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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 681x382, 1607120428798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28983661 No.28983661 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>28959941

Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with XLM/XRP pair]
or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)

>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:

>Lawyer Explains:

>Flare (FLR) Overview:
https://youtu.be/ChMGCtuibsA [Embed]

>Flare vs Ethereum:

>Flare Finance Intro:

>Flare Finance FAQ:

>Flare Finance Website:

>Flare Finance GitHub:

>XRP Ledger:

>XRP Charts:

>XRP Richlist:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Insiders Threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor

>> No.28983798


>> No.28983866
File: 511 KB, 659x720, greatbullish3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28986625


>> No.28983883
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>> No.28983931

Buy silver anon!

>> No.28983947
File: 58 KB, 640x695, 9A071C5C-5158-4E98-B3EC-4A2910290796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glowies fuck off

>> No.28983989
Quoted by: >>28984126

I've bought silver as it is a shiny rock

>> No.28984105
File: 59 KB, 680x378, 1586829061891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by 2022 we are all going to make it

>> No.28984126

>shiny rock
You should check out these glass beads I have.
I'll trade you one for 100Xerps.

>> No.28984158
File: 42 KB, 250x234, C202765E-BFE7-419C-908D-ABF6CACE7551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28984384

60C we comin for you

>> No.28984164
File: 101 KB, 415x348, 1601778639233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 1oz of silver here and a junksilver coin of 21 grams, wish I could buy more.

>> No.28984238

t h e s t a n d a r d

>> No.28984367
File: 23 KB, 200x300, p_yoshikawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28990540

Can someone tell me why would anyone use a photoshop picture of the VP of Corporate Strategy & Operations, Ripple, USA? Look at pic related, now check this site
What the fuck?

>> No.28984384

The larp said .70, lets shoot for .70 so I can pretend he was correct and go wild when we reach 6 dollars

>> No.28984391
Quoted by: >>28996955

$10+ EOM.

>> No.28984440

So are all eth based coins going to die soon?

>> No.28984452
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/comfy/ as heck frens

>> No.28984474


>will be the only ones with extreme psychological perseverance to not sell XRP when it moons.

>> No.28984573
Quoted by: >>28984776

For sure. A decade from now we'll look back at BTC and ETH as the AOL and Yahoo of the dot com boom.

>> No.28984574
Quoted by: >>28984683

Not gonna happen with glowies trying to subvert

>> No.28984650
File: 1.45 MB, 900x1200, Junk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28984882

Flare wills it. BTC dies as well
All hail the standard and the standard bearer David

>> No.28984683
File: 152 KB, 768x768, bm8uh2l9w0t41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28985203

Don't let them affect you fren.
We're here together, /comfy/, together.


>> No.28984776

The Sam Hyde discussion the other day made me kek.

>> No.28984841
File: 35 KB, 400x600, 1597026065012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Be honest how many of you managed to finish a single episode before the panic and horror kicked in?

>> No.28984873
File: 159 KB, 822x900, Ιησους Χριστος.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Υπομονή και πίστη

>> No.28984875

kek you still use this shit
I’m not a faggot who believes you and go for trash
I am waiting for bot ocean launch to trade with safe

>> No.28984882

I don't like that plate in the background.

>> No.28985027
File: 34 KB, 486x200, 9629aec2a8110a81acd95c8bb3e3b189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28987891

Make sure to grab a bag of xcm too frens
>passive income with xcm
>passive income with flr
>invest the interest
>more passive income

>> No.28985029

Thread.ly Reminder that
(starting to count deletions: 5
Total deletions/bans/IPbans: over 9000)

No one ITT will ever be a real woman.
No one ITT will ever be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
No one ITT will ever be a man who fucks women.
Almost no one ITT will ever be a based namefag.
And biblian watermellon spammers deserved the rope on the 13th (jk calm down niggers you were getting banned before that, don't @ me)
How will you ever recover.

Trump Won
Q Is Real and Has Won
And 4chan Will Rule the World

Nothing can stop what is coming

Cicada was DIA
Satoshi is DIA
Qanon is now the DIA


P.S. Zhu wel eet ze vugs en ze pod oning nuzing, anz zhu wel b appy YOU FILTHY FUCKING DISCORD HONEYPOT BABACU.CK MELLON SUBHUMAN BRAINLETS (it's OK, you're the most schizo of the low IQ's, you're supposed to be here, trust the plan)

Oh and the Annoying Orange is the best Vtuber that will ever exist.

>> No.28985161
File: 96 KB, 680x667, 1612321007858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itll be comfy
how much u sitting on friend

>> No.28985168


Not working.

>> No.28985203
Quoted by: >>28995728

damn this link is great so far

>> No.28985204
File: 74 KB, 572x622, comfirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28985267

What a faggot lol

>> No.28985435

Uhhhh, so, bros, should we buy the dip?

>> No.28985496
Quoted by: >>28985571

Wait for the proper anon to let us know

>> No.28985508
File: 53 KB, 547x467, 0b515a672a2462a8619518f43f88b0e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm you guys think he deleted it?
see pic related.

>> No.28985571

Who is the proper anon?

>> No.28985845
Quoted by: >>28986085

The one from 2000 years ago, you'll see one day.

>> No.28986030
Quoted by: >>28986154

That's crazy I literally looked at the article yesterday.

>> No.28986085

Wait so Jesus is coming back to bring XRP moon? God this general is so trash but whatever anon

>> No.28986154
File: 28 KB, 549x212, 5c94c5c0abf29f13e9ffb73d4a0406d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28986357

Ye I checked it out a couple of days ago since I like his blogposts.
Also see pic related. Some guy is telling him that he is being guided by the marketcap.. What kind of weird psyop is this =o


>> No.28986180

Perhaps. I would have if I was him.

XRP at $2000 is worth more than the entire GDP of the world plus $10 trillion. The entire gross domestic product of earth as collective plus $10 trillion USD. WTF guys. Answer me right fucking now. Don't give me meme answers.

>> No.28986253
File: 7 KB, 229x220, download (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28986319

You have to go back.

