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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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48911852 No.48911852 [Reply] [Original]

Why is my wife Yakumo Ran so perfect?

>> No.48912202
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You mean my wife

>> No.48912204

She goes around and around and around.

>> No.48912221

Post yuri art of this fox

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48911242 No.48911242 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want them to get old :(

>> No.48911247

But anon, they are old.

>> No.48911705


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48910827 No.48910827 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>48870445

˙uoᴉʇᴉpƎ s,ǝuI∀ʇuǝlɐΛ

• A space for sharing and discussing Touhou-related AI content, namely RP chatbots, lorebooks and images.

• Chatbot Resources:
Frontends for chatbots:
>https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides
Koboldcpp (UI for local chatbots):
Example website with several touhou chatbots. Also allows you to create your own:
Akyuu Knowledge Lorebook (useful entry-level lorebook for giving your 2hu AI some context to RP with):
Botmaking guide and aid

• Image Resources:
Advanced UI for local generation:
Beginner site to browse for image models:
Current 'meta' base image models:
Index of guides for local generation:

• Requests are fine, but please avoid making the entire thread about them.

>> No.48910832

Fuck I forgot the header again.

>> No.48911002

You know you can delete threads you made, right?

>> No.48911026

Pretty sure they changed it a while ago to where you can't delete OPs, right?

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48910428 No.48910428 [Reply] [Original]

Yukkuris are so cute when flap their braids and wiggle their butts when you squeeze them.

>> No.48910549
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>> No.48911686

Now that I think about it, Yukkuri would probably look pretty uncanny valley in real life.

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48910358 No.48910358 [Reply] [Original]

You guys got Yukari something for Valentine's Day, right?

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>> No.48911392

This is her being gay, actually.
Cute lesbian!

>> No.48911570
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One of his best. I liked the one on Yuyuko and PoFV too. There is something inexplicably alluring in ZUN art being animated in mildly erotic videos. Maybe it preserves 2hus' souls with such style, so seeing them acting suggestively feels so close to the actual thing?
I thought this video would be great opening post for a yanderehus thread, but I'm worried it would turn such thread into grimsokyo discussion sooner or later.

>> No.48911755
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>"she's gay you gu-"

>> No.48911845

yeah a glass of cum

>> No.48912227

No, really, those images are her falling in love with I believe Eirin. Just look it up.

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48910278 No.48910278 [Reply] [Original]

>gets boyfriend
>career ruined

many such cases

>> No.48910357

just the reality of the hyper-parasocial media world. none of her fans had even a snowball's chance in hell of actually attracting her, but because they were sufficiently separated, the illusion was still viable.

i would say the day that people stop falling for this kind of thing will be a glorious one for society, but that would mean people would have to stop being stupid, even in a tiny way, which is impossible.

>> No.48910691

that was just another situation where MOST people defended her

>> No.48911065
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Who is mister quoting easy?

>> No.48912145

her fault for capturing the hearts of innocent men

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48910197 No.48910197 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]


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>> No.48912254

another 12 hour stream

>> No.48912256

infinite minecraft works

>> No.48912257

Vivi's gone now

>> No.48912258
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>vivi isn't live
Why eveven live?

>> No.48912259


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48909210 No.48909210 [Reply] [Original]

Today a new official Touhou printwork written entirely by ZUN was listed in Kadokawa's website, to be released on the first of April (suspicious?)
東方幻存神籤 ~ Whispered Oracle of Hakueri Shrine.
It will consist of omikuji written by Reimu, and each one will be dedicated to a specific character. The descripition says that ALL characters from Touhou will be covered, so it's a great chance for chatacters that haven't appeared in forever to get new lore. With 160 pages, one omikuji per page, maybe even some PC98s could get in? Probably not.
Some people are worried this means ZUN is thinking of ending Touhou soon, but I don't think this is probable since he recently said he wants do Touhou until he dies.
The release date kind of worries me. But if it's true, I am looking forward to it.

