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/fa/ - Fashion

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18390750 No.18390750 [Reply] [Original]

Should men wear speedos for their swimming attire?

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18390644 No.18390644 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18390652
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What style is this called??

>> No.18390671
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>> No.18390674
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>> No.18390676
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>> No.18390723
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18390613 No.18390613 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys like my tattoos. What should I get next. I was thinking a roaring tiger for my indomitable spirit.

>> No.18390623

This is your body on onions and onionslattes

>> No.18390640

I'd go with a cock on your throat for your indomitable homolust.

>> No.18390647

Tattoos are so gay

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18390604 No.18390604 [Reply] [Original]

i specially love the suits men wore that time with the colorful patterned shirts and the flared pants, sadly i only see women or lanky twinks wearing flared pants nowadays, would it be cringe if a regular 20yr old zoomie wore 70's clothes?

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>> No.18390617


Like milsurp, small in small doses, or spirit of the law than letter of the law.

>Turtlenecks. Layered Turtlenecks under button downs, so on, so forth.
>Jingle jangle wear including pearl snap shirts, etc. Short sleeve western shirts tucked in.
>To that effect also, tucking your shit in
>Boots, boots, boots. Jodpurs and zip ups, Chelseas and Cuban soled ones
>Actual 70s outerwear
>Corduroy everything
>More yellows, purples, greens and mix-matched earth tones

Also buy maybe a Sears catalogue or two for inspo

>> No.18390618

bell bottoms will never truly happen again, they tried and women rejected it last summer. proof: tranny ziggers are wearing them now

>> No.18390627

I'd imagine posture helps. You gotta stand straight and groove with every step. Other than that, try the old reliable of only incorporating a bit of it into your fits and then upping the dosage each time. Maybe blend with adjacent things that are worn currently. I do see more people wearing flared pants (although typically jeans) right now. I think the patterned shirts are a freebie though, you can just put that shit on. If you're concerned about looking cringe, just don't wear the full set all the time. Be flexible so that it's a style and not a costume. If you're concerned about not looking masculine, still try to emphasize your manliness. There were more and less manly ways to pull it back in the day, so consider that when looking for inspiration. Hairstyle, facial hair and accessories will say a lot. If you're concerned about looking gay, you might just be out of luck.

>> No.18390634
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It will always be a costume. It was a different time and different culture. You may as well wear Victorian era clothes because both will look just as anachronistic.

>> No.18390725
File: 85 KB, 630x1120, john travolta snf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what about something more casual like jeans with a bit of flare, boots and a big collared shirt with blazer? i just wanna look like john travolta without looking like im going to a halloween party.

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18390550 No.18390550 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I cop a nice French chore coat like a Mont St Michel but that doesn't cost so much
It's a simple workwear jacket, it has no business being that expensive

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>> No.18390603
File: 26 KB, 720x779, Messenger_creation_705748478085987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I wear a lafont jacket and I'm a big fat french guy honhonhon

>> No.18390637

Why is it so fucking shiny

>> No.18390641
File: 143 KB, 1200x1200, frontiersman_lemontstmichel_workjacketblue_1636378649genuineworkjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what moleskin is like when it's new, here's the mont at Michel jacket. The shininess diminishes significantly after a few washes.

>> No.18390727

Think I might cop https://www.thenauticalcompany.com/french-work-jacket-men/prod_178.html or https://www.thenauticalcompany.com/navy-blue-french-chore-jacket.html?page=2
Can't decide between them

>> No.18390728

Has this shit ever looked good on anyone?

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18390540 No.18390540 [Reply] [Original]

For me chito vera is peak style, been looking more inspo similar to the way he dresses

>> No.18390739
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Consider this

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18390480 No.18390480 [Reply] [Original]

No matter what you do, you will never be as /fa/ as him

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>> No.18390567
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yes idiotic blackpillers who claim it's all about hair a wrong.
Caville could easily pull a full bald look off

>> No.18390589
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>> No.18390608
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Because he doesn't have a weak soiboi chud face like most baldcels. He has a proper warrior chad skull that will look good with full head of hair or bald, or with a soi beard or clean shaved.

