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File: 671 KB, 840x1080, 55859058_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15466044 No.15466044 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15466797

Welcome to fox shrine.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15466383
Quoted by: >>15466387

Kobolds are cute!

>> No.15466386
Quoted by: >>15468824

Welcome to Wurmtown

>> No.15466387
File: 171 KB, 833x657, 4e_kobolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15466391

The hunched over lizard kind, or the psuedo-rat dog kind?

>> No.15466391

The cute doggy kind!

>> No.15466394

I'm drunk, i hope no monster girls take advantage of me!

>> No.15466452
File: 470 KB, 750x1000, 1467177935319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there barely any loli stories

>> No.15466459
Quoted by: >>15466607

You might not be looking hard enough lad.

>> No.15466494 [DELETED] 

Stop samefagging from your mobiles to keep your thread bumped.

>> No.15466547
Quoted by: >>15466607

They exist.

>> No.15466607

yeah, about four of them out of thousands

>> No.15466609

Have you ever read Averageanons Familiar Friend?

>> No.15466649 [DELETED] 


>> No.15466686

Which four?

>> No.15466744
Quoted by: >>15466786

Batting around an idea for a story:

yakuza awoos vs tatted-up Russian mobsters in a battle for MGC's underworld

>> No.15466786
Quoted by: >>15466798

>yakuza awoos
I've always felt that Inari, Oni, and Youkos would fit the Yakuza mold better.

>> No.15466797

I never want to leave Fox Shrine.

>> No.15466798

It would make sense to include some of the other Japanese-themed monstergirls in the yakuza

To me, part of the appeal is the intricate language of tattoos that both the yakuza and Russian criminals have.

>> No.15466809

Permanent heart-pupil yetis who can't stop thinking lewd thoughts about hugging

>> No.15466813
File: 234 KB, 2021x1500, 1462649182041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys like your dragons? Wings or no wings?

>> No.15466817
Quoted by: >>15466825

>Permanent heart-pupil
Heart pupils shouldn't be on permanently.

>> No.15466820
File: 236 KB, 1400x1041, 1466794151380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable wingless dragons are Wurms.

Wings for life.

>> No.15466821

I'm gonna fuck one so hard that her fur turns pink!

>> No.15466825

Unless you're a jub.

>> No.15466827
Quoted by: >>15466832

I know Kitsoviet's 'Kitsch' has a story from Moose, and there's a few from Quicksilver and TraderAnon that're loli.

Not saying the other two who wrote Kitsch shit because they're pretty bad.

>> No.15466829

Or a March Hare

>> No.15466832
Quoted by: >>15466835

Do legal lolis count?

>> No.15466835
File: 326 KB, 1978x1974, kitsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess? I mean AFAIK pic related is by definition a legal loli since she's a dick chasing alcoholic.

>> No.15466837
Quoted by: >>15466933

I want a patriotic JubJub with huge tits and star shaped pupils.

>> No.15466862

I remember that Bollocks was going to do something involving an oppai Kitsch.

>> No.15466865


>Ball gag necklace

That's lewd as fuck

>> No.15466868
Quoted by: >>15466889

>been walking around london streets
>some pigeons seem to be missing feathers
>one even seems to be missing a foot
Now all I'm thinking is territory wars with pigeon harpies

>> No.15466885 [DELETED] 

Fuck off kemonomimifags. You're shitting up the thread. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.15466886
File: 102 KB, 500x389, 1459393168909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15466913

>Thinking that passive-aggressive shitheel has the ability to do anything but shitpost and bitch

>> No.15466889

>Taking a walk in the park
>Decide to sit on a bench to rest
>See a bunch of pigeon harpies in a nearby tree, starring at me like I was an old man
>Guess they are hungry
>Open the big sack I carry around
>Pick a shota and throw it at them
>They swoop down and swarm the kid
>Every harpy in the park tries to get a piece of the little guy

Such is life in MGC

>> No.15466898

Wings! More things to cuddle me with!
Wing Cuddles!

>> No.15466910

Wing cocoons! They are great!

>> No.15466913

He can beg and whine until a better writefag does a thing.

>> No.15466920 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15466943

>better writefag
I don't know if we're going to have any of those left if things keep going the way they are.

>> No.15466924
Quoted by: >>15466982

Gonna give a Maus some cheese!
Gonna make her chubby so she can't scurry away!
Gonna pick her up, pet her tiny head and give her a little model house to live in next to my bed!
Gonna clean her up an make a thicc ladymaus out of the skinny street rat!

>> No.15466933
Quoted by: >>15466946

There's a shipslut like that, also has American flag stockings and underwear.

>> No.15466937
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, megumin approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15466944

There is also MGE translated baphomet, mimiru and sasha stories with lolis.
Sasha story has god-tier loli femdom

BTW anyone has mismatched stockings fetish?

>> No.15466943
Quoted by: >>15466951

We've still got Lantern, RS, Peny and Headsharts. They're all pretty good.

>> No.15466944
File: 106 KB, 295x500, 38282817e8575d23f23f2b4a390f7f3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTW anyone has mismatched stockings fetish?
Yup. Asymmetrical clothing is great in general.

>> No.15466946

I did have Iowa in mind when I typing that.

>> No.15466951

>RS, Peny and Headsharts
Those three write some good lactation stuff, even if RS' Jenna story is the only lactation story the latter has written so far.
I'm still gonna refer to Headsharts as Trachyon from now desu.

>> No.15466958
Quoted by: >>15466981

Which is exactly why having faith in that faggot is a fool's errand. If he spent less time shitposting and bitching to people in various IRC or Discord channels about how the big bad thread hates him maybe, just maybe, that sack of shit could be productive.

>> No.15466981

Still not as bad as the one or two idiots that post in each thread about
1. how hard it is to find motivation to write
2. how their computer magically fried itself before they could post
3. say they're going to write shit only to later let us know that they scrapped it halfway through (repeat 1)

Every time they post I feel like I'm watching one of those terrible commercials where the "normal" actor seems brain-dead and incapable of the simplest tasks.

>> No.15466982
Quoted by: >>15466997

Is she going to be a himedere that asks you to hand feed her?

>> No.15466997
Quoted by: >>15467073

Yes! Raise her to be my pampered Queen Maus! Sire Many Maus Princesses who I will love!

>> No.15467011
Quoted by: >>15467032

You do realize he's at least 50% of those, right.

>> No.15467015
File: 896 KB, 1280x904, 15e106df404f387b4487414b8109fc62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should a human boy do if he encounters a sassy wurm in the wilderness?

>> No.15467032


>> No.15467042
File: 266 KB, 858x800, buy_one_get_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fitting your body into a sweater or blanket just too complicated? Do you find yourself itching, uncomfortable, or unable to breathe? Are you tired of worrying about your sweater matching the rest of your attire?

Introducing Yeti, the new way to stay warm!

Soft, toasty, and kind, your new Yeti will be the talk of your small mountain village! Just snuggle close and let her naturally body heat warm you like no blanket can! It even includes sensitive thermal-adjustment regions! Just stimulate these zones and feel her temperature rise*.

*Stimulation may trigger mating response. We are not responsible or liable for any passionate cuddle-fucking that may result. If you see hearts in its eyes, it’s too late to run or return it.

>> No.15467045
File: 129 KB, 1366x768, Im gonna fucking kill my self.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my computer doesn't fry itself, it just turns my shit into pic related and that kills my motivation as i forget what i wrote.

>> No.15467051
Quoted by: >>15467294

Do Yetis come in different sizes?

>> No.15467054

He should brace for rape.

>> No.15467070

How much do they cost and is it possible to get Yeti insurance?

>> No.15467073

But all those kids will ruin her figure!
That doesn't even factor in that she'll demand you carry her everywhere

>> No.15467080
Quoted by: >>15467085

>not wanting to ravage your waifu's body with one birth after another
Pleb taste.

>> No.15467084
Quoted by: >>15467294

You only pay shipping and handling and they are guaranteed to last a life-time. Excludes intentional damage. Damaging your Yeti will result in the proper authorities being notified.

>> No.15467085
Quoted by: >>15467093

But Anon!
She's going to have a belly, although the milk mouse mammaries may make up for it

>> No.15467093
Quoted by: >>15467138

Pet my Wife's baby belly!

>> No.15467100 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 3000x3000, 1467227658619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.less was able to recover one of the WIPs that I liked
Oh happy day, what a lovely day!

>> No.15467106 [DELETED] 

>dragon and anubis

>> No.15467109

Looks like cuck-kun strikes again

>> No.15467111
File: 755 KB, 2362x1897, will delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467146

.less fucked up Anubis' proportions.
Also >>15467106

>> No.15467117

Play dead, it works at least 20% of the time.

>> No.15467125
Quoted by: >>15467146

That was one of the preludes to what eventually happened, dude said he origionally wanted something like that but .less could never get it the way he liked it so the dude said 'well just do this other thing, I mean what could possibly go wrong'

>> No.15467126
Quoted by: >>15467146

>Dragon x Anubis

>> No.15467129

Goddamn, that's great news. Looks lovely as well, but I can see why you chose to go with the lewder one. That one is a little more cleanly composed I think, less crowded. Also, the difference in the girls' eye styles is a nice little touch.
I like that they're making a little Anubis OF too.

I don't know what kind of friends dress up in lingerie together to make mecha models, but given their mutual good taste, I can only assume that they're even closer to each other than siblings. That's a strong friendship right there.

Do you think you'll ever get .less to clean it up and finish it in the future? Or maybe commission him for a second attempt at a picture like that?

>> No.15467133
Quoted by: >>15467159

>I don't know what kind of friends dress up in lingerie together to make mecha models
>I can only assume that they're even closer to each other than siblings

>> No.15467138
Quoted by: >>15467151

Depending on how many kids she's carrying that can be quite the belly.

>> No.15467146

>what could possibly go wrong
The existence of the picture is not responsible for the thread's reaction to it, nor the shitshow that followed it being posted here.

Oh get over it already.

Yeah, I don't think he's really used to or experienced in drawing robots and the like?

The answer to that is simple.
I wanted a pic of an Anubis in lingerie, and a Dragon in lingerie, and an Anubis and Dragon building a model. So thought "Eeeeeeeh, why not kill two or three birds with one stone?"
Then I forgot to remind .less about the lingerie for the final image.

>Clean it up? Commission a second attempt?
Nah. I'm broke for the time being first of all, and I'm happy just to have this WIP saved now. Have other priorities as far as commissions go for the time being, when I do have some bank again.

>> No.15467148 [DELETED] 

>The cuck tries to fight back

>> No.15467151
Quoted by: >>15467162

Bigger the better!

>> No.15467153

I'm sure that this is a nice and wholesome friendship.
>The existence of the picture is not responsible for the thread's reaction to it, nor the shitshow that followed it being posted here.
You have a point but I'd advise you to save your breath, all you'll do is rile people up.

>> No.15467159

Anon, if you've never assembled anime girl figure kits with a friend while you're both dressed in nothing but your underwear, you can't really say that you've lived yet.

Fair enough. Don't spend unless you know you've got the disposable income. Though I'm interested to see what those other commission priorities might be.
Also, don't engage with them. Idiots're spouting memes which were tired in the same thread they were created in, and tore the thread apart. Don't drop to their level.

>> No.15467162
Quoted by: >>15467225

But at a certain point she can't move!
You don't want that to happen to her do you?

Your himedere mouse pinned by her growing brood?

>> No.15467163
Quoted by: >>15467174

You reap what you sow mang.

>> No.15467168
File: 17 KB, 423x338, 1458613124854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look that cute lil face!

>> No.15467174

But that harvest is long since finished. Let us leave that poisoned crop behind, and not allow it to spoil future growth.

>> No.15467175

Shit man, did she break it? Also why is that under a spoiler? Doesn't look bad to me.

>> No.15467180
File: 198 KB, 766x1021, 57581253_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most shocking thing about your waifu?

>> No.15467186

Their meaty paws and claws and suited to the small, fiddly pieces of plastic that those models are made out of.
The two of them together possess just a little more dexterity than a human with their hands, and it leads to situations where both of them have to carefully hold a piece between their claws together, while one of them tries to fit it on the model correctly.

>> No.15467188

Cry more fag

>> No.15467192
Quoted by: >>15467201

Nah, I think they're just being real careful while trying to attach the other leg.

>> No.15467193

>Their meaty paws and claws and suited
Aren't suited.

>> No.15467198
File: 641 KB, 817x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Monster Hunter would be vastly improved if you were hunting monstergirls.

>> No.15467201

It was the worried look on the Anubis's face and that look of (what looks to me like) disbelief or just not registering something yet on the Dragon's face that made me think it got broked

>> No.15467204 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 525x462, 1467230033203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467241

Damn near anything can be improved by Monster Girls

pic related

>> No.15467206

Why even bother with foxes when jackals have tails that fluffy?

>> No.15467215

Wolfus in general are pretty nice, but yes.

Anubis the best.

>> No.15467217
Quoted by: >>15467294

I would like 1 backpack version of Yeti and 1 oversized

>> No.15467225
Quoted by: >>15467262

but she'll have all the pampering in the world!

>> No.15467241
File: 113 KB, 693x1158, 1457401509064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Cats get pats

>> No.15467247
File: 262 KB, 640x480, 1458616289403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless Anon, god bless.

>> No.15467256

Bastet is the cutest goddess!

I leave cat treats at her temple every morning!

>> No.15467262
Quoted by: >>15467351

Just be sure to bring cheese

>> No.15467263
Quoted by: >>15467267

Anubis is the cutest goddess.

>> No.15467266

I want to cuddle Bastet, Ra, Hathor and Amaterasu.
My pelvis might be dust, but I don't care.

>> No.15467267
File: 396 KB, 700x900, 6ba478d8201fda06de4ae0d43abe7289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467291

Can't argue with that.

>> No.15467291
Quoted by: >>15467300

gonna lick her exclamation points

>> No.15467294
File: 141 KB, 680x1251, Wedonotrecommendwearingyetisinlieuofclothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So how big is oversized?

>> No.15467299

I prefer to see my tall girls in the 7ft range.

>> No.15467300
Quoted by: >>15467338

But that'll cause the magical core within her abdomen to short out. Who knows what could happen then.

>> No.15467316
Quoted by: >>15467322

7-8ft is the ideal range, anything more is too big unless it's an ushi or something with a non-human body.

>> No.15467322

I want a 7ft tall Shoggoth.

>> No.15467330

Too much hug.

>> No.15467338
Quoted by: >>15467366

Then i'll just eat her out to jump start it!

>> No.15467351

an oz of cheese per baby!

>> No.15467362

Slightly taller than me at most. Situational exceptions may be made, however.

>> No.15467366
Quoted by: >>15467374

First you short out the main store of magical energy within her body, then you want to ignite all that scattered power by eating out her most sensitive erogenous zone?
You're going to turn her into a magical lust bomb, and the two of you will be at the epicenter.

>> No.15467374
File: 102 KB, 700x734, alleured love beam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to show my devotion to eros somehow

>> No.15467386
Quoted by: >>15467410

>Deruella backwards is one letter off from "allured"

>> No.15467389
Quoted by: >>15467410

I want to milk Deruella like a Holstaur!

>> No.15467394

What about a rune pika beam?

>> No.15467395
File: 1.47 MB, 690x2351, bullythekuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Showing interest in MGs
>Not being a classy, mysterious kuudere

I wonder if gapmoe is a thing in MGE-land.

>> No.15467398
Quoted by: >>15467437

Gapmoe is ALWAYS a thing.

>> No.15467410
File: 110 KB, 759x719, Alleured spooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467415

Hah, what a weird coincidence, right?

Bu-but that's so lewd!

>> No.15467415
Quoted by: >>15467422

I want to cuddle Deruella after rough sex!
Because she's so cute and deserves love!

>> No.15467422
Quoted by: >>15467539

>Not cuddling on the couch while watching a movie and ending up falling asleep in each others arms
Step up your game! A cute goil deserves cute things!

>> No.15467424
File: 359 KB, 800x1529, 517c74a28fcfbc78d1f6268bae43ce5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like more when the guys are tsundere

>> No.15467437
File: 236 KB, 688x1262, 2kuu4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gapmoe is ALWAYS a thing

This anon gets it.

The chase makes things more interesting. It's like struggling to open a carton of ready-made custard for your rhubarb crumble, knowing the rewards will be all the sweeter for the effort.

And with tsunderes you don't normally get to see their smile like this.

Unless you mean classic tsunderes, where they go from ice queen to dere-dere waifu over a long time. Modern tsunderes are those bipolar bitchy "b-b-baka! It's not like I want to..." that are permanently acting like a pain for no reason, and never really "thaw" out.

>> No.15467442

Last half meant for >>15467424

>> No.15467452

Not really talking about tsunderes, though I guess they do count, in a way.

>> No.15467455
Quoted by: >>15467514

Dal Dal deserves to win, Queen's an autist.
That kidnapping arc was retarded, too.

>> No.15467457

Y'know who's a cute tsundere?

Mamushi from Blue Exorcist. Bonus points for being something of a Shirohebi.

>> No.15467461

Not going to lie, but I'd probably be something of a tsundere if monstergirls were real.

>> No.15467508

I like tall Monsters

>> No.15467513


>> No.15467514
File: 156 KB, 634x1000, ShortstackJinkoBodyguard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467533

>Dal Dal deserves to win, Queen's an autist.

Let's be honest, mini-Tiger will never win. The first 50, maybe 100 chapters she was a serious contender, but everything since has had her as purely comic relief

>> No.15467515
Quoted by: >>15467534

I like fiery ones

>> No.15467522

I do too.

>> No.15467533
Quoted by: >>15467556

So you're saying that jinko is not an option?

>> No.15467534

There was a doujin with a fiery djinn girl posted last thread.

>> No.15467536
File: 329 KB, 654x452, cheering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a fiery and quick-to-anger, but also deredere and overprotective short-stack Jinko to cheer you on.

>> No.15467539

Well we can't do that every day. Gotta mix it up.

>> No.15467541
File: 90 KB, 711x986, 1440504763472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those yetis aren't meant for this level of hug, they're trembling!

>> No.15467543
Quoted by: >>15467547

I like cute monsters

>> No.15467547

So you like 99% of them?

>> No.15467555


>> No.15467556

She is. In your heart.

But in terms of plot: I just binge-read the entire series across like two days, so I have her character development over time fresh in my memory. She's had primarily a comic relief role the last hundred chapters, and hasn't had any prominent moments of character development like giant Jersey or Ojousama have had.

>> No.15467569

I find it amazing how I either dislike or feel neutral towards most monster girls.

>> No.15467578

Then why are you even here?

>> No.15467584
File: 786 KB, 855x1200, SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where foxes just step up their game and add more paws.
Look at these luxurious natural fur thighhighs.
Cascading silky hair.
Ample heavy bosom.

Don't you want to have this? To make more of these?
The world needs more, get pumping.

>> No.15467585

I like or am neutral toward most girls. I only hate a few.

>> No.15467590

>Only sluts allowed in this thread

>> No.15467594


>> No.15467599

Yo but where's the monster though.

You literally just said "dislike or feel neutral towards most monster girls"
Now you like or are neutral towards most?


>> No.15467601

>That bush
She's gotta do some trimming first

>> No.15467607
Quoted by: >>15467613

Are you the autist that lost his shit over cosplay-tier girls in the previous thread?

>> No.15467609

>Not liking the pubic hair

I want children to leave this thread.

>> No.15467613


>> No.15467615

I don't mind pubic hair, but she's almost rocking a furkini thong down there.

>> No.15467616

Foxes can get multiple tails just as fluffy. It's pretty hard to best that.

>> No.15467617

>Not appreciating the sign of a grown woman

>> No.15467618
Quoted by: >>15467625

I think you're confusing me with someone else.

>> No.15467619
Quoted by: >>15467633

>You'll never be sent up from your village to the local fox shrine to secure their blessings for the next generation.
>Which amounts to fucking the head Kitsune's daughterus until they're pregnant then becoming their husband.
Imagine it anon. All those curvy busty foxes wanting you to father their children and not letting you go until you do.

>> No.15467624
Quoted by: >>15467631

I'm quite meh on pubic hair personally.

Kind of not fond of flicking my tongue against a big bush of hair, so I prefer a girl shaved.

>> No.15467625

Yes, I am. I've lost the abitlity to follow a chain of two posts.

>> No.15467631

I don't even need shaved, just trimmed

>> No.15467633
Quoted by: >>15467647

Why would I want to leave?

>> No.15467647
Quoted by: >>15467678

By "letting you go" I meant "Letting you pull out".
Not being able to pull out of one girl until she's pregnant and knowing you're surrounded by at least a dozen amorous Kitsune who want the same is pretty exciting isn't it?

>> No.15467660
File: 533 KB, 800x1728, F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15467670

Replace the Word icon with a trash can, and put "/mgt/" over the girl's head.

Also photoshop Neil Flynn's face over the doctor's.

>> No.15467678
Quoted by: >>15467777

How many children do you think each of them wants? Because I'm going to take that number and double it.

>> No.15467683
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467729

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.15467695

God dammit I remember this comic.


>> No.15467729

>You will never breastfeed a holstarus

>> No.15467748

A Holstaur would love some fried chicken breast.

>> No.15467750

I like monsters that sit on faces.

>> No.15467754 [SPOILER] 
File: 775 KB, 500x495, 1467239741767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she could just feed herself. Why mess up my body for awkward reverse milking? Besides, her's probably tastes better.

I want to walk in on a holst suckling on her own nipple

>> No.15467759
Quoted by: >>15467766

Aaaand 3 day vacaycay.

>> No.15467760

That's weirdly cute.

>> No.15467766
Quoted by: >>15467773

Could have sworn that nips weren't a bannable offense anymore, but whatever. Away it goes.

>> No.15467767

Late as fuck reply, I suppose. But you should know better than to trust anything I say at all. One would hope after the Jub-Jub story that you'd all take a hint.

>> No.15467772
File: 381 KB, 1200x600, 1465331425932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Druella so lonely? You would think beautiful girl like her would have tons of guys trying to date her!

>> No.15467773

Maybe on /a/ with a spoiler, but I think that's it. Anywhere else doesn't let it fly.
Actually, I can't even remember if it's three days for breaking the nudity rule. Hmm.

>> No.15467777
Quoted by: >>15467790

>How many children do you think each of them wants?
As many as you can pump into them.
More children means more security for their clan's future and more importantly the old head gets a bunch of granddaughterus to spoil.

>> No.15467779

I want to cuddlefuck Deruella while she wraps her tail around my leg and I tease her ears!

>> No.15467784
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 1465562420175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the most powerful beings on the planet, her mere presence drives people to sex, and her stated goal is to watch the world fuck. That's a very intimidating first impression to get past. Probably has more visitors from the Order trying to off her than from suitors.

tl;dr: Power can make you very lonely

>> No.15467787

People spread mean lies about her.

>> No.15467790

Well, those Kitsune better get used to near perpetual pregnancy then.

>> No.15467796
File: 1.20 MB, 2376x1504, 1461076753880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15467822

Power does make you lonely huh? I want to protect a powerful monster girl from loneliness!

>> No.15467799
Quoted by: >>15467836

I want to be Deruella's friend!

>> No.15467819
Quoted by: >>15467829

I want to befriends ton of monsters

>> No.15467822

>Follow an old map to a treasure horde
>Dragon sleeping atop the gold
>She's been worshiped, feared, and attacked over the centuries
>For the past century, though, she's mainly been forgotten
>She's become incredibly jaded
>She stirs at your sound, but makes no move. Just watches you
>She expects you to just be another petty thief she'll have to torch
>Instead, you open your pack and lay out a blanket
>You brought tons of food, more than one person could eat
>You invite her to sit with you for some lunch
How would she react

>> No.15467829

Would you like the harem end, or the bloody yandere end?

>> No.15467833
Quoted by: >>15467838

How about the just friends end

>> No.15467836
Quoted by: >>15467846

I want Deruella to ride me while Alleured sits on my face!

>> No.15467838
Quoted by: >>15467857

So... the alp end? Weird choice, but I'm not judging you.

>> No.15467841

I'd offer her a kisses for pieces of gold. The longer the kiss the bigger the treasure.

>> No.15467846
Quoted by: >>15467989

That's going to be a bit difficult all things considered.

>> No.15467854
Quoted by: >>15467907

I'm going to stay there no matter what she thinks. Normally MGs force themselves upon guys, but this time, I'm the one who is going to do it.

>> No.15467857
Quoted by: >>15467904

Or all the friends find love and I stay friends with them and their husbands

>> No.15467858
Quoted by: >>15467864

Yandere harem end.

>> No.15467864
Quoted by: >>15467972

Yandere friends, that sure is odd they don't want me friends with anyone else

>> No.15467893

Remember to always give a doppelganger potion to the waifu before going off to bed together.

>> No.15467900

What kind of Dog Girl would you classify as a 'Pupper'

>> No.15467904
Quoted by: >>15467952

But then they'd try and set you up with single members of their family, friends, extended family, or daughters.

>> No.15467907

>She doesn't move an inch
>Just keeps staring at you with one ancient golden eye
>You just sit there, eating your meal
>every now and then you look up, hoping to invite her down
>She just keeps staring
>Eventually pack up your bag and leave
>Come back the next day with food
>And the next
>And the next
>Two weeks go by of you visiting
>You bring food, sometimes a book to read
>She just keeps staring
>Three weeks this goes on
>Come in one day with your pack
>Set up your picnic
>Her voice booms, echoing of the cavern and startling you
>You look up. She's raised her head and is staring at you with both eyes now
>'Why are you doing this?'
You got her attention, t least

>> No.15467916

Kobolds, loli Werewolves, and loli Hellhounds.

>> No.15467940

The kind that pants and barks when you fuck them, so kobolds.

>> No.15467944

I prefer the strategy where you just literally move in with them, and declare that you now live there.

>> No.15467952
Quoted by: >>15467964

Not their daughters, but extended family is fine to date

>> No.15467964
Quoted by: >>15467966

Enjoy a harem of your's friends' cousins

>> No.15467966

I wouldn't mind that.

>> No.15467972
Quoted by: >>15467985

I don't think they would be just friends

>> No.15467975
Quoted by: >>15467993

I would do more than that. I would scout around the mountain for food and invaders, give her any shiny things I find, entertain her with some games, sing some lullabies for her, cover her with a nice blanket and guard her defenseless body while she sleeps, clean her lair and cook some breakfast before she wakes up and many more things.

>> No.15467977

I want to become a cute Nerdwan. How should I proceed?

>> No.15467985

By if my friends were yandere then they would be yandere friends

>> No.15467989

But why?

What about a 'Woofer'

>> No.15467993
Quoted by: >>15468011

One step at a time anon. Got to make sure she won't flambe you before you go climbing around on hr treasure or sleeping in the cave.

>> No.15467995

well first you need to not be a man

>> No.15467996

Start by being a girl, or being a stage one alp in KF's settings

>> No.15467997

>What about a 'Woofer'
That'd probably be a teenage werewolf who barks and growls at everything.
But if you get her on her back and rub her belly she becomes a Subwoofer.

>> No.15468002
Quoted by: >>15468045

Isn't it obvious?
Deruella and Alleured are the same person.
I don't blame you for not noticing though, it takes a sharp eye.

>> No.15468003
Quoted by: >>15468027

Step 1: Become an alp
Step 2: Don't become a jabberwock.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Nerwan profit.

>> No.15468005

Alp into a kobold.
Dye your newly found fur black.
Get some fake glasses.
Git gud at school.

>> No.15468008

Who would win in an argument Thread Deruella vs KC Deruella

>> No.15468011
Quoted by: >>15468043

I'm not going to do it all at once. I'll do it slowly, letting her get used to my presence there, until she trusts me enough to touch her hoard. Then I'll pretend to disappear just to see her reaction.

>> No.15468013

Fuck off

>> No.15468023

Why should they argue?
They should team up to rock a guy's world.

>> No.15468025

Wow, the thread's slow and shitty tonight. What gives?

>> No.15468027
Quoted by: >>15468040

Only Alps that make deals with the robot devil will ha e to worry about that

>> No.15468030

I don't know lad, it's been very slow all day especially for a new thread.

>> No.15468031

Awful start and everyone's spiting the OP I guess.

>> No.15468032

Why don't paladin-chans rape their squires

>> No.15468036


>> No.15468037

Because their squires are usually also girls.

>> No.15468040
Quoted by: >>15468063

Well, that and their waistlines.

>> No.15468041

But the thread Druella is just a mirror image

>> No.15468043
File: 227 KB, 556x618, 1457468812030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Centuries of hardship and crushing loneliness
>One foolish boy finally comes along
>Doesn't run away try to kill you or worship you
>Doesn't even care about your gold
>Just wants to be around you and see you smile
>Slowly warm up to him
>Talk once in a while, let him read to you, even let him climb up and share a blanket with you
>Actually look forward to his visits
>Then they stop
>No more lunches, no more books, no more games
>No more of his sweet face, no more of that warm smile, no more kind, earnest voice
>Just darkness and this mountain of cold, unfeeling treasure
>'The darkness. My one companion in these long centuries...'
>As she closes her eyes, she feels something wet roll down her cheek
Are you trying to make a dragon cry? Because that's how you do it, anon.

