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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 114 KB, 1200x1007, DGL6-3SU0AApgO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17463133 No.17463133 [Reply] [Original]

Enough milk to drive a man mad.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: http://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.17463152
Quoted by: >>17463269

May I just say this was fantastic and perfect?
Thank you.

>> No.17463154

Kikis are olev

>> No.17463155
File: 992 KB, 2048x1536, 1502174229772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds are the perfect monster girl.

>> No.17463166
File: 875 KB, 2048x1556, 1502174269207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17463169


>> No.17463172

I wish Onitengu would stop playing FGO and draw more monstergirl tiddies.

>> No.17463200
File: 494 KB, 800x1131, 1470596904062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are monster girls holding drinks so lewd?

>> No.17463209
File: 184 KB, 1400x1400, DGd2GAWUQAARIYO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What matters most is what they spiked your drink with.

>> No.17463213
File: 822 KB, 1920x1080, __centorea_shianus_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_drawn_by_loen_lapae__28bafb846159ac33b00e54ea7594d207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're HOT
and I want to FUCK CEREA

>> No.17463222
File: 168 KB, 400x300, 1502466171018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17463376

Filthy monsters!
Get off my property!

>> No.17463229
Quoted by: >>17463491

It's because their hands are occupied, leaving them defenseless. Even if you were to start groping them, they wouldn't be able to stop you without spilling the drinks.

>> No.17463269
Quoted by: >>17463283

>Unironically liking horse pussy

>> No.17463283
Quoted by: >>17463330

Its a monster pussy. Deal with it.

>> No.17463286


>> No.17463293
File: 2.69 MB, 2500x1765, 89c404bd23b557066014b548af1e63d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now the familiar of a ganguro Dark Mage.

>> No.17463296
Quoted by: >>17463319

Fuck shes hot

>> No.17463303
File: 138 KB, 1000x1439, 69731ccf2ce32f2980ea229d3b9c3694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or is it gyaru?

>> No.17463315

>that absolutely everything
Does she like anal?
Does she LOVE anal?

>> No.17463319

shit taste

>> No.17463328

Manticores are the best girls for 5 hour long cock milking marathons because you have some mobility even while joined together.

>> No.17463330
Quoted by: >>17463335

It's also a shitty Centaur

>> No.17463335

Have a nice day with your hot opinions, I love em!

>> No.17463376
Quoted by: >>17463555

Give her the stick.

>> No.17463378

>That ass package
>Those nipple tassles
>that inner thigh tattoo

>> No.17463416

Am i the only one who thinks that centaurs should be pregnant on their horse part?

>> No.17463425
File: 184 KB, 1278x2048, 1497899835769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck why am i so weak to brown gyarus.

>> No.17463426

I'm fine with either, the more pregnant the better. Logically I think that obviously makes the most sense of course, but I'm into super pregnant girls so both being used is a fetish of mine, personally.

>> No.17463436
Quoted by: >>17463449

They should, and they shouldn't have frontal pussy, but I'm part of the minority

>> No.17463449
Quoted by: >>17463481

The last time people asked the majority of people said that Centaurs should only have their rear pussies
The only people who don't are the people going 'ewww lmao u liek horsepussy haha dark mages are real monstergirls btw'

>> No.17463461
File: 313 KB, 1003x1416, 1501970010280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17463478

You're going on a quest! Nothing too dangerous, but you'll be gone for a week or so. Your Waifu offers to make you some rations. What does she make?

>> No.17463481
Quoted by: >>17463498

Well I just think that if you want a centaur it should be a proper one. I'm also the person who posted the dark skinned dark mage so you can like both as you can see.

>> No.17463490

A nice, drugged meal so i don't leave.

>> No.17463491
Quoted by: >>17467706

I'm gonna grope the Yeti's snuggle lumps so she can't escape and will beg for cuddles later

>> No.17463498

Hmm, fair enough. Sorry, just on edge after last thread's discussion about how some people were saying the less monstrous parts the better and how anything beyond horns wings or a tail made a MG worse.
I've always found centaur girls hot and I'm just frankly getting tired of the horsepussy comments

>> No.17463516
Quoted by: >>17464472

She can insist that she doesn't want walkies all she wants, her tail will always betray her

>> No.17463541
Quoted by: >>17463617

>Wife is a 9-Tailed Kitsune
>Shrine in the park of a large city
>Pride in Zipangu heritage but enjoys exotic modern food

>Gives me a Bag of Holding full of elaborate bento boxes.
>It suspiciously has whatever I most feel like at the moment, including specific blends of coffee.
>When I look inside out of curiosity, it's a portal to the shrine's kitchen.
>She waves and wishes me luck.

Tricky loving wife is best wife.

>> No.17463555
Quoted by: >>17463558


>> No.17463558

Are you my dad?

>> No.17463602
File: 322 KB, 600x795, Alice_the_jabberwock_maid_outfit_v_2_by_gabrilux-d9u1dmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drives a monster girl to become a maid? A lust for gold, power? Or are they just born with a heart full of maidality?

>> No.17463603
Quoted by: >>17463678

Barmaid Kiki would never spike a drink! She's a good lass!

>> No.17463617
File: 1.87 MB, 3445x2894, portal pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic would allow for a lot of great additions to everyday life.

>> No.17463633

Fox Pizza!

>> No.17463638

>MFW trying to write while vegging out at the office
>MFW start to daydream of a rabbit with absolutely-thick-child-bearing-hips and thighs
>MFW Rabbit MGs who use their naturally wide hips to lure in family men

>> No.17463640

>That edit
Full points for trying

>> No.17463653

Changing of the times? Being forced to act with more subtlety when pursuing a husband?

>> No.17463670

They love a guy who is a mess doing housework, for example

>> No.17463671

>this nigga

>> No.17463678

Of course she is. That's why she only does it to men that seem malnourished so she can take him home and feed him milk.

>> No.17463754

>Thread autism has gotten to the point where we have to pre-edit triggering material out of relevant pics

And i thought i would never end up on tumbler

>> No.17463762

I saw it coming

>> No.17463779

That writing's been on the wall for a long time, anon.

>> No.17463790

Autism, not even once.
Its honestly pathetic.

>> No.17463794

I don't see the problem

>> No.17463799
File: 1.94 MB, 450x259, 1483390124898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing at this point the thread is only useful for lurking and chiming in on the occasional civil discussion that happens.

>> No.17463805

I hate how true this is.

>> No.17463812
Quoted by: >>17463822

Pretty much.
Though, to be fair, they are nice when they happen. Had some great ones last thread for my tastes.

>> No.17463822
Quoted by: >>17463834

Indeed they are. Was gone on a work trip for a few days but it was nice to see Centaur love and Kunoichi discussions in the last thread before it archived.

>> No.17463834

Cheers on both of those

>> No.17463846

>occasional civil discussion that happens
Which is almost all the time

>> No.17463870

You assholes saw a three panel comic about a 3 year old and his momster and the thread didn't quiet down until 50 posts later, jesus you guys are easily triggered.

>> No.17463871

More like civil war amirite lmao

>> No.17463873
File: 2.25 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_oq5ieq1tVy1vzdlnao1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was the artist of this one?

>> No.17463875

Great, the monsterboy defense force is here.

>> No.17463879

A Shogs place is at her mastahs side.
A Kikis place is on her mastahs lap.

>> No.17463881

Way to generalize about a thread with +150 posters and +1200 posts on average, don't you think

>> No.17463891

To be honest you have to be retarded or a newfag to post monsterboys in here. Plus 50 posts are nothing.

>> No.17463903
File: 431 KB, 947x1400, want to learn a happy spell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17463904
File: 280 KB, 1280x1280, 1487112037096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, what I wouldn't give to just cuddle on a couch with a casual Manticore and spend a day vegging out with some vidya. Why is this world so cruel?

>> No.17463912
Quoted by: >>17463989

This makes me happy

>> No.17463917


>> No.17463939


Tricky sabbath witches.

>> No.17463941

You like always draw stuff that I post offhand and it makes me feel good. Thanks Latenight.

>> No.17463948


Always nice to see Hellhounds not being sadistic sex fiends 24/7.

>> No.17463952

Why is this creature humping my legs?

>> No.17463953

Fucking adorable!

Now draw it with a fully grown Lich.

>> No.17463956

You know

I think I love loli dark mages now
Draw her looking in the mirror daydreaming about when she's all grown up and buxom

>> No.17463958
Quoted by: >>17466743

Dogs acting like cats

>> No.17463962

Hime cut buttslut spider girls > *

>> No.17463966

Go back to /a/ you shitheel.

>> No.17463972
File: 182 KB, 914x1055, 1487285828392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17464039

>Anon, I can't beat Castlevania 3, you play

>> No.17463979

I'd buy her a brand new wand for her birthday
I want to protect my imouto mage's smile

>> No.17463980

>those upper-arm proportions

>> No.17463989
File: 279 KB, 992x1024, 1501951465205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caring and comforting Hellhounds are the best.

>> No.17464003

Hopefully she rapes me first.
I prefer their caring side to be gap moe.

>> No.17464015
Quoted by: >>17464022

Something tells me her husband will help her relax after a long day of watching the kids while he's at work. Happy Hellhound families are just the best.

>> No.17464022

What if I'm nervous about having kids?

>> No.17464024


>> No.17464035
Quoted by: >>17464052

>Diamond Trumpart introduces you to a new kind of transmogrification potion
>It turns her essentially into a Cinnamon Bun Golem complete with edible vanilla flavored slime/frosting
>Her 'ehehe~' when you give her a worried headpat makes you realize she's too pure and good for Wonderland

>> No.17464039

Man what a casual

>> No.17464050
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x1697, Alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderland Centaur soon fellow ANON.

>> No.17464052

She knows my tastes, food girls are awesome
GOod girl! Would marry!

>> No.17464060

>Want to fuck Alice Liddel hard, inexplicably induces more boners than any other game character for me
>Finally beat the game and learn her background and the 'twist' and all that
>Feel terrible
>Still jerk off to her, feel more terrible

>> No.17464075

I want a Mad Hatter that looks just like her Card Queen dress outfit.

>> No.17464076
Quoted by: >>17464091

>tfw you don't want kids
>tfw the main drive behind just about every monster girl is to reproduce

>> No.17464082

That's why you wait until both of you are ready, both financially and maturity wise.

>> No.17464091

I'm not patheticfag, or SallyAutist. I'm just nervous about kids.

I was hoping for a reassuring "No one is ever ready. Just do your best, hubby!" speech from my waifu.

>> No.17464101

>Wonderland turns into The Zone as the Queen of Hearts mentally goes into turbo sexually frustrated CC mode wanting a husband after hundreds of years
>T.R.U.M.P.A.R.Ts going aroung trying to get by adapting to the new environment
>Dutiful spades at odds with the DUDE SEX LMAO diamonds
>You best hope you're not out at night, lest you come across a jabberwockimera

>> No.17464129
Quoted by: >>17464134

I bet you already have the multiple blender made webms of her.

>> No.17464134

Hhhahaha what are you what what are you uh what are you talking about anon hahahahaha

>> No.17464147
Quoted by: >>17464198

>loli version of the onee mage
Who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.17464181


>> No.17464198

Everyone starts out small, anon.

>> No.17464202

I ask you all

Would you dick this loli?

>> No.17464215
Quoted by: >>17464245

Too pure.
Would not dick till she's older.

>> No.17464216
Quoted by: >>17464245

In a few years, you won't have a choice

>> No.17464219


>> No.17464221
Quoted by: >>17464245

At that point in time, no, absolutely not
Fast forward a few years and she'll be taller than me, with breasts the side of my head if not a bit bigger, and legs that go on for years, and she'll pull the same trick with it ending very, very differently
But not yet

>> No.17464225
Quoted by: >>17464253

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to keep your lolis from the liquor.

Even if onii-chan is enjoying the sweet siren song of liquor, they are still too young.

>> No.17464238

I want to see a young dark mage gathering ingredients in her home woods wearing boots.

She looks young even by monster standards. In a couple of years she would be a proper loli.

>> No.17464244

No, I'd just wait until she hits puberty and assaults me sexually.

>> No.17464245
Quoted by: >>17464260

>Onii-chan, you always took such good care of me...
>Time for me to take care of you... forever~

>> No.17464246

I want to become the father of this creature.

Hell no. Look at how protectable she is.

>> No.17464253
Quoted by: >>17464260

At that age, I thought alcohol tasted terrible. I still do, but drink due to social norms.

>> No.17464260

I'd rather she remain a cute, genki one.

Tall and seductive is nice but I'd still remember her as the little cutie that always tried to sneak hugs out of me.

Only ever really enjoy the taste of ciders and mixed drinks, although a Molson after hockey can't be beat.

>> No.17464267
Quoted by: >>17464287

>Says the above, you gulp and start sweating as her fingernails stroke the side of your head
>Suddenly she pulls her hat down over your head and laughs as you struggle to get it off
>"You're such a perv, anon! You were totally getting horny at that!"
This is also perfect. There are many ways Dark Mage imoutos can grow up perfect.

>> No.17464274

Would you be okay with her eventually finding another man but always hugging you whenever she comes home to visit and remembering you as her protective onii-chan?

>> No.17464287

Imotous are to be protected.

Whether she ends up with me or another man, that will not change.

That they can.

Although one must be careful with genki dark mages, those girls study the field of muscle witchery.

>> No.17464289

The desire for a velour uniform.

>> No.17464293
Quoted by: >>17464304

>Muscle witch dark mage
I'm aroused and curious

>> No.17464295

How dangerous are Genki Liches?


>> No.17464304

>Onii-chan, its time to speak with our muscles!

Never doubt the genkis.

>> No.17464305

Hopefully she'll be just as sweet when she grows up.

>> No.17464307
Quoted by: >>17464312

Such is the duty of all Onii-chans
And Otousans

>> No.17464312
Quoted by: >>17464327

You're good people. I'm sure she'd repay you by helping you find the absolute perfect monstergirl for you and ensuring you get with her through whatever means possible.

>> No.17464327

Well that's nice of her.
I can go out and get one of my own though, I'd rather she goes out and makes me an uncle.

>> No.17464329

>Genki Liches?
Very dangerous.

>> No.17464332

>Not wanting a lich with a small smile to say 'Ganbatte!' for you

>> No.17464338

I was promised sandworm drawings, where are they.

>> No.17464339
File: 302 KB, 850x678, 1480738235239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an art to subtlety, anon. Those brief, occasional flashes of happiness and support make them that much cuter.

>> No.17464344

What if that other man is a scumbag who treats her horribly? The only responsible thing to do is to marry her myself.

>> No.17464357

I wouldn't be able to trust them.

>> No.17464360
Quoted by: >>17464369

The answer is obvious.
You mind break him into a good husband.

>> No.17464363

>17 year old Dark Mage imouto comes home late one night from a date with her boyfriend barging in and running up to her room
>You saw her as she ran by
>She was crying
>Slams the door behind her
What do?

>> No.17464369

That sounds gay as fuck.

>> No.17464398
Quoted by: >>17469166

>The way her hand feels slightly less chilly when it's placed on your shoulder
>How she's slightly more formal than usual with you - and if you didn't know better, you'd say she was joking
>Uses flashier magic than other Liches, but only when you're around
>Sometimes gives her summoned Wights headpats to confuse them
>Great at deadpan humor
>Applauds quietly when an experiment supports her hypothesis

I would marry one.

>> No.17464406

In a world of magic, monsters, myths come to life and gods, there's still room for a Remington 870 to be the great communicator
And I'd communicate to that scumbag he's not welcome round this county any more

>> No.17464411

This is a good answer.

>> No.17464421

Administer hugs and headpats to the imouto.

>> No.17464434
Quoted by: >>17464444

>"W-what are you gonna do Onii-chan? He's a wizard and you're just a normal man..."
>"Sis, its time for onii-chan to teach you a thing or two about magic from where I come from."

>> No.17464444

The magic of firepower.
Truly the absence of magic does us good

>> No.17464472
Quoted by: >>17464486

I had to put my dog to sleep today...

>> No.17464486

Nobody cares.

>> No.17464514

This is why, if your Waifu is a spellcaster, you start researching technology from the Lost Civilization. No counters.

>17 year old Dark Mage imouto comes home late one night from a date with her boyfriend barging in and running up to her room
>You saw her as she ran by
>She was crying
>Slams the door behind her

A fucking Dark Mage can't make that guy go away? He's going to be politely told kodoku no mune ni hi wo tomoshi and asked to mikotoba ni waga mi someru, kami yo.

>> No.17464524 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1241x1754, 1502508354384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your stance on squids and the people who sell mind control squid accessories?

>> No.17464528
Quoted by: >>17464531

>implying the loli dark mage wants a platonic big brother and not to call you onii-san when you take her for a ride
You'd have to reject her, and that's how bitter christmas cakes are made.

>> No.17464531

Anon, bitter CCs are made by being female versions of us in five to ten years.

>> No.17464545
Quoted by: >>17464554

>in five to ten years.
Yeah, about that...

>> No.17464546

Marie is cute.

>> No.17464554
Quoted by: >>17464587

Or less...
you loser virgin

>> No.17464581
File: 187 KB, 680x567, 1485712189886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in five to ten years

>> No.17464587
Quoted by: >>17464613

Tell me something I don't know, anon.

>> No.17464607

Balrog and Fenrir when?

>> No.17464608

>in five to ten years
>ten years
Are you implying there are 15 year olds here right now? I mean it'd make sense with what happens sometimes, but, you know.

>> No.17464613
Quoted by: >>17464618

a teaspoon of matter from a neutron star is so dense it weighs about 10 million tons

>> No.17464618

What cup of tea do you put a teaspoon of matter from a neutron star into?

>> No.17464619
Quoted by: >>17464630

But in ten years I'd be 40.
That's a living meme.

>> No.17464623

i dont know and the concept terrifies me

>> No.17464628
File: 64 KB, 416x608, Sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17464630
Quoted by: >>17464633

Practice your wizard powers.

>> No.17464633

I think I need to branch out.
I've been trying to conjure monsters to no effect.
Got any suggestions for good magical training?

>> No.17464640

Can't go wrong with tradition. Fireballs.

>> No.17464645


toe tapping at the truck stop restroom

>> No.17464662
Quoted by: >>17467596

Girl my size doing this > Big girl doing this

It just seems more intimate to me

>> No.17464667
File: 538 KB, 3264x2448, Hellhound44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys still love your monstergirl even though she is a single mother?

>> No.17464674

you can just fuck off

>> No.17464702

Again with the kids thing
I'm not ready!

>> No.17464703


I recently bought Condensed Chaos to start learning about Chaos Magic.

It's pretty good, just cum on some paper and you're doing magic.

>> No.17464728

Go away.

>> No.17464729

In a real world scenario, probably not.
I generally like kids and we'd be encouraged to give her a sister. If anything I'd be scared shitless that I couldn't be a good dad.

>> No.17464804
Quoted by: >>17464876

Webpussy best pussy.

>> No.17464876

Weebpussy best pussy.

>> No.17464925

I want to be dominated sexually by the Squid Sisters!

>> No.17464985

Roll a random Monstergirl from MGE.

They are now a popular idol. What are they like? What's their hit song?

>> No.17465032

She sings love songs about how much she's going to bite her one true husband.

>> No.17465047



>> No.17465083

I got nothing

>> No.17465093

Little shop of horrors made it work.

>> No.17465099


>First single hits itunes
>20 minutes long
>It's nothing but squelching noises and muffled moaning
>At the 15 minute mark there's a loud gasp and a man's voice
>"AIR! Sweet merciful air! SIRI, dial emergency serv-mmmph!"
>Squelching noises resume, this time paired with a girl giggling to herself

>> No.17465110

I just read the new chapter 53 of MonMusu. Shows why monster girls wouldn't work in 3D.

>> No.17465115
Quoted by: >>17465134

First I'm going to roll a d6 to see if it's a group and how big it is.
Okay so that's
I think they'd cultivate a supervillain style "We conquer you for your own good" image for their shows and sing a bunch of songs about conquering humanity because they're fools who need to be controlled.
Out of character though, they're the sweetest most approachable girls you'll ever meet who regularly attend fan meetups and sign autographs pro bono.

>> No.17465134
Quoted by: >>17465314

Damn, that's a perfect lineup. They chase control over everything.
>Domestic Life
I for one welcome our new monster girl regime.

>> No.17465143

"Get out of my dreams, get onto my back."

>> No.17465172

>March Hare

Something about how the whole world is lewd and they just don't realize it?

>> No.17465189
Quoted by: >>17466162

For some reason, I imagine she does vaporwave.
>You're in love with the sand
Instead of
>Its all in your hands

>> No.17465215
Quoted by: >>17465329

>Ice Queen
Probably songs promoting her snow kingdom. Also she can only stream her shows from inside her palace.

>> No.17465314

And in post-shows they'd welcome you as a fan and friend.
Maybe you'd like to be their "stress reliever" anon? A lot of idol productions in MGC set up idol groups with one to help with the stresses of the job.

>> No.17465329
Quoted by: >>17466543

She'd probably be billed as the "Reclusive Hikikomori Idol".

>> No.17465459
Quoted by: >>17465485

Monster Girls with copulas.
Yea? Nay?

>> No.17465485
Quoted by: >>17465508

>In probability theory and statistics, a copula is a multivariate probability distribution for which the marginal probability distribution of each variable is uniform.
u wot

>> No.17465508

The linguistic definition you dumdum. Cat girls adding "Nya~" to their speech, krakens ending their sentences with "de geso" , stuff like that.

>> No.17465511
File: 2.97 MB, 1447x1807, 1501474735187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17465529
File: 29 KB, 474x155, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17465542

>Tail Lingerie
Is this stupid or brilliant?

>> No.17465535

That poor bird, she'll never be able to fly with all that fat. I guess I'll have to adopt her and take care of her...

>> No.17465542

>not having lingerie where her genitals are
The opposite would be pretty weird, too.

>> No.17465561
File: 95 KB, 800x960, 1498025999929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17465577

I want to cuddle a soft devil!

>> No.17465569

I want to run a DnD game with monstergirl players and smile like a slasher flick villain when I start using their backstory details to hurt them.

>> No.17465577
File: 1.58 MB, 1900x2800, 57711017_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna cuddle a hard bodied dog!

>> No.17465587
File: 1.01 MB, 769x1141, 1428243853151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuddle a hard devil!

>> No.17465749
File: 601 KB, 1080x1920, 15023670382420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17465768

And feed her lot of meat?

>> No.17465768
File: 3.47 MB, 2000x3167, 63824267_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17465777

Yes. Also where did you find that? It's not on the artist's pixiv page. Doesn't look like their work either.

>> No.17465777
File: 64 KB, 496x702, 1502236854172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2ch.hk monstergirl thread.
Sometimes our artists make normal content and I bring this pics here.

>> No.17465810
Quoted by: >>17465818

thumnail makes her look like she has penis horns

>> No.17465818
File: 865 KB, 875x597, hornjob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd make hornjobs really awkward.

>> No.17465826
File: 576 KB, 900x1273, 1486111158685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I can't read slav.

I would love to see a Hellhound in Hutago's style though.

>> No.17465831

I want to tease a Baphomet's clit constantly until it is the size of my thumb!

>> No.17465851
File: 209 KB, 895x893, 268d7fab6b8a60f56e58830bef808277c9a91632dfb28e00cad7ccec0f39f4ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ah I can't read slav.
Do not worry. You did not miss anything interesting. And what is interesting - I'll bring it here.
> I would love to see a Hellhound in Hutago's style though.
mb you PM to Hutago in twitter with this request?

>> No.17465859
Quoted by: >>17465872

How do I escape from the dreaded Love Chambers of the Hound of Hades?

>> No.17465864
Quoted by: >>17465870

>That hat
I'd imagine virgin monstergirls would own one of those just so she could pull it out and put it on in front of her friends when she actually gets a boyfriend and scores.

>> No.17465870
File: 424 KB, 1557x1011, 0ea0dd1aacc93749b992baa20f14db61821f1b8467e2e2224e397d3833271b00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17465884

You can help them.

>> No.17465872

Why would you want to? You get rough sex and cuddles in there.

>> No.17465884

No I can't, I already have a waifu.
And if she put one of those on every time we fucked, she'd just never take it off.
She'd also have to explain why our room looks like surrealist art under a blacklight.

>> No.17465887
Quoted by: >>17465902

>tfw Monster Girl Sororities boast about 'smashing' boys. Where smashing refers to having sex so rough it breaks their pelvis.

>> No.17465891
File: 48 KB, 554x439, aKYReNLPc-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is she?

>> No.17465902

I'm glad my waifu is extremely strong and also my childhood friend, so there's no point in time she wouldn't protect me from those rapist sluts.

>> No.17465906

Demon childhood friend.
You'd think being eight inches shorter than me would put her at a disadvantage for domination, but no. Her being primarily bottom heavy helps.

>> No.17465911
Quoted by: >>17465926

>She'd also have to explain why our room looks like surrealist art under a blacklight.

>You and your waifu have a break in
>They stole some valuables from your room, so you call the police
>They arrive shortly after
>"You refrained from touching anything like we asked, right?"
>"Of course."
>"Alright, it just makes things easier when searching for evidence, the less of your finger prints the better."
>The officer takes out a black light
>"Sometimes these guys will cut themselves on glass as they break in and leave a speck of blood or a fingerprint or... Something."
>"I'm not sure that's a good idea off-"
>He turns on the black light
>"My god."
>The bed is a glowing white mess
>Specks of white on the walls, floor... Ceiling?

>> No.17465925
Quoted by: >>17465928

>Loves you
What if your waifu treats you like inferior human garbage?

>> No.17465926

Well she does have wings.

>> No.17465928

She loves you like a pet or a favorite possession.

>> No.17465948
File: 148 KB, 850x1109, 1486772653087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17466250

The town where I live now has spiders practically everywhere, and they sometimes slip in from my front door. Should I be worried about waking up as a wrapped up like a burrito and being used as some spider girl's daki?

>> No.17466052
File: 363 KB, 1326x1897, DHAX07jU0AApxcB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17466068

Give Succuroper a chance.

>> No.17466068
Quoted by: >>17466164

Can the tentacle do both top and bottom at the same time, top inside bottom?

>> No.17466162
Quoted by: >>17466794

We need a sand dorome.

>> No.17466164
Quoted by: >>17466175

I'm not sure I get you, but tentacled monster girls are masters at lewd stuff involving them
Even shy, flustered girls like Tentacles

>> No.17466175

Onahole tentacle with a stinger inside, to go inside the penis inside the onahole tentacle

>> No.17466211

>"If the demon lord is defeated by the chief god and she loses her life, the monster girls will revert to being “monsters” whose heads are full of nothing but the desire to kill and eat humans. Should it come to that, the happiness of the monster girls who married and settled with their beloved human men will be shattered, they will end up having to kill and eat their own beloved husbands with their own hands."
What the fuck KC

>> No.17466225


The ultimate bad end, but there are protections against it. Should the demon lord fall the Lilims should be able to maintain the status quo.

>> No.17466234
Quoted by: >>17466245

There's 100+ Lilims and she's still popping out more. It's highly unlikely the demon lord would get defeated too, not only has she attained the power of a god but she also has the most powerful human on earth at her side.

>> No.17466245
Quoted by: >>17466251


Not to mention the fact that, since the DL established the new status quo by turning all monsters into hybrids of the succubi, since even before succubi loved men, the only way to quickly return monsters to being monsters is if the new DL wanted monsters to be death machines.

But since all monsters now either love their husband or dream of having a monster to love it's unlikely that you'll find one that does.

>> No.17466250
Quoted by: >>17466386

Not at all! Spider Onee-sans are built for cuddling!

Be careful not to give too many coffees to them though, even if they say they need it!

>> No.17466251
Quoted by: >>17466264

>dream of having a monster to love
Fuck meant husband. This is what I get for posting at 4am.

>> No.17466258
Quoted by: >>17466270

KC has already said that the DL wins and the Chief God loses in the end.

>> No.17466264

Yuri is fine too.

>> No.17466270
Quoted by: >>17466283

Bad end for humanity.

>> No.17466283


Remember, the only reason monsters can't birth sons is because of the CGs interference.

>> No.17466290
Quoted by: >>17466294

The chief goddess is just a poor inexperienced newbie doing what she thinks is right

>> No.17466294
Quoted by: >>17466315

I want to defeat the Chief Goddess and corrupt her into my waifu!

>> No.17466315
Quoted by: >>17466333

well considering CG is specifically female in a setting like this that's probably precisely how it ends

>> No.17466328
Quoted by: >>17466332

Slime Kitsune

>> No.17466331
Quoted by: >>17466478

Nice to see people talking about the MGE world after the demon lord's victory. I always found some parts of it really interesting, like how if an incubi was born from an aggressive monster girl and went on to marry one of the tamer races, his daughteru would be a bit more assertive than the species norm.
There's so many fun combinations that could lead to.

>> No.17466332

Dark variety?
Sounds good, please elaborate further

>> No.17466333

What kind of daughterus would the CG make? Angels?
Actually, you know what'd be great? Breeding her and her Angel daughterus full of sons to supply all the thirsty CC hikkyNEET monsters.

>> No.17466386
File: 193 KB, 850x1230, 1486772653088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17466459

Even if you say that, once your Onee-san gets her hands on her favorite brand of light roast, there's no stopping her. You'll spend the next few hours strapped up against her, head between her tits and dick buried deep inside her as she leg-locks you with her pedipalps. The worst thing is that she can keep milking you like this while still remaining completely mobile. No doubt it'd be pretty embarrassing if she walked out into public completely drunk, squeezing load after load out of you while telling every girl she sees that nobody can be her cute otouto's wife but her.

>> No.17466444
File: 1.74 MB, 1080x1530, AssNito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Nito had a fluffy tail to with those ears of hers.

>> No.17466459

>rachnera getting high off coffee in one of the EMG OVAs
I know people's opinions of EMG and I agree but goddamn I wish I was kimihito in that situation

>> No.17466478

Post-victory MGE is shallow compared to the current MGE
It's still interesting, but if you had a choice to be sent to either period, the current one would be the pick

Is she an anubis or a pharaoh?
Either way she's cute

>> No.17466483

Looks like bunny ears to me.

>> No.17466492

Her swimsuit is dumb.

>> No.17466502
File: 1.12 MB, 848x1200, 1496502792336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I feel about most of the erunes from granblue, sadly only yuel and socie have tails.
>It's still interesting, but if you had a choice to be sent to either period, the current one would be the pick
Agreed, but there would be something terrifying yet arousing about being sent to post-victory. Imagine it, you're the last human. Sure incubi are everywhere and monster girls love them but you would be the last real human in the world, a pure and uncorrupted delicacy that can no longer be found anywhere else.
That would probably cause some races to stop at nothing to hunt you down.

>> No.17466508

Is it wrong that I want to get as many monster girls as I can pregnant?

>> No.17466511
Quoted by: >>17466516


>> No.17466515

Nito is an aspiring Pharaoh that looks up to some dude voiced by Koyasu as a cool senpai.

>> No.17466516
Quoted by: >>17466522

What's wrong with such a desire?

>> No.17466522
Quoted by: >>17466532

Being a dirty whore.

>> No.17466532
Quoted by: >>17466560

I'm just want to plant my seed in as many fields as possible, what's wrong with that?

>> No.17466540
Quoted by: >>17466627

Nothing wrong with that as long as you take responsibility.

>> No.17466543
File: 662 KB, 1057x1435, 63060532_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll have fans from all around try to make it to her palace for an autograph, they either find a White Horn or Yeti waifu along the way or the Ice Queen's depression cold gets them first

>> No.17466560
Quoted by: >>17466627

Stop talking like that, you're making Doromes feel weirdly aroused.

>> No.17466627

I just want to breed an entire generation.

Sure I'll fuck them too.

>> No.17466656 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 513x720, 1502541857442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17466726

This is what life with a monster girl onee-san would be like.

>> No.17466743

cats are kuuderes

>> No.17466746
Quoted by: >>17466761

I want a strongfat wolfu to eye me while I'm working out at the gym.

>> No.17466750
File: 502 KB, 1050x1050, 1484131203851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17466789

>> No.17466761

thats gross

>> No.17466789
Quoted by: >>17466799

I need a hug from a weresheep

>> No.17466794

>sand dorome
What would that even be like

>> No.17466795

>STILL no tawawa monster girl

>> No.17466799

Found the Welshman

>> No.17466808
Quoted by: >>17466816


>> No.17466813

That must be one confident alp to be an idol. I got nothing for her songs.

>> No.17466815

The fuck is that?

