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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 245 KB, 698x1000, What a lovely fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16080717 No.16080717 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.16080718
Quoted by: >>16080956

Mantango a best.

>> No.16080719


>> No.16080722

Your post really is quite loaded and there is a LOT I would like to respond to but for the sake of not dragging shit into a new thread, I agree to disagree.

>> No.16080725 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080738

If she's capable of human-level thought and communication, even if it's not visible to the outside world, that's just fine.

>Oh, and you become cripplingly depressed when you go to work or whatever and she isn't there.
Can't she just plant a spore in my head so a part of her is always with me?

>> No.16080733 [DELETED] 

>No OP subject

OP, you fucked up again. Leave it to someone who actually knows how to make a thread next time.

>> No.16080738 [DELETED] 

Maybe. I'm no mantango expert. I prefer the wonderland variant.

>> No.16080739 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080742

Are you blind?

>> No.16080742 [DELETED] 

By subject, I don't mean the subject field.
An actually disucssion point.

>> No.16080746 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080751

Are you pretending?

>> No.16080748

Kobolds are very cute!

>> No.16080750 [DELETED] 

Space-faring Anon gets raped by space-faring Mamono.


>> No.16080751 [DELETED] 

No. Is my meaning not coming across clearly?
It's only recently, and only because of this poster, that we've had boring OPs with cosplay girls and no topic there. It's been very easy to pick up on.

>> No.16080754 [DELETED] 

What sort of trials would the pack put the girl through, anyway?
I imagine it'd be stuff which they think is hard for a wolfgirl or monstergirl to do, but of course, they don't expect a simple human farmgirl to actually be tough and resourceful enough to overcome.

>> No.16080755 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080763

I'm sorry is there not enough /vg/-tier Editions in the OP for you? Holy shit please go somewhere else. Nobody cares about the OP past the first 50 posts in favor of whatever is currently being discussed.

>> No.16080760
File: 175 KB, 1100x930, 1458815859249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how demons get in churches to do their shit?

>> No.16080762 [DELETED] 

That's funny, this is the first OP I've made in ages, I'm usually asleep when a new thread is made.

>> No.16080763 [DELETED] 

I didn't say anything about editions. That's just as bad.

It's just a very obvious change to how things have always been done, which combined with how many new and ignorant people this browse this thread, makes you notice it.

>> No.16080766
Quoted by: >>16080791

The House of God is open to all, that's how.

>> No.16080767 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080775

Don't forget you're still the new community parasite on the board. You'd probably be best not commenting on "how many new and ignorant people".

>> No.16080769 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 2217x2078, 1392329359557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16080784

Anon. You're the worst person here. Your bitching makes everyone's stay in these threads unpleasant. You're not doing any good.
Please stop.

>> No.16080773

Yup, it's loaded with sweet sugary goodness that would make good ol' Santa Claus chuckle right off his rocker. Glad we got that out of the way. Now we can be bestest buds forever and ever, Anon. They say friendships forged in adversity are built to last, you know.

>> No.16080775 [DELETED] 

Do you mean how these threads are new to this board?
It's been over three years, I think, so that's a pretty relative term.

Either way, the people who've been here from that start have tried their best not to be too intrusive. What you're saying is exactly why newfags to these threads need to be kept in line. They'll ruin things for everyone, thread and board, otherwise.

>> No.16080776

I just read that Table top RPG story that an upstart just wrote with MGs in it. Pretty good. Reminded me of my first ttrpg. My character masturbated in front of a guard to distract him from another one of my friends characters to hop a fence he was guarding. Fun times.

>> No.16080782
File: 431 KB, 1200x1050, 1477881595150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kejourou are love

>> No.16080784 [DELETED] 

If you think that's bitching, you need a bit more of a spine.
And this is 4chan. Bitching is the norm here anyway. Sometimes it has to be done.

Would you rather people don't "bitch" when furry or futa is posted here, for example?

>> No.16080785

>don't have anyone to play tabletop games with
Feels bad, man.

>> No.16080791

sounds a bit too simle but ill take it

>> No.16080792

the front door

>> No.16080794
Quoted by: >>16080811

Rather you neck yourself to be honest. And I don't say that out of anger, mind you. It's more like wishing the grass would cut itself, or the trash would take itself out.

>> No.16080802 [DELETED] 

>already deleted posts
What'd I miss?

>> No.16080808

y-you too

>> No.16080811

That sounds like a reference to something! See? We're already friends now, Anon. And if by neck you mean, like, give myself a hickey: I'm afraid I'm not a Rokurokubi or anything like that. My neck lacks the dexterity.

>> No.16080819 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080824

I posted "OP, you fucked up again. Leave it to someone who actually knows how to make a thread next time." because they missed out on the topic.

The janitor blocked me for "garbage outside of /b/", so I think he's having a hissy fit because he made the thread and doesn't actually have a proper rule to justify his block. I also posted something about a matango and wolfgirl pack, but he deleted those posts too, and even left the post about us being a "community parasite" undeleted.

I don't want to sound like a martyr or anything, but you have to take a look at all that and wonder if he's really right in the head.

>> No.16080820 [DELETED] 

Retards, go to warosu.

>> No.16080824 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080834

The no subject thing isn't anything really important to throw a fit. The rest, you are right, but it's something we have happening for quite some time now, not much to do I'm afraid.

>> No.16080828


80 spooky girls, many of them monstrous, drawn by the king of creepy MG sex stuff.

>> No.16080834 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080844

I wasn't throwing a fit, but I'm sorry if it came across that way. As I already mentioned, I was pointing it out in conjunction with other stuff, like all the new thread users.

>but it's something we have happening for quite some time now, not much to do I'm afraid.
That doesn't make it right.

>> No.16080844 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16080888

>That doesn't make it right
Of course it doesn't but- DELETED, y'know.

Maybe some hopeful day we'll be able to talk to the man, or go full autism I don't know. I just wanted the thread to be somewhat self-regulated like before.

Anyway, how about dem snakes? They are really soft.

>> No.16080850
Quoted by: >>16080858

I want to tie my Kiki maid to a chair in the middle of my house and then proceed to clean my house very badly. I'm not gonna let her loose no matter how agitated she gets and no matter how much she begs.

>> No.16080853
File: 472 KB, 1170x1170, 46616600_p6_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081410

Snuggle with delinquentzilla!

and survive said snuggling would be nice too

>> No.16080858

For some reason that makes me think of really shitty maid pornos.
>"Oops, looks like I broke this really expensive vase. I guess I should be... punisssssshed."
Fucking Kiki would be having those eye-twitching "tics". Like she has tourettes from pure seething rage.

>> No.16080862

please do not torture the kikis

>> No.16080865

But I have torture maid disorder. I need to do it or else I die.

>> No.16080871
File: 569 KB, 780x1200, maid beating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? It's fun

>> No.16080873

Fuck you buddy, she's my maid and I'll torture her whenever I want!

>> No.16080877
Quoted by: >>16080927

I want to be protected by a big strong warrior beetle.

>> No.16080884
Quoted by: >>16080937

x is best girl

>> No.16080888 [DELETED] 

It's just a shame to see. The janitor, in his attempt to force his own agenda, deletes on-topic replies and leaves up posts calling these threads a "parasite". That's not just bad moderation, it's corrupt to boot.
And not a thing can be done about it, because it's against the rules to point out when they're wrong. Hell, even the janitor isn't allowed to talk about it or bring attention to himself. He'll gladly delete even posts innocently wondering about deletions to cover his own ass, though.
So many internet communities get ruined or outright undone by bad moderation, and it's really sad to see it happen here too.

>> No.16080927
File: 1.13 MB, 2416x3608, 1471661020037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16080933 [DELETED] 

Why? Why do you go on some sort of crusade? Is this thread really that threatening to the rest of /jp/ and you fear some sort of outbreak? Or do you fear that if we talk about literally anything else than monster girls for a split second, even if it directly affects us, we will go on an autism spree so bad that the day the Cait Sith was released will look tame in comparison?

I just don't understand, no off topic shit, I was warned, alright. I just wanted you to read and see that I, nor some others, don't understand why you do what you do. That's all only monster girls from now on, delete this if you will, I won't bring it back up again.

>> No.16080937

What a shit taste

>> No.16080941 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 3000x2000, Monster+-+Cu+Sith+de-furried+1+-+1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cait Sith

Well at least someone did something with Cu Sith

>> No.16080948

What happens if you throw a jar of semen out in the open? Would it be like in Left 4 Dead where it attracts a horde of mamano or would they not really care?

>> No.16080952 [DELETED] 

I doubt it'll work, Anon. People have tried appealing to him before as well.
It hasn't changed anything.

>> No.16080953
Quoted by: >>16081036

Be prepared to marry the winner.

>> No.16080956
File: 1.36 MB, 1150x1050, 1458994811355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to evolve mine!

>> No.16080961

First and only time I tried playing TTRPG I ended up the story aid to the GM/whatever and one faggot kept rolling 20s ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME.
So the quest to send the party through literal hell, the dude ends up fucking all succubi into submission.
Go figure.

>> No.16080963
Quoted by: >>16080969

What is the words on her heart thing on her hat suppose to mean?

>> No.16080969
Quoted by: >>16080986

In this style 10/10.

It means she is pure fashion.

>> No.16080971


>tfw your GM literally rolls for a Baboa to rape you
>it succeeds its grapple check and begins to rape you
>GM goes into detail describing the whole thing
>those things aren't even supposed to have any junk I don't think

Just another situation that would have been made better with the introduction of MGs.

>> No.16080980
Quoted by: >>16081037

Truly, mad hatters are the best matangos

>> No.16080981 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 800x509, 1478622100551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you mean like this?

>> No.16080986

No, it's 10/6
>The Hatter introduced in Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland wears a large top hat with a hatband reading "In this style 10/6". This is the hat's price tag, indicative of The Hatter's trade, and giving the price in pre-decimal British money as ten shillings and six pence (or half a guinea).

>> No.16080993

Maybe, if she REALLY deserves it.

>> No.16080999
File: 216 KB, 1746x950, bed-bug-on-skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081003

I dare you guys to make these LITTLE FUCKING FAGGOTS into a cute monster girl.

>> No.16081003
Quoted by: >>16081009

Devil bugs are already a thing

>> No.16081009

Bed-bugs are worse than roaches.

t. someone who has put up with bed-bugs for years now.

>> No.16081010

If I gave her ten shillings and six pence, would I get her hat? Would she only accept trades for other hats? Weapons perhaps? I feel an overwhelming urge to trade hats and stab engineers for some reason. This is surely an unexplored economy.

>> No.16081014

Might as well be the same monster considering similarities in relation to other monster types. Change a devil bug here and there and you got a bed bug.

>> No.16081017
Quoted by: >>16081046

>you will never tie your waifu up so she can't do anything about you fucking her with a condom on

>> No.16081019
Quoted by: >>16081036

You laugh at the Devil bugs, maybe Zombies, that go crazy there, looking for you. But you got distracted and an Akaname is dragging you away.

Bad end(?)

>> No.16081023

Kinda speaks for itself, dunnit?
They'd be like Vamp-Mosquitoes crossed with Yetis. Super cuddlebugs that nibble on you in bed.

>> No.16081024

Huh, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info I guess.

>> No.16081030

Would you indulge your waifu if she had a sounding fetish?

>> No.16081034

Fuck no.

>> No.16081035

Yes, It really isn't that bad.

>> No.16081036

>I hate Monster Girls

>> No.16081037
Quoted by: >>16081089

Meh, they're way more vanilla and too boring in design.
It's like KC just made them to appease faggots who moaned and complained about the matango in the first place.

The extra intelligence is nice, but KC could just added a note onto the matango profile anyway.

>> No.16081041
Quoted by: >>16081049


>> No.16081044
Quoted by: >>16081049

Anon, are you okay?

>> No.16081046

>Fucking a tied up Redcap and cumming inside with a condom

I bet this is enough to make her go Crimson or Black.

>> No.16081049

I'm imitating Francis from Left 4 Dead. Should have probably posted a pic next time but you guys are pretty strict about the "Don't post non-monster girls" thing.

>> No.16081050
Quoted by: >>16081063

>sounding fetish
>Putting shit in urethra

>> No.16081056
Quoted by: >>16081062

Oh yeah. It's been a good few years since "I hate vests" and "pills here" and so on.

>> No.16081058

Personally I wouldn't have a problem with irrelevant pics so long as you're courteous and delete the image shortly after. It's what I occasionally do.

>> No.16081062

Fuck Left 4 Dead 3 when Valve?

>> No.16081063

I used to think sounding was a trick that had to do with deepthroat and vocal cords. How innocent I was.

>> No.16081064

Aw shit, I knew I shouldn't have let go of the joke too soon. Greentext should have tipped me off, I apologize.

>> No.16081089
Quoted by: >>16081233

I'm the one who was defending humpty eggs
I feel the need to apologize for being close minded and yet telling you to be open minded
I can't believe you guys argued the whole time I was at work

That they definitely are

True that they're cosplay they're even of the majin type which is basically "monsters that can be mistaken for human"
Matangos on the other hand are slightly too monstrous
Now that I think about it all the matango designs I've seen are either cosplay or too monstrous

>> No.16081096

Does your waifu have a middle name anon?

>> No.16081098

Religious men must be protected from the evilness and sinfulness of monster girls!

>> No.16081105


>> No.16081109

I know that's the only story Crow Tengu are know for, but no.

>> No.16081115

Anubis Anu Anubi is her full name.

>> No.16081120
Quoted by: >>16081131

No man deserves a Kikimora if they're going to bully and torture her.

>> No.16081130


>> No.16081131

Kikimora are sweet and gentle girls that love and care for master, and should be loved and cared for in return!

>> No.16081135

Always true.

>> No.16081136
Quoted by: >>16081221

She does, but I'm not gonna tell you because it's embarrassing.

>> No.16081138

Yes. It's Solinde.

>> No.16081139

The Crushinator

>> No.16081149

They can get sweet and gentle torture then.

>> No.16081164

Did you have a human waifu before you met your monstergirl waifu /mgt/? Don't lie.

>> No.16081168
Quoted by: >>16081182

Well, are non MGE monsters counted as such?

>> No.16081170

She was basically a space elf god with a cat spaceship so halfway there I guess.

>> No.16081174


Stupid fire mouse forgot to put on panties before challenging you to a fight
Do you tell her?

>> No.16081178

I don't have a waifu, I just fap to monsters. Since coming here I almost exclusively fap to monsters now, so that's something.

>> No.16081181

Nope. She was a wolfu.

>> No.16081182

Is she still your waifu?

Let me rephrase my question, did you have a waifu that you dumped after coming here?

>> No.16081190

I would shove my face in there and have her fight my tongue.

>> No.16081191


>> No.16081198
Quoted by: >>16081300

I have had two waifus before my current monstergirl waifu.

Only one of the previous ones was human.

>> No.16081203

So how would demonic corruption work on someone like Ranma who is half-man, half-girl?

>> No.16081208

She's still mah waifu.

>> No.16081210
Quoted by: >>16081223

Destroyer of virginity

>> No.16081211

I don't like to admit it.

>> No.16081215

Is Breakaway Republic the only decent writefag on the MGE wiki?

>> No.16081216
Quoted by: >>16081222

Alp, easy man.

>> No.16081221

Tell me Anon, I promise I won't laugh.

>> No.16081222
Quoted by: >>16081240

But what if he's in male form? Besides Ranma isn't gay or anything.

>> No.16081223

anon that's three names.

>> No.16081224

I'm still have a human waifu.

>> No.16081229
Quoted by: >>16081235

>MGE wiki
>decent writefag


>> No.16081233

It's not hard for an argument to last a long time when the thread is slow and you're doing other things between posts. Humpty Eggs weren't really the topic, though. It was more about why having a particular fetish doesn't make you mentally deranged, I think. Honestly it was kind've all over the place. The Humpties were just collateral.

>> No.16081235

I'm asking for exceptions not the rule.

>> No.16081238

Did Latenight ever deliver, or was he lynched by Wendigos?

>> No.16081240
Quoted by: >>16081262

Doesn't matter, he's got a part of a female in him so he's turning into a monster, Alp by default or whatever else if turned by another monster.
>tfw find cute human boy to rape
>He turns into a monster afterwards
It's tough being a monster.

>> No.16081243
Quoted by: >>16081264

The penguin got him

>> No.16081245

You may not, but others definitely will.

>> No.16081247

Is Ranma really half-and-half? Doesn't he just occasionally switch between the two?
He'd just go back and forth from human to monster. EZPZ

>> No.16081259
Quoted by: >>16081270

But anon, >>16081245

>> No.16081261
Quoted by: >>16081315

Well since Alps are a thing once he goes female, there's no going back, even if he's was already a full blown incubus.

>> No.16081262

Okay well what about Fem-Ranma? She's technically a girl so she can't necessarily be alp'd As for what monster she would turn into I have no doubt Ranma-chan would become a Hinezumi.
That sounds really complicated considering he would switch to having spirit energy to having demonic energy. KC would probably make up some bullshit to make it work though.

>> No.16081263
Quoted by: >>16081273

C'mon Anon. I bet it's cute.

>> No.16081264

But BatWurm stopped her last comic!

>> No.16081268

Of course not! They have such literary greats as Knuckles213!


Read this and tell me it isn't the work of a master.

>> No.16081270
Quoted by: >>16081273

People will just ignore it, so go ahead and trust me.

>> No.16081273

I sure hope I'm not falling for bait.


>> No.16081274

God damn it, not this shit again.

>> No.16081275

>Reading enter the Jubjub as a horror story to writers

>> No.16081276

There's no case of a female turning into an incubus or a male, so that suggests that demonic energy is the superior one to the spirit energy, and with current DL demonic energy completely deletes female humans spirit energy and boosts male human spirit energy.
Once Fem-Ranma becomes a monster it's locked down there, possibly being able to turn into an Alp if he was turned Succubus while female and back again to a succubus.

>> No.16081284
Quoted by: >>16081302

>copypaste it into a word counter out of curiosity
>25k words


>> No.16081287
Quoted by: >>16081292

I thought it was going to be something laughable, but it's quite cute, Anon. What is she?

>> No.16081288

Could that guy from that one hentai who can purify demon girls into angels with his dick stop the Demon Lord?

>> No.16081292
Quoted by: >>16081312

Anon, this wasn't part of our deal!

She's a Kobold though.

>> No.16081293
Quoted by: >>16081343

I've never bothered reading his stuff after the horror stories about the content and seeing this >>16081268 last time.

How does he fare compared to our better guys? Is he at least better than the /monster/ writefags, because that isn't exactly a high standard anyway.

>> No.16081294
Quoted by: >>16081319

Two years worth of semen?

>> No.16081296

The only other real waifu I've ever had was a great many years ago. It was someone named "Dita Liebely" from a show called "Vandread". I use to fantasize about her every single night. I googled up all the dakimakura pics and just ogled them like a piece of shit. I eventually left her in the most chuuni way possible, figuring she would be happier with protagonist dude that she already had a crush on anyway.
I went this long without any waifu, and then fucking Gremlin shows up with her smug-ass grin. As if she already knew. I Fuckin' love that cheeky cunt.

>> No.16081300

Nope, I'd be surprised if many people answered yes

I assume that every anon either liked monster girls from the start or was burned by 3DPD and turned to monster girls for healing

Would you consider yourself a slut?

>> No.16081302
Quoted by: >>16081473

He's halfway to NaNoWriMo!

>> No.16081307

>figuring she would be happier with protagonist dude that she already had a crush on anyway.
aww jeez.

In my opinion though, MGs lend themselves to being waifus far better than any fictional character.

>> No.16081310

My nigga. I liked Barnette a bit more due to the tomboy gun nut thing, but Dita was still top tier.

>> No.16081311

My waifu was and still is an MG, I never changed her.
How could I?

>> No.16081312
Quoted by: >>16081319

With a cute species and a middle name like that I bet her first one is even better. I bet she cheers your day up huh?

>> No.16081313
File: 928 KB, 1387x1136, 1478234578680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081480

I want an Anubis to put me in a collar and claim me as hers.

>> No.16081315

Alps only happen because of an intense desire to take the D. He's still technically a guy, even if he turned girl, so his SE production facility would probably still be present in both cases. In which case he might not even have his female form transform, either.

>> No.16081319


Her first name is Ophelia.

>I bet she cheers your day up huh?
Every time I think about her!

>> No.16081320

>burned by 3DPD
Explain, I think I get it but I need details.

>> No.16081329
Quoted by: >>16081355

Not really a slut, no. After coming here I found out that having someone else's character as my waifu would never be perfect.

>> No.16081330
Quoted by: >>16081340

People mention Alp and that TFT guy with the weeb name, but I think this really is the most terrible monstergirl story ever written. I don't believe its possible to do any worse than this, its almost deliberately awful.

>> No.16081335
File: 182 KB, 542x735, to love ru real NTR story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081358

Something like pic related

>> No.16081340
Quoted by: >>16081351

I mean, you could intentionally write something far worse as far as actual writing goes, but the part that makes this bad is the fully serious intention.

>> No.16081342


>> No.16081343

He's not amazing or anything, but I like him. "Crying Wolf" is probably my favorite series of his. Here's the first part:


Also just found out he posts stories on Touch Fluffy Tail as well.

>> No.16081345
Quoted by: >>16081362

Ophelia Asuna. Is she your average type of Kobold or is she a different breed? I'm supposed to be doing some work but now I'm talking about waifus. Thanks.

>> No.16081351

And the genuine support in the comments. Some even calling him a good writer, the kind of thing you see in every review section on fanfiction sites no matter how horrifying they are. I bet even My Immortal got some insane praise.

>> No.16081355

>Bad experience with one
>Unrequited love
>Realized how terrible 3DPDs are by default
>Learned the horrors of feminism
>20yo+ kissless virgin

Any of these or even a combination of multiple ones

I feel you, you were just lost in your search for love

>> No.16081356
Quoted by: >>16081375

Not him, but there's not much to say, based on experience 3DPD WILL ruin your life, eventually. Old men say that even if they don't know about 2D, and then a young one will go"well, I'll be the exception!" and the men before him will just shake their heads and wait for the inevitable.

It's been like this for a lot of time, do you even waifus?

>> No.16081358

Ouch, depressing story.
Oh so just being screwed over by a 3DPD, just what I though, thanks man.

>> No.16081362
Quoted by: >>16081385

I'm sorry anon, I'm at work too if it makes you feel any better.

Anyway, she's just a small terrier mutt with light brown hair. Her ears are a little shorter than the average kobold shown in the profile, and her fur is a little more reddish-orange. Her fur only comes up to her knees and elbows instead of completely covering her limbs, and she also has more human-looking legs.

>> No.16081363
File: 78 KB, 641x868, kenshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081368

What do monster girls think of MANIME.

>> No.16081365
Quoted by: >>16081375

A lot of the waifufags in the /a/ threads aren't the stereotype of a virgin weeabo, actually, but people who had relationships with 3DPD females and understood how shit they are. Same here.

>> No.16081366

>you were just lost in your search for love

>> No.16081367
File: 252 KB, 850x603, 1469069591397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ice Queen got him first

>> No.16081368
Quoted by: >>16081378

Keijo is pretty manly, being not-jojo with added ass combat. I could see them actually playing the sport too.

>> No.16081375
Quoted by: >>16081457

Well I had a brain fart here >>16081320 .

I turned to 2D because it was the only attractive thing to me, I tried being with women and men and just, nothing, while 2D gets my engine running at full power.

>> No.16081378
Quoted by: >>16081395

>every battle shonen is a copy of jojo
Also Keijo sucks ass.

>> No.16081385

See Anon, was it that hard to talk about your waifu? She's pretty cute and you shouldn't be embarrassed to talk about her.
It's nice to spend some time talking about something you like. Especially if you're at work.

>> No.16081392

No, I guess not. Usually I can talk about her just fine, but this is one of the very few things that is still sort of embarrassing.

>> No.16081394

You realize you're talking to KDF, right? The guy who has no problem running his mouth about his kobolds?

>> No.16081395

Fucking a monster Keijo must be crazy.

>> No.16081407

Oh fuck you're right, I didn't even notice.
Doesn't change the fact that they are a cute couple though.

>> No.16081409

Hey anon, even I get embarrassed sometimes! There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16081410

>No tail
Gotta have the trademark tail.

>> No.16081413

Shit. I haven't watched that in forever.

>> No.16081420

What a shame.

By the way, what should I doodle with my last piece of paper?
A Fairy, like I previously mentioned? Or something else?

>> No.16081421

>Kiki finds my fap tissues lying around

wat do

>> No.16081423
Quoted by: >>16085553


Am I glad he's frozen in there and that we're out here.

>> No.16081426
Quoted by: >>16081435

make her eat them

>> No.16081433

Sniff her panties.

>> No.16081435
Quoted by: >>16081441

Thats dirty anon. Those disgusting things need to be thrown in the bin.

>> No.16081441

kiki can handle it, she needs to eat them to make things right

>> No.16081442


I had to experiment with various alphabets, formulas and dark rituals to come up with her first and last name yet her middle name is still the one google gave her

Google translates マインドフレイア as "Mind Freya"

>> No.16081457

I'm basically this >>16081355 except the first two things, and a bit of >>16081375 , 2D over 3DPD anytime.

>> No.16081473
Quoted by: >>16081596

>check my story
>still need 32.5k words

>> No.16081480

>those bandages
What happened to her?

>> No.16081488
Quoted by: >>16081494

Working is dangerous.

>> No.16081491
Quoted by: >>16081494

She's a bit of a gearhead.

>> No.16081492

Thanks to the recommendation from before guys.
>Start playing the porn game talked about before
>There's futa -
>There's a cute virgin mouse girl you can court +
>There's a cute insecure succubus you can court +

Overall the game's weird, but good enough to enjoy, and it's excellent at making MGE just that much more attractive.

>> No.16081494
Quoted by: >>16081496

One day I'll write Kejourou matron who runs a brothel of Monsters hiding among human society, offering the greatest of pleasures to those who know to seek them.
So you're saying she didn't end up in a fight with some bitch/whore?

>> No.16081496
Quoted by: >>16081499

That's quite the imagination you have there.

>> No.16081499
Quoted by: >>16081512

What are you referring to?

>> No.16081502

Would a Kej love someone with a shaved head?

>> No.16081506
Quoted by: >>16081525

What game?

>> No.16081512
Quoted by: >>16081520

Anubutt. She is just a nice girl that likes machines and you think she fights sluts.

>> No.16081515

>No kejourou to kiss your bald head and tell you that you're cute

I'm not bald but I'd shave without hesitation if a kej asked me to

>> No.16081520
Quoted by: >>16081526

She's a dog. Dogs defend their turf and pack.

>> No.16081525

Corruption of Champions, it's the edgy version of MGE.
Yep literally that, can't explain it better, there's also 2 more that I've been told to stay away from since they're apparently nothing but futa.
I'm holding out, but I don't think it's a wise choice to play this game during NoFapNovember

>> No.16081526
Quoted by: >>16081536

So just because she is a dog you think she fights random street whores using a mecha? That's not right.

>> No.16081530
Quoted by: >>16081537

>Corruption of Champions
Ah yes, I remember an S&M session with a Gargoyle that purified me of pent-up lust. Good times.

>> No.16081536
Quoted by: >>16081549

>using a mecha
Well I wasn't going to say anything, but if she WAS fighting delinquent Ryus, I wouldn't blame her.

>> No.16081537

Best girl, I mean Succubus+Gargoyle? Perfection.

>> No.16081540

That's the only BAD thing you've seen about CoC?

Goddamn fag

>> No.16081544
Quoted by: >>16081550

You're really gonna leave out all the furry garbage and whatnot?

>> No.16081549

Ryus are pure. What she really fights against are the evil sluts that want to turn her turf into a huge brothel.

>> No.16081550

It's the only thing that's constantly sticking out, I'm having a 100% win ratio so I'm pretty much avoiding all the imp and other, "stuff" , that comes with defeat.
Well the mouse girl is a furry, but I imagine her as a MGE mouse, so that kinda helps.

>> No.16081552
Quoted by: >>16081563

With CoC you fuck the black haired Kitsune sister and maybe the blond if you have a lactation potion and then you get the fuck out.

>> No.16081558

I mean, there's quite a bit of the shit.
Some of it can be "turned off," but there's plenty regardless.

>> No.16081560
Quoted by: >>16081572

>Well the mouse girl is a furry, but I imagine her as a MGE mouse, so that kinda helps.
That's it? Wew boy you're in for some shit.

>> No.16081561
Quoted by: >>16081573

Take that shit to /d/

>> No.16081563
File: 54 KB, 575x394, i+have+a+fever+the+only+cure+is+more+penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who let /d/'s shitty game discussion in here?

>> No.16081572

Am I still in the starter area? 'cause that's where I've been told to stay for maximum MGE immersion.
I got told I could score with a cute MG in it, so just wanted to thank to the anons for saying it.

>> No.16081573
Quoted by: >>16081577


>> No.16081577
Quoted by: >>16081591

Look at the times, newfag

>> No.16081579
Quoted by: >>16081601

>I got told I could score with a cute MG in it
You can turn yourself into a monster girl if you'd like, even if you're male.

>> No.16081581
Quoted by: >>16081601

Oh yeah, there is a cute dragon girl and a salamander you can have sex with if you manage to endure hell.

>> No.16081582
File: 272 KB, 848x1200, 1453738235691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about what looks best on the ladies.

>> No.16081588
Quoted by: >>16081592

What ladies?

>> No.16081589

Comfy Sweaters with boob gaps!

>> No.16081591 [DELETED] 

Phoneposting :^)

Really though stop being a bitch.

>> No.16081592
Quoted by: >>16081601

You know. Monster Girls. This is the Monster Girl Thread, yes?

>> No.16081595 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16081659

>Defending /d/shit
Go back to your board, /d/fag

>> No.16081596
Quoted by: >>16081604

Mine is garbage and I'm probably going to give up so I can concentrate of writing something that doesn't make me sad to look at.

I wonder if this is why so many people drop out of it.

>> No.16081597

Shiny, seamless latex catsuits!
Long latex opera gloves and stockings!
Fashionable, colorful latex swimsuits!

>> No.16081601
Quoted by: >>16081607

I just wanna cuddle with my succubus gargoyle for days on end and forget about the whole champion business. I mean the sand witches gonna kick the demons ass in a year or so anyway.
But we're not girls, so we can't make the best judgement on what clothes both look AND fit the best

>> No.16081603 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16081659

Fuck off, if you've been here long enough you should know exactly why it's hated.

>> No.16081604
Quoted by: >>16081611

Are you me? I've talked to a couple of people who have claimed to be me before, it's comfy. Let's talk about how bad the story is!

>> No.16081607

Says you. I know what looks aesthetically pleasing on my waifu, why can't you do the same?
It's daisy dukes, chest wrappings, and a leather vest. Sunglasses optional.

>> No.16081611
Quoted by: >>16081613

Same as any, started out promising, clearly wrote a few scenes when not feeling it and now it feels like something you'd see on fanfiction websites.

>> No.16081613

Isn't everything we do here fanfiction? I mean I'm trying to come up with a bullshit explanation for the existence of Monsters that doesn't rely on the MGE stuff but even then I still admit my writing is heavily derivative of it.

>> No.16081615
Quoted by: >>16081618

>Isn't everything we do here fanfiction?
Not this again.
No it isn't. That would make D&D campaigns fanfiction. You're using a setting designed for the reader to make stories and characters in. Unless you're using the named places or characters then you arren't writing fanfiction.

>> No.16081618
File: 17 KB, 340x480, 1454924317397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Don't mind me then.

>> No.16081621

>isn't everything we do here fanfiction?

Anyway, maybe I'm just getting burned out by it. 50,000 words is a lot for something you'll just end up cringing at and never showing anyone.

>> No.16081623

Then do what I do and post updates on here. Nothing motivates you better than a hungry audience demanding more of your shitty writing.

>> No.16081632
File: 92 KB, 595x841, 37ead8a3a126bddf46fa40be6c9a07ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farm girls

Pick your wife

>> No.16081636

This fox is really ethereal. What's it say on her chest?

>> No.16081638

I'll take the small one and is this Crab's work? What from?

>> No.16081639


>> No.16081645
Quoted by: >>16081651

Oh, so you're Klaus.
>Nothing motivates you better than a hungry audience demanding more of your shitty writing.
I already writefag, I'd just rather show anons the stuff I'm happy with instead.
Regardless of what I choose to do, good luck with your own project.

>> No.16081646
File: 385 KB, 1280x1791, 21ebc26727e13e39348d66c425de6559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081655

Touch the cow.

>> No.16081649
File: 3.71 MB, 2000x2500, 1423899493642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna convince a dragon that the most seed she has inside her the faster her hoard will grow at a fixed rate!

>> No.16081651

Are you perhaps meaning to replying to>>16081623?
Because I'm not Klaus.

>> No.16081652

meant for

>> No.16081653
File: 2.03 MB, 1138x1204, 1469325583513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EMG cows

>> No.16081654

Far right.

>> No.16081655
Quoted by: >>16081675


>> No.16081659 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 480x270, that comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081694

He was talking about monster girls in a game with monster girls and yet you guys cry over nothing because
>muh furries
>muh futa
Even though we were avoiding mention of it. You guys seriously need to chill for once.

>> No.16081660

The one not designed by a cuckbaiting artist.

>> No.16081661

That buff brown one. She looks like she gives great hugs.

>> No.16081666
Quoted by: >>16081682

I want to be dominated by a Dragon girl. I want to be her property.

>> No.16081670

I realized my obsession with big girls probably comes from seaport hime

>> No.16081671
Quoted by: >>16081682

Middle, far left, and far right.
Rest can go to the slaughterhouse.

>> No.16081673
Quoted by: >>16081684

You act like you need to trick her into doing that.
It'd probably be the first thing she makes you do when she captures you and takes you to her lair.
Just imagine that. Her sitting in a bath warmed by her own fire, beckoning you over to her naked body, waiting patiently for you to stick it in before wrapping her arms and wings around you and telling you to impregnate her.

>> No.16081675
File: 57 KB, 635x598, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16081682

Do you want her to shove your face into her crotch and force you to eat her out?
Do you want her to suck your dick even after you cum, despite your best efforts to pull out?
Do you want her to grind her hips as she milks load after load out of you with her pussy?
Do you want her to pat you on the head and call you her treasure during the post sex cuddling?

Little do you know that for Holstaurs, "Slaughterhouse" is a nickname for the breeding grounds.
I'd breed that buff brown cow and her short twintail sister.

>> No.16081684

its more than that anon, i want to fill her with so much seed that she ends up as a ahegao mess,i want her ADDICTED to it until she bears triplets

and the hoard grow thing its that for each daugheru she has the more her small hoard will grow eventually

>> No.16081689

There's a lot of if, but if you know where it is, it's very easy to avoid. And given that it's (mostly) text based, you can visualise pretty much all of them as MGs.
It's not without appeal, I guess.

>> No.16081694 [DELETED] 

He can talk about it on /d/ then, the game always gets shit on around here and will continue to whenever people mention it.

You have to be a gigantic faggot to play it for the few girls that are "worth it" since it's much easier to find monster girls in games or manga that aren't full of garbage. Now go back to the hellhole you came from and take your shitty image with you.

>> No.16081697


>> No.16081699

Short answer. Yes.

>> No.16081708 [DELETED] 

We can talk about the monstergirl stuff here just fine.
MGE has lots of /d/ worthy stuff in it too, but we're not on /d/.

If you want, you can talk about something else while others talk about what they want.

Speaking of CoC, it's been a good few years since I played it. Does that cute lizardgirl who lives in the swamp have a decent amount of content yet?

>> No.16081709 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16081718

I was gonna write something to counter your point but I changed my mind because I realize it's best to ignore people like you who love to shit on other peoples' fun. Besides I got a warning and I don't feel like adding more fuel to the fire.

>> No.16081712

I want to stroke the short ones horns.

>> No.16081718 [DELETED] 

>I realize it's best to ignore people like you who love to shit on other peoples' fun
Not him, but if I like futa monstergirls can I talk about it here then? You will just ignore me right?

>> No.16081726 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16081731

No that's not allowed. My point is that getting butthurt about someone posting about monster girls from a fetish game with fetishes they don't like whether or not they are actually associated with that character is pointless.

>> No.16081727 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16081740

Fuck off. We don't want a repeat of people thinking that cancer is allowed here.

>> No.16081731 [DELETED] 

>No that's not allowed
By who? You're doing exactly the same he's doing.

>> No.16081738

I want a dragon to be addicted to me!

>> No.16081740 [DELETED] 

>We don't want a repeat of people thinking that cancer is allowed here
Tell that to people who think talking about CoC is fine.

>> No.16081751
File: 288 KB, 1878x1175, 1469042299123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081761

Don't buy the 80% off "festive winter" hats from the Tanuki, it's a trick and you'll get attacked!

>> No.16081761
Quoted by: >>16081772

Aren't Wendigo too busy shitposting on /ck/?

>> No.16081770

I just went to lunch did even more fucking posts get deleted?

>> No.16081772
Quoted by: >>16081791

They're too busy masturbating to pictures of cooked meat and episodes of Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsay shows

>> No.16081791

Wendigo find Kitchen Nightmares to be entertaining.
Like that episode involving a guy taking money from his hipster son and opening a restaurant with it.

>> No.16081798
File: 70 KB, 600x837, 7a72d3d4b959aefb1cf8f47f96a2e4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon girls are for mating press,pies,consensual and hugging

>> No.16081814 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, 1478634777073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16081829

Dragons are skilled and unmatched at pie making.
Even young adults can make divine pies.

Blueberry is best.

>> No.16081837

I want to run a Gunpla Club at MGC High!
I want Gunpla Battle to be a real thing damn it!

>> No.16081839


You missed something buddy.

>> No.16081840

>Blueberry is best
My child, it seems that you have made a typo
Obviously Pumkpin Pie is the best

>> No.16081855

Dragons are for letting die lonely and sad, and then loving when they come back as undeads

>> No.16081856

Euthanize yourself. Blueberry is king.
No ifs, and, or buts.

>> No.16081857

>Not Apple
I'm not gonna judge, but I will question your taste buds.

>> No.16081858

Solid choice, but inferior to almight blueberry.

>> No.16081861

I will fucking fight you on this anon, Apple's the undisputed king.

>> No.16081864

Dutch Apple Pie is the best Apple Pie.

>> No.16081872


I'm sorry you all are so droll.
Pecan is best.

>> No.16081877

What do I do if my dragon doesn't know how to make pie?

>> No.16081879


this guy knows whats up.

>> No.16081880

You sir, have excellent taste.

>Nuts in a pie
Fitting given that you're insane.

What would our waifus think seeing a bunch of losers arguing over what kind of Pie is the best? I bet they'd think it's cute.

>> No.16081881



but naw they're all great

>> No.16081883

As long as the Dragon has centuries worth of experience in cooking. I doubt hatchlings or teens would cook anything but charcoal.

>> No.16081885

Why can't I just live a happy peaceful life with a Kikimora maid?

>> No.16081886

Wait are we talking about pies or succubus colors?

>> No.16081890

Pies. Though now I'm wondering how monstergirls would react to our world's culinary innovations.

>> No.16081892
Quoted by: >>16081903

We must introduce them to chocolate.

>> No.16081894
Quoted by: >>16081900

Blueberry is best.
Apple second.
Cherry third.

>> No.16081900

Cherry colored succubi are number one though.

>> No.16081903
File: 494 KB, 800x1131, 1470596904062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16081907

They'll get carried away if they find out about chocolate

>> No.16081906

Alright, dropping discussion on the source, what do you guys think about the characters, gargoyle succubus and cutesy mouse girl?

>> No.16081907
Quoted by: >>16081920

Half the fun of a chubby monster girl is getting her fit again.

>> No.16081908
Quoted by: >>16081926

>Slimes would eat anything anyways
>Wolf MGs raiding a steakhouse
>Wurm taking a bakery owner as her husband as soon as she finishes an entire wedding cake

>> No.16081916
Quoted by: >>16081926

Any sort of Succubus is perfect.

>> No.16081920
Quoted by: >>16081924

Getting a girl stick in a fatfit cicle must be weird to watch.

>> No.16081921

I want to massage a cupids wings after a long day's work!

>> No.16081924
Quoted by: >>16081944

Eventually they get stuck at strongfat and it evens out.

>> No.16081926

>Wendigo orgasming to BBQ

But blueberry is best.
Special mention goes to purple.

>> No.16081930

KC gargoyle is really cute now, otherwise don't care for them.
Boring and one of the most overdone monster girls in existence.
>mouse girl
They can be okay I guess, although Hinezumis are the only ones that I'm really fond of. Probably because they're not lolis and they know how do do something apart from squeak and eat cheese.

>> No.16081943
Quoted by: >>16081949

Speaking of food, how much does a Dragon eat? 30kg of meat per day?

>> No.16081944
Quoted by: >>16081950

Aww. Don't ruin the fun Sexing her strongfat body is just the beggining

>> No.16081948

>Boring and one of the most overdone monster girls in existence.
Wasn't there green text about this?

>> No.16081949

Normal amounts and a lot of sex. A lot o sex.

>> No.16081950
Quoted by: >>16081955

Shortstack hinezumi are the best!

Strongfat is certainly fun with dragons.

>> No.16081955
Quoted by: >>16081963

Man, I love dragons so much, I want to spend non lewd time with every single one.

>> No.16081961

>shes riding you
>jerks up and extends her wings all the way out when she cums
>when you cum inside they also start flapping

>> No.16081963
Quoted by: >>16081969

A dragon of every shape, size, and non-murderous dere would be the best

>> No.16081966
Quoted by: >>16082242

I was referring to the CoC characters, mousegirl that wants to repopulate mouse people race, and lonely succubus gargoyle that defends ruins of a cathedral.

>> No.16081969

Nah, even the murderous ones. In case of attack I'll throw my Squishyflayer at her.

>> No.16081979
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1463204475923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair wolfus!

>> No.16081985

Yes, every wolfus is also cute.

>> No.16081986

I say, farm breeding stud

>> No.16081988
Quoted by: >>16082004

RIP anon.

>> No.16081991
File: 214 KB, 700x694, dkG8OME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did somebody say wolfus?

>> No.16081996
Quoted by: >>16082028

Wolfus! Wolfus and Draguns!

I want to die in a pile of fluffy fur and smooth scales.

>> No.16081997
Quoted by: >>16082028

W-With short hair! Remember?

>> No.16082002

So you want to fuck normal cows? Those are the girls who would take care of the farm with their husbands.

