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File: 354 KB, 850x1200, kangaroo girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16311336 No.16311336 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Boxing Day!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h (embed)

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.16311341

Sunset Waifu!

>> No.16311342
File: 3.85 MB, 1085x1239, 1450653477240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16311355

Yes, you shitty Mimic.

>> No.16311344
File: 129 KB, 693x1100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas: http://pastebin.com/HqSTTZdZ

Warning: contains abysmal dialogue and retcons.

>> No.16311348
File: 1.21 MB, 1687x1199, Mud abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be chef on a quest to cook the perfect omelet
>Very few people aside nobility actually care about the culinary arts
>With this simple dish I hope to awaken everyone to the wonders of cooking
>Nearly 3 years of experimentation and the omelet still feels lacking
>Save up months of salary as a royal kitchen cook to purchase some illegal spices
>Manage to get a deal on an ounce of demonic pepper
>The omelet resulting from it is nearly perfect but it still lacks something
>Someone in the kitchen messes up the queen's desert and my coworkers use me as a scapegoat
>Get fired on the spot and banned from ever exercising in a kitchen again as a result
>Family and friends reject me out of fear from my newfound reputation
>No choice but to leave the country
>Towards the south is a friendly kingdom but knowing how talkative the queen is I'm probably banned there too
>There is nothing but sea towards the east and north
>The west is a demon realm.
>With nothing to lose I head there
>Cross the border after 3 days of walking
>My rations are already running out
>Ahead is a huge wetlands with few to no edible plants in the horizon
>Make my prayers to the Chief God and keep walking
>God knows my attire isn't meant for this kind of terrain
>While everything in this demon realm has an eerie feel to it, it's still not nearly as bad as I imagined
>Hours of walking later and with the dawn about to begin I decide to take a break
>I lay down on a small patch of grass near a large puddle of water
>Falling asleep is much harder than it should be for someone who just spent 4 days in a row walking
>The wet, cold ground and blowing wind are to blame for this
>The night quickly falls upon the land and the shiny blackish-purple sky of the demon realm rocks me to sleep
> Wake up way past sunrise to my surprise
>Another surprising thing is how comfortable the ground got overnight
>My memory might be tricking me but this seems even better than even the royal bed I once sneaked in
>Try to stand up without success
>Finally realize that I am not laying on the ground but in the clutches of some mud abomination
>Emotions get the best of me and I start crying and screaming
>The monster's embrace only gets tighter and without a say in the matter I get submerged up to the neck in mud
>Only monsters could cause such good sensations, this is all my punishment for eating demon spices
>Another mud abomination forms in front on me as I lose any hope to leave alive
>It slowly inches towards me as I see my entire existence flash before me
>Its hungry expression and gaping mouth can only be a sign that I'm about to be consumed
>What an ironic end for someone whose life was dedicated to the culinary arts
>I hope that I taste good
>With this last thought I close my eyes and prepare myself to go to hell
>A soft and warm feeling spreads from my lips causing my eyes to jolt open
>The abomination is kissing me
>Even before death I get toyed with
(1 / 2)

>> No.16311354

It's getting colder, I wished I had a Lava Golem with me.

>> No.16311355
Quoted by: >>16311367

Somebody save the poor Alp!

>> No.16311358
Quoted by: >>16312192

>The mud surrounding me sips into the ground and is swiftly replaced by the abominations' huge arms
>I get pinned to the ground and stripped naked in a strangely gentle fashion
>As a last shameful affront to my pitiful existence I managed to grow fully erect from this
>The monster's hungry expression evolves into one of pure gluttony as the gemstone embedded in her chest starts glowing strongly
>Her wide mouth wraps around my erect member and a vague of sinful sensations hits me
>In my busy chef life I rarely got to experience sex but even I can tell that she is inexperienced
>Her sloppy technique and muddy mouth somehow get me to climax within 30 seconds
>Not even the most exquisite of dishes ever brought me this much bliss
>Loosening her grip on me, she readjusts her position to hover over my still standing boner
>A vagina forms on her previously blank groin
>It's only now that I realize that this monster is a female
>Her large breasts put to shame even the most stacked women of the kingdom
>Her motherly hips and large rear scream perfection
>Her face is flawless and her hair can only be described as regal
>All of this made of mud, one of the most basic and lowest of substances
>Such an inhuman beauty could only emanate from a fever dream yet here she is about to copulate with me
>She slowly descends upon my penis making my whole body shiver in pleasure
>As her muddy hips slam onto my thighs I reach the deepest part of her vagina
>It's as if her genitals were custom made to perfectly fit mine
>Her powerful oversized arms wrap around me and bring me close to her
>I bury my head in her neck and weakly move my pelvis as her soft breasts press against my naked chest
>We both embrace each other and barely move our groins for the longest of time
>She mimics me and buries her face into my neck
>At the same time she begins slamming her hips against mine, making my penis hit her womb with each thrust
>Some minutes of intense pleasure later I climax my biggest load ever inside her
>My sudden ejaculation causes her to lose composure and release her grip on my body
>I've never seen someone as happy in my life, not even my best dish could get such an expression out of people
>I could easily escape now if I wanted to but I can't get enough of her cute face
>Screw the omelet, my new life goal will be to make sure I get to see that expression every single day
(2 / 2)

Didn't expect previous thread to die so soon
Thanks for the steam key whoever posted it

>> No.16311359

I hope you anons are enjoying Christmas with you waifu!

>> No.16311365
Quoted by: >>16311378

My waifu is cutely melting the snow with her fire.

>> No.16311367
Quoted by: >>16311378

Alps deserve what they get.

>> No.16311368

It isn't Christmas though.

>> No.16311371
File: 204 KB, 455x800, 1480538897674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16311382

Santa Horn has come to town

>> No.16311376
Quoted by: >>16311386

You said this last thread too, what's your major malfunction?

>> No.16311378

That's a cute!

They don't. They didn't do anything wrong.

It is you silly. Well in the UK it still is.

>> No.16311381
File: 2.30 MB, 1500x1200, For You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas to those it applies too.

>> No.16311382

Going to hold her hand through the snow.

>> No.16311385
Quoted by: >>16311391

Santa didn't get me a Wurm for christmas, again.

>> No.16311386

It is 1:45 AM on Boxing Day.
>living in the past

>> No.16311391
Quoted by: >>16311443

You're not ready for one. Sure they start off cute, but they grow up.
It's 17:15 on Christmas Day you future fiend.

>> No.16311392

>Santa Chan ate your cookies
>But now she's just too fat to exist your chimney.
What do?

>> No.16311393

>ywn never find a monstergirl under your tree

>> No.16311398

>But now she's just too fat to exist your chimney.
Call a Lilim, there's some space time fuckery going on here.

>> No.16311399

Engage in cuddling and bring her more cookies.

>> No.16311409

>>But now she's just too fat to exist
Typical fucking fatfags amirite?

>> No.16311415

Did you celebrate Isaac Newton's birthday by dropping apples on a Cockatrice's head to make her think the sky is falling?

>> No.16311426

I wasn't expecting an update to this, merry christmas silent.

>> No.16311429

I'm gonna blow my fucking brains out

>> No.16311430
File: 3.42 MB, 2678x2778, Vectorfriend (2.2) [F][M][A].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas again Anons! Hope you and your family all have a great one, and you got and gave lots of great presents!

>> No.16311443

But that's the fun part! Raising the wurm.

Grope her butt

>> No.16311447
Quoted by: >>16312192

>no Shoggoth who puts herself in a present under your tree and waits for you to open her up

>> No.16311448

Tie her to a chair and inform her that the REAL Santa-chan can turn into mist to escape!

Obviously she's a faker.

Time for more Milk and cookies, along with some groping.

>> No.16311457

Merry Christmas He of the Vorpal Dick!
We really need more of these informational diagrams.

>> No.16311465

I want to feed a Wock Christmas dinner then squeeze her belly!

>> No.16311474
File: 148 KB, 840x954, 1481512345178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get anything, but I'm already used to it.
Thinking about cuddling with my waifu is enough to keep me happy.

>> No.16311479


>> No.16311482

>ywn never find a monstergirl that is your tree.

>> No.16311488

Dragon-chan a cute.

>> No.16311495

Let's all take a moment to think about the poor MG orphan daughterus.

>those poor Wurms who never get a colourful and chocolate filled Christmas potentional parents think Wurms are dangerous.
>instead she just spends Christmas with the other orphan girls by the cheap radiator and low budget Christmas tree.

>> No.16311506
File: 115 KB, 1184x1000, IMG_20161225_104025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gazerfag posted this on his twitter. I hope Gazer gave him something wholesome.

>> No.16311508

You wanna try unfucking your brain and posting something that makes sense?

>> No.16311512
Quoted by: >>16311686

Oi, Alp. In your ancient freaky fingolian myths, a smith dude creates a golen bride. Can't find it online, but being a finn youself, do you know if she has a name?

>> No.16311526

The only thing this X-Mas has taught me to not go on a whiskey bender while home alone because I had a weird dream involving a Dark Matter projectile and a Leviathan.

>> No.16311530
Quoted by: >>16311542

Merry Christmas everyone.

Quiet Christmas morning with my family, I will go home and spend the night with Miia.

Standout gift was probably a bottle of crystal skull vodka, looking forward to drinking it later.

Did anyone else get anything good?

>> No.16311533
File: 681 KB, 1048x1319, 54206301_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16311542

I got a box of condoms from my friends, other than that it's been some years since my last present.

>> No.16311547
File: 120 KB, 600x861, 1481773280969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salesman at the lot said this tree was 90% off, but it keeps making weird noises

>> No.16311552
Quoted by: >>16312301

Oh good, Santa Claws is here. Where is my petite werecat potion?

>> No.16311555

Christmas belongs to thicc shortstacks.

>> No.16311557
Quoted by: >>16311569

Was that gift ironic or something?

>> No.16311561
Quoted by: >>16311569

Damn, I hate it when people give you gifts you'll never use.

>> No.16311569

I said that they should take me to the brothel as a present. I guess I had it coming. I also got some high quality chocolate too.

Yeah, because monster girls hate condoms, right?

>> No.16311574

Well, chocolate is always nice.

>> No.16311601

>We really need more of these informational diagrams.
They are pretty easy to make, you can do even do it on paint

>Yeah, because monster girls hate condoms, right?
When 2017 happens all the condom manufacturer will get raided and the factory destroyed

>> No.16311622
File: 182 KB, 850x1133, MEIRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was considering re-writing some old shitty stuff for ya'll on Christmas but got sidetracked. So have this Chuugoku instead.

>> No.16311623

I don't think I want to know what all of the condoms in the world burning would smell like.

>> No.16311639

I gladly accept it.

>> No.16311643

>videos on liveleak of monster girls ransacking condom factories and taking workers as husbands.

Are condoms heresy to monster girls?

>> No.16311642
Quoted by: >>16311646

I like her as a panda more to be honest,
a big fluffy panda that somehow has kids with sakuya.

>> No.16311646
Quoted by: >>16311665

But that's not okay for this thread and I don't want to ruin people's moods.

Panda Meiling is fine, though.

>> No.16311647

They're using tranq dart guns loaded with aphrodisiac too

>> No.16311655

Is date rape a pandemic in MGC?

>> No.16311659
Quoted by: >>16311673


>> No.16311663
Quoted by: >>16311673


>> No.16311665
File: 60 KB, 518x700, __hong_meiling_and_izayoi_sakuya_touhou_drawn_by_seki_red_shine__2b72da51a84469f5cc0b51a24a7f7e8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16311701

who could possibly hate the fluff?

>> No.16311673

But why?

>> No.16311680

The courts are all biased towards humans. They'ld be locked away for years if they touched a man that didn't want it.

>> No.16311683

Because me and the other Anon are the law.

>> No.16311686

Wurms don't need no parents, Wurms don't need to school!
Kultaneito, literally "Goldmaiden". Not very creative, I know.

>> No.16311693

Of course they do! How will wurm chan ever know Pi?

>> No.16311694
Quoted by: >>16311731

Loen deliver christmas Lala yet?

>> No.16311701
Quoted by: >>16311809

I said that because of some provocative images they did with Panda Meiling from that author.

>> No.16311704
File: 1.87 MB, 1200x1694, 6385a65ebe906b2f548ff79460bfab09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16311715

Reminder to not overdo your succubutt pleasure runes and to give her a very white Christmas anons

>> No.16311706
Quoted by: >>16311733

>Kultaneito, literally "Goldmaiden". Not very creative, I know.
It sounds nice though. Thanks, just thinking up automaton names.

>> No.16311715
Quoted by: >>16311728

But that's a half god, half demon.

>> No.16311728

And my dick will bring her down.

>> No.16311731

He posted it some time ago. Check his da or twitter

>> No.16311733

Well I suppose. Fun fact: The Kalevala also has a couple stories revolving around a wizard's attempts to get laid. What's interesting is that all his powers are based around singing and music, making this a fine example of how bards are sluts.

>> No.16311739
File: 3.83 MB, 2720x1560, dasx0qk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How extravagant do you think different types of monster girls would get with their Christmas surprises?

>> No.16311749
Quoted by: >>16311759

Is that a Wurm?

>> No.16311752

>Dragon waifu is proudly decorating our christmas tree with jewels and gems

I wonder if she'll ever stop hiving me heart attacks.

>> No.16311759
Quoted by: >>16311765

Nope, it's a dragon.

>> No.16311760
Quoted by: >>16311952

Why does Crits fox gotta conceal her fat butt?

>> No.16311762 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x4365, 1482684891866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16311769


>> No.16311765
Quoted by: >>16311771

She's still a dork.

>> No.16311769

>No old hag loli fox to play pachinko with
We need more monster girls who love to gamble

>> No.16311771

No calling the waifu a dork!

>> No.16311773

Shogs spend days making you the perfect gift and making the house as festive as possible.

It's because Shogs are best.

>> No.16311774
Quoted by: >>16311785

Does she put her most valuable treasure on the top of a tree?

>> No.16311775

>MFW trying to think of ideas for the Archons in a story
>MFW all I can see is them being a non-Kubo version of the Sternritter
Fucking curse this goddamned boner for women in uniforms.

>> No.16311779
File: 255 KB, 595x408, Rape Gambling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16311818

Gambling is not the way friend.

>> No.16311785
Quoted by: >>16311816

No, I help her decorate it.

>> No.16311791
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x2000, 1432526891214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ve have vays of making you talk!

>> No.16311809
Quoted by: >>16312223


>> No.16311816

>Not wearing an Angel dress and sitting on the top of the tree so your waifu can admire her work
Step up your treasure game

>> No.16311818

>Not wanting to gamble
How else are you supposed to have fun with your money?
Did the Tanukis sermon you about safe investments or something?

>> No.16311828

She would take the tree down just to hug me and call me adorable. She is a dangerous one.

>> No.16311829

>Lying in bed awake hours after I should be asleep.
>Barely tired.
>Need to wake up tomorrow.

This is part of why I'd like a Monstergirl Waifu. She could roughly fuck me and we'd both be exhausted.

>> No.16311831

>in 2015 they commissioned pictures of their waifus
>in 2016 they're commissioning themselves with their waifus
>in 2017 the pics will be only of waifufags, they'll compliment and discuss each other, some people will be routinely admitting they fap to them

>> No.16311832
Quoted by: >>16312192

You don't fucking understand, man.

>Clad in pure white Hugo Fog style uniforms
>All of them wearing various, ornate masks of silver and bronze to keep their divine luminescence from blinding the non-Archon and angelic beings near them
>Their wings kept immaculately clean and shimmering with a golden light to them, three pairs in all
>All of them having turbo hebrew weeb names that end with -El to denote their devotion to the Chief God
>Having sex with one is like laying a woman clothed in the sun, an experience that transcends time and space, with every minute feeling like a lifetime as you're conjoined as man and woman
>Her manna refreshing your body, rather than corrupting you, all for the sake of raising an army to defeat the Demon Lord

>> No.16311838

Why talk? I want her to sit on my face and then to make rough sex to me

>> No.16311844

It's at time like these that I understand how great Dormice and Weresheeps are
No matter how bad you insomnia is, there is no way you won't fall asleep during the post-sex cuddles

>> No.16311845

>no Gnome and Dorome wrapped in ribbons together

>> No.16311846

Why curse it?Haughty girls in tight military uniforms that show off their bodies is a top tier fetish. Especially if they dom you a bit for trying to check them out.

>> No.16311857

If a Dorome gifted me a clay doll made out of her I'd be forced to marry her on the spot

Can Gnome craft stuff out of themselves? They sure can using their earth power but I'm not sure if they can take it from their body directly

>> No.16311861

I thought it was cute

>> No.16311866
Quoted by: >>16311898

Uniforms like that are way too arousing.

Is it wrong I want an Ushi, Manticore, Hellhound and Kakuen dressed like that to dominate me?

>> No.16311869

What does Dorome pussy feel like?

>> No.16311874
Quoted by: >>16311907

Like warm apple pie.

>> No.16311881

Like hopes and dreams

>> No.16311883

Like mud but with mamono mana

>> No.16311898

>Manticore in that uniform
>TFW she rips open her top just so you can see her milky breasts and all their plump fullness, topped with pink nipples
>TFW straddling you as her tailpussy wraps around you
>YWN get punished for your insubordination by getting tailpussy'd vigorously

>> No.16311901
Quoted by: >>16311907

like sweet barbecue sauce.

>> No.16311905
Quoted by: >>16311941


Go outside and find some mud. Stick it in.

That's what it feels like.

>> No.16311907

Why are you fucking your pies

That's not what Sweet Baby Ray's is for

>> No.16311941

That felt kinda nice

>> No.16311943
Quoted by: >>16312192

>after milking you enough, she asks if you've learned your lesson
>covers your mouth before you can answer and tells you that you need a more permanent punishment to make sure you never disobey again
>tears off her trousers and mounts you with the real thing
>doesn't stop raping you until sunrise the next day having the women who work for her bring aphrodisiacs and fertility potions for the two of you throughout the night
>after it's all over and you're in the brink of passing out, she puts on a new uniform and goes to leave
>"a good father would never disobey another order" she teases with a cruel grin
I'm glad I have a ton of manticore porn saved, these dumb fantasies are too much.

>> No.16311952

I wouldn't mind my Christmas present being that fox taking a dick to be honest. It'd teach her for being such a cock tease.

>> No.16311962


>> No.16311975
File: 77 KB, 800x923, f040040a53c05032a78c320053962909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do witches and dark mages celebrate Christmas with their husbandos?

>> No.16311980
Quoted by: >>16312037

Same way they celebrate everything. Pagan rituals.

>> No.16311984
Quoted by: >>16312037

Shota transformation spells and breasts to face hugs.

>> No.16311990

>salaryman gets kidnapped by amazon tribe
>never breaks despite all the bullshit and rape he receives.
>even wears a suit and tie each morning.
>salaryman is proud of his ability to drink entire tribe under table
>extended evening mandatory orgies replace spreadsheets for overtime
>but salaryman will never break

>> No.16311997
Quoted by: >>16312037

Black masses for the witches and some sex rituals for the dark mages
They also wear cute and sexy Christmas outfits.

A nice Amazon husband

>> No.16312016
Quoted by: >>16312186

My maya-dere waifu would help the local Ice Queen turn human women into White-horns, Glacies, and Yetis for Christmas.

>> No.16312030
Quoted by: >>16312071

I woke up to my kikimora in a ribbon while holding my hand this morning.

Should I be worried?

>> No.16312037

>Dark Mage brings you out into the woods, saying she has something fun planned for the both of you
>Finds a nice clearing and starts a fire with a simple spell, her familiar bringing along a jug of some kind of poultice
"It's a very special evening, you know~"
>She starts to undress, but pauses when she notices you still have all your clothes on, getting a devilish grin
"What, don't you want to undress? Go ahead, undress. Then you can undress me. I won't bite... hard."
>You're folding up your clothes when she's sliding her robes down to her shoulder, letting you see her ample bosom
>Every time you slide her robe down, or touch her she lets out a pleasurable crooning noise until you're both stark naked, her lavender hair trailing all the way down the small of her back
"See that ointment the cat brought? Rub it in."
>You're getting weirded out by the whole situation, your cock shrinking in the cold air
"Rub it in or I'll just regress you back to that cute little boy I devoured oh so devilishly~"
>As you're caking your hands in the stuff, you can feel her magic overtaking you, your hands becoming smaller and more youthful, your legs shrinking and your voice becoming a higher pitch
>Awawawa as you realize she turned you back into the twelve-year-old that fell in love with her
>She smirks when you accuse her of tricking you
"Widdle ol' me? Trick you? I didn't say I -wouldn't- do it~ Now come here and rub me down, it's a bit cold out~"
>Start heading towards your clothes, knowing they're going to be over-sized anyway until she reverses her age regression spell on you
>That's when you feel the weight of her breasts on the back of your head as she pins you to the ground
"Ara ara~ We can't have you quitting the game so soon~"
>You'd rather an adult do it for her, she lets out a giggle, her hand going between your legs
"Don't you want to help your poor onee-san out? I promise it'll feel good~"
>Some time later, you've finally rubbed her down completely with the strange stuff as she smiles mischievously at you, still very much a shota
"Now it's time for the ritualistic sex to celebrate the Winter Solstice~"
>Wait wha--
>Wake up at the crowing of the morning rooster, the Dark Mage holding your smaller body like a body pillow, her breasts in your face
>In her sleep, she lets out a soft giggle
"Onee-san luuurvs you~"
>Squeezes you tighter, just to drive the point home
>It barely seems worth it to argue with her, since you'd fallen in love with her, those ten summers ago

>> No.16312056


Merry Christmas /mgt/,

As I mentioned in the previous thread, I made this way longer than I initially intended. So unfortunately, all I was able to write this festive and jolly day was about half of it. It's late and I'm about to pass out.

But hopefully you guys enjoy this half and the next I'll try to finish tomorrow. As for the actual story, It's just Ghoul, but picked back up some months later around christmas. As always, comments and criticisms are more than appreciated.

Where’s that anon who said he would write an onimusha story if I did another ghoul one?

>> No.16312059

Those damn dark mages. Always up to something.

>> No.16312062

Tender sweet sex for the day, a change of pace from the domination of most normal days. At least that's how mine does it

>> No.16312071

Where's the ribbon?

>> No.16312077
Quoted by: >>16312083

You people are making bargains now? Sweet.

>> No.16312083

I think it was just a joke, but still. Man can dream.

>> No.16312084

That's a good story.

>> No.16312091
Quoted by: >>16312192


>> No.16312093
File: 431 KB, 1280x1792, tumblr_oiquecPKx01snfqxpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16312097

I'm going to push her on her back, turtles are weak to that!

>> No.16312102
Quoted by: >>16312192

>You will never re-enact the /ss/ chapter of Fella Pure with your monstergirl onee-chan

>> No.16312107

>Ignore turtle gets art
Very surprising, well at least she got a Christmas present of her own

Her /fit/ shark mermaid friends will make you regret bullying her

>> No.16312109

>you will never invoke the wrath of the sea, for bullying the turtle with your dick.

>> No.16312110

I'll punch them on the nose, sharks can't handle that!

>> No.16312113

Why do the Dorome's huge hands give me a raging boner
Why do I want her to push her big muddy palms together so I can fuck them

>> No.16312114

>shark mermaids
Time for belly rubs

>> No.16312119

But anon that's exactly what she wants!

>> No.16312128

Because you're a faggot who didn't appreciate Gnome before so she became softgnome.

>> No.16312131

Well this is a shock, could say it's a Christmas miracle that she got art.

>> No.16312136

I know we have the translation done by the person here, but when are we getting the mgr official profile thing with all the pretty text?

>> No.16312138
Quoted by: >>16312143


>> No.16312141
Quoted by: >>16312151

How did you even jump to that conclusion?

>> No.16312143


>> No.16312151

I'm feeling frisky.

>> No.16312175
Quoted by: >>16312203

That was pretty hot and cute, and it was nice to see Lily get more attention.

>> No.16312177

She really rocks my guac.

>> No.16312179

Because when you see those big protective hands your animal instincts of survival kicks in and you unconsciously tag her a prime mating material

Also Dorome are cute so that helps

You got to make an elementalist contract with Gnome and then people ask you for help, and your Gnome waifu can't refuse because she's too kind and you end up journeying the world to build houses, prevent famines, etc...

I'd rather go for the simple minded mud version who just wants to hug me

>> No.16312186

What if they enjoy being cuddly White Horns and Yetis and don't want to go back?

>> No.16312189
File: 1.33 MB, 2394x1843, 1481899898458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312203

>dat goth Automaton
I like her description, hot damn.

>> No.16312192 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16312198


Who are you quoting?

>> No.16312198

zun pls

>> No.16312203
Quoted by: >>16312225

Glad you liked it
>Lily get more attention.
Well she's kind of always around, it's just all throughout ghoul most of it was spent in their little mausoleum/home thing or out in town. The only places where she isn't.

Thanks. I just realized I forgot to describe her hair. It's uh, long and white, lets go with that

>> No.16312223
File: 317 KB, 2480x1753, 1420083358511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he means this one

>> No.16312225

I'd love a long haired Automaton with a different loadout and body-type for Christmas.

>> No.16312230
Quoted by: >>16312277

That Izayoi has some nice thighs.

>> No.16312237
Quoted by: >>16312277

I'd recommend not trying to make that more innocent than it really is.

>> No.16312241
File: 138 KB, 576x600, 812b882470e722772370cd0e0998cdf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312329

Merry Christmas monster.

Here is an angel for you

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

>> No.16312277
File: 95 KB, 850x666, 2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fine I personally prefer dragon Mei anyway, that potential "hidden badass" aspect is appealing even if over done

>> No.16312285
Quoted by: >>16312304

/v/ here
merry christmas

>> No.16312301
File: 120 KB, 796x1200, darPmS0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa Claws is a cute kitty cat.

>> No.16312304
File: 3.82 MB, 4000x5000, 1451007301374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312309

Merry Christmas too, faggot.

>> No.16312306
File: 147 KB, 1100x1000, Remove Monster Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How upset would you be if a unlikeable Monster Girl, such as say Goblins, raped you on Christmas?

Would it be ruined for you? Would future Christmas's remind you of it?

>> No.16312309

All that hopping around gives Jiang-shi meaty thighs.

>> No.16312311

There are very few monsters I actually dislike
I spend Christmas with my family. I'd tell any monsters that if they lay a finger on any of them im going to bite my own tongue off and choke to death

>> No.16312315

but I like goblins

>> No.16312319

You can also just write 'thick thighs' on their seal and get the same

>> No.16312322
File: 203 KB, 668x500, 652a960bf38fdf76ba8d56945b600879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312382

I hope you get coal next year.

>> No.16312329

That's a pure monster

>> No.16312332

That would ruin Christmas. Probably not forever, but I'd totally use it as an excuse to score a nice Christmas waifu.

>> No.16312376

My list of unlikable monster girl is really short, if fact I can even post it

Large Mouse
Cait Sith
Cu Sith

Christmas would be utterly ruined unless they really made it up afterwards and every future Christmas would be spent naked in my baththub trying to clean off the memory unless a nice Dorome married me and healed me

>> No.16312381

It would be the cherry on top of the shit sundae that's been this Christmas.

That said, goblins are cute, and I've pulled hobgoblins quite frequently in those random monster pulls. I take it as a sign that one may be after me.

>> No.16312382
File: 456 KB, 683x960, 1393073855269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my own Hobgoblin

>> No.16312384

What's she writing in that book?

>> No.16312387
Quoted by: >>16312399

Is it concerning when my top 3 monster girls are all the same monster

>> No.16312390
File: 461 KB, 850x749, 1481684880763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312407

Lactating yandere Liches.

>> No.16312396

I think if I had a Hobgoblin wife I'd spend all my money getting her cute outfits.

>> No.16312399
Quoted by: >>16312410

You mean they're close species

>> No.16312407
Quoted by: >>16312425

Lactating yanderes sound like they'd be wonderful, I want a fox one.

>> No.16312410

No, I mean they're the same
Dark Gnome

>> No.16312421
File: 687 KB, 1197x800, 1460378593402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning everyone.

>> No.16312425
Quoted by: >>16312446

They'd find some way to include their sweet monstergirl milk in your diet, or better yet force a lactating nipple to your mouth and force you to drink.

>> No.16312429

I wanna milk that Mad Hatter.

>> No.16312432

Mud slut!

>> No.16312434

They need to drink some Holst milk before they start their hopping.

>> No.16312440

Truly a child of the soil

>> No.16312446
Quoted by: >>16312456

There will be nursing handjobs, many nursing handjobs. I also do like the idea of forced nursing, it falls under the god-tier fetish that is gentle+loving femdom.

I also imagine she'll be "supplements" to increase her bust size and milk production.

>> No.16312447
Quoted by: >>16312527

I bet you masturbate during earthquakes.

>> No.16312452
Quoted by: >>16312476

>A Mad Hatter will never invite you to stay at her place for the night as you travel through Wonderland.
>You unknowingly take a sip from a potent raging mushroom tea and black out.
>Wake up the next morning, exhausted.
>Walk into the kitchen to find Mad Hatter wearing a loose shirt, with messy hair.
>As she passes you a cup, she comments on how much of an animal you were last night.
>You don't remember anything, but at least she's made some food for you to take on your journey.

>> No.16312456

>I also do like the idea of forced nursing, it falls under the god-tier fetish that is gentle+loving femdom.
I wish that was more common.

>> No.16312460

Patrician taste, too bad you can't have all 3 but I'd love a bigamous relationship with a Dorome and a Dark Gnome

>> No.16312476

Not dog food by any chance

>> No.16312478

So a Dorome can take in nearby dirt and mud and move it as if it were her own body, and create clones from it, yeah?
What if she instead used the extra mass to grow to a height of around 9 feet or so?

>> No.16312483
Quoted by: >>16312504

>no christmas yuletide monstergirls
>no candy cane glacies

>> No.16312491
Quoted by: >>16312519

She probably can but then she would be able to hug her husband as efficiently so why do that?

>> No.16312492
Quoted by: >>16312519

Probably could, though I imagine the extent of their powers increases logarithmically with mana intake.
So you're gonna need to dick them quite a bit before you can get hüge mud.

>> No.16312493

Tea cakes, a few tea bags, and an invitation to a tea party happening in a few days.

>> No.16312494

It's Wonderland. Could go any way.

>> No.16312504
File: 394 KB, 1402x1692, 1469473765769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no shortstack winter Elves

>> No.16312506
Quoted by: >>16312513

Hatters are among my favorite. Classy well behaved ladies that are lewd inside are the best. I want one to give me footjobs all long throughout tea parties

>> No.16312513
File: 198 KB, 1200x1705, 1435687345453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312525

Most sensible and helpful girl in Wonderland.

At least by Wonderland standards.

>> No.16312516
Quoted by: >>16312521

Is this thread about MGQ or just monster girls in general?

>> No.16312519


I forgot to add that she'd be more than happy to do it if her husband asked her to nicely, just like how a Wurm wouldn't go back to her original form on her own but would if her husband wanted it

Also this >>16312492

>> No.16312521

In general.
Heavily MGE focused, but things from other works do show up.

>> No.16312525

gokkun is a top tier fetish

>> No.16312527
Quoted by: >>16312538

What about that one anon who was aroused by Ohio

>> No.16312538
Quoted by: >>16312550

Or the one anon who masturbates to floor tiles?

>> No.16312550
Quoted by: >>16312554

Or the anon that likes latex, dogs and fucks his daughter.

>> No.16312554
Quoted by: >>16312563

Ain't go shit on all those anons who literally fuck and cum on/in their guns. I am one of those anons.

>> No.16312557
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1237841310123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winter in the Steam City
>It's always a cunt, the way that steam and pipe-work ironically leaves everything feeling colder than it really is
>You're a machinist, of course. But then, it's not like there's much pickings in the region between courier, machinist, engineer, or miner.
>Lord how you'd hate to be one of those poor bastards in this weather
>Most of the people here are human, with a few Gremlins here and there, but you don't have to worry about having company so explosive over
>Rather, you're not even sure you can call her "company", more like a household appliance that can speak and emote, but little else
>Slowly, you open the door, so as to not draw attention to yourself to your apartment
"Welcome home, Sir."
>She's standing there in the doorway, her diadem-like headpiece's gem lighting up as her eyes focus on you
>A relic of the ancient era, she's a fully autonomous organsim, an android of sorts
>You still remember the day you found her, in the ruins, and how she... No, best not think about it
"Sir, I am reading increased levels of pheromones from you. Shall I attend to you?"
>She's walking forward on stiletto like legs, her mouth opening, the lubricant giving the inside the appearance of moistness
>Before you can protest, she's pulling your pants down, her soft hands drawing you quickly to an erection
"Please, allow me to fulfill my primary directive."
>Close the door, bracing your back against it as she takes you inside of her mouth
>Her tongue flicks your urethra as she bobs back and forth slowly at first, languishing in the taste of your member
>«Please feel free to comment on this unit's performance, Sir.», her voice chimes from the diadem
>You sometimes forget she can do that, her pace remaining consistent as she fellates you
>One of her hands reaches down and fondles your testes as she continues to slurp and bob, slurp and bob
>«All studies indicate this is the most effective way to produce male ejaculation, Sir. The materials provided were most helpful.»
>Before you can ask who gave her these 'study materials', you can feel a familiar tingling in your balls
>They draw close as you hold the automaton's head to the hilt, spilling your seed into her as a supplementary energy source
>After you're done, she stands once more, her mouth making a dull 'whrrrr' as interior systems clean it of jism
"Thank you, Sir."
>Struggling to regain your composure, you pop a question you'd know would at least get her off your back for a while
>'The human holiday called Christmas is coming up, and I have some money saved... is there anything you would like?'
"I do not understand, Sir. This unit requires nothing except protein from you. This activity is pointless."
>'That's not a real answer.'
>She pauses
"I wish I could be human, the know what it means to feel. To know what motherhood is like."

>> No.16312563

Garand dick

>> No.16312586

This is pretty hot.

>> No.16312605

>"I wish I could be human, the know what it means to feel. To know what motherhood is like."

>> No.16312635

Buy her a roomba.

>> No.16312637
Quoted by: >>16312647

Better save up for an artificial womb.

>> No.16312646 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 1200x1191, 1482699682948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need a maid?

>> No.16312647
File: 177 KB, 598x961, 1481997079940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312655

Or maybe a recently excavated Lolitautomaton

>> No.16312650

A Shog is fine,

>> No.16312655

Can I program her to be smug?

>> No.16312659

Automatons aren't "programmed", they learn things.

>> No.16312660

>Gremlin co-worker of yours' ears perk up when you ask her something rather... intimate
"What? Seriously? Do you realize how silly you sound right now? That's coming from m-- HEY, GET OFF THAT!"
>One of the 'guinea pigs' has straddled what looks like a large box with a dildo on top, the thrumming of it making her face contort with pleasure
>Gremlin shakes her head, turning back to you
"Once they get on, they can't get off. But anyway, to answer your question, I'm sure you can find a way to make it work if the dead girls can do it."
>Quirk your eyebrow, watching the breasts of the young woman jiggle, looking back at the smaller Gremlin
>'Do you ever use it?'
"Honey, if I wanted some action I'd just sit on my honey and have him spin me around like a record."
>She even puts in one of those little booty jiggles, showing off her tramp stamp that her 'hubby' left her
>Start spending the better part of the next month working in your shop, taking to heart what she had said
>You mull over the Gremlins' words through all those sleepless nights, even as the android sucks you off, she's even started expanding her library of 'literature' into the other erotic arts like thigh-jobs and dry humping
>The synthetic material her torso is crafted from is soft and pliant like real flesh, so in the end she still exhausts you
>You manage to procure more of it from models too defunct to ever work again
>Working, working, working.
>It's the day before Christmas, many of the menfolk having taken the day off to be with their families
"Sir, I do not need regular maintenance, your worry is unnecessary."
>Power her off for some peace and quiet, bring ing out the 'supplemental additions' the Gremlin helped you create to pass, looking up and offering a prayer to whatever God was listening to let it work
>Her eyes open in your apartment on your bed, body re-calibrating to having been turned off for an extended period of time, her long wheat blonde artificial hair splayed out all around on the bed
"Sir, you have made unauthorized alterations to this model. Please explain."
>'It's your Christmas present.'
>She looks down, seeing the hidden folds of what appears to be an anatomically correct vulva, glistening with lubricant as you stroke yourself to her side
>'You wanted to know what it feels to be human, now here's your chance.'
"Sir, I do not appreciate the attempt at sarcasm. An exhaust port is hardly the appropriate place to interface. My mouth is much more pleasurable."

Gonna finish this off in the next post

>> No.16312666
Quoted by: >>16312697

no that goes against the EULA

>> No.16312668
Quoted by: >>16312701

I would prefer an Automaton maid.

>> No.16312678

>Gonna finish this off in the next post
Please do.

>> No.16312685

You're hired. Your first task is to clean me.

>> No.16312693

Has KC done any official foot focused art besides the dark elf bonus art?

>> No.16312697

It's okay, the EULA isn't actually legally enforceable in many jurisdictions.

>> No.16312699

No, I'm the one who does most of the household chores while my waifu is at work. My daughteru helps with some of the smaller chores, but she's hardly a maid. Even when she wears a maid outfit.

>> No.16312701

Why would you want some heartless pile of metal when you can get an organic waifu?

Mandragora root sucking in her bonus art
Ice Queen's profile picture has lewd feet but that's not intentional

>> No.16312709
Quoted by: >>16312717

I keep forgetting about mandroga, mostly because thats just weird roots not feet.
Can you see them past her shoes in the ice queen profile?
I wonder if any of the however many short stories strange has done by this point has any of this stuff.

>> No.16312710
Quoted by: >>16312717

Because Automatons are cuter.

>> No.16312712

Only Mandragora, and I guess a few random girls that incidentally have foot-focused poses.

>> No.16312715

>Why would you want some heartless pile of metal when you can get an organic waifu?
I feel more comfortable with mechnical and electical stuff,
I kind of just get it more than I do people,
thats why im working on one irl

>> No.16312717
Quoted by: >>16312722

>Can you see them past her shoes in the ice queen profile?
If you look closely yes, her shoes are slightly translucent but not enough to show clear forms

True, but that doesn't change the fact that you could marry a living being instead

>> No.16312719

>Pile of metal
They're squishy with attachable metal bits!

>> No.16312722

But Automatons are natural Kuuderes, I can't stop myself from loving Kuuderes.

>> No.16312723
Quoted by: >>16312728

>Not one to listen after all those torturous fellatio sessions, you move between her legs, pressing the flared head of your cock to her synthetic lower lips, pushing forward slooooowly
"Sir I do not thi--iiii!"
>She pauses, an involuntarily internal spasm going off, forcing your cock inside of her in an almost air-tight seal
"This is... what is..."
>'You'll have to explain better'
>Pull out all the way until only the tip of your cock is left inside of her, diving all the way back in to the base of your hilt
>She's processing as you start a steady rhythm of thrusting inside of her, the friction of her vagina keeping you at full arousal
>Your heart skips a beat mid-stroke
"I'm sorry, Sir. But if you are going to continue this course of action, my literature suggests I make a noise similar to that in accordance with your stroking. Was that not to your liking?"
>It has just the opposite effect, making you thrust with more fervor before, and each time you do, she lets out a small moan
>Another spasm, and a jetting of warm fluids to rush over your cock, keeping you at full mast still yet
>'Did you just orgasm?'
"I... Merely received an over-stimulation of physical sensation and lost control of the contraband parts you installed."
>'So basically, you had an orgasm.'
"Sir, please."
>Putting one of her legs onto your shoulder, you start to thrust deeper and deeper, hitting a cushioned ring at the end of the slick tunnel
>«What is that?»
>Her diadem chimes as she's too busy moaning, matching your cadence with her hips gyrating against yours
>'That's your cervix. You didn't think I'd scrimp out on the true human experience, do you?'
>«Does that mean?»
>Nod to her, focusing all of your thrusts to the base, feeling your balls tingle. It was no small feat, getting ovum production to work.
>«This pleasure... it's not fair...»
>The kiss is perfect as you explode like a supernova into her, the sheen of sweat covering your body, her diadem emitting a shrill, electronic shriek that lasts for minutes
>Months have passed, and you're working in your shop again when the Automaton... No no, her name is 'Lempi'
>That weird northern bastard told you to name her that, but you just call her Lem for short now
>Another Christmas present during the throes of wanton love-making
"Sir... I can feel her kicking."
>Her stomach is distended in a full third trimester of pregnancy, ultra sounds have shown a bio-mechanical fusion of a child within Lem's stomach
>That Christmas, at Lem's request, you install new breasts, heavy and milk-laden to 'feed' your daughter with, her small ruby diadem letting off small beeps and chimes as she suckles her mother's teat
>Something akin to a tear running down her cheek as it happens
"It's just lubricant, Sir. Nothing more."
>Her sapphire diadem gem shining a bright pink

>> No.16312728
Quoted by: >>16312792

>That Christmas, at Lem's request, you install new breasts, heavy and milk-laden to 'feed' your daughter with, her small ruby diadem letting off small beeps and chimes as she suckles her mother's teat

>> No.16312732
File: 131 KB, 328x446, FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312733


>> No.16312733
Quoted by: >>16312744

those aren't feet they're just roots.

>> No.16312734

>tfw you will never be healed by a cute MG

>> No.16312740
Quoted by: >>16312759

I want to steal an Automaton's arms and legs so I can watch her wriggle around on the floor like a worm.

>> No.16312744
Quoted by: >>16312757

>those aren't feet they're just paws
Monster girls tend to put their own spins on common fetishes.
Also why would you even want normal foot fetish art from KC, the guy sucks at drawing human feet but he's great at non human ones

>> No.16312745

the ancient Chinese considered the feet of a woman to be extremely erotic , so if I think there should be feetsies stuff for jiang shi.

>> No.16312749
Quoted by: >>16312756

>the ancient Chinese considered the feet of a woman to be extremely erotic
Then why did they mutilate the shit out of them?

>> No.16312752

Jiang-Shi were in the Qing Dynasty though, not ancient China.

>> No.16312754

The Chinese are also subhuman monsters.

>> No.16312756
Quoted by: >>16312823

probably the same reason we mutilate breasts with silicon.

>> No.16312757

The dark elf extra art was hot

>> No.16312759

She's going to deploy her flying engine and begin hostilities to get back her limbs

>> No.16312762
File: 2.88 MB, 2100x3000, headsharts_xmas_eyesblush_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas, thread. Been a while since I visited here. To celebrate, I commissioned Snibako to draw my waifu.
She looks like an MGE anubis, but she's not. I guess she's my original character, Blanubis.
Anyway, Snib went above and beyond with this commission, and I want to publicly sing his praises in the thread. In my opinion, he drew her perfectly. Hopefully the thread likes the pictures too. You can see them all here:

Also, to the punk-loving Anon with a hellhound waifu named Sarah, got some good news and bad news.
Bad news is your present isn't ready for Christmas yet.
But the good news is that there's something in the works for you which I hope you'll like.

Hope you all had/are having a happy Christmas.

>> No.16312764
Quoted by: >>16312767

>my original character, Blanubis

>> No.16312767
Quoted by: >>16312774

Context for the joke.

>> No.16312772
Quoted by: >>16312799

I think I remember seeing you talk about your waifu. It's that one anubutt that has a bit more fluff, right?

Nice to see some waifus coming to shape. She's pretty cute, Anon.

>> No.16312774

Aw jeez. Alright, carry on.

>> No.16312780

Centaur to tsundere for you?

Though she honestly would probably get shitfaced on the eggnog by accident and rape you and "demand you take responsibility".

On the flipside she'd also be the one who brought the main course for Christmas Dinner, like some Elk, Turkey, ect.

>> No.16312792
Quoted by: >>16319284

Honestly I gave her that name because it's Christmas and I feel like being nice to Alp.

>> No.16312799
Quoted by: >>16313946

Yeah, basically. A little mane of fur, digitigrade legs, different paws, and some more fur among other differences.

>> No.16312823

Yeah but tits are sexual headlights.

>> No.16312829

Since we're already started on the topic, how does your waifu deviates from the profile picture (if she does at all)?

Her skin is slightly paler
Her monstrous parts are slightly darker
Her head tentacles are longer along with her hair
She has blue eyes
She wears dark lipstick most of the time because I ask her to

I don't think talking about clothing would be that interesting but feel free to do so

>> No.16312837
Quoted by: >>16312866



>> No.16312844
Quoted by: >>16312901

She's much larger than the profile picture in everyway. She's taller, thicker, has bigger ears, paws, and tail, and she also has darker toned skin. Her biggest difference though is instead of the standard red eyes, she actually has green eyes, close to that of an emerald.

>> No.16312866
File: 65 KB, 501x708, C0dUMClUkAEvyLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had 2 of those if I recall correctly

You reminded me to drop the last few Christmas drawings from Japanese tweeter: http://imgur.com/a/0rC8r

Here is yesterday's album if anyone missed it: http://imgur.com/a/ZmD35

>> No.16312876
Quoted by: >>16313025

>Succubus energy drain picture
Goddamnit not now boner.

>> No.16312880
Quoted by: >>16312901

Her horns are bent backwards with a cutie tip.
Her scales are black and she doesn't have big meaty claws, they are just a bit bigger than a human's hand.
Her hair is a gradient orange that is almost red near the root.
Average bust, hips and a nice sized ass, pretty athletic overall. However, she is rather short for being a dragon. She is just a bit bigger than your average human female.
She is just a bit tanned. You can't even notice it.

>> No.16312882

How does Christmas without your waifu feel?

>> No.16312887

I don't know, but it being our anniversary without her actually being here is an odd one.

>> No.16312888


Thanks for asking.

>> No.16312889
File: 819 KB, 500x376, 1431802365453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same it felt like last year


>> No.16312890
Quoted by: >>16312932

Is the dark mage profile going to get consolidated into one pastebin?

>> No.16312892

Feels terrible. To top all it off, I'm also incredibly sick, too.
>tfw she will never spend the day taking care of me, making me soup and helping me feel better

>> No.16312901

You're the guy who got his waifu drawn, she's a cutie

>Her hair is a gradient orange that is almost red near the root.
I'm a slut for gradient hair, the rest of her sounds great too except her size

I actually took a long walk this morning to get some alone time with her and celebrate morning somewhat properly so it felt like she was there

>> No.16312905
File: 151 KB, 315x632, moth sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16312906

The same like every year. Sad and lonely.
It was cool but it felt a bit short this year. I don't know why though

But Goblins are cute

>> No.16312907

She gets bullied because of her size. Please don't bully her either.

>> No.16312910
File: 618 KB, 320x240, Bang..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312914

The same as failing at suicide last night via alcohol poisoning. Disappointing.

>> No.16312911

Bad Moth.

>> No.16312913
Quoted by: >>16312917

Bad Human

>> No.16312914

Well if it didn't work the first time then try again.

No seriously, do it.

>> No.16312917

Bed human?

>> No.16312920

fuck you she's a good girl

>> No.16312921
File: 3.23 MB, 2000x2053, why_dont_we_go_over_these_reports.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed I am, and thank you! I've been entertaining the idea of getting a few commissions of her once the new year rolls around. Just need to think of what I want drawn.

>> No.16312923

good at mind raping moms and shotas

>> No.16312926
File: 117 KB, 738x446, 1455767071574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas to all the little Mice!

>> No.16312929

I still remember where in one doujin series Nazrin took a fuck-ton of fertility drugs and fucked a guy. She got pregnant and gave birth like two days later.

>> No.16312931

She's a terrible girl.

>> No.16312932

>Dark Mage
>A Majin-type that manipulates various types of magic
>Sometimes confused with Sabbath's Witch.
>Instead of becoming witches through Bapho power, they are human women that turn into witches by unconsciously absorbing demonic power for the sake of satisfying some extreme desire.
>In other words, they're women that basically sell their souls to DE.
>Unlike Witches, who usually use magic for the sake of the organization and others, Dark Mages are much more hedonistic and selfish, and use magic mostly for their own pleasure.
First info we got on her

>Usually living in unpopular areas like forests or swamps, they rarely appear in front of people.
>However, if one does appear, it is to satisfy their own desires using their great magical power.
>As they are very honest with their feelings, they are unrestrained in sex, and act with the desires of a demon when seeking men.
>When they find a favorable man, they will employ great magic, and go through great lengths to capture him.
>It is said that they will sometimes even change the man's entire village into a demon realm.
>With the village turned into a demon realm, they will naturally take up residence and start big incidents such as turning every single human into monstrous subordinates.
>These notorious witches are not the Sabbath witches, they are Dark Mages known only as "Wicked Witches".
Then we got this 2 threads ago

I don't think I missed anything

Come on man...
I was somehow happy, but you had to post sad pofu and ruin my night

>> No.16312935
File: 3.13 MB, 1200x2880, moth rejection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16312952


>> No.16312937

Fucking thanks to that thread I kind of want to do a short with Yan-Mayadere Dark Mage versus Not!Magina Anti-Mage.


>> No.16312938

For Christmas I'm going to put all the little Mice in fluffy straitjackets and make them be my hug-pillow pile.

