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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7445430 No.7445430 [Reply] [Original]

How do I cope with the fact that I don't have a female brain and this will never be able to truly draw cute characters, no matter how hard I try?

>> No.7445437

>And this will
And thus*

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7445427 No.7445427 [Reply] [Original]

Starting today, after sleep, I'll draw one well drafted sketch everyday for the whole year. If I don't mods can ban me for a full month

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7445325 No.7445325 [Reply] [Original]

Lost my job so gonna start streaming while making trad and ipad art and stuff.

Who are the best twitch art streamers?

What is the secret to being a successful art streamer?

What if you mostly just use streaming as a way to feel like you’re being watched but you hate having to do streamer stuff?

What if you already tried this in like 2018 and it worked gangbusters for like 5 months until people started actually following and raiding and interacting and just watching you try to ignore them and then you just stopped streaming the day after you got your first subs?

Is being an artist in the now-now times more about how good you can cultivate an internet cult?

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>> No.7445372

we don't buy anything here on /ic/

>> No.7445380
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Pirating is cool too. You’d still spending your time on it and that’s really what matters to energy vampires

>> No.7445391
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o How to paint Active Measures
o How to paint the corporate oligarchy
o How to Paint Epstein
o How to paint Putin
o How to paint Peterson
o How to paint YouTube
o How to paint outrage culture
o How to paint asshole aggregation platforms
o How to paint The Other
o How to paint Elsagate
o How to paint H3H3
o How to paint the Bradbury brothers and Joey Salads
o How to paint depression memes campaigns
o How to paint incels and rootless male radicalization campaigns
o How to paint terrorism
o How to paint the Mercers, Kochs, et al
o How to paint antimasker and antivaxxer campaigns
o How to paint arms dealers
o How to paint the fossil fuel plunderbund
o How to paint /r/fatpeoplehate
o How to paint gamergate
o How to paint MaRey Sue
o How to paint the military industrial complex
o How to paint the propaganda model
o How to paint dystopia
• Time
o How to paint the future
o How to paint the past
o How to paint time
o How to paint entropy
• History
o How to paint 1066
o How to paint Columbus
o How to paint Capitalism
o How to paint the industrial revolution
o How to paint Gavrilo Princip
o How to paint Hitler
o How to paint Stalinism
o How to paint Reagan
o How to paint W
o How to paint the Terror Wars
o How to paint Citizens United
o How to paint Ted Kuszinski
o How to paint the death of humanity
• Television
o How to paint Harmon
o How to paint the filmization of tv
o How to paint Netflix
o How to paint the death of cable
o How to paint nu-cable
• Movies
o How to paint film
o How to paint digital
o How to paint capeshit
o How to paint Disney
o How to paint WB
o How to paint Kubrick
o How to paint Kurosawa
o How to paint PTA
o How to paint Nolan
o How to paint Lucas
o How to paint the OT
o How to paint the PT
o How to paint the ST
o How to paint Bond
o How to paint Batman
o How to paint Raimi
o How to paint Midsommar
o How to paint The Best Movies Ever Made
o How to paint The Wprst Movies Ever Made

>> No.7445439

Oh for fuck's sake, I thought you had finally left this place alone. We can't keep any of the decent and tolerable artists but you and Illastrat are more than happy to shit up the board for years on end. Go away, Jimmy.

>> No.7445442
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7445303 No.7445303 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ic/ feel about prisoner art?

>> No.7445304
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Samuel Mullikin


>> No.7445305
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"Untitled male" - Brian Birster-Mrozik

>> No.7445306
File: 240 KB, 816x1063, CO-JeremyCostley-Sun_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeremy Costley

"Universal Dreams"

>> No.7445308
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Brian Birster-Mrozik


>> No.7445310
File: 217 KB, 990x1336, CO-BoyntonAxi-Art_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Bubbles" - Boynton Axi

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7445256 No.7445256 [Reply] [Original]

Ethically speaking, is it okay to copy poses from a pose idea book to use in original drawings of anime?
Someone will probably get mad but is it morally the right thing to do?

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>> No.7445311

>Where do begs come up with shit like this
To be fair, one time one artist got mad another artist drew an anime girl sitting in the same pose in a chair. The 2nd artist said he was inspired by the pose. Happened a while ago.

>> No.7445315

Imagine even dignifying a crabbing faggot like that with a response

>> No.7445322

I never learned that word dignifying

>> No.7445381

Imagine giving a fuck when AI exists
Do what you want

>> No.7445386

OP is talking copyright. Copyright is applying rules of property to ideas. Rules of property is the dominant ideology of modern capitalist society. At every level of the question, there are moral complexities. Should ideas be considered property? Should law protect individual property from all others? Should our society shape itself in such a way as to keep proprietary information proprietary? Does value stem from the idea or from the labor used to implement the idea? What is labor?

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7445192 No.7445192 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7302391

>> No.7445399
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how 2 draw more ass squish?

