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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.39004633
File: 133 KB, 1142x954, 1635643674633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat dragon ass!

>> No.39004636
File: 1.02 MB, 1545x864, 1528001000270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love the heat.

>> No.39004645
File: 244 KB, 1500x1336, rL5mhrCY_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I take lunch money away from a fitnuki?

>> No.39004650
File: 200 KB, 828x795, 1647353696193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39006211

Are you ready for an adventure Anon?

>> No.39004664
File: 209 KB, 621x900, 1499593687167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni Abs

>> No.39004678
File: 1.01 MB, 1346x1384, FN9exEDaIAUwiaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39004696

>> No.39004695

Don't use edition in the OP next time, you people already know this

>> No.39004696
File: 489 KB, 1722x2048, 1647441529952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good doll mage

>> No.39004719

Try pickle

>> No.39004723
File: 609 KB, 800x872, FNukOcaagAwbAtU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love all the dynamic positions and expressive postures you can get with extra arms.
six would be better but 4 ain't bad

>> No.39004748
File: 864 KB, 820x725, Troll45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39004755

Time to go to bed, see you tomorrow guys

>> No.39004755
File: 60 KB, 620x591, 1555889469345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no monster waiting in your bed
dont wanna sleep

>> No.39004767

the correct size of monster is if she sits in your lap facing you and your face is JUST above tit-level

>> No.39004772
File: 2.82 MB, 6065x2630, 1647031474249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39004796

Things, dialogue or monologue you'd say before the ultimate final boss fight against the Lilim/Arch Succubus antagonist?

>> No.39004801
File: 1.93 MB, 5000x1254, 90644987_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but respect for my man and his compulsion to categorize oppai

>> No.39004806

all those tall ladies are pushing my fucking buttons

>> No.39004821
Quoted by: >>39004913

sitting cowgirl/lotus reasons

>> No.39004834
File: 168 KB, 1032x1462, 1616118922173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39004887

>holds you suspended during sex while her handmaidens worship her
>hands you over to them when she is satisfied

>> No.39004873
File: 277 KB, 1100x1605, bach-do-neo-sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39004887
Quoted by: >>39004939

How would she feel when one of her handmaidens end up with child before her?

>> No.39004907
Quoted by: >>39004948

Describe the gradual changes a Jinko goes through from her gentlemanly self as mating season draws closer and closer with the man she is interacting with.

>> No.39004913

art is kind of meh but illustrates my intention well enough I think

>> No.39004939

Coiling and relentless milking

>> No.39004946
File: 411 KB, 900x1000, 1622663317402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Recognitions.
Gravity's Rainbow.
Infinite Jest.
These are the books you must read to date a birb

>> No.39004948
File: 1017 KB, 1033x1054, NbHX1J5o_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39004991

I'm filming a nature documentary series on beastmen and episode one is on Jinkos. I'll share the video if we manage to capture that on film.

>> No.39004980
File: 681 KB, 1131x590, Destiny Guardians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think The Guardians and or Lightbearers in Destiny fare in MGE? Mamono Mana able to trump the Light or Darkness?

>> No.39004989
File: 68 KB, 680x515, ea794d8447b0290be6cac123081ae04d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39005027

>> No.39004991

I eagerly wait for it.

>> No.39005023

is it really THAT hard to not post off-topic shit? or at least not waste images on it?

>> No.39005027
File: 126 KB, 1520x1667, 18965489456654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39005034
File: 3.19 MB, 4169x5905, 1646098845632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39005046

Or just toss out some bird seed
bird bitches love seed

>> No.39005046
Quoted by: >>39005062

But books tho

>> No.39005052
File: 220 KB, 1024x1407, monster_girls_of_skyrim_by_cerberus123-d84vewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skyrim re-released yet again...

>> No.39005062
File: 460 KB, 3541x2507, 1646613799238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39005068
Quoted by: >>39005081

Still not buying Starfield, Tanuki Howard

>> No.39005078

Cerberus should've made serana into a werebat, the superior vampire

>> No.39005081

what about elder scrolls 6?

>> No.39005085

Ehhh maybe

>> No.39005098
File: 702 KB, 1400x1867, 80229778_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See trailer
>Think it's Elder Scrolls 6
>ESO logo at the end
Every fucking time

>> No.39005102

The only book I need is "How to fuck birds a lot and pleasure them"

>> No.39005107
File: 159 KB, 675x900, tumblr_n9xcf5lKjz1r0bq9do1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39005114

>> No.39005114
Quoted by: >>39005152

Trash taste, if a dragon is 1,700 years old I want her hair to be greying and her body thicker than cold molasses at the very least

>> No.39005152

At least the other dragon loli got, un loli-ed in that game
... only to bring in Nah, who is YOUNGER than she looks

>> No.39005381
File: 134 KB, 1200x949, 802f03_6889777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39005468

Cat butt

>> No.39005468

Interesting, Egypt is known for it's fine cat butts after all.

>> No.39005619
File: 204 KB, 1260x1387, 1641870928976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Anon, it's time for the hourly inspection. You know what to do.

>> No.39005627

Yes dear.

>> No.39005652
Quoted by: >>39005737

>Hourly penis inspection
But it's still sore from last inspection!

>> No.39005737

No pain no gain as they say.

>> No.39005766
Quoted by: >>39005859

So if I find a genie and wish for a harem, is she gonna give me a harem or just make 5 copies of herself?

>> No.39005859
Quoted by: >>39005927

She gives you a harem seal Selkie.

>> No.39005927
Quoted by: >>39005936

I will only accept a Selkie if she is Finnish.

>> No.39005936

An endangered species, that

>> No.39005946
File: 251 KB, 1500x1440, 27749a45d9a9bb47a9f92421caecc4a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39005954

>> No.39005954

Woah a Dragon Knight!

>> No.39006137
File: 72 KB, 659x1200, 28f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can actually wrap around your dick

>> No.39006150

Fold her into an airplane and throw her

>> No.39006200
Quoted by: >>39006349

Lamia in a cardboard box.

>> No.39006211

If the Cheshire stay on my shoulder yes. Still need to know where tho

>> No.39006228
Quoted by: >>39006241

so which is better? Shog-clothes, Ittan-momen-clothes, or Living Armor that shapeshifts into (slightly armored) everyday clothes?

>> No.39006241
Quoted by: >>39006397

Living armor, nothing can beat the feel to be a walking tank even in everyday clothing

>> No.39006325
File: 383 KB, 320x320, 1645284371901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39006349

Sounds solid.

>> No.39006352
File: 385 KB, 1456x1159, MGE bomberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

healthy game of bombergremlin

>> No.39006368
File: 193 KB, 850x1202, 1647511984101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39009212

I love American monsters not only because they are fat and big, I also love them because I am patriotic

>> No.39006396

I hate american monsters because they are fat and big, and also because I hate america.

>> No.39006397

>playing Metroid with your living armor waifu

>> No.39006406

reminder that human's faces make the best cushions

>> No.39006429

videogames are a conspiracy created by human women to keep men occupied so they don't take an interest in monstergirls

>> No.39006442
Quoted by: >>39006488

Looks like an American monster girl needs to liberate your dick from it's virginity

>> No.39006488
File: 768 KB, 1700x1400, 1616497439915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry burgerbitches but my body and mind already belong to wonderland.

>> No.39006507
Quoted by: >>39006560

Is there any slavic MGE community outside of Russia?
Ukrainians wouldn't happen to have their own, would they?

>> No.39006514

Oh yeah, then why are there monster girls in video games?

>> No.39006516

>giving away the location
the package is already in the mail

>> No.39006560

Hope you can cook, or you'll have to deal with Bri'ish cuisine.
I don't think so. Ukrainians probably (used to) go to the Russian sites, and I don't want to imagine what my country's MGE community would be like.

>> No.39006572

They they are doing a shit job, because MGQ is what first made me completely reject the idea of going after human women

>> No.39006602
File: 195 KB, 1140x1620, 2169605-f9d1c4608f-00000035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marry and have children with elves

>> No.39006674
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1600, 91819619_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Queen using Unagi-joro tactics

>> No.39006844
File: 1010 KB, 1800x1709, 1647515455215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to gently kiss and hold hands with this monkey.

>> No.39006865
File: 717 KB, 620x591, 1647515648042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39006946
File: 223 KB, 1000x1238, 1621019067962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39007001


>> No.39007034

An atte nanakusa loliwock would be far too powerful to exist.

>> No.39007042
File: 239 KB, 636x900, 1647516658363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impregnate and fertilize your plant momster/auntster with new life.

>> No.39007088

I only sexually water plant lolis.

>> No.39007143

What about a loli auntster?

>> No.39007204
File: 112 KB, 328x446, FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39007248
File: 776 KB, 1447x2046, 17e4909879d54ee5ac0c216fc19000b06772a6dd5c3d320a410031631054f4f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39007540

Ready for your lesson?

>> No.39007252

>4 dead after 7.4-magnitude earthquake hits coast off Japan's Fukushima prefecture
Oh no, the fox is getting ready to cause some shit

>> No.39007312 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 800x1130, 0EAC0A1F-029E-4FB2-82AB-8727745F9BEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39009157

>try to summon demon
>fucked up somewhere and get devil instead
>convinced me contract isn't fulfilled until I fuck her
>fuck her and now she won't leave
>wait a minute, devils care about contracts?
You think the sabbath will teach me megamorph or are they just gonna tell me to get out? Also, should summoning a demon again? She said she knows where I screwed up the circle and is willing to help me make a proper one.

>> No.39007495

>a british place
>implying its any different

>> No.39007540

no, professor mofu, i just stood up for three days straight. I am just gonna sleep

>> No.39007566

gotta pinch the flab

>> No.39007636

behold! the typical 17 year old!

>> No.39007654
File: 247 KB, 980x1393, gfgnfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical 17 year old!

>> No.39007662
File: 641 KB, 1261x1056, 1627720477827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39007698

This 17 year old is incredible isn't she?

>> No.39007698

yes, she somehow repeats her senoir year over 7 times now

>> No.39007762

Monsters would never lie, I think!

>> No.39007781
File: 249 KB, 769x503, JrukfXBf_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39007815

This is true, scorpions don't bite. They sting!

>> No.39008057
File: 387 KB, 2283x3196, 85877363_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39008111
File: 151 KB, 498x395, 1643842655467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moth is VERY excited for you to unpackage that new lamp

>> No.39008120
File: 977 KB, 1600x1556, df1ezrs-6200e414-4787-494f-9136-1f345bb76a99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39008234
File: 1.99 MB, 1445x2501, 96979604_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have 20 seconds to comply

>> No.39008287

with wjhatt?7hfcb

>> No.39008297
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x2200, 85322249_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only need 2

>> No.39008309

Won't be so authoritative when they have their daughteru creation module kicked into overdrive.

>> No.39008340

I want a lawyer.

>> No.39008363

no, thighs

>> No.39008368
File: 404 KB, 1159x778, 1622820702860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurm lawyer's on vacation, you'll have to represent yourself

>> No.39008549


>> No.39008560

She's also your lawyer

>> No.39008582
File: 1.86 MB, 1339x2039, FOCVPwqUYAYFP3S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39008631
Quoted by: >>39008653

Funniest part about Girtablilu is they're directly related to Tiamat.

>> No.39008653
Quoted by: >>39008671

the dragon mama of creation?

>> No.39008662

gimme milk!MILK1 MIlk! MIlk!! AHAHaHaHA!

>> No.39008669

are we going to be ok?

>> No.39008671

Yeah she originally created them as soldiers but they stood guard to protect the Akkadian version of Helios to make sure he went out during the day and returned home to the underworld at night safely.

>> No.39008689
File: 7 KB, 100x100, 9a4bbff838cc2b1e92cc851828c736c62e974c9baf335e4199c7c73a33425ad1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, we're all gonna be bloodbags real soon.

>> No.39008791

>vampire leglocks you then gets mad at you for not pulling out
so many dhampirs

>> No.39008801

no, the replacemnet of holst milk with alrauane milk is too horrbile

>> No.39008887

Mage anon uses magic to sound like he is just behind some monster being a constant but ethereal companion to some lonely mon and he just does that for years until one day he grows bored and stops for good.

>> No.39008912

Funny how all the fanart gives Ranni massive tits and childbearing hips when in the game she's actually fairly petite. Although her clothes cover most of her body so who knows, maybe she does have those proportions underneath all that cloth.

>> No.39008918
Quoted by: >>39008950

I feel bad for teachers in MGC. You go to college and get your degree only to teach 7000 year old hags who are acting like schoolgirls to find a husband.

>> No.39008921
File: 1.62 MB, 1240x1754, FREEDOMBIRD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39008935

>> No.39008935
Quoted by: >>39008951

>American Eagle Harpy and Russian Jinko drunkenly argue about which country is greater

>> No.39008948
File: 26 KB, 770x1290, FOAUTE3aQAEEj-L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39009091

i like slender and delicate but i also like massive and meaty.
guess the second is a little simpler to sexualize

>> No.39008950

Don't forget the wurms who genuinely have not been able to pass.

>> No.39008951

French snail is already trying to run away and waving the white panties

>> No.39008977

off model is a plague that chases many franchises.
Many a good pokemon lewds has been ruined by adding tits onto things with no tits.

>> No.39009007
File: 682 KB, 595x842, image_2022-03-17_155158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm already soaking wet so... Please put it in... Hurry...

Tfw no dragon zombie wife...

>> No.39009016

SaltyXodium is a mixed bag because Gardevoirs he does go from 'pretty cute' to 'dummy thick fetish bait' all because they're amorphous slime-like girls.

>> No.39009018

imagine a kingdom of living dolls and tolls

>> No.39009020
File: 861 KB, 2000x2000, 91389256_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.39009027

>and toys

>> No.39009032
File: 201 KB, 1000x1285, 64787739_1103969783106911_8369432946708316160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39009045
File: 114 KB, 1244x2418, 095a0cd9c115e568865ccd1ace4344f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39009079

Oh no, how horrible

>> No.39009079

i'd think that they would make entire villages and use makeup to hide their joints, so it would look like a normal village of humans but they would be no men at all, which makes for an excellent trap for men who pass by

>> No.39009087
File: 215 KB, 894x1300, Androwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off 2B, I want Commander !

>> No.39009091
File: 239 KB, 600x663, 1634523348674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39009132

I saw a nearly flat slender woman at the gym the other day and it was more attractive than one would think. Were all cumbrains here but I think you're right that it's easier to make pornstar bodies attractive in drawings while in reality you may see things differently.
It's easier for artists to set off the brain's horny receptors by drawing big tits as opposed to making smaller proportioned women. I'm not sure if it's because they draw thick women more or if it's just harder to draw smaller proportioned women. I'm a fan of both so I don't mind either way

>> No.39009132
Quoted by: >>39009150

its not harder draw to draw them for me, but I have more fun drawing thiccer and meatier women honestly

>> No.39009150

Yeah that would be more accurate. I find it's more fun to draw exaggerated proportions so that could be it.

>> No.39009157

Could always try holst milk too.

>> No.39009212
File: 184 KB, 1219x1196, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_channel_ikihaji__7cebcf209c74ea8af76616a5e5975299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.39009214
File: 184 KB, 1448x2048, 20220317_080722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were out of Kikkimoras. Maido is still great and even helps me reach my books from the bookshelf.

If only she would stop picking me up from time to time.

>> No.39009232

the perfect maid

>> No.39009276

she snuggles you like if you were the cutest little thing, doesn't she?

>> No.39009287
Quoted by: >>39009304

Most Pokemon shit is just furry porn anyway so no big loss.

>> No.39009304
Quoted by: >>39009494

It also has lots of lolis, so two of my favourite things.

>> No.39009316
Quoted by: >>39009390

FUcking EWEewewewe, just fuck off to trash, furfaggot

>> No.39009388
File: 3.58 MB, 2894x4093, __daiyousei_touhou_drawn_by_coffeelove68__777d0c7a5c5b1410398b3942102a6a52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's do you feel about stacked fairies?

>> No.39009390 [SPOILER] 
File: 262 KB, 1600x1600, AF3DC1BA-8EF5-4669-A54A-874941C8F516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon.
Cu sith.

>> No.39009403
File: 287 KB, 800x600, 011afd23b2acd661d09b3d3352f32ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a Japanese bird.
This is also a Japanese bird but cooking spaghetti.

>> No.39009407
Quoted by: >>39009417

Barry does not care for them , Barry believes that fairies are best when petite.

>> No.39009409

I do appreciate tits on my onaholes.

>> No.39009417

Well, Barry is dumb

>> No.39009432
File: 348 KB, 826x464, image_2022-03-17_163006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.39009494
File: 1.62 MB, 1120x1280, 01f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad recent pokemon games have literally no lolis. Did S&W or Arceus have at least 1 loli? (Marnie is a hebe and pokeloli already existed in previous games and is not a character anyway)

>> No.39009503

Aloe and the Salamander are hands down the best girls in Ishuzoku. It's not fucking fair, bros.

>> No.39009614
File: 174 KB, 640x960, 17 years old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39009652
File: 358 KB, 2888x2868, Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 11-42-28 96985148_p0 png (PNG Image, 2894 × 4093 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39009769
Quoted by: >>39009854

I'm glad face veils have gotten more attention in recent years. They are incredibly erotic

>> No.39009800
File: 8 KB, 181x279, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not dawn in trad clothes

>> No.39009854
File: 2.76 MB, 1500x2118, ReguraVeil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39009892
Quoted by: >>39009972

How she is a loli? She is clearly a hag. Even wiki says she is 15+
> Cyllene: Hmm. You look to be 15 or so. Quite old enough to work for your keep.

>> No.39009933

Is it true that she got railed by the MC?

>> No.39009972

Mostly because they modelled her the exact same way as any other character they do because they're hacks.

>> No.39010008

I don't think so

>> No.39010033
Quoted by: >>39010065

What MC? I think elf dude fucked her but human or angel dudes dicks were too big

>> No.39010065

Human dude obviously, the rest are sidekicks

>> No.39010159
File: 295 KB, 1930x1250, 3e0b32ebb0eb67f2bfa66555cb57b977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edgy elf sword-wife who only fully opens her eyes when fighting seriously or when embarrassed.

>> No.39010207

bully her by holding her hand all the time because you think she cant see

>> No.39010230 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 1024x1280, 5B8B9A6A-13E5-48B9-A630-ED967F61D139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's keep it monster girl related please.

>> No.39010276
File: 168 KB, 829x1280, Legends_Arceus_Akari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, here's after she got isekaied to mge and found by druella.

>> No.39010281

isn't she blind?

>> No.39010316
Quoted by: >>39010441

Pregnant bellies being lovingly stroked are just the best.

>> No.39010417

with me hands

>> No.39010423
File: 11 KB, 258x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is your monster girl anon! Aren't you happy? Isn't this all you ever wanted?

>> No.39010441
File: 214 KB, 739x994, 9F499571-C8A3-421E-BA72-5C6FE3589AEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39010449


>> No.39010449
Quoted by: >>39010505

What kind of girl is this

>> No.39010455

Setouchi really came a long way

>> No.39010463
Quoted by: >>39010885

This artist is likely one of the main reasons why people keep saying MGQ has meh porn.

>> No.39010464
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, 90139191_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39010484

She's alright

>> No.39010505

No idea. Her name's Scathacha and she's from Gran Blue.

>> No.39010512
File: 638 KB, 2480x3507, Sandworm_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick with the superior worm.

>> No.39010637
File: 87 KB, 1200x624, 71b2bda35788ef0e95d868f662dbc807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39010647

When your dexterity stat is high enough your weight doesn't effect your mobility at all, apparently.

>> No.39010647

A very mating pressable elf.

>> No.39010810

What is the female version of mating press

>> No.39010826

Amazon position?

>> No.39010831

reverse mating press

>> No.39010885

To be fair, Setouchi has become a pretty good artist since part 3 of the original trilogy.

>> No.39010917
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 0iIY4nmi_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend any MGE games like that fan-made fallen maiden one? Also, WHERE IS THE FUCKING UPDATE FOR THE GAME KC???

>> No.39010942
Quoted by: >>39011017

Literally never ever, cancelled my sub few days ago. This is fucking ridiculous

>> No.39010990
File: 1.30 MB, 1110x2100, DemonWife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39011017

Sadly never

>> No.39011017
Quoted by: >>39011092

Oh come on guys, give him a break. He is probably still mentally recovering after discovering NTR encyclopedia.

>> No.39011030
File: 611 KB, 850x1767, 23288597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV: You're the new party healer and the primary DPS is requesting healing

>> No.39011092

Don't forget all that fanfiction.

>> No.39011100

I never understood the appeal of this domination bullshit. Its so unappealing.
I would probably cry from being gently hugged tho.

>> No.39011101

I wish

>> No.39011113

Is there any MGE focused discord server btw?

>> No.39011128

>She lies back, relaxed while you heal her, like she's used to this kind of treatment.
>Starts talking to you about how, back in her home, men were submissive, obedient and would do ANYTHING for their Dark Elf mistresses.
>A Dark Elf could snap her fingers, and her Human pet wearing revealing outfits would feed her grapes, massage her body or lie in bed waiting to fulfill her every sexual desire.
>But a strong, independent Human such as yourself wouldn't be caught doing such acts, would you?

>> No.39011150

Fuck off

>> No.39011174

TFT, Monorus' server, or my personal favorite flavor: Fuck off.

>> No.39011185

I reject dark elves and embrace Mino warriors and mofu mages.
Maybe even the odd hellhound [REDACTED].

>> No.39011255
Quoted by: >>39011378

Those are nice. Personally I'd be a healer for a Jinko martial artist.

>> No.39011273

Minotaur would probably just smack your ass at some point and ask if you're down to fuck tonight.

>> No.39011283
Quoted by: >>39012380

>Minotaur would probably just smack your ass
She better notice I got turned on by this.

>> No.39011359

I get turned on by the idea of having those generic school girl cliques MGs that try to act super smug but can't resist stealing glances at you. Kind of like in that Haku spanking pasta.

>> No.39011366

I'm feeling more of a "mino insist you sleep in her arms so she can keep you safe"
And its not like you can escape when she inevitably starts feeding you in her sleep.

>> No.39011378

>Disciplined Jinko martial artist who meditates intensely while being healed as if to ward off impure thoughts

>> No.39011500
File: 1.67 MB, 2300x1900, Paladin NTR flag and Dark Elf 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weave a healing spell between my DPS ones

Man my job is soooooo hard, I sure wish I had a nice <Tank> to keep me safe.

>> No.39011525
File: 129 KB, 1000x1500, HighOrc66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to keep my tank in prime shape and take care of the DPS when they stop being retarded

>> No.39011533
File: 578 KB, 828x1280, 1635016139689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39011773

sex with buffyip
>long and hot tongue mercilessly and relentlessly violating your mouth
>feeling her abs against your body
>holds you firmly with powerful arms
>soft paws
>holds your head with one of them
>feels like a pillow
>the sheer overwhelming pleasure makes you writhe and struggle
>it only makes her move her hips harder and faster

>> No.39011567
Quoted by: >>39011583

>ywn be a healer in an all hag adventuring party

And thus we suffer.

>> No.39011583

Who's the tank in that party?

>> No.39011593

I tell her that she wouldn't need healing if she got out of the goddamn DOT AOE.

>> No.39011595

the fattest hag, all her meat acts as a damage-cushion

>> No.39011629

>Posting an actual furry
Fuck off shoggy

>> No.39011641

A very overprotective motherly holst
Despite being a turbo virgin, in fact all of them are.

>> No.39011685 [SPOILER] 
File: 361 KB, 1279x900, E03D70F2-4CF1-4265-B590-ED518A8B484F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39011777

She's gonna hate me as a healer. If she rushes in or wanders around a corner and get's k/o'd she immediately gets pushed to the back of the line of my priorities. I do not have time for tanks or dpses who like to play lone wolf. And if she complains I walk and find another party. I'm a good healer but I do not take shit.

>> No.39011695
File: 784 KB, 2048x1536, wKxHLLQc_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39011708
File: 1.42 MB, 1636x886, b166af7471db85398ed77955c0996ec5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39011710
File: 389 KB, 959x1073, Troll27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heavyweight Olog Troll veteran

>> No.39011721
File: 232 KB, 850x1032, 1615023401288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love winged girls so much its unreal

>> No.39011773

and don't forget the best part
>the morning after, she cooks you breakfast while blasting King Gizzard on the speakers as she finishes up her morning exercise routine
if only all my mornings could be like this, or at least some where she cooks for me and some where i cook for her.

>> No.39011777
File: 223 KB, 420x688, E80E1C9D-EDAA-40DC-8F8E-AA2673640E2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39011813

You remind me of a very whiny healer we had in a guild of mine.
They got the boot after causing one too many drama episodes. Healers aren’t as hard to replace as they think.

>> No.39011778
File: 1.75 MB, 2673x2796, 1641135564175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harpy hours, winglets get out.

>> No.39011808
File: 57 KB, 850x638, 1643472278219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big wings!

