>> | No.42704319 File: 2.09 MB, 800x1692, __chiyo_ane_naru_mono_drawn_by_merunyaa__c88794bb4ad732e8034f452b9b835459[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>42704103 No, they must have the appearance of a monster girl, but they aren't like a species, like, for example, KC's Anubis which is essentially a subspecies of "wolf" (should have been jackal but whatever) girls, but a single individual goddess that has the traits of a monster girl (animal ears and/or tail, weirdly-colored skin etc). Simply put the "species" of monster girls here is always "god girl" and they come in all (humanoid) shapes and sizes. Give me name (from the already existing pool of names created by mythology and literature), her specific appearance, along with a bit of info about her personality.