>> No.18390673
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>> No.18390734

Top doesn't look attractive though. He just looks like a brute

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18390453 No.18390453 [Reply] [Original]

gen alpha is here. they are chad maxxed and have all the lookism info but instead of being tranny loving fags, they are sigma chuds. get ready for BASED fashion to return

>> No.18390456

actually theyre all using social media app filters even on pictures they just text to their own family because they are all genetic dead ended mutts. gen z and gen alpha are currently in competition for ugliest generation, gen z only has a lead because they are aging like 40 y/os at 25.
you're retarded or a fag, OP

>> No.18390457

seething millenial cope heh. why are you even here if you are a wall'd 30 year old. jfc

>> No.18390469

are you one of these people? it seems weird that you would just sit on the sidelines and cheer while not participating. why do you invest so much in others to achieve what you want instead of doing it yourself?

>> No.18390514

White american zoomers hit the wall at 24
Europeans look younger than most of them at 30+ years. Must be sumn in the water.

>> No.18390515

>must be something in the water
Ya it’s called fluoride

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18390446 No.18390446 [Reply] [Original]

what is the modern equivalent?

>> No.18390447
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>> No.18390449
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18390338 No.18390338 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the most basic, versatile footwear make fa zoomers seethe so badly. Truly SAD!

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>> No.18390695

Keep crying, Conversetranny.

>> No.18390704

>tears….of laughter

>> No.18390708

uh oh the conversetranny is getting upset!

>> No.18390710

Dude you’re killing me

>> No.18390715

>they also make a statement most people aren't ready to make
Yup, and that statement is "i love to suck cocks."

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18390284 No.18390284 [Reply] [Original]

what started the trend?

>> No.18390287

Looks cool.

>> No.18390291
File: 38 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy called sugar gay got famous for being really angry at fans for using his name, and everyone thought that was really cool so they also got frosted tips

>> No.18390295

I thought the fan called him a faggot or a gay. I’m the 90s and 2000s being gay was not cool. It was actually very bad. Being a tranny was a joke. They didn’t even exist because they would be laughed out of existence. Different times.

>> No.18390296

No I'm pretty sure he was just predisposed to outbursts because he was insecure at having the last name 'gay'. You're right, different times, and maybe he should have been more accepting of who he was and his last name.

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18390269 No.18390269 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that millennials as a generation has had and is very casual?
Looking at pictures of the 2000’s/2010’s 90% of young people are wearing jeans and a graphic-T or hoodie. Even today most millennials I see dress like pic-related. It like surfer casual stuff if that makes sense, for some reason RVCA especially is very common with older millennial men.
What caused this? Compare to both their Gen-X and Gen-Z counterparts they seem to have much less interest in fashion as a whole, even Boomers put a decent level of effort into how they looked before they hit 50 or so.

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>> No.18390490

This is kinda true, I wouldn’t even say it was about fashion though in a way.

>> No.18390506

Sort of but i would say millenial cliques are more like

>patagonia/columbia/gore-tex man-bun granola types
>arcteryx/Helly Hansen urban tactical techno-futurist cringelords
>bearded "my work is my identity" Carhartt/Caterpillar/Milwaukee worker drones
>suburban Bass Pro/RealTree/YETI redneck LARPers
>RipCurl/RVCA/Vans guys that used to be able to kickflip
>Prada/Armani Exchange/Ralph Lauren immigrants

>> No.18390509

they were conditioned by jews to become cultural blobs that only care about le heckin science. also there was no social media or smartphones when they were growing up so most of them didn't care how they looked

>> No.18390539

>Before that they just wore whatever basic stuff was in the mall.
This, you just bought what was at the local mall, there was no internet where you can chose exactly the clothes you want and think about it over and over.
You just went to the mall, you had the choice between 10 hoodies at best, and you bought the red one, or the black one, and that's it. And at school you had a few other guys wearing the exact same hoodie.

>> No.18390549

For a lot of millennials, the whole extreme-Sports scene was our first foray into clothing/style.

You say "graphic t-shirts and jeans" but in reality we were agonizing over picking out our favourite skateboarding brand and getting the perfect branded shirt. When you're 12-15 and your mom will only let you pick out one shirt, it was a big deal.

20-25 years later, this kind of clothing is found almost exclusively at T.J.MAXX (unless you go to an actual skate/snow/surf shop). So it makes sense to look at it as just lazy, casual wear. But there was a time when a dude could walk into a party with a t-shirt that just said "World Industries" or "Spitfire" or "Circa" and everybody would be dripping with envy. He was the coolest Chad imaginable at that moment.

tl;dr it's just us reliving our glory days in the 2000s

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18390204 No.18390204 [Reply] [Original]

is this palewave? is palewave back? /fa/ invented palewave but the mainstream fashion stole it from us!