>> No.39011813
Quoted by: >>39011850

>And if she complains I walk and find another party.
I don't whine. I will point out what you're doing wrong, if you don't stop I walk. That simple.

>> No.39011815


>> No.39011850
Quoted by: >>39011913

Of course, they never think they’re whining, that’s half the problem.
Everyone else sees a guy with an ego problem who’s making what should be a fun time into a prison march.

>> No.39011856
File: 1.14 MB, 1632x1248, f3b41622f93fe490324d73b85b98ce58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39011862

bullyable and kissable/10

>> No.39011864
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1412, f62b4e3b-4115-47e1-a70e-93086d5efa8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39011913
Quoted by: >>39012076

In my experience it's the dps and tanks rushing in, getting killed instantly before I can even get there, or wandered off alone then complaining I wasn't healing. That's the kinda shit I cannot tolerate. I don't stick around and bitch, I leave and find another party. Now, what have I said that was unreasonable?

>> No.39011947
File: 642 KB, 1112x1808, 1647547024684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39011968

I love my centipede wife and our 10 thousand centipede daughters.

>> No.39011968
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1280, 1644354266386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39012856

breed the centipede

>> No.39011973
File: 33 KB, 292x268, 1532060121010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impregnating a gardevoir
...im okay with this

>> No.39011975
File: 1.08 MB, 2480x3508, mgm03_sylvia_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39011993
File: 2.46 MB, 2048x2048, 89259089_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39012008

I'm questioning whether its more ethical to impregnate a gardevoir or have her fight against other pokemon and have her potentially get hurt really badly.

>> No.39012062
File: 141 KB, 850x880, DE9DAD75-04D9-4DAA-894C-2E58DA103594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garde wombs were made for human sperm.
How's this even a question?

>> No.39012076
File: 647 KB, 1200x1800, F5DC5031-6C61-4D2F-9A7C-C68B1C2437C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39012107

I’ve experienced a wide variety of competency and attitudes.
Noobs are common and make mistakes, but I could probably count the number of people who really truly would not learn on one hand. Getting caught alone was almost always them not knowing the layout.
It’s the dudes who ditch on the second wipe that end up on my ignore lists, because they’ll dip any time anything goes wrong.

>> No.39012093
Quoted by: >>39012179

I need a big, soft monster girl to relax with.
Its been a long, long day

>> No.39012107
Quoted by: >>39012198

Then you're not talking about me. I can tell the difference between when a dungeon is difficult, and when someone is making it needlessly difficult. Now I'm repeating myself, again, but I will point out when someone is doing something wrong, because I do believe people can learn. It's when they show they can't or are unwilling, that's when I walk. That's the kinda shit I don't put up with.

>> No.39012119


>> No.39012146
File: 2.52 MB, 3000x4000, 1647548478926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39012613

For me, it's Lilligant.
Give me a plant girl with this sort of body and I will breed her until the end of time

>> No.39012157

Living Armor but she's the power loader from Aliens

>> No.39012179
Quoted by: >>39012300

>accidentally posts this on 4mon
oh poor anon

>> No.39012198

I see.
I responded the way I did because of both the aforementioned whiner and that, 90% of the time anyone in a party opened with some spiel like that, what they really meant to say was “I have no patience or tact.”

>> No.39012214 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 350x454, Illustration16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally did something, it be fat troll ass! It is but a doodle

>> No.39012258
Quoted by: >>39012396

Almost perfect, just needs my face underneath!

>> No.39012300

I guess at that point it would be a race to see which girl gets me first.

>> No.39012308

She doesn't look hurt though

>> No.39012315
Quoted by: >>39012396

Almost perfect, just needs my penis inside!

>> No.39012351
File: 1.90 MB, 2400x4200, 96986561_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39012380

god I wish I had a big beefy mino who'd do that to me
or maybe put me in a headlock, giving me a noogie while smooshing my face into her massive tits

>> No.39012396

now imagine having a southern belle CC troll neighbor that is very unaware how massive her backside is and how it just is begging you to play with it

>> No.39012407

You had me at southern belle.

>> No.39012414
Quoted by: >>39012431

I don't know what a southern belle is

>> No.39012418
File: 228 KB, 1181x1748, 91841789_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39012428
File: 616 KB, 2150x3035, FOBLJ02UcAYwEeC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39012431

>southern belle
basically very flirty women with class and southern accents

>> No.39012452
File: 77 KB, 600x800, 24E1C03F-A6D0-4DD5-A702-35CBED2EE13D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy protected a poor sickly bat

>> No.39012462 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 600x800, 37F634A4-B8C0-4F0A-A341-E1D38EF5D246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out it wasn’t a normal talking bat…

>> No.39012469
Quoted by: >>39012629

>tfw ywn be between massive tits

>> No.39012613

Fuck off to /trash/ or /vp/

>> No.39012629
File: 660 KB, 988x1056, 15413077321119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is life so cruel

>> No.39012639

Does anyone have nice green texts saved? Wanted to relax reading some wholesome stuff after work.

>> No.39012642
File: 60 KB, 389x400, 15413077067813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39012644
Quoted by: >>39012660

That's nice, but I would have preferred a proper Werebat.

>> No.39012660

Me too, I feel scammed

>> No.39012683
Quoted by: >>39012711

one day, a gremlin will invent a machine that can put an anon in a simulation world where he's fucking any monster he's curious about mingling with in real life.

>> No.39012688
File: 14 KB, 268x289, 268px-Fairy_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can easily fit in your pocket

>> No.39012690 [SPOILER] 
File: 363 KB, 600x800, 491BE667-7D8B-426D-BC8D-4B31477F614A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013029

>cumming inside pokewombs

>> No.39012711
Quoted by: >>39012756

"Dude did you see that hot Goblin horde in the simula-"

You bolt awake in the mountains of Carthage. It's 217 BC. You are not online. You are the general Hannibal, and you have changed your mind. The future cannot come to pass. Rome must burn.

>> No.39012729

Tell me how you want to fuck a Magikarp then.

>> No.39012734

fuck off and die, no one wants your shit, so eat it faggot

>> No.39012756
Quoted by: >>39012787

>Rome must burn.

>> No.39012765

stop samefagging

>> No.39012778
File: 154 KB, 916x1073, 1644035329581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Werebats are needed.

>> No.39012787

Your greentext and pointless spoiler on /jp/ already showed us how much of a pleb you are or maybe you confused this tab with a different board

>> No.39012805

This is a true statement
We need more big and soft bats.

>> No.39012812

dont respond to the local /tg/ crackhead, just tell to shut up and to fuck off
but what can be done?

>> No.39012813

Thanks for the (You).

>> No.39012817

Just ignore and report

>> No.39012824
File: 2.68 MB, 746x1797, fatbat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat bat incoming.

>> No.39012825

The make more.
Turn Werebats into brood mothers!

>> No.39012828
File: 118 KB, 901x1291, FKrvXj8XsAMTU4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown cat OL

>> No.39012830
File: 942 KB, 1237x1299, x13Vnhq2_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39012862

Momster/auntster Werebats especially.
>but what can be done?
Find one and do what has to be done to make more Werebats.

>> No.39012835
File: 381 KB, 1250x1139, 1458881609902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breed more bats.

>> No.39012837
File: 602 KB, 850x1202, image_2022-03-17_224632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39012855

Tfw no neet mg wife...

>> No.39012840
File: 707 KB, 1200x910, magikarp_and_gyarados_by_dav_19_d8raboa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39012846

Hag werebats are needed

>> No.39012853
File: 112 KB, 960x1200, 1533006744101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're wearing green today anons. I wouldn't want to be pinched by some of those monsters especially the ones with the big claws.

>> No.39012855
File: 664 KB, 1280x1845, batneet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many layers of hiki and fried foods she can no longer fly.

>> No.39012856

My centipede wife and I will continue to populate the world with our centipede offspring forevermore.

>> No.39012862

The best kind.
A meaty bat to molest.

This is especially true.
Give yourself some siblings.

>> No.39012869
File: 554 KB, 1486x933, ClipboardImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39012875
Quoted by: >>39012886

honestly, I want to be held at clawpoint by a monster who slowly cuts my clothes off, making sure to use her very sharp claws to tease and play with my body as she does

>> No.39012880
File: 71 KB, 486x464, 56BD342E-18C0-44EB-8DC4-800CA011F830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39012901

Gonna pinch a heckhound for not wearing green.

>> No.39012886

Ah, I too fantasize sometimes about Jurassic Park.

>> No.39012901
Quoted by: >>39012956

>Are you sure this is how you humans celebrate this St. Patrick's Day?

>> No.39012925

Can i get three cheers for consent ?

>> No.39012927

So you'd fuck a cu sith?

>> No.39012956
Quoted by: >>39012990

Getting drunk and having sex is a time honored human tradition.

>> No.39012960
File: 608 KB, 1215x1700, 1646621843535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should only go for elves that live the traditional lifestyle in forests, not those feeble and spoiled city-slickers.

>> No.39012990

Frankly, I don't want to be outside during any human holiday like that with monsters around. Mardi Gras would be especially dangerous for single men

>> No.39013010

I'm still not convinced there'd be any single men a year after the portals open.

>> No.39013024

sounds like a heartpounding night to be out and about

>> No.39013028
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1399, 15413077893608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fantastic world that would be.

>> No.39013029
Quoted by: >>39013049

Fuck off Shoggy

>> No.39013049
Quoted by: >>39013430


>> No.39013057

Half the thread would be too shy to go outside so they'd be single.
The other half would be banned for posting their loli wives too much.

>> No.39013078
File: 138 KB, 666x763, theroastiefearsthemamano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013854

There would be a lot of lonely human women who in desperation for attention would fall into the embrace of the demon lord.

>> No.39013084

>Half the thread would be too shy to go outside so they'd be single.
You're assuming there are no monsters that would enter a single man's house.

>> No.39013088
Quoted by: >>39013184

They won't get me! I'll be hidden safely away in the fallout shelter the boomer who owned my home previously made

>> No.39013089 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 750x1156, DA17EB02-0361-4AC2-B079-1413C1336102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013109

Time to dab on this entire thread and make them all cum their pants!

>> No.39013109
Quoted by: >>39013124

Are you seriously using "dab" on /jp/ and wanting to be taken seriously?

>> No.39013111
File: 891 KB, 3200x3100, 15413077772173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks being a neet will save you

>> No.39013124
File: 1.29 MB, 2942x1834, 1529119153497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39013138

nice underwear

>> No.39013184
Quoted by: >>39013286

>C'mon anon, open the door! I can smell you in there! When you cracked it earlier to get some fresh air you should have know a whiff of you potent male musk would get out and attract a lonely monster girl like me! You gotta come out sooner or later! I promise I won't bite! Unless... you want me to... I'll make you dinner, how 'bout that? What would you like?

>> No.39013187


>> No.39013203

Damn memecat

>> No.39013214
File: 10 KB, 166x304, 1633347282862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some ideas for pranks to play on my Cheshire momster

>> No.39013216
Quoted by: >>39013237

Oh please, thread regulars would be one of the first people targeted by monsters. There is no way MGE monsters would ignore a bunch of lonely men that have longed for monster wives even before the portals. It's not like monsters would problems with entering a single man's house or luring him out if they know that there is an eager future husband on the other side. You gonna get traced and hunted.

>> No.39013237
Quoted by: >>39013917

It's a big world. If the portals open in America and you're in Europe they're going to at least need you to sign up to a dating site to know about you.

>> No.39013241
File: 350 KB, 523x796, red durgon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my very dumb red dragon daughteru OC

Say something nice about her!

>> No.39013248

pull her tail and slap her in the face with a pie when she jerks up

>> No.39013254

she cute!

>> No.39013269

Replace her vitamins with extreme fertility boosters.

>> No.39013273

pretend you were just a doll all along

>> No.39013286
Quoted by: >>39013310

Dumb monster thinks I didn't prepare plenty of rations for this exact reason. She'll give up eventually

>> No.39013310
Quoted by: >>39013359

and thats a polite monster, you are fucked if a monster like a wurm finds you, no matter what you do, you will love the wurm

>> No.39013313 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1024x1280, 2F3E5B9A-0B52-43C3-89ED-5997CBA875A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you janny faggot, if you'd open your eyes enough you'd see the nips were covered. Since that wasn't good enough I made this for ya.

>> No.39013344

You let her go out in public dressed like that?!?

>> No.39013359
Quoted by: >>39013400

This shelter is well reinforced and I think I'm easily able to trick anything able to bust down the door.

>> No.39013360


Its fine, she's protected in all the vital areas!

>> No.39013375
Quoted by: >>39013398

Your personal angel wife let you go dressed much worse. Hell you are dressed like a cheap manslut right now.

>> No.39013398

What's so slutty about old sweatpants and a t-shirt?

>> No.39013400 [SPOILER] 
File: 752 KB, 2048x1536, Wurm186b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013473

everything to a wurm is like tissue paper and can handle the guilt of making such cute girl cry? All she wants is love

>> No.39013403

Looks like meido stopped masturbating and started doing her job. Hopefully she takes out the /trash/ for good next time.

>> No.39013408
Quoted by: >>39013494

Jesus Christ what a whore. You need rape correction.

>> No.39013410
File: 567 KB, 1089x955, 98795465135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39013412
Quoted by: >>39013494

Exposed arms, hands, neck, etc.

>> No.39013430
Quoted by: >>39013480

Did I stutter?

>> No.39013461
File: 54 KB, 322x196, C4C685A2-ADFE-424B-8F68-5BE3FBDEB536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edited the page of the Human Encyclopedia and now it’s written that if a human starts begging to stop he is actually a tsundere and wants to be raped harder.
Also those clothes you are wearing at home are meant to court monsters and the lock is so easy to break because it’s just about enough to stop human girls from invading your home but purposefully fragile enough for any monster girl that wants to break in with ease.
Furthermore if a human ejaculates he is basically consenting to marriage.
No need to thank me

>> No.39013473

I'm sure she's a nice girl but I have important things to do in the comfort of my shelter like building gunpla and staying up way too late shitposting

>> No.39013480
Quoted by: >>39013853

Not sure what shoggoths have to do with gardevoirs...

>> No.39013494

What I can't wear what I want in the comfort of my own home now?

>> No.39013505
File: 1001 KB, 2210x3313, wm21_mge05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013610


>> No.39013508

Fair enough, if I didn't want to get raped by a monster girl I just wouldn't cum

>> No.39013519

What if she wants to build gunpla and shitpost with you? What if she thinks you're really funny, and wants to hear more about the stuff you talk about with your online friends? What if, let's pretend for a minute, she won't judge you for your tastes either?

>> No.39013526
File: 977 KB, 4000x3700, armored wurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staying up too late
well, shit. Here she comes

>> No.39013527
Quoted by: >>39013553

It's a good thing I'm head editor for the page and can simply undo cheshire pranks

>> No.39013542
Quoted by: >>39013555

I need a monster girl to do dumb shit with in crusader kings.

>> No.39013553
File: 693 KB, 848x1200, D7D6AAF2-EBFA-4BD4-A20A-6D325444149B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013598

>>>abusing his position to VANDALIZE a page
The angel, dark elf police and tanuki hackers have been deployed to your location

>> No.39013555

Monster girls want you to go outside and enjoy life and do dumb women shit like nightclubs and eating out.

>> No.39013574

Oh please they just want to flaunt having a husband by raping him in front of the hag generation

>> No.39013579

>not putting that most men marry their mothers
I thought it was supposed to be funny

>> No.39013581
File: 235 KB, 847x1300, Untitled.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39013582

Think that largely depends on the monster girl. Can't see a bunyip wanting to go to a nightclub, even if she's got her big strong anon with her.

>> No.39013598

Surely the police would know better than to lie about that cow with wings being an angel. At this rate they're going to lose the court case

>> No.39013601
File: 805 KB, 1200x1600, 9a2df7c68fb75959d7078b3597f1269f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39013622

>> No.39013606
Quoted by: >>39013659

I mean, not really.
Hell, a salamander would ask me to do something dumb like go on an adventure.
Which I would be all for.

>> No.39013610
Quoted by: >>39013656

She wears that to sleep every few weeks. It helps her pretend.

>> No.39013622

perfect ears to nibble on

>> No.39013629
File: 171 KB, 258x314, Cut_Saphirette_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you buy a book from Saphirette Spherica there's a not impossible chance for it to come packaged with her complete address and a note asking if you want to go out on a date
note that the date is actually you having your balls drained by her and her elementals for a week straight

>> No.39013630

your going to the mage college anon

>> No.39013642

But being a mage is lame, I want to be a swordfighter!

>> No.39013649

Nah, Imm gonna go learn farm magic in Marune's sabbath.

>> No.39013650
Quoted by: >>39013660

I don't know who that is but I want to cum on her glasses while she's wearing them

>> No.39013656
Quoted by: >>39013947

>end up in her boss room
>its filled with pictures of you
>from when you were just a kid all the way to now
>all your lost items are hers
>Has a bunch of (you) fumos
>She was currently kissing a life sized doll of you when entered
>you both made eye contact
>You drop your weapons
>You slowly back away towards the door
>You try and open the door
>It doesnt work
>you slowly turn around......

>> No.39013659

But how would you post on 4chan in the depths of an enchanted forest with no internet.

Get a girl that shares your interests. Get a hikki chesire. Fair warning, years of staying inside means she has a lot pranks to dump that she hasn't got the chance to do on anyone. But she also has got no real world experience so the first thousand 'pranks' will just be really clingy rape.

>> No.39013660
Quoted by: >>39013666

>I don't know who that is
Read the setting you retarded faggot.

>> No.39013663
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x900, 8f27ab94-3442-4fbc-aeb8-aec39bdec7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39013666
Quoted by: >>39013700

Fuck off nigger

>> No.39013686

>But how would you post on 4chan in the depths of an enchanted forest with no internet.
Gremlin satellite internet. How else would more isolated monsters reach out to potential husbands? How would couples post their travel vlogs?

>> No.39013689

I want to marry a monster girl.

>> No.39013696

I mean, both are great.
Soft NEET cheshire to game with or tomboy salamander adventures, I long for both.

>> No.39013700
Quoted by: >>39013749

No you, newfaggot. Don't be a nigger and try actually reading instead of typing an inane post like you did.

>> No.39013713

the succ army of many tonuges are after me!

>> No.39013718

Holy sameface.

>> No.39013735
File: 616 KB, 857x1200, 7004eeea6d4587f063dd1934a21d799f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just posting best girl.

>> No.39013749
Quoted by: >>39013762

The only nigger here is the one crying about someone not knowing every detail about a character mentioned in one paragraph of a book you slacked jawed faggot

>> No.39013751

Tentacles suck and their forest should have been completely burned.

>> No.39013762
Quoted by: >>39013855

>This much of a retarded faggot he's unable to read the first thing in the fucking world guide
Holy shit PLEASE consider suicide you illiterate failed abortion.

>> No.39013768

holy shit, it wen to shit

>> No.39013772
Quoted by: >>39013786

Need shy nerd tentacle and help her turn into a true /d/egenerate

>> No.39013774

To be fair, they do make great backpack waifus

>> No.39013786

>turning the literal tentacle monster into a /d/egen
Damn anon...

>> No.39013804

Reminder that if you go to the Tentacle Forest you're no better than a cuck and you deserve to have your waifu stolen by a fucking plant.

>> No.39013815

I want to fuck one of tentacle girl's tentacle pussies while she isn't looking

>> No.39013853
Quoted by: >>39013867

No Shoggothes, an infamous fucktard. Who happens to be a furry who posts Gardevoir all the fucking time. Which you are doing. Fuck off.

>> No.39013854


Wouldn't monsterized human women keep their standards, making monsterized MGs not much better than humans? I take this becuase MGs canonically not brainwash you, if women have a strong fixation for chads, mamonification can't make you all accepting to men and not brainwash you, both are not possible It would be like trying to make me not like female abs. Either monsterization changes your mind and you accept the guy you just friendzoned or it isn't and you go assault your chad and form a harem with him. That is the main problem I have with monsterization and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell monsterized MGs from natural born MGs.

>> No.39013855
Quoted by: >>39013874

>This much of chimp over a paragraph
What's next gonna cry because I don't know how much KC said Druella flicks her bean?

>> No.39013864

This is why we only date pure monsters and Alps here.

>> No.39013867

I posted twice, chill out. Just ignore the shit you don't like, it isn't hard.

>> No.39013869
File: 2.26 MB, 2618x3398, clowbnfinsihed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread right now is a circus

>> No.39013874
Quoted by: >>39013889

You're the one having a spergfest because you got told to actually read the setting, anon. Maybe /tg/ is more your speed? Probably a lot more retards just like you over there.

>> No.39013883
Quoted by: >>39013903

Or you can fuck off and post off-topic garbage where it belongs you dumb faggot.

>> No.39013886

No it's not like that. There's some sort of brainwash.

>> No.39013889
Quoted by: >>39013924

>You're the one having a spergfest because you got told to actually read the setting,
Nigger you started this don't act like I'm the issue here

>> No.39013891

You have a whole board for pokeshit, go there.

>> No.39013892
File: 44 KB, 400x579, FF Lamia 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight anon, would you turn down snek if they lack normal head hair?

>> No.39013898
Quoted by: >>39013977

>Wouldn't monsterized human women keep their standards, making monsterized MGs not much better than humans?
Where do you faggots keep coming from?

>> No.39013903

>pocket monster
>off topic

>> No.39013917


No contintent or island is safe.
Not even Br*t**n

>> No.39013924
Quoted by: >>39013963

>Tries to talk about a series he admits he's incapable of even fucking reading
>Acts like he isn't the problem
Niggers like you are why morons like >>39013854 have been getting more common for years now. Shut the fuck up about something you too retarded to learn how to read or actually pick up a book for once in your life.

>> No.39013940
File: 1.66 MB, 6071x7888, 148c3de7-3882-4f15-99bf-0aaa955a32d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39013946

bunyip os cute! CUTE !

>> No.39013947
Quoted by: >>39014029

>she starts stuttering and slowly inches towards you

>> No.39013959

Fluff snake WILL keep you warm whether you want it or not

>> No.39013963
Quoted by: >>39013976

Keep crying about me not reading the paragraph where your waifu is mentioned faggot. At this point it's getting more sad the funny

>> No.39013971
File: 504 KB, 750x1200, 3W0Mj7vR_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sneak into a vampire's mansion and change all the clocks
>all the windows are boarded up, so she can't tell it's daytime outside
>she transforms into a bat and leaves for what she thinks is the night
>sunlight hits her as soon as she leaves the building
>she falls to the ground, unable to transform back while the sun is on her
>pick up the crippled little vampire bat and take her home, all the while teasing her about how helpless she is and how easily you defeated her
>you'll pay for it later but for now it's worth it

>> No.39013976
Quoted by: >>39013994

gb2 /tg/, vermin.

>> No.39013977

But it's true. Women will still be women or we admit that they get some hard brainwash shit to only want one man to feast upon his spirit essence.

>> No.39013989
Quoted by: >>39014815

>But it's true.
Does being a complete retard come naturally to you or is it something you have to try at?

>> No.39013992
Quoted by: >>39014004

Monsterized human women are still shit
We already discussed this in a recent previous thread

>> No.39013994

>Muh /tg/ boogeyman
Surely you can do better than that

>> No.39013995
Quoted by: >>39014029

We're all just unwitting participants in miss bogie's funhouse, anon.

>> No.39013999
File: 428 KB, 2323x2191, 1530624807414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl

>> No.39014002
File: 841 KB, 1000x1404, a72aa993f859f71edcae9b632cb39f54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39014004
Quoted by: >>39014086

>We already discussed this in a recent previous thread
You mean you and some other faggot circlejerked your cuckold headcanon, that's what you mean.

>> No.39014015

Mamano magic turned man-eating monsters into man-loving ones. I think it can make human women love men too.

>> No.39014024

Probably just better to ignore the guy intentionally ignoring setting material just to force his headcanon.

>> No.39014027
Quoted by: >>39014061

The Meat Clown knows you worry too much. The Meat Clown knows you scream in your sleep, which is why you don't sleep anymore. The Meat Clown knows why you scream. Why you drink so much. The Meat Clown knows why you put a brick through your TV during a rerun of Maury Povich last week and why you ripped the wiring out of your bathroom wall. The Meat Clown knows too much.

>> No.39014029

>>she starts stuttering and slowly inches towards you
>You are already spooked so you back up until you trip
>You close your eyes, preparing for it to all go black
>Is she sniffing you and licking your face?
>try and push her off, can't
>Wake up with no memeory other than the fact that you were just wed to your wife
but this ride is kinda gay

>> No.39014037
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, an ontopic image.

>> No.39014050

Monster girls

>> No.39014051

I don't see tits on that one.

>> No.39014057
Quoted by: >>39014069

>when a low-tier shitposter gets you so mad that you start posting off-topic shit yourself

>> No.39014061
Quoted by: >>39014076

>meat clown
please don't call her that, just because she really likes pie doesn't mean you can make her sad

>> No.39014062
File: 386 KB, 1600x1600, 1642885679640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39014069

Good that we established it's a shitposter.

