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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.46 MB, 1200x675, 1607059184802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26211115 No.26211115 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>26201929

>Flare/Spark Tutorial:

Flare Finance Intro:


>SEC Lawsuit


>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance Source Code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Insiders Threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance]

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
***Do not use Droplet wallet - it's a scam***

>> No.26211257
Quoted by: >>26211463

context on picture: it was posted in /xsg/ and as far as i can tell it's OC. anybody know the source on it? i don't think it's been posted anywhere outside of /xsg/ which begs the question...who posted it? and is that the castle from the cartoon bear riddle posts?

>> No.26211288
Quoted by: >>26211387

Ausfags with 240 xrp here

>> No.26211370
File: 582 KB, 1242x909, 1606203896719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flip it

>> No.26211387
File: 54 KB, 1024x687, 1603549199171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211550


Enjoy your $480,000

>> No.26211390
File: 152 KB, 1257x1080, PicsArt_01-19-05.16.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from previous, I'm interested to hear real talk from anons.
What will you do when it moons, frens? I really don't think it will change the way I behave much. I don't want for luxury. I've been fixing up a cottage on the coast the last few years, but I'm getting pressure to sell it just as I'm nearing the finish line. Mooning would let me keep it, buy another house near my family, fix up the family camp, and clear debts. Other than that, I don't know what I'd do. Hike a lot more in my free time. Raise my daughter well. Maybe reinvest in my hometown. Once I clear that debt and real estate stuff, I'd happily live on 100-150k from interest. Really don't want it to change me too much.

>> No.26211397
File: 15 KB, 360x209, 20210118_155007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26211444
File: 80 KB, 900x506, dungeness-crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we flip DOT already??

>> No.26211460
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>> No.26211463


>> No.26211510

digits confirm we'll be back to #4 in a few minutes

>> No.26211550
Quoted by: >>26211677

Don’t cocktease me like. Oh god please.

>> No.26211549

1. The belief in a permanent personality / ego. (sakkāya-diṭṭhi)

This first one is one of the most difficult and also the one that most of us in Western society suffer from. In fact, our whole system of finance is based on this ego centric way of viewing the world and is perhaps one of the main reasons we have reached this advanced stage of environmental collapse. If we act in a very ego-centric way we fail to recognize that we are connected to everyone else and all of creation. When we don’t see ourselves in others we can become selfish and that leads to suffering.

2. Doubt / extreme skepticism. (vicikicchā)

Doubt is very common in Western thought mostly as it pertains to scientific materialism but it can also mean personal doubt on your own spiritual path because maybe you are not progressing as fast as you would like. This can lead you to abandon your spiritual practice all together for a life of cheap thrills and gadgets that occupy your attention every waking moment in an attempt to fill the emptiness with distraction.

3. Clinging to rites, rituals, and ceremonies. (sīlabbata-parāmāso)

As we see in many of the organized religions of today, the practice of rites, rituals, and ceremonies is often an empty and useless endeavor. How many Christians that attend mass every Sunday and receive Jesus in the form of a circular wafer leave the church and continue to do things that Jesus Christ himself would find utterly appalling? How many weddings have you attended that end in bitter and ugly divorces where lives are ruined and children embittered? There is no solace in empty rites, rituals, and ceremonies.

>> No.26211570

word thanks

>> No.26211576
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>> No.26211614
Quoted by: >>26213924

4. Attachment to sense desires. (kāmacchando)

This one is often difficult to explain to spiritual seekers who are just starting out and even more difficult for advanced individuals to maintain. An attachment to our sense desires means that we are a prisoner of our human vessel. Addicts in particular experience this because they are in constant need of another fix to satisfy the cravings. However this is not limited to just addicts. We see this all across the board, not just with drinking and drugs, but with food cravings, internet and smart phone compulsions, pornography, and the constant need for entertainment. This does not mean we should become a recluse who lives a totally ascetic life. On the contrary, an enlightened individual enjoys many things but simply remains unattached to their pleasures by recognizing it in the moment with the realization that it is impermanent and not something to cling to. By the same token, when something unpleasant arises, an enlightened individual does not push it away or avert it. The term for this state of being is equanimity and is said to be the state of true happiness.

5. Ill-will / anger. (vyāpādo or byāpādo)

Anger and the wishing of harm to another are mental impurities that should be eradicated from the mind. In addition, your thoughts have tremendous power upon the physical realm, so just imagine the repercussions negative thoughts can have for yourself and others. If you cannot control your anger you are basically saying that you have no control over yourself and without proper self control you cannot embark on the path towards inner light.

>> No.26211624

I hope so because XRP has built support at .30 cents and the halting will force people to take action now. 30 minutes left. lets see...

>> No.26211631

Can ripple flip PA?

>> No.26211638
Quoted by: >>26213924

6. Craving for existence or existence in the Form World. (rūparāgo)

This one highlights the tremendous problem of craving. Again, it’s difficult for individuals that are new to the path to understand the idea of releasing yourself from wanting to be a part of the physical world and to engage in the circus of life. However, it’s inevitable that an enlightened person comes to the realization that any attachment to the sense world is ultimately going to bring misery of some form.

7. Craving for non-existence or existence in the Formless World. (arūparāgo)

This one highlights another troubling problem that has to do with a craving towards actual spiritual enlightenment and to an incarnation in some heavenly afterlife and all the pleasures contained in realms of this nature. This is especially challenging and certainly something that I admittedly struggle with a lot. An escape from the shackles of material existence can seem incredibly appealing to a spiritual seeker but can ultimately lead you in the wrong direction.

8. Conceit. (māna)

You might think that you would find this one higher on the list but this one can be quite tricky. The idea of superiority especially in matters spiritual is a hindrance that can arise in even the most spiritually advanced and is something to be on guard for. Try to remember that we are each at our own level of spiritual understanding and are advancing at the rate that is best for each of us. No spirit is left behind. We will all make it. Someday.

>> No.26211652

one thing i struggle with is reconciling the Buddhist belief in reincarnation of an immortal soul with the understanding of the illusory nature of the self. if individual soul-identity doesn't exist, then what is getting reincarnated as a result of karma?

>> No.26211664

Yeah at this point im pretty sure David is the BG123 Guy

>> No.26211670
File: 211 KB, 2518x1024, 1608770237614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213924

9. Restlessness. (uddhacca)

Another one I struggle with in the sense that I tend to do things to the extreme. It’s best to follow the middle path, like Socrates said, “In all things, not too much” applies here. We are to cultivate patience. We mustn’t be lazy and apathetic but also we shouldn’t be striving towards enlightenment with reckless abandon in a puritanical way either.

10. Ignorance. (avijjā)

The final hindrance is that of Ignorance and it encompasses all the others. It’s the ignorance of the true nature of reality itself, which includes no permanent self, suffering, and the Law of Impermanence. In order to eradicate this one you must experience reality at the deepest level. Mystics of all practices regard this as the Universal Truth and is the key to experiencing true Enlightenment.

>> No.26211677
Quoted by: >>26212584

It’s quantum reality fren. Some of us are already living in the XRP 2k timeline. YGMI fren.

