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File: 1.84 MB, 1748x1653, Just let her in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17408921 No.17408921 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly warning anon, never try to run from a Yandere Succubus.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: http://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.17408932
Quoted by: >>17408943

What happens if I do?

>> No.17408933
File: 214 KB, 1000x1500, DE8mLafVoAARmEo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17408939

>> No.17408939
Quoted by: >>17408952

Never trust a Youko.

>> No.17408942

I want to hook a titcow Succubus up to a milking machine.

>> No.17408943
Quoted by: >>17408948

You'll wake up four days later tied to a bed with that same Succubus riding your dick to make you smell so much like her that no slut would ever try to steal you away.

>> No.17408944
File: 473 KB, 1790x2048, 1488888978049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prodigious Panda Pillows

>> No.17408948

That doesn't sound to bad.

>> No.17408951

[x] Faceplant

>> No.17408952

Always trust foxes.

>> No.17408953
Quoted by: >>17408976

Reminder to always touch reverse scale.

>> No.17408958
Quoted by: >>17408971

But they're tricksters!
It's what their species is known most for: tricking you.

>> No.17408959

[x] Crotchplant

>> No.17408960

I want a big, soft panda to snuggle.

>> No.17408970

But anon, she's scary! She'll give you bites all over to mark you and she won't stop until your balls are completely dry!
And then she'll jab you with manticore venom and force feed you her milk to get ready for another day of nothing but fucking! It won't stop until she's pregnant!

>> No.17408971
Quoted by: >>17408977

What could they possibly gain from tricking someone like me?

>> No.17408972
Quoted by: >>17408978

x is best girl

>> No.17408976
Quoted by: >>17409014

Even on the idolu dragon?

>> No.17408977
Quoted by: >>17409015

A cute husbando.

>> No.17408978

Objectively wrong. Please remove yourself.

>> No.17408981
File: 449 KB, 795x625, 1500755452562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17408989

Salmon Girl when?

>> No.17408982
Quoted by: >>17408993

Panda milk.

>> No.17408989
Quoted by: >>17408998

I'm not into actual retards, thanks.

>> No.17408993
File: 163 KB, 676x900, renxiongmao_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409006

It's full of bamboo nutrients, so you know it's healthy!

>> No.17408995
File: 91 KB, 551x801, Panda meita la heshlah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409077


>> No.17408998

But one of them pilots a flying missile launching platform.

One even has a railgun!


>> No.17409006
Quoted by: >>17409019

Isn't bamboo like
Asian celery, nutrient-wise?

>> No.17409008
Quoted by: >>17409018

Only trust Kumihos, not Kitsunes

>> No.17409009

What do you like more, first person or third person stories?

>> No.17409014


>> No.17409015

>Kitsune tricking me into becoming her husband.
I'm failing to see the downside here.

>> No.17409018
File: 14 KB, 299x168, IMG_2112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409027


>> No.17409019

But I live in Singapore, so celery is like European bamboo.

>> No.17409024

What stuff would a loli Demon put into her first contract?

It's gonna be written in crayon of course.

>> No.17409027
Quoted by: >>17409065

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.17409032
File: 734 KB, 827x1169, Apsara_Butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second-person > Third-person > First-person

>> No.17409038
Quoted by: >>17409071

> literal milk monster
> doesn't lactate
It's been like 3 years and I'm still mad

>> No.17409039

>Anon needs to give me candy EVARY day
>Anon must let me sit in his lap when we are together
>Anon must say I'm cute once every day

>> No.17409042

>Wants to write a contract
>Starts blushing and hand shaking, doesn't know what to write, saw how all contracts are walls of text but doesn't even know the first word to write
>A couple days letter you get her contract
>It's a heart in crayon
>Inside the heart is her name, and below her name a line with an X beside it

>> No.17409045
Quoted by: >>17409059

2d > 1st > 3rd for self insert purposes when it comes to monster girls.

>> No.17409056
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, saya and sheath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409074

How about sword wielding foxes and rabbits?

>> No.17409059

I'm having a problem. So Iets say you have a character with an addiction, and you write the story with a sencond person perspective, would that work?

>> No.17409062

Stay with me forever and don't move away.

>> No.17409065

Remember how Prometheus ended up having his liver eaten every day?
That becomes your life.

>> No.17409067
Quoted by: >>17409075

Except she takes care of you

>> No.17409071


>> No.17409074

Those foxes lack fluffy tails.

>> No.17409075
Quoted by: >>17409083

Every monster girl does that.
But this one performs anesthesia-free surgery on you daily.

>> No.17409077
Quoted by: >>17409099

What's the name of that stupid manga thing?

>> No.17409078
File: 578 KB, 723x1023, 2678594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handholding. Although, a loli demon would probably have already been taught to use a proper pen or quill by her mother.

>> No.17409079
Quoted by: >>17409084

So what happens if you go full Faust on Demon with contract?

>> No.17409083
Quoted by: >>17409100

Nobody ever says its daily

>> No.17409084

I'm pretty sure you're already signing over your soul, is that not "full Faust?"

>> No.17409087

Sure, I've self inserted into weirder situations before now.

>> No.17409096
File: 273 KB, 800x1000, CrowTenguBookworm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409813

I don't see why not.

Look, you have to remember your priorities here. People read mg stories for the boner fuel. And the boner fuel is that much more potent if the story describes (You) with your dick being squished between an mg's pillowy chest mounds, rather than a description of how much John Doe is enjoying the experience.

Any self-insertion difficulties that a reader encounters in imagining himself with a strange addiction are a small price to pay for the self-insertion difficulties he *avoids* through second person prose.

t. second-person writefag

>> No.17409098
File: 2.82 MB, 3327x2951, 1501380861841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer old or younger looking squids?

>> No.17409099

Murenase!! Shiiton Gakuen.

It's basically My Gym Partner's A Monkey if all the female animals were kemonomimi and the male animals were fucking furries. Mileage will vary.

Lanka's sister is still the Almighty All-Wolfu, though. She's shown to be strong enough to fucking physically overpower fucking dinosaurs.

>> No.17409100
File: 2.61 MB, 1888x2720, IMG_2113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409115

True, it could be more frequent once you're an incubus.

>> No.17409103
Quoted by: >>17409107

If she truly loves you she wouldn't even dream of harming you.

>> No.17409104
File: 698 KB, 805x1050, rath girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you hunt a ratholos girl?

>> No.17409107
Quoted by: >>17409117

That's their thing though

>> No.17409114
File: 208 KB, 818x1200, 1500588093383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous girls a best

>> No.17409115
File: 226 KB, 800x600, 1394927426718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Yao from an Alternate Universe.

>> No.17409117

Mythological Wendigos are literal cannibal who consume human flesh, yet MG Wendigos aren't. Why would you expect MG Kumihos to still consume human liver if MG Wendigos don't consume human flesh?

>> No.17409124
Quoted by: >>17409129

Because that is their thingâ„¢. Their niche. The only thing that really separates them from Youko or Inari.
And there's a reason they're just threadcanon and not MGE official.

>> No.17409125
Quoted by: >>17409129

Because then they're no different from kitsunes

>> No.17409128
File: 112 KB, 196x340, Chrome_Ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she even fly with those fat things weighing her down?

>> No.17409129

Sounds to me like you're just trying to force your guro and snuff fetish on the thread.

>> No.17409137

Don't be retarded m8.

>> No.17409143

So how many Redcaps can you take out before being overwhelmed?

>> No.17409148
Quoted by: >>17409158

How new are you, man. I bet you don't even know about Rusalkas.

>> No.17409156

0-1 if they fight fair. They're probably not going to fight fair.

>> No.17409158
Quoted by: >>17409179

You mean another case of gurofags trying to force their shit on the thread? There is a reason no one ever talks about them.

>> No.17409165

3-4, a nice harem size.

Although this needs to beg the question of if we are armed or not.

>> No.17409167
Quoted by: >>17409172

Please don't kink shame the gook foxes.
Depends if I get the jump on them or not, I'd be confident in taking 1-2 out in a sneak attack but any more than that or in a head on encounter, 0.

>> No.17409172

Korea is worst and their foxes are no exception.

>> No.17409179
Quoted by: >>17409184

>no one ever talks about them
Anon, I...

>> No.17409184

Just fuck off back to /b/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.17409186

At least a dozen.

>> No.17409194

MGE Wendigos are also based off of a creature in Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos who walks in the skies and controls arctic winds.

>> No.17409212

I'd let a cute Wendigo consume my flesh, if you know what I mean.
I mean bitejobs.

>> No.17409226
Quoted by: >>17409232

Monstergirl lolis getting flustered but enthusiasticly pursuing the onii-san anyway is cute.

>> No.17409232
Quoted by: >>17409634

Big imotous or little imotous?
Which is best and why is it your imotou?

>> No.17409256
File: 497 KB, 950x950, received_1730585833636253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget to pat those heads when you wake up anon.

>> No.17409269

Nigga that's cute af, would sign that shit in a heartbeat

>> No.17409301
File: 327 KB, 500x600, 1407535611294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll both pat her head and rub her horns.

>> No.17409305

Stroke those ears!
Rub those cheeks!

>> No.17409367
File: 399 KB, 900x1272, ee6347fd2f85efd78e9a71df33bad31f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if headpatting is scary?

>> No.17409382
File: 118 KB, 566x800, 1446145422138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patting scary heads is the best. I want to defeat a terrifying Abomination by walking up to her and showering her with affection.

>> No.17409390
Quoted by: >>17409414

Monster girl whose species is supposed to be ferocious with androphobia when?

>> No.17409414

>Monstergirl overpowering her fear of men for love.
That sounds heartrendingly adorable.

>> No.17409468
File: 451 KB, 1077x1485, jorougumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard it was Oppai day

>> No.17409480

>loli and oppai in the same day
Based barb.

>> No.17409500

That spider is a whore

>> No.17409512

new bestspider art, nice

>> No.17409520

Is that an another new picture from barb? Madman

>> No.17409521

I never thought we'd see a day where Jorougumo's get new art. Bless you.

>> No.17409634

Unless it's some kind of a huge species, they'll probably be little won't they. Either way, a young monstergirl girlfriend who looks up to you deserves smile-protecting and benevolent teaching to make sure the agegap dickings increase her happiness and quality of life as much as possible.

>> No.17409813
File: 110 KB, 1021x1136, Dhampir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally prefer third person stories, but that's because third person omniscient is pretty much the go-to perspective for novice writers. Third person omniscient present is stuff you only do if you're somebody like Stephen King with the Mr. Mercedes trilogy.

The main issue I can see with 2nd person is the whole pronoun of "YOU, YOUR, HER, SHE" when describing the two parties. That and who the fuck wants to self-insert into a character who is exceptionally plain or grotesque from years of hard-fought battles?

>> No.17409858

I am a fan of flat dominant spiders

>> No.17409932

Do you think her brain is really small because her eye is massive? haha

>> No.17409933
File: 437 KB, 1280x753, DGDN09cVwAEJffv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17409955

>> No.17409955

So soft.

>> No.17409965
File: 431 KB, 900x1265, 63736463_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are gacha monstergirls good civilization.

>> No.17409969

How are school swimsuits so lewd?

>> No.17409982

Ask Sahuagin.

>> No.17409995

How much mana does she need?

>> No.17409996
Quoted by: >>17410007

they aren't lewd just normal swimwear

>> No.17409998
File: 984 KB, 800x1095, 1495378758459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good civilization.

>> No.17410007

One pieces in general are already lewd to begin with, especially when compared to a two piece.
A school swimsuit somehow cranks it up even higher.

>> No.17410010

Looks like she's got her day "face" on, rather than the raping sadist night "face". Good to see new art for spiders though

>> No.17410012

I don't know why I like thighhighs in combination with that, but I thank the mad scientist who created it.

>> No.17410013
Quoted by: >>17410021

But they are just there to cover the body nothing lewd in that purpose

>> No.17410021

And it's the way it covers that makes it lewd.

>> No.17410022
Quoted by: >>17410028

I like flat submissive foxes, myself.

>> No.17410028
Quoted by: >>17410030

You get an oppai dom fox
and you get an oppai sub spider

>> No.17410030
Quoted by: >>17410056

>oppai dom fox
Does such a thing exist?

>> No.17410039
File: 54 KB, 814x672, you let them in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Album has been updated.


>> No.17410046

>looking back through the album
>all the memories

Im going to cry LN

>> No.17410056
Quoted by: >>17410063

You need only wait for a full moon.

>> No.17410057


>> No.17410058
Quoted by: >>17410074

Make a lonely JubJub's heart go wubwub.

>> No.17410063

That's werewolfus.

>> No.17410066
File: 42 KB, 639x593, FAbQQ3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Cheshire I haven't seen yet? Lovely.

>> No.17410074

Be tender to your JubJub wife when she burns dinner because she realizes she can't do anything right except fuck so she's afraid you think she's a terrible wife and starts sobbing on the floor

>> No.17410131

>you will never hug your jubjub from behind and whisper compliments into her ear
>you will never see her expression lighten as you bombard her with all the reasons you love her
>you will never feel hear her start to cry again, this time tears of joy as you carry her to the couch and give her a masssage while you continue to reassure her how amazing she is

I want to mend a jubjub's heart

>> No.17410146

JubJub is a shitshit

>> No.17410158

Whatever happened to Grigori?

>> No.17410169

Banished to the Shadow Realm.

>> No.17410178

He's still getting commisions for his shitty setting and OCs, last time I remembered

>> No.17410202
Quoted by: >>17410214

In an infinite loop of death


>> No.17410214
Quoted by: >>17410217

Is that a fucking jojo reference?

>> No.17410217

It may be

>> No.17410274
Quoted by: >>17410370

I hope that he just stopped. with everything.

>> No.17410370

>Bad things
>Ever stopping

>> No.17410446
File: 89 KB, 1200x1007, DGK1fezUMAALqN0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nav is brewing another well endowed Kikimora.

>> No.17410454

Dirndel are a blessing.

>> No.17410466


>> No.17410473
Quoted by: >>17410544

>those huge tits
This is my kind of kiki.

>> No.17410477

I want to cheer up a train-a-holic, super serious, Jinko!

>> No.17410495
File: 1.32 MB, 1300x1643, Asanagi_fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh? A human? Are you here to pay respect to the spirits of this shrine?"

>> No.17410497
File: 433 KB, 1192x1252, 35c57114d328c9a758ba4a28e37ac044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How refined do you like your vampires?

>> No.17410502
Quoted by: >>17410573

Imagine how massive that Kikis ass is lads.

>> No.17410512

She'd look good with a ponytail in all honesty.

>> No.17410513
Quoted by: >>17410523

Savage and wild.

>> No.17410514

I suppose that's one way to put it, yes.

>> No.17410516
Quoted by: >>17410531


>> No.17410522

No, I came here to get a haircut.
Of course I've come to pay respects.

>> No.17410523
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 31f16e03360d69a4c0710dddeb5c3722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17410546

But with plenty of care for savage care for husbando right? like a dragon with her treasure?

>> No.17410524

Wearing an oversized white t-shirt and lazing on a couch.

>> No.17410531

/v/ no

>> No.17410541



>> No.17410544 [SPOILER] 
File: 844 KB, 1920x1080, 1501623149289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17410546
Quoted by: >>17410553

Why does left have her thumb in right' s mouth?

>> No.17410547
File: 751 KB, 1200x1600, DracSymph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have one acceptable answer, personally.

>> No.17410553
Quoted by: >>17410569

making sure her dhampir daugheru got big healthy strong teeth to seduce her childhood friend

>> No.17410569
Quoted by: >>17410760

But she doesn't need fangs

>> No.17410573

I don't know why this is so appealing to me. I don't even like beer.

>> No.17410579

Beer maiden monster girls are for loving!
And tits!

Huge tits!

>> No.17410583
Quoted by: >>17410596

>Newborn Vampires are hothead little shits, who think they're too cool to die.
>Elder Vampires are arrogant assholes who think they're too big to fail.

I want to rape them both along my melanin-enriched friend of half-vampire descent.

>> No.17410596

>Chocolate skinned damphir.

That sounds kinda nice.

>> No.17410599
Quoted by: >>17410604

>Pochaco the monster girl

>> No.17410604
Quoted by: >>17410614

No, THAT would be an idol P'Orc with that kind of body.

>> No.17410614
Quoted by: >>17410618

It's the face, honestly. Spacey, but still full of love as bountiful as her bosom

>> No.17410618

A girl like that is for praising while she cheerfully smiles up/down at you depending on height.

>> No.17410623
Quoted by: >>17410638


>> No.17410632

Yes, this pleases me greatly.
THe world needs Jubjub beer maidens.

>> No.17410636
Quoted by: >>17410653

Does she hold up the cup between her breasts or something?

>> No.17410638
Quoted by: >>17410662

The real question is if the girls need huge tits to become a bar maid or if they get huge tits upon becoming a bar maid.

Its like my buddies theory on priests.

That we do.
That we do.

>> No.17410653

I guess she would have to.
I didn't think out the practicality of it, I just want a short, airheaded girl with big tits, a love for beer and that outfit. Jubjubs came to mind right away but a shortstack Wurm would work just as well.

>> No.17410662
Quoted by: >>17410666

>if they get huge tits upon becoming a bar maid.
Anon don't you trigger my breast expansion fetish like that.

>> No.17410664
Quoted by: >>17410693

I want a flat barmaid

>> No.17410666

What, you don't want to hear your Weresheep childhood friend got a job as a barmaid and, when you visit her on her first day of work, she's sporting a new, huge pair of milk-tanks that bounce when she moves a bit too fast?

>> No.17410669

>random bar patrons creeping on my Weresheep childhood friend
I gotta claim those tits as mine before someone else gets to gropey drop.

>> No.17410674

Grope her first!
The bar has a rule about the guys who grope them have to take responsibility!

>> No.17410680
Quoted by: >>17410690

Of course I want that. But it's even better if the girl turns into a monster too. Like a Paladin-chan who's fallen on hard times.

>> No.17410686

chellenge him to a duel,
at dawn

>> No.17410690

>Paladin-chan on hard times hangs up her sword and armor and takes up the inglorious life as a bar maid.
>When you next see her at the bar she's a hugely breasted succubus whose chest is threatening to pop her top at any second.
>She's still got a depressed, almost monotone voice to go with her listless expression.

>> No.17410691
Quoted by: >>17410714

>>When you next see her at the bar she's a hugely breasted succubus whose chest is threatening to pop her top at any second.
>>She's still got a depressed, almost monotone voice to go with her listless expression.
That's kind of hot.

>> No.17410693
Quoted by: >>17410707

A young flat barmaid with freckles?

>> No.17410707

I never said young just flat and maybe even CC

>> No.17410708
Quoted by: >>17410714

Is that from being a paladin at heart? or having become this and never be able to put on her armor again?

>> No.17410714

>"Hello and Welcome to Bessie's Bar, how may I help you this day."
>Anon asks Paladin-chan if its her
>Paladin-chan sighs, "It's me....Turns out there was a small stipulation on breast size."
>Anon asks about the succubus horns
>"....Side effect.."

Paladin-chan had a hard life before becoming a large breasted bar maid.

>> No.17410721

I want to go on a quest to shrink her breasts back to a manageable size

>> No.17410728
Quoted by: >>17410743

>all that in a deadpan voice
I'd get a boner right there.

>> No.17410729
File: 299 KB, 1379x2010, QdCmQsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News squirrel is bundled for winter!

>> No.17410734

I wonder if she will remember where she hid her favorite nuts for the winter

>> No.17410735
File: 134 KB, 1099x844, 14359854987645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Bessie's Bar do delivery?

>> No.17410739
Quoted by: >>17410978

She's going to get her tail fondled by a passerby on Live TV!

>> No.17410743
Quoted by: >>17410759

There's also a slightly grumpy expression to go with it.

Cute and snuggly.

Yes, although you run the risk of getting Bessie her self.

Bessie is actually short for Bessariel, a hugely breasted elf.

>> No.17410746
Quoted by: >>17411839

Scanned/Colored version when?

>> No.17410759
Quoted by: >>17410764

>There's also a slightly grumpy expression to go with it.
That's just perfect.
>a hugely breasted elf.
What's she like?

>> No.17410760
Quoted by: >>17410799

>Vampire without fangs

might as well be called a human then

>> No.17410764
Quoted by: >>17410773

She's A mature but excitable girl despite her age, the kind that starts bouncing in excitement despite what happens with her chest.

>> No.17410768

Something is strange with that kikimora. Those huge tits that very few kikimoras have, all that beer, that slightly untrustworthy smile. She's planning something.

>> No.17410773
Quoted by: >>17410781

What a wonderful lady. Is her bar giving all the barmaids huge breasts intentional or unintentional?

>> No.17410778
File: 1.17 MB, 800x1292, 8a86d3e24ac5911d6038beced1a03be8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last vampire post to pest off

Airheaded or smart pires?

>> No.17410781
Quoted by: >>17410823

Completely unintentional.
She doesn't even know that she got them herself. Bluff checks may or may not be required as she doesn't seem to bothered about having the upper tier in holst sizes be the standard.

>> No.17410787

>Bessie's Bar delivery
>She shows up with some mixers and bottles
"What'll it be champ?"
>Completely deadpan ask her for a White Russian
"Right, white Russian!"
>Mixes in the vodka, coffee liqueur and OH BOY OH BOY, TIME FOR THE CREAM
>She pulls out a bottle of chilled cream and adds it to the mix, beaming at you for her exceptional bartending skills
>Notices you're just laying there, completely defeated, a Succubus on a nearby rooftop booing at the lack of big ol' cow tiddies
>Holstaur finger booping you on the nose
"Straight from the tap is after closing~"
>She meant tap from the bar, much to your increased chagrin and angst

>> No.17410790

Exceptionally smart and cunning with a ruthless nature, but more than happy to simply stop thinking so much when she's spending time with her husband, ending up as a bit of a bimbo when it's just the two of them.

>> No.17410793
File: 39 KB, 384x224, 1427640835478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17410799

But he said dhampir not vamp so she doesn't need them for blood

>> No.17410802

Bessie is a bitch.

>> No.17410804

I like monsters that don't pull a lewd when working

>> No.17410812

Higienic and proffesional, like every proper establishment of this kind should be.

>> No.17410823
Quoted by: >>17410845

So she's just trying to give some ladies a nice job. How lovely.

