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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 229 KB, 850x1109, 1404247527129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6486094 No.6486094 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6479618

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6486095
Quoted by: >>6486101 >>6495291

=== NEWS ===

[6-1] https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/114797-dbp24-spaceballs-the-sequel-the-quest-for-more-dbp-maps/
Spaceballs, the .wad

[5-31] Egypt themed map for Hexen 2

[5-28] Eternal Slayer, a new 3rd person melee mod.

Wrath Update 2+ Big Box

DBP24 trailer released

[5-26] Pandemonia 2.0 released

[5-25] The Force Engine was updated

[5-24] Smooth Blood released, its like Smooth Doom but for Blood

[5-23] Punishment, an episodic replacement for the first Doom

[5-23] Anon shares some Sandy Peterson videos

[5-22] La Tailor Girl updated

[5-22] Dark Forces DeHacker updated to v1.3

[5-22] Realm667 repository submissions are on hiatus

=== PREVIOUS ===



>> No.6486101

Akeldama, 32-map megawad collaboration.

>> No.6486104
Quoted by: >>6486107 >>6487017

why the hell did it take so goddamn long for a new thread to be made?

>> No.6486107

I don't know, but that's why I stepped up.

Thread greeting.

>> No.6486151

Playthrough video of map21 of 200 minutes of /vr/ is up.

>> No.6486198

So, how's Monday treating you all?

I've taken my first tentative steps into mapping for Doom tonight, just watching tutorials and taking notes, playing with the editor, and making some scribbles and notes (and watching a wonderful Dan Snow doc on the Roman Empire, which gives me all kinds of ideas more suited to TrenchBroom than Doom Builder).

Not ready to share anything yet, but I'm feeling pretty excited.

>> No.6486204
File: 8 KB, 314x305, hope brought torture to my death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6486302

>> No.6486207
Quoted by: >>6486235

Kind of had my fill with Baldur's Gate and feel like I want to get back into shooters, and thus my mod project. I'm almost done with BG2 so I'll push through.

>> No.6486235
Quoted by: >>6486279

Good luck with that - you'll have to fill me in!

I admit, I was tremendously excited by the Baldur's Gate games but never got very far in them. I prefer my D&D around the table. They're still awesome though, and I must revisit them one day. That and find some old-school dungeon crawlers like Bloodwych, Dungeon Master, or Eye of the Beholder to replay. (And maybe some SSI stuff...)

>> No.6486241
File: 236 KB, 816x639, crate passage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6486248

I made some crates arranged in unsafe manner and now unsure if I should make more crates or return to normal doors and walls.

>> No.6486248

Ah, yeah, I was wondering how you were getting on after your progress yesterday! You've given me a couple of things to think about for my own mapping practice, about using those little offsets to look a bit more realistic.

Be careful none of those fa-- oh, wait, Doom's physics doesn't support that. Carry on.

>> No.6486250

Which link in OP has dude sex in it?

>> No.6486270
Quoted by: >>6486290

Good luck anon, be sure to test your map with a variety of ports other than just GZDoom and change the music so it isn't the stock D_RUNNIN.

>> No.6486279
Quoted by: >>6486290

They're good. The first one is low level D&D (you'll top out at like level 9 or 10) with a lot of (optional) wilderness exploration, and some nice dungeons, plenty of sidequests too. It's slightly low fantasy, compared to the sequel anyway, and actually has a pretty comfy medieval feel.
Second is higher level D&D obviously, and is more high fantasy, it also begun developing past the AD&D rules and concepts from the first game, sort of like a 2.5E. There's almost no wilderness exploration, but instead there's a lot of dungeons to crawl. They're pretty combat focused games, but given the plot it makes a lot of sense.

If you get the EE versions (I don't recommend paying for them), make sure to patch out the new NPC companions (because they're fucking awful), and to re-add the old cinematics which were replaced in the first game. I would also suggest to turn off all the needless UI additions which were added, because you don't need three different ways of displaying enemy health at once.

>> No.6486290
Quoted by: >>6486303 >>6486306

Thanks for the tips! Right now I'm sticking with Chocolate as my source port of choice (and haven't even got as far as "how do I trigger music") - but I know I need to venture further afield. Once I start getting the hang of the geometry, I may well start asking annoying questions about that stuff.

I'm irrationally excited about the idea of being able to show folks a draft and get some feedback, though. Don't ask me why, I know not to expect Romero Himself to appear from on high and bestow a couple of vintage 3.5" floppies on me in recognition - but I'm enjoying learning, and having a community I can kick stuff around with.

Yeah, I remember that they still had THAC0 and such in there, just like real (pre-3rd) D&D. I'd probably go for the older versions - if for no other reason than I hear some of the stuff that got patched in can be unstable and story-breaking.

>> No.6486297
File: 24 KB, 199x181, 1590428240244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was John Carmack the only man who could've given us all the advancements he did or would they have occured anyway? If so, would it have taken much longer?

>> No.6486302

>how to tell a story in 64 x 64 pixels

>> No.6486303

The EEs aren't perfect, no. The big addition is the new companions, but if you patch them out it's alright. I do enjoy the presence of BG2 class kits in BG1.
That said, the original version of the game is perfectly playable.

>> No.6486306
Quoted by: >>6486363 >>6487213

Chocolate Doom faithfully replicates "Vispane overflow" crash and tutti-frutti effects, which might negatively impact your artistic pursuits.

On the other hand, it would give you an excuse to not be bothered about flat walls like I ended up being.

>> No.6486309

Carmack was ground-zero for the birth of PC graphics whores. The only lasting legacy I would attribute to him is driving up the total cost-of-ownership on your average computer.

>> No.6486317

Oh come on now, his brilliance brought us smooth scrolling on PC and later the fatest 2.5 first person engine ever produced and later still the first truly 3D FPS.

>> No.6486326
Quoted by: >>6486341 >>6487213

Ken Silverman could have done it (Build can do everything you need for a game like Doom), it's just John Carmack did it first.
You would need some sort of efficient optimization to get a game like Doom to run on 1993 computers, and to get a game like Quake to run on 1996 computers, and Binary Space Partitioning would be one of those things, and Carmack was doing just that.


>> No.6486331
Quoted by: >>6486336

Anon, computers get cheaper literally every year.

>> No.6486336

But if you high end, top of the line...that remains pricey. Always been, always will.

>> No.6486338

So? That doesn't have anything to do with Carmack, you just said it has always been that way.

>> No.6486339


>> No.6486341
Quoted by: >>6486349 >>6486354

Ken Silverman's code is horrific, it's just a bunch of hacks bolted onto fuckugly code

>> No.6486348

>average computer

>> No.6486349
Quoted by: >>6486364

You mean Build after people fucked with it. In its base form it's fine.

>> No.6486354

cope harder you literal nobody :^)

>> No.6486356
File: 6 KB, 200x200, infinitely tall explosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6486680 >>6495593

Can someone clarify infinitely tall explosions to me? Would monster be harmed in a situation like this one?

>> No.6486360
Quoted by: >>6487213 >>6492641

just popping in real quick to say that I love you motherfuckers, this is the last place on the internet that doesn't feel like a festering pile of shit and it's cool to see people still enthusiastically enjoy a game they love

>> No.6486363

>Chocolate Doom faithfully replicates "Vispane overflow" crash and tutti-frutti effects, which might negatively impact your artistic pursuits.

I'll worry about that when I get to it. Thanks for the heads up, I might crack on with looking at (say) PRBoom+ sooner rather than later, though.

Speaking of bugs... I was reading that a couple of features in the original release didn't work as intended due to typos (unavailable palettes, some of Doom Guy's face animations). Do source ports replicate these bugs, or fix them?

>> No.6486364
Quoted by: >>6486369 >>6487213

No, I don't mean that at all.

>Upon opening VS, the engine source felt unwelcoming with difficult filenames (a.c, cache1d.c). Opening those files reveals something hostile to the eyes and the mind. An example among many others from Engine.c (line 693):

if ((globalorientation&0x10) > 0) globalx1 = -globalx1, globaly1 = -globaly1, globalxpanning = -globalxpanning;
if ((globalorientation&0x20) > 0) globalx2 = -globalx2, globaly2 = -globaly2, globalypanning = -globalypanning;
globalx1 <<= globalxshift; globaly1 <<= globalxshift;
globalx2 <<= globalyshift; globaly2 <<= globalyshift;
globalxpanning <<= globalxshift; globalypanning <<= globalyshift;
globalxpanning += (((long)sec->ceilingxpanning)<<24);
globalypanning += (((long)sec->ceilingypanning)<<24);
globaly1 = (-globalx1-globaly1)*halfxdimen;
globalx2 = (globalx2-globaly2)*halfxdimen;

Ken didn't even let other people fuck with the engine, he had to implement any changes, they weren't given source code.

>> No.6486369

Build's source code wasn't public - only the object code was licensed out. Therefore, it was never meant to be beautiful as it wasn't supposed to be seen by anyone but Ken.

>> No.6486380
Quoted by: >>6486758


>> No.6486487
Quoted by: >>6486501 >>6492654

I want to map but I don't know where to start, someone help me out.

>> No.6486501
Quoted by: >>6487213

>get Doombuilder 2 or GzDoombuilder
>do Boom format because it's easy and goes past some of the Vanilla limitations without being needlessly complex
>think of some of your favorite maps in Doom and Doom 2
>think hard about what you like about them, aesthetics, encounter design, layout, secrets, etc
>make like two or three maps which draw inspiration from these, but without being 1 to 1 copies, try to combine elements and putting your own spin on them

>> No.6486513
File: 63 KB, 268x308, JamiepullupthatQuadDamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I finish Disoslution of Eternity, should I play Arcane Dimensions or Dusk? Also is Dusk MP active or is it dead as shit?

>> No.6486531

Arcane Dimensions. Dusk is pretty cool too though. MP was fun for awhile but last I checked (~6 months ago) it had withered away.

>> No.6486542
File: 285 KB, 1680x1050, doom559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486546
File: 277 KB, 1680x1050, doom562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486562
File: 33 KB, 419x419, 1447036290537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486569

I'm perplexed, but I like it.

>> No.6486579

dusk is shit and its MP is dead, as expected

>> No.6486580

this image is cursed

>> No.6486590
File: 104 KB, 1080x810, 1245612420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6486595

Has anyone played Wrath and run into an issue with the game locking up after an hour or so? I keep having to force restart my pc because of it and it's the only game that does it

>> No.6486595
Quoted by: >>6486609

What does it do?

>> No.6486598

Looks fucking wicked, I like it.
Fucking nightmare fuel

>> No.6486607
File: 604 KB, 1920x1088, doom snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing through doom snes, it has a pretty good atmosphere. I've noticed the textures move a bit when turning, looks kinda wierd.

>> No.6486609
Quoted by: >>6486630

It'll suddenly freeze at random during gameplay and the audio just becomes a really loud buzzing and locks up so hard I have to force my pc to shut down. There's no real warning it's about to happen so it always catches me off guard

>> No.6486612
Quoted by: >>6486843

It's shit, bro.

>> No.6486630
Quoted by: >>6486643

That's not normal. Everything ok with your system?

>> No.6486636

Even if it needs the Super FX2 to achieve that...for the hardware it's running on it's impressive.

>> No.6486643
Quoted by: >>6486651

Outside of Wrath everything works just fine. Even the game itself runs great until the inevitable freeze happens

>> No.6486649
Quoted by: >>6486658 >>6486724

I have to come here because I think there is not a single neuron alive in that board.
Is there something wrong with his calculations?
(It's Doom related)

>> No.6486651

What hardware? What about asking in the official support forums or on steam?

>> No.6486658
Quoted by: >>6486661

That thread is shit and you should be ashamed to bring it to my attention.

>> No.6486661
Quoted by: >>6486682 >>6486729

ok, but what about the calculations?

>> No.6486680

There's a trace check from explosion to monster too.
When explosion happens it checks for 2 things - horizontal distance (but not vertical, hence inf. height) and sight to target.

>> No.6486682
Quoted by: >>6486686

didn't you learn basic geometry in school class you moron

>> No.6486686

Can you explain me what is wrong instead on insulting me?
The fortress is clearly coming from behind the planet, it's extremely huge and out of scale.

>> No.6486717
Quoted by: >>6486721

You are trying to solve a triangle equation while only having a single side and no angle data, nor data on other sides.

>> No.6486721

This and who gives a fuck. Enjoy the game you autists.

