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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 498 KB, 1200x1180, 1738811623054358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1007034 No.1007034 [Reply] [Original]

Not bait

But what's the point of learning 3D? Like what can you realistically do if you get good at it?

Can the average person make a living out of this, or is it like 2D art where 99% don't even have a job prospect

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>> No.1007157

Anon to his children:
Why are you retards playing with Lego? What do you get out of it? Here are business books to make you happy later in life because you have money to spend on things you can impress others with.

Me to my children:
Have fun and do what you like.

>> No.1007171

Anon's children:
Grow up to be happy human beings and valuable members of society.

Your children:
Become gay drug addicts.

>> No.1007173

Haha if you want to make money then 3d ain't it chief. Go out and talk to people, that's how you make money,

>> No.1007197

You are wrong, cause I want to do NSFW

>> No.1007205
File: 1.14 MB, 1639x2048, 438216382_122167606082022670_6575313268911491549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving a shit about muh "job prospects"

If this is your passion everything else is a distraction. It doesn't matter if your house is nice because you're going to be spending all of your time looking at a screen or the back of your eyelids. You don't actually want a woman because she's inevitably going to realize that you view anything that doesn't involve your craft as a distraction and will get bored of you. She'll realize this after a few months of being a huge unyielding distraction. You don't want kids because to have kids requires allowing a woman to distract you, and once the kids are made she can and will wield the power of the state to become the ultimate distraction.

All you need in this life is a desk to sit at. If you can't figure out the logistics of making that happen idk what to tell you. If you care about other things more than this I don't understand what your question even is- focus on those things and do this on the weekends (if your ugly girlfriend isn't distracting you with superfluous trips to target)

pic unrelated

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1007018 No.1007018 [Reply] [Original]

Is this still worth learning? It seems AI is coming for them too. I heard 3Ding stuff is super complicated and even veterans don't know all there is to know in Blender. What to do, I will hate to learn it just for AI do better stuff with a button click. I already saw a Blendie cry about a site doing one click 3D models.

>> No.1007020

how do you even come up with bait that bad?

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1007009 No.1007009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So anyone here has cracked versions of 3dsMax or Sketchup? Some telegram group about it or something? Twinmotion migth also be good. Yes I am desperate. Mostly because i want to practice without having to pay a shitty subcsription model

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1006939 No.1006939 [Reply] [Original]

Is learning to draw in 2D worth it before getting into 3D?

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>> No.1007108

Theater of the mind, one would presume.
(Which is why it mostly turns out like shit.)

>> No.1007109

It depends what you want to do in 3D, but it's very useful to know how to draw when learning 3D sculpting
At the very least it will teach you to observe, many times someone asks me for feedback and I have to hold myself back from saying "are you blind nigga? I'm very impressed you managed to sculpt this without looking at your references once"

>> No.1007133

It can depend. They're great places for traditional art and history, which is something that's still useful, even if you intend to be all digital.
Courses for digital art or 'game design' are fucking awful, though. The people making them either don't know the subject in any practical sense, or it takes so long to get the software and course briefs approved, that it's obsolete in a year or two.

>> No.1007135

What do you think of CGMA/Schoolism/Brainstorm?

>> No.1007151


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1006925 No.1006925 [Reply] [Original]

I'm very broke, a monthly indie license costs more than I earn in a year of work.
It is really possible to use these cracked programs without getting infected by billions of viruses. I heard that Indians only use cracked 3ds max. How do I get this cracked program without getting my PC hacked?

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>> No.1006937

Have you tried, I dunno.... getting a job?

>> No.1006943

Unless you're an animator (Maya) or archviz artist (God help you Pedro), Blender probably has all the features you need and more.

What is it you want out of Maya/Max, specifically?

>> No.1007017

Pass skecth up to, isnt it simple? Those program are industry aprobed blender is a meme, its great for personal shit but the kikes at the company board are cunts. Also pass render engines to, i lack twinmotion for revit. Architect

>> No.1007022

If you can't into piracy go learn blender. You are setting up barriers to learning and are having a bad start already.

