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24176574 No.24176574 [Reply] [Original]

He wrote The Cantos is what he did! He was a great Italian poet! And on this board, Ezra Pound is a hero! End of story!

>> No.24176588

Ja, very true.

>> No.24176591

i discovered so much great poetry by reading the cantos. It also convinced me that late medieval literature was the peak era of European literature.

>> No.24176610

He was quite unexceptional. It's immediately apparent to the discerning judge of literature. He also got shit grades in college and was a reported egomaniac

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24176559 No.24176559 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get started with publishing short fiction? I have been writing some short stories but I didn't go to an MFA program and don't have any literary connections. There are tons of lists of journals online but it seems silly to just start picking them at random.

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24176552 No.24176552 [Reply] [Original]

How would reading a book guarantee me pussy?

>> No.24176565

it doesn't
it's a trap
>read good book
>OMG anon you're such a pretentious snob!
>read YA girl slop
>OMG anon you are so girlypop wanna go get our nails done?
they'll either see you as unfuckable or gay if you read

>> No.24176568

women are hedonistic capitalists who control he sex market, so for a beta orbiter to be selected by a woman, he has to cater to her needs.
Fortunately the likes and dislikes of any woman are famous:
-women love alcohol
-women love entertainment
-women love sex
-women love money
-women love devotion by their orbiters
-women love virtue signaling
-women hate any responsibility
-women hate physical contact with physically repulsive or average men

So a beta male has to give as much free stuff that a woman loves, in order to be chosen by the woman. The easiest way is to give a woman free money and be good looking.

>> No.24176569

every newfag keeps posting such question. either
ask such silly questions on /adv/ or mods shall ban these threads.

>> No.24176577

>>OMG anon you're such a pretentious snob!
have you actually heard a woman say that to someone they didn't already hate? worst I've gotten is "oh I don't read fancy stuff like that"

>> No.24176585
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It's funny how this beta,gamma,alpha became astrology for men. i once gave my bomber jacket to a mutt teenager and he gave it back saying "it doesn't make me look like alpha" lmfao.
you guys look like dumb faggots when you talk like that,you know that?

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24176544 No.24176544 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24176553

Moby dick

>> No.24176556

Literally this, you beat me to it anon

>> No.24176562


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24176539 No.24176539 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of studying is this monkey doing and what is the philosophical implications? What kind of primitive proto-philosophy is this monkey practicing right here?

>> No.24176555

The same sort our bi-weekly "post IQ" threads are.

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24176523 No.24176523 [Reply] [Original]

Isn’t agnosticism an illogical position? Belief is binary

>> No.24176528

>If we examine the mental furniture of the average man,” says William Trotter, the author of a comprehensive study of the social psychology of the individual,4 “we shall find it made up of a vast number of judgments of a very precise kind upon subjects of very great variety, complexity, and difficulty. He will have fairly settled views upon the origin and nature of the universe, and upon what he will probably call its meaning; he will have conclusions as to what is to happen to him at death and after, as to what is and what should be the basis of conduct. He will know how the country should be governed, and why it is going to the dogs, why this piece of legislation is good and that bad. He will have strong views upon military and naval strategy, the principles of taxation, the use of alcohol and vaccination, the treatment of influenza, the prevention of hydrophobia, upon municipal trading, the teaching of Greek, upon what is permissible in art, satisfactory in literature, and hopeful in science.

>“The bulk of such opinions must necessarily64 be without rational basis, since many of them are concerned with problems admitted by the expert to be still unsolved, while as to the rest it is clear that the training and experience of no average man can qualify him to have any opinion upon them at all. The rational method adequately used would have told him that on the great majority of these questions there could be for him but one attitude—that of suspended judgment.”

Its the only rational position.

>> No.24176530

>I believe your proposition is true
>I believe your proposition is false
>I take no position of the truth or falsehood of your proposition
Seems trinary desu

>> No.24176546

>I don't know and you don't either.
It's logical honesty in its purist form.

>> No.24176563

why does the sticky say
>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
when this never gets enforced anyway?

>> No.24176572

>uncertainty conceptually doesn't exist
is this what that book, The Master and His Emissary was about? how the left brain or whatever is literally incapable of understanding uncertainty?
for truly, only some very severe brain damage could lead to this OP

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24176468 No.24176468 [Reply] [Original]

Is this supposed to be scary?

>> No.24176472

Yes, its no fun when it happens to you.
Unless you are gay and into it.

>> No.24176492

No, he is meant to be sublime.

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24176460 No.24176460 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ anons I really enjoy reading well crafted essays that teach me something, make me think about our (NA) culture, or provide interesting lessons from true stories. I like some of Jacob Gellers' stuff on youtube, but it does not have to be video game or movie related.

I used to really like Tim Keller's essays, but he sadly passed away a few years back.

any suggestions for a beginner/intermediate essay reader?

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24176437 No.24176437 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again!

>> No.24176558

Easy. I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.24176571

That's a man

>> No.24176580

I don't get trans furrys. You're already out as the most controversial subgroup possible. What possible other personality traits could you have trouble expressing that requires dressing up as a dog?

>> No.24176593
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>> No.24176612

Flashman and the Redskins

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24176433 No.24176433 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the writer that resonates with you the most?

>> No.24176439

Pic unrelated? I can't believe Genet truly resonates with anyone browsing /lit/

>> No.24176450

I'm gay and a heroin addict and spent 9 months in jail when I was 19 so he does resonate with me a lot

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24176414 No.24176414 [Reply] [Original]

How come more books don’t make use of this

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>> No.24176481

that's referred to as the pluperfect and is a past action whereas the Prophetic Perfect refers to future action.

