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>> No.38214504
File: 2.11 MB, 1826x1823, Puuyo-RebeccaS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's finished

>> No.38215055
Quoted by: >>38220954

Very nice. Looks great.

>> No.38215743
File: 256 KB, 1000x1515, 1636998644217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being the loyal "no-name" servant of the powerful high elf sorceress who gives out end game quests to all the high leveled heroes. The high elf lady who has been here since before man. Princess of the ancient ancestor elves. Lady of the high elves.

>> No.38215744
Quoted by: >>38216263

Pyrow rainbow parties

>> No.38215757
File: 1.49 MB, 1800x1009, 95569388_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38215778

>> No.38215778

Zipangu seems pretty chill. You would just randomly meet powerful yokai mamono at the local inn

>> No.38215779
File: 311 KB, 1316x2382, 15413077570294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216220

>tfw no big tiddy fluff gf

>> No.38215787
File: 424 KB, 800x776, 67004986_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what she will grow into.

>> No.38215791
Quoted by: >>38220954

Cute goat.

>> No.38215801

A very, VERY busty succ

>> No.38215813
File: 379 KB, 1920x1881, oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC really need to make a fruit, vegetable, scent, etc. that enables angry sex. Being raped by a Hellhound, Oni or Minoutaur that is super pissed off and about to beat the crap out of me and release it all through sex would be very sexy. I wouldn't mind getting a couple of bitchslaps during the rape either.

>> No.38215815
File: 260 KB, 1000x1000, 1530579137250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220954

Very nice gote

>> No.38215838

>Oni raping you while your steel longsword is in her shoulder

>> No.38215840
File: 244 KB, 1248x960, 1641271604076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do krampus get their bags?

>> No.38215847
File: 231 KB, 288x285, azur-lane-atago.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38215855
File: 182 KB, 591x893, leia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216629

Lately some people have been confused and apparently think Dragons are strong men only or that Dragonia Leia doesnt know what she wants, her profile is a contradiction or is strong men only. So even though I already posted it, I am reposting the explanation again early in the thread to inform most anons that this isn't the case at all.

This has been addressed by KC already. First of all, even within Dragonia information, we got confirmation that protecting men is an instinct dragons have:

>So, there are people - adventure seekers who occasionally continue to buy colorless stones, already married, but such buyers are usually stolen by erotic monsters on the same day or they are protected by serious dragons, who call themselves protectors and stop any excess dragon men

As for the answer in this issue, I asked KC regarding something similar in Twitter, and he replied:


Google translate:

>It is said that there are both types of dragons, depending on the personality of the individual and the relationship with the spouse.
>For most dragons, human males are weak, so many individuals take the stance of protecting them as their own treasure (husband).

DeepL translation:

>We're talking about both types of dragons, depending on the individual's personality and relationship with their mate.
>For most dragons, human males are weak, so more individuals take the stance of making them their treasure (husband) and protecting them.

So from what I understand, Dragons have both dual desires, both the desire for a man stronger than them and also the desire to protect a weaker man as her husband/treasure. And Dragons are fine with either of those desires being fulfilled, with a majority of Dragons ending up going for the "protect a weak man" route given the overwhelming strenght difference.

So it makes sense for Leia to have both desires at the same time. To put it in other words, the nature of a Hellhound and a Lizardman both reside in Dragons and they are fine with either nature being catered to or both.

Aside from that, and in fact this is where I asked KC the question, KC released a string of tweets where he states Dragons can be extremely loose on their definition of being "defeated" (and thus a male being stronger) with some Dragons taking the stance that even just falling in love with a man counts as being "defeated" by him. Also Dragons and monsters in general passively feed their mana to their husbands and as such, if a Dragon has the desire of being defeated by her mate, even if it is a completely average or under average joe, he will just gain the strenght to overpower her.

>> No.38215880

Gays I’m pretty sure I’ve got the China flu, please send a Holstaur in a nurse’s outfit to nurse me back to health, in both sense of the word.

>> No.38215901
Quoted by: >>38215994


You need an Unicorn, not a Holstaur.

>> No.38215904
Quoted by: >>38215994

You need a Bogie, not a Holstaur

>> No.38215910

Would a Hellhound or Dragon be willing to marry a man in a wheelchair?

>> No.38215918
File: 173 KB, 900x750, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216451

>> No.38215923


Apsara thing! It has big fat brown milkers. I hope you guys like it, and that you're having a good 2022 so far.

>> No.38215928

Gazers would be all over men with eyepatches.

>> No.38215935 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 2273x1761, 1626983108907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38215994

she's got the cure

>> No.38215940
File: 169 KB, 848x1199, lOXrZZTT_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Forgot to post the brown titties.

>> No.38215941
File: 583 KB, 1382x1040, 1572662115362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhound 110% would.
Dragons, on the other hand, may take convincing. Those Dragonia Wurms would be all for it though.

>> No.38215955

wheelchairs are kind of like cars so i can see there might be some misgivings

>> No.38215973
File: 116 KB, 1080x884, FB_IMG_1592399071989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38215985

Jinko would
Mamonobama heals everything anyway

>> No.38215993

I’m going to get an amazoness addicted to doggystyle

>> No.38215994

I’ll take then both at this point.
Well they do say that laughter is the best medicine.

>> No.38215996


That is one of the reasons why I like monstergirls so much.

>> No.38216001
File: 305 KB, 693x1100, 1632272352167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216023

I love my dogwife and I want to have many many daughter puppies with her.

>> No.38216008
Quoted by: >>38216019

>Dragons, on the other hand, may take convincing.


>> No.38216019
Quoted by: >>38216063

Haughty, prideful.

>> No.38216020
File: 217 KB, 1669x1364, ERKiv6mUUAE409R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38216023

I’m a dog person but much prefer catgirls, I wonder if there is a correlation?

>> No.38216063
Quoted by: >>38216098


But also overprotective.

>> No.38216078

Why don't hfyfags like mge?
>humans are all incredibly talented jrpg protagonists
>the only thing that can keep humans in check is god
>god puts a limiter on human's power, still can't control them
>god creates a race specifically to slaughter humans, all it takes is a single nonhandicapped human to btfo them all
>human killing race is so infatuated with humans that they all transform themselves into perfect waifus to help the humans btfo god
>god tries to stop this, but fate itself sides with humanity

>> No.38216097

Because if they don’t have the right to kill and slaughter anybody they want then clearly it’s an oppressive dystopia, in other words they’re dumb edgy teenagers.

>> No.38216098

Not really.
They're similar to Hellhounds in that they innately see humans as inferior, but they react to it differently in that they act uninterested and stay away from humans.
They'd be protective of a man that they were in a relationship with, but actually starting that relationship is the hard part for Dragons.

>> No.38216121

objectively wrong we have had this exact train of thought rebuffed by kc tweets like five threads in a row

>> No.38216128

the same old shit all over again

>> No.38216154

tender obedient krampussy

>> No.38216159
Quoted by: >>38216172

>objectively wrong
Well then bring out the tweets because their profile straight up says:
>Furthermore, due to their great haughtiness, they will not meet with people ... it is not uncommon for a dragon to go her whole life without having had sex with a human man.
How, pray tell, do you expect a man in a goddamn wheelchair to meet up with a monster that intentionally stays in a lair way the fuck away from humans?

>> No.38216172
Quoted by: >>38216178

well, there was that whole dragonia thing in case you've been out of the loop.

>> No.38216178
Quoted by: >>38216222

Well yeah, that's why I brought up the Dragonia Wurms. Which, unlike most of dragonkind, are pretty much the Husbando Protection Squad.

>> No.38216207
File: 1.58 MB, 2369x3500, 98aa3c6b13601fc0a0fb6b0d523883f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216271

Need bun

>> No.38216220
Quoted by: >>38216261

>No one will ever be this happy to see you or your erection

She gets it.

>> No.38216222

i can't really zombie dragons being too picky.
the ryu's be all over him if he goes to the onsen for healing.
wyvern might get a kick out of being his legs and wings
and basically any tour guide knows what they're signing up for.

>> No.38216224
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1228, 1642037654047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no I am going to lose this fight!

>> No.38216243
File: 2.45 MB, 600x700, 65724439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38216261
File: 101 KB, 1211x1053, 1532080621640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply live with the pain

>> No.38216263
File: 2.94 MB, 337x474, ezgif.com-gif-maker(10).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyrow at the beach!

>> No.38216270

elves aren't real, they cant hurt you.....

>> No.38216271

Small yet feisty

>> No.38216296
File: 1.57 MB, 2000x1200, 83219649_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38216299

fucking nice.

>> No.38216330

Very nice read
Poor succ thought

>> No.38216351

had a great time with it but i always feel conflicted about having monsters behave like bitches.
apophis often gets the short stick there.

>> No.38216352

Bunny maids with backgrounds as assassins?

>> No.38216354

>No lolim to adventure with you because she wants to experience that kind of life before she "Gets super strong like my oneesans!"

>> No.38216374
File: 1.09 MB, 1344x1819, fb71ace364a53be14ca6aede93bfd7fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38216379
File: 133 KB, 1000x1415, 1635369115945-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing about the service wan/security/wife package
They will be very gentle with their rape as to not damage you further.

>> No.38216390
Quoted by: >>38216476

Could kick a centaur through a wall.

>> No.38216399

A dragon?
Also yes, you don't need muscles to necessarily prove yourself to a dragon.
A keen mind or slick tongue can work just as well.

>> No.38216420
File: 89 KB, 517x1000, C6C75CEC-A33A-4259-B03C-9821A8AA4BC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elves are[...] real, [...] can[...] hurt you
Well said. Ears shaped like knives so they’re ready to stab you in the back.

>> No.38216430
File: 1.01 MB, 1348x1980, 74553321_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38216451
Quoted by: >>38216463

Now I want to see a hellhound raised by house cats.

>> No.38216458
File: 48 KB, 480x492, 8AD02C0A-1702-4209-B335-6C3970AD3811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216489

Thoughts on this guy?
I really like tentacles.

>> No.38216463
Quoted by: >>38216515

So a tsundere hellhound?

>> No.38216476
Quoted by: >>38216522

feet tipped with claws that can cut through steel

>> No.38216481

If it has wheels in Dragonia it counts as a 'car' for having a lot of Dragon-car-sex
>already having a wheelchair will help with recovering from the shattered pelvis issue

>> No.38216489

hypnosis stuff is fun. i've saved several of his pieces before

>> No.38216515
Quoted by: >>38216535

No a happy, cute, shy, lazy one.

>> No.38216522

>Do not think about what lies behind the March Hare's smile, some things are better left unsaid.

>> No.38216535

Hmmm, a rather interesting set of cats you got

>> No.38216561
File: 199 KB, 1355x1920, doppelganger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need doppel ass

>> No.38216578

>giving out rabbit facts and that one anons Flemish giant sketch awoke a new love for bunny girls.

I'm gonna have to redo my sorter

>> No.38216596

>Not really.

Yes, really:

From KC tweet:

>We're talking about both types of dragons, depending on the individual's personality and relationship with their mate.
>For most dragons, human males are weak, so more individuals take the stance of making them their treasure (husband) and protecting them.

From Dragonia Shirtia:
>So, there are people - adventure seekers who occasionally continue to buy colorless stones, already married, but such buyers are usually stolen by erotic monsters on the same day or they are protected by serious dragons, who call themselves protectors and stop any excess dragon men

From Dragonia Leia:
>After all, for her, human beings are still "creatures that need to be guarded and protected". And even during the tour, you can become the object of her overprotection, as the most valuable treasure.

From Dragon Zombie:
>However, by becoming undead, the instinct to protect the male they obtained as their treasure is also strengthened.

Dragons being Hellhound tier overprotective is a very heavily established fact at this point.

>but they react to it differently in that they act uninterested and stay away from humans.

Dragons dont go looking for humans, but they wont act uninterested if they meet a compatible human and indeed their protective insticts is one of the main 2 instincts that make them interested in men. I remember, though I might be wrong, that KC stated somewhere that one of the main reasons Dragons can die alone is because many don't ever actually meet humans and the few that do most of them come to kill them, and this is where their pride kicks in and tend to make them not claim such men.

Dragons being hard to get and rejecting men is a completely false myth. They ate hard to find, unless you go to Dragonia. But once you actually meet one, they arent any harder to marry than any monster, unless you meet a particular individual that is tsundere or likes to play hard to get.

>> No.38216615
Quoted by: >>38216632

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that not all Ryus are prim and proper shrine maidens, some are rough and tumble tomboys that 'suck at that ritual stuff." or more aggressive ones that prefer training with weapons than studying texts.

>> No.38216629


We had this rebuffed in this very thread:

>> No.38216632

what about ryu neets that pretend to control the weather?

>> No.38216645

>ryu neets
Prime oomukade bully bait

>> No.38216652

But Anon, they do.
They just require the sacred essence your bloodline carries so that they can unleash their most powerful and arcane rituals of weather control.
As such, you must come to their shrine and gaze upon the sacred texts with them to better align your souls in preparation for the ritual.

>Implying they wouldn't be good friends with the oomukade occasionally teasing he by her super effective dragon techniques.

>> No.38216688
Quoted by: >>38217729

Household tips for Doppel-waifus:
Your "Husbando's-crush-waifu" can help Anon explore his fetishes with a fancy bottle from the markets labelled 'Transformation Potion' filled with simple, cheap well-water.

>> No.38216713

but would you bully the bug or protect your neet ryu?

>> No.38216735
File: 71 KB, 355x447, About to Laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38216746
Quoted by: >>38216777

>dopple that looks like your mom or sister
...i'm sure it's nothing to worry about

>> No.38216753
File: 885 KB, 800x850, 15413077321410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give my big fluffy waifu a back massage

>> No.38216755
File: 443 KB, 1536x2048, Temporary_ImageB (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your reminder to feel the eel.

>> No.38216757
File: 87 KB, 900x636, 1623896558407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite way for a mg to find/ambush you?

>> No.38216769

That man clearly has at least 60 pounds on that monster. She's not the boss of his gym

>> No.38216777

I would love to have a little sister doppel, and a little sister.

>> No.38216785
File: 891 KB, 3200x3100, 1642082867750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216794


>> No.38216789
File: 2.02 MB, 800x800, 82134602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some sort of lure (damsel in distress, being beckoned over to some bushes, beguiled by enchanted voice) followed by medium impact snuggles

>> No.38216794

Smells like burnt fur.

>> No.38216795

Sneaking into my bed, giving me a pleasure-paralyzing blowjob.

>> No.38216808
File: 172 KB, 2034x2048, 178457869556.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216825

Some Human women shouldn't become monsters, they're powerful enough as it is.

>> No.38216821
File: 690 KB, 2272x1078, 1532080622278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do the ambushing

>> No.38216824

A fateful bumping into one another where I bump into a sweet girl and one thing leads to another sounds nice, but I'm not often in social situations. Beyond that, something kabedon adjacent; that three-hellhounds-in-a-sauna idea from last week really activated my almonds. Basically, just chad my shit up without full on rape.

>> No.38216825

Wrong thread.

>> No.38216836

>making a devious fox blush
so is affection there true weakness?

>> No.38216849
File: 219 KB, 572x472, 15413077339754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold her hand and watch her fall apart.

>> No.38216851
File: 40 KB, 894x538, F(luff).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38216877

Yes, but that's not the safest angle of attack.

>> No.38216856
Quoted by: >>38216866

Yes. I headcanon manticores being the same.

>> No.38216866

you could try the back of the neck thing too. that seems to work on a lot of cats

>> No.38216875
File: 243 KB, 1003x768, Ultimate_Maniacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sex fights with monster girls to see how many rounds you can last against various monster girls?
Kinda like the UFC but with sex or WWF with sex?
>Bawh gawd KING he is breaking her in half!

>> No.38216877

Yeah, but that also means that you'll be within rape distance when you inevitably have to let go.

Safest? No. Best? Yes.

>> No.38216880

Pulling down your swimming trunks and using it as hostage

>> No.38216890
Quoted by: >>38216909


With Succs, this canonically is holding her tail.

>> No.38216893
File: 398 KB, 850x592, ke053r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I want their autographs

>> No.38216908
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x2630, 178345654665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would there at least be weight classes so fights aren't too one-sided? Or is that what the audience wants?

>> No.38216909

I love the little details KC adds like how demon and succubi tails are so sensitive that touching one's tail is an act of marriage

>> No.38216912

we wouldn't want baphomets dominating everything after all

>> No.38216917
Quoted by: >>38216931

I'd end up married so fast. Succ tails look really gropeable.

>> No.38216928
Quoted by: >>38216945

Neck kisses op

>> No.38216931
Quoted by: >>38216958

Bet they wiggle and lash them around on purpose to make you want to grab them

>> No.38216940
Quoted by: >>38216966

I would like to see an Amazoness reaction to tail grabbing.

>> No.38216945

That makes vampires op

>> No.38216958

Yeah, they'd wiggle them around to activate human boys' desire to touch cute girls (and also squishy things). Also, is it weird that I want to pin down a succ, oil up her tail and play with it? Because I do. Bad. It wouldn't be the same comforting feeling as fluff, but it sounds hot.

>> No.38216966

Only demons and succubi are confirmed to have such tails. Kunoichi tails canonically function like third arms/suction cups so an amazon's tail may be the monster version of an ankylosaurus tail. We just don't know

>> No.38216972
File: 246 KB, 1200x899, 1537845304906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it actually happens
when will succs learn?

>> No.38216976
File: 307 KB, 932x1624, Kof_xv_antonov_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217005

I'd say so.
There are special matches too.

>> No.38216980

>That one itty bitty tittied succubus off to the right among the titcows
Heh. Plank.

>> No.38216991
File: 1.41 MB, 876x2364, 1595299071179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she tries

>> No.38216999

probably an elf in disguise.

>> No.38217005
Quoted by: >>38217012

>(I'm sure to win because my speed is superior!)

>> No.38217008

rip apophis you were ironically bad at your job

>> No.38217012
Quoted by: >>38217020

>responding to off-topic garbage
Really hope you niggers are smarter than this

>> No.38217020
Quoted by: >>38217031

>Stop having fun.
Cry somewhere else double nigger.

>> No.38217024

Should've tried paper
Because she's flat

>> No.38217031
Quoted by: >>38217051

lurk moar fgt

>> No.38217048

Poor owo succ.

>> No.38217051

Stay seething fuckboi

>> No.38217053
File: 979 KB, 2000x1430, Sola Vanessa Comm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217060

Two friends just being adorable. She's trying her hardest to do a peace sign but it seems like we'll just have to take her word for it.

>> No.38217060
Quoted by: >>38217156

It's alright, she'll have fingers one day.

>> No.38217149
File: 1.46 MB, 2711x4096, buenos dias mandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when you touch fox ass instead of fluffy tail?

>> No.38217156
Quoted by: >>38217172

But anon claws are more useful for making cocoons

>> No.38217158
File: 129 KB, 1000x1500, SoW Arena Taunt02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping out of nowhere while all people take attention to her, the camera zooms in and she yells "MANSWINE!"

>> No.38217159
File: 861 KB, 1064x1080, succpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider vampiric succubi.

>> No.38217164
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>> No.38217171
File: 1.17 MB, 1191x1684, 1637811237932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By reading this post, you are now legally obligated to fuck the fox

>> No.38217172
Quoted by: >>38217199

And she won't have hands until after she makes the cocoon. See? The system is perfect!

>> No.38217183
Quoted by: >>38220954

Small goats are dangerous!

>> No.38217185

You lose just ONCE to her and she tells every Monster in the zone. Boasting about how she 'conquered' you in detail.

>> No.38217186
File: 91 KB, 754x1000, 1525512679433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217259

Impromptu glutes massage.

>> No.38217199
Quoted by: >>38217210

But what if she wants to make another one???

>> No.38217210
Quoted by: >>38217242

She'll have to use blankets and maybe hot chocolate like everyone else.

>> No.38217220

That art style and that tail tell me to run far away.