>> No.15468045
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, disguised druella 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468052

>Deruella and Alleured are the same person.
N-no way

>> No.15468046

Their feelings for their squire are bottled up.

>> No.15468047
Quoted by: >>15468100

Spiting the OP? I know it's really shit and generic with a boring, barely monstergirl kitsune, but we've had bad OPs before. What's new this time?

>> No.15468048

Better apologize for arriving late

>> No.15468049

Who do I have to offer blood tithes to for oppai/adult Kitsch.

>> No.15468052

You can't fool me Deruella, I'd recognize that cute face anywhere.

>> No.15468053

I want to find a short Wurm and call her shorty!

>> No.15468056

That I can't draw her well enough to meet my standards, and even with my daily practice and Loomis templates, will tke me a long while to improve.

>> No.15468060
Quoted by: >>15468069

Yep, that's it. And then I'll pop up while she is crying and ask her what's wrong. I have a heart boner for girls crying because they only realise how much something is worth after they've lost it. It trigger my healing instincts.

>> No.15468063
Quoted by: >>15468073

There are worse fates for an anon I suppose.

>> No.15468069
Quoted by: >>15468094

Hope you've got a strong spine anon, because she's going to get you in a bear hug and not let go for a while.

>> No.15468073

True, she got a good end out of it.

>> No.15468078

How much cuddling would an Undead Snake need?

>> No.15468083
Quoted by: >>15468123

A lot. She'd pretty much need cuddling all day long until she turned into a Wight.
And even then she'd still want to cuddle you almost all the time.

>> No.15468085
Quoted by: >>15468123

I doubt that you'd be let go.

>> No.15468091
File: 118 KB, 1024x1310, 1432880168643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468123

Three days of straight cuddles, maybe more depending on the weather. That's a lot of girl to warm up, and you have to be responsible for her.

A few steaming hot loads pumped into her womb as you cuddle may speed up the process

>> No.15468092
Quoted by: >>15468123

Zombie Snek just moaning "Waaaaaaarm"

>> No.15468093
File: 268 KB, 1272x1224, 1465763718939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Older Woman x Younger Male relationships
My favorite.

>> No.15468094

Gonna give her a pat and apologize for taking too long. After all, it's not easy to find a diamond ring to satisfy a dragon lust for precious things. Why are dragons so great?

>> No.15468096

I like her glasses

>> No.15468100
Quoted by: >>15468108

Somebody used a kitsune to make a new thread hours before the older one died, which seems to be a great way to ruin kitsune posting in general.

>> No.15468102

She has a cute smile.

>> No.15468104

I like average monsters

>> No.15468108

Oh. Well foxgirls are posted here way too often anyway. Still a shame.

>> No.15468113
File: 404 KB, 723x1000, Touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraken/Tentacles: http://pastebin.com/2ZeNHxs7

Another catastrophic failure on the weaving byroad to success.

>> No.15468120
File: 256 KB, 1280x924, 1460886069778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invoking a 150 year tradition with a centuries-old dragon
I'd want to see the look of confusion on her face when you pull it out. She'd wonder why you bought such a seemingly paltry ring when there's hundreds more extravagant ones laying around. Then as you explain what the ring means, her eyes start to grow wide, welling up with tears of joy. And then she grabs you in a vice-like hug, refusing to let go.

>> No.15468123

So I'd need a space heater

>> No.15468127

Ask Druella.

>> No.15468131

It's not the same my good anon, she's going to want your heat, not a machines heat.

>> No.15468132

Electric blankets might be the better option, though depending on how big she is that might run up your electric bill.

>> No.15468151

Do not hug an undead yeti because her hugs are cold

>> No.15468152

She is not the only one that isn't going to let go. I might not be a rich prince or a noble knight, but you better believe that I'm gonna do my best to make this lizard happy. The more I read about dragons, the more I love them.

>> No.15468173

I want her to hug me now in the summer, I cool off and she warms up, we both win

>> No.15468176

I want to combine a Yeti with an Ittan
Another with a Lava Golem

>> No.15468182
File: 166 KB, 800x1000, 1429432676741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468232

Just be careful, anon. She's been in that cave alone for who knows how long. She's going to have a few centuries of repressed instincts bubbling very close to the surface. She may end up pillaging your white gold and come out with a clutch of eggs.

I'd actually love to think about what satisfying a few hundred years of sexual repression would be like

>> No.15468219
Quoted by: >>15468232

Which Dragon CC would be the best at unleashing years of pent up frustration?

>> No.15468231
File: 154 KB, 600x450, 206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468392

>A single tiny gem can be more valuable to her than her entire hoard just because you were the one that gave it to her
>tfw remember Losenis' story

He knows how to write heartwarming stuff.

when is he gonna write daughterus

>> No.15468232

I would've spent a lot of time with her, so slaying the dragon might not be that hard, and I'm sure having two or three little lizards running around is going to make her feel even less lonely.

Vanilla and Ryu.

>> No.15468237

It was alright.

>> No.15468240

Brown pregnant loli monster girls.

>> No.15468254
Quoted by: >>15468276

I cannot place enough emphasis upon how much YES is here.

>> No.15468261
Quoted by: >>15468276

Dick the brown moinichuffs!

>> No.15468268
Quoted by: >>15468276

What species?

>> No.15468276

The real question is how pregnant.

Cuddle her and stroke her baby bump.

Roll for it.

I'm feeling a minotaur today.

>> No.15468293
Quoted by: >>15468320

>brown loli Dhampir
She better have a well padded rear and a fetish for spankings, because I totally want to reenact that Dhampir thing PRW wrote.

>> No.15468311

>Rolled dormouse
How did it know it was me? HOW?!

>> No.15468314

Oh fuck that's nice, reading it right now.

>> No.15468320
Quoted by: >>15468339

Maybe she does.
Maybe she'll wear a some tight clothes to show it off.

She wants you anon.
You're hers.

>> No.15468324
Quoted by: >>15468339


>> No.15468330

I don't care to roll, I'll just sit back and imagine a pregnant loli Anubis.
In a garterbelt.

>> No.15468337
Quoted by: >>15468380

Would she strip tease for you?

>> No.15468339
Quoted by: >>15468347

Well, clearly I have some breeding to do and some bellies to rub afterwards.
How many mouselings does a dormouse produce?

>> No.15468347
Quoted by: >>15468376

Around 4 I imagine.

>> No.15468355
File: 142 KB, 800x800, Manticore bully not so tough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the greentext for this picture?

>> No.15468356

More content for Kraken is always nice to see

>> No.15468358
Quoted by: >>15468394

Remember, the more pregnant your waifu, the more love and care she needs, and the more adorable daughterus on the way

>> No.15468376
Quoted by: >>15468411

I'm going to try and get six in one batch then.

>> No.15468380
Quoted by: >>15468411

Down to it, I should imagine.

>> No.15468388
File: 514 KB, 1000x1399, 57603073_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468410

>> No.15468392
Quoted by: >>15468397

Link story please

>> No.15468394
Quoted by: >>15468401

Man, I don't know

Sure, some species love to get as many offspring as possible, but how can we make sure that we aren't going overboard?

>> No.15468397
Quoted by: >>15468500


>> No.15468401

You can only have 2many babies if you impregnated an Echida

>> No.15468410

What's that kitty up to?

>> No.15468411
Quoted by: >>15468483

Go for it.
Just remember to help her move around.

Are you ready to stand before you with a smug smirk on her face and her tail wagging behind her?

>> No.15468460

>pregrant loli anubis wearing a garterbelt
>because apparently they make garterbelts for lolis now
>which can still fit anubis' fluffy legs and paws while looks sleek and sexy as fuck, specially made so that the fur can be comfortably smoothed down after putting them on, and which won't be pierced by their claws
>she wanted to surprise you in the bedroom with the garterbelt, but you had to end up helping her put it on
>for one thing, she's never put on a garterbelt before
>pulling it all the way up with her baby bump was a task and a half
>and her paws are so amazing and soft, they don't even need to be as dextrous as human hands
>you hope her pride isn't damaged too much as she thanks you, and sends you back into the bedroom to wait for the "surprise"
>you sit back on the bed, eyes closed as you hear the door open
>she pads quitely across the carpet towards you, towards the bed
>you hear covers shuffling as she climbs up on the bed
>and keeps climbing
>and stops
>as it turns out, she can't actually climb onto the bed with the garterbelt restricting the movement of her legs, and what with being so small
>you're commanded to keep your eyes closed as you help her, reaching a hand out blindly for her to grab so she can be pulled up
>but soon, she's sitting on you, straddling your abdomen
>pressing her paws against your chest, she slides off of you, stalking on all fours to the foot of the bed and standing back up
>she says you can open your eyes now
>as you open your eyes and see her standing there, she says she wants to dance for you, and that she got the idea from her mother, who apparently is an expert dancer and met her father while performing
>you can harldly wait
>with an uncertain smile, the loli anubis takes a breath, and begins doing... something
>well, you guess it technically counts as dancing
>it doesn't look terrible (you don't think she could look terrible doing anthing though, really) but it's uncoordinated, clumsy and just a little bit hilarious
>of course, she doesn't actually know how to dance
>but there's a look of focus on her face as she makes vague and uncertain gyrations, and you know that if you laughed at her now, you'd break her pure and innocent little heart
>so instead, you sneak your feet under the covers, to either side of her, and make her yelp as you pull her in with your legs
>you catch her gently, resting a hand on her rounded little tummy, crossing your legs over and around her to feel the silk of her garterbelt against your shins
>and kiss her on the lips
>her eyes are wide from surprise for just a second, before she half closes them, a happy expression on her face as she kisses back, giggling a little as you go at it together

These are the continuing adventures of Anon and his currently pregnant loli anubis waifu. She is too sweet and pure for this world.
Didn't want to give this thread any support by posting anything of substance in it, given the OP who made it, but I couldn't resist writing about loli anubi.

>> No.15468477
Quoted by: >>15468705

Guys, how do we summon YBA to give us an update on Vengeance? We need to figure this out for science.

>> No.15468478
File: 119 KB, 650x342, Hold my beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468916




>> No.15468483
Quoted by: >>15468538

>Are you ready to stand before you with a smug smirk on her face and her tail wagging behind her?
Not sure if my heart (or boner) can take it.
But one can try.

>>because apparently they make garterbelts for lolis now
Sabbath has all sexual needs of lolis covered, and then some.
Also this is a hundred different kinds of wonderful. Thank you.

>> No.15468499
Quoted by: >>15468538

I wonder if she might decide to pay her mother a visit to ask for dance lessons...oh the possibilities.

>> No.15468500
File: 245 KB, 662x700, 1454738892303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Then I'm gonna take every coin you have and shove them in your face hard enough to make Charon blush!"

>> No.15468506
File: 3.01 MB, 2000x2500, Honeyview_1422942057413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time no see, eh? I'm proud to present another fapfic for your viewing pleasure; this time it's the story of a young man with a taste for the finer things getting a taste of some fine dragonpussy. Or, more accurately, the fine dragon pussy gets a taste of him. It ran a bit long, but I hope the smut will make up for it.


>totally glad that Seafoam (The literal GRRM of the threads, just holy fuck CONTINUE PLEASE)
Hey, fuck you buddy! That's an unfair comparison and you know it; I'm WAY less likely to actually die in the near future. Probably.

>> No.15468531
Quoted by: >>15468575

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Impregnate the lolis.
The legal ones.

>> No.15468538

The more I think about the Sabbath's creative and inventive bent, with all their useful invetions and transformative potions. If only they weren't so mental.

Her mother's going to teach her the hokey pokey, and tell her daughter it was the dance she used to court her father.
The loli anubis won't know any better, and will think it's a sexy dance which will make you want to hug and kiss her.

>> No.15468544
Quoted by: >>15468717

Back from the dead once more!

>> No.15468547
Quoted by: >>15468595

>If only they weren't so mental.
It's really just the Demon Lord's Right-Hand Baphomet who's a tad nutty. Even then I think she plays it up a bit.

>Hokey Pokey trickery
Hnnnggg, the heart, it cann'a take much more...she'll get many hugs and kisses alright.

>> No.15468549

>The more I think about the Sabbath's creative and inventive bent, with all their useful invetions and transformative potions
I missed a bit on the end there. "The more I can kind of admire them" I should have stuck onto that sentence.

>> No.15468575

All lolis are legal with monstergirls anon!

>> No.15468595
Quoted by: >>15468675

But that's just going to make her think the dances she's doing really are meant to arouse men. And her mother will start teaching her more and more completely innocent and age-appropriate dances.
Do you really want to come home and see your loli anubis waifu standing on the bed, butt naked, wagging her hips and clapping her paws at you like on some lewd parody of a kids' show?
Would that silly display of fun actually cause you to pounce her on the bed, pin her to the mattress, and kiss her all over as she laughs and tries to kiss back?

>> No.15468596
File: 233 KB, 724x1000, cutie pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468616

Remember to polish your dragon's horns! It makes her happy that you take care of every part of her body.

>> No.15468616
File: 72 KB, 800x1000, HornPolishingColored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horn polishing is universally appreciated by horny monstergirls.

>> No.15468635

How much business would I get if I opened a Horn Polishing shop?

>> No.15468636
Quoted by: >>15468672

why is she blindfolded?

>> No.15468637

What's the punishment for false allegation of rape in MGC?

>> No.15468641

Sounds like husband territory, Anon. You'd need to run the place like a brothel.

>> No.15468643

Chastity belt

Or everyone saying 'git gud' for needing to falsely claim instead of actually doing

>> No.15468644

You're thrown into MG prison. Good luck.

>> No.15468652

You're actually raped by a single monster girl, then happily albeit forcibly married.

>> No.15468660

Into the Matango pit.

>> No.15468662
File: 139 KB, 743x767, persistent sexual arousal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15468672

That's something for couples, usually married, anon.
So the polish doesn't get in her eyes.

>> No.15468675

That all sounds rather adorable.

What if she was a legal loli who was just innocent enough to fall for her mother's tricks?

>> No.15468687
Quoted by: >>15468717

That Dragon sounded delicious, good shit Seafoam.

>> No.15468693
Quoted by: >>15468788

>legal loli
You are just obsessed with pushing this thing for some reason, aren't you.

>> No.15468695
Quoted by: >>15468788

It's ok to be a pedo here lad, this is 4chan

>> No.15468705
Quoted by: >>15468774

He sometimes responds when we shitpost about him. It doesn't end up bringing much tho.

>> No.15468707
Quoted by: >>15468788

Delicious 11 year old loli anubis with a heart of gold, take it or leave it.

>> No.15468717
Quoted by: >>15468735

Only temporarily, though I hope to make this cycle a bit longer. Remember to be kind to any zombies you see shambling around next year guys, one of them might be me.

Thanks. She was fun to write too, makes me want to write more characters in that particular style of alpha.

>> No.15468719

How young is the youngest you'd go /mgt/?

>> No.15468723

Depends on on how young the laws of the land let me go, FBI-kun

>> No.15468729

Really depends on what they look like and their mentality/attitude.

>> No.15468735

I kinda wish there was some nipple sucking considering how grand Jades tits are.
It's nice that that fat Dragon ass got a spanking though.
I look forward to reading more of your works.

>> No.15468742
Quoted by: >>15468744

Like >>15468729 says, how they act, comprehend and perceive things is important.
But in general, I probably wouldn't go below 9.

>> No.15468744
Quoted by: >>15468753

>I probably wouldn't go below 9
I almost felt bad drawing my line at fourteen, then I realized what kind of company I was in.

>> No.15468749
File: 669 KB, 590x874, 47808812_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468756

Hard to say really. I don't really entertain the notion of forming a relationship with anyone who lacks the mental development that comes with a bit of age.
Children are STUPID.
That's why foxes are great.

>> No.15468751
File: 269 KB, 1048x1566, 5cec78dfca0f7b9a8f96dc781fdbf276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I mean, would you fuck a freshly hatched Humpty Egg born with massive tits and a plump rear?

>> No.15468753
Quoted by: >>15468756

That's loli for you. At least it's purely confined to 2D. The valley of seperation between that and 3D is several factors vaster than the Grand Canyon.

>> No.15468754

I would probably go for girls around my age, but I guess the youngest would be 11.

>> No.15468755

My age.

>> No.15468756
Quoted by: >>15468772

>That's why foxes are great.
But then you are the child.

>I mean, would you fuck a freshly hatched Humpty Egg born with massive tits and a plump rear?
If I had to, but I'd really rather not. They'd be much too unintelligent and hard to talk with; my stance on her mother would be the same. At least I wouldn't need to worry about doing any physical harm.

Truly. I ended up stuck in a car with a 16 year old girl a few weeks ago and it was a form of torture. I don't remember them being like that when I was in school.

>> No.15468759

I wouldn't fuck a fetus so no.

>> No.15468772
File: 67 KB, 508x546, 21ccc273dac77dba66419b7294065bf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468776

>But then you are the child.
As long as it's relative and not literal for either party I think we're good.

>> No.15468774

shitpost shitpost shitpost YBA shitpost shitpost shitpost Monster Girls shitpost shitpost shitpost shitpost Creed shitpost shitpost shitpost shitpost.

Doth the YBA-man cometh?

>> No.15468776
Quoted by: >>15468785

>As long as it's relative
That depends on how relative. I mean, to a 300 year old being talking to a 30 year old might be like trying to have a meaningful conversation with a ten year old to you. It wouldn't necessarily be wrong, but far from fulfilling, I would think.

Do you think she'd treat you like a precocious little tike or try to raise you to her level?

>> No.15468783
File: 870 KB, 810x1000, 2a3aa57bfde8e19da43bcb86f436d9a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468815

thick dragon queen?

>> No.15468784
Quoted by: >>15468817

>Nice to see more Kraken content.

any chance that the AP lesson is posted somewhere else?

>> No.15468785
Quoted by: >>15468789

They'd probably try teaching. Nobody wants to talk down forever, especially to the one you're married to.
But, honestly, the best option here is probably to find one roughly your age and grow alongside them.

>> No.15468788

What're you guys on about? I'm just pondering the behavioral differences that might spring up between a woman in her 20s with the body of an 11 year old, vs an actual 11 year old.

Sounds delightful.

>> No.15468789

But what about all of the lonely supercakes? Don't they deserve to be held and loved, brushed and fucked by a man they love? Is it so wrong to be unmarried after 250?

>> No.15468800
Quoted by: >>15468810

I'd imagine that monstergirls like that would get really crazily desperate for affection.
>"I have been alive for three hundred and seventy years! And not ONCE has a man touched me sexually. NOT ONCE!"
>"That's why you're here anon! You're going to fuck me if you want it or not! That's why I snatched you up!"

>> No.15468807
File: 892 KB, 800x800, big mofu little mofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know, but they better not treat me like a child dammit. I am a perfectly capable adult!

>> No.15468810

Well, we know dragons can crave the dick so hard they come back from the fucking dead, I can totally see a harmless kitsune downing some holst milk and "raping" some poor intellectual man.

I can't tell one where one fluff ends and the other begins. Marvelous.

>> No.15468813

Imagine the culture gap.
>673 year old Kitsune
>24 year old man

>> No.15468815

>10/10, I would gladly be a sex slave for her.

>> No.15468817

I'm afraid not.

>> No.15468818

She's into kabuki and opera, he likes trashy B movies. It'd be like the Odd Couple, but with more makeup sex.

>> No.15468819
File: 416 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20160629_202057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doodled some more, and have given up on getting a response from that one anon.

You guys wouldn't mind seeing my crappy drawings, right?

>> No.15468821
Quoted by: >>15468858

Man these are cute as fuck, keep doing them.

>> No.15468822
Quoted by: >>15468858

Go for it dude.

>> No.15468824

Someone should write a story with the title "A Wurm Called Lucifer". I don't care what it's about, I just like the title.

>> No.15468826

Cute! Wonder what the Anubis would build with those Lego blocks.

>> No.15468827

900 years would be ideal, but at least 40 I think.
Loli body, of course.

>> No.15468830
Quoted by: >>15468855

But think about how much you'd have to share with each other!

>> No.15468833
Quoted by: >>15468858

More please, these are everything I could ever hope for.

>> No.15468837
Quoted by: >>15468858

>Anubis in a lego box
>Dragon in a box of [chocolate] gold coins
Too cuuuuuute! Lovely job anon. Always a joy to have more cute stuff of either of these girls; both all the better!

>> No.15468846


>> No.15468849

Everything. But mostly pyramids of various sizes.

>> No.15468852
File: 146 KB, 669x380, stalkerojou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-baka. We're not interested in your c-cute doodles at all!

>> No.15468855
Quoted by: >>15468875

Speaking realistically, "share" could just as easily mean "force on and annoy the hell out of each other." An age difference that large essentially guarantees some drastic cultural influences. Even if it's new and different to one of you you may not like it or care in the least. I mean shit, look at how Boomers view Millenials and vice-versa. That's only a few decades difference.

>> No.15468856

I had never thought about this before, but yikes.
A 670 year-old fox would /predate/ both opera and kabuki by 200 years.
She'd be nostalgic for noh.

>> No.15468858 [SPOILER] 
File: 458 KB, 2048x1536, 1467258946670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, let's start off with the worst one of the bunch.

>> No.15468862

Kek, what did that guy do to upset that Sea Bishop? (I'm assuming it's a sea bishop and she did something)

>> No.15468865

>No Ojou-san monstergirl stalker
>You'll never find out because she stole some of your old shirts to make a doll to cuddle.
>You'll never see her eyes light up with joy when she learns that you like her too.
It hurts.

>> No.15468867

Oh! I get it.
I don't get it.

>> No.15468869

Wait, what's going on? Why is that man coated in goo? Why is she holding a brush of it?

>> No.15468872
File: 426 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20160629_202047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468886

And then transition to something better.

>> No.15468875

All it takes is patience on both sides, and I should hope at least the one with hundreds of years on their side might have some of that.

>> No.15468879
Quoted by: >>15468886


>> No.15468880

You don't recognize a Tonberry girl?
I don't get the thing with many smiles though.

>> No.15468886

Make one where the egg is stolen by one of those Egg Thieves from Spyro.
I have no clue what's going on.

>> No.15468891

Aww man, I'd love to see a loli Kobold in a box of bondage toys. I mean, if you do that sort of thing of course, if not forget I said anything.

>> No.15468898
File: 392 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20160629_201955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be a Tonberry, guys...

And now for the last one, which is the result of trying to draw crap from a crappy memory.

>> No.15468900
Quoted by: >>15468907

Hopefully. Still, the more I think about this the more fantasyland logic I have to allow it.

>> No.15468902

But I don't know what a Tonberry is.

>> No.15468907
Quoted by: >>15468913

They're mythical beings, anon.

>> No.15468909
Quoted by: >>15468926

That would make a nice reaction pic if the camera was a bit clearer. Anyways, you got a lot of promise, so keep practicing and showing us those cute doodles. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.15468910
Quoted by: >>15468913

She would be absolutely and completely jaded for politics and philosophy though.
Every time you tried bringing up "progressives" or "idealism" she'd probably just get annoyed and silence you with a tongue to the tonsils.

>> No.15468913

I hold my point.

There's a reward for bad behavior if I ever heard one. I'd be tempted to read up on the stuff just to playfully piss her off.

>> No.15468916
Quoted by: >>15468919

Alright man, and in case someone tries to commit any illegal acts upon us while you are inebriated and I am tired, I have a legally owned firearm which I am allowed to carry on me for self-defense purposes.

>> No.15468919

>legally owned firearm
The sound of the hammers must never stop.

>> No.15468926
Quoted by: >>15468935

It would also be better if I did the hands right.

Think, anon. What has many eyes, is slimey, and has mouths with sharp teeth?
Shoggoth, if drawn badly and deformed as hell.

>> No.15468930
File: 270 KB, 707x1000, 12131830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15468932

>> No.15468932
Quoted by: >>15468936


>> No.15468935
Quoted by: >>15468963

But...your version is whack, dude.
If that's supposed to be a Shoggoth or Gibbering Mouther then it's the Undertale cousin.

>triangle nose
>signature button eyes with worried eyebrows
>lower mouth poised to look like nervous grin
>core? that looks like a floating broken heart
>surprise mark with exclamation

>> No.15468936

Thin everything else.

>> No.15468939

wanna grope the fat tail.

>> No.15468943
Quoted by: >>15468950

Would monsters other than lamias worry about food going "straight to their tail?"

>> No.15468945

So I just marathoned volumes 4, 5, 6 of Saga of the Swamp thing last night and now I have a hankering to write about elementals.
Which one needs a story the most? Which one do people want to read about? Let's hear it.

>> No.15468950

I think Lizards would eat the kinds of foods that go to their tails in case they need to drop them.

>> No.15468953
Quoted by: >>15468961

Do baphomets enjoy doing truly childish things? Like a baphomet would disguise itself and play with human children with something other than the intent to corrupt them?

>> No.15468957
Quoted by: >>15468965

>Give your Shoggoth maid permission to redesign the interior of your home after she sits you down and gives a presentation about the benefits of allowing her to do so
>Go to bed that night expecting to go to The Home Depot in the morning to pick out new cabinets or something
>Wake up in what looks like a giant bismuth crystal, only black and grey instead of multicolored
>Spend 15 minutes looking for your bedroom door before hollering for your maid
>She materializes through a wall, looking proud of herself
>She guides you through your home, which now somehow appears to be three times as large despite the exterior of the building not changing at all
>You catch exactly none of it
>She just cuddles up to you and says that it's okay, she can guide you around for however long it takes for you to learn your way around
>Clever bitch planned this all to give her an excuse to go with you everywhere

>> No.15468961

>Do baphomets enjoy doing truly childish things?
Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods? Do politicians and lawyers lie? Etc?

>> No.15468963
Quoted by: >>15468969

>triangle nose
That's the mouth.
>broken heart
Didn't want to draw it under the mouth with so very little room for it. I'm sure a Shoggoth would have her little nightlight torn over seeing her husband covered in ketchup.

>> No.15468965

This is why you avoid shoggoth realtors. You go to an open house, and you never find your way out.

>> No.15468969
Quoted by: >>15469047

oh, I see.
With that as the mouth the expression goes from
to "OH NOES"

>> No.15468970

With their powers, Lilims could cure cancer. Instead they turn women into semen demons.

>> No.15468974

You act like that doesn't also cure cancer.

>> No.15468975

That's curing one type of cancer.

>> No.15468980

Semen demons don't get cancer.
They're doing the Lord's work.

>> No.15468981

Curing 3DPD

>> No.15468987
File: 2.57 MB, 828x1200, Dark_priest_sasha_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why exactly was he so against fucking them?

>> No.15468990

Maybe he was a monogamist?

>> No.15468992

I would assume because they were children monsterized.

>> No.15468995

I feel like their cure to cancer would be to separate it from the host and cultivate it into a new rape monster.
I suppose they'd need another name for it besides cancer, though.

>> No.15468997

The chilluns lacked titties and ass.

>> No.15468999

You sound like Chef's dad. You got tree-fiddy on you?

>> No.15469001
File: 385 KB, 800x900, Cancer_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15469007


>> No.15469006

But he instantly loses himself from being exposed to their intensely erotic bellies.

>> No.15469007


>> No.15469015

Drawfags make a monstergirl version of this


>> No.15469018
Quoted by: >>15469021

So a shog maid could replace my glasses lenses? if so then I'd never have to get a new pair

>> No.15469019
Quoted by: >>15469031

>someone actually got it
Fucking NERD.

>> No.15469021

She'll be able to see everything through your eyes, and all the monstergirls that come on to you too strong are going to mysteriously vanish.

>> No.15469028

I want to sit my Kobold waifu in my lap and play with her boobs while we watch TV with our daughteru!

>> No.15469031

But that's from a very enjoyable mini-series and that single panel got popular enough to nearly reach meme-status.

Fuck, I remember the Zaibatsu bringing it up once or twice.

>> No.15469035
Quoted by: >>15469040

I still want to see a Wendigo dressed as Daredevil.

>> No.15469036
Quoted by: >>15469039

>you will never fill your swimming pool full of cola for your Wurm daughteru's birthday

>> No.15469039
Quoted by: >>15469051

That'd be very sticky.

>> No.15469040
Quoted by: >>15469045

Wendigo Daredevil?

>> No.15469045
Quoted by: >>15469049

Because blindness, even though the blind Wendigo thing originates from the threads and that one PSQuadruple game.

>> No.15469047

Pretty much. The Tonberry is also supposed to be waddling away towards the viewer, but shitty drawing can only show so much.
Surprised so few people even remember Tonberries and haven't thought about making monstergrills out of them. I've seen fucking CARBUNCLE as one, dammit.

Oh well, anyone have any ideas for doodles? I was thinking about something non-MG related, but if I don't draw at least one Ryu the local Ryu community will sue me.

>> No.15469048
File: 165 KB, 960x540, 0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I require some assistance. I can't think of a better idea for artwork of an accidental situation involving a tanuki's butt.

>> No.15469049

They only don't see you when you don't move, though.

>> No.15469051

I bet she'd still have a good time though.

>> No.15469053
Quoted by: >>15469061

That nose soils it.

>> No.15469061
File: 134 KB, 960x540, 0126b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471693

Human noses turn you off?

