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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11568179 No.11568179 [Reply] [Original]

What with all the ads for sex toys lately? 1. This is a blue board 2. Its clearly a fed honeypot since these websites are selling Loli dolls, can you do your job and keep this shit off the blue board please mods? Thanks.

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11568172 No.11568172 [Reply] [Original]

are there any GB, GBC, GBA, or SNES games where the controls are like, you hold down L or R and press up, down, left, or right on the D-Pad to cast one of 4 or 8 skills or spells or something? could you even do that on those systems?
do you understand what I mean? like you know the controller support in Final Fantasy XIV and how it works, where I think you hold down a trigger button and then a cross hotbar appears and you can select to use one of 4 abilities from the cross hotbar while holding down the trigger button?
I'm just wondering why they never did that for any older games. because I think it would have really expanded the gameplay for a lot of games back then

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11568138 No.11568138 [Reply] [Original]

Just beat code veronica. I beat the game had alot of fun. Some times it felt a little tedious going through doors. I never felt soft locked at.any time. I might have made more use of the ak in the second disc.

I didn't really understand that the rest of the game would be played as chris. I relegated the grenade launcher and shot gun to chris and claire kept the bow gun ak47 and her pistol but upgraded. So I only ever really used the ak in the nosferatu fight and on a few zombies. Woulda shot this alot more. Left behind the fire extinguisher which I guess locks you out of the magnum. As you can't pass the chemical weapons room to get it. Which is retarded to be honest there wasn't a second fire extinguisher in the game. They gave a second knife when claire is tied to the wall in the spencer mansion area. What ever. I had alot of fun regardless. Ten out ten would play again. Not right away. But I could probably blow through it in half the time now that I know what's going on. Would be cool if the game has smg mode or something like re2. I think I read it has a unlimited rocket launcher idk if I unlocked it.

Any ways I'm gonna play RE ZERO now. What am I in for bros?

>> No.11568146

Oh yeah and I forgot to get the lighter from the guy from the beginning by totally skipping the worm after he ate him lmao

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11568063 No.11568063 [Reply] [Original]

>game gives you debuffs to cast
>most fights are over quickly, and make these cost-ineffective
>they're better spent on boss fights, which last longer
>bosses are immune to every single one of them, except for obscure exceptions that you won't know about until looking up a faq or something
>the debuffs are agreed to be worthless by everyone

Forget the never-using-megaelixirs conundrum. This one is way worse.

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11567973 No.11567973 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.11568091

Redpill me on THEND

>> No.11568116


>> No.11568140

End screen of a bootleg Contra game. As >11568062 said, it's a meme in the community.

>> No.11568163
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>> No.11568174
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11567965 No.11567965 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Sega System deep cuts.
And btw the janny is a retarded tranny who was so mindbroken by a Canadian shitposter that he now thinks everyone who posts the words “Sega” and “System” together is his boogeyman evading a rangeban because there’s no one else on Earth who would ever combine those two words together, especially not on /vr/ the designated place for talking about retro videogames.

>> No.11567974
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Good thread

>> No.11567986

I think the only Sega Master System game I played was Double Dragon, OP.

>> No.11567993

95% of OP's post is complaining about flamewar bullshit while continuing it. Thread hidden, we already have a Master System thread.

File: 1.82 MB, 1235x2229, Rockman X3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11567964 No.11567964 [Reply] [Original]

I've gone from hating this game for years to thinking it's better than X2 and X4 recently. Its got the most obvious flaws of the first four, but it has good replay value and a fair challenge if you go for a no upgrades run. You can even do a playthrough where you only get the Z saber but no other upgrades if you want.

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>> No.11568115

for 20 seconds, sure.

>> No.11568126
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Gravity Beetle. Blizzard Buffalo.
Don't reply to me.

>> No.11568129

This. I can't believe some 16-bit hipster genuinely told me X3 was the best Mega Man. Fucking retarded waste of my time.

