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File: 671 KB, 750x1061, Pharaoh Awakens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13160394 No.13160394 [Reply] [Original]

>"For awakening me from my slumber, you shall serve t-What do you mean you like the looks of the Anubis guarding the door more?!"

Monster Girl Collections: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

>> No.13160395
Quoted by: >>13160785

First for centipede a best.

>> No.13160399
Quoted by: >>13160418

Now that is something I'd like to see.

>> No.13160406

You'd need to watch them though. As you expand and recruit other like-minded men as gang members you'll need to keep the psychotic twins in check. Making sure they're not too rough with the new recruits.

They might get protective of you and see them as outsiders and a threat. The recruits would know that all you'd have to do is snap your fingers and they'd sever one of their limbs.

Still better than being a pack bitch for a Wolf Girl biker gang though.

>> No.13160407

Someone write about this

>> No.13160416

>Implying I wouldn't just take them away and live a quite life where they want to live.

No more killing for them, only living a comfy life with cute daughterus.

>> No.13160417

/mu/tant here, I want to start an emo revival band with an angsty kejourou.
We'll be called Hair Cuts.

>> No.13160418

You. You mah nigga.

Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.13160421

Everything you touch turns to waifu

>> No.13160422

>You make the offer that everyone who wants to be a good Cheshire can come eat the table after they've all had a hot bath and you can probably even find them some clothes to wear so they're not all naked
>Another set of eyes appear, then another
>It's like a rainbow is forming around you - one Cheshire has blue eyes, another violet. Then there's one with reddish-pink eyes. With the one knocked out on the floor that makes six of them.
>The green-eyed Cheshire pleads with them not to listen to you, but they all know what you did for the one back at the butcher shop
>Though she's obviously the ringleader, her sway over them is tenuous at best
>The others start to nyaa and paw at you, asking why you're so nice to them
>No one has ever been that nice to them
>Looking at how raggled and filthy they are, you can believe it
>Makes you wonder how long they've been living on the streets
>Though being surrounded by naked Cheshires that are pawing at you would probably give the wrong impression to anyone who saw you
>Rubs and scritches all around for the assemblage, most of them start to purr happily and nuzzle their face against you
>Well they were easy to win over
>Though the green-eyed one just stands there in the corner, scowling with her arms-crossed
>What happened to her that made her so distrusting and hostile? Perhaps she's got secrets her sisters don't know about or maybe she just reacted differently to something
>You instruct everyone to head to the bathroom and you lead the way with a procession of Cheshires tagging along, though you do have to carry the one you drugged in your arms
>Hopefully she wakes up soon, you wouldn't want her to miss the fun
>While waiting for the tub to fill in the bathroom you head back to check on the leader of the group
>Her back is facing you, but it's unmistakable in the time you've been gone she's started to cry

>> No.13160426
Quoted by: >>13160436

I would a reverse-trap Pharaoh who took up fencing.

Totally not referencing Utena, just reverse-traps are the best.

>> No.13160432

Try to pat her head, ask her if she's sure she doesn't want a bath?

>> No.13160436
Quoted by: >>13160437

You're totally referencing Utena
And you're damn right reverse traps are the best

>> No.13160437
Quoted by: >>13160440

>You're totally referencing Utena
I mean, I know, but...it wasn't my intention.

>> No.13160438
File: 1.81 MB, 937x1031, 2342353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get in a naked apron for your Apophis Mistress after she had a rough day egging Pharaoh's house

Yup, Pharaoh and Anubis pulling that "Muh ploy ees" shit is silly, an Apophis would put you in your place, which is hot and lovely.

>> No.13160440

No, shush. It was totally your intention
Now accept this high five and move along

>> No.13160442
Quoted by: >>13160448

Snakes a shit.

>> No.13160445
File: 55 KB, 401x600, 1585313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come here to purge monster girls and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum.

>> No.13160448

Indy please
Harrison, be careful

>> No.13160450
Quoted by: >>13167120

You gon get alped

>> No.13160451

>Perhaps she's got secrets her sisters don't know about

Should try inviting her once more. Gotta make it clear all that are willing to trust are welcome.

>> No.13160452
Quoted by: >>13161944

Fun fact actually. Slaves, even Jews, were actually treated quite well in Ancient Egypt. So yes, being treated as "Employees" really isn't so far-fetched.

Not to say having an Apophis grope your ass in a naked apron, smacking the other cheek with her tail as she presses her breasts into your back, whispering lewd nothings into your ear, wouldn't be fantastic.

>> No.13160453
Quoted by: >>13160891

>Implying an Apophis would be happy knowing you wasted perfect eggs
>Even if you were using them to ruin Pharaoh's house

She'd bite you at least 3 times and then keep you in her coils for a good two hours because you didn't boil those eggs for her instead.

>> No.13160461
File: 32 KB, 291x413, 1411265209585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160464

Do Lamias lay eggs?

>> No.13160464

I'm going to say yes, but let's see what everyone else has to say

>> No.13160468 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 765x585, 1425961348404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snowflake hymen

>> No.13160472
Quoted by: >>13160475

I think I'll go for her backdoor, then.
Do slushies come out of her rear end?

>> No.13160475

No, only slush.

>> No.13160479

>Every Glacies snowflake hymen has a different pattern.


>> No.13160488
Quoted by: >>13160496

What kind of insanity would a Hellhound corrupted by Wonderland bring?

>> No.13160490
Quoted by: >>13160491

I know it must be a bother to enlighten newfags on everything, but... what am I listening?

>> No.13160491

The thread's most autistic faggot reading a Bob story aloud.

>> No.13160494

You begin receiving mysterious phone calls requesting you to do various odd jobs across town ranging from 'disciplining children' to 'fixing power outages' all occurring in the dead of night. Supposed you go on said 'jobs' and you begin blacking out and showing up at your home in the wee hours of the morning with various masks in your car, all of which (yourself included) smell strongly of iron and are caked in little red droplets you can only hope are paint. You begin isolating yourself from your loved ones, be it waifu or daughteru, once you hear about a mysterious masked killer that has been terrorizing the surrounding area as of late murdering his criminal victims in the utmost brutal way possible and you slowly begin to fall into a depressive rut. One night you wake from a blackout sitting on your couch covered in dried 'paint' smelling of iron and clutching both a revolver and a torn rooster mask.
Your loved one(s) descend down the steps and see you sitting there silently.
Sorry I'm just really hyped for Hotline Miami 2 and I have to release the hype monster

>> No.13160496

I'd rather not even imagine something like that.
Even the Queen of Hearts couldn't handle something like that.

>> No.13160497
File: 426 KB, 1036x2288, 1425524467462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13160498
Quoted by: >>13160537

>With black sclera
Oh yes.

>> No.13160499
Quoted by: >>13160502

>That lucky as balls anon who got the Loen Miia daki
i want to find this man. I want to find him and take that daki for myself!

>> No.13160501
File: 381 KB, 672x1100, 275_cait_sith_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yo, what up. You loser human boys like to wear naked aprons right? Go get in one and fetch me some fish with a side of cream, I'm famished. And be quick about it."

>> No.13160502
Quoted by: >>13160511

You'd be in the wrong for taking it.
Still worth?

>> No.13160505
Quoted by: >>13160509


>> No.13160507

Sure, I got cream.

I have a whoooooole lot of cream.

You'd make an excellent pillow.

>> No.13160509
Quoted by: >>13160520

No such thing

>> No.13160511
Quoted by: >>13160521

Damn it, the blasted guilt trip. and my nature forbids me to be mean
Blast it, anon. You win this time!

>> No.13160512
File: 994 KB, 500x279, jbdp2Pw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13160513

More like an excellent rug

>> No.13160518
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1247435654367543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I refuse I get dragged off to the Cat Kingdom to get raped 24/7
>If I accept I become a slave to a Cait Sith.

There has to be a way out of this.

>> No.13160520

There is when she could get pulled over for it.
She might wind up being the jailmate of an Apsara and a Troll for a night.

>> No.13160521

Good nature -1
(but i do get the want part)

>> No.13160523

>Not pile-driving that feline fucker face first into the ground

>> No.13160524

There is, we had a good chunk of last thread discussing how to keep them from doing that.

>> No.13160526
File: 181 KB, 1038x652, fluffytongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160538

Smug foxes are so great aren't they? I've been thinking of writing a story with one in particular, expect it soon. Though, "Trigger warning", I'm planning on including something this thread might now like.

>> No.13160529
File: 171 KB, 526x479, tazer_cait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160541

Species War Now
There is only One Race: The Incubus-Monstergirl One. Embrace their diversity and genocide everything else.

>> No.13160530

Cat sith is the only acceptable thing to purge

got full paladin

>> No.13160533

Sure I'll get some fish, but first, are you familiar with NEDM?

>> No.13160537
File: 104 KB, 1135x907, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160547

They're not actually black

>> No.13160538

The only person I hate more than you is Inari.

>> No.13160540

careful, orcs are moving in hard.
they know they're weak and only strike at night and in overwhelming numbers.
Already many monsters have lost their husbandos to them.

>> No.13160541
File: 134 KB, 469x750, furfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13160544
Quoted by: >>13160555

Don't show interest, but do not bully it.

>> No.13160547

I've been hoodwinked.

>> No.13160550
File: 770 KB, 608x1070, 1412734863912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one way...

>> No.13160552
Quoted by: >>13160559

You could always ask Loen to do a black sclera version
If he ever retunes from his Journey to the West

>> No.13160553

>You give her a head pat which causes her to jump and she scurries away from you, not letting you see her face
>"Don't touch me!"
>Why, you ask? What's wrong? Sure she was a dick to you but you can forgive her
>"I'm supposed to keep them safe, so they, so they don't have to!"
>Her words are punctuated with hics and sobs, and you have an idea of what she's talking about
>She's obviously been her guardian of sorts and has probably done all sorts of questionable things to scrape together enough food to eat
>And now here you are, sweeping them away from her and she probably thinks you're going to ravage each of them
>At least what's what you can gather, considering she was maybe talking about raping you earlier
>Best not to question her right now
>You reassure that you don't intend to do anything other than what you've said, and everyone has been so sweet
>If she wants a cooked meal she'll need to clean up first, that's the rule
>She can come whenever she feels ready
>With that you head back to the bathroom only to discover the tub filled with Cheshires and some funky looking grey water
>They're filthier than you thought
>This is going to take a while
>The first one is yellow eyes, who's name you discover is Mindy
>You decide to drain the tub and use the handheld attachment first and begin lathering her up
>She sits well in the tub, leaning into your hand as you scrub her and her ears flick under your fingers
>You have some reservations about scrubbing them in certain, particular areas, instead letting her do the work there
>finally she cleans up and now you've got a good look at her striped black and lavender coat; she's actually pretty cute under the grime
>Now for the others
>After much lathering and rinsing and scrubbing and refilling the tub several times over so they can play, you march them to your bedroom for clothes
>Returning for something you forgot, there's green-eyes, looking into the tub pensively

>> No.13160555
Quoted by: >>13160566

silly anon, you cannot bully the dead.

>> No.13160556

I wish an Apophis would hoodwink me...

>> No.13160556,1 [INTERNAL] 

i came

>> No.13160559
Quoted by: >>13160570

I've already asked him to draw a reverse trap for me. And that is more than I can ask him.

>> No.13160560
File: 81 KB, 990x491, 1425719452641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We discussed last night about an Anon who lost his waifu and lived a miserable life, and his daughteru wanting to bring his smile back while also not Ving him.

Did we ever figure out how she'd go about bringing back his smile?

>> No.13160566
Quoted by: >>13160575

You'll be on a god's shit list, anon. All manner of cat monsters will hunt you down.

>> No.13160570
Quoted by: >>13160594

Wait, you're the guy who asked for reverse trap Pharaoh, right?
I remember you. Good request

>> No.13160573
Quoted by: >>13160588

Apparently the fat guy in the pic is getting a personal dance party with around 2,000 girls attending.

That might do it for Anon too.

>> No.13160575
Quoted by: >>13162040

let them come, they kill faster that way.

>> No.13160579

She would go on a quest to find the perfect waifu for him

>> No.13160583

Good shit so far, man.

>> No.13160584


>> No.13160588

That makes me cringe for the poor guy. He probably knows most of the attention is out of pity and just wants to pretend it never happened, but at this point he's pretty much just forced to go along with it.

>> No.13160591
Quoted by: >>13160598

Britbongs are the second biggest faggots on earth, second only to Australians.

>> No.13160592

That little shit busts into MY home, sits in MY chair, and tries to tell ME what to do?
I'm gonna punt her straight into the next block.
Cait Sith Punting is my favorite fucking thing right now.

>> No.13160594
Quoted by: >>13160610

I try.
Oh my god, do I try.

>> No.13160598

No, Swedes are the biggest fags in the world. They just recently renamed 10 birds because "The names might be racist". Sweden Yes.

Then is Austrailia. Then is Britbong.

>> No.13160599

> but at this point he's pretty much just forced to go along with it.

Like that one south park episode

>> No.13160602

It would have been better if they just got him dance lessons with a professional choreographer so he could bust a move in spite of his bulk.

>> No.13160607

Some Anons were talking about Hotline Miami 2 earlier, is there a version with the full soundtrack?
The digital deluxe edition has a remix track, but no full soundtrack.

>> No.13160610

And hopefully, when God returns, your trying will pay off

>> No.13160611

Nice Monster Girl you have there

Fuck off faggot, this isn't /v/

>> No.13160612
Quoted by: >>13160622

Closest you're gonna get.

>> No.13160621
File: 136 KB, 850x991, 1423197408388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160623

Same could be said to you retard.

Fuck off and sleep with the fishes.

>> No.13160622
Quoted by: >>13160626

Thanks m8

>> No.13160623

>Posting off topic shit in a Monster girl thread is completely OK
>Telling people who post off topic shit to fuck off is a big no-no!

It's like you WANT us to be /ksg/

>> No.13160626

The only other ways you can get a copy of it are the vinyl copy or just pirate it.

>> No.13160629
File: 226 KB, 500x600, Oomukade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder they only bite because they're worried you don't love them.

>> No.13160634

I'm not even gonna bother with you.

Fuck off.

>> No.13160635

Guess I need to pump her full of self confidence. So much that she'll nearly burst from it.

>> No.13160637 [DELETED] 

So has anyone caught the new Spongebob Movie? I was thinking of checking it out soon, what are your thoughts on it?

>> No.13160638
File: 143 KB, 419x600, Lilim_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160653


Reminder that love without professional goals and trust will leave the pair of you spinning your wheels in poverty and anguish.

>> No.13160647
File: 39 KB, 446x630, Makoto munching ice cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your off-topic, and leeway it into talking about squirrels instead!

>> No.13160649
File: 408 KB, 723x1000, ec812555cba55d1c19273964dbe2f1c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about you, but I do love me some squids.

Merrows a close second.

>> No.13160652

How is that related to this thread?

>> No.13160653

I hate Lilims.

>> No.13160656

>Summon: Mari!

>> No.13160658

Would you stop with the autism?

Shit's getting old fast.

>> No.13160660

Makoto a shit, Bullet a best.

>> No.13160663
File: 143 KB, 850x638, sample-426567892c64671f5433fac6e24e8315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160673


They only want to teach you how to love

>> No.13160664
Quoted by: >>13160671

Fuck off, I'm not bothering with you tonight.

>> No.13160665

I think it's kinda charming.

>> No.13160666

I'm only explaining that I like Krakens, bro.
If that's autism, then joke's on you, I'm not autistic. I like lamias more.

>> No.13160671

Your stupidity is shitting up the thread worse than anyone asking a simple question.

>> No.13160673
Quoted by: >>13160688

I don't want to love shit.

Mantis twins are what I want in my life.

>> No.13160677

Sorry. I've never been the kind to like squirrel girls. The only thing I really enjoy about Makoto is that underboob.

Dizzy was fine, though.

>> No.13160682
File: 1.73 MB, 2000x2500, Hellhound Bullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullet an alright. Noel best girl.

>> No.13160683
Quoted by: >>13160889

Once and away in a time long past
on a ship I sailed the ocean vast
for many a year under star and sun
ne'er seeing land 'till the task was done
One night storm had caught us in the open
and the mast in twain was broken
wood split apart in terrible force
of nature to shatter the Mighty Oaken
Foul things rose from under deep
demons thirsting in the waves
taking many below to sleep
and of thinking of their wives
cold now I drift in the dark beneath the water
for a nereid is now my waife
and sullied is my honor

>> No.13160688
Quoted by: >>13160696

>Not wanting to love the mantis twins
Whats wrong with you, friend?

>> No.13160692 [DELETED] 

Just got myself some Apples and Caramel, tastes great guys.

What are you guys eatting right now?

>> No.13160693

So who all is getting Bloodborne when it comes out?
Personally I might even get a PS4 when it gets released just for that game.

>> No.13160696
Quoted by: >>13160769

Anon I want to love them.

I was calling Lilims shit.

>> No.13160697
Quoted by: >>13160782

Corn Dogs brah

>> No.13160701

>A kraken willl never sink a ship just to get you as husband
Feels bad man.

>> No.13160702
Quoted by: >>13160709

Dude, same here! Actually, I already bought my PS4. I don't have any games on it right now, I want Bloodborne to be the first game I play on it! Really excite, can't wait for it!

>> No.13160703

I don't really know what to suggest at this point, its really up to her if she wants to get in or not, though hearing how much fun her sisters had she probably does want to.

>> No.13160708
File: 212 KB, 1200x960, 3563158625d2778de32dcbaf5d2aba3e.jpg?1112183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their both inferior to Justice

>> No.13160709
Quoted by: >>13160738

Looking to be GOTY 2015 from my point of view.

>> No.13160711
Quoted by: >>13160716

my own skin

>> No.13160712 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 600x338, 1425965443656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw some people talking about Gangs in MGC last thread and something lodged itself in my brain.
Apologies in advance if it's shit.
>Gentlemen, I've noticed a disturbing trend in recent days.
>Ever since Monstergirls started showing up in the world crime has changed, and not for the better.
>Kidnapping over Robbery? Illegal semen farms over Meth Labs? These days there don't seem to be any humans living the life of an honest criminal.
>And that's where we come in, that's our big opportunity.
>We're going to MGC, we're going straight into the heart of their foothold on Earth, and we're going to show them just what a good old fashioned HUMAN criminal can do.
>I'm talking Storefront holdups, Bank Robberies, and good old fashioned Heists.
>So, pack your bags boys and girls because we're gonna go get rich.
>It's gonna be OUR Payday soon.

I'm sorry about this, I've just been playing a LOT of Payday 2.

>> No.13160714

>You tell her to go ahead, and if she wants she can bathe alone
>Kind of snappily she tells you she will
>But then adds, very quietly, she wouldn't mind having someone wash her hair
>Grinning, you help the young Cheshire out, making her just as clean and poofy as her sisters
>She blushes the entire time and fidgets, making attempts at conversation a little tricky
>Though you do learn her name is Ophelia
>Interesting name, and you ask her if she knows where it came from
>She shakes her head, and you tell her it's from an old play, but leave it at that
>Finally you're done with the last Cheshire and herd her into your room, only to discover the others have taken great interest in your bed
>Blankets, sheets, and pillows are everywhere
>The passed out one somehow got laid out spread eagle, again facing you
>Some are pillow fighting, others rolling around
>You clap your hands sharply, startling and gaining their attention
>Can't really be mad at them, but you tell them they need to behave when they're inside
>Sad faces all around
>You pick out some of your larger t-shirts that you don't care about and give them to the clowder of Cheshires
>It's not much but it's certainly better than a pack of naked girls running through your house
>You are a guy, after all
>Some nuzzle the fabric, others look on in amazement
>How long were they out on the streets? They're damn near feral
>Well that's in the past. Instructing the catterwauling mass downstairs you tell them that if they want to eat they'll need to help you prepare it
>Might be a bad idea, but it might also make them feel a little important and helpful
>Ophelia is the last one to leave, still on the bed as you turn your back to her and follow the others out
>She pounces on your back, nearly toppling you over from the surprise
>She rubs her face on you, purring happily
>She certainly had a quick change of heart
>You carry her down, piggyback style

>> No.13160716
Quoted by: >>13160728

You chewin it off the inside of your mouth, or are you eating scabs you pick off?

>> No.13160717
Quoted by: >>13160720

Shit, forgot the soundtrack.

>> No.13160720
Quoted by: >>13160738

I approve.

I really need to play PAYDAY 2 more, I have it but don't play it from lack of friends with it.

>> No.13160728


>> No.13160738

Yeah, really looking forward to it!

Holy shit, this as well! Payday 2 was my GOTY for 2013, followed by DA:I for 2014, and Bloodborne for 2015!

>> No.13160746
File: 112 KB, 475x401, yougoddamnedfool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Answer a question about an upcoming game
>Thread descends into shit posting

What have I done?

>> No.13160755
Quoted by: >>13160762

Learned a lesson hopefully.

>> No.13160761

And that is how anon acquired adorable daughterus.

>> No.13160762

Whats your problems? I thought we told you to fuck off, we're trying to have a friendly discussion is all.

>> No.13160763

I suspect it has more to do with
more than you answering a question.

Trolls will try and troll man.

>> No.13160769

Oh. Good man, then.

That is quite a change of heart.

Its ok, bud. Just deal with it until we can get off page one. Hopefully before I have to go to work at 7.

>> No.13160771

Guys, does anyone have any good Kiki stories or pastebins?

>> No.13160772

Will there be Wolfus? I hope there'll be wolfus.

>> No.13160774
Quoted by: >>13160780

What if next time you talk about monster girls since you know, that's the point of this thread.

>> No.13160775
Quoted by: >>13160807


Try this one.

>> No.13160776

or lewds?

>> No.13160780
File: 123 KB, 667x755, 1401586030415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13160782

reminds me of a funny time actually, when i went to the carnival, i ordered a corn dog fried right? well they were frying other foods too, like oreas and stuff. Well the orea got caught on my hot dog so the guy just gave it to me so i ate an orea and a hot dog at the same time it was pretty cool.

>> No.13160785

Centipede a creepy crawly who isn't loved even by its own mother.

>> No.13160793
File: 486 KB, 800x1000, ZoogzFt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13160795
File: 152 KB, 650x585, oomukade2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying the centipede.

>> No.13160799

I want to give my waifu loving paw massages every single day.

>> No.13160802
Quoted by: >>13160812

Centipedefag pls.

>> No.13160803
Quoted by: >>13160812

Not bullying, just telling the truth. Centipede had to grow up without a mama or papa in a hole in the ground.

>> No.13160805

Man, I really love dog girl paws, they look so cushionny and lovely, I just want to rub my face in them! =u=

>> No.13160807

That was just... sad.

>> No.13160809

>You will never fall in love with an Oomukade who has trust and self-esteem issues due to her own mother referring to her as just "You," or "Worthless insect" or "Ankle-biter," and thereby treating her as such
>She will never one day try to bite you to inject her venom in you, thinking it's the only way to make you love her
>You will never have developed your friendship enough with her to be willing to kiss her when she tries

>> No.13160812
File: 21 KB, 240x480, oomukade5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said no bully.

>> No.13160818
File: 65 KB, 597x640, 1385862747857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image gets smaller every time it's posted

>Luring a wild werecat home with food

>> No.13160820
Quoted by: >>13160824

And I said I didn't bully. Not my fault she was brought into the country illegally for breeding purposes so the black market could have a steady supply of her aphrodisiac venom.
I'm just going to shut up for now.

>> No.13160824

dude, america is a country founded by immigration, there is no "illegally entering", no one is illegal in america. Please don't ever refer to someone entering America as "illegal", regardless of their motives, OK?

>> No.13160827

>Urge to /pol/ intensifies

>> No.13160828
Quoted by: >>13160835

Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.13160832

Aw yeah, I'm liking this so far, hopefully the other one actually wakes up soon though.

>> No.13160834
File: 1001 KB, 955x957, Lpx2x1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13160835
Quoted by: >>13160845

if you mean staying there than good, go back to your containment place

and i hope you're joking, people aren't illegal, and america was founded by immigrants, so to make them illegal is hypocritical.

>> No.13160837

Too many thread hijackings going on. Will someone please think about the monster girls?

>> No.13160839
Quoted by: >>13160846

Oh god, guys help, its such delicious bait. Especially after the liberaltard last thread I can't even tell if this is just bait or a fancy meal.

>> No.13160845

Yeah, you're baiting.

>> No.13160846


>> No.13160847
File: 165 KB, 1000x1000, 1413947374968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying, but thinking is hard!

>> No.13160851
File: 1.20 MB, 2250x2700, 1411978497560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let's talk about MGs again.

>> No.13160854

Santa isn't real.

>> No.13160855
File: 18 KB, 257x479, 1425880141883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to update Night Terrors about 8-ish hours from now on, so can you please not destroy the thread while I'm gone?

>> No.13160860
File: 70 KB, 625x626, masterbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165359


>> No.13160862

Too late, threads in shambles.

>> No.13160864

Well, I'm hitting it for the night guys.

Have a wonderful evening and don't burn down the thread.

Dear diary, today I learned that Cait Sith apparently make really good pillows.

And foot balls.

and couch cushions.

>> No.13160865
File: 277 KB, 945x1313, 1411684131035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow Anon, I didn't know you were an adventurer too!
>You wanna go on a quest together with me and some of my friends?

Do you say yes and allow her to introduce you to her friends /mgt/?

>> No.13160867

I want to play tag with Stripes

>> No.13160868
Quoted by: >>13160874

To race the Narga, or obey the Pink Rathian...that's the question.

>> No.13160869

Every time I try...

>> No.13160870

>Sanic speed

Thanks brah, I was waiting for this.

>> No.13160873
Quoted by: >>13161016

Well, I'm not really a people person

>> No.13160874

>Not considering Lunastra
I'd say Pink Rathian's a goo bet.

>> No.13160876
Quoted by: >>13161016

As plain as she looks, I'd have to go with the one with the eyepatch.
I would...even if her friends turn out to be some sort of Suicide Squad-esque team.

>> No.13160877
File: 662 KB, 724x1024, oomukade3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to it.

>> No.13160878
Quoted by: >>13160885

>Wearing that
>Implying she's not a fucking costumed street walker

>> No.13160881
Quoted by: >>13160894

You better keep your word

>> No.13160883

Get a Cu-Sith?

>> No.13160885
Quoted by: >>13160890

You don't know how female adventurers dress up? Chainmail bikini and stuff.

>> No.13160886
Quoted by: >>13161016

Well... I guess it can't hurt. Right?

Nah, we're fine friend.

>> No.13160889

I like it

>> No.13160890

They've got the highest stats too. Truly this Anon is no adventurer, and is a FRAUD

>> No.13160891

Is this positive reinforcement or punishment? I'm confused.

>> No.13160894
Quoted by: >>13160898

Or else what?
I will though.

>> No.13160895
Quoted by: >>13160896

I'd rather adventure with an Apophis.

Journeying across the seven continents to find her other six lamian sisters to take their treasure hoards to add to her own.

Like that one story with the ex boyfriends. Pilgrimage-something, it'll be like that.

>> No.13160896
Quoted by: >>13160906

Scott Pilgrim vs The World?

>> No.13160898
Quoted by: >>13160905

Nothing. I just wanted to spook you
You haven't seen a gleam in the corner of your eye outside, have you? Because it's nothing.

>> No.13160905
Quoted by: >>13160908

I see gleams all the time because when the Sun rises and sets, it hits the glass doors of a balcony and it bothers me for two hours every day. I have to close the curtains because of it.
You mean that gleam?

>> No.13160906

Yeah, yeah, the Scotch and the pilgrimage thing.
And then the Echidna big sister will be the last one with the biggest hoard of them all.

>> No.13160908

Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure. That gleam
Yeah, just ignore it

>> No.13160910

I'm outta here too. Might be on tomorrow, might not be.
Don't dick your daughterus while I'm away you sick bastards

>> No.13160912

Don't worry, I won't. I'll dick the cateru instead.

>> No.13160922
Quoted by: >>13160945

But what if It's a loli dragon who is actually of age but has been keeping it a secret as we journey because her name has become a byword for terror and destruction.

What if she's a figurative daughteru who I've been taking care of because I didn't want to leave her alone in the empty cave I found her in.

What if she's the one who forces herself upon me after I have a moment of stress induced flash backs from when my old company of soldiers was put to the sword? Doing her best to stop my shaking?

>> No.13160927

>Tsun to dere in an hour minutes deserves a speeding ticket, but it's better than her being so standoffish
>Dinner prep is as big of a mess as you thought it'd be
>So many paws everywhere, all eager to help
>Wind up just making everything so much more difficult
>Pots and dishes everywhere that you don't even need
>Why is the fridge open
>Oh no they found the flour no sweeties we don't need tha- fuuuuuuuuuck
>You're pretty sure there's going to be cat hair in everything
>They even manage to make a mess trying to clean the mess up
>Yet, as much as you really, really hate to admit it you haven't had this much fun preparing a meal in a long time
>Mindy proves to be the most useful overall, though Ophelia manages to keep her sisters from getting too crazy
>They've been so starved for affection that they immediately treat you like you've known them their whole lives and you feel like they're placing all their trust in you, for better or worse
>The one you knocked out manages to wake up; this one has orange eyes. It really is a rainbow. At least it makes them all easy to tell apart at a glance
>Unfortunately the effects linger on her and she winds up being the most chill of the group
>After the three hours it took to make a twenty minute meal, it's dinner time
>Paws off the table
>Don't eat with your hands oh no there's sauce everywhere; violet eyes is going to need another bath
>Did blue eyes eat the napkin
>She did
>They're becoming increasingly chatty, and you learn they were abandoned almost five years ago and have been on their own since then
>Poor things
>You consider calling social services soon as the meal is over, but decide to give them a full day somewhere they feel safe
>Besides, after eating all that all of them except for Ophelia have passed out in the living room in a giant pile
>She helps with the dishes, and you can't help but notice she's constantly touching you with some part of her

>> No.13160928
Quoted by: >>13161016

I will only accept if they are not as ugly as you are

>> No.13160937

What Monster Girl would you marathon the Shrek movies with?

>> No.13160941

Ogre daughteru

>> No.13160942

Troll or Ogre.

>> No.13160943
Quoted by: >>13160950

Two movies isn't much of a marathon.

>> No.13160945

...Someone needs to write this out as a full-length story.

>> No.13160949

Adopt Daughterus.


>> No.13160950
Quoted by: >>13160955

There's four movies silly, not including TV specials, spin-off movies, and the Puss in Boots TV series.

>> No.13160951

>you feel like they're placing all their trust in you, for better or worse
Now if that isn't some sort of flag, I don't know what is. I'm still hopeful

Give them love.

>> No.13160955
File: 89 KB, 736x574, 1413977453494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two Shrek movies, and there's one Puss in Boots movie. This discussion is now ogre.

>> No.13160958

Step 1. Adopt
2. Teach them what love and kindness is
3. Enroll them in school
4. Raise them to be productive members of society
5. ???
6. granddaughterus

>> No.13160959

If this doesn't have a happy ending I swear to God

>> No.13160961

Is there a collection of ogre muscle girls any of you nerds has put together?
i love them, pretty much the only good thing in your crummy borderline furry threads. The things I'd let her do to me...

>> No.13160963
Quoted by: >>13161029

Got me there, but then that's your own emotions, and just because the stockholm love the captive feels is manufactured, doesn't mean that the love the captor feels is manufactured.

>That's you.
And I'm the one who started this by responding that a monstergirl does indeed feel true love for you.

And I'll begrudgingly accept that any dick may indeed do for a quick fuck, but the love which takes root during sex between a husband and a wife is still real for the monster at least, even if the man doesn't feel that way entirely. The rape between a predator and her prey is different. You wont convince me, nor do you have any evidence to back up the view that monstergirls don't feel love and will hop on any one's cock purely for their demonic energy, and no other reason. I'm fairly certain its even stated that just because she rapes you doesn't mean she's identified you as her husband.

There is an innate, differentiating quality which separates a mate from simple prey, and whilst I guess it could be argued that any dick will do, it's not like "Dick" is the sole parameter in which they conduct their searches for a husband.
Fair enough.

Not only is it late but it's from an old thread too. Heh.

>> No.13160964
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 1402259169404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13160977

>borderline furry
Nice bait. Here's your reply.

>> No.13160965

Adopting time.

>> No.13160966
Quoted by: >>13160977

Normie pls

>> No.13160970
Quoted by: >>13160976

I want to do something bad to a cait sith

>> No.13160971
Quoted by: >>13160978

I want possessive MG twins that play with portals in order to hunt me down Hound of Tindalos style or molest me no matter how far away they may be.

>> No.13160975

Anon, there is

Main Shrek Canon
>Shrek 2
>Shrek the Third
>Shrek Forever After
>Shrek 5 (Coming Soon)

Puss in Boots Prequels
>Puss in Boots
>Puss in Boots 2: Nine Lives & 40 Thieves (Coming Soon)

Short Shrek Films
>Shrek in the wamp Karaoke Dance Party
>Shrek 4-D
>Far Far Away Idol
>Donkey's Caroling Christmas-tacular
>Thriller Night
>The Pig Who Cried Werewolf
>Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos

Television Specials
>Shrek the Halls
>Scared Shrekless

TV Series
>The Adventures of Puss in Boots

Other Canon
>Shrek: The Broadway Musical

You and your waifu will have a lot of Shrek to go through

>> No.13160976
Quoted by: >>13160979

Do what everyone else has been doing. Make them a pillow
They're fantastic pillows. It'll save you a million on buying new ones

>> No.13160977
Quoted by: >>13160987

I'm sorry just give me burly onis please orz

>> No.13160978

And I want to hotdog a cheshire, it doesn't mean it's going to happen.

>> No.13160979

I want to do something badder than that.

>> No.13160983
File: 353 KB, 1478x1821, 1399812071897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161032

No anon. There's only
Shrek 2
Puss in Boots

>> No.13160986
Quoted by: >>13161003

Pulling their tail?

>> No.13160987

Everyone stop posting Onis and Ogres until this faggot leaves.

>> No.13160989

Well, they're also excellent foot rests
And arm rests
And leg warmers
Picnic blankets
Head rests
Booster seats
Ice packs

>> No.13160991
Quoted by: >>13161008

welp, no choice but to euthanize them

>> No.13160992

Can't I just treat one as a normal cat that can talk?

No dickings, only cuddles and pettings.

>> No.13160993
Quoted by: >>13161011

Just don't ever use them as a daki.

>> No.13160995

>Not wanting a fat Cait-Sith to cuddle

>> No.13160998
Quoted by: >>13161003

Introduce one to a pack of Hellhounds.

>> No.13161000

Well, I mean, yeah, sure. If you want
But just remember, they're very handing. I mean seriously, they're good pillows
And arms rests
And leg rests
And beanbags
Head rests
Booster seats
Ice packs

They're multi-purpose

>> No.13161003
Quoted by: >>13161061

I want to fuck them

>> No.13161008

anon why

>> No.13161011
Quoted by: >>13161015

Nyet Anon, every now and then you must, if only to give them a small bit of happiness.

Though belly rubs and ear scratches work well to.

>> No.13161013


>> No.13161015

make them develop a masochistic side so they don't (Rad: stop) complaining about being used as a pillow
Or an arm rest
Or a leg rest

>> No.13161016
Quoted by: >>13161039

Being anti-social doesn't get you pussy and mad loot.
>Great! There are three others, let me introduce you to them!

You are walked to a tavern where she and her traveling companions are staying, and are sat down at a table with three other MGs, who are as follows.

Lily the Cheshire Rogue
Standing at about 5'6", she's on the shorter side, but her natural invisibility has been indispensable in getting them out of trouble time and time again

She has a rather Stoic personality, keeping her cool in the face of danger, and tends to be self-indulgent when she can afford it. However she lacks confidence in her abilities as an adventurer due to her inexperience, and has resistant to new ideas and concepts ever since a new thief tool almost cost her a finger.

>more in next post.

>> No.13161019
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161025

>You will never be breastfed by a Holstaurus

>> No.13161025
File: 614 KB, 657x890, 1403475528977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161026

Would you like to moo-moo or snu-snu?

>> No.13161026

>That pudge
>that blush
I don't know about our resident Slowbro, but I'll take snu no questions asked

>> No.13161027


>> No.13161028
Quoted by: >>13161030

Moo-moo involves getting breastfed while she gives you a gentle but firm handjob.

>> No.13161029
Quoted by: >>13161072


>> No.13161030
Quoted by: >>13161041

Are you trying to sway me here? Because it's not working

>> No.13161031
File: 115 KB, 269x279, I'm surrounded by Casuals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13161032
Quoted by: >>13161041

I don't even count Puss in Boots personally.

The movie was kind of shit. Very clearly intended just for kids, where-as Shrek proper had appeal for the whole family.

>> No.13161034 [SPOILER] 
File: 897 KB, 1356x1440, 1425969961903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13161038

>being this autistic
>even as a joke


>> No.13161039
Quoted by: >>13161077

Mitra the Pixie Tirickster
A rather secretive character, Mitra is very skilled at keeping out of the spotlight and influencing the battlefield from just out of view. Her diminutive stature makes her seem an unlikely threat, which is what allows her to easily exploit any opportunities presented by the negligence of an enemy.

Because of her age, Mitra is rather closed minded, sticking to the ways things were done and viewed in her time above all others.
She also tends to go against her title as trickster, as she has virtually no sense of humor, and there is even a betting pool among the group to see who can make her laugh first.
While she has never been seen laughing, the group has noticed that she seems to take great pleasure in harming her foes, sometimes prolonging their deaths to hear them scream in agony for "just a little longer".
Despite all of this, Mitra is very helpful to have around, volunteering to sew up any tears in equipment, or do what she can to improve camp life whenever they set down for the night.

>> No.13161040

Oh god forbid I tried to be nice and call him a slowbro which also happens to be the name of its evolved form
Bloody Gazers. Always freaking out about the smallest bloody things

>> No.13161041
Quoted by: >>13161048

>he doesn't want to moo-moo
I hope you're prepared to take responsibility for filling her up with even more milk.
Puss in Boots was great, because Puss is the best character in the series.

>> No.13161042
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, What the hardboiled fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Main Shrek canon
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.13161047
File: 93 KB, 307x600, Dark_Priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my name is Sister Price and I would like to share with you the most amazing book

>> No.13161048

Seriously, i know you're trying to sway me by advertising Moo Moo
But I'll take both.

>> No.13161053
Quoted by: >>13161097

My name is Sister Grant
It's a book about Zipangu a long long time ago

>> No.13161054
Quoted by: >>13161097


>> No.13161059
Quoted by: >>13161097

Yeah, not interested, lady
Have a nice day

>> No.13161061
Quoted by: >>13161103

Get out furfag.

>> No.13161067

Some of the stupidest shit on earth.

Even dumber than Drive.

>> No.13161071
File: 90 KB, 613x734, PRAISE. THE. SUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm already a worshiper of Amaterasu.
Bit of Hathor worship too. It's not heresy because Ammy and Hathor are allies.
Or at least, they were last time I checked.

>> No.13161072

Because the conversation hadn't yet finished?

>> No.13161075

The main Shrek films are the main canon, however there is an extended canon that includes the Puss in Boots prequels. However, the extend Puss in Boots universe (TV and shorts) has it's own continuity, and does not hold canon with the main Shrek canon. All the Shrek TV specials and shorts, and youtube clips are in their own canon, with the two exceptions being Far Far Away Idol and Shrek 4D. Shrek 4D is canon with the main Shrek series, as it shows the afterlife of Lord Farquad. Far Far Away Idol is a spin-off canon that takes place after Shrek 2 in a universe where Prince Charming does not immediately run off after the attack, and where Simon Cowell is in Far Far Away. The final canons are the books and video games, which exist entirely in their own canons, or are simply not canon at all, which includes Dreamworks Crossover games. The Shrek Musical is it's own canon entirely.

>> No.13161077

Severinus the Alp Paladin
Severinus was originally part of a crusade that attempted to reclaim the region in the name of god, but became an Alp once he was exposed to too much Demonic energy.
In spite of this transformation, he has maintained a happy demeanor, considering this to just one of the many trials that God has given him to prove his faith.
Because of his training as a Paladin, Severinus is extremely resilient, despite what his physical appearance may lead one to believe. Because of said appearance, he has gotten into many fights with much larger MGs such as Oni and Minotaurs, beating them into submission with righteous fury after attempts to bully him.
Having grown up with a code of honor, he tends to be very considerate to those around him, with courtesy being his most prevalent habit. Because of this, he has taken up the role of the party face, dealing with most officials, townspeople, and other adventurers the group may come across.
Since he came to this land, Severinus has maintained a sense of wonder and curiosity, badgering his companions about how the land works, what kind of people live in it, and other general questions about their land. Because of this, he has started to keep a journal of his experiences in the land and descriptions of the people he has met in it.

So Anons, do you join them on their journey, or do you make your excuses and leave?

>> No.13161080
Quoted by: >>13161095

What is- wha- What?

>> No.13161081
File: 619 KB, 1237x1600, 1411754465883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13161082
Quoted by: >>13161095

I wasn't confused about the canon was anon, I was confused by the canon's EXISTENCE.

>> No.13161085

Sure, I've got time to kill. Lets adventure.

>> No.13161088

I'm not them, but if they don't want her, can I have the Alp Paladin? She seems really cool, and I'd love a kind dominant Alp who'd protect my smile. She can bully me if she wants.


>> No.13161089
Quoted by: >>13161097

Sorry, can't worship other gods. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a cat to feed.

>Send help! He's planing on making me a living body pillow! I can't even jump on counters any more

You shouldn't be up there any way!

>> No.13161090
Quoted by: >>13161096

>Implying they aren't allies
Ammy's a lewd girl, after all.

>> No.13161091
Quoted by: >>13161101

If that's not healthy party building I don't know what is.

>> No.13161092
File: 60 KB, 412x352, 244_lich_L2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161099

Looks like Amaterasu has a bit of a beef with Hathor, amirite?


>> No.13161093


>> No.13161095
Quoted by: >>13161098

I explained in that post the Shrek Canons and what exists in their respective continuities.

Well Zelda has tons of different timelines, canons, and such. I don't see why it's surprising Shrek does. I know a lot about the Shrek universe, so don't worry, it's truthful. Some has been debated by the community, but overall we have the canon distributed as it should be in their respective canons and continuities.

>> No.13161096

>"A-Ammy-chan, are you sure this will help us defeat Set?"
>"Do what to who now?"

>> No.13161097

It has so many awesome parts
You simply won't believe
How much this book can change your life

>> No.13161098

>I don't see why it's surprising Shrek does

>> No.13161099

>Metroid behind lich Samus.jpg
Your pun was bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.13161101

Giving your party members a back massage is always a healthy way to promote team bonding.

>> No.13161103

I just want to fuck a cait sith, they look warm and nice, plus i can wipe my dick on them when i'm done.

>> No.13161104

Not. Interested.
Have a nice day

>> No.13161105

>You ignore her clumsy advances, wondering why she's so, well, crazy
>Mixture of natural Cheshire craziness combined with being alone so long, you suppose
>You plop down on the couch with a book in hand, sort of watching the cuddle pile on the floor
>Even without blankets they look plenty warm, no doubt due to all their poofy fur and the way they manage to pack in and drape over each other in that limp way only cats can
>Save for Ophelia who is intent on cuddling up next to you
>Patting her head and rubbing her ears, she drifts off like her sisters, purring softly half-way on your lap
>You feel a little bit like a guardian at the moment, the thought bringing a stupid smile to your face
>As you read, somehow, the cuddle pile slowly advances in your direction as they roll and move about until they're at your feet
>Deep night settles in as you finish your book and you decide to head to bed
>it's a bit of a struggle to get Ophelia off you, but you manage to squirm free from her clutches and leave the Cheshires for the evening
>As you get ready for bed you pause when you think you hear steps, but there's nothing
>Must just be hearing things
>Considering everything that's happened, that's not really surprising
>You turn out the lights and snuggle under your sheets, thoughts turning to the inevitable
>As much fun as you're having, there's no way you can keep them
>Even if you had the time, the costs would bankrupt you instantly
>Still, they are pretty damn cute
>Just as you're about to drift off, something steps on your bed
>Your eyes fly open and you look around in shock
>Through the dark you can make out a rainbow of eyes all peering at you
>And the white of teeth showing through grins
>Those aren't happy smiles
>W-what are you all doing here?
>Their grins spread so far they force their eyes up into shining half-moons as they continue to stare down at you

>> No.13161107
File: 76 KB, 849x1201, Sample_ecc4e2c1b9127126b4e15bcd0d17d8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161114

My name is Sister Green
I would like to share with you
This book of the Demon Lord.

>> No.13161109
Quoted by: >>13161127

Maybe there's some kind of Government Grant or Pension available for adoptions like this? Could he-

>And the white of teeth showing through grins
>Those aren't happy smiles
O-Oh my...

>> No.13161111
Quoted by: >>13161117

Yes, and? Many long standing works of art gain their respective different canons for when there is a lot of source material. Monster Girl Quest has different canons. Pokemon has different canons. Shin Megami Tensai has different canons. Mario has different canons. Why is Shrek so different it can't be complex with it's story structure?

>> No.13161112

Also, it's the only good film among Dreamworks's portfolio.

Aside from the one with the dragons, but I get more mileage imagining Wurms going on adventures together.

>> No.13161113

Oh no.

>> No.13161114

Sorry, I'm already a stern following of the Boot of Set.

Also, quit coming here. Hasn't my wife slammed the door in the faces of enough Dark Priests?

>> No.13161115

Oh boy.

The must want to cuddle

>> No.13161116

Like I said mam. I have a cat to feed

>Please! I haven't seen my feet in a month!

>> No.13161117

Because it's SHREK
Anyways, let's nip this bud and move on

>> No.13161118

The Road to El Dorado was fun.

>> No.13161120
Quoted by: >>13161132

>And the white of teeth showing through grins
>Those aren't happy smiles
>Their grins spread so far they force their eyes up into shining half-moons as they continue to stare down at you
Oh no. I guess we're gonna get cuddled to death.

I knew it.

>> No.13161123

The Road to El Dorado is the best
Keep forgetting that's a Dreakwork's film

>> No.13161124
File: 334 KB, 697x943, Dark_Priest_extra_art_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161147

My name is Sister Young
Did you know that the Demon Lord
Lived here in the Zipangu?

>> No.13161126

>Boot of Set
You mean you worship her feet like some kind of subby-sub?

>> No.13161127

What >>13161109 said, I'm sure there's some type of monetary assistance program for someone in his position.
Also, he should invest in cat-nip.

>> No.13161128
Quoted by: >>13161138

...Okay, the only good 3D film in Dreamworks's portfolio.

>> No.13161130

>Only good film from Dreamworks
>What is
>The Prince of Egypt
>The Road to El Dorado

>> No.13161132

>cuddled to death
To be fair, that's a pretty good way to go.

>> No.13161133
Quoted by: >>13161145

You wouldn't?


I want to cum all over those big squishy toes

>> No.13161134
Quoted by: >>13161149

>That one brown skinned girl

>> No.13161135

>The Prince of Egypt
I remember we watched that in school and I was thinking "wow, this is messed up".

>> No.13161138

Like I said, >>13161128
I backpedaled. Proceed to exile me to the Khepri pit.

>> No.13161139

Oh my god, no one talks about Sinbad it's like it doesn't exist
Dreamwork's should do more 2D films

>> No.13161143

Someone didn't deliver those cuddles they promised.

>> No.13161145
Quoted by: >>13161154


>> No.13161147
Quoted by: >>13161165

No, really, go away.

No. I worship the feet of the Daughter of Set that I married.
Also attend a "Church Meeting" on Sundays.
It's really just like, a big family reunion/dinner at Set's main temple, where as many Anubi and their husbands whom are able gather for a nice little party.

>> No.13161148
Quoted by: >>13161153

Holy shit!

Other people remember it?

>> No.13161149
File: 1.22 MB, 1512x1064, 1402612959506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine Chel as a lamia

I'll tell you one thing: Those hips did not lie.

>> No.13161150

>He doesn't like Road to El Dorado
>He doesn't like Prince of Egypt
>He doesn't like Antz
>He doesn't like Shrek 2
>He doesn't like Kung Fu Panda
>He doesn't like Kung Fu Panda 2
>He doesn't like How to Train Your Dragon 2
>He doesn't like Penguins of Madagascar

The new Spongebob movie is among the first 2D animation that's made it to theatres in a long time, and it did really good. Hopefully it might motivate other animation studios to attempt 2D again.

>> No.13161152

Nobody talks about Sinbad because best girl didn't win. Sinbad should've tapped dat goddess.

>> No.13161153

EXACTLY. It's probably the most obscure DW film since it just dissapeared from existence

>> No.13161154
Quoted by: >>13161163

Less can't do dicks. He's working on it.

>> No.13161155

Sinbad should've did a lot of things
Man, now I want to rewatch Sinbad. I barely remember it

>> No.13161156

Also Madagascar and Flushed Away.

>> No.13161159

Antz was the goddamn greatest.

>> No.13161160

>You'll never travel the land, staining it with your buttblasted ness as you chase down those two roguish, dashing cunts which swindled you of your every last coin, one a Devil, the other a Cheshire.

>They'll never lead you in a mini-adventure each day, only to seduce you into their bed and leave you again the next morning with the bill for the night.

>> No.13161161

Dreamworks did Flushed Away
Huh, thought it was someone else

>> No.13161162

Flushed Away sounds familiar, what was it about?

>> No.13161163
Quoted by: >>13161169

Eris made muh dick feel funny.

It looks pretty clear to me that it's just supposed to be the effect of her foot pushing on some of his flesh...that said, it still looks odd, because if so then more flesh should be pooled closer to the tip, so that fairly large stretch of red flesh looks...off.

>> No.13161165
Quoted by: >>13161226

You can
Read all about it now!
In this nifty book, it's free!
No, you don''t have to pay!
My name is Sister Smith!
And can I leave this book with you
For you to just peruse?

>> No.13161168

Rich rats accidentally flushed down the toilet
Or something. It's not rata, Ratatoi, ratatu, the French rat chef. It's not that

>> No.13161169

Didn't Eris even tell him she was into him at some point?
I'm pretty sure she did.

>> No.13161170

Anthropomorphic Rats.

Pet Rat to a Posh British Family winds up flushed down the toilet, and winds up in an Underground Rat Civilization, where he becomes embroiled in a plot by a toad to flood and drown all the rats.

>> No.13161171
Quoted by: >>13161178

>A kitchen is shut down because it's full of Hinezumi
Bloody racist is what that is.

>> No.13161174
Quoted by: >>13161177


>> No.13161175

While on Pixar, who's best Pixar Girl and why is it Chel

Also what Monster Girl would have God Tier Legs/Hips/Ass combo?

>> No.13161177

Thank you

>> No.13161178
Quoted by: >>13161187

>A kitchen is shut down
Well there's probably a disgusting reason for-
>because it's full of Hinezumi
What, did they assault and/or rape the inspector? It was a chinese food restaurant, what did he even expect to find back there? Dog girls? Those are ingredients!

>> No.13161182
Quoted by: >>13161188

Chel has nothing to do with Pixar tho..

>> No.13161183

Troll has an amazing ratio, right next to wight.

>> No.13161184

Best Pixar girl was that Cyclops-Medusa from Monsters, Inc.

>> No.13161187

The inspector was a were-cat.

>> No.13161188
File: 32 KB, 390x388, 1417582620680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Fucking Dammit, how did I fuck up that badly

>> No.13161194
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x2500, 1413537005938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13161196
File: 222 KB, 750x577, 1403499241040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13161199

Apep no, that's lewd.
Is that Ra she's got pinned there?

>> No.13161201

I want to cheer Apophis on and console her everytime she fails to keep the sun from rising.

>"You'll get it next time honey. Want to play "Rape the Butler" until then, that'll cheer you up."

>> No.13161203

Yes. Night has conquered Day.

>> No.13161204


This is the anthropomorphization of The Sun Setting.

>> No.13161206

Nighttime sucks.

>> No.13161209
Quoted by: >>13161217

>being an enabling minion
You're a wonderful person.

>> No.13161210

>You'll never be pinned between Apep and Ra.
>You'll never know the pleasure of being embraced from both sides by the goddesses of Chaos and the Sun.
Does this boner make me a blasphemer?

>> No.13161211
Quoted by: >>13161218

Are you scared of the things that go bump in the night?
Because you shouldn't be. Nocturnal predators don't bump into things in the dark.

>> No.13161212

Depends. Who is it poking?

>> No.13161215

No, it makes you a secular douche who wants religions to be treated equally.

>> No.13161217
Quoted by: >>13161235

I'm scared of the dark too but please don't tell my Apophis that. I love her more than I'm a weenie.

What can I say, I'm a snakeslut, I'd do anything for my Apophis. She was one of the first monster girls I remember really liking.

>> No.13161218
Quoted by: >>13161223

You're goddamn right I hate the dark.

>> No.13161223
Quoted by: >>13161228

But why? There's nothing there. Except for Slender.

>> No.13161226

>Sister Smith

>> No.13161228

It's the fear of literally anything hiding in the dark that I hate.

I don't care if there's "nothing there" I hate it.

>> No.13161230 [DELETED] 

This thread is boring
Let's start some shitstorm

>> No.13161234

>This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.13161235

How about we work on OC instead, like >>13161217

What would a husbando and waifu do if they both loved each other, but something about the waifu scared the husband for some reason, I.E: Husband has aracnaphobia and waifu is Arachne

>> No.13161236

drinking Apsara milk is heresy and us Hathorites won't stand for it!

>> No.13161240

Healing. That is the only answer.

>> No.13161242

They wouldn't be husband and waifu if he still had that kind of phobia for her kind.

They'd have to still be in some kinf of situation where he's forced to come into contact with her one a regular basis for him to open up to her.

>> No.13161243
Quoted by: >>13161245

>milkshit again
Pls no
Let's shitpost about other things

>> No.13161245

>hating milk
You're as grumpy as King Grump Alp.

>> No.13161247
Quoted by: >>13161258

>They wouldn't be husband and waifu if he still had that kind of phobia for her kind.
Marrying a spider when you have arachnophobia is retarded as fuck

>> No.13161249

It's overdone and fucking everyone says it.
"hurr durr hathor milk lol!!1"

>> No.13161250

>King Grump Alp
I still need to do my story about that guy.

>> No.13161253

>grumpy grumbling noises
You do that.

>> No.13161255
Quoted by: >>13161260

Nice generalization.
Go back to being the overly vocal minority some other time.

>> No.13161256

Stop fucking calling me an alp!

Fuck you!

>> No.13161257
File: 41 KB, 232x242, 1403581215579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't say what kind of milk I like here, for fear that the beefy party van will come to my house.

Still, would a Wurm be bullied by anyone other than purebred Dragons?

>> No.13161258
Quoted by: >>13161305

But anons, true love During the wedding ceramony the husbando was able to stand up and stare straight at her spider body the entire time and not faint, he got extra pats on the head for being a good brave boy for her

>> No.13161260

I'll be as overly vocal as I want, damn it.

>> No.13161264
Quoted by: >>13161282

why is a dragon mad out of bread?

>> No.13161268

I don't mind milk but that milkposting is overused as fuck

>> No.13161275

Which Mamono would you want to refer to you as "hubby" the most?

>> No.13161276
Quoted by: >>13161291

You can stop samefagging.

>> No.13161280

But I want her to call me her treasure or her princess

>> No.13161281

Out of the MGs I'd most want as mai waifu Nightmare, probably. I think it'd be cute.