>> No.38217236


>> No.38217242

But blankets aren't strong and comfy like silk is! Remaining-worms bros win again, now if you'll excuse me, my worm wife and I are going to rappel onto the rafters and have a night of steamy cocoonsex.

>> No.38217250

>blankets aren't strong and comfy like silk is
Get better blankets. Sheepfuckers are laughing at you right now.

>> No.38217259

>Can old hag Foxes retain their "Wise Elder" composure after receiving a wedgie? Let's find out!

>> No.38217265

Bold underwear for a hag.

>> No.38217282
File: 1.46 MB, 2711x4096, imbecil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217327


>> No.38217292

Soliloquizing right next to me when I had no idea she was there.

>> No.38217309

I wonder if we will have another Shadow of War game in the future to reanimate the Orc/Trolls in the threads and also because the game was good

>> No.38217327

It's all fun and games until your waifu feels up your own butt...

>> No.38217336

Then it's more fun and games?

>> No.38217350

>Big meaty paw able to grab and squeeze both of your cheeks.

>> No.38217355
File: 713 KB, 850x1096, 1525224692042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217402


>> No.38217402
File: 837 KB, 1484x1696, d131fecb8e3e154ece41cff5975235bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217427

Monsters have so many convienent grabbing points.

>> No.38217427
File: 389 KB, 853x1180, 1528001000560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna touch them

>> No.38217432
File: 311 KB, 740x1326, 55555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen you pokin' around this side of town for a while now, kid
>whatcha lookin' for...? You want someone to keep you safe on your travels....? Maybe keep you warm at night?

>> No.38217448
Quoted by: >>38217572

How many knives could one fox possibly need?

>> No.38217456
File: 85 KB, 850x1275, __kaenbyou_rin_touhou_drawn_by_mandarok1149__sample-5fe5d5fe40370656e969719ed63fe047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always is.

>> No.38217458
Quoted by: >>38217589

Oh gosh, what a charmer.

>> No.38217522
Quoted by: >>38217726

>Those tails
It's a warning, she's about to attack!

>> No.38217529
Quoted by: >>38217560

thats a cat

>> No.38217558

>doppelganger turns into her man’s crush
>ass stays the same
>gets him addicted to everything involving her butt she can think of

>> No.38217560
Quoted by: >>38217587

Shit, man. You some kind of cat scientist?

>> No.38217572

She's probably hiding a few more in that fluffy tail

>> No.38217581
Quoted by: >>38217621

I just want to lie in a bed and cuddle with a lilim, while she wraps her tail around me.

>> No.38217587
File: 376 KB, 2387x2000, EbCtov8XYAEyWDg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217669

Nah, just proper equipment

>> No.38217589

Just sounds like a slut to me. At least be subtle about it.

>> No.38217621

t. Lilim
You aren’t fooling anyone

>> No.38217663

I like lilims because they are basically just succubus+ and the classic succubus is a good design already.

I also firmly believe that most monsters, at least the non already aligned mges, have a lilim variant. I'd kill to see a lilim Kiki, Holst or bunyip

>> No.38217669

did you check that detector against the control?

>> No.38217670
File: 61 KB, 1701x284, its called empathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't hfyfags like mge?
Becuase some people enjoy violence/drama/"grit" and any excuse to display said things at the first chance

I've heard grown men fantasize about dropping an unkillable dragon in salormoon just becuase he doesnt like the series, there are TONS of hateficks on fanfic sites from people that dont even read the sourse material ard are just joing the mob

TLDR: edgetards gon edge, leave them to their pain boners as theres no way to make them happy MGE-wise

>> No.38217723
Quoted by: >>38217741

I hate when people insert grit
friend told me about this one fic about that show "arthur", it involved the little sister setting the house on fire, the parents geting a divorce and arthur himself ending up at a new school where the gym teachers a pedo

>> No.38217726

You're gonna get pounced.

>> No.38217729
Quoted by: >>38217765

Doppel-doppel digits
>be a sneaky Doppel
>pretend to have bought transform potion at the Tanuki-mart
>ask Anon for his preference - bigboobs, loli, whatever?
>Anon: "how about a small shy dark-haired girl?"
>sobbing, handholding, shy kissing
>as if Anon didnt know all along
>happy ending

>> No.38217733
Quoted by: >>38217759

They're raping him... and then they're going to rape me! OH MY GOD!!!

>> No.38217741
Quoted by: >>38217754

>at a new school where the gym teachers a pedo
Uh, that's not "gritty", that's just another example of :

>> No.38217749

logger shitposting monstergirls?

>> No.38217754

Don't insult alps by associating them with that faggotry.

>> No.38217759
File: 519 KB, 921x1200, Bogie_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217773

You’re laughing. People were raped and you’re laughing.

>> No.38217765
Quoted by: >>38217783

>>as if Anon didnt know all along
Yeah, as if your unattainable-crush does a sudden complete 180* and goes full waifu.
Unless an Anon is a complete retard, he has to know it's a Doppel in the first five minutes
>[shrug] still better than Anon being a perma-friendzone simp, and it's his best-ending anyway

>> No.38217773

Clown world

>> No.38217783
File: 627 KB, 1367x629, Doppelganger_eng2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38217835

>crush does a sudden complete 180* and goes full waifu
Doppels can make that happen too. They’re just too good.

>> No.38217807
Quoted by: >>38217839

>We don't like seeing people, even if they re fictional suffer

>Humans killing monsters is okay
>We need drama and real violence

I dont understand.

>> No.38217809

What’s with all the doppel posting lately?

>> No.38217831 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 546x418, Screenshot_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like doppels

>> No.38217835

Yeah, eventually the Crush does a 180 and turns out to be Anon's 2nd-waifu, but he should have already figured it out long before that, otherwise it's going to be a bit of a shock.
>lots of: "I'm the real waifu, she's an imposter / a late-comer"

>> No.38217839
Quoted by: >>38217849

Monsters aren't people
Simple as

>> No.38217849
Quoted by: >>38217919

> *as bad as people.

>> No.38217879
Quoted by: >>38217903

Yesterday's sperg-posting of a lot of old profile pages turned up some fresh interest in some of the less noticed girls.
And Doppels really are the perfect 'whatever you want' waifu

>> No.38217903


Arent all doppels loli-like and eventually you have to fall in love woth the loli and the doppel will lose the ability to transform?

>> No.38217919

>*as bad as people they're worse

>> No.38217947

What if you fall in love with having a waifu who can be anything?
>[insert 'taps side of head' meme here]

>> No.38217958
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1598698072587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tap dancing mermaid!

>> No.38217993

But the fat assed loli with a tiny dress that covers nothing is the best part.

>> No.38218009
File: 101 KB, 677x536, double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e.g. A clever Anon should realise his 'perfect-Crush' waifu is a Doppel pretty easily.
Then its a matter of "gee, if only you had bigger boobs... gee, it would be really hot if you were a loli... or had tentacle arms... gee, as a roleplay, I wonder if you could dress up as a Lilim for me... etc, etc" to gradually bring your Doppel out of her shell and be comfortable freely shapeshifting.
Then you show her that you love her as the shape-shifter, not her Fake-Crush form or her default introvert-loli mode.

>> No.38218084

Tfw the clever-Anon walks past the "only1waifu" Gatekeepers every day with a 'different' Mamono from his virtual-harem to watch their heads explode and run bitching to the MGC Cops who just laugh and say they can't touch him.

>> No.38218108
Quoted by: >>38218163

>doppel turns into different girls all the time
>keeps getting soul linked to random passersby
You sure you wanna play with fire like that?

>> No.38218154

>be Anon
>have wonderful 'open' marriage to his Doppel Waifu
>(not 'open' as in Swinging ofc, 'open' as in they both enjoy that she can freely shapeshift to whatever pleases them both on any occasion)
>Waifu leaves to go to the market
>a stray Kiki knocks at the door, seeking Maido employment
>Anon, "sure, random kiki I have never met before, you can work here in your cute Maido outfit' (wink, wink)
>new Kiki maido is sweeping the kitchen floor
>Anon comes up behind her, bends her over the sink, etc etc
>Anon is turned on that the 'kiki' even struggles realistically
>Anon's Doppel comes home with the shopping just as Anon nuts in the Kiki....

Tip: always have a safe-word or a distinctive ear-ring etc with your Doppel

>> No.38218163
Quoted by: >>38218182

Why would her linkage to her Anon change, especially as he's appreciating her even more for all her varying talents?

>> No.38218182

You misunderstand, before you know it you’ve accidentally turned your wife into a harem with dozens of girls joined to her mana.

>> No.38218183
Quoted by: >>38218205

I'm gonna invade a monster girl kingdom and fuck and impregnate ever girl there!
Sure, it might be a slime kingdom and all the girls might technically be the same slime queen, but it still counts.

>> No.38218205
Quoted by: >>38218334

Conquering the Queen and kingdom! All hail the mighty dick saber!

>> No.38218225
File: 659 KB, 853x480, gang wedding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that get Anon a real-harem?
>unless Anon's deep desire is to be a Harem-guy
>then his Doppel goes out into town shape-shifted into Anon and meets and 'marries' a different Mamono every day
>she tells each one of 'Anon's' new waifus to turn up at Anon's house on one day for the big 'wedding ceremony'
>Anon wakes up on that day to to a knock on the door - pic related
>and Anon still doesn't know which one of his mixed harem is the hidden Doppel

>> No.38218249

So Smiffu doesn't really exist and Kimihito's whole saga is just Doppel playing her longest practical joke on Kimihito and all the other Mamonos?
>makes as much sense as any other Monmusu plot theory

>> No.38218268
Quoted by: >>38218434

>>How does that get Anon a real-harem?
>Also, if it turns out that the man was mistaken in thinking that his love had been one-sided and it turns out that the real woman was actually fond of him, then when the woman catches sight of the doppelganger borrowing her form, from that moment onward, the woman who has the same form and the same feelings for the man, becomes joined to the doppelganger’s demonic energy. Once joined through demonic energy, their thoughts, feelings and memories start linking and because of the doppelganger having sex with the man, the memories and pleasure of having sex flow directly into the woman's head.
Times a dozen. God help this poor bastard.

>> No.38218302

No, to turn into Anon's fantasy-girls - the Loli, the tentacle-girl, the Lilim - the Doppel doesn't just invent a shape, she has to spirit-link with an actual example of each mamono to copy them.
Who, through the linkage, all slowly get converted to wanting to become Anon's ideal-waifu, like his Crush-girl would have if Anon just had a simple one Crush-girl fantasy.

So then the real mamono girls all turn up on Anons doorstep, all waiting to be his waifu, so it's become a real harem plus the Doppel.
Still not a bad end.

>> No.38218334

>Anon has "conquered" the same lands like 72 times now
Living in a slime kingdom with a slime queen wife sounds really nice.
Fuck any of the girls you like, any shops or things you like will be added to the kingdom within the day.
It just sounds really nice.
I wanna go and have a reverse gangbang with the slime guards.

>> No.38218365

I don't have one. My fantasies always involve me ambushing them.

>> No.38218419
Quoted by: >>38218658

But why are you getting reverse gangbanged? Did you steal a loaf of bread or punishment for stealing the Princesses Virginity?

>> No.38218434
Quoted by: >>38218503

>then when the woman catches sight of the doppelganger borrowing her form
Actually, that's a curious point.
What if the Crush DOESN'T see the Doppel copy her image?
A sneaky Doppel just spies on her from the bushes and copies her from a distance, or while she's asleep.
With no linking, the Crush doesn't ever change and start to lust for Anon, so the Doppel in Crush-form gets to keep Anon's affections all to herself?
e.g. If Crush-Doppel comes up to Anon and says to Anon let's elope together to a distant town and they never meet the real-Crush ever again.
She presumably just ignores that the Anon she was never interested in anyway has left town and has stopped bothering her.
So reformed-Crush never turns up at Anon&Doppel's door to spoil her perfect twosome with the threeway?

>> No.38218503

DL's "Law of Ironic Fate in Greentextings"
>10 years later, a sad lonely Crush-hag travels through Anon's Town and sees 'herself' in the Market-square buying vegetables, happy and with 8 kids
>now that she has seen the Doppel copying her, the instant mana-linkage rapid-dumps 10years of accumulated Anon mana into her
>she follows the Doppel and kids home, desperate to reconnect with her very surprised Anon who has no idea his waifu is the Doppel because he's never seen them both together before

>> No.38218557
Quoted by: >>38218605

Queen Slimes belong to a category of wish fulfilment that only Phantoms and Mindflayers and to a lesser extent Djinns can fulfil.
>Want to larp as a mass rapist? These girls have you covered
>Want to be a huge boyslut but without the harem? These girls have you covered
>Want to larp as a marauding conqueror? These girls have you covered
>Want to cheat on your wife with your wife? These girls have you covered
Except, expect some revenge with the last one, if you cheat on your wife for a hotter, younger version of her, she's probably going to cheat on her husband (you) who's a bumbling buffoon, doesn't remember anniversaries, doesn't remember to take out the trash when he's told, and drinks a few too many beers. All exaggerated, of course, but enough to make you think you ought to maybe buy flowers instead of a six pack next friday afternoon.

>> No.38218605
Quoted by: >>38218712

>Fucking your waifu in pantry while her husband bumbles around humming tunes obnoxiously and belching
>Almost go soft half way through
>"Look, I do not sound that bad."
>"... the tunes can sometimes get annoying dear. You don't even always remember the melodies correctly."

>> No.38218658
Quoted by: >>38218692

>Stop! You've stolen the queens dinner AND her virginity! Your punishment shall be 3 days of getting reversed gangbanged by the guards!
>"For the bear or virginity thing?"
>... Yes.

>> No.38218681

I don't want the doppel to shift. I want to see embarrassed doppel when she can't shift no more and realizes the reason for that. And then engage in monogamous, non-shapeshifting marriage life with her.

>> No.38218691

Imagine the hawawa

>> No.38218692

>huffy queen wife comes to find you after 3 days
>annoyed and pent up from not getting anything directly
>finds all the guards and you passed out.
>has to re absorb the guards to recouperate and carry you to bed.
Poor Queen.

>> No.38218712

Not Slimebro but while a QSlime is a collection of individual slimes with distinct personalities etc that just didn't seperate properly, the assumption is that the first Anon to cum in one piece of the combined goo is married to them all, so its a one way harem.
One angry portion of the QS can't hook up with another Anon once they've all been joined to their Husbando, even if she just sulks in a corner she's going to get general-mana from wherever else in the QS their Anon is fucking.

>> No.38218730

I want a harem of several slime queens that can merge their cores to make a SUPER slime queen

>> No.38218735

I think the green is saying that the Slime queen created a slime version of hubby and her actual hubby is fucking her. And is getting soft because his waifu is calling him a bad singer.

>> No.38218789

This anon >>38218735 got it. If your fantasy was to bang a young hot teen version of your wife, or a married milf or whatever, don't be surprised when she makes her "husband" she's cheating on a bit of a caricature in payback.

>> No.38218810

I want to see a Doppler shifted doppel.

>> No.38218822

I doubt a Slime can make a satisfactory dildo for herself because it wouldn't replicate Anon's mana or his hardness etc
>if they could there would presumably be a lot more Manono-Slime tentacle-yuri while they both wait for a suitable Anon to arrive
>the chance that its possibly a sneaky ParasiteSlime out to trap them probably puts most other Mamonos off trying the idea

>> No.38218838

>If your fantasy was to bang a young hot teen version of your wife
Sounds like I need to go to the slime "school" to help them with sex-ed class.

>> No.38218865

I want to see a doppel’s FAT SPECTRAL BOOTY

>> No.38218872
Quoted by: >>38218927

Thats why you dont go soft and tease her. Talk dirty. Make her unable to concentrate on keeping the fake going and have it collapse into a puddle of good.

I mean its not satisfying but they do do it in the mean time. Its better than nothing after. Like masturbation aint better than actual sex but it keeps the juices flowing so it will do. No mamano is an actual lesbian but they will engage in yuri to satiate themselves until a dick comes around to waifu them.
Pslime dildos are actually probably a hot commodity as i dont think they can infect mamano. Plus even if they can its a useful sex aid for the future. Just be weary your waifu's sex toy is also a monstergirl and man want some of that delicious spirit energy in your balls eventually.

>> No.38218914
Quoted by: >>38218990

It's roleplay anon. She's not fucking the other "hubby". He's a prop to sell the mood. She's just also using it to make fun of your bad habits in a jovial way. It's marital banter.

Look, you know you have autism, and you also know the majority of people don't think like you do. Given that, you're better served assuming there's something you're missing, rather than something innately wrong in the scenario given.

>> No.38218927

>Anon goes home to his new Mamono waifu's house, headed straight for the bedroom.
>She suddenly stops, embarrassed, and makes you wait outside for a few minutes while she 'cleans up the mess'
>After a few hours of wild fucking, Anon is collapsed on the messed-up bed while his new Waifu is out in the kitchen making his sammich.
>a mini-slime tentacle crawls out from under your waifu's bedside table and starts lapping up any stray drops of Anon's cum on the floor beside the bed

>> No.38218990
Quoted by: >>38219024

Anon i was defending you but you dont need to be a dick to that other anon. Your second paragraph is uncalled for. He might not understand it but its okay. I think its a good scenario and he might not get it. Its fine and it happens. Cant we all just be friends here?

Gotta be careful when it gets addicted or attached to it. Then you might find out the advantages of a pslime onahole when you wake up one morning.

>> No.38219024

>Your second paragraph is uncalled for.
I guess I just felt exasperated having a light, couple-lines throwaway greentext dissected by someone who can't into inferred context. It's not a particularly sociable trait to have and for how cuntish I came across, it's genuine advice. Trying to cram a circle shaped world into your square world-view isn't going to end well, you're better off accepting that you're the odd shape, and expanding the square to fit the circle.

>> No.38219082

Or maybe you just need to work of your greens to be less ambiguous.
e.g. you could have said her

>> No.38219108
Quoted by: >>38219168

>waifu comes back in with Anon's sammich
>he's in the bathroom taking a piss
>>she sees the slime tentacle trying to climb the leg of the bed
>horrified, she wraps it in a cloth and throws it out the window into the back garden before Anon gets back
>she'll take it back to Slime-town later
>but she forgets all about it for a few weeks, too occupied by her new Husbando, until...

>> No.38219115
Quoted by: >>38219169

They weren't that ambiguous and in context with my other post, over explaining overly sanitises it and kills the atmosphere. Not to mention later posts further clarify the situation to the point that the continued dissection of something that isn't even relevant becomes grating.

It really is just a him problem, acting otherwise only encourages such behaviour.

>> No.38219143

No, it was clear as day in context. Missing what was said there would require misreading, not reading the reply chain, or clinical autism (remember, it's a spectrum!). Sharp as it may have been, that critique wasn't at all off the mark.

>> No.38219154
Quoted by: >>38219184

Sure and i can get your exasperation but being rude on 4chan isnt going to change anyones mind and is more likely to simply entrench a persons view. Simply explaining once and if they dont get it ignoring them is fine. Attacking with snide or rude insults just lowers thread quality and introduces the potential for unwanted conflicts.

>> No.38219168

Untill what anon? I must know!

>> No.38219169
Quoted by: >>38219229

It doesn't actually distinguish which version is fucking her - it could be the slime-copy commenting to his slime-waifu upon the actual Anon's habits - especially as you've already said she's gone off away from Anon.

>and using Autist as an insult here is like calling some mamono in MGC a rapist, it shows further lack of creativity

>> No.38219184

>. Attacking with snide or rude insults just lowers thread quality and introduces the potential for unwanted conflicts.

>> No.38219222
Quoted by: >>38219281

He's absolutely right, there is zero need for personal insults in this thread and keeping an atmosphere devoid of such behavior makes undesirables stand out instead of blending in.

>> No.38219224
Quoted by: >>38219281

Is what i said wrong? Do you find this pointless arguing over the capabilities of an anon really that intriguing? Because i dont. I would rather anons just keep posting funny and lewd and funnylewd greens and keep any explanations as short and civil as possible if they need to happen at all.

