad's sloppy seconds
>Wanting your granddad's sloppy thirds

>> No.15311454

That's how you get forceful morning wakeup french kisses and blowjobs .

>> No.15311471

>implying this isn't what was wanted
>implying i haven't been trying to get to to break and rape me

>> No.15311473

>Only a certain faggot

>> No.15311482

Shoggocks' MILF fetish.

>> No.15311489
File: 254 KB, 650x742, kiki degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd think that she'd just threaten me to stop in that heavy, unidentifiable accent of hers. At least until the parents leave then the tender femdom happens

>> No.15311492

Generally people don't want to be in a relationship with someone who has had sexual relations with a good portion of their male family members

>> No.15311504

You wouldn't actually a mantis girl right?
I mean, it's a bug

>> No.15311519
File: 474 KB, 1104x1619, mantis jensen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311551

Of course not, all bugs repulse me

>> No.15311524

>A bad thing
I can see why the guy erred with the greentext but come on, not everybody is on Shoggy's level of shit

>> No.15311525

I'd bully her.

>> No.15311538

>Shit fetish
Yet that MILF/GILF fox doujin sure seemed popular and rightfully so, it was great.

>> No.15311546

Milfs are bad, unless you are the one who made her into a milf in the first place

>> No.15311551

She may not have asked for that but she's going to be asking for more once I start ruffling her hair.

>> No.15311561

It is a bug, but at least she isn't a devil bug or a beelzebub.

>> No.15311562
Quoted by: >>15311587

>Wanting generations worth of used goods

>> No.15311563
File: 577 KB, 840x947, 1456105375904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311588

Damn, caught me red handed, Anon. No what kind of punishment can I expect?

>> No.15311566
Quoted by: >>15311578

In fact I fapped to mantises just last night.

>> No.15311578
Quoted by: >>15311594

The thick thighed, bottom heavy ones correct?

>> No.15311587

Hey I'm not defending that generations worth of dragon slutting but there's nothing wrong with making a lonely widowed MILF happy.

>> No.15311588
Quoted by: >>15311624

>A busty Cyclops from your school will never sneak into your room while you're out, strip down, and tie herself to your bed.
>She'll go into great detail about how "horrible it would be if someone were to ravage my slutty body while I'm in this helpless state" when you walk into the room.
>You'll never indulge her obvious fetish.
Damn it, why are masochistic girls so good?

>> No.15311591

MILFs are only good if you made her a MILF, otherwise:

>NTR if the husband is alive
>husband may be dead, not technically NTR but since I don't want my wife to do the same if something happened to me, I won't fuck her
>if you get with her you will have to raise a kid that isn't yours

>> No.15311594
Quoted by: >>15311602

Just mantises in general.

>> No.15311596

That'll I'll agree on.
It's the whole 'every generation' thing that gets me.

>> No.15311597
File: 135 KB, 877x654, 5603828_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have a yan who doesn't want to hurt you, or does that just roll over into pure love?

>> No.15311602
File: 64 KB, 672x409, mantidfly-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311612

Even mantis wasps?

>> No.15311603
Quoted by: >>15311618

Can we agree that Christmas Cakes are better in every way though?

>> No.15311605

>Is it possible to have a yan who doesn't want to hurt you
All of them?

>> No.15311610

Most yans don't want to hurt you.
It's other people's safety you have to worry about.

>> No.15311612

But that's a wasp mantis.

>> No.15311613

The best way to get around all that bullshit is to have her daughter be around the same age as you. Now you can fuck them both and have a mother-daughter threesome.

>> No.15311614
Quoted by: >>15311619

Yes. Most of them just want to hurt the people that try to hurt you or steal you away.

>> No.15311616
Quoted by: >>15311632

The whole past husband thing just all 'round sucks.
>She will always have a place in her heart for a man that isn't you
I hate sharing. If I was okay with sharing I'd be in an open relationship. I'm not going to give you my whole heart and expect anything less in return.

>> No.15311618
Quoted by: >>15311642


[Your waifu as a MILF] > Cakes > Young monstergirls > Lolis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other MILFs

>> No.15311619
Quoted by: >>15311629

Meaning anybody who looks at you.

>> No.15311624
File: 173 KB, 600x800, 1461539534139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311633

I'm serious Anon, I'm a slut for punishment. Break my heart, fuck my shit up. Give it all to me so I can stop being a shit tier fetish fag.

>> No.15311626

Yandere are the ones who love you and want you to look only at them.

Yangire are the ones who will resort to murder

>> No.15311627
File: 178 KB, 970x953, 56854109_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311653

>> No.15311629
Quoted by: >>15311728

>Yans are unable to determine threat level
Plz. You never notice the ones that are good at it because everything they do seems like a coincidence.

>> No.15311632
Quoted by: >>15311638

That's why you don't fucking touch them, just go for a single monstergirl.

>> No.15311633

I'm pretty sure /trash/ is where the ERP threads go anon.

>> No.15311638
Quoted by: >>15311697

Yeah there's a reason damaged goods is a thing.

>> No.15311640
Quoted by: >>15311742

Telling that he is shit and should go there is what he wants.

>> No.15311642

>You'll never be seduced by the Christmas Cake Apophis principal only to learn that she has no idea what she's doing in bed because she's a virgin.
>You'll never make her scream your name as you teach her pleasure.

>> No.15311652

I want to eat pancakes made by the hellhound delinquent

>> No.15311653

Gonna molest that tail

>> No.15311659

Cooked on her abs?

>> No.15311662

But they'd be all lumpy and charred!

>> No.15311668

I want to cook pancakes with bacon bits in them with a Hellhound and see her reaction when she eats them!

>> No.15311673
Quoted by: >>15313644

>He wouldn't eat them any way, tell her that they are just barely edible, and promise to help her cooking improve

>> No.15311682

I want to hire a Yuki-Onna to live in my home and climate control it.

>> No.15311697

>not wanting to make a MILF monster cry and apologize to her dead husband for coming with your young dick

>> No.15311707

>She moans his name while basking in the pleasure of your dick


>> No.15311717

>Not respecting other men's wives
You don't deserve your own to begin with.

>> No.15311721

>He wants his girl thinking so hard about another man while he fucks her that she actively feels guilt during the act.
>Wanting her orgasm to forever be associated with guilt and her ex husband
What's it like being a standin for the memory of another man, cuck?

>> No.15311726

Fuck off.

>> No.15311728

What if I bullied my yanwaifu by acting really suspicious so I could see her beautiful murderface?

>> No.15311729

That's fucked up

>> No.15311733

Go back to your NTR hentai

>> No.15311734

I'd rather she didn't mention him at all and just acted like a seductive MILF.
>"Ufufu it's been quite some time since I've felt this good"
>"Goodness knows why you chose me but I'm glad"
>"Now come on young man, thrust faster"
Leg locking not optional, it's mandatory.

>> No.15311736

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15311742

I was just joking but eh. I doubt there's anything I can do to change people's minds outside of leaving this place once and for all.

>> No.15311747

I'm trying to figure out what the fuck you just said.

>> No.15311751

>>Goodness knows why you chose me
>liking girls with low self-esteem
Pls no.

>> No.15311752

But she'll be thinking about him.
>Not wanting a seductive milf that does and says all that
>And after you'd driven her to a sloppy, ecstatic mess, and she's still in the haze of post-climax she slips up and utters
>"I had no Idea it could feel that good."

>> No.15311753
Quoted by: >>15311911

Think about all the monster gils that will be sad if you leave.

>> No.15311758

>"I had no Idea it could feel that good."
This is NTR tier dialogue already, cut it off.

>> No.15311759
Quoted by: >>15311768

I like you. Cakes discovering love is wonderful.

>> No.15311762

Anon, your daughteru has just burst into the room and claimed it is happening.
How do you handle this situation?

>> No.15311763
Quoted by: >>15311981

You don't need to leave. I've got a feeling you're responsible for some of the better in thread greentexts and people just don't realise it half the time but you need to learn to not respond to some people since it never ends well for either side.
It's less self-esteem issues and more teasing for going for an older woman.

>> No.15311764

Only one thing to do then.
Fuck her some more in the mating press until she's an ahegaoing wreck.
Christmas Cakes are 100% for lewd shit like that.

>> No.15311768


>> No.15311769

See, now you're projecting and clutching for straws. The OBVIOUS implication is that she hadn't had sex before.

>> No.15311771
Quoted by: >>15311791

I think you missed the point anon.
She's actually a virgin Christmas Cake that was pretending to be a MILF.

>"You finally kissed your childhood friend? Took you long enough!"

>> No.15311774
Quoted by: >>15311791

/pol/ here, I celebrate.

>> No.15311779
Quoted by: >>15311791

Have sex with waifu in front of her?

>> No.15311780

Reminder the afterlife is canon and you're fucking a wife whose man is waiting for her there, which is NTR.

Fucking digusting, all of you

>> No.15311784
Quoted by: >>15311791

Tell her she shouldn't take zipanguese message boards so seriously, even if the tanukis do control everything.

>> No.15311786 [SPOILER] 
File: 797 KB, 844x475, 1464549452177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only natural that you fell for me.
>We belong together, after all.
>We are perfect for each other.
>Destined for each other.

>> No.15311787
File: 428 KB, 990x1400, 56702855_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes with tiny tails are for

>> No.15311790
Quoted by: >>15311796

What if he's been snatched away and mindbroken by a Will-o'-the-Wisp?

>> No.15311791

Your daughteru blushes, does a 180, and runs away.

She joins you

Your poor daughteru is overloaded and passes out.

B-But it's happening!
For real this time!

>> No.15311792


>> No.15311796

Either she takes him back or bigamy ending.

>> No.15311804
Quoted by: >>15311810

It's always happening. Why is this happening any different?

>> No.15311810
Quoted by: >>15311814

Well, how often is it revealed that all the ruling class are reptilian?

THAT is how you know it's really happening.

>> No.15311812

>tails smaller than ears
I'd still nuzzle them, but I'd feel bad for her.

>> No.15311814
Quoted by: >>15311828

So a few dragons rule the country. So what?

>> No.15311828

But its more than that.

Theres lizardwomen and salamanders inovled

Lizardwomen! How do you think they got in those positions?

>> No.15311831
Quoted by: >>15311897

I can never keep track, which happening is it this time?

>> No.15311830

Find a creative way to tie her up, call my waifu in for some cuddles, and get comfy.
Happenings are always comfy.

>> No.15311833

>That fat ass
>Those fat tits
>Those tiny ass tails.
I suppose I could just ask a Lich for a potion to help her with her inadequacy.
Then I'll use them as handlebars as a plow her ass.

>> No.15311835
Quoted by: >>15311897

If she passes out that means I just have to sex my waifu hard enough that she hears her moans everytime and gets used to it.

>> No.15311838
Quoted by: >>15311897

They were elected?

>> No.15311840

What if he's a piece of shit who deserves it?

>> No.15311843

>Trying to find a post I made around a month or two back describing a certain scenario as a reference
>Search through Warosu, using every goddamn phrase, word, and homonym I can remember in that post
>Fucking nothing

I'm not sure if I'm going batshit crazy, and I just imagined making the post, or if Warosu is just even more shit that I already know it is.

>> No.15311846
Quoted by: >>15311860

You've gone meta, KDF.

>> No.15311848
Quoted by: >>15311855

That happens 0.001% of the times

>> No.15311855

I find that hard to believe, your percentage is too low.

>> No.15311860
Quoted by: >>15311866

Good to know you're still around Mr. Stalker-kun.

>> No.15311865

Isn't that Eros' job?

>> No.15311866

>Man married to a MG doesn't straighten out

Not him, but you're pretty blatant in your deviancy.

>> No.15311871
Quoted by: >>15311879

He was cheating on her the entire time, and then immediately dumped her when she got pregnant.

>> No.15311878

Well yeah, but still.

>> No.15311879

>What is cupid
Hahahaha no. Enjoy your magic brainwashing arrows.

>> No.15311887
Quoted by: >>15311914

You know that they have black arrows too.

>> No.15311895

I want a Cupid to shoot me with her "special arrow".
You know, the one with all her feelings in it.

>> No.15311897
Quoted by: >>15311940

Oh kobold daughterufag

The lizards have been revealed to rule the world!
It's happening! Society is going to collapse!

Oh my, that's pretty lewd.

Yeah, by the ruling class!
You act like it's a real democracy!

>> No.15311911

Maybe one Mindflayer.

>> No.15311914

". A man shot by an arrow of lead will seek the boundless passionate love directed towards him by a monster and gleefully accept it. The power of love induced by them in particular is the greatest of any of the goddess' servants. There are even anecdotes told of them causing gods to fall in love with humans. Due to this, they often target those who have been tragically denied love by a cruel fate and who couldn't be easily joined together just by slightly fanning the flames of love."

None of their arrows work to split a couple up. The black arrow will only make the man jelly before his waifu's love. Even if he was cheating on her, he'll crawl back and beg.

I do wonder what becomes of the other slut though. It's a bit unfair to be forced to share your man simply because his whore has feelings for him, even after you go to the trouble of having him fixed.

>> No.15311918

>Lizardwomen! How do you think they got in those positions?
Their thick asses and big, droopy titties made humanboys vote for them?

>> No.15311923
Quoted by: >>15311928

I want to get a pair of Kikimora twins pregnant with twins of their own.
They'd be genetic quadruplets.

>> No.15311928
Quoted by: >>15311937

That's not how genetics work.

>> No.15311931

Is it just me or is iqdb down/broken for anybody else?

>> No.15311937

If the original Kikis are identical then yes it is.

>> No.15311938
File: 119 KB, 497x547, lil nuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it, they're taking all the positions from the hardworking tanukis!

>> No.15311940

The daughteru will learn with me. When she grows up we will have competitions of who moans louder: her mom or the fuckboi prince she stole.

>> No.15311941
Quoted by: >>15311949

And how do you think they got those titties and asses, hmmm?

>> No.15311949
Quoted by: >>15312014


>> No.15311955
Quoted by: >>15311986

No! Not the tanukis!

>> No.15311958
File: 586 KB, 920x713, 37330434_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15311962

>> No.15311962

where is her leaf? shes missing her leaf.

>> No.15311981
File: 198 KB, 850x1198, YOU SLAPPED THE BOOTY AT 90 MPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be right, you may be wrong but greentext is still no substitute for actual stories or any other kind of OC so instead of being a mopey bitch have some swiggity swoogity monkey booty.

>> No.15311986
File: 1.37 MB, 1219x1354, drunk tanuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, vote for your local tanuki, boyim, to, uh, prevent the lizard girls from taking over. They say they're going to outlaw mofu sniffing!

>> No.15311993

Speaking of Tanuki, did anyone do anything with that Desert Tanuki idea from a while ago?

>> No.15312004

>Desert Tanuki
What is that?

>> No.15312008
File: 335 KB, 611x800, 712041475f8c3a80e604d4e43858bff9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312019

No! I refuse to let the gubmint take away my mofu!

>> No.15312014

No, the liches are there to keep them alive for their rules.
It's the cows that are getting them that size!

>> No.15312015
Quoted by: >>15312079

I want to eat out a drunk Tanuki and then masturbate with her feet!

>> No.15312018

Delicious brown Shortstacks who are more "Fast talking merchants" than "Con artists".
They'll sell you all sorts of useful junk, and nothing turns them on more than a good session of haggling.
If you have something one of them wants, she might try to buy it from you with her hand in marriage. She'll even present the part of her body she thinks is sexiest to try and convince you.

>> No.15312019

If they want to take my mofu, they can take it from my cold dead hands!

>> No.15312025
Quoted by: >>15312034

The Jawa Tanuki? Shortstacks wearing bulky robes with nothing under them. Always on the quest for getting more scrap and robots?

>> No.15312027
File: 83 KB, 772x546, CjYSmlPUoAAVZBo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you agree?

>> No.15312032

That'd be pretty cute. If you want brown 'Nooks, Harblador said he'd do a story with the Grand Vizier from a previous story.

>> No.15312034

That's the one.
Except you know, replace the robots with Golems.

>> No.15312037

Is this an example of monstergirls using polymorphing to their advantage?

>> No.15312038

No, right is too fuzzy for me.

>> No.15312039

If I wanted to fuck someone completely covered in hair, I'd go down to the local YMCA.

>> No.15312041

I prefer KC style Monster Girls. They're just monsterous enough.

>> No.15312044

Left is better because it looks more like cosplay.

>> No.15312045

Dire Wolf mode engaged!

>> No.15312053

I like the fluffy upper arm and the fluffy above-the-knees-but-not-too-high but I don't like furtits. I don't want to hack up furbals when I suck and lick and bite some tits. Sae is to be said of the fur around her hips.

>> No.15312054

>covering up the good bits with fur

>> No.15312059

Too fuzzy around the crotch and titties, those places are for smooth skin.

>> No.15312060

Both are fine

>> No.15312062

The one on the right looks far more appealing to me, it actually looks like someone put some thought into how to incorporate the monster parts into the design rather than pasting a few similar bits on and hoping for the best.

>> No.15312068

Even animals don't have hair on their tits like that. Replacing clothes with hair in the same spots is asinine. If you wanted to add more hair, the likely places would be the ones he left bare like the shoulders, upper chest, thighs and stomach.

Both are impossible but left is actually more realistic than right.

>> No.15312076

I think right does a better job of being more monster girl but I don't want fur tits

>> No.15312077

>Only difference is they turned the clothes into fur
>More thought into incorporating monster parts
Are you high, anon?

>> No.15312079
File: 347 KB, 1000x1000, bullied kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll cost you anon

what if they sell you junk that's just junk? how would you get a refund?

>> No.15312083

The arms and legs look a little better on the right, but the right's middle bits are retarded. Closet furfag-tier almost.

>> No.15312086
File: 105 KB, 500x910, 42841772_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312103

>> No.15312088
Quoted by: >>15312104

>what if they sell you junk that's just junk?
Caveat emptor

>> No.15312090
Quoted by: >>15312107

That's a very tiny Kiki, no wonder the poor girl gets bullied.

>> No.15312094
Quoted by: >>15312112

>it actually looks like someone put some thought into how to incorporate the monster parts into the design rather than pasting a few similar bits on and hoping for the best.
Literally all he did was draw left in a shittier way, and draw fur where left's underwear was. There is no difference here. Fuck me.

>> No.15312095

Better arms, leg and ears on the right. The fur-covered crotch and tiddies are not for me tho. Guess that makes me cosplay-tier loving scum.

>> No.15312096

Found the furry.

>> No.15312101

Scrap is very useful. Plus you might find some treasures, like enchanted items or rare tomes.
And if you have something a Desert Tanuki wants she'll really go in trying to buy it from you.
Resist and haggle enough and she might fall for you and start offering her body. If you resist that, she'll offer her hand in marriage.
Of course, if you take the offer you're going to have to impregnate her to seal the deal.

>> No.15312103

I summoned you! You have to do what I say!

>> No.15312104
File: 102 KB, 500x389, anon refuses the deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312134

I'm gonna force her to give me a refund! No one scams me and gets away with it!

>> No.15312107
Quoted by: >>15312118

She's a loli and perspectives, anon.

>> No.15312112

>Literally all he did was draw left in a shittier way
Left is awful though, the fur on the arms just ends rather than looking attached to the arm and since you can't distinguish any kind of gap between the paws and arm fur that means she's probably wearing gloves. Do you actually like monster girls or just humans in monster girl outfits?

>> No.15312118

Still, her father has some GIANT feet.

>> No.15312119
Quoted by: >>15312144

>the fur on the arms just ends rather than looking attached to the arm and since you can't distinguish any kind of gap between the paws and arm fur that means she's probably wearing gloves
That's the fucking point.

>> No.15312130


>> No.15312134

Desert Tanukis don't scam people anon, that's what normal Tanukis do.
The quality of a Desert Tanuki's wares is guaranteed or your money back.
And maybe a bit of your stress relieved if you're up to it.

>> No.15312141

Keep the bikini top on right and we have a deal. I like my Wolfus like I like my beards. Bushy and hot.

>> No.15312144

Going to assume I'm being baited at this point. Then again this is the thread which claims to love monster girls yet spends the entire time circle jerking over elves and girls with fox tail buttplugs rather than discussing anything on topic.

>> No.15312150
File: 630 KB, 1280x1024, 1464361873903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15312158


And is that an MGE Kejourou, or a regular Kejourou?

>> No.15312159

>the only things that should be considered monster girls are the narrow subset of my personal preference
Cry some more.

>> No.15312163

I like everything about the right more, save for the fuzzy boobs. Fur around the boobs, or tufts between the cleavage is fine and lovely, but actually on them, covering the nipples, not so much.
Love the way the fur curls upwards on her arms, too. And her fuzzy crotch area.

>> No.15312166
Quoted by: >>15312183

Which girl gives the best paizuri?

>> No.15312167
Quoted by: >>15312206

>waaaah talk about my furry garbage instead of monster girls
fuck you.

>> No.15312176
Quoted by: >>15312208

>Find a beaten up proton accelerator. Holy shit it's still working.
>Make your way home with your trusty robot sidekick.
>Hear a rumbling in the distance.
>A large Sand Crawler is accelerating towards you.
>Oh no.
>It screeches to a halt right next to you.
>The door slams down and hundreds of little creatures with bushy tails and wearing bulky robes pour out.
>Quickly surround you, forcing you to wade through a sea of haggling.
>Hold onto your accelerator for your dear life.
>When you tell them you're going to get a better price in town the flirting begins.
>One lifts up her robe, revealing a pair of breasts far too large for her little body.
>Some present themselves, tails swishing back and forth, better offers fly out, but you know how much this thing could be worth.
>Rejecting their offers only seems to make them more aroused, some wet and dripping and you deftly counter their haggling.
>Marriage proposals are thrown at you, some you think have completely forgotten about the accelerator, they just want to put a ring on you before the others and lay claim to you as a husband.
>By the time you reach the outskirts of the town, they become desperate enough to offer themselves as harems.
>Finally reach the city.
>All the stores are closed for the night, since it took you so long to get their with Sand Tanukis hindering your progress.
>They're still waiting on the outskirts, campfires burning, playing the waiting game.

