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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16373445 No.16373445 [Reply] [Original]

So me and my friends have a Sunday league where we organise in teams of 5 and we play a match of football. We keep track of our win rates but we know this doesn't represent the reality of our performance because if a player plays a single match and wins then he gets a 100% win rate which isn't fair since there are players who played more and as such their wins should value more. What could be a formula that adds weight to the results based on how many games each player played. I know you're not my personal army but I suck at math and would really like to help my friends. Thanks in advance!

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16373303 No.16373303 [Reply] [Original]

why are redditfags so retarded?

everyone on r/machinelearning is so optimistic while openai is using clustering scenario algorithms to "fine tune" the query output of gpt4 or 5 what the fuck is this how are niggers so retarded my FSIQ is 100


>> No.16373304
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>> No.16373411

go back

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16373293 No.16373293 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the cause of the big increase in mortality in Canada?

>> No.16373298

rapidly increasing levels of poo in the water supply

>> No.16373299

It's a mystery.

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16373236 No.16373236 [Reply] [Original]

Briefly, the argument of this book is that real science is dead, and the main reason is that professional researchers are not even trying to seek the truth and speak the truth; and the reason for this is that professional ‘scientists’ no longer believe in the truth - no longer believe that there is an eternal unchanging reality beyond human wishes and organization which they have a duty to seek and proclaim to the best of their (naturally limited) abilities. Hence the vast structures of personnel and resources that constitute modern ‘science’ are not real science but instead merely a professional research bureaucracy, thus fake or pseudo-science; regulated by peer review (that is, committee opinion) rather than the search-for and service-to reality. Among the consequences are that modern publications in the research literature must be assumed to be worthless or misleading and should nearly always be ignored. In practice, this means that nearly all ‘science’ needs to be demolished (or allowed to collapse) and real science carefully rebuilt outside the professional research structure, from the ground up, by real scientists who regard truth-seeking as an imperative and truthfulness as an iron law.

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>> No.16373268

professional research bureaucracy and scientists that "no longer believe there is an eternal unchanging reality beyond human wishes and organization which they have a duty to seek and proclaim to the best of their (naturally limited) abilities" can produce science(real) too.

>> No.16373273

The most egregious domain of untruthfulness is probably where scientists speak or write about their own work. When modern researchers are preparing applications for funding, there is clearly no notion that they should be trying to communicate the truth. The idea would be regarded as ridiculous! The whole motive and rationale of the exercise is to write a successful application: in other words to get yourself money by selling (what you claim are) your research results and plans. The veracity of what is being claimed is merely a means to an end. The funder neither expects truth nor does the applicant expect to write truth – grantsmanship is thus a kind of game (albeit with high stakes) where one side sets up the rules, and the other side tries to be as dishonest as it can get away with, while sticking to the letter of the rules - then the first side tries to catch them out in an inconsistency. Modern research grant proposals therefore resemble the official accounts of organized crime – everyone knows that they are intentionally and carefully faked, but the auditors are allowed only to check for internal consistency among the lies. Consistent lying is fine – indeed admired and rewarded. So long as the information in grant proposals and research publications has been thoroughly laundered, then everybody is happy (well, ‘everybody’ who has influence over career success – and for modern researchers that is everybody-who-matters...).

>> No.16373276

Truth is a positive value. However, at most, modern researchers are trying not to be factually incorrect – which is as different from trying to be truthful as a scandal-mongering tabloid ‘investigative’ journalist is different from Einstein. This is not a subtle matter. Nor is it a matter for debate. It is absolutely plain and obvious on a day-by-day level in the conduct and conversation of modern researchers. Compared with real scientists, the mass of modern researchers (including, perhaps especially, scientific leaders) are neither motivated nor regulated by truth, nor do they speak about truth, nor do they discriminate on the basis of truthfulness.

So pervasive are the petty misrepresentations and cautious lies, it is evidence that many scientists are now dishonest even with themselves, in the privacy of their own thoughts. Such things can happen to initially honest people either by force of habit, or because they never knew any better (never having met, leave-aside workedwith, a real scientist); and because lies breed lies in order to explain the discrepancies between predictions and observations, between claims and outcomes. * Lying to oneself may be one cause of the remarkable incoherence of so much modern scientific thinking, when coherence is evaluated across the whole range of human knowledge. (The coherence of modern science is restricted to the micro-specialty; where it is the artificial result of laundering rather than natural consequence of honestly reporting perceived reality.) It is much easier to be coherent, and to recognize incoherence, when discourse is uncontaminated by deliberate misrepresentations. There is less to cover-up. Most people can think-straight only by being completely honest with themselves and with everybody else. Maybe straight thinking doesn’t matter in some areas of life – but science is about straight thinking or it is nothing.

