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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 616 KB, 814x1200, 310_otohime_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17946244 No.17946244 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be bullied by an Otohime!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: http://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.17946258

I think monster girls are creepy.

>> No.17946264 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 374x520, 1511590519079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946393


>> No.17946267
File: 3.39 MB, 2448x3264, She'll smoke your meat, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer monsters as they are in the MGE? Or do you like them to be different?

>> No.17946271

What is this image trying to convey.

>> No.17946275
Quoted by: >>17946281

It's a lone, CC Wendigo under a mistletoe.

Put 2 and 5 together and divide it by the square root of 38753783387.

>> No.17946276

I don't know, but I feel like my SAN is in danger.

>> No.17946280
File: 124 KB, 850x1364, 1511328340944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, in the name of THE LAW.

>> No.17946281
Quoted by: >>17946285


>> No.17946285
Quoted by: >>17946294

>Doing the math instead of kissing the Wendy
THIS is why she's a virgin and why you're forever fated to not be hugged by monster girls.

>> No.17946290

Is there a rival Mofu mafia? Do moths or squirrels have one?

>> No.17946291

othimes are such qts

>> No.17946293
File: 1.71 MB, 710x400, DJDhEvIW4AMVr39.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946297

Stop, in the name of LOVE!

>> No.17946294
File: 195 KB, 727x1011, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946298

I don't know anon. When I pulled up Wolfram Alpha, that Hakutaku across the way at the party suddenly made a sound. Now she's staring at me like this. Should I go talk to her about the result? She might now the significance of that number.

>> No.17946297
File: 22 KB, 476x676, nn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946315


>> No.17946298
Quoted by: >>17946367

She wants you to show your work.

>> No.17946303

What would she bully you for? Your underwater casino debts?


>> No.17946311

>Your underwater casino debts?
Yes. I blew it all in Atlantis and became an Otohimes boytoy.

>> No.17946315
File: 115 KB, 850x756, __medjed_nitocris_and_nitocris_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_mabo_udon__sample-708f0591f24fd9035c9e2b6cfce2608f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the sheet lewds are oddly cute.

>> No.17946319

dumb seahorse

>> No.17946324
File: 112 KB, 750x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946451

Blanket Schedule Dog is always cute.

>> No.17946325
File: 1.50 MB, 700x1000, Otohime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948716

She'd call me helpless and undignified! A classless peasant without a penny to his name! Helping out an impoverished fool like me is only her duty as a princess. Especially when it comes to relieving all that pent up frustration!

>> No.17946329
Quoted by: >>17946330

She looks angry why

>> No.17946330


>> No.17946343
File: 721 KB, 2048x1152, 1511592446901310535830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /mgt/ manage their tier lists?

>> No.17946349
Quoted by: >>17946355

Nice pic, anon.

>> No.17946351
Quoted by: >>17946355

For starters
Flip the pic around a bit in a photo editing program until it's upright.

And second: Pastebin.

>> No.17946355

I can't help it, my phone rotates the images for some reason.

>> No.17946362

With better handwriting.

>> No.17946365

>not using pastebin
>not just making a /sp/ type power rankings list
Look at this scrublord.

>> No.17946367

Through some trial and error, I found that 38753783387 is close to 38753465881 or 196859^2.
If f(x) = x^.5 then f'(x) = .5x^-.5.
Using our neighboring perfect square, the change in x is 317506.
38753783387^.5 ~= 196859 + (.5*317506*196859^-.5) ~= 197216.80

2+5 = 7

My answer is about 7/197216.80 or about 0.00003549

>> No.17946369

I wanna bully an Otohime by calling her a fake dragon!

>> No.17946375
Quoted by: >>17946392

Oi, spoiler that shit.
Young study cows might be around, pervert.

>> No.17946385
File: 126 KB, 603x997, 1510929467921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect this birb.

>> No.17946391

>You'll never grow up in a monster city
>You'll never don your hero costume and sneak out of home after your bed time to patroll the parks, all to catch the weird lady who keeps touching all your friends
>You'll never bring her to justice

>> No.17946392
File: 401 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly forgot to mention. If we take the limit as change in x approaches zero, we can find a more accurate answer.

What's the matter anon? It's just some basic derivation. I'm sure it's nothing they haven't seen before.

>> No.17946393

I have that wallpaper.

>> No.17946437
File: 1.44 MB, 2000x2057, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946501

This is the only lead we have on this mysterious toucher. A composite sketch from one of the victims accounts.

>> No.17946451
Quoted by: >>17946455

>Blanket Schedule Dog
What? She's a pharaoh.

>> No.17946452

I will RAPE this cute Noob Police with my rough hugs.

>> No.17946455
Quoted by: >>17946457

But she has an Anubis theme and even the ears, which are not fake.

>> No.17946457
Quoted by: >>17946460

Yeah, and she's a pharaoh.

>> No.17946458
File: 206 KB, 1269x1461, 1504384069210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946473

You've found your partner, son. Be nice to her, she knows everything about the parks.

>> No.17946460
Quoted by: >>17946470

Are you saying Anubi CAN'T be Pharaohs?

>> No.17946461
File: 691 KB, 1400x1050, RJ177794_img_smp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes or no?

>> No.17946465
File: 260 KB, 888x714, 1447974460123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes [x]

>> No.17946470
Quoted by: >>17946475

Not technically, no. Pharaohs are a sort of elite mummy that came from the soul of a pharaoh that died. I suppose that if you became king by the power of the Khepris, you could treat your personal Anubis advisor as your pharaoh. Who knows how the khepris would respond to that though.

>> No.17946473
Quoted by: >>17946482

trolls would make great natural park rangers
until they see a single lone guy during spring/summer

>> No.17946475
Quoted by: >>17946483

What if there was an Anubis Pharaoh who rose up to power after the previous one died?
Imagine a kingdom where the leader had not only Charisma, but knew what they were doing!

>> No.17946482

Well, they'd be doing the night shift anyway. No cute boy will come wandering into the park unless he's looking for a troll waifu.

I wonder if they pair up with harpies for the spring/summer day shift and hand over to White Horn/Wendigo duos for fall/winter.

>> No.17946483

Just be on the look out for the Apophis. She'll be even more vicious since she knows that her schedule is her week point. haha she might break in at night and change her 8:30 public address to a pubic address focused on her husband.

>> No.17946489 [DELETED] 
File: 3.92 MB, 3000x3000, sneks1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.17946501

No, no, that's not the toucher. All witness reports said she was a graceful woman with large wings, and if they tripped and scraped their knees while running from her the weird lady would insist on licking it better.

No what you have here is something else. Reports place this toucher by the kiddie pools at beaches.

>> No.17946505
File: 218 KB, 1200x1200, DPdKB6HUQAAeEoH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one would you take home?

>> No.17946506

>Apophis messes with Schedule Pharaoh's daily schedule
>She has too much on her plate to notice the changes and roles with them
>Like riding her husband like a dickthrone before the people
>And putting lint in her belly button

>> No.17946518

Give me that shy yansnek, she's too cute.

>> No.17946527

The sleeping grape
Maybe the blind one too since nobody else will want her and she can't take care of herself

>> No.17946540

Mine has some definite DnD influences that I don't think the profile speaks of.
>waifu uses Acid Spit
>it's not very effective...

>> No.17946544

If I was a hero in MGC, I'd just be the one guy who jobs to the villainess of the week to show off her awesome rape powers.
And they shall call me Yamchaman!

>> No.17946546
Quoted by: >>17946551

>waifu uses Acid Spit
Are wurms weak to acid type attacks?

>> No.17946547
Quoted by: >>17946551

>Acid Spit on your dick
>it's a combination of aphrodisiac and tingly orgasm denial agent
I bet a sadistic girl would love to make you cum just by spitting on your dick repeatedly until you're so sensitive and desperate that the feeling of her wet glob of spit hitting your head gets you shooting.

>> No.17946551
Quoted by: >>17946556

Wurms are only weak to psychic attacks and tickles.
Maybe her acid contains capsaicin so when we kiss it releases endorphins in my brain, like chili.

>> No.17946556
Quoted by: >>17946561

Talk about hot kisses, eh

>> No.17946561
File: 614 KB, 1024x1500, 1421915326765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even thought of this before. Thank you internet weirdos!

>> No.17946569
Quoted by: >>17946597

Cute black dragon

>> No.17946575
Quoted by: >>17946597

Don't know why, but she's got that mischevious onee-san look

>> No.17946597
File: 126 KB, 800x1131, Little Firebrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mellowed out considerably after becoming a mother.
I wonder what the kid will be like as a teenager though. How does a man handle such things?

>> No.17946605
File: 1.12 MB, 1240x1754, 1454037853086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What are we going to do on the bed, Anon!?"

>> No.17946608
Quoted by: >>17946751

Eating, sleeping and maybe building little fort.

>> No.17946650

>anubis just goes with it
>gives a speech extolling her husbands virtues
>it goes so long overtime she misses even more of her schedule
>*Frazzled schedule dog noises*

>> No.17946653
Quoted by: >>17946656


>> No.17946656

I will never not read this in Piccolo's voice.

>> No.17946700
File: 105 KB, 658x950, 1496413089288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my kobold wants her to do something with her panties, but I don't know what...

>> No.17946701
File: 154 KB, 1200x1125, Artist is uc_yuk on twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer your automatons to look human or to have more of a robotic style to them?

>> No.17946715
File: 319 KB, 600x800, 1475880049454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human-like is better.

>> No.17946719

Something in between

>> No.17946745 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1416x2006, 1511603159259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946780

If I wanted a girl that looks human I'd get a human.

>> No.17946751

>tfw you will never goof around with a tomboy hellhound
feels bad

>> No.17946761

If I ask nicely will she use her dimension-hopping powers to bring my waifu to me?

>> No.17946780

That's a large rear module. Is it equipped to handle heavy loads?

>> No.17946792

Dolljoints are the best.

>> No.17946856
Quoted by: >>17946886

A metric fuckton of cuddles

>> No.17946882
File: 547 KB, 1011x1470, 524377c38e8852766e43f0ef421ce433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get violent

>> No.17946886

I prefer my automatons to look like eldritch abominations

You know, there are more cuddles in the imperial fuckton

>> No.17946894
File: 415 KB, 1600x899, Sugar Crash Imminent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babysitting is the worst!

>> No.17946897

I hate kids too, how'd you even end up in a situation like this?

>> No.17946904
File: 393 KB, 623x1200, 299_Hakutaku_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does a hakutaku do for fun?

>> No.17946905
Quoted by: >>17946914

Well my third-grade teacher tried to climb Kilimanjaro.
He didn't succeed.

>> No.17946906

You and I both know the answer to that question, anonymous

>> No.17946909

Watch QI, read books, having talks with nerdcubus about books.
Hide herself in the library as it closes so it's just her and that one librarian guy she likes...

>> No.17946914

Cant say he didnt try.

>> No.17946918
Quoted by: >>17946927

Do or do not, there is no try.

>> No.17946920

It's not even a hard climb, you can literally walk all the way to the top.
t. guy who never climbed a mountain in his life.

>> No.17946925
Quoted by: >>17946937

>parents come back to a quiet house with you watching tv on the couch
>you tell them the girls are already asleep and they praise you for being such a great babysitter
>after they pay you for the night, you leave and they go to check on their daughters
>they find them passed out, ahegaoing and cumflated in their beds

>> No.17946927
Quoted by: >>17946933

Fuck you Yoda, Dark Side for anti life!

>> No.17946931

Is there a thing so you can have the force but not deal with either sides bullshit?

>> No.17946933

Dammit meant for >>17946927

>> No.17946935
Quoted by: >>17946943

KOTOR introduced us to the Grey Jedi but they were pretty impotent about their shit.
I vastly prefer the Green Lantern approach where you can tap into several different facets of the power instead of just having to choose between being emotionless or pure evil.

>> No.17946936
Quoted by: >>17946941

As far as I know you would have to be force sensitive, not be picked up by either side as a kid and then find a way to make a lightsaber or steal one.

>> No.17946937

>they give you a call, pay you a bonus and hire you for the next sixty years
>they also ask that you bring your own wedding rings the next time

>> No.17946941
Quoted by: >>17946946

Would a Thunderbird make a good Sith Lord? She already has the lightning down.

>> No.17946943

I still think it doesnt make sense
Removing all emotions just makes that shit more profound when they do feel shit.
So in a way, jedi are being built up to fall to the darkside.

To keep this on topic, the jedis are like the order in MGE only stupid.

>> No.17946944
File: 283 KB, 710x627, 1508876339428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17946957

Reminder that momsters are lipstick-wearing blowjob addicts who want nothing more than to throat their sons' big dick

>> No.17946946
Quoted by: >>17946952

>thunderbird shocking someone as a hooded raiju tells her to let the lust flow.

>> No.17946948

I want a curvy cuddly clingy Elf-Wightfu and just waste all day watching random shit on Hulu/Youtube/etc., cuddle the shit out of each other and munch out on chili fries.

Sorry for the blatant autism.
Little bit of peach moonshine turns me into a mess.

>> No.17946949
File: 679 KB, 1000x1399, Karen Kishou Quarta Ametus #15 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spank a gremlin.

>> No.17946952

You raise a good point. On both ends of the spectrum there would be lust in an MGE Star Wars universe. The Jedi would be into cuddles and monogamous sex in the missionary position purely for the purpose of procreation and the Sith would be into orgies and debauchery.

>> No.17946957
Quoted by: >>17947015

Pharaohs are top tier momsters.

>> No.17946999
File: 326 KB, 1000x779, 1451262845949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947012

I discovered rare archive footage of a sunbathing Wurm.

>> No.17947001

If it's not monster girl quest it's fake and gay

>> No.17947012
Quoted by: >>17947021

I haven't seen that thing in two years. So you scrolled to the bottom of Snibako's archive or?

>> No.17947015
Quoted by: >>17947052

Indeed they are. I just can't get them out of my head for some reason.

>> No.17947021
Quoted by: >>17947034

I was just checking my own folder which I really should organize one of these days. 9.21 gigs of Monster Girl images with no subfolders is a little unwieldy.

>> No.17947034
File: 842 KB, 2356x2926, 1455558550981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947041

I feel you. I try my best to keep my LN folders neat and post his older works regularly.

>> No.17947038
File: 507 KB, 695x876, 248ee92a9aa1226c76e114eff8e40146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best waifu and only degenerate normies with no taste would dare disagree

>> No.17947041
Quoted by: >>17947043

>a post-it note
This crazy motherfucker will stop at nothing to give us art. He must have a harem of Art Fairies.

>> No.17947043
File: 208 KB, 952x589, 1472278974057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can only hope that he'll be repaid someday.

>> No.17947051
File: 188 KB, 753x971, 1484611574668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE Automatons are perfection. and KC needs to draw more of them.

>> No.17947052
Quoted by: >>17947079

Completely understandable. Imposing, rich, brown but ever so seductive.

Perfect momster material, it's no wonder grape snakes are jealous.

>> No.17947079
Quoted by: >>17947158

Also, too busy with the duties of a Queen to bother with you.
Now, a Graped Pharoah, on the other hand, will spoil you relentlessly with the sweetest grapes from the banks of the Nile. She'll let you sleep on her heavenly pillows through the burning heat of the desert afternoon, and cuddle up with you to stave off the freezing cold of night.

>> No.17947138

Yeah I don’t mind. But I’m more of a dog person myself.

>> No.17947153

Cats are nice for spanking and cuddling. Dogs are nice for ruffling, cuddling, petting, patting, walking, and other verbs ending in "_ing".

>> No.17947158

I prefer mine without grape thanks.

>> No.17947164
File: 418 KB, 1525x1831, Nightmare wants you to touch the demon inside her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that lets me level up obviously.

>> No.17947181
File: 785 KB, 1200x682, Cowfee (2.3) [F].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you

Are you festive yet Anons?

>> No.17947198

Tough choice between Basilisk, Apophis and Shirohebi. Echidna would be the indisputable winner,

>> No.17947199

That's a weird looking Holstaur.

>> No.17947200
File: 1.96 MB, 770x720, 1450984136655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947277

No because all the snow melted again.

>> No.17947207
Quoted by: >>17947272

Just waiting for a jolly, slightly chubby elf to come down my chimney.

>> No.17947266
Quoted by: >>17947270

It's not even December yet.

>> No.17947270
Quoted by: >>17947286

>First it was "Can we get through Halloween first"
>Then "Can we get through Thanksgiving first"
>Now "It's not even December"
Grinches please go

>> No.17947272

I just want a tubby, haughty dark elf that still dresses skimpily despite her pudge.

>> No.17947277
Quoted by: >>17947432

Yetis get into the Christmas spirit way too early, the tree is up before Thanksgiving, she's already wearing red and white scarves, and the non stop Christmas music playing

>> No.17947286

listen mate I've got one more holiday before Christmas, alright

>> No.17947303
Quoted by: >>17947316

>Himidere dark elven nobility falls prey to fast food.
Such a sad, but common, fate.

At lease her bodyguards still are packing muscle.

>> No.17947311
File: 431 KB, 1070x1500, 65602788_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17947313
Quoted by: >>17947319

That is indeed a fat bottom, but that's not what I'm thinking of.

>> No.17947316
Quoted by: >>17947327

Something tells me if she tries the Santa routine she'll get stuck down the chimney.

>> No.17947317
File: 7 KB, 300x450, 1435665535155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947343

That ass makes me want to commit a crime.

>> No.17947319
File: 200 KB, 314x611, Nina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this then?

>> No.17947326

>working hard to please her husband
Strangely cute.

>> No.17947327

She would and it would be hilarious.
The guards would have to pull her out and would make 'recommendations' that you remove your chimney in the future.

Cute but barely qualifies.

>> No.17947334

How the fuck does that thing lock up

>> No.17947343

Don't post reaction images so early on please.

>> No.17947375
File: 539 KB, 1099x825, __dragon_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_soup_plz__f03cf8526672a65a311d133e67464230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Dragons are so excitable.

>> No.17947381

I want to watch a young Dragonette rush along and ramming into items to see if there are gems inside them.

>> No.17947394
Quoted by: >>17947403

[Loading gun with lewd intent]

>> No.17947400
Quoted by: >>17947410

Nice lemon dragon.

>> No.17947402

Are young Dragons still really tsun or are they dere dere?

>> No.17947403
Quoted by: >>17947430

>"Shoo, ya don't like loli bodiesh, huh?"
>"Shame, that"

>> No.17947410
Quoted by: >>17947425


>> No.17947413

Young dragons going on ther first quest to start theur hoard are too cute.

>> No.17947425

Yes, acid black dragons are lemon dragons. That's the taste you get when one kisses you and uses her acid breath.

>> No.17947430

I would be totally okay with this.

>> No.17947432
File: 187 KB, 900x820, 1449979228382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeti mall Santas hugging the kids and asking them what they want for Christmas

>> No.17947433
File: 91 KB, 800x509, 7bSQRN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This kills the meido

>> No.17947436

Why would they taste like citrus?

>> No.17947440
Quoted by: >>17947464

Sounds like dragons are not compatible with my fetish.

>> No.17947442
Quoted by: >>17947485

Dragons are dere dere until they hit puberty.
Unless, of course, they get mered before then.

>> No.17947444
File: 687 KB, 1197x800, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947466

Please remember the proper place as your Mad Hatter wife's butler at the tea table.
Either standing 3/4ths of an arm's length behind and to the right of her, seated with your arms presented yet waiting to grope as her dickchair, or with your face in a position where she can comfortably sit on it and grind her phat booty and pussy on it for the entirety of the meeting.
This is proper Wonderland Butler etiquette.
Also, please be sure to first properly introduce the lady and seat whatever guests arrive before assuming this position with your wife, as it can be difficult to greet guests with a face stuffed with your wife's booty.

>> No.17947448
Quoted by: >>17947452

Because apparently, dragon acid is the same as citric acid.

>> No.17947452
Quoted by: >>17947471

Alp was a mistake.

>> No.17947461

Damn that body is perfect

>> No.17947464
Quoted by: >>17947496

Because they are good for your health.

What's your fetish anyway?

>> No.17947466
Quoted by: >>17947505

>Yaa, good morning! Would you like my milk tea?

>> No.17947471
Quoted by: >>17947478

Nice statement you have there, got anything else besides it?

>> No.17947476
File: 120 KB, 800x509, 1511618617833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This arouses the meido

>> No.17947478
File: 239 KB, 800x800, 1460393159230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this crazy birb.

>> No.17947485

>Have dragon childhood friend
>She's always happy and energetic
>The two of you like one another a lot
>Puberty happens
>Over night she becomes super tsun dere
>She says she doesn't care about you in any special way. You can still be friends though.
>She's bad at hiding the fact that she likes you though.
>Not long after she has her first mating season
>Neither she nor anon was seen for 3 days after that

>> No.17947488
File: 100 KB, 600x662, IMG_5687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya like to fug bugs?

>> No.17947496
Quoted by: >>17947509

Spanking and then french kissing while holding hands, followed by DEEP ANAL POUNDING

>> No.17947500

Good for you.

>> No.17947503

I can't wait for Regura's next release. Never enough bug fug.

>> No.17947505

Every morning fresh from my lady's taps!

Calm and controlled as she reads the paper, sips her tea and gently strokes my hair as I'm sucking away.

>> No.17947509
Quoted by: >>17947512

And how are dragons not fit for that? The mereing only makes it better.

>> No.17947512
Quoted by: >>17947533

First off, they're scaly. So the first step is out of question.
Second, they taste like lemon. And lemon juice makes me do funny faces.
Third, the tail might get in the way.

>> No.17947513

>Are young Dragons still really tsun or are they dere dere?
Dere and lewd

>> No.17947533
Quoted by: >>17947537

Do you're too weak to slap dragon ass and to resist the flavors of their breath? You're probably too dumb to realize that different colors and breaths have different taste too, such as wock being strawberry. Also, if you don't know how to use her tail I guess it's better to leave her to someone who does.

>> No.17947534
File: 323 KB, 1500x2099, DK-pGKOVYAA1uwq.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.17947537
Quoted by: >>17947557

>Do you're too weak
In English, please.

>> No.17947557
Quoted by: >>17947570

If you can't read because of a typo or two I guess I was right.

>> No.17947570

Sorry, I don't speak Retardenese. I'm not from Detroit.

>> No.17947574
File: 65 KB, 1250x914, mgetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how good your taste is.

>> No.17947580
Quoted by: >>17947592

>Atlach-Nacha at #1
I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.17947582

Thought it was some roll thingy.

>> No.17947592
File: 137 KB, 697x939, Atlach-Nacha4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dirty webslut.

>> No.17947603
File: 667 KB, 1280x1291, TitanTyphoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if MG existed with us on the past but fled to their own home after they saw husbandos killing each other?

>> No.17947612
File: 379 KB, 588x640, Medusa8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No love for the medusa
I wanna fuck the stutter out of tsun snek!

>> No.17947613

But that bird is a snake.

>> No.17947617

I want to tickle these snakes.

>> No.17947619

Hey anon, you should really go out with the breadbaker's daughter.

She's taken a liking to you and wants you to go meet this 'Matriarch' she's been talking about.

I'm sure this 'Cult of the Sky Children' is a wholesome and innocent group.

Getting her to heart pupil while she's 'bakaing' is a nice goal.

>> No.17947628

Is there any art of Tohru in MGE style? I had my first lewd dream in the longest time of her, but in a more monsterous form.

>> No.17947633
Quoted by: >>17947652

I want to spank that bird.

>> No.17947652
Quoted by: >>17947661

I think that's a demon of some sort

>> No.17947659

>I don't want a lot for Christmas
>This is all I'm asking for
>I just wanna see my baby
>Standing right outside my door

>I just want you here tonight
>Holding on to me so tight
>What more can I do?
>Baby, all I want for Christmas is you

Is there any song that better portrays a monster girl’s love?

>> No.17947661
File: 123 KB, 250x303, Incubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a chance. Demons are spooky and shit, they're not cute and sexy.

>> No.17947662
Quoted by: >>17947671

Would it be weird to assume that most lamias speak with a lisp? They have such thin tongues and all.

>> No.17947671
Quoted by: >>17947677

Only if you headcannon them to be. Personally, I prefer a normal tongue that just happens to be longer than usual. She can draw out her S’s and let a slight lisp slip if she’s in a primal or arroused state though.

>> No.17947674
File: 66 KB, 800x509, 1509585401643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947682

>This cheers the meido.

>> No.17947677
Quoted by: >>17947686

But sneks are cute when they sniff the air with their tongue.

>> No.17947682
Quoted by: >>17947688

I would love a shortstack kiki

>> No.17947685
File: 5 KB, 207x226, sort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17947686
Quoted by: >>17947695

I agree. It seems like the type of thing she would do when she thinks no one is looking. If you get a picture of her doing it, she’ll lightly pound your back with balled up fists until you delete it. Thankfully, she doesn’t know about the recently deleted folder

>> No.17947688
Quoted by: >>17947693

I too would enjoy a Kiki who serves me a pancake breakfast every morning.

>> No.17947691

that a shrimp?

>> No.17947692

You got a thing for dead chicks?

>> No.17947693

>Shortstack kiki that makes shortstack stacks of pancakes.

Oh lordy, she's adorable.

>> No.17947695
File: 451 KB, 714x1000, __snake_eyed_kanako_and_yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_hachimillion__9d5e296678d2a4af5224d5cf39934bc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something like that?
Well, minus the whole "literal snake tongue" thing.

>> No.17947766
File: 22 KB, 254x887, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my taste?

>> No.17947767

That's entirely possible.

>> No.17947773
File: 2.92 MB, 1748x2480, 7651109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947776

This shy cutie, dude!

>> No.17947776


>> No.17947783

Why would he be into zombie harpy lolis?

>> No.17947793
Quoted by: >>17947811

A bit all over the place to be honest. But pharaoh is top tier, so I rate 9/10 too much water.

>> No.17947794
Quoted by: >>17947811

>Jabberwock that high

>> No.17947797
File: 53 KB, 230x651, Ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me.

>> No.17947809
File: 99 KB, 620x877, 1510208969311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your gyaru onee-chan is wringing out your 25th load while riding you when she pulls out her phone and takes a selfie with your cumming face
>"My little stud is, like, too cute when trying to knock me up with his fat cock. My womb is totally going to do it's best for you, so, like, take responsibility, okay cutie?"

>> No.17947811

When you hit the 30s that's when I was just randomly clicking.
Thanks man, love my Nee-san types.

>> No.17947815
Quoted by: >>17947833

I wouldn't be able to stand someone that talked like that.

>> No.17947819

>Urge to push off and do anal instead rapidly rising.

>> No.17947832

That oneesan is for anal till she’s bloated

>> No.17947833

Me neither. I get the gayru look, but not the bimbo accent.

>> No.17947834
File: 254 KB, 650x742, 1510784126927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947871

What do Kiki's do in their spare time?

>> No.17947839
Quoted by: >>17947887

Only 175 more loads to go for my gyaru onee-chan! She’ll have loads of pictures by the end and have gone through three whole sticks of lipstick. Not to mention how ruined her sloshed up tummy would be.
And yet she’d still just be enthralled and completely enamored, even if she could never even come close to pronouncing those words and instead lightly sucked kisses on the side of her otouto’s face all night long.

>> No.17947871

Talk with their kiki neighbours, drink tea, and whisper tales of holding hands.

>> No.17947874

Fucking unf. What would I have done to deserve such a perfect onee-chan? I wanna impress her with my “big smarts” as much as I do with my fat cock and heavy loads.

>> No.17947887
Quoted by: >>17947908

She’d probably plug herself up and go out to show off how much her ‘little bro’ loves her

>> No.17947889
Quoted by: >>17947913

Remember that slut (loyal) bimbo (wife) gyarus are too loveably stupid to understand the concepts of both restraint and how mamano mana works.
Hope you like having an embarrassingly huge bulge you have to hide in public while she mentions how, like, it could totally be like just a bit bigger

>> No.17947902
File: 35 KB, 494x888, ogra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be fucked by a Jinko or Hellhound in this position.

>> No.17947908
Quoted by: >>17947918

>”See?! Like, I can’t even read my womb tattoo anymore!”
>”You could read it before?”
>”Um, no, but like now other people can’t read it either!”
What does it say?

>> No.17947909

If its a Hellhound ,of course a very muscular one.

>> No.17947913
Quoted by: >>17947946

Well, if she’s going that way then I’m hoping she’s prepared for some tits and ass sized to use it, along with a nigh permanent seed bump.

Maybe some lips to match too

>> No.17947918

For Anon only

>> No.17947943
Quoted by: >>17947947

>Posting a trap
I want Redamz to leave

>> No.17947946
Quoted by: >>17947962

She’d be thrilled and would ask them bigger.

>> No.17947947

If that's a trap, then I don't mind being gay.

>> No.17947962
Quoted by: >>17948025

Well, if it’s big she wants them it’s big she’d get.

Anyone who looked at her would tell she is dedicated to sex now

>> No.17947967
File: 67 KB, 640x504, 36cfcd59f4a7e8a25a913d80cbd16608afcbb2f75311bfa19935b2dbfdf9dccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17947974

Doctor's orders anon.

>> No.17947974

I'd love to but she isn't real.

>> No.17948025
Quoted by: >>17948069

>”Cutie, do I look like a big whore?”
>Huge plump lips that leak a little drool, big fat tits that wobble and are impossible to cover, and a massive double wide badonkadonk that devours thongs and panties daily

>> No.17948033
Quoted by: >>17948070

That's super gay.

>> No.17948062

It ever just blow you away just how many different girls there are in MGE?
Do you lean more towards the vanilla archetypes or do you prefer the more specialized subspecies?

>> No.17948069
Quoted by: >>17948157

A cute.
Filling her up till she looks like a fairy who experimented with manticore venom on her husband

>> No.17948070

>Not wanting to be picked up by your onee-san's big strong arms and forced to thrust into her slobbering pussy like she's doing curls with you as her bar.
You're the gay one.

>> No.17948079

Depends whatever sounds cuter. I don't really have any opinion, so any depiction that makes me like the girls is enough to sway me.

>> No.17948084

That would depend on the archetype, I suppose. Honestly, I find no harm in vanilla (especially vanilla bean or whatever it is that comes out whiter than white).

Granted, there are exceptions. (ex: the subspecies are far more interesting than the standard Lamia)

>> No.17948124
File: 14 KB, 258x884, Top10N17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manticore isn't in #1 spot anymore? Huh.

>> No.17948157
Quoted by: >>17948277

She’d be cumdrunk ecstatic. You better take responsibility and work your little otouto stud muscles to carry her ungainly self to a comfortable place to rest.
Imagine her joy (and the lipstick-smacking, intense blowjob you’d get) if you woke her up with freshly cooked pancakes in bed.

>> No.17948172

>Having ties

>> No.17948177

What is this from?

>> No.17948196
File: 337 KB, 1680x1050, DPZoQKAVwAE7Ob1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17948240

>Goes from 2 tails to 3
Is the kid on the right the great great grandfather of the kid on the left?

>> No.17948244
Quoted by: >>17948249

No, she just hit puberty and the tail came with it.

>> No.17948247

Both on the left are the older versions of those on the right.

>> No.17948249

I'd add my own tail to her collection by shoving my dick in her ass.

>> No.17948253
File: 959 KB, 1087x1032, Jiangshi21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17948277

Spoiling her is fantastic.

>> No.17948283
Quoted by: >>17948303

I like how she's referred as loli fox and breast fox.

>> No.17948286

Adorable Jiangshi are for squeezing on the cheeks and 'cheeks'

>> No.17948294

Jiangshis are for light suffering.
She hops over, stiff as a board, and wants to just scream out that she loves you, that she appreciates you so much, that she wants to spend all her time dancing and singing and loving and cherishing and pampering you, but all that comes out is a faint “U-uuuunnnh...”
So you happily squeeze her cheeks and pat her head, and it’s just enough contact to warm her lips up enough for a little cute smile, but she wants to laugh and throw her arms around you and kiss you deeply but- but maybe a little smile is just enough for now.

>> No.17948301

>Squeeze your Jiangshi wife’s big juicy tits
>her moan is indecipherable whether she wants you to keep going or is annoyed at you being so pervy in public
>better squeeze again to make sure

>> No.17948303

The best transition for her childhood friend.

>> No.17948304
Quoted by: >>17948314

Fun fact : according to a few Chinese movies I watch, jianhski are actually blind, and detect living things through their breathing.

In other words, if you follow that, your jiangshi wife will stay awake during the night and listen to your breathing.

>> No.17948305

We need an image of a stoic faced Jiangshi with all those thoughts going through her head.

>> No.17948309
File: 122 KB, 215x3475, shittytastes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948356

Too lazy to crop it into sections so open at own risk. Also, feel like this quiz is a little rough on ya at times because some of these numbers don't feel as accurate as they could.

>> No.17948314
Quoted by: >>17948319

Cute wife with no sense of personal space.
I love the idea that they’re super kuu and almost alien when stiff but completely flip to the other end over the course of warming up, becoming ultra dere and even superhuman levels of flexible, moaning and lewd. It’s almost like being married to two different women but they’re the same.

>> No.17948317
Quoted by: >>17948334

I find giving full body massages relaxing and satisfying for myself. Given enough time the chance of me massaging her to the point of her unliving her dream approaches 100%.

>> No.17948319
Quoted by: >>17948326

They would need a lot of attention and foreplay to become flexible.
Jiangshi are represented hopping with their arms stretched because of the rigor mortis, so I suppose that to make her able to move, you would need to rub her body with some oil.

Or maybe replace her amulet.

>> No.17948326

Well, going off their MGE profile at least it just seems like lots of groping will do the trick.

>> No.17948334
Quoted by: >>17948342

You’d be a perfect match. And you’d be in for a huge treat once the massage was over as she politely thanks you and slowly stands up, stretching her body fully for you to see.

>> No.17948342
Quoted by: >>17948359

Jiangshi are top tier girls for me for that reason. I just imagine one becoming more energetic and bubbly as I massage her to contrast the lethargic and cold typical demeanor they have. That gap moe.

>> No.17948356
File: 39 KB, 482x669, MGE ranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent taste but hard to pin down your type
your taste is dead
Pharaoh has been growing on me lately
You must really be fond of memes and meme accessories
>Phantom that high
Good taste
Glad there's at-least one of you

>> No.17948359

They could both be the perfect quiet and malleable daki as well as give the most energetic, erotic and flexible lap dance.
Bringing one to a beach would be a riot.