>> No.17466816
Quoted by: >>17466874

and how would you have sex with it?

>> No.17466823
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, 1501523379420.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I need this with a lonely christmas cake kraken.

>> No.17466826
Quoted by: >>17466837

Tawawas are basically Draphs

>> No.17466837
Quoted by: >>17466844

Except not shit.

>> No.17466844
File: 398 KB, 2149x3035, 1498906681308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you too buddy.

>> No.17466874


>> No.17466951
File: 365 KB, 1280x905, Nami has nice Namis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still not scared of water
>tfw still get the sea ladies for myself

What's the matter anon? Can't swim? Scared of some fish?

I bet Jaws ruined the ocean for you.

>> No.17466962

One day i was taking a shower and when i closed my eyes i was autistic enough to imagine a shark coming out of those pitch black depths at me.

>> No.17466974

I almost drowned.

>> No.17466989
Quoted by: >>17466997

>Can't swim?
Actually yes. Only time I went to the pool was in a weekly swimming lesson for a few months when I was 10, I was just shit at it and ended up being stuck in the group of kids who had to use armbands in the shallow end.

At least it might make an aquatic girl feel like protecting me if I fell overboard.

>> No.17466997
Quoted by: >>17467033

> when I was 10
Did your family just hate going to the sea or something?

>> No.17467033
Quoted by: >>17467039

Pretty much.
Learning to swim with a cute sea bishop could be nice though.

>> No.17467037

Was a strong swimmer when I was younger. Thanks to my -12 myopia it's a lot less enjoyable when you can't see a damn thing underwater.

>> No.17467039
Quoted by: >>17467083


A mershark may want to help too.
Just don't panic when she rushes you.

>> No.17467048

Why is the moose so attractive?

>> No.17467049

How do you write role-reversal without the protagonist seeming like a bad guy?

>> No.17467054

enjoy your rape cove

>> No.17467063

>Poor little birb girl.jpg

>> No.17467077

I want to stuff that birb.

>> No.17467083
Quoted by: >>17467269

>don't panic
I would even if I knew she meant no harm but I'd soon calm down.
Can always make it so that it's clear the girl wants it even if her words and actions say otherwise. MGE girls all want it in the end after all.

>> No.17467089
File: 598 KB, 1092x1084, 1383768803363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17467096

make the girl weak to sweet words

>> No.17467100

>STILL no buttslut monster
God DAMN it KC.

>> No.17467108
Quoted by: >>17467113

Either make a girl into one or just get a loli with a suitably fat ass.

>> No.17467113
Quoted by: >>17467118

But I like tallflat.

>> No.17467115
Quoted by: >>17467121

Aren't you talking about role-reversal-reversal now? Aggressive monstergirls are already role-reversal.

>> No.17467118

and the god of irony will force you to marry a short stack

>> No.17467121

then traditional scenes?

>> No.17467122
File: 1.11 MB, 1181x1588, 1450110966387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buttslut monster is the true monster.

>> No.17467124

I thought it was because monster genes were too op, and made all kids monsters, and monsters are exclusively female.

>> No.17467128
Quoted by: >>17467170

Smokehobo's making-of talked about grasping her hips from behind or something.

>> No.17467139

They're too prude for that.

>> No.17467142

Paladin-chan is your friend. She fights for your penis.

>> No.17467143

Doesn't matter, just shove it in when she's not expecting it

>> No.17467151

I would hate to get husbando'd by a monster like that...

>> No.17467153
Quoted by: >>17467167

It's called technical virginity, anon. Look it up.
She'll ravage your dick with her strangling-tight sphincter for years before retiring and letting you deflower her at the age of 35 for the sole purpose of breeding her again and again.

>> No.17467162
File: 403 KB, 1300x900, snek-lady-(WIP).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake mom update. Figuring out the colors.

>> No.17467163
Quoted by: >>17467178

I want a fat bottomed kiki to go with the ultra busty one

>> No.17467167
Quoted by: >>17467187

Things like that are forbidden in their code of ethics.

>> No.17467169
Quoted by: >>17467227

Auburn somewhere

>> No.17467170

From the way it was written it sounded more like doggy style.

>> No.17467178
Quoted by: >>17467184

She's both.

>> No.17467184

...And now I want a pair of kiki twins with both.

>> No.17467187
Quoted by: >>17467212

They need some release, or they'll all corrupt before retirement age.

>> No.17467212
Quoted by: >>17467220

That's silly. They don't have any urges.

>> No.17467220
File: 312 KB, 800x1200, 1429550139095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sort of thinking is going to result in a whole lot of cute red-eyed Paladin-chans.

>> No.17467227

Made that color her tail and scales. I dunno if I'm gonna have her ears be scales or just flesh tho.

>> No.17467249

gonna put garlic in that paladin's meals!

>> No.17467263

I see no crow's feet but I see baggy eyes.

And I agree.

>> No.17467265
Quoted by: >>17467288

Do you want to get raped that hard? It's going to be painful when she bounces all over you with her armor still on and your skin gets pinched between the plates.

>> No.17467269
Quoted by: >>17467287

I have that for around the end. At first she can't, otherwise what's the point of role-reversal?

>> No.17467275
Quoted by: >>17467286

It's just common sense. Paladins must be pure of any lustful or wicked thoughts to have their powers.

>> No.17467286
Quoted by: >>17467311

Love isn't lustful or wicked, anon.

>> No.17467287

That's the best way to do it, I'd say just keep up with what you're doing.

>> No.17467288

Vampire paladin chan is so cute when she tries to explain why her breasts have grown three cup sizes in a month!

>> No.17467294

That's too much. I'd rather have her go from A to B or C.

>> No.17467297
Quoted by: >>17467305

Why are they doing that?
Has she been drinking cow-blood?

>> No.17467305

Monsterization, counter-incubization.

>> No.17467311
Quoted by: >>17467320

But violating men under the guise of live is. Remember, sex is only after courting and marriage, and is only for having children or after praying to the Goddess for permission.

>> No.17467314
File: 557 KB, 731x1032, 1480970253681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17467384

>waifu gets a pleasure rune right where her womb should be
>every time she gets pregnant and gives birth, she adds a new mark to it
>after awhile, she starts wearing low cut pants to show off her rune whenever she can like it's a testament to your virility
>plus, with such an extensive pleasure rune, her every orgasm becomes almost mind-breakingly powerful
Pleasure runes should be illegal for how sexy they are

>> No.17467320
Quoted by: >>17467345

They're already married, they're just making sure they don't get pregnant during their duty. There's no way the CG could deny them the warmth of their husbands' love all over their sensitive anuses.

>> No.17467345
Quoted by: >>17467368

But its shameful for the hands of the Goddess on the mortal realm to take it up the rear like a proustite.

>> No.17467368
Quoted by: >>17467392

You know what would be really shameful? Getting pregnant before time. Only allowing the husbands to apply their penises to Paladin-chan rectums is much safer. Trying to use protection or pull out or even only do intercrural would inevitably result in semen entering their wombs. When the seed enters her sacred receptacle, she has plenty of time to offer a prayer to the unborn seed before it seeps out.

>> No.17467384
Quoted by: >>17467400

That's fucking hot

>> No.17467392
Quoted by: >>17467400

She can just practice abstinence until she retires.

>> No.17467400
Quoted by: >>17467421

I want to capture a Paladin-chan and give her progressively more pleasure runes until she gets mind-shattering ahegao multiple orgasms from my kisses.

>> No.17467421
File: 277 KB, 849x1092, 1468085969775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paladin-chan becomes the POW of a disgusting, corrupt creature
>getting hugged feels like sex
>getting nuzzled feels like being eaten out
>getting kissed gives her an orgasm
How long could a stern, heroic Paladin-chan keep her sanity, and humanity, while being ruthlessly used as my daki?

>> No.17467455
Quoted by: >>17467477

Corrupt paladins who haven't yet transformed into monster girls serving evil monster girls when?

>> No.17467477

>Traitor Paladin-chans birthing sons for the use of the monster hordes
I'd love to be her slave.

>> No.17467481
Quoted by: >>17467484

Paladin-chan is for giving a bunch of fertility drugs and then engaging in tender, loving 'conversion therapy'

>> No.17467484

I want to have some sort of mild stone skin cast on me so her biting my tongue won't hurt and then have sweet lotus sex with a captive Paladin-chan.

>> No.17467490
Quoted by: >>17467500

>Female POW's get their pick of male POW's if they turn
I want to watch this, provided that the guy stays loyal and cries his eyes out while being gently but forcibly taken by his former commanding officer.

>> No.17467494

That's just a life of getting drugged up with fertility drugs and being ravaged by her fertile human pussy. You'll just be a breeding whore until she's to old to bear children.

>> No.17467496


>> No.17467500
Quoted by: >>17467515

That makes more sense than most scenarios. She would prefer to take you herself rather than let one of those harlots get their claws on you.

>> No.17467501

Also this

>> No.17467504
Quoted by: >>17467558

I'll be glad to serve her in the amazon position until all her eggs are used up. It's what I always dreamed of while serving with her, even if the details don't quite match up.

>> No.17467510
Quoted by: >>17467896

Did you get this from /d/?

>> No.17467515

Appealing to their inner yandere seems like the perfect plan. They get to indulge in their carnal desires, feel like they're rescuing someone, and be together with their beloved all at the same time.

>> No.17467534 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17467536

Jesus Christ you people are autistic here, and I've been in more than a few threads on jp alone
t. passerby

>> No.17467536

you should see the shitshow then

>> No.17467539
Quoted by: >>17467574

But once she does turn old enough (by human standards), I bet she gets a pick of whatever super long lived if not immortal race she wants to be monsterized into and a fat plot of land to take her favorite man as her property to.
Not a terrible gig.

>> No.17467541

Have you tried adding crows feet my dude? Mature mgs are life.

>> No.17467558
Quoted by: >>17467568

You can be more then some meat dildo that just exists to cum inside some former holy warrior until she tires out. You'll be a man driven only by his primal desire to spread his genes, which shell make fun of you for.

>> No.17467568
Quoted by: >>17467588

>just exists to cum inside some former holy warrior
That's like 50% of what I want, though. If she hugged and cuddled and chatted with me too I literally couldn't ask for more.

>> No.17467574

>Turncoat Paladin serves a long life as a man-breeder for the extremist faction
>As she reaches the age where (as a human) she can't have children any more, Druella herself offers to personally monsterize her into whatever she likes to life thousands of more years as a noble in Monstergirl society
>Paladin chooses to become a black dragon
>Becomes a total mayadere terrorizing human realms for the monster army
Would you be her husband?

>> No.17467583
Quoted by: >>17467610

Would I get to be her husband when she was still a broodmare or would I have to be a breeding stud until she monsterized? I'd do it in either case.

>> No.17467588
Quoted by: >>17467594

If it keeps you happy with your job then yes.

>> No.17467593
Quoted by: >>17467610

Would be nice.
I'd even happily be her husband before that, pumping her full of fertility drugs and breeding her till she's carrying octuplets.

Kinda want to continue that trend afterwards as well

>> No.17467594
Quoted by: >>17467619

But if she does that I'd tell her I loved her with every single cumshot. That's get really boring for her if she didn't actually like me.

>> No.17467596

You just sort of expect it when they're bigger. It's much more special when they're the same size as you.

>> No.17467610

I suppose it depends on her tastes. But more than likely considering monstergirls they'd have you paired up with her before she monsterized, since they're at their core into one on one true love and all.
That said, you'd probably yourself live a life prior to that of being pumped full of fertility drugs and such to maximize production. You'd absolutely incubize heavily as soon as she monsterized.
But then she'd be your one true love and you hers living out your days as powerful and valuable nobles at the top of her mountain mansion.
>Kinda want to continue that trend afterward as well
I'm sure she'd become addicted to it at some point and would be rearing for roleplay scenarios where she's a breeding bitch again in a more harsh environment, that is if you're into it.

>> No.17467617
Quoted by: >>17467631

Then continue it we shall.
Gonna have that black dragon carrying a brood, although with looking like she could feed a brood.

>> No.17467619
Quoted by: >>17467633

Why would she chose you as a breeder if she didn't like you?

>> No.17467625

I'd be just fine with being pumped so full of fertility drugs I'd cumflate her every single day, just as long as I got to spend all day with her instead of being herded together just for the act and then separated.

>> No.17467631

>Leave now monsterized powerful black dragon wife chained up for days at a time, bound and gagged in the position to be bred
>You're fairly certain she's constantly gushing even when you're not around just at the sensations of it
>When she senses you come in the room she starts writhing and squirming, moaning out through her ball gag that she needs it from you, just you, only you
>Monsterized pussy feels like an ocean and a vice as it desperately milks you for all you're worth
>Sometimes so intense you physically can't pull out for hours even if you wanted to, she's got that much of a grip of desperation on you
>Doesn't help that you're an incubus now so you could probably technically go at her forever
>After each session she's positively stuffed full of your baby batter and is in a state of pleasured afterglow unlike anything seen before
>Takes more than half a day for her to break from her ahegao stupor
>When she does and you unchain her and bathe her, she's constantly kissing your neck and running her hands all over you, repeating again and again ad infinitum, "I love you, I love you, I love you"
>Even when you finally pull her into bed with you she falls asleep with you held tight to her bosom, her last waking thoughts and words all the same as she whispers them out through happy tears-
>"I love you"

>> No.17467633
Quoted by: >>17467678

>good genes
>good sperm count
>nice dick
I mean a breeder isn't a husband. I want to be both.

>> No.17467635
Quoted by: >>17467760

Anon, they'd keep you so pumped up with that stuff that you could do that thing do a dozen women, let alone one.

>> No.17467645
Quoted by: >>17467760

Of course you get to spend all day with her. Whether before she monsterized or after.
Though prior when you're still in her working stage pretty much all you'd both do is fuck constantly, only stopping for when she has to deliver her payload.
After she monsterizes you're free to spend all your time you want together.

>> No.17467678

Then you want a marrige ceremony before you begin your job then.

>> No.17467706

>snuggle lumps
I want more of those anatomical diagrams

>> No.17467733
File: 433 KB, 502x708, 64335670_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17467743

>> No.17467743

Bugs are nice
Sometimes they're icky, but you get used to it

>> No.17467752
File: 3.35 MB, 1772x1516, Kikimora116 downsized for jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikis make fantastic mothers. I really want to see an adult version of that black haired one.

>> No.17467760

I'd rather do it to her a dozen times per day though.

>even getting snugglehumped by her while we sleep
This is heaven. I bet they'd send out scry-agrams to our former brothers and sisters at arms showing us having archieved happiness in submission in the monster realm.

>> No.17467764
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.17467765

I'm confused at that door.

>> No.17467766

My heart dick is fully erect.

>> No.17467794

How would you assassinate the demonlord?

>> No.17467795

Meme overload

>> No.17467805


>> No.17467818
File: 141 KB, 391x600, Unicron Prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay out of the Enchanted Forest in Amazon Territory anon.

The beasts there are much higher level than the ones located in the normal Enchanted Forests, they even make The Steppes look like a cakewalk by comparison as well.

>> No.17467832

That's a really pretty hoarse

>> No.17467834
File: 806 KB, 1434x2006, Elf Twins Control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it may be recomended to avoid enchanted forests in general

>> No.17467835

Strike her when she's most vulnerable, at her public birth giving

>> No.17467854

God those elves are fucking thick
I want to be their boyslave for several millenia as they smother me both emotionally and physically

>> No.17467868

My only complaint with that doujin is that it never shows the moment the tsundere one gives into her urge to have sex, it just does a quick cut to her already fucking the guy.
Otherwise a 9/10 doujin as far as elves are concerned.

>> No.17467876
Quoted by: >>17467886

Gib source pls

>> No.17467885
File: 191 KB, 1280x768, 686579198_preview_20160519172337_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17467897

How well do you think MGE would do in the Stellaris universe?

>> No.17467886


>> No.17467891
Quoted by: >>17467904

I wonder when Kikis start to behave like maids, those girls don't seem very maid-y

I'm all for daughters inheriting hair and eye colors from their father. I'm not too sure about the rest
Black hime haircut makes every monster girl better

>> No.17467896
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 1500348167923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17468691

Yeah, somebody provided a translation and I just made a quick little edit with the translated text using gimp.

>> No.17467897
Quoted by: >>17467942

I wonder what kind of species Hellhounds are? Are they quite military?

>> No.17467900

my complaint is the lack of doujins like it of non human females raping their human boyslaves
>tfw will never wake up naked with a throbbing headache only to realize your on stage being sold at an mg boyslave auction

>> No.17467904

>Black hime haircut makes every monster girl better
Most at least. Would look amazing on a manticore that had ears/paws/wings to match.

>> No.17467916
File: 200 KB, 392x687, Unicorn12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autism just imagined a fully operational gym in an enchanted forest where elves, unicorns and other mgs lift for recreation. Unicorns are life.

>> No.17467923
Quoted by: >>17467936

The thing you were supposed to envision was Amazonian Unicorns.

>> No.17467927

Is there anything better than spending an entire day in a Dorome's embrace?

>> No.17467931

What would a low-fantasy version of MGE be like?

>> No.17467932

Spending an entire day in a Paladin-chan-who's-been-mindflayed-into-thinking-she's-a-Dorome's embrace

>> No.17467936

so a BIG unicorn. I approve

>> No.17467942


>> No.17467945
Quoted by: >>17467967

>Unicorns with eight packs galloping on a custom horse ready treadmill
>Elves slapping each others asses after a good set while spotting each other on the squat rack, thighs the size of tree trunks and strong enough to make minos run in fear
>Fairies benching 15 pound curlers
>Titanias blissfully skipping around the track, unaware that they're 8 feet tall and bulging with muscle and womanly beauty
Welcome to Forestgym.

>> No.17467950

I wanna take her to the beach and do just that. Just relaxing in each others embrace while she asks 'whats that?' to every little thing that comes by.

>> No.17467967
Quoted by: >>17467990

> group of fairies next to the free weights
> smallest one is on a tiny bench, huffing and puffing as it struggles to bench a pink, rubberized dumbell with a "2.5" printed on it.
> biggest one is over at the squat rack , squatting with a full sized bar, making for less then a foot of movement from top to bottom of the squat.
> an obstreperous werecat starts talking shit
> gets suplexed by something calf high with delicate wings, the sound resounding through the gym.

>> No.17467974
Quoted by: >>17467982

Better off having her slowly corrupted into a Dorome.

>> No.17467979
Quoted by: >>17467984

How about a Dorome that's been mindflayed into thinking that she's a paladin?

>> No.17467982

That's okay too. At least if she doesn't realize it's happening. I want to stroke her hair and her mud-breastplate while she coos contentedly.

>> No.17467983
Quoted by: >>17467991

That sounds incredibly comfy.

>> No.17467984

No way, she won't have that authentic paladin personality.

>> No.17467990
Quoted by: >>17468133

When you get put into a full nelson by something that can't even reach around your neck fully, you know you fucked up
Those fairies sound awesome. I bet their husbands are happy.

>> No.17467991

It would. She'd have a sleepy, dopey look in her sharp eyes and she'd just want to hug me all day while complaining about how tired she's feeling these days.

>> No.17468001

Would you randomly ask her to give you a nice big smile at times, to which she'd oblige even though she doesn't know why?
Would you fondle her butt and like to see her look up, not knowing how to react, but just smiling happily, her old response of getting mad and calling you a pervert pleasantly having dissolved away into a simple minded sensation of 'that feels good'?

>> No.17468015
File: 2.18 MB, 2835x3301, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17468173

God Doromes are so fucking comfy.
I need more Dorome love and greentexts.

>> No.17468017
Quoted by: >>17468038

Yes, and I'd kiss her cute smiling lips.
No, I'd always ask for permission to molest her. Of course she'd always giggle happily and tell me she loves me and I can always do whatever I want with her. Then she'd hug and kiss me and coo softly at every lewd touch I gave her.

>> No.17468038
File: 913 KB, 992x1403, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17468072

So you'd ask her to which she'd giggle and tell you that, then hop into your lap and stick her butt out behind her?
Then she'd lean up and kiss your earlobe and you'd hear her coo and gasp and sigh out 'I love you' as you fondle and control her body in your hands.
She'd subconsciously start grinding her hips against you and her breath would become moist and hot in your ear as you continue, her mud drawing up further around the two of you, practically bubbling with arousal.
I guess at that point would be when she'd have fully turned, even without ever realizing or acknowledging it. Not that it matters anymore. She's just happy and with you, the only two things she'd need to worry about anymore.

>> No.17468072
Quoted by: >>17468094

I'd let her play out the actions of her former life like praying in the mornings, but after she was done praying for happiness and being with me forever, I'd put my dick in her mouth and get a lovely, slow, gentle good morning fellatio. Because of her slow, insidious corruption she'd have kept all the outer trappings of her former self but had them all subtly twisted to fit our new life. Later in the morning we'd play cleaning her armor, where I'd "polish" her muddy chestplate that had the sensation of normal breasts. She'd become so happy about her clean, shiny armor that it'd melt away and her naked, modest bust would appear in the mud and she'd thank me for my help with soft barely-not-naizuri.

>> No.17468094
Quoted by: >>17468130

Sounds absolutely perfect.
>I'd let her play out the actions of her former life like praying in the mornings, but after she was done praying for happiness and being with me forever, I'd put my dick in her mouth and get a lovely, slow, gentle good morning fellatio
God that's fucking hot.
How would her old squad react if they came across her in her new state?

>> No.17468107 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17468114

What are they going to do to that poor birb?

Are they gonna introduce him to a cute boy she likes?

>> No.17468114

Bad anon, shoebill isn't an alp.

>> No.17468124

What are they going to do to that poor birb?

Are they gonna introduce her to a cute boy she likes?

>> No.17468130
Quoted by: >>17468145

I don't think they'd even realize it was her. They'd have never seen her with such a contented smile. Her face or body would have barely changed, you know, apart from becoming mud, but her posture and facial expressions would be so different from her former life that they wouldn't even think of it.

You know, this whole repurposed Paladin daily routine is so cute that I might write a short about it.

>> No.17468133

> It was a Thursday afternoon, well after the rain had come through, but well before the humidity was swept off to elsewhere.
> You were at the pub to drink away another day's sorrows when she walked in.
> You didn't notice, not because you were absorbed in anything but because her footsteps didn't disturb the dust as they passed, much less make any noise. Had you had a further understanding of the situation that was about to happen to you, you would have known that only two things walk that lightly: Sneaky Elves ( a very specific sub-breed of elf) and fairies.
> Given the choice, you'd wrangle with Sneaky Elves any day.
> She must have jumped into the next stool, because the first notice you had of her was that you jerked two feet to the right.
> " Hey cutie, buy me a drink. "
> Following the cheerful, bright voice led you to the new seat that you were on and that next to you was a tiny girl. She couldn't possibly have been more then seven inches tall. She had a firm hold of one of your belt loops in both hands. Her arms, as small as they were, felt like they were pulling the loop right off of your pants.
> She gave you a quick smile on her tiny mouth.
" Do I know you? "
> " Yes, of course you do. I'm Elizabeth, the girl you're about to buy a drink. A Red Oni, on the rocks, extra red, double oni. "
" Why would I do that? "
> Her smile, if you could call it that, went as quickly as it came.
> " Because I'm being very polite with you right now. If you don't want me to stop being nice, quit playing coy and just do what I tell you. "
> This put he hairs on the back of your neck up, but what further scared you was how the Satyros behind the bar slid a drink to her exact specifications over from far away, making use of a pool stick that was hushedly delivered to her.
> " Thanks, slut. "
> You had never seen anybody down a Red Oni in one drink, much less a girl who was half the size of the large, steaming glass.
> She wrapped one arm around your wrist and squeezed it, causing you to grunt as it found no give in either her arm or her body.
>" So, I'm single and ready to mingle. Let's go, lover boy. You can tell me your name tomorrow."

>> No.17468145
Quoted by: >>17468175

I'm loving it, especially as a Dorome. I hope you do, it sounds ultra comfy and adorable.

>> No.17468161

The only thing better than being abused by a fairy is being abused by many fairies.

>> No.17468163


>> No.17468168

Hot damn I want her to punch me while I'm fucking her

>> No.17468173

Doromes need more art.

>> No.17468175
Quoted by: >>17468189

There's so many cute ideas going through my head with this, like turning going back to bed after the dawn laudes into hours of cuddling that she thinks is a part of her duties and that she sings a corrupt hymn throughout.

>> No.17468184
Quoted by: >>17468563

I'd rather spoil a bunch of fairies with cakes.

>> No.17468188
Quoted by: >>17468205

Why do they all have huge man hands?

>> No.17468189
Quoted by: >>17468215

It would be a real simple one, with a bubbly voice, mostly just repeating 'I love anon, I love anon~' absentmindedly.
Sparring would of course just be her humping against you and sometimes saying something like 'good thrust' or changing 'styles' that is just her changing what position she's grinding against you in.

>> No.17468205

for vice grip handjobs

>> No.17468215
Quoted by: >>17468223

I'm thinking humming along to the melody of the original hymn, but without words or with nonsense words interspesed with some gaude's turning into cooing while hugging her husband even tighter.

>> No.17468223
Quoted by: >>17468248

Yes, fuck yes. That sounds fantastic.

Would you comfort her in the moments when it looks like she's lost and fleeting scraps of memories flit past her mind?

>> No.17468248
Quoted by: >>17468275

That's too sad. I don't want her to remember the suffering in her previous life. If I managed not to cry I'd try to redirect her with a gaude to make her rejoice over her current, happy life.

>> No.17468261


Pocket sand!

>> No.17468275

That'd brighten up her day just right, anon. She'd smile twice as bright when her mind turns over and she hears you singing the song that makes her think of you, which makes her happy. She'd never have those bad thoughts again.

>> No.17468304

Does anyone have that Druella pic that .less made? I can't seam to find it.

>> No.17468350
File: 1.20 MB, 820x1184, snow gear rata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until she finds the one addressed to her.

>> No.17468364

It's not a letter describing the things you want to do to her big fluffy tail, in explicit detail, is it?

>> No.17468374
Quoted by: >>17468393

Her tail, her tits, her 'tail'.

There's a lot of things I'd want to tell her I'd do with her.

>> No.17468383


I needed a really long piece of paper.

>> No.17468391

I'd need a whole book.

>> No.17468393
Quoted by: >>17468410

But anon, what aboput her tail?

>> No.17468406

Thumb looks like a buff guy about to molest her.

>> No.17468410

Gonna brush it, hug it, nuzzle it, cuddle it, wash it, fluff it, make it a personal daiki, and kiss it

>> No.17468422
Quoted by: >>17468433

and call it George?

>> No.17468433
Quoted by: >>17468502

Of course not.
Its a tail.

>> No.17468446

This is a cute monsterlittlegirl.

>> No.17468498
Quoted by: >>17468508

>finally bought Majoras Mask on the 3DS
>been playing it non stop since I got it
>when I went to sleep last night I finally had my first monster girl dream involving a Titania mother that dressed like the great fairys from MM
>I woke up just as she offered me a nursing handjob to help me relax
I woke up and had to take a shower because I didn't want my roommates to see me crying.

>> No.17468502

Then are you going to call it Gina?

>> No.17468508
File: 468 KB, 1000x625, signing contract for succ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17468541

your gay, lol

>> No.17468541
File: 83 KB, 790x510, crying eden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17468553

Eden is third moe.

>> No.17468563
File: 249 KB, 917x814, fairy happy hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hopefully they don't run your bar tab too much.

>> No.17468569
Quoted by: >>17468589


>> No.17468582

Well, they can't physically hold all that much so it wouldn't be too bad.

>> No.17468589

You cunt.

>> No.17468595

Fairies are much cuter than that!
This is fairy racism!
They're not just joke waifus, they can be hot and sexy too!

>> No.17468633
File: 2.45 MB, 1748x2480, 64059631_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itadakimasu, dude!

>> No.17468639
Quoted by: >>17468757

That's a lot of food for a fox. She'll get fat.

>> No.17468651
Quoted by: >>17468694

Fug, now I want chink food.
All you can eat buffets staffed by Jinkos and Ushi-Onis.

>> No.17468684
File: 613 KB, 850x1132, 640ac8980b6d4f21ed1629d2be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy vampires!

>> No.17468691

I was there when he translated it. Weird.

>> No.17468694
File: 136 KB, 850x1211, original_drawn_by_sousouman__sample-878e435b33ab43b6d6c1d6a3b728e1cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a regular at a cosy backstreet Chinese restaurant owned by a friendly old man, his wife with their late teen Hinezumi daughter as the sole waitress since they don't get many customers.
With the old man trying to get me to marry his daughter every time he knows I've had a few drinks, much to her embarrassment.

>> No.17468708


>> No.17468727
Quoted by: >>17468746

I imagined now a high class vampire calling me dude, also threating me like I was her best pal.
It was worth to come here.

>> No.17468746
Quoted by: >>17468799

>Vampire laying down in such a risque outfit, super seductive, super sexy
>"Oh, hey dude. Sup?"
Sounds like a good girlfriend.

>> No.17468757
File: 1007 KB, 948x1293, C70e_IDVQAMtl6E.jpg orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll notice it's always the one-tailed foxes that are fit.
The older ones slack off since have magic-based weight solutions.

>> No.17468771
Quoted by: >>17468835

But you'd have to win a fight to earn her respect.
Is he goading you into a drunken brawl?

>> No.17468783


those are fake fairies, true fairies wear boots


>> No.17468799
Quoted by: >>17469118

if she opens a beer too I'll fall in love.

>> No.17468800
Quoted by: >>17468815

>tfw you'll never get invited backstage your favorite Nu Black Scream Doom Folk Heavy Mithril Monster Girl Band.

>> No.17468815

>you will never ask your favorite monster singer to sign your dick

>> No.17468832
Quoted by: >>17468838

But do they dance with dwarves?

>> No.17468835
Quoted by: >>17470276

He's a wise old fighter and willing to teach his daughteru's fiancée I would imagine. I've always liked the idea of having some fun banter with an old bastard like that while learning some new skills.

>> No.17468838

At Stonehenge?

>> No.17468914

Bar Flies!

>> No.17468918


I would fawn over a smug squirrel. Hard. I'm weak to everything about them, I can't fucking take it. From the moment the profile got posted, I knew this was going to happen.

>> No.17468932

Yeah, Ratas have a lot going for them.

Cuddling chubby Ratas when winter's on the way would be fantastic.

>> No.17468948

If she was real spoiled and always kept asking 'what do you like about me' would you pamper and fondle her while saying something different you love about her every time?

>> No.17468954
Quoted by: >>17468977

You know it.
That Rata would get all the sweets, tail brushes, and snuggling she could want.
She'd be maximum smug in no-time.

Maybe a bit pudgy too.

>> No.17468960
Quoted by: >>17468977


I don't think I could help it. It's not fair, I'm just unable to resist. It's not even the loneliness talking, I just love small, cute things.

>> No.17468977

>Pudgy cute Rata curled up in a big comfy blanket watching the first snowfall
>come in bringing her extra sweet hot chocolate, marshmellows, and her favorite sweets
>Brush her tail and massage her plump butt as she curls up in absolute comfort and sips coco
You'd both be the happiest things in the world.
Would you ever tease her about being extra fluffy or all pampering and spoiling all the time?
And how would she pay you back?
I agree. They're just too adorable. I'd fluff her ears and make her super flustered by brushing her tail and groping her and carrying her around in public.

>> No.17468980

She's not chubby, she has a lot of layers on to stay warm!

>> No.17468998
Quoted by: >>17469008

Sure she does.
Sure she does.

>> No.17469006
Quoted by: >>17469034

Maybe a little bit of teasing but its so good she just can't give it up.

Some cowgirl would be my punishment so I can't look at anything but her.

>> No.17469008

>Spend the whole afternoon spoiling her and massaging her all over as well as brushing her tail while reassuring her she's beautiful and those girls are just jealous of her feminine charms
>She dozes off at night mumbling "eye am the cutest..."

>> No.17469018
Quoted by: >>17469034

That she is.
Going to bake some of her favorite cookies as well.

>> No.17469034
Quoted by: >>17469051

Hands interlocked as she flows her body over and over and over on top of you, squeaking out louder and louder as she rides out multiple orgasms while you compliment her from below?
She'd be even cuter nibbling on those cookies while cuddling in her man's lap.

>> No.17469051
Quoted by: >>17469064

You know it.
May even get some manticore venom to keep going when she's tired of being on top and wants me to do the 'hard' work for her.

And yes, she would be the cutest while nibblign those cookies.