>> No.38219229

>Fucking your wife in the pantry
>her husband is outside of it, context clues here would indicate he's not in the pantry with you humming
>(you) are the perspective of the actual husband, I didn't just write a green text from the point of view of a non-sentient slime construct.
I'll repeat this one
> I didn't just write a green text from the point of view of a non-sentient slime construct.

>>and using Autist as an insult here is like calling some mamono in MGC a rapist, it shows further lack of creativity
I wasn't trying to be creative, not was I trying to insult you/him. I already said it was genuine advice. It's what they are, it's how they think. It is what it is. The world will be the world irrespective of their condition, by facing life with the assumption that it's the world that's wrong, you're going to be fighting a fruitless, uphill battle.

>> No.38219281

You could stand to grow a thicker skin. Case in point, you're reading an insult into an acknowledgement of an actual condition.
I'd like to just post about funnylewd scenarios, but it turned into why monstergirls wouldn't enjoy dildos over their husbands and why Queen slimes wouldn't have multiple different men as partners. Rather killed it, didn't it? It'll keep happening if this is your attitude.

>> No.38219287

I'm the who who is legit.
It's been a while since I did writing requests so here I am: any short story requests?

>> No.38219291
Quoted by: >>38220144

Legit who?

>> No.38219302
Quoted by: >>38220144

A life in the day of an anon married to a powerful Dark Queen Slime who can't decide if she wants to be smutty fantasy kingdom today, or smutty corporate office space, and keeps flipping between the two at the strangest times.

>> No.38219336

>You could stand to grow a thicker skin
I'd rather continue having a comfy place to discuss monster girls, instead of yielding to outsiders trying to change the thread to their liking.

>> No.38219342
Quoted by: >>38228385

You can just fucking ignore him then anon. If everyone in the thread is telling you to stop they yeah stop. But if its only one autist that other people like me were explaining the scenario to then you dont have to worry and can keep going. Being an autistic and antisocial sperg is utterly fucking pointless unless you are intentionally trying to start shit. Just fucking ignore it. Fuck me thanks for making me lose my cool. I fucking liked that little green you did but now i just wish it could be erased from my mind know if came from such a fucking shit human.

Im just gunna take my own advice and not respond to your next post so have at in responding to this. Luckily everyone is anonymouse so maybe we can have warmer relations in the future, but right now its just not happening.

>> No.38219493

Visit Land of Four Fiends for a good time.

>> No.38219542
Quoted by: >>38220144

Can i get a sample of your work friend? Also how about something pslime related. Like perhaps a danuki selling some concealed pslimes as dildos to order aristocrats. Maybe following one of them on their journey from buying it to using it and being infected and learning the advantages of being infected.

>> No.38219581
File: 906 KB, 1715x2160, 1585195903167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220130

Remember White Horn-san's tips for staying warm this winter!

>> No.38219590

>But blankets aren't strong and comfy like silk is!
Make blankets out of silk, simple as that.

>> No.38219725
Quoted by: >>38220144

Funny story:
>Evil monster girl has to deal with Hero anon that is using all of his powers just to mess with said monster girl.
Serious story:
>Anon finding himself in the undead slums and has to try and get out without getting an army of undead to run after him. He fails and how has to deal with a hoard of zombies that want to "cuddle" him.

If you're looking for smut ideas I can give you a ton as well, but that's up to you.

>> No.38219768
File: 207 KB, 844x1200, 38F013D2-D98D-4457-B914-3DF795DA2DE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38219830
File: 844 KB, 1353x1920, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love tentacles!

>> No.38219864
File: 763 KB, 815x1245, 84650804_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38236224

>"Monstergirls? Corruption? Monsterization? What the f-!? No! I don't know what you're talking about! There are no monstergirls in this city! No! I will not solicit with a literal complete stranger like you! What!? What makes you think I'd wanna go on a date with you!? Oh my G- No! I'm not going to have any relations with you just because you're some white foreigner! Leave me alone you freak! I'm just 15. Don't make me call the cops on you! I don't what monsterization and corruption you're talking about! I'm not going with you, so leave me alone!!! You Gaijin are the worst!!!"

>> No.38219964
Quoted by: >>38219980

What the fuck is he even on about?

>> No.38219976
File: 832 KB, 1688x2000, 1630277845971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with dog
Dog girl sex
Kobold sex
Is the very best

>> No.38219980

Blend of contrarianism and autism.

>> No.38220029

Who is this idiot and why does he keep pushing NTR crap?
Imma call him "ofc anon" because nobody here commonly used that abbreviation before him.

>> No.38220042

And how the fuck is this NTR Anon now? I've heard of the Enslaved Anon from the /tg/ thread crawling into here. But what brand new NTR Anon are you in about now?

Explain, Im not always lurking in this website for one has a life and job to worry about.

>> No.38220076

Idk, probly some other guy who has it out for MGE and thinks he's a 200IQ subversive sabotagist, dismantling thread by talking about all the dicks his waifu rode before him.

>> No.38220130

Gonna keep my dick warm in Miss Whitehorn's front pussy.
Gonna keep my tongue warm in Miss Whitehorn's mouth.

>> No.38220144
Quoted by: >>38224382

kk I'm on it since this is the first request.
So a parasite slime with a nuki. Got it.
okay, thats + 2 stories
I mainly just wanted to write short stuff, but I can write vague ideas down too, and maybe use them later on.

>> No.38220151
Quoted by: >>38221514

Just a short bogie story would be great

>> No.38220160
Quoted by: >>38221514


>> No.38220191

It's less of NTR and more that he's obsessed with the idea of pumping and dumping and that MGE girls should be sluts that don't form any emotional attachment and just mindlessly rape. He just wants to turn MGE into Violated Hero or one of the other million generic settings out there ignoring that most people in these tread don't want to talk about his shit and he would be much happier going to /d/ or /hgg2d/ and talking about any monster girl setting but MGE.

>> No.38220217
Quoted by: >>38223659

I would join, as long as I get divine lilim thighs wrapped around my head at some point

>> No.38220248 [DELETED] 

The worst form of monsterization is then your cute redhead childhood gf turns into manhating SJW whale completely brainwashed by jewish academy.

>> No.38220277

Then she gets doppel’d into being a sweet girl again

>> No.38220407

>Demon that over heard anon talk about this: "We can fix her, we have the technology! And also a shit ton of demon energy."
A redhead demon sounds really nice for that matter.

>> No.38220492
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1600, 61d26fc296ba4d6446b1c4a878bac2c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you help make sure ?????-yokai mamono don't go extinct?

>> No.38220514
File: 70 KB, 557x800, __gazer_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_shake_o__926cfca8104ac06317c3fd3380ccfa31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it feels really nice for a Gazer to wrap her stalks around you.

>> No.38220518
Quoted by: >>38220592

Yeah, I would. I dpn't give a damn as long as I need to make many kids

>> No.38220588
Quoted by: >>38220602

No because that lady would give me to vampires that would eat me

>> No.38220592
File: 27 KB, 540x475, f2f7f1609b2b3bff8e5ae66b3e560129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no!

>> No.38220597

Gonna heavily impregnate those vampires.

>> No.38220602

Meant for >>38220588

>> No.38220604

i don't do lolis tho, they make the pp softer than titties

>> No.38220608
File: 670 KB, 1400x865, 1594740536374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220690

>What’s with all the doppel posting lately?
People were talking about undead lolis with large rears and someone pointed out doppelganger is one.

>> No.38220651
File: 124 KB, 761x978, Gazer413_Dynamo-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silky hair, soft skin, and a fluffy tail. Gazer looks so inviting. I want to cuddle with her.

>> No.38220690
Quoted by: >>38221280

Fat undead lolibaba butts!

>> No.38220712
File: 127 KB, 512x512, 1576126579430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220773

Replying to posts from previous thread since I already saved the response but was tired last night.


>a day in the MGE world
>A new destined hero has risen to once again challenge the Demon Lord and bring Order and the Light to Glory and save Man from the seductive monsters
>But the Royal Makai Top Brass and higher ups and especially Demon Lord Lilith eventually get news of this new hero
>Down the line Monster Intelligence Agents reports that this brand new spanking hero is a young woman, a heroine!
>"Oh my, yet another heroine to beautify! Oh dear Goddess, when will you learn and to cease delaying the inevitable. But oh well, I'm not complaining nor am I in a hurry. I'm sure one of our many succubi operatives will take care of this new destined heroine to rise up against me-" Lilith brags as she is then interrupted politely by the lesser demoness lackey reporting to her
>"Uhm... I'm sorry to cut you off there Mrs. Lilith. But I wasn't exactly done finishing the report. You see, this heroine is well... She is not just any heroine. She is- I can't believe I'm saying this, but this new heroine is an Otome Heroine. Or as the Zipangese would designate her as; a 'Yumejoshi.' or a 'Josei Female Lead.'"
>Lilith pauses for half a minute and then says plainly; "What?" Another pause and then. "You're kidding me right? An Otome Heroine!? Are you sure this information is not fake or is legitimate? Yes, I know what an Otome or Josei is and I definitely am aware what a 'Otome Heroine' is. I have consumed my air share of Zipangese Media, but those type of heroines are supposedly a myth! You mean to tell that somewhere out there. The Order has a new Special Snowflake Woman who has her reverse harem of good looking handsome men and or young boys traveling with her, and supposedly competing and vying for her attention and affection?"
>"...Yes." The mamono lackey responds meekly
>"And this implies the possibility that this heroine emanates an aura and field everywhere around her that makes still single young men and boys immune to the charms of monsters? And that many young single men or boys will instead gravitate to her and try vying for HER attention?"
>"Yes Mrs. Lilith. Just like in those Zipangese Josei Manga, Otomes and other Zipangese-made media aimed towards Older Women." The mamono lackey responds again meekly.
>"And who is the monstergirl agent that has sent that report?" A male voice is heard from the darker parts of the room, and out walks Demon Lord Lilith's Husband.
>The mamono lackey is surprised and briefly bows to him and answers. "It was reported by Agents Schneizel and his wife Agent Carmona of the Runya Runya Sabbath."
>Lilith and her Husband look at each other, back at the Lackey and to each other with the Husband replying. "Yeah, Schneizel Belmondo. I know him during my hero days. An old partner who I worked with very shortly in a few missions but know each other well. Yes dear, this has to be legit information for I know Schneizel rarely ever lies. Even with his new monster-centric life. Therefore, this new heroine... Might pose an unknown threat or an anomaly. I mean, think about it. A woman who has the passive ability to make numerous single men fall in love with her and be enamored to her by just being a simple Plain Jane." The Husband asks the Lackey again. "This Heroine with her Boyband Traveling Companions, she is a plain looking average girl, correct?"
>The Husband looks to his dear Lilith again. "Yep, that's an Otome Heroine or Josei Female Lead alright. Just like in the Zipangese Comics and TV shows. What shall we do dear? We've both personally seen and dealt with Lawful Good and well mannered Shonen Protagonists and even edgier Light Novel Protagonists as well. And we've converted them all into loving husbands and romantic prospects. We've also dealt with Heroines too, but THIS? An Otome Heroine!? A Josei Protagonist WITH the ability to form a Reverse Harem of young men and boys!? This might put our long term goals into jeopardy. Especially if The Order and my Old Goddess Friend gets a hold on her. What shall we do honey?
>Lilith looks at a distance then answers firmly. "We deal with her quickly and swiftly. And we're doing this personally. I can't risk sending any of our brave men or boys against her or she might do her Otome romance bullshit and turn our men and boys against her. And this Heroine might prove a challenge to our monsters or even my own daughters... Pack your armor and gears dear. And I will inform our advisors. We will both deal with this Heroine. I'm not going to play it safe and make shit straight out of a trashy Zipangese Comic or Novel ruin or muddy up our work!"

Hopefully this greentext is appreciated for a lack of more stories.

>> No.38220714
File: 166 KB, 1567x2048, 1623746641948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I get asked for consent?

>> No.38220745
File: 744 KB, 1785x2456, 95591111_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220797

>> No.38220748

I can't get over 2hus eating people.
Wtf Zun? Should have made them feast on people's fear or some shit instead.

>> No.38220758

Eh, it makes sense in their universe.
You can ignore a good chunk of it for lewds.

>> No.38220768

Youkai aren't actually allowed to eat you but they pretend they are. You get a good spook but you also get to go home and tell a story to your friends that keeps the youkai alive.

>> No.38220773

tl;dr but it looks like the gayest thing since HIV

>> No.38220774

Just remember niggertewi.png when it comes to Touhou.

>> No.38220781
File: 411 KB, 930x857, 1641308792627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220833

I mean the MGE versions would not, and that is what matters.

>> No.38220786
Quoted by: >>38220826

Thats the current arrangement, isn't it?
I do seem to remember that the old ones ate you.
Then again, I'm pure secondary so I may just be remembering when they were on the outside.

>> No.38220797
File: 291 KB, 504x554, 1606709591918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38221126

Important place of worship

>> No.38220809

why you talking to somebody bringing up something misleading, unprompted and out of context? it's clearly in bad faith.

>> No.38220812

They aren't allowed to eat people from the human village, unless they go outside of the barrier, but they can eat people from outside.
Yukari kidnaped people from our reality to be eaten by youkai.

>> No.38220826
File: 414 KB, 1103x873, 1641895695384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220842

Canon is totally arbitrary in 2hu anway.

>> No.38220833

Oy bugger off, that's my legit concern that doesn't let me enjoy the girls like I do with MGE.
You're right, any universe can be improved drastically with mamonobama bringing in some hentai rules along.

>> No.38220842
Quoted by: >>38220949

I mean, that's also true.
2hu seems quite flexible.

>> No.38220858
File: 427 KB, 1024x1024, 2770716_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck. I've seen this stupid human eating argument a hundred times by the same posters. Thank you for reminding me.

>> No.38220886

>ctrl-f 'ofc'
Theres only 2 in the thread (3 now I guess)
>one is in a greentext thats harem not neto
>the other is the post is complaining about too many examples

>> No.38220900
File: 544 KB, 1596x1097, GdJ470O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancy fox.

>> No.38220930

> >38220748
>Should have made them feast on ... some shit instead.
That is pretty much the opinion of 2hu-verse.

>> No.38220941

bulled girl gets taken in my lilim, becomes demon

>> No.38220949
File: 380 KB, 1600x1500, 1551293289822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38220969

The only thing consistent is incontinency.

>> No.38220954

Thank you.

An update for those that followed my scan drops. I'm still looking for the last one we don't have scans of: Monster Girl Encyclopedia Stories: Sister Falling - シスター フォーリング - August 12th, 2012 (Comiket 82) - Strange (Art by Kenkou Cross). I do not know if I can find it, but I won't give up.

>> No.38220959

That only applies for villagers who are basically cattle milked of faith by yokai. Outsiders (regularly dropped into Gensokyo by Yukari) are allowed to be eaten and basically free food

>> No.38220960
Quoted by: >>38221514

Pair of women become mad hatters and fuck some guy

>> No.38220969

I want a bitchy succ wife who used to be hardcore order priestess

>> No.38220975
Quoted by: >>38221514

Clingy living armour in a time where armour is out of place

>> No.38220981

Cute. A hug from a OP demi-goddess fixes everything.

>> No.38221023

> >38220712
Is he just going to re-shit this Mary-Sue every thread?

>> No.38221033
File: 291 KB, 1309x900, FJNn1REakAADgKk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lilim trained by demon
her thigh game will be too powerful to be contained

>> No.38221073

>a QSlime is a collection of individual slimes with distinct personalities etc
You got it backwards. They’re all one slime, and the different “individuals” are her essentially roleplaying.

>> No.38221092
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1600, 94132818_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he walked right into my tails
>not my fault

>> No.38221126

What a cute manitcore, I like that she has a less aggressive fendom vibe

>> No.38221221
File: 918 KB, 1151x1450, U6IO1RAG_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worship Eros or there will be consequences

>> No.38221248

I will if she sends me the buffest single monster she has.

>> No.38221261
Quoted by: >>38221298

can I even If I was a dirty whore

>> No.38221263
Quoted by: >>38221282

>consequences are the houri is sad and pouts a bit
i can't live with that on my conscience

>> No.38221280

This minus the "baba" part

>> No.38221282

that and she'll mana bomb your house and tag you with a ushi marker

>> No.38221298
Quoted by: >>38221317

Yes; but you have to stop whoring first.

>> No.38221303
Quoted by: >>38221320

I ain't scared of some silly pink angel

>> No.38221316
File: 737 KB, 3000x3000, FDYg543WQAAj6jJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38221317

but how am I gonna eat then? I dropped out of highschool

>> No.38221320
File: 646 KB, 720x1200, 1639195301285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about her big sister?

>> No.38221336

few things are more arousing than a cupids merciless gaze

>> No.38221352

Nah not really. What are they going to do about it?

>> No.38221378

Does that involve having my face between this houri's legs and butt cheeks?

>> No.38221404

I like those silly Eros berets, that her cultists wear. What are they called?

>> No.38221409
File: 1.57 MB, 2894x4093, 95594518_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38221460
File: 2.75 MB, 2000x2000, c1f890fb-d901-462c-94b4-7ec107841531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a dork

>> No.38221473

I only drink my wife's bottled GIRLCUM.
Refreshing and nutritious beverage, with a taste that will keep you coming back for more!

>> No.38221496

Ochi are cute!

>> No.38221514
File: 1.14 MB, 1500x1061, demon leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, a clussy story. I think I'll perhaps do it in present time. I'll see.
Okay, a doppel. I think this will be a little bit depressing when it starts out.
Heh, what a perfect excuse to make a lim OC. Well since we don't have a mommy lim...
A wonderland story would be nice here. Since I play black souls 2 rn this request will be interesting. Hmm maybe I'll make the two girls cousins or sisters.
This def calls for a modern setting. I think I'll go with a cosplay/animu otaku type of story here

Holy fuck that's a lot a request, 8 if I counted right. This is going to take time. Meanwhile have a demon.

>> No.38221535
File: 511 KB, 657x890, mas demona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue skin too sexy

>> No.38221554

>get your first apartment
>ochimusha childhood friend moves in with you because you need a bodyguard
>she matter of factly informs you that she will be showering with you from now on
>she insists it's to protect you from ninjas but you think she just wants the D
>she does in fact get the D
>fast forward a year
>you're in the shower fucking the kunoichi that she's holding in a full nelson
>this is the third ninja concubine she's caught for you
Ochimushas are waifus of exceptional quality.

>> No.38221559

What are the consequences?
What if I just wanna be a huge slut for monster pussy?

>> No.38221616
File: 336 KB, 1280x1815, BUNNY CUNNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bunny, the bunny
Whoa, I love the bunny
I don't love my mom or my dad, just the bunny
The bunny, the bunny
Yeah, I love the bunny
I gave everything that I had for the bunny
I don't want no health food when it's time to feed
A big bag o' bunnies is all that I need
I don't want no buddies to come out and play
I'll sit on my sofa, eat bunnies all day
I won't go to church, and I won't go to school
That stuff is for sissies, but bunnies are cool

>> No.38221637
Quoted by: >>38221700

>won't go to school
ms. haku is crying, anon. She's crying!

>> No.38221671
File: 459 KB, 812x1798, 1623355145534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38221713

I would hang out with this kiki. Play monhun together or something

>> No.38221695
Quoted by: >>38221741

>mommy lim
I have no image to convey how hard I am

>> No.38221697

being a mercenary in MGE is just slang for slut for hire in monster lands, so be careful on any jobs you might take. Also being a thief is slang for snatch snatcher

>> No.38221700

It will be okay, his bunny wife will homeschool him.

>> No.38221713

would the mg equivalent of monhunt have to be like, shotas using weapons to stimulate a ushis erogenous zones

>> No.38221741
Quoted by: >>38221793

>>mommy lim
well I got my drive to draw. huge tits, wide hips, full and plump lips, very motherly demeanor, has closed eyes, and would consider every woman she made a monster her kids

>> No.38221793
Quoted by: >>38221863

>wears a apron
>only a apron

>> No.38221800
Quoted by: >>38223476

Something with Cupids please.