Honestly I'm not into treating mgs like cattle

>> No.16082004

it is the danger all lovers of big girls and femdom must endure

>> No.16082005
Quoted by: >>16082072

Would her golden arrows work on Ice Queens? Or are they too cold for it to work?

>> No.16082009

But they're milked for their produce.

>> No.16082012

MGs should be treated as humans.

>> No.16082013
Quoted by: >>16082020

neither am I, I want THEM to treat me like cattle, especially a herd of minotaurs

>> No.16082015

Yup. And they're for cuddles!

>> No.16082018 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16082027

>Boring and one of the most overdone monster girls in existence.

>> No.16082019

All the cows

>> No.16082020

Same, all I want in life is to become a litteral cumpump to big muscled minotaur with thick southern accent

>> No.16082027

Being boring isn't bad.

Don't fear normality, Succubus-chan.!

>> No.16082028
Quoted by: >>16082042

short hair! of course!
I want to give wolfu headpats and dragun scale rubs at the same time

>> No.16082034

just one? minotaur come in herds and ALL of them need a nice small soft human to hold down and breed

>> No.16082040
Quoted by: >>16082047

Not that guy, but do they have the accents?
Accents get me rock fucking solid.

>> No.16082042
Quoted by: >>16082054

I want to nuzzle both of them at the same time though I might give more attention to my dragun. However having both of them being greedy and wanting me all by themselves would make.me even more cuddly towards them.

>> No.16082047

either crete/greek or Texan accents probably

>> No.16082050
Quoted by: >>16082062

Does forced breastfeeding factor into that equation?

>> No.16082054
File: 563 KB, 2048x1862, 1461454792433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082079

>Ignoring the wolfu
that's how your pelvis gets crushed. they are mighty possessive, after all

>> No.16082062
Quoted by: >>16082067

I'm not man enough to please multiple girls
I could maybe handle 2 if I tried really hard

Of course, she needs to feed me properly so I produce a nice amount of liquids

>> No.16082067

Who said ya get a choice, ya get locked up in a stall and used however and whenever the girls need it

>> No.16082070

Oppai loli, german wyverns

>> No.16082072

I think it'd work but they'd still have trouble finding a husband

>> No.16082079

I would love to see both of them crushing my pelvis and proceeding to break my spiritial one.

>> No.16082089
File: 518 KB, 848x1148, 912197a089046125ac0690cd4283838e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16082092

>Vater Unser im Himmel
>Geheiligt werde dein Name...
"Ufufu... Keep praying, little man. It's the seasoning on the steak."
>D-Den Reiche k-komme...
>D-Den Wille gescheche...
"You are alone, human. All that's between you and eternal bliss is your petty little words~"
>TFW having to recite Vater Unser while a Succubus attempts to seduce you
>As Crusader training

>> No.16082097
File: 350 KB, 550x1200, 1476823324103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish those tits and that shirt were on a non-EMG girl.

>> No.16082106

Not that hard to photoshop that horn out and add two more on the sides, bit of fur on the legs and volia, you got your minotaur.

>> No.16082118

What's your waifu's stance on polygamy?

>> No.16082119

I would

>> No.16082123
File: 278 KB, 1132x1450, 1469650447177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you get?

>> No.16082126

Only if they pass her strict standards of what it means to be a wife.

>> No.16082127

Pecan pie, the emperor of pies.

>> No.16082131
Quoted by: >>16082150


all of them

>> No.16082130

>Breakaway Republic
He's neither terrible or great, to me. Honestly, if I were to take a cursory glance at the MGE Wiki, /monster/, here, or even TFT's authors I'd say that he's pretty middle-of-the-road.

Not nearly as insufferable as Sukiru Ikeda, Aftyn, Bob, Shoggocks, Alp (Pre-reformation), or MamanoMore who LITERALLY got so rectally ravaged over a small criticism from Thunderbrother that the turkroach spammed 1-star ratings on all of his stories and got permabanned from TFT.

>> No.16082132

Cherry pie, the greatest of pies.

>> No.16082133

As long as she's top bitch and I don't add women she doesn't approve of to the waifu pile then it's alright.
No Centaurs, lolis, Shoggoths, or Succubi allowed though.

>> No.16082136
Quoted by: >>16082145

Her. And that one with chicken, bacon and cheese,.

>> No.16082144

A facefull of dragontits.

Also pinch her bellyfat, roll it around in my fingers and comment on how so many pastries have made her soft and woman-like.

>> No.16082145
Quoted by: >>16082152

The breakfast burrito with hashbrowns, cheese, bacon, eggs, and sausage all wrapped up in a fresh tortilla?

>> No.16082147

That it's shit.

>> No.16082150

Do you plan on eating yourself into a coma through chocolate, blueberry, etc muffins?

>> No.16082152

Yes, I'll take two. One for me and one for her

>> No.16082158
Quoted by: >>16082171

Vanilla Cake with Vanilla frosting.

>> No.16082171
Quoted by: >>16082312

>not Cookies and cream frosting with Oreos on top
Wurm wants a divorce.

>> No.16082176

would dragons compete in food contests if the prize was a bag of gold coins?

>> No.16082180

A number nine with extra bacon, pickle, and chilli.
And a diet coke too.

>> No.16082181

Chocolate fudge cake

>> No.16082184

They would do almost anything for a bag of gold.

No, they don't have sex for money.

>> No.16082185

Hey, Tio's one of the better girls.

>> No.16082186

This isn't Piestrong's Pizza! If if aint made by humans I don't want it.

>> No.16082189

The Devil's Food.

>> No.16082190
Quoted by: >>16082194

Why are you ordering Pizza at a bakery?

>> No.16082192

But Dragon's is just as good!
Piestrong only has the better milkshakes between the two, plus doing specials more often.

>> No.16082194

There's a pizzeria and a bakery owned by Dragons.
Two completely different girls, but everyone mixes them up often.

>> No.16082195

How do I get a buffcubus?

>> No.16082201
File: 1.09 MB, 2768x750, 1478456144344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell a regular succubus that there's nothing sexier than a girl whose muscles gleam with sweat when she's coming to fuck you. Leave some russian jinko magazines lying around and give her a few months before she picks up on the message.

>> No.16082204
File: 623 KB, 1300x1148, 1467264618426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerk off into a protein shake that's on a summoning circle.

>> No.16082206

Buffcubus needs wide hips and thick thighs.

>> No.16082209

that girl's never worked a leg day in her life judging by that scrawny ass.

>> No.16082210

Do lilians count?

>> No.16082215

My waifu doesn't like sharing her treasure.

>> No.16082221

How does a man get out of bed in the morning a yeti wife? How does he even build up the courage to go to work when he has a perfectly comfy sleepy cuddle bug in bed who just wants to give him hugs?

>> No.16082224

Her and some of those scones jam & cream scones.

>> No.16082226

If you don't get out of bed then you won't get to hug your yeti daughteru when she's leaving for school

your fatherly bond will eventually overcome your desire for warmth and you'll have the motivation to follow it up by going to work and fulfilling your obligation to bring home the bacon.

>> No.16082230 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 73e4bfe49bffd6c6988fa154e9987037e5ae99ed6fbc93f1155ac0f83b426ca5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082236

Man MGC News Network sure is weird.

>> No.16082236

>One of the news broadcasters who happens to be a Cheire keeps smirking at the agitated and scared male camera man as the adverts roll

>> No.16082239

Eating or baking?
If baking they'd do it just to establish dominance and superiority over one another.
The gold is just a bonus.

Eating would be a Wurm's forte. I bet Wurm could eat one of those pizzas that require 7 people all by herself.

>> No.16082242
Quoted by: >>16082260

This isn't the place for CoC. So get out.

>> No.16082247

>You have a job interview at 9
>It takes 1 hours to get there
>You wake up at 8
>Your yeti wife is sleeping soundly, hugging you tight
>It'd hurt too much to wake her up
>You're already late though and you really need the money
>You muster the courage to call her name
>No answer
>You repeat yourself a few times and shake her gently
>She slowly opens her eyes
>"I love you anon"
>She kisses you, tightens her hug and goes back to sleep
>If you beg enough the landlord might not kick you out

>> No.16082252

Some fresh ciabatta and a nanaimo bar for later.

>> No.16082260

rude, he can talk about it as long as he doesn't discuss the more unsightly parts.

Put down your autism anon.

>> No.16082264

Does she offer the mystery box ?

>> No.16082265
Quoted by: >>16082287

Maybe the Tanuki landlord will let you stay there if you let her ride your face every week.

>> No.16082266

She's like a constricter. The harder you struggle. The tighter her love.

>> No.16082287
Quoted by: >>16082295

I want to be blackmailed into fucking my chubby Tanuki landlord to avoid paying the rent I'm too poor to pay!
I want to choke down my sorrow at never being able to get married since she's made me impure.
I want to be laying back and letting her ride me when suddenly she cries out "I love you!" when she cums.
I want her to realize she said that and start blushing as my dick starts stiffening again in her pussy.
I want to turn the tables and flip her on her back before asking what she said.
I want her blush to intensify as she tries to deflect, only to start moaning as I thrust into her.
I want to tell her that I'll only go faster if she repeats what she said.
I want her to wrap her arms around my head and her legs around my torso as she chants "I love you!" over and over again, her face twisting into an ahegao.
I want her to fall asleep after her last orgasm of the night and cuddle up to her, stroking her hair.

>> No.16082295
Quoted by: >>16082299

Don't trust Tanukis anon.

>> No.16082299
Quoted by: >>16082306

Anon, I think you missed the point I was going for.
She was pretending not to care about me, but then it slipped out.

>> No.16082300

>MamanoMore who LITERALLY got so rectally ravaged over a small criticism from Thunderbrother that the turkroach spammed 1-star ratings on all of his stories and got permabanned from TFT.

Is that what he did? I was him on the comments section of the wiki writing list claiming he had to leave because the admins were shit on TFT or something.
But Thunder didn't have an ego as such, so MamanoMore is probably a douche and TFT's version of MachineAnon now.

>> No.16082302

*I saw him on the comments

>> No.16082306
Quoted by: >>16082307

She's probably toying with you. They're always sly like that.

>> No.16082307

We'll see who's toying with who when I stick it in her pooper and pump her guts full of seed.

>> No.16082311

Good. Good anon. Teach the Tanuki a lesson.

>> No.16082312
File: 91 KB, 700x1000, 1476510742397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm allergic to chocolate.

>> No.16082314 [SPOILER] 
File: 605 KB, 1000x1128, 1478644066952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082326

You just have to be cool.

You CAN be cool right?

>> No.16082316

I'd rather bully her plump breasts with my dick.

>> No.16082320

How do you not kill yourself? It's like being allergic to sex.

>> No.16082326

I want to touch that Succubus' tail.

>> No.16082333

>The admins were shit
No, that's not what happened. He spammed the ever living fuck out of ThunderBrother's stories with a 1-out-of-5 star rating after TB had offered constructive criticisms on one of his stories.

Then, when SnowDrakE (The current and only site administrator) confronted the faggot about having to sift through literally three full webpages of site notifications to see all these spammed one-stars, the turkroach went on a full /pol/ tier rant. We're talking insulting the admin because he's German, laughing at the current state of affairs in Europe and hoping to Allah that the German people get replaced by JOHJ, smack talking about how even though he's married and has a child or two that he's nothing compared to MamanoMore's sexual prowess. Which includes diddling fuckboys and having extra-marital affairs.

So the lesson here is, as it always has been, Turkroaches. Not even once.

>> No.16082337


>> No.16082350

I wish I was allergic to chocolate. Then I wouldn't have diabetes.

>> No.16082352
File: 571 KB, 800x800, 1474879514141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082360

Gimme the one on the far right
>Long hair
>Spilling over even by Holst standards
I want to cuddle her and give her gentle milkings all night long.

>> No.16082360

Whose idea was it to rip off part of the SR Kenshin CG and use a Dragon?
I want to thank him.

>> No.16082365
Quoted by: >>16082371

>You simply lost your privilege of hosting my stories
Hoo Lee Fuk that's funny

>> No.16082371
Quoted by: >>16082385

What's funny is there's a guy even more insufferable than Machine/Bob/Shog

>> No.16082385

It's weird how some writefags think they're the reincarnation of Mark Twain or some shit, and that they can never do wrong. I obviously appreciate their contributions, but some of them just need to learn how to be modest.

>> No.16082388

I really hope he never used us as an example in something.
I'd really hate to be associated with shitstain like that.

>> No.16082389

There is nothing I want more in life than to wake up to a sleepy Yeti giving me cuddles.

>> No.16082402
File: 205 KB, 1231x952, 1467925194537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a Holst or Wyvern and I'd be in the same boat.

>> No.16082409
Quoted by: >>16082412

I just want to be a minotaurs little spoon

>> No.16082412
File: 277 KB, 1181x970, tumblr_o5eqqc3jWB1r8ououo3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082430

Would she hold you close and bury your head in her chest?

>> No.16082418

God I wish I was around for that.
Won't join TFT though.

>> No.16082421

I want to rule the world.

>> No.16082422

>learn how to be modest
If anything I hate myself and my writing far more than you people ever will

>> No.16082424

i want to gently bully a vampire until one day she kidnaps and rides me!

first i must learn how to gently bully one without using garlic or silver

>> No.16082430


>> No.16082436
Quoted by: >>16082600

honestly, as long as you don't go around waving your dick about how you're the greatest, I don't give a fuck whether or not the writing is fantastic, I tend to enjoy most stories anyways

>> No.16082437
File: 505 KB, 1200x1600, 1463904121748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that your face will end up in her chest no matter what you do

>> No.16082450
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1836, 0809160856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.
I feel slightly better about my shitty art.

>> No.16082452
Quoted by: >>16082472

Unagi Joro's must have the most massive titties of any fish MG.

>> No.16082453
Quoted by: >>16082459

>Witcher lore has wights brewing concoctions with their own emissions
Imagining a MGE wight doing this is significantly... lewder.

>> No.16082454


I bet an Unagi Joro's ears wiggle when she's happy/excited.

>> No.16082459
Quoted by: >>16082484

A lactating Wight using her milk in a brew?

>> No.16082463
Quoted by: >>16083220

Jesus, he's a bigger piece of shit than Machine ever was.

>> No.16082465
File: 311 KB, 1000x866, sfw yogurt Polt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aftyn here. How am I insufferable again? If its the whole bestiality thing, again, those I were obligated to do because of outside parties.

If its the whole butt cat girl thing, I'm a bit swamped but it's not dead.

As for the griffon thing, its coming.

>> No.16082467

I want to look into her eyes, inches away from her face, and tell her "Rub a dubdub."

>> No.16082472
File: 420 KB, 614x1920, 1371434910586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally believe that fish girls can manipulate their bust i some way.

>> No.16082475
Quoted by: >>16082523

Unagi Joro is built for face to breast hugs

>> No.16082479

I want to tie up a wolfu and do lewd things to her helpless body.

>> No.16082484

Milk. Saliva. A certain form of lubricant. And I imagine it would easily spred into other arts, such as the culinary

>> No.16082498
Quoted by: >>16082602

>I was obligated to do by outside parties
t. somebody with no spine

>> No.16082502
Quoted by: >>16082512

So if I just go to grope her right away do I not slip and mess that up?

>> No.16082504

So anon. Do you think you'd actually be able to talk to your waifu? Do you think that because of how high a podium you've put her on in your life, you'll actually be able to interact with her? What about the fear of rejection? And will you even be able to meet her? Considering her natural habitat.

>> No.16082505

Anubi triplets or a Kejouro courtesan of such renown that she is considered the best lay in the world?

You can only pick one for a Friday night.

>> No.16082512
Quoted by: >>16082545

Maybe. They're like slip n slides in monstergirl form.
Or hagfish.

>> No.16082516
Quoted by: >>16082519

Anubi triplets any day.

>> No.16082519

Well then here's the surprise: they're conjoined.

>> No.16082523
Quoted by: >>16082534


Yeah she's good for it since no matter your height she'll adjust her own so that she's tall enough for that.

>> No.16082525
Quoted by: >>16082530

So, what? Like an Egyptian Cerberus kind of thing?

>> No.16082530
Quoted by: >>16082534

Use your imagination.

>> No.16082533
File: 777 KB, 1024x1280, 1478234343904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triplets every time

>> No.16082534
Quoted by: >>16082544

That doesn't sound too nice.

Eel a cute

>> No.16082544
Quoted by: >>16082555

She's 3x better at building than the regular Anubis at least, even if they're all joined at the waist.

>> No.16082545
Quoted by: >>16082557

I just thought because of the way demonic energy works it naturally lends itself to perverted positions. If i go in with perverted intent i doubt it tries to interfere.

>> No.16082550

I'm not a huge fan of either, but im certainly not going to turn my nose against all that hair.

>> No.16082551
File: 1.20 MB, 1488x1286, 1478392508527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn Kikis and their built in heels! I want to toss them on the bed and mating press them until the bed frame gives out, all while caressing their sexy legs!

>> No.16082555

I love Anubis to the bottom of my heart. And I think girls with disabilities are kinda cute (to a limit obviously).

But that's just weird.

>> No.16082557
Quoted by: >>16082580

She'll coil her body around you like a lamia in response to that. There is no escaping at that point.

>> No.16082565

Those thighs are built for stroking.

>> No.16082580


And since her body is soft and squishy it'll feel pretty good to be coiled up like that.

>> No.16082596

>kiki has been slipping funny stuff in your meal
>mating day happens
>kiki ends with twins and a pleasure grin plastered on her face

god dammit kiki stop

>> No.16082600

Honestly, and this is coming from the heart, I'm just glad there's one or two people who like my greentexts because the prose boat sailed, or is on a sandbar, or whatever.

Still doesn't change I hate each and every one of you since You're so fucking dense you pull dwarf stars into your gravitational pull

>> No.16082602
Quoted by: >>16082618


Well, the Kitch thing was a joke to mess with Kitsoviet, and the other was because I had failed to deliver on a story that I had promised to write, and as recompense, I asked the community here what they would like for me to write instead.

The overwhelming winner was a Dragon on an Anubis.

You animals.

>> No.16082604
File: 177 KB, 694x500, 134587654345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to come across a colony of Beaver Girls, hard at work, wearing flannel shirts, chopping down trees to build log cabins and dams.


>> No.16082613

Why does kej have so much extra art

>> No.16082615

muscle maids?

>> No.16082617

>slips stuff in your food
>causes you to cumflate her
>your drug addled mind want to keep pumping more cum into her, and she's reaching her limit as well
>the only reason she doesn't pull herself off of you (other than the fact that her pussy is gripping your dick like they're fused together) is because she doesn't want to make a mess
It must be hard for a neat-freak Kiki

>> No.16082618
Quoted by: >>16082659

That doesn't change the fact that mechanically you're pretty off-kilter, or the fact that you circle-jerk with .less and Bob over stupid shit like lewding OC like Laska.

>> No.16082619

I would go for it. Even if I'm rejected 10 times I will keep going.

Also, my waifu has a fetish for me.

>> No.16082626

>Doesn't want to empty herself but doesn't want to get a mess on the floors.
>Ends up plugging herself and walking around the house looking like she's carrying more kids than a large mouse on fertility treatments.


>> No.16082635
Quoted by: >>16082638

>That moment when she bumps into something and the plug falls off

>> No.16082638

>Clenches up and doesn't move
>Spends a good fifteen minutes just holding it all in until you come across her.
>Stammers for you to j-jam it in lest she make a mess on the floor.

>> No.16082648

I don't really have a 'waifu' I just have alot of species I like

>> No.16082649

maid is not for lewd you filthy anons

>> No.16082654

Maids are lewd creatures who wear short skirts and speak in accents.

>> No.16082659
File: 271 KB, 1000x1542, kitsch dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Laska is pretty much garbage and I have never associated with Bob on cordial terms.

As for .less, yes, he and I collaborated on number of projects/lewd ideas (kitsune wearing nothing but a sweater pulling it up to cover her blushing face, thereby revealing her puffy vulva is one) involving other characters both based and original such as Kitch and the like.

As for his disposition on Laska, that's his deal.

>> No.16082661
File: 298 KB, 707x1070, 1477702272102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.
I'm pretty sure the maids disagree as well.

>> No.16082662

>after all its said and done you sit down with your round kiki on the couch to watch a movie while holding her tight on your lap,headpats
,cuddling and telling her how you will try to be a good parental figure

>> No.16082666

They're pure!

>> No.16082667

Gonna pamper the birddog.

>> No.16082669

Theres this one guy who's name i can't remember in the fanlore section who does what i consider to be pretty good stuff. He had like golem variations, demon alcohol, demon realm education. Even a whole world map going. Can't remember the last time he posted though.

>> No.16082671

Maids are absolutely for lewd, no matter how young.

>> No.16082672

I don't believe you, Satan!

>> No.16082686

>Satan trying to tell anybody something's pure
The fucking irony

>> No.16082687
Quoted by: >>16082700

Who's that one artist on tumblr who started drawing monster girl stuff like kej's and I think manticores?

>> No.16082691
Quoted by: >>16082724

i will blow air in her ears and pet her tail to test her control

foreplaying with a cumfilled neat kiki sounds hot

>> No.16082700
Quoted by: >>16082714


That's kind of vague but the only artist i know who draws kejs regularly would be buck-satan

>> No.16082702
Quoted by: >>16083175

Only pies they would be making are at Piestrong's. Their Nuclear Dragon's Breath special uses sauce made from Carolina Reaper peppers.

The motto is: "A Pizza so spicy you will breathe fire like our chef!"

>> No.16082714
Quoted by: >>16082736

yeah thats the one, thanks. Forgot them for some reason

>> No.16082715
Quoted by: >>16082722

>MFW the Shire theme is making me think of shortstack Trolls

>> No.16082722

What would MGE Hobbits be like?

>> No.16082724
Quoted by: >>16082756

That it does.
The only thing better is a hugely pregnant one.

>> No.16082736


No problem. I commissioned her once before and I was pretty happy with the result

>> No.16082739

>You'll never be captured by a bloodthirsty, amnesiac vampire who as only known sleep and the faint memory of wakefunes
>You'll never stress your mortal mind to the breaking point in trying to negotiate with the hungry, immortal being, make her not eat you (oo much) but treat you as a source of education

>> No.16082740

>dreamt a kiki moved into my flat
>ask her whats shes doing here
>says she here to do the cleaing and actually goes off and does so
>later on mentions shes also here to help relieve "stress"
and then further on from that she sat on my face

>> No.16082748

Playing comix zone made me want a monster girl version of it

>> No.16082755
Quoted by: >>16082789

Actually...alot like trolls now that I think about it. Homely, well built for the most part, good with growing things

>> No.16082756 [SPOILER] 
File: 543 KB, 1280x1837, 1478651720331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys stop, i am on nofap week gonna have dreams of cumflating a dragon until she growls from arousal if i keep reading this thread

>> No.16082760

Whats best is if that dragon is already bloated by your seed and then, just as you pull out she hilts you again and growls to keep going.

>> No.16082766
Quoted by: >>16082769


>> No.16082769
Quoted by: >>16082809

She's a dragon, she can go farther.
MuCh FArtHEr!

>> No.16082778 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 647x431, 1478652223538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MGE Hobbits
>Sometimes referred to as Brownies or Halflings by the common folk of the land
>A secluded race of womenfolk who're taller than Dwarves but shorter than Men
>Often times have wide hips and ample bosoms, as well as soft, warm features with freckles and hair ranging from wheat blonde to dark brown
>Their most peculiar feature being the shaggy hair which covers the tops of their rather rugged feet
>Often considered too relaxed, even by monster definitions, never forcing themselves on human men
>Rather, men find themselves being taken into their flow of things by listening to their tales, smoking tobacco or drinking a soft, smooth ale brewed in the rolling verdant hills of their homelands
>During sex, a Halfling will take a more "if you're having fun, I am" approach to it, stimulating her mate with soft, languid motions and slow, intimate lovemaking
>Being sometimes thought of as house spirits as well as "little people", true to their Brownie nickname, they're excellent housekeepers
>After a night of sensual and tender loving, a Hobbit's prospective husband will be greeted by the glowing monster girl, having set a first and second breakfast table for them both
>A meal of sliced ham, bacon, beans, fried tomatoes from her small farm or garden, toasted bread, and various egg foodstuffs
>In this way, many Hobbits find a husband who will either choose to stay with her or return from travels, regaling her with stories of the wide open world outside of her 'Shire'
>There have been a few in the past who've gone on adventures with their husbands, and once the thirst for excitement is planted into them, their lust and thrill for life will reach a peak
>Ironically, in the age before the Overlord, Dragons and Trolls were known to prey on Hobbits, but in the years since, they've formed a begrudging friendship with the former, and are referred to as "Little Sisters" by the latter
>Often, where there are Trolls, there are sure to be Hobbits lurking nearby, just like fifteen birds, in five fig trees

>> No.16082789
Quoted by: >>16082820

Oh I like them a lot. A race of shortstack gentle lovers who can cook you up so much food.

>> No.16082794
File: 360 KB, 800x600, b30e34994e4f071da47c6a34311e0ce4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what if after you're done she gets a bus load more guys to keep at it, since you're a quick shot

>> No.16082798
File: 371 KB, 2048x1556, 1472578081694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love wolfus! Especially hellhounds!

>> No.16082803

How chesty is too chest?
I need to know because I want a hellhound to laugh nervously as I start breaking out a bunch of holst milk potions.

>> No.16082809
Quoted by: >>16082813

jokes on her! treasure has to go dry eventually

>dragonfu lets out a small growl every time she uses her muscles to milk you due to how filled she is makes her feel a small amount of pain and arousal at the same time

>> No.16082813

>Push dragonfu near to popping
>She still keeps wanting to go despite you being dry and she being dangerously close to injury.

How does one satisfy a dragon?

>> No.16082817
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, loen - too hot but im gonna touch anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082839

hellhounds are toasty warm wolfus!
very good on cold winter nights!

>> No.16082820

>Not telling the second guy to fuck off
Look at this g'huy

>> No.16082839
File: 826 KB, 1985x2806, 1458158424083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be a hellhound's little spoon after a night of rough sex!

>> No.16082851
Quoted by: >>16082858

>dragonfu feeds you a raging mushroom to keep it in
>pulls you close and simply snuggles telling that she needs belly rubs and kisses
>dragonfu gives you one last milking and her bellybutton pops outwards
>she grins in victory

>> No.16082858
Quoted by: >>16082911

Although she may need to be worried about the probability of multiple daughterus.

>> No.16082859

You have to do it hard enough to knock her out. If you don't she will keep going until one of you fall.

>> No.16082877

So, what happens if you sheath your sword and run away? She won't be able to chase you because of the cum, right? R-right?

>> No.16082881
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x972, TIgoDNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16082884

I'm sad.

Sad that wolfus will never be real.

>> No.16082883

Oh my.
You gotta watch out because she may be dangerously full by the time that comes around.

>Run from dragon whose got a cumbloated gut.
She plugs herself with her hands and flies after you.

>> No.16082884
Quoted by: >>16082891

>not believing in 2017

>> No.16082891
Quoted by: >>16082897

the fuck is happening in 2017?

>> No.16082897
Quoted by: >>16082899

>he doesn't know

>> No.16082899

>I don't know

>> No.16082903

>Dragon running and flying around with cum dripping out of her pussy and lust filled eyes
>She keeps calling your name


>> No.16082904
File: 871 KB, 245x230, Chortling Fascist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat ego
>Dat attitude

I know Im late but Jesus H Christ on a pogostick that's some top tier assravagery

>> No.16082911
File: 227 KB, 556x618, 1457468812030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys stop, dragons are not for cumdumps, thats jabberwocks job

>> No.16082913

Whats worse is when she pins you and and rides you cowgirl so the weight of the seed inside her helps pin you down.

>> No.16082921

Fuck off Bollocks

>> No.16082926
Quoted by: >>16082937

Dragons are for riding you until they push themselves to the absolute limit, hoarding your seed like a tanuki hoards gold.

>> No.16082929

You don't understand, Anon. We are not cumming inside just because we want shh, the Dragons are making us cum inside them!

>> No.16082937
File: 3.41 MB, 2633x4629, BahamutMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If thats normal dragons

How much of pelvis suicide would be trying to satisfy the dragon queen craving for seed?

>> No.16082939 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16082940

Is this entire thread being archived?

>> No.16082940
Quoted by: >>16082958


>> No.16082944

her body could take three times the normal seed of a regular dragon.
It may be possible to get her large enough that she only moves because dragon strength.

>> No.16082958

This was the wrong fucking thread. I apologize for being an idiot

>> No.16082973
Quoted by: >>16082981

You need a specific kind of person for dragon queen. You can train for it, but it's a very long road.

>> No.16082980

Do you prefer thinking of Monstergirls in a medieval setting with dresses and armor and shit or do you generally transplant them into a modern setting with t-shirts and spaghetti tops and shit like that?

While KC is pretty obviously medieval, I always think monstergirls look their cutest when dressed in modern casual clothes.

>> No.16082981
Quoted by: >>16083005

a road filled with shrooms and healing magic?

>> No.16082991

One side gets victorian dresses, and the other side gets ribbed sweaters. I can't forsake either one.

>> No.16083002
File: 390 KB, 826x1045, 1461033369598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083079

Modern clothes, for sure. Old fashioned dresses and such are great, don't get me wrong, but modern cold weather fashion is the best it's ever been.

>White horn in expensive velvet and faux fur
>yeti with a newfie accent in nothing but an oversized canadiens jersey
>Cheshire in an ugly christmas sweater and fuzzy boots
>wolfu wearing a fur-trimmed leather jacket and wool skirt over her pants
>sahus piled up with turtlenecks and scarves

>> No.16083004
Quoted by: >>16083017

>medieval for adventure settings
>modern for comfy/slice of life

this for me

>> No.16083005
Quoted by: >>16083074

It's a road where you become one with the raging nature. Just putting it in the queen makes her feel the storm that brewing in her womb. It's going to be a long week.

>> No.16083008 [SPOILER] 
File: 363 KB, 933x1000, 1478656513350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally prefer modern for slice of life type stuff, and sci-fi for adventure.

>> No.16083017

Oh hey I do this too. SoL stuff is pretty good in medieval, but I like it more in a modern setting.

>> No.16083041

Need more MGs in futuristic space suits, custom-made for their bodies.

Wanna see a squad of Lizard Girl troopers in full gear with laser guns.

>> No.16083058

Which girls would have spiral pupils?

>> No.16083060

March Hare.

>> No.16083061
Quoted by: >>16083064


>> No.16083064
File: 507 KB, 832x1200, 275_will-o-wisp_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wisps have nice swirly eyes

>> No.16083072

>Do you think you'd actually be able to talk to your waifu?
I already can on a very basic level (yes/no answers, communication through actions/emotions, etc...)
I'd say everybody who really wants it can do it with a lot of meditation, focus and belief

>What about the fear of rejection?
It's there a little bit before making the connection with her but she has assured me times and times again that she'd love me no matter what happens

>And will you even be able to meet her?
The chances are very slim but they are there

>Considering her natural habitat.
I don't think there is an habitat that's unreachable except maybe if your waifu literally lives inside an active volcano or so deep into the sea that you'd be crushed by the pressure
So again yes, but the chances are very slim

I'm happy to see an anon ask about this, it's such a big part of my life yet it's never discussed

>> No.16083074
Quoted by: >>16083092

i am getting out alive right?


>> No.16083079
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x2594, yeti tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083084

Yetis need earmuffs to keep warm too

>> No.16083084
Quoted by: >>16083099

I want a dire yeti to snuggle with.

>> No.16083092
Quoted by: >>16083132

If you trained hard enough then the chances are 50% that you're getting out with a pregnant wife and alive.

>> No.16083099
Quoted by: >>16083105

That's too much warm, too much mofu

>> No.16083105
Quoted by: >>16083126

But she's got big, strong arms to hold you tight while you're in her lap.

And hard abs to support you.

and big tanks on her chest that'll work as soft pillows.

>> No.16083126
Quoted by: >>16083130

If she hugs me while we sleep and rubs me with her big, soft paws the whole time I will submit to the mofu

>> No.16083130

Best bit is she'd be nuzzling your hair as she slept with a pure smile on her face.

Dire yetis are olev.

>> No.16083132
Quoted by: >>16083143

>Risking my pelvis on a 50/50 chance after all that work
>to plow the dragon queen


i only hope her womb is ready for the mushrooms,humpty slime and manticore venom enhancements

>> No.16083143
Quoted by: >>16083186

Can you imagine how funny it would be if you started to fuck her but she came on insertion and seriously asked for you to give it a rest. Would you be able to hold your dick?

>> No.16083151

What happens to a man who is adamantly against commitment and monogamy when a shirohebi implants her soulmate flame into him?

>> No.16083168

He thinks "maybe I should have fucked the bicorn instead of the snek" before fucking the snek.

>> No.16083171
File: 211 KB, 738x840, 1455771606012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a hebi even be attracted to a philanderer like that?

Regardless, it's gonna burn him until he puts it in the snek, then she makes sure he only put it in the snek.

>> No.16083175

...Fuck, I'd eat there every day.

Not even to be all lovey-dovey and oggle dragon tits, I just fucking love pizza, especially when it's made by someone else who fucking loves pizza and not some mass-produced crap.

>> No.16083186
Quoted by: >>16083197

hell no, i trained all my life to get a chance,might as well go deep and plow her without mercy

either i faint or she removes me,unless this is some kind of test to see if i got the spine to disobey the queen orders

>> No.16083197
Quoted by: >>16083239

She actually wasn't prepared. She thought you were just a normal human boy and no one would follow that training path since it was a joke all along.

Anon, I think you might've turned the Queen into your onahole.

>> No.16083220

Who's machine?

>> No.16083223

>those hips
Sweet jesus

>> No.16083239

I will plow that spoiled dragon so much that her legacy shall be known as the "five fiery queens" i am gonna give her quints daugherus to rule over her species

>> No.16083278

Truly this was money exceedingly well-spent.

>> No.16083287
File: 558 KB, 1061x1488, Cub8N_VVYAAsQXx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16083298

>tfw you just read the stories ppl wrote
>tfw u don't pay attention to this shit
>tfw this is the reason you just lurk and ctrl+f for pastebin stories.
>tfw posting

>> No.16083302

I'm gonna make fun of her for having such a fat, stubby tail!

>> No.16083309

I liked the dragon story.

>> No.16083315

Every dragon girl is cute. I would love if she became my daughteru's friend.

>> No.16083319

Just you wait until she's done with puberty! Her tail is going to make your jaw drop and you'll be sorry!

>> No.16083323

I want to rub her silver tail until it's all shiny

>> No.16083325

She has a wonderful tail, it looks very flexible too. I'd love to have that tail inside me as I creampied her.

>> No.16083330

Decent stuff, but literally everything he writes oozes rednecked normalfaggot. Would it kill him to do something else for once?

>> No.16083337
File: 420 KB, 750x750, 55488555_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you really know what to say to make a girl swoon

>> No.16083338

Bad touch!

>> No.16083365

Tails are for gently grooming and using as pillows, they are absolutely not for lewd stuff

>> No.16083370
File: 207 KB, 675x613, 23094823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not done, but this will have to do until I have more spare time.
Have a daughter concept in the works.

>> No.16083374
Quoted by: >>16083396

The urge to protect is rising
Tell me more of this adorable creature

>> No.16083375
Quoted by: >>16083396

What a fucking nerd.

>> No.16083376

Is it ok to lewd her?

>> No.16083378
Quoted by: >>16083396

>Sexualizing the cute
You're disrupting the natural order

>> No.16083379
Quoted by: >>16083396


>> No.16083380
Quoted by: >>16083396


Well that came out of nowhere

>Lani Victoria and Selene will never get art

>> No.16083382

Wait has KC said anything yet on whether the daughters of lilims are still considered lilims?

>> No.16083392 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 405x383, 1454461813618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump is now likely to win the election

Can we use meme magic to open the gate in 2017 now?

what species would Trump be, tanuki or mucus toad?

>> No.16083394

Lilims can become DLs and 99% of species always give birth to child of the same species so I'd bet that they are Lilims

KC should have said "Lilims are the descendants of the DL" instead of "the daughters"

>> No.16083396
Quoted by: >>16083409

I forgot to ask him since last time he went to sleep before I could.
I'll ask him as I show him this concept.
I have so much more work to put out for her.
She's intended to be cute as a button though.
I looked up some random norse names or something like that and Runa sounded cute, so I went with that.
I'm trying to think of a family name due to mother married to a viking, but that's hard.

>> No.16083397 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083399

Tanuki is Shillary. Tump feels more like a minotaur to me. Kind of. I'm having trouble choosing something good.

>> No.16083399 [DELETED] 

I want to comfort a tanuki after tonight and make her womb great again.

>> No.16083405 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083413

Please don't bring that here. Im trying as hard as I can to ignore all the stupid bullshit being flung around on all sides by these people.

>> No.16083409 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083417

Considering how perverted and prideful he is I'd say he's a Jabberwock but that's mostly ignoring all his ties to buisness

>No CC patriot Jabberwock to make your sex life great again

>She's intended to be cute as a button though.
You did a great job then, although her thighs are showing a bit so I'm going to fap to her

>> No.16083411
File: 208 KB, 800x957, 1463093278084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been too long. Here with an update and a new short story.

It's been a long time wince I've written any smut, and this one's a slow burn. Most of it is building up a history and relationship between the characters, not so much emphasis on the lewd parts. Less raunchy, more romantic with a more defined main character. Based on an unused setting I had in mind for the VN, which took place in an alternate 1991. Call it an experiment with a different writing style. I'll probably end up revisiting this one.

As for the VN itself, it's still well underway, though some big changes were made to characters, the protagonist, route structure and the overall story arc. I've begun putting money away to hire an artist, as well as committing the first bits of the story to a simple pre-alpha build in Tyranobuilder after starting in Ren'py. Just thought anyone who cared would like to know I'm not dead and I'm going to make this VN happen if it's the last thing I do. I've even started making the soundtrack.

Unless something terrible is brought to my attention, these are the final character profiles I've been writing along with. No story details inside, just a basic overview of the characters.

My thanks to anyone who kept caring while I was gone.

>> No.16083412

I want to work on a farm with Holstaurs with Minotaurs.

>> No.16083413 [DELETED] 
File: 526 KB, 903x1000, 1461015719748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083433


Fair enough, sorry bud.

>> No.16083417

>Dragon type
It'd feel so gratifying to call him a wurm but I don't think that quite works.

>> No.16083432
Quoted by: >>16083458

>those archetypes

You are a man of excellent taste.

>> No.16083433 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083437

>You will never cuddle with your waifu while everyone else loses it
also that moth is CUTE

>> No.16083437 [DELETED] 

I can hardly believe you're still alive
You've been gone for so long after posting consistently for a while

>I've begun putting money away to hire an artist
Now that's dedication

Best of luck anon, you should be proud of yourself

Are moths the fluffiest kind of monster girl?

>> No.16083440 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083444

Nope, that's weresheep.

>> No.16083443 [DELETED] 

Not the fluffiest, but thats just it. The perfect balance between their hard exoskeleton body and soft fluffy fur is impossible to beat!

>> No.16083444 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083456

Weresheep have higher fluff totals, but the contrast between mothfluff and mothchitin makes moths have better fluff.

>> No.16083456 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083465

Thats where you are wrong.

Weresheep can have large, hard muscles that make them firm yet soft, perfect for cuddling.

>> No.16083458 [DELETED] 

Thanks. Most of them are based off of people I've met though.

I can't believe it either, man.

I had to drop off the map for a while, I wasn't even lurking here for a couple months but now things are looking up. I'm going to tell this story no matter what.

>> No.16083465 [DELETED] 

>Fit weresheep
>When all they do is sleep around

Sure anon, next you're going to tell me that yetis come in /fit/ variants too

>> No.16083469 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083484

Yetis hike through mountains during storms and drag hypothermic (nearly?) adult males to safety. That makes significantly more sense than a /fit/ weresheep.

>> No.16083474 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083484

>Yeti's entire purpose is to save people in dangerous snowstorms and perilous mountaintops
>Not being as fit as a brickhouse

>> No.16083475 [DELETED] 

They don't sleep around, thats dormice.

Weresheep just have sleepy smiles as they go about the day, that allows them to get fit.

>> No.16083484 [DELETED] 

Yetis are really strong that's for sure but by all means they are soft, it's ingrained deep in their genes

A soft yeti is a healthy yet ready for motherhood
If I saw a yeti with visible muscles I'd think she's malnourished and needs a higher body fat %, would not impregnate

>> No.16083492 [DELETED] 

Meme magic originates with Kek, the Egyptian god.
>one of its many forms has the head of a frog


>> No.16083500 [DELETED] 

One of those presidential steaks.
Hey, nice try Alpie.

>> No.16083507 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 317x500, Brown Ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083517

Hey anon I just got a new job, I gotta go build a wall, isn't that cool?

>> No.16083512
Quoted by: >>16083532

What a pleasant story.

>> No.16083513

How Now Brown Cow.

>> No.16083517
Quoted by: >>16083520

Giant ants are good girls with some great traits to them
If KC releases a queen giant ant she'd probably make the top 25 best species

>> No.16083520
Quoted by: >>16083529

Ant Queen with a big preggo belly?

>> No.16083522

Is there a reason your pastebin says its empty?

>> No.16083525
Quoted by: >>16083532

Obviously all his pastes are unlisted. Why he would do this, I don't know.

>> No.16083529
Quoted by: >>16083531

thorax, actually.

>> No.16083531

>Big mclarge huge thorax
Am I going to have to call the police?

>> No.16083532
Quoted by: >>16083535

Thanks. I was on the fence about including smut in this one, since my normal style of writing it would clash with the tone I was going for.

I'm paranoid about pastebin moderators so I post everything as unlisted. It also gives me some control over where it's posted and therefore gives me more accurate view counts. I don't have a ton of MG-related stories anyhow.

I'll share others if you want, but I think I must have taken some stuff down earlier this year. My account's looking kind of barren.

>> No.16083535
Quoted by: >>16083542

Stop being paranoid and just make them public, nothing will happen. I've been posting lewd shit on there for more than two years and nothing has ever happened.

>> No.16083542
Quoted by: >>16083545

I only have two other MG-related stories on there as of right now, so I'll at least make those public. I think I'll eave the rest unlisted unless someone really, really wants them.

Don't want people thinking I'm a fan of Fire Emblem or Watamote. I just happened to have ideas when they were popular.