>> No.17948362

Being a resident haremfag or haramfag depending on how you look at it Nurarihyon are the best because they'll hook you up with a potential literal hundred other wives!

>> No.17948367

I dont consider that a positive

>> No.17948373

They are not your wives, just your onaholes.

>> No.17948378
File: 241 KB, 1200x1000, 1498957146422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have a preferred style of horns?

>> No.17948379
Quoted by: >>17948389

>Bring Jiangshi gf to the beach
>toss her in the water, she floats face down (Undead so who cares) for a while unmoving
>fish her out and lay her on a towel
>people that walk by think she’s boring or what have you
>start rubbing sunscreen aaall over her curvy body
>she slowly spreads out more, starts arching her back more and more, wiggling her toes and fingers, then her limbs, then gyrating her butt as you even rub that
>by the time you’re done her moans have turned from a zombie like “uuuhn.” to an erotic pornstar lilim’s “Aaahn~~!”
>finally tell her she’s finished and she cartwheels back, wraps her legs around your waist in a contortionists move, flips around to your front while standing on one toe with her other foot over and behind her head, and smooches you with a shrill crystalline giggle
>grabs your hand and runs down the beach, picking you up and princess carrying you with her superhuman strength, ecstatic and laughing as she practically walks on water for a few steps before diving in with you in tow to make out in the water

>> No.17948389

>princess carrying you
ruined it

>> No.17948393

me personally, I'd like to be princess carried by a hot girl.

>> No.17948394

Second right with those long, thin ones are my least favorite.

>> No.17948401
Quoted by: >>17948418

>Jiangshi and Anon go to the beach
>Anon puts a liberal amount of lotion on Jiangshi allowing her to loosen up enough to build a sand castle
>Anon decides to take a dip to wet his hair
>Jiangshi looks up from her sand castle to notice Anon is gone
>frantically and fretfully Jiangshi notices Anon in the water
>oh no!
>Jiangshi runs into the water to save Anon
>as the cool ocean touches her skin she can feel the moist parts stiffen
>Anon turns around in time to catch the hopping Jiangshi in his arms
>he carries her back to shore and reapplies lotion
>they spend the rest of the day not going in the water and building sand castles while Jiangshi blushes in embarrassment

>> No.17948409

Middle for horns, far left for everything else.

>> No.17948411

Big and strong enough that you can grab them for handlebars. Shape is less important.

>> No.17948413

Two straight, twisted horns with square cross sections pointing to the sides.

>> No.17948415
Quoted by: >>17948423

She’s just excited, and they do have superhuman strength and stuff.

>> No.17948418

Cute cute cute cute.

>> No.17948423
Quoted by: >>17948430

I thought they were just almost impossible to kill

>> No.17948430

For jiangshi, it's either magic or fire.

>> No.17948457
File: 289 KB, 640x366, 2e4d88b22b2d961ccc4fbdbf570043b309ae0c8596f9df6120c3c9df4a469663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far would a mg go for a husbando?

>> No.17948459

All the way.

>> No.17948467
Quoted by: >>17948579


>> No.17948476

I want to beat a lizardman and tell her to come back when she's stronger.

I want a muscled lizardman wife.

>> No.17948477

Depends on the husbando.

>> No.17948479

i relly wish he chose a different name.

>> No.17948482

I just call them lizardwomen or lizardgirls.

>> No.17948484

Hey, it happens.

>> No.17948485

>tell her to come back when she’s stronger
>naturally want muscles on her
Anon, between her crazy determination and mamano mana, you’ll find yourself at the bar one day suddenly approached by a tower of meat and scales making the yan face and breathing raspily.

>> No.17948486
Quoted by: >>17948487

I'm mostly turned on by intelligence, the memes are just a garnish.

>> No.17948487
Quoted by: >>17948515

whats intelligence to you?

>> No.17948493

Gonna need to inspect that frame and then reward her with a nice dinner and some drinks before we move onto the bedding.

May even get her in a nice dress for it.

>> No.17948494
Quoted by: >>17948517

>”Haaah... haaah... am I getting close, my love? I’ve only two more continents to win the strongest lizardwoman competition in, then I’ll be the undisputed strongest! Will that be enough for you, my adoration? I-if not I can do more! I’ll do so much more! Let me do so much more, haaaaanh~!”

>> No.17948498

I'll take the hornless one, she probably enjoys anal.

>> No.17948502

Sandworm stuff.

>> No.17948510

I want to spank a lizard girl and tell her to come back when she's actually grown-up.

>> No.17948515
File: 2.42 MB, 1983x2833, 1511233375137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charm and Charisma
Charisma is the important part.
Actual knowledge such as math and science and what have you is fantastic as well, but someone that can handle themselves socially is a God Send.

I just want a wife that's easy to talk to and won't make me feel nervous about pissing them off.

Being soft to the touch and a total cuddleslut is nice too.

>> No.17948517

....I may follow her and watch her at these tournaments, although at this point i think she's stuck in a lust that only her own gains can truly satisfy.

>> No.17948523
Quoted by: >>17948525

Not into Anubis but I'd play with these paws.

>> No.17948525
File: 486 KB, 800x1000, 1511405125889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948533

>Ywn give your wife a paw massage and molest their toes.

>> No.17948533

I'm not into Anubis.

I must repeat that to myself. I don't want to touch their paw pads, and tickle their little toes.

>> No.17948544
Quoted by: >>17948567

You don't want to prod and poke all her tension points after a long day at the office. You don't want to watch her squirm as you ease out all the cramps in her big fluffy feet. You don't want to make her cum just from a foot massage?

Ha, you almost convinced me, anon.

>> No.17948551
File: 84 KB, 213x3609, my list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it turns out that I'm a power slut.

>> No.17948552
File: 764 KB, 500x1500, daki2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948567

With an Anubis, I don't think you'd be the one making that choice.

>> No.17948558

There is nothing wrong with wanting your monster wife to control you.

>> No.17948563
Quoted by: >>17948578

>You'll never have a powerful monster girl as a loyal and attentive maid

>> No.17948565
Quoted by: >>17948576

>power slut
Nothing wrong with that, some of us here are also massive power sluts.

>> No.17948566
Quoted by: >>17948596

Big bulky salamander in a sundress.

>> No.17948567

No, I definitely don't want to. I don't want to massage these pads with my long, slender fingers, to caress and tickle her sensitive paws after a long day at work erecting pyramids and whatever anubises do.

I can't decide between slapping that ass or massaging these paws.

>> No.17948576

Yeah, we want strong, confident women in positions of authority with HUGE...tracts of land.

>> No.17948578

If only because I'd make her my wife instead.

>> No.17948579
Quoted by: >>17948590

Cool. Is this that touho thing Ive heard about?

>> No.17948590
Quoted by: >>17948714

What's a 2hu?

>> No.17948596
File: 165 KB, 389x384, 1456949640487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, yes.

>> No.17948598

What would be a less emasculating term for a girl princess carrying a husband? Hero carrying? Prince carrying?

>> No.17948599

Get out please.

>> No.17948606
Quoted by: >>17948695

Goddammit I missed the bimbo/gyaru discussions again.
>I just want to be raised by a gyaru momster so badly.

>> No.17948607
Quoted by: >>17948678

A modest chest, a fat rear, and plenty of muscle, along with a farm smile.
Also a master of an inordinately large blade she wields as if it were nothing but that's a given.

Dragons would use the term "Treasure Re-positioning"

>> No.17948612
File: 60 KB, 509x720, A59F65CA-438D-40BA-974F-1BE1C43343A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948620

Speaking of, I want to fix this lizard and help her forget her awkward years.

>> No.17948617

Nice question i never liked to call it "princess carrying" it sounded gay as fuck. Prince carrying sounds better.

>> No.17948620
Quoted by: >>17948649

I love these Christmas skirts.

>> No.17948638

Husband Hauling

>> No.17948640

Dick Carrier.

>> No.17948642

Husband Hammock.

>> No.17948646

Just call it carrying?

>> No.17948649
File: 1.83 MB, 2480x3508, xmasushioni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she get you anon?

>> No.17948656

I like them a bit less now.

>> No.17948659
Quoted by: >>17948664

One ticket to ride the Ushi.

>> No.17948664
Quoted by: >>17948672

>The actual ride involves putting a saddle on her and a bit in her mouth while riding her back around town so everyone can see how lewd she is

>> No.17948666
File: 11 KB, 199x356, top20monsters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948670

Rate this.

>> No.17948667
File: 937 KB, 794x1123, 1511153252243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An all expense paid trip to the hospital!

>> No.17948670

Satan deserves cuddles.
Good Taste, Anon.

>> No.17948672

As long as in the center of town she bucks around and later she rides me while I buck around it sounds like a pleasant date.

>> No.17948676
File: 166 KB, 800x1000, 1507722151593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that?

>> No.17948678
Quoted by: >>17948685

Now I’m imagining a dragon playing with her husband and her treasure like a giant action figure.
>She’s prowling her massive hoard in dragon form, handing you things with her massive claws.
>”Try this one on anon! The knights guild gave me this suit of armor after pledging their allegiance.”
>”Here, now put one leg up on this throne the king gave me in exchange for protection”
>”And, hold up this sword. I’m sure you remember making it, oh great smith husband.”
>”Say cheese! There’s my knight in shining armor.”
>”Now get over here and s’lay your dragon.”
>Metamorphosizes down to monster girl form with her scales exposing her goods
It’s good to be part of the dragon’s treasure.

>> No.17948685
Quoted by: >>17948710

Man, Christmas Cards in MGE land are weird.

>> No.17948695

>Gyaru/Bimbo momster
Yes please. What race?

>> No.17948710
File: 120 KB, 600x861, B5013CF0-5C6D-4340-A825-7DE4ECEA5324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948730

Well not everyone can be the Wendigo family.

>> No.17948714
File: 471 KB, 477x625, naz slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17948716

I want to smoke a pipe with her.

>> No.17948721
File: 95 KB, 1266x633, monster_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948785

That took forever. A bit of a shake-up, but the top spot remains uncontested.

>> No.17948730
Quoted by: >>17948761

Smiling monstergirls are cute.

>> No.17948739
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948746

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.17948746
Quoted by: >>17948753

couldn't you just hire an escort and pay her to cosplay/roleplay?

>> No.17948747
File: 345 KB, 650x780, 1b04c8c61ea1e1ce529df4af7da87877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948772

Husband-slut mice are the best!

>> No.17948753

Yeah, and I could just pretend I’m kissing and groping my wisp waifu by licking the muzzle and pulling the trigger of a gun.

>> No.17948757
Quoted by: >>17948771

I kind of wish they didn't use a big cocked ugly guy as the protag in this ,.

>> No.17948761
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, 1450045497985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendigos are happy girls

>> No.17948765

My interest for that christmas skirt that shows the thights is a fucking rollercoaster.

>> No.17948767

Who drew this?

>> No.17948771
Quoted by: >>17948778

But then how would you self insert and fantasize about having a big dick at the same time?

>> No.17948772
Quoted by: >>17948798

I want a soft mouse harem, each one of which has it focused in varying areas.

>> No.17948778

I dont do that

>> No.17948781
Quoted by: >>17948786

I just want a Tanuki who’s as addicted to gambling as I am.

>> No.17948785

I'm curious as to why Oomukade and Cyclops are that high up
What good are a shy rapey bug and an awkward spineless monoeye?

>> No.17948786
Quoted by: >>17948789

I wanna get a tanuki into war games.

>> No.17948789

like risk?

>> No.17948790
Quoted by: >>17948831

Of Defcon.

>> No.17948792
Quoted by: >>17948796

Miniature war games.

>> No.17948796
Quoted by: >>17948809

like warhammer?

>> No.17948797

>awkward spineless Monoeye
They make amazing armor/weapons. Plus they’re cute as a button and I have a thing for the strong, silent types.

>> No.17948798
Quoted by: >>17948809

Times like these wish there were more popular mice than just nazrin, because all i got are pics of her to respond with and a few of that mousefag's commissions on hand. We need more mice!!

>> No.17948800

Are you stuck as a abominable snowman or can you swap back to human like you can with mindflayers and nachos?

>> No.17948809
Quoted by: >>17948823

Exactly like that.
>She buys minaitures
>Complains about the prices
>Realizes that the company belongs to a subsidiary of hers.

That we do.

>> No.17948812

General preference towards the shy, awkward ones. In the case of Oomukade, I've had a thing for centipedes since I was a kid.

>> No.17948823
Quoted by: >>17948828

cant you play risk with warhammer miniatures?

>> No.17948828

You could.
But Risk doesn't have the doom wheel.

>> No.17948831

>introduce monstergirls to Defcon
Really bad idea.
Extremely bad idea.
We've gone over how bad of an idea this is many times.
well its not that bad of an idea.

>> No.17948846

Threadcannon varies but the consensus is that there are a few different states.
>cloak completely off = human form
>cloak on = monsterous cloak monster
>waifu wearing cloak = cloak but with hands for groping waifu
>inside pocket dimension = disguised as snow bank or snow covered tree

>> No.17948851

You can change back at will, but coat void monster is still comfy

>> No.17948864
File: 358 KB, 1588x2048, 134578453534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17948878

>Oi, oi, little punks, little punks, let me in!

>> No.17948878

First you let a wolfu in
Then you let her sister
Then you let their best friend
And before you know it you've become the sole male for an entire hound

>> No.17948895

But I've already got three shortstack orcs in here.

>> No.17948903

Poor piglets are going to be bullied so badly.
Keep your wolves well fed and entertained so that the P'Orcs don't have to suffer.

>> No.17948916
Quoted by: >>17948929

I'll keep the wolves well fed and teach those P'Orcs how to defend themselves.

Soon those little P'Orcs will be strong enough to fight anything!

>> No.17948917

it's up to Anon to stop a fight breaking out between the P'Orc and Wolf Tribes!

How will he do it?

>> No.17948921


>> No.17948925

Great now I want to find twin CC delinquent Werewolves who are bullying gyaru P’Orc twins.

>> No.17948929

>P’Orc triplets thank big mister anon for keeping them safe and caring for them through the new big wacky family
>one piglet each sucking his balls in unison as the other throats his dick to the hilt, all eyes looking up at him subserviently
>and then the Wolf sisters bust in the door!

>> No.17948931

Perfect. >>17948929 three bimbo P’Orcs whose entire existence revolves around anon’s cock, and two delinquent wolfgirls who bring in the meat and force anon to sex them.

>> No.17948932
Quoted by: >>17948971

I want to defend those P`Orc twins and earn the attention of both parties!

>> No.17948934
Quoted by: >>17948971

Do the right things!
Help those P'Orcs!

But why?
I'm already keeping those wolfus fed.

>> No.17948971

>defend the P’Orc twins
>turn the tables on the Werewolf twins by having the P’Orcs sit on their faces while you impregnate the “bitches in heat”

>> No.17948979

Could be fun.
Could even try to turn the tables on the wolfus and have the P'Orc twins put some muscle on to help them better keep the 'bitches' in check.

>> No.17948982

What’s the fun of having a harem if it’s not being fully used like that? The wolves get those p’orc Pussies ready for when you switch.

>> No.17949003
Quoted by: >>17949074

>when you get to the P’Orc pussies you notice the area around them covered in lipstick

>> No.17949074

Nothing hotter to me than one wife warming up another wife for you, or both at once. It’s okay if it’s monstergirls.

>> No.17949090
File: 106 KB, 800x988, top mil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took some time to do, but here is mine. The girls in the middle are all over the place because I don't care much about them and they always escape my mind, but I really like the top 50 one and dislike the last row.

>> No.17949100
Quoted by: >>17949107

>dragon and griffon at the top
>dragon zombie at 121
I would say good taste but dude....

>> No.17949107
Quoted by: >>17949140

I feel like they should be at least in 61-62, but eh. I don't really like zombie dragons that much, they make me slightly sad.

>> No.17949140
Quoted by: >>17949164

>zombie dragons that much, they make me slightly sad.
Why? Because they never actually found a husband?

>> No.17949154
Quoted by: >>17949164

>Alp at 110
Holy shit alps are moving up in the world

>> No.17949164
Quoted by: >>17949228

Thinking about their last moments isn't good for my heart. Going from nice, haughty girl to mere female lizard because of death doesn't seem that nice.

They fall into the don't care tier. It's gay but at least they can look like girls, wouldn't fuck though.

>> No.17949166
File: 610 KB, 800x879, 1495924440512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon at top
As it should be.

>> No.17949171
File: 487 KB, 1408x2202, srSk4GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17949215

And she'll never drop out of there either.

>> No.17949193

dragon dragon rock the dragon

>> No.17949197

>Dragons and Griffons confirmed best girls

>> No.17949212
Quoted by: >>17949229

Is it because they make the worthless feel valuable?

>> No.17949215

I want to make her the bottom.

>> No.17949228
Quoted by: >>17949240

If you put an alp above a unicorn and dragon zombie you are shit.

>> No.17949229

They don`t want worthless men.

>> No.17949240

Unicorns are worthless to me, but Dragon zombies are indeed better.

>> No.17949256

How would your waifu react to being called flat?

>> No.17949264

I guess DZ, Chimera, Lich, Mermaid and Mantis should be higher, but eh.

>> No.17949268

My gremlin waifu would probably say "yes, and?" and just shake her head and walk away with a "I wonder what he was going on about" kind of walk.

>> No.17949275
File: 296 KB, 891x578, 1494042311020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17949279

aggressive smother

>> No.17949279

if she could do that she wouldn't have a complex about it.

>> No.17949281

Reply that it's called "aerodynamic"

>> No.17949306

Immediately smother me in her breast. Marshmallow hell is best hell.

>> No.17949309

She'd just be smug and have a giggle. She might not be holst tier, but she is definitely D for Dragon.

>> No.17949314

>she undoes her bindings revealing massive mammaries
surprise motherfucker

>> No.17949329

I like to imagine an Ochi doing that.

>> No.17949330
Quoted by: >>17949380

Anon please, your wife can't be doing that in front of others.

>> No.17949340


>> No.17949343
Quoted by: >>17949348

Grow bigger breasts at will.

>> No.17949348
Quoted by: >>17949372

>Succubus waifu
Top tier.

>> No.17949372

My guess would have been a slime species.

>> No.17949380

My wife loves to embarass me in public. She loves it when I'm angry after her, she often taunts me by saying stuff like "imagine you're working at united airlines and you're overbooked" until I rape her.

>> No.17949411

They are indeed. With dragon being powerful and having great haughtiness and griffon being extra fluffy.

>> No.17949422

holst can do that as well, i'm not sure bout succubus tho.

>> No.17949441

Aggressively and Excessively Cumflate slender model-tier Monstergirls as punishment.
That is all.

>> No.17949464
File: 4 KB, 212x172, Rank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My top 10....
Many ties but, seeing as I'm largely happy with most girls, I guess that shouldn't be unexpected.

>> No.17949468

Well no shit.

With the girls I like, other than familiar, that would be impossible and, even then, the familiar is questionable.

An extra cup-size may be added.

>> No.17949498
Quoted by: >>17949704

Excessive cumflation including many of its bells and whistles is my one single guilty pleasure/hyper /d/ weakness. My waifu is from Wonderland though, so I imagine she’d be delighted by it to the point of all-the-way-through.

>> No.17949501

You would be right but I wanted to let him think whatever made him happy. Life's too short not to find reasons to be happy.

>> No.17949502
File: 307 KB, 1000x1416, demon lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew a demon lady

Also, Gray Wolf sketch for those who like them Dork Friends: https://bigbanter.tumblr.com/post/167878795653/gray-wolf-doodle

>> No.17949515
Quoted by: >>17949541

Nice abs

>> No.17949524
File: 216 KB, 980x1206, 1460684801917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any of you Anons here browse /monster/ on 8ch?
Pretty cool place for mg discussion, i think.

>> No.17949525

I like that hellhound you drew

>> No.17949533
Quoted by: >>17950126

Place is relatively dead as hell.

>> No.17949541

I like the horns but the abs are lickable. The fades on the lines for the abs are done almost perfectly. If there was any bone to pick from me it would be the size of her right (our left) eye being slightly small but it isn't that important.

>> No.17949542

Nice bait.

>> No.17949547
Quoted by: >>17950126

I know one thing everyone that browses there definitely browses here but that wouldn't tell anyone else on their circlejerk that.

>> No.17949551

>sleep tite hellwan

>> No.17949552

It's an okay place. Only really good for doing requests in the drawthread. Copy this post I fucking dare you to

>> No.17949564
Quoted by: >>17949569

>/pol/ incarnate
>dumb memes that make thread canon look tame

>> No.17949568
File: 367 KB, 786x715, Gargoyle8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17949569
Quoted by: >>17949582

You forgot the religious Jojo fervor. Almost as bad as their OC.

>> No.17949573

>You'll never polish a Gargoyle's stony skin
>You'll never do it with the new ShanWAO Shammy

>> No.17949581

I don't get why people don't hate her more. If she gets you, you would have to spend half of the day as a statue unable to move no matter what. I would personally rather be MUSHROOM PERSON.

>> No.17949582

Wasn't /monster/'s OC like this crimera of a ushi-oni, hellhound, manticore and chesire cat?

>> No.17949588
Quoted by: >>17949613

You may be slightly disappointed in what I'm working on then because the end game isn't going to result in that.

>> No.17949590
Quoted by: >>17949599

no its this weird orange thing with teeth upon teeth
not a very pleasant design to look at

>> No.17949594

the plaque says not to touch,
but it doesn't say she can't touch you

>> No.17949597

Also a blog thread that was up for over a year about a guy making a blood and semen sacrifice to it on a cobbled together altar.

>> No.17949599
Quoted by: >>17949624

You forgot the unironic /x/-tier summoning bullshit.

>> No.17949609
Quoted by: >>17949627

I’m gonna draw funny things on her while she’s on her pedestal!

>> No.17949613
Quoted by: >>17949711

what are you making? drawfaggotry or writefaggotry.

>> No.17949620

I wanna be a “ghost hunter” in MGC!

>> No.17949623

I like basilisks and medusae better, because they can take agency on your immobile body.
I understand a gargoyles internals are stilling working overtime while you're connected, but the position limits possibilities.

>> No.17949624
Quoted by: >>17949655

the what

>> No.17949627

Yeah! Draw things like I love and value you or You're perfect the way you are

>> No.17949633
File: 221 KB, 800x1148, 1511642941908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ ] Touch fluffy tail

>> No.17949637
File: 342 KB, 800x1148, 1511643189206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Touch fluffy tail

>> No.17949640
File: 281 KB, 800x1148, 1511643250910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Molest fluffy tail

>> No.17949652

It's not bad for some people, the average adult spends at least 8 hours a day and another 6-8 sleeping, the job is likely something they dislike too. Rather than spending it sleeping or wage slaving you spend it as a pedestal for a hot girl.
I can't remember if you're "awake" during that time or not but either way it's worth it for some types of people, myself included.

>> No.17949654
Quoted by: >>17949677

>Have a tail that fluffy
>tell someone they can do whatever with you
What did she expect to happen?

>> No.17949655
Quoted by: >>17949688

They got summoning rituals on there. It's just gotten plain autistic at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if they try and make a religion out of it.

>> No.17949667
File: 76 KB, 600x800, DPe3untVoAA5kIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Schedule Dogs do on a daily basis when not barking orders or stacking blocks?

>> No.17949677

Exactly that. They desire it.

>> No.17949688
Quoted by: >>17949697

I'd make a comment about summoning demons/devils but we saw how that went.

Instead, acquiring Valkryies and Angels, how does one do it?

>> No.17949690

Harass slave workers.

>> No.17949692

You don't even know how long I've been looking for the source of this.

>> No.17949697

Be a faithful adherent to a god associated with your desired divine MGs.
Note that some gods are easier to please than others.

>> No.17949699

Schedule when to stack blocks next.

>> No.17949704

You and me both and hot damn that sounds awesome

>> No.17949710

shoving things up their ass

>> No.17949711

Writefaggotry. It's been quite a while since I've done it in prose so I'm sure people will proably find fault with it. Which is fine.

>> No.17949716

Well, I want to acquire some hathorite angels/valkryies.

>> No.17949723
Quoted by: >>17949737

>Ares send you a Valkyrie with a camera to record you fucking your wife so she can watch later
Best goddess.

>> No.17949737
Quoted by: >>17949752

>Ares valk
>Instead of a more traditional paladin she's wearing fur lined, heavy plate
>Beneath that she has tight, hard muscles, scars from holy battles, and a great, two handed axe.
>She arrives like this on an early morning, informing you of why she's been sent.

>> No.17949752
Quoted by: >>17949760

Oh man that would be nice. Being so close to the goddess means she must be insanely strong too, oh what a fight would that be. No need for the camera either because Ares would probably want to watch the whole thing live.

>> No.17949760
Quoted by: >>17949772

That she would be, and her battle magic would be more self buff based rather than ranged magic.

Do train up, even if she isn't expecting much, she wants her goddess to have something to look at.

Her hair and wings would look more like blazing strangs of gold fire rather than normal hair.

>> No.17949761

On your way home to work you've find that you've been turned into the 10 year old version of you. How does your MG wife react?

>> No.17949768

Im having a huge trouble sorting out for my list who I prefer from Jabberwock and Hinezumi. If Hinezumi must be defeated in combat to marry I would choose Wock, but given how she has a hack to marry her without being strong, that takes away any negative trait I can find in the Hinezumi which leaves me really puzzled about which one I should choose. Both are top girls for me.

>> No.17949772

Mate if I was worshipping Ares you could bet my ass that I'd be grinding to hell and back, especially with a dragon wife. Going mano a mano to give the goddess one of the best shows she has seen would be the only thing I could do to thank her for the support.

>> No.17949774

She would get real close, lean in and whisper tonight.... you

>> No.17949778

That big, fat, cuddle cat is teasing me and using me like a teddy bear all evening.

>> No.17949779

She'd force me into cute outfits and be extra protective with a whole another level of cuddlind and milking.

>> No.17949781

Marry them both.

>> No.17949790

Can I be 9 instead? 10 is when I got fat.

>> No.17949793

I'd say go for wock. She wants your dick from day one while you still need to wet the hinezumi to get her into the angry defenseless mode.

>> No.17949796
File: 260 KB, 850x986, __alicia_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_ten_piboshi__sample-eb72b41940c8d163d9b339d87143de28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public offers of paizuri? This cow has no shame!

>> No.17949799
Quoted by: >>17949821

Someone call her husband.

>> No.17949804
Quoted by: >>17949812

As public defender of paizuri number one I will camp out for weeks for the opportunity.

>> No.17949812
Quoted by: >>17949823

I'm just as up for getting between a cow's milk jugs as the next guy, but for her to tease it so brazenly? And in public no less!

>> No.17949819

She starts treating me the way that I treated her.

>> No.17949821
File: 699 KB, 676x872, __sturm_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_eno_yukimi__3ef4c8963aa56448bf354b238ccefef0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If canon husbandos/BFs were disqualifiers for waifuing, wouldn't most of the granblue girls be disqualified? And I'll be damned if I let it stop me from posting tsun-cow.

>> No.17949823
Quoted by: >>17949852

I find the shamelessness sexy. Like she would milk me with those pale orbs of sustainence in public with a smile on her face and sneer at passerbys when I shoot off onto those delicious globes of perfection as if to say "This is my cock plunged between my genetic ascensions beyond what mortal women could acquire. Get your own man batter, you hussies!"

>> No.17949826

Not really. and you'd still be able to fuck them, just keep some things in mind.

>> No.17949827

Sturm is perfect.

>> No.17949828

Thats a big sturm.
Gonna grope and squeeze till she's red.
Gonna go till she's on the bed and ready.

Gonna figure out a way to get her bigger.

>> No.17949829

Just self impose as the always absent husband.

>> No.17949832

I view all monster girl threads/boards as more places to find images, I don't rank them like an autist

>> No.17949836

Then you're a tourist with no philosophical backgrounds in a thinking man's fetish.

>> No.17949837
File: 224 KB, 864x1200, IMG_0391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My two little wives would probably force me to be their playmate for the while and the adult wife would probably turn me into an absolute ahegoaing wreck.

>> No.17949840

I thought NTR was the thinking man's fetish.

>> No.17949844

Only if you're from /pol/.

>> No.17949846

Gentle domination (male or female) is the thinking man's fetish.

>> No.17949847
Quoted by: >>17949857

No, I am the thinking man, the one who sees that every thread has pros and cons, and therefore usually chooses to abstain from posting.

>> No.17949852
File: 414 KB, 815x825, __izmir_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_ozyasadayo__8ad0aaf54a890781d9c3c73bae16e4a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17949862

Do you think it'd drive the other girls into a lustful frenzy to find their own cock to jam between their tits?

>> No.17949857
Quoted by: >>17949870

So you want to be a tourist but since you posted you still yearn for the opinions of others. You have a thought in your head that wants recognition.

>> No.17949859

With extreme arousal at now being able to actually play out our mutual momdom/older woman younger man fetish, I'd rather not be a shota, and I can't even really remember my 10 year old self, but if it's still me in mind just 10 in body I wouldn't pass the chance up either.

>> No.17949862

In a perfect world paizuri orgies would be common.

>> No.17949865
File: 519 KB, 994x1490, oomukade25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17949889

Remember to watch out for those yan centipedes. You don't want to become a venomslut do you?

>> No.17949868

>If canon husbandos/BFs were disqualifiers for waifuing, wouldn't most of the granblue girls be disqualified?
Most are couple-less. Sturm likes Gran while Drang likes DJ, at least as far as valentines girls so they're both free for the MC to fug.

>> No.17949870

I want to make sure the /jp/sies stay humble

>> No.17949876
Quoted by: >>17949885

Humble to what ideal? Tourists?

>> No.17949885
Quoted by: >>17949912

I see a common sentiment of "these are the best threads ever" and frankly that is just pride overdose

>> No.17949889

Dopn't worry anon, my wife is a dragon. Surely she can handle a centtipede.

>> No.17949891

Is it wrong that I want to make Sturm into my personal milk dispenser and breeding toy/wife?

>> No.17949896

>I view all monster girl threads/boards as more places to find images,
You're better off using the wiki then as it scrapes from both here and other places. Lurk art sites to find the obscure stuff it missed.

>> No.17949903

I go there sometimes to look for pictures.

>> No.17949906
Quoted by: >>17949910

She a Jap Dragon or a Western?
Cause Jap Dragons are weaker than Centipedes, while Western ones aren't.

>> No.17949907
Quoted by: >>17949914

Not wrong at all, friend. As a matter of fact, that's actually the right idea when confronted with a tsun cow.

>> No.17949910

Vanilla, Ryus are for bullying.

>> No.17949912
Quoted by: >>17949928

The common sentiment is merely an expression of people fulfilling their desires how they see fit. There is a positive feedback loop for those that like these threads intellectually, psychologically, and visually that keep us coming back for more. If you aren't experiencing the feedback loop then you don't belong here. Take what pleasures you want from it and to enjoy them for that is the reason you are here. If we offend you for being who we are don't try to change us because you benefit from our ramblings that lead to your "picture mining".

>> No.17949913
File: 149 KB, 850x956, __sturm_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_ekz_drawfag__sample-dcc7104ec06d12fbb38126e09e4f732c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17949919

Of course not! Though you may have to convince her to be a bit more gentle.

>> No.17949914

Well thats good, because those tits are going to be even larger and milkier when I'm done.

She'll even be able to retire, although she'd probably have to.

>> No.17949915
File: 474 KB, 1536x2048, oomukade28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you should hide.

>> No.17949919

>not wanting her to suck you dry as some sort of punishment.

I mean, I'll probably be asking for it thanks to all the things I'm going to do to her but it'll be worth it.

>> No.17949928
File: 1.53 MB, 2200x1800, 1476066685020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say at all. Liking this thread is fine and dandy, I like the thread, but the elitism is dumb, especially since this thread turns into a shitstorm any time anyone posts even one bait image.

>> No.17949945

You say that like it's exclusive to here, /monster/ perma bans people over things that would get a "fuck off" and get forgotten about here.

>> No.17949948
Quoted by: >>17949954

The elitism is fine. It keeps things higher quality. Anything that falls below a certain threshold gets called out. If you don't like being told that NTR reverse futa in diapers being hard vored in a reverse NTR fashion while hand holding for reverse procreation is terrible then you need to go somewhere where your unique fetishes are appreciated. That's pretty much the only reason for a shit storm around here. Until then be a good picture parasite.

>> No.17949954
Quoted by: >>17949961

>If you don't like being told that NTR reverse futa in diapers being hard vored in a reverse NTR fashion while hand holding for reverse procreation is terrible then you need to go somewhere where your unique fetishes are appreciated.
Nobody thinks that! It's bait, dumbass! You are supposed to not reply to that shit.

>> No.17949961
Quoted by: >>17949969

You failed to laugh at my joke.

>> No.17949969

But we are laughing at you, joke.

>> No.17949972

So anyways. How about them wurms?

>> No.17949974
Quoted by: >>17949983

Would mate with.

>> No.17949983
Quoted by: >>17950000

How would you raise them wurmlings?

>> No.17949987

I don't like their tails. I'm not a big fan of slitherers anyway.

>> No.17950000

With some pats by telling her deep things so she becomes impressed and takes everything I say seriously. Maybe then I'll be able to raise her into a smart little girl while her mother handles her monster instincts.

>> No.17950002
Quoted by: >>17950022

Quality girl but the dense schtick would get old fast (for me.) Of course, that may just be a meme, but...

>> No.17950017
File: 519 KB, 600x558, smug3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>Unbearably elitist

>> No.17950022
Quoted by: >>17950032

Well they are simple so they may be more primal in their approach. Probably not a good mate for theoretical elemental magic but they would feed you a good meal and raise your children well.

>> No.17950025

Wurms are acute.
10/10, would raise them on a Ranch.

>> No.17950032

Then I may just ride off into the sunset with one. I could use a life where the primal approach worked.

>> No.17950041
Quoted by: >>17950051

I want a plump cc wurm

>> No.17950049

you going to break my back?

>> No.17950051
Quoted by: >>17950069

Cute, soft, cake wurms are for loving and snuggling.
Softest when wrapping you up.

>> No.17950054


>> No.17950064

hes going to put the thread in the camel clutch

>> No.17950066

Would wurms understand how to lay & care for an egg? Obviously they understand sex, but raising a child? Or would it be mostly on you to raise the pup until she reaches invulnerability?

>> No.17950069

Cake wurms especially need the snuggles and warm attention. No one has paid attention to them for so long for so many terrible reasons that they need a warm and healing hand to guide them. Won't you adopt a cute CC wurm today?