>> No.6486724

I thought the same thing, if it's coming from behind the planet it should be less than a pixel wide, artistic license I imagine and that thread is full of literal retards

>> No.6486729
File: 1.48 MB, 1008x1200, ch_titlemap-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calculate these nuts faggot

>> No.6486758


>> No.6486819

Arcane Dimensions for more Quake
Dusk for one of the only decent indie FPS games that tries to be like the classics.

>> No.6486843

I like running old games on systems they shouldn't normally run like doom and duke 3d on a 386 to see how far they be pushed, doom snes almost seems like a wolf 3d mod at times. Just stick it on easy and enjoy the technical wierdness.

>> No.6486876
File: 192 KB, 533x514, EEPKQAzVUAAxP8n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6487748

Land of Able continues to be the best musical track ever made for a Doom wad and I will physically fight anyone who tries to disagree because I have a strong belief that might makes right.

>> No.6486887
File: 1.05 MB, 300x233, 1583891132093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Base Ganymede is easier than Doom 2
>then suddenly E2M8

>> No.6486923
Quoted by: >>6487071 >>6490303

That list considers Sunlust harder than Sunder, which I find a bit hard to believe. Especially when you take into account the more recent Sunder maps.

>> No.6486924

okay the start of the map made me overreact. it's not so bad, e2m6 is WAY harder if you're playing pistol-start no saves

>> No.6486934
Quoted by: >>6486954

it would be cool to see someone hack a custom wad on SNES doom

>> No.6486954
Quoted by: >>6487604

downtown on SNES doom

>> No.6487017

I've made new threads for the past 3 or so years and I got burned out sometime last year. Also I try to abstain from reusing images for the OP.

>> No.6487027

In heretic, at one point, did Corvus have a mugshot? I could swear he had this big, shit-eating grin while picking up weapons. Playing it right now, nothing like that. I even checked some gameplay videos.

>> No.6487071
File: 26 KB, 320x200, DBP24newTITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490303

DBP24 RC2 is out! It's got a bunch of solid fixes so this definitely the version to get.



One day that list might get updated - at least to take into account the new Sunder maps

>> No.6487096
File: 6 KB, 300x200, the-catacomb-abyss_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Catacomb games have a portrait, not sure if it ever smiles like that though.

>> No.6487117

Maybe you saw the mugshot in Samsara. I think it's based on his mugshots that appear in Vanilla Heretic Deathmatch at the end of a map or something

>> No.6487189

He does laugh when he picks up a weapon

>> No.6487213
Quoted by: >>6490672

>"Vispane overflow" crash and tutti-frutti effects
Okay, now I got the chance to look those up properly I'm going to say "ouch". Yeah, as much as I want to have a vanilla experience playing the original WADs, I don't want to do that to myself while mapping! Time to get a limit removing port.

Carmack wasn't doing anything that others weren't working on (either in theory or in practice). But he was certainly an innovator, and he was doing it in a way that fit the market - the hardware spec - that id targeted with their games.

As >>6486326 said, it was efficient optimisation, and that was good, and it laid the groundwork for others, e.g. GoldSrc/Source.

Amen to that, anon.

>Fabien Sanglard
That guy's books are amazing. I'm learning more than I thought was possible about how Doom and Wolf3D worked. And that's before you get into his other posts...

This is good advice.

Dafuq are those maps, anon?

That's probably a compromise in the engine - the rendering math is complex and would've been simplified for some ports. (See: Fabien Sanglard). Still impressive!

>> No.6487287
Quoted by: >>6487297 >>6487320

What are some good weapon WADs for doom? I've played high noon drifter, doomRL, treasure tech, and that crazy anime one.

>> No.6487296


>> No.6487297
Quoted by: >>6487338 >>6491703

I'd say Combined Arms, but that's getting an update soon so you should probably wait on it.
Final Doomer has some pretty cool weapon sets made for specific mapsets. You can still use them on different ones, but they all have unique themes because of it.

>> No.6487320
Quoted by: >>6487338 >>6491703

Guncaster for slaughter wads.
Trailblazer is less OP than GC, but still stronger than your regular set, and features upgrades.

Both are compatible with Heretic too.

Quake Descent into Heresy for Heretic.

Eriguns for visual upgrade to regular weapon set. Eriguns 2 for alternative set.

Doom Tournament/ Unreal Doom, but they are really weirdly balanced. Many guns are underpowered and have less DPS than their original Doom counterparts (like RL being about half as strong even with multishot). Had to fix that manually.


Embers Of Armageddon/D4D/D4T.

>> No.6487338

Thanks for these. NTAYRT, but *yoink!*

I've heard good things about Doom 4 Vanilla. Going to give it a try myself!

>> No.6487414
File: 170 KB, 816x639, warehouse are 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6487620

Have you ever noticed how weird do brown crates look in the dark?

>> No.6487531

Anyone's up for a doom coop run?

>> No.6487574

Something in Strife's story that's been intriguing me for a while now: during the part where the player is busy getting lost in the infamous sewers, Blackbird claims she's hiding underground (just as it was mentioned in the intro) not far from where the player is at the time. However, during the canon (and best) ending, after the player beats the final boss she seems to be emerging from somewhere within the Entity's ship. She's constantly in contact with the player throughout the entire game, so it's unlikely that she had been taken to the ship before the adventure in the sewers and the final level. There's also a bad ending where she *is* the Entity, but it's not the canon, and she doesn't even exists in a physical form during that ending, so she wouldn't be able to show up anyway. So what's going on? Design oversight? Plothole caused by a quest/level that didn't make it into the final game?

>> No.6487578
File: 2.89 MB, 534x402, flesh mines second halft.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I am done with geometry of the level. Took me way longer than I thought and once again level ended up way bigger.

Now to decide on what monsters exactly do I want all those closets populated with.

>> No.6487585
Quoted by: >>6487592 >>6487704

Lotsa pinkies and shotgunners.
Also what with that geometry at 27-29 sec rising?
I guess the initial pit was supposed to be a place for you to go before raising it up, or is it a place you lower down later? Otherwise it makes no sense.

>> No.6487592

You start at the bottom of the pit, you go into one of the green structures and come out of the pit 1 level higher. The floor then raises to connect your exit to the next entrace. This is repeated 4 times.

It would be clearer if I were to show the entire level, but I had to cut it to fit into 120 seconds limit.

>> No.6487597
Quoted by: >>6487601

Getting a mix of TNT and TSOH vibes from this.

>> No.6487601
Quoted by: >>6487685

I suppose just like TNT I want to make my maps look like a thing. And they always end up too long. Don't know what TSOH is.

>> No.6487604

Nice, could be possible to have doom 2 snes. There are a few mods for 32x and Jaguar.

>> No.6487620

Weird, but cool. Very inventive, CrateAnon!

>flesh mines
I like it! Twisty and turny and making good use of level transitions.

>> No.6487685
Quoted by: >>6487729

TSOH = The Shores of Hell

>> No.6487692

Very nice looking, definitely getting a vibe of TNT mixed with Shores Of Hell

>> No.6487704

Seconding lots of pinkies and shotgun baldies, add some chaingunners and greenhairs too, give the player some good opportunities for infighting.

>> No.6487729

Fuck I am stupid. Was trying to rememver a pwad like that.

>> No.6487748

I'd unrionically wear that.

>> No.6487751
File: 1.33 MB, 1887x1996, 1590519516581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6487754 >>6487968

holy shit ashes 2063 is a fucking blast, any others post apocalyptic fallout/mad max tier total conv like this beast?

also I know I'm a dumb coomer but other than Hdoom is there a wad with cute demon girls? Pic very related.

>> No.6487754
Quoted by: >>6487765

Stylish Hell, Doomgals for friendly demongirls. High Noon Drifter has a big-ass titty demon as BFG replacement.

>> No.6487765
File: 38 KB, 308x288, 1584833036497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks doomgals is exactly what I was looking for, I'll feel less alone. Time to coom now

>> No.6487929
Quoted by: >>6487934 >>6489405

I would love to see Sigil with chaingunners, pain elementals, hell knights and the super shotty.

I think revs, archies, mancubi and arachnotrons would be a terrible fit though. I don't like the spider boss in the last level for the same reason.

>> No.6487934

You could probably write a ZScript patch which when loaded with Doom 2 as a pwad would add those to the levels.

>> No.6487968

Try Alien Eradication demo if you like alien.

Along side ashes I wish they were feature full length games.

>> No.6487997
File: 74 KB, 1280x960, Mirabellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those yellow lost souls in Spaceballs: The Sequel remind me of mirabelle plums. Damn I'm hungry for some plums right now.

>> No.6488034

The first level of HacX is more engaging than a majority of levels for Doom 1/2, and the game would likely be better than Doom 2 overall if it wasn't for the horrific spritework
Also, Odyssey of Noises is a better city level than anything Sandy did in both appearance and design, even down to the teleporting pinky room

Yeah, I'm something of an autistic patrician myself

>> No.6488047

Ooh. This is new to me, anon. TYVM for sharing, it looks interesting.

>autistic patrician
Aren't we all in this thread, literally or otherwise?

>> No.6488072
File: 69 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading there was gonna be a 3d sequel to that but it was cancelled. Shame cus it looked like it'd be neat.

>> No.6488235

>horrific spritework
aw, i kinda like the goofity-ass silly putty mutants. they've got character. If i had to pick one big flaw to hold against HacX it'd be the cyberspace levels, which make Tekwar's feel like a soothing balm for the senses by comparison.

>> No.6488264 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6488293

Please zoomies don't make Half Life threads here.
Your non retro garbage is ruining the board.

>> No.6488293
Quoted by: >>6488296

One day I will find you and rape both of your eyesockets.

>> No.6488296
Quoted by: >>6488370

Don't reply to him you fool. I hate his dumb ass too but replying to him is exactly what he craves, it's what sustains him.

>> No.6488327
File: 1.85 MB, 500x235, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6488417

>> No.6488353
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, doom_loop_test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6488369 >>6488414

I like Quake 1, but I don't enjoy the atmospheric soundtrack that much. However, I did like the Ghosts music tracks used for the Quake mods video in the OP. Are there any music packs that replace the tracks with something similar in theme? I would do it myself but I'm mostly unfamiliar with metal.
Mmm, eldritch demon giraffes.

>> No.6488368

Please anon give me the name of these maps, I want to see them

>> No.6488369
Quoted by: >>6488438

What's up with the walls?

>> No.6488370

he replies to himself too

>> No.6488394

I've been away from the doom modding scene for almost 2 years and in all this time there hasn't been a single hdoom update? seriously?

not gonna lie, I'm moderately disappointed.

>> No.6488404

It's almost like it's not a good mod

>> No.6488407

be the man the world needs

>> No.6488409

also, I think the dude was/is working on ion fury, maybe that

>> No.6488410

I don't understand what the fascination is with this mod

It's something that I would guess some one picks up, boots up to see the available sex animations and jerk off, and then never play it again because the novelty wore off

>> No.6488414

:D >:D :O :U

>> No.6488417
Quoted by: >>6491336

>not crispy
what a shame

>> No.6488438

I think there's interlacing issues on the faces, and I probably moved my mouse slightly when I recorded that.

>> No.6488535

The pixel sex animations aren't even that good in terms of porn. They're well done for pixel animations I'm sure, but they don't do anything for me because of how limited they are, even for pixel animations.

>> No.6488541
Quoted by: >>6488720 >>6489486

Coomers are absolutely desperate individuals

>> No.6488683
Quoted by: >>6488748

You again with this? There is no fascination. Its just a mod anon. Just a mod.

>> No.6488692
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Quake 4 so universally despised among Quake players?
A lot of the Quake pros would play it regardless because there was money in it, but hearing people talk about it - especially on ESR - there is nothing but vitriol.

What do you think about it DOOMbros? inb4 not retro

>> No.6488694

You know, we're quite lucky really. /vr/ FPSs are quite well understood; we've been encouraged to make content since day one, we've had design docs and open-sourced engines, we've got plenty of preserved material and source ports to run it on, we've got a new audience as digital platforms re-release old games, and we've got new games coming out using those old engines.

Sure, there are TCs and mods out there for some /vr/ strategy games, and a few other things (Dungeon Siege, some flight sims) that encourage user generated content, and there are games that have been released for free (the Tribes team skirmish FPSs), but even so I reckon we pretty much have the prime position... And on top of that, unlike modern games we don't have to worry about publishers locking things down, or our stuff getting blocked by anti-cheat and anti-piracy measures.

What do you reckon, folks?

