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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 434 KB, 661x502, HL1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11230426 No.11230426 [Reply] [Original]

This is a really interesting read to see what tribulations the original HL1 faced, as well as Valve in general, and it also shows one of the key figures for its success none

>In a nine-page document, I proposed that Valve and Amazon team up to create a new online entertainment platform. I scaled the business opportunity within four years at $500 million dollars. The gist of the idea was to create a made-for-the-medium platform that would bring users together in a sticky, compelling entertainment experience, with digital and offline content sales. I wanted Amazon’s financial backing as a way to gain first mover advantage against Microsoft and Electronic Arts, then the major PC games players. I didn’t see a role for Sierra. If pushed, we wouldn’t create any new games ourselves, and instead would team with outside developers so that they could distribute content not subject to an 85% publishing fee. At the time, I considered it an act of rebellion against the traditional publishing dynamic where independent developers took on huge risk, and the big publishing houses reaped the rewards.
Sounds like Steam, does it not?

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11230404 No.11230404 [Reply] [Original]

Where would you rank Sonic Heroes among the 6th generation Sonic games?

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>> No.11230415

Meant to say stronger music and story*

>> No.11230417

It's the best 3D Sonic game in the entire franchise for the first four levels. Then it steeply drops off in quality and becomes one of the worst 3D Sonic games in the entire franchise.

>> No.11230428

Casino/Bingo is not that bad. I've heard complaints about Rail Canyon and Bullet Station but I never had much trouble with those either

>> No.11230429

Bingo Highway, in concept, is the greatest level ever designed by Sonic Team.

The controls make it the worst level in the game.

>> No.11230442

For me it's Ocean Palace

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11230396 No.11230396 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have a scan of the Japanese manual for Dragon Quest IV (FC)? There are a lot of auction sites selling the manual for around $5 but id prefer to just skip the hassle and read it online

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11230137 No.11230137 [Reply] [Original]

Asking unironically, what would you say is the point where the average player knows whether you they like it and it's worth the 80 hours?

>> No.11230145

I was hooked from start to finish and remain so to this day. Starting with a fast paced bombing mission v tutorial slop was a good stylistic choice

>> No.11230148

So I should drop it if i'm 2 hours in and don't like it, got it

>> No.11230157

I don’t give a fuck what you do, square doesn’t pay me whether you play the game or not

>> No.11230160

There isn't much that will blow you away these days, dialogues are dumb and the textureless low poly models are weird. Just play Rebirth.

File: 2 KB, 32x32, SUPER MARIO 64#215CE254#0#2_all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11230090 No.11230090 [Reply] [Original]

Back when Super Mario 64 Speedrunning was not as Optimized as it is today, there was a Person called Siglemic who Dominated the leaderboards with impressive times and cool tricks, but in a turn of unexplained events he deleted everything from his twitch to gis YouTube and other sozial medias. Luckily most of his records got rediscovered/reuploaded from a 3rd party, but not all of them. Also there is a single run that stood a bit out: https://youtu.be/gT9tn7VZ6_0 . This run is just partially missing. (the first hour) If any of you for some reason have one of these runs downloaded, it would be very appreciated if that person contacts me. Thanks for reading :) (discord: uwumeofficial)

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>> No.11230168

explain it so someone that isn't taking HRT can understand

>> No.11230179

SDA was where speedruns were posted before speedrunning became about dying your hair an unnatural color and cutting your penis off for attention

>> No.11230182

thanks. sounds cool like the internet before women

>> No.11230189

it was, people just played games fast and that's what it was all about. nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.11230286

it's funny to see these old strategies. people were just using yolo canonless before the sock setup and now runners have started doing a faster slightly more consistent "fall into the wall pray you grab the star" strat

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11230017 No.11230017 [Reply] [Original]

>Virtual Boy Color
>now with headstrap
Fumbled at the 99 yard line. A VR wave would've started in 1995 and Sega/Sony would've set upon the tech like vultures like everyone is doing now with the Switch

>> No.11230030

>gameboy games are monochrome
>virtual boy screens monochrome
>didnt make it compatible with gameboy games

File: 2.55 MB, 2560x1437, GameCube-Console-Set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11230001 No.11230001 [Reply] [Original]

So why did it fail?

>inb4 it didn't

Okay, why didn't it do better

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>> No.11230123

Flawed argument, it’s the quality of those family friendly games that carried the console and nintendos sixth gen line up was far weaker than its modern switch lineup.

People didn’t flip on Mario in one console generation, they just wanted Super Mario 65, not a slop cleaning simulator.

