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16580990 No.16580990 [Reply] [Original]

Is he based?

>> No.16581005

>Sabine simp

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16580989 No.16580989 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways to solve this?

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16580933 No.16580933 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite thing about math and science?

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>> No.16580947

it just werx

>> No.16580969

there are more stars in the universe than atoms in the galaxy

>> No.16580971

That we can trust it

>> No.16580981

we do not know what happens beyond the planck length.

the nearest star is trillions of miles away.

>> No.16580991

They're out there, and we're gonna find them

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16580889 No.16580889 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think airships will ever be commercially viable?

What challenges are they facing that prevent ANY level of adoption aside from the goodyear blimp?

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>> No.16580965

Slow, small payload for its size and not really safer.

>> No.16580975

Airships could have a future in certain commercial applications, but they face significant challenges that make widespread adoption difficult.

. Speed and Efficiency: Airships are much slower than airplanes, which makes them less competitive for time-sensitive industries like passenger travel or cargo transport. They are also less fuel-efficient than airplanes, and while they use less fuel for lift, the engines are often inefficient compared to modern aircraft.

. Weather Sensitivity: Airships are highly susceptible to weather conditions such as high winds, storms, and turbulence. This makes them impractical for many locations or times, particularly in places with unpredictable weather or during adverse conditions.

. Infrastructure: Unlike airplanes, which rely on well-established airports, airships need specialized facilities for takeoff, landing, and docking, which would require significant investment in infrastructure. These facilities are limited and not widely available.

Cargo Capacity: While airships have a high lift-to-weight ratio, their cargo capacity is still much smaller compared to cargo planes, which limits their use for large-scale transportation.

However, there are niches where airships might find a place:
- Tourism and Advertising: The Goodyear Blimp and other airships have been used successfully for marketing, particularly for events or in scenic locations.
- Surveillance and Monitoring: Airships can remain aloft for long periods of time, making them ideal for surveillance, environmental monitoring, or telecommunications in remote locations.
- Niche Cargo Transport: For heavy cargo that needs to be moved in areas where traditional transportation is difficult (e.g., mountainous or remote regions), airships could provide a solution.

>> No.16580980

too slow
can't carry shit
probably expensive maintenance
you are a retard

>> No.16581014
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what if we made an airship on vacuum?

>> No.16581023

I've already interogated claude about this
it's not possible with current materials science understanding but might be in the future

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16580760 No.16580760 [Reply] [Original]

For why people are having fewer babies?

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>> No.16580824
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Symbolically, yes...yes they are, that is the purpose of them.

>Obelisks from wikipedia;
"An obelisk is a tall, slender, tapered monument with four sides and a pyramidal or pyramidion top."
>Pyramidion from wikipedia;
"A pyramidion (plural: pyramidia) is the capstone of an Egyptian pyramid or the upper section of an obelisk."

Same cap produces the same angles, following the angles from an obelisk will denote the size and footprint of a pyramid.

>> No.16580833
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This is why the social contract is broken; overt lying in the commons has produced a corrupted society; broken society produces broken families.

Lawlessness means investing in the future is illogical...

>> No.16580935

it's a death by a thousand cuts sort of thing. a singular reason would have been obvious. reddit is full of propaganda against having children, outright demonizing it. there is a suite of attacks on many fronts, not a single large problem.

>> No.16581006
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You can't use them as slave labor since machines already do it faster and cheaper so there is no point in having any.

>> No.16581012

Kids used to be a way to make more money. Now kids are a luxury item that cost a fuckload of money and most people aren't willing to go from middle class to poor to finance them. There's lots of other factors too but I think this is one of the most important. There's tons of people that want kids or want more kids but can't have them

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16580693 No.16580693 [Reply] [Original]

My dad's hairline has receded and the hair at the area has thinned but he has an otherwise full head of hair with an intact crown, it is impossible to notice when he combs his fringe down and his dad (my paternal grandfather) had a bald spot on the back of his head before he died

Please tell me this is just age related hair loss and not male pattern baldness

>> No.16580712


>> No.16580723

just shave it off like you shave off all the rest of your body hair.

>> No.16580730

nobody cares retarded troll
it's a troll

>> No.16580731

It is male pattern baldness but slow as it should be

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16580685 No.16580685 [Reply] [Original]

why humans have no estrous cycles?

>> No.16580688

They obviously do and just about any question in biology is going to be answered with "because it was evolutionary advantageous we'll come up with story how that advantage developed later".

>> No.16580692

>They obviously do
do we?

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16580558 No.16580558 [Reply] [Original]

Considering that the metaphysical properties of existence are highly vague and uncertain, which assumptions about the other side and the overall meaning of life do you think are reasonable to have?
Blind believers of pre-packaged dogmas like christcucks need not apply.