>> No.1007145

Why not just use Blender?

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1006909 No.1006909 [Reply] [Original]

do i have to take cosmetology classes or something? because no matter what technique or workflow i try, nothing seems to "click" for me. curves, particle/hair curves, even vertex modeling. nothing.

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>> No.1006942

nta but you try looking on VGresource for a specific game. also open3Dlab

>> No.1006959

a) with this black base shader even zzz models look like retard work
b) you havnt any talent so spend 2 hours more on it

>> No.1006974


To extract models from the unreal engine, use the UE Viewer: https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel

Download the game, install it, and then use this program by selecting where the game was installed. Then just look for where the models are and export as gltf2.

You will need the AES key to extract the models, and you can find the game key in this topic: https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=100672

Set the unreal engine version the game was made in if any error occurs when loading.

I used this method to extract the models from Starlight Season.

>> No.1007019
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thanks anon. its not perfect and still needs tweaks but its better than my first attempt.
b) was also helpful

>> No.1007023

Could you show me her boobs?

File: 147 KB, 538x656, Captura de tela 2025-02-03 233250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006895 No.1006895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to show the world this tight pussy I made but r/blender is full of gays and my post has no reach, the same happens on twitter/x. My next goal is to create a butterfly wing class pussy.
Is it allowed to share your own Twitter account here?

>> No.1006896
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>> No.1006897
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>> No.1006905

looks nice! you should model a rock hard veiny cock for them, I'm sure they'll love it

>> No.1006907

I'm already working on it

File: 525 KB, 546x842, bolts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006887 No.1006887 [Reply] [Original]

/wip/ - Works In Progress - Bolts edition

A thread for work in progress of your projects, for recently finished projects or things you'd like critiqued.

Previous >>1003386

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>> No.1007178

At first I was like cool I want to participate, I can do something Cthulhu inspired, and then I saw the prizes
Most of these rewards are trying to get you hooked up unto subscription plans, that is so predatory

>> No.1007182

i mean you can still participate and have fun with it. but you're right it's a big ad. the announcement video unironically spent 20 seconds out of 10 minutes actually discussing the challenge itself.

>> No.1007183

Hmm maybe it's the lighting that's giving off the depressed/suicidal tone? Wasn't intentional but maybe I'll keep it like that. I tried making the space feel lived in. Also how are the proportions?

>> No.1007186

Proportions are difficult to judge due to the absence of a humanoid figure in your scene. At a glance they seem alright but we can't tell for certain until an anatomically accurate character is inside your scene for reference

>> No.1007187
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1006883 No.1006883 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I'm making my first 3D model. Any advice? Also, how long do I need to make 3D models to be considered a senior?

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>> No.1006908

awesome shitpost

>> No.1006955


>> No.1006956


>> No.1006957


>> No.1007030

you will have a great career at bethesda

File: 47 KB, 686x386, le bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006824 No.1006824 [Reply] [Original]

They made bloom a bit less easy to access because it became the telltale sign Blender was used and most importantly because every SFM quality level porn was using copious amounts of it. It became the HDR or pissfilter meme of 3d porn.

>> No.1006825

this and idiotic camera movements with motion blur on full tilt to the point where you can't even make the fuck out WHAT you're actually seeing on screen because of all the smeared motion blur

>> No.1006826


>> No.1006838
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im not as angry at the checkbox removal as i am angry about the settings
I liked having the ability to tweak them so that shit does not actually get smeared and also to help set the scene with stuff like color. O used that regularly, and they just removed it because ????.
I tried recreating the settings with the compositor but the effect of it is still lacking compared to 4.1, not to mention that the viewport compositor bloom scales the bloom value based on your window size, caking the preview in it even if the render is looking alright.

>> No.1006839

It made sense that they removed it because bloom belongs in post-processing, meaning in the compositor
But you don't have to like it

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1006795 No.1006795 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most realistic game with MSAA graphics? Is it even possible?

