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24239351 No.24239351 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books with gigantic living creatures that fuck shit up. Kaiju/Eldritch horrors/big worms and stuff like that.

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24239344 No.24239344 [Reply] [Original]

My personal favorite is gregory markopoulos :)

>> No.24239357
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24239338 No.24239338 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this on a whim for one dollar and I haven't read it, but what should I think about it?

>> No.24239342

Saccharine mush

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24239332 No.24239332 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best books on urbanism?
i only ask because they're usually pretty expensive so i don't want to waste money

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24239268 No.24239268 [Reply] [Original]

>to be a poet is to condense
gem or coal?

>> No.24239273

It's a statement of fact so it's neither

>> No.24239274

a diamond in a chunk of coal

>> No.24239284

I enjoy shoving lumps of coal up my ass and squeezing them so hard they become diamonds.

I am a poet

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24239253 No.24239253 [Reply] [Original]

>Everyone is pdf file or incestual

Did Gabriel García Márquez ever receive flack for this?

>> No.24239258

Plenty from amerigroids, but not from anywhere else I don't believe.

>> No.24239287

That's normal in South America

>> No.24239300

3rd world life

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24239212 No.24239212 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most brutal depiction of war and combat you've ever read? Preferably non fiction and from a recent (post 1900) conflict than not. I know it's one of those things where you won't really understand it until you experience it but I'm still curious what it's like.

>> No.24239225

Before I started my tour I read the diaries of my supervising officer
The things he went through would make the most jaded man weep with despair
Not only was he on dinner rush, the bastards took in 4 families only 3 hours before close
That was only a taste of the horrors he had to endure, and it steeled me for my breakfast shift

>> No.24239278

start with the greeks

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24239193 No.24239193 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24239282

why do you keep doing these? I like the book and would engage if you actually said something.

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24239192 No.24239192 [Reply] [Original]

Based Neil.

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>> No.24239275

i can't handle this, i loved this guy so much and he did all this horrible stuff

>> No.24239281

Loving someone you've never met was where you went wrong.

>> No.24239313

>In 2016, Gaiman, as well as several celebrities, appeared in the video "What They Took With Them", from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to help raise awareness of the issue of global refugees.[185][186]

>In 2022, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gaiman supported Ukraine by announcing on Twitter that he does not want to renew contracts with Russian publishers.[189] Gaiman also encouraged donating to Ukrainian refugees.[190][191]

>In 2023, Gaiman signed an open letter addressed to Russian president Vladimir Putin, alongside over 100 other public figures, calling for the release of Russian prisoner Alexei Navalny.[192][193]

just another case of being eaten by his own

>> No.24239321

We've lost nothing of value. I genuinely do not know why people care about his work in the slightest. It's horrendous.

>> No.24239339

why can't i enjoy successful writer?

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24239161 No.24239161 [Reply] [Original]

What are some other books besides this one that demonstrate the non-European origins of Abrahamic religions?

>> No.24239291

The Bible.

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24239145 No.24239145 [Reply] [Original]

About 100 pages in last I checked. Some decently written depictions of anxiety. The opening isn't bad, but beyond that, it feels cringeworthy and try-hard. The whole doctor depression chapter fell totally flat. I'll keep going, though, because 'it gets good at page 250 trust.' But so far I am unimpressed.

>> No.24239151

you sound bitch made, might as well drop it now

>> No.24239183

also the chapter about them walking in the forest to find the telescope stand or whatever is just bad. feels like a teenager wrote it.

>> No.24239188

I feel the same way. Pretty juvenile for such an acclaimed book, which is a shame because I loved The Pale King.
>'it gets good at page 250 trust.'
I'm on page 240 and it's dragging like a mother fucker

>> No.24239203

I think what intrigued me the most about it was the secrets in the book, its length, and the fact that I haven’t spoiled it for myself. Really I am able to relate to it in a lot of ways and I think that is what is keeping me from enjoying it. I have lived through some of this and it isn't realistically written at all. Unfortunately, I’m starting not to care.

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24239116 No.24239116 [Reply] [Original]

>I’m not a machine. I feel and believe. I have opinions...I’m not just a creatus, manufactured, conditioned, bred for a function...
>Please don’t think I don’t care.

>> No.24239159

DFW was a master of postmodern prose and a cultural prophet. America would be very different if he hadn't killed himself.

The only things I didn't like as much on my most recent read of IJ were the Kate Gompert woe passages. Everything else was extremely entertaining and true and I think IJ in general is full of stuff that young people should think about more. ofc it isn't the endgame of literature or anything but I think it should be required public high school reading, maybe a semester-long thing.