>> No.39014076
Quoted by: >>39014094

im going to run off with her and join the BIGTOP to be a BIGSHOT

>> No.39014086
Quoted by: >>39014108

You're telling me you'd still be willing to romance the a monsterized human woman who was a massive whore before she got monsterized?
I genuinely don't understand you instantly calling me some cuck when I'm actively trying to avoid such a cuck scenario.

>> No.39014094


>> No.39014096
File: 14 KB, 204x176, +_70793906fd7feb9bffa20aa774d7f221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are really something sometimes. Goes from discussing Human Encyclopedia and ends with retards fighting again.

>> No.39014106


>> No.39014108
Quoted by: >>39014331

I'm calling you a cuck because you're talking out of your ass about a series you clearly don't know fuckall about because you're addicted to being miserable and want to force your opinions instead of not being a retarded faggot. Stop being a burden to people and just kill yourself please.

>> No.39014113

I'm MAD! Mad about monster girls!

>> No.39014128

Pretty scary to think monster girls can have an encyclopedia about you probably even with your location

>> No.39014130
File: 329 KB, 850x1202, D0B15E16-6C88-4533-887D-7DB020FA62C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly don't know what's got you guys all riled up. Pokemonster girls have been posted before and not gotten this much shit.

>> No.39014139

One of us has to be the Matango of that encyclopedia.

>> No.39014140
Quoted by: >>39014179

I mean if it's anything like the monster girl encyclopedia it'll just have a general location like "his bedroom" or "basements"

>> No.39014147
File: 475 KB, 900x1200, 735AgavP_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Husband it is HOT in this, what did you call it, "sauna"
>I do not understand how people enjoy sweating in this torturous wooden box

>> No.39014152
File: 261 KB, 800x800, 46309042_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's just everyone on [board you hate]

>> No.39014153
Quoted by: >>39014177

>Off-topic garbage was posted before, why are you mad now?!

>> No.39014161
File: 236 KB, 809x711, DD79C2D8-BE62-4AC8-8B6E-CAC1351375CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014182

Reminder that vamps are the best and don’t have to be stuck in some stuffy dress all the time.

>> No.39014176
Quoted by: >>39014195

Ones like in that picture, sure, but to Anons posting regular pokemon is crossing the line.

>> No.39014177
Quoted by: >>39014199

Anon, this a monster girl thread...

>> No.39014178
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1414, 96974026_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016802

Your pharaoh commands you to LIFT

>> No.39014179

What would be your profile anon?
>Difficulty(out of 5)
>Prefered MG

>> No.39014182
Quoted by: >>39014296

Dhampirs are nicer though therefor better.

>> No.39014187

Because a gardevoir is not a monster girl.

>> No.39014195
Quoted by: >>39014270

Regular pokemon have tits?

>> No.39014199

Pokemon aren't monster girls, /trash/faggot.

>> No.39014202
File: 592 KB, 900x1200, 15413077316966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014235

I'd honestly just prefer the monster desu.

>> No.39014211

I understand with "you", you mean the archetype or something like that

>> No.39014213

I dunno, I'm not the one writing the entry.

>> No.39014217

literally me

>> No.39014228

Great, now some retard is posting monsterboys. Thanks a lot Shoggothes.

>> No.39014230
Quoted by: >>39014816

Pretty sure everyone here would get a difficulty 1/5. If not 0.
Incidentally edgy fanfic writers would be on the male equivalent of mesugakis that lose to pussy.

>> No.39014235

>posts monsterboy
Now it's clear you're baiting.

>> No.39014241

But it's a monster version of a pokemon...

>> No.39014243


>> No.39014254
Quoted by: >>39014277

>Pokemon aren't monster girls,
cait sith could pass for a pokemon.

>> No.39014258
Quoted by: >>39014308

No, it's not. Kill yourself you anthrofaggot.

>> No.39014260
File: 563 KB, 1300x1100, she sees your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014319

>> No.39014264
Quoted by: >>39014293

Monster girl, apologies.

>> No.39014270

Jynx does.

>> No.39014277
Quoted by: >>39014491

Which is why they're fucking trash and nobody posts them aside from shitposting niggers you dipshit.

>> No.39014282
File: 416 KB, 963x962, 15413077520993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Stop attacking everyone around you in a blind autistic rage, faggot.

>> No.39014293

Fuck you

>> No.39014296
File: 264 KB, 1448x2048, FFFEAFA1-7AA5-49E7-A8B2-53FEF0CAAC4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014316

Nah, just a bunch of petulant children that want to defy their loving mothers. They raised them to the best of their ability but they just want to be defiant.

>> No.39014307
Quoted by: >>39014322

Don't pretend, it's only makes it clearer.

>> No.39014308
Quoted by: >>39014353

Ok, so what would make this >>39013313 a monster girl? Changing her skin color?

>> No.39014316

Counterpoint, due to how mammy bammy works, you can have a Damphir older sister and a vampire younger sister pair.

>> No.39014319
Quoted by: >>39014347

Fucking assholes. Polluting the human bloodlines that belong to elves. Should be sealed in rocks again.

>> No.39014322
File: 452 KB, 834x927, 1517723061410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014374

Don't reply to me or my posts ever again, retard.

>> No.39014331
File: 83 KB, 1244x346, 1622018071593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human women still cheat in MGE anon.

>> No.39014346

>anything soft and cuddly, from holst to hellhound
>triple digits

Here is the (you) you were trying to bait out of me.

>> No.39014347
File: 886 KB, 1200x1200, 75219703_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, pal

>> No.39014353
File: 1.36 MB, 1278x1109, 1514346222183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014381

Not being an anthro for one you retarded faggot. There's a difference between this and posting posting a near 1:1 pokemon you stupid nigger.

>> No.39014355

I’m not into incest but the thought of having a dhampir daughter jealous of my vampire wife and in turn the wife jealous of the daughter is extremely hot. Specially when I consider they’d try their best to rape me harder than the other.

>> No.39014362
File: 148 KB, 794x794, 1532080622368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon blown the fuck out. Monstergirls win once again.

>> No.39014372

I'd be the archtype of the nerdy perv artist that monsters may want
jabberwocks, wurms, dark mages, wights, demons, foxes just to name few, no lolis, only fat hags
>drawing, knifee collecting, gas mask collecting, playing indie games

>> No.39014374

Why don't you go back to your discord with the rest of your faggot raiding friends.

>> No.39014378
Quoted by: >>39014436

If you not blind try actually looking at the image and you'll see what's being pointed out you subhuman.

>> No.39014381

Maybe I'm a little confused about what an anthro is, could you define it for me?

>> No.39014393

>specifically focuses on the cuck aspects of a fantasy setting where you can have your literal dream girl and a 100% happy ending
>says he’s not a cuck

>> No.39014404

Which is why they change when becoming a monster girl you cuckold. Stop acting obtuse when you go around implying that they don't.

Please consider suicide for making people read your garbage.

>> No.39014413

Fuck off bollocks

>> No.39014427
File: 869 KB, 2122x984, 1640969619145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let there be calm by the morning.

>> No.39014429
File: 522 KB, 823x1447, 1499285604877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014479

No, study the differences in the images I post and the garbage you spam and promptly kill yourself after seeing the differences.

>> No.39014432
Quoted by: >>39014479

If you can’t tell the difference between a furry and a monster girl you either need to leave or spend more than a half a day on the internet before making any kind of posts.

>> No.39014436
File: 382 KB, 650x807, 15413077125645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about don't be a bitch and ignore it. Maybe if you weren't such a homo you'd look at the girl instead of the man.

>> No.39014456
Quoted by: >>39014486

Go back to /trash/, monsterboy faggot. Your shit ain't for here.

>> No.39014459
Quoted by: >>39014486

>just ignore me posting monster boys in the monster girl thread
>obviously you’re the gay one

>> No.39014467

One can hope.
Personally, I think everyone needs a big, soft holst to force them into bed and stop their shitposting.

>> No.39014476

i'd imagine so

>> No.39014479

Once again, I posted two. Chill out. >>39014432
Well, as far as I can tell Siths are alright to post and they're more furry than gardevoir.

>> No.39014481
File: 546 KB, 2920x4096, 93e675f59585f95ffb589b4f61dc0ed8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014500

How do you feel about Tengus, anon?

>> No.39014486
File: 2.54 MB, 2274x1579, 15413077249460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39014491

But I love cait sith.

>> No.39014496
Quoted by: >>39014513

>Well, as far as I can tell Siths are alright to post
No, they're not. Go back to your discord or wherever you came from and stay there.

>> No.39014498
Quoted by: >>39014513

>as far as I can tell Siths are alright to post
Then you can't tell shit.

>> No.39014500

they make me mad when they post my nudes on the web

>> No.39014506
File: 535 KB, 1964x2459, 15413077311795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two losers once again see something they dont like and cant help themselves but destroy the entire thread over it
the thread would be fine if someone just broke their fingers

>> No.39014512

Consider either going somewhere else or getting some rope.

>> No.39014513
Quoted by: >>39014546

Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're off topic.

>> No.39014514

They’re not at all alright to post, like I said either lurk more or leave.
That’s fine, just don’t post them.

>> No.39014531

>just let people spam monsterboys, furries and fucking pokemon

>> No.39014533
Quoted by: >>39014566

Or retards could just not intentionally post off topic shitposts, that would work even better.

>> No.39014546

Furries aren't allowed outside of /trash/. Go away.

>> No.39014551
File: 351 KB, 672x900, the cute doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found this, its real cute

>> No.39014557
Quoted by: >>39014596

Way to reveal yourself as a subhuman outsider

>> No.39014562

Man four-armed girls have it easy

>> No.39014566

you know what else would work

not responding loser

>> No.39014579

Or don't be a shitposting nigger or play defense for them

>> No.39014582

Wonder if they're newfags or legit targeting the thread again.

>> No.39014588

not newfags at all

>> No.39014596
File: 1.53 MB, 2242x1900, 15413076876515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your aspergers checked. They'll medicate you for the good of humanity.

>> No.39014602

I'm going with discordfags

>> No.39014621

What's the matter, you're still mad the /tg/ thread vanished because you faggots couldn't keep shitposters in check?

>> No.39014624

Remember when we used to have moderation?

>> No.39014633
Quoted by: >>39014771

holy shit shut the fuck up already. every single thread this shit happens because of 3 mentally ill faggots that forgot their meds.

>> No.39014637
Quoted by: >>39014678

>Don't like it? Don't respond.
>Of course it's accepted, nobody is complaining.
I&R only works with diligent moderators.

>> No.39014638

Genuinely go get your dad’s gun and blow your brains out for the betterment of everybody, your family aill thank you.

>> No.39014678
Quoted by: >>39014799

Thankfully they'll just delete everyone involved within a few hours, including the autismos. But until then we have to deal with the never ending meltdown.

>> No.39014697
Quoted by: >>39014960

So I guess there's no point in discussing MGE's setting then if this is gonna keep happening. Any other monster girls we can post?

>> No.39014700
File: 240 KB, 1771x1254, FODefHKaAAIr2qa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39014720
File: 27 KB, 358x358, banano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014789

Can you people stop shitting up the thread and just alp already?
That goes for all of you.

Now post monster girls

>> No.39014723

What are good MGE fan stories anons can recommend?

>> No.39014734

>When she sees you don't have milk in the fridge
I want to see that wholesome holst turn lewd.

>> No.39014736
Quoted by: >>39014752

What stories? 99% of them are gone now after pastebin got fucked.

>> No.39014741

Damn that’s a good cow.

>> No.39014742
File: 70 KB, 673x1200, auntie cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014837

>> No.39014752

Well, there are some in the MEGA file.

>> No.39014763

Started practicing archery.
All I can think about is how I’d want to be bullied by some archer OHOHOHO monster girls over my poor skill and then they’d offer to teach me

You guys fucked me up. I blame you for this.

>> No.39014771
File: 466 KB, 1397x2048, 1528093001670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its the same two fags every time. Very consistent posting styles.

>> No.39014784
Quoted by: >>39014818

what are exotic kiki's like?

>> No.39014789

Some Mobama Mana in Arknights would fix so much shit it's unreal. Including but not limited to mad cat raping you silly.

>> No.39014799
File: 292 KB, 2048x2048, qKNUV4Xt_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, but I'm not counting on it. The reason posts with NSFW pictures are deleted quickly is because meido doesn't have to look at any other post in the thread. I'd post one right now to prove it, but I don't feel like risking a vacation.
Anyway, I'm gonna drop the topic now, carry on without shitposts getting to you.

>> No.39014807

>Very consistent posting styles.
what over anons have you noticed anon?

>> No.39014815


You haven't refuted what was said. Single monster girls almost never reject single men that want to date them bar very specific situations like being fated to someone else or she already has a man she is getting close with or has decided wants to marry. Human women are the opposite. How do you turn the latter into the former without some brainwashing?

>> No.39014816
Quoted by: >>39014843

>Pretty sure everyone here would get a difficulty 1/5. If not 0.

>> No.39014818
File: 201 KB, 463x626, 1639776641480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014840


>> No.39014832

Shut the fuck up or kill yourself retard. The conversation is over.

>> No.39014837
Quoted by: >>39014875

>auntster cat stays at your house
>spends all day walking around in pic related
>poor thing must not have money for clothes
>buy her alot of cute dresses cause women like clothes right?
>she thanks you for the gift but with unsmiling eyes
aunts are weird

>> No.39014840
Quoted by: >>39014883

Optimal Kiki body.

>> No.39014843

Being a tsundere playing hard to get doesn’t increase your difficulty, anon. It just attracts the more sadistic monster girls.

>> No.39014858
Quoted by: >>39014891

If I'm not into lolis and a loli wants to get me, difficulty is 5/5. If it is a meaty hag, difficulty is -5/5.

>> No.39014875
Quoted by: >>39014951

tell me about it, i keep finding her in my bed
whenever I ask, its because I am warm
Shes a jabberwock
Also licks me a lot for some reason

>> No.39014883

Please, you could just say Kiki and she'd already be optimal
Soft maids and muscle maids are equal in worth.

>> No.39014891

If you don't want them they won't go for you, dummy. They'll probably either chase you to a hag or have you tag along until they find one with you.

>> No.39014901
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1080, 1633900133485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014924

I have respect for soft maids, but I would rather have a muscle maid.

>> No.39014904
File: 244 KB, 458x417, 1643160304865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39014924

>Soft maids and muscle maids are equal in worth.
I choose war

>> No.39014921
File: 737 KB, 848x1200, 1641850275528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 year permavirgin wood elf nitpicks your archery form down to the centimeter
>"Ugh. You humans wouldn't know a bow from a barn if you didn't have the guidance of us elves to depend upon."
>she pouts herself to sleep when her cute pupil flings himself at a werewolf

>> No.39014924
Quoted by: >>39014965

But Anon, that maid you posted has no muscle.
She's all goo

If anything she IS a soft maid.

Why must you do this Kiki?

>> No.39014925

Reposting a list from a few threads ago:

>Stories by Magusanon
Ushi Short
Field of Mwees
Snow and Stripes + Belaymek Takes Monhattan
Ochimusha's Oath
Cold Hearts

>Stories by Medusafag
Witch's Guide to Wonderland
The Striped Samurai
Sweet Yokai of Mine
Mamano INC

>Stories by Spidernon
Pomp and Perspicacity (still ongoing)
Five Nights at Yeti's
Husband of the Swarm
The Valentine’s Day Bat
Sir Please Calm Down

"Feather Duster" by cerokero
"Werewolf" by Penywise
"Dark Mage" by Penywise
"Outer Demon" by Eightspan
"Stick Together" by Eightspan
"My Wight Wife is Embarrassed by her Model Building Hobby!" by Crumblekun
"Snowdrop" by Clancrush
"Viridian Ninja" by Perentie
"The Little Mofucore that Could" by Losenis
"Chimera Thing" by Amoeba_Anon
"Hellhound Thing" by Amoeba_Anon
"Burning Edge" by Ironbeast
"One Night at The Jade Dragon" by BreakawayRepublic
"The Pastafarian Wurm" by Alpanon

>> No.39014926
File: 844 KB, 709x1049, 95696731_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39014951
Quoted by: >>39014992

probably a wock thing, just lick her back

>> No.39014960
Quoted by: >>39014969

Monster Girl Island

>> No.39014965
Quoted by: >>39014989

She can make her goo denser and harder, close enough to muscle for me.

>> No.39014969

You need to go.

>> No.39014989
Quoted by: >>39015002

You fool!
Shogslime is in a quantum state! You never know its density until you check!

>> No.39014992
Quoted by: >>39015025

i did that once, i dont remember what happened after expect the fact i woke up covered in weird fluid and naked

>> No.39015002
Quoted by: >>39015073

In that case I have to check Shog's thick biceps!

>> No.39015025
Quoted by: >>39015058

think you might have ODed on wock there friend, give her another lick just to be sure

>> No.39015033

How would an Encyclopedia on human men even work? With the monster one the Scholar has his art fairy protecting him and Saphirette makes sense since she can probably ask one of her friends or neighbors about how they work in between shilling the fuck out of Polove. But how do monsters even get information on human types unless they're just asking their husbands or having Kunoichi spy on guys

>> No.39015037
Quoted by: >>39015076

What kind of bow are you using anon? I've been thinking about picking it up to with a classic longbow so I can be ready to claim a sally

>> No.39015055

Judgmental bunyip is judging you.

>> No.39015058

nah, i am going to make out with one of her thicced lipped mouth tentacles

>> No.39015062

ratas and eros agents.

>> No.39015073

Its only proper for a master to inspect his maids.

>> No.39015074
Quoted by: >>39015104

But what about guys that don't live near forests...

>> No.39015076

Worth it
A compound bow with those wheels on it. It had some extra parts that didn't seem to serve any purpose so I removed them.
Started missing all my arrows ever since hitting a bit to the left of my targets so I started thinking they might have been counter-weights to aim properly...

>> No.39015087
Quoted by: >>39015464

There's a greater than zero chance monster boy fag is either from /tg/ or TFT and the furfaggot is Bollocks since he's openly admitted to being okay with Cu Sith

>> No.39015091

For what it's worth, I appreciate the effort in giving Saphirette some attention. Really she should be more popular than she is.

>> No.39015100

i can't into megane

>> No.39015102

She's a good girl, a little pushy about how great monsters and demon realms are but honestly it makes sense since they basically saved an entire country.

>> No.39015104
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1800, Ratatoskr199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Habitat: Forests, human settlements
You can find squirrels in parks, there are definitely Ratas used to city life.

>> No.39015123

extremely cute tree rats

>> No.39015127

>"Eh? Whadda yoo lookin' at?"
>"You ain't nevah seen a squirril before or somethin'?"
>"Ey Tanya? That guy hasslin' yah?"
>"I got it handled Louise! 'es just a moron or somethin'"

>> No.39015133
Quoted by: >>39015181

>Ratas even sometimes seen in order villages with nobody really minding due to how nice they are
>Little do they know she's giving entire presentations with visual aid about all the people she's meeting and what monsters they would be good with or good becoming
Monsters are scary!

>> No.39015171
File: 307 KB, 831x856, elf_girl_portrait_by_marurenai-d9hbe89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might MGE get High Elves? Because usual elf depictions in Japanese media and fiction are so fucking lame and underwhelming. If not, are just absolutely mediocre Wood Elves who just boringly shoot bows and arrows and have no magical abilities and powers whatsoever. Meanwhile the usual (human) anime boys and girls get all the cool and awesome powers, abilities and gimmicks. While lame mediocre (wood) elves just boringly shoot bows and arrows in the corner.

>> No.39015180
File: 357 KB, 833x1100, 271_hellhound_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been busy for a while, so I missed out on initial reactions to the reveal that the hellhound neck fluff is a excitement-linked man-subduer. Looking at her art and how different the front of her neck fur looks makes me think this is pretty old info for Japanese fans, or at least KC planned it way ahead of the tweet where he mentioned it. I quite like the info, but wish I'd been able to see how the big hellhound fans reacted.

Now we need fan art of her hugging a struggling man's face to her fluff, mounting him and making him take another deep whiff any time he tries to resist.

>> No.39015181

they're messengers from the gods and therefore essentially angels.
you wouldn't fuck with divine intent.

>> No.39015185

Go away /tg/

>> No.39015186
File: 697 KB, 728x1032, 1520726891828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015206

Have you heard of the high elves?

>> No.39015204

just fucking stop you fucking /tg/ faggot

>> No.39015206
Quoted by: >>39015223

God elves are so hot and I don't know why. They are just humans with knife ears.

>> No.39015210

Guys help, I can’t decide if I want a fit genki tomboy wife, a soft motherly wife, a creepy neet wife, or a personal slut gyaru wife.

>> No.39015218

I have an answer.
Get a harem

>> No.39015220
Quoted by: >>39015272

cute rude rata, would ask out on date

>> No.39015222
File: 128 KB, 293x500, Ratatoskr 1635986856246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI, the one on the left is Cask, a extremist ratatoskr that assisted in mobilizing against Lescatie. That's why the "normal" ratatoskr is so embarrassed, she is a very lewd and smart squirrel who has had three kids already.

>> No.39015223
File: 166 KB, 900x1200, 1525290866803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you know they're intrinsically better.

>> No.39015236

I need a demon to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright.

>> No.39015243
Quoted by: >>39015271

go with the one that would make you feel the most comfy
you just posted a 2hu that is a bridge princess who is extremely jealous

>> No.39015250
Quoted by: >>39015271

get it together guy, those are a draph and a hashihime, which are both superior iterations to elf.

>> No.39015271
File: 434 KB, 900x1200, 1525287710359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015286

Long ears means elf. Simple as.

>> No.39015272
Quoted by: >>39015312

You should, her family runs a real nice italian place down the street.

thats a good squirrel.

>> No.39015277
File: 164 KB, 675x910, Elf extra art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greater innate magical power than humans is already one of the defining aspects of MGE elves anon.

>> No.39015286
File: 511 KB, 657x890, mas demona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this be a elf?

>> No.39015289
Quoted by: >>39015314

gonna reject all extremist monsters and demand wholesome romance only

>> No.39015303

I need a kuudere, practical ruler vamp that uses me as a daiki after a long day of kingdom management.

>> No.39015305
Quoted by: >>39015354

I want to sign that elf's contract!

>> No.39015308
File: 105 KB, 1200x720, 1522780837680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015315

Horny elf.

>> No.39015312
Quoted by: >>39015344

>her family runs a real nice italian place down the street
>she takes you there for the date
>you soon realize that she is the "nice one" in the family as her mother and sisters heckle you
>but god damn that was some good spaghetti

>> No.39015314

casually getting to know monsters over time!
dating for at least a year!
forming a relationship at a steady comfortable pace!

>> No.39015315

that's a loli...

>> No.39015317
File: 2.15 MB, 1821x2918, FL_DVo8VgAQsjYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hmph! Typical Dark Lord... Big promises, but all talk. Make a new world of peace and love between man and monster-women? WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT! All you care about is gathering more and more power and influence. -That, and having absolute control over the world and everything in life!!! You've got no principles, just like all the demons and previous monsters lords before, just like all the rest! If the whole world has gone to shit. And is as unstable, rotten, hostile and unforgiving and cruel as you claim it to be. You're just another maggot crawling in the pile!!! Now, with the Chief God's blessing and the divines by my side. I shall slay you Demon Lord Lilith and put an end to your monstrous tyranny!"
>t.order heroine

>> No.39015344
Quoted by: >>39015408

>Geez, dating my daughter and yah haven't knocked her up yet? What sorta bum are yah?
>Honestly, guys like you? They couldn't romance their way outta a paper bag!
>Now here, some extra spaghetti on the house and fresh garlic bread yah mook!

>> No.39015352
Quoted by: >>39015365

Very cute, it’s almost a shame she’s in a relationship already but I suppose that’s what makes the setting so captivating. A loving relationship without any major worries so I suppose it’s quite a good thing instead.

>> No.39015354

you dropped out of ms hakus class of monster culture, didn't you?

>> No.39015355
File: 779 KB, 1080x1203, devilish_sqwerl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015377


>> No.39015359
File: 2.33 MB, 1666x2427, Saphirette_the_dark_matter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015438

>Dark Matters are elemental
>Presumably they follow the same rules about not needing a physical body and being able to regenerate it, so physical attacks are no go
>Dark Matter absorbs spells and feeds on the mana, so offensive spells don't work
>Saphirette was already an extremely powerful elementalist with four covenanted elementals, now they've monsterized and are even stronger
>She's also a super-smart nerd
Is Saphirette the most secretly OP character in MGE?

>> No.39015364

cute terrorist, sad she's taken

>> No.39015365

instead of 1 purple squirrel you can get 3 purple squirrels so it's not all bad

>> No.39015377

Tell these monsters I know a really shitty place full of incel men who are both afraid and hateful of women

>> No.39015389
File: 1.43 MB, 1691x1355, Red Slime - consider the following 1554065441287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I've heard that there are some large Order nation cities that have non-aggression agreements with monsters (the monsters don't invade and don't turn people into monsters, and the humans don't prohibit people from marrying monsters or moving to other cities if they want to).