>> No.11568142

Try it again with a better bait

>> No.11568162
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Oh I'm sorry, those are 50 and 40 second loops respectively.

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11567937 No.11567937 [Reply] [Original]

Master bros, playing anything good lately?

>> No.11567946
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Post your Sega System deep cuts

>> No.11567949
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>> No.11568074
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A classic.

>> No.11568154

*Sega Main System

>> No.11568159
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The Sega System*

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11567893 No.11567893 [Reply] [Original]

Dang this game goes pretty balls to the wall pretty quickly. Great tunes at least. Also the character art is disgusting.

>> No.11567929

Loved this tv show as a kid. Never got around to watching the whole series, though. Has pretty cool sci-fi lore for a cartoon.

>> No.11567930

also the intro was sick.

>> No.11567952

Yeah it's pretty good. Amphibians have made it Komplex though, so you will need to croak you some of them

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11567808 No.11567808 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this part

>> No.11567813

We have to fact the fact that most of the game is 'that part' if you aren't using savestates

>> No.11567923
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You mean...Just saving, you retarded zoomie? Splinter Cell Chaos Theory uses a save anywhere system. Be more obvious that you didn't play the game.

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11567787 No.11567787 [Reply] [Original]

Old Yu-Gi-Oh! Games thread since the one on /v/ got raided by Master Duel shitposters. Post about your favorites and talk about your memories with the old games.

>> No.11567798

>rated T
YuGiOh fans sure are desperate to convince themselves that YGO is edgy, are not they

>> No.11567803

It's rated T because they're not gonna censor it as much.

>> No.11567869

For me it's Expert 2006. I don't care about the characters or story, I just want to open packs and battle.

>> No.11567871

that one's not in this collection so you might wanna skip it.

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11567767 No.11567767 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to play this in Engrish? I haven't touched the series but I'd like to play it in full. I'm not a stranger to early JRPGs and have played through Dragon Quest 1-5. Is the grinding and difficulty really as bad as they say, or is it just Nintendo kids up to their usual tricks? I'm not anti QoL stuff as long as it isn't too intrusive. I can handle grinding but I don't get much joy from it either.

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>> No.11568000

>I wonder why they never remade it like they did with FF1-3 and DQ1-4
They did, it was called Mother 2

>> No.11568010

Earthbound 0 is not good desu. Just play Earthbound on SNES, it's the better optimal remake.

>> No.11568038

>easy ring
isnt there some QoL hacks that make the game easier w/out wasting inv space?

>> No.11568067

oh ok then yeah that's worth it

>> No.11568069

just don't pick it up then

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11567701 No.11567701 [Reply] [Original]

What are some fun and colourful puzzle games from the 16-bit and 32/64-bit era like Tetris Attack and Puyo Pop?

>> No.11567746

Bust-A-Move series

>> No.11568076

Baku Baku

>> No.11568084


>> No.11568106
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Based and Chadku Chadku-pilled

>> No.11568167

Magical Drop

3 is the best one, get the Japanese Saturn/PSX version for maximum anime screeching

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11567647 No.11567647 [Reply] [Original]

All I remember from the opinions about this game back in the day was endless praise about its story and setting and tons of controversy surrounding the hot coffee mod. But was there any criticism about tacked-on RPG mechanics or the endless gimmicky missions? I'm replaying it now, first time on console, and I'm shocked at how bad this game gets at points, and I love the other 3D-era entries.

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>> No.11567675

I think most players never got out of Los Santos legitimately if all they talk about are the forklift mission and the meme one with the train. That first set is actually very fun, it gets so much worse later on.

>> No.11567680

Most people just drove around in the open world with cheats. The actual missions and pacing of the game is dogshit but gets rarely discussed for this reason.