>> No.11230143

i'm pretty sold by your explanation as to why the gamecube didn't do better, even as someone who loved the gamecube in its day

>> No.11230146

people only remember the niceties and the sitcoms and linkin park and that not everything was politics, but aside from that that era fucking sucked

>> No.11230147

I had an xbox and a Gamecube. Between the two of em, best gen ever. Couldn't get by w just one or the other though.

>> No.11230156

When the N64 was late to the party, it immediately brought new things that caught people's eye. First Mario 64, which defined a genre, then Turok with was an M rated fully 3d FPS game on console, then Goldeneye with innovation in the FPS genre and 4 player deathmatch. Then it delivered Ocarina and continued to pump out 4 player deathmatch and party games.
Gamecube was late to the party and the PS2 already had everything when it arrived.

File: 136 KB, 800x1003, harvester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229981 No.11229981 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related actually good or is it only notable for the mature content?

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>> No.11230413

it's dogshit. it's really bad. even when you consider the themes it's going for, it's just cheap shock content after cheap shock content. the overall message is made moot by how far out of the way the game tries to put gross disturbing content in your face, instead of blending it into the world or themes in a more subtle, thoughtful way.

>> No.11230416

There's a lot to complain about Harvester but that comment has more to do with your own expectations not being met when the game is unabashedly pulp and never attempts or pretends to be subtle.

>> No.11230456

>but then goes to shit once you enter the lodge
Because it focus heavily on the worst aspect of the game, the combat

>> No.11230462

I don't think navel-gazing subtlety would have made this pile of shit better. It would just turn it into a less noteworthy pile of shit that takes itself too seriously.

>> No.11230464
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11229976 No.11229976 [Reply] [Original]

Currently playing Ocarina of Time. This game must have absolutely blown people's minds back in 1998.

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>> No.11230165

There's two threads active right now. You need to take a break from the internet.

>> No.11230169
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>it's a Playstation fans pretend to care about framerate episode

>> No.11230170

I played it around a year or so within release.
And none of it is answered in the rest of the game.

>> No.11230171

you can regain some of that lost patience by playing the decomp in 60fps

>> No.11230173

so you were a child with a dobson like fanaticism for continuity?
>why is link BLONDE now??!?
literally you when OoT dropped

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11229935 No.11229935 [Reply] [Original]

Is there money to be made in restoring old consoles and selling them?

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>> No.11230104

It could be a fun past time that earns a little bit of coin (and I mean little) but you could literally just work a 9-5 and make more money that day than a month of hunting down cheap broken machines, repairing them, and finding a sucker who will pay a profitable amount for it.

>> No.11230105

No that sounds like something you do as a hobby to compliment your PC repair/IT job.

>> No.11230436

Short answer, no. If you were capable of doing it you'd by shitposting about how much money you were making doing it instead of asking. Also, there's a gaping hole in your plan as old console in need of restoration don't grow on trees.

>> No.11230445

You'd make more doing mods probably

>> No.11230450

Not necessarily in the real world, but if you become an influencer on social media like YouTube or something, possibly

File: 272 KB, 1600x1065, Caiman_yacare_head[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229907 No.11229907 [Reply] [Original]

Caiman here. No problems.

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>> No.11229910
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>> No.11229952

Make way for Katt!!

>> No.11229964 [DELETED] 

Are you gonna listen to that monkey?

>> No.11229969
File: 22 KB, 175x169, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gonna listen to that monkey?

>> No.11230018
File: 3.06 MB, 460x818, bonk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scurry on back to your ponds, now.

File: 43 KB, 640x480, pm2_081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229898 No.11229898 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best versions of these games

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>> No.11230389
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Reminder that The Associated Press found it necessary to run an article on the Princess Maker series which ran in hundreds of newspapers around the country. Some versions ran with a PM2 and others with a PM3 screenshot.

>> No.11230393
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Version with PM2 screenshot.

Given the genuine interest in the game, not releasing the English DOS version was a huge mistake. It would have been a cult hit.

>> No.11230407

There was never any porn in the game to begin with.
Innocent nudity ≠ porn

>> No.11230469

It's retarded to call it porn but it definitely had a lolicon audience in mind

>> No.11230471

I've been interested in this game for a decade since it reminded me of that one gamecenter cx episode where the guy plays the quiz game raising some. My Angel or something. But it's a you know, quiz game
Yeah I'm asking after realizing that version has silly levels of censorship

File: 81 KB, 788x800, Gamecube disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229884 No.11229884 [Reply] [Original]

This looks like a fucking chocolate chip cookie.