>> No.15469070

Chase the tanuki up a tree, then have her fall on your face ass-first.

>> No.15469085
File: 119 KB, 497x547, 1459390460064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanuki take money very seriously.


>> No.15469086
Quoted by: >>15469090

Would you let your daughteru go on the internet anon?

>> No.15469090
Quoted by: >>15469102

Why not? It's free porn with genuine bishie rape.

>> No.15469096
Quoted by: >>15469205

How about Anon making a 'deposit' in a Tanuki's 'bank account'?

>> No.15469101

It's nice when words just flow forth into your story. I've wrote 5k and not even close to done yet. It's nice.

>> No.15469102

I'd imagine that there are a lot of videos that are basically strapping a GoPro onto a monstergirl and sending her to go drag some poor sap into an alley and ride him senseless without saying a word.
And once you've been raped by a POV monstergirl pornstar, they're going to send more out after you because they know you're rapebait.
At least some of the companies have the courtesy to censor your face.

>> No.15469103

Wish I could get started, but nobody seems to care about elementals.

>> No.15469104
File: 456 KB, 1703x1703, Knight and dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what mission would you give a adventurer and is "human" partner?

>> No.15469108

Yeah, if it is a company that's doing it and not just an amateur.
Is that stretchy anime meat I see?

>> No.15469109
Quoted by: >>15469115

I care anon. You're the one who watched Swamp Thing. I noticed your post.

>> No.15469110
Quoted by: >>15469120

>Monstergirl POV rape
Fuck that. What good does that do me?

>> No.15469112

That Dragon wants his hot knight body.

>> No.15469113
File: 623 KB, 1300x1148, SWARTHY SUCCUBI DON'T SKIP LEG DAY, YOU BRING GREAT DISHONOR TO THIS GYM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight Succubi and shit of course.

Maybe kidnap a Apophis and bring her back to my lair.

Collect 20 bear asses.

>> No.15469114
Quoted by: >>15469115


Write it anyway and then regret it when you post the whole thing here! It's what I did when I was a writefag!

>> No.15469115
Quoted by: >>15469121

No, I actually read the words.
Answer the bloody question so I can get started with one of the five elemental girls
Well I guess.

>> No.15469116

Your Kiki daughteru wants to dress up as a witch and ride her broom around the house.
Do you allow it? Or do you wonder how you have a Kiki daughter despite your waifu being a Wurm?

>> No.15469120
Quoted by: >>15469145

You might be in one.

>> No.15469121
Quoted by: >>15469129

Whichever one you want to write about. I'm ignorant when it comes to elementals.

>> No.15469122
File: 416 KB, 1200x804, 1464579379809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There would be endless variety, but I'd immediately search for any videos of Desert Tanuki who get innocent young men drugged of shisha and take turns making passionate love to him while he lies on a pile of cushions, too blissed out to resist.

It would also include an after-video of him being told he's now married to all of them.

>> No.15469124

Yes I'd allow it and as for why she's a Kikimora despite my wife being a Wurm, simple we adopted her into our family since that's the decision we came to.

>> No.15469126
Quoted by: >>15469153

Yknow, I bet after missions dragon knight ends up at the bar drinking over how dense her knight is

>> No.15469129

Well the missus did wear a maid outfit during the, uhh, marital conjugation, so I guess it was the power of belief that resulted in such an adorable creature hatching from the egg.
No help at all.

>> No.15469130
Quoted by: >>15469134

I bet adopting a Kiki and Shog then raising them as loving sisters would be cute

>> No.15469134

I've seen this nonsense before, it's most unorthodox.

>> No.15469141
File: 73 KB, 1407x956, look a little closer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15469148

>tfw dream of bushy Tanuki tails

God damn it.

>> No.15469142
File: 116 KB, 641x376, peepers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471075

Monster girls? Into voyeurism? Lies and slander!

>> No.15469143
File: 1.79 MB, 1754x1394, 1467251224425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a Vampire looked at you like this, would it result in fear, an erection, or a fearection?

>> No.15469144

Why is that human looking at me so strangely

>> No.15469145
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, 1420783719442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15469161

I still don't want to see my sad mug. I want to see the slut forcefully riding my dick and milking me dry, talking down to me about how I'm just a pathetic cumpump who can't resist monster pussy.

>> No.15469146

I would try to hide my boner so she wouldn't be tempted to drink from there.

>> No.15469147
Quoted by: >>15471797

Don't forget the oils they rub on their bodies anon. Those are important.
God a Desert Tanuki harem would be the best. Just imagine all that oiled up jiggly brown goodness.
Imagine how adorable your daughterus would be and imagine them learning the art of the deal from you and your wives.

>> No.15469148

They're like periscopes.

The Tanuki might be too short to see over a table, but you can see her tail move around, swaying back and forth.

>> No.15469149
Quoted by: >>15469154

I still have more to write with my story, which has exceeded 216 pages in only 2 chapters and 2 shorts. MC sttill has to do 2 more events in bumfuck desert shantytown before bumbling north, and writing all that out won't be fun.
Also want to write about exploits done in another character's past, but I got caught up doodling...

>> No.15469150


>> No.15469153

Now I don't know what is best
>Dragon knight's true self being revealed in a tough fight with whatever
>Dragon knight drunk and confessing her secrets at the bar while her partner overhears.

>> No.15469154
Quoted by: >>15469201

I wish I could write huge amounts like that.

>> No.15469157

Why not in a drunken battle?

>> No.15469159

The latter.

>> No.15469160
File: 70 KB, 497x598, 40145751_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15469161
Quoted by: >>15469168

Those are a completely different kind of porn anon.
You want that kinky Labyrinth shit where they strap a go-pro on you and let you into a labyrinth that's crawling with horny girls. Whatever girls find you get to chase you down and rape you.
More time in the Labyrinth means more money earned and you get to keep your recording. You can also buy potions to keep you going, but they aren't cheap.
If by some miracle you make it to the center without getting raped, you get raped by the girl in charge of the establishment instead.

>> No.15469162
Quoted by: >>15471218

Are you the lad that was posting assorted images in the previous thread?

>> No.15469165
Quoted by: >>15469382

Don't give me that look.

I'm a scribe, it's my job to assist the Head Anubis. Don't act jealous.

>> No.15469168
Quoted by: >>15469192

3 major questions:
1) What kind of potions are available?
2) Can the girls gang up on me, or do I get a head start after one finishes up? And
3) Who runs the operation?

>> No.15469171

Succubi need love

>> No.15469180


They can just use charm magic on some guy and whisk him away to her place.

>> No.15469182
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, 1466613256972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean 'platonic affection' love or 'cum inside me until I'm distended' love?

>> No.15469183
Quoted by: >>15469190

I feel like a retard.

I was making a lot of OC and crops for that new wolf-girl manga, but I completely forgot the fucking name.

What was it? Her name was Okami Lanka and the MC hates animals. You guys know the one I'm talking about.

>> No.15469186
File: 540 KB, 1200x1315, 1463335358558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15469191

Pizzabus needs love.

When she brings you fresh, hot pizza, give her a kiss on the cheek.

>> No.15469187

Some of both

>> No.15469190

Murenase shiiton gakuen.

>> No.15469191
Quoted by: >>15469203

Is that a faggotcat?

>> No.15469192
Quoted by: >>15469213

>1) What kind of potions are available?
Basic refresh potions are all that's available, but since those pretty much give you full balls and endurance to go a few more rounds it's all you'll need.
>2) Can the girls gang up on me, or do I get a head start after one finishes up?
Girls roam around the maze at random so you might run into one only for another one to show up and join in while the first one is raping you.
Reverse-gangrape can happen. However, it's a general rule that you get a minute after whatever girls caught you to get some ground and recover.
>3) Who runs the operation?
Depends one the one you visit. The most common owners are Minotaurs, Dragons, Echidnas, Apophises, Tanukis, and Demons.
There are also labyrinths that cater to specific fetishes and screen the girls who they let in to make sure they fit that fetish.

>> No.15469194

Both at varying times is the key to a successful relationship.

>> No.15469201
Quoted by: >>15469221

The worst part is that all of it is still a first-draft, and may end up longer and more properly written in the future. Might end up at 180, or may jump up to 320, and that's not counting any more writing done until then.
I have the overall plot planned out, as well as every character's strengths/weaknesses/etc, their gear, how many times the MC will be hit in the balls, and how characters relate to eachother. Really, if my writing was actually good it may be a good story instead of a very long and bad one.

>> No.15469203
Quoted by: >>15469221

A Cheshire with an ass that's only a bit smaller than Pizzabus'.

>> No.15469205
Quoted by: >>15469215

Drawing tanuki doggystyle porn? Maybe, but I want to do that on a different character.

>> No.15469213
File: 107 KB, 787x1023, 1398119678924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Labyrinth catered to fetishes
>tits & milk
It's going to be filled with the lewdest cows imaginable, isn't it?

>> No.15469215

Why don't Kiki's have nice smooth legs

>> No.15469218

Anons, I need the Manticore greentext about a Manticore and a kid growing up together and the kid being led around by her holding his hand inside her tail

>> No.15469219

Nice, but there should also be spiderwebs and lactating spiders.
Spider Cows too

>> No.15469220

Canonically, they might. All we know is that they have those natural heeled feet, but we can't see above the ankle in the profile pic.

>> No.15469221
Quoted by: >>15469281

Which writer are you? Is that you moose?

Boy, that'd be a mouthful!

>> No.15469225
Quoted by: >>15469235

fek didn't mean to quote

>> No.15469228
Quoted by: >>15469253

You two have great taste.

>> No.15469230
Quoted by: >>15469253

It's going to have monstergirls of all sorts with big lactating tits.
But yeah a good number of them are cowgirls.

>> No.15469231
File: 195 KB, 700x1030, 1453119746018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15469253

Big fluffy labyrinth Minotaurs!

>> No.15469234
Quoted by: >>15469244

would be cool if there was a society of monster knights

>> No.15469235

It's okay, because I will never forgive you for misquoting me.

>> No.15469237
Quoted by: >>15469265

She can get rid of them if master doesn't like them

>> No.15469241
File: 255 KB, 598x583, Screenshot 2016-06-30 at 1.06.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do they just fuck and make puppies?

>> No.15469244


a round table of them?

>> No.15469249


>> No.15469251

Never, because japan.

>> No.15469253
File: 160 KB, 553x511, 1400433635969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But now comes the million dollar question: Do I shoot for the goal, or do I amass potions, get every girl following me, and throw myself into the orgy at the last minute?

>> No.15469256

I know.

It's inexcusable how he's yet to pump her full of Wolf Pups.

>> No.15469261

Ah, the ol' switcheroo!

>> No.15469265

That story always makes me feel sad even if it has a happy ending

>> No.15469269
Quoted by: >>15469366

Depends on what you want.
Do you want hours upon hours of busty lactating girls momdomming you?
Or do you want to score with the Minotaur who's in charge, who's the biggest most lactating momdom in the whole building? It'll be a much shorter but much more intense experience.
Keep in mind that you get the recording for your later enjoyment.

>> No.15469281

Nope. It is I, Chowder.
also, aside from amassing a party of monsters, the MC will also get a few humans into the group. Like a Dragoon, and a filthy human woman

>> No.15469282
Quoted by: >>15469290

Are we talking Protoss Dragoon?

>> No.15469285
File: 355 KB, 1000x1250, 1439961115572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15469295

So, like, you know when guys say they think you're on fire and you go "dude, I ain't even dancing yet, maaan", and then they throw a bucket of water on you? I mean, what's up with that, man?
You wanna get pizza?

>> No.15469288
Quoted by: >>15469344

Wait chowder is alive again? I missed your stuff, can I get a link to your pastebin?

>> No.15469290
Quoted by: >>15469304

That's horrible.

>> No.15469295

You've been reported to the Dark Elf police. Fucking "dude weed lmao" 14 year olds.

>> No.15469301

Can you call the Dank Elf Police instead

>> No.15469304
Quoted by: >>15469311

Why so? Protoss need love too.

>> No.15469305

>be Cannabis Alraune
>get arrested
That's awful. Can I get arrested and intensely interrogated by the Dark Elf Police instead?

>> No.15469311
Quoted by: >>15469318

Dragoons are not a pleasant fate.

>> No.15469318
Quoted by: >>15469327

Gee boss, I don't know. Having a second chance to fight for glorious empire seems pretty nice to a group of zealots.

>> No.15469327
Quoted by: >>15469334

Maybe you should go replay Starcraft 1 and see what Tassadar thought about his buddy Fenix ending up as one.
Though Fenix himself didn't seem to mind

>> No.15469332
Quoted by: >>15469341

When will the French Monster Revolution happen and the Demon Lord is taken to the Guillotine

>> No.15469334
Quoted by: >>15469338

Exactly. He didn't mind, so it isn't a terrible fate if the person chose to be put in one.

>> No.15469338
Quoted by: >>15469345

But Tassadar was freaked out by it.
Why are we talking about a 90's RTS again?

>> No.15469341
Quoted by: >>15469352

I wonder what species Napoleon would be

>> No.15469344
Quoted by: >>15469515

I wouldn't say that, seeing as my pastebin won't be updated for a grand while. I wouldn't dare try and get my story onto there through a phone.
I still come around, post a cute idea or 9854, doodle a cute image, etc.
Also, MC of story starts out actually decently leveled and experienced, around halfway towards his moderate level cap, and has very high stats for physical combat. However he, among absolutely everyone else, has numerous crippling weaknesses. They include:
>Ice attacks
>Piercing attacks
>Earth and Wind, to a very minor extent
>Magic in general, to the point that even a magic missle cast by a Wurm could deal enough damage to him to kill the Chiefgod 200 times over, in RPG terms

>> No.15469345
Quoted by: >>15469347

Because someone said dragoon, and it triggered me.

>> No.15469347
File: 393 KB, 600x815, 1441121903653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471080

Here, have something for your troubles.

>> No.15469352
Quoted by: >>15469371

An Alice
Sells herself as being different from the Lilims, but is still the same type of monster

>> No.15469357
Quoted by: >>15469374

I think monsters should learn how much rape damages men's psyche

>> No.15469358

Pick your poison!
1. Gnome
2. Sylph
3. Undine
4. Ignis
5. Dark Matter

>> No.15469361

All unmarried monstergirls should be forced to wear latex gimpsuits at all times to remind them not to rape.

>> No.15469363
Quoted by: >>15469365

Your choice! We'll enjoy whatever you write!

>> No.15469365

6. Fuck it, just use all of them?

>> No.15469366

What if I'd rather have the minotaur instead of the recording? Doing it myself just isn't the same.

>> No.15469370

>A man robs a bank in MGC with a pair of shears
>He holds them to his dick and threatens to chop it off unless they give him $5 million in cash
>In the end, the Tanuki who owns the company gets involved the declines to press charges
>She pays the outstanding bills he had racked up that caused him to resort to this and gives him a few bucks to get back on his feet
>"My door's always open if you want to talk, okay? Just don't do anything crazy like that again. Promise me."

>> No.15469371


>> No.15469374


The cure to a damaged male psyche is more rape

>> No.15469376
Quoted by: >>15469380

Nah, just do Undine. Water a best.

>> No.15469380

That's the only answer I'm likely to get, Undine it is.

>> No.15469381

So what happens if I tell a shog I'll let her do whatever she want to me for just one day

>> No.15469382
Quoted by: >>15469394

>Scribe to an Anubis
Yet more reminders that I really aught to write more...bleh.

>> No.15469389

Just a guild of sorts for monsters that assits knights by disigusing themselves

>> No.15469391
Quoted by: >>15469414

You and her are having a staring contest the whole day

>> No.15469394
Quoted by: >>15469477

It's difficult for her to hold a pen or a quill with her meaty paws, also scribe work is beneath her.

>> No.15469399
Quoted by: >>15469402

A shoggoth equivalent of the magic carpet ride from alladin. She'll show you her world, and it's wonders.

>> No.15469402

>go mad from the revelation
>spend the next couple of weeks bedridden
>she is your bed

>> No.15469407

there is no time where she is taking you, that one day will be the longest and last day you will ever have

>> No.15469414

that sounds cute just having a shog stare at you, totally isn't creepy

>> No.15469435


>> No.15469436

So harem then? Yes please.

>> No.15469441

>That moment you realise that having a shoggoth is like a boy and his blob

>> No.15469477

Yes, of course.
And his position has absolutely nothing to do with her finding a scribe's organizational training kind of hot. No, of course not.

>> No.15469481

So just how unloved is this runt pupper?
Was she Tomoko before she started clinging to protagonist boy?

>> No.15469492

Here's 500 words of me describing some rain for that Undine story, I want to know if it's too pretentious before I keep working on it.


>> No.15469493
Quoted by: >>15469495

>It was a dark and stormy night.
Isn't it always?

>> No.15469495
Quoted by: >>15469517

I spent like five minutes staring at an empty Word document, then I put that on it and voila, the words started pouring out.
Starting is hard.

>> No.15469515

I also worked on my Lilim character and her unwilling guide/friend, and their roles in the story.
I also overcame the biggest hurdle of all: naming her. In theme of every Lilim name so far using a different letter of the alphabet, I have named her Lanni the flatty.

>> No.15469516

That's a dumb name, I hope she gets bullied.

>> No.15469517

That first plunge is always the hardest.

>> No.15469518
Quoted by: >>15469544

How flat?

>> No.15469544

Flat Lilim from MGK flat. She tries to hide her complex about her breasts by pointing out she still have a nice navel and ass.

>> No.15469545

Wock is nicer then Flat Lilim

>> No.15469549
Quoted by: >>15469559

Come on you jerks, some of you read it. Say if it's too pretentious or if it's passable.

>> No.15469557
Quoted by: >>15469699

Is it a big ass? Because women with small chests and large backsides are the pinnacle.

>> No.15469559
Quoted by: >>15469566

Didn't sound pretentious to me. Grammar was solid, and good worldbuilding. Carry on. I'm tossing an idea around myself, but I gotta finish whats on my plate as it is.

>> No.15469566
Quoted by: >>15469575

Thanks for saving me from crippling insecurities, kind anon.

>> No.15469575

Not a problem. Carry on.

>> No.15469585

Does her ass only look big comparatively because her chest is just so flat

>> No.15469588

But does she do butt stuff? This is a deal-breaker.

>> No.15469621
File: 368 KB, 400x584, 1433429542688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anon? Are you going to do something today?

>> No.15469624

Jokes on you, fairy. I'm already writing!

>> No.15469629

Drawing butts.

>> No.15469637

Painting faces. So I can draw butts.

>> No.15469638

Might finally write down some of my head canon for personal use but that's about it.

>> No.15469645

I actually wasn't, but since you point it out, I'll work on a story

I need a Leanan Sidhe in my life

>> No.15469678
File: 393 KB, 1200x1024, Moth Mother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do moth's make for the best bug girls?

>> No.15469685
Quoted by: >>15469701

What is this from.

>> No.15469697

I still think soldier beetle is the best.

>> No.15469699

It's just a nice firm bum, anon. If you wish, you can always picture her ass as whatever size you desire it to be.

In the end, she's really just MGK Lilim that evolved a bit; becoming mischievous instead of a bully, as well as being a great friend towards those that put up with her.
Of course, only the one-eyed Succubus with a bladed spade tail and years of experience traveling across the whole world 6 times will put up with her enough to befriend the hellion.

>> No.15469701
Quoted by: >>15469706

Buck-satan's tumblr

>> No.15469706
Quoted by: >>15469720

So where does the moth character everyone post come from?

>> No.15469709
File: 349 KB, 1693x1158, 1396053581797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15469720
Quoted by: >>15469730

If you're talking about the one I think you are she's from a series of doujins the ones I just posted aren't related to that.

>> No.15469730

I see. Was always wondering where they came from.

>> No.15469837
Quoted by: >>15470033

Paste removed?

>> No.15469901

Would you let your waifu put a tracker on you like in you engagement ring or maybe a tooth

>> No.15469918
Quoted by: >>15469994

Why, did she piss of someone she shouldn't have? How does a common werecat piss someone off that much?
She bullied too many mice, didn't she?

>> No.15469948

I'd be offended if she didn't! She can put it on my collar!

>> No.15469994
Quoted by: >>15470006

Mousefia put a centaur in her bed

>> No.15469999

Because you dont write any

>> No.15470006
Quoted by: >>15470019

That must be a very scared, very tell tied up centaur.

>> No.15470019
Quoted by: >>15470036

It was a threat

>> No.15470029 [SPOILER] 
File: 251 KB, 2048x1420, 1467280699691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15470131

The Creepy Fox is gonna getcha!

>> No.15470033

I set it to expire in an hour since I didn't know if it was worth keeping at the time. Here.


>> No.15470036
Quoted by: >>15470105

Well, seeing as how they can tie up and transport a centaur into our bed at their small stature, I'm sure it's working to scare the wife straight.

>> No.15470105
Quoted by: >>15470132

Hey, could be a Shetland centaur they transported.

>> No.15470123

I want to marry a Raiju who puts a tracker on me and uses it to rape me whenever she feels like it, even if I'm in the middle of an important reunion or in a public space!

>> No.15470131
Quoted by: >>15470144

She looks cock starved.

>> No.15470132
Quoted by: >>15470164

Well, that's not really threatening at all then. I bet the knots are just tangles too.

>> No.15470144
Quoted by: >>15470150

She's been waiting for a long time for a man to stumble on her shrine

>> No.15470150
Quoted by: >>15470154

Stumble ON her shrine? It's buried?

>> No.15470154
Quoted by: >>15470156

Stumble upon*

>> No.15470156

Thank you, but I prefer it my way.

>> No.15470164
Quoted by: >>15470175

Poor Shetland-chan just wanted a nap

>> No.15470175
Quoted by: >>15470193

Life is hard for Shetland-chan. Well, while she's over I guess we can treat her to breakfast.

>> No.15470193
Quoted by: >>15470198

Are you having pancakes?
She loves pancakes

>> No.15470198

Pancakes it is!
They'll give me the energy I need to punish those silly mice.

>> No.15470201

what would you do if a matango was your childhood friend

>> No.15470210

Hug her

>> No.15470213

I dunno, build models with her and shit?

>> No.15470226

Show her I'm a fun guy to be around

>> No.15470229

Wonder how I got immune to matango spores.
Study medicine to figure it out.
Sell the vaccine for major profit and bettering of the world.
Go back and give her a hug, apologizing for being far too late to vaccinate her against the horrible affliction.
Try to rehabilitate her.
Fall into despair.

>> No.15470235

Do the mushroom dance

>> No.15470243
File: 1.03 MB, 900x1136, 1451374336937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventure begins.

>> No.15470249
Quoted by: >>15470254

There isn't mushroom for you puns

>> No.15470254

I lift my cap to you.

>> No.15470358
File: 109 KB, 600x847, entoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15470406

No, this is the absolute cutest bug girl ever.
Bug girls can not get any cuter than this.

>> No.15470406

Bugs cannot get cute.

>> No.15470428
File: 402 KB, 800x906, 1398678015242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alps sometimes attempt great feats to attract potential mates.

>> No.15470433

I'm gonna take the first monster girl that handstands home, no matter her species.

>> No.15470476
Quoted by: >>15470483

He's not doing a very good job.

>> No.15470483
Quoted by: >>15470500

Look at that Alpass! I'm gonna spank it raw!

>> No.15470500
Quoted by: >>15470504

Eh, it could use some padding

>> No.15470504
Quoted by: >>15470508

It could use some paddling.

>> No.15470508

Break out the dairy

>> No.15470582
File: 329 KB, 1039x1096, 1428053096364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15470591

Looks like I've got the place all for myself!

>> No.15470591

We need to stop the Dragon oppression

For every Dragon that owns a kingdom, a hundred-thousand men are forced into the streets

>> No.15470594

>girl finds ghost town
>suddenly she's getting whined at by jellybellies
There's plenty of room for two to play, anon.

>> No.15470596

She's got no wings. She's just a lizardgirl tourist exploring the alleyways of the city while a festival is ongoing some distance from her.

>> No.15470618
File: 244 KB, 800x665, 1455731574392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seduction intensifies.

>> No.15470635
Quoted by: >>15470639

Societe, what are you doing here?

>> No.15470638

A hundred thousand men are forced into her treasury to be forgottten when he find the one amongst them she likes most. The real victims are the desitute human women, turned hateful towards the monster who stole their everything and joined up to become mages and paladins of the order.

>> No.15470639

Probably experimenting with that new scent.

>> No.15470641
File: 924 KB, 1920x1080, be4cfce1dab82d4ca725d6d9d691d770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erunes sure are nice.

>> No.15470649
Quoted by: >>15470671

>Sniffing her own mofu

This should be illegal

Mage and paladin girls have no hopes of defeating monster girl, all that awaits them is utter defeat and monsterization

>> No.15470651
File: 29 KB, 240x247, LukaFeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15470653

>For every Dragon that owns a kingdom, a hundred-thousand men are forced into man-brothels, from which she derives enough revenue to make her early hoard look like a kid's allowance

tfw you will never be an indentured sex slave

>> No.15470652
Quoted by: >>15470671

All she needs to do is release the other 99 guys. Why would she need them anyway?

>> No.15470653

I know right? I'm really good at being an active sub, too.

>> No.15470671

See >>15470649
By keeping the husbands hostage, she attracts mages and paladins of the order to be recruited into her burgeoning city of monster girls. She's playing the long game, building up her realm and the population before unleashing the daughters of these corrupted men upon the lands of the Order.

Thus, in a generation or two, an unyielding tide of lust and depravity will sweep up into the heart of civilization.

>> No.15470704
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, sick as fuck but shitpost i must.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15470707

Would ruffle hair/10

Can you draw a guy giving oral to a pregnant Dragon?

>> No.15470736

Porn of

>> No.15470743

Since you're sick, which kind of monster girl would you like to dress up as a nurse and take care of you?

>> No.15470744

>Live in a very religious, human-only country
>Work a shitty job
>Can't even afford to buy proper food with my minimum wage
>Still a kissless virgin at 25
>Move to MGC to get away from everything
>Receive a free house and enough income to live comfortably
>All of that for simply being a man
>On the way to discover my new home when a Satyros asks me out
>Accept without hesitation
>We go to a bar
>Make a bunch of friends
>Lose my virginity the same night
>Marry the Satyros a few months later
>Life is great

>> No.15470753
File: 396 KB, 600x800, 1446024664734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beautiful.

>> No.15470778
Quoted by: >>15470784

I want to server a dragon and secretly release all her prisoners so that she won't have a chance to met neither heros nor hit it of with sickly princes.

>> No.15470784
Quoted by: >>15470800

I'm sure if you just picked some flowers she'd notice you.

>> No.15470796
File: 49 KB, 300x320, 1459645809689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would monster states generate that income?

Going by the world guide, sex alone is probably enough to fuel agriculture, while the waifus themselves supply exotic goods. As a whole we can therefore expect a lot of exports from a given monster state.

However, this isn't strictly relevant in the capital cities. Agriculture is not particularly feasible in these urban environments, and there is a great demand for goods and services without any reciprocal value unless you're suggesting they are dirty altruists.

The only logical conclusions is that human males have economic value primarily as husbands, and it is very likely that the free house and income are strict conditional upon your marriage within a given timeframe. This isn't that big of an issue since MGs have fetish radar and personality magnetism that will quickly link up waifu to husbando.

More questionable is what the MGs do to provide economic worth to the sexual bread baskets in the agricultural heartlands. Possibly the farmers would give up their produce willingly to fund the greater good of love which makes them dirty socialists instead of altruists. However, if we assume that the Tanukis have instituted capitalism, then it is likely that the vast majority of urban MGs are employed in the export trade or in city maintenance, and are paid with the prospect of getting husbands.

This also raises the question of fertile but less intelligent species, such as devil bugs and mice. Quite possibly, they form an underclass that work the unwanted jobs simply to get a chance at a man who will soon become a communal husband.

Thus, the only solution is to gas the tanukis.

Sorry for the grimdark, autism fired up.

>> No.15470800
Quoted by: >>15470811

Do you think that would work? I guess she would be happy a man is going for her instead of having to capture one and forcing him. Gotta serve those dragons until death.

>> No.15470803
File: 160 KB, 797x1034, devilBug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This also raises the question of fertile but less intelligent species, such as devil bugs and mice. Quite possibly, they form an underclass that work the unwanted jobs simply to get a chance at a man who will soon become a communal husband

I dunno. Even in a modern setting I expect them to be at best homeless lumpenproletariat and at worse the same thing they are in the medieval setting: wild animals that live in a ditch in the countryside, not part of the economy at all.

>> No.15470805
Quoted by: >>15470822

The very act of sex enriches the land, it's entirely possible that all your free housing is portable and you have to up and leave every three months to another plot of land so they can hyperfarm the fuck out of the soil you just left, only for you to return once the ground is dead to revitalize it.

>> No.15470811
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1010_ev61_01f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15470834

Make her a wreath of flowers. Girls with lots of money and flower wreaths are waifuable and GOAT.
Someone should draw a Dragon like this!

>> No.15470820

Tanukis aren't evil, they'll put their skills to good use if it means more husbandos for them and fellow monster girls

I bet Tanukis could even create a system where people would only need to work 5 hours a week to sustain and grow a healthy economy

Eww he is touching a bug

>> No.15470822
Quoted by: >>15470839

Well, that was what I was getting at. Underclass may have been too weak a phrase for it.