But that does leave the question of how it happens? Maybe manamo mana declared all barmaids must have huge breasts.

>> No.17410845

I could be that.

I could have something to do with all the uniforms they need to wear, said to be made by a spider with a hugely sized chest in the swamp.

The other rumor is that the spirit of a long dead holst haunts the place, having passed long ago in her home. A spot where the bar now stands.

All they do know is that any women who works there comes out with larger calcium canons with the flatter the chest coming out with the largest gains.

The oomukade who once worked there was flat as a board and came out with a chest that was larger than her head.

>> No.17410858
Quoted by: >>17410873

Any changes in demeanor, or do they stay the same?

>> No.17410868

>Be at Bessie's Bar, down on your luck
"What's tuggin' atcha, suge?"
>Tell her how you feel like a complete failure at everything, you can't even get a Succubus to rape you
>Ask her if she has anything for failures
"Hey, Alice! What're you drinking?"
>Some random, flat chested Succubus that looks more like an Alp than anything looks up
>"A manhattan"
"A manhattan, chief."
>The more of those you down the more you just want to grab those Q Cups and give them a big old squeeze
>Hands get stopped halfway to impact, held in her powerful, callused hands
"Now listen. I know you're letting that drink get to your head and you admire these rocking tits. But think about it, pal. Do you really wanna be known as the Bessie Boob Bandit?"
>Get scolded and motivated, end up having to take Alice home, freckles and all
>Turns out she wasn't an Alp after all,
just a really tomboy Succubus who didn't inherit all of her mom's good genes

>> No.17410873
Quoted by: >>17410900

No real change in demeanor although some girls claim and seem to have come out of the Bar with cheery attitudes to go with their massive mammaries.

>> No.17410897
Quoted by: >>17410939

Tomboy Succubi sound cute.

>> No.17410900

>Bessie has an accent
Oh lordy.
Well of course, big breasts make people happy.

>> No.17410903

>>Ask her if she has anything for failures
>"Hey, Alice! What're you drinking?"
Wow savage

>> No.17410906
Quoted by: >>17410911

I bet she can crack the ground when walking around.

>> No.17410911
Quoted by: >>17410976

She's busty, not fat!
I would not mind a little bit of meat on my cow kiki though.

>> No.17410939
Quoted by: >>17410955

I once read an eromanga with a tomboy succubi,
but then it turned out she had a willy,
that came completely out of left field because I've followed the artist comics and he never pulled that shit before, like what the hell man why would he do that out of nowhere an in a premise I really wanted to see...

>> No.17410955
Quoted by: >>17410961

What's the name of the guy who wrote it?

>> No.17410961

I dont remember anymore, I pretty much stop following him after that comic.

>> No.17410976
Quoted by: >>17410993

She's trying to hide the fat but it won't fool me. I know how many scales she broke.

>> No.17410978
File: 113 KB, 526x512, 1500690607585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411066

Don't grope the squirrels

>> No.17410993

What, is she wearing a girdle?
I'd spy on her while she's changing to proves she's not fat!

>> No.17411018

The only good kind of vampire is the one that acts like lapcat. Incredibly haughty at first, and only really pays you attention to make you feel inferior, but then finds herself unable to resist you. Except instead of your lap, its your blood. I mean she might like your lap too, I'm not the vampire police.

>> No.17411044
Quoted by: >>17411053

>Titty Oomukade.
No way, that's too dangerous.

>> No.17411053
Quoted by: >>17411097

What, you don't want to see her with those big tanks and quietly humming to herself with a small smile, hips swaying and her chest bouncing with it?

>> No.17411061

What if someone doesn't want to fuck a monster and instead just be friends?

>> No.17411066

Gonna give her a super scoop in exchange for tail cuddles

Just call me Deep Grope

>> No.17411080

You need to be really careful or else you go to the rape pit.

>> No.17411088

Then you need to be okay with her getting into a serious relationship with someone else.

>> No.17411089

well then don't. Jesus it isn't that hard to not stick your dick in something its not like you do it on accident.

>> No.17411094

I need urgent input on this!

Of the following two choices, which is better?

A. Girls that are one or two inches shorter than you
B. Girls that are one or two inches taller than you

Writing a story and leaning towards A.

>> No.17411097

That's what I mean by dangerous, She's much more seductive then a regular centipede.

>> No.17411101
Quoted by: >>17411147

If it's that close it doesn't really matter.
It would only come up in a story if you focused on that little difference which would just be strange.

>> No.17411103
Quoted by: >>17411147

B, but A can be nice too.

>> No.17411106
File: 690 KB, 420x1200, 1499040278106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17411114
Quoted by: >>17411120

>One or two inches taller than you
>One or two inches


>> No.17411115
Quoted by: >>17411147

A for sure.

>> No.17411120

I didn't have any visual examples so I went with the next best thing.

>> No.17411131

Just give in to those venom sacks!

>> No.17411137

Does she have a dick?

>> No.17411142

I'm still taller than her.

>> No.17411147


Thanks for the input. Gonna go with A
with heels to make them equal height

>> No.17411159
File: 396 KB, 1280x2048, DDuyk4MUQAIWjUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411175

As long as she's unerringly confident, it's fine.

>> No.17411163
Quoted by: >>17411268

Girl with a height complex? How cute.

>> No.17411165
Quoted by: >>17411268

what were you gonna fucking break her knees if we chose b your the real monster.

>> No.17411175

Well when it's like that it's hard to pick one.

>> No.17411195

What kind of Monster Girl would you be the most willing to rape?

>> No.17411202
Quoted by: >>17411329

Manticore. It's more like karma at that point.

>> No.17411207
Quoted by: >>17411329

Elf. It's a meme for a reason.

>> No.17411209
File: 64 KB, 416x608, sipppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't rape the willing.
It still counts if they are pretending otherwise.

>> No.17411210
Quoted by: >>17411329

Dragon. She is also the one I'm most willing to get raped by, though that wouldn't really be rape.

>> No.17411217
Quoted by: >>17411329

Slimes. Every shape size and color.

>> No.17411222

>All those lewds I haven't seen before
Wew Lewdnight a best.

>> No.17411240
File: 119 KB, 1071x1000, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411260

I would never rape my Hatter waifu, do not suggest that I would!

>> No.17411251
File: 607 KB, 960x1280, c540b494a3ca3eb7f4a1ed2ea135cc2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411329

Mice mostly.

>> No.17411260

she's spore based so , if you are ever in an enclouse space with her she's continuously raping you.

>> No.17411262


>> No.17411268

It actually has little impact on the plot. Just wanted some input as to how everyone feels about height dynamics.

I actually have quite a few different height matchups for supporting character couples and platonic friendships

>> No.17411273
Quoted by: >>17411329

While shouting "It's just a prank, bro!"

>> No.17411284
Quoted by: >>17411329

does date rape count,
cause weresheep are a living roofie

>> No.17411298

Dragon or Anubis

>> No.17411310
Quoted by: >>17411400


>Flat brownqubuss tavern maid fucking simulator
It's like this was made for the people in these threads.

>> No.17411329


So... why this particulary type of MGs?

and... How would you do it?

>> No.17411334

an elaborate rope trap.

>> No.17411337

Pranking the prankster, using patented rohypnol.

>> No.17411356

Because dragons are great switches and I love them overall.

S'laying, but the best thing would be turning the tables on her even though I'd need to grind for years.

>> No.17411361

What's the most beautiful image you've come across?
Not necessarily the hottest or cutest
But just so well done you say wow

>> No.17411379
Quoted by: >>17411390

For all the low level heroes they have raped. I am their vengeance. Id use SE to freeze her in place then have at it. Granted her getting my seed will cause her to split into more slimes who in turn rape heroes. Its a vicious slimy cycle.

>> No.17411390

So you're saying it's a viscous cycle?

>> No.17411393

Charon pls

>> No.17411396

congratulations u have won one free cheshire for your act of wordplay.

>> No.17411400
Quoted by: >>17411415

>english dlsite

>> No.17411415

whats wrong with it?

>> No.17411417

No fuck you for making me laught at such a east pun.

>> No.17411421
File: 362 KB, 1378x2067, 1501508004233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There any Trumpart stories yet? Thinking of writing one.

>> No.17411430
Quoted by: >>17411486

go for it i guess no dogs tho

>> No.17411434
Quoted by: >>17411486

do you have a beginning middle and end?

>> No.17411437
File: 1.88 MB, 1269x1783, 56621295_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single time I look at it I catch myself staring for minutes on end.
This is what made me understand what people mean when they say they "want to protect that smile."

>> No.17411439
Quoted by: >>17411486

No. Just don't be a faggot and add bestiality like Faggocks or Aftyn would.

>> No.17411442

Which monster would run the best coffee shop

>> No.17411447

Anubi make for perfect rape bait. I also feel they'd be good for mindbreak as well.

>> No.17411450

Manticores cruelty is well established, but their cleverness is often overlooked. Yet a predator like themselves would not consider that they could also become prey.
Soliciting one shouldn't be too hard, although it could be difficult getting them to hold back long enough for us to get back to my home.
Plan A would be a chloroform rag from behind as they walk ahead of me into my house, with plan B being drinks drugged by materials acquired from the friendly neighborhood lich doctor.
Tie some knots, and wait patiently for them to wake up.

>> No.17411453

A is better.

>> No.17411455

Well, as far as mice goes, it'd be raging shroom + intent to breed.

>> No.17411486

It'll probably involve a heart, since that's the type I feel best suited for the other character.

It's gonna be a short story, so I've already hashed out a rough synopsis. The hardest part's gonna be the lewd scene simply because I've always felt embarrassed with lewd stuff.

>> No.17411492
File: 159 KB, 831x962, anubis21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an anubis, I'd handcuff her to a bed, and tie each leg to a post if she gets too rowdy. From there you go to work and bring some friends along for the ride so that they have a shot at her too. After everyone's done, you leave her tied up and repeat day after day. The only way you could really rape a MG is by forcing her to have sex with many guys, and even then, that may not be possible if she is single. Married MGs are the only ones you could actually rape.

>> No.17411500
File: 2.06 MB, 2274x1254, __wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_risutaru__4f6e83a0b3cffe983389cef1dc4d11fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17411502
File: 522 KB, 750x600, 1501345887037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you ram a sheep?

>> No.17411517


>> No.17411520

No, gentle sex only.

>> No.17411527

No pun
No sex

>> No.17411530

I'd beep a sheep if you know what I mean.

>> No.17411533
Quoted by: >>17411537

Tell her "I love ewe" first?

>> No.17411537

you may pass

>> No.17411538

Only if she starts "baaing" for me then yeah.

>> No.17411541

I will give her sheer pleasure. She surely wool love it.

>> No.17411545
File: 142 KB, 1400x1175, Nav 00163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nav colored the barmaid

I wish I could hug an anubis with tits that large

>> No.17411550
Quoted by: >>17411553

its a bit of a stretch but I'm up for some sheep husbandry

>> No.17411553

>sheep husbandry

>> No.17411555
File: 245 KB, 1280x1607, tumblr_ofg6fsxHus1s6c88io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411583

Oh I found that anubis massage story I mentioned last thread. For some reason I remembered it being in regular ol' prose and not greetext, but whatever.

>> No.17411571
Quoted by: >>17411581

>Blonde Kikis
Untapped potential

>> No.17411581


Always partial to red kikis myself

>> No.17411582

Tell me Anon, what MG would most likely sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puXONdvA4U4 other than Siren.

>> No.17411583
Quoted by: >>17411592

Welcome back from the dead.

>> No.17411590
File: 129 KB, 760x680, 1501257332689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411595

>no fluffy tail

>> No.17411592
Quoted by: >>17411607

Was I dead?

>> No.17411595

You just can't see it behind all that ass.

>> No.17411607
Quoted by: >>17411640


>> No.17411626

Here's your ewe

>> No.17411637

Even when she asks you to pound her harder and presses her butt up against you?

>> No.17411638
Quoted by: >>17411654

Big Fat
Kiki Tats

>> No.17411640
File: 216 KB, 884x893, 60113080_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411652

Well, if I was dead, I would at least get to be with the Hellhounds.

>> No.17411649


Manticore or hellhound.
I want her to laugh and tell me it's her turn when I feel spent.

>> No.17411652

>Hey buddy, you kick the bucket? Welcome to Hades.
>Stick around chew-toy, we've gotta give you the tour some time.

Cursed Hounds of Hades.

>> No.17411654
Quoted by: >>17411658

I wonder how that kiki would take her tits being 'milked'

>> No.17411658
Quoted by: >>17411663

Those puppies have probably seen their fair share of groping working at that tavern.

>> No.17411663

Gonna bend her over the counter after hours and milk those titties while I use her rear.

May also get some ear nibbling in there.

>> No.17411673

Sing us a song, Barmaid Kiki!

>> No.17411690
Quoted by: >>17411734

"Once there was this kid who Got into an accident and couldn't come to school..."

>> No.17411718
Quoted by: >>17412095

>Barmaid Kiki jumps onto a table, starts dancing and singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFHXMQP-QU

>> No.17411734

I actually wouldn't mind listening to a kiki singing that song.
I like it.

>> No.17411748
File: 493 KB, 1250x1000, Barmaid of the Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except with "Leave Him Jenny" instead.

>> No.17411774
File: 316 KB, 800x1000, Piano Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barmaid Unicorn busts out a harmonica and points to Barmaid Kiki
>Barmaid Kiki sits down at the piano


>> No.17411786

So what are some novice tips for writing in the second person?

>> No.17411792
Quoted by: >>17411833

Sing us a song! Barmaid Kikimora!

Sing us a song tonight!

>> No.17411793
Quoted by: >>17416080

>Writing in second person

>> No.17411806
Quoted by: >>17411833

>Now John at the bar is a 'friend' of mine~
>He gets me my drinks for free~
>And he's quick with a joke or sweet nothings he spoke~
>But there's 'someplace' that he'd rather be~...

>> No.17411833

I want to hear Barmaid Kiki sing on a late and lonely night!

>> No.17411837

>posting songs that women would never be able to understand.

>> No.17411839
File: 1.24 MB, 1388x2007, snowtownrata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17411843
Quoted by: >>17411849

>Local Ryu breaks up with boyfriend! Snow expected for the next few weeks! Remember to bundle up folks!

>> No.17411844
Quoted by: >>17411854


>> No.17411846


>> No.17411849
Quoted by: >>17411858


Wouldn't that be a continuous thunderstorm?

>> No.17411853
File: 437 KB, 856x1282, tumblr_otzku4slnL1ti6cxjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni THICConi

>> No.17411854

Don't post Frank West quotes, I'm still not over it.

>> No.17411856
File: 489 KB, 720x1068, tumblr_otzku4slnL1ti6cxjo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravioli Ravioli,

Give me your Semenoli

>> No.17411858

Maybe someone gave an ice queen the cold shoulder.

>> No.17411859

Oh lord.
She's so cute.

Gonna slap that ass.
I don't care what follows.

>> No.17411863
File: 505 KB, 900x1200, Horns Required.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some good Strongfat.

>> No.17411865

Sorry, I don't like men.

>> No.17411875

Gonna squeeze.

>> No.17411877
File: 50 KB, 285x427, 1457822073832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411909

Thunder thighs.

>> No.17411909

Thick thighs save lives.

>> No.17411921
File: 67 KB, 640x362, oni hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raj is fun

>> No.17411930
Quoted by: >>17411948

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be sure to give your hobgoblin waitress a big tip.
But just the tip, nothing else.

>> No.17411932
Quoted by: >>17416080

It's not really that different to writing in the first person, apart from the use of present tense.
You can write the narration as a sort of inner monologue. So rather than going
> "Ah, shit" John thought
you can just go
> Ah, shit

>> No.17411948

The last guy who tried to give a hobgoblin "Just the tip" got his dick sucked all the way into her plushy boobs and he ended up with one hobgoblin and three regular goblin daughterus.

>> No.17411957

Eh, its fine.
Nature's taking its course at that point.

>> No.17411984
Quoted by: >>17412204

>Have a Kejourou neighbor
>She offers to cut your hair for you when she notices it getting a bit shaggy
>You don't notice that she's implanted a couple of her hairs onto your scalp in the process
>Your hair that had been starting to thin grows back nice and full over the next few months, much to your surprise
>Again, your neighbor offers to give you a trim
>Again, she sticks a couple of her hairs in your head
>You wake up the next morning to find that you've gone completely grey
>You finally put two and two together and knock on her door to confront her
>She's playful at first, referring to you as "Silver Fox" and asking if you want a scalp massage
>She quickly drops it and apologizes when you just stare at her blankly
>You ask her why she did it, and she tells you that she's always been fond of you and thought it would look really good on you, and that the contrast between her black hair and your newly white hair would be really nice
>She looks like she's about to cry, and you sigh and tell her that it's not a big deal, but the fact that she did it without asking first was presumptuous
>She apologizes again, and after a short silence you ask her if she can make your facial hair match
>She happily tells you she can and asks you to take a seat

>> No.17411986

Rata-Chan of Winterstown reporting!

>> No.17411992

Umnf. Fuck I love Hobgoblins like that.

>> No.17412012

How does it feel to know that even if your waifu was real she would love you with all her heart and cherish every second the two of you spend together?

>> No.17412015
File: 156 KB, 560x420, Perfectly SFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got new fully translated MG game boyos! It's a puzzle/RPG/H/VN hybrid that's a ton of fun! It's called The Dungeon of Lulu Farea.

Read about it here

DL it without signing up here

>> No.17412019
File: 1.42 MB, 1722x2441, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412040

Only natural, my dear. Basic blithery, warmly writ and wonderful.
One day.

>> No.17412040
Quoted by: >>17412186

Does a Hatter wife just talk nonsense to her husband all day long? They seem like they would have a very lovey dovey, Gomez and Morticia kind of relationship, only with silly madness instead of silly gothicism.

>> No.17412053
Quoted by: >>17415311

We're not big on advertising.

>> No.17412069


>Waifu gets teleported to our world
>Winds up at your place in the middle of night by chance
>Finds you lying in your bed sleeping peacefully

Just how much restraint to simply watch and not wake you up or climb into bed with you?

>> No.17412089
File: 701 KB, 756x1000, 1476340255660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't want her to show any restraint. I want her to fucking tear into me and make me hers the moment she sees me. We have a pack to repopulate!

>> No.17412095
File: 2.66 MB, 2000x1977, Nav-BarmaidKiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17412101

You glorious basterd

>> No.17412106

If she can restrain herself in that situation, she's not ur waifu.
In fact I'd be suspicious whether she's an mg at all.

>> No.17412107

I wish she had a flat chest

>> No.17412109

It's nice to dream...though perhaps I should have more hope than that.

>> No.17412113

> tittimoras
I don't usually care for maidos, but she'd get it right in the C

>> No.17412118

Knowing her and the current weather, she'd climb into bed in a heartbeat to keep me warm. Though good luck doing that without waking me up.

>> No.17412128

The titty is big, but she looks less fat. Nice.

>> No.17412170

I feel bad for her back

>> No.17412183
Quoted by: >>17412196

>giving MGs 3dpd problems
get outa here

>> No.17412186
Quoted by: >>17412343

I think the implication is that you begin to understand it.
I like to imagine that you can function as her translator.
> Anon and hatter walk into a store
> "A swig, to swoo, a rumple-dee, a feast mine eyes, thy haul, shoppie?"
> Tanuki shop owner just stares in confusion
> anon steps in
> "Six pack of blue oni soju and we'd like to look at your selection of hats, please"

>> No.17412187

>tfw no fearless seafaring combat waifu to sing with on your wedding day


>> No.17412196

sorry I have a girlfriend with DD and I hate how it causes her back to be sore so when I see massive tits I think of the cons that they have

>> No.17412197

MG tiddies ignore gravity unless they're in an anon's hands or being plopped on top of his head.

>> No.17412199
Quoted by: >>17412220

>I have a girlfriend
Get the fuck out of here, loser.

>> No.17412201
Quoted by: >>17412220

>Not spending all your time together hefting up her giant tits
You're a pretty lame husbando

>> No.17412203 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 891x1187, hellhound55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new story out. It's sort of a combination of two requests: oyakodon impregnation and hellhounds being dommed. It's a bit rough, so I make make some edits to it in the future if I feel up to it. But I wanted to put it out sooner rather than later since said anon(s) have been waiting awhile for it.

It's alternative, so for the love of god don't shit up the thread if it's something you don't like.

>> No.17412204
File: 756 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_osed0a5gF51vdwcbco1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412356


Curious that she didn't ask him first.

I'm nearing 30 and I've noticed that I have a bald spot.

>> No.17412205
Quoted by: >>17412220

It is incomprehensible to me how your empathy for her posture outweighs your enthusiasm for her paizuriability.
But maybe that's why I have no tiddy gf :(((

>> No.17412208 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17412229

ffs forget the link


>> No.17412212 [DELETED] 

Well, that was a quick ignore. Thanks for the heads up I guess.

>> No.17412216
Quoted by: >>17412220

I know your pain anon. Last gf also had DD, current has Cs. Honestly enjoying how she wont turn her boobs into a future health problem argument whenever I compliment them. If our waifus were real id hope we wouldnt hear that shit from them.

>> No.17412220

I've had monstergirls longer so even that won't cause me to give up these wonderful threads
We are sorta long distance (1.5 hour distance) so I can't do that often
Probably because we haven't done any of that so I care about her posture more
She doesn't complain much I just wish it didn't have to bother her also I think flat is justice but that's just me

Alright enough of my gay blog shit lets stay on the topic of monstergirls. Mindflayers ARE CUTE.

>> No.17412221
File: 298 KB, 707x1070, 1477701902486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how majestic this milk cow of a Kiki will look when she grows her hair out.

>> No.17412229 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 439x297, 1500597382980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412268

>Shigydigy tries to push his shit where it doesn't belong
Come on cucklord, it's obvious you do this shit for reactions like Bob once did. But then again you're more of a degenerate cunt than he is.

>> No.17412237
Quoted by: >>17412258

>Gets you drunk with big mugs of beer
>Bends over the table to serve you so you can look down her cleavage.
>Dances on your table so you can get a good view of her swaying her hips and bouncing her chest.
>Offers to walk you home after closing.
>Gets in the shower with you to help you clean, undresses you to fit you into sleeping clothes, and spends the night cleaning up your house and looking for clothes our yours to smell.
She's a devious one, This was her plan all along.