Yes this is a /sci/ thread because its about whats is reasonable to infer, if you do it on /x/ you are just asking for fairy tales.

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>> No.16580973

>insisting on being a materialist midwit deaf to anything that doesn't involve hard evidence
Its fine anon you'll grow out of this phase like I did and realize there are questions without answers concerning this reality(and outside the realm of testable science) that are worth thinking about.

>> No.16580978

that sounds like cope, you're getting older and you need something to cling on. if you can't keep it science related go meditate on >>>/x/

>> No.16580992

>you're getting older and you need something to cling on
>implying its something out of desperation
Its just basic logical sense you retard.
I don't miss my peak atheist days where I thought I was genius for being overly reductionist and dismissive about the unknown.

>> No.16581002

I've been clinging on to NIH's Intervention Testing Program, but President Big Orange Retard is probably canning that shit now.

>> No.16581017

You literally used the sticky image from >>>/lit/ because you know for an absolute fact that this thread belongs there instead.

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16580557 No.16580557 [Reply] [Original]

I want to find out how dumb I am

>> No.16580606
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Stick your dick through a glory hole and wait for the first mouth or anus. Now wait a few days, you may have gotten some virus if not even aids! Congratulations! You are now fucking dumb because you let strangers fuck and suck you with diseases

>> No.16580805

Get a Psychologist to administer a WISC-V test to you

>> No.16580907

>What is a reliable IQ test?
Whether or not you invest in crypto

>> No.16580915

>he doesnt know how bitcoin works

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16580532 No.16580532 [Reply] [Original]

I'll prove that [math]0.999...[/math] is not a real number.
Suppose that there exists [math]r \in \mathbb{R}[/math] such that [math]r = 0.999...[/math].
From the first digit being [math]0[/math] we have that [math]1 > r[/math]. From the second digit being [math]9[/math] we get that [math]r \geq 9 \cdot 10^{-1}[/math], from the third digit being [math]9[/math] we get [math]10r - 9 \geq 9 \cdot 10^{-1}[/math].
More generally we have [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^n \cdot r - (10^n -1) \geq 9 \cdot 10^{-1}[/math].
Subtracting [math]1[/math] from both sides we get [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^n \cdot r - 10^n \geq -10^{-1}[/math].
Factoring out [math]10^n[/math] and swapping all terms to the opposite side we get [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^{-1} \geq 10^n \cdot (1-r)[/math].
Since [math]1 > r[/math] we have that [math] 1-r \neq 0[/math] so we can multiply both sides by [math] (1-r)^{-1}[/math]: [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^{-1}(1-r)^{-1} \geq 10^n[/math].
Letting [math] k = 10^{-1}(1-r)^{-1}[/math] we get [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) k \geq 10^n[/math].
But this leads to a contradiction since [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) k \geq 10^n \Rightarrow k \geq 10^{\lceil k \rceil}[/math] and [math]10^{\lceil k \rceil}> \lceil k \rceil > k[/math].

But if [math]0.999...[/math] is not a real number how do you determine if some collection of digits represents some non-negative real number?
Well, it's very simple. First, a digit representation is some function [math] f : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}[/math].
Now one of these functions represents some non-negative real number if and only if it satisfies these two conditions:
[math]1) (\exists N \in \mathbb{Z}) (\forall n \in \mathbb{Z}) (n < N \Rightarrow f(n) = 0)[/math] This ensures that every number represents some finite quantity.
[math]2) (\nexists N \in \mathbb{Z}) (\forall n \in \mathbb{Z}) (n > N \Rightarrow f(n) = 9)[/math] This avoids the above contradiction.

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>> No.16580647

Now explain limit.

>> No.16580649

Do you know about filters?

>> No.16580651

You should explain anything that isn't basic set theory or basic arithmetic operations.

>> No.16580663

>Not every element of this set is a decimal representation of a real number
Yes anon that is indeed what I have been saying all this time.
>This function is not well defined
Let me build a consistent definition:
For every real number [math] r [/math]define the following function [math]f_r : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}[/math].
[math]f_r(z) = \lfloor 10^z r \rfloor - 10\lfloor 10^{z-1}r \rfloor[/math].
We'll prove that the image of this function is actually [math]\{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}[/math].
Lemma 1: [math]\lfloor a+b \rfloor \geq \lfloor a \rfloor + \lfloor b \rfloor[/math]. Proof: It's obvious.
Using Lemma 1, 9 times we deduce that: [math]\lfloor 10^z r \rfloor - 10\lfloor 10^{z-1}r \rfloor \geq 0[/math].
Lemma 2: [math]\lceil a \rceil + \lceil b \rceil \geq \lceil a+b \rceil[/math]. Proof: It's obvious.
Using Lemma 2, 9 times we deduce that: [math]10(\lfloor 10^{z-1} r \rfloor + 1) = 10 \lceil 10^{z-1} r \rceil \geq \lceil 10^{z} r \rceil > \lfloor 10^{z} r \rfloor [/math].
From the first and last terms in the inequality, we have [math] 10 > \lfloor 10^z r \rfloor - 10\lfloor 10^{z-1}r \rfloor[/math].
So we have that [math](\forall z \in \mathbb{Z})10 > f_r(z) \geq 0[/math] or that [math]f_r(z) \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 \}[/math].
Finally to define our decimal representation function simply assign [math]f(r)=f_r[/math] and we are done.