>> No.6488695

Because it's shite

>> No.6488702
Quoted by: >>6488716

The Doom modding scene is really a special thing unique to itself and the other retro FPS scenes naturally grew out of that (really FPS modding started with Wolf3D but it really became what we know it as with Doom). We are really very lucky to have a hobby with damn near limitless content and possibilities, even most other retro game fans don't have that beyond rom hacks

>> No.6488709
Quoted by: >>6488723

Hey, i just saw a review of Tresure Tech.
Are there some mappacks i should try with the mod?

>> No.6488716

Like Doom 3, the environments are good looking. But the move towards being more narrative-driven suffers - partly from the uncanny valley effect from NPCs, partly because this takes away the flowing, frenetic run-and-gun.

It could've been a better corridor shooter FPS, and I don't think either is necessarily a bad game. But that change, and the back-and-forth of running between point A and B, just loses what made the earlier instalments great.

Amen to that, friend. I admit I'm not au fait with Wolf3D or the games that preceded it (Softdisk titles?), and my knowledge of the Build engine is sketchy at best, but I don't think we would be here without id and their positive attitude to user generated content and releasing their old engines. What folks do with idTech 1 is a lot more versatile than you can manage than, say, putting out a TC for Total Annihilation, reskinning your favourite space combat game as Star Trek, or releasing texture packs for The Sims.

>> No.6488720
File: 1.14 MB, 1144x1512, coomlord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say desperate, I say determined.

>> No.6488721
Quoted by: >>6488734

I played Doom for the first time at around 17, this was about 2012, retro FPSes since then have changed the way I think about videogames and what videogame communities can achieve and aspire to

>> No.6488723

Alfonzone and Super Mayhem 17 are my big choices

>> No.6488727
Quoted by: >>6488734

Certain truth there but I am not an optimist regarding videogames.

However I must say that certain videogames genres had attracted people with some genuine passion for the medium and Doom is certainly one. Which might not be bad maybe games deserve to be a small niche.

>> No.6488734
Quoted by: >>6488746

That's good to hear - nice to have a positive story.

>maybe games deserve to be a small niche
There's some truth in that, I think. Not that devs don't deserve to be commercially successful, but as both the market and the industry have grown, they've changed.

A writer named Sturgeon once proposed that "90% of everything is crap". On balance, I'd rather be in a small, high quality niche community. Not that there's anything wrong with owning a PS4 and dropping big money on endless quantites of triple-A titles, if that's your thing; we just like it here with our fellow anons, shooting the breeze and trading tips, screens and such.

>> No.6488746
Quoted by: >>6489653


I think videogames are in an age where its hard to pull off high quality, and many dont realize you only really need minecraft levels of grafix as long as the systems are good.

The mid market, kind like horror movies, that is appearing will become more profitable and easy to work. But really think but I think triple A has not future.

Zoomers are already on other stuff and dont care, while these ghosts of fukushima type projects get crazy more expensive and every single company is frantic trying to get monetisation to stick. Hence the remakes.
I might be wrong, maybe VR gaming will become big and singleplayer focused. Focused on the experience.

Honestly I dont give a fuck, as the years pass the games that really deserve playing never get old.

>> No.6488748
File: 2.06 MB, 1155x1175, coom-jizz-on-earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its just a mod anon

>> No.6488806

>Why was Quake 4 so universally despised among Quake players
said nobody ever
Its campaign is better than Quake 2

>> No.6488824

When I was younger I usually had fantasies on remaking the Q2 campaign using Q4 as base

>> No.6488858
File: 52 KB, 677x369, 3834lc (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6488890

>There's 8-bit deathmatch but no MegamanX 16-bit deathmatch

>> No.6488867
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1584650755020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6488869 >>6488920

>be me
>absolute brainlet, ESL and computer illiterate
>pc is absolute GARBAGE tier so I use lzdoom and run everything on low, dynamic lighting disabled + low res ( 800*600 ) + classic doom software renderer so I can play smoothly
>ashes 2063 starts to shit the bed, won't load my save no matter what despite using the same files as before with no extra mods
>try everything to no avail so I decide reluctantly to move to gzdoom
>saving works but the framerate feels "off" on my potatopc ©, opengl is bullying my laptop hard
>move back to lzdoom, my old save is now working

ok I guess

so what's the best way to play doom wads on a shit tier pc if I can't rely 100% on lzdoom?

>> No.6488869
Quoted by: >>6488875

Use Boom.

>> No.6488875
Quoted by: >>6488892

it's compatible with the most popular wads?

>> No.6488890
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 1539564081659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6491493

>64-bit Megaman Deathmatch
>everyone just stands around in really low-poly models typing in RP shit

>> No.6488892
Quoted by: >>6488904


>> No.6488904
File: 931 KB, 383x200, 1586509256571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6488949


>> No.6488920
Quoted by: >>6488945

Holy shit. Even my most potatos of pcs have been able to run GZDoom without even flinching. Are you in some fourth world country?

>> No.6488936 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6488943

dear mr MEGA operator, there is both a quake engine folder and an id tech 2 folder, which is confusing and redundant

>> No.6488943 [DELETED] 

oh now i understand. id tech 2 is for quake 2 games. what confused me was that hexen ii was in that folder, and it actually uses the quake 1 engine.

>> No.6488945
File: 30 KB, 1061x677, 1584740153201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work shit jobs here and there in farms and other gay stuff, I picked up my pc parts in the streets, companies often get ride of them.

I also ate in the trashes for a while when I was homeless so I'm not complaining. Thanks god for emulation, old games and free stuff or I would've kill'd myself, vidya is the only thing worth living now.

>> No.6488949
File: 598 KB, 633x441, dick kickem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6488958

But not with Ashes :P
Use LZDoom

>> No.6488958
File: 1010 KB, 450x402, 1591105693470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6488982
Quoted by: >>6488995

Fuck Half Life tho.

>> No.6488995


>> No.6489035
File: 143 KB, 639x560, huuu-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going off my memory playing it on console:
* Single player had weapon reloading IN A QUAKE GAME.
* It had a very unstable framerate on the 360, which was the most popular console at the time. It might have been patched if it didn't cost tens of thousands of dollars for MS to certify it, which was their policy at the time.
* It had some shitty vehicle sections
* Most of the campaign blends together outside of Stroggification
* It eventually blended in with other sci-fi shooters around this time that were were trying to ape Halo

I regret not playing the Q2 port that it came with it before selling it, that shit has a banging soundtrack.

>> No.6489062
Quoted by: >>6489232 >>6489653

Hoyl Christ on a cross is Quake 1.5 bad. Glitches out the ass, terrible enemy placement, even more bullet spongey enemies than OG Quake, a Xen-tier final level, and mechincas and a corona level that is just flat out AIDs (yes I know you can change it but why include them if they're just shit?)

Why is it so hard for modder to just make visual/gore mods with NOTHING that fucks around with the original gameplay?

>> No.6489232

How did you last that long? I barely played the second level and had to stop. Fuck brutal quake 1.5

>> No.6489243
File: 91 KB, 640x480, 1589498315390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get into quake at all, I'm a few maps into e2 and every level just feels like a chore. and the enemies aren't fun to fight. This is after I separated myself from comparing it to doom all the time as well.

>> No.6489253

The answer is simple: one is a product of soul and ambition from a unanimous party, and the other is a rushed tech demo created to fuel the ego of an petulant, narcissistic robot.

>> No.6489258

carmack's narcissistic? I thought romero was the one with the ego but idk enough to say

>> No.6489348
Quoted by: >>6489418

this post was not made in good faith

>This is after I separated myself from comparing it to doom all the time as well.
you haven't

>> No.6489376
File: 35 KB, 646x425, 1130857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6489381

techincally there is a face in data from the DM mode

>> No.6489381
File: 1.43 MB, 856x4748, 119297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also Shadowcaster, that i bet anything they used this guy as the basis model for Corvus in the DM mode mugs

>> No.6489405
Quoted by: >>6490804

Someone should mod the whole first game like that.Question is, what map should the super shoty be introduced?

>> No.6489418
Quoted by: >>6489465

t. quake fanboy

>> No.6489465
Quoted by: >>6489475


>> No.6489469
File: 51 KB, 511x479, 05_Come_and_Take_Your_Medicine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6489643 >>6489781

"Come and take your medicine" is one of the weirdest levels in any retro fps game ive played. The objective is simple. Follow the dotted line smash some circuits along the way and go back to the beginning. Yet you never go anywhere else on the map unless you want to. You probably wont have enough ammo to fight anything anyways and theres not much worth taking for all the trouble. Just strange all around

>> No.6489471
File: 2.47 MB, 200x200, I came.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw playing akeldama with russian overkill + bolognese
How can anything compare to this experience?

>> No.6489475
Quoted by: >>6489563

not my fault you have an unsatisfying shotgun

>> No.6489478

>would they have occured anyway?
eventually, yes
>would it have taken much longer?
hard to say, maybe 5 years later?

>> No.6489481
File: 216 KB, 453x600, QuakeQuick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been playing arcane dimensions for the majority of today and after that I played some halo 1 with my friend and playing them back to back really emphasizes how much shooters changed in just about 2-3 years.

>> No.6489486
Quoted by: >>6489509

Desperate? They have access to infinite cocaine. More like fulfilled.

>> No.6489509
Quoted by: >>6489532

Your turn.

>> No.6489510
Quoted by: >>6489653

I have a distinct memory dating back to when CompUSA still existed.

They carried a boxed Doom level editor kit named Doom Gulch. The name has stuck with me because I had never heard the word "gulch" before that. I don't really remember what the front of the box look liked, but the back had a screenshot of chicken-looking monster (among other screen shots), and the description talked about making your own levels and enemies.

I know that a bunch of similar shovelware existed following the release of Doom, but a bunch of googling has yet to turn up a boxed version. I also know that there's an old Doom fan map named Gulch dating back to the Compuserve era, so maybe it was just a boxed version of that map...

Does anyone have any memory of this? Is this memory completely false? Any help appreciated.

>> No.6489532
Quoted by: >>6489540

quit screwing around

>> No.6489540

We're 100% FIREBLU.

>> No.6489563
Quoted by: >>6489864

>This is after I separated myself from comparing it to doom all the time as well.
>not my fault you have an unsatisfying shotgun
Not him, but you're a lying sack of shit.

>> No.6489643
Quoted by: >>6490494

I just played through the whole Marathon trilogy these last couple weeks and thought the same thing. What an extremely unusual level, I feel like it must've been more expansive at first. I felt like it was emblematic of Marathon 2 as a whole, sprawling and unfocused, not nearly as good as 1 or infinity, plus a much less interesting narrative. Kind of reminded me of the problems that Doom 2 has compared to 1 actually

>> No.6489653

I'm inclined to agree with you, anon.

Why? Well, the industry (both hardware and software) is throwing a lot of money at performance. Trying to make huge open worlds with increasingly realistic graphics, and massively complex interactivity and narratives. The scale and the interactivity I get, the narrative I like, but something is going wrong; I've tried modern games and I don't find them satisfying. They get too repetitive and grindy, and the control schemes can be frustratingly complex.

/vr/ just seems to do it better. A game from before 2000-ish is just more fun to me, more satisfying. That's not to say there aren't limit-pushing (Doom, Resident Evil), complex (Elite), or narratively interesting (Ultima VI) games I've played back then. Or that there aren't brilliant games made today (Doom 2016, Star Trek Bridge Crew). I guess the trick is that you do one thing really well and make that your selling point, rather than trying to do everything.

I think the indie devs get that, and work with a more limited scope. Even some of the bigger players like 3D Realms do, too.

>Quake 1.5
I watched a gameplay video and thought it looked pretty good, but if it's really so bad I might give it a swerve.

There's a huge collection of shovelware in the OP links, and I think there's a ton on archive.org too. The name doesn't ring a bell, but that doesn't mean it isn't out there. Fingers crossed you find it.

>> No.6489687

What do you think using a soulsphere feels like?

>> No.6489705
File: 4 KB, 88x160, HOT DOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fun mods for Wolf3d?

>> No.6489721
Quoted by: >>6489728

I swear I've seen old time ago a mod called "America the Ugly", where you fight neo-Nazis and one of the bosses was a machine gunner on a jeep. Can't find it, though, googling it only gives me some retarded modern "#punchthenazi" mod.

>> No.6489728
Quoted by: >>6489735 >>6489737

Maybe it's this? https://wl6.fandom.com/wiki/Amerika_The_Beautiful

>> No.6489729

iirc theres one or two mods being made for ECWolf that try to do slightly more than vanilla Wolf3d, otherwise all i can remember is wolf3d mods that just always reuse Doom assets poorly

>> No.6489735
Quoted by: >>6489854

Ooh, Laz Rojas mod? He used to do great work for Elite Force.

