>Winter in the Steam City
>It's always a cunt, the way that steam and pipe-work ironically leaves everything feeling colder than it really is
>You're a machinist, of course. But then, it's not like there's much pickings in the region between courier, machinist, engineer, or miner.
>Lord how you'd hate to be one of those poor bastards in this weather
>Most of the people here are human, with a few Gremlins here and there, but you don't have to worry about having company so explosive over
>Rather, you're not even sure you can call her "company", more like a household appliance that can speak and emote, but little else
>Slowly, you open the door, so as to not draw attention to yourself to your apartment
"Welcome home, Sir."
>She's standing there in the doorway, her diadem-like headpiece's gem lighting up as her eyes focus on you
>A relic of the ancient era, she's a fully autonomous organsim, an android of sorts
>You still remember the day you found her, in the ruins, and how she... No, best not think about it
"Sir, I am reading increased levels of pheromones from you. Shall I attend to you?"
>She's walking forward on stiletto like legs, her mouth opening, the lubricant giving the inside the appearance of moistness
>Before you can protest, she's pulling your pants down, her soft hands drawing you quickly to an erection
"Please, allow me to fulfill my primary directive."
>Close the door, bracing your back against it as she takes you inside of her mouth
>Her tongue flicks your urethra as she bobs back and forth slowly at first, languishing in the taste of your member
>«Please feel free to comment on this unit's performance, Sir.», her voice chimes from the diadem
>You sometimes forget she can do that, her pace remaining consistent as she fellates you
>One of her hands reaches down and fondles your testes as she continues to slurp and bob, slurp and bob
>«All studies indicate this is the most effective way to produce male ejaculation, Sir. The materials provided were most helpful.»
>Before you can ask who gave her these 'study materials', you can feel a familiar tingling in your balls
>They draw close as you hold the automaton's head to the hilt, spilling your seed into her as a supplementary energy source
>After you're done, she stands once more, her mouth making a dull 'whrrrr' as interior systems clean it of jism
"Thank you, Sir."
>Struggling to regain your composure, you pop a question you'd know would at least get her off your back for a while
>'The human holiday called Christmas is coming up, and I have some money saved... is there anything you would like?'
"I do not understand, Sir. This unit requires nothing except protein from you. This activity is pointless."
>'That's not a real answer.'
>She pauses
"I wish I could be human, the know what it means to feel. To know what motherhood is like."