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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10946872 No.10946872 [Reply] [Original]

Any gulls on this ship? Or is it just some fad for rich yuppies (or if you believe what you hear on /thenews/, prostitution in international waters)? I can't imagine this being a success.

>> No.10946873

>Attending cruises when Covid is still going around

>> No.10946874

Did you mean: the Wuhan novel coronavirus?

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10946780 No.10946780 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone more creative than me give ideas to make a reusable sarashi

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10946744 No.10946744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

check out what i got

>> No.10946746

cute ice bear!

>> No.10946750

This pic has the vibes of some kinda CSAM evidence photo

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10946729 No.10946729 [Reply] [Original]

If i wanted to make my own late roman Tunica, how would i go about adding the Clavi? Apparentally it was woven into the fabric itself but i wonder if there's another or alternative way to do it? It doesn't have to be the more complicated patterns, just the simple ones are alright.

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10946728 No.10946728 [Reply] [Original]

what is the secret to getting a beautiful cosplay?

>> No.10946765

Be a beautiful person first. Also, have lot of money for supplies and material.

>> No.10946778

>Be a beautiful person first.
beat me to it

>> No.10946792

Don't be fat
Learn your angles
Don't half-ass details.

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10946724 No.10946724 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Dublin Comic Con as Chuuya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs next month

>> No.10946774

Chuuya as a member of the IRA?

>> No.10946864

I think I gotta chuuya out about making pointless threads like this

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10946716 No.10946716 [Reply] [Original]

are lucky packs worth it, or should i just by secondhand?
t. poorfag

>> No.10946721

we have a stupid questions thread, use that next time

to answer your question, first answer me this: did you like a majority of the releases from the brand the past year? if so, then yes, buy it. if you didn't like most of the releases or you want something specific, just wait for people to buy them and sell off what they don't want

>> No.10946722

It depends. The ones I've gotten from baby, I've been easily able to sell the mains I didn't want and get the cost of the bag back, but I usually keep the accessories and blouses, so there's a net gain. There are often at least a few staple items that didn't sell not because they're unpopular, but because they get rereleased every year. I've seen some atepie lucky pack hauls that the buyers were happy with, too. I've also seen items from 2-3 years back in lucky packs, so there's no guarantee it'll all be from last year.

On the other hand, I've heard that the lucky bags from Marble contain nothing but garbage, and I've definitely noticed others struggling to sell lucky pack exclusives (ie, the moitie happy packs) because they're made for the bag, rather than clearance stock, so the quality is mid. I also recommend against the AP lucky bags-- most of the releases this year that didn't sell well were like that for a reason, and will probably be really difficult to offload. Lucky bags are also a bad idea if you have any particular sizing considerations, there's no guarantee anything in there will fit a specific range.

TLDR: YMMV. Lucky bags are fun for experimenting with accessories and items I probably wouldn't have bought for myself, but it's still gambling, so weigh your risk/reward accordingly.

>> No.10946726

A lot of those bags are made up of shelf warming stock that the store couldn't sell with a few "good" items in some of them so they don't look like a complete scam when people start posting them on social media. If you aren't in a position to take the hit with potential garbage or stuff that might take months to resell then I wouldn't buy one.

>> No.10946727

No, not worth it.

That aside, I wish Innocent World would bring back Oddment Packs.

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10946662 No.10946662 [Reply] [Original]

Are genshin impact cosplays dying at conventions? 3 years ago genshin impact cosplays were everywhere at conventions now there are only a handful amount at cons. Are people losing interest in genshin impact or are they sick of seeing genshin impact cosplays? Is wuthering waves beating genshin impact in terms of popularity at conventions and cosplays?

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>> No.10946773

Not in the slightest, I’ve seen some Genshin cosplayers try and say that it is but imo they’re just mad because the title of “current thing” was taken from them by Hazbin Hotel

>> No.10946785

Notice how Genshin fades out but you see loads more Star Rail and now ZZZ? Even when Genshin loses, miHoYo still wins.

>> No.10946789

I'm just sick of seeing genshin everywhere

>> No.10946794

It's been pretty boring to see the same 3 variations of Taobao costumes worn again and again by Genshin cosplayers. I'd be glad if they're moving onto something else.

>> No.10946822

Game was released 5 years ago
Of course the popularity went down

> Is wuthering waves beating genshin impact in terms of popularity at conventions and cosplays?
Wuthering Waves has fans?

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10946529 No.10946529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.10946657

I'd fuck it

>> No.10946689

Not my kind. Almost anorexic.

