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File: 1.72 MB, 992x1403, 1491355648747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16817343 No.16817343 [Reply] [Original]

Which is Lich.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.16817346
Quoted by: >>16817349

Maids are olev

>> No.16817347

Kobolds are cute! I love my Kobolds!

>> No.16817349
Quoted by: >>16817354

How do you do it mang?

>> No.16817353
Quoted by: >>16817356

Kobold maids. No latex included.

>> No.16817354

Not all that well. I've missed the last couple of threads because of the hour when they go up.

>> No.16817356

If that's what makes you happy anon, the that's wonderful.

Personally, I prefer my Kobold maids with the latex, but that's just me.

>> No.16817364

People were mentioning that Wizardquest story in the last thread, right? I thought I had the archive somewhere and I was right. I think he posted it on TFT also or something.


>> No.16817367

Don't reopen that can of worms, especially in a fresh thread.

>> No.16817368
File: 660 KB, 610x1000, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do believe I'm falling for this fungal growth.

>> No.16817372

But tea tastes like butts

>> No.16817375
Quoted by: >>16817386

She would be fun at least

>> No.16817376
Quoted by: >>16817386

And somehow this caters to my desire to know what each monster girl looks like naked...

>> No.16817379
Quoted by: >>16817382

If my waifu were a Mad Hatter or a Wock or any other of the Wonderland girls I'd keep a journal of all the kooky things she says so I can bully her about them later.

>> No.16817380

Must be quite a love to get a Mad Hatter to break her composure and come on to you like that.

>> No.16817382
Quoted by: >>16817387

How could you bully a loony?

>> No.16817384
Quoted by: >>16817417

Liches are nerds.

>> No.16817386
File: 119 KB, 1071x1000, 1459881417774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea is just fantastic, what are you on about?
Quite fun and refined. Casual lewd the entire day.
That's why it's nice for the more clothed ones, so much more rewarding to see them take it off.

>> No.16817387
Quoted by: >>16817391

By keeping a journal of all the kooky things she says so I can bully her about them later!

>> No.16817388
Quoted by: >>16817392

Do you not see the heart pupils?

>> No.16817390

>Tea is just fantastic, what are you on about?
Tea is bitter and tastes like gross sweaty butt

>> No.16817391
Quoted by: >>16817400

but she wouldn't care because she always says weird shit and is mad

>> No.16817392

That's what I'm saying, usually they're very cool and relaxed so to get them to heart pupil must mean they're very aroused.

>> No.16817396
Quoted by: >>16817406

>That's why it's nice for the more clothed ones, so much more rewarding to see them take it off.

And suddenly I'm in the market for monster girl striptease.

>> No.16817400

She'd care when I tease her!

>> No.16817404

She does have some fantastic tits and a fancy outfit.
I bet her butt tastes like tea.

>> No.16817406
Quoted by: >>16817409

Well if it tastes like HER butt then I'd hardly object
Twould be quite something. I imagine she'd even manage to make that casual and totally normal.
No pressure, no need to worry, just constant lewdity with peaceful mind...

>> No.16817409
Quoted by: >>16817416

you guys are gross

>> No.16817416

Mere bonuses (and fantastic bonuses at that) to a perfect personality.
We're all mad here, after all.

>> No.16817417
File: 89 KB, 1076x929, C1xCsIpWEAEk-YM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16817419

How could anyone possibly love a fany dressed matango

>> No.16817420
Quoted by: >>16817483

x is best girl

>> No.16817421
File: 269 KB, 1320x1632, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827796

Sexy snek midriffs

>> No.16817423
Quoted by: >>16817445

Yes, it's on TFT and the sequel illusionistquest
I don't really get hate for TFT, there are only like 2-3 futa stories in total and they all tagged as futa so you don't have to read them
Cover Hotel stories are noice, that story about some guy marrying holst and adopting raiju was noice, that story about daughteru and her cursed doll raping the fatheru was super noice

>> No.16817424
File: 374 KB, 568x550, You're next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatefucking best fucking

>> No.16817425

More tea? Perhaps a scone?

>> No.16817428

thanks man

>> No.16817429

Would your waifu be in to CBT?

>> No.16817431

How could anyone possibly love a (insert name here)?

It's something that happens.

>> No.16817435
Quoted by: >>16817452

Nerds are for teasing.

>> No.16817438

It worked for whitehorns vs their counterparts. I always underrate how much fashion influences me.

>> No.16817445

Fuck off with this already.

>> No.16817446

Girls with horns are for facefucking.

>> No.16817448


>> No.16817450

Yes, I believe she would. Nothing really hardcore or painful though, not at all. She's a gentle, caring and lovey dom, so it'd just be stuff like orgasm denial, light ball tapping and squeezing, chastity, and maybe a bit of urethral play. I also quite like the idea of post orgasm torture especially when I'm gagged and tied up really tightly, so I'm sure she'd indulge me in that too.

>> No.16817452
Quoted by: >>16817458

I want to kabedon a nerdy Monster Girl.
Then at the same time, get kabedon'd myself by the Manticore school bully.
The Manticore school bully is then kabedon'd by the shirtless Eros Paladin teacher.

>> No.16817457
File: 275 KB, 858x800, Terrible person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16817461

I hug people who look depressed and remind them that they are loved!

>> No.16817458

Liches are really short, so it would be weird to be kabedon'd by one when I'm 6'5.

>> No.16817460
Quoted by: >>16817468

They float a little higher first.

>> No.16817461
Quoted by: >>16817467

A bad habit.

That's how dependency starts.

>> No.16817462
File: 614 KB, 1243x1130, 1483933115277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liches are really short
The one in the profile art is. Could you really say that that's applicable to other Liches in that regard?

>> No.16817467

Dependency is 100% okay with monstergirls though as their emotional and empathetical capacities are far more advanced than humans. They can and would make it work.

>> No.16817468

But then I can't take them seriously.

I guess that can't be said for all of them. Boy I would be intimidated if a 7ft muscular Lich did that to me.

>> No.16817469

This is no ordinary Lich, this Lich is a Death Knight.

She's swole because she practices swordplay in heavy armor, but at the same time can cast spells.

>> No.16817470
Quoted by: >>16817483

Strongsmart girls are too good. How am I supposed to protect my virginity from this?

>> No.16817471
Quoted by: >>16817484

I can imagine a lot of monster girls, even generally normal ones, would encourage varying forms and intensities of dependence.

>> No.16817475

>tiny Lich is embarrassed about her height
>works day and night in her lab to find a way to make herself taller to no avail
Such is live for poor, tiny Lich-chan

>> No.16817483

She is for sitting on my face
clearly it's y, pleb
>no musclich to bully me and grind her spats wearing ass into my face
There is no escape anon.

>> No.16817484

Same here anon, Kobolds are a prime example of that in my opinion. They're at the top of the tiers when it comes to emotional understanding and stuff like that, so it would be very easy and almost natural to become codependent with one. Not to mention comfy.

>> No.16817486

Poor girl.

>> No.16817487
Quoted by: >>16817504

>A Lich will never sit on your face, after besting you in a magic duel.

>> No.16817488
Quoted by: >>16817495

>So far no concoctions have successfully altered my form in the end desired manner
>Currently, I have been effected by a potion of breast growth, a potion of ass growth, and a potion of muscle growth, yet no concoction that yields extra height
>While my lab attendant seems interested by my new 'Shortmusclestack' form, there is still much work to be done

>> No.16817489

Is it wrong to think about monster girl versions of people you know?

>> No.16817491

A little.

>> No.16817493

>She is for sitting on my face
She certainly has the ass and thighs for it that's for sure.

>> No.16817495

Poor girl has become an abomination. Science has gone too far.

>> No.16817496

Yes, 3Ds can't be monstergirls

>> No.16817497


>> No.16817500
Quoted by: >>16817503

I'd rather have a girl focused on healing instead. Dependency isn't growth.

>> No.16817503
Quoted by: >>16817512

I'd say monstergirls would allow for both.

>> No.16817504

You need to be made humble before your training as her apprentice can begin.

>> No.16817508

I would make that Lich feel loved, short girls are cute.

>> No.16817511

Speaking of smart, would Wonderland girls be secretly genius at math?


>> No.16817512
Quoted by: >>16817517

Allow? Sure. But it's a one or the other sort of thing. My tastes just lean towards a more healing-orientated approach.

>> No.16817515

I liked that assumption last thread about Hatters having a ton of Charisma and Wisdom but being pretty abysmal in intellect.
I could have sworn I read somewhere at one point that if you manage to take one out of Wonderland she'll just look and act like a raving, bonkers lunatic. Thus would I stay in Wonderland with her. Who needs math when you have fuck?

>> No.16817517
Quoted by: >>16817524

What kind of healing would you prefer anon? Healing definitely sounds comfy.

>> No.16817519
Quoted by: >>16817526

What is it about Liches that makes them seem so damn adorable?

>> No.16817524
Quoted by: >>16817537

I don't really know, the natural sort? It would be nice to have one of the gentle-femdom girls that's also willing to just cuddle and talk when I'm down.

>> No.16817526
File: 894 KB, 1440x2664, 1480608401488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a species of stronk Undead kuuderes that go snunsu mode when whatever phylactery that holds their soul is shattered.

>> No.16817529

This is too lewd, I demand that you delete this image. Liches are pure girls that just want to raise an army of Undead girls.

>> No.16817530
Quoted by: >>16817542

How many people actually have all of the species memorized? I still have to have the encyclopedia open in another tab.

>> No.16817533

>those thighs and that outfit
I wonder what Nier would be like if 2B was a Lich.

>> No.16817537

I meant like stuff you'd want your waifu to help heal if that makes it any clearer. Like for me, I'd want to use grooming and petting my waifu's paws and ears and tail as therapy for my anxiety, and I'd definitely want cuddles and talking when I'm feeling stressed or depressed too. I'd also like my waifu to train away a few of my hangups and reservations with slow, gentle femdom as well.

>> No.16817542

Not memorized as in I can name them all off without missing any, but I usually know who a monsergirl is profile-wise just by her species name.

>> No.16817567
Quoted by: >>16817593

Loli monsters are for molesting!

>> No.16817587
File: 119 KB, 1376x685, C8V1L0UV0AAIocr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16817588

Thicc Nazrin is a blessing.