>> No.39015395

very wholesome

>> No.39015407
Quoted by: >>39015560

I like to imagine this is the peace vision of the future that is usually discussed here

>> No.39015408
Quoted by: >>39015441

>rude rata tells you not to worry about her family
>but you want to be accepted
>you really like rude rata and that garlic bread is something you would die for
>next date you go back to the restaurant
>you look mama rata straight in the eyes and show her the positive pregnancy test
>she nods approvingly and gives you an extra large serving of lasagna
>meanwhile rude rata is looking awfully embarrassed as her sisters laugh at her

>> No.39015412

Why would the dudes ever stay there though?

>> No.39015419
File: 491 KB, 534x832, f2a5b372b8b3388524928ae2abf1fff9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocogoat milk, jiangshi lolies favorite!

>> No.39015423
Quoted by: >>39015459

Reminder that if you were genuinely terrified during a monster "attack" even the scariest, most sadistic looking monster will pull you into a nice big hug and make sure you're okay. Rape can wait for later, human must be safe.

I love monster girls!

>> No.39015431

I mean it's their home, anon.

>> No.39015438

Potentially OP, though not Lilith levels. Unfortunately with no husband to feed on both herself and her elementals are not reaching their true potential.

>Since the same thing keeps happening over and over, my elementals and I still don't have a husband yet even as of the present. As a monster, it's a matter of life or death. My elementals are also at the limit of what they can bear, and I myself am in a condition of wetting pillows and tentacles day after day. And so, if I may be so bold, I'm going to use this book to recruit a husband. Though it is brazen, first of all, a man who could pour love and essence into me and my four elementals equally would be ideal.

Poor girl must have ruined so many pillows by now.

>> No.39015439

affordable housing

>> No.39015440
File: 1.14 MB, 2746x2566, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39015441

Breasts too small, gotta get them bigger for optimal cocomilk production.

>Ey sis! Finally got his 'sausage eh?' A little bit of the gabagool?
>Eh-shaddup! Least I got one! Are you still slackin' off at the club or something? Playing around at those Cabaret boys?
>Oy! I'll have you know that Dustin is a gentleman and is getting a ring as soon as I get this next 'job' done!

Such adorable little creatures.

>> No.39015445
Quoted by: >>39015463

>this is the real fantasy

>> No.39015447

>It just attracts the more sadistic monster girls.

Or Hellhounds. Chest fluff wins.

>> No.39015456
Quoted by: >>39015560

KC does note in another tweet that people living in such places, men and women alike, would be able to easily see how wonderful the lives of monsters and incubi are, and would likely eventually willingly convert or at least be very tempted to.

>> No.39015459

But I want a fearboner….

>> No.39015462
Quoted by: >>39015533

MG incel lmao

>> No.39015463

>you came to MGC to find love
>I came here so I could find a house

>> No.39015464

Fuck you.

>> No.39015467
Quoted by: >>39015508

Honestly when their breasts get that big I prefer their waist and hips be a bit thicker. It's not a "realism" thing so much as a desire for some aesthetic balance.

>> No.39015473

find a strange abandoned manor and get chased by a shog in full eldritch form for a few hours

>> No.39015488
Quoted by: >>39015556

>affordable housing

How can it get more affordable than you literally get to just move with your waifu even if you are an iseki with 0 goods on your pockets?

>> No.39015491
File: 624 KB, 1101x871, k9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hellhound with a cleavage-cutout shirt that has an arrow to the cutout that says "Your Face Here"

>> No.39015498

Ponder for a moment, Burmese Python Lamia.

>> No.39015505
File: 913 KB, 3369x4096, Bogie 1634391322156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a naughty boy?

>> No.39015507
Quoted by: >>39015614


Because humans don't know how monster girls really are. Well, at least that used to be in the canon I know, I don't know if KC retconned that too.

>> No.39015508

You can do that by making her pregnant

>> No.39015511

Well that's fine, monsters will give that to you. I was meaning mean that DON'T want to be terrified

>> No.39015513

i will now play with dolls

>> No.39015525


Can someone explain me the current Hellhound's chest fluff thing? Did KC said something? Threadcannon? Or just the thread recognizing that is an awesome place to put your head in?

>> No.39015531
File: 338 KB, 859x640, Manticore ear nibble 1 rAELa6K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015570

There are quite a few girls happy to oblige that, within limits of course.

>> No.39015532

no! anything but the fluff!

>> No.39015533


>> No.39015539

I don’t follow rules

>> No.39015547

Nah, I'm hoping Neutral good.

>> No.39015556

I'd like a place just to myself, even if its just for a little while

>> No.39015560
File: 207 KB, 850x1245, __lilim_barack_obama_and_victoria_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_less__sample-301c7754f10d2eece15bc999cdfa4463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Alright, the truth then. You're right about one thing. The Demon Lord our mother, my sisters, and fellow succubi and I do need spirit energy, and cum. You want to know why? We have a dream! That one day every person in this world will have their own lover. A world of actual peace, dammit. A planet of affection, not hate! Ruled by passion, not bloodshed! Where society changes for the sake of regular individuals that love each other, not the other way around! Where hope and dreams are back where they belong: in the hearts of the non-divine and the regular people! Where every woman is free to love - to fuck - for her man! Fuck all these limp-dick priests and chickenshit knights and paladins. Fuck this omnipresent plastering of chastity and xenophobic bullshit! Fuck human supremacy! Fuck the Order! FUCK YOU CHIEF GOD! FUCK ALL OF IT!!! This world is broken. Worn down to nothing. There's no saving it - we need to jack out every drop of it. Liquidize culture. MELT IT DOWN! And from the puddle, a new era will be born. Evolved, but unfettered! Ambition will be purged and the lovers will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make Everything great again! In this new world, people will fuck and breed for whom they love! Not for family connections, NOT FOR POLITICS, not for the sole purpose of procreation! Not for whom they are arranged with. Every monster will be free to fuck her own man! ...So, what do you think?"

>> No.39015562
File: 211 KB, 700x694, Hellhound has cornered you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015577



Summary translation:

>KC stated in a tweet Hellhound's fluffy chest has a special scent that gets a man's body horny and also weakens it. The scent makes the man feel safe and to want to surrender himself.

The strength of the scent is proportional to her excitement and exercise. He ends the tweet implying this means there are interesting effects for men that are attacked and run away.

>> No.39015569
File: 769 KB, 800x1000, smag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015592

Apparently KC said it has some specific effect on men.
It's not really wow revolutionary to me but it's certainly a nice extra.

>> No.39015570
Quoted by: >>39015595

God look at how much BIGGER she is than him

>> No.39015577
Quoted by: >>39015605

>implying this means there are interesting effects for men that are attacked and run away.

Like what?

>> No.39015592
Quoted by: >>39015607

seems like a natural result for most folks with their face stuffed into heavy cleavage after all.

>> No.39015595

Ikr, I’d like my wife to be between 8 to 9 ft tall

>> No.39015602
Quoted by: >>39015893

how the hell did you get promoted?

>> No.39015605

Perhaps a real (i.e. non-machine) translation has more of an indication, but I'd presume that the effect would simply be much stronger if the man first forces the hellhound to chase him down and she doesn't catch him until her excitement and heart rate reach their peak.

>> No.39015607


The thing is Hellhound's fluff make you feel not only horny but also safe, which seems to be a very specific Hellhound thing. But I wouldn't be surprised if other warrior MGs with chest fluff that doesn't expect strong men, like Jinkos, also have that effect.

>> No.39015614
Quoted by: >>39015654

KC specified the human male population is so high in MGE as if the species is compensating from the fuckton of males that died in the previous generation.
Succubized monster girls are likely just as recent if the previous generation of humanity had the majority of their men dying to this point. The current men were likely taugh from their mothers or surviving fathers how when they were younger they had to fight to live and a lot of their friends dying fighting actual monsters. It would be just as surprising to them when their son brings back a super sexy manticore waifu instead of a flying scorpion.

>> No.39015619

I just want to be a Mercenary freaking the fuck out in a foxhole during a monster assault thinking I'm going to die only for a squad of Dark Knights/Warriors and their Strategist trainee to comfort me before the sex starts. Is that so bad?

>> No.39015622

And weakens you, your struggles will lessen in force every time you take a whiff. But since you feel so safe, your fear will melt away and you won't want to struggle anyway.

>> No.39015628

Hellhounds once again being the big softies of MGE. Canine girls really are man's best friend!

>> No.39015629
Quoted by: >>39015648

yeah, it sounds like boobs.

>> No.39015648

>Hellhound: I have a special scent in my chest fluff that human boys can't resist, it makes them stop resisting and allows me t-
>Holst: oh! That happens when I pull hubby into my boobs!

>> No.39015654

Your lore is a bit off. It wasn't the previous generation but the previous era. It's been about a thousand years since Lilith came to power, but humans still have the skewed sex ratio they developed over thousands of years enduring being killed off by monsters. Course there are exceptionally long-lived human sorcerers/elementalists who may have lived in the previous era (not sure if that's been retconned), but the average peasant in a Order city these days who doesn't travel may go their whole life without ever seeing a monster in person and thus only know what the Order tells them.

Tweet in question:


>A tidbit of knowledge about the encyclopedia world: As for the sex ratio of humans born in the encyclopedia world, it seems there are more men! Of course, when fighting wars with the monsters of old who were not monster girls, or fighting against fellow humans, more men lost their lives than women, and perhaps for that reason, it seems the birth rate has naturally adjusted in that manner. The power of living things is incredible!


>A tidbit of knowledge about the encyclopedia world: And even now that the number of men dying has decreased since monsters became monster girls and Poseidon, who used to cause shipwrecks, went on strike, the birth ratio is still the same, so there's an incredible surplus of men among humans. And the monster girls are overjoyed that they're able to get those left out men. Whoopee!

>> No.39015662
Quoted by: >>39015678

poseidon doesn't get enough credit for her hard work

>> No.39015666

>>A tidbit of knowledge about the encyclopedia world: And even now that the number of men dying has decreased since monsters became monster girls and Poseidon, who used to cause shipwrecks, went on strike, the birth ratio is still the same, so there's an incredible surplus of men among humans. And the monster girls are overjoyed that they're able to get those left out men. Whoopee!
>monster girls literally guided humanity into evolving to becoming rape-bait for them

>> No.39015667
File: 79 KB, 500x577, 1611864967199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, hellhound chest fluff does its thing.
Does this mean other monsters who have chest fluff also have special effects?

>> No.39015673
Quoted by: >>39016019

between this and the onii chan chariot I'm vindicated to know drinking goat cunny probably does give you magic powers.

>> No.39015678
Quoted by: >>39015709

>Poseidon, who used to cause shipwrecks, went on strike
The image of Poseidon just swimming in a circle with a picket sign saying "Human men should have monster wives" is kinda funny.

I wonder if throwing a message in a bottle would be an effective method of sending her a letter. I fucking hate the water and would be beyond terrified of getting shipwrecked but I'd wanna send her a little thank you letter.

>> No.39015680

I will defeat vampires by taking a whole load of hallucinogens before entering her castle

>> No.39015689
Quoted by: >>39015705

>Does this mean other monsters who have chest fluff also have special effects?
Probably, maybe Hellhounds just have their specific brand of it?

>> No.39015691
Quoted by: >>39015707

Swimming on Poseidon waters give aquatic monster girls the right to pull down your trunks
Skinny dipping give aquatic monster girls the right to rape you

>> No.39015694

The best way to defeat a Vampire is to steal her wall chicken, put a Dhampir daughter in her, and get her into rope/whip play.

>> No.39015697

Well monster girls in general smell nice, so there would be that at least if you breathed in their fluff.

>> No.39015702
File: 364 KB, 906x1300, B027C4EB-6EE2-4F9E-A4A7-C3950B64A46E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015753

Fuck fishes

>> No.39015705
Quoted by: >>39015747

If Hellhound fluff relaxes men, Raiju fluff probably gets you VERY worked up.

>> No.39015706

Anon, don't try to cheat and beat a vampire NEET wizard like that.

>> No.39015707

Well it's a good thing I haven't swam in over eight years. I'd probably start ugly crying if aquatic monsters dragged me down with how scared of deep water I am and that's just embarrassing.

>> No.39015709

>would be beyond terrified of getting shipwrecked

If you're on a boat with monster girls your ship is pretty safe.

>> No.39015713
File: 2.00 MB, 1542x1542, 1583710287334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great now I want to slowly lose a fight because some dumb fire dog keeps using attacks that let her brush that fluff in my face. How's a man supposed to fight back when he's either losing instantly or slowly losing his mind from a fluff withdrawal each she pulls away after an attack?

>> No.39015719

Nah man, fear of the ocean and deep water in general. I'd be having a panic attack but at least there's a good chance they'd help me out and get somewhere safe asap.

>> No.39015720
Quoted by: >>39015783

Just don’t get caught or touched lol

>> No.39015725
Quoted by: >>39015783

Be dead inside? Although I'd imagine monsters would just find a guy like that to be a challenge.

>> No.39015726

yeah. order ships sanction rubbing aquatic mana on their ships or bringing a water wife along for the ride to prevent shipwrecks.
bending the rules is fine to keep poseidon happy.

>> No.39015743

>hellhound calls you hers
>get scared and run
>she chases your ass down
>get caught and shoved into fluff
>instant loss

Literally unbeatable, when is this getting patched?

>> No.39015747
File: 372 KB, 1488x2105, 1614641307875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39015772

>Trapped in a raiju hug
>Electrical current paralyzes you
>Facefull of raiju fluff makes you painfully erect
How can Anon ever hope to fight such fiends?

>> No.39015752

I like this big Sabbath Bapho

>> No.39015753
File: 2.27 MB, 937x3000, 54162078_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39015759

So wait, if Poseidon has been doing her thing for as long as she has, why isn't the whole ocean her territory? I mean I know she won't have the abyss under her control but come on at least land has Order territory to deal with.

>> No.39015761


>> No.39015766

You were probably going to lose regardless of the fluff, it's mainly to make things more pleasant for you after you are caught.

>> No.39015772

>How can Anon ever hope to fight such fiends?
Tear up because everything you learned was worthless. It'll instantly interrupt her attacks and switch her to easy mode. You'll still lose but at least it doesn't hurt as much.

>> No.39015783
Quoted by: >>39015855

I'm way too slow for that. Would a mask of some sort work?
I'm sure there's a bogey somewhere that teaches mastery of the anti-depression combat arts

>> No.39015791

It's like the devs don't care at all about pvp balance. I can't even make it out of safe zones without getting instantly defeated anymore.

>> No.39015793
File: 162 KB, 408x600, 191_seabishop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's noted that thanks to Poseidon monsters do hold unequaled dominions over the oceans. That said, KC has noted that lesser water deities still loyal to the chief god control some parts of the ocean (much smaller than what Poseidon controls), and that the Order does most of their sailing in these areas. One doesn't have to worry about Poseidon hooking you up with monster girls in these areas, but on the other hand in these places you can die from drowning.

World Guide Gaiden 3 also indicates that it took quite some time for Poseidon's mana and its helpful effects to spread to all the areas of the sea under her control, that she used monsters who served her to help spread it over time.

>> No.39015805

Agi is too op, like literally untouchable when coupled with an infinite stamina build

>> No.39015809

Can't wait for this chase to be added to the game.

>> No.39015812
Quoted by: >>39015832

under the sea, under the sea
the city so pretty you should stay with me would you kindly?

>> No.39015815
Quoted by: >>39015827

Just run a full profession build, you can hire mercs and get left alone as you do trades.

>> No.39015827
File: 228 KB, 1194x1559, 1645256676684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Danukibait, the build

>> No.39015832

>That spoiler

>> No.39015836
Quoted by: >>39015907

Look, thats why you have to diversify and do a multi-profession, completionist autism style of play so they can't corner you out of the market completely.
You also have to make sure you always keep some cash safe/out of their banks in the event that they try to pull some shit.

>> No.39015845

God, imagine having to put up with that as a wife.
>safe investmenets
>financial advice all the time
>business meetings where you get to be eye candy
>all those bulldozers taking up space around your house

>> No.39015855
Quoted by: >>39015891

>>mastery of the anti-depression combat arts
>be depressed sellsword making his living dealing with monster problems nobody else wants to
>still use demon silver weapons because even though you take jobs chasing goblins out of caves close to a farm doesn't mean you're gonna kill them what the fuck
>highly valued due to your inability to really feel much which makes most monster seduction tactics ineffective. Can still feel things but you just don't really care about anything aside from getting paid
>One day get a challenge from some mysterious person saying you'll get a hefty reward for beating them
>After hiking half a day to some incredibly specific spot near monster territory you come across a Succubus monk(?) wearing what looks like a gi with Bogey paw symbols on it
>Says that she'll release the shackles from your heart and make you feel the love that you deserve again before charging at you so fast you can't even get your sword out before she's right on top of you
Hey at least you'd get a wife now, there's that.

>> No.39015891

>Bogey monks can disable a man by caressing or patting the correct pressure points
>Are also masters of subduing even the strongest of men with a mere blanket
I fear and await the day that the masters of the cuddling strike style come for me

>> No.39015893
Quoted by: >>39015917

>it turns out other Lilims, the demon lord herself and even her husband do tend to do a Senator Armstrong-style speech when confronting the obligatory hero who made it far to reach them
>the other lilim sisters and the Demon Lord do the usual format of the Senator Armstrong speech when curb stomping and BTFO'ing the heroes

>meanwhile the Demon Lord's Husband who handles and fights against Male Heroes and or Shonen Hero Boys end up like this:

>> No.39015895
Quoted by: >>39015918

I am just going to glitch around until I get to the lilim boss and then just fall asleep in her bed

>> No.39015907

>Express some colorful anti-monster opinions as a joke on some random website
>Have your bank account frozen, every account you have on websites suspended and now you're getting calls from random people either saying that they're going to rape you senseless or tearfully asking if you really feel that way
>only thing you can still access is your email which has one new mail, someone's full address and just "apologize" in it

>> No.39015912
File: 603 KB, 1334x1494, 1635965416994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to build my own personalized automaton wife?

>> No.39015915

I like the smothering mothering bogey monks better

>> No.39015917

>Hey wanna eat some food and play video games?
>Yeah sure
>Cool, hey which girl do you like from your party? Cause you're about to be a married man soon just letting you know

>> No.39015918
Quoted by: >>39015945

enjoy glitching into a level 1 slime instead

>> No.39015920
Quoted by: >>39016028

They won't permanently freeze it.
They will just make it temporarily difficult to buy materials and transport...but if you have goods in town, you can always sell it to make cash while waiting for the nuki lock to end.

Yes, you have to go to ancient ruins to find the best parts.

>> No.39015925
Quoted by: >>39016028

It'd be hard but I'm sure it'd be possible.

>> No.39015928

Don't worry they'll be sure to track you down and drag you to their secluded monastery to help make more monks

>> No.39015930
Quoted by: >>39015957

I'm looking forward to this series, if only to see a decently well-animated demon girl who isn't a outright villain. Plus it seems they'll be a fair amount of energy draining kissing. Albeit I guess due to her having to disguise herself she won't look like a demon most of the time?


>> No.39015936

Bogey Style would be incredibly effective against edgy men who "feel like there's nowhere else to go" and that fighting for the bad guys is "their role in this world" and there's nothing to prove me wrong.

>> No.39015944
File: 257 KB, 961x1219, 1642328245211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39015945

I already skipped level 1 town already went straight to the.castle

>> No.39015952
Quoted by: >>39015988

Instead of brainwashing think of it as enlightment.

>> No.39015957
Quoted by: >>39015971

>childhood friend
Oh I have a bad fucking feeling. Just let the monster win for fuck's sake.

>> No.39015967
Quoted by: >>39015970

is findom hot?

>> No.39015970
Quoted by: >>39016002

I'm going to kill you

>> No.39015971

Both women would have to get past the lack of libido he seems to have. From what little I've foudn out about the series, he refuses the demon girl's offers to see what a sex goddess she is, and refuses to believe that the childhood friend is interested in him, as he sees her just as a friend.

>> No.39015981
Quoted by: >>39015997

>he refuses the demon girl's offers to see what a sex goddess she is
Dropped harder than a sack of rocks.

>> No.39015988

Indeed. A monsterized's person's personality, inner self, etc. do not change. However, their priorities, understanding of themselves and others, etc. can change.

>> No.39015997

Hey, we'll apparently still get to see her sleep naked in his bed every night, make out with him and other such things to get energy, and use her powers to force an orgasm in the childhood friend to win a duel against her.

>> No.39016002
Quoted by: >>39016010

I want her to talk about how my good for nothing dick is only good for parting the red sea.

>> No.39016010
Quoted by: >>39016065

Shut up. Stop talking for several days.

>> No.39016019
Quoted by: >>39016057

>onii chan chariot


>> No.39016020

God I hate japan.

>> No.39016028
File: 243 KB, 1500x826, 1647571813172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok great
Now do you think I can make an automaton wife with newly made parts from scratch? Don't really want ancient and used parts.

>> No.39016047

Pretty sure Gremlins are working on that so I'll give you a solid "maybe" to that question

>> No.39016057
File: 159 KB, 716x935, Witch extra art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since monsters can drain some mana through skin contact, Sabbath members sometimes ride into battle on the shoulders of their incubus husbands, using him as a quick way to recharge. Their own magic also reinforces the husband, making him a force himself. This technique is called the onii-chan chariot. Course both also get increasingly horny as the battle progresses and may have to retire early.

>> No.39016058

Gremlins are generally known for trying to recreate and "modernize" ancient tech. I'm sure getting to know one would be a good path to what you want.

>> No.39016065
Quoted by: >>39016083

kc made a tweet that said in times of war sabbath witches sit on the shoulders of their husbands, allowing magic to circulate and making them super powerful.
i hope she says she's going to take my firstborn as my debt slave payment before violating me.
And the second child to pay for the effort of taking care of the first

>> No.39016080

Check with GremCo.

>> No.39016083
Quoted by: >>39016145

>witches sit on the shoulders of their husbands, allowing magic to circulate and making them super powerful.

Wow thank you for giving a very visible hard to miss easy target for snipers or marksmen to shoot at!

>> No.39016109

stop being fucking edgy and grimdark

>> No.39016122

No one is.

>> No.39016132

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, try not to stare so hard at the hobgoblin chieftaness as she shows off what each of her tribal tattoos mean and gets very in depth on what the ones on her breasts mean.

>> No.39016140
Quoted by: >>39016197

>all it says is mega milk

>> No.39016145
Quoted by: >>39016498

You're missing the part where they become super powerful. I'd wager any bullets or arrows would bounce off them, assuming they could even penetrate their aura.

Bullets its noted in World Guide Gaiden 2 are not of much use on their own against powerful humans, let alone monsters. Unless you have someone who is distracting the target, the target will likely be able to dodge or block the bullet. It's why musketeers are more of a support force.

>> No.39016154
File: 393 KB, 1323x1871, Mucus toad censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016163

The frogs have awakened

>> No.39016155

Literally who

>> No.39016163
Quoted by: >>39016177

oh no, they are going to harras all the poor bugs!

>> No.39016173
File: 248 KB, 1000x1306, ezgif-4-9080520bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39016177
File: 156 KB, 600x600, fCYve4Z9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016190

They better not

>> No.39016180
File: 1.46 MB, 1690x2000, cutecountrywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016270

I love my lich wife!

>> No.39016190
Quoted by: >>39016320

frogs are going to frog, and bully bugs but only you can protect them!

>> No.39016197

>"Yeah, after helping out some of those cow galls with doggo girl that was bullying them they offered to tattoo it on me."
>"I think its their tattoo for luck and fertility or something"

>> No.39016224
Quoted by: >>39016234

but if I stare at her eyes, she blushes and and gets embarrassed

>> No.39016234

Just stare at her forehead, it allows you to look at her without flustering the poor thing and getting her underlings whispering.

>> No.39016270

We know, Barthur.

>> No.39016320
File: 2.39 MB, 2396x2969, Mucus Toad11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016344

I don't think eating bug pussy is considered bullying

>> No.39016323

But her eyes are pretty....

>> No.39016333

But it’d be rude not to stare, she’s chieftaness specifically because her boobs are the biggest, so not staring is like saying she’s unfit to rule. In fact I’m not just going to stare I’m going to feel up her boobs, complimenting their weight and fullness before placing my face between them, that’s how you properly show respect to a leader like her.

>> No.39016337

>look at her forehead
>she follows your gaze to see what you are looking at
>she goes cross eyed and cant get them unstuck
>now have to watch as the hobgoblin cries while her underlings pat her back and tell her how to fix her eyes
>all while glaring at you

>> No.39016344

frogs bully bugs by doing that then molesting them with their long tongues
im going to pick her up and suck on her tits

>> No.39016352
File: 306 KB, 561x431, 1611901832682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016360


>> No.39016353


>> No.39016360

Frog kisses...

