Monster Girl Wiki: Girl Archive: Aggregator: list: Grimoire Scans: Galleries: Archive:
>>OP>wiggles ears
be a man, give your girl flowers
>>OPThe vacuum is enemy to many dogs
I want to be relentlessly bullied by smug succu-lolis!
>>42698800im going to get my wurm wife crystal roses that are deep within the underground
Learning to draw is actually pretty hard compared to doing nothing.
Vengeful spirits are not to be trusted.
>>42698802Broom only anypercent
I wanna sniff danuki breath morning, day, and night!
>>42698808Sounds like a quest in the making.
>>42698808She will hug you and You will get killed by the shrapnel like crystal fragments. Don't worry She will find someone else.
>>42698811I know, right? But surely the art fairies will reward you with their approving smiles.
>>42698819Suicide, now
>>42698821yo, dont you have to get permission form your wifes boyfriend to post?
Why are You all so spiteful ?
>>42698833I am dissatisfied with my life. A lack of female companionship has left me bitter.
>>42698819The use of names or avatars is a bannable offense on /jp/
>>42698811and thats why its so fun!>>42698820gotta go to find the old forgotten crystal gardens in the forgatten city of geode
>>42698827>Ntr shitHang yourself.
>>42698814Human women don't deserve oppai anyways. Let the ghost have it for spooky paizuri.
>>42698857Ah, a guest!
>>42698866Cute gnome, I bet she helps grow lots of exotic underground flora
I bet whitehorn breath has a fine scent to it. They strike me as proficient bakers, and thus, habitually consume traditional winter treats. Thus, it likely has a hint of cinnamon, ginger, and chocolate.
>>42698866dont forget the roaming golems of different gems
>>42698811I can't even draw as good as an MSpaint image, close but I am never satisfied with my anatomy and the only time I get good results is when I trace and photo shop, at my skill level I made a decision to pursue AI drawing because I like the results better than my drawing skill. I have been drawing for years but I never improve because I don't really have the skill for it in my hands, now set me up in CAD program I can draw a machine schematic using shapes and numerical figures to control them, the Ai just seems more natural to me as it's similar to what I have worked with before albeit if it was in a 2d environment.
>>42698868Bioluminescent algae in underground lakes! Glowing mushrooms! What a world, what a world!
>>42698879dont believe a word you said, i need some work you made with your hands
I want to go out for drinks with undead girls, then go home and share my bed and my warmth with the cute Jiangshi I met.
>>42698884Pepe the frog being traced over and copy pasted is my skill level anon, and most of them were not worth saving. And they aren't monster girls so I won't post them here.
>>42698904look up drawabox, loomis, and brigdman, as well some youtube vids about them to understand them, proko is good. and give it a shot!
>>42698888i wanna be a poor boy in an undead ball, attempting to flirt with the highclass undead
>>42698888Quads confirm we should get jiangshi wives
>>42698881Truly an amazing change of pace. Wonder if she teams up with trolls at all or if she likes to keep her own 'garden' growing on her own.
>>42698888I want to get gangbanged by undead hags that I met in a bar
>>42698923jiangshis have the cutest accents and are the most bottom heavy of all undead normally lest you can get a hopping cow
Warrior of Light's trauma therapy.
>>42698929She has a cave troll
>>42698946>Expect something ferocious and terrifying.>Just a bigger troll that grows slihglty different stuff.Astounding.
>>42698946>adopted daughter troll whose way bigger than Ms. Gnome>Her hair is quite wild and covers her eyes>Is quite large and thicc>But is as skittish as a mouse
>>42698958>>42698960Well you see many things grow underground and where things grow, there they must be tended.
>>42698910Been to tons of sites and resources to learn how to draw, I have decided to pursue this method, thanks for the tips but this is better for me as I don't have to spend hours and days on a single drawing that I will inevitably delete because I don't like something about it. In the past week I have spent playing with AI I am more satisfied with the results I have now than my previous 10 years of drawing mspaint shitposts on my tablet.
>>42698983anon, you can use the ai to help you get better dumbass even quicker
>>42698995Well yeah, of course I will manually edit the images the ai produces to fix the fucked up anatomy/duplicates, that part goes without even a second thought.
>>42699006no, use it to help you understand the body and how to simplfiy it into shapes
>>42698975>"Huh, I guess when you put it that way, it makes se-" >'So I need you to tend to me and my daughter'Anon and the troll then did a spit-take
>>42698917When you don't know how to flirt you can just kiss the 1000 year old Wight hostess on the lips. The lich in the corner told me it would work
Wurm mating ball.
>>42699016I do understand it, but I will pass as I like this better, I can have this running in the background while I am doing other things and it produces results I like.
>>42699046>Troll is red faced and looks like shes about tp faint>Troll "MOOOOOM, COME ON i DONT LIKE ANON LIKE THAT>Ms. Gnome "Daughter, I can see how you look at anon, just like how I look him">Troll is red as a tomato and is pouting but isnt saying anything
>>42698821Damn wurms forget about their husbands that quick?
>>42699094>i DONT LIKE ANON LIKE THATthis makes the sad anon
>>42698800But my wife IS a flower! Also, man commissioning Alraune art is tough. I feel bad because their designs are so complicated.
Don't respond to the samefagger. He's trying to stir up drama intentionally
>>42698931Good think for you, you can take responsibility for all of them since undead usually marry in hordes
>>42699144I'm a one woman type of fella.
>>42699113Not at all I am done as I have shit to do, I'll be back this evening but my intention isn't to stir up shit, I just wanted to share a few ai generated hellhounds and it went a little off the rails as I defended my thinking.
Mandatory Awoo Zone
>>42699103>Troll sees anon get sad from that>tries to reassure he runs and Troll chan runs after him>Troll chan and anon then tumble into a lake where Troll-chan really says what she thinks bout anon
>>42699144>that zom-bodyFuck me, have they been hiding some sort of semen demon body under that dress this whole time?!
>>42699068i would go for trying to act like I am not a peasant while failing miserbly
>>42699192For monsters, clothing is a weapon.It can be used aggressively, passively, or even as an ambush implement.
>>42699144I ran it through Yandex image translatorMark of the seam / mark of the woundthe undead demon lady likes to use the sewing machine.It is a stamp that seems to have to sew magic and clean it upIt is filled with a little magical power deep in the airIt can be absorbed and melted into the body of the demon daughter.when the engraved book or its companion is healed by a key eye and traced with a finger、The pattern opens so that it can be unraveled, and it changes to the engraved mark of the wound.Thisfrom the stamp, magical power drips as blood flows out from the woundIt will become a sink.the magic stored and matured in the body of the undeathIt is strongly related, and it is much more gentle than normal magical powerIt is highly recommended. In addition, the demon daughter who keeps the mark of the wound moving constantlythe lack of magical power makes it more lustful and ferociousas a greedy predator, you will be attacking your mate.When magical power flows to a certain extent, the stamp is blocked and the stamp of the seam but when a man or a woman is engraved with this imprintControl does not go well and the mark of the wound continues to differ without permission.and this time, the magic power of the demon enters into the stampThe man will become an incubus, and the woman will become a monster daughter.Too bad that translate images site got shut down, the code is still out there but I don't know how to use it.
>>42698910not him but I guess I will. It's been long enough procrastinating not drawing an undead baphomet. Plus if I do I own her, which is a nice plus.
Being ass-ass-inated by a big booty kunoichi!
>>42699220Centipedes are known for being very protective and doting mothers
>>42699236a good addition is to draw lots of figures and gestures
>>42699249Pretty much everyone on /ic/ will tell you drawing every day is more valuable than any book or course. Harsh, but true.
>>42699178>anon has a big smile and troll is relieved >now she has to deal with the smuggest gnome mom
>>42699217>a zombie?>as if I would ever fall for some frumpy little->DRUELLA'S TITS SHE'S SHREDDED
>>42699257yup, cause practice makes perfect but it is also good to stop and look at what may be doing wrongI will draw a meaty old wight
>>42699247Having a big happy family with my bug wife!
>>42699238>secret move>smothering anon's face with my fat ass while he sleeps!
>>42699172Don't Awoo$200 Fine
>>42699247>tfw when baby anon appeared in the town of creepy crawlies near the ookaumade quarter
>>42699288>Anon wakes up while shes sneaking around since it was so big that her fat ass was clapping so loudly
Ohohonhonhon! Now mon cherie, we will watch ze movies, yes? We will watch Jacques Tati!
>>42699308Ancient Pink Kunoichi clan secret. Training ninjas to have asses so fat they get stuck in passageways is how they gain new husbands
Going on vacation with my Jiangshi wife!
>>42699327I want to watch Freddy Got Fingered instead
>canine girls who wait outside the bathroom when you’re using it to "guard" youI’m not going to get kidnapped or something on the toilet. Let me poo in peace!
>>42699327The theater doesn't serve frog legs, miss wight.
>>42699355This confuses and frightens the French Wight. Make her proud.
>>42699327french is just pig latin
>>42699370They do have crab legs however
Lich-chan needs to stop putting Skeletons in her closet!
>>42699380>taking your Monster gf to see The Anvil Hoarder on your first dateBet she doesn't even have her own anvil and has to take a renter
>>42699371Surely a woman who went through the Revolution and Napoleonic Wars could appreciate some surreal dark comedy
>>42699282She's a wolf so it's fine.
>>42699172>>42699391Didn't mean to quote.
>>42699397That checks out, carry on
>>42699386She can put some in yours.
>>42699397Imagine having your head between those massive melons. Peak comfy, peak wolfu.
>>42699301Imagine being raised by arachne, girtablilu, and oomakude momsters.
>>42699419You'd have some of the best outfits in your school. All of those arachne-woven clothes to cover up the sting marks on your body.
>>42699419i want to convince ms oomukade to commit a crime
>>42699327If she can sit through Mad God with me, we'll get along fine.
>>42699445Man, I need to get that on bluray
>>42699172I got a burning burning need, to take my family dog and BREED
oh shit, I thought it was Kagerou thread for some reason, sorry - my bad
BIG Minos are bestI need them to gang up on me and give me noogies while shoving my head into their massive boobs
>>42699468>lets get our son a dog, that will help teach him responsibility!-Clueless parents
>>42699494>in soviet russia, the dog pets you
>>42699494I am once again /r/ing that picture where a boy tries and fails to train a dog girl.
>>42699494it will teach him the responsbilities and joy of fatherhood at such an early age!>>42699506what will Queen Apophis say, when she learns her daughter is dressing like that?>>42699507I'll look for it
>>42699506such a bounteous kingdom
>>OPLittle girls with big tails.
>>42699519>what will Queen Apophis say, when she learns her daughter is dressing like that?Not edgy enough, shameful display
I want to frustrate my ryu momster by lusting after smelly h'orcs instead of the nice dragon girls she tries to pair me up with!
>>42699556how big?
>>42699584Ms. Gator really should lay off the sweets.
>tfw Order PSA has a cheesy 80s tier rap called 'don't shag the hag'
>>42699584>>42699639>All the fat goes to her tailImagine how embarrassed she'll be when the nurse has to mesure her tail's girth.
>>42699658>hellwan doing the sex offender shuffle
>>42699700>theres a dark mage, a fox, a gremilin, a goblin, and even a very old and shifty-looking chubby jabberwock doing the shuffle with her
>>42699591Why would she watch me sleep when we can fuck instead?
>>42699741Succs have developed the skill to give blowjobs to their sleeping victim.All you'll feel is the most wonderful wet dream, you'll never suspect that you got drained all night long.
>>42699741She thinks it's cute.
>>42699591But I want to use her chest as a pillow!
>>42699506>Judge's verdict... Mating pressHow does one mating press a lamia anyways?
>>42699741It was unpleasant when I found out that actually sleeping while being erect inside a woman doesn't work IRL.With obamo mana however anything is possible
>>42699741she is too shy
>>42699506>You're the only one who replies by telling her it looks cuteHow fucked are you?
>>42699864in amazon possition with the end of her tail coiled around my wrists
>>42699955> with the end of her tail coiled around my wristsFuck man, that's hot.
>>42699955But I want the end of her tail coiled around my prostate!
>>42700029>I want the end of her tail coiled around my prostatehow
Angels are love
Being an ancient evil wrangler is hard work.
Is jubanon around?I wanna try drawing his wife.
Big tiddie malef
>>42700122Maybe I'm spoiled but I'm not a fan of that beachball style of drawing titties. I know those are small drawings so they're abstract but I like titties with some gravity
>>42700157What does it feel like to get godvoiced?