>> No.26211687
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215898

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Putting the financial system of the world on the blockchain is the ultimate control tool.
It allows for one world financial system. One world government is coming and so is one world religion.
You by no means should trust it, this is the end game for the world and it will occur.
I have seen things with my own two eyes you would not believe. This is beyond XRP and getting some money.
This is biblical and the scriptures cannot be broken. WW3 is around the corner. Famine, pestilence.
The coronavirus will be worse than you could possibly imagine, but first they will say it is "safe" and things will go
back to normal for a short while during the warm months.
A man will rise up claiming to be the God of all the religions of mankind.
He will be killed, head wound.
He will resurrect.
That is when it truly starts to hurt the world.
I suggest you all get saved before this happens.-UHNWI

>> No.26211692

Boys reminder to put ur shit into a wallet. Also to add:
>anyone confident that trump pulls it off tomorrow or wins it all

>> No.26211710
Quoted by: >>26211821

If we moon this shit is so funny you can't even make this up. They fell for the FUD.

>> No.26211752
Quoted by: >>26211869

Whats this countdown all about?

>> No.26211797

Best case is the military theory. They arrest people tomorrow, take over, unveil fraud, Trump takes over again in March. Trump will not be president as of noon tomorrow, no matter what. I just don't see that path.

>> No.26211821

Crypto hates biz so it'll be 5$ eow

>> No.26211856
File: 471 KB, 1920x1356, xrpee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder we're going to make it

>> No.26211869

Some exchanges will be halting the buying of XRP (selling and trading still on table I think). Today, Coinbase will halt XRP at 10 AM PST.

>> No.26211923
File: 598 KB, 750x858, STANDARD2KISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon squadron to the launch pad

all personnel please report to the launch pad

>> No.26212005
File: 62 KB, 640x613, D6C902F3-0263-4808-B48F-885DE3649C5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 6k xrp I left on coinbase due to the snapshot. Is there any downside to just leaving it sit on there? I have no plans on selling any time soon.

>> No.26212061

i think i'm retarded
i don't understand how to deposit money into kraken
all of the options just give me bank info and i have no idea what i'm suppose to do with that

>> No.26212072

Daily reminder that Gatehub will continue to trade Zerpees.

>> No.26212099

dont think so, but put it in the xrp vault (coinbase) and turn on address book whitelisting (coinbase pro)

>> No.26212130
Quoted by: >>26212482

>Is there any downside to just leaving it sit on there?
It's like leaving your car door unlocked in a nice neighborhood imo. You can and you'll probably be fine BUT you should lock your door. Put that shit in a wallet

>> No.26212149

Can someone spoonfeed me why Trump winning could benefit XRP? I don't see the connection here.
I thought Trump hated cryptos

Isn't xRP a threat to the dominance of USD ??

>> No.26212176
File: 210 KB, 596x615, flip the switch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WTf is with all the Mr. Pool drops suddenly..wtf is he trying to tell us...

>> No.26212210

It'll be safer to put your XRP in a cold wallet (offline) but honestly, you really think the exchanges will let go of XRP because they didn't take pre-cautions and exercise risk management? WAGMI stay positive!

>> No.26212220

Who is Mr. Pool and what does his drop have anything to do with XRP ?

>> No.26212248

The logical case would be that the deep state is financed by central bankers, and moving to a new system starves both of their funds. Not saying XRP will be independent of central banks, but it could be.

>> No.26212260
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>> No.26212318
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>> No.26212341
File: 171 KB, 900x540, tothemoonkopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T minus 13 minutes


>> No.26212354

Trump doesn't want the federal reserve to have control of the money. Trump doesn't want any one individual worldwide to control more than half of the money. XRP using DLT will force central banks to give in and share their power or die. 48 out of the top 50 central banks are all in on XRP for a reason, they want to survive. the IMF will make sure to then remove the federal reserve and that will make taxes go away (keep only state taxes) and give back control to the people at least financial control.

>> No.26212378
File: 69 KB, 482x512, unnamed (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want everyone in BTC before flipping to xrp

>> No.26212392


What happens in 13 min?!

>> No.26212433
Quoted by: >>26212539

xrp goes to 0

>> No.26212434
Quoted by: >>26214443

thats not happening - Brad already said they were offered to settle out and they declined because they've been preparing for this for ages. Probably wont hear any news until the end of the month

>> No.26212441

We're going to be either bright green or bright red
Either way, what a ride

>> No.26212454
Quoted by: >>26216141

Xrp 2k soon

>> No.26212482
Quoted by: >>26212685

Would you recommend xumm? Unfortunately I’m going to have to go with a hot wallet at this point in time.

>> No.26212483

may be an insider or a member of ripple. his drops are related to what's happening or will happen. mr pool also posted trump smiling and people opening christmas presents. chinese calendar still in 2020. chistmas is like feb 6. sty ready

>> No.26212490
Quoted by: >>26213026

When does delisting happen i want to buy more today but i havent deposited in my bank yet im currently on my way to grab my neetbux

>> No.26212499

burger maxis wont be able to buy the standard

>> No.26212502

How does 2k eoy sound?

>> No.26212503

Trading machine ceases going brrrrr

>> No.26212515
File: 3.58 MB, 446x512, 1608327243791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215099


>> No.26212519

XRP gets taken off Coinbase

>> No.26212532
File: 493 KB, 2240x1080, Screenshot_20210119_180119_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 1400xrp frens

>> No.26212539

>xrp goes to 0
Lol, no. Just because Coinbase delists doesn't mean it goes to 0. It barely moved when Binance US or other exchanges pulled the plug.

>> No.26212559


>> No.26212584
File: 206 KB, 554x554, biz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26212594
Quoted by: >>26212800

I theorize the military claim as well. I am just worrisome due to the thousands of troops for a virtual "legit" election. To add, they dont need checkmate private security to do risk assesments and install fortifications for a normal election.

>> No.26212610
File: 145 KB, 670x424, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

42k xrp, yeah, im thinking im stacked and comfy pilled as a wagie

>> No.26212615
Quoted by: >>26212858

I bet they've been downloading furfree porn again

>> No.26212654

comfy thread
theme song on loop
xrp up-trend on loop
green flashes on loop

>> No.26212685

I'm not as schizo as the other schizos and I think hot wallets are fine as long as you can only get into them with a code texted to your phone. I can't recommend xumm cause I don't use it but tons of anons here swear by it and if it's got the 2 factor authorization I'd say go for it

>> No.26212698

is coinbase delisting worldwide or just US customers

>> No.26212723
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, is this it?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely need to creampie at least 2 thai hookers per day or I will burst. It is a medical cundishn. Only with the switch flip can I achieve this - please kek endow me with your blessings!

>> No.26212733
Quoted by: >>26212778

just us Americans customers

>> No.26212737
Quoted by: >>26212778

Just US
Worldwide thinks xRP is currency not a security

>> No.26212756
File: 151 KB, 1174x952, cali going dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys... this was 140k 3 hours ago...
213K people have no electrons flowing through their electronics bruhs

coinbase halting

>> No.26212778
Quoted by: >>26212804

its coinbase worldwide you fucking mongs >>26212737

>> No.26212800
Quoted by: >>26212887

The biggest tell I've seen is that the barbed wire is on the inside of the fence.

Worldwide. They seem to be the only one doing that. Others are just US only.

