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24130447 No.24130447 [Reply] [Original]

Main topics are philosophy and religion. Welcome! https://discord.gg/2Scwdf8w

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24130429 No.24130429 [Reply] [Original]

Lit humor thread pls

>> No.24130431
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>> No.24130442

>palm piss
Fucking hell.

>> No.24130450

Why do tortillas trigger lit so brutally

>> No.24130500

>rustles ur jimmies
>triggers ur tortillas

>> No.24130573

Go read a book

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24130403 No.24130403 [Reply] [Original]

How come this board doesn’t do read alongs anymore? Should I start one?

>> No.24130483


>> No.24130488

I'll do it as long as dicksuckercord is not involved

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24130370 No.24130370 [Reply] [Original]

How come everyone is all about Oedipus when Antigone is more interesting?

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>> No.24130458

Oedipus at Colonus > Oedipus Rex

>> No.24130511
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Wrong that's like half of my assessment, this is a more interesting kind of sexual predicament

>> No.24130529

Antigone gets produced here far more

>> No.24130533

What exactly caused the western degeneration into feeling repulsed at even the slightest mention of incest in fiction?

>> No.24130599

Care to elaborate?

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24130355 No.24130355 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true anons?
Why did they write this sort of thing?

>> No.24130602

They wrote it because its true, at least from a mans perspective

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24130309 No.24130309 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24130324

You can tell this chart is fake because /sci/ is dumb as fuck

>> No.24130349

lit and x are my homeboards, what does this make me?

>> No.24130377
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I'd discuss medicine 24/7, but /sci/ attracts only flatearthers and novaxxers.
Last time I posted a thread on why SSRIs are ineffective I got one reply saying "it has helped me".

>> No.24130384

Would only believe this if the IQ in question stood for Incel Queers

>> No.24130605

Either a transcended autist, or an autistic transcendent

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24130285 No.24130285 [Reply] [Original]

What about Huysmans ?
I first hear about him while reading Houellebecq.
Did you ead Huysmans ? Which books ?
What did you think about it ?

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24130237 No.24130237 [Reply] [Original]

>Writers mad about pic rel possibly becoming another bestseller
You clearly don't understand. This is actually great news, because it means you don't need to be a fucking writing genius to make it. If this book sells tons, that means the bar is so low at the moment that your story also has a chance as well.

>> No.24130242
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Just write fem lit "romance" pron bro

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24130209 No.24130209 [Reply] [Original]

What are some actually good books that will improve my fiction writing?

When people say reading great fiction teaches you to write; is this truthful?

Are there any sort of things I can do to better learn to write while I read?

>> No.24130216

read great novels, it is the truth. find something you like so much you read it three times, five times, etc. something you like so much that you can wear it like a coat. no writing book can teach you anything unless it's working like a critical text, in that it gives you a deep awareness of structure. but nothing is a greater education than being able to put on multiple novels and walk around in them, think in them. in tandem, read texts in literary studies. like Bakhtin.

also, learn at least one other language if you haven't

>> No.24130226

Unironically just read harry potter and take notes on why its so good. The way she writes resonates with almost everyone. It is effortless to follow, its funny, charming, and everyone likes it. She doesn't over describe shit which is probably the easiest trap to fall in as a ficiton author.

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24130160 No.24130160 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24130425

William Faulkner apparently,
And Mallarmé,
And… Uranians?

>> No.24130435

People who are ignorant of the last 106 years of poetry?

>> No.24130466

Try Halcyon by D'Annunzio.

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24130134 No.24130134 [Reply] [Original]

Any good recommendations of essays, memoirs, etc. Regarding watches, watchmaking or historical time-measuring?

>> No.24130143

Nigga that sounds boring af

>> No.24130400

there are 2 watch threads on /fa/, regular and nonavatarfag, and there are a couple of anons that lurk there that have posted what you're asking for before. if you don't find them, it's definitely in the archives somewhere

>> No.24130433

A very popular book about time keeping devices is Longitude by Dava Sobel, you should be able to get a used copy for a reasonable price, it was very popular in the 1990s. The book is about chronometers, which were used to calculate Longitude, which are very very accurate watches.