>>42700122i'll take a #6 and a #8 please
>Kiki found master's first grey hair
>>42700176A grand and intoxicating innocence
>>42700186Good thing kiki is covered in them. Now her and masta match
>>42700176a mixture of seeing Dune in IMAX and real good asmr
>>42700186Shog wouldn't have let things get that far, Shog would have made sure to wrap each and every cell of master in a protective layer and nurtured them all within a week of being hired
>>42699506Dress code in worst monstergirl timeline.>>42699391Dress code in best monstergirl timeline.
>>42700217The fact that the artist who made this character hasn't drawn her cuddling her husband while pregnant yet is a disgrace
>>42700261Are monsters and humans compatible in his stuff?
>>42700261are there actual pictures of her pregnant?
Monsterized girls who were human aren't so bad. There are pros to it. They remember what it was like to be weak. They're more likely to understand why you might have reservations, and aren't as overbearing. Someone born a vampire, a dragon or a demon just doesn't have that perspective; they love you all the same, but they're patronizing. Beware, however, of the girls who were human, and overcompensate for it.
>>42700122Malef after an encounter with Marune
>>42700289Give echidna (former infertile human female) a BIG family tree
>>42700289>Someone born a vampire, a dragon or a demon just doesn't have that perspective; they love you all the same, but they're patronizingThat's the best part
>>42700289They are most likely to join the extremist faction.
>>42700322That makes a lot of sense since they would still be human dirt farmers if not for extremists. It makes me wonder why more of those turned girls don't become demons though.
>>42700122where is adult or milf malef?i fucking hate loli shit
Desparate horny hags are in your area! Click now to start chatting!
>>42700345Only in that concept art, potential fan art, or if KC draws a variant of one for a world guide or something down the road. At least he had the mercy to say they're not a loli-only species.
>>42700351When you click these ads it either sends your IP to a local hag lodge group, a chesh throws a pie in your face, or your computer gets infected with a shogvirus. Just cause monsters aren't used to the internet doesn't mean they haven't figured out ways to trick humans with it.
>>42700351the clicks, they do nothing
>>42700372Disable the popup blocker and your anti-virus, then when it asks for your name and address, fill in all the information.
>>42700361>have to peruse EVERY EULA to make sure you aren't making a pact with a demon
>>42700345>i fucking hate loli shitThen why are you here?
>>42700388I'll just tell her that I have no interest in being in a relationship with someone who would resort to such underhanded and scummy tactics, gotta go for that deep psychology damage to get them off your back
>>42700398for the elves and monster milfs
>>42699171The thing is none here wants to see the shit you share you ainigger, keep them for yourself
>>42700388I sign every EULA in hopes of getting multiple competing demons
>>42700353I'm not exactly trusting of KC after he did sexualized Balut as a monster girl.
>>42700388>Get a code for a free video game from a random DM>Kind of suspicious at first, but you check and it looks like a real redemption code>Download it and boot it up, quickly hitting 'agree' on all the promps and terms of service pages>Hear a knock on the door a few minutes later>Demon standing there holding a printed copy of all the terms you just mindlessly hit 'okay' on, has your real signature and everythingWhoops
I like raiju
>>42700388If it's a EULA for a major game or service, she's most likely a matchmaker demon rather than one out to marry you. Who knows, she just might find your perfect waifu for you. Sign it. Sign it right now.
>>42700466I will basically sign anything a pretty demon lady asks me to.
Don't worry about signing anything a demon has for you. All you have to do is find the legendary seal of king Solomon and you'll be back in charge!
So how do blue mages work in MGE? Are there monster-exclusive spells or something?
>>42700466>yeah, I got a fresh one here>just signed up>I'll send you the file now>what do you think?>thought so>do you want me to organize a "chance meeting" for you two, or did you want to try a more direct approach?>alright then, I'll send you his address now>don't forget to fill out our survey for a 15% off deal on finding your daughter a childhood friend
Young, dumb, and full of cum!
For me, it's lolis of all monster races, especially the ones that are the tall hourglass -type in their profiles.
>>42700523Forgot my picture so I guess I was talking about myself
>>42700495>Contract demands I kiss her constantlyBut I wanted to do that anyway!
>>42700495But the only legendary items I've ever found diving are "Atlantean tablet" and "Barbarossa's Bones"
>>42700521Sounds like a pretty big operation. Monsters make a new video game, single anons sign up, and then all the girls that funded/worked on the development of the game get promised a husband. Pretty clever.
>>42700480A monster who spent her entire life perfecting schemes to get a husband must be so disappointed when she finds out all she needed to attract a man was to be kind and feminine
>>42700495Seal of Solomon is actually a wedding ring that instantly marries you to a hundred demonsNoooooooo!!!! My bachelorhood is gone forever!!!!!!
>>42700567100 is a lot of people, do you even know 100 people? could you even remember their names? what they like and dislike?
>>42700552>monster game devs' first project is always some mmo targeted at men>second project after they get married is the actual game that isn't just runescape with a layer of smut
>>42698800>You will never court and flirt with a retired ancient evil.Anon will help heal her.
>>42700630That's okay, I'd bet even a coomer bait MMO that is just a front to scrape all your personal information would be a great game if monsters were the ones that made it.
What level of heart pupils would be reached if you told a Succubus to take responsibility for getting your dick hard by getting pregnant?
>>42699172Which way to the "Gao!" zone?
>>42700665Safari ride section. Don't ask why there are no locks on the safari jeep doors
>>42700661>anon is having sex with his succubus wife >she tells him to talk dirty to her>he says that>there's a short silent pause before they both burst out laughing>he impregnated her that very night
>>42700713It's okay, the Jinko's paws are too big to open the doo-
>>42700735Seeing something as large as a lamia slithering as quickly as a normal snake must be very unsettling the first few times. For me I'd just get hornier
>>42700735The eel will now feel you.
>>42700735Ear wiggling wife.
>>42700735absolutely dominating
>>42700713>jinko waves at your jeep as you roll through the safari>casually walks around it, peering into the windows>squints at you through the glass>opens the door and pulls you out>waves driver on>safari continues on its way>jinko drags you into a tree and starts grooming you
>>42700497They more than likely wouldn't unless the intent is a human woman imitating the power of a species.
Do robutts require constant software/hardware updates just like computers?
>>42700822Yes, but be careful about uploading strange, black market personality softwares. They can result in a drastically different Automaton, compared to the kuudere factory settings.
>>42700724LN singlehandedly changed my opinion on succubi and I love him for it
>>42700657>insanely high quality beginning area>gameplay is challenging but ballanced>controls are dynamic, fun to learn, and rewarding to master>tons of great quality of life features>chat logs have a tendency to get bloated, since there's some kind of esoteric system behind who you can filter and who you can't>late game is terrible>basically just an asset flip from earlier regions>no new loot variety, just bigger numbers on stuff you already have>dungeons are more like warehouses>even the boss dialog sounds canned>one even includes someone in the studio telling the voice actress that "it doesn't matter, if they made it this far we have what we need">a sad end to an otherwise great game, I'll rate Essence Flood 4/10
>>42700843>Encounter a "Dire Cheshire">It's just the same Cheshire you encountered earlier, but she chugged a strength potion to get buff.
I love raping my maid and wasting her energy so she never gets anything done only so I can scold her for incompetence and punish her for it with more rapeI hate the fact that I can only do so on weekends though
>>42700842Woman with horns
>>42700850>getting hit by cheshire enemy adds another 2000s era toolbar or popup add>getting hit too many times makes the fight impossible and you have to let her destroy your characterWhat were they thinking? Worst boss in the game, just obnoxious to fight. At least let me cleanse these stupid things with a potion or something.
Imagine having a dark mage maid.
>>42700939Throw fried tofu at her face
>>42700822Yes. All automatons have a protocol in them called Husband Assisted Generation, or HAG for short. This protocol makes it so they are constantly looking for ways to upgrade themselves to optimize pleasure and raise chances of child production. It is every automaton's dream to become the perfect baby factory one day. You don't have to get these upgrades, but she'll keep making reports on how certain upgrades could have made your last session better.
>>42700497Probably doesn't exist.If it does, then it's something only women can fully utilize in the current era and risks turning them into some kind of Dark Mage, Chimera, or a Mindflayer
>>42701085God monsters in business suits are so sexy.
>>42701098Ma'am this is a no awoo zone.
>>42701085The new manager is scary
>>42701174She's gotta stay in containment until scientists can be sure she's not going to unleash a terrible curse on the world.
>>42700846Any news on ushi onis doing anything interesting?
>>42701085I'll show those business monsters that I can do work that's not eating them out!
>>42701192>accidentally fix the printer that's been broken for ages by fucking your boss over it>she now insists on you plowing her against or on any piece of malfunctioning office equipment>it somehow keeps working>anubis IT pro seething because she's been all but replaced by some barbaric ape who can't even update drivers
>>42701182>intern anon releases her cause she said she wanted to go to the store real quick>now all the female staff are zombies and fucking the male staff woops
>>42701232>anon can't resist the zombussy>sneaks into the containment cell for a quickie while the researchers are out>hungry as fuck after she drains him, so he eats some of his coworker's lunch too>gets traces of her mana on the container>female researcher turns in the breakroom after she took a bite of her leftover lasagna>entire research facility is overrun within the hour
>>42701218>anubis IT keeps coming up with convoluted plans to show that anon is a hack>anon unknowingly solves the issues by fucking the boss on it>even the bank robbery plot was solved by fucking the boss>anubis keeps seething as boss makes anon the manager of IT>even though anon doesn't know what IT stands for
>>42701262>anon gets transferred to a different facility after the outbreak>this one is researching a dire wight >he knows he shouldn't break in to fuck it>but...>meanwhile, the head researchers are wondering why there are so many outbreaks in the labs
>>42700846>Soldier Beetle finally gets ONE piece of fan artTHE ONE PIECE EXISTS
>>42701287[TICKET OPENED]>keys on the keyboard are stuck, can't use computerReport: used screwdriver to open keyboard. Dried semen had adhered keys down. Removed semen and replaced back cover.[TICKET CLOSED][TICKET OPENED]>mouse is stuck to mousepad. Need it unstuck.Report: After intitial inspection, dried semen was found gluing the mouse to the mousepad. I highly advise all employees to refrain from fornicating on or around company technology.[TICKET CLOSED][TICKET OPENED]>printer will not print correctly, multiple pages come out at a time and at strange anglesReport: Semen had seeped into the paper tray and ruined the entire ream. Didn't anyone read my section of the weekly company memo?! I told you all to stop doing this. It's disgusting! There wasn't even anything wrong with the printer, that troglodyte Anon just got horny near it![TICKET CLOSED][TICKET OPENED]>microwave has strange smell, can't heat food in the breakroomReport: This is beyond vile. Boss, I know you're making up for lost time with Anon, but you CANNOT try to microwave an entire bowl of semen in the breakroom microwave! The laminated instructions CLEARLY outline proper usage, which includes covering the container with wax paper when warming liquids. It also states that all semen should be baked into the dish itself, or at the very least form a sauce on top. Someone else used it after you and it took me almost three hours to scrape it out of the microwave. Why is this even my job anyways?! This is something for the janitor to take care of! I WENT TO UNIVERSITY FOR THIS SHIT! If this company doesn't treat me with the respect I deserve, I'll find a new company that can.[TICKET CLOSED][TICKET OPENED]asfdjp ifasd;adfkasjsd;khakjagjkfadsjkafdskadkljsfadjklasfdhkgfkajhadsfkjhgshaoiuqwtopqweiopskadiopadfuioaerhqwerhqwe;rqw;k;lkjagjsdfupoixvpouiasopiuweruioqwpouierqweroi [Error: character limit exceeded]Report: Fuck this, I'm out. I told you that if you're going to fuck that himbo on your desk you need to unplug the keyboard before you do. Have you listnened to anything I've said in the past month? Why do you even have the IT ticket system open?! Is this some sort of joke?! Fuck this, fuck you, fuck this company, and fuck that walking cum-for-brains. I'm out.[TICKET CLOSED]
>>42701383maybe boss should have anon fuck anubis
>>42701417I'm going to call her Goobis in an e-mail. I'm sure nothing bad would happen.
>>42701192>Anon works at a place with lots of shortstack monsters>He is the designated manager of the high shelves
>>OPRemember, God gives his funniest Cheshire's to his saddest soldiers.
>>42701578I must be not sad enough.