>> No.16083545
File: 748 KB, 800x1023, DO IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083559

>he's ashamed of liking what he likes
You have been judged, and found wanting.

>> No.16083559

I just used them for writing practice, I swear!

Oh gosh, is my face red. I'll see myself out.

>> No.16083570 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 350x359, 1315135345866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, we're just about an hour away from the Dear Leader taking power. Pray for me anons, I may be going to see my waifu.

>> No.16083571 [DELETED] 
File: 665 KB, 867x1717, 1394091811252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083585

Hey, Donarudo-kun has said he'll let Russia fuck my country over as much as they want, so I'm with you.
Let's suffer together.

>> No.16083578 [DELETED] 

It's fiiiiiine. He'll get sick of all the work and wander off eventually. Everyone knows he's just setting the stage for Kanye West to make a run anyway.

I'll just wait it out waaaaaaay over here.

>> No.16083582 [DELETED] 

>/mgt/ is actually politically sane

Too bad we'll never make it to 2017.

>> No.16083585 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083593

But just just think of all the Jinkos you'll get.

>> No.16083592

I wonder how many political parties there would be in MGC

>Sabbat represented by a Baphomet
>Corruption extremists represented by Druella

>> No.16083593 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083599

It's less than two months man.
Nyet, tiger is not of being in stock.

>> No.16083599 [DELETED] 

Why are tigers never an option?

>> No.16083600 [DELETED] 

Because they're an endangered species. Many mice though, have maus.

>> No.16083601
Quoted by: >>16083607

Does 2017 work both ways?
I don't even have a waifu, I just want out.

>> No.16083602 [DELETED] 


>> No.16083603 [DELETED] 

Too popular.
They're never bred fast enough to make up for the numbers wived.

>> No.16083605 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083611

What of pandas?

>> No.16083606 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 683x1024, embarrassed jinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083611

That sounds like a challenge. Go out and tell your local jinko community they're 'endangered'. They'll fix that problem real quick.

>> No.16083607

Don't forget: you're here forever.

>> No.16083608 [DELETED] 

/pol/ doesn't count, anon.

>> No.16083611 [DELETED] 

Sign up for the jinko breeding program where you will help impregnate a great many jinko to repopulate the world.

Pandas suffer the same issue due to their focus on blowjobs.

>> No.16083618 [DELETED] 
File: 712 KB, 599x730, f9be325ed3a15624c2a66f85fdf01745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083621

Is it really healthy to breed lots of mice?

>> No.16083620 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 895x893, 1476229403710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libretards tears are delicious. I'm going to get my century norm of salty tears in just one day.

>> No.16083621 [DELETED] 

If nature hadn't intended it, it wouldn't be so natural.

>> No.16083622 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083623

My comrade

>> No.16083623 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 609x706, Hope Dies Alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy Mad Max USA.

>> No.16083629
Quoted by: >>16083633

I want to make a Jinko the little spoon.

>> No.16083633
File: 291 KB, 800x800, 1429377266543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083641

Okay, Grizzly Jack. Where can I get one of these mythical pygmy Jinkos?

>> No.16083641
File: 244 KB, 631x1000, 39649096_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easy answer is the sabbath.
The hard answer is a small island off the coast of india.

>> No.16083643

I want Suzuka-sama to stir my coffee

>> No.16083645 [DELETED] 


>> No.16083653 [DELETED] 


>> No.16083656 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083684

Kej, for that hair.

>> No.16083662 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083668

I'm not even American and I think it's gonna be glorious.

>> No.16083668 [DELETED] 

It already is just to watch the newscasters and pollers be all flabbergasted. I'm watching PBS. Even the republican guy who was there to represent the party hates Trump and doesn't have a clue on how to rebuild those burnt bridges.

>> No.16083672 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 371x651, FREEDOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083678

Papi is the boss now! We're gonna build a wall and all the other girls have to stay outside it and only Papi can cross it because she can fly!

>> No.16083678 [DELETED] 

>USA build strong borders before 2017 happens
>The portal finally opens
>Only harpies and species that can fly manage to reach the USA

Well, succubi can kinda fly right? Their wings aren't just for show

>> No.16083680
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.16083681 [DELETED] 

They can glide.

>> No.16083684 [DELETED] 

It's fake though. A kej would be ashamed.

>> No.16083687 [DELETED] 

Well harpies are nice.

>> No.16083702 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 273x278, 1473329121750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What good is a wall against magic-users? Arrogant birdies should know their place.

>> No.16083711 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure that species can use ladders and rope. You'll still have elves squatting all over your alleyways training rats to mug human women.

>> No.16083756 [DELETED] 

Do it you left wing parasite.

>> No.16083772
File: 319 KB, 600x801, 59293005_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083786

>too much shitposting

take it to /pol/ or something

>> No.16083786

Lets get back to discussing monster girls.

Kikimora's hair is perfect for head pats.

>> No.16083809 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 895x893, 1476228863844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's officially over now
Can't handle my raging boner

>> No.16083831
File: 70 KB, 572x720, 1402368673834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to lose a cat today, problems with the thyroid gland, needs to be put down.
Could we maybe forget about the American election and talk about nice stuff in stead?

>> No.16083833 [DELETED] 

It has been a long, arduous journey.

>> No.16083839
File: 383 KB, 992x1342, 59480058_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083844


kitty titties

>> No.16083844
File: 549 KB, 2483x3500, 1464403104503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083862

That sucks, anon. My condolances. Have some brown cat to feel better.
You call those kitty titties?

>> No.16083857 [DELETED] 

Meme magic won out.
Let's use that meme magic to make monster girls real!

>> No.16083861 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 578x855, Reckoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you.

>> No.16083862
Quoted by: >>16083876

Those are cat tats, Anon. Big fat ones.

>> No.16083865
Quoted by: >>16083873

That sucks. How long have you had it?

>> No.16083868

Don't be mean to cats, they are for peting and loving.

>> No.16083869

please don't bully the poor kitty!

>> No.16083873

He's 9.

>> No.16083876
File: 297 KB, 576x800, 1400023844746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083887

And that's how all cats should be.

>> No.16083886 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1475050844768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083888

>meme magic is actually real
Unbelievers BTFO

>> No.16083887
File: 192 KB, 850x1170, 1406247447002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong. Cats also look great with itty bitty kitty titties; what's important is a toned belly.

>> No.16083888 [DELETED] 

Let's all take a page from Grant Morrison's meme magic book, make sigils and fap on them while wishing for Monster Girls to become real.

>> No.16083890
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, strangers_with_candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083910


one of mine just turned 16.
its un-fucking-believable

>> No.16083894
Quoted by: >>16083906

Oh. Must be rough.

>> No.16083899
File: 1.22 MB, 1234x1791, 1446770976171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like kitties with a softer tummy, too.

Hell, cats look good with pretty much any body type that isn't land whale.

>> No.16083906
File: 439 KB, 900x1273, 1462164808635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083929

Got him shrimp for his last meal and he just puked it all up.
I think I'm going to shut up now.

>> No.16083910

Mine is 19.
Ara ara~ cats are great.

>> No.16083914

Reminder that Umi osho's are a conspiracy to make you forget about the Kappa

>> No.16083920 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16083925

>what are parachutes?
>what are orbital wurm drops?

Silly American, love always wins.

>> No.16083925 [DELETED] 

Wurms can just wiggle through walls.

>> No.16083929
File: 83 KB, 1000x450, Later, Space Dandy....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083946

You tried to send him off happy. That's the important thing, anon. Just remember all the good times.

>Say not in grief: 'He is no more,' but live in thankfulness that he was.

>> No.16083939 [DELETED] 

How are you americanons celebrating tonight? You are involving your waifu, aren't you?

>> No.16083946
File: 600 KB, 1400x1182, 1465758926899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is that my sister's dog is dying of cancer at age 3. Life is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Wonder if I could channel this shit into fodder for writing.

>> No.16083973

Does non-black hair work for a Kej?

>> No.16083976

You gotta have blue hair, man.

>> No.16083980
Quoted by: >>16083987

They can have any hair color. Even non-netural once like blue, pink and green.

>> No.16083987

It's not a question of if they can, it's if it would actually look good. Neutral colors more or less work, maybe silver hair (silver hair works with everything), but that's about all, I think.

>> No.16083988
Quoted by: >>16084000

The real question is does non-black hair work with any monster girl?

>> No.16084000

I see blond Vampires all the time.

>> No.16084006 [DELETED] 


>> No.16084013 [DELETED] 

What about a red-haired Kej with blue eyes and freckles?

Also, is anyone else having posting issues?

>> No.16084019 [DELETED] 

Would she have a cute country accent to go with it?

You're not alone on the posting issues. Five bucks says /pol/ is posting up a shitstorm and slowing the site down.

>> No.16084021 [DELETED] 

Snow white hair would also work. Gold would be stretching it but I could see it work.
I would like dark blue but I get that's not for everyone.

Yes and yes.

>> No.16084023 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's pretty bad. Guess the world ended sooner than we thought.

>> No.16084025 [DELETED] 

>those recessive genes
The weak should fear the strong.

The servers can't handle this level of phoneposting.

>> No.16084026 [DELETED] 

Elections literally killed servers

>> No.16084036

That pic edit is pointless and disgusting.
But I agree, IBKT are love.

>> No.16084057 [DELETED] 

>Implying wurms and ushis won't just tear the wall down.

>> No.16084059 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084062

If I pet you will purr?

>> No.16084062 [DELETED] 

Ushi-Onis climb up walls, Wurms wiggle through the cracks.
It would be extremely comforting.

>> No.16084072 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 553x704, 1406863552371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084084

We need Paladins patrolling the border!

Stopping the Monsters from getting in!

>> No.16084079
File: 197 KB, 774x1032, Kukulkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"They make sacrifices in my name."
No mayan serpent god Gf.

>> No.16084084 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084086

>Attack on USA

>> No.16084086
File: 1.23 MB, 3508x4961, 1413138110636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you even do with a goddess?
Is that a "why do Monsters suck cocks" type of question?

>> No.16084088
Quoted by: >>16084097

>you will never be treated like a god for a year before being sacrificed to the obsidian oomukade

>> No.16084097
File: 611 KB, 2000x2400, Threadly dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084105

>obsidian oomukade
This man needs a shot, stat!

>> No.16084098

>What would you even do with a goddess?
love her?

>> No.16084100

Curry favor and sacrifice anons for her.

>> No.16084103

That is the genkiest of gods I've ever seen.

>> No.16084104
File: 340 KB, 1400x1040, 551830f7617439a249c535911305797a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are great.
Wolfus are great.
And foxes.
And harpies.
And sneks.
And sheep.

I just like beastgirls, ok.

>> No.16084105

Thanks Doc!

>> No.16084108
File: 253 KB, 840x525, b8913aa6ae2457cb763b5ad26b5e5736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with genki gods.

>> No.16084115

She's just happy that there's people who like her now that aren't making constant blood offerings to her. It was probably really creepy.

>> No.16084117
Quoted by: >>16084129

Yandere boys are the worst.

>> No.16084123
Quoted by: >>16084134

Depends on the god, I bet my mayan goddess will be happy if I sacrifice anons in her name.

>> No.16084129

>not stalking for favorite monster web idol
>not keeping all her videos and photos in meticulously ordered files
>not finding out she's coming to a con near you soon
>not sneaking into the hotel she's staying in and handcuffing yourself to the radiator in her room

You lack dedication.

>> No.16084134

You know that's Quetzalcoatl, the AZTEC god, right?

>> No.16084135

And that anon was obviously talking about>>16084079

>> No.16084142

No anon, I'm talking about kukulkan. It's not a 'she' but an 'it',a man can dream.

>> No.16084164
File: 200 KB, 660x912, 1460285641894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084188

Under the sea~

>> No.16084182
Quoted by: >>16084187

I'm not Alpie.

>> No.16084184 [DELETED] 

Will that Inca goddess that they sacrificed crying children be into cuckqueening?

>> No.16084187
Quoted by: >>16084226

Then why are you defending yourself and pretending you're not the same old attentionwhoring shitposter who ruins everything for everyone?

>> No.16084188

Too young.

>> No.16084218
File: 550 KB, 681x655, 1402852498211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084230

There will be no updates to Dimensionality this week, sorry for the inconvenience to whoever was reading it.

>> No.16084226

You misunderstand me. I'm not Alpie because I'm Anonymous, No-One. Not some Finngolian who attributes intense body odour to an entire monster girl species and ruins them. If anything I fucking hate Alp's canon on Oomukades just like everybody else, but on that same hand I enjoy his Lilim story to some degree so it's all relative.

Quetzacoatl and Kukulkan are basically interchangeable just like Zeus and Jupiter.

>> No.16084227
Quoted by: >>16084634

That wolf girl of yours sounds absolutely top tier

>> No.16084230
Quoted by: >>16084232

I forgive you.

>> No.16084231
Quoted by: >>16084247

Have you tried not letting thread cannon determine your opinions of a monster girl instead of blaming Alp?

>> No.16084232

Hey fuck you, this
>intense body odour to an entire monster girl species
>Alp's canon on Oomukades
is bullshit. Nowhere in my stories is there anything about all Oomukades being stinky, that's a meme and I am not taking responsibility for it.
Thanks. Will make up for it next week. Hopefully.

>> No.16084244

People need someone to blame.

I feel bad for you.

>> No.16084245
Quoted by: >>16084249

What's this Neo-Alp bullshit? Oomukade, basement, bathtime, delicate flower of black armpit hair. Sound familiar?

>> No.16084247
Quoted by: >>16084284

You want to know something funny? Oomukade, Ryuu, and Nuruenago are my top three Zipangu and Mist Continent girls. Just like I love the Chaos Demons. I just hate that any mention of the Oomukade brings on the Stinkypede shit because it kills any discussion about them, especially considering in Japanese myths the fucking Ryuu had to hire a samurai to protect their rice kingdom from the Oomukade.

>> No.16084249
Quoted by: >>16084284

Oh yeah, one Oomukade, who stank because she hadn't had access to proper hygiene. Not "all members of this species have glands that let out foul odors when they're bored".
>delicate flower of black armpit hair
Delicate flower?

>> No.16084260

I really want to fuck a Jew Raccoon.

>> No.16084262
File: 642 KB, 850x1173, 1394564597112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084284

Oy vey Gevalt.

>> No.16084266
Quoted by: >>16084271

Because she's rich?

>> No.16084269
File: 186 KB, 200x152, 1434660525280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084284

Yeah well, you know what? I'm going to paint my yoohoo gold and find the closest Juden'coon and MATING PRESS HER SO HARD AND LOVINGLY THAT THE ENTIRE AREA TAKES ON A ROSE-TINTED EFFECT AS I KEEP MY TIP PRESSED TO HER CERVIX. GIVING HER ALL THE PUPS.



>> No.16084271

No, because my family fought for Germany in WW2 and were diehard Nazis.

>> No.16084284

I love me some giant Oomukades. Too bad they're the literal queen of jobbers.

I thought it was pretty hot.

Remind me why we're complaining about stinkypede memes when you literally can't bring up danukis with recycled jew jokes?

>> No.16084286
File: 471 KB, 1200x804, 1472435528747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16084288

Because one can be blamed on Alp and the other can't.

>> No.16084299
Quoted by: >>16084300

>Giant Oomukade
>Dire Oomukade with a penchant for plum sake and remembering the old days
>Ara-Ara'ing whenever a young warrior tries to 'slay' her
>HFW that one Samurai who shoots a Cupid Arrow right into her heart to make her go doki-doki

>> No.16084300

See this? Someone should write this.

>> No.16084321

Is it time for Alp to live up to his family name and face full writefag consequences?

>> No.16084323
Quoted by: >>16084328

>Dire Oomukade slipping off her kimono from her chest, upsetting all the social norms in Zipangu
>Taking a droplet of sake and letting it wet her perky nipple, set on a large, milky orb of a breast
>Offering it to Anon as a surrogate for the one he lost all those years ago when his sister was born
Breaking all the rules of feudal Not!Japan

>> No.16084325
File: 370 KB, 809x1000, Fearsome Mukade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you just said makes sense. Just write it, bitch.

>> No.16084328

I think she needs the appeal of an Amazon sized body with a flat chest

>> No.16084333

I still have faith in Alp more than I have faith in faggots like Bollocks

>> No.16084335

I want to deal with a sophisticated Anubis in heat. She would try to hide it all she can. It would be cute.

>> No.16084339
Quoted by: >>16084375

Would keep bumping into her to see her reactions?

>> No.16084362 [DELETED] 

Alright everyone, in the wake of the elections and shit, it's only natural that good ol' TRUMPart is the next to be translated:


"Within the cards, the one who became her husband can also enter and leave freely. While they appear to be working, in this manner they are also having sex, a scene that is typical of Wonderland."

So yeah, their husband can go in and out of the crazy portal cards and they literally fuck around on the job. Still doesn't say what it's like in there, though. Oh well.

>> No.16084363

What family name? What consequences?

>> No.16084375
Quoted by: >>16084412

Serious blushing and moaning.

>> No.16084376
Quoted by: >>16084383

>blowing in her ears while to wake her up with her hands between her legs
>calling her at work to check up on how she's getting along
>telling her you're too tired tonight and muttering through her teeth that she is too
>waking up 10 minutes later when she realises that she doen't give a fuck about what you want

How am I supposed to carry that kinda thing around?

>> No.16084383

You carry her under your sleeves.

>> No.16084389
Quoted by: >>16084406

So it's portal fucking?
Nice, That would be fun as hell to do.

>> No.16084393 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084398

Wait, why are things geting deleted now?

>> No.16084398 [DELETED] 
File: 770 KB, 1200x1600, 1413991145584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new power is rising.

>> No.16084403
Quoted by: >>16084409

i want to impregnate this fluffy kiki

>> No.16084404 [DELETED] 

Why it was deleted? It's fucking MGE girl getting translated

>> No.16084406 [DELETED] 

Trump's new copyright laws prevent all images from the MGE being used without permission.
This applies to all derivative art and fiction.

>> No.16084409
File: 196 KB, 1000x1000, 1446491765571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084413

>my kikimora was deleted
I'm scared. Please don't stomp me with your jackboots.

>> No.16084412

You know she is going to add rape to her schedule.

Also Trumparts are cute.

>> No.16084413
Quoted by: >>16084423

That's a cute spider.
Do young spiders always do that?

>> No.16084414
Quoted by: >>16084423

Keep /pol/ in /pol/

>> No.16084415 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084445

fuck mge, we praxis now

>> No.16084416

Can you repost translation collection link?

>> No.16084419
File: 212 KB, 404x800, Dungeon Meshi chapter 2 Page 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real simple

Just stop saying the T word and the E word and the H word or anything else that belongs in /pol/ or /new/

Stop replying to those posts or to its replies

And stop complaining about the deletions

And this will stop.

>> No.16084422


"Within the cards, the one who became her husband can also enter and leave freely. While they appear to be working, in this manner they are also having sex, a scene that is typical of Wonderland."

Reposting for people who missed it without the offending part.

>> No.16084423
File: 296 KB, 1080x1920, 1471154987628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084427

Jumping Spiders do that. It's a species thing.
Trumparts are not /pol/.

>> No.16084426 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 600x500, Gazer on the barricades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never! Freedom! Freedom!

>> No.16084427

Now that I look at her, she has a pretty cute face.

>> No.16084429

Can you repost translation collection link?

>> No.16084433 [DELETED] 

I leave to get some coffee and my translation is deleted just because Trumparts have trump in the name. I fuckin' swear.


>> No.16084443


>> No.16084445 [DELETED] 

Fuck the Encyclopedia, fuck this 24 hour spew of KC twitter bullshit!
Every man, woman and child will make a setting they believe in!

>> No.16084449 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 600x500, Gazer on the barricades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084462

Brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, kin and countrymen, lend me your ears! For too long have we sat in the shadows, and too dark our dreams have been as of late. A light has shined upon us, and a red dawn, for now, just as then, a beast approaches. This beast is made of men and horses, of swords and spears, and it is we ourselves that have provoked it. A vast army of scum and villainy, they drink the rivers dry and the earth trembles at their march. We will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them in the cities, we will fight them by sea and in the air! We will never surrender, for they may take our pride, they may take our land, they may even take our lives, but they will never take our freedom! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart from me. A day may come when the courage of men comes crashing down, a red day, an hour of wolf, when spear shall be broken and shield shall be splintered, but it is not this day! This day we fight!
Once more into the breach, my friends, and bring me another horse!
Ride! Ride now to ruin, and to world's ending!

>> No.16084453

I wonder how tasty my SE would be to monsters.

>> No.16084454 [DELETED] 

No? Translation of MGE content is being deleted for no good reason.

>> No.16084458

Depends on your fetishes, known and not yet discovered, your preferences, your libido, your idea of an ideal relationship, and how that mix of SE blends and appeals to different MGs.

>> No.16084462 [DELETED] 

Why fight it?

>> No.16084466

I think every other profile of MGE1 says something about how spirit energy is the tastiest thing a monster can eat, so just read any of them and you'll pretty much know

The SS translation calls it essence, I prefer it

>> No.16084469
File: 142 KB, 689x1020, 3498573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everyone who asked or wanted to know.

On the lilim and their children.
Depending on how lazy they are or who their husbands are.
If Both are powerful and have a lot of Mana the daughter will turn out a lilim. As in will have all the genetic traits that make one as such.
However, there is the chance that say, if the man has low mana, or isn't strong, that the child will instead be an arch succubus.

It's kinda like MGQ where powerful monsters seek out powerful husbands to make stronger children who can carry the line further.
So what will make it a lilim or not if it's a daughter of a daughter of the demon lord is based on that.

Hope that helps.

>> No.16084477

That's some nice information. Thanks.

>> No.16084478

>However, there is the chance that say, if the man has low mana, or isn't strong, that the child will instead be an arch succubus.
Is that spoilers? We've only had regular and lesser types so far.

>> No.16084480

So if you want your lilim daughter, you just have to be a badass.

And she's still cute as a button.

>> No.16084482 [SPOILER] 
File: 287 KB, 889x1300, 1478696402951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085287

>spider arc starting

>> No.16084485 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084488

What was the offending part? Not asking to quote it, of course, just say what this whole thing was about.

>> No.16084486
File: 507 KB, 868x1228, e9fd8a02252fe3a147c2aead427b52b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084489

I want to reward a kiki after a long day of work by pulling her on my lap and showering her with kisses and headpats

>> No.16084488 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084494

he mentioned the election

>> No.16084490
File: 228 KB, 1280x1226, 1459754671946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084515

Hey kid, wanna help me remove The Pharaoh?

>> No.16084489
Quoted by: >>16084500

>STILL no Poklonskaya Kiki

>> No.16084493
Quoted by: >>16084495

So I wonder how lilims hunt for husbands?

>> No.16084494 [DELETED] 

Now YOU said Jehovah!

>> No.16084495
Quoted by: >>16084499

You have to hunt for them.

>> No.16084499

But what do I need for a lilim

>> No.16084500

I thought that meme died a while ago.

>> No.16084503
Quoted by: >>16084512

A legendary amount of grit, luck, and/or skill.

>> No.16084504

You need to be strong as shit and also romantic.
It's a long road, harder than a dragon's.

>> No.16084506

Some you need Kickass weapon skills for someone like Selene.
others need you to be perverted or having a good handle on rope

>> No.16084512

So I have to be batman then?

>> No.16084515
Quoted by: >>16084520

I'm somewhat relieved KC is sticking to his "powerful species want/need powerful husband" thing

Thanks for clearing things up, by the way did you even think of who her father is?

But I'm just a weak human boy who'd game over at any random encounter, I can't defeat a secret boss like the Pharaoh yet!

>> No.16084520
File: 1.84 MB, 1653x2338, 1393183628787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084533

>a secret boss
You fool, she's obviously the villain! Sitting there on her big throne, surrounded by quirky minions and wearing a fancy hair-dress device and talking about unfeasible building projects!

>> No.16084522
File: 364 KB, 1889x1959, ad13e9222f99f09673b715ce25ed1a08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick elves for snuggling and lewding

>> No.16084525

When I see Elves I just start kissing them, I can't help it. When you're a human boy they let you do it.

>> No.16084528

I just want to pound a dark elf until she's drooling and her body is just an onahole made for my dick.

>> No.16084533

The whole desert region conflict is a side quest, the main quest is the Order vs the Overlord

>> No.16084537

>implying you won't return to the desert after beating the Overlord to finish your conflict with your evil relative

>> No.16084541

>after beating the Overlord
Anon no! This is how you get the bad end

>> No.16084543

>implying becoming the new overlord isn't the Best End
Step up your game senpai.

>> No.16084545
Quoted by: >>16084551

Just beating her won't do anything. Just walk away afterwards and go live with your waifu as the strongest human in the world.

>> No.16084551
Quoted by: >>16084564

That's when her husband comes up to you as the true final boss
Can you beat a man who fights for love?

>> No.16084564
Quoted by: >>16084575

I would rather have a couple battle with me and my waifu against DL and her husband. I'm sure my waifu would love that.

>> No.16084575
Quoted by: >>16084597

You and your waifu will have to get in the time chamber to catch up with all the fucking the DL and her husband did

What species is she? If she's something like a Devil Bug you're going to need a time chamber inside the time chamber

>> No.16084597
Quoted by: >>16084643

She is a Dragon and oh boy she would make me suffer.

>Having to beat all the lilims including my OC as side bosses

It would be really fun though.

>> No.16084609
File: 305 KB, 1280x1280, 1460485394346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see why not

Blonde, brown, red hair would all look nice i think. And silver hair too.

>> No.16084623

>People are actually using an inaccurate name made for pandering
This reminds me that I've actually seen faggots stay away from the MGE because "muh religion". Do I need to go into detail about the meaning and origins of 魔王?

>> No.16084626

do it

>> No.16084634

Not gonna lie, I had some biases writing her out. She's my favorite.

>> No.16084643

Dragon would be easy mode, well relatively easy at least

>Having to beat all the lilims including my OC as side bosses

>You finally reach the Royal Makai
>You heart is beating fast at the idea of facing the final boss
>Your dragon waifu keeps her calm but you can tell she is flaring up with determination
>You blow open the door of what is likely the final room
>You see a loli lilim playing with a wurm plushie
>Boss fight song starts
>There are actually 100 rooms like this before the final one

>> No.16084668

>There is a Lilim boss rush at the end

Dragonfu please no.

>> No.16084765
Quoted by: >>16084769

>Having to beat up loli MGs.
That's really cruel. There's no way I would do that.

>> No.16084766
File: 1.23 MB, 1284x716, She too knows our suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084866

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do know that Overlord is a wonderful title.

>> No.16084769

Beat her in games and challenges.

>> No.16084774
File: 268 KB, 662x700, 1394397669280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out after cat is dead
>trek through the snow
>see posters for three different missing animals
>one of them doesn't even have a picture or isn't printed out, it was written with marker on a post-it note
>with the temperatures we're having, all of those missing animals are likely dead now
>spend an hour and a half walking around in the nearby woods with a headlight thinking I might find tracks in the fresh snow if it ain't so
Life feels like a sad movie montage today. At least now they can play with Charon's silly braid.

>> No.16084783
Quoted by: >>16084792

You should hole up and think about your favorite girl.

>> No.16084792
File: 127 KB, 699x802, 1421915116792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Darkness my old friend~

>> No.16084795

>charon buried under a cuddle pile of cats
That's a cute mental image.

>> No.16084809
Quoted by: >>16084816

different themes for named lilims and the older sisters?

>> No.16084811
File: 641 KB, 758x985, __vampy_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_renoa_yu__3143b8785ed6fa2ba3584d7b0f1dbd3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon-san, can I bite you?

>> No.16084812

If it makes you happy, go ahead. I feel like my blood would just give you the blues, though.

>> No.16084816
Quoted by: >>16084884

Of course, they get their own theme to show how special their fight are

Is there a vampire out there who skips the blood sucking and go straight to the fucking?
I don't wanna share my blood, I'll share my semen any day of the week though

>> No.16084831
File: 398 KB, 1000x571, 1466304752162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Succubi so cute?

>> No.16084834

Are they?

>> No.16084842
File: 588 KB, 1024x1024, 1442429141529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084932

Cheer up, emo kid!

>> No.16084848


>> No.16084850

>Tfw you will never cheer for your succubi waifu to win a hot dog eating contest

>> No.16084854
Quoted by: >>16084868

Just came from from a weeklong camping trip with no news internet etc, have I missed anything? Like new Monster Girls or something.

>> No.16084859
Quoted by: >>16084867

What is she doing in shadowverse? I saw a card with her in there, granblue and shadowverse same universe or just cameo?

>> No.16084860

Need to give her Hathor milk so I can grope her.

>> No.16084861
File: 175 KB, 1477x1240, 8fb33e1894be6e9ef2334a82c26b77d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084927

I'd let Vampy bite me if she let me dick her first.

>> No.16084866

But it's still just a completely made-up localization for the sake of being politically correct. It's not at all accurate. People pretending localizations are accurate and spreading it around is like a really shitty meme that won't die. "Overlord" is basically the new "Stinkypede".

>> No.16084867
Quoted by: >>16084885

She's also a playable leader in shadowverse, 500 gold lets you use her in place of Urias.

Forte's in there too as a dragoncraft leader. Cygames like to do that a lot, there's a ton of RoB stuff in Granblue too.

>> No.16084868
Quoted by: >>16084886

That Doctor Strange movie was pretty good, but Hacksaw Bridge was amazing.
>politically correct
Are you high?
>"Overlord" is basically the new "Stinkypede".
No. You're just insane. Please take your meds.

>> No.16084875

I honestly can't tell if people are trolling by using it or they just want to delude themselves that the English version they spent money on isn't shit. It's full of inaccuracies.

>> No.16084879 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084883

Is it for a Trumpart?

>> No.16084883 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 500x706, 1427000797810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084903

Don't talk about Trumpart, it's verbotten, ja?

>> No.16084884

Vampires are too prideful to go straight to sex when you're a mere human. Most of the time.

>> No.16084885
Quoted by: >>16084906

So just a non-canon cameo?

>> No.16084886
Quoted by: >>16084892

You're actually arguing against simple fact. I'm legitimately surprised. It literally takes no effort to just throw 魔王 and 主神 into google translate or some shit. You don't even need years of college lessons like I have to know better.

>> No.16084891

So Lilims need strong husbandos for more Lilims?
Guess my donut steelim's crush on Warrior of Light/people like him makes sense now.
So much for a childish crush now.

>> No.16084892
Quoted by: >>16084937

I'm sorry, did I miss something here?

>> No.16084898
Quoted by: >>16084916

Strength as in physical strength, or does it also apply for mental strength or whatever else applicable?

>> No.16084903 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16084911

Apparently so. Didn't know we were so blue, like a blueberry slutmuffin.

>> No.16084906

Pretty much. There's also this.

I like to head canon magisa a dark mage, hopefully the profile fits her when it's translated.

>> No.16084911 [DELETED] 

I wanna my post deleted, plez.

>> No.16084915
Quoted by: >>16084931

I want to teach my Kobold daughteru to dance! We'd put on some nice music and I'd take my waifu's paw like a gentleman so we can do a demonstration for her! Now, All we really know how to do os slow dance with a few random embellishments, but that's not a big deal! We'd do a few dances together, making sure to take it slow so our daughteru can watch us.

Once my daughteru feels ready, I'll let her stand on my feet so she's tall enough, and so that I can lead her! She may be a little embarrassed about doing something so grown-up but I doubt her tail will ever stop wagging once we get started. After me and my daughteru have danced alone for awhile, my waifu would come stand right behind our daughteru and we'd all dance together!

>> No.16084916

I think it's all of them. There are probably heroes that rely on magic in the MGE world too.

>> No.16084927

Aren't they like 1000 years old and still lolis?

>> No.16084931
Quoted by: >>16084939

Do not non lewd the daughteru.

>> No.16084932
Quoted by: >>16084935

That's definitely not a good idea.

>> No.16084933


They just need some help to start looking more mature.

>> No.16084935
Quoted by: >>16084945

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.16084937

Basically, Anon is trying to say SS are perfectly upstanding translators that didndunuffin wrong, even though they threw out the characters real names and replaced them with made-up alternatives because they didn't want to step on the toes of religious wackos.
Since the SS terms are completely inaccurate and being spread around, it's the same as a bad meme, of which is also inaccurate.

>> No.16084939

Please, anon. Sometimes it's nice to take chances and spice things up with a different sort of family activity! The intimacy of dancing is just as nice as the intimacy of our other activities, and it lets us get closer as a family!

>> No.16084944

Yeah, I have totally missed out on something at some point, because I am definitely lost now.
I think I know what the issue here is, and that is the fact that when I was talking to the other anon about the overlord and the pharaoh and all that stuff, I had no idea "overlord" was an official translation of anything.
I assumed it was just some generic evil overlord in a generic fantasy adventure.
I know better now. My bad.

>> No.16084945
Quoted by: >>16084950

It's too explicit for a blue board.

>> No.16084948

I feel like some MGK. You in?

You're Jimmy, Mac Daddy extraordinare, and you are doing some sort of school wide event with the other grades.
Do you help out 6th grade Wock and Lilim with what they're doing?
Do you relax and enjoy some hot cocoa with 6th grade Whitehorn?
Do you watch the 6th grade teacher Hakutaku's breasts jiggle and bounce as she moves around?
Do you say hello to that 5th grade Eel girl?
Do you stick with Yuki, Yeti, and Wendigo and make a snowman instead of what you're supposed to do?
Do you play hooky with 2nd grade Salamander and Hellpup?
Do you help roll Albino Lamia's plastic bubble into the shade before she combusts?
Do you and Kiki be the lamest and square bunch you can be and help out everyone else?
Do you see what Anubis is cooking up?
Or do you read books by Robert Frost with Lich in the library?

>> No.16084949
Quoted by: >>16084976

I can't remember exactly how old vampy is but the reason I want to dick a granblue vampire is because it's a massive taboo.

They're living under self imposed law of self extinction by not creating any more Vampires. Knocking one up at the same time as getting bitten would be a huge middle finger to their tradition.

>> No.16084950
File: 3.02 MB, 2048x1353, 1465756864000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roses are red, violets are blue
Tell me this tale, and I'll give this fairy to you

>> No.16084954

dumb fairy, flowers arent food

>> No.16084955

I'll go meet the Eel, don't know the Eel yet.

>> No.16084959

Can I get a BD model instead?

>> No.16084962

For once I'll ignore the Dragon and I'll play with the Salamander and Hellwan.

>> No.16084967
Quoted by: >>16084974

Gonna help albino lamia.

>> No.16084969

You'll be in hospital for the next month is the short story. Be prepared for pelvis rehabilitation.

>> No.16084972

>Do you and Kiki be the lamest and square bunch you can be and help out everyone else?
If I pick this one, can me and Kiki help the Albino Lamia together?

>> No.16084973
Quoted by: >>16084992

I'll see what the Anubis is cooking up.

>> No.16084974
Quoted by: >>16084981

Humming Katamari music while rolling her isn't helping.

>> No.16084976

>They're living under self imposed law of self extinction
The fuck? Why? Like Sweden?

>> No.16084980
Quoted by: >>16084985

Hot cocoa with White Horn

>> No.16084981

Its there to raise her spirits.

>> No.16084985
Quoted by: >>16084996

She warms it up herself I bet.

>> No.16084992

She making pancakes that are either too thin or too thick.

>> No.16084996

I want her to.open her coat to a bunch of cups of hot cocoa warming up and tell me "Got some warm things on sale, stranger"

>> No.16085004
Quoted by: >>16085045

Is her coat stolen from a Wendigo?

>> No.16085009
Quoted by: >>16085015

That's ok. What matters is she tried her best.

>> No.16085015
Quoted by: >>16085031

But can you eat all of them? There's enough there for a Wurm to be declared legally dead if she ate them all.

>> No.16085018

White Horns would profit a lot by selling coffee and choco like that.

>> No.16085024

I want to turn a dragon queen into a cumdump queen

>> No.16085031

I'll. Try my hardest to eat all of her delicious pancakes. But I think it would be nice if she shared them.

>> No.16085036

Dragon queens are for femdom.

>> No.16085041
Quoted by: >>16085131

I swear to Omnipotent, you're taking this way too seriously dude.

>> No.16085045

White Horns are more sophisticated than to resort to petty thievery, they buy their coats from high end stores in downtown MGC

>> No.16085046
Quoted by: >>16085184

I agree with this.

And this.

>> No.16085051
File: 429 KB, 960x1200, 1451815284661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go on dear, show mommy how you rape a boy
Uh-oh, looks like trouble. Do you pretend to be asleep through the whole affair? It might discourage them in the future.

>> No.16085053
Quoted by: >>16085131

Actually I'm pretty sure its because KC directly asked them to use those names.

>> No.16085058

I have consensual sex with her that makes both of us ahegao, leaving her mother jealous and proud at the same time.

>> No.16085061
Quoted by: >>16085072


>> No.16085064

Mine was technically a gynoid, but I've done far worse.

I had a girlfriend. Still recovering from that little fiasco

>> No.16085072


>> No.16085078

Yes, but she had many of the same qualities as my waifu's species does so I guess that's okay.
Also some extra equipment downstairs, but my MG waifu doesn't so that's okay too

>> No.16085079

Dragon queens are for happy sex.

>> No.16085086
Quoted by: >>16085118

Dragon queens are for overfeeding.

>> No.16085108

No. They're for degrading men into little submissive slaves.

>> No.16085113
File: 70 KB, 642x257, 1467406794077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085184

Dragon Queens are to be kept pregnant 24/7.

>> No.16085118

>Her male slaves start spiking her food
>She starts to gain pudge


>> No.16085123

Is the slave's name Hal?

>> No.16085129

Pancakes can't be"too thin".

>> No.16085131
Quoted by: >>16085137

Oh, did I trigger you? I was just pointing out that the names were inaccurate, and passively compared them to a meme. That's hardly very serious.

Even if he tried to give them an accurate name, like the "Mamono Lord" that he gave MGR, what's to stop them from saying "This steps on too many toes, lets make something up instead"?

>> No.16085132

They can if the batter's watery.

>> No.16085134
Quoted by: >>16085160

The best.
Wanna secretly grope her rear while she's walking down the hall!

>> No.16085137
Quoted by: >>16085226

>Even if he tried to give them an accurate name, like the "Mamono Lord" that he gave MGR, what's to stop them from saying "This steps on too many toes, lets make something up instead"?
I...don't really see what that has to do with anything. For one it's irrelevent because he didn't give them a name like that, also if he did give them a name like that why the fuck would they chance it, and what the hell about 'mamono lord' steps on toes?
Am i being baited right now?

>> No.16085151
Quoted by: >>16085154

Crepes aren't pancakes. You think they are, but they're just crepes now.

>> No.16085154
Quoted by: >>16085165


Also waffles > pancakes = crepes.
Fight me, Wurms.

>> No.16085160

What happens if she catches you?

>> No.16085165
Quoted by: >>16085169


Nigga THIS is a pancake.
>too thick
No such thing.

>> No.16085166

You don't get dinner.

>> No.16085167
Quoted by: >>16085174

I say that my hand slipped and offer her a hearty snack that I'd been carrying.

>> No.16085169

That's just a ricecooker cake. Not a pancake anymore.

>> No.16085173

First i have mating press with the daugheru, then i tackle the mother and see how she reacts

>> No.16085174
Quoted by: >>16085188

She'd definitely forgive you.

>> No.16085178
Quoted by: >>16085189

No get that shit out of here. I would force her to get healthy again that fucking cunt.

>> No.16085184
File: 898 KB, 866x891, 5cfcbc26aa7d410fc6c8b57bbe1a1f41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sadly didnt had the dream of cumflating the queen yesterday


>> No.16085188

Well thats good.
I'll just have to get her a triple layer chocolate cake that she loves so much.

>> No.16085189
Quoted by: >>16085200

You're a human slave. She'll banish you for ever dare doing that.

Just accept a pudgy dragon for once. We never get pudgy dragon.

>> No.16085190


Damn those sure are some big dumplings

>> No.16085191

That's cute. I want a ryu munching on a meat bun

>> No.16085194
Quoted by: >>16085203


>> No.16085196
Quoted by: >>16085230

I want to be chained up and gingerly milked by a golem

>> No.16085199
File: 573 KB, 723x1023, 1437549070848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the two shall become one flesh, AMEN!

>> No.16085200
Quoted by: >>16085204

Never? People were going crazy for the pudge lately.

If she banned me I would come back just to make her normal again. I wouldn't let her escape.

>> No.16085203
Quoted by: >>16085219


If we get muscles and skinny then its only fair to have some pudge.

>> No.16085204
Quoted by: >>16085210

You'd be attached by her dragon guards. Just give up.

>> No.16085210
Quoted by: >>16085212

I would have secret paths all over her kingdom in case the queen lost her way. If the guards ever approached me I would just throw pocket shotas at them. She isn't escaping.

>> No.16085212
Quoted by: >>16085213

She'll refuse to do anything and just laugh at you.

>> No.16085213
Quoted by: >>16085222

Are you implying I would give her a choice?

>> No.16085219
Quoted by: >>16085222

>not fat

>> No.16085222
Quoted by: >>16085231

Pudge is pudge.

And what can a little human possible do to the Queen of Dragons?

>> No.16085226

That was an example you numpty. The point is that KC couldn't give them an accurate translation without stepping on a few toes, so even if he DID give them Overlord, it would have been as a compromise. This is because her title is Maou, literally "Demon Lord", or "Devil King", or maybe even "Evil Spirit Ruler". It's been used in the past to refer to Satan himself. KC only doesn't accept "Demon Lord" because he thinks demon is being used in english as some kind of adjective, and that it implies she's a demon, herself.

I mentioned the name KC gave MGR as evidence that he probably wasn't directly involved with the localization, at least not with those particular names, otherwise it would just be "Mamono Lord" or at least "Monster Lord" in the SS translation, instead. Surely you must have evidence to the contraire? And hell, even if he did: my entire original point was only that it was still an inaccurate translation. And that will always be true, regardless. You're the one that suddenly brought up KC.

>> No.16085230

>Tries out a variety of fetishes to see what's gets the most out of you

>> No.16085231
Quoted by: >>16085233

It's not what I would do to the Queen, Anon. It's what I would do to the food.

She would need to work really hard in order to get just one candy.

>> No.16085233
Quoted by: >>16085252

How hard? And what kind of work? And why can't you just let her be cute and chubby?

>> No.16085244

I don't really think demon Lord is controversial at all seeing as how plenty of generic rpgs, mostly dragon quest, have used that. And yes, a person from ss came into these threads after the release confirming that they were asked by kc, you can look in warosu. I also think that was on mgr somewhere but don't have the exact link.