>> No.16817591

She better close her legs or someone might spank her cunny!

>> No.16817593
File: 572 KB, 1235x1400, 1488407046524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16817601

Loli molests you.

>> No.16817600
Quoted by: >>16817609

Can anybody find the stylized heart tattoo/rune on a couple of the girls? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.16817601

That explains the Alice dream...

>> No.16817609
File: 2.67 MB, 823x1200, Deruella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deruella has many of them.

>> No.16817611
Quoted by: >>16817689

What if the dumber Wonderland girls are secretly super-good at math, but are so preoccupied by fucking to bother?
>Jubjub casually solving probability problems her husband gives her, wondering why he's making such a big deal about it

>> No.16817632
File: 334 KB, 700x994, mad hatter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16817689

That's adorable.
Who needs a calculator when you have a Jubjub perched on your loins?

>working as an engineer
>everyone has their automaton with the Texas Gremlinstruments add-on installed, helping with their work
>saunter in Monday morning wearing your usual dress shirt but a stunning lack of pants or underwear
>Everyone laughs as they see the fluffy pink jubjub perched on you
>"Hey Anon! Did you get ambushed by a pack of pillow pigeons on the way in?"
>Proceed to leave at noon because you got all of your work done and have to wait for your coworkers

>> No.16817700

Is she a Muscle Wizard?

>> No.16817713
File: 367 KB, 800x600, 1484484676933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16818957


It's taken way too long for her to get the love she deserves. I'm happy for her.

>> No.16817731
File: 387 KB, 700x994, mad hatterBUKKAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16818957


>> No.16817745

I mean, I don't know if I've ever tried new ideas when I'm writing. But I thinks that just because I like writing in a certain mindset, although it being "old and not unique".

Is that bad or good?

>> No.16817756

Yeah that's kind of creepy man. Like it's one thing to imagine people in different fantasy settings, every kid and dorky person does that, doing that with a porn setting is well, not exactly right.

>> No.16817758

Lich are really cute. I'd come up behind one and hug her while she's working.

>> No.16817759

I do it too. I like to imagine which women I see would turn into which MG if a sudden wave of super mamano passed over.

>> No.16817801

Mat Hatters are cool and all but don't forget that they come from crazyland

>After touching their madness and getting dragged in by this manner, once a man tastes their sticky hypha-like body, "normal" will be overwritten and he'll be stained into a denizen of Wonderland, appropriate as their husband.
Is that really the fate you wish for? You're going to end up like that one dude who gets jacked off for milk in the Wonderland doujin

>> No.16817809
Quoted by: >>16817835

>You're going to end up like that one dude who gets jacked off for milk in the Wonderland doujin

That's what I want though. Besides, if I'm going to wonderland I expect the full package of madness and I expect to go insane. Good.

>> No.16817812

Why would that even matter? "Normal" is simply a frame of reference that you can use to compare unusual things to. For example, normal is driving on the right side of the road in some countries while normal is driving on the left side in others? Are either of these situations truly unusual? Or does it originate from your frame of reference? Perhaps imagine it from the Mad Hatter's perspective. For her, normal is taking advantage of all of the magic and abilities she has to make the best of her life. Aren't you the same way? Don't you try your best to survive by utilizing your talents and abilities? Why not share in your experience and feel what normal is to others? That's why we have vacations and travel to new places. To experience the normal for others. Wouldn't you want that for your waifs and for yourself? To share in each other's life?

>> No.16817834
Quoted by: >>16817869

Wow that's going quite in depth. It's definitely a new way of looking at things. I wouldn't mind going insane with my Wock because it makes me closer to her culture and way of seeing things.

>> No.16817835

At least you're honest about it
You can accelerate the madness by wearing your wife's hat

Going by that logic then everything is normal
How would you feel if I justified Amazons kidnapping men and making them into househusbands with this logic?
What about justifying chaos monsters and their shenanigans?

>> No.16817838

>Going by that logic then everything is normal
His point was that there is no objective "normal".
For Amazons, kidnapping and house-husbanding men is normal
For Chaos monsters, their chaos shenanigans are normal.

>> No.16817839
File: 225 KB, 906x1280, 1487136680313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flexible maus

>> No.16817848
Quoted by: >>16817869

Oh, I get it now
In a way monster girls view us as the crazy freaks

>For Amazons, kidnapping and house-husbanding men is normal
>For Chaos monsters, their chaos shenanigans are normal.
That still doesn't make it ok

>> No.16817850
Quoted by: >>16817869

Not him but going by that logic everything is normal. Since if one person preserve it as "normal" it is normal according to that argument.
While I agree that "normal" is a matter of perspective, but unless you think that what you preserve to be normal have no value and can be chanced without any form of reflection mad hatter is a "off".

>> No.16817869


>> No.16817872



>> No.16817886
Quoted by: >>16817895

Damn hatters and their convoluted plans
Next they will convince us that it's healthy to jub a Jubjub

>> No.16817895
Quoted by: >>16817903

The maniacs! Their fiendish plot to create an army of Jubjubjubs will be our undoing! Nothing could possibly hope to stand in their way. They're just too fluffy! And they don't even have the Humpty Egg flaw anymore.

>> No.16817897
File: 655 KB, 1196x1920, ravenspats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16818035

Raven Lich when?

>> No.16817902

I need lich stories.

>> No.16817903
Quoted by: >>16817908

No man, warrior or knight could ever combat a Jubjubjub clumsily falling on him and smothering him in softnesss

>> No.16817908

Thankfully, it doesn't go recursively - the max they can reach is three jubs. Any further and they reach critical fluffiness, bad-ending themselves due to obsession with their own soft feathers.

On the other hand, the Jub*5 (Jubjubjubjubjub) is effectively the Wonderland equivalent of a Dark Matter, in a delightful pink. Easier to lob via catapult, too - the fluffy makes them light.

>> No.16817927
Quoted by: >>16817935

The Queen of Heart built Wonderland to have a place where there is nothing but fun and love, Mad Hatters turned it into a war thirsty state armed with the most advanced tactic weapons of mass fluffiness

>> No.16817935
Quoted by: >>16817976

Exactly. Why do you think the Cheshires have such manic grins, or the Dormice are narcoleptic in the extreme, or the March Hares unable to parse basic speech? I'll give you a hint: Magic and Mushrooms. THEY'RE HIGH AS KITES

>> No.16817936
Quoted by: >>16817941

Which species would most enjoy those stupid trebuchet memes?

>> No.16817941

Gremlins, the remaining Dwarves and the more rustic Automatons.

>> No.16817951

I wonder what goes on inside a wonderland casino.

>> No.16817971

Whatever else goes down, the house always wins~

>> No.16817973


>> No.16817975

How would you know? Are you an expert in butt eating?

>> No.16817976

But that's the Fairy Kingdom's thing

You have some variation of this constantly playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Mae4i6t-0
March Hares and Mad Hatters deal the cards, spin the wheels, etc...
You've got some arcades mixed in all the gambling
Plenty of weird pachinko that for some reason attract all the Jabberwocks
And all kinds of twisted sex games made for couples

>> No.16817984
File: 928 KB, 750x1050, orange juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butt tastes like orange juice. I know because I licked this slime's butt.

>> No.16818035

This, I want a Lich in that cute hood.

>> No.16818052
File: 603 KB, 1000x1011, C8mp_WNXUAE4cKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you do a Cerberus MG?

>> No.16818065
Quoted by: >>16818331

Hell yeah. I'd smash until they'd all ahego.

>> No.16818121
File: 95 KB, 611x699, Wight36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16819284

>pop'n music Wight


>> No.16818123

I wonder what would Caroll think about MGE wonderland, as a pedo would he be mad that it's not loli-only land?

>> No.16818131

You can grow MGE plants can't you? Like corruption fruit and raging mushrooms?

>> No.16818139
Quoted by: >>16818151

An Anon with his Alraune waifu growing plants together in the countryside is a very comfy life.

Back to the question, I don't see why you can't. Just be careful about people stealing the bottom most corruption fruit. They're in high demand.

>> No.16818142
Quoted by: >>16818331

>Trippel blowjob.

>> No.16818145
Quoted by: >>16818159

Yes, if you live in the demon realm. And considering that the ground is filled with mammanomana it would be really easy too, just plant the seed and make sure animals don't eat it and there you go.

>> No.16818151

That does sound very comfy indeed. Why is agricultural and farm life with MGs so damn comfy?

But thanks for answering, it did make some sense to be able to grow them. I was just wondering since you could probably live in a MG region and grow plants to sell and use with your MG wife. Only a small farm but still sounds nice.

>> No.16818159

>Demon Realm

Does that count for Green demon realms aswell? I'm pretty sure Green demon realms are lesser than demon realms so maybe it would be a little more harder to grow compared to the easy growing in a demon realm.

>> No.16818169
Quoted by: >>16818177

Yes, Green Demon Realms grow both Monster Plants and Human plants, but due its hybrid nature it's harder to grow both.

>> No.16818174

>Does that count for Green demon realms aswell?
Yes, both normal and demon fruit grow in green demon realm. Unlike normal demon realm where only demon fruit grow.

>it would be a little more harder to grow compared to the easy growing in a demon realm.
It's easier than normal farm land but harder than normal demon realm. Meaning that weeds and such might be a problem if you don't take care of it.

>> No.16818177

Guess I know what I'd have a garden of in the region I'd be living in. Would be very nice to have my own garden of both human plants and Monster Plants.

Although maybe rare plants would be harder to grow in a personal garden alone.

>> No.16818267
Quoted by: >>16818386

Of course you can, there are even competitions for couples to show off their harvest

It's a nice way to save money while getting healthy tasty food and literally bear the fruits of your love

>> No.16818331

I thought multiple heads was a terrible design that most people downright hated

>> No.16818338

There are some that do, there are some that don't.

>> No.16818386
Quoted by: >>16818437

How does one win a contest? See which fruit is most effective? Lewd.

>It's a nice way to save money while getting healthy tasty food and literally bear the fruits of your love

It sure is and that's why I'd love to do it!

>> No.16818387
File: 46 KB, 397x630, C8lq0W1XgAEqWo-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16818407

We need more sleek aquatic cuties

Uncensored + 2 other pics from the same artist http://imgur.com/a/jNLnx

>> No.16818389

What is your favourite MG related voice work?