>> No.38221863

No, wears a sweater and mommy jeans, only when cooking she wears the apron.

>> No.38221898 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 2048x1654, FJTnXcSaQAUSZ07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC really wants to make a game about the fall of Lescatie one day.

>> No.38221911

For all we know the rpg game could involve it.

>> No.38221930

I hope he does. I know he did all the Lescatie stuff quite a while ago but it's one of the most interesting parts the setting to me.

>> No.38221937
File: 243 KB, 1362x1778, dey6cxa-53d7c9c5-dbf3-4ede-a1ae-8a31919fc1d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38221973
Quoted by: >>38223422

Nope, he said he can't make it while the RPG is still in development and is just writing down a some notes and making redesigns.

>> No.38221982

It almost certainly isn't going to be part of the RPG. The tweet where he posted that image is him talking about how he can't work in another game while busy with the RPG, so he's writing down notes for making one in the future that revisits Lescatie's fall

>> No.38222000

do we know where he is at with the rpg currently? It feels like its never going to come out.

its a shame I want to support KC but every rpgmaker porn game is just kinda ass

>> No.38222015

It's been one year so let your double trips guide you.

>> No.38222161
File: 257 KB, 500x501, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38222225

>loli hentai is the best selling hentai manga of 2021
Based cunnysuer japs

>> No.38222202 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 1246x2048, FJUM0OmaIAAmqB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimil too.

>> No.38222225
File: 210 KB, 860x378, CD4EED87-C3F4-46D0-9286-FC1EC925605A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38222296

I'm a fan of many rpgm porn games but in particular Monster Girl Quest Paradox is just plain one of my favorite RPGs. It sits beside games like Planescape Torment, SMT Nocturne, and Trails in the Sky for me.

>> No.38222298
File: 215 KB, 1731x1092, lolich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli lich

>> No.38222323
File: 40 KB, 432x443, 1534471246753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38222646


>> No.38222421

>Ywn cuddle your 7ft Flemish Giant musclebunny wife and 4 kids as you watch classic Veggie tales together

>> No.38222426
File: 600 KB, 813x1200, 1541089776274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38224780

Flat foxes

>> No.38222445

When do we get an undead sabbath?

>> No.38222496

why does she have the millennium eye?

>> No.38222623
File: 611 KB, 757x992, Yukikaze_Mizuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38224259

>"Anon-Dono, allow your most unworthy servant to present this humble gift"
>She dumps a slim, brown, long-haired Kunoichi bound and hogtied at your feet.
>"This most foolish and dishonorable intruder was attempting to steal your soiled undergarments, no doubt to use in foul magiks against your Celestial Lordship."
>Ninja girl is squirming and attempting to put up a good front, despite spreading her legs and attempting to hump the air
>"I humbly beseech my Lord to deliver unto this base and contemptible WHORE" *PRESSES HER FOOT BETWEEN THE NINJA'S LEGS, CAUSING HER TO GUSH FEMCUM*
>--"The holy and venerable justice of the Son of Heaven, from which there is no escape or redress"
>Ninja girl, still futily babbling that she'll 'never submit' and 'her friends will rescue her' and she's 'not scared AT ALL of your fearsome Daimyo-cock, is thrown over your Ochi waifu and carried blushing and dripping towards the Chambers of Heavenly Delight and Celestial Slumber (your bedroom)

>> No.38222646

Cute and Serious

>> No.38222661 [SPOILER] 
File: 285 KB, 946x1200, FGfQmvKVkAw9A2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.38222694
File: 342 KB, 858x1200, __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_sugiyuu__a0ba5e64a7da0ab83537894aa1062da8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38222710

How does a gremlin get a husband's attention when the husband is too caught up with her inventions

>> No.38222718

>As I said the other day, I'm going to talk a little bit about the Sabbath of the Immortals! The image is of the witch belonging to this sabbath introduced in WG3, the necromantic death "Tetley"! We're looking for a nice brother who can depend on each other and love each other forever!
>The representative is the baphomet Renrushka, whose true face is hidden by a mask resembling a goat skeleton.
He is a high-ranking priest in the service of the goddess Hel, and is naturally immortal, making him an undead baphomet.
>A baphomet who has lived for a long time and is a well known sorcerer with many achievements, especially in the field of necromantic magic. However, her personality and personal life are not well known at all.
One of the main reasons for this is that she rarely has conversations with anyone.
>Renrushka is always accompanied by her husband at all times.
To speak to someone, she gives her husband an earful, and he speaks for her.
So few of the witches of Sabbat have ever heard her voice.
>Her eerie appearance, with her face hidden and no voice, has led to many rumors. Some say that his voice contains magical power, and that those who hear it will go mad. Some say that his voice contains magical power and that those who hear it will go mad, or that his breath will spread the magic of immortality.
>The truth is unknown, but it is believed that Renrushka whispered some words in the ear of a human girl. The truth is unknown, but it has been seen many times that Renrushka whispers some words in the ear of a human girl, and a plain village girl is reborn as a "wight", "lich", or other high ranking undead.
>Also, according to the witches of Sabbat.
According to the witches of Sabbat, when Renrushka whispered something in her ear, her husband went berserk like a starving zombie.
>The witches of Sabbat often witness her husband going berserk like a starving zombie after Renrushka whispers something in his ear, and devouring Renrushka ...... without even remembering the words.
>In addition to the common Sabbatian activities of "exploring and studying witchcraft (specializing in necromancy)" and "spreading the charm and immorality of juvenile bodies throughout the world," there are also other activities.
Renrushka and the other witches in the group are all undead and ardent followers of Hel, the Goddess of Life and Death. As missionaries, their main activities are to spread the teachings of Hel to the world and to baptize the living to turn them into the undead.
>I also do research on the nature of immortality and the immortals under the theme of "the dependency of life and death". He has also been studying the nature of immortality and the immortal under the theme of "the dependence of life and death". He believes that the supreme pleasure of communion is "to fill the dead and empty wreckage with the life of the companion, that is, heat and semen".
>Many witches who know this from first-hand experience are extremely dependent on their own husbands and their husbands' semen. They think about how to satisfy themselves with their own husbands and how to satisfy their husbands with themselves.
>They are also known for their extremist-like activities and occasional invasions of human cities. They decide which cities to invade by divination using the power of the goddess Hel, and it is said that their criteria is that there is a "hint of death" in the city.
>The target city of the "sign of death" has been hit by large-scale accidents and epidemics around the same time as the invasion, resulting in the loss of many human lives. These women know this in advance through fortune-telling, and by bringing the blessings of the goddess Hel to the land, they invite people who would otherwise turn into mute corpses to become the undead, the living dead.

>> No.38222739
File: 728 KB, 1200x1697, 1619452033730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love fox

>> No.38222801
Quoted by: >>38222821

How soft are Hellhound cuddles post-rape?

>> No.38222821

depends sometimes they fall asleep ontop of you which has its own benefits and drawbacks.

>> No.38222902

Lolis do nothing to me. Monsters are gonna to have to produce more pure and loyal hags if they want me

>> No.38222931
Quoted by: >>38223003

>wet fur smell
combined with
>Wet Fox smell

>> No.38223003
File: 2.87 MB, 1061x1500, 1612785040381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38223070

I want to tease my fox wife about the smell of her tails after we get caught in the rain

>> No.38223067
File: 457 KB, 807x1400, 1618709216794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38223368

Levitation-aided standing 69 with a loli lich. Or more like suspended congress slow facefucking and staring down at her bare fat ass.

>> No.38223070

As long as she doesn't shake herself as soon as she gets back in the house.
>the Kiki will have a fit cleaning up the mess

>> No.38223116
File: 14 KB, 129x188, Raging Mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38223195
File: 1.88 MB, 1236x1228, 86885749_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38223644


>> No.38223277
File: 526 KB, 1700x2549, HaneAme_as_Nightmarish_Succubus_Gneisenau_all4jp.com_Hane_Ame_Gneisenau_Azur_Lane_DSC02184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38223306
File: 1.77 MB, 2048x1152, RunPirotessRun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38223539


>> No.38223368

Stupid lich butt. Stop trying to tempt me.

>> No.38223383
File: 1.70 MB, 720x1218, Monster-Girl-арт-барышня-art-gif-6476076.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38223395

>> No.38223395

That's a lotta hair. And horns.

>> No.38223422

Is this from his secret twitter?
In an older tweet he did say something about having lines for demon girls he came up with for this idea and I think he mentioned he might want to use them for the current RPG. That is, if translation is to believed.
He probably won't incorporate the Lescatie scenario but some things from it might trickle-down to the RPG.

>> No.38223476
Quoted by: >>38224440

Okay, cupids being cupids. Added.

>> No.38223508

>Is this from his secret twitter?

>> No.38223539
Quoted by: >>38223573

>omw to steal Anon from the high elves

>> No.38223547


>I can't make it while working on the illustrated RPG, so I'm trying to write up some concept notes for a game that completely recreates Lescatie's fall.
>I'm trying to think of a rough design to refine for Wilmarina and Sasha!
>I'm not sure because the details are random!


>> No.38223573
Quoted by: >>38223735

Tell her to hurry up. All these ones do is call me a kid because I'm not 2000 years old like them. At least getting stuck in a dark elf's sex dungeon is a change of pace.

>> No.38223644
Quoted by: >>38229576

>at least four tails
Hag foxes have zero shame

>> No.38223659
File: 265 KB, 1716x2048, 178345867567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get your wish, but you're placed in the Shortstack League.

>> No.38223735
Quoted by: >>38223793

>high elf hears that dark elf seductress has entered the castle
>dons her best armor
>writes up the perfect monologue
>does her hair
>picks out her best sword
>marches up to Anon's bedroom to confront the vile cur and duel her for Anon's purity
>dark elf is loungeing on the bed with Anon ahegao'd between her breasts, enjoying a cigarette
>brushes some of her messy sex-hair out of the way and tells the high elf she'll leave as soon as Anon's legs work again
>but that might take a few hours
>helf leaves to go seethe on her druidic cuneiform forum about how men are conniving whores who can't be trusted, and that she's single on purpose

>> No.38223776

Lucky for me I like dom shortstacks

>> No.38223793
File: 1.55 MB, 1800x2600, 1622048095213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38223953

>tfw no MGE not!Galadriel high elf wife to worship

>> No.38223792
Quoted by: >>38223879

She even beat me in the bobsled race?!?

>> No.38223879

Lower center of gravity.

>> No.38223911
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, uqHfcIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikis and shogs are boring.

>> No.38223932

Only so many times you can dust a swimming pool

>> No.38223938

I dunno, if they are so boring how come they won the maid wars?

>> No.38223953

Why would you worship anyone that you would dick into submission anyways?

>> No.38223981
Quoted by: >>38223992

To keep them haughty so you can dick them down all over again.

>> No.38223992

Extremely based answer.

>> No.38223993

Give me a mershark bartender manning one of those fancy pool bars instead

>> No.38224009

Has KC ever mentioned anything about Ratas retaining their smugness after falling in love? I know the answer is probably "Sure, why not." but I'm just curious.

>> No.38224020

I just like haughty elf wives who are also powerful. Basically they can actually back up that haughtiness

>> No.38224027
File: 1.79 MB, 1823x2000, 1642440350165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224108
File: 556 KB, 1347x2029, FJUVvnIWYAMgWqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224122
Quoted by: >>38224259

I... Never thought of how fucking hot that idea is. If I wasn't a piece of shit who kept dissappearing I'd write the hell out of this.

>> No.38224129
File: 371 KB, 1200x1600, 132132654978798654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38224161

>> No.38224144
File: 400 KB, 1000x1000, Gazer917_rori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you okay?
>You like tired
>Just lie down for a bit
>Look into my eye and relax

>> No.38224161

Knowing the thread, I'm sure someone would still d the cocoon monster.

>> No.38224178

Free onahole princess

>> No.38224186

I bet she'll turn into a pretty butterfly.

>> No.38224238
File: 868 KB, 2048x1536, lKOxmJ2P_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my beeg yeti neighbor to come over and clean my driveway, I'm snowed in and it's cold

>> No.38224259

Head-wife capturing other mamono for your use is a really hot scenario
>Your kiki maid capturing that one feral rabbit girl who keeps messing up the mansion garden

>> No.38224314
Quoted by: >>38224470

I think it’s more like “why would they lose it?”
It’s in their personality tags to be little shits.

>> No.38224322
Quoted by: >>38224391

There's truly nothing hotter than a woman enabling your harem making

>> No.38224382
Quoted by: >>38225186

Ah nice i have read yours before. You do good stuff. And yeah nuki with pslime selling it to some aristocrat human women.

>> No.38224391
File: 187 KB, 1367x1813, 1589214554967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meido taking her to the mansion sex dungeon and prepping her for mastah
And getting to know her of course

>> No.38224415
Quoted by: >>38224514

all part of the rabbits plan

>> No.38224435

If that kiki wants more I have plenty of pests getting into my garden she can take

>> No.38224440
Quoted by: >>38225186

Thank you.

>> No.38224470
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1800, Ratatoskr199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to my knowledge, he didn't. It's probably not even that uncommon for your Rata wife to remain smug if that's what you find charming about her.
Because he read that part of the profile.
>Regardless of how they possess the power of information which can manipulate people, once pleasure has been drilled into their body by a penis, they are unable to ever defy it, and eventually, their body and heart will be dominated. The seemingly cheeky attitude that they had until then will disappear somewhere, and they'll end up changing into a pet that fawns on the man who became their husband.
You may interpret it that Rata will only lose her smug in the bedroom, or if it's a more permanent change, it's something she only shows to her husband like Ocelomeh being lovey-dovey and is still smug around other people.

>> No.38224502

Oh, didn’t notice that.
Permanent attitude changes in species is always the dumbest shit.

>> No.38224506

Immersion ruined.

>> No.38224514
Quoted by: >>38224522

Feral rabbit girl had a simple plan. Becoming the mate of the only male in the great forest. The male who lives in the weird human stone nest thing in said woods.

>> No.38224522
Quoted by: >>38224532

That doesn't sound feral to me.

>> No.38224532

I mean it is more instinct.

>> No.38224536
Quoted by: >>38224564

Who would win? A gang of dolphin girls or one scuba-diver?

>> No.38224564

Depends on how horny the scuba diver is.

>> No.38224569

All this talk of waifus capturing girls for you makes me curious. What species is your waifu, and what are the first two she captures/convinces to add to your harem?

>> No.38224601
Quoted by: >>38224743

dragon zombie, after obtaining wighthood, she got a vampire arachne and a dullahan mershark

>> No.38224606

wurm, had a dragon friend and a jabberwock cousin

>> No.38224608
Quoted by: >>38224743

My nurari wife and kiki maid "captured" or "rescued" an overworked anubis office lady.

>> No.38224621
Quoted by: >>38224743

Demon that caught a valkyrie and cupid

>> No.38224628

Most of the popular monster girls here are boring.

>> No.38224639

Slime carrier. Also slime Carriers.

>> No.38224647
Quoted by: >>38224743

Bunyip and shes capturing the holst who went to grazes by her pond, and the banshee who goes the kiki who is out gardening

They of course all know each other beforehand. The rest of my favorites arent exactly catchable

>> No.38224670

>tfw it's all a plot from her thirsty and sub friend so she can get a husband
>Wurm-chan spills the beans right when you are about to dick her

>> No.38224681
File: 357 KB, 833x1100, hellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Hellhound's response from a man telling her he wants her to protect him:

>"You want me to keep you? (heart)
(heart), you cute male."
"(heart), you're a cute male!
She can hug him when she wants, kiss him when she wants.
He will be treated as her own male that she can hug, kiss, and mate when she wants to (usually all the time).

>> No.38224686
Quoted by: >>38224743

Night Gaunt. I usually am not a big fan of harems but more and more I want a loli Atlach-Nacha to go with my adult Night Gaunt wife. I really like the idea of having both loli and adult body types represented in addition to having more forms to transform into.

>> No.38224743

Dullahan Mershark sounds absurdly hot anon good taste.
I can find no fault with this combination
Isn't it just going to be a different kind of work now? Breeding and Child rearing takes energy!
Does she stay a normal Valk or go dark?
You had me at Banshee, made for face fuck.
I think the contrast of different girls is what makes a harem so appealing beyond the basic more sex.

>> No.38224776
Quoted by: >>38224821

Pretty sure in most cases the rape will occur before any words are exchanged. And if you manage to exchange words with a hellhound, chances are that she's already married to someone else.

>> No.38224780

I'm giving her a milk bath.

>> No.38224782

Hellhounds are of course for bullying into bullying you.

>> No.38224791

She's a Gazer. She's not too big on harems, but she likes teasing me. She knows how much I like fluffy things, so it can't entirely be a coincidence that she sometimes brings over Harpy or Rata friends.

>> No.38224818
File: 872 KB, 1200x829, hs6zuYmO_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does she stay a normal Valk or go dark?
I like the aesthetics of normal with the attitude of dark so maybe she swaps back and forth to help fool the order but if she has to stay blue then that's fine because extra servings of blue never hurt any harem

>> No.38224821

Maybe your hellhound.

>> No.38224828
File: 517 KB, 2359x1800, 90805525_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38224845

>Isn't it just going to be a different kind of work now?
She is a sub so getting dommed by us + the aftercare works wonders on stress.

>> No.38224846

>contrast of different girls
>this monster has a great pussy
>this one also has a great pussy.
I think the only girl with a pussy worth talking about for the pussy alone is baphomet because she has the best pussy. Which seems pretty subjective, but whatever. I don't think anyone would really think about the sex itself when making a harem unless they want a centaur or some other freaky body shape fetish.

>> No.38224850

Not wrong there. That short story about the Valk sisters in an office forever changed my view of Dark Valkyries.

>> No.38224862

Do you think Hellhounds can instinctually sense if a man is into being protected? What would happen if in a graveyard a male Order Knight is right in front of her, but in the same graveyard some meters away there is a man that wants a stronger woman to protect him? Would she take the man in front of her or somehow her instincts would call her to the other man?

>> No.38224872
File: 641 KB, 3846x2656, 69864751_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, blueberries for ants?

>> No.38224874
Quoted by: >>38224929

I'd say that's incorrect and not even in a 'best pussy' manner. Each girl is going to have different mannerisms, sounds, actions, wants, figures. That's what I mean by contrast, like different flavors of lewd.

>> No.38224921
File: 765 KB, 1276x1134, 1640303155110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224929
Quoted by: >>38224968

but all girls have different mannerisms. You can get a shy hellhound if you feel like it.

>> No.38224951
File: 854 KB, 3686x4568, 77643425_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225080

>> No.38224952
File: 408 KB, 644x990, minow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a legend that a Hakutaku was performing a specifically hard test with a man as the prize. You could see Inaris, Dragons, Baphoments and more taking the test and one day a Minotaur came to take the test and everybody laughed at her. She wrote "violence" as the answer to all the problems presented in the test. When the Hakutaku took her test she raised an eyebrow and asked the Minotaur to flex her bicep making the measuring tape snap. The Hakutaku nodded and the Minotaur was the first ever monster to get an A+ in the test.

>> No.38224953 [DELETED] 

The wight empress has clothes!

>> No.38224954
File: 492 KB, 1322x870, 1640915773961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mino wife

>> No.38224967
Quoted by: >>38225015

Imagine the brawl that would form if a Baphomet were to walk to a crowd of MGs and declare that she can pleasure a man better than any other girl.

>> No.38224968

Anon I think we're agreeing with each other here.

>> No.38224979
File: 1.86 MB, 1575x1845, FFKym1pXoAcqAOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38224994

The wight empress has no clothes!

>> No.38225012
File: 135 KB, 1000x857, cb058860c1b8f6e095c3c4351317b02eeed33d039113d65e1dff714bb4e45600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Sabbath meeting
>The average age of members is over 500...