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>> No.11230219

imagine being at video games

>> No.11230283

i wish they made mint chocolate chip cookies, those would be great. there's mint oreos which are decent but i prefer the regular.

>> No.11230284

Bake your own lil nigga!

>> No.11230296

Fat nigger cock roach faggot

>> No.11230301

woah we don't use the lord's name in vain in this household, anon

File: 203 KB, 324x324, Sonic_Adventure_2_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229868 No.11229868 [Reply] [Original]

I love the 00s music and 00s atmosphere of this game.

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>> No.11230345

yeah so? skibidi toilet is made with Half-Life an even older game.
Some retro games have zoomer appeal

>> No.11230360

Zoomers don't know shit about the Dreamcast or any 6th gen games.

Zoomoids started gaming in the late 2000s with the Wii, Xbox 360 or DS.

>> No.11230369

Threads about these games tend to generate stupid arguments. People make them so they can sit back and watch the ensuing shit-flinging.

>> No.11230435

Yesterday was the Dreamcast's anniversary

>> No.11230437

skibidi toilet is a gen alpha thing, not zoomers. keep up old man. zoomers are twenty somethings now

File: 88 KB, 686x386, crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229853 No.11229853 [Reply] [Original]

Crusader appreciation thread. Finally took the time to understand the controls and what a game! I like to use a spider mine to fucking blow shit up. Games like this make me wonder what the fuck modern devs have been doing in the time since.

>> No.11229869


File: 2.03 MB, 2560x1417, Sega-Saturn-Console-Set-Mk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229818 No.11229818 [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing worth playing on this console if you don't like arcadeslop or shmups.

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>> No.11230019

You weren't alive in 1995-1998 in Europe so your opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.11230101
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There is nothing worth playing on these consoles. Full stop. Nobody with taste is playing these.

>> No.11230246

It's a decent console with a few titles worth playing, even if you don't like arcade titles, it wasn't just an arcade machine, though that's where it was at its best. It's just not as good as Master System, Genesis and Dreamcast, but it wasn't an awful console, just worse than the competition at the time.

>> No.11230347

Sonic 3D Blast
NiGHTS Into Dreams
Sonic R
Mega Man X4
Shinobi Legions

>> No.11230463

master shitsem is easily the worst sega console and saturn is way better than DC. there's a reason it died only 2 years in.

File: 18 KB, 256x177, Cruis'n_USA_for_N64,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229807 No.11229807 [Reply] [Original]

Game should be called Crusin California instead since that's where most of the game takes place.

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>> No.11230249

What about Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA? It has high review scores but no one seems to care about it

>> No.11230274

>kickass stunt track
>custom horn sounds
>tons of Mountain Dew ads

>> No.11230412

>Made in Illinois
>Most of the game is in California
>Most of the game looks samey with little distinct tracks
World was better

>> No.11230432

all of them are good
do NOT play la rush, you have been warned

>> No.11230461

>dabs on Nintendo by including the same chants sample Nintendo had cut from the Fire Temple in OoT
yup, World is just the patrician's game

File: 241 KB, 1786x1202, Giygas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229806 No.11229806 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this fucker look like the devil?

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>> No.11230332

>much like [HEADCANON]


>> No.11230354
File: 5 KB, 200x202, HOLY SHIT LMAO!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW Itoi shares concept art of Giygas/Gyiyg
>it looks nothing like all those furry/mewtwo headcanons or that r63 invader zim shit
>It's actually Pinhead Larry

>> No.11230383

bro it's giygas

>> No.11230384


>> No.11230403


File: 575 KB, 1691x932, dungeon music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229692 No.11229692 [Reply] [Original]

Picrel, getting some obvious out of the way
Nice foreboding undertones

Also am I crazy or did they kinda stop trying after OoT dungeon theme wise? Not much comes to mind

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>> No.11229725

Probably not a dungeon but whatever

>> No.11229738
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Dungeon themes are always so upbeat in JRPGs, it's like the music wants to apologize because the game isn't comfy for once.

>> No.11229750

This one is a nice mix of melancholy and exploration (fitting for the game) and it's one of my favorite dungeon themes.


>> No.11229761


Better than random sounds tossed together
Terranigma is a real kino game but something about it always filters me early on

>> No.11229771

>only alttp and oot
this still blows me away

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11229690 No.11229690 [Reply] [Original]

pure kino

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>> No.11230026

So what's good then mario and tetris?

>> No.11230054


>> No.11230097


>> No.11230110
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>> No.11230352
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