>> No.15312180

artist is buck-satan on tumblr iirc. she's been doing some mge stuff recently.

oh great it's this guy again. why not shit up the thread some more by complaining about muh posting standards, why don't you

>> No.15312182



Toxic http://buck-satan.tumblr.com/

>Is that an MGE Kejourou or a regular one?

It's the artist OC but it'd guess that it's based off the MGE version.

>> No.15312183

Your waifu.

>> No.15312184
File: 49 KB, 300x320, 1459645809689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15312198

>c-cosplay tier
Fucking kill yourself. Monster girls are girls with a slight monstrous touch. Deal with it.

>> No.15312199
Quoted by: >>15312246

I wonder if a Kejouru himedere would bully me as much as normal himedere

>> No.15312206

It's not even about the fur, it's about a monster girl thread being so adverse to actual monster girls that the most popular girls are the ones closest to human as possible.

I never used to buy into the whole demographic change thing but it's been very noticeable over the last few months. Lamias aren't nearly as popular as they used to be, neither are Harpies or anything remotely monstrous, it's all borderline humans that can be called monsters on the technicality of slightly different coloured skin or longer ears.
Would it really kill to have some variety?

>> No.15312208
Quoted by: >>15312248

You realize that marrying a Desert Tanuki means that you're not only her husband, you're her business partner right?
A Harem of Desert Tanuki would become a trade juggernaut that could even put normal Tanukis out of business.
Not to mention all the Tanuki ass to do with whatever you please.

>> No.15312214

>Lamias aren't nearly as popular as they used to be
What the fuck are you talking about anon? I'm pretty sure Apophis is still one of the more popular girls.

>> No.15312215

the selecton bias is strong with this one

>> No.15312225

>or anything remotely monstrous, it's all borderline humans that can be called monsters on the technicality of slightly different coloured skin or longer ears.
Shit, I guess


And more are just cosplay girls. Wrap it up guys.

>> No.15312232

This is too out of touch to be serious, this has to be bait.

>> No.15312233
File: 16 KB, 270x350, 1463040026688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...so your problem is elves?

>> No.15312237

Who DOESN'T have a problem with Elves?

>> No.15312238
File: 118 KB, 566x800, 1446145422138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312356

It's time.

>> No.15312240

If you don't like it, why don't you just leave?

>that the most popular girls are the ones closest to human as possible
And what's wrong with that?

>> No.15312243

He is angry!

>> No.15312244 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 439x290, 1464201786893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's for other reasons though.
Yes I'll delete this.

>> No.15312246


I'd say it's likely.

>> No.15312247 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 678x960, 1464554559939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312291

Wait a second, white hair, red eyes.

>This taste, it's of a Lilim!
>Sappin' my dick!

That Kiki's a Lilim! There's a Lilim creepin' around here! Lilim around here! Hey boys, it's a Lilim!

>> No.15312248
Quoted by: >>15312268

The interiors of their Sand Crawlers are quite comfy. They even have air conditioning. Plenty of pillows to rest on.

>> No.15312249

>that the most popular girls are the ones closest to human as possible
Name one community where this isn't the case short of furaffinity
Hell, this is the case in-universe in MGE too

>> No.15312258
Quoted by: >>15312282

>I'm the only one who knows better
>everyone else is wrong
If you want to discuss "monstrous" girls, there are places for that, like /d/.

>> No.15312268

Sex with a Desert Tanuki harem would probably be slow and sensual too.
Just imagine being laid down onto a bed of comfortable pillows as one of them strips off her robe and slowly lowers herself down until she's taken you down to the hilt.
Then she starts gyrating her hips while the others crawl up beside you and start whispering lewd things into your ears or masturbating in anticipation of their turn.
Desert Tanukis are fast talkers and quick thinkers. In the bedroom this translates to them being great dirty talkers.

>> No.15312282

Apophis is the only one on that list I'd call popular and she's the exception when it comes to Lamias getting attention due to her personality. Jabberwock would barely even get on the radar if it wasn't for all the art being commissioned by one guy.

Jabberwock is probably hated just as much as they're liked if not more.
Are spider girls /d/ now? Slimes? Alraunes?

>> No.15312286


>> No.15312287
Quoted by: >>15312312

>Jabberwock is probably hated just as much as they're liked if not more.
Manticore even. Shit I should just go play video games or something.

>> No.15312290

>Are spider girls /d/ now? Slimes? Alraunes?
They've always been.

>> No.15312291

One of these days I'm going to write that story about an ultradimensional girl using a puppet to husbando a human boy, like we waifu 2d girls.

>> No.15312296

>Are spider girls /d/ now? Slimes? Alraunes?
Hey if you wanna talk about them, then all power to you. There's literally no one stopping you. Least they're not furtits.

>> No.15312312

I'm pretty sure that's backlash due to meme status.

>> No.15312321
File: 662 KB, 950x1050, 44037913_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15312329
Quoted by: >>15312337

Before was better.

>> No.15312330
Quoted by: >>15312348

>Jabberwock is probably hated just as much as they're liked if not more.
You aren't a regular here are you.

>> No.15312335

>before and after have literally nothing in common
It seems kinda stupid when they might as well be completely unrelated people.

>> No.15312337

I feel this way about most succubus transformations.

>> No.15312347
File: 143 KB, 421x514, dumbubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312461

I wish cute nerdy girls would make cute nerdy succubutts instead of turning into unattractive sluts.

>> No.15312348
Quoted by: >>15312388

Read the post after, I fucked up and said Jabberwock twice when I meant to say Manticore.

>> No.15312356

Mercer-chan please calm down let's not create a third pandemic alright?

>> No.15312362
File: 381 KB, 991x1200, Houri_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15312368

What if, /ss/ with a houri.

>> No.15312368
Quoted by: >>15312380

>implying little boys have done enough great deeds for a Houri
They're a reward for men, anon.

>> No.15312380
Quoted by: >>15312390

But reincarnation.

>> No.15312388
Quoted by: >>15312403

You haven't been here very long if you think people hate Manticores because they're "too monstrous"

>> No.15312390
Quoted by: >>15312418

There's no reincarnation in MGE, but an afterlife

>> No.15312394

That doesn't change the fact that /v/ stories really have no place on here.

>> No.15312398
Quoted by: >>15312414

There shouldn't be much of a physical or phychological transformation at all. I think new Succubuses should just become supremely lustful and gain an eye for seduction. Not everybody wants bikini titty monsters, after all. I'd love to see a sports girl Succubus who knew exactly how to use her strong, lithe thighs to seduce her victims.

>> No.15312403

Never said that was the case, just that I wouldn't call them popular.

>> No.15312404

I want to bring my wife to visit my parents for dinner only for them to flip out over the fact that my wife is the CEO of the bank that holds their mortgage.
She'll pay off the remaining balance right then and there as a dowry.

>> No.15312410
Quoted by: >>15312443


Another Kejourou picture from Toxic that was made before the other one I just posted in the thread. i dunno if it was shared before.

Also the guy is someone elses OC

>> No.15312414

Don't all demon class monsters have minor shapeshifting?

>> No.15312418

Both exist. KC intends to go into them when he gets around to the world guide on the MGE's gods

>> No.15312437

Did the monster girls always care about finding husbands since the new demon lord took over, or did they only gain that aspect after the demon lord found her husband? Like, it would make sense if they were all just sluts before.

>> No.15312443


>> No.15312453

it's in their new instincts. So they've always had it since the new DL took over.

>> No.15312456

Before the new demon lord monster girls were straight-up monsters.
i.e. trying to kill you.

>> No.15312461
Quoted by: >>15312492

What of a beautiful vain woman were to become a Nerdcubuss?

>> No.15312462
Quoted by: >>15312480

There were no monstergirls before the new demon lord. There were just some monsters who happened to be girls, like female elves. And they would marry the males of their species.

Most monsters loved nothing more than to kill and eat humans pre-mass-alpification.

>> No.15312471
Quoted by: >>15312481

I wonder how awkward was for heroes when the current monster lord took over while they were in the middle of a fight with their monster nemesis, the sworm rival/villan of their respective adventures.

>> No.15312480
Quoted by: >>15312485

I'm not talking about any period before the new demon lord. I am only talking about the period between the new demon lord and her getting married.

>> No.15312481

No fun logic indicates that the monsters probably would have pulled a strategic retreat to get their bearings, why am I so horny right now and all that.

Then come back to raid and rape, but without raid and more rape.

>> No.15312482


The exception being Zipangu, where monsters lived close by humans but they live more closely to them now thanks to the demon lord.

>> No.15312485
Quoted by: >>15312496

The new DL got married to the hero the moment of her coronation.

>> No.15312492

>Vain slender Ojou-sama becomes a succubus.
>It turns out that she was binding her breasts, and using makeup to hide her freckles.
>Becoming a succubus causes her real appearance to shine through, meaning she can't hide her freckles, and her breasts are too big to bind now.
>Also she's nearsighted and had been using contacts to hide that.
>She's actually a closet nerd and now it's all out in the open.
Would you fuck her? I'd fuck her.

>> No.15312494
File: 113 KB, 518x800, 1464394963072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Monster Girl besides Dark Elf would be the best with whips?

>> No.15312496

Sort of this. The DL made monster girls as part of the new cycle as ordained by the CG. CG was like "That's weird but whatever. Go kill the fuck out of her chosen one." Then chosen one became Traitor-Prime and helped the DL ascend to godhood.

>> No.15312502
Quoted by: >>15312529


>> No.15312506
Quoted by: >>15312524

Ah, the first traitor, the man I have as my inspiration.

>> No.15312508
Quoted by: >>15312529

Sure after we start dating of course and we hit it off well, but what's her personality now like and what are her likes?

>> No.15312514
Quoted by: >>15312770

Last I heard she is still trying to go full god, you could say that DL is like a demi-god right now and CG is low power god so kind of stalemate.

That said it's been fucking ages since I gave half a fuck about the full setting so I might have to re-read the full wiki

>> No.15312524

He truly is, I would love to go get some beers with the guy, shame apparently he is fucking 24/7 for the good of us all.

>> No.15312525

Ilassa. I bet she knows how to disrobe a Paladin with her tail alone.

>> No.15312529
Quoted by: >>15312580

Well now I'm imagining an Anubis discovering a like of BDSM and binding up her "favorite slave"
Stop it boner.

She's a bit shy and on edge now. She was a bit of a bitch before becoming a succubus, but now she can't hide her nerdy nature. She also enjoys games, anime and movies and has a secret room where she keeps her collection and a big screen for viewing/playing on.
She's also got a huge closet full of cosplays that she's fantasized about having sex in.

>> No.15312534
Quoted by: >>15312545

ELH please.

>> No.15312536
Quoted by: >>15312545

>A submissive Lilim who wants to be raped
She doesn't deserve a whip

>> No.15312545

I'm not ELH.

I'm pretty sure she's a power switch.

>> No.15312549

Provided she doesn't have shit taste, I'd consider it.

>> No.15312552
Quoted by: >>15312562

Switches don't deserve whips

>> No.15312553

You are taking the blame anyway.

>> No.15312562
Quoted by: >>15312587

Yeah and you don't deserve your waifu with that kind of no-fun attitdue. It's like you can't even imagine a kind of whipping duel between a corseted Lilim in the mood and Indiana Jones trying to disrobe each other!

>> No.15312580

Definitely sounds like she could get along well with me, I think she just needs someone to show her that being her true self is alright and is willing to hang out with her to share in her passions. I'd definitely date her as I want to tell her that I like her true self and that he's a cutie who I enjoy hang out with, because her natural beauty and personality are aspects of her that I hope she can come to love just as much as I do. I want t see her comfortable, happy, and smiling; weather it's a night of passionate sex or watching anime together enjoying one another doing the things we love as she smiles the brightest smile of all time.

>> No.15312587
Quoted by: >>15312593

But my waifu is dominant and I'm submissive. How does that mean I don't deserve her if she'd agree?

>> No.15312593

Because shut up Odie.

>> No.15312597

Your Oni has gone into a berserker rage, what do you do?
The answer is whip out your dick.

>> No.15312601

did they dead?

>> No.15312611
Quoted by: >>15312626

>Threat detected
Did they update the site or is there some funny buisiness going on here? Don't usually get that with pomf.

>> No.15312617

Attack the nipples for MASSIVE AROUSAL

>> No.15312626

No issues here. Works for me™

>> No.15312661

Oh man, this is really freaking bugging me now. I've had 50 tabs open in Warosu, searching for a post I'm sure I made and got replies to, but even using single common words in the search, I can't find it at all.

Hey, Anonlich, do you remember a relatively recent post I made detailing a fantasy of seeing an anubis on a spaceship observation deck, dressed in lingerie, drifting up into the air as she shuts off the gravity in the room? I feel like I can't have made it more than two months ago.

>> No.15312663

>The answer is whip out your dick.
Just crush my pelvis into dust why don't you.

>> No.15312673

That looks so fucking terrible.

>> No.15312680
Quoted by: >>15312685

If it got replies, why not search (you)?

>> No.15312685
Quoted by: >>15312793

In the Warosu archive? Well, that won't work for obvious reasons.

>> No.15312710

>Girl is kicking absolute ass
>See that some enemies are coming in from her side
>Don't trust that she's already got this
>Don't even yell to warn her in case she doesn't already know they're there
>Just fucking jump in the middle of it so you get fucked up and possibly cause her to lose the entire battle because you ruined her focus
Fuck you too Japan this shit is annoying as fuck.

>> No.15312752

Anons help! I was raped by 33 monster girls and I don't think I have legs anymore.

>> No.15312762
Quoted by: >>15312799


>> No.15312770

She's full god, and more powerful than most of the lesser gods. She's just not powerful enough to overthrow the top god.

>> No.15312780
Quoted by: >>15312799

Gotta lay off the pixie dust my good Anon.

>> No.15312781
Quoted by: >>15312807

Probably made in one of those threads that didn't get archived. But you've retyped that scenario like three times at this point, so I don't get the problem with you doing it again.

>> No.15312784
Quoted by: >>15312799

>33 monsters

...in a row?`

>> No.15312786 [DELETED] 

Gotta love anime. Strong female characters are only allowed to be strong enough to be saved by a uselessly shitty male protagonist so they can fall in loooove, discard their training and life's calling, and become perfectly shy, submissive/tsundere annoying waifus.

>> No.15312793

Well, I never went to the Warosu archive, so I did not know that.

>> No.15312799
Quoted by: >>15312808

Yes. They put me to sleep using some drug and when I woke up, all I could see was their hungry eyes and dripping vaginas.

They forced me to do it! It wasn't my fault.

>> No.15312802 [DELETED] 

Submissiveness should stay in the bed room, If I made a action story women would start and end as strong as the males, both physically and emotionaly

>> No.15312803 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15312825

This triggers me, like rip and tear levels of triggering.

>> No.15312807

True, it's no big loss. The scene in my head is refined and clear as crystal at this point.
But even if a thread is deleted, it should still go up on the Warosu archive, right?

>> No.15312808

Ah, I'm just fuckin' with you man. Get some ice and take a day. Or a week.

>> No.15312821
Quoted by: >>15312833

A lot of people here seem to post vivid descriptive stories about their fantasies
Are you all writers or just very lewd?

>> No.15312822

I want to tell my monster girl Onee-san about what a submissive slut I am! How I want her to ravage me and have her way with me as much as she can! I want her to bind me, rape me, whip me, whatever she wants! I just want to be useful to her!

I'm going to write down my confession of what a huge boyslut I am on a piece of paper, but chicken out of giving it to her at the last second! And I want her to stumble upon it by accident and read it!

>> No.15312825 [DELETED] 


>> No.15312828

Don't worry, she already slowly and horribly murdered him once to make up for it.

>> No.15312833

Both. One of them sometimes, the other one all of the time.

>> No.15312835 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15312843

>Badass girls getting shafted by Japanese "Muh insert" crap isn't bullshit.
My boner demands that strong girls don't get turned into submissive housewives anon!

>> No.15312843 [DELETED] 

As long as they can still wreck shit on the battle field when needed I agree with this.

>> No.15312855 [DELETED] 

So how does one get cute boys after all?(i'm helping a Crow Tengu with her reseach)

>> No.15312865 [DELETED] 

Strong women come in 4 types
>strong until MC comes along
>lesbo bitch
>Michelle Rodriguez
>decent if given focus but pretty much forgettable

>> No.15312866


>> No.15312869
Quoted by: >>15312908

/hbt/ is leaking again guys.

>> No.15312870
File: 380 KB, 800x717, LargeFluffyFeathers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having large fluffy feathers is important.

>> No.15312871
Quoted by: >>15312887

Is the Crow Tengu tough, strong, sexy, and dominant?

>> No.15312875 [DELETED] 

>I have shit taste
We know, you don't need to prove it.

>> No.15312879 [DELETED] 

>Not wanting a confident woman who could kick your ass but lets you dominate her because she loves you.

>> No.15312880 [DELETED] 

Good thing MGE gave us another option.

>> No.15312882 [DELETED] 

My taste is fine, its just not yours

>> No.15312887

It's a crow tengu.

>> No.15312889 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15312899

But she won't dominate me me because I love her? Rude.

>> No.15312891
Quoted by: >>15312926

>stop you from showing her the pictures of your waifu from before her life really started to turn around
Why would you keep such pictures anyway?

>> No.15312893 [DELETED] 

>Michelle Rodriguez
If this is a joke, I've been wooshed. who is she?

>> No.15312894

How long would you last in mge wonderland?

>> No.15312895 [DELETED] 

>implying I need her permission
You're a funny guy, guy.

>> No.15312898
Quoted by: >>15312919

So... Maybe?

Does she have a little brother? That's basically a free husband right there if she does.

>> No.15312899 [DELETED] 

Hey, if you asked she wouldn't say no.

>> No.15312903

>Until I get my mad hatter, then my sanity can burn.

>> No.15312908
Quoted by: >>15312922

/hbt/ a shit since it involves into RP shit most of the time. Also, something about it gives me Commercial-anon vibes and I can't quite figure out why.

>> No.15312909 [DELETED] 

Careful, we have a tough guy here.

>> No.15312910 [DELETED] 

>Not getting your waifu's permission to dominate her
>Not abiding by "Safe, Sane and Consensual"
You're a bad Dom anon.

>> No.15312914

Until the first Alice I encounter.

>> No.15312915

>You will never find your grapesnake pouring pink liquid into the coffee she is making for you
>She will never start hissing and making excuses
>"It'ssss sssugar I sssswear"

>> No.15312917 [DELETED] 

Yes, just like almost every monster girl, apperantly.

>> No.15312919
Quoted by: >>15312940

Please, remember that incest is wrong.
She should go on an adventure to find a worthy husband. And I'm sure her brother doesn't want a weak bird as a wife.

>> No.15312921 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15312928

The safe word is "NOPE!"

>> No.15312922

Until I find a pack of Cheshires. Then I just lay back and let it happen.
Does it count as lasting if I got what I wanted?

>Also, something about it gives me Commercial-anon vibes
Oh, it's you.
You say that about everything you don't like.

>> No.15312925
Quoted by: >>15312939

Lisps are underrated. What Monster Girls would have the best lisps?

>> No.15312926

Keepsake. I dunno, I'm not really one for pictures but I think I'd like to immortalize the earliest memories of where we'd been and what we'd done as a couple. Stuff life taking a photo of her sleepy bed hair as she walks around your house early in the morning in nothing but an oversized shirt the morning after you bring her into your home. Immortalizing that tired but happy smile she gives you when she sees you.

>> No.15312928 [DELETED] 

I thought the safe word was Aquaman

>> No.15312930

>You'll never look her dead in the eyes, grab the coffee and down the whole thing never once breaking eye contact.

>> No.15312936 [DELETED] 

A actor known for "Tough woman" roles in movies.

>> No.15312939
Quoted by: >>15312951

Awawawawa Wendigo whose Ws sound like Rs

>> No.15312940

Dude, does she want a husband or not? Just rape the little brother. It's not like he can say no, they're family.

>> No.15312948

About an hour. Then I would be raped until someone takes me as their husband.
And I would be completaly fine with that.

>> No.15312949

It hurts to live with this haunting me

>> No.15312951
Quoted by: >>15312982

That sounds like an old hag wendigo though!

>> No.15312952

They can be all those things if they try.

>> No.15312954 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15312966

>Implying /co/ gives a shit
They're more used to "Strong Women" being reduced to fap-fuel than /a/ is.

>> No.15312956 [DELETED] 

"Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man?"
"No. Have you?"

>> No.15312966 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15312991

Apparently DC has a bigger problem with it then marvel. but i dont know the truth

>> No.15312968

How does one put fear into a monster?

>> No.15312970
Quoted by: >>15313000

>Not holding it your mouth, reaching to grab the back of her head, pulling her into a deep kiss, sharing the drugged coffee with her
Step it up senpai.

>> No.15312975

>I will cut my dick off

>> No.15312980

Grab a manticore by the tail an ram the barbs into your neck while munching a rage shroom.
make sure you plan this shit

>> No.15312982
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1453586323637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is an adult

>> No.15312989

Remove a shirohebi's magic and threaten to fuck another woman

>> No.15312991 [DELETED] 

Marvel has a severe case of "Editors? What's that?" and "We want the SJW audience"

>> No.15312998 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313012

Thor is a chick now right?

>> No.15313000
Quoted by: >>15313034

Shit, that is better.
She's going to be a blushing sweaty mess with her tongue lolling out when I'm done with her.

>> No.15313001

Depends on how many dormice are laying around in the area I'm in. Last thing I want is to be pushing through the brush and hear a squeak when I step on the belly of a sleeping dormouse. Then she starts crying. And everything goes to shit.