I agree, but my point was this: while agricultural MGs generate food surpluses and economic value simply by breeding, there are fewer such opportunities for an overcrowded urban population. How then do they generate value to justify their existence, unless they live on the sufferance of the farmers?

>> No.15470832
Quoted by: >>15470855

More like

>Anon lives in a very religious, human-only country
>Has a family that cares about him, a decent job, a nice community, and a bright future
>However Anon's rebellious phase kicks in and disavows everyone after being told he can't have the new japanese monster catching game 26
>Runs away and decides to live out his dreams in the amazing MGC
>It's actually a hellhole and Anon spends his first night on the streets after failing to find any place to stay or help as the local Dark Elf police laugh him out of their station
>In the Park where Anon decides to stake out until morning, it begins to rain, and he decides to run to the trees for cover
>It's there Anon loses his virginity he was saving for his sweetheart to a gang of Micegirls
>They rape him brutally, one burns out her cigarette on his chest, and come morning they scurry away tossing him $10 for their night of pleasure
>Broken, bruised, wet, hungry, and tired, Anon resumes his search for shelter
>Ends up finding a shady apartment building that's run down that'll take him
>However, the fat old Tanuki owner will only "delay" his need for a down payment if he "pleasures" her
>After further degrading himself, Anon at least has a roof over his head, now he only needs a job
>Unfortunately, none of the physical jobs need him sine humans are weaker then most Monster Girls
>The intellectual jobs tend to laugh him off, thinking it's hilarious for a human boy to be anything more then a secretary, assistant, or so on
>The few jobs open to a human boy like him are ones out of his skill range, like cooking, cleaning, and officework
>Burdened with stress from what an ireversible mistake he's made, a very well-dressed Amazon walks up to him and asks why he's crying
>After confessing his situation to her, the Amazon reveals that she happens to have a job that'd be "perfect" for him at her business, if he'd be willing to take it
>Anon doesn't even hesitate and immediately takes it
>Anon now works in the red light district of MGC, taking money to pleasure a wide variety of Monster Girls
>Old fat monster girls past their hayday, young college students looking for some quick fun, and alps that're pent up badly
>Anon isn't even considered a high class slut, but at least he can put money on the table

>Meanwhile, Anon's brother went to college in his home country, earned a respectable well-paying job, married a nice respectable Human Girl who later corrupted into a Holstaur who was still respectable, and had a son, daughter, and his parent's pride

Don't let teenage rebellion and idealism ruin your future

>> No.15470834

Ohh, I know. I'm gonna make one of those flower hats using only golden flowers. It should match with her beautiful eyes and huge hoard.

>> No.15470839
Quoted by: >>15470854

>overcrowded urban population
buy one block of appartments and begin a vertical farm

>> No.15470854
File: 863 KB, 2000x1500, Anubis Advisor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15470865

What about pyramids?

>> No.15470855

Lies and slander.

>> No.15470865
Quoted by: >>15470873

base would take up too much space

>> No.15470873
Quoted by: >>15470879

Not if you built and inverted pyramid underground.

>> No.15470879
Quoted by: >>15470881

That sound extraordinarily stupid.

>> No.15470881

This irritates the Pocket Anubis.

>> No.15470884
Quoted by: >>15470887

Gonna give that sick alp breakfast in bed

>> No.15470887
Quoted by: >>15470891

Wish I got breakfast in bed.

>> No.15470891
Quoted by: >>15470893

Wish I got breakfast.

>> No.15470893
Quoted by: >>15470923

Wish I got fast so I could catch that cockteasing Cockatrice.

>> No.15470923

>Wake up early in the moorning as usual
>With a raging boner as usual
>Go out to see if any monster girl is up for some intercourse
>Everyone is asleep
>Everyone except that cursed Cockatrice
>She keeps running around bare naked
>Try to catch her
>She is way too fast
>End up sadly jerking off to Kikimora porn, as usual

>> No.15470928

Perhaps I should unlock the bullshit powers of Wurmforce and wear all-red.

>> No.15470937
Quoted by: >>15470951

I don't get it. All you need to do is run backwards so the cockatease runs towards you instad of running away.

>> No.15470951

>Cockatrice's work based on you movement once they see you
>Moving forward makes them move away
>Moving backwards makes them come towards you
>Going right makes them go left
>Going left makes them go right
>Standing there makes them do nothing
How do you catch the Cockatrice?
Hard Mode: No help/assistance

>> No.15470968

Line up with her and then turn around and walk backwards.

>> No.15470972

Run backwards at max speed, then suddenly accelerate forwards towards her. Pretty sure she can't slow down quickly enough to escape me.

>> No.15470990

Where roller skates and a rocket.

>> No.15471037

I need pictures of multiple monster girls having fun

>> No.15471059
File: 842 KB, 1800x1200, --original-drawn-by-nukomasu--6b66c0c1d1b287533bda00bc01c027b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kemonomimi Paradise is allways a good choice.

>> No.15471061
File: 329 KB, 2500x1598, Daikazoku63_2.2_FM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471075

What is this shit, anyway?

>> No.15471078
Quoted by: >>15471090

It's nothing. Don't worry about it

>> No.15471080

>you will never enter an age difference relationship with a CC Monstergirl

>> No.15471081 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 392x399, 1465585229678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471086

That Motheru must produce a lot of milk.Her husbando is a lucky man in that regard.

>> No.15471090
Quoted by: >>15471091

I feel like I've heard that phrase before here.

Are the pictures from some manga?

>> No.15471091
Quoted by: >>15471097

Don't worry about it

>> No.15471096
File: 305 KB, 1800x2400, 15b7c13695edee843910b12a3386509a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471097
Quoted by: >>15471098

No, really, I'm not getting any hits reverse image searching it.

>> No.15471098
Quoted by: >>15471109

It's nothing

>> No.15471099
Quoted by: >>15471109

Pretty sure it's Girls of the Wild's, some korean shit.

>> No.15471102
File: 1.52 MB, 3100x2600, 53560971_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471107

>> No.15471105
File: 336 KB, 819x1024, 1392494333685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're about to have fun.

>> No.15471107

That's a lot of woman.

>> No.15471109
Quoted by: >>15471111

It's not this issue again, is it?

So it's just unrelated bullshit they didn't delete?

>> No.15471111

>Tfw that post was also me
Welp, time to stop doing that for a bit

>> No.15471114

>girl on the left walking around with her shorts unbuttoned

>> No.15471118

>Tfw thought that was me
Oh, phew. Long as it was you and not me

>> No.15471122

Oh, sorry. I tend to notice patterns like that.
Plus, it's pretty easy to remember every time a thread is nuked.

>> No.15471128

>I tend to notice patterns like that.
Are you related to StalkerAnon?
Doesn't matter. Changing my patterns

>> No.15471129

>You will never live there
Kill me now

>> No.15471132
File: 771 KB, 1200x1800, 1430993125651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471137

Maus trap malfunctioned, what do?

>> No.15471137

That's your problem now, Jim.

>> No.15471152
Quoted by: >>15471218

What are the patterns you know?

>> No.15471181 [SPOILER] 
File: 395 KB, 500x718, 1467301583150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a deep sea mermaid?

>> No.15471189
Quoted by: >>15471209

I'm okay with becoming one with her flesh as long as she'll love me.

>> No.15471209

There are worse fates then fusing and becoming one to the girl you love

>> No.15471211

Good work, I liked it. Are you going to commission art for this one too?

>> No.15471213

The only sea things I would go with are sharks and orcas.

>> No.15471218

Hard to say, really. You notice posting styles for certain individuals. The way people type, how they post, their image filenames, the time they post around, and so on.
For example, a few threads ago, a certain individual was posting a huge quantity of images with a booru filename, and no text in the post.
That person was called out on an /a/ thread, then it "mysteriously" stopped, or at least slowed down.
That's another interesting thing as well, actually. When people are called out on their patterns, they usually end up doing something else which is just as noticable.

Last thread, there was an unusually high amount of images taken from Pixiv with unchanged filenames, and a lot of those posts are just images with no discussion. It's noticable because it's a rather recent trend in these threads. In fact, even >>15469162's noticed the times it's happened in this thread. It's quite possibly the OP, given everything that's happened recently. Someone new, someone who doesn't know or doesn't care about the image etiquette everyone else here practices, and someone who doesn't know exactly what an interesting discussion here is, so can't make one.

You can paint a pretty clear picture of all the stuff happening here if you notice things like that.

>> No.15471222
Quoted by: >>15471226

And yet you people only recognize me when I want you to. I live among you, well disguised.

>> No.15471226
Quoted by: >>15471230

Hi Alp?

>> No.15471230
File: 18 KB, 350x236, Greetings fellow heterosexual human male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471247

N-no, dammit.

>> No.15471240
Quoted by: >>15471247

And then there's the retarded fox anon who will eat up, in his own words, 7% of the thread's images by himself on foxes.

Thing is he hasn't stopped doing it and still does it every other thread or so.

>> No.15471247

Easy to tell. The posts you make like that are always tinged with a hint of self-aware self deprication, with a bit of hamming it up on the side.
Plus you like to talk about being noticed in the thread from time to time.
Give me a few more weeks, I'll have a full psych profile on you.

Did he actually do a calculation like that himself?
Damn, he's a salty shit.

>> No.15471249
Quoted by: >>15471258

>a full psych profile
Do I need to talk about my father? He was a drunkard and a fiend.

>> No.15471250

Demon girls are all sluts

>> No.15471256

>Did he actually do a calculation like that himself?
Nah, he gave a number of images and people were understandably ticked off that that much was used by one person when we have so many posters.

>> No.15471257
Quoted by: >>15471274


>> No.15471258

Explains the rampant, subsurface homosexual tendendies.

>> No.15471269
File: 278 KB, 800x960, 1414609307625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471285

What if your mermaid wife became a filthy human?

>> No.15471274
Quoted by: >>15471298

Wrong thread mate.

>> No.15471285
Quoted by: >>15471380

Cut her arms and legs off.

>> No.15471292
File: 65 KB, 579x900, 1466545351887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to do with a pure succubus?

This summoning ritual is bullshit

>> No.15471297

Bop her on the head and tell her to make you a sammich.

>> No.15471298
Quoted by: >>15471310

Nah I read Monster instead of demons, I wanted to say human boys are all sluts.

>> No.15471310


>> No.15471314
File: 76 KB, 178x240, 1393207898956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471320

> succubus
> magical apex of the female form hyper-sexual body
> flat

>> No.15471318
File: 622 KB, 696x1000, 57670226_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471345

>> No.15471320

>tsundere abomination who's more tsun than dere, abusive and leaves to die if you lose a fight
Worst girl, doesn't have a leg to stand on when criticizing others.

>> No.15471324
Quoted by: >>15471383

>this page has been removed

>> No.15471331
File: 57 KB, 430x587, 1320282893322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471350

>tsundere abomination who's more tsun than dere, abusive and leaves to die if you lose a fight
Yeah she's shit.
But she pulls good disapproving faces.
She has the practice.

>> No.15471334
File: 442 KB, 600x600, mq1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471476


>> No.15471345

She's beautiful, a perfect onee-san. The manga is better than expected too.

>> No.15471350


>Lilim gets portaled to MGQ
>Finds Succubus Village
>Usurps Alma Elma's seat in an attempt to sort the place out
>Everything works out because the locals are so desperate for leadership
>The anti-murder, anti-vore revolution begins

This pleases me

>> No.15471374

>doesn't have a leg to stsand on

>> No.15471380
Quoted by: >>15471381

Why would you want a quadruple amputee mermaid wife?

>> No.15471381

Why not?

>> No.15471383
Quoted by: >>15471796

How weird, the pdf link that was in the paste is dead too. Maybe he wants to change something?

>> No.15471385

Do pure succubus deserve to be bullied?

>> No.15471388
File: 792 KB, 799x597, Pregnant Undine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do spirits simply spawn, or must mommy spirits give birth?

>> No.15471389
Quoted by: >>15471390

I would ONLY a deep sea mermaid
Regular mermaids are boring

>> No.15471390
File: 1.15 MB, 768x1024, 040_image00037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471398

Vanilla mermaids a best

>> No.15471398

My nigga

>> No.15471400

That bitch doesn't look pregnant.

>> No.15471402

I dislike the thought of the dead giving birth. I'm okay with growing older shennigans but giving birth? Nope adoption it is.

>> No.15471406

I didn't say ghosts, I said spirits. Like, elemental spirits. Like the one in the picture?

>> No.15471417
File: 315 KB, 800x960, 1446986576042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Independence Day approaches. Elves might try to invade.

>> No.15471428
Quoted by: >>15471430

Maybe they work the same way as slimes?

>> No.15471430
Quoted by: >>15471437

How do Slimes reproduce? Do they duplicate?

>> No.15471436
Quoted by: >>15471462

>not wanting to see your pregnant Vampire waifu take on a maternal light that prefaces her usual stern and haughty expression
>not wanting to molest and drink from your preggo Undead waifus lactating tits (unless they happen to be Hathorites already)

>> No.15471437

I believe so, yes.

>> No.15471443

What are they going to invade? My dick?
Just shoo them away, there is nothing to fear.

>> No.15471446
Quoted by: >>15471455

Elves can invade my bed any day

>> No.15471455
Quoted by: >>15471464

>trying to go to sleep
>bed is full of Elves
>they're having a slumber party
>they use pillows to defend their position
>those are you pillows
>they're naked
>your sheets were clean this morning

>> No.15471462

>His waifu doesn't lactate on lewd, sexy command
>He doesn't take in an orphaned baby and get to see that same glow

>> No.15471464
Quoted by: >>15471468

>"If I can't use my pillows, I'm sleeping on you. Share or act as replacements."
>tfw you look like a nascent stereotypical bbm elf-raping middle-aged man
>tfw they blush and start bashfully wiggling their ears in confused and shameful arousal

>> No.15471465

That water is far too clean.

>> No.15471468
Quoted by: >>15471474

>try to go to sleep
>Elves are giggling and wriggling
>there's red lights in the dark, wonder what those are
>"Oh I feel so hot, I have to sleep without the covers"
>"Oh, I feel so cold, I need to hug you tightly!"
>"C is for Cookie!"
This is bullshit.

>> No.15471474
Quoted by: >>15471478

>"C is for Cookie!"
Wurm-chan go home this is an elf slumber party not a Wurm-chan slumber party

>> No.15471476 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 800x600, 1467307770454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only monster girls can pull off this position or reverse missionary

>> No.15471478

Wherever there is a crowd, there is Alphabet Wurm, confused over her existence but certain of one, unchanging fact.

>> No.15471482

I'll have to mount a counterattack and invade their wombs!

>> No.15471484
File: 363 KB, 1000x1500, Dark Elf Is preparing to attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471506

I am completely ok with them invading

>> No.15471506

You say that now, but when you're stuck as a footstool while they drink wine and recite poetry, well you'll wish you'd have prepped for them.

>> No.15471507

Let them cum.

>> No.15471538
File: 398 KB, 537x534, physical manifestation of hedonistic lust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like your wife is ready to mate, /mgg/!

>> No.15471541
File: 219 KB, 827x1170, 52518962_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471877

Hasshaku MGE girl when?

>> No.15471579

Ayyy /mgt/, we request raffle now.

The first 25 replies will be entered for a chance to win one of 3 prizes!

1st prize
Sketch with some colors

2nd prize
Sketch with some values

3rd prize
(please see 2nd prize)

-I can't really do anything to stop folks but please keep it to 1 idea/greentext per person.
-Pls nothing too /d/ or illegal plsa little /d/ is fine though.
-Have a nice day and good luck anons o/

>> No.15471582

Guy performing oral sex on a pregnant Dragon.

>> No.15471584

A shoggoth and a kiki getting along

>> No.15471588

Yandere kitsune imouto

>> No.15471590

Armored Wurm.

>> No.15471592

A Mindflayer doing the evil pose of your choice

>> No.15471593

Oomukade putting on woolly socks for winter.

>> No.15471596
File: 1.23 MB, 2992x2384, WendigoSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big tittied Wendigo wielding a fuckhuge Hunter weapon.

>> No.15471598

Troll decorating herself with flowers

>> No.15471599

Yandere pack of giant rats!

Even if I don't win thanks anyway bud

>> No.15471603

Now that's an oddly specific request, although I fully approve of it

We need more scary Wendigos

>> No.15471609

A lilim in a cute dress or wearing a sweater.

>> No.15471610

tentacle girl prostate massage

>> No.15471615

Vampire on lotus position with her husband while bting him in the neck/shoulder

>> No.15471622

A guy getting pinned down by 2-3 zombies

>> No.15471629
Quoted by: >>15471774

Loli Mindflayer getting a piggyback ride from her Onii-chan

>> No.15471636

A manticore preforming a german suplex on an alp.

>> No.15471637

I'd like a guy going balls deep into a baphomet while she's ahegaoing.

>> No.15471651
File: 224 KB, 425x708, 1463966222171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miia wearing her miko outfit and just looking cute.

>> No.15471654
File: 156 KB, 683x857, 1456302759469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471793

An Apsara, preferably this one, breakdancing or doing Capoeira.

>> No.15471655

Something POV and fluffy

>> No.15471662

The genuine smile of a dragon!

>> No.15471663

Secret agent yeti

>> No.15471667
Quoted by: >>15471681

Try to remember some of the basics of CQC - Close Quarters Cuddles.

>> No.15471674

Loli Kobold in a latex catsuit!

>> No.15471679

Komodo-oneechan panting after a sprint

>> No.15471680

Smug Holstaur wearing a tight shirt lifting her tits up with her arms crossed under them, looking at the viewer, possibly with a Bapho or other loli looking angry in the background.

>> No.15471681

She doesn't knock them out or kill them, she just puts them asleep with a surprise CQC hug

>> No.15471687

A guy ballroom dancing with a mermaid.

>> No.15471693

He's talking about the KC button nose you tit.

>> No.15471696
File: 381 KB, 672x1100, 275_cait_sith_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yo yo yo mister daddy-o

>> No.15471699

Yeah, good afternoon or morning to you
We thought you were dead we hopd you were dead

>> No.15471702
Quoted by: >>15471704

where is the pupper

>> No.15471704
Quoted by: >>15471709

Sleeping tight.

>> No.15471709
Quoted by: >>15471711

At the bottom of a lake.

>> No.15471710

Fuck, I'm late again.

>> No.15471711

Sleep tight, pupper.

>> No.15471712

What did you wanted?

>> No.15471715

World peace

>> No.15471718
File: 2.81 MB, 1600x957, 1444728695215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15471728

Thunderbird with big tits.

>> No.15471719
File: 213 KB, 1200x1064, 098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petting cute cats is the greatest pleasure a man can hope to achieve in this life.

>> No.15471727

Can an Ushi be a Paladin

>> No.15471728
Quoted by: >>15471741

I hope the thunderbird gang doesn't bully me by shocking my crotch as i go to school!

>> No.15471741

I'll be pretty shocked if they don't.

>> No.15471752
Quoted by: >>15471759

I want my Kiki daughteru to hide in a box, only to pop out when I walk by and say "Papa!"

>> No.15471756
Quoted by: >>15471768

>Teach Ryu daughteru how to swim in an inflatable pool outside
>She somehow manages to almost drown
>Her Wurm friend is already swimming at Olympics level

What do I do to her her out?

>> No.15471759
Quoted by: >>15471765

Are kiki's parents their first masters and mistresses?
They are born servants, after all.

>> No.15471762
File: 199 KB, 850x1203, 111fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone even doing summer stuff with their waifu?

>> No.15471765

Maybe if the parents decide to marry/dick the daughteru. Otherwise no, then they're just parents.

>> No.15471766

How could I when she is not real?

>> No.15471767

Servants don't have to be for sexual, you know?

>> No.15471768
Quoted by: >>15471802

Water dragons can't drown, silly. She's just angling for more attention.

>> No.15471771
Quoted by: >>15472643

What happens if your Kiki friend slips up an accidentally calls you master

>> No.15471774

Ok dudes here are our winners!

1st Prize >>15471609

2nd Prize >>15471663

3rd Prize >>15471629

Thanks for participating anon and i hope y'all have a good one o/

Weird, i was expecting at least 1 lewd winner. Would y'all be ok with varying levels of lewd added?

I'm sorry anon, I will be having another one on tumblr either this weekend or early next week tho so that'll be another chance to enter o7

>> No.15471775

What else would you have a maid for?

>> No.15471778

>my request misses the mark again

>> No.15471780

Still, 'Master' and 'Mistress' imply long-term servitude that doesn't have a clear end. Although kids live with their parents for roughly two decades, once young Kikis go out and get jobs/husbands then her parents wouldn't be her masters anymore. It'd be weird, an odd adjustment for a young Kiki, and a little unfair that a Kiki's mate wouldn't also be her very first master.

>> No.15471781

Lewd sweater lilim

>> No.15471782

It's winter here, so only cuddles and fires.

>> No.15471783

Oh hey, I got in.

>> No.15471784

Drat, I missed out again. Sad day for me.

>> No.15471793
File: 485 KB, 810x1080, a0d18bb530f6e3b8930f4063d684cd34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see that image it reminds me of a good girl.

>> No.15471795

Never lucky.

>> No.15471796

Yes. It needs fixing. I'll reup once finished. Sincerest apologies.

>> No.15471797
Quoted by: >>15471833

Only faggots like Bollocks like dune 'coons. Don't be faggots.

>> No.15471802

No, she was drowning. She had water in her lungs as well.
My daughter just hasn't been the same since she and Wurm hit their heads together last year. Always goes on about cookies and why Courage is the best cartoon ever despite saying Ed Edd and Eddy was the best a year ago.

>> No.15471807
Quoted by: >>15471838

Are you sure you have the right daughteru?

>> No.15471810

200% Rigged who wouldn't want yandere wonderland gals

>> No.15471815

I think the Wurm hitted so hard, her brain melted and now she is but a water earth snek.

>> No.15471829

I want a Smartwurm to talk circles around a lich

>> No.15471833
Quoted by: >>15471851

>Not liking delicious brown girls with bushy tails
Might as well just admit you're an Alp.

>> No.15471838

Of course I do. They may look similar but I know my little bundle of joy from the rest. Not like my wife is a Wurm pretending to be a Ryu, and my daughteru had her true nature awakened with that blow to the head.

>> No.15471851
Quoted by: >>15471855

Or I refuse to associate myself with a known faggot's taste in monstergirls.

>> No.15471855
Quoted by: >>15472215

>i don't like X because person Y whom i dislike likes X!
wow you are a colossal tool

>> No.15471877

Hopefully soon.

>> No.15471894 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 720x801, 1467316862302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471897 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15471926

What the fuck dude.

>> No.15471910 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15471926

Don't murder the qt pi elves!

>> No.15471914 [DELETED] 

Fuck that Manwha.

>> No.15471918 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15471926

This is what happens when you give meat to wood elves.

>> No.15471924 [DELETED] 

Is it the one with that abusive perpetually assblasted protagonist?

>> No.15471926 [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 1200x600, 999_A_World_That_I_Rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Lord of the Flies: The Ero Manwha.

I just want to see him dead.

>> No.15471927
File: 574 KB, 972x1164, 1462741167490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night is dark and full of Mom!

>> No.15471936 [DELETED] 

I bet there's NTR, or the guy is a douchebag, or waifus die all the time or something like that.

Fucking koreans.

>> No.15471938 [DELETED] 

It takes something to make me want to see the protagonist die this badly.

>> No.15471947 [DELETED] 

is she ok???

>> No.15471948 [DELETED] 

>D) All of the above.

>> No.15471953 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472185

Yep. For those who haven't read it, the main character dude is a former high-school self-described "alpha male" bully who works a shitty job delivering chicken. Then he gets sucked into a free-love paradise with promiscuous elves free of all material want and takes the opportunity to ruin everything so he can feel like an ALPHA MALE again.

>> No.15472185 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472218

So yeah, it's shit.

>> No.15472212

I want to kiss a dullahan

>> No.15472215

Remind me to care what people think of me on an anonymous image board.

>> No.15472218 [DELETED] 

It's pretty good from an artistic standpoint, and the story is relatively realistic.

It's shit in the sense that its objective isn't to give the reader a good fap, but to make him hate the MC's guts, which it accomplishes very well.

>> No.15472219 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472237

What is it with Manwha and male leads who are utter pieces of shit?

>> No.15472226

so will a catgirl and mousegirl fight over a man

>> No.15472237 [DELETED] 

manifestation of hwabyeong

>> No.15472252
File: 478 KB, 1000x1000, Chi Pa Pa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if...Snow Wurm?

>> No.15472255
Quoted by: >>15472352

>Snib puts up the raffle while I'm at work.
Fuck. Are you open for commissions right now?

>> No.15472259 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 850x478, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472311



>> No.15472263 [DELETED] 

>The cute purple-haired elf the asshole claimed as his "wife"

I'm not even reading this series, and fuck it.

>> No.15472272
File: 231 KB, 620x877, 88e6cd7c7b4d9f7af76cbfed8e2a7ce4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472287

What if I grabbed that fairy and stuffed her in my smelly underwear?

>> No.15472281
Quoted by: >>15472289

>Chi Pa Pa

>> No.15472287
File: 285 KB, 600x480, get rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472295

She'll say there's plenty of room for her to fit in there.

>> No.15472289


>> No.15472295
File: 498 KB, 400x192, Michael-Scott-angry-stare-at-toby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472304

...She's grounded in her iron cage for a month.

>> No.15472304
Quoted by: >>15472312

For saying you have a magnum dong? What gives, man?

>> No.15472311 [DELETED] 

>Guro on a blue board

Enjoy killing elves on your three-day vacation.

>> No.15472312
Quoted by: >>15472317

I stuffed her in my smelly underwear, while I was wearing them.

>> No.15472317

Ooooooh. Ain't that a cheeky lil' cunt. Better stretch it out for her. Assert dominance.

>> No.15472320 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472334

>that pic
Did we reach tumbrl level of safe-space? Or you are just lost?

>> No.15472334 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472350

You're just projecting American values onto the board rules. Other than America, murder and bloodshed is generally considered a "mature" or "NSFW" in nature.

Fun fact: One of the Scary Movie series nearly lost its rights to play in theatres, because the killer slicing out a woman's breast implants briefly showed a glimpse of pubic hair, which was unacceptable to the ratings board.

>> No.15472336
Quoted by: >>15472342

I actually had an idea, an unoriginal one where I asked myself "What if an author down on his luck found a Leanen Sidhe in a secluded Scottish cabin?"

It ended with him hanging himself after banging out his magnum opus, the last pages being a letter asking for help in blood since if she's not fucking him she's tormenting him

>> No.15472340 [DELETED] 

It's not guro but it's from a terrible VN that people only think is good because they can't read it.

>> No.15472342
Quoted by: >>15472500

Write it.

>> No.15472350 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472365

>American values onto the board rules
It's almost as if 4chan is the american version of 2chan...

Nah, that'd be crazy.

>> No.15472352
Quoted by: >>15472409

Ayyyy, I'm always open man o/


If you prefer to participate in another raffle instead I'll be holding one more on tumblr during the weekend or next week. I suspect more people will be entering that one though so it's even more of a gamble I'm afraid, but that's an option as well.

Thank you for your interest o/

>> No.15472365 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15472376

Normally I'd agree, but we're now owned by a Jap, remember? Hence there have been some moderation changes in line of that (e.g., /a/ now allowing breasts to be posted).

In America that would never fly because of the skewed censorship against nudity and towards violence (like how sex scenes cause a massive uproar in the Of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones) books among American audiences, while decapitation and torture were considered perfectly acceptable).

>> No.15472376 [DELETED] 

Fair point, I suppose. Regardless, jap values are still inferior.

>> No.15472385
Quoted by: >>15472395

Does a high res Familiar profile picture exist yet?

>> No.15472395
Quoted by: >>15472402

I fuckin' wish.

>> No.15472402

Damn. Well, I'll make do.

>> No.15472409
Quoted by: >>15472431

You fine doing lolis, like familiar?

>> No.15472413
File: 212 KB, 960x540, 1463445398751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so few smug Dragons?
Dragons are the perfect species for smugness. They are rich, powerful, feared, worshiped,fearless,awe-inspiring, and beautiful, don't forget about how beautiful they are!

>> No.15472420
File: 934 KB, 950x1400, tmp_8596-1467273971127-477578700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473486

Miia in traditional Lamia clothing being drawn by KC is too strong of a combo
I hope crab gets him to draw more sometime

I hope i can meet KC and convince him to draw me a daki

>> No.15472425

Familiars deserve so much more.

>> No.15472426
Quoted by: >>15472438

Wait. What are you up to, Anon?

>> No.15472431

Aye, only as far as risque pin up stuff though for the time being. I'm pretty neutral towards them desu but I don't personally have any hang ups over loli and not-loli content. I just want to avoid any possible legal ramifications.

>> No.15472438

Wonderful things.

Great. Don't worry, no naughty bits or lewd acts in mind.

>> No.15472467
File: 2.74 MB, 2400x3000, 1467322911982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a wonderfully rendered Killer Queen Familiar I got from the /a/ drawthreads.