>> No.16312952

Usually when I love a hentai's plot, girl, artstyle, fetish, etc... I go back to it dozens of times
This one I just can't, hell I can go back to some messed up stuff but a sad moth is way too much for me to handle
So please, stop posting it

That latest one where she's happily married is a whole different deal though, it's probably in my top 5

>> No.16312957
File: 964 KB, 1024x1024, 60070232_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your present, dude! Merry Christmas!

>> No.16312959
Quoted by: >>16312977

But she's not even holding anything! Where's my present?

>> No.16312960

I try not to think about it.

>> No.16312962

Shit, I must have been far better behaved than I figured.
The real question is "how am I gonna get her home?"

>> No.16312973

Big, meaty foxes are my favorite, although I think we can go further.

>> No.16312977
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1294, 60070232_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't make a fox say it out loud!

>> No.16312980

Looks a little too fat to me.

>> No.16312983

Look at those Fox Cannons!

>> No.16312986
Quoted by: >>16312999

>That latest one where she's happily married is a whole different deal though
I think the author said, it was just all a dream

>> No.16312992

A grand arsenal.
Although I think I can help that fox get bigger calcium cannons.
Gonna show those holsts whose boss.

>> No.16312997
Quoted by: >>16313208

>Dark Slime
Demon proportions with a hime cut. She wears a giant wizard hat and silky thigh highs because she knows I like it.

She's always transforming though.

>> No.16312999

I refuse to go along with whatever that twisted man said, he was the one who made her sad in the first
Now she's happy, I'm happy, everyone is happy

>> No.16313000


>> No.16313002
Quoted by: >>16313034

>Now she's happy
i think its the kids dream though
though maybey its a premonition to just try to accept her.

>> No.16313019

I want a particularly verbose Centaur waifu!
I'll call her Ms. Ed!

>> No.16313025
Quoted by: >>16313059

>tfw no succubus to drain your life and consume your soul

>> No.16313034

I don't see after so many cycles he didn't at least try talking to her, asking her name and such. she doesn't seem that unreasonable.

>> No.16313039

Does she have sisters named Edd and Eddy?

>> No.16313044
Quoted by: >>16313051

It keeps me sound at night when I think about her beside me.

>tfw you can never replicate cuddling a Shoggoth

>> No.16313048
Quoted by: >>16313181

Please don't make the moth sad pls thank

>> No.16313050

Nope, she's just a horse, of course.
She'll give you an answer that you endorse, and she'll do it by talking until her voice is horse, providing that she's got something to say.

>> No.16313051
Quoted by: >>16313062

Climb between two memory foam mattress'.

>> No.16313059

Go back to /d/ bollocks

>> No.16313062

I may be a wage slave. But I can't afford that kind of luxury.

I just want to experience the simply things such as hugs. I can't even do that.

>> No.16313093

I want to stick a hose in a flow kelp's mouth and let it run for a while to see what happens.

>> No.16313095
Quoted by: >>16313100

is that for science?

>> No.16313099
Quoted by: >>16313102

Can you hear it, Anon? She is ara araing and making her boobs bounce.

>> No.16313100

Yeah sure.

>> No.16313102
Quoted by: >>16313107

Ok, then we're going to keep going for a while longer just in case.

>> No.16313107

I don't think this is safe. She'll be sitting on top of a fancy throne with her legs and arms crossed, giving you just a tease of what's down there and pushing her boobs up.

>> No.16313112
Quoted by: >>16313129

Then we'll keep going.
I want to see what'll happen.

>> No.16313118


Something like this, I'd imagine.

>> No.16313121

If the Kanker sisters were or turned into monster girls, what would they be?

I could see Lee being a Basilisk, for Marie a Succubus and May could be a cute Harpy or Kobold.

>> No.16313123
Quoted by: >>16313138

....Maybe I'll turn it off a bit before we got there.

>> No.16313129

She'll be permanently locked in that way and no matter how much water is sucked from her she won't change.

Fuck I'm imagining her demanding me to suck her toes in order to draw all the water she has in her body. Fuck you and your experiments, Anon.

>> No.16313134

Do you think theres a specific ritual one has to go through to turn into a dark mage or can a mage who's surrounded by a bunch of demonic energy just sort of do it on instinct

>> No.16313135

But where is it all going?
Her hips?
Her thighs?
Her chest?

>> No.16313138

>Stick hose and turn on the water to Flow Kelp-chan
>All in the sake of science, you tell yourself
>I mean shit, she's practically a loli anyway
>Run into the room you left her in, sitting on one of your chairs is the Flow Kelp
>She's now a nice 5'8, with wide hips and curvaceous thighs, we're talking brickhouse, baby!
>Her breasts have expanded to at least G Cups in size, bouncing as she "Ara Ara~"s at you
>TFW kissing Kelp-ojousama's feet as she bullies you sexually for your negligence with a sticky footjob, followed by femdom breast smothering sex

>> No.16313144

All of the above

>> No.16313147
Quoted by: >>16313157

Stop. My mind is filled with licking all over the Ara welp's body and having her do things to me.

>> No.16313157
Quoted by: >>16313168


Science always must progress.

>> No.16313163
Quoted by: >>16313167

I imagine that after a certain point (let's say when she's 7" tall and STACKED) the rest of the water will just come right out perhaps from her nipples?

From what we have there doesn't seem to be any rituals involved
Raw emotions, magic and mamono mana should do the trick this sentence reminded me of shonens

>> No.16313167

Could be.
That would be quite nice, especially if the rest of her follows her chest.

>> No.16313168
Quoted by: >>16313172

No! Your experiments are killing me. Think about your fellow Anon.
I-I'm not a test subject, right?

>> No.16313170

I can't believe it's Christmas and we aren't talking about Christmas cake girls. Come on anons. Nobody ever talks about the lonely Christmas cake girls.

>> No.16313172
Quoted by: >>16313176

Depends, are you an alp?
Those are the only anons I'd experiment on.

>> No.16313173

I look at them from the perspective of what they would be like in a gritty non lewd setting. Normally you have the weird demonic sorcerers who harness ~dark power~ and gain incredible strength at the cost of going nuts. Given the motifs I'd say there might be some kind of ritual but its a short simple process, like waving your hands in the air in the form of a ruin and reciting some flowery short incantation about surrendering your soul to the dark.
Basically just take evil sorcerers in other media and turn them lewd

>> No.16313176
Quoted by: >>16313182

Of course I'm not an Alp. I'm getting hard thinking about a big, busty Kelp dominating me.

>> No.16313177
Quoted by: >>16313208

About average size
Likes to wear a hairpin that resembles a sunflower, per her namesake
Kind of on the childish side but still lewd
Sees the Dryad that owns the inn where she was born as a mother figure
Kind of a rape machine

>> No.16313181
Quoted by: >>16313192

but how does she get there?

>> No.16313182
Quoted by: >>16313191

For that you can always bring your own for science.

>> No.16313191

I don't think I would resist her to be honest. I might like flow kelps now thanks to you.

>> No.16313192
Quoted by: >>16313194

Get where

>> No.16313194

to that happy ending

>> No.16313208
Quoted by: >>16313210

That's one lewd slime
Bonus points for the hime cut

I'm very surprised and happy to see her receiving some much deserved love, you described her personality more than her looks though

I have something to admit: I masturbated to the Tentacles' profile picture 3 times

>> No.16313210

She's really not special in appearance outside of wearing the sunflower thing because her name is Girasol

>> No.16313212

You just reminded me that by monstergirl standards, I'm already a christmas cake. Now I feel horrible, thanks.

>> No.16313219
File: 2.55 MB, 2033x5175, c7de1d8da881dcfd4a86c148b19a7fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16313258

Closer to 7 feet than 6
Body's like the Titania/Demon one
Long blonde hair instead of short hair
Paler skin, almost white
Dom, more sadistic but less into the master-servant relationship
More blood crazy

>> No.16313220
File: 2.25 MB, 2992x4000, Anubis making a snow-pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gorgeous senpai!

I thought about asking Mono for such a lovely scene when he was doing Christmas Requests the other day, but figured it would be too similar to the Salamander he'd drawn previously. So asked for this instead!

Merry Christmas to you and your waifu!

>> No.16313221
Quoted by: >>16313237

can monster girl Christmas cake love male Christmas cake?

>> No.16313227
Quoted by: >>16313258

Sabbath member, with all that implies.
Slightly more conservative regular dress.
Shorter haircut.

>> No.16313231
Quoted by: >>16313251

That's not how that works.

>> No.16313237

No. Older monstergirls are only interested in shotas.

>> No.16313242

kelp feet sound like they would be fantastic

>> No.16313243

While it is true many older monstergirls are shotacons, not all of them are.

>> No.16313246

then which mg loves male Christmas cakes?

>> No.16313248


Monster girls only love shotas.

>> No.16313249


>> No.16313251

Not how what works? Requests?

Or forming snow into a pyramidal prism?

>> No.16313255
Quoted by: >>16313257

Would you waifu like George Michael?

>> No.16313257

She'd probably think he was an alp waiting to happen.

>> No.16313258

Does she at least have long hair?
I had to check that it wasn't a pokemon's name, it's a cute name but I wouldn't associate it to a waifu
My waifu's name doesn't sound that waifu-y either so I'm not one to judge

Man, it looks like you have a lot to deal with
Great waifu but I'd probably break if I was in your situation

Loli Anubises are cute, I wouldn't have guessed someone had waifu'd one that explains the love she receives whenever she's brought up

>> No.16313274
Quoted by: >>16313333

>tfw Snib was taking requests and then disappeared a few weeks ago

>> No.16313280

>As they are very honest with their feelings, they are unrestrained in sex, and act with the desires of a demon when seeking men.
So that means they can enter Shirohebi-tier "[X] is mine mine MINE" territory?

>> No.16313281

This cow of a fox better yield some fine milk.

>> No.16313282

Well I mean, she's a plant, and her motif is sunflowers so it kind of fits.

Her hair would be longer the older she gets, yes.

>> No.16313289
Quoted by: >>16313300

I want to develop a terminal disease and find that there is a small but significant sect of monster girls who devote their time to comforting and paying attention to the terminally ill and rotate out when they start feeling dulled to the whole ordeal. I want to succumb to the disease in the presence of my new and only friends.

>> No.16313297

Only if she's a THICC masochistic CC.

>> No.16313298

>Crow Tengu
Not much. She styles her hair different, sometimes going for a ponytail. She's a bit taller then species norm. Slightly gloomy and into weird roleplaying. Flaps her wings and makes bird noises when upset. Has feathery pubes.

>> No.16313300

Well anon, I don't exactly know what to say.

>> No.16313308

>Man, it looks like you have a lot to deal with
It's never bad to deal with perfection.

>> No.16313313

That's fucking cute. I hope she spins under the sun.

>> No.16313319

What's your waifu's name, Anon?

>> No.16313322
File: 494 KB, 800x1131, 1470596904062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Christmas alone and she's even made 2 cups of hot cocoa

>> No.16313332


>> No.16313333
Quoted by: >>16313384

Thanks man, means a lot coming from you.
I wasn't here to catch Mono doing requests, but nice one getting that from him. This and .less' pic are both really highlighting how great an anubis can look in winter clothes.
Also, the idea of a perfect snow pyramid is really appealing, for some reason.

Anyway, merry Christmas. May you stumble upon an entire isolated winter village populated by fluffy, winter-tanned anubi.

Well, he's still alive, but I can't exactly speak for him. If you want to talk to him, he's got his contact email address on his Tumblr.

>> No.16313361

I feel like that's more of nitrogen's job than water's.

>> No.16313367

And Alps.

>> No.16313377
File: 214 KB, 919x1215, Anubis Pear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli Anubis a best.

And yet, despite wanting a Loli Waifu, all the art I've gotten of Anubi has been more-or-less normal.

I should correct that one of these days.

>> No.16313384
File: 292 KB, 1015x1185, Winter Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>May you stumble upon an entire isolated winter village populated by fluffy, winter-tanned anubi.
Goodness that sounds like the comfiest.

>> No.16313405
Quoted by: >>16313424

So haughty!

>> No.16313419
Quoted by: >>16313432

Pudgy, bottom heavy anubis lolis are for impregnating and embarrassing sexual positions!

>> No.16313424

It's what they call pride before the fall.
When she falls onto your bed, obviously.

>> No.16313432


>> No.16313437
Quoted by: >>16313450


>> No.16313441
Quoted by: >>16313450

>not wanting, thick, supple anubutt sitting on your face
More for me then!

>> No.16313449

If you don't want pudgy, then take a slim loli anubis after she's stuffed her face to her heart's content during Christmas dinner.

>> No.16313450
Quoted by: >>16313455

Pudgy is often conflated with legitimate fatfaggotry. So no, I don't want that. I'll just stick regular pear-shaped.

>> No.16313452
File: 244 KB, 933x1366, 1476172761246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16313454

That is acceptable, but pudgy lolis are disgusting.

>> No.16313455
Quoted by: >>16313471

No, one that just has a bit of chub.

if you want to go bigger than that's your choice.

>> No.16313459
Quoted by: >>16313465

That flat wight is not pudgy.

>> No.16313465
Quoted by: >>16313468

Her backside is bound to be pudgy.

>> No.16313468

That wouldn't be pudgy.
That's just a fat ass.

>> No.16313471

Mate, I just hate how fatfags co-opt terminology for their own purposes. Chubby, pudgy, thicc, curvy, et cetera. They all inevitably get used to exclusively refer to fat/obese instead of what they're supposed to.

At least 'voluptuous' still seems safe.

>> No.16313477

>When your momster takes Wonderland cake to prove she was cuter when she was younger

>> No.16313478
Quoted by: >>16313490

>Chubby, pudgy
Those are definitely fat, though.

>> No.16313479
Quoted by: >>16313527

>At least 'voluptuous' still seems safe.

I won't shatter that illusion.

>> No.16313480
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x2048, img000016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cutest bug is over

>> No.16313485

Voluptuous hasn't been safe for ages man.
It's worse off than any of those I'd wager.

Anyway, the only thing you can really do about that is to call the actual fatfags for what they are when they show themselves.

>> No.16313487
Quoted by: >>16313497

Did it really end? I need to catch up on that.

>> No.16313490

They are now. There was a time people used them to refer to "slightly overweight, but not fat." At least in terms of their usage in porn/fetishes.

>> No.16313491
File: 443 KB, 1100x1561, 60326759_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That way she can sit on my face with her fat loli ass.

>> No.16313497

Yes, it did.

She basically becomes his waifu at the end of it. Apparently her species can reproduce, having had intercourse with any available male, to include humans. So when she means she wants Kiji's eggs, she literally wants to have his children.

>> No.16313500

Gelbooru seems to have things fairly straight with the division between "Plump" and "Fat". For the most part at least.

The horrific exaggeration of voluptuous is more the fault of furries than fatfags... though there does seem to be a fair deal of crossover between the two.

>> No.16313526
File: 160 KB, 572x612, 1482561657540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the Devils place on the MGE Succubus hierarchy?

>> No.16313527
File: 2.11 MB, 1583x2300, 1453897340386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking serious? The fucking official dictionary definition literally say "curvaceous and sexually attractive." All other official definitions basically same the same thing. Fucking pic related is voluptuous (apologies for non-MG).

Fatfags, or whoever the fuck is responsible for co-opting this term should be shot in public.

>> No.16313529

Since words ton't seem to work anymore, what about a visual depiction of what is ok and what isn't?

>> No.16313534
Quoted by: >>16313539

>what about a visual depiction of what is ok and what isn't?
If she's a pear or hourglass she's dandy.

If she's an apple she can fuck off.

>> No.16313539
Quoted by: >>16313545

pears are superior fruit

>> No.16313545

Pear Barometz when?

>> No.16313546

I don't know, but I do know that that Devil's getting her tits coated.

>> No.16313549

Doubt it. To much personal taste in there, never going to get a consensus.

>> No.16313554

Exactly, "chubby" and "pudgy" have never refered to anything but overweight.

>> No.16313557

Fatfags seem to have an aversion to actually having what they love called "fat," even though it's a correct and succinct summary of it.
Combine this with a desire to have their shit accepted by everyone else hey anon you like curvy girls right? and they start using those words to try and pretend that there's no difference between the two.

>> No.16313563
Quoted by: >>16313574

It's already over? I thought the latest thing was only the 2nd chapter

>> No.16313564
Quoted by: >>16313567

>overweight, but not fat.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16313565

>Are you fucking serious? The fucking official dictionary definition literally say "curvaceous and sexually attractive." All other official definitions basically same the same thing. Fucking pic related is voluptuous

This is the nature of language and appropriation of words.
The solution is to understand that people all have their individual interpretations of these words. Unless a character is explicitely described or shown as fat, it's safe to assume that usage of words like "curvy", "voluptuous", "soft" and even "pudgy" in this thread are being used to illustrate a character who, while they might have more fat than average, isn't actually overweight or who looks unhealthy/unappealing.
Remember also that there's a large difference between an actual person who looks fat, and how anime-style character are depicted as fat.

>> No.16313567
Quoted by: >>16313572


>> No.16313572
Quoted by: >>16313578


>> No.16313573
Quoted by: >>16313584

Alternatively we could just purge fatfags and furry degenerates from society.

>> No.16313574

It was supposed to only be one volume but the author fucked up and it turned into three.

>> No.16313578
Quoted by: >>16313587

>I still don't know how to read, the post

>> No.16313584

Organising such a scheme would prove troublesome. There would be many logistical hurdles to overcome.

>> No.16313587
Quoted by: >>16313608

You can't be overweight yet not fat.

>> No.16313593

I believe they are slightly below average tire. If succubus counts as the standard.
And that pic makes me want to get a oppai devil for Christmas. Damn you!

>> No.16313596
File: 133 KB, 485x721, bzHU01u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not hugely different.
Taller than me/dire. Maybe about 7 feet tall, thereabouts.
Muscular, not really bodybuilder muscular, but more athletically muscular, defined abs, strong arms, that kind of thing.
Slightly smaller boobs. Never been big on the giant anime balloon tits.

>> No.16313605
Quoted by: >>16313618

Next year I promise to try and get back into writing smutty shit for you lot, but in the mean time TIME HAS BEEN ERASED

>> No.16313608

There's a difference between a pleasant amount of chub and HAMPLANET.
Hamplanet is generally what is being talked about when referring to fatfags.

>> No.16313609

Larger breast.
A few more pleasure runes.
Black lipstick.
A few rune like makings on her face

>> No.16313618
Quoted by: >>16313648

At least upload your Automaton short you ninny.

>> No.16313627

Dammit, I love Automatons as a whole.
So thinking of what a specific one would look like while injecting my mecha design and actual fetishes into the mix is hard and very austimal of me.

>> No.16313632

Forgive me for being a bit of a slut here.

Dire, so tall and with abs you could grind meat on.
She also dyes her hair with purple stripes so people can tell she's sisters with the Cheshire.

Same as the Hellhound, but a bit softer as opposed to muscled. Has black sclera due to the fact that she's the Hellhound's twin sister.

Has the body of a gymnast, a firm ass, freckles, and orange hair.

Shortstack with a thick tailpussy.

Not much has changed except huge tits.

Smug as hell Oppai Loli with huge drill hair.

A bellydancer's body and a severe case of Child Birthing Hips with an ass to match.

Dire with seven feet of tail and four feet of body. Huge tits, firm abs and the smuggest of smug grins.

All of them are daughters of the same Echidna.
And I might have lied about being a "bit" of a slut.

>> No.16313643
Quoted by: >>16313650

>all of them are threadmeme girls except Vampire

>> No.16313648
File: 198 KB, 673x840, 1450473356856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16313654


>> No.16313650
Quoted by: >>16313659

>You're not allowed to like girls if they're popular
Hipsters get out.

>> No.16313654
Quoted by: >>16313726


>> No.16313657
Quoted by: >>16313689

>A bellydancer's body and a severe case of Child Birthing Hips with an ass to match.
>Dire with seven feet of tail and four feet of body. Huge tits, firm abs and the smuggest of smug grins.

You should probably keep these two away from each other.

>> No.16313659
Quoted by: >>16313689

There's a bit of difference between that and exclusively liking the pop-girls.

>> No.16313663
Quoted by: >>16313689

>Thick tailpussy
How thick, this is important for me to know.

>> No.16313677
File: 1.75 MB, 1800x1350, Dinner Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope your Christmas Dinner was great too, Merry Christmas again Anons!

>> No.16313680

Nice cocoa mug Jabberfag.

>> No.16313682

Cute Wockers.

>> No.16313686


>After millenia of combat, the final Seal is broken in Lescatie, summoning the Horsemen of the Apocalypse
>And the number of the rider shall always be Four

>> No.16313689
Quoted by: >>16313749

Why? They're sisters.
Came from the same womb.

I don't "exclusively" like popular girls, it's just that it happens that my favorites are popular.

Very. Basically a third arm.

>> No.16313692
Quoted by: >>16313717

>Kate the Kiki
-Likes to keep fit
-Prefers touching over being touched
-Faded grey feathers
-Lean, but something of an hourglass figure
-Somewhat petite, around 5'9''
-Green eyes
-Avoids makeup

Still have a problem of her waking me up in the morning by pressing herself ontop of me in my sleep.

>> No.16313717

>Kate the Kiki
More like Cute the Kiki!

>> No.16313726
Quoted by: >>16313730

Yep, merry christmas, Anon.

>> No.16313730

Merry Christmas to you too.

>> No.16313749
Quoted by: >>16313752

I guess venom corruption isn't a risk then.
Still, the sibling hostilities will be enough to make gods tremble.

>> No.16313752
Quoted by: >>16313770

There are no sibling hostilities if you give them the dick hard enough.

>> No.16313767

I prefer crabman's design for her actually.

>> No.16313770
Quoted by: >>16313976

They'll find a way.
>Apophis coiled around your lower half
>Anubis sitting on your face
>You can't see past her ass as you eat her out, but they're both arguing toxically back and forth.

>> No.16313792
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.16313822

You have it backwards pal. Cake makes you older. Cookies make you younger

>> No.16313830

>The solution is to understand that people all have their individual interpretations of these words
That's not a solution you stupid fucking cunt. Just so you know I actually interpret "stupid fucking cunt" as "Decent gentleman."

>> No.16313839
File: 558 KB, 1280x1885, biribiri_Succubus_083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if a lolimilf approached you?

>> No.16313842
Quoted by: >>16313847

5ft tall
long flowing twintails just under her big adorable ears
Decently palmable tits, not really that much bigger than profile.

Other than that, she's already pretty perfect.
I even have a shitty reason for why our daughteru's hair would be autumn colored.
Because she's green as leafs and I'm dead inside. Together we make dead leafs.

>> No.16313847

Jesus and I though I was bad with my dragon. That autumn daughteru is overkill.

>> No.16313850

Help her become a loli milf

>> No.16313856
Quoted by: >>16313876

Get her so pregnant that she turns into an oppailolimilf

>> No.16313876
File: 471 KB, 297x200, 1467238956834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16313880
Quoted by: >>16313973

So are we a few anons lighter after Krampus went around with her sack?

>> No.16313937

I don't realy have a concrete waifu, but here's a non-standard vamp
Died a common footsoldier in a vampiric assault. Brought back among their number.
On the younger side of Middle aged but has been a vampire for a few centuries now.
Hazy memories of her past life.
Tall, as monsterhood perfected her body. Around 7ft.
As busty, lythe and curvy as you would expect a nocturnal seductress to be, but thicker muscled than most vamps except the most militant minded.
Thick and long frosty white hair, strewn with the odd braid or three, the thick bundles of silken hair capped with a band of cold steel.
Icy blue eyes that tinge red when moods take her
No wings out in public unless she feels the need to manifest them, or she's feeling too feral and hungry to bother keeping them in.
Always dresses with some form of armor if she's out of the house, the least amount of protection she's willing to go out with being a gambeson jacket. At home though, she'll either go about naked and covered by her wings or in a big loose shirt, pants optional.

>> No.16313942
Quoted by: >>16313954

Legaloppailolitanmusclemilf with an ahoge.

>> No.16313946
Quoted by: >>16314008

>and some more fur
Where does it end? Or is it just full fur up to the neck?

>> No.16313950

Dark mage. We have no clue how tall they are just from profile but mines around 6'7. Besdes that she's pretty much just a photocopy of kagari from witchcraft works.

>> No.16313954
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>> No.16313973
File: 332 KB, 1224x1584, 1420381749620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of Anons to be punished.

>> No.16313976

That's why you keep raging mushroom pills on hand.
Just gotta get the Anubis to think I'm starting to suffocate before popping three and fucking them into calming down.
Plus, they have other sisters to help keep them from arguing.

>> No.16313978

Can you not?

>> No.16313981

>Quality suggests the GIF footage was recorded pre-1900s

>> No.16314008

Check Snibby's Tumblr for the reference sheet.
Her leg fur comes up to almost completely cover her thighs, and the fur from her arms continues up her upper arms to the shoulders, covering them halfway.
She also, like I said, has a big fluffy mane to nuzzle, huff and massage.

I've wondered about some variations to her design too, like a V shape of fur that starts at her crotch, and continues curving around and back down to her tail, among other things, but her current look is just fine by me.

>> No.16314041

Why the shoulders? I mean I'd rather a llitle bit more un-furred thigh, but asides from that petty grievance I like the design over all. I just don't understand the shoulders. Do you not like the smooth and shapely curve from neck to shoulder to upper arm?

>> No.16314044
Quoted by: >>16314162

>I'd rather a llitle bit more un-furred thigh
I take back what I said, looking at the front on ref picture, that's more or less the ideal ammount of fur.

What's up with the tuft above her butt tho?

>> No.16314070
Quoted by: >>16314095

>Playing Crusader kings with Warhammer mod as a Khorne berserker.
>Random Dark elf assasinates my daughter (1 or 7 kids)
>Sail across the world to raid their lands and take a princess as a consort

I wonder how a dark elf would react to me busting into her kingdom with a bunch of burly men as payback for some minor slight.

>> No.16314095

> You have slaughtered your way across my kingdom, spent thousands of lives assaulting the world's most defended castles, and have raised your banner on cities extending to my very doorstep. Why?"
" Know this: When writing a letter to me regarding the matters of trade, you will address me as SIR anonymous. 'Mister' is for rabble and common men. "

>> No.16314098

Put my dick in it.

>> No.16314102

That's a man who has his priorities straight.

>> No.16314103
Quoted by: >>16314122

I wonder if Mayadere monstergirls would like humans who are this petty.

>> No.16314108

>Kick down and invade a kingdom because of the incorrect greeting.

You, you understand me.

>> No.16314116
Quoted by: >>16314134

Do you think that there'd be cafes specifically for hookups in MGC?
Kinda like this only less korean.

>> No.16314122
Quoted by: >>16314171

I think that sort of pettiness may actually endear someone to them rather than be something bad.
>"He burnt his neighbor's house down because his neighbor blocked his driveway? Oh dear, I seem to be wet."

>> No.16314134
Quoted by: >>16314186

If there were, they'd be one of the most funded Government projects out there

>> No.16314146
File: 626 KB, 1050x1350, 1478741441145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry! This Bat needs more belts!

They can't contain them!

>> No.16314159

I'd give her mine, but I need it to keep my pants on.

>> No.16314162
Quoted by: >>16314278

Personal preference for more fur coupled with the fact that I myself am not an artist, and had no previous visual reference to compare how I wanted her to look.
I know I wanted to do something more interesting than have the fur stop at the elbows, like you see on so many other generic MG designs, but at the same time, still wanted some bare skin on the arm. So I thought that having the fur almost taper to a point as it gets higher on the arm would be a good way to achieve that. Looking at Snib's pictures, I still think that.
I don't think that curve you describe stops existing because of the fur coming up to the shoulder.
As a matter of fact, take a look at the top right image in the reference sheet, where she's looking over her shoulder. The divide between skin and darker fur creates its own extra curve in the middle of the arm, almost like a natural yin and yang on her skin.
And on the sketch where she's facing the viewer, I think the outline of the fur and the tufts help to create a much more distinct profile and silhouette for her, which is an important aspect of character design - having a recognisable silhouette. Not that that was my intention, but I think that's down to Snib's genius. Also in the same image, following the lines of the fur on the insides of her arms help draw the eyes even more to the breasts, which I didn't even notice before I sat down to write this post, but hey, now I love the drawing even more.

As for that tuft of her above her butt, it's just a bit of fur around her tail. In my opinion, too many artists draw tails on animal-girls way too high most of the time. It just makes me angry when I see a piece of art where a character like that has their tail sticking out from somewhere in the region of their lumbar vertebrae.
Like come on. You've spent years mastering your ability to draw cute monstergirls, to spend hours and hours slaving away and putting in effort on a brilliantly drawn piece of art, only to completely fail to do literally two minutes of research and see that you put the tail in completely the wrong place. It's just something I like to gripe about, since I enjoy studying character design and these sorts of things.
It makes much more sense for the tail to exist extending from the sacrum, because without going to much into anatomical details, that's how that shit actually works. Which is why her tail appears to be coming out of her butt, if you were wondering. It's in a resting position, just squeezed between her cheeks. If you want, go back and look at Loen's digitigrade hellhound picture, and you'll see he basically did the same thing putting the tail a little lower, which is part of why I love that picture so much.

I hope you enjoyed this needlessly long rant about my waifu is better than yours or whatever. I know I did.

>> No.16314164

I don't want her to contain them!
In fact, I'll give her dairy and do the opposite!

>> No.16314171

>"Human. Why have you come to where I have risen my castle, torn a swath through my minions, destroyed countless magical artifacts and singlehandedly ruined my plans of conquest?"
>Your goddamn castle's blocking my view!
>"...Drop your pants and fuck me senseless immediately."

>> No.16314186

Great, now I'm imagining how cute it would be.
Human boys and Monstergirls who can't get husbandos brought together through a cozy restaurant.

>> No.16314278

>I hope you enjoyed this needlessly long rant about my waifu is better than yours or whatever. I know I did.
I appreciate your insights all the same and I'd like to offer my own.
>I know I wanted to do something more interesting than have the fur stop at the elbows, like you see on so many other generic MG designs
I understand your reasoning but some times things are common and "generic" because they work.
>So I thought that having the fur almost taper to a point as it gets higher on the arm would be a good way to achieve that. Looking at Snib's pictures, I still think that.
I think the tapering works well, but the way her fur stops at the elbow seems jarring. It would perhaps be better for the tapering to begin before the elbow. If I can explain it with shapes, right now it seems like one thinner rectangle atop a wider one, where the two rectangles meet being the elbow. This can be seen by the front on image on the ref sheet and the one of her back, where your idea may be better served if it was a triangle, a straight but gradual tapering from the wrist up the entire length of the arm. And this I think would work better if the fluff reaches the shoulder and flicks up, creating that unique silhouette as you say, while not actually curving over the shoulder. You are right though, that when her arms are open and her palms facing the viewer like that, the curve of the fur brings more attention to her breasts.
>As for that tuft of her above her butt, it's just a bit of fur around her tail.
> It's in a resting position, just squeezed between her cheeks
I see. Why is she doing that?

>> No.16314285
File: 198 KB, 763x999, 1482184513485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automatons and Golems posing like Obari mechs would be awesome as fuck.

>> No.16314293

Merry Christmas anons! Of course, ever since that portal's opened that Demon Lord lady's been making it her duty to make sure that Christmas is a time for single monstergirls to get husbands, so since you've been a good single human boy this year she's made sure that you get a monstergirl beneath your christmas tree.
Use this to determine the girl: monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/special:randomincategory/Mamono
If it's one you personally detest you're allowed to re-roll.
Then use https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or https://www.random.org/ to roll a d10 to determine her favorite sex act.
1: Paizuri/Assjobs
2: Irrumatio
3: Anal
4: Doggystyle
5: Lotus Position
6: Mating Press
7: Amazon Position
8: Missionary position
9: Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl
10: All of the above
Have fun, and merry Christmas!

>> No.16314296
Quoted by: >>16314309

>a triangle
I'm not sure if I'm being clear here, but if you can imagine a triangle which is the length of your arm from base to tip. The length of the base is up to you, but the the triangle has to be isosceles.

And then you pin the tip of the triangle to your shoulder and wrap the rest of it around your arm. The with of the triangle will exceed that of your arm, and you'll get a hefty amount of overlap up the wrist and towards the elbow and depending on the angle of the triangle' tip, that's where the tapering would begin.

>> No.16314303

Personally, I want to see them try to combine with each other, Getter-style.

>> No.16314305
Quoted by: >>16314322

They're just gonna sit on eachothers shoulders.

>> No.16314306

>A team of absolutely batshit insane Automatons who combine into different Amazonian automatons.
Sounds like the work of a Gremlin.

>> No.16314307

>Unagi Joro

Wonder how long we can hold that position

>> No.16314309
Quoted by: >>16314381

>I think the tapering works well, but the way her fur stops at the elbow seems jarring. It would perhaps be better for the tapering to begin before the elbow. If I can explain it with shapes, right now it seems like one thinner rectangle atop a wider one, where the two rectangles meet being the elbow. This can be seen by the front on image on the ref sheet and the one of her back, where your idea may be better served if it was a triangle, a straight but gradual tapering from the wrist up the entire length of the arm. And this I think would work better if the fluff reaches the shoulder and flicks up, creating that unique silhouette as you say, while not actually curving over the shoulder.
Ah, that's a pretty good idea. With the "common and generic" thing about the fur just stopping at the elbows, I don't like it because it's just that: the fur straight-up stopping.
But what you've pointed out is the same thing, and you've put forward a pretty good solution. Don't worry, I get what you mean. In future drawings of her, you'll see your fix implemented into her design.

>I see. Why is she doing that?
Keeps her butt warm.
Jokes aside though, it's just how she was drawn. I didn't go out of my way to ask for it, but I don't mind it either.
I used the Loen hellhound picture as a reference for that aspect of her design, which would explain why Snib drew the tail that way. She can still rest her tail above her butt just fine.

>> No.16314310
Quoted by: >>16314323

Combining Atomotons does make for an interisting concept. would the individuals be considered parts of a singular entity and all work towards the benefit of the whole, or are they all individuals who can combine for a shared experience?

>> No.16314314

>4: Doggystyle

>> No.16314316

>Dark Elf
>Amazon Position

Monster Girls, The way they were meant to be played.

>> No.16314318
File: 271 KB, 1323x1369, 1480208623704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314327

Problem with Automatons is that while a Gremlin can develop new equipment or manage them, they aren't able to develop new ones since they lack the ancient materials and knowledge of the complex ways they were developed.

>> No.16314322
Quoted by: >>16314324

And you wouldn't want to see that?

>> No.16314323
Quoted by: >>16314335

I think it'd be on transformers rules for combining.
They're all individuals, but when they're combined they form a new individual with it's own personality.

>> No.16314324

I'd love to see that desu

>> No.16314325
File: 691 KB, 750x1061, 1425821517376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missionary position

I must say, I'm very happy with this.

>> No.16314327
Quoted by: >>16316627

Don't worry about it, Getter Rays.
It's like Spiral Energy or Demonic Energy, but meaner.

>> No.16314328
Quoted by: >>16314336


>> No.16314330
File: 845 KB, 3508x2480, 1400963381142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314342

>Dragon Zombie
>Lotus Position
W-Wow, I must have been really good this year.

>> No.16314335
Quoted by: >>16314349

I guess at that point you'd have to ask if its considered cheating, or do they all agree to share.

>> No.16314336


>> No.16314342
Quoted by: >>16314366

Just imagine it anon.
She died alone and unloved, and then she was brought back as a lustful undead monstergirl.
Her lust only grew with each passing hour but she retained enough of her pride and dignity to remember that she'd always fantasized about having a gentle and loving first time with her imagined lover embraced in her arms, her tongue entwined with his. Pure, loving and gentle.
And then you gave that to her.

>> No.16314343


what a slut

>> No.16314349
Quoted by: >>16314361

Given they were probably activated by the Gremlin scientist hurling you naked in front of them, I don't think that "cheating" is a problem.
Your biggest problem is probably going to be pleasing all that hotblooded automaton pussy.

>> No.16314352

But I haven't been good at all.

>> No.16314361

Maybe if I'm lucky, fucking the combined form will satisfy all of them?

Who am I kidding, they can probably do some Voltron shit where they swap positions so each one gets a turn, each new configuration bringing a new fetish and body type with it.

>> No.16314363
File: 313 KB, 800x922, gazer christmas gift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you all had a wonderful christmas.
Me and wife definitely did!
Personally though it wasn't a very good Christmas this year. No tree, no holiday cheer, barely any family, too much arguing. Spent most of it distracting myself with video games and waifu pictures, at least that was enjoyable.
Here's to a better 2017 hopefully.

>> No.16314366
Quoted by: >>16314377

I will insist on long hours of wing cuddles, even after she's completely drained my balls. I will make her feel loved until her dead heart goes doki-doki.

>> No.16314368

Who can be so incompetent with wrapping presents?

>> No.16314369
File: 165 KB, 1260x1058, C0bSwDbXcAQJXgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nav's oppai Devil roughs.

Lotus Jinko. I'm happy.

What's the title?

>> No.16314370

>"And I get the head!"

>> No.16314374
Quoted by: >>16314401

All in all, that means you have to satisfy six automatons.

>> No.16314376
Quoted by: >>16314389

Same. From fighting since I woke up to another 'celeb' death, this Christmas was a bit of a downer.

>> No.16314377

What will you do when your love and affection for her causes her to evolve into a Dragon Wight?
Rest assured, her behavior around you won't change, but she'll become much more graceful and majestic looking. Her wings will patch up, she'll no longer drool involuntarily and her soft plump ass and tits will get bigger.
Also pump her with enough semen in this state and her womb will become usable.

>> No.16314378
Quoted by: >>16318778

I wonder if Nav has drawn anything for the /a/ drawtheads in the past since he was aware of our existence back when we were on /a/.

>> No.16314381
Quoted by: >>16314496

>In future drawings of her, you'll see your fix implemented into her design.
I don't know why this makes me happy. It shouldn't but it does.
>She can still rest her tail above her butt just fine.
Ah, cool. With the way it was drawn so snugly up to her butt - and who could blame it - I was worried that lifting it up would bend it unnaturally and hurt her.

Also, with her wild tufts of fur flicking up around her thighs and arms and ears I found it jarring that her hairstyle was so straight and neat. My first impression was to dislike it and prefer a more wild hairstyle. But now that I've thought on it more, her meticulously cut, silky straight hair provides a really good contrast to her more wild body. I don't know if the intention was to present a juxtaposition between a wild body and a meticulous, maintained mind with that haircut but it works beautifully.

Also, do you imagine her as clumsy? I'm looking at her claw and while it looks like she has an opposable thumb and her nails seem thick and sturdy enough to be used as perhaps another joint of finger, I have to wonder if that claw offers her the control and dexterity of a human's notably longer and more slender fingers. Though this may just be the angle at which the claw is drawn, she's not shown to be splaying her claw wide open for an accurate representation of the length and range of each digit.

>> No.16314382

Technically a reverse gangbang, no? Guess it would be nice if one of the Chimera's personalities would be cow/holst like.

>> No.16314389
File: 36 KB, 466x620, bluth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314495

yeah man rip george michael

>> No.16314393


>> No.16314395

>You'll never accidentally summon a Devil while cleaning out some old books from your new house.
>You'll never summon the devil in that pic
>She'll never constantly try to tempt you into having sex with her.
>She'll never mime blowjobs while making lewd sucking noises.
>She'll never smugly grin at you while shaking her hips from side to side, letting you watch her plump blueberry ass press against her barely-there thong.
>She'll never make sure that whenever you talk to her you're getting the best view possible of her enormous cleavage.
>She'll never whisper into your ears while you're sleeping about how you should just give in and use her as your personal cumdump and other such dirty things.
>You'll never see her delighted face when you finally break down, shove her on to your bed and fuck her in every position you can think of until she's covered in your semen and your balls are empty.
>You'll never wake up the next morning to find her sitting next to you with a big grin on her face explaining that since you gave in to her temptation, your soul is hers now.
>You'll never learn that's how Devils get married.
>You'll never live an orgasm packed eternity with your Oppai Devil wife.

>> No.16314397

Nice shortstack

>> No.16314398


>> No.16314401
Quoted by: >>16314539

>Form 1: The 'oldest' of the team, very motherly with a huge ass. Expect buttjobs and anal.
>Form 2: Tsundere with an amazing chest. Determined to make you like her tits more than any of the other girls' parts, but will pretend that you're the pervert. Lots of fondling, paizuri, and cowgirl to watch them bounce.
>Form 3: The lewdest one, she will sexually tease you and dirty talk constantly. Her mouth is the world's lewdest vacuum and she knows how to use it.
>Form 4:The brains of the team, the resident scientist and tinkerer. Always cool and skilled with her hands. Expect her to use them to make you cum in a variety of interesting ways.
>Form 5: A genki stealth form with an experimental mass shifter. She can be whatever size you want, but has a preference for being smaller than you.
>Form 6: Heavily armored, she'd all-around more filled out than her sisters to handle the extra bulk. She's shy and likes to be gentle, but can be secretly kinky if you tell her you don't mind the extra armor.

>> No.16314402

Got me System Shock 2 on the Steam sale, where's my rapist computerfu?
And no, Win10-tan doesn't count.

>> No.16314405

Funny that that story predates Demons addition to the MGE.

>> No.16314420

Now she needs a naked apron.

>> No.16314422

Well that was great. Not the same thing as what I posted, but still great.
2014, good year for writefaggotry.

>> No.16314428

A naked apron with a cleavage hole for the purpose of Paizuri.

>> No.16314429

Hell yeah.

>> No.16314431
Quoted by: >>16314439

7'6, and her hair isn't near as poofed out as in the profile picture.
Her eye flames are brighter but shorter.
She's more muscular.
She wears exclusively white clothes, mostly suits.

>> No.16314439
Quoted by: >>16314458

Would buy shipments of cocaine from/10

>> No.16314458

Don't you say that! She's a history teacher! Just because she has a scar on her lower left jaw running to her ear and is native russian means nothing.

>> No.16314463

Dark blue scales, almost like a navy blue.
Longer hair, a little past her shoulders, tied back with a few loose bangs. Dirty blonde.
Deep amber eyes.
A larger chest, maybe a respectable DD. She doesn't care for them because they make flying awkward, but doesn't do anything about them because she knows I like them. Also secretly into having them fondled.
Mild tsun. She gets gets easily flustered and will call me an idiot for being too laid back, but it's out of love.

>> No.16314472

Sorry for the late response and thanks!

>> No.16314495
Quoted by: >>16314506


>> No.16314496
Quoted by: >>16314687

The juxtaposition wasn't intentional, but when you put it like that I kind of wish it was. It's kind of distilling the very essence of what monstergirls are, in a way, presenting two contrasting things together as a single unit. That contrast between neat hair and fluffy fur is even something I figure I could work into her character and personality.
You're getting me to appreciate my waifu even more, so thanks.

As for imagining her as clumsy, I don't, really. I've got it down that from a young age, her hobbies required dexterity, working with small and fiddly things. Her claws could act as another segment of finger, but in reality, she only has two joints per digit (one at the base, another halfway up) rather than the three a human has. So she doesn't have the natural dexterity a human has, but she has grown up constantly relying on her motor skills and precision, so there is adaption. Her body might not have the potential to be as dextrous as a human can be, but she is above average as far as it goes, and competent.

>> No.16314506
Quoted by: >>16314514

One half of Wham!
Yes the ! is part of the band name.

>> No.16314510

What would monster girl superheroes be like?

Would there still be male superheros if monster girls dominated that industry or would they be completely phased out?

>> No.16314514
Quoted by: >>16314540

Even after googling him I don't even know who he is, well I've never a fan of celebs or popular culture

>> No.16314518
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1920, 1437661581529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314520

defenders of true love and even truer justice

>> No.16314520
Quoted by: >>16314529

What a retarded costume.

Anyone who knew her would find her out in seconds.

>> No.16314529
Quoted by: >>16314534

don't make fun of wurm-chan she may be slow but she's a good girl and a defender of justice & love

>> No.16314533

I imagine at least a few lilims are interested in coexistence and so make sure monsters don't get in to big trouble.

>> No.16314534
Quoted by: >>16314541

Wurms are fucking dumb and shouldn't be superheroes. They would destroy an entire god damn city to stop some random schmuck from robbing a convenience store.

>> No.16314539

Yes please

>> No.16314540
File: 83 KB, 513x788, 1461778067144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't into Careless Whisper
How are you ever going to woo a woman?

>> No.16314541
Quoted by: >>16314543

So just like Man of Murder. Isn't this what heroes are meant to be?

>> No.16314543
Quoted by: >>16314564

Go away Zack.

>> No.16314556

The profile doesn't specify them as an all Loli race so I'm going to assume I have one with a little more going on in the rear

>> No.16314564
Quoted by: >>16314569

But, but you see, Super Wurm is actually Jesus, right? Pretty clever, huh? Betcha didn't catch that!

>> No.16314569

Yeah, I also caught how the bad guy is right.

Super Wurm is a time bomb.

>> No.16314578 [DELETED] 

What's the first thing you're going to say to your waifu come 2017? What about your first date?

>> No.16314581 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314606

I'll probably bee too overwhelmed to talk so I'll just touch her scaly tail to make sure she's there.

>> No.16314584 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314606

I don't have a waifu and I never will.

>> No.16314588 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314606

I love you.

>> No.16314595 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314606

I'll just hug her if she somehow manages to find me.

>> No.16314601 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314606

"So you're my fated one, huh? We've kept each other waiting."
Although what exactly my waifu will be would be something of an adventure since I'm kind of a slut.

As for the first date, we're both going to have to do some research to figure out where good places to go on a date around here are.

>> No.16314606 [DELETED] 

Scale touching is a good way to get laid at the portal door.


Simple and effective. Do you think your waifu will know of you? Or just see you as a random human saying I love you with tearful eyes that show nothing but love, lust and adoration.

You won't go looking too?

Chuuni in the best possible way.

>> No.16314608 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1482738308717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Well Anon, that seems to be it."
>"With this we cover the entirety of your grandmother's will. It seems the only thing she could leave to you was this old box. Hey, you do know it belonged to your great, great-grandmother, right?"
>"She left it to your grandmother before disappearing, but she never dared open the box in fear of what might be inside. After all, everyone in town accused your great, great-grandmother of being a witch and feared her because of it."
>"You know that horrible rumor that blamed her for the deaths of several young girls hundreds of years ago, but they could never find a trace of evidence to blame her for it. Nonetheless right after the body of the last of the girls murdered was found a mob formed and your great, great-grandmother vanised before the mob could get to our family's home. Your grandpa told me that was the last time she ever saw her."
>"Well, that's just an old story now. Even the distrust that our family had to live with throughout the years has practically banished. At least it brings some curious, if a bit insensitive, tourists to our shop, right?"
>"Well, I'll leave you now, Anon. Gotta close shop and dispatch the staff before the sun sets. Do feel free to figure out what's inside, eh?"

>"Just don't one of your great, great grandmother's curses fall on you if you open it~! HA HA HA HA HA!"

>> No.16314611 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314626

No words, just a 10 minute hug.

>> No.16314612 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314626

Because I'm a terrible person and terrible people don't get waifus.

>> No.16314613

>Lich, Missionary

And all was good in the world.

>> No.16314614
File: 2.43 MB, 3533x5000, 60125179_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314633

Undead/Wight foxes are untapped potential.

>> No.16314615
Quoted by: >>16314705

I'm too old to play with dolls!

>> No.16314617
Quoted by: >>16314705


>> No.16314620 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314622

"Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, leather club's a couple of blocks down."
But I'd be down to FUCKYOU

>> No.16314622 [DELETED] 

You drive me to drink, anon.

>> No.16314626 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314636

Cute, effective. What about your first date?

Everyone gets waifus. Even terrible people like me and you. What would you like?

>> No.16314630 [DELETED] 

How will I find her?

>> No.16314632 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314640

>Simple and effective. Do you think your waifu will know of you? Or just see you as a random human saying I love you with tearful eyes that show nothing but love, lust and adoration.
I'm sure she'd get it. Kobolds are more than empathetic, there's no way she wouldn't know my feelings and realize that I'm the one she's been waiting for too.

>> No.16314633

I prefer my mofu warm.

>> No.16314634 [DELETED] 

Uhm, just a reminder for you nignogs that 2017 happening isn't going to happen. You'd thought it's unnecessary to state, but I'm legitimately questioning if people are still being ironic anymore, so here's that.

>> No.16314636 [DELETED] 

>What would you like?
My top five, but that's never going to happen.

>> No.16314640 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314665

Heartwarming. What about a first date?

>> No.16314651 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately autistic waifufags have started to actually believe that joke.

>> No.16314653 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314663

Oh shit is it no fun hour again already? I forgot anyone who references 2017 must believe it.

>> No.16314657 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314661

It would probably actually be a sudden but brief struggle for dominance.

She'll no doubt attempt to cast some sort of binding or polymorph on me, but if I'm quick enough, I can grab her core and restrain her.