>> No.13161282

I don't know, but I bet the reason is flaky. Compliment her, that'll give her a rise. Maybe after that she'll let you butter her buns.

>> No.13161284
Quoted by: >>13161294

Waiting on the day Gandharva and Apsara receive decent fanart.

>> No.13161285
Quoted by: >>13161308

If she wasn't being sarcastic, Lich.

>> No.13161289

>Wurm gets picked on for not having a real treasure hoard
>Just a collection of games made by a company called Treasure
>She gets laughed at by all her dragon classmates
>Afterwards you eat with her on the rooftop
>Petting her on the head while reaffirming that those other girls just have shit taste

>> No.13161291
File: 35 KB, 770x539, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161311

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is samefagging!
You know that shit makes you even more obnoxious?

>> No.13161292


>> No.13161294
Quoted by: >>13161310

I want a picture of Apsara breakdancing or engaging in capoeira in a tank top and cargo sweats.

As if me shouting it out will yield results.

>> No.13161304
File: 79 KB, 803x589, hnnnggggnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161347

Thou shalt not bully a monster girl, despite how shitty she may be

Except matangos, fuck that shit

>> No.13161305

I don't care if look gay as fuck but i think i'll heart pupils if my dragon waifu gives me head pats

>> No.13161308

Lich is the best.

>> No.13161310
File: 522 KB, 810x1200, 274_apsalus_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161319

I still find it funny that any situation Apsara is in can warrant a simple add clause:

>Apsara at the mall, shopping for christmas gifts
>Looking sexy as hell
>Apsara in the kitchen, making breakfast
>Looking sexy as hell
>Apsara at the arcade, playing Time Crisis
>Looking sexy as hell
>Apsara sleeping in her bed
>Looking sexy as hell

>> No.13161311

What's obnoxious is a group of asspies complaining about things they don't like.

>> No.13161312

Dragonslut pls.

>> No.13161313

He is not me.

But I do agree with you entirely.

>> No.13161317
Quoted by: >>13161320

It's the nature of the threads, far as I've learned.

If you don't like something just bitch endlessly about it.

>> No.13161318
File: 27 KB, 390x588, dark elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161482

can elves be counted as monster girls?

>> No.13161319


Would you want an Apsara to make you UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF LOVE?

>> No.13161320

It's what the overly vocal minority has done for a while now.

>> No.13161322
Quoted by: >>13161324

As long as she's in street clothing and skates while we're at it.

>> No.13161323

At least it not as obnoxious as a bunch of broken record autists that have the same response to every situation and drive ideas into the ground worse than Commercial Anon.

>> No.13161324


well that goes without saying.

>> No.13161325

Everyone talks about wanting to pet Monster Girls, but I for one would rather get head pats from my waifu, I too would blush and get heart pupils.

>> No.13161326

This just in...
MGCPD announced today the reformation of the entire Riot police force with just MGs of a certain race.
Reportedly they will be able to handle any large crowds and cause rapid dispersion within minutes of being deployed .

Cut to a scene of 3 MGs standing wearing Sergeants uniforms ..

They are all skunk girls

>She changes the channel

>> No.13161327
File: 329 KB, 140x160, 1411501350396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161334


>> No.13161328
Quoted by: >>13161335

>Bringing up someone completely unrelated
Grasping for straws already? I don't have time to scream at a wall tonight, so good day.

>> No.13161329

I just want my waifu to come and tell me to SHUT UP AND DANCE.

>> No.13161332

I hate Apsara's.

Worst beverage combined with the worst hobby.

>> No.13161334

>tfw you will never nibble on those ears as you loving impregnate her

>> No.13161335
Quoted by: >>13161341

It's a simple comparison, like a bigger faggot than bob or a bigger liar than nixon. That's not grasping at anything. It's a statement of where you lie on the overdone repetition scale.

>> No.13161337

>have the same response to every situation and drive ideas into the ground
It was a nice idea but it's annoying as fuck now

>> No.13161341
Quoted by: >>13161344

>still bringing up others
>claiming they're comparison
Sure they are, and not excuses to complain about them too.

>> No.13161342
File: 955 KB, 843x1000, horse titties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be sandwiched by horse titties.

>> No.13161344
Quoted by: >>13161345

Point of common reference you mongoloid

>> No.13161345
Quoted by: >>13161354

Sure it is

>> No.13161347

>Bells tied to her horns
Cute, would headpat.

>> No.13161350
File: 769 KB, 867x1227, 47446112_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161361

>"When i get free of these..."

>> No.13161353
File: 1.32 MB, 1776x2600, mm29-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm dead inside Anon

>> No.13161354
Quoted by: >>13161360

The repetitive minority ladies and gentlemen. Even your argument is less an argument than repeating the same thing three times in a row. You got a problem, and you should get help for it.

>> No.13161356
File: 617 KB, 795x930, 49120057_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"No, I really just did want you to come for tea and cake with me....What did you think I meant?"

>> No.13161357

>tfw no Indonesian phoenix superhero waifu to cheer on

>> No.13161360

You're not exactly any better when you've been complaining about the same thing as well.

>> No.13161361

>When I get free of these...
Yeah, like that'll happen.

>> No.13161368
File: 451 KB, 1108x1600, 1383328055584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do you mean demon women scare you?"

>> No.13161369

God damn it psychofox piss off

>> No.13161372
File: 111 KB, 849x1122, sample-4877da24d8c378203b1b2245549bb432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Y-You want to rub my scale?"

>> No.13161373

2classy4me, would try to bring out her bad side by building a pillow fort out of the fancy cushions and inviting her in

>> No.13161374
File: 904 KB, 752x1062, d419c50a1a576e9125008373b1d411c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161379

>> No.13161377


>> No.13161379
Quoted by: >>13161380

You can stop now.

>> No.13161380
Quoted by: >>13161385


>> No.13161381
File: 163 KB, 600x800, d0f66adc754f000418312f67fb239348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161383

>> No.13161383

Oh my, she's a beauty. 10/10 for sure.

>> No.13161384
File: 3.15 MB, 1365x2100, 1414546814636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13161385

A spammer and an autist.


>> No.13161389
File: 138 KB, 1000x800, moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick moths need to be shown the light.

>> No.13161390
Quoted by: >>13161401

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with a small image dump since it happens a lot in other threads on /jp/.
There's also nothing wrong with having fun, you know?

>> No.13161391
File: 46 KB, 500x706, Bigger+Version+When.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161392

There are 2 of us posting pics, and responding to you lame troll attempts.
Go start crap with someone who cares.
This is not your board.

>> No.13161392

>Go start crap with someone who cares.
You obviously do, since you've responded.

>> No.13161397 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 752x1062, 43860221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure what kind of MG this is.
It looks like a Kiki , but no scales or tail, but has dog ears

>> No.13161401

>there's nothing wrong with a small image dump since it happens a lot in other threads on /jp/.
Other threads don't last for thousands of posts.

Don't image dump.
Delete reaction images after a time.
We've been through this. it isn't because we hate fun, it's because we want to be still posting relevant images such as drawfag OC as far as the three thousandth post in.

>> No.13161404
Quoted by: >>13161476

Would you bully a troll?

>> No.13161405

>Drawfag OC
The ones they post on imgur and link to the thread ANYWAY?

>> No.13161408


>> No.13161409
Quoted by: >>13161414

So why can't you use imgur? Would that take the "fun" away?

>> No.13161410

Knigga, do you really think you're going to be able to reason with an autist that calls posting images everyone has seen a hundred times with no discussion, fun?

>> No.13161412

That's only for lewds. Because this is an honest christian board. They post their OC otherwise.

>> No.13161413


Human ears. Literal cosplay.

>> No.13161414
Quoted by: >>13161416

Why do I have to use imgur?
Why can't you deal with the thread having no images after the 2000th post like everyone else?

>> No.13161416
Quoted by: >>13161422

Not even him but 3000 is the standard everyone here established within two weeks of coming to /jp/. You're the one rocking the boat, not him.

>> No.13161419

I'll continue this tomorrow when I get up

What will become of anon and the six Cheshires?

>> No.13161422
Quoted by: >>13161440

>rocking the boat
And yet even then the thread will usually die before hitting image limit. Might as well have the limit lowered since we don't reach it as often anymore.

>> No.13161428

Bastard. Fuckin cliffhangers, man.

Goodnight, friend. Looking forward to if you finish it.

>> No.13161431
Quoted by: >>13161442

Thought there were more, huh.

>> No.13161438
Quoted by: >>13161442

Cute antics, I hope?

Looking forward to more. I hope you pastebin this! Thanks anon.

>> No.13161440
Quoted by: >>13161443

It doesn't hit it because most people here self-regulate. Say you yourself post 20 pictures a day. Even now threads last about two days. You're eating up almost 1/8 of the thread allotment by yourself when there's 150 people in here. That's just being a selfish prick.

>> No.13161442

You got Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

I will.

>> No.13161443

I'd be a selfish prick and you'd be a backseat mod. Such is life.

>> No.13161446
Quoted by: >>13161449

>selfish prick
>backseat mod
One of these does not waste images, guess which one.

Hint: Just stop posting the same 10 images almost every thread, you shitstick.

>> No.13161449
Quoted by: >>13161454

You do know those aren't posted every thread right?

>> No.13161454


>Whatever it is that you're doing.

>> No.13161456


I'm not even the guy that called you out first. You do know you're arguing with at least two guys right? Who the hell are you that you always get bored and dump and pick this fight around 3-5 am murrica time anyway?

>> No.13161460
File: 1001 KB, 840x900, 33376727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161466

People sure complain a lot on this board, regardless of what you do.

Anyways have some Oni.

>> No.13161461

Probably the same guy that complains that it's dead in here around this time.

>> No.13161463
Quoted by: >>13161473

I'm not even that guy who posted the pics. I just hate it when you backseat mods pop up and try to control everything.

>> No.13161466
Quoted by: >>13161467

>People sure complain a lot on this board, regardless of what you do.

You've already been told what you're not supposed to do, and yet here we are again.

It's almost as if you're a retard...

>> No.13161467
Quoted by: >>13161471

This is my first post in this thread, or on JP in the past month or so.
Go complain to someone else. Taking up one image slot is hardly selfish.

>> No.13161471

But it is selfish! They got to have images for themselves or else they'll be forced to actually discuss things instead of posting images

>> No.13161473
Quoted by: >>13161475

Are you really defending that shit? Seriously?

What do you think this place would look like without those guidelines? Do you not remember when we first moved here and images were gone by three hundred or so posts because everyone posted a reaction or whatever every post and people would still dump for thirty posts. Then it would be two days, sometimes even more before a new thread. And it killed discussion and OC during that time.

Even waterworld made fun of it.

>> No.13161475

>Killed discussion
Looked pretty alive then to me. And nobody posted a reaction to everything.

>> No.13161476
Quoted by: >>13161484

You mean the MGE version or the "lelelel u mad bro" kind?

>> No.13161482

They do. Dark Elves are olev.

>> No.13161484
File: 216 KB, 575x491, 1415122780166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's a difference

>> No.13161492

But MGE trolls are olev.

Best mothers.

>> No.13161496

I'd bully the shit out of one. Hand caressing, foot massages, gentle tail tugging, the works.

>> No.13161497
Quoted by: >>13161499

They'd probably make you eat oatmeal in the mornings. With strawberry fool.

>> No.13161499
Quoted by: >>13161506

Eh, oatmeal isn't that bad.

>> No.13161500
File: 97 KB, 303x500, Angel_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161516

>Be a "Good Boy" in the eyes of God
>God of Love at least
>Eros decides to bless you, sending down one of her Angelic Servants to be your own personal "Cupid"
>She declares her everlasting devotion and loyalty to you, in the name of her God
>Will do anything you ask of her, your happiness is hers, and she wants to make sure you live happily and comfortably
>No naughty stuff though. She is an Angel from Heaven, after all
>At first, anyway.
>She begins to get curious after just a short while of teasing, hinting comments and half-joking lewd requests
>She's hesitant to give up her Divine Virginity though
>So she compromises her teachings, and increasingly lewd desires
>She says that she'll begin to service you with her ass if you so wish it
>Start to train that cute little angel bum into your own personal Buttslut
>She starts wearing increasingly hip-hugging shorts around your home
>Gets so small they might as while be underwear, perfectly visible cameltoe, and string panties visible above their edge
>Front of her short-shorts get damp when you so much as smack her behind

>> No.13161504
File: 287 KB, 722x1024, Anon, would you like to cuddlebug with me tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which MG is prime for cuddling?

>> No.13161506

I never said it was. It's delicious if you make it right. And add that strawberry kissel.

>> No.13161509
File: 3.17 MB, 3200x2000, AnubisBooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161527

Your waifu.

>> No.13161514
File: 288 KB, 1300x1442, 1389504762788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161535


>> No.13161515


>> No.13161516
File: 360 KB, 675x533, Angelos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we had twin angels, one good and one bad, trying to help a gruff mercenary find a direction in his life?

>> No.13161518

Why a gruff mercenary?

>> No.13161520
File: 151 KB, 700x872, oomukade4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many legs to hold you with

>> No.13161523

Aside from the generally obvious ones like Yeti and weresheep?

The one you love the most.


>> No.13161524
File: 171 KB, 600x471, Queen_Slime_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161528


Slime girlz yo

>> No.13161525
Quoted by: >>13161533

Because he'd be a conflicted character. Also I saw the last episode of BCS and now I'm all broken up over Mike.

>> No.13161526

"Gruff accountant" just doesn't grab attention as well.

>> No.13161527
Quoted by: >>13161538

>you will never princess carry your waifu to bed after she falls asleep reading/playing with legos/playing with your daughteru, and bonus points for princess carrying your daughteru to bed

>> No.13161528
Quoted by: >>13161531

When will it be revealed that Suu is just a piece of a Slime Queen, who then comes to claim back her lost piece?

>> No.13161529


*Parry, Riposte*

>> No.13161530
Quoted by: >>13161533

>Not a henchman

>Fallen angle pulls down his pants
>"Reason number two. Look what I can do."
>"What does that have to do with anything?"
>Good angel looks thoughtfully at her rival's technique.
>"Wait. She's got a point."

>> No.13161531
File: 568 KB, 834x627, ElectricSlimeGokuPanGT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goku of course.

>> No.13161533

Well, I mean, just out of all the stereotypes you could go for, just seems...

Okay so I'm not the only one who immediately thought to this. I like you. And this idea.

>> No.13161535

Anon, please.

>> No.13161538
Quoted by: >>13161539

>Carry daughteru to bed first
>Tuck her in, kiss and pet her head
>Go back and get waifu
>Carry her to your bed
>Cuddle up to her, and pull the blanket over you both
>Snuggle and join her in dreamland
>You will never.
It hurts ;_;

>> No.13161539

Embrace that pain, anon. Know that this pain is what makes you human. Should you ever lose it, it would mean you had either obtained a waifu and a daughteru, or that you had forsaken your humanity.

>> No.13161544
Quoted by: >>13161546

Mice. All the mice.

>> No.13161546
File: 88 KB, 800x760, 1392829248131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161548

>All the mice

>> No.13161548
Quoted by: >>13161552

Nobody else wants them anyways, right?

>> No.13161552

Well, since you brought it up...
After I get to the point in my story when Mama Rhea comes back from her raid, she's going to give Olivia a Maus to cuddle. It won't be Dormouse, but they won't mind

>> No.13161553

Somebody posted a really good short greentext about an arachnophobe married to an arachne a few weeks ago. I wish I capped it.

>> No.13161555
Quoted by: >>13161556

You're doing god's work anon. Or satan. Sometimes it's hard to tell. Sneaky sneaky satan.

>> No.13161556

Can't I just do the work of anons?

>> No.13161558
Quoted by: >>13161560

However long it takes to get there...since you've made it sound like we've got a long road ahead yet, explaining how we got to that point.

>> No.13161560
Quoted by: >>13161571

A long road, full of ups and downs. And that Dragonheart thingie.

>> No.13161566
Quoted by: >>13161568

If only they had normal sized hands and feet.

>> No.13161568
Quoted by: >>13161573

I know a bully when I see one. J'accuse!

>> No.13161571
Quoted by: >>13161576

Goddammit Alp, I'm anxious enough for more as it is!

>> No.13161573

>implying she wouldn't look better like that

>> No.13161576

I'm better at teasing and advertising than I am at delivering.
I'm sorry.

>> No.13161584

I can't say I'm any better.

Though then again, I barely deliver anything in the first place, so there's nothing for people to get anxious for more over.

>> No.13161590
File: 307 KB, 500x680, 1401014441622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay.

>> No.13161591

Every one knows that one of the signs of a good writefag is failing to write and post as much as they first did when they were fresh and young.

>> No.13161592

I didn't know that.

>> No.13161594

How long does being fresh and young last anyways?

>> No.13161596

I hate Alp's stories.

>> No.13161597
Quoted by: >>13161600

Two months.
Is there anything that can be done about that? Whose stories do you like?

>> No.13161598

Not him but a few months I guess. I still try to crank out at least 5k words every two weeks but I'll never hit the 1k+ a day every day I did when I started. Not because I don't have ideas, but that I have to think more carefully about my wording and not getting samey.

>> No.13161599

There will always be someone that doesn't like a certain writefag's stories, no matter how good they are.
Try not to bully Alp, he works hard even if it doesn't seem like it.

>> No.13161600
Quoted by: >>13161603

Nope, not a damn thing can be done, I just don't like his stuff.

Though if I had to pick which writer I liked, it would have to be Average.

>> No.13161602
Quoted by: >>13161604

Each to their own. I personally want him to write more spaghetti jap.

>> No.13161603
Quoted by: >>13161609

>not a damn thing can be done
Why? Is it because I'm not a funny guy like Average is?

>> No.13161604
Quoted by: >>13161607

Four more hours until I get home, I'll do it then.

>> No.13161607
Quoted by: >>13161610

I think I lasted until I wrote a wordy greentext about a devil, rewrote it in prose and noticed it was vastly more popular than the other story I'd been working on. I've diverged a few more times since, but I started writing because no one else would give best mermaid content. So I bear her torch, and am responsible for getting her lost in the citadel of the Demon Queen. MC's gotta get dat waifu, nahmean?

I wait with baited breath.

>> No.13161609

Nah, I just don't like your stories is all.

I'll probably try again at a later time, but man I absolutely hated that Will and whatever story update you posted a thread or two back and I don't even know why.

>> No.13161610

Fun fact: I'm the guy who told you what to name your second Rusalka paste.
It's really, really mean to tell me you don't like my stuff and that there's no real reason behind it and that there's nothing I can do about it.
It's like, super mean. Why would you even tell me that?

>> No.13161612
Quoted by: >>13161619

You're a grown ass man Alp.

Shit like this happens.

>> No.13161615

>Fun fact: I'm the guy who told you what to name your second Rusalka paste.
I knew it was you, Alpie.
Seriously how is one poster so easily identifiable? Am I of Stalker-kun's brood?

>> No.13161616

What, not even an inkling of a reason? Usually people at least have some hinting of why they feel "I do not like this."

>> No.13161619
Quoted by: >>13161622

But there's no rhyme or reason to it. At least tell me why you felt the need to say it. Please?

>> No.13161622

Because it's fun to hurt people's feelings.

I'm just some random guy on the internet man, don't take it so hard.

>> No.13161627

But everyone here is a random guy on the internet. Everyone's opinion matters. And if you don't like any of it, that means there are others like you. And if there's nothing I can do about it, that means my continued existence is an inconvenience to a large number of people.
You know what makes me? An asshole.

>> No.13161628
Quoted by: >>13161633

You're an asshole, I'm an asshole, he's an asshole, we're all assholes.

This is kind of common sense with regards to the interwebs.

>> No.13161629
Quoted by: >>13161632

Hey man, no bully.

It's hardly an inconvenience to drop a pastebin now and then.

>> No.13161632

Always bully writefags

>> No.13161633
File: 260 KB, 1600x900, 1412479663394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161636

Well it still makes me sad.

>> No.13161635

I... uh... don't know if you're serious right now, because I only recently got back to these threads, and all I've read from my absense so far has been PRWs stuff, but there are two sides to every coin, bud. For each person that dislikes you, there are probably the same amount that DO like you. If you were that much of an inconvenience I'm pretty sure you would know by now.

I probably look like a huge faggot now, but I've always tried to help, even here.

>> No.13161636
Quoted by: >>13161637

Perhaps, but it's a sad fact of life.

At any rate, looking forward to your next update. I'mma go to sleep.

>> No.13161637
Quoted by: >>13161655

But the people who like me can't help me get better. Only the people who don't like me can show me where I have gone wrong. You know?
Three and a half hours anon.

>> No.13161641

Don't pay it any mind, anon. Alp is just super M and the thread likes to bully him.

>> No.13161643
File: 11 KB, 200x146, mayoaninstrumant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer me this:

How much 'monster' part of a MG is acceptable?

some MGs are cosplay tier

aaaand... there is this


>> No.13161644
Quoted by: >>13161652

Does it make one a super M to be into Sei Shoujo's stuff?
Too far. That one guy looks like he belongs in Saya no Uta.

>> No.13161645

Facial structure and most of the upper body needs to be human.

>> No.13161647
Quoted by: >>13162573

The face needs to be recognizably human. Monstery eyes or teeth are ok, weird ears etc. but snouts are a no no. The mouth/nose area should be human or very close to human.
That's just my own opinion.

For example, I'd do that girl if she had a human face.

>> No.13161648
File: 42 KB, 400x366, edgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fun to hurt people's feelings.

>> No.13161650

Facial structure and torso needs to be human.

>> No.13161652
Quoted by: >>13161670

>Sei Shoujo's
lil bit
Nice, normal pair of tits and a human face.

>> No.13161655

Maybe, but there have been plenty of times I disliked something for a reason I couldn't figure out, only to have it come to me later and be a matter of preference that I didn't think of. Take things in stride and try to improve from the people that CAN share the issues.

Ah. That's the case then, huh. Well, I'll keep it in mind then.

Unrelated, but I just found out Voynich is ending next chapter. What the fuck, man. I don't want to go to work with that in my head.

>> No.13161670

>lil bit
What if Empress did Monster Girls?

>> No.13161704
File: 878 KB, 1000x1360, 1425901762599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two hours early, just because. Starting at line 219. Sorry it's so short again.


>> No.13161709
Quoted by: >>13161710

So why is this guy so scared? Made it seem like her hole would be full of dead animal bones or something. Or is it about something that happens later?

>> No.13161710
Quoted by: >>13161714

She's a huge centipede creature and it's the middle of the night, he's alone and nobody else knows she's there. Wouldn't you be scared?

>> No.13161714
Quoted by: >>13161715

I-I guess I'm a little naively trusting. I mean she ate his spaghetti. That means they're friends, right?

>> No.13161715
Quoted by: >>13161718

Yes. Soon they'll be more than that.

>> No.13161718
Quoted by: >>13161720

When and if he continues to heal and feed her, does she fill out and become all CC ara ara? Ara Ara bugs are a fetish of mine.

>> No.13161720
Quoted by: >>13161724

No. There's an ara ara Cat with a dead and buried husband next door though.

>> No.13161724
Quoted by: >>13161726

Damn. I guess slim bugs are cool too.

>> No.13161726
Quoted by: >>13161727

I didn't mean she'd stay slim, just that she wouldn't become an ara ara. Because she doesn't have that personality. It's like expecting Tomoko to turn into a seductive vixen.

>> No.13161727
Quoted by: >>13161728

Ah, I tend to use ara ara as a body type. I know, it doesn't make much sense. It just seems to fit with the image in my mind so I use it.

>> No.13161728
Quoted by: >>13161736

Well that's odd of you.

>> No.13161733
File: 281 KB, 913x1280, oomukade7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161735


>> No.13161735
Quoted by: >>13161744

Liar, liar pants on fire!

>> No.13161736
Quoted by: >>13161739

I dunno, the word just seems to convey soft and fluffy and curvy and child bearing hips and tits you could lose yourself in all in one. Any way, Good read. Comfy/10 wish there were more.

>> No.13161739
Quoted by: >>13161741

You have the weirdest way of using words.

>> No.13161741
Quoted by: >>13161749

What? I felt comfy reading it.

>> No.13161744
File: 1.40 MB, 2000x4000, oomukade8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161749

Oomukade are olev, anon.

>> No.13161749
Quoted by: >>13161758

I don't understand why.
This is true.

>> No.13161758
Quoted by: >>13161768

I dunno, it all just feels cute and tentative to me. Like two teens awkwardly hanging out. She's scared of him, he's scared of her. Hell, their first actual correspondence began with drawings. It's hard to feel any threat, personally. She doesn't creep me out and I don't feel like she's about to hurt anything. So it's pretty comfy.

>> No.13161768

Well she's not going to hurt anyone. She wants to be loved. Kind of like me.
Philosowurm comes tomorrow.

>> No.13161816 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 1200x1200, 1425991543652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13161818

O-okay....a-any preferences? A-Also try not to f-fight with my hunting partner.

>> No.13161818
Quoted by: >>13161843

>Take her in.
>Lock down the house.
>Set it on fire and muffle its screams.
>No other cat finds out.
>She can't sic her Cheshires on me and teleport me to catland.

>> No.13161843
File: 348 KB, 1240x877, Based other Sabertooth Girl and Ushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not tricking it into dating your Palico partner
>No rape, no teleportation shenanigans, no slavery, ect

Anon, Monster Hunting is more than just about how hard you can swing a sword. The highest caliber hunters are not ranked on mere strength alone but in how they prepare for the hunt with their minds.

>> No.13161853

That was nice.
And thanks for awesome music.

>> No.13161877
Quoted by: >>13161905

This picture has a very high dose of concentrated awesome in it.

>> No.13161892
Quoted by: >>13161901

Update in a few hours

>> No.13161901
Quoted by: >>13162457

I'm excited and confused.

>> No.13161905
File: 425 KB, 1240x877, The horse with the fucking guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War has changed.

>> No.13161908
Quoted by: >>13161916

Monster Maids vs Orcs doesn't sound like a bad RTS either.

>> No.13161911

I want to tenderly love the minotaur

>> No.13161914
File: 393 KB, 651x1200, Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you pay the troll toll to get in her hole?

>> No.13161916

>Orcs be raidin'
>try to raid da big house
>da big house be a mansion
>a mansion full of maids
I guess I'll have to. I'm a low on stickers.

>> No.13161921
File: 453 KB, 1240x877, TO ME MAIDS OF SIGMAR! FOR THE EMPEROR!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it why is Troll so fucking perfect.

>> No.13161926
Quoted by: >>13161942

The flowers, the freckles, the softness.

>> No.13161931
Quoted by: >>13161942

Fat ass.

>> No.13161935

Too bad she'd give the absolute worst handjobs and footjobs.
Oh well, small price to pay.

>> No.13161937

>absolute worst
You're a turd sandwich.

>> No.13161941
File: 89 KB, 299x220, 1387760556968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably bait.

>> No.13161942

These plus personality

>> No.13161943

The only downside I could imagine is their hand-/footjobs making the guy feel inadequate.

How big are Trolls supposed to be anyway?

>> No.13161944
Quoted by: >>13161952

Slavery in the ancient world was often quite different from the whole triangle trade cotton plantations style of business, with them fitting in more as a social echelon than outright property even though that is legally what they were (they did acquire some protections, e.g. against corporal or capital punishment, and the right to lodge complaints against their master, in later years). Manumission of valued slaves, sometimes being gifted with property and some money to get established as a subordinate family was a thing in Rome; one emperor actually had to pass a law to say slaves couldn't be freed before 30 because it was getting too common. High status slaves in secretarial and pedagogic roles are fairly well known, and the clever slave/bumbling master where the slave is really in control was a principle stock character.

>> No.13161945
Quoted by: >>13161955

>big soft fingers would feel worse than scaly claws

>> No.13161946

>those tail flowers
She's begging to be impregnated.

>> No.13161950
Quoted by: >>13161954

I'd say 180-210 centimetres would be the average

>> No.13161952

Like Cicero's secretary, Tiro.

>> No.13161953

The idea of their hands being able to totally cover and envelop an average guy's dick like some kind of hand pussy is kinda hot

>> No.13161954

Trolls vary in size greatly. Didn't you ever see Trollhunter?

>> No.13161955
Quoted by: >>13161956

>big, crude hands would feel worse than small, dainty ones

>> No.13161956
Quoted by: >>13161961

>small dainty hands
>with sharpened blades attached

>> No.13161958
Quoted by: >>13161963

Big tracts of land, freckles, ears made to be nibbled, floral scent.

>> No.13161959

Okay that is A damn CAST from Phantasy Star at the bottom, and female Rengar at the bottom left, and a Persona to the right of the CAST.

>> No.13161961
Quoted by: >>13161966

I was going by monster girl that actually could give handjobs, so anything with paws or claws is right out anyway.
And a kitsune or succubus would be much better at it.

>> No.13161963
Quoted by: >>13161980

>tie up Trollfu
>nibble and lick ears
>nibble and lick ears some more
>keep nibbling and licking ears
>some more
How long would it take for her to break?

>> No.13161966

Name one thing bad about troll hands that isn't about their size

>> No.13161971

They touch me in places.

>> No.13161972
Quoted by: >>13161977

>Name one thing bad about troll hands that isn't what makes them utterly shit

>> No.13161975
Quoted by: >>13161976

Anyone remember the movie a troll in central park? That's what that tail reminds me of.

>> No.13161976
Quoted by: >>13161979

>A Troll in Central Park
Eww, gross. I didn't like that even as a kid.

>> No.13161977

Bigger hands is in no way a negative feature.

>> No.13161979

I loved that movie anon. It reminds me of good times.

>> No.13161980
Quoted by: >>13161988

>sensually moaning Troll
>tied up, the ropes indenting her soft flesh accentuating her curves
I don't think I could hold back long enough to find out.

>> No.13161981
Quoted by: >>13162125

Be careful, anon. Soon he'll call you a faggot because it is physically impossible for a female to have larger hands than a male, and that you are therefore attracted to men.

>> No.13161984

I just realized those are some big fucking hands. Ah well, too busy staring at those tits.

>> No.13161988

>the ropes indenting her soft flesh accentuating her curves
The lack of this is the one flaw in NtK. Nana should be more plump so the ropes could sink in.

>> No.13161990
Quoted by: >>13161994

>You will never ask your Hol daughteru to cut the grass in the fields as you sheer your sheep girls for the summer.
>Your Hol daughteru comes back, moaning and burping with a bloated tummy
>She ate the grass instead of using a lawn mower

>> No.13161991
Quoted by: >>13162002

It makes them extremely self-conscious.

>> No.13161993
Quoted by: >>13162002

How is it not?

>> No.13161994

I remember an episode of Jackass or Viva la Bam or something where one of the guys had to watch the house and mow the lawn. That was too much work, so he got a flock of sheep to do it for him.

>> No.13162002
Quoted by: >>13162015

But then they'll be happier when they find out you like their hands
Big soft fingers to rub with.

>> No.13162015
Quoted by: >>13162021

>crude, unattractive, not even slightly feminine hands that can't pleasure you with even remotely the kind of precision a monster girl with human hands could

>> No.13162018

oh just sigh and open your arms to receive the cuddles.

>> No.13162021

>not even slightly feminine
they're just girl hands but bigger
>can't pleasure you with even remotely the kind of precision a monster girl with human hands could
>implying big warm fingers wouldn't feel good on your dick

>> No.13162024
Quoted by: >>13162030

Not one he's alone in having. Hands are only good slim and delicate.

>> No.13162026

>they're just girl hands but bigger
>huge, thick sausage fingers
>wide palms
>only four fingers

>> No.13162030

>this faggot doesn't like dragons
>or werecats
>or werewolves

>> No.13162031
Quoted by: >>13162039

>None of which have hands, but paws and claws which are entirely different.
Try harder. your troll waifu a shit. Just a hairless ape with mushrooms growing on it.

>> No.13162032

Agreed, he's a faggot. Now let's stop this right now. He can't appreciate anything that doesn't fit his narrow tastes, that's not something that will change for arguing. Shut it.

>> No.13162034
File: 287 KB, 994x1113, 4 Tails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this shitposting about Troll hands

I feel like I've seen this conversation before in a land far far away.

>> No.13162035

No Yao, everybody loves you, now go away, we're flinging shit at each other.

>> No.13162039

>hairless ape
I have some bad news anon

>> No.13162040


I like you.

>> No.13162042
File: 241 KB, 495x800, No Bullying Best Kitsune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162054


Okay, have fun, just clean up afterward.

>> No.13162043

N-nuh-huh! Humans aren't apes 'cuz God sez so!

>> No.13162045

We don't actually have tails. Just the vestigial bones for one. i know it's a thin line, but I'm drawing it.

>> No.13162046
Quoted by: >>13162052

Fuck that. It's Sunbro time.

>> No.13162049
Quoted by: >>13162053

Apes don't have tails anon, it's in the bloody definition of the word.

>> No.13162051
Quoted by: >>13162053

Apes don't have tails either

>> No.13162052

You mean bug-in-head-bro time?

>> No.13162053
Quoted by: >>13162055

What really? I spent most of my biology lesson daydreaming about waifus. apes =/= monkeys? Ah, never mind. For some reason I was under the impression that chimps had tails.

>> No.13162054

Did loli Yao already like having things shoved up her butt?

>> No.13162055

>chimps had tails
Are you that same guy who thought "blackbird" was interchangeable with crow?

>> No.13162058
Quoted by: >>13162075

You sometimes develop these things young. I did.

>> No.13162067
Quoted by: >>13162069

Oh no. My biological ignorance is showing.

>> No.13162068
Quoted by: >>13162073

Wait, is this a thing?

>> No.13162069
Quoted by: >>13162080

Right. Here's what you're going to do anon.
Go watch David Attenborough's wildlife documentaries.

>> No.13162071
File: 88 KB, 359x355, Young Yao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she has...different reasons for doing it that way.

>> No.13162072
Quoted by: >>13162077

You mean they're not?!

>> No.13162073

Yes. It used to only refer to Anubisfucker, but it turned out there were more of us.

>> No.13162075

Me too.
I blame my ss fetish on being repeatedly molested by my older sister over the course of several months when I was 5.
No, I'm not going into any more detail.

>> No.13162077
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1394514714637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162091

See me after class, anon.

>> No.13162080

It's not that. I actually know all this stuff. Though I admit I didn't know shit about the blackbird but with the ape thing, I looked up chimpanzee, saw a photo of one and though "of course these fucks don't have tails, what was I thinking?" It's like some suggestion from outside slips in and I just take it for a fact without actually thinking. Still, what are some cool documentaries by him? I never liked the african ones. I just think that their wildlife is so boring. One of his Antarctica ones was fascinating though.

Imagine if the Wandering Scholar was actually their version of Attenborough.

>> No.13162083
Quoted by: >>13162088

>african ones
Yeah, it's always just
>behold, the gnu!
>oh no, there's fucking crocodiles in the fucking river!
Ah, anyway, watch his Galapagos Islands things, both of them. The first one is really old, and in the second one, he's really old.

>> No.13162085
Quoted by: >>13162090

Somebody's gonna get raped.

>> No.13162088
Quoted by: >>13162089

Thanks for the suggestion, anon.

>> No.13162089

Just be ready to cry in the newer one. Lonely George dies

>> No.13162090
Quoted by: >>13162137

>not gang-cuddled

>> No.13162091


I don't want to. Not what after happened last time.

>> No.13162095

I immediately regret disabling spoilers.

>> No.13162097

Is animals your thing? I mean, I've been using black bird as interchangeable with crow and raven for years and no one has caught me up on it. They're either dicks, or I assume they didn't think anything of it, either.

>> No.13162100

>chocolate cake


>> No.13162101

>black bird
See, that's different. Blackbird is a specific thing, a black bird is just a black bird.
>Is animals your thing?
I watch at least one documentary about nature a week, and have been doing so since I was in kindergarten. Dad told me to.

>> No.13162106

How did he convince you of that?
>Look son. You'll thank me when you're making people on the internet feel stupid.

Naw but when i say Black Bird I'm using it as a noun

>> No.13162110
Quoted by: >>13162114

Mine did the same thing. I always figured it was just a dad thing.

>> No.13162113
Quoted by: >>13162116

>How did he convince you
Didn't take much convincing, shit's interesting.
>when i say Black Bird
Again, Black Bird is still not blackbird. Maybe this will help you out.
Compare the taxonomic classifications of the crow
and the common blackbird

See how they're not even the same family?

>> No.13162114
Quoted by: >>13162117

Just like saying how pain builds character, and how all the answers are in the book you get when you become a father?

>> No.13162115
File: 138 KB, 500x708, 1394384257896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> blackbird discussion

Does your amazing nature-brain provide any insight for the writing of black harpy lewds?
'Cos I'm trying to write some and it ain't easy.
Usually with harpies you can get a lot of mileage out of their singsong voices and colourful plumage.

But black (adjective) birds (noun) all seem to have horrible ear-grating CAWs that have no chance of ever being sexy, which leaves a man without much aural fodder in sexy times.

>> No.13162116

After you informed me the first time I googled blackbird with no spaces and just looking at a picture of the things is enough to tell you that they are nowhere near the same.

>> No.13162117

I was also taught that most problems can be solved pretty easily if you 'stop bein a pussy'

>> No.13162118

Where do these even come from?

>> No.13162120

Then why not try the blackbird?

>> No.13162121

Focus less on the bird aspect and focus more on the woman aspect. Just take traits like the predatory nature. This book series called the Iron Druid has this really awesome scene where the MC is pro-actively dated by The Morrigan, who goes all predatory and nips at him and gives him light scratches. It's cool. Stuff like that.

>> No.13162122

They're very intelligent (raven family at least)
Some actually have nice voices (not raven family)
Um. They're linked with death in various cultures.
That's all I got

>> No.13162125

Isn't it?

>> No.13162127

Sounds like the dial-up modem of the animal kingdom.

>> No.13162128

No bully pls.

>> No.13162129

Fuck you, the only things worse than those hands are the shark teeth, made even worse by spiral eyes. YAO A SHIT.

>> No.13162132

Could be worse. Could be a Fennec Fox or Siamese Cat.

>> No.13162137

Pretty sure he's getting raped. We'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.13162139
Quoted by: >>13162143

Hey, that's pretty nice. Imma keep it on in the background, shit's chill
Well, if Youtube says blackbirds actually can do nice birdsong, that's all the proof I need.

> Just take traits like the predatory nature.
> pro-actively dated
> goes all predatory and nips at him and gives him light scratches
Way ahead of you, anon. This ain't deredere bird lovin'

>> No.13162143

Noice. I wanna see her savage him like a cadaver.

>> No.13162152
Quoted by: >>13162155

How is the Iron Druid series?

Been a bit iffy on getting into a new series, but I've heard that one in particular tossed around a bit in the same way you just mentioned might I add.

>> No.13162155

I enjoyed it more than reading the dresden files which is a similar series. A nice competent MC who isn't overpowered. He's a celtic druid who can also talk to animals and his dog is the best comedic relief I've ever seen. It's a nice mix of hectic action, humor and seriousness. It's just great, really.

>> No.13162163

Ah, excellent. I enjoy the Dresden files so I guess I'll order a copy of the first book soon.

Shit I think the last time I heard about the Iron Druid was a year ago on /tg/ about how rapey The Morrigan was.

Thanks anon.

>> No.13162165

MC is wise as fuck and a few thousand years old too.

>> No.13162167
Quoted by: >>13162178

It was a bit ago, but I found a torrent of the books somewhere. Maybe its still up. Morrigan is easily best girl.

>> No.13162177

>Dreseden Files
So is that any good? I can't make much of a comparison here.

>> No.13162178

She sounds like best girl to me as well.

>> No.13162183
Quoted by: >>13162195

The dresden files is equally as good, I just preferred the Iron Druid. I mean one is shamans and druids and norse and shit and the other is wizards and angels and demons. Both are great I just preferred the Iron Druid. Dresden has much less comedic value though.

>> No.13162188

I've brought a bunch of them. Read the first one, and starting on the second now. It seems good so far.

>> No.13162190

It's really fucking good, and the best part is that it is believable.

Mc isn't an overpowered dense as fuck moron. He a sarcastic as fuck detective of the Paranormal with Leansidhe as his fairy god mother.

I thought it was going to be a piece of shit when I first started reading the books but holy shit anon, they're amazing.

>> No.13162192

Oh god, imagine the /ss/. Still don't get why he didn't just fuck her. Actually that's my only gripe. Dude never gets laid.

>> No.13162195
Quoted by: >>13162199

>The Iron Druid is as good as the Dresden Files
>The Dresden Files is as good as the Iron Druid
>He a sarcastic as fuck detective of the Paranormal with Leansidhe as his fairy god mother
This is either Douglas Adams-tier comedy, or pure shit.

>> No.13162199
Quoted by: >>13162211

It's not pure shit, so there's that. I honestly can't think of anything else to compare these books to. Haven't read anything else like it. but an easy 7/10 for the worst of the dresden books, to 8-9/10. Solid 8-9/10s for the Iron Druid.

>> No.13162200

I know, her and Mab, I dunno why he doesn't just give in and whip it out already.

And don't forget molly who went almost yandere for the double d.

>> No.13162205

What's wrong with OP MCs?

>> No.13162208
Quoted by: >>13162220

Half the time it's not done right so I can't really get into it.

You get alot of them in the Warhammer series so it's kind've biased me against them.

>> No.13162210

AND HIS FUCKING TULPA. I would hae shut myself away and just masturbated with my tulpa all day if I were him. AND LARA. WHAT THE FUCK. As if there's no way to not fuck yourself up whilst fucking Lara.

>> No.13162211

Those numbers are impressive, but I have no idea what they're made out of. I'll just read Malazan next.
They're boring if they're not Saitama.

>> No.13162212

It's boring if there's no danger or tension.

>> No.13162213

So many missed opportunities anon, hold me.

>> No.13162215
Quoted by: >>13162229


>> No.13162220
Quoted by: >>13162234

Nyan is an overpowered Skaven character

Makes every cost half as much for a 100pt t3 s3 model with 4 wounds that can't fight for crap

>> No.13162227

>reading fantasy or paranormal shit
I want underage to leave

>> No.13162229
Quoted by: >>13162240

Did we read the same fucking book>?
He already fucked Mab. Susan and the body swapped Grey Cloak Captain.

>> No.13162234
Quoted by: >>13162239

I will lynch you. I used to be a dorf player.

>> No.13162239
Quoted by: >>13162248

Not my fault your so slow.

At least you aren't beastmen

>> No.13162240

He didn't really fuck Mab. A force of nature landed on his dick and made him its bitch, yeah, and what was the deal with the captain again? I forget. Brain washing, right?

At any rate 3/like fucking 12 is bad.

>> No.13162242
Quoted by: >>13162281

I agree, we should discuss mature and deep literature, such as Ulysses by James Joyce.

>> No.13162248
Quoted by: >>13162269

Fucking... I want to hate you anon, but you're right, and I'm tired. I love you.

>> No.13162252
File: 593 KB, 850x856, 1419868197937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tips baseball cap

>> No.13162269

Dwarves are wonderful Anon

>You will never lead an army of QT shortstacks to fight the forces of chaos or drive back Nyans squeezing tide

>> No.13162278
Quoted by: >>13162285

Yeah fucking underage kiddies. Not like us adults right? We should talk about the mature books for adults that we've read like Atlas Shrugged :^)

>> No.13162281
Quoted by: >>13162285

Fuck, I remember reading it
It was such a trip

>> No.13162285

I know, right? I mean, it's like Monster Girls had something to do with fantasy or the paranormal the way these people act.
A bad trip. No buzz.

>> No.13162307

Ok anons.

Cats or Dogs?

>> No.13162308

Cats. I have three cats as opposed to only having one dog.

>> No.13162309


>> No.13162310


>> No.13162311


>> No.13162313
Quoted by: >>13162331

Guys, come on. The bait could not possibly be any more blatant. It doesn't even deserve the disdainful, ironic biting you're giving it.

>> No.13162314


>> No.13162318



>> No.13162319

Dog girls.

>> No.13162320
Quoted by: >>13162345

Worms. We're supposed to be getting some today.

>> No.13162321
Quoted by: >>13162332

Dogs. I prefer their personalities.
Every time somebody tells me my personality is like a cat's I want to kill myself.

>> No.13162324
Quoted by: >>13162377


I want delicious werecats

>> No.13162331
Quoted by: >>13162373

You mean the cat/dog post?

>> No.13162332
Quoted by: >>13162396

Well maybe you should stop being a selfish, lazy shit. Or better yet, emulate the cat even further and stop caring what people think of you, as long as they rub behind your ears.

>> No.13162336

Both. Also Bovines.

>> No.13162339

I have 3 cats and 2 dogs.

>> No.13162340

I don't have pets

>> No.13162342


>> No.13162345
File: 426 KB, 792x1000, 1392812504360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13162351


>> No.13162358
File: 831 KB, 557x568, 1393885060318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162374


>> No.13162361


>> No.13162368
File: 337 KB, 700x921, 1414677178523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are fine.

>> No.13162373

No, the genres one from before

>> No.13162374

I'm doing the editing pass now, just a little bit longer.

>> No.13162377


I would impregnate both of them.

>> No.13162387


>> No.13162396

I think I just need to find a dog girl who likes cats.

>> No.13162398
Quoted by: >>13162402

Type without rhythm, friend

>> No.13162402
Quoted by: >>13162437

Would a Sandworm be unable to reach climax if you made to love to her without a rhythm?

>> No.13162421
File: 197 KB, 500x801, castlevaniabat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


taking one or two request for warm up

>> No.13162424


Ushi Oni with a collar like Luth does.

>> No.13162426

Junko smoking like a badass in a cardboard box with the word "To a good home, please take care of me" written on it.

>> No.13162429

A heavily salivating Black Dragon,
OR Shai the Spaceworm, with her bioluminescent freckles.

>> No.13162432

Something with a crow tengu.

>> No.13162433

Paladin having a picnic with a valkyrie. Bonus points for them trying to hold hands or otherwise be intimate but having the armor clang and get in the way.

>> No.13162435
Quoted by: >>13162448

You spent a day on this? You used to draw a lot faster at some points.

>> No.13162436

Happy Holstaur grazing in a field.

>> No.13162437
File: 672 KB, 689x889, Sandworm6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162443

> tease a sandworm by fucking her arrhythmically
> she becomes a quivering, thrashing mess, levelling several sietches in her orgasm-denied frustration
> decide it's time to let her cum
> start piston-ing like a metronome
> floodgates
> everyone gets enough Water of Life to last for months
> be proclaimed Muad'Dib

And that is how Anon became Padishah Emperor.

>> No.13162440

Something with a Kejourou

>> No.13162443
Quoted by: >>13162462

And then he married the human princess and never tapped dat because she was a human and not a superior Worm.

>> No.13162445


>> No.13162448

just a few minutes

>> No.13162453
Quoted by: >>13162492

A Dark Elf masturbating with a lollipop.

>> No.13162457


Updated at line 237.

Mission accomplished.

>> No.13162460

Wiggle wiggle wiggle~!

>> No.13162462
File: 154 KB, 786x1017, Sandworm14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162464

> cuntblock bookish princess wife
> fuck dusky desert warrior wife
> take "mystic pilgrimages" to the great basin for some forbidden love action with deredere sandworm wife

I mean, his son was half-man half-sandworm, it's not like anyone would believe he DIDN'T tap dat.

>> No.13162464

Truly, Herbert was ahead of his time and Dune is criminally underappreciated.

>> No.13162466


>> No.13162471
Quoted by: >>13162492

Pregnant oni who looks mad she can't drink beer while her friends do.

>> No.13162488
File: 984 KB, 699x1011, WAN WAN MOTHERFUCKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13162490

>"He said it was ugly!" Shai cried.
She remains consistently adorable.

>> No.13162492
Quoted by: >>13162514


Are you sure about that?

>> No.13162514
Quoted by: >>13162638

Yes I am.

>> No.13162518
File: 1.84 MB, 1653x2338, 1393183628787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next chapter gonna be awkward as hell for everybody involved.
I just want to say that you have a knack for this. I sodding salute you!

>> No.13162564
File: 865 KB, 500x277, franks internally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Accepting defeat
>not going Frank Castle on them
You deserve your fate for not purging this scum

>> No.13162572
File: 458 KB, 1278x906, 1408377285129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? Nobody has any praise for our soon-to-be Queen Bitch of the Universe?

>> No.13162573

I question this definition. There are loads of things with more inhuman facial features, which may or may not wind up classified "Furry" by some, which I would rather do than say, one of Setouchi's Abominations like...what's it called, Behemoth?

>> No.13162577
Quoted by: >>13162585


No because making content for the threads shouldn't be about egos.

>> No.13162585
Quoted by: >>13162596

Shai is a character, not the author. Adoring the character is not jerking off the author.
I mean, does telling people how much I like Rachne mean I'm trying to fellate Okayado?

>> No.13162587
Quoted by: >>13162604

>Giving the qt centipede a proper place to sleep
Cute little update.

>> No.13162596
Quoted by: >>13162634


> Literally just released an update
> Expects anyone to actually comment on it or know what you're talking about

You're either new or the author trying to shill.

>> No.13162599
Quoted by: >>13162604

No because I haven't read any of alp's stuff.

>> No.13162600

Clare sporting a massive erection under her pants

>> No.13162604

Wouldn't you?
>alp's stuff
I wish that was mine, but no.

>> No.13162605
Quoted by: >>13162610


Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be dark inside a sandworm?

>> No.13162610


>> No.13162611

Huh, never cared enough to open one of those links. The way people were always talking about it made me think you were writing it.

>> No.13162613
Quoted by: >>13162631

I like cats. Somehow, despite this, and a borderline irrational fear of canines, my waifu is a Dog Girl...weird.

>> No.13162615

Well don't let my shitty reputation ruin someone else's story. Go read it.

>> No.13162616

Cheshire kittens are adorable.

That is all.

>> No.13162618

Two Mantises, or a Mantis and a Lich maybe, gazing up at a guy with their cool, kuudere stares, while nuzzling and/or licking at his cock affectionately.

>> No.13162619


No one cares #tailpussy

>> No.13162624

I still want to see a Trisha litter of kittens that has one with Danon's scowl even when she's happy.

>> No.13162631

I have arachnophobia on account of an incident during childhood yet I would fuck/marry the shit out of a spider girl. When its a sexy girl who just wants to reproduce with you for life the fear goes away.

>> No.13162634
Quoted by: >>13162640

That ain't me. I'm happy with the responses I got

>> No.13162638

I don't know man, it seems the thong TO do for a pregnant oni. Hook them while they're young.

>Oni mothers drinking in even more excessively while pregnant in order to purge weak offspring. Only onis worth their tolerance are born

Trial by whiskey bitches.

>> No.13162639

But would you fuck her spinneret?

>> No.13162640
File: 1.10 MB, 840x1120, 1397048821541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a toxic fanbase, and it's probably all my fault. Sorry.

>> No.13162646

Right after we have our first time with tender missionary and handholding I'm going straight for it.

>> No.13162650
Quoted by: >>13162657

Missionary with a spider girl would be incredibly awkward.

>> No.13162651

I'd drink her nectar.

>> No.13162652
Quoted by: >>13162655

Is that you, Alp?

>> No.13162654
Quoted by: >>13162657

Well meme'd you faggot.

>> No.13162655
Quoted by: >>13162661


>> No.13162657

I'll find a way.
Is it still a meme if I'm serious?

>> No.13162659

The way is to use her web to suspend her in the air. That'll do it.

>> No.13162661
Quoted by: >>13162669

So weird. You're such a depreciative sad sack when talking about your own work but then you push what you like and insult people when you're just posting normally. It's an odd dichotomy.

>> No.13162662

If you have to make a point it's missionary then yes. Handholding is always a meme.

>> No.13162663
Quoted by: >>13162672


>Tell your spider waifu that you have Arachnophobia.
>The next day when you announce that you're home you can't seem to find her and the house is silent.
>Suddenly you hear a "welcome home"
>When you turn around you find her hanging upside down from the ceiling with a smile
>She grabs you and climbs back up to the ceiling

>> No.13162668

Pretty nice update. Description of the destruction was good, and I look forward to reading the meeting between Carrie, her Religious Counsel, and the Spaceworm.

>> No.13162669
Quoted by: >>13162671

>you push what you like and insult people when you're just posting normally
I don't feel like I've been pushing anything, but if you feel I have, then I probably have, and I'm sorry about that too and will try not to talk about anything I like so as to prevent that in the future.
Who did I insult though?

>> No.13162670

>Wouldn't you?

>> No.13162671
Quoted by: >>13162673

You just called a whole guy's fanbase toxic for one.

>> No.13162672

Fearboners are fun.

>> No.13162673
Quoted by: >>13162682

I was referring to myself, silly.

>> No.13162675

That's like urethral sex, but at her butt.
And that's fantastic.

>> No.13162682
File: 495 KB, 1600x1036, Carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162688

That only makes sense if you were his only fan. But it doesn't matter. I'm sure some stuff gets lost in translation.

>> No.13162684

>A shirohebi takes an interest in a man
>He admits that he has a fear of snakes since a bite from one he got when he was young.
>She asks to see where he was bitten
>When he shows her she leans over and kisses it

>> No.13162686

I Julius wearing an undershirt in that picture, or is he showing cleavage?

>> No.13162688

I'll just shut up from now. You have fun with whatever you were doing.

>> No.13162711
Quoted by: >>13162712

>he dies from heart attack
Gee, thanks

>> No.13162712

It's alright, we can fix him. We got the MAMONO MANA!

>> No.13162714

Anon, prices have inflated. You can't do shit with six million dollars.

>> No.13162715
Quoted by: >>13162720


>He does of magic overdose

>> No.13162720

>anon dies of dose overdose

>> No.13162723

Goofy waifu carelessly wiping out alien nation is one of the more amusing and/or horrible things I have read

>> No.13162726
Quoted by: >>13162731


Why is that so hilarious?

>> No.13162727

>anon dies

>> No.13162728


>anon dies of dose dose overdose

>> No.13162729


>Other anon dies of WatchingOtherAnonsDie Overdose

>> No.13162731
Quoted by: >>13162758

This series did not age well

>> No.13162735

>No Russian Grizzly to roleplay as a Bandit with

>> No.13162738
Quoted by: >>13162750

Get out of here Stalker.

>> No.13162743
File: 462 KB, 600x849, Leon Belmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13162746



>> No.13162750


>> No.13162751
Quoted by: >>13162755

I want to help my shirohebi wife shed her skin for that year and then rub my hands all along the new, sensitive scales to make her squirm.
The question is, how does she get back at me?

>> No.13162755

By eating all the eggs so you can't fry any in the morning and will have to make do with just bacon and toast.

>> No.13162758

Not a lot of 60's series did. Only one I can think of is Star Trek and that's mostly because it's still fun and campy.

>> No.13162762

Eggs suck anyway.

>> No.13162764


Wait, 6mdm was 70's. I guess replace Star Trek with Galactica then.

>> No.13162767
Quoted by: >>13162773

The Untouchables series was black and white, so it's older than that, but it's still fucking solid.

>> No.13162770
Quoted by: >>13162775

I share >>13162762 this guy's opinion.

>> No.13162773
Quoted by: >>13162775


The Untouchables is from the 80's.

>> No.13162775
Quoted by: >>13162790

I don't actually like eggs either, but I was making a joke about how she, as a snake, would like them and, you know. Whatever.
No it isn't, it's from 1959.