>> No.17469064

I always liked that idea with spoiled/ojou/plump MGs. They ride you for a bit on top then when they get tired but still want you to keep fucking they just demand you take them while they lay on their back or front.
And of course I'd happily oblige.

>> No.17469077
Quoted by: >>17469108

You know it.

Those soft girls are cute when they have their fill then tell you to keep going while they do something else.

>> No.17469085
File: 139 KB, 1023x1457, 1499886092496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17469108

She's cute just the way she is

>> No.17469097
File: 685 KB, 1280x1355, 1497257163552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17469108

Even the hardest working Rata has to have a day off every now and then.

>> No.17469108

That's the perfect Rata for me right there. My favorite interpretation.
>Finish inside plump Rata gf as she pants on top of you
>She rolls off and lays down, pulling her tail up to give you access to her plump pussy and fat ass
>"Ahh... okay. I'm tired but could you please keep filling me up pretty pleeeease~?"
>Turns on the TV and shakes her tail and butt around a bit to entice you, reaching for the cookie plate
And then you fuck her hard from above and behind while hugging and huffing her tail as she lazes about and moans like the lovely lazy chubby bitch she is. And believe me I say that with absolute love and desire.

>> No.17469118

>You'll never be hired as a butler for a Vampire Ojou-sama who drops the fancy act when all her court duties are done, changes into a loose tank top and spats and lazes on the couch with you as her cushion/gaming buddy.
How would you react to her distracting you with a quick peck on the cheek?

>> No.17469134

The greatest right there.
Pudgy ojous are for delicious spoiling.

>> No.17469141
Quoted by: >>17469161

Sounds like one of Lapcat's crew.

>> No.17469155
File: 1.82 MB, 3500x4667, 61482737_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pudgy ojous are for delicious spoiling.
oh hoh hoh, dude?

>> No.17469161

I don't think Lapcat is pudgy though, she's traditionally slim just with a fat ass.

Ironic considering the existence of cuddlecat.

>> No.17469163

Fuck off fatfags.

>> No.17469166
File: 621 KB, 877x1103, results indicate an improvement in morale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17469169

Results seem valid especially if you keep cranking out drawings like you have lately.
Good to see you doing more.

>> No.17469177

Genki Lich-chan is here to bring smiles and raise the dead, and she's all out of inanimate corpses!

>> No.17469178
Quoted by: >>17469195

I guess that's true. Still, Rata would be the truly spoiled chubby girl of the group. More accepting of her nature of being a pampered princess and all that.

>> No.17469181
Quoted by: >>17469195

That they are, and having them oogle you as you cook big tasty meals and snacks for them.

>> No.17469195

Would make sense.
She'd be the one that has her boyfriend hand feed her at lunch while talking with the others, along with having him carry her everywhere.

A good way to get muscle right there.

And they don't 'oogle' they appraise.
Oogling is what commoners do.

>> No.17469197
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1280, 1480995525018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17469223

God I love Latenight's Liches.

>> No.17469204
Quoted by: >>17469223

>Big soft Rata ojou who's into muscly boytoy types
>Big muscular farmboy anon who's into big plump spoiled types
A match made in heaven!

>> No.17469215
Quoted by: >>17469223

Sounds exactly like something an ojou would say when her boyfriend caught her oogling him.
>"I"m not oogling! I'm appraising! And its a very, very good appraisal~"

>> No.17469223
Quoted by: >>17469245

His muscle lich is the greatest.
Cute AND strong looking.

They're perfect for each other.
Especially when she falls asleep in his arms.

THe question becomes if shes licking her lips because of the food or him.

>> No.17469234
Quoted by: >>17469243

Lapcat will get plenty pudgy once she gets pregnant.
Only after college though, wouldn't want to spoil her education.
Either way Cakesworth is going to throw a fit.

>> No.17469243
Quoted by: >>17469251

I don't know who that is but Lapcat is going to be cute with her daughterus.

>> No.17469245

>Especially when she falls asleep in his arms

>Rata-ojou falls asleep in her last period of classes because she's lazy
>Her farmeranon boyfriend dutifully carries her home in his arms every day
>This becomes an utterly regular occurrence
>Lapcat always tries to get at her face with a marker to mess with her but her boyfriend stops her from doing so

>> No.17469251
Quoted by: >>17469273

Cakesworth is the CC principle succubus of the school all the ojou girls go to.
She hates affection and cuddliness and all that, infuriatingly so.

>> No.17469273

The cutest.
Especially when she warps herself up with her tail so it looks like Farmeranon is carrying a bundle of fluff.

She just needs to get in an argument with that kid that gets good grades but doesn't pay attention in class so that is can end in a hatefuck.

>> No.17469278

Playing with my heart like this is unfair, would hug.

>> No.17469286

Especially cute when she leans a certain way when her boyfriend shows up to pick her up, indicating she's not actually sleeping at all and just likes feeling him carrying her but can't be bothered to ask.

>> No.17469337
Quoted by: >>17469356

Would you want to hatefuck Cakesworth knowing that her rude behavior is because she botched her chances with the boy she liked in high school and has been bitter about it ever since?

>> No.17469356
Quoted by: >>17469476

You know it.
That just makes it all the better.

That's a cute squirrel.

>> No.17469408
File: 191 KB, 482x599, 482px-Ratatoskr4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you take her home where she begs you to stay and end up making her dinner because you just can't say no to those eyes, especially when they're imploring you to stay and share a bite to eat, and then hold her close to you and make her feel happy and content with herself

>> No.17469429
Quoted by: >>17469473

That comfy plump squirrel is going to get her womb stretched if she keeps acting like that. Its just so cute and sexy.

>> No.17469438

>Time for experiments!

>> No.17469460
Quoted by: >>17469490

Hime cut spiders in pantyhose.

>> No.17469473
Quoted by: >>17469494

Imagine having that hefty portion of squirrel become addicted to you, unable to cope without constant love, affection and care

>> No.17469476
Quoted by: >>17469489

So you'd want her to force herself on you as a way to keep her from expelling you for low grades only to end up bending her over her desk and fucking her for the rest of the school day as her glasses fall off and her hair gets jostled out of it's bun?
Do you want to pound her fat virgin CC ass as she ahegaos and begs you for more?
Do you want to slide your dick into the embrace of her plump lips as she lets her succubus instincts take over?
Do you want to cover her generous tits in your cum and watch her face contort in pleasure?
Do you want her to take responsibility and marry you after you graduate?

>> No.17469482

>You'll never be the Incubus husband of a Kitsune
>You'll never celebrate your birthday while surrounded by 9 generations of your family

>> No.17469484

>tfw you will never have a Phantom make your life a musical


>> No.17469485
Quoted by: >>17469494

Just imagine that Rata Ojou-sama pouting until her family's servants let you into the kitchen because to her your cooking is the best in the world.
Kind of how her Devil friend loves "commoner" food, like what's served at the barbecue places her boyfriend takes her to on dates.

>> No.17469489

You know it.
Gonna end that year with her getting pregnant.

>> No.17469490

fat foxes in ankle socks

>> No.17469494

I'd pamper her so much they'd call it a crime. She wouldn't be able to start the day without me eating her out then cooking her breakfast and massaging her every plush inch in bed, and that's before she even bothers moving in the morning.
Probably also because the servants try to serve her healthy diet stuff while her boyfriend cooks her sweet, indulgent foods.

>> No.17469525
File: 169 KB, 635x377, sempai please wake up its time for club activities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17469533

Poke the chubby sleeping squirrel

>> No.17469535

Super cute.
Would pick up and carry off to class so she can get a little bit of extra sleep.

>> No.17469537

Lazy and cute!

>> No.17469544

Its those hibernating instincts kicking in.

>> No.17469554

>"Waaah- five more minutes~"

>> No.17469561
File: 162 KB, 500x500, __wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_mokokiyo_asaddr__sample-6fe3076e51e1b82f8f07f5856c36cca9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if she never wakes up?

>> No.17469572

Yeah! We gotta splash water on her in case she sleeps forever!

>> No.17469578

Wave a biscuit under her nose, she'll soon wake up

>> No.17469579

I wanna equally spank her and pet her.

>> No.17469582

Hopefully its a hot, buttered biscuit.

>> No.17469588
Quoted by: >>17469679

>Boyfriend waves a homecooked fatty biscuit under her nose
>She starts drooling and snaps to, lunging for it as he smiles and shakes his head while she noms away at it, holding out her other hand for more

>> No.17469595

I've never liked the ocean because for as long as I can remember I've had dreams of a voice calling to me from the dark, black inky depths of the Earth.

>> No.17469600
Quoted by: >>17469608

Would she wake up for a big, juicy nut?
Either kind of nut, her choice.

>> No.17469608

One of each kind in each cheek.
A big chestunt in her right, her boyfriend's big nut in her left.

>> No.17469616

Then she can take her journalistic talents to an Undead Kingdom.

>> No.17469663
File: 945 KB, 1280x1076, 1494343526263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17469741

>> No.17469679

>finally get her to wake up
>tell her you won't be carrying her that day because your own bag is super heavy
>watch as the adorable tantrum ensues

>> No.17469684

[Angry Squirrel Noises]

>> No.17469686

I really love how stylish these liches are.

>> No.17469694
Quoted by: >>17469725

>"Wwaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Waaaaaaaahh!"
>Ever patient, hold out another biscuit and walk a bit as she stomps her feet and fumes and cutely harumphs and cries yet still follows you reaching for said biscuit and nomming on it before throwing another tantrum
>Keep stringing her along like this with biscuits all the way back to her house
>At the front gate she sits down and says she's not walking home whatsoever and she's gonna stay right here until her babe carries her home!
>Looks around and notices she's already made it home
>Boyfriend sets his bags down and carries her to her doorstep, kisses her forehead and squeezes her love handle, then heads home

>> No.17469721

Which monster girls are into skydiving sex?

Which monster girls are into skydive landing sex?

>> No.17469723
Quoted by: >>17469735


>> No.17469725
Quoted by: >>17469754

Such a cute, pudgy squirrel.
She's fun to tease when she isn't smug.

>> No.17469735

I don't think birbs count for skydiving sex, anon. Unless it's like a falcon girl and she wants to do some hunting roleplay.

>> No.17469741


>> No.17469754
Quoted by: >>17469764

She's a prime candidate for tummy pinching and wubbing while she's having a few too many snacks, then making it up by massaging her rump and fingering her under her spats as she sits in your lap and cranes her head back to give your neck hickeys

>> No.17469757
Quoted by: >>17469853

Kobolds would be the white person version of that.

>> No.17469764
Quoted by: >>17469777

The best and cutest.
Would take her to the beach during summer so she can get in a small swimsuit.

>> No.17469772
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>> No.17469777

>Struts out of the bathroom at her family's beach house in a way too small thin bikini
>Her breasts are overflowing out of the cups, her ass has made a thong out of the back, and her delicious curves are on full display
>"Does this swimsuit make me look fat hon?"
What do?

>> No.17469780
Quoted by: >>17469833

Shogs could make you a very nice parachute probably.

>> No.17469784
Quoted by: >>17469801

I inform her that it makes her look the best kind of it.

>> No.17469785
File: 994 KB, 2589x4503, rabbiddog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, better be careful guys, she has rabies!

>> No.17469795
File: 630 KB, 1485x2100, 60350823_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's toothpaste.

>> No.17469796
File: 77 KB, 900x718, 6a630c9f844198943a3b3bc1c322ace35961071e8ff86e62b557f39c5e94818b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17469806

Alps are cute! CUTE!

>> No.17469798

Whoops, forgot I had an image loaded up.
Oh well, fox butt.

>> No.17469799

Wow, look at that fivehead.

>> No.17469801
Quoted by: >>17469816

Probably earn both a pout and a little playful punch, but at the same time a kiss on the cheek.

>> No.17469803

She probably just forgot to clean up after having her scribe service her.

>> No.17469804
Quoted by: >>17469822

Tell her just how delicious and comfortable she looks, then get her an ice cream

>> No.17469806

>manage to fuck up genderbending Alucard by giving him a tumblry face
He's already bishie, just make him skinny and slap tits in him.

>> No.17469808

Cut your hair, hippie.

>> No.17469816

Worth it.
Soft squirrel is best squirrel.

>> No.17469822
Quoted by: >>17469840

And when she asks for a triple scoop chocolate glazed waffle cone Neapolitan with caramel and sprinkled and extra whipped cream?

>> No.17469827

You could launch a 747 off that thing.

>> No.17469833
File: 99 KB, 510x566, good thing I brought her along.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17469836

Is "tumblr face" basically just the inclusion of a nose?

>> No.17469840
Quoted by: >>17469856

Buy her a cornetto instead, they're just as tasty and cheaper as well

>> No.17469842

It's generally a certain style of nose.

>> No.17469851

Generally a discolored nose from the rest of the face.

>> No.17469852

What if a Kumiho was so frisky and bad for you that you couldn't get an orgasm unless she gave you a love nibble on the clavicle during coitus?

>> No.17469853

>Eminem Kobold

I didn't want to imagine this but I already have. Some one save me from this adorable yet disturbing hell.

>> No.17469856
Quoted by: >>17469894

She's going to grow up to be a food critic in the local paper isn't she?

>> No.17469858

Shoggoths are versatile.

>> No.17469864

Oh my god thank you forever. I would use a Shog as an all-purpose go go gadget coat.

>> No.17469869

The nose isnt that bad desu.

>> No.17469870

"Tumblr nose" is making the nose beet red because you don't know how to actually shade.

>> No.17469878
Quoted by: >>17469889

In case of an emergency, your Shoggoth meido can be used for any number of devices such as:
>Safety Net
>Life Raft
>and many more!!!
Who needs a a boring maid that just makes more of a mess than she picks up?
Get your very own Shoggoth TODAY!!!

>> No.17469886
Quoted by: >>17469936

Only if she doesn't mind me biting back.

>> No.17469888
Quoted by: >>17469907


She could be the Watson to your Sherlock. Except she solves all the crimes ages before you do. Plays along with assisting you in "solving cases" anyways because she knows that she has to be a good assistant for mastah. And being good for mastah means helping mastah feel like a supersleuth.

"Elementary, silly mastah~ tekeli"

>> No.17469889

>Life Raft
So I take it shogs don't have the same aversion to large bodies of water that regular slimes do?

>> No.17469891

What is your waifu's weakness?

>> No.17469894

And she would be damn good at it
https://pastebin.com/xznkpu3h also here's a quick pilot for a rata story I've been cooking up, if you like it then I'll be glad to continue it

>> No.17469903
Quoted by: >>17469907

Now I'm imagining both an Anon and his Shoggoth meido/waifu/coat "smoking" those bubble pipes at a fireplace contemplating a case.
And it's making me giggle like a schoolgirl and I don't know why.

>> No.17469906

I dont know, but I can imagine a Shog forming a small row boat from her lower body, with herself at the bow like an ornament. A hooded and solemn Shog, who guides people across the river through the mist.
Fire allegedly

>> No.17469907

Fuck meant to quote >>17469888

>> No.17469911
Quoted by: >>17469937

Dragon element on the back of the knee.

>> No.17469912


>> No.17469914
File: 226 KB, 850x1200, 1464494537586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes a serious warrior turn into a blushing, stammering mess faster than a headpat and a compliment about how cute she is/how well she did.

>> No.17469918

Food. I can bribe her to do anything I want if I cook her favorite meals.

>> No.17469927
Quoted by: >>17471814

Go for it.

>> No.17469936

I mean, the idea I'm mulling over has hatefucking and the guy biting the nape of her neck hard enough to draw blood after she nibbles his shoulder/clavicle. Which ends in their mutual orgasm in the doggy style and collapsing on top of her.

>> No.17469937
File: 377 KB, 706x1000, 1457169118816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you like your pickles extra rapey.

>> No.17469944

I can slay one gold crown sized while naked!

>> No.17469948
Quoted by: >>17469968

What kinda monsters do you find in a dark lake on a pitch-black night?

>> No.17469950

blowing on the core

>> No.17469962

Anything that requires the precise movements of fingers to use.

>> No.17469968

A whole bunch. Mucus toads and Sahuagins for starters. It might be a cursed lake that houses a will o wisp/ phantom, or maybe even an elemental

>> No.17469973
Quoted by: >>17471814

Do it!

>> No.17469977
File: 254 KB, 960x960, 55146539_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried tofu and cats.

>> No.17469980
File: 166 KB, 675x900, 1495294443490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you and your tomboy childhood friend oni come of age around the same time and decide to share your first beer together
>you take a sip first and pass it to her, but she hesitates when she brings it up to her mouth
>ask her what's wrong when her face goes completely red, but she stutters out that nothing's wrong
>she gently brings the bottle up to her lips and ends up almost emptying the whole thing before handing it back to you
>you never realize that she was just too caught up in savoring her first indirect kiss

>> No.17469981
File: 777 KB, 1024x1112, 1489935857526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17472311

Ear rubs and headpats

>> No.17470000

Look out! She's venomous!

>> No.17470028
File: 129 KB, 911x921, 1480976571087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tease a waifu

>> No.17470033
Quoted by: >>17470043

I was expecting more legends of the hidden temple.

>> No.17470040
File: 192 KB, 400x400, 400px-Hopeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone shares your old greentext
>All you can see are the fucking spelling errors
Why do I never fucking proofread?!

>> No.17470042

Shogs work so hard for mastah!

>> No.17470043


>> No.17470046

Thats hot

>> No.17470047
Quoted by: >>17470153

My dick didn't notice any spelling errors. You did a great job.

>> No.17470048

At least you don't have a shitpost greentext that'd make David Cronenberg blush.

>> No.17470057
Quoted by: >>17471814

Oh I'm absolutely loving this already, and if you're doing what I think you are I'm gonna love it even more. Please continue.

>> No.17470068

Both Cute and Hot.
I liked it anon.

>> No.17470071

What does a Shog meido say to her master during these moments?

>> No.17470073

>"You probably think I'm going to call this silly, mastah, but..."
>"...This is actually pretty fun~!"

>> No.17470084

>"Oh Mastah, the things I'm gonna do to you when we get home~!"

>> No.17470096
File: 254 KB, 1200x900, DHEbWijVoAAB44I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hand of KC himself

>> No.17470112

Oh geeze.

>> No.17470113

I want to put my ear to that Succubus' hips and ask her the secrets her ass keeps.

>> No.17470121
Quoted by: >>17470216

Tell me your secrets, ass!
> " The Armenian Genocide never happened. "

>> No.17470122
File: 21 KB, 179x179, 1502520349238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17470129


>> No.17470129

You don't understand, Anon. My Succubus' picture in my wallet doesn't even have her face. It's just her hips and ass.

God I wanna bone her.

>> No.17470133
Quoted by: >>17470148

>So, about that marriage proposal...

>> No.17470148 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 540x512, 1502589563697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen if i flip out a ring right now?

>> No.17470153

A lot of it is grammatical errors (to vs too, but, vs butt, it's vs its), but sometimes I forget the last letter on a word that doesn't get caught by spell check or forget to remove part of what I wanted to change.

>> No.17470168 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 500x750, 1502589865663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you deal with a Amazonian Jinko anon?

Not that you'd have a choice in the matter.

Would you attempt to flee, hire a Mantis mercenary, or some other wildly and equally ineffective idea to save your hide?

>> No.17470173

I'd just make myself as unappealing as possible.

>> No.17470175

God fucking dammit I'm too tired and horny to actually be silly and memetext you about that.

Probably tomorrow morning.

>> No.17470181

>80s fantasy music plays

>> No.17470183

>Amazonian Jinko
They're already pretty big, anon. How big is an Amazonian version? Is she eye level with an Oni?

>> No.17470200

Way ahead of you, buddy.

>> No.17470216

>Angry System of a Down noises

>> No.17470221
Quoted by: >>17473176

Anon.... I'm going to scritch those ears.

>> No.17470225

I want blown up and colored versions of that pamphlet girl. I know it's the succubutt on that page, but those profile ones look cuter.

>> No.17470237
Quoted by: >>17473176

incense and peppermints.

>> No.17470246
Quoted by: >>17473176

I'll make her feel comfy and run away while she naps. There will also be a pocket shota as bait.

>> No.17470261
Quoted by: >>17470354


>> No.17470276

>he hands you a ladder and a baby
>tells you to wan no trabble when you fight
would you still go through with it?

>> No.17470314

Hips can't have secrets.
After all, hips don't lie.

>> No.17470323
File: 128 KB, 644x763, img1671440_19a5b1246fa6d7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17470338

So what is it?

>> No.17470346

looks like a tartarus monster if kc drew it

>> No.17470353

When the Automaton is trying to learn something new

>> No.17470354

Years later
>Daddy? Where do babies come from?
>I don't know! Damn that seductress and her ass!
>Daddy, calm down.

>> No.17470408
Quoted by: >>17470571


Mix hellhound and dark slime.

>> No.17470418
File: 561 KB, 979x586, welcome welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17470421


According to twitter, KC already has sold out on the Succubus Note. Hopefully an english anon got their hands on one.

>> No.17470430

>I inadvertantly started this because I had a craving for dumplings
I never got those dumplings, though. I have failed.

>> No.17470434



>> No.17470439

My, what a mighty mouse.

She's a cute.
Hinezumi need more love.

>> No.17470444

>Pictures showing a Succubus from multiple angles.

I need more of this for other monsters! Why hasn't this been done before?!

>> No.17470446

>Guqin music playing in the background
Show her your burning spirit!

>> No.17470457

Firemouse's Mist Continent Takeout!

>> No.17470466

good to see him so successful, is he doing stuff full time now?

>> No.17470493

This makes me wonder. What kind of broadcasting does the Monster Food Network have? Something to cater to those stay at home waifs and husbandos who cook for their spouses.

>> No.17470501

You can feel the cooking battle spirit coming from her.

>> No.17470514

Fire mice are lovely girls.

>> No.17470520
Quoted by: >>17470533

I don't even like Chinese food but I could gladly eat those dumplings.

>> No.17470521
Quoted by: >>17470534

Latenight is pumping em out lately.

>> No.17470523

>He's drawing mouse girls
Bless you m8

>> No.17470533
Quoted by: >>17470553

She cooks them with fire and passion!

>> No.17470534

Pretty awesome.

Any other content creators working on something interesting?

>> No.17470544

>Meat Rubs starring Wendi-chan
>Hellhound's Kitchen
>Home Cooking With Kiki

>> No.17470546
Quoted by: >>17470569

>"Message Home", for stay at home Shoggoths
>Its just a Shoggoth host staring at the camera in a dark room
>Your meido often just stares back at the TV standing still

>> No.17470547

I'm working on an update for my story. It's going, but slowly.

>> No.17470550

Someone is writing what sounds to be a delightful Ratatoskr story

>> No.17470553

I've seen Chinese people do the same to dogs.

>> No.17470560
File: 266 KB, 858x800, only_the_softest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Content creators deserve the very best Yetis to be snuggled. Or whatever girl makes them happy.

>> No.17470561

>househusbands everywhere watch the syndicated 'Martin Stewart Living"

>> No.17470569

I thought you had to pay extra to get the Chaos channel.
>it's 100% Chaos 28/7

>> No.17470571
File: 94 KB, 611x808, slimy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are done using ostagram.ru by the way.

>> No.17470575
Quoted by: >>17470590

>Lady Lust's Meals for Manly Men
>An older Demon gives tips on how to cook traditionally manly foods on the grill to help out young Demons who want to fulfill their obligations to always cook exactly what their husband wants
>Every episode ends with her presenting the food to her husband, who loves it every time, and then they fuck gratuitously for the last six minutes before credits roll

>> No.17470577

> cc troll and apophis duo that makes home made recipes with aphrodisiacs and "mood enhancing" drinks
>ushi oni showing home remedies for broken pelvis and keeps men awake
>mofu making tofu while her inari partner makes mystery meat
>shoggoth and wendigo just have a pure static for an hour if you're lucky
>incubus just have a normal grilling show

>> No.17470578
File: 91 KB, 357x486, 1499443731104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17470580
Quoted by: >>17470592

Slime Hound! Run away!

>> No.17470590

Lady Lust is a sex icon!
Been in the business for 800 years!
She never does live signings anymore though. Could she be getting too old?

>> No.17470592

Where would you run, though? She has the persistence and turbo-rape tendencies of a Hellhound aplified by her ability to pass through any defenses now. Nothing short of a holy ward would save you!

>> No.17470602

So we've created the MG-1000? God save us all.

>> No.17470604
File: 183 KB, 611x808, altslimy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alternate version

>> No.17470606
File: 111 KB, 1214x1588, 1493064973192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister Humanly! She'll save us!

>> No.17470609

what is she gonna do block the door with her fat ass

>> No.17470615

Heaven willing, then I can be the one to help 'push' from behind to get her unstuck

>> No.17470624
Quoted by: >>17470633

But what if the hellslime gets creative & molests her butt until she moves?

>> No.17470625
Quoted by: >>17470633

That sister is for groping and asking she's been enjoy the land of 'milk and honey' too much.

>> No.17470633
Quoted by: >>17470639

Then we all get quite a show and it was worth it
She's for poking in her squishy spots as she tries to pray
She's for marrying and mating press jackhammering her so hard you can see all her 'milk and honey' go into full motion everywhere

>> No.17470639
Quoted by: >>17470648

Gonna teach her the true meaning of 'Be fruitful and multiply"

>> No.17470648

Just make sure if you conceive, you do it with her bent over a consecrated alter, her fat ass up in the air as you slam her from behind on a holy day.
The more sacrilegious, the better the chance of conception for a Dark Priest!

>> No.17470651
File: 101 KB, 577x294, fx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17470666

Neato, but that site is suspect as fuck.

>> No.17470665
Quoted by: >>17470672

Well, lets hope for a fertility blessing than.
I'm aiming for nothing less than triplets in her.

I like my priestesses big and meaty so I'll have no issue being ready for her.

>> No.17470666

>forced login
Yeah, nah.

>> No.17470672
Quoted by: >>17470687

Even when she reverse cowgirl rides you with her arms folded in a prayer for triplets and asks you to make her ass red from spanking and groping as she rides out orgasm after orgasm from you?
She'd need to be extra meaty to make that work, indeed. Very meaty.

>> No.17470675
Quoted by: >>17470877

Mix lilim and dark matter. Create the MGE apocalypse.

>> No.17470686

Why only bent over? If anything, she should be riding you ON the altar, your hands sinking into her soft sides as you work her hips, that plump rear engulfing your cock as she bucks wildly. Equal parts a display of your perverse faith and an offering for prosperity.

>> No.17470687
Quoted by: >>17470702

You know it.
And the meatier the better.

Gonna make a whole congregation out of our children.

>> No.17470702
Quoted by: >>17470711

I think the point is you hit ALL the positions on the alter and around the sacred parts of the church in general.
Blowjobs in the baptism font.
Assjobs over the organ.
Suspended congress in front of the monstrance (don't throw your back out, she's a Big girl!)
Anal against the alms box.
Paizuri in the pews (and all over her face).
Paint that place white with love and dark with devotion! Have that meaty maiden panting like a pig in heat by the end of it!

>> No.17470711

The best bit will be her doing mass with all our children in her womb.

Nothing makes believers than seeing the effects of faith.

Will happily have some snacks and massages waiting afterwards so she can relax.

>> No.17470715

The real kicker is hitting all seven deadly sins with her on the alter.
Lust is a given of course.
>Pride: Tell her she's more beautiful than any of the gods herself, no one can hold a candle to her beauty
>Envy: Each of you demand to be the last to cum, not wanting to let the other have the last gasp
>Greed: Take everything out of the offering boxes and shower each other with it while fucking
>Wrath: Spank her so hard it bruises, her meaty body can take it
>Gluttony: humiliate her by shoving food in her mouth while fucking her, or give her so many throat fucks she gurgles with it filling her stomach
>Sloth: Once you both collapse refuse to leave or clean anything up, just lay there lazily groping one another on the alter

>> No.17470719
Quoted by: >>17470732

She'll need lots of rubbing to sooth her skin and lots of nourishment to feed her growing girls (and growing body). Expect her to considerably fill out even more to accomodate all of them.

>> No.17470726


Old man behind the counter got to be like,

>I have 482 daughters
>This is the only one who stayed to help me with the restaurant
>If that young anon takes her from the store I'll fuckin murder him

>> No.17470728
File: 103 KB, 894x894, 0c7dca61c14c90431fabf29ec8e328e0-d8y5t7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever that guy brings up alps i always think of this bitch. However i like my alps with crows feet.

>> No.17470729

I'm actually doing the framework for a Kumiho story. Not sure if it would be wise to post it here since it involves quite a bit of ferocious hate fucking and the first scene is a crime scene investigation about a red light district pimp missing his liver.

>> No.17470732
Quoted by: >>17470746

The best kind.
Gonna have to keep her in revealing robes though.

Gonna spoil her rotten outside of mass and maybe even get some manticore venom for anal during some special holiday so that she can hold it while getting railed the entire time.

If he's isn't looking heavily pregnant before, I'll make her look it during that mass.

>> No.17470737
Quoted by: >>17470817

Don't you insult King you fucking nigger.

>> No.17470746
Quoted by: >>17470768

>Over the course of mass her stomach swells bigger and bigger with her husband's manticore venom enhanced cum onslaught
>Sermon gets progressively more broken down
>By the end of it she's just moaning while bent over the alter, eyes heartpupiled as the mass ends and spunk leaks out of her ass in large globs

>> No.17470768
Quoted by: >>17470777

The best.
Going to keep practicing with her till she can keep herself stable the whole mass.
And keep running afterwards till the venom wears off.

After that I'll plug her up so her body can absorb it, wash her off, and then cuddle with her on the couch with some snacks for her.

>> No.17470777
Quoted by: >>17470789

>Plug her up
I sincerely hope Monstergirl society have perfected the magical art of extra-size vibrator plugs for such occassions.
And that actually sounds incredibly comfy, having her washed off all squeaky clean as you lay against her big cum-absorbing body on the couch and snuggle romantically. Quite the contrast from the intense sacriligous fuck session that would have happened all day earlier. That kinda contrast is always so cute to me.

>> No.17470789
Quoted by: >>17470800


I would love to switch between raw, carnal acts with her that leave her a bloated, ahegoing mess and the pair of us relaxing on the couch with her in a sweater, although such things may be difficult to do once we've got kids running about, although what her body looks like post-pregnancy may just get me going again.

>> No.17470799
Quoted by: >>17470806

Would you be willing to let in a monster girl standed in a rainstorm?

>> No.17470800
Quoted by: >>17470823

So what happens when she's in that big state post kids and you all want to cuddle on the couch?
Do you all pile on to the misses or They all pile onto her and she sits on you almost crushing you against the couch with her thick humongous ass?

>> No.17470805
File: 225 KB, 590x830, titaniacupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

titania x cupid

>> No.17470806
File: 724 KB, 1000x936, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.17470811

Both are perpetually hot and cute. Both together would be utterly unhandleable. I'd die every morning.

>> No.17470817
Quoted by: >>17470850

King is an alp
King is old
King is acute

>> No.17470819
File: 52 KB, 465x498, 1237917779613a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insulting King of all KoF characters
>When she's maximum dapper and classy

>> No.17470822

>needless reaction images

>> No.17470823
Quoted by: >>17470852

Sometimes we all cuddle together, side by side with kids in our laps, and other times she pins me to the couch with the kids in her lap so that she can silently milk me with her ass all movie or TV session so the kids don't notice unless I've still got some venom in my blood.

>> No.17470850
Quoted by: >>17470861

She is not old, she's a mature young woman and does not deserve this slander.

>> No.17470852
Quoted by: >>17470870

That sounds heavenly for both. Ultimate comfy and ultimate seductive and sadistic. I can see her face getting more and more toregao'd as she milks her husband more and more. The kids wouldn't quite know what's happening but would be happy to see their momma so happy to be all together.

>> No.17470853

That fairy seems like she is going to fuck my shit up.

>> No.17470855

Alps like being called names tho.

>> No.17470860
Quoted by: >>17470881

What would you do if you were exploring an ancient egyptian tomb, and you found a golem eagerly chiseling your name into her wrist, happy to have finally found a new master, after thousands of years spent in agonizing loneliness?

>> No.17470861
Quoted by: >>17470872

King is reaching old hag tier f am her class is the only thing keeping her relevant.

>> No.17470862
File: 154 KB, 1400x1175, 1501636431676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about thicc girls that just makes one want to turn them into slutty, ahegaoing brood-mothers?

>> No.17470870
Quoted by: >>17470898

Yep, although they may start asking why mommy looks like they're going to have more kids after some time with daddy.
And making her try to hid her swelling during movie time would be more fun to have as well.