>> No.16373290

So, in a bureaucratic context where cautious and consistent dishonesty is rewarded, strict truthfulness is taboo and will cause trouble for colleagues, for teams, for whole institutions. Because when everyone else is exaggerating their achievement then any precisely accurate person will be judged as even worse than their already modest claims. If every fourth rate scientist is claiming to be third rate – but after inflationadjustment is judged to be fourth rate; then honestly to label oneself as fourth rate would lead to being to be judged as fifth rate - on the assumption that you, like everyone else, must be indulging in hype. In this kind of situation, individual truthfulness will be interpreted either as simply stupid, or as an irresponsible indulgence. * Clearly then, even in the absence of the sort of direct coercion which prevails in many un-free societies, scientists may be subjected to such pressure that they are more-or-less forced to be dishonest; and this situation can (in decent people) lead to feelings of regret, or to shame and remorse. The only alternative is some species of martyrdom. * This is a situation which leads decent people to feel shame and remorse. Unfortunately, shame may not lead to remorse but instead to rationalization, to self-exculpation, to the elaborate construction of excuses - and eventually a denial of dishonesty. In other words, shame may lead to aggressive hypocrisy. But eventually the situation leads many to cynicism; hypocrisy is abandoned as ludicrously implausible – and there is a cynical advocacy of dishonesty. Such cynics feel they are merely being honest in advocating open dishonesty, because everyone is doing this anyway. Better – they think – to be a cynic advocating evil than a hypocrite pretending to good.

>> No.16373422


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16373191 No.16373191 [Reply] [Original]

Its commonly said that Leibnitz and Newton invented calculus simultaneously and independently. But if you actually think about it its most likely complete BS. There is simply no way that such a monumental discovery was made by two people at the same time. One or both of them copied it from someone else, thats the only way this makes sense. Also intrigue and scams were extremely prevalent during the 17th-18th centuries. My hutch feeling says that Leibniz came up with calculus first and salty incel Newton stole it from him.

What do you think? Do you buy the mainstream narrative?

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>> No.16373266

nta but newton obviously used the calculus he developed in his work with optics and gravitation. the thing was he just put off publishing his methods.

>> No.16373277

Im sorry but thats just not how it works in science. Newton was a confirmed resentful incel schizo and he simply stole his methods from Leibniz, whom he resented.

>> No.16373294

Both of them have letters with everyone.

>> No.16373312


>> No.16373331

kek the schizophrenia is strong

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16373174 No.16373174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

almost every single white collar worker that I met has at least one highly educated parent in the sphere of engineering, science or medicine. Do our lives really boil down to genetics only?

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16373137 No.16373137 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.16373365

imagine learning useless old shit

>> No.16373371

The difficult thing is realizing that infinity doesn't exist and that consequently real analysis is schizo shit.

>> No.16373382

Explain, I just started the class. It seems like it exists through definitions.

>> No.16373405
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Based and ESLpilled.

>> No.16373429

This is like asking "is biology's difficulty overstated"

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16373060 No.16373060 [Reply] [Original]

Can sound frequencies affect the strings of the string theory?

>> No.16373093

Message attempt.

Message attempt 2.

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16372906 No.16372906 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's college math for dummies but I'm a dummy. It literally makes no sense

>> No.16373142
File: 3.40 MB, 1x1, Algebraic Homotopy -- Hans Joachim Baues -- Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 15, 1, 2008 -- Cambridge University Press -- 0511662521 -- 0d838464bb7d7a6a8a20e18be0c82315 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which part are you confused about?

>> No.16373227

The wording on problems is so confusing. I can understand logic but I always over think it.

>> No.16373231

Give a specific example of a problem and description of how specifically you overthink it
>Inb4 no response from scam artist OP

>> No.16373462

>The wording on problems is so confusing
OP has zero problem solving/critical thinking skills. Can do 5+5 on a calculator, but dumbfounded when the problem states Billy starts with $5, and gains $1 next five days.
>I can understand logic but I always over think it.
Standard cope of low IQ. Teacher explains that you just add 5+5. OP responds by saying I was overthinking it

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16372855 No.16372855 [Reply] [Original]

>theorema egregium
>theorema elegantissimum
Why was he such an arrogant narcissist? His theorems aren't even that remarkable.

>> No.16372894

>all his contemporary mathematicians considered him a god leagues above themselves
>surely i know better

>> No.16373010

GauB was mid.

>> No.16373023

Has one sorted Jaz yet

>> No.16373046

he's the goat and it's not even close

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16372843 No.16372843 [Reply] [Original]

how come so many hurricanes were forecast for this year when its common knowledge that sunspot activity depresses hurricane activity?
are the climate scientists who made the forecast so ignorant of basic science that they didn't even know about the inverse relationship between sunspots and hurricanes?

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>> No.16372868

The problem is all the woke trash infecting those institutions. I don't see any other solution other than sending terror troops to clean them from such vermin executing with a bullet in the head socialists, feminists, democrats, liberals, neocons, jews, all that crap.