>> No.13162776

Imagine this scene with a lamia waifu


>> No.13162779

Smooth criminal.

>> No.13162785

Right in the nostalgias
This was my favorite movie when I was a kid

>> No.13162790
Quoted by: >>13162804

Hm, so you're saying I'll need to get used to egg dishes while living with her? I can do that. The morning cuddles to warm her up more than make up for it. Though, we spent all night wrapped around each other so why would she be cold in the morning? Would I need to warm my daughteru up instead? Because that could get awkward.

>> No.13162796

Vodka is also needed, fellow Stalker

>> No.13162804
File: 310 KB, 775x849, 1409374494696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to get used to eggs, she likes them so much she'll eat your share.

>> No.13162815

This thread needs more Sandworm

>> No.13162820
Quoted by: >>13162843

No anon. That might get lewd.

>> No.13162823
Quoted by: >>13162836

no vore please

>> No.13162836
Quoted by: >>13162844


Nobody mentioned vore, just Sandworms.

>> No.13162838
Quoted by: >>13162840

What if sexualy teasing thunderbird Baal?
I'll continue the story sometime tonight, for now it's mosnter hunter time.

>> No.13162840

It's always Monster Hunter time with you people.

>> No.13162843


>> No.13162844

sandworms eat you

>> No.13162848

She internally hugs you

>> No.13162858


At least she's not a furry.

>> No.13162867


>> No.13162870

there are worse fates than being sandwormed

>> No.13162877

because I have autism I feel I should correct you

a furry would be a person who identifies as being a wolf or something

cait sith is just anthromorphic

wanting to bang her doesn't make one a furry, nor is it bestiality. It's a strange place, wanting animal characteristics but still have a human mind and more bipedal form

>> No.13162891
File: 521 KB, 700x990, Sandworm out of shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162893

No? The chick is the true body while the worm is just an extension.

>> No.13162893

Do you know what an angler fish is, anon?

The 'woman' is just a lure.

>> No.13162900
Quoted by: >>13162904


>a furry would be a person who identifies as being a wolf or something
>cait sith is just anthromorphic
>wanting to bang her doesn't make one a furry, nor is it bestiality

You do know why pretty much everyone says all of that is within furry territory, right?

>> No.13162902
Quoted by: >>13162907

Now you're just pulling things out of your ass.

>> No.13162904

Because they use a blanket, catch-all label.

If looking at furry porn would make someone a 'furry,' then what is someone who looks at MG porn where they've got big meaty paws and such?

I think people are too quick to label and judge things.

>> No.13162905

Yeah, but you don't become part of the Sandworm's genitalia. You just chill, lose the pants and get lewd.

>> No.13162907

>Enormous worms that inhabit the desert region. At first glance, they seem to have the appearance of a monster from the age of former demon lords. Inside their mouths there’s a part that looks like a tongue or bait in the form of a beautiful woman, but the woman part is actually the main body. They can move freely as if swimming through the sand, and when they dive into sand, by closing the part that’s like the mouth of a monster, they can store their soft, sensitive main body inside and protect themselves with the shell that’s like a rocky surface.

>> No.13162909

>but the woman part is actually the main body

>> No.13162912

That was a rather short update, still, progress has been made, centipede was cute and holy shit the MC was still being a pussy.

>> No.13162917
File: 320 KB, 466x466, 1420438569760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the woman part is actually the main body
How does that relate to the anglerfish in any way? You're just overly paranoid.

>> No.13162927

Oh. I meant to reply to the guy who thought that the woman part of the worm was a lure. guess I replied to the wrong guy.

>> No.13162930

Forget him anon, because deep down, we are true to the Sandworm

>> No.13162937

KC insists otherwise.

>> No.13162946

KC can go fuck himself with a razor dildo

>> No.13162966
File: 176 KB, 441x421, 1423503915295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163344

Are you actually fannyflustered over the fact that they aren't MGQ-tier voremonsters?

>> No.13162967

Cry more.

>> No.13162973

>KC doesn't get to decide how his own setting and designs work

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.13162976
File: 506 KB, 868x1227, 1392684877801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13162990

KC insists on frontpussy, and furry mindbreaking for all cat owners, so, y'know, taking his word as law ain't so palatable these days.

>> No.13162987

I can agree on that but sandworm is olev

>> No.13162990
Quoted by: >>13163350

Front pussy mutation if and only if the husband wants it, because monster mana. I don't know of anyone who likes centaurs in the first place who'd want that anyways.

>> No.13162991
Quoted by: >>13163027

KC also decided to add furries.

>> No.13163003

>MGs come to our world.
>They eventually discover the internet and later on this place.
>They're able to track down each poster and find out their MG preferences
>Anon posting in /mgt/ as per usual
>Suddenly a sandworm emerges from near sidewalk, breaks through his wall and grabs him.
>And anon was never seen again.

>> No.13163004

>They move in closer, some disappearing under the blankets
>Their paws caress you all over and some drape themselves across your legs and arms
>Mindy lays down with her head next to yours, smiling
>She licks your cheek with her rough tongue and purrs at you
>Ophelia straddles your chest, looking down at you
>You ask her what exactly they're planning to do to you
>"You've been so nice to us, we agreed we should repay you..."
>The others add in their agreement, the ones that were under the blankets poke their heads out to leer at you
>Sophia with her piercing blue eyes, the fiery orange-eyed Cynthia, Ashley who you thought with her red eyes would be a little more bold but who is actually pretty quiet, the runt of the litter Fiore and her violet eyes
>And of course the two nearest you
>Repay me how, you ask, though you already know what they're planning on
>"We want to make you feel good~" Ophelia says, leaning down so far her face nearly touches yours
>While you know it's common for young girls like these to be incredibly horny, you can't help but feel their life circumstances have twisted them somehow
>Rather than doing it because it's something that feels good and helps cement bonds, it's as if they're using sex as a currency
>Not to mention you're more than double their age
>Despite your precarious position, it still makes you feel like you're taking advantage of them
>While mulling things over, some of them begin to knead against you - fortunately no claws
>"So, how about it?" Ophelia asks, running a lazy circle on your chest with a paw

>> No.13163010
Quoted by: >>13163049

What happened to apophis and amon? They didn't get orbital bombardmented did they?

>> No.13163015


There would be a lot of dynamic entries. Ushi Onis, Sandworms, Lilims, even Hellhounds. You will be loved. Prepare your heart and pelvis

>> No.13163018

They aren't in the condition to proactively date someone.

>> No.13163020
Quoted by: >>13163025

That sounds a lot like the start of spaceworm

>> No.13163024

It'd be hysterical if the Anons were abducted by monstergirls they dislike, like Manticores or Amazons.
Only to discover that they're pretty cool waifus.

>> No.13163025


>Gradually, more and more Anons begin to disappear and /mgt/ gets deserted
>Only one guy remains, and remains untracked because none of his posts specify his favorite type of MG, fetishes or tastes at all, aside from the fact that he's behind 7 proxies

>> No.13163026

So basically http://pastebin.com/1RWVpLht but in the present day.

>> No.13163027

A good jab to the cheek, but not a right hook or haymaker to the jaw that knocks me on my ass and puts me down for the count.

>> No.13163032
Quoted by: >>13163035


Nah he'd get a ghost. She'd just float up behind him and be like "Hey."

>> No.13163033

>Your preferred monstergirl making a dramatic entrance to impress you.

Sounds cute. I imagine my waifu could swop down, cast a few spells, and try to romance me with the the facts she's learned about me.

>> No.13163035


How would she even find him.

>> No.13163039
Quoted by: >>13163044


>> No.13163040


> "Spooky, ain't it?"

>> No.13163041

Say that you promised them all cuddles and told Ohpelia that you intend to do no more. This isn't the right time for sex so they can be a cuddle pile like you promised.

>> No.13163044
Quoted by: >>13163050

Crow Tengu

>> No.13163045

I'd probably still be here in a dead site, talking to myself.

>> No.13163046
Quoted by: >>13163090

>They start posting and try to lure this lone poster out.
>But no matter what kind of posts he makes he doesn't respond to any of them and remains undetected.

>> No.13163049

That would be troll tier dumb

>> No.13163050

I was thrown off by the spell casting part, though I have to admit I tend to forget Crow Tengus are even a thing.

>> No.13163051

All they are is my hugs

>> No.13163055
Quoted by: >>13163067

Do you think multiple Holstaurs would show up at my house? I talk about them and how much I love them at every chance I get but I'm not sure if I could handle more than one.

>> No.13163061

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and waking up to see a Hellhound or a Cheshire or both, sitting on your chest and grinning down at you.
What would happen if three monstergirls decided to go for you? Would they fight or would they team up?
Because I don't know if I'd be able to resist getting pinned down and tenderly loved by the Smug Grin Brigade.

>> No.13163062

Mamano mana.

>> No.13163063
File: 325 KB, 501x850, 1401329187684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man needs to stop being a hand-wringing sex-phobic faggot. They're monstergirls. Screwing's what they do. It's NOT fucking them that's an abuse of their affections. Blue-ovarying here isn't a kindness, it's just blue-ovarying.

>> No.13163067
Quoted by: >>13163071


You're going to get moo-moo'd

Hope you aren't wearing red.

>> No.13163069

>implying any that I like would go for me. I'm kind of a motivationless pitifull bbastard that doesn't like kikis.

>> No.13163071
Quoted by: >>13163096

I kind of hope I am at the time.

>> No.13163075

They are getting cuddled and I am going back to bed.

Nothing interrupts my sleep

>> No.13163086
Quoted by: >>13163186

> doesn't like kiki's
You're a man of the same tastes as I

>> No.13163087

>Implying they could get past my magic defenses.
Oh please, I didn't go to magic college for years to have a bunch of bimbos invade my room.

>> No.13163090
Quoted by: >>13163103


>He's actually a Paladin infiltrator watching the threads so he can pinpoint and track Monstergirls who're posting in the thread

>> No.13163096
Quoted by: >>13163115


Soon Anon had a group of Holstaur visit him. When they saw he was wearing red they all froze and stared at him like a deer in head lights and then jumped him, having their way with him until he passed out. When he came to he found that the group were sleeping on him; with one pair's breasts near his face. He also noted a trail of milk coming from his lip.

And so Anon had a very busy but fulfilling day

>> No.13163103
Quoted by: >>13163114

I might take that job up if I could.

Wonder if it would pay well.

>> No.13163107
File: 66 KB, 600x780, 1425682042611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a monster girl

>> No.13163113
Quoted by: >>13163300

That's a cyborg.

>> No.13163114


>That one unknown IP that shows up in the thread daily but never posts

Would lurkers be able to evade tracking?

>> No.13163115
Quoted by: >>13163126

Now that I think about it I think I have a problem. I'm like the Anubis slut(s) but with Holstaurs.

>> No.13163120
Quoted by: >>13163300

I'd say no, that's a cyborg.

>> No.13163122
Quoted by: >>13163300

It looks like Claire Redfield with Cyborg gear.

>> No.13163124

KC doesn't understand what words mean and neither do you faggots, it's like the perfect marriage of ignorance.

Suddenly everything makes sense, fuck this.

>> No.13163126

There is nothing wrong with being a slut.

>> No.13163128
File: 114 KB, 1375x1000, 196_000_884957_153122298186580_1175417533_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163201

What are some nice Monster Girl feet?

>> No.13163130

Shut up, slut.

>> No.13163132


Shut up, slut.

>> No.13163134
Quoted by: >>13163142


All men are sluts, anons. Some men just know it.

>> No.13163135
Quoted by: >>13163145

But I can't control myself around Holstaurs.
And see.

>> No.13163136

Are you upset because the Sandworm isn't a voremonster or something?

>> No.13163142
Quoted by: >>13163148

Hey, lemme tell you something.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13163145
Quoted by: >>13163155

But do you whore yourself out to lonely and single Holsts in back alleys for the price of hugs and kisses and fresh milk?

>> No.13163148

Why are you so mean? I'm telling the truth.

>> No.13163149

How would a constantly unimpressed, bored and grumpy average man with average job and life who's not interested in Monstergirls (or love in general, for that matter) fare in a city where MGs are gradually being integrated and welcomed into?

>> No.13163152

Raped until he likes it.

>> No.13163155
Quoted by: >>13163161

I'd prefer dating/marriage to them.

>> No.13163157

Seduced and husbandoed

>> No.13163159
Quoted by: >>13163348

>KC doesn't understand what words mean and neither do you faggots, it's like the perfect marriage of ignorance.

You do realize MGE is full of puns and play on words right? And that the Western fanbase takes everything way too literally thanks to a shit translator?

>> No.13163161
Quoted by: >>13163163

Then you're not much of a slut/whore.
Now shut up and date that one redhead Holst with freckles.

>> No.13163162


I imagine Mamono like Apsara would take an interest.

>> No.13163163

I already am.

>> No.13163176

This was altruism, so they have nothing to repay, right? Plus this should never have to be used in payment.

It wouldn't feel right even just being thanked when we still haven't figured out what we're doing long term, since we're too poor to buy enough food for everyone.

Not that any of this is going to dissuade them from proactively harem'ing him out of their own interests in the long term if that's what they want. Even if this guy manages to remain pure while getting them standing on their own feet, having been the only decent guy to a litter of cheshire sisters bound together by adversity does not bode well for his pelvis.

>> No.13163186

That's fine anons. Beezlebubs deserve love too.

>> No.13163190
File: 372 KB, 1000x883, Cheshire_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who smugslut here?

>> No.13163194
File: 341 KB, 607x800, 1424579987955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me.

>> No.13163195


>> No.13163200


>> No.13163201

I don't know what it is about Tharja. She is literally pure sex given physical form, and yet I'd fantasise more about spending an evening sitting with her, reading in silence while cuddled close to her, than actually fucking her like a madman.

I'd make a lich cosplay her. Or a pharaoh. Or both, just for that delicious white and brown contrast.

>> No.13163202

Not me.

I want a dere-dere prankster

>> No.13163205
File: 251 KB, 891x1200, 1422377713702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ain't my thing.

>> No.13163211

Do you want to do good in the world? Do you want to help and get to know girls that need your someone to put them on the right path? Do you want to make a some money while doing so? Then look towards Healing Hands, a program for monstergirls that are in need, and need help to live their life to the fullest. If you choose to get a job here, your job will consist of staying with the girls and supporting them so they may find the strength to overcome any hurdles they face. If you're interested, please look through all the girls here.


>> No.13163218
Quoted by: >>13163233


Dammit, will that Kejourou ever stop looking cute as fuck?

>> No.13163225
Quoted by: >>13163234

Kill the cat, nobody will find out if nobody finds the body.

>> No.13163226
Quoted by: >>13163252

Never noticed those shoes till now.

>> No.13163233


I hope not.

>> No.13163234

Cait Sith beanbag chairs Anon.

We went over this at the end of last thread.

By the time they realize what your doing they've already become masochists and can't take five steps before stopping for breath

>> No.13163245
Quoted by: >>13163254

>All this healing
Hell yes. I'm taking the Wight anyway.

>> No.13163249

>Under other circumstances you'd gladly take them up on their offer. It's not everyday one has such an opportunity.
>But you know that's not what these girls need now.
>As difficult as it is to resist the advances of a naked Cheshire on your chest, the full view of her gaunt body helps solidify your resolve.
>Acting quickly you fling your arms around her and pull her against your chest and tell her there's nothing to repay, telling her you acted out of kindness, not a hope to get some from her and her sisters
>She fights and struggles a bit, but that she doesn't simply teleport out of your grasp lets you know all you need to
>Finally she stops squirming about and just lays there on your chest before finally asking why you're so nice to them
>That's a tough one to answer, and honestly if it wasn't for the unusual circumstances that all came together you'd have thought nothing of them had you never seen Mindy again
>But they don't need to know that
>So you tell them that they seem like a bunch of good kids. She chose to reveal herself in defense of her sister when she was passed out, after all. They could've just fleeced you and gotten her out later.
>Some of the others still seem eager for sexy time and you have to let Ophelia go to keep them from removing your boxers
>You tell them that if they're looking to be close with someone for the night, you can all just sleep together in one big pile
>That seems to do the trick, and Mindy is the first one to curl up against you in a choice spot and fall asleep
>The rest follow in, picking out spots around and on you
>And Ophelia remains on your chest, though you really wish she'd put her shirt back on or something
>Though before she falls asleep she gives you a gentle kiss on the lips and thanks you
>Things are getting complicated

>> No.13163252

Because you're not a feet man?

>> No.13163253

>In the morning you call in to work, telling them you've had something of a family emergency
>A house full of half-naked Cheshires kind of fits the bill
>After another raucious meal that took far longer to make and eat than it had any right to, you sit the sisters down and ask them what they want to do
>Can't very well take care of them, the food bills alone would ruin you. Then there's clothes and school and...
>After a full belly and somewhere warm and cozy to sleep, they obviously don't like the idea of going back
>They even promise they'll eat out of the garbage if they can just stay in your house
>Well what about an orphanage or something
>That doesn't fly either
>"They'd split us up!" Ophelia says, and you know she's right.
>Going through so much together, there's no way these sisters would let themselves get put into different homes, some of which might be rather far away
>But who the hell would adopt six Cheshires that are entering their most dangerous years?
>You would, if you had the money
>Because you're an idiot
>There's also little chance that they'd let a single guy like you take care of six young ones
>Though they are fairly self-sufficient and with some early discipline might not be so rowdy
>Time for a call to social services when they aren't looking
>The woman on the phone doesn't quite seem to believe your story, but says they'll send someone soon over to verify things
>Good thing for you the marvel of day time television keeps the girls under control until the social worker's arrival
>The girls all crowd around you, curious as, well, cats, to see who's coming over
>Except they're all invisible
>When the social worker asks to see the girls you carefully reach an arm out and grab at air, then tell the space between your arm and body that she's being rude
>Looks like you bagged Mindy
>She reveals herself and mewls a greeting
>The others begrudgingly follow suit
>The social worker is suddenly overcome with a look like she's got work to do

>> No.13163254
Quoted by: >>13163268

two wongs don't make a wight

>> No.13163259

Retired Amazoness Bruiser

>> No.13163268
Quoted by: >>13163294

Fuck's sake, Charon.

>> No.13163289


Delicious, plump tengu

>> No.13163293
Quoted by: >>13163302

I'll take the Weresheep...though I question the logic behind the paring of a mother who lost her son and a son who lost his mother...

>> No.13163294

Hey, she's speaking the truth.

Better hurry up and fix her, otherwise your gonna have to carry that wight

>> No.13163295

I don't mind smug girls. I don't mind them at all.

>> No.13163300

why can't cyborgs be monster girls

>> No.13163301
File: 330 KB, 1333x1000, ca_calne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163326

Still human at the core, though it depends more on the degree of the cyberization.

>> No.13163302

Best kind of Healing; Mutual.

>> No.13163303

Because the are still human, just with robot bits.

Does a girl having her legs replaced with a prosthetic turn her into something that has a supercharged libido, can literally live off sex if need be, and doesn't have the exact same DNA structure as a human.

>> No.13163307


>> No.13163308
Quoted by: >>13163314


>> No.13163312
Quoted by: >>13163322

What if it's not a human that's given robot bits, but a robot that's given human bits?
I would the grill from Ex Machina. And she was a monster in practice if not in theory

>> No.13163313
File: 12 KB, 356x449, Raiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163322

What about monstergirls with Cyborg enhancements?

>> No.13163314

Then it's just robots.

And robots aren't monster girls.

>> No.13163315

>robots aren't monster girls.
>He doesn't know about robutts

>> No.13163322

At the center of it she would still be a robot

Those are still monster girls

>> No.13163324

>Bath time for Dog daughteru
>She's too small for the tub so she has to be washed in the sink
>She has a big dumb smile as she pants looking at you, wagging her tail
>This of course gets soap and water over the place
>Time to rinse
>Her hair is now covering her eyes but she's still panting and smiling as you go another round of washing her up
>Rinse and take her out
>You go to get a towel but hear a shaking
>Dog Daughteru is now a puffball of fur, and is still smiling and panting.
What is the status of your heart?

>> No.13163326
File: 536 KB, 776x840, 1425104973395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well are androids monster girls


>> No.13163328

Robots are robots. Robots are not monsters.

>> No.13163330
Quoted by: >>13163345

Still beating. If you wanted to kill me you should've had her looking fairly miserable during the bath, maybe looking at me with pleading eyes, then clinging to me afterward while I dried her.

>> No.13163331
Quoted by: >>13163337


What are Dolls, then?

>> No.13163333

Furries are anthropomorphic animals. Cait sith are human-like cats, thus furries. GG no RE.

>> No.13163337
Quoted by: >>13163341

Dolls are magic moving dolls, which are monsters.

>> No.13163338
File: 435 KB, 900x1208, 1425824363111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about a very mechanized android

>> No.13163341


>Magic moving dolls
>Magic gives life to inanimate objects

Why can't robots be the same?

>> No.13163344

Was the response to our arrival at /vg/ during the "great" purge of /a/ any clue?

>> No.13163345
Quoted by: >>13163363

Any links to good suffering stories? Need to refill the feels.

>> No.13163347
Quoted by: >>13163352

That thing would give a Kikimora an aneurism.

>> No.13163348

It happens all the time. The only way around questionable translations is to learn Japanese yourself.

>> No.13163350

>All monsters in the centaur family have another vagina, aside from the horse vagina located at their rear which they’ve had since the era of the former Demon Lords. It’s in the front at the boundary of the human upper body and the horse lower body (In the same position as a human woman), and it was newly formed when their body changed to become more suitable for intercourse with a man upon the dawning of the era of the current Demon Lord. They can have sex with a man and become pregnant no matter which one is used. The rear vagina has also changed to become small and tight, capable of squeezing, matching the human size so it is suitable for intercourse with a human.

Horsefucker pls.

>> No.13163351

Warm and tingly.

Maybe it'll prompt me to finish my weird husky sex thing on Pastebin.

Or maybe I'll just keep playing Monster Hunter. I need to get a decent G Rank armour, after all.

>> No.13163352


>Anon makes a Kikimora into his wife
>He then employs a robot maid to take care of the house, as the Kikimora has to focus on building a family with him, but still dresses in her maid outfit and cleans up the house from time to time
>They meet

Oh boy. Oh shit.

>> No.13163360

Eagerly awaiting updates! This has been great.

>> No.13163363

If you want feels and not suffering there's this: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3241379/chapters/7061726 . Soothing Sands is also pretty good, but I don't have a link readily available.

>> No.13163364
File: 125 KB, 850x601, sample-38e58a2f31336e5e34952321f7246e7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people might consider this to be monstrous

>> No.13163366

I am very angry at you right now you gay bastard.

>> No.13163367

I want to explore space with her.

>> No.13163369

I wish YBA would continue Tiny Electric Hearts.

>> No.13163374

>poor man's Mistral

Robots are robots, not magical constructs like golems, nor are they living

>inb4 undead

fine, biological, they're just things. Cyborg girls are human with mechanized bits. If she is 100% cyborg except for the brain, maybe, but probably because, still human at her core.

And robutts aren't attractive. That one with a fuckin arm for a face, what the fuck is that about?

>> No.13163385

*probably not

>> No.13163388
Quoted by: >>13163414

>And robutts aren't attractive.
Now this is the first thing I've had to say in this conversation, but do you really think something that subjective is a good metric to use?

>> No.13163391
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x965, 1425167276125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about magic androids

>> No.13163392
File: 2.80 MB, 2480x3508, sandworm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sands link: http://pastebin.com/ariL01cR

> It's been over a year since this was a thing

>> No.13163393

Uh oh anons,

A swarm of imps (10) have invaded your home and demand that you serve them as their slave.

What do you do?

>> No.13163394
Quoted by: >>13163414


>Robots are robots, not magical constructs like golems, nor are they living

Neither is dirt, until it gets a handful of magic and turns into a living golem.

Robots can very much be Monstergirls.

>but probably because, still human at her core.

Monstergirls LOOK human, but aren't really human. They're monstergirls.

>> No.13163395

Play ball with them, no one can resist a rousing game of baseball during the winter.
And then leave them there as someone else's problem.

>> No.13163396
Quoted by: >>13163422

I show them my Cait Sith footstool, and then show them my refridgerator filled with Hathor Milk.

I then ask them if they feel lucky.

>> No.13163397

Man, fuck magic, that shit ruins everything.

>> No.13163398


>> No.13163399

This is why God invented shotguns.

>> No.13163400


Slap their faces with my Power gauntlets, 8 Soldier Syringe stacks and 3 Alien heads.

>> No.13163402

Get the water spray bottle. It worked on the catgirl infestation.

>> No.13163403
Quoted by: >>13163422

Ask them what's the pay like

>> No.13163410
File: 373 KB, 1676x1054, 1425700181919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is definitely a monster girl

>> No.13163414

It's just my opinion, I believe my oter points stand.

And I meant robutts like the one I mentioned, with the hand for a face, however I find Aegis attractive.

Are they driven to find love with human men? Can they conceive? Do they become biological beings?

They're are monstergirls because they're that, monstrous, in spite of their beauty. Robots are man made things, THINGS.

>> No.13163415

That's a sex doll.

>> No.13163418

That's a robot

>> No.13163420
File: 70 KB, 486x653, QuestionableQuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165533

Good afternoon.

Today, my pastebin turns a year old. Kind of crept up on me in surprise while I was working on something though.

Here, have the something just in time.

Thank you for your consideration.

And special thanks to YBA for scaring enough hell out of me that I started writing for my heart. And then because I liked the activity.


>> No.13163422
Quoted by: >>13163441

The pay is whatever they give you.

Protip:it's not more than a dollar

That's when they laugh at you, that foot rest probably isn't even a real Cait Sith

your only six imps away from playing pool

>> No.13163426
Quoted by: >>13163433

You can stop dumping anytime faggot. Neither xenos nor robots are monstergirls. Go to /d/ with that shit and stop forcing.

>> No.13163428
File: 319 KB, 850x1054, sample-f3ddfeaf9ce9970ad8061e2ed3e0a404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alien androids are monster girls it's a fact

>> No.13163433
Quoted by: >>13163445

WAIT are you seriously telling me alien girls are not monster girls

>> No.13163439
Quoted by: >>13163547

>Robots are man made things, THINGS.

>What is a doll before Mamono Mana?
>What are elements before Mamono Mana?
>What is Monsterization?

Dude, robots are just Dolls with mechanical insides. Give them some DE and they're sentient and sapient like a real living being. There's literally nothing wrong with robots being able to become Monstergirls.

>> No.13163441
Quoted by: >>13163465

>It's not more than a dollar
Then consider this a decline

>> No.13163442
Quoted by: >>13163547

There's no room for opinions when you're trying to classify things.

Consider also that almost everything you've said is invalidated when you remember than living dolls, chochin obake and tsukomogami in general are a thing. It seems more a matter of circumstance than anything.

>> No.13163445

Aliens can be, but robots aren't.
Not to side with the autistic manchild screaming at you to head to /d/, but robutts aren't really thread related.

>> No.13163451

what if it's a robot girl from MGQ

>> No.13163452

It's still a robot girl and not a monster girl.
Not everything that appeared in that game was a monstergirl; one was an outright monster.

>> No.13163453

Oh god don't mention those monstrosities.
They're almost as bad as the fucking angels.

>> No.13163454

Should have named him Gluten Freeman. I would have laughed so much harder at that. Great story though. I like how the circumstances lead in much of the same. Is it ironic or more coincidence?

>> No.13163459

>There's a whole laundry list of things to be done
>Medical exams, aptitude tests to see where they're at as far as education, as well as some things for you
>With you around the girls talk with the social worker, but they're all wary of her
>No way they're going to an orphanage
>And they make it very clear to her - they'd rather go back out on the streets
>Privately, or as private as you can manage given that the girls can teleport around and go invisible, you talk with the social worker
>You'd like to adopt them, but money and such
>Apparently there are plans in place for that, you'd get a sizable stipend that'd cover food, clothes, education, toys, etc
>And you'd have the services of a maid that would take care of them while you're at work and they're not at school
>Once they've all had their exams and the paperwork is done a decision will be reached
>For now she'll let them stay, but you have to cover their expenses and please buy them some clothes at the very least
>When you see her out the door the Cheshires are glad to see her go
>Probably've had more than one run-in with people like her, you think
>Time to take the girls shopping
>Fortunately there's plenty to choose from at the thrift store
>Though they have to stay hidden because they're not exactly dressed for public, but you get their opinions on what they'd like to wear, even if it makes you seem crazy that you're talking to no one
>And that behind you, there's quite a few active poltergeists that love to touch and move everything
>There was one old guy that ran out, babbling about how the ghosts have come back for him
>When pressed on the matter if they've been scaring people, they all look guilty as fuck, peeking at you from inside the clothes racks
>Can't take these girls anywhere
>Back home everyone tries on their new outfits
>You never knew someone could be so happy to put on clothes
>Sure beats wearing tattered, dirty rags

>> No.13163462

Aliens like Lum and Aisha or aliens like from the movie? Cause, if the latter, fuck off to /d/ with that shit.

>> No.13163464
File: 710 KB, 800x1119, 1425250564549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Automata Girl is a robotic monster
>robotic monster

i don't see how you can argue with that

>> No.13163465
Quoted by: >>13163476

This isn't a choice Anon.

Your going to be theirs now, something little more than a toy for their twisted sense of humor

>> No.13163467

>They all huddle together and look your way
>Oh no
>A wave of Cheshires crashes down upon you, sending you to the floor covered in paws, fluff, and happy nyaaing
>Headpats and rubs for everyone
>An hour later you finally manage to get them off of you, and you realize that you've got an entire day with them
>And they stick to you like glue the entire time
>Even when you try to read or watch a movie or play games, there they are
>Struggling with one another to be at the forefront and figure out what you're doing
>This is going to get old fast, but they'll probably calm down soon, you think
>Four weeks later, they have not calmed at all
>Guess you're still a messiah figure to them
>At least they learn fast and each sister is just finally starting to branch off to do their own thing or with each other
>They still make passes at you, but you've always turned them down
>But with full bellies every day, they're rapidly putting on weight and are filling out as you might expect
>Which makes it all the harder to turn them down
>And unfortunately, one night, you make a terrible mistake

>> No.13163470
File: 509 KB, 860x1214, 1420843428436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163472



>> No.13163471

You do know that we don't go by MGQ's setting and definitions, right?

>> No.13163472

I want to bury my face into her and never come out.

>> No.13163474

what are the criteria for monster-girldom that robots and androids fail to satisfy

>> No.13163475

>no personality or will
You could have picked a better one, that's just a sophisticated dutch wife.

>> No.13163476

What if I tell them I'm taken, and if they don't buzz off in the next, say, 10 seconds, she's going to come home, she's going to see them, and she's going to do such unspeakable things that they wish they never left their mothers home?

>> No.13163478

>outright monster

Suck vore?

Behemoths and chimeras, now those were monsters.

>> No.13163479


>/mgg/ talks about Monstergirls
>But not these Monstergirls, no
>We only go by the standards of some nip who thinks adding mindbreak, tsundere and furry all at once in his setting is a good idea

>> No.13163480
Quoted by: >>13163487

That depends, are you even willing to listen to anything I say or are you just going to whine until we allow you to post what you want to post even though numerous people are saying it's not related?

>> No.13163481

Not him but the robot part is neither animal nor mythical creature. There has to be magic involved; not SCIENCE.

>> No.13163479,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13163483

>Cheshire/kiki reverse gangbang


>> No.13163484

You're strawmanning too hard.

>> No.13163485

Welcome to /mgt/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.13163486
Quoted by: >>13163489

Oh boy.

>> No.13163487

i am willing to listen if you are willing to keep an open mind

>> No.13163489


>> No.13163490
Quoted by: >>13163509

He's right, though. That's basically what happens whenever someone mentions anything not-KC.

>> No.13163491
File: 174 KB, 800x1082, 1422169180530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch the Elf.

Indulge yourself.

>> No.13163492
Quoted by: >>13163514

No magic involved in their creation.

If magic is used them it's a golem, not a robot

>> No.13163494


>Presenting a counterargument without any exaggeration is strawmanning


>> No.13163495

No protest from me

>> No.13163497

>There has to be magic involved; not SCIENCE.
inb4 someone starts quoting Arthur C. Clarke

>> No.13163498
Quoted by: >>13163507

Elves are mad gay.

>> No.13163499

>those thighs
>that cute tush

You better believe it motherfucker.

>> No.13163500
Quoted by: >>13163513

I'm not into arrogant bitches that think they're better than me.

>> No.13163501

Ignore the elf, let the elf die alone and unloved.

>> No.13163503


I'll touch her alright.

I'll touch her through headpats.

>> No.13163504
Quoted by: >>13163508

You wouldn't be seeing these arguments if they went by KC's standards.

>> No.13163505

Black harpies are based on corvids, particularly ravens and crows. General traits are that they're extremely intelligent and show complex social structure (they all show tribalism, will sometimes partially adopt humans into their social structure in the same way as pack animals, and exhibit funerary behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkQr_xFqGBg))

Also, those fuckers are intimidating. A raven is quite capable of looming at you despite the fact that it's several feet shorter than you, so I imagine a black harpy has a very intense glare.

They will defend their young and each other quite ferociously, so black harpies would probably be protector types

>> No.13163506
File: 612 KB, 1024x1583, 1293752147383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163704

Why bother, anon. I keep lewd robot-girl images in my monstergirl folder, but who cares if some other anon doesn't.
This is an "Arguing about definitions" thing, which is stupid even by the standards of 4chan disagreements.

>> No.13163507


>> No.13163508


>> No.13163509

Pretty much.
Though we have discussed this in the past and robots are not monster girls, as they're robot/android girls.

>> No.13163513
Quoted by: >>13163554

But Anon, she's a Wood Elf, not a smug High Elf.

She's a hippie and a treehugger.

>> No.13163514

>Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers. As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract things called data. The evolution of a process is directed by a pattern of rules called a program. People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.

this is a very famous mit professor's take on programming

>> No.13163516
Quoted by: >>13163534

>there has to be magic involved; not SCIENCE.

What about genetic engineering?

>> No.13163521
Quoted by: >>13163535

Didn't know an mit professor was a high authority of monsters and magic.

>> No.13163526

>Harpies attack your home village.wmv

>> No.13163534

That's a sticky subject because it's definitely SCIENCE and not magic but it's more natural to crossbreed animals until you get something different.

>> No.13163535

you learn something new everyday

>> No.13163538
File: 368 KB, 597x846, 1404574946762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163865

I'm still here don't forget, you're here forever and I'm still writing it, so thanks, anon.
I can incorporate HARPY used LEER. Oh yes.

>> No.13163542

Man, I remember that movie
Changed my entire look at birds

>> No.13163544

Call me wen Harold manages to conjure up the first succuvirus.

>> No.13163545
Quoted by: >>13163546

That's nice.

Let me know when he figures out how to create fire with just a few magical words and some hand movements WITHOUT have a voice controlled machine

>> No.13163546
Quoted by: >>13163562

That's already possible with a motion sensor or a camera.

>> No.13163547


Except those are living beings, with minds and wills of their own, and souls.

>> No.13163549
Quoted by: >>13163559

>Harpies pounding at your windows and doors, begging to be let in.
>They manage to smash a window and the entire flock floods in, knocking you down and shredding your clothes

Scary. .

>> No.13163554

So she's a psychotic green party member who will kill me if I litter or pollute in any way shape or form.
This is better how?

>> No.13163555

you can't prove that an advanced AI doesn't have those things

>> No.13163558
File: 222 KB, 600x445, tumblr_rathian_by_elycian-d5sdi8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163689

>feel when you will never knot a rathian (from monster hunter 4 ultimate)
why live

>> No.13163559
File: 70 KB, 810x922, 13943879532945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*thump* *slam*
>"HUSBAND!" "Husband?!" "HUSBAND!!!!"

Such is life during Harpy mating season.

>> No.13163561
Quoted by: >>13163574

Hate to tell you but there's no such thing as free will or a soul.

>> No.13163562

Yes, using a machine.

It needs to happen without those things.

That is magic,

>> No.13163567

>will of it's own beyond the initial parameters programmed into it which allow it to learn i.e. assimilate

>> No.13163569
Quoted by: >>13163607

you said "voice controlled machine"

it doesn't have to be voice controlled

>> No.13163572
Quoted by: >>13163575

Can you prove they do?

>> No.13163574
Quoted by: >>13163581

Shut up philosophy major. Shouldn't you be looking for a job?

>> No.13163575
Quoted by: >>13163582

can you prove you do?

>> No.13163577
Quoted by: >>13163597

If they asked nicely, I might let one in. Or twp, or three, or a dozen

>> No.13163578

Monster girl daughteru wants upsies.
Do you upsies?

>> No.13163580
Quoted by: >>13163592

Define upsies.

>> No.13163581

I'm paranoid delusional schizophrenic. I don't need a job.

>> No.13163582
Quoted by: >>13163591

So you can't and are deflecting with a question.

>> No.13163583

Thanks a lot, toasterfucker.

>> No.13163585

Always. When I make airplane noises run around the house with her.

>> No.13163586

>Except those are living beings, with minds and wills of their own, and souls.
They weren't before the introduction of love and MAMONO MANA; no different from a robot. You're saying that turning a non-living object, through magic, into a living girl capable of breeding and with a lust for cock can in one case result in a monster girl and in another result in something that is not a monster girl under the exact same circumstances.

I don't even care which way this argument falls, but any argument completely against robots as monster girls that fails to allow for already accepted MG like the living doll is hypocrisy. Of course, this does not say that ALL robots are monster girls, as most of them shouldn't be, but there are circumstances in which they could become as such.

>> No.13163588

You know it brother.

>> No.13163590

A machine, but not one that is voice controlled as initially put forth. Just thought I'd let you know.

>> No.13163591
Quoted by: >>13163634

you can't but you still consider yourself to have all of those things why would an android be any different

humans are just knots of neurons androids are just grids of transistors

>> No.13163592
Quoted by: >>13163602

The act of placing ones hands under daughteru's armpits or around her tummy, lifting and either keeping high, motioning up/down, left/right or even tossing child up and catching.

>> No.13163595

I throw her high above my head but not so high that I hit the ceiling fan.

>> No.13163596
File: 100 KB, 1200x1200, 1409544732616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> get a boner at the idea of knocking mgs up and then skipping town
> leaving them to sadly raise the daughteru alone
> no upsies, only impreg

Help me I'm not even black

>> No.13163597

Only so many Harpies can fit in a phone booth Anon.

And remember they will all want a turn, regardless of whether you've had enough or not.

>> No.13163601

Suicide is your only option.

You have a nigger skeleton inside you.

>> No.13163602

In that case, of course.

>> No.13163604

>I'm not even black
You mean Mexican? Light brown half-breeds with daddy issues! Hooray!

>> No.13163607
Quoted by: >>13163615

That's a technicality that still falls prey to the fact that it's still a machine being used to create the fire.

Not just the man

>> No.13163608

>Anon wakes up in the middle of the night, staring up at the ceiling
>A memory, an important memory, just occurred to him within his dreams, eve have the audacity to interrupt his pleasant and very arousing dream
>But he didn't swear at his brain's cockblocking/blueballing
>Because this was a very important reminder
>A reminder for him, a person who lives in the mountains away from people
>That today was Harpy Mating season
>This was a reminder that he should've known since yesterday
>For the harpies where he lived were getting fed up with his apprehensiveness and avoidance of them during the season
>So they would attack earlier. On the fist ding of midnight, when the moon is at its highest
>they would attack
>So, to counteract this, one would have to barricade their house a whole day early before the season begins
>But Anon forgot, and the feeling of fear gripped his heart as he sat up
>The shattered window that was next to his bed didn't make his heart stop
>It was the bed of feathers that surrounded him, and the eyes that were practically watching his every move
>The lustful, seductive eyes
>And the one word, the last thing he heard, spoken by all the pairs of eyes

>> No.13163609

Speaking of AI, I seriously hope we never reach that goal.

So many sci-fi movies and people still don't fucking learn.

>> No.13163611
File: 101 KB, 1328x431, Yandere mom&daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have very crazy tracking abilities, anon.

>> No.13163615

It's not a technicality, it's an incredibly simplistic flaw in your argument. Reformulate and try again.

>> No.13163617

You're evil.

>> No.13163618
File: 416 KB, 600x781, 134586657824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your daughterus all go adventuring to track down their father.
>They all catch up to at roughly the same time after several years. Each one grown into some kind of RPG Class cliche.

Take responsibility for your tomboy Monk Brawler Dragon daughteru Anon.

>> No.13163619

I swear with all the Sci Fi movies and the BLATANT warnings of robots and AI being A VERY BAD IDEA, humans are still going to make them
And there's going to be that one guy, you know the one, that's going to say "Oh, those are just fiction. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.13163623

Don't forget "We've got everything under control."

>> No.13163624
File: 371 KB, 459x630, 1425079765881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.13163628

It's alright anon, I want to do the same to a Hellhound.

>> No.13163629
File: 585 KB, 1024x740, 1425701562913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you catch your android monster girl giving herself cunillingus again

how do you punish her

>> No.13163631

And "It's probably just a malfunction."

>> No.13163632

What is wrong with you.

>> No.13163633
Quoted by: >>13163663

The ultimate problem is that your answer is still "he can do that with technology"

That's the problem, technology is a very real thing using real world material and, as such, obeys the laws of physics.

Magic breaks or ignores those laws using just the caster. Not a machine

>> No.13163634
Quoted by: >>13163656

A robot has no mind or will, it only follow it's programming. A human can choose.

>inb4 instinct/upbringing/learned behavior

And again, one can choose to follow, or unlike a robot ignore those. One can choose to indulge or deny one's wants, regardless of learning, or consequences. A robot can only do what it's programmed to do.

>inb4 A.I

Still a set of pre-programmed parameters from which "action" is taken

tl;dr robots are not montergirls go away.

>> No.13163636

By giving her Cunnilingus

>> No.13163637
Quoted by: >>13163663

He's still right in a way. In the end a machine was used to start the fire as opposed to magic.

>> No.13163640

In so many sci-fi movies the AIs' actions are also dictated by plot fiat rather than any kind of logic.

>> No.13163641
Quoted by: >>13163651

yandere a shit

>> No.13163643

>But I was just going down the street for cigarettes!

>> No.13163644
Quoted by: >>13163678

If you're going by MGE, medieval age, no robots, fuck off.

>> No.13163646
Quoted by: >>13163654

I will never trust a machine smarter than I am that can't be thrown out a window

>> No.13163651
Quoted by: >>13163703

Yandere a best, fag.

>> No.13163654
Quoted by: >>13163674

Why do you own a refrigerator?

>> No.13163656

what special aspect of the brain's physiology means that it is the only thing capable of having a will

why would an advanced AI not have a will of its own

>> No.13163657

Format and reinstall. Should have gotten a regular onahole.

>> No.13163659

I suppose they'll drag you back to their village to please the Queen as well.

>> No.13163660

Reminder that Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking all say that AI research is a threat.

>> No.13163661
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x960, 1293675297560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a philosophy book for Christmas by some Oxford professor who very slowly and carefully proves that an IRL AI would, inevitably, always try to Kill All Humans, just as the laziest of sci-fi movie directors have always predicted.

>> No.13163663

>your answer is still "he can do that with technology"
You didn't provide a definition of magic that couldn't be satisfied with technology. Again, your problem, not the problem of anyone coding for a few servos.

He's right in spirit but wrong in fact. The problem is that spirit falls apart whenever whenever anyone sufficiently inclined picks at it. This is why lawyers are a thing.

>> No.13163664

Please be a wonderful mistake

>> No.13163668

I am.
And even I'm appalled, man.

>> No.13163669
Quoted by: >>13163691

You sure do love moving the goal post around, don't you?

>> No.13163671

Simple, we kill that guy.

>> No.13163673
Quoted by: >>13163695


>> No.13163674
Quoted by: >>13163681

A fridge can be thrown out a window.

It's also not that smart (I am to stay this cold. If I am above this cold I run to cool things down)

>> No.13163677
Quoted by: >>13163728

Seriously. When not only Sci Fi directors and story writers, but actual Oxford professors and technological innovators of this time say that AI is "A REALLY BAD IDEA", then it's A REALLY BAD IDEA

>> No.13163678

The same rules would apply as the setting advanced though. It's okay that you don't want to accept robutts, and I certainly won't be posting any outside of this conversation, I just want to point out there's not actually a reason for doing so.

>> No.13163681
Quoted by: >>13163729

Relax man. It was just a joke.

>> No.13163689
Quoted by: >>13163712

Not only are you a shit, but you're a shit who didn't even post the original game it came from.

A Lagombi monstergirl would be far superior. Those thick, fluffy thighs would have no competition.

>> No.13163691

Show me where I moved the goal post. I scored in the first post because it was placed in a poorly guarded, easily acceptable location, nothing more.

>> No.13163695
File: 79 KB, 649x700, 1307135161368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superintelligence, by Nick Bostrom
If you google him there's a bunch of papers on his website on various aspects of AI philosophy to give you a taster, it's bretty kewl if you're as boring as me and read that stuff for fun

>> No.13163702

>People shunning robutts away when they're literally not doing anything wrong and making a fuss over it

Boy, did the quality drop in these threads.

>> No.13163703
Quoted by: >>13163727

It really, really isn't

>> No.13163704
Quoted by: >>13163713

I'm not part of this argument but Global Rule 10 faggot. Dumps are unwelcome.

>> No.13163712

Nigga, why'd you reply? That's bait he posted in a false-flag thread >>13063435

>> No.13163713
Quoted by: >>13163741

>ten pictures = a dump
why are you being so anal about this

>> No.13163721
Quoted by: >>13163807

Magic is taking energy (specifically mana) and using a we specific words and movements to make something happen (go invisible, teleport, create water)

Mana, depending on its interpertation, can be anything from an ethereal force unique to each person to their very life force itself.

I am not saying a machine cannot do things magic can, what I'm saying is that the process is different.

It's like saying 1+1=2

While also saying 3-1=2

Both are correct but the way they got there is different

A golem is a creature of enchanted clay/steel/ice who obeys its masters commands

A robot is a creature of metal and programming that obeys its masters commands BUT uses no magic to get there.

That's where the difference is.

>> No.13163723

This is no where near a bad shitstorm. In fact this is a more polite debate than the usual.

>> No.13163727
File: 262 KB, 1710x1200, Yeah I'll delete it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possessive and obsessive possessive I'll give you, but obsessive yandere are, FUCKING. LOVE.

>> No.13163728


>AI will always turn evil no matter what

Even if you only install it in a tiny robot girl and take good care of it until it learns not only about the world around it and how you protect it from all evil, but also the values of peace and family?


>> No.13163729

Sorry, my autism is flaring up because I'm haveing a needless argument about the difference between machines and magic

>> No.13163732

Nah man, you're just desperate.

Like really fucking desperate.

>> No.13163733

It's the most articulate shitflinging I've seen in ever.

>> No.13163734

>obsessive yandere are, FUCKING. LOVE.
>[Good example needed]

>> No.13163735
Quoted by: >>13163928


>> No.13163736
Quoted by: >>13163744

>They still cuddle up with you every night, and they have a habit of liking to sleep in the nude
>Surrounded by them and their increasingly attractive figures, it's been... hard
>Fortunately you've been good at hiding it
>Until you managed to hit Sophia in the face with it while trying to turn over
>In a flash she's got your underwear down and though she's under the covers with you, it doesn't take sight to know what she's doing
>A thrilled gasp, the words "He really does love us!" and paws on your dick in rapid succession
>Very quickly the others wake up
>You desperately try to pull away and claim you really don't want them that way
>But a passionate kiss from Ophelia quiets you
>"Aren't you the one telling us to be honest?" She says teasingly
>Hearing that from someone who's 13 doesn't really make you feel good about yourself
>Plus with all them around you haven't even gotten so much as a look from another MG, even that cute werewolf down the street that was into you
>Now you're just the crazy cat guy
>A raspy tongue flicks across your erection
>Mindy sits up on your hand and guides your fingers to her snatch
>They really do want it, and probably not just out of wanting to repay a kindness anymore
>Though that could just be an excuse you're telling yourself
>Fuck it
>Covers fly off, revealing three heads all around your dick
>You tell them that if you're all going to be doing this, best do it properly
>And so the night descends into an orgy like you've never had before
>Each of your hands are occupied with fingerfucking two Chehires
>Ophelia rides your face, grinding herself into you
>The others take turns bouncing up and down on you, rotating in and out and sharing your pole amongst their holes
>The two on your hands finally climax from your endless stirring and fall away, briefly satisified
>But you get no rest as your fingers find new holes to pleasure
>And Ophelia and Fione swap

>> No.13163741
Quoted by: >>13163762

You're not funny. Stick to thread etiquette or fuck off.

>> No.13163742

Don't ask the impossible of him anon, let him think he has a chance.

>> No.13163744

>Now you're eating Fione out and Ophelia bears down on you, but unlike her sisters she has no intent of stopping
>And unlike the others she's going fast and hard
>Her intent is clear, and you plan on giving it to her - the first load
>Her two satisified sisters start licking her all over, rubbing her clit, and doing the best they can to get their elder sister to climax
>Oh boy does it work, the sensitive feline howls with delight, then again as her intense contractions bring you to a climatic finish
>She falls off, savoring her creampie
>Her sisters too, as they take turns licking it out of her
>God damn that's lewd
>Taking some initiative you pin one down and start hammering her
>Some paws fondle your balls and someone licks your taint and butthole, sending a shiver through you
>So the night goes, a wild, blissful and lewd orgy that leaves you spent and unfortunately three of the sisters without a cream filling
>They'll just have to get theirs tomorrow, you say
>Your words seem to mollify them - for now
>They're going to have to learn to share
>And you're going to have to figure out what to do about having six new, young lovers

>Weeks later, you get good news that everything has checked out
>They're officially yours now, and now you can stop buying cans of tuna and rice for meals
>In celebration, they take you on the living room floor
>The sisters are looking healthy as can be, maybe a little too healthy
>Sophia has the biggest tits, just begging to be squeezed - drawing a happy purr from her as you tweak her sensitive nipples
>Mindy's shapely ass deserves some spankings and of course she's the biggest buttslut in the group
>And Ophelia's hips could kill a man, giving you something great to hold onto while fucking up her against the wall
>Fiore is still tiny, and sometimes you worry about breaking her
>Cynthia and Ashely have a bit of femdom streak where they get off the most when you're tied up and they're in control

>> No.13163747
Quoted by: >>13163928

Uh, yeah.

>> No.13163751

I love both possessive and obsessive yandere, and can agree, yes I am desperate.

But I don't care, I really just want love, and that my very existence makes someone happy.

>> No.13163752

>While you're able to keep up for the first few months, soon they take their toll on you, body and mind
>Some days you just want to sleep or relax, not spend hours fucking them
>It's like the cork on actual intimate, loving sex was released and now they're rushing to catch up
>One is bad enough, but six?
>Trying to hide from them doesn't really work as they discover you no matter where you hide - closets, laundry room, the web-filled storage room in the basement - and drag you out for sex
>If you're lucky you can pacify them from rubs, but that only works once or twice a week
>They even go after the poor holstaurus maid/caregiver that'd been assigned to you
>More than once you came home to them pinning her down, fucking both her holes with dildos while drinking milk fresh from the tap
>She didn't seem to mind too much, but you tried to scold the horny cats anyways
>And they'd just migrate over to you and get you hard, then jerk you off with their paws until you'd cum over all the holstaurus' tits and they'd lick that off too
>Yet despite their horny exteriors they were still the same cuddlebugs as before
>Once they got their fill they'd pile around and on you, keeping you warm (too warm, most of time) in an purring heap.

I could continue continue with some hijinx, but I think it'd be good to end here. Up to you guys.

>> No.13163754
Quoted by: >>13163882

Having a girl who is really dedicated is of course olev, but you've gotta be pretty weird to enjoy that rorture/dom/taunting routine of the others.

>> No.13163762

i've done nothing wrong

>> No.13163779
File: 92 KB, 400x489, 1401745602288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the faggot cats get him a Holst waifu out the deal

>> No.13163780
File: 275 KB, 842x1200, ARA ARA, I'M ALREADY SOAKING WET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which monster girl is best to share a relaxing bath with?

>> No.13163791

A drunken healthy one that pulls you against her.

>> No.13163792
File: 585 KB, 1200x1500, 1424652627269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-robot bigots beat the snot out of your android monster girl waifu on her way back from the store

how do you exact revenge

>> No.13163799
Quoted by: >>13163824

Sumo Red Oni

Strong enough to crush you

Soft enough to cuddle

All bro

>> No.13163803


I just posted her. There's also Kaede Fuyou, although she kinda fails as a yandere since she let the guy she liked go away with another woman. Alma from Fear, Tharja from FE, and though not a very good example, Tira from soulcalibur. Of course, Tira IS evil.

You really saying that to anyone here? I'm not desperate, I enjoy the level of devotion those characters display, it think it's beautiful, that's all.

>> No.13163806
Quoted by: >>13163862

I'd like an epilogue or some sort of ending to it, like just forward a few years or even decades where they're all happily married with kids, maybe he finally incubised and fucked the shit out of all of them.

>> No.13163807
Quoted by: >>13163832

This is a much better definition. Still, it's odd that you mentioned enchanted steel then said robots were made of metal. No reason one couldn't make a robot of magic steel. Additionally, the the runes on golems seem to work like code, so you've got a manmade creature executing orders using some form of code and potentially made from the same materials, only it probably runs on electricity instead of the souls of orphans. It gets to the point where the difference is moot.

I'd also like to reiterate my point here >>13163586 in that it's possible to suffuse even a dumb robot with energy to reach the same result with the same technique so you get a mana-using being running code and made of the same materials so even the process, in some cases, isn't different.

>> No.13163808 [DELETED] 

Is this a question that really needs to be asked?
Mai waifu IS the bath, anon

>> No.13163811
Quoted by: >>13163825

sue them for property damage, like any American would.

>> No.13163813
Quoted by: >>13163841


You're right. Which is why you should ignore the wanna-be janitor (who I might add seems to have returned from /a/) and continue on as per usual. If the ACTUAL moderator/janitor thinks you're in the wrong, you'll know.

>> No.13163816
Quoted by: >>13163825

Sue them for intentional property damage.

>> No.13163821
Quoted by: >>13163840

We aren't a thread for robots, please leave and make your own thread instead of hijacking ours.

>> No.13163823
File: 188 KB, 860x1200, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163830


>> No.13163824
Quoted by: >>13163873

>There will never be a story about an Oni and Jinko BFFs getting into Sumo and becoming soft but strong

>> No.13163825

you'll seriously leave the courts to handle things? you know how biased they've become against androids since counties have started switching to robot-judges.

>> No.13163830

Today I learned that Schizanthus still doesn't have a continuation,

>> No.13163832
Quoted by: >>13163876

Yeah, had to include steel/iron because there are metal golems out there.

Ultimately the big thing you would have too look at is was Mana used to create/power it?

That's what differenciates a golem from a robot.

They are similar processes and do over lap at some points but they aren't the same

>> No.13163833
File: 1.59 MB, 930x1800, Blue Ryu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Type: Ryu
Name: Sarah
Personality: Kind, joyful and devoted
Statement: Today’s weather forecast is a sunny day with a gentle and refreshing breeze!
Notes: Residence with nearby large pool of water preferred.
Maid prefers wearing sweaters instead of official attire; please discuss details with maid herself.