>> No.16085248
Quoted by: >>16085251

When is KC's bd? I want to send him a shitty Wurm drawing.

>> No.16085251
Quoted by: >>16085260

It's on September 31st

>> No.16085252
Quoted by: >>16085443

I would have her go out and search for the candies. They are all over the place and using servants to look for them are a nono. She can stop once there is just a tiny bit of fat left, just so I could give it a little pinch.

>> No.16085260
Quoted by: >>16085266

Shit. I missed it.

>> No.16085266

Anon that was a joke, September has 30 days

>> No.16085278
Quoted by: >>16085297

>I don't really think demon Lord is controversial at all
Yeah, me neither. But then, we're not exactly normalfags, Anon. I mentioned before that there are actually people that avoid the MGE because it has the word demon in it. I shit you not. It's also amusing that you would mention Dragon Quest. I'm pretty sure that was a big source of inspiration for the MGE in the first place.

>a person from ss came into these threads after the release confirming that they were asked by kc
I just find it odd why KC would tell MGR to use "Mamono Lord" and yet tell SS to use something even less accurate. Did he change his mind? It feels like he has a shaky grasp of the English language, so he probably just figured it was close enough.

>> No.16085284

Cheeky fucker.

>> No.16085285

That's what they want you to think, man.

>> No.16085287

saucenao was not helpful. any hints?

>> No.16085289
Quoted by: >>16085291

It's a manga called Youkai Shoujo.

>> No.16085291


>> No.16085294

Youkai Shoujo.
Brought to you by Google Image Search.

>> No.16085297

Fucking normalfags ruining everything

>> No.16085307
File: 1007 KB, 893x1090, cce91bac1774ccd512c0e5b76f395217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085322

When i see a dragon girl i see nothing more than the epitome of beauty,power and dignity, thats why i frequently shitpost about wanting to make one my juice dump while i boost her ego and pride

i keep wondering how hatesex must be with one after you accidently spend one of her gold coins for food

>> No.16085314
Quoted by: >>16085321

>And yes, a person from ss came into these threads after the release confirming that they were asked by kc
They can claim what they want here because KC doesn't check these threads and even if he did find out they could claim it wasn't them.

That's if it even was seven seas. Either way both them and KC can suck a dick for wanting to use fake terms.

>> No.16085321
Quoted by: >>16085326

Even if the translation isn't accurate, I really can't see how it's a big enough deal to get upset about

>> No.16085322

I'm not a huge fan of gimpbodysuits, but that variation is EXCELLENT.

>> No.16085326
Quoted by: >>16085429

Because the entire localization was shit, absolute shit.

Only nice thing to come out of it was the updated art and that would have eventually been posted on his site anyway. Waste of a license.

>> No.16085374

Ganguro Holsts.

>> No.16085376

Anon you owe me a new set of pants.

>> No.16085377
Quoted by: >>16085396

Oni milkmaids!

>> No.16085383
File: 243 KB, 450x600, Crispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085390

I like this idea, but I only have ganguro p'orcs.

>> No.16085387
Quoted by: >>16085392

I'd rather have a gyaru kiki.

>> No.16085390

>MANSWINE! Don't you ever learn? I'll have to keep raping you again and again...

>> No.16085392

I want a big, russian muscle kiki!

>> No.16085396

I approve.

>> No.16085401
File: 95 KB, 595x727, ad203f08be84c262b24c71880854d85b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Holsts

>> No.16085405
Quoted by: >>16085422

I want a dainty Russian kiki with a long blonde braid.

>> No.16085408

I want a french Kiki that tries to seduce me every second.

>> No.16085416

Hate to be the guy, but do we know what the heart stats represent?

Missed the debut due to a work-induced 24 hour media blackout

>> No.16085417

i want a irish feisty redhead kiki that can put dragons to shame in drinking contests!

>> No.16085422

Would she be able to dance ballet?
A skill she keeps secret?

Tiny skirt and saucy banter?

Would she have muscle as well?

>> No.16085428

Looks like some type of stats

>> No.16085429
Quoted by: >>16085449

nice opinions

>> No.16085430
Quoted by: >>16085433

Really saucy banter, along with bending over so I can get a few shots of that ass.

>> No.16085433
Quoted by: >>16085451

Would she even get her tail into it?
Wiggling her hips while barely concealing her undergarments?

>> No.16085437


>> No.16085438
Quoted by: >>16085448

no no, she would be one of those slim gingers that can outdrink men twice her size and with a melodious voice

>> No.16085442
Quoted by: >>16085448

I want a meek Japanese Kikimora who addresses me in an overly formal manner despite how well we know each other and despite all the numerous dickings I give her!

>> No.16085443
Quoted by: >>16085452

Please don't bully the chubby dragon. She cries when nobody is looking because she thinks people hate her cus' she's a little pudgy.

>> No.16085444
File: 569 KB, 953x1050, 1472298374242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a thick Trumpart that likes to "Dojyaaan~"

>> No.16085447
Quoted by: >>16085580

Art of her already? Oh my.

>> No.16085448
Quoted by: >>16085482

Would there be freckles, green eyes, and red feathers?

Would she have a course manner of speaking?

Thats an uptight meido.

I would do things to that bottom.

>> No.16085449

You would have to be a seven seas shill to seriously argue that the translation was accurate.

If KC did request changes it was only so the big bad westerners didn't "misunderstand" the terms. It's like a 4kids adaptation of a monster girl book in terms of accuracy.

>> No.16085451
Quoted by: >>16085453

She would use a really tiny skirt and walk in a really sexual way, showing that behind that inocent face there is a lusty beast inside. And of course, she would dust things with her tail as in inviting me to go where she is and make a mess.

>> No.16085452

You are not tricking me into comforting her.

>> No.16085453
Quoted by: >>16085462

Thats lewd.
She'd probably suck you off whenever you ate breakfast, her head under the table.

That's OK, I will.

>> No.16085454
Quoted by: >>16085462

But she's crying now anon. Look what YOU'VE done.

>> No.16085455
File: 101 KB, 595x727, 458072df59810216fb365f0bd66d14aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Holst with big brown holst

>> No.16085457

I want to hit that card.

Or should I double down instead?

>> No.16085458

I'd shuffle her deck if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.16085460
Quoted by: >>16085474

Smol is perfect

>> No.16085462
Quoted by: >>16085472

She would use cleaning under the table as an excuse too. I find it way hotter when they make me fuck them instead of jumping on my pants.

Fuck I wouldn't resist. Fuck you Anon. I would give her a candy just so she stoped, but I would have her train even harder.

>> No.16085466

The top one is 乳量(Milk Yield).
Bottom one is 乳質(Milk Quality).

>> No.16085467

I'd give her a full house.

>> No.16085472
Quoted by: >>16085481

Like saying she'd need to straighten the shirt your wearing and shifting so that she sits in your lap and begins grinding on you until you fuck her?

>> No.16085474
Quoted by: >>16085501


>> No.16085481
Quoted by: >>16085491

Yep, and after I fuck her ragged she would just give my shirt a pat and say "There, now you're ready."

Fucking maids I tell you.

>> No.16085482
File: 97 KB, 620x877, kikimora_by_lutherniel-d8byalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! she would be the kind of kiki that that sits on you with nothing but a big shirt and panties, leg locksyour waist while she lovingly kisses and cooing you while your pole is already pressing the garment and saying "mastarh are you happy to sree me?

I really want a feisty red kiki now, i feel sad

>> No.16085491
Quoted by: >>16085506

They are lewd creatures.

Would sex be a lot more of a battle with her/

>> No.16085494
Quoted by: >>16085506

I read that, and immediately my mind drifts to having a nice Celtic/Gaelic kiki

>> No.16085501

Well. Smol compared to the others. She is still a big girl.

>> No.16085506

Half half,she would attempt to ride you at the start to appear strong but eventually slows down and turns into a softy who likes warm cuddling below sheets followed by clinging to you for dear life once your bob is inside her

doesnt Ireland have Celtic roots? that's what i was aiming for

>> No.16085507
File: 142 KB, 826x1136, 1466532629271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, if you stumbled into a basement/room and found a bunch of Wurm eggs everywhere like it was Aliens, how would you respond?

>> No.16085509

Daughterus, all of them. Along with a bunch of wolfus and mindflayers.

>> No.16085510

Dust off the ol' cardboard powerloader and reenact Aliens with my daughteru's and waifu

>> No.16085511
Quoted by: >>16085525

Back away very slowly. Until my back collides with their mother and I realize I'm fucked. She won't cuck their father but I'd probably be tied up and used as a toy once the daughters got older.

>> No.16085517

Take care of every single one. All wurms deserve love. Even if it means me not eating. Food goes to them.

>> No.16085520
Quoted by: >>16085540

Me and my Anubis waifu can adopt them. Gives us a taste of what taking care of a daughteru is like. And the Anubis daughteru we will have, now has sisters to play with.

>> No.16085525
File: 110 KB, 886x742, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085531

I want to be a big teddy for Wurm daughterus.

>> No.16085530
File: 930 KB, 448x252, l5i2uWn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>220 cm

>> No.16085531

I guess wurms aren't good at sharing?

>> No.16085536
File: 447 KB, 800x1209, 1478609783124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Imp servant, sir.

>> No.16085539

Needs to be thicker.

>> No.16085540

Would the Wurms think the Anubis is some sort of fluffy super Wurm due to her intelligence?

>> No.16085541

I want to sit on my face and fill her mouth with my seed.

>> No.16085543

>Those hips
Good lord

>> No.16085544

Probably. Would lead to cute shenanigans.

>> No.16085553

But what I wanna know is where's the troglodyte girl?

>> No.16085554

>loli Anubis in charge of her own gang of Wurm sisters

>> No.16085557


>> No.16085559

She could suffocate me any time she wanted

>> No.16085568 [SPOILER] 
File: 496 KB, 604x647, 1478720965479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those hips
I wonder if her thighs are like tempurpedic pillows

>> No.16085569

Nice, I'll be damn happy about it. What's the stance on sexual molestation?

>> No.16085571
Quoted by: >>16085599

>12/10 will be wifed up immediately

>> No.16085575
Quoted by: >>16085577

>thanks to mamono mana proportions like this are actually possible

>> No.16085577

Would you an Automaton with those proportions?

>> No.16085579
Quoted by: >>16085599

Every Warlock needs a helpful Imp in a sexy uniform to cook, clean and do other things for him.

>> No.16085580

That came out a while ago actually. At least I think it did.

>> No.16085581

The compact, portable model, much easier to move around, take's up only half the space of a regular Automaton.

I'd buy it.

>> No.16085583

A golem makes more sense in this scenario to me. Maybe a gnome

>> No.16085599

>Be newb Warlock
>Scratch up the summoning circle and offer a small vial of semen
>Please God, let it be a Succubus
>The shape begins to take form
>Pink clouds form out to an extreme pear shape, please please please GOD
>It's a fucking Imp. A blueberry Imp. With thighs and hips that're more like drumsticks than actual anatomy.
>She's wearing what reminds you of a burlesque casino uniform. She smells of peppermints and bourbon whiskey.
>Try to think of the banishing spell, start making your hand movements and flicking your tongue in your head.
>That's when she puts her hands on yours, stopping you.
"You called me. Now what do you want to do?"
>For you to leave
"Don't lie, baby Warlocks like you only summon an Imp like me for one reason, deep down in places you don't like to talk about at parties."
>Try to reason with her, telling her it was a mistake, she just sighs
"You really leave me no choice."
>Puts her hands on her hips, spreading her legs just ever so slightly
>Sweet Jesus that's not just thickness, that's royal fucking jelly of delicious, sensual plumpness
>Ass-bumps in your general direction, your robes practically exploding off of you as if they could sense an unknown tension as thick as butter
"Mm. Still not enough juice."
>Spreads her legs, facing you, positioning herself just right, giving you a look at her slit while a small blue hand traces down in between
"Nnnf~ Bam~"
>Gives you a small pelvic thrust
>Almost immediately your heart skips a beat, your face flushes, and Johnnie is standing at full mast
>That's some fucking talent
"Now, what do you want to do with me?"
>Her smile curves into a sadistic, smug grin when you tell her that you want her to sit on your face
>TFW several months later you're filling out the marriage certificate

>> No.16085607

I want a Hellhound with this body type, I need it.

>> No.16085610

Have any of you actually tried to summon a Succubus or some other demon?

>> No.16085612

No. What are you, crazy?
Frollo, go to bed

>> No.16085615

I would never preform such demonic and blasphemous acts.

>> No.16085618

Reminder that there are MGs on the other side doing the same but for Anons.

>> No.16085619

I did it once. It worked for my dreams.
It's not my fault, it was in Kek's plans.

>> No.16085621
File: 266 KB, 700x900, B&W_Kikimora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to turn a smug kiki into my cumdump

>> No.16085622

No but I'm down to try

>tfw if you and her do exactly the same ritual at the same time it will work

Kikis are natural cumdumps, don't let their smug fool you

>> No.16085623
Quoted by: >>16085649

I want to turn her into an oral slave

>> No.16085624

If not for the slight cleavage I would have mistook her for a guy.

>> No.16085631

I want to lift her up by the hips so she can dust where she can't reach and then peek up her skirt

>> No.16085636
File: 870 KB, 810x1000, 2a3aa57bfde8e19da43bcb86f436d9a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon queens are for ________

>> No.16085644
Quoted by: >>16085679

Would you make her wear a leash and walk around on all fours around the house?

>> No.16085648

Femdom and feet worshipping. We've been over this. It's fact.

>> No.16085649

Oral slaves are the best.

>> No.16085653

Impregnating with dragon princesses

This too

>> No.16085655


I-In Yen please.

>> No.16085656

Dragons are like royalty, if they visit your village, make sure to clean and decorate the place in advance.

An offering of treasure also goes a long way, if she's pleased she might take roost nearby and watch over as a protector.

Then no Monsters, bandits or such will mess with your village.

>> No.16085661
File: 366 KB, 750x1500, Esdese The Ice Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085697

Something about your post reminded me explicitly of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlhOUyy4wbs

I can just imagine anon having his village destroyed because they didn't properly greet a dragon properly and anon eventually meeting her once again with hatred in his heart.

>> No.16085668
Quoted by: >>16085679

I want to make a Kikimora smug.
I want to be the reason she walks around with a self satisfied grin on her face all the time.

>> No.16085672

>TFW your forte in smut is in disgusting vanilla

>> No.16085674

What happens if you don't clean up your HOUSE for a dragon visiting?

>> No.16085675
Quoted by: >>16085730


You are disgusting

>> No.16085676
Quoted by: >>16085694

I want to make a Kiki wear only latex outfits and sleep in a padded cage by my bed at night.

>> No.16085679
Quoted by: >>16085746


How do you make a kiki smug? they are so gentle and pure

>> No.16085680
Quoted by: >>16085730

You are the only disgusting one here

>> No.16085689

Who's the faggot that started that "Monster Musume General" on /a/? And why the fuck is there monster girl encyclopaedia stuff on there like Anubis. I swear those Monster Musume threads are cancer.

>> No.16085692


>Do your daily whatever
>Suddenly, without warning, you are teleported to an unfamiliar room in another world.
>You note the summon circle around you which has made me with great care
>You see your waifu, apparently surprised that her ritual worked

>> No.16085694
Quoted by: >>16085709

that sounds cruel anon, the cage part i mean

>> No.16085697

>Dragon visits Anon's village
>They didn't prepare any tribute, let alone any proper welcoming
>She burns down a few houses, fields, farms and causes terror
>5 Hours of chaos later she leaves
>Since that day monsters have regularly been attacking the village
>Within a few months all men expect anon were taken away
>For years he lived as the lone survivor who had the burden to carry his village's legacy
>He finally decides to meet the dragon to put an end to his village's suffering
>She doesn't even remember what happened
>Anon is completely dumbfounded and heartbroken
>The person who ruined his life doesn't care about it
>He's on his knees crying and punching the ground when the dragon makes him an offer
>"Marry me and together we will protect your village and bring it to prosperity once more."

Dragon are benevolent creatures, if you treat them right there is nothing to worry about

>> No.16085709

Nah, like I said, it's a padded cage. Just big enough for her to sleep comfortably with comfy, plushy bedding at the bottom. She quite enjoys the enclosed space and says she feels nice and safe in the cage.

>> No.16085710

>"But for me, it was tuesday"

>> No.16085719

>Dragon marrying a fuccboi who broke don crying in front of her on his knees

>> No.16085720

How did you meet your waifu, anons?

>> No.16085722

Well a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

>> No.16085730

You guys don't understand. I fucking hate being only able to do lovey-dovey shit.

>> No.16085734
Quoted by: >>16085753

Well, in the actual real-life sense, when people got tired of Mausposting I felt a void in its absence. My waifu came to fill that void.

>> No.16085746

I don't know, but I want to try.

>> No.16085753

I wonder if an hardcore dragon lover would be able to handle a dragon rejecting him because he's a weak fuccboi
He'd probably mindbreak, have permanent empty eyes and let all kinds of reptile girls use his body as they please

She appeared on my couch, we had a heartfelt talk and we married then and there
Not physically appear of course

In that sense I was just reading all the MGE profiles and when I stumbled upon hers I knew deep inside she was the one

>> No.16085759

>In that sense I was just reading all the MGE profiles and when I stumbled upon hers I knew deep inside she was the one
Yes, in the fantasy sense my waifu was my dog and then after a freak Lilim nuke accident she became a real girl!

>> No.16085760

>Hardcore dragon lover
>Not trying again and again and against not even thinking of the idea of rejection even if it happens in front of his eyes multiple times over
>Dragon not eventually liking that of him

Really though, the average dragon would mop the floor with the average human. I'm sure one seeing a human keep going rather than cowering in fear or giving up would be like finding a goldmine.

>> No.16085772
Quoted by: >>16085774

I think a lot of anons here would give up on rejection. Because I think a lot of anons here haven't been rejected before

>> No.16085773
Quoted by: >>16085794

>He'd probably mindbreak

Then he is weak. I would just stick to her until she is annoyed enough to love me.

>> No.16085774
Quoted by: >>16085812

>Got rejected
>Had to reject


>> No.16085776

But anon!
All girls are for feet worshiping!

>> No.16085777
File: 155 KB, 400x1380, Footfags Defined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16085780

To be fair there's a possibility of fuccboi guilt tripping her into it pretty hard.

>> No.16085793
Quoted by: >>16085798

I'm not a footfag, but goddamn if a dragon steped on me I would be in heaven. Can you imagine how good it would be if she ordered to be massaged.

>> No.16085794

I'm sure even a lilim would marry an anon if he showed her times and times again how much he loved her

A dragon would probably have her protective instinct kick in and keep him as a treasure
Most other species would train him so he becomes a man who can grant them healthy, powerful children

>Have foot fetish
>Waifu doesn't have feet

I'm going to make tentacles worship a thing

>> No.16085798
File: 219 KB, 769x1489, Saved by the Feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16085799
Quoted by: >>16085847

I want to live with a monster girl in a dorm and have her discover my foot fetish only to let me do lewd things to her feet while she focuses on homework!

>> No.16085801
Quoted by: >>16085835

>>Have foot fetish
>>Waifu doesn't have feet

>I'm going to make tentacles worship a thing

Are you me?

>> No.16085803

Calm down anon. You don't know what you're doing to my dick!

>> No.16085809

>Dragon treasures Anon
>However, Anon doesn't want to be a burden on his waifu so he decides to get strong
>Dragon waifu panics once she sees Anon straining himself to the max

Dragons are so cute, even more when they are worried.

>> No.16085812

But being rejected by a waifu is different. Imagine worshipping a girl for a real long time. Imagine wishing you could cuddle her every night so to simulate it you cuddle your pillow and whisper to yourself. Now imagine how exciting you must be to meet her. Words can't describe it. Then her turning around and saying "Get away from me".

Ever been on a roller coaster? That feeling when you're about to drop from a high and your heart just sinks through your body like a hot knife through butter. That's what it would feel like.

>> No.16085824
Quoted by: >>16085835

>waifus were a mistake

>> No.16085828

I don't know what I would do. Maybe sob a little bit and then who knows. I wouldn't bear to see her with anyone else, so making sure she only has eyes for me is a must.

>> No.16085830
Quoted by: >>16085835

>being rejected
That's not how it works

>> No.16085831
File: 2.05 MB, 1359x1604, 1477514195876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



What? Oh sure, we can go get some dinner after this dears. What do you mean you both want to eat at different places? Well what am I supposed to do, eat dinner at one then go eat dinner at the other? That's silly, what if we just eat at once place today and then we can eat at the other tomorrow? Okay, good, got that all figured out.

>> No.16085835
Quoted by: >>16085845

Them scyllas huh?

If my waifu rejected me I'd probably have lost it and settled for being endlessly raped by a devil bug colony or some other bad ends

>That's not how it works
This, hypothetically you could get rejected if she had high standards but even then love prevails all

>> No.16085837
File: 973 KB, 1920x1080, 1444514162290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085873

>Imagine worshipping a girl for a real long time. Imagine wishing you could cuddle her every night so to simulate it you cuddle your pillow and whisper to yourself. Now imagine how exciting you must be to meet her. Words can't describe it. Then her turning around and saying "Get away from me".

Are you implying I've not been through that?

Shut the fuck up I was young back then, childish worldview and whatnot. Still stings.

>> No.16085839

Would loli cursed swords be daggers?

>> No.16085840
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1475767575338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085841

Those anons hating monster boys are so sad, they'll never raise twin dark elf son and daughter with their waifu, one genki, other shy.

>> No.16085841

aaaaaand... fuck off.

>> No.16085842
Quoted by: >>16085848

Maybe. But also consider tiny cursed sword with huge claymor.

>> No.16085845

>Them scyllas huh?
My own clone!

>> No.16085847
File: 1014 KB, 420x236, 1452791444053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085931

>Be roommate to a Dark Priest
>One day, during her mid-term essay writing, she looks at you smiling softly, if not straight up matronly
"You... have a foot fetish, don't you?"
>Pause whatever you're doing, looking at her as if you'd been struck by a disciplinarian hand
"Easy there, Tarantino. I am a Succubus after all. Reading your fetishes is like reading a book. After all, your mind has an entire chapter dedicated to 'The art of procreative sex'. Or a close approximate~"
>She shifts her weight onto her tail, the muscular appendage with its flat, heart-shaped tip acting as an organic chair for her
>Crossing her legs, you realize she's going commando
>But above all else, her muscular and shapely thighs, calves, and even her feet are near your hands
"Go ahead, you may touch and examine to your heart's desire. There isn't a single part of me that you will find in-adequate, especially since I can shift my body to suit any potential mate's desires."
>She gives you a wicked smile
"Wide, birthing hips. A pussy that would make that fleshlight under your bed, yes, I know about that, look like an even cheaper imitation. Legs and feet that will... utterly indulge your wildest fantasies."
>Waving her hand, a small basin filled with water and a rag materializes seemingly out of thin air
"It was common practice in your world to wash another's feet as a form of entrance, yes? I'm sure you can understand where this road leads you."
>The water is warm as you're dabbling the rag in it, gently sliding it across her feet and legs, not missing a single crevice between her toes or on her heel, ankle, or ball.
>Her skin has a soft, soapy smell to it, and you can feel yourself getting more and more rigid as it goes on
"Go on, taste me."
>She starts letting out soft moans as she begins to play with herself, enjoying the suckling of her toes and your tongue in the center of her foot's underside
>On one particular stroke, she lets out an unnaturally girly moan
"Ha... That almost made me excited."
>Her eyes are glowing a soft lilac pink when she notices your erection, giving you another smile
"Here. Allow me to help you with that."
>Binds your arms behind you, giggling at your protestations as you're left kneeling there, naked and exposed
"Just relax and allow me to take you to Nirvana."
>Using her big toe, she pulls your foreskin back, rubbing your shaft up and down in gentle, petting strokes
"Hmhm... it's warm..."
>It feels like an eternity that's she's edging you, every stroke or movement is calculated
>When she finishes giving you off, it's up to you to clean her off again
>Just when you think it's over, you can hear the shifting of fabrics, only to find her in the nude
"We've yet to finish our final prayer. Won't you join me in supplication? Hmm?"

>> No.16085848

Wanna stroke her hair!
Wanna tell her that she'll grow up to be a big girl one day.
Wanna be proved right when she does.

>> No.16085849
Quoted by: >>16085852

Makes me wonder what would happen if I rejected my waifu.

>> No.16085852
Quoted by: >>16085859

I want to be >>16085831 pic related and have a cursed sword daughter with a cute dagger and a living armor daughter who only has an oversized helmet

You do this, I'll personally find you and challenge you to a fight to the death on top of a burning building

>> No.16085853
Quoted by: >>16085858

>dragonfu rejects me
>vampfu rejects me
>a freakin elf rejects me
>start drinking alot to get in coma and die
>lonely kiki stumbles on and takes me to her home in my broken state
>cue corny story on how i married a kiki after she healed my broken self

>> No.16085858
File: 156 KB, 650x379, 1476622151488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>start drinking alot to get in coma and die
>next to you in the bar you finding a succubus apparently doing the same thing

>> No.16085859

Going to reject my waifu, going to tell her how disgusting her scales are and how mofu is better.

Going to kill myself because I'm not treating her the right way.

>> No.16085870
Quoted by: >>16085875

Cursed swords were normal human women at some point so I think it's possible.

>A girl picks up a shiny red dagger
>Turns into a loli cursed sword with a dagger for her hand

>> No.16085871
Quoted by: >>16085880

Not if I kill you first motherfucker
I'll even make sure a wisp doesn't claim your soul and that no hellhounds bail you out of hell

>> No.16085872
Quoted by: >>16085881

If she's your waifu you can't get rejected. Don't use words you don't know.

>> No.16085873
Quoted by: >>16085977

What is the Wurm doing? And why the fuck is it making me melt?

>> No.16085875
Quoted by: >>16085898

The cutest and stealthiest of daughterus.

>> No.16085880
Quoted by: >>16085917

>Waifu forgives me and saves my soul
>I tell her to fuck off and die

Woah shit. I'm gonna stop posting now. Thank god my waifu will never see this.

>> No.16085881

I'm just making a hypothetical situation.

>> No.16085882
File: 202 KB, 591x886, Barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how a Cursed Sword would react to a Barbarian.

>> No.16085887

I wonder what pawjobs feel like.

>> No.16085890
Quoted by: >>16085905

Bags of sand.

>> No.16085898
Quoted by: >>16085901

Her weapon arm grows with her too I guess.

>Years later, she is now a 6'2" stunner
>Her blade arm is now a Zweihander

>> No.16085901
Quoted by: >>16085917

Daughteru is going for a good build there.

>> No.16085904

Bags of love.

>> No.16085905

Is that good or bad? I mean. When you waifu comes from the desert. I guess you have a point.

>> No.16085917
Quoted by: >>16085936

>Thank god my waifu will never see this.
If she is somehow watching over you right now, you'll have a lot of apology creampies to give her

>Cursed sword daughter ends up with a large heavy Zweighander
>Men who try to marry her must be able to carry it
>She ends up with a 6"5 bearmode husband

I'd be proud

>> No.16085918
File: 898 KB, 1133x1133, 1478647761082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you help your vampfu to repopulate her castle?

>> No.16085921
Quoted by: >>16085963

Personally I like Overlord because I associate it with the video game series; where-in the self-titled Demonic Evil God-King holds a dominion and control over his legion of minions. This, to me, is evocative of the way the MGE's "Maou" holds dominion and influence over all Monsters.

Monster Lord would be fine too as it more directly invokes such sentiment, but Mamono Lord? Get outta here with that weebshit.

>> No.16085923
Quoted by: >>16085933

She'll be the first vampire to be pregnant with fifteen kids at once

>> No.16085931
File: 5 KB, 194x205, 1439218781083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16085942


>> No.16085933

anon what?

>> No.16085936

Not just creampies, but every way of apologizing ever. Maybe I'll even create some more.

>> No.16085942
Quoted by: >>16085946

Jesus Christ man have some standards

>> No.16085946


>> No.16085952
Quoted by: >>16085966

I'll give her a pair of twin dhamphir daughters and one vampire daughter
She can also raise a bunch of ghouls, I'll take care of them too

Are vampires able to raise ghouls outside of Jojo? That's my only reference

>> No.16085956

Sure, I would hire a bunch of Kikis and butlers.

>> No.16085957

I don't have the kind of time needed to impregnate a vampire

>> No.16085963

>Get outta here with that weebshit.
Fine, I'll weeb-out with an ara ara aka-oni and a genki karasu-tengu
We'll eat sushi, drink sake and dance to anime openings

>> No.16085966

Would the Damphir twins bully the only pure-blooded Vamp daughter?

>> No.16085968

I want to live a happy simple life with a Unagi Joro in a comfy sweater. Shame they produce so much slime. That's going to get in the way of comfy.

>> No.16085977

She's stuck in a revolving door to an ice cream parlor.

>> No.16085978
Quoted by: >>16085993

We can't have everything.

>> No.16085982
Quoted by: >>16085993

That they would
But being the youngest daughter by a few years she'd also be the most protected one

Who could resist a teary-eyes loli vampire asking for help after she's been bullied by her older sisters?

Unagi joros are up there in the comfiest species to live with
Think of how great it'd be to share a warm meal with her in this cold season

>That's going to get in the way of comfy.
You'll get used it, cuddles will feel better thanks to it

>> No.16085993

>up there in the comfiest specifies to lI've with

Very true. Only real actual problems I have with them is the poor choice of clothing. Doesn't look very huggable so comfy sweaters are needed. And the mucus. But I guess I'll get used to it like you said. Other than they they're great.

Please don't remind me.

>> No.16085997


>> No.16085998

I'm sorry I've never been as good for you as I could be, thread.

>> No.16085999
Quoted by: >>16086010

The mucus makes you feel energized too. Nothing beats having slimy sex with her before going to work.

>> No.16086003


>> No.16086008

No need to worry about it.

>> No.16086010
Quoted by: >>16086018

That's fine
Be as good as you can be to your waifu

>6h45 Wake up
>7h00 Shower
>7h15 Breakfast
>7h30 Slimy sex
>9h00 Call in sick to work
>12h00 Post-sex cuddles

>> No.16086018

I don't know if any of you anons have every handled a eel. But good luck trying to cuddle her. She'll slip right out your hands.

>> No.16086025

More like she'll slip right into it.

>> No.16086026
File: 219 KB, 900x584, CpoDHt7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thank you for calling the Wurms Inc. customer help line. My name's Sarah, and how can I help you today?"

>> No.16086028

Why isn't she here yet, Sarah? Why isn't she in my life?

>> No.16086029

Help i cant find my butt!

>> No.16086035

Their thing is that you slip until you grope them in inappropriate places

Just be the big spoon and hang onto her breasts

I was wondering, do wurms come in bubble gum flavor?

>> No.16086040

The world needs more wurms like her.

>> No.16086052
Quoted by: >>16086060

>You will never journey from the main continent over to the mist lands to find a hakutaku to seek advice on how to save your city from a terrible disaster told on a prophecy

>> No.16086060

I don't know about you. But first plane ticket I get I'm off to Egypt to find and Anubis.

>> No.16086061
Quoted by: >>16086081

So we've got the two outside girls here
And the two inside girls here
When do we get the center girl?

>> No.16086063

Yeah hi. I ordered a Wurm in the mail and when it arrived it just started drooling while rolling all over the floor. Is this normal?

>> No.16086073
Quoted by: >>16086088

>one day while both of you are away vamp daugheru snaps
>restraints both of her dhampir sisters to make them pay for the bullying
>she forces both sisters to drink lemonade while vamp tickles with a feather
>she gets a camera and declares she will keep this up until they got have an "accident" and will upload it to the internet unless they stop the bullying
>both dhampirs agree and vamp daugheru grins smugly

>> No.16086081
File: 79 KB, 595x727, f8c1017f798e61e08225074e09f8f654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When do we get the center girl?

>> No.16086087
Quoted by: >>16086092

Jeez. That's a big girl. Maybe a bit too big?

>> No.16086088

>Come home to a cute vamp daughteru with an awoken Machiavellian streak.
Ah, my beautiful girl is finally growing up. Time to find her a young boy to sexually bully who we can raise up into the perfect right hand man of the vamp who will soon turn dominatrix on vamp high society.

>> No.16086090

I don't want to feel like a Chad Thundercock but to Nips I can't help it.

>> No.16086092

She's still short of 7' so she can stand to be a bit bigger.

>> No.16086097

The average in Japan is 170cm. Maybe he's a teenager or something, I don't know.

>> No.16086100
Quoted by: >>16086106

172cm actually

>> No.16086102
Quoted by: >>16086105

Manlets, when will they ever learn

>> No.16086104 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 652x652, 1478734158214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot new monster girl fashion

>> No.16086105

/fit/ pls go

>> No.16086106

That's still several inches shorter than me, and I'm not even 6 foot.

>> No.16086118

I want to softly fondle those breasts.

>> No.16086120

>monster girl oriented clothing with dumb captions

>> No.16086129

>New trend encourages monster girls to steal as many virginities as they can
>The male virginity rate dropped from 30% to 0.02% within a week
>An ushi-oni who presumably raped 83 virgins went on the record
>"You can tell they are virgins by their confused looks when you rape them.
>"There is no greater feeling than seeing them failing to not ejaculate."
>The United Unicorns Union held an emergency meeting with the Bodacious Bicorn Barn to come with a solution to the sudden lack of available virgins
>More news at 7

>> No.16086136

Everytime you blink a virgin got raped by the Ushi.

>> No.16086137
Quoted by: >>16086154

>Unicorns go full yandere
>Be one of the last virgins left
>Think you're safe
>suddenly hear the sound of hooves
>before you could react your face is being smothered by a pair of soft breasts
>"Oh you poor thing. Having to run from those WHORES who want to hurt you. Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you"


>> No.16086141
Quoted by: >>16086191

That would be a very delicate/precarious union. Not enough virgins to go around, and not like they can share with each other.

>> No.16086148

aren't there already things like that?
>My boobs are right here, your eyes are where they need to be

>> No.16086150

>Your Face Here

>> No.16086151

Fuck the cook would be the most popular between housewives.

>> No.16086153

>Holsts with MEGA MILK t-shirts
>Paladins strike back with Boymaker t-shirts

>> No.16086154
Quoted by: >>16086155

I'd tell that dumb horse to leave.

>> No.16086155
Quoted by: >>16086164

She's not leaving Anon.

This is why sex ed involved bear mace.

>> No.16086158

>monsters will never walk around in clothing with provocative words on them because its fun to tease humans

>> No.16086161

Ah, Ushi-oni. Nothing is dumber than a cow, does she not see she's gone and made herself used goods? Who wants women who'se had 83 cocks inside her within the space of a week? That's 11 dicks a day, a veritable gangbang.

>> No.16086164

Then I'd get my dragon nee-chan to make her leave

>> No.16086169

>Your Dick Here

>> No.16086171
Quoted by: >>16086175

She doesn't need to care about that. It's not like the boy will chose if he wants her or not.

>> No.16086175
Quoted by: >>16086186

Oh. Well, I suppose so yeah. But I imagine marries life wold be much nicer with a husband who cooks and cleans, not an angry man chained to a radiator.

>> No.16086178
Quoted by: >>16086195

It's all about taming the tubroslut, monsters are loyal as hell once they settle down.

Imagine a former slut Ushi having heart pupils as she bounces up and down on your dick while repeating how much she loves you over and over again.

>> No.16086181
Quoted by: >>16088615

yo sleepy, good to see you're still around; glad to hear you're still working on the vn as well.

i'm still disappointed the MC isn't named dmitrius rayquan, but i've learned to cope.

>> No.16086186
Quoted by: >>16086223

Maybe she'll get tired and regret her raping days, leaving both her name and apparence behind and starting a new life. No one would know her past.

>> No.16086188
Quoted by: >>16086201

I'm guessing this will sell like hotcakes with the ara ara crowd

>> No.16086191

The bicorns don't have a reason to give a shit either. They'd either be married or past the point of giving a shit due to corruption. I do see the unicorns getting catty quickly unless they're well spread out though.

>TFW no horsepussy will ever engage in honorable combat for your virgin dick

>> No.16086195

>It's all about taming the tubroslut
Why bother? It's not like men have to settle in MGE. There's always another fish in the ocean, only this time the fish are leaping out to get caught. If a fish is released 83 times and thrown back in that says something.

None of those raped virgins decided she was decent enough to pursue and take responsibility? Red flag.

>> No.16086198
Quoted by: >>16086209

>lamia sweater
>arrows pointing at her boobs with red X's
>arrows pointing at her tail with green checkmarks
The word 'touch' in the middle of her stomach between the sets of arrows

>> No.16086201

>Epitome of ara ara walks around town with a huge smug grin, not speaking not saying anything, her HUGE motherly tits crammed inside a sweater that just reads "Ara Ara~"

>> No.16086207

>None of those raped virgins decided she was decent enough to pursue and take responsibility? Red flag.
Not really their choice. What are they going to do, force a spider that probably weighs 3 times what they do to stick around?

>> No.16086208

She is a virgin rapist, Anon, she rapes virgins and throws them away. Even if one wanted more of that spider pussy, she would move on to her next target.

>> No.16086209
Quoted by: >>16086273

Sounds more like something a flat kitsune would wear. No, for a lamia it'd be more along the lines of text reading "best hugs" with arrows pointing to her tits and tail.

Yeti would have similarly printed gloves or something.

>> No.16086212

Does she have tight jeans too?

>> No.16086221

Wouldn't a skirt of some kind (potentially pencil) and a shopping bag be more appropriate?

>> No.16086223
Quoted by: >>16086233

Doesn't matter what anyone else knows.

All she'll know is that she's a whore.

>> No.16086225

Pencil skirt is acceptable too.

>> No.16086227
Quoted by: >>16086230

And she wears pantyhose under the jeans because fuck you that's an awesome niche fetish.

>> No.16086230
Quoted by: >>16086283

>pantyhose under the jeans

I'm intrigued.

>> No.16086231

They come in all varieties, super tight jeans, comfy tracksuit pants that still stratch tightly over her bountiful rear, skirt with some stockings/pantyhose depending on the weather. The only unifying feature is the full body and the sweater. It's important you learn to recognize your ara aras

>> No.16086233
Quoted by: >>16086242

She WAS a whore. Now she is just a normal girl.

>> No.16086234
File: 95 KB, 480x640, 1478691146094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though you weren't exactly clear why you needed them, we've agreed to provide you with two vampire brides. Please treat them kindly.

>> No.16086235

I'm going to need my Ara Ara encyclopedia.

>> No.16086236

Gonna take them to sunbath with me.

>> No.16086238

>Track suit pants
Now that's just silly. Bonus points for full DSL though.

>> No.16086241

>lonely dragon wearing a shirt saying "empty hoard" with many arrows pointing at her belly

>> No.16086242

That's some 3DPD tier mental gymnastics.

>> No.16086243
Quoted by: >>16086255

>full DSL

>> No.16086249

She wants to be warm and comfy. She might be undead, I'd never move again if a wight latched onto me wearing a sweater and a big loose, thick pair of tracksuit pants. I mean, my hips might move I guess.

>full dls
What's that?

>> No.16086251
Quoted by: >>16086259

Dick sucking lips.

>> No.16086252

>Your Face Here
>On a pair of gym shorts

>> No.16086255

>"Sweep me off my feet!"

>"Will top" on the front
>"May bottom" on her pants in the back

>"Milking" next to something conspicuously close to the recycling symbol

Ara~ you look nervous

Track pants are nylon though, they're not the epitomy of comfy. You might've meant sweat pants which would make more sense with a sweater.

And yeah, DSL is for Dick Sucking Lips. I'm sure I don't need to provide a definition as your cock already knows.

>> No.16086256

Wouldn't resist the temptation. Going jogging with monster girls out in the streets is too dangerous.

>> No.16086257


>> No.16086259
Quoted by: >>16086271

>Dick sucking lips
Oh I thought it was a reference to some clothing combination
>Track pants are nylon though
Where I'm from what we call tracksuits are woven in thick fabrics like cotton an wool and shit.

>> No.16086262

That tilde is boner fuel, fuck you.

>> No.16086264
Quoted by: >>16086269


Is there anything better than cumming inside a kitsune?

>> No.16086265

On a pair of socks
On the inner thigh of a pair of stockings

>> No.16086268
File: 248 KB, 724x1001, I like to think she's kneeling down and her fluff is covering her legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon it will be hunting season and men will willingly enter areas with apex predators in search of delicious venison.

Those that return will have feasting material for many months.

Those that do not were lost to the predators, the forest is their home now.

>> No.16086269

now that you mention it, no. no there isn't.

>> No.16086271
Quoted by: >>16086279

Who wears wool as athletic apparel? I mean, socks sweaters and coats, fine, but pants? Shirts? Tell your country to stop being silly.

Take the stick out of your ass. That wasn't RP, I was just encouraging imagination.

>> No.16086273

Yeti would wear a sweater that says "BIG BOSS" and points to her breasts

>> No.16086279
Quoted by: >>16086286

>Tell your country to stop being silly.
Sure, once you convince us to stop being upside down

>> No.16086280
Quoted by: >>16086285


>> No.16086283

This is my favorite example, and its not very hard considering just how few examples of this there are.
Here's a few others I found.
The last one is also pretty good.

>> No.16086285

Is that what happens when you give your lady too many drinks?

>> No.16086286
Quoted by: >>16086291

>˙qoɾ əuo
>dn əpıs ʇɥƃıɹ llıʇs ʇxəʇ

>> No.16086289
Quoted by: >>16086293

That's what happens when you motorboat a Satyros

>> No.16086291
Quoted by: >>16086297

>Didn't evenflip the post number
Its shit, 9/10 - IGN

>> No.16086293

Oh god

>> No.16086294

Suddenly, I find myself surrounded by people worrying about my poor circulation

>> No.16086297

You'll note that this doesn't read
>Ara ara ara~
>Ara rarararara.
That is the sound of a very nervous or surprised woman. It's surprising she's not Hawawawawawaing though.

I wasn't sure if that would fuck up the link or not. Or if my generator could even handle it. Let's find out!


>> No.16086301
Quoted by: >>16086314

>dark priest t shirt with simply the word 'confess'

>> No.16086303
File: 3.17 MB, 1794x2560, FB_cover_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weekly Fallen Brides translation update. 3,000+ more words of Koyoi's chapter.