>> No.15472476
Quoted by: >>15472511

girl gots hella abs

>> No.15472484

Damn, that's well drawn. Nice one.

>> No.15472493


>> No.15472500
Quoted by: >>15472532

I'd rather not since I've burned enough bridges on here/can't self-edit for a piss.

>> No.15472511

Muscle Familiars sound nice.

>> No.15472526

Dragon is pretty popular, yet there are so little art of her facial expressions.

>> No.15472532
Quoted by: >>15472607

Shoggocks please.

Bridges are for pussies, pole vault over that gap and don't give a shit.

>> No.15472542

Dragons are above the need to amuse themselves using mortals as playthings. That's something a cat does to a mice, not what a queen should do the peasantry.

>> No.15472597
File: 311 KB, 1439x1979, Serial Yeti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15472607

Kind of hard not to.

>> No.15472609

Is that some Satsui no Hadou shit?

>> No.15472619
Quoted by: >>15472641

>5 of 6
>Still one more even stronger serial hugger yeti to hunt down after that one


>> No.15472641

>there is a being stronger than the serial hugger
Welp, time to live underground

>> No.15472643

What happens when you realize it wasn't a slip up?

>> No.15472651
File: 154 KB, 940x720, CookingLessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472674

Cooking with a Kiki and a Wurm!

>> No.15472674
Quoted by: >>15472696

Stupid Wurm. Who has to clean up that mess? The Kiki, who already does everything.

>> No.15472696
File: 53 KB, 320x240, Cookiejar missing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472716

It's okay anon! The Wurm and Kiki are good friends. The Kiki gets to enjoy practicing her skills and dealing with messes and the Wurm gets to eat pies and play around with flour.

It also keeps the encased newspaper hanging in the kitchen a thing of the past.

>> No.15472697

Do monster girls go by the "it doesn't count as a first kiss if it's between girls" rule?

>> No.15472700

Abunai! Baito des!

>> No.15472708

Here's your (you)

>> No.15472713

Feels like anyone who'd make the distinction between vaginal and anal virginity could easily make a distinction between boy and girl kiss virginity, too.

>> No.15472716

Oh sure, after all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, and yard-work, she loves to have some brain damaged dragon smash her way around the kitchen and eat all the sweets. Now she has the clean up the kitchen and all the repairman again because there's a hole where a wall used to be.

>> No.15472722

Only if it turns you on

>> No.15472724

Okay, I sent you a note on DA. Changed my mind about the familiar thing, though.

>> No.15472738
File: 335 KB, 700x859, cerrypai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, as a Kiki without a Master she has to keep herself busy. Living in a simple apartement with only 4 maid outfits (one for each season), with only a few rooms to clean and no yard work, would make her life a boring one. Now she has a Wurm friend who loves pies and is like all Wurms, fairly carefull with what they know is important.

How can her Kiki friend possibly bake her pies if Wurm ate all the dishes and pans? No, Wurm is clever and instead patiently waits for the pies to finish. She at most raids the cabinet for candy.

>> No.15472775

>Implying a Kiki who can take care of a Wurm wouldn't be able to repair anything and everything on her own

>> No.15472787
Quoted by: >>15472818

That must be one busy Kiki.

>> No.15472818
Quoted by: >>15472868


What about just training the Wurm to do the housework?


>> No.15472825
Quoted by: >>15472830

I shall seek to claim this kiki as my own.

Construction Kiki when?

>Captcha pictographs wants construction vehicles

>> No.15472830

>Kiki The Constructor

>Can we construct it?

>(If wurm-tan doesn't wreck everything again.)

>> No.15472861
Quoted by: >>15472892

I want to steal all my Alice waifu's underwear so she has nothing to wear to school the next morning.

>> No.15472868

>Kiki and anubis children in a nutshell.

>> No.15472885
File: 959 KB, 1280x1189, 1465263904157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough loving with a Hellhound!

>> No.15472892
Quoted by: >>15472903

Why would you do that? Surely you don't want to make her get embarrassed when the playful wind comes by.

>> No.15472894

Bullying a Memehound!

Making her wear the most feminine dress you can find!

>> No.15472899
File: 61 KB, 730x337, Rough sex with a hellhound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always a good option
Also this. Making any tough girl do frilly things, really.

>> No.15472901

Getting hunted by one is one of the best fearboners.

>> No.15472903
Quoted by: >>15472932

It's what she gets for acting so innocent all the time when secretly being lewd.

>> No.15472904
File: 432 KB, 1000x921, 1458175057226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboy Hellhound wearing a pretty summer dress because she wants to try and be more feminine for you!

>> No.15472932
Quoted by: >>15472942

Don't do it, Anon. You want her to become lewd all the time when secretly being innocent?

>> No.15472942
Quoted by: >>15472947

No, I just want to see what happens when I steal all her panties.

>> No.15472946

that's a biiiig little hellwan

>> No.15472947
Quoted by: >>15472954

She tells her School Councillor. Then you get a visit from the party van. By which I mean Sabbath Missionaries.

>> No.15472948

Roughly kissing the hellhound.
Roughly telling her you love her.
Roughly hugging and nuzzling her.

Tomboy hellhound wearing a pretty summer dress because it shows off her FIT body, and she knows it'll get Anon to blush and stare at her beautiful body.

>> No.15472952

Taking the Tomboy Hellhound in the Missionary position and staring into her bright eyes while you fuck her silly!

>> No.15472954

See, I told you she's lewd! I bet she's telling lots of people that she's got no panties on!

>> No.15472958

what would a tomboy mindflayer be like?

>> No.15472966


>> No.15472969
Quoted by: >>15472988

Uses her powers to cheat at videogames.

>> No.15472970
Quoted by: >>15472984

She would erase your memories using her fists instead of her tentacles.

>> No.15472979
File: 484 KB, 2048x1620, 1467058449964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomboy hellhound wearing a pretty summer dress because it shows off her FIT body, and she knows it'll get Anon to blush and stare at her beautiful body.
This guy has the right idea.

I wish there was any fit hellhound art at all.

>> No.15472984
Quoted by: >>15472988

>What are you going to do, tenta-breath? Mess with my memories with your iddy biddy tentacles and make me forget?
>"Nah. I'm just going to keep punching you until you forget."

>> No.15472988
Quoted by: >>15473054

She seems like a kind and gentle person
Best player 2 in any co-op game

>> No.15472990

More Kobold art when?

>> No.15472995
Quoted by: >>15473038

I thought I was going to commission Snib for some familiar art, but I just less than an hour ago ended up asking for some hellhound art instead.
I asked if she could be kind of fit, with defined muscles, so hopefully you won't be waiting too long.

>> No.15473005

A kiki, a kiki.
My virginity for a kiki.
Holy shit, why are there so many flies in my house?
Damn this heat.

>> No.15473008
Quoted by: >>15473017

Beelzebubs are scoping you out.

>> No.15473016
Quoted by: >>15473023

Kill them all, remember to kill the cockroaches too.

>> No.15473017

I am a heartbeat from burning my house down to kill them all.

It's a dangerous game they play.

>> No.15473023

To quote Futurama.
War were declared.

>> No.15473033

Hellhounds are shit as are their L'Inferno fan wank variants.

>> No.15473038
File: 481 KB, 1200x978, 1457309001412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473047

Do you have any examples of art from Snib? Name doesn't ring a bell.

>I asked if she could be kind of fit, with defined muscles
You're a saint.

>> No.15473047
Quoted by: >>15473062

I'm amazed you're in the thread right now and the name doesn't ring a bell for you.

>> No.15473050

I want to make an Alice lift up her dress and piss herself in front of her classmates in school.

>> No.15473053

At least you aren't fighting a war of attrition against mosquitoes.

I swear this year they are fucking huge, what gives? There's blood everywhere.

>> No.15473054
Quoted by: >>15473059

I bet gaming with a mindflayer tentacle in your head would help your gaming reflexes

>> No.15473059
Quoted by: >>15473069

You could also play games for the first time again.

>> No.15473062

Okay, I recognize his art, just didn't know what his name was.

>> No.15473064

What does Kobold even need art of

>> No.15473069

You know what would be cool? Falling in love with a mindflayer again.

>> No.15473073

I think I have now found my only problem with the MGC setting. They're all a bunch of filthy, no good Reds!

>> No.15473078

Kobold eskimo kissing Anon, with her tail wagging into hyperspace.

>> No.15473080
Quoted by: >>15473111

But I never want to forget her, not even her powers can affect that love

>> No.15473095

I want to cuddle a Hellhound delinquent!

>> No.15473098
File: 491 KB, 850x708, 1460420168207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't lettin' no Communist Dark Elf take my freedom from me! I'll fight, just like my granddaddy did back in the war! God bless the USA!

>> No.15473101

What if hellhound twins, but one is a delinquent and the other a class rep

>> No.15473103
Quoted by: >>15473107

The class rep is also a delinquent, and the non-class rep is a delinquent because they're trying to be a good student by rebelling against the bad delinquent class rep hellhound.

>> No.15473107
Quoted by: >>15473121

Yes go on.

>> No.15473108
Quoted by: >>15473112

If you're into that sort of thing, a phoenix is a better waifu.

But then, it's impossible to really "become" a phoenix's husband; you have to have always been it.

>> No.15473110

They're both getting cuddled.

>> No.15473111

Just to see if you're going to fall in love with her again. She'll give your memories back afterwards.

>> No.15473112

Depends how often a new instance of a phoenix soul/entity is brought into the world.

>> No.15473120
File: 882 KB, 566x800, 1464293098631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Girl-BloodBorne story when? I need more BloodBorne from the write/drawfags here but have no dosh.

>> No.15473121
Quoted by: >>15473151

The class rep delinquent hellhound who's being antagonised by her twin good student delinquent hellhound is actually only a delinquent because the principal of the school is evil, and the class rep delinquent hellhound is trying to fight back against them.

>> No.15473124
Quoted by: >>15473128

Give me five bucks and I'll write a Bloodborne smut story for you.

How eldritch you want your sex, senpai?

>> No.15473128
Quoted by: >>15473147

I don't even have that senpai, and if I did then very.

>> No.15473133

Are there any good monstergirl stories with flowery antiquated dialogue?

I'm thinking Holo and yua's Kohaku in particular.
I have a massive boner for ye olde eloquence that I'm sadly unable to sate.

>> No.15473134
Quoted by: >>15473145

What nightmarish horror would be conceived if you impregnated Kos? Would you still love it?

>> No.15473145

Probably some kind of being that tries to bring all the nightmares together, then gets attacked by all of them. Very, if it's my freedom loving child, then very.

>> No.15473147

Wow, you're poor.

Just Fedex me some of your blood and I'll write for you, then.

>> No.15473150

If he doesn't have five bucks, what makes you think he can fedex you his blood?

>> No.15473151
Quoted by: >>15473179

But is the principal the real delinquent hellhound?!

>> No.15473155
Quoted by: >>15473173

Ok, but I need your adress/PO Box for that.

>> No.15473164
Quoted by: >>15473195

That smell... it's intoxicating... It'll drive a man insane...

>> No.15473168
Quoted by: >>15473174

I'm gonna find a wurm that wears undergarments and steal them

>> No.15473170

Them acting cute and sexy!

>> No.15473173
Quoted by: >>15473195

People don't always have money, but they always have blood. Sweet, intoxicating blood. Enough to make a man sick.

5 Swamp Lane
Town of Gothic Bullshit
Old Yharnam
Some Dream Somewhere
Zipcode: R1R1R1

>> No.15473174

>Stealing monster panstu
Say the right words and they'll just give them to you, anon. No need to commit a crime.

>> No.15473179
Quoted by: >>15473228

She's actually waging a secret war against the Antidelinquents, so in a way, yes.

>> No.15473182
Quoted by: >>15473196

I'd write a smut short for you for free, but I make no guarantee of it being good at all if I ever stop being a bitch and be a do-er.

>> No.15473187

You're in luck anon, I just contacted Snibako about commissioning that very thing!

>> No.15473195
Quoted by: >>15473209

Damn Yharnamite Vampires. You've got a serious problem.

>> No.15473196
Quoted by: >>15473206

If it's free then I won't complain, even if it is bad. Only thanks and critiques.

>> No.15473201

Would you waifu Annalise Cainhurst if she was a vampire?

>> No.15473204

>Monster girl tries to rape a man in his sleep
>When she tries to grab him he slaps the monster across the face and rolls over.
>After several more tries she gives up and crawls into bed with him.
Not even a Nightmare can interfere with a man that just wants to sleep.

>> No.15473205
File: 240 KB, 480x270, 1442150842420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473233


>> No.15473206
Quoted by: >>15473217

Well I mean, there'd be actual monsters in it as well as monstergirls. No males, just monsters in advanced stages of Nightmare Corruption

>> No.15473209


>> No.15473214
Quoted by: >>15473238

I'd waifu any of the girls in BB! Except for the nun, fuck her.

>> No.15473217
Quoted by: >>15473251

Like MGs are the early stages? Kinda like the guys that are scared of fire in Old Yharnam? I can get behind it no matter what my friend!

>> No.15473218
Quoted by: >>15473233

Oh shit, is the KDF actually following through again?

>> No.15473220
Quoted by: >>15473223


>> No.15473223 [SPOILER] 
File: 228 KB, 640x879, 1467335585208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473260


>> No.15473225
File: 76 KB, 561x598, 1464530564500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't want to get drenched in the foul ichor of Beasts to drive his Yharnamite vampire waifu up the walls in estral bliss
>That smell... It sings to her...
>Enough to drive a woman to fuck...

>> No.15473228
Quoted by: >>15473252

Then where does the Anubis student council president come in?!

>> No.15473233

Me too!

I don't know what you mean about 'actually' anon, I haven't broken any of my promises to you! But yes, it's me commissioning art of my girls.

>> No.15473238 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 591x710, 1467335822803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473256

>I'd waifu any of the girls in BB!
Even those weird, gross, slimy, wet, snailgirls?

>Except for the nun, fuck her.
But she only has eyes for you, how could you pick that bloodwhore over her?

>> No.15473251
Quoted by: >>15473267

While I appreciate the candor, I doubt that people would enjoy a story where a guy cuts down shit like misshapen half-man half-wolf monstrosities, defending his district in a gothic Victorian London-like city while his Dhampir wife tries to not vigorously masturbate to the smell of blood

>> No.15473252
Quoted by: >>15473262

She's secretly an agent for the Antidelinquent, has really fluffy hair, and dies at the end of the series for no reason.

Fuck you, Gainax.

>> No.15473256

>Even those weird, gross, slimy, wet, snailgirls?
Motherfucker I'm the guy that posted the original image that spawned all of this discussion, any girl in there is good enough for me. Well, all but one.

>But she only has eyes for you, how could you pick that bloodwhore over her?
At least the bloodwhore isn't some jealous lil bitch that murders for no reason. At least Iosefka murders for science

>> No.15473260

Just imagine these guys showing up to Order meetings.
>"Lord Paladin, who are those odd fellows?"
>"Ah, those are members of the Order of Executioners from that foul city of Yharnam."
>"They look positively mad."
>"Yes Sire, but their enthusiasm is unmatched."
>Meanwhile one executioner is flailing his wheel around while his brothers chant "PURGE THE BEASTS, PURGE THE BEASTS."
>Even the other Order groups are starting to get unnerved.

>> No.15473262

>Sexhair Anubis

Sounds great.

I'm still trying to understand the supposed main character of the series

>> No.15473264

Familiars are the best girls for suddenly grabbing and having sex with.

>> No.15473267

I can't speak for the others, but I know that I would more than likely (like 80-85% chance) enjoy it immensely.

>> No.15473277
Quoted by: >>15473283

Who the fuck looks at a wheel and thinks it would make a good weapon?

How the fuck did they manage to kill an entire clan of vampires with actual weapons?

>> No.15473282
Quoted by: >>15473326

They go through some pretty hard shit compared to The Order though. The monsters they fight just want to fuck them, maybe to death, but still only fuck them. The Executioners have to deal with werewolves, vampires, insane people, and eldritch horror that all want to murder/butcher/slaughter them in the most painful, drawn out process they possibly can. It's understandable why they're way more crazy.

>> No.15473283

Nothing but their righteous fury towards the vilebloods.

>> No.15473288
File: 289 KB, 1280x1312, rosaria 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eldritch goddesses are for worshiping not dicking

>> No.15473295
File: 35 KB, 615x600, 1457861675648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473302


>> No.15473300

I worship nothing but myself though, and I'm a fucking terrible worshipper ayway.

>> No.15473302
Quoted by: >>15473308

Fuck you, Howard. I'm gonna stick my dick in it.

>> No.15473308

and that kids is how the world went to shit

>> No.15473326
File: 17 KB, 1018x147, Quoth the Demon Lord, Fuck this shit oh my god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473335

Yeah, the Executioners are more justified in their batshit craziness.
Doesn't mean that Order members from outside Yharnam wouldn't think they're scary as shit.

>> No.15473335

>Doesn't mean that Order members from outside Yharnam wouldn't think they're scary as shit.
Now I'm not saying that, but it's understandable. And that might be what they're going for ya know, "Hey, don't fuck with us. Don't you see how insane we are?"

>> No.15473344

>No Eileen as a monster girl
It's a shame that best girl gets no art.

>> No.15473389
File: 145 KB, 731x800, iosefka and victim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474691

>tfw a lich impostor iosefka will never capture you and perform horrible and inhuman experiments on you

>> No.15473396
File: 250 KB, 650x810, 1466474602340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna think I'm joking but I'm not: My family is getting an exchange student from japan. She's rich, from Okinawa, and in the swimming club, plus the brass music club too. In her application she talks about helping her mom make food every day and taking care of her little sister.

It almost seems fake.

This is for my high school aged sister, I'm only gonna see her for like a week.

>> No.15473402
Quoted by: >>15473413

Means she's a slut. Try to hit that.

>> No.15473405

Stick it in her bum before you leave.

>> No.15473409

>swimming club
>music club

Time to get ottermode and become a perfect swimmer, and also learn to play an instrument then. Maybe a string instrument, like a viola.

>> No.15473413

with a car.

>> No.15473427
Quoted by: >>15473436

Tell her to pay for your comissions.

>> No.15473432
Quoted by: >>15473436

At least steal some of her panties and photograph them for us. Maybe even start a collection.

If you're really crazy you'll take ALL her panties with you when you go wherever you're going.

>> No.15473436

I don't think this is how you into girls.

>> No.15473439
Quoted by: >>15473509

I did a short thing on ds3's dancer over in the /aco/ thread if you want something souls related

>> No.15473440

I know how into girls just fine, that's why I want anon here to do some of the weirder shit for me.

He has some big opportunities here.

>> No.15473454

You can trust me, I have a monster waifu.

>> No.15473477
Quoted by: >>15473488

Good night Anons.
Take care and Welcome our fluffy overlords.
The moths come, and the bring with them pregnancy dust.

>> No.15473486

>Meet KC
I'mma do that.

>Convince him to draw me a daki
That, on the other hand...

>> No.15473488
Quoted by: >>15473502

We all know what happens if moth dust gets in your eyes.

>> No.15473502
Quoted by: >>15473518

Psychedelic trip?

>> No.15473505

You're living in an anime now.

>> No.15473508
File: 306 KB, 1349x1632, Perfect maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473527

On a date with a monster girl that tried to rape me, she is the one that's going to pay for everything, right?

>> No.15473509
File: 99 KB, 1200x557, Dancer of the Boreal Valley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather her cousin, who's some sort of Wight-Ignis.

Yes. Please.

>> No.15473518
Quoted by: >>15473529

You become blind.

>> No.15473522
Quoted by: >>15473531

>Didn't even define the ass
0/10 it's shit

>> No.15473527

Of course,the woman always pays for the meal.

>> No.15473529
Quoted by: >>15473549

Blinded by beauty?

>> No.15473531
File: 525 KB, 1200x1500, Dancer sitting over a bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty defined to me. You blind? Well, here. Something more in-your-face.

>> No.15473538

Anon, you're cutting it close

>> No.15473539

>Yes. Please.
I did it with a boner and was playing as I wrote so its probably not my most thought out.

>> No.15473544

Eeeeeeh. It's "Covered", so I think it'll be fine...

>> No.15473549
Quoted by: >>15473554

Blinded by evil insect powder that eats away your vision.

>> No.15473550

Cutting it close? He's cleaving the whole damn thing in two.

Anon, that image guarantees a ban if a moderator sees it. Best delete the file.

>> No.15473554
Quoted by: >>15473575

>Not extra tall wight will show off her dancelike fighting style to you before a dual.
You'll never tap dat ass as a reward for winning

Until I see only her right?

>> No.15473570
Quoted by: >>15473574

how cute can a Mindflayer be

>> No.15473574
Quoted by: >>15473578


>> No.15473575

Until you see nothing more. Hell, the last thing you will see is a huge wicked smile on her face while hearing "Now you won't go anywhere withouth me." and feeling a wet kiss in your forehead. Moths, like almost all bugs, are evil as shit.

>> No.15473577


>> No.15473578

Wrong! Mindflayers are not cute!

Lovecraft told me so!

>> No.15473582
Quoted by: >>15473592

Dammit can somebody imgur it?

>> No.15473590
Quoted by: >>15473595

He was a grumpy old man, what does he know about mindflayers?

>> No.15473592
Quoted by: >>15473608


>> No.15473595
Quoted by: >>15473597

Enough to expose them for the monsters they really are!

>> No.15473597
Quoted by: >>15473601

Mindflayers are D&D you mongoloid

>> No.15473601

I know what I was talking about, didn't you read that D&D book that Lovecraft did?

I mean, come on anon, get with the times.

>> No.15473608

Nice, thanks.

>> No.15473634
Quoted by: >>15473638

>you will never give your dragon mistress a tongue bath

>> No.15473636

I think Tsun Mindflayers are cute

>> No.15473638
Quoted by: >>15473669

I want to milk mine like a Holstaur.

>> No.15473651

Don't trust Shoggoths!

They're worse than Dolphin girls!

>> No.15473665
Quoted by: >>15473682

>You'll never meet a cute metalhead succubus with a Scottish accent on the bus and end up hitting it off with her.
>You'll never go on a date with her that ends with her drunk in the back of your car singing War Pigs at the top of her voice and giggling to herself while you drive her home.
God DAMN I wish I was in that reality.
I've got a tour shirt from the last Black Sabbath tour, would that get me points with her?

>> No.15473669

>your wife starts lactating
>she doesn't want you to drink her milk for whatever reason
>ask her one day why
>"i'm not confident about the taste, what if it taste weird?"

>> No.15473675

So why would a monster ever be tsundere

>> No.15473677
Quoted by: >>15473683

But are they worse than Mindflayers?

>> No.15473681

Because a man is into it.

>> No.15473682
Quoted by: >>15473696

Will she take me to Germany to see Powerwolf even though I live in the hell that is Florida?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6Wl4voa6A

>> No.15473683

Not quite, but they're still very bad!

>> No.15473687

Trying to save all those Dolphins for yourself, eh Jotaro?

>> No.15473696
Quoted by: >>15473705

I'm sure some metalhead monstergirl would.
Just not this one.
Because she's mine.

>> No.15473699
Quoted by: >>15473735

So could a spider be nice and caring

>> No.15473703
Quoted by: >>15473726

Because she used to be human and tries to resist the urges of her new body?

>> No.15473705
Quoted by: >>15473713

That's fine. Scotts aren't really my thing. But rusky's/germans? Ooh, there we go!

>> No.15473706

Because she doesn't know any better.

>> No.15473713

What german accented monstergirl would you want though? Another succubus or something else?
Like a Werewolf or a Demon perhaps?

>> No.15473721
Quoted by: >>15473734

>Like a Werewolf or a Demon perhaps?
Those work wonderfully, or a hellhound. Maybe a shoggoth/mindflayer from New England.

>> No.15473726
Quoted by: >>15473737

Would she wear her old Mage robes that she barely fits into

>> No.15473730

She'd probably whisper sweet nothings into your ear in German too.
Keep in mind she's probably got a few fetishes she'll want you to fulfill from time to time. Mostly role-reversal fetishes from a monstergirl's perspective.

>> No.15473732
Quoted by: >>15473738

A Lich.

>> No.15473734

Whoops, replied to the wrong post.
Meant to reply to >>15473721

>> No.15473735


>> No.15473737
File: 233 KB, 950x575, 1464219704388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473873

Of course.
She'll also get mad if you bring up the fact that her wings are poking through the back.

>> No.15473738
Quoted by: >>15473742

What would a kuudere German accent even sound like?

>> No.15473739
Quoted by: >>15473750

>Keep in mind she's probably got a few fetishes she'll want you to fulfill from time to time. Mostly role-reversal fetishes from a monstergirl's perspective.
So me being a sex-crazed maniac? No preoblem with that friend.
And I imagine that a German werewolf/hellhound would have a family history in the military, if you catch what I'm throwing.

>> No.15473742


>> No.15473750

No, more along the lines of you tying her up, blindfolding her and facefucking her until your semen is leaking from her lips. And that's before you take her from behind.
Sometimes when she's feeling especially kinky she'll want you to Hold her hands and pound her in the missionary position while staring deep into her eyes.
And no, I'm not. Nazifags get out.

>> No.15473772
Quoted by: >>15473792

>Nazifags get out.


>> No.15473774
Quoted by: >>15473814

I would enjoy all of these things, especially if she loved me the same as I did her.
And Anon, it was a joke, you can calm down.

>> No.15473779
File: 232 KB, 1000x773, 57674370_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473785

>> No.15473785
Quoted by: >>15473823

Someone tell the god of dragons that he can't just stick and old lady head on a loli body like that.

That's fucked up lad.

>> No.15473787

>Okayado's in LA
I wonder if he's seen the huge Rachnee cosplay being set up yet.

>> No.15473792

I guess we've been found out.

>> No.15473795
Quoted by: >>15473800

Aside from Super Wurm, what other heroes would monster girls have?

>> No.15473800

Sabbath Sue, the crime-fighting Baphomet.

>> No.15473803
File: 318 KB, 923x834, kiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15473806

Oh hey neat, it's more Kobold art!

>> No.15473814
Quoted by: >>15473821

Well of course she loves you. Why wouldn't she?
And it's a bit hard to tell over the internet.

>> No.15473817

Marvelous work. That's a big Kobold though.

>> No.15473821

>Why wouldn't she?
Flaws Anon, lots,and lots of flaws.

And I know, just figured it would be a little obvious.

>> No.15473823

He didn't, he just gave chibi proportions to something with tits in heels. The god of dragons is known to experiment.

>> No.15473827

>Fulfilled my eskimo kiss kobold idea
>Tail is also wagging
>Judging by the aferimages its leaving behind, possibly into hyperspace too

You gatdamn saint.

>> No.15473832
File: 1.49 MB, 1992x2828, 1465159767449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15473853

What are some compliments your waifu could say to turn you into a blushing mess?
>inb4 "I love you"

>> No.15473858

I'll always be right here, right next to you, no matter what sweety.

>> No.15473865

I don't know, the best things that could turn me into a blushing mess would have to come as surprises.

>> No.15473871

I believe in you

>> No.15473873
File: 1.03 MB, 3508x2480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never comfort a depressed monster girl

They need love as well.

>> No.15473894
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, 1462595684863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more pictures of MGs hugging dakis

I have a picture of Miia in the works of her being in basically a reverse snake pit (a "me" pit)
But i like all type's of those daki pictures, the Druella ones, the Yeti one

MGs cuddling dakis is just so nice cause you can pretend to be the daki

>> No.15473902

Do you have that one image of Druella hugging a Solaire daki?

>> No.15473908
File: 113 KB, 1200x684, 1464217088657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forget that monster girls actually have emotions because they're never really brought up or talked about. Due to KC's world, monsters have nothing but 24/7 lust with almost zero other personality traits.

I really wonder if it is possible for Monster Girls to even feel sadness or anger and even if you could, how would you do that?

>> No.15473915
File: 277 KB, 600x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like how it can show a vulnerable side. Like even if they are creatures that are horny as fuck, that deep down they still have human thoughts and emotions.

>> No.15473919

Ded husband

Merdered husband

See? Totally not that hard, it just all comes back to dick. That said, our guys do a decent job of bringing out some emotion. I haven't actually read any of the offical MGE works, but I can't imagine those are all FUCK FUCK FUCK constantly either. The profiles just lead us to think that way.

>> No.15473924

How sad would a cheshire if her crush got hurt in her prank

>> No.15473933

"You act like a puppy when I play with your hair."
"I love how hard you try for my sake."
"You're my big, strong nuzzly wolf."
"When you hug me from behind like that, it makes me feel so safe and soft and warm."

Also anything she whispers into my ear to activate my ASMR.

It's probably kind of sad that I've put some thought into this.

>> No.15473934

>Due to KC's world, monsters have nothing but 24/7 lust with almost zero other personality traits.
>I really wonder if it is possible for Monster Girls to even feel sadness or anger and even if you could, how would you do that?
Hey newfag, how's it going?

>> No.15473940

What is the least lewd thing a monster wants

>> No.15473948
File: 2.74 MB, 5314x3543, 1454142352783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15473968


>> No.15473956


>> No.15473963
File: 135 KB, 377x390, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She probably wouldn't leave his side until he got better, and maybe even tone down her pranks.