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>> No.48911854

It IS copium. When the gacha tried to sneak Mima in as playable character fanservice for the western fans, ZUN!! got visibly angry and straight up told them to not do it, so Mima's playable character art remained as unused content for a long time until the gacha reached a compromise with ZUN and relegated the PC-98 characters to just a couple of small cameos.

>> No.48911865

The Curse must be contained.

>> No.48911967

>just a couple of small cameos
anon, lost word currently has mima, shinki, gengetsu, and mugetsu as playable units while the majority of other characters from PC-98 are in the story.

>> No.48912104

>lost word currently has mima, shinki, gengetsu, and mugetsu
I don't play lost word, but isn't it true that they don't talk to anybody else and also don't show up on the title screen like other characters do, or something like that?

>> No.48912168

Yumemi has a big role too

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48908861 No.48908861 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo, Sakurazaka3ki, Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(02/19) Sakurazaka46 11th single "UDAGAWA GENERATION"
(02/22-23) Hinatazaka Music Parade LIVE -2025-
(02/22-23) Yoda Yuki Graduation Concert
(03/06-07) 11th Single BACKS LIVE (Sakurazaka46)
(03/19) MTV VMAJ (Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46)
(03/19) Sakurazaka46 Live, AEON CARD with YOU! Vol.4 at Makuhari Event Hall
(03/19) BokuAo 5th single 恋は倍速 Yagi Toa Main Member
(03/20) Buddies Thanksgiving 2025 (Sakurazaka46)
(03/22) BokuAo National Tour 2025 Kanda Square Hall
(03/08-23) Stage Play "5toubun no Hanayome" (Hinatazaka46 4ki)
(03/23) BokuAo National Tour 2025 Bluelive Hiroshima
(03/25) Sasaki Kumi 1st Photobook Title TBD
(03/30) BokuAo National Tour 2025 Sendai PIT
(04/05-06) 6th Hinatansai @ Yokohama Stadium
(04/06) Gorilla Hall Osaka (BokuAo National Tour 2025)
(04/19) BokuAo National Tour 2025 Toyota Skala Espacio Fukuoka
(04/19) CENTRAL MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT FESTIVAL in New Taipei, Taiwan (Sakurazaka46)
(04/26) BokuAo National Tour 2025 Zepp Shinjuku Tokyo
(04/26-27) Sakurazaka46 National Tour 2025 Port Messe Nagoya 1st Exhibition Hall Aichi
(04/27) BokuAo National Tour 2025 Diamond Hall Aichi
(05/02-03) Sakurazaka46 National Tour 2025 Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall A
(05/17-18) Sakurazaka46 National Tour 2025 Hiroshima Green Arena
(07/24-26) Sakurazaka46 National Tour 2025 Tokyo Dome
(08/23-24) Sakurazaka46 National Tour 2025 Kyocera Dome Osaka

Upcoming Sakamichi TV appearances: https://pastebin.com/c8tMgEmh
48/46 Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Sakamichi subbed content: Nogizaka46: https://nogiarea.weebly.com/ | Sakurazaka46 3ki/Hinatazaka46: http://keyavids.com/ | BokuAo: https://twitter.com/bokuaocentral
48/46 Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
Sakamichi H/S: https://senublog.com/?s=完売表 | https://ameblo.jp/seto-kasumi (no longer updated)
Nogizaka46: https://www.nogizaka46.com/
Sakurazaka46: https://sakurazaka46.com/
Hinatazaka46: https://www.hinatazaka46.com/
BokuAo: https://www.bokuao.com/
Yoshimotozaka46: http://yoshimotozaka46.com/


Previous Thread: >>48903836

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>> No.48912160

Damn Mihochi is an absolute unit now

>> No.48912169
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>> No.48912186
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>> No.48912229
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>> No.48912244

fuuchan got me feeling spicy

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48907559 No.48907559 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]


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>> No.48910187

its been a while since i see anime that can make me cry

>> No.48910189

>how to make pekora cry
>show her a show/movie about family

>> No.48910190
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So she's always been in control of everything, huh

>> No.48910195

pekora wants to hard cry to something soon since she hasn't cried at all recently

>> No.48910196

They know more nijis than vspos.