>> No.17950071

Of course they would, wurms are surprisingly gentle mothers.

>> No.17950076

Of course.
I'd give that cake all the snuggling and sweets she wants.

>> No.17950078
File: 2.02 MB, 3000x2500, 1488262361742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950094

>tfw no thicc Kunoichi that wears nothing except a skimpy apron bound by ropes

>> No.17950083

Wurm eggs are for wurms so they are even stronger than dragon eggs because they contain wurms. Even when their wurm mother gets rambunctious and starts playing old Nintendo Wii Bowling they would survive. It's okay. Your wurmlings are made of strong stuff.

>> No.17950087
File: 783 KB, 1380x1178, 1511656912420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950284

>> No.17950091
Quoted by: >>17950101

Wurms also have a habit of putting their eggs in places like basements or on top of freezers.
Any place where you'd put ice cream, really.

>> No.17950094

>no Kunoichi
It hurts.

>> No.17950101

Nothing wrong with a good soft serve wurm shortstack they're still three meters tall and can forge steel that a dowurf would be envious.

>> No.17950110

I've got a lot of love to give to that wurm, she's perfect and I'll never even dream of leaving her

>> No.17950120

>Wurm wii bowling
>hole through the tv
>hole through the wall
>hole through the crib
>Skips off the egg
>hole in your bedroom floor
>hole in the roof
The egg (and the wiimote, after retrieval) would be the only thing left intact

>> No.17950126
File: 2.05 MB, 2366x2154, 1508855329108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17951001

8ch used to be cool. It was fine back in 2014 when it got some wind under its wings, but it didn't last long at all. The only reason it got any traffic was the whole GG fiasco.

The site admin got caught handing over troll post histories to news outlets to show it was a totally safe space, he was always busy in IRC and making emojis rather than taking care of the site and the make your own board without limits is the biggest failed experiment in that site's history. Allowing BOs to be name/avatar dramafags who act like an internet celebrity on Twitter and Facebook was all the red flags you needed to see. All the boards cannibalized eachother. Don't like the current board? Go ahead and make a new alt board and just see what happens. The current owner of the GG board lied about being swatted and then doxed posters based on their totally legit secure data from their posts and then sent that info to the FBI over them making posts/being people he didn't like.

The owner of the /v/ board is a literal backstabbing Jew who sold out GG for a small promise to work in the industry and 8/pol/ is one of the most pozzed boards of controlled opposition I've ever seen. You hear the jokes here that our /pol/ is an echo chamber, but there you'll get banned to Siberia Soviet Union style just for questioning Trump.

To add to the already dramatic heap of that small morsel of constant drama, Jim, the same asshole who screwed over 2ch, took over 8ch in the most dubious conditions imaginable after months of DDoS attacks which ended after Jim took over and provided servers for 8ch with the quality of the old school HotWheels PC from back in the day.

The site has been hacked multiple times embarrassingly at the userbase's expense complete with unhashed IPs stored in plain text, the admins got caught lying about security, affiliation with other parties, collusion behind closed doors out the ass and basically got caught farming data from users.

Like I said, it was cool in the beginning, but I only go there now to see what a fantastic train wreck it is. To me, their biggest irony will forever be them becoming everything they blamed us of being and worse.

This. Pic related is what would happen to you there if you questioned the infallible 8ch only less cute. At least we were allowed to call out moot any time he dropped the ball.

>> No.17950148

>TVs are dirt cheap now and you budgeted for this when you bought the Wii off of eBay
>You have plenty of carpentry skills from being in love with a Wurm already
>You need to build a new stone crib anyways, The hand me down from your days of being a rugrat while a gleam in your eye when your parents handed it to you it was understood it wouldn't contain a wurmling
>Carpentry skills again
>Roofing skills from that time you played Back to the Future with your wife, She really wanted to zipline down and go 88 miles per hours but that taught you a valuable lesson in tiling

>> No.17950159
Quoted by: >>17950165

I think Dragonia knows how to make homes that don't break. Lots of Wurms live there after all.

>> No.17950163
Quoted by: >>17950166

Monster girls should never be allowed to use something like STEM.

>> No.17950165

Wurms in Dragonia aren't stupid like the ones in the wild.

>> No.17950166
Quoted by: >>17950169

Why would they need STEM when they know the principles behind magic?

>> No.17950169

Gremlins find it interesting and want to see what they can do with it? Although I think if you tell them what can happen they'd back out harder than a Lilim trying to corrupt Yharnam

>> No.17950173
Quoted by: >>17950181

No they're the same.
Just not as excitable.

>> No.17950174
Quoted by: >>17950183

Wurms aren't retarded beyond thread memes.

>> No.17950181
Quoted by: >>17950186

No, living with others made them not retarded so even when excited they won't damage their surroundings unless they are chasing a man, but even then the damage isn't big.

>> No.17950183
Quoted by: >>17950202

This is true. According to profile they're just simple so no Quantum physicists or Philoswurms but they know how to cook an egg and they know how to upsies a wurmling.

>> No.17950186
Quoted by: >>17950188

>Living with others has increased their intellect
That or they just stopped pretending to be retarded from boredom and being alone

>> No.17950188

>Wurm doing the I was just pretending thing

>> No.17950197

>Husband I'm blind!
>take your hands out from in front of your eyes
> can't fool you can I dearie?

>> No.17950202
File: 3.24 MB, 2709x4096, sookmo alura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Philoswurms

>> No.17950204
File: 70 KB, 613x568, a32a55c9ae2c909aa534bfb67777b5e44ae818beac9541f0adb835b5848ccfaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950413

Remember to stay vigilant.

>> No.17950206
Quoted by: >>17950215

>Wurm is super dumb when Anon is home
>When he leaves for work she drops the act, puts her hair into a pony tail, and continues her thesis

>> No.17950215

Dragon Zombies do it better, especially when higher class monsters insult you behind your back.

>> No.17950219
File: 935 KB, 1361x1410, Basilisk36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.17950220
Quoted by: >>17950234

Vengeance is not a virtue.

>> No.17950234
Quoted by: >>17950248

She's a dumb dragon zombie, virtue is not something she'd worry about.

>> No.17950235

>Did you see Anon flailing at last night's ball?
>He totally cannot dance!

>> No.17950248

She must have not be an ancient Greek dragon before zombification.

>> No.17950252
Quoted by: >>17950256

Undead are stiff dancers anyways. That's why they're all wall flowers.

>> No.17950256
Quoted by: >>17950279

I want to dance the flamenco with a Jiangshi!

>> No.17950257

>"Omae wa moe shindeiru"
>Tons upon tons of miasma explodes like a bomb out of lady Wight's palace, leaving the whole place a messy, lethargic place for a whole month
>Dragon Zombie hears about it as her hubby-wubby is reading the paper to her, because obviously she can't read
>She just smiles and cocks her head before giving a hug that's even more squishy and lovey dovey than usual
>Under her breath...
>"Keikaku doori"

>> No.17950272
File: 1.42 MB, 1722x2441, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950625

>"Oh, my adorable little butler! Fret not, dea- oh, I'm just going to revel in this- fret not, ~Sweetie~, for- hmhm!- mommy will make it all better. Oh ho ho! This is such fun! Come, we will go first to the tailor's to get your measurements, then I shall redesign your entire wardrobe! Oh, I do hope you hold off on changing back for just a few days, I've such fun things to try with you!"

>> No.17950279

She'd just kind of hop around and do the twist while you do classical heel taps around her while flourishing a rose.

>> No.17950284
File: 821 KB, 1380x1178, 10000Hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't resist.

>> No.17950302
Quoted by: >>17950320

No "Nyron" in the first bubble?

>> No.17950314
File: 322 KB, 757x735, eyecontact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950330

>man walked in on Basilisk with mask off
>Basilisk asked him to take responsibility
>cat was responsible for the hookup

>> No.17950320
File: 823 KB, 1380x1178, 10001Hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you.

>> No.17950323

and saved

>> No.17950330
Quoted by: >>17950345

What a nice cat.

>> No.17950345
File: 105 KB, 1077x839, cute cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are the best.

>> No.17950348

Those two are cuddley. I want to rub my cheeks on them.

>> No.17950351
File: 151 KB, 346x600, 4e6eb7e45ad19190fe3f11ebad86d868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're damn cute too.

>> No.17950357

Cuddle the cats!

>> No.17950359

I want to tell a basilisk that her eyes are like beautiful gemstones that I want to make glisten with the light of our love.

>> No.17950364

That's going to have her eyes sparkling and her cheeks pink with a blush.

>> No.17950390

That changes her pupils to Hearts and we all know what happens when that occurs.

>> No.17950393
Quoted by: >>17950423

What does mofu taste like?

>> No.17950394
Quoted by: >>17950408

What happens? Explain in verbose detail.

>> No.17950399
File: 689 KB, 1380x1178, 1511663396743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950472

Better edit from the /a/ thread here.

>> No.17950406
File: 1.05 MB, 1043x1000, izmir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well lore wise female draph where made for that purpose anon, so theres nothing wrong with that. i personally want Izzy

>> No.17950407

Doki Doki Basilisk Beam at close range?

>> No.17950408
Quoted by: >>17950442

Heart pupiling Lamia variant = Squeezed while being milked to the point your pelvis and ribs are crushed.

>> No.17950413
File: 340 KB, 900x1200, 1503107256072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy snakes don't get a man

>> No.17950418
File: 124 KB, 720x1017, __gran_and_sarasa_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_muneshiro_hitsuji_kikaku__7fdeaee95d895dbb22b67bbb0fac8507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Sarasa.

>> No.17950423

cotton candy
melts in your mouth like it too.
mofu girls fear rain

>> No.17950428

>Flipping the mother instinct switch in the hellhound


>> No.17950431
Quoted by: >>17950438

Careful, she's a big eater and the biggest of bakas.

>> No.17950438
File: 330 KB, 1000x1025, __sarasa_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_thomasz__8267cbfb4c58ad628c30c542f1005837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950515

That's what I like.

>> No.17950442

>Heart pupiling Lamia variant = Squeezed while being milked to the point your pelvis and ribs are crushed.
Sounds lovely.

>> No.17950454
File: 111 KB, 211x867, Best Girl MGE list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this wasn't TOO difficult! Ties don't matter because number 1 is just so far ahead!

>> No.17950472

I specifically went searching for a black and white version so it would match the rest of the picture.

>> No.17950473

>See's your #1
>Tips porkpie atop fedora

>> No.17950480

>Zombie Dragon that high and Dragon nowhere to be seen
Shit taste.

>> No.17950495

I assume your Queen Slime will be a Nureonago-variant?

>> No.17950500
File: 2 KB, 768x768, dfc6887d30d00194c7e235de743531cf045ddd13d8a2b44dc1a8872d4f2ad195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950505

The extra hats mad hatters make become normal hats for men and monsters right? could you theoretically gather a bunch of hatters and their husbands and make mad bank selling the hats they make while they fuck all day?

>> No.17950505

I'm pretty sure hat-making is one of the obvious occupations for Mad Hatters.

>> No.17950515
File: 102 KB, 675x873, b348286e8b15630e362122ff80ff890f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting best-girl.
Begone Thots.

>> No.17950517
Quoted by: >>17950528

>he says as he posts the queen of thots herself

>> No.17950526

>posting narumeia ever
>current year?

>> No.17950528
File: 503 KB, 618x595, narumeia_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_orakuru__4425fedda8fe3831c7ccfe6798209570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950531

>Queen of thots when she's more Onee-san than any Wock
End yourself.

>> No.17950531
Quoted by: >>17950541

Wocks are shit onee-sans and probably thots too.

>> No.17950534
File: 1.42 MB, 2466x3492, 91db633306ae4eb437b66a854f03b658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17950541
Quoted by: >>17950553

>Shit onee-sans
Shitpost levels are off the charts.

Actually rolled her recently.

>> No.17950544

So anons, seeing as chimeras can come in a variety of flavors, roll 1d3+1 girls (1-2 = 1 3-4=2 5-6= 3 on a d6) and mix them all together.

Chimaera results are re-rolled as are Siths.

Whats the combination, what's she look like, and how do you handle her/them?



I'll start off with my rolls.

>2 Girls
>Girtiblillu and Nureonago
>Looks like a light indigo Nureonago except with elfin 'ears' and hair that tends to be in long pony tails, along with wearing a veil.
>Entire body is a lighter concentration of Girtablilu venom, enough to cause minor stiffness in low doses, along with an increased libido
>The maid portion mostly runs things while I'm away, although the Girtablillu portion will be quite chatty with her other half about what they should do later that night, and when I get home it wouldn't be uncommon to find myself ambushed by the maid and a quick kiss put on my lips to make me more 'pliable' for whatever comes.
>The Girty also tends to take the lead at the start of sex, going on top and sucking me till she's had her fill, although the pair do share the 'cuddling' duties afterwards.

A confusing but not unwelcome pair.
Fun times ahead, although I know that they'll be putting things in my food.

>> No.17950553

I like GBF but god damn does it feel like a second job at times.

The grind is nuts and, honestly, I called it quits after I got kicked from my Guild for not being available for 16 hours on the Friday-Monday for Guildwars.

I'm instead playing /jp/ FGO and English FGO as theirs less grinding.

>> No.17950563

>roll 1d3+1 girls (1-2 = 1 3-4=2 5-6= 3 on a d6)

>> No.17950566
File: 641 KB, 1056x1251, 1511663396742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950604

>> No.17950568
Quoted by: >>17950576

Less grinding, but the rolls are pure cancer.

>> No.17950571
Quoted by: >>17950576

what >>17950563 said, what the fuck

>> No.17950576


You roll a d3 and add one girl. This gives a range of 2-4 personalities.

If you roll a d6, a result of 1 or 2 is a 1, 3 or 4 is a 2, 5 or 6 is a 3.
You can also just roll a 1d4 and ignore results of 4.

Oh yeah, FGO is a goddamn turbo jew when it comes to rolls but it makes those good ones you get all the sweeter.

>> No.17950577

Roll a single 3 sided die with a +1 added to the result.

>> No.17950580
File: 30 KB, 361x330, The night is long, master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950589

>Still couldn't get Scatach

>> No.17950585
Quoted by: >>17950597

Gacha is bad civilization

>> No.17950589
Quoted by: >>17950599

I honestly don't like Scatach all that much.
She REALLY helps against divine servants but I've never been all that into her.
I've go my Jeanne again along with Drake and Vlad so I'm all ready to go.

I'm saving up for the lance Alter Gacha.

>> No.17950597

Altera please, you're just salty about being an alien.

On the otherhand, one could always try to roll the MG gacha and see what waifu they get.

>> No.17950599
Quoted by: >>17950606

I want her since she is roughly the best Lancer in the game stat wise.
Plus I LOVE redheads.

>> No.17950601

Anyone else ever been at the weird intersection of:
>I would never let a chaos girl corrupt my body
>I’d swallow a slime if it would make me better

>> No.17950604

Ahh, new chapters I see.

>> No.17950606
Quoted by: >>17950611

Scatch is the best lancer gameplay wise, with Lancer Alter arguably taking second due to her fantastic skillset and stats, but I've never been a huge fan of her.

>> No.17950609

>Blue Oni and Mandragora
>Green oni, w/ an aloe-like complexion and flowery scent
>Seems like she can drink a river
>Hell of a screamer when intoxicated/aroused
>Becomes extremely sheepish/embarrassed after the deed is done
>Seems to be fond of footplay, leg-locking, anything involving her lower half
>Likes to re-enact the Satanico Pandemonium dance from 'From Dusk 'Till Dawn'

I've regularly thought of the latter as a migraine remedy.

>> No.17950611
File: 763 KB, 980x1327, __scathach_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_mizuyan__4764c0f98fb49b4c780092401db6a073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950629

>Never been a fan of this
You must be a big tit fan.

>> No.17950619

I would regularly lick the core of a Dark Slime just to pass the time.

>> No.17950621
File: 453 KB, 800x1000, 65551212_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950629

FGO is only good for the lewds desu, and I'm kinda worried about how they'll handle the American Servants in Salem since the previous EoRs were total stinkers.

>> No.17950625

Hatter are so kind and elegant you can almost forget they're spongey mushroom people.

>> No.17950629

Sounds like a nice girl with a very good weakpoint for you to exploit.

She got a big surge of art/doujins that kinda burned me out on her.
Which is ironic considering that I love the Titurias.

She looks nice and I wouldn't say no but I'm actively looking elsewhere.

I dunno, I enjoyed EoR1
EoR 2 was Ok and had some Deon and rapefaces I'll never forget.
EoR 3 had an interesting gimmick that got irritating at points as my own Musashi was higher level/better skilled than the other one.FUCK the Shuten/Mama fight

4 will probably be Ok.
I'm curious who is in besides loli.

Also, Robomom a cute.

>> No.17950631
File: 557 KB, 683x732, 1511552375197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would some MG willingly annoy men to get hatefugged?

>> No.17950635

Oh definitely.

>> No.17950636

What is a cheshire.

>> No.17950638
File: 351 KB, 900x1200, Hellhound145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17950642
Quoted by: >>17950659

What is this abomination?

>> No.17950648

Sailor Awoo

>> No.17950654
File: 604 KB, 789x1039, Noble_Waif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 girls
So some ultra domineering blood demon with a hypnotic gaze.

I basically got a vampire on steroids, Mayadere/Yandere to the max I'd end up being her butler after I sold her my soul. She'd order me around constantly and mind control me if I didn't comply. She'd berate me constantly and use me as her own personal blood bag whenever she wanted. I'd massage her back and generally wait on her hand and foot.

However with the demon contract she is technically required to do the same for me, just with a lot more embarrassment. It'd be fun to interrupt her evil monologues by putting the collar on her neck and dragging her down to eye level with my dick.

>> No.17950657
File: 174 KB, 800x600, no more nerdwan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950688


>> No.17950658

sleep tite hellwan

>> No.17950659

Seems like a Hellhound uncomfortable with having to wear a school uniform.
Wanna bet she's gonna burn it to a cinder during the full moon when she rapes her crush?

>> No.17950664

God damn.
I assume she has fluffy wolf ears, demon wings, and the basalisk tail?

That sounds like pure, concentrated, dominance right there.
Make sure you really read that contract.

>> No.17950684
Quoted by: >>17950695


Uh, I guess a Lilim with fuckhuge pauldrons and a thicc snek tail? As for how to handle - the same way you do any lilim.

>> No.17950688
File: 586 KB, 1280x1440, 1465122054097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950695

No, more nerdwan.

>> No.17950693

>3 girls
>Unagi Joro
>Blue Oni
>A really blue Demon with the tail of a eel and as stealthy as a ninja that also drinks a hell of a lot
There is no way to control this..... drunk ninja cuddle eel-thing. Im going to be lounging around and suddenly have a bottle in my mouth while wrapped up in her tail and head in her breast.

>> No.17950695

Anon, you gotta reroll the chimera result.
Because a chimera chimera makes no sense.

Nerdwan a cute.
Especially when she grows up into a muscled, proper hellhound that still has nerdy interests.

>> No.17950703

>You're alone on the couch one second
>The next you've got sake in your mouth, a long, blue eel tail around your waist, and a loud laugh in your ear while she tells you to "Drink up husband! It's snugglin' time!"

>> No.17950706
Quoted by: >>17950713

>Nereid/Alruane chimaera
Isn't this just flow kelp?

>> No.17950707

>3 girls
Meant to say rolled a 3.

>> No.17950713
Quoted by: >>17950721

Although I imagine she's just a Nerid with some undersea flowers in her hair, fairly tame.

>> No.17950721

On the upside, she can't be molested for nectar by honeybee girls underwater.

>> No.17950722

>Random again
>Get another ice/snow MG

It think the universe is telling me something.

>> No.17950724
Quoted by: >>17950731

>He doesn't know about snorkling bumblebee girls.

>> No.17950726
Quoted by: >>17950731

You sure that's an upside?

>> No.17950731
Quoted by: >>17950738

Well, it is for her at least.
How resourceful of them!

>> No.17950738

They're quite good at getting where they need to be.
Besides, they can wear their Beekinis when the go after her!

>> No.17950739

i wonder what other three monster you could add to a vampire recipe to maker as ojou sama as possible,so many to choose from


>> No.17950746
Quoted by: >>17950775

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember lizards aren't the only ones who need to stay warm in the winter, slimes are weak to the cold as well!

Don't want semi-solid slims shivering outside now do you?

>> No.17950747
File: 1.85 MB, 1999x1873, a new purpose in life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A old automaton that hasn't moved in years, her frame is rusty and she is covered in foliage

As the young alraune snuggled closer to her face, the automaton wondered what had caused her reactivation.

But she knew this for sure: this child needed her protection.

>> No.17950758

>Rusty Automamom taking care of a loli Aulrane

A cute, I'd give her books on plant care and offer to hook her up with a gremlin and dwarf that could help repair her parts.

>> No.17950764

I want to give them both a nice home.

>> No.17950766
File: 613 KB, 896x900, 1493675702688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950860

>Be friends with nerdy hellhound in Elementary school
>She loves star wars and can kick your ass in mario kart
>You both end up going to seperate high schools
>You both become busy with your own lives and barely see each other
>A few years pass, both of you have graduated
>You decide to celebrate together
>Invite her over to your place
>To your surprise, she isn't that skinny girl you remembered anymore
>She's fucking jacked
>Six pack abs
>Strong arms and legs
>You challenge her to a game of Mario Kart
>She still kicks your ass

>> No.17950775
File: 246 KB, 700x644, kQzkyuC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give them plenty of love alright.

I'd introduce a botanically-oriented Gremlin to the pair: that Automamom could use some love.

>> No.17950815
File: 16 KB, 273x271, 6403126+_3b6e09d9a90765d4a962c55bfee684d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't green onis just ogres or orcs?

>> No.17950818

That's racist.

>> No.17950821

dumb elfposter

>> No.17950822
File: 572 KB, 800x1280, Manticore192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order yours today!

>> No.17950827

Orcs are swine, though I'll concede on the first point.

It was a simpler way of going with a sickly green pallor.

>> No.17950838

Ah, ah, cuteness and love and friendship.

>> No.17950859

I want to date the call-support Manticore

>> No.17950860
Quoted by: >>17950866

Keep in mind, she's probably fucking huge too.
Imagine a 6' 8" girl who could crush your head between her thighs getting adorably excited about playing a new video game she's been waiting forever for and pulling you into her lap for maximum comfy.

>> No.17950862

>3 weeks
So much for getting fresh ones.
At least they're free.

>> No.17950866
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1702, 1511034021394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17950911

I want a big 6' 8" cat.

>> No.17950904
Quoted by: >>17950917

>khepri and yuki onna
>A white and light blue insect with a carapace that looks like diamond often seen rolling down snowy mountains on top of snowballs
>This type of bug is known for its peculiar way of catching potential mates, which is to run them over with their snowball and katamari their way to their lair
>After they reach their destination, the snowball melts and the man is filled with a cold and lonely sensation, looking for the nearest heat source which is the Snow Khepri's body
>Different from normal Khepris this kind can be found alone, seeking to share her body heat with only her husbad and vice-versa, but more than one bug can be sometimes seen rolling on one snowball and so they end up sharing
>Snow Khepris avalanches can sometimes happen, in which all of the mountain's bugs roll down in search of males

>> No.17950911 [SPOILER] 
File: 689 KB, 1000x1600, 1511672754849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then do I have an investment opportunity for YOU!

>> No.17950917

>two Snow Khepris find a man

>> No.17950920
Quoted by: >>17950938

Ittan momen, kunoichi, lich, dragon zombie, shoggoth, jiangshi, inari, and mantis all below fucking alps. This has to be the worst fucking taste I have ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.17950923
Quoted by: >>17950951

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.17950938
Quoted by: >>17950957

Shoggoth deserves to be there, the rest don't.

>> No.17950951
Quoted by: >>17950955

Who were you thinking? The sabbath, the tanukis, or something different?

>> No.17950952

Your taste can't get better.

>> No.17950955
Quoted by: >>17950974

the Tiny Tiger Conglomerate, a force pushing for the advancement of small tigers accross the world

>> No.17950957
Quoted by: >>17950962

you'd rather fuck a man than a shog?

>> No.17950962
Quoted by: >>17950977

No, I'd rather not fuck any of them, but at least you could be friends with a gay dude instead of losing your sanity to a bootleg maid.

>> No.17950974

Somehow this TTC sounds like a rather radical group.

>> No.17950977

And looking back at the list, mummy and devil should be above shogg as well.

>> No.17950980
Quoted by: >>17950981

Do you think kikis have trouble making the transition from servant to wife?

>> No.17950981
File: 862 KB, 1500x1243, 1483202739856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all.

>> No.17950982

It comes naturally with the time.

>> No.17950985
Quoted by: >>17951009

>2 girls
>Vampire and Kitsune-tsuki

A human woman who was possessed by a Vampire-bi and are in the process of becoming a fully fledged vampire. They attempt to drink the blood of human men the similar to a vampire but with very little success.

>> No.17950987


>> No.17950999
Quoted by: >>17951018

Do NOT grope the maid. She has too much work to do and cannot do with distractions!

>> No.17951001

The thing I hate the most with that site is that the only reason they give for their supposed "superiority" is that "there's no moot".
Like, okay, moot is sometimes a faggot, but what about board support, neutrality, anonymity, webm support, and whatever else?

>> No.17951004

I want to nuzzle my dragon daughteru and tell her that she'll be big and strong one day with a huge hoard.

>> No.17951009

Well, the problem is she doesn't have real fangs. They're just ghost fangs.

>> No.17951011
File: 713 KB, 740x1036, 1511426335988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17951022

>ywn get group paizuri'd by your doraf harem
Damn it, I just want to paint their tits white.

>> No.17951018
File: 1.49 MB, 1750x2396, a bit of sunshine peeks through.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17951019

It's fine, she'll have some help coming along in nine months.

>> No.17951019

Silly anon, little baby Kikis can't clean!

>> No.17951020
Quoted by: >>17951028

No. But while the master is playing upsies-daisy with the kid, the maid can clean.

>> No.17951021
File: 162 KB, 603x795, 9bGPzsU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17951026

They sure can! They clean away my cynicism and despair.

>> No.17951022
Quoted by: >>17951029

Dorafs are why we need genetic engineering perfected.

>> No.17951026

These are smiles are worth protecting.

>> No.17951028

But what about the maid is nursing her new baby, or doing any of the other extremely time-consuming and distracting early motherhood stuff? There won't be nearly as much time for cleaning!

>> No.17951029

Jokes on you, I'm mad scientist and I'm making space elves instead of shortstacks.

>> No.17951030
Quoted by: >>17951037


That won't stop them from trying

>> No.17951032
Quoted by: >>17951037

But in due time, she'll learn to clean soon enough.

And avoid her father's attempt at spoiling her.

>> No.17951035

Oh anon, there is a very special and important way that she can!

She can clean daddy's cock!

>> No.17951037

This is why Nureonagos are superior meidos.
In the case of an ordinary slime, having just been born, the little slime’s head would be full of thoughts of hungrily gorging on semen, but as for the nureonago, it is said that even after just being born they’ll help their mother with the housework, having devoted behavior.

>> No.17951040

No, you fool! Think of the consequences!

>> No.17951042

>fucking your daughter
There's a place in hell for you.
It's called 8ch.

But Kikis are cuter.

>> No.17951043

Make both, you dumb fuck.

>> No.17951045


>> No.17951070
File: 738 KB, 1000x936, e8df131b36716aa75777666e23e9b2ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17951076

Nures are pretty wonderful.

>> No.17951076

But I hate being wet

>> No.17951103
Quoted by: >>17951106

I want to go to a shrine and slap every shirohebi there right on the rump.

>> No.17951106

How rude!

>> No.17951109
File: 36 KB, 1366x768, ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my top 10, rate it.

>> No.17951113

I once saw something like that. It stuck to my shoe after I waled in it, had to clean them.

>> No.17951138
Quoted by: >>17951144

I see you like abs. 9/10, too much white.

>> No.17951144
Quoted by: >>17951171

Hellhound is very odd in that list, #2 spot in a rank that is clearly about abs.

>> No.17951157

I like your taste, but the Hellhound at #2 creates some dissonance in my head as clearly abs are your taste. Shouldn't she be below the Ochimusha?

>> No.17951171
Quoted by: >>17951434

Well, I can see abs being very attractive on a hellhound, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.17951197
File: 14 KB, 604x576, Knock three times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to come here as soon as I woke up because it finally happened, I finally had my first Monster Girl related dream!
I was walking through the darkness in a really funny way because I knew there was something dangerous underfoot. I found a port-a-potty and entered it, finding a light. Something told me it was powered by an atomic battery and that it was weird for such a thing to be "on this world". I don't know what told me that, since it was a dream and dreams don't make sense. The important thing was that in that port-a-potty there was a note on the wall that said "knock three times and I'll come", and if my memories are to be trusted a picture kind of like the one here.
So that's when I realized why I'd been walking weird. I had to walk without rhythm or else the worm would notice me.
I panicked and fumbled around and hit my head, and wouldn't you know as I stumbled outside the ground shook and a Sandworm came out. Thing is I was scared of her. All the organic fleshy bits inside her were very intimidating when you saw them for real.
So anyway that's my dream, should I go around knocking on the ground or what?

>> No.17951227

I want to challenge a salamander to a fight only to pull an Indiana Jones when she makes a big show of pulling her sword out.

>> No.17951234

I want to unleash my pocket sand on a lizardman's eyes during a fight.

>> No.17951236

>pull an Indiana Jones
So fuck things up and lead Nazis to the ark?

>> No.17951240
File: 249 KB, 917x814, 1508827191143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17951305

I want to have a few pet fairies.

>> No.17951305
Quoted by: >>17951308

Those are Bar Flies!

>> No.17951308
File: 75 KB, 517x361, 1507904305210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute flies.

>> No.17951337
File: 190 KB, 591x748, 9bc9b5aa68bf2338e2b74d8a39a3785d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who choose Medusa, the small snek became a big snek.

>> No.17951338

Has anyone written about slow corruption yet? Like an imouto who gets infected by a tiny amount of dark matter and has it spread whenever she feels upset, so her onii-chan has to increasingly cave into her desires to get too close to him or else she'll turn into a monster.

>> No.17951342

I find it adorable how her hair snake is resting on the guy's head.

>> No.17951345

She filled out nicely. I wonder how much was due to that "best parent" of hers.

What a bind!
>don't spoil her: she'll turn into a monster
>spoil her: she wants your D, and turns into a monster

>> No.17951348

Do shirohebi next

>> No.17951350
Quoted by: >>17951356

And if you spank her on a daily basis? What happens?

>> No.17951356
Quoted by: >>17951359

She becomes a monster with a spanking fetish,

>> No.17951359
Quoted by: >>17951370

And if instead of spanking her, I lock her in a dark closet? Does she get a fetish for doing it in darkness?

>> No.17951370
Quoted by: >>17951373

No, she just turns into a yandere species. Be prepared to share that closet with her forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

>> No.17951373
Quoted by: >>17951375

And if I... turn off the internet?

>> No.17951375
Quoted by: >>17951377

she grows legs and turns into a gremlin.

>> No.17951377
Quoted by: >>17951383

I don't mind, I love gremlins. They're the cutest smug little shits around.

That internet is getting off.

>> No.17951383
File: 515 KB, 844x1045, 1476488353556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest assured it will not be the only thing getting off.

>> No.17951384

Hey so if I want to write something I just submit it? Is the writefag list updated still?

>> No.17951390

Pff, womanlets. when will they learn

>> No.17951392

>>spoil her: she wants your D, and turns into a monster
No, it just becomes increasingly harder.
>"Are you only treating me nice because you're afraid of me changing?"
>"Would you love me even if I became a monster?"
>"How come you only give me hugs when I ask?"
>"You seem really uncomfortable when we bathe together. You should let me help you with that."
>"We've already done it hundreds of times and I'm not pregnant yet. Onii-chan, I'm afraid it might never happen."
And every little episode makes her worse while the corruption never recedes, even in her happiest moments.

>> No.17951393

I want to slap that butt gently and watch her panting more and more, eagerly expecting more.
Then I'll whisper in her ear "beg me, and call me Mister".

Post away. Post the title, the link to the pastebin, and what it has : smut, the fetish, and the monstergirl.

>> No.17951399

Just put it on pastebin and link it. Don't use a trip. Give a one sentence description of what it is, if it has lewds in it, and warn about any medium grade or higher fetishes contained within and enjoy the wait for four replies at most on it.

>> No.17951432

>tfw no Kikimora with a penchant for not wearing panties under her dress

>> No.17951434
Quoted by: >>17951438

Can Hellhounds get abs?

>> No.17951438

Why couldn't they?

>> No.17951526

Do automatons dream of electric weresheep?

>> No.17951537
Quoted by: >>17951586

You haven't got a few plump cats by any chance?

>> No.17951548

If you have any difficulties with writing, just invent a style that lets you skip everything that is difficult for you.

>> No.17951552

Can an Automaton create a masterpiece? Can an Automaton compose a symphony?

>> No.17951586
File: 380 KB, 755x1051, cd4bc3a5c102be2c8a14ffa6f6e9b6bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work for you? It's hard to find plump things living in poverty in a war stricken country.

>> No.17951593

What a cute butt.

>> No.17951603
Quoted by: >>17951606

Weresheep being electrocuted in their genitals?

>> No.17951606
Quoted by: >>17951621

Only if they're into that.

>> No.17951621

I now want to watch a damaged Automaton with current curring through her genitalia and a Weresheep scissoring.

>> No.17951625 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 201x531, 1511692641483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight me

>> No.17951634

Why? Looks like half of them would be willing if you asked them for a sparring match.

>> No.17951668
File: 550 KB, 1180x1131, 1511237021880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every $100 you spend gets a stamp! Collect 20 stamps and win a free gift!

>> No.17951676
File: 633 KB, 1280x1303, 1476617087536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't. Got to save for Christmas. Gonna buy a big book.

>> No.17951754

What if I just pay for a roll of the stamps?

>> No.17951758
File: 209 KB, 2048x1024, DPSGZ90VwAUZd4G.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press F to pay respects

>> No.17951766
Quoted by: >>17951772

Do not underestimate a puppy's paw pads.

>> No.17951772

Not even Dragons are immune to the pain a lego can inflict.

>> No.17951782
Quoted by: >>17951785

What's the gift?

>> No.17951785
Quoted by: >>17951816

Incubization pamphlets in the style of Charles Atlas.