>> No.16818392
Quoted by: >>16818437

Some people probably do. But I have absolutely no problem with it. Depends if it's done right or wrong. But still I have no qualms with it.

>> No.16818395

Does this person count? I love listening to her, her monster girl voice acting is good.


>> No.16818396
Quoted by: >>16818400

I like it as a design but unfortunately that specific girl has been drawn sucking three dicks at once.

>> No.16818398
File: 224 KB, 1280x1653, 14378453874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Oni with this body.

100% strongfat.

>> No.16818400

That's the problem with mutiple heads. I can be done wrong or right.

>> No.16818403

None have been written unfortunately. Not a single one, since the dawn of time.

>> No.16818407
Quoted by: >>16818458

Tough on the outside but cuties on the inside.

Just how I like them.

>> No.16818411
Quoted by: >>16818428

I'm going to say >>16818395 if only because I can understand it and there's not much subtitled asmr in japanese.

She can sound a little wooden in some scripts but I still enjoy relaxing while listening to them, she's also added monster girl stuff to her weekly upload schedule.

>> No.16818413

>waifu ASMR

>> No.16818427
Quoted by: >>16818442

You leave. ASMR is lovely. Unless it; the waifu part you're objecting to, in which case, >>>/y/ might be more your peed

>> No.16818428

Yeah I saw that. I'm excitied and atleast it's something to listen to while I'm lying in bed.

>> No.16818437
Quoted by: >>16818455

If I was to judge which win I'd base it on 3 aspects
Looks, taste and effectiveness
Being a judge with your waifu for that kind of contest sounds like a blast

It seems hard to do right
KC tried with the Chimaera pauldrons and it flopped

>> No.16818442
File: 485 KB, 2500x1800, イメージイラスト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to stop being an EOP and get better taste.

>> No.16818453

He's not hurting anyone and last time someone posted the Cheshire one it got a mostly positive reaction.
>Learn an entirely different language for 5+ years just to relax

>> No.16818455

I think that's probably a big reason Chimera is such an unpopular girl. Too much stuff crammed into one girl. And you've it to be careful of that when doing mutiple head girls.

>> No.16818456

I-I, w-well while I certainly can't speak the Master Tongue and can only vaguely follow along by catching key words thanks to the many Annie Mays I watch, at least I can still acknowledge that nip ASMR is infinitely superior. So there.

>> No.16818458
Quoted by: >>16818523

Seems like you're describing Mershark
Going on a date with a Mershark must be quite the adventure

That's just too much, you're going to enter a comatose state whenever you're in bed with her

>> No.16818463

This. I enjoy ASMR and I'm not going to learn moon just to relax.

That Chesire one was nice, was a bit strange. But I guess that's to be expected.

Damn cheeky cats and their fake magical bridges.

>> No.16818474
Quoted by: >>16818490

>5+ years
You can learn all that you need to enjoy them in 5 months. If you try hard enough and have experience with learning a language you could probably even get it down to 5 weeks.

>> No.16818477
Quoted by: >>16818490

>That Chesire one was nice
I haven't heard that one. Is it good?

>> No.16818490
Quoted by: >>16818519

A lot of us ain't got time for that anon. Let us enjoy our inferior English monster girl ASMR without judgment. Pls.

Yeah, she's basically giving you riddles to pass the magical bridge. But it's a Chesire so she's got a cheeky attitude. I preferred it from the Lamia one but that's just preference, the Lamia one is still good.

>> No.16818501

>start Cheshire audio
>that accent
Immersion ruined.

>> No.16818519
Quoted by: >>16818581

I can't find the Cheshire. Do you have a link?

>> No.16818523

Remember that a Mershark's skin can cause you to bleed spirit energy. Her hugs feels amazing.

>> No.16818581
Quoted by: >>16818599


Here you go anon

>> No.16818599

Thanks anon.

>> No.16818619

Someone arrest this couple.

>> No.16818633
File: 480 KB, 934x629, Nurse Weresheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16818656

What would you say to a Monster Girl that called you a Bonnie Lad?

Picture technically related in an odd manner.

>> No.16818640
Quoted by: >>16818656


How bad are penalties if the MG police caught you stashing condoms?

>> No.16818652

Does Anzu count?

>> No.16818656
Quoted by: >>16818700

I'd probably have trouble understanding a Scottish monster girl I have trouble understanding the Scottish part of my family and I've known them all my life.
You and your wife are locked in a cell after being fed raging mushrooms and given no condoms. You're only allowed out after the Anubis watching through the one way mirror is satisfied that you've corrected your mistake.

If you have no wife, well I hope you like Manticores.

>> No.16818664
File: 1.65 MB, 1074x1106, when there's condoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16818700

That seems like a just and fair punishment for such an evil crime.


>> No.16818702
Quoted by: >>16818711

Is this MGE Demon?

If so, I fucking hate it when artists don't even understand basic canon.

>> No.16818711

It was under the MGE tag so yes.

>> No.16818717
Quoted by: >>16818732

This is triggering
Condom maker, sellers and users should all be jailed or given to flayers

>> No.16818728
File: 99 KB, 550x387, When THE STUMP scary story is told.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16819067


>> No.16818732

People who use condoms with monster girls are the most sick people, who doesn't want a daughter?

some one post the anti-condom signs.

>> No.16818742

>disintegrated pelvis: the post

>> No.16818751

You just gave me a great idea.

Fucking daughterus using condoms.

>> No.16818758

That's a part of the issue. Another reason being MGE girls can't get spirit energy from it.

Condoms are evil

>> No.16818764

I don't want a daughter at all costs but denying spirit energy is just sick.

>> No.16818783

>implying that she isn't going to jerk him off about 10 times and eat all the cum at once through the condom

>> No.16818817
File: 465 KB, 720x960, Mogucho (3.3) [F].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math was always my worst subject, I'd love to imagine waifu being so much better at it, and correcting me or trying to teach me it better in that British School-Teacher manner.

I wanna be my waifu's assistant in her magic acts.

>> No.16818823

Wocks are SHIT!

>> No.16818835


That would fantastic with a Wock! I'd love to do that aswell with my Wock. It would be fun to entertain with her.

It's ok to think that. But I think they're incredible.

>> No.16818841


>> No.16818863

Liches are too cute, they just invoke a desire to hold her and share body heat.

>> No.16818881

Especially when they're doing difficult and dangerous experiments on things that aren't you.

>> No.16818902

Time to kick out some words of my story. Hope you like Beelzebubs.

>> No.16818909
Quoted by: >>16818912

I do like Beelzebubs.

>> No.16818910
File: 1.07 MB, 2105x1488, 1487177810979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better not be pulling my leg, I love Beelzebubs.

>> No.16818912

Do you like loli beelzebubs with a power complex?

>> No.16818920

Yes I do. Very much.

I'm going to stroke her power complex and let her be haughty about it.

>> No.16818924

Beelzebubs are one of the lowest in my ranking.

>> No.16818931

Liches are too breakable. Would not resist breaking the thing that holds her soul.

>> No.16818938

That's literally exactly what I want to a T

>> No.16818939

As long as I can still listen to Rush and Black Sabbath i should be fine.

>> No.16818942
Quoted by: >>16819065

100% Orange Juice: MGE Edition

>> No.16818944

Superb taste

>> No.16818950

Do I? That sounds great.

>> No.16818957
Quoted by: >>16818993

Simply splendied and perfect to wake up to.
I believe I'm fully committed at this point. She's my best girl now.

>> No.16818988

>sweating gym goer.jpg

>> No.16818993
Quoted by: >>16819013

Congrats, anon. She is now married to you.

>> No.16819013
Quoted by: >>16819429

Then I accept! Every day but today shall be our unanniversary and will be celebrated accordingly. Tea to celebrate! Tea and lovely body-staining constant sex to celebrate!

>> No.16819015
Quoted by: >>16819045

If muscle wolfus worked out in a gym near me. I'd go and be the towel boy of the biggest most fierce wolfu there!

>> No.16819019
Quoted by: >>16819032

Make sure you don't go to MGC gyms as a single male. Doing so is just asking for trouble and maybe a waifu.

>> No.16819032

>a waifu
My only hope is to walk up to the girl I want, ask if she's single, then ask her to grind her sweaty jinko snatch in my face while she sits on me and chuffs

>> No.16819043
Quoted by: >>16819050

It would be funny to hear her say "no"

>> No.16819045
Quoted by: >>16819074

Why not lift with her?

>> No.16819050
Quoted by: >>16819069

I don't think it would be very funny

>> No.16819065
File: 416 KB, 744x1052, b8d3587e32b3223f4ae3b1be1dae2432bfe974eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16819071

Would make the game funner

>> No.16819067
Quoted by: >>16819085

Is this a typical reaction for MGs after seeing a condom ?

>> No.16819069
Quoted by: >>16819090

It would be. Image a random dude just walking up to her saying that and she just looks at him with a weirded out face and rejects him.
It would be routine to some monsters.

>> No.16819071

She's sporting quite the almond joy.

>> No.16819074
Quoted by: >>16819090

I've never lifted in my life if I'm being honest. But sure I could lift with her, maybe starting off basic but still lifting with her.

I have a fetish for being weaker than her while she protects me

>> No.16819085
File: 592 KB, 1600x800, 50973685_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16819090

You'll always be weaker than her
I come here to escape reality

>> No.16819100
Quoted by: >>16819106

Don't worry, I'm sure a nerdy girl that's just there to watch guys would comfort you while the buff ones lift.

>> No.16819106
Quoted by: >>16819121

fuck that, I'm getting a musclefu

>> No.16819111

That girl on the far left has got the right idea

>> No.16819112
Quoted by: >>16819117

Far left a best.

>pokes holes in condom
>condom shreds during sex
>leglocks you
>screams about how your desire to breed has overpowered your reason, even as she uses her legs to force you deeper inside

>> No.16819117

Great minds think alike

>> No.16819120

I'd imagine this is what the MG police do after confiscating those things.

>> No.16819121

I'm sure that jinko will help you lift, so don't worry too much.

>> No.16819122

>You'll always be weaker than her

Just how I like it

>> No.16819129

I don't think I'd be able to contain myself seeing a Jinko's abs that close to my face helping me lift.