>> No.16580668

Yes that was the point of the "proof by contradiction"
Nothing is baked in. That follows from the first digit on the left of the point being 0. Look into the general definition.
Nope not circular, just uses multiplication, powers of 10 and floors and ceilings.

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16580514 No.16580514 [Reply] [Original]

Does logic necessitate itself? and does this mean that, in some way, existence does as well?

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>> No.16580623

>the retards who post here
Well then why would Edward Witten lurk here?
A poster in another thread in /sci/ wrote, that Ed lurks here.

>> No.16580629

Can he logically prove whatever he says the reason for his existence is without relying on an unproven axiom?

>> No.16580655

You can't deny logic without using logic. It works, is reliable, and has predictive power.
>muh unproven axiom
no one cares

>> No.16580670

And how does that answer the question of OP?

>> No.16580681

I reject logic. That's all.

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16580460 No.16580460 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no longevity bros, not like this...

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>> No.16580669

cancer? heart disease? just eat a bunch of schizo plant enzyme extracts. I'm not convinced this is really as hard as people say.

>> No.16580696

You overestimate the willingness to solve health problems. The market determines that it's optimal for humans to consume slop and die before they collect their pension or any savings. That's the hard barrier.

>> No.16580727

>muh productivity cult
lol get a load of the brainwashed slave!

>> No.16580769

>muh population-based study using the term "lifespan inequality"
I totally believe normies are gonna keep smoking, snorting fent and dying in car crashes even more. I'll stick with the chemicals that your doctors will be talking about in 20 years, if they still remember what chemicals are by then.

>> No.16581031

they could if they didnt actually age
OP, people will naturally get longer lifespans due to natural selection.
Women are delaying reproduction until their 40s, some women can handle that just fine and have healthy babies, others cant and they get culled.
Over several generations this will change the genepool and women will be naturally fertile in their 40s, this process will continue and they will get fertile in their 50s, 60s, with no limit.
Fertility is correlated with overall health, it isnt like a healthy woman that can have a healthy baby will just give birth and then die of old age. So this is indirectly selecting for women that have a naturally long lifespan
>Conclusion: Young age at menopause was associated with increased risks of all-cause mortality. The later menopause age was related to a longer lifespan.

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16580360 No.16580360 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists have discovered that taking hits to the head cause damage to the brain. (I took boxing classes and fell from my bike.)
Scientists have discovered that taking certain psychotropic substances causes damage to the brain. (I used to abuse alcohol and I've also taken psychiatric meds for years.)
Scientists have discovered that sleepless nights cause damage to the brain. (I've been partly insomniac for years.)
Scientists have discovered that having psychotic outbreaks cause damage to the brain. (I've had 7 psychotic outbreaks in my life, in 9 psychiatric hospitalizations (2 were without psychotic outbreak)).

Still, I'm healing, I'm healing.

>> No.16580445

I'm pretty sure not shaving is causing damage to your brain. Don't rock what you can't grow, man.
>t. patchy facial hair haver

>> No.16580459

only civilized faggots shave
doesnt matter how much facial hair you have
fuck you and fuck your society

>> No.16580823

you can compensate for that by taking hallucinogens like lcd and shrooms. They are the closest thing we have to magic in terms of healing the brain in basically every way

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16580205 No.16580205 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the sky blue?
>inb4 Rayleigh refraction
no, the real reason

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>> No.16580263

It isn't.

>> No.16580273

I can't think of any sense more useful to survival than the difference between sky and ground.

>> No.16580278

What about the difference between food and dirt?

>> No.16580282

>Why is the sky blue?
When children grow up and learn words, they learn "blue" with the blue sky as a reference.

>> No.16580284


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16580198 No.16580198 [Reply] [Original]

How many years do we have left if things don’t change?

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>> No.16580589

economy is carbon neutral, actually

>> No.16580598

I think we have only 5 years before global Climate Catastrophe.