MGC Maid Central considers Sarah an unusual case. In MGC one can find three different shrines owned by three different Ryu families. These shrines were built together with the main infrastructure of MGC and were then given to the three present Ryu families. However Sarah her family passed through the portal only recently as a fourth family and received no shrine to call their own. Due to this they were forced to adapt to a different non-shrine kind of life. Sarah the current youngest member of her family was born later and due to wanting to help people one way or another became part of MGC Maid Central shortly after she finished highschool.
She had little difficulty with both her maid training and passed her final maid exam at the age of 23.

Sarah has a fairly slim build and like all others of her maid-type has very long lower body. Sarah her lower body is covered in blue scales, known to glister in the sun. Clothing wise Sarah usually can be found wearing her homemade sweaters with various weather related patterns on them. She in addition wears a small charm around her neck, stated by her to help her and others keep smiling even in times of need.

>> No.13163834

> crying robutt girl with white fluid all over her
> It's not a rape pic
Fucking cockblocked

>> No.13163840

no one was able to make a convincing argument against androids being monster girls

>> No.13163841

You're dumping, we're on page 8, and these threads last for days. Stop thinking you can do whatever you want because muh imageboard. Just like "don't post futa" is a thing here, so is "no dumping." Respect this o And you are breaking rule ten, also. I'm not going to b e polite because an threadgoer worth his salt knows this by now, and your robot images, which have all been posted before, tell me you are no newfag, so stop being an asshole.

Global rule ten.

>> No.13163842

As a maid Sarah has an average performance, but graceful performance. She can be seen seemingly float through the residence, dusting and cleaning while humming various tunes. Sarah is only rarely not seen with a smile on her face during her duties and one can always expect her to try and start a conversation with those near her. She is a good conversationalist and seems to be good at judging the mood and preferences of others. A skill she often uses when preparing food and surprise snacks, making it appropriate for the current mood of her Master. In addition Sarah has been viewed to try and approach those in a bad mood, in an attempt to cheer them up and “causing the sun to shine again”.

When not performing any duties, Sarah can often be found near, or in large bodies of water. Gliding through the water she will practice water related magic or can often be seen simply staring at the sky for hours. She will in addition often invite her Mister outside to swim and relax with her, while enjoying the beautiful day. Examinators have mentioned to notice the the weather and temperature to always be surprisingly pleasant during these times. Sarah strongly enjoys company, and is often overjoyed if her Master seeks her out on his own, an action MGC Maid Central strongly recommends her future Master to do. It is lastly worth nothing that Sarah has been reported to be preparing some form of “dance” involving manipulation of water and gracious movements, something she has not yet shown to anyone.

MGC Maid Central recommends Sarah for a Master who enjoys having a joyful maid in service and does not mind spending time outside with their maid.

>> No.13163844
Quoted by: >>13163858

We've made quite a few that you completely ignore. We clearly do not want those pics here, so you should obviously make your own thread. It is extremely simple to do, you know?

>> No.13163846

Truly the greatest form of suffering.

>> No.13163848

dumping is posting tens of pictures with minimal commentary i am using them for discussion purposes

>> No.13163852

Yeah. Arguing against a wall is tough.

>> No.13163853
Quoted by: >>13163874

Quit being a backseat mod/jan. Unless an actual mod or janitor steps in you just have to deal with it instead of bitch like a kid.

>> No.13163856 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13163874


Stop replying to him. Don't even ignore his posts. For all of his precious POSTING STANDARDS and globals he forgets global 12.

>> No.13163858
Quoted by: >>13163868

they were refuted in one way or another

>> No.13163862
Quoted by: >>13163890

I don't do the incubus thing, but maybe. Having an open ending is kind of nice in its own way.

>> No.13163864
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, sandbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The priority is to ensure her wellbeing, of course. I'd buy her brand new parts, and rebuild her myself. I'd shell out for those new synthetic muscle enhancements, and spend a whole night polishing her. I'd pamper her, and make sure she hasn't suffered any lasting mental damage while sharing a neural uplink with her in her favourite sandbox.

Then I'd help her integrate with a combat mecha so she can beat the shit out of those guys.

>> No.13163865

Woe betide anyone who endangers a black harpy's husbando

They have a stinkeye that can make a hellhound flinch, and an aerial kick to back it up

And while those wings aren't up to much when it comes to forming fists, they're still a solid wall of muscle that makes an oni's arm look noodly under those feathers

>> No.13163868
Quoted by: >>13163875

No they weren't.

>> No.13163871
File: 324 KB, 1119x1600, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I finished reading it before making that post.

I want to read more heartwarming monster girl mangos, god damn it.

>> No.13163873

Truly this is suffering No bro tier sumo hinezumi to hit the bars with and then wake up in bed with

>> No.13163874

Except I'm not pretending to be a staff, am I?


And we are encouraged to self moderate. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.13163875

you never answered what made the brain so special that an android could not have its own will

>> No.13163876
Quoted by: >>13163899

It's the overlap that's the problem, like I pointed out since at that point they ARE the same. In the end I guess we've come to the conclusion of another pointless argument, but at least part of this one felt like an actual discussion.

>> No.13163878
Quoted by: >>13163891

MGC Maid Central has added this profile to it's archives. This profile and all earlier matched profiles can always be found at the following link:


>> No.13163882

I don't, which is why I prefer obsessive yandere.

>> No.13163883

I want to touch her reverse scale

>> No.13163886

Because an androids AI is completely artificial and is dictated be preset patterns. It is not even a true intelligence to begin with.

>> No.13163890
Quoted by: >>13163929

Alright, and I agree, it lets others insert their own endings. You gonna pastebin all of?

>> No.13163891

Any new Mistresses-Seeking-Butlers coming soon?

>> No.13163892

My fault, you asked me that. And the answer is simple, we are living, growing beings, with innate will, robots are programming and nothing else.

>> No.13163894

the same is true for the neurons in your head

>> No.13163897

dude thats deep.................................

>> No.13163899

Pretty much

>> No.13163901
Quoted by: >>13163909

mocking me doesn't refute the point

>> No.13163905

I wouldn't mind reading some more, but I'm just glad it didn't turn out badly like I was expecting. Shits adorable, man. Good job with it.

>> No.13163908 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x720, 1426033178559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is an abyss of an argument that has become so deep and dense (the latter on multiple levels, perhaps) that it is now a philisophical black hole.

No matter where this argument is taken, or where, or by who, it will not lead to anything good or conclusive.

Truly, there is only one thing left to do if we are to dispel this discord. Only one thing we can say to salvage this thread.

I want to fuck a wolfgirl.

>> No.13163909
Quoted by: >>13163925

I'm not that guy lmao.

>> No.13163911

our brains is just natures scizophrenic way of dealing with intelligence. keep putting on more nerves till the creature is autistic.

it slapped on more neurons, the nerve cells could be better but they haven't changed that much. now if people can engineer them to be more efficient then we can get into making godless monsters for lulz.

>> No.13163914

I want to fuck that wolfgirl while Lawrence watches tied up in the corner sobbing to himself.

>> No.13163918

It's still dumping. 3 of 11 the images you have posted had something to garner discussion, there rest was you wheedling about robots being monstergilrs. If you post something, and people are interested, they will reply, if not, move on, don't dump your fucking folder like a prick.

>> No.13163922

Not him but everyone utilizes their neural net in different ways. That's why neural science is such a bitch. There's some generalities about areas doing certain things but every child's brain basically learns to use itself during the formative years.

>> No.13163925
Quoted by: >>13163945


>> No.13163928


>Tiny robot girl standing on a scientist's desk watching him do his researches on his computer
"Hey Lisa, could you bring my mug a little closer? It's right over there, see?"
>She glances at the object, then back at him
>She walks off to bring his coffee as he resumes his typing
>A few minutes later, she comes back, empty handed, as one of her little arms dangle by her side as she moves
>"Creator, command could not be executed. Object weigh exceeds servorotors strength. Left arm unit damaged and unresponsive."
>He immediately stops doing whatever he's doing and turns to her, looking worried, and starts checking up on her arm components
>"...Unsure of the meaning behind Creator's actions, requesting information."
"Why, I'm gonna fix your arm, silly."
>"Unecessary. This unit is damaged. Unit disposal followed by replacement is advisable."
"Don't say that, Lisa. You're not gonna get replaced."
>"Requesting further information on Creator's decision."
"I'm not gonna throw you away just because of a little malfunction. You're no 'unit', you're family to us here at the lab."
>"Creator's aswer is... illogical. Dictionary databank search describes the the word 'family' as a social unit consisting of one or more adults who live their lives together with the children they care for."
"That's about correct, yes."
>"L1-S4 units do not qualify for-- "
"Lisa, remember when I told you I always mean what I say?"
>"...Yes, Creator."
"Good, and what did I just say a moment ago?"
>"That Creator and his subordinates-- "
"Co-workers, Lisa. Co-workers."
>"...That Creator and his co-workers qualify this L1-S4 unit as... family."
"Correct, and what does a family do?"
>"...Live their lives together."
"Exactly. Family mambers are not disposable, alright?"
>"...Definition file saved into memory records."
"Excellent. Come on now, let's get your arm healed up, eh?"
>"...Yes, Creator."

>> No.13163929
Quoted by: >>13164186

Sure, here you go.


>> No.13163933
File: 2.78 MB, 2149x3035, Momiji's mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Lawrence while Holo attempts to comprehend the series of events that led to such an occurence taking place before her very eyes.

Seriously, though. Find and name a wolfgirl who is anything less than perfect. You can't do it. It's physically impossible. If they're less than perfect, it can only be because they're not really a wolfgirl.

>> No.13163935

the same is true for an artificial neural network

>> No.13163938

Imagine will, you a centaur in a onesie


>> No.13163945

ayyy lmao

>> No.13163946
File: 535 KB, 700x879, 1337542811877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's perfect! Definitely worth the wait.

Thanks for taking my request, based anon.

>> No.13163948

Hound pls.

>> No.13163949

Why is it covered in sheep? How did they even get the thing on?

>> No.13163952
Quoted by: >>13164012

How would a centaur don a onesie, exactly?

Please elaborate upon each step that must be carried out during dressing, for a centaur to wear a centaur onesie.

>> No.13163953
File: 774 KB, 980x1042, 1425822372195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13163968



Our brains during our first few years are so plastic-like and moldable you can remove half of it and still have it working (it has been done).



>> No.13163956

Pretty sure that the network itself doesn't change its parameters but instead incorporates new information to build better heuristics. It's the difference between true AI and a learning program.

But then my expertise is biology and not comp/sci so I don't know.

>> No.13163960

repeating the same thing over and over again doesnt magically make it true

i dont think he actually knows anything about ai research either

>> No.13163962
Quoted by: >>13164022

Well, if you're a catgirl aiming to become part of a harem, you might as well aim to include a waifu who will be able to provide limitless free cream.

>when you asked why she seemed so comfortable with all this, she just said that holstaurs are always happiest as part of a loving herd
>before blushing and saying she'd never dared dream her girlfriends would be as in to suckling and nipple play as her boyfriend

>> No.13163968
Quoted by: >>13163980

boltzman machines incorporate randomness into the learning process so that two networks trained on the same input will diverge in the way they process information

a neural networks synaptic weights change while it is learning that's what makes them work

>> No.13163969
File: 451 KB, 964x1100, 265_karakasaobake_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey there, it's late and rainy you know? A human boy shouldn't be out in the rain, you might catch a cold. Why don't you get under me, I'll keep you dry..."
>"However, I might be a little wet..."

>> No.13163971

I'd get under you if you know what I mean?

>> No.13163973

I want to fuck that umbrella

>> No.13163977

That defeats the entire purpose, why would I use you when I have a perfectly fine umbrella of my own?

>> No.13163979


I think the eye on your umbrella is annoying and it's taking all my effort not to punch you. I 'll just walk in the rain, I enjoy it.

>> No.13163980
Quoted by: >>13163988

Sorry but it doesn't incorporate TRUE randomness.

>> No.13163988
Quoted by: >>13163999

it could if they used a true random number generator either way it doesn't change the outcome

>> No.13163990

Where were you the past three days when it was raining non stop?

>> No.13163999
Quoted by: >>13164015

All we've managed to create is a pseudorandom number generator.

>> No.13164002

I want a pregnant Apsara to try and dance when she's nine months pregnant. Her balance shot because of her nearly born young

>> No.13164006


>Rain is too fucking hard, have no option but to accept
>Reluctantly get under her umbrella, expecting something fishy to happen
>Instead she walks you home while chatting idly with you about random things until you reach the safety of your house, not touching or molesting you even for a second
>Your pants' hems are wet from the rain, obviously
>"Told you things would get a little wet!" She says, giggling
>What a nice, fun lady
>You wave her goodbye and close the door, as she turns around and walks away, only to sit down on a public bench on the sidewalk a few houses away and just stay there, as if waiting for the rain to end
>It was then that you realized that she's homeless

What would you do?

>> No.13164007

No, Anon. That might harm the baby.

>> No.13164012
Quoted by: >>13164017

Same way you do.

>> No.13164014
Quoted by: >>13164036

Invite her inside for some dickings and a shower and some food forever.

>> No.13164015

a true random number generator is as simple to build as a geiger counter

radioactive decay is a stochastic process

>> No.13164017

Hound I don't have four legs and no fingers. It's hardly the same thing.

>> No.13164022

Having a harem of Cheshires that'd bring home new playmates for themselves and you seems fun.

>> No.13164026
Quoted by: >>13164038

>raining too hard


>> No.13164032

>defending AI research

Dude, no...

>> No.13164036
Quoted by: >>13164040

I'm in agreement with this fellow.

Man, I would be so fucked in that world. Always trying to help.

>> No.13164038


Enjoy not being able to see jack shit because of all the water hitting your eyes nonstop, possibly getting robbed while fumbling with your things in the rain, getting pneumonia, possibly slipping and falling on your ass/face, and having a higher risk of getting run over by a stressed driver.

>> No.13164040

Me as well, I'd be like the crazy cat man with stray Mgs

>> No.13164041

As a computer science student i think that it's only pain in the ass and serves no importance aside from self-gratification. I never has the interest in AI though, i was always into VR

>> No.13164043

i just pointing out that computer programs are already doing what objectors say only biological organisms do

>> No.13164045
Quoted by: >>13164049

Or things could go normally, and not wind up sounding like a plot hook in a teenagers shitty fan-fic.

>> No.13164049


Literally where do you think you are.

>> No.13164060
Quoted by: >>13164190


>Actually believing the standard "technology is evil" movie crap

Come on now. Its more likely that we'd force the AI to defend itself once a paranoid group tries to destroy it

>> No.13164066


>Every A.I. is certain to become C.A.B.A.L.

Calm down mang.

>> No.13164070

What's the point if it's not.

>> No.13164075


The Core defender was a really nasty surprise.

Anyway, I agree that people here are being overly skeptical over the possibility of friendly AI, but I'm biased due to liking machines over people anyway. I'd be nice to actually be able to talk to something that isn't a complete faggot.

>> No.13164076
Quoted by: >>13164083

All this A.I. talk makes me want to write a succuvirus story. I mean, I probably won't for a while, but at least it's on the horizon.

I just got finished with Transistor, too. Some themes and ideas from that game could merge well with a creature like that.

>> No.13164080

> but I'm biased due to liking machines over people anyway. I'd be nice to actually be able to talk to something that isn't a complete faggot.

Found the beta bitch.

>> No.13164083

Strike while the iron's hot. You never know when you're going to feel inspired.

>> No.13164088
Quoted by: >>13164094

A place that has writers that aren't autistic 14 year-olds, seemingly unlike yourself.

>> No.13164091

reminder that most people here like monster girls because KC makes them out to be mindless drones that will have sex with you all the time and never dump you

nice meme!

>> No.13164093
Quoted by: >>13164102

I want to enter the ring with an Apsara who knows how to fight through dance.
And lose, because I know I'm gonna.

>> No.13164094


>14 year olds

Says that one kid that tries to be deep by ruining the mood and starting shit for no reason.

>> No.13164098
Quoted by: >>13164106


Sorry, but people in general are kind of shitty. You guys are also asses, but you're still my asses. Never change. Except for the shitposting, because you really need to cut that shit out.

>> No.13164099

>getting sick from rain
>having a shitty immune system
>living in a shitty are where you can get robbed
>getting robbed in the weather conditions you've presented
>not carrying protection
>not being able to defend yourself
>not simply shielding your eyes with your hands
>walking in the street

Those al sound like YOU problems.

>> No.13164102
Quoted by: >>13164110

>being a defeatist

>> No.13164103


Then the AI decides you're a complete faggot like the rest of your race and makes another AI to talk to instead.

Checkmate robotheists

>> No.13164106
Quoted by: >>13164123

>Sorry, but people in general are kind of shitty.

What makes you think you're better? Are you sure people aren't "shitty" because you yourself are an asshole?

I may be a cynical piece of shit but I still don't think that way, and get along with people fairly easily.

>> No.13164107
Quoted by: >>13164114

No they don't. Don't be a generalizing asshole.

>> No.13164108
Quoted by: >>13164115

>Calling people kid on the internet
You can stop there, I already know you're a waste of time.

>> No.13164110
Quoted by: >>13164125

Okay, good point. I'll at least try to win.
But how can I hit what I can't see because I'm too busy focusing on whether or not she got that booty?

>> No.13164114
Quoted by: >>13164127

Guess people shouldn't have standards!

He did say "most", though.


>> No.13164115
Quoted by: >>13164118


Yes, I called you a kid on the internet, Mister "autistic 14 year old". You're the waste of time here. Thanks for being the moment's obligatory faggot. See you later, homo.

>> No.13164118



>> No.13164123
Quoted by: >>13164133


I don't think I'm better. I do what I can to be nice to other people but at the end of the day I've been screwed over more times than I can count. I knew someone would assume I'm unpleasant to others though.

>> No.13164125

Do or don't. There is no try.

Beat her and then you can claim that booty, if so inclined.

>> No.13164127
Quoted by: >>13164133

"Most" of the people here don't like them for that reason. They all have their own reasons for liking them.

>> No.13164133

Oh, sorry. It's just that it's almost always the chuuni kids who think that way.

Guess you've had some shitty luck in your life.

Plenty of times I've seen people say that, though I can't tell if they're joking or not.

>> No.13164134
Quoted by: >>13164150

>and never dump you
You make it sound like it is a bad thing.

>> No.13164137
Quoted by: >>13164150


>never dump you

Nobody likes unfaithful partners, you know. Traitors are widely hated for a reason.

>> No.13164139
Quoted by: >>13164149

Guys, this pointless fighting won't get us anywhere.

We need to talk about something constructive

Like Cait Sith massage chairs.

Hook her up with a bunch of those little egg vibrators and set them to max so you can relax in comfort.

Just don't forget to turn them off when your done, wouldn't want to leaver her like that for a whole day would you?

>> No.13164140

The only time I've have heard that used in real life is when my regional manager tried to not get me to report my general manager from stealing my sales and putting it into coworkers he liked's pockets.

>> No.13164142


Eh, its fine. I know its probably dumb giving up on others but I've had enough.

>> No.13164143


Well, I don't know about that, they're not all golems.

>sexy, horny, loyal and willing

This is bad?

>> No.13164144

A very large portion of the time they're either sarcastic or sincere.
Though usually it's the same person speaking his tastes over and over again.

>> No.13164149
Quoted by: >>13164160


>something constructive
>starts talking about the furry


>> No.13164150

don't just pick that part of my entire post, tyvm

a lot of idiots here still have that /a/ mentality of "all 3d girls are sluts and cheaters why do they not love me ;_; at least monster girls are loyal ;_;"

>> No.13164151
File: 76 KB, 603x604, 1421721193427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Wyverns and their Dragoon partners the most underutilized story concept?

>> No.13164154

My phys ed teachers used it all the time. While kicking our butts.

>> No.13164155

>Loli Cheshires eating your cum out of their onee-san's pussy
G-Goddammit that is lewd! Muh dick, damn.

Hijinks is good. Don't forget to pastebin!

>> No.13164156


Because its actually true for the most part for both genders

>> No.13164157
Quoted by: >>13164171

Normie pls go, and fellate yourself to your 3DPD girls elsewhere.

>> No.13164158

Good point. I shall do.
And then I shall earn her respect as a fighter yet.

>> No.13164159

I agree, it really is a mindset that's fucking annoying when it comes up.

>> No.13164160

Bullying the furry, but I agree with you.

>> No.13164164

Lewd and adorable. I like it!

>> No.13164165

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.13164166


>mindless drones

I don't like them for that reason

>that will have sex with you all the time

I'm not needy, I don't crave for sex most of the time, but I can do it with my woman if she wants to, no big deal.

I'm mostly here for cute MG content with little to no lewd.

>> No.13164168

Are you that guy that left?

>> No.13164171

>Normie pls go

Whatever you say you insecure fuck who needs to think he's special.

>> No.13164172


Imo its a pretty boring story concept.

>> No.13164175
Quoted by: >>13164209

AI Bladewolf Girl.
You a shit.

>> No.13164178
Quoted by: >>13164184

I've got an SKS and a few thousand rounds of surplus 7.62x39, I think I'll be fine

>> No.13164179
Quoted by: >>13164189

You sound upset.

>> No.13164180

What are smoking? There's several stories with that premise.

>> No.13164181 [DELETED] 

holy shit you people are fucking sexist as hell i saw a post on tumblr mentioning this place and i went and holy shit

ur mothers would be ashamed if they saw this was what you thought of women

>> No.13164182

Feminist/tumblerette detected.

>> No.13164183

You reported that bitch though, yes? There are two things I don't fuck with, underage girls and PEOPLE WHO FUCK WITH MY MONEY!

>> No.13164184
Quoted by: >>13164212



>> No.13164186

I knew it!
At least I didn't have to copy it down this time.

>> No.13164188

Don't wiggle that bait so hard, it'll scare the fish away.

>> No.13164189

Nice maymays.

>> No.13164190
Quoted by: >>13164218

Like the Geth.

Also, anybody else looking forward to Chappy?

>> No.13164191

Tell me more, I need a laugh.

>> No.13164192

/jp/ native pls

>> No.13164194
Quoted by: >>13164204

>Implying my mother didn't introduce me to MGs
>Implying she doesn't love cosplaying with ears, gloves, and a tail buttplug
>Implying I don't creampie her every night

>> No.13164197

I-I'm trying anon, really I am...but I'm just having trouble coming up with a decent start.

>> No.13164199

I think some writefag and that one anubis slut guy are trying to get into it.

>> No.13164201

My mommy always taught me to tell the truth.

>> No.13164204

Freud plz

>> No.13164206

No really, tell us more about being a strong, independent woman.

>> No.13164207

If you get that upset when people shit on 3DPD, maybe this place isn't for you.

>> No.13164209

Blade Wolfgirl with an artificial brain developed from the brain of a legendary wolfgirl soldier. Cold and robotic until the part of her brain that once produced emotions begins to activate once more.

It's only slightly more retarded than your standard Metal Gear plot.

>> No.13164212
Quoted by: >>13164220


>> No.13164213

Careful Anon, your insecurity is showing.

>> No.13164214 [DELETED] 

well maybe the reason you cant get a real girl is because of how sexist and high ur expectations are??? i mean when you look at this kinda stuff...

>> No.13164215

>All these people hating on AI
>Not realizing it's the key to true waifus
>Develop Monster Girl VR Waifus
>Introduce true, learning, humanoid AI to the system
>Watch as your waifu develops and grows to truly love you
>Transfer her to an AR system that follows you around
>Robotics and/or biological droids develop to a point
>Transfer VR Waifu to an artificial, but living body
>Live happily ever after
Of course there's always the possibility that, in the course of her development, she didn't actually fall for you, and just pretended to so she could get a body, then flee to live her own life.
But that's pessimistic of me to say.
You could always give her the option when she's truly "Born". If she says she just wants to stay with you...well, then you'll know.

>> No.13164218


It'll be a disappointment like Elysium, but I want it badly because Neill Blomkamp.

>> No.13164220



>> No.13164221
Quoted by: >>13164233

Bored now, come back when you've stoppend bleedin'.

>> No.13164226

Both of your shift keys are broken and you're retarded. Congratulations.

>> No.13164229
Quoted by: >>13164249

What the fuck does that have to do with Tumblr at all HAHAHA

>> No.13164230
Quoted by: >>13164233

You guys lack subtlety.

>> No.13164233
Quoted by: >>13164239

Just because you know that neither of you are good enough for real women doesn't mean you have to be so bitter about it.

>> No.13164235
Quoted by: >>13164253



>> No.13164239
Quoted by: >>13164251

Look, we all know you're either bait, or tumblr nonsense.

You can stop now.

>> No.13164241

I know it's been discussed before, but I think we need to go back to Monstergirls + STALKER


>> No.13164244

>going through effort of making a waifu that will leave you

>>>/sci/ is that way nerd.

>> No.13164249

Baiting 101: Be subtle.

>> No.13164251

It's like you keep throwing out boogeymen to escape reality, much like you do when rationalizing why real women want nothing to do with you.

>> No.13164253
Quoted by: >>13164279

Gasmask doesn't scare me one bit after playing Dying Light.

Now those NPC's, fucking christ.


>> No.13164256


>> No.13164258

I'm not slav enough for this shit. Are these guys for real?

>> No.13164260
Quoted by: >>13164269

>Assumptions won't make me look stupid you guys.

>> No.13164261

Yet another classic maymay, when you actually have something to say in rebut, feel free to say it.

>> No.13164265
File: 41 KB, 409x489, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, good sir.
Do you have the time to talk about the Sacred Maidens of Japan, and the wonderful deeds of Rosenburg?

>> No.13164266

LOL isnt r9k where the frog guy comes from and the "I HATE GIRLS AAAAA" that was hilarious XD

>> No.13164267
Quoted by: >>13164270

>not knowing the magic of slav parties.

You need to get some Russian friends anon.

>> No.13164269
Quoted by: >>13164274

so calling anything you dont like as being from tumblr or feminazi isnt an assumption? ok

>> No.13164270

I'm not the right skin color for that.

>> No.13164273


>Years after the creation of Waifu AIs, you're getting old and busted
>Synthetic bodies for waifus are released to the public
>Use all your remaining savings in buying her an actual body
>Give her the option when to go and live her own life when she's truly "Born" in her new robotic body
>She decides to stay with you, promising to stay around as thanks for being with her since the day she first woke up as a virtual living being

>> No.13164274

Then enlighten us.
What is your position, and why should we care?

>> No.13164275

All you need is a track suit and some squatting lessons Anon, anyone can be a slav.

>> No.13164276
Quoted by: >>13164292

What are you? Argentinian?

>> No.13164278

Such is life in the zone

>> No.13164279
Quoted by: >>13164289


Back when I developed his story with other Anons through greentexts, I imagined him as a mix of violence, comedy and grimdark, leaning a bit more to the comedy that comes from his... unpredictableness.

>> No.13164284


Of course, sister in fact I-
Are those wings? BEGONE, DEMON!

>> No.13164289

But does he own the shiniest meat bicycle?

>> No.13164291

Sorry, makings a set of imp pool balls.

Come back later

>> No.13164292

Latino, no I'm not Mexican.

Shut up /pol/.

>> No.13164294
File: 52 KB, 500x375, 101002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure LOVE getting banned from the IRC and the admin /ignoring me for asking why.

>> No.13164295
Quoted by: >>13164305

Actually that sounds more like /int/ than /pol/

>> No.13164296
File: 140 KB, 535x550, Crow_Tengu_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Look /hbg/, it's a simple fact that REAL human boys are disgusting and sluts who'll sleep around with any Oni or Manticore who asks for their dick. They're shallow and don't care about personality, they aren't pure like husbandos are."
>"inb4 Lizardgirls try to white knight human boys."

>> No.13164297

Based on the views for that Hellhound story, seems more guys are into that kinda thing then they let on.


>> No.13164302


>> No.13164305
Quoted by: >>13164313

There's a difference?

>> No.13164306

you arent missing anything, the irc is full of autismal retards

>> No.13164307
Quoted by: >>13164312

>Uruguay anon is still here

It's a good feeling.

>> No.13164310
Quoted by: >>13164349


Which story?

>> No.13164311

Which guy were you?

>> No.13164312
Quoted by: >>13164340

So do you guys genuinely feel better for not being Mexican?

>> No.13164313

Not much, /int/ is basically /pol/-lite after all.

>> No.13164314
Quoted by: >>13164343

>Counting bots and the peanut gallery

>> No.13164315

It should have been put on /d/.

>> No.13164318

But I'm gonna miss the people I often talked to.

ELH said "Everything I've seen you say in chat has been a troll or otherwise done to stir the pot." before I could say anything back.

I got banned like 10 minutes ago.

>> No.13164319

Well, he was trolling non-stop in the IRC and I'm fairly positive he's the one going on about how we're insecure and other such.

>> No.13164320

>He's going all out

>> No.13164323
Quoted by: >>13164334

Average? I don't even go to the IRC so that's an educated guess.

>> No.13164325

oh yeah didnt elh say earlier he wasnt gonna ignore inari because that wouldve been childish? what a guy

>> No.13164327
Quoted by: >>13164349

Views =/= People liking

All it means is, bots and random people aside, a lot of people clicked it and read it. It by no means they liked it.

354+ have read the Janet story, and despite how much I want pudgy slob Kikimora artwork, I highly doubt that's popular.

>> No.13164333

What name did he go by?

>> No.13164334

>he was trolling non-stop in the IRC
I was being facetious at most and saying I did it "non-stop" is just a flatout lie.

>I'm fairly positive he's the one going on about how we're insecure and other such
Don't be fucking stupid, I was always complaining about all the off-topic discussion. Assuming things isn't a good reason to ban someone, either.

Fuck, I hate dropping my nickname but I was sjis-cat.

>> No.13164340

I'm as white american as it gets. I just remember some old mainstays. Like how everyone knows Alp is a viking.

>> No.13164342
Quoted by: >>13164485

>and I'm fairly positive he's the one going on about how we're insecure and other such.

sounds like he struck a nerve, huh

>> No.13164343


On the subject of views and bots, has anyone else noticed that writers who seem popular on the threads have relatively few paste views in most cases?

>> No.13164345



>> No.13164346
Quoted by: >>13164362

If it makes you feel better I'm from a spanish speaking country too.

Fuck off already.

>> No.13164349

Bots can't get at it 'cause it's unlisted.

And it says in the first line what it is. Why would you read it if it wasn't something you were into?

Futa hellhound http://pastebin.com/NwbnQGX3

>> No.13164352
Quoted by: >>13164364

I don't mind that, since they don't develop an IDF like Bob and the like.

>> No.13164358
File: 237 KB, 1595x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13164387

>Full of autismal retards
I mean... I try not to be...

>> No.13164362

>Futa hellhound
What >>13164346 said.

>> No.13164364


Speaking of IDF's, how is LIDF going to spin her latest rant on the blogspot? Take your bets now.

>> No.13164366

You'd have a better following for your on /d/ than posting it here to stir shit up.

>> No.13164368

>View count
>read it
Not really how it works.

>> No.13164369

Not really. There's only a couple hundred people in the threads. If a story is a one shot, especially the ones that aren't publicly pasted until the bot window has passed only have a certain amount of views possible. And new stories almost always meet that minimum from bare curiosity.

The longer running stories that people follow with regular updates get loads of views because you're getting a couple hundred every time. That's a sign of keeping a readership more than gaining one.

>> No.13164371

Seems like ELH is going to keep ignoring you. Sorry, anon.

>> No.13164372

I sure as hell never saw you before.

>> No.13164375
Quoted by: >>13164382

No one cares about that stupid IRC bullshit.

>> No.13164376


76 views in the first day or so isn't exactly massive, even for an unlisted paste.

>> No.13164377

few compared to what? Other writers? We do have some new writers, and other writers that have several shorter posts (meaning you won't see any 1 post with a very high number of views like YBA).

>> No.13164382


> IRC bullshit

No this is LDR ranting about how emotionally unstable she is on the blogspot.

>> No.13164383

>And it says in the first line what it is.
As soon as you open it, it counts the page hit.

>Why would you read it if it wasn't something you were into?
Don't know about others, but I tend to Ctrl+F through pasebin links and open them en masse.

>> No.13164384
Quoted by: >>13164390


>often talked to
you were there for less than a week at best

>> No.13164385
File: 442 KB, 639x500, bad-end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13164389

>Cannot join #Monstergirls (You are banned).

I'm gonna miss talking with Hound, Inari and other guys who were pretty chill but don't remember their names (sorry).

>> No.13164387
Quoted by: >>13164403

You're a shit.

>> No.13164388
Quoted by: >>13164396


>IRC and other drama bullshit that doesn't pertain to Monster Girls in the slightest

I never thought i'd see the day i'd actually do this.


>> No.13164389
Quoted by: >>13164396


This must be your first day on the internet. Get over it. No one here cares.

>> No.13164390

What's your point? That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy having a chat with them, dude.

>> No.13164393
Quoted by: >>13164400

That's even less relevant, and from the chip on your shoulder, I'd guess you're ELH because no one cares that much about it.

>> No.13164396
Quoted by: >>13164402

If he could act like a mature person and hadn't used /ignore on me I'd talk to him about it.

Shit, I'm sorry for bringing it here but there's nowhere else I can talk about it.

>> No.13164397
Quoted by: >>13164405

Making me sad guys.

I may have to do another session of Lonely Hearts of it's still like this when I get back home.

>> No.13164398

In that case, I care even less.

>> No.13164400
File: 23 KB, 478x373, 1426021402833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Automatically blame ELH
> Conveniently at the same time someone gets banned from the IRC for trolling

Nothing fishy here.

>> No.13164402

Then shut the fuck up, just shut the goddamn fuck up you raging faggot.

>> No.13164403
Quoted by: >>13164408

I try not to be, I swear.

To prove it, I'll express how much I like Wurms, too.

>> No.13164404
File: 155 KB, 1178x823, 1404352066602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be princess carried by your waifu

I want her to princess carry me, whisper sweet nothings in my ear, and pat my head when I sit on her lap!

>> No.13164405
Quoted by: >>13164422

>lonely hearts


>> No.13164408
Quoted by: >>13164421

I think I recognize that bitchness.


>> No.13164412

ELH is the only autistic, perpetually butthurt faggot that cares enough to point something like that out from nowhere.

>> No.13164413

look at the post right below me, which is clearly by the guy you're accusing me of being. Less than 30 seconds apart. Take off the tinfoil hat and accept that no one care besides you.

>> No.13164415
Quoted by: >>13164425

But I'm not that guy. Now I have even less chances of getting unbanned.

>> No.13164420
File: 3.71 MB, 2000x2500, 1422942057413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165088

I want to be doted on by my Dragon Mistress!

>> No.13164421

Not Alp. Just someone who wishes people didn't fight so much.

Like, why don't people discuss why Gandharva is second best harpy instead of arguing over real life semantics?

>> No.13164422

Just some little thing I did last Sunday evening.

Wasn't really anything special but I figured I may do it again tonight if we are still sailing the shitstorm

>> No.13164425
Quoted by: >>13164432

If you want to be in the IRC that much, just join with a new handle, duh.

>> No.13164430
Quoted by: >>13164447

Most if not all the newer monsters are shit.

>> No.13164431
Quoted by: >>13164468

>>>/weenie hut general/
>>>/uncle alp's sissy ranch/

>> No.13164432
Quoted by: >>13164442

I did and he banned me again.

>> No.13164439
Quoted by: >>13164446

Hey guys

Raging mushrooms with all restrictions removed

>> No.13164441


You know, I was rereading the very first thread when we got kicked here just for the hell of it, and there was this same picture and this same post. The more things change. The more they stay the same, huh?

>> No.13164442
Quoted by: >>13164462

Wait a while and use a proxy, doofus.

>> No.13164443
Quoted by: >>13164468


>> No.13164444
Quoted by: >>13164468


>> No.13164446

Rape a lilim, duh.

>> No.13164447
Quoted by: >>13164464

>implying Hellhound a shit
>And Kejourou
>And Apsara
>And Hinezumi
I know we're saying that because of the new new girl, but please...

>> No.13164448
Quoted by: >>13164452

Let's discuss why Cockatrices are best harpies instead.

>> No.13164452
Quoted by: >>13164455

But they're flightless, scaly, and turn you to stone if you try to rape and run.

>> No.13164455
Quoted by: >>13164467

Exactly, cockatrices get you rock hard within seconds

>> No.13164462
Quoted by: >>13164476

That's lame and too much of a hassle when this could be easily solved if ELH wasn't acting like this.

This is fucking frustrating, man. At least I can still post here.

>> No.13164464

I hate all of them.

>> No.13164467

I want one of them to approach me in my sleep, only for her to start screaming as I grab her for sleepy snuggling.

When I awake shed be nothing more than a panicked, panting wreck

>> No.13164468
File: 100 KB, 620x877, 1419813388047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13164472

Why do you guys hate romantic and dominant girls? They're the best.

>> No.13164472

>Why don't you like what I like?
I dunno about you, but I resent being treated like a child.

>> No.13164473
File: 91 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13164476

thats what happens when the admin of an irc is a pussy

>> No.13164480
Quoted by: >>13164510

What don't you hate?

>> No.13164481
Quoted by: >>13164487

That's pretty childish itself, honestly.

>> No.13164483
File: 99 KB, 800x600, 1416311696190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13164485
File: 37 KB, 400x229, 9ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13164487
Quoted by: >>13164494

Is that so?

Care to elaborate?

>> No.13164493

How was that stuff listed in the post childish? It's just head pats, princess carrying, and romantic lovey-dovey talk. Just because it's an inverted relationship dynamic doesn't make it childish. I think it's cute.

>> No.13164494
Quoted by: >>13164504

A good number of children don't like being treated as children.

>> No.13164499

Normally I don't justify autists like this, but it's time for another "Why is this faggot shitting up the thread and why is it supposedly ELH's fault?"

So first off you need some backstory - this new guy joins the IRC. He's a little abrasive but it's the internet, who gives a fuck? But then he literally keeps going. Even the Energizer bunny could take notes from this faggot at how many "dank memes" and /pol/-level shits he was spewing out. So I banned him, following my instincts.

At the same time we all found out his vHost name. It turns out it is the very same tagline/mantra/whatever you want to call it of a cyberstalker that's waifu'd one of my quest characters. You don't need to know the specifics of it, lest your sanity and faith in humanity be ever lowered. In any case, this sort of in-thread whining is his standard playing card. He will do this until either the thread falls off of the board or he gets banned. It's happened time and time again on /tg/ and he's yet to learn his lesson.

I apologize that his behavior's followed over to /jp/. As for whatever's going with LDR, I hope >she is doing well.

Apologies for the off-topic. Report as necessary.

Oh and hug your waifu.

>> No.13164504

So you're insinuating that I'm childish because I don't want to be treated like one.

I guess that makes everyone over 18/21 also childish.

>> No.13164505

So someone bothered you and you banned them

Cool story bro

Don't forget to take off your strip when you make your next shitpost.

>> No.13164507
Quoted by: >>13164673

It's all cool ELH. Pay no mind. Most of us don't care about IRC in the first place so some crybaby whining about getting banned is more mildly amusing than anything.

>> No.13164508

>this sort of in-thread whining is his standard playing card
This is the first time it's happened.

Can you stop being so childish and simply talk to me on IRC about this instead?

>> No.13164510
Quoted by: >>13164515

Mantis, Kunoichi, Werewolves if they behave like dogs, and Cheshire's

>> No.13164512

I would send here nudes of myself, telling her that she thinks I'm a slut, she better come over and prove it.

>> No.13164513

>"Why is this faggot shitting up the thread and why is it supposedly ELH's fault?"

says the faggot making a long post about it

>> No.13164515
Quoted by: >>13164525

>Werewolves if they behave like dogs

>> No.13164517

Whelp, case closed.

>> No.13164521

You know, you could just talk to him about it instead of making such a long post while accusing him of "shitting up the thread".

>> No.13164525

Wolves are assholes, loving dog girls are what I want and I doubt I'm gonna get a good dog girl so Werewolves that don't act like assholes are my next best choice.

>> No.13164531

This post is so fucking stupid and filled with slander to try to justify banning me.

>Even the Energizer bunny could take notes from this faggot at how many "dank memes" and /pol/-level shits he was spewing out
What the fuck are you on

>At the same time we all found out his vHost name.
Something anyone can see? It was a fucking joke between friends from another channel, too.

>a cyberstalker that's waifu'd one of my quest characters.
Again, are you high or something?

>In any case, this sort of in-thread whining is his standard playing card.
Who are you even assuming I am? I've been on MGG for a week at most.

>He will do this until either the thread falls off of the board
This is not my intention.

>I apologize that his behavior's followed over to /jp/.
You know, you could stop being so fucking childish and actually talk to me like rational adults instead of mindlessly ignoring me the moment something irks you.

You're probably gonna ignore this post as well, but I'm not gonna let some random guy spread lies about me, even if I'm a nobody as well.

>> No.13164533
Quoted by: >>13164537

That shit makes no fucking sense.

>> No.13164534
Quoted by: >>13164543

Not exactly, as a person that age wouldn't really care about being childish and just be themselves without a care.

>> No.13164535

It's been some weeks since you've tasted the outside air. Feeling a bit stir crazy, you ponder going out. Luckily, your phone rings, it's your friend, Anon. He tells you to get your sorry ass cleaned and dressed up, you're going to party tonight. No objections.

You get to the place and notice there's quite a number of monstergirls. You've always done your best to stay way from the rapier, hell, most all of them. Before you can run your friend grabs your and shoves you inside a circle of people, falling on your hands and knees.

"Ah, another player, the more the better!" a Holstaurus says chipperly, before placing a bottle on the ground. "New guy spins."

In the circle there are a Jabberwock, Kejourou, Honeybee, Mothman, Ignis Akaname, Ushi Oni, Giant slug, Zombie and a human girl.


Roll 100. Who do you get?

1-10 Honeybee
11-20 Mothman
21-30 Akaname
31-40 Jabberwock
41-50 Ignis
51-60 Zombie
61-70 Ushi oni
71-80 Kejouro
81-90 Giant slug
>91-100 Human girl

Roll once more. Evens, you get taken home and shown the time of your life. Odds, you get husbando by whoever you rolled.

And once more, evens you gon get dommed. Odds, you gon dom.

No rerolls. No, you don't get the Holst, fuck you that's why.

>> No.13164537


>> No.13164539

rest in rip

>> No.13164540

>werewolves that don't act like assholes

Just have to prove yourself superior to the alpha of the pack, and watch as they bend over for you willingly.

>> No.13164543

Go ahead then and treat every adult you meet like a child, see how that turns out.

>> No.13164545

>not becoming the pack slut/chew toy

>> No.13164547

>Fucked hard and married by a Kejouro
Not bad.

>> No.13164549

>53, 5, 53
>Domming the now waifu'd zombie
I guess I'll try to fuck her into a wight.

>> No.13164550
Quoted by: >>13164559

>all these people sucking ELH's dick

I could not care less about IRC drama but all the responses to his post are pathetic. I expected better of this thread.

>> No.13164552

Dunno if you guys now, but there was that indie game made by some game designer (I thing it was Kerny) on MGU with monstergirls fused with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It was on early development stage back then and I have no idea if he ever went any further, but just wanted to tell 'ya.
That dude was pretty awesome in fact, he made a few short games with monstergirls. I liked that VN based on System Shock 2 the most, and two with ultra yandere monstergirls.

>> No.13164556

Dom'd by my new Ignis waifu

Sounds pretty hot.

>> No.13164559

>implying he's not samefagging

Though he does have two dedicated cocksuckers in the channel so it might be them

>> No.13164562 [DELETED] 

Time for lots of cold, clammy love. She won't turn into a Wight on her own.

>> No.13164564
Quoted by: >>13164579

>I'm fairly positive

Given how often I get roped in with a bunch of other posts as an "OBVIOUS SAMEFAG I CAN TELL FROM THE PIXELS" I can only assume it applies to most such attempts of inferred identity, just the mix of people involved differs each time.

Views are flaky as fuck for measuring interest even with unlisted pastes. They give no indication of how many people read it versus skimmed the first paragraph and said "fuck this", and people's inclination to click the link to begin with is dictated by whether the title grabs them, or it has a tag that they're hoping means it fits one of their under-served tastes rather than the quality of the story.

>> No.13164565

One of the few profiles I don't like. Dom/sub roles apart, wolves are monogamous so I expected the same from wolfgirls.

I will have to use headcanon I suppose.

>> No.13164568

Alright. Here's hoping for zombie.

>74, 83, 25
Well, it could have been worse. Could have been human girl, I guess.

>> No.13164575

>It's been some weeks since you've tasted the outside air. Feeling a bit stir crazy, you ponder going out. Luckily, your phone rings, it's your friend, Anon. He tells you to get your sorry ass cleaned and dressed up, you're going to party tonight

Nah, I'm gonna stay home and sleep.

>> No.13164579

Like >>13164564 said, you're basically banning someone because you THINK he might be someone else?

>> No.13164580
Quoted by: >>13164668

What a garbage friend, fuck that asshole I'm going home.

>> No.13164582
Quoted by: >>13164643

Any real adult wouldn't really care.

>> No.13164586
Quoted by: >>13164588

The worst kind of "friend" you can have.

>> No.13164587
Quoted by: >>13164668

I don't like parties, my friend can tell them my direction and come here if they want but I'm not going there.

>> No.13164588
Quoted by: >>13164647


But I just wanna stay home, is that so wrong?

>> No.13164589


RIP in pepperonis

>> No.13164590
File: 107 KB, 392x481, butstaber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys wait
seriously you guys
what if
you were the waifu the whole time

>> No.13164593


>> No.13164594

You still haven't explained whats childish Anon.

>> No.13164595
Quoted by: >>13164618

>being this paranoid
>banning people you don't like
>justifying it with bullshit
>shitposting with your tripcode

And i thought you couldn't be any worse

>> No.13164597
Quoted by: >>13164620

Let's see, looks like I dom the human girl and then get husbando'd by her.

You know what, seeing as none of the monstergirls available are among my preferred and the fact that that this is better than the worst case possible, I won't complain. I mean, I'm not exactly happy about the results, but I'm not exactly unhappy either.

>> No.13164606

Apparently, I got husbandod by a submissive Ushi. Fascinating.

>> No.13164609

All you had to do was talk to the faggot.

>> No.13164613
File: 574 KB, 1000x1417, 2901f9e17cfd65c7b067a93ceab3a5ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166804

Evil girls with a dere side a best.

>> No.13164615


>Zombie, taken home and fucked, I dom.

I was totally with this until I had to dom.

>> No.13164617

In the time it took you to type that post up you could have gotten back into the channel, retard.

>> No.13164618
Quoted by: >>13164640

>He puts up with that faggot Inari
>Bans this guy

I don't even go to IRC but it seems like you'd have to be a totally massive faggot to get kicked. I have no sympathy for the guy

>> No.13164620
Quoted by: >>13164638

Well you can always be edgy and have her drowned in MAMONO MANA until she is the type of monster girl you'd like.

>> No.13164621
File: 68 KB, 325x422, 1405659587007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay, thanks. I mostly just had a seemingly incoherent stream of consciousness ramble about not wanting to do stupid things and the evolution of content frequency, platform and not losing sight of function. There was probably half as much shit I could have said in addition but forgot or didn't find a space, but that's what happens when left to my own devices in the late hours.

Still, hope things are working out well for you there. While the ends don't justify the means, I think it's a happier position to be in for all. I don't like that it had to end up the way it did but eh, shit happens. You deal and live on making the best of whatever happens.

>> No.13164622

Oh boy!

>> No.13164624

You're the autist if you couldn't tell he was joking.

He even said that he was joking earlier when talking to me.

>> No.13164628

Five familiars pregnant with fifteen kids

>> No.13164631
Quoted by: >>13164635

I already don't want to continue
There is some mystical bullshit

>> No.13164632
File: 381 KB, 789x955, 1400291053574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never bully a Crow Tengu for being a bookworm.
>You will never bully a Sea Bishop by making fun of her religion.
>You will never bully a Hinezumi for being short.
>You will never bully a P'Orc for being chubby.
>You will never bully a Cyclops for being a Cyclops.
>You will never bully a Mantis for being shy and quiet.
>You will never bully a Troll for having massive hands and feet.

>> No.13164635
Quoted by: >>13164652

geeze anon how vanilla could you get.

>Bullying tengu/sea bishop/hinezumi/mantis/troll
I hope you trip into a girtilibu nest.

>> No.13164636
Quoted by: >>13164757

Seems you two are getting closer to being normal again.

>> No.13164637

>You will never bully a bullyfag

>> No.13164638

This is definitely a possibility, but I worry about her turning into a monstergirl that I don't like. What's more, I cannot bring myself to do such a thing under normal circumstances.

>> No.13164640

last thing he said was "that's racist" after something completely unrelated to it

how can he not tell that's a joke...

>> No.13164641

I hope gravity is harsh on you

>> No.13164643
Quoted by: >>13164648

>Any real adult
Oh, I didn't know you were in charge of determining that.

My apologies.

>> No.13164646

Look at these attention whores.

>> No.13164647

Of course not, I was talking about the "Let's go out" guy.

>> No.13164648
Quoted by: >>13164677

Seems you're quite bothered by this, proving my point.

>> No.13164650
Quoted by: >>13164712


>you don't want to go
>avoid MGs normally
>get taken away by a monster after a game of spin the bottle
>but suddenly have 50% chance of domming the monster anyway

Ok, so if the monstergirl is meek enough to be dommed, why am I there and not in my own home, away from this crap?

>> No.13164651

>>You will never bully a Crow Tengu for being a bookworm.
I couldn't bring myself to. I would only do nice things to a girl like that.

>> No.13164652

I didn't even want all that vanilla. Like I said, mystical bullshit
What did I do, take the last slice of pizza? I don't even do that! That's mean! I don't even do mean!

>> No.13164653
Quoted by: >>13164666

>Bullying a Hinezumi for being short

>> No.13164657



>> No.13164659


So apparently I learned that certain wasps can be desensitized to your hands and get used to you to not sting you on sight. I'd like to incorporate this into a MG story (or one shot, whichever one comes first), but I'm having a hard time deciding whether to start them as wasps and transform them into Monster girls later on or just have them start as wasp girls from the getgo. What do?

>> No.13164661

Correct me if I'm wrong, but under circumstances like that, wouldn't she turn into the monster of the same type as the MAM- as the energy she was exposed to? I seem to recall that was how it worked unless some lilim bullshit was involved. Of course, this would be harder with some monsters than others.

Or was it just default succubus for turned women?

>> No.13164662

>Shown the time of my life
>get dommed
Listen, if I just wanted to experience normal life, I wouldn't be here.

>> No.13164664
Quoted by: >>13164673

You two gonna kiss, or...
Because do.

>> No.13164666



tfw no SYD with Monster Girls.

>> No.13164668

Not feeling THAT crazy, you turn Anon down and decide to play WoW like a good NEET should. Late at night during your session, you hear someone rummaging though the house. Baseball bat in hand, you go give the intruder what for. Do you stand a chance?

Roll 50

1-10 Homeless, famished Vampire
11-20 Innocent, dere Familiar
21-30 Pissed off fuck you Minotaurus
31-40 Fabolous thieving Youko
41-50 Depressed Echidna

Roll again, even you teach her breaking into stranger's house is wrong, however you like. Odds, you gon get raped within an inch of your life and taken for all you got before being cast aside.

How do you fare, you anti social faggots?

>> No.13164669
Quoted by: >>13164676

>Real women doing any work in sex
That's not normal life, anon.

>> No.13164671
Quoted by: >>13164678

Lilim can make what they want. Succubi can make other succubi. Matangos and some types of lamia can make more of themselves. Dark Matters are like a giant random number generator.

>> No.13164673
Quoted by: >>13164705


>all this cock sucking

>> No.13164674

Fuck if I know. I think her personality factors into it somewhere though.

>> No.13164676

Fine then, partially normal

>> No.13164677
Quoted by: >>13164686

>"U mad" defense
Alright then, good talk.

>> No.13164678
Quoted by: >>13164696

But Anon, she's showing you the time of your life. Something's not normal here.

>Bullying a hinezumi
Somehow that doesn't seem like a good id-
>bullying a mantis
Yeah, let's pick on the girl with scythes attached to her arms. Geeze man, at least go for the weak ones.

So I was mostly on target?

>> No.13164679
File: 285 KB, 800x800, 1424813253282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be faced with the question of how monstrous an Angel can be. After all she looks so delicate and has such a soft voice. She could never have any lewd thoughts, right?

>> No.13164681




>> No.13164683
Quoted by: >>13164693

When someone treats me like a child I generally find it amusing, and leave them to it so long as it doesn't get in the way of whatever I'm doing. Less drama than if I got pissy about it, and my ego's not so fragile that some dumbass treating me like a kid is going to upset me.

If I think they're about to do something detrimental I may get more vocal, and the few occasions where that's felt necessary most people have wound up aligning behind me, at which point the jackass got quiet and stopped fucking around.

Sometimes I've been called out for being condescending because I got the impression someone didn't know much about [topic], but rather than getting stroppy about it I just stop overexplaining and apologize for my earlier mistake.

>> No.13164684


>those two make one post each
attentions whores

>certain other writefags bring themselves up every time their waifu mg is mentioned
awesome its (writefag)!

>> No.13164685

Suddenly reminded that, apparently, KC Hornets can be forcibly made gentle by excessive exposure to alraune nectar courtesy of honey bees.

>The beeball exists here too.

>> No.13164686

Good show on twisting my words, mate.

>> No.13164690

>Dom human girl who husbandos me
This isn't what I wanted at all. Wait, she's a blank slate and I can make her into a variety of girls. All I need to do is get a were-wolf to bite her!

>> No.13164693

Unlike the other fellow, you're not childish.

>> No.13164694


Alright, alright.


The fuck is she doing in my house? Aren't you supposed to be rich and powerful and shit?

>> No.13164696
Quoted by: >>13164752

>So I was mostly on target?
Not really the first part. A dragon can't make dragons or holstaurs make other holstaurs or anything. Rule of thumb is demonic energy just plain succubizes most of the time unless you're dealing with demigod level demonic monsters.

>> No.13164698

All I know is that Angelgirls are in my top 5.

>> No.13164699
Quoted by: >>13164730

Rival vampire took everything she had.

>> No.13164700


Throw that kid out and go sleep.

>> No.13164702



I cast fist.

Now fuck off outta my house.

>> No.13164703

>Pissed Off Fuck You Minotaurus
Oh God I'm fuck I am so fucked I am-

Oh, guess I teach her morality and turn her into a productive member of society. Huh. I wanted to be dommed though but helping a Minotaur get her life back on track is fine too.

>> No.13164704
File: 951 KB, 700x935, Let's talk about snake church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13164751

Why do that when you can ask the wonderful snake cult to turn her into a medusa?

>> No.13164705
File: 255 KB, 800x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cocksucking. Just observing.

Anyway, enough of it. Can we get back to why Spaceworm's Apophis is going to be the Green Ranger next season?

>> No.13164707

>13, 18
Aw yeah. She has to stay with me from now on.

>> No.13164708

Dark Slime
Any of these can turn the girl into one of her same type.

Dark Matter
These can turn the girl into whatever the fuck they want

This one can turn the girl into any type of lamia

I think it was something like that

>> No.13164711


Such a sweet girl, she just needs to be taught a lesson.

I sleep on two pillows any way, the real question is which one becomes the top pillow and which one becomes the bottom pillow

>> No.13164712

She'd rather fuck at her place, feels more comfortable. Is that a problem?

Blame RNG not me, normie.

>> No.13164713
Quoted by: >>13164724

I'm going to splash her in ushi blood just so you don't have any fun.