>> No.17412258

what a cleaningslut

>> No.17412267
File: 376 KB, 1083x835, squosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412286

They're just so squeezeable

>> No.17412268 [DELETED] 

Nah, just trying to fill requests for some anons.

>> No.17412270
Quoted by: >>17412286

Why are you even here?

>> No.17412286

Which is one of the reasons they are so cute, they are also very cool with their brain powers
Because that change won't stop me from enjoying these threads which I've enjoyed for a longer time

>> No.17412317

We have alps for that.

>> No.17412328 [DELETED] 

you're a good person

>> No.17412343


>> No.17412356
Quoted by: >>17412377

>gaining weight

careful, you'll be losing your face next

>> No.17412368

Great Big Kiki Titties!

>> No.17412371
Quoted by: >>17412390

>We are sorta long distance (1.5 hour distance)
Have fun getting cheated on.

>> No.17412377

I'm prepared for that.

>> No.17412390

Nice projection r9k

>> No.17412392

I have an idea for a cute/healing story where the actual species of the MG isn't drastically relevant to the central theme of the plot.
I would appreciate suggestions on which underused girls need writefag love the most.

>> No.17412398


>> No.17412406
File: 570 KB, 857x1200, tentacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17412407


>> No.17412416
Quoted by: >>17412452

Maybe he has high risk of prostate cancer and the only remedy is a little "deep muscle assage"

>> No.17412426
File: 139 KB, 700x869, __tentacle_monster_girl_encyclopedia__e72325c0055baa529146acece6b57a89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Tentacle girls are already discriminated against because of the whole 'used to be all about raping women before becoming monster girls' and the butt stuff thing but

>story where the actual species of the MG isn't drastically relevant to the central theme of the plot

...Nevermind. I just like Tentacle girls and want to see them more often in stories or art.

>> No.17412430
Quoted by: >>17412439

We need more bar wench MGs.

>> No.17412437
File: 51 KB, 763x541, 552d3d3c4b6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sucking on a girl's tentacle

verdict: not gay

>> No.17412439
File: 934 KB, 650x1312, MilkMaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17412443

Art's difficult because not many non-furry artists will draw tentacles.

>> No.17412447
Quoted by: >>17412509

Travelers are always getting into distress in the remote places of the earth. It could work.

>> No.17412450

It is by no means difficult for me to sneak in a "I don't have many friends because everyone calls me names when I accidentally rape them :((" line or two. Indeed, I'm sure I would. The point is that the plot I have in mind doesn't rely on the mg being able to fly to a mountain outcrop or ascend to heaven at will or anything.
And I certainly have my own preferences, but what can I say, I feel sorry for the underused grills.
I just don't keep up with my reading backlog enough to know who the underused girls are these days.
Although I can probably guess that still nobody's tried to write about bubble slimes.

>> No.17412452


>> No.17412479

I support this idea

>> No.17412506
Quoted by: >>17413283

Who's the artist?

>> No.17412509

>Anon gets captured by Mayadere Dragon
>He doesn't like Dragons so this just annoys him
>She strings him up over a pit of lava, Ohoho~'s. then leaves him to die
>"Um... You seem to be tied up at the moment. Want some help?"
>Anon's fw black and red tentacle appears out of nowhere

>Anon gets captured again, this time by a mayadere White Horn
>He starts to wonder if there's a pattern here as he's left to die in the frozen wastes of Not!Canada
>"Um... You seem to be frozen in place. Want some help?"
>Anon's fw it's an ice-colored tentacle this time

>Anon gets captured by a mayadere tentacle
>Surely, this is it, he thinks as he's surrounded on all sides by the tentacle forest
>Anon's fw his childhood friend Ushi Oni comes rushing in
>They both get tentacled

>> No.17412511
Quoted by: >>17413283

Full pic sauce?

>> No.17412517
Quoted by: >>17412540


>> No.17412540

Starts as an enemy, then switches sides after falling for the guy. Tsundere taken to the extreme.

...for some reason, I was confusing it with Himedere

>> No.17412541


>> No.17412550

Tentacles should be eradicated.

>> No.17412595
Quoted by: >>17412651

Tentacles should be irrumated

>> No.17412651


Tentacles should get tentacled. To the tentacle pits with them!

>> No.17412652
File: 405 KB, 769x1200, Dark_Mage_Rita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ahhh! After then-thousand years I'm free! It's time to suck some co-
>"Conquer Earth!"
>"Conquer Earth."

>> No.17412682


>> No.17412693

That's my kinda jubjub!

>> No.17412706
File: 298 KB, 1200x368, Yo Hold The Fuck Up You Old Hag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412754


>"Hold it right there you wrinkled spinster!"
>"This planet's cute boys are ours first!"
>We'll keep their cocks safe from you within our hot, tight pu-"
>"Powers. Red."
>"Ah- AH RIGHT, with our ranger hero powers!"
>"C'mon girls, it's mamano time!"

>> No.17412709

If the only way you could have your waifu was if she came with a trait that was the antithesis to her species would you accept it?
So a structured and organized devil bug, or a slovenly, lazy, untidy kiki?

>> No.17412729

wonderfull girls

>> No.17412730

A cool, confident Tentacle who has her rape impulses in check? I might like that.

>> No.17412735

No. Her personality is why I like her.

>> No.17412736

> only liking your waifu for her personality instead of her red hot body

It's like you don't care about monstergirls' feelings at all!
It doesn't matted how she acts so long as you can still bounce quarters off her hiny!

>> No.17412742
Quoted by: >>17412764

a demon who wants humans and monsters to co-exist instead of corrupting them?
i could live with that for my waifu

>> No.17412754
File: 236 KB, 820x820, Dark_Mage0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Alright! Cut! Just... ugh. Cut."
>"Wh- What?! We were doing that scen perfectly fine!"
>"We have been doing this scene for three weeks! The line is 'I'll make MY Monster grow', NOT 'I'll make YOUR monster grow~', with that weird voice you keep giving it!
>"And why the hell do you keep winking at the camera and making those erotic faces?! This is a kids show!"

>> No.17412760

>lazy unorganised Anubis

>> No.17412764
Quoted by: >>17412766

Actually, that's just being neutral. if he were the true anti-satan, she'd be trying to uncorrupt demons into pure humans

>> No.17412766

>dodo demon

>> No.17412769
File: 97 KB, 394x394, Dark_Mage0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"W-Well get it right this time, we promise!"
>"No... No you won't."
>"We will! Plea-!"
>"NO! Look... We'll... We'll just have to find some other people for these characters."
Go pick your stuff."

>> No.17412779
Quoted by: >>17412790

>actors make their own show with lower budget but lewder theme
>massive success
>original series falls into obscurity

>> No.17412789
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x1782, Jiiiiii~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"We need Megazord power now!"
>"Oh for fuc- where's the 'Megazord'?"

>" I saw her drag the ranger team's love interest off set 20 minutes ago."

>"She WHAT?!?" " I'M GONNA KILL HER" "DARLING, NOOOooooooo!!"
>"CUT! Fucking, cut all of you are you fucking with me. I'm gonna-"
>"N-no producer-sama no, please stop crying."

>> No.17412790

So basically a porno parody of the original show in which mid-filming the camera crew says 'FUCK IT' and joins in on the action as extras.

That's cool, but I wanna read a green about lewd Monster Girls having trouble adapting to human/modern soceiety where they can'e behave like they normally do.

>> No.17412792
File: 2.61 MB, 1748x2480, 64059631_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412802

Big fat fox tats, dude!

>> No.17412795
Quoted by: >>17412801

I just want to see a monstergirl react to a guy not screaming and running when she comes on to him and instead asking her "at least take me out to dinner first."
I want to see a forceful monstergirl get swept off her feet!

>> No.17412798
Quoted by: >>17412821

That dark Mage just looks like she stopped time

>> No.17412799

>MG adapting to society
HA, i say to the good sir

>> No.17412800


I was thinking more along the lines of "Elvira, Mistress of the Dark", In which she shares with the audience stories of cute boys getting haunted and 'spooked' nightly by CC creeps and ghouls ala tales from the crypt style.

>> No.17412801

And I just want to go to dinner with my Mad Hatter waifu.
Or tea.
Its probably gonna be tea.

>> No.17412802
Quoted by: >>17412819

Sweaty foxes, dude?

>> No.17412814
File: 762 KB, 1650x1650, pancake_by_jcdr-dbieolm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are food-based girls monstergirls?

>> No.17412819
File: 1.03 MB, 1100x1400, 6234120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sweatiest, dude!

>> No.17412821

>"Oh? You can perceive me even when I cast Time Stop? Interesting..."
>"Oh don't get the wrong idea cutie, you can't do anything. It just makes me sucking your cock until the spell wears off so much more interesting. How much harder will you cum if you can actually see me rape you?"
High level Dark Mages are scary.

>> No.17412825

Some would be better at it then others. Most succubi types and docile species would get along fairly well, but something like a Ushi-Oni or Dark Matter or the Chaos girls would be banned from civilization.

>> No.17412829

I want a Dimensional Witch level of powerful Dark Mage.
Either one end or the other of the madness spectrum, either so experienced and learned that she's actually quite refined and stoic much of the time, or completely off the deep end batshit insane

>> No.17412832
File: 336 KB, 850x549, sample_5e6a1a16b8401bce3b1b4185d1b3e853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have discussed previously how can one keep a foodstuff monster girl alive while still being able to eat her whole.
One of the ideas we came up were that certain kitcken utensils, dinnerware and electrodomestics can become tsukumogami with the ability to pemporarily posses food that comes in contact with them, so the items keep their original shap but can be interacted as girls though the food that they hold.

>> No.17412847
Quoted by: >>17412862

Well slimegirls have no problem regenerating as you eat them, so long as you "feed" them in turn...

>> No.17412849

I'd say yes but they're the absolute bottom of the barrel
When you start craving a pizza girl there is no redemption for you
Only food Slimes are ok (honey, beer, soda, etc...)

>> No.17412850
Quoted by: >>17412862

Fascinating. That's an interesting take on how one could come about. Though I personally like the idea of just an animated food-girl that has something like massive regeneration, so taking bites out of them won't cause any permanent damage (and of course would be extra erotic to them)
A Food Golem, if you will. Some kind of Magic Material monstergirl. If shenanigans with the breakdown of magic can make a Dorome happen, surely it can make a Waffle-waifu happen. This is good news to me!

>> No.17412856

I don't care about what others see as my taste being good or bad so long as I can have a waifu who has amazing taste to her
Get it? I switched the meaning of taste. I am a clever individual for this fantastic wordplay on the spot.
Anyway gib waffle girl pls

>> No.17412861
File: 30 KB, 495x500, Bubble_Slime_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you have me wanting a soda bubble slime that's all about making you sticky and sweet instead of clean.

>> No.17412862
File: 546 KB, 1040x880, d348099a910839e755d50f9ba0e4e476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but how do you feed them your SE?

You you just season your waffle with ranch sauce before you eat it?

>> No.17412865

I mean if you want me to go full autism I can
But I'll spare the complexities and simplify it to saying that when you cum inside her, your SE gets converted rather quickly into her innate mana which she then secretes as, in my potential waffle-girl's case, butter or syrup.
So the more you give her the goo the more her body gets tastier.

>> No.17412872

Too lewd

>> No.17412888
File: 54 KB, 428x600, yep (this is a thing).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember never to trust foxes

>> No.17412889

Are revolving doors a crime against lamias?

>> No.17412892

> all these people wanting to eat their waifu
I love both slimegirls and breastfeeding, but the idea of actually taking a bite out of a grill fills me with revulsion.
When I'm thinking about slimes I just try to pretend that it's not in the profile.
And the less you eat, the faster her net growth, which can be leveraged into cup size or daughterus according to... taste

>> No.17412898
File: 1.36 MB, 1175x1920, 9eab95f1801c47fca33a9280b94bf71b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412906

I want to be the assigned as the guardian/tutor of a monster-girl from a dangerous and infamous species, coming from a strange, distant land in another world to help her integrate into our society and culture!

>> No.17412901
Quoted by: >>17412904

> girl that goes to sleep on orgasm
Narcolepsy? Narcorgasmolepsy?
Either way, I never knew I wanted this.

>> No.17412902
File: 62 KB, 512x528, snek COL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just need to be either fast or coiled around a guy and he carries her though

>> No.17412904
Quoted by: >>17412961

I assume is a common occurence with Dormice.

>> No.17412906

If you mean a Lilim, they would probably either be put into exile far from any towns and guarded constantly or just banned from Earth if they're from another world.

>> No.17412908

Yes. Centaurs as well.

>> No.17412924
File: 223 KB, 883x713, cc2c246b1eeab811acf1939e540a6568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412958

What if they are dignataries from that distant world who come on diplomatic mission to improve human/monster relationships?
Lilims are dauthers of the Demon Lord, after all.

Though many other monster girl would be cute too. I will teach her how to properly behave in public and help her adapt do this new world. Manticores, Ushi-Onis, Mind-flayers, Onis, Pharaohs. I like them all, really.

>> No.17412958

I can't think of many nations that would be fine with something as powerful and corrupting as a Lilim just hanging around. Not to mention many of them are expansionists as well. They'd want a diplomat easier to handle. Manticores might be allowed to roam around somewhat freely if they had a husband to bully and agreed to wear some caps over there spikes. Ushi-onis would never be allowed in any town or city. They're aggressive, tough and can heal from wounds quickly, and their blood makes more of them. They also seclude themselves anyway, so there's little point in teaching them to adapt.

Mindflayers would also not be allowed to step a tentacle outside of the far reaches of the wilderness. They can warp minds, turn human women into more rapist squid monsters, and turn men into plain squids. Nobody would want them. Onis are simpler. Teach them anger management and proper drinking and how to get consent. Their size might be an issue but very tall humans have always managed to get by. Pharaohs would be the easiest. They have a natural charisma boost and look like a human so fitting in would be easy. Just teach them how to live in modern society and maybe do something about their magic voice and they would do well.

>> No.17412961

I'm not sure it counts when they were also asleep before orgasm.

>> No.17412977

Dhampirs would be easy to fit in too. As long as she doesn't bite someone.

>> No.17412980
File: 398 KB, 1080x1920, 1460345448449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17412988
File: 770 KB, 1114x1600, img000022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17412993

Would you rather a faceless girl or a carved up girl?

>> No.17412993
Quoted by: >>17413003

I wouldn't trust a faceless girl.

>> No.17413003
File: 685 KB, 1114x1600, noppi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17413006

Why not?

>> No.17413006
Quoted by: >>17413115

They're as trustworthy as faceless men.

>> No.17413115

Pepsi Man is the most trustworthy guy ever though.

>> No.17413136

>wonderland harem
Living the dream right there. Shame there's no wock or trumpart but I guess it'd be too crowded.

>> No.17413149 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 774x1200, 1501666893962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monstrous plant girls have some of the best designs, that doesn't prevent cosplay plant girls to be cute too!

>> No.17413160
Quoted by: >>17413170

I can't even tell what she's supposed to be. Mandragora?

>> No.17413163

I'm going to unload my seed inside Yugu's womb!

>> No.17413166
File: 441 KB, 650x970, 1489145946398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which girls give the best love bites and passion scratches? Who would make the best use of their teeth and nails on you?

>> No.17413170

Yggdrasil. The most powerful of plants, yet she still gets bullied.

>> No.17413184
Quoted by: >>17413202

Wolves, jinkos, and hellhounds would probably get rough in such a way. Vampires probably love sinking their teeth in during the act. As for who would do it best, well, that's a bit harder. My vote would be for werecats actually, including nekomata and sphinxes. Their claws are sharper and smaller, so it would cause less pain and damage if it was actually doing any, but it woulds till be there. Ultimately I think it's a bit subjective too.

>> No.17413192

Yggy is for protecting.
Hellhounds are an obvious answer but I could see Manticores doing it too.

>> No.17413202

I'm inclined to agree with werecats, canid claws tend to be blunt and pretty thick, they'd tear more than they cut. I mean, I'm insane so I'm okay with a little tearing, but the stronger curvature on the cats' would probably help with the initial puncture and grip too. The claws would stick in at a harder angle and be used to grab hold more than create a large wound.

For bites though weresharks and lamias would probably win. Those long snake fangs might be a bit too much for your average anon though. Honorable mention to wendigos, but they'd probably have a hard time not just straight-up eating you.

>> No.17413232
File: 431 KB, 1200x1694, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a spider at LEAST this thick.

>> No.17413243
Quoted by: >>17413287

Thick and chubby spiders are the best.

>> No.17413283



>> No.17413287

Overweight spiders are bad
Being slim is part of what makes arachnids so appealing and arousing
The only exception I'll make is spider momsters

>> No.17413292
File: 105 KB, 500x600, oomukadoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about tallpear spiders?

>> No.17413298
File: 105 KB, 500x600, oomukadoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17413307

You didn't see anything.

>> No.17413307

Thanks doc.

>> No.17413351
Quoted by: >>17414029

Dragon, especially if she heats her teeth up with some fire breath so it leaves really good marks.

>> No.17413379


>> No.17413387

They're great!

Huge web spinners and comfy meat to nuzzle!

>> No.17413520 [DELETED] 

You're delusional if you think your faggotry will fly here, now take a hint and fuck off with your 2 fellow cuck shitposters.

>> No.17413573
Quoted by: >>17413585

Remember that fast food is the enemy of monster girls!

>> No.17413585
File: 559 KB, 960x695, 1493643282070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17413590

Well of course, shotas that can run fast enough to get away from them drive monster girls crazy.

>> No.17413590

Shotas aren't food anon.

>> No.17413594

I was being artistic like with the wordplay anon. It's like that metaphorical stuff, ysee?

>> No.17413604
Quoted by: >>17413644

Kobolds with the zoomies when their master comes home!

>> No.17413643

Krakens disagree

>> No.17413644
Quoted by: >>17413860

What the degenerate fuck does zoomies mean? I hope it's the innocent 'dog running to see their owner/best friend forever when they get back home' and not something fetishy like what kobolds are now associated with.

>> No.17413657
File: 93 KB, 307x600, Dark_Priest_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time confess your sins anons

>> No.17413676

I like bunnies.

>> No.17413717

You can't ban who youcan't stop

>> No.17413723


I walk around the city at night "commando" because it's nice and cool.

>> No.17413777
File: 583 KB, 950x1351, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17413782

Bunnies, you say?

>> No.17413782
Quoted by: >>17413862

Yes, bunnies. Sauce? Is it good?

>> No.17413816
File: 222 KB, 437x367, ogamama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is one supposed to respond to a question such as this.

>> No.17413824

Refer her to the best parenting classes in your area so she knows everything about the technical side of raising a child from proper budgeting to how to change a diaper.

>> No.17413829

get a dog

>> No.17413830
File: 399 KB, 1337x1123, Sphinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Let's see if you can answer that one..."

>> No.17413836

Which one? I didn't hear a riddle. Maybe I just wasn't listening.

>> No.17413839

that one

>> No.17413848

The cat needs more ass.

>> No.17413855
File: 74 KB, 1288x806, CJ2c2y7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no use, guys. I'm done for. I think I've finally hit max mofu addiction. I just want my kitsune momster and her CC sister to envelope me with their tails and cuddle me close, whispering in my ears all the loving and depraved stuff they want to do to me and I drift away into a cozy, mofu-induced sleep.

>> No.17413860
Quoted by: >>17413872

It's also known as overbork. Basically when they're so happy to see you they run around and derp out.


>> No.17413862
Quoted by: >>17413872

Only 3 chapters, with months between updates.
Pretty standard isekai. Guy's a vet, gets summoned, gets asked to save the kingdom by curbing the rampant disease outbreaks.

>> No.17413863
File: 1.06 MB, 1900x2187, 63372384_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17413878

Good lad.

>> No.17413864

My answer is yes! I will marry you!

>> No.17413865

Sphinx is seriously underrated

>> No.17413872
Quoted by: >>17413916

Okay, that's pretty cute.
I might be a sucker for that genre, but I can't exactly overlook that kind of update schedule. Thanks anon.

>> No.17413878
File: 102 KB, 874x601, 1497395655056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You're a thicc girl, so you must have thicc tails"
>"Fluff and huff! Fluff and huff!"

>> No.17413916

Imagine your little daughers turning and running around and jumping up at you as you walk through the door when you come home from work.
>GIRLS GIRLS Settle down!
>Your two daughters hug your legs as you lumber towards your wife to give her a kiss.

>> No.17413917
File: 575 KB, 1280x1816, 1501352035390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17413926

I want to get graped by an Apophis

Getting bitten by a Vampire is fine too

>> No.17413932

I'm not really into traps, alps, futa ect...
I just push it to piss that one guy off

>> No.17413936

My penis is too small to aim so I spray all over the seat

>> No.17413947
Quoted by: >>17414095

>shit up the whole thread to piss off some random anonymous poster on a mongolian cave painting board
Great job champ

>> No.17413972
File: 755 KB, 700x972, 3deba44ae73fd6612d871bf59734d513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which MG is the most doable to become the party healer?

>> No.17413994

What everyday behavior would be considered a marriage proposal to monster girls?

>> No.17413999
Quoted by: >>17414024

Sabbath Tentacle never.

>> No.17414000

wuts popin good-lookin

>> No.17414009

Eye contact.

>> No.17414015

Saying their name

>> No.17414016
File: 632 KB, 1329x629, Unicorn book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In MGE land? Well unicorn is the most obvious choice, but any magically capable and caring sort of girl should be able to learn some healing spells.

>> No.17414021

Sea Bishop

>> No.17414024
Quoted by: >>17414248

At least we have Sabbath Kiki anon, don't get greedy.

>> No.17414029
Quoted by: >>17414354

I have never seen such a slutty and shameless statement in my entire life

Holding the door
Greeting a monster girl
Thanking her
Asking for directions

>> No.17414031
File: 314 KB, 850x635, Unicorn6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Unicorns or Eros girls

Sea Bishops could work too.

>> No.17414034
File: 738 KB, 1000x936, Nureonago 26461707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414276

Smiling at her when she smiles at you.

>> No.17414058
File: 254 KB, 800x710, IMG_0827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414141

Thinking about her

>> No.17414095

If it isn't that you would tarding about something else

>> No.17414109

Stumbling into her web.