>> No.16819133
Quoted by: >>16819151

I don't know why, but the idea of a girl drinking the cum from a used condom makes me diamonds. I know it's silly and the condom is just a middleman at that point, but it looks so freaky

>> No.16819141
Quoted by: >>16819169

>Anon is lifting with shit form
>Irritated Jinko comes and corrects him

That's one way to get a waifu

>> No.16819145
Quoted by: >>16819157

Just hold it in and think about the rewards. If you stop there she will deem you helpless.

>> No.16819151

I'd never use a condom with an MG. But I can agree that is very lewd and also makes me diamonds.

>> No.16819157
Quoted by: >>16819183

If I hold out long enough and don't go full slut will I get a cute Jinko waifu? Is that the reward?

>> No.16819167

>you will never be the personal aide to a space fleet grand admiral Lilim

>> No.16819169

I'll do it!
A difficult conundrum, seeing her taut and sweaty muscles contract as she lifts
Damn, I'd probably get wood just from her musky scent.
>No, anon, at least parallel to the floor!

>> No.16819174

>A difficult conundrum, seeing her taut and sweaty muscles contract as she lifts
Damn, I'd probably get wood just from her musky scent.

It's why musclefus are perfection.

>> No.16819183

If you manage to hold out you'll grab her interest. Do it two or three more times and you'll have mini chuffs your way.

You better. That Jinko has high expectations.

>> No.16819186

Nothing would make me work harder than the promise of little chuffs.

>> No.16819193
Quoted by: >>16819230

>mini chuffs
do you mean little jinko cubs?
Or do you mean small chuffs of admiration as I finally reach lmao2pl8

>> No.16819196 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 337x441, 1489447323906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a voice ticket for Deal?

>> No.16819200
Quoted by: >>16819207


>> No.16819204
Quoted by: >>16819207

Think you got the wrong thread man.

>> No.16819207

Yeah, my bad. Sorry about that.

>> No.16819212
File: 405 KB, 748x1258, wightloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you doing in my room, Anon?

>> No.16819216

sniffing your panties

>> No.16819220

I'm an adult, I can do what I want.

>> No.16819221

Well I was halfway into jacking off into your lotion bottles so give me a minute to finish.

>> No.16819222

Sniffing your panties, inhaling your bed sheets and reading your diary.

>> No.16819230
Quoted by: >>16819250

Yes, I mean little jinkos.

>> No.16819237

Cleaning it as ordered

>> No.16819238

Was on my way to my dragon's lair and ended up in your kitchen which ended up in your room.

>> No.16819242
File: 244 KB, 933x1366, flat wight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admiring your lascivious loliass.

>> No.16819244

Where can I find a Loli Wight mistress?

>> No.16819248

Why are loli wights so desirable? I want one to sit on my lap and grind against me with a smug grin on her face.

>> No.16819250

I'm going to put every daughter I can in her

>> No.16819251
Quoted by: >>16819265

Jesus Christ pear shaped lolis with tight bellies and the flattest chests make me harder than diamonds.

Especially if they're rear heavy.

>> No.16819252
Quoted by: >>16819258

Well I had a craving for dough-nuts and I remembered you had some in your room. But since I'm on that low-carb diet I just sucked the fruit filling out of them.Then I started to feel bad so I decided to refil them with my cum, since I know that's your favorite treat.

>> No.16819253
Quoted by: >>16819285

It's only natural to want smug big butt loli to grind on your lap. She knows it makes you hard, you lolicon.

>> No.16819258
Quoted by: >>16819272

>cum filled doughnuts

This makes the MG drool.

>> No.16819260

Not even a lolicon, but i really like loliwight. What's wrong with me, she doesn't even have muscles?

>> No.16819264
Quoted by: >>16819271

I was in the same position as you anon. You can like both loli bodies and muscles, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16819265
Quoted by: >>16819269

Pear shape is even better on taller girls, there just isn't any art of it out there.

>> No.16819267

Even though she looks like a loli, she' probably much older than you. Treating her like a kid would earn you a slap from her ghost claws.

inb4 it was anon's plan all along

>> No.16819269

Absolutely no objection there. Overall pear shape is very BREEDABLE and I enjoy it on both small bodies and mature bodies.

>> No.16819271
Quoted by: >>16819275

I don't want musclelolis though, that's too wrong even for me.

>> No.16819272
Quoted by: >>16819280

Gotta give cum candies to little girls during halloween.

I just want to lift her up and shove her down as she scratches my back with her ghostly claws, making me cum inside of her over and over again as she squirts everywhere.

>> No.16819275

That's not what I meant, I mean you can enjoy both bodies without mashing them together.

>> No.16819280
Quoted by: >>16819288

>Gotta give cum candies to little girls during halloween.

That's too far. Cum doughnuts are for baking for your wife.

>> No.16819282
File: 461 KB, 850x749, 1481684880763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://pastebin.com/bqmSAfzs (This story has multiple parts)
https://pastebin.com/eW3DDwxL (Yandere Lich)
I worry that I'm forgetting more, but these are all the ones that I remembered. I also lament the fact that there isn't Lich lactation smut yet.

>> No.16819284


>> No.16819285
Quoted by: >>16819298

>she notices you got hard and gives you a handjob while teasing you about finding her attractive
That would be too good with those ghost claws of hers.

>> No.16819286

But that was my plan all along.

>> No.16819288

My waifu gets cum straight from the source.

>> No.16819289

Wights are already top tier when it comes to MGs that are specifically beautiful and sexy, combined with the taboo appeal from being undead. A loli one adds the cute to that and is even more of a delicious forbidden fruit.

>> No.16819291

So she can plant that ass on my face.

>> No.16819292

I think a wight is one of the only girls I don't want to see muscled

>> No.16819298
Quoted by: >>16819317

I don't know why I find loli teasing so attractive.

Even the phrase "lolis are a forbidden fruit" makes me aroused.

>> No.16819301

>she' probably much older than you
The undead in MGE can be born the normal way and grow like humans, you know.

>> No.16819302
Quoted by: >>16819308

Where do I find a fat spider arse to shove my face into? Preferably with tights.

>> No.16819308
Quoted by: >>16819523

at the coffee shop, where you'll find a lonely, slightly thick arachne drinking her lack of man troubles away over a venti black coffee

>> No.16819311
Quoted by: >>16819314

The only thing that loli does to me is make me want to pin her down and destroy her holes. I don't even care if it's taboo.

I love how dumb mge undead are.

>> No.16819314
Quoted by: >>16819340

>The only thing that loli does to me is make me want to pin her down and destroy her holes. I don't even care if it's taboo

This is normal isn't it? It's just urges!

>> No.16819316

I still remember suggesting an Elin proportioned Wight months ago, and Nav suddenly appears draws multiple monstergirl lolis with those proportions.

>> No.16819317
Quoted by: >>16819362

I think you hit the nail on the head right there, combining one taboo with another while still being cute.
>I don't know why I find loli teasing so attractive.
It just is, it's the feeling of someone who should technically look up to you, instead being the one in control.

With Wights it's best if the smug isn't full blown Cheshire grin but more like an elegant smile with a lot of confidence behind it.
I love this, it gives a lot of flexibility when it comes to an undead's background.

>> No.16819340
Quoted by: >>16819360

I'm a slut to big girls, but damn I would make a loli break and all sore after sex.

>> No.16819360

Exactly anon. I'm a huge slut for tall dominant girls.

But I'd breed a loli and make sure my seed is firmly planted in her womb.

>> No.16819362
Quoted by: >>16819438

She can still look up to you while being teasing at the same time, that's one more way to combine cute and sexy.

For the adult/profile Wight, I don't really see her as a femdom monster at all. More like an elegant dere that's supposed to embody the best and most romanticised sides of a noble girl, the playful side being for fun without underlying connotations about her being in charge over the man.

>> No.16819367

>Young Wight writing about her crush
>Anon reads it by accident
>"you saw it didn't you"

what do

>> No.16819369

Help her get along with her crush.

>> No.16819373
File: 601 KB, 868x1228, 7662a8cf0c00dbd544b46a170abe3511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why ibis is so flushed?

>> No.16819381

What if I'm the crush

>> No.16819385

Tell her I didn't see it
Because I didn't
I don't even know what 'it' is

>> No.16819393

I have yet to see a Wight getting really embarrased. But from what I know, they'll still look elegant.

>> No.16819412

Oh sorry, I thought this was the room if your older sister.

>> No.16819421

But what if I'm captain Cruncher?

>> No.16819429


Matango really is the Magikarp of MGs. The payoff is worth it.

>> No.16819436
Quoted by: >>16819439

You know I never thought of that. I mean, I'd imagine my Hatter would always be a Hatter, but maybe there's a possible out for the 'bad end' of being with a Matango by managing to get her to Wonderland and appealing to the Queen of Hearts to turn her into a Mad Hatter.

>> No.16819438

I see Wights as light femdom girls, the type to just want you to lay back while she gently sips at your spirit energy with her claws and proceeds to spoil you with cowgirl sex. Not the rough kind either, just gentle and loving.

Although maledom works with Wights too, like if you held her hands/arms while doing it like so: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2619325
She could take your energy that way while still letting you be in control.

>> No.16819439
Quoted by: >>16819508

There is no Matango bad end.

>> No.16819446
Quoted by: >>16819448

Not really, Hatters are wonderland exclusive, I'm pretty sure regular matango won't turn into hatter no matter how much time you fuck her. Only Hatter's hat or trip to wonderland can evolve her
Zombie is magikarp of MGE - turning from shitty unintelligent corpse to high-tier classy Ojou

>> No.16819448


Ah, that's true.

>> No.16819455

>light femdom girls, the type to just want you to lay back while she gently sips at your spirit energy with her claws and proceeds to spoil you with cowgirl sex. Not the rough kind either, just gentle and loving.
This is called gentle femdom, and its the best form of dom.

>> No.16819508

There is for people that don't like her.

>> No.16819523
Quoted by: >>16819723

>The MGC equivalent of Starbucks is filled with sad lonely spiders
I would spend every single day of my life there

>> No.16819571


>> No.16819572
Quoted by: >>16819582

Isnt it kinda disturbing all the public sex youd be having if you were taken by a Mad Hatter though?

>> No.16819577

You're a broken record.