Also I switched from using "Dark Lord" to "Overlord" because basically every other term Seven Seas used in their release was identical to what I've been using, so I figured I might as well to avoid confusion.

>> No.16086306
Quoted by: >>16086310

Don't all monsters have dsl kinda by nature?

>> No.16086310

Loli types wouldn't. There are degrees to these things too. Like, outside of LOLSABBATH I wouldn't expect to see any thin lips, but there's a difference betweens lips well suited for sucking dick and thick DSL. I imagine the DSL on MG would be a amazing though, like look at them and pop a boner amazing. They'd catch you staring at their mouths and know exactly what you were thinking. Then lick those lips.

>> No.16086311
File: 531 KB, 1181x1181, 59b09acb4af685f2e62e7a0702d43cfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086313

You wouldnt a delinquent fox

>> No.16086312
File: 618 KB, 1100x1658, 1465422754156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna feel those soft, warm legs wrapped around me

>> No.16086313
Quoted by: >>16086319

You're right, I wouldn't. I hope she wouldn't do me neither since I'm waiting for someone special.

>> No.16086314

>Dark Priest ringing a bell

>> No.16086319
Quoted by: >>16086340

You say that now, but wait until she asks you to make an honest woman of her.

>> No.16086323
File: 593 KB, 800x600, 130c01abfafbaa82808ae45ee9a9bd88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kitsune will never use your seed as mana to make her eternally beautiful

>> No.16086331
Quoted by: >>16086410

do not cuddle the yetis

>> No.16086333
File: 183 KB, 1024x870, CZx4qvEWIAM3u_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick thighs so good

>> No.16086336
Quoted by: >>16086356

>demon realm lipstick

>> No.16086340
Quoted by: >>16086357

But my special someone.

>> No.16086346

what an awful mess shes made all over herself

why would she do that?

>> No.16086348
File: 214 KB, 875x875, 1458429656197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16086349

It was an accident.

>> No.16086355

She must have slipped on all that lubricant. Explains the positioning, too.

>> No.16086356
Quoted by: >>16086369

>Can leave smears and kiss marks all over without ever wearing off

>> No.16086357
Quoted by: >>16086393

Could be her.

>> No.16086365

I want to use those thighs as a sex toy, and from the looks of it she wants that to

>> No.16086366

Waaaait a second. This is done by the Dragon Waifu guy? What was that comic called again?

>> No.16086369

>your waifu will never pepper your face with kisses leaving it covered in kissy marks
oh i hate this

what color lipstick would your waifu wear?
mine would probably wear a faded violet or mahogany

>> No.16086378

Deep red or bright pink
she's going to leave kiss marks on other places as well

>> No.16086389

Oh, that's a hard one. My big tomboish waifu wearing a lipstick for me would definetely melt my heart, especially if she tried to get advices from other girls.

>> No.16086392
File: 626 KB, 1050x1350, 1478738851535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dire Werebats

>> No.16086393

I doubt it.

>> No.16086402
File: 61 KB, 393x413, 1431128837696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16088700


>> No.16086405

Would grope.

>> No.16086410
File: 2.17 MB, 1678x1930, 1464516496892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the Yetis cuddle you

>> No.16086413
File: 284 KB, 837x800, werebat hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna call her fat and wonder how a big fat fattie like her gets off the ground!

>> No.16086426
File: 1.10 MB, 974x1920, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think all cheshires could be capable of this?

>> No.16086436

It could just be identical twin chesires playing the long con

>> No.16086445
Quoted by: >>16086450

I'd never even go near a memecat if they could do that. That's way too creepy! Imagine opening a cabinet or drawer only to find her head smiling back at you!

>> No.16086450

I bet you hate dullahans too you weenie

>> No.16086452

Dullahan Cheshire is something that shouldn't be released.

>> No.16086456

The cuteness of dullhans are ruined by Chesires' propensity for bullying!

>> No.16086487
Quoted by: >>16086491

We are pretty slow today huh?

Comfy waifus.

>> No.16086491

I was going to repost some stories I'm editing but pastebin decided it hates quotation marks. This is gonna take a while.

>> No.16086497
Quoted by: >>16086503

night anons,have pleasant dreams and remember to use shady mushrooms when snuggling your waifu to make lots of daugherus

>no vampfu to snuggle and impregnate
>no more homeless vamp stories

>> No.16086503

My daughteru is going to be 100% pure, with no use of any type of plants or medicine.

>> No.16086507
File: 127 KB, 750x1059, CaSKWl9UUAA1ljr.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really sad this guy is off his Shinra Banshou/succubus binge. He's since moved to dragons which are also pretty good, but still.

>> No.16086509

>killing your own monsterized sister
oh wow, so KC can get grimdark too

>> No.16086519

Why is demon surrounded by sushi?

>> No.16086522
Quoted by: >>16086529


>> No.16086523
Quoted by: >>16086528

She thought she could win.

>> No.16086527
File: 102 KB, 950x640, 1427934697969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086530

She's saying "give," so ostensibly an eating contest or some form of bet makes sense. Realistically, though? Phallic imagery. Succubi love that sort of thing.

>> No.16086528

Against what?

>> No.16086529
File: 648 KB, 700x1097, CLhXqQjUcAA1KXW.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086541

Zyugoya. I just got done raiding his Twitter. He got serialized (I think) with a manga that has a name I can't remember and now he's all about Dragonfu and not Shinra Banshou.

>> No.16086530
Quoted by: >>16086547

>Can't have a normal meal with a Succubus without implied erotic imagry

>> No.16086533
File: 223 KB, 1062x1500, 1478034233979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name changed from the goddess of suicide to the goddess of widwives
Oh my

>> No.16086538

i will bully that womb so much that she will need a monster reborn

>> No.16086541
Quoted by: >>16086547

Oh, I was wondering why that art was so familiar. It's from hot demon mama's autor.

>> No.16086547
File: 148 KB, 1024x765, CdI4W-CUMAAutB1.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made it all the way to dessert! Cut her some slack, yeah?

>This is your waifu and child for tonight

>> No.16086548

That boy is getting a brother.

>> No.16086551

Speaking of dragon transitions, okamura has been doing a couple renditions of what I presume are skyrim dragons. Undead is cute.


>> No.16086552

Or sister. Or both. And a father too.

>> No.16086566
File: 157 KB, 1024x1100, ChMlbWeUoAA32Cq.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any man that wouldn't want to put a[nother] baby in this is no man at all.

>> No.16086568


Time to turn on the lights and make her completely dependent on me!

>> No.16086569

In specific those who turned through licking fruit probably have amazing ones.

>> No.16086570

Hey anon, does your waifu like it when you shave your crotch?

>> No.16086572

I am not one to cheat on my waifu, thanks.

>> No.16086578

I suggest you refrain.

>> No.16086616

Remind myself yet again to turn on the light BEFORE entering the room, grab the stuff I came in there to get, and return to my Wurm.

Seriously, it's too damn easy to trip on those things without light to see them.

Apologies for late post, was at stupid thing

>> No.16086622

>Any man that wouldn't want to put a[nother] baby in this is no man at all.
I would rather if you didn't attack my integrity because I'd rather not be caught saying "my wife's son"

>> No.16086631

druella OP pls nerf

>> No.16086632

That's a magic baby though.

>> No.16086636

You say this as if there wasn't a bunch of already dark shit in MGE. If you take the book literally, there's a lot of disturbing shit in there. We've just cherry-picked and hugboxed so much of it that it doesn't really come up.

>> No.16086638
Quoted by: >>16086647

Lilims ain't nothing to fuck with.

>> No.16086640

$20 says that she comes back as undead

>> No.16086647

Except Victoria

>> No.16086657
Quoted by: >>16086666

what kind of MG she would be?

fallen angel?
demon lord?

>> No.16086664

Widwives? You mean midwives?

>> No.16086665

Honestly the fall of lescate sounds like a kinda fun event all things considered.

>> No.16086666
Quoted by: >>16086671

The archetype is literally called fallen angel so I think I might go with that.

>> No.16086669
Quoted by: >>16086673

Not if you;re a woman

>> No.16086671

Fallen Angel it is.

>> No.16086673
Quoted by: >>16086675

Hey they live in a nation of complete religious oppression, and a large part of the population is destitute. You get to move from that to being a sexy monster and finally laying that guy you always had a crush on.
The sex scenes described from monsters perspective are really something else as well.

>> No.16086675
Quoted by: >>16086679

You're just going to rip some propaganda about how turning into monster is actually great and liberating and how no one wants to be a human anyway so I see little value in arguing with you about what a human would stand to lose in a monster invasion

>> No.16086678
File: 44 KB, 429x750, 1399553120247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a shortstack waifu
>she tends to move around a lot in her sleep
>a usual night starts out with you falling asleep as the big spoon, your arm across her waist
>a few hours later, she rolls over to face you and buries her head in your chest
>awhile later, she stretches her arms up around your neck and, still asleep, pulls herself up to eye level with you
>you're both so close, if you were awake, it'd look like you were about to kiss
>a few hours before dawn, a dream she has (which is no doubt about you) causes her to pull your head into her sizable bosom, hugging you tenderly
>her faint, sweet aroma soothes you even during your most restless nights
>sometimes you'll wrap your arms around her plush body and use her as the softest, warmest daki known to man
why can't this be my life?

>> No.16086679
Quoted by: >>16086684

Im talking about the actually stuff the girls themselves internal monologue about when they get turned.
Also its a porn setting, of course monsters are always the right decision and objective best choice and yadda yadda. That way you can fuck your waifu guilt free

>> No.16086684
Quoted by: >>16086688

>That way you can fuck your waifu guilt free
I can already do that, my waifu is already dead. If she didn't want to be a monster, she could just kill herself for good. Her very existance implies shes fine with it so its a non issue. Some one who never died wouldn't find taking their lives so easy.

>> No.16086687
File: 425 KB, 1000x848, ara invitation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16086688
Quoted by: >>16086691

I don't think being undead suddenly makes suicide any easier to do

>> No.16086689


>> No.16086691

Gonna kiss her belly and slip my head up under her sweater

Sure it does. You lose all biological compulsions to stop your self for one. And you're already dead, so if you didn't like existing you HAVE to end it yourself. There's no growing old and letting time do it for you. Makes it much easier to steel yourself.

>> No.16086694

>tfw no motherly waifu to slip your head under her sweater and suffocate you with her feminine musk

>> No.16086697

Is she asking me to lick ner belly because yes please

>> No.16086698

I hope that Succubus is into belly rubs.

>> No.16086700
Quoted by: >>16086705

>full on ron paul tier happening
>wait no one is getting eaten
>all the invaders are sexy ladies
>literally fucking in the streets
>that one 4/10 girl who had a crush on you is now an 11/10 succubus
Just need to survive long enough to find a waifu you like and you're in the clear.

>> No.16086705
Quoted by: >>16086709

Actually, would you even need to find her? Once a girl that legitimately liked you monsterized she'd seek you out, right? I guess it's just a matter of not getting husbando'd until she tracks you down. Hopefully the one you were crushing on and the one crushing on you are the same girl.

>> No.16086708
Quoted by: >>16086710

Redhead trolls with posteriors of above average size.

>> No.16086709
Quoted by: >>16086712

It was a random example. Not everyone gets monsterized crushes.

>> No.16086710
File: 50 KB, 298x268, 1477189818981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16086712

True enough. How would you know when to give up though? Like, if some girl you don't know with the finest fluffy tails is out to get you, do you give up or pray there's someone out there that actually liked you. Do you give up anyway and spurn true wuv? Do you go for the harem end?

>> No.16086718
File: 62 KB, 540x437, tumblr_odrdz2tEBE1re14vqo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086727

beware, thats a sweater trap waiting to happen!

>> No.16086719

I wonder.
Seeing as powerful monsters go gor powerful men first. I think the dragonds and lilims should host a tornament.

>> No.16086721

Knowing KC land, most girls are going to find their crushes pretty soon. Also yes harem end might be a bit common.

>> No.16086724
Quoted by: >>16086730

If she really loved you, then she'd make sure no slut got her thieving pussy around your dick.

>> No.16086726

>Old adventurer meets his wife as a ghoul
Thats actually pretty nice. I fell happy for that guy.

>> No.16086727
Quoted by: >>16086732

Doesn't "trap" imply that the situation is in some way undesirable or unwanted?

>> No.16086730
Quoted by: >>16086755

What if she couldn't help it? She could easily have been so capable she didn't get monsterized until late or she could've been caught by something low-tier so it took her longer to turn. Would you hold that against her? Would you let the girl that got to you first grin and gloat?

>> No.16086732
File: 247 KB, 1536x2048, 1462804365750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not according to google
>a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body.
>typically by allowing entry but not exit
there is no escape

>> No.16086734

Is that what she was? I only read the description of red stuff covering her arms so I guess that makes sense but I don't remember ghouls being able to do magic.

>> No.16086735

>HFW when the huntress becomes the hunted
There would be ravishing.

>> No.16086744

>there is no escape
But I don't even want to.

>> No.16086749
File: 138 KB, 980x1200, 1472826845227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H-Hey Anon! Fancy seeing you here, ehehehe~
>So wanna be my boyfriend yet?!

>> No.16086755
Quoted by: >>16086761

True love always wins in the end. If she loses, it wasn't true love.

And for that matter, what makes an earlier love better?

>> No.16086761
Quoted by: >>16086790

>True love always wins in the end. If she loses, it wasn't true love.
I want to make a quip, but the MGE world sometimes actually is set up like a Disney movie.

>And for that matter, what makes an earlier love better?
Well for one you get that pathos of two separated souls coming together. Then you also get guaranteed feelings of love completely (or at least largely) separate from cocklust (arguable). Also then there's no new monster out there that got her love stolen away before she had a chance to claim him in her new form.

>> No.16086763

>Huge ears
>Banging tits she's practically begging me to grope
What took her so long to ask?

>> No.16086767
Quoted by: >>16086778

It seemed implied to me that she already DID ask and was put off or for some ungodly reason rejected. Maybe because she can't choose swimwear that fits?

>> No.16086769
Quoted by: >>16086776

>ending on a cliffhanger
Did you do that on purpose or was that just how the cards fell?

>> No.16086772

Wanna grope the fox.
Gonna grope the fox.

>> No.16086774
File: 697 KB, 2048x1526, 1472826000982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's crazy Anon.

And not just baby crazy.

Crazy crazy.

>> No.16086776
Quoted by: >>16086785

I worked up to a section break, and that was where the section ended. The next part is more flashback, so it was actually written as a cliffhanger.

I always try to end on a section break (if the story has them) unless a section runs on too long for that to be feasible.

>> No.16086777

Watch that hand

>> No.16086778
File: 721 KB, 911x1334, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xMzI3MzI4MjMxMjY4MDI0MzIvMjIyMjE2NjE2ODYyMTU0NzUzL0lNR184MzMyLkpQRyJ9.poshsJZ97Fuj8251W5lf56nvSB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086792

But she should know that swimwear, lingerie, and tops that are a bit too tight are my fetish. Nothing gets me diamonds quite like a bra and panties barely being able to contain some plump curves.
Crazy for dick and babies? I can live. Probably means on-call paizuri.

>> No.16086785

Well it certainly has me looking forward. At least this is weekly so far so I have something to be eager about between the two weeks of profile releases.

>> No.16086788

I want a Wurm with Onitengu titties.

>> No.16086790
Quoted by: >>16086814

>Well for one you get that pathos of two separated souls coming together.
With "first girl love" I get the wonderful knowledge that fate and happenstance were 100% on my side.

>Then you also get guaranteed feelings of love completely (or at least largely) separate from cocklust (arguable).
Impossible to confirm. How do you know she really loved you before turning, instead of just using as justification for "I remember that one decent looking guy imma fuck him"?

>Also then there's no new monster out there that got her love stolen away before she had a chance to claim him in her new form.
Love is zero-sum unless you permit polyamory. If she gets me, she's breaking the hearts of everyone else who was interested.

>> No.16086792
File: 307 KB, 511x719, Not a tittymonster fox, but is a perfect height nonetheless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tall, tittymonster fox will ever force you to suckle her tits

>> No.16086794

>every time my waifu is depicted she's at least a head shorter than me
Dammit Japan.

>> No.16086797
File: 361 KB, 2048x1592, 1463571833244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086822

My boss won't allow it, she'll stop that lecherous fox!

>> No.16086798

I want a Tengu with Wurm titties

>> No.16086802

I want a wurm with smaller but no less stacked wurms for tits.

>> No.16086804

Hardness capable of shattering boulders?

>> No.16086814

>I get the wonderful knowledge that fate and happenstance were 100% on my side.
This one was more about the female and the reader than the male in the setting. Main boy wins no matter what since the world is set up to cause as much.

>Impossible to confirm.
Not in meta. The girl would know and may well be able to put as much into words (once her mouth is no longer full of husband) too.

>Love is zero-sum
Not even touching that

>she's breaking the hearts of everyone else who was interested.
I put more weight behind the girl watching from afar than the chick that showed up ten minutes ago and decided to jump on that dikk. That is opinion though.

>> No.16086822
Quoted by: >>16086836

Onitengu is amazing

>> No.16086836
File: 155 KB, 900x1200, CwvfMYjUsAAn9un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086840

Speaking of Onitengu, he drew some stuff recently-ish.

>> No.16086840

The man is an endless font of delicious tits and mofu.
I just wish he'd upload them to somewhere else. Even disregarding the compression, I hate browsing through people's twitters.

>> No.16086858
File: 530 KB, 700x917, mom slann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish momsters weren't so lewd. I just want a pure mom to bake me cookies and make me nice home cooked meals. And let me rest my head on her lap as she plays with my hair and I tell her about my day.

So I can corrupt her with lewdness myself

>> No.16086871

The most difficult thing you'll ever experience when dating a Monster Girl, is trying not to get a crush on their mom.

>> No.16086892

>3,000+ more words
Damn you're going fast, thank you so much

>> No.16086905
Quoted by: >>16086911

I can't have both?

>> No.16086910

This is the future you chose. It didn't have to be this way.

>> No.16086911

There is about 10 millions single moms in the US alone, think of the mess it'd be if they all monsterized

>You date a cute Lamia
>She invites you home
>Her mother seduces you the moment you meet her
>They start fighting over you
>They decide to let the one who makes you cum harder become your one true gf
>The day ends with you in bed sandwiched between them
>Her mother won today
>Round 2 starts tomorrow

>> No.16086918
File: 239 KB, 800x800, 1470125937207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16086948

I feel the need.
The need for SPEED!

>> No.16086926

>is trying not to get a crush on their mom.
Maybe if you're an unfaithful faggot.

>> No.16086930

Who are your waifu's friends, anon? They aren't bad influences, are they?

>> No.16086933
Quoted by: >>16086986

You know I've never even considered this.

>> No.16086935
Quoted by: >>16086941

Her pack from high school? They had a rebellious phase, but they all grew out of it when they found their own husbands. They all get together every now and then and just chase down a moose for fun when they need to unwind as a group.

>> No.16086941
Quoted by: >>16086943

>Werewolves in this thread
>Werewolves in the other thread I'm in
It's a sign, but of what?

>> No.16086942
File: 216 KB, 980x1206, 1461032057656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night guys.
sleep tite hellwan

>> No.16086943
Quoted by: >>16086945

The pack is closing in. Wait until you hear the awoos.

>> No.16086945
Quoted by: >>16086952

Surely this is against the ruurus.
sleep tite hellwan

But won't it be too late then?

>> No.16086946

All her friends are dead. And their husbands are pretty cool too.
>You'll never argue battle tactics with a death knight

>> No.16086948
Quoted by: >>16086953

Would you listen to eurobeat while having sex with a basilisk?

She's a bit of a loner, her acquaintances are all pretty chill though

>> No.16086949

I took a nap earlier so I could stay up late into the night and drink for the Xth time this week. Sleepy hellwan is gonna have to go tonight without me.

>> No.16086950

I know it's a color swap, but this little hellhound is too adorable.
sleep tite hellwan

>> No.16086952

>But won't it be too late then?
No, that's when the fun begins.

>> No.16086953

I never actually watched Initial D, only read it.

>> No.16086957
File: 298 KB, 507x507, 1467845246946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087005

I just want to fall asleep with my hellwan daughteru nestled onto my chest as I lay against the big, soft, warm chest chest of her mom, both of them cuddling me as my waifu's heartbeat lulls me to sleep. Is that so much to ask?

>> No.16086970

She doesn't have very many friends aside from her boss who is a Lich. My Kobold waifu is more of a personal assistant/confidante to her boss, and they sometimes do things together outside of work. We also have her boss over for dinner on occasion, but it sometimes gets a little weird because Liches don't actually eat. We still usually have a nice time though!

>> No.16086981

Other hi-class undead like Vampires, Phantoms and other Wights like herself.

There's that one Phantom who likes to read out her chunni tales out loud and project to people. Makes it impossible to concentrate while I'm studying for exams.

>> No.16086986

Everyone needs a friend anon, even your waifu.

>> No.16086988

I'm sure she does. I just can't think of any right now. I'm not very attentive.

>> No.16086990

It kinda makes sense if his waifu is a Dragon or a Ryu. Even other MGs can be scared of their strength and powers.

>> No.16087005
Quoted by: >>16087010

Stupid firedog

go eat some dog biscuits

>> No.16087010
File: 514 KB, 1000x1000, 1417499708363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087018

If you say so.

She likes them extra crispy.

>> No.16087018

I want to make a hellwan wear a bone shaped bit gag while she rapes me.

>> No.16087028

Damn that's nice

>> No.16087038
File: 299 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bully this ugly nerd.

>> No.16087042

I want to mess up her schedule!

>> No.16087044
Quoted by: >>16087053

>Impregnate this cute nerd.

>> No.16087045
Quoted by: >>16087051

That sounds like some white collar slang for knocking the girl up. I like it.

>> No.16087048

>Star Wars
I launch into a tirade explaining how Lucas ripped off Kurosawa's samurai movies, Frank Herbert's Dune, Flash Gordon and Jack Kirby's Fourth World and how nothing he did was original or well thought out.
When everything she loves is in ashes, then she has my permission to watch Star Trek The Original Series with me.

>> No.16087051
Quoted by: >>16087056

Something like changing bits and pieces. For example, replacing going to work at 7.45AM with more cuddles.

>> No.16087053

Good. Bully the nerd.



>> No.16087056

Oh, so you're going to make her late, are you? Wink wink, nudge nudge

>> No.16087077
Quoted by: >>16087078

>Lucas ripped off Kurosawa's samurai movie

>> No.16087078
Quoted by: >>16087123


>> No.16087099
Quoted by: >>16087106


A bunch of assassins that I really don't give a shit about.

>> No.16087106
Quoted by: >>16087121

Is your waifu an evil general or something?

>> No.16087114

The cute nerd is for molesting.

>> No.16087121
Quoted by: >>16087130



>> No.16087123
Quoted by: >>16087130

I'm not seeing it.

>> No.16087130
File: 252 KB, 1120x1600, 1402565760903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087141

At least I got the right series.
Then you're 'membering too hard. Also you haven't seen Hidden Fortress and don't know the way the two guys at the start fulfill the exact same story-purpose as the annoying robots in Star Wars do, being comic relief who introduce us to the story and get stuck to the background when the important people show up.
But nevermind that, anon.

>> No.16087141
Quoted by: >>16087146

If you're implying some nostalgia for starwars is blinding me then no, I don't really care that much for the series. I just didn't see anything in the side by side comparison.
>being comic relief who introduce us to the story and get stuck to the background when the important people show up.
This is hardly rare.

>> No.16087146
File: 171 KB, 966x802, 1454519170832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087256

The parallels to the story-beats and plot progression are pretty obvious and Lucas has admitted he was inspired by Kurosawa, there's really no need to turn this into an argument.
I bet you think there's no similarities between Kimba the White Lion and The Lion King either

Okay let's talk about greenhouses!

>> No.16087169

how about a passive agressive salmander

>> No.16087172
Quoted by: >>16087177

>In the name of the Hell, I'll punish you!

So Hellhounds in colorful sailor scout uniforms when?


>> No.16087177

I'm a nerd and I'm not ashamed of it. Come at me bro.

>> No.16087195
Quoted by: >>16087196

I want to show a black knight Succubus how to feel love instead of hatred and wrath.

>> No.16087196
Quoted by: >>16087224

NONE shall pass.

>> No.16087224
Quoted by: >>16087227

She won't be saying that once I get past that cold armor and reach her tender, most likely cold and black at this point, heart and warm it up through actions and not a gay speech about friendship.

>> No.16087227
Quoted by: >>16087239

Her heart is moved... by no man.

>> No.16087239

in hentai's dick is a better tool

>> No.16087242
File: 333 KB, 700x1577, 1449424307291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087262

How would you help Abomination-tan act out her chuuni fantasy of being a 90's edgy comic book anti-hero?

>> No.16087256
Quoted by: >>16087264

I haven't seen either so I wouldn't know. Maybe the plots are really simliar but just going visually if you'd never seen the kurosawa film as I haven't I see no striking similarities beyond "Oh look, this movie has people fightng. So does starwars. Oh look, a large gathering. Starwars has that too."

>> No.16087262


>> No.16087264
Quoted by: >>16087335

If you admit you haven't seen either movie, why are you talking about them? I haven't seen Hidden Fortress either so for all I know those scenes are just superficially similar, but come on.

>> No.16087271

How many of you would actually let a vampire drink their blood?

>> No.16087272

I would, but I'd also become a Matango's husband if it meant getting away from the world and the suffering in it.

>> No.16087274
Quoted by: >>16087277

Is she a lonely vampire with maids she treats as daughters and doesn't mind my heavy garlic diet?

>> No.16087277
Quoted by: >>16087284

Every is true apart from the garlic. She despises it.

>> No.16087284

It's a deal breaker then because I love it.
There's always Wurm or Kejouro.

>> No.16087288
File: 209 KB, 512x724, e173fb30dd38ee021643af287a2153b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good at magic is your waifu?
If she's a Lich or Lilim then shut your trap.

>> No.16087293
Quoted by: >>16087300

So really goddamn good.

>> No.16087299

You are cool Aftyn

>> No.16087300
Quoted by: >>16087306

Maybe at illusions, but everything else is questionable.
It's like having 100 Illusion in Skyrim and base level everything else.

>> No.16087301
Quoted by: >>16087308

I think her blood makes you immortal or something, but I think her breath weapon is all chemicals.

>> No.16087303
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, EV267C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch fluffy ears?

>> No.16087304

Muscle wizard good.

>> No.16087306
File: 1.31 MB, 1286x754, 55661199_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087314

Inari are excellent all-purpose magicians once they've maxed out the tail count.
If you want a master of disguise, go ask a Tanuki.

>> No.16087308
Quoted by: >>16087309

Some sort of Dragon? Or Mermaid Dragon?

>> No.16087309

A Dragon.

>> No.16087310
Quoted by: >>16087313

About as good as a real succubus, I'd imagine. Maybe slightly better.

>> No.16087313
Quoted by: >>16087318

Your waifu is a Lesser Succubus? How rare!

>> No.16087314
Quoted by: >>16087320

Iirc, Kitsune are supposed to be better than Tannuki in the illusion category.
Also they hate each other. To death. They will literally try to kill each other on sight like a snake and mongoose.

>> No.16087318
Quoted by: >>16087322

Not exactly.

>> No.16087320
Quoted by: >>16087337

>Kitsune are supposed to be better than Tannuki in the illusion category.
I thought it was the other way around.
And they're rivals, not bloodthirsty enemies. They'd both probably see that as uncouth behavior, to say the least.

>> No.16087322
Quoted by: >>16087326

You lost me.

>> No.16087324

Spider who knits her stuff, a local Ryu, Wyvern twins, Kiki and a Tanuki.

>> No.16087326
Quoted by: >>16087328

Their tail is super thin and has a sharp spade at the end.
They have no wings.
You don't want to ask about the mask.

>> No.16087327

She can cast curses and stuff.

>> No.16087328

Ah, I see. Snu-snu-mancy.

>> No.16087335

Because he posted a youtube video with the two side by side as evidence of plagiarism. I saw the evidence as tenuous at best.

>> No.16087337

Considering Kitsune can preform illusions indistinguishable from reality, unlike the basic shapeshifting of a Tannuki, I'd say Kitsune are on top.
They also become Tenko, basically gods, if they reach 1000+ years of age and have 9 tails.

>> No.16087340

I was kinda running with the MGE specifications, where I'm pretty sure the Tanooks are supposed to be the shapeshifting pros.

>> No.16087341

Do you think vampires vary by region? A vampire in temperate lands where cheese and wine is in abundance, man lives safely in prosperous nations and the land is fat and green with bounty, would this vampire live in their large cities? Engage with the humans in their political circles? Dine often and hedonistic-ally?

What of rougher lands, where the land needs more toil, and must be beaten into submissions with ox and plough to offer up its bounty? Where it's summers are short and its winters harsh, its people tough to crack like their icy wells, living in smaller settlements and cities. Would a vamp in these regions isolate herself? Have an icy exterior and put off feeding until the hunger takes her?

>> No.16087344

It's debatable on shapeshifting between the two, but Kitsune in myth are meant to be THE tricksters.
Also Doppelgangers are Queen at shapeshifting in the end anyway.

>> No.16087345

Meant for >>16087340
Stupid phone.

>> No.16087347
File: 70 KB, 337x580, Gyoubu_Danuki_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tricksyness isn't limited to just disguises though. There's plenty of avenues for that.

This got me to go and check their profile, and I got sidetracked by something.
What the hell kinda clothes/fur(?) are these things supposed to be?

>> No.16087360

Tengu do practice magic, so pretty good I would think.

>> No.16087366
Quoted by: >>16087379

Too bad shapeshifting and overpriced crap is all a Tannuki can do.
Kitsune can warp the world around you like one bad LSD trip, or make you think you're playing vidya when you're really fucking her and filling her womb to the brim with hazy eyes.

>> No.16087368


>> No.16087372
Quoted by: >>16087380

Where she puts her money.

>> No.16087379

>or make you think you're playing vidya when you're really fucking her and filling her womb to the brim with hazy eyes.
She really shouldn't use an illusion there.
I'd be downright disappointed with her.

>> No.16087380

>The magic fur grows in accordance to how much wealth is put into it's pocket dimension
>Larger leg tufts attract men with poor financing skills via mamamo mana reasons
>Wealth is directly connected to how well a tanuki can attract the attention of a man in need of cash

>> No.16087391

She can drain a man's energy and leaving him ahegaoing by touch. Also some command of undead.

>> No.16087402
Quoted by: >>16087408

It's a stand-in for "traditional" tanuki's giant balls.

>> No.16087408
Quoted by: >>16087411

I'd like to wind time back by about half an hour and un-ask my question, please.

>> No.16087411

Too late. The damage is done. The dice have been rolled. The Wurm has spilled her juice. The corpse has entered intoner mode. The Anubis just dropped her ice cream onto that Shirohebi's new 3DSXL.

>> No.16087418
File: 1.11 MB, 1749x2458, Tanuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16087426

Y'know, they look a lot nicer without the whole "rape eye shadow" thing going on.

>> No.16087426
Quoted by: >>16087429

It's actually a mask. Raccoons have those.

>> No.16087429
Quoted by: >>16087438

I know that's what it's supposed to look like, whatever it may be, but I still think they look better without it.

>> No.16087438

Yes. They look less like spooks.

>> No.16087439

That anubis is getting a Hebi-headbut

>> No.16087443
Quoted by: >>16087447

>The Anubis just dropped her ice cream onto that Shirohebi's new 3DSXL.

Can Shirohebis use their curse on someone that isn't her husband?

>> No.16087447

No. But if they could, pissing off and cursing a judge is a surefire way to get a bad afterlife.

Also, do Pharaohs fear cats? Like in The Mummy?

>> No.16087454
Quoted by: >>16087459

>Also, do Pharaohs fear cats?
I should hope not, given that they have a multitude of them in their employ.

>> No.16087456

I don't remember imhotep being pharaoh

>> No.16087459

They aree guardians of the underworld, so perhaps most undeae in general fear them? Excluding Lich, since not even the Big Crunch theoretical end of the universe scares her.

>> No.16087462

They are both mummies.
One just happened to be a Pharaoh, the other was a priest who got to fuck a hot bronze skinned chick.

>> No.16087471
File: 681 KB, 1306x1849, __shirohebi_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_maruku52__f6ec40455d5b29fbb06d0ebd68e1e109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give her headpats

>> No.16087475
File: 85 KB, 512x501, 1473562613434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then her older sister will call you a sabbathite like this.

>> No.16087476

>"The Mummy was afraid of the cat because of the Egyptian belief that cats are the guardian of the dead. Having been risen from the dead, Imhotep probably thought that the cat could possibly send him back, hence being afraid of them."
Quick, I need kitties! All the kitties! We can stop that meddlesome Pharaoh by putting her back into the underworld!

>> No.16087478

I want enough gatcha-hebis to fill a large aquarium and turn it into a mini city of snakes.

>> No.16087479
File: 649 KB, 960x1280, 0c307a45c157e3d7c7e1548fb32d4cda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a kid in a Monstergirl-majority school district
>Want to make some extra money
>Try lemonade stand. Failure.
>Try selling cookies. Failure.
>Try selling Cutco knives. Failure.
>Think. What good or service would be in high demand here?

>Start a kissing booth. 25-cents.
>Then the price raises to 50-cents as demand skyrockets.
>Start making upwards of fifty dollars per day.
>Half of your profits are just this same slime girl who keeps getting back in line. You have no idea where she gets the money.
>She's your best customer so you can't even complain about how messy she is.

>> No.16087481

>Try selling cookies. Failure.

I thought Wurms like cookies

>> No.16087484

They LOVE them. Especially cookie puffs!

>> No.16087488
Quoted by: >>16087492

A kobold isn't threatening.
but a kobold with a pile bunker and knows how to use one...

>> No.16087490


It's not necessarily that the demand ain't there, okay? There's also the issue of there existing a strong demand that is already sufficiently met.

It's the competition. The Mofu Scouts see someone lurching in on their territory and they're threatened by the competition. New businesses frequently can't compare with the low prices and quality that established businesses can provide. Even if there was an unfulfilled demand before you started your own business there's often very little to stop an established business from attempting to fill in that gap in response to competition and being able to do it better.

So, I guess I'm saying is that you don't fuck with the Mofu Scouts because they're not above breaking your legs. Also, their orange juice cookies are delicious and I don't know how they do it. Can't compete.

>> No.16087492

>pile bunker
I want to sat "curry", "ass", and "shit".

>> No.16087495
Quoted by: >>16087508

Mofu scouts sound like they took a page or four from Dragon's methods. It'll be needed to keep those Tannuki at bay.

>> No.16087508

>Dragon scouts

They sound very dangerous and like a nice competition.

>> No.16087509
Quoted by: >>16087515

Poor slime girl. Probably doesn't have any friends.

>> No.16087510

I love this monster girl school stuff. It's mega cute.

>> No.16087511

>Be at Albino Lamia's deathbed, surrounded by her family and a few classmates
>Everyone's eyes are watery
>Even yours, because you know it's okay for a man to cry in this event because it's not effeminate
>She doesn't have long, and tries to say her goodbyes while she can
>Her parents are a wreck and her sisters don't know what is happening and are panicked
>Ryu is crying a river
>Wyvern is trying not to cry, but there's a waterfall of snot pouring from her nose
>You sit there silently, holding her hand
>Albino Lamia looks at you and smiles weakly
>"Don't worry, Jimmy. It's alright, everything will be alright."
>You tell her how nothing will be alright because you're losing a friend and your only Mario Party ally who doesn't steal your shit
>She gives a haggard chuckle, like a dying old man with black lungs at a comedy club
>"It will be alright, because I had Reese's Puffs for breakfast."

>> No.16087513
Quoted by: >>16087528

Dragon scouts led by the Dragon at the Dragon Bakery? Against the Mofu scouts led by a super fluffy Werecat with a thick coat?

>> No.16087515


She might just be a pervert with a messy kissing fetish.

Even a light kiss with a slime is kinda messy. Now imagine a slime equivalent of a tongue kiss.

>> No.16087517

>Make a lemonade stand
>However, I take a sip before selling it

See, Anon, you need to know how to treat monster girls.

>> No.16087523
Quoted by: >>16087537

>She was just an illusion

>> No.16087528
Quoted by: >>16087541

Mofu scouts are led by the a fox in the ancient cookie shrine.

>> No.16087537

A hologram by Lich's long lost sister that's a cyborg Gremlin now.

>> No.16087541
Quoted by: >>16087545

But cats are the most fluffy and mofu. Especially as kittens.
Some are more puffy than fluffy though.

>> No.16087545

Cats aren't fluffy, their tails are the lowest tier of mofuness.

>> No.16087548
Quoted by: >>16087557

The hell they are.

>> No.16087551
Quoted by: >>16087557

Depends on the cat. Long haired ones have lots of mofu.

>> No.16087553

Can't the Lich Doctor do anything about it?

On an unrelated and inappropriate note:


>> No.16087554

Who wants to join the Anubis' school council?

>> No.16087557

Helldogs are fluffy, hellcats aren't.

Most of them have a nice bit of fur, but only the chosen ones have the power to be called mofu.

>> No.16087560
Quoted by: >>16087576

Can't, already in the future farmer fuckers of america.

>> No.16087565

Or what of a land, arid in the extreme where sand twists in devilish ways and the heat floats a mirage off the dunes. Would a vampires there roam with the sands, nomadic and as cloaked in illusions as the open desert, changing her face from day to day? Or would she stay in one spot, a refreshing oasis, steadfast since time immemorial sheltering the local population from the harsh desert in return for blood, enough to fill an oasis.

>> No.16087570

Both are inferior to the nigh-monopoly that is the Sabbath Scout Cookies.

Oh! Oh oh oh! Me, me!

>> No.16087576
Quoted by: >>16087592

You're the one missing out

This anon knows best.

>> No.16087591
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, 1434603842040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uhh, you don't get to bring Invincible Force Fields.
Wurm is blaming you of cheating, how do you get out of this without telling your mom Wurm was cursing?

>> No.16087592

>missing out
I'll never get osteoporosis, or probably ever break a bone ever again.

>> No.16087598
Quoted by: >>16087603

Accuse her of cheating.

>> No.16087601
Quoted by: >>16087603

Tell her that you're playing as The Beyonder.
If she doesn't disown you, your mother will just be disappoint.

>> No.16087603
Quoted by: >>16087620

>nuh-huh, you're a towel!
A daring tactic.
I thought Doom killed all the Beyonders or something?

>> No.16087605

Sabbath cookie makes you young.
Dragon cookie makes you strong.
Mofu cookie gives you a sharp tongue.
Succukies makes you big and long.


>> No.16087608


>> No.16087611
Quoted by: >>16087615

So what your telling me is, is to eat them all at once?

>> No.16087615

No, do not cross the cookies.

>> No.16087616
Quoted by: >>16087627

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.16087617

Why not?

Science must be done Anon.

>> No.16087620
Quoted by: >>16087624

Not pre-retcon Beyonder, who was absolutely the most broken asshole around.

>> No.16087621
Quoted by: >>16087640

Lilim cookies make you want to throw away your donut steelims and get a proper job.

>> No.16087624

>it's a "Luke Cake and Iron Fist have to keep the Beyonder distracted while S.H.I.E.L.D. is bombing his house so they take him to harlem where he turns into a black man to fit in" issue
Strange times. I wonder which girls would read these silly things with me while the neighborhood kids tried to re-enact them.

>> No.16087627

They counter each other and you'll be poisoned and in pain. The only way to cure it is to eat Rotten Lich cookies.

>> No.16087629

>Rotten Lich cookies
Why can't we have some meat?

>> No.16087633
Quoted by: >>16087639

Because you ate all the cookies.

Maybe after you're cured you can get Wendy' meat cookies.

>> No.16087635

Wendigo ate most of it. Prices skyrocketed.

>> No.16087639
Quoted by: >>16087645


>> No.16087640

I'll eat my donut's cookie to see if I throw her away.

>> No.16087642
Quoted by: >>16087645

>Rotten Lich cookies
Are they made from that undead mushroom so it'll turn me half-dead?

On the bright side I will be absolutely delectable to undead MGs.

>> No.16087645

There are still other foods around, anon. You can still eat your vegetables safely, if you didn't eat all the cookies at the same time that is.

Yeah, the only way to get rid of the coocurse is to die, so they are both remedy and just a delicacy.

>> No.16087649
Quoted by: >>16087651

I just thought of a great way to keep movies in MGC semi-normal, you have the regular movie with all its plot and story and shit but when it gets to the sex scene, and in a monster girl world there will be a sex scene, it just does what movies do today, gets close to showing stuff but basically stops at them undressing then continues with the movie. But anybody who bought a ticket to that movie or bought the movie outright gets half off on the 'movie' that actually shows the fucking, its just the sex scene from the first movie but separate so people can watch it on their own time and still get the full experience of the actual movie.

>> No.16087651

Forget it Jake. It's Ushi town.

>> No.16087662

Qt wolfu

>> No.16087676
File: 1.85 MB, 2448x3264, 1462972369103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got no recollection on who drew this and when, but I ran into in my folder and now I've got to post it because there's nothing quite like a Dark Elf's love.

>> No.16087687

Toxic drew it if I had to guess. Artist from the wiki.

>> No.16087689

Shame the guy looks like a massive faggot and probably a DA OC judging by that dress sense.
>Me being courted by a Dark Elf (by TheToxicGemstone)
Oh that explains it. Literal self insert.

>> No.16087690

I want to be a dark elf's possession/boytoy

>> No.16087720
File: 964 KB, 1500x723, 7 sin lilims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if there are at least 100 lilims, what would be good number in the line to try and romance?

>> No.16087737

Roll a random one.

>> No.16087743

I dono, 27? 52?
I like 52.

>> No.16087746

59 is my lucky number

>> No.16087751

Mine's 66.

>> No.16087762
File: 2.08 MB, 2819x3525, 1478591780945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get /Fit/ with my vampfu!

>> No.16087764

Not 15. Lani is a flaty and obsessed with gators and crocs.

>> No.16087767

whats with selene having a question mark?

>> No.16087769

Uncertain of placement.

>> No.16087770

The guy who made the pic didn't know where to place her.

>> No.16087802

Honestly, some of the newer ones.
Higher chances of them being weaker and single

>> No.16087808

This influx of OC lilims is starting to annoy me.

>> No.16087811


>> No.16087812

It's heralding the end of the order! End times are upon us!

>> No.16087813
Quoted by: >>16087822

I know for sure that Selene was around before this bullshit kicked off.