I also realized I'm short on smug cat.

>> No.15473968
Quoted by: >>15473976

That's as sexual as it gets anon, there's nothing more sexual than making daughters.

>> No.15473969

No idea, probably like what>>15473865 said.
>a monster girl will never comfort a depressed you

>> No.15473972
Quoted by: >>15473984

Small Flat Cat Tats

>> No.15473976
File: 3.86 MB, 3600x4522, miia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The act of making daughters is what's lewd anon, not the daughters themself

>> No.15473982
Quoted by: >>15473986

Unless you're KDF that is.

>> No.15473983

I mean, speak for yourself lad.

>> No.15473984

Completely okay so long as they have a belly, legs and ass to make up for it.

>> No.15473986

He's the exception to the rule anon

>> No.15473988

>I have a picture of Miia in the works of her being in basically a reverse snake pit (a "me" pit)

So... a clone gangbang? Miia x 20 men? Sounds about right for a girl that's Miia-tier.


>> No.15473995

That's not nice anon

A pit as in a daki pit like the one i have of Miia

>> No.15474001
Quoted by: >>15474008

>Clone gangbang
>Cloning yourself with a doppel potion so many times you can basically surround your waifu on all sides

I like it.

>> No.15474008
Quoted by: >>15474014

What about the opposite?

>> No.15474009
Quoted by: >>15474017

The depressed helping the depressed?

An exercise in futility.

>> No.15474012

Finish the job.

>> No.15474014

I also like that. All for waifu, and all waifu for one.

>> No.15474017

The friends i've made online over the years who are also depressed are the only reason i haven't killed myself anon

>> No.15474032
File: 1.77 MB, 1000x1399, 57572428_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15474036
Quoted by: >>15474041

what if they are flat and small all round, but just tall

>> No.15474038
Quoted by: >>15474054

Her face is off-putting.

>> No.15474041

We call that "lanky." It's a terrible look for men and women. You need to have something somewhere; if it's not tits they should be well toned and preferably have a butt or legs worth mentioning. Hips are also good.

>> No.15474043

This is my answer as well. Partially because I lack creativity.

>> No.15474047
Quoted by: >>15474059

So you want a tubby flat chest cat girl?


>> No.15474054

She's cute.

>> No.15474059

No, I want a well-toned catgirl with strong thighs, a tight stomach and an ass that won't quit if she doesn't have breasts worth mentioning. Something to make up for the lack of tiddy, I never said I wanted chub. If she was chubby then I'd also expect breasts and that's a different conversation.

>> No.15474061

Gross bugs.

>> No.15474062

I want to hug a beanpole of an Alraune

>> No.15474069

I mean I'd do it without a second thought, but I'd rather be the one being comforted by a monstergirl.

>> No.15474112
File: 286 KB, 515x700, 1432150105229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making babies with bats using your baby batter!

>> No.15474114

Can I become the Bat Man? Will I then have your permission to die?

>> No.15474115

teeny bat a super cute!

>> No.15474116
File: 663 KB, 800x600, 0457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy Wights in tights for several consecutive nights!

>> No.15474120
Quoted by: >>15474125

why are bats so cute

>> No.15474121

Back when I read the His Dark Materials books I thought it odd that the majority of people would have a dog or wolf as their soul half.

After reading this thread, I no longer wonder.

>> No.15474125

They're the most widespread and numerous of mammals. They've become exceedingly good at it.

>> No.15474128

I have no idea what that means, but I'm sure it's an insult.

>> No.15474130

It's kind of strange how the Japanese tend to sexualize cat(girl)s far more than any other animal, while in this thread it's overwhelmingly dog(girl)s that are sexualized.

Then again, KC has done probably twice as many dog-types as cat-type girls, not even including kitsunes into the dog count.

>> No.15474132
Quoted by: >>15474136

Do bats and harpies get along or is there a rivalry

>> No.15474136

I'm sure bats enjoy a relentless rivalry with penguins and owls.

>> No.15474151
File: 118 KB, 708x1000, mgt_1st prize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15474153

>Non lewd picks featuring domestic scenes with waifus and daughterus

Simply the best

>> No.15474154

What's up with the tip of her tail?

>> No.15474158
Quoted by: >>15474171

Yeah baby.
Lilims likely tip their tails with jewelry of some sort.

>> No.15474159
Quoted by: >>15474171

Are those undergarments or bush?

I think it's decorated.

>> No.15474160
Quoted by: >>15474176

Th-That's a big tail...

>> No.15474170

Those sweaterpuppies

>> No.15474171

Aye, what >>15474158 and >>15474159 said. Looks like they decorate their tails with a cover or something from what i could tell on their profile. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/monstergirlencyclopedia/images/5/5a/Lilim_0.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130612020402

Supposed to be undergarments but does it look like bush? I'll delete and link with an imgur just in case.

>> No.15474176


>> No.15474179


imgur'd just in case.

Thank you for participating btw o/

>> No.15474181

>I'll delete and link with an imgur just in case.
I'm sure it's just my sleep deprived brain being funky, and seeing as how no one else has said anything it oughta be fine my man!

>> No.15474186

Doesn't look like bush at all. Even then I doubt any'd get banned for posting pubes without actual nipples or genitalia visible.

>> No.15474216
File: 32 KB, 306x451, 1333385629133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474225

>Anon gets all embarrassed
>She starts licking his face like a dog instead

>> No.15474219
File: 692 KB, 700x959, 1429080299354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the one dating my daughter, then?
Uh-oh. Your would-be mother-in-law is regarding you with suspicion.

>> No.15474224

Confident Yes back to her.

>> No.15474225

That's when you lick her back.

>> No.15474228

It's more fun when they're lecherous instead.

>> No.15474230

She's not wearing any pants now is she?

>> No.15474233

But would you really fuck Mia's mom?

>> No.15474238
Quoted by: >>15474246

Crabman's Lamias are lethal, there's no fucking any of them.

>> No.15474241

In most circumstances, yes.

>> No.15474242
Quoted by: >>15474262

Is....is that Nicola Bolas?

Holy fuck, what plane did I kill to get into this family?

>> No.15474246
File: 7 KB, 408x379, Get a load of this pringus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474254

The heck are you talking about?

>> No.15474249
File: 959 KB, 1776x2600, mm27-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474255

Miia's Mom is hot, but Miia is the only girl for me
I take it more as good news that Miia is gonna still be hot as fuck when we're older

>> No.15474254
Quoted by: >>15474264

Just because Kimihito has a Dullahan to bring him back from the dead doesn't mean I do.

>> No.15474255

She looks like a clown.

>> No.15474262
File: 302 KB, 1600x1128, nicole bolas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but if you figure it out, tell me. I want in.

>> No.15474263

Time to fall asleep and hopefully spend more than two hours dreaming of space-spooning my anubis waifu.

>> No.15474264
Quoted by: >>15474273

No, I mean Crab Lamias don't kill shit.

>> No.15474273
Quoted by: >>15474292

>break ribs on a regular basis
Fuck the slapstick, those things would kill you in real life.

>> No.15474282

You think the demon lords husband gets do shit other than fuck his wife?

>> No.15474290
Quoted by: >>15474294

>Implying she wouldn't just use magic to shrink herself into an onahole-sized demon lord so her husband can still do things and fuck her at the same time

>> No.15474292
Quoted by: >>15474331

At least spider has only killed him once

>> No.15474294
Quoted by: >>15474327

I thought she would be too busy with the public birth-viewings.

>> No.15474298
Quoted by: >>15474324

Probably hangs out with his sons in law and the fallen maidens guy.
Would be funny if he ended up a lilim's castle trying to hide from his wife.

>> No.15474301

Instruct Steve on his missions.

>> No.15474324
Quoted by: >>15474424

>A Lilim hears a noise in the middle of the night
>She orders her maids to search the mansion, and begins searching on her own as well
>Two hours later, her maids all report that they found nothing, though they're clearly lying and refusing to make eye contact
>Furious, she storms off to search again
>After another hour and a half, she finds her father quietly putting together a Gunpla model in her wine cellar
>They stare at each other for a full 30 seconds before he finally speaks up
>"Go back to sleep, and don't tell your mother I'm here. If she asks, I went to visit my parents."

>> No.15474327

I honestly would not happy that people wanted to see her do that if I was her husband.

>> No.15474331

When? There was a whole poignant moment where he had a nice little talk with her about how nothing she does ever results in him inadvertently having a near-death experience.

>> No.15474335
File: 357 KB, 900x1322, Rachne's kindness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474360


>> No.15474346

When they first meet he breaks his neck

>> No.15474355
File: 1.19 MB, 3512x1005, It's nine o'clock on a Saturday the regular crowd shuffles in There's an old man sitting next to me Makin' love to his tonic and gin He says, Son, can you play me a memory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See a girl of sweetest dreams at MGC Bar
>But there's no way a cool dame like that could would be interested in a nerd virgin
>Aspire to capture that fanciable ladies's heart regardless
>She regularly visits the bar and it has a piano
>A long term plan begins to formulate
>Immediately start taking piano lessons from the Kaiju down the street
>Constantly have to keep her advances at bay after she sees such musical zeal
>A few months later, with endless hammering of keys for practice, the day comes
>Finally ready to play that piano like a fiddle and grab her attention
>Patiently wait for her to arrive in all her wondrous pure white beauty
>Grab the lounge band's attention and have them follow my lead
>Dedicate a nice sappy love song to her after announcing it over the mic, the crowd doesn't like the song, but she does
>Time for the double whammy to get both her and the crowd
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwVjTlTdIDQ
>It works, everyone's drunkenly cheering, the mood cheers up and finally it's time to go in for the kill
>Ask the Unicorn if I could buy her a drink
>She looks me dead in the eyes, tears off a fake horn from her head, and says she's a white coated Nightmare
>Ask the Nightmare if I could buy her a drink
>Happiest girl in the bar by a long shot

Alt: End
>She looks me dead in the eyes, tears off a fake horn from her head, and says she's a white coated Nightmare
>Walk out of the bar without looking at anyone and go home to sleep
>Try not to cry
>Cry a lot

>> No.15474359
File: 571 KB, 1200x811, 1464232385370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be the only human in an apartment building of actually nice, non-rapey Monstergirls and intentionally tease them by walking around with a shirt on.

>> No.15474360
Quoted by: >>15474363

Okay, where's the part where she kills him?

>> No.15474363
Quoted by: >>15474380


>> No.15474366

...Those MGs must really like your shirts.

>> No.15474367
Quoted by: >>15474378

>with a shirt on
What kind of shirt is that?

>> No.15474371

When'd he draw this?
This is gorgeous. Love everything about this picture.

Also Nightmares a bestest horse pussy.

>> No.15474377

>they serve stretchy anime meat
I like this place.

>> No.15474378

3 wolf moon

>> No.15474380
Quoted by: >>15474382

The timing made it look like the guy who said that Rachnee killed him posted it.
Oops, guess I was wrong.

>> No.15474382
Quoted by: >>15474388

Yes. Yes you were.

>> No.15474387

How cute does a mindflayer have to be before you let her put a tentacle in your head

>> No.15474388

My shame is eternal.

>> No.15474394

the hells in a a wurmbreaker?

>> No.15474399

Bubbles and fizz.

>> No.15474415

I had a cocktail once in Windsor that was made of grain alcohol, absinthe, and creme de menthe liquor.

I.... don't remember much of that night.

>> No.15474420
File: 483 KB, 924x1399, 1450030022589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, you want to... BITE my hiny?

>> No.15474424

If i was him it keep jumping mansions
he's got +100 daughters, she can give the DL one hell of a run around

>> No.15474426

Wanna bury my dick in that blueberry bubble butt

>> No.15474428

Can a wurm dance

>> No.15474433
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, 1445817331467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474439

The better question is, can you afford the property damage?

>> No.15474436
File: 311 KB, 1088x1050, 1399300092548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15474437
Quoted by: >>15474443

What a lame oni.
Neither rippling nor petite.
Plain face, tiny horns. Probably gets beat up by succubi.
Look at her and laugh.

>> No.15474438
File: 175 KB, 1036x465, biribiri_Succubus_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you forgot to save the crop

>> No.15474439
Quoted by: >>15474446

Let me rephrase that, Can a Wurm dance without property damage in the millions of dollars

>> No.15474443
Quoted by: >>15474475

Those who crave social acceptance are the hugest wanton whores. she probably knows her way around a cock better than a succubi

>> No.15474445 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 883x713, 1467356925734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474462

What would I have to do to get Deruella's love?

>> No.15474446

Take her out into a wide-open field at least 10 miles from the nearest inhabited structure and you might be good.

>> No.15474449

I want the Smartest Wurm to debate a lich

>> No.15474462

Spell her name right for one. It's Druella. No extra 'e'

>> No.15474464
File: 843 KB, 1248x1320, 1448180381807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15474470
File: 256 KB, 600x1112, 1467347217578[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure your feral monster girl is clean

>> No.15474471

Thank you for reminding me this comic was a thing.

>> No.15474473
Quoted by: >>15474477

Same, i stopped reading it years ago
Need to go over it again

>> No.15474475

>implying Shutin Dweebji here could get even one cock away from Jockubus

>> No.15474477
Quoted by: >>15474480


>> No.15474480

Unsounded, an ongoing webcomic that I catch up on about once a week.
It...stops being about Sette exclusively after a while.

>> No.15474496

>Tomboy blue oni
Why is this such a perfect combination

>> No.15474499
Quoted by: >>15474512

This. Druella cries and loses a battle every time you do it wrong.

>> No.15474507
File: 738 KB, 1001x1221, 1457003016340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474526

S-Stop staring

>> No.15474509

Actually it's 「デルエラ」

>> No.15474512


>> No.15474526
Quoted by: >>15474546

Reminds me of Ryoko from Nana to Kaoru.

>> No.15474546
Quoted by: >>15474549

I see Kanbaru.

>> No.15474549
File: 255 KB, 728x1009, Tachi showing off the goods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I see.

>> No.15474570

How do you prove to an extremist monster girl that there is more to life than just sex?

Hard mode: Do it in a medieval fantasy setting

>> No.15474572
File: 179 KB, 1280x962, 1444329688228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well 'ello there squire! Whacha doin' in my neck o' the woods?

>> No.15474577
Quoted by: >>15474585

You need human women to breed more men, or else the next generation will never find husbands.
Human women need things like food and shelter to survive, so a town guard needs to be set up to ensure safety from bandits, and agriculture needs to be a priority as well to ensure people don't starve. Carpenters to build homes, smiths to create weapons for the town guard and more.

>> No.15474578

I'm sorry I wanted to get a snack and I must have gotten lost on the way to the kitchen. Where are we exactly?

>> No.15474583

Go to an Echidna's dungeon and show her how great a family life is

Blue Wurms are even more stupid than regular Wurms

>> No.15474585

That doesn't really answer the question though, at least as far as giving the monstergirl herself direction.
It's like explaining to a sailor how the process of cultivation to make his bread ration works.

>> No.15474587

Not him but I really don't think he was trying to reply to your question.

>> No.15474595

Of course it does.
If all you do is have sex, none of those other things get done. Even if it's just on a scale of her and I, who's going to raise our children if all we do is fuck? Who's going to maintain the house so it doesn't succumb to the elements and collapse, forcing us to have sex in a cave while a bear watches us?

>> No.15474631

I want to pound a loli succubutt in the succubutt!

>> No.15474632
Quoted by: >>15474640

Imagine a theme park ran by monster girls, half the rides would be vibrators.

>> No.15474640
Quoted by: >>15474674

Mizuryu Kei Land?

>> No.15474652

Easy, you do stuff. Either MG's are brain-dead sex zombies and it's therefore unprovable, or they're not and will probably find value in things other than sex.

It's kind of a silly question. Either they won't need proof or are incapable of accepting it.

>> No.15474674

Monstergirls are supposed to be better than human girls, so no.

>> No.15474691
File: 138 KB, 483x651, 1453855018812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476901

LDR's Lich in Wight Snow was pretty Iosefka-esque.

>TFW Iosesfka is the best crazy to stick your dick in

>> No.15474703
File: 617 KB, 1089x1500, 1418228425954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15474708

>finally got all the Elves out of your house
>enjoy a nice dinner of noodles and waffles
>time for bed
>and fapping
>already naked and hard when you toss aside the covers
>there's two semen demons in your bed
I think your bed might somehow be connected to a dimensional nexus of some kind.

>> No.15474708
File: 865 KB, 1400x979, 15347843345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn them

>> No.15474746

>Be employed at a butler café in MGC
>Multiple positions available. Could be a table-serving butler, could be a cook, could be a large door greeter/bouncer.
>Cook is pretty much isolated. Occasionally gets requests to meet with patrons because they like your food.
>Butler has to charm and deal with awkward, NEET monstergirls all day
>Greeter just has to look big and intimidating. Patrons occasionally request you as a butler if they have a thing for big, gruff guys

>Be food delivery guy for a service that caters almost exclusively to MGs
>Don't have a lot of protection, a lot of unpredictability
>Get patrons ranging from sweet girls to rape machines with no support out in the field

>Cashier at a bookstore that specializes in pornographic material
>Virtually all patrons are just MG perverts after human porn who lose their spaghetti when the person checking them out is a human

>Rookie cop in MGC
>Constantly have to deal with the worst of the worst while on the beat, but demand respect from all law-abiding Monstergirls

Choose your occupation.

>> No.15474750


>> No.15474755

Butler cafe and work as a butler

>> No.15474766

Butler Cafe Butler. Either that or Cashier at the Bookstore.

>> No.15474767

The cop.
I'm going to fuck the sexually frustrated chief and get myself promoted.

>> No.15474770
File: 234 KB, 569x770, 1429458167251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rookie cop.

Someone's got to keep those Alley Cat Girl delinquents in line.

Then there's the swarms of Mouse Girls squatting in abandoned flats.

>> No.15474775

>that drool they're leaving on his hands
>those two rats kissing in the back

>> No.15474778
Quoted by: >>15474782


Alps get pulled over for driving without a skirt, followed by cavity searches and injections.

Don't ask why a cop is giving injections.

>> No.15474782

This pleases the Alps.

>> No.15474784

>Greeter for a butler cafe
>Incredibly buff, scary looking guy
>A tiny Alice points to him and jumps up and down asking him to be her butler
>Greeter starts to sweat profusely as he caters to the little Alice who asks for cake and tea

>> No.15474802

Cashier at the book store.

>> No.15474807
Quoted by: >>15474866

Cashier at the bookstore. So I can fuck with their heads.

>> No.15474856
File: 767 KB, 1024x1024, 1427439861506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thing I remember was hearing the bell over the door jingle, meaning a customer entered the store. Now everything's purple and lewd and I'm having trouble keeping it together. Kinda horny all the time. Warm.

>> No.15474866

Little wan wans singing you a love song

>> No.15474913
File: 297 KB, 341x988, donkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asses are for ______.

>> No.15474920


>> No.15474927

Don't disrespect the zebra girls anon.

>> No.15474946
Quoted by: >>15475014

When adventuring remember to plan your attacks on monsters
protect the healer and if the tank and hero go down, you're all screwed.

>> No.15474952

If you don't cum in your waifu's ass multiple times a week, it means you don't love her.

>> No.15474958


>shot out ex-paratrooper in an aloha shirt, m-frames, and salomon boots
>gives sweets and headpats to the little MGs
>flexcuffs and beanbags for the rowdier customers
>will hook you up with his single buddies
>upon request, will perform butler duties in full gear

>> No.15474999
File: 452 KB, 750x1000, cb57cee56188606d783ab966402f54e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15475013

Why are demons so sketchy and suspicious?

>> No.15475013

What's suspicious about a tall onee-san offering you happiness in exchange for signing a measly little contract?

>> No.15475014

That's why I go rogue, if shit hits the fan, poof and search for a new party.

That or wait for them to get fucked and married enough so they can go adventuring again.

>> No.15475025
File: 581 KB, 1200x1600, 1466591833004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that contract involve moving that ring (gauntlet) she has on to her ring finger?

Sign me up!

>> No.15475033

My mum told me not to sign suspicious documents procured by cute demon girls

>> No.15475073
Quoted by: >>15475085

>Rookie cop and sexy cat girl femme fatale in a Noir 40s setting

>> No.15475085
Quoted by: >>15475125

I'd rather read about a grizzled cheshire who wandered too far from wonderland and losth er smile trying to cope with a rookie femfatale human boy

>> No.15475125
Quoted by: >>15475127

What about a cop who doesn't play by the rules and the chief assigns him a partner to try and keep him in line? The partner being a German Shepherd kobold.

>> No.15475127


>> No.15475245

Probably cashier since I already do that. It's fun to see little kids all shy and their parents cheering them on.

>> No.15475312
Quoted by: >>15475320

Cook, helps I'm already trained as one, that and I can make any NEET monstergirl melt by saying they look even more tasty

>> No.15475320

Oh hey, someone posted something. I thought everyone got transported to a place full of monster girls and left me all alone.

>> No.15475345 [SPOILER] 
File: 748 KB, 1500x1292, 1467383418617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget the day the stump was defeated

>> No.15475352

>monsters have nothing but 24/7 lust with almost zero other personality traits
>I really wonder if it is possible for Monster Girls to even feel sadness or anger
Wew lad, lurk more.

>> No.15475361
Quoted by: >>15475436

I need succubutts.

>> No.15475363
Quoted by: >>15476078

Pal Y is the hero we need.

>> No.15475419

Behead those that insult Dragons.

>> No.15475428

What if a dragon insults another dragon?

>> No.15475436
File: 612 KB, 750x1000, fb00d83d78bbefcdae535e55f40a303e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cheering for you, sexually

>> No.15475472

How does one cheer sexually?

>> No.15475498
File: 630 KB, 900x1200, Dumb lizard kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone insult a dragon? They are so cute and perfect.

>> No.15475503

A cashier.

>> No.15475508

How low is her skirt hanging I wonder?

>> No.15475518

She will cheer you on by saying nice things about your dick and your ability to bring pleasure.

>> No.15475523

She'll cheer for you while giving you an eyeful of her lewd body

>> No.15475613
File: 247 KB, 768x1280, CkWVAg9UUAA3oPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15475644

>> No.15475618
File: 377 KB, 1200x1600, 43547664_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15475644

Das cute.

>> No.15475659
File: 491 KB, 850x881, 1466847036479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we tell her?

>> No.15475668

Tell her to put her tail down and stop waving it around like a lewd little slut?

>> No.15475673

Tell her that she will never have a big and popular shrine like the Ryu on the other street?

>> No.15475677

She looks POOR

>> No.15475709

How does human male undead(?) incubus works? Are you really dead?

>> No.15475712
Quoted by: >>15475807

I don't think guys can be undead

>> No.15475717
Quoted by: >>15475731

What, that I'm going to teach her what figging is? She seems really insistent on keeping that tail up so I may as well make it easier on her.

>> No.15475730

That's where undead monster girls come from

>> No.15475731
Quoted by: >>15475737

You can't fig a loli anon thats not nice.

>> No.15475737
Quoted by: >>15475742

You can't tell me what to do lad, I'm gonna fig the loli.

>> No.15475742
Quoted by: >>15475770

You're going to dress her up in smart clothes?

>> No.15475770
Quoted by: >>15475784

No, I'm gonna stick a peeled ginger root in her butt.

>> No.15475781


>Cashier at an adult bookstore that caters to Monstergirls
>Torture customers all day

>Oomukade goes to purchase some really kinky stuff
>Intentionally make a noise that's somewhere between a laugh, a snort, and a cough while checking her out
>She spends the rest of the week wondering if the cashier laughed at her

>Lamia in sunglasses, obviously nervous about being there, shows up to buy some books for the second time in a month
>"Just the usual, huh? You're starting to become a real fixture around here."
>Even with the sunglasses on you can see part of her soul wither and die in the back of her eyes

>Buff Ogre girl brings a big stack of your typical dirty books. Stuff like 'Violated Butlers' and 'Good Boys Love Tailjobs'. Trying way too hard to hide that copy of lovey-dovey stuff at the bottom of the stack.
>Yell very loudly to one of the stockers in the back of the store. "Hey, can I get a price check on His Eyes and His Smile? I SAID...CAN I GET A PRICE CHECK ON HIS EYES AND HIS SMILE!? YEAH, THAT REALLY SAPPY SOFTCORE ROMANCE ONE!"

>> No.15475784
Quoted by: >>15475796

That just sounds like it would burn the skin to the point of agony. Jesus fuck.

>> No.15475787

You are literally the worst type of person.

>> No.15475792

>let an ordinary spider outside, choosing not to kill it
>MG visit our world and the spider becomes an Arachne.
>It visits you, wanting to thank you for before.

>> No.15475796

Not to the point of agony anon, just some pleasant to moderate stinging. Perfect for punishments or lesson-teaching.

>> No.15475797

If this is true I'd have dozens of tiny jumping spiders living with me. They like to hide in my door latches.

>> No.15475800

You're awful.

>> No.15475804
Quoted by: >>15475814

Would be weird if that lizard I saved came to my house

>> No.15475807

Yes and no. The same goes for the rest of the MGE's undead.
It happens once in a while.

>> No.15475814
Quoted by: >>15475840


>> No.15475825


>Older-looking Kitsune goes to check out a few dirty books. Most of the clientele are pretty young but she's got a few charming wrinkles.
>"Pleasant evening with the husband ahead, huh?"
>"...H-huh? I'm, uh...I'm not..."
>"Oh, sorry. I just kinda assumed on account o-...actually, nevermind."
>She leaves with her head down, bitter and single

>The same centaur has been walking back and forth in front of the store for over an hour. She attempts to enter the store a few times but panics and goes back to pretending she's actually walking somewhere.
>Scramble to the back of the store to grab one of the bells of the kind we keep above the door to alert staff that someone just entered.
>Stop the centaur out on the street. "Hey, you the new greeter?"
>"Yeah, they said you'd be out here today. Here's your bell, just ring it to attract customers, okay?"
>She panics and runs for it.
>Falls once.
>Struggles back to her feet and gallops off.

>> No.15475838

I might be late, but you sir are my fucking hero.
That's exactly what I want to do.

>> No.15475840

Its not much, a lizard as big as my hand was stuck in a hole and I managed to get it out before my cousin got to it and repeated what he did with the last lizard which was to beat it to death with a crowbar

>> No.15475841
Quoted by: >>15475863

>That spoiler
Your cousin is fucked up man, holy shit.

>> No.15475844

I hate you

>> No.15475852

Okay that stuff's a bit mean man. Keep the teasing above the belt.

>> No.15475854

You are a bad man, and I love it.

>> No.15475862

you fucking shitbag

>> No.15475863
Quoted by: >>15475868

He's okay, never was exactly sure why he did that. I want to say mercy kill but i don't know.

>> No.15475866
File: 157 KB, 662x1047, 36734420_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15475872

This nigga is gonna get snu-snu'd and husbandoed by one of the girls he has bullied.

>> No.15475868
Quoted by: >>15475899

No one who beats things to death with crowbars is "okay" anon.
Unless said thing is a spider or a bug of some sort, then that's just overkill.

>> No.15475872

But that means that he'll bully her every day!

>> No.15475878
Quoted by: >>15475954

If you saved it from that kind of fate, that lizardgirl/salamander would fucking devote their lives to you.

>> No.15475881
Quoted by: >>15475891

No if he gets husbando'd by a bigger bully than himself

>> No.15475891

But that will just make him become an even bigger bully!

>> No.15475892

He'll probably get husbando'd by a true masochist. Or perhaps a slime or devil bug who can't even understand what he says, or don't even care

>> No.15475896

There's nothing wrong with bullying monster girls!

>> No.15475899

Now that I think about it was overkill as lizards are pest tier in st kitts.

>> No.15475903

There's nothing wrong with bullying human boys

>> No.15475905

I want to bully a dragon till she submits!

>> No.15475934

I want to work at an erotic bookstore catered towards monstergirls and be make them spill their spaghetti everywhere by teasing them about their purchases while I ring them up!
I want to eventually have the tables turned on me when I ring up a monstergirl who gets off on that kind of thing.

>> No.15475954

>No lizardgirl/salamander that swears to be your sword after you save theme when they were just a creature.

I wonder if would work with dragons.

>> No.15475956
Quoted by: >>15475976

Monstergirls are shit


>> No.15475972
File: 2.53 MB, 3000x2000, 1450894369569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheshire goes to check out. Never did like those Wonderland imports. They had problems with conventional logic.
>This perpetually grinning weirdo has the BIGGEST stack of porn that anyone in the store had ever seen. Bizarre stuff too. Kinda stuff most stores didn't carry. There was even a Centaur Face Riders swimsuit calender.
>This toothy creeper just smiles away, leaning up on the desk and swinging her hips around.
>"Gee, ma'am...think you have enough?"
>"...Y'know, now that'cha mention it, do you have any copies of Unerring Chivalry?"
>"The fantasy s-"
>"The fantasy series with more plot than sex, yeah yeah yeah. S'probably got a long-haired guy on the cover."
>"Yeah, w-"
>"He's about 6'2", maybe, blond hair, shirt is off 90% of the t-"
>"YES! Yes, ma'am, we have that. Would you like me to g-"
>"Nah, I don't want it, was just curious. Say, ya got coffee?"
>"Wh-...no, we don-"
>"Sure could go for some coffee right now."
>"We pretty much just sell porn."
>"Ya don't take your porn with coffee?"
>"N-...there's a coffee shop right across the street, ma'am."
>"Yeah, well, they kinda don't let me in there no more. Hey, now that I think of it, I can't really afford all this, I'll just take this here bookmark."
>"The one with the lil' birdy, please. Thank you."
>Spend the next three hours putting back every single book she'd brought to the front.
>The last thing you hear before she leaves is "Hey, see ya tomorrow, pal!"