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48907046 No.48907046 [Reply] [Original]

Post your 2hu valentine

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>> No.48912192
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>> No.48912210
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>> No.48912217

fuck her

>> No.48912218
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>> No.48912239
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48906619 No.48906619 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone!

The long-awaited " Inori Minase LIVE TOUR 2018 BLUE COMPASS " is finally available on Spotify! I've been to her live shows many times, and the emotions I felt at the time are still fresh in my mind, but I'm really happy to be able to experience that special moment again as an album.

The set list for the live tour was truly amazing, and I remember the moment when Inorin's singing voice filled the entire venue. For me, Inorin's singing voice is truly healing, and every time I go to a live show, I feel a new emotion. In particular, the song " identity " is filled with Inorin's feelings, and my heart warms every time I listen to it.

I'm so happy that now that I can easily listen to it on Spotify, I can once again feel the emotion of that wonderful live show. Please give it a listen! I'm sure you'll feel the power of the live show and reaffirm Inorin's charm.

I will continue to support Inorin's music! Let's all experience the emotion of this live tour together as many times as we can!


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48906496 No.48906496 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.48907564

Cute yuri (on the right)

>> No.48911836


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48906385 No.48906385 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Monster Girl Wiki: https://www.mgewiki.moe/
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

It's Cupid day.

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>> No.48912230

Yeah, I'd like&subscribe to watch aphrodisiac-enraged Heckhunds chasing down an 'Anon' only to find out it's a S*th.

>> No.48912234
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I believe I have found the perfect Baphomet lure. Wish me luck!

>> No.48912238

It's because he's parasocially attached to MGE and only gets off on the scraps of attention people throw at him rather than doing literally anything else with his time. Doesn't actually try to get better at art, is legitimately only doing his "game" to try and get DMCA'd by KC, so on so forth.

Just ignore his insanity.

>> No.48912249
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It's a cold, snowy Valentines and I have no yeti to snuggle. Why is this life so cruel?

>> No.48912253

Yet here you are on a parasocial image board.

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48906379 No.48906379 [Reply] [Original]

Pop-Up Edition
BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Live Gallery: bjd.arcesia.net/
Telegram: t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1okG9fyy7mciwiZUEsQYGNKQNnz1rv59J
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Valentine's Day
Previous Photo Challenge: Staying Warm (or) Sparkles
Current Projects: None Currently Planned
Next Meetup: Katsucon | Feb 15th @ 12:00PM outside of the gaming room (Potomac C on the map.)
Then After: NYC Doll Con | March 1st-2nd (TBD)

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>48744742
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11323675

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/

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>> No.48911915
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Happy valentines too

>> No.48911920
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I should do something a bit more for Valentine's day while its still said day.

>> No.48912003

Happy Valentine's Day!

>> No.48912078
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Happy Valentine's Day, anons!

>> No.48912094
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I wanted to wait to take better photos but I guess this pose is very today themed.

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48906109 No.48906109 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

前: >>48887629

DJT is a thread for learners of the japanese to discuss the learning process and post about their recent (on topic) experiences

Guide: do things in the language to get better at those things

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>> No.48912142

as long as thats not all you immerse with there isnt a problem you are just being a sensitive lil bih

>> No.48912159
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yosh, another gem down

>> No.48912163

someone else pls post an unscripted vocaroo im bored

>> No.48912175

i don't appreciate having to unlearn worthless made up garbage that will get you weird looks like "avoid learning marathons" (avoid cramming). it hinders learning and creates extra work

>> No.48912182

well if you are reading learner material its not to learn words but rather basic grammar as a total beginner
gmi people are naturally gonna be curious and move away from it asap

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48905961 No.48905961 [Reply] [Original]

The demo for FDF3 is out:
Anyone try it yet? Also gameplay thread

>> No.48906911

bump for interest

>> No.48911807
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I played it, but wasn't really a fan. The stage design is unexciting, at least for survival, with stage 3 in particular being the biggest offender as everything is either lame tap streaming or bullets canceling before they even reach you. It truly feels like a game that was designed to be played for one credit and then dropped. And I hate how the stage 2 boss is so much warning area spam. Also webm related.
Another thing I dislike is that it doesn't have last spells or (true) teams, which are two of the most iconic mechanics from IN and they're just nowhere to be found - imagine if FDF2 didn't have the border system. It's even more egregious because fangames LOVE to include those two mechanics in particular and somehow the IN pseudo-remake doesn't have them.