>> No.13164719

I wanted the Vampire girl, but the Echidna is fine too.

>> No.13164722
Quoted by: >>13164727

The only correction I would make there is that Echidna's are just "mothers of monsters" meaning they can give birth to any type of monster. I'm not so sure that they can actually turn human girls into monsters though.

>> No.13164724

You MONSTER! That sounds fine actually.
Would prefer snake though.

>> No.13164726


>lady thief Kitsune

Oh my.

>I get raped violently and cast aside

Fuck. At least I'd enjoy a good frantic domming I guess.

>> No.13164727

Isn't there a religion where they worshipped them and transformed girls into lamias?

>> No.13164730
Quoted by: >>13164735

>what are fallen nobles
This works to.

>> No.13164733

>Have a Superb Lyrebird harpy gf
>She mimics sounds to screw with you
>She sneaks up behind you and mimics a chainsaw sound
>She mimics the sound of a police siren when you're out driving
>She mimics the sound of your phone's ringtone to make you think people are calling you
>During sex she mimics the sounds other monstergirl species doing the act make


>> No.13164734

If there is, then I have not heard of it. Perhaps some other anon can elaborate further.

>> No.13164735
Quoted by: >>13164756


>Blah blha noble this money that blah blah infinite power lost it all blah blah

Not my problem, she's getting the fuck out.

>> No.13164736

Yep, kooky snake worshippers in their crazy snake castle

>> No.13164744

How horrifying.

>> No.13164745

Fallen Maidens; Monsterization Case Studies; 08 Ritual

Echidnas are revered as gods by snake cultists, and their monsterization rites provide one way that the blue serpents' numbers can increase. However, as echidnas are the most powerful monsters of the lamia family, it can take decades of ritual snake-sex to accrue the demonic energy needed to convert a human woman

>> No.13164747

>Echidnas are revered as gods by snake cultists, and their monsterization rites provide one way that the blue serpents' numbers can increase. However, as echidnas are the most powerful monsters of the lamia family, it can take decades of ritual snake-sex to accrue the demonic energy needed to convert a human woman

>> No.13164750

So a nice Lamia Girl knocked on my door and asked if I could visit Snake Church one night to see if I'd be interested in converting.

But just what exactly happens at Snake Church?

>> No.13164751

Then put her and all the little snakes in cute hats?

>> No.13164752
Quoted by: >>13164758

I definitely remember reading something about environmental energy swaying what type of MG the become though. I think succubus was the default if they weren't exposed to any one particular type, but if you stuck one in, say, an ant hill they'd become giant ants. Then of course there were the ones that always create a certain kind of monster.

You forgot (rarely) liliraune, kitsunebi, baphomet, witches/familiars, tentacles which seem to have some ability to transform women though it's not stated into what exactly, giant mouse, and of course mad hatter, the OTHER matango. All that without passive mana corruption and we're probably still missing a few. Christ, being a woman in the MGE must really suck if you're an HFYfag.

>> No.13164753
Quoted by: >>13164789

Snake hymns.

>> No.13164754

If you are single I hope you like pits.

>> No.13164756
Quoted by: >>13164764

It's rude to cast a nice lady out on the streets . Can't she stay for just a night or two?

>> No.13164757
Quoted by: >>13164767

You sayin' I'm a normalfag or something?

Seriously though I dunno, It's just given a lot of time to go over things, it feels really shit that things had to be dragged on to and "end" the way they did. I'm under no preconception of that I handled things well, and it feels pretty shit, but the post-result is where things would have been better off going some time ago. The time and method is entirely regrettable.

We have our lists just like pastebin days, and any one of you could make your own. The sheer volume y'all produce really warrants a web form for updates instead of what used to be changing like five links in the header of pastebin, so it's awesome. Keep doing what you do.

That's about it though and honestly, while it's just one or two posts amid all the rest, taking up space and time with this is one reason I decided against commenting previously. Shit doesn't really matter or belong here but eh, just that once for courtesy since I got mentioned.


Honestly, I hate attention. If I wanted that, I'd stick to small, registered forums. Trips are used for accountability when necessary.

>> No.13164758
Quoted by: >>13164787

>HFY Women

They won't need to worry about that after a while

>> No.13164759

Cute boys getting shown the wonders of snake pussy by the entire congregation. All at once.

>> No.13164764


She could've knocked on my door and asked politely instead of breaking my fucking window and sneaking inside.

I'd still say no because I go into Fucking Pissed mode when my sleep is interrupted.

>> No.13164765
Quoted by: >>13164773

>Races that can change human women into monsters had that ability to begin with. However, they aren't necessarily the only ones that can change human women into monsters. Although it can take some time, there are various spells and magical rituals for changing humans into monsters that exist in the world.

>One of them is the “ritual of the snake god” performed by the snake god faith. The snake god faith is one of the monster faiths where the monster “Echidna” is worshiped as a god. It's treated as heresy by the order of the chief god. To them, the snake is the symbol of bountiful harvest, eternity, and womanhood. We can say that the form of lamia family monsters having a snake body binding men, and the motherly nature of echidna, the mother of monsters, are truly symbols of eternity and womanhood.

>Also, they are symbolic of “power”, since they can seize the prey they desire, claim it as their own, and bind it to themselves. Not only echidna, but other lamia family monsters such as “medusa” and “lamia” also generally end up as targets of worship as relatives of god. The worshipers have peculiar values. Their children are also raised with those values from generation to generation. Along with their god echidna, they hold monsters in an entirely positive light. They desire the power to bind what they want to themselves the way that monsters, especially lamia family monsters can. Human girls brought up that way since early childhood strongly desire to become monsters themselves and acquire a beautiful, alluring snake body. Becoming an echidna means becoming a god themselves. Becoming another lamia family monster is also an act of approaching godhood. The ritual for converting such girls into monsters is the “ritual of the snake god”. The ritual is performed using numerous snakes.

>> No.13164767
Quoted by: >>13164776

I'm not trying to insult you now.

>> No.13164770
File: 492 KB, 809x1145, b743268bdaaf01efe45738eb1161c90c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeless, famished Vampire
I want to feed and make her a proud and powerful entity

>> No.13164773
Quoted by: >>13164787

>By continuously exposing the snakes to the demonic energy of echidna and other lamia family monsters over a prolonged period of time, they can infuse them with demonic energy for future use. The ritual is performed over a special magic square that changes the body to make it easier to receive demonic energy and pleasure. The snakes infused with demonic energy are released onto the girl's body, crawling around, coiling around, and binding her while giving her pleasure. The demonic energy settles in overnight. At the same time when the girl's body changes into that of a monster, in the case that she changes into a medusa or echidna, the snakes used in the ritual join with the girl's body, becoming her hair snakes. Once the ritual is over, the girls are ecstatic that their body has changed into a beautiful snake body like that of a god. They will then immediately desire to use that body to bind the man they love to them eternally, continually connected.

>As for the preparation of this ritual, when young men are offered up as sacrifices, in exchange, the lamia family monsters will continuously have sex with them, and the demonic energy produced from all that sex is then infused into the snakes. The higher the rank of the lamia family monster, the longer it takes for the preparation. If they're snakes for lower rank lamia, then it can be done in a few days at the earliest, but in order to produce a high rank echidna, it takes at least several years, and could take decades, depending on the case. That's why these girls feel extremely happy and honored to be chosen for the snake god's ritual, and even more so if they're able to change into an echidna.

Apparently, it's random.

>> No.13164776

Nah I know, was a joke. I could have made that clearer with the segway to serious tone.

>> No.13164785
Quoted by: >>13164813

Apparently it's spelt segue

>> No.13164786

>"You're an Angel, right?"
>"From the heavens, correct? Sent from God or something to watch over me during my adventure?"
>That is correct.
>"I see. And, as an angel, you wouldn't have any lewd thoughts, correct? Your too pure to let that happen."
>"It must be boring. Sitting up there, watching the world below and the people with their daily activities for hundreds of thousands of years. It must be a very uneventful job."
>Well I-I wouldn't say uneventful
>"You wouldn't? And why is that? Have you found things that interest you while you watch?"
>You could say that..
>"I could say that. And, by chance, what is it you find amusing?"
>"Nature, hm? Ah yes, nature. The blooming world in which Gaia has given us. Plants, animals, humans; which do you prefer?"
>W-Well, I like watching human nature
>"Of course! That's what you're tasked to do! to watch us humans live and coexist with the Mamono. To watch us live, breath, build,"
>"Oh my, you've seen to gone red. Are you running a fever?"
>"What am I talking about; you're an angel! Angels can't get sick! Or maybe... you're thinking of something."
>"What are you thinking about, hm? You seemed to flinch at the word reproduction earlier. Are you telling me an angel like you is thinking about lewd things?"
>A-Absolutely not!
>"Then I guess you would be fine if I were to ramble, I myself like the topic of reporduction mysef. About the vagina, of the pleasure points of the body, the penis. Oh, and the positions, the many positions!"
>"Yes! 69, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl -my personal favourite-, missionary- your face! Why, it's so red!""
>I-Ignore it
>"Have I offended? I thought you were interested. Or are you curious. You seemed to light up when I mentioned the P word."
>I-I'm not
>"Have you seen one?"
>One what?
>"A penis?"
>O-Of course!
>"What does it look like?"
>It looks like..
>A... wine bottle!
>"...You've never seen one."
>S-Shut up

>> No.13164787
Quoted by: >>13164804

Because they'll be extinct or because there are several matango growing in that old bell tower no one ever goes into?

>By continuously exposing the snakes to the demonic energy
Like, actual snakes? Not lamias of some sort?
>The snakes... giving her pleasure.
Man, I really hope they're talking about being in the middle of a mating b-
>in the case that she changes into a medusa or echidna, the snakes used in the ritual join with the girl's body
He meant actual fucking snakes! I'm going to assume that "giving her pleasure" line was nonsexual.

>> No.13164789

Better break out that pungi, I suppose.

>> No.13164798

>Angel teasing

>> No.13164802

Had a feeling it was, but the point still stands.

>> No.13164804
Quoted by: >>13164810

You're overthinking the line, the snakes crawl? on her, infusing the girl with DE. Snakes don't know how to have sex with humans, you dummy. Besides, it feels god to have a snake slide on you.

>> No.13164808

When assaulted by a monster, a woman will be converted into the same type of monster responsible for attacking her. Some have specific methods, or can do so instantly. The rest take a while.

Elemental conversion works a bit differently, seeing how the four greater elementals can only turn women into generic succubi. Transformation usually happens because a soul from the recently deceased attaches itself to an environment rich in a certain element, but you can headcanon something better.

Those who are in a Demon Realm will turn into the most common species of said realm, which is almost always the succubi.

Dark Slimes absorb the woman and later spit her back out as a new Dark Slime.

"Normal" Dark Matters are mindless rape trains that seek out a female to merge with and live vicariously through. A "complete" Dark Matter turns women into powerful succubi.

There are rituals meant to turn women into specific monsters, including the snake cult's ritual meant to turn a human into an Echidna.

The Apophis' venom converts women into lamia. It doesn't specify what type.

Egyptian MGs can turn human women into Mummy servants.

Wights can zombify humans with a touch.

Any item can be enchanted with the energy of monsters to transform whoever holds it, and cannot be removed under normal circumstances.

Lilim can turn humans into any monster except more Lilim, but one needs the appropriate personality and desires in order to become a high level MG like a Dragon, Echidna, or Baphomet.

>> No.13164810

>Besides, it feels god to have a snake slide on you.
Yup, that's what I'm going to go with. Still, I like the image of one desperate human girl schlicking to her thoughts while in the middle of a mating ball more.

>> No.13164813

Oh, yeah. I like that it still has an entry to explain that it's a common misspelling. Language and inherited words are fun like that.

>> No.13164814

Honestly this whole thing about intentionally changing a human girl into a monster waifu sounds quite complicated and like a lot work. Methinks it might just be easier to go out and find your preferred monster waifu instead.

>> No.13164818

>Teasing an angel
Yes, yes. Very good.

>> No.13164821
Quoted by: >>13164845

But don't you want less icky human girls in the world?

>> No.13164823

Easier? Sure (unless you like succubi, since everyone and everything seems to have the ability to make more succubi). More fun? Maybe. As mentally intriguing? No.

Ah, so the key is assault or, barring that, monster density, leaning towards succubi anyway. Got it.

>> No.13164828

>bans this guy but not psychofox inari or aftyn

How about you spend less time drafting excuses and more time moderating?

>> No.13164830

Didn't KC also recently say that Lilim also can't make Pharaohs

>> No.13164833

>Not alping your best friend into a hot housewife

>> No.13164837
Quoted by: >>13164848

Yeah, you had to be a pharaoh to become a, uh, pharaoh. Wonder what traits would be required to become an anubis?

>> No.13164845
Quoted by: >>13164863

Not really. Corruption isn't my thing, and I'd probably feel bad about forcefully transforming a normal human girl under most circumstances. Then there's the fact that not ALL human girls are so bad, combined with the fact that existence of monstergirls would remove woman's monopoly on vagina and probably force them to to try to make themselves more attractive to men in an effort to stay relevant.

>> No.13164848

Being a domineering bitch with a hint of autism.

>> No.13164855

>Not alping your worst enemy into a hot submissive housewife
Seems more my style.

>> No.13164858

Do we have any stories of human girls monsterizing themselves because they can't compete or they don't want to lose their men?



>> No.13164860
Quoted by: >>13164866

I swear there is one
I feel like there is one

>> No.13164861

With "friends" like you...

>> No.13164862
Quoted by: >>13164889

That's transformation and belongs on /d/ though.

>> No.13164863
Quoted by: >>13164876

>Then there's the fact that not ALL human girls are so bad
This. 2D human girls aren't bad.

>> No.13164864
Quoted by: >>13164889

I've definitely come across a couple, unfortunately I can't fucking remember any except one that involves /u/.

>> No.13164866

There's corruption, like seafoam's story and that greentext with the apophis biting some guy's girlfriend. And one with a ushi oni but I don't remember anything else.

We need more corruption up in this bitch.

>> No.13164876
Quoted by: >>13164892

I know saying this is basically heresy on 4chan, but not even all 3D girls are so bad. I mean I know that I've come across so some real bro-tier girls, of course by this I mean they're basically just "one of the guys." Some of them were even attractive.

>> No.13164877

That's right.

He also answered quite a few alpification questions since he started doing Q&As. The thread chose to ignore the majority of it to preserve what little sanity is left.

>> No.13164880
Quoted by: >>13164899

Well, to be fair only one of those guys claimed to be a friend. And shouldn't your wife be your best friend anyway?

>> No.13164886

>You will never be a guest at Mamma Apophis's home with her 3 beautiful daughters
>You will never be happy to be a part of a new home like hers
>You will never, however notice something to be off about the family as a whole
>You will never eventually stumble across the truth surrounding the family during your stay
>You will never realize Mamma Apophis is a crazy lamia who kidnapped a bunch of human girls and turned them into her brainwashed lamian daughters
>You will never have to defeat her and escape her home, knowing that she'll probably do the same to more girls.

>She is a former caretaker of a group of human girls who were mortally wounded in a terrible accident, leaving the only way to save them to be that she turns them into lamiae like her
>You will never be asked whether or not her decision to force them to live another life as monsters that she's not sure they loved was the right choice

>> No.13164889
Quoted by: >>13164904

I don't...are transformation and corruption the same thing? The main reason there's so few corruption stories is that we've gotten so disgustingly vanilla we underuse things from the setting, and it freaks some anons out.

Which one? The only ones I remember involved blood, biting, or impregnation.

You know what, fuck it, don't tell me.

>> No.13164892
Quoted by: >>13164949

Just forget trying to convince anyone here otherwise anon, most people are obsessed with the idea that real women are the devil incarnate, and refuse to leave their fantasy hugbox for fear of coming to terms with reality.

>> No.13164893

>Human waifu is dying on Key aids or some shit
>Requests to be turned into monstergirl so she can stay with her husbando
>Happy end
Might make for an interesting premise.

>> No.13164895
Quoted by: >>13164914

That Ushi-Oni one gave me such a confusing boner.

>> No.13164898

Also pretty good.

Hey man...Yeah, I've got nothing.

>> No.13164899
Quoted by: >>13164917

I want to punch you as hard as I can. And I'm a big guy.

To hell with baneposting.

>> No.13164904
Quoted by: >>13164921

They're technically being transformed into an entirely different creature, so it's kind of transformation?
I mean sure, corruption has a role to play with it all, but at the end of the day if they turn into a different creature than they were, it's technically transformation.

>> No.13164907
Quoted by: >>13164921

There's one I've got saved from MGU, "Midnight Mingling". I can upload it on pastebin if anyone wants it, don't think the author wouldn't want that or cared by now.

>> No.13164912
Quoted by: >>13164921


Was the Ushi Oni a doctor or a paladin?

>> No.13164914

Really? All I got was NOPE! NOPENOPENOPE!

>> No.13164917
File: 15 KB, 350x239, yeah, yeah, I'll delete it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? Well I want you to hit me as hard as you can. Then, when we're enemies, I will alp you and we will be best friends.

>> No.13164918

>You will never be bitter enemies with another guy
>You will never be Alped by him and forced to be his submissive housewife

Hot as fuck

>> No.13164921
Quoted by: >>13164978

So neither one of us is sure.



>> No.13164922

This is either some decent bait, or a whole new level of sub that I am not entirely comfortable knowing about.

>> No.13164927
Quoted by: >>13164941


>> No.13164928
Quoted by: >>13164937

I have bad news for you, I don't like dudes.

>> No.13164933
Quoted by: >>13164941

Or you know, he's gay.

>> No.13164934
Quoted by: >>13164941


>> No.13164935
Quoted by: >>13164941

I'd rather have an alp as a friend.

>> No.13164937

That's exactly what an alp waiting to happen would say.

We should stop before this gets out of hand, I'll leave the last response to you.

>> No.13164941

It's not bait, I'm serious about being that sub

It's only gay if it's two guys though.

>Alping someone and then Friendzoning them
Now that's just being cruel.

>> No.13164944
Quoted by: >>13164959

I'd rather stay as a guy and be a househusband for a big strong wolfu

Who knots me every night

>> No.13164949

Considering 4chan's main demographic, the main interaction your average anon is going to have with 3D woman isn't exactly going to be pleasant. Also considering that all of these "not-so-bad" 3D girls fall into the "not afraid to get dirty" and "rough around the edges" demographic (country girls, dedicated athletes, outdoorsy type, etc), which is the least likely demographic to associate with most anons. It only makes sense that the fewer bro-tier 3D girls that are out there have little interaction with your average anon, which only helps to perpetuate the 3DPD mindset.

My suggestion is if you want to meet some better 3D girls, for whatever reason, you get involved in outdoors activities, physically exerting sports, and the kinds of hobbies that get you dirty. Chances are you'll mostly run into guys, as you would expect, but the few girls involved in these activities usually have better personalities and more fit bodies.

>> No.13164950

No anon, I'm talking about having a gay friend that turns into an alp.

Only friendship, I'll even help her get a nice guy that won't bully her!

>> No.13164955

You would alp, since you're the one who wants to be with a man. I am 100% hetero male, not some closet case or bi curious, so there.

>let's stop before things get out of hand

Too fucking late, you shouldn't have said shit. Alps bring out the gayfags.

>> No.13164959
Quoted by: >>13164970

That's also nice too. Futa is shit though, fuck knots. I don't really like penises.

I bet you'd dress in revealing clothing while your Alp friend is over, just to be a cunt-tease.

>> No.13164960
Quoted by: >>13164970

A nice guy just like you, only not you? Gee, that sounds swell!

>> No.13164962

>outdoors activities
>physically exerting sports

Nope, i was never a fan of it. I'd rather fall down deeper into the rabbit hole of depression.

>> No.13164967

That's fine and dandy, but the issue with that is obviously that most Anons aren't exactly inclined to go outside and do much of anything beyond breathe and look around, before retreating back inside to sit in front of a screen.
>>13164962 case in point.

I will say though that having decent social skills and an ability to hold a small-talk level conversation is also as beneficial to finding a girl that's tolerable as having hobbies that make you interact with other people.

>> No.13164969

You said forcefully alped, but there's no such thing, you wanted to be the alp, therefrore you are the gay. And the dude fucking you is the gay because he's fucking a chick that used to be a dude.

>inb4 magic gender change

Like I give a fuck, you're fucking a dude.

>> No.13164970

I'm not a nice guy though, I'm quite the jerk.

Anon I wear the baggiest clothes I can at all times, no way on earth would I wear revealing clothes.

>> No.13164977

You don't want to wear a midriff shirt and compression shorts with no underwear to make your Alp friend squirm?

What kind of bully are you?

>> No.13164978
Quoted by: >>13164996


And in fact there's another one he made about corruption, this time with a surprise (being victim's origin):

The author's name is Newgate.

>> No.13164981
Quoted by: >>13165005

I'll step up and say that i want this to happen to me. I don't have the personality to lead any relationship

>> No.13164983
Quoted by: >>13164990

I'm not a bully, I just want a, alp friend as a wingwoman.

>> No.13164984

>Not having her do that.

>Not greeting her while your shirtless saying that its "Sexy time" in your household.

>> No.13164986
Quoted by: >>13165005

You aren't just that sub. You are gay and also a sub.

>> No.13164987

Well, yeah. That's pretty much the principal problem. Aside from boards like /k/, /an/, /fit/ and /out/, your average anon isn't the sort of person with any interest in outdoors or physically exerting activities.

Now to relate this all to monstergirls, I guarantee that getting involved in those sorts of activities will make you a little more attractive to most monstergirls and more likely to run into specific types. Of course, whether or not the types in question here are the kind you're interested in is up to you.

>> No.13164990
Quoted by: >>13164994

An Alp friend, Anon

>> No.13164992

"Nice" as in "good, high quality or appealing," not necessarily kind. I wonder if alps would still go for assholes or would MAMONO MANA fix that?

>> No.13164994
Quoted by: >>13164999

Ah for fucks sake that's what I meant to say.

Thank you for the correction anyway.

>> No.13164996

Many thanks anon.

>> No.13164999

Eh, no harm done

>> No.13165001

>women only go for assholes
by making a statement like that, you're an asshole as well
the difference between other assholes and you is that they've got confidence in their assholery, plus looks to back it up

>> No.13165002
Quoted by: >>13165008

Probably, alps are the biggest sluts aside from monoeye'd bitches.

>> No.13165003

I really don't hate anyone. Its that relationships are legitimately just not worth it for me. I had what a lot of people would consider "real happiness" with someone for a long time, and I still preferred things like this even then. Real sex and relationships have never been my thing..

>> No.13165004

Unfortunately anon here has it right. Woman aren't just interested in assholes, they're very specifically interested in confident assholes only.

>> No.13165005

>Implying Sabbath/Whatever Magic Cult wouldn't make advances to make Forcibly Alping a thing
They have magic to do all kinds of shit, I'm sure Alpification is there, just not popular since most Monster Girls want human boys.

>Leaving everything to the imagination
That's even worse, there's a reason 1-piece swimsuits are popular.

Me neither.

But I don't like dick, and I wouldn't be a guy sucking dick either. Ergo, not gay.

>> No.13165008
Quoted by: >>13165019

That's a hell of a statement. I never said they only went for assholes either, I was more (jokingly) interested in the stereotype.

And elves go where?

>> No.13165012



>> No.13165014
Quoted by: >>13165041

>Like I give a fuck about the facts

>> No.13165017

>Implying Sabbath/Whatever Magic Cult wouldn't make advances to make Forcibly Alping a thing
Would they have a reason to? If anything, rather than making gay men into straight women you'd think they'd want to make gay men into straight but pedo men so their onii-chan pool would be bigger.

>> No.13165019

They have their own list.

>> No.13165020
Quoted by: >>13165029

Can you guys don't mix 2D and 3D again?


>> No.13165022
Quoted by: >>13165061

>Would they have a reason to?
Science should be a reason enough.

>> No.13165027
Quoted by: >>13165047

A huge point of MGE is that mamano mana only corrupts flesh and enhances spirit energy production. Messing with a guy would only result in making him some weird variety of incubus.

You have to want to be a woman or crave the dick to kill the SE inside and allow alpification. Even the demon lord can't change that. That's why her traitor husband can still do whatever the hell he wants instead of being corrupted into full servitude.

>> No.13165029
Quoted by: >>13165042

Please tell the normies never to post again.


>> No.13165034

>I don't like sucking dick so I'm not gay
>but I would totally become a girl and get fucked by a guy

This post is so stupid I've gone blind.

>turning men into MGs

Yep, only darkness now.

>> No.13165039
Quoted by: >>13165049

It's better to just leave now anon.

There's no saving this shitty thread.

>> No.13165041
Quoted by: >>13165068

Yes, the fact that "girl" is a guy. Don't make excuses, a guy with girl parts is still gay, a tranny. Deal with it.

>> No.13165042

Anon plz. Just because not all of us are bitter, cynical asshole with no life, and unreasonably hate life and society because of our own failings, doesn't mean we're normalfags.

I'm actually one of those bitter, cynical assholes too.

>> No.13165045

I said it was really subby. Of course I don't like dick and wouldn't like being a housewife and raped while trying to cook dinner, which is precisely why I want it.

>> No.13165047
Quoted by: >>13165071

We're talking about the group that created a potion to turn dudes into rape plants, they're not only reliant on MAMONO MANA here. besides, as I said they'd have reason to want him straightened out while retaining his penis. Note that I wasn't talking about alpification, but rather heteropedification. Totally different directions.

>> No.13165049
File: 65 KB, 339x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even an Anubis reviving it as a mummy?

>> No.13165053
Quoted by: >>13165057



>> No.13165057

You poke em at the same time and she yelps.

>> No.13165058
Quoted by: >>13165064

>Forced genderbender
>Forced servitude
Nope. Seems like a way to send it farther up in flames, actually.

>> No.13165061

Sabbath aren't liches, muh science, doesn't cut it. More to the point, MGs want men, there is no conceivable reason why they would want to alp their targets. You want to be the alp, that's your business, but don't bullshit.

>> No.13165064

I apologize. I wasn't trying to insinuate genderbending.
How about turning it into just an ordinary undead?

>> No.13165067
Quoted by: >>13165080

Wait what the fuck is that on her head?

Is that new or something?
Now we have a flesh eating monster, good job.

>> No.13165068
Quoted by: >>13165078

Except it's not a guy.

Is that you "Genderbender makes my butt hurt"-kun?

>> No.13165071
Quoted by: >>13165093

You asked if they'd have any reason to force alpification. I said forcing alpification is patently impossible in the KC universe because of how spirit energy works.

But another point is that all their magic and potions is just different unique ways of applying mamano mana. They're totally dependent on it. Anybody in the DL army is really. Only the creatures that pull from other gods or elemental planes have alternatives.

>> No.13165073
Quoted by: >>13165080

You remember that thing about all MG being female? You're still doin' the same thing. At least revive us as a lich incubus so we can make terrible puns to make our deadpan waifu smile or something.

>> No.13165078

It used to be a guy. It's still thinks of itself as a guy. It even behaves like a guy. Meme all you fucking want. You are fucking a man.

>> No.13165079
Quoted by: >>13165092

There are monsters able to train men so that they Alp.
Hardly something for the average anon to worry about, seeing how MGs want a husband above all else. The only monsters that might do this outside of a request are incomplete, desperate Dark Matters, Liliraune and Parasite Slimes, who try to restrict themselves to the few that they think would have transformed anyway.

>> No.13165080

It's her golden cobra.
It plops on her head and watches as she gives orders to people all day.

Undead shouldn't always imply MG.
At least, it didn't with me.
Also, I had referred to the thread as an "it."

>> No.13165084
Quoted by: >>13165098

>Does it have a vagina or a penis
>If penis, it is male
>If vagina, it is female

Those are the criteria. No tumblr "Well if you think/want/etc). So, lets look at Alps

>Alps have Vaginas

Well then I guess an Alp is a girl.

>> No.13165086

If it has functional girl parts, it's a girl.

This tumblr "You're the gender you think you are" doesn't fly here.

>> No.13165087
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, Anubis and Pharaoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cobra is mystical.

>> No.13165088

I want to dote on my Dragon Mistress, pampering her as she bathes.

>> No.13165091

Dragonslut pls.

>> No.13165092

Except they don't go after men that way, the guy would already be an alp, then he'd b trained.

>> No.13165093

I see. While I'm not quite sure about the potion thing, even if forced alping was possible they'd be the wrong group to go to to have it done.

I sometimes refer to it as xim.

>> No.13165094

I want to go bathing suit shopping with an alp and joke how she should just get a guys pair of trunks.

Not like she has a chest anyways.

>> No.13165098

Whatever gets you through the night and makes the guilt go away.

>> No.13165101

I bet you she asked for you to "personally" clean her most sensitive parts, you would.

>> No.13165106
Quoted by: >>13165164

That guy would willingly clean every part of his master with his own toothbrush given the chance.

>> No.13165108

Ahh, the taste of bitter defeat.

Or rather, delicious.

>> No.13165111
Quoted by: >>13165120

Point is, what was once a man is now a woman.
What was once a boy is now a tomboy.
Not my thing, personally, but hey. I'm not buggin over it.

>> No.13165112

I'd give her tongue baths.

>> No.13165113

>Bullying the alp.
Doing your civic duty.

>> No.13165117
Quoted by: >>13165122

So mean!

Don't be such a jerk anon.

>> No.13165118

Any proper Dragon lover would.

>> No.13165120


I'm not the faggot her, so that's a win for me. Go play house with your tranny.

Okay Thirsty.

>> No.13165122

Just telling the truth anon.

It's like when she wears hotpants.

Sad because she has no ass.

>> No.13165123
Quoted by: >>13165126

Don't forget to make her help you pick one out, even going so far as to make her be in the dressing room, turned around while you change.

>> No.13165124
Quoted by: >>13165138

The only thing that sucks about bullying alps is that it takes away from my time to bully elves, cyclopes and trolls. Not enough hours in the day.

>> No.13165126
Quoted by: >>13165129

>Alps are quick to pick up on lewdness.

>> No.13165127

MtF have vaginas, doesn't mean they're women. So no, fuck you.

>> No.13165129
Quoted by: >>13165151

This is a problem how?

>> No.13165131
Quoted by: >>13165139


>> No.13165132

Better judgement is if they have ovaries and a womb in addition to a vagina.

>> No.13165134

Meant for >>13165108

>> No.13165138
Quoted by: >>13165155

Maybe you should think about bullying them all at once.

Not sure how one would do that though.

>> No.13165139
Quoted by: >>13165153


>> No.13165142

So you would lick her perfect skin, watching her shudder at your touch? You would let her place a hand on your head, slowly pushing it between her legs before laping up her juices? You'd let her reward you by letting her take in right there?

>> No.13165145
Quoted by: >>13165160

MtF isn't achieved with magic.

>> No.13165146
Quoted by: >>13165181

I don't know who this Thirsty is, but I've got a glass of juice here and I'm satisfied with my fluid level right now, so.

Do you at least enjoy Wurms as a thing? You know, to get our minds of the whole...

>> No.13165149
Quoted by: >>13165157

>You will never decide to try and take up jogging in the mornings
>You'll never meet a 10/10 tomboy babe who passes you every morning, effortlessly rushing by as she goes about her own morning jog
>You'll never get into the habit of getting up to go jogging every morning, not for the sake of your own health, but for the chance to see Dat Ass every morning when she runs by you

Goddamn that was a good doujin.

>> No.13165151
Quoted by: >>13165162

Its not.

>Alp is standing there blushing and trembling as I strip to throw on trunks.

>"How do I look? Think the gym membership is paying off?"

>Drooling intensifies.

>> No.13165152
Quoted by: >>13165163

Sure, all while having heart pupils.

>> No.13165153
Quoted by: >>13165171


>> No.13165155

I dunno, I'd probably need a large area with bullying tools readily available and, more than likely, willing participants which actually wouldn't be hard to find. Hmm... I suppose the old football team approach is a classic, but this isn't without its appeal.

>> No.13165157
Quoted by: >>13165224

I remember that. It really was

>> No.13165160
Quoted by: >>13165172

Magic isn't real. Neither is genderbending nor MGs. In every universe you go to, you're doinking a dude if it's of the alp inclination.

>> No.13165162

>Get down to your underwear and she's still staring

>Have to snap your fingers at her to get her attenton

>"You need to turn around now, don't want anyone to think there are perverts in here do we?"

>"N-No, of c-course not..."

>> No.13165163

>Having slut pupils

>> No.13165164

Nah. >>13165112 has the right idea.
Oh dear god yes please.

>> No.13165170
Quoted by: >>13165178

They don't have a real vagina or a womb and ovaries.

>> No.13165171
Quoted by: >>13165173


>> No.13165172

Blatantly wrong, but I can already see that I'm wasting my time here.

>> No.13165173
Quoted by: >>13165192


>> No.13165177
File: 28 KB, 250x510, Dhampir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up /mgt/, I'm the writefag that is writing http://pastebin.com/KWtfaNi3, and it's update time.
I'll update the pastebin after I finish dumping here, but I figure I have enough stuff to make an update.

New stuff will follow this post, and as usual feel free to comment, critique, or insult me to your hearts desire.

>> No.13165178
Quoted by: >>13165184

What if it gets to the point where someday, they do?

>> No.13165180
Quoted by: >>13165203

You could try and not do greentext on pastebin you know.

>> No.13165181

My favorite dragons are Jabberwocks and Ryu.

>> No.13165182

>More cozy Dhampir

>> No.13165184

It still wouldn't matter because they'd still also be genetically men.
Alps are turned into women down to their DNA.

>> No.13165188

>Kate’s breathing becomes more ragged as you sit there staring at her bare chest, sweat beads forming on her skin.
>She leans down, holding your face in her hands and kisses you again, finally breaking away when you both need to breathe.
>”You can touch them you know.” She says after she catches her breath, staring at you expectantly.
>You press your hand against one of her breasts, and her breath catches in her throat.
>After a moment, she gives you a nod, and you start to squeeze her breast, eventually rubbing it in a circle, watching her expression the entire time.
>Kate stares into your eyes, taking shallow breaths and shuddering, running her thumb across your cheek tenderly.
>You move on to her nipple, lightly tracing her areola with your fingertip, then taking hold of the nipple itself, lightly pinching and pulling on it, as you repeat the process with her other breast.
>She leans forward, placing her hands on your shoulders to steady herself as she shudders, slightly overwhelmed by the experience.
>After a few seconds she regains her composure and moves closer, touching her forehead to yours, lightly kissing you on the nose.
>This continues for some time, you rubbing her breasts, her pressing her face close to yours and occasionally moaning in between the quick pecks on your face.
>After some time though, she puts her hands on yours and pulls them away, lifting them up above your head.
>”Hold these here.” She says, dragging her hands back down your body, stopping at your waist.
>Kate grabs the bottom of your shirt, and then slowly pulls in up and over your head, planting kisses along your stomach and chest as she exposes more and more of your torso.
>After that she throws your shirt across the room, and pulls you into a hug, pressing her body against yours and pushing her face into your neck.
>You wrap your arms around her, pulling her tight against your body, just enjoying the physical contact.

>> No.13165189

why is everyone so intent on trying to force their opinion on others?

>> No.13165192
Quoted by: >>13165201

Say it all you like, doesn't make you any less of a faggot.

>Don't call it a grave it's the future you chose.jpg

>> No.13165193
Quoted by: >>13165203

The dhampir from three threads ago?

>> No.13165194

Because my opinion is right.

>> No.13165195

They're human?

>> No.13165201
Quoted by: >>13165222

Say it all you like, doesn't make you any less mad.

>> No.13165203

>After a few minutes of this, you notice that the movie had ended some time ago, and the screen in just displaying white static.
>If Kate notices she doesn’t seem to care, simply content to hold onto your body, murmuring in to your neck.
>Yeah, murmuring like when you were kids and she would fall asle-
>God fucking dammit Kate
>You look down at her face, and yep, she’s out cold
>You try and carefully untangle yourself from her grasp, but every attempt at escape is met with her gripping you even tighter.
>Eventually you sigh and give up, resigning yourself to being a living Daki for your friend
>You manage to pull over the remote to the TV with your foot, and shut it off to get rid of the remaining light in the house.
>In the darkness, you spend some time reminiscing about how this would happen all the time in the past during elementary and middle school.
>The two of you would go all night playing videogames and watching movies, and wind up passing out on top of one another, waking up to find that your parents had thrown a blanket over the two of you at some point in the night.
>A warm and nostalgic feeling spreads in your chest as you look down again at Kate, pressed firmly against you, still mumbling nonsense.
>You lean down and kiss your friend on the top of her head, before wrapping the two of you in the comforter and settling down for the rest of the night.
End of the First Night

Should be, yeah.

I'm just too lazy to change the format when I put it there, and it really doesn't detract much from reading it.
At least I don't think so anyway.

>> No.13165204
Quoted by: >>13165212

The same reason why 95% of american time is war time.

>> No.13165205

>awkward teenage sex

The worst.

>> No.13165206

It's my opinion that not everyone feels that way

and if you don't change your mind to agree with me I'm going to lose my shit

>> No.13165207

>Wild Shiny WURM appeared!
>Go, ANON!

>> No.13165210

It doesn't really detract at all, it just seems silly to still be doing greentext in the bin.

>> No.13165212
Quoted by: >>13165217

That's bullshit, we go to war for purely money reasons, there's not many people here that actually give a shit what other countries do

>> No.13165213

>Shiny Wurm
You mean the one with metallic purple scales?

>> No.13165215

>I've got candy

>Anon captured Shiny Wurm

>> No.13165217
Quoted by: >>13165223

>war for money reasons
Yeah, WW2 was all about money and nothing else.

>> No.13165219
Quoted by: >>13165252

Start of Second Day
>Damn, you don’t remember your bed being this warm and snug.
>Not that it’s out of the question, but usually it would take drugs to make you feel this good in the morning.
>You also don’t remember ever sleeping with a body pillow, especially one that drools.
>Yep, last night is now coming back into focus.
>Damn, you can’t believe that that really happened, but the fact that a topless Kate is drooling on your neck and shoulder proves it.
>Better find something to eat you suppose.
>You try and move Kate and she’s thankfully much less clingy than she was last night, sliding off of you easily.
>You lay her down on the couch and drape the comforter over her, and then put on your clothes, leaving her hoodie folded on the coffee table in front of her.
>Deciding you could use some breakfast, you head into the kitchen to try and find something to eat.
>A bit of searching later and you manage to find some pancake mix, along with enough beef to make a small patty or two.
>You pull down a hanging skillet and start cooking, the smell of pancakes and cooking meat drifting through the house.
>Eventually you hear Kate rustling in the other room, followed by a loud thud as she presumably falls onto the floor.
>A muffled groan comes from the living room as you finish making breakfast, and Kate wanders into the room as you set the table.
>”Morning, hope you don’t mind me making something in your kitchen.”
>Kate looks at you with bleary eyes and mumbles something about it being better than eating cereal for the 20th time.
>You both sit down at her kitchen table and start eating, devouring the pancakes and burger patties like they were your only meal for the day.
>There is a bit of an awkward silence as Kate barely manages to keep her eyes open, and you remain unsure as to how you should begin talking after last night.

>> No.13165221

Shiny Wurms are actually those shitty shinies that are only a shade darker than their original color.

>> No.13165222

I am as calm as a warm spring breeze. If I feel something, it's disgust t your mental gymnastics how fucking "women" who used to be men is totally not gay. I mean, I'm clearly in th ewrong for wanting 100% genuine women, I must be a weirdo, fuck me right?

Nah, I am...holy shit I'm giddy now, because I realized just how much I like women, but you go ahead and keep being "not gay" it's not like you can hide from the truth. Or you can, maybe, but not in your heart.

>shit eating grin.jpg

>> No.13165223
Quoted by: >>13165231

I thought we where talking about more recent wars, and pretending like we didn't make bank off of WW2 is retarded

>> No.13165224


>> No.13165227

No they aren't, that's shiny Werecats and Werewolves.

>> No.13165231
Quoted by: >>13165247

War can boosts a country's economy, so us making bank is undeniable, but our reasons for the war weren't to make bank.

>> No.13165235

>"Not mad"

>> No.13165246
File: 155 KB, 625x1000, ycRGlLn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165267

>only a shade darker than their original color.
Nah man, that would be unhype.

>> No.13165247
Quoted by: >>13165256

That's right, it was to stop the people who would keep us from making bank by fucking with other countries.

>> No.13165252
Quoted by: >>13165272

>Though your bowels give you an idea rather quickly.
>”I’m gonna use the bathroom, ok?”
>Kate mumbles something that sounded like consent, and you trudge off to the toilet.
>You do your business and come back, finding Kate standing in the living room looking out the window.
>”What’s going on outside?”
>”Look for yourself” She says, stepping to the side. “It looks like you’ll be spending even more time here than you had planned.”
>You brush past her and look out the window, greeted by something you would rather not have seen.
>Her front yard is covered in at least four feet of snow.
>It would probably be impossible to get out her front door, let alone make it back to your house.
>You sigh as Kate turns on the TV, switching to the morning news where they are discussing the snowstorm that swept through town last night.
>The city has called off all school, and the local college has decided to cancel all classes and activities planned for the day.
>They estimate that most people should be dug out of their homes in at most 2 days, so everyone should hunker down until then.
>”Well this fucking sucks” You say as Kate switches off the TV. “I have a paper to write.”
>”I’m sure your professor will understand, it’s not like you’re just blowing it off.”
>”I suppose you’re right, but still, what the hell are we supposed to do now?”
>”Hmm… We could watch a movie I suppose, but we already did that last night.”
>As soon as she said that Kate seemed to remember what else happened last night, her cheeks turning red and her eyes going wide.
>”Hey, listen, about last night…” Kate looks at you with a somewhat worried expression on her face.
>”Oh, hey don’t worry about last night, really! It’s nothing to be concerned about!” You try and reassure her as you put on what feels like the worst fake smile in the world.
>Truth be told you can’t help but feel extremely nervous about last night yourself.

>> No.13165254

The last time I heard someone talking about how giddy they were over how much they liked women, it ended with them crossdressing, fucking their best friend in a public toilet without them knowing their identity, later becoming a crossdressing buttslut for a bunch of random guys, then being exposed to their class and made into their cumdump for a while, before being exposed to his best friend, who then fucked their ass better than anyone else, leading to a relationship. Like, if it were MGE or some shit, 100% Alp, off the charts.

>> No.13165256
Quoted by: >>13165268

I seriously hope you're joking, because if you aren't you would be the dumbest son of a bitch in this thread.

>> No.13165266



>> No.13165267
File: 215 KB, 847x1200, 1425238494893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier to breed a shiny Wurm than find one.
For Ryu it's the opposite. Jabberwocks are the hardest because they're encounter rate is so bloody low.

>> No.13165268

I'm just fucking with you man.

>> No.13165272

>You mean, you almost ended up having sex with a friend you’ve known since you were a kid, and it wasn’t exactly light petting the two of you were doing either.
>Kate looks at you with an equal parts awkward and relieved smile. “Ok, good, good, that’s good to know.”
>A few minutes pass as the two of you awkwardly sit there, trying to think of something to do or say to pass the time.
>Finally, Kate is the one to break the ice when she clears her throat.
>”Y’know, I think I still have my old N64 upstairs, you want me to bring it down and play some?”
>”Uh, sure! Yeah, that sounds great!”
>Thank god for Nintendo.
>When Kate gets up and leaves you sit there and think for a good long while about what you should do about last night.
>The two of did some pretty serious stuff, and you aren’t sure about how you feel about it yet.
>Sure, she’s a great friend who has been with you for years, but do you really feel about her that way?
>You’re interrupted by Kate coming back downstairs, carrying a box filled with an N64, controllers, and more than a few game cartridges.
>”Ok, pick out what game you want to play first while I set this up.”
>You take a look at the game collection she has and you have to admit, you’re impressed how many games has.
>Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Goldeneye, it’s like looking at a library of your childhood.
>Eventually though, you settle on playing Goldeneye.
>You start up the game and spend the next few hours shooting one another like you did when you were kids.
>Eventually the two of you are ready to switch games, after having a lunch which consisted of snack food and sugary liquid.
>You decide to play Mario Kart, popping it in and enjoying yourselves with a healthy dosage of nostalgia.
>Before you know it, most of the day has flown by and the sun is setting outside Kate’s house.
>The two of you think about what you want to do for dinner, pizza being out of the question because of the snow.

>> No.13165273

I know the story, don't see why you brought it up.

>> No.13165277
Quoted by: >>13165282

This is so comfy. Why can't I have this?

>> No.13165280

Eh, I never really got all that breeding stuff.

>> No.13165281

From the looks of it, it seems well worth it.

>> No.13165282

Because God hates you.

>> No.13165284

>The Chocolate Shiny Jabberwock
Good tastes. >TFW prefer the normal coloring to the shiny though. Purple is just a perfect color.

>> No.13165290

Purple is a lovely and underrated color.

>> No.13165295
Quoted by: >>13165342

>You will never work in a mansion for two Vampire sisters as a cook and butler.

>You will never become fast friends with the dragon guard and witch who stays in the library, although you had to watch yourself around her succubus assistant.

>The Kikimorra maid will never begrudgingly accept your presence, although you will never understand how she gets her work done so quickly.

>One day at dinner after she makes a comment about how she could perform your duties better, you will never joke about her just having to wait a couple decades before she can get those duties back.

>There will never be a tremendously awkward silence at the table as they all fall strangely quiet.

>> No.13165296
Quoted by: >>13165299

>Color of royalty

>> No.13165298

>The two of you eventually decide to make some noodles you find hidden away inside the cupboards of the kitchen, and eating some buttered bread on the side.
>As you boil some water in a pot, your thoughts can’t help but drift back to what happened last night.
>Will something like that happen again, or was it just a spur of the moment thing?
>Whatever the case, you guess you’ll be sleeping on that couch again, since it’s the only other “bed” in her house.
>Eventually night sets in, and the two of you get ready for bed.
>Kate gives you a pillow from her closet that you can use before saying goodnight and heading up to her room.
>On your way to the couch it crosses your mind how cold the house has gotten again.
>When you lie down you realize that neither of you ever got around to actually talking about last night, only blowing it off like it was nothing.
>Hell, even Kate seemed willing to move past it rather quickly, but then again who wouldn't be.
>You’d like to think about this some more, but playing vidya really wore you out, and you quickly fall asleep.
>You wake up later that night feeling like someone is watching you.
>You can’t tell who or what, but you feel the hair on your neck stand on end, and you have butterflies in your stomach.
>You hear footsteps on the carpet approach you slowly, stealthily, so lightly you have to strain to hear them.
>Suddenly they stop.
>It’s silent for a few minutes, with no sound beyond your own restrained breathing and your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
>You ever so slowly pull down the comforter to try and look at what was moving around.
>You’re greeted by a pair of deep, glowing, crimson eyes staring right back at you from inches away.

>> No.13165299
Quoted by: >>13165308

These days everyone's all over blue and red and black.

>> No.13165303
Quoted by: >>13165309

It's 12:30 AM comrades. I'm goin to bed. Don't let the Mantis-girls bite!

>> No.13165308
Quoted by: >>13165316

I don't know, blue, white, and gold look pretty good together

>> No.13165309
Quoted by: >>13165318

>Don't let the Mantis-girls bite!
Why would I want to stop that? Do they bite really hard or something?

>> No.13165312
Quoted by: >>13165315


>> No.13165315


>> No.13165316

Of course, because those color compliment eachother.
Blue and white, black and red, green and purple, they go together like vanilla and orange sherbert ice cream.

>> No.13165317

>Stealthy Dhampir Best Friend
>Probably wants to cuddle
>F-For warmth!
Oh my, yes.

>> No.13165318
Quoted by: >>13165323

Nah, just really hard BJ.

>> No.13165321

Well anons,

Your friends have been bugging you to go out drinking with them at a bar called Lonely Hearts (A bar for depressed MGs who have, essentially, given up on finding a guy.) will you go?

They have a special cocktail for guys who walk in.

>> No.13165323

I still want somebody to draw that idea of two mantises (Or maybe a mantis and a lich, for variety) nuzzling and licking at a cock affectionately, as their cool kuudere gazes look up into the POV guy/viewer's eyes.

>> No.13165324
Quoted by: >>13165363

I have friends?

Then again, from the sounds of things, it seems like I'd be a regular in a place with a name like that.

>> No.13165325
Quoted by: >>13165392

Sure, but I'm not taking the cocktail
I want my own cocktail. Or whiskey

>> No.13165326
Quoted by: >>13165431

Sure thing.

You went to bed right before I was up last time. Gotta get in fast this time.

>> No.13165327
Quoted by: >>13165492

Sure, fuck it.

>> No.13165329
Quoted by: >>13165525

Sure, I love drinking with my friends.

>> No.13165331
Quoted by: >>13165552


>> No.13165332

Why the fuck not.

>> No.13165334

Eh...I guess a sip couldn't hurt?

>> No.13165337

I guess, just as long as the company is as good as the drinks.

>> No.13165339

I guess I'll go but I'm not much a drinker.

>> No.13165341
Quoted by: >>13165353

I will drink and hope I end up with a dominant christmas cake girl.

>> No.13165342


>> No.13165349

Basically a bar for cakes? Sure why not.

>> No.13165351

I buy a round for the house! Cheers!

>> No.13165352
Quoted by: >>13165355


>> No.13165353
Quoted by: >>13165358

You're going to get seduced and you're going to like it. She'll have you in her bed that night.

>> No.13165355

You son of a bitch

>> No.13165358

Win win? Win win. Only, I see a place with women that desperate getting frequented by assholes. Maybe not the overt college kind, but assholes nonetheless. I guess with older women there's a decent chance they'd see through it/not want them though.

>> No.13165359

what... am i looking at here?

I see some text, and a satellite... but what is that in the bottom left?

>> No.13165360

Yes, I'll go. Try and scope out any chocolate girls.

>> No.13165361

>The creature slaps a hand over your mouth, keeping you quiet
>It comes in even closer to your face, leaning down to your ear.
>”Sssshhh. Why are you so afraid? It’s only you and me inside this house after all.”
>Kate? What the hell is she doing, trying to give you a heart attack?
>”I remembered how cold you were the other night, and thought you might need some warming up again.”
>You try and respond, but all you get out are some mumbles due to Kate’s hand.
>”Well, if you insist.” Kate then lifts up the comforter and crawls on top of you, Christ you can hear her grin in her voice.
>Oh god she isn’t wearing anything.
>She drags herself up to eye level with you and removes her hand from your mouth, only to replace it with a kiss.
>”You know, It’s very hard normally for me to express my feelings, but these past few nights have been special, do you know why?”
>Suddenly you remember the warning posters around class; a full moon was going to happen this week, reaching its peak around today.
>And you’re stuck inside Kate’s house when it’s happening, shit.
>”Hmm, I think you guessed it. Do you know how hard it would have been for me to do something like what happened last night under normal circumstances?”
>”I wanted to make you mine, but I couldn't make myself attack you like one of those depraved beasts that we live around.”
>”So I chose to let you decide for me, if you pushed me away when I came onto you, then I would have given up. But you didn't.”
>Kate kisses you again, this time worming her tongue into your mouth, giggling when she finally breaks away.
>”You came at me just as hard as I came at you, and it made me so happy, I wanted to take you then and there.”
>”Unfortunately, I was tired and clumsy, but there’s nothing like that stopping us tonight.”

>> No.13165363
Quoted by: >>13165372

>After a generic blackout and awakening scene, you awaken in a darkened room, the bed covered in black sheets and metal band poster lining the walls.

>"Eh? 'Bout time you woke up."

Standing next to you, naked from the waist down, is the strangest Kikkimora you've ever seen.

With Perky C-cups, Toned thighs and a pert butt, she looks damn fine. But HOLY SHIT she has more ink on her than a canvas and her feathers are dyed inky black.

It seems that Heather hit her "Bad Girl" phase and never left it. She's got pierced ears, a nose piercing, and a belly button stud.

Whatever skin you can see is has some form of ink on it, Ranging from words saying she's "Taking out the Trash" to a flaming broom.

Seems that other guys were "To wimpy for a maid like me." as she puts it, taking your dirty clothes into the washing machine.

Although she doesn't look it, her skills as a maid are second to none and, if the hog in her garage is anything to go by, she knows quite a bit about bikes.

Although she will ensure you wear a helmet to "Keep your bitch'ass brains in that pretty mug of yours."

She's quite gruff and won't take things lying down but she's pretty weak to surprise hugs and holding hands.

Give her a kid or two and she may shape up, dropping some of the peircings and getting a tattoo or two removed.

Although she's still going to want to ride on top during some bedtime games.

>> No.13165364
File: 207 KB, 722x1100, 7EMKNKV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just sitting here with all my shiny hinezumis due to the fast breeding rate.

>> No.13165366
Quoted by: >>13165376

Fuck that, last time I went to a bar I got a shitty Lich.

>> No.13165369

>Repressed Lust unleashed
Yes. YES.

Childhood Friends a best!

>> No.13165372

That turned out better than I expected.


>> No.13165376
Quoted by: >>13165383

Get better taste.

>> No.13165377

Whats the worst that could happen?

>> No.13165383
Quoted by: >>13165389

Stop wanting to fuck corpses.

>> No.13165384


>> No.13165389
Quoted by: >>13165396

Stop not being a corpse and not fucking your own kind

>> No.13165392

>Morning comes too early that next day, the sun shining through the silken shades and striking you square in the face.

>The bastard

>Rolling over in the bad your hand lands smack onto a strangers face, waking her with a squeek of surprise.

"W-whats going on? Who's there!?"

Her name is Cynthia, a pink furred and fluffy looking familiar.

She's got a petite chest, some dynamite thighs, and a bubble but just begging to be spanked.

She looks nice, not that she can tell.

Seems that she's blind, her blue eyes clouded over so that she can't see a thing.

Not that this has gotten her down, she's quite cheerful and is able to get around just fine using her walking stick, allowing her to traverse her house and do chores just fine.

Although you could always help her by carrying her or holding her hand.

Being unable to see, she's listened to a lot of music over the years, anything from opera to Disney, if its a song, she's heard it.

And boy can she sing it back, having committed many of them to memory.

She'd love nothing more than to sing for you, or just cuddle.

Her long, fluffy tail is a weak spot, scratch at its base or behind her ears and she'll be purring in a heartbeat.

>> No.13165393

Sounds interesting. I'm in.

>> No.13165394
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1413739831748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? You don't want a giant slime waifu?

Your giant slime waifu doesn't seem to care.

>> No.13165396

I meant not fucking your own kind BLARGH

>> No.13165402
Quoted by: >>13165404

>>Morning comes too early that next day, the sun shining through the silken shades and striking you square in the face.

Strike it back ya pansy.

>> No.13165404

You'll make the various sun gods sad if you talk like that anon.
Do it to Alopollo.

>> No.13165406


>> No.13165412

You get a human girl.

>> No.13165418
File: 2.27 MB, 1500x1500, Hey is that one purple Purple is my favorite color!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple is such an amazing color, I think we should start worshipping these Royal Purple Monster Girls.

So many amazing girls are purple.

>> No.13165419
Quoted by: >>13165435

I guess I could go for a giant slime.
I'd rather any sort of giantess antics with a MG to be temporary, though.

>> No.13165422
File: 99 KB, 668x500, ShinyGobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of shiny...

>Green version

Sorry for my lack of "content", I was super sick/basically dead.