>> No.16819582
File: 41 KB, 512x640, C3Vn2JaVUAAMq7-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said last thread and this, the appeal of Wonderland is no one cares. It's all mad so you just enjoy yourself and have fun with the lewd. That's like, the biggest draw!

>> No.16819585

Every artist does it to some degree and I'd much rather have nice looking sameface than making girls ugly just for the sake of having a different face.

>> No.16819624

Probably the dumbest thing about MGE. A lot of things can just be overlooked as fetish fuel but undead being "born" and growing like normal is truely dumb.

>> No.16819629

Just imagine it's an abortion

>> No.16819640

You're not, self-important fag-kun.

>> No.16819646

Is it wrong to dream, anon?

>> No.16819653

>shitting on fantasies for no reason
Well aren't you a ball of sunshine?

>> No.16819654
Quoted by: >>16819665

>abortion in MGE
>fetus gets mamono mana'd and awakens to life, craving cum
It didn't have to be like this.

>> No.16819662
Quoted by: >>16819668

He is not wrong tho.

>> No.16819663

monstergirls aren't real and never will be

>> No.16819665

That's kinda morbid

>> No.16819666
Quoted by: >>16819724

MGE undead aren't undead in a literal sense though, at best they're monster girls made to replace the concept of the pre-demon lord undead.

They have full bodily functions and their only disadvantage is that they're a tiny bit cold.

>> No.16819668

Is he? It's not wrong for the guy to self insert in a self insert setting.

>> No.16819675
File: 259 KB, 888x1243, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16819690

Abortion is my fetish

>> No.16819676

>Still no Khornette snu-snu from ELH or Faggocks

>> No.16819684
File: 600 KB, 1200x1179, tumblr_onhoryDYIW1rha9roo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mahou shoujo Oni-chan!

>> No.16819688
Quoted by: >>16819693

Are dragons romantic? Do you think certain breeds of dragons are more romantic in a certain way?

>> No.16819690
Quoted by: >>16819705

God damn it why, I thought I was safe from that here when taking a break from /gbfg/.

At least it's not the yandere lyria doujin.

>> No.16819693

Wocks can be very romantic.

>> No.16819697
File: 402 KB, 737x1272, 1487145480089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Outta my way ya- URP- ya jerks! I'm here ta kick sum giant abomination ass!"
>"S-sailor Sake, have you been drinking ag-"
>"Ffffuckin yep! Where's that damn space monster whatever the fuck thing? I'm gonna knock it back ta the edge of the galaxy, then go hit on hot guys at the bar! There it is! Oy! Batter up shitbag!"
A real deconstruction of the genre.

>> No.16819704
File: 272 KB, 935x1920, tumblr_ochrvpg2ON1r8ououo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big muscle girls in cute dainty dresses

>> No.16819705
Quoted by: >>16819737

The one where she gathers a bunch of men to rape doraphs in front of gran?

>> No.16819714
File: 878 KB, 600x1101, 1441896492267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16819718


>> No.16819718
Quoted by: >>16819745

There is truly nothing sexier or cuter than Cute Musclemonsters.
I was loving that idea from a while ago of a huge queen of the gym dire-sized minotaur that's a real cocky bitch outside but once home with you is super cutesy and deredere

>> No.16819719
File: 110 KB, 811x1200, C8mxkvAXUAAsRZD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16819741

Big muscle girls in sexy outfits

>> No.16819723
Quoted by: >>16819743

That does sound pretty nice.
It'd be nearly impossible to help her home when she gets too wasted, however. Especially when she keeps lazily attempting to wrap me up.

>> No.16819724

The profile could be interpreted that way too, but in my opinion they fit better as subs with the theme of not taking proactive measures and having the guy conquer her instead, and how they're dignified on the outside but lewd and passionate on the inside.

>he doesn't want a loli wight waifu, see her gradually turn into someone who looks more like the profile picture and then impregnate her

Pretty sure they're still undead, but things that would require bodily functions like having children, blushing or having feeling in their bodies is just haxed in by demonic energy.

>> No.16819733

>more like the profile picture
What if I like short hair, dork?

>> No.16819736

Loli wights are daughters of powerful humans that died from a disease or getting lost. That's how I like to imagine little undead being born.

>> No.16819737

Not just rape, amputate. That artist has brain problems.

>> No.16819741

Romulus and Vlad-chan!

>> No.16819743

> Especially when she keeps lazily attempting to wrap me up.
She'd be too drunk to wrap you up properly but if you act like she did you could enjoy some drunken rape

>> No.16819745

>So big she barely fits her shoulders and hips through doorframes
>Timidly asks if you can custom order a cute nightgown for her she had her eyes on
>When outside in public with her she Kabedons you everywhere, crushes you against the walls on the train, forcibly rapes you like a proper raging Mino
>But every time you go home she nurses you intensely and wants nothing more than to dote and fawn on you like no tomorrow
She must have been raised by some other race.

>> No.16819752
File: 829 KB, 2332x2345, 1469999914084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big girls are simply the superior girls

>> No.16819776
Quoted by: >>16819800

>but in my opinion they fit better as subs with the theme of not taking proactive measures and having the guy conquer her instead
The profile doesn't really say anything about the matter one way or another.
>They excel not only at handling a man’s body and soul, but his “spirit energy” as well. They can even freely manipulate the absorption of spirit energy and the pleasure that accompanies it. During sex, they deliberately sip spirit energy bit by bit through everything from the gentle touch of each and every one of their fingers, to close contact with their soft skin. As this takes place, the pleasure experienced by the man isn’t just physical. Even his soul will melt sweetly. They’ll captivate a man’s heart, and they won’t let go.

That's the only lines about sex with them so maledom and gentle femdom are both perfectly acceptable.

>> No.16819800

It is open to interpretation, the profile is vague enough to not confirm either direction.

>> No.16819817

ELH is running a quest and I have no inclination to care what Anons want

>> No.16819822
File: 47 KB, 452x720, 1453892704903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had another one of those 13-hour days. I know Anubis-senpai and Art Fairy-chan are proud of me for working and going to school at the same time, but goddamn I'd just rather lounge around with Sally.
Did I say lounge around? I meant rigorously exercise. Goddammit I can't catch a break.

>> No.16819832
Quoted by: >>16819838

Don't worry anon. I bet Salamander's love the constant grind of work. Don't tell me you'd rather be lazing around than doing EXERCISE and TRAINING? This makes the Salamander pout.

Also, that Salamander in the image has a tail that isn't nearly as thicc as it should be.

>> No.16819833

I'd exercise by sleeping on one's comfy lap.

>> No.16819838

It's newly grown after a tragic accident involving mumble-mumble-mumble.

>> No.16819844

Poor lizards have it rough with scares.

>> No.16819846
Quoted by: >>16819868

Do you think salamanders are embarrassed by small tails with little flames? Are they self conscious about it?

>> No.16819850

I'm pretty sure I had dream about monster girls. Or at least there were Centaurs on the background at one point. Could have been other girls too.

>> No.16819859

I remember that I had lewd groping with a lich and was "raped" by a dragon.

Good dreams.

>> No.16819868
Quoted by: >>16819889

Considering they come off and regrow? Not likely. A small tail would be seen as a sign of an active combat-life.

>> No.16819889
Quoted by: >>16819896

I'm still going to bully the Salamander Senior because she's got a stumpy tail. I'd come up to her and call her "Stumpy" while she was training to put her off.

>> No.16819896
Quoted by: >>16819903

You're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.16819903
Quoted by: >>16819907

I'd like to see her try anything.

>> No.16819907
Quoted by: >>16819912

Just get on the stump.

>> No.16819912
Quoted by: >>16819914

What do you mean? Like actually sit in the stumpy tail?

>> No.16819914

She's telling you to fuck her doggy style bwaka!

>> No.16819916

I've never heard that one before.

>> No.16819918

That's one lewd Salamander. But who am I to ignore such an offer? I would probably end up kissing and licking the underside of her stumpy tail while doing it.

>> No.16819933 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16819948

If you were a monster girl, which monster would you be?

>> No.16819936
Quoted by: >>16819942

Melon's doing stuff again.

>> No.16819942
Quoted by: >>16819965

Oh great!

>check chat

Looks like Losenis is shitposting again. Damn rascal.

>> No.16819948

Whichever type of monster girl that gets the least attention

>> No.16819965
Quoted by: >>16819995

If Losenis stopped shitposting he would no longer be Losenis.

>> No.16819966
File: 172 KB, 963x1500, 1485267628348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16819979

Are there any dark mage fics?

>> No.16819991

Who knows or cares.

>> No.16819992
File: 918 KB, 1650x1753, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ace from /monster/ got bunch of his wedding dress MGE pics finished

>> No.16819995

Why does he shitpost?
Did someone bully his donut again?

>> No.16819997
File: 972 KB, 1424x2000, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16819999
Quoted by: >>16820005


>> No.16820004
File: 3.89 MB, 3508x2480, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, pics are too big

>> No.16820005

Why would I know? I am asking in the first place.

>> No.16820011

Kikis look great. Purest monster girl smile.

>> No.16820016
File: 3.97 MB, 2122x2619, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16820017

Is that a blond Kej?

>> No.16820021


>> No.16820022
File: 1014 KB, 2396x2969, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Titania, silly

>> No.16820023
Quoted by: >>16820027

Maids are for marrying.

That Unagi Joro looks so cute in her wedding dress.

>> No.16820026
File: 1.06 MB, 2205x4780, Nereid6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16820027
Quoted by: >>16820029

I say she looks good enoigh to eat.

>> No.16820029
Quoted by: >>16820034

Good enough to eat out?

>> No.16820031
File: 1.25 MB, 3123x3310, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16820032
Quoted by: >>16820041


>> No.16820034
Quoted by: >>16820043

Wouldn't she be extra slimy?

>> No.16820035
Quoted by: >>16820062

These are nice, but imgur is a thing you know.

>> No.16820039

Absolutely fantastic.

>> No.16820041

>Working economies

>> No.16820043

Yup. It taste good.

>> No.16820044

They almost make up for the shit headpat meme he forced on raijus.

>> No.16820049

What about /mgt/'s headpat maid to "recharge" meme?

>> No.16820050

do headpats objectivise monstergirls?

>> No.16820056

Do we objectivise monster girls?