>> No.6489737
File: 11 KB, 300x168, index2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's it. Also this flag is hilarious - it can offend both sides of Ukrainian civil war.

>> No.6489762
File: 53 KB, 540x540, 15303781881582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6489776 >>6489794

Okay, this is pure .999 gold. Shades of fucking Orson Welles.

>> No.6489776
Quoted by: >>6489785 >>6490351

>he worked with a child rapist that owned a bootleg wolfenstein modding company
Raz... had a hard life.

>> No.6489781
Quoted by: >>6490450 >>6495392

There's a terminal with a "friendly" compiler who tries to communicate with you. IIRC, he says that if you kill him you will set his entire group free. However, the M2 engine doesn't support AI changing allegiance in real time. I'm pretty sure they had more planned for this level but it didn't work out

>> No.6489785

And I see hamburger tranny was involved in all that thing somehow.

>> No.6489792

Any good and little-known TCs?

>> No.6489794

Not the first site I've seen like that... some were serious, some were deliberately ironic, all were comedy gold. Remember Mahir, the "I kiss you!" guy?

But back when I was playing Elite Force, this guy was one of the top tier content producers. This pack, for instance:

When you consider the limits of the tech, he did a pretty brilliant job of making maps - especially 1960s-themed ones. And a lot of skins too!

(Is EF too recent to be /vr/? I'm long since over my Trekkie phase, but I still get nostalgic for the 1960s thing and those mods...)

>> No.6489798
Quoted by: >>6492835

I haven't played Doom since shortly after it released back then, but I always love stopping by these threads for the based OP images.

Thank you, based OP. This one and SPHERICAL are some of my favorites.

>> No.6489801
File: 249 KB, 3440x1440, ray tracing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes or no?

>> No.6489804

Guys, do you play duke with 3d environment models?
Personally, I can't stand the lopsided fucking boxes and buildings.
That shit just ruins it for me.

>> No.6489808


>> No.6489820
Quoted by: >>6489823

That looks good!

What's the deal? I'm intrigued, but like the demo of Quake II with RTX, I'd like to see more before I make a judgement.

>> No.6489823

LZDoom + Reshade + McFly RT Shader


>> No.6489839
Quoted by: >>6489861

The ray tracing is cool and all but jesus christ, everything else on that video fucking blows.

>> No.6489854
File: 14 KB, 369x136, Orson Welles of Wads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6489860

Is there anything he can't do?

>> No.6489859

Looks promising, but I'm guessing that everything has had to be remade in 3D.

Like the nVidia demo, it's impressive but I'm not 100% sold; I prefer the original. Doesn't mean it isn't a fantastic achievement though, and I'll be keeping an eye on this to see where it goes.

>> No.6489860

Humility? Or achieve commercial success in the field, I suppose.

>> No.6489861

The shader fucks up the sprites, so they look semi-transparent, so I had to use 3D models. And I only found Doom Remake 4 mod which had them. However it had 3D models for weapons as well which caused depth buffering issues. It was a pain to modify Doom Remake 4 to use Smooth Doom weapons as the mod had very fucked up file structure.

No problem with Blood Fresh Supply though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd5hocbgvps (only weapons are fucked)

>> No.6489864

shoot, you're right...

>> No.6489881
Quoted by: >>6490362

Where can I find a disc image of DOOM2F.WAD? I know it's floating around, but I'd like a version with the original date modified for archival purposes.

>> No.6489886
File: 206 KB, 400x400, he spinnin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i go about emulating doom on android?
google isn't exactly helpful and i'm not downloading shady shit from the appstore especially when it was made by sashka ivanov and has a 2star rating

>> No.6489892

the controls are garbage tho

>> No.6489896
Quoted by: >>6489904 >>6490930

...or Delta Touch for a few bucks more

>> No.6489903
File: 122 KB, 720x480, 1578664343_Boomer Shooters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can buy delta touch on the android store, yeah it's not free ( it's like 2 buck or something? ) but it's a great fucking engine and I used it to play doom a lot with bluetooth mouse + keyboard on my cheap phone when I was stuck outside.

>> No.6489904
File: 15 KB, 498x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, i can manage
beat the entirety of q1 on nm on a symbian phone like 10 years ago
>almost 5 stars
okay, nice
not gonna lie emulating the GBA versions felt awful and not at all like i remember them playing on the handheld itself

>> No.6489910
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, 1586526251364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6489918 >>6490930


inferior to delta touch ...... BUT I don't regret installing it back then just for THIS


>> No.6489918

>Doom pics
>Animal Crossing
What's next, a playable source port so you can beat Tom Nook at Skulltag?

>> No.6489947

who the fuck are right side duo?

>> No.6489950
Quoted by: >>6489994

you better be jestin

>> No.6489962
Quoted by: >>6489967

John Edge and japanese sun tzu

>> No.6489967

no that's john blood, living again marine and john shadow warrior, ancient chinese marine

>> No.6489969

Surprisingly accurate, considering how Hank is a straight man and his friends are all dipshits.

>> No.6489994
Quoted by: >>6490007 >>6490013

I'm serious. if it's not for some weeb inside joke I'll be shamed.

>> No.6490007
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490039

how do you participate in a retro fps thread without knowing who caleb and lo wang are

>> No.6490013
File: 95 KB, 1200x800, ilostonjeopardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490039

"All right Anon, your clue is: These two wise-cracking gunslingers are the leads in what constitute the Holy Trinity of Build Engine Games, alongside Duke Nukem."

>> No.6490027

PRBoom thru Retroarch

>> No.6490030

Was Akeldama released anywhere else? It says it was released 3 days ago but I already had it in my maps folder since May 21st, apparently.

>> No.6490031
File: 243 KB, 326x306, 1577666803878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490035

Why do people do this

>> No.6490035

need i remind you of the abomination that is wolfram

>> No.6490039

Blood? shadow warrior?

are or not, both are on my external hdd yet to play for about 20 years. shamed.

>> No.6490045
File: 72 KB, 513x536, 1584476803458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490075

Voxelstein died for this shit.

>> No.6490054
File: 25 KB, 513x275, DBPfresh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490112

fuck yeah



>> No.6490075

I don't think that looks bad, actually.

Voxelstein? Sounds interesting...

>> No.6490094

It's worthless if your materials don't provide the proper values for the RT to work with.

>> No.6490096
Quoted by: >>6491295

You need to go back zoomer

>> No.6490101
File: 23 KB, 348x348, 9ba01619706e68759594fb0cfb4c5e94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is high res and has normal maps
>except for sprites which stick now out like a sore thumb

>> No.6490112
Quoted by: >>6490153

I really, really dig the atmosphere in this WAD. That trashy old-school sci-fi look. Gameplay so far seems good as well, maps are just the right size for the nosave playthrough. That Gamerant review just reeks of normie, though.

>> No.6490138
File: 286 KB, 1280x844, tarbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490208

i can't map

>> No.6490153


Dbp usually hit the sweet spot when it comes to length. Most of the time they're 8 - 12 min long. You'll wanna save on the later maps though

>> No.6490165
File: 614 KB, 680x675, 1590135551003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490303

Welp, time to torture myself.

>> No.6490208

i don't get this reference

>> No.6490246
File: 66 KB, 640x400, dunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490250

Demon bastards. Damn.

>> No.6490249

Get AWAY! That doesn't exist. NOPE.

>> No.6490250
Quoted by: >>6490313

it pains me that the last good duke gaem came out in 2002 and isn't even an fps

>> No.6490303

Since that skill progression thread stopped getting updated, I ended up trying to expand it and update it myself and this is what I came up with

Let me know what you think about it, there's plenty I'm not sure about in it

>> No.6490307

>I separated myself from comparing it to doom
No you didn't.


>> No.6490309

Totenkopf SDL Edition

>> No.6490310 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 300x200, 1591185097721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490315

Hi guys, am I welcome here?

>> No.6490313
Quoted by: >>6490315 >>6490316

Shame we can't talk about that for another 2 years. Good game though.

>> No.6490315
Quoted by: >>6490321 >>6490360

you will once you tell me how to say your name
are you
very good, arguably the last good source of dook's oneliners

>> No.6490316


>> No.6490321

that one, it's on the steam store that way

>> No.6490351
File: 398 KB, 480x238, don&#039;t trifle with no hoes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On an unknown date, members of WolfAddict received an email from Ryder's wife Jennifer informing them that she had expelled Bruce from her house after she learned he had molested her young daughters (his stepdaughters).
>According to Laz Rojas, Ryder then contacted him via email from a friend's house to confirm the accusations which resulted in Rojas resigning from the company despite Ryder's pleas for him to stay aboard.

>> No.6490360


>> No.6490362

OK anon, I've rewatched that now - and had the chance to check out your channel too, and seen your other RTX experiments.

I don't think they are for me, but I'm not going to deny they are impressive and run well. I'd be interested to know what it was you did to achieve this, as you've noted here and on your videos about the other mods used.

(That's not "you didn't do that!" - seriously, I'm genuinely interested in how you assembled the various pieces)

If anyone found a way to bring raytracing in a way that looked more like Minecraft or traditional Doom (for example, putting sprites on a flat poly so they kept the pixel look), I'd probably play the heck out of that; if you ignore the 3D models replacing sprites, the textures all seem very glossy/metallic to me. But don't let that detract from anything; I'm impressed and you achieved something I couldn't! I hope you're happy with your results

There's a lot of different stuff in archives around the place... is that the free one? I've been playing the shareware Doom E1 WAD out of nostalgic curiosity and have managed to track down the comparable version of Quake too...

>> No.6490364
Quoted by: >>6490515

Something looks wrong about it, I don't like it, at least not how it's done here.

>> No.6490397
Quoted by: >>6490887

quake 1.5 dropped my frames from 144 to 60 when i enabled rt
and the quality 'gain' is questionable

>> No.6490443
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 1427343177555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom Slayer Chronicles or Blood: The Curse Hunter ?

>> No.6490448

is this tenebrae

>> No.6490450
Quoted by: >>6495392

Ah i see. So you must have had to help out a group of S'pht then but it got cut out. Weird that they didnt even try to do something else. Time issue guess

>> No.6490451

>texture filtering
>washed out normal maps
why are people doing this?

>> No.6490481

It's like we've gone back to Doomworld gamma.

>> No.6490486

I like this game and I like quake wars

>> No.6490492
File: 302 KB, 1280x1280, rtx_on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6490494
Quoted by: >>6490501 >>6491273

Yeah marathon seemed like a tech demo sometimes AMBIENT SOUND AND WATER, BABY!!

>> No.6490501
Quoted by: >>6490534 >>6490557

Was Marathon really the first to feature ambiance sound and swimmable water?

>> No.6490515
Quoted by: >>6490530 >>6490550

It looks wrong because shit reflects off of what's supposed to be concrete.
RT needs proper PBR to be supported in-engine, and GZDoom has only like a quarter of required PBR features, and absolutely no good PBR pack that takes advantage of even those features.

We need a good normal/reflect/rough/parallax mapping for original (non-HD) textures.
Duke World Tour made it with just normals and roughness mapping, and it looked quite decent.

>> No.6490530
Quoted by: >>6490557

Duke World Tour doesn't try this "PBR" shit. No retro game needs this desu.

>> No.6490534

No, but it was the first time for their engine.

>> No.6490550

>Duke World Tour made it with just normals and roughness mapping, and it looked quite decent.
It really did look quite nice with the dynamic lights and all.

>> No.6490557
Quoted by: >>6490564

Ambient sound - Nope. That was Heretic. Came out a few month before Marathon.

It uses normalmaps and roughness to get self-shading textures with a little bit of light diffusion on top. That IS how PBR works in hands of people who actually know what they are doing.

PBR is not just "Glossy, bumpy and reflective" like this shit >>6489801 >>6489823
might lead you to believe

>> No.6490560

it's like you can't just put raytracing on everything

>> No.6490564
File: 237 KB, 200x235, 1590000307071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490583

Still no PRB renderer, lol. PBR is a fraud anyways, so many implementations, so much of it not really physically correct, it's BS.
Having PBR materials on top of old style diffuse maps is hacky and pointless at best.

t. 3D artist

>> No.6490583
Quoted by: >>6490596

doesen't matter if it looks good
duke looks good
this shit isn't
what's your point

>> No.6490587
File: 936 KB, 1024x576, S2 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we consider Hell Hunt /vr/? The same way Wrath and Ion Fury are.