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7445171 No.7445171 [Reply] [Original]

also any artists known for cowgirls? Or western aesthetic in general works. Yes I have a problem.

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>> No.7445382
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>> No.7445390
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I have a cowgirl OC with a comic project

>> No.7445393
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>> No.7445394
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>> No.7445397
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7445109 No.7445109 [Reply] [Original]

This video is the worst thing i've seen in a few days because it's a chicana retard giving wrongful entry level advice to people an acting like she was an authority
Female artist shouldnt be allowed to be outspoken unless they're japanese

>> No.7445112

Literally who cares? Just draw.

>> No.7445113

nobody cares, fuck off to the eceleb board

>> No.7445114

I already drew so I came here to vent my anger fuck you faggot

>> No.7445117

>Literally who cares?
OP, so thats why he made a thread
and you cared enough to reply

>> No.7445148

Not your personal blog. GTFO, literal retard.

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7444991 No.7444991 [Reply] [Original]

No disrespect towards Pablo Picasso as a painter, but, how does this look good?

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>> No.7445239

>There's even a (surreal)
kek, indeed sounds like a college NPC

>> No.7445242
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>it represents
>it even has

>> No.7445274
File: 85 KB, 950x730, the-taking-of-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, how is "Taking of Christ" good? How long would it take you to convince me this piece is good artwork?

>> No.7445388

>What art is "good" and "bad" is completely arbitrary
only if you're a post modernist, otherwise there are objective standards

>> No.7445419
File: 376 KB, 800x504, Picasso-Guernica-CLwDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd need to be familiar with art history and compositional theory that was studied at the time. Things like root ratios (root 2, root 5, etc.), rabated rectangles, phi ratios, and other things of the Renaissance era

Myron Barnstone (rip) covered a lot of this

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7444988 No.7444988 [Reply] [Original]

I have a story to draw but I'm not good at drawing scenery, so instead of spending the next couple of years trying to get scenery skills to the level of my figure drawing I am considering hiring someone for the project.

I can draw scenery well enough to sketch the story board, which is ready.

>1. I am, however, a bit concerned of how this person's style might work with my own

>2. how much of it they might modify in ways I don't want. I am supposed to also act kinda like an art director, but I am sure they will have their own artistic views and I know they might get bitchy or offended if I want it to be done my own way. from my experience in this forum, I know this is bound to happen if they are emotionally immature

>3. if they decide to leave when the project is about to finish, I would be unable to find a replacement that mimics their style

>4.should I pay everything up front or as illustrations are completed?

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>> No.7445147

if you could pay an assistant you wouldn't be sitting there worrying about muh style, retard

>> No.7445162

>t. emotionally immature assistants

>> No.7445190

that might've been more impactful were you not clearly seething

>> No.7445396

most things you enjoy were made by multiple people. it's rare for anyone to do it alone. even murata has help.
>>2. how much of it they might modify in ways I don't want. I am supposed to also act kinda like an art director, but I am sure they will have their own artistic views and I know they might get bitchy or offended if I want it to be done my own way. from my experience in this forum, I know this is bound to happen if they are emotionally immature
that's why communication is important. but you also need to limit your criticism and be open to others input. especially when someone else is more skilled in an area you lack.

i've heard many stories from professionals in graphic design who had to deal with clients who were too stubborn to understand the reason behind the decisions the artist they hired made and ended up with a worse result. they're professional for a reason so listen to their input. that's if you're hiring a pro at all and not some 13 year old on twitter.

>> No.7445429

1)Hire a team
2)set a deadline
3)manage the people

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7444934 No.7444934 [Reply] [Original]

Is life drawing > perspective > anatomy/figure drawing the correct path for a beg who wants to draw anime but has 0 knowledge of core fundies?

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7444899 No.7444899 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn how to draw but I'm Muslim and drawing living things is very haram

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>> No.7445408

There's so many porn artists from Indonesia and SEA

>> No.7445414

You have to go back

>> No.7445416

Browsing 4chan alone has probably precluded you from ever getting your 72 virgins anyway, why worry

>> No.7445420

Islam is wrong. Change religion.

>> No.7445425

draw anime character
they are not living things anyway

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7444857 No.7444857 [Reply] [Original]

jung said artists are compelled to create works that society needs in order to return to balance
do you feel like an artist?

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>> No.7445119
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I don't know if I can say I'm returning balance to society when I'm getting 2 likes.

>> No.7445184

>jung said
he also communicated with demons, I literally don't care what he said kek

>> No.7445349

demons arent real little guy

>> No.7445376

Kim Jung Gi did not speak English

>> No.7445383

Carl Jung, dumbass

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7444854 No.7444854 [Reply] [Original]

>actually improve from practice
>dont even know what to fucking draw
>when i try to think of any idea for a drawing my mind just 404's
should i accept that im noncreative subhuman or try to keep going? im sorry for making this post and not contributing shit but it annoys the fuck out of me as im retarded

>> No.7444861

start by logging off of 4chan and sitting in silence until you come up with something, creativity is a muscle that can atrophy, also sage

>> No.7444870

the problem is that these are exactly the conditions im mostly in

>> No.7444878

I like to draw women wrestling because I like the concept and fetish of women wrestling. It combines erotica and combat making it visual and flashy.