>> No.16820057

Any forced meme is shitty, but nice attempt at a strawman.

>> No.16820058

I want to get objectivised by a monstergirl.

>> No.16820062

I would rather see pics being spent on actual new MGE content then retarded off-topics pics, EMG and other stuff that get posted every damn thread
Especially that 100% beef minotaur pic. I fucking hate it at this point.

>> No.16820066

No, but headpats in general are really fucking stupid. You pat the head of a pet, not your sexual partner. I know it's an anime thing, but its normally used on moeblobs and lolis.

>> No.16820070
Quoted by: >>16820109

do you even know what memes are?

>> No.16820074
Quoted by: >>16820124

I agree with you. But he's not asking for it to be put in an Imgur because he doesn't what images being wasted. It's more for convenience.

>> No.16820078

>Especially that 100% beef minotaur pic. I fucking hate it at this point.
I've always disliked the Crabman cowgirls after how hard they've been spammed back when we were on /a/. Now that shit's back since Hound can't seem to fuck off.

>> No.16820082
Quoted by: >>16820097

Oh man, these are heartwarming and it's a great selection of girls too
Feels good to see someone use his money for the common good

They're all great in their own way though that Titania is too seductive and it kinda ruins it

>> No.16820093
Quoted by: >>16820104

Nah, it's just a dumb thing to force. Especially when spending money on it.

>> No.16820094

I don't know man, I've seen people do it irl

>> No.16820097

Don't blame the ditzy Titania. She doesn't know what she's doing. She thinks it's a game.

>> No.16820100

What is it anon? Scared that a mino finds a BEEF'D mag under your bed?

I find it dumb too.

>> No.16820102

Ah. I thought it was a Kej from the sheer volume of hair.

Whoever marries her would have to buy a lot of haircare products.

>> No.16820104
Quoted by: >>16820110

Have you ever thought maybe the guy just likes them and isn't trying to force anything?

>> No.16820105


>> No.16820108
Quoted by: >>16820115

Oneesabbath is worst and most forced meme

>> No.16820109

>getting the exact same picture over and over from different artists isn't attempting to force a meme

>> No.16820110

But why get art of the same exact thing if he wasn't trying to set off something?

>> No.16820113
Quoted by: >>16820127

by this logic jabberfag is trying to push ss stuff here

>> No.16820114

Lets not start arguing over nothing, nobody has been trying to force the headpat meme for a long time now.

>> No.16820115

My vote goes to nerdhound

>> No.16820118

>mfw gazerfag is a meme
I should've known.

>> No.16820122

I hope it doesn't turn into another "let's conplain about the thread" episode again.

Seriously it's getting to a point where that shit can fuck off because it's so repetitive and annoying.

>> No.16820124

>But he's not asking for it to be put in an Imgur because he doesn't what images being wasted
Imgur kills image quality, why people still use it I'll never know.

>> No.16820127
Quoted by: >>16820132

That's dumb, but I don't feel like arguing with you.

>> No.16820129
Quoted by: >>16820140

Iron beast did a MG roulette on her.

>> No.16820130

I've had a couple myself. A kolbold, a kiki, a shog.

...and several about arachnes.

>> No.16820132
Quoted by: >>16820142

that's because you can't prove that what he's doing is anything different than what the waifufags do

>> No.16820134
Quoted by: >>16820153

Stop before it gets out of hand.

>> No.16820136

Daily Quest Failed

>> No.16820137

/monster/ is like a bizzarro monstergirl thread. They seem to have a maledom majority there and it shows in their OC content I guess.

>> No.16820140

Who is Iron beast?

>> No.16820141

>Extra Thick Holst milk

How did I just found out about this. It's one of the quickest ways to incubize yourself too.

>> No.16820142
Quoted by: >>16820148

No, you silly dork. you should go back to silly school and look at the pictures and see why you're so silly.

>> No.16820143
Quoted by: >>16820168

Are you new, by any chance? I'm trying to ask this in the least hostile manner possible.

>> No.16820144


>> No.16820145
Quoted by: >>16820150

How thick we talkin?

>> No.16820146
Quoted by: >>16820157

>who is one of the few active writefags we have left?
Shit man, I don't know.

>> No.16820148
Quoted by: >>16820161

nice tumblr meme

>> No.16820149

You cannot be fucking serious? He pushes himself and his donut every other thread.

>> No.16820150
Quoted by: >>16820155

Hard to swallow thick.

>> No.16820153

Too late. It's gonna be another day or two of people trying to get the last word in the same old petty debate.

>> No.16820155
Quoted by: >>16820162

Woah that's pretty damn thick. How are you even supposed to be breastfed that kind of thick milk?

But can we go T H I C C E R?

>> No.16820157
Quoted by: >>16820171

There are several newer, more active and less grammatically challenged writefags than Beast that make me forget about him from time to time too

>> No.16820160

>nobody has been trying to force the headpat meme
The guy that spammed Raiju headpat images out of spite not too long ago didn't give me that impression.

>> No.16820161
Quoted by: >>16820166

>tumblr mentioned again after someone says they didn't like ace's headpat pictures
You're not as good at this as you'd like to think ace.

>> No.16820162
Quoted by: >>16820167

Nope, that is the thickest it gets. You dronk it and holsts will masturbate like crazy when they see you.

>> No.16820166

>Muh Ace

>> No.16820167

>Accidentally drink a bottle of Extra Thick holst milk that someone misplaced
>Due to intense denseness, don't realize your sudden several inch dick growth and go about your day as normal
>Walk by a pasture for Holstaurs
>They all storm the gate like mad, mooing up a storm, moaning and tearing their clothes off clawing for you through the gate, lactating and playing with their pussies in a desperate attempt to entice you
Even worse if you're wearing red.

>> No.16820168
Quoted by: >>16820173

I am new. A friend recommended me to come here for writing.

>> No.16820171

Harsh, but fair.
The dialogue is the worst bit imo, sometimes it reads like a highschool play. But his stories are still good and he can't help the bad grammar

>> No.16820173

He recommended you the wrong place then, if you're after writing then he should have pointed you towards the wordpress.

>> No.16820175
Quoted by: >>16820200

You've got to take responsibility and breed those cows.

>> No.16820176

>Pushing himself
The donut? Maybe, but Beast rarely talks about his writing here. The worst he's done was a poll for his next story, which I thought was a good idea.

>> No.16820184
File: 55 KB, 204x184, IMG_0383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.16820189

You're right but someone has a hateboner for beast lately.

>> No.16820195
File: 1.13 MB, 818x1200, sandworm04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my fellow sandworm lovers at?

>> No.16820200

>In a continued haze of denseness (maybe the milk had something to do with it), as you're still walking past the large pasture, the holsts following along in a big herd of moos and lewdness kept from you by the fence, you decide you're thirsty
>Reach for your water bottle, but as you pull it up realize it's empty
>Holsts all notice very quickly, and almost in unison rip their tops off, revealing a cacophony of jiggling, wobbling, leaking breastflesh
>Shucks, it sure does look tasty
>You don't notice the blow to the back of the head as you're walking toward them to get a closer look, turning everything black until you wake up in a field later...

>> No.16820201

I would just lay there out of their reach, masturbate and cum on their faces. I sure wouldn't want to work at a farm.

>> No.16820202
Quoted by: >>16820215

Pointing out what he already knows as far as his grammar being poor and writing quality being mediocre despite being a fine person and writing a lot isn't hating on him. It does seem like stating any of that oddly very quickly receives responses from people that are very into defending him.

>> No.16820204
Quoted by: >>16820214

Sandworms are scary
They gobble you up and won't let go

>> No.16820206

You ever put sugar in your cereal before, and at the end, when you're at the bottom of the bowl, you have thick, sweet milk? I imagine it's something like that.

>> No.16820209
Quoted by: >>16820222

Too claustrophobic.
If the worm itself was a truly colossal thing I'd be more on board but as it is that's just way too little room to move inside of one.

>> No.16820210
File: 571 KB, 1200x811, Alraune3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Summer version for this?

>> No.16820213


>> No.16820214

They do it out of love though anon. She wouldn't never hurt you. If fact, she just wants to protect you and make love to you, and what better way to do that than to take you inside her shell that's much stronger than steel? And better yet, it's super comfy inside, a bit damp but comfy.

>> No.16820215

>his grammar being poor and writing quality being mediocre despite being a fine person and writing a lot
This is reasonable enough. Sometimes I wonder if he would be this popular if he was posting during the writefag flood of 2014. There were so many writefags that most of them faded into obscurity.

>> No.16820216
Quoted by: >>16820227

He shitposts because he's a Russian stuck in an Argentinian's body with a Donut Steelim who doesn't exist because she has no art. He's essentially an angry Commissar who at the drop of the hat will go "DRIVE ME CLOSER, I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY SHITPOST"

>> No.16820219

Nah, its just the connection to the lilims and flagmander.

>> No.16820222
File: 69 KB, 251x260, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that small; there's plenty of room to stand up inside her and walk around.

>> No.16820224

I thought he was?

>> No.16820226
Quoted by: >>16820258

I dunno. Its cool people like him. I personally have never even been able to get through a roulette of his because of the writing but if people are down with it good on him.

>> No.16820227

>with a Donut Steelim who doesn't exist because she has no art
>Forever stuck as VICTORIA.PNG

>> No.16820230

That doesn't seem to be what's implied by the profile. Good as SSS's doujins are they aren't really canon.

>> No.16820231

Nah, he's fairly recent starting in 2016 I think.

>> No.16820232
File: 324 KB, 1280x1493, 1490742220519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sneaky ushi

>> No.16820235
Quoted by: >>16820244

I still have fond memories of that one greentext about the sandworm and the ptsd guy.

>> No.16820236
File: 831 KB, 830x1200, 0115_bw1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not currently getting a long tongue makeout session in a hot tub with my Demon lady
What went wrong with this reality? Let's start again.

>> No.16820237

No he was not. He was mid 2015 at the earliest.
At that time he was in MGU as black lion 505.
You should see him in the discord, dealing with MGU has given him a DEEP hate for praxis.

>> No.16820238
File: 3.98 MB, 2105x3019, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC likes them, that's good enough for me. And the lore in them is great.

>> No.16820240
Quoted by: >>16820248

Nah, the one in the profile is just a younger sandworm. They get bigger with age.

