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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16558363 No.16558363 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legit?

>> No.16558365

Uh, rocks do reflect sunlight, that's why we can see them.

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16558332 No.16558332 [Reply] [Original]

Why does radioactivity vary in frequency? What's the scientific explanation for these glowing rocks?

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16558318 No.16558318 [Reply] [Original]

Demon core memes and discussion

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>> No.16558320
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>> No.16558322

You know you're doing it right when I have to inform you that this is painfully pedantic, but utterly required.

>> No.16558331
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I'd argue it isn't pednatic. There would be no flash had it been recorded.

>> No.16558333

Minor difference in usage, it seems. My "necessarily pedantic" aligns with your "not pedantic."

>> No.16558345

i think we should recreate the demon core accident in a public place and see what happens!

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16558159 No.16558159 [Reply] [Original]

Allow me to introduce the "mode theory of evolution"

Effectively, it is hierarchy.

It goes as such
>the sun
>random space meme shit
>internal earth meme shit
>humans being dicks

It only works one way, for example internal earth meme shit can BTFO humans being dicks, but humans being dicks cannot BTFO internal earth meme shit.

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>> No.16558235

You have made no counterargument, you know it's absolutely obvious. You've been ad-hominem the entire thread, you've clung onto a typo, you've not addressed the subject matter whatsoever.

Everybody can see how pathetic you are. You're naked.

>> No.16558238

Briainworm aggression. Severe case too.
Sad to see.

>> No.16558239

>being this mad that humans can't usurp the sun

>> No.16558241

>you are YELLING at the SUN
Final Medical Diagnosis: Brainworm Psychosis with Violent Aggression. OP is a risk to himself and others.

>> No.16558242

You are deeply delusional, today must have been rough for you.

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16558129 No.16558129 [Reply] [Original]

Pardoned for what tho? :thinking:

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>> No.16558335

You forgot to call him orange.

>> No.16558339

This behavior is not condoned on this board.
...which website?

>> No.16558341
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>> No.16558342

So you recognized him, lol.

>> No.16558354
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It was tough, but I did manage to decode that cryptic and profound post of yours. Hope you didn't strain your brain making it.

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16558089 No.16558089 [Reply] [Original]

will i get bullied in europe i'm italian

>> No.16558100
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im chilean with curly hair with a last name smith
im not paranoid everyone wants me dead

>> No.16558114

do deadlift

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16558072 No.16558072 [Reply] [Original]

>You can't raise your IQ!!!!
I can get higher IQ scores just by practicing on those tests
>But that doesn't count!!! You can only take the IQ test once without studying it previously!!!
Oh? But I thought IQ tests were supposed to be very accurate? We don't judge an athlete's performance based on one single instance, we judge them based on long-term, consistent instances
Okay buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.16558107

IQ and IQ score aren't the same thing.

>> No.16558127

IQ is designed to be representative of intelligence via g-loading. While you can train and improve your IQ, the improvements you get in intelligence are minimal to negligible. This implies that IQ improvements are artificially inflated.

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16558058 No.16558058 [Reply] [Original]

why is there so much preparation in the event apophis hits the earth if chances are so small?
>what makes you so confident it will
friday the 13th of 2029. apophis(wormwood) will hit the sea according the prophecy found in the book of revelation.

>> No.16558283

this is not gonna happen for 2 reasons:
1) the earth is a stationary plane and not a globe earth in endless materialistical space, which is prerequisite for event of picrel to be a possibility
2) book of revelation events are history, futurism is jesuits' propaganda

>> No.16558286
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oh really? mark twain wrote in huckleberry finn that there was a big black guy named nigger jim, so is that true? are orcs real because tolkien wrote about them in lord of the rings? if i write down that you're a fucking retard on a piece of paper does that also come true?

>> No.16558347

you know what if the trump administration turns out to be a nothing burger tgen apophis will turn out to be a nothing burger.
its in chronological order you see.

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16558057 No.16558057 [Reply] [Original]

He says he has an IQ of 75 but how actually stupid is he?

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16558018 No.16558018 [Reply] [Original]

Why does sitting in front of a fire out in the cold activate the reptilian brain in us?

>> No.16558028

It's the opposite. Most of the time we operate under our reptilian brain. Only when we gaze into the fire do we truly become human.

>> No.16558032

This. That's why fire worship is one of the oldest religions in the entire world.

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16558015 No.16558015 [Reply] [Original]

Do you solve your derivatives by oil lamps?


>> No.16558049

This is cringe bordering on neurosis. This is someone whose reality is so bleak that they have to cosplay as a 19th century mathematician just to cope.

>> No.16558052

only if there's a powercut

>> No.16558166

Oil lamps are cool, I bought mine at the grocery store for like six bucks.

>> No.16558264

>zoomer screen format

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16557988 No.16557988 [Reply] [Original]

professor dave xisters... our response without revealing too much our historically materialist alchemy that we use as "evidence" for this or any other matter of argument?

>> No.16558000

weak bait
clowning on dave hasn't been fun for years
he's like a parody of himself

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16557966 No.16557966 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone ever think of TREE(ℵ0)? Or is that just ℵ0? What about TREE(𝛚)?

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>> No.16558177

>TREE of an ordinal

It's so crazy, it just might work

>> No.16558188

Calculus with infinitesimals rather than limits.