>> No.28986265
File: 112 KB, 1898x903, 4040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28992945

if you missed the sub .50 dip, its over

>> No.28986319
Quoted by: >>28986514

Spoonfeeding season is over
Alright I'll leave....
OK I'm here

>> No.28986357
Quoted by: >>28986514

It's just all so schizophrenia inducing, man
>XRP at $2000 is worth more than the entire GDP of the world plus $10 trillion.
How do you figure? sounds like holocaust math

>> No.28986405
Quoted by: >>28988374

How do you buy this in America? Do I have to wait for the SEC to do gaystuff?

>> No.28986495
Quoted by: >>28986679

Not all XRP will be regularly bought and sold. Most will be held onto by banks for utility only, making the ones in market circulation more valuable. Stop focusing on market cap.

>> No.28986514

25% of my portfolio has been XRP since 2018 and I put in 20% of my link gains after Link hit $20.

Meme answer because you don't know.


Just comparing these two.

>> No.28986625
File: 19 KB, 263x467, 1609032117856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Evening schizo threads are much more comfy, frens.

>> No.28986667
Quoted by: >>28987260


>> No.28986679

Yes that's why I did the calculation with circulating supply and not with fully diluted. Put in other terms if XRP is $2000 per XRP that would be worth more than every single company listed on every single exchange in the world and you would still have $500 billion extra. WTF

>> No.28986809
Quoted by: >>28987260

>barmet map
>sharkit wrap
>mardit brap
nice maths fagboy

>> No.28986895

Should I tell this anon?

>> No.28986944

can we stop with the marketcap nonsense?
if the world of finance was tied to what is physically possible in terms of value, why is the derivatives market valued at over a Quadrillion?
GDP and other bullshit doesnt matter, the logic is false.

>> No.28986956
Quoted by: >>28987475

No, let him be

>> No.28987044
File: 12 KB, 236x213, bbf45f919088d5125c47830a0e8d55f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28987348

I got a bunch of xerpies and I'm thinking about Flare and the potential gains. The thought alone makes me diamonds hard.

>> No.28987082
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 13AF96CB-0432-413B-8063-AA82B35FF6E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28987347

this anon gets it
>rod and ring
nonbelievers must have no bloodline connection to the almighty Gauss
>I am the reincarnation of Gauss

>> No.28987127
Quoted by: >>28987412

it's all just magic gay bullshit. Does anyone really expect the US to pay a stack of bills to the moon and back to alleviate their debt?

>> No.28987260

I swear to God these threads were made to steal peoples Link gains or something. All the signs point to XRP playing a massive role in the future but the threads went from pattern seeking and logic to meme spouting and asking "when moon?"

I hold more XRP than you probably, I am asking sereious questions Market Cap does matter, even if it's just a gauge for real world adoption.


The deritives market is somewhere between $12 trillion and $112 trillion. Please for the love of God don't tell me people fell for the derivatives infograph. It's insanely overvalued and not taken seriously by any academic. Does anybody here have any education in finance?

>> No.28987347

Maxwell was a real badass in my books.

>> No.28987348
File: 107 KB, 713x507, bbf45f919088d5125c47830a0e8d55f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28987350
Quoted by: >>28988804

why even post here? clearly the shitposters already have our bags packed. dyor and get out

>> No.28987368
Quoted by: >>28988804

>I swear to God these threads were made to steal peoples Link gains or something.
I swear to god you forgot that you've said word for word this same shit before and outed yourself as a stinky retard

>> No.28987412

Buy XRP escrow at 50 cents or less (and likely MUCH less), inflate price to $2k+, pay off debt.

Yeah, it's crazy, but paying off trillions in debt is crazy, and this would be one way (out of how many?) to do it.

>> No.28987419
Quoted by: >>28987541

>The deritives market is somewhere between $12 trillion and $112 trillion.
Those are some wide fucking error bars you have on that guesstimate.

>> No.28987431
Quoted by: >>28987525

I just wanted to remind you that youre super early in this market as as long as you hodl stong all night long you ARE going to make it

>> No.28987475
Quoted by: >>28988804

OK lol
No was first, part of this op is trolling and misinformation sooooo lurk more

>> No.28987525


>> No.28987541
Quoted by: >>28987797

pajeet ID
you’re right though

>> No.28987797
File: 320 KB, 220x164, machoshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet ID
I'm doomed...

>> No.28987853
File: 38 KB, 861x391, derivatives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28988804

>The deritives market is somewhere between $12 trillion and $112 trillion. Please for the love of God don't tell me people fell for the derivatives infograph. It's insanely overvalued and not taken seriously by any academic. Does anybody here have any education in finance?

post your source. As of H1 2020, BIS estimates that 606.81T derivatives across all risk categories. Most estimates consider that the low end, and the markets have only gone up since. I'm sure you have a better source than the BIS, though: https://www.bis.org/statistics/about_derivatives_stats.htm?m=6%7C32%7C639

>> No.28987883

Flare uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine so (unlike, say, Cardano) all ERC20 coins will be able to seamlessly transfer over to Flare

>> No.28987891
Quoted by: >>28988553

Where to buy xcm fren?

>> No.28987951


>> No.28988012
File: 436 KB, 986x1000, herewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is stanky lankies in this thread as we speak

>> No.28988220
Quoted by: >>28988347

> All the signs point to XRP playing a massive role in the future but the threads went from pattern seeking and logic to meme spouting and asking "when moon?"

Well said.

>> No.28988223
Quoted by: >>28988804

Derivatives. Plus you need enough liquidity that transactions of upwards of 100m and more dont completely shift the market/price.

>> No.28988245
File: 112 KB, 575x324, otc_hy2011_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28988804

>muh education in finance

>> No.28988347

No you're both faggots and probably stinky. The last thread was full of comfy patterns and logic. The only posts that say when moon in this thread are you two queers

>> No.28988374

he posts a picture of Apu who is purchasing something by putting quarters on a counter, looking plaintively up at the clerk as if to implore them to have mercy and accept his payment even though it may be some cents short

you'll know him when you see him

the answers you seek are at the top of the thread, at the top of the post. Godspeed anon

also you can swap using Exodus or Changelly I guess

>> No.28988519
Quoted by: >>28988566

the shakeout is real
1% was 75k down to 70k and decreasing

>> No.28988553 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1000x897, 428a42a25970815fd6e71c768befddaebd662bc8db2ef5bda93a7825ab0a066c (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy it on CoinMetro.
>A very large and fast growing German challenger bank will be using our API to provide crypto services for their massive user base. Collaborations with other companies are in the works as well.
>MTF license
>In addition to the MTF license, we’ve already started the process of securing the license to become an Authorized Electronic Money Institution. This incredible news will open us up to offer a world of new services.
You can always sell a bit to buy more flr =D

>> No.28988566
Quoted by: >>28989478

what website

>> No.28988594
Quoted by: >>28989426

at 40 mil. a day, jed will be done by july right?