>> No.16087821
Quoted by: >>16087829

The influx of OCs have been annoying for years

>> No.16087822

Maybe, but she's only being pushed due to the bandwagon, No one gave an actual fuck about her or burning edge until now.

>> No.16087825
Quoted by: >>16087850

I want to be the fit husbando of a chubby monster girl!

>> No.16087829

There's a difference though. Lilims are supposed to be ultra mega rare and at this rate we're gonna have more of them than species exist.

>> No.16087832

>No one gave an actual fuck about her or burning edge until now.

People cared. Beast is pretty chill for a writefag and one or two people occasionally nagged him to continue burning edge back when it didn't have part 2

>> No.16087834

Then why dont you make a OC out of a monster you want?

>> No.16087838

But wait, you haven't heard about MY new OC. Her name is KIRRA, all caps, and she's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wiched sense of humor, not unlike my self. She wears a cape made out of belts and her word is all shitty and blunt and she has to cut herself to coat the blade with blood that makes it razor sharp

>> No.16087848
Quoted by: >>16087853

Wurm butt, Wurm butt, big and plush!
Wurm butt, Wurm butt, let me touch!

>> No.16087850

>Have chubby, nerdy waifu.
>Be her fit husbando
>Get to enjoy the look on some smug monster girls face when an out of shape nerd has someone when she doesn't.

Would be glorious.

>> No.16087853

Wurm butt, Wurm butt, nice and round!
Wurm butt, Wurm butt, breaks the ground!

>> No.16087855
Quoted by: >>16087864

Beast doesn't really push Selene in the threads.
People just reply when he writes.

>> No.16087858

It's not that bad, a few of them were in the works for a while and happened to all be revealed at a similar time. Plus being able to talk about individuals rather than a race as a whole can be nice at times.
While not mad at the Lilims, I've been inspired to get a few mock profiles done up for some OCs I have in mind.

Just a matter of finding the time and right mind frame to hammer out the details and throw money at a suitable artist for each one.

>> No.16087862
File: 139 KB, 717x1012, CwzAaozUcAAeM91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you escape the infinite cycle?

>> No.16087864

I accept selene and victoria thansk to that.
Im not too sure on what to call selene's personality though

>> No.16087866

Headpat ahego.
You do it enough to make her unable to respond.

>> No.16087871

Which one?

>> No.16087880

Poeple keep talking about Lilim OC, but I looked at the archives and only saw 3 along with the ones with stories. Oc lilims are just like "I want" posts.

>> No.16087884
Quoted by: >>16087892

I might have started it. I will not apologize for my 2 year character idea.

>> No.16087889
File: 381 KB, 1200x600, 1441338779163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check the old pastebin listing them
>Add Renault
>Remove the shitty meme one
>Remove the two canon ones
>Still only 6 named ones after this long
>"at this rate we're gonna have more of them than species exist"

Anon, you're either imagining things or you're somehow including the shitty meme ones made for shits n giggles that don't have effort put in them in the shape of drawfaggotry or writefaggotry.

And if it's the latter, then you better stop being autistic.

>> No.16087891

Why don't people make OC's from other species?

It's like people pick only Lilims because they're ultra strong ultra especial because they can't make their monstersonas

>> No.16087892
Quoted by: >>16087915

Your Lilim is the 0C one.

>> No.16087895

OC for other species are called waifus.

>> No.16087896

Not necessarily.

>> No.16087898

Tie her up so she can't rape you once you get tired.

>> No.16087903

>Why don't people make OC's from other species?
The same writefags have been doing it for years

>> No.16087904

You can't escape shitty memes, Jack.

>> No.16087905
Quoted by: >>16087914

>Why don't people make OC's from other species?
You mean like waifus? LOTS of people have waifus here anon.

>> No.16087909
Quoted by: >>16087912

I'm at least working on my writefaggotry with my donut.
It's just physically written because I can't type it out on a computer.

It's just boring shit like exploration, her making an excuse to float insead of walking, and nagging her one eyed friend/guide to stay longer so she can watch faeries dance or large plants eat an Elk whole in a jungle.

>> No.16087911

I feel thunderstruck. This is otherworldly beauty.
I'm sorry.

>> No.16087912
Quoted by: >>16087918

>one eyed friend
>Making friends with monoeyes

She's shit senpai

>> No.16087913

I thought major characters in stories were OCs?

like June in vengeance or bellsworth in burning edge?

>> No.16087914

An OC does not need to be a waifu.

>> No.16087916


>> No.16087915

Shit. You may be right.
No, wait, I think Illassa actually is. Mine might be 3rdC

>> No.16087918

She's not a monoeye.
Monsters can wear eyepatches. For both chuuni and legit reasons.

>> No.16087921
Quoted by: >>16087924

Who's Renault?

>> No.16087923
Quoted by: >>16087925

speaking of that, I've lost my book mark for the list mind posting the link?

>> No.16087924

Alp's baby.

>> No.16087925
Quoted by: >>16087933

Someone might want to make their own and add Alp's, if only to be able to edit it later

>> No.16087926
Quoted by: >>16087930

So you spelled it wrong on purpose to bully? No bully pls.

>> No.16087927

but alp babies are succubi

>> No.16087929
Quoted by: >>16087932

I thought Alp's waifu was a dragon.

>> No.16087930


>> No.16087932

Yes, and?
Captain Renault?

>> No.16087933
Quoted by: >>16087934

I think we need a guy to add a short thing about who made them and their personality

>> No.16087934

>And their personality
Might be going a bit too far on the details, maybe just add info on where to actually find the lilim, whether it be the drawfaggotry or writefaggotry

>> No.16087938

yeah that could be for a different paste

>> No.16087939
Quoted by: >>16087940

Why you gotta do this?

>> No.16087940

Lilims exist to be bullied

>> No.16087941
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1836, 1026160730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who drew any of the newer ones though?
Besides my shitty doodles.

>> No.16087942

Nice meme

>> No.16087943
Quoted by: >>16087945

Renate is a good girl who just wants to have a good time.
Is there even such a thing as a giant hat phase?

>> No.16087945

Yes. Some are just that dorky.

>> No.16087949

As far as those two go? nobody
I don't know about vic but Beast has said he runs on british neetbux and doesn't have commission money

>> No.16087951

He could beg.

>> No.16087953
Quoted by: >>16087970

>I don't know about vic

>> No.16087957

Well, if everyone is talking about lilims than I want a buff one with a secret nerdy side or a chubby one that practices magic.

>> No.16087958

Renault's buff but I don't know if she's secretly a nerd.

>> No.16087960
Quoted by: >>16087966

I also have a villainous shortstack one in the works for my shitty saga.
Does shortstack work for you?

>> No.16087963
Quoted by: >>16088190

I know I'm a bit late on this but you took basically all my fantasies of being with a wolfu, the romance, the rough, wild sex, and put it all into a cute, comfy little story. Would read again on a cozy snowy day.

>> No.16087964

Who is he going to beg? he's not around whenever mari or one of the other drawguys are on. plus I don't think he would beg for it.

>> No.16087966
Quoted by: >>16087975

Yes it does.

She it true, country burning evil or hilarious evil where she does minor mischief?

is she partial to mating press sex.

>> No.16087970

thats actually her? I thought that was a esdeath pic

>> No.16087973

Esdese was a lilim all along.

>> No.16087975
Quoted by: >>16087980

"Tries to get her mother dethroned and take the spot of DEMON LORD for herself and is actually component at chessmastering" and "Has a former hero wild card enthralled to her whims" I guess. Still in the works.

>mating press
She actually sees humans as below her, so she would do things like insult and belittle you as she grinds against your face.

>> No.16087977

Stands to reason with her absolutely broken powers.
>power is freezing shit
>freeze time because fuck you

>> No.16087979
Quoted by: >>16087985

I'd rather Beast not shit up the thread by jumping on drawfags.

>> No.16087980

Spellcheck? More like SpellWurm.

>> No.16087983
Quoted by: >>16087995

So that's why she felt Similar to Druella.
They're both shit.

>> No.16087984

I should try practicing my skills on lilims.

>> No.16087985

I want him to
If only so we'd stop those other shitters from asking him to get art everytime he posts a selene thing

>> No.16087992
Quoted by: >>16087993

Do it then.

Amuse me while I wait for it to clear up enough to take a photo of my latest doodle.

>> No.16087993

I'm eating though, so maybe later.

>> No.16087994

What skills? Drawing skills? Pls draw my OC, she's like this vampire>>16087762
but not.

>> No.16087995

You're shit

>> No.16087997

and when I say that, I meant keep switching between sothing a lilim and another monster to keep it fresh

for example
Selene>Lamia>victoria>yeti and so on

>> No.16087999

I'm gonna draw all the shitty lilims in one spot.

>> No.16088002

I triple Wurm dare you.

>> No.16088003

A group shot? Nice.

>> No.16088004

I want to make my Kobold daughteru wear a tight rope harness and a gentle pair of vibrating nipple clamps under her clothes! I'd let her wear a pair of her black latex panties under it so that the crotch rope doesn't cut in to her perfect little pussy too much, but I still want her to go around all day in a state of frustrated, vexing arousal!

>> No.16088005
File: 378 KB, 640x639, 2b9773e2379c9550cac5afd7a70ce03c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Chapter 5 of All's Fair In Love And War


That's just an Esdeath pic, dummy. It doesn't even have horns to be Victoria. Victoria doesn't have any art other than Lanifag's who got it wrong since her outfit doesn't involve ties.

She might as well be identical otherwise though, save for a few differences in outfit and obviously hair and eye color.

>> No.16088006

Then go full power and put some strength into it

>> No.16088007

wew quoted the wrong post >>16087970

>> No.16088009
Quoted by: >>16088014

Of course it's wrong.
It's meant to be a different outfit alltogether because I was tired and didn't want to google Esdeath.

Also, it's Chowder, not Lanifag. She ain't my waifu. More like a daughteru at this point.

>> No.16088010
File: 333 KB, 750x817, 1474165159942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstack Monstergirls are tall Monstergirls are the best.

>> No.16088011


>> No.16088012

Extremes are always good. Like curvy and muscle.

>> No.16088014
Quoted by: >>16088021

Chowder it is then. Couldn't remember, sowwy.

>> No.16088021
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x1836, 1110160803a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bigee.

Here's my latest shitty doodle by the way.

>> No.16088023
Quoted by: >>16088025

What's she unraveling?

>> No.16088025
Quoted by: >>16088029

Sword grip wrapping.

>> No.16088026

Shortstacks are the best at cuddling.

>> No.16088029
Quoted by: >>16088030

She's tiny!

>> No.16088030

She's a fairy.

>> No.16088031

Do a lewd yeti, there's not enough lewd yeti

>> No.16088035
Quoted by: >>16088038

You are getting better for sure.

>> No.16088038

I doubt it.
Stop looking at the antennae and look at the picture.

>> No.16088039

So anon, when you marry to your waifu, would you take her last name or would she take yours?

>> No.16088040
Quoted by: >>16088042

She doesn't have one.

>> No.16088041

Let's go with tradition so she'll take mine

>> No.16088042

What kind of waifu doesn't even have a last name?

>> No.16088044

Technically, when I adopted her as a dog she took my family's last name, so she'd already have my last name.

>> No.16088045
Quoted by: >>16088047


Demon Lord keeps her name so secret she doesn't even give her daughters her last name

>> No.16088047

Poor girls.

>> No.16088048

The kind that hatched after her parents had died and never knew who they were.

>> No.16088050
Quoted by: >>16088055

My waifu has started hanging out with a bad crowd! She's talking with succubi and demons and dark slimes and it's making her all lewd! What should I do?

>> No.16088052

What about a Wurm who just forgot hers a long time ago?

>> No.16088053
Quoted by: >>16088060

Wurm Wurmsdottir.

>> No.16088055

Invest in a solid chastity belt, and maybe a chastity bra to go with it. If she starts saying lewd things you need to gag her and if she starts staring at you she needs to wear a blindfold. Cuff her if she can't keep her hands to herself.

You should be willing to do anything to protect your waifu's purity.

>> No.16088058
Quoted by: >>16088068

I actually want you do do this.

>> No.16088060

Fredericka Freddie Burgerworst.

>> No.16088062

I think it'd be cute if she just used 'Wurm' as her last name

>> No.16088063
Quoted by: >>16088077

Lewd fairy is wearing no panties!

I'm going to grab her by both her ahoges and tell her that although her clothes are very stylish she needs to better cover her hips

Her family is cooler than mine

>> No.16088065

Maybe I'll take hers.

>> No.16088066

We both keep ours because that's how it goes here.

>> No.16088068
Quoted by: >>16088073

I bet you're expecting something, right?

>> No.16088071

Just feed her some worm milk, easy.

>> No.16088073

No, I never expect things, that way I dont get dissapointed

>> No.16088074
Quoted by: >>16088085

I want to use an Alice's mouth as my personal cock sheath. The more she has my cock down her little throat the better.

>> No.16088077
Quoted by: >>16088085

It's technically a leotard.

>> No.16088085

Please don't lewd the alices, they are made to have tea parties and go on wonderful adventures with

Leotards are up there on the most perverted outfits chart

>> No.16088091
Quoted by: >>16088102

>Please don't lewd the alices, they are made to have tea parties and go on wonderful adventures with

She can do all of that in the few hours a day when she isn't strapped to my chest with her soft little lips pressed all the way up against my pubic area and her nose in my balls.

>> No.16088095

>he wouldn't let a dragon step on him

Explain yourself.

>> No.16088098

Dragons are overrated and shit.

>> No.16088100
Quoted by: >>16088121

Granberry a dumb lizard.

>> No.16088101

I only play footsies with my Dragon.

>> No.16088102
Quoted by: >>16088117

>her nose in my balls.

Do you mean to tell me that you're going to flip her upside down, grab her by the waist and use her mouth like an onahole?

>> No.16088104

The only feet I let near me are the foot-paws of my Kobold waifu and my Kobold daughteru. They really love their paw rubs!

>> No.16088112
Quoted by: >>16088176

But I would, especially a smug loli dragon who referred to me as her property.

>> No.16088117

No, I'd take it further than that. I'd custom make a leather harness that holds her in a sort of bithctie and keeps her strapped to my chest. there'd also be a sort of ring gag like attachment that fits like a cock ring for me and keeps her from biting me or pulling her head off of my cock. The harness would take all the stress off of her so she'd still be moderately comfortable and not get all achey or anything, which is good because she is going to be in this position for nice long periods of time. Oh, and she'd also always be nude so I can gaze down at her genitals and maybe give them a little lick if I feel like it.

>> No.16088118
Quoted by: >>16088119

I take hers of course. Why wouldn't I take the name of an ancient elven noble?

>> No.16088119
Quoted by: >>16088143

because elves are a bunch of wankers?

>> No.16088121


>> No.16088123

I get walked all over by everyone else already. I don't want to have to put up with it from my dragon waifu

>> No.16088129

Normal human feet only.

>> No.16088132
Quoted by: >>16088147

Who do you think you are anon, doing such unspeakably lewd things like this?

How will the poor girl even eat?

>> No.16088134
Quoted by: >>16088147

You absolute madman

Someone put this man in a cage

>> No.16088140

If she's such a good girl, how come she's gay?

>> No.16088143

Oh she wanks me alright.

>> No.16088146

>Best girl in all of MGQ
>Not Ilias
>Not Promestein
>Not Shirome
>Not Chrome

Now THIS is shit taste

>> No.16088147
Quoted by: >>16088164

I'm Quicksilver. Or I guess more aptly, I was.

She can eat my spirit energy, that should be more than enough for her. Her mouth is connected to the faucet most of the time for shit's sake, just a little thrusting on my part and she gets a nice creamy snack. If she want's real food she has a few hours a day where I let her off of oral slave duty.

I don't go in a cage, Alice goes in a cage.

>> No.16088149

Promestein it is!

>> No.16088151
Quoted by: >>16088154

They are?

>> No.16088152

I mean I like Granberia too but this anon is right >>16088140

>You will never fuck the gay out of Granberia

>> No.16088154

Leotards are lewder than microbikinis anon.

>> No.16088155
Quoted by: >>16088197

Literally who?

>> No.16088159

Who says I want to escape it?

>> No.16088164
Quoted by: >>16088171

I should have fucking guessed. Welcome back to the land of the living ya bastard.

>> No.16088165
Quoted by: >>16088197

>Literal deus vult
>Edgy nerd
>Meme loli who smells like dead bodies

>> No.16088168
File: 1.66 MB, 1350x1850, AlolanNinetales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft foxes

>> No.16088171

Living might be a bit of an exaggeration, but hi anon.

>> No.16088176

Refined taste

>> No.16088179

Fuck the hackers man, I still have to wait a whole week to get my copy.

>> No.16088184

Are for soft brushing

>> No.16088186

>only one tail

>> No.16088189

You'd get matching collars for you and your wolfu? Right? You know she can't wear rings anon? And she's be heartbroken if you took your collar off.

>> No.16088190

I was sitting on this idea for months and had some doubts about some of the experimenting I did so I'm glad it worked out.

>> No.16088193
Quoted by: >>16088217

Speaking of beast, has anyone noticed how he brings up what could be good stories in others?

>> No.16088194
Quoted by: >>16088208

My waifu and I wear matching necklaces.

>> No.16088197

>They don't know La Croix

Fucking faggots, all of you.

>> No.16088199
Quoted by: >>16088208

I'm not married to a wolfu, but I am married to a Kobold. My Kobold waifu and my Kobold daughteru both wear matching black leather collars with the other's name and my name engraved on them, and I wear a black leather wrist cuff with their names engraved on it!

If I could get a cuff for myself like that in real life without raising all sorts of weirdness with the people around me I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.16088205

We swapped handmade medicine bags and that worked out nicely.

>> No.16088206

Best fetish, fucking the gay out of lesbians hot.

I like to imagine stuff like the two girls from Sakura Trick becoming monster girls and not understanding their sudden cravings for dick.

>> No.16088208

Not bad. Nice idea but still isn't a collar.

I guess I thought you loved your waifu enough to wear a collar. I guessed wrong.

>> No.16088211
Quoted by: >>16088222

That's right, I love her so much that we wear fancy necklaces. The jewel on them are different though.

>> No.16088215
Quoted by: >>16088224

>Not bad. Nice idea but still isn't a collar.
No, I have really bad hangups about stuff around my neck. Even collared shirts are like fingernails on a chalkboard, and fuck ties to hell. There isn't really any explanation for it either, if mamono mana could fix it I'd absolutely wear a collar for my waifu and daughteru.

>> No.16088217
Quoted by: >>16088247

what do you mean?

>> No.16088222
Quoted by: >>16088237

You can put jewels on collars.

>> No.16088224
Quoted by: >>16088232

O-Ok? That's a bit weird. At least you have enthusiasm

>> No.16088225


I mean if she wanted to do the whole collar thing, sure. Not exactly my kink but if she wanted it... yeah, I could see her doing that.

Competition is fierce. Gotta let everyone know you're taken.

>> No.16088232

Enthusiasm goes a long way.

>> No.16088236

Sometimes rings just don't cut it.

>> No.16088237

But necklaces are more shiny.

>> No.16088242
Quoted by: >>16088265

Don't bring your memes here. Shes as gay as all the humans who got fingerbanged into lesser succubi but a succubs

>> No.16088244

I'm sure they make collars out of gold too anon.

>> No.16088247

I just got round to reading burning edge and now I want to know about the bartenders monster family

>> No.16088251

But I'm sure your wolfu would love a nice matching red collar. Or any colour of your choice.

Like >>16088225 said. You gotta let other girls know you're owned.

>> No.16088258
Quoted by: >>16088267

Dragon queens are for people that can handle rulers.
what I want is the dragon princess. teach her how to become a strong ruler with my dick

>> No.16088265

So she's as gay as a lesbian who becomes a super-lesbian from lesbian sex?
That's about as gay as gay as it gets.

>> No.16088267

I want a cheerful tomboish dragon princess to drag me on adventures and get super lovey dovey when we are relaxing under the sunset.

>> No.16088268

What is the best way to be a father to a little monstergirl?

>> No.16088270

By spoiling her rotten and dicking her on a daily basis

>> No.16088272

Be there.

>> No.16088283

I can't tell you what to do anon, I can just tell you what I'd do. Communicate. Teach her how to communicate, treat her like the beautiful little creature that she is, be there for her whenever she needs you, and give her all the cummies a little girl could ever want.

>> No.16088284
Quoted by: >>16088290

Give her some tips on how to bed her childhood friend.

>> No.16088288

What if Slimes are actually just masses of bacteria or archaea?

>> No.16088290
Quoted by: >>16088294

Are you that anon who always tries to get her with her childhood friend? Her childhood friend is not her father and you can't just push her off on him all the time.

>> No.16088291

As long as she's still sentient with an advanced consciousness then whatever.

>> No.16088292
Quoted by: >>16088295

Emotions too, she needs those.

>> No.16088294
Quoted by: >>16088296

Yes, I guess I am the Anon who tries to hook up my daughteru with her friend. Also, I just do the initial push, she does the rest by herself.

>> No.16088295

Well they obviously do, I'm just forwarding a hypothesis here.
Also FF best JoJo girl

>> No.16088296
Quoted by: >>16088300

If you say so, because it seems to me like you want to hook her up with him as often as possible.

>> No.16088300
Quoted by: >>16088303

Really? Maybe I'm not that Anon then since I just talked about my daughteru and her childhood friend a few times.

>> No.16088303
Quoted by: >>16088307

Oh, then nevermind me.

>> No.16088307

Or maybe I am. Do you know more about his daughteru?

>> No.16088309

By giving her your utmost live and attention.

>> No.16088313
Quoted by: >>16088320

In mge you don't spoil them or spend all your time with them otherwise they start wanting the dick.
Care for them but also let them do their own thing.

>> No.16088320

That's bullshit, I should be able to love my daughteru how I want without her going full cocksleeve.

>> No.16088322
Quoted by: >>16088324

Just scold her if she tries to go for your dick.

>> No.16088324
Quoted by: >>16088329

Would that really be a healthy way to handle it? I don't want my daughteru pining for me or anything.

>> No.16088326
File: 187 KB, 800x1000, 1443974996943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Centaur Barbarians are upon us.


>> No.16088329
Quoted by: >>16088332

Of course. If she tries to go for your dick say that she is too young or that it's for mama.

>> No.16088331

Just wait until shes interested in someone. That or have moderation

>> No.16088332
Quoted by: >>16088333

But doesn't wanting your dick get ingrained into her very being in MGE?

>> No.16088333
Quoted by: >>16088334

She is just curious. As long as she doesn't get a taste of yours she will search for another one.

>> No.16088334
Quoted by: >>16088337

That seems too NTR-y for MGE. Monsters don't just give up on the man they have chosen as their husband.

>> No.16088337

Well if she is determined to get into your pants that much then you failed as a parent. Or not.

>> No.16088371 [SPOILER] 
File: 679 KB, 949x1200, 1478804583453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freakin vampires and all the blood they suck going into the waifu parts, makes it unfair for other MG

>> No.16088373

>vampire at the beach
I'm glad to see that the "vampires are afraid of sunlight" meme isn't universal.

>> No.16088376
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x4032, 1478020282192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more fat Vampire butts in the world.

I also want to see the effects of a Vampire drinking Holstaur milk.

>> No.16088378

That's a nice fat vamp ass.

>> No.16088380

Vampire pudge?

>> No.16088381

I want to serve classy sophisticated Vampire mistress that always insults me.

>> No.16088382
Quoted by: >>16088389


>> No.16088389

But it's an interesting idea is it not? A vampire who likes the taste of blood a little too much.

>> No.16088390
Quoted by: >>16088399

No vampire. no dragon and no anubis.

>> No.16088392

Wouldn't that kill the person she's sucking.

>> No.16088393
Quoted by: >>16088399

all the excess goes into her butt and milk makers anon

>> No.16088398

In MGE land I doubt it. He gets her demonic energy while she's draining him.

Unless DE doesn't have recovery properties.

>> No.16088399

Maybe just a little in her thighs and belly?

He's currently in the hospital. She sends all her apologies and flowers. She's so sorry she lashed out like that and drained him nearly dry.

Vampire? Like I said it could be tried

Dragons? Hey come on anon. We have muscle. Why not just a little pudge for the pudge lovers? I love muscle and pudge equally.

Anubis? Silly anon. Anubi are built for spoiling.

>> No.16088403
Quoted by: >>16088415

No. Regular vampire hourglass.

>> No.16088404
File: 469 KB, 1000x1000, 1408295513329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're lucky I'm going out so your pudge can run free.

>> No.16088411
Quoted by: >>16088415

Remove the phatty Pharaoh, little grapesnake.

>> No.16088412

Pudge is like that one food item you want to get on the menu. You tell yourself you shouldn't and that it would probably taste bad if you ate it. But then you try it. And it tastes amazing.

I'm just saying. All body types are to be respected and loved

>> No.16088415

>phatty pharaoh

Hey now! That's not very nice!

Both are great anon.

>> No.16088425

I will fill the vampire with so much seed that she wont have space for sucking my blood on her belly

lets see what she is gonna do now

>> No.16088429
Quoted by: >>16088470

I want to get my vampirefu to binge on my blood!

>> No.16088451

>monsters are described as naturally having super natural beauty
>even freshly born/turned monsters have instincts that make them amazing at sex
>also have incredible sexual endurance
I want to be sexually dominated by a loser shut in NEET monster while she asks me if I feel ashamed that someone as pathetic as her can make me cum so easily

>> No.16088463

>an entire race where even the basment dwellers look like porn stars and fuck like hookers
Truly horrifying.

>> No.16088468
Quoted by: >>16088474

Oomukade to the rescue

>> No.16088470

Disgusting. That's your blood anon not hers. You need that blood.

Disgusting vampires need to be locked up.

>> No.16088471

This website takes any name and makes a word out of it
Put in your waifu's name or species and see if the word fits her

>Kraken waifu

Tentacles are cute! CUTE!

I put in her family name and it gave me "Toilet" this website is trash

>> No.16088474

Please no. Most normal bugs give me the shivers as is, but I've quite literally had nightmares about centipedes. I'd probably throw up.
Also thread memes a shit

>> No.16088479

If it goes to her tits,hips, and other parts then I say its worth it.

>> No.16088484

That's what makes it better. She's disgusted how somebody could cum so quickly fucking a bug.

>> No.16088487
Quoted by: >>16088488

>Two tests this week
>lesser assignments all over
>haven't been able to get much writing done
>Still have to come up with name for minatour
>Want to rework two of the characters , succubus GM can stay
Well at least thanksgiving break is coming up soon, should be able to catch up then.

>> No.16088488

Call her Nancy.

>> No.16088489
Quoted by: >>16088508


She is very wonderful isn't she?

>Anubis waifu


>> No.16088492

As a raving Arachnophobe I find it hilarious that my favorite girl from MonMusu/EMG is Rachnera.

>> No.16088496

You're disgusting and need to be locked up.

>> No.16088498
Quoted by: >>16088508

I suppose it fits for a smart bird.
>My own name translate to hearse.
Well that's morbid.

>> No.16088505
Quoted by: >>16088558

>try name, Diana
She's going assault my penis?
>try species, Salamander
I, err, um. Power Metal is powerful?

>> No.16088507
Quoted by: >>16088541

Even this website has fallen to the memes.

>> No.16088508

As always Anubis gets all the love

>Put in my own name

Well... Time to see my waifu on the other side

>> No.16088516 [SPOILER] 
File: 762 KB, 700x1151, 1478808022800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16088530

Does she attack and bite people on her own or with a swarm?

>> No.16088524
File: 947 KB, 1800x2250, 1464121314257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, Kiss the Lich and Watch her raise an eyebrow and ask you what you are doing. And then you keep kissing her!


Liches are spooky after all. But I like that.

>> No.16088530

Alone means more for her.

>> No.16088536
Quoted by: >>16088590

This site knows what's up.

>> No.16088538
Quoted by: >>16088590

>Put in Phantom


>> No.16088540


Sounds off for some reason

>> No.16088541

>Black Dragon
>Ultra highest
I don't get it.

>> No.16088546


>> No.16088550
Quoted by: >>16088590

>waifu's name
>new wife

Okay, this website is pretty cool.

>> No.16088553
Quoted by: >>16088590

>Ice Queen
>Sex Death


>> No.16088557
Quoted by: >>16088590

>put in OC Lilim's name
Okay, this is bloody magical.

>> No.16088558

That's a sign that the reptile illuminati is real

>Lich is working on a way to reduce the mana cost of her necromancy spells
>She is extremely focused and doesn't even notice you sneaking behind her
>You surprise kiss her
>She tells you to wait until she's done
>You kiss her again
>She's start to flush the slightest bit
>You pull her into a deep french kiss
>She sweeps off her work and tells you to fuck her right now

>> No.16088561



>Kejourou waifu

>Kej waifu


>> No.16088565

I want to fuck her thighs while she ignores me

>> No.16088566
File: 587 KB, 881x1371, 1476312754334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for it.

>> No.16088567
Quoted by: >>16088598

>Nothing fucking her from behind while she is reading

>> No.16088569
Quoted by: >>16088590



>> No.16088571

This is the website where you can analyze affinity too.
>put in OC Lilim and the MC
>MC 0 orgasms, OC Lilim 3
Can't argue with that.

>> No.16088574


Is playing with other people's hair really that fun?

>> No.16088575

>Waifu's name

>My name


>> No.16088578

My first name
My full name
>pathetic feeling

I'm not even mad, that's just hilarious. And true, fucking stomach infection

>upturn, fittingly

>> No.16088581
Quoted by: >>16088590

Big breasted Khepris? It's good to be king.

>> No.16088587


Oh come on.


>My first name
That's much better, but still.

>> No.16088590

Anon, did you cheat on your waifu or something?
This can't just be bad luck

So many good ones

I'll keep in mind ice queen sex death and oppai khepri

>> No.16088598

I don't know what is better. But I'm going to give her a french kiss either way.

>> No.16088600


>> No.16088601

>harpy waifu


>> No.16088605

>my name
Is this computer threatening me?

>> No.16088606
Quoted by: >>16088613



>pseudo fuck



>> No.16088613

>>pseudo fuck

Those wonderlands monster girls are so very strange.

>> No.16088615
Quoted by: >>16088647

>MC's name
>horse manure

>Dmitrius Rayquan
>very talented

Holy shit what

>> No.16088617

>did you cheat on your waifu or something

Absolutely not. How dare you suggest such a thing.

>> No.16088627
File: 417 KB, 648x905, Grigori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16088634

That's quite simple young Arisen.

You don't.

>> No.16088634
Quoted by: >>16088640

Dumb dragon.

>> No.16088637

>Anon, did you cheat on your waifu or something?

That's over the line.

>> No.16088639


Well it's not wrong I suppose

>> No.16088640
Quoted by: >>16088653



>> No.16088641
Quoted by: >>16088647

Oh baby.

>> No.16088647

You know what to do

>Ctrl+f MC's name
>Replace by
>Dmitrius Rayquan

I'd love a genki shoggoth

>> No.16088652
Quoted by: >>16089672

>try shortened version of my name
God dammit why is the internet bullying me?

>> No.16088653
Quoted by: >>16088693

Dumb and not very cute dragon.

>> No.16088655
Quoted by: >>16088673

Yes, I do grow ner my waifu.

>Dragon waifu=fashionable

>Waifu's name=polite
So cute.

>My name=savage
She isn't sleeping tonight.

>> No.16088665


>> No.16088673
Quoted by: >>16088676

>Daughteru's name=valuable
Yes indeed, she is our most precious treasure.

>Eteri OC lilim =rose
Well, she does transform wastelands into green realms.

>> No.16088676


Hold up what did I miss

>> No.16088683

It's just for me anon. Pay her no mind.

>> No.16088691

Everyone has an OC lilim these days, don't you?

Mine is called Esseya, she's still a loli and her monstrous parts are reminiscent of reptile scales

>> No.16088693
File: 496 KB, 1000x1200, Grigori 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should go to Bitterblack Isle and just hang around for an eternity or two Arisen.

>> No.16088695
Quoted by: >>16088707


Fatatlis chan is cuter.

>> No.16088700
File: 26 KB, 278x253, 1457661027296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16088702


>> No.16088707
Quoted by: >>16088744

Too bad Fatalis can't cast Holy magic and all the elemental ones.

May as well not be a Dragon at all with that pitiful magic.

>> No.16088708


>> No.16088714

Please no.
No more OC lilims.

>> No.16088716

I want to have a tan one where cowprint.

>> No.16088718

>tfw you'll never grow evolve? up into a slightly taller buff husbando for your dragon waifu
>tfw you'll never tease each other over how soft your muscles are when you're flexing, or how though/hard hers are when she's flexing.

>> No.16088733
Quoted by: >>16088763

Don't they literally have a Rapedar™?

>> No.16088734
File: 33 KB, 520x291, BARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me tell you a story, passed down from my father from his father, and his father's father.
>Before there were Goddesses and Overlords, there were Giants of the Sky. But they are not mine, mine is deep within the Earth itself.
>In the darkness they stole from her the enigma of steel, and in her anger, the earth shook and fire and wind struck the giants down.
>They fell into the sea, forgetting the secret of steel. We who found it, on the battlefield, are just Men: Not Monsters, Not Gods, Not Giants. But Men.
>But the engima of steel comes with its own riddle. One must not trust those of the flesh, but the steel in their own hands.
>Steel, you can trust.

>> No.16088744

I dunno man
Black Fatalis has pure dragon power
Crimson Fatalis has a crazy high fire attribute
White Fatalis has both thunder and dragon

They all sound like very powerful dragons to me

Crimson is the best

>> No.16088755

My waifu kinda looks like a crimson one now that I think about it.

>> No.16088763
File: 382 KB, 1250x1139, 1458881609902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16088778

>ywn have a cute blind bat bust through the ceiling crying like Zubat
>ywn receive bat wing cuddles

>> No.16088781
Quoted by: >>16088788

I have an OC Human female hero. She protects me from monsters and we adventure together

>> No.16088785

It's all fun and games until you have to go through a cave full of them
And you don't have TM Flash

>> No.16088788
Quoted by: >>16088812

She's eventually going to get corrupted right?

>> No.16088795

>walk through a spooky dark cave
>so black you can't see
>turn on the flashlight
>you're surrounded by what looks like hundreds of were bats all giving you smirks and grins

Good luck.

>> No.16088812
Quoted by: >>16088817

Well I'm never going to actually write a story about her, but I have various corruption scenarios yes
most of them are consensual

>> No.16088815
Quoted by: >>16088822

Bats aren't that tough.

>> No.16088816

>Walk into a cave without HM Flash
>Imitate Tienshinhan
>Blinding light everywhere, Zubat-style shrieks fucking ALL OVER THE PLACE
>The light fades and you're left adjusting to the darkness
>There's a single Dire Werebat hanging upside down, her massive calcium cannons barely restrained by the leather belt of her top
>Her neck ruff gives her underboob like you've never seen it
>Ears twitching as she unfurls her wings, grinning at you
>She's wearing a fucking welding mask

>> No.16088817
Quoted by: >>16088832

I hope none of them involve you getting raped in front of her and her deciding to monsterize because it's the only way to protect you

>> No.16088822

Maybe not. But in numbers, it's a whole different story.

Sly bats. How do they keep getting away with it?

>> No.16088827

They're still bats.

It might take some effort, but it won't be that hard.

>> No.16088832

No I'm not into stuff that grim. Most of it is either something that just happens that we end up deciding to enjoy or something that she does on purpose

>> No.16088843
Quoted by: >>16088872

i want my pelvis to be abused by a lusty fit dragon

>> No.16088847

Now I'm imagining that she's into casual sex and simple fun like getting drunk

>> No.16088860
Quoted by: >>16088873

What a slut

>> No.16088863

Even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still.

>> No.16088870

>Find out that the Bats are weak to light so this time you com prepared with a flashlight
>Unfortunately it has the issue with it flickering at weird intervals as if it came from the horror movie emporium
>Doesn't matter. The flash on its own should be enough to stun one/scare it away, so you should be good
>Eventually walking through the cave you spot something big in the distance
>Your flashlight chooses this moment to be a flickering mess
>Keep having to press the on/off button to have it turn on
>Each time the light hits it you swear its getting closer
>Eventually its close enough that you can see its figure
>Its large breasts, its grippable hips, its face obstructed with a welding mask
>Wait a ticket. Welding mask?
>The light goes out
>No no no no no no no
>It flickers a bit
>She's closer
>It goes out
>Your flashlight comes back on
>She's gone
>Spinning around only gives you the cave walls
>After spending some time to calm your heart, you continue on
>Is what you were going to do if your flashlight didn't go out yet again
>The darkness has caused your senses to be enhanced, and you swear you heard something move
>You're practically banging it against your leg, shaking it, jamming the On/Off switch just for some light
>The steps are getting closer. Your heart is pounding against your chest. It's coming from behind you
>At this opportune time, your flashlight flickers on and you spin around just to be met with ____Nothing
>Except for the sound of another heartbeat, the feeling of someones hot breath RIGHT BEHIND YOU

>> No.16088871

Time to suck those titties.

>> No.16088872
Quoted by: >>16088915

I want to be abused by three(!) lusty fit dragons. I already were in a dream.

>> No.16088873
Quoted by: >>16088888

I just want something like fallen maidens where a nice human girl decides turning into a monster isn't so bad because she can be with me.

>> No.16088888
Quoted by: >>16088945

Fallen maidens is all about girls with special circumstances which prevents them from showing their true selves
Monsterization was an unwanted blessing to all of them, they only started to want it while it was going on or once it was done

A human woman in normal circumstances shouldn't have a reason to monsterize aside from love and power
So I guess she just wants to monsterize so she can love you even more than before?

>> No.16088895
Quoted by: >>16088900

>only one

>her name
fuck you

>my name
well then

>> No.16088899

This is why you shouldn't buy doors, mirrors and flashlights from horror movies.

>> No.16088900
Quoted by: >>16088906

Well there you have it, Anon. You were made for her in the sense that you used your cupid powers to give you the one, the only one, the girl of your absolute dreams
Too bad she's gay

>> No.16088906

life sucks, time to drop meteors on everyone

>> No.16088911
Quoted by: >>16088926

Grigori literally has all of those things and Holy to boot.

She's literally a Dragon made by "God" and is a Holy entity.

The toppest grade of Dragon.

>> No.16088914


>> No.16088915

>3 horny dragons taking turns wanting to get cumflated

anon, you got insurance right?

>> No.16088925
File: 830 KB, 996x800, 1458779487144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16088959

I want some chocolate on my white Christmas

>> No.16088926
Quoted by: >>16088978

>Jump in a hole and refuse to fight god
>Become top wife

Wolves hunt in packs!

They were sealed in a crystal too, so there was all that pent up lust. I had literally ground breaking sex with a dragon

>> No.16088945
Quoted by: >>16088959

In my dumb self insert fantasy we are already kinda dating anyways.

>> No.16088948
Quoted by: >>16088978

Why is three the perfect number?
One can be chubby and have big tits
One can be muscular and have a killer ass.
One can be the middle ground.

Those three would be lovely.
I'd need to do intense training so that I can cumflate all three of them and keep going.

>> No.16088959
Quoted by: >>16088964

>You will never lick melted chocolate off a pudgy Jabbewock's tummy

Don't call your fantasy dumb anon, be proud of it

If she knows the truth about monsterization and loves you then that's more than enough incentive for her to monsterize

>> No.16088964

>If she knows the truth about monsterization and loves you then that's more than enough incentive for her to monsterize

Or a Lillim who wants to have some fun monsterizes her.

Or she's just so sick of you too doing the "will they or won't they" thing.

>> No.16088969
File: 735 KB, 750x1063, 1455680455789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16088974

Tease the wolfu!

>> No.16088974

She's going to kick your ass once she's no longer in heat after this.

>> No.16088978

you could say the dragon rode you anon

would dragons share the treasure? sounds hard to believe

>> No.16088985

I imagine that you could convince them that they get a bigger hoard this way.
And if you keep drowning them in pleasure then they'll have no choice but to listen.,

>> No.16088995
File: 265 KB, 490x900, c46110392351eb9bfff2e9c36e92d52a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16089008

Wolfus are love

>> No.16089008

Look at that floof

Wanna touch that tail

>> No.16089019

The ones in my dream were sisters, so sharing wasn't a problem for them.

>> No.16089031
Quoted by: >>16089096

I want to be the princess rescued by the mighty dragon knight! I want to offer her myself as a reward for saving me! She'll probably tell me to get out of the dress already and make me thank her for indulging in my weird fantasies.

>> No.16089089
File: 943 KB, 1189x668, Lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me this succubus is lewd.

>> No.16089096
Quoted by: >>16089119

Dragons sure do love dresses whether they're the ones wearing it or their lover. I'd try on dresses with my waifu. It's so wild and perverted, yet so thrilling.

>> No.16089117

Damn succubus, just suck my dick already

Shadowverse has a lot of decent MGs

>> No.16089119
Quoted by: >>16089229

>Playing house with dragon waifu and daughteru
>There are three moms

Man, I would have so much fun with them.

>> No.16089134
Quoted by: >>16089164

looks like the kind of succubus that acts all naughty and expert on sex

then freezes up with a mad blush once she tears your pants off seeing your high tent and lets you ride her by the horns the whole day until she is an ahegao mess filled with semen

>> No.16089164

Not really

>> No.16089180

Confound these lewd _________

>> No.16089192
Quoted by: >>16089308

I have an OC Tiamat, as in the evil Dragon Goddess from D&D Tiamat, where true to her incarnation from Gynax, she has five heads and a chip on her shoulder the size of Lescatie.

She'd be the de facto leader of the Dragons that are less-than-satisfied with the Overlord's rules and attack any man who enters their territories. With the whole schtick being like a Jabberwock turned to motherfucking 11, taking sheer delight in raping a bachelor with high manna to give birth to Red Dragons.

>> No.16089201
File: 349 KB, 2182x2800, BEHOLD!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090355

Grem: Gentlemen, BEHOLD! CORN!
>(Door opens and shows a giant corn on a cob)
Anon: Huh, that's pretty nice. And I am kind of hungry.
G: Good,
>(The corn explodes and reveals a corn-themed ara dryad who begins rubbing herself in butter.)
G: Then let the mating, BEGIN!
(Gremlin laughs hysterically as the Dryad tackles herself on Anon.)
G: Gentlemen, I bring you, MORE CORN!
>(Door shows 2 giant corns on a cob.)
A: Gee, I don't know Ma'am, I mean, after last time-
G: This time, SHALL BE DIFFERENT! *Maniacal Laughter*
>(Anon just stares at the corn and nothing happens)
A: Well then Alright, Cause I am hungry again.
>(The Cobs explode to Ara Twin-Dryads who were rubbing each other with oil then quickly tackle Anon.)

