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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2890676 No.2890676 [Reply] [Original]

quick question. do these types of pipes usually make noise? loud noises? im thinking of renting this place but worried about that as im sensitive to noises. there are aprox 4 stories above.

>> No.2890677
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another angle, i guess there are bathrooms straight up cause that dark cover in the top left is covering an alod leak

>> No.2890678

If that's a drain pipe then it might.

>> No.2890714

Enjoy listening to all your neighbors flush.

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2890672 No.2890672 [Reply] [Original]

Are used compressors worth buying, or it'll probably be a ticking timebomb? I have an option to but an operable 50 liter/13 gallon 2 piston 3HP compressor for the equivalent of 80$ plus shipping. Alternatively I could buy a new 24L 1HP one on amazon for a bit cheaper, but the air supply capacity is only 55L per minute at 7bars, so I won't be able to use air tools. I don't want to spend more, because it's not gonna be used that often and I already have a 6L cordless 36V 8.5bar compressor for the airgun or the nailer

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>> No.2890679

Try to deduce whether it was stolen, or if the owner died/retired.

>> No.2890680
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>if you can't even figure having practical experience with similar items to know how they turn out in practice or what to watch out for, how the FUCK are you ever going to be able to use a basic tool
>if you can't even lift 4 plates, how the FUCK are you ever going to be able to lift one plate
lmao. also, I literally wrote in the OP that I already use a compressor, so good job being illiterate

>> No.2890683
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Honestly I would prefer to only buy used compressors. New shit is marked up so crazy it's not even funny...

You can find them used for pennies on the dollar. Maybe not so much on the small little pancake and other oilless compressors, but the big shit for sure.

Pic rel was practically brand new and purchased for like $700 at an estate auction. New price for a comparable compressor is $2500-3000.

I've bought plenty of old compressors for dirt cheap. They're almost always worth buying.

>> No.2890684

it's from online auctions starting from 1$ with stuff from pallets with amazon returns ,clearances frome dealerships reselling second-hand items, etc. there's been a lot of those lately and they usually sell for about 80-100$. it's 100% legit and working properly (unless it's a damaged item specifically, which is clearly noted in the description) at the time of sale (which is in the sellers interest, because anyone can just return it otherwise), I'm only worried about how it'd hold up

>> No.2890688

thanks, this reassured me. I actually already won the bid, but I've been having second thoughts, especially after I came across a smaller compressor from the same brand 50% off on amazon, so I thought about not picking it up and settling for half the size and several times worse air capacity but brand new

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2890608 No.2890608 [Reply] [Original]

I made a spoon, fork and spatula in juniper wood (pic not mine).

For the finish I sanded them by hand with 200 grit sandpaper, they came out pretty smooth, but then I washed them and the water made the wood fibers stand back up and out.

Is there a way to get a smooth result that stays smooth after contact with water ?

>> No.2890611

oil it
use something like culinary grade mineral oil/parafin

>> No.2890612

Sand again, or try scraping next time.

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2890582 No.2890582 [Reply] [Original]

I want to build a drill press for shits and giggles, me still not owning one and hopefully turning into a soft mill later on.
So far i got a working 3d printer, rods, nuts, concrete, all the boring parts and pic rel in 750W version. Just ordered linear rails for Z.
However i'm really starting to struggle with english here. How do i get a drill chuck on there, as in, what parts am i missing and what are they called? I thought the motor would be the spindle when doing a direct drive, but the spindle is just a mount? And when looking for something like a drill chuck adapter, google greets with a plethora of morse tapers, which is great i guess?
Given that even chatgpt can't grasp what i want to do, i'd appreciate some help on the necessary vocabulary.

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>> No.2890633

Ideally i want it to hook onto a 4modi switch with off-2k-4k-6k, but that's not fully fledged yet and lower priority. I plan on using the controller that came with it.

>> No.2890662

What kind of torque do those motors make, are they steppers? And no I'm not getting out my fucking magnifying glass to try and read those specs... You do realize most drill presses have a belt or gear reduction in order to get the torque necessary to drill right?

Chucks can be had in different flavors. Some of them are threaded and have a left hand screw in the middle of the arbor that keeps them from unthreading themselves when used in reverse. Some of them are a Jacobs taper. Whatever you decide to use as your drill chuck arbor will have to have something along those lines in order to use off the shelf common chucks.

>> No.2890664

if the driver is a step/direction input you can use one of these cheap pulse boards for control

>> No.2890667

It's a 750W AC servo. I'm sure it'll do fine and if not, i'll throw in a planetary (or rebuilt the whole into aforementioned lathe). Sorry for the tiny picture, i was only slightly frustrated when opening the thread.