>> No.15313006

>You'll never wake up to find your kitsune wife holding you and wrapping you up tight in her tails
>You'll never hear her content, gentle breathing while her head is rested against your chest

why live

>> No.15313010 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313019

Man I've been out too long
the fuck is happening?

>> No.15313012 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313040


>> No.15313014 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313040

Yeah, what they did with cap just....

Me and my buddy (the latter still reads comics) talked about it and basically agreed that this was a reader grab and that it would end with Cap being a skrull or something.

Not too terribly long.
All it takes is a girl to break down in tears and I want to comfort her.

>> No.15313015

Our lives sustain mamomo mana, by living we allow people in an alternate timeline(s) be happy. And most of them aren't dicks.

>> No.15313017

To surgically attach foxtails to a real woman and claim the silver medal.

>> No.15313019 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313040

Isn't Marvel the one who did the [Unsolicieted opinions on Israel???] The Refugee scene was hilarious though.

>> No.15313021

I want to steal a dormouse's PJs and pillow

>> No.15313027
Quoted by: >>15313031

But then you have a cold, shivering dormouse whining and following you around while half asleep, tugging at your shirt as the only physical means of defiance she can put up. I bet she'd even have tears in her eyes.
I kind of want to do it too now. At least for a little bit.

>> No.15313028
Quoted by: >>15313036

I want to steal an alice's dress.

>> No.15313031

>following you around while half asleep, tugging at your shirt as the only physical means of defiance she can put up
This kills the heart

>> No.15313034

As it should be. As it should be.

>> No.15313036
Quoted by: >>15313043

I want to steal Deruella's heart.

>> No.15313040 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313053

Goddamn that shit was awful.

I can't believe the backlash against the thing with Cap. It's like Superior Spiderman all over again. Do people just not understand how comics work? That whatever conspiracy there is will be uncovered and the status quo will be restored by this time next year? Probably sooner.

>> No.15313043

Shine on you crazy diamond

>> No.15313044

I want to steal a Titania's sweets!

>> No.15313046

Strong monster girls are for both dominating and being dominated by.

Although dominating them is more satisfying.

>> No.15313048

Don't you mean crazy on you shining diamond?

>> No.15313053 [DELETED] 

Remember when cap was killed at the end of Civil War 1 ( I can't believe the number is necessary) and folks thought he was dead?

I wonder who actually, 100% believed he'd be dead forever.

Maybe its because I grew up post Death of Superman but death in comics is just a joke at this point, along with any major changes.

>> No.15313054
File: 547 KB, 858x1200, 55042225_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep, dude.

>> No.15313057 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313070

No it isn't.

>> No.15313058


but I have an evening shift, dude

>> No.15313059

But bro, it's only 4:30 in the afternoon.

>> No.15313060

It's four in the afternoon.

>> No.15313062

Gonna cuddle the blackberry.
Gonna impregnate the blackberry in the mating press under the covers.

>> No.15313064

But I wanna play games I just got home, homie

>> No.15313070 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313080

Yes, it is. Dominating strong monster girls is like overcoming a huge obstacle and is incredibly satisfying once that obstacle has been beaten.

>> No.15313073

>Both me and my monster are switchs
>We have to decide who is going to be what by playing games
>If it ends in a draw we can't have sex for one week

And so is my life in the den of my dragon.

>> No.15313080 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313084

You really want that bad to continue the dom vs sub discussion?

Also no, it isn't.

>> No.15313082

Ran is not a prinny dood

>> No.15313084 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313113

That sounds nice too, best of both worlds.

But it is.

>> No.15313086
Quoted by: >>15313099

Imagining that put a damper on my mood.

>> No.15313088
Quoted by: >>15313096

>Not having a draw result in domless cuddlesex.
Weak shit famiglia

>> No.15313091
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, tmp_11533-1442094240636-368475314.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddledom=Freedom>all other types of dom

>> No.15313092
File: 1.51 MB, 1018x1425, 0d47c0cd94b0abf09046174cf79c4cbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're anon, a 16 years old member of the richest family in the city. You may have the money, but you don't have the status. With that in mind, your parents decide to arrange your marriage with any of the noble families willing to accept a plebeian between them. After receiving six invitations, and since there is no need to start a war between the houses for you, they will give you enough information to decide so all the girls have the same opportunities to marry you.

>First house
The coat of arms is a waterfall surrounded by plants growing out of the emblem. The girl is 8 years older than yourself.
>Second house
The coat of arms is a moon with a dark night on the background. The girl is your same age.
>Third house
The coat of arms is a single rock in the middle of the sea. The girl is 3 years younger than yourself.
>Fourth house
The coat of arms is an iron tree. The girl is 5 years older than yourself.
>Fifth house
The coat of arms is a lightning over a purple background. The girl is 10 years older than yourself.
>Sixth house
The coat of arms is a red eye with a slit pupil and a sword crossing it. The girl is 1 year younger than yourself.

It's up to you, anon.

Girls in 10 min

>> No.15313096

If the winner wants cuddle sex, so be it. But a draw means it's time to chill for a bit.

>> No.15313098
Quoted by: >>15313106

For you

>> No.15313099

All you need to do to calm down a dormouse is give them a big hug till they fall asleep.
But then they start making you want to sleep rape them. I think it's a win, but if you're not into it then it's a no-win situation.

>> No.15313100
Quoted by: >>15313168

Third House, lets do it.

>> No.15313102
Quoted by: >>15313112

Cuddledom is the best.

>> No.15313105
Quoted by: >>15313168

I'm taking my chances with the fifth house.
I'm assuming uniting all the houses is out of the question?

>> No.15313106
Quoted by: >>15313127

Miia is low tier.

True, true.

>> No.15313109
Quoted by: >>15313168

Sixth house looks fun as hell.

>> No.15313112

Meant for

>> No.15313113 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313131

It isn't.

>> No.15313120
Quoted by: >>15313168

I'll take the second house, see what that gets me.

>> No.15313122
Quoted by: >>15313168

First house.

>> No.15313123
Quoted by: >>15313168

I'll take the Second house

>> No.15313124
Quoted by: >>15313168

Second house.

>> No.15313125

Freedom > everything else


>> No.15313126
Quoted by: >>15313168

I'll go with the first house.

>> No.15313127
File: 306 KB, 750x1079, tmp_11533-0032-3-84093383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just like, your opinion anon

>> No.15313131 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313139

It is.

>> No.15313133
Quoted by: >>15313168

First house

>> No.15313134
Quoted by: >>15313168


>> No.15313135

Alright I'll play I'm between second and sixth. Something related to undead or sneakiness, or the demons?

I'll take the second just because another anon took sixth.

>> No.15313137

I'll take my bets with the fifth house.

>> No.15313139 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313145

It isn't.

>> No.15313142
Quoted by: >>15313172

Oh god dammit I underestimated how many would end up playing, oh well.

>> No.15313144
Quoted by: >>15313168

5th house! 5th house!

>> No.15313145 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313150

It is.

>> No.15313150 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313154

It isn't.

>> No.15313154 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15313156

It is.

>> No.15313156 [DELETED] 

It isn't.

>> No.15313162
Quoted by: >>15313168

I'mma go with Door #2!

>> No.15313168 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.50 MB, 2881x2104, 1464565983833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here they are. I feel bad for the fourth house's girl though, nobody chose it.

>> No.15313169

Reminder that >>>/qst/ exists.

>> No.15313172

You chose this path

>> No.15313180


I'm going to lock myself in my room and masturbate on the internet all day.

>> No.15313182

Corpse Pussy is awesome.

>> No.15313183

>Cursed sword

I've made bad choices in life. This is one of them.

>> No.15313184

>no one chose the pouting beetle

>> No.15313185

I am quite happy with my choice in Noble House.

>> No.15313189
Quoted by: >>15313211

>No personalities
Come on mang

>> No.15313191

Aw sweet, I'm getting a Jiangshi Wife

poor soldier beetle

>> No.15313194

>Got a Christmas Cake Raiju Ojou-sama
This is good.
So do I have to "seal the deal" with her, or is that just something we can do for pleasure?

>> No.15313195
Quoted by: >>15313211

That makes 2 of us

>> No.15313197

I'm completaly ok with this.

>> No.15313199 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 555x518, 1462474862408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, looks at all these completely necessary deletions. Thank god the harmless fun was kept in check and stopped before it continued being harmless.

>> No.15313202
Quoted by: >>15313227

She won't hurt you severely.

>> No.15313205
File: 1.44 MB, 880x1200, 55585795_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313234

I don't get it, but I like the tie

>> No.15313207


I did okay.

>> No.15313210

>Younger flowkelp
Yep, I'm ok with this.

>> No.15313211
Quoted by: >>15313227

Maybe next time, I'm feeling lazy.

Come on it was of the easiest ones to guess.

>> No.15313220
Quoted by: >>15313228

And your point is?

>> No.15313226

Unagi Joro are cuties and this means I get all the slimy yet loving coils to cuddle with all day. I also means that I get to massage her cute fin ears when feels sleepy or sad, here's to a strong relationship with the cute eel girl.

>> No.15313227

It's not about being hurt or not, it's about her.

I thought it was going to be some cute and fiery lizard.

>> No.15313228

Nothing really, just in case any writefag with spare time gets that urge and wants to give it a shot.

>> No.15313231
Quoted by: >>15313245

Are you some kind of racist?

>> No.15313234

My dick

>> No.15313242
File: 2.24 MB, 1254x1771, Elf blushs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313248

Oh Ok then, They way you posted that without context Kinda caught me off guard.

>> No.15313245
Quoted by: >>15313269

No, of course not, she is just not my type.
Maybe if she became a holy sword or something I could go with it. Don't tell her I said that.

>> No.15313248

I'll forgive your rude assumptions since you posted such a cute elf.

>> No.15313252
File: 757 KB, 1103x1004, 1399236403266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like Monstergirls, fagboy.

Get in, we're going to get you one of your choosing.

Who did you want again?

>> No.15313253

Daily reminder that Amazons are the best!

>> No.15313256

>implying quests aren't a total shitfest

>> No.15313258

Cursed sword > Lizard to be honest

>> No.15313259

You're just gonna teleport my dick into a fire ant hill again, aren't you.

>> No.15313262

A Kobold!

>> No.15313264
Quoted by: >>15313406

Crow Tengu, but not the Aya kind.

>> No.15313266
Quoted by: >>15313406

Old hags are not monter girls.

>> No.15313269

Alright rude, want my assigned jiang-shi? I will make the poor sword girl happy through love and edgyness.

>> No.15313270

I've read you eat people. I don't trust you.

But I would like a vampire

>> No.15313274
Quoted by: >>15313298

No, I don't like her. But she IS mine.

>> No.15313277

i'd like a Flowkelp to date please, if you'd be so kind to offer.

>> No.15313278

Holstaur...or Yet...or Cheshire...or Kejourou....or Slime...or Mad Hatter.

>> No.15313279
Quoted by: >>15313298

Take the bug girl instead

>> No.15313281
Quoted by: >>15313406

Can I have you?

>> No.15313283
Quoted by: >>15313294

taking the bait, give me a giant mouse please!

>> No.15313286
Quoted by: >>15313314

Gimme a big strong dragon to fight.

>> No.15313290
File: 513 KB, 2053x3035, t1i3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313315

Cats can be maids too!

>> No.15313292


>> No.15313294
File: 627 KB, 876x1219, 86a466e2b9316457231387b37ccadccb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh? You want someone like me?"

>> No.15313297

I know the eyes are from her portal ribbons, but in this context I can't help but feel that a gazer is sneaking up on her.

>> No.15313298
Quoted by: >>15313333

How rude and possesive anon, she might be perfect for you after all. A bit of action and you'll come around I'm sure.

I can do that, I always was the last chosen for anything, we'll get along.

>> No.15313303

cockatrice, please.

>> No.15313307


>> No.15313309
Quoted by: >>15313369

That was fast

Time to start building a rat pack of our own!

>> No.15313314
File: 723 KB, 1280x1024, 9722e0b0a29a19694fc4c23efddac906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313333

You're gonna get jaaooooo'd if you keep talking like that.

>> No.15313315

I desire a chesty Werecat milkmaid.

>> No.15313325
File: 74 KB, 680x907, a66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Demon or a Amazon please

>> No.15313330
Quoted by: >>15313406

Got any undead?

>> No.15313333

That's exactly what I want.

Maybe even use the cursed sword to fight one.

>> No.15313350
File: 617 KB, 795x930, 2b9d2ab82e65ae4cb0429b916e477bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like to work as a butler for a rich loli fox?

She likes to be tucked when going to bed and will oftenly pout if someone does not treat her according to her status

>> No.15313356

Nah, I'm way too lazy and selfish.

>> No.15313366
File: 1.52 MB, 862x1200, Exalted Valkyrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valkyrie wearing a blessed living armour, wielding a living shield monstergirl and a lance tsukumogami.

This is the answer to the corruption problem.

>> No.15313369


Just realized although i may want someone like her she would never want me

Another fun time in 4chan turned into even me being disappointed in me

>> No.15313370

Can I be the butler to a Ara Spider who has a butler fetish?

>> No.15313372
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, 1461366984976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dire hellhound!

>> No.15313374
Quoted by: >>15313382

Only if I was arrested and my only other option was being drafted.

Wrong, thanks to KC if she has any contact with a monster girl or man she becomes corrupted.

>> No.15313378

I haven't read this word the right way on the first look in several years.

>> No.15313382
Quoted by: >>15313393

That's what the blessed living armour is for. It keeps her in check, maybe even shields her from the KC bullshitium polluting the setting outright.

>> No.15313383

Cupids and Houris are the only beings who are immune to corruption.

>> No.15313393
Quoted by: >>15313439

Sorry anon, but KC's garbage trumps all. The instant she even sees a man she'll turn into an inferior Dark Valkyrie.

>> No.15313395

Then we make the cupid wear the living armour, except it's a lighter, more revealing, less plated variant.
And she gets a bow tsukumogami who's hair acts as the drawstring.

>> No.15313399

Only if I can pat her cute lil head.

>> No.15313406
File: 668 KB, 1223x1393, 1400821868229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done, and enjoy. Please note Yukari Transport Railways™ take no responsibility for users being unable to return to any Human civilization. Any children conceived and born are the sole responsibility of the user.

Rude, you'll have nightmares tonight, fagboy.
Not the Ayn Rand kind? Who?
I'm 2old4u
All kinds, which one do you want, tubby?

>> No.15313411
File: 329 KB, 1000x817, honey trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves? Elves.

>> No.15313416
Quoted by: >>15313421

I don't see any monstergirls near me. This is a fraud!

>> No.15313421

Don't go to sleep

>> No.15313425

Ew, ugly.

>> No.15313431


>> No.15313436

Fuck off with your RP shit.

>> No.15313439
Quoted by: >>15313451

You should read the profile again.

>> No.15313440
Quoted by: >>15313476

Elves are made for tender loving and forming a strong relationship with based shared likes and romantic chemistry.

>> No.15313441

I want the MGE tengu, with big black wings and talons!

>> No.15313446
File: 316 KB, 800x1000, Singingwaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well does your waifu sing?

>> No.15313450

Rude, but noted.

Got any that aren't jiang-shi?

>> No.15313451

He's being facetious, but he has a point. In KC's setting, a dark valkyrie and a valkyrie aren't two different things. The dark valkyrie is the inevitable, irreversible end result of being a regular valkyrie.

>> No.15313455

She and my daughteru love to sing, no matter how bad they are at it. It's really cute!

>> No.15313463
Quoted by: >>15313473

They probably can't sing so well because of all the substances and aphrodesiac gasses you get them to ingest and inhale, Kobold daughteru guy.

>> No.15313469

They're the same tier as Elves, which is Typhoid Mary.

>> No.15313473

Hey! They were off-key and quite prone to howling instead of using words far before all of that lewd stuff! None of what we've done has affected their voices! Permanently that is.

Now stop stalking me please.

>> No.15313474

I'm kinda deaf from one ear because of her. But I don't mind.

>> No.15313476
Quoted by: >>15313494

But what if she has to smoke from a mana-laced hookah to keep calm and stop nibbling your round ears?

>> No.15313477
Quoted by: >>15313481

Either you can sing or you can. If you can't sing, you just yell really loudly.

>> No.15313480

How well would an occasionally elegant and ladylike, but mostly tomboyish anubis engineer sing?

>> No.15313481
Quoted by: >>15313508

It's not just black and white like that anon, it's very possible to sing badly.

>> No.15313494
Quoted by: >>15313514

Well then I don't date her, since as I said before that I require a relationship with an elf built on shared likes and romantic chemistry which this elf lacks. I'd instead go for an elf that like to play video games with me and enjoys reading books, you know a more nerdy elf.

>> No.15313499
File: 171 KB, 1280x905, 1449643508195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of wonders would an archaeologist come across in KC land, other than ancient Egyptian ruins? Would there be ancient Mesopotamian monsters? Or how about trying to find the location of shangri-la whilst beset by Buddhist warrior monks?

>> No.15313503

He would find a seal in an underwater cave ready to unleash the wonders of the deep ones.

>> No.15313505

>Search for Shangri-La
>Kakuen monks pursuing you
>Their fucking giant statue of Buddha is a really pretentious statue of an open lotus flower
>With a giant peach on top

>> No.15313507

Most discoveries would just be more fucking cursed swords and golems, or something else that will eventually try to rape him.

>> No.15313508

Not really anon. It's a physical reverberation of the diaphram in line with tone. If you can't do the physical part or you're tone deaf, you can't sing.

Except that recent trend of fucking up the tempo on purpose. Man, those people should be burned at the stake.

>> No.15313513

Who would be the hardest monstergirl to spy on?

>> No.15313514
Quoted by: >>15313537

Anon please it's not her fault some dick-ass blew up the Sunwell.

>> No.15313517


>> No.15313524

Sounds like someone can't cope with 'le epik meme music'

Don't worry anon, I hate it too.

>> No.15313526

Gazers, Cursed Swords, Basilisks, Lilim.

>> No.15313535
File: 222 KB, 800x1000, 1458074924701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pic related? She probably sings quite well but probably gets embarrassed when she does so.

>> No.15313537

I understand and would also likely be angry if I was in her shoes. Still I did go on a couple dates with her and we agreed we didn't really share a lot of romantic chemistry with each other, no hard feelings.

>> No.15313542
Quoted by: >>15313584

No, it's possible to sing, but not well. For example, if you don't have voice suited to the song, or singing in general, but you can still hit the notes. Or if you can hit notes, but not in the right octave, or can't hold them without shaking.

There is such a thing as a extraordinarily average singer.

Though I'm curious. What's this thing about tempo fuckups?

>> No.15313571
Quoted by: >>15313609

Yeah, basically. The kind of girl who buys her clothes based on practicality alone, but who still owns like two or three really nice dresses she keeps right in the back of her closet. Maybe she gets the urge to put one on once every few months, when she's home alone, and just enjoys feeling beautiful. Otherwise, it's all steel-capped paw-boots and shirts and shirts stained with scraping blue.

I get the feeling she'd probably break out into song in her workshop, hesitantly and quietly at first, but building confidence in solitude until she's singing... fairly decently.
Then someone walks in, catches her in the act, and she starts throwing small pieces of cut scrap metal at them.

>> No.15313574

I bt she hums some songs while she fixes those cars.

>> No.15313584

>if you don't have voice suited to the song, or singing in general, but you can still hit the notes

The general solution to that is to move it up or down a few octaves until you can, same way as playing a song in a flute keyed for C from a piano melody keyed for G.

>> No.15313609

Just imagine dating her, you always see her in a pair of dirty jeans and a oil stained tank top. You go over to her place one day and she wants to surprise you, she goes to her room and comes out in a pretty summer dress, saying she wants to look more "Girly" for you, and you tell her you love her the way she is, and then proceed to make sweaty tomboy love.

>> No.15313637

>wearing bottoms that won't allow a guy immediate access

I bet she goes to Order church and doesn't believe in pre-marital sex, too.

Also, >getting jeans on over the HUEG clownshoe-sized paws.

>> No.15313644
File: 693 KB, 1300x929, episode4MGHigh--misunderstood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fighting and stealing food from the kitchen? You've gone too far!

>> No.15313645

They're baggy, loose fit jeans.

I want to walk in on a tomboyish Anubis singing while fixing my car, and tell her that I think her voice is really beautiful!

>> No.15313648
Quoted by: >>15313653

What are cargo pants, Alex.

>> No.15313652

Those expressions of pure contempt are wonderful.

>> No.15313653

Ah. I must have misread "cargo pants" as "pair of dirty jeans". Clearly I am illiterate.

Also, have you tried putting on cargo pants with your shoes on? Nevermind megapaws for feet. A slightly looser fit wouldn't really help.

>> No.15313655
Quoted by: >>15313677

Anubis jeans.

>> No.15313660

There are so many things I don't understand here

>episode 4
other episodes where?
Is lawyerkun doing comics now?!

>kitsune as Order advocate

>Order advocate wearing a much shorter skirt than the other

>why is a MG being nagged by an order person and not just walking away?

>> No.15313662

The title is a joke, and girl delinquents in Japan wear long skirts so they can conceal weapons and contraband in school.

>> No.15313665

I don't get it

>> No.15313668

>See her dressed in a pure white sundress, decorated with bright yellow ribbons
>Grab her paw right then and there, and take her down to the garage, to the classic car she restored herself and now owns
>She gets in the passenger seat while you take the wheel, and beeline dangerously towards the coast
>Once you start getting really far away from the city, with almost no other signs of civlisation or cars on the road, you put your foot down, listening to the engine roar like a dragon
>A sidelong glance shows your anubis girlfriend pushed back into her seat by the sheer force of your driving
>A hand between her legs, and a wild, excited look in her eyes
>Once you offroad your way onto a high cliff edge overlooking the sea, you shut off the engine, exit the car, and physically lift the anubis straight out of her seat
>Midday winds raging with the surf below, the smell of the ocean in the air, you princess carry the anubis and set down her rump on the still warm hood of the car
>Before moving in to kiss her and push her down, a hand on the bonnet either side of her head while she wraps her arms around you and kisses back
>So you take her in her sundress like that, pulling aside her panties and making love to her atop the cliff face, sprawled out over the car
>Once you're both spent, you spend the rest of the afternoon in privacy on the coast until the sun sets, and you drive back to her place

>> No.15313672

>No Mantis with Cammy proportions.