>> No.16089203


>> No.16089205


>> No.16089218
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, c6360440ad0203b2e12effd0b2233a52d969f6f8f195b01bda26660abe5152ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16089229

Is there anything purer then the whole family playing house and baking cakes just to make the daughteru happy?

>> No.16089231
Quoted by: >>16089239

Dover girls.

>> No.16089233

I'm never going to the Gym in MGC.

Not even the pool.

>> No.16089234

>a monster will never ask you to come to the gym with her
>she will never say you can take as many pictures when shes doing squats if you do

>> No.16089236
Quoted by: >>16089258

Crafty Manticores using my love of /fit/ girls.

>> No.16089239
Quoted by: >>16089244

>Anon's virginity! I'll steal it! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!

>> No.16089240
Quoted by: >>16089289

Did she lose her wings in a freak gym accident?

>> No.16089244
Quoted by: >>16089252

>The Dover girls!
>Then Anon must be ALONE and UNPROTECTED!

>> No.16089252
Quoted by: >>16089261

Man we just think of the weirdest shit to involve Monster girls in huh?

>> No.16089255

Whats max character limit again?

>> No.16089258

Ha, I'm safe from them. I'll just spend all day in the muffin store.

>> No.16089261

Par of the course

>> No.16089266

I think it got bumped to 5k. Don't quote me on that

>> No.16089267


>> No.16089270
File: 101 KB, 359x401, 1434661323655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16089277

Monstergirl logic is best logic

>> No.16089277
File: 116 KB, 699x458, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092103

It's true.

>> No.16089289

She can probably hide them. They'll get in the way of her squats.

Or the artist forgot to draw them.

>> No.16089299

>no wings

>> No.16089303

Come to think of it, just being trapped in the demon realm together would present plenty of temptation to turn
>Trapped in demon realm with your gf
>Have to scavenge for normal food, find some but its not enough to ever really fill
>On the other hand theres demon realm food! Basically trees growing delicious candy.
>All of that will turn you into a monster
>Have to constantly fend off monster attacks
>They assume you're a couple, want to turn her
>If she just ever did become a monster you would both get ignored right?
>Monsters keep making lewd comments about the two of you, getting both of you riled up
>Have to sleep in the same bed for safety, not helping the arousal situation
>Can't even releave yourself, you would need to separate for that and it would attract monsters
I want a survival show like this, probably put on by monsters. How long can the human couple survive

>> No.16089308
Quoted by: >>16089327

>five heads
how does that work?
>lewder than a jabberwock
oh dear
>milking men dry just to have plenty of daugherus

>> No.16089310

I know that you'll eventually turn into an incubus by having sex with your MG waifu. But are there situations where you're instantly turn into one?

>> No.16089317
Quoted by: >>16089346

I think most any high power corrupting affect can do it. Magic from a lilim or monster of similar power like nine tailed youko/inari, being in the castle of the royal demon realm. That kind of stuff. Think there was some plant that did it in world guide 2 as well.

>> No.16089318

Be near a Lilim.
Dark Matter nuke.

>> No.16089327
Quoted by: >>16089380

>Five heads
Her full Dragon form

>Lewder than a Jabberwock
We're talking an Elf with Draconic claws that as I'm thinking about it, may or may not be prismatic/rainbow

>Milking men dry

>> No.16089346
Quoted by: >>16089376

I was thinking of the melting vegetable. It says it makes monsterization happen super easy, Im not sure if it works the same way for men.

>> No.16089376

How do you tell if a mandroga is mature before pulling it out? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16089380
Quoted by: >>16089416

Does she accepts suitors? i wouldnt mind being her humpty slime seed dispenser

>> No.16089382

How do you tell if a mandroga is mature before pulling it out? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16089388
Quoted by: >>16089442

You don't. If you end up with one that looks like a toddler then that's the one you have to live with.

>> No.16089395

Mandroga's "age" is really just a indicator of the soil's nutrient balance. If you want an "old" one, you need to pour stale beer onto its stem to change the starch balance. For younger ones, if you pour milk onto the roots then the body will react to the sudden calcium richness of the soil. Be careful, because if you seriously disturb the balance of the soil by pissing on it or having fires nearby then your mandroga can emerge malformed.

>> No.16089404

>if you seriously disturb the balance of the soil by pissing on it
You got orange creamsicle soda all over my monitor you asshole

>> No.16089415

How would you like to appear in front of your waifu/monster girl you like when the portal opens?

>> No.16089416
Quoted by: >>16089430

I like to think of it as sacrifices.

>> No.16089430

worth trying imo

>> No.16089442
Quoted by: >>16089526

I just want to spend all day sucking on the toes of a hot busty plant lady
thank you

>> No.16089446

Chubby spoiled wolfus who claim they know what the 'wild' is because they played vidya games.

>> No.16089454

Well groomed, confident, no tissues up my nose.

Pipe dreams, the whole lot of them

>> No.16089526

Can they grow their roots to look more like normal feet?

>> No.16089530

>tfw no yandere Succubus imouto

>> No.16089544

Basilisk gaze.

>> No.16089546
File: 507 KB, 855x1200, 45f4a5afda95a0831440d9320a76ce76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would the MG version of tiamat look like?

>> No.16089550

Really sexy.

>> No.16089555
Quoted by: >>16089614

A rainbow colored dragon with a yandere expression. Possibly with dragon head pauldrons and other trappings.

>> No.16089561

I would like to appear in her home while she is out. Seeing her expression change 100 times when she finds her invader will be cute.

>> No.16089568 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.68 MB, 480x270, 1478826448912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16089584

You best look out because it's Wabbit season.

>> No.16089584
Quoted by: >>16089601

Those are some freaking odd bunnie ears

>> No.16089601
Quoted by: >>16089604

This was a freaking odd show.

>> No.16089604
Quoted by: >>16089677

I picked it up because of that scene and dropped it because the show wasn't about her.
I felt cheated.

>> No.16089611
Quoted by: >>16089656

>tfw your waifu will never take care of you when you're sick

>> No.16089614
File: 558 KB, 600x800, 9d9c6f336c85704765f3a64195393ff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt find anything close to that, just generic dragon girls

have a necromancer dragon instead

>> No.16089615
Quoted by: >>16089638

I had to look up that word, my spell check doesn't even recognize it.
>The Best
Fuck yeah.
>My name

>> No.16089625
File: 719 KB, 2048x1844, Cw404fWVIAANAly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16089638

Put in my middle name and got Superman, my last name got Wonder, and putting in my first and last name got Bondage Master.
This is a fun website.

>> No.16089644

The best way to go right here

>> No.16089647
Quoted by: >>16089695

I'd reject my waifu because she deserves better than me.

>> No.16089656

>Waifu, who is always cheerful and dragging me along for exercise is now sitting quietly at the bedside with a serene look on her face, waiting for me to get better now that she has given me food and medicine

I want to do so many things with her.

>> No.16089662


>> No.16089672

anons getting bullied by the succuvirise.

>> No.16089675
Quoted by: >>16089891

These holsts are starting to get aggresive.

>> No.16089677

Yes, that and the whole climax seemed like a bit of a 'fuck you'.

>> No.16089695
Quoted by: >>16089714

You'll make your waifu cry.

>> No.16089703
File: 145 KB, 970x1200, Cw404fVUoAETCNh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shortstack Holstaur milkmaid

>> No.16089705


>> No.16089714
Quoted by: >>16089725

It's for her own good. There's no way I could make her happy.

>> No.16089725
Quoted by: >>16089748

Can you hear that, Anon? It's your waifu crying and begging for you to give her a chance.

>> No.16089727
File: 106 KB, 822x1000, f9bece01e054e4b4bc8f98f61cf0cece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night anons, dont burn down the thread

sleep tight and dream of waifus

>> No.16089732

thats a biiiiiiiiiiig belly

>> No.16089745

Hopefully. I'm in dire need of waifu cuddles.

>> No.16089746
Quoted by: >>16089891

I NEED her.

>> No.16089748

Anon my waifu deserves someone better. Why pick me in the first place? She can do better with the hundreds of millions of better people out there.

She deserves better.

>> No.16089752

This anon understands. There is nothing I offer that she can't get better from someone else.

>> No.16089756

>He can't git gud

>> No.16089759

Wanna let her lay her head in my lap after a hard day

>> No.16089766
Quoted by: >>16089768

Look Anon, you are hurting your waifu pretty badly right now. You need to make up to her by staying at her side no matter what now. It's not like it's for love or anything like that. Just a way of apologizing.

>> No.16089767
File: 795 KB, 1024x998, gazer sparkstea miia dungeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife and her friend finding some treasure!

>> No.16089768
Quoted by: >>16089774

Why do i need to apologize? For telling the truth? She deserves better.

I am less then nothing.

>> No.16089769
Quoted by: >>16089783

It better not be some gay shit like friendship.

>> No.16089773
Quoted by: >>16089783


>> No.16089774
Quoted by: >>16089777

For making her sad. Don't you know that the truth hurts? Now that she is sad you need to make up for it and running away will make her even sadder. You don't want to see your waifu cry because of how useless you are, right?

>> No.16089777
Quoted by: >>16089781

She needs to accept it and find someone she deserves because i am not that man.

As much as i want my waifu she deserves better.

>> No.16089779

Let her experience things for herself. Read to her. Buy her books. Be there for her. Let her go out and play, find her childhood friend asap. Make sure he is cool. Do everything in my power to not separate them.

Time will do the rest.

>> No.16089781
Quoted by: >>16089787

What species is your waifu anyway?

>> No.16089783
File: 216 KB, 927x816, gazer carol santa hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically christmas right?

I don't think you can put friendship in a box.
It's probably money.
Recently happened upon a few hundred, myself, so no more hungry nights for a while.
I'm going to be honest with you anon, I haven't actually played a Zelda game to completion.
Mine wasn't really a nintendo console kind of family, growing up.

>> No.16089786
Quoted by: >>16089807

>I haven't actually played a Zelda game to completion.
>Mine wasn't really a nintendo console kind of family, growing up
I don't like you anymore, GazerAnon. We were friends once. But our friendship must come to an end

>> No.16089787
Quoted by: >>16089795

Dragon, thats why she deserves someone better.

>> No.16089790

>Elf Wight
>Ultra girly
>Battle Wight
>Perfect Game
This website knows whats up

>> No.16089795
Quoted by: >>16089822

Aw shucks, my waifu is a Dragon too. Don't worry Anon, there are more ways to please a dragon than you think.

>> No.16089805
Quoted by: >>16089816

I'd probably give up then and there. Give up on even the 2D I thought was perfect and devote my life to a skill eschewing women forever until something rapes me.

>> No.16089807

I grew up on Tekken and GTA Vice City, friend.

>> No.16089816
Quoted by: >>16089837

>implying any monstergirl would rape you
Come on, even monstergirls have some standards.

Don't worry, I'm just projecting.

>> No.16089818
Quoted by: >>16089962

Please take care of yourself Gazerfag, food is important.

>> No.16089820
Quoted by: >>16089962

Goddamn that's cute

>> No.16089822
Quoted by: >>16089842

Someone else deserves to be apart of her hoard, not me.
I bring no worth to it.

>> No.16089837

No, I'm perfectly rape-able. I have a good face and a good dick. My body could use a bit of work, but most importantly no one will come looking for me if I vanish.

>> No.16089842
Quoted by: >>16089850

That's not for you to decide. I bet your dragon would get pretty upset with you. Why can't you just accept her love?

I swear to god, you better grab that dragon right now.

>> No.16089850
Quoted by: >>16089859

Because she deserves someone who isnt worthless suicidal and weak anon.

I refuse, sh deserves better.

>> No.16089853

>his dick is getting sucked for the entire rest of the story.

>> No.16089859
Quoted by: >>16089865

What if I say I'll take your waifu? How can you give up on her so easily Anon? C'mon, you're stronger than that.

>> No.16089865

You're probably better than me.
You vastly overestimate me.

>> No.16089873
Quoted by: >>16089881

If you're gonna be like this just kill yourself and help out a Wisp already.

>> No.16089881

This implies even they would take me.

>> No.16089885
Quoted by: >>16089892

I resent that. You may be a worthless person, but if your truly cared about your waifu you'd at least try to stop some random anon from taking her.

>> No.16089887
Quoted by: >>16089895

is there any way to increase a vamp fertility? i feel like she wouldnt like being used as a juice storage for months just for a small chance of having a daugheru

>> No.16089891
File: 352 KB, 750x600, shh shh shh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16089892

And i resent myself.

She still deserves better.

>> No.16089895

There's always a potion or a fruit for that.

>> No.16089896

>Holstaur stalker
My dick.

>> No.16089897

She got it wrong, she needs her head in my lap.

>> No.16089899


>> No.16089905

Now I'm starting to feel a little bad for you're waifu. Hell, I would comfort and do my best to make sure she is happy, but that's your job Anon.

>> No.16089918

>Holstaur Rogue strikes again

How will MGC ever survive this new threat?

Will Super Wurm end her reign of terror?

Find out next time on Superwurm: The Brave and the Horny

>> No.16089949

Stealth holst comes for those who seek a peaceful death.

>> No.16089953
Quoted by: >>16089960

>Succubus cashier flirts with anon
>His Kikimora pulls her over the counter by the collar and snarls "You keep your dickbeaters away from my master, or I'll chop them off and keep them as trophies. Got it?"
>She then drags anon home, muttering about her scent not being strong enough

>> No.16089960

I would like to see monsters flirting with me so my waifu could tell them to fuck off.

>> No.16089962
File: 402 KB, 1750x1750, gazer izu the strokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is This It is my favourite album.

Yeah I'm trying
Cute girls doing cute things

loliswitch was doing stream commissions earlier so I got a couple
so those are on her twitter

>> No.16089964

Holsts can't be archers, their breasts won't let them!

>> No.16089966

>the art and over art

>> No.16089980
Quoted by: >>16090028

A bit too soft for my tastes.

>> No.16090000
File: 150 KB, 850x610, how you doin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why hello there Anon, fancy seeing you out today.
>Have you been working out? Something seems different about you. You smell very nice.
>How is your girlfriend? You don't have one?
>Want to solve that?"

>> No.16090006
File: 292 KB, 800x608, ITS FESTIVAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16090007

I feel fairly confident I could resist seduction from MG's, but I'm pretty weak to genuine compliments or any display of regular affection.

>> No.16090008


>> No.16090009

What does she want from me?

>> No.16090013
Quoted by: >>16090038

It all depends on the species for me. A cute fox comes up to me and says something like that and I'll turn into a blushing, stuttering wreck.

>> No.16090016

They're sacrificing him!

>> No.16090019

I've had a shit week. She's probably pitying me until someone better comes along.

Needless to say, I probably wouldn't be much company

>> No.16090021

When is that shy Ushi finally going to come up and say hi?

>> No.16090025
File: 1.04 MB, 1314x1856, 58266448_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little daunting how much information they can get from a single sniff.

>> No.16090028

Each of their albums is markedly different
First Impressions of Earth is pretty damn good
but room on fire also has a really nice sound to it
Really like the strokes, good band.

honorable mentions to starfucker.

This post is arguably too offtopic, so,
What kind of music do you think various monstergirls would like?
or something like that

>> No.16090038
Quoted by: >>16090042

You can't have my liver.
I wouldn't be able to resist a confident Holstaur, just thinking about that I think I need to go masturbate.

>> No.16090042

That's fine she can have mine, I don't even like liver.

>> No.16090059
File: 110 KB, 471x334, 1475620353202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090105

>Latenight drew my suggestion

>> No.16090061

That dude needs to lighten up.

>> No.16090064

>Pear-shaped fox

>> No.16090066

I kinda feel the same way. I'd be way too skeptical/oblivious for regular seduction.
If she started backing her words with actions, however, then I'd start getting weak.

>> No.16090079
File: 374 KB, 1483x1000, Come here young one~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall Festival

a.k.a. Drunk Fox Festival

All those young village men are in for a wild ride.

>> No.16090090

You're not really partying until the local priestess is dancing naked on a barrel.

>> No.16090092
File: 2.04 MB, 1500x2000, 1478836477315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090097

>wock wife will never hold you tight and cuddle you after she spent the whole day milking your humpty slimed reserves with all her force and love
>then she states how they will win the wonderland milking olympics
>cue heart shaped pupils as wock gets ready to milk you some more

>> No.16090097


>> No.16090105
Quoted by: >>16090123

>Latenight will never draw your suggestion
One day I will be freed from this miserable existence

>> No.16090123

Just think of some really tantalizing ones that can be neatly encapsulated in a greentext and depicted as lighthearted hatched pen work.

I've had two of my ideas drawn so far.

>> No.16090156

Why do all foxes do that weird arm thing?

>> No.16090158

Mating dance

>> No.16090168
Quoted by: >>16090181

The fox shadow puppet?
They're just trying to be cute.
What does the fox say? "kon kon!"

>> No.16090181
File: 303 KB, 1200x900, mirage may vary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090184

Wolfus are better at it.

>> No.16090184

That Wolf is getting an apple.

>> No.16090218

What arm thing homie?

>> No.16090221


Outer voice: Yes.


>> No.16090222

The little fox hand gestures

>> No.16090226
Quoted by: >>16090238

Can you make a Spirit Bomb with mamano mana? I'm sure MGs wouldn't mind contributing some of their lewd energy to such a worthy cause.

>> No.16090238

Literally Dark Matter

>> No.16090248


>> No.16090318

gang signs

don't get caught in the hood wearing the wrong colors, nigga

>> No.16090355

Science is science, no use complaining.
I'm 'miring.

>> No.16090373
File: 392 KB, 1280x775, 1441012623687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090400

I've patronized the gambling floors in the Monte Carlo Hell,
'till they didn't have a sou
For a paladin or a coon~
I'm the gal who broke the bank at Monte Carlo~

>> No.16090400
Quoted by: >>16090405


>> No.16090405

Nerd? How?

>> No.16090426
Quoted by: >>16090438


Now we just need a "IT'S SUMMER" with a Ignis, Salamander, etc with the guy sweating profusely and it'll be complete

>> No.16090435
File: 905 KB, 700x980, 1453743756838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another classy girl with a classy pipe.

>> No.16090438

So there is a "it's spring" already? I didn't see it.

>> No.16090442
Quoted by: >>16090447

>Go in big debt after your hot dog business fail
>Have to beg a Tanuki to get you out of the hole
>Make a contract with her
>Your cum in exchange for her money
>She reveals that the contract you've signed has a 10% interest rate reoccurring every day
>Only realistic way to pay her back is to fuck her at least 17 hours everyday for 8 years straight
>She gets pregnant within the first year
>Her influential family forces you to take responsibility
>Become her toy husband
>She reopens your business
>This time it flourishes
>Turns out she sabotaged it the first time
>She set you up the whole time so you'd marry her
>Burn with rage at how she ruined your life
>She reminds you that she's your wife and the mother-to-be of your child
>Have to suck it up and stay with her

Men should learn their place and let monster girls handle business

>> No.16090447

But why would a monster engage in 3dpd behavior?

>> No.16090449


Yeah it was the first one of the series he made as I recall.

I don't have it though

>> No.16090451
File: 571 KB, 1200x811, 1. itsspringtimeforANONandMGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16090456

That's how tanuki work. You're supposed to like it in the end with MG though.

>> No.16090465
Quoted by: >>16090505

MGs need to get you one way or another, and once they got you that's when they start acting like proper waifus

If you want a nice Ushi-Oni wife to cook for you, you'll have to get raped into the ground for a week or two beforehands

>> No.16090500

Thanks, man.

>> No.16090505
File: 194 KB, 1200x918, 1403135698316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A month of sore pelvis is worth a lifetime of good sashimi.

>> No.16090519

This is not a lady-like laugh. She needs to learn some elegance.

>> No.16090528
Quoted by: >>16090529

I don't think I'd know what to do with an elegant ushi. She's fine the way she is.

>> No.16090529

Dance waltz, kiss her like Gomez Addams does Morticia.

>> No.16090531
Quoted by: >>16090537

>still being depressed in Spring

Come on man. You had cuddle yetis in the meter and now you have a Titania and you still aren't happy?

>> No.16090537

He's holding out for that yetitania in the Sprinter.

>> No.16090541
Quoted by: >>16090554

>Ushi-oni takes classes with a wight to become classy
>She comes back with a brand new vocabulary
>Her mannerism is completely changed as well
>You can't believe that just last week she was cooking bacon naked while listening to country music
>Her thick accent completely dissapeared too
>You ask her what she wants to do tonight
>Instead of the usual "sex, pizza and movies" she replies that she wants to read a book

I'd ask for a refund

>> No.16090554
Quoted by: >>16090558

I'd wait until I learned what book it was.

>> No.16090558

What book do you want it to be?

What if it's Twilight?

>> No.16090561

If it's Twilight, then I get a 'flayer to fix this shit.

>> No.16090563

Time to slay an undead

>> No.16090566
Quoted by: >>16090572

Then only two of us are leaving the house alive.

>> No.16090572
Quoted by: >>16090583

It was never implied that there were more than two of you in the house to begin with though. You're going to need to be more specific, Edw--I mean Anon.

>> No.16090577
Quoted by: >>16090589

You counter-offer the Karma Sutra.

>> No.16090583

I mean that her shit taste in books is perfectly acceptable; it is my duty as the better read individual to guide and enlighten her so she transitions to respectable literature. Or just fuck her so hard the shitty book becomes a sodden illegible mess. 's fine either way.

>> No.16090589

But she's a spider, she can't actually DO all that stuff.

>> No.16090593

If you can't out Kama the Sutra with seven vaginas at your disposal I don't know what to do with you.

>> No.16090611

What if every type of monster girls had their own karma sutra?

The scylla one would come in 8 different volumes

>> No.16090612
File: 259 KB, 1017x547, 1449559025089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So if I enroll into this, I can get a fox waifu no problem, huh...

>> No.16090618
Quoted by: >>16090630

Better hope she doesn't get cancelled.

>> No.16090626
File: 459 KB, 1200x850, 1404071368999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was this cancelled again? It was comfy.

>> No.16090630
File: 659 KB, 1200x1400, 1450900105136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The power of love goes beyond trivial things such as "death" or "cancellation".

>> No.16090637

The short answer was nips didn't buy it enough.
The long answer is the writing was pretty iffy, and it was a bit rushed. You could say that about a lot of manga that don't take off though.

>> No.16090639

Curse of shit taste, per usual.

>> No.16090677
Quoted by: >>16090686


>> No.16090686

This is really comfy.

>> No.16090706
File: 319 KB, 600x601, B5nbj8aCcAI183K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is disappoint because anon only shows love to dragons and ignores other reptiles

>> No.16090710

>those piercings
I hope that flesh grows back.

>> No.16090712

That's not true!
I've really liked a Medusa and an Echidna.
They were just taken by Shirou and Luka

>> No.16090721
Quoted by: >>16090729

But Shirou doesn't tap Rydah?

>> No.16090729
Quoted by: >>16090739

Well, no. He doesn't. Fake Shirou taps dream Rider in HA I guess, but she is confirmed to have strong feelings for him there

>> No.16090739

>Goads wormslut into a threesome under the guise of being there to make Sakura more comfortable when in reality she just wanted some Shirou

>> No.16090740
Quoted by: >>16090763

If it wasn't for the venomous snake over her shoulder, that would be an overwhelmingly cute Medusa.
Something about the lines of her face is very aesthetically appealing to me, her ears are top-grade nibbling fodder, and the presence of silky hair alongside the snakes does a lot to make her more feminine.

>> No.16090744

I swear some of the best doujins I've ever read are Rider doujins. Including a particular favorite which caters to my rather underappreciated claustrophilia.

>> No.16090757
Quoted by: >>16090762

I dare Anon to fly his scout vessel into the Dragon Dominion sector and return without starting a war between them and the Terran Republic.

>> No.16090759
File: 1010 KB, 800x800, 1424854332643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16090762
Quoted by: >>16090766

Joke's on you, my vessel has a new type of exhaust system that doesn't leave an emission trail, making me virtually invisible unless someone looks out the window. And who does that?

>> No.16090763

That snake is PISSED, maybe it would calm down if she finally got a lover

Ice girls are best girls
Fire girls can't even compete

>> No.16090766
Quoted by: >>16090770

Millennia-old Dragon overlords, who each command their own fleets of Lizardgirls and Salamanders.

Who's strength, intelligence and power make up for their species small numbers.

Space Dragons are scary.

>> No.16090770
Quoted by: >>16090778

They've got their minions staring at radar screens, and I'm jamming those with raspberry.

>> No.16090778
File: 461 KB, 588x1000, 145378544534534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090787

The result of this will be Lizardgirls running around in a panic about their sensors not working, while the Dragon shouts 'CURSE YOU TERRAN!'.

>> No.16090786
Quoted by: >>16090791

B-But it's not even winter!

>> No.16090787
File: 634 KB, 1000x2000, 1413179252212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090819

Well the enemy has been pissed off, so it'll be fine to fly back and try not to get caught by my supervisor. She's a hard-ass.

>> No.16090791

It is where I live. Snowed all week.

>> No.16090810
Quoted by: >>16090812

DoIlooklikeawritefag wrote another muti-chapter story. It's about a guy who sees guns as beautiful women.


/k/ommandos can finally fantasize about loving their guns.

>> No.16090812
Quoted by: >>16090822

>gun women
I will never understand this fetish for guns.

>> No.16090819
File: 272 KB, 1280x1280, 16344839574234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090821

Space Cats from outer space!

>> No.16090821
Quoted by: >>16090830

The one on the left is clearly not a cat.
In fact, I believe she'd be offended to be referred to as such.

>> No.16090822
Quoted by: >>16090832

It doesn't seem that much more strange than armor or sword women.

>> No.16090830
Quoted by: >>16090835

Na, she's one of those cats with the bushy tails.

The extra fluffy ones.

But you can try to tell space cats they aren't cats if you're brave enough.

>> No.16090832
Quoted by: >>16090837

It is strange because guns make for terrible fighting and pretty much remove all the fantasy of any settings unless it's sci-fi

What would you prefer:
Having an epic sword fight with a monster girl and then marry her once you win
Or shoot each other for a few minutes and then miserably die?

>> No.16090835
Quoted by: >>16090852

Maine Coon is the fluffiest and largest of domestic kitty-cats.

>> No.16090837


>> No.16090852

Ragdoll is the most easy to princess carry.

>> No.16090858

Yeah, what's up with that?
>pick up regular cat
>hissing, claws, teeth
>pick up ragdoll

>> No.16090860
Quoted by: >>16090867

>tfw my family's ragdoll passed away a few years ago

They're lovely cats though.

>> No.16090861

They're actually Slimes pretending to be cats.

>> No.16090867
File: 74 KB, 201x271, 1399578186210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the week of talking about dead cats?

>> No.16090877

Can you Alp into a foxgirl?
This is important I must know.

>> No.16090880
Quoted by: >>16090888

Assuming it works like regular monsterization after you allahu akbar'd your spirit energy, it would require having kitsune DE present in majority at the time.

>> No.16090887

KC answered this after an anon asked him
He said that you can alp into almost any species under the right circumstances

If I recall correctly he wasn't very pleased to answer, I don't think he likes people wanting to alp

>> No.16090888
Quoted by: >>16090891

While the idea of being walked through the process by an intimate fox is endlessly appealing, I don't think they'd ever do it voluntarily.
They'd send you to a help center or dick milking factory or something.

>> No.16090891
Quoted by: >>16090893

Or you have sex with one at her shrine and absorb the ambient energy while she struggles with the trauma of you turning.

>> No.16090893
Quoted by: >>16090895

>Or you have sex with one at her shrine
I think if you're doing this you've already disqualified yourself from Alping.

>> No.16090895
Quoted by: >>16090898

What if the V is only a means to reach the D?

>> No.16090898
Quoted by: >>16090901

Maybe so, but that seems rather contrived.
If getting the proper Obamamana is your concern, kitsune is easy. Just be anywhere near a Youko.

>> No.16090901
Quoted by: >>16090904

>hagfag to a nine-tail

>> No.16090904
Quoted by: >>16090906

You're gonna have to reword that in a fashion that makes sense to me.

>> No.16090906

fag hag
noun informal

a heterosexual woman who spends much of her time with homosexual men.

>> No.16090918

>If I recall correctly he wasn't very pleased to answer, I don't think he likes people wanting to alp
Well yeah, he made Alps to be something to fuck and not something to turn into.

He was probably thinking "man I like some weird shit and even I think you're messed up"

>> No.16090923

>make an answer to the question of "what happens if they try to fuck a gay dude"
>is surprised when said gay dudes want to take that answer

>> No.16090946
Quoted by: >>16090957

I dono, I think he made alps for the genderbender / transformation fetish. I mean, in the alp entry it’s a case of “you you want to be a girl you become a MG” or “if you like dick you become a MG”. I don’t think he was thinking about gays when he wrote it and then just when “oh right, this solves the gay problem as well.”
And being gay in japan is still not really socially acceptable, but that might be a bit of a stretch.
I mean think about it. If you are gay you turn inte a alp, right? But what if you are a top in a gay relationship? You only enjoy fucking other gay guys in the ass but don’t like getting fucked, what happens then? Do the both of you turn into alps? Do only the bot turn and the top keeps fucking them in the ass? How does that make sense? Am I reading way too much into a KC lore while still knowing that KC isn’t a good writer?

>> No.16090947

Now only hell awaits.

>> No.16090951
File: 618 KB, 1600x1200, A cutey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16090990

>Dat Ushi
>Dat cute Yao on the left

Good shit my man.

>> No.16090957
Quoted by: >>16090964

Gays aren't his target demographic
He just wanted to give people with a gender bender fetishists an option to choose from, I heard that was a big fetish in japan

>> No.16090960
Quoted by: >>16090966

>gay dudes being into a hetro porn setting in the first place

>> No.16090964

>I heard that was a big fetish in japan
Would not surprise me in the slightest. While I can only say form what I've seen, there is a lot of it and people over there seams to like it A LOT.

>> No.16090966

>I wanna be the little girl
>hundreds of varieties of girl to choose from
Doesn't seem terribly far-fetched.

>> No.16090984
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x840, Dragon you say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16093353

I don't ignore them.

>> No.16090990

Strange way of spelling "terrifying."

>> No.16090999

Don't even pretend you wouldn't spend all night up Yao's butt.
Getting my tonsils licked while staring into those crimson orbs would be heaven.

>> No.16091006
File: 609 KB, 1004x1000, best hugs MGQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true man of shit taste friend.

>> No.16091009

I want to get slammed to a bed by those meaty paws.

>> No.16091011

You'll have to forgive me if I find Mileena smiles a bit unnerving.

>> No.16091016
File: 291 KB, 2724x1016, yao faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has some teeth to back it up, but that's only more charming in my opinion.

>> No.16091022


terrifying can still be cute

>> No.16091033

Monster girls with abomination-tier mouths are love
Can you imagine how happy she'd be once you finally let her blow you?

>> No.16091034
Quoted by: >>16091109

Really? Since I don't recall that at all. Rather, the answer I recall was that it would take concentrated effort from a particular MG to influence the transformation of an Alp into anything other than a Succubus, far more-so than typically required for monsterization.

So pretty well the exact opposite of "Yeah Alps can be anything", with no real give-aways as to his personal feelings on it.

>> No.16091095
File: 338 KB, 850x923, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having fun?

>> No.16091104

Clown monstergirls would be a real fearboner for me.

>> No.16091109

Yeah you recall it better than I did

He said they can be anything but the way he said how hard it is really made it seems he wasn't happy to give this answer

No, I want to talk about waifu but the thread is playing with undeads

>> No.16091114

>the way he said how hard it is really made it seems he wasn't happy to give this answer
Personally think he just wanted to get across the sense of difficulty due to it being two extreme transformations as opposed to just one.

And all the same I would imagine that there are some races that would be easier to turn into than others. Those classed under the "Succubus Family" being near-human as opposed to say Dragons or Echidnae; species which are noted to be rare transformations even for naturally born women.

>> No.16091144

There is only one thing I need in life right now, that being that the "It's Christmas" card being The Ushi-Oni finally hugging the sad out of him.

>> No.16091153
File: 432 KB, 668x1031, ShyvanaGettingLusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you usually spend mornings with your dragonfu anons? mine wont let me leave the bed

>> No.16091154
Quoted by: >>16091162

Who is your waifu and what does she do?

>> No.16091159
File: 151 KB, 825x469, TC0Qubw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16091160

Why would you leave the bed?
That's a fine wolf design.

>> No.16091162

Of course she won't let you leave the bed, her most precious treasure needs to rest properly after all

>Ice Queen
>Royalty (basically doing nothing)

What about you?

>> No.16091168
Quoted by: >>16091175

How do you meet her? Braving through the blizzards with truly intense willpower?

>> No.16091169
Quoted by: >>16091175

>What about you?
Dragon. Her ancestors raided, plundered and pillaged to the point she's living off of interest.

>> No.16091171
Quoted by: >>16091532

I don't remember this one

>> No.16091175
Quoted by: >>16091180

I just wanted to climb a snowy mountain, ended up finding her palace and before I knew it I was giving her a creampie in the mating press position

>living off of interest
This is the dream life

>> No.16091180

>dream life
Of course there's still a bunch of stuff in the physical hoard, stuff with stories. Like how Scrooge McDuck's actual wealth exists on paper and in stocks but his money bin is where he keeps the stuff that has memories attached to it.

>> No.16091184

No. I can't steal wifi and can't post stuff.

>> No.16091185
File: 2.64 MB, 800x450, 1478847164706.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never get to cook for my harem of MGs
>tfw I'll never destroy them with culinary prowess

Do to certain events in England and Murrica I feel like 2017 is more and more likely to happen.

>> No.16091187

Is Pocky Day a thing in MGE?

>> No.16091189

I show tons of love for dragons, big lobe for other lizards and just a bit for the snakes. I can't help it.

>> No.16091191

2017 would happen anyway, because that's how the calendar works.

>> No.16091193

Slippery snake skills allow me to get out of her embrace and cook breakfast if she didn't get up alread

>> No.16091194
Quoted by: >>16091203

They would probably die if you made them eat something real like deep dish.

>> No.16091197

Of course it is. Pocky day is universal.

>> No.16091200

Lizard girls > dragons

>> No.16091203

>Waifu only ever ate raw animals her whole life
>You take the time to cook her a deep dish pizza
>She is reluctant to eat it
>You enjoy yourself a slice
>Her mouth starts to water
>She picks up a slice
>Bring it to her face
>Bites into eat
>Chew for a moment
>Stops chewing and moving altogether
>Passes out
>You check on her to see if she's ok
>She's ahegaoing on the floor

I don't know but I'd love to the thing where you hold a pocky in your mouth and she has to eat it, inevitably kissing you in the end

>> No.16091211

Do undead MGs still need food? I know they love that rare undead lamentation mushroom.

Then again she's a Wight so she already has teams of chefs under her.

>> No.16091221

You made a lizard girl relly happy just now.

>> No.16091225
Quoted by: >>16091230

This man knows the truth, Lizards and Salamanders need love too.

>> No.16091230

Whete is the dude with Sala waifu? He has true lizard love.

>> No.16091236

Lamias > Lizards and dragons

>> No.16091244

While I do agree with you, this is not politically correct to say
You're going to trigger the lizardmen again

>> No.16091252

Hello I am the Wurm butt inspector, please direct me to the nearest Wurm butt so that I can do my inspection.

>> No.16091259
File: 85 KB, 972x571, swiggityswoogity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurm butt inspector, meet Elf butt inspector.

>> No.16091260
Quoted by: >>16091265

>You will never be the only male at your school
>You will never be brutally pinned by the nerds in the anime club and get raped
>You will never be forced to wear embarassing cosplay and say embarassing phrases
>You will never be mindbroken by the nerd club as you are used as a human dildo

>> No.16091265

Where do I apply to become a butt inspector?
I know a lot of scyllas who need a check

This is why I'd hang out with the delinquents

>> No.16091270

Pleased to meet you. I always enjoy meeting another professional. Have you seen any Wurm butts around here?

You gotta go to the Butt Inspectors Academy where you will be put through a rigorous 2 years of both learning how to inspect butts, as well as practicing butt inspection. After that it's another 4 years to learn a specialty Butt Inspection trade. By the way, seen any Wurm butts?

>> No.16091273

Wurms > Lamias

>> No.16091286
File: 433 KB, 2048x1248, Cw97altUoAA0Gnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091311

Happy 11/11

>> No.16091292

Anons i am the same man who said my dragon waifu deserves better from yesterday but today i woke up in pain.

Only when i cried out im sorry forgive me and thst i have worth did the pain stop.

Maybe she does exist. And i am sorry for what i said.

>> No.16091297
Quoted by: >>16091417

Okay. I'm interested in the source of the pic.

>> No.16091300
Quoted by: >>16091306

It's a sign, anon

Start lifting and git fucking gud

>> No.16091306

I will git gud anon. I do not want to feel that ever again.
I just hope she forgives me.

>> No.16091311
Quoted by: >>16091324

Foxes need to wear full burkas, they are corrupting innocent young men by showing off their ears and tails all day long

Of course she exist
Probably not on earth, maybe not even in this universe but she is waiting for you somewhere

>> No.16091324

Yes, foxes need to wear burkas. They should also have on a full chastity ensemble under them so that they don't rape either.

>> No.16091340
File: 337 KB, 902x1300, img000027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091357

Why are spiders so lewd?

>> No.16091354

That wererabbit uniformon that werewolf

Embarrass the wolfu.

>> No.16091357
Quoted by: >>16091389

I don't know anon, that looks like a human to me.

>> No.16091360
Quoted by: >>16091370

The delinquent hell hounds would treat me so much better. Not like that Anime club full of nerdy foxes and oomukades.

>> No.16091370

So the delinquents are smug MGs? Sign me up

>> No.16091375
Quoted by: >>16091401

I guess it worked out.

And remember Anon, your waifu will always love you no matter what, so stop hurting yourself and get to love her.

>> No.16091389
File: 642 KB, 877x1250, img000019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091391


>> No.16091391
Quoted by: >>16091394


>> No.16091394

Anon made a girl cry!

>> No.16091401

I will, no more hurting anylonger.

dragons a best.

>> No.16091410

What does your daughteru want to be when she grows up?

If you're one of those weird fuckers with a kid for a waifu, what does your waifu want to be when she grows up?

>> No.16091413

inb4 papa's bride

Can undead have children?

>> No.16091415

The mg version of Indiana Jones. She's also a lamia.

>> No.16091416

The best botanist the world ever had. I bet the little cute is going to open a flower shop too.

>> No.16091417
Quoted by: >>16091428


I will offer a word of caution, it does contain some yuri/bisexuality in it, as well as several male monsters like a Cyclops, Pale Elf guy, and a body-snatching demon. So read at your own discretion.

>> No.16091422
Quoted by: >>16091434

I'll spoil her and tell her that working suck so she's probably going to become either a NEET or a housewife

>> No.16091428
Quoted by: >>16091444

Perfect. Thanks!

>> No.16091433
Quoted by: >>16091486

My daughteru wants to be a scientist, just like her mama! Not a magical, medical scientist though, a space scientist who gets paid to look at the stars and stay up all night!

She also wants to be daddy's little puppy slut, but she's already has that job.

>> No.16091434
Quoted by: >>16091449

In our world, definitely. I don't know about working in the MGE world.

There are people who live with Weresheeps and make a living by selling weresheep wool sweaters and clothes. Sounds comfy to me.

>> No.16091444


>> No.16091449
Quoted by: >>16091482

You do make a valid point
Work is MGE is more of a way to spend time with your family and make extra money for whatever you want

Still I don't see myself or my wife working when every necessity is free

>> No.16091453
File: 3.33 MB, 2273x2906, Shoggoth top meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091472

She wants to be an idealized Elder Chaos, but we suspect its just a phase.

>> No.16091472

But she's slimy and icky. She's probably not even soft to the touch.

>> No.16091475
Quoted by: >>16091485

That's pretty rude to Anon's daughteru.

>> No.16091482

I think it's optional too. Literally fucking around 24/7 is a valid lifestyle in MGE. Especially when you live in the Demon realm cities.

>> No.16091485
Quoted by: >>16091494

She's probably bullied in school for her ugly appeal.

>> No.16091486

Well KDF, at least your daughteru has some sort of higher aspirations.

>> No.16091489

Rude. She's literally an at-will, posture adjusted mattress.

>> No.16091491
Quoted by: >>16093038

Of course she does anon! She's a bright, passionate little girl with dreams and aspirations and stuff!

>> No.16091494
Quoted by: >>16091500

Woah Anon, you're going to make her, Anon and his waifu really upset, you better stop.

>> No.16091500

No. Him and his waifu are ugly and they deserved to be shamed. It's the only way.

>> No.16091506

>Chaos girls getting bullied again

Why does it always come down to this? She just wants to become an elder god who can warp reality, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.16091515

You got him and his waifu, but couldn't you spare their daughteru? That's too cruel.

>> No.16091518
Quoted by: >>16091533

Why don't you pick on someone who actually deserves it?

>> No.16091523

Is it possible to break free from a Mindflayer after she sticks her tentacles into your ears?

>> No.16091532

It's from the just released OAD.

>> No.16091533


>> No.16091539
File: 1.08 MB, 900x1273, 1459219317411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come and get your "fuck" on at the Canadian Snek Pits! Admission is free and refreshments are provided.

*Note: participants are responsible for any children made during Snek Pit liaisons.*

>> No.16091540

No. You'll feel a slight sense of reality if she puts it in your shitter.

>> No.16091543

>not taking responsibility of a snek daughteru


>> No.16091546

If she already claimed you as her husband then no, but don't view it as a bad end she'll do her best to make you the happiest man ever and within a few weeks you'll love her as much as she loves you even without her flaying you

If she just flayed you for a quick pump then yes, although you'd probably want to stay with her after having a taste of her pussy/powers

>> No.16091569
File: 309 KB, 1240x1754, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand the posting of tsundere Dragons!

>> No.16091570
Quoted by: >>16091580

Is it possible to de-tsun the tsundragon?

>> No.16091579
Quoted by: >>16091586

Deredere > tsundere
Fight me you faggot

>> No.16091580

It's called classic tsundere.