>> No.26212802
File: 8 KB, 264x191, 0002512d7e63c6cef282f7a2f727a965b4ab18b613c50079323c9619c7a470e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26212804

I'm dowwy

>> No.26212806
File: 144 KB, 596x594, countdown oo--oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26212820

30 secs

>> No.26212832

just US and that's so they can ipo
even if the sec crucifies ripple the company, xrp the asset will still be valuable in this space

from my understanding. worst case scenario is sec fines ripple a ton, and makes them fill out a form D to sell securities to accredited investors and the show goes on and on. but now with regulatory clarity

eth just hit ATH, the rotation has begun. don't forget xrp's last bull run. it went to absolute dogshit before outperforming everything else

>> No.26212837
Quoted by: >>26212933

Are Thai hookers good?

>> No.26212858

Mfw Berenstein universe

>> No.26212864

Nothing ever happens

>> No.26212887
Quoted by: >>26213294

>barbed wire is on the inside
Based on the pictures i've seen you can't confirm that the barbed wire is on the inside. It looks to me that they were on the outside.

>> No.26212921

PG&E is connected to the Rothschilds

99% chance it's yet another nothing burger and once again it is not happening. kinda crunch time for the Q crowd isn't it? The Plan 1776 WWG1WGA is running out of time to Happen.

not gonna lie i'm rooting for Trump to pull off the coup/junta and depose the Cabal etc etc but to be honest i worry about the people who are completely invested in the Q mythos/ARG, here in /xsg/ and elsewhere- it's got to be jarring to have your worldview proven to have been based on falsehood and manipulation and i don't doubt that it might break some people mentally. but what if...

>> No.26212933
Quoted by: >>26215682

They give a good girlfriend experience, so you feel like you are having sex with a normal girl like an absolute chad. I also like slim petit girls and have yellow fever so they are perfect for me.

>> No.26212950
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>> No.26212964
File: 210 KB, 2288x1394, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213064

Coinbase what?
The crab always wins.

>> No.26212967

Sorry, been slacking off for a while, why has Mr pool archive been banned from twitter?

>> No.26212979

Better than 1399!

>> No.26213026
Quoted by: >>26213070

2 minutes ago. but you could theoretically buy BTC/USDT/ETH/Whatever and send it to Kraken, they are still trading until the 29th, and I think Uphold is continuing to sell XRP indefinitely

>> No.26213035

>not having 1488
anon i....

>> No.26213051
Quoted by: >>26213114

New name @prx113

>> No.26213064

He snibs therefore he snabs
He snabs therefore he snibs
He knows the secret of all things

>> No.26213070

Binance is also not delisting or?

>> No.26213079

started tweeting CP and gay porn featuring a diminuitive, schizophrenic Mercedes salesman from Toronto

>> No.26213096
Quoted by: >>26213122

what does this mean

>> No.26213101

maybe the trump pictures and riddle-esque nature made twitter think it was Q shit

>> No.26213112

Seems trading just ceased

>> No.26213114

Thank you

>> No.26213122

That he’s a nigger

>> No.26213134
File: 124 KB, 1722x629, xrp coinbase halting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Inform yourselves guys

>> No.26213139
File: 848 KB, 1280x720, 1611019206656.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213184

i think they delisted it a few weeks ago? the US version anyway. international should still be good

apparently you can also buy/sell it using the XRPL/dex and XUMM using Bitstamp but i am too tech illiterate to figure it out (pic related)

>> No.26213140

coinbase halt is now official
no more volume going through

>> No.26213154

Adios Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
America now belongs to mehicanos

>> No.26213184
Quoted by: >>26213252

Isn't this video a thread killer?

>> No.26213193
File: 98 KB, 1328x360, 1611015426796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213294

whoops sorry that was the wrong picture, it was a picture of a TR3B anti-gravity black project vehicle transiting across jupiter, here are the instructions for trading XRP using XUMM and the XRPL Decentralized Exchange, my mistake

>> No.26213225

What defi platforms do you prefer? Can you suggest any worthy?

>> No.26213252
File: 99 KB, 640x289, 1610880792674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213352

guess we'll find out but yesterday the Q Shaman guy thread I got it from was allowed to go to the bump limit i think

>> No.26213253

wezza going with flaaaaaaare amigo

>> No.26213265
File: 43 KB, 649x670, xrp at coibase halt 10 am pst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase effect on XRP at 10 AM PST
updating in 1 hour or next thread

>> No.26213284
File: 436 KB, 1400x933, 024029200000_01_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding steady at .30
It's always been crabs

>> No.26213291
File: 96 KB, 1160x412, 1611079454420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213386

we can't let him get the nuclear codes

>> No.26213294
Quoted by: >>26213526

Yeah I could swore I saw a pic this morning where it clearly was, but in looking I've found others where it was pretty clearly on the outside.

Yeah, been trying to test it, but I can't get ACH to work with Bitstamp. I do see the places in Bitstamp where you can send/receive USD and BTC to the XRP ledger.

>> No.26213330
File: 239 KB, 638x826, royal-family-asset-settlements-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213949

sorry fren i am saving myself for Flare Finance, letting the anticipation build is part of the fun. consummating my relationship with DeFi on the night of Flare Finance's release will be a euphoric experience

>> No.26213344

threadly reminder that weighted dips, weighted pull ups, and high volume bodyweight squats are enough to turn you into a chiseled chad and can be done in a small space at home. The jew fears the simple routine following lifter.

>> No.26213352

As long as I get a qt alien gf, I'll be happy

>> No.26213386

>tfw took /xsg/'s advice and dumped my bitcoin on xrp

based be the fellow who told me about the iran thing

>> No.26213403

So a month of crabbing now?

>> No.26213446
Quoted by: >>26213505

no, a month of pain watching how xrp goes to 0 and never recover

>> No.26213452

I stay at home with my 4 kids. This latest one is just insane and needs to be held constantly. Over the past 5 months i have shed about 32ish LBS and gotten extremely toned. Something that drained my soul turned into a learning experience, cut out most of the junk food from there!

>> No.26213479

Every worldwide market is up for grabs if anything happens tomorrow. But assuming nothing does, well, who the hell knows?

>> No.26213505

Thanks for the input, i should sell right now!

>> No.26213526
File: 76 KB, 1080x762, Ep4QtppW4AI4_KW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm so if I funded my Kraken or Coinbase account with USD then sent it to Bitstamp, then I would be able to buy XRP through Xumm?

bonus pic of the famous UFO that shut down o'hare in 2006

>> No.26213591
Quoted by: >>26213769

If you send me money or btc etc I can buy xrp on coinjar

>> No.26213594
File: 339 KB, 1563x1113, 1552759413491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213769

Oh god im...crabbiiiiiiiiiiiing

>> No.26213605

we will have movement soon...

but REAL standard will come after it all goes to hell

the more you listen to covid reinfections, the more bullish its going to be for xrp

remember pals
in 1971, nixon changed the economy to gold-backed, to "faith-backed", so as long as people had faith in the stability of the us economy, the dollar can continue to go on as usual

so the only way to break this and the world adopt a new standard is if faith in the US goes to irredemeable levels

im sorry, where's the news of the virus again?
an economic crash soon?

the burning of the phoenix is within months

>> No.26213673
File: 9 KB, 354x283, 3EZxCCb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213902

the greys/hybrids don't look very qt and i don't think i'd be into bugs or reptiles but maybe a stacked robotic ginger Amazon catgirl like in the Villas-Boas would be cool


my greatest wish is to meet the Galactic Federation and/or act as an ambassador to another planet, i think that'd be so cool

>> No.26213742
Quoted by: >>26213860

Shane Ellis Theory
Cause a liquidity crisis which results in having to increase the price of an asset in order to liquidate transactions or something like that.
Anybody know more on the subject?