>> No.38225015

It would be correct and undeniable. I feel pity for all the husbandlets who married inferior girls but I'm sure they still have great personalities.

>> No.38225029
Quoted by: >>38225057

>I think the contrast of different girls is what makes a harem so appealing beyond the basic more sex.
I know there are pedomorphasis potions but not having to rely on potions to get different body types is one of the biggest thing pushing me past my initial dislike of polygamy.

>> No.38225036
File: 77 KB, 480x720, inari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING TO ALL SINGLE ZIPANGU TRAVELERS:Upon entering Zipangu you will be made to answer an immigration questionnaire. Under no circumstances go there wearing an apron, write "cooking" is "skills I know or wish to learn in Zipangu" or write in "aspirations" "be a good husband/househusband". Never write anything that can be read as "strong" in "ideal girl". If you do, one of those rare aggressive Inari ninja and samurai border security guards, which by the way tend to be flat chested for reason, will simply walk to you, cling to your arm, refuse to elaborate further and arm-to-arm just walk you away with her. No man has been able to leave Zipangu single after that, the courts will not help you and no man ever has been able to break free from the arm cling of those Inaris, making people theorize that it is a very specialized technique.

>> No.38225057

As someone who had a few threesomes, normie I know but they're really fucking stellar to have all the different options right there. was in that boat before I initially disliked it but it grew on me more and more.

>> No.38225061

I don't understand Japanese, so as soon as the Inari sees I can't understand or read anything she says or write, she will let me go. I suppose all captured men made the mistake of learning Zipanguese beforehand.

>> No.38225075

Haha, imagine being the poor guy that's forced to breed a family of hellhounds!
That must really suck haha!

>> No.38225080
File: 541 KB, 1246x775, 1630392914423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take her pads

>> No.38225101
Quoted by: >>38225111

Hey, grandaunt jabberwock, its been like 300 years since that meme was mainstream

>> No.38225105
File: 923 KB, 707x1000, 95593529_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225177


>> No.38225111

Give her a break, she's trying. Now let her tell you about this funny meme with Cirno and the number 9

>> No.38225118
Quoted by: >>38225142

Whatif I'm just passing through?

>> No.38225121
Quoted by: >>38225131

I'd just write "biggu oppai" in every box but skills, in which I'd write "grab biggu oppai." Nothing can go wrong.

>> No.38225127

That would be extremely painful.

>> No.38225131
Quoted by: >>38225157

You feel your arm clinged. Gets grabbed by the Inari commander instead.

>> No.38225142
Quoted by: >>38225178

Every single male has to take the questionnaire.

>> No.38225144

will she shut up if I fuck her already? Its been three months of this

>> No.38225157
Quoted by: >>38225179

If her tits are so big she's only suited for desk work that's a win in my book.

>> No.38225161
File: 100 KB, 525x980, warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get isekaid to MGE and enter a bar not knowing what else to do.
>Hey, pst, yes you! Do you mind if I buy you a drink?

>> No.38225176
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1626595798964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, do whatever it takes to not let her see that McDonalds UN. Owen Was Her video.

>> No.38225177

What could have been... I know there are items for things like permanent breast expansion, but I wonder how often they'd actually be used?

>> No.38225178

I will invent for myself a life of adventure, glory and promiscuity in the character of some random western champion just to see what they say about the filthy gaijin.

>> No.38225179


Not quite, but they are so big that when there is a problem at the border and the Inaris cant handle it, she literally boxes the troublemakers into submission with her tits.

>> No.38225183

Jabberwock is reclining...

>> No.38225186

thanks, much appreciated.

Np, my dude. You'll have to wait tho, because I didn't expect so many requests.

>> No.38225187
File: 648 KB, 1457x819, 1629930764913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider yandere Holsts

>> No.38225190

no thanks I dont drink

>> No.38225193

No thanks, just directions to the embassy if you know them.

>> No.38225204

Wait I just realized that I might have posted a minotaur.

>> No.38225217

>Is actually surprisingly normal normal, except for not letting you drink anything but plain water and her milk.
or her cum and sweat

>> No.38225235

>grumpy fresh out of highschool Anon and his great grand aunt jabberwock who is more cheery and likes think that she's not outta of touch
Fund it

>> No.38225249
Quoted by: >>38225270

Ask where the nearest Sabbath is to get a mana marker.

>> No.38225270
Quoted by: >>38225419

They'll just wife you instead.

>> No.38225271


>> No.38225282

She will probably forget all about it the moment she realizes she needs milking.

>> No.38225306

Uh... I don't anyone really wants me.

>> No.38225346
File: 526 KB, 707x1000, b539b9c864d8b51a5085a2b1ccc69d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225355

Sorry those two girls there on the bar already did

>> No.38225353
File: 192 KB, 531x750, Welcome_To_Rums_Lighthouse_001_ws-531x750w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This recently got an official release (people may have noticed the fan translation got taken down some time ago). It has to be one of the most intensely erotic vanilla succubus doujins out there, so I'm hoping it sells well and its sequel gets done.


That scene where she lifts the Riku up with her tail to suck on him more effectively and the various ways he describes what she is doing to him and how it feels, oh it makes me tingle.

>> No.38225355
Quoted by: >>38225366

If you're going to post western orc shit here, can you at least try and not pick the worst images imaginable? Something that tries to be vaguely anime?

>> No.38225365
Quoted by: >>38226569

>turns out feral rabbit girl has a little sister
>gain a concubine AND a daughteru in one day

>> No.38225366

That image has been posted here many times and you're the first one crying about it.

>> No.38225394

Hellhound's husband is out of the cave swimming in the nearby river
>Dear, don't spend too much time there, you are not incubized yet and you can get a cold.

That night anon gets a fever. How long will it take until she allows him to go out without wearing layers of jackets or bath in the river without her clinging to him as a heating device?

>> No.38225395

>paying for porn
Pirate kraken-oneechan save me!

>> No.38225407

i appreciate the little touches he adds here and there, like with the disguised kikis evacuating people out of the chaos

>> No.38225408
File: 498 KB, 1200x989, 0e18c1ce83d7317cc358feaea48cc67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225414
File: 913 KB, 1573x2160, wU695Gll_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225717


>> No.38225419

That's not how anything works. I've even asked him on twitter how would I get a mana marker for my waifu (Night Gaunt).
>I'm marrying a Night Gaunt! While loudly proclaiming, "I'm going to marry a Night gaunt!" you should consult your local Sabbath or the Demon Lord's army!
Monsters are all about desire. Desire for an individual monster or breed of monster are the most attractive things to a monster.

>> No.38225420

Sorry ma'am, it would appear I'm alone, helpless, and without a coin to my name. I have to find a warm, safe place to spend this lonely night.

>> No.38225426

i just know not to open it and then overlook it. not as if anyone cares about my opinions anyhow.

>> No.38225433
Quoted by: >>38225481

Wait it got removed from free sites? really. Damn that was my favorite.

>> No.38225439
Quoted by: >>38225450

I'm glad I can be the first to let someone know when they're in error. /tg/ might better appreciate the image though!

>> No.38225445

Hey, it's the only way we'll likely ever get to readily read the sequel. Besides, I like the author so I'd like to support them.

>> No.38225448

I worship my wife’s ass.

>> No.38225450

It's fine, now you know not everybody is policing every western image, newfriend!

>> No.38225462

>you should consult your local Sabbath or the Demon Lord's army!

Yeah, that sounds very fishy. You go inside the army headquarters, you never go out again.

>> No.38225463

Indeed, if there is one thing other monsters will respect its a man's fervent desire for a particular monster race or individual. They may try to add themselves in, but they won't try to keep him from such a relationship.

>> No.38225481
Quoted by: >>38225565

>Wait it got removed from free sites?

On exhentai at least, yes.

>> No.38225502
File: 1.53 MB, 1893x1219, 1618797720993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225508
Quoted by: >>38226013

>You go inside the army headquarters, you never go out again.

Lie and slander, even men caught in battle get released eventually.

Anyway, I think KC's advice is that Sabbath and the army are two major resources for information on where to find things in the MGE world, so getting touch with them would be a good way to find rare monsters.

>> No.38225511

just try not to walk into the barracks or the showers and it should be fine

>> No.38225518
File: 431 KB, 1280x1493, 1629395592866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225558

I hope that no monster learns she only needs to put on puppy eyes and say "I am not good enough for you, am I?" for me to fall for her. I gotta marry my preffered waifu, and it's not an easy thing for a man with soft heart.

>> No.38225531
File: 188 KB, 1638x2048, DCKm81AXoAIx8ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225674

pet the snek

>> No.38225558

Monster girls that don't know how to rhyme deserve neither the pun nor the dick.

>> No.38225565

I hope it gets added back eventually. I dont have the money to shellout for it unfortunately. Should have saved it before though i guess.

>> No.38225569

Do the medical sabbath give anti-venom to venomous monster girls to carry around just in case?

>> No.38225597
File: 218 KB, 848x1200, FJVTdrrWYAUvY5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225616

Ideal size difference

>> No.38225625
File: 333 KB, 900x1200, 1525224688671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38225632
Quoted by: >>38225808

I rarely see Gazer art with her using goop for stuff besides hiding her lewd bits

>> No.38225643
Quoted by: >>38225678

You don't have $7.95 to spare?

>> No.38225674

I'd rather become the snek's food

>> No.38225678

I don't have a job and have to budget extremely hard right now.

>> No.38225681

I'd rather not support ontakahashi

>> No.38225717
Quoted by: >>38225890

I don't speak vodka...

>> No.38225774
File: 2.31 MB, 2800x3850, c6ed745efc6033d7af95f7ea64e26d47-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharaoh momster.

>> No.38225793
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, Anon & Brooke's Ribbiting Tale! Pg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogfag here, with page six of how I met my mamano wife!

>> No.38225808

Well the simplest use is usually the most effective, isn't it?

>> No.38225819
Quoted by: >>38225828

Scheherazade isn't a Pharaoh you disgusting plebeian.

>> No.38225828
Quoted by: >>38225846

How new?

>> No.38225835

Post a monster girl next time instead of gacha please.

>> No.38225846
Quoted by: >>38225860

She'd be a Djinni before a Pharaoh, butt nut.

>> No.38225860
Quoted by: >>38226078

You're thinking of Sheba. Shez is literally nothing but a bedwarmer. Nitocris is the Pharaoh, even if she cosplays as an Anubis.

>> No.38225879


>> No.38225890

It says:

"Anything but this..."

"Hello, handsome..."

and the text box is just a guy asking if Krakens steel a man when they are sinking a ship.

>> No.38225892
File: 214 KB, 850x962, 1617658754180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225898

You also should know the .moe of panda.chaika. You can find lots of removed content there
A present for you, though: https://mega.nz/file/JDIiBJpK#gOCIVfDoiXqLX9yPdAdzBlia4EuejQ2O4B2wMcZe-R4

And if you ever want to support the artist you can do it here or using links provided in the document: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=394897 I won't comment any further.

>> No.38225908
File: 1.41 MB, 2500x3500, 95427078_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38227665


>> No.38225924 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 1000x879, FJRhOn8XwAAUNm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38225941

Eye Heart Gazer

>> No.38225941

Those are just her regular eyes.

>> No.38225973

Do bi males alp too?

>> No.38226011
Quoted by: >>38226079

All depends on what they want more.

>> No.38226013

So I could just go ask the army for the location of a mindflayer so she can unfuck my brain? MGE really is utopian, huh?

>> No.38226035
Quoted by: >>38227258

Cute, please compile them into a single comic when you're done.

>> No.38226036
File: 1.54 MB, 4500x1500, bluebottle_tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226074
Quoted by: >>38226104

Maybe it's a Ranma 1/2 thing for them

>> No.38226078
Quoted by: >>38226137

I'm really not. In the context of MGE Scheherazade would be a toss up between a Phantom or a Djinni given her proclivity for storytelling.

>> No.38226079

Cheshire fire

>> No.38226089
File: 154 KB, 684x680, Celestial Sphere of Trysts 1536094820175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38226264

Well mindflayers are mysterious even to other monsters so they may not be able to help much, but they could probably point you in the right direction at least.

A sphere of tryst is what you really need if you want to find a hard to find type of monster though.

>> No.38226104

In short, if the want to be with a monster more then they'll stay male, if they want a man more then they'll alp.

>> No.38226105
Quoted by: >>38226121

There should be easier ways of unfucking your brain that don't involve a Mindflayer, but if getting the squid gf is your real goal, go ahead.

>> No.38226116

Anon, do you prefer your waifu to speak the same language as you? Or do you prefer to speak Japanese or another MGE native language and that you have to learn to communicate?

>> No.38226121

Its a part of the goal, yes.

>> No.38226136

I don't speak any japanese, and It'd feel weird if she did, so I'd rather they speak their own. Language barriers are hot. Theres only a few I wouldn't like it for. Cheshires and raiju being an example. Wouldn't be offputting though, just not a good thing either.

>> No.38226137
File: 1.18 MB, 1600x1072, Genie43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bedwarmer. At best she might be a Genie. Which is an actual girl already in the MGE.
Though I doubt she'd like being bound to the lamp.

>> No.38226141

Almost finished coloring my new year picture. Only 3 weeks after the new year.

>> No.38226154
Quoted by: >>38226169

How do her bra and panties stay on?! I must know!

>> No.38226169


>> No.38226172

I would rather we understand each other. The only downside is that sex terminology in my native language sounds silly to me, so it's either that or we speak English with each other.

>> No.38226173

I wouldn't mind learning a new language, but being able to communicate easily in a hurry is key in mind. We'd need a shared language, even if it's neither of our native tongues.

>> No.38226192

Don't care, Djinn Schez is going to be the ultimate bed warmer.

>> No.38226200
File: 840 KB, 1500x2000, 82615606_p33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squid hips.

>> No.38226203
Quoted by: >>38226842

I imagine she knows several languages, and is trying to get me to learn some. She picks on me for being smart but lazy.

>> No.38226212
Quoted by: >>38226238

Knowing them, they’ll go for whoever:
>they think is most vulnerable
>they sense would be into it

>> No.38226238

The “instinctively sense” thing is something all monsters get thanks to the DL being a succ by the way. All monsters are effectively part-succubus (compared to default)
It’s not an overt ability so much as a sixth sense that gives them a hunch for a target’s emotions and desires.

>> No.38226260
File: 3.27 MB, 2834x3884, 1634938706843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226264

Is the Sphere really big, or is the gote really small?

>> No.38226268
Quoted by: >>38226447

>Local Succubus Bully Not So Tough After Holding Hands With Anon All Day

>> No.38226274
Quoted by: >>38226318

Look at her size in relation to those steps. The answer is yes.

>> No.38226280


>> No.38226282

>She's a bed warmer
It's not like she successfully made the Sultan fall in love with her.

>> No.38226308
File: 682 KB, 737x1046, 1616307984743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is super scary
(but I still love her with all of my heart)

>> No.38226318

Oh god you’re right.

>> No.38226334

The sphere is described as huge.

>> No.38226386
File: 1.68 MB, 2067x2923, NiLlJvUV_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A language barrier is perfect to spice up a proactive dating

>> No.38226392
File: 544 KB, 2894x3692, 58462254_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38226447

No cap a succubus could probably make you squirm just from handholding.

>> No.38226480
File: 165 KB, 1381x1108, z2Vx7cC5_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you're a part of the tea party, you simply never leave.

>> No.38226507
Quoted by: >>38227258

I like how this implies I'm near a river.

>> No.38226527
File: 2.19 MB, 1409x2000, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is noted they can outright make you cum without ever touching your penis.

>> No.38226532

Them having that much power over me is so hot

>> No.38226537

Hands are sensitive and ticklish, that's not terribly surprising. It'd be both of you squirming, though.

>> No.38226547
File: 8 KB, 150x150, AtlachNachaMug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the poison that resides within the blood of Nachas?

>> No.38226569


>> No.38226574

>tfw that one chuuni Succubus in a wizard's robe that claims she can make you cum with only using the "magic words"
It's the third pair of pants she ruins this week.

>> No.38226585

She may sometimes speak in her ancient demon language when we are having sex

>> No.38226601

I definitely prefer the sound of Japanese but that is supposed to be Zipangu's thing and the mamono whom I am most interested in are probably on the main/Order continent. It would be weird if they spoke Japanese there, on the other hand them speaking a minor slavic language would also be a bit weird. Presumably if they don't speak a real-word language they would speak some weird pseudo indo-european language. It would be a bit intimidating but it might also make for a fun scenario.
Natural evolved indo-european language with japonic characteristics sounds interesting.

>> No.38226636
File: 720 KB, 1448x1588, Beach amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure that's just propoganda. There's no way I'd dum from a smug look and a come here gesture.

>> No.38226644

>I'd dum
It's already happening, Anon. Be very wary.

>> No.38226647
File: 240 KB, 286x337, 1642118606646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no way I'd dum from a smug look and a come here gesture.
Oh really?

>> No.38226670

It's weird how many mamono spill milk on themselves, the encyclopedia is full of them.

>> No.38226677

I want to motorboat across the Amazon, if you know what I mean.

>> No.38226680
File: 55 KB, 910x1841, krampus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226683
Quoted by: >>38226783

Demon realms are just really milky places.

>> No.38226696
File: 147 KB, 867x1200, Druella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very certain and every succubutt is welcome to just try and prove me wrong

>> No.38226727

You posted wrong proof tho.

>> No.38226743
File: 154 KB, 691x704, 1615145039324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226773

Fun Rabbit fact

The wererabbits are coming for you

>> No.38226783

Its the holsts, they start getting into milk fights start squirting each other. Sometimes civilians get caught in the crossfire

>> No.38226794


>> No.38226796
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x1500, stopwanning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to groom that kobold, look how shaggy she is.

>> No.38226797


>> No.38226803

Do you know what version of RPGMaker was used to make Another Story of Fallen Maidens? It might help me with troubleshooting.

>> No.38226806

English if not a yokai or mist monster. Them all speaking Japanese is no short of retarded.

>> No.38226833
Quoted by: >>38227005

>posted the ONLY species of succ that never scores

>> No.38226842


>> No.38226849
File: 2.31 MB, 1860x2631, 8F3B6169-A60A-409E-9028-155D4C9DB272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38226920

Sweaty vixens

>> No.38226856
File: 680 KB, 1084x977, 1639678394380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38226945

But I like her that way :(

>> No.38226860
File: 1.73 MB, 920x1340, 1640749250424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38226908

I won't lose to demon/succubus thighs!

>> No.38226888
Quoted by: >>38227053

I think it's VX Ace if that's the one that uses the dragon icon

>> No.38226891

That kobold radiates "good girl" energy.

>> No.38226894
File: 146 KB, 1024x576, senko6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38226905

I believe in 1-tailed fox supremacy.

>> No.38226905

She's only pretending to be a one tailed loli.

>> No.38226908

Strange how many anons just keep proclaiming this like a mantra even as they end up face first in said thighs.

>> No.38226920

how are they sweaty? they just sit around all day and eat tofu

>> No.38226944
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, How+do+you+use+the+toilet+miia++_77198b5f0ca26c43e620b03df7043d99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226945
File: 572 KB, 1130x1600, 65465465456465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38226953

She looking like a ragamuffin lmao. I guess that's alright for such a simple wan.

>> No.38226952
Quoted by: >>38226991

who is the artist?

>> No.38226953

thats that from?

>> No.38226954
File: 124 KB, 850x1027, Dork knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38227032

So my paladin instructor has this very convincing gear to make her look like a succubus for training and I have to say I've gotten pretty good fighting a simulated succubus. Apparently they're easy to take down if you grab the tail because my instructor loses every time I manage to grab it while sparring. She says I'll be ready to go out on a mission soon so wish me luck, anons.

>> No.38226956

bye, corn

>> No.38226974
Quoted by: >>38226994

Unique corn.

>> No.38226990

Very noisy wanning.