>> No.17951786

Aww, poor Anubis. I want to massage her paws.

>> No.17951816
Quoted by: >>17951819

That's not worth $2,000.

>> No.17951819
File: 124 KB, 534x804, 1416789723578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. virgin pencildick

>> No.17951891

That's a weird place for Alp to be, and people complain about >>17949090

>> No.17951902

It's a proper place for Alp to be, although they don't match with the other monsters around them in the list

>> No.17951904

the first one seemed like a real list, the last one is juts bait;

>> No.17951966

I tried do do it slow, but I failed.
Still gonna finish it

>> No.17951970
File: 376 KB, 599x902, __charlotta_and_gran_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_shiseki_hirame__fbc08893555eb2baec0982d24e3a4ce7 s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second job? You have to be joking, it's the primary one. Find yourself a comfy get A tier and wing it crew, casual A guilds are comfy.

>> No.17951977
Quoted by: >>17952002

Box is cute, but not for sex

>> No.17951980

Bimbo/gyaru Automatons y/n?

>> No.17951983
File: 201 KB, 902x638, ..0k0LWf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17952002

I want to spank that loli.

>> No.17951986

Fuck no, bimbos are disgusting and gyarus can look a bit nice but are sluts.

>> No.17951995

Eh, half the fun of that archetype is the personality, and though humorous deadpan/Kuu personality imitating the gyaru style isn’t very hot

>> No.17952002
File: 889 KB, 849x1200, __charlotta_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_nashiru_kuusou_banana__0ad6f6d3403f7f88dd83b783d070fb04 s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 24, box is totally for lewd.
A perfectly reasonable desire.

>> No.17952012
Quoted by: >>17952017

What a little cute.

I still want to bully her.

>> No.17952017
Quoted by: >>17952086

I headcanon that MGE dwarves are just actual dorafs. I don’t think it hurts much making such a switch.

>> No.17952031


Well I wrote something

Short non-lewd greentext about a paladin's family based in the MGE universe

hope y'all enjoy, suggestions welcome

>> No.17952036

Suggestion 1: drop the "new".

>> No.17952038

Someone add that to the pastebin.

>> No.17952043


will do

>> No.17952049

Fuck no.

>> No.17952052

Lol at this autism. If anything, every writefag should namefag when posting stories so they're searchable and identifiable.

Don't. I'd rather not have to click through completely unmarked pastebin links to see they are, like people who listen to faggots like that make us do.

>> No.17952053

Suggestion 2: give the story a proper name instead of "MG short".

>> No.17952054

I had one, then they turned competitive.

Box is for cute.
Yuela and Societte are for lewds, as is nearly every doraf.

>> No.17952056

Goth Automatons?

>> No.17952065
File: 346 KB, 1328x2133, 1455544845873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do go on, Good Hunter.

>> No.17952067

>If anything, every writefag should namefag when posting stories so they're searchable and identifiable.
How to spot new blood 101.

>> No.17952071

That's a Doll.

>> No.17952074
File: 876 KB, 1393x1903, 63594201_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17952077


>> No.17952077
Quoted by: >>17952078

That's a doll. A very cute doll though.
Why is she so smug.

>> No.17952078
Quoted by: >>17952090

>Why is she so smug.
Because the artist draws his girls smug more often than not.

>> No.17952080


>> No.17952085
Quoted by: >>17952098

>as is nearly every doraf
Narmaya is for pure love and pure breeding, not lewd

>> No.17952086
File: 702 KB, 800x1080, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midget seibah is harvin though, not doraf

>> No.17952087

>If anything, every writefag should namefag when posting stories so they're searchable and identifiable.
Nah. Adding a description to the post is fine but namefagging is pointless since it does nothing except attention whore when the name is already included in the paste.
Plus it encourages people to open the story and judge based on the content, not the name.

>> No.17952089

>gyaru anything
Yes please.

>> No.17952090

Excellent, smug girls are the best.

>> No.17952094
Quoted by: >>17952118

>suggestions welcome
Do this, basically.

>> No.17952098
Quoted by: >>17952114

You can't breed her without lewding her sometime!

>> No.17952099
Quoted by: >>17952109

Sucks when that happens to guilds.
>Box is for cute.
Cute lewd.
>Yuela and Societte are for lewds, as is nearly every doraf.
Nearly every? Well I guess it'd be annoying to fuck Daetta if she wasn't gagged. Jesus christ that voice.
Lamretta is for unspeakably lewd stuff though.

>> No.17952104
Quoted by: >>17952118


That's a fair point. I guess the name is in the pastebin anyways.

>> No.17952109
Quoted by: >>17952136

I don't mind Daetta but you are 100% correct about Lamretta.

>> No.17952114

It's not lewd if it's done by her (forcibly adopted) little brother out of pure familial love.

>> No.17952118


Also a fair point. I guess it goes both ways.

Kinda sucks but I guess I'll just use my name when I have to.

>> No.17952123
Quoted by: >>17952153

Namefagging makes the post show up on warosu when you're wondering if someone's posted anything new. You can bookmark every bin you want to follow, sure, if you're an autist, but I'd rather not.

There's literally no upside to the no-name autism outside feeling good about yourself for ~keeping the writefags' egoes in their place~.

>> No.17952130
File: 422 KB, 657x869, MGE Mario and Luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cold my tanukis feel like they're going to freeze!

>> No.17952136
File: 809 KB, 1872x1300, fe22a55bed2313e31aa383ae989e8d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17952141

She's a Satyros in a doraf's body I swear.

>> No.17952141
Quoted by: >>17952168

Just get your tanukis under the blankets to snuggle up.

I don't know, even a Satyros may have trouble keeping up.

>> No.17952151
Quoted by: >>17952168

Their assets?

>> No.17952153
Quoted by: >>17955130

There's no need to use warosu for that. Just type pastebin.com/u/writefagname, it gives the date a paste was added too.

>> No.17952168

*Anon holding up arms to reveal Tanuki's strapped to his hands*

>> No.17952177
Quoted by: >>17952187

Then get them snacks, put them under a blanket, and keep them warm this Sunday.

Tubby tanukis are greedy creatures.

>> No.17952181
Quoted by: >>17952183


>> No.17952183

>meme arrows

>> No.17952187
File: 1.04 MB, 1598x954, thank you for your interest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to keep them warm by another method.

>> No.17952195
Quoted by: >>17952201

Is that method hot chocolate?

>> No.17952201
Quoted by: >>17952259

If by hot chocolate you mean me vigorously rubbing and fondling their fluffy tails, followed by clothed paizuri and mating press, then yes, by hot chocolate.

>> No.17952209
Quoted by: >>17952219

By teaching them how human free markets work and giving them sound investing advice?

>> No.17952219
File: 457 KB, 2555x1520, shecomestomakeajointaccount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, I'll teach them how to maximise returns on their deposits. I'll show them how to acquire more liquid assets in exchange for their property and equipment, how to leverage on boyim rich in liquid assets. Hell, I'll even advise them on how to structure their joint ventures and partnerships to increase synergies and optimise revenue streams.

>> No.17952224
Quoted by: >>17952261

I too, burn their leafs and sometimes lit their tail on fire, anon.

>> No.17952259

That also sounds nice.

I just want a pudgy tanuki office lady with a large tail and large 'tail'

>> No.17952261
File: 297 KB, 650x653, 1510441126321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully

>> No.17952290
Quoted by: >>17952295

>rape your Paladin onee-chan with your huge, corrupt cock, telling her you're gonna make her into a happy mother
>she scoffs, showing you the glowing sacred rune above her womb and telling you that it will protect her from anything corrupt, including your nasty sperm
>you shoot your load inside her, instantly cumflating her, and she watches in terror as her rune shatters
>because human girls are far easier to impregnate than monsters, all the cum stuffed in her babymaker knocks her up with octuplets
Paladin-chans are for bearing their squire's babies, forcefully or otherwise

>> No.17952292
Quoted by: >>17952296

>How many times do I have to tell you honey? Please don’t call our daughters ‘interest’.

>> No.17952295

I just want to corrupt Paladin-chan's into P'Orcs.
I will be her Wizard assistant.

>> No.17952296
Quoted by: >>17952313

She hopes they compound over time.

>> No.17952307
File: 471 KB, 1200x804, 1472435528747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to slap some tanukis with my big, fat wad of cash

>> No.17952312
Quoted by: >>17952315

Anon, that's a marriage proposal to some of them.

You're playing with bushy-tailed fire.

>> No.17952313

I know we talk about the personalities of our waifus and daughterus. But what about our son-in-laws? Would you have a crazy standard or test that you’d put them through to weed out the weak ones?
Personally, I wouldn’t accept a son who doesn’t like fishing.

>> No.17952315

>Anon, that's a marriage proposal to some of them.
Yeah the gyaru ones.

>> No.17952318

The test would be making my little slime bud happy. If he can do that to the point where I can rest easy after I'm gone then that's all that matters.

>> No.17952319

Those are the only ones that matter though

>> No.17952331

That's for any gyaru. The amount your throw at them says how long you plan on staying so a wad of cash is definitely going to transform her pupils into hearts.

>> No.17952334

>have salamander daughteru
Since I trained her, it's not enough that he beat her,
he has to go through me as well before he can take my little firestarter from me.

>> No.17952335
Quoted by: >>17952390

Before fighting him you'd take him to an onsen to drink sake and give him a speech about fighting beautiful women, right?

>> No.17952336
File: 642 KB, 1280x1896, P003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that lamias deserve love too.

>> No.17952344
File: 673 KB, 1280x1779, shiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17952346

What is the source for this? I tried yandex google and saucenao

>> No.17952354

Girls who speak in Olde English are cute.

>> No.17952356
Quoted by: >>17952359

I want to tell that to my large muscled, hugely breasted centaur!

>> No.17952359
File: 949 KB, 1280x1897, P005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, 'tis so forsooth.

>> No.17952362
Quoted by: >>17952373

I think the thought of having my child taken away and being loved by another man is why I'm a daughter dicker. I know I'm not that great of a guy but there a lot of shit tier men out there.

>> No.17952366

Imagine having to fight an entire family of salamanders consecutively before you take on the one you want to marry.

>first fight of the gauntlet; her older sister
>second fight; her father
>third fight; mama Sally herself
>and then the championship match against your Salamander waifu

>> No.17952370
Quoted by: >>17952378

Hopefully that oneesan is married, lest you end up with another interested party

>> No.17952373

I understand, Anon. Who could possibly know or love your daughteru more than her own father? Plus, oyakodon is great.

>> No.17952378
Quoted by: >>17952383

Of course she’s married. That’s why her younger sisters aren’t fighting but instead I’m cute cheerleader outfits rooting for their family!

>> No.17952383

In cute cheerleading outfits*

>> No.17952390
Quoted by: >>17952394

Please, do not fight on the moon.

>> No.17952394
Quoted by: >>17952399

What's the point of being a man if you can't fight some young upstart on the moon?

>> No.17952399

That's not the problem, there are mice there and they are very frail and easy to scare.

>> No.17952404
Quoted by: >>17952422

But I thought the moon was made of cheese!
Whatever, I can bring them back with me and feed them cheese until they are big and less frail again.

>> No.17952406
Quoted by: >>17952422

Mice on the moon? Oh, right. For the cheese. Three blind mice and a Wurm flew up there with balloons.

>> No.17952408
Quoted by: >>17952540

I never thought about it too much, but he'd probably need to be very gentle and kind because my daughteru might turn out to be an ancient evil. She'd need someone to make herextremelly comfy.

>> No.17952419
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, ev402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17952422
Quoted by: >>17952430

It is made out of cheese, but they'll always be weak compared to others no matter how chubby they get. Just go behind one and give her a good old spook and she'll squeal and run away.

There are one or two doromes on there two.

>> No.17952430

Wait, so these mice aren't gorging themselves on cheese up there?
And spooking one seems like a good way to just watch her waddle off and trip.

>> No.17952437

They are, but they don't want the moon to disappear suddenly and they can't eat it all at once.

>> No.17952447
Quoted by: >>17952459

Well, I guess I just need to bring them back to earth so they can gorge themselves here.

>> No.17952450
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, Good news, everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Mice eat of the cheese, the Moon diminishes in size and turns into a crescent. When the Big Cheese is rejuvenated through means modern science has yet to ascertain, the Moon grows big again and the Mice may presume their feeding frenzy.
Gentlemen, I propose we prepare a cylinder large enough to contain four unmarried and brave young men to be launched from a giant cannon with the express intent of impacting upon the surface of Luna.

>> No.17952454

That sounds dangerous.

>> No.17952459

I doubt they'll want to go back.

You'll need way more than that. I forgot there are also rabbits on the moon and an old lady. You'll probably need around 100 guys.

>> No.17952463

Pretty easy tests
>has to be responsible with money
My waifu and daughteru's race are noble types and have lots of money, I need to be certain he's not the type to blow money just because he has it.
>has to be able to handle a good drink
Not talking about volume and how much he can drink but the daughteru isn't marrying a weakling who can't handle some strong tasting scotch without pulling some funny faces.
>sense of humour
Can't take himself too seriously, if he reacts poorly to father in law style ribs he's out but if he reacts with jokes of his own or has a laugh at his own expense he passes.

I'd b pretty easy going with who my daugteru married if he could pass those.

>> No.17952467

Well that's fine.
I'm sure they'll have their fill of cheese eventually, especially if they get into the holst/hathorite stuff.

Its pretty rich, along with carrying some side effects

>> No.17952477

How do you cure PTCD?

>> No.17952479
Quoted by: >>17952497

If he listens to gangster rap, doesn't have a job, and has a vocabulary mainly consisting of the word "like", he's out the door at gun point.

I don't care what my kitten says, I'll dig his grave myself.

>> No.17952486

Cuddlecat Therapy

>> No.17952496

make internet accessible.

>> No.17952497
Quoted by: >>17952513

So two of the above is fine?

>> No.17952502
File: 1.31 MB, 1785x1407, MindFlayer29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17952510
Quoted by: >>17952539

That's not Olde English though.

>> No.17952513

Oh no, any two or more is where I draw the line. I'm not letting my daughter date ghetto trash.

>> No.17952532
File: 189 KB, 800x656, 1455076918699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor Pally can fix that right up

>> No.17952539

Girls who talk in a fancy fashion are cute. Also, girls who talk regular.
Honestly, I'd just love for a girl to talk to me, to say anything.

>> No.17952540

Oh right, and the kid has to be monogamous. I won't let my little thing be part of a harem or even bigamy.

>> No.17952584
File: 264 KB, 399x453, 1508011839398 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17952705

Fucking this. They don't love my daughter enough to have her and only her? Why don't you french kiss my twelve gauge?

>> No.17952590
File: 307 KB, 850x1200, carmelina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really like to get my hands on some doppel potions when the portal opens
>create a clone of yourself so your shortstack housewife can get that dick she loves so much while you go off to work
>come home and tag out your clone so you can use your waifu for some rough stress relief
>before bed, you let her enjoy being impaled from the front and back, stuffing her with as much cum as physically possible before dismissing the clone and falling asleep with the wife in your arms

>> No.17952594
Quoted by: >>17952601

Joke's on you anon, my son-in-law would also be me!

>> No.17952601

>Grandpa, why are you my Dad too?

>> No.17952603

I used to dislike the idea but I've came to love the idea of doppel potions.
Especially with the idea of a shortstack Cheshire, pounding that smug cat in every hole would be fun.

>> No.17952611
Quoted by: >>17952624

My daughteru would not be wanting to have kids anon, otherwise things would get really weird really fast.

>> No.17952614
Quoted by: >>17952668

>"Because your mother got her sexy ass from Grandma."

>> No.17952617
Quoted by: >>17952705

>Some Anon with a Bicorn waifu wants to add your daughteru to their harem

What would you do?

>> No.17952624
Quoted by: >>17952630

not even if she begged you to give her one?

>> No.17952630

She wouldn't in the first place though!

>> No.17952668

>tfw you’ve heard this at a family reunion before
Glad it wasn’t any of my actual family and was just a third cousin who hopefully was joking, I can’t really remember it was a while back when it happened.

>> No.17952669

>doppel potions

>> No.17952702

>and an old lady

>> No.17952705

That's right. If the guy thought that it was okay to share his love that's a big redflag.

Be absolutely disgusted and scare them hard enough that they will never come back. If he forced it I'd beat his shit

>> No.17952738

I hear that if you go deep into the moon, you'll find the most powerful wizard known to mankind, millennia of virginity trapped within his orbital cage. His magic rivals, or perhaps surpasses, that of the most powerful lilim, and his coming might cleanse the earth.
The Man In The Moon.

>> No.17952778

I’m still lukewarm on them, although a short stack Cheshire would be fun to cuddle and carry.

Wonder if I could get her to watch me do drop in hockey

>> No.17952791

I'm not sure about the use of doppel potions, maybe if my wife used one too so we could have an orgy and black out for a day or two.

I'd use a tentacle potion once though just to see how weird and slimy it feels like. No sex, just an experiment.

>> No.17952821

Muscular nerd girls are best nerd girls

>> No.17952822
Quoted by: >>17952849

I'm going to marry your daughter, Anon. In fact I'm going to marry all of your daughters, Anons.

>> No.17952829
Quoted by: >>17952849

>Love harems and love daughter dicking
>the idea of my daughter marrying anyone else at all, even if it's someone who'll take her and only her ticks me off
I'm definitely not fit to be a parent.

>> No.17952839
File: 138 KB, 870x269, 1567845645455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute kitty cats are in danger of being taken on a date!

>> No.17952849

Can't marry her if she won't marry you.

Definitely not if you want to dick those little cuties. I understand that you want to protect her, but dicking the daughteru is still bad.

>> No.17952850
Quoted by: >>17952865

>monstergirl blackmailing anti monsterfag into having sex with her
this is a premise for a hentai I'd like to see

>> No.17952865

How would a MG blackmail a palandindu?

>> No.17952876
Quoted by: >>17952888

roofied him and have her way with him while he is out and video tape it.

>> No.17952881

All paladins are just repressing their desires. You just have to find that on weak point in their armor and pick away until they break. Then he belongs to the girl forever out of fear of being excommunicated.

>> No.17952884
File: 346 KB, 833x1100, 271_hellhound_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be protected by a Hellhound. If she started to act all tough and protective around me, I dont think I would be able to control myself. I would likely fuck her for entire days nonstop.

>> No.17952888
Quoted by: >>17952893

>Be paladindu
>Get fucked by a monster girl
>Not exactly the most surprising end all things considered, had a good run
>Except I wasn't even conscious to attempt enjoying it, she didn't give a shit, at best it was like a wet dream
>Even videotaped it to add insult to injury
>All the negatives of getting raped with none of the positives

>> No.17952892
File: 611 KB, 2048x1556, 1503795910501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protctive hellhound is too cute.

>> No.17952893

the obvious solution is to go get a wife who's not her.
That will rub it in her face.

>> No.17952900

What girl would take a used goods paladin?

>> No.17952907

Warm and toasty

>> No.17952909

out of character girls trigger my nerdrage

>> No.17952916
Quoted by: >>17952933

Unicorns are the only ones who wouldn't.

>> No.17952929
File: 976 KB, 1024x1308, 134984353432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17952949

This is what a domesticated Hellhound looks like.

>> No.17952933
File: 343 KB, 769x1000, 1398089294332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong. Girls won't go after a man that another girl has already 'marked' as hers. The only one who might is a Bicorn.

>> No.17952940

The only proper solution is to find her and purify her into wife material. Through extreme revenge hatefucking.

She wanted the dick, she'll get the dick till she begs for rest, even if it takes an entire backpack of raging mushrooms and 50L of water to stave off dehydration in the act.

>> No.17952947
Quoted by: >>17952958

Out of character? Being protective is like 50% of the Hellhound's profile.

>> No.17952949

No, this is what a domesticated hellhound looks like.

>> No.17952956

is he checking for worms?

>> No.17952958

>Being protective is like 50% of the Hellhound's profile
Not really.
>They also recognize that humans are frail beings, and they treat them with care as "their one and only male," something more valuable to them than anything else. If an enemy tries to harm their male, they'll leap to his defense and attack the enemy with full hostility and ferocity, unlike how they treat their male.
That's all that's said on the matter, the rest of it is just the standard "girl rapes man and makes him her own" affair which makes no mention of protecting. Don't let protectionfags fool you into thinking it's a Hellhound's main gimmick, it's not.

>> No.17952960

When you think hellhounds couldn't get worse

>> No.17952964
File: 1.51 MB, 2480x3508, 1447964955546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17952988

>a used goods paladin
I'd heal her mind and butt of the trauma caused by the Beelzebubs!

>> No.17952972
File: 383 KB, 1200x1574, Chadhound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17952974

Nope. Monster girls don't give a damn if a man has had sex before, he could have been through 100 girls, as long as he has no monster girl who's claimed him as her husband they will make a move on him.
Unicorns are the odd one out for caring.

>> No.17952975

Nah, if they like the guy they fuck him anyway. If you had a monster wife and a monster friend who really liked you you'd end up with two wives.

>> No.17952979
Quoted by: >>17952982

>, he could have been through 100 girls
what if they were all alps?

>> No.17952982


>> No.17952988

What a cutie. 10/10 would sack Byzantium with.

>> No.17952990

Its still a canon aspect of their established profile. Its not "out of character" by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.17952996
Quoted by: >>17952999

Well, they do care if it they sense another MG on the man, sense they conclude said MG is the man’s wife and so won’t make a move as a result.
They don’t care about sexual history though, no.

>> No.17952999

does that mean all a guy needs to do is collect monster musk and monster wont attack him?

>> No.17953000
File: 49 KB, 446x545, E15A9BB3-78A1-45E0-B45F-4092AECEBCA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17953004

>except for the part where it says they protect their man, it doesn’t say they protect their man

>> No.17953004

1 or 2 lines isn't 50% of the profile.

>> No.17953005

it can be

>> No.17953007

It’s the MGs unique DE that causes it, it’s not an actual olfactory smell.
I think they may make charms to that effect, though.

>> No.17953009

>Smother self in Anubis "honey"
>all the other MGs in Pharaoh's court lose interest
>The Apophis is no longer whispering dark somethings into me ear lewdly
>The Pharaoh is no longer inviting me to dinner with her personally and patting me on the head; instead only looking at me in disgust
>The Khepris still act friendly, but aren't touchy anymore
>All is well in the world
>Except the fact that Anubi know the difference when someone has been taken , and when you smear their scent all over yourself when single
>Especially when it's THEIR scent
You'll just fool every monster outside the specis who owns the scent.

>> No.17953011
Quoted by: >>17953016

How an MG acts isn’t dictated by the volume of text dedicated to each attribute.
Final You.

>> No.17953016

>moving the goalposts

>> No.17953017
Quoted by: >>17953029

That's why you buy a random scent from the store. Be careful that it's not a tanuki product though.

>> No.17953028
Quoted by: >>17953038

I'd just steal the royal architect Anubis' "honey" and use it as lube while masturbating and also screaming out her name very loudly.

>> No.17953029

> smear tritonia excretions all over body
> move inland
> live in peace

>> No.17953034
File: 425 KB, 1133x1197, Stone pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, it's here. I do apologize for the quality or lack thereof. It's been a minute since writing in prose, or even writing in present tense.

It did help to fap to Demona though to get into the mood.

>> No.17953038

>Anubis is fully awake when you come in the middle of the night to "steal her honey" from her honey pot
>She does her best to be quiet as you finger her to get proper amounts of it, even if she's already wet from waiting for you
>These nights go on and on
>Until one day she sneezes loudly in the middle of it and the two of you akwardly look at each other

>> No.17953040
Quoted by: >>17953048

>fool no-one because Tritonia don’t live there

>> No.17953047

>anon thinks his salty personality can keep away dumb love slug
I don't know who you are, but seaslug will find you, and seaslug will love you.

>> No.17953048

>everyone is surprised as hell when a confused Tritonia lalala~'s through the town gate one day

>> No.17953054

Just having a species scent doesn't attract them though. Unless you used thick holst milk.

>> No.17953062

If I moved onto a salt flat, would that keep away slugs and slimes?
In the case of slimes, at least until they decided that there was "something worth having" on the other side and joined into a single Überslime, capable of withstanding the salty ground only to find that it's my house, not "something worth having" at all

>> No.17953064

>not "something worth having" at all
Chin up lad. They'll make you their husband anyways.

>> No.17953066
Quoted by: >>17953076

It wouldn't work on SEA SLUGS, idiot.
They live in the ocean, which has more salt in the water than you pouring a big container of salt into a cup.

>> No.17953073
Quoted by: >>17953110

It is not only what it is explicitly said, but the overall tone of the profile and how they see men and why they treat him like they do:
>As far they are concerned, a human man is a weak, fragile being that they should force into submission as their own male.

Basically men are too weak and dont know whats good for them. So they need a strong tough girl like her to take them and place them under her protection.
This is further expanded on with how again we are told how they see humans as weak and frail, how they dote on their men because he is so fragile and how they even have a lower bar to kill over protecting their husbands, which is quite telling if you consider how adverse MGs are to kill. In fact she is the only MG that has such a low bar and is triggered by protecting her husband. Also how they were created as guardians. So yes, it is not 50% as in per line count, it is more about the general feel and tone.

>> No.17953076

That's why you use sweets on them, like melted chocolate.

>> No.17953085
File: 453 KB, 900x950, 1395613024435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17953196

Well, if I'm going through all that previous effort to stop having a million girls hit on me, I may as well at least get ONE girl out of it. Besides, maybe she can get the Pharaoh to stop hating me now.

>> No.17953089
Quoted by: >>17953096

Wait, are we trying to avoid the Tritonia or date the Tritonia?

>> No.17953090

Surround your house with love letters addressed to anonymous women.
They'll be too busy reading each and every letter to rape you for a couple days, allowing you to make your escape.

>> No.17953091

> tritonia shows up
> toss a mug of molten choco at her
they never see it coming

>> No.17953096

Avoid of course.

No, you write even more and print out some copies, maybe even spread some letters across the whole world.

>> No.17953098

You fool, then she’ll NEVER give up.
She’s going to gingerly Juggernaut a path straight to you, wherever you go.

>> No.17953099

That's how you get a doppelganger harem anon.

>> No.17953110
Quoted by: >>17953140

They don't have a lower bar to kill.
>Even if the enemy isn't killed, they will surely witness the sight of hell.
That's KC speak for "they won't be killed but will regret messing with a married monster girl." Baka gaijins taking everything literally again.

>> No.17953115

>implying I wouldn't be sleeping raping her to get that 100% authentic smell on my dick
>she sneezes right in my face
Very awkward.

>> No.17953140

"Even" implies that you surviving a Hellhound after you try to harm her husband is the odd outcome and getting killed is the norm.

>> No.17953171

Not him, but it’s a very unwise idea to draw conclusions off of wording things like that when you’re working off a translation from Japanese.

>> No.17953176
Quoted by: >>17953205

why is it unwise?

>> No.17953190
Quoted by: >>17953468

That's far from the only way "even" can be used, it can also imply that he won't be called but it will still get a beating.
Pretty much this, it'd be far from the first time people have jumped to conclusions with hellhounds.

>> No.17953196
Quoted by: >>17953256

>Get caught after many nights
>Decide to say fuck it
>The Anubis and I fucked all night in many positions
>Yes, even the ones with hand holding
>Te next day we tried to get the Pharaoh to stop being mean to me
>She throws a rock at the Anubis and rotting black goop at me
>Shouts at us to get out and that we're both fired
>Now we travel the sands together
>Happily married
>A week later the Apophis took over the kingdom, established free trade, improved the economy, and offered us new jobs, which we declined

>> No.17953205

Because translations from Asian languages in general are rarely exact in the first place.
There's multiple ways a sentence can end up when translated to English, and though there may be a "best" one it's often debatable.

>> No.17953212

Noice taste fellow alpfag

>> No.17953219
File: 25 KB, 242x369, oviposition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17953330


>> No.17953232
File: 520 KB, 918x1200, 1505439311505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go deep-sea diving
>As you begin to explore the floor, you realize you are in the middle of a large group of Tritonias
>They "ooh lala" when they realize there's a human man underneath the heavy diving suit, their bodies faintly glowing in a colorful display, reminding you christmas lights.
>You turn to leave but you fail to notice the tritonia near you causing you to walk into her.
>She giggles and hugs you closely, making you sink into her body

>> No.17953246
File: 424 KB, 720x960, see.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17953334

>"Looks like another busy day..."

>> No.17953256
File: 188 KB, 1200x1200, 1494433470976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that got really dark fast. Though I'm sure Pharaoh could find a nice boy of her own. She has plenty of free time for it now.

>> No.17953269
File: 570 KB, 948x535, 1509851463366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diving without protection

>> No.17953280
Quoted by: >>17953286

She wanted you though.
It's why she got so angry when she found her advisor's scent all over you and your dick, and flipped out when the two of you came to her together, giggling and holding hands like love struck school kids, and then asking things of her.

>> No.17953286
Quoted by: >>17953313

This is yet another reason why Tsuns never actually work outside of contrived harem anime, by the way.

>> No.17953287

>A brave knight trys to fight off a shark after his virginity(colorized)

>> No.17953295

Hey, it looks like I'm giving you your constructive criticism. I enjoyed your story for the most part, but you skipped over a lot of what people like the most, meeting the monstergirl. I get the focus was different, but its something to keep in mind. You also neglected to mention whether the paladin was the same paladin we had mentioned before. Try naming your characters so that we can have a real continuity of who's who. Keep up the good work friend!

>> No.17953296
Quoted by: >>17953303


What if you swung a sword at her only for it to get stuck on her body? What then?

>> No.17953303
Quoted by: >>17953312

German Suplex.
Or, well, it's underwater, so I guess it would be a Dutch Suplex.

>> No.17953312
Quoted by: >>17953319


Wouldn't it be hard to wrestle something underwater? Let alone something as sticky as Tritonia? She would probably giggle at your attempts though

>> No.17953313

You've got a happy wife, a good life, and a new life coming into the world soon.
The Apophis has a new boytoy she shows affection to daily.
The Khepri took a liking to some dude who fell into the Khepri pits.
The Sphinx is sill alone and has sand in her vagina about it.
The the Pharaoh is going to be alone forever for being a terrible tsun and person.

>> No.17953319

The trick is to get water resistant gloves. They stay dry even when submerged, so you can get a good grip.

>> No.17953323
Quoted by: >>17953372

The Sphinx probably ditched the position to go find a cute boy.
They’re pretty much anti-Anubises. They slack off and leave their posts all the time very cat-like of them, I suppose.

>> No.17953330

Tanukis are too high up.

>> No.17953334

I wanna find a jaded CC Sea Bishop who’s pretty much given up on finding love of her own after marrying off so many couples and yet never finding a man who’s interested in her.
>during her service she’s nice, prim, and proper always being a standard for other Sea Bishops
>when she goes home she’s a chain smoking, wine drinking, tank top wearing couch potato with a penchant for romcoms

>> No.17953338
Quoted by: >>17953352

Then there's cousin Darrell who's a gunslinger, he's the black sheep of the family since he's the only one who appreciates firearms.

>> No.17953339

>chain smoking

>> No.17953341


underwater MGs have special cigaretts

>> No.17953352
Quoted by: >>17953379

> he won his waifu by playing out the Indiana Jones scene four times

>> No.17953353
Quoted by: >>17953523

>Hey if were underwater then how can you be smok-

>> No.17953358

Would you do this even if you're already in shape and can hold your own in a fight?

>> No.17953362
Quoted by: >>17953647

About fucking time gargoyle got some love. I'll give some proper constructive criticism when I'm back from the store. Keep up the good work!

>> No.17953372

>Anubis and Sphinx got into arguments all the times when you still worked there
>Not a day went by that you didn't see the Anubis advisor getting so frustrated that she would punch the wall of her room in her underwear and muttering to herself in anger

>> No.17953379

You mean the one where the guy comes at him with a sword while Indie just shoots him?

>> No.17953388
Quoted by: >>17953448

Didn't he whip the sword out of their hand at one point?

>> No.17953398

Yeah, that one.

>> No.17953399

Reminder that some monster girls can cut boolets like your chinese cartoons. That would probably only work if you trick her.

>> No.17953402

That sharkgirl has an Australian accent, I can feel it.

>> No.17953423
File: 90 KB, 700x520, 1407265166944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17953427

do you member?

>> No.17953425
Quoted by: >>17953437

So is "tritonias are french" the new undying terrible threadcanon because I'm already sick of it

>> No.17953427
File: 643 KB, 1280x1661, Merry Merry Lonely Christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat's an alcoholic, not a drugee.

>> No.17953436

I'll love the Pharaoh.

>> No.17953437

Yes, unfortunately.
The thread requires MGs to act like Pokemon for the most part.

>> No.17953448

In the first film he does.

I've always thought that was stupid. Not to mention, you could potentially counter that.

>> No.17953452
Quoted by: >>17953462

>I've always thought that was stupid.
I mean, so are guns in medieval fantasy land.

>> No.17953455

>Monstergirl cuts a bullet
>Gets peppered by the shrapnel

>> No.17953456
File: 498 KB, 658x890, 63395768_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17953460
Quoted by: >>17953479

Is bastet the god of all cats or a god who happens to be a cat?

>> No.17953462

Except every medieval fantasy land is actually a Renaissance setting, except without gunpowder for some reason. It actually makes more sense for their to be early firearms than plate armour is just about every medieval fantasy world.

>> No.17953465

>Cuts bullet
>Gets shot twice instead of once
You mean.

>> No.17953468

Fair point, whatever the case, the point is Hellhounds are very protective, acting basically as guardians to their husbands and take the idea of protecting their husbands even beyond most monsters.

>> No.17953469
Quoted by: >>17953508

Well, basically.

>> No.17953473
Quoted by: >>17953508

It is stupid and will always be. It can look cool stupid though.

>Salamander crouching down in pain and grumbling after trying to look cool

>> No.17953479


>> No.17953490

That's why you use birdshot

>> No.17953495

Yeah I’ll take the Sphinx please.

Good thing it’s fantasy then.

>> No.17953508

>Dragon swordsman cuts bullet
>Bullets ricochet off her hardened abs
>And fly straight into your knee caps
>You can't run
>And now she's undressing and walking over to you

>> No.17953510

Bullets spin in flight, so they blow apart with quite a bit of lateral speed if they get cut in half.

>> No.17953515
Quoted by: >>17953519

> bleed to death during rape because bullet cut popliteal artery

>> No.17953517

Joke's on her, I'm immune to bullets just like inferno cop.