>> No.1006796

holy fucking sperg

>> No.1006816

Op's obv confused about a lot of things but I'll answer 'the spirit of the question' so this thread don't go completely to waste:

For older rendertech; A well crafted scene with baked ligthning can look arbitrarily realistic as you're essentially looking at a draped photograph.
There are examples of PS2 era games like the photomode in Gran Turismo 4 that starts to approach photorealism even on that old hardware.
Mirror's Edge is another example of how well 'baked light' still holds up as it still looks better than many current era games.

The pre-production is a lot heavier and the result is more static and non-usable but in principle if it's narrowly defined
very high levels of photorealism in realtime graphics have been possible to pull off from shader model 3 and onwards (driectX 9, ~2004).
Lighting would need to be done thru ambient cubemaps or spherical panorama using image based lighting aka IBL.

If you could travel back in time and rewrite the code for 'shader model 3' era shaders to use some current day PBR concepts you could've made a
PBR-esque realtime shader that functioned on mid 2000's hardware that would look a lot better than anything that was featured in games at the time.

>> No.1006850

so basically, the most realistic MSAA game came out in 2004?

>> No.1006980

Half-Life Alyx

Cheap AA looks bad on VR headsets if base resolution is not crazy

>> No.1006985

No it’s not realistic close enough, you can’t even make fire with realistic sources.

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1006788 No.1006788 [Reply] [Original]

Which graphics card should I get for 3D work? Nvidia or AMD?
I remember Substance Painter was bitching about something when I was working on AMD card, but it was working pretty fine actually.
Where should I expect driver/compatibility/corporategreed fucky wuckies in various softwares?

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>> No.1007057
File: 122 KB, 689x588, 0dedce9ee9bc48c411c9506ab7fa12ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best card that you can get is the one that you can afford , so if you don't have so much money , go AMD , is all about vram, if you want to get into AI slop, I suggest you to learn to photo edit, is almost the same shit or better against AI for make any image/texture

>> No.1007113

>holding an hdd, probably pata
shieet nigga wat

>> No.1007119

Maybe she had to remove the topmost HDD so the GPU could fit inside her case?

>> No.1007121

>arguing about random image that's purely for visuals

>> No.1007128


File: 84 KB, 866x866, chucky-bishoujo-kotobukyia-inspired-3d-model-b6a55faac7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006776 No.1006776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody has this 3d model of this female chucky?

I already try several "leecher web pages" to download this premium file https://www.desirefx.com/hucky-bishoujo-3d-print-model but the file is always downloaded in a damaged way.

I just want this 3d model in order to create a skin for a videogame. I'm a noob with this 3d modeling thing, so is there any forum focused on 3d models requests?

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>> No.1006823
File: 239 KB, 664x595, Zoo_S1A BEHEADED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I though these 3d models for print were nothing but just a mesh like any .obj model you can find in rigmodels.com but that were formated to be read it by a 3D print machine.

The skin I want to create It's for an old game from Rockstar Games called MANHUNT(2003). I finally was able to create my own skins and models using 3d max so I'm pretty excited about this whole 3D model stuff rigth now.

>> No.1006843

>were formated to be read it by a 3D print machine.
Printer files are literally TXTs of X and Y coordinates, they arent models.
The models themselves are just statues of (usually) extremely high polycounts.

>> No.1006854

so there's no way i can convert them into a 3d model?

>> No.1006855
File: 2 KB, 296x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can try
you can also try inserting a red hot tungsten rod up your urethra - the feeling will be pretty comparable to it.
Just try and model the skin itself. It's manhunt anyway, those models are not that complex and therefore would make a perfect beginner. project.

>> No.1006857
File: 229 KB, 741x626, LUNCH_3_BUSH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno that looks like something a lot advanced for a noob like me, I don't even know how to sculpt using real stuff like cla. Right I'm just using both 3d models from rigmodels.com and gta sa skins to create my skins and weapons for manhunt.