>> No.11567687

I beat the game as a kid and again recently with no cheatcodes

The Vegas/San Fran parts flew by, they weren’t horrible or anything

>> No.11567692

The missions get really shitty in the 3rd island. Fuck the plane schools

>> No.11567723

>vehicle customization
who cares
>clothing system
who cares
who cares
who cares
bloat, who cares
>driving, flying and boat schools
and make all these basically impossible at the start when your "skill" is low
>a trip down memory lane with the flying back to Liberty City mission
I recognize a thing from another thing! Best game ever.

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11567565 No.11567565 [Reply] [Original]

It's strange how this is basically an e rated parody of Resident Evil

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>> No.11567659

In the camcorder footage of the reveal trailer the crowd was mostly just confused for the first few minutes, then the vacuum gets shown off and they all start cheering and several people say "ghostbusters?". They should've shown off the Poltergust in more promotional material prior to release.

>> No.11567758

Beat me to it

>> No.11567827

It's really nothing like Resident Evil.

>> No.11567891

The whole style of the game is clearly riffing on survival horrors, with the fixed cameras and everything.

>> No.11567895

Literally no one said Luigi's Mansion invented the flash light.

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11567549 No.11567549 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite underrated 3d platformers? I need a list of classics to play.

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>> No.11567623

Alright fags I understand Metroid but how in the fuck are MediEvil games platformers?

>> No.11567634

donkey kong country 3

>> No.11567636

toy story 2 (ps1)
40 winks (ps1)
both certified hood classics

>> No.11567925

I agree, it was bizarre that MediEvil 2 felt so different from the original despite being made by the same studio and getting released only 18-months later on the same hardware.

>> No.11567962

Super Magnetic Neo
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger

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11567392 No.11567392 [Reply] [Original]

>he has a massive collection of retro consoles and physical games that he's compulsively bought over the years and yet he almost never plays then
>and when he does boot up his retro hardware he only plays his one or two favorite comfort games and never touches anything else


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>> No.11567430

No I haven't.

>> No.11567435

>he needs to bully others because he was bullied
Shhh, this is library. Feel better soon.

>> No.11567446

I look like this and do this

>> No.11567461
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I only use flashcarts or CFW to play on real hardware.

>> No.11567469

why does me doing that make you so mad?

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11567371 No.11567371 [Reply] [Original]

What were some of the best BASIC games which were sold commercially? For me it's Ultima.

>> No.11567440

Your mom is basic and sells herself commercially

>> No.11567660
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Sword of Aragon.

And Pirates! if that counts (I think some of the graphics and the controls or something like that, were coded in assembly, but the rest was BASIC)

>> No.11567664

Hey wow I never realized this was in BASIC. Quickbasic was actually pretty good shit.

>> No.11567679

The original Ultima was coded in Apple's BASIC.

>> No.11567685

Protip - Applesoft BASIC was actually made by Microsoft.

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11567347 No.11567347 [Reply] [Original]

Metal Slug just had that magic that other action games lacked.

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>> No.11567983

Contra was better

>> No.11568030

The entire pull of it was its art style and high framerate animation. The actual gameplay was a bit of a slog.

>> No.11568058

2 or X is the peak

>> No.11568168

Yeah, I don't know what OP's talking about. It an extremely well-animated game but that's about it.

I wouldn't call it particularly special in any other regard.

>> No.11568173

Plays great and has great presentation, simply as that.

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11567318 No.11567318 [Reply] [Original]

>successfully beat every single Burning Lap in a perfect lap
>share my accomplishment
>no one cares
>no one's impressed

I should just stop trying to do things perfectly, they ruin video games.

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>> No.11567482

>I should just stop trying to do things perfectly, they ruin video games.
You should stop looking for validation, Anon.

>> No.11567545
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>Climbed a mountain
>share my accomplishment
>no one cares
>no one's impressed
I should just stop climbing mountains, they ruin my body

>> No.11567749

This is a bad thread and I am DIRELY tempted to stop posting on /vr/ entirely.

>> No.11567751
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>take my girlfriend on a cruise
>she cheers whenever i drift
>i get hearts
feels good

>> No.11567752

Please do.