>> No.17953519

It’s okay, mumbojumbo will make it better.
The healing power of sex.

>> No.17953521
Quoted by: >>17953535

>Trying to rape you while you're bleeding out with shattered kneecaps
Shit monstergirl, she doesn't even have a modicum of concern for your well-being. I bet she'd just leave you there after she's done and go off to fuck someone other man.

>> No.17953523

She sounds like a lazy, mean, stuffy, chubby old hag. In other words, pretty great and top tier. More girls that fit that archetype would be welcome. I hope you'd be able to make that old hag shocked and confused when you love her.

Do you think Underwater Monster Girls would be able to quote entire Spongebob episodes? I know I can.

>> No.17953527

I wouldn't necessarily call Warhammer pre-Age of Smegmar a Renaissance setting unless you count the Dwarves and Empire.

>> No.17953535
Quoted by: >>17953540

Maybe he shouldn’t have tried to shoot her.

>> No.17953540
Quoted by: >>17953543

Maybe she shouldn't have tried to rape him.

>> No.17953543
Quoted by: >>17953550

Sorry, found guilty of being Single while Male.

>> No.17953550
Quoted by: >>17953561


Punishable by death in undead lands

>> No.17953556
Quoted by: >>17953558

all your monster waifus
have skeletons inside them

>> No.17953558
Quoted by: >>17953565

Slime girls don't.

>> No.17953561

Nah, they find the living utterly fascinating.
A living, single human man could bring you a fortune in Undead Kingdoms.

>> No.17953563
Quoted by: >>17953727

>Anon has no choice but to use his gun against a monster to protect his virginity
>This happens

>> No.17953565
File: 150 KB, 969x901, __original_drawn_by_mariel_cartwright__03cab83a582695cd63abb4acea75162f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17953568

Truly unfortunate. She’d be better off leaving the old thing behind.

>> No.17953572

Indeed. It's probably a great crime to kill off a healthy young male in an Undead Kingdom.

>> No.17953584

What if I told a skeleton girl that

>> No.17953593

> human woman monsterizes into a slime and her skeleton falls out

>> No.17953600

I assumed she was mourning over her dead lovers skeleton.

>> No.17953601

Thats not her skeleton
Always remember to be careful when adventuring you don't want to break your waifus heart.

>> No.17953607


How they have a heartbeat, how they breathe in and out and more are Undead find all these things.

Jiangshi pay particular attention to when they breathe, the act of inhaling and exhaling.

>> No.17953609
Quoted by: >>17953619

It'd be weird when the skeleton reanimates as well. Fascinating how one body can make multiple monstergirls.

>> No.17953610

And the warmth, especially the warmth.
It’s pretty much zombies’ favorite thing.
I wonder if Pharaohs are secretly cuddlesluts, especially on those cold desert nights.

>> No.17953618

There is no need for her to be so sad, she still has more than enough of his useful bits left for a Lich to reanimate him.

>> No.17953619

> Girl dies in Undead Kingdom
> Becomes a skeleton
> her skeleton bursts out of her body like a meat sleeping bag
> Spends three days just looking at it and thinking "That was me."

>> No.17953622


>> No.17953625
Quoted by: >>17953632


>> No.17953628
Quoted by: >>17953632

At night, they can be.

>> No.17953630

There's nothing to retain heat or absorb it, so deserts get extremely cold and extremely hot.

>> No.17953631

>It’s pretty much zombies’ favorite thing.

they become super clingy if they manage to get their hands on you. even if they become wights they'll find time to indulge in your body heat privately

>> No.17953632

Deserts are hot, by definition.

>> No.17953633
Quoted by: >>17953732

the driest desert in the world in in Antarctica

>> No.17953635

I hope thats her old skeleton

>> No.17953637

You do realize that they can get cold during the winter and at nights?

>> No.17953640

Deserts get really cold at night.

>> No.17953641
Quoted by: >>17953726

> CC jiangshi who bought you from the Tanuki Slavers spends most of her time listenign to you breathe, hands on your chest to feel it expand, chirping at you in the dialect of a Mist Continent dynasty who has long since lost the Mandate of Heaven and was deposed.

>> No.17953643
Quoted by: >>17953645

They are dry by definition.

>> No.17953644

No, deserts are DRY by definition, el stupido.

>> No.17953645

That's wrong though.

>> No.17953646
Quoted by: >>17953653

Never mind, it’s just an ebin trole.

>> No.17953647
Quoted by: >>17955414

I look forward to reading it and putting it to use.

>> No.17953652

>Desert by day
>Salamanders partying with Anubi and Girtys
>Desert by night
>Yuki onna, Wendys, and Yeti suddenly appear from nowhere and party while the daytime folk try to sleep

>> No.17953653

Took you this long to figure that out?

>> No.17953654
Quoted by: >>17953658

Do you think that monster girls become a little uneasy when they see a guy with a lot of cybernetic implants to the point where the guy is 75% machine?

>> No.17953658

Gremlins wouldn't mind. They'd need little effort to upgrade your dick into the hydraulic model.

>> No.17953662
File: 444 KB, 1017x1200, Amazoness3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are amazons a interesting monster by themselves or they need to have traits of other ones to be interesting?

Like,vampire amazon,elf amazon,manticore amazon?

>> No.17953665

What's the appeal? Slugs are gross.

>> No.17953667

have some motif inspired from a warrior culture could help,

>> No.17953671

>rape succubi but missing a horn and wing


>> No.17953674

Regular ones are.
Tritonia almost make me feel bad for Giant Slugs in how damn hard they got one-upped. Tritonia are just plain better.

>> No.17953678

Interesting enough to me, I just don't mention them because the thread tends to ruin some species.

>> No.17953680

Probably just some dedicated shitposter trying to force his fetish on the thread, like usual.

>> No.17953683

>tfw fave species is immune to shitposting
Not gonna name it obviously.

>> No.17953686
Quoted by: >>17953693

A lot*

>> No.17953693

Well yes, I was just trying to be polite

>> No.17953698
Quoted by: >>17953711

>Kikimora maid will do any freaky sex shit you want with a large amount of enthusiasm
>Still protests that sharing a bed for the night is improper relations between a master and his servant

>> No.17953700

>TFW there is a 50/50 chance your waifu was a male version of her species before the the DL took over.

>> No.17953708

Nice try, but my waifu was a female-only species to begin with.

>> No.17953709
Quoted by: >>17953715

The DL has been in power for quite a while, unless she's a Pharaoh you're probably getting a second of third generation monster if she's from a rare species.

>> No.17953711
File: 111 KB, 405x882, 1430083119776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe kikimora are just predisposed to being abused or something.
Are they masochists?

>> No.17953715
Quoted by: >>17953723

What about long-lived species like dragons, vampires, or inari

>> No.17953721

Christmas is less than a month away anons! You are excited to spend it with your waifus, right?

>> No.17953723

I was talking about those

>> No.17953726


>She doesn't have you do anything else. Not that you could understand anything she would tell you to do.
>Sometimes she enjoys just listening to your heartbeat.
>Her mansion shows signs of being very old but it been taken very well care of too.
>She takes good care of you but needs your help getting rid of her rigor mortis temporarily so she can do some more complicated day-to-day things for a time.

>> No.17953727

>Protecting virginity...
Aren't guys supposed to, you know, WANT to get laid? Just about every coming of age movie tells us that. That should still apply to 2D land I hope.
So it seems to boil down to:
>I'm too chickenshit and don't deserve to be with a girl
>I want to be with the right girl but am too chickenshit to do anything.
>I'm too religious to be with girls.
How about throw all that bullshit out the window and just seize the day? CONFIDENCE, people. It goes a long way.

>> No.17953731

No monstergirl wants used goods.

>> No.17953732
Quoted by: >>17955638

There's also a huge area of sand dunes in Northwest Alaska. Maybe there's some Arctic Sandworms that live there. They'd be blue instead of pink.

>> No.17953737

Not really my waifu's grandmother was the only one that had that chance. She had my mother-in-law a long time before the dl took over.

>> No.17953741

If it was an unwanted monster girl then I can see it happening. I'd beat the shit out of a mosquito or beelze that wanted to rape me anyday.

>> No.17953744

Unicorns are the only ones that care, virginity isn't valued in MGE.

>> No.17953747
File: 704 KB, 2000x1908, 1510874609204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big do you like your dragons?

>> No.17953748
Quoted by: >>17953798

Nice try, but no one is interested in sluts.

>> No.17953750
Quoted by: >>17953769

I value virginity.
But I don't want to have sex with horsepussy.
Wat do?

>> No.17953754

bout 10ft, red, massive wingspan and fangs that make vampires blush with embarrasment

>> No.17953761

>Chromie gets beaten by fertility dragon
I want my fertility dragon to be about 8 feet or something.

>> No.17953768

My dragon is around 6', she has a long tail and her horns are actually asymmetrical if you look close enough. Teasing her about that and the fact she is younger than me are her weakpoints.

>> No.17953769

>But I don't want to have sex with horsepussy.
dont knock it till you rock it

>> No.17953773
Quoted by: >>17953778


>> No.17953778

>Fucking a centaur is the same as fucking a horse
So fucking a Lamia is the same as fucking a snake.
As with Dragons.
And Salamanders
And Werewolves
And Kobolds
And Arachne

You're not even fucking something that's human, so it's bestiality to begin with anyway.

>> No.17953781
Quoted by: >>17953785

I guess the issue is you can't actually do those things irl cept a horse , so theres no disconnect with centuars

>> No.17953783

Big buff muscle chuff

>> No.17953785
Quoted by: >>17953787

You can fuck dogs and wolves though.
If you're ballsy you can even do a dolphin or a lion.

>> No.17953787

only orally and in canada

>> No.17953789
Quoted by: >>17953829

Looks like I hit a nerve.

>> No.17953790

>Trying to invert the Master Key vs Shitty Lock analogy.
Role reversal was a mistake...

>> No.17953798

I meant to include >>17953748

>> No.17953801

I wouldn't trust anyone with a master key. He's gonna come into my house and steal my shit.

>> No.17953806
Quoted by: >>17953813

>Steve betrays your team for the last time and you're forced to fight him to the death
>Settle down with a Kitsune
>Centuries go by, still look like you're in your 20s
>Get carded by Steve's great great great great great great great great great great grandson every single time despite you knowing he remembers you
>Steve gets the last laugh from beyond the grave

>> No.17953813

Yeah, that seems like something that I'd do.

>> No.17953817

Buy a weapon and git gud, son.

>> No.17953819

Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure he wouldn't do that to my lock.

>> No.17953820
File: 349 KB, 836x1200, 1508097394422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but I wanna fug a tomboy centaur

>> No.17953821

Wh-why is squatting since lewd

>> No.17953826
Quoted by: >>17953829

Imagine being this insecure.

>> No.17953828

Is there a clear pic of the new Red Oni

>> No.17953829
Quoted by: >>17953832

>Point out it's pointless to worry about bestiality since you're already fucking things that aren't humans
>Muh insecurity
>Muh hit a nerve
Shouldn't have bit your shitposts.

>> No.17953832
Quoted by: >>17953844

>claims fucking a literal horsepussy is the same as fucking human pussy
>accuses others of shitposting

>> No.17953833


>> No.17953844

>Human pussy
>When it's connected to an Anubis
>Genetically not human
>Or a Kraken
>Genetically not human
>Or a Pharaoh
>Which is necrophilia

>> No.17953846

My personal theory is that male monsters became Incubi instead.

>> No.17953847
File: 406 KB, 1280x971, 125ba6_6450818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17953898

>> No.17953848
File: 95 KB, 476x357, never ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC promises a lot of things.

>> No.17953850
Quoted by: >>17954110

Oh wow, look at those mental gymnastics.

>> No.17953853

Go back to >>>/mlp/

>> No.17953859

Nightmare is top tier.
Comiket isn't till the end of next month.

>> No.17953861
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x1836, 0829161127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the best news anchor?

>> No.17953865
Quoted by: >>17953890



>> No.17953873
File: 186 KB, 900x1404, dffbad655c4709a156f09829aa00509f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No monstergirl can beat this body

>> No.17953881

Sure they can anon, they just need to tie her up real good and use a whip or a riding crop!

>> No.17953882
Quoted by: >>17953908

True, she looks like a model and I'd definitely have some porn mags of her before my waifu met me and burned them down.

>> No.17953888

I'd imagine they get men to do it so the more possessive types don't have to worry about husband staring at someone else, thus maximizing viewership and profits.

>> No.17953890

>Dormouse is asleep during her news broadcast
>Still the most beoved person due to being cute and not spewing lies

>> No.17953898

>"Don't open your christmas gift early gazer-chan."
>"I'm only gonna LOOK at it."

>> No.17953908

I can't even imagine what the porn industry would be like with mgs around, at least as far as lewd literature and photoshoots go

>> No.17953912

Take JAV and reverse it

>> No.17953919
Quoted by: >>17953923

I used to love mofu and dog girls, fapped to them all the time and i'd definitely have some lewd magazines about them laying around. My wife is a dragon and I wouldn't need them anymore, but she'd definitely make a nice campfire with them.

>> No.17953923

How do you think your wife would react if she found out you'd been masturbating to porn involving dragons who looked almost completely identical to her?

>> No.17953924
File: 69 KB, 593x1247, 1510519942627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to impregnate my Dark Elf maid. I want to watch her try to go about her duties with that big pregnant belly, momentarily having to stop because she felt the baby kick.

>> No.17953925
File: 3.87 MB, 6400x4100, 6d4057c761fd2d7bbf6def3b55177530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What monster fits the "Ancient evil" trope the best?

>> No.17953931

I would lay with her on the couch and give her rubs!

and a filling up session or two before sleep

>> No.17953932

honey bee

>> No.17953933

She'd become extra haughty, slapping the magazines away with her tail and getting closer and closer, with those slit pupils focusing pretty much on my soul. Her breath would be hot and her tail would be swinging from side to side as she pins me down. I don't need those when I have her.

>> No.17953937
Quoted by: >>17953945

A litch.

>> No.17953939

>tfw no ancient evil arch-flayer mistress

>> No.17953942

>Ywn look through all the specific fetish focused porn mags available in mge land

>> No.17953945

>A Lich with a phantom itch that just won't go away

>> No.17953946
Quoted by: >>17953962

go back to sleep

>> No.17953948


>> No.17953951

I want to give my Dark Elf maid a bunch of weird potions so she has to do her duties with an overly large bust, overly fat ass, and extra wide hips.

Going to reward her for a job well done with some ear rubs.

>> No.17953960
Quoted by: >>17953967

>ywn buy the long running foot focused magazine in bulk, not trying to hide your purchase from anyone

>> No.17953962

What about if you start to avoid having sex with your waifu in favour of masturbating to pictures of her?

>> No.17953964


>> No.17953967
Quoted by: >>17953991

I can't wait for the dark elf feet addition

>> No.17953969

>Jormungandr Wurm
>The biggest Wurm the world has ever seen
>Fortunately for us she's sleeping with her tail in her mouth all the time

>> No.17953970

Who even buys porn magazines these days? You have an entire internet full of every fetish imaginable that you can access for free.

>> No.17953972

What's the Pharaoh feitish magazine called? Er...it's for a friend.

>> No.17953975
Quoted by: >>17953981

>He isn't still hiding his porn in the woods

>> No.17953977

>I'l take a copy of CowGirls Monthly please

>> No.17953980
Quoted by: >>17953987

Just buy the desert one. Pharaohs are always in there.

>> No.17953981

I still do that, it's just on a hard drive now

>> No.17953983

I'm pretty sure Shirohebis would burn any magazine with orther girls in it. Unless it only has her in there.

Are Pharaohs like that too?

>> No.17953987

Oh good, my friend will be very pleased.
That's very possible.

>> No.17953989
Quoted by: >>17953993

That one comes with sample patches.

>> No.17953991

>The biggest softest tails you've ever seen or your money back.
>Hot tips for grooming to keep them soft enough to sleep on
>Special humidity frizzy edition
I reason that it'd be easiest for the mgs to do, since it basically doubles as an advertisement and as old models get married, some of them are just gonna stop, meaning constant cycles of models. Plus it's a weeb thing, porn mags are big over there.
Either something fancy and elegent like regal appreciation or a short one word lewd thing like kneel
I was originally going to say it was just 'elf feet' the magazine actually but I figured it'd grow beyond that

>> No.17953993

Some come with extras, like >>17953989

>> No.17953995
Quoted by: >>17954033

hooves and talons special addition

>> No.17953998
Quoted by: >>17954011

Probably not, only scaled girls like snakes and dragons are going to burn them, see that anon above.
Pharaohs might just hide them and check your fetishes out later.

>> No.17953999

I have a feeling the porn mags would be 90% personal ads.

>> No.17954001
Quoted by: >>17954003

What ever has Liches in it would be fun.
>Potions monthly
>It's kinda like a science magazine but only that it's all lewd and has a lot of pictures
I would buy it

>> No.17954002

>short one word lewd thing like kneel
Fuck that's perfect. A Pharaoh wouldn't need to even use her royal power to get me to kneel.

>> No.17954003
Quoted by: >>17954023

Potions would be just a catalog, what you're looking for is experiments.

>> No.17954004

>Buy a mag of Loli weekly
>Somehow a handful of childish crayon drawings are thrown in alongside a few dozen 'tasteful nudes'
>Bunch of them read 'Me <3 Anon'

>> No.17954005

There’s a reason there’s next to no repeats of the featured girls.

>> No.17954007
Quoted by: >>17954009

Ancient evil vampire when? basically genderswap Abridged Alucard

>> No.17954008

You're also forgetting there would be tons of male magazines.

>> No.17954009
Quoted by: >>17954026

After that one Lilim fanfiction by that dude on FFnet I'd say
Fucking HELL NO.

>> No.17954010

What porn mag would your favorite species be subscribed to?

>> No.17954011
Quoted by: >>17954025

It's more likely if she caught Anon looking at a rival Pharaoh. She'd definitely use her god voice to make him burn it.

Also she'd rape some sense to him for a while.

>> No.17954013

Yeah, but you don’t have to read those.
Unless you’re thinking of being a “star?”

>> No.17954014
Quoted by: >>17954022

Isn't that highly dependent on personal preference?

>> No.17954020

What if your monstergrill waifu used a potion to turn you into a super girly trap and made you wear cute dresses before raping you and mocking your girlish appearance because that's her kink?

>> No.17954022
Quoted by: >>17954028

Come on anon
you're telling me a single salamander doesn't have magazines full of buff men in bikini armor?

>> No.17954023

>"How big a dick can a fairy take?"
>"What is the perfect size for a harem?"
>"Things you can learn from the average succubus"

>> No.17954025
Quoted by: >>17954056

There definitely would, but talking about those is gay unless you're an alp.

Goes from WeakPrince to S'layed: knight edition.

If it was like that every magazine would be burned, even undines would be burning them.

>> No.17954026
Quoted by: >>17954031

now i am curious,i wanna kill time and brain cells

>> No.17954028

Maybe she prefers lanky DEX builds?

>> No.17954030
File: 93 KB, 307x437, CursedSword7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW there is very little cursed sword content

Post waifu sword

>> No.17954031
Quoted by: >>17954051

Search for MGE stories on FFnet.

>> No.17954033
Quoted by: >>17954040

I think there would probably be separate mags for inhuman feet and normal ones with like five toes and so on. At least I hope so

>> No.17954040

You’re more likely to find the oddball ones in magazines concerning that specific species.

>> No.17954042

I remembered a greentext here about being imprisoned by Demons on the very day the current DL takes over.

It involves all the guards suddenly turning into the current form and tries to make the imprisoned Anon sign their contracts.

>> No.17954045
Quoted by: >>17954047

I feel like this is a loaded question

>> No.17954047

She's NOT pegging you. She just has a fetish for traps and riding their dicks while belittling them.

>> No.17954049

I'd probably end up cumming anyway but deep down I'd hate it. Later she'd find videos of me fucking her sister on our bed as a punishment. Monster girls don't really care about that sort of stuff too much so it's okay.

>> No.17954051
Quoted by: >>17954055

the one that says shitlord?

>> No.17954053

Just what am I looking at here.

>> No.17954055

The one with the description mentioning Abridged Alucard.

>> No.17954056

>but talking about those is gay unless you're an alp
>he isn't getting paíd by tanukis to appear in one

>> No.17954069

Appearing in one is okay, but talking about which ones are the best is not.

>> No.17954070

Voyeur Monthly. Other then the pictures there would be articles on how to learn more about your target and how to get a glimpse of his skin even when the cold weather means he has to cover up.

>> No.17954087
Quoted by: >>17954094

Why are you assuming monsters have genders? A few aside most of them should be just killing machine caring for nothing but destruction like Orks in 40k.

>> No.17954089

>Cursed Sword
>Isn't even subscribed to porn magazines, she just uses weapon related magazines
Truly the most /k/ waifu possible

>> No.17954090
Quoted by: >>17954111

Only a fool would accept an offer like that.

>> No.17954094

Because in MGE it's a fact that a handful of monsters fell in love with humans before it was cool.

>> No.17954096
File: 606 KB, 1023x893, MG list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955149



>> No.17954099
Quoted by: >>17954109

>Rare Lilim edition of a porn mag releases
>No boys went to school that day

>> No.17954100
File: 465 KB, 595x842, 56959674_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954136

They got their gimmick stolen by redcaps, shame because I love the whole edgy look they have going on.

>> No.17954104
Quoted by: >>17954117

Having a shoggoth edit all the women in a magazine with versions of herself would be fun.

>> No.17954109

Who cares about lilims

>> No.17954110
Quoted by: >>17954131

you fuckers know that MGE centaurs have two pussies exactly IN ORDER TO AVOID THIS SHiTTY DRAMA RIGHT? Fuck the "human" pussy if you want and fuck the "horse" pussy if you want, God dammit.

>> No.17954111
Quoted by: >>17954153

You get easy money and maybe some fans, depending if you're doing shots only once or múltiple times.

>> No.17954117

>Also me
>Me again~
>Quit reading this and come to bed master

>> No.17954118


>> No.17954126

>100% male attendance at school that day

>> No.17954131
Quoted by: >>17954183

If you were actually paying attention, you'd know that the argument was specifically about horsepussy and not frontgina.

>> No.17954133

Yeah, canonically vampires and succubi, that's why I said setting a few aside.

>> No.17954136
Quoted by: >>17954148


>> No.17954140

So, aside from tanukis and dragons, what other girls make good office ladies?

>> No.17954142
Quoted by: >>17954166

Back the Succubi would rape men to death in one go. Then some Succubi thought it's better to keep him alive but locked up in cells. Not sure if that counts as falling in love.

Those prisons then become love hotels by the time the current DL takes over.

>> No.17954145
Quoted by: >>17954152

Demons and cats

>> No.17954148
Quoted by: >>17954223

I swear to god that chaosfucker better be alive. It probably didn't help that he kept getting caught in range bans but I loved his work.

>> No.17954152
Quoted by: >>17954159

Any specific form of cat or just a blanket on all of them?

>> No.17954153

Most Tanukis don'r even have magazines. They just take up photography as a hobby so they can build personal collections and take advantage of men who aren't aware of the scam. "Desperate Debt Sluts" and "Young Shags with Old Hags" aren't real magazines.

>> No.17954159

pretty much any cat, Cheshire, jinko, nekomata

>> No.17954160
Quoted by: >>17954178

>good at anything involving being subordinate to someone.
I feel like there's some sort of mistake here.

>> No.17954161
File: 2.71 MB, 3000x2000, __anubis_and_cheshire_cat_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_bwsnowy__d2675d6873fd4110a3bceede50206591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954172

Anubis and Demons

Maybe Cheshires

>> No.17954165


>> No.17954166

Nah there's a bit where KC mentions that some small amount of monsters had legit gone and fallen in love with humans before the DL came and shook things up.

>> No.17954171

Is the new issue of Sabbath Scout Monthly out yet?

>> No.17954172

Why do I imagine a Cheshire acting like that crazy bitch from archer?

>> No.17954178
File: 428 KB, 929x1141, Dragon82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954206

But she's the head of some department though

>> No.17954180
File: 2.27 MB, 3500x4529, 1486900590172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954201

Yeti in HR

>> No.17954183

and i'm saying that the existence of frontgina makes the whole discussion pointless, specially since "horsepussy" is the same of frontgina on the back..

>> No.17954184

>”Young Shags with Old Hags"
I don’t care if it’s real or not, I’d sign up for interviews in a heartbeat.

>> No.17954186

They sound like good magazine names for me. They would sell like crazy in certain monster groups.

>> No.17954193

>Scale monthly buyers usually go missing soon after
I will have no regrets.

>> No.17954196


>> No.17954201

>Now now, calm down and give me a hug while we discuss the recent 'physical violation' with miss manty.

>> No.17954206
Quoted by: >>17954951

Yeah and then she would proceed to "steal" her subordinates form the parent company and then she would create a company of her own, dominating the market and bankrupting the company that once employed her.
Any self respecting business man would never hire a dragon.

>> No.17954223

I did too. Stranger things have happened, as well. Some dead writefags are coming back, it seems.

>> No.17954258
Quoted by: >>17954304

Fuck off Shoggocks. Memes aside, that was pretty nice, glad to see you writing again.

>> No.17954275

>Tfw kind of have a thing for being bribed/extorted into doing lewd things
>Typically imagine it with regal looking girls, tanukis don't click with me for some reason
Life is pain

>> No.17954279

Just imagine being played out at a desert casino. The Pharaoh owner would definitely come up with ways to repay your debt.

>> No.17954285

Depends on your upbringing, I guess.

Apophis would be the way to go for egyptians

>> No.17954291

>an ancient evil has awoken because you arent in bed with her

>> No.17954301

I do

>> No.17954305

You mean something like a Wight plying you with promises of payment, liquor, and sweet nothings into your ear to make you do all she things she wants? Or an Apophis forcing you to be her slave so she leaves your town alone?

>> No.17954304
File: 53 KB, 500x348, Raining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you liked it. Even if you did meme at me.

>> No.17954339

>depressed guys tries to suicide by succubus under an erroneous belief thats what they do
would she play along or would the situation be way too depressing for her to get into?

>> No.17954350

Given that suicide by Succubus would be ejaculating his life force into her pussy until he's a corpse she'd probably play along.

>> No.17954353
Quoted by: >>17954366

>suicide by succubus
I wish that was a thing

>> No.17954354
Quoted by: >>17954373


>she plays along.
>Anon is disappointed when he isn't dead by the end of it.

>> No.17954358
Quoted by: >>17954373

She'd rape him until he passes out. She'd also do anything to make him feel good and hopefully get addicted to her and be her husbando.

>> No.17954366
Quoted by: >>17954371

This is pretty close.

>> No.17954371

I mean like irl

>> No.17954373

>Succubus plays along, humps Anon absolutely ragged. We're talking full cowgirl, heart pupils and all-night-fuckathon tier Succubus sex.
>By the time she's done with him he passes out.
>Wakes up, not knowing where he is, or who he is, if only momentarily. All he knows is that he feels better than he has in months, even happy.
>The Succubus is humming in his kitchen, back turned to him. She's wearing-- and I shit you not-- a naked apron.
>Her ears give a small wiggle as she hears him approaching, a mountain of food on the plate.
"Ara~! Round five will have to wait. After all... You can't make babies on an empty stomach, Darling!~"

>> No.17954382
File: 673 KB, 1256x1071, 1508203311584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank goodness MGE Succubi aren't like that.

>> No.17954387
Quoted by: >>17954434

but were they like that before the current DL?

>> No.17954390

I hate to admit that ManyEyedHydra is a guilty pleasure of mine if only because I'm a massive masochist at heart. I'd totally wife Nyte if she wasn't a Hellraiser tier edgelord bitch.

>> No.17954406
Quoted by: >>17954414

How much of the law would be changed if monster girls integrated into society?
>"All rise for the honorable Judge Judemon."
>"Mr. Faceless Oldman, you are charged with trying to steal another man's wife through rape. The court finds you guilty on all counts. As you did not make it far enough for actual insertion, I shall spare you the mandatory death penalty and instead sentence you to Hades Rock Maximum Security prison to be guarded by hellhounds for the rest of your rotten life with the rest of the scum there. Court is adjorned."

>> No.17954414

How would a faceless person go about of gaining/regaining a face?

>> No.17954416

I can just picture her now, happily swaying her hips as she cooks, her tail wagging back and forth. Gonna grab that tail and stroke it until her legs give out

>> No.17954418

take it from someone else

>> No.17954421

By getting his shit together and being a decent person

>> No.17954429
Quoted by: >>17954433

Average height, with plenty of curves and a soft lil belly

>> No.17954433
Quoted by: >>17954479

Average for a dragon or average for a human?

>> No.17954434
Quoted by: >>17954443

Literally the same execpt the males were bishie
now there are no males
succubi are not a very good species desu.

>> No.17954442
Quoted by: >>17954450


>He asks if he's dead
>"Of course not silly! Now hurry and eat up!"
>His food is delicious and nutritious and also full of aphrodisiacs.
>They have sex again after breakfast.

>> No.17954443
File: 149 KB, 405x394, 1510464584514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954455

Are you a braindead faggot?

>> No.17954450

>"Of course not silly! Now hurry and eat up!"
It's time, he can't miss it! All he needs to say is "No, I guess I am because this is heave"

>> No.17954455

They are cosplay tier you can't defend this.

>> No.17954456

I dont think ive seen a good succubus cosplay

>> No.17954460
File: 350 KB, 1409x1006, 1506035740126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always once in a blue moon that retards like you shows up.

>> No.17954467

>The weight of the breasts
>That stomach
>Those hips
KC knows how to rev my engine

>> No.17954474
Quoted by: >>17954486

I prefer the wing placement higher.

>> No.17954476

Cosplay was the wrong word
they are vanilla
the most vanilla monster possible
they're basic and virtually unchanged from pre-Dl since succubi are just fery attractive humans with horns tail and back or lower back wings.

>> No.17954478
Quoted by: >>17954519

Newfags like you are very easy to identify based on the shit you complain about and the way you type.

>> No.17954479

I'm not fussed really, as long as I get my meaty dragon I'm good

>> No.17954486

MGE Succubi's wings are placed where they are because they assist the Succubus in riding their husbands dick more efficiently.

>> No.17954497
Quoted by: >>17954502

Bullshit. Before KC released that Succubus guidebook I could see how people might think Succubus are boring, but now it's pretty well recognized that they're actually high-tier.

>> No.17954502

ok, so whats more is there to them?

>> No.17954505

Well, they like to suck dick, which is nice.

>> No.17954510
Quoted by: >>17954526

Why don't you fucking read the translated sections of the guidebook and find out?

>> No.17954519

Succubi just never did it for me
their contracts are the really the only interesting thing about them, kunochi and amazons atleast have some additional personality traits to make them unique, i guess some people just like vanilla.

>> No.17954526


>> No.17954531 [DELETED] 
File: 676 KB, 1404x886, 1494298374185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people that want newfags to be treated kindly

>> No.17954558

Alright, thread. I'm writing a story about a group doing some tabletop shenanigans. What class would you want to see a jiangshi be? For story purposes, it can't be anything tanky.

>> No.17954566


>> No.17954573


>> No.17954581


>> No.17954586

>Succubi are boring
Man, Beast's succubus story really hits home about how we take those girls for granted.

>> No.17954591

Circus Performer.

>> No.17954593

That's to say nothing of how much personality Latenight gives them.

>> No.17954599

Yeah and not a single one would go for any of us.

>> No.17954605

>Defeatist newfag has not been here around the time the general consensus turned into us being high-priority targets for MGs by pure virtue of us liking MGs almost religiously compared to every other normalfag

>> No.17954608
File: 536 KB, 657x890, 44146266_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17954609
Quoted by: >>17954615

how so?

>> No.17954614
Quoted by: >>17954630

He's probably from /r9k/ or something.

>> No.17954615

Look it up yourself, newfaggot.

>> No.17954625

That's girls in general, the specifics of being a succubus or monstergirl has nothing to do with it.

>> No.17954630

You should realize by now that these posters are just looking to start a pity party.

>> No.17954631

The fuck are you on about?

>> No.17954634
Quoted by: >>17955004

they are ok if you just want sex waifu. I want a power waifu so succubi aren't for me.

>> No.17954637

I dont think the avarage person would be into monstergirls if they crossed over

>> No.17954638


>> No.17954640
Quoted by: >>17954681

I don't think monstergirls care about if you like them or not.

>> No.17954645

If she decides you're the one, she'd do anything to make you fall for her.

Or just outright rape you.

>> No.17954681

They like to be liked, but your resistance only makes them harder.

>> No.17954684

How would a Lilim react to being captured and used as a battery for something to destroy monsters by the Order?

>> No.17954692

Violently, and with dildos.

>> No.17954704
File: 624 KB, 723x525, 1432612111861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing a prudish Order torturer comes up with would be even half as kinky as the kind of things a Lilim would be able to think up. Either she'll just laugh at them or be bored and give them tips.

>> No.17954715
Quoted by: >>17954728

>ties lillim up
>just leaves her there as he goes and plays videogames.

>> No.17954716

Do different monster girls express their love for their husband differently? How does your waifu express her love to you?

>> No.17954721


>> No.17954727

The average person has trash taste then.

>> No.17954728

That's not torture, that's just boring.

>> No.17954731


>> No.17954743

By locking me in a world with just her by using her wings and wrapping her tail around my leg or waist, rubbing her hands all over my body and nuzzling my face, giving some kisses saying that I'm her treasure. This is normally followed by sex in lotus and sometimes extra lewd if she's feeling kinky.

>> No.17954749
File: 666 KB, 1496x2000, IMG_20171031_192334-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violent sex.

>> No.17954753
File: 219 KB, 845x828, Sandy doing a skydive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954993

>Dropping bomb noise intensifies

>> No.17954769

I don't know.

>> No.17954771
File: 943 KB, 1500x1406, 66038193_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17954794
Quoted by: >>17954843

They got art? GOOD art?
I’ll be damned.

>> No.17954803

Cute and lewd.

>> No.17954819

So do wind weasels take turns or is sex always a package deal with them?

>> No.17954839
Quoted by: >>17954862

If you’re gonna have a go at one, the others aren’t about to wait.
You’re in for all three.

>> No.17954843
Quoted by: >>17954858

Those are sluts from Kemono Friends.

>> No.17954858

I’d still fuck them.

>> No.17954862

What if I promise that each one gets a turn? Surely they'd be willing to wait so they could appreciate the 1-on-1 attention and time to indulge in their personal fetishes.