I don't know.
All I do know is that I want that kiki to be carrying no less than 8 daughterus at a time.

>> No.17470871

It's the fact that the wider the hips the better the chances of having healthy children is. Her being THICC is just a bonus because it means there's more to love and grab onto.

I'd fucking breed Naav's Kiki so fucking fast you'd think she were a goddamned were rabbit.

>> No.17470872

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.17470874

They ooze fertility off of them, it drives many a man mad, including me.

>> No.17470877
File: 76 KB, 587x842, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asked for it

>> No.17470881
Quoted by: >>17470907

>Well then, off we go, my dear.
Then I take her hand and lead her out into the world.
She'd be my silent loving assistant.

>> No.17470885


>> No.17470891
Quoted by: >>17470923

Its a natural urge in many men. I've become addicted to the concept. I can't imagine liking any monstergirl who isn't THICK and who isn't ready and willing to be filled to the brim with cum and then babies as a willing, loving broodmother.
FUCK it gets me going, hot damn. I'm glad some discussion has picked up on it past couple threads.

>> No.17470898
Quoted by: >>17470930

>"Whoooa... mommas getting bigger!"
>"Yeah, yeah! Feel her tummy!"
>"G-girls... c-calm down pleeaaaa- p-please!"

>> No.17470907

You're not even going to question how she found out your name in the first place? What if she's planning something funny?

>> No.17470910

>your Dark Priest wife becomes so full of daughterus that the rest of the congregation start to see her as a living saint of fertility
>she leads sermons about the joys of pregnancy while wearing the most indecent sacred robes and sitting on your dick
>near the end of each mass she offers to bestow her blessing on hopeful mothers, allowing them to come up and suckle her exposed nipples for her milk that is believed to crank fertility up to 11

>> No.17470914

Sweet lord of corruption save me that's hot

>> No.17470917

Oh that doesn't look so
>Enlarge thumbnail
Jesus H. Christ!!!

>> No.17470923 [SPOILER] 
File: 465 KB, 722x812, 1502599661507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17470951

Yep. It's funny how closely dudeposter and my tastes lie.
Spoiled for possibly offensive levels of thick.

>> No.17470925
Quoted by: >>17470937

I suppose those are all details now. A gentleman doesn't fret over the details. I'd find out more about her during the trek back to civilization.

>> No.17470930

>She keeps trying to play it off while I'm buried to the hilt in her rear.
>She can't stop her body from milking me so, while the daughterus are watching, she has to deal with the embaressment of letting out a shudder as she suffers a small orgasm, her already bloated middle swelling a little more from a new wave of seed.

Would love teasing her like that.

The best, although I'll need to keep shooting for ever more highs of pregnancy for her.

Hopefully she gets whatever gene that centaur knight from yesterday had.

>> No.17470933
File: 354 KB, 540x678, 1414124600046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only part of a monster I want to be thick are her big, thick fluffy tails.

Thick meaty claws are also acceptable.

>> No.17470937
Quoted by: >>17471008

>Girtablilu tries to ambush anon on his way home
>Golem goes full yandere mode and uses her stone fist style martial arts to beat the hell out of her without her master even knowing the ambush was going to happen
>She comes back from defeating the ambusher to just stare at her master as he sleeps, smiling creepily and breathing heavily as she etches his name in her other wrist

>> No.17470939

Cursed image, do NOT enlarge. Contains foul sorcery.

>> No.17470942
Quoted by: >>17470950

The 'magic recessive fertility bullet' gene?

>> No.17470948

I hate Dark Priests.

>> No.17470950
Quoted by: >>17470960

You know it.
Real good way to get that Dark Priest filled with daughterus without snorting Mothman dust like its cocain.

>> No.17470951
File: 721 KB, 911x1334, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xMzI3MzI4MjMxMjY4MDI0MzIvMjIyMjE2NjE2ODYyMTU0NzUzL0lNR184MzMyLkpQRyJ9.poshsJZ97Fuj8251W5lf56nvSB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robe too poofy, cannot gauge thiccness levels from here. Tighter clothing required.

>> No.17470956
File: 299 KB, 1260x717, Hellhound161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is okay, right?

>> No.17470958


>> No.17470960
Quoted by: >>17470973

Cmon anon.
We all know even if she had those genes you'd still do that to make it go even further.
An that is good.
Unf. Now we're talkin. Nigh perfect body right there.

>> No.17470962

Female human adventurers need to be careful what cursed items they pick up!

>> No.17470966

The leg gap shows me everything I need to know.

Very yes.
Reminder that cursed monsterizing objects are a thing.

>> No.17470968

It's an improvement.

>> No.17470973
Quoted by: >>17470985

Well yeah but it makes me seem like less of a pervert.

I mean, can you imagine what would happen if I snorted that stuff AND she had that gene?

I think we'd break double digit kids, although it would be hard to read holy books with tits that even holts would find extreme

>> No.17470978


>> No.17470983
Quoted by: >>17471002

And this is why you check to see if that "Choker of Iron Will" is really a "Collar of the Pit"

>> No.17470985
Quoted by: >>17471004

Sounds like the dream to me, anon.
And she could just use that blessing to keep the chalices at home filled.
Which would be aphrodisiadic.
Which you'd drink.
Which would make you fuck her more.
Isn't it beautiful?

>> No.17470997
Quoted by: >>17471019


Ah, the best waifu collars are finally on sale I see. Very good.

I'll take 20.

>> No.17471002
Quoted by: >>17471013

>I REALLY need to save these identification scrolls
>surely I can just use-ID this one

>> No.17471004

That it is.
Gonna be my big, cute, soft, broodmother of a dark priest wife.

>> No.17471008
Quoted by: >>17471029

>Golem gets tired of seeing anon travel so much because he's always in danger of getting snatched away
>doesn't want to tie him down, because she would just be making him suffer as she did long ago
>hatches a plan
>the next time anon puts the moves on her, she flips him over and rides him
>and rides
>and rides
>anon is practically dried at this point, but she keeps going
>completely cold eyes above a manic smile
>in secret she took an absurd amount of fertility drugs
>they won't affect her because she's not a creature of flesh, but the blind fantasy of holding anon down with a family had consumed her
>she honestly believes that forcing more of the cum inside her by using anon's cock as a ramrod
>anon us scarred for life, but is also now happily married

>> No.17471013
Quoted by: >>17471088

>That busty holst mage who has to explain that her "Ring of the Maiden" turned out to be a ring of the 'Milk Maiden"
>"I thought it was a simply translation error!"

>> No.17471019

I want one 'Hat of Mushroom Whimsy'
One 'Dark Pact of the Lustful Bargain'
One 'Desert Night Purple Headdress'
and one 'Nordic Scroll of Journalism'

>> No.17471029

That's called Monstergirl problem solving!
I'd love her forever. And I'm sure she'd mellow out a bit after that point.

>> No.17471030
File: 1.60 MB, 3600x5709, BTZ6SZv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now she's perfect.

>> No.17471034

Mad Hatter, ?, Apophis, Ratatoskr?

>> No.17471040
Quoted by: >>17471055

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, watch out for the Knight-Mare!

She'll charge bravely into your dreams, even if she's still a bit timid on the inside.

Second is a tanuki I think

>> No.17471055

Demon, actually. Though I can see it going that way.

>> No.17471069

I want a 'Fairy Crown of Eternal Innocence'!

>> No.17471077
Quoted by: >>17471100

I want to sneak up behind my waifu, steal her panties and then wave them around for everyone to see!

>> No.17471088
Quoted by: >>17471095

I told her to be careful. Now look at her. Dark and sexy. How am I supposed to focus on adventuring with her monster urges coming out every 15 minutes? Thank Chief God that the fighter and priestess haven't picked up anything weird.
>"Oi, Anon. Check out this kickass armor I found."

>> No.17471094
Quoted by: >>17471171

Can Titanias be adventurers?

>> No.17471095
File: 488 KB, 898x1540, 1485571052039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, forgot my pic

>> No.17471097

This pic never fails to get my gonads gurglin

>> No.17471100
File: 126 KB, 456x448, 1461113982007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471112

You seem to be under the assumption that she's wearing them. And remember, anon: Turnabout is fair play.

>> No.17471112
Quoted by: >>17471168

Hey! My waifu is a conservative, respectably dressed lady in public anon, I'd definitely know if she wasn't wearing panties! I'd know even just by her body language, she is very embarrassed about doing lewd things in public.

>> No.17471136

How does your waifu feel about tail pulling, anon?

>> No.17471168
File: 133 KB, 485x721, bzHU01u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471191

She's a beauty in the streets and a beast in the sheets

>> No.17471170
Quoted by: >>17471189

The dreaded Milk Magician! Hide your cereal!

>> No.17471171
File: 113 KB, 900x950, DGoqiDBVoAExIQp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is going to release it on his enty
We'll have it as soon as it's on there

Yes, but why would you want that?
They're innocent happy girls who just want to have fun and eat sweets.

>> No.17471188
Quoted by: >>17471226

I guess you're right. I just thought the idea of one going on an adventure because she heard it would be fun would be a fun idea.
But now that you mention it combined with that adorable cutie in pic, I would rather keep her away from the outside world. I don't want her to see all the bad stuff out there and instead just drink juice and be comfy with me in the forest.

>> No.17471189
Quoted by: >>17471201


>> No.17471191

What kind of tail pulling are we talking here anon? My waifu doesn't particularly like when I pull her tail too hard during sex, but it does make a great handhold for when we're doing doggystyle. There's also the kind of tail pulling that our daughteru would do, but that'd be more of holding on to for security when she follows her mother around.

Yes anon, exactly. She's a puppy in the sheets too though, she likes to be dommed a little more than she likes being the dom.

>> No.17471193

results in retaliatory dick pulling followed by pelvis shattering snu snu

>> No.17471197
Quoted by: >>17471226

I want to sleep in her boobs
Its so nice, Titanias, you can just do whatever with their bodies and they will just be so happy and comfy and innocent about it
Like I bet you could suck that one's nipples for hours and she'd just smile and pet your head and think 'That feels so nice! Anon is such a good friend~'

>> No.17471201

She's so enthusiastic about milk that she puts the milk in before the cereal.

>> No.17471205

That doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.17471220
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, Time for some crusadin'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk before the cereal
I don't care if I would breed her for all of eternity, that shit is heresy.

>> No.17471226
Quoted by: >>17471247

Your idea isn't bad, but you'd have a whole lot of trouble protecting her smile through all the hardships of adventuring.
You're better off chilling out in the fairy kingdom and playing adventure games with her.

Teaching a Titania about lewd stuff by introducing them to her as games is the best

>> No.17471234

>Noisemaker. Orgasmic squealing noises are made when pulled

>> No.17471247
File: 1.45 MB, 858x1046, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471278

The thought of sitting one in my lap and telling her I'm gonna teach her a game that's a lot of fun then reaching around and sliding my fingers inside her is incredibly tantalizing. I wonder how she'd react.

>> No.17471278

It's going to quickly become her favorite game especially if you tell her that she wins when she cums.
She's going to do her best everytime!

>> No.17471294

>All these people thinking the titty monster fairy mom is pure & innocent
Y'all are gonna get raped by fairies one day.

>> No.17471295
Quoted by: >>17471347

Oh yes. We'd play it as much as she likes.
But then I'd have to teach her other games, like the one where I stick my thing in her mouth and she has to make all the white stuff come out.
She wins if she swallows all of it without spilling a drop!

>> No.17471305

How far could you go with a Titania? Could you bound one up and gag her and still convince her its just another fun game? Because that's very darkly hot.

>> No.17471323
Quoted by: >>17471345

Stay away from Irish Fae, they will fuck you up. Not sexually either.

>> No.17471329
Quoted by: >>17471406

I'll tell you what I want: to snuggle with one and have her say how happy she is to have me. I want her to be excited to see me. I want her to like me. I want to go to the heights of pure love with someone who likes me and wants to be around me. I want her to say " I had a bad dream" as a bald faced preface to come into my room and crawl into my bed and sniff my hair.

>> No.17471345
File: 632 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nbkjgdQYxI1tu52bjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471358

But dullahans can do so much lewd stuff!

>> No.17471347

This is how you get a pouty Titania at the dinner table, because she wants white stuff and not regular food.

As long as it's fun and feels good she will be ok with it
You might have some explaining to do after you ring-gag her and ruthlessly breed her mouth, but she will always trust you in the end.

>> No.17471358
File: 233 KB, 1280x1024, 1375921291334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't get much more lewd than Dullahans.

>> No.17471406
Quoted by: >>17471420

>"I had a bad dream"
>Crawls into bed and sniffs your hair, places your face between her breasts, strokes the back of your neck
>Ask her what it was about
>"It was of me sleeping in a room without you in it"

>> No.17471409
File: 1.61 MB, 1229x1606, DHCo1awUIAAvNpK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you look at this cutie and think she is a rapist?
If you keep saying mean stuff she will cast a spell on you.

>> No.17471413

Fairies like sounding. She's going to do horrible things to you even if she loves you.

>> No.17471420
Quoted by: >>17471422

>>"It was of me sleeping in a room without you in it"
I would put her in a closet and not let her out until tomorrow morning.

>> No.17471422
Quoted by: >>17471434

More pictures of cute fae/titania girls
these are great
You're the real monster

>> No.17471426


>> No.17471434
Quoted by: >>17471441

I refuse to tolerate lames jokes from strange women I have never met before.

>> No.17471441
Quoted by: >>17471447

>Anon has such low self-esteem that he doesn't believe when his Titania onee-san tells her how much she loves him
You need healing.
A lot of it.

>> No.17471447
File: 150 KB, 650x590, 1465067247101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471465

He needs a Mindflayer.

>> No.17471465

Better go to a Unicorn then.
Flayers always take it too far. You go in for low self-esteem, you leave a fervent Cthulhu cultist with an unhealthy fetish for tentacles.

>> No.17471484
File: 799 KB, 981x1194, 1393130055876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd rather have a girl who just bludgeons her way through my low self esteem and disbelief in the idea of someone actually loving me.

I want to have an emotional breakdown in her arms when she finally makes me believe that she believes in me.

>> No.17471497

This is why simple minded species are the best.
A therapy Dragon Zombie can cure you of anything.

>> No.17471501

Nurse Unicorn is cute.


>> No.17471523
Quoted by: >>17471531

I doubt that.

>> No.17471531

What about a therapy Dorome that has aromatherapeutic plants in her hair?

>> No.17471533

If you were one of the last non incubized humans, would a monster girl want to change you ASAP or would she treat you like a trophy for a while?

>> No.17471536


>> No.17471538

>Forced corruption
Absolute shit.

>> No.17471546

Paladin-chan pls go.

>> No.17471550

Why are Doromes suddenly so popular?

>> No.17471551
Quoted by: >>17471560

Sometimes corruption can go VERY wrong

>> No.17471560

I mean, stage 2 is alright but I'm gonna take a pass on stage 3.

>> No.17471563
File: 229 KB, 574x627, 1425216638642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471578

Paladin-chan pls get corrupted

>> No.17471565

Mud Pussy

>> No.17471566

Because they're happier than I ever will be.

>> No.17471569
Quoted by: >>17471578

Forced corruption is literally the best thing ever invented.

>> No.17471572

They've always been popular since their release, it's just that rather than their popularity dying down it stayed the same if not increased
I wish Dragon Zombies retained their popularity too

>> No.17471574

--> >>17471484 >>17471497
Also big handjob hands

>> No.17471578
File: 1.29 MB, 1600x2200, 1500416980568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to go about corrupting a Paladin Onee-san?

>> No.17471579
Quoted by: >>17471584

Dark matter enema.

>> No.17471582
Quoted by: >>17471648

Kisses and creampies from her corrupt squire or childhood friend.

>> No.17471584
Quoted by: >>17471585

Or that thing where you put a small marble of Dark Matter in your mouth and slip it to her with a kiss.

>> No.17471585

But that gives you a rock solid boner that doesn't go down unless you release at least 20 times
You can't do that

>> No.17471586

I bet those 20 releases inside that onee-san would speed her corruption up nicely...

>> No.17471590
File: 416 KB, 725x1024, Reporting for duty sir! Meow!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require a squire, specifically one from the cat kingdom, to polish my sword!

>> No.17471593

One Cait Sith, coming up.

>> No.17471594

I can't wait for the final victory of the demon lord so that we can finally have monster Paladin-chans.

>> No.17471595
Quoted by: >>17471600

Cats have high AGI. They use daggers, not swords.
Expect a clumsy polishing.

>> No.17471600

The increase in size might be daunting at first, but she'll fit into the role eventually.

>> No.17471636
Quoted by: >>17471643

Why would you have paladins post-victory?
I doubt there will be a need for warriors aside from small scale conflicts that aren't all that serious

>> No.17471643
Quoted by: >>17471679

As a police force, solving and discouraging rapes and kidnappings.

>> No.17471648

>one night, your Paladin Onee-san feels something touching her chest and awakens to you on top of her, groping her massive chest
>she tries to push her young squire off only to find her hands are bound to the bed posts
>"Oh, Onee-san. You're awake? I thought that dormouse molasses would keep you asleep all night, but that's okay. Now you can enjoy this too."
>she's left speechless when you whip out a dick wreathed in a dark aura that looks way too big to belong to such a young boy
>you press her tits together and slide in between them, basking in the softness of her mounds as the dark energy spreads through them like an aphrodisiac
>she tries to protest but the head of dick manages to poke out from her cleavage and plug her mouth
>you fuck her tits with wild abandon until you finally cum, firing a few thick ropes into her mouth before coating her chest with the rest
>the taste of your seed is clouding her mind, but you manage to snap her back to reality
>"Don't go spacing out yet, Onee-san. We're just getting started. We'll keep going at it until the potion wears off in another, oh, 5 hours or so."
>your Onee-san looks terrified as you like your meat pole up with her pussy, but deep in the back of her mind she's starting to look forward to the rest of the night

>> No.17471649
Quoted by: >>17471679

Can't there already be Eros monster paladins?

>> No.17471653
Quoted by: >>17471673

>not going straight in
What a pleb. Forced paizuri is shit.

>> No.17471673
Quoted by: >>17471683

But forced Paizuri might lead to Paladin-chan corrupting into a Paizuri focused monstergirl!

>> No.17471679

Kidnapping won't be accepted that's for sure, but rape would be such a minor offense that a boy could just slap whoever monster raped him and they'd call it quits.

Eros paladins would only care about love
If you reject a monster girl's advance you'd have a cute armored Houri politely ordering you to reconsider your decision

>> No.17471683
Quoted by: >>17471698

>Using your favorite sex act to corrupt a girl in the hope that she'd imprint on it
That's brilliant. I guess I'd have to hotdog mine until she turned to get an Anubis out of it.

>> No.17471684

>rape would be such a minor offense
Unless it's NTR.

>> No.17471687

>a cute armored Houri
Drawfags pls

>> No.17471698


>> No.17471723

This is what adopterus are for.

>> No.17471729
Quoted by: >>17471730

That's not true, adopterus are only for gentle, loving sex. Don't abuse them!

>> No.17471730
Quoted by: >>17471737

You house, feed and educate them for free.
It's only normal that you'd get the rights to take out your frustration on them.
Nothing wrong with gentle loving sex though.

>> No.17471733

No. Neck yourself.

>> No.17471737
Quoted by: >>17471750

Adopterus are not slaves, anon. You have a duty to love and cherish them like they were your own daughterus. If you want a meat puppet to rape and make cry just buy yourself a loli slave.

>> No.17471750
Quoted by: >>17471759

Slaves know what they're in for.
With adopterus you get to see the look in their face as you betray their trust and steal their virginity.
And it's not as if that harms them or anything. They just go from being your loved daughter to being your loved wife.

>> No.17471759

The girl in that picture is crying, she's obviously being hurt. If you want to steal your adopteru's virginity, start with extensive foreplay and remember to kiss and caress her a lot before, during, and after the act.

>> No.17471775
Quoted by: >>17471793

You seem oddly knowledgeable on this subject anon, like you're given it a ridiculous amount of thought about how you would dick your daughteru. When does she get her first collar?

>> No.17471778
Quoted by: >>17471793

We're not talking about fragile human children who easily get scarred for life.
We're talking about tough monster girls built to take it.
If you spoil your adopteru she will become an overly genky housewife who's way too romantic.

>> No.17471793
File: 748 KB, 800x1023, 1452193968229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17471820

Stop it, you fiend. I'd never do anything like that to my non-blood-related daughter. I'd only do pure vanilla and girl on top activities with her.

>if you treat your daughter well, she'll become a happy adult

>> No.17471814

Thank you so much, I'll try to do more when i can
First time I've ever tried writefagging

>> No.17471820

Go ahead and make your adopteru a happy adult.
Don't complain when her monstrous instincts take over and she does as she please.
A Lamia would coil around you in bed and cause you to be late for work.
A Succubus would wake you up with a morning blowjob every single day regardless of you mood.
A Harpy would sing at 6am while cooking breakfast.
A Werewolf would mark you as her husband with both her bite mark and odor.

A respectable man would forge his adopteru into the perfect monster girl wife for himself, knowing she will be happy regardless.

>> No.17471830

All of those sound heavenly, anon.

My adopteru is an Anubis, so I imagine she'd have a morning fitness and breakfast plan for both of us to follow.

>> No.17471837

>he doesn't like the sound of all of them, especially the last

Are you some fucking alp or something?

>> No.17471844
File: 1.61 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_180734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ya called?

>> No.17471851
Quoted by: >>17471868

No dragon doujin. Did it run out?

Show more cute Succubus, please.

>> No.17471852
Quoted by: >>17471868

Anon has collected all the books of lewd together to make himself immortal.

Also post images of the pictures inside pls

>> No.17471860
Quoted by: >>17471874

>wake up at 6 am
>circuit training with your young waifu
>cold shower with hot anal
>lean and healthy breakfast
>brush her fur and hair so it dries in time
>head off to work together
>enjoy a productive working day together with your beloved adopteru-waifu

>> No.17471868
File: 1.04 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_181636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mostly text though

>> No.17471872
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_181555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17471874

Anubis adopteru-waifus could turn even the laziest of NEETs into a proper family man.
She'd start helping him from an early age.

>> No.17471878
File: 1.34 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_181609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17471881
Quoted by: >>17471918

As soon as she's old enough to take the dick, she's old enough to whip him into shape.

>> No.17471884
File: 1.36 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_181621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17471885
Quoted by: >>17471922

>coin censor
I think that deserves an imgur upload.

>> No.17471886

Oh fucking nice anon, keep them coming. Also reeee remove pennies I want to see lewd.

God damn though, that succubus.

>> No.17471889
Quoted by: >>17471922

Bless you. This succubus is olev.

Wait so did you see KC?

>> No.17471890

>make a dumb post or two about a fantasy and go to sleep
>wake up 11 hours later and this has happened
Do I owe you my soul now?
Horn handlebars? KC is a man of taste.

>> No.17471893

>tfw your 7 year old daughter balances your checkbook and files your taxes

>> No.17471903

I hope this isn't the last 360° view of a monster girl we get.
The backs of certain species are complete mysteries.

Using horns as handlebars is now approved by KC.
>All those hearts
Succubi are so happy when things get lewd.

That's the cutest most adorable Lesser Succubus ever.
Would marry her on the spot.

Sketches are always nice.
Thanks for the pictures man, hope you had a good time at comiket.

>> No.17471909
Quoted by: >>17471918

She deserves a lot of headpats for that. All of them, in fact.

>> No.17471918
Quoted by: >>17471930

Probably younger than that even.
I'd say a year into grade school she would already be helping here and there.

Buy her all the Pharaoh idol merchandise she wants.
She deserves it.

>> No.17471922
File: 1.23 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_182723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes...

I think so. Din't pay much attention or try to say hi since I was a bit in a hurry, but I think he wasn't wearing glasses this time

>> No.17471925

I bet these pages are filled with amazing Succubus facts!

>> No.17471929

Succubutts need more butt.

>> No.17471930
Quoted by: >>17471984

>1st year grade school
>helping around here and there
>1st year of middle school
>fully in control, including of your orgasms
>1st year of high school
>absorbed enough semen through her rectum to become your dream woman physically
>1st year of university
>matured enough to become your dream woman mentally

>> No.17471934

>as those kids grow up they witness a constant stream of more and more siblings
>the both of you have had 20+ kids by the time you finally settle down
>she's regarded as the saint of fertility for the rest of her life

>> No.17471936

These are great, thanks momo.

>> No.17471984
Quoted by: >>17472002

What a smugcubus
She knows exactly how lewd she is

Breeding your middle schooler Anubis' butt everyday sounds like the dream life
Especially when you see her growing sexier each year thanks to it

>> No.17472002

>Especially when you see her growing sexier each year thanks to it
Exactly. There'd be nothing better than pumping her butt full every day, watching, feeling and enjoying it grow from a flat lolibutt into a massive, muscular musclepear ass while her flat chest grew into a perfect pair of exactly palm-sized modest breasts.

>> No.17472020
Quoted by: >>17472085

Could you please dump the images from the Wilmarina one?

>> No.17472021

Would you be able to post pics from the demon doujin?

>> No.17472022

Yeah, if you're feeling up to it caps from the Wilmarina doujin would be a dope follow up.

>> No.17472032

I'm pretty sure both automaton and demon are stories with 3-4 pics

>> No.17472035

I wanna marry that succubus!

>> No.17472045

So you want to have a vanilla wedding with a vanilla Succubus and then enjoy a vanilla honeymoon together?
Why not go for a more exotic girl?

>> No.17472050
Quoted by: >>17472064

Because vanilla is best.

>> No.17472056

I want to marry the lesser succubus in the third image.
Sometimes vanilla is good.

>> No.17472057
File: 355 KB, 589x467, 1387747306350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17472073

I want to have a vanilla wedding with a horrifying Abomination and then enjoy a vanilla honeymoon together.

>> No.17472064
Quoted by: >>17472073

Human girls are even more vanilla than Succubi.

>> No.17472073
Quoted by: >>17472084

>Marry an abomination
>Only have vanilla sex with her
>Months go by
>You still haven't had a blowjob from her
>She confronts you about it
How do you break it to her that you are afraid for your dick's safety?

Human girls are rotten vanilla

>> No.17472084
Quoted by: >>17472105

>>You still haven't had a blowjob from her
Anon pls, I'd irrumate her several times every day. If anything she'd be pissed that I wasn't doing my marital duties to get her pregnant properly.

>> No.17472085
File: 1.04 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20170813_191335_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beyond this it's basically just more 'diary entries' like on the right page

(I think all except the bonus KC image have already been posted on Pixiv ect before)
Automaton one doesn't have any pics at all

>> No.17472097

Thanks senpai!

>> No.17472105
Quoted by: >>17472120

She must have an incredible amount of self-control to manage to get irrumated without tearing your dick to pieces

Kinda sad we got no other happy Automaton art, but that bonus business suit Demon more than makes up for it

>> No.17472106

Anything about alps? Pictures, information, or otherwise?

>> No.17472114

>OL Demon
Confirmed thread browser.

>> No.17472120

I wouldn't have married her if I couldn't trust her 100% with my dick. I still reward her with extended head and headpats for every successful irrumation with just enough teeth to get me diamonds.

>> No.17472121
Quoted by: >>17472129

That KC image is new to me and it's wonderful. Thanks again.

>> No.17472129
Quoted by: >>17472140

So what was the R-18 warning for then? No lewd art of dragon Wilmarina at all? How disappointing.
I don't think that's by KC

>> No.17472130

oh you.jpg
but since most Alps are in the strict sense just Succubi, all of the info written in it will naturally aply to those Alps too

>> No.17472140
Quoted by: >>17472148

>I don't think that's by KC
The last one in the demon album looks like his stuff. That or I need my eyes checked.

>> No.17472148
Quoted by: >>17472158

"Case: Demon" art is by Sasai with that final image looking to be Kenkou's work.
The dragon image is from "Side 1.5: Wilmarina's Honeymoon" by Will.

>> No.17472158

Yeah I was only talking about the last one in the demon imgur album. Will's art is great too though.

>> No.17472201
File: 180 KB, 334x439, Alp_crop1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was also wondering are stage 1 alps female or are they still transforming? Cus pic related still looks like a man tb h.

>> No.17472208
Quoted by: >>17472236

That's not a stage 1 alp, that's just a guy who's about to alp.

>> No.17472212
Quoted by: >>17472236

"Stage 1" is just thread lingo for an untransformed guy who's going to alp.

>> No.17472218

>at least a week old uncut nail
blind fanboyism: revoked

>> No.17472236

What are the signs to identify an alp? When demonic enuhgy becomes real you know we're going to have boatloads of alps.

>> No.17472248
Quoted by: >>17472309

There's nothing consistent or reliable. Even if he isn't obviously attracted to men or desires to become a girl he can still alp if he hides it or wants it on some unconscious level. You will never know until. It's. Too. Late.

>> No.17472263
Quoted by: >>17472309

do the licking fruit test. If it tastes sweet when licking on one you're bound to alp.
Or ask some some monstergirl to be honest with you, they can instinctively tell if a guy has the prepostions for alping

>> No.17472272 [SPOILER] 
File: 490 KB, 2149x3035, 1502623162465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find this attractive, then you're in too deep and you must seek help.

>> No.17472283

Eye to bosom is best height. Eye to pussy isn't so bad, but a little exotic and fetishy for my blood. Also she needs a slimmer waist. That's like a tree trunk.

>> No.17472309 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 683x857, 1502623709298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17472408

>Having your drunk bitter give no fuck teacher/proffesor just come to class one day all cheery like this.
The signs are there you just need to know how to weed them out.

>> No.17472311


>> No.17472333

I do although I'd rather have her as 2,50 or 3

>> No.17472338
File: 250 KB, 850x619, 1483751343508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubutts are the apex.

>> No.17472353
Quoted by: >>17472373

The worst thing about shortstack maids is that there'd need to be stepladders all over the house and you slam your toe into one while getting up to take a piss in the middle of the night.

>> No.17472373
File: 585 KB, 1145x1688, 1485544692481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you have the benefit of receiving a boobhat or shortstack maid ass to the face when helping her reach harder to reach areas.

>> No.17472400

I'm not in too deep, it's you who's not in deep enough.


>> No.17472408
Quoted by: >>17474547

and this would be bad because?

>> No.17472415
File: 227 KB, 907x1200, 1463928446286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musclegirls need soft jiggly bits too.

>> No.17472420

>huge, ripped, giant muscles, twice as tall as the guy
>tiny, dainty hands big enough to cover about one of her cheeks and half her eye
This always just looks off.

>> No.17472431

>wanting gross man hands
What are you, gay?

>> No.17472438

>troll trying to convince people her yaoi hands are nice

>> No.17472448

I mean, that's how it works in real life...

>> No.17472466

>adopteru dicking
>official horn handlebars
Loli Demons have the best horns

>> No.17472469

Plump spider rump in silk panties.

>> No.17472472

All that hair just makes me really glad that every single MGE girl is perfectly clean and hairless down there, no exceptions.

>> No.17472473
File: 283 KB, 736x1049, 1488340218732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17472494

I'm not really a fan of the hair either and sometimes the artist can be a little off but I love the situations he draws and the ideas behind them.
Like muscle elf nursing handjobs.


>> No.17472498

>every single MGE girl is perfectly clean and hairless down there, no exceptions
Really? Where is this stated?

>> No.17472508

It's his fetish.

>> No.17472517

Adopteru demons are scary, they would know all the tricks to get you into a contract where you have to dick them daily. They can probably stay small if you want them to with a little aid from the Sabbath too.
His head canon. Pubic hair's a really common fetish in Japan and KC's answer on the matter would be "they can have as much or little hair as you like down there you baka gaijin."

>> No.17472528
Quoted by: >>17472564

>they would know all the tricks to get you into a contract where you have to dick them daily.
That's why you should rape them right away so hard that their mind breaks and they become servile good girls

>> No.17472533

That's not loli at all, she has to be at least 15 years old.

>> No.17472541
File: 135 KB, 420x600, minotaur00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17472554

>he's afraid of a little bush

I've got bad news for you anon, see pic related.

>> No.17472544
Quoted by: >>17472564

I'd spoil my adopteru with all the sweets she could eat.

I may even get her to put that in the contract!

>> No.17472545
Quoted by: >>17472564

KC's setting is based on what KC likes, and so far KC has yet to draw a pussy that isn't completely hairless.

>> No.17472554

Doesn't really count since the fur basically acts as clothing there, and we already know DE gets rid of any fur covering her pussy before sex.