>> No.16314658 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314663

Let us have fun in our imaginations anon.
Lord knows it's one of the few places I can have a happy life.

>> No.16314660 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314663

No we haven't, you twats. It's just a thought exercise along the lines of "what do when zombies?" only we have a doomsday scenario set up by another apocalyptic prediction instead.

>> No.16314661 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314675

Slime with witch hat right?

>> No.16314663 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, faggots like you have completely ruined these threads even more then they already were/

>> No.16314664 [DELETED] 

>bawwww people are theorizing again
Cry to someone who cares.

>> No.16314665 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314671

I don't even know. There'd be lots of cuddling and physical contact and kissing for as long as we can handle right after she appears, but I haven't thought much past that. A first 'date' would probably something really simple and mundane like going to the grocery store because now we'd need food for two people or clothes shopping for her if she just manifested herself in my house wearing only one outfit.

>> No.16314666 [DELETED] 

t. Anon who will never have a waifu and wants to x with y

>> No.16314668 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314681

>People discussing monstergirls and interacting with monstergirls have ruined the monstergirl thread
One has to wonder why you're even here. Putting a date on this changes nothing; we've done this sort of thing for ages and it turns out decently until someone spergs out.

>> No.16314671 [DELETED] 

Mundane life with a waifu is one of my greatest wishes. A+ taste anon. What clothes would your waifu wear?

>> No.16314675 [DELETED] 

that's the one. she's a bad girl so life would be chaotic for a bit while we acclimated to each other.

>> No.16314681 [DELETED] 

It's like clockwork. He shows up, whines and then either gets banned or fucks off.
It's almost like a trainwreck in slow motion you want to look away but it's just so horrible you can't help but look.
But you shouldn't look because people like him lead to the exodus.

>> No.16314682 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16314704

When you talked about her slipping inside her hat it sounded cute as hell. Hitting it right off though with a core grab.

>> No.16314684 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 3960x5368, wewewwewewe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, you mean my 7 meter long perfect snek wife isn't going to magically become real in a week?

Fucking shock family

>> No.16314685 [DELETED] 

Mayadere? I have to wonder how that would go down in real life. Would most Anons even be able to handle that kind of shit?

Also, I'm now imagining what would happen if all of the girls came through in their MGE outfit (where applicable) like some kind of uniform. Would it be hard to get them to put some fucking clothes on?

>> No.16314687

>You're getting me to appreciate my waifu even more, so thanks.
No probs. I don't even like anubis, but the way you've designed your waifu does way more things for me than what KC has. I wish more girls has that more... 'feral' look about them. It just feels realer.
>Her body might not have the potential to be as dextrous as a human can be, but she is above average as far as it goes, and competent.
Nice. Well good luck in your endeavors anon. Here's to 2017

>> No.16314691 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I like to think about what it would be like if a Mayadere monstergirl got plopped into our world in the home of some anon who has to explain to her that world conquest isn't viable and just how outgunned she is.
Cute domestic life with an Oh-ho-ho'ing Mayadere ensues.

>> No.16314697
File: 128 KB, 1053x1200, C0iZNUKUsAAu3e-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorome looks good in Gnome's colors, maybe her mud's color changes depending on her habitat

3 other colorings there https://twitter.com/lTTl__all/status/813068426482585600?lang=en

>> No.16314700
Quoted by: >>16314708

>Mayadere monstergirl got plopped into our world in the home of some anon who has to explain to her that world conquest isn't viable and just how outgunned she is.
Give her the internet, a cockthrone Dick helps her concentrate and a week. She'll have something planned out.

>> No.16314701
Quoted by: >>16314708

>some anon who has to explain to her that world conquest isn't viable and just how outgunned she is.

And now we have the setup for a bunch of "delinquent" housewives and their leader, Anon's waifu, out to take over the world, one trip to the cleaner's at a time.

>> No.16314703
Quoted by: >>16314708

>just how outgunned she is

Hate to be that guy but weather control alone is enough to completely fuck the world up.

>> No.16314704

She is Mayadere, but over time I like to imagine I help her reach a healthy Chaotic/Nuetral, at the very least.

Those first few moments are actually pretty critical for a lot of people now that I think about it.

>> No.16314705
File: 310 KB, 894x539, 6b3cd52720cbe42745615a42f0cdd5bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314726

I with more Anons were into Living Dolls... We barely have content of them, or other minigirls.

>> No.16314706
File: 780 KB, 611x841, 147079468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314710

I want to lay my head on Miia's belly

>> No.16314708

I just want a cute domestic life with a tall, busty Mayadere Succubus. Is that too much to ask?
I want to let her conquer me in bed to make up for the fact that she can't conquer the world.

>> No.16314710
File: 246 KB, 1188x1542, 1450999597720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314717

Please do not post bad Christmas shops of Miia when there are nice ones that already exist

>> No.16314711

>Waifu discussion purged
Welp. Guess it's time to x my y. How about you anons? You guys headpat Z's don't you.

>> No.16314713

>Those first few moments are actually pretty critical for a lot of people now that I think about it.
Especially against the rapier ones. Imagine suddenly having a bunch or p'orcs or werewolves in front of you when the ball drops and you either rise to the top or become the group's bitch forever. Not that first impressions are ever not important, but those times especially.

But Anon, you are her world.

>> No.16314715

I would headpat my daughter

>> No.16314717
Quoted by: >>16314721

Sometimes I'm in the mood for poorly made santa hat photoshops.

>> No.16314719
Quoted by: >>16314723

It was just everything connected to that one whining guy anon, calm down.

>> No.16314721
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x977, christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314731

But there's already so many nice ones

>> No.16314723

How can I be calm anon. Christmas without waifu sucked. Might as well bite the bullet and go the tulpa route.

>> No.16314724
Quoted by: >>16314741

>that spoiler
Is she trying to get me to pump her womb full?
Because I'd give impregnating her my best effort if she told me that while stroking my face.

>> No.16314725
Quoted by: >>16314729

Go the writefag route friendo.
Unlimited power.

>> No.16314726
File: 2.98 MB, 600x338, loli_in_a_bag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316275


Damn my 2AM posting.

>> No.16314728

>tall busty mayadere succubus
You're a fan of the classics. Conquer each other for the safety of the townsfolk.
>suddenly a gang of p'orcs
lets hope we can get Mamano exposure limit breaks.

>> No.16314729
Quoted by: >>16314736

I already have

>> No.16314730
Quoted by: >>16314737

>Might as well bite the bullet and go the tulpa route.
Do it, and keep a diary publically available on Google Docs. No one ever finishes those...

>> No.16314731

They can't all be home runs. Besides, the one I posted was done by some anon in like 5 minutes.
That Miia you posted took me a couple of days to make the vector for.

>> No.16314736
Quoted by: >>16314739

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.16314737
Quoted by: >>16314740

Is that an actual request?

>> No.16314739

Once you hit rock bottom it'll come to you.

>> No.16314740

I request that you hold onto what's left of your sanity, but if you're going to make a tulpa ANYWAY then yes, yes it is.

>> No.16314741
Quoted by: >>16314753

>Succubus wife riding you
>you're close to the edge
>tell her you're close to exploding
>she slows down
>looks into your eyes
>tells you that it's all ok
>tells you that she wants this
>leans in close and whispers "you're my world"
>fully unload inside her
>womb overflowing
>she just looks at you happy and smug the whole time
>finally start to go limp after full minutes of cumming inside her
>she gives you a big loving kiss
>a few spurts you didn't know you had before she falls over onto you
>you both pass out into eachother's arms

>> No.16314742

Christmas always sucks.

>> No.16314744
File: 85 KB, 371x550, 1395219239730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16314748

I want to bully Zombies and Wendigos by only moving when they're not watching and whispering so they think I'm a spooky ghost!

>> No.16314747
Quoted by: >>16314750

Don't do it
I've have multiple friends go down that route, it literally never ends well

>> No.16314748
Quoted by: >>16314751

But Zombies have working eyes.

>> No.16314750


>> No.16314751
Quoted by: >>16314758

But if I just whisper, they won't mind.

>> No.16314753

Anon, if I were to fall asleep balls dry in the embrace of a big busty Mayadere succubus then I'd be a happy man.

>> No.16314755
Quoted by: >>16314763

Usually just insanity after awhile and a complete falling off the face of the internet

>> No.16314757
Quoted by: >>16314763

The most famous one is the guy who tried to "rush" his tulpa and got a screaming pink horse.

>> No.16314758
Quoted by: >>16314761


>> No.16314761

>he doesn't read the Walking Dead
You should.

>> No.16314763
Quoted by: >>16314773

I mean I've heard the horror stories, and the hilarious ones too like the Jackie Chan beating up rapist ponies. I thought >>16314755 had in depth personal stories from friends.

>> No.16314768
Quoted by: >>16314774

Why would I want to read that garbage?

I don't give two flying fucks how cool you think The Whisperers are, The Walking Dead is still generic zombie shit.

>> No.16314769
Quoted by: >>16314774

>Reading/Watching "Why the fuck should I even care?" the Graphic Novel/TV series
For shame anon. For shame.

>> No.16314773
Quoted by: >>16314779

Nothing too in depth, just usually seeing a normal person that seemed in touch with reality, slowly start only posting insane ramblings about his life and experiences with his tulpa

Quitting their job, dropping out of school, talking about burning all their stuff.

It just never ends good

>> No.16314774
File: 142 KB, 622x880, 1393869405490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan, I'm cold! Can you warm me up by showing enough kindness to your fellow man not to get into arguments over taste?

>> No.16314775
Quoted by: >>16314783

No, fuck you zombie.

You have bad taste in entertainment.

>> No.16314776
Quoted by: >>16314783

No, I'm gonna powerbomb you through seven tables for liking that shit you dead meme.

>> No.16314779

Interesting. I'll hold off, but waifu must happen some day

>> No.16314783
Quoted by: >>16314786

But it's still okay to bully Wendigos though because Until Dawn is a flawless masterpiece?

>> No.16314786

Until Dawn is pretty fucking fantastic.

>> No.16314787

How does one perform the Shortstack Devil summoning ritual?

>> No.16314789
File: 963 KB, 1465x1342, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one, it is obviously shit though.

>> No.16314790
Quoted by: >>16314794

Zombie fiction was overdone about five years ago.
For some reason, this keeps getting worse.

>> No.16314791
File: 1.11 MB, 1340x1191, 1468436170400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16314794
Quoted by: >>16314802

What a nice person.
The comic started 13 years ago though.

>> No.16314801
Quoted by: >>16314806

I get that having shallow characters was the point, but the characters were shallow

>> No.16314802
Quoted by: >>16314807

That's wonderful. However, the shambling corpses have long overstayed their welcome.

>> No.16314806

But that was the point

>> No.16314807

Well you can't make me not enjoy anyway.

>> No.16314809
Quoted by: >>16314814

I get the point that having shallow characters was the point, but the characters were shallow

>> No.16314810
File: 42 KB, 590x386, 1432453432454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never vist an Ice bar, owned and run by a Ice Queen bartender and her Glacies daughter.
>Frequented by Monster Girls from cold climates, little Wendigos, Yetis with thick Himalayan accents, some dangerous looking Ice Wolf Girls.
>Even a massive Polar Bear Girl who sits in the corner, nursing a Coca-cola.

>> No.16314812
Quoted by: >>16314838

In other words: it's supposed to be bad, therefore it isn't.

>> No.16314814

I get that the characters were shallow but having shallow characters was the point. Think of it this way anon, if they haven't made their characters shallow, you wouldn't have said they were shallow! Then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Boom. Butterfly effect.

>> No.16314818
Quoted by: >>16314828

>Ice Wolf Girls
I really want these.
Yeah I know KC has done a fuckload of canid profiles already, but the world can always use more dammit.

>> No.16314827

You realize it at least.

>> No.16314828

Snow-white fur, bigger in size than the average Wolf Girl.

You gonna join them at their table?

>> No.16314835
Quoted by: >>16314840

You bet.

>> No.16314836
Quoted by: >>16314840

He who hesitates is lost.

>> No.16314838
Quoted by: >>16314842

It's not really "bad" Every character is a cliche but atleast they do the cliche right

>> No.16314839
File: 289 KB, 1124x1486, Redcapinfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one too.

>> No.16314840

They'd probably act tough and go through the 'Haahn?!' routine.

But the moment you pat one on the head, she'll start panting, and act like a puppy.

Then the others will want to have pats as well.

>> No.16314842
File: 96 KB, 497x649, 1448339646447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to argue with you, because I think it's your right to enjoy what you enjoy.

>> No.16314846
Quoted by: >>16314848

>>Even a massive Polar Bear Girl who sits in the corner, nursing a Coca-cola.
I want to hand out with the polar bear girl and get drunk like a slut. Fall all over her, climb into her lap, lick her abs and kiss her neck and slowly stripping while complaining about how "hot" she is.

>> No.16314848
Quoted by: >>16314851

Oh my.

Anon really likes Polar Bear Girls.

>> No.16314851

Gonna pretend to slip down, but then I'm gonna crawl under the table, giggling like a drunk slut while she looks for me before she feels me between her legs grinning up like an idiot before I start to eat her out, and she's forced to endure it silently lest she advertises there's a boy-whore eating girls out and I get taken from her.

>> No.16314864
Quoted by: >>16314955

>all the other girls get visibly jealous
>start forcing their heads into the way of your hands
>next thing you know you're stuck in the center of a tipsy snow wolf huddle/cuddle pile
You'd be hard pressed to find any better way to spend an evening.

>> No.16314866

Don't forget having to french kiss each one of them as a greeting.

>> No.16314955

>In a twist of fate anon starts awaawaing as he tries to pat all the heads

>> No.16314956
File: 142 KB, 960x540, komachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like spiders?

>> No.16314963

I do, I make a yearly trip to the spider shrine and talk with the nice spiders that live there!

>> No.16314966

Yes. They're aesthetically pleasant.

>> No.16314991
Quoted by: >>16314996


>> No.16314996
Quoted by: >>16314997

t. Beelzebub

>> No.16314997

Wrong, I'm just a man who is incredibly afraid of spiders.

>> No.16315000

Don't be afraid. Unless you're an Aussie. In that case you should be afraid. Be very afraid.

>> No.16315003
File: 205 KB, 519x500, 1943738732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear they have therapy for that nowadays.

>> No.16315005
File: 138 KB, 960x540, komachi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an Aussie and I LOVE spiders.

>> No.16315006

I'll be afraid all I want.

I don't want it.

>> No.16315007

I want to experience this so much.

>> No.16315023

I wanna rub cold, perky Whitehorn tiddies that get progressively warmer as the rubbing continues

>> No.16315046
Quoted by: >>16315083

Not that one

>> No.16315073

So since it's boxing day, which girl would watch Ashita no Joe with me?

>> No.16315083
File: 139 KB, 960x540, komachi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16315088

Why not?

>> No.16315088

Spider legs coming out of the back is easily the worst arachne design concieveable

>> No.16315098
File: 134 KB, 960x540, komachi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16315154

Shit taste, do you not remember Bourbon's waifu?

>> No.16315099
Quoted by: >>16315310

Lewd demon is a nice thing to wake up to on boxing day.
Mirror for the lazy without accounts: https://a.pomf.cat/wibtgr.png

>> No.16315125
File: 109 KB, 638x1000, 1444654624060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, that's enough! Christmas is over and it's time to get FIT again!

>> No.16315137
Quoted by: >>16315140

No, it's time to get lazy and wait for new years. However, be careful to not get fat while relaxing.

Your waifu wouldn't want to have a pudgy You, right?

>> No.16315140
Quoted by: >>16315152

No. No she wouldn't. You think it's just a fun joke when she threatens to burn off my calories?

>> No.16315152
Quoted by: >>16315161

Thank god I'm skinny or else my waifu would do that too.
But fuck this week. It's too hot to jog even in the morning.

>> No.16315154
Quoted by: >>16315166

>Shit taste
No too convincing coming from you anon, when you like this steaming pile of shit.
>do you not remember Bourbon's waifu?
No. Barely remember bourbon either. didn't he go over to /monster/? Or am I thinking captain?

>> No.16315159

You don't need to get fit, little fox, you need to get thick. Start working on those stick-legs and drink a liter of holst milk a day.

>> No.16315161
Quoted by: >>16315171

Joke's on you, I went jogging yesterday!

>> No.16315166 [SPOILER] 
File: 568 KB, 1489x1479, 1482750903580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bourbon is a faggot, this is his shit waifu.
You are also a faggot with shit taste in spiders.

>> No.16315168
File: 1.31 MB, 824x1200, Dragonia Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16315171
Quoted by: >>16315177

You make your waifu proud. She might even give you a reward.

>> No.16315177
Quoted by: >>16315192

Silly Dragons can't into English.
That'd be nice.

>> No.16315179
Quoted by: >>16315184

Wait. I thought she was the one how was just a head on spider legs?

>> No.16315181
Quoted by: >>16315203

Eeh, that's shit, but if shit was a scale from -5 to 5, from shit-->okay<---shit that's a -4, and what you're posting is a 4.5

>> No.16315184
Quoted by: >>16315208

That's what is pictured, yes.

>> No.16315189

Everyone will enjoy dragoni. Dragons a cute.

>> No.16315192
Quoted by: >>16315197

English is hard

Do not bully the foreign monster girls.

>> No.16315197
Quoted by: >>16315206

English is easy though. Really easy.

>> No.16315199

Profiles when?

>> No.16315203
File: 1.01 MB, 877x1250, hime angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16315214

You are also a faggot with shit taste in spiders.

>> No.16315206
Quoted by: >>16315469

Not to them.

>> No.16315208

Nah, like the head in The Thing.

>> No.16315209

I love them, especially loli ones with hime cuts I'm the biggest of sluts for them

It can work if done properly

>> No.16315214
Quoted by: >>16315220

That's a pretty fucking shit arachne design

>> No.16315220

You are also a faggot with shit taste in spiders.

>> No.16315224
Quoted by: >>16315228

Nah my taste is pretty good m8

>> No.16315228
Quoted by: >>16315242

You are also a faggot with shit taste in spiders.

>> No.16315242
Quoted by: >>16315248

What are you even doing right now?

>> No.16315248

About to watch anime since I can't be bothered censoring my only other back legs spider.

>> No.16315249

Last 5 Christmas 2016 pictures: http://imgur.com/a/Tb7xP

Here are the 30 or so previous >>16312866

In conclusion foxes and succubi get all the love

>> No.16315251

>In conclusion foxes and succubi get all the love
Well yeah, why wouldn't the most vanilla girls get the most attention?

>> No.16315268

I need to become a dragon's foot slut.

>> No.16315272

Screw you guy, Atlach-Nacha's design is primo shit aside from the TF involved.

>> No.16315278
Quoted by: >>16315315

>In conclusion foxes and succubi get all the love
That's because for all intents and purposes they're not monster girls in the same way others are.

A lot of artists that aren't even into monster girls will draw them and you'll be hard pressed to find a booru that tags them as monster girls either.
I'm not saying that they're not monster girls but only being a fan of them and no other types would be similar to only playing Mario and calling yourself a gamer.

>> No.16315282
File: 134 KB, 325x505, Bully Fairy, here to Bully (YOU).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I'll never make fun of her words and call her "Fat-O"

So what type of gifts would you all be refunding today or MGs kicking out of your house the next morning after you got wasted on eggnog?

>> No.16315292

You're entitled to your opinion but I'll have you know that I want an Atlach-Nacha to lolidom me until I lose my mind and become a husk of my previous self whose sole purpose in life is to please my spider mistress

>> No.16315294
Quoted by: >>16315315

It's the worst spider type KC has released yet

>> No.16315299

>my spider mistress
No no, you're the spider, she's the mistress

>> No.16315309
File: 98 KB, 535x339, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW even when you're on top of her she's maximum power bottom

>> No.16315310

Whoa, Guisado. It's Christmas all right.

>> No.16315315
Quoted by: >>16315329

I know what you mean, when I first got serious about monster girls I excluded most cosplay species for that reason and even to this day I don't particularly like them
I forgive MGE's cosplay girls because of the whole foundation that dictates what a monster girl is

Objectively yes but it's hard to argue that variety is a bad thing, especially when she has a pretty good reason to be so vanilla

>> No.16315329
Quoted by: >>16315465

You already know what shitty spider girl designs look like. Do you really need KC to release one for the sake of "variety" alone?

>> No.16315333
File: 390 KB, 1000x1000, 1482028948693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what...

I'd break into Ice Queen's home to steal that staff.

God I'd be an amazing healer with that baby at my side and everyone would be mad jelly of me having a bitching looking staff.

Also I guess I could use it as a ice pack during Summer to stay cool.

Way better than the cane Phantom staff.

>> No.16315352
Quoted by: >>16315365

What's wrong with it? The only really shitty crab design s crab's rachne spider knees. Fucking spider knees. That's shit looks retarded as fuck

>> No.16315365

Primo shit means that it's great, the only bad thing (to me) is forcibly becoming the spooder half of MGE's Quelaag.

>> No.16315388

Would you want her to stir your coffee?

>> No.16315465

Some people have "shit taste"such as myself, I love Atlach-Nacha

Absolutely not, I don't want her anywhere near coffee

>> No.16315469

I want to be an english teacher to some dragons and lizards.

>> No.16315526
File: 165 KB, 847x1200, C0lga_MUkAA01cI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16315536

Magma and Mud golem sandwich.

>> No.16315546

>Go into Atlantis-Nacho's den, expect a dark, dank Oomukade cave that's just depressing as fuck to be in
>Rather, it's a sort of parlour fashioned from the cave itself, lavish throw pillows and thick blankets and quilts all about
"You seem surprised."
>'Well, I guess Howitt got one part of the poem right.'
"Hmhmhm... Being ironic won't be good for you."
>There's a small table with a pot of tea waiting for you, two cups already poured for you and her
>She smiles when you abstain
"You really think I'd poison you? Poor, poor little fool. My poison is not of the body, but of the mind."
>Try to move, find your arms and legs unresponsive to your mind. There's silk wrapped around your wrists and ankles.
"'How did she do that?', 'That's impossible!', those are the thoughts of a simple man. But then, I suppose now you're just the fly who walked into my parlour."
>Her four spider legs unfurl from her back, their pincer-like ends opening into clusters of tentacles
>They begin to 'kiss' you all over, your nipples, your neck, your inner thighs. It isn't long until you can feel the blood surging into your penis.
"Don't look so distressed. You were never going to escape me. I won't let that happen. After all, what I hath woven, let no man destroy."
>Lifting her hand, you see a sort of bayeux-style tapestry coming into view, shimmering like the stars in the night sky
"Do you like it? It's your entire life. I've watched you for so... so long... But now, it's time to pluck the harvest of my labours."
>Opening her mouth, she plunges her fangs into your clavicle. White-hot fire surges through your body as you twitch against her, pre leaking from your glans.
"Just making sure you're all juiced up~"
>She straddles you, the warm and wet lips of her vulva spreading for your girth as she takes you inside of her.
>One pump and you're ejaculating inside the spider-girl, a look of disgust spreading across her face at you. Your cock hasn't lost its erection, and with her venom surging through you, you can't imagine that it will.
"Disappointing, how disappointing. You may be a youth, but try to hold back. After all, I'm going to fuck these past twenty years of my pent up love into you."
>Time slows to a crawl, you're joined with her for the fifth time, gripping her slender waist from above as you thrust into her slick womanhood
>There's a small distention from your cock knocking into her deepest parts, and she's smiling smugly at you, a sort of 'That's the spirit~' type of smile
>Suddenly, her spider arms clasp onto you from behind as her legs wrap around your midriff, stopping you in mid-stroke
"Plow into me. Give me your children. Make me melt... Fuck me up."
>She releases you, letting you pull back and dive as deep as you could go into her, letting all of it out inside
>You're spinning the web, the bio-mechanical spider surrounding you listening to your mental commands
>She's sitting on your face, your tongue penetrating her small pussy, tentacles pleasuring every facet of your body
>Spin the web, have to spin the web.

>> No.16315555

That thumbnail made it look like her arm was her ass, I am thoroughly dissapoint

Still a great drawing though, her skin color suits her well

>> No.16315563
Quoted by: >>16315633

Chaos girls are fucked up.

>> No.16315570

I'll make bad snow and ice puns at the Ice Queen bartender until her disgusted sighs freeze the whole town over

>> No.16315574

>ice to see you
>cool party
>what killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!
Ahnold pls.

>> No.16315583

>Ice Queen laughs at you bad puns
>Laughs that she never had
>Gets all warmed up inside and starts wanting more

And that's how Anon got a waifu.

>> No.16315601
Quoted by: >>16315609

Remember that Ice Queen's dress is a part of her body. You can make her change it to a swimsuit if you want to.

>> No.16315609
Quoted by: >>16315622

Ice Queen at the beach sounds weird.

>> No.16315622
Quoted by: >>16315785

More likely if she wants to take an ice dive in some lake up north.

There was a little greentext of how an Ice Queen managed to freeze an entire beach as she tries to smile for a photoshoot.

>> No.16315633
Quoted by: >>16315682

You nailed the chaos aspect, good job
Also I'd love is Atlach-Nacha had cute fangs

>Spin the web, have to spin the web.
That reminds me of the first few greentexts we got when we got the MGE2 pictures

That's what make them so great

>> No.16315640
File: 336 KB, 859x687, coffee stirrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16315778

Not what I had in mind.

>> No.16315643
Quoted by: >>16315668

I'm not trying to skate into marriage or slip a ring on her finger, I don't mind making chatter with her but icy that she loves running her bar with her cute snowflake Glacies

I'll start running, I hope that nice Yeti tugging on my arm to stop my puns picks up the tab

>> No.16315649

>You'll never worship an ignis possessed human girl like a goddess
>She'll never rush to save you countless times wit her signature FAIYAH PANCHI

>> No.16315657
Quoted by: >>16315663

I imagine a woman possessed by Ignis would be like Qaara from NWN2.

>> No.16315663

Or a genderbent Agni, from fire punch

>> No.16315667
Quoted by: >>16315670

>worshipping fire
So how's it feel to be Zoroaster? Would you spread the love of Salamanders, Magma Golems and fire girls to not!Persia?

>> No.16315668
Quoted by: >>16315703

That Yeti is going to throw you to the Queen's arms. Not only she will get rid of you but will also get a nice discount.

>> No.16315670

Angry Manjew told me that I should kill all of my friends!

>> No.16315682

Thank you, and the whole "spin the web" was kind of an homage to those greentexts.

>> No.16315687
Quoted by: >>16315698

Remember to always lick your maid's armpits!

>> No.16315698
Quoted by: >>16315705


>> No.16315703
Quoted by: >>16315752

Yetis are nice girls, they wouldn't work for the bar knowing it's all the Ice Queen's set up to find dating matches for cold weather girls

>> No.16315705

It's not gross anon. It's normal and it tastes nice.

>> No.16315710

>tfw no qt small sporty fit fox gf whose training left her insides tighter than a vise
2017 when

>> No.16315735

I want to harvest all the oils Automatons produce.

>> No.16315744

Please Anon, my dick can only handle so much.

>> No.16315752
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 1476598791935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows exactly what she's doing

>> No.16315767
File: 680 KB, 700x988, b18082e59efae2549f7e64314f92c864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything special plans to do with your dragon wife for new years?

>> No.16315777

Going to cuddle up in blankets and wait for 12:00. Then drinking. Then we're going to try sex while handholding. It's a special occasion after all.

And it's when we all get out waifus.

>> No.16315778

Not enough hyperbole and too much focus on her clothes, I still liked it

I got curious about this picture and finally checked her hentai
I am very much ashamed to admit that yes, I'd let her stir my coffee

>> No.16315785
File: 17 KB, 905x169, ice queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16315797

Ice Queens are for hugging close

>> No.16315789
Quoted by: >>16315803

I want Forte to ride my "dragon"!

But uhh, she'll lit some fireworks with her fire and we'll sit down while watching them. There will be a lot of cuddles.

>> No.16315797
Quoted by: >>16315809

What if she doesn't react to your hug at all?

>> No.16315803
Quoted by: >>16315853


>> No.16315806
File: 125 KB, 600x450, cf1290af88e3b43a5dee9ad0c8cbb9cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16315820

Cuddle with her under the kotatsu

>> No.16315809

Keep hugging until she feels warm or hypothermia kills you

>> No.16315816
Quoted by: >>16315820

The cold air from a Glacies or an Ice Queen doesn't kill you but it will make you feel incredibly lonely.

So lonely that you will want a hug from the nearest MG.

>> No.16315820

Dragons can't handle the kotatsu
Just look at her, the so called "Ruler of the earth" is drooling

>Keep hugging until she feels warm
This is how you become king of the snow lands

Magic cold can't kill you that's for sure, but she lives in naturally cold places so there is still a risk

>> No.16315849

The Magic cold ignores any kind of gear you pack as it goes straight to the heart.

Assuming he's properly dressed to go visit her palace.

>> No.16315853

Yes, the girl from that picture. Her name is forte.

>> No.16315869

Imagine a mofu pofu dragon under the kotatsu. That's the ultimate dragon cuddle right there. She can even slow down time.

And even so, I would still prefer my big scaled lizard.

>> No.16315872
File: 440 KB, 1000x1560, 1479692608696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich sugar momma Elves!

>> No.16315880
Quoted by: >>16315884

Well, somebody's gotta pay for my fine arts degree!

>> No.16315884

And then you can paint her like one of your French Wights.

>> No.16315896

The only sugar mama I want is an Otohime. That CHARISMA.

>> No.16315906
Quoted by: >>16315912

Otohime pls go

>> No.16315912

Otohime sugar daughteru.

>> No.16315914

Ohohohoho! Otohime pleases old men for money!

>> No.16315925

Young boys please Otohime for money!

>> No.16315930

Old men pleases young Otohime for money and fun.

>> No.16315931
Quoted by: >>16315941

If I had an Otohime sugar mommy I'd do my absolute best to keep her entertained and happy at all time
I'd even do things I hate if she wanted me to

You mean old men please Otohimes for money

Absolutely no shame in that

>> No.16315941

Man, I wonder how special a monster girl must feel when she only has one person that cares for her.
I bet just getting you on her sights is enough to make her heart-pupil and go rape mode.

>> No.16315942

>Otohime sugar momma takes a Wonderland cookie
>Shrinks herself to a loli form
>All the people in the market, especially the middle-aged ladies are fawning over you two
"Oh me oh my? Is she your younger sister?"
>Otohime 'ohohoho's
"Isn't it obvious? He's my Papa!"
>TFW you get the nickname "Papa-san" from all the merchants as she clings to your arm, back to full size later on

>> No.16315951

Posing for your Otohime Sugar Momma on an unsecured webcam!
Being dragged by her to the school prom because she wants to feel young again!
Watching your Otohime make lewd hand gestures at you during graduation!
Having her molest in her sports car on the way home and being told you're going to need to up your game if she's going to keep supporting you through college!
Committing acts of greater and greater depravity for her personal enjoyment!
Marrying her to make your fucktoy status official!

>> No.16315953
Quoted by: >>16315995

Such a shameful existence.

>> No.16315960

>Otohime mommy using her highschool uniform that is a size too small

>> No.16315987
File: 909 KB, 800x1344, 71d9d2acb6ce3f4716afb578f3ee66a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no forte
I hope the gacha gods bless me in the new year. I want my shortstack dragon rider.

>> No.16315993

I bet she still tries twintails to feel young again too.

>> No.16315995

>You spend all day pampering her in innocent ways
>Eating ice cream, going to the playground, etc...
>You finally get home
"Papa, do you want your daily pay?"
>You shamefully nod
"Then you know what to do."
>You undress and lay on the bed
>You spend the rest of the night sexually satisfying her
>She throws a load of cash at your face after she's done
>She grabs her pipe and smokes while you pitifully count your bills

Shamefully exquisite

>> No.16316002

Just look at the the in the profile. She already does that.

>> No.16316003

It's worse than you could imagine.
The silly old hag thinks she can still pull off a sporty ponytail.

>> No.16316010

>Sporty ponytail
My waifu would bully an otohime so hard.

>> No.16316011
Quoted by: >>16316026

I bet she'd even ask you some unreasonable things before important tests so you have to pass the semester again and be hers longer

Anon no!
She's already oozing out of her kimono on her profile picture, can you imagine how lewd she'd be in her highschool uniform?

>> No.16316017
Quoted by: >>16316052

True but we're talking about older otohimes here.
Ponytails on christmas cakes are god tier.

>> No.16316026
Quoted by: >>16316052

Don't get me started. She'll make you take her with you when you go out with all your hip, nihilistic college buddies! You'll have to hold her hand and fetch her drinks when all you really want to do is talk about how pointless life is and how many thick books with fancy german titles you've read.

>> No.16316027
Quoted by: >>16316044

arn't elves like ageless?

>> No.16316034

What is it with not-loli dragons and twintails? Wocks have them too.

>> No.16316044
Quoted by: >>16316067

Keep walking bud, this is a proud Otohime neighborhood.

They symbolise youthful abandon.

>> No.16316049

They want to look young and fertile for the boys. Why would they go for an old slut like her when they could be laying a wyvern or wurm?

>> No.16316052
Quoted by: >>16316071

>Ponytails on christmas cakes are god tier.
True, especially when they try to have some cute flashy hairband with them

Don't let her drink too much lest she starts spewing nonsense and shames you in front of your buddies

Can you imagine how ruined your reputation would be if she drunkenly said that you have sex with her for money?

Twintails are lewd and fun, what's not to love?

>> No.16316061
File: 593 KB, 850x856, 1419868197937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I don't believe in the afterlife!

>> No.16316067

But they're not fitting for ladies like them! They're so old, far too old for such a silly hairstyle! Mature ladies shouldn't be doing such things! Next you'll tell me they wear sailor uniforms and go to the local high schools pretending to be much younger girls too.

>> No.16316071

Why would anyone want a flat-chested tomboy or a sweaty idiot when they can have the charm and softness of a mature Wock or Hime?

She'd probably enjoy embarrassing you like that. Then she'd take you back to her swanky apartment and make you do things that make the stuff she talked about sound like something you'd do with with a virgin on your wedding night!

>> No.16316076

They NEED young boys you know? If they they use money or drugs then it's time to look young and flirt.

>> No.16316077
File: 255 KB, 500x1000, CRAYON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316082


>> No.16316078
Quoted by: >>16316259

deredere dire jinkos!

>> No.16316082
Quoted by: >>16316115

Crayon, An Elusive Artist.

>> No.16316083

Because tomboys have their own charm and some people dislike being treated like a little kid.
Wock is okay but she has shaddy wonderland stuff and Otohime is a old ass drug dealer.

>> No.16316085

It's the other way around, Otohime is ok, Wock is shit.

>> No.16316096

This isn't a joke, it's a serious social issue.
Recent studies have shown there are more old hags in our schools than actual children and the consequences are dire.
Test results are plummeting.
Positions for young male teachers are like a revolving door.
The amount of midriff showing is getting ridiculous, if they're going to participate in classes they should be helping the tax payer by buying new uniforms!

We need to the government to subsidise boytoys to keep these depraved freaks off the street!

>> No.16316099
Quoted by: >>16316124

No, we just need Great Teachers!

>> No.16316101
Quoted by: >>16316174

Go back to your grave your cap tipper

>sound like something you'd do with with a virgin on your wedding night!
If things go like this then by the time you graduate you'll be a empty husk who can only get enjoyment out of having sex with her

Wock is proud of being the lewdest and wears the diamond symbol so I get where you're coming from, but she wouldn't for you to do anything you wouldn't enjoy

And your accusation towards Otohime-sama are baseless but assuming she dealt in drugs it'd be demonic drugs without negative effects and she'd most likely give them out for free because it's fun

>> No.16316110

And I bet your husbando is Hob Gadling.

>> No.16316115
File: 762 KB, 750x750, DANANAAAANAAAAAAAA DANANAAAANAAAAAA DANA DANA DUNNANANANA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As he should be.

Being banished from his own homeland and all.

>> No.16316124
Quoted by: >>16316130

It's far too late for that. It's a conspiracy man. The hags get the teachers fresh out of college and the christmas cakes get to drag the boys off to "private lessons" whenever they please.
Next we'll start seeing Otohimes old enough to be your mother wearing bright yellow hats and carrying clarinets!

>> No.16316130

Despair! The lechery of old Monster women has driven me to despair!

>> No.16316136
File: 159 KB, 779x1080, 60577423_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316148

>> No.16316138 [DELETED] 

>"Hi-hiii, I'm Jabby-chan! I'm 16 years old and love pocky, sweets, and cute boys!"
Surely they aren't that bad for our schools right? Just a little... Eccentric.

>> No.16316145
File: 3.01 MB, 3500x2187, b0e41a50fa7dd30fbd27802467142597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hi-hiii, I'm Jabby-chan! I'm 16 years old and love pocky, sweets, and cute boys!"
Surely they aren't that bad for our schools right? Just a little... Eccentric.

>> No.16316148

The ears! Always with the ears!
Young lady, was that wock just licking your special parts?

>> No.16316154

Disgusting. She's probably old enough to give history lessons instead of listening to them.
I know a corset when I see one too.

>> No.16316163

>Study for over to decade to become a high-school teacher
>For some reason the mixed species school pay ten times as much
>Go to an interview with the Succubus head of the school
>Get hired before I can even hand her my resume
>I start tomorrow
>Get lost in the corridors and arrive at my first class ever late
>The boys all look intimidated and or scared
>90% of the girls look way too old
>Apologize for my being late
"You're forgiven mister cute!"
>An Otohime who barely fits in her uniform is smiling at me and making weird gestures with her hands and a pen
>This is going to be a long year

>> No.16316165
Quoted by: >>16316181

>Otohime wearing a ponytail after childbirth
>She tells you that it's the duty of the sea-dragon father to carry the young, you're getting scared
>'Impregnate the males?'
>Just smiles at you while her mermaid servants hold you down and slip a baby sling onto your front, putting your daughter in it
>She just curls her seahorse tail up against you as she buries her face in your chest with a "Meh!"
>Wife that's fifteen years your senior calling you 'Papa-san~'

>> No.16316167

Jabber-oneechan is young!

And she most certainly doesn't have a flabby beer belly from drinking!

>> No.16316170
File: 98 KB, 670x480, Truly a maneater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new girl in school.

>> No.16316174

>she wouldn't for you to do anything you wouldn't enjoy
Well you would be in wonderland so the madness would already be in effect. I doubt there would be something you disliked, especially when amamono mana is on play.

>> No.16316177
Quoted by: >>16316200

>Monster girls trying to hide that they're out of shape

Huh, why do I want this?

>> No.16316181 [SPOILER] 
File: 337 KB, 600x450, 1482766908713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316212


>> No.16316198
Quoted by: >>16316218

What have I done?

>> No.16316200
Quoted by: >>16316211

Because it's the allure of plump monster girls with extra embarrassment. Tell me you wouldn't tease old hag monster girls that did that.

>> No.16316201

There's only one way out of this
>go home at the end of the week and begin planning
>pull out the pictures you've taken of your class, a pencil, a pair of scissors and a lot of string
>start creating a giant map of the interactions you've observed in your brief time as a teacher
>all for one purpose
>to find all the nursing home bait in your class a man before your career comes to a quick end
>start writing notes on the back of each and every photo
>Jabby-chan: Obvious enjoys sedentary lifestyle, avoid sporty types
>Anubis: Possibly manages hedgefund during break peroids, responsible type? Improvement projects?
>Otohime: Flexibility is a essential; have to find an opportunity to observe gym classes
>Anon: Possible homosexual, must investigate further
>by the time you've finished your bedroom looks like an arachne's house
>this better work

>> No.16316206
Quoted by: >>16316270

>Be Physical Education teacher
>Have to endure all sorts of lewd teasing and stares as you pop a boner to you're students' bodies
>All the DE around probably doesn't help either
>But can't act on desires unless you feel like wanting to be a husband instead of a teacher
>Or worse, be turned into an object of contention as your class thrashes the school, all vying for your affection
Teaching in MGC would be hell. The strongest of will would probably turn out to be leading Order members or something.

>> No.16316211


Oh, I would.

I also may or may not sneak them hathor's milk to make it easier to tease her.

>> No.16316212

I want a Xenomorph MG to fellate me with that pharyngael jaw of hers. It'd be like a piston made of muscle jerking back and forth without her having to move a muscle outside of that, perfectly snug and tight like a living onahole.

>> No.16316217

>you will never be a teacher at an MG school

>> No.16316218

I don't know.

>> No.16316232

My head canon is that monster girls go to monster girl only schools to protect young boys and male teachers alike.

It only makes sense with the high rape rates, god help the world when they graduate and have all that pent up lust though.

>> No.16316236

>you will never be tenderly molested by a MG teacher
>you will never be inspired in some sick perverted way to get into teaching because of that
>finally graduate you're sent to some random school across from the area you grew up in
>walk in on the first day, full of pep and dreams of cute OLs
>put your stuff down on your table in the staffroom, turn to your neighbor
>it's her
>your smile disappears as a huge grins spreads across her face

>> No.16316239

I've seen this pic so many times before and I just now noticed she's wearing a jacket.

>> No.16316243

Isn't this mango edgy as shit? Kike the MC prematurely hatched an egg and kidnapped a half-developed mantis girl?

>> No.16316258
Quoted by: >>16316277

Molesting Hakutakus.

>> No.16316259
File: 390 KB, 1000x1100, wedding jinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316263

Diredere jinko
Deredire jinko

>> No.16316260
Quoted by: >>16316353

Go on...

>> No.16316263
Quoted by: >>16316271

Big, buff, cuddly jinkos.

>> No.16316264
Quoted by: >>16316268

Just take me

>> No.16316265
File: 127 KB, 657x890, 659512ad4308b602314286355909114b900002771aaebede1312be5c64faa58b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How now brown cow.

>> No.16316266

>Anon: Possible homosexual, must investigate further

>> No.16316268
Quoted by: >>16316282

Come on, don't just submit to an old hag. Have a little more shame then that.

>> No.16316270

Your first mistake would be becoming a P.E. teacher. Whether you want them to or not, those girls are gonna go wild once they catch glimpses of your sexy, toned body. And after they get a load of your rock hard abs during swim class, it's all over. They'll be wet before they hit the pool

>> No.16316271
File: 253 KB, 541x700, big chuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big buff chuff?

>> No.16316272

Biggest and the buffest.

>> No.16316273

>Sweaty and toned girls
Jesus I definitely would be able to become a teacher.

>> No.16316275

There's gotta be a backpack-kun joke for this

>> No.16316276
Quoted by: >>16316281

I don't really like 'em big.

>> No.16316277
Quoted by: >>16316286

Hakutakus don't molest
Sure they might be a bit touchy and get way too close but that's ok unless you're a pervert who gets aroused by the feel of her large breasts pressing against you and her cow pheromones filling your nostrils

If you meant that you are the one molesting Hakutakus then you have great tastes

They have low quality milk.

>> No.16316281
Quoted by: >>16316342

But they like you, anon

>> No.16316282

>old hag

You take that back right now. There is nothing wrong with Christmas Cake Jabberwocks.

>> No.16316286
Quoted by: >>16316327

I'm sure she will once she knows I'm a slut for that type of girl, but I'm also a switch, so if she shows any weak spots I wouldn't hold back when groping her while we take the train to school.

>> No.16316288
Quoted by: >>16316314

Those with fiery personalities would probably take any 1v1 sporting competition with you as a marriage proposal, and you're likely to win due to experience.
>Queue of Salamanders, Lizardmen and Hinezumi waiting to challenge Anon in sports
>Anon has to swallow his pride, and lose to them all the time.

>> No.16316291
Quoted by: >>16316310

>Christmas Cake
If she's a Christmas Cake, she's the kind of Cake you find behind your frozen peas in the middle of January.

>> No.16316293
Quoted by: >>16316310

There is if she is dressing and acting like a 16 years old.

But hey, at least she's not in the sabbath.

>> No.16316303
Quoted by: >>16316318

>implying anyone willing to be a teacher for MGs would go there for OLs and not to fuck the students

>> No.16316310
Quoted by: >>16316320

How else is she supposed to get a cute young husband?

>> No.16316314

you'd better be a good actor or else those girls will get angry that you aren't being serious. they'll just keep challenging you until you give it your all

>> No.16316316
File: 409 KB, 595x842, 1456374610155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay late one day after school for sports
>you're exhausted and take longer changing than the rest so before you know it you're alone in the locker room
>that's when it happens
>your hakutaku home room teacher bursts into the room and traps you against the lockers, tearing off your underwear like she's possessed
>you try to plead with her but she only responds with heavy breathing and a look of lust in her eyes
>in one last desperate attempt you try to scream for help but she slips behind you, covering your mouth with one hand while frantically stroking your manhood with her other
>"I love you I love you I love you" she repeats rapidly through her panting
>it's 3 hours later when the school's kikimora finds you in a pool of bodily fluids
Hakutakus may seem friendly but never forget that they're monsters at heart.

>> No.16316318

There will be less trouble and less competition to go for the OLs.

>> No.16316320
Quoted by: >>16316326

I'm sure there are a lot of Anons who are into CC Wockers. They just need a bit more confidence.

>> No.16316326

I need CC wocks!

>> No.16316327

Please don't corrupt the teacher into molesting
And don't ever maintain eye contact with her while downing a glass of milk, she won't be able to contain herself if you do

She only did this because you stared at her breasts all classes long since the beginning of the school year, 100% deserved

>> No.16316331
Quoted by: >>16316349

Thanks for the hint. I'll definitely say it's really delicious and would love to have some more.

>> No.16316342
Quoted by: >>16316357

Oh dear.

>> No.16316344

Teachers are already corrupt. They can't help themselves. They're surrounded by cute school boy Anons and Shotas everyday.

>> No.16316347

See anons. This is why you get yourself a human teacher.

>> No.16316348
File: 2.55 MB, 1488x2105, Hakutakuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16316349

>I'll definitely say it's really delicious and would love to have some more.
What a dirty slut you are.

That's partially true but it's sluts like >>16316344 that push them to cross the line

>> No.16316351
Quoted by: >>16316379

I really hope she says things like that to me. Maybe even have me cum using only her fluffy tail.

When did I turn out to be such a slut for the Tacos? Damn you, Anon for tipping me!

>> No.16316352
File: 110 KB, 834x1080, 3cbc4a75a2193bbe15f74e8c715e7a2b3ff74fe90563fe04ec875cb808fb2224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You sure got a purty mouth there boya~!"

>> No.16316353
Quoted by: >>16316379

>you’re more surprised than anything
>seeing her in the flesh after all these years, it’s a bit too much
>she doesn’t seem to skip a beat
>the Anubis in front of you smiles
“My Anon, you haven’t changed a bit”
>no reaction, just sliding you back into her pack of cards like you’d only fallen under the table for a second
>”It’s been five years you know”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.
>you’re not sure if the smugness she’s exhaling is a good or a bad sign
>whether those eyes are filled with the same lust that burned in them when she first had her way with you in a sunlight classroom or pushed you down onto the leather of her apartment's couch
>not that you think about her that way
>you're your own man now
>you even have a girlfriend!
>well you had a girlfriend
>who was also an Anubis
>and enrolled in the same course as you
>and had the long black hair and affinity for pantyhose-
>yeah, maybe you were still taken with her, but come on, things like that didn't happen in real life
>there was no way a woman her age and with her beauty didn't already have someone else in their life
>so you just laughed and asked her if she was still teaching art and spent the all too quick break you had before your first class going over what you'd been doing for the last few years
>study mainly
>still, class time rolls around and you have to make yourself busy
>the day passes uneventfully, but it's still late by the time you're able to drag yourself away from the paperwork and nameroll you'd sat in front of and head back to the staff room
>and you weren't hoping that she's still be there

You're calling teachers sluts when those shotas come to school with their knees exposed each and every day?

>> No.16316357
Quoted by: >>16316409

Not as if you can stop a 7 foot tall jinko in love. I think you'll be a fan of big girls when one takes you and makes sweet, handholding, eye contact love to you

>> No.16316359
Quoted by: >>16316386

I want to tease Anya about how Siberian tigers are shit tier compared to Bengal tigers, who can actually be white only to get hunted in the snow!

>> No.16316360

Does that tail hurt when I tug on it?

>> No.16316361

You could at least ask me to use my land to hunt, I'm trying to slay some hogs that have been fucking up the crops

>> No.16316364
File: 505 KB, 536x943, 1482714444172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318251

I need more girls with guns

>> No.16316366
Quoted by: >>16316376

No, no anon.

Big Buff Chuff Chuff

>> No.16316371
File: 215 KB, 1000x1000, 1482025785336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would other Doromes look like?

>> No.16316376

>a jinko will never sniff and lick my hand, inspecting the way I taste

>> No.16316378

I like them

>> No.16316379
Quoted by: >>16316385

What's next? You're to going to be a troublemaker just so she can ask you to stay after class is over and punish you?

>When did I turn out to be such a slut for the Tacos? Damn you, Anon for tipping me!
Don't blame me, you're the one who want to be raped by the teacher

>You're calling teachers sluts when those shotas come to school with their knees exposed each and every day?
The monster girl committee of education is the one who designed the male uniforms, those poor shotas don't know what they are doing and have no say in it

>> No.16316380

The one on the right has Nero's ass-crack.