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24130073 No.24130073 [Reply] [Original]

>The postulators responded that it had not been proven that the servant of God had offered prayers for Savonarola. They also asserted that Savonarola, during his lifetime, was famous for his sanctity, as testified by Philip de Comines, Godefroy, and many others; that he had died in communion with the Roman Church, having received the sacraments and a plenary indulgence, according to Giovanni Pico and others; and that, therefore, the servant of God had not sinned through her prayers. According to Suarez (in 'De Religione', vol. 2, book 1, chapter 10, n. 24), a person who privately venerates a deceased person whose eternal salvation is held as very probable is excused from sin.

>They also added that St. Philip Neri kept an image of Savonarola with a radiant head in the oratory of his room and, when there was a sharp controversy about Savonarola's doctrine and books, had prayed to God that his works not be prohibited. By divine revelation, he knew that they were not to be prohibited, as is recorded in his life written by Gallonio. The majority of the supporters acknowledged the strength of this response; but when some briefly began to speak about the case of Savonarola and his companions, Benedict XIII, to prevent the question of their condemnation from being revived, ordered silence on the prayers of the servant of God and decreed that they should proceed to more serious matters, a decision confirmed by Clement XII.

From 'Benedicti papae XIV Doctrina de servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione'.

>> No.24130075

Welcome to our server, main topics are philosophy, religion, history, politics. https://discord.gg/2Scwdf8w

>> No.24130195

It is sad he lived way too early to participate of Tridentine reformation, he was a classical Dominican friar opposed to the materialist and neopagan vibes of the time he lived.

>> No.24130249

I don't like discord generals, but well, what's the purpose ? What can be published for what.

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24130046 No.24130046 [Reply] [Original]

In mythology and indeed throughout human history, why have females often been portrayed as the harbingers of chaos and bringers of destruction?

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>> No.24130222

L’étoile a pleuré rose au cœur de tes oreilles,
L’infini roulé blanc de ta nuque à tes reins
La mer a perlé rousse à tes mammes vermeilles
Et l’Homme saigné noir à ton flanc souverain.

The star cried pink within the heart of your ears.
Infinity rolled white from your neck down to your hips.
The sea foamed red upon your vermilion nipples.
And Man bled black by your sovereign side.

What were those 19th century frogs on?

>> No.24130253

Because mythology is true

>> No.24130361

Truly this is why homosexuals are superior.

>> No.24130596

Based and greek pilled

>> No.24130598

Because they OWE me sex and they still keep refusing it

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24130018 No.24130018 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a macedonian/helenistic chart?

I know there's Greek ones but they seem to always run through xenophon history wise. They'll include Aristotle for philosophy but then skip anything else.

Then charts jump to Rome.

I would think you'd want to include demosthenes' speeches, perhaps a general history of the period, primary sources are harder since there ain't much left but maybe arrian/polybius? Could also include maccabees. Might also have to have a break down for each nation that came out of it (sleucus, ptolemy, etc.)

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>> No.24130254

What specifically about polybius?

And like I said hellenistic period is tough just because there isn't much from the actual period vs the earlier Greek era and then the Roman era. Not dogging these books, I simply don't know if they're the ones to go with. I recently picked up house of seleucus by Edwyn Bevan and while it is older it is supposedly a good narrative of that nation.

And I'd make a chart but I simply have not read enough on the period. If I ever do I may put one together but that would be years from now if ever

>> No.24130260

Actually the hellenestic period has many more sources than any earlier period but not the romans

>> No.24130268

>Actually the hellenestic period has many more sources than any earlier period but not the roman
Can you provide some of those? Seems like it's always from after Rome has taken over (polybius/arrian), a fragment, or an epitome of a longer work that is lost

Additionally I guess berossus and manetho could be included on the list but they deal with periods well before Alexander

>> No.24130290

Plutarch and diodorus are the main sources + polybius. And yes there are a lot of fragments, think everything in the library at Alexandria.