>> No.17472564

But I like smug demon lolis, not broken ones.
Don't spoil her too much, at least not without burning it off with lots of sex.
He has commented on this sort of thing a few times, he draws what he likes because it's more enjoyable for him but if people want something and it doesn't clash with the setting it's entirely possible for most the part.
He has also said that mamono mana getting rid of any fur in the way during sex is completely optional if the guy doesn't mind it.

>> No.17472571
Quoted by: >>17472593

Why not?
My cute adopteru should be able to have all the sweets she wants!

>> No.17472579

>mamono mana getting rid of any fur in the way during sex is completely optional if the guy doesn't mind it
Which basically means, it's up to the husband's preference. If you don't like pubes, she won't have them. If you do, she will. But all in all, every single girl isn't going to be hairless down there.

>> No.17472593
Quoted by: >>17472615

Fat demons aren't happy demons.
Pretty much. That's how it is with most things in MGE.

>> No.17472594
File: 1.24 MB, 1993x1659, 1501878186697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This contract says that if I'm a good girl, Papa has to give me all the sweets I want and when I grow up I get to be his wife. Sign here, Papa."

>> No.17472595
Quoted by: >>17472611

She'd tempt you while feigning ignorance until you couldn't take it anymore and made the first move, and put on an act of being more innocent than she is. When you were done taking her virginity, she'd ask if you adopted her because you wanted to dick her. And once you admitted that was one of the reasons you picked her, she'd whisper it's fine because that's why she wanted to go with you, too.

>> No.17472596

But she has to be a good girl. I'll hold her to that promise.

>> No.17472598

Even if they could probably grow it if they knew you'd like it, during your first encounter they're still always going to be completely hairless by default.

>> No.17472611

At times like this I wish voldemort was still writing because god damn it I need a story of this.

>> No.17472615

I dunno.
If the adopteru is getting 'quality time' and quality time with papa, she may like it.

>> No.17472645

Bless you anon

>> No.17472657
Quoted by: >>17472691

Are complete harem having, valkyrie fucking hero gary sues tolerable if they aren't actually the story's protagonist?

Or is it just a cheap method to make your protagonist seem more reasonable and relate-able and down to earth by constructing an even brighter artificial light nearby him?

>> No.17472691
Quoted by: >>17472727

I think that it'd be a bit of a lazy way to try and get your character to look reasonable and relate-able, since it avoids the issue at hand and puts something obnoxious in for a purpose it doesn't fit. That isn't to say that you can't still do it, but it needs to be played a certain way to really make it enjoyable to read about. Comedy is a bit harder to do but likely the best avenue to call up that contrast, but since this place likes it lewd, maybe play on that and play around with a MG that prefers the dimmer star to the side. For what reason is up to you. Maybe they prefer monogamy? They find the gary stu's attitude obnoxious too? It's more fun to femdom a guy like the MC? Really, it's up to you what you want to do with it in the end, but that's my two cents.

>> No.17472703
File: 180 KB, 1000x1400, 64391040_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post egyptianfus

>> No.17472712
File: 691 KB, 750x1061, 1455860990954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17472762

As you wish.

>> No.17472714
Quoted by: >>17472739

Demon lolis aren't just smug and sly, they have softer personalities because there's still the "loli" part.

That picture is cute, but I want to imagine them with a similar hairstyle as the profile.

>> No.17472726
File: 227 KB, 800x1067, 48808540_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light brown best brown.

>> No.17472727
Quoted by: >>17472750

If the pairing were to be the focus, I don't think the heroine having the luxury of chosing between MC and gary stu is the right choice.

In my mind it's more fitting if the MG is equally overshadowed. Maybe not the once-in-a-million-years magic prodigy kuu elf whose heart is destined to be melted by the hero, but the dark vamp nerd who excels in simply one field.

Indeed their interactions and romance should be entirely unrelated to the gary stu. After all, as the brightest light, the whole point isn't to look at him for too long, but to simply acknowledge his existence.

Or is this a poor way of showing the universe doesn't revolve around the protagonist?

>> No.17472739
Quoted by: >>17473008

What if the demon loli hasn't learned about restraint yet so she's a big bully

>> No.17472750

I can see what you're getting at, and I think all you really need is to add a few more side character like gary stu in to flesh out the 'world' as it were. You don't need to really spend much time on them at all, and they'll have to ration time between them to avoid focusing too much on the side characters, but I think that approach can work. They just need to be slightly more than throwaway lines, and really I think just two more in addition to the stu is the right number.

>> No.17472762
File: 137 KB, 600x800, flat,800x800,070,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pharaohs.

>> No.17472775

She looks too asian in this picture.

Also, I've always wondere what the cracks in her skin felt like. Iirc KC said in a making-of or QA that they were like leylines of mamono mana breaking through her skin.

>> No.17472786
Quoted by: >>17472803

You can probably touch them and it feels really good for both her and you. Just don't do it in public or she'll use her God Voice to make you dance naked in a cold street.

>> No.17472803

Jokes on her, God Voice can't compel me to do anything I don't want to do

>> No.17472805
Quoted by: >>17472813

>they were like leylines of mamono mana breaking through her skin
1. They should glow.
2. I want to rub my cum on them and cum in there.

>> No.17472811
File: 338 KB, 1075x1518, DG1jmMVUMAEuB_e.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no scans

>> No.17472813
Quoted by: >>17472821

>cum in there.
I still remember posting ages ago about those cracks leading to the rest of her essence, so you could stick your dick in and creampie her soul.

>> No.17472821
Quoted by: >>17472834

>creampie her soul
This is literally my fetish.

>> No.17472825
File: 153 KB, 1100x662, __original_drawn_by_ppshex__c77e48d638403bf8e87a3ef16c276266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young and inexperienced Pharaohs are cute, this one looks so friendly.

>> No.17472834
Quoted by: >>17472848

I like to imagine that if you cumflate her soul enough she involuntarily enters a temporary state of godhood. Her hair rises and glows golden while the originaly red cracks in her skin gleam a majestic white.

And to her eternal embarrassment, all her subjects will know why the sun rose at 11:30 last night and persisted through out the day, setting tiredly a little earlier than usual.

>> No.17472848

That all sounds really cool, but what I really want to see is her ahegao both upon losing her soul virginity and upon being soul cumflated.

>> No.17472854
Quoted by: >>17472869

So where does the snake go off to when you're having sex with the Pharaoh?

>> No.17472869
Quoted by: >>17472894

The snake joins in

>> No.17472874
File: 233 KB, 950x575, 1460868422713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be friends with a tomboy monster girl
>you like to get a rise out of her by saying she's not feminine at all
>she always does crazy stuff to try and prove she's girl when you do
>one day, you're playing games in her room when you comment on how one of the characters is quite the women, the exact opposite of her
>that's when she snaps and pushes you down onto her bed and climbs on top of you, her face red while saying she's gonna prove to you she's a real woman
>you nervously try to act smug and ask her what she's gonna do before she starts awkwardly unzipping your pants and pulls out your dick
>she rides you as best as she can, milking a few loads out of you while cumming a couple of times herself
>she collapses on top of you, exhausted and asks you if she's still not a girl
>"Nope, you're definitely the girl I love."
>...you never knew she could heart-pupil like that

>> No.17472894

why and how

>> No.17472902

Oh boy are you going to be embarassed remembering all the stupid shit you did while thinking the only eyes on you were from a cold and impassionate snake. Too bad for you that snake was merely a polymorphed and loyal retainer of the pharaoh.

>> No.17472914

The snake could be a good wingman and bind her arms for you if she was being tsundere.

>> No.17472919
Quoted by: >>17472983

tip: not every monstergirl looks like it's picture

>> No.17472936

The snake warms her up for you with its tail. Sort of like prepping the bull, except you're the bull.

>> No.17472940

Is this the most disappointing comiket yet when it comes to monster girls?
>all of the MGE related stuff was a disappointment, WG3 is delayed
>barely anything else monster girl related because everyone is on the mobage bandwagon

>> No.17472956

Generic, lazy and full of cliches.
Is this what we always were about?

>> No.17472961

>>all of the MGE related stuff was a disappointment
I guess it was a little. I was hoping for more cute succubi pictures, but most of the books are writing instead.

>> No.17472978
Quoted by: >>17473022

Think back to the years of this thread sugging on Moose's cogg for his cringy chuuni mary-sue story.

>> No.17472983
File: 1.21 MB, 1057x1500, Mges_afterschool_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17472993

You're right there, would be pretty boring if they did.
Slow down there on that second part, day 3 has only just been, the uploads for monster girl still will be slow and we might get some nice surprises.
It's hardly the fault of mobages either, they're eating into the 2hu/kancolle/fotm share of things, not the dedicated niches.

>> No.17472985
Quoted by: >>17473022

Generic doesn't mean bad and sometimes cliches are cliches for a reason.

>> No.17472991
File: 1.38 MB, 1420x1636, 64389089_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, how so?
MGE stuff is not released every comiket, previous didn't have anything at all. This comiket has canon lore succubi notes and also fan dragonia travel with willramina and automaton story.
Other MG stuff is unknown until it gets scanned (if it even will be scanned) but imo MG stuff steadily increases every year

>> No.17472993
Quoted by: >>17473043

Is there even any other notable monster girl stuff? I'm only aware of Jingai Shunman 11
A new insect girl doujin by Regura would've redeemed it for me but he's been swallowed up by FGO too

>> No.17472996

>This comiket has canon lore succubi notes
That don't really tell us anything new
>also fan dragonia travel with willramina
With no artwork
>and automaton story
With no artwork
>Other MG stuff is unknown until it gets scanned (if it even will be scanned) but imo MG stuff steadily increases every year
Most of the regular monster girl artists are either not attending or they're publishing Granblue/FGO doujins instead

>> No.17473004
Quoted by: >>17473030

So? Again c91 didn't have ANYTHING at all, not even text
And I'm pretty sure notes do tell something new but we don't know since it's in jap. What is it even about?

>> No.17473008
Quoted by: >>17473026

She can't beat the dick and will become a good girl.

>> No.17473013
Quoted by: >>17473021

So new profiles soon?

>> No.17473021
Quoted by: >>17473038

No, no updates for the rest of the year. We already know this.

>> No.17473022

That started off good and promising, it only devolved into a mary sue-fuelled curbstomp with inconsistant characters much later.
Maybe I've been here for too long, but I've seen literally the exact greentext done before only with much better pacing and with less reliance on the same old cliches about heart pupils.

>> No.17473026

What if she beats the dick but in the literal sense.

>> No.17473030

>Again c91 didn't have ANYTHING at all, not even text
We had profiles.
We don't have those right now.
We've had a content drought for months already, we're not getting more content until after christmas, and all we got to tidy us over are a few succubus pictures and writing.

>> No.17473034
File: 771 KB, 700x1000, Amazonian Titania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17473048

Is Amazonia the best MGE country?

I mean who can even compete with them when they encompass every species?

>> No.17473038
Quoted by: >>17473060


The last thing I read was no content until August because of the comiket

>> No.17473043
Quoted by: >>17473053

Quiet anon, people are trying to doom and gloom.
There will be lesser known circles and ones people pay no attention to, there always are.
>That don't really tell us anything new
Because you can't read it yet. That also goes for most of your post.

>> No.17473048


>> No.17473053
Quoted by: >>17473116

>There will be lesser known circles and ones people pay no attention to, there always are.
They would've posted some sort of preview on pixiv or twitter or something.
But there's nothing. Because the monster girl fad is over, and only the dedicated few are left.

>> No.17473060

That's before the delay happened. He's going to be working on WG3 for the rest of the year.

>> No.17473074

>Be a magesmith, specializing in cursed items
>Finally put the finishing touches on a collar that, similar to the way the magics of the Cat Kingdom works, would corrupt human women into canine type monsters
"So... You're into kinky stuff like this?"
>You figured if you were to test something you might as well do it yourself, 'hiring' a young lass from the street for three gold an hour to test your product
>Nothing happens when she slips it on, a small glimmer of gold flashing across her eyes, both of you naked on the bed upstairs
"It's... tingly."
>Her left eye shifts to a golden color, breathing becoming more and more labored, one hand that was stroking you begins to do it faster and harder than before
>The flush in her face growing stronger, a trail of saliva running down her face from the corner of her mouth
"W-What is this!? Why am I... !?"
>The nails are growing longer on her hand as she forces you into the crevasse between her thighs, the heat of her arousal palpable and almost scalding to the touch
>She's absolutely drenched with female fluids, your own erection growing stronger at how receptive she is to your advances, collar or not
>As you put her on her hands and knees, the smell and taste of her is absolutely intoxicating, a soporific aroma that puts you in mind of sweet candy, a special kind of "Fuck Me" candy
"Let me take it off! I can't do this! It... Ahh!"
>As her ankles begin to grow longer, she smashes her womanhood into your face, a powerful orgasm rocking her, covering your nasal bridge and mouth in her fluids
>By the time you're able to free yourself from the musky heat of her vagina, her skin has begun to turn grey, her ears having shifted from her the sides of her head to two wolfish ones on top
>Her feet are now paws, covered in thick black fur, her left hand clawing at the collar as she wiggles her buttocks, a very canine claw
"What did you do to me!?"
>Best not to cry about spilled milk, you think, pressing the head of your penis to her slit
>She stops, momentarily, throwing a glance of anger and betrayal at you, but her body concedes, humping you in a bestial, frenzied cadence
>Waves of heat and spasms caress you into an all-powerful orgasm, her new tail slapping you in the face as you hold onto her ass for dear life, pumping your virile seed into her
>She's not longer human at this point, reddish-black fur accentuating her new appearance as she lays there, face down, sperm leaking from her vagina
>Your chest is heaving when she sits up, turning to you, flames flickering out of her eyes
"You didn't think this would be over so soon... did you?"
>When you wake up the next morning,
you're covered in scratches and bite marks,
pelvis feeling like a war zone
>The young woma-- Hellhound is beaming at you, stroking your morning wood
"I hope you're hungry... I know I am <3~"

>> No.17473088
File: 490 KB, 2204x1815, Amazonian Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks they don't have Amazonian Dragons

Think about it.

They'd have a Amazonian Sabbath, which means Amazon Baphomet. Maybe even an Amazonian Gryphon, the hardest counter to dragons.

>> No.17473115

So instead of being a demon realm beast, Have the pharaohs pet cobra be a crimson Lamia. and they have a threesome with anon?

>> No.17473116

>Because the monster girl fad is over
[Citation needed]
There's 2 anime with monster girls next season, more in the making and pixiv art is still a regular thing.

But I guess you're right, the depressed ramblings of an anon on an imageboard means much more than facts.

>> No.17473130

One of them is yuri though.

>> No.17473138

It's not really, the original it's based off was yuri but the anime is based off the reboot which is much closer to a regular female cast slice of life.

>> No.17473141

I want a Dragon Dorome.

>> No.17473147

Monstergirls have been reclining, the monstergirl fad has been over, and these threads have become shit every day for years now.

>> No.17473149
Quoted by: >>17473191

What anime are you talking about?

>> No.17473150
Quoted by: >>17473170

Go away doomsayer

>> No.17473152
Quoted by: >>17473191

What's the second one, by the way? I hope you're not talking about that chinkshit with a furry in it.

>> No.17473153

>Amazon Dorome
I don't know how that would work, but it would have to be amazing.

>> No.17473158

Imagine how weird would it be when you are so powerful and magical that the patch you pooped on the ground comes alive.

>> No.17473170

He's right.

>> No.17473176 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 800x952, 1502637471337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17473187

Your devious plans fail and RAPE's back on the menu!

You've bought yourself a day's time with such luxurious gifts.

>> No.17473187

Its not rape if I want it.

>> No.17473191
Quoted by: >>17473214

Konohana Kitan.
Unfortunately I was. Not going to watch it personally but it has monster girls as one of the core focuses so including it to show the fad is still alive was the least I could do.
You memeing fuck, the threads don't represent monster girls as a whole. Go look at google trends for japanese terms, yes there was a spike in 2015 when monster musume aired but monster girls as a whole are the same level of popularity they were in 2012-2014 when most oldfags would say these threads were at their peak.

>> No.17473214

How is that a monster girl show, there's literally a billion series with kemonomimi in them

>> No.17473221
Quoted by: >>17473242

>kemonomimi aren't monster girls
Are we really doing this shit again? As long as they're not actually human they're monster girls. Cat girls and dog girls are monster girls, angels are monster girls, elves are monster girls.
Deal with it.

>> No.17473235

Oh here we go again.
>x girl doesn't count because she's not half horse
>y girl doesn't count because she's from a series or mobage I don't like
>z girl doesn't count because a single doujin event out of many said she doesn't
No wonder people think monster girls are dying when they have such a narrow definition of what a monster girl is.

>> No.17473242

I bet you think Nekopara is a monster girl game too

>> No.17473246

How is it not?

>> No.17473247
File: 713 KB, 1407x1443, Ayanobro (2.0) [S].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning Krusty Krew, new commission in the works!

>> No.17473258
Quoted by: >>17473274

They're treated in universe like there's a real difference between them and humans so for all intents and purposes they count.

>> No.17473260

I want to faceplant in that Jabberwock's bust.

>> No.17473266

Most people when talking about monster girls don't mean normal girls with animal ears, there's an expectation for a combination of appearance, personality and abilities to distance the girl from a human.

>> No.17473271

Oh my, can't wait to see the finished product.
Looks great so far.

>> No.17473274
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, wiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pic related is a monster girl just because the series she's from calls her a Lich? I feel like that's being just a bit too all encompassing.

>> No.17473281

Yes, you're exactly right.
And that's a damn cute Lich too.

>> No.17473285

Stacked wockers. Would bounce.

>> No.17473291

Yes. She's an actual Lich with inhuman powers, dies when exposed to holy stuff and hangs out with demons.
Paint her blue and there's no real difference between her and mge lich except skin colour and "she needs my semen" which most monster girl settings don't follow in the first place. MGE is a minority there.

>> No.17473329

GULP's ponytaur image set.

>> No.17473330

>Paint her blue and there's no real difference between her and mge lich except skin colour
I feel like a single distinguishing factor like that would already go a long way there, even if she's obviously trying not to stand out, being a demon army commander living among humans.

Perhaps it's just a personal distaste for designs that don't really try to stand out from human girls at all, because I've grown to associate it with works trying to cash in on the monster girl idea without alienating all the regular folks from experience. I obviously don't think every girl needs to have a high monster percentage, I'm just annoyed by the massive flood of "1%" girls being advertised as monster girls. Or maybe it also stems a little from seeing existing designs bastardized for general audiences. I dunno.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Wiz's design for the series she's in, since Konosuba obviously isn't about monster girls. But if it was, and she was being touted as a monster girl, I'd probably be a bit peeved.

>> No.17473335

Delete your post.

>> No.17473344

>tfw you will never help you lich waifu for hours as she puts on enough makeup to pass as a living so she can sell her wares in the village
Admittedly, it would be a lot quicker if you would stop having sex after every step.

>> No.17473357

Duplicate your post.

>> No.17473375
Quoted by: >>17473512

I think your judgement is being clouded by the thought of an imaginary enemy. There is no Massive flood of "1%" girls being advertised as monster girls." as you put it. Wiz is never actually called one in series, just a Lich. Sure she is a monster girl by my standards and probably many more people but the show never tries to cash in on her being one.

I know you say you're okay with her but that goes for most others too. Dorafs being as popular as they are may only have horns and their short height to differentiate them from humans but again, never referred to as monster girls. Same goes over and over again for the lighter side of designs you're worried about. They're not a boogieman trying to cash in on our beloved monster girls, they're just works that would have been made anyway.
>Or maybe it also stems a little from seeing existing designs bastardized for general audiences
Are there any examples of this?

>> No.17473401

Oh it's a set? Awesome, thought the stuff on the boorus from a while back was all of that girl there was.
Small centaurs need love too.

>> No.17473446

Post fatties

>> No.17473455
File: 440 KB, 769x1200, dark_mage_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to work in a dark mage's magic shop that's packed with weird stuff.

>> No.17473462
File: 116 KB, 1263x893, DHDEtlZUQAEtPSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a chubby wolfu is estrus.
Please don't call them fatties, that's degrading

>> No.17473464


>> No.17473471

Miss Mammaria's Little shop of Magic?

>> No.17473480

Does it double as a pet shop? I want to sell the local shotas and their childhood friends Sanri Scorpions!

>> No.17473481
File: 125 KB, 1000x1200, 56453491_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17473530

Wow, rude, dude!

>> No.17473487

Nah It wouldn't have shotas

>> No.17473489

She looks like she wants to be spanked.

>> No.17473509
Quoted by: >>17473612

what do i call them then?

>> No.17473511
File: 547 KB, 960x3256, 1493063575983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only shota in the shop would be you, and I don't think she's willing to sell. Now, shotafication potions is another matter.

>> No.17473512

As I said, I'm fine with those designs normally, and I didn't claim that Konosuba or Granblue were trying to cash in on anything monster girl related because that's retarded. It's just that having people call girls like that monster girls triggers me a little due to past experiences.
And bastardized designs in monster girl works really aren't anything new. See Rachnera in EMG.

>> No.17473526
Quoted by: >>17473532

>See Rachnera in EMG.
Leg pedipalps?

>> No.17473530



>> No.17473532
Quoted by: >>17473541


>> No.17473541

Legipalps are fucking awesome and every spider girl should have them. Fuck anyone that thinks otherwise. It's the perfect way to maintain a full, human silhouette with all of its curves on an Arachne. They always just looked like spiders with human torsos growing out of their heads before, and this is the ideal solution.

>> No.17473560

>maintain a full, human silhouette with all of its curves
And this is exactly what he called "bastardized for general audiences". Probably.

>> No.17473565

>It's just that having people call girls like that monster girls triggers me a little due to past experiences.
That's your problem then I'm afraid.

Rachnera's design bugs the hell out of me too though.

>> No.17473566

God I wish that were me.

>> No.17473575
Quoted by: >>17473599

She barely even looks like she's connected to the spider part at all.
And the loss of that complete humanoid shape while retaining a human's upper body is kind of the point.
KC kinda picked up on the legipalps thing with the Soldier Beetle but it manages to look a lot more natural with her. Though I'd like him to draw another arachne soon-ish to see how he'd handle a more mature arachne design in his new artstyle.

>> No.17473590
Quoted by: >>17473593

>Betraying your loving older sister
You disgust me.

>> No.17473593

Me too anon. Me too.

How do yall like your Dark Mage's sexual preferences? Real fetishy? Into transformation play? Gap moe vanilla in bed? Into lactation stuff? Dominant? Submissive?

>> No.17473599
Quoted by: >>17473617

Soldier beetle feels a lot better than spider girls with Legipalps, there's a right way to do it and a wrong way.
I agree with this, KC needs to do another spider. Nacho is nice but doesn't count since the main body is her husband.

>> No.17473602

Perverted and dominant, the way they're meant to be.


>> No.17473612
Quoted by: >>17473623

Thick, chubby, round or even overweight
Fatty is borderline an insult.

>> No.17473613

Almost just like the picture. She WILL turn me into a permashota, and she WILL do very, very inappropriate, degenerate things like cum in my cereal and make me eat her out first thing in the morning and smother me while giving me an overbearing handjob while innocently asking what's wrong.
Pervert Dark Mages are the best.

>> No.17473614

>Into transformation play?
>Into lactation stuff?
Oh yes please.

>> No.17473617

The difference is that the Soldier Beetle's pedipalps are just somewhat leg shaped, while Rachnera has full human hips, and her pedipalps actually start out as legs and transition partway.

>> No.17473623

you haven't listed a single name

>> No.17473637

Dominant kissing fetishists. The moment the shop is closed, you get dragged off to bed for hours long make-out sessions.

>> No.17473693

Fetishy, confident and ara ara. Perfect for breaking.

>> No.17473694

Consider the following:
>A corgi kobold with a fairy rider

>> No.17473702

If only this could be real.

>> No.17473709

Big, soft, fetishy on the 'light' side, and more than willing to get huge tits and ass.

>> No.17473716

>Shortstack, perma happy kobold with her fairy best friend.

A cute.

>> No.17473718
Quoted by: >>17473747

>Sweet tomboy monster girl who's really affectionate and loves to exercise
>She also just happens to have breasts that make a Holst blush

>> No.17473747

Poor girl will never manage to be a good runner due to her breasts going everywhere. At least she has a chance at swimming.

>> No.17473756

You've got 3 rough categories of monster girls
1: The cosplay designs that have little to no traits distinguishing them from humans (undeads, magical species, succubi, etc...)
2: The half and half designs where the girl has a fully monstrous lower half and a human upper half (lamias, centaurs, arachnes, etc...)
3: The fully monstrous designs that attempt to perfectly blend womanhood and monstrosity

The issue isn't with the 1st category being more popular than the other 2. It lies in all the lazy designs out there.
A lazy cosplay tier is still a cute girl.
A lazy half and half looks like a monster with a girl sitting on top.
A lazy fully monstrous girl can range anywhere from unattractive to disgusting.

I'm fine with KC's cosplay girls because he puts real effort in making sure they are monstrous in a way despite being able to pass as humans (see how Dark Mage looks like a RPG boss).
Mobages tend to have gorgeous cosplay tiers who aren't really meant for the MG community, but they're still widely accepted because they are very well designed.

>> No.17473760
File: 194 KB, 787x1092, DHHgApGUMAAiewu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17473762

A mid-late teen dark mage into men older than her, dominant but teasing and friendly and occasionally mixes things up a bit by laying back and making me dominate her via magic that controls my movements.

>> No.17473763
Quoted by: >>17473957

>Hire Australian Shepherd kobold to babysit the your seven daughterus
> go to a nice dinner w waifu
> come back
> she's got all your daughterus sitting in a circle in the living room eating sandwiches.

>> No.17473766

>A lazy half and half looks like a monster with a girl sitting on top.
No amount of effort is going to make a half and half not look like that, it's a shit idea to begin with.

>> No.17473778

Does that mean that a Reverse Mermaid is not a lazy half and half? It's the exact opposite of what you described.

>> No.17473781
File: 367 KB, 700x997, __kiyohime_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_takatsuki_ichi__4078905a9ef80b9ed16cdecce33050d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobages tend to have gorgeous cosplay tiers who aren't really meant for the MG community, but they're still widely accepted because they are very well designed.
Despite who they're aimed at they more than likely count, some are more monstrous in personality than any made with the monster girl fandom in mind.

>> No.17473785
File: 166 KB, 675x1200, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragon doujin is sold out
Huh, I wonder will it ever be scanned
Shirohebi doujin never got scanned

>> No.17473792
Quoted by: >>17473872

The art is too shoddy for me to care, so I'm not too annoyed

>> No.17473800
Quoted by: >>17473839

>Shirohebi doujin never got scanned
Isn't it available digitally? All it takes is one person buying it online for $5.

>> No.17473804

Dragon is too good for this world.

>> No.17473811

tons of monstergirl doujin never get scanned,
never got the slug girl one for instance

>> No.17473826
File: 347 KB, 1129x1600, Magic Rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17473835
Quoted by: >>17473851

You could cut monster girl out of that sentence and it'd still be true. Quite often chinks or gooks will get copies and translate them before uploading in private groups were leaking is looked down on.
Happens quite a lot with doujin games and music too.

>> No.17473839
Quoted by: >>17473972

Where does one go to get it for $5

>> No.17473843

Is that some kind of Skaven-girl?

>> No.17473849
Quoted by: >>17473865


>> No.17473851
Quoted by: >>17473972

>were leaking is looked down on.
china is notorious for its pirating

>> No.17473856
Quoted by: >>17473862

Tons of hentai in general doesn't get scanned. Like only 60% get scanned

>> No.17473862
Quoted by: >>17473884

try like 20

>> No.17473865
Quoted by: >>17473989

Warhammer with Monster girls would be the best.

I'd be a long time Tomb Queens ally.

>> No.17473869
Quoted by: >>17473880

A Skaven based on the ramblings of a faggot, yes

>> No.17473872

Dragonfags going strong

>He doesn't want Dragon kabedon
I bet you're a Matango lover.

>> No.17473880

losenis pls go and stay go

>> No.17473883
Quoted by: >>17473947

>White rats

Fearsome things, don't let their small stature and crude speech deceive you, they've got a low cunning that can be quick cruel.

I'd rather Kabedon a dragon!

>> No.17473884
Quoted by: >>17473897

Nah, most of hentai get scanned, it's non-h stuff that doesn't get scanned at all but I don't care about that stuff

>> No.17473885

I'd love a dragon doujin that's actually well drawn.

>> No.17473896

>another autist who pretends to know who sits behind "anonymous"
Get out, and take your shitty memes with you

>> No.17473897

>most of hentai get scanned
just because you jerk off to monstergirls and what other flavor of the month doujinshi doesnt mean most hentai gets scanned

it just doesn't

>> No.17473906
Quoted by: >>17474042

Nice false flag, but I'm not Losenis

>> No.17473944

whos that?

>> No.17473947
Quoted by: >>17473964

See, Grey Seer girls are utterly terrifying because they're not only prolific breeders (triplets during pregnancy at the minimum), but they have a dangerous addiction to Warpstone not unlike Snowflame from Marvel. I shudder to think of the frenzied breeding she'd force upon a man who marries her if he so much as coated his pecker in a poultice/oil made from the essence of the stuff (and let's just say in-universe rather than mutagenic it's just DE and fertility boosting in one). I mean, cat girls and catnip is one thing but now you have not only an extremely receptive to breeding but also a powered up mage rat wife.

Lemme smash.

>> No.17473950

Loving corruption is nice

>> No.17473957

>Poodle monster girl bullied when she applies to be a lifeguard for being to foofy
>proceeds to out-swim all other applicants due to her naturally buoyant fur

>> No.17473964

True but while she may have immense arcane power, there's still nothing stopping you from picking her up, hilting her, and maybe taking a couple of her 'breed breed potions' to pump her full till she's looking fit to burst.

>> No.17473965
Quoted by: >>17473970

but only if she wants it

>> No.17473970

Well thats sort of what I implied.

>> No.17473972

Actually I lie, it doesn't appeal to be digital but there's 2 places to buy it.
It's 4.8 bucks on alicebooks.
They're also massively autistic about hoarding stuff and hiding it from evil westerners. At least some pirating circles.

>> No.17473977
File: 88 KB, 682x314, Contexterino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking rats.

>> No.17473985

>that first page

I feel like shes so menacing shes about to summon a stand.

>> No.17473987
Quoted by: >>17474022

Corruptionfags out

>> No.17473988

I like em really evil, but super submissive and dere. It's cliche because its great.

>> No.17473989
File: 849 KB, 957x933, 1432152874320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17473995

Any kind of corruption is nice, unless it's ntr corruption then it can die in a fire.

>> No.17474000
Quoted by: >>17474023

It must be tough for those Skaven girls to understand that a potential husband has no ulterior motives to marrying her.

It's all fun and games till you get darted by skinks or a Saurus warrior takes you back to a spawning pit.

>> No.17474009 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, 1502648083103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wing hugs.

>> No.17474013 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 800x600, 1502648106245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say no to lizardwomen, unless you too want to be forcibly made into a father.

>> No.17474022

good man

>> No.17474023

>No Kroxigor girls

>> No.17474024
Quoted by: >>17474043

>Kroxigor girls
Literally a meme by a faggot

>> No.17474026
File: 61 KB, 224x325, I got nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyakodon is nice in the right hands
I would like a dragon other and daughter

>> No.17474040

Anon, take that Saurus, add a good couple feet of height and a few more pounds of muscle.

She may not have the decency to take you back to the privacy of the spawning pits though.

>> No.17474042
Quoted by: >>17474065

Lostpenis loses again, news at 11.

>> No.17474043

>a meme
What. They're clearly the designed girls for snu snu

>> No.17474044
File: 317 KB, 1447x2046, DGYGKThUMAAno8I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17474054
File: 775 KB, 1275x1650, kuno ver 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyakodon is nice, but only when its not incest on your end

>> No.17474058
File: 196 KB, 960x800, Shiki_Ichinose_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobages tend to have gorgeous cosplay tiers who aren't really meant for the MG community, but they're still widely accepted because they are very well designed.
I'm still going to be annoyed at them.

>> No.17474065

sounds like you need a yeti

>> No.17474068
Quoted by: >>17474094

Appreciate it. Hopefully the delivery comes in nice and smoothly so that I can scan it and get more shiro content for here.

>> No.17474071

Oh come on, she literally just has her feet in a sleeping bag.

>> No.17474072
File: 229 KB, 960x800, Shiki_Ichinose_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474086

That's actually spot on.

>> No.17474078
Quoted by: >>17474087

Oyakodon is absolutely delicious, what I'd give to fuck a demon mother and daughter combo.