>> No.17954867
Quoted by: >>17954878

Kamaitachi seem like the kind of girls who'd be into gangbanging their husband.
To clarify, one would ride your dick while the others molest your ears and grind against your arms.
It'd probably feel even more like you're being violated when they rape you for the first time since they basically cover you in wounds and then give you their "special medicine".
Just imagine three Kamaitachi sneering down at you as your dick grows rock hard and one of them starts slowly lowering her hips towards it.

>> No.17954872

That's a good way to get your legs forcefully spread open so one can rape you while the others tease and taunt you while grinding against you and waiting for their turn to ride.
Hope you enjoy ASMR anon, because your ears are gonna get teased.

>> No.17954878

You know what would be fun, drinking two doppel potions so you can fuck all three of them at the same time.

>> No.17954882

Something like >>17954872
You might be able to get them to take turns, but there’s no IOUs allowed.

>> No.17954888
Quoted by: >>17954894

That’s saved for anniversary night.

>> No.17954890
Quoted by: >>17954894

For every doppel potion you drink they'll drink two.
You are not allowed to match their numbers.

>> No.17954894

Not if I hide their potions. I have the high ground.

Nah, that would be done at least 2 times a month or more regularly.

>> No.17954898

As a matter of fact, anon...
>Take one kama on the bed to ravish
>The other two float around you, smiling lewdly
>They whisper in your ear about how nice it must feel inside their sister
>Telling you her every weakness, urging you to explore her body
>They know you can't resist, and each sultry whisper just gets you harder
>Then they begin to tease your ears as they play with themselves
>Telling you about all the perverted things they'll make you do when it's their turn

>> No.17954901

Chinese water torture

>> No.17954927

>That's not torture, that's just boring
>Boredom isn't torture when also secluded to a room with the only guy supposed to be in charge of the torture fucking off
Solitary confinement is living hell, you know.

>> No.17954930

What if she has a fetish for denial-play?

>> No.17954936

Then she'd get off to the denial and be driven mad with lust instead of boredom. The next dude to walk in on the next shift may find her in a puddle of her own love juices and grinding against the floor begging for release

>> No.17954937
Quoted by: >>17954946

Wouldn't denial play require the person to actively deny something the target wants, rather than just apathetically leaving and forget about it?

>> No.17954939

A lilim could appreciate neglect play. Such a powerful being being ignored like gutter trash might awaken something deep within them.

>> No.17954946

Ever watch Gintama?
They can get off to you being apathetic.

>> No.17954947

to be honest, I just wanted to play video games

>> No.17954951


What if the dragon always had a crush on you and got herself hired in your company as your right hand woman?

>> No.17954952

>Locks up the lilim
>Goes to play video games with another lilim
>The first one is none the wiser

>> No.17954959

I'm imagining anon failing to concentrate on playing video games because the Lilim prisoner in the next room is masturbating too loudly.

>> No.17954965
File: 1.65 MB, 2893x4092, 1475512035266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though the Lilim is in chains anon is really the one who's in a bind.

>> No.17954970

They're one of my favorites actually, mostly because I like monsters with the normal.human body type, and they'd jump for weird stuff like asking if they could step on my face

>> No.17954972
File: 284 KB, 1200x1124, DPh8zjkWkAEc9Vk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17954988

>You will never ever be aggressively protected by a big, thick Automaton

>> No.17954988
File: 916 KB, 2000x1754, initiate defense protocol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17954993
File: 125 KB, 511x705, Sandy crash landing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955001


>> No.17955001
Quoted by: >>17955007

I can't believe Sandy is fucking dead.

>> No.17955004

>sex waifu
>power waifu
What are the definitions for those? Can she be both at the same time? Does a powerful monster race count as power waifu even if she's submissive?

>> No.17955007

She's a Golem, anon. She's perfectly fine.
She's more durable than a Wurm egg.

>> No.17955010
File: 204 KB, 853x1060, 1450044624209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can she be both at the same time?
Gee I wonder

>> No.17955021

I want to be the guy who makes dakis for lonely monsters.
Joe Shmoe's Screenprinting, frequented by CCs, stinky NEETs, unwanted girls, and, just on occasion, surprising visitors.

>> No.17955033

Consider the following: Deruella is likely to stalk the boy she likes.

>> No.17955040

Your waifu can be anything you want as long as you believe in her, but they need to start with something, be it muscles, smarts or sexyness.

>> No.17955041
File: 174 KB, 763x713, 1508708196524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try and bully Druella

>> No.17955052
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, 1465953793020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to bully Druella is to call her cute!

>> No.17955057 [SPOILER] 
File: 313 KB, 652x920, 1511751858024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955064

Tread lightly, anon. She may not be able to control herself in the face of such affection.

>> No.17955064
Quoted by: >>17955074

What a S L U T

>> No.17955065

Non canon Druella is such a garbage.

>> No.17955066
Quoted by: >>17955098

The best way to bully Druella is to get her to fall for you, a totally normal dude.
>Druella opens the portals to get a husband since she focused so much on conquest she missed her chances.
>For the first few weeks she's isolated from her world, lost in a new world with no magic.
>She meets some random guy who takes her in and gives her a place to live.
>Over time she finds that her fantasies have shifted to this homestay instead of a generic hero in her mind.
>The portals are fully opened when she gives in to her desires and has a long night of rough passionate sex with him.
>Tongue kissing and hand holding is involved.
>When her family comes through and finds her, they're surprised her husband looks so plain and are even more surprised that he can make her practically melt with a kiss to the cheek.

>> No.17955071

Honestly what thread memes are NOT garbage?

>> No.17955074
Quoted by: >>17955082

Shouldn't have called her cute if you didn't want to be raped in an alley. You knew what you were getting into.

>> No.17955075

Oh boy, it's the no-fun patrol again.

>> No.17955076
Quoted by: >>17955094

Wurms putting their eggs everywhere, and hatching like those little Gozillas from that one movie whenever you open a tub of ice cream.

>> No.17955082
Quoted by: >>17955114

>When anon felt a dull crackling sensation as Demonic Energy started flowing from Druella he became worried.
>When he turned his head and saw the only exit sealed off by opaque purple energy he became frightened.
>When he turned his head back and was met with her Kabedonning him so hard that her hand cracked the wall behind him, her breasts exposed and her breathing heavy and perverted he knew he had fucked up.
>He was also turned on as hell but that's besides the point.

>> No.17955093
File: 631 KB, 1032x1327, CursedSword16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955100

Post waifu swords

>> No.17955094
Quoted by: >>17955105

You just made that second one up, didn’t you.

>> No.17955098
Quoted by: >>17955113

>a totally normal dude
>they're surprised her husband looks so plain
Didn't Losenis write something like this?

>> No.17955100

>nobodies drawn Cursed Swords based off of different types of blades
There's so much room for the imagination to flourish, just like any other MGE species.

>> No.17955105
Quoted by: >>17955111

We;ve had a giggle over it before.
Were you not here then?

>> No.17955111

I remember the hiding eggs, but not the hatching oddity.

>> No.17955113

It was based on an idea I suggested.

>> No.17955114
File: 483 KB, 529x800, CutoutDruellaCensor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955219

Pants around ankles, hands on her ass, face in her tits. I'm burying myself in her both figuratively and literally until she's overflowing.

>> No.17955117
File: 2.05 MB, 1359x1604, CursedSword1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17955119
File: 158 KB, 900x750, Nikkou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagination's dead, Jim.
I wouldn't mind a cursed sword variant of Nikkou though.

>> No.17955120

I like the desperate, husband craving sea bishop.

>> No.17955123
Quoted by: >>17955126

That's the exact same girl from the profile.

>> No.17955126

I forgot I started a reply to you in that post and just never deleted your post number from it

>> No.17955130

But that's too hard, I want my writefags to soonfeed me and namefag all day.

>> No.17955134
File: 772 KB, 2115x3100, CursedSword14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955144

Anyone else aside from me gonna be posting cursed swords?

>> No.17955139
File: 111 KB, 768x1024, CursedSword6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955144


>> No.17955141

If you want more variants, you're welcome to commission/request them yourself.
Some people just like the design given in the profile.

>> No.17955143
File: 280 KB, 558x503, tumblr_oyjqjhQfPi1r8w06xo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17955144
Quoted by: >>17955146

I don't want an imagedump.

>> No.17955146

Well thankfully for you that's all I have.
>TFW one of your favorite monster girls has almost no art

>> No.17955149
File: 604 KB, 850x1202, Kejourou8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955194

I heard you like hairy women.

>> No.17955150

Hey man, you just have to commission more art of her like any self-respecting waifufag.

>> No.17955151
File: 401 KB, 1680x1050, witchblade_317_1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955160

Your girl got a whole anime, comic series, and books.

>> No.17955153
Quoted by: >>17955163

Is that Sonic the Hedgehog?

>> No.17955159

Is cursed sword and cursed armor the most kino wives combination?

>> No.17955160
Quoted by: >>17955166

Witchblades are substantially different.

>> No.17955163

Jump off a cliff.

>> No.17955166

Same concept and aesthetic, though in practice more like a Slime Carrier I'll admit.

>> No.17955167
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 1511550635443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955169

I'd only like it if the Living Armor takes on an edgier look after hanging around a Cursed Sword for a while. Something like pic-related to degree.

>> No.17955169
Quoted by: >>17955177

Kind of disappointed MGE cursed swords are parasites instead of entitys trapped in weapons

>> No.17955173
Quoted by: >>17955176

They are a pretty great combo, few others rival them. Only other power couples like Blue and Red Oni, Devil and Hour, and Dark mage and witch could match them.

>> No.17955176

Oh, and of course Alices and Living dolls!

>> No.17955177

I find the spiky pincushion scales Cursed Swords bring with them visually and aesthetically unappealing, so I hope most swords have smoother looking ways of presenting their hosts corruption.

>> No.17955191
File: 220 KB, 1077x597, what_was_that_noise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wurm here, I've infiltrated the facility!"

>> No.17955194
Quoted by: >>17955210

This is true. It’s been that way for quite awhile

>> No.17955197

What a dumb broad.
Please draw more Automatons.

>> No.17955201

Does she know she's there for intel and not their cookies?

>> No.17955204

Sneaky sneaky.

>> No.17955206

Wurm-chan makes the impossible, possible

>> No.17955209
Quoted by: >>17955950

Can you draw a Wurm placing her eggs in places really Sneakily?

>> No.17955210
File: 630 KB, 1280x1024, Kejourou15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955213

Somehow Kejourou snuck into my top ten.
I'll never understand why, but I sure as hell ain't saying no.

Good Taste, Anon.

>> No.17955213
Quoted by: >>17955234

It must be the hair.

The lovely, sensual hair.

>> No.17955219
Quoted by: >>17955239

You'd better be ready for rough snu snu that ends with you waking up hours later in a plush bed being used like a Daki.

>> No.17955232
File: 313 KB, 900x1196, Edit+for+normies+some+may+call+this+quot+junk+quot+me+i+_c168ed4747c23a0e76c9d210152c510d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are jinkos so perfect?

>> No.17955234
Quoted by: >>17955532

I want her to wrap her hair around the base of my dick and suck me dry with her crimson lips!
I want to sniff her fragrant hair while I help brush it!
I want her to restrain me with her hair while she rides me like horse!
I want to dye her hair white with my semen!

And now I have a hair fetish... Damn kink fairies.

>> No.17955237

I'd like them more if it weren't for the whole walking muscle wall thing. I like my girls soft and plush.

>> No.17955239
File: 381 KB, 1200x600, 1441861687159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955332

>Vigorous, borderline violent fucking with a sex demon demi-goddess, followed by cuddling back at her opulent manor
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

>> No.17955242

How can they protect you if they aren't ripped?

>> No.17955244
Quoted by: >>17955258

That's a futa.

>> No.17955248
File: 201 KB, 803x1200, 1430656966139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955674

To be fair, baseline entry Jinkos are more toned than outright /fit/.

>> No.17955258
File: 120 KB, 565x327, 6bae94fbaa40df77ac1312908b0f692d698fe631677e96030ea5f2aba364e273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in this pic.
i don't see anyone complain when THAT cheshire gets posted.

>> No.17955262

Wolf Burger!

>> No.17955263
File: 610 KB, 850x804, 1502752927045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955338

They don't need to be ripped to protect me.
Because, I'm the one doing the protecting.

>> No.17955271

Is latenite a jap?

>> No.17955274

He's a leaf.

>> No.17955277

He knows Jap, that's for certain.

>> No.17955280
File: 311 KB, 840x1200, 1455220025127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Office Monsters

>> No.17955282
Quoted by: >>17955283

Why exactly do I need protecting? What are they even protecting me from?

>> No.17955283
Quoted by: >>17955285


>> No.17955285

They don't need muscles for that.

>> No.17955316 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 235x403, 1511756352067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Age hasn't slowed her down one bit.

>> No.17955332
Quoted by: >>17955354

Remember, someone's going to have to go make pancakes.

>> No.17955334
File: 387 KB, 478x557, 027920a9e48da743e6b06ddec53f5671415e59adb534c971f5f763c583cec7ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955348

>> No.17955338
Quoted by: >>17955351

Remember, Lapcat is for love.

>> No.17955345
File: 655 KB, 800x800, 1454113152443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955420

>> No.17955348


pajeet cat is fucking on one

>> No.17955351
Quoted by: >>17955931

That she is, although I'd prefer a big, fat, cuddle cat to come home to and do some cuddling as we go to sleep

>> No.17955354
File: 232 KB, 980x796, 1465697598429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955431

Assuming we want to actually eat, it'd be me. Deru would probably serve herself up with various fruits & pancake toppings if she were in charge. This way I get to eat and there's only a slight chance of this happening..

>> No.17955357

I always thought he was Taiwanese or something until it turned out that he's a canuck like Nav.

>> No.17955361
File: 135 KB, 410x600, Kunoichi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja's are nice
I would want to meet a kunoichi thats wearing normal clothes but still has her mask

>> No.17955374
Quoted by: >>17955379

If a doppelganger drinks a doppel potion then that doppelganger transforms into a man and has sex with the first doppelganger, is it straight, gay, masturbation, incest or selfcest?

>> No.17955379

Selfcest obviously.

>> No.17955384
Quoted by: >>17955386

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that playing the old, Donkey Kong Country cartoon show's songs at full blast is a good way to irritate that Kakuen cop.

>> No.17955386
Quoted by: >>17955393

Well, what's she gonna do? arrest me?

>> No.17955389

Metal Slime when?

>> No.17955390
File: 363 KB, 695x900, rokurokubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17956112

You know what they say about girls with long necks.

>> No.17955393

For a noise disturbance.

And when that kakuen has you pinned to the ground, you gotta whisper Banana Slamma so quiet that only she can hear.

>> No.17955397

This is just a drawing of some guy.

>> No.17955414
Quoted by: >>17958720

Well I'm really sorry, it turned out I had to catch my plane and I had almost no time to read your story until way later than I anticipated. Still, I enjoyed it very much, you did a great job setting the scenes and each setting felt very real to my senses. I was initially very confused as to whether our protagonist had purposefully stumbled across our gargoyle, and if he actually remembered her. I'm not sure if he actually tried to run away, or was even aware of her presence, but that might be because I was reading this on the flight and not as closely as I could have. I definitely liked the polishing scene, but I felt like you could have gone into more detail at his surprise about her being made from marble. I dunno if it's just me here, but I feel like a drunken man might be a little more fascinated, or at least I wanted him to be. There was a little too much quipping for my tastes. I feel like often they ruin a serious mood. It doesn't feel like a very real way for characters to interact. Certain characters might do that, but they also might behave in an entirely different way, acting more playful than predatorial. Gemma felt more like the type that would act first and talk second, so this was particularly jarring.
Or maybe I'm full of shit and am trying to sound more sophisticated than I am. Either way, I absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work friend!

>> No.17955420
File: 329 KB, 1280x1256, 1489931192836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna marry a Hotdog. The honeymoon would be grand.

>> No.17955431
Quoted by: >>17955473

Why do I want to bring Druella to an oceanside pier fireworks display at night with sparklers and some icecream.

>> No.17955439

What kind of "farmers only" type websites would spring up for monster girls to find their husbands?

>> No.17955450

Plenty of kinds anon, muscle slut ones, onee-san and loli ones, even ones for people who plan to dick the daughteru.

>> No.17955469

>even ones for people who plan to dick the daughteru.
Oh my heavens.

>> No.17955473
File: 151 KB, 622x789, 1457996844474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955495

Becaue it's nice to imagine that, beneath all the pleasure runes and desire for endless dickings, she's a bit of a sweetheart who just want to do normal, 'lovey-dovey' romantic stuff.

>> No.17955474
Quoted by: >>17955485

>websites where men can sign up to have anonymous sexua lencounters with little girls
Half of these would be bait but instead of Hansen and cops, it would be your big sister and members of the local onee sabbath chapter trying to "re-educate" you in the wonders of big girls.

>> No.17955485
File: 672 KB, 824x1024, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, on the spot, claim the best trio of Onee-sabbath monsters right now!
Times up the answer was Kraken.

>> No.17955491
File: 2.30 MB, 2000x1334, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karekn is in my top 3
I demand a prize for being preemptively correct.

>> No.17955495
Quoted by: >>17955526

>Kraken and Lillim are my top 3
>tfw naive romantic

>> No.17955512
File: 1.02 MB, 700x1000, Kuddly Kraken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955533

Remember, the Kraken Kuddle Klub is always accepting new members!

>> No.17955526

>Kraken overhears you saying that Krakens are so pretty and that you think they're beautiful
>That night as you're laying in bed you hear something very heavy slump in through the window
>The lights are all out so you can't see, but you peek over the covers to find out who your intruder is, hoping your eyes will adjust
>Only they don't adjust- the blackness of the space around you is impenetrable, unnaturally so
>A Shoggoth? A Nightmare? A-
>Suddenly a woman who can only be described as gorgeous flashes into vision, seemingly penetrating the inky darkness like it were liquid
>Her body is pale white and with little areas of bio-luminescence that make her stand out
>She's got a warm, loving, protective- and yet, you notice, slightly anticipatory and apprehensive smile on her face
>You feel an appendage creep behind your head, and then another around your arms, and then more and more slowly wrapping themselves around you, holding you in place as she brings her full body in closer and you see what she truly is
>"A Kra-"
>She silences you with a finger to your lips, biting her lip and smiling with a slight turn of her shoulder, reaching back and fiddling with her bra as she looks you up and down
>With the bra off, she leans back, bare body on full display, and rests on her hands, breasts lovely and full hanging off of her chest, again all framed with her body being the only thing visible in this murky dark
>She sees you not moving and giggles, bringing one of her hands up to her lips to blow you a kiss- a kiss that actually floats out in the shape of an inky heart, floating through the air until it lands against your forehead
>At the moment it does, you feel all the tentacles grasping you move, and find yourself suddenly pulled forward, lurched at a fast speed towards her but then immediately stopped when your face goes full into her breasts
>She gasps playfully and looks at you like you were the one who suggested such a movement, but then strokes your hair and looks down lovingly, her tentacles now writhing and massaging your body as your cheeks brush against her breasts
>You feel yourself being pulled tighter and tighter in with the massage and your arms, as you also notice your pants being unbuttoned and the feeling of touch on your manhood
>The Kraken smiles as she starts to do what she came to do, and you mentally prepare for a long, sensual night

>> No.17955531
File: 591 KB, 1280x1839, ENG003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking with a Kraken!

>> No.17955532
File: 538 KB, 1118x1196, 1455079042699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think anyone could blame you.

I want to be slowly coiled up in her hair until I resemble little more than a sleek, midnight cocoon, with her watching the entire process happen, especially enjoying how I eventually end up writhing in ecstasy. And then after that I'd become her daki in bed; leg-locked and my head snugly put between her breasts. Perfect.

>> No.17955533

I think Krakens tick that box of being horrifyingly powerful yet only want to use said power for cuddling and gentle sex. Kinda like an effect one might expect with musclegirls, only without the muscles and instead soft onee-san bodies.
Just knowing you're powerless to resist but that she would also never hurt you and in fact wants to keep you safe in her ship-crushing appendages is good feels.

>> No.17955537

My favorite non-KC monstergirl material right here.
Krakens are my number one and I would love being a shota husband of one just like that.

>> No.17955538
Quoted by: >>17955556

The Liquor looks like semen.

>> No.17955545
Quoted by: >>17955621

>tfw no snuggly little Kobold waifu to relax and cuddle in bed with at bedtime
I want the suffering to end anons.

>> No.17955556
File: 596 KB, 1200x1724, ENG004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just obsessed with dicks so you see them everywhere.

>> No.17955579

I want to give SCP-686 to a Holst!

>> No.17955582

I do enjoy monsters struggles with their inner demons.

>> No.17955592

Welp, now I need another re-read.
Kraken is best.

>> No.17955598
Quoted by: >>17955633

I should write about a Kraken one day. They seem nice and affectionate without compromising their obvious dominance over man.

>> No.17955621
Quoted by: >>17955650

Oh hi KDF, what's new?

>> No.17955622
File: 112 KB, 700x788, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look for your match maid in heaven today!
>From Nureonagos to Kikimoras to Automations all species wanting to please their masters are welcome to join.
>Men, don't keep her waiting, sign up today.
>"Now you too can say, I got my match maid! At MaidMatch.com"

>> No.17955633

She will keep you happy, she will keep you loved and comfortable- she just won't let you go.

>> No.17955637

That kraken is cute.

>> No.17955638

Post photographic evidence.

>> No.17955642


I wonder if you would get bombared with a multitude of ads if you were single but as soon as you got married all your internet browsing would have virtually no ads at all.

>> No.17955646

The arms race between ad blockers and succuviruses would be astounding.

>> No.17955648
File: 153 KB, 959x870, Ushi-Oni15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955744

Cooking with Ushi!

>> No.17955650

Not much anon. I came home yesterday from a 5 day comfy family vacation at the beach. I couldn't stop thinking about my waifu and daughteru though, It is a really bad time not being able to share happy things like that with them.

>> No.17955651
File: 166 KB, 849x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what would happen if Ratasokrs had the power of Google Ads or Facebook cookies.

>> No.17955657
File: 301 KB, 782x1000, M-Meow!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955667

I would like to purchase a Cat Maid, with extra tats.

>> No.17955659

You mean they don't? Ratatoskr can run along the Yggdrassil freely, and what is Yggdrassil but the internet connecting the nine realms?

>> No.17955662
Quoted by: >>17955669

>all your internet browsing would have virtually no ads at all.
I highly doubt that anon, they'd just switch to marketing very specifically to you and your waifu's fetishes.

>> No.17955667

Anon, this is a dating site, not a service rental. That being said, you already have multiple interested girls messages filling your inbox.

>> No.17955669

That's true. It probably wouldn't be nearly as many ads as when you were single though.

>> No.17955674

Nah, they are really toned. As should be, look at her arms, they are massive, they are bigger than the Minotaur's and she isn't even flexing, if you took away all that fur she would look very ripped. Her abs are just less toned than the baseline Minotaur but her arms are legs are massive.

>> No.17955675


If you alluded to liking a specific kind of MG they would most certainly take it to any that live near you.

>> No.17955686
File: 2.13 MB, 1269x1800, 1456330368244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea creatures! Name me some sea creatures!

>> No.17955687
Quoted by: >>17955694

What would a succuvirus do to your computer if you were already married? Or would they leave you alone?

>> No.17955690


>> No.17955692
Quoted by: >>17955724

>"Rata-chan here with breaking news! Kapersky Labs has been shutdown today following serendipitous reports of all employees becoming married at the same time.
>At this time the CEO refuses to respond to inquiries made by the associated press how this will affect attempts to counter the recent succuvirus outbreak.
>More on this as it develops, but now... a word from our sponsors at MaidMatch.com!"

>> No.17955694
Quoted by: >>17955711

she'd send you pictures of your waifu in various bits of lingerie, states of undress, and risque poses. Which is weird, because neither of you ever took those pictures.

>> No.17955698
File: 603 KB, 731x836, c786d4344b3a550db9430e47ff0c6bc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17955702
Quoted by: >>17955713

Bobbit worm

>> No.17955707
File: 251 KB, 884x995, Nito- selene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean to be strong?

>> No.17955711

I imagine she also sends pictures of me to my waifu?

Interesting. It's like blackmailing but not really at all.

>> No.17955713
Quoted by: >>17955723

Ah yes, Oomukade of the ocean.

>> No.17955718
Quoted by: >>17955729

Being able to feel your eczema itch but not scratch it.

>> No.17955723
File: 705 KB, 1016x1000, oomukade35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955725

Centipede-chan will never chop your dick off.

>> No.17955724

Speaking of MG advertising, does anyone have the My Mofu pillow saved? I forgot to download it last time it was posted.

>> No.17955725

Neither does the worm, only human women do that.

>> No.17955729
Quoted by: >>17955731


>> No.17955731
Quoted by: >>17955742

Do you lack this strength?

>> No.17955737

I do wan't to know why selene is so obsessed with fighting. She should be teaching the joys of sex.

>> No.17955740

Battleboners are boners too!

>> No.17955742

No, I just don't like the mental image I got of getting twitchy when i don't scratch.

>> No.17955744

This week on cooking with Ushi!

Learn about chopping! Tenderizing! Chopping! Cake decorating!


>> No.17955754
Quoted by: >>17955758

I bet that the tenderizing segments are the most popular ones.

>> No.17955757

We'll at the very least she's not just got a battleboner (or is it battle ladyboner?) given the latest story.
I do want to see her pull something like Shang tsung in mortal kombat.
>You will never see Selene defeat a female warrior and say "now your humanity is mine!"

>> No.17955758
Quoted by: >>17955786

Do she and her audience get riled up every time she talks about pounding the meat?

>> No.17955784
File: 160 KB, 1200x1600, DPkDtQKV4AEF5CX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jubjub wants to jub.

>> No.17955786


>> No.17955787

[x] Dance-off bro, you and me.

>> No.17955791
Quoted by: >>17955804

How to jub?

>> No.17955804


Don't worry, she'll teach you.

>> No.17955809 [DELETED] 

Only if she wears a diaper.

>> No.17955843
Quoted by: >>17955846

Vampire squid
Manta Ray
Puffer fish

>> No.17955846
Quoted by: >>17955865

Barracuda and Ray Girls are something we need.

>> No.17955848

I appreciate this Deadly Alliance reference. Thank you.

>> No.17955865
Quoted by: >>17955872

Agreed especially since rays always look so majestic/graceful when they swim. Also if you look underneath them, they always look so happy with their smiling faces.

>> No.17955872
Quoted by: >>17955894

They're also playful and social creatures who enjoy getting petted by people.

>> No.17955892
File: 634 KB, 1250x955, 1480861609142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955911

Now we're cookin'!

>> No.17955894
Quoted by: >>17955908

Yep I know that from personal experience. Love going to those places that allow you to feed and pet the cow nosed rays so much fun. Also they give great high fives.

>> No.17955898

>Human women had a dream about you cheating.
>Gets angry at you for cheating on her in a dream.
>Monstergirl had a dream about you cheating.
>Wakes up and is heavily relieved it was a paranoid dream
>Cuddles you while you sleep, she knows you won't ever betray her like that.
Monsters still have nightmares too. Thankfully she has you as her teddy bear.

>> No.17955906

>Monsters still have nightmares too.
Unless they're espers or nightmares themselves.

>> No.17955908
File: 28 KB, 604x576, Manta Ray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17955913

Well now I need to start figuring out what a Monster Girl version would be like. Here's my first sketch.

>> No.17955911

Cooking for the Cultists!

Devil's delicious home-cooked dinner!

>> No.17955913
Quoted by: >>17955916


>> No.17955916

She's got that manta ray smile though, can't deny that.

>> No.17955918

I bet even if it was a yandere who had this nightmare she would still handle it better than a human.
At worst she would reaffirm her ownership of you by spending an entire day having sex while repeating how much she loves you.

>> No.17955931
Quoted by: >>17956339

Plump cats were made for being spooned endlessly

>> No.17955950

That sounds lewd and illegal

>> No.17955955

Moby Dick

>> No.17955956
Quoted by: >>17956147

>stealthy earth dragon
Only Genome Soldiers could possibly miss her.

>> No.17955968
Quoted by: >>17956023

Tube worms!
Those deep sea crabs and shrimp!
Anything else living on an undersea thermal vent!

>> No.17956023

That's too deep and spooky. Thing about it, you're just stuck there near the vent and if you leave you freeze in the darkness.

>> No.17956038


>> No.17956059

They just want to be near something warm. Like you.

>> No.17956067

How can people have harems after such thing? I'd want to protect and be by her side at all times, letting her use me as a daki every night.

>> No.17956112

I bet she's good at deep-throating.

>> No.17956147

If Solid Snake became a legend known for her stealth then Soft Wurm can too!

>> No.17956239

She has to be careful when neutralizing enemies. Her non lethal run will be ruined if she squeezes him too hard.

>> No.17956242
File: 749 KB, 900x1431, Gray Fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956247
Quoted by: >>17956278

I want to be carried away by a wurm that grabbed me with her tail. Rape in the darkness.

>> No.17956278
Quoted by: >>17956307

Are you man enough to tame her?
If you aren't expect to be overly protected to the point where she won't allow you to leave the cave. You'd also have to let her have her way with you whenever she wants.

>> No.17956307

Not really tame, but become a great husband that is able to wrestle sex her for the sake of lewd times and a lot of skinship.
And living in a cave won't do. We'll end up moving to a nice confy house house later and if she wanted to have sex I'd tease her until she raped me.

>> No.17956339
Quoted by: >>17956368

That they are.
Big soft cats are for snuggling while they Nyahaha

>> No.17956368
Quoted by: >>17956375

A soft cat is at her happiest when she is cuddling with her husband while he feeds her popcorn chicken.

>> No.17956375
Quoted by: >>17956401

So that's why cheshires are so smug.
Also why they're so soft.

Still one thing needs to be remembered, the softer the girl, the larger and milkier her breasts need to be, even if she's a cat.

>> No.17956393
File: 502 KB, 800x1139, 1511745356133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How not to lift a fox

>> No.17956401

When do you say no to your Cheshire's laziness and need to be spoiled?
I trace the line at her asking you to put her own breast into her mouth because she is thirsty.

>> No.17956423
Quoted by: >>17956467

I dunno, I think I’d let that slide.
I’d say that when she’s letting herself get dirty for a while I step in.

Otherwise I’d spoil that Cheshire rotten

>> No.17956467

>Thick, lazy Cheshire with a huge, milky chest and bed hair

A lewd

>> No.17956478
Quoted by: >>17956522

That Cheshire must have a club instead of a spade symbol on her.

>> No.17956522
Quoted by: >>17956576

Probably, although one would need to check her fat rear or huge breasts to see where it is.

She probably floats and teleports everywhere too

>> No.17956576
Quoted by: >>17956593

She would definitely play some lazy tricks on you.
>"Anooon, I can't find the remooote please help me."
>The remote is burried deep between her buttcheeks
>She flaunts her rear at you
>"Huuurry, my favorite show is starting soon."

>> No.17956593
Quoted by: >>17956622

Cute, although I’d figure she’d say ‘Anyan’

Also, she may snuggle with you just to teleport atop you while she watches her shows, chest or rear in your face

>> No.17956622
Quoted by: >>17956649

She deserves all the spoiling and kittens.

>> No.17956624
Quoted by: >>17956692

>tfw no Jubjub who wants to jub my chub
It’s times like this where I wish I never knew about monstergirls. Yeah my life would be a little more grey, but I wouldn’t have to deal with pain like this.

>> No.17956628
File: 563 KB, 2048x1862, 1462163086287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have the translated version of this?

>> No.17956631

It's not thanksgiving anymore, so no.

>> No.17956643

Something something this is my dog toy, get your own vile temptress, something wan something. I think.

>> No.17956649

That she does.
You’d soon have a soft, pregnant Cheshire lazing about her home, probably with an even larger chest and rear thanks to the litter she’s carrying

>> No.17956650

>get your own vile temptress
Monster girls getting overly protective and jealous is too cute.

>> No.17956670

>"Why the hell are you undressing me?!"
>"Ohoho~! it's a stealth mission, boy. Keep quiet, and this won't hurt much."

>> No.17956682
File: 108 KB, 1147x1110, C-BN_9ZXUAEj8fW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17956700

This is close enough, but she lacks pudge and the markings that make Cheshires identifiable, which Nav removed in the final version for some reason.

>> No.17956690
File: 57 KB, 867x404, Monster_e2447b_6298654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17956698

>> No.17956692
File: 661 KB, 1754x1708, jubjub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doubt that she loves you mate.

>> No.17956698
Quoted by: >>17956710

Am I the only one who really like this"art" non ironically?

>> No.17956700

Yeah, would be nice with those.
There’s a reason Cheshire is my number one gal

>> No.17956703

Most literally it is translated as this: "This guy is my husband. Revealing Beef Cow." More liberally "This guy is my husband. I'm going to reveal my breasts." Take my translation with a grain of salt though because I'm very much a beginner at Japanese but little passages like this are pretty easy.

>> No.17956710

I find it cute if it's not overused.

>> No.17956713

Uh, the second line is actually "Hands off!" I only know this because I study kanji like crazy.

>> No.17956717

Oh I didn't recognize the Na at the end. It could be be the possibility that she's not going to reveal her breasts.

>> No.17956719

Yeah that  牛 could be 手. It's messy as fuck.

>> No.17956728
File: 561 KB, 979x586, welcome welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognising Chinese characters instantly

>> No.17956729

To append that It's very likely it's literally "Hands do not come out." or liberally "Hands off." if it is 手。

>> No.17956730
Quoted by: >>17956753

Really? I was just guessing >>17956643 based on context. Glad I was that accurate.

>> No.17956740
Quoted by: >>17956756

Nah, >>17956713 is right. It clearly says: こいつはオレの夫だ!手え出すな
So something along the lines of "don't lay your hands on him" sounds about right.

>> No.17956748
File: 293 KB, 423x600, 66064534_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17956764

What is this supposed to be? https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66064534

>> No.17956753

Quoted the wrong post, meant this one >>17956729

>> No.17956756
Quoted by: >>17956767

I heard it was something like "This male is mine, hand off!"

If somebody can get a proper translation I can probably throw together an edited version in gimp, assuming one didn't exist already.

>> No.17956764

A roper by the looks of it.