>> No.17414111
Quoted by: >>17414135

Today I dreamt of a wurm in a bathrobe garanteeing shes a ryu and predicting my demise with her 8-ball.

>Your outlook is not good!
>I'm totally a ryu, the ball agrees!
>My sources tell me that you are going to die if you dont have sex with me!!

What the fuck

>> No.17414135
Quoted by: >>17414162

Well? Did you obey, or are we scheduled to have another decade of drought?

>> No.17414141
Quoted by: >>17414283

Eldritch monster girls need to learn that minds are private and that it is unacceptable to look at someone's else thoughts
Especially Flayers and Shogs, they are the biggest offenders

>> No.17414162

the dream never went that far, maybe tonight

>> No.17414219

Mofu is healthiest in small doses, a lolifox's single tail brushing against you while you're doing her from behind and nibbling her ears should be enough.

>> No.17414248
Quoted by: >>17414267

There is no sabbath Kiki.

And if there is it's probably just a familiar with a maid outfit.

>> No.17414267

Sabbath kiki a cute

>> No.17414276
File: 122 KB, 494x500, Nureonago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nureonagos are pretty cute.

>> No.17414283

Quiet down J'onn J'onzz.

>> No.17414294
File: 1.10 MB, 1800x1380, IMG_2121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sphinxes are good kitties.

>> No.17414316

Sphinxes are likely to abandon their Pharaoh's tomb when they find a husband.

The Pharaoh herself can summon her back though.

>> No.17414354
Quoted by: >>17414387

It's not slutty, it's a proof of love.

>> No.17414387
Quoted by: >>17414413

You want a Dragon to heat up her teeth and bite you hard enough that it would brand you as her property for the rest of your existence
There is a fine line between proving your love and committing absolute sluttery, you stepped over that line and then ran a marathon
If you want to prove your love just wear some custom made matching wedding ring with her

>> No.17414388
Quoted by: >>17414423

That why they sometimes leave their kittens to watch the tombs for a while

>> No.17414394 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 1000x921, gelbooru.com 3086913 1boy 1girl animal_ears artist_request biting black_hair black_sclera blush dog_ears full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414407

>> No.17414397 [DELETED] 
File: 2.32 MB, 2048x1151, gelbooru.com 3785769 1girl q alternate_costume alternate_skin_color ass bare_shoulders black_ black_sclera full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17414406
File: 468 KB, 1000x625, Demon58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do you out-loophole the loophole monster?

I'd study laws for my whole life just to be able to outwit a sneaky Demon and defeat her at her own game.

>> No.17414407
Quoted by: >>17414420

Anon what are you doing?

>> No.17414413

I'd wear a matching necklace since it fits her better. The mark would come if I'm too teasing or if I look at someone else, there is also the chance she gets too excited during sex and does it.

It would go away in a few weeks too. I think.

>> No.17414415
Quoted by: >>17414423

>Sphinxes continue to keep tombs guarded after they get a husband by having their kids watch them as a part-time job
It all makes sense now.

>> No.17414417
Quoted by: >>17414441

>Cuter as a human
Paladin-chans confirmed for ultimate girls

>> No.17414420
Quoted by: >>17414439

> Anon what are you doing?
Foreplay. Never been to jp before. Did i do something wrong?
It's the power of the (wedding) ring

>> No.17414423
Quoted by: >>17414461

I want to play with a Sphinx loli at her part-time job.

>> No.17414425 [DELETED] 
File: 831 KB, 706x1000, gelbooru.com 3799487 1girl animal_ears apron bare_shoulders blush_stickers breasts carrot caster_(fateextra) full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17414426
File: 7 KB, 112x106, IMG_2122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you out-loophole the loophole monster?

>> No.17414430 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 850x1062, gelbooru.com 3780219 1girl absurdres alternate_color alternate_eye_color alternate_hair_color breasts sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414436

>> No.17414436
Quoted by: >>17414445


>> No.17414438 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 700x670, gelbooru.com 3181076 1girl animal_ears armor artist_request ass big_hands bikini_armor cat_tail claws full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414443

>> No.17414439
Quoted by: >>17414449

>Foreplay. Never been to jp before. Did i do something wrong?
Yes, posting images everyone has seen before with no discussion attached to them. This isn't /c/.

>> No.17414440
Quoted by: >>17414471

She has seen some shit over the course of her life.

>> No.17414441

>Cuter as a human
What's it like being fucking blind anon?

>> No.17414443 [DELETED] 

Stop image dumping.

>> No.17414445 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 707x810, gelbooru.com 3181967 1girl animal_ears apron artist_request big_hands blush breasts claws cyzir_visheen full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am bit lazy to check everything on my phone. But next time i try to get the normal one

>> No.17414449

Calm your autism anon, he's new.
Not like people who already go to this thread don't do that already, what'd you expect of someone who just got here?

>> No.17414450 [DELETED] 

You need to stop wasting images.

>> No.17414453

You're just wasting space and not contributing a damn thing.

>> No.17414454 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1364x2585, gelbooru.com 3757555 1boy 1girl absurdres animal_ears animal_print bangs black_hair blush breasts brown_hair full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414468

Then... Would you cuddle sleep with your monster girl waifus? And if yes, who are them?

>> No.17414461
Quoted by: >>17414470

But she'll be busy building sand pyramids or coloring!

Not a lot of folks try to break in

>> No.17414463
File: 156 KB, 650x477, Genkicat is here to brighten your day!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what crawled up this guy's ass and died a year ago?

>> No.17414466

That's not a Demon tho.

>> No.17414468

Anon, if I could cuddle my demonfu I'd sleep soundly for the rest of my goddamn life.
Which, due to becoming an Incubus,
would likely be for-fucking-ever.

>> No.17414470
Quoted by: >>17414484

I'll just do that with her, then. Sounds ok, if a little childish. Maybe I should find a tomb with a slightly older part-time guardian...

>> No.17414471

That she has.
She was also responsible for orchestrating that shit.

>> No.17414472 [DELETED] 
File: 461 KB, 1000x1289, __admiral_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bow_bhp__1f531c8e6fd57c0aad4366580fda4bbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, how others comments gets deleted, who ask me to stop posting pics, but not mine kek
Btw she is my monster waifu. Seaport Hime. I love her claws, height, size, long hair and her meeknes.

>> No.17414484
Quoted by: >>17414541

Anon, you don't really want the one with the bored teen sphinx who is lazing about and a crying random people.

>> No.17414492

What do you mean?

>> No.17414502
Quoted by: >>17414563

One of the quickest ways to awaken a Pharaoh is to yell out how the grapesnake is superior right in the middle of her romb.

>> No.17414506
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"M'am had it been a little boy instead of me, what would have happened?"

>> No.17414508

>It's funny, how others comments gets deleted, who ask me to stop posting pics, but not mine kek
kek indeed faggot

>> No.17414541


>> No.17414563

Pharaohs seem to be much more mature and well mannered than grapesnakes
An Apophis could be spreading all sorts of rumors about how the Pharaoh is into shotas and is completely infertile, the Pharaoh would just laugh it off and take the higher ground

If you want to awaken a Pharaoh simply reach her tomb without getting husbando'd by the army of lonely and desperate desert girls out there

>> No.17414570

If you had to choose between Alp and Mindflayer which would you choose?

>> No.17414574

Mindflayer since they are the best

>> No.17414581

>"Well, I might have allowed him to come... quicker that you're about to do~"

>> No.17414587


>> No.17414592

I wonder what kind of names the monsters would have in the chatlog because when the pull out the logs those have the dumbest usernames

>> No.17414602
File: 749 KB, 900x1200, 50530138_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mindflayer, because I like them.

>> No.17414603
Quoted by: >>17414609

>To catch a shotacon
I would watch it.

>> No.17414604

Mindflayer. Alps are for fags.

>> No.17414609

I doubt the show would make it one season before he gets "caught" himself.
>Oh, I ain't here for no shota

>> No.17414614

>Rather than the show ending, season 2 starts with his new wife and concerned mothers aiding him, fearing more shotas will be caught by CCs before they get together with their childhood friends

>> No.17414616
File: 385 KB, 800x900, Cancer_L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414647

>I'm just on my way to the beach

>> No.17414617
File: 84 KB, 665x677, casual salamander fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414626

What I need is a girl that would spar with me, play video games
and then at the end of the day, let me molest her flame tail

>> No.17414626

I want to see that same salamander, but without her hair tied up

>> No.17414631
File: 48 KB, 850x839, sample_f8f8a9ffbed0ac44a04c4ee7b6751a65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"...Are you gonna put me back in the water or not?"
>"I'm drowning, you know?"

>> No.17414644

Mini shark girl is a mega cutie! Would let her nibble lightly on my dick.

>> No.17414647
File: 200 KB, 894x1200, DF9PeevUMAAR4P-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat crabs are better at washing their husband thanks to their washboard chest, but large breasted crabs give far more enjoyable washes
Becoming addicted to a crab's full body wash is the fate of all unsupervised shotas (see MGQ)

>> No.17414648

Onahole cloaca.

>> No.17414661

>Flat crabs are better at washing their husband thanks to their washboard chest
Titty crabs being jealous of flat abs crabs when?

>> No.17414665
Quoted by: >>17414679

I was just quoting one of the predators from the show that is popular on /tv/

>> No.17414670
File: 3.02 MB, 4400x4600, 31124c16bb8f78d2007f302e1d7edef5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh, you like crabs?"
>"Think you can handle a little girl like me then?"

>> No.17414677


>> No.17414679

They would overcompensate because of it

That doesn't change the fact that everyday a shota gets washed without consent by a merciless crab
How would you react if your son refused to take a bath because he wants to be cleaned by the "nice crab lady"?

>> No.17414681
Quoted by: >>17414699

Take away the eyes on the hat and I would.

>> No.17414692

And I don't really care to.

>> No.17414699
Quoted by: >>17414702

>Those huge powerful pincers
>One misstep and she can snap you in half

Take away the hat entirely, or maybe give her a much smaller hat

>> No.17414702

>>One misstep and she can snap you in half
That's why her handjobs are so hot.

>> No.17414705

Or I could get one from someone whose hands are not made of chitin.

>> No.17414716

Fleshy handjobs are for plebs. You might as well get a Paladin-chan to awkwardly shake your dick back and forth.

>> No.17414722

>get a Paladin-chan to awkwardly shake your dick back and forth
Awkward sex is cute! CUTE!

>> No.17414727

They're for people who aren't so far off the deep end that they can no longer differentiate pleasure and pain.
Get back in your cube.

>> No.17414728
Quoted by: >>17414730

They would be the most intimate of handjobs

Disliking chitin is for immature boys who end up marrying a low level farm monster girls because they're too scary to leave the starting area village.

>> No.17414730

Trust and danger are the ultimate aphrodisiacs.

>> No.17414743
File: 1.77 MB, 986x1000, 1477636505845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414752

>he wants an awkward virgin girl to attempt to please him
>clumsy handjobs
>toothy blowjobs
>mechanical cowgirl
I bet she'd want to keep her shirt on, too.

>> No.17414746

Won't even take her gauntlet off.

>> No.17414752

I want to become an incubus and mindbreak my childhood friend, Paldin-chan, into becoming my cock-puppet and loving wife.

>> No.17414758
File: 209 KB, 1200x941, DGJEkZ9V0AAugYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17414762

>not getting purified by her love for you into becoming her husband
>not slowing down your brutal rape of her virgin hole as she gently hugs you and starting to cry
>not starting the session with your hands on her throat and finishing it with interlocked fingers

>> No.17414766

You'd be the first incubus on official record to ever rape a human woman then, you'd make history!

>> No.17414774

Incubi don't rape.

>> No.17414783
Quoted by: >>17414797

I think this is yet another way of turning women into Succubi.

>> No.17414789
Quoted by: >>17414793

I like pure and dominant monsters

>> No.17414793

I like corrupted and submissive monsters.

>> No.17414794
Quoted by: >>17414801

Not with that attitude.

>> No.17414797

>An incubus' superhuman lust is only directed towards the monster he's coupled with no matter what, and they don't have an instinct to attack the opposite sex like monsters do.
>For that reason, incubi do not attack and forcibly rape human women, and such an incident has never been recorded.

>> No.17414801
Quoted by: >>17415825

He's technically right, because once an Incubus jams it in, mamono mana does its magic and rapidly monsterizes the woman, turning her into a willing participant.

>> No.17414803

Is there a story where a male adventurer picks up a suspicous looking blade and ended up turning his crush into a Cursed sword monstergirl?

>> No.17414808

What about those who become incubi from breathing too much of the DE in the air?

>> No.17414812

Probably go around raping women and monsters all the same untill they settle with one... or more.

>> No.17414813

There's no reason it can't happen from consensual sex (or if the human girl does the raping for some reason). Especially if he had no idea he was an incubus.
It sure would make for one hell of a surprise for the two of them if she monsterizes mid-coitus.

>> No.17414831

Imagine being his MG.
Poor girl will be launching stock. First one ever to have incub-husband rape other girls, human one even, but not her.

>> No.17414836
File: 551 KB, 922x1200, 64187352_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17414851
Quoted by: >>17414920

Oh Boy! I love chocolate!

>> No.17414864

I almost got into traps luckily a certain comic scared me straight and clicked in me I needed to get the fuck away from this shit.

>> No.17414869
Quoted by: >>17415136

What was so bad about it?

>> No.17414881

I was into NTR before becoming a monster girl fan saved me. Now I'm disgusted by it.

>> No.17414892

What about when a monstergirl ntrs a human girl?

>> No.17414893

did you at least self insert as the bad guy

>> No.17414900

Still shit.
Best solution is when said human girl gets monsterized.

>> No.17414901
Quoted by: >>17414916

>at least
Are you implying that makes it any better

>> No.17414905

That's a no, being married to both in a comfy bigamous relationship where both are happy is fine but NTR is wrong.
I didn't self insert at all thankfully. I'm still ashamed of it.

>> No.17414907

I maraud MGE for inspiration for my fantasy setting.

>> No.17414916

It is still shit but less pathetic shit

>> No.17414920

Have fun with your chocolate, I'll take the Onis
No refunds.

>> No.17414936
Quoted by: >>17414944


>Chris hears the door to the bait house open and close.
>Straightens his tie, his time is now.
>Walks out from his hiding place.
>"Hello, why don't you take a seat over th-"

>Five hellhounds in the room
>Pregnant silence
>Backs up slowly, turns to leave

>Just in time to see the sixth lock the door
>The kitchen door is blocked by her older sisters
>The youngest is blocking the stairwell
>The window route is barred shut after that incident last season
>Chris closes his eyes and mentally retreats to his childhood
>The camera catches everything
>Ratings spike and the premise of the show is changed
>Now titled "How to feed a predator"

>> No.17414944

chris is married tho

>> No.17414949
File: 390 KB, 412x580, Unicron best grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17414997

So we have a Cupid Paladin.

Yeti Paladin (AKA Pally Patrol).

That one Community Helper Paladin that nobody knows about.

What about a Paladin that keeps Unicorn's from going extinct? I mean half the anon's in this thread would marry them for the explicit purpose of turning them into Bi-Corns.

That's almost like poaching, they're destroying a small population species but for their twisted harem vision instead of money.

He could go around preventing Bi-Corn transformations by sicking a Cancer MG on bad husbands, thus cleansing them of demonic taint.

>> No.17414952


>> No.17414953
Quoted by: >>17414978

What is it about Monster Girls that saves men from disaster? I myself used to be into furry in my cringe years.

>> No.17414978

That would be a nice story actually, a man who constantly faps to fucked up shit and a cute monster shows him that true love with a cute girl is always best and there's no need for gimmicks.

>> No.17414989

Is it okay for monstergirl mothers to do lewd things with or to their daughterus?

>> No.17414990
Quoted by: >>17414999

To hellhounds, yes.

>> No.17414997

>Cupid Paladin

>> No.17414999

I think what he meant to say is that Chris has a IRL wife.

>> No.17415004

Paladin of Eros, accompanied by a Cupid partner.

>> No.17415027
File: 547 KB, 1281x846, 1500258261563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415129

You know.

Cupid Paladin.

>> No.17415030

Onis can't resist sake
I bet you could even get one to say embarrassing stuff in exchange for a big round bottle

>> No.17415032

like saying how much she likes hold hands?

>> No.17415034

I'm going to scoop up all the remaining sake into my mouth and make her kiss-drink it if she wants it.

>> No.17415047
Quoted by: >>17415078

With or without the dad

>> No.17415053


>> No.17415061

I bet you could trade for something important like an embarrassing photo of her Oni friend from the Christmas party.

>> No.17415067

I don't see why not, in fact I'd be surprised if my waifu and daughteru didn't. That being said, I'd be dicking them both.

>> No.17415078
Quoted by: >>17415092


>> No.17415092
Quoted by: >>17415102

One is daughteru dicking and the other yuri. I see shitposting potential for both.

>> No.17415099
Quoted by: >>17415115

Is this a trap set by the Onis to catch a husband or is this a trap set by someone to catch an Oni?

>> No.17415102

Why do you think he brought it up?

>> No.17415115
Quoted by: >>17415135

I think it's a trap for loli Onis. It's got both candy and sake, neither of which is appropriate for husband traps.

>> No.17415129

Cupid-sama! Smile for your adoring fans!

>> No.17415134

Did anyone write anything recently?
the archives don't want to play nice

>> No.17415135

I thought the loli Onis set it using their favorite things because they assume it's also their husband's favorite things. Like Winnie the Pooh setting a trap with his own Huney

>> No.17415136

It was like looking at a dismal future
The comic was suppose to comedic but all I could feel was revulsion at a possible future
Now I can't look at a trap or even an alp without feeling immense disgust, it's like a Pavlovian response .

>> No.17415139
File: 767 KB, 1280x831, tumblr_opnsw2yZVF1s6c88io1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415147


>> No.17415144
File: 218 KB, 360x270, 1404503101909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415167

>monster girls specifically going for a man they have common tastes and interests with

>> No.17415147

>that outfit
Yes, just yes.

>> No.17415167

That's my fetish.

>> No.17415169

Some guy call Guze did a dorome story and another guy did something else I forget.
Outside of that it was Losenis's lilim shit and Beast finally doing Kikimora for his roulette

>> No.17415172

A new guy did zombie dragon and slendergirl shorts

>> No.17415173
Quoted by: >>17415181

Look at this rope that I just found!

>> No.17415181
Quoted by: >>17415192

Incompetent monsters trying to catch Anon?

>> No.17415190
File: 158 KB, 849x1350, 0f375724feba5decc80f4121ff64b6ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it illegal to molest this Paladin-chan?

>> No.17415192

Are you a real Monster?

>> No.17415208
Quoted by: >>17415211


>> No.17415211

Can I get a special permit or something? I really want to do it. Maybe I could marry her first?

>> No.17415218
File: 516 KB, 750x1125, __medusa_granblue_fantasy_shadowverse_and_shingeki_no_bahamut_drawn_by_hews_hack__3c290e778b99ebd05f507f2d67ed0a5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415225

But that's Medusa.

>> No.17415225
Quoted by: >>17415300

I need that butt on my face, whatever she is.

>> No.17415235

>You want a husband right?
>Look. We'll tie this rope like this and make a trap for him! All we need is some bait. I'll use my chocolate, but we need something more.
>Why are you looking at me like that?
>Give me your sake.
>NO! Why? It's my last bottle.
>We need it as bait!
>Isn't the chocolate enough?
>No it's not. Think about it. You'd go for your sake if you saw it laying there right?
>I guess
>Then our husband probably will too!
>I guess... My sake though...
>Quiet! I hear someone coming.

>> No.17415281
Quoted by: >>17415289

Would you take in a Tanuki who's down on her luck?

>> No.17415289

Sure I'd let her stay for free as a roommate until she gets back on her feet and can find her self a husband

>> No.17415300

Never mind that, that ass is made for hot dogging.

>> No.17415311

Advertising what? I'm in no way connected to the project, and it's entirely free. Is it too much to imagine I posted about it because I thought you might like to inject some levity into your dull antagonistic life?

>> No.17415319
Quoted by: >>17415351

>17 hours ago

>> No.17415337

Isn't Beast also a Lilim shitter?

>> No.17415344

Lilims are olev

>> No.17415351
Quoted by: >>17415363

Sleep and work, my mang

>> No.17415363

>he doesn't shitpost at work

>> No.17415372
File: 37 KB, 225x262, 1457841687635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415396


>> No.17415388

I wouldn't call him a shitter, but yes.

>> No.17415396
Quoted by: >>17415483

Truly the face of failed potential

>> No.17415416
File: 214 KB, 919x1215, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415426

Sabbath may be hardworking and all, but non-sabbath lolis are the best.

>> No.17415418

You are MG waifu and you have won a honeymoon vacation to any fantasy region of your choosing!
Where do you go? What do you do?

>> No.17415426
Quoted by: >>17415512

Bossy Anubis!

>> No.17415427
Quoted by: >>17415451

Wintersburg. I'll be nice to leave the 100+ temperatures.

>> No.17415429

>You are MG waifu
I would never go Alp.

>> No.17415451
Quoted by: >>17415462

I thought it was Winterstown.
Has the Youthful Ice Queen been expanding her territory now that she's ready to admit her human manservant may have a relationship with her? More at the 9'oclock news with Rata-chan!

>> No.17415458
Quoted by: >>17415460

Nah dude. Thanks for posting. We need more info on goings on in monstergirls in general. I miss when I could just drop in this thread and find out everything that had been going on whether it was a new game, manga chapter, or anime monster-girl-wise. I miss everything being in one easy place, and there's always so much more to talk about that way.

>> No.17415460

Not much to post about now-a-days sadly. Content draught left this valley bone dry for too many months now.

>> No.17415462
Quoted by: >>17415480

I want to be interviewed on the street by a bundled-up Rata-chan!

>> No.17415463
Quoted by: >>17415473

Underdark is the first thing I came to think of. But I feel that would be really boring.
The desert would be nice. Don't know if I want to go to a Pharaoh or Apophis controlled one.

>> No.17415473

Pharoah for culture, beauty, awe.
Apophis for gambling, hot tub limousines and fucksuites.

>> No.17415480
Quoted by: >>17415591

>Rata-chan in her usual four layers of coats and sweats
>When she asks questions on the streets the locals have learned how to understand her
>visitors only hear extremely muffled squeaks as she excitedly shoves a microphone in their face
Ganbatte Rata-chan!