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1006766 No.1006766 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /3/, who here messes around with 3D car modeling? Whether you're making game assets, renders, or actual printable parts, let's see what you've got. Post your WIPs, finished models, cursed blender screenshots, or whatever.

What software are you using? Any good resources for reference and topology?

Bonus points if you're working on body kits or custom parts. Drop your meshes!

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>> No.1007014
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rear side

>> No.1007046
File: 1.41 MB, 2880x1620, gt40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this 3 years ago, haven't modeled another car since then.

>> No.1007048

why didn't you follow the blueprint? it looks completely retarded

>> No.1007069
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, datsun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

datsun i made a couple months ago to test how well i could model not following a tutorial of any sort

>> No.1007073
File: 1.81 MB, 1344x756, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that looks retarded, wait 'til you see the DeLorean time machine i created 2 years before the GT40 lel

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1006744 No.1006744 [Reply] [Original]

I like this software but how could I model people in it?

Also general OpenSCAD appreciation

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1006697 No.1006697 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>1002436
Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

News: Daz Premier replaces prior subscriptions and doesnt add much aside from a free character bundle every month and some tools that are worse than using another software like blender or maya.

Some anon created a cool character morph. Meet Quinn! https://mega(.)nz/file/rmZQWLKZ#lh4aluWj6drjfPLkW7FVAUVDaOZZqJfqjoAvsREDo7U

Post more Quinns!

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>> No.1007161

>I dont know how you got flack for it before
well each to his own I say.
>Each iteration of your Emma looks better and better. Also more mature.
well thanks anon. Now that I am unbanned ill start posting regular in this thread again!

>> No.1007166

pls, don't oldhagify the emma

>> No.1007196

Add stuff to your F95 thread? I missed the Mass Effect image. Or, do you have another site somewhere?

>> No.1007201
File: 252 KB, 498x421, mario peach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please show/tell me the default sliders for a G9 character?
(click character -> surfaces -> currently used).
I have a tons of crap installed and a lot of it modifies the default morph.

Thank you in advance.

>> No.1007207
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Snip created on a machine with only the default install sets. Hidden values shown.

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1006628 No.1006628 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.1007026
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Clothes tomorrow

>> No.1007056

Perfect proportions

>> No.1007185
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Alas, not much progress this weekend

>> No.1007190

cunny seggs

>> No.1007200

Somebody needs to stop this madman.

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1006592 No.1006592 [Reply] [Original]

>that feeling when you are trying to finish the last 20%

>> No.1006605
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Our biggest foe.

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1006530 No.1006530 [Reply] [Original]

Zbrush Student licence is gone.. How do you extend trial forever? VM + blocking internet is the way to do it? Any other option maybe more smooth?
Im not too fond of downloading russian repack.. so id rather do it trial way.

>> No.1006532

put it on your credit card

>> No.1006572

RLM mode + exe swap

>> No.1006588

>im not fond of the solution that works. is there one that...doesnt work?

>> No.1006600

I will never understand why westerners are such giant pussies when it comes to pirating

>> No.1006627

If your trial is over continuing to use it is illegal so just pirate it already like a normal human being.

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1006508 No.1006508 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mac good for 3d now, or is pc a requirement? I have a pc, but it is aging and I want to know if I should just buy the best mac I can get instead of manually having to build a pc, install drivers, pray to the microsoft gods, etc.

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>> No.1006539

The reason I use mac os is because of how easy it is to use and how stable it is and its ecosystem. Linux and windows are the opposite of that. I used to use android for example for phone. Boy was it horrible and i came to realize that when I moved to iphone.

>> No.1006540

And by mac os, I mean iphone os. I have an ipad, but I dont think I can run blender on it. This is why I am considering a real desktop mac.

>> No.1006834

Anyone can answer this?

>> No.1006840

Without biases? No, only you can answer yourself, but maybe try /g/

>> No.1006859

Mac can run everything you need. Mari needs an intel chip and is only limited to 4.7 but that's about I think. Mari 4.7 is more than enough.
t. some googling