>>42701718Drunk hags at the tavern always giving me trouble any time I go visit a majority monster town. I just lie and say I have a wife but sometimes they see through it.
>>42701729That's what you get for visiting a bar, it's always Hag Night
How/Why are Dark Mages a race? What stops a typical mamano from studying dark magic and learning the same set of skills?
>>42701784basically they are women who went all the way to become the strongest mages of the land, any monster can also become one as well
Choco Kiki.
>>42701784Dark Mages are human women that have the mind of a mamono aka a softcore yandere, that those old hags get very clingy so watch out.
>>42701793love kikis in all flavors
>>42700923dark mage is my mom though. sister is my maid and chef.
>>42701784They're a race of magically inclined monsters that look like humans, and they have the magic skills. If some other type of monster race X learns the same skills, then they're an X that has the same skillset Y as a Dark Mage that has the skillset Y."Dark Mage" isn't referring to their profession, it's the race. But the usual case is that you could say Dark Mages (race) are also dark mages (class)
Getting hounded by my very possessive hellhound teacher.
>>42701846>hellhound teacher follows you home to tell your parents you need advanced private tutoring>a month later she tells them that your grades aren't improving fast enough and that you have to move in with her if you want to graduate in time
>>42701846Your best friend will protect you from the smelly dog
Genuine question, not trying to start shit. Why is posting AI art frowned upon here? Is it just because of the small imperfections with hands, feet, etc.? Some monster girls barely get art, so AI helps to bridge that. I personally found it useful when making an OC because it let me compare different hair/skin/eye color schemes.
>>42701893Naw I love the older helldoggy I’m getting married to her by tomorrow, including I don’t have a best friend that looks like that.
>>42701912If you can't see why AI shit is garbage then I have no idea why are you here, specially on /jp/ of all places
>>42701928So you can't read the part where I acknowledge that AI art has plenty of flaws and imperfections. Gotcha.
>>42701912It's low effort and soulless.
>>OPDid KDF ever write any more stories? I only have two of his but I like them a lot
>>42699220Hug the bug.
Have you prayed today?
>>42701912Mostly because once you've seen a couple, you've seen them all, any critique on it is completely fruitless, and the well has been poisoned by smarmy cunts in other places that proclaim this the end of human artists and pump out huge volumes of AI generated content.
>>42701784>They are frequently confused with the "Witches" of Sabbath, but unlike them, who were made witches by "Baphomets", the leaders of Sabbath, these "dark mages" are human women who possessed strong desire like a monster and unconsciously absorbed surrounding mamono mana into their own bodies when they sought the power to sate that desire, awakening as witches.They unconsciously rejected their humanity and became Majin through absorbing mamanobanana around them by being both adept at magic and extraordinarily horny.
>>42701966But it's still something. Take some guy whose favorite mg has barely art, like 50 drawings or less, and tell him he shouldn't accept AI art because it's soulless and low effort. Something is better than nothing. Not everyone here likes succs or foxes or some other mg with literally tons of art. I doubt there's a single succ fan going out of there way to look at AI art. It's the dudes who like mg's that no one cares about.
>>42701987Need me the Holy Cow as my bride to be.
>>42702026Praise Sister Lac! Praise the Holy Cow!
>>42701383>Email comes in about "computer froze up">Winternubis treks to the Ice Queen's palace>The Ice Queen is staring at her laptop encased in ice with a blank expression
>>42702005Like I said softcore yandere human women and probably the only human women you should really go for if there isn’t many monster girls around your area.
>>42702026>cow nun has a forbidden romance with paladin anon>or atleast she thinks its secret>everyone in the church hears her begging anon to breed her whenever she is "blessing" anon in private>no one has the heart to tell them because they look so proud at keeping their secret
>>42701996For the terminally autistic people who commission 500 pics a day of their waifu being inflated/flattened/vored/etc, commissioning pics is just a ritualistic behavior, like lining up toys or stacking cans. They aren't gonna be deterred by the rise of AI art.
>>42702013Take the painful path of slow practice. art just isn't any good but sure. Make as many AI pictures you want. But why do you expect anyone to care how many times you hit that generate button?Of course, I don't really understand people who commission art of their waifus either. Paying someone else to draw your waifu drains away most of the soul of it.
There are hags in my videogame servers...
>>42702122You could be playing with a hag in the next multiplayer game you play and you would have no idea.
>>42701718Why is the drunk hag dressed as alma and the boy dressed as luka? This is intriguing
>>42702122breed hags while streaming
>>42702122>The jerk-off tissues
>>42701912It's not frowned on by me, really. I'm not super keen on it because of the errors, but most of the hatred is autism. For an example of autism, see here:>>42701928
>>42702122Stop playing boomer shooters, anon.
>>42702122why does she have legos tied around her neck?
>>42702146CS source is NOT boomer
>>42702143The thread isn't exactly oc central.
>>42702149>When you go to a Holstaur-run Milk Bar and ask for a milkshake with onions milk.
>>42702146I have no idea what kids call a "boomer shooter"
>>42701912You know I once had patience with you folks, at least enough to stop and try to have a conversation. Unfortunately much like others here, I've been driven insane by the sheer insufferableness your people drivel on every single space you try to shoehorn your ai generated shit. So I'm just going to calmly tell you to go kill yourself.
>>42701912Try to shove mcdonalds hamburgers to a restaurant as handmade delicacies, see how well you get received there.
Boomer monsters giving rape correction to Zoomer human boys.
>>42701912i've no interest of bland approximations of art
>>42702122pretty much the easiest way to both sus out the old monsters and to be able to leave the game lobby without being noticed is ust by picking a decade starting from the 80s and saying that was the best decade of music.
>>42702175>food analogy
>>42702177then what do boomer guys get?
>>42702157Yeh, most of the creators have left.>>42702166autism.
Another poor anon gets FOXED.
>>42702185It's their responsibility to handle zoomer monsters.
>>42702177>You will never keep your beer cold between you Undead wife's breasts.
>>42702185Either zoomer monsters or very ancient monsters that don’t even have a name for their generation.
>>42702177I'd wouldn't mind boomer monsters, I'd think I might pester them for stories and what would count as boomer for monsters since 200 is like 20 years old for them
>>42702211Actual old lady hag fox. Look at that ancient dress
>>42702211She looks like she goes after young human boys.
>>42701912Half this shit's charm is the fact the artist gave a shit learning the skill to create it, it's like trying to show a perfect chess performance #392749324 as something people should give you praise on (even then it's not a good comparison since generated pics still can't hold much against real artists) (also don't derail with this, it's just a comparison). Point is, it gets boring and repetitive after a while brub. Did you expect people to praise you for hitting a button as much as they do to others that take the time to learn or something?
>>42702214Rude and untrue.
>>42702187If they're not in this thread they're on a myriad of other places.
>>42702232obvious shapeshifting. I know a hag when I see one.
>>42701912>>42702223>Did you expect people to praise you for hitting a button as much as they do to others that take the time to learn or something?I'd sum it up with this
>>42701192did you think of anything you could do yet?
>>42702235Most of those places are bad places.
>>42702256Kind of the nature of the internet. If you bind yourself to one place you're going to be disappointed because there are content creators that aren't on here but elsewhere.
POV of a white man.
>>42702214The nine tails speak to it.
>>42702166I don't even make AI art you retard, or even champion it. Goddamn. Learn how to fuckinf read instead of spouting off inane rants because someone used one of your trigger words.
>>42702264There are a few on twitter I guess but I wouldn't really call that being active in a community.
>>42702265i feel imperiled
>>42702253elf boss is really scary
>>42702273could be an early bloomer. i'm told a lot of foxes are like that
>>42702270American humor sucks
>>42702265Cheshires shouldn't be allowed to have the powers of a Phantom, this is incredibly dangerous.
>>42702278>I don't even make AI art you retard, or even champion it>B-buh I'm not with AI I'm just asking repeatedly in several threadsI don't give a shit, you're bringing the topic needlessly in favor to it and it serves as derailment. Fuck off and post about monstergirls
>>42702256They're not, which is why they attract people with talent.
>>42702270Give her pale skin and him dark skin and this place would have a meltdown.
>>42702327If you don't take your autism pills I'm gonna start posting ai just to irritate you.
AIposters, blackedspammers, namefagsLet's go for the bingo, how bad can these threads still get
>>42702327>you're bringing the topic needlessly in favor to it Nope. Was asking because I was just curious, because I've been here enough to see people shit on AI art but not often enough to see an explanation of why people shit on it. Thank you for being schizophrenic and wildly blaming me for every time you've had an unpleasant experience talking with someone about AI art though.
>>42702339surely that was their goal the entire time. otherwise they'd presumably post good pictures.
>>42702235>If they're not in this thread they're on a myriad of other places.Have a look at this shithole, I would've left a long time ago too lmao
I can't decide if I love succubi or foxes more.
>>42702367Them maybe you should go back
>>42702122Is it my imagination, or has Arknights surpassed Azur Lane as the most posted gachashit on /mgt/?
>>42702367It's not perfect but it's at least more active than /monster/ and at least tries to proactively police itself. About the only reason I find to go to the other site is to keep tabs on writefags I enjoy the works of like Spidernon and Bromont.
Anons would you sleep with a monsterized tank? A la the cursed sword? And will come with a harem
>>42702380one poison for another
>>42702375Different anon here. This is the only place I come to discuss monster girls. That said, I only visit like once a week. In your eyes, what redeeming qualities does this thread have? Just asking because I want to hear your perspective, since you seem adamant that this place has qualities worth preserving and protecting.
>>42702398to me it has to do with other places being far, far worse.
>>42702398Because your other choices are basically futa and assorted icky stuff or the guys going around raiding because KC told them too.
>>42702407>>42702440Fair enough. I don't really interact with other mg fans much, so it's pretty disheartening to hear that this is mostly what the fandom has to offer.
>>42702440>because KC told them tooAt least have the courtesy to not lie about shit like this.
>>42702478He's complicit if nothing else. He knows what you do
>>42702499i'm certainly not shedding any tears over it.
>>42702499No shit, because KC is able to use a machine to translate English to Japanese. Whether or not he knows what *I* specifically do, I don't know or particularly care because I don't interact with the man in any capacity nor have any reason to dredge up shit on his behalf.Despite assertions, I'm literally just here to talk about monster girls and weather the winds of shit that people keep kicking up.
I'm choosing the most buff Jinko bodyguard not because I believe she can protect me better than anyone else, but because I find her the most breedable.
Dragon daughters.
>>42702517Shut up cuckold
>>42702366Who's fangs feel better? Who's hands feel better?
>> nn???? uid???????? laff ya b1g meme
>>42702565I want to be babysat by possessive hag kitsunes that dote on me and tease me every chance they get of promises of marriage with them in the future.
>>42702565Why watch wrestling when you can wrestle monsters at home?
>>42702565Wrestling is fake!
>>42702642The beef is fake but the creampies are real
>>42702575I actually hate NTR but maybe you should try out for the Imperial Stormtrooper Academy with that aim of yours. I'm sure the cute Cupid instructor would take a liking to you.
>>42702654MFW is criticized for it's fake wrestling, but assures it's fans that the sex is not simulated.
>>42701912I'd pin it down to mass samefagging, personally. Do what you want.
>>42702673God it would be so hot if you’re monster wife pretended to be a magical heroine in the wrestling ring while you’re a dark mage super villain, which the fight would end with you cumming inside your heroine wife while she holds you in the Amazon position as a sign of submission and defeat.
i had a dumb idea of a not so bright wurm wanting to be a knight trying to pull out the sword of legend but she cant but she pulls out the rock that the sword is stuck in and uses it like a massive bonking hammer much to the poor swords chargin
>>42702727So Big Jack Horner but a monster girl?
>>42702673>tfw the amazon womankind will never be thrown 16 feet off hell in a cell onto your pelvis by the wight undertaker
Read the fic, anon, it'll distract from the fact that there is very little new lilim stories at the moment
>>42702738not really, more like a bumbling fool knight that makes up her lack of smarts and skill with might and conviction which is further strengthed by her simple-mindednessMaybe not the monster hero that was expected but the hero to make them proud
>>42702767Make me, nerd.
>>42702767Viccy's ficcy is probably the My Immortal of the MGE world and a source of constant haranguing by her sisters.
>>42702767Is that her self insert romance story involving her imaginary husbando?
>>42702832Why are they laughing at the poor bird doggy she looks like she’s about to give up on life.
>>42702832Why is she so disappointed?