>> No.10946743

cosplay sluts, lol. gotta love em
someone get more of her

>> No.10946751
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>> No.10946752

w h e w

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10946523 No.10946523 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here have a costume they wear to cons from Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc? I'd like to finally get a TNG uniform (the All Good Things type if I have the choice) and I'm wondering if this is the sort of thing you have to get a tailor for, learn to make yourself or buy outright from someone who knows what they're doing.

>> No.10946540
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I have some Star Wars one because they were easy and I had some stuff already. I want to do a Star Trek one and am aiming to get a Romulan Star Emprie uniform made. I found the same pattern this person used and it looks to be the best out there. The belt and stuff most say to get it 3D printed.

>> No.10946576

Try the pajamas section of Carrefour or similar

>> No.10946587

God, sci-fi nerds are so gross, and their costumes are so ugly.
At least real cosplayers take care of their bodies and have aesthetic costumes.

>> No.10946605

poor quality bait

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10946519 No.10946519 [Reply] [Original]

i wanna cosplay ame-chan and gloomy bear super sonico for a con in 5-6 months but i want to make them myself. im half decent at sewing and made a large amount of clothes as a kid

but i blow ass at using a sewing machine

so how hard would handsewing a cosplay from scratch be, complete with zippers or buttons and elastic?

>> No.10946522

it'll take longer, but if you're as experienced as you say, it won't be any harder than using a machine.

>> No.10946600

This isn’t >>>/his/ but people wore clothes before sewing machines were invented

>> No.10946693

If you have to ask this question, then it's probably too hard for you to make it look good.

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10946508 No.10946508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Always wondered which one is the old-school sailormoon cosplay drama queen I've heard so much about and theres two that always come up with the same name. Will include more than one pic as I can't be asked to merge the two. Interested in the good old Wikipedia dramatica origins buy they're not available anymore sadly is it this or that h0e?

>> No.10946509

1. Yes that's her
2. You are better going to lolcow she has her own thread there (she's an OF thot now still causing drama)

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10946506 No.10946506 [Reply] [Original]

Not even a full year this time for a new gen! New cons on the block, more venue swapping, even more dates overlapping. Oh my!
>Alternate title: Okaerinasai Edition
Previous thread: >>10909590

>SSA+S Toracon - February 1 - Sarasota
>MegaCon (ew) - February 6-9 - Orlando
>Animate! Miami - February 14-16 - Miami
>Pensacon - February 14-16 - Pensacola
>BeyondComicCon (lol) - February 15 - North Miami Beach
>StingrayCon - March 1 - Jacksonville
>ACEcon - March 8-9 - Palm Harbor
>My-Con Spring - April 19 - Orlando
>Anime in the Park - April 26 - Groveland
>Mizucon - May 23-25 - Miami
>Charlie's Anime Con (lolwot) - May 25 - Fort Myers
>Otakufest - June 8-10 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 20-22 - Orlando
>Finn-Con - June 21 - Miami
>Florida Supercon - July 18-20 - Miami
>Metrocon - July 25-27- Tampa
>Animate! Orlando - August 8-10 - Orlando
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 10 - Fort Myers
>MareFair - September 5-7 - Orlando
>Ancient City Con - September 12-14 - St. Augustine
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 14 - Fort Lauderdale
>WasabiCon - October 10-12 - Jacksonville
>MiraiCon - October 17-19 - Coral Springs
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - December 6 - Sarasota
>Holiday Matsuri - December 19-21 - Orlando

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>> No.10946819

Those in-town spots look nice but $300+ might be a little out of my range. I'm looking at Brandon for hotels off of 75 that look out of the way and don't have a ton of 1 star reviews complaining about cleanliness.

Thanks for the heads up tho

>> No.10946860

Yeah I'll be there from opening today. Post a place to meet up or look for the 6ft tall Dante from DmC walking with Katara from Avatar and come say hey.

>> No.10946861

Come buy stuff from the Artist's Alley at Megacon :(
They overcharge every year, and this year they've passed out some faulty tables. Ours was literally held together by duct tape underneath. Another's collapsed too in the vendor area on Thursday

>> No.10946875

shit I didnt see this until after I got back. I'm done for now since I've been there since thursday.

>> No.10946878

i think my friend might have taken a picture with you as mamimi, there were quite a few dante cosplays around the con though so it might have been someone else .. can’t really be sure

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10946501 No.10946501 [Reply] [Original]

I am from /tg/ but I am hoping people can help me with my questions about the Baird Center which has hosted anime conventions in the past. I go to a convention called Adepticon, and this year will be the first year at the Milwaukee Baird Center. I have some questions about the convention and I am hoping people here can help!
>How big is the parking garage?
>Are the rest rooms nice and clean?
>How is safety, do I have to worry about my car getting broke into, mugged near the con?
>Is the hall open 24-7 or does the whole building shut down at night?
>Any good restaurants in the area?
>Any important info I need to know about the convention center?