>> No.15313675

Hellhound delinquent is pretty thick/buff looking.

>> No.15313677
File: 235 KB, 1200x1600, 672e4237d582aacf7f54935b596a0e7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jeans for MGs with megahuge paws

I think they're called chaps, anon.

>> No.15313679
Quoted by: >>15313722

Sounds like the perfect evening. Why are tomboys so best?

>> No.15313681
Quoted by: >>15313722

What if she just cleaned the car?

>> No.15313685
Quoted by: >>15313722

That...sounds like a god-tier weekend.

Why has no one drawn an Anubis in a sundress yet? It's a travesty.

>> No.15313686

1. Regular cargo pants are baggy jeans. They only started making them in other materials during the 90's craze.
2. I have put them over boots before, during that regrettable 90's craze.
You could also go with bell bottoms. They just have to point their foot down to squeeze through the skinny part.

>> No.15313690
Quoted by: >>15313697

Who does that snotty kitsune think she is, harassing students like that?

>> No.15313694
Quoted by: >>15313722

>Letting your SO drive your baby
>Letting them redline it
>Scratching up the hood
>Using British terms

Immersion murdered like a ten dollar whore.

>> No.15313697
File: 140 KB, 1000x1300, 1458138855479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313706

Lick that boot, citizen.

>> No.15313698

Anon I highly doubt he's talking about THE order and its not just some dictatorish armband to signify she's in the student council.

>> No.15313702

Oh shit.Looks like the deliquent VS council battle is going to start soon.

Where my bets at?

>> No.15313703


>> No.15313706

I'm not licking sweaty granny feet.

>> No.15313712

Anego's been liftin'

>> No.15313715

>confusing collar trim for an extra finger

>> No.15313718

I like that fox.

>> No.15313720

We get it, you like Ran, but she has her own thread (probably) like the rest of the 2hus

It becomes pretty obvious that all the Ran pictures are from you if you post the same character drawn by the same artist over and over.

>> No.15313722

If femininity is shown by them, it becomes even more beautiful and lovely because of the constrast to their usual demeanor.
Also, tomboys are more relatable, I suppose. Easier to connect and share interests in, on account of them not acting like a typical girl.

Getting it dirty by making love on/in it is actually a sexual taboo for her. She knows she shouldn't, but doing it anyway just gets her so hot.

Point me to an artist/artists you might like who're taking commissions. I Might commission it.

She's got more than one restored car. She keeps her one, true pride and joy safe under a tarp, but with that exception, she believes a car is meant to be driven and experienced to its full potential. Not used as a simple form of transit like an old woman might.

>> No.15313726
Quoted by: >>15313740

>Don't post monster girls in the monster girl thread.

>> No.15313728

Are you telling me to fuck off? Just say it man, I won't cry if you do, we are all grownups here.

I will

>> No.15313729

I've actually posted three or four Ran pictures in recent times too. So it's not just them.

>> No.15313736

dragons want to ________ and _______ with ____

>> No.15313740

Don't be an ass, anon. We all know 2hus already get 20-some threads on this board while we only have one we have to wait to fall off the board. It's understandable anons don't want a remotely high concentration of them here.

>> No.15313741
Quoted by: >>15313748

>their little brother

>> No.15313747

Dragons bully and steal from the weak because they know they can't win in a fair fight!

>> No.15313748

>dragons want to CUDDLE and MARRY with THEIR LITTLE BROTHER

So... dragons want to have a threesome marriage where she and her little brother become waifus of someone?

>> No.15313750

>get pregnant
>filled with eggs
>spiders ovipositor

>> No.15313752
Quoted by: >>15313754

>Their feet.

>> No.15313754
Quoted by: >>15313755

What dragon girl has the best feet?

>> No.15313755


>> No.15313757

MILF Dragons are for _____

>> No.15313758

Admiring lip and breast beauty moles.

>> No.15313759
Quoted by: >>15313791


>> No.15313764

>be strong

And this is why I love them

>> No.15313769

>"beauty" moles

Ew, no thanks. Those things are literally (occasionally a sign of skin) cancer.

>> No.15313772
Quoted by: >>15313791

Being hitted on while dating her daughter.

>> No.15313777
File: 644 KB, 688x875, 47451217_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313781

They're not the only Ranposter you know.

>> No.15313781
Quoted by: >>15313813

Her hat looks like a diaper. Also, making Reimu fall asleep in her mofu like that is lewd. Does that fox want to get that girl addicted to the scent of her tails?

>> No.15313782

>moles = cancer
Know how I know you don't know what either melanoma OR moles are?

>> No.15313787

>he doesn't like beauty moles
I had to scroll up and make sure I wasn't on /v/ for a second, good job.

>> No.15313791

But which flavor of dragon is the strongest MILF?

>> No.15313799
Quoted by: >>15313887

Those fucking albino ones. Jesus they are hard to resist.

>> No.15313800

I'd say Jabberwock but they work better as oneesans. And oneesans can't be milfs right?

>> No.15313806

>Long skirt
>Those band-aids on the fingers
Delinquent Hellhound-sempai is the best.

>> No.15313809
Quoted by: >>15313887

Red or white.

Occasionally silver.

>> No.15313810

I would also say Ryus, but the only future for them is cakes.

>> No.15313813
Quoted by: >>15313828

It's called a pillow hat!
And she doesn't "make" anyone fall asleep there. They do it of their own accord.

>> No.15313816
Quoted by: >>15313832


Someone get the Ryus down to the emergency burn ward!

>> No.15313817
File: 340 KB, 600x800, 4115610_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15313833

>> No.15313819
Quoted by: >>15313825

even if the mods put us here, when its all said and done we are in a touhou board
im just saying.

>> No.15313824

Are you referring to them becoming Christmas Cakes, or are you referring to them spending their nights eating cake and ice cream and being fat lonely dragons?

It works either way.

>> No.15313825

Speak for yourself fag, I lost all my monstergirls in a tragic boating accident.

>> No.15313826
Quoted by: >>15313830

I'd a fat, lonely dragon.

>> No.15313828
Quoted by: >>15313860

Reimu probably sleeps in Ran's tails because the rent is cheaper than for an apartment, and her shrine is too impoverished and run-down to be comfortable.

>> No.15313830
Quoted by: >>15313834

She's a fat old hag, you can do better.

>> No.15313832

They can heal those burns using their own lonely tears.

They become cakes and them eat until they can't anymore.

>> No.15313833

Jinkuro is

>> No.15313834
Quoted by: >>15313840

So....a fat young NEET?

>> No.15313836
Quoted by: >>15313847

Yeah, but a sexy one.

>> No.15313840
Quoted by: >>15313846

Oh, so now you're just gonna leave the christmas cake ryu lonely for the rest of her life? Abandon her like that? Some guy you are.

Now she'll spend her evenings with two tubs of ice cream thanks to you.

>> No.15313846

No, I was just asking what the Anon wanted me to take.
I'm not going to be leaving the ryu, although she can still have the ice cream if she wants.

We can just relax and watch a Nicolas Cage movie.

Wrapping me up may or may not be mandatory

>> No.15313847
Quoted by: >>15313849

Kongiku is the fox m8.
Jinkuro is the guy possessing the human girl for the entirety of that route in the game.
It's a long story.

>> No.15313849

>Kongiku is the fox m8.

>> No.15313856
Quoted by: >>15313863

Oh god, you're not going to let yourself be wrapped by those old and soft scales are you? What if she cries and doesn't let you go because she fears being alone again?

>> No.15313860
File: 617 KB, 1200x899, 5ec460ed4d0a404a0fb03a85ff8f909e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't doubt it.
Plus, I doubt you're going to find a comfier bed anywhere else.

>> No.15313863
Quoted by: >>15313874

Of course I'll let myself be wrapped up, it's what I do.

And if she doesn't want to let me go then I'll have to at least request we move to the bed so that we can be comfier there.

>> No.15313871
Quoted by: >>15313876

That sounds incredibly comfortable. You better spoil that girl and make her happy over the fact someone like her could somehow get someone like you. She likes sweets incase you couldn't tell.

>> No.15313874
Quoted by: >>15313876


I bet you're even ready to unleash years and years of sexual frustration on yourself by gently carresing that pure and untouched reversed scale. That's nasty, Anon.

>> No.15313876

I'll take her out on dates, take her to put on cute outfits at the mall, and cuddle her after a long day at the shrine.

And she'll get all the sweets she could ever want.

Only with her consent

>> No.15313879
Quoted by: >>15313890

>take her to put on cute outfits at the mall
They won't fit and then you'll make her cry. Good job, how will you fix that problem? With cuddling?

>> No.15313883
File: 578 KB, 850x1201, Sample_9125e8607199bf99f69e63fe2ff1faff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15313885
File: 450 KB, 1000x903, 1adda03905e1ca43275d6ead7821684a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15313886

A true diamond dog

>> No.15313887
Quoted by: >>15313917

>White Dragons
>Anything but dumb beasts

>> No.15313888
Quoted by: >>15313895

When are we going to ally with /k/ to enter Wonderland and hunt all these bitches?

>> No.15313889
Quoted by: >>15313893

I bet she will even beg you to do it. She will wrap herself around you and softly whispers how much she has waited for a guy like you to come. Hell, I bet she would even hold your hands and slowly drift them in the direction of her scale.

>> No.15313890

That and some pudding.
Maybe by secretly placing a custom order for her so she can get the clothes she liked in a size that fits.

Not that I wouldn't mind her wearing a too small pair of clothes that digs into her hips and has her breasts threatening to burst from her top at any moment

>> No.15313893
Quoted by: >>15313917

Then I'm going to pull her tight, place a kiss on her lips, and press the scale.
May my pelvis be blessed by the gods because it's going to shatter.

>> No.15313895 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 1249x939, slime time live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15313896

Gas the Tanukis race war now

>> No.15313902
Quoted by: >>15313934

No! They're our greatest allies!

>> No.15313908

But Tanukis are cute!

>> No.15313912

I thought I told you to stop calling me fagboy!

>> No.15313917

No. White Dragons are graceful and smart beings that are shy because old tales say that they destroy everything and bring forth the end of the world.
But in truth, they just want to protect themselves and be loved. You should try to talk with one, they are extremely cute.

Oh don't you worry, that old hag doesn't have the strenght to even break a pelvis. Even if she did, she would be extremely careful while discharging all that sexual tension upon you.
After all, you're the only one who came for her, and who know if she is ever going to get another chance considering how things are going.

>> No.15313927
Quoted by: >>15313950

That's fine then.
Gonna spoil her with sweets, gonna give her all the kids.

>> No.15313928
Quoted by: >>15313950

>Wanting to talk to a mohawk lizard

>> No.15313934
Quoted by: >>15313942

That's what we want them to believe!

Boyim revolt now!

>> No.15313942

Please, they've been unjustly persecuted for many years. What wrong have they done, other then be successful?

>> No.15313950

I hope you are ready to teach her how to properly be a parent, Anon. Because she has no idea since she spent all her life dreaming about a boy and eating ice cream.

>mohawk lizard
I'm not sure what kind of whitey you saw, but if she had a mohawk then she must've been a... uhm... pretty different dragon.

Also just discoverred that White Dragon is a sex thing. Really weird sex thing.

>> No.15313964

>He doesn't know about the retarded head crest

>> No.15313972

>Etrian Odyssey General is having a big conversation about monstergirls
>We're mentioned multiple times during the course of it

It's like watching TV of yourself.

>> No.15313974

Don't worry, she'll learn to be a proper parent if it's the last hing I do.
I may need to stop her from spoiling the kids too much though, just because she can eat all the ice cream she wants doesn't mean they can.

>> No.15313978

Isn't that the place that defended the trainwreck that's EOU2?

>> No.15313980
File: 157 KB, 474x309, dorks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the exodus was 2 years ago
Hello darkness my old friend.

>> No.15313987
Quoted by: >>15314002

I don't know. It's a thread about EO. I've seen people dismiss the Untold games as a whole over there, and people who say they like it.

What don't you like about EOU2, anyway?

>> No.15313997


>> No.15314002
Quoted by: >>15314039

>What don't you like about EOU2, anyway?
DLC, shit story in a game that's supposed to be old school imagination, and every boss is a damage sponge.

>> No.15314003
File: 331 KB, 1000x553, Unicorn is the far more dangerous one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better be careful anon...who knows what predators stalk the MGC bars.

>> No.15314011

luck me I'm not a shota so I have a higher chance of survival

>> No.15314012
Quoted by: >>15314028

Isn't Hakutaku-sensei supposed to be grading my paper? What the hell is she doing here?

>> No.15314015
Quoted by: >>15314034

Drunk monster girls are the best!


>> No.15314016
Quoted by: >>15314039

It's just so weird when outsiders acknowledge our existence, even if most of it is ragging on us.

>> No.15314021

Give me the dragon killer. I'm feeling dangerous tonight.

>> No.15314022

monsters girls won't want a Christmas cake like me anyway

>> No.15314028
Quoted by: >>15314031

Teaching is a stressful job.

>> No.15314029

I'm surprised people are aware of our existence.

>> No.15314031
Quoted by: >>15314035

I don't care! I'm gonna chastise her about it! The sooner she gets it done the sooner she can have fun!

>> No.15314034

But that Unicorn is the sober driver.

>> No.15314035

Look, she needs some time to cool down after seeing your damn cute face every fucking day!

>> No.15314039
File: 165 KB, 956x1037, Necrololi and Lich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fair enough. DLC is tragically the norm these days. I think of the 12 or so which EOU2 had, three of them were paid, and were just for the easy rare ingredients/money.
The story isn't great, because it's still limited by the whole structure of the original EO2's necessary barebones story, but at least it was an improvement on EOU. And hey, the story mode is completely optional too. Classic mode exists, and you can 100% the game like that, unlike in EOU.
Bosses are damage sponges, but I think the real bullshit comes from FOEs. They might have less HP, but proportionately speaking for what they should be, the FOEs in EOU2 have way to much HP. Bosses are fine by comparison, save for the dragons. And that's because of the addition of that goddamn core mechanic they have.

Game's still great though. Improvement on EO2 in basically every way.

The Etrian General isn't really ragging on us. Just some people explaining the history of these threads and /mggg/ on 4chan, and people debating monstergirls themselves. We're just mentioned in passing.

Considering Barb drew this, you have to wonder if he visits that place too. The girl on the left is basically a necromancer elf character you'll be able to play as in the newly announced, yet to come out game.

>> No.15314041
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1600, 52177532_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15314047

>> No.15314047

A-are you okay there?

>> No.15314049

I meant most of the other times we get directly namedropped, it's some /jp/sie that doesn't like us.

>> No.15314050
Quoted by: >>15314055

>explaining the history of these threads and /mgg/ on 4chan

Was there Waterworld? There should have been Waterworld.

>> No.15314055

There was no Waterworld posted. I'm afraid. It was a general recent history of /mgqg/'s change into /mggg/, with our own split from /a/ to here mentioned for context.

>> No.15314057
File: 416 KB, 1200x804, perhapsyoumaightbeinterestedinDeadSeaTupperware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15314062

Oh my

>> No.15314063

O-oh my.
What would she give me for my hand in marriage?

>> No.15314064


>> No.15314069

Look at the size of those things. I wonder how much they cost.

>> No.15314073


>> No.15314077

Normally I don't like Tanuki, but I think I can make an exception here.

>> No.15314079
Quoted by: >>15314088

They required her to import a lot of holst milk from the north so quite a bit.

I imagine that the buying price is that you become her husband.

Better be quick though, a nearby camel salesman will be making a move soon.

>> No.15314085

What will it take for her to just give me a decent price for once?

>> No.15314088
Quoted by: >>15314095

>a nearby camel salesman will be making a move soon

>Implying even a desperate monstergirl would marry Crazy Hassan

>> No.15314089

>a Desert Tanuki will never propose to you by forcing you to retrieve a ring from her cleavage

>> No.15314092

>Kevin-kun said “you will never see Miia tenderly loved"
>And yet, we now have one of the most devoted waifufags tenderly loving her and keeping her in his thoughts every day

Monster Girl Thread has changed.

>> No.15314095

Oh please, he's not going for her hand, he's going to make her an offer she can't refuse.

>> No.15314104

Just assume he's plowing them both by the end.

>> No.15314115

Goodnight /mgt/. Remember to properly cuddle your waifu so her monster parts doesn't get uncomfortable.

>> No.15314123

A.D.I.D.A.S, anon.

>> No.15314125


>> No.15314136

Your hatching technique is superb.

>> No.15314137

No, Anon
War has changed

>> No.15314139
Quoted by: >>15314168

I want to supply the desert tanuki with all the goods I find from the dungeons I venture into.
I want to give her a ring that she lost years ago when she first tried her hand at adventuring before giving it up to run an item shop

>> No.15314166
Quoted by: >>15314170

I was just as devoted then anon, i just had no money to show it

>> No.15314168
Quoted by: >>15314182

>That spoiler
Don't be surprised if she hurls herself at you and buries her face in your chest while sobbing.
There's no way she wouldn't become your wife after that.

>> No.15314170
Quoted by: >>15314186

>I was just as devoted then anon, i just had no money to show it
Wait a minute.
Are you implying what I think you're implying?
Is Kevin Miiafag?

>> No.15314175
Quoted by: >>15314227

id work for her,whoever is her current butler is terrible. no fork for cake no space to put plate down so she can have tea. no goddamn napkin. this is a travesty. i bet that pillow is all lumpy too.

>> No.15314182

I'd be more than willing to accept that fate and give up my life of adventuring to run the store beside her.
That and possibly because of any injuries sustained getting that ring.
Maybe an eye patch or missing limb to represent this.

>> No.15314186
Quoted by: >>15314200

I'm sorry anon, i wasn't Kevin poster, just an admirer

>> No.15314200

Okay, well that settles that mystery.

>> No.15314227
Quoted by: >>15314249

>i bet that pillow is all lumpy too.
Anon, that's her tail. You dare refer to The Young Miss's tail as "lumpy?" After having the nerve to speak down on the work of another? For shame.

>> No.15314249

oh good lord. that's her tail?! well that does it. im killing her tail brusher too. if that expression on her face is anything to go by she thinks this level or care is proper for a girl of her standing. god, i bet there isnt even a kikomora in this household..and if there is so help me there will be a browbeating!

>> No.15314262
Quoted by: >>15314323

I can only hear this coming out a gruff, grey haired man with a finely groomed beard.
Also known as a kikimora's wet dream.

>> No.15314268

My waifu is a Kitsune, so typically her monster parts are cuddling me.

>> No.15314272
Quoted by: >>15314323

I understand the sentiment, but if you didn't recognize that as a tail you need to either go on some kind of butler training arc or adjust your monitor's color settings. Or both. Your heart is in the right place but your demeanor isn't quite right.

>> No.15314299
File: 219 KB, 572x472, anon walks in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What monster girl would be the best to go to the bar with and why is it genki succubus?

>> No.15314306

One that doesn't mind that I don't drink, because I don't drink.

>> No.15314321
File: 2.50 MB, 1493x2108, 1458325107812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15314332

I wanna go to a bar with an overstressed/worked, depressed snek and talk about our problems, finding comfort in each other's experiences and that we aren't alone in this world, all while getting more drunk and personal with our stories until we just end up heading back to one of our apartments and just cuddling until we both fall asleep.. I need to find someone to hold me.

>> No.15314323
Quoted by: >>15314360

i may be a bit old..what of it?
whats left of that tail is a lump of matted fur and regret. there isnt even a glossy shine to it! in my day we wouldn't even go out raiding unless the commanders tail shone with elegance! all five of them! and you have the audacity to consider that normal?! the quality of servants these days..

>> No.15314324

That salamander on leave from the army! You can get her drunk, listen to war stories and "beat" her at arm wrestling!

>> No.15314329

Something something hinezumi, something something fired up, something something pork in bed. Someone fill in the rest for me, I'm not feeling creative right now.

>> No.15314332
Quoted by: >>15314334

Overworked monster girls are great, especially for healing. Shame there's only one story about it, at least it's good.

>> No.15314334

Care to share this tale with a sad Anon, friend?

>> No.15314355
Quoted by: >>15314375

It's part of a series, but this chapter had the most cutesy "making a stressed office monster girl feel better" parts


>> No.15314360
Quoted by: >>15314445

You misunderstand, sir. Your indignity is fine, and the care being given is not up to par. However, you seem to be having some trouble with the Queen's English and murder for poor performance is hardly becoming. Remember, a good servant is as concerned with their own poise as they are their master's.

That said, her current caretaker likely is a slovenly cur.

>> No.15314362

You're waifu, obviously.

>> No.15314363

I'm gonna get so drunk I won't be able to tell apart an alp from a succubus.

>> No.15314364
Quoted by: >>15314375

Check out Falling Leaves. That's a good overworked MG story.

>> No.15314369

I would like a Red and blue golem that can turn into a truck

>> No.15314375
Quoted by: >>15314379

Thank you Anons, I may just feel a bit of happiness today.

>> No.15314379
Quoted by: >>15314395

Tell us how you feel once you've read them and what you think.

>> No.15314384

Dracolich, Update line 308. Just a little yammering and gearing up before they leave. Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated.

>> No.15314395

Oh no. Does it turn out sad? Or is it a bittersweet sorta thing? Because I don't mind the latter, but the former I don't want.