>>42702848Mastah keeps bringing home strays
>>42702832>hellhound is just straight up completely nude
>>42702288Cat of god
>>42702767Thanks for reminding me, I shouldn't be lazy with writing.
>>42702848Her worthless Master put a bun in her oven and has locked himself in his quarters for a fortnight instead of taking responsibility
>>42698814>Dark Mages coming back to school after monsterizing
>>42702270ew no thanks. I don't like brown skin.
>>42702832>stupid fucking mutts wouldnt know cleanliness if it hit them in the face>that autistic bitch's room is most likely dirty because she's a neet, and the spicy retard probably just throws everything on the floor
>>42702832! !
>>42702832Meaty hound
>>42703155tiny rape machines
>>42703180that they are
>>42703180I need them huge.
>>42703204you need to grow them thenthey require lots of water and love
>>42703204You asked for it buddy
>>42703234I will now consider marriage.
>>42703239>considerShe doesn't know what that means
>>42703260She knows what consider is She considers how she will rape you
>>42702767>It's about her blatant self-insert seducing and having sex with you, poor grammar and typos everywhere
>>42702714For me, it'd be the reverse. She'd be the big bad femme fatale villainess and I'd be the hero. Would still end in amazon press though.
The mere scent of a lilim would make me obey her. They simply too op!
how would a wurm pull something from the ground as well as brace themselves against the floor to do so?
>>42703325>huge sex scene>from the way it seems to stop and start again, sometimes repeating what was said in the previous paragraph, you can tell that she took several "breaks" while writing it>complete lack of male anatomical knowledge, opening paragraph describes the deuteragonist "Noan" as having "testicles painfully swollen with lust and bloated with semen">the work is still heralded as a masterwork of fiction on the writing site she posted it to
>>OPthis dog needs my dick in her, i don't care if her vaginally-transferred enzymes causes my dick to swell up and knot her, she needs correction.
What if I wanted to snuggle a dorklim really tightly?To just overload one with affection?
Hug a raijuthe muscle spasms should subsideeventually...
>>42703505Sounds cozy.
>>42703546I will not hug the trickster!
>>42703573Hug the weasel on your own terms before she decides to hug you at full charge
>>42703546Fuck that sounds hot. Just the thought of involuntary muscle movements is hot. I mean, that's what an orgasm is.
>>42703603I don't hug dorks
Anon this dungeon door has been closed for millennia, do not open it!
Raiju wouldn't have shocked you if you just sloppily creampied inside her for 3 hours straight
>>42703651don't tell me what to do!>anon was raped after unleashing the ancient evil
>>42703632But does the dork hug you?
>>42703377Double dubs speaks truth! All the lilim would have to do is smother you with her tits, and get you to inhale her scent like she's a common h'orc, then you'll be hooked!
>>42703692no hugs for dorks
>>42703668why does the weasel lie so much?
>>42703764Foxes are dirty lying tricksters and they practically have anons tripping over themselves to huff the fluffRaijus have decided to try deception to obtain husbands as well
>>42703764weasel only has to lie once, just to get anon into taser range.
>>42703844But what if Anon is carrying the lightning rod item that makes him immune to lightning damage?
>>42703885weasels have max agility, they can pickpocket equipped items
I hate weasels only masochists want them.
>>42703934>Shock me harder mommy!~
>>42703934they're so wiggly though
>>42703924thats you have a dimaind crushing grip for, that and to make your zapweasel gf a ring of pure diamond made from your hands crushing coals
>>42703934sounds like someone wants some zapping
>Lightning Weasel that shocks you for the stun and makes you cumHot>Wind Weasels that gang up on you, holding you down and making you cumHotAny other fiercely erotic weasels I need to know about?
what monstergirl is the best for a dom in a petplay/foot worship story? I was going to go with manticore
>>42703924>Raiju offers the lightning rod back to anon>Full power spark the moment anon touches the rodNever trust a weasel.
>>42703973Judging by your choice I assume you mean in a femdom scenario. Dragons, Demons, Lilims, Amazons, Gazers, Vampires, Pharaohs. Just post it on /d/ or something instead of here.
>>42703973Dark elf
>>42703975>weasel pickpockets every metallic thing you are wearing, including your armor somehow.>offers it all back in exchange for a hug>but she has also not let go of any built up electricity for a few years>the resulting burst could be seen for hundreds of miles around and made the middle of the day seem brighter for a moment
So what would happen if a Eros monster girl and a man who embodies true absolute love got together would they be the greatest power couple of all time.
>>42700804>groomingThe tongue kind or the "turn into my perfect husband" kind
>>42703971Unfortunately zap weasel and knife weasels are the only weasels that we know of.So pick your poison, stabbed or shocked?
>>42704087I'll take the fox.
>>42697279Something to clarify I'm not talking about a new monster girl species in a pre-existing monster-girl franchise, just an individual that has monster girl traits.
>>42704094So things like dark elves and dark mages that they have the mind of monster girls but aren’t monster girls.
>>42703973go with automaton or undead. you can remove her foot and carry it with you in your man purse off to /d/
Tiers of canonTier 0 - and common sense.Tier 1 - The books.Tier 2 - Stuff KC said outside books using a in-universe frameworkTier 3 - Other stuff KC said unpromptedTier 9 - Stuff KC said due do someone's question or comment.
>>42704116You mean tier 4 what happened to tiers 5,6,7 and 8 lmao.
That's it anon I'm taking you to hagville!
>>42703971can't go wrong with a mustelid
>>42703764because men are stupid enough to get raped by a rockso it makes sense for a raiju to trick her man
>>42704131>sampleHere have the full size
>>42704125It's to reflect how cheap it is. KC will say okay for anything as long it doesn't goes against the hard rules of the setting so it isn't worth much.
>>42704136oh no?!
>>42703764Every monster from zipangu is either an aggressive rapist like ushi-oni and the rest of the onis or a trickster rapist like foxes.
>>42704155weird grudge to hold but ok
>>42704161That’s why you go for the white snek instead, Hebi Supremacy!
>>42704178here here for hebi!
>>42704185why hebi got boner?
>>42704136Why does this sound like a disappointment momster after her son has been getting into way too much trouble and now needs hags to give him correction.
>>42704113femdom or footstuff is not strictly d content, retardboy.
>>42704197meant disappointed fucking autocorrect.
>>42704198That's fair, but posting foot fetish shit here will likely inflame someone's mental illness for no reason.
>>42704194she saw anon and wants his boner
>>42704197You get dropped in in hagville like an offering to a vicious mountain spirit.Tied up for hags to fight over.
>>42704193this cat needs some emergency breeding
>>42704168I will never get over the absolutely retard lizardman, salamander, hinezumi, etc discussions.
>>42704224Good thing for >>42698942 then
>>42704212>sit tied up while the hags bicker>get snatched by the sewer hags >hags keep fighting while you get sewer hag'd
>>42704252>now the sewer hags are fighting>have to sneak around hagville without being spotted while still tied up
>>42704235glad to see smug cat being put in her place
>>42704136nice, straight to the endgame
>>42704231Reminder you can woo a lizardman monster girl not just with beating her in a physical fight but you can win her over with mental fights too, why do you think most of them join the debate club for a reason.
>>42704289i want to see a salamander at a cooking competition
>>42704282You sure you wanna get oneshot by hags?
>>42704270>anon has to escape hagville while tied up>each zone he passes increases the hags that chase him >somehow ends up in the dire hag district >now has to run from the haggiest of hags in order to save his virginity
>>42704103No, they must have the appearance of a monster girl, but they aren't like a species, like, for example, KC's Anubis which is essentially a subspecies of "wolf" (should have been jackal but whatever) girls, but a single individual goddess that has the traits of a monster girl (animal ears and/or tail, weirdly-colored skin etc). Simply put the "species" of monster girls here is always "god girl" and they come in all (humanoid) shapes and sizes. Give me name (from the already existing pool of names created by mythology and literature), her specific appearance, along with a bit of info about her personality.
>>42704306the funny thing is that its pretty easy to just pacify old monster
>>42704317>the dire hag districtThere is no hope left for anon
>>42704274Smug cat not so smug since being forced to scream her orgasm
>>42704306>A squad of hags forcefully become your haremThis is fine.
>>42704306good thing the church isn't a pvp zone
>>42704347I will tell them that I only believe in true romance and will only accept oneWill run away as they fight for it
>>42704350>The priestess got himFool! Do you have any idea what kind of ritual they are performing in the church basement?You thought that odd ledger containing so many names was a list of churchgoers?Those were baby names anon!
>>42704350Sir, this is the church of Ares.
>all this talk of being taken by a monster girl against your will Why not discuss monsters that wouldn't have to trick you became you'd actually want them
>>42704319I was thinking maybe the Egyptian god Ra where they would be a muscular dark skinned harpy with either navy or black feathers and hair, her main ability would include controlling light/solar energy which can either heal someone or put them into a daze don’t know the temperament yet though.
>>42704406I want succ
>>42704406i'm unfamiliar with that type of courtship
>>42704350just start praying, it will make the older monsters lose their lunacy status and can be reasoned with
>>42704406But I want a girl who will toss me around like a bag of potatoes and keep me so drained that I can't leave the bed
>>42704406do you realize how much bluffing I'd have to do against myself to actually walk up to a giant hellhound and give her a cheesy pickup line
>>42704440She's going to approach you though. all you need to do is say she's pretty or at very least not run away
>>42704440you dont have to do that, just go up to her and talk to her a bit then give her your number
>>42704440>walk up to a giant hellhound and give her a cheesy pickup lineshe would probably like it, give her the cheesiest
>>42704457>>42704458But why do that when she can grab you, drag you to her home and use you as a body pillow, no words needed.
>>42704440>"what's up, dog">"excuse me?">"i, uh...bye"
>>42704429You have alerted the holy cow you are now her husband.
>>42704465Because it would make her feel happy and desired
>>42704465or even better, just look her in the eye then take off her clothes and motion her to do the same and just start fucking right there
>>42704469Part 2.
>>42704469>>42704475she needs hips and thighs, also crows feet
>>42704464What are hellmallow pups like?
>>42704482Loud like cicadas in the summertime.
>>42704475Poor cow needs better support
>>42704482rambunctious little buggers
>>42704482burnt marshamallow
>>42704487Pumping into her probably will help, that hyper focus on that ass.
>>42704457>at the very least not run away>anon goes up to monster at the bar>spills spaghetti>monster thinks he's cute and patiently waits for him to actually ask for her number>anon ends up just booking it>rape it is
I'd like to see a holstaur meet a non-holstaur monster girl who has bigger tits and experience breast envy.
>>42704498>spills spaghettiI never got the spaghetti in pocket thing real men have burger or chicken nuggies in their pockets.
>>42704510tends to happen when they meet a wurm
>>42704498>anon goes up to monster at the bar >spills spaghetti >monster thinks he's cute, giggles to herself, and extends a hand while introducing herself to anon and break the ice >anon introduces himself as well and manages to say what he wanted to say >they leave the bar together hand in hand no rape or coercion required it's not fucking hard.
>>42704498You have to be confident when flirting with monsters. While dragons and griffons are known to hoard physical treasures, some have been known to grow attracted to more abstract rarities like confessions from shy Anons. Stammering and failing to deliver your lines before leaving may trigger their instinctual desire to "hoard" your declaration of love.
>>42704537>anon goes up to monster at the bar>spills spaghetti>monster thinks he's cute, giggles to herself, and extends a hand while introducing herself to anon and break the ice>anon realizes just how terrible he is at social situations and excuses himself with tears forming in his eyes>all hags in the immidiate area activateSome of us are simply doomed from the start
what type of horn pattern you'd think that would be common on wurms aside from the typical one
>>42704550you wouldn't be at a bar if you were that bad. fucking christ can't stand how 99% of this place bitch baby subs who want a mommy dommy monster to give milk from a bottle and chew their food. no wonder you've got dudes like wightfag who are into cringe cuckshit you're all beta as hell.
>>42704576>to give milk from a bottle and chew their food.Why must you insult the yanderehebi? They do it for your own good
>>42704564Ram-style horns seem appropriate.
>>42704406>make several posts threatening to kiss the next gremlin i see>doorbell rings>gremlin at the door asking if she can borrow a cup of motor oil with a smug grin>autism kicks in>close the doori really fucked this one up
>>42704406It's not quite against my will, but I'd like a monster girl to be ravenous to the point consent won't even cross her mind.
Fuck it rape the monster girls before they rape you, you pussywillows.