>> No.17415483

Nah, that belongs to Horikoshi.

>> No.17415486

Pharaoh it is.

>> No.17415492
File: 141 KB, 847x1200, DGPSh6rVoAAXPPQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415507

Angels are nice, Demons are great.
What about an Angel who became a Demon?

>> No.17415502

I unironicly like Selene.

>> No.17415506
Quoted by: >>17415511

I'd like to visit Zipangu with my Hatter wife.
I wonder how she'd react to their customs, clothes and culture.

>> No.17415507

Always preferred a demon who became an angel

>> No.17415508
Quoted by: >>17415516

Apophis is way better when you put it like that.

>> No.17415511
Quoted by: >>17415522

She'd obviously love the tea ceremony. Though overall by the end of the trip she may say it was nice but she could never permanently live somewhere so not-chaotic and reserved.

>> No.17415512

Bossing around the lolinubis. In the bedroom

>> No.17415513
Quoted by: >>17415564

I wanna marry both a pharaoh and an apophis!

>> No.17415516
Quoted by: >>17415723

I got the impression Apophis kingdoms are basically Las Vegas at permanent Friday night.
Like some kinda... Casino Night Zone.

>> No.17415522
Quoted by: >>17415641

>Hatter wife observes a Tea ceremony >afterward says to her husband
>"A hum te tum, the fun of one and ones, surray surrah and do you so too?"
>Nearby Kejourou politely asks what she's saying
>Anon: "She's wondering at what point the rape and assigning of girls to cocks happens"

>> No.17415564

No bigamy allowed.

>> No.17415584
File: 1.24 MB, 854x986, 64195263_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17415586

Bigamy is great
Help the Apophis grape the Pharaoh and the reap the rewards

>> No.17415591
File: 139 KB, 1023x1457, 1499886092496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna slowly unwind Rata-chan's wooly mufflers so I can understand her better and give her a big kiss

>> No.17415602

Those tits are for milking.

>> No.17415607
Quoted by: >>17415640

You'd kiss a news interview lady like Rata-chan live on air?!
Whose her cameragirl anyway?

>> No.17415609

I want my Kobold waifu to tie me to the bed, then gag herself with a ring gag so she can give me hours and hours of unimpeded oral sex!

>> No.17415616

I want you to fucking die, Quicksilver.

>> No.17415618

That is hot.

>> No.17415631

Rolled her in both of my accounts. Thanks wonder winterlady.

>> No.17415635

Yes, you've made that abundantly clear.

>> No.17415637

Do monstergirls like memes

>> No.17415640
Quoted by: >>17415660

The Wendigo camerawoman hides in her coat when she sees any lewd acts, but keeps the camera rolling

>> No.17415641
Quoted by: >>17415654

I just thought of a wonderful party game for newlywed Wonderland denizens. Four or five couples are needed. Using illusions or potions or what not, all the males penises are removed and put in a hatter's hat. Then, each girl gets to reach into the hat and pull out a penis. They are allowed to poke, prod, lick, bite, sniff, whatever to analyze it. Then they must either claim it's their husband's penis, or put it back in the bag and pass the hat. The men aren't allowed to say anything, but their reaction to their penis getting fondled is a sure give away, if they're not faking. In the end, all the men get their penises back and the gratuitous sex between lovers commenses.

>> No.17415643

Izmir is too hot for an ice girl.

>> No.17415645

They like boys.

>> No.17415652
Quoted by: >>17415658

But think of all the fun you could have with them, they'd always be in competition with each other. Who can give a better BJ while riding your face, who's got the better paizuri technique, and much much more.

>> No.17415654

Sounds like a regular Wonderland romp!

>> No.17415658

No splitting your love.

>> No.17415660
Quoted by: >>17415718

>Rata does a piece on a new local butcher's shop
>camera keeps listing to the side to stare at the meat in the window

>> No.17415670

Ring gags make oral sex so much sexier.

>> No.17415690
File: 584 KB, 2024x2800, 1494174477791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet those fucking cats do

>> No.17415702

I bet that Office Cheshire does nothing at work, she just watches meme videos on youtube all day.

>> No.17415703

I want to send her the dancing baby gif

>> No.17415705

I agree. I mean, that's what I do.

>> No.17415707
File: 271 KB, 1082x1920, IMG_0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415729


>> No.17415714
Quoted by: >>17415744

>Casually inserts subtle memes into conversations and sees who reacts
>Zeroes in on you because she notices your slight, quick brow furrowing every time she does it

>> No.17415718
File: 236 KB, 850x613, 1485660049012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to stop thinking of meat or a nice Yeti will replace her on camera duty

>> No.17415723
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1433, Cencored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go to MG Las vegas.
What would it be like?

>> No.17415727
Quoted by: >>17415819

Can see a magic show preformed by a large chick and a mute?

>> No.17415729

this picture brings me a perverse pleasure. I don't even like manticores, but the thought of something so haughty in this position is great.

>> No.17415730

Better odds on major scoring, and the loosest slots in the kingdom

>> No.17415735

I don't like her face.

>> No.17415739

That phone number is two digits too short

>> No.17415742

Can you take that demon home if you win big?

>> No.17415744
File: 368 KB, 800x800, __cheshire_cat_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_j_k__0116128e9808d6ef4a18ebc475fc628f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, Cheshire, nice suit! How does it feel?
>Feels good, man!

>To be frank, this years third quarter is absolutely disgusting.

>Hey we're going to that taco place after work, wanna join?
>Me gusta!

>People wonder why you always look so agitated when she talks

>> No.17415758

>She uses shittier and shittier memes, making a point to show you just how big her grin is when no one is watching
>HR starts approaching you to ask if you have anger issues because your coworkers have noted that you look more and more pissed off all the time with each passing day

>> No.17415766

Obviously Anon and the Cheshire need to be assigned to the same project

>> No.17415769

>using 200X memes
So uncivilized.

>> No.17415775
Quoted by: >>17415814

>HR decides that the office needs to have an employee teamwork day
>She gets assigned to be your partner for the entire day

>> No.17415778

I want a tubby cheshire to shitpost with.

>> No.17415803
Quoted by: >>17415815

Cheshires who meme to make themselves laugh regardless of you laughing are the worst.
Cheshires who meme to make you laugh and then laugh at how you hate how it makes you laugh are the best.

>> No.17415810

>Hey Anon! Did you see the new Kraken we hired? Pretty woomy am I right?
>Please don't break those pencils, the company pays for those.

>> No.17415814

>Later fired because they found you trying to waterboard her with the water cooler after she said "like a boss!"

>> No.17415815
File: 121 KB, 504x375, c52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415858

cheshires who send you wholesome memes about how much they love you are pretty great too

>> No.17415817 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 453x614, 1501713815385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17415819

Fuck you I laughed

>> No.17415825
Quoted by: >>17415951

What if one of them had a crush on each other as childhood friends, so when the man first becomes and incubus the first thing he would do is go back and search for her to rape her, so it's rape because she doesn't want to have sex with a monster but not because it's her childhood friend?

>> No.17415827
Quoted by: >>17415836

We succeeded in taking that picture, and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there – on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.

[...] To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
— Carl Sagan

>> No.17415832
File: 2.01 MB, 2496x4128, iyjbev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415864

I'm a total Hellhound slut, but the anubutts always get the prettiest art.

>> No.17415835

Somewhere on that tiny spot is a jojo reference

>> No.17415836
File: 606 KB, 640x480, 1501334570498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418939


>> No.17415858
Quoted by: >>17415866

>Hey Anon! Imma bout to CUM
>Care and support my husband
>Understand him and support him
>Marry him and never leave his side

>> No.17415864
Quoted by: >>17415875

I'm really glad you like my commission so much! I wish that artist was more confident with doing backgrounds though, it would look really nice to have her walking through, say, a desert marketplace or something.

>> No.17415866

>Support twice
I have dishonored my meme squad

>> No.17415875
File: 860 KB, 2200x1700, 1500944603237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415906

Who was the artist you commissioned? It looks awesome!

>> No.17415901
Quoted by: >>17415916

Is a Minotaur who likes teddy bears too silly?

>> No.17415906
File: 2.78 MB, 2640x2674, sunhat [manos].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415915


This artist, and she also did this little bust commission for me a while ago.

>> No.17415915
File: 615 KB, 1750x2450, 1500597320102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17415939

Cute! I guess you're the one who always gets the anubis with the white dress?

>> No.17415916
Quoted by: >>17415920

It could be cute.

>> No.17415920
Quoted by: >>17415947

Good. Then I can be her teddy bear.

>> No.17415939

Yup, that's me. I've never really liked the clothes in the Anubis profile and I really enjoy seeing mg's wearing different sorts of clothing, so that's the main reason why I like getting her wearing them. It just fits the desert aesthetic, you know? More coming soon and possibly a daki, too.

>> No.17415947
File: 309 KB, 950x1200, 1499268439232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. I wish I could have a big hotdog to cuddle. But I'm too self aware for a daki.

>> No.17415951
File: 98 KB, 316x316, sample_4585877b056c519c38dda80271d11253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17416074

To be able to release my cute Paladin childhood friend from all the stress from her duties would be a dream come true..

She'd never have to worry about other monsters once she's with me. With these new powers I'll finally be able to give her the rest she deserves and take her mind of any problem she had. We'll live happy and I'll be able to fullfill every need and wish he could ever dream of.

I'd be fantastic.

>> No.17415956

Same here anon. I don't think could ever get one either, but considering the other things I told myself I'd never do but have done since being with my waifu, I guess it's possible.

>> No.17415957

been thinking of getting one

>> No.17415958
Quoted by: >>17415993

How do you feel about daughterus?

>> No.17415966
Quoted by: >>17415993

I don't find the profile clothes particularly good either, they'd look great with no pants and a dangerously narrow loincloth with nopan.

>> No.17415979

I'd protect my Paladin friend from unwilling transformation and encourage her to find happiness however she wants.

>> No.17415983

Helping Monster Girls with lisps speak better! I want a lamia I can work on tongue thrusting with.

>> No.17415992

You're a good person.

>> No.17415993
File: 471 KB, 1600x1200, lego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17416238

Daughterus are great! I'd love to raise an entire litter of anupups with my waifu!

I guess the profile clothes are fitting in the terms that they look sort of "royal", and would be something Anubis' would wear around the Pharaoh to keep up an image, but it would have been nice for the clothes to have been a bit more like something they'd wear in a desert. I really do like the blue neck piece though, and the jewelry is great, too. KC please draw more girls wearing alternate outfits.

>> No.17415994

Friendly reminder that Paladins are not monstergirls and they don't belong in the monstergirl thread.

>> No.17415999
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_otva9nEVtX1uubuoco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waifu keeps teasing her younger sister whenever you all hang out together! Can't you tell her to leave the poor single girl alone?

>> No.17416001

Neither are incubi, anything to do with the Order, and several other aspects of the dominant setting we discuss here.

>> No.17416003
Quoted by: >>17416031

Consensual transformation >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Rape" Transformation

The absolute best is when you two talk about it together and agree upon what both of you want.

>> No.17416005
File: 70 KB, 600x800, 1479256742437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17416007

Paw pads!

>> No.17416006

they can stay but they'll have to be thought how to behave themselves here
i heard there was a demon giving lessons about it

>> No.17416007

Bra pads.

>> No.17416022
Quoted by: >>17416034

but then she'll teast me istead, nope for the day shes my shield.

>> No.17416031
Quoted by: >>17416036

What about, subconciously consensual transformation?

>> No.17416032

Imagine a paladin trying to fit in in a demon realm.
>Oh Yes! I sure do love doing a sex on my husband! We do it all the time! Sometimes up to three times a day!
>Dearie me, it appears my breasts are visible through this outfit. Is this an appropriate level of skin to reveal? As a "sucky-boss" dressing so scandalously sure is fun!

>> No.17416034

Dastardly. That poor sister, ridiculed and bullied all for the sake of a quiet day.

>> No.17416035
Quoted by: >>17416040

Is she teasing her by telling her that she'll never get a husband as good as you and the like? Because I beg to differ.

>> No.17416036
Quoted by: >>17416046

What do you mean by this?

>> No.17416040

Yep. That's exactly what she's doing. Making fun of her for being single and how she wishes she could have a man half as good as you. What a jerk! But she is your wife after all.

>> No.17416046

I mean. KC's Mamono Mana is all about liberating someone's secred desires and allow them to be themselves (in a twisted sort of way), so whenever a woman is transformed she always 'reveals her true self' and all that.

Consensual or not, the transformation will reveal a woman's (and sometimes men's) secret desires and allow her to be happy with themselves, so even if it's unwanted, some aspect of the transformation is always desired in some way.

>> No.17416051
File: 87 KB, 720x800, drunk_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would MG drinking songs sound like?

>> No.17416055

>[vigorous moans and sexual noises]

>> No.17416059

Filled with double entendres.

>> No.17416061
File: 425 KB, 1500x2100, yeti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist is balamist on tumblr so now you can update the wiki

>> No.17416074

As expected from corruptionfags.

>> No.17416080

But how do you do dialogue, just the words itself or leave it out?

Your shitposts are way to easy to recognize Losenis. Git gud.

>> No.17416096

I don't buy it.

>> No.17416112
File: 417 KB, 648x508, crab girls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both

>> No.17416138

I dont care for corruption or what have you,
if theres a transformation but she's ultimately the same person i'm ok with that , but the corruption stuff just makes it seem the person you knew is gone, or was a lie the whole time, neither im comfortable with.

>> No.17416140

maybe you should die instead.

>> No.17416192

I want to feed ghouls meat to keep them from attacking the nearby towns!

>> No.17416193
Quoted by: >>17416203


Nerdy Bookish Girl -> Hakutaku = Great

Nerdy Bookish Girl -> Nerdy Bookish Succubus = Good

Nerdy Bookish Girl -> Promiscuous Bookish Succubus = Okay

We Nerdy Bookieh Girl -> Monomaniacal Sex Crazy Girl = Shit

>> No.17416195

The language of giddy drinking songs is universal.


>> No.17416200
Quoted by: >>17416209

I want to feed ghouls meat, and then if they attack towns and dig up other ghouls for me to also feed meat, so much the better.

>> No.17416203
File: 1.20 MB, 694x1024, MGW2ScanPage8-1_zps7a503372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the plus side, KC is getting better at this type of corruption.

>> No.17416205
Quoted by: >>17416209

I want to gag the ghouls so they can't eat meat or terrorize any towns either!

>> No.17416209
Quoted by: >>17416212

But then they can't talk!

But you'll need a lot of meat to feed those girls!

An inordinate amount of meat if you want to keep them full!

>> No.17416212
Quoted by: >>17416224

>But then they can't talk!
That's fine. They're dead so all they'd be doing is moaning and stuff!

>> No.17416221

Good way of saying it.

>> No.17416224

You're thinking of Zombies.
Ghouls are intelligent, if a bit hedonistic, wanting only to eat and fuck

>> No.17416231

What about a virgin monster girl who accidentally mind breaks an anon because her only knowledge of sex comes from hentai and she thinks all men can cum 40 times a day so she just keeps going.

>> No.17416234

I would say Mamonomana but good god. 40 seems like a stretch even for some of the best

>> No.17416237
Quoted by: >>17416241

Ghouls are nothing but delinquents who hang around graveyards!

>> No.17416238
Quoted by: >>17416267

Why does she look so sad?

>> No.17416241
Quoted by: >>17416246

Thats why you gotta feed them meat till they're too full and lazy to do anything.

>> No.17416243

>He can't cum 40 times and then more for his waifu like any good husband should.
How can Humanlets even compete against Incubus?

>> No.17416245

I'm imagining a tomoko type girl whos only knowledge of monster sex is from playing mgq trying and failing to do things from there.

>> No.17416246
Quoted by: >>17416256

But what if I don't have any meat?

>> No.17416248


I'm pretty sure enough monster mana could let a guy cut perpetually.

>> No.17416253
Quoted by: >>17416256

I want a hedonistic ghoul hanging her pleasue-runed tongue out of her mouth as an invitation.

>> No.17416256
Quoted by: >>17416259

Then give them cakes or something I don't know.

She probably wants you to take a dose of manticore venom so she can have an "All day Anon IPA"

>> No.17416259
Quoted by: >>17416264

>Then give them cakes or something I don't know.

But I have no cakes! What if they go for the 'meat' between my legs?!

>> No.17416264

Then you are screwed.

>> No.17416267

She thought the set would include worker Lego men, but it didn't so now she can't live out her slave driver fantasy.

>> No.17416285

Okay anon, it's been a really rough day for you and your waifu is planning a sexy surprise for you at the end of the day. What outfit would she choose to make the night really special and lift your spirits?

>> No.17416288
Quoted by: >>17416292

>Trying to write good corruption story
>plot turns into a toned down version of merse's fallen bride's story
I need to find another way to turn this knight into a monster

>> No.17416290

She'd wear her comfiest pajamas.
Tonight the Demon does not fug, the Demon snugs.

>> No.17416292
Quoted by: >>17416302

Get fucking good.

>> No.17416302
Quoted by: >>17416316

At least I'm trying to write it
And that's better than what I've been doing for quite some time

>> No.17416306

Fishnet bodystocking.

>> No.17416311
Quoted by: >>17416323

This story is too fucking cute. https://pastebin.com/JpXUDzW8

>> No.17416316

There are literally, not figuratively, dozens of ways to corrupt a human into a monster without relying on the straight /u/ answer or having physical contact happen. If you're struck because you're afraid it's too much like Mersé's transformation you seriously need to either get good or learn to think outside of the box.

I mean for fuck's sake. Jellanda in Valkyrie Profile basically DRANK the Ghoul's Dust before it took effect.

>> No.17416321
File: 742 KB, 826x1800, Shoggoth maidkini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17416323

Thanks anon, I have another one on the way, a manticore one

>> No.17416329

She'd be wearing nothing but a red tie, then start throwing barrels at me.

>> No.17416338

There are plenty of outfits she could wear to make me happy anon, but what I think might be the comfiest right now is a tight, frilly rubber blouse that really accentuates her breasts along with a matching rubber pencil skirt and some lacy latex lingerie underneath. She might be hiding a nice big buttplug under all that too, but I wouldn't find out about that until later.

Anyway, she'd get the lights dimmed down and gently help me take all my clothes off so she can give me some gentle, loving femdom complete with a comfy nursing handjob and then some slow passionate cuddlesex. Despite the calm, motherly demeanor she'd keep through the whole night, her tail would be wagging eagerly, especially when I start feeling better.

>> No.17416354
File: 648 KB, 1412x2260, Alp6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there are Alps that never realized that they have alped in the first place, leading them to continue acting like everything is normal?

>> No.17416360


>Rough day at work
>Think about this thread and Latenight
>This fucking song plays

God fucking dammit when can the portals open. I just need my bar where LN and his Oni wife are there as regulars and Betsie's gazongas are glamorously engorged.

>> No.17416365
Quoted by: >>17416366

how do you not notice your dick is missing

>> No.17416366
Quoted by: >>17418426

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt anon.

>> No.17416367
Quoted by: >>17416381

dammit I got a good idea for a corruption story but it'd have to rewrite what I got.

thank you anyway, might as well see where this new idea goes

>> No.17416379
Quoted by: >>17416388

rubber and latex aside that sounds wonderful.

>> No.17416381

So long as you don't do that fucking stupid Cronenberg level shit like in that Ushi-Oni greentext from yesteryears we're good.

>> No.17416388
Quoted by: >>17416407

Imagine what KDF could be without all the degenerate fetishes.

>> No.17416390

What would be the most rediculous or humiliating way to monsterize?

>> No.17416399

I'd keep her around and pretend she never alped too.

>> No.17416400

Turning into an Alp. Or getting turned into a Cu Sith due to exposure through your nasal membranes or dermal contact with her fur too often.

>> No.17416407

I don't know man, part of his charm comes from the degeneracy.

>> No.17416412
Quoted by: >>17416465

thats allowed in this thread?

>> No.17416414 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17416435

Fucking kill yourself faggot.

>> No.17416425

Will you fuck off with this same goddamned Alp picture every fucking thread. Nobody gives a shit about the single TG-based MG.

>> No.17416427

Incubus is fucking his wife on the roof of a building and gives her a facial, but some of it sails over her head and off the roof, and down into some human woman's eye as she just happens to look up.

>> No.17416435 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17416448

You act like KDF killed your cat, why are you so triggered by him?

>> No.17416443

Would she follow me into the showers and tuck her spadetail between her legs?

>> No.17416448 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17416481

He's a filthy diaperfag pedo. Fuck him and fuck you too.

>> No.17416465

Pastebin if you're worried.

>> No.17416469

Buying Gremtech dildos and using them so much the DE batteries change you. Vandalizing the old shrine in the woods and getting possesed by a Kitsune Bi. Dying a virgin and turning into a wisp.

>> No.17416481 [DELETED] 

I know I'm probably biting the bait but for fucks sake you're worse than he ever was.

>> No.17416487 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17416492

>I know I'm probably biting the bait
Then why post?

>> No.17416492 [DELETED] 


>> No.17416519

Remember that its all fun and games until a hugely muscle Black P'Orc busts through your guard post with her sisters.

>> No.17416524 [DELETED] 

I'd believe you if this isn't what always happened. KDF says he went outside and got the newspaper. Half of the thread unzips their dicks and asks daddy for cummies, while the other half takes out their pitchforks and demands a public lynching followed by a public
beating. This elaborate song and dance between the three factions of kdf needs to stop. Start ignoring him.

>> No.17416527


>> No.17416528
Quoted by: >>17416530

>Black P'Orc
>P'Orcs descended from the great boar beasts
>Hugely muscled when bachelorettes
>Huge breeding sows when married

>> No.17416530

Buii indeed.
The most frightening of Buiis.


Ferocious, heavily scarred and heavily muscled when hunting for mates.

Hugely soft, hugely pregnant, and still quite strong when married.

The best wives.

>> No.17416536
File: 757 KB, 1000x1209, hellhound03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portals open up to MG world
>you signup for a homestay program
>you move to the MG world
>assigned with a hellhound bachelorette
>upon arriving at her home she pulls down your pants and sniffs your ass
>she drops her undies and sticks her ass up in the air expecting you do the same

Do you do it? Or will you be insensitive to canine culture and not do it?

If you do, she might give you a rimjob and a reach-around. Consider that.