>> No.6490596
Quoted by: >>6490605

Exactly my point. Duke looks good without having a real PBR renderer. This shit doesn't.

>> No.6490605
Quoted by: >>6490619

not what you said

>> No.6490610
Quoted by: >>6490679

>Hell Hunt
Looks really weird. It combines decently detailed geometry with weapons that aren't well designed/detailed at all, and monsters of widely varying degree of detalisation. My assumption is that the artist isn't that much familliar with typical designs of the era he tries to emulate and thus fluctuates between requirement for simplicity and desire to convey complexity, resulting in a weird mishmash.

>> No.6490619

Stop lying you POS

>> No.6490663
File: 159 KB, 713x1200, cookiedemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you?

>> No.6490672
Quoted by: >>6490701

I like the limits vanilla gives me. If I had unlimited power I'd probably put way too much time on useless shit.

>> No.6490673

Off model so no.

>> No.6490679

it just keeps happening

>> No.6490682
File: 192 KB, 1145x643, crispy-doom_HVMxErxVUX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6493619

What are some good cave/dungeon/crypt-themed levels?

>> No.6490701

I think limits are good - it's an interesting and challenging constraint and stops clueless newbies like me going nuts.WAD

>> No.6490702

Eh, I've had worse.

>> No.6490706

The art direction for the Strogg is fucking awful and it just doesn't play as good as it could if it was balanced a little better with regards to the encounters.

>> No.6490716
Quoted by: >>6490720

From what I've played of it, it seems neat, but the movement feels a bit odd, but that's probably because I've been spoiled with air strafing and air control to the point where simply running around feels too simplistic for me (not that it can't be fun tho). That, and I wish you could preserve the momentum you get while dashing, but that'd probably fuck with the overall balancing. Funny how FPS games that have dashing these days don't have that.

Also why the goddamn fuck do early builds of certain games prevent you from changing controls or video settings like in this build? Shouldn't that be like one of the first things you make sure you can change right out the door? It doesn't ruin the game, nor does it ruin any other game, but Jesus Christ I will never understand that. Neither of these are retro, but it's like how that game Bright Memory doesn't allow you to change controls yet, or how Payday 2 took THREE GODDAMN YEARS to add Anti Aliasing in its graphics menu. How the fuck do you forget or not figure out how to make sure the most basic elements of game configuration are able to be changed right out the door on your first build that's not just a simple test room in Unity or UE?

>> No.6490720
Quoted by: >>6490770

The movement is actually just retarded. Strafing in any angle is faster than moving forward and backwards.

>> No.6490770
Quoted by: >>6490873

like Doom?

>> No.6490797
File: 215 KB, 2536x1200, EUQCY-BXkAAIQq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6491175

No, im catholic.

>> No.6490804

In map2 already. In fact the lack of SSG is only problematic in map 2 and 3. The rest of the levels have advanced weapons to deal with barons.

>> No.6490813

No. Ion Fury & Wrath only get passes because they're based on source ports of retro games.

>> No.6490817
File: 390 KB, 3264x1836, bland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490821


>> No.6490821

>photo of the screen
surefire way way to shoot whatever argument you had in the foot

>> No.6490845
Quoted by: >>6490864 >>6491098

>lost souls with no ssg
I hate anyone who does this

>> No.6490849

Damn them UAC boys polished everything good huh?

>> No.6490864

>lost soul
>has two SSG barrels in its mouth
>charges you, satops at 2-3 m away and unleashes both barrels
>kicked back 3-4 meters by recoil

>> No.6490873

In Doom it's only if you're facing the strafe diagonally, I'm pretty sure. The momentum in Hell Hunt also feels off, it's like you're a kart

>> No.6490887
Quoted by: >>6490907

that's because you weren't using romi's rt lights that optimize that shit

>> No.6490907
Quoted by: >>6490945

is it even compatible?
They both edit same levels

>> No.6490930
File: 3.80 MB, 280x256, doom guy delete that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6490961 >>6491713

>but it's a great fucking engine
because it's GZdoom, an open source software. The faggot selling it is doing something illegal and immoral and no one should be supporting him by buying it
As others said, Freedoom is a nice alternative, but I would rather PIRATE Delta Touch for the reasons stated above (aapks and apkpure are good sites for this).
There's also an android sourceport for Quake called Quakedroid, that is fucking great because it implements an unique function that lets you shoot wherever you tap on the screen, making it actually playable on touchscreen devices. Here http://quakeone.com/quakedroid/
It also supports LAN coop and it's a blast to play with friends

>> No.6490945

are you talking about quake's original sp campaign + 1.5? if so yes, there shouldn't be any problems. 1.5's custom levels? full rt lights don't even work on those

>> No.6490954

I use retroarch

>> No.6490961
Quoted by: >>6491713

>because it's GZdoom, an open source software. The faggot selling it is doing something illegal and immoral and no one should be supporting him by buying it

He opened the source for his fork of GZDoom a long while ago, in fact FreeDoom that's on the PlayMarket is literally repackaged fork of his work with his name and most of the interface removed.
The frontend he is running it on is not included since it's completely separate from the engines, but he does sends the code if you request it (after you buy any of his Touch ports - he also has Jedi Outcast/Academy, RTCW and Q1/2 ports using same frontend)
So he's completely legally and morally covered regarding the GPL concerns.
The only cracked versions that exists are old ones with GZDoom versions before ZScript. He implemented some sort of verification on the first launch that generates and sends you the key based on hardware and IMEI. Hasn't been cracked so far.

>> No.6491097
Quoted by: >>6491128 >>6491206

Whats the best way to play Deus Ex these days? I downloaded the GOG version and it almost works perfectly except the gamma slider doesn't do anything.

>> No.6491098

The regular shotgun is fast, just deal with it.

>> No.6491128

Kenties launcher

>> No.6491175

Should we make it a young boy then to appeal to you

>> No.6491202
Quoted by: >>6491238 >>6491250

Should i play heretic on the hardest difficulty for my first time?

>> No.6491206
Quoted by: >>6491249

Deus Exe

>> No.6491216
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 1586258790962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6491227 >>6491249

>Look up OST of a WAD I really like on youtube
>Read the comments out of curiosity
>Some guy says: "one of the best megawads I've ever played"
>Oh cool nice taste ma-
>"Especially in combination with complex doom v26.a2 and LCA 1.5.9"

Why are people like this

>> No.6491227
Quoted by: >>6491230 >>6491231

What is complex Doom?

>> No.6491230
Quoted by: >>6491235

Started as a vanilla+ Mod and has since then mutated into a fucking mess with the clusterfuck additions that add supercharged random monster replacements that can nuke entire rooms and one shot you, and you in turn find super legendary random weapon drops that let you one shot everything except for the super legendary monsters that one shot you.
One of the more popular mods on Zandronum online.

>> No.6491231
Quoted by: >>6491235

Something played by Russians on zandronum with shitty maps and three thousand minimods no one ever heard of.

>> No.6491235
Quoted by: >>6491237 >>6491245

I really don't understand the appeal. It's even more hopelessly convoluted than brutal dewm.

>> No.6491237
Quoted by: >>6491254

I think people play it because that's what's being played on Zandronum.
RGA2 is better.

>> No.6491238
Quoted by: >>6491250

Play on the UV equivalent, Thou art a smite-meister. Heretic is pretty easy regardless of skill setting..

>> No.6491245

It's fun in multiplayer with unlimited lives where sometimes several players are required to beat one enemy that spawned as overpowered minibosss variant

>> No.6491249

Surely you mean Deus.EXE?

Sounds like a great WAD (which one), but a YouTuber who would move his bowels on a Delft plate "because it's an add-on".

Anyone a fan of FPSs for non-PC platforms? I played a couple of console ones way back in the day, like Alien Trilogy, but the first ones I properly played after Doom E1 were on the Amiga. Gloom and Breathless, I think.

Always wondered if the Alien Breed FPS was any good, because the top-down shooters were fun. Had a look on YouTube - actually it looks pretty bad. But hey, people are still porting Doom and Doomlike games to the Amiga!

Alien Breed.WAD when?

>> No.6491250
Quoted by: >>6491301 >>6491321

Play on hardest.
Unlike Dooms UV, monsters don't respawn on Black Plague, but their movement, reactions and their projecties are faster
much more fun.

>> No.6491254
Quoted by: >>6491280

>Call of Duty 4 in Doom
but why

>> No.6491273

The first example of Room over Room in Marathon 1, at least as far as I noticed, uses a completely empty room that serves no other purpose than to be on top of another room, I found that quite funny.

>> No.6491280

I don't know. But the monsters that come with that mod are fucking amazing.

>> No.6491295
Quoted by: >>6491387

already in your moms room

>> No.6491301

Yeah i went ahead and am playing on black plague. As long as the monsters dont respawn im golden.

>> No.6491321

You get more ammo too, so there's less plinking away with the wand/crossbow. Same for Hexen. Raven actually knew how to make an engaging top difficulty.

>> No.6491336
Quoted by: >>6491354

What would Blurred DOOM be like as a sourceport?

>> No.6491354

That's just GZDoom by default

>> No.6491360
Quoted by: >>6491368 >>6491374

How can Graf prefer Doom with filters on? What kind of brain damage is it?

>> No.6491368
Quoted by: >>6491373 >>6491376

The same kind that makes people do this >>6489823
It's called "lack of taste"

>> No.6491373

I cant at least understand that - it makes doom look more 'realistic', 'high-res', or whatever, even if I still find it ugly as hell. But filtered textures just look like garbled mess, it doesn't look appealing under any standard I can think of. It just boggles my mind.

>> No.6491374
Quoted by: >>6491379 >>6491391

t. Kegan the Graf Despiser

>> No.6491376
Quoted by: >>6491431

I also don't understand why the fuck he'd make "Dark" sector lighting the default. I can understand that "Vanilla" might not be a good default because of gameplay mods, but why not go with "Standard" then so at least you can...you know...SEE shit?

Or why he'd make Billboards X-axis only instead of X-Y axis. Why would anyone want everything looking like cardboard cutouts from above/below?

>> No.6491379
Quoted by: >>6491391

I haven't sucked anywhere near enough cocks to be Kegan.

>> No.6491387

my mother is too old for you kid

>> No.6491391
Quoted by: >>6491409

I don't despise him.

Ah fuck you, leatherman.

>> No.6491409

fug u kegan

>> No.6491423
File: 161 KB, 1080x1028, 1591142452651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know of any tutorials for just making overall good maps in general?

>> No.6491424

Playthrough video of map22 of 200 minutes of /vr/ is up.

>> No.6491431
Quoted by: >>6491438 >>6491473

"Standard" calculates light level completely differently.
Dark and Doom do the lighting in steps of 32, like original. And original light only goes up to 192, it does not become brighter after that - it's used for some light blinking/strobe effects.
Standard goes for a wide range and does so gradually, and calculates it differently, and is also meant to be used with dynamic lighting present in the level. Result is that there's much less contrast between light and dark. There are quite a few outdoor maps where overhang part casts a shadow, that is clearly visible in Doom/Dark/Software/Vanilla, but pretty much indistinguishable at Standard.

Billboards are weird complaint since its a toggleable option, both in option meny and can be forced on actor basis via decorate/zscript.
What I'd like is and option for limited Y-axis billboarding like how Doomsday does it, but apparently there are some technical difficulties with that.

>> No.6491438
Quoted by: >>6491463

Who plays GZDoom without dynamic lighting? It's like one of the entire reasons you'd bother with the fucking thing

>> No.6491441

I wouldn't call them tutorials, but if you're interested in making maps, Evolution Of The Wad is pretty entertaining, and gives some perspective on maps.
Pretty long though.

>> No.6491445
File: 236 KB, 923x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns on the automap
The longer I watch the worse this gets

>> No.6491456

I'm convinced only Minecraft zoomers are obsessed with crispy textures; the rest of us were running GLQuake back in '97

>> No.6491463
Quoted by: >>6491473

I meant placed on the level as actual sources of illumination, not tiny bright splotches that never go further than 2m from the source.

>> No.6491469

Then you're convinced of something retarded, blur filters always looked bad for Quake and Doom because their textures are not designed for it.
A game which IS designed around it would be Goldeneye (among most N64 games), and it looks weird without it.

>> No.6491473
Quoted by: >>6491478

Still, I don't know why Dark should be the default. At least Doom would be a better fit if you absolutely don't want the "doomguy emits light" effect in certain gameplay mods like Hideous Destructor

>> No.6491478
Quoted by: >>6491483

I think you have Dark and Dom mixed up there

>> No.6491480

Not true. Even back then I didn't like some games smudged textures.
Remember for example preferring to play monster madness 2 with no filter.