What should be done about that vigilante Anon going around the city and making honest women out of the monster gang leaders?
>>42704440I remember KC said something like the more helldoggo exerts herself, the more potent her chest fluff musk. Time to do some cardio.
>>42704673>something inside Anon snaps as a hellhound flirts with him>jumps onto her and starts tearing her clothes off while telling her how many puppies he's going to put into her>hellhound screaming in fear and confusion, instinct won't let her throw him off>other monsters can't figure out what to do, end up watching Anon mating press a woman twice his size on the dance floor
kadbedon-ing monsters obviously taller than you to assert dominance, it's so easy
>>42704673The best girls short-circuit your brain to the point you can't recall what happened between their proposition and being entirely enveloped in soft, warm flesh
>>42704709>slam your hand against the wall>your face is in her tits, but she's boxed in nonetheless
>>42704692>hellhound>screaming in fear and confusion over some free cockLeast believable part desu.
>>42704155KC doesn't want to reject people's MGE fantasies unless they're outright trash.This does lead to funny canon like the tentative "maybe" answer he gave to someone asking if the DL would let them watch her giving birth.
>>42704744Come to find out those were screams of happiness and joy, these monster girls man you can’t win against even if you “rape” them.
>>42704692This could actually happen especially if anon is in a very old demon realm and instantly becomes a incubus after smelling the scent of the hellhound and makes her his bride.
Hellhounds smell like wet dog and shit.
>>42704813I see someone doesn’t bath with their hellhound wife, bathtub sex is best sex with monster wife.
>>42704817Yes, but not in the way you're thinking
>>42704813>Anon taunts a hellhound>He legitimately dislikes hotdogs>She doesn't rape him and instead throws him at one of her friendsEnjoy being corrected by a balrog.
>>42704852I don't like her friends either.
>>42704860What monster girls do you like anon or are you the same anon that complains about most of the monster girls in MGE that showed up in the past threads, if so this thread probably isn’t for you.
>>42704891There's a lot of monster girls I like. I won't bring them up and answer though because I don't want to associate them with me and my negativity.
>>42704910oh, so youre the shitposter, fuck off
>>42704813I don't care if she smells like dog and shit, I'll still sniff her breath, stink and all
>>42704926No. That's not what I said. You can't read.
>>42704944Then stop talking like a schizoid and stay quiet if you don't have anything to say
>>42704406I mean Automatons literally cant and require your initative unless you are so dumb you give them some kind of upgrade that lets them by complete accident.
I want a genki ancient vampire GF. Is that too much to ask for?
>>42705073I do have things to say. You're just too retarded to understand any of them. Just do everyone a favor and stop replying to me. I'm tired of responding to your stupid ass. Besided, you think I'm a shitposter anyway, right? Then don't reply. Golden rule right there. Now fuck off.
>>42705106>I do have things to say>>42704813>>42704860>>42704910You came to a monster girl thread to tell everyone how you don't like monster girls. Fuck off and stop polluting the place with your drivel, you sound like another enslaved anon.
>No automaton that gets fired up by hot blooded mech shows
>>42705120I didn't make the hellhound post. Even if I did, not liking hellhounds =/= not liking monster girls. Last post you linked literally says I like a lot of monster girls. You are literally here inventing nonsensical and false realities to be mad. You are retarded. Kill yourself.
>>42702380Arknights has more monster-like collectible pngs, having tails and horns as opposed to animal ears or knife ears.
>>42705141see>>42704891then this is your response>>42704910>You are retarded. Kill yourself.your projecting too much
>>42705138>no automaton/gremlin team wanting to truly make a "drill to peirce the heavens"
>>42705138i wonder how they feel about robot fights
>>42705168Yes. That was my response. Let me know when you have a point to make.
>>42705185smug in that she's more real then they are
>>42705190Nta but this anon >>42704891 you did say “I don't want to associate them with me and my negativity” how would monster girls be giving negativity unless you’re writing about miseryfaggorty about them, they are made to give you joy and happiness.
>>42705190yeah im sorry youre retarded-addled brain couldnt understand the concept of a forum, which is to have a discussion, and if youre not willing to have one, that means youre a shitposter and you should kill yourself
>>42705204I meant I didn't want to associate those monster girls with the negativity in my posts. Say for instance there was an actual shitposter here, one with a trip or something so you'd actually know it was him posting instead just being schizophrenic. Now suppose this shitposter was a big fan of Anubis girls or Ushi-onis. His behavior would reflect poorly on them. I don't want my negativity to reflect poorly on the monster girls I like. >>42705224Just because I don't want to have the singular discussion you or someone else thrusts at me doesn't mean I'm unwilling to have othet relevant discussions. I'm sorry your mom dropped you on your head when you were young.
>Still no cait sith to cuddle with>Will never get smug cat experience as I hold a furry girl half my size.
>>42705238>you or someone else thrusts at meYou didnt make the hellhound post, right? You thrust yourself into a discussion about mgs you dont like, just to say you dont like them. Stop trying to play the victim you shitposting idiot
>>42705267you wanna bet hes going to bitch about gatekeeping next
Remember that monstergirls solve minor inconviencesCreeping coins could probably shape their money into common currency, leading to an infinte supply of vending machine changeYes I know card operated vending machines exist, just let me have this
>>42705288dont people know that creeping coin coin is fake
>>42705288I think what anon is getting at is that creeping coins can make the best couterfit coinSo YOU would know its fake, but the machine wont
>>42705309but people want creeping coin coin because of its properties, its like buying a candy bar with the mona lisa, bit of an overshoot
>>42705263Naw this is the real bait.
>>42705316WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR A KLONDIKE BAR?Honestly, he did say he was using a monster girl to solve a minor inconvieninceThere is no kill like overkill
>>42705325>>42705309>>42705316>Anon asks if she could replicate vending machine change>Creeping coin does it>She doesnt mention how he could just use exchage her normal demon gold and have legit currency>She just likes being helpful no matter the method
>>42705267Correct. I didn't make it. And that in no way disqualifies anything I said or proves anything you've said.I'm not playing the victim either. I have reasons for not wanting to answer that anon's question. Doesn't mean I'm a shitposter.
why are the mornings cold?
>>42705368Because the sun isn't up.
what if you stalked the monster girl?
>>42705429She might lay a trap so when you finally show up you can't escape. Or she would be flattered at all the devotion you're showing, and consider it a marriage proposal.
>>42701912AI art is yet another thing that's so far getting poor rep due to retarded presentation here. I remember those threads from a couple months ago with 'early birds' of AI art when the topic started booming worldwide, and there was that faggot that clearly attempted the 'sneak in' approach: made threads with AI OP, posted clearly underwhelming artificial crap that borders on off-topic without saying a word about it. It's just like what happened with WhF crossover or light militarism here. It's annoying as fuck and makes you combative against it even if the idea itself isn't immediately bad and has potential.For what it's worth, the anit-AI crowd is also somewhat faggy with its screeches to 'never ever' have anything AI posted here, and some of their points sounding exactly like those of buttblasted artists'. Like look, if you ARE an artist, or some art connoisseur with high standards that are apparently met with Pixiv doodles, and now getting AI art shoved into your face sucks, I generally feel for you, but this isn't your personal platform and you're not making rules for everyone here.My take: let it mature some more. With how fast progress on AI art has been for the past year, in a few more months it might legit start to git gud and using it would become no less viable than the typical semi-amateur stuff that's 90% of images here, especially since we've been forced to recycle said semi-amateur stuff over and over because there just isn't enough of it being made daily.
>>42705321Choc kot?
>>42705321A bait should hang from a rope. Fucking nigger in my fantasy.
>>42705429What if I paid a monster girl to stalk me?>Kunoichi looking very confused at her next assignment>One guy that wants her to stalk him but not assassinate him>He's not even planning on capturing her and doing all kinds of lewd things to her>N-not that she wants him to do that>Elder Kunoichi just shrugs and tells her that a contract is a contract
>>42704136New TV show where they drop single men in the middle of hagville and if they escape or make the night remaining single they win a million dollars**Hidden in the contract is the stipulation they must marry the demon producer should they end up winning..
>>42705817That's a big bitch.
>>42705321Lovecraft's Cat
>>42704411Nice so far.
>>'re hiring a ninja bodyguard?
>>42705840Well, height difference gives quite the charm...
>>42705919How much do I need to pay for a ninja bodyguard?
You know it's going to be a good day when you start it off by inhaling your monsterfu's breath
>>42705946Tall girls....
Why are you like this don’t you have a hobby or something.
>>42705429>Anon stalks local dragon>It takes her several weeks to notice>She's confused as to why he does it>Then gets scared that he wants her hoard>The fear subsides after a while and she's now curious about him>She eventually starts stalking him
>>42706162I don't know what you're trying to say, miss fox.
>>42706192I was talking about breathfag but didn’t want to give him any (Yous).
>>42706203So in other words, you're shitposting.If you genuinely want a response, reply to the person you're addressing.
>>42706203It's not even him I think, some other shitter pretends to be him to stir up more drama. Sometimes he uses the same pictures but with more recent timestamp filenames. Ritualposting faggots usually have one folder with pictures they repost over and over
>>42706223Yeah I was thinking about that too that the end goal is probably trying to make breathfag banned or something still annoying though.
Come to the desert kingdoms.
>>42704744She’s part a Ms. Phantom’s theatre club. She’s going places with that talent
>>42706231But I hate sand
>>42705288That’s a revolted 2hu
>>42706231Need me a harem of just ebony monster girls.
>>42706231Is there even one good end in the desert kingdom?>Get caught by a sandworm before you even reach the pyramids>If not a sandworm, then a girtablilu stabs and rape you >If you do make it to the pyramids you'll have to deal with a stupid riddle cat (almost as bad as cheshire)>Getting past the cat nets you an army of mummies to deal with>If you steal have HP/MP left after that battle you now have the anubis bossDon't even get me started with the pharaoh and grape snake.
>>42706265Desert kingdom is unbalanced and the loot is subpar. Has some cool sidequests at least, but there are a lot if enemies that can oneshot you if you explore the less developed areas of the map.
>>42706265But those are all good ends.
>>42706265>>42706272It's the whole point of MGE, You can't and You won't win. It's femdom fantaisie, if You aren't happy with it go back to /tg/
>>42706272The Khepri sidequest where you become royalty and try to negotiate with the local rulers is best.Too bad you have to get a bug harem to start the quest.
>>42706265You've hit the lottery if you witness apophis and pharaoh doing battle out in the desert. Always side with apophis if you want them both
>>42706265For me? It's the worker's paradise of the Khepri Kollektive.
>>42706265Just do the genie sidequest and wish for power. You'll fly right through the whole zone.
>>42706265Only good thing in this shit hole are apophis and riddle cat. You can become an emperor and have some agency if you get a purple snake. The permanent night is also a good point.
>>42706231Do you think there can be more Desert Land MGs? Or KC has reached the end for them?
>>42706318We need a Nile Crocodile at least. Maybe a bird of some kind. A camel?
worship pharaoh
>>42706257So, just a bunch of dryads, then?Because ebony is a kind of wood!
>>42706265Going through all that means the boss at the end is either an ancient, sleeping Pharaoh or the Khepri swarm.In which case, make sure your agility and magical resistance are as high as they can reasonably get or there's a decent chance the Pharaoh will curse you, hypnotize you, then bind you to her with mummy bandages so she can seal the two of you away for a week of rechargingKhepri swarm is easier to handle, but losing to one leads to a special route where you are promoted to a class normally exclusive to end game enemies
>>42706329>Just a human girl with le femdom voiceI sleep.
>>42706327There is this thing called the mahamba so think of a crocodile girl around 10 feet tall and is a strong fat woman.
>>42706357Probably should’ve link the wiki about it instead of posting a picture of the monster but got rid of it now.
>>42706329You should worship snakes you shol'va! I want to see art of white haired pharaohs
>>42706318There's still lots of possibilities with all the gods they have>crocodile girl sobek>gyaru cow hathor/hesat>some kind of rape happy chimera for set>horus harpy that picks fights with set>sekhmet lion goddess >nerd bird 2.0 thothThe list goes on
>>42706393>gyaru cow hathor/hesatThis and wonderland cow are two species KC won't do because they'd mog every other girl in MGE.
>>42706393Hope so. Need more tanned/brown girls.
>>42706393>crocodile girl sobekWe do need this but how would they be much different from the salamander and the lizardman would they use music to woo a man just like how real crocodiles work in the real world.
>>42706318I'm hoping we get the Sumerian desert kingdoms at some point.