>> No.15314407

Falling Leaves is a happy one.

>> No.15314424

Nice, I'll check it later.

>> No.15314436

>Undead musclegirl Dragon with a fuckhuge weapon

>> No.15314437
Quoted by: >>15314441

The one I linked to is happy. I was just asking because I hoped you'd feel better after reading it.

>> No.15314441

Oh ok, thank you. I just get suspicious when people say something like that.

>> No.15314445

bah. in my day lackluster performance like that WAS a killing offense. granted, Milady did have a taste for livers..that may have had something to do with it...and as for the "Queens English"...when everyone around you speaks Zip you tend to let it go. besides, speaking proper English is very bad form when you're working for a brigand. immersion is a very important thing.

>> No.15314496
Quoted by: >>15314509

I'm going to haggle with that Desert Nook!

>> No.15314502

I will teach a wurm the dim mak.

>> No.15314505
Quoted by: >>15314574

>"You there! Human! I have a magical scarf in my possession, for a handsome man like you, I'll offer it at a discount. Yes it would suit you well I think~"

>> No.15314507

/fit/ Glacies and Yukionna in spats.

>> No.15314509
Quoted by: >>15314537

Would you be haggling how many children you want?
Who would go higher?

>> No.15314537
Quoted by: >>15314649

You'll be roped into a contract where you'll have to give her one baby every year.

So many Desert Raccoons.

>> No.15314540

What's the weirdest thing you've heard? and what monster would say it?

>> No.15314544

Daily reminder that the ONLY good Monstergirls are the all-humanoid ones like slimegirls. They are the only good things to come out of this god-awful memefad.

Slimegirls and other humanoids shouldn't even be considered monstergirls, really. I'm not getting associated with your kind.

>> No.15314548
Quoted by: >>15314550

too much salt in that bait

>> No.15314550

>Getting mad at the truth

>> No.15314554

Write more soup kitchen smut.

>> No.15314558
Quoted by: >>15314617

>"You, my friend do not appreciate granola!"
Fruit loving monsters I guess.

>> No.15314564

meh, I got here via the succubus
demons and corruption are kinda my thing

>> No.15314565
File: 98 KB, 544x626, [whoahoahs internally].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15314571

on par with lamias desu

>> No.15314571
Quoted by: >>15314594

What is that on his forehead?

>> No.15314573

Man MamanoMore's stories are fucking shit

>> No.15314574
Quoted by: >>15314600

>magical scarf
This has me wondering what MG Jack and the Beanstalk would look like. Would there be a gigantic troll growing food in the sky?


>> No.15314580
Quoted by: >>15314589


>I got here via the succubus

For some reason this makes me imagine a sort of bus full of succubi

A magic schoolbus but full of rape if you will

>> No.15314588
Quoted by: >>15314599

>meh, I got here via the succubus

Another being that shouldn't even considered a monstergirl.

I don't want to say that I'm a fan of slimegirls, succubi, and dragongirls and worry about people calling me one of you. Same goes for kitsune.

>> No.15314589
Quoted by: >>15314608

>magic schoolbus but full of rape
There is something horribly wrong with that image.

>> No.15314594

Bits of metal and loli bone.

>> No.15314599

I don't exactly think succubi are classified as monster girls regularly.

>> No.15314600

The Troll turns out to be nice, and makes delicious pies!

>> No.15314608

Ms frizzle was always suspicious to me.

>> No.15314617

>No kitsune that shouts it at people that diss granola.

>> No.15314649

I'd do that.
We'd have lots of little sand raccoons to work in the shop and care for.

The real question would be if I could keep the wife from working too hard while pregnant...
And dear god, the titties that she would have.

>> No.15314651

What if...Snowworm?

>> No.15314662


>> No.15314663
Quoted by: >>15314678

A white scaled Wurm... Accustomed to cold climates...?! Yes. I would VERY much love this. PRINT IT.

>> No.15314678
Quoted by: >>15314710

See, I thought arctic sandworm. She'd be the toastiest and yeti's biggest rival.

>> No.15314710
Quoted by: >>15314740

We she be wooly on the outside instead of covered in scales?

>> No.15314716
Quoted by: >>15314732

I don't remember the exact wording, but one time when I visited DC a hobo approached my family and ranted about going to a place called "Sugartown" which to this day I assume was a crackhouse.
I don't remember it very well because while my family just kind of stood there I was already halfway across the street.
So I dunno, a drunk Baphomet? The Sabbath are basically crack peddlers with the whole Cult thing on top of it.

>> No.15314732

>Not knowing the ultimate hobo song of all time

>> No.15314740
Quoted by: >>15314745

Wool doesn't work well for something that burrows the way a sandworm does. Maybe a ring around the neck just for aesthetics? Really I just imagine her sitting near the surface with her maw vertical and open, luring in lost travelers with the promise of a hot spring only to gobble them up.

Also, built in hot tub. Yes.

>> No.15314745
Quoted by: >>15314747

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread, instead please remember to keep your waifu properly hydrated as summer comes upon us.

No, not THAT hydration, the normal one.

A warm pocked where they melt ice they consume and heat it up to comfy levels?

Sounds nice.

>> No.15314747
Quoted by: >>15314753

>A warm pocked where they melt ice they consume and heat it up to comfy levels?
Yes. I imagine it'd be a nice napping spot dry too, with a warm blanket and a waifu to cuddle next to. Also she can make bubbles by blowing into said pocket. This requires the grill part of the worm to make blowing noises with her lips because cute.

>> No.15314752

"In my country we would have beaten you with stick!"
Amazon I guess

>> No.15314753
Quoted by: >>15314759

The comfiest home of flesh one can make.
Does the girl bit have a scarf looking thing about her neck that serves no real purpose but to be wrapped around her husband's neck so he can stay close?

>> No.15314759
Quoted by: >>15314761

Either that or a whiskey dispenser around her neck (or in her breasts) like one of those rescue dogs. Personal preference?

>> No.15314761

The scarf.
I'm not a huge drinker.

Besides, it would mesh nicely with the fluffy ring wound her outer form's neck.

>> No.15314807

>Have Arachne wife
>She wakes up one day not feeling too good.
>Her eyes beside her main two are all pale and her lower body is twitching uncontrollably
>Tells you that she'll call in sick and that you should just go to work yourself
>Half way through the day she calls you begging you to return
>You race home through the city as fast as you can
>when you get there you find her curled in bed grabbing her arm as if it were broken
>She shows you how the chitin is slowly peeling off her fingers, revealing bloody human skin underneath quickly forming
>After a few hours her secondary eyes begin to dissolve entirely. She can't even see through them and becomes disoriented as the nerves die off
>You try to wash one and instead it falls out in your hand, leaving behind only a small scar and smooth skin underneath
>Over the course of the night the rest of her eyes fall out or completely dissolve. She cries herself to sleep as you clean up all the blood and help her peel the chitin from her new human hands
>When she wakes up in the morning she can no longer move her lower body.
>The spider legs pull inwards of their own accord like a dead spider and she comments that there's no feeling in them
>The area where her human torso connects with the spider body turns a dark red like a superficial wound and you begin to see the chitin cracking
>After a few more hours she begins to scream in uncontrollable pain while chiting flies off her body in fragments. You try to hold her but she begs you to 'pull her out'
>You do as she says and grab her upperbody while she hyperventilates, at the count of three you pull with all your might until an incredibly loud cracking sound rings through the room
>She sighs in relief and collapses in your arms. Her human legs completely separated from the spider body which is now an emptied, bloodied husk waiting for disposal.
>You carry her to the bathtub and lay her there while wiping away the blood.

With only 25 cents a day you can help fund the research to cure Spontaneous Humanization Disorder and prevent a scenario like above from happening to your waifu. Donate now and get a complimentary mug and shirt

>> No.15314812


>> No.15314816
Quoted by: >>15314820

This "what if monstergirls turned back into humans" thing you've done the last couple of threads is stupid as fuck man. Especially considering how many monsters can disguise themselves as human. Fun fact, one of them is the Nightrape Arachne.

>> No.15314820
File: 704 KB, 738x1100, Jorougumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15314831

You mean the Best Arachne?

>> No.15314831

Why I thought that went without saying, good sir.

>> No.15314832

Her being a monster does not change the fact that incest is wrong

>> No.15314833



Nah. You're a cunt.

>> No.15314834

>all of this

>> No.15314836
File: 220 KB, 797x334, 1462655612966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15314840

But onee-san knows what's best for you.

>> No.15314844

I don't care, I'm going to keep fucking my daughteru anyway!

>> No.15314847
Quoted by: >>15314867

And she should know what is best is not raping her brother

>> No.15314848
Quoted by: >>15314854

I wish this meme would go away.

>> No.15314854
Quoted by: >>15314860

Is there any meme you don't want to go away?

I mean seriously. As soon as there is something even semi-regular there are people coming out saying that they don’t want it.
Can we have anything that we can joke about?

>> No.15314860
Quoted by: >>15314865

>Can we have anything that we can joke about?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.15314865

I hate that you’re right.

>> No.15314867
Quoted by: >>15314876

But how else will he know about her love?

>> No.15314876
Quoted by: >>15314882

by ensuring the love is consensual

>> No.15314882

Oh, trust me. She will make you come to her. She will merely… present herself to you.

>> No.15314887
File: 217 KB, 500x707, 49f3baf214831eb8d49fe51d7a032a76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15314895

Know it's off topic, but what are good programs for leaning to use a drawing tablet? Already have some practice with drawing, though I haven't done it in a while. I just trust your opinions more than some board that will likely tell me to git gud.

>> No.15314895
Quoted by: >>15314933

Not an artist but as far as I can tell, pretty much everyone uses illustrator and spends a shit ton of time on their technique as well as custom brushes and pallets.

Like they'd shank a bitch if they lost their custom brush settings.

>> No.15314902
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x1126, overhype gazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been posted? Honestly haven't seen.
>it indeed was and I get autistic hate
Words can't hurt me.

>> No.15314919

It was in the thread before this one.
I was the one who said I've got you in my sights

>> No.15314932
Quoted by: >>15314943

>Get your TEFL certificate
>Get hired to teach in another country
>No one told you it was an all girls school
>Or that 99% of the girls were monster girls
>As well as the faculty
>The Manticore gym teacher doesn't speak a word of English, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she's got her sights set on you
>This is going to be a long year

>> No.15314933

Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out right away.

>> No.15314943
Quoted by: >>15314963

>You'll never hear the broken English from all your students
>You'll never admit that the one that could communicate the best was the local Wurm with "Yes", "No" and "Cookie"

>> No.15314963
File: 114 KB, 750x445, 1461640804243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15314983

Hey, sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective.

And I lost the pic of all the monster girl students lusting after the teacher. Anyone want to hook me up?

>> No.15314964
Quoted by: >>15314976

Are all Desert Monster Girls this deliciously thick?

>> No.15314976
File: 1.93 MB, 1462x2000, 8ImMOqs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they aren't, just pamper them like the desert queens they are until desired thickness is reached.

>> No.15314983
File: 530 KB, 1200x2000, 1449424965809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have that one, have this one instead.

>> No.15314998
File: 221 KB, 1000x1000, 1464325744179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15315006

Pampering the Anubis High Priestess is hard work. She needs the full treatment, make-up, claw manicure, paw rub and oil massage to perform her magic rituals with dignity and grace for the day.

>> No.15315006
Quoted by: >>15315036

Religious servants are always busy.

The Cat temples of Bast need scratching post replacements, food and catnip preparation, and the 'Daughters of Bast' need patting.

Then there's the Hathorites, all those heavy breasts, laden with milk, needing their teats massaged. Taking your daily milk is compulsory.

Many more of those weird desert-area religious cults too, like the mysterious Cults of the Serpent. Always headed by an Apophis of great dark power.

>> No.15315036
File: 272 KB, 1081x707, 022a0d0488ee82ecdb3b7fdc1e6b2109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bast doesn't sound so bad really.

>> No.15315057

We can go bigger.

>> No.15315067
File: 275 KB, 812x578, 1428366939768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15315079


>> No.15315077
Quoted by: >>15315080

What song would engie Anubutt sing?

>> No.15315079

You're not going to fall for those trinkets and baubles she's selling just because she's a stacked raccoon are you?

>> No.15315080

One piece at a time.

>> No.15315117

God I really hate Elves

>> No.15315121

Me too, I want to get married to one so I can be all like "HA you fell in love with a human!"

>> No.15315137
Quoted by: >>15315162

I would like a golem that gets exited about machinery.

>> No.15315155
File: 1.64 MB, 1131x1600, tumblr_o7ydxe47F01sr3vxbo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15315218

Someone commissioned Magnifire to do a MGE Bubble Slime, don't think I've ever seen art of her before.

>> No.15315162

>tfw you'll never build muscle cars with a Golem

>> No.15315167
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1464602913271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are shit, remove all elves.

>> No.15315171
Quoted by: >>15315230

She's not even a real elf, she's a filthy half elf. That's even worse because it means that one of her parents chose to mate with an inferior race.

>> No.15315185

In reality I love elves more than anything but I just can't tell em

>> No.15315196


>> No.15315218


>> No.15315230

The ending, man.
>Oh never close your eyes
>Searching for a true fate
>I keep endlessly pursuing the warmth that vanished

>> No.15315231
File: 67 KB, 640x362, oni hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for the kinks in your back

>> No.15315269

I'm eight hours late, but I just wanted to say I loved you.

>> No.15315421

Brownies made for you
Brownies made for you by the hellhound delinquent

>> No.15315517
Quoted by: >>15315536

1st person story about a MacDonalds worker being raped by a gazer

>> No.15315536
Quoted by: >>15315565

Should've sold more burgers.

I bet MGs macdonalds would have a cum burguer in the menu

>> No.15315565

I want to walk in and see a Pharaoh working in McDonalds.

She's smiling but she's dead inside.

>> No.15315572

>>Her eyes beside her main two are all pale and her lower body is twitching uncontrollably
This line here is where you call the lich.

>> No.15315576
Quoted by: >>15315593

For what purpose

>> No.15315586
File: 161 KB, 563x837, BIG BIRTHING HIPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW the first thing to come to mind reading up earlier in the thread and seeing MILF Red Dragons

>> No.15315593
Quoted by: >>15315604

Because I want to see haughty monster girls work in fast food joints.

There's a former Elf princess mopping the floor too.

>> No.15315596

She needs some healing.

I would love to see a macfonalds full of high class MGs working on it. You would be able to taste the sadness in those burgers.

>> No.15315604
Quoted by: >>15315686

What are you, some kind of sadist?

>> No.15315610

>I get autistic hate
Well you sound kind of up yourself. Who are you, that you are so important as to deserve "autistic hate" for merely re-posting an image?

>> No.15315611
Quoted by: >>15315686

>Pharaoh working in McDonalds
>The manager is an Apophis who keeps setting awful shifts for her and always giving her the worst jobs
>The Apophis is actually overqualified and could easily be an executive but she just wants to make her rival's life hell

>> No.15315615
Quoted by: >>15315852

Probs Shoggy and his victim complex

>> No.15315640
File: 91 KB, 419x500, Gnome_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15315645

>I am the trees. A boa of moss hangs about my shoulders. I feel the intricate genius of the lianas, the giant timeless wisdom of.. the redwoods?
>But how far away is the nearest redwood? How far am I reaching? Not Northern California? Surely I...
>...am withering with a yellow arctic poppy, up on the slope of Alaska. So Cold. So..
>I drift with the seaweed off Samoa.
>Somewhere in Russia I incline toward the Sun as a field of sighing Gold, and I...
>...feel the chrome dustiness of Australia, the teeming undergrowth...
>of Africa
Binding with Gnomes is fucking trippy, man.

>> No.15315645
Quoted by: >>15315679


>> No.15315669
File: 32 KB, 234x167, 1460173107569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to squeeze my mindflayer choldhood friend's chest to my face as her tentacles violate my brain and make me cum endlessly without any stimulation!

>> No.15315672

I wish I had a Mindflayer waifu that didn't fuck with my brain.

>> No.15315677

I don't want her to fuck with my brain, I want her to plain fuck it.

>> No.15315679
Quoted by: >>15315682

Dafuq was that!?

>> No.15315682
Quoted by: >>15315691


>> No.15315686

A little.
Hmm yes perfect.

>> No.15315688

She's not fucking with it. She's fixing it.

>> No.15315691

I was expecting sex with a Raiju but I guess it could Africa

>> No.15315706

I'd rather have her just fake the sensations of her tentacles reaming my sensitive throughtpussy instead of changing anything.

>> No.15315709

I'm fine with mind reading since I don't think much but I don't want a brainfucking

>> No.15315711

I'd rather go to akun than /qst/

>> No.15315730

I'm going to shove a mindflayer tentacle in my mouth and scram "Do it"!

>> No.15315734

Jesus christ centipedes are creepy

>> No.15315740

>in my mouth
>not in your ear
For what purpose? Do you really want to fellate it?

>> No.15315745

How would she react to it if that was the case though

>> No.15315748
Quoted by: >>15315753

Daily reminder that the human head wasn't designed to be fucked by mind-altering tentacles.

>> No.15315751

>of course
>must protect the lord's new utopia
>one more mind amongst foundations makes little difference

>> No.15315753

The female anus, mouth, armpit and navel weren't designed to be fucked by dicks either, and yet here we are.

>> No.15315757

I bet she'd shyly extend her tendrils from their protective sheath and see if you're for real. I hope you wouldn't bite them! That would be extremely painful and possibly traumatizing for her!

>> No.15315759

She's a big girl.

>> No.15315761

Don't forget the big toe

>> No.15315767

What do you even know? the female body was made for lewdness.

>> No.15315768

For you

>> No.15315771
Quoted by: >>15315785

I'm going to ferociously lick it until she can't handle it anymore. The I'll assualt her squidy legs by biting and smelling them.

>> No.15315772

You shouldn't bite a girl's tentacles, not matter what size she is. You should only gently suckle on them.

>> No.15315785
Quoted by: >>15315788

What's your obsession with biting? I don't think she'll enjoy getting her legs bit, either!

>> No.15315788

I'm going to bite her hair then.

>> No.15315790
Quoted by: >>15315888

I wish I had a Monster Girl Onee-san to hold me and comfort me. Going through Taps was painful.

Life gets harder everyday.

>> No.15315799
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1166, Barb White Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Do so Enjoy Barbs Dragons

>> No.15315809
Quoted by: >>15315812

Funny, I was about to post about dragons too.

Dragons are cute.

>> No.15315812
Quoted by: >>15315823

Tsundere twindrills ojou Dragons are my favourite.

>> No.15315821

What would happen if i paint her white with my semen?

>> No.15315823

I like those red haired mayadere ones. I find the evil and strong thing pretty charming and cute.

>> No.15315824


>> No.15315833

Do you think a hug would calm her down?

>> No.15315852

I was referring to the usual occurrence of 10+ angry repetitive responses following a single picture re-post. Dunno why you haven't noticed that's a thing around here.

>> No.15315854
File: 239 KB, 790x594, Alice_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, take this.

>> No.15315861

Can I take it home and hug it?

>> No.15315863

It's funny that's even a thing considering 90% of the images here have been posted before.

>> No.15315868

Why does the ground wants me to eat it? I don't have floor tiles fetish.

>> No.15315870
File: 136 KB, 300x300, alice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15315873

How would an Alice react to being used as a daki?

>> No.15315873

She'd get increasingly frustrated and try to wiggle herself onto your dick.

>> No.15315878
Quoted by: >>15315896

The fuck is wrong with her legs

>> No.15315882

Rev up that collar hate.

>> No.15315886
Quoted by: >>15315892

The fuck am I supposed to do with this? I'm not a babysitter!

>> No.15315888
Quoted by: >>15315906

Was it someone close?

>> No.15315892
Quoted by: >>15315905

She's your babysitter

>> No.15315896

Nothing. The one foot looks odd but it's because her shoe is lose and she's kicking it off.

>> No.15315905
Quoted by: >>15315907

I'm 25!

>> No.15315906
Quoted by: >>15315932


>> No.15315907
Quoted by: >>15315913

She's 200 years old

>> No.15315913
Quoted by: >>15315924

Would an onee-san monster girls actually do that?

>> No.15315922

I'd be incredibly tempted to play with her tail while pretending to be asleep just to get her more flustered.

>> No.15315924
Quoted by: >>15315958

Babysit someone? Of course!

>> No.15315932
File: 129 KB, 600x369, 1440947613115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, man.

>> No.15315952
Quoted by: >>15315975

Creepy crawlies stink!

>> No.15315958

Babysit a 25 year old.

>> No.15315960
Quoted by: >>15315977

Of course! She'll still treat you like a child and pamper/cuddle you!

>> No.15315964

I don't care if I'm 23, I don't find the idea of an onee-san of the scaly kind tucking me in and kissing me goodnight.

>> No.15315965
Quoted by: >>15315971

Literally only that faggot gets this uppity over being scolded. Kill yourself.

>> No.15315971
Quoted by: >>15316020

What about me, Alp?

>> No.15315975
Quoted by: >>15315982

Sure if you get a chance to smell one as it hangs from the ceiling, waiting in ambush to wrap around you and inject you with its venom to incapacitate you and eat your face

>> No.15315977
Quoted by: >>15315984

That's just weird. Who hired her?

>> No.15315979 [SPOILER] 
File: 662 KB, 724x1024, 1464621095037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15316015

You probably wouldn't want to open this then.

>> No.15315982
Quoted by: >>15316015

>eat your face
Eating face is nowhere near as scary as you're making it out to be.

>> No.15315983
File: 87 KB, 650x446, flayerrehabilitationmanualsection8--troubleshooting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the training video say about this situation?

>> No.15315984
Quoted by: >>15315988

Herself! She's self employed.

>> No.15315988
Quoted by: >>15315999

Wait so she just decided to come into my house and babysit me?