Or even Homeworld 1.

Depended on the game.

>> No.6491483

Dark is the default in GZDoom, I'm completely certain of that. Which is what I'm complaining about. It makes everything look way too dark without the "Doomguy glow". At least with Doom light mode you can see things, so you don't miss the glow as much. If you do want the glow and the software renderer look, you go with Vanilla, but like I said I understand why this shouldn't be a default, because some gameplay mods (like Hid Dest) could suffer for it (for example, messing with the light amplification goggles)

>> No.6491490
File: 1.24 MB, 1816x1059, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6491494 >>6491528

>all this arguing
>meanwhile my dark lightmode + con+bright config for high contrast between different light level areas and darkness that is not pitch-black
>requires Vulkan since it treats con/bright differently, opengl looks washed out while on Vulkan it looks good.

>> No.6491492
File: 26 KB, 480x451, nigga can you not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491493

>it's just Mega Man Legends 32-bit Deathmatch with blurry textures and compressed sound

>> No.6491494

if only all of us could be as enlightened as you, anon.

>> No.6491528

I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your literature...

>> No.6491547

Do what John Romero told us.

>> No.6491552

Hell's maw was annoying but fun. The auto aim distance is so finnicky etheral bow shots would just fly above the skeleton bastards heads. Really tempted to just turn on full mouselook and disable aim assist.Also fuck the wings of wrath unless im dumb and you can control the altitude. Got killed because i couldnt aim at the necromancers since i was too high and i wasted my invincibility ring aimlessly floating.

>> No.6491563
File: 744 KB, 1033x2074, download (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some post-Quake 1 Romero/iD drama, /vr/

Paul Steed fucking told Romero, didn't he?

>> No.6491568
Quoted by: >>6491574 >>6491585

With all that bickering, still Romero had no choice but to admit that Quake 2 was one of the best games he had ever played. Absolutely based.

>> No.6491574
File: 508 KB, 1064x912, 2020-06-03 17.21.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6491585

Here is the final bit, Carmack getting in on the smack talk a bit.
That's true, he did.

>> No.6491585
Quoted by: >>6491590

Quake 2 fans still seething to this very day. Impressive to see.

>> No.6491586
File: 35 KB, 465x604, 1809239-n517581288_2545296_4021274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6491598

>"The F-40 got hit."
What a cheeky cunt

>> No.6491590

He still said it.

>> No.6491598

They were petty times.

>> No.6491639

>doing no save for fun
>die at the very end because there was a boss in one of the secrets i wasnt ready for
>lose will to play
Well ill try again tomorrow

>> No.6491669

This just happened with me lol

>> No.6491703

These recommendations are pretty nice. What about monster mods? I don't know of any sadly

>> No.6491713

Doesn't Delta Touch include Zandronum as well? How legal is it to sell something with it?

>> No.6491716
Quoted by: >>6492167

Which book is it from? Masters of Doom?

>> No.6491723
Quoted by: >>6491734

Paul Steed was an angry, often drunk and crude ass hat, but damn did he model and texture some nice tits.

>> No.6491734
Quoted by: >>6491747

id needed a chad after Romero left, Paul filled that position.

I just knew that he died under unknown circumstances.

RIP chad Steed

>> No.6491747
Quoted by: >>6491759

Didn't he have a heart attack?

>> No.6491759
Quoted by: >>6491778

Some said execissive drinking, some said heart attack, but nothing official.

>> No.6491778
Quoted by: >>6491798

Suicide was also suggested a few times, which would be entirely possible given the lack of info beyond 'sudden.'

>> No.6491785

shit like this made me the savescummer I am today

>> No.6491798

Could be. Since we didn't about him for quite some time until his death.

Maybe sick or something...Drinking, drugs and women..

>> No.6491803
Quoted by: >>6491804


>> No.6491804
Quoted by: >>6491806 >>6491810

at least I have fun... you know... what games are for...

>> No.6491806

very weak

>> No.6491810
Quoted by: >>6491814 >>6492185

bro just Play on skill 2 (or 1) with pistol start using no saves, playing the maps until you know where the enemies and secrets are and easing yourself up to skill 3, then to skill 4. If you need saves to beat a map the difficulty is clearly set too high for your ability.

>> No.6491814
Quoted by: >>6491819 >>6493315

really? I don't feel like investing that much time into a level. It's supposed to be fun, not a sport.

>If you need saves to beat a map the difficulty is clearly set too high for your ability.
except Doom is a heavy RNG game where you can die fom a single Revenant rocket or leave nearly unscathed, making skill secondary to luck.

>> No.6491817

Am i going crazy or does caleb do a a little chant in latin? I swear i heard it before but i cant find it.

>> No.6491819
File: 117 KB, 674x912, doomguy yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494813

addition: I always go UV and I do replay levels I'm familiar with without saves though. On a first playthrough, I always go with saves.
Doesn't mean I need the saves, they're just to make sure I don't waste my time. It's more about loading, but that depends very highly on the gameplay.

>> No.6491826
Quoted by: >>6492116

Just analyze and steal from the levels you like. Study their design choices, layouts, gameplay, detail, etc., inevitably you'll still end up with your own style.
If you still need a tutorial, just give it up. Those are for wussies. You think they had tutorials or courses back when they were making the Doom, or Duke Nukem 3D levels? They barely had any reference at all.

>> No.6491839
Quoted by: >>6492352

And to clarify what killed me was the lichking head in the secret area of e2m2 in heretic. I was already at like 35 health and it pushed me into a pool of molten rock that killed me. It was totally my fault since ive never played heretic and im playing it on the hardest difficulty

>> No.6491863
Quoted by: >>6491889

I used to savescum a lot. It's worth trying to dial it down some, it'll make the game more fun to play.
Try to get into the habit of saving before exiting a level, and saving before picking up a key.

>> No.6491889

I only savescum in blood

>> No.6491890

>doing no save
>game crashes
never again

>> No.6492000

It took me way, way too long to realize 'freedoom' is a play on freedom.

>> No.6492067
File: 276 KB, 1639x994, calebhates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6492091
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 20200603202855_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494017

No monkey is safe from me. All apes get the grapes

>> No.6492093

Someone uploaded the Q2 TOTAL DESTRUCTION CD into Moddb archives

>> No.6492116
File: 30 KB, 360x450, Petersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6492127


>If you still need a tutorial, just give it up. Those are for wussies. You think they had tutorials or courses back when they were making the Doom, or Duke Nukem 3D levels? They barely had any reference at all.

>> No.6492127
Quoted by: >>6492302 >>6492318

>picking a single bad designer in a crowd of good ones
You have him as reference for what NOT to do.

>> No.6492167
File: 702 KB, 1012x962, 1590420678612-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6492185
Quoted by: >>6494839

Problem with this mindset is that it expects people to beat the same map multiple times. Some people might not want to nor have the time to do that.
Alongside this, Skill 1/2 balance is almost never done well. It's either too babied to the point that the encounters are no longer what the map was designed for (This alone can make a bad first impression), or not much is changed at all from higher skill levels (if there even are changes), that replaying after first completion will simply get monotonous more than anything. Skill 3 to a lesser extent is often neglected too, but there are some mapsets that do give it care, so it can be a bit inconsistent between different mapsets.

I get that people like to hate on savescumming, but even speedrunners use saves when practising levels before making serious attempts at runs.

>> No.6492204
File: 36 KB, 680x476, workout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it both easier and more fun to run past and maneuver around the horde of demons at the end of a map to get to the exit instead of fighting them off.

>> No.6492302

Sounds like you got SANDED.

>> No.6492318
Quoted by: >>6492332 >>6492835

Not everything by Sandy worked, but the stuff that did, you can already see in many pwads.

>> No.6492332
Quoted by: >>6492374

Which is why many pwads are trash.

>> No.6492352

You know the green ghost head artifact? The ONLY real use it has is that it makes you immmune to the annoying tornado thing attack. It doesn't do shit against other enemies. You can also bind the controls to fly up and down, the default is page up and page down.

>> No.6492374

Even John Romero took some influence from Petersen in his Doom 2, TFC, and Sigil maps.

>> No.6492375
Quoted by: >>6492383

Proving my point.

>> No.6492383

>Proving my point.
...and that was?

>> No.6492421
File: 82 KB, 1024x768, DOOM0473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dare you enter?

>> No.6492424

Yes, I love cacos. I shall hug them all!

>> No.6492432

Nice status bar!

I'm so glad this wasn't one of those dumb "magical realm" gags that plagues /tg/

>> No.6492454

Sounds like someone lost to the Whizzard.

>> No.6492598
Quoted by: >>6492618 >>6494087

>attempt 60
top kek

>> No.6492618

Can't wait for his maps 29 and 30 videos

>> No.6492641

I hear ya, I always make me a beverage and hop on here in the mornings.
Something so comfy about this thread.

>> No.6492649
File: 81 KB, 361x247, 1576041582245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6492654
File: 18 KB, 200x244, frog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A little outdated but it'll get the job done.
Find yourself some time, a notebook, and just grind these tutorials out.
I'm making my own project from just watching these, still learn something everyday though.

>> No.6492659

Dusk is good!
The multiplayer is rip but if you can get some friends together it's the shit.

>> No.6492662

Should I give Blood 2 a try just for the lol factor?
If it's that much of a lost cause I don't wanna bother tho

>> No.6492673

Not worth it.

>> No.6492835
Quoted by: >>6492841 >>6492914

Most of what Sandy did worked.

Give it another go someday, it's very fun.

>> No.6492841

>Most of what Sandy did worked.
No disagreements here.

>> No.6492849

I would advise against it, aside from Stephan Weyte reprising his role as Caleb, the game really doesn't have any redeeming qualities, it's just really frustrating. The game is hideously rushed and unfinished, but even conceptually it's really bad, it would be really unsatisfying even if they got to finish it.

Blood 2 is definitely the worst sequel to any good retro shooter, it's worse than Duke Nukem Forever.

>> No.6492910

Thanks to Blood 2 we will never see another Blood game.

>> No.6492914
Quoted by: >>6492969

>Most of what Sandy did worked.
"Worked" and "was good" are two different things. Ocean Software's Robocop game for the Amiga worked. Was it good? The jury is out.

Who at id made the best Doom maps? Who in the modding community?

>> No.6492942
File: 36 KB, 326x314, DgLKkXSUwAAb9Os.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6492958
File: 118 KB, 1200x900, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6493508


>> No.6492969
File: 163 KB, 269x360, dog glaring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6493057

Can anyone help me with setting up quake 3 arena from gog for widescreen and what not. I’ve tried the autoexec file and that doesn’t work, I edited the config file and it launched the game with just a quarter of the screen filled. Also I tried downloading ioquake3 and it said it was a virus( I was on the actual site).

>> No.6493139
Quoted by: >>6493245 >>6494851

So go figure that when I wanna replay Duke3D there's a new source port on the block, Raze, smooshed together from the GZDoom author it seems. Is the preference eDuek32 or BuildGDX, still? I hear Raze is still experimental and shit; I did a run through E1L1 and it seems okay, but last time I played a Build game (Blood) it was on BuildGDX to which I thought was accurate enough. Raze being based on GZDoom means it brings forth the lame demo incompatibility and shit like that.

tl;dr Raze, BuildGDX or eDuek32 for Duke3D?

>> No.6493195
Quoted by: >>6493234 >>6493275

Romero's Doom 2 maps are trash.

E4M6 and Sigil is everything but Sandy cacophony. E5M5 is Dowtown done right.

>> No.6493216 [SPOILER] 
File: 438 KB, 960x718, 1591287129217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6493306

>> No.6493234
File: 96 KB, 475x258, 1590165497244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6493314

>Romero's Doom 2 maps are trash.

>> No.6493245


>> No.6493275
Quoted by: >>6493643

>Romero's Doom 2 maps are trash.
Honestly, I prefer them to his Doom E1 maps.

>> No.6493306

dont get this one

>> No.6493314

Half agree on that. He kinda half assed them a bit, but they are not terrible. Some nice dickish Romero moments. Guess he was too busy stroking his ego after Doom 1.

>> No.6493315

>except Doom is a heavy RNG game where you can die fom a single Revenant rocket or leave nearly unscathed, making skill secondary to luck.
Anon did you seriously just imply that luck is the most important factor when beating a level? Because if so, holy shit we might as well go play pachinko/slot machines.

>> No.6493324

Fighting the maulotaurs on black plague is torture especially with no saves

>> No.6493396
Quoted by: >>6493415

I think making shotgunners and chaingunners drop their weapons was a bad move. It would be better if they dropped ammo pickups instead, this would give level designers more freedom.