>> No.39016381

So what would monster girl scams be? Real estate offers in some "100% human settlement" only to find out it's a green demon realm?

>> No.39016387

The gen 9 femc is the most cunning in years.

>> No.39016402
Quoted by: >>39016439

There is already a scam in the RPG. The Werecat offers you a job and is a trap to rape you, she pays you, the thing is, she basically bought you for the price of doing a regular low level job.

>> No.39016414

KC says in a tweet Holstaur has broader shoulders than other girls because the size of her boobs. I like girls with broad shoulders, so its a plus for Holst in my books. I can't wait to see Mino's delicious musculature, given how much detail and deliciousness KC is giving to Holst I expect the same for Mino's muscles.


>> No.39016415 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39016466

Reminder that Incubi are just monsterboys therefore we should be able to post them so long as we call then "incubi" beforehand. Reminder that KC also says he has no problem with monsterboys and they already exist in the setting to some extent through potions, Wonderland and being a Chaos girl husband.

Get fucked, they belong here too so long as they're not the focus.

>> No.39016416
Quoted by: >>39016449

catfish scams. It's probably easy to tug on the heartstrings of a monster girl that her soon to be husbands family is in a dire state because of hospital bills

>> No.39016421
Quoted by: >>39016482

I nominate this for the best girtablilu fanart in history. It's got everything.

>> No.39016439
Quoted by: >>39016624

Yeah but I want bigger scams, like what Demons do.

>> No.39016442
Quoted by: >>39016469

treating incubi as monsterboys is literally textbook /tg/
Fuck off

>> No.39016449

Wrong type of scam, I mean monsters doing the "scamming"

>> No.39016464
File: 278 KB, 750x603, 1585843762173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow before the queen of the milk

>> No.39016466
Quoted by: >>39016480

>Reminder that KC also says he has no problem with monsterboys

Wrong. There is a reason KC doesn't even allow male incubi to be born.

>> No.39016469

KC said they can be known for growing horns and other monster features like black sclera and change to inhuman skin tones. Not to mention Chaos husbands turning into slime boys, giant spiders and literal squids. They're monsterboys, get over it.

>> No.39016480
Quoted by: >>39016505

>There is a reason KC doesn't even allow male incubi to be born.
Something monsters are actively working towards and want to turn every man into an incubus.

>> No.39016482

>I nominate this for the best girtablilu fanart in history

You are not wrong, but only because this is a "in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king" type situation.

>> No.39016485

There's no way she's the queen with those tiny udders

>> No.39016491
Quoted by: >>39016504

Ah yes the old
>argument died three hours ago and people moved on, time to drag it back up
Like clockwork.

>> No.39016498

But! Buh-

Are you telling me my .50Cal M2 Browning is... Useless against the scantily-clad anime girl!? Nooooo!!!!! Help me /k/ommandos!

>> No.39016500
Quoted by: >>39016530

didn't vote for her, she ain't my queen

>> No.39016504
Quoted by: >>39016517

And he tried this like three fucking times

>> No.39016505

>KC said they can be known for growing horns and other monster features like black sclera and change to inhuman skin tones



Yes, but not in the era we, his readers, are self inserting into. Because KC knows his audience, he knows that, even though he has clarified it wouldn't lead to that situation, HIs audience greatly fears a situation where MGs would see human men as lesser or develop standards towards them by prefering incubi over them. So he just avoids the issue altogether.

>> No.39016515

>a flatly cow
>queen of milk
Hahaha lol, lmao

>> No.39016516

>KC said they can be known for growing horns and other monster features like black sclera and change to inhuman skin tones

Source? One of the most consistent things in the setting is that (barring special cases like chaos monster husbands in their optional transformed state) incubi cannot be told apart visually from regular human men.

>> No.39016517


Did you licked her abs? Did you licked the abs of any of her underlings? That counts as voting, per lick.

>> No.39016522
File: 1.12 MB, 992x1403, 96877765_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39016523


I mean I wouldn't be surprised if KC allowed it for very particular situations like drinking potions or maybe entering a specific area. But I have never seen KC state it. The only situation where such changes should be possible are with Chaos monster husbands.

>> No.39016530

She's not even big enough to run in the election, this shit is rigged.

>> No.39016538

She is more the queen of milk then that fake flat cow

>> No.39016540
Quoted by: >>39016554

I'm sorry Ma'am, you have awoo'd outside of the designated awooing hours. Your court day is on saturday.

>> No.39016543
Quoted by: >>39016554

Do not awoo this is a quiet zone.

>> No.39016546
Quoted by: >>39021390

>Yes, but not in the era we, his readers, are self inserting into. Because KC knows his audience, he knows that, even though he has clarified it wouldn't lead to that situation, HIs audience greatly fears a situation where MGs would see human men as lesser or develop standards towards them by prefering incubi over them. So he just avoids the issue altogether.

That's not the stated reason, rather he wants "monsters travel out to kidnap men" to be a common thing in the setting. If monsters could produce their own incubi then it would be much less common for them to journey out to find a mate. It has nothing to do with developing standards but rather KC wanting the "kidnap and ravish" aspect of the monster girl genre to be the norm in his setting at the point in time it takes place in.

>> No.39016548
File: 150 KB, 1043x338, Get fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked

>> No.39016554
File: 345 KB, 1774x2787, FCb75fmVIAMj7Gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39016556

I like this awoo, not a damn about the rules, just awoos

>> No.39016557

>Nooooo KC would never do anything like tha-

>> No.39016561
File: 112 KB, 823x667, 1538849004588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We gotta trouble maker here gals!
>get her!

>> No.39016562
File: 10 KB, 447x172, firefox_2022-03-17_21-53-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016568


>> No.39016568
Quoted by: >>39016575

Wikifags trying to cope.

>> No.39016570

Ah, Baphomet Complex. KC didn't write it, and its listed as a noncannon work on his site. So try again.


Everything below the white line in that list is non canon (i.e. everything below the cheshire cat doujin).

Also, that doesn't address the notion that horns are common.

>> No.39016573
Quoted by: >>39016635

>eye color change
>the exact same as all other monsterboys
And can you guess why shit like that isn’t discussed here no matter how much homos like you try to force it?

>> No.39016575

>gets owned again seconds after his post

>> No.39016581
Quoted by: >>39016586


Wow, a non canonical story has the husband changing eye colors! That must mean they can grow horns, tails and get blue skin!

>> No.39016584

What's a temporary, optional potion have to do with the idea that incubi don't look human? We've known for years such potions existed, but they're pretty fringe and not mentioned much even in the settings books.

>> No.39016586
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1200, 1444606296550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't grow wings to fly with my harpy wife

>> No.39016601
Quoted by: >>39016604

I wouldn't be opposed of harpy husbands gained the ability to just fly temporarily by using the mana she has stored within him through sex.

>> No.39016604

Heck, levitation magic might be an easier way to fly.

>> No.39016607
Quoted by: >>39016622

Just have her lift you up.

>> No.39016609

Why don't you retards make your own thread if you want to fantasize about monsterboys so much instead of trying to force it in place that has made it clear it doesn't want your shit. No amount disingenuous arguing is going to change that. Return to /tg/ with the rest of the vermin and stay there

>> No.39016610
File: 58 KB, 646x768, 1614164342910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016630

>tfw no portals so no way to venture out into the world to find a baphomet to impress.

>> No.39016611
File: 121 KB, 274x550, awoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows "No Awoo Zone"s just cause more awoos than ever.

>> No.39016612

I hope she can pay the fine for that awoo

>> No.39016622


Not everyone is married to a Dragon that can effortlessly carry tons of weight, anon. Though MGs in general are stated to be stronger than humans, even vanilla Succubuses, so I guess she should be able to carry her man very easily.

>> No.39016623

>KC would never make something that goes against humans fucking monste-

Wonderland girls also turn their "husbands" into literal dogs and fuck them. But please bitch about a guy with fox ears for the millionth time

>> No.39016624

>Be hardened sellsword
>See an advertisement from this exoctic land claiming the queen is offering hard silver for anyone who serves in her armys
>Why not it's not like demonsilver weapons can cause death so it's a much better gig than what you are used to, just so sick and tired of suffering that a nice cushy job for some fancy queen sounds like a nice retirement plan.
>Get to her "palace" and it's a decayed crumbling ruin of a castle
>Couple of level one p'orc guards snoozing at their posts
>Starting to get second thoughts when a voice from a tower window calls out
>Up Here I see you you made it Sir Knight, come inside and we will sort the details out
>Have a seat in her hall and begin looking at the contract of service written out
>Upon signing this contract you hereby pledge your life and service unto the queen of this castle until either the neighboring kingdom is conquered or you agree to become her husband
>turns out the neighboring kingdom is run by her older much more powerful sister and you have no hope of victory
Hows that for a scam.

>> No.39016627
File: 169 KB, 1536x2048, ERzwROkXUAEIo0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tan lines are best lines

>> No.39016628

are you ok?

>> No.39016630
Quoted by: >>39016649

How do you plan to impress her? If my waifu was one of those "defeat/impress" to marry I would just take the confession route or the massaging route KC confirmed for Hinezumis.

>> No.39016634
Quoted by: >>39016644

Ah great it's retard o'clock again, and they somehow keep getting dumber.

>> No.39016635

>And can you guess why shit like that isn’t discussed here
Who cares? It's part of the setting and breaks no rules.

>> No.39016644
File: 221 KB, 1489x2426, Haku ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know one way to cure retardation

>> No.39016645
File: 162 KB, 1200x1154, Anubis_fcddf8_7358599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would usually be the case, but they recently started putting Anubi in charge of said zones.
The rules WILL be enforced

>> No.39016646

Sounds like a training montage is in order. Gonna max level those P'Orcs in no time!

>> No.39016648
Quoted by: >>39016670


You mean the tentacle forest that is made of literal monster girls and whose parts which are not are made to get monster yuri sex and a human and his monster wife get hornier together? Go back to the "dem eyes means monstahboys!" it was way less forced and ridiculous than this.

>> No.39016649
Quoted by: >>39016713

Assuming renrushka is unmarried I'll learn her religion. If she is I learn magic until I luck into something or lose my soul searching for secrets best left forgotten.
Whichever, both are good options as a plan B.

>> No.39016654

>Everyone knows "No Awoo Zone"s just cause more awoos than ever.
>Everyone knows "No Rape Zone"s just cause more rapes than ever.
>Everyone knows "No Mofu Zone"s just cause more mofus than ever.
something ain't right here...

>> No.39016666
Quoted by: >>39016683

Tentacle plants in this setting are basically sex toys meant to enhance sex with men, not get in the way of it.

You also seem to take issue with monsters calling their mates husbands, is there something you are trying to say?

>> No.39016667
File: 389 KB, 1123x1200, 5ef52d1f4e19c5a0b9b65ca718736218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016678

>he doesn't know
You don't think it's even a little bit suspicious that there's no confirmed convictions or paid fines?

>> No.39016670
Quoted by: >>39016727

>being this much of a fag you're fine with your wife getting fucked by something that isn't you
How sad. Also they're not all girls, you're unironically playing defense for sentient plant cocks that fuck your wife.

>> No.39016675

>you bumbling idiot! you oafish fop! you hapless fool!
>you call THAT archery?!
>oh ho ho!
>Anon slouches over, depressed
>hey kid
>an ogre approaches
>you want to swing this club at stuff? I think you would have good form
>Anon leaves with his new gf
>elf goes home to eat mint chip icecream and cry

>> No.39016676
Quoted by: >>39016701

Posting furries outside /trash/ breaks 4chan rules, posting bestiality breaks several nation’s laws. Go be gay elsewhere.

>> No.39016678
Quoted by: >>39016704

Clearly, it's because of the fine upstanding anubis officers actually doing their jobs. It's why I feel safe walking through dark alleyways now

>> No.39016682
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, 1517464020749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking those sand dogs will enforce the awoo laws
when will we be free from this corrupt government that continues to awoos?

>> No.39016683
Quoted by: >>39016751

>yeah sure you get her once but I get to bring her home at the end of the day so who really wins?
This is how you sound. Also if you're going to cry about guys with animal ears but are fine with women turning you into a rape dog I'd say you just want easy sex over wife.

>> No.39016689

>Who cares? It's part of the setting and breaks no rules.

1) This is the MG thread, not MGE general. We set up the rules. If KC came up tomorrow and told MGs can and do reject people just like normal human women, after much heartbreaking and bitching, the thread would just tell him to fuck himself and proceed as usual.

2) Even if you want to be strict, you are not discussing the "monsterboys" canon to the setting. You want to discuss them? Fine, limit your discussion to the potion ones and to male Elves and Dwarves, which I think do exist in MGE.

>> No.39016690

Then try actually discussing that potion instead of bringing up stuff that is not part of the setting. Or better yet (given few here have any interest in this potion), go to a discussion board like Monster Girls Redux if you really want to talk about such things as they have a specific topic for the Theriomorphosis potion.

>> No.39016701
Quoted by: >>39016721

Been posted about for years on end along with Siths. Don't think anyone is on your side on that.

>> No.39016704
Quoted by: >>39016734

>officers actually doing their jobs. It's why I feel safe walking through dark alleyways now

You are confused. The Hellhound officers are the ones that actually make you feel safe, as long as you are willing to marry one.

>> No.39016707
Quoted by: >>39016730

or he could just, you know, not. compromise isn't necessary.

>> No.39016712
File: 725 KB, 3000x4000, EJ74JXTW4AEetp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up mutt fucker, don't you got a cat to serve with your dog?

>> No.39016713
Quoted by: >>39016725

>Renrushka is always accompanied by her husband at all times, and if she wants to talk to someone, she gives him an earful, and he speaks for her.
But I don't think that matters because every husband is potentially "you", at least that's how it seems to be treated by KC and Japanese fans. Even the profile girls (or at least most of them) are superposed to be married.

>> No.39016721

Ah yes, blatant lying is always the best defense.

>> No.39016725

You have to plan for these things ahead of time either way.

>> No.39016727
File: 32 KB, 196x210, Tentacle brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016744

Anon, fucking your wife is explicitly something they don't do.

>they will not touch her vagina, instead preparing her by melting her body and mind through fondling with tentacles and aphrodisiac mucous, binding her four limbs, and using the tentacles coiled around her thighs to face her towards the man with her legs spread and vagina exposed to urge him to penetrate her.

Also, if you really have issues with the tentacle forests then you could just, ya know, not go there?

>> No.39016728

>This is the MG thread, not MGE general
Doesn't seem like it with how hard people cry when another setting is posted like EMG.

>Discuss MGE stuff but not the stuff I don't like hearing
If it's part of a monster girl setting there should be no issue taking about it, or are we just now gonna ban Chaos enjoyers cause of what they do to their husband's?

>> No.39016730

I was just saying that if he wants to play the "lulz its canon to MGE" he isn't even being consistent with it. But as I stated, this is not MGE general, we collectively set up the rules.

>> No.39016734
File: 650 KB, 1262x869, 1506829160366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016748

I can feel safe from whatever I like and I'll make sure to teach that to any uppity K9 officers

>> No.39016744
Quoted by: >>39016777

>no yeah the species known for killing men and raping women for repopulation will only just completely blow out every other hole in your wife's body except maybe her pussy on a good day bro trust me
lol, lmao. Don't worry anon I'm sure your wife going there every night is just so she can go sightseeing.

>> No.39016748
File: 372 KB, 1336x1240, 54sVedEc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not very good at this.

>shortly thereafter

>> No.39016751

I don't recall saying I disliked guys with animals ears or that I was fine with getting turned into a dog. All I've said are in regards to what is in the setting vs. what isn't in it, this whole discussion starting due to a unfounded claim that incubi commonly grow horns, change skin color, etc.

>> No.39016762
Quoted by: >>39016775

>incubi commonly grow horns, change skin color, etc.
I thought MGE was about wish fulfillment, what happened?

>> No.39016773

Stop replying to the retard.

>> No.39016775

Not our fault that crabman is a hack and makes shit characters, but even then people have no problem with other settings and girls so long as they’re not shit, same with everything in those settings, if it’s not shit it’s fine, not our fault you seems to only want to discuss terrible things.
Within limits, KC isn’t a hack and doesn’t cater to every faggot out there.

>> No.39016777

After their species became unable to reproduce because fucking monster girls simply didn't work anymore (the pleasure they give is inferior to what a monster gets with a man she loves, and her body will not accept the plant's seeds), and then the plants proceeded to lose 90% of their population when they tried to attack Lilith and her husband, you better believe they are going to behave themselves. They know it is the only way to survive, and far more effective than their old ways at that.

>> No.39016780

facts are of little use right now.

>> No.39016787

>KC isn’t a hack
Let's see if we can an update today before we say that.

>> No.39016799
Quoted by: >>39016805

>doesn’t cater to every faggot out there.
He absolutely does try. He even allows futa in.

>> No.39016800
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x2333, 1628727919076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39016802

Now THAT is "instant loss"!

>> No.39016805


>> No.39016809
Quoted by: >>39016828

>you better believe they are going to behave themselves.
I see you're the type to believe the "out with friends" line.

>> No.39016819
Quoted by: >>39016858

He does though, not officially but he still said it's fine. He even condones cucking a dead man if you "really really love the monster"

>> No.39016824

Let’s hope these faggots hang themselves by the morning

>> No.39016826

Futa potions are a thing.

>> No.39016827

This is next level retardation.

>> No.39016828

And I see you don't care what the setting you're talking about actually says. Thanks for what at least for a short time was an interesting discussion though.

>> No.39016833
Quoted by: >>39016872

>esn't seem like it with how hard people cry when another setting is posted like EMG.

We discuss EMG, we just do it through a MGE lens. Almost no one gives a shit EMG is posted, there has been Mia postings in recent threads with no issues. It is fine as long as you don't bring up shit like the cheating Minotaur actually cheating. Not even that Minotaur is banned from the thread, she is just interpreted to be a MGE Mino that looks just like the EMG one.

>If it's part of a monster girl setting there should be no issue taking about it

We collectively set up the "rules". And yes, there is an issue, otherwise if Warhammer introduced monster girls it should be allowed according to your logic. Of course they aren't actual rules, you aren't banned fron here, but the thread will just tell you to fuck off or not reply to you.

>If it's part of a monster girl setting there should be no issue taking about it

No, few tell Chaos enjoyers to fuck off. They just aren't dicussed a lot. You are just making a bad attempt to say that because Chaos husbands are allowed, then shit like male demons, harpies, male tigers, etc. should be allowed. People can tell the difference between the two. You are drawing false equivalences to try to push shit the thread doesn't want.

>Discuss MGE stuff but not the stuff I don't like hearing
We like MGE for reasons. What do you think is going to happen if KC one day takes out the thing we like about MGE? Like zero NTR and nigh zero MG standards. Do you think we will just close the thread? Of course not. We get well along with KC and haven't needed to do that, even the furry cat and dog girls are tolerated in the thread. But should KC stray away from what we like, the thread can and will ignore it.

>> No.39016839
File: 405 KB, 1060x932, 1638423025800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma just keep posting anubis until people learn not to bite the bait

>> No.39016840
File: 568 KB, 1300x860, 1528001000460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be nice to turn a poor, crumbling kingdom into a vibrant paradise over the centuries with your waifu.

>> No.39016846

anubis guard is cute

>> No.39016847

What KC said, years and years ago, was that they may conceivably exist but that he'll never let them appear officially. Seems to be one of the fetishes he has no interest in doing, even if he doesn't detest it like he does NTR.

>> No.39016849
Quoted by: >>39016922

>Can't touch the guards on duty
That won't stop me because I can't understand their thick accents!

>> No.39016858

Not officially means it’s not part of the setting.
Go on, keep lying and showing how much of an outsider shitposter you are.

>> No.39016866
File: 488 KB, 2048x1620, good wan bad wan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016904

I don't think there's enough Anubis art to last to the heat death of the universe.
It occurs to me that there's essentially zero art that features both a Hellhound and Anubis. Odd.

>> No.39016872

>thread can and will ignore it.
You can, but when monsterboys and if ntr or anything of the like is officially introduced people can and SHOULD be allowed to post about it if it is relating to monster girls. Just because you have incredibly thin skin and can't imagine another man in the same universe as your wife without crying about losing her then maybe you should get some meds or you never deserved her to begin with

>> No.39016873
File: 140 KB, 532x260, Dragon_mamonization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it we dont get fun lore posts?
Iwant to talk about how theres a sword in lecastie that summons adark valk to you
Or the deal with women from dragonslayer liniages get turned into dragons themselves

>> No.39016878

Because look what happens every time someone brings up anything from MGE that isn't basic "me fuk monster" and a bad anatomy drawing of one

>> No.39016883
Quoted by: >>39016906

Again not the MGE general so no, we discuss what we want, you can go choke on a shotgun barrel if you want to discuss how many tryones you want to watch bang your wife, it will literally never be allowed in these threads no matter how much you cry and throw a fit about it.

>> No.39016886
File: 1.09 MB, 1111x1310, Fantasy-ero-Fantasy-art-Медуза-горгона-5689110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I explain to the medusa I find her statues sexier than her, in a way that she'll be kind enough to unstoneify them?

>> No.39016890
Quoted by: >>39018855

Someone knows the artist? Would love to commission a follow up where the guy gives the Anubis guard a peck in the lips while she is lifting him.

>> No.39016892
File: 197 KB, 850x1046, 1617948796429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016915

>> No.39016894
Quoted by: >>39016913

I;m justsaying theres a lot pore posotive shit to look up, to read, to enjoy
I'm more burnt-out on the cuck talk then angry at this point, I find it boring as fuck

>> No.39016898
Quoted by: >>39016923

>Iwant to talk about how theres a sword in lecastie that summons adark valk to you

There is?

>> No.39016904

>It occurs to me that there's essentially zero art that features both a Hellhound and Anubis. Odd.

There is an action pact of mutual avoidance to avoid conflict between the dog of chaos and the dog of order.

>> No.39016906
Quoted by: >>39016911

So more of a reason why your opinion is worth nothing. As long as it's about monster girls and doesn't break a site rule it belongs.

>> No.39016911
Quoted by: >>39016919

let me know how that works out for you.

>> No.39016913
Quoted by: >>39016943

Sorry anon, but this isn't the MGE general.

>> No.39016915
File: 136 KB, 2000x2319, awoobis ink color1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is mummification so hot? It's like turning women into trophies.

>> No.39016919

Hopefully about as well as you kissing your wife after deepthroating tentacle cocks

>> No.39016922
File: 96 KB, 2048x836, pap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What WILL stop you are the paws.

>> No.39016923
File: 1.17 MB, 901x1791, OracleSword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016941

>It is said that in the past this sword led the hero along with the Valkyries called to him on the path of justice; the person in whose hands this blade fell was always glorified as a noble and righteous hero. Nevertheless, when Lescatie became a Demon Realm, this sword, like all other magical swords, changed its nature. Corrupted by mana mamono, Pucelle's Oracle Sowrd now summons the maiden of battle with black wings that serves the Fallen God - the "Dark Valkyrie". No matter how virtuous is one who holds this depraved blade, being "attuned" to the depraved spirit of the Dark Valkyrie, which is full of carnal desire, his spirit will become equally aroused and faithful to his lustful desires. Regardless of the new owner's innate qualities, the sword will create a "chosen one" that will possess a spirit suited to the follower of the Fallen God. This magical sword will also summon a Dark Valkyrie, which will be synchronized with the newborn Dark Hero and become his faithful companion. Led by the Dark Valkyrie, the new master of this blade will plunge into sex and pleasure. Wherever this pair will go, everywhere they will carry the teachings of the Fallen God, expand the Demon Realms and eventually the owner of this sword will become a famous Dark Hero.

>> No.39016927

>You can, but when monsterboys and if ntr or anything of the like is officially introduced people can and SHOULD be allowed to post about it if it is relating to monster girls
So if Warhammer introduce monstergirls do you think they should be allowed?

>can't imagine another man in the same universe as your wife
I am pretty sure no one belives there is literally no men in MGE besides the self insert anons. The fuck? Human men are stated to be very numerous.

>you never deserved her to begin with
MGE is not about "deserving" it is about free love given to men.

>> No.39016929
Quoted by: >>39016942

>In the case of a human woman unfortunate enough to wander into the area, the tentacles just violate her until she becomes a monster - usually a roper or regular succubus - then dump her on the edge of the forest.
Imagine being the poor bastard to get THAT for a wife.

>> No.39016933

>So if Warhammer introduce monstergirls do you think they should be allowed?
Are people talking about the monster girls? Then yes.

>> No.39016934
File: 183 KB, 1200x854, Elastic+hyena_2c8b4f_8550047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016945

>> No.39016936

Stop replying, retard.