>> No.15475976
Quoted by: >>15475982

Okay, then why are you here?

>> No.15475979

Next time polish your rifle when she comes to the store. No an actual rifle come on Anon.

>> No.15475981
Quoted by: >>15475994

There are species of spider that build 'diving bell' style structures underwater to live in. Thus:
Diver-arachne that grab swimmers and keep them prisoner underwater.

I'm not sure if I like them better as the usual exoskeleton style, or something more like an otterish ushi-oni.

>> No.15475982
Quoted by: >>15475992

To show you all the true path of love; human girls.

>> No.15475984

>Be traveling the world
>End up in SomethingSomethingVania.
>Get kidnapped by monsters.
>Told you are to be the servant of the mistress of the castle
>Be taken to a giant gloomy castle
>Be warned not to upset the mistress, for she is a vampire who has once consumed 25,000 people
>Taken to the throne room where a fat vampire sits on her throne
>'It was all in one sitting sadly and she hasn't lost the weight yet.'
>Vampire Mistress says if you aid her in slimming back down she will grant you immortality and freedom. Otherwise she'll consume you like the others.
What do?

>> No.15475985


This is vengeance, sir.

>> No.15475991
File: 218 KB, 1280x1325, Horse Pussy Calendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Centaur swimsuit calendar

>> No.15475992

Fuck off Paladin-chan, you failed at becoming best girl and you'll fail here too.

>> No.15475994
Quoted by: >>15476010

So they use their web to Waterworld it? Clever things.
The way small creatures like that can adapt to interact with water on levels that would be impossible at our size always impresses me.

>> No.15475996
Quoted by: >>15476006

Wild sex with garlic boosters
that or 80's montage

>> No.15475999

Thread's looking kinda dead, should I bust out the male pornstar rolling game or just wait until next thread for that?

>> No.15476001

Writefags! status report!

>> No.15476003
Quoted by: >>15476011

Damn Cheshires.
Happened the last time we got an early thread too, no harm in doing it now.

>> No.15476005
Quoted by: >>15476011

If you must, wait for next thread

>> No.15476006
Quoted by: >>15476013

What will you do when she ends up becoming a /fit/ but soft girl and reveals that she'll make you immortal by making you her husband?

>> No.15476009

Next thread. This one is dead for a reason.

>> No.15476010

Yea. The way surface tension interacts with their carapaces+setae is crazy; they actually cannot get "wet" under most normal conditions. A layer of air sticks to them the whole time.

>> No.15476011

Well damn, this is contradictory.
I need a tiebreaker here.

>> No.15476012


>make a workout regimen that is mainly cardio
>become her workout buddy and keep her in check so she doesn't overdo her cheat days
>do this for a few months

Congrats on the immortality and freedom

>> No.15476013

Tell her i made her fit for a reason, and then kiss her

>> No.15476018

As long as it doesn't go into image spam, I say go for it.

It's a long way still till page 10

>> No.15476021

Next thread, when people actually want to post in the it.

>> No.15476022

I don't know what your talking about but im interested. Can't wait to see what it is next thread Always love rolling games

>> No.15476040
File: 396 KB, 605x1000, 1436132906547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now want to see a Mindflayer dressed as Rohan and Loliflayer dressed as Heavens Door.

>> No.15476051
Quoted by: >>15476061

I want to burn a Mindflayer's house down.

>> No.15476052
Quoted by: >>15476061

Can you imagine a mindflayer with something similar to Rohan's ability?
Instead of rewriting one's mind, she rewrites a person's mind, and those changes actually impose themselves on reality.
By altering a person's mind, reality itself changes to match that.

Fucking scary.

>> No.15476053

Being a newsguy in MGC must be pretty boring

>> No.15476061

Rohan's a nice ally, but he kinda deserved to have his house burnt down.
I can't believe that I never made the correlation between Heavens Door and the Mindflayers flaying abilities until now, and I've liked JoJo's for years.

>> No.15476065

How can it be boring when a Fucking dragon can screw with the weather and monsters can run around with a "do what the fuck I want" card?

You could get a news story about how a guy contracted with a sylph injured 20 people in a attempt to preform a "tornado orgy"

>> No.15476068
Quoted by: >>15476092

>"And that's the news for today. Tune in at 7:00 for our latenight coverage."
>"Cameras are off, great job. By the way the boss wants to see you for a "meeting" ".
>"Again? This is the fourth time today."
>"Hey, not my fault she thinks you're cute."

>> No.15476078

>Be retired Paladin librarian
>Come across the Jub-Jub on the stump
>She's fretting about whether or not husband is coming back or not, and how she must wait upon this stump
>My young lady, for what purpose must you sit here? You ask her
"Husband told me to wait... He'll be back by sundown."
>Tsk, tis no way to treat a young gentleman suitor! You laugh, jovially, your gut barely jiggling
>Though you may look like Santa Claus to some of the younger monsters who've pined after you, only to be shot down when they meet your lovely Cyclops wife, you're quite muscled
>More like Sig Curtis than jolly Ol' Saint Nick
"Haau? But how should I find him?"
>Take off your helmet, smiling
>My fine little lass, a true bird of love must soar amongst the clouds, free as a leaf in the wind! This stump is not your prison, but the platform to launch yourself into the arms of your beloved!
>"But sir, I can't fly..."
>Nonsense! Love defies all logic or reason, my dear! Now, point me in the direction of this young gentleman so you may be reunited once more!
>Pick up the Jub-Jub, lifting her like a football onto your palm, she's giggling furiously as your callused hand grasps her soft stomach
>Let out a loud roar, throwing her as hard as you can, she spreads her wings and manages to glide on the wind
>She disappears out of view over the nearest hill, but you can hear the distant sound of a young man getting maximum boobage to his face
>Another day, another romance saved
>You bring the stump home, much to your wife's chagrin, and carve it into a bookshelf
>Where you sell Tragedies at the back of your store, behind a locked door. There's no room for negative nellys in Basilisk Books, after all.

>> No.15476080
Quoted by: >>15476116

You think that's bad? Try being a doctor, not much to do when mamono mana cures 99% of what you're supposed to deal with.

>> No.15476089

That was sweet.

>> No.15476092
File: 977 KB, 1712x2129, 1445471435718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476126

Hey, you should be grateful. The only reason you're on the primetime slot and not still a desk jockey is because she likes you. You can't get anywhere without being willing to kiss (and fuck) a lot of ass.

>> No.15476109

Finally a happy ending.

>> No.15476116

I always think a setting that incorporates magic well is one that can competently portray all its facets, good and bad, regardless of how you present the phenomenon.

If magic can act as an incredible cure, it makes sense that it can cause unthinkable malladies and diseases, too.

But again, how you define it makes all the difference too. Mamamo mana is incredibly poorly defined as a deu sex machina.

>> No.15476126
Quoted by: >>15476129

It's just, she seems so clingy sometimes. Don't get me wrong, she's a wonderful lady, but every time I have the slightest bit of free time she wants me for a "meeting".
At this rate I'm never going to have time to go and buy a necklace for my proposal.
I'd get her a ring, but since she's an Anubis I don't think it'd fit on her finger.

>> No.15476127

>You could get a news story about how a guy contracted with a sylph injured 20 people in a attempt to preform a "tornado orgy"

Question, what even is a tornado orgy?

>> No.15476129

Ring on a necklace always works.

What does it sound like to you?

>> No.15476130
Quoted by: >>15476137

Have you seen Sharknado? Basically that, only with fucking bodies instead of sharks.

>> No.15476131

An orgy in a tornado.

>> No.15476137

And anon said that the news would be boring.
if shit like that's going on, I would report the news

>> No.15476156
Quoted by: >>15476176

>when a Fucking dragon can screw with the weather
I love bitter weather ryu
>"Nice job dave, must be hard reporting on stuff that already happened. Now, ALTERING NATURE!

>> No.15476172

If she screws the weather you screw her. There, problem solved.

>> No.15476176
File: 310 KB, 1344x1569, 1444671083225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would weather reports even be relevant in areas where a Ryu lives? It'd pretty much just depend on her mood that day.

>> No.15476177

I wanna hug that Ryu!

>> No.15476178

>Newsguy checks in for the day
>The office is completely empty
>He waits half an hour, still no one
>Calls his boss, no answers
>Looks at the calendar
>It's free rape day
>Looks like he is going to have to do the show all on his own

>> No.15476190
Quoted by: >>15476243

>Doing the show on his own
>Not trying to escape before that Manticore camerawoman who's always eye fucking him shows up

>> No.15476191

I wanna be a camwhore for monstergirls!

>> No.15476194

i'm gonna make fun of the kuudere anubutt class rep for not having a boyfriend!

>> No.15476206

Still got ideas, still not feeling like it. I'll put them to use at some point.

>> No.15476207

>"Today's skies are clear, you got laid yesterday Suzu?"
>"fuck you fred"

The need human staff to fill in. i suggest a shy human girl

>> No.15476211
Quoted by: >>15476219

I want to make the shy human girl drink holst milk on live television!

>> No.15476219

I want to make her drink Ushi blood instead.

>> No.15476223
Quoted by: >>15476239

But you don't get sponsors for that!
And besides, she'll get a nice pair of tits out of this!

>> No.15476224

So he gets raped by the human girl instead.

>> No.15476226
Quoted by: >>15476281

Got a idea for a kick off to a dark-ish story but I have no motivation for it
I am working on other shit though.

>> No.15476238

Were running a news show, not a public monsterisation pogram

>> No.15476239

You get an educational grant because you're showing people the process of becoming a monster and why it's a good thing.

>> No.15476243
File: 854 KB, 2282x2000, 1395541355244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manticore camerawoman comes in
>No way to get out, may as well enjoy it
>Besides, it's not like you haven't looked at her during shoots and had indecent thoughts
>She pushes you up against the anchor's desk
>Go at it all afternoon, drenching the set in fluids
>What you never noticed was the red light on above the camera
>You and the manticore get called into the boss' office the next day
>He flips on a monitor
>Manticore had recorded and broadcast the entire session during the 8 o' clock news yesterday
>That's it, you're done, you think
>'This is spectacular!'
>Wait, what?
>'Our ratings were through the roof when this hit the air! Our viewers couldn't get enough!'
>'The phones have been off the hook all day, begging for more! And that's just what we're giving them.'
'We're putting the two of you into a weekly segment together. A one hour segment exploring & demonstrating popular sex trends around the world.'
>'We're giving you complete freedom here, go crazy. Also, you're working under her now.'
>Manticore grabs onto your arm & snuggles in close, giving you a smug grin

>> No.15476248

Does shy human girl have freckles and glasses?
Is she going to be stumbling around with tears at the edges of her eyes as she tries to acclimate to her new spider body?

Do you stroke her hair and get her to calm down enough for the evening farewell to be given before she jumps you?

>> No.15476269

if only

>> No.15476271

why would we need the grant?

>> No.15476276

funding for lilims and ritual runes to turn the women. that and money to buy the women themselves

>> No.15476281
Quoted by: >>15476316

Fuck it I'll bite.
what is the idea about?

>> No.15476293

>Manticore grabs onto your arm & snuggles in close, giving you a smug grin
Make her the big girl variety and brown and we have a deal.

>> No.15476303

You really don't, it'd just be hot.
Imagine it, gently caressing a woman as she transforms, hearing the terror in her voice slowly change into moans of arousal.

>> No.15476305
Quoted by: >>15476370

Not really doing anything at the moment, or having plans to. Just keep writing stuff on a legal pad and crumpling paper since they all sound like shit in my head or contrived levels of edgy.

No thanks to the Bloodborne discussion last night I had shit written down like "Iosefka Lich-chan", "Yandere Werewolf", "Vampire with a blood smell addiction", "Breeding Mother Kos", "Breeding sex with Ebrietas", "Is it possible to fuck a doll?"

>> No.15476316

>Average joe MC is captured along side a bunch of people as by crazy guy.
>crazy guy wants to summon demon using sacrifices
>MC's blood is used for ritual
>demoness is summoned, is bonded to serve MC due to his blood, crazy guy flees
haven't thought past that

>> No.15476326
Quoted by: >>15476332

Why would it be bonded to just the MC if multiple people were sacrificed?

>> No.15476327


No weather reports. Just Ryu mood reports. It'd be about ten minutes of an anchor talking about the Ryu's love life, how much sleep she got last night, what's been happening on her favorite TV shows, etc.

>"We're getting reports that our local Ryu is planning to get a strawberry milkshake at a local ice cream restaurant after her evening jog, that should clear things up for tonight for some beautiful, starry skies and cool us down to a comfy sixty degrees or so."

>> No.15476332

one could say the others were meant to be food for the demon

>> No.15476344
Quoted by: >>15476359

I see two ways it can go.
>Cute domestic adventures with a newly bound Demon acclimating to the modern world.
>Anon is now on the run with the cult's forces after him because in their eyes "Motherfucker stole our Demon" and the Demon protects him.

>> No.15476345

I think tomboy succubi who can't seduce are cute

>> No.15476351

Tomboy monster girls in general are cute.

>> No.15476355

You too?

>> No.15476356
Quoted by: >>15476368

>tomboy succubi
>he isn't already seduced

>> No.15476359

the first one sounds fun

>> No.15476360

>No option to kiss Cait and take her there on the sand before the burning wreckage of the Prydwen
This game is shit, you know she is wet as fuck. On a related note, I would't mind eeing more game characters mg-ified. She'd make a good salamander

>> No.15476364
File: 586 KB, 1280x1440, 1466290855081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nerdy Hellhound who just wants to go home and plan her next DnD campaign with her online friends

>> No.15476365
Quoted by: >>15476397

So the crazy guy just wanted to summon a Demon for the sake of summoning a Demon?

>> No.15476368

she doesn't need to know that it makes her feel all girly

>> No.15476370
File: 90 KB, 494x806, 1459559490149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere Werewolf sounds pretty hot desu.

>> No.15476375
Quoted by: >>15476402

But I don't want to be in her pack

>> No.15476381

Nerdhound was a neat concept at first, then oversaturation is starting to make it feel more like spam than actual MG posting. To me, at least. I think I see it posted more frequently than the guy who spammed >breastfedded by dur holst

>> No.15476383

>she keeps trying to rape you in game because she can't in real life

>> No.15476384

I bet they all play male characters. And she's the cleric.

>> No.15476386

>Actual Hellhound that isn't a forced fad and treated like a kobold

>> No.15476389

The Serial Hugger is still on the loose
Jub gets up from a stump
And a local Anubis starts a massaging business

That and more at 5:00

>> No.15476392
Quoted by: >>15476408

Holst feeding is once per thread, nerdwan is almost everytime someone mentions a hellhound. It can also spwan by itself.

>> No.15476393

But I want to make her feel girly! Even if she's stronger than me with extremely lickable abs I want to hold doors open for her and put my jacket on top of a puddle so she doesn't have to get her shoes wet! And I'll fully accept the rough rape while calling her cute!

>> No.15476396

Will monsters ever rise above their bestial instinct

>> No.15476397

I assume he's just a edgelord that "understands" the world

>> No.15476402

Are you gay or something?

>> No.15476405

Nerdhounds became so big because the general alternative is 'GRRR SNU-SNU, DOM YOU ALL DAY, GIVE UP BEING A SPIRAL BEING, SUCK MY GIRL COCK' shit.
Pro tip. Not everyone is desperate enough to be a backwards bitch

>> No.15476407

I want to be the manic pixie dream boy that fights to bring back the lost smile of a monster girl who always put work above anything else until she's middle aged and doesn't talk to anyone until she's visibly out of will to live, a shell of a monster who keeps going only because death might be worse.
I want to bring back this smile non-sexually, because just fugging her would be the easy route.

>> No.15476408

Which is why it needs to stop, it's pretty much to hellhounds what the stinky meme was to oomukade until it died down.

>> No.15476412

What happens if she is mistaken for an alp

>> No.15476414

Then there's other monster girls. Hell Kobold was literally made to be the submissive dog type.

Hellhound was also perfectly accepted by all but a select handful of eternally butt blasted guys too which makes it even more suspicious that this nerd shit is being forced now.

>> No.15476415
Quoted by: >>15476419

Well, the whole premise in a bullet under the first line was Yandere, blind werewolf stalks Hunter-kun while smelling BLOOOOD

>> No.15476419
Quoted by: >>15476457

Wait so she's blind and finds him by smell? I'm liking this more and more.

>> No.15476421

>Hellhound was also perfectly accepted by all but a select handful of eternally butt blasted guys too which makes it even more suspicious that this nerd shit is being forced now.

Okay, false flagging is one thing, but now you're accusing them of running a multiple-months long con to make people hate a MG by posting her regularly with generally positive comments about them? Take off that tin-foil hat anon.

>> No.15476422

I'm just putting it out there, some people just like nerdy girls and think they're cute.
I know in my case Dom and Sub has nothing to do with it. I just like the idea of a nerdy Hellhound.

>> No.15476428

It's fine to let your vampire best friend feed from your arm, not sexual at all right?

>> No.15476429
File: 29 KB, 640x427, 1467316254756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning a perfectly good snu-snu monster on its head and making it a pathetic spaghetti-spilling moeblob
>positive comments
lmao stop acting dumb

>> No.15476431

Yeah, of course it is.
Can't guarantee that won't make her start falling for you though.

>> No.15476432

I'm accusing them not of that but trying to turn them into something they're not in an attempt to water down what they hate, which is the usual canon version of Hellhounds.

>> No.15476434

Most of them can do it, and some of them even don't have bestial instincts

The real question is: how can YOU help your monster girl waifu rise above her bestial instinct? (assuming she has one)

>> No.15476438

Will humans ever rise above their own nature and instinct?

Shitpost is strong with this one. Want to try for a little less hyperbole and insulting everyone who doesn't go for your brand of moe-fying everything?

>> No.15476440

Im not really into hellhounds and even then then those girls are poisoned by headcanon and interpretation to the profile

>> No.15476441

she might want to drink it from your neck one day

>> No.15476443

>some people just like nerdy girls and think they're cute.
This. The tinfoiling is cringey as fuck, too. Some genius got mad that I posted a nerdhound and looked up the same picture fuction on warosu, only to prove that it had been posted enough to fill one page during this entire year under about half a dozen different filenames.

>> No.15476446

What job is least suited for a lich?

>> No.15476448

People project what they like onto MGs, that's perfectly normal. Like how all those 90s and 80s anons projected their nostalgic love of legos onto Anubis, or like how you are projecting your love of "perfectly good snu-snu monster" into justification for calling non-cookiecutter versions just falseflagging/shitposting.

>> No.15476450
File: 414 KB, 750x1600, 1450217490778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go-go dancer!

>> No.15476451


>> No.15476452

>some people just like nerdy girls and think they're cute.
It might surprise you that there's girls better suited to that.

"It's good because it's the complete opposite of what she's usually like" is honestly a lazy concept for any girl.

>> No.15476453


>> No.15476454
Quoted by: >>15476471

Parent, or nanny-type jobs.

Unaffectionate, plus low-energy personality, plus all that dangerous lab stuff she probably has, plus undead in general are probably bad parents with their apathy towards deadly things.

>> No.15476455

Fuck hellhounds
I more into domming dragons, parting with oni and treasure hunting with gnomes

>> No.15476457
Quoted by: >>15476491

Except I don't really know how to write yandere well so you know how it goes.

>> No.15476459
Quoted by: >>15476473

>"It's good because it's the complete opposite of what she's usually like" is honestly a lazy concept for any girl.

Lazy? As opposed to what, making her a cookie-cutter duplicate of the original template?

>> No.15476460
Quoted by: >>15476461

anything Wurm related

>> No.15476461

So loving husbandus and having sex?

>> No.15476463

>It's a "Monstergirls can only have one role" post
Fuck you man, nerdy hellhounds are cute.
Never said they couldn't be dominant either.

>> No.15476465

That whole thing of planning and construction with the anubis thing is pretty well themed and in line with their general bearing.
It's definitely nothing like taking a personality which is a the polar opposite and makes zero sense to have on a certain type of monstergirl.

Hell, I love characterisation and varied personalities, but opposites for the sake of opposites is just a bad way of doing it.

>> No.15476466

"It's good because she has latent rapemachine instincts that come out when she gets sexually bullied or confessed to" is pretty great, anon.

>> No.15476470
Quoted by: >>15476739

being an older sister or younger sister, okay anything sisterly in general

>> No.15476471
Quoted by: >>15476479

I wish to be a prince and have a Lich wetnurse!

>> No.15476473

Short memory or forgetting people took huge steamy shits on lego anubis too after they got caught on to it being over done?
Giving her some actual personality and blending it in with the base to create a believable character without being a complete parody of what the original was.

>> No.15476476
Quoted by: >>15476484


You don't get it. It's about juxtaposition. It's about a girl expressing a trait that isn't usually expected.

It's like a Holstaurus with a flat chest.

It's like an Ogre who secretly wants to wear pretty dresses and hold hands.

It's like a family of mechanics with a son who wants to be a painter. There's always exceptions and it's no fun to keep any one MG in a box they can't leave.

Shit's cute. I love tough girl Elves. I love tomboy Succubi.

>> No.15476477

Meh I also don't care about nerdhounds but they're so different from normal hellhounds that you might as well treat them as a different sub-species.

To sum up, let them have their nerdhounds and we can still have our normal hellhounds. Everyone wins.

>> No.15476479
Quoted by: >>15476499

My nigga.

>> No.15476480
Quoted by: >>15476485

does nerdhound have a story or is it just lower then greentext posting ?

>> No.15476484

I think the term you're looking for is what they call "gap moe"

>> No.15476485

It's a /monster/ creation.

>> No.15476490

Keep telling yourself that anon.

>> No.15476491
Quoted by: >>15476495

Possessive, with underlying insanity of varying levels of concealment.

>> No.15476492

No! You're not allowed to deviate from the templates! Fuck what KC said about them just being generalized observations and being non-binding in nature. You can't make *my* favourite MG into anything I don't like!

>> No.15476493
Quoted by: >>15476502

I'm actually serious.

>> No.15476494

Would a weak wurm really work

>> No.15476496
Quoted by: >>15476520

Your post reminded me of this part of World Guide 1:

"Compared to the original species, they have a hugely different nature and traits, so we are treating them as a different race out of convenience, but technically they are just varied individuals of the original race"

>> No.15476495
Quoted by: >>15476518

Yeah, that doesn't work for a smut short.

>> No.15476499
Quoted by: >>15476524

I bet she'd plot to substantially increase the National Academy for Science's funding in the following decades by indoctrinating the Prince. In fact, I bet she'd get him addicted to the nostalgic taste of her flat sourmilk-filled breasts that she'd reward him with it even as an adult when he nudged the budget up once again.

>> No.15476501

Nerdhound? A lot of the art and ideas do actually from there, if you take a look.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a thing there first before it was a meme here.

>> No.15476502
File: 95 KB, 365x500, otako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476514


Actually, it's an anime character that was monsterized. More of a rip-off, like ELH's magma-dragon-thing is for the Monster Hunter girls.

>> No.15476503
File: 137 KB, 800x600, fallout-new-vegas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You awaken to the creaks of your bedroom door.
>sleepily you rub your eyes and look at the white silhouette in your door opening.
>You sigh "nee-san you cant, papa will get angry" you whisper.
>She smiles "It's okay hes drunk again." She places a hand on her shoulder. "Besides its cold tonight"
>She slithers over to your bed and lies down, the end of her tail sliding under the covers around your feet.
>You can feel her large breasts press softly against the back of your head.
>"What if he finds you in my bed again" you press.
>"You're only ten don't you get bossy with me." She nips the top of your neck.
>You shudder a little and she holds you tighter. Again you wonder why papa was so opposed to this.
>You turn around placing your head between your sisters soft pillows. Her eyes obtain a slightly red glow and her hips begin to grind against your pelvis.
>pleasure shoots through your lower body making you moan.
>Your sister slowly slides your pajama downwards until you can hear a pop.
>you sigh a little as she release your penis from its constraints
>"I love you" She whispers.
>She was about to bound your bodies, when suddenly your door slams open and light streams in. and a heavy voice makes you both jump in fear.

>"P-papa w-wait" you begin to stammer, but the bear of a man quickly runs in your room and grabs your sister by her long white hair.
>His strength easily pulls the giant snake from your bed.
>She screams in pain as he drags her out of your room. "No stop." She cries.
>You jump out of your bed to try and plead for your sister.
>He turns around and looks at you with a sad but friendly face, contrasting with the tears streaming from your sisters eyes.
>"Go to bed Jonathan this isn't your fault"
>He closed the door and you begin to cry as your sister pleads while being dragged down the stairs.
>You press your hands against your ears to stop the shouts of pain from your sister as father undoubtedly was beating her with his belt.

>apparently you managed to fall asleep at some point as your mother wakes you up.
>"Come on sweety it's time for breakfast. And wash your face." She gave you a kiss and slithered downstairs.
>When you enter the dining room you can see your sister already sitting on a very soft pillow.
>She gives you a painful smile and you silently take a seat. Unable to look at your father at the head of the table
>After a silent breakfast your father stands up and gives your mother a kiss.
>He walks to you and rubs your head. "How about we play some ball after I get back from work sport?" He cheerfully asks, You just nod.
>"Alright then" He walks to your sister and lets out a small sigh. "It hurts me just as much as it hurts you, just remember that"
>He softly scratches her behind the ear, a soft spot he found out from spending all these years with your mother.
>Your sister cannot contain her giggle and the tension around the table eases a little.
>"I am sorry father" your sister says in a hushed voice." He ruffles through her hair lovingly and finally departs.

>> No.15476506

Sure, just give her defective bones and scales. Now you have a sad wurm that can't catch any males because they keep going into the forest or hiding in the city.

>> No.15476510 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1467408363809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After a long silence your mother finally speaks. "me and your father have been talking" she begins.
>"Remember how you wanted to go to the MGcity. Well we found a great university there, it's called MGU. Apparently they have human boys attending." Your mother smiled.
>After hearing this your sister just stares at her in shock. "You cant be serious." she began to shake. "How can you do this, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS."
>Your sister stands up her tail throwing her chair across the room. It must have hurt but she showed no sign of it. "How can you be so hypocritical." She shouts."
>"I know what you did with your brother when you were young." Now it was your mothers turn to stand up. "An act that your father has shown me was highly improper."
>"Then why do we never visit your family?! Is it not because Father Doesn't want us to mingle?!" Your sister practically screamed.
>"Enough young lady. You have already been grounded for a week, don't make me extend it."
>"I HATE YOU BOTH!" She cried, tears streaming from her face as she ran upstairs.
>You where about to follow her when you hear your mother call your name. "Jonathan, come help me with the dishes."
>Hearing the sharp tone in her voice you reluctantly start to clear the table.

>As you dry the plates you finally mustered enough courage to clear your throat. "Mama, why does papa hit sister?"
>Your mother freezes before answering. "Your sister did a bad thing Jonathan."
>"Why is it a bad thing?" "Well Jonathan you cant do those kinds of things with your sister, and your sister should know better at her age." She sighed.
>"But why is it not wrong when you and daddy do it?" She froze again. "You shouldn't spy on other people Jonathan." She said sharply.
>You kept quiet, feeling that you almost crossed a line. After some time however your mother began to speak again.
>Your "Father and I are not related, you and your sister are." she stated.
>"Sister said you did things with your brother when you were younger." Your mother sighed. "I grew up in the city, things are different there. People are more ope... degenerate. Your father took me on a trip one day and showed me the wonders of the more civilized world. That's when I fell in love with him." Your mother smiled.
>"I didn't realize then, how wonderful and safe the twelve peers were. Your father showed me".
>"This is the place I want my son to grow up in. A place where boys can play safely, yet monsters are not discriminated against."
>You didn't understand much of it.

>A year later you had to say goodbye to your sister.
>You tried to hold back your tears to no avail.
>"It's okay she said, I will visit soon." She smiled while hugging you tight.
>Afterwards she coldly hugged your mother. "It's for the best your mother said." placing her tail on your sisters.
>"Best for you." She replied. Pulling away she stood in front of the huge bear-like man that was her father.
>He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know you hate me for this, but I hope you will come to realize the error of your ways."
>"You will see how MGcity is with your own eyes and you will see how right I was."
>"Also don't let your mothers parents corrupt you to much." He smiled.
>"Probably not as much as you did." She replied coldly.
>Your father sighed.
>She boarded the train and as it took off you couldn't even chase after her with your mother holding your hand.
>"You will thank me for this someday Jonathan." Your father spoke.
>You never did.

>> No.15476511

This is familiar.