>> No.6493415
Quoted by: >>6493426

Valiant already does something like this - it replaces the Nazi SS with the Chaingunner, and so Valiant's Chaingunners don't drop their weapons, only ammo

>> No.6493417
Quoted by: >>6493421 >>6493426

Just play shogo instead.

>> No.6493421
Quoted by: >>6493424 >>6493426

That's just as wonky. Seems a common thing on LithTech 1 games.

>> No.6493424

It is. But at least its less grating and they spend like 30 minutes on a pussy joke.

90s mecha and cyberpunk anime but with western writers and stories should have always been a thing. Maybe in a alternate universe.

>> No.6493426

Exactly. Though in this case he probably did it because he buffed both pistol and chaingun in his mod.

Shogo should've been a Wild West game instead, because every encounter with hitscanners is a quickdraw duel - if you don't stunlock enemy first, you're dead.

>> No.6493436
Quoted by: >>6494043

gimme some WADs you damn NERDS

>> No.6493454

What is your least favourite Doom 2 map? If the answer is Chasm, what is your second least favourite map?

>> No.6493458
Quoted by: >>6494175

>the .plan wars
Holy shit this sounds spicy as fuck. Any Doomer Boomers who were around during that time? Is there an archive of these .plan files? I would love to read these.

They say Romero used to hang out on IRC with fans all say too. Anyone lucky enough to be in those channels then?

>> No.6493505

That's Eternal Doom, a 1997 pwad. Very puzzle-y and some maps are very switch-heavy. But the maps are huge, have good combat, look great and have great atmosphere and story.

>> No.6493508
Quoted by: >>6493521

I have no idea why it bugs me that the cacodemon's lines should be thicker to fit better with the simpsons art style it's trying to replicate, but it does

>> No.6493512

There's an type of sector in Doom format that is a door that opens 300 seconds after level start. I can't recall it ever being used. Was it used anywhere? If not, does anyone know why it exists?

>> No.6493513
Quoted by: >>6493547

do you mean team fortress classic? im retarded

>> No.6493521

Because you're a sperg but also fuck you because now I can't unsee it.

>> No.6493547

Thy Flesh Consumed (Ultimated Doom episode 4)

>> No.6493558

Can I play Eternal Doom without the gay portrait? I just want Doomguy. I like the rest of the HUD though.

>> No.6493580

Use any HUD mod.

>> No.6493586


remove all the replacement head sprites in SLADE

>> No.6493603
Quoted by: >>6493605 >>6493701

The "armor" of the portrait is baked into the HUD so you'd have to manually edit it out in an image editor, it's not as simple as replacing the head sprites

>> No.6493605
Quoted by: >>6493634

He looks gay

>> No.6493619


>> No.6493634

Your mom looks gay.

>> No.6493643

Romero's Ultimate Doom maps have an actual style. There are two faces of Romero. The techbase Romero with the comfy shotgun play and strict texture use (and he nailed it in E1M4b and E1M8b 20 years later), and the infernal Romero, which was introduced in E4M2/E4M6, and carried onto Sigil. Both styles are works of art and clear vision what the author wanted to do.

Romero's Doom 2 maps lack everything of that. There was an almost there style used in Map11/17/26, but I still don't know what he wanted to create with them. Map11 is kinda good, and Map29 showed signs of pre-Sigil concepts, but generally they were just made to fill the holes in the mapset.

I wish Romero will create his own Doom 2 mapset and show us who he interprets the new enemies, the new textures, the new everything.

>> No.6493670
Quoted by: >>6493691

Sigil sucks ass though.

>> No.6493674
Quoted by: >>6493695

how is it difficulty wise?

>> No.6493691
Quoted by: >>6493708

Your mom sucks ass.

>> No.6493692
File: 136 KB, 467x348, 1591191701358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6493693

doom3 on 125% speed
and doom 3 was utter garbage

>> No.6493695

I played through all of it some days ago and it was difficult, but not as challenging as Alien Vendetta's hardest maps, and nowhere near HR2 territory.
If you're good don't expect to die much.

>> No.6493701
Quoted by: >>6493723

Or he could just delete all the status bar and face graphics from the .wad

>> No.6493708
Quoted by: >>6493920

You have to be 18 or older to post here

>> No.6493723

He said he liked the hud but not the portrait, so I was just telling him he'd have to remove both or manually edit the HUD.

>> No.6493727
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, mike bored confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks The Living End isn't a masterpiece

>> No.6493791
Quoted by: >>6493803

What is the tech reason for why it's so hard to get a flashlight working in GZDoom with reasonable performance?

I get why it's hard for normal doom, but with GZdoom and Ambient Occlusion on it just KILLS my PC.

>> No.6493792
File: 390 KB, 720x360, Bionic wire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin around with something else here for a collab thing.

>> No.6493803

The tech reason is that you're using GzDoom's shitty AO, if you turn it off, flashlights work just fine.

>> No.6493814

Playthrough video of map23 of 200 minutes of /vr/ is up.

>> No.6493894
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200604_214111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Souls was surprising really good! Let's see how the second one fares.

>> No.6493917
Quoted by: >>6493925

I know Doom Eternal has a mechanic like this (and didn't one get modded into Quake deathmatch?) but the fact that you said "bionic" makes my brain say "commando".

(Actually, it said "six" first, but who even remembers that these days?)

>> No.6493920

That's Romero, bro. He's in his 50s. Just ignore him.

>> No.6493925
Quoted by: >>6493931

That's because the weapon is based around the default rifle from Bionic Commando.

>> No.6493931

Honestly, I couldn't have told you that, but I remember seeing one of the DOS games and there was a grappling claw-type thing in that, so...

But cool. Nice inspiration, and looks like a good mechanic.

>> No.6493936
Quoted by: >>6493940

Please tell me that's a tail.

>> No.6493940
File: 30 KB, 1284x516, Bionic Commando shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. What, you never play the old NES Bionic Commando?

>> No.6493975
Quoted by: >>6493982

Is there any addon I should play The Golden Souls 2 with? The first one had Super Golden Souls and I wonder if GS2 has anything similar.

>> No.6493982

No, as far as I know GS2 is perfectly good on its own.

>> No.6494013
File: 31 KB, 328x285, ninja rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494020

>inb4 another "just pull player in here" hook
>not the glorious ninja rope you can swing on
>that anon that showed off a working prototype never released it

"Swinging around in Doom" feature confirms its "never ever" status once more

>> No.6494017
Quoted by: >>6494183

did you slice a monkey with tiny knives?

>> No.6494020
Quoted by: >>6494190

Well anon I don't have the patience to work with ACS and make it online Zandronum friendly. Plus the head of this collab project I'm working with is really inexperienced so I'm making my contributions as sellf contained as possible to keep it easy for him.

>> No.6494043

Lost Civilization

>> No.6494087
Quoted by: >>6494125


>> No.6494103
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1588647452924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494110

I don't like Misri Halek

>> No.6494108
File: 300 KB, 300x297, he just wouldn&#039;t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get RTCW from GOG
>doesn't boot
>get ioRTCW sourceport
>actually boots
>missing parts of options configuration for seemingly no reason at all
People who bitch about Graf don't know how good they have it. You can just download it and unzip it, then you give it the .wads and just go, yeah there's a blur filter on by default, but you can access all options and configure it as you see fit.

>> No.6494110
Quoted by: >>6494117

Why the fuck not?

>> No.6494117
Quoted by: >>6494171


IMO it takes the dripfeed pacing way too far to the point that it just drags on and on.

The atmosphere and visuals are great but once you've spent long enough in the map for the spectacle to wear off it really becomes a chore

>> No.6494125


>> No.6494132

I disagree that there wasn't much of a style to his Doom 2 maps. I could easily see them being grouped together into their own episode, and nothing would feel out of place. And while fiercer in gameplay, his E4 maps in Ultimate Doom weren't that much different visually, in all honesty, besides lacking a few doom 2 exclusive textures.
15 and 20 were definitely a lot more sandboxy compared to his usual straight forward approach to layout design, though. The red key is entirely skippable in MAP15, in fact.

>> No.6494147
File: 29 KB, 480x377, cat-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494205 >>6494209

Anyone? Please, Im sick of vanilla monsters

>> No.6494162
File: 164 KB, 1216x358, download (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494239

>Romero started literally going by "God"

>> No.6494171

I love Misri Halek, but that's perfectly valid.
I think its atmosphere and overall adventurous vibe justify its length, but long maps certainly aren't everyone's cup of tea.

>> No.6494175
Quoted by: >>6494202 >>6494207

Always wondered if those .plan files were preserved... the historical curiosity alone makes them priceless to me. Not just for petty drama either, Carmack had been doing those things I believe starting with the development of Quake 1 and they were basically little update blogs about how things were going and he would also share other tidbits about iD, new tech that was out or just whatever was on his mind

>> No.6494183

Kek, its a slingshot but it does actually look like two tiny knives crossed or something

>> No.6494190
Quoted by: >>6494197 >>6494198

Why don't you just tell him Fuck you stupid fucking brainlet, this is my project now?

>> No.6494197

Romero, have you taken your meds today?

>> No.6494198

Because managing community projects sucks. Besides, the only way rookies are gonna learn is if they do shit themselves.

>> No.6494202
Quoted by: >>6494241

Did some googling and found these

>> No.6494205
Quoted by: >>6494587

Hard Doom lite is a pretty damn good one. It is balanced for Hard Doom tho

BABEL Lite also gives you just the babel monsters without the weapon behavior. It's stock monster balanced with new behaviors and aggressiveness.

>> No.6494207
Quoted by: >>6494241

Found this

>> No.6494209
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494587

Just for you anon, found a thread full of these.

>> No.6494239
Quoted by: >>6494931

What an absolute fucking wanker... the balls on this guy. Was he really so unself-aware or was he truly drinking his own Kool-aid?

>> No.6494241
File: 536 KB, 381x512, 1433039194335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494258

Fucking based lads, thank you!

>> No.6494258
File: 831 KB, 245x245, chatter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494280

One lad but thank you!

Haven't found Romero's .plan files though but I did a 2 second search.

>> No.6494280

Awesome, thank you for the help DOOMbro.

>> No.6494308
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200605_003330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494317

Why is GZDoom's dynamic lighting so poorly optmized? These flickering lights in GS2 have been killing my framerate.

>> No.6494317
Quoted by: >>6494337

If you have it on turn off ambient occlusion. It could also be an issue with a more modern version of GZDoom as GS2 was made for an older version and iirc it ran perfectly for me.

>> No.6494337

Honestly, I have no idea. GZDoom just started consuming 7gb of ram for apparently no reason. Turning off dynamic light didn't help, I'll try turning of AO then.

>> No.6494491
Quoted by: >>6494528

Alright /vr/, I'm almost finished Arcane Dimensions and I'd like to know, out of the few levels I have left, which order should I complete them to save the best for last. What's left:
>The Forgotten
>The Realm of Enceladus
>Leptis Magna

>> No.6494528
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, dom3m1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494546

sepulcher is the biggest, but swiss cheese level design is not to everyone's taste
enceladus is my fav, I think I prefer the pre-AD version more though
magna is just kinda alright

>> No.6494546
File: 1.14 MB, 1279x719, crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494562

I just tried entering Sepulcher and it seems like the game soft crashes, any clue why that would be? Were there files that weren't included in 1.7.1?

>> No.6494562
Quoted by: >>6494592

there's your problem

>> No.6494587
File: 13 KB, 219x241, beat the niggur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, thanks

>> No.6494592
Quoted by: >>6494623

I guess I'll just finish the other two and then switch over to quakespasm for The Forgotten Sepulcher

>> No.6494623
Quoted by: >>6494630 >>6494656

or you could not use darkplaces, much less an outdated four year old variant you're explicitly told not to use in the readme

>> No.6494630
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, ne_marb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494637

actually the readme explicitly mentions QS 0.93.0 and DP 2014 as compatible, with "other engines" partially supported
but you're right, of course

>> No.6494637
File: 2 KB, 595x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494642


>> No.6494642

to add: DP 2014 is incompatible as fuck with tons of maps beyond AD

>> No.6494645
Quoted by: >>6494650

What's the best way to play Quake 1? I know QSS is the best engine, but what settings are recommended?

>> No.6494650
Quoted by: >>6494806

crosshair 1
sv_aim 1
gl_texturemode 3

that's it

>> No.6494656
Quoted by: >>6494661

I know, but I booted up AD right after completing 1.5 and that requires darkplaces.

