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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 637 KB, 498x281, norm-macdonald-mangrate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21174936 No.21174936 [Reply] [Original]

What CAST IH-RON GRILLING GRATES do you use /ck/? For me, it's the mangrate. No more dry meat?

>> No.21174943
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The kids call it a dirt nap

>> No.21174952

I use the mangrate too.

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21174914 No.21174914 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's about the salty savory.

>> No.21174921

Looks rather like vomit. What is it, anon?

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21174857 No.21174857 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese frozen pizza tastes like a pro level, and it is only $4.

You are missing the meaning of life, if you haven't tried this yet.

>> No.21174863

that's not enough to feed even a small child

>> No.21174868

It's meant for a small oven, not many people have big ovens.

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21174839 No.21174839 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all
Is induction the best?

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>> No.21174910

for me it's charring a flour tortilla directly on the flame

>> No.21174917
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>> No.21174924
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how do you burn off the tiny bit of feathers left on birds with it?

>> No.21174940

I prefer gas by a small margin. but I use induction currently and it's pretty damn good, better than coil by a mile.

>> No.21174953

When did the gas stove hurt you?
>use a cast iron pan
>use the fan
>burning natural gas to heat a pan is more efficient than burning natural gas to make electricity to heat a pan
>easily higher output than electic

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21174792 No.21174792 [Reply] [Original]

Things we love I'll go first: milkshakes

>> No.21174796


>> No.21174802

World peace, diversity policies, mac n cheese, a warm summer's morning, and mint ice cream

>> No.21174818
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>diversity policies

>> No.21174922

OP here, i also love big dick.

>> No.21174937

cookie dough... RAW

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21174754 No.21174754 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21174768

i just got a cuckoo rice cooker a couple weeks ago. its pretty good.

>> No.21174781

Rice cookers are significantly more versatile than a toaster. Pathetic chuds are so chud.

>> No.21174805

Suicide time, wojakfaggot.

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21174736 No.21174736 [Reply] [Original]

Who butchers their own chickens?

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>> No.21174787

Your mom butchers my cock

>> No.21174793

The meat is far tastier than store bought, chud.

>> No.21174825
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Tough cock meat. My chickens are wild

>> No.21174920

Bet than sombitch deserved it.

>> No.21174925


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21174725 No.21174725 [Reply] [Original]

For me, its the triple whopper. The best meat/bun ratio of any fastfood sandwich.

Is this the best or is there a superior alternative?

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>> No.21174738

mcdonalds triple cheeseburger

>> No.21174744

I only eat spaghetti

>> No.21174780

not that bad price tbqh

>> No.21174820
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I loved the double and triple whopper but for me it's the BBQ Bourbon Burger from Wendy's. They discontinued it but this shit was literally better than the Baconator. Those onion rings + bbq bourbon sauce was heaven.

>> No.21174830
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daves triple with bacon is the best wendies offering imo

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21174709 No.21174709 [Reply] [Original]

I had a thermos mug in the past, but I didn't like it, I remember the coffee was too hot, don't know why. Anyway I bought a thermos today, like picrel. Doesn't seem great. I got the one without a button for pouring, seems you get coffee on your hand when closing the cap, and you have to open the cap a little bit and close it every time you pour. I guess the one with a button is better. But I'll probably try a thermos mug again, it's probably the best. Shouldn't be too hot.

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>> No.21174814

What exactly do you think the four channel dot organization website is?

>> No.21174832

It's not a thermos....

>> No.21174834

oh well it was only 13 dollars, I guess I can throw it away if I don't like it

>> No.21174845

The reason I got it is because I moved to a temporary apartment and it doesn't have a microwave oven, I guess I'll have to buy a microwave oven, but anyway every day when I'm sitting browsing 4chan drinking coffee the coffee gets cold before I finish the cup. Before I used to microwave the cup every now and then. I thought even with a microwave it might be good to have a thermos so I don't have to get up and reheat the coffee. But a thermos mug is probably better than this shit. I guess it might be too hot if I fill it with one cup, then the remainder of the coffee is in the coffee maker, I finish one cup, then go refill the thermos mug, because when you get coffee from the coffee maker right after making it it's a good temperature, but when it's been sitting for half an hour in the coffee maker it's too hot. I guess that's what happened in the past.

>> No.21174869

only use thermos to keep beverages cold

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21174708 No.21174708 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to make some Kraftaroni & cheese.

What protein should mix into it? I have ham, canned choona, various SPAMs, sausages, pepperoni slices, chicken (frozen will need to cook), raw choona steak, frozen scallops.

I'll be eating my mac with strawberry oat milk, for anyone who fancies themselves savvy with food pairings.

Help me /ck/, you're my only hope.

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>> No.21174829

Serve it with chili.

>> No.21174831

is the chiri the topping or is the mack the topping?

I actually do have chiri

>> No.21174841
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Okay it's settled then. I'm going balls to the wall because fuck it, it's a beautiful sunny Saturday so why not spoil myself.