>> No.24176485


>> No.24176509

Silly me, I meant Futur II

>> No.24176516

>This is specifically able to be detected in the Bible because there are events described thus in the Old Testament that are only fulfilled in the New Testament.
So what you're saying is that it is bullshit made up by greeks to import dionysus mystery cultism into a radical essene/pharisee class war analysis of the universality of Noahide law over Mosaic law?

Weak, cunt, weak. I came not to repair the temple, but to tear it down.

>> No.24176518

You already ceased to care a week ago a month from now.

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24176394 No.24176394 [Reply] [Original]

Are you excited for the next Hunger Games book?

>> No.24176454

Hunger Games fucking sucks. The Underland Chronicles was infinitely better.

>> No.24176463

I loved the Hunger Games trilogy when I was a kid. I watched the prequel movie and got surprised by Lucy Gray, I wasn't expecting such mature character in that shit.

>> No.24176465

Sunrise on the raping goes hard

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24176388 No.24176388 [Reply] [Original]

“Pnin had taught himself, during the last ten years, never to remember Mira Belochkin—not because, in itself, the evocation of a youthful love affair, banal and brief, threatened his peace of mind (alas, recollections of his marriage to Liza were imperious enough to crowd out any former romance), but because, if one were quite sincere with oneself, no conscience, and hence no consciousness, could be expected to subsist in a world where such things as Mira’s death were possible. One had to forget—because one could not live with the thought that this graceful, fragile, tender young woman with those eyes, that smile, those gardens and snows in the background, had been brought in a cattle car to an extermination camp and killed by an injection of phenol into the heart, into the gentle heart one had heard beating under one’s lips in the dusk of the past. And since the exact form of her death had not been recorded, Mira kept dying a great number of deaths in one’s mind, and undergoing a great number of resurrections, only to die again and again, led away by a trained nurse, inoculated with filth, tetanus bacilli, broken glass, gassed in a sham shower bath with prussic acid, burned alive in a pit on a gasoline-soaked pile of beechwood.”
Nabokov was a genius.

>> No.24176404

>Mira Belochkin
Myra Breckenridge?

>> No.24176423

Narrator did nothing wrong, Pnin was a retard.

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24176365 No.24176365 [Reply] [Original]

Objective reality does exist, and if consciousness is actually promoted to metaphysics then it quite literally means that we have an objective standard on which to base everything.
objective reality doesn't have to be a concept, a pure thought, it could be pure consciousness and consciousness is clearly driven by pain, pain is the fundamental axiom of all of reality.

>> No.24176368

There is a lot more that I want to say but I find it hard to elaborate.

>> No.24176389

Why do you feel the difference in the weight of something? why can you distinguish between states of your experience if consciousness is not quantitative?

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24176294 No.24176294 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite reference books?
Mine is Breser's Phrase and Fable for sure
Literally nothing beats it, Literally nothing else like it

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>> No.24176322


>> No.24176348

Does anyone have a dictionary of all the epithets used in Greek mythology? Seems like a useful resource.

>> No.24176477
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The best you'll get is this I think
So? :(

>> No.24176502

penguin dictionary of symbols, solid background for reading Jung

>> No.24176586
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Encyclopedia of penguins

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24176197 No.24176197 [Reply] [Original]

I watched a few videos and he seems like a blackpilled doomer. What books should I read?

>> No.24176217

America the fair well tour and the death kf the liberal class.

Hedges probably has his thump closest to the vein of truth out of anyone in this country. His perspective is vital.

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24176132 No.24176132 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have this book or a link to it? Ever read it? What did you think of it? Wasn't sure where else to post this. I both want to ready it myself and read your opinions of it, mein frens.

>> No.24176134

Damn brain is fritzing out due to lack of sleep.

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24176130 No.24176130 [Reply] [Original]

Is it that great?

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>> No.24176246

It's a great book, just read it. It's what got me back into reading after many years. It's amazing how every single little detail of the book is interesting.

>> No.24176254

It's good. It has a little bit of everything but certainly not a masterpiece. I may consider it a must read for teenagers.

>> No.24176311

She’s not even the only one that gets raped either

>> No.24176380

I like it. But I feel you have to be a certain amount of Hispanic/Latin to get the most out of it or relate to the amount of whimsy and macho and family living together for 100+ years

>> No.24176504

compared to most high school assigned reading, yeah its pretty high up

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24176011 No.24176011 [Reply] [Original]

My uncle gave this book to help with my anxiety. Is this a good book or nah?

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>> No.24176159

It's bad for your soul
It's bad for your wallet
It's bad for everyone

>> No.24176167

The tender love of a woman will heal my soul
I have a lot of money from having no girlfriend and living with mom rent-free
It's good for her and it's good for me

>> No.24176171

>tender love
There's no love and there's no tenderness

>> No.24176188

You're paying for the simulation of love. It's not the same.

>> No.24176199
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Oh my science is that the heckin’ F*CKY UNIVERSE???

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24175977 No.24175977 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any works that are similar to Hall's which aren't complete schizo posts quoting freemasons instead of primary sources, and which consider things like PIE theory instead of Atlantis?

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>> No.24176126

>what we call our prehistory

Who is 'we' here?

>> No.24176128

I still don't understand the joke about Guenon. It's not really funny, at a certain point it's just mean

>> No.24176154

Sorry if that’s unclear or cryptic in anyway, didn’t mean it to be. I simply meant the broad impersonal “we”, and particularly that of academics, historians, scholarly consensus. Which all then filters down to the average person, and is what people mean when they talk about prehistory.

>> No.24176155

the "joke about Guénon" is that he's dismissed as a joke here by the exact people whose questions he effortlessly answered in dozens of books and papers. quite the irony indeed.

>> No.24176184

Anything in particular?