>> No.39016941
Quoted by: >>39018861

Don't forget about the execution sword that monsters were so fucked up over it got corrupted into a sword that turns women into Dullahans and acts like an undead mushroom for guys

>> No.39016942
Quoted by: >>39016958

ropers r cute

>> No.39016943
Quoted by: >>39016951

I don't like NTR, full stop
It doesn't matter the girl or the setting, I just don't want to hear stupid shit regarding someones faggy fantasies

>> No.39016944
Quoted by: >>39017053

not wanting people intentionally bringing shit that has consistently been rejected here and then twisting KC's words to support their shitposting is apparently "basic"
fuck off with this disingenuous bullshit

>> No.39016945

>this is what anubis posting is on the other side

>> No.39016947

>MGE is not about "deserving" it is about free love given to men.
Wrong, even monsters have standards and if they feel like you deserve the love you'll get it. If not you die.

>> No.39016951
Quoted by: >>39016977

>I don't like NTR, full stop
Man that's great but I don't really care. If it's about monster girls it belongs since this is a general thread about monster girls.

>> No.39016954
Quoted by: >>39016969

>Threatening someone with a good time
These guards really aren't good at getting someone to stop

>> No.39016956
File: 550 KB, 615x1004, 1638218860406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39016973

>> No.39016958
Quoted by: >>39016988

Not when they're used goods.

>> No.39016960

>If not you die.

I thought I was done replying, but wow anon. If you actually mean any of this you seem awfully bitter about the MGE so I suggest you go do something constructive.

>> No.39016969

Dunno, sounds like they're succeeding in their job.

>> No.39016972
File: 491 KB, 1181x759, SnCYxzp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Wives.

>> No.39016973

! !

>> No.39016977

And nobody cares what you want either so fuck off.

>> No.39016988

roper seeds are tipped with demon silver so the hymen remains intact
i mean, i wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.39016989
File: 3.05 MB, 2481x3507, 1620980443211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017063

>> No.39016995
File: 739 KB, 963x809, DemonHeroPucelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Formerly an ordinary farm girl, now as a Dark Hero she is about to expand the demon realm with the Pucelle's Oracle Sword. It is said that today a new Dark Hero is born in the territory of Lescatie, guided by this sword.

>> No.39016998

i have none

>> No.39017000

Fuck you P.slime fag, share where you got all those P.slimes with us they're an endangered species

>> No.39017023

The shitters always come around this time, but woah today they are really rabid. Whenever I think they can't get dumber they surpass my expectations. I am almost impressed.

>> No.39017033

So do you just hand the sword down once you get a husband or wife? Or are there actually a good few of these swords that just show up for the unfortunate?

>> No.39017037
Quoted by: >>39017048

>Wrong, even monsters have standards and if they feel like you deserve the love you'll get it

No, even lizards and the like waive their standards if you confess to them or just court them. Nothing about "deserving", there are no hard standards preventing you from marrying a monster girl. The only standard they have is being an unrepentant murdering evil scum.

> If not you die.

>> No.39017039

Simple. Just gotta search old ruins and the random armor or weapons strewn about. They like to hide around that area. Or i can provide divisions for you to use on a women of your desire. Two of my own harem are actually divisions.

>> No.39017043

La Pucelle = Joan of Arc

>> No.39017044

Nope, as long as I want to post monster girls I'll be here. Sorry that offends your delicate sensibilities, maybe those tentacle forests will have fun with you with how much of a bitch you are.

>> No.39017046

sounds like a cursed sword

>> No.39017047
File: 262 KB, 728x1062, Parasite Slime 1570316323102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet parasite slimes are more common than they seem, just very shy as they know they have a bad reputation.

I assume the magic sword just leaves you once your hero career is over. Other parts of the article note how the sword tends to go to poor people in slums and such, people who need power rather than elites who already have it.

>> No.39017048
Quoted by: >>39017077

Right, if you're a bad person monster girls will kill you.

>> No.39017053
Quoted by: >>39017066

He is not even twisting KC's words. But outright making up shit. Like saying MGs only love you if they think you "deserve" to be loved.

>> No.39017057
Quoted by: >>39017082

to expand on>>39017047
>In the past, the Oracle Sword was considered a "legendary sword," a treasure bestowed upon Lescatie by the Chief God, and only heroes who were "worthy" of Valkyries could use it. However, nowadays this sword turns those in whose hands it is held into "people worthy" of the Dark Valkyrie, so anyone can wield it. Unlike in the past, Pucelle's Oracle Sword no longer chooses its master, but tends to stay away from noble heroes and instead prefers to end up with poor boys in the slums or even geting picked up by thieves who have infiltrated Lescatie. My personal assumption is that since the nature of the sword has become the opposite, Pucelle's Oracle Strong, which was originally a "sword for the strong" and talented, has become a "sword for the weak" who desire salvation. In other words, this sword favors those people who will be most attracted to the "teachings of the Fallen God" and at the same time those who need her teachings the most. This blade was once touched by a brute brigand and as a result he became a "Dark Hero" that, along with his Dark Valkyrie, turned poor villages into Demon Realms. When he appears anywhere with his Valkyrie wife, he behaves in a very friendly and exemplarily indecent manner.

>> No.39017058

> literally dozens of websites and threads catering to every shit fetish imaginable to talk about whatever weird shit you want
>I know, I should relentlessly shit up the single place on the internet dedicated to being as vanilla as possible that absolutely does not want me there
Why does it keep happening to us bros?

>> No.39017063
File: 79 KB, 844x602, 1621467185823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39017066
Quoted by: >>39017113

>But outright making up shit.
Oh so we're just actually ignoring the things KC says so we don't get offended now? Monster girls literally have a standard when it comes to what men they want anon are you just blind?

>> No.39017072

Because you feed them an endless supply of (You)s

>> No.39017077

>Right, if you're a bad person monster girls will kill you.

A Darth Sidious level bad person, in self defense, in the ongoing process of killing her husband, friends or her. Nice try making it sound like MGs have hard standards or only love you if they think you "deserve" it. There is even a prison for evil people, and guess what? People are not killed or mistreated there and men there can at times get wives too, presumably after they cool off and get over their edgy attitude. I asked KC personally on this.

>> No.39017078

Evil only wishes to corrupt

>> No.39017079

a combination of being mad at being gatekept and taking our dislike of their fetishes very personally

>> No.39017082

>poor boys in the slums or even geting picked up by thieves who have infiltrated Lescatie.
See this is weird since before in that world guide it makes a very clear point that men aren't common as Dark Heroes and are more likely to be Esquires which honestly is kind of lame. Like what the fuck KC I have to be the lamest class that feels like something for bottoms while monster get all the cool shit?

>> No.39017094
Quoted by: >>39017113

Uh huh.

>> No.39017095
Quoted by: >>39017105

theres allways hope of a promotion

>> No.39017098

They shitpost regardless, if we all completely ignore them they’re just gonna circle jerk each other and post their garbage more, gatekeeping is a huge part of what has kept these threads alive and mostly not shit for over a decade now.

>> No.39017102

if i sex the manic-pixie-dream-girl cheshire cat and the yass-ified jabberwock, will i finally get wonderland street cred?

>> No.39017105
File: 1.11 MB, 1724x2488, Dark_Esquire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I'd rather be a guy with a pointy stick at that point, less humiliating than having this be the representation for the class men get forced into.

>> No.39017109
File: 890 KB, 994x1081, MariaBellaPNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017117

>I bet parasite slimes are more common than they seem, just very shy as they know they have a bad reputation.
This. They Are slime and thus Multiply decently Fast. Any male adventure who has had re-occurring wet dreams is probably just being sucked off for some sweet SE as they sleep. That or its a Nightmare.

>> No.39017112

Honestly I've seen what happens when they don't get told to fuck off and it's far worse so it is what it is I guess.

>> No.39017113
Quoted by: >>39017126

>Monster girls literally have a standard when it comes to what men they want anon are you just blind?

Yeah, the standard being "don't be a Darth Sidious level psychopath". Wow, this still has nothing to do with MGs only loving you if you they think you "deserve" to be loved, you pulled that shit out of your ass.

KC himself stated at times aggressive MGs rape men there, I am just speculated on the circumstances it happens, but KC confirmed it does happen.

>> No.39017115
Quoted by: >>39017138

Pretty sure thats just a look for Dark Esquires who are in service to male Dark Knights.

>> No.39017116
Quoted by: >>39017138

they do mention being in the army fighting alongside you're waifu and not as an alp

>> No.39017117

What even was the problem people had with PSlimes again? I completely forget.

>> No.39017118

Lamest class? Esquires are well respected anon and have some amazing abilities.

>The “Dark Esquire” of Lescatie is not a knight’s servant, but a full-fledged “Knight”, who officially received the title from Druella and the seven Princesses of Lescatie. But if the Dark Knight is the one who defends its country, people and its spouse in battle, then the Dark Esquire is a knight who defends his soulmate in a battle. This position in no way casts a shadow on the honor of a knight, at least in Lescatie. in Lescatie equally popular stories about a knight helping a princess whom they loves, and a story about a Esquire helping their beloved knight. The latter are even considered more preferable.

Also, the reason men are more likely to become esquires is because they don't desire to become heroes or dark knights, they seek their position due to being a normal person who married a dark hero or knight and want to help her.

>> No.39017122
File: 452 KB, 900x950, 1619672009623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39017126
Quoted by: >>39017135

Proofs or gtfo with this prison shit. Seems completely retarded

>> No.39017131

Heroes are meant to be strongest humans/monsters. That's the literally point. By definition they are not the norm. Besides, nothing stops from training to become one, or get some help from magic.

>> No.39017135

Post your proof that monster girls will reject you.

>> No.39017136
Quoted by: >>39017156

I don’t like ‘em because they’re nasty, personally.

>> No.39017138

Yeah but at least make then look cool and not lamer than the literal fag Eva.

>> No.39017147

Baphomets wanting strong husbands, where KC said you COULD get one if you really really really tried.

>> No.39017149
Quoted by: >>39017180

They are a parasite, not a monster girl, you’re not fucking a girl or a slime, you’re fucking the mindless infected husk of a woman that slime has taken over. Parasite slimes, ropers, and mantango all need to be removed.

>> No.39017156
File: 467 KB, 1000x1180, snistra-slime-carrier-nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017180

The whole infection thing and ego-death memes. They are also an acquired taste, but i love em so fuck it imma keep posting them.


>> No.39017160
Quoted by: >>39017173

So yes anybody can have any monster girl, thanks for proving yourself wrong.

>> No.39017163

>amazing abilities.
Dark Warriors can move so fast ot feels like they're teleporting, meanwhile Esquires can uhhh press their back into their wives and synchronize their breathing?

>> No.39017168
Quoted by: >>39017191

Some examples of cool dark esquire skills:

>Synchronized Mana Breathing ()
By constantly exchanging mana with each other, the Dark Knight and Esquire can synchronize their feelings and even share their thoughts. Without saying anything, they can understand each other's thoughts and know exactly what the partner will do. This technique eliminates the need to speak during the battle and even a wink will become unnecessary for the couple. Performing "Synchronized Mana Breath", the user will feel one with their partner, as if they are one. The sensations are very similar to achieving complete harmony after using the breathing technique for unity with nature. In addition, by additionally concentrating essence, the user can share with his partner hearing, sight, smell, etc.


>Formation of Demonic Couple - Impression ()
>This is one of the basic Formation when the Dark Esquire battles with his partner in an attack. Moving forward in a coordinated fashion, the pair, with the help of their swords, will smoothly pass through the enemy soldiers, like a stream of water. The essence of this technique is that the couple jointly performs the “Succubus Combat Dance”. From the “Combat Dance” of the succubus, who successfully found a man for herself, who became her soulmate, and dances with her, it seems that their bodies are intertwined. And at the same time, he becomes more sensual and impressive, but he does not collect on those dancing the lust those, who sees him, but concussion the lust all around. Regardless of gender, a person who was fascinated by the couple’s martial dance will be overcome by excitement and desire sex. However, these feelings will not be directed to a married monster-girl, they will accumulate very quickly in a person and, struggling with own desire, he will not even be able to move. If this is noticed by a fighting demonic couple, then they will cut the enemy with realm silver blades.

>> No.39017173

Except that's an incredibly rare thing KC put in a Q&A and not the norm. They would still regret you otherwise.

>> No.39017178
Quoted by: >>39017207

>Baphomets wanting strong husbands

Oh, HE went there, how cute. Kek. KC has stated multiple times in multiple media those standars are waived if a guy courts her or confess to her. And it is now heavily implied the process involves having sex with her.

>> No.39017179
Quoted by: >>39017218

Monsters would reject half of this thread for being bitchboys. They would rather go extinct than have their bloodlines tainted by us.

>> No.39017180

I don't know who to trust.

>> No.39017186
Quoted by: >>39017200

Ah geeze anon which one of those belongs in the turbo hugbox setting that is MGE. Use your brain my guy.

>> No.39017191

>wants people to get off looking at his wife
Truly Dark Esquire is the thinking man's class

>> No.39017200

What's a brain?

>> No.39017206

Not that brain slurping slime that’s for sure.

>> No.39017207
Quoted by: >>39017266

Again, exception and not the norm. So anyways those prison proofs please or are people just using headcanon now?

>> No.39017210

Pulling out just as about to cum and jizz all over the monstergirl's face and body instead

>> No.39017214

Then trust the basic law of the setting, namely that monsterized women retain their true selves, personalities, etc. any instance where this seems to not be the case is due to the woman having led a repressed, false life that monsterization freed her of.

>> No.39017218

Don’t be happy in your own fantasy world then, I’ll enjoy any monster girls I want.

>> No.39017221
Quoted by: >>39017244

>Lust skyrockets to keep pace with the monsters' insatiable hunger for sex, and their interests in other things (like work and hobbies) decrease, as sexual activity becomes a more important part of their lives:
Wizards win once again.

>> No.39017222

The Profile directly states they are controlled by the will of the Host once infected.

>> No.39017233
File: 487 KB, 1000x1200, Finally after ten thousand years I&#039;m free! Time to conquer Earth I mean China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39017237

>True Nature

>In World Guide 3, the baphomet Runya Runya shares convincing arguments that incubi and heroes are essentially the same type of being. That is, they are humans that have broken the "shackles" that are thought of as human limits, the only difference ultimately being that where heroes have their shackles broken by divine power (or sometimes other sources of energy), incubi utilize demonic energy to remove their limiters.
Can we go home now?

>> No.39017244

You're quoting the wiki there, not anything the actual setting says. Seems a edit is needed, that was probably written before it became clear that you can readily retain your interest in your regular hobbies as an incubus.

Heck, some incubi only have sex at night, enabling them to live completely "normal" lives during the day.

>> No.39017258

Please, come and save us from this hell already.

>> No.39017261

>Under the current concept, monsters are all female beings that only possess Demonic mana,
So this implies that there won't just be female monsters in the future.

>> No.39017266
Quoted by: >>39017278

The "hell" prison was mentioned a long time ago in a tweet. Hopefully somebody can find it, it's past midnight where I am and I'm having no luck locating it on MGR. For what it's worth, it's never implied that the people in the prison are the "scum beyond redemption" sort as the whole point of the prison is to rehabilitate the men. Monsters employed there are good at detecting lies.

You underestimate the muscular strength of a monster's vagina.

>> No.39017267
Quoted by: >>39017286

No it doesn’t no matter how much you want to take the knot you’ll never get it.

>> No.39017278
Quoted by: >>39017424

>no proofs
Disregarded then. World Guide 2 already says they execute people.

>> No.39017279

Bro you've been at this for nearly three hours can't you go do something productive.

>> No.39017281
File: 687 KB, 2500x1770, 1631246558759.jpg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017303

Nice try, boy.

>> No.39017283
File: 922 KB, 850x680, 1639534935030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39017284
File: 928 KB, 621x899, 621px-Kirsh2_Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the insane serivce a cursed sword sword can provide

>> No.39017286

Then why use the word "current" when that implies a new system might come later

>> No.39017290
File: 29 KB, 337x260, Baphomet353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitters are really desperate to twist anything KC says.

>> No.39017293
Quoted by: >>39017307

God she was so fucking lame, might as well have been a silhouette with how much of a non-character she was

>> No.39017295
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x2178, 1643748554697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017320

I think China would immediately improve in every way if a fox took over

>> No.39017303

Girls forcing you to cum inside is so fucking hot holy shit.

>> No.39017307

eh, could be worse
She gave me a few ideasfor cursed sword stories

>> No.39017309

Why don't the DL and her husband just kill the Chief God and be done with it? Wouldn't that person be considered as scum beyond redemption with everything that side has done?

>> No.39017310
Quoted by: >>39017330

Literally read anything, monsters used to be actual monsters and beasts under the previous demon lord, thus why it’s called current.

>> No.39017313
Quoted by: >>39017330

because the previous system was different you dingus. human boys are the male half of monsters this is why the kot in the game calls you tom.

>> No.39017320

China would just eat the fox, but not before skinning it alive.

>> No.39017330

Wouldn't "new" be a better word to use then? Again, current implies something else may come along in the future.

>> No.39017335

Well the actual Chief God hasn't been around for a long ass time and the current lady running things isn't smalltime enough to just get deleted so it is how it is.

>> No.39017342
File: 779 KB, 1280x1268, 1622377100272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39017344
Quoted by: >>39017350

I really wish you would currently kill yourself.

>> No.39017350

Nah that doesn't work

>> No.39017365
Quoted by: >>39017388

Cursed swords are cool and all, but what a civilized man like me really needs is a functionality-first, elegant ''holy'' sword that does not look like a retarded cactus made out of metal.

>> No.39017366

Maybe because you’re retarded, maybe because we’re having to translate all of this from a 2,000 year old language with no similarities to our language.

>> No.39017370
Quoted by: >>39017430

Random Fact about pslimes fromKC for any interested:
I'm sure the slime has a cute face to make men like it.
The slime carrier can make the slime smaller and hide it inside the body.

>> No.39017381
File: 1.11 MB, 1409x2000, SuccubussNotebook_Back1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you people really forgotten?

>> No.39017388

But i like theretard cactus armor
Shes a sword, shes MEANT to cut you with her edge!

>> No.39017391
File: 1.35 MB, 2144x1512, 1644896391422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017420

We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.39017396
File: 141 KB, 850x970, 1528001000320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a monstergirl loving you

>> No.39017398
File: 151 KB, 926x623, 1533093067461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never forget succubutt

>> No.39017414
Quoted by: >>39017441

The current chief god is in a realm that they can't reach, having retreated there after losing to them in battle.

>> No.39017417

>He deeply loves his wife, but he has a strong sense of justice, and a stubborn side to him. It is said that the minions get spooked from seeing how he fights with his wife"
What does this actually mean?

>> No.39017420

It's like the roulette but without the sinister wizard conspiracy

>> No.39017421

Can you really call it "new" when the current mamono lord came to power a thousand years ago? "Current" seems less misleading.

>> No.39017424

Are you being intentionally retarded? MGs can kill in self defense, it is never stated they execute surrendered evil men.

>> No.39017430
Quoted by: >>39017518

Ah yeah, was trying to find that remark. It's another indication of how the woman the slime has infested is still in charge.

>> No.39017435

What happens when you tell your elven waifu/girlfriend you have taken an interest in researching their old god of destruction, blood and murder: Khaine?

>> No.39017439
File: 565 KB, 1247x500, BladeofSalvation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is never stated they execute surrendered evil men.

>> No.39017441

The Demon Lord and her Husband have a victorious threesome sex with Current Chief God when they win, yes?

>> No.39017443

The same thing I'm gonna tell you: Fuck off.

>> No.39017449

She unplugs your router and rapes you until you can no longer think about shitposting.

>> No.39017454
Quoted by: >>39017544

>regardless of the user's will, the sword moves the owner's body to him and tries to decapitate the sinner. No trick will work against someone who uses this Blade of Salvation.

>> No.39017459

why do you guys reply?

>> No.39017473
File: 33 KB, 317x500, Ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017485

Yosh! The shift is over! Now we can watch Picnic at Hanging Rock!

>> No.39017476


>> No.39017485

She then immediately receives an email before she clocks out saying she has to stay for overtime.

>> No.39017501
Quoted by: >>39017546

>gets proven wrong and just shuts up
Get fucked kek

>> No.39017510

This is my bait, it was made for me.

>> No.39017518

Your welcome. Glad i asked KC about it. The Extra book art kinda implies it but this is even more concrete.

>> No.39017522

He's obviously just baiting you my man. You'd have to be braindead to actually think that'd be a thing in MGE.

>> No.39017525

Lots of people are braindead.

>> No.39017544
Quoted by: >>39017554

See >>39017454 and tell me that's not an execution.

>> No.39017546
File: 29 KB, 1289x127, getfucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39017550 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017555


Just in case, here's the next paragraph that he "conveniently" forgot to post

>If a woman's head is blown off by this sword, she will turn into a headless monster "dullahan" and become the new executioner for this sword. The man, however, will not be decapitated by this sword and not even a cut will remain on his neck, instead he will fall into a state of half-death, as if he had eaten the "undead grey lamentation shroom." Eventually, he will be "rescued" from the depths of pseudo-death by the hands of monsters.

>> No.39017554 [DELETED] 

See >>39017546
Get fucked

>> No.39017555 [DELETED] 

Still an execution.

>> No.39017564 [DELETED] 

Alright now someone play the curb your enthusiasm theme.

>> No.39017568 [DELETED] 

>line people you don't like next to each other and start swinging a sword at their head one after the other
>nah man totally doesn't count as an execution dude even if it's done 1:1 in the exact same way as before
It's astounding how dumb people are

>> No.39017591
File: 302 KB, 800x1476, 1481715727761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017602

what is the best kind of slime?

>> No.39017597 [DELETED] 

Well thus thread died fast

>> No.39017602

Zipangu smiling slimes

>> No.39017604
File: 1.80 MB, 2295x3068, 1618447432231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last post before I go to bed.
Maybe one day people will figure out not to swallow the bait and leave the deepthroating to the monsters

>> No.39017606 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017655

definition of "execution":
>the carrying out of a sentence of death on a condemned person.
And don't try to be clever by saying that it is still an execution because they become undead. MGE undead are "alive" in every meaningful aspect.

>> No.39017627 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 696x470, not today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring up the magic swords in order to do some cool loreposting
>ends up as this
I fucking tried anons

>> No.39017637 [DELETED] 

Man is the one who is truly corrupt not monsters.

>> No.39017644 [DELETED] 

looks like lich had a good st pattys day

>> No.39017650 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 360x210, 0897EBAF-7640-4D4F-A36D-90639B22A841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just gotta ignore those guys that want to be like this man. Please do keep up the cool loreposting. It’s nice to be able to talk about the setting.

>> No.39017654 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017696

Lately a troll has been posting shit making anons believe MGs reject men. I will not reply to the troll, but I will post the material discrediting his claims.

>Except that's an incredibly rare thing
>Also, it's not uncommon for us to fall for men determined to have a baphomet wife who challenge us over and over without giving up, even if they are completely unremarkable.

NOT uncommon. There are also so much more materails, tweets and the like. For example, KC confirming you can bypass Hinezumi's fighting requirement just by giving her massages.

>“Aniue, you were the only one to 'keep bestowing' it upon me despite knowing my power”. (Bapho explaining why she fell in love with weak guy, also heavily implying it invovles sex)

Further information of how the few MGs that prefer stronger men, in this case Bapho, being helpful and how they treat a man that wants to marry her. She will not just cruelly toss you aside, she will fuck you.:
>Perhaps it is because of the ecology of monsters who spend their vast lifetimes with the males they have chosen, that they often respond to failures with "Let's work together next time, big brother ".
>If you have a shortcoming, " I'll make you more wonderful ".
>They tend to think about it over a long period of time without taking it too seriously.
>They also tend to accumulate an inexhaustible amount of love and desire in a point system.

Advice on dealing with such girls, more confirmation she will fuck you in the process:
>So, even if you can't reach her! If you're hoping to connect with a monster girl who' s out of your reach, attack her and appeal to her, even if you're weak or dumb at the moment!
>It will look "delicious" to the monster girl. If anything, they might even help you by squeezing and squeezing you so that you can grow up to be "a male worthy of having her".

>A Bapho tell us what worthy" to MGs really mean. By the way, MGs get very pissed off if you think of yourself as unworthy:
>“You feel it yourself too, right?
>Aniue, it's proof that this body of mine has submitted to you as a female...
>And you've even remained hard and kept ejaculating in an attempt to impregnate me, haven't you
>You're doing what is required of a male, so how dare you call yourself unworthy”

>Confirmation from KC's tweets that MGs attraction to you is greatly influenced by how much you like her:
>They are even more vulnerable to "desire" that seeks them out more directly.
>"I want to marry ______ (personal name)! I want to have sex with you and cherish you for the rest of my life!" is the most potent. Even if you don't say it, monsters can sense it by your gaze, gestures, and atmosphere, and they will come after you.
>"I want to be with xx (a certain race)" is also very attractive to them.

There is also:
>>39017381 which really, summarize all this in a neat simple image. Finally KC stated that MGE is not meant to make you suffer on the conrary and that THE fundamental rule of MGE is "love trumps all", you can't get any higher confirmation than that. There is more information that I didn't included and likely forgot to include or just don't know about.

TL;DR: Don't let a grimdark troll get in the way of your waifu fantasy.