>> No.26213759

Ive seen enough. Show us your room/desk etc!!!

>> No.26213769
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1607190305733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213869

sure fren i will send you $10k right away, but first can you post your address and a picture of your ID please?

when you think about it, crabbing is actually pretty good considering the biggest source of retail investment in the US just got cut off

>> No.26213785

Yes, once you "sign" that you trust Bitstamp on the XUMM app (Other Assets section). But there will be transfer fees. Best to try ACH directly to Bitstamp, as that's free. I don't think everyone has the same issue I'm having.

>> No.26213812
Quoted by: >>26214008

The day of wrath is almost upon us

>> No.26213860

as some anon said, xrp holders are a detraction to the system
less people holding, the more liquidity there is

so increase prices to force people to sell

which is my only concern...if they offer a window of sale and you sell some but dont sell everything, how would you sell the rest?

XRP ledger method?

>> No.26213869
Quoted by: >>26214008

Honestly yeah I was expecting a huge dump. But it seems stable at .30

>> No.26213887
File: 359 KB, 1908x1146, 30410104-0-image-a-19_1593947191814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26213975

ah thank you. if i'm in a position where i'm able to buy more XRP soon i will probably do that. it also strikes me as a good idea to familiarize myself with the workings of the XRPL and Dex, which will likely come in handy in the near future when i am acting as an agent/XRP commodities trader. i imagine if things work out the way we think they might, then a whole industry will spring up around this stuff and the more we learn now, the better positioned we'll be to make a living off this stuff later

>> No.26213902
File: 102 KB, 600x800, aisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26214143

Don't take my hope away, man

>> No.26213907
File: 139 KB, 1165x949, cali going dark increase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 213K to 228k

>> No.26213924
Quoted by: >>26214026

>I'm a buddhist and my dearest wish is to not exist
never really understood the point of this "religion"

>> No.26213934 [DELETED] 

i guess this means the train has left the station. if they rule it's not a security then we'll probably be paying a lot more for it if/when coinbase lists it again. seems like there's more buying than selling at the moment.

>> No.26213949
Quoted by: >>26214143

too many fucking typos, low iq pic

>> No.26213975
Quoted by: >>26214242

Just tested out Coinbase Pro. Trying to send $25 in USDC, the proposed fee was around $3.50. Ouch.

>> No.26214008
File: 112 KB, 961x756, 1607946126924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26214184

deus irae you mean? like the music that the cartoon dog guy was posting on the clock?

bullish when you think about it. the lawsuit and delistings are priced in. which means we are probably shielded from the market corrections that are incoming when Brooks' regulations are announced and BTC takes a dump


"Treasury Sec. nominee Yellen: Cryptocurrencies are of a particular concern for money laundering and terrorists financing."

Lagarde, now Yellen? bearish for BTC (and the rest of the market besides XRP)

>> No.26214026

They are just trying to rip their way out of the karmic form they have been put into

>> No.26214030

Hasn't Commiefornia been having problems with electricity for years since they started moving away from fossil fuels and nuclear power?

>> No.26214035

Some people don't have any

>> No.26214044
Quoted by: >>26214242

Mfw I can still buy xrp

>> No.26214143
File: 901 KB, 320x240, 1607640075399.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Dex I imagine? idk

there is always hope anon

yeah to be clear I don't really believe in the whole NESARA/GESARA mythos but i think it's interesting and fun to read about

just like i don't really 100% believe that there are aliens and hybrids in this video, but the possibility is interesting, isn't it?

>> No.26214157

I have 2796 and not content with it, will prob try to get more on uphold/kraken


>> No.26214177

Yes. The blackout is a lie, just another lie from the qoomers.

>> No.26214184

>Lagarde, now Yellen? bearish for BTC (and the rest of the market besides XRP)
what about ALGO, arent you worried its actually the standard? it doesnt really make sense to have XRP as the international bridge asset if the USD is already on the ALGO blockchain

>> No.26214218
File: 49 KB, 544x499, 1538160500568_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26214528

6K stacklet reporting in ...

>> No.26214242
File: 1023 KB, 852x568, 1607061557945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26214396

checked and gloat-pilled

god I fucking hate Coinbase. i have a Uphold account, I guess I'll use that or make a Bitstamp but desu it's probably time for me to focus on other coins- really want more ALGO and Quant before the digital dollar is announced and they blow up

>> No.26214262

It's even better if they creampie you first.

>> No.26214279

to be clear, I am not a fudder, just a cautious XRP hodler. (i have 8,888.8888 XRP and ~2500 algo stacklette)

>> No.26214302
Quoted by: >>26214339

I remember hearing about the rolling blackouts going through California this summer. If I remember right they get most of their electricity from surrounding states.

>> No.26214309

yeah, sorry, i'm just sperging over using "setup" as a verb

>> No.26214339

CA leeches from the nearby States for many things.

>> No.26214361

Unfortunately, that won’t happen.

>> No.26214380
Quoted by: >>26217210

>it doesnt really make sense to have XRP as the international bridge asset if the USD is already on the ALGO blockchain

While I'm an algo hodler and fan, you should do more research on why USD is not viable as a reserve asset for a multitude of reasons. In fact, there are plenty of ways it hurts the US to have their fiat currency as a reserve asset.

The US would be much better off controlling the reserve asset under the guise of XRP, while being able to manipulate USD value for their own purposes

>> No.26214396
File: 614 KB, 1668x2388, E5CD5289-0EB4-4CAC-A6B7-B3762E36009F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26214406
File: 101 KB, 383x526, 1596439180901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26214486

wtf! i swear that video was different and waaay shorter (like 30-40 seconds instead of 1:37) when i downloaded it. that spooks the shit out of me.

hope you're right fren- if the power grid went down, a lot of people would die, and that wouldn't be good.

>> No.26214411

it went from ooxxoo to oo--oo

>> No.26214443

Fuck him, he'll make way more money settling so the price can skyrocket.
Getting fucked by both SEC and Ripple right now is maddening.

>> No.26214470
Quoted by: >>26217028

You're going to give people heart attacks posting that AUD price.

>> No.26214485

USD is both ALGO and XLM, and you need one coin to be the international settling currency

Given that XLM is a fork of XRP, it's likely either going to be XRP or a fork of XRP as all systems are already running the XRPL

though we all agree the forking of XRP is unlikely, and they'll just run the system as is

>> No.26214486
Quoted by: >>26214836

>a lot of people would die
That the thing about accelerationists and apocalypse larpers, they're shitty people precisely because they get off on the idea of scenario where millions of innocent people die.

>> No.26214506
File: 103 KB, 1348x362, 1586864497774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who'd have thought Communists couldn't keep the power on?

>> No.26214528
Quoted by: >>26214854

most people have less than 500

I think XRP will come in once every thing that needs to be connected is ready to be connected. No point in XRP going all out if there is nothing to connect.

>> No.26214575

If they wanted us out, they should have pumped the price.

I am starting to think they want us to become wealthy.