>> No.18390339

I hope so. I was too young and fashion-oblivious to experience palewave but it seems like it would fit me really well.

>> No.18390343

Miami vice invented palewave, babby.

>> No.18390404

the fuck are you talking about you stupid fucking dumbass, eat some turd and die brainlet

>> No.18390722

Palewave will comeback at some point down the line, but the seapunk revival is what’s coming back in full force atm.

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18390203 No.18390203 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when shoes and jeans/shorts used to last years? Zoomers don't remember this

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>> No.18390208

I have bought nothing except cheap denim (<40 euro) and dickies as an adult, and I have pants I wore for years and years. The only thing that has failed is from a pair of H&M jeans I wore around the house (and thus constantly washed and dried), the button fell apart.

>> No.18390213

I am a zoomer(24) and I still have shirts from when I was 14 that are fine. Namely band tees but also regular shirts and sweaters.

>> No.18390267

Zoomer detected. You used to be able to buy cheap shoes and they'd last forever. I remember my vans would last years

>> No.18390277

High quality shoes haven't changed in decades. If you buy cheap plastic crap, skill issue

My Adidas Stan Smith are like 7yo now. Indistinguishable from 2yo when thoroughly cleaned.

>> No.18390279

White vans for the most casual of business casual jobs still do last for years. What are you doing with them?

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18390127 No.18390127 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18390138


>> No.18390140


>> No.18390193


>> No.18390218
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18390110 No.18390110 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18390114

Hey Ye, buy an add you stingy jew.

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18390072 No.18390072 [Reply] [Original]

are zesty nigras the next big thing in fashion?

>> No.18390081

who are some black celebrities that AREN'T zesty. I can barely even think of any. Denzel maybe but he's like 70.

>> No.18390083

nevermind i forgot about the new gladiator movie.

>> No.18390091
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>walking down a dark ally way
>bump into this

what do?

>> No.18390212

Denzel was a gay nigga in that movie lmao

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18390032 No.18390032 [Reply] [Original]

What's the meta for male hair in 2025?

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>> No.18390052

Sir I'm indian, I do that?

>> No.18390057
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Try not to act like a typical oriental. Since the old testament it's a cursed land.

>> No.18390059

How I ask for this?

>> No.18390060
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Gigachad haircut, just ask your barber.

>> No.18390169

Look, you know how you've got your hairline, then lower down your temples, then all the way down to your nape, for hair to grow?
follow that. a hair shape that goes down in back, longish on the sides, but up front is folded down or swept into some manner of .. well that's up to you. Not saying pompadour, but stick to the natural growth pattern and exaggerate it because you're a mature male

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18389852 No.18389852 [Reply] [Original]

I'm turning 19 next month and I'll be starting college. How can I make myself look good?

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>> No.18390223

>raw milk + raw liver
>eliminate basedbean
>train neck & traps
>grow beard

>> No.18390225

Shave. Your "beard" doesn't really deserve the name. Anything more than a stubble will look like crap. With that alone, you'll make it to average looks.
If you want to improve further:
Lose some fat and gain some muscle.
Switch your black clothes for clothes that are just a little brighter (dark grey, navy blue, or even mildly reflective or structured black leather). Bonus points if they make you shoulders look bigger (motorcycle jackets with soft protectors are a cheat code, but may look larpy if you're taking the bus).
Relax your chin. Your teeth shouldn't touch unless you're chewing.

And, most importantly, stop asking 4chan for advice. Half of us will troll you on principle.

>> No.18390244

absolutely BRUTAL bro, you look just like my 35 year old friend. sad!

>> No.18390261

Lose weight and train neck.

>> No.18390524

strongest nordoid hairline

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18389846 No.18389846 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone able to ID this watch that Mr T with the FAMAS is wielding? I didn't want to look like I'm taking sides with the /wt/ civil wars so I'm making a separate, neutral thread. Thank you.

>> No.18390026

That;s John Malkovich, ya dunce

>> No.18390079

Do you know what kind of watch Mr. "John Malkovich" T is wearing?

>> No.18390714