>> No.17416541
Quoted by: >>17416550

I like my p'orcs to be white, no offense

>> No.17416544

You know what's more likely to happen when the portals open? Immigration laws.

>> No.17416549
Quoted by: >>17416561

She's got her ass up in the air and she expects me not stick my cock up it? I don't want a fucking rimjob I'm going in dry bitch

>> No.17416550


They're delicious chocolate brown, although they may start out fair skinned and darken in tone as they grow stronger.

>> No.17416555

Wouldn't you want to accept MG rapefugees into your country? You don't want to be intolerant do you? You should house one with you.

>> No.17416556

>The first thing you hear before you a warm, moist snort on the back on your neck.

>> No.17416559

I support open borders with monster girl land.

>> No.17416561

Careful anon, she'll turn the tables on you once you finish in her ass and ride your cock in the cowgirl position, all before you even get a tour of her home!

>> No.17416565

Fun fact, like helhounds being natural dom's, p'orcs are natural subs. They probably brought their own collars with their names on it and everything.

>> No.17416577

>p'orcs are natural subs
Only if you defeat them. Otherwise, they're as dominant as a hellhound. But if you do defeat them, they turn into the most submissive girls in the entire world, even to the point that they'd kill themselves for you.

>> No.17416580

P'Orcs are actually switches.
They're rough and hard on you until you manage to beat them, at which point they become subs.

Hellhounds are more battle switches that fight to be on top in bed.

>> No.17416590
File: 331 KB, 1000x553, Unicorn and drunk slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Friday lads! Time to get to the MGC Bar!

We got drinks to consume, baphomets to arm wrestle, Paladins to embarrass, Mantis's to make emote, and waifus to seduce with that wonderous fire water for courage!

Let's go aye!

>> No.17416598
Quoted by: >>17416631

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, watch out for those crafty ghost foxes looking to posses your childhood friend.

It's all fun and games until they start speaking in 'we's and licking their lips.

>> No.17416600

Anon, it's Wednesday. You may have a drinking problem.

>> No.17416608
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.17416610

The you're the drinking, not the problem!

>> No.17416620

The only time I've a drinking problem is when I spill it!

>> No.17416626
File: 755 KB, 690x916, oni with beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What monster girls would come to my liquor store and what would they buy
>inb4 oni buying 55 gallon drums of sake

>> No.17416631
Quoted by: >>17416646

You know, if one of them possessed one of my childhood friends, with her coincidentally still being single AND remembering who I am, along with somehow tracking me down, then the universe has decided that it was meant to be and I would be perfectly okay with it.
Seriously, a lot of things would have to go right for the "childhood friend" thing to work for me.

>> No.17416635

>like helhounds being natural dom's
Not anymore

>> No.17416640

Can you not

>> No.17416646

Dream big anon.
Dream big.

>> No.17416649

I was going to say, like hellhounds always being a dom, p'orcs are always a sub, but changed it.

>> No.17416657
File: 517 KB, 615x1200, 55510381_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single time I see a muscle MG, I get the desire to slap them in the abs.

>> No.17416665
File: 383 KB, 751x899, 1494818984044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abs are for massaging

>> No.17416672
File: 190 KB, 800x1000, 1458955714598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17416696

Laced lingerie. If she wanted me to get comfy and rest I'd really hope for warm pjs.

>> No.17416705

<<What have borders ever given us?>>

>> No.17416760
Quoted by: >>17416790

I want to have doggystyle sex with my maid in an empty room while company is over.

>> No.17416770
File: 3.96 MB, 1625x1412, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_hater_hatater__d01dc77794a4f36d135502e1843add9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a Wurm be able to climb things without destroying them?

>> No.17416773
File: 676 KB, 716x1280, tumblr_or86szCH9f1v82obfo1_raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I would! Anything for a Hellwan. Especially if it ends like pic related.

>> No.17416774

Do monster girl daughters more closely resemble the monster or the human side when they are extremely young?

For example, do kobold babies act and look more like puppies or human babies?

>> No.17416787

The Queen of Hearts is a Lilim, but who's the King of Hearts?

>> No.17416790
Quoted by: >>17416801

You should punish that maid for abandoning her duties to help the guests just so master can fuck her.

>> No.17416797
Quoted by: >>17416807

Domon Kasshu

>> No.17416801
Quoted by: >>17416814

Her master is more important than any guests.
A good maid's best kept secret is that she utterly despises any and all would be guests due to their intrusion on what should be private time between her and her master, but is a great enough actress that no one could ever guess.

>> No.17416806 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 611x476, 1501732215820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This smug motherfucker.

>> No.17416807

I'm trying to imagine a chinese wuxia version of Wonderland now.

>> No.17416814
Quoted by: >>17416819

But they might talk bad about him if they see the maid and her master go off into a empty room and stay there for half an hour only to come out adjusting their clothing.

>> No.17416819

You obviously don't do that in front of them, and besides, it's not like there's only one maid to tend to your guests.

>> No.17416841
Quoted by: >>17416885

That's implying local law enforcement could stop them, which also implies that they'd want to come to this entropy-ridden universe where even the stars themselves are dying out.

>> No.17416847
File: 234 KB, 850x1200, TERA025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plump thighs, only for husband's eyes.

>> No.17416860

they look young

>> No.17416867

They're Elins.
Like Harvin from Granblue, they retain their youthful looks throughout their lives.

>> No.17416868

Elins deserve to be bred.

>> No.17416869

Is this from that BS manga with aliens and shit?

>> No.17416877

Thousand year old loli excuse?

>> No.17416885
Quoted by: >>17416956

Most of them could probably be stopped if law enforcement were properly equipped and knew what to do. Since most men wouldn't want to leave the comforts of the 21st century, they'd have to come to us.

>> No.17416906

Can someone help me find the cupid story with the lonely guy she shot.

>> No.17416913

imagine explaining to your parents that their granddaughter is pregnant, and that you're the father.

>> No.17416926

Forget it. It's Chinatown

>> No.17416932
Quoted by: >>17416952

Nah man, I'm good. Thanks anyway tho.

>> No.17416950

>imagine explaining to your parents that you're man pregnant and their granddaughter is the father

>> No.17416952

They're going to find out eventually, might as well rip the band aid off fast.

>> No.17416956

In that case, they'd need abandon all hope, those who enter here.

>> No.17416997
Quoted by: >>17417016

No thanks anon. I'd dick the daughteru, but she wouldn't want to get pregnant. Neither would my waifu after our daughteru, so we'd never get into infinite loops of daughterus and a life full of nothing but sex.

>> No.17417007

>dicking your daughteru
>not allowing her to find a man on her own
>she will always be the third wheel in the relationship
>cucking your wife
I could keep going on why daughteru dicking is utterly degenerate.

>> No.17417016

This is correct.

Your mind is very narrow anon.

>> No.17417033

But my dude, daughteru cunny and papa pecker fit together perfectly! They were made for each other.

>> No.17417038
Quoted by: >>17417040

what about her childhood friend

>> No.17417040

He's lame and inexperienced, and doesn't take initiative.

>> No.17417042
Quoted by: >>17417047

Daughterus are supposed to leave the nest and make a life of their own with a man who can give them their undivided love. By dicking your daughteru, you take away any chance of a normal life for her, and you betray your waifu in the process.

>> No.17417047

What if your waifu is the one who presents your daughteru to you for the dicking?

>> No.17417048


>> No.17417054
File: 409 KB, 1100x1024, a11695821391aee69c935b99e07480c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417637

>"Come, new husband. We make the lovings now."

>The 'lovings'?

>> No.17417060
File: 425 KB, 1146x1650, casualheadpatting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say Onis are natural headpatters. This chapter was pretty gud, especially if you like Oni.

>> No.17417061

Then you ask the waifu what she would do had her dad fucked her instead of you fucking her

>> No.17417066

If the waifu is just as into sexualizing the daughteru, it is 100% fine!

>> No.17417070
Quoted by: >>17417093

That's like wondering what would have happened if you had a different number of siblings than you do now, it's all in the past so it doesn't matter.

>> No.17417073
Quoted by: >>17417093

But that's not the case.

>> No.17417084
Quoted by: >>17417093

That's a hypothetical scenario that would have happened in the past, it would have absolutely no bearing on the present where your waifu has your daughteru naked on the bed in front of you with her little legs and puffy lower lips spread invitingly.

>> No.17417090
File: 258 KB, 1398x861, 1501724872242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long could you last in there with her?

>> No.17417093

Basically it's to show her why dad fucking is bad because had she fucked the dad she would have never met her beloved. So to ensure her daughter also finds true love like her she shouldn't let the daughter fuck dad

>> No.17417100
Quoted by: >>17417178

The deal is that she is convinced you are her daughter's true beloved anon. I mean, you've been so wonderful and special to her, why wouldn't you be the same for her baby?

>> No.17417102
Quoted by: >>17417178

But what if her dad IS her beloved?
I mean. If her dad werent him why would she fuck him in the first place?

>> No.17417104
File: 392 KB, 1146x1650, fdc65193612c65b4f5710d13a43ced9cca862a186cd014ae341ac3aba4467e6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417113

She has a strong maternal instinct, that could serve as encouragement for someone to stay longer in there.

>> No.17417113

I want to do bad things to that ogre.

Really, really bad things.

>> No.17417130

Do we have any healing stories?

>> No.17417138


No one does.


>> No.17417178

I don't think I could say no if my waifu gave me that logic and my daughteru agreed.

Curse you daughteru dickers, this is all your fault.

>> No.17417307

someone did a yeti story

>> No.17417322
File: 65 KB, 396x387, big round dragoon mound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417364


>> No.17417364

Dragoons are infantry soldiers that have been trained in the art of mounted combat, but all I ever see them doing is training by being mounted themselves.

>> No.17417388
Quoted by: >>17417397

Mount the dragon, or let the dragon mount you

>> No.17417390
Quoted by: >>17417397

What monster girl would be most likely to form a pike square to defend against cavalry?

>> No.17417397

Mount the dragon non-sexually, to demonstrate my dominance.

The ones bordering with the centaur clans.

>> No.17417505


I fail to see how putting a soldier on the back of a dragon would in any way increase the combat ability of the dragon.

I mean it's a fucking dragon, why does she need some guy sitting on her waving a pointy stick around? All I could see him doing would be acting more like a co-pilot and less like a mounted soldier.

>> No.17417527
File: 208 KB, 1200x1119, DGO_4m9VYAEpH4G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mices are filthy freeloaders who eat your snacks at night.
Punish them adequately.

>> No.17417554
File: 244 KB, 439x624, 857c2d066b1356c61ad56377e9cef75f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like forcing them to serve me all day while wearing nothing but one of my shirts and nothing underneath? Also, the plural form is just mice.

>> No.17417557
File: 403 KB, 1280x1845, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417581


>> No.17417558

Keep in mind that n a non MG world a dragoon is like flying cavalry

>> No.17417581
Quoted by: >>17417592

Obedient mice are the only good mice

Using a mouse as your onahole while you play video games seems like a good enough punishment

>> No.17417592
File: 374 KB, 600x890, 1497059559812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417617

So, you want to turn that mouse into a real maid? Seems rather nice actually.

>> No.17417616

>I mean it's a fucking dragon, why does she need some guy sitting on her waving a pointy stick around?
Same reason you make sure your infantrymens' families are inside the city they're assigned to defend.
Men fight harder when defeat means the murder/rape of their wives and daughters. Presumably the commanders of dragoons seek to exploit this fact just as countless ancient generals did.

>> No.17417617
Quoted by: >>17417623

Maid training with a mouse would be a very comfy life
Unless you want to be one of these iron fist master who punishes his maid at the slightest mistake

>> No.17417623
Quoted by: >>17417626

Nah, I wouldn't have the heart to do that. Besides, if she was hiding in my house, she's obviously homeless. I couldn't toss her out on the street, and this way she can help support the household too.

>> No.17417626
Quoted by: >>17417635

I'm a tidy guy.
I don't need a maid.
I *do* need a squeaky cumdumpster though.

>> No.17417635

That's a perfectly good use of a mouse too.

>> No.17417637


>> No.17417640

What monster girl would make the best prostitute?
Hard mode: No succubus family species allowed

>> No.17417646


>> No.17417653
Quoted by: >>17417657

None of the ones from MGE

>> No.17417657
File: 489 KB, 891x1200, kejourou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this denial

>> No.17417660

Graped Pharaoh, Queen Slimes, and Humpty Eggs

>> No.17417662

All of them except unicorn and prude warriors.
And yanderes

>> No.17417664
File: 32 KB, 211x73, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know this artist? I got nothing on RIS and the artist signature is so messy

>> No.17417669
File: 171 KB, 600x471, Queen_Slime_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17417699

>Queen Slimes
She could staff an entire brothel with herself.

>> No.17417686
File: 472 KB, 1115x1200, 329_blackharpy_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black harpies. They definitely look the part.

>> No.17417699

A megalomaniac slime queen would be an interesting idea for a villain, claiming all the males and converting the females.

"I'll grow, and grow, and grow... Until I'm all there is."

>> No.17417710

That's sort of what happens when a pharaoh gets graped. She becomes a dancer I think is what was said when some anon did a translation of the extra art, which I imagine wouldn't be too far off from a prostitute.

I'm not sure where you get that humpty eggs would be prostitutes though. I thought they just married the first guy they see on sight.

>> No.17417739
Quoted by: >>17417762

Well, to take this from a philosophical angle, prostitution requires that the prostitute value money more than sex. So all MGE girls would be terrible at it because they really want to give it away for free and/or they're the ones more likely to be paying you.
Therefore my answer is either Tanuki or Dragon, because they're the only ones that even come close to valuing gold more than valuing getting their holes stuffed.

>> No.17417756
File: 161 KB, 1583x2048, DGPjUGUVoAAFfnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell hounds are really cute when they want to be.

>> No.17417758

More barmaid kiki when

>> No.17417760

Zipangu-hound is always cute.
Glad it wasn't just a one off image.

>> No.17417762
Quoted by: >>17417804

Maybe they wouldn't demand money. Instead, they just do it for the spirit energy.

>> No.17417769

I desire to fluff her hair.

I don't know.
What I DO know is that I want to slap that ass.

>> No.17417786

Barmaid Kiki needs to stop eating ALL the leftovers.
It's bad to waste food, but it's even worse to have a rear that barely fits in a door.

>> No.17417797

Thats a funny way of saying its the best thing to have a rear like that.

Barmaid kiki is for rear groping.

>> No.17417801
Quoted by: >>17417819

Ask her for another round! Fresh from the tap!

>> No.17417804

I'm not sure it can really count as prostitution if the girl demands payment in semen?

>> No.17417819

>Ask barmaid kiki for a second round
>This time you want 2 pint
>She happily serves you
>Right before she leaves you ask her to sit down
>Push the 2nd beer toward her and tell her to become your drinking partner
After a beer or two she'll start singing, she might even kiss you too.

>> No.17417841
Quoted by: >>17417843

We need more thick kikis that tend to eat what the master did not finish
Ones that get slightly flustered when they can't fit into the narrow spaces to clean

>> No.17417843
Quoted by: >>17417862

The cutest kikis!

>> No.17417862

We need big and wholesome kikis

>> No.17417865
Quoted by: >>17417880

The kind that fidgit and giggle when master squeezes them?

>> No.17417880
Quoted by: >>17417919

Yes, precisely
The drawfags need to get onto this asap

>> No.17417919
Quoted by: >>17417927

A big, soft kiki is the best thing to come home to

>> No.17417927
Quoted by: >>17417964

Big meido who's ever so slightly body conscious but it's alright because she's so soft and comfortable

>> No.17417964
Quoted by: >>17418143

Just enough to make her flustered whenever you start feeling her up

>> No.17418015

I think people are vastly underestimating the potential of a powerful, perhaps lilim tier Phantom.

>Delve into any story you like as if it were virtual reality
>Live within the world with your waifu for as long as you like while nary an instant passes in "reality"
>Hijack the One Ring from LOTR and book it to some other fantasy novel, live out a power fantasy with the perfect waifu by your side

>> No.17418088
File: 167 KB, 1624x301, 1501628218407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they look young
But isn't that the best?

>> No.17418102
Quoted by: >>17418122

>youthful looks
Childlike looks. Man I hate pedo weasel-words.

>> No.17418122
Quoted by: >>17418146

Reddit please

>> No.17418139 [SPOILER] 
File: 254 KB, 1451x2048, 1501765045437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418184


I bet the Tanuki did this!

>> No.17418143
Quoted by: >>17418191

>ywn pinch your kiki's cute belly

>> No.17418146

Hey you wanna do the dirty with kids in your mind it's none of my business.

But do your words have to come across as so slimy?

>> No.17418171
Quoted by: >>17418176

>This is the sort of people here now
Not even regarding your degenerancy but you talk like a fucking retard.
You're two neurons away from being a vegetable

>> No.17418176

It's probably the same retarded faggot still false-flagging, even after admitting it.

>> No.17418184

So.. What game is that?

>> No.17418191
Quoted by: >>17418200

The greatest feeling would be hearing her whine a bit in embarrassment

>> No.17418200
Quoted by: >>17418271

That's not enough.
You've got to bring out the most embarrassing reaction out of her. Make her chirp.

>> No.17418241
File: 419 KB, 1157x1600, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17418247
Quoted by: >>17418253


>> No.17418248 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418253

Fuck off

>> No.17418253


How else is she gonna grape the pharaoh and take the kingdom for herself?

>> No.17418271
Quoted by: >>17418307

Standing in the center of the mall while jiggling her with a smile?

>> No.17418288 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418308

Go back to /u/ faggot.

>> No.17418290
File: 119 KB, 850x1090, 1494211038065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418322

How would you react to finding out your pure momster isn't so pure?
>be adopted by a momster so innocent, you question whether she is actually a monster girl or not
>she can't handle dirty talk, won't allow anything like porn in the house, and has the uncanny ability to show up at your room just in time to ruin any "private time"
>one night, you're so pent up that you go to her room to tell her to ease up and let you relieve yourself
>when you open the door, you're struck with a sight you never thought you'd see
>your momster lying on her bed, vibrator eggs nestled in her inverted nipples as she shoves two dildos about the size and shape of your dick in her ass and pussy
>she has several pictures of you scattered around her

>> No.17418291
Quoted by: >>17418308

Artist sauce?

>> No.17418299
Quoted by: >>17418523

Absolutely canon though, and pretty hot. I wouldn't mind being the dumb idiot who stands their gawking until they both turn on him with lust in their eyes.

>> No.17418307
Quoted by: >>17418312

No, you jiggle her when you're both in bed until she gets sick of your teasing and smashes your pelvis to bits

>> No.17418308 [DELETED] 

No idea, just saw it dumped in a discord chat.

>getting this triggered by some girl on girl fun

>> No.17418312
Quoted by: >>17418383

Cutest maid

>> No.17418313 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418325

>hanging out in circlejerk discords
>pushing yurishit here

>> No.17418315 [DELETED] 

Discord is cancer.

>> No.17418322
File: 721 KB, 1748x1224, 59269032_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418325 [DELETED] 

>implying this thread isn't a massive circlejerk
>posting 1 image of a canonical scenario is pushing yuri
Wew lad

>> No.17418333 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418353

It isn't supposed to be fun for the Pharaoh though, but that would break the whole point of your defense for posting it here, doesn't it?

>> No.17418334 [DELETED] 

>teehee it doesn't count if it's corruption
One more good reason why corruption is shit for faggots.

>> No.17418343 [DELETED] 

You're using the same excuse that NTRfag /d/ick uses to shitpost.
And yesterday there was that /d/ick that imagedumped shit like a braindead faggot.

>> No.17418347 [DELETED] 

>No idea, just saw it dumped in a discord chat.
Anon, there's a reason I linked it in discord and not here.

>> No.17418353 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418356

There's nothing that states that the pharaoh wouldn't like it.

>> No.17418355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418359

So what's the sauce?

>> No.17418356 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418371

There's nothing that states she would

>> No.17418359 [DELETED] 

That'd be Jiffic's work.

>> No.17418363 [DELETED] 
File: 932 KB, 466x502, 1501681267785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Discord faggots won't just shitpost here
You stupid asshole.

>> No.17418371 [DELETED] 

Your premise is that it's not enjoyable for the pharaoh at all. All I'm getting at is that there's nothing that states it is or isn't, meaning that both scenarios are entirely possible in the setting: one where she likes it and another where she doesn't.

>> No.17418373 [DELETED] 

Did you commission it or something? Cuck

>> No.17418382 [DELETED] 

He's probably Anonlich.

>> No.17418383

What about a milf kiki?

>> No.17418393 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 1150x1750, 1498671567906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey looking back it wasn't the best idea but it'd be a shame not to be able to share in one community because it might spread to another.
Nah, I don't think it's a commission of anyone's in the first place. Besides if I was going to commission something it would be a Jinko, Griffon or more undead and certainly not yuri.

Now have some mofu.

>> No.17418395

She gets made into a milf.

>> No.17418399

That's hot

>> No.17418408 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418420

Anon the fact that you have such a delicate spine that people are walking on eggshells says more about you than them.

>> No.17418412

You make her one, although I fear what pregnancy will do to her

>> No.17418420 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17418497

You're free to shitpost yuri on any other board.

>> No.17418426

Great, now I'm imagining pharaoh Alps.

>> No.17418428

So I just finished this game.
All in all it was pretty good. Not the greatest thing ever, but totally worth the time.

>> No.17418482
File: 45 KB, 131x212, Perfect Sized Ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only MGs with big enough ears are Yao and the really big elin fox ears in Tera

At least I have something.

That one anon with the race queen thing has almost nothing by comparison.

>> No.17418497 [DELETED] 

Including this one
Yuri is not against jp rules

>> No.17418504 [DELETED] 

t. NTRfag

>> No.17418512

I want to tie my waifu up. Then I'll fuck her in the ass while spanking her clit with a pair of mini riding crops.

>> No.17418517 [DELETED] 

>Yuri is not against jp rules
Same argument as always.

>> No.17418523

Would you try to stop the Apophis from graping her?

>> No.17418527

Not him but her personality goes to shit when corrupted

>> No.17418530

He'd just let it happen like any other third wheel cuck.

>> No.17418534

No, graped Pharaohs are hotter, same for anubis.

>> No.17418535

I want to rescue that Pharaoh from the evil snek!