>> No.26214603

i think having the USD as part of a basket of currencies and precious metals to form a composite reserve currency is probably more likely, especially in the coming era of CBDCs



(reminder that Mark Carney, governor of Bank of England, who made the above speech that sent ripples throughout the world of finance, is a strong proponent of Ripple)


mark carney was also a leader of the G30 with Janet Yellen (!) when they endorsed XRP



>> No.26214614
Quoted by: >>26214674

My favorite California moment was the decriminalization of theft so long as the item(s) stolen were valued less than, what was it, 900USD. So you could walk into a store and walk out with 899 in merch and the police won't respond and the DA won't prosecute. Almost as funny is when, in the name of social justice, they tried to repeal the civil rights act in the latest round of elections, but they actually managed to shoot that down.

>> No.26214669
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1610897276887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more based portfolio than XRP and XMR?

>> No.26214670
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy is surfing (ripple of waves, liquidity)
>symbol of XRP on the jackets on the left
>freemanson symbol on the suferboard on the right
>girl is named April (Canada COVID memo predicts transition to UBI and economic breakdown in Q2 2020)

What else do you need? Do you need Garlinghouse come to your house in a tog and tell you you'll be rich on this day, date, and hour?

>> No.26214674
File: 459 KB, 780x676, 1607785022907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26214729


>repeal the civil rights act

wtf I love commies now. My fave is this.

>> No.26214715
Quoted by: >>26214915

I was hoping the final cataclysm would be heralded by a qt anime girl with lewds and not a cartoon doggo with a clock and a scoresheet

>> No.26214729
Quoted by: >>26214850

That's good. I'd counter that with the recent decision that decriminalized grooming so long as it was a same-sex relationship.

>> No.26214747

Weird right? I was sure the commies would get it right this time. Oh well better go to another state and try again. Surely this time it will work.

>> No.26214748

I think this will happen eventually

and yeah i'd say they want some people in
too much in the hands of too few isn't desirable as it would hamper the progress of investment in different areas/communities

but at the same time they don't want midwits/retards who would sell at the $3.95 pump

>> No.26214780

Its over

>> No.26214789
Quoted by: >>26215351

>age of Aquarius, dumping water creating ripples

>> No.26214790

newfag here. where do i go to buy XRP

>> No.26214836
File: 576 KB, 1760x2302, 1606255450602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaagh you made me check the price real quick, i thought it was Habbening

right? the whole logic of hoping for a SHTF scenario conflicts with the presumable goal of a better society, and if people are actually wanting societal collapse then it's safe to bet that they come from a privileged background where they have never actually been exposed to violence or danger. you don't see too many refugees from war zones talking about how awesome violent conflict is.

who is "us," friend? is it possible that we belong to a subset of the population who are being groomed to be influential in the coming world? possibly. by whom and for what purpose, is the question.

>> No.26214838

nowhere, dont buy, its over

>> No.26214844
Quoted by: >>26214975

38.9 CENTS

>> No.26214850
File: 45 KB, 780x800, 1591210689247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah that was pretty wild. I used to want to live in California. Visited in 2006 and it was ok,

>> No.26214854
Quoted by: >>26214987

jesus christ how poor are you people

>> No.26214856
Quoted by: >>26214897


>> No.26214897
File: 120 KB, 209x253, 1597442998422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26214915

What you need anime girls?! . I'm still working on the XSG girl.. if you want to see.. still not sure what color to make the socks...

>> No.26214953
File: 469 KB, 718x1168, 1606496015763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215011

if you are in the US, Kraken. if you are in another country google "your country name + XRP"

thank you fren, sold. going all in on BTC, i feel like it's only going up from here

>> No.26214972
File: 531 KB, 387x766, 05b3536682153ee7a925419e91a051b3935b0a7a7029469d69867ca3943cfbf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with 300 a couple weeks ago, and I have 8300 xrps now. Where do I rank in the xrp army?

>> No.26214975

That's in AUD. Sigh, I knew someone would do this

>> No.26214987

congrats you just found out the purpose of the plandemic. how do you think bankers operate? at their own benefit of course

>> No.26215010
Quoted by: >>26215288

Man this Coinbase trading halt really did nothing huh? Looks like we’re invincible going forward boys

>> No.26215011
Quoted by: >>26215130

spoonfeeding season is over faggot
get on with the times
stop bringing more into the ship, it's getting crowded

>> No.26215018
File: 94 KB, 735x754, 1597648796807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215276


Odd socks. No time for getting dressed properly when you're staring at XRP price charts for 15 hours a day. Not even a footfag.

>> No.26215050

I only like coins with an OC anime girl

>> No.26215066

>it's safe to bet that they come from a privileged background where they have never actually been exposed to violence or danger.
Exactly. So many of these faggots on here, /k/, and /pol/ who get off on the whole end of the world, oh we're all going to be persecuted, let it all burn scenarios are basement dwellers who have never had to struggle or fight for anything in their lives. I've been in combat, I've been to war, and while I'll admit it is a very particular experience and that I got something out of that experience, I don't want that shit over here. I wanted to have an adventure, so I signed up for one, got a couple, and then I came back home to where the lights work and there's ice in my drink. All these faggots that jerk their dicks to the end of everything are pathetic at best, malevolent at worst.

kek. I'm glad I got to visit NYC when it was still cool and wasn't the shithole it is now.

>> No.26215073
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1589457261084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still want to live in CA. thinking about going to CIIS for their certificate in psychedelic therapy after i get my counseling license and practice for a year or two. the weather is awesome, great outdoors stuff, beautiful women, and i'm a pinko leftist so that wouldn't be much of an issue even though the constant barrage of woke virtue signaling gets old fast

>> No.26215076

That he’s a faggot

>> No.26215099

Never stop posting this

>> No.26215130
File: 426 KB, 640x768, 1588753991674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. how are "we" all going to make it if we don't spread the word, fren?

>> No.26215132

are Qfags finally capitulating?

>> No.26215137
File: 123 KB, 474x599, 505D71F0-2960-48A8-81F2-4153E4C904A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26215179
File: 7 KB, 188x268, A1C00D6E-78EF-42AB-8598-80BBEEFA9A3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215364

Only ever bought via Coinbase Pro. Should I delete my CB account frens?

>t. 15k stack

>> No.26215197

>i still want to live in CA. thinking about going to CIIS for their certificate in psychedelic therapy after i get my counseling license and practice for a year or two. the weather is awesome, great outdoors stuff, beautiful women
Anon, there are other places with those things, lik-

>i'm a pinko leftist
Feel free to go there at any time.

No. They're still clinging to tomorrow and taking out insurance on the 22nd being the /real/ Q date.

>> No.26215215
File: 390 KB, 640x499, 1606079126564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and responsible-investment-strategy-pilled

i view the apocalypse fetishism as yet another symptom of the rot at the core of our society

>> No.26215247
File: 140 KB, 1024x684, 1595436337967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to go to the Primus new year show in California, this year was the first time in like 20+ years they didn't do one I think. Perpetually salty I'll probably never get to because some people got a cold.

>> No.26215266

I thought it was delisted but I just bought some from coinbase

>> No.26215267
File: 40 KB, 673x679, xrp at coibase halt 11 am pst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26215276
File: 280 KB, 763x839, XSGinchairbeingcomfydrinkingcoffeeNEEDSOCKCOLORS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26215288

im desperately trying to buy more lol

>> No.26215307
File: 119 KB, 1440x810, 1581119947482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26215332

I cant wait for the documentaries normies will make when we make it.