>> No.24130296

>Plutarch and diodorus
Thank you. I still need to read these but I didn't realize that didorus discussed the hellenistic era.

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24129999 No.24129999 [Reply] [Original]

> So spake she, and Sleep waxed glad, and made answer saying: “Come now, swear to me by the inviolable water of Styx, and with one hand lay thou hold of the bounteous earth, and with the other of the shimmering sea, that one and all they may be witnesses betwixt us twain, even the gods that are below with Cronos, [275] that verily thou wilt give me one of the youthful Graces, even Pasithea, that myself I long for all my days.” So spake he, and the goddess, white-armed Hera, failed not to hearken, but sware as he bade, and invoked by name all the gods below Tartarus, that are called Titans.
>Iliad.14.270-280 (Oxford University Press. 1920)

Why was it that the standard form of an oath among Gods in Homer's Greece and post-homerica to swear specifically upon the river Styx and the Titans?

>> No.24130017
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>> No.24130019
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>> No.24130020
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That's enough for today - I'll have more Saddleback tomorrow.

>> No.24130197

Political Philosophy
Evolutionary Psychology
Alain Badiou
Cultural Studies
Mind & Brain
Continental Philosophy
Slavoj Žižek
Bertrand Russell

>> No.24130199


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24129819 No.24129819 [Reply] [Original]

I was told this is good philosophy but it's just trite virtue morality without any grounding?

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>> No.24130451

>I was told this is good philosophy
You got trolled, he's just a historian

>> No.24130452

>good grounding
let me guess, you need Jesus to ground any claim?

>> No.24130459

Imagine not reading plutarch

>> No.24130484

>water carrier for the Roman occcupiers
I hate Plutarch so much.

>> No.24130489

How? He's comparing Romans to Greeks and often arguing Greeks are just as great as Romans if not superoir

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24129818 No.24129818 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice about him

>> No.24129831

He is productive

>> No.24129840

His writing is extremely funny, even if it’s because it’s embarrassingly poor

>> No.24130013


>> No.24130021

He's good at reminding me of what I need to avoid doing

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24129808 No.24129808 [Reply] [Original]

What are some must read scifis?
Should I start with picrel?

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>> No.24130396

If you enjoy space theme, then I'd personally recommend Solaris by Stanislav Lem

>> No.24130410

Jules Verne moggs science fiction so hard it isn't close. The only excuse is to makes previous arguments about him not being science fiction precisely because it's too literary.

>> No.24130424

>A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay.
Can you describe the type of person who might fully appreciate this book? I've now met a number of people who have referred to it as the most fascinating book they've ever read, but it felt out of date to me. I lost interest after Joiwind's arc, and I just put it down. Surtur was the only thing that captured my curiosity, but it wasn’t enough to push me forward.

>> No.24130464

Definitely read picrel. It's very strange and memorable, and a good introduction to one of sci-fi's best writers.

>> No.24130472

A person who enjoys surreal literature; is interested in matters of the spirit and occult; as well as someone interested in retro sci-fi, where world building takes a step back in favour of the landscape and themes.

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24129791 No.24129791 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books on being ugly?

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>> No.24130470

There's not a huge focus on it but The Temple of Golden Pavilion. It's very incel-core so I don't know why people don't bring it up more often.

>> No.24130476

Bukowski, ham on rye

>> No.24130480

Are you a contrarian or one of those retards that think that everyone is beautiful in their own way?

>> No.24130505

The Symposium

>> No.24130517
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Are you a woman? Maybe my sense of beauty isn't as trained as yours when examining men. To me, Sartre looks normal, if not refined, like a professor. I have seen over a thousand people look noticeably worse throughout my life.
Unless you're looking at frail old Sartre, which most of his photographs showcase.