>> No.17474079
File: 236 KB, 550x370, PAD CLM ECHIDNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about flame echidna?

>> No.17474084
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, 1500210968145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather an Elf Echidna

>> No.17474085
Quoted by: >>17474102

You're actually right about that.
It's why I was mad when they made that reveal about her.

Literally cosplay

>> No.17474086

>get a lamia
>but also still get delicious human legs and feet
I fail to see the issue. She can still move the tail as if it was real, so.

>> No.17474087
Quoted by: >>17474110

My mans.
Logistics are easily hand waveable.
I want some with a Mad Hatter mother daughter combo.

>> No.17474094
Quoted by: >>17474105

Doing god's work. Thanks for making the sacrifice anon.
Pretty much, the story for that event was they were doing a stage rehearsal in costume and got the isekai treatment to granblue's world. She's actually an idolmaster character.

>> No.17474097

Oyakodon will inevitably be either incest or implied used-goods.

Unless its an adopteru

>> No.17474102
File: 99 KB, 640x800, IeyJPso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474108

It's even worse after RoB actually gave us a proper lamia Shiki. and then GBF pulls a blatant bait and switch.

>> No.17474105

So it's essentially a really long tail that has a pocket for her to put her legs in? That's poor design, but there's no doubt I wouldn't turn her down.

>> No.17474107
Quoted by: >>17474116

I mean, I don't like used goods either when it's not like you're only raising the daughter, you're fucking it too. Not a bad deal.

>> No.17474108

I know.
That and she seems more fitting for a cat than a snake.

>> No.17474110

>Fucking a Ryuu for three days straight
>Tired as unholy sin, relaxing on her tail as a bed
"Ara ara~ It seems we've had quite the voyeur~"
>Her daughter comes in, face flushed and completely naked save for the towel covering her front
>Yells at her mother for wanting to take your first time with a monster puss, only to be beaten to the punch
>TFW You end up sandwiched between both of their tails as Ryuu-mom is coaching you on how to drive her daughter absolutely insane with your dick
>Just when you think you can get rest, they propose "Starting a new Dynasty" with you,
and use magic to keep you going until they're both knocked up

>> No.17474111

Bin Rat Girl, only an actual rat.

>> No.17474112

>saying "used goods" unironically

>> No.17474116


>> No.17474117

Would cook food on her and eat it together with her.

>> No.17474118
File: 214 KB, 960x800, Echidna_NPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granblue can do good too.

>> No.17474120

Adopteru oyakodon sounds pretty shit. Normal one is way better.

>> No.17474127

>appropriately huge tail
>properly done transition of scales to skin, no awkward high riding scales up the side just to preserve human ass and thighs
Best snake

>> No.17474128

I've had the running idea of a widow and daughter turning monster anyway.

>> No.17474141
Quoted by: >>17474151

She truly is a blessing.
Being adopted by her might be the best end in Granblue.

>> No.17474146
Quoted by: >>17474153

I'm fine with both as long as it's not ntr. In the case that it's another guy's daughter I assume that he was just meant to be a rape and release and he ran away after, monster didn't realize she was knocked up until it started showing and he was out of the kingdom.

I mean, I know it's not to everyone's taste but if it means I get to fuck a hot milf monster and her cute daughter I'm not going to say no.

>> No.17474149

>Granblue Echidna nursing you and petting your head, just beams at you when you ask her why you're having an adult drink her breast milk
"Is it not a mother's duty to make sure her children go without want and hunger?"

>> No.17474151

Too bad artists are already ruining her.

How do we stop Japan's shit taste?

>> No.17474153

Pretty much this. You don't have to flesh out a huge contrived backstory if its just hot monster fucking.

>> No.17474157
File: 756 KB, 600x589, 600px-Grand_Order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474165

And sometimes very weird.

>> No.17474165

ANon, she's riding the dragon, she's not a dragon.

>> No.17474166

Do MGE lamias have human asses? I don't think KC has ever shown us what his lamias look like from behind, at least not in his newer artstyle, and the art never really makes it very clear.

>> No.17474182

Maybe. Like you said, it's not clear. But human ass is a stupid design choice so I just ignore it like other stupid design choices like frontpussy.

>> No.17474212
Quoted by: >>17474231


You really can't. Sooner or later it will become futa ntr mindbreak with a side of scat. I don't know if that's where the money is or if artists just do it because it seems popular.

>> No.17474217

That looks like two different images.
From the waist down, it's a different art style and perspective.

>> No.17474229

KC has never drawn a lamia without a human ass, and he always tries to keep all the key areas (midriff, breasts, thighs, ass, pussy) 100% human.
Like it or not, they have asses.

>> No.17474230

This >>17471868 is the first time KC has clearly shown us a monster girl's back.
His sketches never show the girl's back either even when he tries multiple different poses.
I also remember him tweeting something about how he had to work on Wilmarina's back because a figurine was being made.
Unless a girl's back is clearly plain human such as Scylla's or Cheshire Cat's he probably doesn't bother to even think about it.

Feel free to go with whatever makes you happy, whether that's a lamiass or a regular ass.

>> No.17474231

Rich idiots tend to have horrible taste

>> No.17474243
Quoted by: >>17474247

well then they are terrible

>> No.17474247
Quoted by: >>17474269

Not KC's problem.
Most artists go the exact same route with their designs, by the way.

>> No.17474259
File: 153 KB, 375x600, 1451172424198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with most your post but thighs are the one he tends to care the least about. Taurs, Griffon, and Giant Ant come to mind.

>> No.17474267
File: 36 KB, 500x517, IMG_2033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some artist actually went and drew a certain kitsune character without her goddamn tails
Even the nips weren't having any of that shit, judging by the ratings he got.

>> No.17474269

Those 2 pictures are commissioned work, not related to MGE though they could be his own designs.
If you were to ask him for a canon MGE answer he'd probably give you a one-size fits all answer such as "They don't have asses but they can polymorph to have one if you want" or the other way around

>> No.17474276
Quoted by: >>17474301

Mostly because there's just no other way to go about it.
>Giant Ant
Same, though she's a really old design anyway.
Follows the exact same pattern for fur coverage as 99% of other monster girls, you just can't see it clearly because of the poncho thing. The inner thighs are still exposed, just not to such a large degree, just enough so the fur doesn't touch your dick during sex, but it does touch the rest of you.

>> No.17474283
File: 123 KB, 472x580, Shirohebi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you can't see the ass itself, looking closely at how he handles the transition between human and snake halves it's still pretty clear that they have human asses.
Wurm is the only one that doesn't, because a greater degree of polymorphing and scale removal is kind of her gimmick.

>> No.17474284
File: 626 KB, 1280x1037, barbgriffon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474311

Nothing wrong with fluffy thighs.

>> No.17474295

The other way around is more likely, since KC always goes for the option that'll please the largest number of people by default, and then if you want something more exotic they can just use magic for that.

>> No.17474298

Actually, he's been scaling down things like paws/claws quite a bit compared to his older days as well since that's what most people prefer, but he says that individuals with larger ones still exist, he's just not going to draw them anymore.
Basically, assume the default option to always be the one that panders to the largest number of people possible.

>> No.17474301
File: 396 KB, 726x1200, 1452438799783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Griffon follows the same design pattern as Kobold and Satyros where it's completely covered, he seems to to cover the inner thigh in a lot of his more recent designs that use animalistic legs while being bipedal.
Of course it disappears during sex unless you want it to stay but it's there for most the part.

>> No.17474311

Damn right.
>but he says that individuals with larger ones still exist, he's just not going to draw them anymore
That's kind of a false representation of what he said. He said he's still going to do girls with larger paws/claws but he tends to decide things on an image by image basis.
People took a recent trend as some kind of new rule he follows and he denied it.

>> No.17474312
File: 19 KB, 244x279, 1461856857322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since KC always goes for the option that'll please the largest number of people by default, and then if you want something more exotic they can just use magic for that.
>Chaos girls

>> No.17474324

You can literally see a part of her exposed thigh, and the contour of the fluffy part continuing downward in a way to expose the entire area of the inner thighs close to her vagina.

>> No.17474326

>Of course it disappears during sex
Just have it not be there in the first place. I swear, if I ever wind up with the drunk, poor man's bapo-nee, I'm making her shave her upper thighs so she's left with silky smooth ZR

>> No.17474333

What the hell are you talking about

>> No.17474335
File: 131 KB, 800x800, canvasmgggaug2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474463

>this thread

>> No.17474336
File: 129 KB, 792x1000, sandworm00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fully monstrous designs that attempt to perfectly blend womanhood and monstrosity
Sandworms are that perfect blend of cute, sexy woman and monstrosity.

>> No.17474337

>>since KC always goes for the option that'll please the largest number of people by default,
what about alps and cait siths? those appeal to very niche groups

>> No.17474344

I forgot how rocking the Sandworm's tits and ass was
Seriously impressive figure
I wanna tell that sandworm 'Nice body!'

>> No.17474345

She has nice melons.

>> No.17474346
Quoted by: >>17474350

You're all right.
He'll choose the option that panders to the largest number of people possible, unless it's something that's vital to the girl's design.
Phantom would have been much more popular with legs, but as an evolution of Ghosts it wouldn't make sense.
Atlach-Nacha would have been more popular if her transformation was more tame or secretive, but that would have ruined her married form.
Mershark could have had a much more appealing lower half, but he chose the one that would make for a greater design rather than a more appealing one.

>> No.17474347

The last monster girl we got with large paws or claws was Hellhound in late 2014, and since then he's been consistently drawing them much smaller even on girls that used to have huge ones. Coincidentally he also had a major shift in artstyle around that time.
I feel like that's too consistent to be on an image by image basis.
Even the Griffon started out with large claws in her concept art, only to have them significantly scaled down in the final version.
So until we actually get a new girl with large paws or claws, I'm going to say that it's a permanent change.

>> No.17474350
Quoted by: >>17474381

>Phantom would have been much more popular with legs, but as an evolution of Ghosts it wouldn't make sense.
>Mershark could have had a much more appealing lower half, but he chose the one that would make for a greater design rather than a more appealing one.

More humanlike doesn't automatically equal more appealing.

>> No.17474358
File: 1.14 MB, 2215x2104, Rathian plate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bully wyvrens

>> No.17474365
Quoted by: >>17474423

>stealing dragon panties


>> No.17474369
Quoted by: >>17474438

>That's kind of a false representation of what he said. He said he's still going to do girls with larger paws/claws but he tends to decide things on an image by image basis.
No, what he said was that the difference in size is pretty much just individual difference between girls, but also that he generally just draws what he likes without much regard for established proportions or sizes.
So basically, saying that BIG MEATY CLAWS still exist, but he doesn't like drawing them anymore.

>> No.17474381

I agree with you, I didn't express myself properly.
Appealing as in having a wide appeal.
Many more people prefer kemonomimi rather than actual monster girls.

>> No.17474384
Quoted by: >>17474411

Aye, she might give a holstaur a run for her money.

>> No.17474408
File: 667 KB, 1030x1200, Griffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of a griffon librarian.
Wearing something like a button up vest and neat trousers.
Wearing glasses whenever she reads a book.
Some one that like to guard knowledge seeing it as something to protect.
Likes to asked questions about why people need the books she's guarding.

>> No.17474411

You can't milk a tongue.
Checkmate Sandworm lovers.

>> No.17474420
Quoted by: >>17474513

Definitely don't want to forget to return a book around her.

>> No.17474423

But anon, it's a Wyvern not a Dragon.
Wyverns are infinitely easier to bully.

>> No.17474429

I'm willing to give it a try.

>> No.17474431
Quoted by: >>17474465

>Ask a Griffon about why she cares about books so much
>she just pushes up her glasses and says "Knowledge is to be treasured as much as any jewel"

>> No.17474432
Quoted by: >>17474468

I'm just done hunting a poor monoblos. S'laying wyverns and dragons again is really fun.

>> No.17474438

Guy who actually asked him here. He simply said that he doesn't adhere to fixed sizes when drawing. So pretty much the same as, just drawing what he thinks looks best.

Also, the Griffon's concept art was made almost immediately before he started working on her final artwork, and her hands only looks smaller because of how she's holding out her left one.
He's also said very clearly on Enty that he'd still draw girls with paws like the Hellhound, Manticore, etc. He's just been trying out new things for variety's sake.

>> No.17474443
Quoted by: >>17474499

Who needs milk when you waifu is a cross between a comfy mobile home and a living mining drill?
The bombs could drop, and the world could end, and you'll just be nice and comfy underground in your waifu's shell, making love while the rest of the world goes to shit. If nothing else, you have no worry about rent, mortgage, utlities, or anything of that sort.

>> No.17474463
Quoted by: >>17475955

>hot head
Oh dear.

>> No.17474465

What would be nice is if the griffon librarian got curious bout you, and started asking more questions.

Or how if your with late return, she may use that chance to "punish" you for tacking your time with what belongs to her.
and its only when you leave you realize she wasn't talking about the book...

>> No.17474468
File: 558 KB, 801x900, akantor_and_ukanlos___polar_opposites_by_maxa_art-daie6yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475635

All about those eldar dragons

>> No.17474477
File: 427 KB, 1600x1200, Apple eating beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one has to question, what happens if a beetle spots you?
Does it silently follow? will it attached if you try to distract it with food?

>> No.17474491
File: 1.21 MB, 2142x1418, munchmunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475127

My question is, when are we going to see the mother to this yougling?

>> No.17474494
Quoted by: >>17475645

Is it possible to steal a beetle away from her colony? Maybe by masturbating a trail for her to follow onto the ground?

>> No.17474499
Quoted by: >>17474523

Simple and comfy life with a simple and comfy wife.

>> No.17474513

>Implying she'd actually loan out the books
>Implying she wouldn't rape you into submission the moment you try walking out, book in hand

>> No.17474523
Quoted by: >>17474613

Are Sandworms simple-simple?
What's the tierlist of simple girls in terms of simpleness?
Dorome, Dragon Zombie, Zombie, Wurm, those kinds

>> No.17474526

How would a Pharaoh react to waking up in a western Museum.

>> No.17474532
Quoted by: >>17474538

Are we talking mediocre Ben Stiller movies that DID NOT need a sequel?

>> No.17474537

same response they have for everything else: they do the sand dance, don'cha know.
If you walk like an Egyptian then all your problems work themselves out.

>> No.17474538

No, I mean just waking up in a museum to find a <insert whatever age you want here> Anon looking at her.

>> No.17474547
File: 1.06 MB, 915x1145, 1465794755690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a short haired fresh alp that always winks at you and smiles at you like pic related when you come to her class.

>> No.17474552
Quoted by: >>17474566

Probably several sentences of incomprehensible Egyptian, then breaking out and establishing a Demon Realm In Syria (DRIS) and conflicting with the neighboring Islamic States.

>> No.17474556

Wisps are olev

>> No.17474562
File: 697 KB, 1280x1791, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewku already translated, released and leaked oni oyakodon manga
wtf i love jews now

>> No.17474565
Quoted by: >>17474571

I want to ask this Wisp on a date

>> No.17474566

With that Anon at her side?

>> No.17474571
Quoted by: >>17474576

don't hang out with Wisps, they're all abusive and will encourage you to off yourself.

>> No.17474573

Pussy drool is really cool

>> No.17474574

Sounds like the recipe for a wiki-tier "WWYD?"
Unless handled well.

>> No.17474576
File: 1.29 MB, 700x1000, 1450737282836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to heal a mean-spirited Wisp with my love and turn her into a nice ghost.

>> No.17474596
Quoted by: >>17474598

But ghosts are boring. Turn her into a nice wisp instead.

>> No.17474597


>> No.17474598
Quoted by: >>17474601

Wisps are a type of ghost. It's not like I'd try to get her to come out of her cage, I like having a secret place like that just for the two of us.

>> No.17474601

>Carry a small cage around with you with your Wisp waifu in it
>Go adventuring with her always by your side
>At night with some meditation can be transmuted and shrunk down to join her at her scale within the cage, which is lavishly furnished and comfy and ethereal to hang out with her and rest

>> No.17474612
Quoted by: >>17474621

I want to be one of those weirdos with a cage on their head, only it's my waifu's wisp cage so she can nuzzle me all the time.

>> No.17474613

You've got plenty of other simple girls, it's just that we don't think about them that way
Girls like Devil Bugs, Hobgoblins, Arch-Imps, Slimes, etc...

>> No.17474621
Quoted by: >>17474642

Like a full cage that goes around your head, or like a cage that works as a hat?
Either way its cute.

>> No.17474632

In english, please.

>> No.17474635
Quoted by: >>17474663

In going to go to London and find the way to wonderland

>> No.17474642
Quoted by: >>17474655

A full cage, and I'd like to be able to shrink down and really join her in there at night.

>> No.17474655
Quoted by: >>17474676


>> No.17474657
Quoted by: >>17474719

Already? That was fast, not seeing it on panda, nhentai or tsumino but it'll show up eventually.

>> No.17474663

What do you mean? You've been here for years now

>> No.17474665

>tfw will never be a dark skinned anubis's fair skinned boyslave

>> No.17474671
Quoted by: >>17474687

My Mad Hatter waifu is a trained fencer! She spars with the trumpets in the area!

>> No.17474674

I want to make a tsundere Wisp twist and beg for pleasure. But also dates too.

>> No.17474676
Quoted by: >>17474727

It's going to be really weird for all our adventuring companions when they come to check on me in the night and all they find is an empty suit of armor and my head cage with two intertwined ghostly flames flickering inside.

>> No.17474687
Quoted by: >>17474723

Sparring with clubs doesn't count.

>> No.17474709


Page 18, enjoy

Dark skinned Monster Girls fawning over their fair skinned human boy slaves is hot as hell

>> No.17474719
File: 809 KB, 1280x1791, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always use expunged search, you doofus
Not sure when it would get on tsumino/nhentai since they expunged it really fast so maybe their bots didn't manage to rip it off in time

>> No.17474723

She spars with only the finest! She's a classy gentlewoman, looking to hone her skills!

>> No.17474727

I'm sure they'd accept that's just the weird Anon doing his nightly power-gaining rituals.

>> No.17474754

Thanks, completely forgot that was a feature. Thrown it in my personal archive just in case they don't get it any time soon.

>> No.17474758
Quoted by: >>17474768

So did boy get to lay that stacked Oni momster?

>> No.17474768

Previous one was called "Mother chapter", so I hazard a guess that he did.

>> No.17474769

I cant get into that

>> No.17474772
Quoted by: >>17474783

It's not cheating if everyone knows and is fine with it. Especially if it's a threesome.

>> No.17474777
Quoted by: >>17474783

Given they're outright saying it's okay to just bang either one whenever, I don't think it's really cheating.

>> No.17474783

cool I guess, I'll stick to monogamous stuff though.

>> No.17474798

Mario 64 vibes anyone?

>> No.17474830
File: 402 KB, 737x1272, 1472208638383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like your Oni's anons?
(btw thanks to some random anon who did the math for pic related,pic related would actually be over 900 pounds)

>> No.17474835

I prefer them tall, thicc with big cowtits

>> No.17474836

I was gonna say, she'd be extremely skeleton mode if that was the case.
Anyway, just as tall as that and twice as thick muscularly as that. Probably more. Especially her arms.

>> No.17474853

>I was gonna say, she'd be extremely skeleton mode if that was the case.
yeah, dude factored in cube law and muscle density over fat and everything. But let that sink in, a 900+lb oni straddling your waist, if you could see your own health bar every thrust of her hips would knock out, oh, 90% inimum. really puts the "death" in death by snu snu. not that i'd complain

>> No.17474858

>I was gonna say, she'd be extremely skeleton mode if that was the case.
Gashadokuros need love too

>> No.17474860

BIG, with muscle and huge tits

>> No.17474866
File: 261 KB, 1280x1817, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loliest and cutest

>> No.17474867
File: 397 KB, 2000x1460, DGhX_RlUIAABnsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petite, slim and cute!
The only things that should be big in a oni is her horns and love for alcohol.

>> No.17474874
File: 142 KB, 850x850, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_katwu_gensou_ninja_yashiki__sample-d01b5b486877d1ddd2c00c2ec0856e3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474879

we agree on the horn(s) and alcohol, but EVERYTHING on an oni must be big

>> No.17474876

I like my Oni like I enjoy my drinks. Tall, strong, and willing to fuck me over in the sack.

>> No.17474878
File: 148 KB, 600x800, 58265273_p30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474900


>> No.17474879
File: 164 KB, 1280x1844, HUGE LIKE AN OUTDATED JOKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17474880

Thats a scary dark mage.

>> No.17474882

Around 6' with an athletic body. The more muscle she has the less feminine she looks.

>> No.17474883

>pic related would actually be over 900 pounds
Try telling that to her face.

Speaking of weight though, how much do you guys think a sandworm would weigh?
If I had to guess, they're probably around 100+yards long, the length of a football field at a minimum.

>> No.17474889
File: 177 KB, 943x872, 1502419062541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474921

thats the stuff

>> No.17474900

She looks so young on that picture.
Would adopt without a doubt.

Stop bullying best oni, go spank sluten's ass instead

I don't get why a girl as lovely as Ibaraki became a joke, especially when her design is so intricate and beautiful

>> No.17474908
File: 905 KB, 1390x1154, 5009be4d24a2a8624bbd4ab8625a98b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy looking with no muscles but could still crack bones with one finger if they wished due to supernatural strength.

>> No.17474914
File: 308 KB, 582x840, 63257169_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474967

>I don't get why a girl as lovely as Ibaraki became a joke, especially when her design is so intricate and beautiful
She's exploited because she's cute, and it doesn't matter if she happens to be a high-tier 4* behind Saber Lancelot and Herc.

>> No.17474921

>Snuggling with your 9'10 Oni wife after a night of snu-snu, she's petting your head like an adult would a child
>'Hey, not that I mind. But why do you always have to be on top when we finish?'
>Silence, turn to look at her, face a deeper shade of red than it normally is
"I-It's hard to look in your eyes when you're face deep in my tits."

>> No.17474924
Quoted by: >>17474967

The joke is she's cute and we can actually get her.

>> No.17474927
Quoted by: >>17474972

I have multiple outdated jokes here, filename.

What did you have in mind?

>> No.17474928
File: 589 KB, 850x1400, 9b85ad641bbb54a21cd2f6b107054a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. Loli-Onis are the best.

>> No.17474935
File: 169 KB, 850x661, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_oo_gata_ken__sample-ca37366e23b64ffe94ce2fc373578cef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17474940

how can they be best if they cant turn my pelvis into a fine white sand fit for a beach while smothering me with their massive oni orbs?

>> No.17474939

That makes me remember the Oni loli in Monster Musume who had the fucking aquarium of beer at the convention.

She probably got smashed in more than one way that night.

>> No.17474940
Quoted by: >>17474955

My waifu is one and whatever she is is automatically the best.

>> No.17474944
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, ev402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never be slapped in the face with money by a MG Jew

>> No.17474955
File: 335 KB, 1280x1268, 1502182183757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disagree on the loli nut can we we make this our banner or something?

>> No.17474959

need to get my mind out of the gutter

>> No.17474963


>> No.17474967

I guess it's ok if it's kindhearted jokes
At least she isn't constantly lewded, and that makes her cuter in a way

>Cold beer after a shower
This oni knows where it's at, though she shouldn't be so lazy as to hang her panties on her horn

>> No.17474972

Xbox huge?

>> No.17474974

Sorry for being late, just got home.

>happy Automatron
Scans when?

>> No.17474980
File: 67 KB, 422x500, Baphomet_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this even work?

>> No.17474982
Quoted by: >>17474994

Jesus that's the absolute perfect right fucking there

>> No.17474989

Polymorphing, don't think about it too hard.

>> No.17474994

i'd say that if it were regular cowgirl. as is 9.9/10

>> No.17475000
Quoted by: >>17475022

you get an answer when you tell me if holsts/mino have one human stomach scaled for size or a multichambered one.

>> No.17475002

Artist? Fuck, this is some good shit

>> No.17475006

I have never asked for sauce before in my life but here we are

>> No.17475016
Quoted by: >>17475181

What's your dream meeting with a monster girl?

>> No.17475019
Quoted by: >>17475061

They have thumbs now.

>> No.17475022

Does it help them get benis in bagina? Then no, it's normal.

>> No.17475025

>When she mocks you for having a dick smaller than her finger
Oh god, I can't take it.

>> No.17475029

How can hornless women even compete?

>> No.17475033
Quoted by: >>17475045

Sounds like a personal problem

>> No.17475038

That fur is actually fake. Hooves might be fake too.
Also, magic.

>> No.17475039

It would be nice if KC created a monstegirl taking the Xenomorph as inspiration.

>> No.17475041
Quoted by: >>17475061

Outdated picture.
Baphomet now has smaller hooves, and fluff covering her knees

>> No.17475045

Unless you are a male oni it applies to a lot of people.

>> No.17475048

Vagina adapted to human size
DE making your dick bigger
etc etc

>> No.17475054 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x806, 1502661755105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang on i'll try and find it

>> No.17475061
Quoted by: >>17475069


>> No.17475069
Quoted by: >>17475080

Sabbath guidebook cover.

>> No.17475075

The clothes end where the fur starts

>> No.17475078

How do you even describe that clothing?

Seriously, I'm stuck

>> No.17475080

He completely fucking ruined the baphomet in WG3.
Then again I'm pretty sure KC has lost his touch. Hasn't produced anything good in years.

>> No.17475093

>Hasn't produced anything good in years.
That's like, your opinion

>> No.17475098
File: 476 KB, 671x1200, Mershark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475138

Mersharks are good

>> No.17475100

He made her look like an actual fucking loli, and brought her in line with the other lolis in terms of softness and plumpness. I'd consider that an improvement.

>> No.17475106
Quoted by: >>17475140

You're implying the mary sue loli goat wasn't already shit to start with.

>> No.17475119

She would be fine if not for the fucking legs. The torso looks fine but her legs look incredibly stubby, and her hooves look too small for her to stand on. Plus her proportions just look off now, she's too top heavy between the huge head and the tiny legs.
It's like KC forgot that the Baphomet is supposed to look strong and authoritative as well as cute.

>> No.17475127
File: 280 KB, 785x623, 1499219421133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Soldier Beetles are seriously cute, so I wrote something with one and lots of apples. No smut, just short and sweet.

>> No.17475128

How was she not a loli before that?

>> No.17475138

Sharks are misunderstood.


>> No.17475140
Quoted by: >>17475150

>mary sue
I don't think KC self-inserts as a loli-goat girl

>> No.17475147
File: 498 KB, 800x1131, e64386ab922cd84cacc9d810e68408df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like your zombies mindless, dumb or with intelligence?

>> No.17475150

>Mary sue=self-insert
I don't think you know what those words mean, anon.

>> No.17475153

Seemingly mindless but actually intelligent. So groans and moans and stiff walking movement but can understand things perfectly well and otherwise capable of acting in a normal way.

>> No.17475158
Quoted by: >>17475166

Dumb, working into intelligence when they go wight.

>> No.17475165
Quoted by: >>17475171

How would you feel about walking in on your lexible feline daughteru licking her own cunny?

>> No.17475166
Quoted by: >>17475175


>> No.17475168

With some intelligence, but not much.

>> No.17475171

I'd turn around and walk away, pretending to not see anything.

>> No.17475174

Nice work

>> No.17475175

I enjoy both, there just things you can do with wights and things you can do with zombies.

>> No.17475177
Quoted by: >>17475190

Big Vampire!
Big Vampire with her husband on her lap!

>> No.17475178
Quoted by: >>17475208

>Hasn't produced anything good in years.
And plenty more.

>> No.17475181
Quoted by: >>17475188

The Portal opens while i'm in the shower, completely off-guard. My waifu phases through, and for a brief moment we make eye contact. Immediately she begins chanting for a binding or polymorph spell, while I spring for a weapon or attempt to incapacitate her.

>> No.17475187

She looks perfectly fine, and I'm inclined to say better than before.

>> No.17475188
Quoted by: >>17475194

>while I spring for a weapon or attempt to incapacitate her.
You wouldn't recognize her.

>> No.17475189

Really sweet like the apples she's hunting.

>> No.17475190

Big how?

>> No.17475194
Quoted by: >>17475203

No, I would recognize her immediately, and realize I'm fucked if I don't make these first thirty seconds a protective action.

>> No.17475199
Quoted by: >>17475227

Tall and well proportioned.

>> No.17475203

What is she?

>> No.17475208

The fact that her entire body, minus the removable armor parts and the joints she'd have you avoid coming in contact with, feels exactly like a human's makes her surprisingly boring.
Kind of feels like there's something missing in her design, because she doesn't look as intimidating as she's supposed to be to me.
Just a drunk goat with a dumb hairstyle.

My biggest issue with his material recently is how consistently he writes every single one of his girls to have a unique personality for precisely 10 minutes while you meet her for the first time before turning into the same generic waifu template, if they weren't already total waifus to begin with. I'm beginning to question why I should even give a shit about his writing if I have to start looking for excuses to not follow it.

>> No.17475211

A shit waifu

>> No.17475213

Both of those Baphomets exist. For the thousandth time not every single member of a race looks 1-1 like they do in the book. I doubt every Baphomet is ginger-haired with blue eyes either.

>> No.17475217

a healthy mix of maya, tsun, and dere, but also a Dark Slime. If I can get a hold of her core before the spell finishes, I might be able to prevent my own capture. It's difficult to hold a job when you're fornicating for days at a time.

>> No.17475224

The original Baphomet art is what, 7 years old now or more?
It's a redesign. Deal with it.

>> No.17475225
File: 1.03 MB, 4800x3600, narwhal monmusu paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big how?

>> No.17475227

Proportioned girls are the best.

>> No.17475229

>I doubt every Baphomet is ginger-haired with blue eyes either.
I want a feisty and strong willed bapho with long red twintails.

>> No.17475230

>He completely fucking ruined the baphomet in WG3.
how so?

>> No.17475234
File: 81 KB, 276x283, 1486875672248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475250

>he goes purely by the profile art
Do a flip, homo.

>> No.17475249

>Just a drunk goat with a dumb hairstyle.
You can break down literally any profile like that.

>> No.17475250

>just don't go by the profile art
>just don't go by the profile text
Then what's the point of having profiles?

>> No.17475258
File: 191 KB, 622x374, Medusas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think every single member of a species is a clone of their art, you are retarded, end of story.
Here's a picture of KC calling you a retard.

>> No.17475259
File: 359 KB, 600x604, someone had to say it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17475262
Quoted by: >>17475281

Fuel for threadcanon and memes.

>> No.17475271

I keep forgetting about the stoned tail

>> No.17475281

what memes?

>> No.17475282
Quoted by: >>17475304

Sure, so that's a rebuttal for what, the "dumb hairstyle" comment?
How does this relate to anything else I said?

>> No.17475290

>The fact that her entire body, minus the removable armor parts and the joints she'd have you avoid coming in contact with, feels exactly like a human's makes her surprisingly boring.
Soft things feel good. Hard things don't feel good.
Why wouldn't you want her to feel like a human?

>> No.17475304

>How does this relate to anything else I said?
It's a direct response to the linked post, come on dude.

>> No.17475305

I want a really tall Kikimora, but I also want a really short Kikimora.
I don't know what to do.

>> No.17475315

Get a normal sized kikimora.

>> No.17475322

2 Kikimora

>> No.17475324
Quoted by: >>17475355

Get two kikimora sisters

>> No.17475326
Quoted by: >>17475336

Shog who can look like a ever changing Kikimora?

>> No.17475336

Bootleg maid won't work. Dhe needs to be legit.

>> No.17475346
Quoted by: >>17475353


>> No.17475349

It's better when the anubis is the little brown servant girl and you're the big pale guy

>> No.17475350

Shogs have been servants before the first kikimora picked up a broom.

>> No.17475353

What exactly is the dynamic between a Kiki and Shog who work for the same master?

>> No.17475355

I want twin Kiki maids who are cute together but very intelligent and scheming.

>> No.17475360
File: 614 KB, 750x1000, 55b65ddc36ce356e303d4f156ec78670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are your wives now. Be a good bloodbag and offer your neck to them.

>> No.17475362
Quoted by: >>17475417

Shogs were servants for other wordly beings, kikis were always maids for humans. It's why the wolf birds are way better.

>> No.17475366
Quoted by: >>17475369

I don't have enough blood for both.

>> No.17475369

Not with that attitude

>> No.17475378
File: 338 KB, 595x842, Mershark29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she's a biter

>> No.17475382

I don't like Vampires.

>> No.17475390

That one on the left. I want her to drink from me while I'm inside her in the lotus position.