>> No.16091586

I want to get smothered in snakes and let them have their way with me because I'm too shy to tell them no

I'll even marry any snakes who get pregnant from raping me

Deredere>kuudere>literally anything else>tsundere

Tsunderes should go away and never come back

>> No.16091594
Quoted by: >>16091608

I don't have a really big problem with very light tsundere. A little sass is cute sometimes, but when tsundere is the whole personality and violence and truly hurtful language get thrown around, that's taking it way too far.

>> No.16091604

Don't be mean to tsun Dragons you Baka!

>> No.16091608

>that's taking it way too far.

What's wrong with a girl who hates and bullies you? It's cute.

>> No.16091612

It's degrading.

>> No.16091613
Quoted by: >>16091620

If a girl wants to bully me she better love me and show it

If a big muscled dragon wanted to step and my dick and ridicule me I'd be down with it but only if there was cuddles and abs licking afterwards

>> No.16091618

Tsundere can be kind of cute in an anime or whatever, but in real life I'm way to stupid to get that a girl likes me unless she's up front about it

>> No.16091620

Depends how well you do while she digrades you.

>> No.16091624

It will forever rustle me that two faggots like shoggocks and alp are the biggest sluts for chromatic dragons

>> No.16091627

Isn't that their default mindset? Dragons are really prideful after all.

>> No.16091630
File: 270 KB, 800x913, 1466513713847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091645

The only good part about tsunderes is that they get extra cute when you start ignoring them.

>> No.16091632

Is there any place that sorts the profiles by disposition?

>> No.16091645
Quoted by: >>16091649

I bet if you stood behind her you could get a full view of her panties with her tail like that.

>> No.16091649

That's the best part about monster fashion. When the tail is under their skirt.

I bet dragon pantyshots would be worth a lot, but I would hoard them all for myself.

>> No.16091651

Give me a healing monster girl while I wait for my depression meds.

>> No.16091654


>> No.16091655

Sea bishop.

>> No.16091658




>> No.16091659
File: 1.66 MB, 1816x1730, __ushi_oni_monster_girl_encyclopedia__9c544e1c3815f95e358cee25b775c950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091854


>> No.16091660
Quoted by: >>16091675

anon you're a filthy jew. a filthy panythose jew.

>> No.16091669

I want to cum in a Kiki's face!

>> No.16091671

Which monster girl will agree that the superior doughnut is the apple fritter?

>> No.16091675

I could sell some from other species like Ushis and Hellhounds, but dragons are mine.

>> No.16091676

Go for the ara ara types and bury your face in her chest.

>cookie captcha
Do ara ara Wurms exist?

>> No.16091679
Quoted by: >>16091694

None, because only a retard would agree with this

>> No.16091686
Quoted by: >>16091694

>apple fritter
Get that peasant trash outta here.
As you all know, cinnamon rolls are the best.

>> No.16091689
Quoted by: >>16091694

Get outta here you pleb. Lemon-filled and chocolate-filled are objectively the best donuts.

>> No.16091690

While of she's an undyne like her mother I guess go do elemental things

>> No.16091694

What would you say it is?

Cinnamon Rolls aren't doughnuts.;


>> No.16091700

The superior doughnut is the perfect little anus of an embarrassed loli Kikimora.

>> No.16091705
Quoted by: >>16091713

You pervert!

>> No.16091707

You are gross.
Loli kikis are for giving doughnuts and cider as a reward.

>> No.16091712

I'm not gross, I just tell the facts. The loli Kiki can have her reward after all her responsibilities are done, and that includes getiing her asshole thoroughly licked by Master.

>> No.16091713

It's not my fault dragons have such big treasures. Maybe they should take responsibility.

>> No.16091714


>> No.16091720
Quoted by: >>16091726

get her addicted to it.

>> No.16091726

Oh, with gusto.

>> No.16091728

Loli kikis deserve sweets for all their hard work!

>> No.16091732

>What would you say it is?
I'll be honest I'm not from the US, the only donuts I ever ate are cheap supermarket knockoffs so I can't say which is the best
But I sure as hell can tell that even a starved wurm wouldn't touch an apple fritter

>> No.16091734

I'm gonna reward a loli Kiki with money.

>> No.16091735

I completely agree with that anon, getting a nice long cat-bath on her little anus is part of her job.

>> No.16091740

Make your will save.

>> No.16091744
Quoted by: >>16091810

Please don't sexualize the lolis. They are for headpats and reading bedtime stories.

>> No.16091746
Quoted by: >>16091749

>Cinnamon Rolls aren't doughnuts.
They're still fucking superior to anything else anon.

>> No.16091749

This. Cinnamon Rolls are the bees pyjamas

>> No.16091771
File: 110 KB, 834x1080, 3cbc4a75a2193bbe15f74e8c715e7a2b3ff74fe90563fe04ec875cb808fb2224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey boy, you sure got a purty mouth."

>> No.16091775

Which is the best way to maintain your kiki's happiness:
Praise and headpats
Or creampies?

>> No.16091781


>> No.16091782

It depends;
>is your kiki underage?
Then headpats it is.
>is your kiki at or above the age of consent?
Then fill her up with so much cum until she can't see her toes.

>> No.16091785
Quoted by: >>16091811

Praise her ability to hold your cum.

>> No.16091791
File: 100 KB, 1200x1200, 8f58fe663a883c897def911f2bc6e4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take responsibility

>> No.16091794

That's not my wife though.

>> No.16091802

It wasn't me.

>> No.16091808

I don't like snakes.

>> No.16091810

That's lame, I'll do what I want.

>> No.16091811

Aren't loli kikis supposed to be even more perveted than their older counterpart?

How didn't I think of this before!

>> No.16091812
File: 194 KB, 650x650, 1453491631066-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did.

>> No.16091816

I want a luggage waifu with hundreds of tiny legs and a big sycamore-colored tongue.

>> No.16091817


>> No.16091825
Quoted by: >>16091845


>cumflated kiki trying to keep it in to not stain the floor for mastah
>blow hot hair in her ears or pet her tail to make her try harder until she begs you to stop

i think i am a horrible person for trying to tease cumflated kikis

>> No.16091830

>that hair
Oh baby

>> No.16091845
Quoted by: >>16091853

>Giving the cumflated kiki a spook
>There is a cumfall coming out of her as she has an orgasm

They become so frail it's cute.

>> No.16091846

>you will never walk through the woods in the south somewhere and run into a group of Krakens in sheets
>you will never be the communal boytoy for the Kraken Kuddle Klub
Southern MGs are godtier.

>> No.16091852

>lotus pose headpats

>> No.16091853
Quoted by: >>16091869

That's mean anon, you just spoiled her meal.

>> No.16091854

Spiders are bad.

>> No.16091866
Quoted by: >>16091881

I going learn bullhit sword skills so I can fight a dragon and make her submit!

>> No.16091869
Quoted by: >>16091875

She can lick it of the ground if she wants. Maybe I'll feed her from the other end too. Oh god my dick

>> No.16091875

>dicking kiki from behind in a corner of the hall while she laps up your old cum like a cat

>> No.16091878

Your kind is not welcome here

>> No.16091881
Quoted by: >>16091889

I'm going to submit to a submitted dragon. Then we'll have tons of daughterus.

>> No.16091884
File: 237 KB, 724x771, 1462164730620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091890

"Ey ese! I'm no spider! I'm Mexican!"

>> No.16091889

You are a man of great taste anon.

>> No.16091890

Hakutacos and Atlantis-Nachos?

>> No.16091907
File: 740 KB, 835x1100, 1449774574867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091910


Depends if she takes after her dad or not. I imagine foxes would make good writers, though.

Boy, I'm going to tease the shit out of her.

>> No.16091910
Quoted by: >>16091969

>Boy, I'm going to tease the shit out of her.
>teasing your own daughteru

>> No.16091919
File: 523 KB, 1062x1136, 76wydniqsmycby83hjjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will cumflate a jabberwock to the point where she will have PTSD from seeing semen

>> No.16091938
Quoted by: >>16092003

That's not what jabberwocks are for.

>> No.16091942
Quoted by: >>16092003

You mean Post Traumatic Sexual Degeneration where upon seeing semen her brain turns off and all she wants is to get cumflated again?

>> No.16091950
Quoted by: >>16092003

She'd dare you to do it in public. A Wock's pride comes from being acknowledged as the lewdest couple around.

>> No.16091953

oh shit im sorry

>> No.16091962
Quoted by: >>16091966

Help anons. What do I do? Should run.

>> No.16091966
Quoted by: >>16091971

Run all you want, she will just find you.

Don't just say "I'm sorry." Show her just how sorry you are.

>> No.16091969
File: 206 KB, 697x677, 1448349185317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16091983


Going to tease her worse if she becomes a good-for-nothing like her mother.

>> No.16091971
Quoted by: >>16091974

But my purity. I don't want her to ruin.

>> No.16091974
Quoted by: >>16091981

She's gonna ruin you all night long.Then come the cuddles.

>> No.16091981

I'll call the MG police

>> No.16091983

>Having sex with a furry

>> No.16091987
Quoted by: >>16092028

Her mama taught her not to be ashamed of her tail, especially when they are that size and all.

>> No.16091996
Quoted by: >>16092001

They'll just sit there and watch.

>> No.16091999
File: 655 KB, 800x800, 1454113152443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna spend the rest of my life with the wolfu!
We will hold hands and cuddle a lot!
Not even gonna have kids, just spend our time together in peace and quiet!
Also gonna fuck a lot!

>> No.16092001


>> No.16092002
Quoted by: >>16092037

Yes, and?
She spends most of her time looking like a delicious cross of Bokuseiinmonzeninari Sakura and Hakubi Washu.

>> No.16092003
Quoted by: >>16092040



she can only get it on our home privacy,if she wants she can parade around showing her gut

>> No.16092006
Quoted by: >>16092016


Really anon? At least not in later life? To have a legacy?

>> No.16092012
Quoted by: >>16092037


First off, it's not my kink but at the same time I don't really care either.

Second, Kitsu's base form is furry, but not Fushimi's. Fushimi transformed once, basically on accident because emotions. It's a form that almost entirely goes unused.

>those explanations are just excuses

Whatever you say.

>> No.16092016
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, 1420084821935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I've never had a desire to have kids. I can see how it's a rewarding experience for some, but to me, it's an 18+ year long time and money sink. Would rather spend that time and money having fun.

>> No.16092019
Quoted by: >>16092031

>Anon calls the MG police
>It's an anubis and a jinko
>"What's the problem sir"
>You tell them that she wants to rape you
>The anubis facepalms and the jinko goes back to their car
>The anubis gives you a long lecture about prank calling the police
>They leave after telling you that they'll throw you in jail the next time you call them

>> No.16092023
File: 218 KB, 895x1068, 1477090944142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best job class(es) and Automaton could have access to?

>> No.16092028

Fuck you my sides hurt

>> No.16092030

You do realize one of the greatest joys monster girls can experience is getting pregnant right?

>> No.16092031

>anon gets raped
>his dignity shattered
>he's shaken and scared for his safety
>thrown out into the street after his usefulness is used up
>breaks down in tears each therapy session

They always miss this part out.

>> No.16092035

Pencil sharpener.

>> No.16092036
File: 708 KB, 1348x1500, 1461421435515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092041

B-But I just want to spend an eternity touching her tail!

>> No.16092037
File: 38 KB, 225x339, MOZGUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means I don't hate you.

>Putting words in my mouth when I really don't give a fuck whatever you get your rocks off to so long as it isn't explicitly /d/ or faggotry denial like futa
I'm getting my wheel.

>> No.16092039


>> No.16092040

This is a serious question, I need a clear yes/no answer

MG daughters aren't anything like human kids
You could educate a liter of 8 hellpups by just playing and talking to them a few hours every day
And even if you prefered to have those few hours for something else they can learn by experiencing the world themselves
As for money they'd cost next to nothing

I can understand not particularly wanting a child, but being against it makes no sense in MGE especially with what this anon said >>16092030

>> No.16092041
Quoted by: >>16092048

You can still do that, and besides monster girl kids aren't little shits like regular kids are and, depending on the species, they're pretty much self sufficient by puberty.

>> No.16092048
File: 575 KB, 3264x2448, 1470619619347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092065

Well whatever makes her happy

>> No.16092065
Quoted by: >>16092076

The words of a true husband

Would you indulge her if she wanted to have as much sex as possible while she is pregnant so that your daughter will have a higher chance of being a dire hellhound?

>> No.16092070

>trying to out fuck a monster
Even if you manage to output enough to inflate her shes just going to love it

>> No.16092076
File: 186 KB, 850x560, 1435627685777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. Dire hellhounds are love.

>> No.16092078
Quoted by: >>16092096

Atlach-Nacha would have been an easy 10/10 if the spider was part of her

>> No.16092096

I like the contrast between how innocent looking she is while single and and how scary she is "fused" with her husband
It adds a lot to the chaos girls and their wish of becoming one with their husband

She's already a solid 10 in my heart but I can see how she could be improved by being more monstrous on her own

I almost went bigamous for that cursed spider loli

>> No.16092103

>Centaur from better home lectures dumb meme-cats on moral standards

This seems oddly appropriate

>> No.16092135
Quoted by: >>16092142

Are Anubi perfectionists? Because if so, I want one to fondle my balls and tell me that "They're too soft and squishy."

>> No.16092140
File: 1.97 MB, 2870x1997, 1477448014300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092142

>a Dairy White Horn will never ever make you Hot Cocoa using her breast milk.

>> No.16092142
Quoted by: >>16092155

Please reconsider
She would add some weird balls training to your already packed full schedule, she's going to cut into your free time yet again

Yetis hold the monopoly for tastiest hot cocoa

>> No.16092147
Quoted by: >>16092182

>connect her to the internet
>let her browse [s4s]
>she will never stop spouting memes

>> No.16092153
Quoted by: >>16092160

Yes, i wanna cumflate her every day while using humpty slime,raging mushrooms and sticky mushrooms until she starts hating the sight of semen

>> No.16092155

>weird balls training

I'm interested.

>> No.16092160
Quoted by: >>16092172

This is not ok, you are an absolute madman even by wonderland standards
She's supposed to be proud at how perverted her husband is but you're taking it so far she'll have to walk around in a thick hoodie to hide her face and bulging stomach

No clue what she'd do, perhaps something to do with edging

>> No.16092166


>> No.16092169

>Remember that the Queen of Hearts is a Lilim/Alice mutation

You know, as much as I'm probably tempting fate right now, I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been an OC lilim who was a mutation of another species, even among the shitty meme ones.

>> No.16092172

I'd be down for some edging and gentle CBT, if it was my waifu doing it.

>> No.16092175
Quoted by: >>16092177

Isn't ball stretching an actual thing? Like if think I've seen porn of that before. Not even in a weird torture way just stretching out some guys testicles

>> No.16092177

Yes, that is definitely a thing. I'd rather be slapped around than stretched though.

>> No.16092182

>She turns purple and say that you have a nice dick

>> No.16092189

Ok anon, would you sub for your waifu if you're usually dominant?

Would you dom your waifu if you're usually the submissive?

>> No.16092192

What if I tell you that my Lilim is actually just a really powerful succubus cosplaying? You will never know who she is and neither will the other Lilims.

>> No.16092196

Of course, anything for her.

>> No.16092200

Both me and her are switches, so depending on the mood we change how we play. She's the one that take the iniciative most of the time

>> No.16092202
Quoted by: >>16092226

assuming that was an actual question it would only half work. The world guides say how it's pretty easy to tell two species apart if you know them, something about different dispositions or something

>> No.16092210
Quoted by: >>16092226

I'm a big dom but I'm down for anything if she wants it
I already fapped to her doming me a few times

>Arch-succubus cosplaying as a lilim
>She enters the royal makai without issue
>She even sneaks into a family dinner
>The DL and all the lilims notice her
>They don't bother telling her
>She start actually thinking that she's a lilim

>> No.16092212

Id prefer her to be the dominant one all the time. But if she insists. I'll try my best.

>> No.16092215

I actually had an idea a while back for an OC Lilim that was Corrupted by the Chaos Gods, and has a considerable dominion in the Dreamlands, corrupting humans in their sleep with wild orgies over doing it straight out. After all, the sleeping mind is easier to influence than the waking

>> No.16092221
Quoted by: >>16092240

Absolutely. My Kobold waifu and I are technically both switches, but she likes being the sub a lot more and I like being the dom a lot more. It is quite fun when she ties me to the bed and teaches our daughteru the wonders and intricacies of edging and making Papa squirm!

>> No.16092226
Quoted by: >>16092260

It was more or less of a joke. I don't want to make her a lilim, but she is as powerful as one.

She is now part of.the family.

>> No.16092228

I'm mostly sub but I would Dom I guess. Depends on how far it's going to go, I don't want want to get violent or anything and prefer happy sex.

>> No.16092235

We're both already switches so its not like it'd be some big change for either of us.

>> No.16092240
Quoted by: >>16092265

>KDF in bondage

>> No.16092260
Quoted by: >>16092270

>she is as powerful as one.
I'm pretty sure she can be but it's a bit tricky
Lilims are linked to every monster and share some power with them
Saying that your succubus is as powerful as one is saying she's as powerful as a small percentage of the combined power of all monster girls

So yeah, she's pretty fucking powerful too bad she's only going to use that power to get your dick hard

>> No.16092265
Quoted by: >>16092287

What? Is it not allowed for us to switch roles occasionally? It's great fun for all of us!

In reality, my whole bondage fetish started from a self-bondage fetish.

>> No.16092270

Maybe as powerful as a child Lilim, but she corrupts a lot. Also, I already have a waifu, so my lilim is free.

>> No.16092271

>Remember I made the demon realm that is Variland have some shenanigans due to Old Variland's head-chopping business that makes dullahans be born with greater frequency
>If Victoria had a daughteru, it'd probably be a Lilim Dullahan

Well ain't that interesting

>> No.16092278

>switch fence-sitters

>> No.16092283

>le bait

>> No.16092287
Quoted by: >>16092353

It's kinda weird imagining you in bondage with your gentle kobold waifu putting a gag on you.

>> No.16092289
File: 235 KB, 900x1273, shyvana_thereddragonqueen_01_by_elementb13-d4fdus9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ride dragons or does the dragon ride you?

>> No.16092296

Sometimes I ride the dragon other times she rides me. Depends on what we're feeling on that day.

>> No.16092297

We ride each other.

>> No.16092299
File: 2.99 MB, 700x392, 1477702693549.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092458

that's a lotta snek.

>> No.16092300

>dragon daughteru who always get bullied by the other kids


And the dragon rides me obviously. No lewd.

>> No.16092303
File: 212 KB, 893x900, 1389254597849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Snake Pit Challenge today!

>> No.16092305

Haven't seen you use that one since you used to hate on ELH and Ilassa, Bollocks

>> No.16092309
Quoted by: >>16092317

Dragon rides me, I would never be man enough to ride her

What does the challenge consists of?

>> No.16092317

You go into a pit filled with sexually-starved Lamia women and try to last for at least 30 minutes.

>> No.16092318
Quoted by: >>16092328

No thanks.

>> No.16092323
Quoted by: >>16092344

I know some people say that nothing is impossible. But what you're asking is impossible.

>> No.16092328
Quoted by: >>16092342

shitty meme.

>> No.16092336
Quoted by: >>16092344

Does passing out count as lasting?
If not I give up

>> No.16092342
Quoted by: >>16092359

She's wearing a cloaca coverer, smartass.

>> No.16092344
Quoted by: >>16092366

Either way, you leave with a Lamia wife as a consolation prize.

>> No.16092345

>get naked
>jump in a pit of CC lamias who are so hopped up on fertility pills they can't even think straight
>If you can walk in the morning, then you've won.

>> No.16092353
Quoted by: >>16092381

Maybe, but I find it quite endearing! She has quite a lot of practice in domming our duahgteru so it's not like she's clueless.

Her dominant side is very subtle and motherly. She'll make a huge fuss with making me and/or our daughteru feel comfortable and safe and completely well cared for, but her will and conviction are absolutely unyielding.

She'll deliberately edge me for hours all while crooning softly into my ear about how much she loves me and how I'm so important to her. She'll spank me and pinch my nipples without holding anything back but the only feeling she conveys is happy, passionate love. Her smile is so innocent and caring but her actions are so terribly lewd and forceful. Getting dommed by her is quite therapeutic for me in a way, I don't have to think about anything else and there's no stress at all when she is in control. Although it's rather rare for her to want to dom me, she's the exact same way with our daughteru who she doms almost as much as I do.

>> No.16092359

I want to swipe it when she's not looking and then run like hell. It looks like it'd fall off if she slithers on it even a little, I bet I could get it off of her without her even noticing.

>> No.16092366
Quoted by: >>16092373

Sounds good but if a lamia other than her gets pregnant I'm not taking responsibility

>> No.16092373
Quoted by: >>16092496

>he doesn't want a lamia harem

>> No.16092381
Quoted by: >>16092389

>KDF knows as much about GFD as he does about being a degenerate daughteru dicker
Color me impressed.

>> No.16092389
Quoted by: >>16092411

I'm flattered, but there's no degeneracy here anon! Just wholesome family love!

>> No.16092411

>but there's no degeneracy here anon!
You fuck your daughteru. If that's not degeneracy, then I don't want to know what is.

>> No.16092420
Quoted by: >>16092425

Oh, I can name plenty of things.

>> No.16092425

Fucking your daughter being one? Daughterus are not for dicking. Full stop.

>> No.16092430
Quoted by: >>16092436

Thats an awfully thin dragon


>> No.16092433

Daughteru fucking is not degeneracy
Sex = purest form of showing love
Having sex with your daughter isn't normal per se but there is nothing wrong with it

If he loves his daughter to the point of being saddened at the idea of another man taking her from him then he has all the rights to fuck her

>> No.16092436
Quoted by: >>16092614

This. You can't have twigs.

It's either thicc, muscular or pudge.

>> No.16092443
Quoted by: >>16092462

I'm going to print and frame this posts. So whenever I feel down. I know there is one disgusting fucker out there that is more needing of suicide.

For Christ sake if you want your daughteru to stay pure and not go around fucking other men then make her a nun.

>> No.16092444
Quoted by: >>16092462

>purest form of showing love
>not headpats
>not handholding
>not brushing the other's teeth

Fuck outta here

>> No.16092458
File: 163 KB, 520x738, 1458515627861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092468

I wanna get taken to the interracial breeding-grounds.

I wanna break snek hymen.

>> No.16092462
Quoted by: >>16092474

It's not about her staying pure, it's about her staying with her daddy and being her N°1 favorite man in the world

None of these are as powerful as having sex
When you fuck your daughter she knows for a fact the extent of your love for her

>> No.16092468


>> No.16092474
Quoted by: >>16092481

Daughterus will always love their daddy and mommy. You don't need to fuck them to make sure that stays. Just be there for her. Love her and treat her properly.

>> No.16092481

You say that but when she leaves the household to marry some guy she raped and form her own family we'll both be crying

>> No.16092484

Says you, I'd be proud she found someone.

Sure I'd be sad too but they all have to leave sometime.

>> No.16092486
Quoted by: >>16092489

Do you think your waifu said parents thought the same? Do you think you shouldn't be together because the parents might think their daughteru doesn't love them? Do you think your waifu doesn't love her parent unconditionally?

>> No.16092489

My waifu loves her parents, but her father is second to me
And for everyday she spends with them, she spends a month with me

Is that the kind of relationship you want with your daughter? Seeing her once a month, always accompanied by another man who she loves more than you?

>> No.16092491
Quoted by: >>16092533

So you've just openly admitted you can't do the basic job of a parent and prepare them for real life, you can't handle having to actually be a parent and let them go and live their own life.

>> No.16092492

>Seeing her once a month, always accompanied by another man who she loves more than you?

Yeah pretty much.

Why should I care? I'm fucking her mom, which by anime logic is a way hotter version of her.

>> No.16092496

Harems are shit. Lamias are all about having one devoted yandere monogamous waifu forever.

>> No.16092498
Quoted by: >>16092522

You can love equally. That's a thing. It doesn't have to be one before the other.

>> No.16092499
Quoted by: >>16092522

So its fine for you to do that to another guy, but if it happens to you its bad?

>> No.16092502
File: 1.64 MB, 880x527, 1434205685746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092718

>Be fisherman back from the local day's haul
>Go into your favorite drinking hole, the novelty T-Shirt of "Derriere Debonair" under your jacket as you pay your greetings to the usuals
>Old Tom and his Gull Harpy wife, Herbert and his Selkie manning the bar
>A few of the monsters are giggling at you, being nary a day over twenty-two with peach fuzz all over your face
>There's one at the bar smiling at you, good ol' June, with her ginger hair spilling down to the nape of her neck
>Sometimes you wonder how a young walrus like you gets so lucky, and yet so unlucky at the same time
"'Derriere Debonair?', How cute. Tell me, how many fine booties do you know outside of this?"
>There's a few jeers as monsters laugh at her teasing, some of the old salty sailors smirking
>A few of her tentacles are twirling around the legs of your stool as she takes the one next to yours
"I've missed you, you know. All those cold and lone~ly nights by the shore. You've given me quite the cold shoulder these past few months, you know."
>She leans in close to your ear, huskily whispering into it
"Meet me at the usual place? I've got a special surprise for you."
>The moon is high as a kite when you step foot into that ol' lagoon, June waiting for you, clothed only in a sling bikini top and a sarong
"Well? What are you waiting for? Undress."
>The air's chilly as you disrobe, the lascivious Scylla keeping her back to you, letting you see the full volume of her buttocks
>The flesh is soft and pliant, if not a bit elastic due to her octopus-like nature. You can barely even palm one of her cheeks with your callused hand.
"You approve? I actually had to do a bit of research for it. But there's no way I'd let my little 'Derriere Debonair' down. After all, Sea-Holst milk isn't cheap."
>Tentacles wrap around your arms and get you to rubbing and caressing her beautiful, full buttocks as the Scylla giggles
"Oh? I found a bit of driftwood~"
>One of the smaller tentacles wraps around your rigid shaft, leaving small pucker marks from the suckers. Each kiss of her tentacle is like a small signature.
"Go ahead. Indulge."
>Your paunch bumps against the top of her cheeks as you begin to hot-dog her, petting her head and rubbing her breasts. This damned Scylla. Even in the cold November air, it's getting heated as you rub and bump against each other.
>The sex with her lasts until the morning, ending with her having all eight of her tentacles wrapped around your body with her tongue wrestling yours.
"Maybe that'll get you to not be a stranger~"
>You smirk at her, grasping at your jacket. You'd nearly forgotten why you were hoping she'd be there last night.
"Ara? What's this?"
>She opens the small box, a ring topped with a small diamond inside an octopus pot shape
>She starts tearing up
"Y-You incorrigible dummy..."

>> No.16092522
Quoted by: >>16092534

I dunno man
Husband=daughter that I can understand
But husband=father I'm having trouble with

Well, if he let her go that means he was ok with it, right?
I just hope things doesn't get too awkward when he learns that I am fucking his granddaughter too

>> No.16092533
Quoted by: >>16092543

This shouldn't be surprising. KDF is probably the creepiest and unnerving poster in these threads. And that's saying something.

>> No.16092534
Quoted by: >>16092543

And why can't you be ok with it? Why do you feel the need to keep your daughter all for yourself?

>> No.16092538

If I stand completely still, mgs won't sense my presence, right?

>> No.16092543
Quoted by: >>16092563

I'm the one defending daughter fucking, not KDF

Because I love her too much that's why

>> No.16092544

Sure anon, just stand perfectly still no matter what.

>> No.16092545

Fuck, it's cold.

>> No.16092554
Quoted by: >>16092568

Maybe for a bar girl. But every other girl will look at you like an idiot. Then complain how you're making this whole rape thing real easy.

>> No.16092558
File: 352 KB, 2048x1628, 1478047326845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a yeti to keep me warm

>> No.16092563
Quoted by: >>16092573

I'm the one defending daughter fucking not the daughter fucker.
Made me laugh.
Also don't you feel all parents love their kids more than anything? I mean they're your kids, you're genetically programed to love them regardless.

>> No.16092565 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 453x858, 1478901496989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092645


>> No.16092568

>Anon shutdown proccess initiated
>Stand completely still and ignore rapist with a blank stare
>Cant get raped because dick was shut down too

>> No.16092573

>Also don't you feel all parents love their kids more than anything? I mean they're your kids, you're genetically programed to love them regardless.
You're right

Anyways as fervent as I am defending this, I don't think I'd actually have sex with my daughter
I'd cry like a bitch when she leaves home but I'm sure she'd be happier with a husband of her own rather than sharing with her mother

>> No.16092576

Don't do it in a nightclub or a ball either. You will get bullied.

>Anon can't dance!

>> No.16092582

>implying they wouldn't think its cute and try to teach him their mating dances.

>> No.16092585

"Ha! What a loser"

Poor anon.

>> No.16092586
Quoted by: >>16092615

>Going to parties
>Willingly being in noisy places

>> No.16092596

Reality doesn't work like that.

>> No.16092599

Yeah I don't dance. Better not knowing how to do it than pulling a Napoleon Dynamite.

Stop laughing.

>> No.16092601

>Anon stays still because he thinks they want to rape him
>nobody actually wants to rape him
>or even likes him for that matter

>> No.16092605

>Monster girls
I wish

>> No.16092607

Reality doesn't have monster girls.

>> No.16092612

My waifu would always take me to her parent's castle when we're on vacation. I love her family.

>> No.16092614

Whats wrong with twig dragons? they feel nice clinging to your body while her tail wraps around your waist

>> No.16092615

Sometimes you've got to, waifu might like to try new things.

>> No.16092616

Some MGs will want to teach him and try their best to ensure Anon has a good time. Then take him home with her.

>> No.16092633

Don't go to nightclubs at all. The Gandharva dj's will have you grinding all over someone

>> No.16092645
Quoted by: >>16092661

Oh Christ, I just fixed that door, man.

Now the cold from outside's gonna flow in.

>> No.16092652

it could be worse, she could be playing a song with a siren singing in it

>> No.16092654

>Being sexed by waifu
>Suddenly freeze
>She is panicking because the last time I moved was some hours ago

>> No.16092660

>Gandharva and siren getting mentionned
This is a happy day, we should talk about MG club more often

>> No.16092661
Quoted by: >>16092678

You gonna get cuddled softly

>> No.16092673
File: 35 KB, 355x426, 4251c0127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glory to Arstotzka

>> No.16092678
Quoted by: >>16092896

B-but my house's insulation

If I don't fix it, the cold will never stop

>> No.16092690

>rejecting the snake


>> No.16092693

Soviet monstergirls

>> No.16092699
File: 829 KB, 2332x2345, 1477947335190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no EMG homestay

>> No.16092700

So if shown 2 men. Which would the monster girl (any girl doesn't really matter) pick?

>handsome, strong, knows how to cook, rich


>stupid, ugly, doesn't know how to cook, poor.

This is where the "monster girls don't judge" idea falls off.

>> No.16092704
Quoted by: >>16092730

The only good red's one that's dead.

>> No.16092706


>> No.16092708

>not the whorecow
One job.

>> No.16092713

You can help not being stupid or poor.

>> No.16092715
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, 1461366984976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092732

I'm already a sub, hence my love of Hellhounds. I can do dom... But I'm not sure how seriously I could take trying to Dom a hellhound, especially a dire hellhound.

>> No.16092717
Quoted by: >>16092730

Rather be dead than red

>> No.16092718
Quoted by: >>16092886

What a nice scyllass

>> No.16092720
Quoted by: >>16092738

The one who will love her the most.

>> No.16092723
Quoted by: >>16092878

>Siren songs in MGE

Are they the equivalent of our world's idol songs and stuff like that?

>> No.16092727
Quoted by: >>16092738

>stupid, ugly, doesn't know how to cook, poor.
>most monster girls have a one track mind anyway
>can change his looks via mamono mana (no seriously)
>a ton of monster girls don't give a shit about cooking and would gladly eat nothing but animals they hunted
>a lot of monster girls live in the wild, money doesn't mean shit to them
It's like you don't even know the setting.

>> No.16092730
File: 426 KB, 1000x800, 67f31aff24e1bb58909e7deb74d6fb7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalist pigs

>> No.16092732
File: 239 KB, 758x800, 1933498722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like she's got to remind you who's 'Top Dog' again.

>> No.16092737
Quoted by: >>16092753


>> No.16092738

That probably wares off after awhile. She'll be interested in other things

You'd never be the man you were.

>> No.16092744
Quoted by: >>16092787

Anybody got the topless version of this on hand by any chance?

>> No.16092745
Quoted by: >>16092753


>> No.16092748

You mean like finding new fetishes with her husband?

>> No.16092750

>You'd never be the man you were.
You're not really making any sense. Then again you never did to start with and just wanted to shit post.

>> No.16092753
File: 113 KB, 600x600, e9f31bb3551b228c163548ea5c96d489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092760

To the rape gulag with all of you


>> No.16092755
Quoted by: >>16092762

At least I didnt forfeit to literal sandniggers

>> No.16092759

The one whose semen she likes better or alternatively, the one who loves her the most
All that other stuff is only second to what really matter to them

>> No.16092760

I hear the helicopter coming.

>> No.16092762
Quoted by: >>16092793

No, you did to asian farmers

>> No.16092763

There's that one Soviet kitsune story I read a long time ago

I mostly fapped to the part where she deep kissed the poor guy with her long tongue

>> No.16092764
Quoted by: >>16092774

Warmofu prisoners are for tail-molesting.

>> No.16092772

What monsters wouldn't bully me for still being a virgin.

>> No.16092773

Unicorn. Dark Mage.

>> No.16092774
Quoted by: >>16092776

That's a war crime

>> No.16092776

Bully you?
You'd have heartpupiled oneesans tripping over themselves to get your V-card.

Its also deliciously fluffy.

>> No.16092777


>"Haha! You're still a virgin?!"
>que giggles

>> No.16092778
Quoted by: >>16092781

Pretty sure every one of them. Married anons give of a distinct scent in their mana. Said scent tells other MGs that he is already taken.

>> No.16092781


>> No.16092784

Normal bullying probably none. Sexual bullying, almost all of them.

>> No.16092787
Quoted by: >>16092805

That's lewd Anon.

But I didn't even know there's a topless version and now I want to see it too.

>> No.16092793

>Implying Im a clap
Kekkarino fagget

>> No.16092805

Found it.

>> No.16092811

>Not willingly striving to become a wizard so mgs will instantly, magically lose interest when you turn 30 and make an anti-mamono mana magic barrier, thus becoming fucking invincible
Id take having superpowers any day.

>> No.16092818

I know demonic silver blades wound human's spirit energy. Making it leak out so to speak.

Do blunt weapons made from demonic silver exist? If so, would they literally knock the energy out?

>> No.16092820
File: 920 KB, 1280x720, 1441126425355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16092849

Good luck to whoever gets a Gigantes as a homestay.

But I guess they'd up-size your house to accommodate her size.

>> No.16092849

I wouldn't mind Tio.

>> No.16092865
File: 424 KB, 599x459, 1445980186131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Dhampirs do radical backdashes?

>> No.16092871

Friggin monster women raping people all they want, thinking they're in some kinda dreamland or european country or some shit

Where's the police?

>> No.16092878

im not familiar with nippon idol culture
there'd be plenty of standstills on highways when
their songs play on the radio during rush hour.
many a mg ensnare men by getting them to carpool
with them to work and when the songs
come on and every car stops, there's no chance for escape
mainly because mg's are crafty enough to
switch on the child safety lock

thats not mentioning everything that goes down at EDM festivals where that one raiju is dropping her bass heavy remixes

>> No.16092886

Stop encouraging the faggot.

>> No.16092890

how is this body type called?

>> No.16092894

varies by species and individual
KC has fully admitted that girls have preferences

>> No.16092896
Quoted by: >>16092967

The cold will never stop and neither will her cuddles

>> No.16092902

She can backdash into my dick.

>> No.16092913


Even after Death-san takes away all of their equipment shortly after entering the mansion.

>> No.16092916

I think so. I do remember she getting more and more smug as she gets stronger.

>> No.16092933
File: 1.03 MB, 1100x1400, 6234120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my last Chanta post for a while, dude!

You better enjoy it.

>> No.16092938



u dun goof

>> No.16092945 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 403x120, 1478907520340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some Sanzo/Sith posting

>> No.16092946

I wanna milk his Ran.

>> No.16092947
File: 430 KB, 1240x1753, 6e0bc4c7194974a5d89a8745a46f5337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fug the bug?

>> No.16092951

No, I only fuck my waifu.

>> No.16092966
File: 237 KB, 1000x1409, 1417313016900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should surrender to the Harpy Caliphate anons.

They will only ask kindly once, after that it's anyone's guess what they will do.

Now's your chance.

>> No.16092967

Ok I'll take your word for it

Hopefully she'll be able to put some warmth into this nearly empty shell

>> No.16092973
File: 135 KB, 916x1064, 1468440305006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not while it's hip to fuck bees.


>> No.16092974

Get off my lawn you damned birds.

>> No.16092981

They will lose to me?

>> No.16092986
File: 1.97 MB, 500x281, It's How Keira spreads her pheremones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16092997

Can I chose my wife?

>> No.16092998

>tfw there's literally no art of that semen demon Wasp

God damn it.

>> No.16093026

>six wings
What is that, some sort of lewd harpy seraphim?

>> No.16093029

They send the kind Harpy Angel first, an emissary if you will.

Those anons should think twice before challenging the mighty Harpies.

>> No.16093036

One of those fancy Harpies, the ones that are usually Queens or Princesses.

>> No.16093038

She'll never reach them because she won't grow up.

>> No.16093047
File: 539 KB, 832x1088, da68a6039221684c012d5888fbcfd8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soft girls only

>> No.16093048

If you could get rid of one thing or person from the thread, what or who would it be?

>> No.16093060

Not 'get rid of' but I'd like it if this place talked about more than just the same 20 or so monsters all the time. Not really alot that can be done about that though, i get the feeling the actual posters in this thread are lower then the 211 it's currently showing. So if a handful of people like one thing it swamps the thread.

>> No.16093099


autistic roleplay

>> No.16093128
File: 87 KB, 700x909, 17271d0c538197eeb3d6928cb831ce0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxloli dreaming of big juicy fish!

>> No.16093137

I'd kill to get rid of Shoggocks, Alp, or even Aftyn. But I'm more with >>16093060 and the whole 20-some-odd monsters getting talked about.

>> No.16093144

Keep in mind that posts about other monsters are pretty deemed shit and ignored outside of roll games.

Hell, even the lilim wagon was a change of pace to the dragon/kiki/anubis/MOFU shit

>> No.16093150

KDF without a doubt.

>> No.16093153

mofu dominates because there is never enough
I mean, which would you rather have up your butt? A tentacle or a fluffy tail?

>> No.16093156

Feels bad for half of my top 10 to be seen as hipster choices and another one is pretty much a meme in a bad way.

>> No.16093158

I don't ever see talk of other monsters deemed as shit or anything, just that the same monsters always seem to be the ones featured in posts that spark discussion.

>> No.16093162

That's like wanting to get rid of one of the other waifufags. I get that daughter fucking is a dividing topic here, but KDF isn't nearly as cancerous as most of the other 'named' people who come to these threads.

>> No.16093173


There are plenty of people I'd want gone more than him like >>16093162 said. Personally though, I want the OC Lilim memes to go.

>> No.16093186

>I want the OC Lilim memes to go

The shitty meme ones or all of them? Or a few in particular?

>> No.16093190
Quoted by: >>16093198

The shitty meme ones, or the increase of people wanting to make meme ones as of late.

>> No.16093195
Quoted by: >>16093205

>but KDF isn't nearly as cancerous
Yeah, right.

>> No.16093198

This I can agree with

>> No.16093205
Quoted by: >>16093216

As far as I can remember, he hasn't done anything to intentionally bait the people here or force anything down people's throats. I get that he posts a lot which is a bit annoying, but he's hardly the worst of the shitters we've had the displeasure of bringing in.

>> No.16093212
Quoted by: >>16093415

I'm going with the OC Lilims too.

>> No.16093216
Quoted by: >>16093239

Seeing as how the definition of "forcing" around these parts is "posting something" I'm inclined to disagree.

>> No.16093239
Quoted by: >>16093256

See,I don't agree with that. Forcing something to me is actively telling people 'you need to like x or you're shit, x is the best and nobody can prove any different, x is the only thing that people here should talk about' that sort of thing. I don't think there's too big a problem with posting about one's waifu(s) a moderately more than others do.

>> No.16093256

Well you're alone in that. There are plenty of taboos here that a single post constitutes forcing.

>> No.16093282
Quoted by: >>16093311

I'm not quite sure what you mean here, an example might be nice.

>> No.16093288
Quoted by: >>16093311

An identical post every single thread would constitute forcing, yes.

>> No.16093310

My migraine.

That, or the fighting over subs/doms.

>> No.16093311
Quoted by: >>16093372

Well an example of which would be yuri. I've seen it "forced" here when it was just a post and an argument afterwards.

You know i have a pretty solid sense of deja vu right now. Might have argued this before.

>> No.16093353

>mixing best girl with 2nd worst girl

>> No.16093366

Could I instead bring back crayonanon?

>> No.16093367

I'll allow it.

>> No.16093372
Quoted by: >>16093379

Daughteru dicking and yuri are hardly on the same level.

>> No.16093379
Quoted by: >>16093419

That isn't the comparison I was drawing, and you're a bad man for implying it was.

>> No.16093388

This needs to happen. It's for the better that he's gone, he was too pure for this thread.

>> No.16093410

fat forcing.

>> No.16093415
Quoted by: >>16093435

This is why I prefer that if we're going by threadcanon or canon-canon Lilims I just only really acknowledge Druella, Queen of Hearts, Ilassa, and Maritan.

The rest of them from meme kings like Losenis, Alp, and a few other people can fuck off, because it's pretty clear they were made Lilims to just be Lilims, rather than have actual thought put into them. Just my two pence.

>> No.16093419

I guess I did kinda misread you there. Tough KDF's posts don't cause an argument every single time they happen, like yuri does.

>> No.16093435

Mari and Illassa are shit too

>> No.16093438

>implying yuri is bad because it causes arguments
It's the other way around faggot. It's a disease that's not welcome here.

>> No.16093444

True I suppose. Also, don't bite the bait.

>> No.16093454

No doubt.

>> No.16093467

I prefer them to the others because unlike attention-seeking bogan shitmongers like Losenis, ELH and Mari don't force Ilassa or Mari down our throats, unless you consider OC (Which keeps the thread alive) as such.