>> No.16820241

No Ushi! No raping during breakfast!

>> No.16820244
Quoted by: >>16820299

I've never read that one. You wouldn't happen to have the link to it would you?

>> No.16820245
Quoted by: >>16820272

>long tongue makeout session in a hot tub with my Demon lady

That sounds dangerous. You might get addicted!

>> No.16820246
Quoted by: >>16820256

>no bacon
Get the fuck out of my house.

>> No.16820247
Quoted by: >>16820272

Let's kill ourselves and reset.

>> No.16820248
Quoted by: >>16826062

I mean if they really do get big enough that you can actually walk around inside them and stuff then they're cool in my book, I just never thought that was the case. I already like how they can polymorph themselves into a more lamia like shape for standard movement

>> No.16820251
Quoted by: >>16820272


>> No.16820253

I love jabberwockies so damn much.

>> No.16820255

I wonder how does she take care of her teeth. They're so shiny.

>> No.16820256
Quoted by: >>16820259

YOU! are the bacon...

>> No.16820257
Quoted by: >>16820265

>faded into obscurity
Sometimes I like to click on randoms in the writefag list. I've dound a bunch of stories and writefags I used to really enjoy but forgot existed.
Special mentions to the Ryu orgasm denial guy, Do I Look Like A Writefag? who seems to still write, but for /k/ now and the Police Manticore story in particular

>> No.16820258

I don't get how his writing can be so fun yet so off at the same time,

>> No.16820259
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, 1490134880395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16820260
Quoted by: >>16820271

How do you wear clothes underwater?

>> No.16820261

>I know it's an anime thing
And which sort of monstergirls is this thread about again? Western ones?

>> No.16820265

>Ryu orgasm denial guy
ODfag popped up a while ago I think.

>> No.16820270


>> No.16820271

Sea Bishop blessing I think. She's there for undersea marriages.

>> No.16820272
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1600, 49f608fddb22431143f06ec1fda569fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16820281

Bitch that's what I want! I want it to feel like the back of my throat is vaguely unfulfilled if it goes too long without her tongue lewdly probing around back there.
That uh, that doesn't require a 'no alp', does it? Probably not.
Well I mean i wouldn't go THAT far, but discovering the mysteries of quantum dimensional travel is probably the next best thing.
I like it. I'm stealing that.
I think some of the Succubus-family species naturally through lustful magic have things like teeth clenliness, skincare, hair cleanliness etc taken care of and without any need for input.

>> No.16820280
Quoted by: >>16820282

Get back in the kitchen tubbydear

>> No.16820281

Remember to always cum on your waifu's toothbrush. Cum is good for a monster's health.

Also, one of the best demon pics right there.

>> No.16820282

Pfft, yeah, when P'Orcs fly.

>> No.16820290
Quoted by: >>16820312

He tends to ask repeatedly if people read his non roulette stories.
Newspaper was good, not sure how I feel about his ongoing ones and I haven't read that Selene one yet

>> No.16820294

I personally think they have magical pocket dimension inside them, like jar or mimic

>> No.16820295
Quoted by: >>16820311

I like the naked one more
>they actually give her large dark blue nipples that fit her skin tone and breast size, not out of place pink tiny ones many artists do for succubi.

>> No.16820298
Quoted by: >>16820311

>Cum is good for a monster's health
Then you can call my Lady a damn health fanatic. Maybe even a health addict. And agreed, the whole set is great.

>> No.16820299

Sorry, but I don't.

It's an older story, back from the /a/ days IIRC

>> No.16820301

Anon, get the catapult
And some binoculars
And some butter. The butter's important

>> No.16820306

I volunteer to butter up the P'Orc.

>> No.16820308

And suddenly I'm thinking of the MG version of Pink Floyd's 'Animals' album...

>> No.16820310
File: 333 KB, 1129x1600, Dullahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullahan Shenanigans


>> No.16820311
Quoted by: >>16820338

I like this one because of her pose, sweater with thigh highs and the pantyshot which makes my dick berserk.

After that little demon model talk I can see myself buying a demon magazine and keeping it hidden.

Well, I guess every waifu would be like that but it depends on how you use your cum when dealing with stuff.
Like cumming in her eyes instead of using eyedrops. Definitely not for everyone.

>> No.16820312
Quoted by: >>16820364

I don't like his Selene one much and he thinks the OC lilim hate is one guy, and this makes him worrying like commercial anon sometimes. Otherwise his stories are great and I want him to stay as long as possible

>> No.16820315
Quoted by: >>16820407

It's weird. While they aren't at the top of my favorites list, I find them rather fascinating. Plus, they're natural redheads, which is an automatic win in my book.

Really should be more Sandworm stories out there. The one Silent wrote had it all; realistic scenario, thrilling, a bit disturbing, but also kinda sweet.

>> No.16820323
Quoted by: >>16823262

>A pleasant shortstack plump housewife P'Orc sitting there nervously as her husband rubs butter all over her body
>Normally, this would be an enjoyable experience and a regular occurrence at the household, but today it is anything but that
>"Now babe, we'll be launching you over the water, so there's really nothing to worry about."
>"Buiii... a-are you s-sure we need to do this, hubby? I-its just a saying after all..."
>Her protests are ignored as she's placed in the loading area of the catapult, generously donated by the local Cyclops
>When asked why she let them use it, she stoically replied '...Seems interesting."
>"Alright babe! Tuck your legs in, it'll let you fly further! Ready?"
>"Buiii! Buiii! Hubby I'm really not su-"

>> No.16820326

Cute, the body wants a kiss too!

>> No.16820330


>> No.16820338
Quoted by: >>16820356

Oh I'm perfectly sure she'd try (and want) it all.
And I'm quite positive I'd be happy to oblige.

>> No.16820356
Quoted by: >>16820381

Well if it is like that then make sure to stay healthy with your demon. Give her all the cum.

>> No.16820364

You'd then he'd wisen up that not many people like lilims, Selene herself isn't bad (If you want a bad fighting focused lilim there's Laila) but a lilim's major gimmicks makes them unlikable to most.
Even so, he needs to finish scalebound if only to continue burning edge.

>> No.16820380
File: 187 KB, 680x567, 1485712189886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16820381
Quoted by: >>16820402

Buckets on buckets on buckets daily!

>> No.16820390

Delete this!

>> No.16820392

Sometimes it's nice to just have an MG you can cuddle while she tells you everything will be alright rather than just rape you.

>> No.16820397

You know what would be fun to see? A Apophis and a Pharaoh doing petty pranks to one another just to annoy the other one.
Like stealing their panties and drawing on their face while they are sleeping.

>> No.16820399
Quoted by: >>16820440

Laila is like Selene drank bleach sold to her by deviant art.

>> No.16820402
Quoted by: >>16820430

That's right! For a good relationship you must make your waifu think "What the hell did I just marry?" and have her worry about how much more do you have in you.

Trust me, I have a Ph.D in waifus.

>> No.16820406

>You'd think
I need to wake up.

>> No.16820407
Quoted by: >>16821195

They're so lewd yet so cute at the same time. Not to mention, you'd never need to worry about renting or buying a house. She is your home. All you need an internet connection and a couple of computers that are waterproof, and you're good to go. Playin' some vidya with your sandworm waifu would be the comfiest thing ever.

>> No.16820410
File: 40 KB, 655x622, gazer sa-ryong bust sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16820452

Got a small quick wifeboobs picture today!

>> No.16820430
Quoted by: >>16820456

Upon review, my professional consultation corroborates your analysis. Evidence to the fact is given by her eyes forming into heart pupils as she dreamily sighs whilst the tenth load in an hour pumps out all over her face and cleavage, her lazily licking it up and pumping at a steady pace as another dose of giri and manticore venom is consumed.
Signed, Demonfag, Licensed Cumshot Provider

>> No.16820440

I would like to see a fight between Selene and Laila.

>> No.16820447
Quoted by: >>16820519

Burning edge has the better plot, scalebound just feels like shonen.

>> No.16820452

Tittymonster Gazer when?

>> No.16820456
Quoted by: >>16820497

That may be if you are already in a steady relationship with her and you see each other as lovey dovey things. However, when an agressive and assertive monster attacks you with the intent of having fun and marrying the best way is to surprise her and show that you are more than just cute looks, ending in what I described.

Signed, Me, that one dude.

>> No.16820461
Quoted by: >>16820467

Get Melon to do it.

>> No.16820466
File: 803 KB, 810x1080, gazer fumio936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have drawn her with proportions like that on several occasions.
Fumio, even.

>> No.16820467
Quoted by: >>16820474

I wonder who's behind this post.

>> No.16820474


>> No.16820492

I know she's happy about the wedding, but that's no reason to lose her head.

>> No.16820497

Ah, I see. A very important finding for single anons in search of proving their worth to monstergirls. I approve.

>> No.16820504
Quoted by: >>16820532


>> No.16820506

Is there a word to describe the feeling one has when they drunkenly buy a commission/YCH, and they're dreading how it might turn out, but then the artist produces something which surpasses every expectation?
Do we have something in the dictionary for that elation and relief?

>> No.16820511
Quoted by: >>16820547

I'm not sure because I've never got a commission before.

>> No.16820513
Quoted by: >>16820547

In the old days we had a saying:
"Everything went better than expected"

>> No.16820519

Aren't they both fighting stories?
He should just write comfy stuff. It works better for him.

>> No.16820532

I've had it up to my neck with these bullshit puns.

Cut that shit out or I'll have your heads.

>> No.16820543

No, fuck you. Microsoft already cancelled one Scalebound, you don't get to cancel another.

>> No.16820547
Quoted by: >>16820568

I guess a similar feeling would be getting so drunk you black out, and wake up somewhere unfamiliar. You're dreading to find out just what you did and where you are, but it turns out during those missing hours you saved the life of a billionaire, and they gave you one of their houses, completely paid for, as a token of their gratitude.

Then let's go with that. Especially considering the art I got was from an artist who draws bara furry men on FurAffinity.

>> No.16820556

Scalebound is a knights vs lizardgirls and dragons In a tournament.
Burning edge is different, its about a woman turning form rich bitch to fighting monster.

>> No.16820568
Quoted by: >>16820580

I wouldn't know because I've never been drunk. But still that makes sense atleast.