>> No.17475392
File: 75 KB, 990x807, paladin_alexander_anderson_by_fvsj-d472sb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17475394
File: 182 KB, 850x766, __hoshiguma_yuugi_and_ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_katwu_gensou_ninja_yashiki__sample-91473b8f3e638d2e23fbdddf3bc9b875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475399

came from gelbooru, but i cant find em. anyway i think those were the only 2 he did

>> No.17475399
Quoted by: >>17475403

Think that might be getting you a vacation, anon.

>> No.17475403

i'll delet later

>> No.17475406

Can I have Shalltear instead?

>> No.17475416
File: 207 KB, 1510x1131, IlSZ8yx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual face is a shriveled-up lamprey
But why tho?

>> No.17475417

That's implying that those they serve haven't forsaken their humanity, in which case visa versa

>> No.17475440
Quoted by: >>17475467

I just want my peppy (by her people's standards) Shog maid to make life comfortable for me and to share quiet moments with me.
Shogs can appreciate the value of silence. That puts them at number one for me.

>> No.17475447
Quoted by: >>17475467

They were human. If someone gave up on life and wanted a shog but got a kiki instead she would transform him into a succeful and beautiful master instead of a slimy slob.

>> No.17475467

It is said that it's far more important to be comfortable silent with someone, than conversing. I've always imagined my Shog to be excitable and chatty though.
What if you're already a successful and beautiful person but still want a Shog anyway?

>> No.17475477
Quoted by: >>17475484

>you're already a successful and beautiful person

>> No.17475484

Lets say it's a hypothetical scenario then.

>> No.17475489
Quoted by: >>17475519

Silent and knowing, that's the Shog for me. The words she ever would speak would mean all the world then. Just silently being with each other for hours late into the night, holding hands and not saying a word. That's my meido.

>> No.17475514
Quoted by: >>17475573

Then get ready for your downfall because having a slightly yan house and becoming one with an eldritch slime won't do you no good.

>> No.17475519
Quoted by: >>17475544

That's a nice meido. She might unnerve the guests, but that's nothing new for Shogs. Would you teach her your human hobbies or learn some of hers?

>> No.17475544
Quoted by: >>17475573

I'd do both.
I'd play chess with her on rainy days.
I'd show her how to build models if she were interested.
And if she'd be willing, provided it be saved for special occasions, I'd teach her how to softly play the violin.
That would be rather nice.
I'd of course want to learn of her hobbies too to participate with her. I hope she'd be willing to teach me.

>> No.17475570
File: 259 KB, 800x604, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shelltear a shit, her beauty is a ruse.

But other outside MGE sources make it clear loli vampires are top tier places to put your penis in.

>> No.17475573

There are plenty of tangible benefits to having a Shog around, but I do admit they are probably a natural antithesis to proper fitness. All that matters though is whether or not you are happier with a Shog or Kiki.
A Shogs hobbies are probably fascinating to behold

>> No.17475574
Quoted by: >>17475654

Lewd lolis are for giving curves or making into oppais.

>> No.17475595

Pedofags will always be disgusting.
At least when i eat faceless old monster pussy they have decent tits.

>> No.17475611
Quoted by: >>17475620

overlord is a bad show

>> No.17475620
File: 311 KB, 744x1052, Solution Epsilon 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With some neat characters.

>> No.17475635

People call Alatreon shit yet doesn't realize the potential of it being a batshit insane Ryu/Dragon Hybrid but with extra magical powers.Why I mention Ryu is because Alatreon can directly affect weather itself.

>> No.17475645

say what

>> No.17475654
Quoted by: >>17475665

Lewd lolis are for giving love, dickings and dfc appreciation by dickings.

>> No.17475658
File: 50 KB, 285x427, 1488013345637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let a kumiho rip out and messily, bloodily,devour your warm, juicy, still throbbing liver?

>> No.17475664 [DELETED] 


>> No.17475665
Quoted by: >>17475780

That they are, although I want to make sure my loli has an appropriately fat ass to make up for her lack of a chest.

>> No.17475666
Quoted by: >>17475703

I would rather live in Detroit.

>> No.17475672


>> No.17475675

Implying you'd have a choice in the matter

>> No.17475676

huh, nope.

>> No.17475679

If she regenerates it later, yes.

>> No.17475685
Quoted by: >>17475696

These look more like concubines than the European aristocrats I was promised.

>> No.17475696

They're nobility, they wear whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.17475698
File: 449 KB, 792x1000, d2f0fc5fff9cf6bf0b7a5ff9f7eea180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you open your fridge one day and one of these dickheads is in there. How do you get it out?

>> No.17475703
File: 180 KB, 1104x834, 1499471652547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on satan, shes hungry, just pop open your abdominal cavity and let her just snake her tongue in there and snatch it out, you wont wont notice a thing
of course, then you can roleplay as prometheus all the time!

>> No.17475705

how can you say you love her if you don't let her eat your liver

>> No.17475707

There is no Sandworm
Only Zuul

>> No.17475711
Quoted by: >>17475740

No thanks, I like having my liver.

>> No.17475712
Quoted by: >>17475812

I'm more baffled by how she got in there in the first place; there's no desert within ~1500 miles from here.

>> No.17475718
Quoted by: >>17475728

Of course! I'd would be impolite to refuse her offer in favor of keeping my liver. Also, I would like to find out what it feels like.

>> No.17475725
Quoted by: >>17475755

>of course, then you can roleplay as prometheus all the time!
Well that's kinda the thing of Kumihos, you let her eat part of your liver once a week and get a sexy wife.

Change liver for any part of the body and you get the Rusalka.

>> No.17475728
File: 259 KB, 1017x547, 1499843446580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475750

cant be that bad having her tongue snaking around in your torso feeling around for that sweet juicy liver

>> No.17475740
Quoted by: >>17475759

How would you like having a new liver each week that lets you not worry about liver damage ever?

>> No.17475750

>Long tongue
>Overly handsy
>Fluffy tail
>Mocking personality
Hopefully we'll see a character like this again someday

>> No.17475751
Quoted by: >>17475768

As long as I get plenty of tongue play afterwards while it regenerates then yes

>> No.17475755

Do they at least not do it during sex?

>> No.17475759

I politely refuse.

>> No.17475768
File: 696 KB, 1251x1493, 1499843994725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your okay with said tongueplay occurring INSIDE your abdominal cavity (amongst other places)

>> No.17475775


>> No.17475777

this just reminded me of that kumiho story but i cant seem to find it

>> No.17475780
Quoted by: >>17475790

Pears are good, but I can think of atleast some monster species where narrower hips and a smaller but still cute butt would fit better.

>> No.17475790

I can't get into that sadly, I'd need my loli sporting some wide hips, thick thighs, and round buttocks to fill her up

>> No.17475804

Kind of diminishes the effect. There are few nerve endings inside the body.

>> No.17475806

Thats seems like the best part. Ive always wanted my insides violated by some cute girls long tongue. I just hope its painless. Maybe her saliva is a anaesthetic.

>> No.17475812
Quoted by: >>17475830

So? There's spiders from far off places that come to America via being with bananas, so a Sandworm, presumably a small one, being a fridge is not a strange occurrence.

>> No.17475814
Quoted by: >>17475863

They do.

>> No.17475817
Quoted by: >>17475847

pain with pleasure is like putting salt on something sweet

>> No.17475829
Quoted by: >>17475838

You know, in some stories, Kumihos eat hearts too

>> No.17475830

And it might make an interesting story. I still want to know how she got there.

While Sandworms aren't my favorite, they are top 5.

>> No.17475831

i think i need to write up a greentext about a kumiho and a very lucky(?) boy

>> No.17475838

How romantic.

>> No.17475842
File: 6 KB, 570x533, 6KBofsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475849

>yeah she guts me every night, but at least it's a cute girl

>> No.17475847

I agree but the sheer pain from having your organs rearranged has to be more intense than the pleasure. I just want insides gently fondled why she stares deeply in my eyes maybe playing inside my shorts with her fluffy paws.

>> No.17475849

I want a smug, cuddlebug, hugely muscled cheshire.

>> No.17475861
File: 142 KB, 550x500, 1500795698865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17475977

>> No.17475863
Quoted by: >>17475884

How are you supposed to keep a boner through that?

>> No.17475870
File: 292 KB, 1725x2048, 1501697122409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Race (optional): Lizardman
>Looking For: Max level adventurer/adventurers party
>Requested Loot: None
>Preferred Quests: Most difficult, world threatening, highest possible challenge level
>Reason: Have run out of challenges, seeking fulfillment
>Roles: Fighter, Tank, Assassin, pretty much anything martial
>Skills: Ask in person, not enough room on notice board
>Contact: I'll be at the center square tavern between 8 and 11 every night. Dont even think about it if you're not up for seeking out reckless, certain death challenges.

Hey Anon! She seems accomplished! Maybe you can pick her up for your quest to collect Sugarberries in Friendlyshade Forest!

>> No.17475873

Reminder that the only painful part would be the incision. Afterwords, you won't feel a thing since there are no nerves on the inside.

In general, anesthesia is used to knock you out so you don't panic and hurt yourself while people are fiddling with your insides.

>> No.17475882


Jesus, if she sits on him he might disappear entirely inside her.

>> No.17475883
Quoted by: >>17475914

>Friendlyshade Forest.

Bitch please, those cheerful kobold lolis will hug-lock you harder than a lonely yeti.

>> No.17475884
Quoted by: >>17475909

what? you couldnt?

>> No.17475889
Quoted by: >>17475892

I'm pretty sure stomachaches, kidney stones and inflammations actually do fucking hurt.
Look up visceral pain.

>> No.17475892

>kidney stones
you have no idea

>> No.17475895
Quoted by: >>17475914


What a lovely woman. I'm going to bring her flowers and poetry.

>> No.17475899

Well then she can lick where she plans on cutting so I dont feel anything before having her way with my liver.

>> No.17475906 [SPOILER] 
File: 254 KB, 1451x2048, 1502673966098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477905

>The "Dark Souls" of MG games

>> No.17475909
Quoted by: >>17475918

If the pain won't kill your boner the blood loss will

>> No.17475914
Quoted by: >>17475925

>Max level epic lizardman has been doing extreme quests for so long she's forgotten about all the very beginning level stuff
>Lvl 1 'Exciteable Kobold Villager's spam 'happy yelp' that stunlock her completely from any move she tries
>Rookie anon who took her on the quest (she came to see how hilarious it would be) is able to calm them down and get them herded away to finish the quest
How would she ever live it down?
>Approach her in the corner of the tavern, cigar smoke wafting up through the air as she lounges
>Stares blankly at you as you offer flowers, completely dumbfounded at the gesture
She's off balance anon! Make your move!

>> No.17475918

You'll end used to it and learn to associate pleasure and pain

>> No.17475920 [DELETED] 

Well then she can lick where she plans on cutting so I dont feel anything before having her way with my liver.

>> No.17475923

Does she have a sworn rival? She looks like the kind of gal to have a sworn rival. I bet its a max level Ochimusha she crossed swords with times before.

>> No.17475925
Quoted by: >>17475940

I don't know but if theres one thing a real adventurer never forgets, its where they came from in the lowest days.
I bet she doesn't even carry dried bacon still for kobolds and hound types.

>> No.17475929
Quoted by: >>17475995

like the cenobites?

>> No.17475940
Quoted by: >>17475963

Perhaps you'd be the one to reteach her the value of helping the little people instead of always just fighting off ancient evils or entire armies.
Maybe that would develop into something.

>> No.17475946
Quoted by: >>17476001

That's not how that works.

>> No.17475953

The only difference is that the pain would feel more dull and spread out rather than sharp and localized, but there would be a FUCKING LOT of it.

>> No.17475954

Does she need a muscle masseuse/caddy?

>> No.17475955

We need more hot heads like you around here.

>> No.17475959

Alright guys we get it, the liver thing.

>> No.17475961

No no, it's the kumiho who gets it

>> No.17475963
Quoted by: >>17475969

Would be nice.

Nothing reminds one how to help the small folks like helping Granny Grape pick berries for her potions.

Gonna show her why another 'epic level' adventurer keeps helping out a low level town.

>> No.17475967

One day people will learn not to entertain gurofags.

>> No.17475969
Quoted by: >>17475983

What class?
Would be quite the surprise when she assumed you were just some mid to low level adventurer then one day a mayadere lich comes in and you happen to reveal your powerlevel.
She'd probably be moist as one of Granny Grape's cakes at the sight.

>> No.17475975

That was nice, i liked that

>> No.17475977

How will Viccy ever recover?

>> No.17475983
Quoted by: >>17476008

The answer is obvious.

Paladin I always roll that class or Necromancer depending on how I'm feeling.

>> No.17475995

Not that much, but yes

>> No.17476001

It's demonic energy I ain't gonna explain shit

>> No.17476008
Quoted by: >>17476021

>Easily smite away the self proclaimed 'Lich Queen' and wave of light her minions outta town
>Turn and see Epic Lizardman dumbfounded, jaw agape, and flush in the face
Hope you've not neglected stamina and endurance, anon.

>> No.17476011
File: 988 KB, 1697x1099, 1499179115921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the White Horn in, she's been waiting in the snow for hours

>> No.17476017

Not without a kiss first!

>> No.17476020
Quoted by: >>17476028

I'm gonna make her some Cocoa! Is she okay with instant?

>> No.17476021

Of course not.
A paladin always stands tall against whatever challenges come, even if I'm more the healing focused type.

>> No.17476025

It's summer, there isn't any snow.

>> No.17476026
Quoted by: >>17476032

But my door isnt big enough! Can i just go outside and spend time with her there?

>> No.17476028
Quoted by: >>17476043

She'll be happy with anything, as long as she gets to spend time lying down with you

>> No.17476032
Quoted by: >>17476047

That snow is too deep for you, she's buried up to her breasts out there!

>> No.17476035
Quoted by: >>17476055

Not gonna be much better inside when the heater is broken, suspiciously when I would need it most.

>> No.17476040 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.23 MB, 2952x3543, 1502675590748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not marrying a Kitsune that looks like a Kumiho

You get the best of all worlds and keep your liver.

>> No.17476043

Does she like marshmallows? What about Whip Cream? Or maybe even my special ingredient: Sprinkles

>> No.17476047

Darn guess she can squeeze through a window or something.

>> No.17476055
File: 911 KB, 3390x3300, 1493595434201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is your heater tonight

>> No.17476061

If i actually and obliviously let a white horn just stand outside my door in that weather for hours before noticing her i'd probably do whatever she asked of me I'd feel so bad. Anything she wanted to be comfortable, i'd do my best to provide.

>> No.17476063
File: 279 KB, 1066x856, 1449690304870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476068

I want to look her in the eyes as I gently take her virginity and impregnate her.

>> No.17476068
Quoted by: >>17476078

>I want to look her in the eyes as I gently take her virginity and impregnate her.
>look her in the eyes


>> No.17476070

I'm with this anon. It's 100+ outside.

What is the desert version of a White Horn traveling to help warm up travelers? Sand worms? Or some kind of camel girl?

>> No.17476078
File: 45 KB, 131x212, 1433613639773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476082

You're saying she wouldn't have her eyes open for when she decides to finally stop being an eternal but slut and watch as you slowly penetrate her virgin pussy, pulling her hips in close as you push in deep, and gently fuck her all night, filling her with load after load until she's finally pregnant?

>> No.17476082
File: 24 KB, 350x359, 1315135345866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but instead of butt

>> No.17476091

>Not marrying a Kumiho because they're better than Kitsunes

>> No.17476092

It's not Summer in Australia

>> No.17476096

Australia is scary.

>> No.17476099

Roo girls in sweaters.
Eucalyptus munching Koala girls.
Drop bear girls, the rapiest of the rapers.

>> No.17476102

Big Meaty Paws

>> No.17476108
File: 119 KB, 1024x724, 1422506017172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest and meatiest

>> No.17476114 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 800x601, 1502676838117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best handjobs in town.

>> No.17476124

I usually like handsy girls, but this is ridiculous.

>> No.17476129
Quoted by: >>17476276


>> No.17476131

How long is her tongue, though?

>> No.17476137
File: 164 KB, 900x900, DAly_DMXoAE1FIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476145

>> No.17476139

Doesn't it get hard to operate phones and pencils with hands like that?

>> No.17476142
Quoted by: >>17476146

Would Yao give the worst prostate massages?

>> No.17476145

>Wrist grab
>Ear whispering
You have my attention

>> No.17476146

>Claw-tipped digits

>> No.17476148

momo obongo

>> No.17476154
Quoted by: >>17476228

She probably won't be reaching your stomach like that one fox, but it's definitely enough to give your tonsils a tickle.
The copout answer would likely be she manipulates stuff with magic. Real-world, she gets a bluetooth earpiece for her phone and has a tablet linked to it for the other stuff.

>> No.17476157
Quoted by: >>17476160

She has more than just her fingers for probing, provided you're both brave enough.

>> No.17476160
Quoted by: >>17476167

Like what? Toys? Her tongue?

>> No.17476167

>Her tongue
You got it son. Hope you like extreme rimjobs.

>> No.17476177
Quoted by: >>17476208

I like the body and paws but that face is just hideous.
Oh well, still better than Nanabi, at least Yao is solved with a paper bag. Ain't no bag big enough to contain the problem with Nanabi.

>> No.17476208
Quoted by: >>17476218

the fact that she's a fox-centaur or the fact her tails look like penises?

>> No.17476210

Be careful around the Mofu Mafia anon, they may send someone to whack you off!

>> No.17476218


>> No.17476226
Quoted by: >>17476245

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that Merrows love nothing more than love stories, which means one may try to commission you to write one in exchange for her hat.

It also doubles as a marriage proposal so don't accept it unless you want a pink scaled mermaid that loves gushy romance stories.

>> No.17476228
Quoted by: >>17476308

That actually sounds kinda neat for all the 'big meaty paws' girls.

Imagine a Baphomet walking around with a tablet and speaking on a Bluetooth headset

>> No.17476245
Quoted by: >>17476256

Demand her blood instead. Sell it for lots of money.

>> No.17476256
Quoted by: >>17476264

It would have to be an awfully good story for that.

Although you could always get some of her blood another way.
By breaking her hymen and marrying her

>> No.17476262

>Kumiho posting
You've been talking about this shit non-stop for a few days, please stop Shoggy

>> No.17476264
Quoted by: >>17476277

Read the profile picture. They trade blood for stories all the time. Usually with other MGs.

>inb4 Merrow with Rata best friend

>> No.17476276
Quoted by: >>17476287


Maybe longer.

Maybe not the best but they certainly can satisfy any man with ease.

Tails anon, tails.

>> No.17476277

I know, its just that, in the age of the internet, they'd probably use commissions as a way to try and get married or use it to get good stories.

>> No.17476287

>Maybe not the best but they certainly can satisfy any man with ease.
First of all, fur on your dick doesn't feel good.
Second of all unless you're a world class pornstar she's not going to do shit with paws that huge

>> No.17476299
Quoted by: >>17476334

>fur on your dick doesn't feel good
Not him, bon't fucking tell me how I feel about fur on my dick

>> No.17476308
File: 694 KB, 1500x1750, Lego Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine an Anubis showing off to her grandmother
>Young Anubis gets a phone and tablet for her birthday
>She can use it to easily talk with people over long distances
>Parents put in a LEGO engineering app
>She can mock up all sorts of design blueprints easily and change them on the fly
>Her grandmother is all huffy, though
>In her day, a tablet was good for one message only, and if you made a mistake the whole thing was kaput
>The only 'messaging' was having her strapping young scribe carry several large tablets to and from her Pharaoh at a time
>'Kids these days have it so easy...'
>Granddaughter pushes her tablet into grandma's lap
>On the app is a detailed blueprint for a pyramid; The exact same pyramid she herself had designed centuries ago
>Every detail has been precisely captured and placed
>'Now wherever did you think up this?'
>Granddaughter takes bake her tablet, somewhat nervous
>'I got them off that big rock you keep in your bedroom. It looked really cool and I thought we could build it together. I'm sorry for touching it, Grandma...'
>'You were able to design this just from reading that old thing?'
She can't help but smile a bit. 'Dear, nothing would make me happier than to do this with you.'

>> No.17476328
File: 290 KB, 750x500, 4 Bandits going out on Halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster Girl
>World Class Pornstar
>8 Tailed Kitsune likely on the verge of gaining a 9th

She's somewhere between 800 and 899 years old anon.

Alternatively she's fucked enough to gain 8 tails.

A world class porn star by human definition would be significantly below the skills a women like Yao has accrued over the years.

Not to mention MGs have instinctual abilities that give them innate advantages from the start.

>> No.17476334

What did you do, rub your dick against a fur jacket?

>> No.17476335
File: 135 KB, 377x390, 1479844885110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used goods

>> No.17476342
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, Faggot Cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like most MGE girls?

>> No.17476348
File: 15 KB, 217x302, 1467426113068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a 'it's whatever you want' setting
You're into used goods, aren't you anon?

>> No.17476351
Quoted by: >>17476358

Stop posting smug cats.

>> No.17476358
File: 45 KB, 639x593, 1502137258776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't stop it.

>> No.17476361

Used goods anon BTFO.

>> No.17476362
File: 734 KB, 296x167, Faggot Cat in video game form.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476375

>In a "it's a whatever you want" setting
>It explicity cites how Baphomets pump and dump weaker men
>Baphomet is KC's favorite meaning it's not some typo or other nonsense
>Applicable to most of MGE

Yao is still a virgin "where it counts" if you're so adamant.

>> No.17476375
File: 114 KB, 543x691, JupEtPB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476418

>KC gives him freedom to do whatever he wants
>Applies something said in one profile to the entire setting
>""""""""""where it counts""""""""""

Just admit it, anon. You like used goods.
And cheshireposting

>> No.17476389


>> No.17476393

Besides Yeti and Dorome, what are some top tier huggers? The lonelier I get, the more I become a hug slut.

>> No.17476400
Quoted by: >>17476426

Dragon Zombie
Ala/liliraune, as they can hug you and then bring in all their petals to give you a comfy enclosed personal space
By similar logic, Krakens

>> No.17476403


>> No.17476412
File: 277 KB, 1024x1015, 1480703806336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476426

Every lamia

>> No.17476418
File: 761 KB, 732x1000, Decent faggot grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the MGE Kitsunes explicitly gain tails via demonic power through spirit energy sex yes?

That means if any anon marries a MGE Inari or Youko with more than 1 tail they are used goods by definition.

There are multiple profiles in MGE that say they bang men who aren't their husbands, Minotaur, Inari, Youko, Black Harpy, Baphomet, ect. Yet only a few profiles talk about the absolute pure MGs like Unicorns, Ice Queen, and Sea Bishops.

It's not exceptions to the rules, your precious MGE waifu is likely used goods. Yao only does Oral and Anal, still virgin where it "counts".

>> No.17476426




>> No.17476434

How many "rooms" could you have inside of a Sand Worm?

>> No.17476445
File: 856 KB, 2584x3212, Maximum Immersion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGQ General answered questions that MGE'rs wouldn't dare try.

>> No.17476448
File: 72 KB, 264x193, 1479138035967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He'd take the easy way out and marry an existing kitsune instead of fucking one into her 9th tail, marking each new tail from the first one with sharpie to read "Made by anon"
>Defending used goods this hard in a shitposting exchange
The sluts fear the shitposter

>> No.17476461
File: 318 KB, 880x660, Faggot Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476510

Yao is love, Yao is life, it's not like she exists in a 1 tailed state.

The only shitposting here is you, using cropped doujin images like the used pair of pantaloons you are.


>> No.17476464
File: 49 KB, 333x500, DFAHhIFVwAAZRny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476484


>> No.17476476

Doesn't that Cheshire know how rude it is to peer over people's fences?

>> No.17476484
File: 90 KB, 613x1150, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476564

Owls are adorable. We need more owls.

>> No.17476510
File: 48 KB, 214x273, 1465966883831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476529

>Doesn't use cropped doujin images
>Is a yaofag
>Isn't a shitposter
Your shitposting game is so weak, the only shitposts you can find are those you pull out of your waifu's used ass!

Shitposts already used to death, that is!

>> No.17476529
Quoted by: >>17476545

I wonder why one would challenge a Cheshire to a game of hide and seek.

>> No.17476545

Maybe because they were tired of playing tag? I wonder if they'll try the monkey bars next.

>> No.17476564 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1230, 1502685588635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476569

Owl girls working at Hooters

>> No.17476569
Quoted by: >>17476578

I don't know why, but I've been obsessed with this picture for years. Her eyes are just so expressive and she seems so intelligent, yet feral.

>> No.17476578
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1502394737898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476590

Fucking finally someone who understands.

>> No.17476581
File: 37 KB, 379x376, 1367753484032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who have been in these threads for years
>years engaging in discussion over the same subject
>despite said years, they continue to fall for the exact same bait as they always have
>years have passed and they remain unable to learn simple lessons

>> No.17476584
File: 433 KB, 2000x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday until they're real anon.

>> No.17476590

Something about her holding the dead animal in her mouth, combined with her wearing clothes and covering her decency is incredible. Is this gap moe?

>> No.17476595

I think its the perfect gap for a monster girl.

>> No.17476606
File: 848 KB, 2480x3508, 35732802_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

's why I like my foxes spooky.

>> No.17476632

MGs who are used goods are the best. It's not even up for debate.

>> No.17476638
Quoted by: >>17476712

Not with that attitude you can't.

>> No.17476647
File: 61 KB, 700x1001, fc7d5f220522bd7c6062a484959421b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17476655

The panty quest continues

>> No.17476657
File: 734 KB, 830x1200, red demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These boots were made for walkin, and that's just what they'll do
Onea these days these boots are gonna walk all over you

>> No.17476661

Dick the daughteru!

>> No.17476676
File: 505 KB, 900x1200, Horns Required.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Meat.

>> No.17476686
File: 667 KB, 810x1080, 1471514811054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476732

>no horns

>> No.17476701
File: 233 KB, 1000x1480, CgtnnDpUYAAyH7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when they draw her basic dress with exposed shoulders. It's rather tantalizing.

>> No.17476705

Cute childhood friend to get awkward handjobs from!

>> No.17476712
File: 274 KB, 691x976, Sticky hell rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to milk you dozens of time before you even get a chance to attempt milking her
And she's going to milk you again and again whenever you make her feel good while doing so

>> No.17476713

If a demon walking on me was what is took to get a demon waifu, it would be a small price to pay.

>> No.17476722
File: 2.04 MB, 1692x2000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I swap for a different model of red demon?

>> No.17476724

I wanna marry a world class kitsune pornstar who's on her 7th or 8th tail.

>> No.17476725

By all means, friend.

>> No.17476729
Quoted by: >>17476890

>sticky hell rape
That should be heaven.

>> No.17476732
File: 279 KB, 550x800, 1486946657500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, have a scary-looking Oni Swordswoman.

>> No.17476734
Quoted by: >>17476740

>Not milking her while she milks you
Do you even milk?

>> No.17476740
File: 1.58 MB, 1169x1700, 1404454135029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17476925

>Tandem milking
The Holstaur Union won't be happy when they learn about that Sandworm infringing on their work

>> No.17476746

What species is your waifu, thread?

>> No.17476789
Quoted by: >>17476890


>> No.17476812
Quoted by: >>17476873

Well, time to join a cult.


>> No.17476856
File: 21 KB, 325x257, 143597846598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if a Cop Anon suffered a terrible accident which crippled him.

But his trusty Gremlin sidekick rebuilt him?


>> No.17476859
Quoted by: >>17476890


>> No.17476870

Fluffy Tail

>> No.17476873
Quoted by: >>17476891

To much structure and paperwork in a cult. Just head down to a hobby shop, get the chalk & candles, and google the incantations.

>> No.17476890
Quoted by: >>17476928

You guys don't know what you're in for
Especially you >>17476859

>> No.17476891

That can be pretty dangerous, better start small, maybe just a Lesser Imp, with extra circles, just in case.

>> No.17476925

Holsts must have the cutest protests whenever something upsets them


>> No.17476928

Eternal sticky cuddles?

>> No.17476934

Zombie Dragons in degrading bondage maid outfits!
Anything for hubby!

>> No.17476941
Quoted by: >>17476944

It's not OK to abuse a dragon even if she was a virgin for so long that she mind broke herself

>> No.17476942

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.17476944
Quoted by: >>17477001

Says who?

>> No.17476997

She's perfect!

>> No.17477001

Anyone with common decency.
You just don't turn the ruler of the earth into your bondage maid slut no matter what kind of goofy smile she puts on or how much she has faith in you

>> No.17477026
Quoted by: >>17477055

But the demon lord isn't a dragon zombie.

>> No.17477043
Quoted by: >>17477055

>no matter what kind of goofy smile she puts on or how much she has faith in you
This is why disposition:simple girls are the best to abuse. You can make them cosplay anything you want and they'll be happy to do it as long as you call them cute and pat their head.

>> No.17477053
File: 3.32 MB, 2000x3145, Qi466Ou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477140


>> No.17477055
Quoted by: >>17477059

All Dragons earn the title of ruler of the earth from birth thanks to their superior draconic blood.
You should fear and respect Dragons of all ages and sizes.

Don't underestimate simple minded girls.
They will take advantage of you if given the chance. Only a thorough training can save you from constant rape.

>> No.17477059
Quoted by: >>17477070

It's like a reverse Anubis. They'll try to drag you into bed every chance they get and make every day a lazy day.

>> No.17477070

Just look at Sandworms, if they were in control you would never see sunlight again as you spend every day breeding her inside the safety of her shell.

>> No.17477085

Crow Tengu.

>> No.17477094


>> No.17477097


>> No.17477116


>> No.17477140

More like Hellbutt.

>> No.17477147
Quoted by: >>17477151

Butts from hell are for hot-dogging

>> No.17477151
File: 661 KB, 1600x1200, 1455599148717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heckpup heckbutt

>> No.17477166
Quoted by: >>17477194

Dark Mage.
All these years enjoying monstergirls and the one I fall for is a normal girl going to a halloween party.

>> No.17477171
Quoted by: >>17477173

Push it all you want, buddy. I'm still not using that term.

>> No.17477173

I'ma push it in her butt

>> No.17477191
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, 16a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477209

Would you play mge gacha?

>> No.17477194
Quoted by: >>17477208

Don't belittle your own waifu.
She might lack physical monster traits, but she has all the mental ones, and even possesses an evil aura.

>> No.17477208
Quoted by: >>17477272

She is an evil well, lazy and perverted magic user who lives in a house deep innawoods, but I just find it amusing that I've spent years rolling my eyes at the cosplay tier girls only to fall for the most cosplay of them all.

>> No.17477209
Quoted by: >>17477215

Rolling your waifu must be the best feeling ever
Rolling 2 smug cats with your last $10 bill must be the worst feeling ever

>> No.17477215
Quoted by: >>17477217

But what if you like smugcats?

>> No.17477217

Then you belong in Wonderland with all the other crazy people

>> No.17477241
Quoted by: >>17477255

Lilims are shit and lilims with hats are even worse.

>> No.17477255

Lilims are wife material but the one with a hat is shit.

>> No.17477272

I wouldn't be surprised if I learned that the majority of anons ended up with waifus they didn't even consider prior to seeing them.
Is she the kind to use magic for mundane tasks and then have you fill up her mana reserves because she keeps wasting it?

>> No.17477307
Quoted by: >>17477540

Did that anon ever share more? Or at least some tutorials?

>> No.17477324
File: 976 KB, 1024x1308, 1495401392153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477330

Gonna slap the heckpups heckbutt!

>> No.17477326
File: 472 KB, 1115x1200, 329_blackharpy_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black harpies always struck me as the prostitute type, just simply based on their design. They just have the look of a $5 whore.

>> No.17477328
Quoted by: >>17479256

>tfw before I can meet my waifu when October-portal-fest happens I'll be stuck with a chubby but also muscly shortstack Cu Sith
What do anons?

>> No.17477330

That's mean, anon. Unless of course you mean with your cock. Then it's fine, just as long as you do it until completion.

>> No.17477336

Small AND saggy! More like a 5 cent whore!

>> No.17477339
Quoted by: >>17477355

Gotta be careful which Mountains you hike through, might end up with Black Harpies clinging to your arm, asking if you're looking for a good time.

>> No.17477344
Quoted by: >>17477359


I wonder if a cheshire would try to trick me into staying home instead of going to work.

I'd probably have to leave her home alone, assuming she doesn't have a job herself.

>> No.17477349
Quoted by: >>17477367

Dime hookers are the best! Especially if they don't even pretend to care and keep on fiddling with their smartphone while you're humping them like an animal!