>spicy beef chili
>kraft mac & cheese
>cubes of browned spam
>grated cheese

>strawberry oat milk

Will rapport back with my masterpiece

>> No.21174864

Have to say I like using the mac as the topping to the chili, like it's replacing the cheese that I'd normally top the chili with. Makes great comfort food without too much hassle. Which reminds me, it's going to be single-digits next week and this thread caused me to realize I have neither mac & cheese nor canned chili in my cupboards. Was thinking about grinding up a piece of chuck roast to make chili with, but don't know if it's worth getting a grinder attachment for the mixer or just use the food processor.

>> No.21174882
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god damn this was such a good outcome


sounds good, probably just the food processor. don't clutter your kitchen if you can help it

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21174707 No.21174707 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell can’t I season this properly? I put it in the oven but then the oil smokes up and sets off the fire alarms

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>> No.21174890

That pan *is* seasoned properly. Stop fucking with it and start cooking with it you utter retard.

>> No.21174906
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I do, I cook a porkchop on it 4-5x a week. Sometimes a steak if its been a good day

>> No.21174933

Anyone else get spots of burnt food that won't come off without heavy scraping? Do you just leave it there and fry over it?

>> No.21174948

You can if you want, doesn't hurt anything. If you're a restaurant then there are probably code-related reasons not to do this but for ordinary home cooks it's fine. But "heavy scraping" is also fine. Or use a piece of chainmail, or a copper or brass scrubber.

>> No.21174956

>buy 5 $10 steel pans every 6 months
>abuse the fuck out of them
>never worry about them
>life is good
its LITERALLY that easy

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21174683 No.21174683 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21174851

are you german? pretty sure they're the only ones i know of who use vinegar for that purpose. also jamaicans but I think they learned it from the germans.

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21174664 No.21174664 [Reply] [Original]

what do you stuff inside your roast chicken?

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>> No.21174821

either nothing or just some aromatics. stuffing is for the birds.

>> No.21174828
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Ham and cheese.

>> No.21174903

Nothing. Forces you to overcook the breast if you want to get the interior safe to eat.

>> No.21174950
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This one I stuffed with rice, duxelle, duck hearts and pine nuts, on a bed of my homemade fermented cabbage. It was very tasty.

>> No.21174961


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21174660 No.21174660 [Reply] [Original]

Have a whole chicken bones in my freezer that I’m planning to make stock with


BUT I hot a deal on like 10 chicken drumsticks and made them with a buffalo sauce
I added those drumsticks stick bones to the freezer bag
They do have residual buffalo sauce on them

Will. That. Fuck. Up. My. Stock? Having chicken drumstick bones with buffalo sauce residue on them.

>> No.21174669

>buffalo sauce is just hotcause and butter

so all that will do is make the stock slightly richer and spicier?

>> No.21174748


>> No.21174800

Kill yourself, worthless frogposting faggot.

>> No.21174867

why did this bot post proc so late

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21174658 No.21174658 [Reply] [Original]

Do couples actually buy these for each other on Valentine’s Day?

>> No.21174947

No. Unless they hate each other.

>> No.21174954


>> No.21174958
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>> No.21174963

the best valentines day gift i got was a carton of cigarettes was when i was like 20 and we just split it.

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21174630 No.21174630 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else use a tablet + AI for daily cooking?

It's revolutionized my cooking game, I can select literally anything now from the grocery store knowing that AI can help me make a perfect recipe for it using what I have.

>> No.21174635

This is a bait thread but I unironically agree with it so I'm responding anyway.

>> No.21174656

>This is a bait thread
how is this a bait thread?

>> No.21174918

Maybe asking AI to make a recipe from scratch is dumb, since it has a tendency to just make shit up. But I use Perplexity all the time to scrape recipes from the usual SEO spam sites and filter out the bullshit.

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21174629 No.21174629 [Reply] [Original]

Napa Cabbage and bacon in beef broth, need it or keep it?

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>> No.21174645

>need it or keep it?
why would i want to keep something that i dont need?

>> No.21174651


>> No.21174655

i bet that's tasty. what are you gonna eat that with. bread, rice, or what.

>> No.21174686
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To be honest I eat all cabbage by the barrel. Usually, I make my great great grandma’s sauerkraut and pork, thought I’d try something new

>> No.21174775

>I make my great great grandma’s sauerkraut
huh I didn't realize it was just cabbage + salt, I will have to try it some day

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21174591 No.21174591 [Reply] [Original]

Is working in the kitchen as fun as it seems on Hells Kitchen? Or is it wildly different?

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21174584 No.21174584 [Reply] [Original]

What would you add?

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>> No.21174776

Encona and some roasted tenderstem broccoli.

>> No.21174798

A prayer for reincarnation with a shot at a vastly different life. This /ck/ - we cook here. Jebus that's meal worm central.

>> No.21174807

jellied eel and pickle chips

>> No.21174836


>> No.21174916

nothing, looks very good
never had mac&cheese btw

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21174575 No.21174575 [Reply] [Original]

why do Americans have to buy apples individually