>> No.17956767
Quoted by: >>17956841

Well it is definitely husband instead of male but I think we can probably agree that it's "This is my husband! Hands off!" As a side note I love how she uses Ore. Very rough and masculine Hellhound we have here.

>> No.17956770

Never dine and dash at MGE chinese restaurants. That Hinezumi will beat your ass if you do.

>> No.17956775
File: 144 KB, 850x1190, Ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17956836

Reading a couple of doujins has re-invigorated my love for shark teeth. I want to violently irrumate a monter girl with shark teeth.

>> No.17956785
Quoted by: >>17956796

How would a hinezumi feel if she got beat by a "don wan no trabble" anon who was using the chairs, some rope, and a ladder that was in the restaurant?

>> No.17956796

Hot and wet.

>> No.17956814

It's not a crime to enjoy a meal, a succulent Chinese meal in mge land, right? they wont' try to touch my penis right?

>> No.17956836

>you will rever rest your body on a tall monstergirl with that bodytype

>> No.17956841
Quoted by: >>17956853

Tomboy hounds a best

>> No.17956844
File: 141 KB, 960x540, 1458721102232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956849

Hair's top tier.
But the shins and ankles look super thin and flimsy.

>> No.17956853

Tomboys are a miracle in general but the flavor fits a Hellwan nicely

>> No.17956856

I want to have a pillow fight with a bedmander.

>> No.17956857
Quoted by: >>17956894

Probably not unless you're single. Your spirit energy doesn't lie and they know it.

>> No.17956894

Eating time is sacred and lewds should not be done while eating a nice meal, especially if they are at a restaurant.

>> No.17956933
File: 164 KB, 742x1326, 66051551_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17956975

Your take-out orders might include extra services.

>> No.17956969
File: 58 KB, 732x600, 1510474640117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to never play though gachas in MGC malls and stores.
They're overstocked on Shirohebis! Your chances of getting anything else are slimmer than knocking up an old decrepit Dragon.

>> No.17956975

>"Your order of steamy hot meat buns is here!"
>"I have your food too~"

>> No.17956978

Death by snu snu is one of my non thread approved fetishes

>> No.17956984

Sorry anon, I rolled 600 flayers before I learned to stop.

>> No.17956987

>Your figures?
>I threw them away for you!

>> No.17956993


>> No.17956996
Quoted by: >>17957017

You poor, broke ass mother fucker.

That's just cruel. Throwing out my Ryu figures and Gachas after working o hard on them.

>> No.17957007
Quoted by: >>17957009

Why would I play that lame machine gacha, when I can play the daughteru gacha with my Echidna wife?

>> No.17957009
Quoted by: >>17957032

Because you can have tiny monsters to clean your desk for you like tiny shogs or kikis.
Echidnas always give you a free SSR Echidna daughteru during your first roll anyway.

>> No.17957017
Quoted by: >>17957021

I'm not poor, my waifu has a big hoard and I work hard for treasures.

>> No.17957021
Quoted by: >>17957039

>spending your waifu's hoard on online gacha games
Boy, she's gonna be angry when she finds out her money's gone.

>> No.17957030
File: 155 KB, 800x825, Anubis12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean you spent $600 on gacha machines?

>> No.17957031
Quoted by: >>17957040

I wanna challenge that Himezumi to a fight! She has no idea I’m a drunken master!
And by drunken master I mean I get completely hammered and say mean things until she cries and then apologize the next day with a cake that reads; “Sorry I got drunk and said mean things about you.”

>> No.17957032
File: 131 KB, 500x625, 945b0d41ca800b8567185e173d3f451b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17957350

>have tiny monsters to clean your desk for you
Too cute. Would NEET out with.

>> No.17957033
Quoted by: >>17957040

>Spent $600 of his Anubis waifu's hard earned money
>As well as half of the gold in the vault of the Pharaoh she works for
>all to pay for my addictions to waifu slots

>> No.17957035
Quoted by: >>17957041

I want to spank a monstergirl.

>> No.17957039
Quoted by: >>17957049

She has her hoard and I have mine, though mine is just flayers now and she won't notice a few coins missing.

Thank god squishyflayers makes the stress and anger go away.

>> No.17957040
Quoted by: >>17957047

Your wife is going to schedule a loooot of "punishment time" for you to pay off your debt to her, and to cure you of your waifu slot addiction. You'll get a lot of exposure to your Anubis waifu's slot though.

It's fiiiiine, she gets a lot of drunks. And a lot of apologetic bachelors.
She's been disappointed so often, will you take responsibility for your words?

>> No.17957041
Quoted by: >>17957049

And that's how anon became his wife's naked chastity pet for the rest of his life.

>> No.17957047

>Waifu forces the ultimate punishment for me
>Making me get a job

>> No.17957049

>she won't notice a few coins missing
They always do. ALWAYS.

A what?

>> No.17957051
File: 111 KB, 848x1200, DPgO8bTW4AAL5sO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17957765

>> No.17957053
Quoted by: >>17957059

>A what?
It means she'd keep him on a leash with only a chastity cage for clothing for the rest of his life. If he can't control himself she should be allowed to treat him as such.

>> No.17957056
Quoted by: >>17957059

It's fiiine, I can just throw chocolate coins in there so even if she counts the money it will still fool her. Probably.
I just hope daughteru doesn't end up eating them though.

>> No.17957059

I don't mind being in a chastity cage if I get to touch cute monster butts.

Then your daughter will be the one getting punished.
You monster.

>> No.17957062

Now we are a big family of monsters. But wait, what if I painted the flayer gold and put it in her hoard? Surely that would confuse her and daughteru could get away.

>> No.17957063
Quoted by: >>17957067

>if I get to touch cute monster butts.
No touching. If you start touching her too much she'll make you wear the bondage mittens too.

>> No.17957067
Quoted by: >>17957082

Fine, I'll just spank the Anubis' butt with a hairbrush.

>> No.17957068
File: 529 KB, 977x674, 1503969318393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dating plump cheshire since middle high school
>stay in the same dorm in university
>live together for the rest of your lives together
An unfathomable amount of cuddling and squeezing would have to go into a relationship like that

>> No.17957069

Inexcusable, even for a monster girl.

>> No.17957075
Quoted by: >>17957080

>You know your shrine and dolls of me?
>I burned them

>> No.17957080
Quoted by: >>17957092

Silly Anon, that shrine and those dolls would turn into tsukumogami if left alone. You don't need them now that you have her.

>> No.17957082
Quoted by: >>17957093

Don;t make her tie you up too anon.

>> No.17957092

No anon, those were the shrines and dolls she created to worship me. Poor thing won't be able to lock me up either.

>> No.17957093
Quoted by: >>17957097

Nothing will contain my lust. Gremlins, Anubis, Hellhounds, Trumptards, I'll spank them all! ALL!

>> No.17957094

What are some other great comfy/protective Yandere species besides heebis?

>> No.17957097
Quoted by: >>17957103

We need to build a card wall and make non-wonderlanders pay for it!

>> No.17957100


>> No.17957103
File: 547 KB, 973x1044, __trumpart_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_barbariank__bc27db29cf9faf3b71a7da0496779d2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant Trumpards. With their cute butts.

>> No.17957105

Dragon Zombies. She'd burn down entire villages just becaust someone there talks shit about you.

>> No.17957109

It’s Trumpart, and yes please. I want a shy yet deredere Heart one that is embarrassed when I molest her phat bubble butt that is unusual on her otherwise normal (for a Monstergirl) frame.

>> No.17957112
File: 90 KB, 530x749, Trumpart10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond trumpart best trumpart.

>> No.17957116

Diamond Trumparts are willing to do stuff that will make a Succubus blush. They're the most open minded of all the suits after all.

>> No.17957121

Yuki-Onna’s of course. Also Flowkelp.

>> No.17957123
Quoted by: >>17957125

>lightly pounds her balled up hands against your chest after you flash her poor strained panties in a public place
>”Waaaaaah! Anon please don’t! Y-you’re a real bully sometimes to your girlfriend!”
I’d do it every day.

>> No.17957125
Quoted by: >>17957163

I'd like a cute Club trumpart waifu that I can spank and send outside every once in a while. I want to spank her so that she doesn't dare to let more than her upper body leave her card.

I like.

>> No.17957128

Would a Diamond Trumpart indulge in my fucked up fetish of starting a family with her and be lovey dovey to her in every way while spoiling our daughterus?

>> No.17957130

Do Trumparts' card numbers correspond with their body types or personalities at all?

>> No.17957131

I feel like they got shafted in terms of popularity by the dog example that was given, it was just meant to show that they're up for anything and those potions were a thing long before trumparts existed.

I'd love to try out all sorts of stuff with a slutty diamond.

>> No.17957134

I don't know anon, it might be neat if their body types get increasingly larger and more voluptuous the higher the numbers go.

>> No.17957136
Quoted by: >>17957198

Just their power level. Even lower ones can easily wreck a batallion of human soldiers.

Face cards and aces can go toe to toe with lesser gods.

>> No.17957138
File: 155 KB, 800x1200, DF5Qxf8VoAAJ5VV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no brown spade Trumpart that wields an axe

>> No.17957139

So would the Aces be teeny tiny or giant?

>> No.17957144

>Hatter comes to visit diamond Trumpart friend
>”Where’s you’re husband?”
>”In my pussy, somewhere.”

>> No.17957145
Quoted by: >>17957158

Both anon, they can swap at will.

>> No.17957146

And has midriff I forgot to add.
Likely normal sized.

>> No.17957148

Considering that the ruler of wonderland is a loli and the setting favors lolis in general, I'd say the former.

>> No.17957149

>that short, short skirt
I really need to fap. Why is there no doujin of cute monsters girls getting their ass smacked?
>inb4 "because it's a shit fetish and it doesn't sell"

>> No.17957158

>you will never sex the tiny loli ace of Diamonds and the great big ace of Hearts at the same time

>> No.17957163
Quoted by: >>17957171

And I would love. I bet her pocket dimension would be extra lovey dovey with hearts everywhere.
Make my bottom-blessed Heart a 6 then!

>> No.17957171

Bullying a trumpart is nice.
The fact that there are different flavours of it is just icing.

>> No.17957176

I was thinking more along the lines of
>loli ace of clubs rides your cock and hulks out to amazon size as she cums.

>> No.17957185

>Loli ace of diamonds wants to ___ your ___ after ___ when you turn into a ___ till her pussy ___ and ___ an ostritch’s ___ all night long
>Minigiant Ace of hearts just wants to snuggle and gent Cuddlesex with you while you nurse from her strawberry milk breasts

>> No.17957198

Is there some guy out there with a Royal Flush harem?
What suit?

>> No.17957200
Quoted by: >>17957635

And it would be fantastic.

Is it possible to be too snug to fug?

>> No.17957208

Well she made a mistake because I have a lot of weird fetishes

>> No.17957228
Quoted by: >>17957233

Just call her a tall girl for fucks sake.

>> No.17957231

>11ft tall curvy Heart Trumpart that’s super cuddly and submissive and lactates strawberry milk
Operator, hello? I think I found her

>> No.17957233

Don’t get your panties in a twist, it’s Wonderland

>> No.17957243

What does that even mean?

>> No.17957244

3m tall girl I guess.

>> No.17957248

I want to spank a kamaitaichi.

>> No.17957251
Quoted by: >>17957260

Girls that are usually 10-13 feet tall

>> No.17957260
Quoted by: >>17957274

>10-13 feet tall
Use the metric system, Anon.

>> No.17957261

Life with a loli ace of diamonds would be such a mess.
>Wake up to what feels like a morning blowjob
>She's actually doing a handstand over you and deepthroating your cock to the base repeatedly

>During lunch time she sneaks weird powder in your food, you end up more muscled than Billy after just a few bites
>She wants you to brutalize her in a wrestling ring while also raping her

>Evening comes around and you almost mistook her for a clubs when you saw her quietly reading a very thick book
>It's titled "Girls have 8 holes."

>> No.17957269
Quoted by: >>17957286

I know their personality differ from the house, but what does an ace change?

>> No.17957270
Quoted by: >>17957282

>>It's titled "Girls have 8 holes."
aww jeez

>> No.17957274
Quoted by: >>17957279

Metric is for pussies

>> No.17957277

>Girls have 8 holes
>implying it's not an anatomy book about animal dicks

>> No.17957279

Then why aren't you using it?

>> No.17957281
Quoted by: >>17957286

>She wants you to brutalize her in a wrestling ring while also raping her
This is my kind of girl, loli diamonds or not I'd violate it. If she was dressed like R Mika too I'd absolutely lose all self control.

>> No.17957282

What are the holes though?

>> No.17957283
Quoted by: >>17957345

It’s only a matter of time before she orders a bunch of cakes because she’s going to try the fatty thing isn’t it.

Well, I suppose it’s better than dog potion day

>> No.17957286

An ace pushes it to the max, but yeah a regular loli diamond trumpart would be quite the hurdle too

Any monster girl willing to dress as a character you like is a monster girl whose smile is worth protecting

>> No.17957297
Quoted by: >>17957331

>Any monster girl willing to dress as a character you like is a monster girl whose smile is worth protecting
I guess putting her in a camel clutch till she says that she wants her slutty hole filled and raping her in a full nelson so the wrestling crowd made up of my doppelganger clones can see everything would class as protecting her smile if that's what she's into.

Life with a diamond wouldn't be boring that's for sure.

>> No.17957301

Vagina, anus, mouth, urethra, 2 hands, 2 feet.

>> No.17957309

>that treasure chest your dragon wife fiercely protects
>inside is something innocuous such as a old security blanket or stuffed toy with sentimental value

>> No.17957331

Don't forget to make her tap out when her butthole can't take anymore punishment, that will make her smile shine the brightest

>> No.17957338
Quoted by: >>17957358

So basically the ace is the archetype.

Tapping out?

>> No.17957345
Quoted by: >>17957349

>It’s only a matter of time before she orders a bunch of cakes because she’s going to try the fatty thing isn’t it

But not for her, silly~

>> No.17957349
Quoted by: >>17957357

So she’s going to try it with the weird Alice next door?

>> No.17957350

What a cute mouse! I'll take thirty! Do they stretch like fairies?

>> No.17957352

Fellow haremfags, what do you think the max amount of wives you could handle would be, and what race(s)?

>> No.17957357
Quoted by: >>17957371

Oh, maybe anon, maybe.
Have some more cake.

>> No.17957358

>trumpart loli with a wrestling ryona exhibitionist fetish
>that's one of the more mild things she's into
I'd gladly make her tap out and go on to fulfil her other fetishes too. what a girl.
>Tapping out?
Wrestling terminology, submitting.

>> No.17957363

Race varies but there is typically one muscled girl, one fatty, one loli/oppai loli and one vanilla girl

>> No.17957364
Quoted by: >>17957375

Ha, okay.
I'd like to fuck a trumpart in the ass until she taps out, then.

>> No.17957365
Quoted by: >>17957375

Even if she wanted to try bodyswapping with you once?

>> No.17957366
Quoted by: >>17957374

5. Bicorn, Anubis, 2 imps and a Minotaur, gives a nice variation in body types and personalities.

>> No.17957371

>Trying that with me
Anon, she’s never evidently heard of my insane food rules and exercise routine I do to specifically avoid that.

If anything, she should have it

>> No.17957374
Quoted by: >>17957388

The wizard harem! I liked hearing about them

>> No.17957375
Quoted by: >>17957480

Good man.
Sure why not, gotta try most things with her at least once. Plus it'd be fun making her body say stuff she wouldn't normally or see if I could fool her friends.

>> No.17957388

I really came to love the idea of that specific harem, it's funny how silly questions can start long standing fantasies.

Would tenderly love that Anubis and pay attention to the rest too.

>> No.17957398
Quoted by: >>17957421

I think the most I’ve fantasized about was upwards of thirty large mice
I usually like them all to be the same race regardless

>> No.17957400
Quoted by: >>17957414

They'd either be all mice or a mix of houri, devils and holsts. And upwards of twenty cause im a greedy manwhore

>> No.17957405

5 big tiddy Titania.

>> No.17957407
Quoted by: >>17957418

Tanuki twins and a Kikimora maid that stays at home. That’s my harem.

>> No.17957414

>Houri and devils
Think of the friendly co-wife bullying.
>multiple devils spreading the legs of the smallest of the Houri, teasing her and egging you on to obliterate her permavirgin pussy as she trembles
>meanwhile the Holsts look on with simple curiosity, bells lazily jangling

>> No.17957418

I want to be teased by a pair of Tanuki Twins at work.

>> No.17957421

Houri and Devils are an underrated power combo.

My nigga

>> No.17957423

Three Automatons with different bodytypes and weapon/armor loadouts.

>> No.17957426

Is it haram to want my harem wives to fool around with each other to prep each other for me? I can’t help I find it so hot.

>> No.17957431

To the reeducation camp with you

>> No.17957435
Quoted by: >>17957521

Please elaborate in detail, sounds like it could be very interesting!

>> No.17957440
Quoted by: >>17957454

That’s Liliraune’s whole shtick.
Which admittedly some people can’t stand, but I don’t think its unnatural to find that hot.

>> No.17957441
Quoted by: >>17957521

Difference in personality too?

>> No.17957453

Not at all anon, that stuff is pretty neat.

>> No.17957454

People confuse girls being naughty/tempting/having fun with Yuri because they were raised on anime for all their social interactions, which is a shame because it can be very hot and fun

>> No.17957477

What race is the best for unapologetic fatfags or people who like their MG wife being a cute/hot pudgester?

>> No.17957480

Nothing like some lovely anal to make her submit. I want her to feel confused about it, not knowing if she wants it or not.

>> No.17957487

To hell with what general consensus is, I love that kind of stuff and tend to think about it a lot with Titania/Demon, Wight/Lich and a few other combos.
Two hot girls 69ing before they get fucked silly by a man is pretty nice.

>> No.17957492

It’s probably P’Orcs for the former and Cheshires for the latter. To my knowledge the only race that has any canonical allusion to ‘plump’ is, humorously, Pharoah, with KCs design notes saying ‘plump brown desert ruler’, though I think obviously the context is different.

>> No.17957494

P’orcs For obvious reasons.
Holsts as they get a bit more up top along with wherever else it ends up going.
Large Rats for harems and being easier to carry
Ogres/Onis/Minotaurs if you want muscle with the meat

>> No.17957498

Oh lawdy that’s sinful.

>”W-what game is this again?”
>”Hmhmhm~ you’ll see, dear. And husband will join us soon. Just follow my lead...”

>> No.17957504

>Demon lets her foot-long demonic tongue out right next to Titania’s nervous innocent face
I know exactly why I have this boner.

>> No.17957512
Quoted by: >>17957740

>come home on day and hear something coming from the bedroom
>open the door to see what's going on and witness something truly arousing
>your demon wife sat behind your second wife, a titania and spreading her legs for you to see while finger blasting the fairy queen
>"come on dear, don't you know it's bad to keep royalty waiting?"
>the titania's face is a blushing mess the entire time
That's the stuff, it's the little things along the way as the demon tempts the poor fairy into accepting more and more depraved acts with their shared husband.

>> No.17957514
Quoted by: >>17957740

>Demon is slightly jealous that Titania has bigger breasts than her

>> No.17957518

>foot-long demonic tongue
Great, now I want my Demonfu to make me cum with a kiss.
Or she can just look at me all smug while she jerks me off with her tongue and nothing else after tying me to the bed.

>> No.17957521
File: 317 KB, 781x1017, tumblr_ok4ukwOWx01vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold by autism:
>Pear-shaped Automaton with grey fanned-out hair and yellow eyes
>sideskirts and shoulder armor resemble a crinoline, except with a gothic clockwork aesthetic
>forgoes long-ranged weaponry in favor of wielding a heavy Barbatos styled mace, with a small seemingly impractical shield attached to her arm
>personality is a mixture of kuu and clingy yandere traits

>7ft. tall thicc Automaton with long grey fluffy hair and green eyes
>comes magically blessed with massive lactating titties
>sideskirts and shoulder armor carry the aesthetic of modern construction equipment, with a fantasy twist of course
>weaponry of choice are two shoulder mounted cannons that fire big demonic silver shells that release demonic energy over controlled areas
>over her orbital frame-esque pointy legs Automatons have are clamps that allow her to fire her shoulder cannons easier
>personality is a mixture of motherly and kuudere traits

>Shortstack Automaton that's built like a doraf, and has her hair tied into a ponytail
>can also produce milk, but not at the rate of the Thicctamoton
>armor carries a fantasy cowboy aesthetic with synthetic cloth
>all armor pieces are equipped with experimental thrusters to allow for faster movement
>weaponry of choice consists of a handheld magic revolver that can be attached to her wrist armor and a grappling hook
>personality is a mixture of kuudere and tomboy traits

>all have fat simulacrum asses for facesitting.

>> No.17957525


We should think of other combos too

Like Flow Kelp/Unagi Joro

>> No.17957533
Quoted by: >>17957538

Here's an interesting combo.

Ochi and Kej. Warrior and Seductress.

>> No.17957538
Quoted by: >>17957554

I'd like a Wight/Gremlin.
>gremlin wife makes spanking machine
>doesn't work
>ask wight for advice
>open the door to find the gremlin bending over a chair while the wight is spanking her with a cane
>she tells you to come closer, and hand you the cane
>"hit strong, darling!"

What about Kunoichi/Kikimora?

>> No.17957549
Quoted by: >>17957576

Not bad.
I’d do Holst and Kiki with the former’s ingredients frequently used in our meals along with forcing the latter to orally empty her while I’m at work

>> No.17957554
Quoted by: >>17957637

Kiki is always paired with Shog.

>> No.17957562

Keep in mind that the shog is a slime type and has tentacles of sorts.
Catfighting in bed with their naked bodies rubbing all over each other as they compete to see who gets the dick first.
Such an obvious choice it feels like it's cheating.
Smug squirrel collects info on the hellhound to try blackmail her into giving first dibs, the hellhound doms the shit out of her while waiting for you as revenge.
>yeti/any undead
Yeti likes hugs, undeads feel cold, this one's less lewd but it's nice to think of having two wives that cuddle to keep each other warm while I'm at work.

>> No.17957574






>> No.17957576

>Every day you return the Kiki’s chest is a little bigger
>Still milk holst but she doesn’t ever seem to be overly full
>Kiki’s own chest starts getting larger than the holsts

>> No.17957583


>> No.17957585
File: 183 KB, 1400x1315, DIjtPxVVAAE3MHd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's how you get a milkmaid.

>> No.17957586
Quoted by: >>17957595

Man breast expansion is so hot.
I like to imagine her with a German accent.

>> No.17957587
Quoted by: >>17957595

Tiny pudgy oppai loli bandits.

>> No.17957593
Quoted by: >>17957594

Ghoul with either Mucus Toad or Akaname



>> No.17957594

I fear for the man involved in that kind of threesome.

>> No.17957595
Quoted by: >>17957636


Yep, and it’s a good thing she can sew, although she may want to watch out if I figure out how to really increase the holts lactation.

That can be nice too, especially if you spoil that Hobgoblin with sweets

>> No.17957600
Quoted by: >>17957604

What's the reasoning behind the last two pairs?

>> No.17957604
Quoted by: >>17957642


Troll and Nureonago are just paired due to being homely types with not much beyond that.

and Fairy/Sandworm for extreme size difference shenanigans. I thought the idea of a fairy shrinking a sandworm down to her size would be kind of funny too

>> No.17957633
Quoted by: >>17957649

Otohime and Phantom

>> No.17957635
Quoted by: >>17957657

Never. She'll be absolutely fine going from loving cuddles to a slow but thorough dicking in a matter of seconds

>> No.17957636
Quoted by: >>17958062

>That awkward moment when the Kiki looks down and realizes she can’t see her feet

>> No.17957637

I prefer the ninja maid.

>> No.17957642
Quoted by: >>17957659

>Crew of fairies shrink a sandworm down to their size as punisment for making fun of them
>They all work together to use the sandworm as an onahole for their husband
>Together they can barely keep a decent pace but their husband loves it, and the sandworm is a ahegao-ing wreck. Orgasms with every thrust of hubby's dick.
>By the time she's back to normal she's a already begging to be shrunk again

>> No.17957646

I want to put an egg vibrator in my little loli Kiki's cunny and make her clean with it buzzing away inside her! It'll be good experience for cleaning with distractions.

>> No.17957649

Party time all the time.

>> No.17957657

Well that’s nice, would spoil with slow dickings

>> No.17957659

This reminds me of a daydream I had where a man married a Titania and a few dozen fairies, and the Titania would use the fairies on her husband and jerk him off with them.

>> No.17957692

5. Stage 4 Alps galore.

>> No.17957700

Two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth and vagina

>> No.17957703
Quoted by: >>17957707

>haremfags that just get multiples of a single species
I don’t get it.

>> No.17957707

Didn’t mean to quote.

>> No.17957710

Well shit, I was expecting an insufferable argument and instead get some fantastic ideas of co-wives getting frisky. You’re good today thread.

>> No.17957713
Quoted by: >>17957724

Mindflayer and Nightmare

>> No.17957718

Who ordered slug tits? Includes a rare red coloured Tritonia https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=66072066
It varies based on the time of day and no one tried pushing the "pure love" angle so there was no bait to be bitten and ruin the fun. Bigamy situations can be nice.

>> No.17957720
Quoted by: >>17957728

Cursed Sword and Armor, but obviously

>> No.17957724

>Nightmare enters Anon's dream only to find it being slurped away

[Angry Nightmare noises]

>> No.17957728


Tritonias look good in red.


I would prefer to have just one wife given the choice but I'm not against the idea of two MGs who compliment or contrast each other working together like that.


Or Red Cap and Cursed Sword for maximum edge

>> No.17957731

Cute sea slug

>> No.17957740

>Husband sitting with a wife straddling each leg in his lap, taking turns making out with them
>he doesn’t see the Demon secretly reaching a hand behind the Titania to finger her holes when it’s her turn for a kiss
>by the end of the makeout session the Titania is a gasping, sweating drooling mess begging in slurred high pitched moans for the ‘see-saw game’
>you lay her down and mount her slathering pussy while the Demon plants her plump ass on her face for her to eat out
>tongue you’re Demonfu’s throat as you both lean forward while riding the Titania underneath, Demon making sure to tweak the Titania’s jealousy-inducing fat tits under her while doing so
>you can feel the Titania shuddering in orgasm after orgasm after orgasm below you and hear her practically screaming into the Demon’s pussy as she frantically tongues it, causing even the Demon to start moaning in your mouth and begging for a position switch

>> No.17957752

Hello boner. I need to see this somehow.

>> No.17957757
Quoted by: >>17957846

That Titania better be careful or that sinful Demon is gonna have her trained as a bitchslave to her and husband.
It’s up to the husband to stop that from happening or encourage it

>> No.17957765

I want to pour that wine down the front of her body and lick it from where it runs off her panties.

>> No.17957768
Quoted by: >>17957807

I’m surprised that demon hasn’t put her long tongue to ‘savoring’ the Titania after their husband has given her his fill

>> No.17957789
Quoted by: >>17957815

>Apsara And Gandharva playfully grind against each other while undressing one another with just their mouths, all in exotic rhythm

>ghost pulls a Bladerunner 2049 with the Ittan, using her as a direct physical overlay so you can fuck both their pussies at the exact same time

>Manticore and girtablilu both play with each other’s bodies as the manticore’s tail aggressively milks you, both cruelly stabbing you with their stings again and again as you writhe beneath eating out the Girta

>> No.17957792
Quoted by: >>17957823

Mad Hatter and Nurarihyon

>> No.17957794
File: 1.67 MB, 1366x768, mxAfhJW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can elves be good fighters?

>> No.17957804
Quoted by: >>17957829

Rangers at best.

>> No.17957807

>Demon licks up some of the husband’s stuff from the Titania’s pussy
>Titania pouts a bit until the Demon sticks her tongue out, revealing a big reservoir of the stuff cupped at the end of it
>sticks it down the Titania’s throat, tongue-fucking her mouth to snowball it in as husband starts fucking the Demon from behind

>> No.17957815


>Getting posessed by the Ghost while fucking the Ittan, incessantly whispering encouraging words

>> No.17957823

Scissoring, tea and long cigarettes
Or the Hatter trying on a billowing smoke robe that passively molests her while the Nura puts on a colorful top hat that quickly infects her brain making her ahegao from a powerful mindgasm

>> No.17957829
Quoted by: >>17957838

Anon if wurms can become spellcasters i dont see why elves cant become monks!

>> No.17957838

Elves lack the humility and open-mindedness required to monk

>> No.17957846

>Demon happily bounds up to her husband one afternoon with the Titania following behind
>”Honey, look!”
>turns to the Titania and snaps her fingers
>the Titania suddenly shudders and goes weak in the knees, a blissful expression on her face all of a sudden as she orgasms on command
>Demon turns back to you excitedly

>> No.17957849
File: 1.08 MB, 1456x1035, 0tRL0bPr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Christmas picture with Miia, Wock, Gazer, and Anubis.

>> No.17957854
File: 908 KB, 2560x1536, Lani sketch by Lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17957856

Living Doll/Alice

>> No.17957858

Is this Setz's style?
Surprisingly decent.

>> No.17957863

>lose can write
>making progress with drawing
>meanwhile I'm still stuck meme arrow posting on a chinese imageboard
Feels bad.

>> No.17957865

Git gud, mc'fagget.

>> No.17957881
Quoted by: >>17957892

Elves are literally only good for spanking and deep anal pounding.

>> No.17957886

Setz is into monstergirls now?

>> No.17957888

Cute waifus

>> No.17957892
Quoted by: >>17957898

Don’t forget degrading into pleasure trophies!

>> No.17957898
Quoted by: >>17957911

I'd rather have a better trophy.

>> No.17957911
Quoted by: >>17958099

Shush you, there’s nothing better that turning a proud, elven general into a soft pleasure toy whose daughters are raised to be good girls

>> No.17957951
Quoted by: >>17957998

I've always liked the idea of a sultry Dark Mage and a hotblooded Werewolf doing this. This way you get a tough energetic tomboy and a leggy titty monster both at the same time.

>> No.17957982
File: 588 KB, 1046x1500, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of dark priest nuns

>> No.17957986

Succugoat nuns with french accents make my dick reach MOH 29.

>> No.17957995

Depends on who they are fighting. If the enemy is ugly it'a a instant loss.

>> No.17957998

That has potential, the tomboy wolf would probably be jealous of the mage's funbags and be rough with them while fooling around, including when it comes to three ways and she's violently manipulating the mage's breasts as she gives paizuri.

>> No.17958011

I would confess all my sins if she'd press me hard against her breasts while I did so.

>> No.17958033

Don't worry anon, I always make sure to not sin by depositing my seed inside of her.

>> No.17958049

How often would the average monster girl couple have sex? I could see a couple feasibly doing it at least 16 times a week.
>Every morning when you wake up
>Every night when you go to bed
>Exta mid-day pleasures on the weekend

>> No.17958059

>those tags
Goddamn I didn't think I could get a boner before even reading the doujin.

>> No.17958062
Quoted by: >>17958139

>tasks involving narrow spaces gradually become impossible
>she starts running out of shirts that can contain her overflowing milk tanks
Milkmaids are perfection

>> No.17958080

Gonna look for this when I get home

>> No.17958082

Monsters with accents are wonderful.

>> No.17958089
Quoted by: >>17958101


>> No.17958099
Quoted by: >>17958104

I'd rather fuck her, and then have a kiki raise the daughters into good girls.

Actually, there are a couple of monstergirls I'd like to see raised by a kiki. Or by a gremlin. Nothing screams disaster like an Ushi Oni trying to build a giant robot.

>> No.17958101
Quoted by: >>17958113


>> No.17958104
Quoted by: >>17958118

>Ushi creates an actual rape train with no brakes

>> No.17958112

I'd do it around that, maybe 5 times in weekends. I did some calculations once too and it took around 7000 creampies to make my waifu pregnant.

>> No.17958113
Quoted by: >>17958114

I want a sauce-slime girl

>> No.17958114

What sauce?

>> No.17958117

Ghost Pepper

>> No.17958118
Quoted by: >>17958123

>Husbandos dig giant robots

>> No.17958122
Quoted by: >>17958124

I'd say 2-3 times a day is the minimum.

>> No.17958123

I would totally be Steve to a Dr. Weird Ushi Oni...as long as she stayed away from CORN!

>> No.17958124
Quoted by: >>17958136

fuck that shit

>> No.17958133

It doesn't matter. Maybe BBQ sauce.

>> No.17958135

I need a good oni story

>> No.17958136

Not enough for you? I'm sorry, but some of us don't have enough time or endurance to do much more.

>> No.17958139

Yep, and that poor thing won’t be getting a break.
>Kiki is bushy adjusting her sweeping technique when I sneak up and begin to grope, squeeze, and fondle her as if she was being milked
>She try’s to get me to stop but only breathy gasps and pleased moans slip out
>”Hubby’s technique is really good, isn’t it?” The cheerful voice of the holst rings, the tone and her smile inncent but sinister “He’s a master!”
>Kiki can only moan as one of her hands begins moving beneath her dress as the holst pops her ‘udders’ free for the maid
>”Now please take a sip! We figured you’d be thirsty again after this long, long day!”
>Kiki wants to say no but her trembling lips are soon locked on a nipple as her own, even larger breasts are molestef.
>She can only begin to suckle down more of the milk as she imagines how large she’ll be after this, along with feeling something hard against her back

>> No.17958147
Quoted by: >>17958187

She’s being turned into a milkslave in every sense of the word and fuck if that isn’t super hot

>> No.17958156

>in the distance, a Slowpoke can be heard weeping softly

>> No.17958179
Quoted by: >>17958191

How rare are off-suit Wonderland monstergirls? I remembered a club Cheshire who's soft and lazy in this thread.

>> No.17958187

We'd do it again and again, with ample loving and snuggling afterwards, until she stopped trying to resist her bodies call for the milk and instead gives in, no longer caring about how large and ponderous her breasts become, instead looking forward to that next mouth full of milk and having her own chest groped while she 'milks' me

>> No.17958191

Uncommon but not rare, I imagine.

>> No.17958224
Quoted by: >>17958229

>Valkyrie finds a black feather in her wings
>Plucks it
>Neurotically checks every day to see if more show up
>Terrified of being corrupted
>Slowly starts to like it
>Gets excited when she finds a new black feather
>Starts plucking the remaining white feathers once they're almost gone

>> No.17958229

No thanks.