>> No.16316382

I have a rape alarm so she better get away.

>> No.16316383

What would other Lava Golem look like I wonder.

>> No.16316385
Quoted by: >>16316396

I would never want to be assaulted and molested by one if Anon didn't start talking about them doing it. Now that I got a taste I can't stop it.

I want a Hakutaku to force her tongue into my mouth and violate me until I can't even stand anymore.

>> No.16316386
Quoted by: >>16316424

prepare for chuffrape

>> No.16316392

God damn it this is unfair. Barb needs to take responsibility for making me like teacher cows so much.

>> No.16316393

Cute taco Barb.
Automatons when?

>> No.16316396
Quoted by: >>16316402

Standing? She's going to make you her chair in front of the entire class.
What are they gonna do, say she raped you?

>> No.16316398
File: 186 KB, 727x1011, 1465765080735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon's right. especially if you tempt them
>be shota in middle school
>hakutaku-sensei asks the class to write down what they want to be when they grow up
>it's no surprise to you what you end up putting on your paper
>the way sensei's hips sway when she walks through class and how her breasts push against your back when she helps you with work
>you write that you want to be sensei's husband
>as everyone is handing in their answers, hakutaku-sensei is reading over them
>"Ah, that's a wonderful goal, Sally. Oh, and yours too, Timmy."
>hand her yours
>"And Anon wants to be-"
>She stops, reads, and re-reads what you wrote, thinking she was mistaken
>"W-Well, that's an admirable dream. Anyways, you did poorly on a recent test, so be sure to come by after class for tutoring."
>ask her what she wants to go over
>her face flushes as she bends down to your ear and whispers "Let's start with sex ed"

>> No.16316399
Quoted by: >>16316683

You know, I'm not a fan of harems in 95% of cases, but if I found myself in the middle of a small pack of affectionate wolfus I don't think I could say 'no'.

>> No.16316402
Quoted by: >>16316420

Eh. I'm not into being used in front of other people. Just getting glares and lewd lip licking from her would get me way harder because I would know what's going to happen after class.

I need to go back before it's too late.

>> No.16316409

>Hakutaku-sensei will never flick your fingers for talking in class
I give up.

>> No.16316412
Quoted by: >>16316417

What's this I see?

>> No.16316417
Quoted by: >>16316437

It's a cute Glacie.

>> No.16316420
Quoted by: >>16316434

Were did you get that silly idea? There's nothing wrong with having your sensei platonically sit on your lap during class.

>> No.16316421

Lucky lad.

>> No.16316424
Quoted by: >>16316485

I wish a white Jinko would chuffrape me.

>> No.16316427

I'm not normally a fan of shota content but this is pleasing.

Hakutakus are so amazing that my usual tastes go out the window when they're involved.

>> No.16316430
File: 825 KB, 3100x1200, Doromes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316446

You have all the regular colors mud/soil can have + all the ones mamono mana creates, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a wide variety of colors most of them in darker tones

Their body shape isn't fixed either so you can have loli, shortstack, tall /fit/, etc...

>> No.16316434

Oh, I though you were talking about being used as a dick throne. Wait a second why are making me think about doing those kinds of things anon?
And even so, having her plump, hot ass on my lap would give me a boner all of my classmates would notice and I probably wouldn't resist licking her neck and whispering sweet nothings in her ears.

>> No.16316437
Quoted by: >>16316439

It's a goofball is what it is.

>> No.16316439
Quoted by: >>16316441

It's a cute goofball.

>> No.16316441

True enough.

>> No.16316446
Quoted by: >>16316483

Those look cool as fuck.

>> No.16316448

>Become a magic hating Paladin, well-versed in Silence type disables
>TFW go back to your hometown, converted into a Demon Realm by an oh-so-yandere Dark Mage
>She just 'Ara Ara's at you, teleporting to your front
"Is that how you really feel?"
>'Magic sucks!'
>She smiles, gripping your pelvis
"No no... I suck. All. Night. Long."

>> No.16316456

>teleporting to your front
Nothing personal, eh?

>> No.16316460
Quoted by: >>16316462

Did the paladin expect her to teleport behind him, which is why he got caught off guard when she ended up in front instead?

>> No.16316462

Yes. That's how all Paladins are taught.

>> No.16316463
Quoted by: >>16316476

No, when you teleport in front of someone, it's very personal.

>> No.16316476

I think he was making a refrence to that edglord sonic oc

>> No.16316479
Quoted by: >>16316493

>teleport behind, not personal
>teleport in front, very personal

>> No.16316481

>not being on a first name basis with Coldsteel the Hedgeheg

>> No.16316482

>not personnel
Somewhere, a memecat is crying

>> No.16316483
Quoted by: >>16316500

I just lazily moved the levels and curves around, proper recolors would look much coolers

I love Dorome's profile color but a more earthy color like >>16314697 is great as well too

>> No.16316485

Me too

>> No.16316487


Couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.16316490

Good, crying faggotcats a cute.

>> No.16316493
Quoted by: >>16316497

What if I teleport to the side? Now what?

>> No.16316497
Quoted by: >>16316501

This time it's half-assed.

>> No.16316500
Quoted by: >>16316511

Is it wrong that I want to see a Red Mud Dorome in faux tribal gear?

>> No.16316501
Quoted by: >>16316510

That's the worst kind of ass.

>> No.16316502
File: 208 KB, 2137x757, 1469626458679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16316509
Quoted by: >>16316512

Would a memecat get happy again if you told her dead memes?

>> No.16316510
Quoted by: >>16316521

No, the worst kind of ass is the type that won't shut up and let you enjoy your swamp.

>> No.16316511
Quoted by: >>16316526

Absolutely not, she can even have cray markings and do a sloppy version of the rain dance that she calls the mud dance

>> No.16316512
Quoted by: >>16316523

Memes never die, but yes, older ones would bring her joy for sure.

>> No.16316513
File: 248 KB, 724x1001, I like to think she&#039;s kneeling down and her fluff is covering her legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu is a better hunter than you.

>> No.16316521

Depends on how thicc it is.

>> No.16316523

>Memes never die

>> No.16316526


>> No.16316530

>implying faggotcats wouldn't love that
God, I hate them so much!

Yet why do I love them?

>> No.16316531


>> No.16316533


>> No.16316545

Clean-up anon is a real MVP.

>> No.16316547
Quoted by: >>16316569

>Implying a memecat wouldn't go straight to somehow leaving a trail of rainbows and going "nya" repeatedly

>> No.16316549
File: 240 KB, 569x595, It&#039;s for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banana phone!

>> No.16316569

>Sex is just you two fucking while spouting old memes at each other.
I don't know if I hate or love it.

>> No.16316580

The older the meme, the deeper the love.

>> No.16316583

How deep can this love go desu?

>> No.16316587
Quoted by: >>16316591

>tfw her tired memes means she likes me
I don't wanna be in this timeline anymore.

>> No.16316590
Quoted by: >>16316593

>"If I take off that condom, will you die?"
>"It would be extremely pleasurable"
>"You've got a big dick."
>"For you."
>"What's the next step in your master plan"
>"Crashing our house... with octuplets!"
I'm sorry

>> No.16316591
Quoted by: >>16316602

This is the primary timeline though.

>> No.16316593

>not knowing your waifu's in charge here

>> No.16316596

Does she feel "in charge"?

>> No.16316597
Quoted by: >>16316634

Does she feel in control?

>> No.16316602
Quoted by: >>16316611

That's what all timelines say.

>> No.16316603

>You're having sex with your Cheshire Cat girlfriend cowgirl style
>You're really into it and about to cum
"Anon, I have something to admit."
>Her tone is unusually serious
"I've been seeing another man."
>You blank out not even registering her words
>You hatefuck her all night long
>She can't walk straight for 2 weeks after that

>> No.16316611
Quoted by: >>16316621

Yeah but we have the Cosmic Keystone.

>> No.16316613
File: 72 KB, 719x899, 177a0df624fe59a38824b2dbdd16aeac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a shortstack

stop this heresy

>> No.16316615


>> No.16316619

She needs to slap a button that fires confetti and throws up his theme.

That would complete it.

>> No.16316621 [DELETED] 

>using the cosmic keystone to get dubs
Point taken.

>> No.16316627
File: 513 KB, 771x1100, Golem+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316652

I just had a thought. While new Automatons can'r be developed, a Gremlin could easily apply existing knowledge of them with the Living Doll and Golems creation method and develop Pseudo-Automatons.

>> No.16316629
Quoted by: >>16316665

But you don't see Jo..


>> No.16316634

The real question is, has victory defeated her?

>> No.16316652
Quoted by: >>16316675

So we're taking the de-extinction route?

>> No.16316655

Someone name some artists that do NSFW that could do a good job on a Dorome commission

>> No.16316657
File: 1.36 MB, 9109x870, c2136520f52d9a910e3e032661451ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 year old midget. Yes I know the demon version from bahamut was taller but dorafs are love.

>> No.16316662
Quoted by: >>16316676

Sub does NSFW and I like their art.

>> No.16316663
Quoted by: >>16316678

So many moonrunes.

>> No.16316665
Quoted by: >>16316674

The meme is running even deeper than I thought

>> No.16316674
Quoted by: >>16316684

We are born of the memes. Made men by the memes.

>> No.16316675

Eh, sure.

>> No.16316676

Nvm. I just looked and sub's commotions are closed right now.

>> No.16316678
Quoted by: >>16316685

It's translated on danbooru fortunately but most of it's pretty straight forward.

>> No.16316679

Is she gonna have a thiccer bodytype or alt hairstyle?

>> No.16316680

I always find myself getting lost in alicias cleavage.

>> No.16316683

Welp, good thing you never will.

>> No.16316684

>Micolash will never molest you with the Augur of Ebrietas

>> No.16316685

Alrighty then. Never watched more than a couple episodes of Bahamut anyway.

>> No.16316687

Probably not, I like her just fine as she is, why?

>> No.16316689
Quoted by: >>16316691

I love ittas art. They do draw futa now and again but I'll live. And they mostly do NSFW.

>> No.16316691
Quoted by: >>16316783

kind of has a sort of homestuck feel to it

>> No.16316692
File: 123 KB, 292x389, 1482450850094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316730

Why not?

>> No.16316704
Quoted by: >>16316724

From the ones on the wordpress that are open I'd recommend Ittla or Magnifire.

Both draw futa etc for commissions which may put some people off but their styles are nice enough. Magnifire is good at communicating and Ittla is a nice person with reasonable prices.
There's some artists on the list I prefer such as Mono but sadly he's closed right now.

>> No.16316722

I can't help but I'm very happy to see someone who loves her enough to commission art

Sticking to profile is always a safe bet especially on new girls, but if you have some other design in mind go ahead and do it MGE encourages fan creations afterall

>> No.16316724
File: 1.64 MB, 1131x1600, tumblr_o7ydxe47F01sr3vxbo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backing up the Magnifire recommendation, I just remembered he's done bubble slime before so Dorome should be right up his alley.

>> No.16316726

I would gladly take the doraf's and make them into milk maids.

>> No.16316730

New girl with basically no art of her base profile.

Save variations for after the profile's had a fair bit of attention.

>> No.16316738

Agreed, he'd make a very cute Dorome.

>> No.16316745

Don't cheer the memecat up. Let her cry. She doesn't deserve the attention.

>> No.16316748

But I want to.
I want to give her sweets until she's happy again!

And then I'll give her more so she stays happy!

>> No.16316751
Quoted by: >>16316763

The give her more. And more. And more. And more. And then you have a smug pudgy meme cat. What now?

>> No.16316753
Quoted by: >>16316765

Do not bully the memecat

>> No.16316757
Quoted by: >>16316763

but then you'll go too far and she'll become diabetic.

>> No.16316763

Easy, I make her the biggest meme of all.

The magic of Mammy Bammy

>> No.16316765
Quoted by: >>16316773

But she bullies herself! She makes fun of the pudgy Christmas cake Wock next door!

>> No.16316767
Quoted by: >>16316770


Anon. THICC is serious business.

>> No.16316768
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, Phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being such a phat cat is what made her depressed!

>> No.16316770

And I'm serious about making her a living meme!
Cuddle Cat won't have shit on her!

>> No.16316773


>> No.16316779

Then I'm just going to have to make her feel good!

She won't be depressed if she has a boyfriend.

>> No.16316783

Well you're not wrong. But I still like the art.

>> No.16316786

I'm not fat fag. But I would marry the phat fat.

But the bigger issue is. Who is taking those lewd pictures of the phat cat?

>> No.16316791
File: 853 KB, 1800x2250, Ches1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316828

Phat cat herself!

She got drunk and send lewd pictures to the guy she likes and is now embarrassed about what she did last night!

She won't be able to leave the house unless he comes over to comfort her!

>> No.16316794

Just force her to teleport until she's normal again.

>> No.16316803
Quoted by: >>16316806

Has somebody ever smacked the memecat for being so annoying?

>> No.16316806

You can't smack her; she's not all there, you see.

>> No.16316807

Forte is so fucking great. I would let her battle my waifu and fuck them both ragged.

>> No.16316821
File: 441 KB, 1093x1204, 1482507645221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316848

I'm going to become a great knight and defeat a dragon!
I'm going to tie her up in the strongest chains I can find and then start teasing her and I won't fuck her until I break her pride and make her beg for me to fuck her.
Then I'm going to marry her and tenderly love her.

>> No.16316824 [DELETED] 


Goddamnit, why do you Wolfufags have to do this to me.

>> No.16316828

Gonna bring phat cat some snacks.
Gonna scratch hear ears while we watch animu.

>> No.16316829
Quoted by: >>16316834

That there is a furry. You're in the wrong thread.

>> No.16316834

thats the wolf girl from Scooby Doo Ghoul school. She wasn't a furry.

>> No.16316840


>> No.16316847
File: 108 KB, 674x813, 1482724342058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316878

Awoo milk.

I don't like the look of that nose.

>> No.16316848

>breaking a dragons superiority and pride complex

Please don't

>> No.16316878


>> No.16316886

What would it take for a NSFW Dorome commission to disappoint?

>> No.16316896

If it's something other than tender cuddlefucking.
I swear if there's no vaginal I will hunt you down and end you.

>> No.16316897
File: 457 KB, 636x900, 1459126446501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape my Onee-san while she sleeps!

>> No.16316906

But that's her plan!

>> No.16316910

Not much that could disappoint really.

Both handjobs and sex would be highly desirable, cowgirl specifically but it's your money so pay for whatever makes you the happiest.

>> No.16316918


>> No.16316920

Funny, I was debating between intimate cuddlefuck and breast smothering handjob.
There'd be copies involved.

>> No.16316924
File: 710 KB, 1169x951, 423ddc78f4ac15dace0b457994af7f3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge, huge tits, grope and squeeze, etc.

>> No.16316931
File: 102 KB, 781x750, Level 50 Bandit Leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears as though low level anon has made a terrible mistake and unknowingly pranced his way into the Enchanted Forest located near the Steppes while trying to get stronger.

Anon is now the property of the Horse Pussy Bandit Leader, his adventuring career tragically cut short by his inability to look at a map.

Virgin anons may roll dice for a chance to handed off to a level 45 Unicorn buyer instead.


1-3 is a WINNAH, and 4-6 means you stay with the leader.


>> No.16316932

are there actual redcap fans in-thread, or are they too edgy/terrifying to waifu?

>> No.16316934
Quoted by: >>16316959

Hell isn't what it used to be.
I was wrong. Hell is still Hell.

>> No.16316940
Quoted by: >>16316946

Do you think copies of dorome have a gem in their chest as well? Or is that how you find the original in the pile.

>> No.16316946

Do clones have souls?

>> No.16316953

She's not my waifu, but she's in my top ten.

I would love to fight a Redcap. I want her to hide in my house waiting to ambush me when I come home from work. As soon as I park the car, I'd get the NERF bat in my trunk and enter the house through some window.

Then the hunt is on.

>> No.16316959

I don't know anon, that Horse Pussy looks really nice.

What with the armor, weaponry, and neato leg hair.

>> No.16316964

>you will never be forced onto a boat by nordic orc sea raiders

>> No.16316968
File: 97 KB, 693x941, 1481702093152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk the Cyberdemon!
I like their aggressive huntress aspect.

>> No.16316969
Quoted by: >>16317034

Please don't. That oneesan fox looks pure.

>> No.16316983
Quoted by: >>16316998

A main of fine taste, whichever one you decide on would be great.

>> No.16316987

Fuck off furfag.

>> No.16316990

I want my onee-san to rape me while I sleep.

>> No.16316998

Would it be okay if for the latter said hands were the exact ones from the profile art though
Muddy handpussy basically

>> No.16316999

>Got bought by the Unicorn
Good I'd have a very time loving a vanilla Centaur, a Unicorn has some good traits to her so we'll work things out

>> No.16317002
Quoted by: >>16317013

It would be a mistake to not use mudddy handpussy.

>> No.16317004

You don't anon. It's not as good as it sounds. You'd probably wake up very sleepy and not in the sex mood.

>> No.16317013
Quoted by: >>16317024

This >>16316910

There is a Gnome nursing handjob picture out there, look at it for inspiration

This >>16317002

>> No.16317015
Quoted by: >>16317089


>Be on The Great Wall when you see the Cyber-Demon, clad in your sexy, clandestine green Praetor suit
>Today -is- a good day to die
>Drop your shotgun to the ground, the hordes of chittering imps and groaning zombies seeming less like an army to you and more like chaff before the wind
>Brace yourself and leap off the great stone monument, various other marines and Paladins wondering if you've gone mad
>'The Unchained Predator!', 'The Coming Storm!', 'The Hell-Walker!'
>You're charging through Imps and Zombies like a quarterback high on PCP, the Cyber-Demon having every football ever made in her hands
>It's time to try the FULL FRONTAL... assault
>She's noticed you at this point, firing off rockets and slashes of energy from her claw
>Her massive mammaries start lactating the closer you get to her
>The Doom Walker has long since faded into the stuff of myth, a tale to tell all the little Devils and Demons so they stay well-behaved
>But very few know the truth, for behind every myth, there is some truth
>Which is why whenever you see a Cyber-Demon on the fields of Hell, they no longer wear armor guarding their engorged bosoms
>Lactating only when their destined husband finds them

>> No.16317024
Quoted by: >>16317047

>There is a Gnome nursing handjob picture out there, look at it for inspiration
Yes, I know, that was a gift commission from last year
This is going to be this year's

>> No.16317034

that's just because she's asleep. when she's awake, she's super smug and always teases me. she won't be so smug when she wakes up with a womb full of her little brother's cum

>> No.16317047
Quoted by: >>16317053

What do you mean by gift?
Is this your gift to us?

>> No.16317051
Quoted by: >>16317056

Do you ever get tired of the Steppes meme?

>> No.16317053

No, a gift from a friend, we exchange monster girl commissions for christmas

>> No.16317056

Everything is a mém these days.

>> No.16317057
Quoted by: >>16317066

That's cute
I'd like to do it but I have no frieds

>> No.16317066

What >>16317057 said.

It warms my heart seeing this. The waifufags getting art for each other too.

>> No.16317089
Quoted by: >>16317406

You should write more lactation smut featuring non-Bovine MGs like Peny does.

>> No.16317141
File: 538 KB, 836x1200, 60580747_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317148

>> No.16317148

Eldritch abominations make the best onee-sans and imoutos

>> No.16317158

I want to bring back her smile.

>> No.16317171
File: 506 KB, 800x743, C0g9YV4VQAAKB05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of Dark Mages, they might cast a shota spell on you and mother you all day long just to satisfy their barbaric urges

>> No.16317178

I would demand this from a Dark Mage

>> No.16317181

I don't understand how anybody could sleep through somebody roughly moving around in the same bed as them let alone being fucked.

>> No.16317192
File: 635 KB, 952x1350, 1459902332759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317207

>> No.16317200
Quoted by: >>16317203

I wouldn't mind.

>> No.16317203

What if she makes you eat her home baked cookies and headpats you in the process?

Some people sleep really hard, other than that you have medicines/drugs
Or they're just Dormice

>> No.16317204
File: 81 KB, 1320x633, 1428099113817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317215

it just takes some "medicinal help"

>> No.16317207

Those handlebars will come in good use.

>> No.16317208
Quoted by: >>16317221

I want to carry a sleeping Dormouse in pajamas to her little bed.

>> No.16317213
Quoted by: >>16317221

What if I tell her she's the best Onee-san/mother in the world and I love her?

>> No.16317215

Fuck that's hot.

>> No.16317221

I want to rape a sleeping Dormouse in the standing full nelson anal position

One of two things
She manages to hold herself back and just showers you in hugs and kisses until the spell's effect runs out and then she rapes you
Or she snaps and rapes you on the spot

>> No.16317223
Quoted by: >>16317262

>Pound her fat, round mouse butt after pulling down her pajamas.
>She aheagaos in her sleep.

>> No.16317246
File: 212 KB, 479x650, Ryu MGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting a ryu drunk on sake

>> No.16317260
File: 51 KB, 650x458, 1444563787107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few drinks with that nice Ryu at your local shrine.

She's always happy to impart her wisdom, talk about current affairs, and make sure the vegetable garden you're growing gets just the right amount of rain.

>> No.16317262

>You fill her ass with half a dozen of loads
>Gently place her in bed and tuck her in afterwards
>You pass out on the coach from the exhaustion of pounding her
>You're waked up by her
"Anon, I had a wonderful dream and you were in it!"
>You propose her to tell you all about it while sitting around the table and eating breakfast
>She tells you that she can't sit because her behind hurts

>> No.16317281

>She manages to hold herself back and just showers you in hugs and kisses until the spell's effect runs out and then she rapes you
>Or she snaps and rapes you on the spot
I'll take option 2 if possible

>> No.16317290

drinking vodka with a jinko and convincing her to wear a frilly girly dress that's a size too small for her

>> No.16317302
Quoted by: >>16317335

How would kuudere girls like sahuagin and glacies be drunk?
Glacies would be great at parties because they can keep drinks cold.

>> No.16317310

Me too.

>> No.16317329
Quoted by: >>16317335

Fuck, I would actually like her if she wasn't always associated with that shit. Sad

>> No.16317335

A lot of blushing, a few hiccups and maybe a love confession

They aren't, it's human witches that are associated with it
MGE Dark Mage is more of a mayadere from what we have

>> No.16317406

Fuck me, fell asleep at the desk. Not going to spoil Peny's schtick though, sorry.

>> No.16317426


We've had the Gremlin profile translated for a while now and yet there been barely any discussions about it

My favorite part is how they have no confidence in their bodies, I'd kill to tell one that I find her perfect

>> No.16317432
Quoted by: >>16317457

>No shortstack Gremlin who's insecure because she doesn't look like an average Gremlin
>She'll never hide her depression by putting up a front of being a super genki inventor and tinkerer.
>I'll never break through her facade and do everything I can to make her genuinely smile.
>I'll never be able to help her love herself as much as I do.
God, is this what it's like to have a healing fetish? It hurts.

>> No.16317457
Quoted by: >>16317477

>No shortstack Gremlin who's insecure because she doesn't look like an average Gremlin
That doesn't make much sense since average Gremlins are already insecure

She should be even more insecure because not only does she have a lowly Gremlin body but also has an overly large bust and behind which make everything awkward
With her level of insecurity she might even use a mechanical onahole because who in their right mind would find her attractive enough to stick it in her?
You'd have to slowly build her confidence and make her stop relying on her machines until you can finally have a 1 on 1 sessions with her and prove that she's beautiful by creampying her without any outside help

>> No.16317464
File: 99 KB, 426x341, 1482677344019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317694

>Automaton may be confused about the values of service to her master, starting with praise for her wonderful master, she will cling to her master while gently stroking her abdomen, as if wanting a child, unable to bear letting even a drop of semen leak out.

>> No.16317477
Quoted by: >>16317520

It's a catch 22 with a Gremlin's self-confidence honestly.
>Is she an average Gremlin? Then she's insecure in her body image.
>Is she a non-average Gremlin? Then she's insecure because she's not average.
The only cure here is hair ruffling, cuddles and lots of rough sex.

>> No.16317485
Quoted by: >>16317495

I want a Gremlin to assault Paladin-Chan with a tentacle machine

>> No.16317495
Quoted by: >>16317627

Just imagine a Gremlin cackling like a lunatic while making you watch the machine pump a Paladin full of demonic energy.
>"Hey anon, why don't you go fill her up with something warmer? She's been exposed to so much Demonic Energy that I'll bet she'd start turning into a monster the second you stuck your dick in!"
Would you though. Keep in mind, the Gremlin's going to likely masturbate while watching and then go home and dream of having a husband.

>> No.16317498
File: 149 KB, 810x682, Sans titre 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious about this fact

>> No.16317506
Quoted by: >>16317511


>> No.16317511

He will do it... in the finished version. wink wink

>> No.16317514
File: 194 KB, 761x1200, 5c19e5637b384f9cc49da998ae2c1b276426753b1de315e5f1ed73a2954605e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Anon, what would your waifu have gotten you for Christmas?

>> No.16317520
Quoted by: >>16317569

Don't forget the sweets too
She seems pretty assertive, do you have a plan to make her stop raping you with her machines? I'd go with a honest, heartfelt talk

>> No.16317524
Quoted by: >>16317559

>and an Automaton may be confused about the values of service to her master, starting with praise for her wonderful master, she will cling to her master while gently stroking her abdomen, as if wanting a child, unable to bear letting even a drop of semen leak out.

>> No.16317527

You drew that? Nice.

>> No.16317545

>that frog censor
Heh. Nice stuff.

>> No.16317553

Peace of mind and mental clarity.

The kind that can only be attained through a prolonged orgasm that feels like it could last days

>> No.16317559
Quoted by: >>16317603


I'd be forced to mating press her until pregnancy if she did that

>> No.16317562

can somebody post the original Automaton pics? I need it for research porpuses

>> No.16317565

Herself, with fertility potions

>> No.16317569
Quoted by: >>16317591

She can't weigh much anon. I'll just pick her up and put her in my lap for cuddles.

>> No.16317582
Quoted by: >>16317591

found it, forget it

>> No.16317591
File: 220 KB, 1280x908, 156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317616

That's a good plan, the only way it'd fail is if she strapped herself to the machine and that doesn't sound comfy so I doubt she'd do it

Here is a HQ scan, the resolution isn't that good though

>> No.16317603

That raises an interesting question- can Automatons even get pregnant?

>> No.16317607
Quoted by: >>16317611

Nope. You can build a little gear though.

>> No.16317611
Quoted by: >>16317648

If magic material species can then Automatons should be able to too
They might need to "unlock" the ability to

>> No.16317616
File: 104 KB, 454x782, 1482789974317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a damn good scan.

>> No.16317627

Yeah, just think about it
>Paladin-Chan struggles against her bonds as the Gremlin crackles about her greatest achievement
>As long as a human's arm and made from soft flexible material, multiple moving parts including a spinning head with retractable bristles, movement speeds double of what was considered to be safe, and tanks full of DE infused oils to simulate cum, it was truly a wonderful invention.
>She barely had time to protest before the gremlin smashed the overdrive button and the tentacle slams home
>Paladin-Chan moans as she reaches her first orgasm, and the one after that, and the next one, and so on, a string of orgasms brought on by the rampaging tentacle
>As the main tenable pumps her to the brim with corrupting energy, a pair of tentacle with suckling pads descend and attach to her nipples
>All as the gremlin bounces around, excited about what's going to happen next.

>> No.16317645
Quoted by: >>16317679

You didn't answer my question anon. Would you fuck that Paladin knowing that it would turn her into a monster instantly?

>> No.16317648

We'll if we don't get a definitive answer when the full translated profile comes out, then hopefully somebody on twitter will ask KC.

>> No.16317679

After letting her stew for a bit.

>> No.16317694


>> No.16317698

A reason not to die

>> No.16317707

Is it possible to rape an Automaton?

>> No.16317712


>> No.16317714
Quoted by: >>16317721

Of course. If she tries to kill you but you fuck up her systems and makes her think you are her mastah then it's rape.

>> No.16317721

How are you supposed to even escape a hostile Automaton set to kill?

>> No.16317725
Quoted by: >>16317735

You use a pool of molten slag from an iron mill, duh. Or a giant press.

>> No.16317728
Quoted by: >>16317738

You don't escape, dummy. You fight back and win.

>> No.16317735

>tfw no yandere automaton stalker that can't be bought, bargained or reasoned with

>> No.16317737

This is the kind of stuff I love the idea of gremlins for, testing out their machinery on human women to see their effectiveness.

I can just imagine one excitedly writing down notes so fast that they're barely legible.

>> No.16317738
Quoted by: >>16317743

>fight back

She's probably really strong and has mounted guns.

>> No.16317743

And? If you are trying to rape a robot without any plans or skills you are either retarded or a slut.

>> No.16317744

Give her to solve a logical paradox to solve

>> No.16317747
Quoted by: >>16317771

Automatons molest you by licking your body all over

>> No.16317761
Quoted by: >>16317784

What if you encounter one in the wild and she tries to kill you?

>> No.16317771

I'm definitely the later

Oh right they have their tongue data thing
That's such a neat feature, I love it

>> No.16317772


>> No.16317775

But it's not because it's not.

>> No.16317781

>Walk up to an automaton
>Say This sentence is a lie
>Automaton stares blankly

>> No.16317783

>People still think Automatons are literal robots
Sad. Retards the lot of you.

>> No.16317784

I don't think you can find one in the wild considering they are monstly in ruins. But even so, they wouldn't have a reason to kill you.

>> No.16317790
Quoted by: >>16317811

couldn't it be a ruin in the wild?

>> No.16317792

I mean. What would they do? Also, which Automatonfag would really go into a unsafe ruin to find their waifu?

>> No.16317793
Quoted by: >>16317827

They are rape robots.

>> No.16317796

What monster girls would be good bodyguards?

>> No.16317799

Ok man. Chill out.

>> No.16317801

Dragons and Griffons are top tier.

>> No.16317805
Quoted by: >>16317952

robots are my fetish, arn't I allow a little head canon to reach my fetish?

>> No.16317809

>tfw no stronk oni to flex and show off her muscles while guarding her fragile anon
>tfw no stronk Jinko to let her fragile anon touch her abs and feel her fur

>> No.16317811

Then you can probably make her destroy the place and get herself burried with it.

>> No.16317819
Quoted by: >>16317832

Griffons literally live to protect their treasure and by marrying one you become even more important than her treasure

Otherwise just about any powerful species, did you read how nuts the DL went when the tentacle forest tried to harm her husband?

>> No.16317823

Onis conform the vast majority of bodyguards for a reason.

>> No.16317824
File: 71 KB, 684x720, Hiss hiss this is snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the physically imposing ones would make good bodyguards, monsters like Arachne/Succubi/Demons would more than likely be more subversive and set traps or use magic over getting physical with whoever's assaulting you, unless we're talking about ManyEyedHydra's Nÿte, a Succubus who had no qualms over doing unspeakable things to some faggoty little neckbeard virgin who had the audacity to actually slap her. I mean shit, the only thing we know she did was come back out of the gloom covered in blood and ichor, with an eye hanging out of her hair.

Monsters like Oni, Hellhound, or Jinkos wouldn't even need to be hired hands either, or Wolfus for that matter because once you're their mate/husband, they're going to fuck up whoever they perceive as a threat. But honestly, my favorite bodyguard scenario has to be Baphomet, for hilarious underestimation potential.

>> No.16317827

>You'll never be pinned down by an Automaton and raped because she's starved for energy.
>She'll never cover your mouth so you can't scream as her internal pistons fire up and her pussy begins to convulse to suck up as much semen as possible.
>She'll never coldly drain your balls dry and then bridal carry you to a surprisingly well maintained luxury suite to rest and recover.
>She'll never pour some sort of potion into your mouth and then spend the rest of the day blowing you as you ineffectually try to push her off.
>You'll never give up and enjoy your new life as a lewd Automaton's master.

>> No.16317832

I think it was a random succubus, not the DL

>> No.16317839
Quoted by: >>16317846

Ones that are strong by default like Dragons, Ushi-Oni or Onis, or Dire variants.
The best Bodyguards are the ones that want the dick and are willing to share it with the other bodyguards.
Just be careful getting your guards from the Mofu Yakuza. Those girls can be wild.

>> No.16317846
Quoted by: >>16317873

How wild?

>> No.16317851

Little girls with big butts are for anal.

>> No.16317853
Quoted by: >>16317870

>Nobody has said Ochimusha

>> No.16317855

>Highly trained but orderly and maid like Karate Kikimora
>regular Shoggoth

>> No.16317857

Jinko, definitely. I would hire one and go out to fancy restaurants so she'd have to wear a dress instead of her normal 5.11 tuxedo and polo shirt.

>> No.16317858

I want to have a completely platonic relationship with a Baphomet.

>> No.16317870
File: 478 KB, 886x1400, oceans of time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW becoming one of the deepest characters in the manga in a simple page or two

Ochimusha are shit tier samurai who died from fucking heimen. They didn't even get a proper burial because they lost that right the moment they fled the battlefield.

They'll never regain their honour, never!

>> No.16317873

Well for one, they're not subservient. You may have hired them but they're not just going to let you boss them around. They protect you they don't serve. Two, they're a bunch of busty /fit/ tattooed Zipangu girls who are delinquents all grown up. They're kinda scary. And three, they demand payment in sex, so you're going to get raped by them a whole lot. Expect to be forced to eat one out while the others molest your body.

>> No.16317877

Don't bully the zombie samurai!

>> No.16317879
Quoted by: >>16317915

Please don't embarrass the big cat

>> No.16317892
Quoted by: >>16317900

But what if I molested them first? Would that just get me raped sooner?

>> No.16317900
Quoted by: >>16317906

Anon, if you grope a Mofu Yakuza member accidentally or otherwise, you're going to get dragged into an alleyway and gangraped by a group of Zipangu girls.
If they like your performance, they'll agree to bodyguard you.

>> No.16317904

>Be at a trans-Zipangu meeting of the various yakuza groups
>The leader of the Mofu Yakuza is with you, a smaller, tanned fox with black hair and fur
>Her traditional eyepatch on with a small mole near her lower lip's corner
>In the sauna, with maybe one or two other guys surrounded by hard-boiled MGs with tattoos, they're talking and drinking sake while your side feels like the frozen depths of Hell
>They get absolutely shit-faced, carrying on in the heat
"Oi oi, Aneki. What's with the ring on the back of your neck?"
>She smirks
"It's nothing much, that's just something my 'meat' gave me while he was fucking me like an animal. Of course, I wouldn't have a problem having his kids because while he's more dense than a dwarf star he's got a mighty fine cock~"
>She pauses, realizing what she just admitted to, looking at you
>The pillar of MAN is pitching a tent under your towel, a full 12" of it at the idea of knocking her up
>The last thing you remember is getting a sake bottle thrown at your head, waking up alone in the hotel room
"You won't say a word about that to the others."

>> No.16317906
Quoted by: >>16317931

That sounds like a good deal, but only if I get a Raging Mushroom to help keep up.

>> No.16317915
Quoted by: >>16319088

She's such a fierce warrior, and very protective of her clients, but she's afraid of a nice dress? I like to bully big girls with gentle teasing
>You look stunning
>she blushes, looks down and to the side and mumbles
>thank you

>> No.16317931

I'd imagine the Mofu Yakuza having nine leaders to fit the whole "kitsune" thing.
You should be flattered if a Yakuza monstergirl adds something related to you to her tattoos.

They'll give you whatever it takes to keep you pumping them full. Especially if you catch the eye of one of their wing's "princess".
Ever imagined being the shared "boyfriend" of a smug curvy Kitsune Yakuza Princess and her bodyguards?

>> No.16317946
Quoted by: >>16317967

>Ever imagined being the shared "boyfriend" of a smug curvy Kitsune Yakuza Princess and her bodyguards?
I didn't before but I sure as shit am now. Although it might suck that I'll never be able to go back home if that happens.

>> No.16317950
Quoted by: >>16317967

>adds something related to you to her tattoos
>it's a tattoo of your dick

>> No.16317952

>arn't I allow a little head canon to reach my fetish?
No one is allowed to have a head canon here. You must follow the KCanon to the letter!
How would you make them more "robot"-ish? If you ask me they're pretty much that already.

>> No.16317967

Your home is with her now, and she'll take good care of you. She's never really had anyone outside of her underlings and bodyguards to talk to, so expect her to be very chatty while having sex with you.

>Implying a Monstergirl Yakuza member wouldn't get something intricate and awesome looking to dedicate to you.
C'mon anon, step it up.

>> No.16317977
File: 107 KB, 510x778, Ochimusha sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317992

>Busty recently resurrected Ochimusha takes on a young boy as her apprentice and lover
>Has to deal with the fact she's also a somewhat unskilled, klutzy scaredy-cat in tandem with her fierce protective feelings for the boy

>> No.16317988
Quoted by: >>16318013

Chatty about what?

>> No.16317992
Quoted by: >>16318007

Stop trying to ruin Ochimusha.

>> No.16317999

standard Shoggoth protects you so good, even blades simply pass straight through you.

>> No.16318007
Quoted by: >>16318017


>> No.16318013
Quoted by: >>16318045

Your day, her day, life, TV. Things.
She hasn't really interacted socially with boys before and she's happy to have you to talk to.
This is in between rough fucking of course.

>> No.16318017

You already have tons of moeblobs, stop trying to do the same to Ochimusha/

>> No.16318019

>MG Yakuza cutie gets an intricate daki of Anon tattooed on her back
Anyone else that sees it will die.

>> No.16318040
File: 161 KB, 863x556, 3459083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little late Merry Christmas from me as usual.
Hope you all had a good time this year!

>> No.16318045
Quoted by: >>16318059

Well that sounds fine, I just hope I won't be locked up in a bedroom and not allowed to walk the streets after getting hitched to her.

>> No.16318054
Quoted by: >>16318092

That one on the right with the short hair looks pretty cute, but she's probably a complete whore like the rest of those girls.

>> No.16318055


>> No.16318059
Quoted by: >>16318080

The only time you'll be locked in the bedroom is during group sex. The rest of the time you're free to walk around as you please. You can even leave the mansion as long as you take a bodyguard or two with you.

>> No.16318076

Those are some really cute lilims.

>> No.16318080

Well this just sounds better and better.

Shame it will never happen.

>> No.16318092

Maritan is pure. PURE.

>> No.16318097

Merry belated christmas mari.

>> No.16318102
Quoted by: >>16318127

Maritan is the biggest whore.

>> No.16318127

She actually has a husband, she's just a whore recreationally.

>> No.16318128

She's a whore!

>> No.16318131
Quoted by: >>16318150

Oi, deleted, what gives? Ah well, I knew I should have read that sooner.

>> No.16318133

Nigga she's a slut

>> No.16318137
Quoted by: >>16318145

>just a whore recreationally

>> No.16318144

Even my lilim is more pure than her.

>> No.16318145

The Lilim she's holding in her arm with the teddy bear? That's her canonical daughter, according to the artist herself. Her husband/lover is supposed to be a Barbarian or Viking type character.

Mari only corrupts like a whore because that is how all Lilim do. Even the blackberry fuckmuffin.

>> No.16318150 [DELETED] 

This post will self-destruct in five minutes.

>> No.16318157
Quoted by: >>16318162

Appreciate it. Why does everything I like explode?

>> No.16318160

I see. Still wouldn't waifu that tho.

>> No.16318162
Quoted by: >>16318194

Because sometimes their brains and their sexual organs are made out of M-80s.

>> No.16318171
File: 907 KB, 837x1181, MG Succubus M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you guys have an autistic hatred for anything monster boy, what is the general consensus on Succubi (Male)?

Alps don't count they are gender bent not traps.

>> No.16318172
File: 702 KB, 894x1190, fBtVdfM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318189

Actually ever since Kenkou told me lilims can mass summon hordes of monsters to rape men, I just reconnected the sleeps with multiple men to train them.
I mean, why bother when you can summon ads like a raid boss?
The "wants to help her mothers dream become a reality as fast as possible" thing, becomes less of a worry when you can summon hordes of monsters at the snap of your fingers

>> No.16318174

So her husband is a cuck?

>> No.16318181

Happy Solsdæg to you too.

Emilia is my waifu's name. She's a cute.

>> No.16318184

Anonymous, you're not even trying what the hell lazy bum.

>> No.16318186

>Mari only corrupts like a whore because that is how all Lilim do
Don't fucking spread lies again

>> No.16318189


>> No.16318193

That one doesn't even get a (you).

>> No.16318194
Quoted by: >>16318203

That's not reasurring. At all.

>> No.16318197

Fuck off faggot

>> No.16318201

I do wonder about alps,
what lead KC to make that decision, is that really something he's into?

>> No.16318203
Quoted by: >>16318234


>> No.16318205

Yeah, he likes gender bender stuff.
KC is a huge pervert.

>> No.16318209

Everybody gets their fetish in MGE, so of course you have genderbender.

>> No.16318234

And so, today I learned that google is even more useful, dumb sharks. Just lay off the nog or whatever, don't go crazy. Yet.

>> No.16318239

>Succubi (Male)
So what's Incubus (female)?

>> No.16318251
File: 104 KB, 1158x819, 1481024499755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never operate with your waifu
>You will never have intense post combat sex

>> No.16318257

A masculine demon girl that resembles someone off Fist of the North Star who pussy rapes human women.

>> No.16318268

I want to bury my face in her armpits

>> No.16318271
Quoted by: >>16318276

>what lead KC to make that decision, is that really something he's into?

Even 4chan has had the meme of "I want to be the little girl and whore myself out".

For whatever reason, genderbending into a cute girl is surprisingly popular in nerdy online communities.

>> No.16318274

Is there an imgur of these? I remember one for yeti, troll, manticore, and succubus.

>> No.16318276

Well, anything that has to do with 2D and leaving reality is to be more or less popular here.

>> No.16318291

KC is into most things.

>> No.16318292
File: 914 KB, 900x1300, 1481410370185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abs are for ________

>> No.16318295


>> No.16318297


>> No.16318298


>> No.16318302
File: 110 KB, 1317x512, text - cooking I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318308

cooking on
and all of the above

>> No.16318308
Quoted by: >>16318323

I remember an Anon telling me I couldn't make popcorn in a hellhound's abs. To this day I still think he's wrong.

>> No.16318321

Draw more of that Tomboy Lilim.

>> No.16318323
File: 321 KB, 500x625, Caleana - what did you expect, running around with those tiny ass weird bra things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think putting the kernels between her boobs would be much more efficient
more power to you

>> No.16318334
Quoted by: >>16318360

>Wanting more of a whore that probably has sex with hobos for the fun of it.

>> No.16318349

Which lilim is the least slutty one?

>> No.16318350

None of them.

>> No.16318351

None of them.

>> No.16318360
Quoted by: >>16318364

Would you quit it with the memes.

>> No.16318364
Quoted by: >>16318423

Mari lilims are whores, this is a fact.

>> No.16318382
Quoted by: >>16318394

Ilassa isn't really slutty.

>> No.16318394
Quoted by: >>16318404

Illassa is for spitting and stepping on, demanding that she licks your cum from the dirty floor.

>> No.16318404

So...the least slutty, is what you're saying.

>> No.16318423
File: 133 KB, 689x1020, 12948458123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318437

Someone's on a mission.
That lilim and the other one under her aren't mine.
They're from two japanese people in the MGE community.
Very nice and friendly people.
I can see about drawing more of the tomboy one later though.

>> No.16318437
Quoted by: >>16318452

>That lilim and the other one under her aren't mine.
>They're from two japanese people in the MGE community.
Ah, neat.
Got any links to their stuff?

>I can see about drawing more of the tomboy one later though.
Yes. Please.

>> No.16318445

All of them except Illassa

>> No.16318447

what do you mean by slutty? I mean I assume that like all other monsters they only really go after one guy once they have their sites really set on them. If its the corruption stuff you mean then most of them don't do that cause they get off they do it to help monsters win the war and because they think its better for the humans. I'm sure there are some lilims that don't really corrupt all that much given that there's apparently hundreds.

>> No.16318449
Quoted by: >>16318474

>because they think its better for the humans.
Dumb monsters.

>> No.16318450

*around a hunde
Not hundreds

>> No.16318452
File: 121 KB, 940x720, 4347238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the one for the tomboy lilim.

The other one has the whole bodysuit thing going on.

>> No.16318457

>I'm sure there are some lilims that don't really corrupt all that much given that there's apparently hundreds.
>You will never a lazy Lilim who just lounges on the Overlord's couch all day
>Her mom keeps telling her to go out and get a guy, or at least fuck some corruption into some people
>LazyLilim just "Eeeeeeeh"s and rolls over.

>> No.16318462
Quoted by: >>16318480

Oh it's that guy.

I totally didn't recognize his Lilim in your art style.

>> No.16318463
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, CuPQ7ORUAAE1ugQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require more dragon-chan

>> No.16318464
Quoted by: >>16318469

whats the pixiv tag for MGE?

>> No.16318469

Mamono Musume Zukan, duh.


>> No.16318470
Quoted by: >>16318475

I had too much dragon lately. My waifu needs to give me a break.

>> No.16318474
Quoted by: >>16318485

But corruption can save humans and their lands. Sure, corrupting everything is kinda meh, but just a little bit is fine.

>> No.16318475

>too much dragon
I don't understand.

>> No.16318480
File: 190 KB, 689x1020, lNg9h3i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're even doing an MGE detective game right now.
Looking forward to that.

>> No.16318485
Quoted by: >>16318488

No thanks. I would rather be a Christian living in the Middle East than be corrupted and turned into an incubus.

>> No.16318488
Quoted by: >>16318492

I wouldn't enjoy being corrupted either, but corrupting things that are about to die is fine, right?

>> No.16318492
Quoted by: >>16318502

Only if they're actually going to die and verbally agree to it.

>> No.16318502
Quoted by: >>16318504

They are fated to die either to sickness or starvation and the only way to save them is through mamono mana.
Though the verbally agree part might be negotiable.

>> No.16318504

>Though the verbally agree part might be negotiable.
Then they can fuck off.

>> No.16318508
Quoted by: >>16318513

I don't know Anon. I think it would be fine.

If you and your family were dying of hunger wouldn't you wish to be saved?

>> No.16318509


>> No.16318513
Quoted by: >>16318528

Yeah, but I wouldn't want to turn into something that barely counts as human.

At that point I would rather just die.

>> No.16318514
Quoted by: >>16318520

Don't worry lads, I'll be the first to sell you out to the monsters.

>> No.16318515
File: 758 KB, 1255x866, Tumblr_oenmz2IPEK1stljsho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318516

I gotcha, friend.

>> No.16318516
Quoted by: >>16318541

That's a cute top.

>> No.16318520
Quoted by: >>16318529

I'll make it my god damn mission to find you and kick you in the dick.

>> No.16318528
Quoted by: >>16318555

Oh, of course then. But just you know that people would probably get sad when they are all alive and well and you're the only one that has died. Maybe someone would even beg a lilim to help you while you're being stubborn.

>> No.16318529
Quoted by: >>16318561

Good luck, I'll be in lands that turn you just by you being there :^)

>> No.16318533
Quoted by: >>16318537

The only kind of corruption I disagree with is human women into Siths and Incubi into Alps. Otherwise it's pretty sexy.

>> No.16318537

The latter is self-inflicted though.
It's always caused by their own actions.

>> No.16318541

Everything about her is cute.

>> No.16318555

I would refuse any and all "help" given by those monsters, I like keeping my humanity.

>> No.16318561

Then sacrifices would be made you turncoat cunt.

>> No.16318564

Victoria. The last time she tried to not be a kissless virgin she got shivved.

>> No.16318566
Quoted by: >>16318575

It would probably be decided whether or not the place is going to be corrupted by a majority vote. And I'm sure after some convincing the people would be into escaping death and being healthy again.

>> No.16318575
Quoted by: >>16318590

Well, moving deep into the forest would be the next best move then.

>> No.16318584

I'm going to imbue myself with the powers of King Crimson to elude Succubi, and then tell them "IT JUST WORKS"!

>> No.16318586

Yeah, me too.

>> No.16318587
Quoted by: >>16318591

But anon, I just want to live a quiet life.

>> No.16318590

I doubt you'll be able to live alone like that, but if you want to escape a cutie lilim so much like that then feel free. Just don't blame me if an elf scout or ushi-oni finds you.

>> No.16318591
Quoted by: >>16318597

Well, just don't get hit by an ambulance or something.

>> No.16318592

If he's going deep innawoods he's probably going to stumble headfirst into a fresh Tentacle grove.

>> No.16318597

I hate it when that happens.

>> No.16318601

Nothing a little bit of scorched earth can't fix.

>> No.16318602

>Have King Crimson powers
>Impregnate a monster without cumming inside


>> No.16318605

It just works.

>> No.16318608

Oh please, being alone is no problem.

The only real problem would be Ushi Onis.

>> No.16318612

Shut up, don't think about it.

>> No.16318615
Quoted by: >>16318617

Well, too bad for him. He missed some cute farmland animals, country succubutts and probably missed the new girl too.