>> No.28988662

The biggest schizo is BabaYaga, and you are all larping as schizo's, in a schizo thread AHAHAHAHAAHAHA

>> No.28988694

Can this fucking shit just break 1$ already pls

dubs confirm

>> No.28988758
File: 399 KB, 516x678, cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28988804

I literally said I hold link in one of my first posts. Answer my questions.

I like XRP and I have a sizable stake in it. I am trying to figure out why everybody just says "lol MC doesn't matter", I have been enthralled with the threads.


Trolling is saying a link in the OP doesn't work? Are you fucking dumb check it yourself.

I checked the BIS to seems I was wrong on notional amount by a large margin. 500 trillion to be exact. Thank you for being informative. Seems the OTC derivatives market is also 15 not 12.

>The derivatives market is said to be over $1 quadrillion dollars on the high end, but some analysts say the market is grossly overestimated.

That is not correct.

I am glad you can read a chart and see it's not quadtrillion

This is a good answer and I will look into it further.

>> No.28988875

XRP will flip ETH this year then BTC in the next year. Mining is starting to become troublesome due to energy consumption. Soon whole China will be mining bitcoin with every electronic device they can find. PoW won't survive for long at this rate.

Bagholders will be rewarded. Remember how Stellar burned half of its supply? Well, Ripple can pull the same trick. I'm betting on XRP hard this year. ETH is done for.

>> No.28988898
Quoted by: >>28989764

>Ignoring the fact that you have said this shit before and talking as if you haven't
transparent and transsexual

>> No.28988923

How big a stack I need to avoid FOMO?

>> No.28988980
File: 42 KB, 960x596, flare-networks-960x596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a dead project? why isn't it trading on coinbase?

>> No.28988999

how is it not correct

>> No.28989051

fap id
those digits
you must fap now.

>> No.28989103
Quoted by: >>28999505

because it hasn’t launched yet
nobody has spark tokens yet

>> No.28989191 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 825x510, PundiX-payment-device.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I made this post a few hours ago but no one responded.
>are you ready for free lunch
Frens what are your opinions about this?
So some coin called Pundix (Singapore name)
are going to burn 1000:1.
it's currently sitting at 0.0001

A: To reduce the total supply (including circulating supply) 1,000 times from 258 billion to 258 million NPXS. Total amount of new NPXS held by users (units) will also be reduced accordingly after token reduction. There is no change in the value of the token one hold after token reduction.


It isn't even launched fren

>> No.28989218
Quoted by: >>28989764

>I am glad you can read a chart and see it's not quadtrillion
keep in mind that was H1 2020. the USD is fallen in value 10%, and equities have skyrocketed. Even by the BIS metric, it would be closer to a quadrillion than your nonsense estimates
Regardless the point is a) you dont know shit, and b) to say there must be a gdp equivalent value is not only illogical but demonstrably untrue.
take your education and shove it up your ass

>> No.28989373

that doesn't include the black market either. or the schizo stuff like the bearer bonds ultra-elite shadow market or breakaway civilization(s), "lost" gold of the Nazis and Japanese war effort, or the fortunes of the Templars...

one benefit of distributed ledger technology being so transparent, i believe, is that it will necessarily bring this "dark" money into the light

>> No.28989426


>> No.28989478


>> No.28989542

When I learned how much money there actually is in the world it took me a while to really process it

>> No.28989708
Quoted by: >>28990320

>has anyone here had the formal indoctrination into a financial system that is obviously fake and gay?!?

>> No.28989763

the switch will be flipped on friday, you heard it here first

>> No.28989764

Honestly what are you talking about? I wish I could fight you irl.

Vastly overestimated to get people to the blog.

It's not my nonsense estimates it's literally from a investopedia article give or take a trillion but I admitted I was wrong on the high estimate. You can't just say fuck you I'm right and expect me to believe you.

That would be awesome.

>> No.28989806
Quoted by: >>28990610

>I wish I could fight you irl.
I live in greenville SC, come do it toughguy

>> No.28989828

>unironic tranny cackling
It's a neurosis at this point.

>> No.28989883

BabaYaga is an old witch in Slavic folklore who lives in a house with chicken legs.

>> No.28989902
Quoted by: >>28990610

>it’s overestimated because I said so and doesn’t fit my narrative
>I also won’t dispute it
is this your final answer?

>> No.28989910
Quoted by: >>28992430

> inb4 'go back'

>> No.28990060

frig off lahee

>> No.28990294

so fucking tired of this shitcoin crabbing bros i just want to see it move a little bit so i have some hope maybe hit $1 but whatever. if dubs i won’t rope. i’ll send my xrp

>> No.28990320

Anon I plan on continuing on the work of shelldrake if I make it. I am anything but indoctrinated but since everybody is meeting my inquiries with out right hostility and mockery. I am just going to keep 25% of my networth (15k xrp) in XRP because obviously it's a big thing. I will be receiving a bigger flare drop since I moved 50% into XRP for the drop and I'm generally excited for all iso 20022 coins and deny myself orgasm while visualizing 2k XRP.

I was to enamoured with the threads and never focused on the marketcap meme being a meme. I wanted to learn more and the link was broken.

If anything this thread thought me that fellow XRP holders are not nice people, are not inquisitive people and are not welcoming people. Now I now never to trust anyone who makes it with XRP for they are only pretending to be good people. Changes my future approach to what I do if I make it with XRP a lot.

>> No.28990383
File: 325 KB, 589x890, marraige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28990545

2 more >days<

Open trial on voter fraud. The next week is the next week.