>> No.2890689

Will the motor bearings take the axial load? Many do not. And that's why the motor drives a spindle with a belt. Spindle has bearings and an advance mechanism designed to take the load.

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2890580 No.2890580 [Reply] [Original]

How do I clean my monitor? Everywhere I look says to use distilled water with a microfiber cloth. I do not have distilled water. Surely tap water will be fine?

>> No.2890584

Tap water has estrogen in it. Estrogen will cause your monitor to be greasy like a mustard tiger. Will never get it clean.

>> No.2890586

No minerals in tap water will leave streaks on your screen/glass/car paint/fascia delete as applicable. Like you already learnt
>hey, /diy/ I've asked a bunch times in different places but will you give me another answer
>sure anon, try blasting a tap water enema at your screen
Gets rid of the estrogen by absorbing it into your own system
Thread died etc.

>> No.2890588

The viability of tap water depends on how hard it is. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a really low level of dissolved solids.
Just buy screen cleaner if you're concerned. it's not that expensive and they don't need to be cleaned that often.

>> No.2890627

tap water may not be enough to wipe cum-stains off.
I use window cleaner and paper towels.

>> No.2890639

just use isopropil alcohol.

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2890573 No.2890573 [Reply] [Original]

i want so much make Nitroglycerin at home but i dont find sulfuric acid or nitric acid to buy has a diy metod to make sulfuric acid and nitric acid or another alternative to make Nitroglycerin?

>> No.2890592

Nobody is gonna help you bomb a school, mohommad

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2890572 No.2890572 [Reply] [Original]

>had goofy ahh name
>invented globohomo pod house design that didn’t even catch on
why is this nigga still remembered again?

>> No.2890624


>> No.2890658
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systems theorist

Described the phenomenon of technological advances in efficiency driving more and more functionality with less and resource use to do it until that technology is abandoned for even more efficient and functional tech. Postulated on how far and how fast it might happen and was mostly right.

>Fuller uses Henry Ford's assembly line (used by Henry Ford at his car factory), as an example of how ephemeralization can continuously lead to better products at lower cost with no upper bound on productivity. Fuller saw ephemeralization as an inevitable trend in human development.

That was 1938, before true jet aircraft existed...in 30 years we'd be on the moon and jetsnare common, with early tech rendered obsolete and ephemeral, with far less effort and money needed to replace it with better stuff that does more.

he also invented an entire branch of empirical systems study and wrote the books on it-
>Synergetics is the empirical study of systems in transformation, with an emphasis on whole system behaviors unpredicted by the behavior of any components in isolation. R. Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) named and pioneered the field. His two-volume work Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, in collaboration with E. J. Applewhite, distills a lifetime of research into book form.

"Synergetics follows the cosmic logic of the structural mathematics strategies of nature, which employ the paired sets of the six angular degrees of freedom, frequencies, and vectorially economical actions and their multi-alternative, equi-economical action options ... Synergetics discloses the excruciating awkwardness characterizing present-day mathematical treatment of the interrelationships of the independent scientific disciplines as originally occasioned by their mutual and separate lacks of awareness of the existence of a comprehensive, rational, coordinating system inherent in nature."

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2890470 No.2890470 [Reply] [Original]

The County has placed a garbage can down at the end of our hollow, in front of my home. It is attracting partiers who stay for hours, laughing and hollering at each other. I called the County and asked them to remove the can, but they said it helps their crews keep the area free of trash. I explained that the garbage can is making the problem worse, but they won't listen. Now that I have identified myself to County officials, how do I get rid of this garbage can?

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>> No.2890600

I have Windows 10 with an i9.

>> No.2890602


>> No.2890607

a drop of skunk musk around the garbage can.

>> No.2890634

That will work. You will need gimp or photoshop, feces smeared condom and material (see protip) to maintain erection during photo shoot.
>protip: some people like keteamine.
Keep me posted.

>> No.2890660


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2890458 No.2890458 [Reply] [Original]

Ask machining questions, post machining failures.
CAD CAM talk
Speeds and feeds guessing
G-Code, M-Code, Bro-Code
Fanuc vs Haas
Bitch about pay
Ignore Sieg
Button pushers who think they're machinists

Thread theme:

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>> No.2890665

Have you looked at watch repair channels? There's almost no work that requires a lathe

>> No.2890666
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>Considering purchasing a watchmaker's lathe so I can restore and repair watches. Also to design and make my own watch movements. Maybe even a mechanical calculator.
>Which mini lathes should I look at?