>> No.15476513

So how long until they run away from a clearly abusive home and start a new life together?

>> No.15476514

Otako is literally perfect in every way right down to her unruly bush.

>> No.15476515

but what's worse than /monster/ my guy

>> No.15476518
Quoted by: >>15476527

It can, just have her get more crazy as it goes on.

>> No.15476520

Jokes on you, you just replied to someone who is fine with all monstergirls acting more or less the same (with minor deviations on each individual) but the thing with Nerdhounds is that they're different enough to me to not be "triggered" about them being shy, small, nerds, and subs.

More or less what I wanted to say; they're technically Hellhounds but they're subs (and smaller, and shy) since birth, so no no one (or at least I) don't get triggered because they're being dommed, or whatever you want to call it.

I'm not sure If I explained myself correctly.

>> No.15476523

deviation leads to neutral/submissive amazons and non-loli baphomets that dont care about pseudo-incest
shit i would read but will not talk about here.

>> No.15476524
File: 321 KB, 801x1294, 1466432428004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat sourmilk-filled breasts
Undead Milk is cool and sweet to taste! Undead also require big breasts to properly produce milk.

>> No.15476525

Meh. Not exactly well written.

>> No.15476527
Quoted by: >>15476538

Yeah but like, there's no real good smut short with a yandere for an example.

>> No.15476528

This has been posted before, and why on earth are you posting Fallout images? This something that Negawalker would do, even if you clearly aren't him.

>> No.15476530
Quoted by: >>15476540

>non-loli baphomets that dont care about pseudo-incest
But anon, those are the best kind of Baphomets.

>> No.15476531
Quoted by: >>15476539

Undead pls, nobody wants to fuck a corpse.

>> No.15476534

That china dress is making a convincing argument. I'd still prefer to see a tiny, flat Lich nursing a huge adult man.

>> No.15476538
Quoted by: >>15476566

I disagree, but if that's how you feel then be the first.

>> No.15476539
Quoted by: >>15476543

I want to intercrural a pear-shaped corpse, though. I want to really warm that dead flesh up with my dick and cum.

>> No.15476540

I agree, but people get annoyed at the idea of adult versions of the lolis.

>> No.15476542
Quoted by: >>15476552

>Weak Wurm
>Not only is she stupid but she also need protection

I'd be more than happy to take care of a weak Wurm

As for your question, I can see a few logical problems with a weak Wurm, but nothing that can't be swept under the rug

>> No.15476543
Quoted by: >>15476555


>> No.15476544
File: 61 KB, 566x800, 10862f1607cfea58675df5880b4ad572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're ready for what comes next.

>> No.15476545
Quoted by: >>15476553

It's like paladin posters with a higher degree of shit taste.

>> No.15476549

I want to be in a breeding program for werewolves!
I want to impregnate her with so many pups that she has trouble walking!

>> No.15476552
Quoted by: >>15476573

maybe she is hyper smart to make up for her weakness

>> No.15476553
File: 242 KB, 768x874, aa981fe161d4129e8dd72d968084ba68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476556

Please don't even compare lovely, cute Paladins to edgeposting.

>> No.15476555

When she goes out everyone will be able to smell that her refrigeration has been disrupted and she's rotting again down there!

>> No.15476556

Maybe undead need hugs

>> No.15476557
Quoted by: >>15476564

Her true form, when exposed to sunlight, is a 3DPD?

>> No.15476560
Quoted by: >>15476578

>You'll never be pinned to your bed by your Vampire childhood friend.
>She'll never mutter something about how "It's not enough to just use the arm anymore" before she sensually feeds from your neck.
>You'll never become painfully aware of how big her breasts have gotten as they press against you.
>You'll never feel her smooth soft thighs locking with your own and feel her lips against your neck.
>The few moments she's drinking from you will never feel like a pleasurable eternity before she stops and looks down at you with a blush on her face and heart pupils.
>She'll never tell you that it's your turn to feel good as you feel something wet press against your crotch.

>> No.15476562

wow people have a good memory here.

i dont even read all greentext and i can only remember 1/3th of them

>> No.15476564
Quoted by: >>15476569

How do you dare you say any vampire would be 3DPD, I'll kill you!

>> No.15476566

I've never seen a good yandere story on here, so if you'd be kind enough to link me to some it'd be greatly appreciated.

>> No.15476569

Then don't post 3DPD vampires, or if not you, tell that anon who I responded to not to.

>> No.15476571

>i can only remember 1/3th of them
Well there's your first problem.

>> No.15476573

I thought about it too, but then you'd remove two of the key traits of a Wurm

If you want to make up for her weakness you're better off giving her a weird ability or some kind of magic like healing or earth magic

>> No.15476575
Quoted by: >>15476581

>wow people have a good memory here.
I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not.

>> No.15476576
File: 345 KB, 1200x900, CkLiq9OVEAAMAye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15476578
Quoted by: >>15476589

>not getting feeded on through the dick
It's like you don't even want to go into a weird coma and see her memories interspesed with her nursing you with soup.

>> No.15476580
Quoted by: >>15476628

I would like a Valkyrie who's obsession with making me a hero increases as time goes by

>> No.15476581
Quoted by: >>15476590

i mean do you know how long ago it was posted? wasnt it like at least a year ?

>> No.15476585

How long can a shog stare at her crush

>> No.15476588

Space gojira looks like she came from the 80's. And it wants her hairstyle back.

>> No.15476589
Quoted by: >>15476593

>not getting feeded on through the dick
Why would I want her to bite my penis?
That wouldn't feel good at all.

>> No.15476590
Quoted by: >>15476611

Space Goji?
I don't necessarily remember how long ago it was posted, I'm just aware of the fact I've seen it posted before. That, and the subject matter and meh writing are something I picked up on.

>> No.15476593
Quoted by: >>15476610

Getting bit by a Vampire feels good.
So getting bit by a Vampire in the dick feels good in two ways.

>> No.15476598

how spooky are ghosts and skeletons

>> No.15476599
Quoted by: >>15476604


>> No.15476600


Spooky enough to send shivers down your spine

>> No.15476604
Quoted by: >>15476606

do they like being complimented on spookiness

>> No.15476606

Only if it generates fear boners.

>> No.15476607
File: 58 KB, 1573x321, spooky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The spookest

>> No.15476608

She seems like she'd be a himedere.
I wish to stroke her hair while she "Ooo-hohoho!'s

>> No.15476610
Quoted by: >>15476622

Anon, the only time I want a vampire's mouth near my dick is during blowjobs or facefucking.

>> No.15476611

might be because of english being my second language but i can never really tell when a story is badly written. i get very badly thats obvious.

but between this greentext and another i cant see much difference in quality.

whats the main difference that improves the quality of writing ?

>> No.15476616

that is cute and spooky how adorable

>> No.15476620

>non-loli baphomets that dont care about pseudo-incest
thats exactly what i want

>> No.15476622
Quoted by: >>15476631

Why not combine blowjobs and feeding? She could sink her teeth into your knob and worm her tongue all around to get the blood really flowing.

>> No.15476624
Quoted by: >>15476636

English is my native language, and I still fuck up with it.
>whats the main difference that improves the quality of writing ?
Grammar, construction, and flow.

>> No.15476626

I want to date and finally marry and impregnate a spooky onryo!

>> No.15476628

There was a green text about a Valkyrie getting corrupted, did anyone cap it?

>> No.15476631
Quoted by: >>15476639

What part of "No biting the dick" don't you get?
Sharp pointy objects and my fucking dick don't mix.

>> No.15476636

so are most popular writers here English? i cant see someone getting good flow wit ha second language.

or is that greentext grammatically horrible as well ?

>> No.15476639
Quoted by: >>15476641

Not even just a little scraping while she's bobbing her head up and down?

>> No.15476641
Quoted by: >>15476657

No. She doesn't even need blood when it comes to blowjobs. She can get my energy through my semen.
Now if she wanted to ride me while drinking from me then that's another story.

>> No.15476645

Alp please. Your language is a load of bullocks.

>> No.15476646
File: 214 KB, 898x863, 3906913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, do me a favor. Watch my sheep while I'm gone.

...Seriously, do not take your eyes off her. She likes to set things on fire.

>> No.15476653

Well all right, but I can't promise she won't be pregnant when you come to get her!

>> No.15476657
Quoted by: >>15476661

Vampires get it through blood

>> No.15476661

Why are you so fixated on me getting my dick bitten?

>> No.15476677

Dick biting is the ultimate expression of love. It's like sounding in that way: you really have to love and trust her to let her do things like that to your dick.

>> No.15476678

And hate your own body.

>> No.15476679

I'm not him, just saying vampires get energy from blood alone.

>> No.15476681

I want to take a Dhampir ballroom dancing

>> No.15476683

Sure. No one can escape my eagle eyes.

>> No.15476685

You can actually count with me, I'm not interested in sheeps.

>> No.15476694

Fuck off with that /d/ bullshit, I should've known.

>> No.15476712
File: 700 KB, 1105x1016, onibrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh? My eyebrows?
>They're pretty thick, I guess.
>I could shave 'em. You know, if you think they're ugly.

>> No.15476720
File: 218 KB, 700x598, 1443912190385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476725


>> No.15476723

But they're cute! They look like little clouds!

>> No.15476725

Gonna lick those eyebrows and rob a strip mall

>> No.15476739
Quoted by: >>15476766

But Anon that would be great, she'd be just like Wednesday Addams


>> No.15476749

When being asked about what makes the Sabbath's Girl Scout cookies so delicious, they say this:
>Magic? No. They are just lovingly made by the hands and feet of little girls.

>> No.15476752

I'm going to spank that fat Lich bottom so hard it'll knock her tattoos off.

>> No.15476754

Wait, did they say feet? I must have misheard them.

>> No.15476763

>Baphomet using her hooves to knead the cookie dough
>Afterwards, her husband picks her up and licks her hooves clean of all the batter.

>> No.15476766
File: 156 KB, 1128x1300, 13457834553434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, what a scary onee-san.

>> No.15476771
File: 337 KB, 1174x1488, Wundigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored and... well, here you go \o/

>> No.15476773
File: 1.69 MB, 2000x1400, 55138744_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476783

>> No.15476780


>> No.15476781
File: 76 KB, 172x206, 1463523436889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, thank you Barb!

>> No.15476783


>> No.15476796


>> No.15476798

Barb please open commissions again I want to throw money at you.

>> No.15476799


>> No.15476809


That's really good. Like, not even in a strictly 'Gets my dick hard' way, you're really talented. Great job.

>> No.15476849

Holy mother that's nice.

>> No.15476856
Quoted by: >>15476863

I want to intercrural that Wendigos thick hammy thighs.

>> No.15476863

That's how you get surprise babbies anon. That, and the backdoor drip from anal.

>> No.15476870

Damn, that's good

>> No.15476874

It looks like someone is about to take her weapon and she's going to cry

>> No.15476879

Nose could look less anime though, like your older drawings.

>> No.15476893
File: 262 KB, 750x768, 1454265644269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendigo daughterus are a small price to pay.

>> No.15476897

FUCK YEAH! Thanks for this my man!

>> No.15476900
Quoted by: >>15476908

If you had a butt baby, as in your waifu got pregnant thanks to the cum dripping out of her ass after a night of rough and hard anal, would it be weird?

>> No.15476901
Quoted by: >>15477003

Is that in the pastebin of his? Because I'm looking there and I am not seeing it

>> No.15476908

Yes, it would be weird, from all the horrendous teasing she'd suffer at your hands from being reminded she was an anal baby. Also, probably have a secretly huge anal fetish that she can't admit out of fear of further teasing.

>> No.15476929
File: 269 KB, 716x800, 1465025401914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon, I love you!

>> No.15476931

I hate me.

>> No.15476935

God those ears.

I just wanna touch 'em!

>> No.15476949

I love you and your ears too

>> No.15476962

Don't worry. You'll grow out of it.

>> No.15476972

She looks like I just gave her a cookie.

Perhaps she would like another.

>> No.15476993

No you don't.

>> No.15477003
Quoted by: >>15477068


Tread into it if you dare, but at least LDR can fucking write like RS can.

>> No.15477015

Come back when lose those dumb ears and gain some tentacles

>> No.15477018

There was a rat on my house yesterday. I wonder where it went.

>> No.15477068

>at least LDR can fucking write, like RS can.

>> No.15477106
File: 64 KB, 800x1000, 1451622641760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullahans don't get enough love

>> No.15477140
Quoted by: >>15477350

Meh, it's not something worth losing your head over.

>> No.15477159

>Be Order soldier in one of the biggest city
>Just relaxing with other soldiers
>Town gets invaded by monsters
>Have to fight them
>They are way too strong
>Give up and run away
>Live in a small village for a few month
>Come back to the city out of curiosity
>Monsters roaming the streets everywhere
>Men are all dressed loosely
>Everyone seems happy one way or another
>Find an old friend
>Ask him what happened since I left
>He says some kind of demon took over the land
>Poverty and crime have gone down so much that soldiers are no longer required
>He is now a server at his wife's bar
>He invites me for a beer or two
>Enter the bar
>The bartender is a 6"5 Demon
>He casually kisses her and asks her for 2 beers
>She's his wife
>Try to ignore the maleficent aura coming from her
>Get drunk and have fun with my old friend all day long
>About to leave when the Demon grabs me
>Tells me that those beers weren't free
>A group of P'Orc pop out from the back door and circle me
>Get carried away while my "friend" apologizes from a distance

Don't forget people, no matter how great a monster society looks, you have to keep in mind that monsters have absolutely no morals and that they will abuse your body for their own pleasure

>> No.15477160
File: 359 KB, 1143x1124, 1452566891261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15477190

I'd give one all my love if they did something like this

>> No.15477172
Quoted by: >>15477201

Implying I deserve better

>> No.15477175

I know what this is trying to do, but all I can think of is how hilarious it would be if the soldier thinks he's going to get raped, but it turns out that most of the P'orcs are married and they just want him to be their warband's quartermaster.
One of them definitely would spend more time around him than is normal though.

>> No.15477177

>Go on holiday to Ireland, doctor's and family's orders
>Gram and Gramps are happy to see you, it's been forever since you last visited them, their hugs are warm and sad at the same time
>Their cottage is as small as you remember, far removed from the bustling Emerald Isle of Somalia that Dublin's become
>You still remember to pay your respects to Mother Mary at the miniature shrine, make yourself at home and turn in for the night, writing in your journal
>It's strange, though. You could swear you saw a horseman on the hills near the cottage that night.
>Tell your grandparents about it, they go as white as sheets.
"No, you didn't see a damned thing."
>Try to argue with Gramps, he's getting more and more angry as you go on
>He's practically yelling at your grandmother now as she tries to calm him down
>Pain flares up in your side, and they calm down when they notice you bent over the wooden table, rushing to get your medicine
>Through the sweat and pain, you grimace
>Cancer, pancreatic. What a shit roll of the dice.
>You still see the rider that night, but don't make any mention to Gramps about it.

>> No.15477186
Quoted by: >>15477195

>Emerald Isle of Somalia
hi /pol/

>> No.15477190

I hope she's not claustrophobic

>> No.15477195

And then there's this guy

>> No.15477201

Everyone deserves better than rape

Except elves

>> No.15477217
File: 829 KB, 2500x2500, all-i-do-is-draw-ocs-nowadays-i-should-draw-some-mges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woop have a fluffy demon

>> No.15477225

Oh het, it's Hyphen! Good to see you haven't forgotten us lad.

>> No.15477236
Quoted by: >>15477247

I prefer not posting stuff that's not MGQ/MGE related or a monstergirl. The cold of winter killing my drive to draw isn't helping either

>> No.15477244
Quoted by: >>15477258

I feel you. Glad you aren't dead though.

>> No.15477247
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, 1465061416355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But winter has ended for a while now Hyphen.

>> No.15477257
Quoted by: >>15477273

So is this like a Druella corrupted Werewolf?

>> No.15477258

Fuck, I should go to sleep or something, my posting is disgraceful.

>> No.15477261

>He doesn't know winter is coming

>> No.15477273
Quoted by: >>15477307


Not MGE related, tho she's basically a demon and a basilisk combined

>> No.15477274
Quoted by: >>15477284

It's winter in shitposting land.

>> No.15477284

What is Hyphens country of origin?

>> No.15477290


>> No.15477296

>Never to be continued
Literally the battle cry of Negawalker and Bollocks

>> No.15477305

Gonna make maus babies! Gonna rub daughteru heavy belly!

>> No.15477307


>> No.15477310

he's from ur a gay

>> No.15477318

Dante's Circle of Lust.

>> No.15477350
File: 196 KB, 1000x1000, 1458591734827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit Anon

>> No.15477416
File: 1.32 MB, 2507x3541, 57648268_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15477421

Gonna pat her tongue.

>> No.15477422
File: 699 KB, 657x890, 1453511062089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when Peny intends to rewrite that train molestation story.

>> No.15477478
Quoted by: >>15477486


>> No.15477486
Quoted by: >>15477491

Nah, I realized how generic and contrived the greentext was going to be. Sorry to disappoint you once again, Anon.

>> No.15477491

So Anon dies of Pancreatic Cancer?

>> No.15477501

For all of the MGs he gave you up for, He chose the P'Orcs. Seriously, why not that shy little Nightmare that was eyeing you since you entered the bar?

>> No.15477511
Quoted by: >>15477568

Just like real life.

>> No.15477515
Quoted by: >>15477568

The P'Orcs forced them to do it. They would wreck the bar if they didn't get that fresh meat.

>> No.15477524
File: 791 KB, 1920x1080, 1466884119909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like he contemplates suicide by throwing himself off the cliff of a nearby fishing hamlet only to meet the Dullahan who poses the pseudo-philosophical question of why he'd want to die at such a young age when he has so much more to live for.

Only to result in him spending more time with her, even though he gets the feeling she's not exactly what he thinks she is, with clammy skin and a disdain for being looked at directly.

She follows him through his chemo treatment, revealing herself to be his family clan's Dullahan as he's on his deathbed from the pancreatic cancer, only for him to die. Then the body disappears in the morgue and open ended bullshit ending because fuck having a downer ending.

You know, the typical generic schlock that I pump out ad infinitum.

>> No.15477562
Quoted by: >>15477591

The last fucking thing an amateur writer should worry about is being original. Cement your style and prose. You can shoot for the moon after that.

>> No.15477568

Even MGs can't save me from real life

This is why you invest in Girtablilu bouncers. Very efficient.

Still better than going back to the city and living life normally then dying after a few months with no love coming his way.

>> No.15477591
Quoted by: >>15477620

I have no style/schtick or prose worth noting.

>> No.15477600


>> No.15477620
Quoted by: >>15477629

That's a real fuckin' bummer, man.

>> No.15477629
Quoted by: >>15477642

Yeah I know man, it fucking blows chunks man. Just like your bowling.

>> No.15477640

They don't deserve love, they watch all the Baseball and Rapeball games for free by lifting their heads above the fence!

>> No.15477642
File: 15 KB, 217x302, 1452708759183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice fucking cold.

>> No.15477659
File: 928 KB, 1728x1530, 1462076814167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey!

Only one green text story shenanigans per girl per thread! Nightmare already had one.

It's the law.

>> No.15477673

I'd rather have even generic greentexts, than the one single guy spamming images with absolutely no text like he's been doing this whole thread.

>> No.15477685

...How about that shy cyclops at the other end of the bar that is also eyeing Anon?

>> No.15477693
File: 444 KB, 917x1041, Crayon's still out there somewhere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15477748


>> No.15477706
File: 488 KB, 1312x1293, 1458154914881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the fattest Holstaur ass I've ever seen.

>> No.15477711

What happens if I post another greentext story shenanigans?

>> No.15477728
Quoted by: >>15477752

She can watch.

>> No.15477737
Quoted by: >>15477752

I like flat monsters with no ass

>> No.15477748

Poor girl. Can't do anything when the group of P'Orcs carrier Anon away.

>> No.15477752

Then wait until they are done with him.

Flat is justice.

>> No.15477756
Quoted by: >>15477848

He'll be exhausted by then.

>> No.15477770
Quoted by: >>15477848


but not loli

>> No.15477785
File: 3.82 MB, 2500x3500, Black ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overly sexy dragons.

>> No.15477788
Quoted by: >>15477804

I want to date twin dullahans because we were childhood friends

>> No.15477792

Baked goods made with REAL Holst milk!

>> No.15477804

but which head do you hold while the other kisses you

>> No.15477819
Quoted by: >>15477862

Canadian monstergirl for Canada day?

>> No.15477822

Lemme at that shortstack.

>> No.15477848
Quoted by: >>15477893

Not if she give him the Manticore venom for some weird reason she always caries with her.

But.. Witches are cute.

>> No.15477849

wanna make that cow smile!
Gonna Cuddle.

>> No.15477862
File: 122 KB, 700x396, h8ZN4rN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15477871

I'd rather a holst or moosegirl.
blue jay harpy works too.

>> No.15477875
File: 120 KB, 900x683, 1459208275948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15477924

Or WENDIGO! That's all I've got buddy, take it or leave it.

>> No.15477893
Quoted by: >>15477932

But that would be rape.

>> No.15477901
Quoted by: >>15478004

Big clumsy Moose Girl who stumbles into a sleepy town drunk and singing lewd songs about being a lumberjack.


>> No.15477913

Which monster girl would be most impressed with me learning multiple languages?

>> No.15477924
File: 2.02 MB, 1440x2560, there's more on the way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15477926
File: 92 KB, 500x537, NopkEAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15477928

Either the smartest ones or the dumbest ones.

>> No.15477930
Quoted by: >>15478025

Hakutaku-sensei would be excited at the chance to talk with someone in Esperanto.

Also NEET Monsters would want you to translate their Japanese doujins

>> No.15477931

More on the way is because the busty one is going to jump him, isn't it?

>> No.15477932
Quoted by: >>15477941

Not if no one knows.

>> No.15477941
Quoted by: >>15477986

He would.

>> No.15477942

>This is my meat! Get your own!

>> No.15477986
Quoted by: >>15477996

Yeah.. About that..

>> No.15477996


>> No.15478002


>> No.15478004

Needs a nice squirrel girl for a companion.

>> No.15478023

How do you turn submissive monsters into rape monsters

>> No.15478025

Hakutaku needs more content.
I'm not sure touhou and their catchy songs can fill my lion-ox shaped hole.

>> No.15478044
Quoted by: >>15478053

If anyone wants it, I have an OP ready.
It has a lich picture, "Monster Girl Thread" in the subject, and an OP comment that isn't awful. It's a little longer than one sentence though, but it's a discussion point, I guess.

I'll wait for archival, unlike some assholes.

>> No.15478053
Quoted by: >>15478070

Bless you.

>> No.15478070

If you say so. Although now I'm curious, I wonder what the most wordy OP we've had is.
Not that people pay much attention to the OP after, say, 100 posts, but still. Good start to the thread always helps, I think.

>> No.15478086
File: 211 KB, 819x614, seeyoulatertonite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15478095

All she needed was some liquid courage.

>> No.15478105

Gonna bully that dream horse.

>> No.15478106

Would you be a dragon slut?

>> No.15478116

Depends on the species. You could wave red in front of them, you could deprive them of sex or other basic necessities...

>> No.15478119

No, they'd be my sluts.

>> No.15478127

Anon, they're all rape monsters.
All you need to do is let on for one moment that you're a potential rape target.
That crying little mouse? That's just her strategy to get your dick in her.
As soon as she knows you're some wimp-ass metrosexual pushover you're going to wake up tied to your bed with rodent pussy on your meatstick.

>> No.15478129
File: 951 KB, 1800x2250, 1456118387042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15478265

You mean there are people that wouldn't?!

>> No.15478132
Quoted by: >>15478142

I just want to be loved. Why can't I be loved.

>> No.15478138
File: 583 KB, 968x1000, Nightmare Chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moar Nightmare

>> No.15478142

With Dragons, you have to prove you're strong enough not to be a possession.

>> No.15478145

No. I'd be a Dragon's childhood friend and cuddlebuddy though.

>> No.15478177

why does this have 1000 replies?

>> No.15478190

Welcome to the monstergirl discussion containment thread, not to be confused with the monstergirl games general of /vg/ or monstergirl porn general of /d/

>> No.15478192

How fucking new are you?
Alternatively, how old are you and how long have you been away?

>> No.15478195

1715. Why are you asking?

>> No.15478199
File: 274 KB, 806x1024, 1464103725514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15478228

Is there a problem, buckeroo?

>> No.15478213
File: 629 KB, 1200x1000, Things MGQ needed more of part deux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wrote that bad Nightmare pretending to be a Unicorn green text specifically to attract late night
>It doesn't work

Well we got more Nightmare art out of >>15477501 so I'm fine with this.

>> No.15478227
Quoted by: >>15478248

If you write something with the primary reason being to attract Latenight, it will only repel him.
You need to not want it to get it. Like rare drops in Monster Hunter.

>> No.15478228
Quoted by: >>15478243

no just curious

>> No.15478231
Quoted by: >>15478234

Why ask why?

>> No.15478234

i probably should have typed how instead

>> No.15478241

>tfw one of my shitty greentexts got art from him
It was literally the highlight of my week.

>> No.15478243
Quoted by: >>15478251

Not the first time anyone has questioned the number of posts in his thread. Last time I recall that happening was some dude from /a/ checking this place out due to curiosity.

>> No.15478248
Quoted by: >>15478258

Does that mean Latenight is a desire sensor?

>> No.15478251
Quoted by: >>15478258

me too
it's surprising to me to see threads with 1000+ replies that are not stickies or gets

>> No.15478258

He had one implanted into him upon birth.

These threads used to be able to easily hit 3000 posts a while ago. I can't remember if we ever hit 5000, but we definitely got 4000 once or twice in the past.

And this thread in particular has had less people posting in it than normal.

>> No.15478265

I'm a slut only to my lovable lamian spitfire.

>> No.15478284

that's impressive.

>> No.15478289
Quoted by: >>15478352

Yeah, we're missing like 15 people compared to the last thread.

>> No.15478290
Quoted by: >>15478352

I'll agree that the post count hasn't been getting to 3k recently, but the number of unique posters is pretty high. 164 is decent when our low point was something around 70.

>> No.15478311
File: 151 KB, 700x688, Vampire Holding Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15478322

I know, right? It's a nice feeling, to inspire something.

>> No.15478318

Wow. I'm proud.

>> No.15478322

God damn that's fucking adorable!

>> No.15478325

I've gotten more of my ideas/greentexts illustrated by Latenight than I probably deserve. Some have legitimately brought a tear to my eye though.

>> No.15478352
Quoted by: >>15478378

People choosing not to post after the travesty at the end of last thread/start of this one.

Lots of new posters. We've been having a lot of new people here in the past few months. An especially noticable surge.

>> No.15478378

>An especially noticable surge
I want to give a Raiju an especially noticeable surge in her ass.

>> No.15478395
File: 583 KB, 600x700, Electrical Hazard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a car battery
>Hook up the positive and negative terminals to cables ending in dick-shaped conductors
>One in her ass
>The other in her vagina
>Goggles on, stand back behind safety glass, and watch the show

>> No.15478400

She keeps on asking "Is it in yet?"

>> No.15478404

>paid for my first commission today

>> No.15478410
Quoted by: >>15478414

Congratulations, what did they commission you for?

>> No.15478411
Quoted by: >>15478419


>> No.15478414
Quoted by: >>15478429

No, I'm the one who got the commission. It's Kobolds.

>> No.15478419
Quoted by: >>15478427

Yes, it's me!

>> No.15478427
Quoted by: >>15478432

Thought so. Me and Snib have been talking about you on Gmail.

>> No.15478429
Quoted by: >>15478432

Oh. How lame.

>> No.15478432



For you.

>> No.15478482

>Go to sleep that night
>Have a pleasant dream, you're in an open field, the sun is shining, and you're stretched out, enjoying the fresh air and birdsong.
>"Helloooo?! HIC!"
>Your dream begins to collapse, everything begins to look like it was hastily scrawled on a bar napkin
>That Nightmare from the bar is invading your dreams while drunk
>"Heeyyyy there you... There you are!"
>You see her stumbling over a hill, falling all over herself.
>"I forgot to ashk for your number, cutie!~"
>She's clearly struggling to alter your dream in her state, colors start to spill out everywhere and everything begins to warp out of control.
>Scream as the ground begins to collapse underneath you into a yawning, empty void.
>"Shhh... Don't scream baby... I can HIC.... I can handle this!"
>She drops her scythe and it falls into the abyss.
>You look at her with a shocked expression.
>"Hey, have you sheen my shythe?..."
>They ground finally collapses underneath you, you fall screaming.
>You wake up in bed to your relief.
>Decide to not go back to sleep, make yourself some coffee and just wait until sunrise.

>> No.15478499

>>She drops her scythe and it falls into the abyss.
>>You look at her with a shocked expression.
>>"Hey, have you sheen my shythe?..."

A nightmare can take a physical object into someone's dreams, and not only that, but come back out and leave it behind. I wonder if anything which falls into the abyss of the undream is lost to the subconcious. What would that do to a person taken into another person's dream?
Imagine if you could imprison people in other people's dreams, completely barring them off from the real, physical world.

>> No.15478500

She's gonna need more liquid courage.