>> No.16318617
Quoted by: >>16318622

>new girl

>> No.16318621
File: 301 KB, 1280x1024, pats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headpats are love

>> No.16318622
Quoted by: >>16318629

The mud golem.

>> No.16318624

I bet the static electricity generated by the headpats is like candy to Raijus.

The headpats were never pure. They've been lewd all along!

>> No.16318629
Quoted by: >>16318638

Oh fuck that.

>> No.16318632
Quoted by: >>16318642

Remember to properly fuck your Raiju instead of just headpatting her.

>> No.16318638
Quoted by: >>16318647

Then to the sweet Ushi's embrace you go, my pure boy.

>> No.16318641
File: 173 KB, 890x897, 1458856830878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to charge up a Raiju by running my hands all over her body

>> No.16318642
File: 643 KB, 953x1210, headpat_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not giving your Raijuu waifu the patpat while fugging her

>> No.16318646

>not vigorously fucking her on a shag carpet

>> No.16318647
Quoted by: >>16318658

The only type of spider girls that would be in my area would be little ones.

>> No.16318649
Quoted by: >>16318678

That sounds stupid as fuck. Like something you would do to a sabbath girl while saying she is a good little sister.

>> No.16318653


>> No.16318655

>Not doing all three
>At the same time.

>> No.16318657

Anon no, I just got done fapping.

>> No.16318658
Quoted by: >>16318664

Oh yes. The little ones with big mamas. Good luck with your new wife, Anon.

>> No.16318662

Nah, you need both hands to grab her hips and slam her down on your cock with full force.

>> No.16318664
Quoted by: >>16318677

No, they're all little and will be hit with sticks if they try anything.

>> No.16318667

Not a fan of pats honestly. They just seem childish.
If I'm going to get touchy in a non-sexual manner, it's going to be with a good rub behind the ears.

>> No.16318668

I wish Buck would take requests here

>> No.16318677
Quoted by: >>16318685

And what are you going to do about the forest elves?

>> No.16318678
File: 927 KB, 1429x1910, FUCKING+HELL+SHIT+YEAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's mad because he can't fugpat his waifu

>> No.16318682
Quoted by: >>16318704

>Raiju headpat spam
Again? Let's hope it's the last one this year.

>> No.16318685
Quoted by: >>16318695

Punch them in their smug fucking faces.

>> No.16318686

I'm more into navelingus on Raiju than fugpatting

>> No.16318688

A raiju almost killed me, of course I would mostly fuck them ragged.

>> No.16318695
Quoted by: >>16318701

You would get snipped before even touching one. It's in your best interest to be pacific, Anon. Just giving you a friendly advice.

>> No.16318701
Quoted by: >>16318719

No, fuck you. The minute those shitty elves would start fucking with me is when I return it tenfold.

Never let an elf push you around.

>> No.16318704
Quoted by: >>16318710

I want to headpata pear-shaped loli.

>> No.16318709
File: 171 KB, 571x800, 1482096140114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried just accepting some of the love instead of all of it at once?

It would be easier to digest that way, maybe have some freshly hunted and butchered delicious venison burgers to go along with it?

Wash it down with some milk perhaps?

>> No.16318710

I want to grab her by the pussy.

>> No.16318711

I want to weird people out by going to a seafood restaurant with a Cancer.

>> No.16318717
Quoted by: >>16318786

Horses are shite.

>> No.16318719
Quoted by: >>16318730

>The minute those shitty elves would start fucking me is when I return it tenfold.

That's very lewd, Anon. I didn't know you wanted to be the alpha male of the elven tribe, but as long as you are happy then I guess it's a good end.

>> No.16318720

That sounds... odd.

>> No.16318723

I want to dress my Centaur up like a Madou Horse.

>> No.16318727
Quoted by: >>16318729

It's not that weird; scavengers and bottom feeders aren't too picky about what they eat.

>> No.16318729

Yeah, the other people will be weirded out, not her.

>> No.16318730
Quoted by: >>16318764

This kind of joke wasn't funny when it was first made and it isn't funny now.

Contact with monster girls results in corruption and I don't want that.

>> No.16318749

Has anyone made an automaton parody of that 'this robot is programmed to fuck your mouth's picture yet because if not that's a missed opprotunity

>> No.16318764
Quoted by: >>16318767

Fine fine, just live out a lonely and boring life then. No monster or human girl would get near you with that attitude.

>> No.16318767


>> No.16318778
File: 302 KB, 1135x1185, Devil Apron 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't drawn anything for drawthreads ever, I felt my art wasn't good enough back then.

>> No.16318783

I think it is.

>> No.16318785

Holy shit that's awesome.

>> No.16318786
File: 94 KB, 850x1177, 1481484615864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318795

But that's not true anon!

>> No.16318791

Marvelous work.
>I haven't drawn anything for drawthreads ever, I felt my art wasn't good enough back then.
I may not have seen how your art looked during your early phases of drawfagging, but you've definitely developed a lot of skill.

>> No.16318795
Quoted by: >>16318825

It absolutely is.

>> No.16318813

Does turning a man into an incubus even really count as corruption? If I remember right it's difficult to even tell that it's happening

>> No.16318816

>Ochimusha are shit tier samurai who died from fucking heimen. They didn't even get a proper burial because they lost that right the moment they fled the battlefield.
>They'll never regain their honour, never!
>Missing the point this hard
It's okay, Ochimusha don't mind serving stupid masters.

>> No.16318818

It does.

>> No.16318823

Technically no, it just means you're full of DE and probably get a bigger dick because of it.
It's about as corrupting as getting a flu-shot.

>> No.16318825
File: 154 KB, 943x1333, 6de6c4dba71f68e1581cc5a42d236f50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318829

Think about what you're saying anon!

You could become a tailor and make tons of super cute custom centaur clothing!

Even crazy shit like KLK cosplay clothing!

>> No.16318826
Quoted by: >>16318833

If I remember, the summary is:
>you like MGs more
>you become a sex god
>general stat upgrades
>MAYBE you get special eye colors

>> No.16318829

Nah, I hate horses.

>> No.16318833

Don't forget how you become a subhuman abomination.

>> No.16318837
Quoted by: >>16318840

Not an argument.

>> No.16318840
Quoted by: >>16318844

Stefan Molyneux please leave.

>> No.16318844
Quoted by: >>16318850

Feel free to provide a source any time my dude.

>> No.16318847
Quoted by: >>16318858

I mean, I like most of those upgrades. But it does seem to erode my free will.

>> No.16318850

Stefan pls

>> No.16318858
Quoted by: >>16318861

Erode? Don't be silly. It completely removes your free will.

>> No.16318860
Quoted by: >>16318869

Oh boy, the grimdarkfags are back.
It's like we're really back on that shithole /a/.

>> No.16318861
Quoted by: >>16318868

You really need to stop just making shit up.

>> No.16318868
Quoted by: >>16318872

Don't get upset at me, it's in the world guides.

>> No.16318869
Quoted by: >>16318882

"grimdarkfags" implies that it isn't just one guy who keeps baiting you guys.

>> No.16318872

[Citation needed]

>> No.16318877

Quit biting retard.

>> No.16318878


>> No.16318880

He's baiting you as always, drop it.

>> No.16318882

I've learned that if I don't pluralize it, someone will try to make it seem like there's more than one.

>> No.16318889
Quoted by: >>16319159

SO HEY how about those monstergirls?
I sure would love to hug one and tell her all my insecurities so she can help me move past them!
And then take her on a date as thanks. Maybe to Arby's or IHOP.

>> No.16318890

I mean normal people count you as a monster but it's mostly just becoming a monster in bed and nothing more.

Honestly I'd gladly trade a lot more humanity away for better stats.

Like wings, small horns, skin color, and a tail for your average semi-bullshit MG powers.

Not by default Incubus form mind you, but having the options to throw away more humanity to gain more power would be nice.

>> No.16318900

Anon, that's called turning into an Alp.

>> No.16318904 [SPOILER] 
File: 290 KB, 1008x600, 1482809788800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16318905

Only if you trade in the dong.

>> No.16318930
File: 1.05 MB, 1194x1579, 1478478415410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318944

Only gaylords turn into Alps.

I just want more power and tossing away forms of humanity up to a point would be nice.

The "limit" would stop at cosplay tier though. None of that leg fur, centaur, giant horns, ect shit. I'd retract skin color because that would be too far as well.

I'm way more degenerate and willing for power than other anons though, if I could trade in my age to a Baphomet for eternal shota Warlock power I would.

>> No.16318935

anon come on. You gotta work on that bait

>> No.16318944

Get your degeneracy out of here.

>> No.16318947
Quoted by: >>16318959

>not wanting to gain power in return for cool shit like horns and wings
I'm with that guy, that sounds dope.

>> No.16318951
Quoted by: >>16318956

The warlock thing or the other parts?

>> No.16318954

I want to take my Kobold waifu and my Kobld daughteru out for ice cream because it's 80F out at the end of December!

Seriously though, this is ridiculous.

>> No.16318956
Quoted by: >>16318967


>> No.16318959

Horns and stuff would be cool. But I agree on the furshit, that has to stay where it belongs: In the trash.

>> No.16318967

Oh come on anon, I'd just be an immortal shota magic wielder.

Literally just a human boy with magic. Who also happens to be tied to a cult.

I could totally take a stroll through a human town and nobody would say shit.

>> No.16318969
File: 586 KB, 850x734, sworn to secrecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16318975

Nice job Latenight.

>> No.16318976

I'd give her my Mad Dog of Shimano if you know what I mean.

>> No.16318979

I can only hope I get a drawing from you, you're pretty good man so don't beat yourself up over it

>> No.16318987
Quoted by: >>16319005

how can i bait you latenight? why do you not draw in drawthreads anymore

>> No.16318994

We need a monster girl booru, for images drawn here

>> No.16319005
Quoted by: >>16319292

One day I shall trick him into drawing more dragon pics. He'll never see it coming.

>> No.16319017


>> No.16319045
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, ev302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.16319055
Quoted by: >>16319271

For countless years they ruled the world around us
and when they're back they'll rule the world again
Fall to your knees!
Oh see the heavens crumble!
Oh endless night, oh night the Old Ones rise

>> No.16319057
Quoted by: >>16319161

Maybe. Can't really tell what she is, though. Regardless, she is kind of cute.

>> No.16319060

Some kind of honey badger/zebra hybrid?
As long as she shows me what those hands are for.

>> No.16319076 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 800x484, 1482813006127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16319087
Quoted by: >>16319093

You mean superhuman or extrahuman. To an incubus, you are the sub-human.

Why doesn't the english language have a prefix that functions as the opposite of sub-?

>> No.16319088

>Hire Jinko bodyguard to protect you from rape/kidnap attempts
>she wears black suits or khaki pants and polo shirts covering her huge muscles and concealed carry
>One day, during a close call with a gang of Onis you see how much she's getting beaten to protect you
>she tries to play it off like she didn't break a sweat, but you can tell after employing her for a long time that she reached her limit in that fight
>next week you tell her she needs to dress nicely for a business dinner
>Tell her she needs to blend in
>she begrudgingly agrees and shows up in a beautiful red dress, looking grumpy
>tell her she's beautiful and she blushes and mumbles "thank you"
>when you both get to the restaurant, she tries to separate from you to keep watch, but you take her by the paw and lead her to the table
>she looks confused and asks where your client is
>you tell her it was all a lie to get her into a dress

I want art of her in her tactical gear/bodyguard outfit and then in her dress

>> No.16319090

Maritan you still lurking? Anything new about your setting?

>> No.16319093
Quoted by: >>16319096

Incubi aren't human.

>> No.16319094

Her hair is so fluffy.

>> No.16319096
Quoted by: >>16319099

What is a man?

>> No.16319099
Quoted by: >>16319110

Go away Dracula.

>> No.16319102


>> No.16319110

I vant to zuck your cock bleh!

>> No.16319132

Can Elves become Liches?

>> No.16319150


>> No.16319159

I want to hug a Dorome and never let go.

>> No.16319161


>> No.16319192
File: 89 KB, 582x494, 1481924964527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Automaton folder grows evermore.
I fucking love these things.

>> No.16319199


>> No.16319201
Quoted by: >>16319211

Same, they would be the perfect companion for men that don't want to deal with normal monster girls.

>> No.16319209

It would be rare and likely accidental. Elves aren't obsessed with their short lives like humans are.

>> No.16319211

How so?

>> No.16319213

What's the story behind http://i.imgur.com/u0SLM7i.png

>> No.16319218
Quoted by: >>16319221


>> No.16319221

Oh wow I feel dumb.

>> No.16319224
Quoted by: >>16319232

You didn't notice how that image was posted a few posts above ours? Sad.

>> No.16319228

Elves can become any monster.

>> No.16319232
Quoted by: >>16319255

Please don't bully.

>> No.16319236

Anything can become a Lich. I think my waifu might want to be a Lich one day but she likes being alive too much to do more than fantasize.

>> No.16319239
Quoted by: >>16319244

Just tell your waifu it's the most powerful form of life insurance.

>> No.16319244

I like her being alive too, I'd rather her not become a Lich unless she absolutely needs to.

>> No.16319245
Quoted by: >>16319247

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to watch out for oppai Loli wolfus

They Hunt in packs and are more frightening than you can imagine

>> No.16319246

What happens when a lich becomes a lich? Does she get TWO phylacterys? Could you break one to send her into ecstacy while pounding her senseless and rubbing the other? Could one woman handle so much pleasure?

Sounds like a good experiment.

>> No.16319247

Thanks for the heads up Arisen.

>> No.16319254

For as long as she's a mortal, she doesn't get to make that decision. Illness and misfortune will conspire sooner or later

>> No.16319255
Quoted by: >>16319261

Anyone that fails to notice such things deserves bullying

>> No.16319256

>2B and Automaton butt pressing
It's a christmas miracle

>> No.16319258
Quoted by: >>16323111

Best part is the drawfag might refine it tomorrow.

>> No.16319259
Quoted by: >>16319263

You stop that.

>> No.16319261

Please no.

>> No.16319263

Toobie's fucking thighs dude. unf

How can you say you love her, if you don't have a phylactery prepared for her soul to flee to if her living body ever gets destroyed?

>> No.16319264
Quoted by: >>16319267

2B is not for sexualization.

>> No.16319267
Quoted by: >>16319273

You've clearly never seen 2B. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a part in the game where she had to give thigh jobs to defeat the enemy.

>> No.16319269
Quoted by: >>16319272

I don't know about you guys, but I'm not particularly concerned about my waifu dying any time soon. Between the two of us, I'm the one who's far more likely to die. Makes me wonder what sort of measures she'll take to prevent that.

>> No.16319271

But we are the youth of the nation!

>> No.16319272
Quoted by: >>16319289

Neither am I, because my waifu is already dead. And she has Lich friends so I'm safe. Besides a portion of the taxes you pay to the Undead kingdom goes to paying liches to offer free resurrections

>> No.16319273
Quoted by: >>16319277

But I have seen her, she is not for sexualization.

Why would you even want to fuck her? Emotions are prohibited after all.

>> No.16319277
Quoted by: >>16319287

>Why would you even want to fuck her?
Because everything about her body screams, begs and moans "Put a baby in me"

>> No.16319284
Quoted by: >>16321264

Explain your reasoning.

>> No.16319287

She is a machine designed for combat, not for something as pointless as baby making with a machine.

>> No.16319288
Quoted by: >>16319291

Nonsense, you can always combat depopulation.

>> No.16319289

See, my waifu is still alive. And given she's a Kitsune, she's sort of immortal/ageless or whatever the correct term is. So, for her species a hundred years probably isn't too much time. But, without her intervention I'm not going to be lasting that long. Especially considering my present career.

I'm intentionally disregarding incubization, because I think it's stupid.

>> No.16319290
Quoted by: >>16319296

>How can you say you love her, if you don't have a phylactery prepared for her soul to flee to if her living body ever gets destroyed?
Of course we're prepared anon, we even have similar preparations for our daughteru. We just aren't rushing in to it just because we can.

>> No.16319291

That is not 2B's purpose.

>> No.16319292

I just want him to do some cuddly MGs that I like

>> No.16319296
Quoted by: >>16319306

How does having a body that demands to be bent over and fucked help in combat? Distract the enemy? Make them too horny to shoot anything but cumshots at you?

Well as long as you're prepared

>> No.16319297
File: 682 KB, 1354x941, Jub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16319300

These are more informative than KC's own profiles.

>> No.16319306

Machines do not get aroused.

>> No.16319307
Quoted by: >>16319312

While we're on the topic of thighs, which sex position makes the most use of them? My vote goes to the one where the automaton lays on her side with a leg up and you hug her thigh while fucking her

>> No.16319311

You convinced me, where can I buy a Jubjub?

They somewhat do >>16317426

>Automaton may be confused about the values of service to her master, starting with praise for her wonderful master, she will cling to her master while gently stroking her abdomen, as if wanting a child, unable to bear letting even a drop of semen leak out.

>> No.16319312
Quoted by: >>16319320

The same that goes for every monster.

Lotus position.

>> No.16319313
Quoted by: >>16319393

I'm just noticing it now, but jubjubs are quite petite besides their tits.

I dig it.

>> No.16319315

an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
>Power in mechanical systems is the combination of forces and movement. In particular, power is the product of a force on an object and the object's velocity, or the product of a torque on a shaft and the shaft's angular velocity.

By this definition I am a very aroused machine.

>> No.16319320
Quoted by: >>16319324

That position has little to no focus on the thighs

>> No.16319324
Quoted by: >>16319337

Then use your mind and make it work.

>> No.16319328

I demand that you people never post about 2B again.

>> No.16319333

What do you have against pencils anyway?

>> No.16319334
Quoted by: >>16319341

I don't know what 2B is, but I'm going to post about it more to spite you for acting like you're king of the thread.

>> No.16319337

Use your mind and tell me how you thin it works, lazy.

To cum in 2B or not to cum in 2B. That is the question

>> No.16319339
File: 325 KB, 690x1056, 1482807653198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toobie is gonna get lotsa porn.

>> No.16319341

Damn you for posting more of a lewd Automaton as spite.

>> No.16319343

I just hope most of it isn't futa.

>> No.16319344

I want to stick my dick in that boobwindow and fuck Toobie's boobies.

I don't

>> No.16319345
Quoted by: >>16319346

It'll be robutts galore.

>> No.16319346


>> No.16319353 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 1280x1108, 1482818778323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eh, beggars can't be choosers

>> No.16319354


>> No.16319355

Is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crmbEdS7JXY what you fags are talking about?

>> No.16319356

How does one get a monster wife to be a bit more sadistic

>> No.16319358
Quoted by: >>16319370

Give her a book on "Dark Elves and the Bedroom: A study on the history of Elven BDSM".

>> No.16319362

Don't let her cum for a LONG time.

>> No.16319366
File: 94 KB, 636x900, C0bY3J-VIAAWWJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is right
2B doesn't even belong on here, she's an assault robot not a lewd one like MGE's Automaton

>> No.16319367

That depends anon, where is she on a scale from Dormouse to Manticore?

>> No.16319370
Quoted by: >>16319376

But I'm not into bondage, I just want to be teased/bullied by a hot monster

>> No.16319371

>2B will never slap you for looking up her skirt

>> No.16319373

>not a lewd one like MGE's Automaton
All we need is an suspiciously short-haired MGE Automaton blessed with a thicc booty to compensate.

>> No.16319376
Quoted by: >>16319385

So you think that all those thousands of years of Elven ways were nothing but bondage? You should read those books too.

>> No.16319377
Quoted by: >>16319388

I recently went through his collection on sadpanda. The dude seems to be slipping further and further into madness.

I still laughed at the strip of one girl tossing fish at the catgirl who bends over to pick them up and gets her butt cummed on.

>> No.16319380

She assaults my dick. That's pretty lewd

>> No.16319385

>"A study on the history of Elven BDSM"
>Not about bondage

>> No.16319388

I think the guy may or may not be into guro too

>> No.16319391
Quoted by: >>16319399

BDSM =/= Only Bondage anon.
That's only one part of the acronym, there's still Domination Sadism and Masochism in there.

>> No.16319392
Quoted by: >>16319399

>exclusively about bondage specifically
Okay then. I think we're done talking, anon.

>> No.16319393
Quoted by: >>16319412

Well they ARE still harpies. If they were just a bit more STRONK like gandharva they might still even be able to fly a little.

>> No.16319399

Next you're going to tell me you can have bondage without the SM

>> No.16319404

Do we really have to argue about feminine dicks again?

>> No.16319407

Pfft. That's retarded. Why would they be in the same acronym if they weren't the one and the same?

>> No.16319409


French cars are garbage though

>> No.16319412
Quoted by: >>16319420

Their size is what makes them perfect for standing sex, they're compact enough to use you as a perch + their fluffiness and softness makes their hugs the best out of any harpies

I love Gandharva but how I am supposed to carry all that brown bird? If anything she'll be the one carrying me

>> No.16319413

Well if it's bondage for nonsexual purposes, there wouldn't be any SM involved.

>> No.16319420
Quoted by: >>16319447

>If anything she'll be the one carrying me
This is a problem? Besides, ganharva's also a harpy, you should be able to carry her a good ways and she's (almost) as fluffy without being retarded too.

>> No.16319422

What are two bondage fetishists going to do without the SM? Just hang out all day? huehue Get it?

>> No.16319424
File: 173 KB, 592x700, 1404707946936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hang out all day.

>> No.16319427

It can be for calming purposes.
My mom put me in a headlock one time when I had a panic attack on a plane so I assume the same principal could apply.

>> No.16319428

What, you mean like making your waifu go about her daily business like normal while wearing a ball gag and a rope harness under her clothes completely nonsexually? I don't think that would be SM. Or maybe it would be extremely SM, I cant tell because that line was crossed and forgotten many years ago.

>> No.16319429

But your mother was the master in that relationship. She was the one doing the headlock and you were the slave. That's kind of hot.

>> No.16319435
Quoted by: >>16319448

Hello KDF.

>> No.16319438
Quoted by: >>16319454

Don't sexualize anon's mom.

>> No.16319440

No, I mean like >>16319427 or what >>16319424 said.

Anon I had punched out my little brother and genuinely thought the plane was going to rock apart.
Also can you not? I don't feel that way about my actual mother.

>> No.16319446
Quoted by: >>16319450

Rachnera is a lazy NEET!

>> No.16319447
Quoted by: >>16319459

>Turbo lewd
>Softest and fluffiest
>Can hardly fly

>Tall and stacked
>Eros follower
>Smells like love
>Is a high level barb

Both are great and both cater to different people, if given the choice I'd go for a Ghandharva

>> No.16319448

Hi anon!

I see what you're saying. So that'd be like her wearing a padded straitjacket to sleep in just because it's comfortable? Spooning my waifu from behind while she's wearing a straitjacket sounds like a great way to get to sleep.

>> No.16319450

Well she does get her money by selling her webbing to science.

>> No.16319454

I don't know what the matter is. Say, anon, how do you like your monstergirl hugs? Do you like it when a bigger girl hugs you from behind, pulls your head into her bosom and hugs it like a headlock without the pressure?

Does it make you feel calm?

>> No.16319455
Quoted by: >>16319462

It's more like an Arachne tying you up and leaving you hanging from the roof in a harness because you just wanted to chill out for a bit.
She'd even sit next to you and chat with you while she reads a book.

>> No.16319456
Quoted by: >>16319466

I don't want headlocks.

>> No.16319459
Quoted by: >>16319491

Really, gandharva only wins out for me by any measurable because jubs are deep in the "too horny to have an actual conversation with" classification we see some MG fall into. I couldn't handle it long-term.

Getting serenaded by an epic level bard who worships the goddess of love is only a bonus.

>> No.16319460
Quoted by: >>16319468

If she's the only one that's always in the bondage - especially when there's a leash for her to be lead around in - there is clearly SM elements at play.

I stand vindicated. There is no BD without SM. Though I must admit that SM is such a broad term, there could be SM without BD, so a BDSM book may have other aspects other than BD

>> No.16319461

Well yes, but my mother is not for that kind of thing.
Plus I was genuinely fearing for my life so...
I'm never going to Vegas again unless there's some way to smooth that landing.

>> No.16319462

I see! That sounds like it could be a comfy time! I have a bit of a fetish for getting stuff like that done to me too.

>> No.16319466

Not headlocks, just head-hugging. you don't want a mumstergirl's arm across your throat and her breasts on your head? What if it was a big muscly werewolf? You wouldn't snuggle into her armfluff as she pats your head? Soothingly and tells you there's nothing to worry about?

>> No.16319468
Quoted by: >>16319472

She's not, and she doesn't always wear a leash either. Straitjackets are like comfy pajamas to my waifu and daughteru, there's nothing S or M about that, I think.

>> No.16319472
Quoted by: >>16319485

There is, if she's relying on you to bind and unbind her all the time, you're the master in the relationship.

>> No.16319478

Is teasing/bullying considered sm?
Is sexual domination?

>> No.16319482
File: 168 KB, 852x937, 1471287668394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go live with the experts, learn from their lifestyles.

>> No.16319485
Quoted by: >>16319490

We'd rely on each other for different things in different situations anon, that's the whole point of even a vanilla relationship. It's all a part of give and take. Like I said though, the line between 'SM' and 'not SM' is completely scuffed for me anon, I'm just offering my opinion here.

Yes and yes.

>> No.16319490
Quoted by: >>16319496

You don't get to broaden this to life and relationships in general. There is absolutely no give and take in bondage. She needs you to tie her up and she needs you to untie her. She can't tie herself up nor can she untie herself. Nor would she want to, she gets off on giving you that power.

>> No.16319491

>"too horny to have an actual conversation with"
I'm sure you can have a half-decent conversation while she's perched on your dick

> I couldn't handle it long-term.
Same, I almost said that I'd choose a Jubjub but I don't want to spend every waking hours doing lewd stuff every single day

>Getting serenaded by an epic level bard who worships the goddess of love is only a bonus.
I'd fall deeply in love with her if this happened

>> No.16319492

The whitest woman in Genti-Argena.

>> No.16319496
Quoted by: >>16319515

>She can't tie herself up nor can she untie herself. Nor would she want to, she gets off on giving you that power.
Okay, now you're just making assumptions anon, silly assumptions that are plain untrue. My waifu loves self bondage, she loves tying herself up and struggling to free herself too. And when you're me, this sort of thing is life and relationships in general.

>> No.16319502
File: 908 KB, 1000x1414, 46269783_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319507

Why post that ugly western shit again?

>> No.16319507
Quoted by: >>16319540

Why are you such a stupid head?

>> No.16319515
Quoted by: >>16319537

I really don't like black as a skin tone. I'm gld KC's dark elves are brown.

Now I'm no bondage expert but it seems to me that a major part of the psychology of bondage is trust and dependency coupled with helplessness.

Self-bondage completely defeats the purpose. KDF, I think you may not even understand the fetish you've given your OC.

>> No.16319537
Quoted by: >>16319564

>Now I'm no bondage expert but it seems to me that a major part of the psychology of bondage is trust and dependency coupled with helplessness.
Sure it is, but my and my waifu's fetishes extend far beyond just me tying her up. She ties me up, she ties our daughteru up, she gets tied up with our daughteru, she ties herself up, plus all the other things that don't involve any tying up. I'm sure I've posted enough to make that known.
>Self-bondage completely defeats the purpose.
Sure, if that were her one and only fetish, which it's not.
>KDF, I think you may not even understand the fetish you've given your OC.
That's just ridiculous.

>> No.16319540
Quoted by: >>16319545

Go to /tg/ if you want to post ugly garbage like >>16319482

>> No.16319545
Quoted by: >>16319562

Oh no! The Posting Standard Police has come again!

>> No.16319562

Anon, there's a huge difference between "Posting Standards" and Bad Art.

>> No.16319564
Quoted by: >>16319599

>Sure, if that were her one and only fetish, which it's not.
If she gets off on tying you up, that plays into the SM. If she gets off on being tied up, that plays into SM. We aren't talking about her other fetishes which are irrelevant to bondage.

But if she ties herself up - something which doesn't play into the SM - it's entirely redundant. Who are you giving your helplessness and trust to? Whose helplessness and trust are you receiving? She can both tie herself up and free herself. There's nothing to get off to unless she offers to you the illusion of helplessness. Which would plays into an aspect of SM.

So I stand by my statement, there's no BD without SM

>That's just ridiculous.
It wouldn't be surprising though.

>> No.16319566
File: 23 KB, 700x700, C0NTh9uVIAEdi-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out for snakes, they can climb up walls with surprising ease

>> No.16319583
Quoted by: >>16319602

It's winter. Snakes slumber.
Well maybe not, there's no snow and it's not all that cold. Maybe still too cold for snakes.

>> No.16319586
Quoted by: >>16319602

Gonna hit her with a stick.

>> No.16319590 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 700x1000, 1482823778591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319609

>"A-Anon, I'm ready... for you~"

>> No.16319599
Quoted by: >>16319616

>We aren't talking about her other fetishes which are irrelevant to bondage.
Well, when you said I didn't understand my waifu's fetish I felt I should clear that up by bringing up and differentiating between her other ones.
>There's nothing to get off to unless she offers to you the illusion of helplessness.
She gets off on seeing how helpless she can make herself, and then trying to get out of whatever situation she''s put herself in. Self bondage is a one person activity, there doesn't need to be any transfer of trust except to oneself. I guess it may still be SM, but whatever.
>So I stand by my statement, there's no BD without SM
You're probably right anon, I'm just offering my opinion. There may not be, but either way I don't really care.
>It wouldn't be surprising though.
Your lack of faith makes me sad.

>> No.16319602
Quoted by: >>16319606

>It's winter. Snakes slumber.
The cold makes some of them only more rabid for a man to cuddle with, there are few things as dangerous as a snake longing for warmth

You're a bully

>> No.16319606
Quoted by: >>16319607

>You're a bully
Yes, so?

>> No.16319607
Quoted by: >>16319610

One day you're gonna pay for your actions and be thrown into the lamia pit

>> No.16319609


>> No.16319610
Quoted by: >>16319618

You and I both know that will never happen.

Even if it did I would be walking out of that pit leaving behind a lot of crying lamia.

>> No.16319616
Quoted by: >>16319623

>She gets off on seeing how helpless she can make herself, and then trying to get out of whatever situation she''s put herself in. Self bondage is a one person activity, there doesn't need to be any transfer of trust except to oneself. I guess it may still be SM, but whatever.
I suppose self-bondage may not be necessarily redundant if you take suicidal tendencies and flirting with death into mind. It could fall under the same kind of fetish as auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Or it could be completely unrelated to all other sorts of bondage fetishism, and she could simply be using bondage as a tool to sate an addiction to thrill.

Because I mean think about it. Helplessness is subjective. If you are truly un-involved in this solo fetish of hers, the only other thing she can feel helpless before is the prospect of being unable to free herself an thus remaining bound until she dies of whatever kills her first, hunger or thirst.

Is your waifu a thrill seeker who gets off on flirting with death?

>> No.16319618
Quoted by: >>16319621

>He thinks he can escape the lamia pit
Funny joke man.

>> No.16319621

Lamia pit isn't that hard to get out of.

>> No.16319623
Quoted by: >>16319626

>Is your waifu a thrill seeker who gets off on flirting with death?
No, anon. She just likes how it physically feels, it's not always about feeling helpless.

>> No.16319626

You're being too shallow. You have to consider why she likes how it physically feels. See this is why I said it wouldn't be particularly surprising.

>> No.16319629
File: 2.38 MB, 1431x1000, Wock Extra Bits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319631


>> No.16319631
Quoted by: >>16319633

What's the writing on her hand?

>> No.16319633
Quoted by: >>16319636

Anon, I think that's just the shading.

>> No.16319636

There's obviously letters on her fingers, anon. Look like E's.

>> No.16319638

She likes bondage in general because it's calming and therapeutic to her, but does she really need a reason in the first place? Does anyone NEED a reason to like something no matter what it is? Sometimes there isn't a reason why you like something anon, sometimes you just do.

I think you're reading too much into it.

>> No.16319650
Quoted by: >>16319656

gonna have to agree with KDF here. sometimes you just like what you like.

>> No.16319656
Quoted by: >>16319665

>She likes bondage in general because it's calming and therapeutic to her
Why? I'd wager because putting all her agency in your hands if only for a moment makes her feel safe. Because she trusts and loves you. Hence self-bondage being redundant unless she also has a fetish about tempting fate.
>but does she really need a reason in the first place? Does anyone NEED a reason to like something no matter what it is?
There is always an explanation - always a reason. Any one who tells you there is no reason either doesn't understand themselves or wants to hide their reason.

>I think you're reading too much into it.
No you're just shallow. Which is fine. People are multilayered and complex. If you want a waifu who is into bondage, it's not really necessary to craft their psychology as an explanation as to why.

But then you don't really get to argue over her nonexistent psychology.

You're free to be wrong.

>> No.16319665
Quoted by: >>16319674

>because putting all her agency in your hands if only for a moment makes her feel safe. Because she trusts and loves you.
I thought that was a given, but yes, that's correct.
>There is always an explanation - always a reason.
I guess.
>But then you don't really get to argue over her nonexistent psychology.
Yes, I absolutely do get to, because it's a learning experience I can use to become less shallow and add more depth to her personality. This conversation has been quite useful for that. This has been quite enjoyable actually.

>> No.16319666

Fact: if your cheshire wife tells you that she's pregnant and you tell her "Hi pregnant, I'm dad." you get triplets

>> No.16319668

Thanks for the info Satan.

>> No.16319667

Don't you try to trick me, Satan.

>> No.16319669


I need a british cheshire wife in my life. This strife, it cuts me like an emotional knife.

>> No.16319671

thanks for the fun fact Satan

>> No.16319674
Quoted by: >>16319678

>Yes, I absolutely do get to, because it's a learning experience I can use to become less shallow and add more depth to her personality
Well if you look at it that way then it's entirely valid. What I meant was, you don't get to argue from a position of confidence, or at least to do so is to be foolish.

The wisest man admits he knows nothing and all that jazz

>> No.16319678
Quoted by: >>16319686

>What I meant was, you don't get to argue from a position of confidence, or at least to do so is to be foolish.
I see your point there, I guess I was being a little wishy-washy with that. Oh well.

It's past my bedtime now so I need to go do that. Thanks for the intelligent conversation anon, that sort of thin is rare around here. Especially for me.

>> No.16319686
Quoted by: >>16319690

No problem. I'm sure I'll be back to telling you to fuck off and put a trip on so I can filter you some other day.

>> No.16319690
Quoted by: >>16319691

Oh hey, it's you.

You do you anon!

>> No.16319691
Quoted by: >>16319695

>You do you anon!
I will. G'night, faggot.

>> No.16319695

Goodnight anon.

>> No.16319757
File: 286 KB, 1071x1515, 63d118815fb9810259d581123a4bb49d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sexually molest an alien!

>> No.16319761

Do people really check the panties on statues?

>> No.16319762
Quoted by: >>16319771

No xenos allowed

>> No.16319771
File: 51 KB, 635x851, 7de27082b42417136a87637446b55f18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't inspect any purchase you make for defects?

What about fairies?

>> No.16319773
Quoted by: >>16319783

Of course fairies are allowed

>> No.16319783
File: 441 KB, 850x1201, sample_77c1d7339810762c5c83b4c3906740bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319789

Well good, because they're also on my molestation list.

I'm still gonna molest that tiny alien tho.

>> No.16319787

I'll stop checking when they stop giving figmas shimapan.

>> No.16319789
Quoted by: >>16319799

>I'm still gonna molest that tiny alien tho.
Sure, just not in the thread. No xenos allowed. Ever, until KC draws one. Then it's allowed.

>> No.16319794
Quoted by: >>16319807

Poke the fairy butt.

>> No.16319799

Nah. This isn't the KC thread. As long as it's not some weird Grey-looking thing, aliens are fine.

>> No.16319802
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Firecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319896

It is fine that xenos are not allowed, Fiyahcatto is a human being after all!

>> No.16319807
File: 500 KB, 950x712, 14ae929a125ff3b32a760b27788586d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much he bought that fairy for. Must have been expensive, considering how well dressed he seems.

>> No.16319812

No xenos allowed!

>> No.16319813

This is terrible, those wings are probably full of blood vessels!

>> No.16319822

>that toothbrush
Ouch that has to hurt

>> No.16319828
File: 63 KB, 634x477, C0rCBIRUoAEbYV7.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319833

Weather Kiki?

>> No.16319833
Quoted by: >>16319845


>> No.16319845

Anons stop, saying weather a third time will cause a ryu to burst into the room to give us the seven day forecast.

>> No.16319847


>> No.16319848

Have you ever looked at a monster and thought about how great it'd be as a monster girl?

>> No.16319849
File: 227 KB, 744x780, 1427783359552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16319855
Quoted by: >>16319865

No Alps allowed.

>> No.16319865

You completely failed to comprehend what the post you replied to is asking.

>> No.16319866
Quoted by: >>16319868

Fluffy Spider-cows rain from the sky!

The third seal has been broken!

>> No.16319868

So they'll break a seal a day until 2017?

>> No.16319871
Quoted by: >>16319872

Anon, I already see every monster as if they were monster girls, anyway.

>> No.16319872
Quoted by: >>16319884

this >>16319871 though I've gotten bad enough to start personifying inanimate objects as well.

>> No.16319876
File: 121 KB, 900x900, ushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ushis? I'd love some!

>> No.16319879

Wew. I've never seen a vulnerable Ushi before.

>> No.16319882

We've caught one!

>> No.16319884

This is how you end up with a pizzagirl and not the delivery kind

>> No.16319888

We must interrogate it! Tickle it!

>> No.16319896


Even if Aisha is a xeno, she's also a catgirl. Trying to exclude her in the first place was just short-sighted.

"Cosplay tier" girls are posted all the time anyway and there's definitely a following for them in the threads. Koto, Juri, Aisha and most kitsune are examples of this.

>> No.16319929
File: 1.11 MB, 707x1154, 60394863_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319931

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Monster Hunter, I guess that's because most of them do have art as monster girls

>> No.16319931
Quoted by: >>16319941

From the thumbnail I thought this was a Sahu. You have disappointed me.

>> No.16319940

>As long as it's not some weird Grey-looking thing
What about the Alien that Shaggy fell in love with in that one Scooby-Doo movie?

>> No.16319941

Sahuagins are great
Nargacugas are greater
Plesioths are shit

>> No.16319955
File: 352 KB, 500x806, debbaf70d62e9f69d246d5e22b6c9766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have looked at monsters and thought about how great i'd be to put my dick in them.

Don't know if that counts.

>> No.16319957

This is way too lewd for this board. And I'm pretty sure those pins are hurting her!

>> No.16319959

I felt this phenomenon strongly watching the MUTOs in Godzilla.

>> No.16319962
File: 383 KB, 664x2000, roevSlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Girl Dakis

>> No.16319972
Quoted by: >>16319978

Don't have room for one. I sleep in a narrow bed.

>> No.16319978
Quoted by: >>16319984

But Anon, love means squeezing together into one bed together.

Or just marry a Fairy or Pixie and save space.

>> No.16319984
Quoted by: >>16319991

>go to sleep with a little creature sleeping on your belly/chest/crotch
Hmm, yes.

>> No.16319990

Pear shaped Wock!

>> No.16319991

I want to cuddle a shortstack Gremlin like that.

>> No.16320039

What's better, being a monster girl's daki or having a monster girl daki?

>> No.16320048
Quoted by: >>16320070

Being a monster girls Daki. Every time.

But will I still be alive? Will I be an actually Daki?

>> No.16320070
Quoted by: >>16320072

Alive of course, you're just not allowed to move all that much while she's in bed

>> No.16320072

Anon... It isn't even a choice.

>> No.16320074

I would rather be her pillow. If my waifu exists i'm she has a daki of me on her bed.

>> No.16320077
File: 53 KB, 237x400, trumpart_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept: Playing card soldiers, cute uniforms, teen rather than loli

>> No.16320085

>teen rather than loli
My fetish when they reach puberty but are still innocent is the best

>> No.16320094

If she's not literally a daki, than I'd rather be the one wrapping myself completely around her. I'd just smother her like my life depended on it.

>> No.16320095
File: 212 KB, 540x600, trumpart_r2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The playmates of the Queen of Hearts, and card soldiers of the Queen's Guard, it's Trumpart-chan!
The origin of their name is "Trump"+"Rampart" (a castle wall in English).
While in Japanese, the word "トランプ" refers to the cards themselves, in English the meaning is more like "切り札" (a trump card).
They're the walls that protect Wonderland, and the military "trump card" of the Queen of Hearts.
(There are large playing cards on the walls everywhere in Wonderland, and Trumparts can appear from them)

>> No.16320096

She looks like Lewd Bait™

>> No.16320106
Quoted by: >>16320144

>teen rather than loli
KC needs to do more of this type. People always forget the middle ground.

>> No.16320126
Quoted by: >>16320144

I want to run into Trumpart-chan and tell her I'll have to go back because I'm underleveled for Wonderland.

>> No.16320144

So if you were to try and invade Wonderland you'd have to face these cuties before even entering the gates? Man, The Queen of Heart is befitting of being a post-game secret boss

They have the best of both extremes but no defining traits thus why they are forgettable
We sure as hell need more of them though

A Clubs would nod and let you go
A Diamonds would rape you because she wants to try doming a low level scrub
A Spades would personally train you
No clue how a Hearts would react

>> No.16320149
File: 162 KB, 602x700, trumpart_sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is based on the card soldiers that serve the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland".
They had a playing card for a body, but the encyclopedia world's version has a three dimensional girl's body.
The card element was reflected in the design of their uniform (that varies somewhat based on their suit and rank of course), and the inclusion of a giant floating playing card from which her body is emerging.

I drew the first sketches of all the wonderland girls at roughly the same time around when I made the Cheshire Cat, but I didn't have the idea of that figure emerging from a playing card at the time, so her design hadn't really been fixed at all from that initial sketch, and I hadn't really gotten what to do with her.

>> No.16320151

A Hearts would ask if you wanted to fuck before you go.

>> No.16320153

I'll promise to return...unless I forget!

Welp, time to grumpily wait for it to end so I can go back to grinding.

That's cool and all but I already have some weird salamander wanting to train me already.

In fact, running from her got me in here.

I think the answer is more rape

>> No.16320167

The last T-Rex na Kanojo chapter is out for anyone who was reading it:


>> No.16320172

This is cute, wish people talked about it more.

>> No.16320175
Quoted by: >>16320187

Last or latest?

>> No.16320179
File: 182 KB, 602x700, trumpart_kan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trumparts, guards and playmates of the Queen of Hearts, are former human women who were turned into monsters by the Queen herself.
Her criterion for selection is simply "I want us to be friends", and for soldiers that guard the queen, they can appear a little childish.
Though even if I say that they're young, they're not lolis, closer to middle school or high school students, with a teen-like appearance.
Due to their status as favorites of the Queen of Hearts, and also their age, she's got a pretty cheeky and smug expression.
Though her hair color is close to blond, blond hair is reserved for the "Alice" among Wonderland's monsters, so to not hurt her exclusivity, the Trumpart has a more ashen gold tone. And of course, she has the Wonderland trademark mesh!

This one is pretty fucking long, bear with me

>> No.16320187

Both. Sanzo's now doing some sort of fuzzy caterpillar thing: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/2288

>> No.16320189

What is it with Wonderland and smug girls?

>> No.16320191
Quoted by: >>16320197


>> No.16320197

That is very cute as far as caterpillars go, but it's not a Monster Girl.
So what>>16320191

>> No.16320210

>The Trumparts, guards and playmates of the Queen of Hearts, are former human women who were turned into monsters by the Queen herself.
>Her criterion for selection is simply "I want us to be friends"
Something tells me the queen of hearts is lonely, someone marry that woman already.

>> No.16320212
Quoted by: >>16320238

KC's lineart is always so clean

>at roughly the same time around when I made the Cheshire Cat
Now I'm imagining a Cheshire Cat bothering a clubs Trumpart while she reads

>"I want us to be friends"
That's what Druella said too, their sisterhood shows

>Though even if I say that they're young, they're not lolis, closer to middle school or high school students, with a teen-like appearance.
Best age range by far, we need a Trumpart in a Japanese high school uniform now

>she's got a pretty cheeky and smug expression.
That looks more like a honest, happy smile to me but I wouldn't doubt that she's thinking about how cool she is

>blond hair is reserved for the "Alice" among Wonderland's monsters
Did he mean that as in canon or purely as a design choice?

>This one is pretty fucking long, bear with me
It's ok anon you're already very kind to do this, no need to push yourself

>> No.16320223

Like the outfits of the other residents of Wonderland, their uniforms were designed by the Queen of Hearts herself, and they reflect her tastes in their emphasis on "cuteness".
Their coloring matches a playing card, white and red (though it changes based on suit of course, and their uniform is emblazoned with their suit and rank.
The sleeveless design and slits running down from the collar to the skirt give the center piece the appearance of a playing card (though it's difficult to see due to the... "three-dimensionality" of her chest).
Though the length of their skirt is very risque, you can't see anything from the front, but for their husband that's inside the card behind them, it seems tailor made to put everything on plain display when viewed from behind...!

Their beret-type hat with a ribbon is also a charm point!
It was colored white in the first rough sketches, but I changed it to red in the middle of painting to get a better color balance.

Still far from done, jesus fuck KC

>> No.16320238

>Best age range by far, we need a Trumpart in a Japanese high school uniform now
Agreed. Now I can picture a heart, club, diamond and spade sharing lunch on the school roof while talking about love.
>It was colored white in the first rough sketches, but I changed it to red in the middle of painting to get a better color balance.
I'm glad he did, red suits them really well.

Although I'm guessing a spade or diamond would have black ones.

>> No.16320241

>it's fucking nothing
Disappointment forever.

>> No.16320249

Their metallic gauntlets and neck guards give her a bit of a dignified and soldierlike appearance, but it's rounded out by the heart marks lending them an appealing cuteness!
Her spear's design also emphasizes cuteness, with heart marks and playing card elements.

As for the part of the giant playing card that their body emerges from, while it's just something like gooey, "muddy" demonic energy, Wonderland is a land full of sweets and tea, and it does kind of have a "thick" look like milk and cream to it, doesn't it?
I guess if you were to lick it, it'd be sweet...!

still not done

>> No.16320254

>I guess if you were to lick it, it'd be sweet...!
Please do not lick the Wonderland Wall!

>> No.16320255

The card would regenerate after someone takes a bite out of it I guess.

>> No.16320257

>I guess if you were to lick it, it'd be sweet...!
>licking a trumpart's card
This is more lewd that it should be.

>> No.16320258
Quoted by: >>16320267

>jesus fuck KC
It's like he gave us an infodump that wasn't in the original MGE2 release. That or he really likes them.

>> No.16320266

I'm still looking for someone who will do a Yeti daki, I was originally asking butter t but he's a shit and doesn't respond unless I donate to his patreonbux

>> No.16320267

Side note, a deck of cards has 52 cards + a Joker, but it's not like there are only 52 Trumparts.
The smaller the rank, the more individuals there appear to be, and as their strength increases with rank, the numbers diminish. With face cards and Aces, there seem to be very few.
A Trumpart's rank is not fixed, and through training and continued sex with their husbands to accumulate spirit energy, they can rank up.
Additionally, the "Joker" Trumpart that wasn't mentioned in the profile text is a very special case, so I'm going to be introducing her at another time.

There, that's all.

She already has one of the longest profiles in the book already

>> No.16320272

So face card Trumparts do exist. Also it's pretty interesting that the number denotes the rank and not a unique individual I initially thought.

>> No.16320280 [DELETED] 

>They're the walls that protect Wonderland

Donald Trumpart will make MGE great again!

>> No.16320285 [DELETED] 

Great Kek, is there no refuge from these memes?

>> No.16320286
Quoted by: >>16320312

So Joker's getting a seperate profile? Nice.

Looks like KC never really will leave Wonderland will he?

>> No.16320289 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16320294

Shouldn't that be Donna Trumpart?

>> No.16320294 [DELETED] 

Donna Trumpart is going to build a great wall, and make the Order pay for it.

>> No.16320312

You can't leave Wonderland. Even if you go away, it stays within you.
Urge to say "one doesn't just..." successfully resisted.

>> No.16320316

Girls in armor are always cute, KC doesn't need to try so hard with his rounded shapes and hearts

>I guess if you were to lick it, it'd be sweet...!
I'm gonna headcanon that it tastes like the white stuff in kinder bars

Now that's the stuff I wanted to learn about
>The smaller the rank, the more individuals there appear to be
Makes sense, although the way it was worded in the profile made it sound like there weren't that many Trumparts overall so I'd say it would be rare to have more Trumparts of a certain card than its number (e.g: 10 number 10)

>A Trumpart's rank is not fixed, and through training and continued sex with their husbands to accumulate spirit energy, they can rank up.
That's basically a common rule for all MGE monster girls but it's always good to have a strict confirmation

>Additionally, the "Joker" Trumpart that wasn't mentioned in the profile text is a very special case, so I'm going to be introducing her at another time.
I'm very interested to see this

>There, that's all.
Thank you very much Anon, you deserve an ace trumpart of your choice
I'm surprised KC had this much to say about a relatively vanilla species but I guess they're a fundamental aspect of Wonderland and of the Queen of Heart as a character

>> No.16320341

No HD?