>> No.15315993

>Let him suck on your tentacle until you orgasm.

>> No.15315999
Quoted by: >>15316010

This girl is proactive, I like it.

>> No.15316002

>You'll never whisper paella as you suck that

>> No.15316004
File: 255 KB, 512x509, Alice being pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15316022

Alices are not lewd, you take that back.

>> No.15316005

I did not ask for loliflayers the first time.

Now I can't get enough loliflayers.

>> No.15316006
File: 197 KB, 1350x1350, PopplioC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done all three now. Haven't published them on pixiv yet since I wanted to do some more extras.

>> No.15316010

Well she's not getting paid.

>> No.15316012

What a silly seal.

>> No.15316015
File: 15 KB, 384x549, unluckybat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually while I'm on this tangent, is it possible to get a Mg version of this drawn with an anon replacing the bat?

>> No.15316017

Oh no! To quell her hunger pangs, Junko ate some suspicious mushrooms and now she's ranting about the end of the world and how soon a Plague of Mucus Toads would engulf the city!
What ever will you do in the face of this adversity?

>> No.15316020
Quoted by: >>15316026

You're just the body that tumor sprouted from you perkele whispering snow mongol

>> No.15316022
Quoted by: >>15316034

>that fucking shaka sign

>> No.15316026
Quoted by: >>15316032

>just the body that tumor sprouted
I'm confused. What tumor? Also perkele is not whispered. It's shouted.

>> No.15316027

Aw yes
This is what she gets for being squisy.

>> No.15316032
File: 83 KB, 720x540, AlpandShoggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not whispered it's shouted
With your feminine as vocal cords it might as well be meowed.

>> No.15316034
Quoted by: >>15316045


>> No.15316036
Quoted by: >>15316087

The hell do Alp and Shoggy have to do with one another anyway?

>> No.15316041

If you want to call me your little kitty then just do it you tsundere faggot.

>> No.15316045

It's been a while since I last played Civ, thanks for reminding me

>> No.15316049
File: 1.96 MB, 770x720, 1450984136655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yeti of Winter Past appears!

>> No.15316057


>> No.15316078
Quoted by: >>15316356

>Yeti summer coat

>> No.15316087

Both are bottom of the barrel writers, both drink alot for either mental or ethnic reasons, both are self-depreciating little shits, both probably smell like Slavs.

>> No.15316095

I don't drink though, I'm an abstainer.

>> No.15316114

I want a yeti to cuddle me through past, present, and future and show me the magic of Christmas

>> No.15316120

>self-depreciating little shit
Admit it, it's true for Alp. He's worthless and unwilling to get better. He's just in it for the attention and it doesn't even matter if it's negative.

>> No.15316127
Quoted by: >>15316137

Why do you keep giving it to him then?

>> No.15316137
File: 781 KB, 1316x1421, 1425274724408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone keep bullying monoeyes?

>> No.15316143


Why is the MGE Cyclops ignored?

>> No.15316151
Quoted by: >>15316166

Nobody likes titan girls when there's mojoclopses to bully.

>> No.15316152

Why is water wet?

>> No.15316154
File: 1.04 MB, 1024x1024, 1389853694543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she can bully back.

>> No.15316158
Quoted by: >>15316161

In need of new art, hopefully they're one of the girls he had to redo for the English version.

>> No.15316159

I want to fuck a titanic monoeye in the nostril!

>> No.15316161

What? her art looks perfectly fine.

>> No.15316166


The MGE Cyclopses aren't giant though.

>> No.15316193
Quoted by: >>15316200

>Thinking that doesn't apply to both of them

>> No.15316200
Quoted by: >>15316235

I've never read anything by bollocks

>> No.15316219

I'm off to the traveling Circus that's just in Monster Girl City! I wonder what attractions they'll have there

>> No.15316221
File: 276 KB, 792x1280, 1447550541293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent out your freezer this summer to your local Yuki-onna before they melt

>> No.15316229


My freezer is way too small

>> No.15316235

You're lucky then.

>> No.15316243

The Flying Grayscales, a family of Wyvern acrobats!

>> No.15316266
Quoted by: >>15316282

I wonder what a freak show would look like in a monster girl carnival.

>> No.15316282
Quoted by: >>15316303

It's a bunch of human girls. namely feminists.

>> No.15316290
Quoted by: >>15316461

And what do I get in return?

>> No.15316303

>buzzcuts and morbid obesity all around

>> No.15316307

I'd rather put food in there, unless I'm going to eat her.

>> No.15316318

Trigglypuff would be the main attraction, monsters would get a kick out of the "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and arm gelatin.

>> No.15316320
Quoted by: >>15316354

For just an extra $2 you can buy a poking stick to poke the creatures in their cages if you'd like! Poke and laugh with your waifu while you appreciate how wonderful life has been to you.

>> No.15316334

But I need a yuki-onna to hug to fend off this heat!

>> No.15316349
File: 217 KB, 850x925, 1456735384889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see a Yuki-Onna.

>> No.15316354

Sticks are worth $2?
I should get into the stick business

>> No.15316356

Isn't that just Sasquatch?

>> No.15316362

These are nice sticks.

>> No.15316365

It's a poking weird thing stick. If you use a normal one, you might catch a disease.

>> No.15316367
Quoted by: >>15316375

It's not so much the sticks, it's more the license to poke.

>> No.15316372
Quoted by: >>15316379

Nice. Now I want a Wurm doing this.

>> No.15316375

You must first understand the basic fundamentals of sticks
Can't have people selling sticks without a license now, can we? Like what >>15316367 said

>> No.15316379

I want a Wurm to go tu-tu-tu-tururu-tu-tu-tuu, tu-tu-ru-ruu-ru, tu-tu-ru-ru-ruu-ru~

>> No.15316395

I'm going to start the best stick operation this side of MGC with my waifu. I'm going to put our tanuki rivals out of business.

>> No.15316397

Reminder that it's not nice to play "tails" with two tailed kitsune

>> No.15316403

What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.15316404
Quoted by: >>15316417

>play "tails"
What does this mean?

>> No.15316417
Quoted by: >>15316463

I assume he means to twist the tails like a helicopter so they can fly.
may or may not involve a cliff.

>> No.15316426

Spent a decent half hour staring a fox in the eye yesterday, seemed to follow me though the park.

>> No.15316427

Did you fuck it?

>> No.15316440
Quoted by: >>15316473

You think that's weird? A flamingo started following me the other day when I walking through a forest. It just walked by my side for a while, then departed.

They're weird birds, so lanky and awkward. Glad they're not monster girls.

>> No.15316446

I saw a slowworm today. Thought I'd touch it's smooth scales but then it got scared and I didn't wanna bully.

>> No.15316461
Quoted by: >>15316475

Free air conditioning, your pillow always has a cool side, and a waifu who can make it snow on 95F weather

>> No.15316463

That is basically a crime against humanity itself.

>> No.15316473
Quoted by: >>15316486

Flamingo girl when?

>> No.15316475

>a waifu who can make it snow on 95F weather
I'll take it.

>> No.15316486

creepy long legged jubjub that likes to stand on one leg?

>> No.15316530

>tfw no Spanish Flamingo girl will dance to you the traditional flamenco dance of her people
I can imagine her going full suave on me.

>> No.15316531

I want a tall pink and brown bird girl to hit on me in an awkward yet seductive manner!

>> No.15316560
Quoted by: >>15316674

But how does she do hand movements without looking like a clown

>> No.15316583

I'll be damned that fox has a polydactyl left hand.
Would you love you're waifu if she was a genetic aberrant and likely to pass it on to your children?

>> No.15316596

Depends on what
If it's my waifu I'd be fine

>> No.15316608

Tried to fix it. Mileage may vary.

>> No.15316641
Quoted by: >>15316736

I want to be a teacher and have a delinquent Hellhound student who only listens to me.
Other students try to ask her to do something? She intimidates them or kicks their asses.
Teachers try to ask her to do something? Intimidation and threats.
Me? She does it while pretending she doesn't want to.

>> No.15316649
Quoted by: >>15316706

To honor the new expansion pack to Witcher 3, somebody should write about Vampires and a bunch of Don Quijote -tier chuuni knights of both the human and Monster Girl persuasion, engaging in chivalrous courtships and tourneys and much carnal indulgence.

>> No.15316666
Quoted by: >>15316670

Which of the two has the best ass I wonder.

>> No.15316670
Quoted by: >>15316707

The Hellhound's is bigger and therefore better.

>> No.15316674

>Implying Harpy dances are stupid
Do not bully the birds.

>> No.15316706
Quoted by: >>15316725

>Dhampir who reads too many shonen mangas
>Her brain melts and she starts believing she has a destiny to fullfill
>Starts acting chuuni around the mansion, annoying her Vampire mother and sisters
>One day she decides to seek her destiny alongside a thick shortstack Goblin servant who is only interested in food
>The Dhampir believes the Goblin is the comic relief character of her adventure to make her look better but in truth she only accompanies her to make sure she doesn't get hurt and doesn't get in trouble
What kind of adventures would this pair have in the MGC world?

>> No.15316707
Quoted by: >>15316719

bigger overall but I think the fox is bigger proportionally considering the way that skirt hangs off her

>> No.15316719
Quoted by: >>15316738

I will agree that the Kitsune comes from good stock. 7 tails at that age and all, but physical size trumps.

>> No.15316725

While trying to cross a bridge they run into a Dullahan in black armor who tells them NONE SHALL PASS.

>> No.15316728

>Be monster girls researcher
>The Order wants me dead for spreading the truth
>Take asylum in a northern island country
>A Selkie tells me about a species I never heard of before
>Go on a small expedition to find her
>End up in some huge underground cavern
>The walls are covered in runes and drawings of tentacles
>Something suddenly appears in front of me
>It's a kind of purple scylla with tentacles for hair
>Greet her
>She just smiles
>Extend my hand for her to shake after presenting myself
>We shake hands and she proposes that we tour her society
>Learn about the Mindflayer species and their peculiar way of life
>She keeps avoiding the questions about why half the men living in their society act like mindless thralls
>We finish the tour and I thank her for her help
>She wants a hug
>That's a big red flag, I start to slowly back off
>She says that she can read my thoughts
>Start sweating, I may have messed up more than that one time a Hellhound chased me
>Feel soft and slimy breasts pressing against my back
>Realize another Mindflayer teleported behind me
>About to sprint off when her hair tentacles enter my ears
>Decide to marry the Mindflayer who gave me the tour
>She accepts to live in the city with me and to work together on my quest to spread the truth
>She also promises that her and her society will keep me safe from the Order
>Life is good

>> No.15316735
Quoted by: >>15316740

And this is why I don't like Mindflayers.

>> No.15316736

>Delinquent Hellhound who begrudgingly does what you ask her to
>Gets flustered when you tell her deep down she's a kind, gentle girl, the other students sniggering when her tail starts wagging
>Meets up with you in the staff room after hours, the Succubus nurse has already practically talked your damned ear off about how her favorite student is really "blossoming", with her thumb between two fingers
>You were just listening to her when Hellhound walks in, sipping some luke-warm coffee. Succubutt sees her and grins, leaving the room with an aloof "see ya <3~"
"All those things you said, were they true?"
>Look back up at Hellhound student, she towers over you by at least six inches, her face flushed and tail wagging
>Tell her you think she's just putting on a delinquent act because she wants to come off as tough-as-nails, despite what you remember her father acting like
"... G."
>Come again?
"They're... G."
>She's getting visibly more flustered as you're sipping your coffee again, wondering what she means. Look back down at your paperwork, hear a noise of cloth ripping open
>Face gets smothered in huge Hellhound milk cannons glowing orange, their heat engulfing your head
>She smells like cinnamon and smoking firewood, heady and thick as she tells you to touch her and headpat her for being a good girl
>Try to ignore the erection growing, but Johnnie Wunai decides its high noon somewhere and stands tall
"S-So... You feel the same."
>Well duh, you're putting me in Marshmallow Hell you think to yourself
"Just like the nurse said..."
>She starts to paizuri your dick in BIG WAN-WAN TITTIES, stroking your shaft like a small animal
>Her nipples are big and erect, and she moans when she rubs them together while bouncing her huge knockers against your cock
>You end up launching a load into her face, getting a surprised "Aagh!" from her when it hits her near the eye
>She very nearly tired you out, and you see her removing her skirt. Please stop, for the love of God, please.
>Bends over your work desk, pushing the paperwork aside, her own juices dripping lewdly out of her bright white glowing hole
>It's shining from within like a portal to hell, but the heady, musky smell of her is driving you up the wall
>End up plowing into that BIG FAT ASS against your desk, fuck getting fired, you're going to make her pay
>Keep up a steady pace, sometimes going deep, sometimes playing against her edge
"Just fucking fuck me already!"
>Slam into her at break-neck speed for the next few minutes, unleashing a load into her with reckless abandon
>She comes back into school the next day with a collar on, offering you one as a bracelet
>The Kitsune class rep just sniggering at her even more

>> No.15316737
Quoted by: >>15316740

MIndflayers are so nice.

>> No.15316738

Well, I mean if pure mass is what you're aiming for then they'd both lose to an Irish giant, but in the words of one true prophet of our generation, Sir Mix Alot, butt pays off more per pound depending on how short the girl is. https://youtu.be/t5Xhcn9AUxQ?t=2m49s

>> No.15316740
Quoted by: >>15316760

Oh come on now, I really don't see what all the hub-bub is aALL GLORY TO HYPNOTOAD

>> No.15316760

I find it extremely weird that I started liking mindflayers one day when I woke up.
I used to dislike their desing and the mind thing, but now I like her and her tentacles appeal to me. Still don't really like the mind thing though.

>> No.15316769
Quoted by: >>15316801

I can agree on that. Outside of the whole mind-thingy, she’s actually great. But the mind washing is just too disturbing for me.

>> No.15316801

If you don't want to have sex she'll melt your thoughts until your primal instincts to mate take completely over

Aside from that and them turning you into a squid to have sex in public they really don't touch your mind much, it's just that they can do it

Everything else we say is speculation and besides each Mindflayer is an individual with different thought process and ideals, I'm sure you can find one who'd never use her powers unless you asked her to

>> No.15316822

What kind of stuff would monster girls make in wood shop class?

>> No.15316825

Still. It’s a bit… uncomfortable to me.
I mean, even if she never did it to me unless I wanted to, I would still be uncomfortable with the fact that she could at any point make me into a mindless fuck slave.

>> No.15316830
Quoted by: >>15316847

You know that's a dumbass question.

>> No.15316835

Unless wooden dildos are banned then those to the dismay of the teacher

>> No.15316838

Birdhouses and stools. It's fucking shop class, you don't get to bring your creativity along.

>> No.15316842
Quoted by: >>15316878

I was about to post the same thing as >>15316825

Her having the power to do it is pretty scary. I don't think I would be able to trust one even if she said that she won't use her power.

>> No.15316844
Quoted by: >>15316877


>> No.15316846
Quoted by: >>15316854

Better yet, what kind of monster girl would teach shop? Maybe a cyclops?

>> No.15316847


>> No.15316854


>> No.15316857
Quoted by: >>15316889

I bet Harpies and their human partner helping them would make a Bird Perch for her

>> No.15316859

>What is sanding
>What is varnish

>> No.15316865

They did make dildos out of wood for ages, I'm sure they can sand those things just fine.

>> No.15316877

>Teacher i need help screwing

>> No.15316878

I understand your point

It's hard enough to trust someone with no powers, so someone who can completely rewrite you in an instant must be impossible to get comfortable with

Entering a relationship with a Mindflayer doesn't require trust, it requires blind faith

>> No.15316881

So we've had a lot of talk about ideal heights for tall girls in the past but what about shortstacks, what's the right range for the vertically challenged titty monsters?

>> No.15316885
Quoted by: >>15316898

4'6 is the comfiest height.

>> No.15316889

That is kinda cute, but i think a perch might be a little small

>> No.15316895
Quoted by: >>15316916

They’re still cute tho.
I'll give them that.

>> No.15316898
Quoted by: >>15316917

Sounds about right, 4'2 to 4'6ish was what I was thinking.

There's a lot of things I would give for a Lich with that build.

>> No.15316903

Blind faith or insanity since we are talking about her.

I'm ok with others monster girls when talking about power. Hell, my waifu is a dragon and I'm sure she could crush me anytime she wanted.

It's just that I value my memories a lot, even though some of them left me fucked up.

>> No.15316916

Between 65 and 80% of your own height, that's the perfect range

My sweet spot is 73%

The cutest

>> No.15316917
Quoted by: >>15317002

>4'3 Lich with an ass that kills and big breasts

>> No.15316923

Insects are icky

>> No.15316930


Small, medium, or big?

>> No.15316937

The smallest is the custest and THE BEST!

>> No.15316939


>> No.15316941

Big wocks.

>> No.15316950

Big nee-sans

>> No.15316963

Big or medium, I'm not into small ones

>> No.15316974


>> No.15316975
Quoted by: >>15317008


>> No.15316976

Small all day. And all night too.

>> No.15316989

Cheshires are cute when they aren't smug

>> No.15316996

So never?

>> No.15317002

Heavens yes, I want that Lich.

>> No.15317003
Quoted by: >>15317036

>Mommy Snake and her husband
>first child is another mommy snake
So what else should the family have? I'm thinking an Otter. Otters are nice.

>> No.15317004
Quoted by: >>15317030

You get Meme Smug or Genki Smug, take your pick

>> No.15317008


>> No.15317013

Which monster is most cute when she is trying not to be

>> No.15317021
Quoted by: >>15317051

Any Maus trying to act tuff.

>> No.15317022

prideful but seceratly shy dragons

>> No.15317030

What about the rare traumatized Cheshire that vowed to never use her powers again after injuring you

>> No.15317036
Quoted by: >>15317043

What about a Vamp Mosquito? (I random'd her)

She could be the scary old sister who ends up becoming the only CC of the family

>> No.15317043

>the only CC of the family
But a lazy CC Otter who just lazes around and goes skinny-dipping is what I had in mind.

>> No.15317050
Quoted by: >>15317054

Why does she go skinny dipping? Don't her old swimsuits still fit her?

>> No.15317051

but all she can do is be fluff

>> No.15317054

It's more like they live inna woods and don't need to bother.

>> No.15317058
Quoted by: >>15317070

That sounds good too

Bonus points if she always asks for flavors and thanks people with overly long hugs

>> No.15317066
Quoted by: >>15317098

A Kobold trying to protect the house form 'intruders'

>> No.15317070

Oh she certainly gets other people to do anything she can.

>> No.15317098
Quoted by: >>15317108

Will Kobolds abruptly stop whatever they are doing just to go and angrily wan at the door?

>> No.15317108
Quoted by: >>15317136

It's so adorable when my dog starts defending the house from whoever comes in, notices it's actually someone who's supposed to be here and then she goes all apologetic.

>> No.15317136

There are dogs that only bark because they can get away with it, my dogs do it all the time, whenever someone comes they bark angrily but when the person enters and they have him in front they act all meek and shit.

Coward Kobolds that act braver than they are must be adorable to watch too.

>> No.15317153

Which monster do you dislike enough so that you WOULDN'T want rape(not that its possible im just being hypothetical here)

>> No.15317165

Cu/Cait sith

>> No.15317171

I don't really mind being raped by any of them, what I wouldn't want is to be husbando'd by one I dislike which is pretty hard because the ones I like are the ones who will husbando'd you by force

>> No.15317173

For me, I am degenerate enough that i would dick any monter girl in the encyclopedia, yes even those that the thread shits on.

The problem is not dicking the girls, the problem is the circumstances of such dickings, i wouldn't want to get my dick wet if it meant losing my mind or transforming into a mushroom or a squid or some shit like that.

>> No.15317183

As previously mentioned in the thread. Mindflayer.
Even if I rape her I would end up in a mindfuckery situation.

>> No.15317198

I've fallen far enough that I'd be happy with any of kc's girls wanting me. I just want to feel loved by a monster girl.

>> No.15317199

Ignoring the Siths because they're not monster girls.

>> No.15317239

The Siths, Alps, Cheshires, Mantangos.

>> No.15317247

Because you can't rape the willing

>> No.15317276

Pretty much any of the smug squad.

>> No.15317284
Quoted by: >>15317293

Beelzebub, devil bug and mindflayer.

>> No.15317287
Quoted by: >>15317361

I don't want rape at all though.

>> No.15317293

Why do people hate devil bug? Is it because they fuck their own fathers?

>> No.15317313

>Nonsentient filthy fuck bugs.
Gee Ollie, I just don't know.

>> No.15317315
Quoted by: >>15317328

They are nasty.
Just look at her.

>> No.15317328

Devil bugs are not protected by law, you can bully them and lock them in your basement and no one will care.

They are literally free onaholes, i don't know why people hate them.

>> No.15317333

Give me your lewd drawing requests

>> No.15317336

yeti pawjob

>> No.15317337

Dragon flexing

>> No.15317341

Because when you get an infestation and call the exterminator, even the exterminator is giving you a dirty look the whole time. You'll just be keep getting guilt tripped silently as the exterminator has all the girls walk out of the house and into the back of her van, driving away to never return.
And you never even realize she'd going to put the full moon defense system's schematics up for bid soon after.

>> No.15317343

Little Kobold in lingerie or a see-through dress! Or latex, if you want. That's pretty lewd.

>> No.15317346


Kejourou binding a man with her hair and licking his ear

>> No.15317347

I like devil bugs, I want to be be buried in a devil bug cuddle pile and not be able to tell which of them is sucking my dick.

>> No.15317349

Jinko with beet red face and anon double hand holding.

>> No.15317350

Lich doing some "experiments"

>> No.15317351

Lewd and smug, LEWD AND SMUG.

>> No.15317353

Pov double blowjob from two Khepri sisters.