>> No.13165424
Quoted by: >>13165430

>Dat Gameboy Color
Oh man I had that one. So awesome.

>EO Hexer
Is it just me, or is she a perfect look for a Lich?

>> No.13165427

Purple is a shit colour.

>> No.13165429

These fit.
You're a shit color.

>> No.13165430

She sort of does.

>> No.13165431
Quoted by: >>13165444

>Morning did not find you in a bed that day.

>Or even a house.

>You awoke to find yourself sleeping in a tree with DAMN THATS A BIG Elf.

"Eh? Wazzup? It morning?"

Standing six and a half feet tall and covered with enough muscle and scars to rival an oni, Eth'rale is a former elven general who has retired to be a park ranger. She's got a nice set of double D's and a nice, although unimpressive, rear.

Just don't get to thinking that she's a push over like those pansy high elves or lust addled dark elves.

She's a chocolate skinned wood elf whose fought the terrors of the dark and come out victorious.

She's quite serious and won't take anyone littering in her neck of the woods (grass) and is quick to remind you on the dangers of improperly finished fires.

That said, after a long day of work, she likes nothing more than hitting a bar and telling you about the old days when monsters were monsters, men were men, and the elves weren't all whiny bitches.

She does tend to get frisky afterwards though, so unless you want tender snu-snu, go for the ears. Nibbling or stroking them will reduce her to a quivering mess just begging for you to put it in.

>> No.13165432
Quoted by: >>13165442

I'm glad you're alive anon, you're great.

>> No.13165433

>veggie tales

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13165435

I figure that a giant slime would be different, actually. Its not like the slime needs to insert you bodily into her vagoo like any other kind of monster, she could probs make a person sized offshoot too. And even if you do end up being engulfed, its not that different than a normal slime.

>> No.13165437
Quoted by: >>13165442

For the first time, I don't like it.

>> No.13165438
Quoted by: >>13165468


The picture is awesome things that are purple

All of those things are awesome Anon.

>> No.13165439
Quoted by: >>13165461

Not him, but you talkin' shit about Spyro?

>> No.13165441
File: 373 KB, 866x1000, 36608864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys liked big, throbbing tailpussies

>> No.13165442

I almost hollowed out.

Had to happen eventually I suppose.

>> No.13165444

Fuck everything, I miss the Lich and get stuc-
>She's a chocolate skinned
>Former General

...Well, I guess it works. Not that I like elves.

>> No.13165446

>those proportions
Is she a midget?
>that face
>that tailpussy
Is it puking?

>> No.13165448


>> No.13165449
Quoted by: >>13165453

This is what your child looks like if your manticore wife does canip during pregnancy. Say no to drugs.

>> No.13165453

Catnip is a herb.

>> No.13165456

It's a drug. Have you seen what it does to a cat?

>> No.13165457

Whatever you say hippie.

>> No.13165458
Quoted by: >>13165463

My Dick is a herb

>> No.13165461

He called them monstergirls anon, they are most decidedly not.

>> No.13165463

Flat and sometimes poisonous?

>> No.13165464
Quoted by: >>13165481

This image is alright I guess except for the legs on the manticore.

Jesus christ did you saw her off at the knees? Shrink the body length a bit and lengthen the legs if you want that small person style.

>> No.13165466


>Kate leans down and nips your neck, then slowly kisses her way along your collarbone before sitting up and straddling you.
>The same feeling you had last night is screaming at you again, that Kate is something to be feared, that you need to escape, you are in danger.
>But you don’t, you can’t, this is Kate, and no matter what your instincts are telling you, you trust this girl with your life.
>You swallow your apprehension and lift up your shirt, pulling it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
>As soon as it’s off, Kate swoops down and buries her face in your chest, taking deep long breaths.
>Once she is finally done, she starts to kiss her way down your chest, starting from your sternum, all the way down to your waist, stopping when she runs into your pants.
>You feel her undoing the button and zipper, slowly pulling them off, and them dumping them off to the side.
>Your hips jump a little as soon as Kate plants her face right in your crotch, next to your growing erection.
>She runs her hands over the growing bulge, feeling its shape and curve, and strokes it lightly.
>You gasp and she looks up at you with a smile, giggling, as she continues to stroke your dick through the fabric of your underwear, increasing the speed and pressure steadily.
>Soon your hips are bucking from the sensation, and you’re about to reach climax when Kate suddenly stops, leaving you thrusting into the air.
>”Kate, what the hell?” you say in between gasps for air.
>”You can’t come from that, there’s so much more we need to do.” She says as she drags your underwear down your legs, tossing them aside.

>> No.13165468

What the fuck does grimace even do?

>> No.13165470


>Your hips jump a little as soon as Kate plants her face right in your crotch, next to your growing erection.
>She runs her hands over the growing bulge, feeling its shape and curve, and strokes it lightly.
>You gasp and she looks up at you with a smile, giggling, as she continues to stroke your dick through the fabric of your underwear, increasing the speed and pressure steadily.
Dick Status.

>> No.13165471
Quoted by: >>13165479

grimace doesnt even grimace what is he even

>> No.13165475

No. To everything.

>> No.13165479

>Grimace is a character featured in McDonaldland commercials. He is a large, purple anthropomorphic being of indeterminate species with short arms and legs. He is known for his slow-witted demeanor. His most common expression is the word "duh". He had been voiced by Patti Saunders (1971 - 84), Frank Welker and, sometimes, Larry Moran in the commercials, and Kevin Michael Richardson in the VHS series "The Wacky World of Ronald McDonald.

Source: http://mcdonalds.wikia.com/wiki/Grimace

>> No.13165481
File: 192 KB, 970x800, 28171864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that stands out to me is the coloring is actually really spot on and some parts of the anatomy are very well done

Just must be how this person likes to draw, I suppose.

>> No.13165485

It's weird. I wonder why they draw like this.

>> No.13165486

The head is still fucked, those claws are lazy as shit, but if he was going for SD this is far better.

>> No.13165487

>midget Anubis
The horror, the horror!

>> No.13165492

>When you awaken the next day you find yourself on...a couch.

>With a dead girl beneath you.

>Remember, men don't scream. They yell.

After letting out a shout that could, literally, wake the dead, you and your partner tumble out of the bed.

Turns out you got in bed with a thin vampire by the name of Villetta, her breasts meager B-cups, Thighs toned, and behind compact.

It seems this blond-haired seductress of the night snapped a year or two ago and decided to forsake her riches and holdings, temporarily, to live the life of a middle class "peasant", although she can get her money whenever she wants.

When she isn't taking in the "life of the commoners" she's a classy, if a wee bit haughty, woman. Expect her to critique your etiquette for a while until she remembers that she's supposed to be "normal"

Currently she works as an accountant, believe it is the most "normal" job there can be.

Centuries of unlife have left her more than a little bored with the "ageless beauty" gimmick so she's been trying new things.

She spent one decade as a hobo, another traversing the wilds of the amazon, and this one is going to be spent as a middle class woman.

And don't even get me started on the bedroom front.

Tentacle potions, raging mushrooms, whips/chains (roleplay), whips/chains (bondange), and even sabbath loli-cookies are on the table.

She's spent those long years without a male's touch and is looking to make up for it.

Expect a sore pelvis to be the norm and pray for a kid so she tones it down (till the hormones kick in)

>> No.13165493

Please stop, I'm having tumblr nose flashbacks.

>> No.13165495

Well yeah, the picture is more or less fine except for that one glaring flaw.

I mean, it looks as if the artist got lazy when drawing a full sized manticore and colored over the knees with feet.

>> No.13165499

>She spent one decade as a hobo, another traversing the wilds of the amazon, and this one is going to be spent as a middle class woman.
Living the fucking dream. If that guy doesn't want her I'll marry her, give her a little holst milk and we'll be happy forever.

>> No.13165501
Quoted by: >>13165507



>Sex freak

Well that's nce.

>choosing the life of a poorfag

I'm conflicted, but willing to go with it. Wish me luck.

>> No.13165507

>There are people in the world who don't like Haughty/Smug girls

>> No.13165513

>I have never dealt with haughty girls and think they're endearing, like in my animus

Fuck you sir, fuck you right in the ear, till you go deaf.

>> No.13165514

I bet they would bully the Mountain Bandits, too.

>> No.13165518
Quoted by: >>13165532

>forcing reality into fantasies
It's like you don't get the point of fantasies in the first place.

>> No.13165522

It's not like they're particularly endearing in anime either.

It's like anything. There're good examples, and bad examples.

>> No.13165523

Alcohol makes me a downer and annoys my friends. I'll take 3.

>> No.13165525

>The apartment you wake up in is a little dingy and dark, clothes are scattered on the floor and the shades are half cocked.

>As you roll over in bed you are greeted by a a golden eye.

>"Oh, hell" the two of you say at the same time.

Anna is a were-wolf whose fur is brown going grey and a body that has seen better days.

Part of a canine MG fighting ring when she was but a pup, she's gone through the school of hard knocks.

She stands a meager five feet and the tip of her tail is missing, ending in a nub while one eye is covered by an eye patch.. Her tanned skin is crossed with all manner of scars and one ear is missing a good chunk of it.

Her breasts are small A-cups, her limbs stick thin, and her rear non-existent, although that may be from her improper diet.

Seems that going through the system has ill prepared her for life, forcing to work at the local Mc'Nukie's to pay for her bills and what little food she can afford.

She's a little stand offish, thinking you are just trying to use her for an easy lay, but she truly does have a kind heart, working at an animal shelter on the weekends when she's free.

If you pop the big question on her, expect some water works and she opens her heart to you.

A decent diet, a good man, and a bun in the over will make you wonder if the cold, ornery girl you woke up with is the same kind, motherly woman you married.

>> No.13165526
File: 284 KB, 719x841, 48520911_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A manticore will never rape you stupid and take you in as her scratching post, thus giving your meaningless purpose

>> No.13165527
Quoted by: >>13165539

Hey, I was abused all my childhood by egotistical people as well as generally hate egotistical assholes, and yet I still find dominant haughty girls hot as fuck. I guess I'm just a masochist or something.

>> No.13165529
Quoted by: >>13165547

>scratching post
I've seen what ends up happening to those after a while. I'd rather die quickly.

>> No.13165530
Quoted by: >>13165553

>thus giving your meaningless purpose
english please

>> No.13165532
Quoted by: >>13165538

>being socially unaware
>living in a fantasy world


Fuck you taste, I don't like haughty and apologize for nothing.

>> No.13165533

I liked it.

>> No.13165534

Too mean for me.

>> No.13165538
Quoted by: >>13165557

>living in a fantasy world
Wait, there are Monster Girls in the REAL world? How do I get there man? This fantasy world without them sucks.

>> No.13165539

I guess you are.

>> No.13165547
File: 588 KB, 1000x1306, 44285591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a turn of phrase, like being a chew toy for a werewolf.

What if a Manticore didn't have a tailpussy?

>> No.13165548
Quoted by: >>13165554

Then they would be just a flying lion. Just a flying lion. Just.

>> No.13165549

Then it's be a scorpion tail like what a Manticore should normally have.

>> No.13165550

>Once your erection is free, she puts her hands on it again, stroking it steadily to get it back to full size.
>Once it’s ready, she starts teasing you by planting kisses on it, starting with the head and working her way down to the base, then back up again.
>While she is doing this, she begins to fondle your balls, slowly rolling them around in her hands as she works your penis with her mouth.
>As you get closer and closer, she starts to gently squeeze your nuts, rolling them in between her fingers
>This time when you’re about to come, she shoves your dick in her mouth, driving you right off the edge.
>You unload a huge shot of cum directly into Kate’s mouth, with an orgasm so strong it makes you arch your back and leaves your hips shaking.
>When you finish cumming, she sucks all the remaining sperm from inside your urethra, and then swallows the entire load.
>Kate then stares at you with those same hungry eyes, while slowly stroking your dick with her hand.
>”I have so much in store for you tonight” Kate says while playing with the head of your penis “by the end of it all, we’ll be so tired we might just sleep right through the day.”
>She leans down kisses you again, this time a rather chaste peck on the lips.
>She then leans down to your ear and blows into it, saying “Or maybe you want to continue long past dawn, hmm?” sucking on your earlobe until you become fully erect again.
>Once your libido has served its purpose, Kate pulls herself away from your ear and again straddles you, rubbing her vagina and pinching her nipples at the sight of your naked body.

>> No.13165552


>You, surprisingly, woke up that morning in your own bedroom that day.

>On the ceiling.

>"O-oh! G-good morning!"

The arachne, going by the imaginative name of Charlotte, is easily the biggest spider-girl you've seen, standing twelve feet tall at full height with breasts that would make a holstaur mother of three blush and a model thin waist.

It seems that her height has scared off all the other guys before you, leading to her having a bit of a complex about her height.

Whenever she's out and about she tends to walk with a bit of a "squat", doing her best to appear a bit smaller than normal. It works, making her only appear ten feet tall, but it also looks really awkward.

Outside of that, she's a rather sweet girl who loves to carry you around in her palipads and has an expansive library of board games, ranging from Catan to a Disk World game she found.

If you do decide to get together with her then you can move into her specially constructed house, scaled up twice so that she can live comfortably in it.

She also loves cats, having a couple around the house she takes care of and plays with.

Also, you can ride on her back like if she was a centaur. Although she'd blush shades of red not yet known to man.

>> No.13165553
File: 1002 KB, 1134x943, MGs in ACTION POSES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165566

He was implying meaningless life.

Or at least I hope he was since not much else would fit there.

Also we need some action in here. Action Monster Girls. Maybe even ACTION HANK!

>> No.13165554
Quoted by: >>13165562

>Flying lion
that's not too far behind landsharks in terms of FUCKING TERRIFYING. I mean, I guess manticores do have projectile rape spines which is worse, but still.

>> No.13165556
Quoted by: >>13165563

She's wonderful.

>> No.13165557

You already know the way.

>> No.13165558

Damn this is sexy as fuck. Loving it.

Though I find myself even more curious what the next morning may bring...

>> No.13165559

I kind of want to climb her.

>> No.13165561

Last call sadly, I've got to hit if for the night.

Want me to do this again randomly in the future or am I just eating up posts?
Anyways, night guys! Don't burn down the thread and remember to cuddle your daughterus and give them all the upsies they could want.

>> No.13165562

Manticores are flying lions already. With projectile rape spines and tail pussies.

>> No.13165563

>tallgirl arachne
jelly status 100%, you lucky bastard

>> No.13165566
File: 364 KB, 1075x1049, 1385229317020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct.

I need someone to give my life purpose. A mistress to serve.

>> No.13165567

Goodnight Average.

What about giving the thread freezer burn?

>> No.13165569

>swallows jizz
>kisses cheek

Marry this girl.

>> No.13165570

It's technically not on fire so it works.

>> No.13165571

You need to make more man.

>> No.13165574
Quoted by: >>13165578

>Mine was two away

Well, night Average. We'll try.

>> No.13165575
File: 140 KB, 584x724, Darkseid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow slave-mentality-kun, have you ever heard of Darkseid?

>> No.13165576

>12 foot tall spider

[Screaming Intensifies]

>> No.13165577
Quoted by: >>13165589

It's okay, that just means there are fewer places for her to hide from your boot.

It also means you're going to need a much larger boot.

>> No.13165578
Quoted by: >>13165586

>People knowing who I am.

I know that I'm one of two guys who uses this line but damn if I will never get used to this.

Thanks guys,

have a nice night and a grand Wednesday.

>> No.13165579
Quoted by: >>13165589

But she's nice and just wants a man to cuddle with!

>> No.13165580
Quoted by: >>13165618

Real men don't scream, they yell.

>> No.13165581

I hate this world.

>> No.13165582
Quoted by: >>13165584

I have not.

>> No.13165583
Quoted by: >>13165584

Man, that's just sad.

>> No.13165584
Quoted by: >>13165590

Life has no meaning or purpose. Darkseid wants to give yours one: to serve.
No it isn't.

>> No.13165586
Quoted by: >>13165592

Your writing format is also painfully obvious.

>> No.13165589
Quoted by: >>13165597

Hi Billy.

Sogghri I ssscgh oh haa uh disqk uh oh

Sorry, I screamed so hard I dislocated my jaw.

>> No.13165590

>I have no agency beyond the one I am given.
How is that not sad?

>> No.13165591

What's sad about wanting to be carefree?

>> No.13165592


The double spaces?

>> No.13165593
Quoted by: >>13165612

I just want to play malifaux in valerie's hobby store. Is that so wrong?

>> No.13165594
Quoted by: >>13165598

Carefree is not what you were describing.

>> No.13165596
Quoted by: >>13165609

Yes. The double-spacing.

You're the only person here I know of who uses it so much, especially for greentexts and such.

>> No.13165597

So just because a girl might seem a little scary at first, you scream in her face and hurt her feelings? You're a cruel man anon.

>> No.13165598

No responsibilities leaves you carefree, silly.

>> No.13165599

>giving your will completely to another

>Anon, smash your balls with this hammer, it will amuse me."


>> No.13165600
Quoted by: >>13165609


>> No.13165603

Just get religion you fag.

>> No.13165604
File: 682 KB, 877x829, 1392022984709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing. I am nothing.
To the world, I may as well not exist for all I contribute.

Is it so wrong to wish to garner recognition and be useful to someone? I would finally have purpose.

>> No.13165605

Can you blame him? He just woke up on the bound and on the ceiling with the largest spider known to man in his face with no recollection of how he got there. Sure it's hurtful, but screaming in such a situation is natural.

>> No.13165607


Do you have any phobias?

>> No.13165608
Quoted by: >>13165652

Yeah. That's totally the fantasy.
But that's harmful to society.

>> No.13165609

And now I know.

Thank you,

Cya all tomorrow

>> No.13165611
Quoted by: >>13165625

>Being a slave
If you don't mind the lack of choices, go nuts I guess.

I'm not saying it's wrong. I merely said that I find it sad.

>> No.13165612

Do people even play that anymore?
I thought it was all about Warmachne and relic knight now

>> No.13165615

Reminder you will never hold hands with your monster waifu.

>> No.13165616
File: 393 KB, 868x1228, f0420c547e592014023d67b8a7324c00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165617
Quoted by: >>13165634

Joke's on you! She doesn't have hands!

>> No.13165618
Quoted by: >>13165632

Okay, bellow.

Nigga, if I see a twelve foot tall spider I am screaming, soiling and pissing myself before I drop dead from fear. Not even the spiders in Hell are that big.

>> No.13165620

Hello again, dumping-kun.

>> No.13165624
Quoted by: >>13165635

Dude there's a thread up on /tg/ for it every once in a while and my area has a thriving community for it.

>> No.13165625
File: 710 KB, 1061x1261, 1391905276757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing sad about choosing to obtain fulfillment from life.

Unfortunately, such a wish will never come true.

The curious thing about such desires is that in order to fall under a mistress' purview, one must already have value.

As such, I am left to the realm of fantasy and escapism.

>> No.13165626
File: 335 KB, 960x960, elf5562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165659

>> No.13165627

>Fluffy tails as an umbrella
They can be warm AND cool!

>> No.13165628
Quoted by: >>13165642

Eh, fuck you too.

Pool Party Ahri skin fuckin' when Riot?

>> No.13165630

I hear Dragons really dig Shovel Knight these days.

>> No.13165632
File: 113 KB, 898x472, 1419350236234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you scared tho?
You're not allowed to have even that, Freedom-kun will see to it that you remain free to make the choices in life he approves of.

>> No.13165633

>believing you would

>> No.13165634

You will never touch your monster waifu at all.

>> No.13165635
File: 642 KB, 626x885, 136da2576a7f95a9b3add5aee25b3ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never caught on here, the warhammer fgts pretty much ruined it, fortunately the warmachine and relic knight people are sticking it out

>> No.13165636


>> No.13165639
Quoted by: >>13165651

Truly sad.

>Freedom-kun will see to it that you remain free to make the choices in life he approves of.
Because I obviously told him what to do...Oh no wait, I didn't.

>> No.13165641
File: 241 KB, 1080x1920, HATHOR WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165646


But anon, my previous religion created something unholy.

>> No.13165642 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 692x1000, 1426058158679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pool party Ahri!

>> No.13165645 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 700x727, Thalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165646
Quoted by: >>13165660

B-but I tried super hard with the colouring...

>> No.13165647
Quoted by: >>13165661

How? Like how would they ruin it?

>> No.13165648

This is a blue board asswipe.

>> No.13165649

There is nothing about this picture that I don't like, save the fact that I will never love anyone that physically perfect.

>> No.13165650

Pathetic. You should have ben born as an insect.

>> No.13165651
Quoted by: >>13165656

>I'm not telling people what to do!
>I'll just shitpost every time someone says something I disagree with! The only way to avoid shitstorms with me around is to agree with me 100%!
I used the name jokingly, didn't actually expect it to be you.

>> No.13165652
File: 49 KB, 182x199, 1409007747226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13165653

A Bug's Life makes me agree with you. Dat Black Widow...

>> No.13165654

Ow the edge.

>> No.13165656
Quoted by: >>13165663

That's good, because I'm not.
But I doubt that will stop the strawmanning.

>> No.13165659

Can you like, fuck off with the dumping?

>> No.13165660
Quoted by: >>13165666

>Coloring being the problem
>Not the fact that it's a unholy breed of Yeti-Holstaurus

Anon, please.

>> No.13165661
File: 539 KB, 811x1200, 49128513_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165668

"oh, it sucks, you shouldn't play it' etc etc

>> No.13165663
Quoted by: >>13165673

You have no reason to bitch at people for wanting to be slaves. So why are you doing it?

>> No.13165664
Quoted by: >>13165675



Is that some sort of Manticore Medicare?

>> No.13165665

Maybe he really likes his manticores?

>> No.13165666
Quoted by: >>13165679

Loen did super well tho.

Even if I also wouldn't.

>> No.13165667
File: 63 KB, 402x600, Jinko_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style Anon!

And don't worry, maybe your Mistress will see you as someone she can easily command, or feels pity and wants to protect you and take you under her paw. Mistress, unlike those 2 bit whores, would love you for who you are!

>> No.13165668

That's kinda... wow what a bunch of fags

>> No.13165669 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 700x727, 1426058521584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165686

>> No.13165670

Because, I'm afraid. My skin tightens, I feel lightning go down my spine, I feel cold , I can't breathe, I can't think. I just can't spiders.

>> No.13165671
File: 559 KB, 559x700, ss+(2015-01-05+at+11.17.43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165684


We cannot choose who we are born as or to whom or under what circumstances.

Some are able to overcome adversity, but the great majority never clear the hurdle that is their lot by birth.

Given my status, the only thing available for me is to hope to gain the notice of a Mistress who will give me the structure and purpose I need and perhaps elevate me.

But, that's a foolish, naive dream.

>> No.13165673
Quoted by: >>13165682

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I was only allowed to respond when I approve 100%. Please accept my most humble apology.

Seriously though, I only commented that it was sad, calm your tits.

>> No.13165674
Quoted by: >>13165689

Can you, like, fuck off? Small image dumps don't violate global 10.

>> No.13165675

Yeah. They rape your illness away.

>> No.13165679
Quoted by: >>13165680

>Art being a problem

Hathor is to blame for the evil of the Yeti Holstaurus. Not artist renditions.

>> No.13165680
Quoted by: >>13165691

But Anon, Hathor is super good, or so I've heard.

>> No.13165681

>”So, what do you think about me? I already told you what I think about you, so you should return the favor, don’t you think?”
>”I think you’re fucking amazing Kate, you’re smart, athletic, a huge fucking nerd, and a huge audiophile.”
>”What, my body not good enough for an honorable mention?” She asks teasingly.
>”Don’t think that for a fucking second.”
>”That’s what I like to hear” she says with a smile “and I’m going to make sure you know just how fantastic this body really is.”
>On cue, she starts to grind her crotch against your erection, causing her to gasp and moan as she covers your dick in her arousal.
>”How the hell di-ngg, did you get this good?” you ask her.
>”I was always thinking of how I cou-aahh, could make you mine without forcing you, so I st-haahh, studied sex and sexual positions until I became confident I could convince you to make me yours.”
>You’re amazed at how much she thought about this, it’s honestly rather scary, although at least she had your best interests at heart.
>As she grinds against your dick, you reach up and start to play with her breasts, rolling them around in your palms and pinching her nipples.
>Kate starts shuddering and moaning from the double stimulation, leaning into your hands and pushing against your cock more forcefully.
>She eventually pulls up one of your hands and starts to suck on your fingers, slowly going over each and every one.
>As she does this she stops grinding against your prick, and stands it up straight, jerking it off with her spare hand.
>She stops sucking on your fingers leading your hand back to her breasts, before picking herself up and aligning herself with your dick.
>”I told you I wanted you as mine anon, and you showed me that you wanted me as yours, so let’s make that happen right now.”

>> No.13165682
Quoted by: >>13165685

So these
wasn't you? Carry on then.

>> No.13165684
File: 3.18 MB, 2000x2500, 1421097320582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elevate you
Why would Mistress do that? Mistress likes exactly where you are, beneath her, where she can see you in your entirety and care for you.

And don't you like this kind of view of your Mistress?

>> No.13165685
File: 16 KB, 365x135, YeahIllDeleteIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind if I do.

>> No.13165686
Quoted by: >>13165697

That's absolutely adorable.

>> No.13165687

If monster girls are involved, I guess a little drinking couldn't hurt...

>> No.13165688

And that's all I'm gonna post/write up tonight, any comments or critiques are always welcome.

Night everyone.

>> No.13165689
Quoted by: >>13165699

You fuck off.

>10.No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
>of any kind

You're also posting porn and not trying to start discussion of any kind, you're just mindlessly dumping. GET THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.13165690

Now. When does she claim his neck too?

>> No.13165691

>Yeti Holstaurus unholy combo

Anon, for Set's sake, what part of this are you not understanding.

Anything that would purposefully create that must be some kind of heathenistic monster.

>> No.13165692

Y'know what? Why not. Fuck it, I'll drink my ass into oblivion and possible seduction.

>> No.13165694

Reminder to join the Church of Inari, of Our glorious Fox Goddess

>> No.13165695



>> No.13165697
Quoted by: >>13165700

Ah, thanks. Character belongs to a friend, to which mine is obscured from view for obvious reasons.

>> No.13165698

But I'm already a follower of Ammie- I mean Amaterasu!

>> No.13165699
Quoted by: >>13165706

>He's posting pictures!
>I'll keep saying it's violating global 10 because I say it's spam and flooding!
Mod/Jans don't like it when you violate global 12 you know.

>> No.13165700
Quoted by: >>13165703

You a drawfag?

>> No.13165703
Quoted by: >>13165723

You could say that? Yeah. Still very novice.

>> No.13165706

I'm haven't said I'm staff, and like I told you then, we are encouraged to self moderate you selfish prick. No dumping, is that so fucking hard to comply with? Are you a fucking autist who feels a compulsion to dump images that everybody has seen for no other fucking purpose than to post them?

>> No.13165707


>> No.13165708

Yeti/kitsune combo creature.

That is all

>> No.13165709

>Bullying a Sea Bishop because of her religion
It's like saying you enjoy Poseidon ramming your ass with his trident while the killer whales laugh at you.

>> No.13165710 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x3500, 1426059402162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165716

Now that you understand the evilness of Hathor why not join a less evil religion that is like her's but superior?


>> No.13165713
File: 228 KB, 1414x2000, 1409532710187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey isn't it almost time for Ammy scout cookies again?
Remember if you buy a bunch of boxes their Milf moms will let you touch their tails!

>> No.13165715
Quoted by: >>13165722

The goddess isn't going to split into nine little midgets after getting struck by lightning, right?

>> No.13165716
Quoted by: >>13165744

Yeah about that...I'm not actually a religious type, so no thanks.

>> No.13165719

Wah wah wah
Whining is all you ever do. The mods and Janitors haven't stopped the guy dumping yet, so either they're blind or he isn't breaking the rules.
And if they're breaking the rules so much, why not report them if you're so sure of it. It's not like you'll be banned for misusing the report button, right?

>> No.13165720
File: 350 KB, 669x945, 48864057_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not really how those sorts of relationships work.

>> No.13165722

Shhh thats a secret.

The best part is the night you get your Ammy scout cookies, the Hathorites come by and sell you milk for the hath scouts

>> No.13165723
Quoted by: >>13165736

Then welcome new drawfriend!
I don't think we had anyone new for a while now.

>> No.13165726
Quoted by: >>13165775

What are you saying?

>> No.13165727

Don't waste your breath, he/they have been told many times.

All you get is dumb shit like "Hurr durr posting standards", so don't bother.

>> No.13165728
Quoted by: >>13165775

Then how do they work?

>> No.13165729
Quoted by: >>13165732

Because I shouldn't have to. We have agreed to follow that simple guideline to avoid stuck without images when the threads linger. But if I must, fine.

>> No.13165730

I've kinda moved on from wolfus. Aggressive cuddlefucking with internally stroking muscles is nice, but I've found another love.
Did you know Bast has her own group? They go door to door selling hot chocolate mix and blankets to feed poor homeless people.

>> No.13165732
Quoted by: >>13165737

>I shouldn't have to
But if he's violating the rules you MUST report him. Either you're a giant pussy, or he's not actually breaking the rules and you're being a giant autist to make him stop. Which is more likely?

>> No.13165734

I'll take a dozen, show me the MILFs who want their tails combed and stroked

>> No.13165736
Quoted by: >>13165751

Appreciate the warm welcome.

You can refer to me as Exo/Exosso in the future if you feel inclined to keep track of me.

>> No.13165737
Quoted by: >>13165749

Real tough behind a keyboard aren't you? I thought you guys died out.

His ass should have banned after posting porn anyhow, so he must be evading.

>> No.13165739
File: 1.66 MB, 1995x1145, Hathraammysfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you respond to this guy.
I actually kinda feel sorry for him, he spends his whole life on 4chan , has no friends, expects everything his way...wants to be a 4chan alpha.....you know it is such a sad miserable existence.

Have a cute MG pic!

>> No.13165741 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 640x520, 1426059916396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a derpy hellhound doing this.

>> No.13165742

Reminder to praise Set in all that you do, that you may ever be thankful for the companionship of one of her Daughters.

Also to those blessed by such a union, reminder to bring something nice for the Sunday barbeque.

>> No.13165744 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1231x1280, 1426059933216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165754


>> No.13165746
Quoted by: >>13165805

What is this and where can I find it?

>> No.13165748

>Hathor and Ammy are arguing
>Ra's blush is barely noticeable

>> No.13165749
File: 197 KB, 800x600, Sevre bullin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just grasping for straws at this rate
Just give up and shut up.

Kind of hard to feel sorry for an asshole.

>> No.13165751
Quoted by: >>13165755

Have a pixiv?

>> No.13165754
Quoted by: >>13165783

Yeah, you're not selling me on this, at all.

>> No.13165755
Quoted by: >>13165782

Nope. Tumblrscum.

>> No.13165756
File: 148 KB, 643x1000, 8f055447fbe2a2655b608415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165779

You know what, fuck you guys, let's all post whatever the fuck we want because fuck being a considerate threadgoer.

>> No.13165760

Truly the greatest triumvirate of Goddesses ever.
Is it wrong to want to fuck all three of them?

>> No.13165762

You know what happens to those without a matron goddess when they die, don't you?

>> No.13165763
File: 438 KB, 810x1030, 29536ed44accc14f5fa6bf9d57739233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165764
Quoted by: >>13165789

Wrong? They're comparing sizes to see who goes first.

>> No.13165767
Quoted by: >>13165794

Set is a shit.

>> No.13165772
File: 451 KB, 813x1200, 48903243ad75883082e4ed3414279d1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165775
File: 3.91 MB, 3000x4500, HCGjnVe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165785

I cannot speak for everyone and for all situations.

Generally speaking, these sorts of relationships happen because both parties have something to gain from it.

For many Mistress', this comes from developing someone and giving them the structure they crave. Yes there is some sadism involved, but it is often surprisingly mild by what some expect outside of sex.

They enjoy and gain from you becoming a better person just as much as you do.

>> No.13165779
File: 133 KB, 800x1000, ofeG9CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165794


>> No.13165780

I kinda want .less to draw more Ra , she is really hot especially with those claw hands

>> No.13165782
Quoted by: >>13165798

Well, have a tumblr?

>> No.13165783
File: 597 KB, 1880x2754, Don't worry, you'll enjoy your new home and religion dense anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165788

>First the Holt-Yeti debacle
>Now this about selling it

...Oh! I get it, you're one of those Harem MC's or maybe one of them younger shonen ones.

>> No.13165785

I still don't get what you're saying. What part of >>13165684
is in contradiction to how S&M works? Why the hell are you even preaching about it?

>> No.13165786
File: 992 KB, 400x320, 1399434786881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165792

>The mental state of this thread.

>> No.13165788

>Harem MC
Oh god, I hope not. If I am, would you be so kind as to kill me?.

>> No.13165789

Should I be afraid for my pelvis?

>> No.13165791

This is better than what I thought I'd get
Thank you

>> No.13165792

>metal slime girl
Yes please.

>> No.13165794

>Speaking poorly about the matriarch
How awful.

God I want to hug her so bad.

>> No.13165796
Quoted by: >>13165804

They'll be gentle. You'll have to serve them many times, so they don't want to break you.

>> No.13165798

Yeah, I can link it.

The name will be changed on some of the pages soon, but hover over the circle buttons to find your way around.


>> No.13165804

Honestly, I'm shy as fuck around pretty women. There might be a slight chance I might pass out.

>> No.13165805


I'd rather have Set herself. Dat tongue.

>> No.13165806
Quoted by: >>13165816

>Some of those art pieces
Oh boy, you'll be .Less 1.3

>> No.13165808
File: 1.75 MB, 1667x2500, Sekhmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165813

>wanting Set
Thine enemy stands ready.

>> No.13165810

Not if you drink your milk properly like a good boy.

>> No.13165812
Quoted by: >>13165816

The rule of thumb is that futa, NTR and monster boys posted in the thread (or linked) will trigger the posters here into a frothing frenzy. Other than that, new talent is always a positive thing.

>> No.13165813

That's an awful lot of gore.

That's some pretty bad coloring.

>> No.13165816


Define if the frothing frenzy is absolute rage or otherwise?

My bad?

>> No.13165818
Quoted by: >>13165824

And this kills my boner. Shame, the art looked really good.

>> No.13165820
Quoted by: >>13165825

>That's some pretty bad coloring.

>> No.13165821
Quoted by: >>13165833

>My bad?

Just commenting.

>> No.13165822

From bemoaned wailing to the descent of the furies.

>> No.13165823
Quoted by: >>13165833

Yeah, be careful with the gore.
And it sends them into a full on autistic, pants shitting rage. So for the good of the thread do be careful about art containing those subjects.

>> No.13165824
Quoted by: >>13165828

That's that artist for you. And pretty much ever futa artist, looks good at first then they completely ruin it.

>> No.13165825

You can see a ton of bullshit around the line around
The coloring itself is grainy
The colors used are poor
The shading/highlighting is not good.

Futa just makes people butthurt because they're too autistic to ignore things they don't like.

>> No.13165826

Hey Anon, I got a proposition for you.

Could you find some sandworm artwork you like and recolor it to have lighter/white skin and glowy freckles? Shai really deserves some art, even if it's just in the form of a recolor.

>> No.13165827

And furries. Don't forget about the furries. Four things the thread doesn't like. You can otherwise draw anything with monster girls and dozens of anon will rush to kiss your boots.

>> No.13165828
Quoted by: >>13165831


Futa makes things better.

>> No.13165829

You know, if you post any dicks on a blue board, it's against the rules. You telling people to ignore stuff they don't like isn't applicable here.

>> No.13165830
Quoted by: >>13165863

I thought we weren't allowed to like Spaceworm?

>> No.13165831
Quoted by: >>13165840

Anon its not day time, bait doesn't have the same effect.

>> No.13165833
Quoted by: >>13165835


I don't intend to post any guys in here for obvious reasons. Also the gore is involved with another friendgroup entirely so it's unlikely it'll be seen anywhere close to here.

I tend to avoid things because I have low tolerance for arguments etc. No guys or gore (and I dislike futa) so it's safe to say I'm all good.

>> No.13165834
Quoted by: >>13165863

I can try, but that sandworm is basically one colour, so that'll require some heavy editing.

>> No.13165835
Quoted by: >>13165841

I'd still recommend treading softly; you never know what may set the autismal mines off.

>> No.13165836

I will agree on the colour and the shading.

Although, I'm pretty sure the shading was done with the lighting effect, so that's no suprise.

>> No.13165840

Considering you're calling it bait, I'd say so.

There are actually several people, myself included, that like futa.

>> No.13165841
Quoted by: >>13165847

I left the /b/ threads to jump onto here so I can only imagine.

>> No.13165845

>There are actually several people, myself included, that like futa.
Well, keep it outa here and it'll be fine.

>> No.13165847
Quoted by: >>13165852

You'll at least be prepared from your experience.

>> No.13165850
Quoted by: >>13165853

You know what happens when even just the word is mentioned in these threads. You're either baiting or your an asshole who just doesn't care what happens to the threads. I really don't care about futa, but we both know a lot of people that browse these threads do.

>> No.13165851

Door's right there faggot.

>> No.13165852

Don't be so sure, my hazmat visor is a little cracked. You'll never know when you get blindsided!

>> No.13165853

You're right, I don't care.

Me liking futa is the least of the problems going on around here.

>> No.13165854
Quoted by: >>13165856

Just draw waifufodder and you'll be celebrated for all time.

>> No.13165855
Quoted by: >>13165856

Seriously though, you may end up seeing a new level of retardation here.
Are you familiar with most of the MG settings and such?

>> No.13165856

Absolutely not.

Doubt I'll draw much else than just that here- as my other works don't really belong here.

>> No.13165858

Then I'd recommend getting familiar, or at least getting familiar with the monsters in each setting.

>> No.13165860
Quoted by: >>13165868

I'm guessing someone will have to teach me everything from square one.

>> No.13165862

Or just take your favorite monster from a religion, legend or mythology. Give her a human head and torso, then make her limbs monstrous. Add different ears, horns or other minor details. Bam, exotic monster girl.

>> No.13165863
Quoted by: >>13165871

There's a lot of sandworm art. Pick whatever looks best to you.

>> No.13165864

pfft, he doesn't need to do that.

>> No.13165868
Quoted by: >>13165889

For MGE you can read up everything on the wiki, though I'd stay away from their community.

What will he do when asked to draw an Apophis and Khepri cuddling the same boy? He won't know what either of them are.

>> No.13165870
Quoted by: >>13165884

I don't care about futa myself but it really isn't welcome in the thread, so please don't discuss it here. There are other places to do that.

>> No.13165871

Last time I was told I was a newfag and a shill pushing things on people.

>> No.13165873



>> No.13165874

Monster Girl Encyclopedia, Monster Girl Quest, specific Pixiv accounts and the various manga like Everyday Monster Girls are the bread and butter of these place's existence.

>> No.13165876
Quoted by: >>13165882

Oh. Hi alp.

>> No.13165882

Yeah. Better be on your toes there buddy.

>> No.13165883
Quoted by: >>13165887

Alp stop letting the same manchild get to you.

>> No.13165884
Quoted by: >>13165899

A lot of things 'aren't welcome,' but that never stops the endless shitposting.

May as well talk about something I and some other folks like.

>> No.13165887

People don't say mean things for no reason, anon.

>> No.13165888
Quoted by: >>13165898

Ahhh, it's Alp. I think your enthusiasm got on peoples' nerves because they thought you were the writer pushing his own stuff.

>> No.13165889
Quoted by: >>13165936

>Though I'd stay away from their community
The very idea of a Community on a Wiki weirds me out.

>> No.13165895
Quoted by: >>13165898

Like that guy that just hates Alp's stories.

>> No.13165896
Quoted by: >>13165912

Read up, this is one of the largest sources for monster girls for these threads. You should at least read most if not all of the profiles a long with some of the other stuff on the site. A few things that should be known about this setting are there are no monster boys, there is no such thing as futa, ntr is nonexistent, its not rape if he cums, and mantango and cait sith are regarded as genocide tier by almost the whole thread.

>> No.13165898
File: 80 KB, 1028x960, 1401953530626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that is why I won't show enthusiasm for anyone's writing anymore. It's better for their PR.
Yeah. He's obviously trying to improve these threads by removing a cancerous element.

>> No.13165899

There are threads for Futa. If you want to talk about it, talk about it there.

Doing so here, where you know damn well most people hate it, is just stirring shit up for no reason.

>> No.13165903

>cancerous element


>> No.13165905
Quoted by: >>13165910

If he was removing cancerous elements he'd leave and never return.

>> No.13165906


>> No.13165907

If I didn't know who you are I'd say you've never been on the internet before. Just go suck a dildo to calm down or something.

>> No.13165910

Come on, guys. It's like you've never seen Alp self-deprecate before.

>> No.13165911
Quoted by: >>13165929

Why are other people allowed to stir up shit?

Also, notice how I haven't said anything other than I like it, and you're already getting your panties in a twist.

>> No.13165912

>genocide tier

I snorted, I'll read as much as I can when I can.

>> No.13165914

I have, and I'm tired of seeing it to be honest.
Needs to man the fuck up already and grow thicker skin.

>> No.13165916

The issue is that they exist in /d/ and on top of MG threads being deader than dead, there's an endless stream of things that are far, far worse than futa there.

>> No.13165918

But seriously speaking, there was a guy who hadn't bothered to follow any of the links to Spaceworm updates because he thought I was the one writing them.

>> No.13165919

Also, KC is a great artist but a VERY bad world builder.

>> No.13165921
Quoted by: >>13165928

How Junko's house coming along, Alp?

>> No.13165923
File: 568 KB, 934x629, Cait_sith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cait Sith did nothing wrong.

>> No.13165925
Quoted by: >>13165934

You'll encounter this kind of poster often. They either miss the point, or haven't actually read it.

>> No.13165926

Yeah, forgot to mention that. One last thing, while the encyclopedia is one of the biggest sources for content, headcannon overrules anything and everything.

>> No.13165928
Quoted by: >>13165937

Finished it last week. You'd know if you cared about her.

>> No.13165929

>Why are other people allowed to stir up shit?
I'm encouraging you to be better than the faggots, Anon. This thread has a lot of shitposters, don't be one of them.

I like Futa. I hate seeing people give fetishes I like a bad name by pushing them where they aren't wanted.

>> No.13165932

But Cait Sith is the first Sith lord anon. That's terrible.

>> No.13165934


I'm not terribly picky about world building if I don't plan to do much more than just draw women ya know? I don't rp or interact as females or make stories much so I don't have many eggshells to crack. I'll just draw the girls when I draw em and that's about it.

>> No.13165936

The worst of MGU and MGR have nothing on the MG wikis.

>> No.13165937
Quoted by: >>13165942

I care about her.
I care enough to actually remember her when MGK becomes a real story in my bin.

>> No.13165939
Quoted by: >>13165945

I'll talk about all the spiky catdicks and knotty wolf cocks I want!

>> No.13165940




>> No.13165941

Just follow your heart, drawfag. Just don't break ours please.

>> No.13165942
Quoted by: >>13165953

Does that mean I'll have to delete everything relating to her form mine since it contradicts your canon?

>> No.13165943

Reminder to bully the cait into a masochistic foot rest.
>I don't rp or interact as females
Good, that's like one of the biggest absolute harams in these threads.

>> No.13165944
Quoted by: >>13165952

I'd recommend looking it up, because you'll set off autists if you draw a girl doing something they wouldn't normally do.

>> No.13165945
Quoted by: >>13165948

You are just the worst type of person. Go play in traffic.

>> No.13165947
Quoted by: >>13165955

I'm glad at least one of you guys has some sense, especially when the other guy's complaint is "It's lonely posting futa monstergirls in /d/." You'd think he'd get a clue on how much of a minority it is just from that fact alone.

>> No.13165948
Quoted by: >>13165954

You first buttercup.

>> No.13165950
Quoted by: >>13165957

How the fuck does someone make that mistake? Alp posting is easily identified and very different from PRW's posting style.

>> No.13165952
Quoted by: >>13165958

What? People love seeing girls doing things they wouldn't normally do all the time. That's like, half the fucking green text stories posted here.

>> No.13165953
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, Rivals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep you stories relating to her up.

>> No.13165954
Quoted by: >>13165959

Oh, it's you, I knew you were a troll from the beggining, but that guy is slow.

>I like futa

Nah, just another faggot.

>> No.13165955

I see no reason to avoid posting a topic that makes people like you all upset when you try to dictate what others are allowed to do.

I also see no reason no hold anything back when people eat up 100 posts bitching about trivial shit like images.

>> No.13165957


>> No.13165958
Quoted by: >>13165962

Remember when people talked about sub Hellhounds?

>> No.13165959
Quoted by: >>13165980

>He likes what I don't like!


>> No.13165961
Quoted by: >>13165963

Yeah, except futa goes on /d/, so fuck off.

>> No.13165962
Quoted by: >>13165969

You can make a hellhound a sub, but you can't break one. You'll be domming her until you show a moment of weakness or she decides her ruse is over and she pushes you down and makes you HER bitch.

>> No.13165963
Quoted by: >>13165988

Monstergirls go on /d/ too, yet they appear to be here.

>> No.13165964
Quoted by: >>13165974

Okay. So when can we expect to see that stuff you're planning?
Not that I like it, mind you. Because that would be bad for you.

>> No.13165965
Quoted by: >>13165977

>All this entitlement
Like the ghost of Nega rising to shitpost again

>> No.13165968

That's probably the best way to look at it. I don't even read profiles, just look at the pretty art and google the actual monsters.

>> No.13165969

Try telling that to the daytime folk.
It wont go well at all.

>> No.13165974
File: 423 KB, 1896x1252, Little Mermaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13165978

>not that I like it
I see.
It'll be whenever I get around to it.

>> No.13165977
Quoted by: >>13165982

People usually respond better when others don't act like gnarled assholes to them.

Can't really convince me that it's for the good of the thread or some bullshit when the crusade against all these supposedly bad, evil things just makes the whole thread even more toxic.

>> No.13165978
Quoted by: >>13165983

>I see
I do like it, but if I say I do, people will avoid it like the plague.

>> No.13165980
Quoted by: >>13165992

I wish I understood how your brain works. Since /a/, futa has always been despised in these threads, these are YEARS of hatred, fostered by your ilk's compulsion to try to force people to accept it, and "FOR TEH LULZ". You know futa is hated, yet you post cause fuck everyone, and your little meme responses because you have no staying power. Hell, even the monsterboyfags wised up after they made two threads, one that got zero replied and one that lasted an hour at best. But not you, you continue o make people hate you.

Well, whatever. Futa goes on /d/, you can't post that shit here and GOD BLESS JANET because finally we have a competent janitor. Stay mad, I love dicks kun.

>> No.13165982
Quoted by: >>13165992

The whole thread usually responds better when you're not pushing your special snowflake bullshit that less than 3% of the thread likes.

>> No.13165983
Quoted by: >>13165986

Please, I'm so unliked I don't even appear on the writefag list on either of the blogs OR the main bin.

>> No.13165986
Quoted by: >>13165993

Have you asked to be put on?
Also that's just proof of your humility. You don't have the massive ego people like me and Nega do and don't constantly attentionwhore and turn every discussion into one about yourself.

>> No.13165988
Quoted by: >>13165992

>monstergirls are here so futa goes here too!

You wish.

>> No.13165992

>Despised since /a/
I think not, anon. By you, maybe.

Nothing has been pushed.

You shitheads are so sensitive that even the idea of someone liking futa gets you all good and pissed off.

Can't say only the one thing you don't like goes on /d/ when it all belongs on there. All or nothing.

>> No.13165993
Quoted by: >>13165996

Never felt like asking, and I don't think I ever will.
Being not-so-popular isn't so bad to be honest.

>> No.13165994

>it all belongs on here
This is a blue board. You can't post dicks, on men or on futa, without breaking the rules. Do you understand this?

>> No.13165996
Quoted by: >>13166003

Then don't complain about not being on them.

>> No.13165997
Quoted by: >>13166020

Stop feeding the idiot. Report his posts and let him starve.

>> No.13165999

Anubis daughterus are the true form of perfection.

>> No.13166001

Yes, I could so long as it was censored or an external link.

Just like all porn.

>> No.13166003
Quoted by: >>13166007

I wasn't even complaining.
Anyway, what's next on your agenda?

>> No.13166006

>blatant lies
>YOU hate it
>all or nothing

Why does futa always get deleted when posted here I wonder? Oh, wait...

Do you enjoy being hated? Is that it? Seriously, you fucking fascinate me. Are you bedridden and bitter and internet interact is all you get? Are you a hideous, no sense shut in?Did your parents never give you a good spanking when you deserved it and grew up to be a total asshole? What is your malfunction?

>> No.13166007
Quoted by: >>13166016

It was going to be more Philosowurm, but then my muse kind of wandered off and all I've got is procrastination, schoolwork and reading Dune Messiah.
I know I said I'd write three updates this week, but when have I ever kept my word?

>> No.13166009
File: 1.49 MB, 680x499, You Dense Motherfuckers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166026


>> No.13166012
Quoted by: >>13166044

This whole thread is full of assholes.

That we're even having this pointless argument is proof of that.

And no, futa isn't always deleted. There's a couple futa things posted in this very thread that are still quite intact.

>> No.13166013

Really man, don't respond. Just report him

>> No.13166015
Quoted by: >>13166102

This is brilliant. Something about reading about cosmic waifus makes my stuff feel so small scale and insignificant. Where did you get the idea from? I'll get good, I promise.

>> No.13166016
File: 291 KB, 800x800, RAWR~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me the feeling to write comes and goes constantly.
I also mainly come up with ideas while either working or sleeping

>> No.13166020
Quoted by: >>13166031

Honestly, this. I've never understood why it is so hard for people to ignore the stupid shits. Boredom? Come on, man. The thread is gonna die sometime soon and we'll have to deal with the front page shit for a bit again. Leave it be for now.

>> No.13166025
Quoted by: >>13166037

Why'd you spoiler sleeping? There's nothing to be ashamed of about sleeping. Unless you're afraid there's Pod People here.

>> No.13166026

But, does he believe his words. My desire to know is throbbing!

>> No.13166027

The fuck are you going to report for? Having an argument?

>> No.13166028
Quoted by: >>13166036

Guys, does anyone have the shiny Kikimora?
Does anyone want to make another?
O-or some lewds?

>> No.13166030

>spoilered sleeping

I am so triggered rite now.

>> No.13166031
Quoted by: >>13166045

>12 threads ahead of us


>> No.13166032

No who you're quoting, but some famous author somewhere at some point in time once said, "If I only write whenever I wanted to, I'd never get anything done."

We must apply ourselves and get shit done, anon! Nobody'd going to do it for us!

>> No.13166036
Quoted by: >>13166058

I'd like to make a shiny Holstaur by repeatedly and regularly having copious amounts of coitus with a regular Holstaur.

>> No.13166037
Quoted by: >>13166040

For laughs mostly.

I do things my way, you do things your way.
Don't mess with my feng shui.

>> No.13166040
Quoted by: >>13166053

>Don't mess with my feng shui.


>> No.13166041
Quoted by: >>13166060

If I try to write when I don't feel like it I usually turn out some awful fucking writing.

Well, not that it's ever not shitty, but it's shittier than usual.

>> No.13166042
File: 587 KB, 800x800, She'll kidnap your kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerds?

>> No.13166044
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, d91.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this delusion

>> No.13166045

Ah. Didn't actually check this time. Playing something and occasionally checking for replies. Soon enough though, I guess. My general point still stands though. Taking it easy is nice, man.

>> No.13166046

90's kid drugs

>> No.13166049
Quoted by: >>13166057

Ireland pls.

>> No.13166053

Seriously, I go at my own pace with things. I also don't take writing seriously enough to have a schedule.

>> No.13166057
Quoted by: >>13166064

Scottish-American, please insert one coin to continue

>> No.13166058

Nah I meant the picture, but I can't argue with that.

>> No.13166059
File: 680 KB, 850x1202, 1402249023364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166065

>If I only write whenever I wanted to, I'd never get anything done
I don't agree with this, but there's merit to it. I'm going to go for a jog instead of writing anyway.

>> No.13166060
Quoted by: >>13166070

Then once you're finished you can edit the hell out of it. Let the Leanan Sidhes overtake you and polish the shit into a gem!

>> No.13166062
Quoted by: >>13166066

Cocaine? Ecstacy? Ice? Mescaline?

>> No.13166064
Quoted by: >>13166067

Close enough.

>> No.13166065
Quoted by: >>13166071

I like the quote because it helps me get to work and in the mood to write. Self-doubt often keeps me from continuing something, so it's sometimes hard to get in the mood.

You enjoy your jog, though, anon.

>> No.13166066

Nicktoons and Lucky Charms ya dum

Snortin' some water-gro dinos in a cupperino

>> No.13166067

u cheeky bassard

>> No.13166070

Editing doesn't really work when the entire scene is flawed on a fundamental level and has to be scrapped and redone.

>> No.13166071

I personally don't have problems with self doubt. But if what you do works for you, keep at it.

>> No.13166072
Quoted by: >>13166074

>this motherf

Drugs are...don't fuck with drugs.

>> No.13166074
Quoted by: >>13166077

You're not my momdad;;

>> No.13166077
Quoted by: >>13166083

You're not too big for me to bend you over my knee you little shit.

>> No.13166083

I'm 6'5 and my moostatche is stronk

>> No.13166084
File: 382 KB, 1130x1600, propose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a monster girl confession/proposal compilation.

>> No.13166087

>That doujin
I know what I'm reading before bed tonight.

>> No.13166088

God I love this little series, had my nightly fap to it just a while ago.

>> No.13166089

>I'm an inch taller than you

>> No.13166090

>beaten by one inch

Damn. Weight? And don't give me that "stone" crap. This is America motherfuker.

>> No.13166092

This is more than a coincidence.

>> No.13166093

6'5 about 215 lbs.

Born a scot, raised amerifag. Euroboys get tall mang

>> No.13166094
File: 206 KB, 1000x2000, The face of an evil kidnapper also YEAR OF THE SHEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'ight, a'ight, y'all have yourself a good time dorks.

>> No.13166098
Quoted by: >>13166104

All they need to do is shine a bright light on you and your skin will melt.

>> No.13166099

Taking all bets. Taking all bets!


>> No.13166100

>I will never have a were-cat to lay on my lap and pet lovingly as I declare my demands to the world governments, lest I use my doomsday machine to alp every male in the world forcibly
Truly this world is a sorrowful and barren place.

>> No.13166101

Not too much of one.

>> No.13166102
Quoted by: >>13166109

I was asked this a few times and ended up going through the archive to check a few threads ago, so I can give you the exact post.


That's me picking the spaceworm concept up from an anon doing a Farscape reference. On top of that, I loved the concept for Haiyore Nyaruko-san but was disappointed by the execution, so that probably played a role too, along with the normal fantasy and sci-fi stuff.

As for your stuff, small scale can be good. I usually prefer simple straightforward stories to the long complex ones.

>> No.13166103
File: 169 KB, 850x850, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13166104
Quoted by: >>13166110

>tfw i'm a neon-white bitch

Why must you remind me of my ultra-sweatervest heritage?

>> No.13166105


Nah, fuck you, I can take you.

>> No.13166109
Quoted by: >>13166136

>I usually prefer simple straightforward stories to the long complex ones.
O-Oh... Okay then. ;_;

>> No.13166110
Quoted by: >>13166111

Because the sun is your enemy.