>> No.16320345
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, Pocket Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, you slob! That paper is due next week and all you've done is fill two pages with quotes! Do you even remember the context for any of them? You are NOT leaving here until you've written your own thoughts down in at least the same quantity!
Well you got yourself an Anubis, isn't this what you always wanted?

>> No.16320347
Quoted by: >>16320355

I haven't taken a class that requires essays in over four years.

>> No.16320350

>Side note, a deck of cards has 52 cards + a Joker, but it's not like there are only 52 Trumparts.
This makes writing or imagining them a lot easier. They would be more rare than lilims if this was the case so KC made a smart move here.

>> No.16320355

Well how is she supposed to know that? You never talk to her about these things.

>> No.16320371

>cheeky and smug

A dicking is needed.

>> No.16320374

Yes. And I'll enjoy this

>> No.16320392

I'm excited to see how batshit strong and insane the joker is. If an Ace can take on things like angels and shit I bet joker is pretty amazing.

>> No.16320405
Quoted by: >>16320500

I'd tather have a pocket dragon. Anubutts are too annoying if you don't love them.

>> No.16320406 [DELETED] 

>Check around online some of the other MGE fansites and threads on the Trumpart to get a general consensus and see some of the opinions
>A few people were really butthurt about the name and had to make constant Trump jokes "T-Trump is a joker so it fits"
>One guy said he was considering dropping MGE because of the name
Damn, can you believe there are people out there who get so butthurt about a Monster Girl? I mean, I know we do, but for different reasons then the name.

>> No.16320452 [DELETED] 

This reminds me of the twisting of the word "Triggered".

Though I suppose that when Trump has managed to live up to his name, it's perhaps inevitable that people would directly correlate the two...

>> No.16320485
Quoted by: >>16320559

Do you think Wonderland has a school?
I'd love to be taught about lewd stuff by a Jabberwock CC teacher and have Alices ask stupidly innocent questions while the Cheshire Cat causes trouble at the back of the class
You even have nerds in clubs Trumparts

>> No.16320490
File: 314 KB, 850x635, 1481517836287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The doctor is in.

>> No.16320500
Quoted by: >>16320507

>Anubi are annoying

Well good luck with a haughty pocket dragon.

>> No.16320506 [DELETED] 

>being surprised that reddit tier websites are faggots

>> No.16320507

I love dragons so they are easy to handle.

>> No.16320516

The doctor is cute!

>> No.16320523

I love dragons
thery're comfy and easy to fuck!

>> No.16320525

I'm reading Ogeha now, and god, that guy is an asshole.

>> No.16320526 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16320546

I don't really like them, but it has nothing to do with the name. And it's really only one subtype I dislike. The introvert ones sound great.

>> No.16320529

You really think you can handle a haughty pocket dragon?

>> No.16320536

Not him but you can always just punish her by taping her mouth and dangling her by her tail if she gets out of hand

>> No.16320546 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16320576

>Not wanting to split your diamond waifu on two feet of horsecock
Come on anon

>> No.16320548

I find their haughtiness cute and I would love to play with her. If she doesn't shut up then I won't either.

>> No.16320550 [DELETED] 

>Check around online some of the other MGE fansites
What sites? The only MGE fansites I know are MGR and wiki and I haven't seen anyone getting upset over the name there
Reddit MGE or something?

>> No.16320552

That's mean anon. You're being a bully. I hope she burns your finger.

>> No.16320557

That sound very cute. I bet she would keep flapping her little wings and trying to scratch you like a little cat.

>> No.16320559
Quoted by: >>16320654

It would be more of a daycare than a school. Sure, they do teach kids things there, but it's not mandatory since the queen of hearts is a bit of a brat and hates to go to school.
And what they do teach is all lewd. If you leave a young boy there he'd be the class experiment within seconds.
Which happen quite a lot.
>Some young boy is meant to go to school like normal.
>But the front door is turned into a portal just for him.
>Ends up in a class room full of wonderland monster girls.
What happens afterwards chances. Sometimes he stays there with the teacher taking care of him. Other times a monster girl follows him home.

>> No.16320569 [DELETED] 

There's /monster/ too. But they actually like trump over there so I highly doubt it would be a problem there.
I believe there is a monster girl bored on Reddit, but it's really shit from what I have heard.

After that I just stopped caring about other sites.

>> No.16320570

I want the doctor to paizuri me!

>> No.16320576

No, you go to hell. You go to hell, and you die!

I'm glad he gave that trait to the inferior card, anyway. Nobody can really be upset about an already shit diamond getting even worse.

>> No.16320591
Quoted by: >>16320600

I wonder if the higher the diamond rank the more degenerate she is.

>> No.16320595
Quoted by: >>16320600

I actually like diamond. It's a nice, symmetrical, solid shape. Shame about the girl it's based off wanting to horse around all the time. She should get serious, and tie the knot

>> No.16320597

Theres a few other monster girl forums that all look like something from the early two thousands. Also don't forget forum threads dedicated to mge on various sites.

>> No.16320600

That's what I figured, actually. You wind up getting turned into a dragon once you hit face card level.

Meanwhile, a face card for the superior club is just living with them in their own card world.

The puns are the best thing she's brought about.

>> No.16320606

What would halpen if you mixed a club and a lich? I bet she would become a vegetable.

>> No.16320608

>You wind up getting turned into a dragon once you hit face card level.
No, at top tier degeneracy, she turns into a dragon and fucks you.

>> No.16320611

>I bet she would become a vegetable
No no, you need to add an alurane to the mix for that.

>> No.16320615

More like a sloth girl with enough magic energy to warp reality.

Oh gods, that would be awful. At least I would never get out of my starting village in a MG world, so I don't have to worry about becoming a cocksleeve.

>> No.16320618

Don't forget the doppel potions.

>> No.16320622

Stop already

>> No.16320634

>She turns you into an entire pack of wolves to gangbang her while cosplaying holo
This girl is never getting laid by any one but the most degenerate of incubi. I wonder how they cope with their loneliness?

>> No.16320641
Quoted by: >>16320648

Yeah, yeah. I think it's pretty funny, but it would probably give someone new the wrong idea, huh. At least we have clubs and spades to make up for that faggotry.

>> No.16320642

We are just talking about the cute card.

>> No.16320648

Spades a best.

>> No.16320649

It's fun to gross people out an laugh at the things you do not like. Like a game where you say the worst thing you can think of and some one ups the ante until it reaches a point where no one wants a mental image of what the next person is going to say and you all quit.

>> No.16320651

She's a heart so she would happily oblige.

>> No.16320654
Quoted by: >>16320665

>since the queen of hearts is a bit of a brat and hates to go to school.
Oh right, school definitely isn't something she'd consider fun

So it'd basically be a place where young monster girls and boys go to hang out and occasionally try out stuff

>> No.16320657
Quoted by: >>16320668

You sound like those 14yo kids who think are funny but they're just annoying.

>> No.16320661
Quoted by: >>16320670

Then how about we just end it right here: fetishistic botfly removal.

>> No.16320665
Quoted by: >>16320687

>So it'd basically be a place where young monster girls and boys go to hang out and occasionally try out stuff
Exactly. Be it something lewd or just something fun.

>> No.16320666
File: 645 KB, 1269x1800, Enjoing the cold a bit too much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theres no snow where i am

>> No.16320668

My condolences.

>> No.16320670

We don't talk about that. Remove diamons.

>> No.16320684
Quoted by: >>16320691

>It's fun to gross people out an laugh at the things you do not like
>I'm such a troll!!

>> No.16320687

I'd show all kinds of lewd stuff to young Jubjubs, they'd be my groupies

I wonder if cold girls would be the most popular in hot countries

>> No.16320688
Quoted by: >>16320721

Does that yuki onna look nice?
And why do we need his snow boner?

>> No.16320691

It is fun. It's also human nature. Pretty closely related to gallows humor. Do you get offended at off-colour jokes too? You strike me as the type who does.

>> No.16320696

>tfw it snowed for 1cm on Christmas eve
>now it's all windy and raining

Ice Queen pls don't fall asleep

>> No.16320702


Boy I have a waifu but I wouldn't mind hugging a Yuki onna eight now.

>> No.16320707

Don't play monopoly with a Tanuki.

>> No.16320721
File: 1.08 MB, 1269x1800, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's nice
the have a daughter together

>> No.16320723

What's the worst that'll happen?

>> No.16320725
Quoted by: >>16320783

Can we play Risk instead?

>> No.16320733

She mad I'll keep buying railroads?

>> No.16320736
Quoted by: >>16321394

>Playing monopoly

>> No.16320740

Mudpussy is bestpussy!

>> No.16320745
File: 614 KB, 1117x609, #Late Weather Cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fucking cold someone send help

>> No.16320746

I remember a hentai with a loli yukionna who met with mountain hikers to have gangbangs.
It was cute. And lewd. Cute lewd lolis are the best.

>> No.16320748
Quoted by: >>16320753

What the heck is that "Weather Ryu recommends" box?
Also do jumping jacks to warm up.

>> No.16320753
File: 68 KB, 500x342, #Late Saddness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320762


>> No.16320762

Anyone know where that greentext is with the drunk succubus?

>> No.16320763
Quoted by: >>16320771

Just get a warm dragon to cuddle

>> No.16320771
Quoted by: >>16320779

But dragons are cold-blooded.

>> No.16320779
Quoted by: >>16320854

But the dragon on the cuddle site told me she would warm things up for me

>> No.16320783
Quoted by: >>16320785

What monstergirl is the best to play Risk with?

>> No.16320785
Quoted by: >>16320816

Hakutaku, the one who is always holding a fan and calls herself the Sleeping Bovine.

>> No.16320816

>Sleeping Bovine

So THATS why she's fat!

It makes so much sense now!

>> No.16320854
Quoted by: >>16320921

She deceived you. She wants YOU to warm HER up. Don't believe her lies.

>> No.16320861
Quoted by: >>16320920

Wrap yourself in a Yeti fur scarf until warm, recommend laying in bed since it will put you to comfy sleep fast

>> No.16320868
File: 228 KB, 1008x1306, CzTlbztUoAACl8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320872

>> No.16320872

Face pats!

>> No.16320881
Quoted by: >>16320885

I hope you're visiting the local arty shrine and thanking her with gifts and worship for the wonderful season we just had!

>> No.16320885

Local Ryu* shrine

>> No.16320902

I want to make a loli Kikimora wear a ball gag and a nose hook while she cleans.

>> No.16320920
Quoted by: >>16320934

Shut up, quicksilver. We already know.

I want a yeti fur scarf, that my yeti waifu lovingly made for me so I can stay warm when she's out.

>> No.16320921

I wouldn't mind that at all. Making a dragon happy and seeing her smile would make me feel all warm inside.

>> No.16320927

A regular nose hook or one of those extreme one that plug into the butt?

>> No.16320934
Quoted by: >>16320969

I'll profess my love of sexually torturing my loli Kiki slave to the heavens.

I don't know about that. I'd rather make her wear an anal hook that's connected to a rigging system on the ceiling. She'd be able to go anywhere in the house but she'd have to stay on her tiptoes because of her anal hook.

>> No.16320943

A nose hook that goes down her back and between her legs to rub her clit and ends in nipple piercings

>> No.16320946

So I'm getting a cat tomorrow. I don't know how my waifu would feel about having a cat, but oh well.

Is it okay for monstergirls to keep pets?

>> No.16320949
File: 1.82 MB, 1504x1080, 206Dunsparce(NotActuallyDunsparce).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was translated finally

>> No.16320952
Quoted by: >>16320959

I thought you went to bed

>> No.16320955
Quoted by: >>16320970

>I'm in charge here
>not Do you feel in charge

>> No.16320958
Quoted by: >>16320971

That's just too complicated. The same effect could be achieved with individual toys and bits.

>> No.16320959
Quoted by: >>16321020

I'm awake now.

>> No.16320968
Quoted by: >>16320998

It should be fine. I'd like to think that if a monstergirl wants a pet it'll just stay a pet.

>> No.16320969

That's some dedication to lewd the kiki

Just have her clit and nipples pierced and have a slightly too short string link them together, much simpler and more effective

>> No.16320970

She's a Big Elf

>> No.16320971

not complicated just long

>> No.16320973

What is this?

>> No.16320975

For you.

>> No.16320976
Quoted by: >>16320998

Cats are wonderful and of course they'd love pets.

>> No.16320977

fat elf it seems

>> No.16320978
File: 518 KB, 720x960, bloomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16320983

What America likes doing to monster girls.

>> No.16320986

>Fat slob stuffing her face blames being fat on other people
Wew lad. I don't want to hate elves now, come on.

>> No.16320988
Quoted by: >>16321001

I imagine a lich would keep an undead cat around for company while she waits for a husband. So, yeah, it should be fine.

>> No.16320990
Quoted by: >>16321000

>that belly squeeze


>> No.16320998

That's not what I'm worried about, that's part of my headcanon too. I just think it'd be weird to have a cat when I'm married to a Kobold.

I've lived with cats for most of my life, cats are pretty neat animals.

>> No.16321000
Quoted by: >>16321026

I would work that belly off, but I'd end up impregnating her

>> No.16321001

Heh. I'll be keeping my cat around while I wait for my waifu!

>> No.16321006
Quoted by: >>16321028

Why a cat, KDF? Why not a dog?

>> No.16321008
File: 71 KB, 202x285, 1398613748987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty neat animals
It's funny because it's true with both meanings on eat! It's like a pun! Get it?

>> No.16321011
File: 1.66 MB, 1504x1080, 006Charizard(NotActuallyCharizard).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an Elf of course.

Don't stare, it's rude.

>> No.16321014

>on eat
Hey, who stole my letters? of neat*

>> No.16321015

What's the source on this

>> No.16321020
Quoted by: >>16321028

I was going to say you didn't sleep for long enough, but it's been seven hours. Man, time flies.

>> No.16321026

No anon. No. You don't make phat elves healthy. You enjoy the pudge and spoil her.

>> No.16321028

Because I'm more of a cat person when it comes to animals, and having a dog would be a little too weird. I'm also too lazy to have a dog.

This arrangement with the cat is sort of a favor to my mom, she's too busy to care for 3 cats and 2 dogs so I'm getting one of the older cats. It'll be nice since I lived with this cat for several years when I was a kid.

Charon-chan go home.

No, I only slept for five hours and I'm really feeling it. This is what I get for staying up too late.

>> No.16321029
File: 1.98 MB, 1679x2514, muscleelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elves with weapons
boner YES
That's what you do, not what I do

>> No.16321032
Quoted by: >>16321089

I'm asking how's that manga called.

>> No.16321034

>phat elves healthy
Fat. She's overweight and her figure is ruined.

>No, I only slept for five hours and I'm really feeling it
Go back to bed, nerd.

>> No.16321035

>Charon-chan go home
Her home is her ferry and her ferry has wi-fi.

>> No.16321036

That elf is for teasing

>> No.16321038
Quoted by: >>16321048

>Go back to bed, nerd.
I can't, I'm at work.

>> No.16321046
Quoted by: >>16321059

Not gonna lie I'm getting a weird vibe from your last story about that whole cat thing.

>> No.16321048

Must suck not being a neet

>> No.16321053
Quoted by: >>16321058

It's not ruined anon. It's improved.

>> No.16321058

I see you like your women apple-shaped.

>> No.16321059
Quoted by: >>16321068

You stop that, you dirty anon.

It's not terrible, I only work part time. This way I have money for commissions.

>> No.16321068

I'm just saying that sounds a lot like your childhood pet plotline. I hope you're ready for 2017.

>> No.16321076

Stop this right now, anon. I belong with my Kobold waifu.

>> No.16321077
Quoted by: >>16321113

>2017 rolls around and instead of his kobold he gets a werecat

>> No.16321083
File: 1.06 MB, 2100x1500, Punished Anubis - A Disorganized Taskmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the government has people who check with you every 3 weeks when you're unemployed to make sure you're being "active" so they can take away your neetbux if they're not satisfied with what you've been doing
Stress is a terrible thing.

>> No.16321089
File: 2.21 MB, 1504x1080, 158Totodile(NotActuallyTotodile).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321109

Elf Can't On a Diet

Apparently other fantastical girls will be featured too, this ones was Forest Elf

>> No.16321109
Quoted by: >>16321127

So...we're not gonna talk about this? Ok I guess.

>> No.16321113
Quoted by: >>16321315

If everything but the species magically works out perfectly I'd still be a little disappointed, but I could live with it I guess. I'd still very much prefer a Kobold though.

>> No.16321125

>It will be 2018 before you know it, and nothing good will have happened.

>> No.16321127

Nah, just don't feed the fatfag. Fitting. Which is ironic, because that elf isn't.

>> No.16321131

It's not ok to introduce human foods to monster girls who are used to only eat raw foods

>> No.16321138

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.16321143

This >>16320949

>> No.16321145

A fat elf might think you like her the way she is, which leads to a smug elf.

>> No.16321148

This is fine.

>> No.16321152
Quoted by: >>16321173

You need to introduce beautiful and healthy dishes, not junk food.

>> No.16321155
Quoted by: >>16321173

Going to introduce a Jinko to steaks.

>> No.16321163
Quoted by: >>16321188

Going to feed an Anubis chocolate and cake!

>> No.16321173

Even then that's too much
Did you see how crazy monster girls go for plain meat? They'd go batshit insane for a properly seasoned steak

Please don't, she'll eat so many of them that she will enter bear mode

>> No.16321175

A Trumpart is only going to become more smug when she traps you in her card.

>> No.16321179

Now you can get shaken baby syndrome as an adult!

>> No.16321188
Quoted by: >>16321217

Don't to that, chocolate will give her indigestion.

>> No.16321193
File: 1.72 MB, 2376x2797, 1466083491025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321225

Why anon you're just PERFECTLY qualified to be a source of blood and semen!

>> No.16321212

>she'll enter bear mode

Good. Then I can be overpowered and raped by a big stronk cat

>> No.16321217

Anything to make her plump.

>> No.16321221
File: 124 KB, 528x1015, Cute Grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, quit being boring and go have some fun!

>> No.16321225

Man, if there was a vamp who would take me in and love me and allow me to just be tank of blood and cum and be a useess neet, there's not a thing she could do to me I wouldn't be happy about

>> No.16321228
Quoted by: >>16321259


>> No.16321230
Quoted by: >>16321259

I can't, it's dark and slippery outside and I'm soon going to be too busy with school to write anything.

>> No.16321236

>Bear mode jinko
That's exactly what I want.

>> No.16321245

Plump, squishy bellies are for spanking and bullying.

>> No.16321248

I know how you feel. Freedom in submission and all that.

>> No.16321251

Plump squishy bellies are for poking and squeezing. They are off limits for bully.

>> No.16321255

Maybe if you're a weenie.

>> No.16321259 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 528x1015, 1482856587566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the fun's coming to you then.

>> No.16321260


>> No.16321264
Quoted by: >>16321271

Well, to give you some insight on that OH SO creative process. I'd decided to not use a floral based name (for once) when it came to a girl from a green text.

Spoiler: Her name actually translates to "Love" in Finnish. Chose it because Alp can be a cool guy when he's not a faggot.

>> No.16321265
Quoted by: >>16321284

I want to watch my Jubjub waifu build a nest in the middle of our bed so she can lay her egg.

>> No.16321266
File: 1.93 MB, 1600x1131, 1471565132995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321267

I thought they were for raspberrying.

>> No.16321267

Only if she's insecure about it and you're doing it to make her squirm and blush.

>> No.16321271
Quoted by: >>16321289

I hope she doesn't slip.
I know what it means, what I'm asking is why'd you think you're being nice to me by giving her such a silly name. Oh, and Lempi isn't a word that people use in common parlance, it's archaic. Still perfectly viable as a name though.

>> No.16321284

That's both cute and disturbing
Egg laying is probably nowhere near as horrific an experience as child birth is though

>> No.16321289
Quoted by: >>16321300

Because it's Finnish and a lovely name. Now stop being a ninny about it.

>> No.16321290
Quoted by: >>16321299

In my headcanon it basically is. After however many months of pregnancy she lays the egg which then takes however many more weeks to hatch.

>> No.16321293
File: 718 KB, 2459x3463, 19636060bd1e5798cd64446219a35599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brothers

>> No.16321299

Monstergirl childbirth is nowhere near as horrific as human childbirth is in my headcanon though.

>> No.16321300
Quoted by: >>16321372

I said it was a perfectly viable name, anon. It just doesn't qualify as much of a present for me, personally.
If you want to really want to be nice to me, tell me what you thought about my latest story, I promise not to argue unless you're objectively wrong

>> No.16321305

Girls wearing nothing but jewels are easy on the eyes.

>> No.16321306

My waifus lay eggs and it's extremely cute. The way she takes care of it is even cuter.

>> No.16321312
Quoted by: >>16321317

>The look of surprise on her face when after years of doing absolutely nothing and being a neet in pergatory, you finally get off your ass start working towards a goal and an aspiration
>The look of love on her face when she finds out she's your inspiration and you're doing it for her

>> No.16321315
Quoted by: >>16321324

If that's the case do you ever imagine your waifu and/or daughteru as different species?

>> No.16321317
Quoted by: >>16321333

>the look of confusion on her face when you don't want to have sex after another day in the rat race
>the look of worry on her face when you're just angry and miserable all the time
>the look of sadness on her face when you develop a drinking problem

>> No.16321322
Quoted by: >>16321327

I want to be dominated into submission by a mistress vampire and then have her violently suck my blood.

>> No.16321324
Quoted by: >>16321339

My waifu and daughteru are always the same species, but occasionally I do imagine them as non-Kobold species. It usually feels dirty though. Sometimes I feel like there's this higher existence of my ideal 'waifu' who manifests herself through different characters. It helps me cope with this and having other waifus in the past.

>> No.16321327
Quoted by: >>16321336

sounds painful

>> No.16321333

I don't know why you'd get off your ass to pursue someting endless and pointless, but if she finds out you're planning on doing something to soul crushing, you're not leaving the house anytime soon. Stress sours the blood.

>> No.16321336

That's what makes it enjoyable.

>> No.16321339

That's an odd idea.
I kind of like it though.

>> No.16321349

>Want to add some of the new girls to my top10
>I don't want to remove any of the old ones


>> No.16321352

You don't get to be a wishy washy faggot forever. There was bound to come a day where you liked more than 10 girls

>> No.16321354
File: 106 KB, 800x1131, C0GDTWNW8AAArZa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Side note, a deck of cards has 52 cards + a Joker, but it's not like there are only 52 Trumparts.
>The smaller the rank, the more individuals there appear to be, and as their strength increases with rank, the numbers diminish. With face cards and Aces, there seem to be very few.
>A Trumpart's rank is not fixed, and through training and continued sex with their husbands to accumulate spirit energy, they can rank up.
>Additionally, the "Joker" Trumpart that wasn't mentioned in the profile text is a very special case, so I'm going to be introducing her at another time.
Artists are gonna have a lotta leeway when drawing these lovely ladies.

>> No.16321355

I could love a million girls.

>> No.16321358

~Have you ever had to finally decide~

>> No.16321359
Quoted by: >>16321370

>tfw just make girls share a place
Fuck da police.

>> No.16321370
Quoted by: >>16321392

You're still restricted to a total of 10 for a top 10.
Otherwise it's a top 11+.

>> No.16321371

No doubt the Joker is the most powerful or strangest one. Again.

>> No.16321372
Quoted by: >>16321385

Going to need a re-link first, you Mongolian. I promise I'll read it, though I doubt you'd want my opinion because I'm King Sourpuss.

>> No.16321373

I thought there were two jokers in a deck. Well, regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing a MG joker.

>> No.16321376

Given that it's Wonderland, she'll probably put Diamonds to shame.

>> No.16321379
File: 818 KB, 1100x1500, 1469598163769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn monsters, coming over here and taking our jobs and boys and then just lazing around all day not working and getting unemployment benefits!

>> No.16321380
Quoted by: >>16321403

>Joker is actually the purest, sweetest and most modest one
Joke's on you!

>> No.16321384

This is just screaming for a Batman joke. Alas, I am not a clever man.

>> No.16321385
Quoted by: >>16322217

Well here it is, http://pastebin.com/HAWjcizV I'll try to finish it soon but there's plenty to read as is.

>> No.16321390

She's an upside-down piranha?

>> No.16321392

Only those with the power to stop me have a right to complain.

>> No.16321394
Quoted by: >>16321407

This. I've seen that damn game tear apart even the most tightly knit of circles.

And suddenly, the crack about Joker having the biggest boner has gone in an all new direction

>> No.16321396
Quoted by: >>16321413

I'm just saying you've put your ranking into an entirely different category.

>> No.16321398
Quoted by: >>16321413

He's right though

>> No.16321403

I like this idea. We already have Mad Hatter for the crazy wonderland girl.

>> No.16321407

It would help if people read the fucking rules. And stopped house-ruling money on free parking.

>> No.16321408
File: 572 KB, 1200x1200, 1482103274515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grab a kakuen's tail and stroke it vigorously

>> No.16321412

Just be sure you don't pull it all the way off, those things are fragile.

>> No.16321413

But I refuse.

Seeing as I'm still unstopped, I beg to differ.

>> No.16321418

Does your waifu play video games anon? What is her favorite?

>> No.16321427

Spyro 1, 2 and 3. She finds them very relatable, if ultimately racist.

>> No.16321430 [SPOILER] 
File: 687 KB, 726x946, 1482859145258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Saiya-jin, Anon. A proud, noble race of space Kakuens! Funny story about them too, apparently Son Goku's birth mother, Gine, was too mild-mannered of a Saiya-jin woman to be fit for combat. So instead, she worked as a butcher and married her former team leader, Bardock, after developing feelings for him for saving her all the time. Granted, if you were to fight any other SPACE KAKUEN in single combat and bested her, you'd get a reaction pretty similar to the one in the image. Regardless if you wanted to or not.

>> No.16321432

I imagine she would like 4X games. Or she could go in the opposite direction, and just like kids games, to relax a bit.

>> No.16321433

Management and planning sims would probably be her favorites.
Sim City 4, various Tycoon games, and the like.
And she'd be ruthlessly efficient in Factorio.

Not an Anubis.

>> No.16321437
Quoted by: >>16321439

My top 10 is an absolute mess
N°1 and 2 are fixed and have been for a while, and then I have about 40 girls who keep rotating in and out of my top 10

When 2017 happens we'll be branded as sluts and become public cumpumps

>> No.16321438

I never saw my waifu being much in to video games, and my daughteru would probably only play them because I do and she'd want to be like Papa. My daughteru might like Minecraft, but I don't know. I recently got back in to Runescape though and I can't help but imagine going 3-person PKing with my waifu and daughteru.

>> No.16321439

>When 2017 happens we'll be branded as sluts and become public cumpumps

>> No.16321440
Quoted by: >>16321456

That's my fetish.

>> No.16321445

She likes some slash & dash and games like monster hunter.

>> No.16321447
Quoted by: >>16321499


Ice Queen is a strong contender, and it looks like I'll have to consider Dragon Zombie and Dark Mage once their profiles are up

>> No.16321451
File: 3.47 MB, 3113x2780, Trap Princess, Dragon Princess, and Knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look out, that dragon is attacking those kids!

>> No.16321453
File: 69 KB, 368x450, 1459357054568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the gal who broke the bank at Monte Carlo~

>> No.16321456


She's maximum yandere, too.

>> No.16321459

Clearly that boy is attacking her! Remove shotas!

>> No.16321460

It's unfortunate that we never see any real female Saiyans in DBZ. My childhood/high-school self would probably have been obsessed.

>> No.16321465

Penis STOP.

>> No.16321466
Quoted by: >>16321471

There's the one chick from the Bardock special.

>> No.16321471
Quoted by: >>16321490

She hardly counts.

>> No.16321472
File: 253 KB, 801x1200, 1473050426023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321481

If monstergirls were to suddenly appear, I'm pretty sure I would immediately go into hardcore workout mode to make a situation like that happen. I'm sure there are some musclegirls who want a muscleman of their own

>> No.16321477

Don't mess around or she'll show you her giant monkey! ...form.

>> No.16321482
Quoted by: >>16321496

>Trap princess, Dragon princess and knight


>> No.16321481

Her face ruins the rest of her.

>> No.16321490
Quoted by: >>16321500

why not?

>> No.16321496
Quoted by: >>16321498

Anon is a faggot

>> No.16321498

That explains everything.

>> No.16321499

For me is Ochimusha, Dark Mage, Griffon and Ice Queen

>> No.16321500
Quoted by: >>16321505

I meant like as a semi main character at least, not one who dies halfway through the film.

>> No.16321501

You do realize if there were any female Saiyans they'd have probably monopolized the male human population? I mean, shit. Earth would go from a planet of flabby, useless shits into a planet of Dirk Hardpec, Bulk Vanderhuge, Slab Bulkhead type guys and it'd be fucking great because the most lewd thing I can see a Kakuen or Saiya-jin doing is forcibly wrapping her prehensile tail around both of your waists mid-coitus, never letting you pull out until her powerful and skilled vaginal muscles milk you into an almost never-ending orgasm. I mean shit, we're talking bestial, child-making sex that's more like a fucking wrestling match for dominance than 'making love'.

>> No.16321505
Quoted by: >>16321508

oh , thought we were talking about as in sexually.

>> No.16321506
File: 327 KB, 700x700, 207deb69eb53fa0545e916a8557f9407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shortstack dragons are for riding and pumping up all day until they turn submissive

>> No.16321508
Quoted by: >>16321519

Yes, both sexually and non sexually. She just barely had any impact at all. She was forgettable at best.

>> No.16321514
Quoted by: >>16321536

Go on.

>> No.16321516

I wonder, could you make a Saiyan girl go Super Saiyan just from having sex?

>> No.16321519
Quoted by: >>16321520

I thought you meant as in just fap materiel.

>> No.16321520
Quoted by: >>16321525

More as in waifu material.

>> No.16321525

you cant waifu a saiyan

>> No.16321527
Quoted by: >>16321540

Why not?

>> No.16321528 [DELETED] 

Great joge my friend!
fucking idiot

>> No.16321529
Quoted by: >>16321540

Says who

>> No.16321533 [DELETED] 

There's no need to be upset.

>> No.16321534

Big dragons are for submitting and small dragons are for dominating.

>> No.16321536
Quoted by: >>16321547

I will grab her by the horns and ride her like a dragon knight until that fit belly is filled to the brim with seed and she hisses dangerously any time i attempt to take my sword of flesh out of her wet pedestal

>> No.16321540

saiyans prefer fighting over snuggling.

>> No.16321543 [DELETED] 

Shh baby.

>> No.16321544
Quoted by: >>16321548


>> No.16321547
Quoted by: >>16321560

I see you too are a man of great taste.

>> No.16321548
Quoted by: >>16321569

>marry warrior race girl
>get warrior race girl

>> No.16321551

Everyone likes to snuggle, anon.

>> No.16321560


For what reason?

>> No.16321564

So long as you introduce them to healthy foods as well as provide education about proper nutrition, you'll be fine.

>> No.16321566

mere lizard

>> No.16321569

I'd be willing to bet she'd snuggle meat.

>> No.16321570


>> No.16321573

What type of Trumpart would wield fuckhuge swords and wear stylish Wonderland leotards?

>> No.16321574
Quoted by: >>16321582


>> No.16321577

You don't want to pin down a small yet powerful dragon, get her ass up face down and pound her honeypot while whispering sweet nothing in her ears as she wraps her tail around your waist and begs you to do it harder, deeper and faster?

>> No.16321580
Quoted by: >>16321593


>> No.16321582

Sounds more like Spades.
They're the fit warrior types.

>> No.16321584

Can i keep going if she says stop?

>> No.16321587

No, Spades are the classy magic-wielding ladies.

>> No.16321589


>> No.16321593
Quoted by: >>16321597

Then, do you want to be forced to lick a big dragons sweaty and defined abs as she licks her lips and sits down on a nearby bench, relaxing as you work your way into her already wet nether regions?

>> No.16321595

>Most "spade" soldiers have active personalities and enjoy moving their bodies.
>Most of them simply excel as warriors with high physical abilities, and their strength has been further enhanced by the queen, so their average fighting abilities are the highest.

>> No.16321596

a spade is like a shovel
they're ditch diggers

>> No.16321597
Quoted by: >>16321610


>> No.16321598
Quoted by: >>16321607

>have the highest physical ability and martial prowess

What? Clubs just dies inside her card while spades are the best.

>> No.16321599

That's one of the main reasons I love dragons so much.

>> No.16321607

Clubs fuck you inside their cards.
They're probably the most modest Wonderland girl, which isn't that hard to do I suppose.

>> No.16321609

>I love dragons for not being dragons

>> No.16321610
Quoted by: >>16321616

Then do you want to look deep into her eyes as your penis kisses her womb and she keeps saying your name over and over again, embracing you both with her wings and arms, making sure to not let you go as you feel her womb and make sure she knows what the meaning of pure bliss is?

>> No.16321614

What are you on about? It's explicitly part of them.

>> No.16321615

Literally in the profile.

>> No.16321616


Dragons a shit.

>> No.16321621

Your face is shit

>> No.16321625

>tfw I want headpats and shit
>realize I'd have to Alp into a Weresheep or something to get them

Fucking Aaaaaaaa

>> No.16321626

>Dragons a shit
Say that to my face, not online and be prepared to roll 2D6 for your save.

>> No.16321627

At last, the true villain reveals himself.

>> No.16321629

I'd pat your head fluffy anon.

>> No.16321631

No anon it's baaaaaa.

>> No.16321632

What on earth leads you to believe there aren't MGs that want to pat a human?

>> No.16321633

I like dragons cause I like reptiles, fire and gold.

>> No.16321637

why the hell everyone here its so obsessed to fill a dragon?

>> No.16321640
Quoted by: >>16321650

Because dragons are meme girls.

>> No.16321642

You just have to get a dominant or ara ara one for that.

>> No.16321646

I've been thinking. Do you think lilims can transform recently turned humans into a new type of monster? Like lets say some warrior lady from the order gets captured by sabbath and turned into a witch but really dislikes being one, could a lilim instead make her a lizard woman or amazoness or something else?

>> No.16321647

Dragons are top tier.

>> No.16321649
File: 1.63 MB, 2789x3242, trumpart_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16321650

>Eveything I don't like is a meme
Fancy yourself some (You)s, huh?

>> No.16321653

I would love to fuck an Alp Anon.

>> No.16321654

People who like scales but don't have enough taste to go for sneks.

>> No.16321655
Quoted by: >>16321664

I suppose they could. What's the use of being a reality warper if you can't warp reality?
>sweating man.jpg

>> No.16321658

I'd like to hang out with a Club trumpart in her card-hamerspace and play video games.

>> No.16321659


>> No.16321662

>liking legless losers
Alright, I'll bite this one time, mate.

>> No.16321664
Quoted by: >>16321686

There's a Wonderland potion for that.™

>> No.16321665

I want to fuck an Ace Trumpart in her hole!

>> No.16321667

This man knows.

>> No.16321668


>> No.16321672

I really love trumparts, the lower numbers being a lot more numerous makes me feel less bad about it too.

Do you think the 2s and 3s get together after work for drinks and complain that the higher cards get all the attention from humans?

>> No.16321674
Quoted by: >>16321678

The only snek I would go for is Ryu and Wurm.

>> No.16321677
Quoted by: >>16321679

Her Ace hole?

>> No.16321678

Ryu really are the best of both worlds.

>> No.16321679

Yes, right in the Ace hole.

>> No.16321682
Quoted by: >>16321694

The vanilla lamia is already better than all dragons combined.

>> No.16321686

There might be but I thought those things werent typically permanent?

>> No.16321688
Quoted by: >>16321725

The way Trumparts ride their cards is cool.
Makes me wonder what they're standing on on the other side of the card.

>> No.16321689 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 358x462, 1482862443004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these from MGR, they decided to do translations for the MGE 2 profiles that were put online as samples back when the book was first being advertised as an exception to their policy. Its not much but its something.

>They are so obedient that if told to wait, they will admirably continue waiting until told “okay” even if it's just before having sex with their beloved master.

>> No.16321691
Quoted by: >>16321716

Nah, I'm going to take a Wight or Vampire to a bar so she can fill herself with commoner food like hot wings and beer.

>> No.16321694

Moshi moshi ~ Baito desu ~

>> No.16321696
File: 673 KB, 1330x629, Demon book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon is mostly the same, but a bit of extra info in the first paragraph. There were not notable differences in the kobold's book profile, hence just the extra art was posted.

>> No.16321700

Kobolds are so great. If Lich and Yeti weren't as good as they are, Kobolds would have an easy time dominating my top ten.

I miss my dog. He was such a good boy.

>> No.16321701

>>They are so obedient that if told to wait, they will admirably continue waiting until told “okay” even if it's just before having sex with their beloved master.
Oh baby.

>> No.16321703 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 370x443, 1482862648974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The crest of a demon's contract is something that further reinforces the mutual contract. For example, if her partner's penis gets stiff, her womb will throb, and if the demon's womb seeks sperm, his penis will tower.

>> No.16321704

Now there's someone who actually earned their headpats.

>> No.16321706
Quoted by: >>16321715

Careful there anon.

>> No.16321708
File: 681 KB, 1367x629, Shirohebi book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321717

Perhaps because it is one of the older profiles to go into MGE 2, the shirohebi's book profile contains more additions than the other two we did. Of particular note is that later in the profile it explains what is meant by the shirohebi having an ephemeral quality (something that some may have been confused by in the original profile). Turns out it is simply another reference to their water-like nature.

>> No.16321709

I suddenly have the urge to engage in some kinky roleplay with an 8.

>I swear, I don't know where the bombs are. Only the other 8s know that!
>Maybe THIS will loosen your tongue

>> No.16321712

You're gonna get banned

>> No.16321714
Quoted by: >>16321727

Do you have the Hellhound and Soldier Beetles?

>> No.16321715 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 349x469, 1482862840271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321780

If something happens then it happens.

In a bit of a surprise, the extra art may not depict a jealous shirohebi putting her mana flames into a man's body, but rather how she seduces a man by crawling said mana across his skin (perhaps the "showering him with mana" referenced in the profile when they pursue a man they decide will be their husband).

>Once her dark passion is ignited, each time that she alluringly crawls her mana-covered fingertips along her husband's body, his lust for her will flare up.

>> No.16321716

>What do you mean I don't need forks and knives for these?

>> No.16321717

Forever the best lamia girl.

>> No.16321718

>Sudden Boner at work.
At least you know the culprit.

>> No.16321723
File: 87 KB, 624x800, __arulumaya_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_aos_libido__327f294618f61195d26cc1228f6ad033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you guys had a Christmas wellspent.

>> No.16321725

The great part about it is that they could be submerged from the waist down too. A Trumpart could have a vibrator in her and people on the outside of the card would be none the wiser.

>> No.16321727

Just the three sample profiles/extra arts.

>> No.16321728

Wahahaha! Time to sproink!

>> No.16321732

Dirty hands! Dirty, dirty hands!

>> No.16321736

Dork Dragon!

>> No.16321740
Quoted by: >>16321748

Is there a link to this thing anywhere? my image searches are turning up jack shit

>> No.16321748
Quoted by: >>16321813

>titel in the filename

>> No.16321749

It isn't being celebrated here. Respect my cultural uniqueness privileged scum.

>> No.16321773

>Their ideology is even far more radical than hers
I'm happy that KC clarified this.

>> No.16321780

She will never forcibly rape the man she have her eyes on but will make him fall for her himself. This might be the way she accelerates the process.

>> No.16321797

>You will never have a Demon Momster/Onee-san

>> No.16321813

Whoops, I'm a shitlord.

>> No.16321827

What if a shortstack dragon got another growth spurt and became taller than you?

would she change the love dynamic or would the dragon still be submissive?

>> No.16321841

Once a lizard always a lizard. Even if she tried to dominate you, just tap into that pussy and she'll melt.

>> No.16321844
Quoted by: >>16321854

>height changes character

>> No.16321851
Quoted by: >>16321882

I kind of hope not. While a part of me would want her to be haughty and use her new height for stuff, a part of me wants her to still act like she's still small.

>> No.16321854
Quoted by: >>16321864

It can certainly change their self-image.

>> No.16321864

That's the kind of thing that buckles first when chips are down, but sure I guess.

>> No.16321871
File: 49 KB, 540x800, Horse Pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Horse Pussy or Smaller Horse Pussy?

>> No.16321878
Quoted by: >>16321916

Medium sized horse pussy.

>> No.16321882

>She becomes taller than you
>Now acts like a playful little sister and sometimes like a onee chan
>You are still her big husbando in her heart

>> No.16321885
Quoted by: >>16321916

As big as possible

>> No.16321894
File: 48 KB, 630x840, a0df94f6569dbeaa785de0b60b0a5e2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321916

Loli-pony pussy.

>> No.16321898
Quoted by: >>16321916

That pic has about the right proportions for my taste

>> No.16321900
File: 369 KB, 1081x1365, 1480628796810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321916

Lactating Dairy Horsepussy.

>> No.16321908
File: 471 KB, 703x1000, 1455226994456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321916

A BIG Dairy Breed

>> No.16321916
File: 833 KB, 1280x720, Horse Pussy Races.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Morgans / Arabian.

Shetland, Exmoor, Miniature.


Budweiser Clydesdale.


>> No.16321932

>Sand horse pussy
She would ride me all day long.

>> No.16321948
Quoted by: >>16321964

Both at the same time.
If you marry two Unicorns does that turn them both into Bicorns? Because I want Unicorns not Bicorns.

>> No.16321952

>t. Horsepussy Connoisseur

>> No.16321964
Quoted by: >>16321986

You get two Bicorns.

>> No.16321968
File: 150 KB, 320x240, 5_of_hearts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321974

>> No.16321974

If only you'd gotten a five, this would've lifted the Trumparts to new heights in my heart.

>> No.16321986
Quoted by: >>16321987

Damn, oh well, monogamy is just fine too, no double paizuri for me.

>> No.16321987
Quoted by: >>16322037

You'll just have to make hers extra-large to compensate.

>> No.16322024
File: 126 KB, 724x1023, 1482669994581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold horse

>> No.16322035

That's a deer mate.

>> No.16322037
Quoted by: >>16322063

That's a good idea, make them so big its like getting double paizuri, so big my dick literally disappears between them.

>> No.16322040
File: 765 KB, 830x1070, 1469782406084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to dance. Who's with me?

>> No.16322046
Quoted by: >>16322057

I'm too white to dance.

>> No.16322049
File: 11 KB, 145x145, 1471971162385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322057

>Crit hasn't drawn a Hathorite Lich yet

>> No.16322050
Quoted by: >>16322057

I'll cheer you on.

>> No.16322053
Quoted by: >>16322095

I want a Whitehorn to offer to escort me through a mountain pass to the town on the other side, I want accept and hop on her back then nuzzle my face into her hair and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my hands on her human crotch part where a human pussy would be then tell her to proceed.

>> No.16322057

You people helped her research Flesh Golems and robbed graves while risking getting raped by the undead but you won't waltz with her?

>> No.16322062
File: 101 KB, 800x1050, fd2b69bbaad4ef5061dff8da829a5b037dc049e00db9c729e6e303bee1178476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to take your waifu out on walks!

>> No.16322063
Quoted by: >>16322082

Logically, it's a good idea; but the question is could she handle the size?

>> No.16322068
Quoted by: >>16322072

what? why?

>> No.16322069
Quoted by: >>16322100

Don't. Lewd. Wolfus.

>> No.16322071

are those feet or sledge hammers holy shit.

>> No.16322072
Quoted by: >>16322076

It's a big part of human culture, anon.

>> No.16322076
Quoted by: >>16322081

but why bring it up here?

>> No.16322077

My waifu takes me on flights some times. She knows I get extra clingly because of fear.
I hatelove you, waifu.

>> No.16322081

She's a Lich, where else is she going to ask?

>> No.16322082

I'd help her carry them of course, but a logical long term solution would be to make her stronger and bigger that way her tits will seem more normal on her and they can stay just a huge.

>> No.16322095
Quoted by: >>16322126

She'll be so hot and steamy the snow will melt around her

>> No.16322100
File: 1.19 MB, 900x1200, 1458985852917-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322133

What did you say? Lewd the wolfus? OKAY!

>> No.16322126

I want to see how much she can take, I want to not explicitly tell her all she has to do is ask because I want to see if she can maintain her composure while I molest her human crotch, smell her hair, and rub my erection on her back, maybe I'll even nibble or blow in one of her ears.

>> No.16322133
Quoted by: >>16322134

That isn't what I said. And I ask you to remove this now. Wolfus are pure.

>> No.16322134

How could they be pure when they're bitches?

>> No.16322143
Quoted by: >>16322155

Pretty rude

>> No.16322155

>bitch is a female dog

>> No.16322165

Not even KDF calls his kobolds that.

>> No.16322172
Quoted by: >>16322183

Still rude

>> No.16322173

I'd dance with a lich. What kind of dance would she like to learn?

>> No.16322183

Accuracy is not rude.
As long as they don't reduce her to the level of a twerking slut, most of them.

>> No.16322188

They're not female dogs. They're female werewolves.

>> No.16322189
File: 1.30 MB, 1137x1498, 1397158233937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would some monsters change in preparation for winter? A change of fur color, adding on some pounds, getting fluffier, things like that. I'd love to have a fox who turns pure white when the winter months roll around.

>> No.16322190

Because they save themselves for their husbands and only have sex for procreation.

Wolfus are pure.

>> No.16322197
Quoted by: >>16322215

Learn how to dance to the Monster Mash.


>> No.16322200
Quoted by: >>16322212

>white winter fur
>there's no snow because of global wanking
No good.

>> No.16322211
Quoted by: >>16322244

Slime waifu supplements a little anti-freeze into her diet.

>> No.16322212

Plenty of snow up here.
t. MT

>> No.16322215

The monster mash would be a great tradition in the undead kingdom.

>> No.16322217

The only real criticism I have for you at this time, Alp, is you may want to be a bit more specific about who's talking in the dialogue. If it's a third person story, I shouldn't have to try to guess who's talking like I'm reading a damned Japanese Light Novel.

I'd recommend also doing some research on the responsibilities of an NCO, whether in the Finnish Army or the US Army, or any organized material for that matter.


>The floodgates had opened, and there was no stopping the talking now.
This may just be my considerable OCD/autism speaking, but this whole sentence from a reading standpoint seems kind of silly. If they're arguing, they're moreso bickering than they are having a conversation.

>> No.16322233
Quoted by: >>16322272

>I'd recommend also doing some research on the responsibilities of an NCO, whether in the Finnish Army or the US Army, or any organized material for that matter.
You do know he actually served in the army, right?

>> No.16322244
File: 142 KB, 747x907, 1463804674207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Licking or dicking a waifu made of anti-freeze
Unless she wants to be celibate all winter, we'll have to find a better solution.

>> No.16322250
File: 2.34 MB, 5927x8000, CU4RZWtUkAAE4IJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example, if requested by another couple, she can give the husband the memory that “he himself is an orc (from the era of the former demon lords) “ and she can give the monster girl the memory that “she herself is a human knight”. This does aid in having realistic play that isn't acting, and stuff like that...

So mindflayers are good at convincing monster girls that they're being raped right? It gave me an idea for a form of entertainment in MGC.
>masochist monster girls sign a waiver that they don't hold the arena responsible for their actions
>a mindflayer then convinces them that they must protect their purity at all costs and that losing it will cause terrible things to happen
>they are then fitted with shock collars to ensure they won't escape and fight each other in a tournament
>losers of each round are raped by a man randomly selected from the audience
>upon being cream pied a set amount of times agreed on sign up, the mindflayer's trick will wear off and the monster girl will remember exactly why she was there
>in most cases it leads to the two getting married, although men in the rather small audience are unaware of this as the events are held in a small arena and tickets are only given to to an amount equal to the participants

What kind of monster girls would sign up to such a thing? Lizards and Hinezumi are the obvious ones but what kind of girl would you hope to get picked to "rape" if you were given tickets?

>> No.16322259

Anubi in northern regions start shopping for parkas, snow pants, and earmuffs in August so they don't get chills and teeth chatters when it starts to snow

>> No.16322269

I don't know what kind of games Mindflayers are playing but I sure as hell don't want to get involved. I imagine my marriage with my Anubis waifu is perfect.

>> No.16322272
Quoted by: >>16322276

Learn something new every day. It still kind of reads weird for me, though. But that's just opinion.


>> No.16322276
Quoted by: >>16322285

What's your problem with his depiction of the corporal anyway?

>> No.16322278

Probably some of the lesser chosen ones. There are also probably a few who want to see how far they can go, leading to the stronger types joining up.

>> No.16322285

It's hard for me to articulate it efficiently but at times he comes off like he's acting he's too big for his britches, especially given that a Corporal is pretty fucking low on the chain of command. The problem with the dialogue that I mentioned doesn't help, either. But I do look forward to more of the story.