>> No.17418536

>Would you stop an imminent, pelvis pulverizing threesome
I mean, maybe if one or the other was my waifu, I'm a monogamous man at heart.

But if I was unspoken for, simply passing through? Would YOU try to stop the Apophis from graping her?

>> No.17418546
Quoted by: >>17418557

The answer is obvious.

Anon dicks the pharoah AND the grape snake

>> No.17418557
Quoted by: >>17418588

Before or after old sandy vagina gets corrupted?

>> No.17418560

Depends. If the pharaoh was my wife, I would. But even then, the chances of stopping her are low, and she'd just corrupt me as well or end up marrying me as a second wife.
If I'm just a bystander, I'd let it happen. Dark demon realms are the best.

>> No.17418563
Quoted by: >>17418674

Yes, because if it does happen I'd have to move.

>> No.17418567

How would you feel about your Pharaoh waifu taking a loli Grapesnake as her personal slave? Bear in mind that sexual domination would play a big role.

For those of you who prefer Apophis waifus, assume she'd adopt a loli Pharaoh.

>> No.17418577

Assuming I get to dick the loli snek too, sure.

>> No.17418581

I feel like "no."

>> No.17418587

Lolis aren't my thing, so I wouldn't like it too much. Now if my apophis waifu took a normal pharaoh as her personal slave, I'd encourage it.

>> No.17418588

He can get her to slip into hedonism later

>> No.17418618

No,but I would be okay with my loli Pharaoh waifu taking a chubby CC Apophis as her/our sex slave!

>> No.17418619
Quoted by: >>17418623

Put that little shit outside, you don't know where it's been.

>> No.17418623

Where she's been doesn't matter, after a nice bath all that matters is where she's going.

>> No.17418630

Besides Pharaoh and Apophis, what other pair of MGs make for good bigamy?

>> No.17418631
Quoted by: >>17418819

Defang the snek.

>> No.17418640
Quoted by: >>17418709

Apophis and her husband adopting a Pharaoh has much better corruption potential.
>Raise the girl like you would an Apophis
>When she's old enough, send her to a nearby Pharaoh's kingdom posing as a Pharaoh whose kingdom was sacked by an Apophis, but who escaped before she could be corrupted
>After earning the trust of the Pharaoh ruling said kingdom, she betrays her and lets her parents in to conquer and corrupt the Pharaoh

>> No.17418652
Quoted by: >>17418670

A Wock and an Alice.

>> No.17418656

Vampire and Dhampir. There's even extra art showing this.

>> No.17418659
Quoted by: >>17418689

Baphomet and holstaur

>> No.17418661

Paladin-chan and Beelzebub

>> No.17418662
Quoted by: >>17418665

Kikimora and Shoggoth.

>> No.17418665

Kikimora twins while we're at it.

>> No.17418670

>pairing the lewdest monster with the most innocent
oh anon.

>> No.17418673

A loli pharaoh or apophis sex slave is only acceptable if she's your slave with no third wheels.

>> No.17418674
Quoted by: >>17418679

property value must be a pain in mge
>rowdy onis move in ruining it
>lich reanimating zombies scaring off people
>apophis takeover scares off neighbors
>coon trying to ruin your single neighbors finances
>sabbath/mg cults start scaring off other people
>rejected lilim/lonely cupid sets off a dark matter

>> No.17418676

A Kobold and a smaller Kobold!

>> No.17418679
Quoted by: >>17418686

That's why you git gud at magic and make yourself a floating island.

>> No.17418685

Yes. I fight for the Pharaoh.

I might fail

>> No.17418686
Quoted by: >>17418688

>making a floating island
>when you can just summon a meteor, stop it and then terraform it

>> No.17418688
Quoted by: >>17418693

Not as aesthetically pleasing and also I ain't no dirty fucking mer.

>> No.17418689

>they constantly bully each other's chests

>> No.17418693

>dirty fucking mer
u wot n'wah

>> No.17418695

Dormouse and a Large mouse would be the dream team for me

>> No.17418701

What about Hellhounds?

>> No.17418708
Quoted by: >>17418736

They rape, yeah, but pretty much all MGs rape.
It would be easier to list the MGs that DON'T rape.

>> No.17418709

Other way around is better.
>Pharaoh and her husband adopt a young Apophis
>Raise her to become a respectable young lady

>> No.17418717

just build some dogparks

>> No.17418729
File: 1.53 MB, 1474x1070, 64209203_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17418731
Quoted by: >>17418750

Hellhound and Cheshire.

>> No.17418734

Sabbath go home.

>> No.17418736
Quoted by: >>17418761

White Horn
Cu Sith

That's all I can think of at the moment, but that's already more than I expected. Seems to run in the more reserved girls.

>> No.17418737
Quoted by: >>17418743

Will I get arrested?

>> No.17418743
Quoted by: >>17418746

Are you in Order territory?

>> No.17418746
Quoted by: >>17418798

Maybe. Depends. How does the order punish lolicons?

>> No.17418750


>> No.17418761
Quoted by: >>17418764

Dormouse as well. Like the Alice, they don't rape but rather drive others to rape them.

>> No.17418762

Get the behind me, devils!

>> No.17418764
Quoted by: >>17418829

Isn't that technically still rape because you are coerced to do it?

>> No.17418786

Griffon and Dragon, imagine the double paizuri from girls that are rivals.

>> No.17418798

The same way they punish all sexual deviants. By forcing them to impregnate human women instead.

>> No.17418809
Quoted by: >>17418824

>really like the devil loli on the left
>find out she's from a garbage fucking isekai LN and has almost no art
why are we still here, just to suffer?

>> No.17418810

Ever wondered how monster girl meat tastes like?

>> No.17418814

go away futafag

>> No.17418817

How about you do a flip and find out.

>> No.17418819

Yeah, Apophis a shit.
No, purify her let her be.
The best choice.

>> No.17418824

>why are we still here, just to suffer?
You're figuring this out just now?

>> No.17418829

Where do you draw the line between that and seduction?
If we narrow the list down to those that don't even use unconscious charm spells or the like we'd have a much smaller list.

>> No.17418833

It would be too much for the dick to take.

>> No.17418836
Quoted by: >>17418852

A chubby dragon and muscled Griffin.

The best pair right there

>> No.17418841
File: 107 KB, 595x842, Griffon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense, the angry double paizuri is fine. It's once they start competing over who gets to give a blowjob you need to worry about your dick.

>> No.17418844

Like the animal spices they are, obviously

>> No.17418851
Quoted by: >>17418885

Better hope that you get them both pregnant at the same time.
Because if you don't, the one that isn't is going to stay on your dick 24/7 until she is as well.

>> No.17418852
Quoted by: >>17418888

Muscle Griffon is fine but I like my dragons with bodies like https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1686031

>> No.17418863

>angry paizuri
Rough paizuri still not there

>> No.17418865

No sabbath here, it's just a few scantily-clad younger girls on your bed expecting something.

>> No.17418885
Quoted by: >>17418928

Would be dangerous, but worth it.

A problem there is that the pregnant one will also be hornier. There is no escape.

>> No.17418887
Quoted by: >>17418928

>Not kissing it from either side, each grabbing one ball apiece

>> No.17418888

I would spoil a Griffin and dragon rotten with sweets

>> No.17418928

>Would be dangerous, but worth it.
So worth it.especially when they're both laying there holding hands while exhausted and full spirit energy after you've fucked them.
The only time they can get along and be friendly is after they've been dicked.
One of them's going to be greedy and go for the blowjob though.

>> No.17418929

What happens when the Sabbath Scouts want to go on a field trip to anon's house for some of his delicious milk and cookies?

>> No.17418937

They probably get rejected. If anon is a lolicon thry get the D.

>> No.17418939

I just got to this today.
Croix :(((

>> No.17418940

He gives them 10 dollars to fuck off to the store and buy some

>> No.17418955
Quoted by: >>17418963

> :(((

>> No.17418963

I appreciate in retrospect that ironic redditposting is dangerously mistakable for actual redditposting in the current year. Consider this a mea culpa.

>> No.17418969

2nd part is translated already?

>> No.17418976
File: 178 KB, 1280x1024, kej ojou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17418982

I'm going to spank a haughty ojou kej

>> No.17418982
File: 377 KB, 1000x928, SheWantsTheB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why spank when you can brush

>> No.17418989
Quoted by: >>17418999

They get feed Holstaur milk and cookies made with Holstaur milk.

>> No.17418992

Why not spank her with the brush?

>> No.17418996

Every time i see a new mouse girl photo they get even more cemented in my mind as best species. Mouse girls are fucking cuties.

>> No.17418999

.... I would snuggle oppai Sabbath scouts, especially if their too small uniforms get pushed out so you can see their belly buttons

>> No.17419001

They would do lewd and unspeakable things, unlike those pure, wholesome Snuggle Scouts

>> No.17419004
Quoted by: >>17419011

I feel like some of the girls would try to treat Anon like a prostitute, and give him all their pocket change so they can suck him off. I don't know why that sounds so hot to me.

>> No.17419007
Quoted by: >>17419020

if it was my house I'd play video games with them. Familiars and Baphomets seem like they would be fun to hang out with.

>> No.17419011
Quoted by: >>17419018

>they all pool their money to hopefully have enough to give anon one orgasm
Would you take pity on them?

>> No.17419013

As long as my daughteru is good with having her friends over they can absolutely come have some milk and cookies!

>> No.17419018

I would definitely take pity on them, I might even sneak a few bucks back into their pockets once morning comes, as well as make them waffles n
french toast.

>> No.17419020
Quoted by: >>17419029

Wonder how smug those girls can get when they wreck you in vidya.

Maybe they'll throw a tantrum if it's the other way around.

>> No.17419029
Quoted by: >>17419038

>baphomet's face when you blue shell her
>the familiar and witch start laughing
>laughter is immediately stopped when the baphomet breaks their secret agreement that whoever won got to rape you first

>> No.17419038
Quoted by: >>17419044

But what if anon won? Does anon get to rape himself first, do they flip a coin, or what?

>> No.17419044

If anon won the backup plan is to decide via rock paper scissors.

>> No.17419052
File: 1.40 MB, 3568x3008, 6bc6dee533882a16b891bb3ebb6cc9be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419088

>Sabbath go home

>> No.17419073
File: 327 KB, 1254x1900, DGTDENPUwAAXVCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17419075

>a baphomet develops a way to stop time in a pocket dimension she created
>sets up a massive gaming room with every console imaginable along with a sweet rig
>spends decades mastering every video game going all the way back to Pong
>whenever anon tries to play her in any game she absolutely schools him with no effort whatsoever
>she's incredibly smug about it when she wins, ridiculing him even for his pathetic gaming skills
>anon is cursed to lose every game to his loli waifu till the end of time
>he's forever bullied by his waifu
>she makes up for it by giving him plenty of lewd time however

>> No.17419078

She can win all the video games she wants, as long as I can still toss her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and spank her whenever I feel like it things will be just fine.

>> No.17419080
Quoted by: >>17419158

Too petite for me.

>> No.17419086

That's just lame though. She'd want to play games and I'd always reject her because it's not fun getting stomped.

She has no one to blame but herself.

>> No.17419088

I want the Sabbath to give me an Elin shaped Jinko.
Joke's on her, I don't care about winning or losing in multi player I just really want company.

>> No.17419095

I like to think when you go to fondle her ears they twitch slightly

>> No.17419099

Somehow I don't trust that shog, no telling what's in that syringe.

>> No.17419104

I-is the needle made of her?

>> No.17419105
Quoted by: >>17419110

>what's in that syringe.
a love potion

>> No.17419107
Quoted by: >>17419116

Its candy
You humans like candy right?

>> No.17419110
Quoted by: >>17419115

Knowing her kind it's probably part of her in there and she's doing it so she can always be with you.

>> No.17419113

I don't like needles. They scare me.

>> No.17419115
Quoted by: >>17419120

She needs to make sure you're clean, inside and out. Other maids wish they could be so thorough.

>> No.17419116
Quoted by: >>17419122

Candy doesn't get injected directly into your veins, what a dumb shog!

>> No.17419120

>shog cells fighting off any infections or potential illnesses in your body
That's kind of sweet.

>> No.17419122

Its a fake syringe so it is just a toy filled with sour juice like that one candy with the juice and lolipop

>> No.17419125
File: 144 KB, 895x893, Fashionable Deer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419304

Would your MG waifu try and copy the fashions of superior other MG girls?

>> No.17419127

>what's in that syringe
It's full of S I L L Y

>> No.17419150
File: 285 KB, 1731x1092, hFdco8y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would undead kingdoms be like during Halloween?

>> No.17419154


>> No.17419156 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 250x227, 1501782801678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17419158

So that's why vaccines cause Shoggism.

Then feed her your SE until she can accumulate more mass. Eventually she will have enough of it to make you an entire house out of herself

>> No.17419161
Quoted by: >>17419179

extra spooky.

>> No.17419162

Castlevania re-enactments by Anons with a Vampire waifu. Other monster girls are welcome to join in and stop Anon from reaching Draculina.

>> No.17419165

Does anyone every worry about minotaur, holstaur, or any other girl with horns accidently goring them?

>> No.17419175

The loli anubis that Nav drew has nice ones. Foxes and wolfus should have nice big and perky ears, so you can pet and molest them while lewding her.

>> No.17419178

Mess with the bull and you get the horns

>> No.17419179

Undead Kingdoms aren't spooky, it's just so dark that you can't see anything until it's sucking your dick.

>> No.17419184
Quoted by: >>17419207

Their horns probably have the same effect as mershark teeth or warrior girl swords.

>> No.17419187

Literally mumbomana

>> No.17419193

I worry for their pillow and mattress more.

>> No.17419207

>minotaur gores an Anon she likes
>his spirit energy bleeds from the wound and he passes out
>she literally carries him home

I can see this happen.

>> No.17419233
File: 935 KB, 1000x707, 50079925_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yharnam + Castlevania + standard Halloween festivities

>> No.17419249
Quoted by: >>17419256

> minotaur gores an anon she likes
> she's actually just gored him with her horns, no tricks
> he goes into shock
> dies like a toreador

>> No.17419256
Quoted by: >>17419265


>> No.17419260
Quoted by: >>17419271

>loli minotaur gores anon
>she's too weak to carry him off
>she just settles for using him as a daki out in the open until he wakes up

>> No.17419265

>replying to him

>> No.17419270
Quoted by: >>17419274

That sounds amazing.

>> No.17419271

I wondered about that with wendigos. They carry collapsed travelers and take them somewhere safe, so they must be able to lift and drag a fully grown man or stuff them in the coat somehow.

>> No.17419272
Quoted by: >>17419280

How do you guys find all this rad counts-as undead kingdom scenery art on pixiv?

>> No.17419274

Maybe if you're a crazy person.

>> No.17419275

I'd bet on a combination of abnormal strength and coat magic.

>> No.17419280
File: 2.41 MB, 1924x3092, 47965930_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm too lazy to use the actual tag for scenic stuff like this, I just use Navs Pixiv favorites as a springboard.

>> No.17419281

The coat might grant strength. It would explain why it turns a man into the incredible hulk inside that pocket dimension.

>> No.17419292

And this is how you generate ennough salt to stop someone from playing video games forever and picking up another hobby, like guitar, or model trains.

>> No.17419299

True, it is tragic to live in a world where no games were ever invented for less than two players.

>> No.17419304
Quoted by: >>17419315

Yeti and White Horn should swap clothes, it would be beneficial for both of them

>> No.17419315

>how to turn a White Horn into a beet-red blushing mess

>> No.17419325
Quoted by: >>17419350

> start playing guitar
> bapho waifu takes it into her pocket dimension, emerges as bapho hendrix.
> play with trains
> baph perfects her model train skill and blows you out every time you play with her

>> No.17419344

Why brush with an impersonal item? You should stroke her hair with your hands and face.

>> No.17419350

I feel like this bapho is just asking to get constantly hatefucked by her future hubby or needs to learn how to make friends properly.

>> No.17419369
File: 935 KB, 1488x1217, 1432412828241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to gently cuddlefuck a huge, dopey Muskox girl. That there best goatpussy combined with the shaggy, laid-back laziness of a huge arctic mammal. I bet they'd be blonde, too.

>> No.17419391

I dunno man, their horn game doesn't seem on point
How you gonna enjoy goatpussy without big large handlebars to use?

>I bet they'd be blonde, too.
Maybe brunettes with blonde streaks
CCs would have white streaks

>> No.17419424

I can never decide which I want more, monster girl bongou or nagato.

>> No.17419437
Quoted by: >>17419455

Left has better horns but her face is lewd, right has a pure face and plain horns but she's secretly lewd. I can't decide either. I'd like an outwardly lewd but secretly pure girl.

>> No.17419438

She was already crazy about [YOU] before monsterization, so now she makes a regular monster girl look like a frigid bitch.

>> No.17419446

Delete that filth

>> No.17419448

Monster Girls that would be improved by having another MG's profile clothing.

For example, Troll's in Wight's dress.

>> No.17419451

>She was already crazy about [YOU] before monsterization
How fucked are you if a Paladin-chan that was yandere for you but too pious to make a move gets corrupted?

>> No.17419455

Kongou is deredere as fuck and knows a bit of engrish, nagato is the strict and serious type with a soft side. God it's hard to pick.
That's almost fear boner material.

>> No.17419457

just have auto protect on.

>> No.17419477

>tall, big breasted anubis in hakutaku clothing
>baphomet in wight clothing
>manticore in a kej outfit

>> No.17419485

>Lilim in Mad Hatter's tight-fitting suit
Good Lord

>> No.17419489
File: 361 KB, 531x743, d49db73668fcd6835690354b4e0e9f30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu's horns stick out to the sides so realistically the worst she does is dig them into my skull during cuddles.

>> No.17419503

Kikimora in a Cheshire's outfit.

>> No.17419506
File: 955 KB, 800x981, 64050732_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17419510
Quoted by: >>17419513

Fox Springs!

>> No.17419513

Are dangerous!

>> No.17419514
Quoted by: >>17419569

Finally my dream of renting a fluff to cuddle in the open air baths will come true!

>> No.17419569
Quoted by: >>17419570

>renting a fluff
...How much would one cost for an evening of warm soaking and even warmer cuddling? Are the drinks included?

>> No.17419570
Quoted by: >>17419586

Exactly 7 daughterus

>> No.17419586
Quoted by: >>17419593

That's pretty expensive, Ms. Nook. That's what I'd expect to pay for an exclusive lifetime subscription with her with as many cuddles both in and out of the baths as I wanted whenever I wanted.

>> No.17419593
Quoted by: >>17419616

I thought that's what you wanted so I gave you the price anon

>> No.17419616
Quoted by: >>17419623

What happens if I impregnate her an eighth time?

>> No.17419623
Quoted by: >>17419627

That's illegal. It exceeds the maximum amount of mofu per family.

>> No.17419627

I'll do it anyway, if if the girl ends up a wizard mofu.

>> No.17419667
Quoted by: >>17419675

>Redcap is Wisps princess gown

>> No.17419670
Quoted by: >>17419718

Hobgoblin in a kiki dress.

>> No.17419675
File: 318 KB, 888x1009, Redcap barb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419698

Redcaps only get rags. If you give them clothes, they think they are free 'Caps

>> No.17419677

Kobold in a Kiki outfit!

>> No.17419684

Minotaur in a Wight's dress.

>> No.17419698

Barb draws the lewdest MGs. That redcap is pretty sassy.

>> No.17419718

>Barmaid kiki and a hobgoblin switch clothes.

I can dig it very much

>> No.17419761
File: 200 KB, 669x786, 1401228208141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419770

It's time for tsunchuffs

>> No.17419770
Quoted by: >>17419792

Tsunchuffs a cute.
I want a strongfat chuff that pouts whenever I sit next to her but holds me there when I have to get up for something.

>> No.17419772
File: 275 KB, 900x1122, b935ca13343b5607d8cad4cb81707da21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fertile dragons are for ______

>> No.17419778


>> No.17419781

Crit-ing with star generator Servants!

>> No.17419782

Impregnating more than once.

>> No.17419783

Alice in Baphomet's clothes

>> No.17419792
File: 286 KB, 800x656, blushing tiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just puts a huge paw on your shoulder to hold you down, and when you look at her she blushes and looks away

>> No.17419793
File: 281 KB, 992x1403, Ratatosk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17419803

Local Mail Squirrel!

>> No.17419809
Quoted by: >>17419814

Just how fast are Ratatoskr's able to scamper around?

>> No.17419813
Quoted by: >>17419831

And the excuse would be that its rude for me to leave her alone at the table, not because she wants me to stay next to her for a little while longer.

>> No.17419814

Fast! They gotta deliver letters in a hurry!

>> No.17419816

I wanna sleep on top of my fit jinko and rub her abs and thighs at night as she purrrs

while planting kisses on her skin of course!

>> No.17419821

Tiger's chuff

>> No.17419831
File: 352 KB, 925x694, jinko happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cute
Mountain lions are the biggest cats that purr

Tigers chuff

>> No.17419858

Goddamn you are just busting these out lately.
Dark Slime when?

>> No.17419866

Do all MG's have the same hair color as their profile pics or can it vary?

>> No.17419872

They only have one hair color

>> No.17419873

It varies with the body type.

>> No.17419874

Do all humans look like the picture in their wikipedia article or can it vary?

>> No.17419877

Just about everything about the MG can vary anon. There are some fixed traits, Lilims all have White Hair, Apophi all are purple, Desert girls are brown skinned, ect.
Mostly it's all fair game though.

>> No.17419890
Quoted by: >>17419898

>housecats act just like this

They're not really domesticated at all, are they?

>> No.17419898

housecats are just smart enough to know they can't kill us and can use us for heat and food.

>> No.17419933
Quoted by: >>17419967

Wow, you're really a monster girl factory lately huh?

>> No.17419967

>tfw you'll never turn your wife into a monster girl factory
>tfw you'll attend your 3rd granddaughter's college graduation with your heavily pregnant wife

>> No.17419976

>mershark teeth necklace
Hope my mershark waifu realizes they will fall out over the course of our relationship and dosent start yanking them out.

>> No.17419981
File: 208 KB, 1323x1500, C9hRdoYU0AAsVC5.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17419987

I wanna marry a Skunkgirl!

>> No.17419987

That's not a skunk, that's a wolfu.