Since the thread opened with a fangame demo and I've been playing those a lot recently, I'll rant a bit about them, starting with Tales from Floating Abyss. I had no expectations for this demo and it ended up really surprising me. It's certainly not the most polished or ambitious game out there, but it's solid enough and gives you a good amount of room for creativity. My favorite thing about it is that it has a very, very high power cap and there's also a mechanic where capping spells within a predetermined time limit gives you even more power, so you're encouraged to get through the game as quickly as you can while collecting items during stages. It doesn't get too stale despite the simplicity. You can also switch between two "shoot modes" by pressing fire and focus together (kinda like SA Marisa B), so each of the four shot types is essentially four shots in one, for even more potential.
Here's my NMNB run where I try to collect as much power as I can:
Honestly, if the full game was out, I'd be grinding it this very moment.

Another one is Consciousness' Unity of Opposites, which has some of the most marvelous visual presentation and music I've experienced in a fangame and is good gameplay-wise too, with nice pacing and varied stages and bosses. Also playable Yoshika! No run for it yet because I don't know whether I like Marisa B or Yoshika B more.
The former is high-damage, generally consistent, and fun to use, but has to do stuff like this to (just barely) survive stages: https://litter.catbox.moe/rg1okp.mp4
Whereas the latter is a really good shot overall, but oscillates between boring when you're just insta-spawnkilling enemies to frustrating and exhausting when you're trying to use what makes it good: https://litter.catbox.moe/mu6z5x.mp4

Lastly, there's The Unreachable Oneiroborder, which had a little "collaboration event" with FDF3. (read: they came out on the same day and TUO wanted in on the FDF3 hype) Stage 1 and 2 are whatever but the stage 3 boss is pretty wacky: https://litter.catbox.moe/tbj53g.mp4
(recording lag helped me but meh, their fault for not adding stage practice replays)

Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.48911932

In ZUN's photo games, is there a way to remove saved data and then bring it back later? I want to see how many photos across all levels and scenes would it require me to get to and then beat certain spellcards. This is much easier to do with a clean slate, but I don't want to replay all scenes in those games, so just wiping my data won't do.

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48905425 No.48905425 [Reply] [Original]

Kekime-sama, watashi wa anata no Barentaimu ni narimashi!

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48904729 No.48904729 [Reply] [Original]

it seems interesting but there are so much things

>> No.48904865

Play any of these:
Touhou 4 (Lotus Land Story)
Touhou 7 (Perfect Cherry Blossom)
Touhou 8 (Imperishable Night)
These are probably the easiest and funnest for beginners
Read any of these printworks:
Wild and Horned Hermit
Strange and Bright Nature Deity
Silent Sinner in Blue
Listen to these albums:
Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
Magical Astronomy
Retrospective 53 minutes
Read the Touhou wiki. It's good enough for beginners but you shouldn't believe everything there.
Lurk /jp/ and see what people are posting about.
Follow some Japanese artists and look at their beautiful 2hu fan art. Or just search touhou on danbooru
Watch some of the classic music videos. Cirno's perfect math class, overdrive, bad apple, and much more.
Listen to some Stack kino
and you'll probably be good
would help if you said how you got interested. Touhou has many different facets.

>> No.48905538

https://nyaa si/view/1743411
Be happy.

>> No.48910806


>> No.48911010

Play the games. (Using cheats like any sane person)
Read the printworks.
Listen to the albums.
Shitpost on /jp/

>> No.48911068
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what the fuck, man

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48904321 No.48904321 [Reply] [Original]