>> No.16322295

>he's acting he's too big for his britches
You'd be pissed off too if you'd gone through the training to lead people and then got laughed at by the people you're supposed to be bossing around.

>> No.16322308

Salamander, succubus, possibly dark Valkyrie
Doing that to a dark Valkyrie would be great.

mindflayers let's couples do some interesting things. Like "Alice play" were the MG thinks that they are a virgin and all that but is still great at sex. Or just some normal hypnosis play.

>> No.16322313

What monstergirl would comfort me over the death of Carrie Fisher?

>> No.16322318
Quoted by: >>16322325

Carrie who?

>> No.16322320
Quoted by: >>16322326

Kesaran Pasaran

>> No.16322325
Quoted by: >>16322329

Princess Leia's actress.

>> No.16322326
File: 688 KB, 230x135, 1481869628553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16322329

You missed the point son.

>> No.16322380

>Doing that to a dark Valkyrie would be great.
Oh that would be fun, or Kunoichi. I've been fapping to ninjas a lot lately and Kunoichis seem really appealing at the moment.

>> No.16322393
Quoted by: >>16322400

Dark Valkyries are supposed to have a husband already, they're Valkyries corrupted.

>> No.16322400
Quoted by: >>16322410

I can't speak to the husband thing, since it's been years, but there is more than enough corruption in the MG world already. I wouldn't be surprised if they changed just being on the planet.

>> No.16322410
Quoted by: >>16322460

If I remember correctly, all Dark Valkyries are "created" when a Valkyrie can't hold the lust for the man they love and then convert into Dark ones.

What I don't know is if a Dark Valkyrie gives birth to a Valkyrie or a Dark Valkyrie. Probably the former.

>> No.16322460
Quoted by: >>16322503

do they still retain all the memories, how much of their personality makes the transition?

>> No.16322503
Quoted by: >>16322548

Up to your headcanon I think. But the part where they stopped caring about the voice of god and goes for you instead is constant.

>> No.16322548

>Up to your headcanon I think
but whats your headcanon

>> No.16322559

So anons. How would you say your waifu describes you? Based on her species, personality, headcanon etc.

>e.g "A real man, romantic, strong, a beast in bed"

>> No.16322568
Quoted by: >>16322739

A satisfactory peasant.

>> No.16322573
Quoted by: >>16322739

"Salty as Caribbean brine."

>> No.16322577
Quoted by: >>16322739

An excellent test subject and semen dispenser.

>> No.16322579
Quoted by: >>16322739

A "cute talkative nerd".
I feel like Hellhounds would appreciate someone who talks to them.

>> No.16322585
Quoted by: >>16322739

Creepy, gloomy, and paranoid and pessimistic, but wants to be a cute husband.

>> No.16322589
Quoted by: >>16322739

"A gem pretending to be just a rock."

>> No.16322599
Quoted by: >>16322739

Lazy when I'm not around. But up and about listening to my orders when I'm there. Needs a lot of improvement

>> No.16322603
Quoted by: >>16322739

A cuddlebug who cums a lot

>> No.16322617
Quoted by: >>16322739

A pleasant man that talks a lot and helps me with my experiments.

>> No.16322666
Quoted by: >>16322739

"Hard working, selfless, and dutiful, but is prone to taking shortcuts. Can also be too relaxed about important things."

>> No.16322684
Quoted by: >>16322739


>> No.16322693
Quoted by: >>16322739

"A good obedient husband who seems to have a cute obsession with me"

>> No.16322704
Quoted by: >>16322739

A kind, hard-working, and creative master.

I just wish he could accept just how much I'm in love with him...

>> No.16322739

No idea.

Again no idea.


Well we already know this one.

Not sure.





Not sure.



Going to say Kikimora?

>> No.16322749
Quoted by: >>16322751

A miku song made me depressed, again.
And there is no chubby MG to comfort me.
Why must life be this horrible?

>> No.16322751
Quoted by: >>16322791

Buy a very squidgy fluffy pillow. It's what I did.

>> No.16322769
Quoted by: >>16322772

No, just an affectionate Jinko who loves being the big spoon. I can see how you'd think Yeti

>> No.16322772


That's some fine taste.

>> No.16322774

>Not sure
Crow Tengu.

>> No.16322785
Quoted by: >>16322804

"A wonderful, loving husband and father. I feel perfectly safe in his arms."

>> No.16322791

I need a Yeti plush.

>> No.16322804
Quoted by: >>16322812

>Loving husband and father

KDF pls. Just kidding. I know what you mean

>> No.16322812

It was sort of supposed to have both meanings anon. Good job!

>> No.16322814
File: 497 KB, 1023x724, 60603970_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff from pixiv, first is this yeti, second is an Automaton that had a bit of trouble eating some yoghurt.


>> No.16322815
Quoted by: >>16322826

>"His mind is the tastiest."
I don't think I need to say more

>> No.16322816

Yep, it's a flying lizard.

>> No.16322826

A Crow Tengu with a love for deep discussions!

>> No.16322837

One hell of a booze hound.

>> No.16322838


You anons really need to clean your Automatons after she has a yogurt accident. A clean automaton is a happy automaton.

>> No.16322849
Quoted by: >>16322856

Who is the artist of the yogurt Automaton?

>> No.16322856
Quoted by: >>16322865


Judging by the WiP that shows more of her body, there might be more to come.

>> No.16322859

Correct. The "experiment" part gave it away didn't it?

>> No.16322865

Thanks man.

>> No.16322895


Guess i should've been more subtle about it

>> No.16322930
File: 108 KB, 476x733, tumblr_inline_oiv8wgaZtV1qj9a2h_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo what the fuck, Nav filled a Hobgoblin request on tumblr.

I didn't think anyone but me cared enough about them to request that shit till now.

>> No.16322946
Quoted by: >>16323006

Nav is a cool dude

>> No.16322958
Quoted by: >>16323006

Those little things are so easy to forget.

>> No.16322963
Quoted by: >>16323006

Super shortstack hobgoblins are for cuddling once they are in your lap.

>> No.16322971
Quoted by: >>16323006

Hobgoblins are for titty-fuck and impregnating.

>> No.16322991

"Really, really likes tits, milk, and cuddlefucking."

>> No.16322997

I want to fuck a lower rank Trumpart so much that she becomes an Ace!

>> No.16323006
File: 2.21 MB, 4092x2890, 1474908586841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That he is, makes you wonder what attracted him to this place.
That and much, much more.

>> No.16323013

...Kinda want to put her on a holst milk diet and see what happens...

For science.

>> No.16323019
Quoted by: >>16323023

Stop with the science.

>> No.16323021
Quoted by: >>16323034

You won't be able to see her heat for her tits if you do that, you monster.

>> No.16323023
Quoted by: >>16323030

Science must continue to answer all questions!

>> No.16323025

>makes you wonder what attracted him to this place

We're super cool bro

>> No.16323030

We already know what happened with that one flow kelp. Do we need to keep doing it?

>> No.16323034
Quoted by: >>16323050

Hear heat?
How does that happen?

If you're talking about her head then, yes, I'll be able to see her, I am taller after all.

That was water, this is dairy

>> No.16323036

>You will never be a man captured by a horde of Goblins for the sake of being a sort of communal husband
>You will never be pinned down as their boss shows up, a Hobgoblin with breasts that would make a human girl blush with envy
>They will never convince her that your 'mushroom' will give her lots of unpasteurized milk for her tea, telling her the easiest way to get it out is by squeezing it with her breasts
>TFW when you tell her you're cumming, she responds with a childish "I'm not emotionally ready!"
>Letting out a small "kyaa!" when you shoot all your jism into her face
>With her subordinates getting angry at you for startling her, she lewdly laps it up, pulling her top off and her bottom
>Pops one of her nipples into your mouth, prompting you to softly bite it, causing spurts of her sweetly tasting milk to dribble down your chin and into your mouth
>You don't even notice she's fucking you as she goads you into sucking more of her breast milk out, telling you to pour all your unpasteurized cream into her
>TFW after your resounding 'Defeat' from the boss the other Goblins actually leave you alone to suckle on her breasts
"Boss is scary..."
"Yeah... Breasts are scary."

>> No.16323047
Quoted by: >>16323056

>tfw no cute combat Automaton who wears gothic clothing

Guess what demo I just played.

>> No.16323050
Quoted by: >>16323061

But my dick, Anon. It can't take it anymore.

>> No.16323052

>Pops one of her nipples into your mouth, prompting you to softly bite it, causing spurts of her sweetly tasting milk to dribble down your chin and into your mouth
My fetish.

>> No.16323054

Her ahoge is a heart, she's needs a hug right now

>> No.16323056
Quoted by: >>16323059

Guess what video I just finished beating off to with the sound muted.

>> No.16323057

>>oh that pathetic thing? I just keep it around for the spirit energy

>> No.16323059
Quoted by: >>16323065

Are we talking about different things here Anon?

>> No.16323061

This doesn't even factor in that her superior strength would allow her to carry larger tits than normal without back issues, not to mention she'd be a bit clumsier with them.

Like tripping into your lap or accidentally bursting her clothe's

>> No.16323065
Quoted by: >>16323066


>> No.16323066
Quoted by: >>16323068

We're both talking about Nier right?

>> No.16323068
Quoted by: >>16323074


>> No.16323070

When testing, it is necessary to test it multiple times, to prove it isn't a fluke.

>> No.16323074
Quoted by: >>16323083


Well I want to hug 2B.

>> No.16323079

I'd probably be like the glasses girl in a generic romance VN. On the smaller side, like to spend alot of time at home, shy around new people. So however you describe one of those characters.

>> No.16323083
Quoted by: >>16323093

I want to tongue her starfish.

>> No.16323093
Quoted by: >>16323100

Would she be...fully equipped?

>> No.16323100
Quoted by: >>16323105

Oh yes. Most certainly.

>> No.16323105

Well then, I want to give her a baby.

>> No.16323111
File: 207 KB, 682x999, 1482881195998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved. Now the Automaton just needs vertical lines below her eyes.

>> No.16323143
File: 3.65 MB, 2362x1237, 1482796671145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of flavor do you guys like your dom?

For those not into femdom what are the different flavors of submissive?

>> No.16323158

My waifu is the ara-ara type when she's the dom.

>> No.16323171

I'm not into that dom sub stuff,
I like something like unko and tomohisa from madoka have, wife the breadwinner but otherwise a normal relationship.

>> No.16323175

Yandere ara ara bully.

>> No.16323177

>You'll never be a Hobgoblin's paizuri slave.
>She'll never cheerfully drain you dry with a big smile on her face as her goblin followers watch in awe.
>She'll never get them to start drinking holst milk so they can experience Paizuri too.
>The Hobgoblin will never end up mutating into a Dire Hobgoblin while her followers become Hobgoblins.

>> No.16323180
File: 3.82 MB, 1772x1393, c1dcbcf09debc6af6e85fa75111ddcbaab40c1878f377b78533894f5ff83ff8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the expanded one
Pretty much all of them but smug is a personal favorite.
Also I like to imagine basically all monsters fit one type or another. I recognize that thats an extreme stretch but I'm really into femdom

>> No.16323181

Cool, Ara Ara, and Tomboy.

I also hate feet stuff so any dom asking me to kiss/lick her feet is going to watch me from 100 to 0 in less than a second.

>> No.16323184
Quoted by: >>16323199

No thanks lad

>> No.16323191
Quoted by: >>16323197

>Koreans have already translated MGE2, Fallen Brides, and MGE Story Book vol1

Goddamn do these guys work fast.

>> No.16323195

a mix between cool, tomboy and smug dom sounds really nice

>> No.16323197

Could be someone official doing translations instead of just fans.

>> No.16323198

What's with the feet focus?
Foot fetishists have no idea how to be subtle.

>> No.16323199

Bottom 3, although slave is a boner killer like >>16323184 said.

I like dom, I don't like that kinda stuff.

Its why I like dark elves but wouldn't like being with one if they using slave....unless they just use it as a replacement term for husband and don't act shittily to me.

>> No.16323200

Oh thanks very much.

MGE is a fantasy land Anon anything you wish for will happen.

>> No.16323206

I like mine a very rich blend of Cold, Disdain and bully. That's how I like my waifu.

Some of that real femdom. Not this new soft stuff. Some of that "I want to break you, I want to lower your self esteem so low you cry yourself to sleep knowing how much of a pathetic excuse for a man you are." femdom.

>> No.16323207
File: 2.04 MB, 6400x4200, 1463083083894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A majority of these aren't particularly appealing, but I would love a big tomboy Hellhound to fuck me senseless after forcing me to lick her abs.

>> No.16323212

A useless fool who can't do even the slightest thing properly.

>> No.16323219

Enjoys cooking and cuddling, quiet, but strangely obsessed with dairy and potions.

>> No.16323226

My waifu is pretty much tomboy, so yeah.

But I wouldn't mind if a cold/bully got me.

>> No.16323227
Quoted by: >>16323243

Their profile calls out that slave is really just a stand in word for husband, as does some part of one of the world guides. Also it kinda depends on what you mean by act shittily.

>> No.16323232

Cool, ara ara and smug are my favorites from there, but honestly I like them all.

In MGE monstergirls who call you slave are just using that word as a replacement for husband/bf, and it looks pretty clear in that chart that they're doing the same, and the other way around, for the submissive girls.

>> No.16323239
File: 387 KB, 700x725, yfw it&#039;s a picture of snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well 2017 is almost upon us.

Are you prepared for potential destruction, sex slavery, or happy times with friendly MGs?

>> No.16323242

I'd be happy with either coexistance or being captured

>> No.16323243

As long as they don't get outright abusive with name calling then I don't care if its there version of a pet name.

>> No.16323247

They'd be killed.

>> No.16323248 [DELETED] 


Don't drink and fap to HR Giger, kids.

>> No.16323251

I'm the guy who posted >>16313632 so I'll just go over which one's which.

Tomboy without a doubt.

Sleepy mixed with Smug.

Bully, if only as an act during sex.

Cool despite being shorter than me.


A mix between Smug and Bratty.

Disdain Type during, Ara Ara type after.

Smug Ara Ara bully.

>> No.16323253

Tomboy type a lesbian

Also best.

>> No.16323255

I'm ready for my Anubis waifu!

And oh no! What happened to that poor Jinko!

>> No.16323260
Quoted by: >>16323322

The Waifu Wars happened anon.
She did some things she's not proud of to survive.

>> No.16323263

>being a sub means you have to be a slave
I really fucking hate this meme, why is it always all or nothing?

>> No.16323266
Quoted by: >>16323288

You're in for a sad ride.

That Jinko just wanted to be friends.

>> No.16323267

Very few people understand S&M.

>> No.16323269

It isnt. This pic just decided to go with slave. Probably made by people who are into that.

>> No.16323272

Change slave for any possessive name you want.

>> No.16323284

Because not everyone is you.

>> No.16323288
Quoted by: >>16323314

>sad ride


>> No.16323295

Categorical yes to everything but disdain, and even that if im in the mood.

>> No.16323314
Quoted by: >>16323322

It all started with a Hunger Games simulation, and it went all downhill for her.

>> No.16323322
Quoted by: >>16323333

There is no need for violence when waifus come. There are enough Virgin boys to go around.

>> No.16323333
Quoted by: >>16323351

You don't understand anon, it was to find out who was the best.
Jinko won that one, but at the cost of her smile.
There was another one where a Dragon sacrificed herself to save an Alp.
I'm kinda thinking of doing another one now that we've got a bunch of new girls.

>> No.16323339

How would your waifu react if you told her you are have sex with her using a condom

hard mode: shes blue ovaried

>> No.16323345


>> No.16323350

She would ask why. If I have a reason such as punishing her then sex would be crazy afterwards.

>> No.16323351

No girl is better than the other. They don't need to prove that to each other. All they need is the love of their husbando. Then this silly fighting will stop.

>> No.16323352

Made me wonder. MGE setting is supposed to be vaguely medieval in time right? Does birth control exist?

>> No.16323353

Have you ever wanted to push a yeti to rape?

>> No.16323356

"If you insist."
The condom is now an illusion.

>> No.16323359


>> No.16323362

Hey anon thanks for the manga. I just read it, shame the MG in disguise comes in so late.

>> No.16323364

Um, that would not be happening.
>blue ovaries
She would probably drug my dinner, chain me to the bed, then have her way with me. She doesn't put up with shit like that.

>> No.16323367

Could be neat for some hardcore tease and denial play, but I think that'd be too mean even for me.

>> No.16323380

It's not as if they can't drink it later.

>> No.16323385

She'd just take the condom off and fuck me like normal. I don't see why she'd react in any sort of way.

>> No.16323388

does she find out about the condom in the middle of sex
if she does how do you remove melted latex off of skin

>hard mode
rape, at least 3 tonnes of concentrated rape

>> No.16323394

I'd like a girl who is sleepy from late night to early morning, tomboy during the day and ara ara from evening to late night.

This is a life I would kill for

>> No.16323397

Coils around me and shove a lot of her burning demonic energy inside me.

>Anon has been missing for a week

>> No.16323405
Quoted by: >>16323406

I don't know if condoms existed back then.

>> No.16323406
Quoted by: >>16323411

They were made from intestines and cloth

>> No.16323411


>> No.16323429
File: 844 KB, 1920x1080, OKTTOOOBBAAHHFFEEESSSTTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How wasted you all getting for New Years?

Wasted enough to bang a horse pussy?

>> No.16323430

Pulls the condom off and continues to fuck

>> No.16323433

I'm pretty sure I got wasted enough on Christmas to shove my entire forearm into a horse pussy and make her mine.

>> No.16323434

I don't drink and I'd fuck horse pussy all day everyday.

>> No.16323435

I don't drink that much, but if a horse pussy pressed me against the wall and looked back at me with a naughty face I might make her ahegao just because it's new years.

>> No.16323457

"If you wish. But you'll have to make up for it."

>> No.16323465

I drink till i pass out every weekend because i enjoy drunk sleeping, new years will be no diffrent. Would never fuck HORSE PUSSY though

>> No.16323468

I had a dream where I was in a whorehouse full of animal-girls. Like your cats, foxes, nothing "monstergirl" like dragons and maticores.

Any way, in the dream I was talking to the matron before spotting a cat girl, and I got up and went to her. I can't remember my intentions in the dream but I feel like it was sexual. Anyway, the girl got scared and the matron barked at me, not literally, but she said something along the lines of "Stop [beast/animal/dog something along those lines]" And my body moved to obey her before my mind could even process it. She started to talk about how I need to be more delicate of women and I can't treat them like animals, basically "no raping" or something along those likes, I don't remember something woke me up around here.

The back story is irrelevant, what I remember was how good it felt being brought to heel like that. Like I could trust this woman to know me on a primal level.

Which mg would be matronly enough to fit that kind of image? I'm thinking some kind of vampire noble, but in the same merit, that oni in the high class japanese dress with the long smoking pipe fitss the bill

>> No.16323479
Quoted by: >>16323483

It was a Pharaoh. Stop messing with the sphinxes and anubi while they work, man.

>> No.16323480
Quoted by: >>16323522


>> No.16323483

>It was a Pharaoh.
I said matronly, not god-queenly.

>> No.16323490
Quoted by: >>16323522

The third born Pharaoh daughter who has no chance of inheriting anything but is still a noble.

>> No.16323491

But it really sounds like a pharaoh too me with those commands being so powerful and not allowing you to touch the wolfs and cats while they work. I was there too.

>> No.16323496

>tfw I'll never follow the God Queen to universal conquest

>> No.16323497

>TFW being brought to heel in Wonderland is literally turning you into a beast with a potion
>TFW nobody will take the D, nobody!

>> No.16323507

>Fucking your wierd card while she calls you Scooby D

Wonderland is killing me.

>> No.16323511
Quoted by: >>16323528

I will be getting very wasted with my wyvern waifu because New Year's is also my birthday

>> No.16323513

The Cult of the Donger

>> No.16323522
Quoted by: >>16323532

Being a slut is like being a samurai. It's fine and noble so long as you have a master you serve loyally.

Could work, though the image I have in my mind is more like a diamond in the rough kind of girl. Like maybe a kejorou looking after her girls.

I dunno, it might be best to not apply this to MGE because prostitution isn't a thing there. And if it does exist, the girl turnover rate would be too high for any proprietor to consider her employees "her girls" Because they'd be working there for all of a day before running off to marry the man who paid for them.

>> No.16323526

Man I'm so glad KC made trumpart. She's a real diamond in the ruff

>> No.16323528

Happy early birthday, Anon. Your Wyvern is a cute.

>> No.16323532
Quoted by: >>16323542

>the image I have in my mind is more like a diamond in the rough kind of girl
>She's a real diamond in the ruff
Well there you go, 10 seconds apart can't be wrong.

>> No.16323542

One minute, ten seconds anon. It's also samefaging, I said the phrase, read the posts about trumpart and made the pun without realizing I literally just said it one minute ago.

>> No.16323577
File: 889 KB, 3390x3300, 2016-12-27 Christmas Whitehorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry late chirstmas /mgt/
hope it was cozy
what was the coolest present you got?

>> No.16323587
Quoted by: >>16323592

I want to ruffle that white horn's neck fur

>> No.16323589
Quoted by: >>16323696

I got a nice commando sweater, a Cubs ballcap and a blu ray copy of Delicatessen

>> No.16323592

>white horn
Don't think so, she doesn't even have horns.

>> No.16323594

An M1 Garand, 25 clips, and 100 rounds of ammo.

>> No.16323599
Quoted by: >>16323604


>> No.16323600
Quoted by: >>16323604

Why would you need more than one bullet?

>> No.16323601

Tickets to Smackdown. Though it was kinda cool that my Uncle and Cousin got me a box of Gunpla kits.
They know nothing of the series so they chose the ones on my list they thought were the coolest. Given that they chose the Qan[T], A Gelgoog Marine and a Kampfer I'd say they have A+ taste.

>> No.16323603
Quoted by: >>16323696

Nice art, but she's missing her antlers.
Also, I got a neat vegetable chopper and a flour/dough sifter.

>> No.16323604
Quoted by: >>16323609

So is almost everybody I tell.
Because krauts come in waves.

>> No.16323607
Quoted by: >>16323696

A week long trip to Colorado to get high and drunk with my cool uncles everyday of the week.

>> No.16323609
Quoted by: >>16323638

So do nips and gooks, from what I hear

>> No.16323615

>Spade Trumpart jokes about getting you neutered or spade while continuously drugging you with the potion
>Her face when you get pissed off enough at her joking around that you Show her why the red suit is better than the black.

>> No.16323618
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 1480746733819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323672


>> No.16323623

Her smile and optimism gone.

>> No.16323624

A Lego kit for Yellow Submarine.

Considering the other choices were either a Deadpool coffee mug or a few Star Wars shirts, it wasn't much of a choice

>> No.16323625

I don't get it

>> No.16323629

Man, legos are cool as shit. I still have my police station, viking boat and a castle.
I also made a super cool looking snake monster.

>> No.16323638

Exactly, you never know how much ammo you'll need so bring enough.

>> No.16323640
Quoted by: >>16323649

The less you get the better.

>> No.16323645

Spades are a Black Suite of cards.
"Showing her why Red is better" implies cheating on the Spade you were with, with a Heart or Diamond.

>> No.16323649
Quoted by: >>16323683

It it because red suits let you play faster?

Oooooh. Gotcha

>> No.16323659

Spade = strong
Club = smart
Heart = lewd
Diamond = animalfucking.

Are the black cards more dutifu and reliable whereas the red card are more hedonistic and unreliable?

>> No.16323661

To be fair, the Quanta is a pretty sexy Mobile Suit.
That, and I have a mecha design fetish for shoulder mounted shields and weaponry equipped via moving racks.

>> No.16323662
File: 239 KB, 850x850, Medusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about being manhandled?

>> No.16323665

Well, not animal-fucking per-se, so much as just general lewd craziness.

But either way, the Red = Hedonistic vs Black = Dutiful does seem to be a fair correlation.

>> No.16323667

I think diamond is just deviant stuff in general.

>> No.16323672
Quoted by: >>16323688

High Grades?

Speaking of, I still need to build my HG Ein. And pose it getting stabbed in the chest by shirtless samurai Barbatos.

>> No.16323676

As long as it makes sense I'm cool

>> No.16323681
File: 304 KB, 850x1289, eye of the tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it

>> No.16323683

Actually, I was referring to something else red if she's using beast potions on you. But you don't want to know. I shouldn't have said anything.

>> No.16323685

But you said suit. If you were referring to dog cock you'd have just said "red is better than black" right?

>> No.16323686

Oh. Well, that's one way to show the Diamond Spirit, I suppose.

>> No.16323688

Yeah, HG kits.

>> No.16323689

The more rapey the better.

>> No.16323696
File: 882 KB, 2295x1942, 2016-12-03 Christmas Slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope the sweater fits nicely and googling delicatessen brings up a bakery
holy fuck someone loves you a lot anon
hope you have fun with the gunpla kits
and wrestling is fun to watch i hope you have a fun time
god dammit i knew i forgot something, will hopefully have it fixed sometime next thread
gl;hf anon, stay safe
nice anon, lego is always good
i wish lego would bring back bionicle and keep it around this time

food for thought:
automaton bionicles?

>> No.16323702
Quoted by: >>16323891

Well, there was a New 3DS, but that was technically my birthday.

Going purely by Christmas, there was a LEGO Quinjet, or a 3rd Party Arcee Transformer as the coolest. Also this neat Pizza Pan.

>> No.16323707
Quoted by: >>16323891

A trip to Florida with the family

>> No.16323708

>automaton bionicles?
As in Bionicles as Automatons, or Automatons you build like Bionicles?

Either or would be fine. The water girls were generally pretty cute in the animated movies.

>> No.16323715
Quoted by: >>16323891

A Lego TIE Striker

>> No.16323716
Quoted by: >>16323891

Got a sweet pair of headphones and some nice electronic test equipment.

That sounds like a combination of a Skeleton and an Automaton, going off of the Bionicles that I played with at least. Would be pretty cool either way.
Also, I hope that slime doesn't freeze. It'd be uncomfortable for everyone involved.
Agreed. It's been a while since I saw Mask of Light, however.

>> No.16323719
Quoted by: >>16323891

So that's your art? Nice stuff.

>> No.16323820

Would you rather big spoon a big girl or have a little girl big spoon you?

>> No.16323824

The latter

>> No.16323834
Quoted by: >>16323891

Delicatessen is a French black comedy from the mid 90s, it's about post apocalyptic France with cannibalism, underground vegetarians and a clown. Directed by the guy who made Amelie and Aliens: Resurrection

>> No.16323835

I'd have a little girl big spoon me. It'd be really cute for my waifu to do it like I do with her so often. She always puts forth her best effort!

>> No.16323850


>> No.16323852

It switches. Usually based on who needs the most love.

Right now, I feel like being the little spoon.

>> No.16323876
File: 632 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nbkjgdQYxI1tu52bjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debating whether to be big spoon or little spoon
>Not being both

>> No.16323879
File: 90 KB, 600x882, 252358_v0_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323935

All I wanted for my birthday today was for a cute Wyvern to give me presents and cuddle with me. Why does the world hurt?

>> No.16323891

didja get a cool game to go with it?
you gonna go to didney worl?
a bit of both,
a gali automaton would be very cute
nice, is that a model from rogue one?
headphones are always nice and what kinda equipment, does it go with your headphones?
have you been following me
>Aliens: Resurrection
hope its a lot better than that

>> No.16323896

>have you been following me
If I knew what your gallery was I would.

>> No.16323914

Yeah, his Alien movie wasn't great, it's probably just his most known in the US along with Amelie. Look for MicMacs, A Very Long Engagement (WWI movie with Jody Foster in a small role, speaking French) or City of Lost Children (with Ron Perlman speaking French)

>> No.16323922

The equipment is separate from my headphones, but goes with my major. Got me a milliOhm meter and a semiconductor analyzer.
Also, I love your art!

>> No.16323935

Because you let it hurt. But that is better than to not feel at all.

>> No.16323963
File: 322 KB, 711x1000, FFXIV_PUB_FANFESTIVAL_2016_Tokyo_15[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new best tribe in ARR are a bunch of lamiae worshiping Lakshmi.

>> No.16323967
File: 196 KB, 458x242, 1461625601938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323995


>> No.16323975

Not really waste myself because I'm spending it with my family.

>> No.16323980
File: 887 KB, 800x849, 4abc4a0daa1c2496f089e663704159a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not for me. I am the womanhandler.

>> No.16323995
Quoted by: >>16324051

Look at that wimpy little tail. though, how can she even hold herself up?

>> No.16324025
File: 70 KB, 486x653, QuestionableQuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening and Happy Holidays to all of you.

Who's ready for more letter writing that I hope didn't come out confusing to look at?


>> No.16324042
Quoted by: >>16324050

Letter writing?

>> No.16324050
Quoted by: >>16324054

Two characters are writing back and forth but I've never put down a legend as to what all the -, ~, & ellipses mean.

No one's pointed that out anyway.

>> No.16324051

She's floating.

>> No.16324054
File: 176 KB, 900x800, 1444693861194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324062

You're suggesting I should read someone else's correspondence?

>> No.16324056
Quoted by: >>16324065

That was shorter than your previous works. I liked it.

>> No.16324060

Do you have any monstergirl or waifu related new years resolutions anon?

>> No.16324062

DO IT. Get matchmaking! Help someone get lucky on New Year's!

>> No.16324065

Thank you, I wanted to take an opportunity to world build a bit. Kind of minimal, but it's there.

>> No.16324066

You're not up for another two months. Go away, Cupid

>> No.16324068
Quoted by: >>16325145

>you may want to be a bit more specific about who's talking in the dialogue
But someone else already told me not to do that so much. I'll try too find a middle ground.
>I'd recommend also doing some research on the responsibilities of an NCO, whether in the Finnish Army or the US Army, or any organized material for that matter.
I'm familiar enough already, trust me.
I think I see what the problem is. You don't realize that a conscript who has very recently finished his NCO training has been instilled by his instructors with plenty of self-importance to help boost confidence when assuming a position of leadership. It passes over time when they realize they're not hot shit and everyone except the newest recruits just laugh at them.

>> No.16324070

Well alright then. Guess I should start at the beginning.

>> No.16324078
Quoted by: >>16324086

I want to cupid to teach me how to be a match maker

>> No.16324086

I bet Cupids watch stupid romcomcs like Amelie, or good ones like Notting Hill.

>> No.16324110

How well would firearms fair against the mamono?

>> No.16324115

Doesn't work that well. It either doesn't affect them (Slimes) or just pisses them off (Dormice)

>> No.16324118

>shoot Wurm between the eyes

>> No.16324126

I imagine it'd work fairly well against the lower-tier ones (with a few odd exceptions like slimes) but become less and less effective until they're less than useless. Shoot a harpy? Yeah, she's not getting up. Drunk oni? I hope you're using big boolits. Dragon? Shit nigger, what are you doing?

Then you've got mage bullshit too.

>> No.16324138

If monster girls were real they would just ignore me too.

>> No.16324153
Quoted by: >>16324177

Your personality maybe. They'd take your cock and shape your mind into something worthwhile.

>> No.16324162

If monstergirls were real I'd probably never meet my perfect waifu. It kinda makes having a 'relationship' with her now feel wrong and like I'm setting myself up for disappointment.

I still want to believe though.

>> No.16324177

my dick is smaller than average

>> No.16324179

You have a dick and that's all that matters Just like they'll fix your brain, they'll fix your dick. You just need to raw material.

>> No.16324184

boom mamono magic, enjoy your 12 inch steam piston

>> No.16324187

If you lived in Nepal, it might be bigger than average! They have the smallest dicks in the world, I think. Move there. Find a Yeti.

>> No.16324189

>You'll never come home from work on your birthday to find your delicious brown Anubis waifu waiting for you wearing all white lingerie

>> No.16324197
File: 143 KB, 800x1318, 1396419905439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324223

I didn't get one today, either. Maybe next year, anon...

>> No.16324199
Quoted by: >>16324298

>You'll never come home to find your waifu sitting on the couch drinking hot chocolate and reading a book while wearing a sweater and pajama pants.
>She'll never notice you and give you a smile and a "welcome home".
>She'll never patiently wait for you to finish showering and switching into your pajamas before moving over to make space for you on the couch.
>You'll never cuddle up next to her and spend the next few hours just watching TV shows and movies.
>She'll never convince you to princess carry her up to bed when the two of you start feeling sleepy.
>You'll never turn off the lights and hear her patting the mattress.
>You'll never lay down beside her as she pulls the covers over the both of you and snuggles up to you.
>You'll never fall asleep with her arms wrapped around you and your arms wrapped around her.
>You'll never fall asleep feeling like everything's right with the world.
It hurts so much.

>> No.16324213

About as well as anything else. Which is to say anywhere from almost assured victory to utterly useless depending on the species.

>> No.16324215

>Implying you can avoid the rape train that easy.

>> No.16324223

Anubis is goddess of death. You must butcher countless worlds and write her name in the night sky with dead stars.

>> No.16324225

I think it's more hearts are romance and diamonds are lewd

>> No.16324243
Quoted by: >>16324247

Wait, do dog ears stick up when excited or fall flat? And I don't mean happy, comfortable and safe I mean excited and happy

>> No.16324247

Dog ears stick up by default, unless they've been bred to be floppy. Regular dogs flatten their ears in dangerous and threatening situations.

>> No.16324262
Quoted by: >>16324264

But most dog ears are at least a little floppy and will sag forward when they are comfy, no?

>> No.16324264

I've had a dog for a long time and the word "sag" isn't how I'd refer to it. It's their tail that perks up all rigid when they're happy.

>> No.16324267
Quoted by: >>16324269

Mine's will drop back when he's REALLY fucking excited. It's normal to see them plop back when I first get home or the like.

>> No.16324269

I just wanna know the boy language of a really really happy kiki

>> No.16324271

Kikis have floppy ears.

>> No.16324276

But even floppy ears can flatten and perk up, can't they?

>> No.16324280
File: 125 KB, 481x400, Kiki org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proto kiki had pointed ears.

>> No.16324281

>But even floppy ears can flatten and perk up, can't they?
At the base. It's kind of like trying to straighten out a wet piece of paper in that regard. It'd be a lot more subtle.

>> No.16324282

I don't know, I've never seen it.

>> No.16324283
Quoted by: >>16324284

Watch the tail feathers

>> No.16324284


>> No.16324285

>get home, dog is laying down
>he pretends he hasn't heard me come in
>but his tail starts wagging as I approach
Dogs are terrible liars.

>> No.16324286

Proto-Kiki looks like an angry bat.

>> No.16324288

>didja get a cool game to go with it?
The first and second Etrian Odyssey remakes.

>A Gali Automaton would be very cute
Quite. Also Hali.

>> No.16324291

Every time I come home, mine runs up to me with something in her mouth as tribute to the alpha male.

>> No.16324293


New Beast Tribe in Stormblood.
Also swimming.

>You will never go swimming with a lamia, etc. etc.

>> No.16324296

>Get home
>Waifu is lying down pretending she hasn't heard me come in
>But her ears turn red and start flicking, her butt starts wagging enticingly as I approach
Elves are terrible liars.

>> No.16324297
Quoted by: >>16324304

Proto-kiki is way better than current kiki, and I say that as the number 1 kikimori fan.

>> No.16324298
Quoted by: >>16324303

That is truly saddening.

That is utterly devastating.

>> No.16324303
Quoted by: >>16326242

I just want to be in love so fucking bad.

>> No.16324304

Looks too much like an Anubis in a maid getup.
You know, there's nothing really stopping you from getting a maid-Anubis.

>> No.16324305

Nigga are you implying anubi have a monopoly on pointy ears?

>> No.16324308
File: 830 KB, 1034x1228, 1460104144371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324314

Ah, we meet again Mister Ymous.

>> No.16324309
Quoted by: >>16324329

No, those are like bat ears, and she has cool, creepy eyes with big eyelashes.

>> No.16324313

No reason to think such a kiki would not exist, given how it's just the one profile picture vs the entire species.

>> No.16324314
Quoted by: >>16324316

Mister Why Mouse?

>> No.16324316
Quoted by: >>16324324

Why mouse? Because a tiger is not a valid option.

>> No.16324322
File: 252 KB, 338x467, Anubis Sphinx maids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Anubis a bestest.

>> No.16324324
Quoted by: >>16324334

My what a fine vintage this meme is.

>> No.16324329

I bet they are a sterner, more kuudere subspecies of Kikimora which is older and tougher to crack but softer inside. Who won't just immediately bow down before your cock but will get progressively more dere the better a member of society you become.
>It's natural for a hard working master to come home to a bath and a meal, he's workign so hard after all
>It's natural for a successful man to take a little time off to be doted on by his wife, it's the privilege of his success.

>> No.16324334

Is not meme Ivan, is truth.

>> No.16324336

>sphinx maid
Hmm. I hadn't considered this wonderful possibility.
She'd be a huge tease and I would fall for it every time.

>> No.16324338
Quoted by: >>16324351

I want to make a Sphinx and an Anubis my maids, then the Pharaoh, her Khepri handmaids and her Apophis rival!
Then I want to cuddle them every night but never do anything sexual with them until they all band together to rape me!

>> No.16324344

>Always bending over showing off her delicious brown fat cat ass.
>Refuses to wear regulation length skirts, instead opting for miniskirts that would make hookers blush.
>Constantly hits you with her lewd curse on "accident" to ensure that she gets that sweet master dick.
I'm not sure if I'd be happy or annoyed.

>> No.16324348
Quoted by: >>16324356

I'd have a hard time staying mad at anything that ends with us both sated and her a purring mess cuddled up to me.

>> No.16324351
Quoted by: >>16324356

The image does appear to be portraying exactly that, what with her teasingly lifting her skirt whilst the more prim-and-proper Anubis just blusters.

>Pharaoh, her Khepri handmaids and her Apophis rival!
He's a madman. A madman!

>> No.16324356
Quoted by: >>16324364

But anon, she'd insist on cuddling you all night and well into the day! That's not proper behavior for a maid.

>He's a madman. A madman!
No, I'm a Genius!

>> No.16324364
Quoted by: >>16324369

>No, I'm a Genius!
Is that what Igorina tells you?

>> No.16324366

>(You)s just got removed
Well then.

>> No.16324369
Quoted by: >>16324376

No, it's what I tell myself when I wake up every morning in a pile of naked desert beauties.


>> No.16324372
File: 94 KB, 500x620, 4E2CD51F-8F6C-49DD-9590-63946C07875B-10418-00000F12BB98EDD7_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desert girls in maid outfits are extremely sexy, Why does Pharaoh make a good cosplayer? First Barb with the maid outfit then KC with the Pharaoh in Apophis outfit in MGE2.

>> No.16324373

Ah, who needs them when we have dotted lines?

>> No.16324376

Reload the page and witness.

>> No.16324381
Quoted by: >>16324387

Even for an Apophis, she looks exceptionally smug. And those are some serious egg-laying(?) hips.

>> No.16324383

>Desert girls ... are extremely sexy
That's why.

>> No.16324387

Oh what the fuck.

I want to help that Pharaoh get revenge by mating pressing the Apophis into submission while the Pharaoh holds her down.

>> No.16324391

Graped Pharaoh is for dressing up in shameful outfits and pulling on her hair while fucking her doggystyle

>> No.16324392

That's... really fucking stupid. I get that there's trolls who fish for (You)s, but it was a good way to identify at a glance if you had a response or to jump to them. At least the tab alert still works.

>> No.16324393
File: 615 KB, 700x573, 1456905399952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324400

It's new and innovative, anon! We're talking about a totally outrageous paradigm of pro-activity!

>> No.16324400
File: 99 KB, 535x800, 1452172232946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324405

Innovation at the cost of functionality may as well have never happened. Any nook worth her shekels would know changing something just to change it is bad business sense, especially if the new product is inferior.

>> No.16324403

>Mating press the Apophis
>Mating Press
How would that work? Cause like, to me, one of the key components of that position is the woman's slightly raised hips, and her legs lifted up to either side of the guy plowing into her.

This... would not work with a lamia.

>> No.16324405
File: 583 KB, 708x1000, 1467608676087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...I just thought it'd save us money if we used less pixels...

>> No.16324407

Graped Pharaoh is for slowly corrupting into lewdness.
It starts with the Apophis forcing her to give her husband blowjobs and it ends with desert girl reverse gangbangs.
Also cuddling.

>> No.16324415

Graped Pharaoh: A Monarch Denied Her Dignity?

>> No.16324418
Quoted by: >>16324424

For me it's just pounding the girl from above.

>> No.16324419

You use her coils as a bed and fuck on top of her. Besides, I'm sure she could use them to simulate thighs and legs.

>> No.16324424
Quoted by: >>16324428

Devil's in the details I suppose.

Whatever man, you enjoy yourself.

Graped Pharaoh has a decent amount of content, both fan and official.

There needs to be more Graped Anubis stuff.
I don't know what that might pertain to, I just know there is a need.

>> No.16324428

>Graped Anubis
You can't grape her, somebody needs to make sure the pyramids get built.

>> No.16324438

You act like an Anubis wouldn't be able to order around servants while riding her husband's dick.

>> No.16324440

The entire point of the Apophis regime change is going from a functioning society to a nonstop fuckville.

>> No.16324443

B-but pyramids! The chart says they're what people want!

>> No.16324445

Going off KC's statements, the average citizen probably wouldn't notice much of a change. It really is just the management of the regime.

Apophis doesn't want pyramids; she wants glorious statues of herself! (And her husbando)

>> No.16324455

>Apophis keeps commissioning statues for her palace, but doesn't let anyone see what they are.
>Pharaoh starts to suspect that they're humiliating depictions of her and her servants defeat.
>Eventually the day comes when the statues are delivered.
>They're all of the Apophis' husband in various heroic poses.
>Some of them even feature her in his arms, or coiled around his legs.
>Pharaoh and her ex-servants can only watch in confusion as the Apophis squeals like a schoolgirl at how amazing her husband is.

>> No.16324456

>An apophis who has obtained her own kingdom is likely to keep aggressively biting monsters and human women with her venomous fangs to convert them into servants
t. KC
I would call that a "notable change" for the average citizen.

>> No.16324457

And yet other statements seem to imply it wouldn't be such a big deal...

So in other words, KC is being a vague, contradictory bastard who just wants you to think of it however you like, business as usual.

>> No.16324463
Quoted by: >>16324499

I feel like an Apophis who wins would have her servants round up all the citizens to have them brought to her.
All married women would be bitten with their husbands in range so they can rape them and become monstergirls.
Non-married men are pushed into chambers with bitten single girls to be raped.
Really, having an Apophis ruler is beneficial when you think about it.

>> No.16324499
Quoted by: >>16324504

>Apophis takes over a kingdom
>On the eve of her coronation, all couples are bitten to initiate their place in her kingdom, and participate in a grand orgy in her royal hall
>All single men and women are bitten and tossed into a pit in the lower levels
>There are no more singles in Apophis' kingdom the next day

>> No.16324504
Quoted by: >>16324514

Would the Pharaoh and the Anubis be among the singles?
Would the Apophis?

>> No.16324514
Quoted by: >>16324521

>Would the Pharaoh and the Anubis be among the singles?
Possibly. Depends upon the age of the kingdom prior to Apophis' takeover.

>Would the Apophis?
Apophis would be high up on her throne, with a perfect view of both the upper halls and lower pits, reveling with pride at the lewdness she hath wrought.
Within a half-hour she is filled with regret as there aren't any guys left for her.

>> No.16324521
Quoted by: >>16324552

>That spoiler
But imagine if there was some guy who escaped her servants rounding everyone up and who showed up to try and put a stop to the lewdness only for the Apophis to tackle him to the ground and drag him off to her bedchambers to cuddlefuck him senseless.

>> No.16324552

Truly a wonderful fate.

>> No.16324609
File: 238 KB, 800x795, 1450768174814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have discovered a comfy new series to read. Wonderful.

>> No.16324639

Hey stupid question here but what breed of cat would be the best for an egyptian / desert cheshire MG? Going for dominance and hypnosis more then trickster but that sort of vein.

>> No.16324648

The Bengal is, in my experience, and extremely headstrong breed. I also once had an Angora who was honey badger -tier in not giving a shit about animals bigger than him.

>> No.16324673

>egyptian / desert cheshire MG
That's silly.
Cheshire are exclusively english because they are supposed to be a subspecies of cat-girl exclusive to Wonderland.

>> No.16324678

It's probably a Djinni pretending to be a cat.

>> No.16324689
File: 333 KB, 1280x905, 824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who prefers Pharaoh over Apophis?

Either way you cannot have one without the other. They'd probably never stop fighting over the same guy.
Day and Night, eternally dancing around around the world.

>> No.16324709

You probably are in the minority, Pharaoh is so human.

>> No.16324712

What Cheshires found in Bastet's Cat Kingdom? KC mentions Cheshire's are also found there when the Cait Sith Profile came out.


No, I prefer Pharaoh a lot more. I wish Pharaoh had more art. at least to have the same amount as Grape Snake.

>> No.16324741

>What Cheshires found in Bastet's Cat Kingdom?
They are foreign archaeologists in search of the ancient tomb of the Pharaoh's priestess, Nyamothep.

>> No.16324794

Pharaoh is better and this >>16324712

>> No.16324804

>Apophis Kingdom
>nonstop fuck
>no order
>nothing gets done
>a joke to the other kingdoms
Ew. Disgusting. No fun.

>Pharoah Kingdom
>safety and security
>males are protected
>Cute Anubi and Kelpris up for marriage
>a dominant and proud Kingdom
>ruled with a mighty fist by a lady with nice feet
Yes. Bless. Best Kingdom.

>> No.16324837
Quoted by: >>16324842

>lying on the internet
Anubis get off the internet and tell the Pharaoh to stop being a sandy vagina already.

>> No.16324841

Don't forget the pharaoh's magic words that force people to go along with her commands. That's what makes her so attractive to me.

>> No.16324842
Quoted by: >>16324861

Three Anubis Sisters, each from a different kind of Desert Kingdom, come together for dinner. One from an Undead Pharaoh Kingdom, another from an Apophis Pharaoh Kingdom, and the third from a Khepri-Appointed Pharaoh Kingdom.

What happens?

>> No.16324845
Quoted by: >>16324869

I agree with the feet part.
Pharaoh stepping on me has the same effect and the Apophis' poison.

>> No.16324861
Quoted by: >>16324872

>Undead Pharaoh Anubis
Watches you cook the roast. Offers "useful" hints and insists you hold her drink while she turns it until it's crisped to the golden ratio.

>Apophis Pharaoh Anubis
Humps the table and makes it awkward for everyone.

>Khepri-Appointed Pharaoh Kingdom
Makes everyone say grace and cracks sexist jokes throughout the meal. Might threaten to decapitate you.

>> No.16324869
Quoted by: >>16324877

Yeah, but there's no position for Royal Footstool.

>> No.16324872
Quoted by: >>16324919

>Humps the table and makes it awkward for everyone.
Unless you're getting into some wonderland james hetfield I AM THE TABLE tier shit, the only thing apophis anubis is humping is her husband

>> No.16324877
Quoted by: >>16324885

There is a position as husban

>> No.16324879
File: 2.12 MB, 2835x3301, dorome_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16324881
Quoted by: >>16324886

Dromes are shit

>> No.16324883
File: 352 KB, 294x233, Happening Status Likely Soon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324889

>> No.16324885
Quoted by: >>16324890

Yeah, but you're just in it for the footjobs.

>> No.16324886

Brown dromes.

Manure dromes.

>> No.16324889

Cow bell?

>> No.16324890

Well I can't disagree with that. She is just my feetwife.

>> No.16324919

Why would a crew of misfits like that bother seeing each other at all if they had filling sex lives?

>> No.16324923

Making of Dorome is already up. And it looks like it has an interesting twist to it.

>> No.16324926

>No more (you's)
Well shit. Now how am I to quickly and conveniently see who has responded to me in order to carry on a discussion?

>> No.16324929

4chan X

>> No.16324932

I blame the jews.

>> No.16324933
Quoted by: >>16324942

Thumb over red text as you're scrolling down, and see if you recognize your own posts?

>> No.16324934

>no more (You)s
I don't want to believe you.

>> No.16324935

I've existed on this site for years as the most basic of plebians. I don't really want to start getting addons and shit just to talk about fucking monstergirls.

>> No.16324938
File: 356 KB, 720x720, 1479046015900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would a crew of misfits like that bother seeing each other at all
In order to take down the evil empire?
Sign on the dotted line.

>> No.16324940

Sisters like to visit each other?

>> No.16324942

Seems far less efficient than ctlr f (you)

Yes because I can ctrl f "dotted line"

>> No.16324945

No, I mean it. Sign on the dotted line, don't worry about the small print. She'll make it all okay... for (You)

>> No.16324946

Well, yes, was going to say that Ctrl+F Functionality is indeed a sad loss.

>> No.16324948

You get one or two irrelevant posts referring to replies as (you)s and the rest is just relevant search results. Who decides these things?