This reminds me, I picked up a tiny lathe thingamabob at an auction along with some other crap on a pallet for $5. I'll try and remember to snap a picture of it. Pretty oddly built and very small. No brands or names anywhere on it that I've seen so far. Haven't had time to mess with it much.

Was tearing down an old Van Dorn drill the other night to clean it up and restore it back to working condition. Got it for free with some other stuff. It does work, I just figured it could be cleaned up and greased, and the Jacobs 3B chuck that was on it had a couple busted up jaws, so I wanted to change that out. Couldn't figure out how the damn chuck was on there though. I figured it was threaded on and chucked the shaft (on a non-critical step) into my 16" south bend and got on the chuck with a pipe wrench and tried to get it to come off. No bueno. Just started slipping in the chuck jaws.

So I started thinking maybe it was a Jacobs taper on the chuck mount, so I took it to the anvil and gave the side of the chuck body a few whacks to see if it would vibrate loose. Well it did come loose, and then unthreaded, and then I could see where I cracked the root of the thread at the base of the shaft. FUCK.

So I chucked it up in the 4 jaw, centered it up real nice and drilled it out to tap for a 5/8 fine thread grade 8 bolt. Got about an inch of threads in there. Then turned down the head of the bolt and put the 5/8 16tpi thread on it for another Jacobs 3B chuck I had. Back in action again baby!

>> No.2890669

Tweezed a piece of steel about the size of a grain of rice out of my penis and I'm starting to think this trade isn't for me. Does this happen a lot?

>> No.2890707

Anyone know of a product that will get the RS232/serial from a lathe display so I can get the values on a PC? (Which maintaining the normal display functionality)

>> No.2890712

>Is that likely to cause me issues?

No. With very limited exception, motors have very little external magnetic field. The entire point of the steel core in the stator is to act as a magnetic yoke, directing the magnetic flux inward toward the rotor. Same deal with transformers, though their design inherently allows somewhat more leakage.

Inductive coupling is mostly a problem with inductors that are simple rods, as they don't really contain any of their magnetic field. Even this is only an issue with things very near the inductor, as magnetic fields fall off according to the cube of distance, and that's in the worst-case (a simple dipole).

A much larger concern is electrical noise, not stray magnetic fields. Any conductor hosting a pulse-width modulated power signal spits out a lot of EM noise. This can cause glitching in your equipment if you're not mindful of this. Shielded cables help, twisted pairs help, filters at the output of the drivers help.

>6-phase stepper motors

The fuck? Are you sure? That's not common at all. Or do you mean it just has 6 leads?

>unipolar driver

You do you, but you're throwing "free" performance away by not using a bipolar driver.

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2890319 No.2890319 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm in the process of converting a small brick "shed" into a secondary dwelling where I will stay at some of the time. It is a single room meaning it will have a kitchenette, a bed and a desk in the same space. The toilet is in a outhouse close by but I want to have a shower inside in the main structure. I have access to running water and the plan is to have a camping propane water heater(outside). Once you get past the weird factor, the main issue with having a shower in the living space instead of being confined to the bathroom is the fact that it steams up the entire room so humidity would be crazy.
That's why I'm looking for ways to have a shower cabinet that is completely contained, most importantly the top would need to be covered and the side that is against the wall would have a window(and maybe some vents) that I would always open while showering so that all the steam is directed that way to the outside. How would you guys recommend I go about building something like this? Like materials and such?

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2890262 No.2890262 [Reply] [Original]

Bungalow I'm moving into has a light like this in the ceiling. It kind of doesn't really brighten up the room at night

What is the best solution that doesn't require completely removing (might consider as last choice though)

Is it just a matter of getting a brighter bulb or removing the shade? Would a seperate standing lamp be enough to illuminate the room?

>> No.2890265

Try bigger bulbs. It can definitely take far more than whatever is in it, since lamps were usually designed for incandescent bulbs and now LED bulbs consume way less power.
Rewiring a new lamp is piss easy though. Stock some passthrough WAGO connectors.

>> No.2890697
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find a frosted dome about the same diameter as the existing shade. Suspend it just under the shade. This will scatter light all around the room rather than in a spot under the light.

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2890220 No.2890220 [Reply] [Original]

Anything I should take into consideration before I install a pond facing the front door?

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>> No.2890281

>Anything I should take into consideration

>> No.2890314



>> No.2890540

Imagine falling in

>> No.2890570

>snaps leg

>> No.2890603

make the stones retractable, moat=goat. Also encircle your whole house with a moat. Mosquitos will use it to breed though

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2890191 No.2890191 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get rid of this stain off this wardrobe?