What do you like? What sort of art, comics, visual works do you enjoy? Your OP pic is Chiyo from Azumanga Daioh, 4koma slice of life comedy of high school girls. After Azumanga, the creator started their new series Yotsuba, slice of life comedy of young eccentric girl moving in new neighborhood. Azuma clearly wants to draw simple everyday comedy with young females.

See where I'm going? What do you want to draw? You don't need to know HOW to draw it, just simple what? People? What kind of people? What the people are doing? And so on.

So simply start boxing in the things you want to draw, start with simplest, biggest nominator. People, abstract, öamdscapes, gadgets? Single pic, comic, visual novel? You want to tell story? Or just draw singular ungerground pop culture phenomenas? Graffiti?

You know the answer. Let it out.

>> No.7444947

Theoretically I know what I want to draw, but I can't draw it...

>> No.7445015

Now kith

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7444838 No.7444838 [Reply] [Original]

List of porn sites that I can post my artwork on?

What about booru's ?

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>> No.7444978

how do they now? can't I theoretically make a fake name and upload my shit?

>> No.7444983

Do what you want but if ever found out that's bad PR for you.

>> No.7445010

You can but boorus don't want you to post your own work.
If you notice that your work gets posted there a lot, you should request to get blacklisted. You are making it very easy for ai users to create datasets of your work because ai needs the tags to each individual drawing to work properly.
Danbooru, Gelbooru and rule34. There are probably more. Send them a ticket.

>> No.7445014

They don't want to deal with artists getting mad over rejected drawings. It's a curated gallery and not a place to dump every single sketch.

>> No.7445017

pixiv, furaffinity, and twitter are helpful. you can also use Newgrounds too, but they don't have a lot of users there.

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7444768 No.7444768 [Reply] [Original]

Just sharing my pics. Send me urs guys

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>> No.7444975

you made this in 2 minutes you attention whore

>> No.7444989

So? Read the thread again dumbie. We appreciate ur opinion!

>> No.7445143

What's your sign?

>> No.7445229

What type of question is that bro? Me Virgo

>> No.7445369

You're gonna share me the zodiac killers stuff and not expect that question?

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7444640 No.7444640 [Reply] [Original]

4chan is currently owned by Hiroyuki Nishimura, the creator of the Japanese imageboard 2chan, which served as the inspiration for 4chan. He purchased the site in 2015 from its original founder, Christopher Poole ("moot"). Nishimura’s ownership has brought a sense of continuity to the platform, maintaining its emphasis on anonymity and free-form discussion. His experience with 2chan reflects in 4chan’s decentralized structure and laissez-faire approach to user interaction.

The site relies on a mix of volunteer moderators, commonly referred to as "janitors," and a small group of admins to oversee its operations. Moderation varies by board, with some adhering to strict content guidelines and others, like the infamous /b/, operating with minimal oversight. This decentralized system faces challenges, as anonymity makes enforcing rules and managing behavior complex. While this governance model aligns with 4chan’s chaotic and open nature, it also fuels controversies and difficulties in maintaining a balanced environment.

>> No.7444644

Draw him in your style.

>> No.7444648
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>> No.7444664
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>> No.7444665

its a japanese website
>it was started by a westoid
sushi isnt western food
>huehue food analogy
not an argument

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7444622 No.7444622 [Reply] [Original]

>the majority of modern graphics software cannot make or use a graph as a brush
for what fucking reason? why are we still blitting textures like in the stone age and calling them "brushes" instead of having a graph with arbitrary precision that always works(tm)?

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>> No.7445064

actually based, i'll try it

>> No.7445067

can you replicate the crease brush and show us?

>> No.7445286

any other oft-unused SAI2 settings or tools??

>> No.7445295

Same question but for CSP.

>> No.7445313
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went back and slopped out a version with control points to try out the hot wire one.

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7444583 No.7444583 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm an aspiring artist and new to this board. Here's one of my pieces that I did in class that really came together IMO.
Can you please give me constructive criticism as to how I can improve. Pls no bully. Thanx!

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>> No.7444700

i fucked your mom

>> No.7444726

The water is missing the reflection of the giant brapper in the sky prolapsing fecal meatballs.

>> No.7445260

Pls I told you guys to no bully me!!! Why are you all so mean??? Is it because you're jelous??? Does /ic/ consist of only a bunch of losers who draw eyes & majick mushrooms on thier notebooks and consider it "art?"

Get a life, losers!

>> No.7445280

Schizo art, I hate it and you should quit.

>> No.7445354
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Just keep on being weird bro.

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7444573 No.7444573 [Reply] [Original]

I remember when times used to be nicer...

>> No.7444585

There's an artwork AND critique.