>> No.15317359


>> No.15317361
Quoted by: >>15317367

what a fucking loser

>> No.15317364

>no lonely christmas cake wedding dress Ittan-momen to comfort

>> No.15317366

Yeah, a filthy onahole. It's way better to get a random monster on the street and ask for sex.

>> No.15317367
Quoted by: >>15317406

That may be true, but at least my purity is intact.

>> No.15317372

Vampire on lotus position with her husbando, also biting his shoulder or neck at the same time

>> No.15317399
Quoted by: >>15317410

Saber tooth dire cat snu snu in a cave. Bonus for stick figure drawings on the rock depicting all sorts of sex positions.

>> No.15317401

They probably smell terrible

>> No.15317406

and that only makes you more of a target fagboy

>> No.15317407
Quoted by: >>15317420

How do you defeat a monstergirl in a battle of wits

>> No.15317410

This. Give us a big scary Cat Girl with saber teeth.

>> No.15317413

Which monster girl has the biggest, fattest fluff?

>> No.15317420

P'Orcs and Ogres are easy. They're not too bright.

But a Lich or an Anubis will be smarter than you, so watch out.

>> No.15317422

Has anybody else been having trouble with pastebin recently? Whenever I open a link or just try to go to the site it always gives me that 500 internal proxy error, and it just sort of happened out of nowhere. One day it was perfectly fine but for no reason as far as I can see my computer decided it doesn't like the site any more.
Anybody know how to make my computer stop being a bitch?

>> No.15317424

That Kitsune OC with the red fur, so much plush fluff.

>> No.15317444

I want to go to the Mofu shrine and drench all the tails with a super soaker

>> No.15317459
Quoted by: >>15317467

This isn't even a fair competition. http://i.imgur.com/5CWeMWm.jpg

>> No.15317463

>High Priestess, looking smug with her finely brushed tails, leisurely strolling in the garden.
>Anon bursts out of a bush and super soaks her with his super soaker.
>She stands there dripping, like a drenched rat, calls him a 'baka' and runs off looking like a drenched rat.

>> No.15317466
Quoted by: >>15317478

For some reason i want a drenched rat girl now.

>> No.15317467

Enough fluff to sleep on!

>> No.15317471

That was a bad day for her to wear white and nothing underneath

>> No.15317472
Quoted by: >>15317509


at least she wasn't at gamestoop

>> No.15317478

That's literally how you bully the fire rat in the profile.

She's all read to chun-li your ass until you wicked witch her with a bucket of water. Then she turns into a meek little thing.

>> No.15317479
Quoted by: >>15317507

>no busty tender-hearted Succubus to husbando you and spirit you away into the night

>> No.15317481

The Fox High Priestess' impressive rack is on display for the whole town to see.

Visiting tourists are sure to take pictures.

>> No.15317496

But the mega mofu will absorb so much water they have to drag their water logged tail

>> No.15317498

This is how you waifu the rat.

>> No.15317502

I want the Demon and Angel on my shoulder to fight for my love

>> No.15317505
Quoted by: >>15319758

Massive lactating Apophis udders

>> No.15317507

I would allow her to take me anywhere.

>> No.15317509
Quoted by: >>15317520

Yeah, all that's at Gamestop is that one Gamer Gazer.

Hey, don't Gazers just wear their goo as clothing?

>> No.15317513


I want to mating press a wet Hinezumi while she struggles and says the defeat didn't count and demands a rematch.

>> No.15317520
Quoted by: >>15317527


That's how their profile portraits shows them to be yeah

>> No.15317521

I want to play video games with a gazer and just be friends with no sexual tension

>> No.15317527

Squirt her with your water gun

>> No.15317531

>Super Soak a powerful looking Kitsune.
>The water hits some kind of invisible barrier surrounding her.
>When you've stopped firing, she turns to look at you, levitating you off the ground and out of your hiding place.
>She slowly walks back to the temple, while disarming you and tearing off your clothes.
>Her tails lash out and bind your limbs. Before dragging you with her inside to teach you some discipline.
>She is not in a joking mood today.

>> No.15317537

I want to dry off my Hinezumi opponent to make the fight fair

>> No.15317539

What's the punishment?

>> No.15317540

What about the water balloons hidden on me? A great prankster has back ups

>> No.15317545
Quoted by: >>15317550

3 weeks of tail brushing

>> No.15317546

Tell her it was just a prank, sis.

>> No.15317547
Quoted by: >>15317551

This is why you try to super soak them without them realizing, they can't put up their barrier at all times.

After the deed though, that's a totally different matter, you will probably still get raped anyways.

>> No.15317550

What if I say "no"?

>> No.15317551

You go for the fluffy tails so the water weight slows her down so you can get away

>> No.15317552
Quoted by: >>15318294

You get a stern talking to, and a lengthy lecture about your behavior.

Then you need to work at the temple for a week as a servant. Scrubbing floors, watering plants, cooking meals for the Fox Priestesses and reading bedtime stories to the little Foxes.

>> No.15317563
Quoted by: >>15317578

>What if I say "no"?
>Thinking you get a choice

>> No.15317578

What's she gonna do to force me?

>> No.15317579
Quoted by: >>15317603

What you thought was a fox was really a Cheshire and now with your prank she declares you her rival.

>> No.15317587

I mean, they can't physically force you to, but the alternative is them giving you as a peace offering to the local Ushi-Oni.

>> No.15317589


>> No.15317591

Death by mofu

>> No.15317594

Why would you?

>> No.15317603
Quoted by: >>15317611

Prank lord Anon confronting his rival Legendary prank Chesire when?

>> No.15317611

But it was a fluke that you pranked her and was instead trying to get an easy fox

>> No.15317618
Quoted by: >>15317620

I want the mofu shrine to kidnap me and try to make me one of theirs just for me to stay loyal to the snake shrine!

>> No.15317620

>kidnapping someone from the snake shrine
Man, foxes are dumb.

>> No.15317626
Quoted by: >>15317655

Foxes are whores. Unfaithful whores.

>> No.15317630

I know right? Imagine when the snake shrine sends a commando to take me back!

>> No.15317636

I want to be the groundskeeper of the mofu shrine, and the only who does any work! The priestesses just laze around and try to seduce me, but I'm too jaded to care!

>> No.15317655
Quoted by: >>15317663

Snakes are worse.

>> No.15317660

How do you show a monster that you are not tsundere and actually don't like her

>> No.15317663
Quoted by: >>15317668

Snakes are best alongside undeads

>> No.15317668

Snakes are trash, bug girls are much better.

>> No.15317669

But what if I am a tsundere that actually want to show her that I love her, despite not acting like it?

>> No.15317675
Quoted by: >>15317681

That wasn't the question?

>> No.15317681

I can’t tell if you are joking or not. I need to go to bed.

>> No.15317682

Nice shit taste you have there friend

>> No.15317695

t. Bug Catcher Pokémon Trainer

>> No.15317702

This is why tsunderes are garbage, by the way.

>> No.15317714
Quoted by: >>15317732

Male tsundere > Female tsundere

I like watching how a tsundere guy drops the tsun for a girl

>> No.15317716
Quoted by: >>15317726

Fuck you

>> No.15317726

Get a cupid to shoot you with her love arrows. When they have no effect, she'll realize that you hold no love for her.

He's right though

>> No.15317732
Quoted by: >>15317788

I want to see a tough wizard get kidnapped by an Amazon and he acts tough and bitter but overtime mellows and becomes a devoted house husband!

>> No.15317733
Quoted by: >>15317773

You're just tsundere for tsunderes.

>> No.15317773

They're stupid as hell. If you act like a bitch I'm not going to give you the time of day because I have no reason to think otherwise.
People don't have Magical Plot Knowledge™ that allows them to know what the other is actually thinking.

>> No.15317788
Quoted by: >>15317803

I would like it as well, but it doesn't really need to be something like that, just for example a big, genki and dere girl making a delinquent boy a better person or just admit he loves her.


>> No.15317803

Anon please

>> No.15317816

What's the problem?

>> No.15317890

As long as he's not posting the bestiality garbage I don't see a problem.

>> No.15317902

>That spoiler
There's only one faggot we know who'd post that

>> No.15317924

Shoggocks was likely the one shitposting with that stuff due to his Kemono fixation.

>> No.15317927

At least the male was always human

>> No.15317936

>Kemono fixation
It's not nice to lie, Mister Potter.

>> No.15317937

Don't even attempt to justify it

>> No.15317940

To be fair, that faggot seems to be the main one that posts that artist, period.

>> No.15317941

No excuses.

>> No.15317945

I've posted that artist too, but only the monstergirl pics.

>> No.15317951
Quoted by: >>15317955

I need a reality bending waifu to make RNGsus my bitch.

>> No.15317955
Quoted by: >>15317989

I want to marry the RNG Goddess!

>> No.15317970

I just want a vampire to come one night and take me far away with her, is that too much to ask?

>> No.15317971


>> No.15317976

Why is it that class reps are always kitsunes?

>> No.15317984
Quoted by: >>15317993

Ban manticores , ignore manticores, hide manticores

>> No.15317989

Get that bitch to drop 20 proofs of a concord kept right now and I won't fantasize about facefucking her untill she passes out

>> No.15317993

I want to ban a Manticore from not having sex with me.

>> No.15318046
Quoted by: >>15318055

Oh hey, it's T@ILPUSSY69

>> No.15318054
Quoted by: >>15318057

Could a manticore use her tail on a joystick?

>> No.15318055
Quoted by: >>15318058

Marry the Tailpussy, not the Manticore.

>> No.15318057

Of course, they are called "Joystick masters" for a reason.

>> No.15318058

Uh oh! Your Manticore wife is pouting because she thinks you only love her for her tail. How do you convince her that's not true?

>> No.15318059

By buying the tail some flowers.

>> No.15318060

It's true

Me and her tail are off to elope

>> No.15318075
Quoted by: >>15318088

The obvious thing to do is to pull her in to bed for a long night of snuggling and passionate lovemaking, followed by placing my head between her breast and falling asleep their.

>> No.15318081
Quoted by: >>15318088

Ignore her tail and focus on her

>> No.15318082
Quoted by: >>15318088

Use her pussypussy instead of her tailpussy

>> No.15318084

Cut her tailpussy off.

>> No.15318088

Uh oh! now the Tailpussy is angry at you for not giving her enough attention and started avoiding you and denying you those delicious tailjobs you always like, how do you fix the situation?

>> No.15318092

Fuck the regular pussy

>> No.15318093

Use the armpit pussy

>> No.15318095

Manticores deserve only one thing. A bath in purging flame.

>> No.15318103

Obviously give both folks equal attention as to not allow this to happen in the first place. Plus what if I like my manticore lover's normal pussy better than her tail pussy, a tail jobs good once a while but her normal pussy feels so much better and allows her to express her passionate love for me much easier as i get to snuggle into her soft body for post sex snuggling.

>> No.15318115

What do you do when you come home to find your Oni daughter in tears because some bullies told her wrestling wasn't real?

>> No.15318121

I tell her to do a Stone Cold stunner to those fucks

>> No.15318127

Show her some real wrestling

>> No.15318132
Quoted by: >>15318141

I wrestle her mother to show that it can be real if she wants.

>> No.15318136

I tell her that the racing portion of Monster Jam is rigged. Might as well just rip off that whole bandaid.

>> No.15318141
Quoted by: >>15318161

Wrestling or "wrestling"?

>> No.15318143
Quoted by: >>15318153

Wht kind of wrestling would you see in MGC? Would you spectate an underground ring where paladin-chans in debt strip down in a pool of mud/oil/cum and beat the everliving shit out of each other?

>> No.15318145
Quoted by: >>15318150

Too cruel anon.

>> No.15318149


>> No.15318150

It's okay anon. She'll always have the Freestyle. Nobody can take that from her.

>> No.15318153

An underground battle arena where Tanukis are Kidnapped and thrown into it with only a shiv and the promise of shekels.

>> No.15318158

>Not 2 kakuens with knives

>> No.15318161
Quoted by: >>15318172


>> No.15318166
Quoted by: >>15318174

>You'll never watch as a deeply hidden feral side in that respectable jewnuki who tried to rip you off is unleashed.
>You'll never watch her soldier through half her ear being bitten off to land her shiv in the kidney of her foe and finish her with a herculean headbutt
>She'll never smile and blush, covered in blood, when you pat her head and offer her praise and shekels
I know battle kiki are a thing but imagine battle tanuki

>> No.15318172
Quoted by: >>15318187

Oh dear.

>> No.15318174
Quoted by: >>15318178

Why fight when you can get some sucker to fight for you?

>> No.15318178
Quoted by: >>15318181

She isn't in the position to have some noe else fight for her

>> No.15318181
Quoted by: >>15318185

She could offer to split her pay to have somebody rig the fight.

>> No.15318185

>Splitting her pay
No pain no gain, its the fundament of business. So if she needs to get naked in some mud and shank a slut, so be it. Shouldn't have messed up in ripping off that rich mafia dude in the first place, and made it so that she had to do this

>> No.15318187

She'll show the bully leader that wrestling is real and proceed to take the throne as the school's boss.

>> No.15318196

Anubutts are so bewitching.

>> No.15318228
Quoted by: >>15318239

I want to watch Godzilla Final Wars with a bunch of monster girl versions of the kaiju.

>> No.15318239
Quoted by: >>15318244

We need monster girls cosplaying as kaiju

>> No.15318244
Quoted by: >>15318374

Queen Ghidora gets all the love.
Mothra-chan is getting all the kids.

>> No.15318249

What if, Eros could turn gay men into a non-demonic kind of alp?

>> No.15318263

Shut up Shoggy.

>> No.15318272

If an Alp asks if she can bunk in your place and share your bed since you only have one, it's safe right? I mean she is a bro.

>> No.15318290

Sure, I see nothing wrong with that, although I do have a bed downstairs.

It's the drunk bed for those who aren't sober enough to drive home

>> No.15318294
Quoted by: >>15318311

As one of the thread's local mofufags, I'd volunteer for that.

>> No.15318310

If your stupid was a bicycle, you'd have to brake going uphill.

>> No.15318311
Quoted by: >>15318324

>Being one of our local mofufags
Mofufags need to drown in soft fluff and leave the real tastes to us scalefags.

>> No.15318313


>> No.15318324

Yeah, that's cool with me.

>> No.15318337

Only if her heart already belongs to somebody.

>> No.15318359
Quoted by: >>15318465

haha, yeah sure, it's not gay, just two bros sleeping with each other, what's gay about that? Look she even has tits and a pussy it's not gay

>> No.15318374
Quoted by: >>15318379

And Anguirus (or however the name is spelled) would be the wing-woman.

>> No.15318376
Quoted by: >>15318465

It's only gay if the balls touch.

>> No.15318379
Quoted by: >>15318460

I dunno, she'd be a prickly girl.
I wonder if she loves belly rubs to make up for the spines on her back.

Also, GIgan is a monoeye.

>> No.15318460
Quoted by: >>15318473

>Biolante is a mix between alraune and jabberwock
>Hedora is a cloud with slime-like characteristics

And oddly enough, Destroyah remains terror incarnate

>> No.15318465

>You will never fondle Alp ass while she's in bed with you
>She will never go full Stage 3 and make herself an ass that would put Gloria Estefan to shame

>> No.15318473

Biolante would be a wonderful oneechan

Destroyah would be a maydere black dragon who is terrifying as shit.

Hedorah would be a neet.

Mecha godzilla would be a golem version of godzilla whose a bit jealous of her origional.

>> No.15318475

A school-trip with the hellhound delinquent where she finally admits she likes you, and then unabashedly spends time with you.

>> No.15318489

I'm going to reject her just for fun.

>> No.15318503

I can't be seen hanging out with a slacker like her, what will the basilisk class rep think?

>> No.15318504

Bonus points if The trip is to a demon realm

More bonus points if it is a demonic realm where the hellhound spent her childhood at

decent plottwist bonus if she has to keep you from discovering that she was in fact a nerdhound in her younger years.

>> No.15318512
Quoted by: >>15318550

No thanks, Hellhounds aren't my type.

>> No.15318516
Quoted by: >>15318521

So how does /mgg/ feel about multi-headed MGs?

>> No.15318521
Quoted by: >>15318532

They're stupid, other than dullahans with extra heads.

>tfw no monstergirl like the evil princess in Return to Oz

>> No.15318532
Quoted by: >>15318569


I keep trying to blot that one out.

>> No.15318545

How do you stop nerdy mindflayers from giving you shit taste?

>> No.15318547
Quoted by: >>15318551

Muscular girls are lame and can't get any boys because they are too manly and not very feminine.

>> No.15318550
Quoted by: >>15318554

Same here mate. I'd actually prefer a vanilla wolfgirl over a hellhound.

>> No.15318551

That's why you put them in frilly dresses and take them out on a date.

>> No.15318553

Wear a protective helmet at all times.

>> No.15318554


>> No.15318556

Time to watch shitty actions movies and see if my waifu can survive. I just notices thread got to the image limit

>> No.15318557
Quoted by: >>15318565

Introduce your own tentacle into her cranial cavities and change her tastes by force.

>> No.15318559

Get some of those spikedcondom things they make for African women, only for your ears. That'll show her!

>> No.15318560

>Shit taste
The only thing they'd turn you into is a faggot kemono lover like Bob or Shoggy

>> No.15318565

Can Mindflayers flay themselves through another mindflayer?

>> No.15318569
Quoted by: >>15318588

>Mombi yandere who takes the heads of the girls who like you and keeps them all in vast display case halls of glass and mirrors.
>Their headless petrified bodies decorate the grounds around her castle.

Now THIS is some vintage fearboner.

>> No.15318571

Uh oh! Your waifu stumbles upon one of those "Waifu abuse expressions" charts, but it's one with you! How does she react?

>> No.15318575

Cuddling and promising that everything will be alright.
It will be kinda weird because I'm playing vidya games and she's a big ol' wyvern.

>> No.15318577
Quoted by: >>15318584

jokes on you since I don't have a waifu because its too hard for me to pick a favorite among all the great girls

>> No.15318578

She wants to test the accuracy

>> No.15318582

She gets upset, but also a little aroused.

>> No.15318584

Do a random roll.

>> No.15318588
Quoted by: >>15318611

>it's not just limited to human girls
>she makes all of the heads watch as she rapes you
>all of them
>including her own

>> No.15318590

Upset, because you only lightly abuse your husbando out of love.

>> No.15318592
Quoted by: >>15318601

Which monsters would run a homeless shelter

>> No.15318594

What do you mean?

There's already non-standard alps available. Alp alraunes, alp liches, alp werewolves, alp pharaohs, the list goes on.

>> No.15318601

Sandworm and shoggoth would have it easiest. I can totally see a kejourou running a whorephanage too.

>> No.15318605


>> No.15318606
Quoted by: >>15318616

Jealous, angry. No one else has the right to even think about those faces

>> No.15318607
Quoted by: >>15318614

Maybe she is too slimey to burn

>> No.15318609
Quoted by: >>15318621

Does that kejourou have an afro?

>> No.15318611

>it's not just limited to human girls

>I saw that succubus eyeing you at the bar, Anon.
>And I thought, wouldn't you love to try a handlebar blowjob with those dick sucking lips?

>> No.15318614

That just means you need more/hotter fire. There would be lots of sizzling involved.

>> No.15318616

Expect for her?

>> No.15318621

She is not Black Dynamite

>> No.15318631
Quoted by: >>15318680

As in the men have to whore themselves out to stay there?

>> No.15318632

You got the right idea. Everyone except for her.

>> No.15318646

You've got the right idea. Everyone except for her

>> No.15318680
Quoted by: >>15318694

It's a future profession and a way to keep the orphanage afloat! Don't fuck with the boys though, those that do are known to show up in rivers with strange marks around their necks.

>> No.15318694
Quoted by: >>15318880

It'll just force them to be lifelong whores.

>> No.15318709

She would reach through dimensions and give me wing hugs while wraping me with her scaly tail.

>> No.15318726

Cerberus with one genki head, one normal, and one tsuntsun!

>> No.15318729

how about no

>> No.15318740
Quoted by: >>15318775

Triple blowjob?

>> No.15318754

>You'll never be an "escort" in MG Vegas
>You'll never spend your time "entertaining" rich clients in one of the hotels, no matter what they make you do.
>You'll never go to your hotel room at the end of the day with your meager earnings and get blazed out of your mind to take the edge off.
Well thank god for small miracles I guess.

>> No.15318761
Quoted by: >>15318764

>getting blazed

>> No.15318762

I want to be a Magician Monster Girl's sexy boy assistant in MG Vegas!

Or a waiter who wears skimpy clothing and has to deal with vulgar touchy old monster girls trying to grope me!

MG Vegas is every boyslut's dream!

>> No.15318764

Better that than heroin or crack.

>> No.15318767
Quoted by: >>15318774

no thanks I'd be a house husband before doing any of that

>> No.15318769
Quoted by: >>15318772

Monsters must be shown that no means no

>> No.15318772


>> No.15318773
Quoted by: >>15318781

>Doing drugs

>> No.15318774

Same here, buds.

>> No.15318775

How would that even work? She couldn't really do all three at once without somebody hurting, and the helicopter method just seems silly. If anything, the blowjob would have to be done harmonica-style or something.

>> No.15318776


>> No.15318781

Imagine living every day doing whatever some snobby rich monstergirl from California or some shit wants knowing that it's your only source of income.
Imagine knowing that quitting means you'll never get another job again because guess what? Prostitution in MGV is run by the Tanuki Mafia and if you quit you're ruined.
Imagine knowing the only way out is to catch a plane and if you quit you'll never get enough money to do it. and the only place that has flights to and from MGV is MGC.
Would you or would you not do SOMETHING to take the edge off that horrible life?

>> No.15318787

yeah it called finding a mg wife and getting the fuck out of dodge

>> No.15318789
Quoted by: >>15318809

>taking the edge off y doing drugs
>Not spending that money on books or seeing movies

It's like you want to ruin your health.