>> No.28990393
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x1394, 1606786081350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take the MattyGpill

>> No.28990429
Quoted by: >>28990762

Too early. 22nd will be nothingburger so expect XRP to dump.

>> No.28990463

>not taking shill posts and disinfo larpers with a giant handful of salt.

>> No.28990540
Quoted by: >>28991868

kek, nice find
I dunno, it's maybe because it's the same picture she has on her twitter?

>> No.28990545

trump losing = great reset = we rich

stop wanting the guy to win

>> No.28990591
Quoted by: >>28990776

Anon, there are good threads and bad threads. Not sure what's going on today, but the thread early this morning had a guy trying to create fraudulent SEC documents to try to milk people out of money and pump XRP. Not all days are like this, but this hasn't been a good day for /XSG/. That doesn't mean everyone today's been rotten though.

The thing to take away from it is that people in here are individuals. There is no WAGMI, because there is no collective "we." Some will make it, some will piss it away the same way lottery winners do, some will be okay but not great.

>> No.28990610

Me and another anon posted links. Just read up in the thread.

I am currently in Blouberg Strand Cape Town. I will be here for a couple of months, in the Bliss boutique hotel. You can ask for Johan Koen at reception.

>> No.28990619
Quoted by: >>28990741

What are your thoughts on the price come the 22nd?
Massive dump? Massive pump? Typical crabbing?

I don't think any more news will come out until Gary is made head of the SEC.

>> No.28990630
Quoted by: >>28990776

>your article is fake
>can you explain why
>because I said so you guys are so mean
no we’re not just relax

>> No.28990697
Quoted by: >>28990908

Imagine reacting to some anon questioning the obviously manipulated and manipulating international financial system with
Come on. Have some integrity and dignity.
We've been nice, inquiring and welcoming for hundreds and hundreds of threads. Literally.
If you make it with XRP, you won't trust yourself? Bit of a catch-22, isn't it? Or are you the only decent person in your own drama?
It's all so tiresome at this point.

>> No.28990741
Quoted by: >>28990956

going by experience -- massive dump

>> No.28990762

We're flooded with shills and fudders.

It's never too early to win.

>> No.28990776
Quoted by: >>28991105

The quality has been dropping drastically.

I told you why and told you where you can find the answers. I dont understand.

>> No.28990883
Quoted by: >>28995722

The great reset isn't XRP, the great reset would have them make the SDR out of their asses and screws everyone.

The Based Reset is the good illuminati plan, and it involves XRP.

>> No.28990908

No the backtracking and trying to rationalize it makes me even more paranoid. Trivializing hostility is sure sign of malice.

>> No.28990956

I'm somewhat expecting the same. I hope that we climb before then so I can sell and so the swing

>> No.28990967
Quoted by: >>28991043

fear of the doompa is making me sick, im out of money

>> No.28991043
Quoted by: >>28991414

Sell now goy, before doompa.

>> No.28991073
Quoted by: >>28991337

Jed dumping on us


>> No.28991105
Quoted by: >>28991649

Ok I saw your article about GWP
I’m going to look into this but my understanding is that
>Money = debt
it’s easy for us to just create more out of thin air, GDP is income, not exactly the same thing as derivatives for example

>> No.28991154

Backtracking. How so?
Rationalizing something fake? No.
Trivializing honesty? I'm being honest with you right now.
Psychopathy is not schizo material, man.

>> No.28991305

Guys I think I have found a very promising coin. It has a low market cap and it is still undiscovered, DeFiat.
Please do your own research and don't trust me this easily. But do your own research and earn some easy money. Dont be a sleeping sheep, but be the smart one. https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/defiat
Everybody has to take a look tot this in stead of buying coins like XRP, do your own research and earn some money

>> No.28991337

Jed drops on us at 8:00 AM EST every day

>> No.28991414
Quoted by: >>28991785

but what if we poompa?

>> No.28991533

Honestly anon, and I say this without malice, sometimes it's best to take breaks from this place. Before I filled my XRP stack, this place always made me buy more than I intended to. And the other bad side effect is feeding the worst parts of our psyches. Feels like taking a couple hours or days and unplug, even just from here, would do you good.

>> No.28991649

Thank you anon. I still don't understand completely t b h.

I'm going to use tokenization as shorthand.

So tokenization of all stockmarkets could lead to 2k. Tokenization of nominal derivatives could lead to 2k separately.

My question basically boils down to why is the nominal derivatives value relevant? If it's estimated it doesn't move that much and the actual trades derivatives market is the focus isn't? Which would put XRP at around $500 to $600. Is the 2k an hyperbole for massive price increase? Seems so and I feel stupid now for taking 2k literally.

>> No.28991785

Buy the dip bro, we're gonna poompa.

>> No.28991827

This is actually excellent advice that I'm taking right now.
Sometimes we're all happy crazy and sometimes actual crazy people come in to dump their bullshit on us. It doesn't kill us to walk away until the next thread.

>> No.28991831
Quoted by: >>28992313

Will do I'm just a bit lonely today.

>> No.28991868

Is she even a real person? What the loving fuck.

>> No.28992024

massive 1c green dildo, you dont see those everyday

>> No.28992059

>gross market value puts it at 500$-600$
sure, but consider the nominal value is a (low-end) estimate.
hypothetically, xrp could be worth anything they need it to if the entire ecosystem was tokenized on the XRPL

>> No.28992313


100,000,000,000 billion coins
$10,000 each
Would mean 1 quadrillion

That's not all of it, not at all, but that depends on who you ask. So according to the unsuspecting uninformed normies; "lol 2k is crazy."

To based anons, the limit does not exist.

>> No.28992397
Quoted by: >>28992632

I guess that is the nature of speculation. Did the link in the OP focus heavily on the derivatives market or stock market? Perhaps even debt?

But I'm going to sleep for the night I await your reply and will look at it in the morning first think.

>> No.28992430

i would never tell you to "go back," because i was the one that posted that link in this thread in the first place! it makes me happy that somebody saved it.