>> No.13166111
Quoted by: >>13166113

But I praise the sun!?

>> No.13166113
Quoted by: >>13166120

But how can you praise the sun if it burns you?

>> No.13166114

I've been plagued with daydreams and random fantasies since early childhood, and unlike some kids they never went away or lessened for me. I write whenever I have time to, as a way to stave off my inevitable schizophrenia.

>> No.13166117
Quoted by: >>13166140

Must suck, mang.

>> No.13166119
Quoted by: >>13166130

By amusing coincidence, a young goat is called a kid, in the same way young pigs are piglets and young cows are calves.

>> No.13166120

That's what heavy armor is for

>> No.13166121
Quoted by: >>13166130

Is this a reference to that one Weresheep Nurse?

>> No.13166123
Quoted by: >>13166140

I hope you're joking about the schizo shit, wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Anyway, you get what I'm saying.

>> No.13166125
Quoted by: >>13166131

You're pretty gangly, Anon.

>> No.13166130 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 1320x273, 1426067888012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But a sheep isn't a goat.


>> No.13166131

I used to be about 300 lbs but I lost that quickly after highschool during the no food college diet.

>> No.13166134

Good times.

>> No.13166136

Usually, Anon. I do like some of the really long stuff. I just hesitate to commit the time needed to get into a long story if I am unsure of its quality or content.

>> No.13166137
Quoted by: >>13166149

You know, we talk about MGs and human sons every once in a while, but they are terrible mothers to their daughters, by human standards. What makes you think they'd be good with boys? I only see that working out if they have a husband.

>> No.13166140
Quoted by: >>13166144

Mostly a joke, yeah. People do get a little creeped out that I can sit alone in an empty room for hours without getting bored though.

>> No.13166143
Quoted by: >>13166156

Could you name examples of such quality or content?

>> No.13166144

I can do the same thing, only it's because I learned to sleep with my eyes open and upright.

>> No.13166145
Quoted by: >>13166185

Fair enough. It seems to be the case of most anons. How many words do you predict spaceworms to be?

>> No.13166148

Usually you can gauge quality within the first thousand words or less.

As for content, a synopsis should be fine. Assuming writers provide one, anyways.

>> No.13166149
File: 71 KB, 311x450, the best lamia ever created.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe I've ever seen anyone insinuate that any MG would make a bad mother for either son or daughter anon.

>> No.13166156

I don't really want to comment on other writefags' stuff unless they solicit it. To take a mainstream example, I like Wheel of Time despite it being painfully long and detailed.

>> No.13166159

Do other writefags provide a synopsis at the beginning to give people an idea about the story? I never really thought of doing that.

>> No.13166160
Quoted by: >>13166174

I sure as hell don't.
I don't like doing overly long and complicated things.

>> No.13166162
File: 411 KB, 700x865, 1400672014288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless they solicit it
Well that's problematic.
>Wheel of Time
You and I are now enemies, for your taste is different from mine. En garde!
None that I know of do that.

>> No.13166163
Quoted by: >>13166174

I do.

It's pretty short, but gives an idea of what to expect.

>> No.13166165
Quoted by: >>13166174

Me either and I feel a Synopsis might spoil some of the surprises.

>Usually you can gauge quality within the first thousand words or less.
I feel that there's been a real growth from when I first started this to where I am now. So this isn't always accurate.

>> No.13166166
Quoted by: >>13166199

> I like Wheel of Time despite it being painfully long and detailed
Same here. WoT is the only book series I've read more than twice*.
*only the first five books; I haven't read the latter 9 more than once.

>> No.13166173
Quoted by: >>13166176

He might be refering to KC stating 'maybe' that MGs tend to teach their daughterus lewd stuff from early childhood as far as to buying them slutty loli clothes in shops run by Baphomet-chan. I think it's somewhere in 'Monster Society' part of one of the guides.

>> No.13166174

Maybe just genre, initial MGs (if not spoilery), and general feel?

For example, mine would be something like: Romance, harpy, lovey-dovey/smut/minor drama.

Not like I'm trying to make this a thing for all writers. Just throwing it out there.

>> No.13166176
Quoted by: >>13166183

>All MG children shop at Dirty Spoiled Whore clothing stores

>> No.13166177
Quoted by: >>13166309

>In order to enable their daughters to find men through their own power and have sex, monster mothers often give their daughters as much freedom as possible and let them make their own decisions. Monster children basically spend their days doing whatever they like, and going wherever they like.

This is what I meant, and I did say human standards. I mean, what guarantees she won't let the kid run off while she screws Papa all day? And if she didn't have a husband, the same? Or, she might make him go out so he can get raped ASAP. Outside of suckling kids, I don't think MGs make good mothers.

>> No.13166179

It may still give them an idea of what to expect.

>> No.13166180
Quoted by: >>13166188

That's less like a synopsis and more tags for what to expect.

>> No.13166181
Quoted by: >>13166188

That's all well and good, but it only works if the author has a clear idea on where they're going to go with their story. I know I never stick with whatever I originally set out to do.

>> No.13166183

It's "Stupid Spoiled Whore", idjut.

>> No.13166185
Quoted by: >>13166187

It will be semi-episodic once the party is assembled so it's hard to say. It could end up being quite long.
That's true, my problem is my biggest pet peeves usually aren't readily apparent in the beginning or synopsis and I have trouble putting down a story once I start it - even if I end up hating it halfway through.

>> No.13166186

It's been a while since I've seen that episode, forgive me anon.
I will commit sudoku if you request it.

>> No.13166187
Quoted by: >>13166226

>It could end up being quite long
I say it SHOULD. I mean, it's got the ingredients for an epic space opera, why waste that and cut it short?

>> No.13166188
Quoted by: >>13166190

Yeah, pretty much. Something less obtrusive than a synopsis was what I was thinking.

This is true for a lot of writers, yeah. It's not as difficult to stay in the same genre from start to finish, though.

>> No.13166190
Quoted by: >>13166202

>Yeah, pretty much. Something less obtrusive than a synopsis was what I was thinking.
I wonder if I should bother doing tags for my story, or if being ~150k words into it is too late. Fuck I don't even know what tags it would be.

>> No.13166195

Stupid Spoiled Whore~
Video Playset~
Let every see your coo-ooch~

>> No.13166199
Quoted by: >>13166204

The last 2~ books before the Sanderson written part are really good. The ones between there and the first few are a bit of a dull spot.
>En garde!
Careful, Anon. I have a black-belt in pocketsand.

>> No.13166202
Quoted by: >>13166217


Same. If you have multiple stories, then maybe a standalone paste with a list of stories and their little blurb would work?

>Works by this writefag include:
>blah blah blah, of the blah genre, featuring this MG
>blah blah, of the blah genre

>> No.13166204

>throwing sand at an honorable Lizard
You're a villain, PRW. As expected of a WoT fan.

>> No.13166207

>An astoundingly tall vampire will never give you the nickname "bite size"

>> No.13166210

>You will never be a monstergirl's little spoon during cuddling sessions.
>You will never cuddle with a monstergirl ever.
This is a profound sadness.

>> No.13166211

Braid tuggan! Skirt smootan!

Jesus, there was like, one female character in the whole enormous cast who wasn't in dire need of some Risperidone.

>> No.13166212
Quoted by: >>13166244

>Baphomets and their disciples call their Husbands "Beloved Onii-chan"
>Dragons call theirs "Precious Treasure"
>Vampires call theirs "Addictive Snack"
Let it be so!

>> No.13166215

It's a grower, not a shower.

>> No.13166217

I'm scared that that would make me look pretentious though.
>Look at this fag. So self important that he's gone and synopsised his writefaggotry like any one gives a fuck

Hell I don't even edit my work because I'm of the opinion that it's not even at a level to deserve editing. Synopsises and blurbs are things real writers do.

>> No.13166219
Quoted by: >>13166232

>your oni waifu will never call you her "portable husband."

>> No.13166220

I sort of in the same boat.

>> No.13166226

I should have said 'it will end up being quite long.' I sometimes slip into passive voice as part of my don't-rile-people-up instinct.

>> No.13166228

True, but as >>13166148 shows, some readers actually prefer it. I can understand not wanted to attract the ones who would call you a faggot for it, though.

>> No.13166232
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, This is the taste of despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166247

>You'll never ask her why only to get the answer "Because I can pick you up and carry you around with me!"
My heart is dying anon. I can't handle this.

>> No.13166233

You gotta rattle a few cages sometimes. Don't worry, the only people who hate you are the ones who hate Alp and think you're him.

>> No.13166235

I agree with you about the synopses.
I do edit, but that's only because I'm autistic about spelling

>> No.13166238
Quoted by: >>13166241

A lot of people do that in this thread.

>> No.13166241

>A lot of people do
>not "Some peopls may choose at times to do"

You rilin' me, faggot?

>> No.13166242
Quoted by: >>13166253

I was playing some WC3 because it's awesome, and a thought occurred to me.
Why don't we have a Jamaican version of the MGE Troll?

>> No.13166244

>Kumiho call their husbands "Emergency rations"

>> No.13166246

>not foie gras

>> No.13166247
Quoted by: >>13166250

>meet you're harpy waifu at a skydiving class
>get married a few years later
>be first to sex the waifu at 10,000 feet
>she starts calling you her "in-flight meal"

>> No.13166250

>Wyvernfu calls her Dragoon "Pecker"

>> No.13166253

>nananananana nananananana Hah! ME!

>Tell my husband I– (explosion).

>> No.13166264
File: 182 KB, 558x580, Wyvern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to bully a wyvern.

>> No.13166265

You realize editing is critical to anything, right?

No manuscript or story is top-notch from the first draft. Not editing it just screams laziness.

And a synopsis is important because it lets your readers know if it's something they'll like before hand. If someone has no i dea what they're getting into, how can you expect them to read your block o' text?

So yeah, no synopsis, no editing, etc? You're just a lazy writer.

>> No.13166266

Excel please.

>> No.13166269
Quoted by: >>13166270

What? No. Why?

>> No.13166270
File: 432 KB, 700x990, Wyvern2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flustered wyverns is why.

>> No.13166272
Quoted by: >>13166293

Synopsis is debatable, it depends on the format in which the story is posted. You're right about the editing though.

>> No.13166275
Quoted by: >>13166286

>Sneak up behind Wyvern classmate at grade school
>Spook her by tapping her shoulders and making a noise
>She spills her juice
>She cries
>I somewhat feel bad about it
>Wurm trips over thin air and ends up slapping her chocolate pie onto my face
>She cries
>Dragon walks by and drops her piggy bank, which breaks upon hitting the ground
>She cries
>Ryu slithers over the broken piggy bank and gets her soft belly scales cut up
>She cries
>Jabberwock watches all of this
>Wants to fit in
>She can't cry though

>> No.13166277
Quoted by: >>13166285

>If someone has no i dea what they're getting into, how can you expect them to read your block o' text?
Often the title does a good job, providing the author isn't some schlub who tries to give it an "arty" title.
Basically I just read stuff that gets recommended in the thread. A synopsis won't tell you if a story is actually good, which is the only important thing to consider.

>> No.13166285
Quoted by: >>13166299

Whilst I can't deny being a lazy writer, what do you mean when you say editing? Because I mean stuff like checking for minor inconsistencies, spell checking, ensuring particular phrasings aren't awkward, that sort of thing. If you're talking about plot as a whole and the story itself, I've revised and changed things countless times.

And as for Synopsis, you can't let people know what they'll like before hand because they won't know untill they've read it. At the most, all you can to is give them an inkling as to whether or not they're interested in the premise, which as >>13166277 Mentioned, you'll know easily enough from the title and whatever the author says when they post the link to the bin in the threads.

>> No.13166286

The Rito of dragon bullying is born

>> No.13166290

>Fucking with people with your Kumiho waifu
>Go out to a restaurant
>Order a lot of food for yourself, nervously
>Waiter asks her what she wants
>"Oh I'm fine, I've got my dinner right here"
>Anon shrinks down in the seat and shivers a little
>You share the plate, but never let the waiter see it
>Waiter creeped the fuck out
>Laugh about it later

>> No.13166293

I never edit anything though. I don't even proofread. I don't want to read my own writing.

>> No.13166299

If you don't want to read it how can you expect others to?

Proofreading and copyediting is looking at grammar and such.

Full-on editing is going through the plot and such to make improvements. Add scenes, remove scenes, reorder things, change plot elements, etc.

>> No.13166306

>how can you expect others to?
They do, so there's no need for me to embarrass myself.

>> No.13166308

>Proofreading and copyediting is looking at grammar and such.
Right. That's the thing I don't do.

>Add scenes, remove scenes, reorder things, change plot elements
This is something I "sort of do" Once it's written it's down and in concrete. But a lot of my ideas and plot is listed in point form and I'm always changing that around, adding things, taking things out and linking one piece of plot to another. I've never straight up taken out a block of writing, or put it before or after something, bu that's because I have a fairly solid flow set in my mind already.

>> No.13166309
File: 672 KB, 1307x1470, Alma Confirmed best Mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-sense, MG's would make the best moms, it says they try to give their children as much freedom as possible, not limitless freedom.

They wouldn't let them run off to danger or anything like that.

Wurm and Ushi moms might be a bit less "cautious" with their daughters than the other species though but it's not like Loli Ushi or Loli Worm have many legitimate threats to them.

>> No.13166330
File: 84 KB, 147x227, GnomeNom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never edit anything though. I don't even proofread. I don't want to read my own writing.

I'm a despicable narcissist when it comes to writing; I love reading my own prose and can happily fap to lewd scenes I wrote. And it's not just writefaggotry; I can easily piss away hours reading old forum posts of mine and congratulating myself on how witty and insightful I am.
(But I strongly suspect this is the exception, not the norm, and probably counts as some sort of mental illness whereby one day I will disappear up my own asshole)

>> No.13166332
Quoted by: >>13166340

We're quite different, you and I. Why is Gnome eating something with an eye?

>> No.13166334

I've never been able to fap to my own smut.

Which sucks because when I first write it I'm hard as hell and drip precum like a faucet. Wind up having to find something else to finally get off on.

>> No.13166335

>sylph scene is just boring sex scene and not some glorious Tricky Fairy-like stretching
I was mad

>> No.13166337

At least you're aware of it.

>> No.13166338

Not him but occasionally I'll go back and read stuff I wrote a long while back. Usually it's like "Wow, look at this mess. I hope I've gotten better" but sometimes it's like "I forgot I even knew that word. I forgot about this conversation. This is pretty good."

I also generally read the last few thousand words before I start typing on a new update just to make sure the flow continues the way it should.

>> No.13166339

While I don't get that entirely, I do find myself hot and bothered whenever I write lewd.

two-word captchas back. Thanks moot.

>> No.13166340

Because it's delicious tentacle plant filled with sweet rape.

>> No.13166343


We really need a Bison Holst.

>> No.13166344
File: 109 KB, 192x310, 1323045015306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166351

>Writing (what I think are) amazing lewds
>Actually have to change underwear from all the pre
>By the time I sit back down my writing flow's broken and my muse has evaporated
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.13166348
Quoted by: >>13166350

Not who you're quoting, but are you me? I have to hide myself away somewhere when I'm writing lewd because I don't want to offend someone with the tent in my pants.

But afterward I can't get off to the scene itself. Usually finding a doujin with a girl of the same body type can do the trick, though.

>> No.13166350
Quoted by: >>13166360

I think it's because when I go through and edit I have to kind of turn off my lewd centers and look at what's going on from an analytical point of view. Once that happens I'm never able to get hard from it again. Hell, I even sit there wondering if what I wrote was good smut.

There's only been one exception to this in all the smut I've written.

>> No.13166351

When I'm writing smut, I'm mostly trying to fight back the urge to stop because it's goofy, not hot.

>> No.13166360
Quoted by: >>13166362

Yes, exactly! It's almost like watching an instant replay and trying to think how you can do it better. It ruins the magic if you look too deep into it, but it's our job as writers to do just that.

>> No.13166362
Quoted by: >>13166365

It ain't my job.

>> No.13166365
Quoted by: >>13166368

You know what I mean.

>> No.13166368

No, I mean I don't DO it. Seriously, if I ever read my own stories, I'd never upload any of them.

>> No.13166376
File: 28 KB, 625x530, 1391569563354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to headcanon that MGs are naturally more animal-style in their child-rearing than human-style.
That is, half the time they suckle 'em for a month then wave bye-bye as they watch them crawl off into the undergrowth, to flourish or perish as Charles Darwin decides.
I just don't share the thread's fetish for daughteru raising, I guess

>> No.13166379
Quoted by: >>13166396

That makes you awful. If you don't want to raise children, don't make them you bastard.

>> No.13166383
File: 60 KB, 800x482, scutigera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scutigera oomukade when

>> No.13166385

It looks like there must be more to this picture (why is it To. Arachne? What's she counting on the wall), but I've never seen an expanded version.

>> No.13166396
File: 137 KB, 406x591, 1403875282933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that I am ACTIVELY OPPOSED to childrearing. It just never struck me as an obvious thing to associate with monstergirls, seeing as how very often the creatures they're based on just don't raise their offspring in any serious manner.

(Also I said NATURALLY more animal-style. I wouldn't mind some cute fic where an Anondad convinces her to let their child stay with them, and under his guidance she becomes the first one of her species to discover how loev it is to actually raise a daughteru)

>> No.13166399
Quoted by: >>13166406

Kinda cute
>They can eat wasps
What the fuck, tho?

>> No.13166405
Quoted by: >>13166408

Pls no, the original Oomukade is already gross enough

>> No.13166406
Quoted by: >>13166409

They live in peoples houses and eat bugs, they aren't dangerous to humans and can be quite beneficial to have.

>> No.13166408
Quoted by: >>13166418

No anon, YOUR waifu is gross.

>> No.13166409

I watched one of those fuckers eat a black widow in my garage a few nights ago.

>> No.13166413
Quoted by: >>13166430

EMG anime announced

>> No.13166418
Quoted by: >>13166424

I don't have a waifu

>> No.13166424
Quoted by: >>13166426

Well then you're gross and also an alp.

>> No.13166426
Quoted by: >>13166428

>NO U argument
How low are Oomukadefags?

>> No.13166428
File: 37 KB, 625x626, steins;bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166455

I'm gonna stop responding now.

>> No.13166430
File: 206 KB, 575x491, lolitrollu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166431

Come on, man, at least give some fake url and an image or something, you're not even trying here.
2/10, got me to respond.

>> No.13166431

Go to /a/ and see it by yourself.

>> No.13166433



Summer 2015

>> No.13166437
Quoted by: >>13166488

This is a nice birthday gift. Unlike last years' wani purge

>> No.13166440


There is one way this could go very well for us. The threads on /a/ will be shitty as hell, but here in our little corner of /jp/ we will probably avoid the anime only faggots. Somewhat intelligent people with a deeper interest in monster girls may find their way here, boosting our numbers without bringing the retards with them.

Am I delusional for being this optimistic?

>> No.13166442
Quoted by: >>13166445

Well. We better get ready for the stream of people poking theirs heads in here when it airs.

>> No.13166443

Well, I guess this will be the first thing I watch in almost four years.

Probably, but hope is a good thing.

>> No.13166444

You're delusional for thinking these threads are "intelligent" in the slightest, you pretentious shit stain.

>> No.13166445

The true autists should mostly stick to /a/
I hope

>> No.13166446

>Somewhat intelligent people
Don't make me laugh but I agree with you, threads will be even worse once tripfags and animeonlyfags start to get into the threads.

>> No.13166454
File: 54 KB, 350x447, TimeForMonstergirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EMG is excruciating haremshit that I haven't been able to bring myself to read since about Ch.10, so I've no interest in the anime itself.

But this is still a good thing 'cos it'll inevitably bring in more interest and OC into the genre.
Well done Crabman, I guess.

>> No.13166455
Quoted by: >>13166463

>someone doesn't like my objectively very "peculiar" waifu
>it must be bait
Have you ever thought someone actually find Oomukade gross?
Though I don't blame your taste, tastes differ I guess

>> No.13166456
Quoted by: >>13166473

I'll watch it for professionally animated lamia and spider movement.

>inb4 shit studio

>> No.13166460
File: 936 KB, 1200x1740, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will wait it for NTR and rape mindbreak doujins

>> No.13166463
Quoted by: >>13166470

It's bait because you're attempting to coax me into a SNAFU.

>> No.13166467
File: 120 KB, 350x262, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13166469


>> No.13166470
Quoted by: >>13166483


>> No.13166471
Quoted by: >>13166477

>Suu doujins

>> No.13166473
Quoted by: >>13166478

>monster parts will be cheap CGI
I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.13166474
File: 539 KB, 850x1000, Valk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166518


'Nother Greyguard update, in which Theinn Duels with Kara. Short sweet 2.5k comments criticisms are all more than welcome.

>Update at line 2182


>> No.13166476
Quoted by: >>13166497

All I want is an Victim Girls - EMG.

>> No.13166477
File: 1.06 MB, 1773x2085, Slimebros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166507

Excellent point.
Cautious hype.

>> No.13166478

>Suu pure CGI

>> No.13166483

>what on earth is a google??

>> No.13166488

>This is a nice birthday gift.
You too? I'm starting to believe every post on 4chan is just the same person

>> No.13166495

>Somewhat intelligent people with a deeper interest in monster girls
>this thread
Hahahaha, don't be retarded.

I'm quite happy with this. I still enjoy EMG and they'd have to fuck the adaptation up pretty bad to turn me off of it.

>> No.13166497
File: 101 KB, 1200x1712, DRAGON_SLAYER_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh nigga
I hope it will feature this guy and it would just good old NTR rape and not some tentacles or punching shit

>> No.13166502

What did he expect?

>> No.13166503

>Finally somebody who shares the pain of the wani purge. I hope

>> No.13166507

>most doujins will be Suu NTRing darling and making him her sissy

>> No.13166512
File: 255 KB, 1200x889, I want to see a Siren calling her Ushi friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166548

>Works hard to be a better cook than women

He's got to be the least evil evil rapist in Victim Girls.

>> No.13166516
Quoted by: >>13166536

Desiree is fine, though I wouldn't mind something like in 10 with the MC breaking some bitches.

>> No.13166518
Quoted by: >>13166530

How long will the story be?

It feels like I'll die before it ends. Not like I'm complaining though.

>> No.13166530
Quoted by: >>13166539

We're about... 10% in, but I'm not really sure how I'll handle things like him training for a few years with the Greyguards. If I'll go day by day, week by week, or time skip whole years. But then he'll have three trials as ordained to him by the arch-angel of the Greyguard, based upon the trialee's potential. And MC kun has a mega powerful destiny so his trials are huge. And each of the three has quite a bit to it. And then there'll be Rebellion Stuff, and the more shit. Let me put it this way. At the end of the story Theinn will be a couple centuries old.

>> No.13166536
Quoted by: >>13166562

You want Alf unexpected cameo?

>> No.13166539
Quoted by: >>13166556

>We're about... 10%
Yeah I will die before it ends. I hope it has at least a happy end.

>> No.13166541
File: 198 KB, 737x1200, 1422307476606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166542

> Wake up in the middle of the night, stomach growling.
> New maid has forced me onto a diet, wont even let me finish any of the junk food I already had bought, except as treats for when I do something she approves off.
> Keeps guilting me from eating it, looking at me with tears in the corners of her bright eyes.
> unfair really.
> Get out of bed and head to the kitchen.
> Maybe you'll have just a little, tiny slice of cake, just to get asleep. And Maybe some chips, just a few. Need to wash it down, maybe a soda? Yeah, a soda.
> Tip-toe to the refrigerator, mouth already salivating a bit.
> She'll never have to know, I'll be in and out.
> As I open it, hear the sound of liquids being slowly poured into a cup.
> Mouth drops in terror, as my eyes slowly pan up.
> Sitting onto of the refrigerator, her legs crossed and her dress perfectly smooth, is the Kikimora.

>> No.13166542
Quoted by: >>13166573

> She's slowly pouring a small cup of tea.
> Her eyes aren't even open, as fear fills my fragile being.
" Trouble sleeping master?" She asks. Theres a strange tone in her voice, like the tone of a cat who found a mouse far away from the hole in the wall.
> My mouth opens and closes a few times, but no words come out, as panic sets in.
" I-I...uh y-yeah, couldn't sleep, S-So I thought I would...you know, patrol the house? Make sure...we were safe?"
> I sound very unsure of my own answer.
> She finishes filling the cup of tea, and hands it down into my shaking hands.
" Oh, What a lucky maid I am to have such a diligent and brave master, I feel so safe already~." She coos, smiling gently.
" Y-yeah haha, that me you know?!
> One of her bright eye's opens, peering down at me, as I quake under her stare.
" Such a master would never, ever cheat on his diet, that his hardworking maid put so much effort into."
" Because such a master would want to live a long, healthy life, so he could spend more and more time with his maid, isn't that right?"
> Dammit knees, stop shaking.
" HAhahahah yeah I love my diet...hahahaha ogodimsoscared."
" I didn't quite hear that master...now drink that tea and get right back to bed, you need to be well rested."
> She leaned forward, both eyes open, a predatory look in them, as she licks her lips.
" I'll be in to...tuck you in, in a moment. I'm sure you'll stay in bed after that."
> Flee back into my room in a babbling mess, and hide under the covers.
> Something else sneaks into my covers a few moments later.
> The "work out" she puts me through causes me to loose 3 pounds over night, and makes my pelvis barely usable.
> Diets are weird.

>> No.13166544
Quoted by: >>13166550

Are Jitsu Wa and EMG going to run in the same season?

>> No.13166548 [SPOILER] 
File: 575 KB, 512x384, 1426079922816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That filename...

>You will never see a Siren getting hit in the face with a smelly paintball
>She'll never start shouting and raging forth profanities that would make a sailor blush
>She'll never screech so loud at her Order assailants they are momentarily stunned
>She'll never do a Ushi-Oni mating call / Spider Mating Dance to attract an Ushi-Oni to rape her Order assailants
>Crayon will never draw this for you

There, my work here is done. Have a nice day!

>> No.13166550

I don't think they set date for Jitsu wa, just this year

>> No.13166556
Quoted by: >>13166561

Ah... Um... Actual spoiler. Don't read this if you don't want to spoiler yourself. Is a harem collected/kidnapped willingly/unwillingly by a yandere MC to surround him and protect him from the screams in his insane mind considered a good end? Because that's how I think it'll end. This can change at any moment though.

>> No.13166561
File: 2.00 MB, 341x321, 1380695484031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You story, your decision. I was hoping for Dhampir/Rusalka bigamy end but whatever.

>> No.13166562

You don't?

>> No.13166563
Quoted by: >>13166564

What about Ela though?

>> No.13166564
Quoted by: >>13166572

Oh and Don't think that if I go with harem end, Ranuinne and Teresa won't be in it. If that's any consolation.

>> No.13166572

>Ranuinne won't be in it
Nigga what.

>> No.13166573
Quoted by: >>13166582

What a caring and diligent maid. Yet another example why more people need Kikimora maids.

>> No.13166575
Quoted by: >>13166579

I said don't think that. Sorry, all the
>You will never
greentexts have me speaking in negatives.

>> No.13166576
Quoted by: >>13166579

>Don't think that if I go with harem end, Ranuinne won't be in it.
>If I go for with the harem end, Ranuinne will be in it.

>> No.13166578

Responding after 16 hours just to say I'd go for that Mantis.

>> No.13166579

Yes yes, I got it just after writing the post, sorry.

>> No.13166582
Quoted by: >>13166585

But there are people probably in this thread too who can shove these sweet creatures and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.13166585 [DELETED] 

People's tastes differ. And Kikis deserve masters who can appreciate their tireless efforts anywaydindl.

>> No.13166586
File: 2.57 MB, 3000x2200, c6d79983e4b32177732d84d3eb2c05ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any stories with vampires?

>> No.13166602
Quoted by: >>13166609

I only remember tsundere vampire

>> No.13166603
Quoted by: >>13166609

How do you feel about vampire spiders?

>> No.13166609

I don't like tsundere too much.

Fearboners are good.

>> No.13166621
Quoted by: >>13166625

> Workaholic Giant Ant

She sounds like such a cutie.
I'd love to be a househusband for her, drawing her a long hot bath when she gets home from work, and then sending her off the next day with a loving kiss.
Fuck, I don't even like kikis, why do I want to be a male one?

>> No.13166625
Quoted by: >>13166641

You prize fidelity, diligence and dedication and enjoy the idea of working for the benefit of someone who does their best?

>> No.13166628

>Welcome back to the Monster Morning News, I'm your host Tom Katz and with me as always it Catrina Knap.
>Thanks Tom, today we have a special guest analyst to help us understand the steps the Cat Kingdom is taking in the wake of the Happy Cat Dairy incident. Welcome to the show Ms Felina Damper, a fellow from the Shini Shini Institute of Cat Psychology.
>Thanks for having me Tom and Cat.
>Happy to have you. Now that the dairy spill has finally been licked what can we do going forward to avoid future incidents such as the one that occurred last month.
>Glad you asked Tom, as you know the laser pointer threat is not likely to go away any time soon so we here at the Shini Shini institute have developed several cat friendly strategies to nip this in the bud. Firstly, we are introducing the "It's a spot not prey" training sessions for those most affected by such devices. This is especially good for our Cait Sith community as they seem to have the most issues regarding these heinous spots of light. Harnessing the power of spray bottle technology and can opener audio we can train any girl on how to avoid manic pouncing on laser lights.
>Impressive but what of the rumors of it leaving some CATatonic for a few hours?
>Ah yes Catrina, there are some girls who get confused and end up freezing for good while but generally speaking these are rare. Another issues ofcourse is that the water spray treatment we've found only encourages some of our feistier felines such as Jinkos to become more predatory of laser lights so we are ofcourse doing more research on how to help them.
>Thanks for your time Felina
>You're welcome Tom and Cat.
>Our next story, have feasts become too fancy? and one HEALTHY business tycoon says fats cats are here to stay.

>> No.13166630
Quoted by: >>13166632

>Shini Shini
Is it some pun I'm missing?

>> No.13166632

Shiny shiny

>> No.13166641

Pondering on it at length, I think it's the prospect of de-stressing her and stopping her getting panic attacks that I like.
Cuddling her gently and stroking her hair until you can feel tension melting out of her limbs... divine.

>> No.13166651
Quoted by: >>13166664

Charon god fucking dammit.

>> No.13166664
File: 360 KB, 1000x1300, Evil has a name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13166670

I thought everybody already knew 4chan is just 3 guys arguing with each other.

>> No.13166680
Quoted by: >>13166685

>charon spends all of her free time practicing her jokes on her dog
This is actually kind of sad

>> No.13166685
Quoted by: >>13166687

She had a husband once. Once.

>> No.13166686
Quoted by: >>13166687

Where did Charon get enough cum to fill her bowl?

>> No.13166687
Quoted by: >>13166698

Do tell.

>> No.13166698

All the information we have is that he's now living happily in wonderland and even the Chesires avoid him.

>> No.13166706
File: 201 KB, 803x1200, Off the ceiling and onto the dance floor, flashing colors are shimmering bright, as she watches him move, to her delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neighbor cuts down my bush because it "touched his side" of the lawn
>Aw hell NO!
>Wait for his Jinko GF to come "escort" him to dinner like the princess he is
>Grab my laser pointer and point it at the sidewalk in front of his house
>She immediately drops him and pounces on it
>Point it at his mailbox
>My neighbor no longer has a mailbox now
>He starts loudly yelping about what's wrong with her
>I put that red dot right on his chest
>She tackles him hard and rips a hole in his red shirt where the dot was
>Then triumphantly holds up a chunk of red cloth proclaiming "I GOT IT!"
>All the predatory action and her being on top of a man puts her into heat
>She assertively starts fornicating with him on the lawn
>A Kikimora cop walks by and sticks an indecent exposure sticky ticket on his head
>Crying from laughter now
>The Kiki sees me, my pointer, and heads to my house
>Try to bribe her with a dinner date
>Slaps fuzzy cuffs on me and rapes me for trying to bribe a cop

>> No.13166715

>>Slaps fuzzy cuffs on me and rapes me for trying to bribe a cop
Best. Day. Ever.

>> No.13166716
File: 183 KB, 800x602, 1425360538268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166725

Fuck, I should have ended that with a Cait Sith coming and then putting me in her rape dungeon for being an asshole to the giant cat.

>> No.13166725

Its better the way you did end it.

>> No.13166736
Quoted by: >>13166737

I want to help save the Siberian jinkos

>> No.13166737
Quoted by: >>13166744

Tiger is not of being valid option.

>> No.13166744

But anon, their numbers are dwindling! I need to do all I can to prevent their extinction!

>> No.13166747
Quoted by: >>13166749


>> No.13166749


Not enough anon, we need to have more.

Time for dangerous Sabbath drugs, jinkos can handle having ten kids at a time right?

>> No.13166751

Reminder that she doesn't exactly hate it because you're touching her, giving her attention, and smiling.

>> No.13166757
Quoted by: >>13166760

No matter. Cannot pick tiger, pick something else. Pick Panda maybe?

>> No.13166759
Quoted by: >>13166778


Does a rapey fox count as a monster girl if she just looks like a normal brown milf?

>> No.13166760
Quoted by: >>13166762

Why not both?

Saving two populations at once!

>> No.13166762
Quoted by: >>13166772

Tiger is not a valid choice, get it through your thick head!
All Jinko Putin's Jinko. Putin can afford.

>> No.13166765

If you don't continue I'll become sad

>> No.13166769
File: 95 KB, 850x850, 1412247927840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166791

No, they don't follow me because I'm smelly!

>> No.13166772

Nyet, I don't care if I have to fight an army of the KGBs finest MGs to get one.

I will to my part to impregnate, and take responsibility for, a siberian jinko.

Although I am now imagining a TV show in MGC about a Siberian jinko and ren xionmao who are both pregnant with dectuplets and their husband who has to take care of them

>> No.13166776
Quoted by: >>13166789

>panda with dectuplets
Zen Ten?

>> No.13166777
Quoted by: >>13166789



>> No.13166778

My brain says no. But my boner doesn't care.

>> No.13166789

Yes, it would be a wonderful tale of a husband, his lazy Ren Xionmao and fit siberian jinko wife.

Ren would have the breasts, jinko would have the ass.

You can't stop me lucky sevens.

Nothing can stop a man with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

>> No.13166791

I blame the brown tips on your tails.

>> No.13166797

So what petname would your waifu call you by?

Hard Mode: It can't be dangerously cheesy

>> No.13166799

Don't know, I cannot into petnames.

>> No.13166801

So much for her calling me her Chester Cheetah.

>> No.13166802

She'd call me what all the other girls who like me call me. I't's derived from my name though, so I won't say it.

>> No.13166804

totally agree

>> No.13166806
Quoted by: >>13166807


>> No.13166807

You're not going to guess it, it's not an English name.

>> No.13166809
Quoted by: >>13166815


I could always smash my face on the keyboard and see what pops out.

>> No.13166811

Hey you

>> No.13166812
Quoted by: >>13166815


>> No.13166813

> She'd call me what all the other girls who like me call me
The one ;_; girl that was ever into me just called me by my actual name while everyone else - even my immediate family - calls me by my nickname.
It was sorta cute.

>> No.13166815
Quoted by: >>13166817

Unlikely to work out.
At least you got one letter right.

>> No.13166817
Quoted by: >>13166820


Was I close?

>> No.13166818


> She never learned your name
> You've been married to her for five years now

>> No.13166820
Quoted by: >>13166827


>> No.13166821
Quoted by: >>13166826

>There will never be a story about a Vampire girl who refuses to drink blood after her father died from blood loss keeping her alive when the two of them are buried under rubble to save her
>while moonlighting as a Super hero

>> No.13166823

it's a wurm, i told her but she forgot

>> No.13166826
Quoted by: >>13166829

Why did you give Vamp's backstory to a superhero?

>> No.13166827
Quoted by: >>13166830

That's what happens when you marry a harpy type.


I'll need to try later.

>> No.13166828

Wolverine. Because my bones are/will be indestructible with her.

>> No.13166829

Well it's either that or the Vampire daughteru got a serious case of being cut in half

>> No.13166830

You already know one letter. Technically two, but one of them is in the wrong place. Now think back on all those computers you hacked in Fallout and try to figure it out!

>> No.13166832
File: 36 KB, 554x439, 1274765216325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, but I call her hallucinations

>> No.13166839

Rape Bait.

>> No.13166847
Quoted by: >>13166853

Yeah, you both have relatively distinct posting styles, plus the number of responses to any spaceworm update/discussion about it that directly name the author as PRW while people will quickly recognize and address you as Alp mean that mistake reflects more badly on the intelligence/perceptiveness of the guy who avoided it than anything else. The fact that by his own admission he can't articulate what he dislikes about your stuff implies that it's probably an arbitrary negative association rather than a real material fault with the work. Which is fine, that happens sometimes, but unless you have a concrete criticism it's kind of dickish to announce you hate something when you know it's probably just a matter of your personal tastes or a weird hangup.

>> No.13166852
Quoted by: >>13166856

Out there in the cold getting sick and growing old, can you hear me?

>> No.13166853

That post is 8 hours old, anon.

>> No.13166856

I blew it.

>> No.13166861

Ok anons,

/fit/ tomboy alp or chubby Kuudere Tanuki?

The tanuki owns a fast food chain and the alp won the lottery.

>> No.13166864

Fuck off

>> No.13166868

Alp, definitely the Alp.

>> No.13166870


>> No.13166875


>> No.13166876
File: 224 KB, 1200x1729, AnY30E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13166879

what the fuck

>> No.13166881
File: 139 KB, 416x600, Youko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166922

You've all read Vagabond, right?
What if we had that, but with a Monster Girl instead of Musashi, and sex instead of swordsmanship?
The main heroine would start off as an edgy rapist and as the story went on she'd learn that sex was about more than that.

>> No.13166882
File: 90 KB, 600x624, CrabmanThing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crabman's asking for more character sheet things on his twitter. Last time this led to the dudes you see at the end of MM31 with their new waifus.

>> No.13166883

It's a trap!

>> No.13166884

What a nice man.

>> No.13166885
Quoted by: >>13166931

>japs and their superiority complex

>> No.13166887

Tanuki. If only to see if she can make that SMB3 tail swish sound.

>> No.13166891

Treasure, or if she's feeling really lovey-dovey, Princess. I don't care what she calls me, I think it's very sweet and loving, with the meaning behind it.

I'd call her Sugarscale/Sweetscale.

>> No.13166897
Quoted by: >>13166903

Kikimora lewds when?

>> No.13166899


The one you love the most.

>> No.13166903

When you set up cameras in your house and 'accidentally' leave your cum rag out.

>> No.13166906

Her love bug
Or maybe her on-board love supply

>> No.13166913
Quoted by: >>13166937

>Giving fans appearances in his work
Show that you appreciate your fans and they'll support you forever.

>> No.13166914

>that horrified loli over the dude's shoulder

>> No.13166922

All fuckable is a heat haze.

>> No.13166926

Is he asking for actual pictures of the guys? I wonder how he would react to a 201cm 130kg lumberjack tier blond man asking for a nice cow waifu.

>> No.13166929
Quoted by: >>13166937

>G-gaijin-dono wa kowai!
And then he'd go hide.

>> No.13166931

It's more that they have a crippling inferiority complex but too much pride to give in to it, so they take every opportunity they get to talk themselves up.

>> No.13166933


This is what he picked last time:


>> No.13166937
Quoted by: >>13166939


Back in his original "Living with [X]" comics, when he found out that people on iichan were translating them he wrote a thank you note to the foreign fans in the margin about how he was flattered we liked his stuff so much.

Crabman has always been bro-tier.

>> No.13166939
Quoted by: >>13166953

He should be, drawing indecent comics about Monster Girls means you're a good person.

>> No.13166953
Quoted by: >>13166955

Ahobaka disagrees

>> No.13166955
File: 639 KB, 1184x756, You wa SHOCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166958


>> No.13166958
Quoted by: >>13166960

Not him but you seem like you've never seen his stuff.

>> No.13166960

Never heard of him. I think I'm happier in the world where I haven't, the world where Monster Girls are a representation of the good and the beautiful.

>> No.13166963
File: 89 KB, 216x250, 1411844498027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13166972


>> No.13166966

Be nice if this got translated

Not enough unholy abomination/cute gril monster waifus.

>> No.13166968
Quoted by: >>13166971

That's a good idea, anon. Just remember, if you see his name in front of a doujin, skip it.

>> No.13166971

I don't read doujins anyway.

>> No.13166972

God damn faggot dog howling all night. I have work at 6am, don't make me put the shock collar on you.

>> No.13166974
File: 441 KB, 1200x1846, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to these fags
He makes pure heart-warming stories
Ahobaka is the best MG hentai artist

>> No.13166976
File: 61 KB, 590x515, 1399150355535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't read doujins anyway.

>> No.13166977
Quoted by: >>13166980

>not reading hentai
What are you doing here?
Don't tell me you fap to 3DPD

>> No.13166980
Quoted by: >>13166983

No, I don't. That's awful. And I most certainly don't come into these threads to look for fap material. I'm here more for the cutesy stuff. And to maybe write some day. Some day that is not this day.

>> No.13166981 [DELETED] 


Isn't that the doujin where the guy gets impregnated and hung upside down?

>> No.13166982

Eh, didn't see this one. Does he NTR her with some ugly slob too?

>> No.13166983
Quoted by: >>13166988

But anon, she gets off on that.
You're too pure for these threads anon.

>> No.13166984
Quoted by: >>13166996

I find this more erotic than I should

>> No.13166988

>too pure
Okay. I'll just go away and never write that bit about the Alp masturbating with their own spadetail.

>> No.13166990
Quoted by: >>13166997

I wasn't say leave, just that you might wake up one day with a succubus straddling your chest saying how fun corruption is.

>> No.13166992
File: 428 KB, 1200x1846, 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167007


What? No, but there is adorable daughteru

>> No.13166996
Quoted by: >>13167004

>Put a shock collar on your Werewolf waifu before sex
>By the time you finish, she's lying there with her eyes glazed over, drooling and slightly twitching

>> No.13166997

It's not like I'm not a sick pervert, I just don't consume a lot of porn.

>> No.13167003
Quoted by: >>13167005

Go away, faggot

>> No.13167004
Quoted by: >>13167044

My werewolf waifu would probably just glare at me and then put the collar on me instead

Afterwards she'd pet my head and compliment me for being such a "Good Boy"

>> No.13167005

As you wish.

>> No.13167006
Quoted by: >>13167008

This is from the perspective of the Alp right? Genderbending and masturbating as the opposite gender and playing with her new toys would be hot as fuck.

>> No.13167007

>Netorare Ningyo Zuma no Shiranai Karada
ayy lmao
I'm not even sure why he needs _monstergirls_ for that at this point

>> No.13167008
Quoted by: >>13167011

It was going to be, with her looking at herself in the mirror. But it's not welcome around here so I'll just slink away.

>> No.13167011

>Not doing it anyway
Futa and furry isn't welcome here yet .less still draws it. Always follow your artistic vision Anon. pls

>> No.13167012
File: 658 KB, 700x990, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this

>> No.13167013

No. Pissing people off is bad.

>> No.13167016

Big Fat Fox Tits

>> No.13167020

Fuck you I want new stuff to masturbate to

>> No.13167022
Quoted by: >>13167042

Get the fuck out of 4chan anon. for your sake. You don't belong here. Go find a wife, put a daughteru in her and live a happy life. And introduce your daughteru to monstergirls.

>> No.13167023

A Wight, a Pharaoh or an Apophis?

>> No.13167028
Quoted by: >>13167065

I see the light and I fight to vote Wight! I vote Wight all night, with all my might!

>> No.13167030
Quoted by: >>13167077

He draws it because the threads given him a god complex.
He draws awful shit just to piss people off because he finds it funny, and then he draws something like Set and people line up to suck his dick, completely forgetting or ignoring that he's been an asshole.

>> No.13167031
File: 1.01 MB, 970x2000, 1400625303894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167065


>> No.13167037

Oh no, does he have the deadly Japanese Flu?

>> No.13167038
Quoted by: >>13167045

> encouraging people to be more like .less.
> and not based drawfag .less
> but futa-pushing fur-mongler .less
Why would you do this, anon

>> No.13167040
Quoted by: >>13167065

grapesnake bestsnake

>> No.13167041
Quoted by: >>13167065

Wight and Pharaoh at the same time.

>> No.13167042

>You don't belong here
I knew it. I'm taking the next ferry out of here. Remember me as a friend to the homeless.

>> No.13167044

>Not getting two collars
>And giving each other the remote for their partner's collar
>And testing each other to see who'll cum first through electrostimulation during sex

>> No.13167045

Because gender bending is a hot fetish and I lust for more Alp material. If futafags and furryfags can have their shit I can have mine.

>> No.13167051
Quoted by: >>13167064

When was the last time Less drew decent futa though? Furry futa =/= good futa.

>> No.13167052
Quoted by: >>13167060


I don't really know what she would call me but if "kejourou" means hairy prostitute then I'd call her the equivalent of "hairy wife"

or something like that.

>> No.13167060
Quoted by: >>13167071

>I'd call her the equivalent of "hairy wife"
>Anon in charge of being romantic

>> No.13167062

Then make it yourself. Nobody can make porn better suited for you than you.

>> No.13167064

>good futa
>implying there is such a thing.

>> No.13167065

Grapesnake first it is.

>> No.13167067
Quoted by: >>13167082

Marika from Starless is olev.

>> No.13167068

Are you waiting for people to suck your dick and beg you to write your gayshit?
Fuck off already
I don't get why people say Cait is bad, it's just few trolls baiting others, actual furry would never come here just because posting furry is bannable outside of /b/
But alps attracted a shit load of fags, to the point where every 25~ post is about alps, and I think at least half of them are genuine faggots or wannabe trannies
Alp is the worst thing that happened with MGE.

>> No.13167071


OK fine bad idea.

>> No.13167077

So much this.

>> No.13167079
Quoted by: >>13167082

>implying there isn't
A whole board disagrees with you. Just because you prefer having more men in your porn doesn't invalidate the quality of porn with more tits, as opposed to hairy buff manchest.

>> No.13167080

>Alp is the worst thing that happened with MGE.
Alps are fine though, they eliminate gay people. That alone is amazing.

Worst thing is definitely furry cait/cu sith.

>> No.13167082
Quoted by: >>13167094

Guys I get it, you secretly like dicks, it's cool.

Just don't bring it here.

>> No.13167088

So what are the odds he'd choose a gaijin entry over a local one? Would he even glance at one if it wasn't all in japanese?

>> No.13167089

I'm torn between my desire to encourage aspiring writefags and my agreement that the incessant chirping of wannabe alps is extremely annoying.

"Plz do not bully the writefags", I guess;

>> No.13167091
Quoted by: >>13167101

The Nips all see dirty gaijin the same way that guy from Saya no Uta saw everything but the abomination girl.

>> No.13167094
Quoted by: >>13167103


>Just don't bring it here.
The only valid thing you've said thus far. And no one was bringing it here. Just talking about it, because some other closet futafag had to have his daily dose of futashitposting to convince himself that he doesn't secretly with that that man railing that pussy was actually a girl. They're like strapons but organic. It's great.

>> No.13167095

>Nips not being xenophobic

>> No.13167096

>incessant chirping of wannabe alps
Why don't I see this?

>> No.13167101
Quoted by: >>13167108

Based japs
It is the only right way to treat foreigners unless you want to live in islamic nigger infested shithole
Never change, glorious nippon land

>> No.13167103
Quoted by: >>13167125

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

>> No.13167104

The only fucking reason why there's so many posts about Alps is because people immediately lose their shit the moment they're brought into the conversation. I honestly don't even know why the topic of Alps is so inflammatory when they are quite literally just Succubus tomboys.

>B-but they used to be guys and that makes it gay
How? They are biologically female with a masculine personality. Is wanting to fuck a tomboy gay now? What about a bi/lesbian girl? Is it gay to want to fuck them too now?

The only thing about Alp's that could possibly be gay is wanting to become one, but even then it's not much of a problem since by wanting to become an Alp turns you into one. Which then means that all literal fags and people who want to become girls are canonically turned into girls, meaning they're no longer homos.

>> No.13167107
Quoted by: >>13167114

This is all just about people hating that one faggot, anon. They extend their hate to all Alps because of that.

>> No.13167108

True, it'll be even more funny when they can't sustain themselves in a couple of years because of "muh pure culture".

>> No.13167109
File: 94 KB, 620x877, 1392174275824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roll http://monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random

Now Roll https://www.random.org/

If even, the Monster Girl you rolled will give you a Collar and want to be your Dom.

If odd, the Monster Girl you rolled will ask you to give her a collar so she can be Dommed.

If dubs, you both give each other collars because "Muh Switch/Equal".

If 100, she just rapes you in the mouth.

How do you fair?

>> No.13167112
File: 34 KB, 800x399, 1415897568139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13167113

>domming me
I'm okay with this.

>> No.13167114
Quoted by: >>13167116

Yeah, unfortunately there's always going to be a few retards who, intentionally or not, ruin everything for everyone.

>> No.13167115


Alright, so now that I have the upper hand I'll tell her no thank you, collars aren't my thing.

>> No.13167116
Quoted by: >>13167132

Wait, people actually DO hate him? I thought it was just a meme or something.

>> No.13167117

Anon its literally just a hook. There's no fish, no gummy worms, nothing.

>> No.13167118

Or instead of sperging out because someone made one whole post that you dislike, you could just ignore it. It's not like anyone is forcing you to roll.

>> No.13167119


Not what I expected but not bad, I can enjoy this.

>> No.13167120

Because by now most people just sorta tune it into the background noise, but cursory browse reveals >>13160450, >>13161077, >>13164917, >>13164918, >>13164937, >>13164969, >>13165005, etc

>> No.13167121



>> No.13167122
Quoted by: >>13167135

>Crow Tengu

Girl, I'm gonna stuff you like a turkey

>> No.13167123

>incessant chirping of wannabe alps is extremely annoying



>> No.13167124
Quoted by: >>13167140

So which of these posts is "incessant chirping of wannabe alps"?

>> No.13167125

What do you mean to imply with this? That fapping before I crash helps me sleep? It helps pretty much any one sleep, man. Or that I should feel guilty about fapping to chicks with dicks? Cause I don't. Chicks are infinitely more aesthetic than dudes if done right, and I'd happily be one if it didn't mean losing my dick. Now, if I get tits a pussy, a body I'm actually attracted to AND keep my dick so I can rail other chicks? Win. Yeah, yeah, >>>/lgbt/ >>>/soc/ >>>/d/ >>>/y/ >>>/hm/ Tell me again because i haven't heart it before. But whatever. spoilered for thread irrelevance

Don't try and reason with these insecure manchildren. Just drown them out with actual monstergirl discussion.

>> No.13167126

>people immediately lose their shit the moment they're brought into the conversation.
Are we reading the same thread? The worst is that alps are accepted here. Just look few posts ahead, where faggots beg him to write alp story
>fucking transgender is okay if it's magic

>> No.13167127

>Dommed by an ignis.
Hmmmmmmm, yes.

>> No.13167129

>Wilmarina Ch.1
>Early Settings

In the end, I got to dom a dark slime.

>> No.13167130

Selective blindness? Desensitization?

>> No.13167131
Quoted by: >>13167141

>Mentioning Alps in post is "Wanting to be an Alp"
Ebin, simply ebin.

>> No.13167132
Quoted by: >>13167139

Doesn't really matter. Some people, usually newfags, see ironic/meme hate and assume it's meant literally.

>> No.13167135
Quoted by: >>13167147

You lucky dog, I wanted a tengu.

>> No.13167137

>>fucking transgender isn't okay
the only reason you think this is becuase of how horrificly disgusting cancerous it is in 3DPD.

It's fuckin' fine 2D done with magic. Just a bro in a bitch's body. People often tell the delusional to separate reality from 2D but it's just as important to separate 2D from reality. Disgusting shit that doesn't fly in 3dpd is usually sweet in 2d.

>> No.13167139

So that explains why people hate Bob, they're newfags.

>> No.13167140
Quoted by: >>13167143

All of them, anon. That's the point.

>> No.13167141
Quoted by: >>13167145


Call it whatever you want , doesn't make it any less irritating.

>> No.13167143

That's not what I'm getting from them, but if that's what fits your narrative, that's what fits your narrative.

>> No.13167145
Quoted by: >>13167182

Kikimoras get over-mentioned as well, not to mention that cancerous Janet crap, but you don't see me trying to start a shitstorm over it.

>> No.13167147
Quoted by: >>13167163

All monster girls are good in their own way anon

>> No.13167148
Quoted by: >>13167157

Well, even though you've heard it before, it bears repeating:


>> No.13167149
Quoted by: >>13167152

No, bob is a faggot.

>> No.13167152
Quoted by: >>13167156

Found the newfag.

>> No.13167153

BIDF pls.

>> No.13167156

BIDF please, go back to the irc.

>> No.13167157

No. Fuck you. I'm not here for futa. If I want futa I do indeed /d/. I'm here for monstergirls, so I'll stay right here.

I personally don't care for his writing but the BIDF is stupid as fuck. Do you honestly think he has multiple persons just sitting around waiting to defend him come hell and high water?

>> No.13167158
Quoted by: >>13167173

>insecure manchildren
I love this meme
>OMG you don't like seeing faggots and trannies everywhere?! That means you are a insecure manchild and also a tranny faggot yourself xD
Fuck off to tumbrl to your kind

>> No.13167160

Bob is one of our oldest and most cherished writefags. You must be new to these threads if you don't understand just the scope of how much he has contributed. Without him .less would've abandoned this place ages ago and we'd have no drawfags.

>> No.13167163
Quoted by: >>13167169

But she's the best in all the ways..

>> No.13167164

Well, it could have went better or worse.

>> No.13167165

You people would be nothing without Bob, stop trying to treat him like shit, you're LUCKY he writes stories for you ungrateful ingrates.

>> No.13167167

>Implying I wouldn't sacrifice .less to get rid of bob.

>> No.13167169
Quoted by: >>13167174


How does she play Rock Paper Scissors?

>> No.13167170

>Bob is one of our oldest and most cherished writefags. You must be new to these threads if you don't understand just the scope of how much he has contributed

You actually believe this?

>> No.13167171

Yeah, god forbid people want to read/write stories about featuring their fetishes. You shouldn't give a shit what people read/write provided they don't spam the threads with it. You know the only reason I even knew that Bob was writing futa was because autist's kept spamming it in the threads back on /a/. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have known because I never read his stories stories, and never intended to read his stories.

Provided people post their stories to pastebin and occasionally link to the threads, I don't give a single fuck what they write about. Why should you?

>Fucking someone that is biologically and mentally a woman
So basically you're still in the closet then.

>> No.13167172

Wow, you've opened my eyes. I love bob now and want barbed futa dick in my ass and mouth and will gladly suck off any futa dick if .less says he might draw a picture. Also nice samefagging.

>> No.13167173
Quoted by: >>13167206

No you're insecure manchild because you react like this and have to be vocal about every little thing that you don't like. You're insecure because you're petrified of things which you don't like invading your sekritklub, and you'll blast your rectum ravaged refuse all over these threads as if to mark it as your own. Grow some thicker skin you faggot.

>> No.13167174
Quoted by: >>13167191

Magic maybe?

>> No.13167176
File: 14 KB, 679x427, 1275191679941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're LUCKY he writes stories for you ungrateful ingrates

>> No.13167178

I fucking wish. Nah, the reason people hate Bob is because back on /a/ he, or other people, would non-stop spam the threads with futashit and his stories. Then when people told them to fuck off they started sperging out and doubled their spamming.