>> No.15318794
Quoted by: >>15318809

You're making things sound worse then they are. If you're smart you can live a comfortable life.

>> No.15318795
Quoted by: >>15318800

It's not that easy.
But it's prime healing material.
Imagine one of your clients finding out how you live and buying your contract.
Imagine her making you her butler only to use it as an excuse to help you kick your addictions.
Imagine her healing you and eventually marrying you.
Healing is the fucking best.

>> No.15318797
Quoted by: >>15318811

What monster girl would want used goods? Maybe for a quick fuck but not marriage material.

>> No.15318800

>those spoilers

this I can agree with

>> No.15318809

It's Monster Girl Vegas man, Movies and Books have jacked up prices to get money from tourists.

I fail to see how one can live a comfortable life spending 18 hours a day doing whatever humiliating things rich monstergirls want you to do.

>> No.15318811

>What monster girl would want used goods

the one's with a healing fetish.

>> No.15318813
Quoted by: >>15318817

Not if you travel to suburbs.

>> No.15318817
Quoted by: >>15318831

But then it's hot as balls and there's dust fucking everywhere.

>> No.15318818

Enjoy being a slut and get good at it so you get paid well.

>> No.15318822
Quoted by: >>15318847

I wonder how being the assistant in a monstergirl magic act would be.

>> No.15318828
Quoted by: >>15318842

But then I'll never get married.

>> No.15318829
Quoted by: >>15318851

Some anons are into that.

>> No.15318831

Well sucks to be you.
You gotta make compromises my good Anon.

>> No.15318834

tubby monster girls are for ___

>> No.15318839

If you had a monster sister she would be willing to pretend to be your girlfriend, right? I mean how else will you protect yourself from rape

>> No.15318841


>> No.15318842
Quoted by: >>15318849

So what?

>> No.15318843

getting them toned

>> No.15318847
Quoted by: >>15318858

>"And now I am going to make his penis... disappear!"
>It was an overwhelming success
>The audience was shocked and amazed to see somebody alp on stage

>> No.15318849
Quoted by: >>15318864

So that's really important to me.

>> No.15318851

thats some of most potent daydream fuel this thread has ever given me

>> No.15318853
Quoted by: >>15318869


>> No.15318857
Quoted by: >>15318871

Being chubby senpais that you post about all the time

>> No.15318858
Quoted by: >>15318876

That act always sucks, no wonder they fog up the stage because that alp costume is low quality

>> No.15318864
Quoted by: >>15318874

But whores get lots of sex and money,

>> No.15318869

Actually dating is incest and wrong but pretend is alright because it isn't real

>> No.15318871

I like the way you think Anon

>> No.15318872
Quoted by: >>15318878

Nah, monsters can sense if you're both just faking it. You need to go all the way.

>> No.15318874

But I want emotional fulfillment.

>> No.15318876

>She's actually always been an alp and it's the boy part where she dresses up.

Going see her sitting in bed with a tub of ice cream

>> No.15318878

>Nah, monsters can sense if you're both just faking it.
That's just a rumor to get young boys to have sex

>> No.15318880

"Enable" is the word you're looking for. Mama Kej's boys aren't just regular old whores either, they're great courtiers.

>> No.15318881
Quoted by: >>15318884

But anon, what if your sister forms an emotional connection with you?
You can't break her heart and get another girlfriend could you?

>> No.15318883

But I really want her to be my girlfriend! It's what otouto's dream of, being their big sister's love!

>> No.15318884
Quoted by: >>15318890

But it was all pretend

>> No.15318888
Quoted by: >>15318894

Maybe she should get better stage makeup

>> No.15318890
Quoted by: >>15318905

But it wasn't pretend to her

>> No.15318893
Quoted by: >>15318948


>> No.15318894

A boyfriend would work as well.

>> No.15318895
Quoted by: >>15318909

I want a heart broken otouto and imouto to start dating after their older sibling shot them down

>> No.15318897
Quoted by: >>15318907

Gonna feed her spirit energy until she has to quit because she can't pull off the boy disguise anymore.

>> No.15318904

Don't worry anon. It's not incest if you're only using each other to masturbate. Even if there's penetration it's okay because it's just masturbation.

>> No.15318905
Quoted by: >>15318939

But it was her idea for it to be all pretend when I asker her how to avoid rape

>> No.15318907

>Tries it far down the line.
>They have to put a stop to it because her tits are far too noticeable in the shirt.
>That and her ass is too fat.

>> No.15318909
Quoted by: >>15318914

How on earth would they work out their relationship? They're both subs, who long for an older sibling's guiding hand, who love serving and being helpful. It's like trying to push two negative sides of a magnet together.

>> No.15318914

They take turns

>> No.15318925

what is this from?

>> No.15318929

I'll help the alp out. I know what it feels like to be down on your luck. I'll get her a tub of ice cream of her favorite flavor. And a cat poster that says "Hang in there!"

>> No.15318939

Anon, she was just saying that so you wouldn't reject her.

Don't you see the way she blushes when you look at her?
Or the way her hands tremble when you hold them?
Or her cold emotionless gaze whenever you talk to other women?

Face the facts anon, it's not pretend

>> No.15318944

This sounds wonderful. Surely it will inspire her to finish writing her novel.
But flavor of ice cream is it?

>> No.15318948

Did someone decorate a cotton-ball?

>> No.15318949
Quoted by: >>15318983

Good man,
She is now suitably motivated, if slightly pudgy.

>> No.15318950

Boot to the head.

>> No.15318974
Quoted by: >>15318994

If anon isn't careful he might end up with a yandere sister, unless that's his plan in the first place.

>> No.15318983
Quoted by: >>15319014

Chocolate Hathor Ice Cream.

A motivated soft alp is a good alp. Maybe with her newfound confidence she can finally get a cute boy to date her.

>> No.15318988
Quoted by: >>15319001

What about that boy she knows, I thought the plan was to fake date until I can find a real girlfriend then she hooks up with him

>> No.15318994
Quoted by: >>15318998

I give him 2-3 days until he's tied up in a basement.

>> No.15318998

The lucky bastard.

>> No.15319001

Anon that boy was you

>> No.15319014
Quoted by: >>15319027

She could always show off her rear in some tight fitting pants.

>> No.15319027
Quoted by: >>15319029

An Alp in shorts that once were tight jeans but that she cut the legs off of for the sake of summer?

>> No.15319029


>> No.15319043
Quoted by: >>15319050

>You will never find a wurm in your apple

>> No.15319050

that is a big apple

>> No.15319054

Or a small Wurm.

>> No.15319061

We couldend world hunger with those if only they weren't so prone to get wurms.

>Stretchy wurm onahole
I don't know why, but I don't like it one bit.

>> No.15319064

Or a regular sized wurm sticking a claw in your apple just to make the joke about having a wurm in your apple

>> No.15319067
Quoted by: >>15319087

That seems suspiciously clever for a Wurm. Are you sure it's not a Ryu posing as one to get some attention?

>> No.15319086

Is she just doing what her cheshire friend told her to do? I feel like she'd be confused if you started laughing.

>> No.15319087
Quoted by: >>15319091

It's not like wurms are particularly more popular than ryus, so why would one do that

>> No.15319091
Quoted by: >>15319195

Nobody likes Water Wurms, anon.

>> No.15319195
Quoted by: >>15319243

I have disagree heavily, I like ryu's a lot and their my favorite of the 5 dragon girls due to their more gentle, kind-hearted nature. Plus, they can coil you up in loving cuddles as it rains out and providing the perfect mood to relax, or to go swim with as they glide through the water that their so in touch with. Ryu's are love.

>> No.15319243

I wonder who's behind this post.

>> No.15319254
Quoted by: >>15319267

Probably a wurm

>> No.15319267
Quoted by: >>15319283

Wurm likes her ryu sister a lot and just wants other people to like her too.

>> No.15319269
Quoted by: >>15319273

actually this post comes from a guy who just likes Ryu's, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.15319273
Quoted by: >>15319319


>> No.15319283
Quoted by: >>15319319

Well it would help if she would stop weather stalking every boy she likes. Those shirohebi are rubbing off on her in all the wrong ways.

>> No.15319304
Quoted by: >>15319319

Damned Christmas cake Ryu's!

I want one!

>> No.15319312

Awwww shit. I can finally post again after so long away. Guess this means I can actually put in the effort to write again, if there's actually any interest for more Alp Adventures left.

>> No.15319317
Quoted by: >>15319399

>Alp Adventures
That's an old one.

>> No.15319319

How, all I'm saying is that the Ryu is my favorite of the dragons, just like how everyone else has their own favorite dragon. About the rain, that's just the result at her tear's of happiness when I told her I'd like to go on a date with her, she's really happy and nervous about are first date together since she has never been on one with a guy who also likes her.

>> No.15319324

Can you trick a wurm into thinking she isnt a wurm

>> No.15319328

Take her to the beach and insist that she is a sandwurm.

>> No.15319329

Sure. We tricked one into thinking she was a ghost ages ago. It's also easy to convince them they're ryuu or choo-choo trains.

>> No.15319334

I know you can logic them into thinking they're ghosts.
>no legs
>can walk through walls
>moan loudly at night

>> No.15319341
Quoted by: >>15319399

Yes please

>> No.15319345

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead, get ready to teach your daughteru how to swim as summer is soon upon us.

>> No.15319354

Teaching a hinezumi to swim seems a bit hard. They're afraid of the water genetically.

>> No.15319355
Quoted by: >>15319361

Summer IS upon us. Water is just too cold and too wet for swimming right now.

>> No.15319356
Quoted by: >>15319359

>Teaching a sea bishop how to swim
What's next, do I need to teach my harpy daughteru how to fly? My oni daughteru how to drink? My succubus daughter how to be a slut?


>> No.15319359
Quoted by: >>15319372

How would you teach a succubus how to be a slut?

>> No.15319361

Yes, I too prefer my water much drier than it is this time of year.

t. Sandworm

>> No.15319372
Quoted by: >>15319376

I don't know, maybe make her watch some Brittney Spears music videos? A man shouldn't have to do these things; sluts are born, not made. I mean, unless we're talking alps or bicorns or something.

>> No.15319376
Quoted by: >>15319384

Alps are sluts in their heart of hearts before they lose their cockles.

>> No.15319384
Quoted by: >>15319398

And unicorns are closet nymphos before they get girlcucked, so that example doesn't stand either. See? I shouldn't even need to consider such things; if your succubus daughter isn't giving her popsicles blowjobs by the time she's five you should probably take her to a counselor to make sure she's developing properly anyway.

>> No.15319385

You know anon, that's a good idea. While I'm thinking about it, I should teach my waifu as well, all they really know is the doggy paddle. Plus, I get to see them in their cute matching swimsuits and touch them inappropriately while helping them float!

>> No.15319398
Quoted by: >>15319408

Food for thought, what if you don't see her practicing while you are awake because she is practicing while you are asleep. And while you wife gives advice

>> No.15319399
Quoted by: >>15319473

>That's an old one.
And I'm an old one too. Although a very lazy old one who lost the will to write when I couldn't even really participate in the threads. I've rather missed you fags. (Says the one who writes about an Alp...)

>Yes please
...r-really? Hmm well, I've had the idea to do a chapter involving an altercation with a group of Thug Lyfe Lizardmen. Lizardwomen...Lizardgirls?

>> No.15319405

All a man needs is a decent gun and sword to cover all problems.

>> No.15319408

Well, if you can't tell the difference between you're waifu's blowjob and you're daughteru's blowjob even in you're sleep you're a failure as a man. Those waking practice "blowjobs" should still happen to polish her seduction skills regardless so if you don't see them she's still slacking.

There's a significant lack of shields and high explosives there, sir.

>> No.15319415
Quoted by: >>15319443

But if you have the gun, why do you need the sword?

>> No.15319443
Quoted by: >>15319452

Swords don't run out of ammo.

>> No.15319452

Neither do crossbows if you get good bolts.

>> No.15319455

But anon said a gun.

>> No.15319468

This would require you to retrieve your bolts during battle so you'd still need the sword. I odn't know why you'd choose a crossbow when there's a gun at your disposal anyway unless you've got some very specific armor to defeat.

>> No.15319473
Quoted by: >>15319504

Just thug life and not thugdere? Can the protagonist call the bancho "cool" and have her blush and stammer at her to shut up?

>> No.15319484
Quoted by: >>15319489

Jabberwock Doujins are en route via EMS. Expect news on them Monday or Sunday.

>> No.15319487

On the one hand, MGE, and thus, highly relevant to the thread's interests...

On the other, yuri, highly counter to the thread's interests due to the inevitable shitstorm...

I'll just leave this here and hope for the best.

>> No.15319489

yeah baby

>> No.15319495

12 hours and no new thread, come on now.

>> No.15319504

I have a few ideas in mind. Just because one is an alp doesn't mean one can't get all the bitches.

>> No.15319507

I don't know maybe Janet doesn't want to kill the thread. which is kind of weird cause this time it's not turning into a flame war before the thread crashes with no survivors.

>> No.15319510
Quoted by: >>15319514

This matchup doesn't even make sense. I'm neither angry or happy, just confused.

>> No.15319512

Fuck off.

>> No.15319513
Quoted by: >>15319526

So basically you're retarded, right?

>Here's this thing that only maybe four people in the thread will like
>And has a 8/10 chance of burning the place down
>Gee, I guess I'll go ahead and post it anyway
>What's the worst that could happen?

Real IQ test there.

>> No.15319514

I thought the same thing. How and why would those things be in the same place at any time?

>> No.15319515
Quoted by: >>15319519

I feel like I am intruding in someone's bedroom, and they aren't in the "come in for a threeway" mood.

>> No.15319519

>they aren't in the "come in for a threeway" mood.
Yet. Just wait for the moth dust to kick in. In te meantime,nereids are succubi so they'd probably enjoy being watched.

>> No.15319526

>Not 4/5
>Not properly reducing your fractions
See me after class.

>> No.15319528

>not using per decile for greater effect

>> No.15319529

Would frustrating your hakutaku teacher result in hatesex or a legitimate stern talking to?

>> No.15319539

Depends on if she has taken a liking to you. If so, this would be the perfect excuse to keep you after class.

Well, its reason enough to try to keep you after class

>> No.15319541

How do you discipline your daughterus anon? Koboldfuckers need not apply.

>> No.15319542

They wouldn't honestly care. The only knowledge they care about is their own, and they soak it up like a sponge magically without any normal learning. Also don't forget that they're the kind of teachers that give you an impossible quiz then suggest you need a tutor just to set you up with the lonely nerdbird in class.

>> No.15319546
Quoted by: >>15319560

Fuck. How do you punish a dormouse daughter without your guilt killing you? What did she even do to get in trouble in the first place?

>> No.15319551
Quoted by: >>15319560

Cheap off brand foods that deteriorate, have bland taste, and poor texture that destroy appetites. If they don't eat it, rub their nose in it.

>> No.15319557
Quoted by: >>15319560

That's cold anon, real cold. Please don't bully me.

>> No.15319560

Something bad. I don't know, like falling asleep on the train home from school and ending up in a part of town that will get her raped for days.

That's a great way to give her an eating disorder man, jesus.

Nothing personal, I just don't like you.

>> No.15319562
Quoted by: >>15319563

You leave Jesus out of this. He's for driving school and scapegoating.

>> No.15319563
Quoted by: >>15319571

I just think it's bad parenting to give your daughteru a bad relationship with food, man.

>> No.15319565

I suppose a stern talking to would be enough for her, she'd probably be terrified after that. I'd probably start driving her home from school more too.

>> No.15319568

>Nothing personal, I just don't like you.

>> No.15319571
Quoted by: >>15319579

It's not my fault the food abuses her, and it's not like you can take off brand poptarts to court.

Blame the system not the man.

>> No.15319579
Quoted by: >>15319597

But you're her provider, man. You choose what to buy, and you said you'd tease her when she doesn't eat it. You're an enabler who is just as guilty as the system, man.

>> No.15319584

Take away her books and computer.

>> No.15319587

I'm going to protest against monster they only way I know how! with a angry letter!

>> No.15319590

No building toys nor games simulating such for a period befitting the crime.

>> No.15319592

She goes in the cage.

>> No.15319597
Quoted by: >>15319600

I wouldn't skimp out on legitimate meals.

Snacks are fair and a completely valid area for war though. What's she gonna do, court martial me?

>> No.15319600

>I wouldn't skimp out on legitimate meals.

Oh, that's okay then.

>> No.15319612
Quoted by: >>15319671

Let the wife handle it, I'd be too busy doing corny Dad stuff or working to actually be a father.

>> No.15319660

manipulative guilt trips and fatalistic hyperbole
>that's why you always leave a note

>> No.15319667


>> No.15319671

Corny Dad stuff?

>> No.15319686

People like Tanukis, yes?

>> No.15319689

Doesn't look sneaky at all. That's even more suspicious than your usual Tanuki.

>> No.15319703

What's the most patriotic monster girl?

>> No.15319709

Bear Girl defends Mother Russia from fascists in other, smaller and weaker countries.

>> No.15319742

What a small tail!
I bet she's not even a real Tanuki!

>> No.15319745


>> No.15319758

I second this. Please?

>> No.15319764

Putin with a kiki

>> No.15319808

Eagle harpy that ties a flag to her leg when she flies

>> No.15319832


>> No.15319835

I.... can't argue against this.

>> No.15319865
Quoted by: >>15319931

Requesting Druella flying the original stars and stripes while dressed as a member of the colonial army.

>> No.15319885

>"Do you need anything? Anything at all? I can wash and clean and sweep and and... and anything really."

>She had appeared from thin air, the feathers on her sleeves led you to believe she was a harpy, but her maid outfit and human hands said otherwise. You didn't know what she wanted from you, but you were broke, and you told her as much.

>"Broke? That doesn't matter. I like cleaning. Please, consider it a favor that you'd be doing for me... Just let me clean your house. Just a little!"

>Her eye screamed with desperation, there had only been two other times in your life that you felt this kind of despair, the first was when you told your childhood friend that you were moving away, the second was when a shirohebi tried to ask you out. You didn't want to be here.

>"C'mon... I don't bite, far from it! I can suck if you want. Have you ever had a clawjob? They're good, really good! Do you have any other fantasies you'd like to play out? I'll call you master and you can rape the maid, that's hot right? Right?"

>She took a step forward, a weak step that ended in her stumbling onto your lap. Her hands grabbed onto the hem of your shirt as she looked up at your face. For the first time you noticed just how decrepit her outfit really was, it was falling to pieces.

>"Whoops! Master, it looks like I fell on you and got you dirty. Let's go home so I can clean it up for you. Please take me home... Please take me with you master."

>You can hardly move fast enough, one jump back and she falls to the ground with her hands pathetically swinging at the air in search of you shirt. A dull crack rings as her face meets the pavement.

>"Oww... Master, why did you do such a thing? I just want to serve you... Can't I be useful for you at least? Doesn't anyone want me? Master? Are you still here? I can't see you anymore. It's so cold master... Please love me... Please?"

>You've already put half a block between you, her dying voice resonates in the cold winter air even as you duck into a restaurant.

>> No.15319912

I don't get it, is she blind or something?
I would take her home tho. I probably wouldn’t marry her. But I would still take her home and care for her.

>> No.15319926
Quoted by: >>15319936

>Replying to an ancient pasta sad text
Anon, you're better than this.

>> No.15319927
Quoted by: >>15319936

I don't think she's blind, at least initially. I don't really know though, this was actually just a story I copy pasta'd here from my Dragon girl's treasure hoard of old stories and pictures.

>> No.15319931

Everyone knows Deruella's flag is a giant censor blur though.

>> No.15319932
Quoted by: >>15320306

Can someone please post a sappy healing story now? Thanks.

>> No.15319935

I want to run a Cockatrice farm, and be the number one producer of Cockatrice eggs and feathers from timid Cockatrices with small bodies but wide hips.

I'm going to need a lot of farmhands brave enough to risk being paralyzed by a Cockatrice's gaze.

>> No.15319936
Quoted by: >>15319941

Wow, I had completely forgot it was a copypasta.
Now I feel like an idiot. I’m going to bed.

>> No.15319941

I'm going to bed too. Sweet dreams and don't let the bug girls bite anon.

>> No.15320021

Would monster girls ERP as boys on the internet?
Would you waifu ERP as you?

>> No.15320040

And she might try, but it'd always turn ouzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.15320085
Quoted by: >>15320144

>ERP as boy on the internet
>use "Yeehaw" and "turgid" one too many times
>spill spaghetti when the girl on the other end calls you on it
>failed erp session becomes a heart to heart as the lonely cc monstergirl on the other end convinces you to accept your loss and move on
>such is a day in the life of a stage 2 alp

>> No.15320144

This makes my tallywacker moist.

>> No.15320265

Wasn't there a healing story like this? just not with a blind Kiki.

>> No.15320306

>Knight wants to fight a dragon, so he heads out to a cave said to hold one.
>he roars out for the dragon to face him in battle.
>He's fully armoured with sword at the ready and rearing to go for fight, that is until he sees her slowly make her way to the entrance.
>One of her horns is broken, half her face is covered in bloody rags, one of her wings looks dislocated and she has a serious limp in her leg.
>Despite all this she raises her arms in a attempt to look ready to fight. Her eyes filled with desperation.
>This is far from the beast he wanted to kill, all he sees is a broken girl.
>In stead of attacking, the knight sheaths his sword, the will to fight drained out of him, and asks the dragon what happened to her.
>Turns out her last treasure raid went badly, resulting in her current state with no riches to call the event worth it.
>The Knight decides to take care of the dragon.
>She refuses saying that being helped by a human is below her.
>He tell her to take its as part of her punishment for her actions if that makes her feel better.

>> No.15320358

Any fool can buy a rock and present it to a dragon.
I better idea is to give her a diamond necklace you yourself mined the jelws for