Meanwhile we will be in exquisite brapbuffet meeting

>> No.26215338

No, When tomorrow comes and goes with nothing of note happening they will try and rationalize it by saying this was all part of the plan. In 20 years when nothing is still happening it'll all be part of the plan.

>> No.26215351
File: 55 KB, 509x720, 554267243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215448

It's the age of Aqua

>> No.26215364
Quoted by: >>26215892

Does CbP allow you to take the little quizzes for free shitcoins? If so, then no. Keep it for free money. If not, then may as well toss it.

>i view the apocalypse fetishism as yet another symptom of the rot at the core of our society
It's more complicated than that, anon. There is a long history of people buying into apocalypse cults, particularly in the US. Tent revivals used to push this so hard, and it had such an outsized impact, that there was genuine concern and discussion about monitoring if not outright banning them.

I think they're fine in some respects. They're a good set piece for fiction. They're a good mental tool for thought exercises. There are people that just take it too far and get off on the idea and you see them on the boards I mentioned and this thread, unfortunately.

>> No.26215401

Absolutely, that's why, one day, I'll have slightly more money than I do today
Alien invasions may affect financial outcome

>> No.26215417

You doing great things, anon.

>> No.26215441

Oh that's quite schizo there
Keep going

>> No.26215448

when we hit 2k
i'm going to a con to find a retarded aqua cosplayer and plow her like a fertile field

>> No.26215452

they might declare XRP to be a bearer bond. holy fucking shit. imma nut so fucking hard, if it gets labeled that.

>> No.26215469
File: 926 KB, 720x720, holy XRP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26215614

Fuck shills and fuck tether.

>> No.26215495
Quoted by: >>26215557

Mfw not a pettanko tomboy

>> No.26215503

so tether printed another 500 million totally backed USDT today
what do you think

>> No.26215547
Quoted by: >>26215607

while they are being sued with RICO charges. HMMMMM sounds like someone is exit scamming.

>> No.26215557

You could literally pay some thot with the right body to cos as her and fuck her. Cons aren't coming back anytime soon.

Titlets are defective.

>> No.26215558

What does it even mean ?

>> No.26215598
File: 95 KB, 500x851, 1583896577925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They need a new calculator

>> No.26215607

i mean before it was like 50 million each day but damn
half a fucking billion? LMAO

>> No.26215609

Yeah, I'm going to watch that video after I finish this Jimmy Dore video. It's hilarious to watch him get fired up and shit on Dems and Biden.

>> No.26215614

nice webm

>> No.26215633


>> No.26215659
Quoted by: >>26215915

Blue socks. Striped. Fucking hot. Im gonna im gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

>> No.26215682

Are Asians as tight as everyone says?

>> No.26215752

i have a source that tells me XRP could easy be 3.5k eoy

>> No.26215759

Have happy funtime anon

>> No.26215764
Quoted by: >>26216634

Just got an uphold account. The coinbase halt has me itching to freshen up my stack a little bit. Is it true what anons have said about transactions over $200 being held up, though?

>> No.26215813
File: 7 KB, 395x324, HMMMMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>temporarily disabled
yeah damn fucking straight.

>> No.26215828
Quoted by: >>26217365


>> No.26215892
File: 661 KB, 1521x2321, ABFD4159-D5BF-44C4-B96E-D8CB72D9A1ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26216103

No but I already completed them and exchanged for XRP. Tried shilling my pastebin with answers for the quizzes from Coinbase Earn but oh well.
I’m a poorfag so I am more than proud of my bag fren.

>> No.26215898


>> No.26215915

Black socks are better imo

>> No.26215989

Mainly because they’re skinny

>> No.26216007

Yes. never had a not tight asian desu, even the whores, just the body type, they're so petite, one i had was like 4'10 viet actually said she had sex once before years ago and it hurt but let me ease her into it and god damn that shit was so ridiculously tight it was so fucking great im getting hard thinking about that sweet tight pussy

>> No.26216050
File: 140 KB, 1169x956, cali going dark increase 235k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26218853




>> No.26216103

Yeah, I've seen people shilling their accounts with answers. I'm not surprised that didn't yield a lot in the way of returns. Had we set up some sort of ponzi scheme early on it might have worked, but getting /biz/ to coordinate like that is not likely to happen. I'd keep your account just in case they offer new coins for free. It's not a lot, but it's a fun little bag to swing and experiment with.

>> No.26216120
Quoted by: >>26216309

What wallet is good I only have like around 2600 anyway! Can I store in Nexo wallet?

>> No.26216141

Explain why right the fuck now or unironically kys

>> No.26216296
File: 66 KB, 1080x1119, Screenshot_20210119-111024~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26216309

Just do a paper wallet if your paranoid like i am, but im sure ledgers work just fine. I honestly do not trust any piece of hardware though

>> No.26216340

based 10kers
they remained consistent as the 5%ers

>> No.26216448
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1610572124247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why's everyone acting so bullish did something happen?

Moon fucking when?

>> No.26216475
File: 1.20 MB, 480x360, 1606075800060.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26217491

i know reddit is gay but this thread gives a good rundown


there's a whole other market that exists in the shadow of the aboveground market- not necessarily the drugs/human trafficking/etc black market (though that is involved as well) but a separate thing, invitation only, at the very highest levels. very very interesting rabbit hole to go down.



>> No.26216476

sooner than you think, but not soon enough

>> No.26216495 [DELETED] 


>> No.26216525

Save your zerpees to a thumb drive and then stick the thumb drive up your ass. Then get the marcadabees. This will allow you to scan your hand and use your moon zerpees to purchase horny citadels from which to contact lucifer about his plans to replenish your bloodline to help you fight the jews while becoming the jews but also not being jews by siding with the jews. Once you do that, the 10th mountain division will arrive at your doorstop and give you your flare. Immediately turn around and present for the soldier, thank him for his service, and then he will shove the flare up your ass and into your thumbdrive. Now you can steak your zeerpees for more zeerpees which you can use to save your gate bros from the femur camps they're being held in by clockwork mushroom qoomers. Make sure that you're comfy. Then after freeing your gatebros rest, because your bags are heavy and you might not be able to do it anymore bro. If its too heavy just raise your tinfoil covered cell phone in the air three times and yell poompa, poompa, pooma. This will cause a UHNWI to appear and teach you how to use your vibrations to install a pair of joysticks with which to drive your moon lambo. Make sure to check twitter for any bear reports. If the cartoons on twitter are facing to the right, that means that trump secretly won xrps are not jewish. If they cartoon is facing the left, then it's too late you should have left the US months ago and you're going to have to try and escape through unregulated security. It will be guarded by Gary Gensler, who is appointed by Biden to lead pink wojacks against the lolnogains.20cent stablecoins. If this happens you must immediately post your nose which will allow you to fit through the chain links and buy xlm which just flipped carbanaro using polkadot grafs. If you do all this and do it in the right order, but only on the masonic chinese new year, but not the julian new year, because that's midwit bait, you'll know when moon. Be safe, anon.

>> No.26216528

Great that fucking cat is back again.

>> No.26216540
File: 802 KB, 903x1692, 1597158491415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon was referring to this pic. Hodl strong frens, DO NOT SELL ANY XRP UNDER 5k EACH.