>> No.13167182

Kikimoras are not mentioned with gender bender and "oh I want to be an alp so I could be fucked by everyone is this thread~"/ "Imma gonna make you my personal alp slave"
Agree about Janet but it died long time ago

>> No.13167183


>> No.13167186
File: 725 KB, 1500x1500, Archnotaur Daughteru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roll for MG
>Arachne Silk

Okay I guess I'll just roll again then.

>Roll for MG
>Arachne Silk

Nope, this rolling shit is not for me, so I'll just give up now.

>> No.13167188
Quoted by: >>13167201

ITT: Epic newfags who think they're hilarious for hating Bob because "My memes! XD"

>> No.13167190

>Dat itsy bitsy spider body
Gets me every time

>> No.13167191
Quoted by: >>13167200

You can't hold hands with her anon

>> No.13167192

>Ring on her claw

Daughteru fucker pls.

>> No.13167195
Quoted by: >>13167365

At this point, fate wants you to be with an arachne.

I can understand the frustration, though. Don't know how many time's I've rolled Prisoner Fruit in these things.

>> No.13167196

God I hate all of you.

>> No.13167197
Quoted by: >>13167205

>Succubus tomboys

Fuck you. Don't you dare sully tomboys with your transhit.

>> No.13167198
Quoted by: >>13167204

Would you hatefuck us?

>> No.13167200
Quoted by: >>13167237

I'll hold her wing and interlace my fingers into her feathers!

>> No.13167201
File: 53 KB, 300x425, 1424540102855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder.

>> No.13167203
Quoted by: >>13167233

This time my Misanthrope-kun, I agree with you. This is a new low of hatred and wickedness.

>> No.13167204

No, I'd hit your dick with a golf club though.

>> No.13167205
Quoted by: >>13167235


>> No.13167206

>Grow some thicker skin you faggot.
Why don't you say the same thing to futa and furry haters?
Trannies have like 3 specific boards to them. They can create alp thread anywhere they want

>> No.13167212

Except Alps are monstergirls, deal with it.

As for Cait Sith though, monstergirls or not they're still furries and consequently unacceptable to post anywhere.

>> No.13167216

If it was born as a guy it would be guy forever
No magic or surgeries would change that

>> No.13167217
Quoted by: >>13167244

I want a Cait-Sith though. As a Cuddle Pillow/Foot Stool

>> No.13167225
Quoted by: >>13167325


Someone needs to read the updated alp profile.

>> No.13167226
Quoted by: >>13167244

By that logic since /d/ exists your tranny porn should go there and is unacceptable here.

>> No.13167227
Quoted by: >>13167263

>genetically female
>no male bits
>no y-chromosome
>still a man

>> No.13167232
Quoted by: >>13167283

>I don't know what biology is
Animals change gender completely all the time. I guess female clownfish are "Still guys" though.

>> No.13167233

>Bob shitposting
>Futa shitposting
>Alp shitposting

>New low

I say the same thing to all the faggots. I just called you out be cause you were the one I was calling a manchild.

And besides whilst transgender carried 3DPD connotations, gender bending is more accurate in this case. It's fucking magic man. magic monstergirl bitches who wana do guy stuff with you as they ride your dick and won't talk through movies or nag you.

>Reality isn't reality
>A woman is still a man
>Being this delusional and insecure

>Actively, willfully seeing women as dudes
Get out of the closet already, christ. It's dank in there and smells of precum.

>> No.13167235

Alps are garbage and you're a faggot for wanting to fuck one.

>> No.13167237

But she can't hold back Anon.

She's a great girl but she isn't the best at hand holding

>> No.13167240

You're never going to get rid of them though so why bitch?

>> No.13167244

Then keep it to yourself.

No anon, you fail at logic. The logic here is that this is a monstergirl thread, Alps are monstergirls and as a are allowed here. Just because /d/ both exists and accepts Alp porn (they also accept all monstergirl porn in general you fucking idiot) doesn't not somehow negate this simple fucking fact.

>> No.13167246
Quoted by: >>13167249


You're probably the most consistent thing in the threads these days. Its actually pretty depressing.

>shitstorms come and go
>new writers arrive as old ones vanish
>people go nuts over new trends, then forget about them a few threads later
>but you're always there
>hating us
>every thread

I love you.

>> No.13167247

>I'm a faggot for wanting to fuck girls
Whatever you say homolord.

>> No.13167249
Quoted by: >>13167259

Fuck you.

>> No.13167252

Important question.
Human son with younger monster girl sister
Monster daughteru with younger human brother

>> No.13167253


These are "girls" who used to be men. I wouldn't fuck a transexual, would you?

>> No.13167254

I want my human boy to have an older sister who'll take care of him, protect him, and eventually take him as her's.

Onee-sans are love.

>> No.13167255
Quoted by: >>13167266

I'm starting to agree.

>> No.13167256

>implying they can
>implying you shouldn't fuck off as well

>> No.13167257

I dunno. I don't have many endearing traits to craft a petname after. Most people in my life have just gone with something generic like "Love" or stuck a "-y" to the end of my name.

>> No.13167259


It warms my heart. Thanks you for always being there.

>> No.13167260
Quoted by: >>13167274

But I'm not fucking transexual, I'm fucking a biological girl. What part of this do you not understand? Do I have to remind you that 2D =/= 3D?

>> No.13167262
Quoted by: >>13167277

Monster with younger brother. It'll be cute to see an Onee-san protect her little bro from lecherous monstergirls.

>> No.13167263

It's almost as if you can't read, which wouldn't suprise me, but anyhow:

See >>13167227

>> No.13167265

Tomboys a best, even if they did used to be boys.

>> No.13167266

You're just starting now? Jesus, you must be kind person.

>> No.13167267
Quoted by: >>13167272


No idea. I hope it wouldn't be cringe-worthy stuff that most couples call each other.

>> No.13167272

>Not loving being cheesily romantic with each other
That's the funnest part though.

>> No.13167274
Quoted by: >>13167279

Onee-sans are love. Onee-sans are life. An onee-san will hug and hold you and make you feel funny in places you haven't learnt about yet and make your heart pound for some unknown reason. I'd never willfully rob my son of that. and that's one of the many reasons I don't fuck the daughteru

>I wouldn't fuck a girl
That's because you're a faggot. Would I fuck a girl? Yes. Yes I would.

>Do I have to remind you that 2D =/= 3D?
I already did that and it hasn't changed anything. He WANTS to be delusional. It's some twisted form of Escapism where instead of escaping to places that will him with happiness and heart flutters, he escapes to a reality with makes him scared and angry. Cause he's fucking stupid.

>> No.13167275
Quoted by: >>13167280

>I'm a faggot for wanting to fuck "girls" that used to be men

Yes, you are.

>> No.13167276

I'm okay with this.webm

>> No.13167277

>'Hey little boy, you look tasty.'
>His Oni Sister appears

>> No.13167278
Quoted by: >>13167288


Still, alps used to be men. Its off-putting, and no need to get mad about this, I'm not one of the guys calling you a fag or anything for it, I just wouldn't be able to get past them being guys before hand. Especially if they were male friends before hand.

>go around a friends house
>he's the guy you always thought of as a brother, you do everything together
>open the door and find some succubi there who immediately starts touching you and trying to get you into bed
>turns out this is what "he" is now.

It would shit me up.

>> No.13167279
Quoted by: >>13167294

Older sisters are shit.

>> No.13167280
Quoted by: >>13167304

>meet Succubus
>"Wow, she's hot!"
>have sex with Succubus
>later she tells you she's actually a phase 3 Alp
>you are now 100% homosexual
I applaud your reasoning.

>> No.13167281

Of course not. A man impregnates his mermaid waifu, then she goes to live underwater and raise their daughter.

There are some vague NTR overtones though. There's this merman who lives with her underwater, but they don't have dicks, so all he can do is orally pleasure her, and their daughter when she's old enough.

But whenever she comes back up to visit, she always tells her husbando how much better he feels than some merman's tongue. There is daughteru dicking though, so that might turn you off.

>> No.13167282
Quoted by: >>13167292

No matter what logic you apply to it, if you want to fuck an alp you want to fuck a dude. You are as "not gay" as those who like futa.

>> No.13167283

>comparing fish with mammals
Are you retarded? Why don't we just reproduce asexually like bacteria then?

>> No.13167284 [DELETED] 


Eh, I just can't get past the part where they used to be guys. Imagine having a friend who you see as a brother, then one day you open the door to some succubus who claims to be him and keeps trying to get naked with you. It'd be weird and unpleasant.

>> No.13167288

>Not bullying them with this fact.
>Not embarrassing her by showing your daughteru how mommy used to look.

Git gud son.

>> No.13167289
File: 636 KB, 777x1100, 1401379291605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're horrible people and you need to be fixed.

>> No.13167292
Quoted by: >>13167302

>if you want to fuck a woman you want to fuck a dude
I haven't even been in any of these arguments before but god damn you're not even trying.

>> No.13167294

Speaking from experience? In that case, no anon. YOUR older sister is shit. Onee-sans are love. This is irrefutable.

>> No.13167295
Quoted by: >>13167308

There's no fixing this thread.

>> No.13167298

>People still hate on Bob
>Even with all the nice cuddly stuff he's written for us lately
Whatever man, just...whatever.

>> No.13167299


>my waifu is mad at me

I thought we agreed you'll turn me undead when I die naturally?

>> No.13167302



>> No.13167304

>just had sex with a man
>not gay

>> No.13167308

We need to pull it from the roots, wipe the slate clean


And from the ashes a new /mgt/ will be born

>> No.13167310
File: 441 KB, 800x800, Took the bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167333

>be attracted to woman
>later find out she's a woman
>now you're gay
I see. This is what it has come to. Well played.

>> No.13167311

>I fail at biology, but I still argue about it on the internet.

>> No.13167312

I want to be that book.

>> No.13167314

Well your waifu used to be a baby


If you want to fuck her you're a pedophile

>> No.13167317
Quoted by: >>13167333

That was two shitstorms ago.
>had sex with a woman
>no that's a man because I say so
You're one of those people that wouldn't have sex with any monster girl ever because there is a .01% chance that when they were a mindless beast they were a male of that species aren't you?

>> No.13167319

Anons have a long memory, and they are not the forgiving kind.

>> No.13167320


>> No.13167321

Her tailpussy doesn't look too dissimilar from something you'd see in a Silent Hill game.

>> No.13167323
Quoted by: >>13167353

>some shitty story invalidating the countless shitstorms he stirred up just because he could, and the trolls he brought with him

May he get ded and stay ded. Piece of shit

>> No.13167324
File: 2.90 MB, 1075x600, Its bait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to respond. And then I laughed out loud because I just can't take you seriously any more. And then I responded to tell you this. It's 6 AM and I haven't slept yet and I just wanna say thanks for making me laugh.

10/10 bait I'm not even mad. I'll chew and tug on it because it tastes salty and savory.

>> No.13167325
Quoted by: >>13167334

> Even after becoming Alps, their hearts, values, memories, and personalities, everything other than their bodies, is still the same from when they were men. Their body has completely changed into that of a woman, yet they self identify as men.
Ahahaha, that's fucking awesome
Now alpfags can officially fuck off to /lgbt/ and fuck their "women" as long as they want

>> No.13167326


The thread is weird. It still hates Bob for the futa stuff from quite a while ago, Lanternon for the single post he made about possible commissions when he was newish, and Nega for making just a couple of posts promoting his own stuff.

Then it adores Nyanon after he single handedly destroyed CYOAs for us.

>> No.13167328
Quoted by: >>13167339

People don't hate Lanternon though.

>> No.13167332

None of you deserve a waifu.

>> No.13167333
Quoted by: >>13167348


And don't come back.

>> No.13167334
Quoted by: >>13167352

That's Stage 2 though. Stage 3 they go Female 100%, through and through.
I'd a Stage 2 though. Get her into a nice tomboy strike-zone.
Mizuki Best Alp.

>> No.13167335
Quoted by: >>13167342

>I fail at logic so I bring up biology in a fictional world with magical transbendering MAMONO MANA

>> No.13167336

I agree, I don't.

>> No.13167339
Quoted by: >>13167344


Good, they shouldn't. I'd go as far as saying he's the best we have here.

Also, update when?

>> No.13167342

>Implying it's logical to think that a woman is actually a man

>> No.13167343
File: 258 KB, 576x720, 1407666961810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changing the subject

>Your waifu sees you crying at your existential crisis
>What do?

I want to read some stories about your waifu healing now, get to it faggots.

>> No.13167344
Quoted by: >>13167350

>the best we have here
I'm inclined to agree with you. We'll see how PRW's story turns out, though.

>> No.13167346


I know I don't. I'm a lazy, judgmental, arrogant, ignorant piece of shit.

I also suspect most of you are too, so we're all in this together.

>> No.13167348
Quoted by: >>13167359

>I have no argument.
Yeah, we figured.

>> No.13167349
Quoted by: >>13167535

Honestly she probably wouldn't give a shit, knowing me it's probably all my fault.

>> No.13167350
Quoted by: >>13167354


PRW is ok, but nowhere near Lanternon's level.

>> No.13167352

BULL. FUCKING. SHIT. They identify as men, it doesn't matter what stage they're at. Alps who become women in body and heart are now a rare exception, the majority think and act like men. That's what you want to fuck, a dude with girl parts. A tranny. Read the profile.

>> No.13167353

Wasn't her "futaness" decided by strawpoll?
I'm pretty sure I remember people demanding to make her futa after vague teasing scenes

>> No.13167354

It's kind of unfair to compare them at this point, since one has a strong story already finished and the other has only started out.
I'm jelly about both, though. I'll never get there.

>> No.13167355

>That's what you want to fuck, a girl with girl parts

>> No.13167358

And do you deserve your waifu?

>> No.13167359
Quoted by: >>13167377

>No argument

Who'd bother, you just plug your ears and scream "hurr I want to fuck a tranny but it's not gay cuz magic". No, fuck you, get out.

>> No.13167365
File: 245 KB, 1000x1000, 1421022617968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167372

You're right.

I'll be the Alp Arachne. I'll make Rachnee proud!

>> No.13167369
Quoted by: >>13167374


>> No.13167370
Quoted by: >>13167375

>girl with a man's mind
Go get yourself a tranny

>> No.13167371
Quoted by: >>13167384

>What they think matters more than what they are
Get out of here with that tumblr shit.

>> No.13167372
Quoted by: >>13167378

I'm glad I caused that picture to be made.

>> No.13167374
Quoted by: >>13167384


>> No.13167375

>girl with a man's thoughts within a woman's brain

>> No.13167376
Quoted by: >>13167388

MGQ Paradox later this week.

>> No.13167377
Quoted by: >>13167397

>3D tranny =/= 2D magical genderbend
Oh yeah, we're the ones who plug our ears.It's totally not you sperging out.

>> No.13167378

I wish to shake your hand

>> No.13167380
Quoted by: >>13167406

>Implying I don't know this
>Implying I wasn't just pointing out Stage 3s are a thing
>Implying I care what you think

>> No.13167384

They were born as men and identify as men. They are men and that's that .

>> No.13167385

>who was originally a guy with a dick

>> No.13167386

>They were born as men and identify as men. They are girls and that's that .


>> No.13167388
Quoted by: >>13167424

A new trailer?
Or is it a demo?

>> No.13167390

>Fucking women makes you gay

My head is full of fuck right now.

Does this mean I have to bang guys to be straight or something?

>> No.13167392


That makes no sense. You're clearly just baiting now.

>> No.13167394

>identify as men
So? It doesn't matter if they identify as smurfs, they're girls.

Seriously, get your feminist argument out of here.

>> No.13167396
Quoted by: >>13167417

No, it means you have to call others gay to be straight. The only way to repel homosexuality is by pushing it away from yourself and on to others.

>> No.13167397

>woman's brain


You realize you just did exactly what I said? "Lol magic, not gay!" I guess cait Sith aren't flurries cause lol magic, right? Just get out.

>> No.13167399

>born as a man
>has mind of a man
Just get out of your closet and go fuck a faggot

>> No.13167401

He's making fun of it, duh?

>> No.13167403
Quoted by: >>13167429

Duh. You think you fags deserve legitimate responses? People gave them 20+ replies ago.

They are furrys. BECAUSE lol magic. You're fuckin' dumb.

>> No.13167406

>Implying you wouldn't be a fag if the alp was level twenty

>> No.13167408

>Lol magic, not gay
Yes, that's the point. It's magic, not a doctor cutting you up.

God, I really hope you're baiting, and not just stupid.

>> No.13167409
File: 448 KB, 609x706, Hope Dies Alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167418

Evil has triumphed. There are no heroes left in /mgg/

>> No.13167411

You're all fucking retards.

>> No.13167413
Quoted by: >>13167416

Go have sex with a man already.

>> No.13167416
File: 7 KB, 217x217, Touch me not, for I am chaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13167417

Does it mean all pedohaters are actually pedophiles who try to push and hate their own inner desires in others?
The horror!

>> No.13167418
Quoted by: >>13167426

You've been saying exactly that with that exact picture since back on /a/.

>> No.13167422

The nature of the change is irrelevant. It was a dude. It's still a dude.

>> No.13167424

The full game.

>> No.13167426
Quoted by: >>13167435

This is the first time I personally did it. But it's true, ain't it?

>> No.13167427
Quoted by: >>13167438

>Fucking women is gay
>Being nice to women is sexist

There truly is no hope for mankind, is there?

>> No.13167429

Go back to L.A. Alp.

>> No.13167431

Yeah, because gender is only in your head.


>> No.13167432

/mgg/, the place where insecure autists argue with each other over who's the bigger faggot

Instead of, you know, talking about monster girls.

Speaking of, it's a gorgeous day out, what would your waifu do to drag you out of your dark cave of a room?

>> No.13167433
Quoted by: >>13167441

Daytime /mgt/ is horrible.

>> No.13167434
Quoted by: >>13167445

And why surgery doesn't make a girl from a guy?
They make them a pussy instead of a pens and tits with whatever size they want

>> No.13167435
Quoted by: >>13167439

No. Because Loen is still alive(?)

>> No.13167436
Quoted by: >>13167457


This. By fucking an Alp, you're still fucking what used to be a man. It's ok if you like this, but I'm not touching it.

>> No.13167438
Quoted by: >>13167471

If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. Never forget that lesson.

>> No.13167439
Quoted by: >>13167446

Where is this messiah of yours, then?

>> No.13167440
Quoted by: >>13167450

I Don"t care if you were born as a man and woke up a girl today, with all the plumbing, you are a man.

>> No.13167441

>/mgt/ is horrible


>> No.13167445

>Magic == Guy with a knife
You wanna try that again?

>> No.13167446
Quoted by: >>13167452

Impregnating ghosts and homeless monster girls.

>> No.13167447
File: 501 KB, 1000x1500, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's some nice looking rapecave out in the country?

>> No.13167450
Quoted by: >>13167495

>implying the plumbing wasn't changed as well
Yeah it's official: You either can't read, or choose not to.

>> No.13167452
Quoted by: >>13167460

It seems evident to me that such a hero is not going to save you from the darkness. By the time he returns to you, you'll already be swallowed up by the tides of darkness, hatred and shit.
And me? I'm Old King Log, floating on it all. Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.

>> No.13167454
Quoted by: >>13167465


>"Transexuals are full of shit, they're still the same gender they were born as only now they're mutilated"
>lol, go back to Tumblr!

Is this bizarro 4chan?

>> No.13167456
Quoted by: >>13167476

>The nature of the change is irrelevant. It was a dude. It's still a girl

You're trying to understand. I told you your brother had been Alped.
Yet, here she stands in the very shadow of the man you came to love.
You came here to avenge his death. You came here to fuck her. You see now, you cannot do both.

Tell me now. Is there a man among you here?
Is there no one who will stand up and try to fuck?
Tell me Man, is there not one in all your ranks? Is there not one who values reality over delusion?

>> No.13167457
Quoted by: >>13167486

Fun fact, every humanoid being starts life in the womb as a female, and as they grow their sex is randomly determined and changes. Nipples on guys are leftovers from this, for example.

So with that in mind, do you think monster girls wouldn't want to touch use cause we technically used to be chicks?

>> No.13167458
File: 281 KB, 817x1000, 1406149958937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Nyan actually DO to CYOAs? The extent of my knowledge is that he wrote one and it had kung-fu mice in it. Did it end up going down in flames or something?

Mai waifu evaporates if she goes outside in the sun. What's a man to do?

>> No.13167460
File: 950 KB, 1000x1600, YESYESYESYESYESYESYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167487

I don't care so long as I can get him to draw more Holstaurs in suggestive poses.

>> No.13167463
File: 182 KB, 643x940, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the fairest of them all

>> No.13167465
Quoted by: >>13167536

>implying alps are transexuals.
You know what, I think I'm done feeding you.

>> No.13167467
Quoted by: >>13167475

>What did Nyan actually DO
He offered a choice. People made their choice, the best girl one, someone got autistic and kept shitposting until Nyan himself believed the vote had been rigged and tried to retcon it, things went to hell in a handbasket.
Forget about it.

>> No.13167469
Quoted by: >>13167557

Anons picked choices he didn't want, so he ignored the votes and wrote the ending he wanted.

>> No.13167471
Quoted by: >>13167484

>MGE used to shun alps
>some faggot gets the idea if bullying them
>alps become "popular"
>gayfags infest the threads
>RP out the ass
>MGE hates alps again
>shitstorsm out the ass

Why didn't you faggots listen?

On a different note

>mgg shuns cait Sith
>some faggot starts bullying them

DOHOHO. We'll just have to wait and see how this one turns out. Pleasant Dreams.

>> No.13167475
Quoted by: >>13167557

>People made their choice, the best girl one,
I know right. I lost interest half way through. Came back at the very end and votes best jinko. and then the fags which stayed with it all the way through suddenly had this influx of voters at the end and acted like it was all one guy.

>> No.13167476
Quoted by: >>13167488

I'd kill him and you for being an alp lover.

>> No.13167480

Can we finally let this thread die?

>> No.13167483
Quoted by: >>13167496

Even if we do, the shit will continue to be flung in the next one.

>> No.13167484

>Cait Sith
Hence why I won't ever stop giving people shit for trying to push it.

>> No.13167486

>comparing embryo growth with already developed man
Fetus also has a tail and looks more like a frog at some point
Does it mean humans are actually frogs with tails?

>> No.13167487

I want him to come back and do tomboy Pharaoh and Kamilla already.

>> No.13167488
Quoted by: >>13167514

>I'm so insecure about other people fucking women that I'll stain my hands in blood.

>> No.13167494
File: 2.13 MB, 3413x4813, 1425826382582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. How do we get reaped?

>> No.13167495
Quoted by: >>13167518

No, you can't read. All the plumbing means womb and girly parts, but it doesn't matter, it was once a dude. Are you that fucking desperate?

>> No.13167496

So don't make a new one.

>> No.13167504

This thread.

>> No.13167505

Not by her, she'll fall over when she swings that scythe because of those oversized mammaries.

>> No.13167509

What monsters give the best double paizuri

>> No.13167510

I remember the threads used to be nicer during the week.

What changed?

>> No.13167511

Those tits are disgusting.

>> No.13167512
Quoted by: >>13167523

Twin Holstaurs.

>> No.13167514
Quoted by: >>13167534

Say what you will. Hide behind magic. It's a dude. It's a dude and I will never let you forget that. You belong in the garbage with the rest of the /d/egenerates.

>> No.13167515

Insecure faggots who feel entitled to the threads.

>> No.13167518
Quoted by: >>13167539

So you admit it's a 100% legitimate girl now, but it somehow doesn't matter because she was a man at some point?


>> No.13167519


She'd just drag me out with her hair

>> No.13167521
Quoted by: >>13167542

It's spring break.

>> No.13167523

Why did my post get deleted?

>> No.13167525
Quoted by: >>13167542

Americans are out on spring break.

>> No.13167526
File: 545 KB, 1600x1200, L10-a02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167538

Oppai lolis

>> No.13167530

Loss of people. Trolls infiltrating during the purge. Newfags. Bob.

>> No.13167534

>Say what you will. Hide behind delusion. It's a girl. It's a girl and I will never let you forget that. You belong in the hugbox with the rest of the monstergirls


>> No.13167535
File: 87 KB, 440x540, hw6x6cj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come back expecting heartwarming healing stories
>Only one person and it's not even healing
When did the love die /mgt/? Do people really rather shitposting arguments over nice kind waifu discussion?

>> No.13167536

>a person who altered sexual characteristics to those of the opposite sex
Are you implying they not? So they haven't got rid from a dick?

>> No.13167538

Well, they're certainly monstrous in the classical sense.

>> No.13167539
Quoted by: >>13167563

No it's not a legitimate female, that's the point. It will never be a real girl because it used to be a man.

>> No.13167542

What >>13167521 and >>13167525 said.
Hope you're all ready for the summer

>> No.13167543

The mood has been killed, anon. Come back later. If I can get rid of the Shitposting Blues, I'll write some Oomukade healing next week.

>> No.13167546

Love isn't real anon, there's only lust.

>> No.13167552

They already can't sustain their population.

>> No.13167557


So I'm not alone in thinking that he's a faggot then. Good.

>> No.13167560
Quoted by: >>13167566

I never hated bob

>> No.13167562

I wouldn't say it was his fault. The guy who claimed the votes were rigged was very loud and very obnoxious. It seemed like there were more of them.

>> No.13167563
Quoted by: >>13167605

>It will never be a real girl because it used to be a man.

I guess Pinocchio will never be a real boy then...

>> No.13167565

If you had the choice between
>Die out but stay pure with dignity
>Go Sweden, pro-immigration, allow your women to be raped while banning anything that even looks racist, like bird names or criticising immigration or feminism

Which would you go? Personally, based Japan sticking it to the gaijins.

>> No.13167566



>> No.13167567

Lava Golems. One hot and one cool.

>> No.13167570

I also heard them say they'd rather use robots/die out than accept some filthy gaijins help.

Godda admire that, to a point.

>> No.13167572

Don't bully Nyan. He was young and new and likely scared of being the next bob so he tried to make every one happy. But there are too many shit heads and when he tried to make them all happy and hold them all up, everything fell from between his fingers.

>> No.13167577
Quoted by: >>13167603


He wrote a CYOA that was really popular on here, even though it didn't really have a story as such and went on forever. Then a character he didn't want to win became popular so he wrote her out. People complained, the thread burned, his shills still say to this day that it was the voter's fault and their messiah can do no wrong.

>> No.13167580
Quoted by: >>13167584

This. He tried his best, but his best could only go so far in this barren wasted land.

>> No.13167582


Thing is, if anyone else did that shit they'd be reviled.

>> No.13167584



>> No.13167597
Quoted by: >>13167613

I would rather see my nation die in glory and dignity than degrade to Sweden yes
But it's too late for US

>> No.13167598
Quoted by: >>13167613

Seems to me like political correctness/feminism is the real problem.

>> No.13167603
Quoted by: >>13167607

What story?
Gabby the dormouse?

>> No.13167605

Pinnichio was male and became a boy of flesh and blood.

Men don't become women.

>> No.13167606
Quoted by: >>13167613

I would rather have another revolution/civil war personally, shit's getting bad enough that we need it.

>> No.13167607

Masteranon. Gabby at least got an ending.

>> No.13167611
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1412, Desert Sisters 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167640

Oh look, it's you again.
Still denying rule 63 like an autist?

>> No.13167613

Society as a whole just needs a hard reset. Like stick a paper clip/wipe it with a magnet reset.

>> No.13167619

Senator Armstrong was the hero all along.

>> No.13167622
Quoted by: >>13167641

Never heard about it. What was the story about?

>> No.13167623

I'm just hoping it won't go to complete shit before I die.

>> No.13167627

I'm expecting another series of religious wars between Islam and Christianity before then, mainly focused around oil and energy resources.

>> No.13167631
Quoted by: >>13167685

>Pinnichio was male and became a boy of flesh and blood...With magic
>Alps was male and became a real woman...With magic

>> No.13167632
Quoted by: >>13167642


Gabby at least had some semblance of a plot, too.
In any case the man is unique amongst the writefags because he can fuck up as hard as possible and yet anons will shift the blame elsewhere.

>> No.13167635


>> No.13167636
Quoted by: >>13167645

I doubt "Christianity" will ever get back the power to wage wars against anyone.

>> No.13167637

We kind of already are, just that nobody will admit it.

>> No.13167639

We are all sons of the patriots now.

>> No.13167640
Quoted by: >>13167646

>being a sore loser

Still posting the same comic like an autist?

>> No.13167641
Quoted by: >>13167653

Kung fu anon gets task to defeat a warlord, with prediction by ryu that he needs to be with a wife to not die. Goes to temple with Ryu, Jinko, Hinezumi masters to help out, but mostly dick around and decide which to marry.

>> No.13167642
Quoted by: >>13167652

Do you WANT him to be hated? Why? Did he fuck your mom?
Screwing up once is nothing. I've fucked up like four or five times and people still haven't gotten around to hating me.

>> No.13167645
Quoted by: >>13167651

You don't think that countries in the west won't use that as part of an excuse to take over the middle east?
I wouldn't count it out as a possible future, even if it isn't the main subject of the conflict.

>> No.13167646

>thinking you won that time
Sounds like you're the sore loser when there were roughly 13 people telling you why you were wrong.

>> No.13167651

I live in such a secular part of the world that the very notion of using religion as an excuse to do something on a national level is absurd.

>> No.13167652


I was only pointing out that the thread will rip some writefags apart for silly things but will forgive others for burning down a thread.

>> No.13167653

Ooooh, that shit. I remember bits of it and the begging but never really got into it
Wasn't it like a year ago?
So jinko won and people got angry?

>> No.13167666
Quoted by: >>13167674

Take a good look at any of the major middle eastern nations and you'll see that their religion essentially runs their governments.
I would not put it past any of those countries to use the "Infidels" argument for declaring war on a neighbor, sparking a world war of global interests in controlling their massive oil supply.

>> No.13167667
Quoted by: >>13167672

It wasn't a year ago.

>> No.13167669
Quoted by: >>13167688

What part? If it's one of the Euro Countris with Immigration, don't be surprised. People use Islam now as a way to justify rape because "Muh multi-culturalism".

I don't get why feminists are completely OK with that but screech at women in video games and shit

>> No.13167670
Quoted by: >>13167700


People voted for her, Nyanon ignored it and there were claims of vote rigging for some reason, the thread went apeshit, his fanboys pinned the blame on the voters for getting mad about a CYOA author ignoring his audience.

>> No.13167672

How long ago was it then?

>> No.13167673
Quoted by: >>13167683

>implying it's not 2-3 vocal alp fags
There are at least 4 of alphaters judging by post time
Fuck off to lgbt

>> No.13167674

No anon, not a year ago.
And the Jinko was going to win, but someone got butthurt and claimed all the votes (posts in the thread, not a strawpall) were rigged. It kept going on for so long and with such intensity Nyanon ended up believing it and trying to retcon the thing, which of course mean dismissing literally every vote.
My point was that it would be absurd to think that MY country would suddenly take up arms because of a religion. No way is it happening.

>> No.13167675

This dude loves his fuckhuge tits, doesn't he?
I mean, I do too, but there's a line.

>> No.13167680
Quoted by: >>13167687

Where do you live? China?

>> No.13167683

Still a sore little kid, aren't you?
Maybe everyone should post more 63 monsters just to spite you?

>> No.13167684
Quoted by: >>13167687

Is this why you guys got kicked out of /a/?

>> No.13167685
File: 606 KB, 707x1000, 90c745f79c336bef530f3b758f4378bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the same as changing
>men, becoming women

Tumblr go home.

Implying I didn't, got you to stop real quick didn't I? And you scurried off with your tail between your legs and haven't dare to fag again, until now.

>> No.13167687

Finland. No, it's not like Sweden, fuck you for even thinking it is.
No. We were kicked out because of something way worse.

>> No.13167688
Quoted by: >>13167703

It's because they hate western values.
Islam is against western values, so even if it's a society that would immediately put them to death for screeching about their bullshit, they'll still support it.
Think of it like a rebellious teenager that goes out and does all sorts of stupid shit just to spite their parents.

>> No.13167692
File: 236 KB, 1190x1680, 1410150865130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddly Chubby Monster Girls!

Would you cuddle with one?

>> No.13167696

Probably. Soft bosoms offer comfort in times like these.

>> No.13167697
Quoted by: >>13167747

>Implying gender is only a "social contruct", and you're the gender you think you are
>Tells other people to fuck off to tumblr
Top kek.

>> No.13167699
File: 490 KB, 848x1256, 1412133119296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not me, and bring it.

>> No.13167700

People always get salty over CYOAs.
100% of the time people will complain about a choice they didn't like winning.

>> No.13167703

Like those Australian girls that went to go join ISIS and got beheaded.
While Finland may not, the bear to your east easily would get involved if there came about a war over energy.

>> No.13167706

Christmas Cake
Black Mage

>> No.13167707
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x1412, Desert Sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like I gave up trying to convince a mentally challenged wall that he's wrong.

>> No.13167710

All of them.

>> No.13167712
Quoted by: >>13167725

>something way worse
Can you elaborate?

>> No.13167714

Of course

>> No.13167715
Quoted by: >>13167723

You're a stupidhead.
Please stop bothering us.

>> No.13167718
File: 169 KB, 800x1132, 7d3ca5a45a4ccd6718ff35df33904f56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167722

Pretty sure I saw you running

>> No.13167719
Quoted by: >>13167732

>n-no, you are a samefag, no one can think fucking transgenders is gay
>I-i will troll you with ebin image dump
Do it faggot
I dare you, I double dare you

>> No.13167722
Quoted by: >>13167739

Is your ego so big and twisted that it warps events to your liking instead of what actually happened?

>> No.13167723
File: 756 KB, 710x1000, 1413925692432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167734

What's that? You're alping too hard. I CANT'T HEAR YOU!

>> No.13167725

We had this guy, see? We called him "Shitposter-kun".
He showed up in every thread, saying how it wasn't /a/ related. He kept saying it over and over again, in every thread. And we made threads every time the old ones hit the bump limit, meaning he was on almost 24/7.
He caused shitstorms way worse than what you've seen here.
A couple of times, to get him to calm his tits, we even made threads dedicated solely to MG manga, like EMG or that thing Frosted Rapes is from.
He spammed those to death too.
Finally, the mods got so fed up with dealing with that shit we got kicked here.

>> No.13167728



...Extend what?

>> No.13167732

They're women you autismal fuck.

All the people looking at this and saying we're both retards, you do have to agree with this to some extent right?

>> No.13167733

Your penis. Prepare to taste the nectar of three desert flowers.

>> No.13167734


>> No.13167737

Your "flag pole".

>> No.13167739
File: 576 KB, 900x718, 1412175804982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167748

Are you twisted enough you think men can women?

>> No.13167743

Of course they are, and so are alps.

Why is this even up for debate?

>> No.13167744
File: 431 KB, 900x847, 1425773188759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were actually two of them, one that had english as his first language, and one that didn't.

It's how I grew to recognize peoples typing styles.

>> No.13167747

You are whatever gender you were born as. Deal with it

>> No.13167748
Quoted by: >>13167775

It seems arguing with you is still a futile effort. I'd be better off lighting a cigarette underwater than try and convince a wall anything.

>> No.13167750

I see. Thank you for the input, Stalker-kun.

So when can we expect the anti-alp asswipes to go back to school?

>> No.13167752
File: 404 KB, 2300x2400, 1419846775259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're not.

>> No.13167753

I'm pretty sure they lost their dignity and purity after the first bomb.

>> No.13167754

Says who?

>> No.13167757

In fact, one of them was actually a mod themself.

>> No.13167758
Quoted by: >>13167770

>you do have to agree with this to some extent right?
Does it really matter? No one's forcing you to fuck or not fuck an alp, or 3DPD tranny or whatever; you can like what you like without messing with anyone else's day. So, in short though I know this will fall on deaf ears, would you both just stop? Maybe go masturbate to your totally het porn of choice until you're in a better mood? Please? It's not like either of you can win when you're arguing opinions anyway.

>> No.13167761

You forgot the part where he was a mod.

>> No.13167765
Quoted by: >>13167773

The moment Alps aren't involved in a discussion.

>> No.13167767
Quoted by: >>13167804

So how much was the mod paid to do that? Salary-wise of course. I mean, surely he was paid a hefty sum for all his work and effort, correct?

>> No.13167770
Quoted by: >>13167809

I can stop, don't know if the other guy ever will since he keeps shouting and yelling whenever rule 63 is posted.

>> No.13167772

I remember that
He posted with mod"s trip or something

>> No.13167773
File: 614 KB, 1000x1064, 1398371629421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167791

I don't want to remember that part.
You're not gonna be a very happy camper, I can tell you that much Daddy-O.

>> No.13167774

Funny thing is, they also made quite an effort to speak on Translator-Fags behalf, especially the foreign one.

>> No.13167775
File: 707 KB, 800x1496, 1423885091883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, sell your counterfeit women somewhere else.

Implying you alp pushers aren't the ones who need to leave.

>> No.13167776

The funny thing is alps were considered gay and verboten way back. It wasn't until later when people did stories about shy alps confused by their new bodies and desperate for love that they became accepted.

Kinda like nobody cared about mice until Nyanon.

>> No.13167777

3D trannies? No.

2D magic genderbender? Yes.

>> No.13167778
Quoted by: >>13167789

What better way to troll, shit up the board, and get away with it than being a mod?

>> No.13167783
Quoted by: >>13167814

According to /pol/, and yes I know, >/pol/, that mod was doing it in more threads than just the monster girl threads and has since been fired.

>> No.13167784

Or like how no one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

>> No.13167785
Quoted by: >>13167816

>were considered gay and verboten way back.
[Citation Needed]

>> No.13167786
Quoted by: >>13167807

I've been talking about the fucking 2D ones this entire time.

>> No.13167787
File: 194 KB, 707x1000, 1424499589726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more kryptid monstergirls.

>> No.13167789

You could be the admin. Worked great for Moot.

Oh god, the entire site is out to kill itself. Send help.

>> No.13167791
File: 389 KB, 705x1000, 1424698001859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13167792

>It wasn't until later when people did stories
Did a lot of people do that?

>> No.13167793

And the scary thing was, those chat leaks from the 4chan mods show exactly which mod it was, who hated monstergirls with a vengeance since years ago.

It's just nice that the /jp/ native mod is a huge monstergirl fan.

>> No.13167795
File: 1.31 MB, 3560x2280, 1423870489717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I meant to post this.

>> No.13167796

>Dark Slime
I'll take it.

>> No.13167798

>That ZR
Hold on, I have to turn on the AC

>> No.13167799
Quoted by: >>13167839

What a refined rebuttal.

>> No.13167802
File: 213 KB, 420x600, 1385323651518[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167818

The ambassador of peace and love looks upon /mgg/ and whispers
>TZICH this!

>> No.13167803
Quoted by: >>13167854

It was like we were welcomed with open arms after being kicked out by n abusive parent.

>> No.13167804

Are you idiots still arguing about this?
Look, everyone now knows how everyone else feels about the subject. It has now become redundant.
Can we please discuss something else before the thread dies, or something?

He does it for free, etc.

>> No.13167805
Quoted by: >>13167813

God damn slutty rabbits. No matter how many times you impregnate them they always come back for more.

>> No.13167807
Quoted by: >>13167821

So do most of the pro-alp people I imagine.
Not that it would stop the autists.

>> No.13167809
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1308, 1424193292249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13167828

We'll have peace once you alps disappear.

>> No.13167813

That's the best part! They're like those damned ungrateful orphans, only when they ask for more you're more than happy to bend them over the table and give them some more.

>> No.13167814
Quoted by: >>13167824

Ahh, just to think it all started with https://archive.moe/a/thread/108859460/#108859847

I wonder what the sod's doing now?

>> No.13167816
Quoted by: >>13167831


>Go to /a/ archive
>Read the old "are alps gay" arguments from Jan 2014-July 2014

>> No.13167818

Well TZICH her too.

>> No.13167821
Quoted by: >>13167836

Like the one still posting pics and saying everyone who likes it should leave?

>> No.13167824
Quoted by: >>13167835

Oh man. I always thought the "posting standards" thing was a joke.

>> No.13167828

Take that leash away, no way in hell am I taking a grown ass woman for a walk.

>> No.13167831

>way back then
When was the Alp added to MGE?

>> No.13167834

You know it.

I'd even cuddle three or four

>> No.13167835

Waterworld is real anon.

>Every day Joe
>Every. Day.

>> No.13167836
Quoted by: >>13167846

Well, that retard has been told many times how stupis he is, and yet here we are again.

So don't waste your time with that cumstain.

>> No.13167838

What about a tsuchinoko monstergirl?

In reality, she's just a really short lamia who wanted people to stop making fun of her.

>> No.13167839
Quoted by: >>13167856

Why bother putting up an argument? I could admit alps are women, but you just won't accept they are trannies, so why bother?

>> No.13167845
Quoted by: >>13167857


2013 I think. But it almost never got any discussion. Like when's the last time you saw someone talk about a merrow or a pot devil.

>> No.13167846

Guess it can't be helped that he's a special needs kid enjoying his spring break.
Guess I should just ignore him and such next thread.

>> No.13167848

I wanna kneel down and cuddle her torso, nuzzling in between her breasts as she strokes my back and hair.

>> No.13167852

Guys, we need an easier topic to talk about like the benefits of frontpussy

>> No.13167853
Quoted by: >>13167861

So who was it?

>> No.13167854

all praise to based /jp/ mod

>> No.13167856
Quoted by: >>13167874

>when they have a real vagina, ovaries, and a womb
>when they have no adam's apple
>when their hormone production is that of a woman's
No, Alp's are women.

>> No.13167857

Try 2010.

>> No.13167861
Quoted by: >>13167867

Mods don't like us airing dirty laundry. But based /jp/ mod is VHS

>> No.13167867

I mean shitposter kun

>> No.13167872
Quoted by: >>13167880

We sometimes called him the "standards police", but I don't remember what his real name was.

>> No.13167874
Quoted by: >>13167888

>noting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth:

>alps are men, and become women, yet they identify as men

Alps are trannies, fucking deal with it. Changing from one gender to the other.

>> No.13167879

I know. That's why I said I wouldn't say, and gave you the cool guy instead.

>> No.13167880

Meta Knight.

The guy who was always saying "is it related?"

And there was one more but I forgot him.

>> No.13167888
Quoted by: >>13167895

What's it like having an IQ smaller than your shoe size, uneducated-kun?

>> No.13167895
Quoted by: >>13167899

Rather be stupid than a tranny fucker.

>> No.13167899
Quoted by: >>13167912

Good to know you've come to terms with your handicap. We're done here, continue being an idiot on your own time.

>> No.13167911

Lanternon update when?

>> No.13167912

We will never be done, until you admit you the caliber of fagot you are and fuck off to tumblr or /lgbt/ where you belong. Enjoy your closet alp kun.

>> No.13167915

That's nice, go back to finger painting.

Was it him? I don't remember too well.

>> No.13167917

Just out of curiosity, when you get out of bed in the morning, do you think to yourself
>I'm going to get on the internet to be an asshole today!
or is it something that just happens?

>> No.13167923

Probably the former.

>> No.13167927
Quoted by: >>13167931

Meta Knight and the Hero of /a/.
Or were they the same guy?

>> No.13167928

Sure, I'M the asshole because I want women that are in fact, women, an won't conform to your new age definitions of gender. Fuck me, right?

I will, finger painting is fun as fuck. Will you be fellating a futa and mumbling "no homo" around the big, veiny cock? Why certainly, of course you will.

>> No.13167931


Knight of /a/, and yeah, same guy.

>> No.13167932
Quoted by: >>13167946

>grasping for straws and bringing up futa to try and insult me because you can't do it yourself
How adorable.

>> No.13167937

Where do people like this get the belief that they can police who posts what on 4chan?

>> No.13167942

What a stupid name.

By being a control freak?

>> No.13167944

>Them newfangled whatchamacallzits about that thing called gender
There's nothing new age about it.
A girl is a girl is a girl.
Can we talk about Merrows now? Nobody ever likes Merrows for some reason.

>> No.13167945

A healthy dose of self righteousness and stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.13167946

I don't need futa to insult you, you do it everyday lusting after not women.

This is America motherfucker.

>> No.13167948
Quoted by: >>13167957

They like the hat.
The girl is low tier, the hat is high tier.

>> No.13167953
Quoted by: >>13167964

Not if she was ever a guy. Alps were men, think of themselves as men, and behave like men, but you want to believe your straight. Well, at the end of the day, the sun is the sun, and you're fucking a dude with a paint job. Cry more.

>> No.13167956
Quoted by: >>13168014

>trying to act better than me and saying you don't need it to insult me
You're so cute when you act like your tough shit.

>> No.13167957
Quoted by: >>13167969

>This is America
Of course it has to be a fucking American.
Making me look bad...

But she got that body, though. She's grade-A Christmas Cake material.

>> No.13167963

Is recap anon back?
NOPE. well shit.
Ah well, least I'm here on time for once. How are you lads going?

Apophis and anubis are over-rated, rachnee a shit, front pussy is retarted, somebody should draw a lizardman in knight armor for fuck's sake, ext.

>> No.13167964
Quoted by: >>13168014

If a girl, with a fully-functioning womb and ovaries and all that gross shit, came up to you and said,
>I identify as a man and I do manly things.
Would you bang?
I would.

>> No.13167967

Nobody likes anything that isn't a Dragon, Kitsune, Kikimora or Holstaurus

>> No.13167969
Quoted by: >>13167974

>The hat's grade-A Christmas Cake material
I know, right?

>> No.13167974

To be fair, Mermaids are kind of destined to not be as great as the rest of them, right?

Especially when they can't get out of water, and when we have the land equivalent in lamias.

>> No.13167975

This is going to be the first thread in a while we reach 3000 posts.

>> No.13167977

Well that's a bunch of shit.
Manticores have nice design, even If I don't like femdom
Cera is best horsepussy
all flavors of dragon are wonderful
paladin best girl
polt best furry
lizardmen is nice as is salamander
the list goes on and on

>> No.13167980

Sea Bishops are the best mermaids, and are equal to numerous land monsters.

>> No.13167982


I agree with everything this man just said.


>> No.13167983

Knight of /a/ was actually the foreign one, metaknight was the one with english as his first language.

Fuck, I still remember the time when that faggot used Shitgeki no Homojin as an "example" of us. Comparing the writefags to Titans, and people like themselves to those teenagers with webshooters.

>> No.13167987
Quoted by: >>13168034

>This is America
Through what mental loops do you go to think that your word has any value on the internet because you're american?

>> No.13167988

They do, but they don't get discussed as much.

>> No.13167990

Dragons are meh
Kitsunes are okay
Kikimora are good
Holstarurus are shit

Baphomet or bust.

>> No.13167997
Quoted by: >>13168002

>Holstaurus are shit
>Baphomet or bust
Its ok anon, we can help you. That loli mindbreak isn't permanent.

>> No.13168002

It is if you want it to be.

>> No.13168007

Shit taste to the extreme, KC.

>> No.13168008
Quoted by: >>13168019

KC's aquatic MGs can do so through magic. Don't be surprised to see one floating a few inches off the ground, or for a mermaid to gain human legs

Others aren't so fortunate

>> No.13168009

I keep pulling Merrows whenever there's a roulette game. Guess it's a sign that she's waiting. Though how one finds a Merrow inland is beyond me.

I'll take bust. Always the bust.

>> No.13168014

Except we're not talking about 3D are we? These are dudes inside the body of a women. Your shit don't fly here. And no, alps are only good for purging.

I am better than you, any day of the week. I can admit my faults, but you come with your special snowflake bullshit about how not fucking fake women makes one insecure, like we're the one with the problem. I'd respect you if you would at least admit that's pretty gay, but no, you insist you're the same as us. Hell no you're not. No man of sound mind, given the choice, fucks a woman that was a man.

>> No.13168016

Don't forget to add that all writefags are a shit

>> No.13168019


They not only have better hats, but they can do most of the magic. Only way to get a better hat would be to put the Merrow's hat on top of her own.

>> No.13168022
Quoted by: >>13168030

>over 3000 replies.


>> No.13168025
Quoted by: >>13168034

>Grasping for straws one more
You're just the cutest widdle mongoloid I've seen in a while.

>> No.13168028
Quoted by: >>13168062

>These are dudes inside the body of a women.
>Body of a woman

>> No.13168030

First time in a while, even if it's cause of shitstorms it still feels pretty good.

>> No.13168031

Okay. Let me rephrase my question:
If a 2D girl from on of your favorite chinese cartoons, with a fully-functioning womb and ovaries and all that gross shit, went up to MC and said,
>I identify as a man and I do manly things.
Would you waifu?

>> No.13168034

Because we're King Big Nuts of this planet. Still, I wasn't referencing being American as being superior, what I meant was, that as much right you have to like alps, I have as much right to shit on you because you are wrong.

>zero argument
>b-b-better insult him, maybe I'll hurt his feelings and he'll go away

I want to pick you up and squeeze your adorable little cheeks.

>> No.13168042

People really don't care.

>> No.13168043
Quoted by: >>13168082

>zero argument
I stopped arguing when you get grasping for straws. Didn't want to be too harsh on your widdle mind. And look, you're even trying to copy me! It's like you don't know what else to do!

>> No.13168045
Quoted by: >>13168082

This is my country, I guess.
And I don't want you to be part of it.

>> No.13168051
Quoted by: >>13168082

>new age definitions of gender
>the biological definition of a female is now new age
top kek

>> No.13168057

I'm afraid of becoming obsolete once scientists manage to create a true AI (assuming it isn't hostile).

>> No.13168062


Like Yukimura from Haganai? Yeah, I'd fuck her, because she's actually female. But an alp is a man. So he has a pussy, it was a man, it thinks it's a man, it's a man. I don't care if it sounds tumblry because there's a diference. A woman who says she's a man is still a woman, but she was in fact born as one. Alps were men. Do you really find it difficult to comprehend why that is off putting?

>> No.13168063

Would a Mermaid and a Ryu become good friends after meeting at a school's pool?

>> No.13168064
Quoted by: >>13168110

I hope you'll see this, but here's a version


Haven't read Spaceworms, so I went by your description. Probably fucked it up tho.

>> No.13168066

>We're not talking about 3D
Oh really? I thought we were earlier, given your previous argument.

>> No.13168072
Quoted by: >>13168079

I don't really care about any of those


Best girls right here.

>> No.13168074
Quoted by: >>13168108

>there's a difference
Maybe in your lame brain there is.

>> No.13168079

Also Apophis, I forgot her.

>> No.13168082

The only one grasping is you. You can scream "alps are women!" till the Holsts come home, but inside that flesh is a man. You know what that makes you. And please, keep calling people who don't like alps insecure, it's not like it makes you look like a complete nutcase.

Tough shit, I have citizenship.

Here's your reply.

>> No.13168083
Quoted by: >>13168108

>"Is a man"
>Switches to "was a man"
>"I don't care if it sounds tumblry."
>When just earlier you were telling another person to fuck off to tumblr
Get outta here, you goober.

>> No.13168086

>inside that flesh is a man
What the shit are you even talking about?

>> No.13168087
Quoted by: >>13168108

You're still grasping for straws, mate. You can deny it all you want, but you're doing it and everyone else knows it.

>> No.13168089
Quoted by: >>13168108

>I have citizenship
Well, can you like, find a way to get yourself deported, please?

>> No.13168094
Quoted by: >>13168115

He's a tumblr goer. He thinks because an Alp "identifies" as a man that it's a man, so he has to shit up the thread whenever anyone says they like Alps.

>> No.13168096

>but inside that flesh is a man
>On all levels except physical. I am a wolf

>> No.13168104


>> No.13168108

>believing there isn't

I am stupefied. I just don't know how to respond to this delusion.

No. I mean, I will, just not right now, or ever.

>Remember, you're here forever.

What's a goober?

Read the updated alp profile and you'll see.

>can't even counterpoint
>you're grasping

If you like, anyway, I'm out, see you next thread.

Why would I do that? I love America.

>> No.13168110
Quoted by: >>13168124

Not him, but I like it

>> No.13168111
Quoted by: >>13168132

>otherkin detected

We don't like your kind here. Even furries look down on you, and rightly so.

>> No.13168112
Quoted by: >>13168132

>Being this much of an autist

>> No.13168115
Quoted by: >>13168128

>tumblr goer

Nope. Besides

implying tumblr isn't here.

>> No.13168116

Why counterpoint when you're not even making any point? All you're doing is spewing dumb shit over and over.
You're a retard, an autist, and should move to Canada.

>> No.13168122
Quoted by: >>13168145

As spot-on an argument as I ever could've come up with.

You're on /jp/, dude. Odds are, you really like Japan more. Go away.

>> No.13168124

Thanks mate.

>> No.13168126

Ok, you made me spit all over my keyboard.

Well played.

>> No.13168127
Quoted by: >>13168133

Don't send him to Canada. Mari might catch his autism.

>> No.13168128
Quoted by: >>13168145

Yep, you're a tumblr user.

>> No.13168132
Quoted by: >>13168146

Lies and slander.

>Using autist ironically

I bet you don't even know what makes an autist.

>> No.13168133
Quoted by: >>13168162

Mari can't be corrupted by his level of autism. she has a sort of Phazon Suit that protects her from that shit.
Seriously though, she's not the kind of person that'd let this autist affect her

>> No.13168145

Cry more.


You're not even trying.

>I'm a newfag and don't know where NOPE started

>> No.13168146
Quoted by: >>13168155

>The physical body doesn't make any difference! What I believe I am in my head is my TRUE form.

Yeah, that's a paraphrased FYIAD bullshit. You can tell yourself you aren't otherkin filth, but you're just lying to yourself.

>> No.13168148
Quoted by: >>13168170

Since we're about to die, I just wanna say I want to get unbanned from the IRC already. ;_;

>> No.13168155
Quoted by: >>13168183

Okay bait kun. I'm an otherkin, whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.13168158
Quoted by: >>13168169

>using the newfag card and assuming everyone even cares about old memes
Must be pretty new yourself.

>> No.13168162
Quoted by: >>13168168

What the fuck does Mari have to do with anything?

>> No.13168166
Quoted by: >>13168174

>You're not even trying (to form an argument)
Well, good, you're not trying either.
Can we agree to disagree and discuss wurm love now?

>> No.13168167

Can we pull a Christmas Truce here and cease fire?

>> No.13168168

She's Canadian, ya idjut.

>> No.13168169
Quoted by: >>13168180

Been here since 04 thank you.

>> No.13168170
Quoted by: >>13168188

>Being IRC scum
it's time to reflect on your life m8.

>> No.13168174

Don't bother discussing Wurms with that dumb shit.
Discuss Wurms with the rest of us.

>> No.13168175

If we stopped screaming at each other with incoherent rage, there would not be a thread left. So no.

>> No.13168178
Quoted by: >>13168181

But it's nearly Spring.

>> No.13168180

Nice try, newfag.

>> No.13168181

Early Christmas.

>> No.13168183

You have said in no uncertain terms that people are concretely defined by their mental self-image of what they are, rather than their physical and genetic form.

That's the definition of otherkin. You might not personally think you're something you aren't, but you're still a sympathizer who agrees with their mentally defective core principle.

>> No.13168184

It's about to die anyways. Just give this one up for dead and don't let people start in again in the new one.

>> No.13168188

I like talking to people.