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>> No.2890269
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this nigga needs a $5 thrift store scanner
or a camera with manual focus

>> No.2890273

Put your glasses on and squint, gramps. It's readable, barely.

>> No.2890335

Is it wood or vinyl? What is the stain from?

>> No.2890465

Thank you

I think it's vinyl. The stain is either a heat stain or a steam stain. My wife was using one of those vertical steamers near it

>> No.2890521

sandpaper , and clearcoat. if it was from steam it would have dried out in a few hours

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2890187 No.2890187 [Reply] [Original]

So I got one of these. They were rentals at one point so the “brand” is unknown. They were called Zebras. The company went under so getting help to do anything is impossible basically. Because the brand is generic, shops won’t work on it. Anyone here able to tell me how to mod its electronics?
-remove gps without it making the bike unrideable(I suspect that was a security thing that would make it stop working)

-mod it somehow to allow for more speed (caps at 25)

-and in general I need a better battery so advice there too

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>> No.2890203

Pretty sure it’s been manufactured by Niu, probably an n1s with modifications. There will be a type sticker somewhere on the inside.

Anyway the problem with these is that the motor speed controller and gps and the remote starting etc are usually built into a single PCB to prevent theft, and you may have to replace that entire unit to get it to work, and add an ignition key switch as well.

If you can get the controller out you could find a Wuxi Lingbo that fits your model and doesn’t have the gps stuff. Some say the original one can be flashed over RS485 to remove the speed limits and gps lock but I haven’t seen anyone online demonstrate it

>> No.2890242

Op here, all of those things are well outta my skill range and would prolly have to ask someone who works on what could be this (model) and thx for that potential clue, but like- what kinda professional would I need?

Like a guy who mods and does computer shit? Cause it sounds like I’d have to rip out everything until basically all it’s functions are just: if power- then throttle- move forward. I mean all the other basic shit too, speedometer, brake/signal lights, etc.

Y’all know of nny website/places where people work on ev bikes?!

>> No.2890245

All you gotta do is connect 2 cables from battery and 3 cables from the brushless motor and 3 cables from the throttle and 2 from the brake and then run the vesc setup tool and done. Time to git gud.

>> No.2890266

I may have just enough skill to do that with some research.. thx anon

>> No.2890552


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2890172 No.2890172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2890177

I mean, we're all going to die at some point...

>> No.2890180
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Came here to post this

I just hope he fixes Biden’s mess first, although not sure if anybody has enough time in one life to get that done

Make American tools great again!

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2890157 No.2890157 [Reply] [Original]

What would it cost me to get this re-roofed with architectural asphalt shingles in kentucky?

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>> No.2890532

Once again, thanks for the helpful info. Yeah, perforated soffit. Why does that preclude a vented ridge, if it's functionally the same as the box vents?

>> No.2890548

no problem at all. i'm heading back into work soon, but i saved the thread and i'll check in again later if you have more questions.

as far as trading out 1 kind of vent for another: again, my company doesn't charge for it. others might. yes you'll have to sheet over those box vent holes, but like the skylight, it's quicker to do that than to shingle around each one.

like i said, ridge vent works by circulating the air from the bottom of the roof. other vents (power vents, whirly vents, box vents) are big enough that they don't need that air circulation pulling from the bottom to work. if you put ridge vent on a house that had a closed soffit, the air would stagnate and not be pulled through. you'd get moisture problems.

maybe my most important advice: look for a company that has a workmanship warranty, that's hopefully 5-10 years. my company has a 10 year warranty - but we're the only one in my area. a 2 year warranty is the best you'll get from anyone else in the area. also look for a company that has been in business for a while. A 2 year warranty is basically useless. leaks take a while to spring up, and when they do, they have to work through the shingles, the felt, the sheeting, down into the attic, through insulation, and finally start soaking into your ceiling where you may start to notice it. you can install a roof like a complete retard, everything on it wrong, and you might not see any leaks for 5+ years. i've seen some crazy, shit work over the years. i've even seen a roof where they didn't nail most of the shingles. no nails at all, just laid out the shingles roughly where they should be, and the guy didn't notice for 2 years.

there are a LOT of shitbag roofers out there. it's pretty standard for guys to start a company, do it for 5 or 10 years until they start getting customer callbacks, then shut down the company and run. a lot of meth-y dudes in roofing. all it takes for leaks is a nail being an inch or 2 in the wrong direction.

>> No.2890551

Oh, I misread, you said withOUT a perforated soffit. Yeah, ours is perforated, so we should be good, thanks.

My most likely company will be Bowling out of Louisville, who've been around for like a century and they also own the best bakery in the city, so not concerned there, but want to get a range of quotes. Tremendously appreciate all the detailed info.