>> No.16580702


>> No.16580703

99.997% of all experts said so

>> No.16580704

I've been through academia and it's this 1000000x

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16580139 No.16580139 [Reply] [Original]

why do people prefer dirac notation over wave notation? Isn't wave notation more intuitive?
In the end we're doing this to study particles not abstract quantum systems aren't we?

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>> No.16580285

Wtf is the wave notation?

>> No.16580373
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You just literally explicitly write integrals as integrals instead of using the brackets.
To me it makes a lot more sense desu, i don't really find it too complex

>> No.16580425

This assumes that the Hilbert space is an L^2(C) space. Dirac notation makes no such assumption. It works for any Hilbert space. The one thing it fails at is anti-linear operators, but you’re probably an undergrad and don’t know what that means.

>> No.16580508

>anti-linear operators
yeah i know what cpt symmetries are

>> No.16580567

If your theory has massi e holes, make new math symbols and notations to keep the interest among student cattle

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16580128 No.16580128 [Reply] [Original]

i'm reading about Boltzmann and there are so many names that come up which are meaningful. Carnot, Planck, Clausius, Maxwell, Kelvin. It seems like many of these people were alive from the 1800's to the mid 1900's. are there people alive today or who have made discoveries in the past decades whose names carry as much weight?

>> No.16580131

>boltzmann and some other retards.jpg
No, Ludwig Boltzmann wasn't a retard!

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16580081 No.16580081 [Reply] [Original]

Whoops! Guess China will be there first then.

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>> No.16580117


>> No.16580173

Only off by about 60 years.

>> No.16580503

>(public) space exploration
SLS is built by Boeing.

>> No.16580518

The fake one doesn't count.

>> No.16580577

which one of the 6 landings was fake then?

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16580069 No.16580069 [Reply] [Original]

How do you solve this

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>> No.16580501

There are three different exercises above.
Which one did you answer?

>> No.16580757

this is really hard, managed to find the pattern in the first one somewhat fast enough but the middle and below ones are really complicated

>> No.16580786

>just refreshing the page shows me the results for free so try that
didnt work for me

>> No.16581020

I genuinly can't recognize a pattern in this one.

>> No.16581026
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Meh, that is EZ AF. Try remote viewing, that is a lot harder but far more rewarding.

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16580064 No.16580064 [Reply] [Original]

My husband wants me to quit my computer engineering university study. I’m in my 2nd year and I’m pregnant and I don’t know what to do. He’s a pilot so he’s never home and my parents are offering him to pay for a house. He’s such a lucky weirdo. He got everything handled on a silver platter. Now he wants to control my life. What should I do?

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>> No.16580220

just tell him in an honest way that you don't want those 2 years to be wasted and want to finish it
if he really loves you he will be ok with it

>> No.16580222

I really hope this is just trolling for your sake
otherwise go back to plebbit nigger

>> No.16580233

So as a virgin myself, I think,
1. why is it that women are able to get husbands all willy nilly but I have never even had a gf at 26? Frankly you should have been more responsible in either practicing safe sex or abstaining altogether.
2. Well now that you're in this situation, on the one hand, a degree is very very stressful, but so is pregnancy, I would imagine it would be very difficult to do both. You should try to continue into the degree as long as reasonably possible, but at some point, you will have to put the degree on hold for awhile. After childbirth it's important to spend time with and bond with the child. I know that sounds bad, but to some degree I'm jealous, I always wanted to make a family, but instead I just wasted myself away on studying Computer Engineering, among other things. The coldness of the lab, the sterility of the books, it can't compare to the warm embrace of life's mysteries.
3. If you don't believe me, let's play a wager. You may rightfully resent your husband now, but consider that if you break up with him now, you'll be a single mother and he'll be heartbroken. If you don't break up with him now, he will inevitably finish his time and then go into civilian piloting or tech and have a much more stable job and he'll be able to help out more often then. When the child is old enough you'll then be able to finish your degree with full financial support.
It's really not worth it at all to end the relationship now, even if he is a fucky lucky ducky, being a pilot is very difficult and comes with its own stresses and sacrifices.
Yes, going back to school later isn't exactly the quintessential college experience, but
1. you're pregnant
2. I didn't have the quintessential college experience of having a relationship, and I'm not even pregnant.
The studies will always be there waiting, they don't age.

Also don't listen to this one, he just wants you to be as miserable as him, ... or as miserable as me, incidentally.

>> No.16580272

Buddy. You've got a pretty good situation there. I'd say stick with it. It's too bad he's a pilot. But honestly don't pilots make pretty good money. Maybe he'll retire hella early.

>> No.16580298

There is lots to learn in the kitchen. Have you ever made a roast?