>> No.17419992
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x1684, tumblr_orpk1t5zzY1w169g0o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how one could mistake the perfection that is wolfus for a stinky skunk

>> No.17419994
File: 55 KB, 550x416, riiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, same thing.

>> No.17420002
File: 142 KB, 960x731, 1353908815301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420008

Most wolfus aren't black and white, really.

>> No.17420006
File: 814 KB, 1500x1938, Selene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here is the start of something new, it wont be as long as my other multi parts, but I plan for one or two things to before a goal is reach


Now to continue with my promise, Part 5 of burning edge is next

>> No.17420008
File: 1.14 MB, 2009x2395, 1498055281121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420011

Now I want to see art of an anubutt with a big piece of watermelon crammed into her mouth.

>> No.17420011
Quoted by: >>17420020

There's one of Polt, I think

>> No.17420017
File: 794 KB, 830x1200, 1440812150332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420360

I still need to see some demon corruption.
The idea of having to take it slow to make sure she turns into a demon and not a succubus gets me hard.

>> No.17420020

Polt isn't a monstergirl.

>> No.17420022

Poor selene got penetrated and the guy just ditched her like that. A shame she isn't pure anymore. Other than that, you use the word untested instead of undefeated, which, while fitting, totally changes what he was saying.

>> No.17420024
File: 851 KB, 2480x3507, 1444789488205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a lounge singer snake

>> No.17420025
File: 799 KB, 1280x1360, 1492557597825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey Wolf is the best friend next to Lion and Moose.

>> No.17420027
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_os0ydh2Vvk1w169g0o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never actually seen the show. It looks cute though.

>> No.17420040

Would you let your monstergirl waifu keep your dick in a chastity cage?

If yes, what would she do with it?

>> No.17420044
Quoted by: >>17420054

Yep, she would be pretty cute despite being very big, very soft, and very strong.

I'm stuck between figuring out if she'll be big up top or big down below.

>> No.17420045

But Anon, emperor is best.

>> No.17420054
Quoted by: >>17420073


>> No.17420056

>Would you let your monstergirl waifu keep your dick in a chastity cage?
Absolutely I would anon! Chastity play is really great and I'm sure my waifu would want me to kkeep her in chastity sometimes too.

>If yes, what would she do with it?
Probably wear it as one of the tags on her collar, that way she can display it while keeping it safe and close at the same time.

>> No.17420061
File: 548 KB, 1000x1250, 795a2135aa9b92f70b70fbe3461c5a72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420082

Minotaur goes to sleep, wakes up in the middle of the night, finds anon cuddling to her abs.

>> No.17420063

no that is the exact opposite of what I want a monstergirl for.

>> No.17420066
Quoted by: >>17420095

Like potery.

>> No.17420069
Quoted by: >>17420095

kdf please go

>> No.17420073
Quoted by: >>17420089

I guess.

Overly big up top and overly big down below with a little bit about the middle would be nice.

>> No.17420081
File: 58 KB, 298x322, suzuka sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a possessive waifu who makes sure that all your cum goes to her is the best, would happily allow her to control my ejaculation.

Even better is she curses my dick! I want to never be able to cum without her permission!

>> No.17420082

Does she act

A) embarassed in a tomboyish way, wondering why someone like him wants someone who's so masculine like her
B)Aggressive, wanting to fuck his brains out
C)Cuddly, holds him close and whispers she loves him

>> No.17420083
File: 186 KB, 850x1202, 1496509727813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barb makes me want to do bad things to good dragons
>Marigold looks innocent enough, but nibble her ear fin and smack her ass, and you'll really flip her switch
>Silvia is secretly a glutton for punishment, a sadist's wet dream
>Penny is pure in mind, but her body knows how to be downright lewd

>> No.17420086

Yeah, sure. She could keep it on a necklace or something, but she'd want to keep it with her.

>> No.17420089
Quoted by: >>17420108

a big ass is superior to a small ass, but a girl with a flat chest and a big ass is great. a girl with big tiddies and big ass is great too. a girl with big tiddies and no ass makes 0 sense. so a big ass is necessary in all cases.

>> No.17420093
File: 18 KB, 254x255, Cf_u4wpW4AAO9zv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chastity cages are for cuckolds.

>> No.17420095

The right question is much better bait for KDF than angry autistic rageposts.

>> No.17420096
Quoted by: >>17420101


>> No.17420101

because you're getting off on not fucking your wife.

>> No.17420108
Quoted by: >>17420156

It wouldn't be no ass, just an average ass.

A tall, strongfat chuffer with a huge rear and a modest chest would be kinda cute though, especially when she's glaring at the large breasted kiki waitress at the bar.

>> No.17420113
Quoted by: >>17420128

It's called denial play anon.

>> No.17420116
Quoted by: >>17420128

That's not what chastity is about at all. for some it's getting off on fucking ONLY your wife, and only when she wants it.

>> No.17420124

This is true. Only cucks and closeted cucks are into chastity.

>> No.17420128

I guess I really can't understand trusting anyone to let them be in a position of power over me. I really can't even fathom subbing. I'd be really confused and unaroused.

>> No.17420156
File: 253 KB, 541x700, jinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420160

>spends all night glaring at top heavy kiki waitress
>tears into a rare steak shooting daggers from her eyes
>later pounces on you as soon as you get home, blushing, and asks
>husband, are you of liking my chest?

>> No.17420157
File: 129 KB, 850x1567, sample_66f73253eee4fc1287fd7eb1d217c4a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420167

I want to get slapped by a muscular MG bouncer or security guard, very hard as in really loud and having her 5 fingers (or digits if she has a paw) printed on my cheek, being bent in the direction of the slap and getting teary eyes. Having a raging boner immediately upon which she will smile and give me another one in the other cheek, getting even more turned on. Then get lifted up by her, carried away, raped all night and be told by her Im now her husband.

>> No.17420160

I would enjoy that chest.
It could always be a bit bigger but its fine, especially with that huge rear of hers.

>> No.17420163

Or maybe she thinks its a nice dream.

>> No.17420167

>Then get lifted up by her, carried away, raped all night and be told by her Im now her husband.
>"Sigh, we loose more bodyguards that way."

>> No.17420168

C most likely.

>> No.17420178
Quoted by: >>17420223

Friendly reminder that all loli MGs should be kept tied and gagged in the basement at all times except for the ones when they're serving Master's sexual needs.

>> No.17420182

I doubt theres many guys who would get turned on by getting the shit slapped out of them. Most would likely just run away crying. Few would be the ones to activate their "willing mate" instinct. So I doubt they lose too many bodyguards.

>> No.17420204

Quite the contrary. She would remain and be an even more aggressive bodyguard, so that she gets to slap trespassers and threats into submission making her husband get hard as diamonds. Then when her shift ends she get to have really hot sex with her extremely turned on husband.

>> No.17420210

Could you make A Matchless Succubus Masochistic?

>> No.17420220

a what?

>> No.17420223
Quoted by: >>17420234

Sir, you appear to be unaware that you have made a heretical statement. What say you in your defense?

>> No.17420227

Of course.

>> No.17420234

Shut up, nerd!

>> No.17420241
File: 27 KB, 533x340, JFe74XYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420256

Is it cannibalism if you eat monsters?

>> No.17420256
Quoted by: >>17420261

Its waifunalism. Which is worse.

>> No.17420261

What if your waifu is particularly savage and her home has a custom where a husband and wife eat a chunk of each others' flesh as part of their vows?

>> No.17420262 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 210x210, 1501803825718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17420267
Quoted by: >>17420283

Unless its a Chaos Monster I dont see it.

>> No.17420278

maybey with a slime,
where you drink part of her and she drinks your semen since slime think thats part of you.

>> No.17420283
Quoted by: >>17420356

I know certain species of sharks bite each other for mating courtship, not sure if they actually do much damaged though

>> No.17420288

Anon, would you let your waifu play with your nipples?

>> No.17420293

I aint got those

>> No.17420294

That's a ready to rape pose if I ever saw one.

>> No.17420313

I want to spoil my adopteru salamander with cakes, candies, and sweets.

>> No.17420317

I guess. It's not really an erogenous zone, but so long as she didn't try nothing too freaky, I really don't care.

>> No.17420319

Yes. As much as she likes.

>> No.17420325

A lot of the time yeah.

>> No.17420326

Of course. Why wouldn't I?

>> No.17420327
Quoted by: >>17420342

No. That's weird and it sound like it'd hurt honestly.

>> No.17420342

>sound like it'd hurt honestly
Um... you're not supposed to try tearing them off.

>> No.17420344


>> No.17420356
Quoted by: >>17420386

Well certaintly Mershark is not that way.

I could imagine an aquartic Chaos Monster that has high regenerating abilities that she shares with her husband which allow both to eat each other literally and in a way that cause pleasure rather than pain.

Fuck, given how CMs can apparently literally become one with their husbands, I could even see each eating each other in such a way that the man ends up becoming the MG and the MG becomes the man (switching bodies through the constant eating and regeneration), and then repeating the process until they recover their original bodies, and then repeat over and over.

>> No.17420360

Truly the best.

>> No.17420361

Like I have a choice.

>> No.17420371

The correct answer would be "Only if I get to play with hers".

Not that it matters in my case since I'd be restrained by 8 tails anyway and completely at her mercy.

>> No.17420386

That's disgusting and intimate at the same time.

>> No.17420395

>I'm pretty sure a tentacle girl wouldn't really comprehend the word "no", and it feels good anyway.

>> No.17420401

Hmmm, seem to have goofed that.

>> No.17420403
Quoted by: >>17420429

Can you imagine just laying on a bed of your tentacle wife's tentacles as she idly smiles and plays with your nips while also gently pumping at your dick with a specialized suction tentacle, and a million other things?
Just cutely smiling and twirling a tentacle in her hair as she sighs at your ecstatic rapturous orgasm face and kisses the top of your head as you cum once again, almost bone dry from the constant orgasms
Best lewdcute girl!

>> No.17420424

She can't win always win at mario retardy.

>> No.17420429

Oh my. Add some gentle bondage and it's a perfect night. Tentacles are the best, they can make each and every orgasm a work of art. Teasing and building until the perfect moment, working you through slowly until you're drooling and glassy-eyed even before you fall over the edge. Then starting over again...

Too good for this world

>> No.17420439

I want a super stacked, shortstack holst that has to be careful with her balance.

>> No.17420447
Quoted by: >>17420477

Damn right.
>Add some gentle bondage and it's a perfect night
So you'd want her to tenderly wrap your wrists and ankles then suspend you up above her as she continues her artistry on your downstairs and chest while she raises her main body up and smiles right into your eyes?
Only leaving to blow on and then softly place her slick tongue against your ear as she brings up a different feeler to massage your scalp and the back of your neck?
Because that sounds like perfection indeed.

>> No.17420456

I have a weakness to light touches, so they are pretty much fair game once she catches on.

Ears, neck, chest, and nipples.

I'm diamonds just thinking about it. Afraid I might attract a Dark Elf or Arachne.

>> No.17420461
Quoted by: >>17420477

>Tentacle works her magic and gives you godlike edging for hours and hours and hours
>As you writhe and buck and nearly break your mind begging for release, she knowingly keeps you lightly restrained
>finally she exposes your dick to the air but for a moment before gently lowering her main actual pussy down on you
>leans forward and whispers she loves you as she releases her grasp of you otherwise, though her tentacles are still pleasantly massaging and groping at you, only now you have full range of motion and movement
How high on the richter scale would you smash?

>> No.17420465

Who knew so many of you were nipple sluts?

>> No.17420472

Fact, a large amount of mge fans are subs. I'm not entirely sure why honestly, since a fair amount of monsters are subby.

>> No.17420473

I was playing with my nipples before I found out to play with my dick.
Not long before, but still.

>> No.17420474

shit that came out wrong, I accidentally deleted a sentence wondering about the absence of really any doms. They pop up now and again, but hey don't talk often.

>> No.17420477
Quoted by: >>17420504

That would be fun... the possible positions are endless. Enough bondage that she has full access to all of your sensitive parts, but loose enough that you can writhe, and know that your own pleasure prevents you from even considering escape.

You have no idea...

I'm about halfway through writing a tentacle story that will end with something very similar. Essentially bondage lotus position with prostate massage.

>> No.17420478
Quoted by: >>17420484

There was a time in which MGE was more about monsters raping humans and not humans picking waifus

>> No.17420481

I'm a slut for plenty more degenerate stuff than nipples anon, nipples are hardly more than vanilla for me.

>> No.17420482
File: 143 KB, 600x800, 25ffc4a25a44e682519fce015eef59f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420496

I'm not really a nipple slut, but goddamn, now I can't get the image of a Hellhound licking my chest down with her long, warm tongue out of my head.

>> No.17420483

How does nipple play have anything to do with dom/sub? It's neutral foreplay.

>> No.17420484
Quoted by: >>17420499

wasnt that because of the original translators mistranslating the profiles to make them femdom heavy?

>> No.17420488

I don't know why, but braided hair is my absolute favorite hairstyle.

>> No.17420492

>If you like your nipples being played with you're a sub
Yall need to chill on the generalization and forced dichotomies
t. domfag

>> No.17420496
Quoted by: >>17420578

I just want a permanently lactating hellhound with massively large breasts.

>> No.17420499

How so

>> No.17420501
Quoted by: >>17420518

Which writers do you wish would write more? Which do you want to stay go?

>> No.17420504


>> No.17420518
Quoted by: >>17420559

better question,
what do you consider good writing?

>> No.17420538

I wasn't planning on responding to two posts, so my format got a bit fucked up.

>> No.17420549
Quoted by: >>17420570

Why do people here get so triggered over ellipses anyways? I don't use it much, personally, but I don't understand the issue.

>> No.17420559
Quoted by: >>17420564

Stories like Ilothe and It's Not The Fall.

>> No.17420564

can you give me examples of paragraphs or sentences where the writing really shines?

>> No.17420570

There is no issue, nobody actually cares.

>> No.17420578

Is Hellhound milk tasty?

>> No.17420582

I bet it tastes like cinnamon

>> No.17420587

It's probably warm with a hint of spices to it.

Really I just want to sneak up on her while she's lazing about and play with those titties till I hear them sloshing

>> No.17420595

Would you ever be just friends and nothing more with a childhood monstergirl friend?

>> No.17420597

I want to worship her!

>> No.17420600
File: 319 KB, 677x480, tamamo friendzoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420644


>> No.17420607

>childhood friend
>nothing more
Enjoy getting raped

>> No.17420644
Quoted by: >>17420658

Friendzone doesnt exist in MGE. (well it does among humans, just to show off why MGs are superior)

>> No.17420648
File: 460 KB, 900x3810, 32271ed90a0b779b7027b539c20740c99bac6bde409a7a72710185495d3ca498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Rex bodyguard waifu

>> No.17420655
File: 976 KB, 777x1087, 1499829812878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420695

No, cause she would be an uber buff Minotaur.

>> No.17420658
File: 3.26 MB, 2000x2000, 1499738621415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420723

the friendzone does most surely exist in monmusu quest

>> No.17420661

I'm approximately 0% into femdom and I do post time to time. But those preferences are also pretty vanilla and don't stand out that much compared to how sub the subs are.

>> No.17420670
Quoted by: >>17420728

>You will never tame and lead a pack of deadly Raptor Girls.

>> No.17420685
Quoted by: >>17420697

>No girl like this to grab a handful of ass, haul her up and run her into the bedroom, throwing her onto the bed before tearing her clothes off
>all while half her size
Big girls are love

>> No.17420695

That minotaur is a bit too beefy for my liking.

Also why is there one spot of the kids back blacked out? Does he have an extra dick on his back?

>> No.17420697

Nothing better than grabbing the ass of those Big cows and watching their little tails start wiggling.

>> No.17420706
File: 1.04 MB, 1050x1650, Why did he choose me, I wonder....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be a man that walks into spotlight / throne room hall and immediately feel like a Demon Choir theme song should accompany me.

Is that so much to ask? A monster Hero that feels good? A hero for monsters with the feeling of divine purpose?

>> No.17420723

Momonsu Quest is a very, very, very dark world disguised as a MG waifu setting, which it definitively isnt. Getting raped to death is a mercy there.

>> No.17420727
File: 14 KB, 300x169, okay whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why not.

>> No.17420728

I dont need a pack, one is enough.

>> No.17420733

>disguised as a MG waifu setting
no, its pretty upfront on what it is.

>> No.17420739
File: 569 KB, 600x600, 1345653443433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame, because Granberia is such a qt

>> No.17420743

Dunkelosteus mermaid. Just think about it for a moment.

>> No.17420751
File: 606 KB, 894x914, luka gran lovey dovey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17420766

Tamamo (before Paradox ruined her) was the only redeemable character.

Granberia has a cute design, I find her strenght hot as fuck and parts of her personality are nice, but she still has no problem killing for real and that prevents me from liking her.

>> No.17420792
File: 80 KB, 320x423, papi question mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420800

>Tamamo (before Paradox ruined her) was the only redeemable character.
jesus fuck are you still on about that?

>> No.17420795
Quoted by: >>17420808

>has no problem killing for real

I don't see where that's a deal-breaker. It's entirely possible to do worse. I guess I just don't get it.

>> No.17420797
Quoted by: >>17420853

not every monstergirl setting has to be a waifu focus,
sometimes it can just be fun.

>> No.17420800

Remember, alternate universe versions of a character = that character forever

>> No.17420808
Quoted by: >>17420832

Just because she can do worse, doesnt mean its nice. Yes Granberia is among the best girls, in MGQ, I can admit that for what is worth. In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king, I guess.

Its still a deal breaker to me.

>> No.17420809

She's not even a proper dragon, where are the wings? The dragon bandit had them.

>> No.17420812

She can fly just like Superman. No wings needed.

>> No.17420816
File: 497 KB, 1200x900, 35f9ba688f3ba40535dbac2d2e0d6c1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have Homunculi been mentioned in the MGE by chance?

>> No.17420817

>She's not even a proper dragon
her race is actually dragonkin irc.

>> No.17420820
Quoted by: >>17420955

Sella > Leysritt

>> No.17420828
Quoted by: >>17420866

Not yet, but the idea of trying to create artificial humans in that setting makes me think of two possibilities really. The lack of males cause the heavy magic research types to try and create some of their own, with base ingredients varying, but since they're using demonic energy all they make are female things of varying degrees of human, but ones that act like monsters. The other is the order trying to make perfect soldiers with their science, but fucking something up by messing with demonic stuff again (like raging shrooms) and making them, but I think that's less likely.

>> No.17420832
Quoted by: >>17420891

Yeah, call be hugbox but I killing or even hurting someone is almost unthinkable to me. As much as I wanted a well-done MG game, all of the death and cruelty in that game just made me sad and disgusted.

In fairness though, I've had difficulty watching violent tv shows and movies the last couple of years. Honestly, finding MGs and being here for almost four years has sort of changed me in a few ways.

>> No.17420838
Quoted by: >>17420876

This begs the question:

Anon, would you let your waifu play with your butt?

>> No.17420853

Not saying it has to be. MGQ is darker than a Hellhound's skin, it can still be interesting.

My point was that its unfair to compare MGQ MGs with MGE. MGE is possibly the most waifu friendly world in the planet, while MGQ is dark as shit. They are in different leagues entirely.

>> No.17420866
File: 89 KB, 1076x929, C1xCsIpWEAEk-YM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17420894

That sounds right up a Liches alley.

>> No.17420869
Quoted by: >>17420873

It was in the 4th Q&A MGR had wirh KC. Maybe this World guide 3 will have details on them?

>Q1. Do you think a Flesh Golem (Frankenstein Monster) will appear?

>A. They exist. They seem to have relation with alchemy and "Homunculus".

>> No.17420873
File: 16 KB, 185x206, 1500671353871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godammit KC, stop hinting and not-showing.

>> No.17420876
Quoted by: >>17420884


>> No.17420882

Would you eat out a centaur until she drenched you in marecum?
I would if it was a huge shire.

>> No.17420884

Alp be gone!

>> No.17420891
Quoted by: >>17420923

Same here. The whole love thing in MGE changed my perception of stuff.

>> No.17420894
Quoted by: >>17420907

I want to get up in that Lich's alley

>> No.17420902

Big and plump Dragon rump.

>> No.17420903
Quoted by: >>17420959

They're fairly close to humans physically , and their aggression seems to be centered about raping their husband, so they would get the same old lesson on why rape is wrong and how to control themselves. Maybe have an agent stop by every month to see how they;re doing.

>> No.17420907

She does not own such property and if she did she would not like strangers roaming around in there.

>> No.17420923

Any specifics you'd feel comfortable sharing?

And that's open to everyone. Has MGE influenced you in any way?

>> No.17420942
Quoted by: >>17420978

My exposure's been minimal, so I'm mostly left with mixed feelings about how well the DL's plan is going to work.

>> No.17420955
Quoted by: >>17421019

Sella's personality with Leys' body

>> No.17420959
Quoted by: >>17420968

>They're fairly close to humans physically

>> No.17420961
Quoted by: >>17420978

The whole accepting whoever concept, I've grown more compassionate for other people. I think Eros has climbed into my heart.

>> No.17420966

I'm far more interested in romance in my writefaggotry

>> No.17420968

Two arms and legs, probably around human size, and their paws are somewhat close to hands as well.

>> No.17420971
File: 1.80 MB, 2880x4320, 1501196933438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never be my waifu's right hand and help her in her conquests

>> No.17420978

>I think Eros has climbed into my heart
That's a pretty good way of describing how I feel too. Combined with >>17420942, I've often wished that if I had the chance to hop worlds, I could serve Eros and help bring about a more equal peace and spread love- yada yada.

>> No.17420980
Quoted by: >>17420991

I cry every once in a while. It's rather cathartic.

Better than letting it build up

>> No.17420982
Quoted by: >>17420987

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that the humble harpy can sense when a storm is coming and knows when to roost.

>> No.17420987
Quoted by: >>17420998

Of course Thunderbirds know that means it's time to party

>> No.17420991
Quoted by: >>17420999

I wish I had a yeti, cupid, or your dream waifu to unite you with.

>> No.17420998

But their feathers get wet and makes it difficult to fly.... I think, I dunno thunder birds are weird like that.

>> No.17420999

I teared up a bit at this response

>> No.17421019
Quoted by: >>17421022

But Sella has the better body.

>> No.17421022

If you're into flat girls