>> No.16558210

so something nobody gives a shit about?

>> No.16558237

It satisfies the provided definition.

>> No.16558240

>some marginal branch of math helps some other marginal branch of math
bravo. I’d stick to algebraic geometry.

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16557883 No.16557883 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16557935

Not bad, but can you describe it in pure english without those fancy symbols?

>> No.16557938

Tried to model lottery like that?

>> No.16558274

It’s semigroup, ESL kun. I’m also not reading all that shit when you fail to define base and head in your first fucking definition.
>map given by *no actual precise mapping given*
nigga please

>> No.16558282
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>1.5 pages and 1.25 of those pages are definitions

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16557873 No.16557873 [Reply] [Original]

is he retarded?

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>> No.16558124

The 'defeat' and 'bankruptcy' aspect is likely a ruse to game the borked tax system - a tax system which should be abolished. It is a sign of high moral character to obligate oneself to duties such as these.

>> No.16558174

> repeatedly successful in multiple domains
He bought a few successful companies with money given to him by his parents.

>> No.16558175

>Musk saved America
kek he's about to turn America into India.

>> No.16558182

nah. we don't need millions of indians. he said 0.1%. even that seems unnecessary since most companies outsource work to india anyway and also there is AI pressure. It is not 1999 anymore.

>> No.16558244

Always love how people making $15/hr at walmart feel qualified to lecture the world about how little talent and effort it takes to become a billionaire.

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16557686 No.16557686 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss the marine biology of the Gulf of America? What kind of organisms live in the Gulf of America? What kind of habitats are there in the Gulf of America?

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>> No.16557736

The university students are all over 18.

>> No.16557754

Not the smart ones

>> No.16557764

Sheldon Cooper types might exist on university campuses but we never had any at the Sea Lab and I doubt they would be allowed as it's a residential program and we wouldn't be willing to take on the liability for caring for a minor.

>> No.16557832

You would if you were as cool as Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.16557838
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Doubt there's anything cool where Epstein is now.

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16557609 No.16557609 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this just proof that particles can "interact" without losing energy (i.e. being "observed")?

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>> No.16557707

>it's a proof a single particle can go through both holes
And then what, interfere with itself? How does that make sense?

>> No.16557708

It doesnt. Thats the point.

>> No.16557717

nta but why does it do that if it's not entangled with us? or between themselves? wouldn't that happen only for particles that are entangled?

>> No.16557733

The word is MEASURED, you dumb pop sci fuck boy

>> No.16557762

post the experimental setup OP

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16557569 No.16557569 [Reply] [Original]

could titan host life?

>> No.16557602

If Saturn were in the habitable zone, Titan would likely become a mostly ocean planet.
>Radar altimetry suggests topographical variation is low, typically no more than 150 meters. Occasional elevation changes of 500 meters have been discovered and Titan has mountains that sometimes reach several hundred meters to more than one kilometer in height.
There might be a very mountain peaks that could rise above the oceans but most of the solid surface would be under its oceans.

>> No.16557769

Any place where water can be liquid and there's either sunlight or volcanism could host life based on what we can observe here on earth. That includes at least Venus, Earth, Mars and at least some of the bigger moons in the outer system.

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16557529 No.16557529 [Reply] [Original]

My biology professor yelled at me for saying men can’t get pregnant and trans-woman aren’t real women. Did I do or say anything wrong? I swear she hates me now.

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>> No.16557540

never happened award

>> No.16557556

this thread is fabricated and homosexual

>> No.16557566
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you must throw poop at your teacher. it's the only way they'll learn

>> No.16557608

cool story, /pol/.

>> No.16557695

Call him woke piece of shit.
That will fix it.

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16557496 No.16557496 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/ can you help me invent some formulas?
The formulas should describe the cut-bulk cycle of body building.
The body should be described by two factors: The bulked factor, and the cut factor.

They should both be calculated based on weight, height, waist circumference etc. And should have some important properties. During a careful bulk the bulked factor should increase while the cut factor should remain constant. During a careful cut, the bulked factor should remain constant while the cut factor decreases.

The cut factor should be like a measure of how skinnyfat you are. If it's zero you are pure muscle, if it's say 100 you are a big immobile blob of fat. Maybe it should be roughly proportional to bodyfat%?
The bulked factor I guess is roughly how much lean body mass you have, but some proportion of the fat mass should be subtracted to ensure it remains constant during a cut.

>> No.16557500

The goal of the formulas should be to basically let you monitor your sloppiness, like if you see the bulk factor decline during a cut, or if you see the skinnyfat factor shoot up during a bulk you know you are messing up.

>> No.16557505

Sure, Boss. Post link to the data and documentation and I'll take it from there.

>> No.16557542

Never gymed, but won't it just be:
predicted fat fraction=(initial fat fraction)*(%fat remained after each cycle)^(#cycles)?

>> No.16557599

Why don't you try not being a faggot who expects others to do his homework for him? Study some more calculus and derive a solution of your own, anon. I'd help you, but it's pretty obvious that your goal is to plagiarise the first solution you receive after posting a thread on an anonymous imageboard, so I won't.

>> No.16557815

>it's pretty obvious that your goal is to plagiarise the first solution you receive after posting a thread on an anonymous imageboard, so I won't.
thought the same.