>> No.17477355
Quoted by: >>17477370

I'd fuck 'em. I just hope that they clean themselves well between "clients" or rape-bait rather.

>> No.17477359
Quoted by: >>17477364

You're gonna come home from work to see she's still in her pajamas, eating snacks and watching TV.

>> No.17477364

Well, that could be kinda comfy too, although I think she's going to end up fairly chubby from all that.

Which is fine.

>> No.17477367

Could probably buy her up for the month for just $20, that's some cheap sex right there.

>> No.17477370
Quoted by: >>17477376

I'd pay extra if she didn't clean up before me.

>> No.17477371

Black Harpies are pure!
They only assault man and rape them to know if he is the right one, it's their way of courting.
None of them whore themselves out, go find a Kejourou or Akaname if you're into that kind of stuff.

>> No.17477376
Quoted by: >>17477381

What if she just got done with a gangbang?

>> No.17477377

Nice! I'd rent her as a live-in hooker and enjoy having her lounge around my house eating my food and playing with her phone all day every day! I hope the price includes everything, like masturbating with her feet while she watches TV.

>> No.17477378
Quoted by: >>17477440

>They only assault man and rape them to know if he is the right one
That was the old version of the profile. The latest version doesn't say they husbando the first guy that they mate with anymore.

>> No.17477381
Quoted by: >>17477388

Depends, is it a flat surcharge or extra per guy?

>> No.17477382

I'd gladly take a black harpy off the streets and turn her into a woman who can look at herself in the mirror with pride each morning.
Healing is the best.

>> No.17477384

I'd rather adopt a black harpy chick before she started working and raise her into a proper lady.

>> No.17477386
Quoted by: >>17477440

No single race is 100% pure except unicorns.
For the rest they could be a pure maiden or they could be a slut depending on the individual, it's all up to you and the situation you want to talk about.

>> No.17477388
Quoted by: >>17477399

She just goes by the hour. Doesn't matter how many people are added in.

>> No.17477399

By the hour that she's not working between the gangbang and my appointment? Hell, let's just start as soon as all of them are out of the room.

>> No.17477414
Quoted by: >>17477448

Is there anything smugger than an oppai loli cheshire?

>> No.17477419

>hire a black harpy whore for $20 for the entire month
>nice cheap sex and she makes decent company
>at the end of the month hire her again for the next month
>repeat this for about a year
>throughout the year she becomes more and more upbeat and has much more pride in herself
>one month you're tight on cash and can't hire her for the next month
>she sticks around anyways
>says she likes living with you and doesn't want to return to that old life she had
>she confesses her love for you and likewise you confess your love for her as well
It's an unorthodox way of finding a wife, but the two of you are happy, and that's what counts.

>> No.17477429
File: 3.38 MB, 4206x3796, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's real cuckhours

>> No.17477433

It's only cuckoldry if you're in a relationship with the hooker.

>> No.17477440

That's what I meant
She rapes a guy to court him
If it works out she kidnaps and marries him
If it doesn't she leaves him to the nearby monster girls

True, but in general Black Harpies are pure and chances are they would find a husband within the first few men they rape

>> No.17477441
Quoted by: >>17477448


>> No.17477448

An oppai loli Cheshire whose breasts are currently being used as an onahole by anon

Muscled thighs for hyperdynamic sex!

>> No.17477452
Quoted by: >>17477492

I'm honestly a sucker for stuff like this.
Get her some nice clothes, find her a hobby, teach her how to do something she's always wanted to do. Give her a daughter to live for.
It's only cuckshit if she fucks other men while you're with her.

>> No.17477453
Quoted by: >>17477504

Truely the smuggest cat in wonderland.
[Spoiler]I would love to carry such a cheshire around.

>> No.17477463
Quoted by: >>17477504

And tight biceps for showing off, hard abs for licking, and a large, tight rear for spanking.

>> No.17477492

Would you only do missionary and lotus with her or make use of her professional skills?

>> No.17477499
Quoted by: >>17477514

What's the point of marrying a prostitute if you don't make use of her advanced skills?

>> No.17477504

Is she compact enough that you can just pick her up and carry her under your shoulder? If yes I want one too.

Muscled bunnies are good.
Watch out how you ask if you can feel her abs, she might misunderstand and believe you said that you want to fill her belly with a daughter

>> No.17477514
Quoted by: >>17477530

Both you and she will be reminded of her past and her hundrends or thousands of clients every time you do extra lewd stuff.

>> No.17477524

Whatever she was comfortable with. Spooning is also a good option.

>> No.17477530

I'm pretty sure that out of the thousands of clients she did missionary and lotus. As long as the focus is on each other, it won't matter.

>> No.17477538

Holy shit that body is perfection.

>> No.17477540
Quoted by: >>17477553

I will ask this question until I get a response, I need a backup in-case October isnt the month.

>> No.17477553

Speaking of, I kinda want to try the classic Cirno ice hymen trick.

>> No.17477556
Quoted by: >>17477567

>The new oni doujin got removed from sad panda
>Before I could read it
Reeeee. Does anyone have it or something?

>> No.17477562

Is she the sluttiest looking monster girl or does someone manage to beat her?

>> No.17477567


>> No.17477572
Quoted by: >>17477602

Yes she is, although it wouldn't be the most dignified way to carry her.

She'd rather ride on my shoulders

>> No.17477574
Quoted by: >>17477600

Thank you anon. You are a life saver.

>> No.17477577
Quoted by: >>17477602

Well, whose to say i dont want to do that too?

>> No.17477583
Quoted by: >>17477594

I blame the Black Harpy hooker shit on that NTR shitposter. Now resident cucks try to push it hard like they're doing now.

>> No.17477585

What if Chaika was a monster girl?

>> No.17477594

To be fair when the updated art got posted by KC people were already saying she looked like a hooker.
Keep on using that word.

>> No.17477595

Isn't she a dragon/zombie already?

>> No.17477600
Quoted by: >>17477603

Least I can do, onis deserve love.
Not sure about normal chaika but I want red chaika as a tsundere salamander.

>> No.17477602

That's just because you want her breasts pressing on your head isn't it?

Bunnies pump out a lot of daughters.
The least you can expect is twins and that's if you're very lucky.

>> No.17477603

Oops, second quote was meant for >>17477585

>> No.17477605
File: 940 KB, 480x270, frederica blowjob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frederica would still be the best girl.

>> No.17477614

Remember to fuck and make a contract with your dragon wife!

>> No.17477616
Quoted by: >>17477618

that doesn't seem very safe for a blowjob

>> No.17477618
Quoted by: >>17477628

She's got healing bite, it'll heal as a direct result of her biting it. That's part of why she's such a best girl, she can do anything to you without lasting damage.

>> No.17477628
Quoted by: >>17477633

okay but what's the point of her biting your dick off over and over, unless she's trying to torture you

>> No.17477629
File: 122 KB, 469x800, 1398289522676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy Freddy.
>cute loli form
>hot adult form
>perfect in both of them
>incredibly durable and has her dragoon form to defend the two of you
How can one girl be this great?

>> No.17477631

Any MGE looks like a hooker.

>> No.17477633
Quoted by: >>17477643

She only does it while I'm cumming so I shoot all over her face and breasts with the stump while she chews and swallows.

>> No.17477634

>How can one girl be this great?
That's a silly question when you're talking about dragons.

>> No.17477636
Quoted by: >>17477777

Not really. Most look like normal 2D girls and their expression doesn't give off a whore feeling. Back harpy though just looks like a girl you would find at the red district.

>> No.17477640

It's because SHE can rest her breasts on my head to tease me.

That and because she can get a better view up there

>> No.17477642
File: 281 KB, 731x1280, 9f307d1adef48860b15d357640042a85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so great that I based a Dragon character's looks on her.

>> No.17477643
Quoted by: >>17477645

What the fuck.

>> No.17477645

It's my fetish.

>> No.17477649

Then she'll be sporting a big old bunny bump before we're done

>> No.17477651

It's her short hair and facial structure, she looks like a cheap thai hooker.

>> No.17477659
File: 492 KB, 2048x1760, DAMA8bKUMAAIqah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477680

Black Harpies are a monstergirl species, not a single individual.

>> No.17477664

Her clothing and earrings make her look even more like a slut too for some reason. Reminds me of the old translation for her profile.

>> No.17477675

this and the cute girls is why i stay here

>> No.17477680

I wouldn't mind a cuter looking black harpy with long wavy hair.

>> No.17477687


>> No.17477688
Quoted by: >>17477693


>> No.17477693

No bully

>> No.17477694

Dragon and I'm almost at four years of relationship.

>> No.17477704

we doing this?
ok *ahem*

>> No.17477708
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x1920, 64369137_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17477712

I'm a filthy haremfag.

>> No.17477714


>> No.17477717
Quoted by: >>17477730

I smell an idol mere female lizard.

>> No.17477718

I feel like the thing below this derpy costume is very molestable.

>> No.17477727
File: 1.47 MB, 1235x1436, e749e9f5dc8d7bf080325914c5491a7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liz a cute and yes, very molestable.

>> No.17477728

don't molest her back-stage

>> No.17477730
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x1920, 64369137_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477740


>> No.17477735

What is it with monster girls wearing dumb sheet costumes recently?
Fate GO's Pharaoh was showing off her perfect brown body in her new swimsuit and all of a sudden everyone draws her with a silly costume.

>> No.17477736
File: 167 KB, 421x600, 64321585_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute.

>> No.17477740

She revealed herself and that means I must reveal my "dragon"! Time to s'lay.

>> No.17477745

Meme cloak > swimsuit

>> No.17477749


>> No.17477777

What would you do if you bought a dime hooker and it turned out she was still a virgin and you were her first customer?

>> No.17477782
File: 89 KB, 200x341, 0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's her new character skin in recent beach summer event

>> No.17477784

Fuck her.

>> No.17477804

I don't trust this ghost.

Because Nito is silly

>> No.17477807
Quoted by: >>17477911

>not liking ancient egyptian memes

>> No.17477827
Quoted by: >>17477911

He's kind of a meme in japan.

>> No.17477866
Quoted by: >>17477882

Chug a ton of manticore venom and fuck her in the missionary position while holding hands, breaking her no kissing rule as she orgasms and trying my hardest to knock her up.
A Nacho would be perfect for this. A slutty looking loli who talks big like she's some kind of experienced whore of a hundred encounters but she's never touched a man in her life.

>> No.17477882
Quoted by: >>17477951

Are you aiming to take responsiblity or something?

>> No.17477905

I consider that winning!

>> No.17477911

Ancient Egypt jokes are the worst
Old Pharaohs and Anubis are cringe to listen to when they try to be funny

>> No.17477935
File: 2.56 MB, 1414x2000, 1484667905184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477983

>Sumerian Ancient Lich with the most deadpan voice in the world:
>"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a zombie did not fart in her husband's lap."

>> No.17477940
File: 491 KB, 710x1000, 15a7c340dbf5e292a2ecaba14be7643925804f70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal paizuri with the Pharaoh as part of a morning ritual to greet the sun! Seeing Her Glorious leylines glow red with love for you!

>> No.17477942

I prefer footjobs. It would be a waste to not use those feet.

>> No.17477947

I'd go straight for souljobs, possibly through her soles.

>> No.17477951

Yes, it means having a cute spider who's full of herself to bully sexually and love.

>> No.17477974
File: 830 KB, 792x1068, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17477978

Did KC officially update lamia profile pic?

>> No.17477978

I dont think hes actually released a digital verison on his website yet

>> No.17477983

Undeads have a terrible sense of humor too
They should just stick to acting scary

Would she have some weird ritual like dousing your balls in sacred fluid and massaging them so you'd receive the sun's blessing of fertility?

Footjob are for lowly husbands who know their wife is the head of the family

>> No.17477986

From whence did this October portal meme spring forth?

>> No.17477988
Quoted by: >>17478009

Hey now, I'm not lowly. I'd dominate her here and there but damn that feet is smooth.

>> No.17477991
Quoted by: >>17478009

Of course. And her God Voice would utter divine words slowly like honey, each syllable only heightening the sensation as she rapes my soul.

>> No.17477992
Quoted by: >>17478048

It was funny when she was young, anon.

>> No.17478002

>What do you call a complete jerk in Egypt?
>A Shadouche!
>I'm here all night! Try the cactus fruit! Tip your Kehpris!

>> No.17478009
Quoted by: >>17478022

That's because she didn't have to walk a whole lot in her life (and unlife)
She spends most of the time on her throne, and when she needs to move she can have mummies carrying her portable throne around
She also takes extensive care of her whole body, sparring no expense to make her body befitting of a God's

Isn't soul rape Wights' thing?

>> No.17478010

>Tip your Kehpris!
They won't be satisfied with just the tip. This is a trap!

>> No.17478022
Quoted by: >>17478075

Yeah, I bet her whole body is smooth and sensitive. There are also those mamono mana cracks in her skin.

If she uses her magical voice to play with me I'm grabbing something to put in her mouth later so I can have some fun making her cum over and over again.

>> No.17478023
File: 331 KB, 750x1000, 64337529_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17478075

I'm okay with it.

>> No.17478048
Quoted by: >>17478073

And when she was young being overweight was considered high class.
Times have changed.

Please, not the Khepri
I'm fine with an Anubis making a horrible joke, but Khepris must remain innocent

>> No.17478061

This pleased both my heart and my dick.

>> No.17478073
Quoted by: >>17478100

It's okay anon. The Khrpris are just the waitresses. Whatever you don't, get too aggressive with the girls, the Sphinx bouncer doesn't take kindly to people who gripe without taking responsibility.

>> No.17478075

Tying and gagging your Pharaoh and then abusing her cracks with your tongue is a great way to show that if she is going to toy with you, you will strike back

That picture is weirdly hot
Being in such an enclosed and small space with a soft monster girl has to feel like heaven

>> No.17478085
Quoted by: >>17478169

It makes the relationship more spicy too. Revenge is a great way to get daughterus.

>> No.17478096
Quoted by: >>17478097

>abusing her cracks with your dick
I want to bust into a forgotten pyramid and just jam it in a CC Pharaoh's cracks before she even wakes up.

>> No.17478097
Quoted by: >>17478115

Anon no! That's Rape!

>> No.17478100
Quoted by: >>17478153

>"Hey punk, whose the troublemaker that's gonna get his ass kicked if he doesn't behave?"

>> No.17478115
Quoted by: >>17478118

I'm going to rape that plain auntyraoh's soul! She's never even had sex and suddenly she's going to be roused from millenia of slumber by my penis entering her very soul and probably flooding it with my mortal semen before she can even react!

>> No.17478118
Quoted by: >>17478126

You're a bad person anon.

>> No.17478126
Quoted by: >>17478132

And it gets even worse, I'm going to take advantage of her low self-esteem and they way I'm ruined her for marriage to force her to become my wife!

>> No.17478132
Quoted by: >>17478144

You are truly horrible.

>> No.17478139

If I wanted to be serious, a Shoggoth.

If I were to meme from Lostpenis or ELH, a Khornette.

>> No.17478141

>come home from work
>smug cats looking at me with mocking expressions


>> No.17478144

Once I've got my semen sloshing inside a cute brown Phara-aunty's soul and womb and her brown, modest body in my arms as my warm, soft plushie to cuddle all night, I won't have to care how I made it there. I bet she'll even get Stockholm syndrome and fall in love with me!

>> No.17478153

Later that night, after many, many drinks.
>Here wee go! Dobule or nothin! You get it right, I'm all yours for the next week. If you're rong, I ownya for the next week.
>Lets say we hada boul of cereal. If we add milk, is that milk a broth, a sauce, or a beverage?

>> No.17478169

How are you going to tell the desert kingdom that the next heir to the throne was born from you ingesting dangerous amounts of fertilizers, chaining the Pharaoh in the dungeon and breeding her for 2 days to punish her for making you massage her all day long with her God voice?

>> No.17478197
File: 359 KB, 700x1002, Getting kind of thirsty hombre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But now you're forcefully married to a girl you didn't want to waifu...

>> No.17478212
Quoted by: >>17478216

I'd cuddle with the hime cut flatfish.

>> No.17478216

I'd clothed naizuri/69 with the hime cut flatfish

>> No.17478220

Train your Khepri harem to sing.
That way they can wake you up with a resounding chorus each morning as they bow in servitude before you.

>> No.17478225

Do you give a Khepri harem a day off ever and if so what does it look like?

>> No.17478227
Quoted by: >>17478241

ever heard of reverse-gangbang?

>> No.17478233

I do, and I tell them each to go do something relaxing apart from me.
Then I visit them each individually throughout the day to give them special one on one bonding time

>> No.17478238
Quoted by: >>17478256

I'd be happy to game over on a random Sahuagin spawn, and have to then love a simple life in the wild next to a cozy river

The life of a Khepri King is a life of comfort
Just don't get in-between the Pharaoh and Apophis, that's just asking for troubles

>> No.17478241
File: 266 KB, 700x900, 1439108920274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mastah tells his maid to do whatever she wants on her day off
>she proceeds to rape him
Why is this so hot?

>> No.17478256

What happens when you visit the nearby Pharoah with your Khepri harem accompanying you?
Do they whisper nasty things about her behind your back?

>> No.17478259
Quoted by: >>17478275

>give your khepri harem a day off from official duties with the rule they can't be around you until the night
>they spend the day sat around a table and playing cards while drinking and complaining about how the "unwashed masses" expect too much from their king
>one even suggests that people who make unreasonable demands should be raped in the town square by desert manticores
>when night eventually comes they take out their frustration in angry yet passionate sex with you until you leave them all cream pied and spent
>maybe they can put up with some annoyances if it means they can have nights like this

>> No.17478267
Quoted by: >>17478408

>What a skank! You do best to keep your distance, lord...
>Ancient hussy, wearing such a revealing outfit when our lord should visit...
>Come, sweet lord, cut short this meeting before we come down with the itch from her proximity...
>She claims to be a god before our lord! Such treason would be intolerable had this meeting occurred in our throne room...
>Let us hope she has no thoughts of expanding her empire of dust...
Jealous creatures.

>> No.17478275
Quoted by: >>17478329

The idea of leaving all 7 or so Khepri creampied and utterly satisfied every night just makes me feel so good inside.
Those girls have earned every gift and break they receive.

>> No.17478279
Quoted by: >>17478322

Why are mamono older sisters so best?
Also, the new Shub-Niggurath- onee-chan doujin got scanned.

>> No.17478281

>implying I don't rush through the main area and run past all the weak enemies
>implying I don't run straight into the boss room and surrender to the bosses I want, losing and leaving my summon sign

>> No.17478322
Quoted by: >>17478332

Chiyo Nee is my waifu. Pochi is lord and savior of the Onee Sabbath.

>> No.17478329

I want one to give me a blowjob then they all take turns making out to snowball it around the circle

>> No.17478332
Quoted by: >>17478341

>mfw Pochi is a woman and self-insert as Chiyo-nee.

>> No.17478341

It's all part of Shubby's great plan. IA!

>> No.17478343
Quoted by: >>17478363

Pharaohs and Khepris would respect each other but not particularly like each other's company.
They act kind and happy together, but as soon as they left they start talking about how your kingdom is much better and how the Pharaoh thinks way too highly of herself, etc...

>> No.17478363

I bet they'd subtly dress and carry themselves more regally for a few weeks after the meeting.

>> No.17478408

I wonder how they would react to an elected official like a president or a prime minister?

>> No.17478435

>"..Sooo, why is he oran-"
>"Neptet, hush!"

>> No.17478470
Quoted by: >>17478488

A diplomatic incident following their aggressive demands for said officials to bow before their husbandking.

>> No.17478488

>Kheprilord gives a speech before a UN hearing
>a good enough speech
>made awkward by his wives writhing and crawling and grinding and moaning against him the whole time

>> No.17478513

Anon needs to learn how to control his infestation!

>> No.17478565
Quoted by: >>17478573

>Next time he gives a speech his wives are all pouting in the front row wearing stuffy suits

>> No.17478566

Thems fighting words

>> No.17478569

I could see this being used as an endearing term for a Khepri harem.

>> No.17478573
Quoted by: >>17478598

I was thinking more along the lines of them pouting in the front row all tied up and gagged. Just for the certainty that there won't be any interruptions of course.

>> No.17478598
Quoted by: >>17478607

At first they pout, but then they're delighted by being taken into a back room and given bondage prisoner role play sex.
Such a thoughtful lord!

>> No.17478607
Quoted by: >>17478635

>a bunch of bound and gagged Khepris waiting in the secluded back room
>waiting for you to finish your big speech and come visit them to blow off all the stress

>> No.17478635
Quoted by: >>17478649

I'd creampie BOTH holes for each of them.
No stopping until they're all bloated with seed and drooling in mindbroken, heartpupiled bliss. Only the best for my seven suns!

>> No.17478649
Quoted by: >>17478674

>2 holes each
That's a lot of creampies anon, after a speech no less. How would you keep up your stamina? How would you get them all home afterwards?

>> No.17478657

Parade Buster might be your game anon.

>> No.17478668

Your daughteru is begging you for sweets anon, what do you do?

>> No.17478674
Quoted by: >>17478762

Well for one I'd of course be a heavily incubized man by that point, but on top of that I'd have drinks spiked with girti venom to ensure I can finish through. It may take some time, but I'll make it work for my beautiful girls.
As for getting them home, I'd gently carry them out one by one to a private limo waiting to start us on our journey home. I'd lightly stroke their hair as they lay passed out and piled on me in the back, their soft tired mewling being all the rest I need.

>> No.17478675

Give her sweets

>> No.17478680

Tell her if she grabs her homework and show me how smart she is, she can have a biscuit and some tea!

>> No.17478683

Check the schedule and see how many sweets she's allowed for the day then give her sweets anyways and make her promise not to tell her mother.

>> No.17478691

it'll be a cold day in hell before someone else gets my sweets

>> No.17478713
File: 168 KB, 1203x761, angry wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17478721

>I don't wanna eat my veggies! I want my meat now!

>> No.17478714

Ceci n'est pas une liche.

>> No.17478721
Quoted by: >>17478755

Don't make me get the coat, sweetie. You get your meat when you finish your veggies. Don't you want to grow up beautiful and strong like mama?

>> No.17478751

Well, it depends on the level of her begging and whether or not she's had sweets already. If she hasn't had any of course I'd give some to her, but if she's begging too excessively I might gently chastise her beforehand. If she has already had her sweets though, I'd help distract her with something else. The final situation would be her begging excessively even though she's already had her sweets, in which case she'd have me holding her still and putting her locking muzzle gag on her. It would hurt to do the last part because my daughteru is a master of the painfully adorable puppy-girl eyes, but she needs to learn that there are consequences to her actions!

>> No.17478755
Quoted by: >>17478766

What does the coat do?

>> No.17478762
Quoted by: >>17478793

Heavily incubized is an understatement
Khepris spend a majority of their lives crafting the biggest, most concentrated ball of pure mamono mana to give to their future king
You will receive years of hard work and power as soon as you're deemed worthy.
Enough to make you instantly into a top 0.1% males on the planet, though you won't use that power for much except pleasing your many wives and impregnating them with top quality daughterus.

>> No.17478766
Quoted by: >>17478779

Papa Wendigo putting on the coat is akin to a father standing up and putting on his stern voice at the dinner table.

>> No.17478773

No. All she gets is a vigorous cunny spanking.

>> No.17478779
Quoted by: >>17478810

But doesn't he have to take the coat from his waifu?

What if they are eating dinner inside the coat?

>> No.17478787

Don't trust oneesans

>> No.17478793
Quoted by: >>17478809

Don't I know it.
So are you suggesting I creampie both back holes AND their mouths? Because that's absolutely possible if it will make them happy to have their lord's thick cum gurgling and overflowing from each of their overstuffed orifaces

>> No.17478810

Then he reaches one of his gorilla hands out and pokes his daughter on the top of the head then points to her veggies while grunting sternly.

>> No.17478809

But if they're all gagged how can you creampie their mouths?

>> No.17478816

Pull gag off/down
Irrumate to overflowing
Replace gag
Watch as they cross their eyes and cum leaks out the side of the gag and their nostrils
A simple task!

>> No.17478817

Ring gag?
They'd have to gulp it all down unless they want to lick it off the floor

>> No.17478879
Quoted by: >>17478918

Ring gags are a thing anon. There are also mouth-pussy onahole gags that are nice and squishy and go all the way down the throat for maximum effect. Of course they're also shaped like pussies so it looks like the wearers have real mouth-pussies!

>> No.17478918

>There are also mouth-pussy onahole gags that are nice and squishy and go all the way down the throat for maximum effect. Of course they're also shaped like pussies so it looks like the wearers have real mouth-pussies!
That's hot.

>> No.17478930 [SPOILER] 
File: 387 KB, 700x725, 1502733283335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.17478945

when will my sins stop chasing me?

>> No.17478965
Quoted by: >>17479013

KC tweeted that he is going to digitally release sucnotes through his enty or something

>> No.17478974

I'd give some to her, though if she keeps begging and begging she won't get a thing. It's just going to be a sweet here and there.

>> No.17479013

He already announced that a few weeks ago
He tweeted to say that it will be delayed to the 17th or later because he needs to stay in Tokyo for a few more days

>> No.17479016
Quoted by: >>17479069

We don't talk about the maid wars or the waifu wars anymore this is a safe place thank you very much.

>> No.17479028

It's okay. Those strawberry jam jars are hard to get open. We'll get the squeeze bottle next time.

>> No.17479050

Big meaty jinkos when?

>> No.17479069

My grandfather died in WW2: Revenge of the meido.

>> No.17479088

What kind of monster girl story/art would you write/draw if a Leanan Sidhe blessed you?

>> No.17479132

Would an Itan Momen take a shower, or be laundered? Would she dry herself using a towel?

>> No.17479137

Going for rides in the wash and dryer are super relaxing for Ittan-chan.

>> No.17479140

handwash and air dry only

>> No.17479144


>> No.17479146

Showers with their husband slowly hand-washing them is best
Throwing one in the washing machine would make her ahegao

>> No.17479169
Quoted by: >>17479220

I'd take commissions drawing multi-part doujins of people with their waifus.
And I'd have a stash of pictures of my demonfu for myself.

>> No.17479220

>An Anon asks you for a 12 page non-lewd doujin of his Dorome waifu learning about technology
>Another commissions you for 8 pages of vanilla sex with his Satyros waifu
>Yet another wants you to draw a full 60 pages of his Atlach-Nacha waifu treating him like utter shit followed by some borderline /d/ scenes and topped off with a straight up /d/ scene
Choosing who to do first would be easy

>> No.17479229
Quoted by: >>17479258

none of them because all of those girls are shit

>> No.17479241
Quoted by: >>17479263

Yeah. The one that will make you a fuckload of green, especially considering all the percentage fees you'll add when you're asked to draw shit you're not comfortable with.

>> No.17479256

Accept that there will never be any portals.

>> No.17479258
Quoted by: >>17479292

>Dorome and Satyros
How can one man have such terrible taste

>> No.17479263

If you're just interested in green, there is a [certain group] that plays a lot more fast and loose with their money than MG fans.

>> No.17479274
Quoted by: >>17479307

A lot of things.
>a trilogy of doujins about hellhounds and their husbands
>one doujin for each possible type of relationship (domhound, wrestlesex, tamedhound)
>a one shot with an apophis and her man making an anubis their pet
>image set of vanilla loving situations with an oomukade
>daki designs of the popular/meme girls every so often, high res released for free
>in thread votes for single images I can't decide between
All accompanied by a patreon under a different name with an altered art style, focusing on mobage/overwatch/league girls to pay the bills and continue providing good monster girl stuff.

>> No.17479280

Easy, the nacho.

>> No.17479292

They are indeed shit.

>> No.17479307
Quoted by: >>17479351

>a one shot with an apophis and her man making an anubis their pet
This sounds great. We need more graped girls

>image set of vanilla loving situations with an oomukade
Oomukades are hikikomori rapists, you can't have many different vanilla loving situations with them, but I like the idea still

>> No.17479315
Quoted by: >>17479331

I think I have my limits anon. I'm kinky but not /that/ kinky.
Most of my demonfu stuff would be pretty vanilla.

>> No.17479331
Quoted by: >>17479387

Demons seem like the type who are down for pretty much anything, but never ask for anything other than vanilla sex and the occasional anal or rough sex

>> No.17479351
Quoted by: >>17479563

>This sounds great. We need more graped girls
If I could I'd be tempted to do one with a Khepri sister being tied up and watching her sister get graped, being all strong willed and defiant until it's her turn and she loves it.
>Oomukades are hikikomori rapists, you can't have many different vanilla loving situations with them, but I like the idea still
There's plenty.
>anon bringing home food for her and cooking for the first time with her not being sure what it is and poking it with a stick
>her hugging anon like a daki as they fall asleep
>oomukade hissing at some poor werebat who entered the wrong cave
Basic slice of life stuff.

>> No.17479363

I might draw some commissions here and there, but mostly I'd draw my waifu and my daughteru. I might go back and illustrate all my old stories as well.

>> No.17479387

Roleplay is a hell of a way to spice things up. Bondage especially.

>> No.17479433

That's the good stuff anon.

>> No.17479505

I wonder if I can trick a bondage demon into always tying me up for sex, so I can disguise being lazy and not doing anything

>> No.17479528

What is christmas cake bait? Food for cakes?

>> No.17479545

I kinda want my demonfu to tie me to the bed and use my whole body as a living sex toy.
I'll get her back when it's my turn by having her wear a collar and leach and using it to make her deepthroat me.

>> No.17479547
Quoted by: >>17479560

Free beer.

>> No.17479551

Ice cream and depression

>> No.17479560

fuck me, thats my weakness.

>> No.17479563
Quoted by: >>17479595

>a Khepri sister being tied up and watching her sister get graped, being all strong willed and defiant until it's her turn and she loves it.
That's even hotter but in a twisted way

>Basic slice of life stuff.
You're right
It's easy to forget how the most mundane stuff can become great with the right person

>> No.17479567

Free alcohol and attentive aftercare. She'll wake up with the other side of her bed warm and the smell of breakfast cooking.

>> No.17479582
Quoted by: >>17479590

Pumping and dumping a CC Ryu! Turning her into a yandere after she asks her hebis for advice!

>> No.17479590
Quoted by: >>17479607

So she's pumped and not-so-dumped? And now you're her pump?

>> No.17479592
Quoted by: >>17479620

Depends on what kind of CC
Rapey and perverted: Shotas, especially innocent ones
Pure and romantic: A male willing to form a family with her
Desperate and lonely: An equally desperate and lonely male

Stuff like sweets, alcohol and reduction coupons work too but they aren't nearly as effective

>> No.17479595

>a Khepri sister being tied up and watching her sister get raped, being all strong willed and defiant until it's her turn and she loves it.

101 Ways to Dom your Bride: A Beginner's Guide to Elf Roleplay

>> No.17479607

Yes! But I'll never get broken by an old lizard like her no matter how hard she tries!

>> No.17479620
Quoted by: >>17479643

What if it's a combination of all of them?

>> No.17479643

Then any male will do. Any foolish enough to get close to her that is.

>> No.17479653

Looks like I got myself a woman.

>> No.17479666

What about a shota that's willing to start a family who is desperate?

>> No.17479698
Quoted by: >>17479703

A shota like that gets the childhood friend route.

>> No.17479702
Quoted by: >>17479706

So the kid from that one manga whose older sister is the black goat of the woods with 1000 young?

>> No.17479703

The childhood friend would have to defeat the evil CC in a dramatic anime fight for his love

>> No.17479706


>> No.17479725

You're missing out on the greatest love story ever told, anon.

>> No.17479739

If that title is literal that's the most used goods of all time.

>> No.17479740

show a pic, i might recognize her

>> No.17479746

It's just a lovecraft reference. We don't know and it doesn't matter. Look up
>Ane Naru Mono

>> No.17479749

"God I wish that were me": The manga

>> No.17479769

I doubt it

>> No.17479812
Quoted by: >>17479835

Is there anything cuter than being with the jinko queens daughter that is the fifth down the line and is the runt of the litter with a bum leg that feels inadequate at her lack of martial ability and muscles compared to her sisters?

>> No.17479835
Quoted by: >>17479843

Yeah. My daughteru.

>> No.17479843
Quoted by: >>17479870

Daughterus are cheating, they can ask for upsies.

>> No.17479870

But anon said "anything".

>> No.17479972
Quoted by: >>17479985

Is there a canine version of a Nekomata? An inumata perhaps? Nothing is more perfect than a devoted wolfu.

>> No.17479985

All wolfus are devoted.