>> No.28992432

2 xrp down and 1% is 69k range

>> No.28992490
Quoted by: >>28992835

>the limit does not exist
this is my understanding as well, if everything is scaled AGAINST xrp, it can be absurdly high

>> No.28992632

sleep well fren, i encourage you to DYOR and come back with your findings
XSG is very comfy when not under attack by fudders

>> No.28992681

>Oh and the Annoying Orange is the best Vtuber that will ever exist.
Based and orange pilled.

>> No.28992683
Quoted by: >>28992841

any new reading material aside from the past few thread links and links in description? and warosu threads

>> No.28992741
File: 124 KB, 1280x640, 354197B5-D266-44DC-85CB-3CEA69E61FE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi schizos there’s been a lot of FUD on /xsg/ recently so i wanna tell everyone to remember to stay comfy. WAGMI. ripple is going to beat the SEC, most rational possible outcomes point in that direction. i’m absolutely going crazy checking the prices every hour of every day but hey i’ve been a schizo since before xrp.
make a plate of tendies and wait for the moon :)

>> No.28992759
File: 435 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20210216-174455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FOMOd, lads.

>> No.28992797

>XRP Moons
>Technological Accelleration to Type 1 Civ
>Someone makes a Jesus bot
That's as good as it gets...you could still do a consensus on what JesusBot would be like though.

>> No.28992835
Quoted by: >>28993477


the way i see it is that if you look at bitcoin as a crude simplified example here- it was pennies then it reached thousands. Fud spread such as it cant reach 100, cant reach 500, cant reach 1000, cant reach 10000 so my point is why not us

>> No.28992841
File: 661 KB, 1521x2321, 948A57CE-5CB4-4304-9FD9-DA95034BF219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28994506

Check this out, it’s kind of old

>> No.28992908

>on eToro


>> No.28992945

>Lucy bear
>If I knew the way I would take you home
Garlichouse you're going to make me cry.

>> No.28993096
Quoted by: >>28993289

can you configure some kind of 2FA on XUMM?

>> No.28993153

i'm feeling in the mood for an rts even though i've never really gotten into them bros

>> No.28993188
Quoted by: >>28993318

you fucked up mate

>> No.28993272
File: 2.83 MB, 640x362, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28993546


>> No.28993289
Quoted by: >>28993586

Everyday I'm worried if ledger live can be hacked. But I believe you need your ledger to send any crypto anyways.

>> No.28993318
Quoted by: >>28993473

What place would you recommend?

>> No.28993473
Quoted by: >>28993554

not etoro

>> No.28993477

well yeah, the fudders say
>there are 21 million btc and 100billion xrp
so they're not wrong when they say the money required to pump XRP to that level is insane
they lack vision and perspective on exactly what the problem ripple trying to solve AND how massive it actually is

>> No.28993546

be happy we're holding here and not dumping as usual, may even be bullish

>> No.28993554
Quoted by: >>28993752

As perhaps?

>> No.28993586

well it can, unless you generated your own seed or added a custom 25th word

>> No.28993752
Quoted by: >>28994107


>> No.28994107
Quoted by: >>28994240

Alright! I literally put 200bucks on eth two weeks ago. 1000% realized gains, all to FOMO into xrp since you shitzos have convinced me. I had no idea. We are going to get fucking rich. So i did not put 3k in there, i put 200. I will try binance, ty faget.

>> No.28994240
Quoted by: >>28994640

Dont swap crypto for crypto if it can be helped, fiat for crypto always.

>> No.28994338
Quoted by: >>28994459

if XRP hits $100 i'm going to get the schizoPepe from the pic in OP tattooed onto my flesh permanently

>> No.28994343

BINANCE COIN is now BIGGER than XRP pushing it to the #7

fucking pathetic

>> No.28994448

Binance is named in the Tether lawsuit and so will be BTFO before too long. let them have their fun with their fake money, like hogs rolling in shit. soon the Financial Gods will rain fire onto their oriental Sodom and Gomorrah

>> No.28994459

well if schizo derivatives theory is true (fudders can’t debunk it)
100$ is only the beginning

>> No.28994475

PSA How to make it after moon:
> 500xrp you didn’t kys because you bought enough. Take the small W and pay off your debts and maybe ywmi.
> 1000xrp pay off your debts and achieve financial freedom. Learn to grow whatever you have left.
> 2000xrp - 5000xrp do above and stake some on FLR for interest and grow your money. With patience ywmi.
> 10000+xrp good job, ywmi. Enjoy your wealth and stake on FLR for interest. Don’t go spending all your money otherwise you’ll be part of the statistic of the millionaire curse.

>> No.28994506
Quoted by: >>28994992

i think ive seen this one before, just how realistic is the switch within the next decade though given the current political atmosphere

>> No.28994640

>selling crypto

>> No.28994740

Oh yes. 13k. Plan to cash the 3 and stake the 10. So on as I acoomulate more. Always reserve 10 for the stake

>> No.28994895

Floating stone in sea of things I’ve seen
Running nowhere wgahb

>> No.28994941
File: 184 KB, 1970x1191, shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28994992

maybe it's just hopium but I think given the recent chaos in the markets in general?
not to sound like a retard but the GME fiasco was just the beginning of the system becoming unstable
>now consider the silver short squeeze
this has the potential to be a real black swan event but it won't because
>retards are buying worthless ETF's
>jp morgan is buying all the physical silver
we're in a abomination disaster waiting to happen situation as far as the big picture is concerned but nobody can say when it's going to all hit the fan
>within the next decade
i don't think the world has a decade left if we don't do something soon

>> No.28995042

Don't Cry XRP Grill, Things Will Soon Be Okay

>> No.28995168
Quoted by: >>28995715

>not taken seriously by any academic.
Good, the absolute worst midwits have missed it. Bullish.

>> No.28995356

so we dumped to 49 cents so a 10% rise of bitcoin (predicted, known beforehand) would rise xrp to 54 cents, instead of rising it to 72 cents?


>> No.28995486

sorry fren, its gonna be ok dont you worry

>> No.28995715

>not taken seriously by any academic.

Thats the only stuff I believe in anymore. If a wikipedia page has in the intro I know I've struck gold.

>> No.28995722



>> No.28995728


>> No.28995818

i should've said *when XRP hits $100

>> No.28995972
Quoted by: >>28997168

What's the theory?