>> No.6494661
Quoted by: >>6494694

you're already a lost cause

>> No.6494694


>> No.6494806
Quoted by: >>6494838

>in a game that has a centered gun
are you the retard?

>> No.6494813
File: 161 KB, 2001x2001, smug caco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't mean I need the saves

>> No.6494838

please don't act like you're more hardcore than you are. you're only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6494839
File: 219 KB, 648x818, 1587769428564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6494878

>skill 1/2 is too babied
then beat the level without saving, pleb, lol

>> No.6494851

Raze is still in alpha.

Just download BuildGDX and EDuke32 and try them both out. It's gonna be better than any opinion you get from any anons. I play EDuke solely because it can run the digital music packs
> sc55.duke4.net/games.php
and it has more, better HUD options. DukeGDX's advantages are, it can run the start-up demos that come with the game, which looks cool, and it looks slightly more authentic, but the FLAC music packs are so good that it blows DukeGDX out of the water. Just put the .zip file inside a folder called "autoload" inside EDuke and enable autoload upon startup

>> No.6494878
Quoted by: >>6494904

>The point

>> No.6494904
Quoted by: >>6494935

>The point
You're complaining about skill 1/2 being too easy... while playing with saves. LOL

>> No.6494931

He had a hand in one of the most famous games of all time on top of being a hardcore coke and alcohol addict... what do you expect really? People who are considered famous score consistently above regular people on narcissism tests for a reason.

>> No.6494935
Quoted by: >>6494939

Did you even read the post or are you just purposefully being retarded?

>> No.6494939
Quoted by: >>6494942

Your post is a series of excuses on why you savescum, that even you admit only apply to SOME mapsets

>> No.6494942

I never said I savescum, but keep trying to convince yourself LOL.

>> No.6494986

Is there any gore mod to Quake 1 ala nashgore? As in, it doesn't alter the gameplay at all just adds some juicy gore?

>> No.6495007
File: 373 KB, 500x500, gimme a huh man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>q1 gives ogres perfect aim with no increased delay between shots
>scrags can teleport
fiends and shamblers were unchanged, thank fuck (though i expected the former to be able to leap to higher platforms) but if it gives vores perfect tracking or makes spawns more annoying im gonna scream

>> No.6495019
Quoted by: >>6495025


>> No.6495025

hiroshimoot ate my half

>> No.6495027
Quoted by: >>6495034

>bwaah, i wanna kiddie mode where my enemies cant aim or reach meeeh

>> No.6495034

you don't seem to realize all encounters with ogres in vanilla q1 were designed around them not being able to aim vertically
the area before the final lift on nm e1m3 is the worst offender so far with the secret on e1m4 being a close second

>> No.6495049
Quoted by: >>6495054

vores jump around like in nehahra

>> No.6495054
File: 14 KB, 376x260, 1590488248125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6495074

please be jestin

>> No.6495074

also, spawns spawn more spawns like in rogue and rrp
just kidding
not about vores tho

>> No.6495143

The only problem I've ever had with q1.5's balance is the fucking sticky bombs. Just deal the damage outright if it's going to be unavoidable, don't make me wait.

>> No.6495148
Quoted by: >>6495158

Serious Sam Classic or HD, which one should I go with first time playing? Also, is Serious Sam considered retro to be discussed here?

>> No.6495158
Quoted by: >>6495163

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution. HD lacks those neat sections with screwed-up gravity.

>> No.6495163
Quoted by: >>6495179

fucking NEVER
play or buy rev
it's an unfinished buggy mess that ruins the core of serious sam AND is developed by thieving furfags, trannies and weebs
yes, literally

>> No.6495174
File: 564 KB, 720x360, Shuriken toss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6495214 >>6495229

This is fun. It's nice to go back and just make simple weapons.

>> No.6495179
Quoted by: >>6495187

What exactly is the problem with it? How is the cor eexperience ruined? What's with the "thievery" accusation? I'm genuinely intrigued.

>> No.6495187
Quoted by: >>6495189

>new, unbalanced, annoying enemies
>new, unbalanced weapons
>both stolen from the creator by the weeb who gave himself all the credit and later removed the creator's name from post-game credits
>same story with the new hud and textures, except this time it was a furfag
>extra secrets that ruin the pacing
>areas without new enemies are braindead easy
>areas WITH new enemies have no sense of balance

>> No.6495189
Quoted by: >>6495194

So they changed the original maps or are those negatives only for the new campaign?

>> No.6495194

og campaign was changed as well

>> No.6495214
Quoted by: >>6495220

Awesome stuff, anon! Do you do a lot of Doom modding? I'd like to hear about your previous projects

>> No.6495220
Quoted by: >>6495241 >>6495352

>Do you do a lot of Doom modding?
6 years worth. Previous work includes GMOTA, Combined_Arms, Space Hunter, a few weapons for DUMP 3, and a 64kb mod called Blastmaster.

>> No.6495229
Quoted by: >>6495230

looks like something taken out of project warlock
neat stuff

>> No.6495230
Quoted by: >>6495237

Thanks, I normally don't do shading this simple but the collab project I'm doing this for has a few characters using simpler shading so that's what I'm aiming for here.

>> No.6495237

i mean, this could be easily redone to match the og sprites by pixelating and some hue/saturation changes

>> No.6495241
Quoted by: >>6495243

I'll check those out! Hope that your current mod goes well. I love the look and hope to see more of your progress.

How friendly is the (non-anonymous) community to new starters? I'm getting started with maps, but would like to pick up more as I go, and find folks to collab with. Earn my wings and contribute to a WAD, that kind of thing.

>> No.6495243
Quoted by: >>6495265

The community is pretty chill for the most part. If you want to go out and make some maps and shit, there's plenty of resources out there for new guys and I know there's people out there willing to help too.

>> No.6495265

Thanks! I've found some resources but it's good to know they are decent folks. Some fan communities (Trekkies, for instance) can be rather difficult.

I'll pick a site and jump in :-)

>> No.6495291
Quoted by: >>6495398

Ion Fury dev is starting a map tutorial for Mapster32. It's focused on IF, but it should be helpful for other games

>> No.6495328
File: 1.14 MB, 878x489, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6495352

I hope somebody some day figures out how to make visually randomised guns in Doom same way Borderlands 2/3 does it.Because that shit is fun as fuck - every gun not only looks different, but it also shoots and feels different.
But boy do the story sucks all kinds of ass and in 3 they really started shoving it down your mouth front and center.
Having a similar shooting experience, but without retarded "mayhem" de-balancing that gives mobs +800% health (+3000% in case of Mayhem 6 that needed for some gun drops. This is not a joke.), in environments that are not littered with bullshit "challenges" and carricature characters would be a paradise and Doom can deliver, if someone manages to mod in the gunplay of BL3 in it.

>> No.6495332

>marty mcfly
ah, that one diva from the reshade/enb community, funny to see he's still around.

>> No.6495352
Quoted by: >>6495403

Okay, sorry to chime in again but just got to my lunch break and had the chance to check out your mods. Very cool - I am definitely going to give Space Hunter a go.

(As much as a lot of people do it, I may blog/vlog my adventures in Dooming... it'd be fun, and I'd enjoy putting it together for other newbies - or fossils like me - who need a pointer.)

It's little groups like the FPS thread that disprove the popular image of 4ch as the internet's version of Mos Eisley. Not that there's anything wrong with a little scum and villainy, but this is a fab community with great anons taking part and fairly low levels of asshattery (is that even a word?) - even by /vr/ standards, which is already a nicer board than most.

Love the art style of these games, and some of the narrative/character humour. Never played one though - sounds like it's a mixed bag.

>> No.6495392
File: 205 KB, 1296x2520, Marathon-timeline-diagram-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6495475

i'm pretty sure marathon 1 has some remnants of unused multiple choices and mission failstates too, from unimplemented terminal text dug out of the code to the way some of the levels end. there's an interview out there somewhere discussing these aspirations but it's funny how infinity, a game initially produced as a map-pack for durandal, had the narrative ethos of 'fuck it, we're doing everything all at once with no real care for linearity'

>> No.6495398
Quoted by: >>6495503

They should make a better editor instead. Duke community died because the tools are very hard to use

>> No.6495403

If you can distance yourself from plot, and focus on gameplay, they are must-play.

BL1 was pretty good for the time, the guns were a bit too generic and unimaginative, different manufacturers differend mostly by skin and stat adjustments (+Maliwan being always-elemental). The world was not as vaired, the plot was okay and was delivered mostly through text boxes. The tone was full of was dark and gritty humour, much better that "Haha lol randumb funneh maymay" of PreSequel/3
Had DLCs that together make it ~80% longer
Rather simplistic compared to sequels, but still fun
I recommend you to play it

BL2 was much better in terms of gunplay - there were much more gun parts and they looked much more different and unique, manufacturers were given unique gimmicks, like condense-recoil of Hyperion and fire-as-fast-as-pressing trigger of Jakobs, and every gun type of all manufacturers were given 3 unique receivers each (to which all other parts attach) for different rarity levels, so the guns began to look and feel truly unique. Elemental damage is done much better than BL1.Unique effects re much more varied and interesting.However the plot is much more in-your face, even if it's less of a problem than in BL3, its moderately easy to ignore
Zones are much more varied, campaing is long, and DLCs add up A FUCKTON of content, expanding the game to ~triple the size

It's really good, definitely play it. I have replayed it 26+ times and don't regret it. Scaling past 3 difficulty is somewhat fucked(old gear starts getting obsolete much faster)

Pre-Sequel-BL2,but with lasers, on the moon with low gravity and Unfucked scaling. However all the characters are in-your-face and obnoxious to the point where I couldn't replay it the 3d time even when replaying BDL2 was fine

BL3-a lot more unique parts for each manufacturer, altfires, overall major gameplay improvements, the plot sucks ass and shoved into your face though

Bl1-2-TPS with all DLC were free on Epic store a week ago

>> No.6495406
File: 495 KB, 958x1047, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6495409 >>6495418

Has there been a mod that makes all the hitscan weapons in blood (including the ones that the enemies use) to projectile weapons??? (Kinda like arcane dimension shotguns)

>> No.6495409
Quoted by: >>6495417 >>6495442

that would completely remove the difficulty

>> No.6495417

The projectiles would be still fast.But not teleporting bullets fast.
I'm not sure but werent most ion fury weapons like that?

>> No.6495418
Quoted by: >>6495442

What about TekWar, Witchhaven and Liquidator 3D?

>> No.6495442

Not if you make them fast enough, so that you can only avoid them if you are moving at top speed and are significant distance away.

>celebrity writer ideaguy
>sucks at everything practical except writing
>because celebrity thinks he'll be ultra successful at everything he touches
>fails horribly, realises his faults and falls into obscurity out of shame
>has cybernetic dick that works off chainsaw engine because his natural pp was too small

>D'n'D geek to above all other DnD geeks
>Shoves Dn'D everywhere
>potions and spells
>randomly screams in a made up language every now and then

>> No.6495443
File: 1011 KB, 1393x1220, glorious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6495475

Infinity would be more interesting if you could choose which branches you wanted to play. You can sequence break a bit and skip the Acme Station route by grenade jumping but that's it

>> No.6495503
Quoted by: >>6495509 >>6495539

This. People kept telling me I was wrong and "just look at a guide you'll be fine"
the reason why people still map for doom today is because the level editor isn't 99% keybinds and key combos, i just want to make a level without having to open up a dictionary
Blood level makers still have to use that ancient level editor in DOSBOX

>> No.6495509
Quoted by: >>6495550

same anon as >>6495503
posting here to see if there's interest in an actually good build level editor

>> No.6495539

Mapsterfags will defend it, too.
>Doom's editing utilities developed a shitload in just a decade alone
>Duke's/Blood's/Wang's editing utilities have developed barely at all in 25+ years
Yeah, great mapping scene, there's almost a handful of releases a year.

>> No.6495550
Quoted by: >>6495552

>it's dead and abandoned
who are you trying to fool there.

>> No.6495552

I didn't mean interest in using it dumbass i mean people who are interested in finishing it
you never know

>> No.6495593
Quoted by: >>6495627

iirc if the monster's "eyeballs" can see the centerpoint of the exploding barrel then it will be hurt.

>> No.6495627

IIRC its the opposite. Rocket checks for all targets within horizontal radius (since vertical distance is not checked, explosions are infinitely tall), then for line of sight for those targets.

>> No.6495660

Chris Hansen's Retro Episode is better than DTWID

>> No.6495764