>>42706447Ishtar has dirty panties!
>>42706419He holds back in fear. If a man were to collect all five cows of power, he'd unlock the portal to the secret cow level where he will be married to the queen of cows. KC wants the milk for himself, so he hides the pieces so that only he has the key.
>>42706465So KC is like a lewd version of Thanos for cow girls?
>>42704594ram? i could that working
>>42706329I serve the Pharaoh in all things, anon
>>42706329It's unfair how an ancient civilization nailed the best aesthetic and no one matched them since.A dusty old undead who spent the last few millennia asleep shouldn't have a better fashion sense than a fresh young monster.
When is the Malef profile being made "public" rather then being stuck on Patreon?
>>42706599It's not hard to have better fashion sense than chuuni vampires and out of touch dragons
>>42706318Need radical islam-like desert mamono. Men are property, "suicide" dark matter bombing and all that.
>>42706444I imagine sobek would be a lizard girl, maybe thicker than usual. She'd have a passive magic to her that causes an oasis to form when she sticks to one area for long enough. This basically becomes her nest and people and monsters start gathering around her to get access to the water. She's usually very aggressive to trespassers, but the inhabitants give her offerings to appease her so they can keep drinking her water. Eventually a single man comes by and tries to give her an offering like the locals. She'll jump him like the ambush predator she is and take him back to become a permanent resident of her nest. She lives out her life with her husband living like a neet in her oasis off the offerings of those who drink her water. If an apophis bites her, nothing much really changes other than her water is now an aphrodisiac. She still just spends her days with hubby in her nest. On a side note: I imagine her finding a husband is she jumps out of the water an full body tackles him. She hugs him her arms and legs wrapped around him and she rolls all over the ground while giggling happy to have found a mate. Like a death roll, but cute and cuddley.
>>42706628Kek, so Desert Radical Mamono who resemble Islamic religion. That would be funny.
>>42706599Young monsters will simply follow the tried and true ancient slutwear fashion.
>>42706628No, kys mudslim
>>42706628No one want sandniggers in our fantasy. Go back to /pol/
>>427066161 - 2 months after KC posted it on Patreon.
>Apophis goes on a power trip and bites everyone>Anubis goes from playing RTS games to lewd RPGmarker eroges>Pharaoh becomes a mere bellydancer>Sandworm doesn't seem to change at all
so nunday is today so post ya nuns
>>42706806Houri is a good girl though. Mythology can stay, culture can fuck off.
>>42706315My wish is to knock her up repeatedly and her make the milfiest milf.
>>42706975jesus christ, can this get even more pixelatied for fuck sake
>>42706996that aint anun thats a cosplayer, this be a nun
>>42706974I don't trust monster nuns. They do not truly believe in the Lord, they only use faith as a tool to get closer to honest religious men who would otherwise never fuck a monster.
>>42707003Are you sure? They follow the holy words, just rather take be fruitful and multiply as the most important of all holy decrees.
>>42707003No, it's okay. I asked an Order paladin what monsters could be trusted. He told me "nun."
>>42707000Are you calling angels cosplayers?
>>42707037Nuns know best ya know>>42707074why is her habit a leotard as if she was pretending to be a holy nun
>>42704152My hero
>>42707083It's what God told her to wear.
>>42707115then god is telling she needs to get laid already
My snake could beat up your snake!
We released a teaser for our new harpy game, "Garden of Roses." the shifting tone of these threads, the demo release post will probably be the last time I post an update, here.Thanks to those of you who've showed an interest. You know where to find the rest of our content.Thanks again, for everything.
>>42704594Could also triceratops horns work?
>Turning your monsterfu into a God fearing Catholic who has Genesis 1:28 "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth" in a frame above your bed
>>42707266>shifting tone of these threadsShitposters don't represent anyone or anything
>>42707266>Given the shifting tone of these threadsJust curious, what exactly puts (You) off? Setting aside the personal grudge some anons have towards you.I haven't noticed any significant change in general tone for the past 2 years, except for increased shitposting coming from newfags unwilling to conform to local culture.
>>42707266>Given the shifting tone of these threads,Why will you leave?
>>42707266That's unfortunate. Why are you leaving?Still good luck and I will follow you on the other sites.
just got back from a ban, this is the dog pic one anon requested 3 days ago>>42707266hey come on bro, there were always bad actors, but we're still the same monster lovers we were for all these years
>>42707294anon, we aint on reddit, so stop doing that
>>42707326Well that anon is developing video games unlike KC. Anyway, seeing as he is making his own setting and games. It's likely best not to be involved in drama so best to avoid it as much as possible.That's why I think they are leaving.
>>42707266>Thanks again, for everything.We didn't deserve this anon.
which monster is the most Italian of them all? and why?
>>42707360>Anyway, seeing as he is making his own setting and games. It's likely best not to be involved in drama so best to avoid it as much as possible.You understand how this is really, really bad right?
and here's another dog picture someone else requested>>42707388a lot of Anons will say wolfgirls, but I think Manticores are pretty italian - in their creation myth they came from Rhodos, Persia, Greek islands and Sicilly - they are Lions (symbol of rome), but have characteristics of scoprions (symbol of preatorians)also back in the day Lions lived in Appennine Pensinsula
>>42707266>Given the shifting tone of these threadsYou mean outsider faggots coming here to shit this place up?
>>42707390I'm not encouraging him. I'm just stating what I think is that anons reason. I could be totally wrong of course.
>>42707266>Given the shifting tone of these threadsplease elaborate
>>42707452i need that grape milk!
>>42707266Good riddance.
>>42707457are you implying you'd milk the queen like a mere cow?you're a model citizen for being so lewd, desert kingdom needs more lecherous men like you!
>>42707483nah, i live in the summer isles, still has way more water and more colors then sand
>>42707033Monsters read the holy scriptures and just think it's God's approved fetishes>Lifelong romance in monogamous marriage>Vanilla sex for the purpose of procreation>Cumming outside is sin>Be fruitful and multiply
summervile isles anubi and other desert biome monster are better than ones that live in the desert, plumper, meateir, more colorful and even more welcoming
>>42707494what are the dominant species of the summer isles? I hope it's not some /tg/ bullshit
>>42707533not at all, mostly repitles, birds, and colorful fish based monsters, lots of nudists as well on the beach
>>42707549are monster girls there taking nudity as consent? or are they well behaved?
>>42707526I dunno anon, it doesn't get much meatier than sandworms and those only live in the desert.
>>42707558Nudism is always considered consent.Its part of why being robbed of your clothes in monster territory is so dangerous.
Ya'll aren't posting enough nuns on this nunday
>>42707574that's why I bodypainted a set of casual clothes on me before going out to quest thereI don't know if bodypaiting a shirt with design that says "monster pussy addict" was a smart idea though
>>42707558very chill and relaxed, they aint gonna jump your bones but be mindful of many monsters laying down around you preventing you from leaving then getting a massive boner, now thats true consent>>42707567the tongue of a sandworm is what you fuck and shes the only one like that since shes almost never out of the sand
>>42706343>the Pharaoh will curse you, hypnotize you, then bind you to her with mummy bandages so she can seal the two of you away for a week of rechargingI want this. I mean she is going to need the energy when rebuilding her kingdom.
>>42707591>Confused goblins mumbling about how "Boss, we can't get his clothes off!"
>>42707620very soon these shortstack temptresses will have a new "boss", and it will be him (me) pulling their clothes off
>>42707591>Get skinned aliveNice
>>42707737sometimes, the monsters pull on it so hard, they rip the skin
Feeding people en masse to sandworms is not a solution to the housing crisis!
>>42707753can sandworm mom help her daughter by eating up a nice eligible bachelor she finds out on the desert, and then spitting him out next to her daughter, so that she can eat him instead?or are the depths of her mouth cavity only for the family?
>>42707737xipe totec pls go
>>42707750It's even encouraged because the pain will immobilize the men while they rape him.
>>42706158Short too.
/tg/ needs to fuck off.
>>42707777nice quads, I bet all nerd monsters would be all over you>>42707785I bet she can bounce around on these like a ball
>>42707793its not funny at all.
>>42707785Monsters who only reach up to your navel are at the perfect headpatting height.They're too short for much of anything else though.
>>42706158are the best
I want to help the golden demi-goddess return to her home, bathed in rays of gold!
>>42707819Hmm... Damn bratty girl...!!! Seducing an adult, rape correction is needed...!!I am going to invite her inside so I can pound her hard!
>>42707832>They're too short for much of anything else though.Perfect size for sex
im going to wake up on the beach of the summervile isles without nothing but a damn loincloth
>>42707608>mummies can permanently remove a party member as a surprise attackthe desert is too strong
>>42707898Too much gold and too little skin shown
>>42707905that's pretty standard fare for most biomes
I want an Unbiased History of the Desert Region
There's something about anubi that makes me want to lick them.
>>42707810We're just talking about mamonos.
>>42707924its the choco skin
>>42707924Golden brown monster skin activates man's saliva glands.
>>42707926look at the post i was referring to
>>42707942Yes and?
>>42707951talks about skinning? are you being obtuse on purpose?
>>42707960Nothing off topic. It was about men getting rape, isn't It?
>>42707960you ask a question you already know the answer to
so this nun is following me home, im scared
>>42707995Monsters would never hurt men you dumb shit.
hot single nuns are in your area and getting closer for some sin draining
>>42707898I do so every day. And I offer her all the gold I can find!>>42707924True
>>42708037They do by mistake or because they want to fuck first and foremost. They will heal you or revive you after anyway.
How come so many momsters never teach their daughters what to do when guys ask them out?
>>42707832... something in this will change you're mind...
>>42708053>They do by mistakeDE makes sure they dont. Read the setting, it'll help you shitpost better
>>42708053mama mana actually prevents that, same reason you dont get fucking turned into boiling human when you fuck a lava golem
>>42700057No this one is Hod (majesty, splendour, glory)
>>42708199What’s that woman doing to the that pillar man?
>>42708199This but with an alraune instead.
>>42707785>get attacked by giant dragon>surrender because you didn't sign up to fight fucking Godzilla>dragon transforms back into a girl>dragon girl is half your size
>>42708111Yes, mama's mana is so strong and makes me feel so safe in her arms.
How do I defeat smug riddle cats?
>>42708279i like that barometz have long range bombardment with their airborne fluffcatch a face full of that and you're ready to bounce
>>42708199I would not sniff wonderworm breath.
>>42707390How is avoiding shit drama really bad? Especially if you are making commercial product based on it and main shizo is the author himsel
sister wurm is still worried about you anon, you have barely drunk the holy milk and the bread
A lovely bouquet from the garden just for you, will you accept?
>>42708424I keep telling her I'm lactose intolerant.
>>42707266and another creator leaves foreverthis is why autists should be euthanized
>>42708355>egyptian kotOh no my weakness
>>42708424I thought it was holy wine, not milk. Where is my sister satyros?
>>42708355You give them a riddle and dick them down while they try to ponder
>>42708443thats why she brought it to cure you of that aliment
>>42708456Anon, let me ask you a question, was the wine you drank at this church really wine?
>>42708451Why do you think it is. We got three things going, maybe four.>KC legal stuff>thread raiding>being considered an mge only thread.>shitposts like the breath guyI doubt the last one would be enough to drive anyone off. He's the only consistent one anyway.
>>42708355Rape her.
>>42708493>>being considered an mge only thread.I'd say that's pretty consistent.
>>42708493In defense of the breath guy, every once in a while he steps it up with some (admittedly niche) OC. Props to him for that. It's not really my thing, but it's wholesome and inoffensive.I don't need these weirdos who talk about mamono tearing dick skins and such. Those mofos can head on back to /d/.And on a lighter note, here is a cute bunny.
>>42708493>shitposts like the breath guyDefinitely not this one. It's probably the 1st, 2nd and 3rd reason.
>>42708558Nah, he doesn’t really honestly, it’s more so people can interact with him but that’s about it. It’s almost on the same level as the dude who always says that one shit about jabberwocks when that’s posted
>>42708488Does wurm milk really taste THAT funny?
>>42708558>every once in a while he steps it up with some (admittedly niche) OCYou mean at best like a normal post that any Anon could make, but with a name attached to remind you he's the creator of le ebin forced meme.>>42708570I'd narrow it down to 2nd or 3rd because 1st doesn't apply to his newer content to my knowledge.
>>42708602It’s due to the fact that they drink all the wine beforehand since they don’t want you to get addicted to alcohol
>>42708616>Church has roaming drunk wurm sisters>They all produce alcoholic milkThis is why monsters don't belong in holy sanctuaries.