>> No.28996087

Where is the shadow /XSG/ raid?

>> No.28996102


>> No.28996216
File: 750 KB, 1121x674, screenshot_2019-05-06_at_4.53.34_pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28996318

Are we at 70c yet?
Imagine my shock

>> No.28996318
Quoted by: >>28996557

4 more hours....unfortunately

>> No.28996386
File: 307 KB, 1080x1540, 1612872791790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28996557
Quoted by: >>28996697

> source : my ass

ok bud wish u were right

>> No.28996697
Quoted by: >>28997473

No source
LARP said .70 by midnight EST

>> No.28996730
Quoted by: >>28998241

Check em.

>> No.28996812
Quoted by: >>28998028

>Don’t go spending all your money otherwise you’ll be part of the statistic of the millionaire curse.
never heard of this curse before, also i gotta spend some of the monies. need my own house and a nice vacation and shit.

>> No.28996955

Clean ID "noel bell"

Jesus has blessed us with NOEL BELLs. 2k by Christmas!

>> No.28997026
File: 39 KB, 851x807, babaLOYAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros did he just covertly mention us?


>> No.28997055

>chinance coin

>> No.28997168

Read my earlier posts

>> No.28997270
Quoted by: >>28997754

we're not really a 'private board'

>> No.28997278


>> No.28997360


>> No.28997373
Quoted by: >>28997754


>> No.28997473

>LARP said

>> No.28997660

one variable you guys are missing is the billions of people not in the banking system.

>> No.28997754
File: 130 KB, 1200x797, EuYK8i1WYAww018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice name for your pic very organic.

He and his discord pretend they have the REAL xsg somewhere else, really it's just a discord where they polish his balls.

>> No.28997878
Quoted by: >>28998195

london is ready

your eyes are blind and your mind is stupid

all good things come in 3s

trust in pool and bg's chosen messenger

>> No.28997938



inclusion / banking the unbanked is a big part of this Great Reset thing. (because the poorest people in the world will definitely benefit from being preyed on by Big Usury instead of their traditional village usurers)

very tied up with the digital ID thing too

>> No.28998023
File: 10 KB, 227x222, 87A343F3-A811-4D98-8C19-BE1B02D6AFD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swear on God if this stupid stablecoin doesn’t hit .70 cents tonight like the LARP said I’m selling 1 (one) entire XRuPee

>> No.28998028

>nice vacation
holy cringe m8

>> No.28998048
Quoted by: >>28998608

Are there any more flaredrops in the pipe?
Any reason to keep hodling atm?

>> No.28998130

Clubhouse is for faggots

In Baba You Cuc.k

Yup, so yeah, 2k isn't a meme but it is.

At the beginning of XSG
Mellon Larp was born
Shortly after a discord invite was given
Then the "baba xsg alliance" tweet
Everything in XSG was babaposting
By a couple dozen generals
They started getting shiton
Particularly by 2 namefags
They think is one anon
Barron and Garlic
This lead to the great Christian larp wars
The legendary jannie meltdowns
And finally, the namefagenning

Since then they tried other shill tactics
They tried the tranny memes
The anit Trump q memes
Then recently the joos and poltards larps
All because they couldn't babapost in peace
No matter how much they try

And behold, baba mellon larpers


>> No.28998136

Win either way, either the moonining begins or we have more time to acoomulate

>> No.28998195
Quoted by: >>28998491

checked. money can't buy height or daddy's attention you fag midget leaf

what other purchases have you guys made lately? i'm content with my XRP stack so i've been buying HBAR and Algo. HBAR because I looked at their list of partners, and ALGO because I think USDC is going to be the digital dollar. Next up I want to get at least 10 QNT. the head guy at Quant, Gilbert Verdian, is a money chad on the same tier as Schwartz. their board director is the director of Rockefeller Capital.

>> No.28998241

Chuck em.

>> No.28998287
File: 236 KB, 1900x926, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28998546

thanks for the links. but holy yikes, pic related lol

>> No.28998346

One???? I'm gonna sell my entire 2 XRP stack, that shit would be devastating

>> No.28998350
File: 1.30 MB, 2048x2018, Screenshot_20210217-155217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28998965

We had some funny interchanges with him yesterday.
He pretended he were are all losers but it's clear he's desperate for our approval.
Such a manlet.

>> No.28998401
File: 2 KB, 125x80, 1600481395123s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone gets a digital wallet at birth and access to starlink.

>> No.28998491

also the Quant guy started the ISO TC307 which is the international standardization/regulation committee for Blockchain/DLT tech. interoperability is going to be the name of the game.

Kinda wanna FOMO in on XDC too. tokenized securities, man, gonna be huge. Sologenic too

>> No.28998546

so much evil in one room. here is a good link on the Rothschild/Vatican inclusive capitalism thing

sounds like the Rothschilds are trying to rebrand (lol)

>> No.28998568
Quoted by: >>28998965

No fuck off with this faggot, he doesn’t know shit.

>> No.28998608
Quoted by: >>29002641

LTC/FLR partition of airdrop soon.

>> No.28998616
File: 73 KB, 1024x819, 1612830042435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dystopian as fuck

>> No.28998649
File: 2.48 MB, 1680x1050, d85fyj0-3da35cab-510d-452a-ad17-0d02ea44e23c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its wagmi time frens

>> No.28998684

Tell me something I didn't prophesize casually as a child on b.

Like I tell all of you in my copypasta>>28985029 you're not wrong in following baba, it's just that you get all uppity when others speak about things baba hasn't deemed important to tell you yet, so you lash out at us, that's why I'm here. I am the baba for the high IQ bizraelis.

I know this hurts your egos in babatrannycord, but it's the truth.

>> No.28998782
Quoted by: >>28998860

Baba is the most based of all and now the namefags are popping up because they are jealous of his clout. At the end of the day they are just jealous of him.

>> No.28998820
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 038945903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least get me to five..ten fuckin dolla for now Davey baby c'mon OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

>> No.28998849

>sold chunk of my eth for xrp


>> No.28998860
File: 671 KB, 1500x964, Lucy Kai-ju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baba is not an insider, he doesn't even know about Lucy's Trust.