>> No.24239172

>Jim, brace yourself against my shoulders here for this hard news, at ten: you’re a machine a body an object

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24239090 No.24239090 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Klinger or Baring-Gould annotated edition of Sherlock Holmes better?

>> No.24239303

Isn't Klinger the one that's done from the obnoxious point of view that Holmes and Watson were the real authors, and ACD was more like their editor? I'm not putting up with that.

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24239088 No.24239088 [Reply] [Original]

>There's no gay or trans characters.
>No lectures on slavery or cultural appropriation.
>The comedy is actually funny again.
>Rick added a bratty Loli who de-ages people and gets off to it

Holy shit. Has his writing finally become good again?

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>> No.24239240

Oh okay.

>> No.24239241

This nigga only reads women.

>> No.24239263

>There's no gay or trans characters
Whatever happened to Nico? Always liked that edgy dork

>> No.24239265

Enough to try it out or not?

>> No.24239279

He's off screen for this trilogy. Honestly I liked him too until he met that other kid in Trials of Apollo and Rick made that his entire personality.

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24239059 No.24239059 [Reply] [Original]

Share a quote from something you have written, it can anything you want. I'll start-
>"If God is Omnipotent, He is therefor Impotent, for by virtue of both being and having done everything, He can do nothing else."

>> No.24239091

>"I penetrated her with my cock, persistently whipping her ass with a wooden spoon."
>"I'll never go back to small dicks after you ! I hate small dicks !"
From my autobiography

>> No.24239094


>> No.24239237

>"Up and died and nobody even knew it. I remember when I was what, 10? 11? And that guy just walked past me, stopped all of a sudden, then pulled a potato out his pocket and threw it at me. Damn near knocked me out he threw that thing so hard. Said I was ugly. Too hungry. Couldn't stand to see such an ugly face, had to fix it, threw another potato at me. Calls me an ugly little thing—right—then spits at my feet."

>> No.24239255

>If OP sucks cock, he is thuswhence gay, for by his nature of both sucking and fucking men, he can do nothing else
This is an excerpt from my 1998 book "OP is a fag".

>> No.24239256


>my friend is such an incompetant loser after his 4th suicide attempt I went to visit him at the hospital and the doctor said they had to put him on assisted suicide watch

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24239043 No.24239043 [Reply] [Original]

The new GPT does Wodehouse better than Wodehouse.

"novice lion-tamer discovering the whip was made of blancmange" is exceptional.

>> No.24239046
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>> No.24239049
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>> No.24239101

These are fucking incredible honestly.

>> No.24239129

How do you get it so high quality? Is 4.5 better than 4o? I've tried some writing stuff with 4o using canvas or directly asking it, and it always caps at about 1200 words and has fairly meh prose.

>> No.24239137

4.5 is lightyears better than 4o. It actually understands humans.

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24239034 No.24239034 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is man? Is thought presiding over man's senses or is it the other way around? If experience is illusory then so is thought. If gravity and space can distort time then why can't our conscious? If density decreases as volume increases then how is spacetime stable? If true sphere exists then how come space can be magnified to infinity?

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24238988 No.24238988 [Reply] [Original]

I liked it. But why?

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>> No.24239053

but what about the baseball?

...i wish the kid was here

oh well, time to fish

>> No.24239121

It's a really nice little book. But it's pretty much the secularized story of a Christian Saint.

>> No.24239208

I read somewhere a while ago that, when asked what Old Man and the Sea was 'about' Hemingway said "it's about a guy who tries to catch a fish" and nothing else.
You could say the message is 'it's not the destination but the journey', you could say it's a metaphor for life and that you don't always get what you want but you get up and do it anyway because that's what you do, or it's just about a guy who tries to catch a fish and that's what a fisherman's life is like. I don't know personally.

>> No.24239210

terrible book

>> No.24239239

Hemingway doesn't waste your time.
He write succinctly, he tells his story without any sort of pretense or trickery. Most of the time he writes about things that really matter. That combined with his style can be very impactful.
The Old Man and the Sea hits even harder, as it has basically no dialogue and is a very short novel.

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24238964 No.24238964 [Reply] [Original]

What did he eat?

>> No.24238968

Try reading the book, it tells upuy

>> No.24238973
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Gold berries.

>> No.24239355

She was really a he?

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24238963 No.24238963 [Reply] [Original]

>Mathematicians 2000 years ago
>Discover that rational entities combined together will never be able to describe entirely real entities
>Literary people and philosophers 2000 years later
>Still worship words
Ok retards

>> No.24239128

Philosophers worship words so that downies like OP become capable of writing comprehensible sentences