>> No.38226991
File: 461 KB, 3000x3300, EhSb6l3UwAA4npj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sn0w0y on the Anubis/wans

The fox has the source at the bottom

>> No.38226994

>scarecrow girl tells anon about her job

>> No.38227005
File: 326 KB, 1235x1075, 93fe409374d42ac2901355c663fd90b55be5c89af3f68e768dcc9c2726307fbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for volunteering for rape correction

>> No.38227007
Quoted by: >>38227031

why is he hanging out in a field of corn?

>> No.38227015

Eros worshippers, how do you deal with the fact that your god is a big fat dork who spends all her time watching cute couples fall in love when she should be performing her godly duties? The Arch Cupids always have to her desk to get her to finish her work!

>> No.38227031

because his friend the scarecrow girl is there and shes got a crop to watch

>> No.38227032
Quoted by: >>38227173

>Goes on mission, finds succubus standing out in the open facing away from him. Grabs tail only for the tail to wrap around his arm and pull him down instead. Succubus turns around. It's the instructor.

>Congrats anon, you fell for a long con.

>> No.38227045
Quoted by: >>38227071

Surely thrusting my dick between her thighs only once won't make me an addict

>> No.38227050

It's reverse psychology when I do it.

>> No.38227053
File: 443 KB, 1500x1134, 1619195023673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, there is a dragon icon, so I guess that's it. The search hasn't been fruitful, unfortunately. What I'm trying to do is play the game in Wine and the game seems to work fine, but I can't load a savestate. It saves fine and I can that when I access the save menu again, but "Continue" on the main menu is inaccessible. Does this happen in Windows too?

>> No.38227057
Quoted by: >>38227078

How does scarecrow-chan scare away smarter black harpies and crow tengus?

>> No.38227061
File: 46 KB, 602x557, H61gPsxP_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels pretty good knowing I've got her looking out for me. The only issue is I can't figure out how to flirt with a goddess

>> No.38227071
Quoted by: >>38227263

Once becomes twice becomes thrice and soon you lose count. Not that she'd let you pull away even if you tried.

>> No.38227078

you clearly havent seen what the scarecrow will do to them if they try to claim her farmer

>> No.38227089

Here is a comprehensive list of every time a lilim has scored:

Thanks for reading.

>> No.38227092
File: 96 KB, 1017x735, b4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38227203

What is her problem?

>> No.38227100
File: 547 KB, 891x836, 1549163057943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully Eros

>> No.38227107

Scarecrow girl refuses to believe the john barleycorn song is a metaphor for farming and now stands watch for any troublemakers.

>> No.38227139

unless he is the farmer, he is gonna get in trouble for interrupting her work
scary birds is hard work

>> No.38227150
File: 117 KB, 396x500, rpgheroine_r_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38227190


>> No.38227173

She Probably let anon touch her tail repeatedly to build up her own resistance as well. Truly Anon never had a chance.

>> No.38227176

LMAO, how weak can you be, just say no and no succ can succ you

>> No.38227182
File: 156 KB, 419x600, 215_lilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're neglecting the ravenous lilims in World Guide 3 that we get quotes from, in the midst of scoring or about to score.

Level Drain article (it is performed via sex)

>[Aah...... Your [life] is really tasty... In order to come to my side... and in order for this moment, all the life you have piled up till now is lovely......]
>~Lilim ushering in a hero into the depths of a mamono realm~

And the space creation spell:

>“This is our bedroom, where you and I will make love...
>This is the place to which you will return.
>You thought you opened the door to your own room...?
>No, no matter where you try to go, you'll always end up returning here... and coming back to me...”
>~a lilim, a daughter of the mamono lord~

Also, the profile lilim, like the other 100 first profile girls, is married.

>> No.38227186
File: 3.43 MB, 2680x3954, 1639388914801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monstergirls are willing to play the long game if it means they get a husband

>> No.38227190

Is this the lim from the game? Does she even fuck the MC in the first part or does the dude immediatly run off to be TOM'd

>> No.38227203
Quoted by: >>38227230

Just set a record in Dragonia for her BMI

>> No.38227210
File: 474 KB, 658x525, Lilim rpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some kind of dream sequence she seems to be communicating with him through (or maybe not), but from what I remember they don't have sex just yet. She gets him to orgasm easily from foreplay and the tutorial she is giving him ends as she remarks cryptically that the other girls are eager to meet him and she'll have to wait.

>> No.38227212

Now THIS is environmental storytelling

>> No.38227213
Quoted by: >>38227246

>Is this the lim from the game?
>Does she even fuck the MC in the first part or does the dude immediatly run off to be TOM'd
Nope, they start making out in a dream-like state but it ends before they can fuck. She tells the mc she'll be waiting for him.

>> No.38227214

>Listening to lillim propaganda
I bet they claim they have sex daily too.

>> No.38227216
Quoted by: >>38227633

Mine works fine on windows so maybe you could run the game on a VM if your problems persist

>> No.38227221
Quoted by: >>38227781

All those girls?
And only a year?
The man is unstoppable.
Mc is a cunny master. Getting tommed is a noncanon bad end.

>> No.38227229

>>[Aah...... Your [life] is really tasty... In order to come to my side... and in order for this moment, all the life you have piled up till now is lovely......]
>>~Lilim ushering in a hero into the depths of a mamono realm~
I need this, but with an extra scary lilim. And the room thing

>> No.38227230

The absolute state of "dragons"

>> No.38227231

>books written by lims describe lims smashing guys
What a strange coincidence. Did you know that the wandering scholar, the man who wrote those books, not only recieved money from the lims to write those books, but also gave them full editing rights? Isn't it strange how the books describe them with husbands, but when asked about these husbands, lims always claim that they're 'In a different realm, but totally real?' Did you know that aside from these entries, there has NEVER been a monster who has witnessed a lim getting it in? Maybe you should start asking some questions, Anon. Who stands to gain what from all this?

>> No.38227241
Quoted by: >>38227452

I bet that may be considered a revision telling of the Demon Lord and her Husband.

>> No.38227245
Quoted by: >>38227299

>Frilly leotard along with bat ears
I now know why Lilims are the best

>> No.38227246

That's disappoint but hopefully there's a monogamy route in game

>> No.38227252

I'd launch a rescue operation for shog

>> No.38227258
File: 41 KB, 1000x1000, Anon & Brooke's Ribbiting Tale! Pg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.That's still the plan.
Thanks anon, you can even see the river in the distance in pic related. Everything after getting isekaied has taken place in, around, and above the Hodden Wetlands.

>> No.38227263

>anon cumming load after load by using the lilim's thighs for pleasure
>she is just standing there all smug, happy that she is going to get such a devoted slave
Many such cases. Can't beat the thighs.

>> No.38227267
Quoted by: >>38227325

WC only wrote the first WG. WG3 is written by a baphomet

>> No.38227275
Quoted by: >>38227292

>It's all a plot to turn the Lillims into the rulers of the new world order
>It's all conspiracy theories
>There may not even be that many lillims in existence
>The demon lord is weak with anal
>Lescatie was an inside job
>The "Druella effect" is a real phenomenon
>The chief god never existed
My tin foil hat is on already.

>> No.38227289
File: 149 KB, 718x282, 1531424450418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runya Runya wrote World Guide 3 anon, Wandering Scholar was going to co-author but then he went missing on his way to the Mist Continent (most likely ending up where the abyssal monsters live) so she took it upon herself to write it on her own.

Are you accusing the esteemed Runya Runya of fabricating information?

>> No.38227292

All you gotta do is create an mge iceberg and it'll be complete

>> No.38227299

To be clear, those "bat ears" are her horns, they just are shaped a bit like ears.

>> No.38227300

a little birde told me that lims were going to cut sabbath funding if she didn't lie

>> No.38227325
Quoted by: >>38227340

>"The [sabbath] received a record breaking 6500 men today, as part of their ongoing commitment to supporting the Demon Lord."
>"Druella herself was there to preside over the ceremony."
>"She [Druella] is a real ally to the Sabbath. We're proud to call her our friend, even if her tits are too big."
Written by a baph indeed, Anon. I'll bet you think that Eros, Hel, and the extremists are all "independent" factions too.

>> No.38227331

Now.... how much you wanna bet that lims spend their time shitposting

>> No.38227340
Quoted by: >>38227418

why lims do all this to make it seem like they scored, just ask a dude out, is it that hard for them?

>> No.38227342

They're the only subversive overlords that do their internet shilling by hand.

>> No.38227344

Because anons previously brought up and talked about Balrogs possibly being in MGE thanks to Pyrows.

Imagine Shelob, or better yet, Ungoliant in MGE?


How would MGE Shelob or Ungoliant be like?

>> No.38227352

Runya Runya is a hag. Literally all of the Sabbath are just a bunch of old hags larping as much younger than they really are. It's a joke.

>> No.38227353

It's almost weird how this thread has gone on uninterrumpted for more than 5 years now. It's almost as if some kind of obscure and lewd force is making sure it keeps up.

>> No.38227362

Momonika is a real kid

>> No.38227374
Quoted by: >>38227387

That's what they want you to think. Also it's been like, 4 years since the book came out. So all of those hags are 4 years older now.

>> No.38227379

>(most likely ending up where the abyssal monsters live)
I wonder what will become of this. A full-blown WG or a treatise in MGE3?

>> No.38227383

Well she's a bit older than she looks, but yes.

>> No.38227387

All the 2008 profile girls must be grannies by now.

>> No.38227388
Quoted by: >>38227401

Most likely just MGE3 focusing on Chinese and Lovecraftian girls, like how the first MGE hinted towards the wandering scholar going to Zipangu and WG2 having a lot of Zipangu girls.

>> No.38227392
File: 1.13 MB, 852x480, 1571509677700.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38227399
Quoted by: >>38227439

Abyssal cat girl when?

>> No.38227401


>> No.38227402
Quoted by: >>38227424

I don't think they would work at all. Unless its as like a Special named Arachne.

>> No.38227418
Quoted by: >>38227469

>is it that hard for them?
Unironically, yes. They have a huge complex because their mother is the semen demon to drain all balls, and they can't pick up a guy in a bar after they drug him. If the world really knew that the demon lord's progeny were really just khvs that spent all day shitposting about their sexual prowess to make it seem like they're monster supreme, the world order would collapse.

>> No.38227422

Not sure why, but there is something about how they depict spider girls in media that makes me hate their guts so bad. It happened in anime before and I really hated Shelob's guts in the game. Kind of the reason I stay the hell away from spider girls in MGE.

>> No.38227424

Why not? There have been plenty of one-of-a-kind monsters turned into species in MGE, like Atlach-Nacha, or Cupid. The only issue I forsee with it is localization, since I don't know if it already is in Japan, but LotR is still copyright protected in most of the West. A few of the MGE girls had to renamed in the official localizations for that reason.

>> No.38227428

Possibly both. After the first MGE volume the WS went on the run from the Order and hid out in Lescatie for a while on his way to Zipangu, writing World Guide 1. He then got to Zipangu and spent a lot of time there while writing MGE volume 2, hence the large number of Zipangu profiles in it. If I recall right he corresponded with Saphirette to write World Guide 2 at this point as well. Then at the end of MGE volume 2 he states his intention to get to the Mist Continent. All we've heard since is Runya Runya relating that he disappeared on his way there on a ship and speculating he ended up in the abyss as even magical means of locating him haven't revealed anything.

>> No.38227431


>> No.38227439
Quoted by: >>38227461

He says pretty much the same thing when you ask him for new abyssal girls.
>Thank you! I've got lots of ideas, but it's hard to design any of them, so it's hard to come up with new girls, but if you'll just be patient!

>> No.38227452

Unironically yes

>> No.38227454

I guess its just the description of Them? Aren't they simply giant spiders? I guess they could fill an Apophis sorta role being the originator of all Arachne, but i don't know how you make them unique as a species like the Apophis is to other lamia.

>> No.38227461

Well, at least he's still acknowledging abyssal girls exist. That's something.

>> No.38227469

I am just going to walk through the front entrance, find the fattest, most hopeless, and most loser of all the lims ansd just take her, going to her parents to tell them that I am came for her, then walk out the front door

>> No.38227479

i feel like i got some pre-existing prejudice against alarunes. they just end up too murder happy in so many things.
that said, i liked the indignant one in the rpg demo

>> No.38227489
Quoted by: >>38227530

Probably a normal reaction to them. I hate spiders IRL but love Arachne's. You may just simply hate or dislike both which is understandable as spiders tend not to be viewed positively in media. Even Arachne first has that "evil" aura when she is first introduced.

>> No.38227498
File: 105 KB, 559x800, 1gWeIuxg_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are zombies free to take in the undead kingdom?

>> No.38227510

if you can get close enough to pick up a lich that's consent

>> No.38227513

they sure are, i have a couple at home that i put in cute dresses

>> No.38227515

I can't feel much pity for KC who is plenty trigger happy with his copyright.
They might be old inside, but they dedicate their lives and bodies to the larp. Isn't that enough?

>> No.38227525

Yes. The high society of most undead kingdoms don’t want you to know this but Zombies are totally free to take. I currently have 37 Zombies in my backyard right now.

>> No.38227528

i took the wight duchess in the ball I wasn't invited to and her undead kiki maid too and I haven't been taken to jail yet so I think zombies are okay

>> No.38227530
Quoted by: >>38227607

Yeah, the haughtiness with which they often depict them is not even the cute kind, it's just something spiked with evil and sadism that ticks you off really bad. Ironically, I didn't hate spiders IRL until I was exposed to them spider girls in the media, now I can't stand them either.

>> No.38227554

>I can't feel much pity for KC who is plenty trigger happy with his copyright.
lmao stop getting butthurt that you aren't allowed to make your grimdark edge shit.

>> No.38227568
Quoted by: >>38227691

yeah man, he's always doing takedowns of translatio-oh wait

>> No.38227582

To be fair, it's not like the guy can claim ownership of all the mythos and lore from which most monster girls originally come from. Just create your own setting with different designs and you will be okay.

>> No.38227593
Quoted by: >>38227641

They don't want to do that though. They want to write their self-insert edgelord fantasies in MGE specifically, even though it barely pretends to care about MGE's lore.

>> No.38227607

Yeah i get that. I personally find it sexy so its 4 sure a matter of taste. I don't know if KC's arachne are like that though. Jurou's maybe but i think its only at night. Either way it totally understandable to be iffy on them with their history in media.

>> No.38227633
Quoted by: >>38227746

Do you remember where you got yours? I have it from the Mega archive.

>> No.38227639

I think he was more bothered by people sending him hostile emails. He didn't like the grimderp edgelords but it wasn't till he got hate sent right to him that he started doing anything about it. All he wanted was to draw his itty bitty tiddie goats in peace and MGU couldn't keep a single guy banned. KC didn't even give up on the English fandom because he was more than ok with allowing his profiles to be posted and translated anywhere else. Guy just didn't want pictures of his daughter wives heads on pikes in his inbox. I wouldn't call that unreasonable. This is all on MGU.

>> No.38227641

Makes me wonder though, with how popular D&D is in the west, there is no way someone didn't try to make something like this before KC.

>> No.38227656
Quoted by: >>38227763

The MGU debacle was actually an incredibly level response that took a surprising amount of abuse to come about to begin with. Other content creators would've nuked the entire Western fandom after that.

>> No.38227665


The mother of creation, an oni and a rapist walk into a bar...

>> No.38227691

Look, I just dont want to be sued when I start making grimdark edgelord comics about hunting and killing evil monster girls.

It's okay, only some of them will be evil.

>> No.38227698
File: 676 KB, 1330x629, Demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a demon do if she caught her husband playing Doom Eternal?

>> No.38227708
Quoted by: >>38227742

Nothing because she understands the concept of fiction.

>> No.38227715

Probably make some tendies, maybe give you a blowie before bed so that strange, violent thing you like to play doesn't give you any nightmares.

>> No.38227719

your promises,they look like lies

>> No.38227741
Quoted by: >>38227779

>KC who is plenty trigger happy with his copyright.

How many times has this even actually happened? I doubt it's enough for him to qualify as trigger happy. There is the well documented stuff with MGU, but I'm still unsure if him demanding a English fanfic be taken down much more recently was really him or not. Heard conflicting things. And if it is him then that's two events in how many years?

>> No.38227742
File: 906 KB, 1393x1903, Automaton Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automatons becoming offended or bothered and disturbed when they see their boys playing Ace Combat 7 and shooting and destroying all those Drones.

>> No.38227745

Do people get nightmares from violent games or movies

>> No.38227746
File: 248 KB, 1200x943, DvHaDl5Q_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I got it working. I'm not sure what it was, but I suspect unpacking the archives without using Ark had something to do with it. Either that, or renaming the folder somehow made it recognize what's what and it sticks even after changing the folder name back.

>> No.38227751
Quoted by: >>38227860

not if you have yandere.exe installed, she'll think you're shooting down WHORES

>> No.38227752

i have nightmares about food

>> No.38227758
Quoted by: >>38227762

i get nightmares about scary movies and stuff like that

>> No.38227762
Quoted by: >>38227772


>> No.38227763

Just don't attach the MGE name to it, or associate MGE with it, or use the MGE designs, or shove it in KC's face. It's that simple.

KC is extremely supportive of fan content and is fairly lax with his regulations about it. He's supportive of all the fan art he sees online and talks about how he really wants to see every fan work become very popular. He even supports western stuff like the Jabberwock book despite it not being in Japanese. It's completely ingenuine to say he's draconian with copyright because he's had to deal with bad actors.

This, it's a legitimate miracle considering how much KC clearly detests stuff like guro or NTR how he's still not willing to axe the West entirely.

>> No.38227772


>> No.38227773
Quoted by: >>38227810

>A blowie
It sounds cringe until you realize this is how couples would actually talk if the portals were a thing. It's scary to think about how corny you will become once you meet your waifu.

>> No.38227778
File: 636 KB, 2149x3035, 1571707120173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Even if they didn't you can count on demon mommy to be a bit overprotective.

>> No.38227779

Also I don't remember the details cause I didn't really care, but didn't the fanfic guy throw a hissy fit over someone else using his OC?

>> No.38227781
File: 750 KB, 1086x832, 1624572795644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It may be noncanon but I'll be damned if it's bad.

>> No.38227783

If your comic is ripping designs directly from MGE instead of trying to come up with its own I think it might have issues other than a theoretical lawsuit. It's not like KC invented MGs or MGE is the only MG setting in existence. Just don't be a dick and send your comics to KC to trigger him.

>> No.38227798

>not scaring the shit outta her by kicking in the bedroom door dressed as DoomGuy and putting a baby in her while listening to the soundtrack
It’s like you don’t even like role playing Anon.

>> No.38227803

t o m

>> No.38227808
Quoted by: >>38227827

>those puns
She's asking for it, isn't she?

>> No.38227810

>this is how couples would actually talk if the portals were a thing.
If you told me that was Bong slang now I'd believe it.

>> No.38227823

I get nightmares about the unknown.

>> No.38227827
Quoted by: >>38227863


I got nightmares from the Deadhands in Ocarina of Time and I stand by that it's totally justifiable.


It works out because I fucking love puns.

>> No.38227846
Quoted by: >>38227940

I love how whenever you start up the game whichever monster you're walking with is likely to just pull your character in for a deep, noisy kiss.

>> No.38227847

I got nightmares about zombies and getting eaten alive in my own home

>> No.38227855
File: 64 KB, 369x309, c6jcXT0f_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38227875

uh oh

>> No.38227860
File: 202 KB, 900x1106, EUecLgOUEAUnyhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively, Gremlins probably do like Ace Combat 7 in particular because robots and unmanned autonomous machines! They'd even tolerate and let all the anti-Belkan sentiments pass. Because Gremlins are Belkans.

>> No.38227863
Quoted by: >>38227879

Just imagine lusty fem deadhand, problem solved.

>> No.38227871

Give me a Monstergirl to consider.

>> No.38227875
Quoted by: >>38227883

>surronded by ll that cuteness
Imma die of glusoe overlaod

>> No.38227877
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1448, 1545505597284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider Tsuraras

>> No.38227879
Quoted by: >>38228008


Some things are not meant to become monstergirls. Those fuckers are one of those things.