>> No.28998907
File: 105 KB, 433x434, satjupiterorbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone notice the Jupiter-Saturn orbit looks like the Ripple logo?
Jay slams us with the SEC lawsuit on the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
the Jupiter and Saturn myth refers to the clash of new gods overcoming the old gods

>> No.28998965

All you newfags... sep 14th was a big week and cugs warned us.... Even pool acknowledges baba

>> No.28999005
File: 25 KB, 720x543, Burns Reflecting On His Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I stare deeply into the orbit

>> No.28999038
Quoted by: >>28999287

pool = baba

>> No.28999049
Quoted by: >>28999398

Now THIS is the shcizophrenic content that I come here for!

>> No.28999072

3 years ago xrp and link were the same price.

xrp will never be worth more than $30

>> No.28999144
File: 89 KB, 679x522, 1599869963871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28999398

how long does 7 orbits take?

>> No.28999161

Baba was never an insider hes a messenger

>> No.28999170
File: 106 KB, 1096x1027, metroid token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a metroid to me.

>> No.28999255


>> No.28999287

Thanks just sold.

>> No.28999292
Quoted by: >>28999569

The game is more complicated than you realize. I'll leave it at this, what is the power of anonymity, even if pseudonymous? THAT YOUR WORDS ARE MORE VALID TO THE THOSE WHO ARE MORE INTELLIGENT FOR YOU SEEK NO GLORY TO YOUR NAME.

I also taught you this lesson, when I told them to make BTC, Satoshi was a fun name, and of course smarter minds heard the wisdom and followed.

Now there is some value in leading people here, as I have also said the general variability in genetics is good in the long run because it naturally produces greater minds that you may use to develope greater and better things.

The main "key exceptional individual" (don't be full of yourself, it doesn't mean you're special, it means you're different with a greater capabilities in the material plane, if you apply yourself) is the high functioning socio/psychopaths. And a sort of precursor to spiritual knowledge is high functioning schizophrenia, this is what being "connected" really refers to.

You see, one eye is used for projection of reality based on your mind and will, and the other is for observation. In your observations there are many connections that many do not see, those who see them seem insane, bit the reality is that the air quality, the water quality, the food, all of these things have been purposely made to suppress humanity by (((them))). The "bad" illuminati.

So they, are larpers, pretending they operate under the law of the jungle, that they deserve their spot at the top, but really they just make sure everyone at the race has one leg shorter than the other.

Carry on.

>> No.28999398
File: 53 KB, 400x370, planetrobitd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to dig deeper, the Venus and Earth orbit forms a pentagram https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/five-petals-of-venus

it happens at every great conjunction, just under 20 years

>> No.28999421

holding the standard feels right

>> No.28999424
File: 58 KB, 520x667, 1612984590435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29000065

I'm not a new fag
I wish people would stop praising Baba based on what he predicted in September 2020.
He promised regulations but we are still all here with our thumbs up our asses waiting for SEC clarity 6 months later.

The only thing that happened was Kraken became a bank. We all expected many others to follow, but again nothing happened. So what if Mr Pool acknowledges him or not, for all we know Baba is Pool, as indicated by the same last two digits on their Twitter accounts.

The only thing we care about is XRP price. He could come out right now and give us his prediction instead of a trail of emojis but he won't because HE DOESNT KNOW. He's been wrong so many times about it already so riddles and faked relationships with Twitter riddlers is really all he has.

>> No.28999497
Quoted by: >>28999646

You post this all the time, is it that Juri’s your waifu, that you’re into giant women, both, or does it as a reaction image have personal meaning for you when you post it?

>> No.28999505
Quoted by: >>29000718

when will this occur?

>> No.28999569
Quoted by: >>28999977

>The main "key exceptional individual" (don't be full of yourself, it doesn't mean you're special, it means you're different with a greater capabilities in the material plane, if you apply yourself) is the high functioning socio/psychopaths. And a sort of precursor to spiritual knowledge is high functioning schizophrenia, this is what being "connected" really refers to.
It is always good to remain humble. It clears your head on helps to understand the enemy in movements to encourage them to become allies.

>> No.28999596
File: 92 KB, 1125x1245, IMG_20210218_125143_373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this guy familiar

>> No.28999646

Soon.jpg. Plus I like the image.

>> No.28999657
File: 89 KB, 634x502, blackswan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28999685

Has any schizo cracked the code on why Elon bought Bitcoin? Boring answer is profit but Elon isn't dumb and I'm sure he knows its a co2 printing machine.

>> No.28999722


>> No.28999724

you’re not schizophrenic
you’re just a retarded poorfag trying to cope bu finding “the next bitcoin”

>> No.28999729
Quoted by: >>28999886

maybe hes holding something else but didnt want to be obvious so he used it to pump crypto

>> No.28999768

Why not use a more standard Soon? I also think Juri is a good waifu

>> No.28999823

Shut up faggot

>> No.28999886
Quoted by: >>29000031

Does China have blackmail on him? Bitcoin is one of their strongest assets and that purchase helps their dominance. Their bubble is going to pop one day though.

>> No.28999895
File: 206 KB, 837x970, d1153fe85adb9e39cf1f3cee3fcdf119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either bitcoin will be utilized in a way we aren't aware of, or he's been instructed to do this the draw attention towards bitcoin,
with his loss of profits if it crashes being a collateral or not even by his own funds, so to speak. Bitcoin ETF's are supposedly 'a thing' now, mind you.
Simply this.

>> No.28999977
Quoted by: >>29000117

I'm aware. Unfortunately for the Twitter randoms brought here by some random bizraeli Q account, they think biz is for them, so they post baba and get shit on by the average cryptocoomer because the average bizraeli cryptocoomer is higher IQ than the average baba twitter discord follower.

So inherently, posting baba, IS attacking XSG and NOT wanting to be allies as you say.

If it was that baba wanted good things, allies, peace etc, all these things larpers claim for baba, then he'd just tell them and everyone here a specific date. But you see, that is not the goal, the goal is a designed gatekeeper operation to obtain the most high functioning schizos/socios/psychos, regardless of IQ.

I am not an operator, though they have tried, and I'll tell you what I told them in different words.

I only answer to God, do as you will.