>> No.39017655 [DELETED] 

>left in a half-dead state
Yeah but it's totally fine though yeah.

>> No.39017663 [DELETED] 

Very well
you tell me about what you posted and I'll find more lore to post

>> No.39017666 [DELETED] 

Not MGE general

>> No.39017673 [DELETED] 

You must be great at picking cherries.

>> No.39017681 [DELETED] 

>literally like 4 hours of non-stop dedicated shitposting from this one fucking guy
This thread must have gotten fucking cursed at some point to attract retards this determined to be a pest.

>> No.39017683 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017720

Lately a troll has been posting shit making anons believe MGs reject men. I will not reply to the troll, but I will post the material discrediting his claims.

>Except that's an incredibly rare thing
>Also, it's not uncommon for us to fall for men determined to have a baphomet wife who challenge us over and over without giving up, even if they are completely unremarkable.

NOT uncommon. There are also so much more materails, tweets and the like. For example, KC confirming you can bypass Hinezumi's fighting requirement just by giving her massages.

>“Aniue, you were the only one to 'keep bestowing' it upon me despite knowing my power”. (Bapho explaining why she fell in love with weak guy, also heavily implying it invovles sex)

Further information of how the few MGs that prefer stronger men, in this case Bapho, being helpful and how they treat a man that wants to marry her. She will not just cruelly toss you aside, she will fuck you.:
>Perhaps it is because of the ecology of monsters who spend their vast lifetimes with the males they have chosen, that they often respond to failures with "Let's work together next time, big brother ".
>If you have a shortcoming, " I'll make you more wonderful ".
>They tend to think about it over a long period of time without taking it too seriously.
>They also tend to accumulate an inexhaustible amount of love and desire in a point system.

Advice on dealing with such girls, more confirmation she will fuck you in the process:
>So, even if you can't reach her! If you're hoping to connect with a monster girl who' s out of your reach, attack her and appeal to her, even if you're weak or dumb at the moment!
>It will look "delicious" to the monster girl. If anything, they might even help you by squeezing and squeezing you so that you can grow up to be "a male worthy of having her".

A Bapho tell us what worthy" to MGs really mean. By the way, MGs get very pissed off if you think of yourself as unworthy:
>“You feel it yourself too, right?
>Aniue, it's proof that this body of mine has submitted to you as a female...
>And you've even remained hard and kept ejaculating in an attempt to impregnate me, haven't you
>You're doing what is required of a male, so how dare you call yourself unworthy”

Confirmation from KC's tweets that MGs attraction to you is greatly influenced by how much you like her:
>They are even more vulnerable to "desire" that seeks them out more directly.
>"I want to marry ______ (personal name)! I want to have sex with you and cherish you for the rest of my life!" is the most potent. Even if you don't say it, monsters can sense it by your gaze, gestures, and atmosphere, and they will come after you.
>"I want to be with xx (a certain race)" is also very attractive to them.

There is also:
>>39017381 which really, summarize all this in a neat simple image. Finally KC stated that MGE is not meant to make you suffer on the contrary and that THE fundamental rule of MGE is "love trumps all", you can't get any higher confirmation than that. There is more information that I didn't included and likely forgot to include or just don't know about.

TL;DR: Don't let a grimdark troll angry we don't accept his bullshit here get in the way of your waifu fantasy by trying to drag you to his misery. Reposted correcting some typos.

>> No.39017696 [DELETED] 

Lot of cope you got there going on. Preparing for when those portals open up and you end up with nobody?

>> No.39017710 [DELETED] 

Might as well just go and play video games or something, maybe do some reading. These are dead hours so hopefully he'll starve himself out.

>> No.39017720 [DELETED] 

You misspelled "materials" twice there, anon.

>> No.39017741 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017868

>you are doing what is REQUIRED of a male
Once again my point is proven for me, if you cannot provide properly they will not even consider you a man. Maybe that anon talking about monsterized women being awful was onto something.

>> No.39017753 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017769

i have no words

>> No.39017769 [DELETED] 

You just used 4

>> No.39017777 [DELETED] 

Lately a troll has been posting shit making anons believe MGs reject men. I will not reply to the troll, but I will post the materials discrediting his claims.

>Also, it's not uncommon for us to fall for men determined to have a baphomet wife who challenge us over and over without giving up, even if they are completely unremarkable.

NOT uncommon. There are also so much more materials, tweets and the like. For example, KC confirming you can bypass Hinezumi's fighting requirement just by giving her massages.

>“Aniue, you were the only one to 'keep bestowing' it upon me despite knowing my power”. (Bapho explaining why she fell in love with weak guy, also heavily implying it invovles sex)

Further information of how the few MGs that prefer stronger men, in this case Bapho, being helpful and how they treat a man that wants to marry her. She will not just cruelly toss you aside, she will fuck you.:
>Perhaps it is because of the ecology of monsters who spend their vast lifetimes with the males they have chosen, that they often respond to failures with "Let's work together next time, big brother ".
>If you have a shortcoming, " I'll make you more wonderful ".
>They tend to think about it over a long period of time without taking it too seriously.
>They also tend to accumulate an inexhaustible amount of love and desire in a point system.

Advice on dealing with such girls, more confirmation she will fuck you in the process:
>So, even if you can't reach her! If you're hoping to connect with a monster girl who' s out of your reach, attack her and appeal to her, even if you're weak or dumb at the moment!
>It will look "delicious" to the monster girl. If anything, they might even help you by squeezing and squeezing you so that you can grow up to be "a male worthy of having her".

A Bapho tell us what worthy" to MGs really mean. By the way, MGs get very pissed off if you think of yourself as unworthy:
>“You feel it yourself too, right?
>Aniue, it's proof that this body of mine has submitted to you as a female...
>And you've even remained hard and kept ejaculating in an attempt to impregnate me, haven't you
>You're doing what is required of a male, so how dare you call yourself unworthy”

Confirmation from KC's tweets that MGs attraction to you is greatly influenced by how much you like her:
>They are even more vulnerable to "desire" that seeks them out more directly.
>"I want to marry ______ (personal name)! I want to have sex with you and cherish you for the rest of my life!" is the most potent. Even if you don't say it, monsters can sense it by your gaze, gestures, and atmosphere, and they will come after you.
>"I want to be with xx (a certain race)" is also very attractive to them.

There is also:
>>39017381 which really, summarize all this in a neat simple image. Finally KC stated that MGE is not meant to make you suffer on the contrary and that THE fundamental rule of MGE is "love trumps all", you can't get any higher confirmation than that. There is more information that I didn't included and likely forgot to include or just don't know about.

TL;DR: Don't let a grimdark troll angry we don't accept his bullshit here get in the way of your waifu fantasy by trying to drag you to his misery. Final repost adding some notes and correcting more typos, if some remained, too bad. As a final note, remember the MGs that have a preference for stronger men are the vast minority, most don't. But as shown here, you can get those MGs as wives even if you aren't such a man.

>> No.39017797
File: 60 KB, 687x784, 1623430424226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chivalry is not dead.

>> No.39017799 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 800x580, FUCKOFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39017836


>> No.39017804

Yes, but is it really needed for her to "defend my honor" online all the time?

>> No.39017808

Cute doughragon. Can she teach me how to sword fight?

>> No.39017822
Quoted by: >>39017832

Any news on the game?

>> No.39017832

Nope, scam game. KC is a fucking hack that took money from his paypigs for a load of nothing.

>> No.39017836 [DELETED] 

Anon the first guy was making a joke

>> No.39017841 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017868

Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made. They hate us because we are happy and they are not, don’t let them take away your happiness, never let them win.
>holy quads on this post
Blessed and truthful post, the shitters cannot fathom a world where people can be truly and genuinely happy without some kind of hidden narrative or evil meaning so they try to create one, other wise they’ll have to compare it to their shitty lives and see how bad things really are.

>> No.39017848 [DELETED] 

quads of truth

>> No.39017851 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39017856

So how hard would this guy get raped

>> No.39017856 [DELETED] 

Hey there's the meido

>> No.39017862 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 750x940, 1457073708114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to thank your maids

>> No.39017863

So how bout them monster girls?

>> No.39017868 [DELETED] 

>other wise they’ll have to compare it to their shitty lives and see how bad things really are.

Weird take, sincr MGE actually makes the shitty parts of my life bearable.

>> No.39017870
File: 340 KB, 690x698, Casualmander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salamanders, yes

>> No.39017884

No Salamanders in the house unless she promises not to burn the house down

>> No.39017885

Indeed. Most indeededly.

>> No.39017894

only if she can cook on her tail
could go for a steak or pork chop

>> No.39017901
Quoted by: >>39017969

... why the fuck did the jannies deleted my post full of wholesome KC info on MGs and debunking the trill but you left the troll posts untouched?

>> No.39017906

Can we talk about dumb edgy Order men getting reformed by monster girls in peace now?

>> No.39017927
File: 157 KB, 288x288, Eris9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked that scene at the end where Eristia confronts that bishop after becoming a succubus.

>> No.39017930

Guess not, maybe later.

>> No.39017938
Quoted by: >>39017948

Didn't Eristia have a guy with her? Or was that another game I never really played em. Might as well give me the context since we're talking about it now.

>> No.39017948
Quoted by: >>39017968

She didn't rape the bishop but she did corrupt that priestess/secretary of his who then raped him.

>> No.39017968
Quoted by: >>39018231

Ah, okay. That's better I guess although I wonder what she confronted him on

>> No.39017969

Kikis are retarded sometimes.

>> No.39017994
Quoted by: >>39018064

I kind of dislike the corruption aesthetic, it seems like a lot of the order outfits have thigh-highs/stockings yet when they get corrupted it always just becomes boots. I want my damn demons in lacy thigh-highs dammit.

>> No.39018015
File: 960 KB, 1800x2600, 387365ec92a6d9317bf1c054531db737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need be a bad girl. But not TOO bad. Team Rocket levels of evil is hot in a girl. Jesse/James level, not Giovanni level.

>> No.39018032

>she wears strawberry socks
silly fox

>> No.39018050

>gf constantly tells you how devilish she was today
>went jaywalking
>she even left her shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot
She can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.39018064
Quoted by: >>39018080

I get you, but its supposed to be Mamano mana so she can probably control its look.

>> No.39018080

>Anon assures her he's down to get his world rocked, but she's gotta put the socks back on.
I like boots too, but thigh-highs are more comfy.

>> No.39018126

>access card to the Red Area of the LABS
scary. i wonder what they research there though

>> No.39018130

Well now that we've calmed down you guys wanna talk about MGE lore stuff?

>> No.39018154

How do you defend against this?

>> No.39018159
Quoted by: >>39018170

Lick it

>> No.39018170

That's a great way to get your head turned into a crushed soda can

>> No.39018174
Quoted by: >>39020857

Where can I find the full picture?

>> No.39018185
Quoted by: >>39018221

The same way the MC from that one anime did in this exact situation.

>> No.39018221
Quoted by: >>39018311

If it's a recent anime, peed his pants and cried?

>> No.39018224 [DELETED] 

IIRC the usual Order bullshit and he was the one to sent on the mission that corrupted her. She corners him in his house is smug while he threatens her and then brings in the priestess.

>> No.39018231
Quoted by: >>39018242

IIRC the usual Order bullshit and he was the one to sent on the mission that corrupted her. She corners him in his house is smug while he threatens her and then brings in the priestess.

>> No.39018235

Kiss her hand. All monsters are weak to romance.

>> No.39018242

Oh, that's lame. Seems like he'd be one of those irredeemable types but alright.

>> No.39018258
Quoted by: >>39018300

You gotta try REAL fucking hard to get anything, but a happy ending in MGE.

>> No.39018289
Quoted by: >>39018318

I don't think he was that bad, he was more of just a cog in the machine, just a standard corrupt clergyman. Wilmarina's dad if would be what you are thinking of if anyone, he seems like a real prick.

>> No.39018300
Quoted by: >>39020834

I mean I'd imagine sending people into the meat grinder without any sympathy would get you that title. Even then I'm not seeing any happy ending for this guy that wouldn't be spitting on the graves of people that actually died cause of his actions.

>> No.39018311
Quoted by: >>39018324

Thankfully it was a bit older so he wasn’t a complete alp, for some reason I’m having a very hard time finding it but I’m sure somebody else here knows what it is. It’s the one where the MC become the servant of a vampire girl as her and her siblings are fighting a succession war or something and there’s the muscular tomboy werewolf girl as well with huge paws and the MC asks if be can feel her soft paw pads and says how great they feel.

>> No.39018318

Oh yeah her whole fucking family is dead as shit. At least the acting queen Roper had a good family if a bit dysfunctional due to the bullshit going on.

>> No.39018324
Quoted by: >>39018351

FUCK I know exactly what you're talking about too. Wolf girl had red hair too, right? Maybe it was brunette.

>> No.39018351
Quoted by: >>39018377

Yeah I’m pretty sure it was red and I think she was also slightly tanned.

>> No.39018377
File: 42 KB, 623x439, Riza---Pincess-Resurrection-OVA-25955391571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39018395

>she loses to the vampire

>> No.39018455

Fuck yes that’s it, MC is a lucky bastard getting to feel up those giant paws.

>> No.39018655
File: 2.31 MB, 2480x3508, 90922624_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39018683

>red keycard
I accept this dowry

>> No.39018683

Jesus fuck she need any more belts there?

>> No.39018723

>chunni tacticool monster girl wants to sexually assault you
>takes 30 minutes just to take off all the belts

>> No.39018735
Quoted by: >>39018758

She’s gonna take yours too.

>> No.39018758

I refuse.

>> No.39018774

You're going to find out what all those belts are for then

>> No.39018801

Anon look at her, I don’t think she’s asking.

>> No.39018828
Quoted by: >>39018837

FUCK the sabbath.

>> No.39018837

I think that’s the idea yeah

>> No.39018855


>> No.39018861

>Executioner sword that makes dullahans

That's actually pretty funny.
Imagine going on a beheading spree through an Order barracks leaving a bunch of confused female paladins running around chasing their own heads.

>> No.39018863
File: 147 KB, 867x1200, 1605823623283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you call "invasion" I call humanitarian intervention.

>> No.39018902
Quoted by: >>39019256

>oh noooooo not the greatly extended lifespan, magical abilities and everlasting happiness
>everything but this, please let me stay being a miserable serf

>> No.39018969

What you call ears I call molestation targets.

>> No.39018976

I want to kiss her on the cheeks

>> No.39019016

Eh, not like anything would change for me. At least I got more time to browse the internet though.

>> No.39019071

I for one welcome the Monster version of the UN

>> No.39019109

Good morning sirs, I love Jinkos.

>> No.39019114
Quoted by: >>39019153

So a bunch of human traffickers that don't actually do anything they say they do?

>> No.39019133

Each country would have to send a dozen backup ambassadors because they keep fucking other nations’ ambassadors in the name of political alliances.

>> No.39019153

No. The UN but they are completely honest and upfront about what they do.

It's not "human trafficking" it's a matchmaking service.

>> No.39019169

i love today! Its better when i can imagine having a wurm auntster

>> No.39019175
File: 327 KB, 1026x1080, 1647600176636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39019201

Hello all. I love Alps and I wish to mate solely with an Alp woman.

>> No.39019201

Okay bro

>> No.39019208

never make dad tier jokes around monsters, it kicks their horny into overdrive

>> No.39019226 [DELETED] 

>be ambassador from isolationist nation
>after a combined disaster of droughts and a famine on the horizon your country has decided to reluctantly take a pro-monster state due to the far cheaper prices and almost zero taxes compared to the Order
>Sent in as an ambassador to their capital to go over the deal with their own representatives
>Just want to go back home but now this weird blue woman is touching you and asking why your country has been so adamant about keeping its borders closed
Just wanted to sign some damn papers...

>> No.39019231
Quoted by: >>39019245

report AND ignore my man

>> No.39019245

Dude that post is almost 6 hours old, just let it die.

>> No.39019247
Quoted by: >>39019270

>be ambassador from isolationist nation
>after a combined disaster of droughts and a famine on the horizon your country has decided to reluctantly take a pro-monster states offer due to the far cheaper prices and almost zero taxes compared to the Order
>Sent in as an ambassador to their capital to go over the deal with their own representatives
>Just want to go back home but now this weird blue woman is touching you and asking why your country has been so adamant about keeping its borders closed
fucking typos

>> No.39019256

people like to say human women would revolt if monsters where real but there's no real downside
>practically immortal
>good number can polymorph or use glamours so could just look human if the monster parts bother you
your a fool if you don't think people would be lining up to be monsterised

>> No.39019270
File: 597 KB, 1173x767, hakuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39019295

haku sensei is happy

>> No.39019280
Quoted by: >>39019324

I'd say the number of women trying to be vtubers is evidence that women would line up to monsterize.

But on the flip side you also have a lot of psychopaths and mentally ill women who would try fight it tooth and nail.

>> No.39019283

>recently monsterized woman using polymorph cause she's shy about how she looks now
Sounds like a cute idea, although that's basically just the Doppelganger's gimmick

>> No.39019295
Quoted by: >>39019340

Haku Sensei wouldn't even bother with me

>> No.39019317

Yeah, only dumb /tg/fags think that real people would choose miserable existence in the name of some lofty ideals of "humanity".
Order brainwashing is the only realistic way anyone would reject this, the benefits are too huge to ignore.

>> No.39019324
Quoted by: >>39019344

Not a great baseline when you learn about what some of those women got up to, anon. Well at least demonic energy would fix women.

>> No.39019340
Quoted by: >>39019354

are you sure.... you ever wonder why she makes you stay to tutor you one on one in her house while wearing minimal clothing?

>> No.39019343
Quoted by: >>39019408

I got one, maybe people would just be scared. I mean would most people want to have a spider woman the size of a car as their neighbor? I kind of doubt it.

>> No.39019344

It's not that it's what people want, but modern society, propaganda and media is very good at tricking people into thinking they want "freedom" at any cost.

Oh I know vtubers are 100% in it to siphon money from simps. Their motivations wouldn't be pure, but the end result would be the same either way.

>> No.39019353
File: 110 KB, 854x1200, 1647601410750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39019354
Quoted by: >>39019380

Why would I wonder about something that hasn't happened? Guess that would be neat for whoever she actually likes though.

>> No.39019380

Going back to something I saw during the redacted time in this thread. If monsters would get pissed off if you called yourself unworthy would Hakutakus get upset with their students/husbands that put themselves down by saying they aren't smart enough for something?

>> No.39019388

you'll get fucked smart

>> No.39019395

Oh whoops, didn't meant to reply. Sorry.

>> No.39019408
Quoted by: >>39019474

I think they're overstating hypergamy in women. Women like that exist, but not in such numbers, and even they would have to consider the benefits.
I get being scared when you don't know it's safe and monsters won't hurt people, but once it's common knowledge, I think people will get used even to large spider women.

>> No.39019425

I am sure there will be some stubborn nutjobs but I doubt most people would give a fuck about any "muh humanity" crap when the benefits become clear. They don't even have to be on-board with the DL's plan, the increased lifespan, power and beauty will attract plenty of people, even if purely out of selfishness and it won't matter because they will see the light after being monsterized/fucked. People have done questionable things for a lot less.

>> No.39019442
Quoted by: >>39019475

i had a bet of a funny thought
boy has extremely conservative family that hates monster, boy is in his rebel stage, hooks up with the monstrous monster, what is she?

>> No.39019474
Quoted by: >>39019500

>I think people will get used even to large spider women.
Nah, cause I know full well they won't hurt me and I'm still terrified at the thought of being near spider women.

>> No.39019475

Dark Priest or Sea Bishop, so he's back to being "conservative" but not in the way his family wanted.

>> No.39019482
File: 593 KB, 2560x1991, 1647602078246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39019502

>Pregnant Alp still in denial, desperately trying to pass off all the pregnancy symptoms as mere coincidences in embarrassingly flimsy fashion
>“Yeah dude, I’m just having the worst hangovers, I puke like every morning. And I guess I must’ve got pretty hammered each time too, because I can’t even remember drinking!”
>“You know bro, I’ve really been feeling like trying a lot of different foods lately. Not like cravings, of course not. Just wanna see how they might help me cut a few pounds, ya know?”
>“Yo brah, check out this gut I’m growing. I’m on my way to a real fuckin dad bod now, let’s go!”
>Finally gives up when her boobs begin to swell, has an emotional breakdown sobbing into her Husband’s (bro’s) shoulder

>> No.39019487

Look at this prissy faggot

>> No.39019488

This smug aura mocks me

>> No.39019500

Big spider titties are the best cure for arachnophonia, you'll end up loving web bondage play too. Just wait and see, portals any day now.

>> No.39019502
Quoted by: >>39019528

That's why you mating press alps before they get to this stage. Break it in asap so you can skip to the tomboy wife stage

>> No.39019512
File: 156 KB, 1184x1177, spider coww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone said big spider tits?

>> No.39019528
Quoted by: >>39019544

>he wants to skip the tomboy wife stage
What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.39019530

I would genuinely try to kill myself out of fear of that happened. You know how monsters don't go after men that genuinely aren't interested? Spider women have a pamphlet with my face on it saying to not go near me so I don't die of a fear heart attack.

>> No.39019544

Anon read my post again but slowly.

>> No.39019548
Quoted by: >>39019570

there's no rest until u love spider, not even in death, cause the local lich brough you back

>> No.39019568
Quoted by: >>39019647

If you just don't like the idea or genuinely aren't interested then yea, but if it's because of your fear of spiders they'll help you overcum it.

>> No.39019570
Quoted by: >>39019579

Nope, no spiders. I can't even be in the same room with the tiny ones that I know won't even go near me. If a spider woman moved into my neighborhood I'd be out of there faster than a white family leaving Detroit in the 60's

>> No.39019579

the fear will make it hotter anon

>> No.39019595

>You know how monsters don't go after men that genuinely aren't interested?
Then don't romance a spider woman. Even if you don't end up with one, I wish you your wife (whatever she will be) will help you get over your fear of your potential spider neighbor.

>> No.39019647
Quoted by: >>39019668

I will not be peer pressured like this. I hope everything spider woman out there has a long and happy life with the man of their dreams but I am not one of them.

>> No.39019650

>KC releases new Fallen Maidens book
>it's all about Alps
>title actually says "Fallen Bachelors" or "Fallen Gentlemen"

>> No.39019668
Quoted by: >>39019733

Every* Jesus what the hell happened there.

>> No.39019671
File: 2.05 MB, 1000x1442, 1647602869745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.39019689
Quoted by: >>39019764

>"Fallen Bachelors" or "Fallen Gentlemen"
Well then it's not about alps but instead about the husbands of monsters. Book about alps would still be fallen maidens

>> No.39019733

spiders in your head happened

>> No.39019764
Quoted by: >>39019816

Huh, never thought of it that way.
That also sounds pretty hot, imagine a book all about stories of human men being corrupted by their monster wife.

>> No.39019816

>Biggest, toughest looking Werewolf you've ever seen telling people about how she had to bury her face into her husband's neck to cry for a solid minute after getting him inside her because of how happy she was
I'd read it.

>> No.39019875

Reminder that you don't know fear until you're the only man on an Order navy boat full of freshly made Alps

>> No.39019881
File: 210 KB, 635x603, Gazer509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39019922

Wait for the downswing, and then roll IN, not OUT. And stop being greedy. Get your hit in and get out.

>> No.39019919

I wouldn't mind that

>> No.39019922
Quoted by: >>39019977

What do Gazers have to do with this

>> No.39019923
Quoted by: >>39019938

That has got to be the gayest jacket I've ever seen.

>> No.39019932

gonna seal myself in the engine room

>> No.39019938

I'll be in touch

>> No.39019956
Quoted by: >>39020208

>forgetting about the engineers
Anonymous your first time is gonna be with sweaty, grease stained Alp pussy. Have fun.

>> No.39019977
File: 373 KB, 1269x1600, Gazer1612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39020029

Gamer Gazer wants you to git gud

>> No.39019993

>endless banging on the bulkhead as they beg you to open it

>> No.39020003

I would be the happiest man in the world

>> No.39020009
Quoted by: >>39020093

The phrase "A man overboard" now carries a lot more weight

>> No.39020029
Quoted by: >>39020082

Gamer Gazer can suck my nuts

>> No.39020082
Quoted by: >>39020154

Nice of you to give her permission.

>> No.39020093

>accidentally slip off the ship after a bad wave hits
>caught, back on the boat and now balls deep in one of your crewmates screaming about "sushi sluts" before you were even halfway to the water

>> No.39020154
Quoted by: >>39020657

She'll at least be gentle, yeah?

>> No.39020208
File: 689 KB, 1101x1550, 1647604813101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39020255

Holy shit that situation turns me on beyond compare.
Thinking about sweaty, smelly, oil and grease stained engineer Alps now...
Maybe the engineer Alp even Alp'd into a grease monkey.