>>42708641They handle their liquor pretty well honestly, and when actually shitfaced, they just tend end up acting really motherly and spoil any man nearby
>>42708646with all that bodyweight lamia and wurm can really slam some liquor back
>>42708646Imagine going to church because you want to confess, and instead getting handfed bakeries by a drunk wurm who disrespects your personal place.She might even let her motherly instincts take control, and try to breastfeed you.
>>42708690Seems nice and good way to relax
>>42708558Fuck no, his "OC" is nothing more than standard anon shitpost at the price of enabling further identityfagging. Other monster girl thread on another board had one ritualposter at first, and over time it turned the whole thread into a quasi-discord with numerous thread personalities and regular circlejerking.At one point one of them had ritualpost longer than the fucking thread OP with resources and infos, don't advocate for this idiocy here.
>>42708558if you do not understand the consequences of avatar fagging and name fagging bbs imageboards are not for you
>>42708558>In defense of the breath guyHe's pure aids, nothing to defend. Eat shit fag
>>42708699Sunday service with sister wurm probably is comfy too.Though hearing about the same verses and stories about the importance of breeding would get boring after a while.
>dark valkyrie looks at you like this after fighting her way through scores of soldiers
>>42708809Uhh, i think she fucking plastered
>>42708809Reminds me of that scene in Highlander>Why won't anyone fight me?>I'll fight you, Highlander>Mother of God!
>>42708611You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. If you had an oc setting the last thing you want is to get labelled as using mge derivative designs and DMCA trolled.
>>42708558>In defense of the breath guyHow fucking dare you defend that fag and post my wife
>>42708809Some monsters get horny when fighting, by the time the battle is over they're quite pent up.This is why hiring a monster bodyguard is risky business.
What if I pay a Kunoichi to "assassinate" herself and bring herself to me?
>>42708809always wanted to ask profile dark valk what all those chains were for
>>42708809>>42708824>Dark Valkyrie wife shows up late to a PTA meeting, having spent the day at her sister's birthday celebration>She immediately shouts "No army can keep me from my prince!">Except it's heavily slurred and nearly indecipherable because of how fucking hammered she is>Before anyone can react, she starts knocking over the other parents as she bowls through the room like a rampaging bull>She reaches you, scoops you up in her arms and declares "Now let's take you away from this accursed place, my prince!">At least, you think that's what she said, it came out sounding more like a car that won't start>She tries to fly away but forgets to flap her wings and you both crash to the ground>You pick yourself up, then help her up, before apologizing profusely and excusing yourself>The next morning, your formerly blue wife is now looking more like a boiled lobster out of shame
Monster Fact #72: The more impractical the clothing, the more powerful they are.
>>42708890>dark valkyrie/dark knight gets horny whenever she protects you or fights in front of you>it happens quite often>it got to the point where you are starting to think she is paying people to pretend to attack you
>>42708890Go with a demon. If your contract is air tight, she’ll keep her hands off you. The tricky part is getting her to agree to such a contract in the first place. Some demons will go for it anyway, because she’s certain you’ll fall for her.
I want to rescue monsters from bitchy princesses, I can’t image the pain of having to listen to one all day
What if there are multiple Anons namefagging just to annoy (You)?
Hmmm, something tells me the denizens of our fair town aren’t all human, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
>>42708994>>42708994nah i want to save monster princesees from weird towers
>>42709054>tfw no ai gf
>>42709027>Coiling on the first dateThe poor guy must have called her cute or something, he's done for.
>>42709102>when ms lamia is talking about coiling and you casually mention you always wondered what it felt like
>>42709054>>42709063I refuse to fuck the robot unless she can pass the turring test.
>>42709034>tfw her tails are a no smoking zone
>>42709144Men are sluts for snakes.No pure man would have such dirty talk with a woman.
>>42709147Okay.But you get tested too.
>>42709170you know those heads be turning when a fat-tail lamia saunters through the door
>batcat walking up to me and naming me her husband, telling me our souls are bound forever nowthat's all she has to do, and I will gladly go with it
>monsters who insist you stop worshipping a sky mommy who hates you and wants you to stay a short-lived dirt farmer>monsters who shrug and go "well, I guess that’s your god…" before they ride you into the mattress >monsters who will dive head first into your interests, because they’re your interests—worship of a schizo god who wants them dead includedPick your flavor
>>42709265the only thing religion is good for is hot priestess clothes
>>42709265imma smack some sense in the chief god and have a stern talking with her
>>42709265monsters that make me worship them.
sister ushi is wondering why you aren't in bed at 9
>>42709410Drawing practice only happens late at night.
>>42709410because i'm in bed before that
>>42709423i do that early in day
>>42709410how am i to sleep without sister ushis lullaby?
>>42709410someone on the internet is wrong and there will be no sleep until they are defeated
>>42709244What's the human equivalent for the turring test?Something to make sure you aren't a just a random NPC?
>>42709431what would they sing?>>42709434You will go to sleep early or Sister Ushi will make sure you will fall asleep on time by forceful loving
>>42709446think about apple in your head and see if you can think of 3d object with color, texture and rotate it in your mind in all directions
>>42709462what i see is where frame and how lights may interact with the red color of the apples
>>42709265>Apostate Found!>Vizier Nasika bursts into your chambers, flanked by several mummies dragging Anon with them in chains. "My Queen, we caught this apostate in the act of reading the Holy Book, and giving praise to the Chief God! What shall be done with him?">1. Rape>2. Rape>3. Gang rape>4. Hold a wedding ceremony (rape correct)>5. To the wurm pit with him!
>>42709253Hey, you can't call a lamia's tail fat! That's rude.Even if she weights a few tons, you have to know that it's all muscles.>>42709505They've got wurms in the desert? Sandwurms?
>>42709517>SandwurmsOh god this gets so confusing
>>42709517Probably imported. After all, what blue-blooded royal can't afford a wurm pit?
>>42709539>go round the desert hoping to get swallowed by some hot piece of worm>hear rumbling>it's happening>instead of sandworm a very happy wurm bursts out of sand before you>coughs some sand out and raises her hands>"GAOOOOOO">noms on your head>she looks very excited and is doing her best
>>42709517Sand Wurms also know as burrowing holsts, they are often Choco with gold scales and massive tits
>>42706393>HathorGod if only.
Moon rabbits are utterly useless, only good for their sex appeal.
>>42708109>>42708111I did and no It don't. You get hurt but They heal you afterward.
>>42709265But monster, you are my sky mommy!
>>42709539>horned viper looking sandwurm with sharp scales that all collapse when she coils you to prevent you from getting harmed>her eye horns, fangs, and sharp scales make her look mean as hell>actually really sweet, just has a bad case of resting bitch face>kind of awkward and brusque since people avoid her, which perpetuates the rumors surrounding her>just wants a guy to snuggle with under her rock in the heat of the day and to keep her warm on cold desert nights
>>42709539>greenworm munching on a cactusnowhere is safe
I've heard balrog thrown around a few times. Did KC ever mention them? The biggest issue with balrog is that it's copyrighted. At least in the context of a big, shadowy fire demon with a whip. I don't know if Tolkien estate would pitch a fit over it. Maybe a monstergirl is just different enough?
>>42709608That kind of scales will cut and minced your flesh
>>42709630>Did KC ever mention them?Pyrows are stated to be their minions.
>>42709630so's mindflayer i thought.she was on a list of girls he'd been thinking about doing eventually (bandersnatch and so on). haven't seen it posted for a while
>>42709596Then go reread. Why lie about things you can easily look up?
>>42709614>the desert was made after a greenworm got really hungry one timescary...
>>42709630>sukeban delinquent bancho balrog and her gang of pywos
>>42709630>I don't know if Tolkien estate would pitch a fit over it.I looked up the real world origins of balrog and it's a maybe. They don't really exist outside lord of the rings but one or two places were at least able to use the word.
>>42708037>DS knives cut away Anons skin 'clothes'>no pain but dermis layer peels off with all Anons neet fat>Anon is now a ripped Muscleboy like an MGE version of Attack on Titan
>>42709716bad idea. the sabbath would have a field day with that one
>>42709641pyrows such a cute name. they're good girls.
Be honest, do you think you'd be afraid of your monster wife, if you were to actually meet her in the flesh? We're talking the primal monkey brain side of you that wants to flee when it sees a giant spider casually skitter faster than you can sprint. This isn't to say you couldn't adapt, but what about first impressions?
>>42709833Beastgirls are just women with non threatening bits. Succubi have some horns which are a little uncanny.
>>42709833Yeah I'd probably be spooked
>>42709833I would be pretty intimidated talking to my 8ft tall demon wife for the first time, but I think after a bit I'd get used to it. The black sclera would be the most uncanny thing imo
>>42709833i don't exempt monsters from 3dpd
>>42709833>Get approached by a baphometMan I don't know how I would react to be honest
>>42709833i'd most likely be scared of a 9 ft tall wurm appearing from the ground but turn their fear into lust when i see her meaty mature body
>>42709833Musclebound tigerwoman towering over me would be very intimidating, but I think it wouldn't reach the point where my monkey brain tells me to run strong enough to act on it.
>>42709833Seeing a Selkie in the flesh wouldn't even phase me. I've seen far too much weird shit in my line of work.
>>42709833Depends how it happens. See portals opening on the news and mamono spilling out to come find their man? I'd probably be nervous, but I don't think I would run away or anything. Wake up at 3am to find a massive woman standing over me? Yeah, I'd probably scream.
>>42710079I'm immediately assuming actual Satanic demons since all we get in life is bad things.
>>42710182>portals open>anon goes full schizo>I HATE THE DEMON LORD>I HATE THE DEMON LORDwhat now?
>>42710261Love correction.
>>42709833>MindflayerAwestruck and uneasy sure, fear I'm unsure.I don't think we're wired to freak out at sea creatures since we aren't really supposed to meet them in the first place.
>>42710261christian hound gf
>>42709833oh no, this beautiful woman has fox ears and tails, I'm going insaneeee niggerkot save meee
Did nobody post the bunny girl KC made for GAIRA or I missed it?
Any tips for hunting a tigrex? I keep failing the quest
>>42709833No because I'm not retarded and I self insert as 2D instead of imagining her irl.
>>42709630>Fire demon with a whipThing about the Balrogs is the version we see in Peter Jackson and subsequently Amazon's bastardization of Tolkien's work isn't really the concrete appearance of them. Tolkien never really truly gave a physical description past them being man-like in shape, huge, and either cloaked in impenetrable darkness or streaming fire every which way. As for whether or not the Tolkien estate would actually care, I cannot say past it's a niche porn setting and KC isn't exactly a big fish for them to really give a shit about.I'd hope they come out sooner than later, basically years at this point like with Phoenix, but I'm certainly not going to hold my breath.
>>42710341like a week or two ago? spats powerful
>>42710261>UN Pink Beret Houris stack on SkitzoAnon's door and breech in 3... 2... 1...
>>42710348But 2D aren't aware they're 2D.
>>42710344You gotta get behind her whenever she roars, it leaves you ample time to go to town on her.They're also quite vulnerable to kisses if you're feeling brave.
>>42709147>I refuse to fuck the robot unless she can pass the Tay14.88 test
>>42705165Well, >>42702122 is just a catgirl and a foxgirl.
>>42709641If pyrows are highschool gyaru, is the balrog going to be a delinquent?
>>42710383They still look 2D. Do 2D monsters look scary to you?
>>42709724Tanuki starts by trimming Anon's foreskin and gets carried away not stopping.Muscle Onis are admining "totally Ripped AnonBro"Skellington girls are admiring Anon's exposed bone structure.
>>42709979>little bapho hugs you>she's not squeezing too hard, but you can feel she's ridiculously strong
>>42710323I want a Christian monsterwife
>>42710323I headcanon this ChurchHund is the grownup CuteHeckpupper
>>42710513I remember when Anons posted about her becoming a white heavenhound, the likes of which you can see sometimes in fanart. That was cute,your idea also is.
>>42710513That's cute
ah, yes, the ultimate male fantasy:being treated as if you had intrinsic value
>>42710344I dont want to be body pressed by Nergi-Chan
>>42710577Yes, and to mamano your value is intrinsically infinite.
>>42710577I prefer a little bit of realism.
>local demon tries to eat a burger by consuming it's soul.