>> No.26216543

tfw you wont make it to 1% by april

feels bad man

still feel like taking a loan, but fuck

>> No.26216629

I only have 220

>> No.26216634
File: 387 KB, 1079x2125, Screenshot_20210119-141920_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26216706

Yes, I have a transaction on hold since the start of the week.
Under $100 worked fine though

>> No.26216732
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>> No.26216734
Quoted by: >>26216866

Aliens are demons

>high volume bodyweight squats
Checked and based as shit. 200 jump squats a day feel good

>> No.26216770
Quoted by: >>26217981

Oh it's 5k now, lol.

The reason I accumulated such a big stack (Captain) was to give myself options. If it goes to $100, I likely will pay off my house and get a new car. Will still be in amazing shape for a $2k valuation.

>> No.26216776

Just hold what else can be done.
I'll accept loosing 1k
If they pull through the reward is going to be massive

>> No.26216809
Quoted by: >>26217937

This is whats gonna happen when crypto absolutely moons the fuck out, wealthy elites will be able to sell and everyone else will be put on hold until it crashes

>> No.26216821

Are they going to hold up every xrp transaction?

>> No.26216834

Paranoid Scizho theory #5909: In order to KYC every US XRP holder, trading halts occur so XRP holders are forced to move their XRP into exchanges like Uphold that do extensive KYC. Now every XRP can be traced to a particular citizen and secured for the roll out.

>> No.26216866

The trouble with facts is that you don't have all of them

>> No.26216894

Lmao they may as well call it kys

>> No.26216897


>> No.26216982

Did you really just call swimming fins, jackets?

>> No.26217008

in a schizo thread everything is a straightjacket fren, trust no one

>> No.26217011
Quoted by: >>26217071

Shhh, let the tards tard.

>> No.26217028
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based, got heem

>> No.26217034
File: 140 KB, 1173x949, cali texas blackout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you all on the other side guysss

>> No.26217040
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Top Areas by Outages
California 245,489
Texas 14,319

>> No.26217071
Quoted by: >>26217373

fudder begone

>> No.26217106
Quoted by: >>26217341

Did you just call foot flippers, swimming fins?
Do you even dunk?

>> No.26217116

want to increase my stack by 15k ripps
how long do you think the price will hold at .30?

>> No.26217129

color socks? like a soft purple would be cool

keep up it up!

>> No.26217173

Lads where can I buy XRP? I'm in NY USA

>> No.26217210

what I meant was why implement XRP as a bridge asset if you can just use the native algo token? assuming that all the CBDCs are on Algo at this point. same for XLM really.

>> No.26217237

I can buy it still on coinjar.com.au

>> No.26217251

DOD press conference happening right now. Reporters are like IF THEY HAVE A Q STICKER ON THEIR CAR ARE YOU GOING TO DISCHARGE THEM? lol.

>> No.26217316
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>> No.26217341

i call foot flippers and flippers aquatic water propulsion devices

>> No.26217365
Quoted by: >>26217536

it means that the government could set the price instantly of what XRP is worth. Like how bearer bonds used to be labeled at 5k or 10k. They wouldn't be able to be sold to normal people like on an exchange you would have to go through a bank. It would instantly raise the price out of reach of normal people.

>> No.26217373
Quoted by: >>26217404

>see retard mistake a swimming fin for a jacket
>laugh to self and move on
>another anon sees it, comments
>laugh to self, post in response
It's not fud to point out you're fucking stupid, anon. It's fact.

>> No.26217404

fudder begone

>> No.26217408

In other words, anyone who has XRP if it gets labeled as a beared bond (exchange asset) we would all instantly become millionaires depending on the price.

>> No.26217411
Quoted by: >>26217571

You had a long ass time to buy beforehand. Now you can only pick up the fallout, or buy on Uphold/Kraken.

>> No.26217458

They won't be. Different CBDCs are likely to be on different chains. XRP acts as the universal global bridge for ALL currency. So, ALGO might be what the US CBDC operates off of. XLM might be what Uganda operates off of. IOTA might be what the EU operates off of. So on and so forth, but XRP is the unifying bridge between them ALL.

It's why XRP is the biggest gambit in crypto. You're missing shitcoin moonshots for the chance to be on the ground floor of something that will come to define the financial world this decade. Or it won't and you need not worry, because you're already fucked in that case!

>> No.26217464
Quoted by: >>26217524

brb beating my dick into submission

>> No.26217491

That's a book called octopus and it was a sophisticated scam. Honestly I didn't read the article but I read most of that book by Sam Israel or something. He got conned out of millions with a right wing style, 13 bloodlines rule the world and they trade on a secret night market but you have to give half your profits away to charity or something.
Obviously a bit of truth mixed in the lie but that's why it worked

>> No.26217524
Quoted by: >>26217604

yeah if it gets labeled that. holy shit the price could be 5k-10k I doubt they would label one as low as 2k. It would be insane.

>> No.26217536
Quoted by: >>26217623

How would this stop people outside the u.s. buying xrp outside of a bank at below those prices?

>> No.26217544
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>> No.26217571

Just buy on coinjar dummy

>> No.26217580
Quoted by: >>26218274

What makes you it could be labeled a bearer bond? And how likely is that?

>> No.26217604
Quoted by: >>26217801

Why would it be labeled as one by the sec?

>> No.26217623
Quoted by: >>26217724

If the U.S. government declares XRP a bearer bond type asset, it would instantly raise the price world wide. The U.S. is still the center of the world economy right now, and all other governments would likely follow. People would get priced out ASAP, so it would stop people outside the U.S. from buying them by pricing them out almost instantly.

>> No.26217624
Quoted by: >>26217675

Hmm. Just was approved and went through. About 35 minutes, and Injust set up my uphold/card a few hours ago.
Over 12k xrp now, can't stop till I got 15 frens

>> No.26217675

those faggots are still holding up my transaction

god damn it

>> No.26217724

Would you hodl at that point or would you be cash out and enjoy millions?

>> No.26217740
Quoted by: >>26217870

To add onto this point, XRP will be more like the internet infrastructure we see today. It will run the Interledger protocol, like the way we have universal internet protocols.

Meanwhile each jurisdiction or private enterprise will be able to use any blockchain depending on their use case. For example, some countries have more unbanked/off-grid type people, or some enterprises may prefer different smart contract features. You need the ILP/XRPL to be the neutral value layer to settle between any blockchain.

>> No.26217747

holy fuck I couldn't be bothered to ask where the jackets are supposed to be lmao

>> No.26217758
Quoted by: >>26217861

Would Bezos hodl at that point or would he cash out his stock and enjoy billions?

>> No.26217768
Quoted by: >>26217818

Mfw instant ripple transactions

>> No.26217801
Quoted by: >>26218274

Because bearer bonds are fixed-income securities. In 1982 the U.S. government stopped issuing bearer bonds, because people were holding them and trading them to avoid taxes. You could give it to someone in another country and they would view it as 5k or 10k. Sound familiar. So if it gets labeled a security by the SEC, that means most likely they will label it as a FIS aka a Bearer Bond. Gary Ginsler likes XRP and what it does but he also thinks it was sold as a security. It would also make sense as XRP is supposed to be used by banks, companies governments, then let CBDC be built on the XRP ledger. This means that XRP might not be a currency per say, but will be what backs up the CBDC. Govs, Companies, Banks can issue and use bearer bonds.

NOT saying this is what will happen, just it is a possibility.

>> No.26217818
Quoted by: >>26217893

wher u trading fren?

>> No.26217839

any thoughts on Bears theory of a buyback?