>> No.17958244
Quoted by: >>17958252

>Hathorite Valkyrie
>She's got the bombshell body you'd expect of a Hathorite
>But her personality is exactly like that of a regular Valkyrie

>> No.17958252
Quoted by: >>17958270

A thick, justice delivering Valkryie could be nice.
Gotta keep my sinful hands from groping her middle and thighs though

>> No.17958253

Whatever happenned to 12 beasts?
Last update was 180 days ago

>> No.17958270
Quoted by: >>17958284

>"Hmm, what art thou doing young squire?"
>"Oh, mayhap this be a massage to soothe mine aching muscles? Though art certainly a gentleman young squire."

>> No.17958279
Quoted by: >>17958286


>> No.17958283

>12 beasts?
I liked the pilot chapter, but dropped it at the actual manga series

>> No.17958284
Quoted by: >>17958301

Would massage her soft, chocolate skinned body

>> No.17958286

But was it axed or dropped by translator?

>> No.17958301
Quoted by: >>17958309

>"Ahhhh. Squire, thine massages are truly a gift from the goddess herself. But thou look so uncomfortable while doing them? Mayhap it be that dagger thine trousers. It doth be pointed at such a peculiar angle...."

>> No.17958309

A dagger, an awkwardly placed dagger.

She just needs to flip over while I massage her frong.

>> No.17958351

Reminder that if a monster girl isn't civilized enough to recognize that hime cut is best cut then she is most likely a savage who only cares about breeding and feeding.

>> No.17958356

What if it's a Minotaur with a Hime cut?

>> No.17958361
Quoted by: >>17958375

>a savage who only cares about breeding and feeding.
I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.17958363

>Minotaur royalty with a himecut
I never knew I wanted this until I knew it existed.

>> No.17958365
Quoted by: >>17958384

>she is most likely a savage who only cares about breeding and feeding
So a monstergirl?

>> No.17958375
Quoted by: >>17958405

To be fair, thats part of the fun of P'Orcs

>> No.17958384
Quoted by: >>17958401

It's only ok if she does an ojou laugh while raping you.

Don't you want to shame culture and hobbies with a monster girl?

>> No.17958401

Every single "HO" will include her slamming her hips down on you.

>> No.17958405
Quoted by: >>17958429

What about a regal p'orc that styles herself as the bandit queen?

>> No.17958406

>Monster girls are now in the last game you've played
>What changes?

>Last game I played was S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chenobyl
>I can finally stalk the zone with my waifu

>> No.17958411
Quoted by: >>17958428

What do we call girls like her? A succunun, a nuncubuss?

>> No.17958412

>senran kagura
>nothing much changes but the girls are improved

>> No.17958416

>gremlin is in Hat in Time

>> No.17958417

>Akibas Trip
holy shit that would be funny

>> No.17958418

>you will never adventure with an ojou dark mage

>> No.17958421

>Fallout: New Vegas
Well I’d love to run around the wastes impregnating the feral lizardgirls. I’m also gonna nail me a Deathclaw or two!

>> No.17958425

>silent hill 4: the room

>> No.17958428

I’d call her ‘honey’, ‘darling’, ‘cutie pie’, and most importantly; ‘my wife’.

>> No.17958429

>Bandit/Raider Queen P'Orc
>Finely dressed in masterfully stitched leather armor with plenty of gems and jewelry
>A perfect hourglass figure without an ounce of excess, unwanted meat unlike her underlings.

Would be interesting to say the least.

>> No.17958434

I feel a bit bad about beating that tiger now

>> No.17958437

>FGO now has all monster girls

Maybe we'd get lewd CGs in it.

>> No.17958441
Quoted by: >>17958454

>Oblivion with monster girls
Interesting, well for starters every single nonhuman race would be improved, a lot of the beasts would be improved, the gods would give lewd gifts instead of just basic enchantments, the deadra gods would give sex toys instead of weapons, which I'd imagine sex toys would basically be weapons in a monster girl world, I think every aspect of the game would change. Main quest line would still be about trying to merge the two plains but so that the 'evil' demon girls could take over the world, I'd imagine the Nights of the Nine addon would end with you dicking the permavirgin several thousand year old bitch elf queen that just needed some dick to calm down, Shivering Iles would turn into Wonderland for better or worse.

>> No.17958443

>she gets to the point where her tits rest comfortably in her lap
>still does most of the jobs but is unable to cover her gigantic breats, so she does all this completely bare chested
>she feels undignified but she's slowly getting used to having her milk tanks sway about as she does stuff

>> No.17958444

Is flash game counts, then my gremlin waifu is now stuck in a spanking simulator where the goal is to spank her as much as possible with either a hand, a whip or a paddle.

>> No.17958454

>Sheogorath monstergirl
>you honestly can't tell if it's a girl or a woman
>... or even if it's a woman or a man
>you try to dick her
>"You really shouldn't have done that. Enjoy the view!"

>> No.17958455

>Order of Ecclesia
Everything that wasn't already a cute girl is now MGEfied.

>> No.17958463
Quoted by: >>17958469

Dear god let me marry one just like this

>> No.17958469
Quoted by: >>17958500

they are married to the lord

>> No.17958476
Quoted by: >>17958486

>random French
That's not how you write a foreign character, connard.

>> No.17958486

you are reading too much into porn anon

>> No.17958493
Quoted by: >>17958499

>darkest dundeon
Rape has come to our family. Also fuck the shambler.

>> No.17958499
Quoted by: >>17958507

Now you can!

>> No.17958500

Then just become their god.

>> No.17958501

I don't know anon. Personally though, just going by what I think would happen for me, 1 to 2 times per day on average seems about right. There would be some days or even stretches of days where we might not have sex at all, but then there would be other times where we do literally nothing else for a week or so.

>> No.17958502

>Final Doom
It would just be the Hdoom mod only with MGE girls.

>> No.17958506
Quoted by: >>17958511

I'm still sad pinkies are the only one you can fuck in the ass.

>> No.17958507

Noooo! Also, imagine the collector but now she collects cum and cummies.

>> No.17958511
Quoted by: >>17958521

The guy has recently released the sprites for the Arch-vile girl. Maybe she'll have ass fucking too?
I'm hoping whatever it is is frantic and angry, Archies deserve the angriest hatefucking possible.

>> No.17958514
Quoted by: >>17958518

Hdoom dev is making that though.

>> No.17958518
Quoted by: >>17958524

>MGE Hdoom
Seriously? I really hope you're right.

>> No.17958521

I'd like to spank the archvile instead. Worst enemy ever.
Also just found out that HDoom and Brutal Doom aren't compatible. That's hilarious.

>> No.17958522
Quoted by: >>17958539

>Crusader Kings II
Fucking finally.

>> No.17958524
Quoted by: >>17958538

On /monsters/ i saw some sprites and animation s for luka and various girls

>> No.17958528
Quoted by: >>17958533

>He didn't even save it vertically
But how

>> No.17958530

>Dawn of War Dark Crusade
I have very mixed feelings about this
>Also just found out that HDoom and Brutal Doom aren't compatible.
It's really common for Wads to have a hidden "punishment" feature for when you try to play them with Brutal Doom

>> No.17958533

This happens when people save it on phones and don't flip it around a bit in paint.net or photoshop until it's upright.

>> No.17958534

Get ready for an Automaton Pharaoh.

Yes I know they were mindless automatons in the 5th ed.

>> No.17958537

Don't worry anon, the Emperesses's angels of death are there to keep you chaste.

Just bask in their armored forms and try not to figure out what they look like beneath that power armor even if their Sergeants look to be quite the lookers, even with the scars.

>> No.17958538
Quoted by: >>17958547

Oh, you mean the MGQ mod. That's different.
Yeah, many modders get tired of people demanding to make their mods compatible with BD and add in punishments or annoyances for trying it

>> No.17958539

The lewdest horde

>> No.17958547

I didn't know that. Then again, I kinda liked Brutal Doom at first, like everyone, but I lost interest when it stopped working on GZDoom and after that, I learned the guy was a little bitch.

To be fair, mixing Brutal Doom and HDoom isn't a good idea. I like spanking, but raping a girl until she's a pile of gore isn't my fetish.

>> No.17958552

Can you describe this "punishment" feature? It sounds interesting. Is it just constant damage, or something more creative? Why is this specified for Brutal?

>> No.17958557

>Dawn of War 2
>Lord General Lilim purging traitors and heretics
Emperor take the wheel

>> No.17958561
Quoted by: >>17958623

It varies

>> No.17958588

>Borderlands 2
I'm unsure how this would end. Or even what it would be like.

>> No.17958601

>Why is this specified for Brutal?
BD's maker is widely known in the community for being an ass and has got himself baned from all major Doom sites, the mod's code is badly written and is a nightmare to work with, a loud portion of its fanbase refuse to play any other mod and harrass other mod makers to make their mod compatible. It's soured a lot of people on most major Doom forums, even if the mod itself is actually alright.

>> No.17958603

>Star Wars: The Old Republic
I can see Twi’leks and Elves fighting over who’s the sluttiest.

>> No.17958605
Quoted by: >>17958628

>Claptrap Automaton
I don’t know how I feel about this.

>> No.17958606

Ah, thank you.

>> No.17958612

Didn't he said a suicidal guy how to kill himself?

>> No.17958623

>that last one

>> No.17958628

My first thought is what would Tiny Tina be. I swear I'm not a lolicon officer.

>> No.17958632
Quoted by: >>17958659


>> No.17958635

>Tiny Tina
She would be a permaloli Gremlin who loves to make explosions both in and out of bed.

>> No.17958640
Quoted by: >>17958659

>I swear I’m not a lolicon officer.
This hurts the three Familiar officers who pulled you over because they thought you were cute.

>> No.17958642

>permaloli Gremlin
I will spank the snot out of her.

>> No.17958652

What would your daughteru want for Christmas?

>> No.17958658

Me to be happy again,

>> No.17958659

I can see both of these easily actually, thought the Gremlin makes a bit more sense I think it'd be even funnier if the Hobgoblin is actually super smart as opposed to her species norm. Or maybe she's just really good at faking it.
Didn't the supreme monster court rule pouting lolis a form of cruel and unusual punishment? No man can resist them if they do that, in fact it's like they're forcing me to rape them, fuck the police and their evil ways.

>> No.17958662

Alone time with Papa and cheese wheels!

>> No.17958670

Books, and some knex. Might even surprise her with a telescope.

>> No.17958677

Fun time with papa and mamas.
Also a ton of sweets so she can grow up big like her mamas.

>> No.17958702

Some new classical music CDs, the newest Pokemon game if she doesn't have it already, a new latex outfit or two, some small assorted bondage toys, and a gratuitous amount of holiday sweets and candy.

Then there's all the comfy, happy holiday family time, but that's more of a tradition than a present.

>> No.17958712

>Play league of legends
>Play Jhin
>He sounds like Andy Warhol
>Considers himself an actor
>Considers murder to be an art
>Bat-Shit Loco

Does Jhin have some kind of blood-thirsty Leanen-Sidhe lurking behind him?

What's she like?

>> No.17958720

>I definitely liked the polishing scene, but I felt like you could have gone into more detail at his surprise about her being made from marble. I dunno if it's just me here, but I feel like a drunken man might be a little more fascinated, or at least I wanted him to be.
Before publishing it I was kind of wondering if I should have made it longer, based on your feedback that may be the case. Was moreso worried about the monotony of polishing stone since like brushing teeth it's something we do to maintain and form a routine with, not something one would easily associate with sexiness.

>There was a little too much quipping for my tastes. I feel like often they ruin a serious mood. It doesn't feel like a very real way for characters to interact. Certain characters might do that, but they also might behave in an entirely different way, acting more playful than predatorial. Gemma felt more like the type that would act first and talk second, so this was particularly jarring.
I will definitely keep that in mind and tone down on the Joss Whedon/Groucho Marx quips. It's been a while since trying to envision a real conversation so next time there's something written it'll be erring on the side of caution.

>Or maybe I'm full of shit and am trying to sound more sophisticated than I am. Either way, I absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work friend!
Feedback is feedback.

Sorry for the late response, was stuck in the armpit of the nation today.

>> No.17958727
Quoted by: >>17958739

The elder scrolls™:skyrim™ and fallout™ 4 by betheseda™ studios.

>> No.17958728

>Does Jhin have some kind of blood-thirsty Leanen-Sidhe lurking behind him?
No, he's just bat shit insane.
He's a great character tho.

>> No.17958732

Would of been better if he was a girl though, but then no one would take the character seriously.

>> No.17958739

Fuck off Todd

>> No.17958740
Quoted by: >>17958971

But there already is monstergirls in persona 5-

Ah shit, now I need to see Takemi as a Lich.

>> No.17958741

To exist.

>> No.17958755

I still think that people would take them seriously. But he would have a different impression than he dose now.

>> No.17958756

Various fun molds she can take naps in.

>> No.17958758
Quoted by: >>17958767

There would be so much porn it would be haunting.

I really do like the idea of some kinda serial killer art fairy though. Maybe I'll write a short and super edgy story about it later.

>> No.17958767

There is literally a opera themed MG and the first thing that comes to your mind is a fucking fairy?

>> No.17958770

Ok anon, would you a Living Doll or Automaton who strongly prefers to live her life with her arms and legs off, quad-amp style?

>> No.17958783

>Forza Horizon 3
Not much. Except Gremlin fangirls at festival sites I guess.

>> No.17958784


>> No.17958787

Doll seems more mobile, although the automaton seems like she'd make a better pillow with the right mods.

>> No.17958798

Shit fetish.

>> No.17958811

what is wrong with you, anon

>> No.17958827

I don't know anon, if I wanted to do that sort of play I'd just get my waifu and/or daughteru and a bunch of pocket dimension rings.

>> No.17958830
Quoted by: >>17958840

Before the thread archives I need to get this off my chest. Yes, dammit, yes. We would use the POV swap potions often.

>> No.17958833

>Opera themed MG
Which one is that again? It was the phantom, right? Actually that might be a better idea. I just really liked the idea of murder fairy.

Second, what part of murder is an art did you not get? The guy is clearly nuts, which is straight up evidence of fairy shenanigans. If you read the profile.

Art fairies cause their husbands to go crazy.

>> No.17958837


>Phantoms and Opera

>> No.17958839

Then I'm still fucking a hot girl and I could make people angrily reee if they don't realize I'm a boy and think we're gay.
Nothing wrong with trap x girl.

>> No.17958840
Quoted by: >>17958861

I'd only use it once, just to try it out.

Question, would there be groups of swingers that use POV potions with other couples so that a monster and her husband could try having sex in a different body?

Like the men and their wives are still sleeping with their proper partner. It's just that a lamia and an oni could swap bodies and so would their husbands.

Does that even actually count as swinging?

>> No.17958847


>> No.17958851

A bundle of mistletoes for her hoard. She really likes plants, so getting one that has a special meaning would be nice to her, especially since she can use them on that one boy.

>> No.17958853

>Be trap due to wife's kinks
>Make out in public while wearing dresses and make up
>People are disgusted over a monster and a human female tonguing
>When we get home she rides me until my pelvis is powder, then remolds it with her legs
>She then takes photos of me during the after glow
>Forcing me to do a double peace sign with hazy eyes and a sloppy smile

>> No.17958858
Quoted by: >>17958879

No potion needed anon, I'd be more than up for that kind of stuff anyway. I mean, my waifu and I would take it much too far to be talked about safely here, that's for sure. Nothing NTR-y or truly emotionally abusive of course, but that is definitely a large fetish we both share.

>> No.17958861
Quoted by: >>17958887

It seems like there would be a potion to make that whole process simpler.

>> No.17958863

>>People are disgusted over a monster and a human female tonguing
Wouldn't that be encouraged, or at least accepted considering monsterizing human girls is seen as the only way to 'cure' them?

>> No.17958867

Living the dream.

>> No.17958873

It's wrong of you want to be the trap.

>> No.17958876

>wanting to wear dresses like a bunch of big gay alps

>> No.17958879
Quoted by: >>17958944

I would not mind being dressed up as a princess by a dragon. I'd actually quite enjoy being fawned over. I definitely wouldn't accept right away though, if you give her an inch she'll take it a mile as they say.

The potion will definitely be needed, I'm pretty hairy.

>> No.17958886

It's probably their waifu's quirk.

>> No.17958887

Probably, I just used the POV potion as a frame of reference.

>> No.17958893
Quoted by: >>17958929

>Not compromising for your waifu's happiness.
Don't be selfish, anon.

>> No.17958896

I’d put on a naked apron and ask my Tanuki waifu when she comes home from work if she wants dinner, a bath, or maybe me?

>> No.17958903
Quoted by: >>17958949

Not trying to be argumentative, but what do you think of Atlach Nachas, Shoggoths and other girls where you merge with her?

>> No.17958905
Quoted by: >>17958940

I wouldn't mind being a trap for my waifu.
I wouldn't mind if she dressed me up as a school girl and fondled my butt on a train with her dressed up as a business woman.

I would not allow pegging though.

>> No.17958929

If your waifu likes faggots, you need a new waifu that doesn't have shit taste.

>> No.17958940

Personally, I would draw the line at doing it in public. I’m up for anything once, but only in the privacy of our house. That’s why I’d want to be her adorable house husband and horde protector.

>> No.17958944

>I'd actually quite enjoy being fawned over.
Same here anon.
>I definitely wouldn't accept right away though
As big of a fantasy it is for me, me either. Actually doing it with my waifu would probably take a lot of coaxing and begging on her part, but once we'd get into it I know I'd really get going pretty fast. I'm not all that hairy though, plus I'm short with long head hair so I'd be just fine without the potion.

Joke's on you anon, my love for my waifu (and daughteru) is more then enough to keep me from Alping, even though I am actually half gay. I see nothing wrong with wearing matching frilly pink dresses with my waifu and going nuts with each other, no matter how far we go into sissification.

>> No.17958949

Not really my thing but I can understand the appeal.

>> No.17958950
Quoted by: >>17958975

I can see where you're coming from.

Imagine your daughters though.
>"We have too mommies!"

>> No.17958953 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your massive futa dicked wives who keep your dicks in chastity cages 24/7 and fuck your asses and mouths until you pass out from lack of oxygen.

>> No.17958956

At what point did someone say they wanted futa?

>> No.17958958

>Mass Effect 2
The game is vastly improved and has actual sex scenes.

>> No.17958964
Quoted by: >>17958979

You're definitely a big enough fag to alp. Enjoy being some random guy's harem with your family.

>> No.17958971
Quoted by: >>17959030

>Most Liches are emotionless and stoic
>Lich Takemi is coy and smug.
>There'd also be a strong implication that when you pass out during her medical trials she rapes you.

>> No.17958975

I would immediately go pure vanilla once we found she was pregnant. We would clean up and make sure she had the best environment to grow up in.

>> No.17958977
Quoted by: >>17958988

I'd never do any of this in public. She might be able to coax me into some makeup and hair styling in private (mainly because I am weak to close contact) but I draw the line at frilly dresses.

Now a pink suit on the other hand...

>> No.17958979 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17959047

Futa is a hard pass for me anon. Pegging and chastity are both quite good, but a real dick on my pure, sweet female waifu is un-acceptable.

I'm more than 50% into girls anon, and like I said my love is far stronger than the forces of Alping.

>> No.17958981 [DELETED] 

Well, that escalated quickly.

>> No.17958982

Why are you guys still giving him (you)s?

>> No.17958988

I feel like once I'd really get into it I'd be just fine with doing it in public, but my waifu would be the complete opposite. This would be her deepest, darkest fetish and me even mentioning doing it in public would turn her into an embarrassed blushing mess like not much else can.

>> No.17959020

Fuck off KDF.

>> No.17959030

I wasn't prepared for those kinds of implications, anon.

What would the other girls be though? Makoto is obviously an Anubis, but what about the shogi girl?

>> No.17959034


>We are all performers on the stage presented to us, some know their parts better than others.
>They will dance, I will make them PERFECT.
>I love the ecstacy of a performance.
>My work is not a compulsion, it is my calling.

>The shot rings out like a thunder clap in the packed auditorium, stage hands looking to see who set off the pyrotechnics.
>A hushed whisper falls over the captive audience. The masked woman is laying on the floor, the music halted.
>Oh, how beautiful it must be, such sweet sorrow.
>Her skin pales, turning blue. granulated soap snowflakes falling onto the stage floor.
>The shooter's breath hitches behind his mask,
pupil constricting as she takes to the stage again
>Ahh... The cold of her skin, the pearly white of the stage. Simply -orgasmic-.
>His clientele only seek the best, and if they wanted women to monsters, he would deliver in a way that would make even a Leanen Sidhe envious.

>> No.17959037

What's KDF got to do with anything?

>> No.17959041
Quoted by: >>17959061

I unironically think KDF is a nice guy.

>> No.17959047 [DELETED] 

>Pegging and chastity are both quite good

>> No.17959053
Quoted by: >>17959126

>>I love the ecstacy of a performance.
>>My work is not a compulsion, it is my calling.
This reminds me of the players from Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are Dead. Would you like to see acts of rapier and rape simultaneously, continuously, or sequentially? For only a small fee, you can participate.

>> No.17959054

I don't understand how anyone could have a fetish that involves humiliation. Seriously, I don't know if it's cause I have anxiety or some shit, but the thought of a loved one doing this shit to me horrifies me. It'd just break me.
This isn't some manly pride thing, I'm just so fucking fragile and paranoid, that the mere thought of my waifu doing this shit to me will give me nervous tics for the rest of the night. Anybody who would do this to me is someone I'd want to be as far away from as possible, and I don't get how anyone else feels differently.

>> No.17959061

This desu. He's a weird fucker, but good people otherwise.

>> No.17959063
Quoted by: >>17959070

I imagine it like when you’re horny and go overboard looking at porn. It all sounds impressive and lovey at the moment. Once you finish, you look at yourself in slight shame and quickly delete your history.

>> No.17959068
Quoted by: >>17959093

I despise humiliation as well, but that's mostly because I'm more of a S than an M. It's really just a masochism thing. S&M play typically has a lot of cuddling and kind words afterward. It's not just about causing pain.

If the S doesn't comfort their M afterward that's not a relationship, it's just sexual violence.

>> No.17959070

I still can't get that. I've fapped to a few questionable things, sure, but humiliation is just too real for me.
Anyone who'd try to get other people to make fun of me isn't someone I'd call a waifu.

>> No.17959075

Probably a hakutaku.

>> No.17959078
Quoted by: >>17959107

I feel lik I should definitely mention that the way my waifu would 'humiliate' me would be a lot more like teasing and have a very sweet, caring and almost motherly tone. I guess since it's already something I'm mostly secure in it wouldn't be that humiliating for me anyway, it'd just be playful teasing fun. Plus there's all the comfy aftercare stuff that happens once we're done.

I am a lot like you though anon, any true humiliation, malicious or not would fuck me right up in the very bad sort of way.

>> No.17959080

>blood-thirsty Leanen-Sidhe
I thought they'd flock to someone like Stefano.

>> No.17959083 [DELETED] 

>this guy wouldn't take his waifu's fun batter all up inside him

>> No.17959093

I'm not really an S or an M. If I absolutely had to choose, I'd pick S, but I'd be pretty awful at it.
Even then, I can't help but feel like this is out of the realm of fetishism. If my waifu forced me to do this, and then laughed at me, I'd honestly kill myself. I'm probably an extreme there, but I fucking depend on the people I love to keep me alive. Finding out they were laughing at me, even behind my back, would shatter me.

>> No.17959107
Quoted by: >>17959112

Same here. Teasing is good. Even a Nacho's fangs can be nice sometimes. One of those "You're an idiot but you're my idiot" moments.

The one thing I can never forgive is lasting harm. I would avoid public humiliation the same way I would avoid lashing, scarring, and worse things.

Public teasing is fine if not taken too far.

>> No.17959112

Exactly anon!

>> No.17959120
Quoted by: >>17959145

New thread when.

>> No.17959122

Allow me to introduce you the marvelous world of monster girls. There is literally a girl out there for every man. If you don’t like something, they have this sixth sense that can pickup on your tastes so that only girls that like what you like will approach you. Have a history of abusive alcoholism? Those Onis will understand and move on to the next guy. Want someone to love and care for you to help improve yourself? A Kiki’s ears just perked up. There is a world of possibility to make sure you aren’t doing anything you’re not comfortable with.

>> No.17959125

This is normal. A healthy relationship is built on trust. Mutual attraction and lust is sufficient for a one night stand, but a lasting relationship requires trust.

>> No.17959126

I've been considering a Jhin-inspired story of a guy who gets off on corrupting human women 'artfully' for a week or so. He's my husbando in League since Morde sucks.

>> No.17959135

Phantom. An incredibly cute Phantom.

>> No.17959145

When this one falls off the board.

>> No.17959147
Quoted by: >>17959164

Yeah, that's not what I thought you meant. I'm the same way. If they constantly berate you that's just an abusive relationship. They don't really love you if they do that. Find somebody else if they think making fun of you all the time just for the sake of entertainment is acceptable.

I mean, I think the idea of bickering and cracking jokes about one another with a Cheshire would be fun, it's why they're my number one actually, but not if it's just one sided insults and degradation. I'd leave her if that was the case.

>> No.17959157

I can't for the life of me play Jhin because I'm silver 5, but I love the way his ult has that whole chorus moment.

Playing Jhin is awesome.

>> No.17959164
Quoted by: >>17959261

You see the thing is, I'm just so fucked up about this, it doesn't really matter how good our relationship up to the point had been. She could be literally perfect, but if she tried this with me, it'd be like finding out she fucked another man on the bed.
I probably take these a whole lot more personally then I should, but its hard not to when these open ended prompts are written as if its about you and your waifu.

>> No.17959166

Thats gay
What about a hitman who instead of killing monsterizes human women, although i don't see how a service like that would be popular or why anyone would need it.
Would they charge more for complex and difficult monsterization?

>> No.17959233

Well Jhin is a hired gun, maybe he works for the DL to take down troublesome priestesses or nuns? I can see that being useful if you wanted to put down a thorn like Merci from fallen brides.

>> No.17959261
Quoted by: >>17959327

Anon, that's why it's crucial to have communication in a relationship. Your Waifu would no doubt get really angry if you just stuck it in her ass out of nowhere. That is, unless she had some kind of rough sex/rape fetish. Trying stuff in the bedroom isn't typically an out of nowhere thing. IF your waifu wanted to do that with you she would normally ask you about it, and when you said no she'd drop it if you really explained it to her.

If you're not into it, you don't have to do it. Simple!

Hell, even an Arachne would probably let you go if you started bawling in the middle of her rape session.

>> No.17959324

You could always make it just be a sort of serial monsterizer.

>> No.17959327
Quoted by: >>17959344

I want an arachne to seduce me with her womanly charms despite being an oppai loli.

>> No.17959344
Quoted by: >>17959351

I want to see a jumping spider with big tits bounce around.

>> No.17959351
Quoted by: >>17959362

She has problems where she bounces and smacks herself in the face with her tits.

>> No.17959362
Quoted by: >>17959394

I'd be ready to catch her in an instant and not just because her torso more than likely will land on my face.

>> No.17959394

Careful, she's quite weighty despite her small stature.

>> No.17959451

Anyone know where I can find those anatomy pics collected?

>> No.17959526

Who are the best oppai lolis and why are they familiars?

>> No.17959562

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that big, bouisterous girls are best for long trips.

Having something to talk about during the ride makes it go by all that much quicker.

Lichs and Dark Mages cheat by teleporting.

>> No.17959566
Quoted by: >>17959570

What if they start getting on my nerves by being too talkative?

>> No.17959570

Then you just turn up the radio and say its time to listen to some music.
But if you drive alone as much as I do, you get real chatty after all that driving.

>> No.17959575
Quoted by: >>17959591

Whatever you do, don’t let the monster girl DJ from her playlist. She’ll start playing siren music that will distract you from driving.

>> No.17959578

I don't think liches would be very chatty.

>> No.17959588
Quoted by: >>17959591

At least when you drive alone you don't have to deal with an asshole Sgt backseat driving the entire 6 hour trip.

>> No.17959589
Quoted by: >>17959630

That is, until you reach the roadside attractions.
>Husband, what is that?
>It’s an ad for The Thing
>What is it?
>The Thing. Few mortals can comprehend what The Thing is.
>... Husband we need to stop. I must perform experiments
>her face when she finds out The Thing is a mummy running a tourist trap

>> No.17959591

Anon please, they know better than to try that.

That may be a good thing, monotone voices may put you to sleep.

True but being around assholes generally sucks on principal.

>> No.17959595
Quoted by: >>17959604

What about a rough and tumble mino in a beat up old truck?
>wearing daisy dukes and a flannel shirt tied around her chest
>left arm tan from driving her truck
>truck always "breaks down" so she has an excuse to pull over and jump you in the bushes
>insists on stopping at roadhouse bars to get beer and start fights, afterwards jumping you out back
>wants to be the little spoon after a long day of driving

>> No.17959596

But it's worse when you can't talk back or otherwise tell them to fuck off!

>> No.17959601
Quoted by: >>17959608

>fuck off
>being an insult in MGE universe
It’s more like a marriage proposal

>> No.17959603
Quoted by: >>17959686

>monotone voices may put you to sleep.
Well now I want to cuddle with a Lich while she monotonously whispers comforting words to me.

>> No.17959604
Quoted by: >>17959620

Hopefully her shirt is covering some massive mino mammaries.

Part of the job unfortunately.

>> No.17959608

Now imagine what happens when say "Fuck me!"

>> No.17959620
Quoted by: >>17959626

>Hopefully her shirt is covering some massive mino mammaries
well, sometimes they don't cover the massive mammaries
God help you if the truck actually breaks down, because she can't get under the truck with those hefty dairy dispensers in the way

>> No.17959626
Quoted by: >>17959634

I'd be willing to get under there so long as she knows what I need to look for.

Honestly, these muscle girls need to lay off the holst to get some 'femininity' back from the weight lifting.
I mean, I love them to be sporting some colossal calcium cannons but it must make life hard for them.

>> No.17959630
Quoted by: >>17959653

>Someone else actually knows about The Thing

>> No.17959634
Quoted by: >>17959636

no, anon, her muscles are from a life of chucking haybales, turning wrenches, and hauling stuff around.

>> No.17959636
Quoted by: >>17959650

Ah so they'd be more about mass and less about definition then.

That's perfect.

>> No.17959639

Umi osho are nice

>> No.17959643
Quoted by: >>17959649

No they aren't and they will forever be unpopular.

>> No.17959649

Why you hating on the turtles man?

>> No.17959650
Quoted by: >>17959656

Especially because she eats a lot and drinks her fair share of beer

>> No.17959653

I almost prefer everything leading up to The Thing. The wood work and those cars are amazing.

>> No.17959654
Quoted by: >>17959673

They remind me that Beast can do some kinky stuff if he actually did smut.

>> No.17959656
Quoted by: >>17959674

A cute bulliable turtle.
Would snuggle.

Well thats good.
Big and solid looking, along with probably a bit of pudge.

Sounds perfect.

>> No.17959660

I'm not too big a fan of subs but Umi Osho have the potential to be big cuties. I wanna get stalked by a pair of loli turtles!

>> No.17959673
Quoted by: >>17959706

How kinky we talking?

>> No.17959674

Think Oga from the fat elf manga, but with big horns, and bigger tiddies

>> No.17959686
Quoted by: >>17959688

Reminder that QS wrote some fantastic Lich ASMR

>> No.17959688

I think that was someone else anon.

>> No.17959689

I want to go to Alpha Centauri and play with all the cute worms!

>> No.17959706

The MC of the Umi osho roulette does some Ice rope shibari and then uses a Warm cloth to make the difference in temperature jarring.
It's a little scientifically inaccurate (Turtles are cold blooded but are not cold the same way lizards and snakes are) But it's still an interesting idea.

>> No.17959711
Quoted by: >>17959716

I thought there were only centaurs there though.

>> No.17959716
Quoted by: >>17959718

Nigga how're Centaurs gonna get to space?

>> No.17959717

>Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls (GBA)
There are already Mermaids, Elves, and Dwarves. In fact Mermaids long for human men in that game too.

>> No.17959718

Hoofing it.

>> No.17959724

Top kek.

>> No.17959725

>Charon geheheheing intensifies

>> No.17959737

Just watch out for Wurmholes. Quantum Wurm swears that her husband in some other dimension, longing for her every day and every night.she won't stop tunneling through spacetime until she finds him.

>> No.17959747
Quoted by: >>17959765

>Quantum Wurms tunneling through every reality but this one
Feels bad, man. Should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

>> No.17959765
Quoted by: >>17959768

And end up jacking it in San Diego? No thanks anon.

>> No.17959767
Quoted by: >>17959769

>mfw our reality is a double ringed white wormhole
/vp/ fags will get this feel.

>> No.17959768

Jacking it, jacking it, jackety-jack~
Smacking it, smacking it, smackety-smack~

>> No.17959769

Yes, I feel you anon.

>> No.17959821
Quoted by: >>17959832

The whole princess captured by dragon scenario becomes a lot more interesting when the dragon also wants the D.

>> No.17959832
Quoted by: >>17959834

It's more interesting if a lilim captures a human princess, corrupts her into a dragon, leaves the girl to her own devices, and the new dragon tries to cover up her disappearance by saying she got caught by a dragon.

>> No.17959834

I don't think they can corrupt women into dragons since they aren't actually monsters or something.

>> No.17959835
Quoted by: >>17959838

Lilims have many powers.

>> No.17959838

So a Lilim can corrupt women into Seraphs then.

>> No.17959839

It has to be a special kind of human woman and it takes a lot of energy from the lilim, but it's possible.

>> No.17959842


>> No.17959850

Sure why not. I'm going to call the lady Hot Wings after her transformation.

>> No.17960002

What happened?

>> No.17960005

Where? When? What?

>> No.17960014

No, lilims have limits
No angels, no elementals and dragons take a chunk of power

>> No.17960017

>What happened?
Who knows.

>> No.17960082
Quoted by: >>17960112

Here are the 3 outcomes possible were you to jump in the Khepri pit.

1: You become the local king and must ensure the happiness of your people by filling them up everyday along with growing your kingdom.

2: A single Khepri selfishly takes you all for herself resulting in you living a quiet life with your golden bug wife. (You could also be taken by 2 or 3 Khepri sisters.)

3: The Khepris quickly develop a religion surrounding you and more precisely your penis. You will have to bless your followers whenever they worship your manhood.

>> No.17960112

>The Khepris quickly develop a religion surrounding you and more precisely your penis.
This seems like it would be a very common thing among the more tribal girls.