>> No.39020213
Quoted by: >>39020297

>tfw the captain had you tied up

>> No.39020255

>Jokester Engineer turns into a Kakuen Alp
>every time you're both in the mess hall now she jokes about how great your "banana" tasted

>> No.39020297

>Radios her superiors in the Order about how this is likely the last time they'll be speaking while loudly slamming herself on your cock while tied to her chair

>> No.39020391
File: 159 KB, 850x850, 1622219961295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39020481

Beast's too proud to learn how to cook since cooking is a man's job.

>> No.39020394
Quoted by: >>39020503

Well seems like people took the jokes about being in the barrel too literally. Seems like a good time to steal a lifeboat

>> No.39020481

>cooking is a man's job.
Anon that's not even true. Monsters love cooking for their husbands since their happy faces make em feel all warm and horny.

>> No.39020503
Quoted by: >>39020678

Sorry lifeboat machine is broken, may I offer you some alp pussy instead?

>> No.39020657
File: 239 KB, 905x1280, Gazer491b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39020743

>She'll at least be gentle, yeah?
If by gentle, you mean
then yeah sure.

>> No.39020678
Quoted by: >>39020724

That sounds like a severe OSHA violation. I think I'll be filing a complaint

>> No.39020724

OSHA can suck my dick, with the Alps I can now freely stunt my forklift with no problems.

>> No.39020743

Yeah I can live with that. Dunno what "through" would mean in this case though.

>> No.39020834

Well given everyone he commanded got monsterized or became incubi I don't think we have to worry about that. He's presented more as pitiably incompetent rather than evil. The lady who gets him also was someone he was already secretly having a relationship with.

>> No.39020857

Gotta echo this, the full picture seems like it'd be pretty amazing unless they drew her face poorly.

>> No.39021057


>> No.39021068
File: 465 KB, 1476x2108, 458daa5b255bb1fdd4789be78d732ec4b3f32905eaf92c4a6dfa379a239898d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she has an answer sheet hidden in her cleavage.

>> No.39021124

Anon she's smart enough to write an algorithm that can predict the next week of your actions. It's obviously sewed into her jacket

>> No.39021126

Dive in headfirst and find out.

>> No.39021187
Quoted by: >>39021943

Monster girls can’t just shove humans between their tits and claim it’s “protection”. That’s a violation of male rights!

>> No.39021197

Goopy runny gazer cunny

>> No.39021265
File: 2.98 MB, 2354x2704, 96998929_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39021268
File: 1007 KB, 1600x2263, 1616379024912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39021345

Why are maids so rapeable?

>> No.39021345
File: 233 KB, 850x1202, Kikimora - head pat 1539134138235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39021446

Why are masters so cute when they think it was their idea?

>> No.39021390
Quoted by: >>39021650

even then, incubi being born won't prevent some monster girls from seeking man outside of their community.

>> No.39021446

>headpats with that smile
I surrender
I never stood a chance.

>> No.39021614
File: 126 KB, 714x999, FN9jMYbVkAA7OB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ear protectors
an elf with no weakness

>> No.39021633

That would be the case, if the bottom was also protected.

>> No.39021650

Certainly, especially for adventurous types, but it wouldn't be the norm.

>> No.39021654

She left her thighs, back, and stomach exposed though.

>> No.39021691
File: 855 KB, 1474x1338, 6eb8b67c09fd89f965200ee65a1ae33c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39021703

pleasing hips

>> No.39021708

how does that dress stay on?

>> No.39021726

it's like shrinkwrap

>> No.39021728

Inner side is sticky like tape.

>> No.39021793

That's the artist who made the elf VN everybody mentions here once in a while, right. I like him.

>> No.39021943
Quoted by: >>39022490

It's protection if a slime first shoves the rest of a human's body into herself.

>> No.39022490

>t. Slime HAG desperate because the level 1 slimes keep hogging all the newcomers

>> No.39022547
Quoted by: >>39022581

Good day mgt. I was absent for a week or so. Anything cool happened?

>> No.39022551

I...I just woke up and they were like that...

>> No.39022572

she knows anon...

>> No.39022581
Quoted by: >>39022592

Portals opened, we all have wives now. You missed it.

>> No.39022592

Oh well, next time I guess

>> No.39022678

seggs with mons

>> No.39022703

>1220 replies
>not even page 10 yet
what the fuck, did I miss something?

>> No.39022707
Quoted by: >>39022760

Probably not. It's all about how fast or slow the rest of the board is.

>> No.39022760

Partly that, but I think also baiters were more successful with pissing people off because I woke up to almost 500 posts.

>> No.39022765
Quoted by: >>39022886

>portals open
>go get baphomet wife
>many others had the idea. Some chad beat me to it and added her to his harem
What do I do now.
I know if I had any specific feelings for a baphomet my chances increase massively

>> No.39022766

Are there any templates I can use or is that pixel dress up game my best bet?

>> No.39022770

Able to pinpoint a slacking Anon within 30 kilometers by sound alone

>> No.39022792

pokemon drama

>> No.39022886

If you're not looking for a specific Bapho and can't find one that's single, get in one's good graces and ask her for her future daughter's hand.

>> No.39022922

Let's talk about how the classy ufufu-type mamono like Wights and Dark Mages are the best as lolis


>> No.39022969

They're best as titty monsters! Flat is for fools!

>> No.39023044

Make them amazonian.

>> No.39023079
Quoted by: >>39023355

ignore her completely and pretend she doesn't exist, that's always a good one to pull on a Chesh since their pranks are done seemingly for the purpose of getting your attention
when she starts getting sad pull a smug face and employ finger guns

>> No.39023233

Big little zombutts are the best! I love the undead sabbath!

>> No.39023355
Quoted by: >>39023383

>Cheshire starts to have a mental breakdown because she can’t seem to crack Anon
>She’s gonna have to start pulling out the forbidden pranks

>> No.39023383

W-what are the forbidden pranks?

>> No.39023413

I can say with near certainty that the straight up obsession with men and the "one husband for life" rule would absolutely dissuade a shit ton of women.

>> No.39023420

If you have to ask it's too late.

>> No.39023443

plenty of women are hopeless romantics

>> No.39023483
Quoted by: >>39023506

Even the roastiest of roasties would eventually realize that the benefits massively outweigh the drawbacks, at latest they would give in once they start aging/having health problems.
If monsterization brought only happiness then it would be believable, but there are far too many concrete benefits to make me believe regular people would reject it, sans some seriously deranged exceptions.

>> No.39023506

>all the ex-human monstergirls come from 30+ "I'm ready to settle down now" women
That's a yikes from me dog.

>> No.39023547
Quoted by: >>39023573

Don't be intimidated by a girl with experience

>> No.39023562

Good because I don't care, I'll take such girls off you so you can get your virgin monster girl wife.
Mamono mana fixes everything, even human women.

>> No.39023564

the tooth fairy but MGE

>> No.39023573


>> No.39023576

Also monsterized girl would have the double benefits of knowing about the modern world but also the same sense of wonder when you go explore the new one.

>> No.39023584
Quoted by: >>39023662

Turns out the “useless” parts I removed from my bow acted as stabilizers and this is why all my shots are turning to the left or spinning. Now I’m gonna tell those bitch highborn elves I don’t need their help.

>> No.39023588

I'd rather a monstergirl from the new world and see her sense of wonder when I show her around ours.

>> No.39023592

Alluring and feminine lolis are superior. Who needs tits when flat chests, big loli ass and lewd lingerie are already perfect.

>> No.39023605

Deal. You can have all the ex-hoes.

>> No.39023622
Quoted by: >>39023823

no, nobility needs large tracts of lands

>> No.39023635

There's also the tendency of fresh converts to be more zealous than regulars, I'm willing to bet a lot of ex-human girls would behave more mamono-like than usual mamono once they see how it is on the other side.
Many of them would likely make even Demons feel uneasy.

>> No.39023656

reminded me of that one story by magus about the crazy dark priest hag

>> No.39023662
Quoted by: >>39024791

>"Why did humans even invent those 'compound' bows anyway? Why would you ever add wheels, pulleys, and multiple strings to what is already a perfect design? Mortal stupidity never ceases to amaze."
>cut to anon taking this in silence as he eyes up a nearby catgirl

>> No.39023701

>Place hands on dormouse face cheeks
>Squish cheeks
>Stick fingers in mouth
>Open her mouth
>Bring your face close to hers
>Sniff her breath
>"Oh yeah, smells just like a hot, syrupy molasses"
>Make-out with her
>"Oh yeah, tastes just like brown sugar"
Maybe not the best mamono. But definitely top 10 if you ask me.

>> No.39023722

Every few centuries, a cheshire runs into an anon who is either so dense or stoic enough that nothing she does phases him. Driven by desperation, they often devise the most mind-shatteringly intense pranks. No Anon has ever survived one such prank unscathed. In order to preserve as many anons as possible, such pranks were swiftly and completely banned from use.
This ban won’t stop a desperate enough cat though. All I’m saying is if you are going to ignore a Cheshire, be ready for the hell you might unleash upon yourself

>> No.39023750

Nothing a chesire could do could be more annoying than marrying one.

>> No.39023767
Quoted by: >>39023784

Visit /d/. Half the shit you see there, in one form or another, will be incorporated into a cheshire cat prank if she gets desperate enough.

So be careful less you up as a human dildo. And if you're a bad boy, you're not going up her cunt. You're going up her rump.

>> No.39023777

time to make her think shes gone mad and her husband is nothing but a doll in her twisted little mind's eye

>> No.39023784
Quoted by: >>39023787

That's not a very funny prank, miss memecat.

>> No.39023787

She thinks it's funny. Just listen to her laugh when she orgasms.

>> No.39023803

imagine a cheshire named alice who lives in wonderland

>> No.39023821

It's a common misconception that Dragonia's cemetery only contains dragon zombies. It also contains a sizeable population of wurm zombies, but people assume they're just visitors because they don't act any different from living wurms.

>> No.39023823
Quoted by: >>39023926

>nobility needs large tracts of lands
I guess you could say she's minor nobility

>> No.39023831

How the heck can a sizable number of wurms die unmarried?

>> No.39023834

they do, they mostly dont talk and go off of body langaunge as well are extra cuddly

>> No.39023836

Anon, Wurms ARE dragons.
That too.

>> No.39023850

maybe were all the extremely dense ones maybe or something like that? Or the ones that were extremely sheletered

>> No.39023855

They are waiting for (you) once the portals open

>> No.39023863
Quoted by: >>39023870

do they just hang on there? like sitting on grave stones smoking and playing dice?

>> No.39023870

mostly likely they help dragons out their graves after they have died and come back to life

>> No.39023926

>how to piss off high class monsters

>> No.39023943
Quoted by: >>39023960


>> No.39023960
Quoted by: >>39023998

but which ones?

>> No.39023998

Big ones

>> No.39024013


>> No.39024056
Quoted by: >>39024069

paws not big enough

>> No.39024065

>Get 'aggressively dated' by a tall, buff dark elf
>She's a complete chauvinist, mamono supremacist, and femdom
>Finding it hard to dislike her though because she isn't actually mean or cruel about anything...just incredibly smug and condescending
>She expects you to do all of the housework: the cooking and the cleaning...and yet she's doting and helpful at all times. She wraps her arms around your waist and kisses at your ears as you cook, does all of the heavy lifting when you clean. When you eat she gushes about your cooking skills while insisting that you feed one another
>You get stopped by one of those television couples interviewers while out shopping together. She smirks, grabs your wrists so you can't hide your face, and force-kisses you on camera. While your breath is stolen away she turns to face the microphone, "Yes, my HUSBAND and I love each other and our favorite position is me on top, face-to-face so I can look into his eyes when I make him COME!"
>You TRY not to talk to her that night. After a mere hour of the silent treatment she actually starts to beg and appear heartbroken. It almost makes your heart waiver but before you can show some mercy she silently carries you to the bedroom to 'fuck you until you love her again'.

>> No.39024069
Quoted by: >>39024076

Those are head-sized grabbers anon.

>> No.39024076
Quoted by: >>39024125

I know.

>> No.39024125

I guess you'll have to settle for Yao

>> No.39024137

Horrible relation, darky are the worst

>> No.39024154

.50 silver realm calibers and some good legs

>> No.39024190

Given how much MGE girls are noted to love the face their mate makes when they cum, one wonders if some commission art of his O face so they can put it on display or gaze at it for as long as they want.

And course they'd have to "pose" for the artist to get the painting done, and they'd probably have to repeat a lot depending on how long she could get the face to last each time.

>> No.39024213
Quoted by: >>39024338

>Given how much MGE girls are noted to love the face their mate makes when they cum
fuck would that make me feel awkward

>> No.39024264
Quoted by: >>39024275

my face wouldn't change much, a little eye movemnt

>> No.39024275
Quoted by: >>39024352

Years of expression control at work.

>> No.39024338


>Wife asks to film during sex
>Viewing the footage later you see that it's nothing but close-ups of your face

>> No.39024352

id imagine that would piss off my future monster wife

>> No.39024412

Gargoyle wife trying to time it right so you make that face right when you're both turning back to stone and she gets to see it all day

>> No.39024433

Wikifag here, this week's new additions add up to 75. This concludes the weekly report.
New Images start here: https://imgbox.com/gBK4Wsui

Search schedule is at the bottom: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html

>> No.39024455

>tfw no momster alarune

>> No.39024482

Image limit reached. New thread?

>> No.39024497

Lurk more, newfag.

>> No.39024503

If I get a Shog, I need to make her use her tongue too.
No, only when this one is archived.

>> No.39024504

Fuck off

>> No.39024528
Quoted by: >>39024544

I mean, I'm a little impressed with the art itself, but-
who the fuck wants THIS view in their porn? what is it for? i don't understand

>> No.39024544
Quoted by: >>39024577

think about whats the biggest thing in that pick

>> No.39024563
Quoted by: >>39024653


>> No.39024577

it's obviously a feet thing of some sort, but...from THAT angle of THAT situation? he wants feet of a girl who is fucking a different guy? feetcuck??
you know what, this is not a mystery I need or actually want to solve. I'm labelling it "no accounting for taste" and getting on my with my life...

>> No.39024589

Anyone know who the artist is?

>> No.39024605
Quoted by: >>39024628

Check the sources list.

>> No.39024628

For the future, you can hover over the image in the Imgbox gallery and get the filename to check in the source list, in this case CheshireCat755.png. I was gonna spoonfeed you this time, but >>39024605 already did it before me.

>> No.39024653

Either 197 more, or another homolive freakout.

>> No.39024688

Which girl is the best for sneeding with?

>> No.39024699

u know

>> No.39024701

Harpies that you can feed seed.

>> No.39024772

KC did state that monsterized women often end up as extremists because monsterization just feels so damn good they want to spread it

>> No.39024783

What is sneeding?

>> No.39024791

Man elves give vampires a run for their money

>> No.39024800

I posted a cheshire but she escaped the post and is now living in your walls

>> No.39024808

hope she can pay rent and likes the gas masks that are all over

>> No.39024821

>cheshire now watching you masturbate to pics of fat bottomed cats
oh no?!

>> No.39024865
Quoted by: >>39024882

Sorry, I think you meant "fat-bottomed harpies".

>> No.39024882

fancy and pretty swan harpies!

>> No.39024947

You think you are fine, but you also notice all your porn is slowly being replaced by a certain cat recreating the images

>> No.39024951

Can cumflated harpies fly?

>> No.39024973

Not very easily if at all
Its the optimal state to keep a harpy around as you try to impregnate her.

>> No.39025058

You know we say all sorts of stuff about vampires being chunni but what about phantoms, the monster that actually talks like a chunni.

>> No.39025073

They have transcended chuuni, given they outright pull you into their fantasies.

>> No.39025078
Quoted by: >>39025084

Phantoms are more fun to be around, so they get a pass.

>> No.39025083

Literally "I reject your reality and substitute my own".

>> No.39025084

An example of how Phantoms talk (From Kenkou's twitter):
“Kukuku... As a minion of darkness (true), I shall protect you. Haven't you noticed? You are being pursued by the organization (actually Sabbath)”

>> No.39025089
Quoted by: >>39025307

Ah, the fantasies where you're the main character who's dressed like a brooding anti-hero, and she's your love interest, which is just her, but with larger breasts and a shapely body.

>> No.39025128

No, and they must be tied to their husband while on his cock to maintain a fully cumflated tummy.

>> No.39025214
Quoted by: >>39025289

Black harpy stole my keys so now I'm gonna steal her virginity.

>> No.39025289

I assume you mean her butt.

>> No.39025303
Quoted by: >>39025341

I will impregnate my auntster behind my momster's back.

>> No.39025304

But there's Shog in the walls.

>> No.39025307
Quoted by: >>39025342

i'd rather be the poor boy that the old perverted miss phantom takes for dark and kinky purposes

>> No.39025341

I want a very pregnant auntster to show me off to her single friends and make them seethe in jealousy

>> No.39025342
Quoted by: >>39025373

At that point I think she's just making porn.

>> No.39025354

nav bringing the goods yet again

>> No.39025358

You're interested in asking out a monster girl of your choice, but you don't know where to start. It happens that you meet your monster friend with her husband, and she figures out what's bothering you, so she offers to help you win the girl over. That friend is: https://kikasuru.github.io/mge-slotmachine/
How does your friend help you get the date?

>> No.39025373

NO! She just wants to show the story of how a poor boy and that perverted old phatom interact and the hijinks that insue

>> No.39025425

Really cheap house for sale, in good condition, quiet neighborhood. Ignore the arachne living in the attic.

>> No.39025443

nah, got any monster infested mainson

>> No.39025444

arachnes are good roomates since they can hang out in the top half of the room you weren't even using

>> No.39025454

I'd buy in an instant, sounds like such a good deal. Would need to set boundaries with Arachne living in the attic though. As long as she does her thing up there I can do my thing downstairs without any disturbances it's all good.

>> No.39025468
Quoted by: >>39025573

Oh christ she's gonna spill everything to her isn't she

>> No.39025471
Quoted by: >>39025528

state issued husbands

>> No.39025474
Quoted by: >>39025524

>soldier beetle
wordlessly marches up to my crush and stabs her with a demon silver sword, then carries her to me
now I have to apologize for my beetle friend being socially retarded while also trying to flirt

>> No.39025492

loli Hellhound sex
smug slutty brat tomboy needs rape correction and manhandling

>> No.39025515
Quoted by: >>39025547

only if she pays her rent. and yes i do accept alternative payment methods, like cleaning and cooking and hand-knit sweaters for my birthday

>> No.39025524

Hey, can't deny she got results.

>> No.39025528

i hope not. i'm not letting them force me to dick an arachne, a gazer, or any other "ugly-cute" monsters

>> No.39025547

>cleaning and cooking and hand-knit sweaters for my birthday
That'd be sweet.
You should return the favor by offering companionship to her and being there when she needs a shoulder to lean on haha..

>> No.39025550

So, any chance we can talk about Navy Alps again?

>> No.39025554

their currently trying to cut through the bulkhead

>> No.39025568

Perhaps in the next thread.
That was a fun topic. Though I may be biased since I really really really love Alps

>> No.39025573

It's a win when she convinces your future girlfriend to give you a hug.

>> No.39025615
Quoted by: >>39025637


>> No.39025637
Quoted by: >>39025655

Scroll up. Anon posted a scenario of being the only man on a Navy vessel full of freshly made Alps. Even had something about Kakuen Alps.

>> No.39025643

Do we know if Bapho's sending you on a quest after you confess to her if you aren't strong, is still canon? Don't get me wrong, I like MGs getting less and less selective, so being immediately accepted by them and/or fucked by them is nice too. But I kinda liked the quest lore. She would obviously follow from the shadows and make sure you succeed, making some mamono oriented quests that ends up in big results, like the monsterization of an entire order state is cool. Really, there are many fun shenanigans that can happen with this, like disguising herself as a shop owner that sells you overpowered unique items for your quest. Or her appearing before a "boss" (some order hero perhaps) that has just defeated you, you think she is just that cute shopkeeper and tell her to run away, only for her to trash the shit out of him.

>> No.39025650

Would the marines on a navy ship alp too?

>> No.39025655
Quoted by: >>39025661

I dont remember this

>> No.39025661

See >>39019875

>> No.39025679
Quoted by: >>39025784

>Since we Baphomets also seek a powerful, superior male to become our “big brother”, heroes go right at the top of the list, but even if we perceive that a man is unseasoned and has yet to bloom, he may still have a chance. Also, it's not uncommon for us to fall for men determined to have a baphomet wife who challenge us over and over without giving up, even if they are completely unremarkable.
From tweets:
>There are monster girls who want to groom men who can beat them, such as dragons and baphomet.
>They are the kind of girls that ordinary people can't beat, but strangely enough, they are also rather beatable by non-hero human men. It is suspected that the monster girl instinctively pours out experience or magic power to help level the man she likes who repeatedly challenges her every time they fight. In other words, the monster girl is making sure choose the man she wants to lose to (the one she likes) so that she can lose to him. ......!
>Although we can't be sure, there are many stories of men who trained with Lizardmen from childhood as their childhood friends, and as they grew up, they gained an uncommon fighting ability to defeat Lizardmen. (The lizardman was successfully defeated by her childhood friend's penis and became a lizardbride)
>For Baphomet, it's "I want someone worthy of being my big brother. For dragons, "instinctive recognition of defeat" is the trigger for feminization, but it doesn't have to be pure brute force either. I'm not sure if the card game etc. applies, it depends on the personality of the individual and their relationship with the man, but it's not nothing!

>> No.39025734
Quoted by: >>39025990

Probably not.
And even if some Alp'd probably only a handful but definitely not all of them

>> No.39025748
Quoted by: >>39025784

Also from his tweets about monster girl attraction.
>Perhaps it is because of the ecology of monsters who spend their vast lifetimes with the males they have chosen, that they often respond to failures with "Let's work together next time, big brother ".
>If you have a shortcoming, " I'll make you more wonderful ".
>They tend to think about it over a long period of time without taking it too seriously.
>They also tend to accumulate an inexhaustible amount of love and desire in a point system.
>So, even if you can't reach her! If you're hoping to connect with a monster girl who' s out of your reach, attack her and appeal to her, even if you're weak or dumb at the moment!
>It will look "delicious" to the monster girl. If anything, they might even help you by squeezing and squeezing you so that you can grow up to be "a male worthy of having her".

>> No.39025784
Quoted by: >>39025838

Also remember something from last night so here:

A Bapho tell us what worthy" to MGs really mean. By the way, MGs get very pissed off if you think of yourself as unworthy:
>“You feel it yourself too, right?
>Aniue, it's proof that this body of mine has submitted to you as a female...
>And you've even remained hard and kept ejaculating in an attempt to impregnate me, haven't you
>You're doing what is required of a male, so how dare you call yourself unworthy”

>> No.39025802
Quoted by: >>39025851

>Shog Friend
>Bogey Target
Well this is going to be embarrassing to say the least.

>> No.39025819


>> No.39025838
Quoted by: >>39026004


Thanks for saving up that part. The fucking jannies deleted my post debunking the "MGs totally reject you guys!" I put effort in compiling. I even got a fucking ban warning about that post, for ya know, providing information and debunking a troll.

>> No.39025848

>Demon target
Guess she could give the Demon some milk, and bring up that I love big tits.

>> No.39025851
Quoted by: >>39025872

>shog friend
>telling your maid that she is your friend
>telling a shog she is just a friend
and that anon was never seen again

>> No.39025872

That Shog already has a husband in the scenario anon. I don't know how it happened but friendship can occur between some weird people.

>> No.39025889
Quoted by: >>39025904


I am the guy that brought up the quest part. It was never confirmed KC even mentioned it at all, it is just something that I understood could happen from whatever glitchy translation google gave me from a KC tweet reply about a weaker man wanting a Bapho wife. Back then we didn't had Deepl and Google sucked more than today at translating moonspeak. I still headcanon it as true because it sounds really fun, though.

>> No.39025904

It's certainly an option a baphomet may try if nothing else.

>> No.39025935

How hard would monster girls rape a man on death's door still choosing to fight?

>> No.39025960
Quoted by: >>39026084

Well to begin with, they generally won't have sex with a man who is too injured for it (unless somehow it would save his life). They'd seek his safety first, subduing him in whatever safe way was available, and only once he was healed ravish or seduce him.

>> No.39025990
Quoted by: >>39026047

>every marine has a huge harem of navy alps

>> No.39026004

Yeah, that's weird. Might be the multiple deletions and reposting was the reason? At least the troll should "hopefully" be banned.

>> No.39026047
Quoted by: >>39026088

>Greenhorn Order Marine getting cornered in the engine room after hell breaks loose and forced to breed a bunch of smug, sweaty engineer Alps
Gonna bet whatever monster settlement they dock at is gonna have a mighty shock.

>> No.39026083

Navy alps will have to find someone else because I'm not betraying the order even if they throw me in the brig

>> No.39026084

I can only imagine a hellhound on the verge of tears trying to get close enough to pin down a bleeding out man swinging a sword at her and administer first aid.

>> No.39026088

The engineering deck sure is cramped, lots of close quarters encounters.

>> No.39026153

I just want to live a comfy trader/adventurer combo life in the world.
Exploring ruins
Selling goods.
Just seeing the world.