>> No.29000031
Quoted by: >>29000156

Of course. Where do you think he gets his batteries from?

>> No.29000047

holy shit
i never noticed how close to the grand conjunction the lawsuit and dump happened.
this grand conjunction in Aquarius ushered in a 200yr Air Age (closing out an Earth Age - away from industrial expansion, materialism, capitalism, and towards information, cloud, open protocol - extremely bullish for crypto. current BTC and ETH bull runs started then as well.

>> No.29000065
Quoted by: >>29000189

Phase three isnt over yet. People are just impatient.
It ends when it begins.

>> No.29000117

>I only answer to God
>do as you will.
>do as thou wilt

>> No.29000156

But that isn't a secret. Everyone that dyor knows this.

>> No.29000173
File: 19 KB, 268x268, henlo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we all calm down please

>> No.29000189
Quoted by: >>29000416

are you deaf

>> No.29000258

The truth is we are averting an ice age by using fossil fuels, not only that, if we melt the ice we get greater access to the ruins of Atlantis in the North and the ruins of Sumerian/Lemuria etc in Antarctica.

BTC won't die, it'll just live inside the XRPL one day because it's more efficient.

The reason why Elon did that is for normie on boarding, they need people to not be scared of crypto, it's normie anti crypto FUD, it's just that normies are simple people.

You can't just say "crypto good normies, buy it" after you spent a decade telling them that it was rife with illegal black market transactions.

>> No.29000416


>> No.29000523


>> No.29000591

high, high, high quality schizoposting right here guys

>> No.29000610
File: 193 KB, 657x525, 1613450648534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29001106

Elon bought BTC because it was written into the script for him

>> No.29000717

>a new hero soon arises

>> No.29000718

April or May. then Flare Finance a week or three after

>> No.29000795
Quoted by: >>29000972

who wants to make a team with me?

>> No.29000972

should start a general on /g/ or something
this competition does sound like a lot of fun, given our shared interests

>> No.29001035

How do we know that David Schwartz follows Jesus Christ? Jesus early followers were Jewish and his followers were willing to die and be tortured for the proof of his word. Ripple is partnered with IMF and correct me if I'm wrong but they are owned if not associated with the Rothchild's. Xrp could still be Trump's coin but Trump is connected with Israel and his family are all married to Jews, not the Jesus Jews type but the Satanist type. Trump and his uncle also own Nikola Tesla's work and possibly live in many timelines.

>> No.29001057

does anyone know what time the court is scheduled for?

>> No.29001106


>> No.29001133

wish i could delete this post desu

>> No.29001240

What, like a soon.webm?

>> No.29001272
File: 87 KB, 720x960, National Treasure 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates follows the New Testament, but I wouldn't be surprised if we're all fucked

>> No.29001284
Quoted by: >>29001836

From a comment on the site, can't say I disagree:
>When I first read the headline I thought this might be something new. It initially looked to be a good idea. However, it doesn’t feel like an innovation hackathon.

>The issues of X-border transactions are not new, it’s something that FinTech has been looking to solve for many years now. And they have. We have solutions out there that work, they just don’t run over SWIFT. Solutions such as Transferwise have shown what sort of customer experiences actual customers expect, and they have grabbed a lot of traction and business away from the banks (and by extension SWIFT). Then we have Ripple, who are solving these issues in a very different way, though granted it may not be the desired solution of banks or central banks for obvious reasons, however they do provide a solution to x-border transactions (better than the current offerings from banks and SWIFT). We now have in the marketplace RTGS.global, which has spoken at length about solving these problems, and they are already ISO 20022 based, already enable instant transparent payments (which renders tracking legacy), can be used by banks and no doubt is a considerably cheaper more modern architecture. They would also be nuts not to have on their roadmap value add services such as identity, screening, AML etc.

>So is this really a case of innovation, or a case of SWIFT trying to copy and cobble ideas together to help keep relevant? This feels more like a fishing exercise to inspire the hundreds of engineers SWIFT seem to be trying to onboard...

>> No.29001421

They were Israelites, not the modern day '''Jews"" ou know of today. The modern ""Jews''' were the Pharisees, who created the modern '''Jewish''' religion several hundred years after the death of Christ.

>> No.29001588 [DELETED] 

1 hint, not every seemingly infinite thing is equal to another seemingly infinite thing, even more so, no actual infinite thing is equal to another actually infinite thing.

And in each of these infinities, there are differences, great differences.

>> No.29001711
Quoted by: >>29002001

uh hi yeah i'll take 3 tacos with the lab grown beef, you have the lab grown beef? you don't have the lab grown beef? I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.
So for meat in the middle-income-and-above countries, I do think it’s possible. But it’s one of those ones where, wow, you have to track it every year and see, and the politics [are challenging]. There are all these bills that say it’s got to be called, basically, lab garbage to be sold. They don’t want us to use the beef label. So you guys should start selling lab beef or I'm releasing covid-21

>> No.29001740
File: 112 KB, 678x693, 1613365095273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very few people realize this important truth. Congrats.

>> No.29001836

i don't hear the words Real-Time Gross Settlement enough in these threads. Places like Singapore and Hong Kong (iirc) already make use of real time digital payments for inter- and intra-bank transfers

see: p. 406 (section 3.3) in this document

>> No.29001880

tldr jesus is based and king

>> No.29001920
Quoted by: >>29002059

Christ is King XRP 2K

>> No.29002001
Quoted by: >>29002059

lol. take the vax or i'm fucking blotting out the sun

>> No.29002004

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.29002048
File: 135 KB, 520x520, xrp22221.530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29002345

2.22.21 5:30pm, natal saturn in aquarius in opposition of transiting leo in jupiter

>> No.29002059 [DELETED] 


Fucking lol, and this is why I love you retarded fags hahahahaha.

Christ is King. :)

>> No.29002075

new thread
mew tread
new thread

>> No.29002121

But does David Schwartz follow Jesus?

>> No.29002345

wait sorry its natal jupiter in leo opposition transiting saturn in aquarius -___-;;

>> No.29002641

thats not a airdrop this is a f asset reward pool for minting your ltc onto flare.

>> No.29002878

Does Bill have BOOBA?