>> No.16372879

Eventually one of his forecasts will be correct or even predict less hurricanes than happen, at which point all these cases of him over predicting will be forgotten.

>> No.16372892

may just sound funny to you here but those hurricanes forecast made me lose tens of thousand trading natural gas.
I never traded natural gas again since then.
those trashy predictions have consequence, and I bore the fruit.

>> No.16372987

Just long anything that climate doomers say will explode.

>> No.16373226
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16372809 No.16372809 [Reply] [Original]

There has to be a way to do that, right? If it appeared it can also disappear, right? There must be something logical about it.

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>> No.16373028

Depends on how worse it is. Big bleeding ones need surgical intervention to prevent blood loss and further infection. However, in early stages you can prevent it by slowly increasing your fiber intake. Eat a banana or 1/3rd cucumber per day. Also drink a spoonful of psyllium husk with plenty of warm water every morning.

>> No.16373030

You are a husk

>> No.16373360

Yes. You need BBC.

>> No.16373380

No you can shrink em but they don't ever go away.

>> No.16373390
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picrel has a *large* number of off-label cutaneous uses from treating scars to vascular malformations, including hemorrhoids.

>go google scholar it, cryotherapy is more effective than surgery, just use some lidocaine gel first.

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16372770 No.16372770 [Reply] [Original]

y tho

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>> No.16373158

See how your calculator does on
[math]\sqrt{1.004} - 3\sqrt{1.003} + 3\sqrt{1.002} - \sqrt{1.001}[/math].

>> No.16373426
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>> No.16373442

Bugged code, it should be 1. Simple as.

>> No.16373464
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>> No.16373478
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wait, you said plus

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16372625 No.16372625 [Reply] [Original]

Is sacred geometry real or BS?

Not asking /x/ because I want to see if there's actual science research behind them.

What happens if I make with cardboard paper these figures and put a bottle of water under them?

>> No.16372641
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All geometry is sacred anon

>> No.16372648

It’s literally right in front of your eyes retard

>> No.16372733


Better than cardboard, you can lay down in bed and put them on yourself.

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16372541 No.16372541 [Reply] [Original]

>We recently received a launch license date estimate of late November from the FAA, the government agency responsible for licensing Starship flight tests. This is a more than two-month delay to the previously communicated date of mid-September. This delay was not based on a new safety concern, but instead driven by superfluous environmental analysis. The four open environmental issues are illustrative of the difficulties launch companies face in the current regulatory environment for launch and reentry licensing.

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>> No.16372772
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>bro just one more seal
>come on just let me test rocket sounds one more time
>last time I swear
>its an environmental concern
>plz bro just strap this seal to a wooden plank and blast explosions into its ears

>> No.16373398

What's stopping SpaceX from launching anyways?
Seriously, what's stopping them?

>> No.16373404


>> No.16373406

the legitimate thread of getting nationalized

>> No.16373408

world police (USA)

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16372470 No.16372470 [Reply] [Original]

What is the plasma in simple words?

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>> No.16372476


>> No.16372478

hot cloud of positively charged nuclei and electrons.

>> No.16372692
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>> No.16372719

I can't breathe
I have plasma

>> No.16372774

plasma this dick

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16372444 No.16372444 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we like asses if they fart and poop?

>> No.16372447

Not everyone farts and poops, B*rkon. I for one don't poop and can force farts anytime I want. You wanna fart in my mouf? It's my fetish.

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16372440 No.16372440 [Reply] [Original]

How can a shitty set of 3 variables allow to "model" periodic crises with exactitude? How can the WEF-influencing fags from Limits of Growth "predict" collapse and justify their Gaia worship with a 5-variable model?

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16372395 No.16372395 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Elon repeating other people mistakes?

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>> No.16372442


>> No.16372457

>it looks the same so it's the same
Comparing your immediate thought process to the work of 10,000 engineers working on this rocket every day makes me 100% certain you're wrong without even needing to know any facts

>> No.16372460
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Pic rel was the most reliable orbital rocket for decades (before the F9).
The problem of the N1 wasn't related to the number of engines, they simply couldn't make a good project and achieve the reliability required for the whole program.
The Saturn V engines showed that fewer combustion chambers isn't necessary better, they're always on the edge of failure (multiple launches with the problematic pogo resonance).

>> No.16372483

that's only 5 engines

>> No.16372637

The failure of any combustion chamber would have ended in a complete failure.
Multi chamber are hard, it just that large chambers are harder to stabilize and be worthy at the same time.

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16372365 No.16372365 [Reply] [Original]

Are black holes an argument against simulation theory? Surely a good simulation either wouldn't produce singularities in the first place or would break down entirely when encountering a stack overflow.

>> No.16372377

Black holes are literally the exits of the simulation.

>> No.16372443

can you exit a video game? where are the black holes in GTA where NPCs can walk out into real life?

>> No.16372708

I see the lamestream shilling for muh simulation theory so I disregard it.