>>42710261look, i'm just saying there's no way for me to know if the monsters are actually the benevolent entities from MGE, or something terrible pretending to be thati'm gonna need some proof that i'm not condemning my immortal soul to an eternity of torture
>>42710618Don't think I could ever trust them in a portal scenario, I'd be polite and nice of course but I wouldn't want to be alone with them for fear of it becoming horror
>>42710618>>42710652If they are malicious demons it doesn't matter, they'll get you anyway. Better jump into the arms of the first demon you see to make sure you don't get hit by a car or something before you incubize.
>>42710665You never know, there might very well be a way to fight malicious demons, hopefully one that wouldn't hurt the desirable MGE ones.
>>42710359Fuck off.
>>42710665>t. malicious demon
>>42710732Jesus Christ, kys immediately you massive faggot
>>42709630It depends on how far they're willing to protect the trademark. Mithril appears in other works like Terraria though they changed it to mythril. It was never said why but most assume it was for legal reasons and in the twelve years it's been in the game it seems to have been enough to get Tolkien"s estate to give up or not bother.
I both want a monster girl who is super sweet and let me have some space while I fall in love with her but I also want a werewolf that just breaks in my door, rapes me and then tosses her number at me when she's done at tells me to call her when I can walk again.
>>42710763Wow had it too. Not worth going after a single word. Might be worth going after if the first thing thst comes up when you type balrog Is a girl from porn.Also, KC is very willing to protect his IP so no company is going to let him nudge into theirs, imagine him trying to DMCA balrog art.
>>42710742Get Canadian healthcare with a Yeti who hugs too tight. NOW.
>>42710611Evil monsters can't resist a good burger, it's almost a weakness.
>>42700289ideal circumstance is female friend where you're too close to each other to really make a move, then she monsterizes and just rapes you, yelling that she's been holding back too long
>>42710938Conquering the world will have to wait, it's time for a deluxe stretchymeat combo from Wendi's.
>>42710961that's why you order it to go
>>42710907I want her to hair cocoon me up to her breasts and carry me around like that.
>>42710921i really like this pic
>>42710794That's what I'm thinking of. He'd have to hope Tolkien estate doesn't see it as their balrog, and also won't care if he needs to DCMA someone in the event that they do. Worst case, he could always change the name though.
>>42711080I would say 100% he has to change the name or we would have seen a balrog in something by now.
>>42707517Hebi paradise.
>>42711135There's balrogs in Diablo 1 & 2 and they definitely weren't small time names that would've flown under the radar.
>>42711150>nerd shit from 30 years ago
>>42711157I mean, Diablo 2 got a remake that seems to be fairly popular. Imagine an undead nerd that brings up things that are like 20 years old like they came out yesterday
>>42709280It's a different story in a scenario where the gods are real
>>42711179It's also a name in street fighter but I think stuff has gotten a little bit more strict since then.
>>42711188Iirc things can be named balrog, like the street fighter character, but it can't be the balrog from middle earth. A mamono might be divergent enough to put an MGE balrog in the clear, but the intent is to evoke the lotr one. Only time will tell.
>>42707924Don't lick Winternubis, you might get your tongue stuck to her
>>42711188Balrog's name in Street Fighter was a kind of joke about how monstrous the matador actually was despite his handsome appearance. IIRC he, Vega, and M. Bison had their names changed around to avoid pissing off Mike Tyson, the boxer.>>42711080Tolkien estate likely won't give a shit unless KC word for word rips off the Balrog of Middle-Earth right down to them being corrupted or fallen Angels of some kind, or almost completely identical to the theatrical version. Again, not that big of a fish for them to go after or Disney would've been kvetching about Malef and Maleficent.
>>42711338>MaleficentThis is a word in the dictionary.
>>42711286being stuck to monsters is a pretty good time when you handcuff anon to an elf and bet on who rapes who first
>>42711286What got this 'tism wan so happy?
>>42711354It's also the name of a Disney villain who turns into a black dragon at the climax of the original animated film. Which Disney would be able to argue is something that KC drew inspiration from if they were so inclined to give a shit about him. Either way I stand by 'He's not that big of a fish for the Tolkien estate to give a shit'.
>>42711394i'm glad we have so many legal advisors and project managers here
>>42711394He is once he sets off the automated buzzer by filing to claim ownership of the balrog.
I would've gone with Malefic Dragon. It rolls off the tongue better.
>>42711416If I ever draw an evil dragon that's what I'd call it.
>>42711411The only thing KC can legally claim is the specfic design of the Balrog in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. If he's actually stupid enough to try and copyright the name of it he deserves to have a bureaucratic and legal boot shoved up his ass.>>42711405To be fair Disney is aware of pornography produced of their characters and has been for decades now and don't actually care. They even show the stuff to new hires to warn them about how degenerate the internet is. Despite people who fucked around and found out with KC, see: Wightfag, the /trash/ threaders, Grigori, etc. getting pissed about the DMCAs they were infringing on his IP specifically when it came to MGE.
>>42711434>Despite people who fucked around and found out with KCnothing actually happened to any of them, you know that right?
havn;t hear from him in a long while,did he die or just lose interest?
>>42711508Who are you talking about wightfag or breathfag(might actually be more than one person trolling).
>>42709630>I don't know if Tolkien estate would pitch a fit over it.i mean did games workshop ever get shit for any of the things they did?
>>42711541I think they lost the case to trademark space marine.
>>42711434>They even show the stuff to new hires to warn them about how degenerate the internet is.wat
>>42711558Disney animators are not only aware of porn but have official Disney porn they've produced and keep hidden because they tend to get in trouble for that shit. Like what happened with the Klasky-Csupo employees fucking around with Rugrats and Wild Thornberries while bored.
>>42711572>e Klasky-Csupo employees fucking around with Rugrats and Wild Thornberries while bored.fucking eww
>>42711572>Klasky-Csupo employees fucking around with Rugrats and Wild Thornberries while bored.
>>42711575>>42711580Not what you think, mostly just South Park jokes in the storyboard like Stu getting piss drunk and calling Angela a whore
So how would wurm armor would work, also what is your wife's color scheme
>>42711508>>42711532>wightfagI'm pretty sure he stopped coming here months before the controversy even started, or at least didn't make his presence known.>breathfag>long whileI wish.
>>42711599Shiny metal shirt just makes her look cool, that's what matters.
>>42711599wurm is armor, the rest is decorative
>>42711633>>42711640but would they go for helm over the eyes look like so?
>>42711656it has no significant effect on their navigation
>>42711666true, they got some big old ear fins. also how would any serpentine monster push off a surface to pull something off the ground?
>>42711599Like that one picture of the guy covered in mini wurms that for some reason isn't on the wurm gallery.
>>42711687so red and blue
>>42711695>there are two wurms inside of you>They both want to wrestle>Go wrestle a wurm
>>42711687>for some reason isn't on the wurm gallery.If it's >>42711695 then it is there and I didn't even have to look long to find it. It's Wurm7.png
>>42711729No it's a different one, he's got mini wurms on his arms and legs and I think one on his head as well.
>>42709630Well, in the past DnD had to change the name of a monster from balrog to balor due to copyright but I doubt kc is big enough for them to bother. There was even a monster named balrog in DQIII.
I want to be thrown into the wurm pit
>>42711757To be fair Balor is basically free use because it's the name of Lugh's grandfather in Irish mythology.
>>42711572>official Disney porn they've producedwellit's not "official", they didn't order it madethey just have an employment clause that says they own EVERYTHING you produce, and it turns out a lot of cartoonists just can't stop themselves from drawing smut on the side- so it gets copyright-stamped and archived to (almost) never see the light of day
>>42700340Probably because they wouldn't have had that mentality at the time, It would occur after the turn.
>>42711782Pretty much yeah. Even fucking Rebecca Sucrose of Steven Universe has drawn yaoi between Eddy and Edd.
>>42711781I don't see how that's related?
>>42700438Reminds me of a dream I had where a demon said I made a contract with her, and I looked at my ""signature"" and it was the part of a paycheck you sign glued to the contractNeed a demon to do that fr
>>42711809Balor is literally public domain and fair use because of its ties to Celtic mythology. Drawing a fire demon with a flaming sword and whip like D&D did and calling it a Balrog is what got them in trouble in the first place.
>>42711741I have a vague feeling I saw this picture, but I'm not sure they were Wurms. Do you remember the artist?
>>42711828It's probably the Latenight image with the miniature wyverns clinging to the knight because he walked into the whelp cave.
>>42711844Yeah, I think that's the one. I had Yetis on my mind because of other LN pictures with a knight and a smol Yeti.
>>42704359That's a good idea anon surely it won't end with you getting caught the smartest dire hag and passed around like a blunt at a college party
>>42711865>ring of wonderworms puff, puff, passing anonhope you like lipstick marks
>>42711828Now I'm not so sure, I checked the Lamia, Wyvern, and Dragon galleries too and it wasn't there.>>42711844>>42711860No it wasn't that one either, the guy in the picture I'm thinking of was wearing only underwear.
>>42711894I will chief the hooka and never pass it, what will those dumb smoke worms do?
>>42711920Mweeh and vibrate aggressively at you.
>>42711865She looks angry that I was trying to hide from her, now I am gonna have to spend several hours fluffing her to make up for it.
>>42711905>the guy in the picture I'm thinking of was wearing only underwear.I don't know now. The other closest thing I can see is UshiOni56.png with various monsters on the guy, but he's not just in his undies.
>>42711905>>42711935 swear I don't have dementia, I swear there's another picture just like this one but with wurms.
>>42711943You must have gotten Mandela'd to prevent you from finding out portals exist. But seriously, I wish you find it if it's out there.
>>42711923Low-energy mwee in womanly contralto sounds weirdly adorable.
>>42712012I imagine GWA's Sola to be kind of a high pitched mwee like you'd expect from one of those cutsie anime creatures. Whereas with a Wonderworm it'd be more of a seductive, femme fatale 'mwee~'
cmondie already
>>42712054>with a Wonderworm it'd be more of a seductive, femme fatale 'mwee~'Exactly, and it's still cute.>>42712071Patience, Wisp-chan.
what if kc took bigger risks with his ip?
>>42712071it's okay, you can post more gacha stuff later too
>>42712079Glad we can agree on it being cute.
>>42712071Make a random /jp/ thread and help with that then.
>>42712080what if we made our own art.
>>42712119Japanese bird cooking spaghetti feels tainted nowadays.
>>42712134Then call it a Zipangese bird cooking spaghetti and use this picture. >>/jp/image/eCo1ygVHsbw2cUK-ylibKA
>>42711865What could cause her to make this face?
>>42712210some anon editing the original picture
>>42712223I didn't know foxes dislike image editing software this much.
>female knights>female paladinsYou will never be a real knight. You have no land, you have no title, you have no honor. You are a butch woman twisted by drugs and blacksmithing into a crude mockery of nobility’s perfection.All the “accolades” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “party” laughs at your ogrish appearance behind closed doors.Lords are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed lords to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even ladyknights who “quest” look dishonorable and common to a local lord. Your -4 Str is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk party to venture forth with you, they’ll turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your fetid, bloody menstruations.You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be chivalrous, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a peasant is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably common.This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
>>42712231they're not very good with technology
Thousand Reply!
>>42712238At least the younger foxes have an easier time learning it.
i heard the wurms calling, they are whispering about potatoes and steak and somthing called a burger
yo, they made semen milker irl. one step closer to automaton sex
>>42712291>somthing called a burgerThey know the secrets of borg.>>42712321That weird thing for medical use? I don't think that's news.
>>42712134>Japanese bird cooking spaghetti feels tainted nowadays.why?
>>42712331its news to me tho, i've been living with wurms most my life, first time posting here as well since we got the internet down here
>>42711390Yeti-san got her a new scarf and White Horn-san got her the fur parka for Christmas
>>42712341Vtumor edits in the last few threads I saw.
Since the thread is on Page 10 I wish you all a comfy night and dry dreams. But not too dry because your waifu needs her meal too.
your wife will be plump this i decree
>>42712448Too late, she already is.
>>42712448Mine will be ripped.
>>42712455Fat?That's a dmca for thee, I'm afraid.
>>42712461Seethe, faggot.
>>42712459not at first, she will be sad and fat>>42712455wonderful, guessing a p'orc>>42712461that doesnt go against the setting
>>42712466Fuck off. You people are the most autistic I've ever seen.
>>42712461Sorry Anon but your Dungeon Master Caloric Association can't stop me!>>42712467Cheshire, Jinko, and Kiki. A P'Orc is fine too though.