My wife and I will go two days and we plan to drive back and forth since we only live 90 minutes away. My concern is if the parking garage will fill up, last Adepticon in IL had 8K to 10K attendees. My other worry is safty, I know this center is about 3 minute walk from the bad part of town. And I am going to have a big case with with 40K models in it, so I am worried about car break ins, or people trying to steal models at the con. Any info is greatly appreciated!

>> No.10946502

Ment to say 35 minute walk from the bad part of the city.

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10946480 No.10946480 [Reply] [Original]

It's been too long without one. Thread pic in honor of Nayo's birthday.
Some starting topics:
>Thoughts about the idolfests that have happened since November (AWA, HolMat, etc.)
>Any goals or wishes for 2025?
>What was your favorite part about 2024? Least favorite?
>Which idols are you keeping your eye on this year? Who do you think will get their big break?

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>> No.10946688

Adding to this,

"Adore Me" by Cherry Wallflower which is her first original and came out in December.

>> No.10946690


Mspaintpalette released "Enough" in October

Pengy also released "Rise and Grind" in October

>> No.10946694


Pastel Roulette released “Pastel Roulette” with an MV as well as “Colorful X Trigger”

Knife Pleat released the MV for “Shikou” a few weeks ago

>> No.10946713

Some releases from Canada west coast groups::

Non Sweet released a full album in May 2024, "Wake Up!"
Mini Game
Yukata (English Version)
Wake Up!
World's Friend
By Your Side

ember*night - "Wolves"

>> No.10946828

>She claims that meet and greet was supposed to be like an hour or hour and a half and her greet line ended up three hours long???
I don't want to give too much information away, but I was involved at Holmat. She stretched the truth in that vlog. I was at soundcheck and she was late, didn't sing live like almost all the other singers. Also, her line was really long but to get the Idolfest badge ribbon you needed a stamp from every performer. I was at a booth near hers the whole time, she was definitely spending 5-10 minutes talking to each person. So she would talk to people for a long time, and her line would get longer because people were joining to get the stamp for the ribbon too. Eventually they ended up just giving the ribbon away because of her and Phoebe's lines. I agree that she needs a handler, but I think that handler needs a stopwatch to make sure she can get through her line efficiently. I dont think she's a bad person, but I could see it if she was just trying to make her line look the longest. But a lot of people just gave up and left her line most of the time.

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10946456 No.10946456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

discord: sashailluminati

>> No.10946471

genuinely please kill yourself

>> No.10946472

kill yourself op
all fields next time

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10946417 No.10946417 [Reply] [Original]

Opinion ?

>> No.10946466


>> No.10946467

Modern Art Masterpiece to cite Full Metal Jacket movie

>> No.10946814


>> No.10946829

I think these are ugly because of the shape of the toe, the heel and the enamel finish.

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10946402 No.10946402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've always heard of stories of anime fans and the like hooking up at conventions. I've gone for a couple years and never once witnessed this. Perhaps it's because I'm ugly.

I'm now 31 though so it's pretty much completely over for me. I just go to enjoy the panels and play tabletop games.

>> No.10946405

You get out what you put into yourself and the situation. I know people mid 30's hooking up with hotties 25ish age at cons, going to multiple room parties per day, and living like they are college age just now able to drink for the first time. Though these people are often gym rats and have a good social vibe to them being able to hold conversations often doing joke-ish cosplay. Milage will depend on how you handle yourself in social scenes.

Also comes down to looks, last katsu I met some people who were 25 I could have easily been mistaken for 35 just due to lack of selfcare.

>> No.10946431
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You have to get into the room parties or just generally hang out after-hours and be a cool guy/gal. No-one really gives a shit about age if you're attractive enough. Offering a hit of the good stuff goes a long way too if you don't mind giving some up.

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10946377 No.10946377 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to cosplay LGBTrump. What wigs would you recommend for that cosplay?

>> No.10946381

Just dress how you normally do

>> No.10946382

Wow what a quality thread... It's not like their dozens of trump hair wigs on amazon to choose from easily.

>> No.10946387

I need a *QUALITY* one.

>> No.10946388

I dont think you have any intention of cosplaying this and are just shitposting

>> No.10946504
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A wig with hair? idk. I'd be more focused on finding a hatsune miku binder

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10946357 No.10946357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I approach and talk to attractive women at cons without being a weird incel creep?

>> No.10946360

Just practice in vrchat with the troons there till you're ready for the big leagues
No simple advice here will explain how to fix whatever your communication hiccups are. If people had answers for shit like that aint none of us would be here.

>> No.10946390

Cosplay is consent