>> No.16324960

>ctrl+f "you"
>more than 1000 matches

It was useless from the get go.

>> No.16324966

(You) are a special kind of dumb.

>> No.16324967

What would a semen demon even do with my soul? Put a soul gem into her vibe so it would run without batteries?

>> No.16324973
Quoted by: >>16324976

Use brackets you fucking retard.

>> No.16324976
Quoted by: >>16324987

They're called parentheses you mongoloid.

>> No.16324987
Quoted by: >>16324994

noun: parenthesis; plural noun: parentheses
a pair of round brackets ( ) used to mark off a parenthetical word or phrase.

>> No.16324988

Dorome is such a complete package of goodness
>Gentle rape
>Simple minded
>Earth powers
>Slime properties
And just look at that smile, if you don't want to protect that then there is something wrong with you

Thanks for posting the enty stuff, you're the man

>> No.16324993
Quoted by: >>16324997

>simple minded earth creature
Dorome and Wurm are two best friends! Dorome is the only creature who can handle Wurm's roughhousing without injuries. And together... THEY FIGHT CRIME!

>> No.16324994
Quoted by: >>16324999

Semantic mother fucker.

>> No.16324995

I guess there is something wrong with me then.

>> No.16324997
Quoted by: >>16325000

I'd pay good money to watch a movie about super hero Wurm and her Dorome sidekick

>> No.16324999

You got into semantics first.

>> No.16325000

Super Wurm and Miss Mud?

>> No.16325006
Quoted by: >>16325021

Alt + down

>> No.16325021
Quoted by: >>16325044

I don't know what this means or what it does.

>> No.16325036
File: 1.05 MB, 1947x999, 1471990175712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325043

>> No.16325040
Quoted by: >>16325064

SInce Graped Pharaohs dress like Apophis, Do Apophi dress like pharaohs to mock pure Pharaohs and their followers?

>> No.16325043
Quoted by: >>16325049

Breasts provide milk and pleasure, but not air. Without air, you will suffocate. What do?

>> No.16325044

I just realized you can still just type (you) out of courtesy.

>> No.16325049

You can sustain yourself on older sister love instead though, so it's safe. An onee-chan's breasts are the safest place you can ever be in.

>> No.16325064

I should imagine once she has ascended to power, an Apophis Pharaoh would find it only right to dress herself in true Royal Raiment.

>> No.16325080

Sorry to bring up the whole Lilim thing again, but who is Ilassa? I know that she is a Lilim commissioned by ELH, but that's all I know.

>> No.16325087
Quoted by: >>16325106

That's all you need to know desu

>> No.16325104
Quoted by: >>16325106

A miserable pile of secrets.

Also makes cameos in stuff I write

>> No.16325105

Forgive this final bit of meta posting but for a thread that lasts days and can hit 3k posts I find the feature genuinely helpful.

a.quotelink.ql-tracked:after {
content: " (You)";

Add this if you care for it.

>> No.16325106
Quoted by: >>16325129

Please do tell, I must learn more of the Lilim

>> No.16325109
Quoted by: >>16325112

Sleepy, smug and ara ara are all top tier.
>smug baphomet
>ara ara hakutaku
>sleepy anubis
I'd be in heaven with any of those.

>> No.16325111
File: 188 KB, 1000x1333, Hellhound Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16325112

>Not a single girl who exhibits all three at times

>> No.16325115

How is puppy formed?

>> No.16325116

Cute daughteru

>> No.16325118
Quoted by: >>16325143

Oh god my heart.

>> No.16325129
Quoted by: >>16325154

Her profile image:

Her album:

Brief Cameo in Ilothe as a supporting character (line 126):

Brief mention in Amaya PI, along with a brief cameo of one of her lieutenants (Reri):

Think that's everything so far.

>> No.16325143
Quoted by: >>16325155

Don't worry, I have heart medicine! It's grape flavor!

>> No.16325145
Quoted by: >>16325155

>I think I see what the problem is. You don't realize that a conscript who has very recently finished his NCO training has been instilled by his instructors with plenty of self-importance to help boost confidence when assuming a position of leadership. It passes over time when they realize they're not hot shit and everyone except the newest recruits just laugh at them.
Well you gotta remember that I've dealt with freshly graduated lieutenants before who's wives think they're the hottest shit on the block when they really have no say whatsoever, or pull in anything.

But yes, you have a point.

Seriously, fucking hate officers' wives. NCO wives are cool, though.

>> No.16325154

Thanks, so all Lilim are basically royalty being the daughters of the Demon Lord, right?

>> No.16325155

Medicine Apophis?
So you are not unfamiliar with the silliness of people who have brass on them and think this makes them something more than hot air.

>> No.16325163

That's pretty much it, yes.

>> No.16325164

Essentially, yes. Every lilim (fan made or otherwise) thus far has had their own kingdom (or realm in the case of Queen of Hearts.)

>> No.16325166

Not really, no. But it doesn't help that they were younger US Marines either, who while they tend to do a better job than the Army, do tend to get more arrogant for that fact of being the 'best of the best'.

The older generation of Marines is something I'll miss reading about. Alot of them these days are just jackasses.

>> No.16325168
File: 178 KB, 1280x878, 1453152585997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medicine Apophis?

>> No.16325173

I would never trust a non-loli snake, let alone a grape snake.

>> No.16325176
Quoted by: >>16325186

Arrogance is the Marine Corps' virtue, it is how they won and fought battles, even the olden days of the Corps was made up of jackasses, who in turn were badasses.

>> No.16325177

A cute!

>> No.16325180
Quoted by: >>16325184

Why are lolis trustworthy?

>> No.16325181

Puppies don't belong in boxes.

>> No.16325182
Quoted by: >>16325249

Will some anon be willing to take the grape snake away and do with her as they please? She's threatening the Glorious Desert Kingdom

>> No.16325184
Quoted by: >>16325190

They aren't, really, but they are cute enough to risk it. These big snakes are just gross.

>> No.16325186
Quoted by: >>16325206

>Made up of jackasses
It's ironic you say that about James Mattis when he's actually really soft spoken in real-life and about the closest thing we'll ever get to the commander from Avatar.

He did say something to Iraqi tribal leaders that put our Congress in a tiff, and would rustle the jimmies of any monster leader, though.

"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all."

>> No.16325188
Quoted by: >>16325191

Well in any case I'll try to figure out my dialogue. It's the thing everyone always criticizes me for.

>> No.16325189

Thanks for the HD picture! I really like the Dorome; she's a great combination of the best features of a slime and a Gnome.

>> No.16325190
File: 103 KB, 680x960, 1443903432143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325198

Anon, you may be a lolicon for serpents. But I'm alright with that.

>> No.16325191
Quoted by: >>16325196

I wouldn't worry about it too much. I just found it jarring because like I said, you weren't specifying who was speaking, which is something that people had advised you not to do.

Still appreciate the effort you're putting into it even though you're an English-as-second-language snow mongolian who's monopolizing all the Elf poon.

>> No.16325196
File: 329 KB, 840x1200, 1433690105605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIRD language, anon. Third language. And sorry I haven't produced another update yet. Soon.

>> No.16325198

Well, I'm a lolicon in general, but that doesn't have anything to do with it! Big snakes are just gross, because their snake bodies. I don't like actual snakes, so it's no surprise I don't trust snakes.

>> No.16325203

Foking noice

>> No.16325206
Quoted by: >>16325422

Well it applies to all Marines, Mattis is a good kind of jackass in retrospect, the tales of bravery and brotherhood also obscure the hijinks and extraordinary boredom the average Marine faces when in both peacetime and wartime.

>> No.16325209
Quoted by: >>16325222

What's that? Slipping under the covers with the cute Apophis will cure what ails me?
Well, don't mind if I do.

>> No.16325215
File: 766 KB, 1920x1080, Call of Duty®_ Infinite Warfare_20161228072908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Call of Duty supports your fetish

Thank you.

>> No.16325216
File: 447 KB, 2250x1800, 1481869990601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your cuddle cat for this morning

>> No.16325221

Inch by inch we become mainstream.
Have her nails been trimmed? Mine kneads on my belly and it hurts if I don't trim the nails. Claws. Whatever.

>> No.16325222
Quoted by: >>16325237

It's a trap.

>> No.16325223

Good. Going to hold that phat cat very tight and squeeze her! Maybe even get her to sit on my face.

>> No.16325225

No, thank you.

>> No.16325226
Quoted by: >>16325354

There is no way I'm cuddling her. Too fat and this place is too hot.

>> No.16325237
Quoted by: >>16325262

Your trips be damned, I am going to intentionally fall for that trap. I'm too desperate.

>> No.16325245
File: 3.74 MB, 2084x2500, e1d27afda1e9b6a94380f245ce0a6ece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the appeal of shortstacks?

>> No.16325249
File: 432 KB, 520x2224, 1420774178383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be human blessed by the Earthen God, giving you strength and size far superior to that of a normal man
>Dispatched to 'handle' the Grape Snake as she's trying to take over the Desert Kingdom
"Ara ara? They decided to send an ogre to do a man's job, did they? No matter, in the end they all bend the knee to my will~"
>Grab her by the tip of her tail, the most sensitive spot, she lets out a small pleasured keen and laughs at you. There's no way you could possibly move her from the throne
>You pull, and she comes flying off the stone chair, knocking her head on the floor, growling at you
"That hurt, you bastard."
>Take her bite to your shoulder, she's laughing at how her venom is going to corrupt you into the perfect slave
>But there are other plans your patron Goddess, Lady Geb, has for you
"Now come here, embrace your Queen, meat."
>She hugs you tenderly, like a lover, only to pull back. Your erection is only at half-mast, but it's continuing to harden and grow to its full foot length and a few inches thick
"Oho? Maybe I should test your cock, if you're good enough, I'll make you into my husband~"
>Grin at her, rubbing yourself against her slick abdomen, sort of slow dancing with the grape snake
>You can tell she's getting into it as well, hugging you closer or eliciting small strokes of your glans with her hand
>Eventually she breaks off, herself fully lubed up as well as pre leaking out of your penis' flanged head
"Come on now, attend to your Queen. Fuck me like one of those human girls you're so enamored with~"
>Her lips are a rosy pink and inviting, wetly opening beneath her fingers, letting you see all the way to the back, almost putting you in the mind to see a mouth
>You plow into her, the first round of sex lasting a few hours, her skilled vaginal muscles edging you relentlessly, but the earth endures
>A day later, you're joined for the third time, servants bringing you both food and drink as you continue to fuck her
>A thin layer of sweat covers both of you, she's started murmuring stuff like falling in love with you and your 'goliath cock'
>Dismount from her, her tail lazily uncoiling from you as you drink some of the wine left
"Ara~ I'll give you credit, you sure are a sturdy one~ But it'll take more than that to break me~"
>That fucking does it
>Flip her onto her stomach, lifting her tail onto your shoulder, she's heavy for certain, but Geb endows you with the strength to bear it
"W-What are you doing?"
>Thrust in, fucking her as roughly as possible
>She's squirming and trying to get away, but you hold fast, her pussy milking you oh-so-much like a whore's.
>Ten hours later, you're both collapsed into a heap of snake and man, seed leaking out of her womanhood while your cock glistens with a sheen to it
"Well... Darling, have anything to say for yourself?"
>'Veni. Vedi. Vici.'
>She can't even slither properly for a week, but the biggest surprise is that she's pregnant with three eggs

>> No.16325250

combo of sleepy and tomboy

>> No.16325254
File: 139 KB, 676x656, 1465589096463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325268

It's the made-up term used by normies who are too afraid to admit that they like lolis

>> No.16325255

top tier stuff

>> No.16325257

I know not. As a manlet I yearn for women of height so I can feel safe.

>> No.16325258

How do you unlock that? Personally want to get one of the cool dragon ones, but those're for Scorestreaks. Which I suck at managing. Should really equip the trait that makes it a larger total score, rather than a kill-streak...

Loli Grapesnake would be fantastic.
We've already got a couple pieces of Loli-Pharaoh and Loli-Anubis, Loli-Apophis is only logical.

>> No.16325262
Quoted by: >>16325278

It's the first step in her master plan. Don't fall for it.

>> No.16325263

They are lolis with big tits.

Though I prefer my women medium sized.

>> No.16325266

Ara ara, tomboy and sleepy. Definitely Ara Ara, though. Oh gods.

>> No.16325268
Quoted by: >>16325274

Not really.

Lolis are little girls (Or those with the bodies of little girls).
Short-stacks are, as the name implies, short, but possessing of an altogether womanly silhouette.
It's a matter of proportions.

And then Oppai-Lolis are just a shit.

As to the matter of the overall appeal, I like petite women overall, but a bit more stacked isn't bad either.

>> No.16325270
Quoted by: >>16325272

It's a random one from the Quartermaster. I got this as a gift from a relative for Christmas but I'm enjoying it. Came with the CoD 4 remaster too.

>> No.16325272

I got a copy for my birthday. Not the version with CoD4 HD though, oh well.

I'm enjoying it too, though the gunplay feels altogether twitchy, and all the maps feel rather cramped.

>> No.16325274
Quoted by: >>16325282

>And then Oppai-Lolis are just a shit.
Agreed. I prefer my lolis actual lolis, or my women actual women. I don't want them mixed. Shortstacks feel like an attempt to help both sides, like oppai loli.

>> No.16325278
Quoted by: >>16325295

And what could the master plan of a younger Apophis possibly be, especially if it involves some schmuck starved of affection?

>> No.16325279
File: 832 KB, 900x720, 0c563b8e01046db7319350e0dcf4e9c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>may be able to give you either paizuri or blowjobs while standing depending on how short she is
>optimal size for headpats
>easy to lift and hug regardless of your strength
>may have a complex about her height if she's a grown woman

>> No.16325282
Quoted by: >>16325289

Yeah, I can see how one might think that.

Again, the key is proportions.
A shortstack, ideally, possesses the same proportions as a taller woman, but scaled down.

Where-as Oppai-Loli is just a big pair of tits slapped onto a completely unsuitable frame. Totally disproportional.

>> No.16325286
Quoted by: >>16325367

>optimal size for headpats
I disagree. Tall women are the best for head pats. Maybe not the best to reach, but their reactions are worth it.

>> No.16325289
Quoted by: >>16325300

>same proportions as a taller woman, but scaled down.
That's called dwarfism. It's not very proportional either

>> No.16325295

Step 1) Find a boy and learn how to win his heart.
Step 2) Convince him to be her consort and raise an army of Apophi
Step 3) Teach them how to win the hearts of men and send them out and take all the men the Pharaoh's daughters like.

>> No.16325299

I knew it! I knew grape snakes couldn't be trusted. Nobody ever believes the snake hater, though.

>> No.16325300

I'm admittedly shit at explaining things, so I'll just leave it at when it works; it works, when it doesn't; it doesn't.

>> No.16325322
Quoted by: >>16325331

In the end, I'd still get a loving Apophis wife, which is a win for me.

>> No.16325331
Quoted by: >>16325424

But think about all the Pharaohs! They were going to find love and start a kingdom, but some snakes keep stealing all the men.

>> No.16325354
Quoted by: >>16325363

Cuddle cats cuddling transcends temperatures.

>> No.16325363
Quoted by: >>16325400

But fat can't transcend my taste.

>> No.16325367

Short stacks are great for being cuddled by. I'm not really a big fan of being the bigger spoon. But when you have 2 large soft fun bags pressing up against you it's nice.

Short stacks get head pats all the time. Tall girls don't, so you get a better reaction for head patting tall girls. You'll probably need a ladder though.

>> No.16325400
Quoted by: >>16325407

It can if she cuddles you hard enough!

>> No.16325407

I doubt it. Unless we are talking about her cuddling so hard she loses weight.

>> No.16325411
Quoted by: >>16325416

Why are Hellhounds so perfect?

>> No.16325416

It's all in the meaty paws.

>> No.16325422

Mattis is an ascetic, who gave up the pleasures of sex for war and blood.

>> No.16325424

The Pharaohs didn't think about me, so why should I think about them? Call me selfish, an asshole, or whatever. I'm not respecting "royalty" just because they're royalty, especially since most other monsters don't worry about men being stolen.

>> No.16325430

>I'm not respecting "royalty" just because they're royalty
Thank god I'm not the only crazy one here.

>> No.16325433

Which girl is the best to get drunk with?

>> No.16325439


>> No.16325442
File: 261 KB, 700x527, Oni drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waifu
Or Onis

>> No.16325449

I want to kiss that OniAuntie

>> No.16325452

Lizardmen. They would be constantly trying to fight you but actually really like you. That's why they want to fight you.
And if they losse they beg you to have drunken sex with you.
If a lizardmen lost during a drunken fight and can't remember the fight, would she still consider herself obligatory to be your wife?

>> No.16325472

Dragons! Although I warm you. Drunk big stronk Dragons stumbling everywhere and hugging you very tightly will leave you with some broken bones and bruises.

>> No.16325479

See that kind of Oni is Blue Oni getting tipsy. If you were to go upstairs with the Red Oni, I'm sure it'd be like a reverse college frat party with them trying to get into their boyfriends' pants drunkenly

>> No.16325483
File: 884 KB, 1013x1511, 1480514012993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off your hiny and do 20 squats, will you?

>> No.16325487

now I want to get drunk with a mature. Damn badly.

>> No.16325493
Quoted by: >>16325497

Don't tell my waifu, but I didn't jog today and I'm not planing to.

>> No.16325494
Quoted by: >>16325497

Only 20? That's easy even for my lazy ass.

>> No.16325495
Quoted by: >>16325497

But why? I like being lazy.

>> No.16325497

Shame on you.
Is it? Then why aren't you doing it?
Do it for her.

>> No.16325499

It's their duty to marry and create a kingdom to bring about peace and stability.

>> No.16325503

That's way too much.

>> No.16325504
Quoted by: >>16325508

Alright, done. That was too easy.

>> No.16325506

>Do it for her.
For who? My waifu? She doesn't care if I'm being a bit lazy.

>> No.16325508

>too easy
Then do 20 more if you're so though.

>> No.16325511
File: 265 KB, 900x1280, BIG BUFF GOBBO PUFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325512

I want to lick that side of beef

>> No.16325514
Quoted by: >>16325542

This is relevant to my interests

>> No.16325515
Quoted by: >>16325530

Is this from that series where the guy gets killed and he's reborn as a goblin?

>> No.16325522
Quoted by: >>16325525

>Is it? Then why aren't you doing it?
But I just did.

>> No.16325525
Quoted by: >>16325537

And you know what? So did I. Now what, tough guy?

>> No.16325529

I jog everyday dude, I'm sure one day without doing it is fine. Especially when it's this hot outside.

>> No.16325530

yeah its pretty shit, suffers heavily from mary sue, its a shame because started out great

>> No.16325537

Now we both complain that we don't have a strong Minotaur or Jinko to praise us.

>> No.16325539
Quoted by: >>16325557

Which ones are in here anyway?

>> No.16325540

>Short hair
Its everything I love wrapped in a delicious milk chocolate package

>> No.16325542
Quoted by: >>16325546

It isn't

>> No.16325544
Quoted by: >>16325559

She looks so happy in that bottom panel. I bet this is what a burrowing Wurm looks like.

>> No.16325546
Quoted by: >>16325547

But I like big strong girls?

>> No.16325547

I'd do fine with a Salamander, really.
But you don't like ugly goblins raping women.

>> No.16325553

As long as they don't rape the big stronk girl

>> No.16325557

Lilims look all the same to me.

>> No.16325559

>Wurm tells you she's the strongest
>Tell her to prove it
>She pulls back a claw and punches a boulder into pebbles
>All with that "XD" style genki expression

>> No.16325564
File: 325 KB, 595x800, dorome_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept: Melted Gnome, sloppy body, heavy feeling of mud

The "Dorome" is a Gnome who upon formation of her female body, had its earth spirit power melted by excessive demonic energy, becoming a mud monster.
Looking at it as a ratio of elemental spirit energy to demonic energy, the Dorome would be closer to the latter, so she's not really a higher species of Gnome with greater magical power.
Her power as a lewd monster (what is usually referred to as "inma" in the translations) is greater, she can enhance her husband's vitality, and make plant monster girls more lascivious, but compared to a Gnome, in terms of giving her husband earth magic, shaping earth with precision, upgrading plant monsters to higher level species...she's not very good at those.

She doesn't have any mythological counterpart. Her name just comes from the fact that she's a "Gnome" that turned into mud, or "Doro".
Originally, I was going to call her "Mudman" (マッドマン), but that just sounded too much like "Madman" instead of instantly conveying the idea of mud.
(The two words are written the same in Japanese)

>> No.16325565
File: 352 KB, 925x694, jinko happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325602

>jinko to praise us
>Oh master, that's a lot of weight, do you need help picking it up
>Oh you did it!

>> No.16325584

If it warms up enough I might be able to doodle today.

Any ideas in mind? Preferably simple ones since I am rusty and demoralized after spending Christmas alone in a wet bed from the nonstop rain.

>> No.16325590

>But you don't like ugly goblins raping women.
Didn't the MC put a stop to that once he found out? There-after, it was just waifus who threw themselves at him, and by that point he was a bishie-hobgoblin.

Now Elves on the other hand...

>> No.16325591

Loli apophis to complete the set.

>> No.16325595

Homeless Jinko cub dressed up like Artful Dodger.

>> No.16325599

I should catch-up on this sometime.

Think the last place I read was the tentacle orgy in the spider-web lovenest...

>> No.16325600

What set?

>> No.16325602

>Originally, I was going to call her "Mudman" (マッドマン), but that just sounded too much like "Madman" instead of instantly conveying the idea of mud.
That could have lead to absolute mudman/madman jokes, thank god she was spared from the memes.
I wonder if she'd clap with those huge paws of hers.

>> No.16325607
Quoted by: >>16325629

I second >>16325591

>> No.16325611

>I wonder if she'd clap with those huge paws of hers.
>she does, then lifts the couch with one paw and dusts underneath it

>> No.16325613

>thank god she was spared from the memes.
Missed opportunity if I were to be frank.

>> No.16325620

How long did the mudpie jokes wait?

>> No.16325624

A muscly jinko, one in khakis and a polo shirt looking like a bodyguard, and one of the same one blushing in a nice dress

>> No.16325625
Quoted by: >>16325632

I told her to suck my dick and she actually did the absolute mudman

>> No.16325628
Quoted by: >>16325632

So I told her to make me a mudcake and she actually did it the absolute mudman

>> No.16325629

Again, what set?

Is some Anon magic finding loli monsters to wear as eqiupment for the full set bonus and only needs an Apophis?

>> No.16325632

Begone from my sight, memeslinger.

>> No.16325637

Gnome embracing a guy?
kunoichi messing with kunai?

>> No.16325638
Quoted by: >>16325648

Don't worry about the set, just focus on being the wonderful anon who completes it for us.

>> No.16325642

Are you mud, anon? Did I trowel you?

>> No.16325643

The absolute mudslinger

>> No.16325644

As outlined here >>16325258 we've got some art of Loli-Pharaohs, some Loli-Anubi, but not really any Loli-Apophi.

Sure one could make the argument for Loli-Sphinxes too, but... eh, loli-sneks.

>> No.16325648
Quoted by: >>16325657

Did people forget my shitty drawing capabilities overnight without me gassing on about Lani or shortstack Wurms pretending to be helmets?

>> No.16325652
Quoted by: >>16325705

So I told her a threesome with a undine would only muddy the waters and she went and did it anyway the absolute mudman

>> No.16325656

Loen technically beat me to it ages ago.

>> No.16325657

We're just being nice to you so we can laugh at you behind your back, same way we treat Alpie.

>> No.16325662
Quoted by: >>16325668

Ophy's adorable, yes.

>> No.16325663

I told the Dorome to hold my hand and she actually did it the absolute mudman

>> No.16325667
Quoted by: >>16325669

Then gimme the Jinko cub Artful Dodger!

>> No.16325668
Quoted by: >>16325680

There was also the Apophis mage with a tennisball rod and big hat.

>> No.16325669
Quoted by: >>16325674


>> No.16325674
Quoted by: >>16325677

You're mean. Can you draw some kind of Frog Girl hanging out in the rain?

>> No.16325677

Send me a kiss by wire and I'll consider it.

>> No.16325680
File: 166 KB, 1158x819, Pharaoh and Apophis daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also this cutie.

More on the side of "Teen" than "Loli" though.

>> No.16325681
File: 64 KB, 669x641, Punished Alp - An Attentionwhore deprived of his audience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325682

I've seen loli snake before. I think it's also been posted recently.

>> No.16325684
Quoted by: >>16325698

Clearly you should draw a singing Ignis. Or maybe a Salamander.

>> No.16325688
Quoted by: >>16325711

I Apophis makes me so happy for some reason. I think it's her smile.

I want to spend my highschool days in MGC going on dates with her.

>> No.16325690
Quoted by: >>16325693

Either way it's been done.
Hell, even I did one already in a way.

>> No.16325693

That definitely doesn't count as a loli apophis. One day our saviour will come to us and finish the holy trinity.

>> No.16325698

Sallamanders are underrated these days.

>> No.16325702


>> No.16325705

Give me those tasty dots you fags that was a good one. Two puns and a meme in one sentence.

>> No.16325710
Quoted by: >>16325716

What doesn't? Mine, Luth's, or Loen's?

>> No.16325711

Holy shit my post came out all broken. I blame the Succuvirus.

>> No.16325715 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 512x516, 1482940900037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325723

I discovered this in the not-Egyptology section of the museum of history. Hopefully it's what you were looking for.

>> No.16325716
Quoted by: >>16325725

Luths. Did you do an Apohpis?

>> No.16325718

That's all and only 1 WIP pic?

>> No.16325722
File: 189 KB, 601x700, dorome_sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, a monster girl made of mud! Because I pretty much arrived at her design from the initial concept, there was almost no change.
Matching her gloppy, melted body, she has a sloppy and slovenly expression too!
The pattern around her eyes also resembles dripping, flowing mud.
Her mud has a fairly viscous consistency, and in order to distinguish her from slimes, her surface has less gloss to it, looking more like a heavy, dull fluid, and gave her an overall "sloppy" body (sloppy as in someone who just lies around their room all day, lazy, unkempt).

The dark part of her mud is hardened, and unlike the soft surrounding mud, it has some firmness and resistance to it. The part under her chest is solidified in a way that suggests something like a corset, emphasizing her breasts, and also representing the thickness of mud.
At the rough sketch stage, she had a crack around her chest area in the style of Gnome, but it conflicted with her soft image, so I instead made it look similar to the area below her chest.
The crystal on her chest isn't a core, but more just demonic energy in a crystallized form. It kind of seems like an earth magic stone? (Of lower purity)
Also, like the Gnome, the Dorome has plants growing on her head, but the leaves are smaller and do not yet bear fruit as the Dorome is comparatively less "fertile".

>> No.16325723
Quoted by: >>16325734

This stirs something inside of me.

>> No.16325725

Months and months ago.
Might be closer to a year at this point. Don't have it on the phone anymore though, so I can't post it.

It involved Ophy throwing water ballons at a fort Anubis and Pharaoh made. It was bad.

>> No.16325734

KDF, and then there was another awoken the other day, yeah? Forget what his daughter was though.

And now, ADF.

>> No.16325739
File: 217 KB, 601x700, dorome_kan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their arms are integrated into their lower mud body, giving an appearance that their arms are growing from the mud.
It's intended to give them a very distinctive silhouette, and highlight how they can freely create their body from dirt and mud, but, speaking of mud monsters, it's also because it kind of looks a lot like the "Mud Hand" from the super popular Dragon Quest series.

>> No.16325745
File: 893 KB, 800x1165, 634635743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a underrated girl that you would want to see more content off?

>> No.16325748

Eel Whore.

>> No.16325749


>> No.16325760

As a bonus, here's a piece of my own shameful history!
Something I drew a long, long time ago before the Monster Girl Encyclopedia became what it is today!

Stupid image limit

>> No.16325766

I removed my doodle so yours can live.

>> No.16325767

Dwarf, but not the toddlercon version. The big, buff busty shortstack version who gets all sweaty and sore muscles from hammering steel and working the forge. Who needs to have the sweat licked from her abs and needs a comfy husbando to sit on with a big dick to slip inside her, who will massage her huge breasts

>> No.16325776

I love the amount of thought he puts into these.

Thanks for the translations.

>> No.16325782
File: 141 KB, 714x530, dorome_kuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325793


>> No.16325786

Arch Imp, KC gave her lewd art but even Japanese fans forget her.

>> No.16325793
Quoted by: >>16325850

A glimpse of KC's early art, nice.

>> No.16325810
Quoted by: >>16325857

Are you me?

>> No.16325824
Quoted by: >>16325826


>> No.16325826


>> No.16325829

Would Dorome give the worst handjobs?

>> No.16325831


>> No.16325837
Quoted by: >>16325857

I want this

>> No.16325844
Quoted by: >>16325855

It would be just a rough slime handy.

>> No.16325847

Probably on par with a Slime or Unagi-Joro

>> No.16325850

There is hope for us doodlers after all.

>> No.16325851

Nah, Dorome handjobs would be 8/10 easily.

>> No.16325852

It would muddy up the image of a sexy handjob.

>> No.16325855

Why would it be rough?

>> No.16325857

There is nothing more crucial to a dwarven craftsmistress than a comfortable and stimulating seat when applying the final touches to a weapon or a piece of jewelry. And she doesn't want to be wasting time and losing focus rolling aches and stiffness out of her shoulders and back.

The quality from single --> taken is enough that a married crafter's work is worth twice as much

>> No.16325859

Because she's really down to earth.

>> No.16325863
Quoted by: >>16325866

Pretty decent since they can immobilize you first, and that's hot.

>> No.16325866
Quoted by: >>16325870

Should she shrink her hands down before jacking you off with them though?

>> No.16325870

Fuck no, that's half the fun.

>> No.16325873

Slmies are just water, she is more muddy. It would still feel good, so don't worry.

>> No.16325877

But can she be quicksand with them?

>> No.16325886
Quoted by: >>16325951

So rough in texture, or rough in the way she'd handle you?

>> No.16325898
Quoted by: >>16325905

on the condition she rub me down with steak seasoning and lick it off

>> No.16325905
Quoted by: >>16325915

What if it involves peppers?

>> No.16325915
Quoted by: >>16325917

even better, and steak sauce, then forced milk drinking, then pelvis shattering moo-snu

>> No.16325917
Quoted by: >>16325924

You don't want pepper based things on parts of you anon.
It burns. It BURNS.

>> No.16325924

It was planted by those twisted Elves!

>> No.16325927
Quoted by: >>16325929

You sure it wasn't a certain undead who wanted to spice things up?

>> No.16325929
Quoted by: >>16325932

A certain undead?

>> No.16325932
Quoted by: >>16325949

You know who.

>> No.16325936
Quoted by: >>16325941

Anon, stop. You may actually make me want to write about a Dwarf and distract me from more important things.

Like Diablo woo'ing her captive.

>> No.16325941
Quoted by: >>16325979

Is her captive a Paladin who thought going through Hell as a FoHer was a good idea?

>> No.16325946

why would elves plant peppers in my mino waifus steak seasoning not knowing it was for kinky and not cooking?

>> No.16325949
Quoted by: >>16325955


>> No.16325950

Touch yourself after cuttibg up peppers and not washing your hands.

>> No.16325951
Quoted by: >>16325960

Texture. The way she treats you would be like any other.

>> No.16325952

I want a musclestack now

>> No.16325954

Because they're twisted.

>> No.16325955

She's a lonely pun loving coot who lives way way way under the sea.

>> No.16325960

What sort of texture and consistency would they have?

>> No.16325965
Quoted by: >>16326035

You're just confusing me more. I know Charon loves puns, but I don't know any undead who live under the sea.

>> No.16325976


Moth man is a close second.

>> No.16325979

Last post before I go to work, so I'll probably be back in like seven hours, I guess.

The generally idea I have sketched out is that yes, he's a Paladin/Crusader in Hell. But part of the fun of the rough draft is the deeper into the castle he goes to try and find his escape, the more and more weird shit he encounters, like a minor demon character unofficially named 'The Wet Nurse'.

A giant, toad-like monstrosity with two dozen breasts hanging from its chest as it suckles lost souls to it. Diablo herself just fucking with the guy because a lot of what he sees and hears are going to be based on childhood nightmares and bogeymen if I ever finalize some of the ideas.

To conquer Fear you must fuck Fear.

>> No.16325982

Well she's getting it rubbed over her cooter.

>> No.16325984


>> No.16326013


Update line 611: Got pretty distracted yesterday and the day before so it's not done yet. Rather than wait to finish it all and post it I think I work more productively with shorter updates so here's another 3k. Hope you like it.

>> No.16326018
Quoted by: >>16326020

What is wrong with elves?

>> No.16326020
Quoted by: >>16326040

Looks like Christmas came late this year.
They have sensitive ears and people are noisy.

>> No.16326035
Quoted by: >>16326045

Some say the underworld is in the bowels of the earth, going below even the oceans.
Charon is deeper than Spongebob or Krakens if you think about it.

>> No.16326040
Quoted by: >>16326045

>Looks like Christmas came late this year.
Hey, I first posted it on Christmas day. That counts for something right?

>> No.16326041


>> No.16326045

But she's not undead, she's a deity. Or is she one of the anthropomorphic personifications of death?
What the hell IS Charon anyway?
The joke is that when you posted about this story for the first time I said "Looks like Christmas came early this year".

>> No.16326048

A spirit of death who ferries you across a river for money and will boot you over into the bottomless river Styx if you are broke.

Komachi from 2hu basically.

>> No.16326050
Quoted by: >>16326059

>will boot you over into the bottomless river Styx if you are broke
I don't have much money but I'm rich of heart. Does that count?

>> No.16326051
Quoted by: >>16326057

Why does it matter if the Styx is bottomless if you know how to swim?

>> No.16326052
Quoted by: >>16326061

I want to do lewd things with Dorome's hands on a daily basis.
Gnome's hands as well

>> No.16326053


>> No.16326055
Quoted by: >>16326063

>The joke is that when you posted about this story for the first time I said "Looks like Christmas came early this year".
What, when I mentioned it two or so weeks before I posted the first bit? Sorry anon, my memory is like a siev

>> No.16326057

I imagine it either cannot be swam through or is full of angry dinosaurs tired of the eternal punnery.

>> No.16326059

Only if you're an indian.

>> No.16326061

Gnome and Dorome hands are wonderful.
I want a Gnome and a Dorome to touch me all over with their earthen hands.

>> No.16326063
Quoted by: >>16326081

Yes, when you first mentioned it, not when you first posted the update. Don't worry about it, I'm unfunny and irrelevant.

>> No.16326072
Quoted by: >>16326080

>What the hell IS Charon anyway?
Charon is the Ferry[wo]man of the Dead, tasked with transporting the recently deceased to the Underworld where they will live out eternity in whatever condition afforded to them by how they lived their life.

A Deity, yes, but given that a common depiction of Charon is a cloaked, skeletal, Grim Reaper-like Psychopomp, classing the MG version popularized by .less as "Undead" wouldn't be altogether incorrect.

>> No.16326073

Hobgoblin liches.

>> No.16326080

We really need a picture of Charon, Death, Komachi, and a Valkyrie playing cards together.

>> No.16326081
Quoted by: >>16326095

Are you the one who was gonna write that ochimusha story?

>> No.16326082
Quoted by: >>16326111

Vanilla Werecat and Werewolf
Lava Golem

>> No.16326095

No, sorry.

>> No.16326111

Lava golems are a good one. They are very cute and hot.

>> No.16326113
Quoted by: >>16326117

Where are all the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Dakis? And why aren't there more of them?

>> No.16326117

I don't know. There is quite abit of Daki art out there. So making a custom one wouldn't be hard.

>> No.16326124

A few, but if they're gonna get some shit one I'd rather not get any at all.

>> No.16326136
Quoted by: >>16326158

That was a nice insight into how busty cadavers celebrate Christmas, and I look forward to more.

>> No.16326147

Still too cold. You guys up for MGK post College edition?
You're Jimmy MD, a manchild with a Phd in pie crusts and who avoided crippling college and medschool debt by joining the military for 2 years.

Do you go to the local bar with Ophy to help her get away from her younger sisters?
Do you visit Anubis during her lunch break at her construction job?
Do you see if Wurm's attempt at becoming a lawyer paid off?
Do you get Lich and Elf-Wight's advice on removing a hamster from a Succubus who keeps doing the same thing every Thursday and never learns?
Do you kick back and watch classic anime with Ushi Onim
Do you kick back and watch Jumanji with Mantis?
Do you visit Wock's accounting firm and see how she is doing?
Do you relax in Ryu's enormous pool with crybaby Wyvern while teaching the latter to swim?
Do you visit the Dragoncs Bakery and greet the new and owners?
Do you ask Junko if alcohol and being ickled 24/7 with it is the real reason she hasn't aged a day?
Or do you crawl into a pot of coffee because you haven't slept in 4 days and had to get a Wurm unstuck from a can of pringles and cookie jar earlier?

>> No.16326152


>> No.16326157

So many fuckups.

>> No.16326158

Glad you enjoyed it. Hope I can get the rest out sooner rather than later.

>> No.16326171
Quoted by: >>16326186

Is the Wurm who was stuck in the Pringles/cookies also the same Wurm who tried to become a lawyer?
This must be researched further. She sounds like a Lionel Hutz -type.

>> No.16326175

Those girls are cute as always. Love this slice of life stuff.

Lily the best.

>> No.16326181

Invite the dragon to swim of course. Oh man, imagine her on a swimsuit, my pants can't contain my rage.

>> No.16326186
Quoted by: >>16326195

Completely different.
Wurm was stuck in a revolving door last week.

>> No.16326195
Quoted by: >>16326237

Wurm? Wurm. But which Wurm? Wurm. Marklar!

>> No.16326203

>Do you get Lich and Elf-Wight's advice on removing a hamster from a Succubus who keeps doing the same thing every Thursday and never learns?
Sure. But let's be nice to the succubus. one day she'll learn.

>> No.16326217

Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks, Gerbil King!

>> No.16326230

Wock accounting firm! I wanna see how she turned out. She's probably much older now though.

>> No.16326235

I wanna get a double handjob from a Gnome and a Dorome!
Have them hold hands with my penis in the middle!
Earthen handpussy is the best!

>> No.16326237
Quoted by: >>16326244

That Wurm.
No, not that Wurm. That Wurm!

>> No.16326240

Not unless she's doing it on purpse to have an excuse to visit the hospital and flirt with doctors.

>> No.16326242

You can still fall in love with 3D human girls, and then watch as they use it to completely you as a person (whether intentionally or not).

>> No.16326244
Quoted by: >>16326248

Ah yes, Wurm 5318008.

>> No.16326248
Quoted by: >>16326255

Sounds like a Krieger name.

>> No.16326250

Going to visit that Anubis! She sounds cute.

And if I ever get into a work related injury. I want my lawyer to be Wurm-chan.

>> No.16326255

She's a good, buxom Wurm. It's why she keeps getting stuck. Compare her to Wurm-24601 who keeps getting into legal trouble and thinks she's a lawyer because she knows everyone at the courthouse so well.

>> No.16326271

I wonder if it's wrong to mollest a Wurm who is stuck?

>> No.16326273

I want a jury full of Wurms in smart suits

>> No.16326278
Quoted by: >>16326296

Depends. Does molesting her help her connect with her inner mole and burrow to freedom?

>> No.16326282

Short answer: yes.

>> No.16326295

>wrong to molest a Wurm?
What? No.

>> No.16326296
Quoted by: >>16326305

Letcs say "yes".

>> No.16326305
Quoted by: >>16326308

If the answer is yes, then the answer is no.

>> No.16326308

What if I say "no" but give her a cookie afterwards?

>> No.16326314
Quoted by: >>16326364

You drive a hard bargain.

>> No.16326353

>bargaining cookies

Cookies are only worth 5 brownie points with Wurms. I say offer Jam doughnuts from the Dragon Bakery

>> No.16326364

Is there such a thing as soft bargain?
Will Wurms decline certain brands of cookies?

>> No.16326369
Quoted by: >>16326373

But normal Liches are already capable of being good titcows.

>> No.16326373

Yes please.
Normal Liches aren't clumsy or have a gang of zombie goblins that follow them.

>> No.16326397

I don't know. Why is it called a hard bargain if there's no easy or soft bargain?

>> No.16326404

How big can Holsts get?
A soft bargain is given out by soft Tanukis.

>> No.16326413


>> No.16326428
Quoted by: >>16326435

>How big can Holsts get?
7ft. with fuckhuge well proportioned tits.

>> No.16326431

>No cute Apophis childhood friend to snuggle up with every night.
>You'll never convince her that she doesn't need to conquer the Pharaoh's kingdom as long as she has you.
>She'll never strike up a friendly rivalry with the Pharaoh instead.

>> No.16326435

I was talking about her breasts.

>> No.16326454

Bigger than your head.

>> No.16326462
Quoted by: >>16326509

>Basically, I leave it to your imagination. It can be bigger than being drawn in the picture of MGE, but can't be bigger than her body itself!

>> No.16326509
Quoted by: >>16326520

I-cup Holstaurs here I come.

>> No.16326520
Quoted by: >>16326525

Ever heard of the legendary Z-jar?

>> No.16326525
Quoted by: >>16326565

Tell me more.

>> No.16326565

It's a unique size that a chosen holst has. Her milk can grant any wish if you drink it and it's said that if you try to tip her, she doesn't even flinch.

>> No.16326580
Quoted by: >>16326606

Christmas cake idols

>> No.16326598
Quoted by: >>16326622

Shit, I forgot about my fairy doodle that I started months ago.
At least Inep is now no longer left hanging.
Icll post her next thread. For now I need suggestions on what to make a lolipophis do.

>> No.16326605

>Her power as a lewd monster (what is usually referred to as "inma" in the translations) is greater
Good. He even gave examples of what she can do with her power, KC is really working hard on his writing recently

>Originally, I was going to call her "Mudman" (マッドマン), but that just sounded too much like "Madman" instead of instantly conveying the idea of mud.
I'd go mad for a mudman

>The dark part of her mud is hardened, and unlike the soft surrounding mud, it has some firmness and resistance to it. The part under her chest is solidified in a way that suggests something like a corset, emphasizing her breasts, and also representing the thickness of mud.
That's what I was most curious about, I know KC isn't all that into anatomy but a lot of people are

>The crystal on her chest isn't a core, but more just demonic energy in a crystallized form. It kind of seems like an earth magic stone? (Of lower purity)
I was curious about this too, I wonder if some Doromes would gift their crystal to ask a man marriage

Glad he cleared that up too

Oh man, it's crazy to see how far KC has gone in just 6 or 7 years, maybe the saying that it takes 8 years to master something is true

As usual thanks for posting this stuff, Chief God bless you

>> No.16326606
Quoted by: >>16326612

Lich idols.

>> No.16326610
Quoted by: >>16326777

>It's a unique size that a chosen holst has. Her milk can grant any wish if you drink it and it's said that if you try to tip her, she doesn't even flinch.
I'd ask for the ability to impregnate her with a single spurt of cum.

>> No.16326611
Quoted by: >>16326777

I know just what I'd wish for.

>> No.16326612

I like that.

She'd have peppy music and a love song going while she sings in monotone.

>> No.16326622

Be a good girl and be nice to everybody instead of trying to mindbreak them into sluts.

>> No.16326636
Quoted by: >>16326657

So being bffs with an Anubis and doing kid things like killing bugs with a magnifying glass?

>> No.16326640
Quoted by: >>16326777

>Can grant any wish

She has made a grave mistake, although I will marry her.

>> No.16326646

I like the idea of being an Apophis' childhood friend and reverse corrupting her.
Just imagine how confused a Pharaoh would be seeing an Apophis happily living in her kingdom with no aspirations of conquering it.

>> No.16326657

Yes, bullying Khepri is ok.
Reverse corruption/purification a best.

>> No.16326658

I'd prefer corrupting her into a cuddleslut and make everyone in public uncomfortable as we hug nonstop.

>> No.16326661
Quoted by: >>16326703

>bullying Khepri
I had those bugs with human heads on the mind, but bullying Khepri is fine too.

>> No.16326703

I'd like to stop you anons right there. First off. Never bully insect girls or Khepris. Secondly, Anubis is too innocent and pure to ever hurt anything. Especially a fellow desert girl. Thirdly. Don't bully bugs with magnifying glasses and burning them.

>> No.16326709

I'll bully those brass bugs as I see fit.
And Anubis is quite whip happy I bet.

>> No.16326719
Quoted by: >>16326727

Great, now I'm imagining a Kuudere Anubis who has a secret sadistic streak.
Do you know how hard the idea of her going full lewd while tying me up and dominating me is getting me?

>> No.16326720

Anon of course they're not going to burn the poor girls, just draw funny shapes and give the Khepris weird tanlines while they sleep.

>> No.16326724
Quoted by: >>16326734

No you will not. Anon I have bully rangers on speed dial and if I ever see you burning a Khepri or bullying them I will not hesitate to call them. And leave Anubi out of this!

>> No.16326727
Quoted by: >>16326743

Is she riding your dick in cowgirl position while commanding you to move in between whips?

>> No.16326734
Quoted by: >>16326744

You have a bunch of masked full grown adults on speed dial?
I don't want my Anupup around you.

>> No.16326743

Yes, but instead of a whip it's her claws and love bites.

>> No.16326744

Yes. They protect MGs from bullies like you! So this is a warning.

>> No.16326766

What would you do if you were a teacher tasked to make peace between an Apophis delinquent and the Pharaoh student council president?

>> No.16326772

Befriend both of them and get between them when they're trying to fight.

>> No.16326773
Quoted by: >>16326787

Teachers cant do anything anything against the student council in anime

>> No.16326777
Quoted by: >>16326790

Be careful if you're planning to marry her though. Many treasure hunters seek the divine cow and will probably try to steal her away.
Be sure to protect wonder cow.

>> No.16326779

Colored naked apron oppai devil.

>> No.16326783
Quoted by: >>16326787

The same thing any hentai teacher would do, rape them both.

>> No.16326784
Quoted by: >>16326798

That apron has a built in paizuri hole, this is way too lewd.

>> No.16326787
Quoted by: >>16326793

Befriend or "befriend"?

Well yeah, she's the one running the school but as long as you're not asking her to do things she is against she'll accept out of respect for her teacher

You'll only make things worst, they'll spend so much time fighting over you

>> No.16326788
Quoted by: >>16326824

Oh wait, you said If I was a teacher.
Then set up the Apophis with the shy boy at the back of the class and the Pharaoh with her vice president.

>> No.16326790
Quoted by: >>16326806

Of course I would
Is it one wish per drink or one wish period?

>> No.16326789
Quoted by: >>16326824

I only know one way, and that's paired bondage.

>> No.16326793
Quoted by: >>16326824

Then I'll rape them some more until they stop fighting and start working together.

>> No.16326798
Quoted by: >>16326800

Which is among the many reasons the Devil is the best lolifu.

>> No.16326800

why the*

>> No.16326806
Quoted by: >>16326821

It's one wish per miracle milk. Miracle milk is like a chiken's golden egg, it takes some time to show up but it's easy to notice when it's available because her nipples will get really hard and sensitive.
If you settle down with her, she will go rape mode and force you to drink it.

>> No.16326807

bestest of the devilest.

>> No.16326813

Funny. Im not into loli's that much but seeing these pictures makes me want her to call me names and tease me

>> No.16326821
Quoted by: >>16326838

Well, I'll settle down for sure, although I do hope she's prepared for things to get weird.

Not world shattering weird but a kind of lewd weird.

>> No.16326824
Quoted by: >>16326835

One of the best lolis and overall a great girl, she finally received the attention she deserves

I didn't think about this, they won't have time to fight each other if they're busy loving their boyfriends

Way too lewd and I'll have you know only the masters of bondage who trained in the tallest mountains of Zipangu can properly tie up a snake

>Apophis and Pharaoh working together to defeat the dick
Their combined power might be enough

>> No.16326835
Quoted by: >>16326846

Man, fuck these new thin dotted lines.

>> No.16326838
Quoted by: >>16326852

She knows that with great tits comes great responsibility, so she won't be marrying you if you have anything bad in mind. She is completely open for lewd and love though. Go for it, Anon.

>> No.16326844

I need to see Gray Slimes and Gelatinous cubes.

>> No.16326846

Blame Hiro and /qa/

>> No.16326852

Well, I hope she's prepared for a minimum of two kids per pregnancy, a modest boost in fertility to put her on par with normal humans, extra muscle on her, a bit bigger proportions, and THICK

>> No.16326856

Bad news from the front Anon!

It appears the 2017 portal leading to our world is coming from the Hoof Pussy Planet!

They're taking human boy "sacrifices" to power the portal back to their home as well.

What do we do!?

>> No.16326860

Settle down now anon, Its always been my claim that we are one year off.

2018 soon lads.

>> No.16326868

Proofreading is gonna make me drop writefagging altogether one day

>> No.16326873

never been down with the 'ol HP, but If I had too, maybe a Nightmare? or Otohime if seahorses count.