>> No.2890555

sounds like i'm only an hour or 2 away from you then. that $26,000 quote should be fairly close to accurate. only difference may be city prices vs small town.

You're very welcome. Like I said, there's lots of shitbag roofers out there. I try to help steer people in the right direction when I can.

>> No.2890609

find this house, starts in 3...2...1...

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2890091 No.2890091 [Reply] [Original]

Hi i wonder if anyone could help me get my microsoft account back because i got hacked and i dont have access to it anymore heres a screenshot of what microsoft sent me according to the connection so please help me find who this person is

>> No.2890132


>> No.2890145

ik im just asking people for help

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2890089 No.2890089 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here tried making their own non-sticky cleaning gel to remove dust and grime in places and environments where air blower won't work?

Commercial available gels are hit and miss with wildly varying grime-absorbing properties and stickyness, many are useless toy slimes marketed as cleaning gels.
I had great results using Xiaomi Clean-n-Fresh Gel but it has not been available anywhere for a while now.
Another consistent option is, I shit you not, Genshin Impact Hydro merch, but it's way overpriced for its expected usefulness (one can is barely enough to thoroughly clean one PC) and it tends to grow mold after a while.
Xiaomi lists ingredients: guar gum, water, ethanol and phycocyanin - no exact recipe but how hard can it possibly be to replicate?

Problem is, apparently making slime out of any random household ingredients is a thing now, and people do it with no purpose other than being amused and disgusted by it, so any info on actual useful cleaning gels is drowned in tons of useless articles and videos.

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>> No.2890539
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>nowadays most psus dont even have fans
Anyway you do you, I enjoy the process of disassembling and thoroughly cleaning my PCs every now and then.

>varying grime-absorbing properties and stickyness, many are useless toy slimes marketed as cleaning gels.
The non-sticky xiaomi were not only good for dust, I could leave one for a short while on top of some stains on a desk and after removing it desk surface would be as good as new.
Most sticky ones leave visible residue on wood and get absorbed into fabrics.

>> No.2890547

>be me, work in mining
>salt dust everywhere regardless if office or field
>i spec and order lots of pcs servers etc for production.
>most new dells are small form factor so the psu is a brick and no fans inside
>the last 20 desktops for drafters i ordered for ppl were fanless psus from factory
>last 750w psu i ordered was fanless
>corsair now offers 1100w fanless

>you do you
must be nice to have all that neet time

>> No.2890563

>Sure I would do that if I ever need to sneakily destroy my components with static buildup and claim warranty.
stop being a faggot, this shit is a myth.

>> No.2890591

>static buildup
Have we regressed to 90s-quality components?

>> No.2890657

Computer components are indeed susceptible to static, retard, that's why they are all shipped in static control bags and they recommend a grounding strap when handling them.
Fucking learn something instead of being openly stupid.

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2890057 No.2890057 [Reply] [Original]

for those struggle with pant button: a DIY solution :D just loop zip tie and close around the hole, no button need

>> No.2890065

How poor are you?

>> No.2890069

hello pant jew

>> No.2890070
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>be me
>at da club
>meet a qt3.14
>she's actually into me
>have a couple drinks
>"how about we take this back to mine?"
>get back to her place
>furiously making out
>she begins undoing my shirt
>her hands go lower
>she goes to undo my pants
>starts tugging at my zip-tie
>she's confused for some reason
>looks at me like I'm some sort of retard
>"what the fuck?"
>she doesn't even understand that this is a low-cost solution to fixing pants for people who struggle with buttons
>fucking stupid bitch
>pull my scissors that I always have to carry on me out and wink

>> No.2890143

retarded solution
one of my work jeans has its button ripped out. threaded a paper clip through the zipper. now when i want to wear them i just need to thread the other end through the belt buckle.

>> No.2890162

I zip tied the fucked up zipper of a work coat and used it as a pull-over for years... Also stitched some zippers shut with wire before.

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2890056 No.2890056 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good adages for the trades? Looking to make a list. Thinking of classics like "measure twice, cut once" but also new ones.

>the best part is no part
>it's way easier to remove material than adding it

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>> No.2890701
File: 18 KB, 320x240, PushStick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think safety: Always use a push stick.

>> No.2890702

If your only tool is a hammer
Every problem looks like a thumb

>> No.2890704

close enough for govt work

>> No.2890720

You get what you get and you don't get upset

>> No.2890729
File: 68 KB, 1024x903, 1707518567221949m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shop rate >x
shop rate if you watch >2x
shop rate if you help >5x