>> No.26217863

realistically, you would want to cash out some and keep others. It would basically be a 2k 5k 10k stable coin if it is labeled as a security. But we wouldn't be able to use it as a currency, but we would be able to cash it out for the equivalent in CBDC.

>> No.26217861

Am I Bezos?

>> No.26217870

Exactly. The potential value from holding this coin far outweighs the risk. I've already made peace with the idea that we are wrong and it dies. But, I do not believe we are wrong and I do not believe that it will die. I'm comfy with my 10k stack and DCA'ing into other coins.

>> No.26217893
Quoted by: >>26217933

Yeah coinjar, Aus. Didn’t setup binance yet. Wondering how much if any more I should put into xrp, if it’s going to really blow up like the schizos say

>> No.26217895

possible, after closing xrp from all exchanges
unlikely to be obligatory though, not even the gold buyback of the 30s was required/enforced on everyone

>> No.26217904

If XRP gets labelled as a bearer bond then buyback will almost certainly occur at 5-10k per XRP.

>> No.26217905

Hey guys just sold my stack and went all in on ethereum, the green candle was too tempting and xrp is too stressful

wish me luck!

>> No.26217918

Fucking bastards. Hopefully I only need to make a few more buys, get to 15k. Then...then I'll stop. Maybe.

>> No.26217922

cya nigga

>> No.26217933

sell all your xrp immediately
stop taking the word of crazy people you're losing on opportunity cost

>> No.26217937

XRP will never crash once it gets to two digits.

>> No.26217945

>buying at the ATH
8/10 bait, got me to bite.

>> No.26217952

you can be
the choice is yours

>> No.26217959
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A-are you?

>> No.26217966

>buys the high
fuckoff you retarded bandwagoning normie niggerlover.

>> No.26217969
Quoted by: >>26218046

>5k-10k per XRP

I would be rich, rich enough to work on being wealhy. Please God let this happen.

>> No.26217980

are you a retarded?

>> No.26217981
File: 2.10 MB, 1304x5064, 1605813436436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren if you sell at 3 digits you will regret it. WE'RE COMING FOR ALL THE MONEY

>> No.26218010
Quoted by: >>26218808

It's over bros. Sell.

>> No.26218046

insta-retirement, even for people who only have little shit sacks with a few hundred coins.

>> No.26218093

Finally made it to sergeant major
Feelin' comfy now

>> No.26218185

I’ve got 240 xrp, that’d be so juicy fuaaark

>> No.26218193

Where tf can I buy now without goybase?

>> No.26218234


>> No.26218244

kraken, or buy/swap on ledger with a vpn in US

>> No.26218248

i was going to tell you, had it all typed out, but you had 5 years
time for spoonfeeding is over

>> No.26218251

Id like to know where youre getting this price

>> No.26218274

forgot to tag you but see>>26217801

>> No.26218312

easily a cheap house a bunch of years of expenses and some big bag money.

>> No.26218331

Historical price of bearer bonds.

>> No.26218344

Checked and blessed image.

>> No.26218353
Quoted by: >>26218706

If it get's labeled a security, it would most likely be labeled as a Fixed Income Security aka a bearer bond, because of what XRP is supposed to be used for. And if you look at the prices of historical bearer bonds they were worth usually 5k or 10k. 2k bearer bonds seems like a weird number. Most likely it would be a derivative of 5

>> No.26218366
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Damn schizos, imagine all of the newfags flooding our threads when this shit moons just begging for a way to buy.
Just imagine that for a moment

>> No.26218405

If it gets labeled a bearer bond, they would be begging for us to give them 1 xrp lol

>> No.26218409

why is xrp better than btc?

>> No.26218411
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Quoted by: >>26218516


>> No.26218449

cause you can still buy a few thousand for less than 1k

>> No.26218455
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Boys some advice. I made a shit ton of money with link but I live very frugally, 12 year old shitbox (perfectly maintained though), renting a small apartment while I decide if I want to live here forever, the only expensive thing I do is slightly, very slightly upmarket alcohol and just play it off as being a "connoisseur". I need to state I'm not flashy for the following but I live completely off of trading.

Since I have been buying XRP people are approaching me out of the woodwork asking me to invest in "whatever it is you do, I trust you". The people who are asking me are not my asshole friends, I asked my asshole friends to give me some $ if they want or I could just show them how to invest themselves and they decline. Ironically I'm a lot closer with the "assholes". The people who are asking me are people I barely know or people who are struggling financially since forever but decided December 2020 it was time to invest in me of all places.

I have 5000 XRP and 26 link in assets under management, excluding my own stacks. I very, very carefully swing these, never risking more than 15%. So far I have increased their stack by 8% by swinging. (My own stack I have managed to increase 143% from Jan 2020, So I know I'm good at trading) I write this because tonight someone I am not close with, surprised they have my number, asked me to invest for him and his son.

Should I take on these "clients" or should I continue try and persuade them to do it themselves. What is God or the universe trying to tell me? My dream has always been to own my own hedgefund.

>Maybe I'm destined to become George Soros of the good guys?

>> No.26218468
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>> No.26218512

>3k XRP

I wouldn't the the richest by any means, but it would make getting richer easier. I already own a house and two cars, so with all this free time I would now have I could work for myself.

>> No.26218514

I’m in Aus, I can sell it to them for a premium

>> No.26218516

4/11 is my birfday :)

>> No.26218517

>I have 5000 XRP and 26 link in assets under management, excluding my own stacks
loled fren

>> No.26218527


>Page 13

>> No.26218558

checked and fuck that, they need to do this shit themselves. You will be the one they blame if shit goes sideways for whatever reason

>> No.26218563

Everyone who’s smart makes friends with assholes pretty easliy desu

>> No.26218582

Just tell them to look into it themselves. If they are technologically tarded, then help them somehow.

>> No.26218607
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>> No.26218619

talk it over with god, but make sure you do your research on the devil. If you happen to want to teach people, start with books, I'd love to read anything you did on the technology of these things as well as investment. theres a limit to what you can learn doing things this way but its an easy transition to offering self help while still doing your hedge fund

>> No.26218639

>swinging other people’s coins
Are you gonna be paying their taxes on that too ?

>> No.26218657

You got lucky and now you're letting people who saw your success feed your ego. This is creating a messiah complex in your personality which will be destructive to you personally and professionally. You are not a trained professional. You do not know what you are doing. Assuming that what you're doing is even legal, which it may not be, is it moral? No, no it isn't. You are not """destined""" to save these people. You are letting them stroke you off and you are gambling with their funds.

And about the legality, don't think for a second that they won't come for you as much as they can and as hard as they can if you lose their money. If you don't have legal protections you will be criminally and civilly liable. You will be fucked.

Return their assets to them, direct them to a professional, and walk away.

>> No.26218706

Okay assuming something like that happens, when’s the deadline for buying in before the new price is decided? (I’m not in the u.s. and can buy freely). Wondering if I want to increase my risk on xrp or not

>> No.26218711

oh and by devil I mean the legal rules govering hedges

>> No.26218742

stop it with the porn speak okay

>> No.26218789

lmao california made me a republican holy fuck people here are insufferable, the politics of it all really does make it a shame as it is beautiful outdoors, wish i could live in a timeline where cali is red

>> No.26218808
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Can't bitch get bent

>> No.26218853

Grid attack? Didn't Georgia lose power last year after some russian hackers fucked around to find out?