>> No.38227883

You should worry about the stroke you're having before Diabeetus.

>> No.38227885


>> No.38227894


>> No.38227897

Consider Minotaurs with a very heavy scottish accent.

>> No.38227915
File: 110 KB, 850x729, __adepta_sororitas_warhammer_40k_drawn_by_dospi__sample-2bb27c8cfe07ca5770b60c8deeac8f80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick with human women and be normal.

>> No.38227916

spanish wight noble

>> No.38227935
File: 7 KB, 100x100, 1636994182168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38231052

I would date a human woman undergoing monsterization. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time after all. Like when they eat some of that demon realm fruit or whatever.

>> No.38227937
Quoted by: >>38227986


>> No.38227940
Quoted by: >>38227998

It makes me feel not alone when they do that. I hope the game gets a lot more events like that.

>> No.38227951

serbian jabberwock

>> No.38227956

Loli Tsurara-Onna

>> No.38227986
File: 86 KB, 875x1400, 1610913450761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38227991

The queen needs a knight

>> No.38227991

Putting the tit in titania I see!

>> No.38227997


>> No.38227998
File: 1002 KB, 850x729, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think one of my favorite things about the MGE game might be going around playing matchmaker or couple's counselor like an 18+ version of Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak. Romancing girls for myself is fun and all but there's something really heartwarming about helping other people find happiness and seeing them be lovey dovey together.

>> No.38228000
File: 1.02 MB, 2481x3508, fzn8iusj34c81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38228005
File: 1.17 MB, 1399x1787, 5TSEHSTa_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider mud

>> No.38228008
Quoted by: >>38228090

Strongly disagree. Many arms and undead girls are a winning combo.

>> No.38228017

do you like me?

>> No.38228033

do you like you?

>> No.38228040
File: 123 KB, 569x569, 1631541095519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38228047

When did this eternal virgin lilims thing start?

>> No.38228049

Geometrical girls surely are the source of all evil.

>> No.38228051

can't wait for a mge version of this

>> No.38228056


>> No.38228058

>Be there or be square

>> No.38228064

I can think of a couple monster girl types that would schlick themselves retarded over doomguy probably cause of how his outfit accentuates his abs and and biceps. Was thinking a similar thing in regards to Kratos from God of War as well.

>> No.38228066

A huge, warm, soft, Holstaur.

>> No.38228074

I don't care much for it, but I guess it is an easy moe meme to do considering what lilims are in MGE.

>> No.38228076

When propaganda is that heavy, people eventually start asking questions.

>> No.38228086

Werebat that you can feed tasty fruits

>> No.38228090


...god dammit. I hate when other people on the internet are right.

>> No.38228093
Quoted by: >>38228106

softest hands
best baths

>> No.38228104
Quoted by: >>38228150

That actually sounds fun. A game about being an MGE matchmaker would be great. Especially having to fend off the monsters trying to nab you and redirecting them to someone else.

>> No.38228106

>a crab
>has hands that are soft

>> No.38228132

Lilim bullying has been a thing since these threads were on /a/ iirc, because of being, "Overpowered Mary Sues," and their association with Druella and other OC Lims. Easy target.

>> No.38228143
Quoted by: >>38228171

>tfw no holst mommy

>> No.38228150

i like the idea of being a cupids handler and assisting her with targets dossiers and profiling before she goes out on missions.
the final episode is her hunting me down.

>> No.38228151
Quoted by: >>38228171

That soft cow is for snuggling and giving many little cows.

>> No.38228163
Quoted by: >>38233160

>there's something really heartwarming about helping other people find happiness and seeing them be lovey dovey together.
Are you trying to get a Hori? Because that's how you get a Hori.

>> No.38228171
Quoted by: >>38228189

It's all I want in life.

>> No.38228189
Quoted by: >>38228229

>Thick mom figure
>Heavy breasts that leak even more.
>Lots of pai loli holst daughters to hug before they go on cute adventures.
Its a comfy life.

>> No.38228193
File: 380 KB, 1200x600, lilim-dakimakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38228216

Druella being some kind of socially inept virgin has been a joke here for years, but this is the first I've seen it being applied to all lilims so strongly.

>> No.38228216
Quoted by: >>38228227

What kind of juice is she drinking?

>> No.38228226
File: 3.06 MB, 2400x2625, wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you are mating with Hellhounds a heat engulfs you, then the heat turns comfy, as she fucks you, you can feel her strenght, your senses are directed to her tensing muscle. Then a sudden realization dawns that such a strong girl loves you and all this strenght is for your protection, then you just want to hug her and cuddle with her and feel protected by her. As you cum inside her you can't help but think "I feel so safe, I want to feel like this forever!"

Hellhound pussy is another level, it can't be beaten just by being wilder like you would with an Ogre or Minotaur. It appeals to our primal desire to be protected by a stronger woman

>> No.38228227

juice that makes you a dork

>> No.38228228

Where is this from?

>> No.38228229
Quoted by: >>38228298

This is the size cow wife I want, I want to sleep between her breasts every night.

>> No.38228252

>They have the peculiar habit of using these bubbles with the intention of washing a man's body by using the brush-like parts of their shell, the soft palms of the upper body's hands, and sometimes even by covering the entire humanoid part of their body in bubbles and intimately rubbing against the male's body.

>> No.38228272

softshell crab

>> No.38228281
File: 1.15 MB, 1785x2185, __cancer_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__fecf85c492cd95039361181dc00ddff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38228381

Since she keeps them hidden in those sleeves, people often don't realize just from looking at the art that cancers don't have pincer hands on their upper bodies.

>> No.38228283

Imagine liking to take baths.

>> No.38228290

Giving a man a handjob at minimum every time he does is a sure way to change his mind.

>> No.38228295

>t.gatos feo

>> No.38228298

Big cow best cow.

>> No.38228340

Dude if I could spend my whole life in a bath I would, a cancer would be my waifu if she wasn't a crab

>> No.38228353

imagine not feeling like a stinky hobo, u smelly

>> No.38228376

Get out of here Beelzebro

>> No.38228381

so no claw job?

>> No.38228385

I was going to ignore this because it's half a day in the past but given how 'sincere' you sound, I'll just say this in hopes it'll cause some self-reflection. I didn't make you white knight a dude intentionally reading the worst into the scenario. That's on you and you alone. I was just being an asshole, that's for me to bear.

>> No.38228445

Can someone sell me on the mommy dom thing? I really like demons but that's usually how they're portrayed and I'm not a fan.

>> No.38228454

It's just pampering and dick riding with zero expected effort from the man.

>> No.38228483
Quoted by: >>38228539

People just don't want to put in any effort. Business partner demons are way better.

>> No.38228494

It's an acquired taste.
I don't know how to describe it. I might have always had a thing for mommy traits

>> No.38228502

>zero expected effort from the man.
But that's all the girls. Even baphomet. Maybe a little headcanon there, but not a lot

>> No.38228504

>yfw your mg completed customs clearance.

>> No.38228505
Quoted by: >>38228841

Well if it helps, they're also compared to big sisters.

From World Guide 3:

>“All right, let's scrub your body in the bath before that, 'kay
>And then, I'll make you feel real good It's a promise with onee-san...”
>~a nominal “contract of obedience” by a demon~

>> No.38228523
Quoted by: >>38228559

>with zero expected effort from the man
what did he mean by this

You're still expected to be a loving and attentive husband.

>> No.38228528
File: 703 KB, 1330x629, Kikimora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38228557

>But that's all the girls

Kikimora will dick ride you into a proper member of society.

>> No.38228533

It's basically just being dominated by a woman but instead of her being mean and degrading she's kind and comforting.

>> No.38228539

>Business partner demons are way better
>flirt with each other to pass time on a boring day
>always have a drinking buddy for after work
>looks sexy in her dress or even suit
>play a cat and mouse game of her trying to trick you into signing her contract

>> No.38228549

It's just nice to be pampered by someone who cares about you unconditionally and not have to worry about things. Reverting from an overworked and responsible adult back to a easygoing, carefree child, but a child who gets frequent nursing handjobs. It's infantile sure but the heart wants what it wants. It's not like I'm against being a breadwinner and the one who wears the proverbial pants, although I hope I wouldn't actually be wearing pants too much, in the family, it's just one of many fantasies. If it's not for you it's not for you. Don't stress about it. You can have your non-dommy mommy devil.

>> No.38228557
Quoted by: >>38228598

KC said no bad ends wtf

>> No.38228559

All of the girls will accept zero effort under the right circumstances, but not many make it their "thing."

>You're still expected to be a loving and attentive husband.
That consists of accepting your wife's care and fucking her as desired in this case. There's no expectation to take initiative or do most of the things that one might consider normal for an adult male other than getting erections.

>> No.38228598
Quoted by: >>38228662

If you really want to be a lazy slob your whole life then there are plenty of monsters that enjoy that. Kikimora are out to help men who need it, not force them to live lives they hate.

>> No.38228602
Quoted by: >>38228643

Even if there's no expectation I would hope the men with them would feel too much like a piece of shit to not do anything in return. It doesn't even have to be the usual when you think about "do something in return" for women.

Let HER lay on your lap and be on the receiving end of a scalp massage, or back massage. Watch some of the movies she likes and cuddle on the couch, take her out for a picnic or a trip to the beach. It's not hard, both of you would enjoy most of those things I would think.

>> No.38228628
Quoted by: >>38228693

There is nothing to be sold on. It's for retarded manchildren that wish to return to the womb.
The only mommydom I'm interested in is being occasionally dommed by the mother of my children.

Oh, and Demons can do whatever you want.

>> No.38228643

I certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end at all times. But then, I tend to imagine my demons with more general succ-like personalities with a sprinkling of edge or contract autism anyway.

>> No.38228646

Its bad enough for writers and authors to be censored or strictly monitored and heavily edited and regulated when writing Gay/Yaoi and Lesbian/Yuri stories when working for Monstergirl operated publishers.. But what happens if an author decides to write a Yandere/Stalker story where they successfully capture and hold their special loved one. But the story and narrative is depicted "realistically" as toxic, abusive and controlling. And in the end of the story the protagonist successfully escapes his captor and the Yandere/Stalker is successfully detained, arrested and punished for the crime.

Will Yandere Stalker-ish mamono somewhat take offense and Cancel Culture the story and the author/writer(s) that wrote and made the narrative. All while demanding the story to be re-written for monstergirl tastes and characteristics? And what if said author works for monstergirl publishing company and showed this story to be printed to the publishing superiors?

>> No.38228662
Quoted by: >>38228840


Kikimoras likely accept lazy slobs as husbands, kinda. But if he is going to be a lazy slob, it is going to be on her terms. So if he really wants to never work, you can, Kiki likely has enough skill to earn income. But you will be expected and made into a proper head of the household and command his maid competently.

>> No.38228675

lol. all these words make me head hurt, I was not made to read so many words. I want to see big fat monster titties and ass

>> No.38228689

>t.Illiterate peasant

>> No.38228691
File: 357 KB, 2604x3391, 1525512727305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38228725

I gotchu

>> No.38228693

But anon, if that's your fetish you can literally return to the womb via unbirth. Not an mge fetish but it still exists.

>> No.38228707
File: 583 KB, 1219x1592, Troll_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy reading as much as I enjoy a big pair of titties

>> No.38228716
File: 503 KB, 945x1102, 1450851591482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading about big titties is doubly nice.

>> No.38228722
File: 66 KB, 640x850, 1528001001330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading while nestled between a big pair of titties

>> No.38228725
File: 385 KB, 1464x2048, fat titted vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for fox tits, I shall give monster titties back as well
lol, nerd

>> No.38228730

that picture makes me angry

>> No.38228741

Which picture?

>> No.38228744

About what?

>> No.38228749
File: 3.35 MB, 2480x3508, okuu tit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38228779


>> No.38228752
File: 239 KB, 1171x1921, 1525290983946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38228779

those are some big birb boobs

>> No.38228780

dum elf pouring water on herslef

>> No.38228794

That's evion water she's wasting!

>> No.38228828

Kikimora is the meido for men who want to live normal lives and work.

Shoggoth is the meido for men who don't want to work and wanna become cumpumps.

>> No.38228833
Quoted by: >>38228837

When they were born, lmao

>> No.38228837

just like you, oh triple dubs anon

>> No.38228840

>tfw I'm a lazy slob right now but would honestly like more in life
It's hard to care seeing how society is IRL right now, but if MGs existed and there was a Kiki by my side I would definitely feel like I can really take on the whole world.

>> No.38228841

Even that still feels super one sided.

>> No.38228877

Normal life by day (excluding weekends), beloved cumpump by night (and weekends) is my ideal.

>> No.38228884
File: 892 KB, 2604x3671, 15413077652240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229100

No, Shoggoth is for the men who embrace insanity and crave the chaos that is their Shoggoth wife.

>> No.38229059
File: 74 KB, 214x272, 1621698617561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38229077
File: 239 KB, 952x1923, cheshire3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229228

>> No.38229100

Aka cumpump

>> No.38229113
File: 76 KB, 774x1000, E2QZmJMXoAAnZdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229315

>> No.38229140
File: 595 KB, 1443x4096, Fluffiest Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229691

Molest fox ears.

>> No.38229228

>auntie cheshire with those jeans

>> No.38229294

I want to have sex with all 223 monster species. How do I achieve this?

>> No.38229301

get a doppelganger

>> No.38229311

That's not how MGE doppelgangers work though

>> No.38229315
Quoted by: >>38229353

>pov: you agreed to meet the "girl" from your class in the woods behind the school after class

>> No.38229324
Quoted by: >>38229361

There is literally nothing wrong with being a cumpump for your wife

>> No.38229333
Quoted by: >>38229360

Live at least 223 lives and hope your wife reincarnates as a different species each time.

>> No.38229338
Quoted by: >>38229651

Unless you're willing to accept magic-induced fantasies of doing them all, I don't think you can. Even the RPG's protagonist isn't going to experience all the monster girl races.

Don't think a doppelganger would work, given the requirement for their transformation. And the anon probably wants to have sex with the actual monster girl race, not another monster copying them.

>> No.38229353
Quoted by: >>38229373

Why the quotation marks? That's incredibly rude and I doubt your future perfectly human daughters would appreciate knowing you said such a thing about their mother.

>> No.38229360

Huh, that might actually work. You'd need to have some gods in your debt or something to get them to help put her soul in all those different races (most often a monster reincarnates as the same race she was before).

>> No.38229361

Of course not. It's a lifestyle choice. A lifestyle choice that expediates the creation of new life!

>> No.38229373

>human wife sometimes murmurs to herself
>occasionally catch her talking to herself like the green goblin
>"Rape him, Sarah! He's weak!"
>"He needs care!"
>"He needs US, Sarah! Do it! Do HIM!"

>> No.38229417

>your demon wife speaking in the dark demonic tongue to somebody threatening you, making the whole room darken.

>> No.38229472
File: 149 KB, 979x1500, 60361055_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229493

And her magical threats don't work because I'm a devout faithful religious person of The Gods and Divine!

DEUS VULT! HUMANITY. Oh and human girls be simpler to be with than monsters.

>> No.38229484
Quoted by: >>38229493

>try to practice demonic language to impress demon wife
>tear hole in reality from trying to say "I love my wife"

>> No.38229493
Quoted by: >>38229518

>Illiterate but adorable Order man still doesn't realize that his blueberry demon wife is not, in fact, human

No, that's reality warping itself to reflect the truth of your words.

>> No.38229518
Quoted by: >>38229890

>No, that's reality warping itself to reflect the truth of your words
>t. anon getting a stern look from his demon wife
sorry anon, i dont think your demon wife is going to buy that

>> No.38229565

>ywn wake up the onwer of a haunted mansion filled with scary and very horny undead that you won after a night of drunken haggling with the local tanuki

>> No.38229576
File: 3.27 MB, 1900x2600, 1627213313414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229703

Foxes age like fine wine

>> No.38229651

>Even the RPG's protagonist isn't going to experience all the monster girl races.

How do you know? KC said he wants sex scenes with all the species.

>> No.38229691

is he spitting in her ear? i've never got this

>> No.38229703
File: 644 KB, 844x1194, zombie fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38229712
File: 3.59 MB, 2080x2930, C5407952-107C-43AD-9638-106CB3777D2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil, delic- I mean uh, malicious demons!

>> No.38229735
Quoted by: >>38229890

i wanna look at ass, titties, fat tails, mofu, horns, and beans. Not fucking feet

>> No.38229761

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, medusas, they are tsun but when they want you to stay they'll make sure you have a 'solid' reason to stay.

>> No.38229784
Quoted by: >>38229884

Wonderland bird asks about her employment twice.

>> No.38229884
Quoted by: >>38229980

what is jubjubs jobjob?

>> No.38229890
File: 427 KB, 636x900, 1404262249590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault that "hail Satan" and "I love my wife" sound so similar in Infernal, okay?

Lead by example or shut it, slut.

>> No.38229902
File: 1.26 MB, 1110x1553, 95607788_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38229906
File: 3.58 MB, 4395x3585, foxtata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229934


>> No.38229916

The shog is the maid of the proletariat

>> No.38229918
File: 2.28 MB, 3000x3000, cow dragonn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38229934
File: 189 KB, 914x1200, CuUttitVIAMmUoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38229943

This is the way.

>> No.38229943

ass wings?

>> No.38229957

the worst kind. extremely poorly positioned.

>> No.38229964
File: 149 KB, 835x1000, d24ad9c61ca4a8c72ea6de3ee0613efe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38230014

Yes, to match with her back tits.

>> No.38229969

What does your wife do with you after she realises she went too far?

>> No.38229975
File: 36 KB, 300x310, 1602895787346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38230014

T. perfect fit for wonderland.

>> No.38229980
Quoted by: >>38229986


>> No.38229986

You need to be careful with your wording around dumb birbs. Call it a sucksuck or you could end up with air where it shouldn't be.

>> No.38229991
Quoted by: >>38230002

Go further - beyond mindbreak is godlike-clarity

>> No.38229994

cpr and wait for the ambulance

>> No.38230002

It's true; you haven't truly thought until you've experienced post-postnut clarity. But to obtain the state you must be fucked during your post-nut clarity. Vigorously.

>> No.38230014
Quoted by: >>38230126

that pic just made me laugh
I have a feeling that I would be in Ms. Hatters english class

>> No.38230031

dunno, i don't remember

>> No.38230054

A few options
>leave me alone with my arms chained to the bedpost so I can't furiously rut
>sleep together, but facing away from each other and just holding hands, or with her facing my back but still separated
>knock my limbs out (with magic) and then drag me out in the sunlight, and rest me on her lap for a picnic
>Homecooked (non-drugged) meals that she'll feed me herself

Basically break my sex addiction and remind me that there is much more to our relationship than wild, kinky, degenerate sex that mindbreaks me into a cumpump zombie.

>> No.38230107
File: 281 KB, 601x850, __teresa_musuko_ga_kawaikute_shikatanai_mazoku_no_hahaoya_drawn_by_houshi__b271bdf190bd609b474a2451763a363b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38230126
File: 386 KB, 2588x3502, sheaintquiteright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38230135

She's a fine choice, I prefer the annoying cat.

>> No.38230135

u got the special annoying cat, the one that thinks shes a dog

>> No.38230163
File: 2.82 MB, 1354x2000, 1390335620924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38230252

That's the best cat you can hope for, really.

>> No.38230201
Quoted by: >>38230217

>"Hello Mr. Anon! So what are your thoughts on-"
"Are you single?"
"Have you had sex recently?"
"How big is your cock?"
>"S-Stop! This interview isn't supposed to be lewd!"

>> No.38230217
Quoted by: >>38230226

>"Are you single?"
>"Have you had sex recently?"
>"How big is your cock?"
too big for u, i want a real woman

>> No.38230226
Quoted by: >>38230247

>too big for u
Oh, Anon, you just challenged them, you fool. Ever seen that gif of a hamster eating a carrot? MGs will do that with their mouths AND their vaginas.

>> No.38230247
Quoted by: >>38230258

>hamster eating a carrot
i aint touching lolis not even with a ten foot pole, I'll fuck the underpaid CC succ instead of them

>> No.38230252
File: 669 KB, 2892x4096, 1637367917189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38230268

The moment you get used to it she changes it up.

>> No.38230258

>"Tina, Tina, big scoop! Wax up your braces, this guy says he wants to bone you!"
>"Wha? My hear ishn' prepared for thish!"

>> No.38230268
Quoted by: >>38230287

i can't help but feel it ruins the mystery of cheshire heels when she doesn't have footpaws.

>> No.38230287
File: 799 KB, 1158x1204, 1637860099154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, the picture would be perfect if she had her footpaws.

>> No.38230297

>kinda chubby
>big tits and ass
>slouched over
>kinda messy hair
>has glasses
>has a lisp
Well my dick is hard and I am snatching her up and runnig off to fuck her dorky ass

>> No.38230298

...zero effort...
What about less-than-zero effort
>be Anon
>get some 'multi-clone' potion
>10 copies of Anon
>5 are in the bedroom railing waifu senseless - puss, ass, mouth, 2handjobs for tittie-spray
>meanwhile Real-Anon is sitting on the couch cumming buckets from referred 5x pleasure without breaking a sweat
>while playing MarioKart and eating pizza with the other 3 guys
>while one is down at the store getting more beer
>and number10 is catching up on my sleep for me
Get on my level

>> No.38230354

>I'm going to bend your fat nerd ass over your PC 'battlestation' and destroy it like the Klingons destroyed planet vulcan in that new star trek movie.
>"ACKSHULLY, that wash the Romulansh, when Spock in an alternate timeline failed to shtop-"

>> No.38230413
File: 254 KB, 800x668, 1519101775640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38230421

>tfw 4 hours of sleep a night for days
all i wanted for christmas was a weresheep

>> No.38230421
Quoted by: >>38230454

Is that sheep okay?

>> No.38230454
File: 265 KB, 530x688, 1519101775650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just high

>> No.38230515

>anon walks into the office
>cc succ is still freaking out at her desk
>anon turns to a rata
>"Bring me the dork!"
>a loud "eeep" can be heard somewhere in the office

>> No.38230674

What would your wife do if you suddenly hugged her out of the blue?

>> No.38230740

maybe some kind of judo throw if i surprised her from behind

>> No.38230801
File: 212 KB, 685x516, Swordlim on her throne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if "salamander brained" is an insult to Selene?

>> No.38230829
File: 53 KB, 571x679, 18954698656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38236841

Oh no?!

>> No.38230906
Quoted by: >>38236856

Weird thought
disneys version of the jungle book would not have happened if all the animals were monstergirls
Mogli would of just been kept by the wolves and thats about it, no baloo, no shear khan, no kaa, nothing

>> No.38231005

Hide the embarrassing display with a wing cocoon so she could hug me back in private.

>> No.38231018

Hug back and press her tits into me.

>> No.38231052
File: 46 KB, 1418x472, sandworm tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38231066


>> No.38231066

There was another about turning into a spider that went full body horror. Good thing it'd probably be nothing but orgasms in-universe.

>> No.38231143

Okay so Im way too fucking amped and need some direction to put this energy before a trap myself playing vidya all day agian

>> No.38231167

I hope umi osho wins. Also beast opinion on Dizzy?

>> No.38231177

Overwhelming might, I wanna see what selene does after the last chapter
But whatever you do, thanks beast

>> No.38231183

Mad Hatter sounds neat.

>> No.38231293

Avoid all contact with infected individuals.

>> No.38231382
File: 374 KB, 846x1200, 1625115042015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38231480
File: 2.99 MB, 1688x1688, ghoul mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235771

>Yes bitch, that's what I trying to accomplish

>> No.38231879
File: 796 KB, 900x1200, 1629601191766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38232219

>that bush mofu
unf, just breed with me already.

>> No.38232069

Impressive bush

>> No.38232219
Quoted by: >>38232258

This is a nice fox. I like this fox.

>> No.38232258
File: 1.86 MB, 1000x1000, 1606210855243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38232350

She's the nicest fox you'll ever meet, opposite of the trickster stereotype

>> No.38232350
Quoted by: >>38232442

I only saved that focks because she's cute, where is she from?

>> No.38232440
File: 3.54 MB, 2800x3898, 1628390423427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make my bun wife stop dryhumping me to show dominance?

>> No.38232442
File: 1.78 MB, 743x6959, dumb_fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38232457

from a monster girl h-game, SEQUEL Awake. She's one of the main party members and she's super sweet, but slightly dimwitted

>> No.38232457

What a cute, silly fucks. She'd make a fine wife.

>> No.38232473

Put bun in her oven

>> No.38232656
File: 10 KB, 296x240, 6z002RG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38232669

Can you attract dragons with dragon themed sweets?

>> No.38232669


>> No.38232781

Wilmarina is CUTE

>> No.38232925

So it looks like that old OC idea will get to have some form
I'm not the best at making characters, but her and a few others have been naggin at my brain

>> No.38233160
File: 804 KB, 1754x1240, 91114264_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38233831

>Are you trying to get a Hori? Because that's how you get a Hori.

>> No.38233356
File: 504 KB, 1600x1600, isX4xbhHrXY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, i hate mamono now.

>> No.38233619

delete this

>> No.38233734
Quoted by: >>38233840

>Looks up the artist

God I fucking hate the Japanese sometimes

>> No.38233831 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 850x353, __miyamura_izumi_hori_kyouko_ayasaki_remi_sengoku_kakeru_yoshikawa_yuki_and_4_more_hori_san_to_miyamura_kun_drawn_by_rikuwo__sample-81752f12fe5fc24b303a569652ea2e1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What monstergirls would the Horimiya girls be, and what corruption would the Horimiya boys undergo?

>> No.38233840
Quoted by: >>38233969

isn't that the guy who does guro cannibalism porn

>> No.38233885
File: 875 KB, 1440x1200, succ dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about shit like that
lets talk about cute succs instead like the dorky ones, the chunnni ones, or the funny ones

>> No.38233921
Quoted by: >>38233932

What's that plant thingie

>> No.38233932

think some type of sundew

>> No.38233969
Quoted by: >>38234110

Sounds pretty hot

>> No.38234000
File: 1005 KB, 740x925, 1569451024711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38234059

How do you deal with that?

>> No.38234003
File: 139 KB, 1340x814, Succubus268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38234009
File: 168 KB, 703x678, 1634834769545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pundit is a Sanskrit term originally.

>> No.38234042

thanks, learn cow but I wanna go on a stupid adventure instead of being in this classroom, so c ya, wouldn't want to be ya

>> No.38234059
Quoted by: >>38234162

go to the wonderland flayer if you must but you could also leave her as is

>> No.38234110 [DELETED] 


>> No.38234145

Miss Haku. What are your political thoughts on the fact your country of origin is an evil authoritarian regime that spies, oppresses and brutalize its own people in a daily basis. Has rampantly evil and morally bankrupt government officials. And your country is so diplomatically hostile to practically everyone around the globe?

>> No.38234162
File: 480 KB, 1159x1256, qTQkjKkO_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38234172

>wonderland flayer
Not gonna risk it, I'll let the Cheshire bark.

>> No.38234172
Quoted by: >>38234226

I have an appointment with her, wish me luck and safety

>> No.38234201
Quoted by: >>38234208

Is MsHaku a naturalised American?
>>> /pol

>> No.38234208


>> No.38234222
Quoted by: >>38234256

>"I'm afraid you're mistaken, my region of origin is made up of three major factions and many small nations, each faction having been in conflict with the others for centuries."

>> No.38234226
Quoted by: >>38234757

Imms bakka fromerd my appaoinmey with ms, flllayyyyyyerrrrrr. I"m fineee. Not aaaa thitng worng wtih me

>> No.38234228

How do I deal with smart cows too smart for their own good on the farm?

>> No.38234236

Give them the dick.

>> No.38234243

get an iq to breast size converter

>> No.38234256
Quoted by: >>38234323

And what of the People's Republic Party that currently controls and rules the Mist Continent of Cathy today?

>> No.38234312

Tell me about devil bugs.

>> No.38234323

>"My knowledge of other universes is quite limited I'm afraid. Seems they could benefit from monster girls though."

>> No.38234328
Quoted by: >>38234477

they could be in your walls, looking at you through a peep hole fap right now!

>> No.38234335
File: 426 KB, 944x1100, 325_devilbug_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38234477

They eat, they sleep, they fuck. Not necessarily in that order or one at a time.

>> No.38234421

miss haku, what is "Sex"?

>> No.38234453

Everytime they start getting smarty pants say "that's great baby", or "awesome, girl" and slap their bottom.
Also while milking make sure they moo loudly, you can encourage that by saying "moo for me sugar" or something.

>> No.38234474

Literal dick socks.

>> No.38234477
Quoted by: >>38234500

I love devil bugs, I think I'll willingly give myself up to one and confess my adoration for her. Just gonna waltz right up to her and offer marriage and vow to build a big happy family together

>> No.38234500
Quoted by: >>38234595

>to one

If you see one, there are always others nearby that you don't see.

>> No.38234501

Fuck her umtil she tells you 2+2=3 and 9+10=21

>> No.38234581

I’d rather rat if I must fuck vermin

>> No.38234595
Quoted by: >>38234619

Okay, well I can just ignore the others or kick them out. My heart and body now belongs to just this one devil bug girl.

>> No.38234619
Quoted by: >>38234659

That’s her sisters, aunts, and cousins, your about to kick out

>> No.38234659
Quoted by: >>38234669

Nevermind then...
I'd feel bad about kicking out her family. I suppose they can stay.

>> No.38234669
Quoted by: >>38234851

And a little tidbit about devil bugs, they are into sharing

>> No.38234757
Quoted by: >>38234940

Wonder what wonderland squidbros look like

>> No.38234851

They're going to have to change that habit of theirs and get used simply watching

>> No.38234875

Good luck, on trying to keep them back

>> No.38234927

*get used to simply watching
Sorry missed the "to" there

>> No.38234940

80s squidbros

>> No.38234984
File: 791 KB, 2177x1565, 1624340463303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235034

Running gives me a better dopamine rush than masturbation. Gib Salamander gf.

>> No.38235034
Quoted by: >>38235428

sex and physical contact give more. Especially to touch starved anons for the latter.

>> No.38235145
File: 50 KB, 383x561, FJS3rb5VQAA8_hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38235159
Quoted by: >>38235523

>tfw ywn live in the seedy underbeelly of MGC and see the shit that coes down in there like illegal wurm wrestleing, men being sold like sex slaves, mofu dealers, Dark mages in white vans, and all all other matter of monster mischeif

>> No.38235293
File: 44 KB, 680x666, EQr8oUyXYAELmDu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235308

>> No.38235308
Quoted by: >>38235324

seaslime is cute, i wonder what is going in her head

>> No.38235324
Quoted by: >>38235356

Sea shanties

>> No.38235356

>Way, hey up he rises
>Way, hey, up he rises
>Way, hey, up he rises, early in the morning!

>> No.38235428

This is propably true. I haven't got a hug in 12 years.

>> No.38235490
File: 199 KB, 1024x316, 1578088707783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235541

>> No.38235523
Quoted by: >>38235601

>tfw ywn trick the wurms into rampaging through seedytown just because some hobo kitsune scammed you out of your mofus.

>> No.38235541

Rememeber anons, never trust strange lolis in white vans. Always trust the milfy monsters instead. Even if they want to show you something cool or are wearing a trenchcoat in 90 degree weather

>> No.38235558

Just get in the damn van, onii-chan.

>> No.38235574

I only trust tall monsters with big muscles.

>> No.38235576

no, you guys are probably way older than me, as in stone age old, like the wheel was the hip new thing old

>> No.38235592

Being treated brusquely while being called onii chan by a little girl is extremely arousing.
They're young at heart.

>> No.38235601

>scammed you out your mofus
Now that poor kistune has to be brought before the local fox gang to be judged

>> No.38235623
File: 344 KB, 540x436, 1532195747398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you don't let them get close

>> No.38235648

so run and hide behind the nearest tall milf?

>> No.38235650

looks like a job for a fake tooth mana bomb

>> No.38235660

>the underground mana explosive scene has had a renaissance with the rise of the uwaaabomber

>> No.38235681
File: 129 KB, 916x1400, 8Ryyyxj8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wheel was the hip new thing
Are you saying it isn't?

>> No.38235699

its old news, so old that even the oldest tengu reporter knows it as such

>> No.38235732
Quoted by: >>38235742

Only trust JS lolis, the schools don't allow monsters who're only pretending on the premises.

>> No.38235742

>implying that some lolibabas wouldn't pay off the school to let them in

>> No.38235771
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x1285, Ghoul48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235795

>The last thing anon sees before getting licked to death by ghouls

Pic related
>What's keep the ghouls from licking you to death


>> No.38235773

That smol cat is getting a kitten bump worthy of her hips

>> No.38235774
File: 459 KB, 1447x2046, FJUC92baAAE5bis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235808

>> No.38235795

i always knew tentacle brain was a bro

>> No.38235808

i want them both

>> No.38235832

Be sure to thank Mr. Tentacle Brain or else he'll let her loose on you

>> No.38235841
File: 551 KB, 850x1512, Bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38235880

The hip thing right now is to fuck bees

>> No.38235880
Quoted by: >>38235926

Don't lie anon, you just want to eat their sweet nectar and the honey too I guess.

>> No.38235892
Quoted by: >>38236083

>Tentacle brain: "Fly you fools! She's not remotely satisfied and I can't contain her much longer!"

>> No.38235926
Quoted by: >>38236059

It would be rude to not eat what they work so hard making

>> No.38236059
Quoted by: >>38236097

But they worked really hard on it, like you said. I wouldn't want them to waste it on me...

>> No.38236083

>having a picnic on the peaceful edge of the tentacle forest, as you do
>nature, harmony and all that shit
>rampaging ghoul bursts from the forest depths ready for some rape
>messes up your picnic blanket too
>understanding the importance of consent, tentacle brain deploys anti-rape countermeasures
>not one to waste a good picnic you share food as she constantly tries to fellate your fingers while restrained
good end

>> No.38236097

Talking like that is how you get pinned down in some wax for honey therapy sessions

>> No.38236143
File: 599 KB, 1675x2183, 16404031651961994226506771484716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What monster girls would be the best chefs? I'm not talking just cooking skill, more which would be suited to have careers like personal chef, executive chef, specific nationality chefs (i.e. Zipangese or Lescatian chef). What are a few restaurants you can think of ran by monster girls (with a brief description if you feel like it)? What would Mrs. Worm the food reviewer think of them?

>> No.38236161
Quoted by: >>38236197

salamanders have that competitive drive

>> No.38236173

I'd like to think any of the fire-based girls would run a mean bbq place though I don't think Mrs. Worm is going to be a big fan of most of the menu.

>> No.38236191
File: 98 KB, 672x1024, 1637713493213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think minos would give fire girls a run for their money in bbq

>> No.38236197
Quoted by: >>38236247

>MGC version of Hell's Kitchen
it writes itself

>> No.38236217
Quoted by: >>38236266

I'm sure they'd both be great. I just liked the idea of pulled pork smoked from the flame of a Salamander or Ignis

>> No.38236224
File: 772 KB, 600x843, 9a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38236228
File: 217 KB, 905x1280, 1622907173.witchfiend_weremersharktfbywitchfiend2021p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38236247

They are so hot they can even make grilled cake.

>> No.38236254

I can imagine a big BBQ competition between some southern Minos and Salamanders at a festival or fair
>Check out my spicy rub brisket! Nice n sweet with a good kick of heat!
>You'll love Momma M's sweet honey bbq ribs! Come n get it!

>> No.38236258
Quoted by: >>38236579

>off-topic image

>> No.38236266

Salamander and Ignis husbands are eating well.

>> No.38236268
Quoted by: >>38236361

>smoked cheese made from mino milk

>> No.38236271
Quoted by: >>38236579

>replying with offtopic image to crap post

>> No.38236330
File: 104 KB, 476x358, 1631597164562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you who can whip up some mean tofu

>> No.38236350

>Inari wanting to start a tofu and noodles restaurant
>Awkward sit down at the bank with the Danuki loan officer

>> No.38236361

It's all fun and games until the Mino next door who secretly has a crush on you brings you some smoked Gouda

>> No.38236383

>Anon dives into mofu tails
>It's been two hours and he hasn't found the exit yet

>> No.38236452

Just quickly touch her tummy, it's the quickest way to dissaude a naughty bun. Then they scurry off and start looking at you from behind corners all huffy

>> No.38236462

They can fit into any space a normal cockroach could fit into. Use that information as you will.

>> No.38236578
File: 896 KB, 1200x1440, 47e970451209b9ba123ece0b2530cad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38236579

Godamn stop bring such wet blankets

>> No.38236599
File: 175 KB, 826x1217, FH9Sq3eWQAEzeCj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38236606
Quoted by: >>38236691

>giving the magic sabbath FREE mana
Most people get paid for doing that. Slut.

>> No.38236607


>> No.38236628

That implies that the post was funny to begin with.

>> No.38236638

>what is image limit

>> No.38236691

>he doesn't know about the reagents

>> No.38236701
File: 386 KB, 626x1200, she is here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes here guys dont worry

>> No.38236710
File: 1.33 MB, 2005x1805, Ur-quan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38236727

Yes hello squid is receiving? Activate it!

>> No.38236716
Quoted by: >>38236746

Fine looking man in that image.

>> No.38236719

well I'm not any more

>> No.38236727

>Ur-Quan Worm
Oh no how scary

>> No.38236732
Quoted by: >>38236753

>He doesn't know that I don't know

>> No.38236737

Thank goodness, ma'am I thought you and your husband were going to miss your reservation.

>> No.38236742
Quoted by: >>38236780

Not fitting that in a tooth.
Besides, it’s a waste of time and effort when they’re the group that can effortlessly neutralize anything magical.

>> No.38236746

a handsome gentleman

>> No.38236747

>head empty
>only ass and tiddies on the mind
>waifu just stares at you longingly when you stare off into space thinking about your waifu and her massive milkers and bongo drum like ass

>> No.38236753

your gonna have some big goats

>> No.38236756
Quoted by: >>38236827

Sir please don't do that in public

>> No.38236780
Quoted by: >>38236797

then explain all those rather large goats getting kicked out of the Sabbath after ever uwaaabomber attack

>> No.38236797

It exists in your head alone.

>> No.38236803

a reminder to all squidbros that you look absolutely dashing both in and out of squidform

>> No.38236827

Exactly. That's what public restrooms are for.

>> No.38236841
Quoted by: >>38236889

>ghost girl haunts your new home
>”I’ll curse you if you don’t do my bidding!” she told you the first night you met
>now your basically a Greenworm Grub delivery guy for her getting her every new food item she sees on tv
>you don’t even know where she puts all that food
>you finally realize there is no curse and she’s just been wasting your time and money the past seven months
What do you do Anon?

>> No.38236856
Quoted by: >>38236893

There would’ve been an all out war for Mogli between the tribes.

>> No.38236859
File: 2.84 MB, 2039x2894, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_kawayabug__9e909255981e9468f9f50be571d5c8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need scary mammono

>> No.38236887

shes not scary shes just covered in jam

>> No.38236889

Masturbate furiously in a place she can clearly view me.

>> No.38236890 [SPOILER] 
File: 863 KB, 849x1200, 1616721046981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38236893

>Jinko storms in and takes off with him

>> No.38236901

Why are monsters such messy eaters?
They're always getting covered in milk and jam.

>> No.38236905
File: 1.35 MB, 3000x3000, FJZZ6GLXoAIpFWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38236908

All Succubi are cute. They all have little nuances that fit their personality; like singing in the shower; or dancing while cooking; or when they’re playing with their daughterus.