Wish I wasn't such a NEET and I actually had the money to get a commission.

>> No.16820580
Quoted by: >>16820588

Jeez, how are you even using the internet if you can't spare $10 for even a small commission?

>> No.16820588
Quoted by: >>16820646

They really do commissions that cheap? I thought the range was around $40+ dollars? I guess that's pretty good then.

I don't want to blogpost but I live with my parents

>> No.16820605

Only if you think they're only for cute and not for succ.

>> No.16820614
File: 247 KB, 542x897, vanback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't get caught staring, don't get caught staring, don't get caught staring, don't get caught staring...

>> No.16820625
Quoted by: >>16820634

Staring at what anon? Her muscles, her ass or her titanic backboob? Because she's going to notice no matter what you do, and then it's a long lifetime of bouncy tits and moo-snu for you.

>> No.16820634
Quoted by: >>16820651

C-can I get pelvis insurance? Or suffocation insurance? Minotaurs can't be that forceful in bed, right?

>> No.16820646

Well, you won't get a big, full-colour painting, but some artists do sketches for that cheap. You just have to look around.
Shit, just look at Critnuke. Guy literally does full colour character drawings for $8.

Jeez, Anon. At least get a job, so you can pay them rent too. Having money is great.

>> No.16820651
Quoted by: >>16820672

Oh your pelvis will be fine anon. She might be rough but she's not going to hurt you.
It's going to go on until she runs out of stamina though, so you'd better be ready for half a day of tight minotaur pussy and jiggly minotaur tits milking your dick. At minimum.

>> No.16820657
Quoted by: >>16820678

Since people are talking about commissions, do you happen to know of anyone open right now that does elegant looking girls well and in the 40-60 dollar range?

>> No.16820660
Quoted by: >>16820678

I'll check it out, sounds like I could get something good.

I know I'm a bad person. I need a Kiki to kick my ass and get me on the right track

>> No.16820664

>tfw starting to lust for blue demons again after a long time of not caring that much
I just checked, and some of the oldest porn I have saved are pictures of Astaroth from 9 years ago that I probably got from /b/.

>> No.16820672
Quoted by: >>16820676

Well how am I supposed to keep my stamina up for all that time? Especially if she keeps me gasping for air by riding me in seated lotus with my head between those milkmountains! Not to mention that ass and those muscly thighs crushing me down below. How does one survive that?!

>> No.16820676
Quoted by: >>16820681

Her tits are in your face for a reason anon.

>> No.16820678
Quoted by: >>16820682

Nudes and lewds, yes or no?
Any more details you can give can help me narrow down an artist for you, possibly.

I've got an Excel spreadsheet with 110 different artists on it, but I haven't listed prices or styles on it, so it's very incomplete. Either way, I'll see what I can find.

I'd recommend Snib as well, but he closed his commissions for a bit literally just yesterday.

>> No.16820681
Quoted by: >>16820684

And just how much of those titanic things am I supposed to drink?
And how do I make her take me home with her for good?

>> No.16820682
Quoted by: >>16821036

No lewds in this case, it's for a Wight that differs from the profile.

>> No.16820684
Quoted by: >>16820696

You keep sucking until she finishes anon. You'll know when she gives you one last for the night with paizuri.
And if she dragged you off after she caught you 'mirin then you're already hers.

>> No.16820689

Is it worth to come back to write?

>> No.16820694
Quoted by: >>16821419

That more depends on if you have anything worthwhile rather than the thread.

>> No.16820695
Quoted by: >>16821419

Do you think it is?

>> No.16820696

>Tired, slow, gently paizuri (with gargantuan tits) as her aching muscles slowly pillow and mould them around you, the last vestiges of milk still trickling out
You know
I think this turned out well actually
But then I know it will only get longer tomorrow

>> No.16820698
Quoted by: >>16821419

If you enjoy writing then of course it it, the main thing is that you have a love for monster girls and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Unless you're bob.

>> No.16820706
File: 119 KB, 261x418, mix-smile girls-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"I will take care of him." You hear as the Jinko leaves
> You see the tall ultra muscular Hellhound gym bouncer looking at you.
> She makes the Jinko look like a Nekomata.
> You try to talk but before you can say a word are just pushed hard against a wall.
> Harassing the girls here huh? You will have to be disciplined.
> The Hellhound puts you on her shoulder and carry you to a room in the gym.
> She proceeds to rape you for an entire day.
> You wake up alone, seeing no one you get dressed and leave the room, getting to the gym's main area again and then to the exit.
> A strong paw holds you before you are able to get to the exit.
> You turn your head only to see the Hellhound bouncer.
> "Where do you think you are going?"
> You point to the exit.
> "No cutie, yesterday was just warm up. Now you will see what we do to harassers."
> She drags you to a room that reads "Security Staff Dormitory."
> Fucking huge place filled with rooms, its bigger than the gym.
> "I GOT FRESH MEAT!" she shouts.
> A few doors open, and out of them come, ten muscular monsters. So ripped that normal muscle monsters are put to shame.
> The Jinkos there make normal Jinkos look like lolis.
> "The penalty for harassment, is one month as the fuck boy of 10 of the gym's security girls. As you can see we need to be more buff than normal, I mean. We are tasked with bouncing a place filled with muscle monsters."
> She pinches your ass
> "Also, you will have a day off per week. You better not use it to go to the gym and harass people or you will get one month added to your sentence."
> She begins to blush looking surprisingly cute.
> "Also if you get one year of sentence you will..... have to choose one of us to marry. So you better behave cute stuff."
> One of the Jinkos puts her abs next to your face.
> "You may begin your punishment by applying lotion to our bodies" she says.

>> No.16820718

>Used goods harem faggotry
No thanks.

>> No.16820721

>tfw I'll never be kabedonned by a 7ft Muscular Hellhound who says I'm now her husband

I love the idea of being claimed

>> No.16820722

Just do what they say and think of England until pelvic control has been returned.

>> No.16820734

>Ruining it with the sluttery

>> No.16820739
Quoted by: >>16820764

> "Also if you get one year of sentence you will..... have to choose one of us to marry. So you better behave cute stuff."
Can I pick the hellhound bouncer? A hellhound that huge sounds perfect.

>> No.16820751

Where's the slut stuff? Just to make sure.

>> No.16820759
Quoted by: >>16820763

Didn't you know? Any girl who's even seen another man's dick before is a slut.

>> No.16820763

I didn't sew any slut stuff in the greentext. I just want someone to point it out.

>> No.16820764


She says "one of US" so obviously it includes her

>> No.16820771

>All these old writers suddenly coming back
What's going on

>> No.16820774

> "No cutie, yesterday was just warm up. Now you will see what we do to harassers."

>> No.16820778
Quoted by: >>16820781


Or maybe each batch of 10 bouncers are virgins and the unchosen waifus are sent to the next Mamono Army invasion to get a husband for sure, are given one by the Danuki owner or some shit like that.

>> No.16820779
Quoted by: >>16820813


>> No.16820781

Men can be sluts too.
You see it around here a lot.

>> No.16820785
Quoted by: >>16820798

Which ones came back?

>> No.16820787
Quoted by: >>16820804

Hey, I used to be a huge slut until I actually found a monstergirl I could call a waifu.
It's never too late anon. Unless you actually stuck your dick in something, then you're fucked bot figuratively and literally.

>> No.16820788


Didnt it cross your mind that maybe the 10 girls that came to recieve you, are a small fraction of the girls there and "we" means the gym's security staff as a collective entity rather than saying that the girls have previously participated in previous rapings?

>> No.16820798

Peter off the top of my head
Some others have been considering

>> No.16820801

You seem awfully triggered there anon.

>> No.16820804

I'm in no way concerned about myself being a slut. It's others here that I worry about.
Not about to name names though.

>> No.16820809

That had a whopping nothing to do with his post.

>> No.16820810

I really doubt that

>> No.16820813

Oh. I didn't notice that.

>> No.16820818
Quoted by: >>16820827

Not him, but that sounds an awful lot like reaching for an excuse.
If I was passed around by 11 different girls and they all said "this is what we do to harassers", I'd be pretty convinced they were all sluts.

>> No.16820821

I dunno, I'd call people complaining about previous sexual experience of girls they're not married to as triggered more than I would his post.

>> No.16820826
File: 611 KB, 1216x1000, Sexytimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16820831


Can you really be called a slut where you dont have a choice?

This is what happen when you refuse

>> No.16820827
Quoted by: >>16820832

>If I was passed around by 11 different girls and they all said "this is what we do to harassers", I'd be pretty convinced they were all sluts.
What fucking backwards logic is this
Youre the one getting gangbanged

>> No.16820828
File: 430 KB, 516x501, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16820838

Is that what they're calling it these days?

>> No.16820831
Quoted by: >>16821186

I want to be beaten up and then have my virginity stolen by an angry hellhound.

>> No.16820832

A slut is one who sleeps around of their own volition.
Come on, use your head there buddy.

>> No.16820834

>previous sexual experience
MGE girls don't need actual experience to pleasure you.

>> No.16820838

Smug cat is right

>> No.16820848


> Your fic is in the kitchen. Please wait.

>> No.16820850

Being a rapist doesnt make you a manwhore.

>> No.16820854
Quoted by: >>16820857

I thought MGE girls were like Orks in that the sexual experience was a preprogrammed into their genetic code or something.

>> No.16820856
Quoted by: >>16820862

You know what I mean, past encounters.

>> No.16820857

It is.

>> No.16820862
Quoted by: >>16820868

So what?

>> No.16820868

It doesn't matter if it increases their ability to pleasure you or not, a monster girl having been with one or two guys before isn't the apocalypse. It's canon that not every monster girl will be a pure and perfect virgin and it's fine if that's what you want but there's no need to bitch at a guy for not caring about purity.

>> No.16820871

>Anon is cornered by ten hulking monstermusclegirls
>suddenly, he folds his arms and turns his nose up in the air, letting out a puff of air as he starts explaining his dissatisfaction
>"Ugh, this is awful. By what you're saying, it sounds like you're implyi-"
>He's dragged away before he can finish saying anything and put through rigorous, bone-shattering sex for hours on end
>Every time he tries to get a word out, his face is shoved into a breast or slammed against a wall or plunged into a pussy as his dick is milked end over end
>At the end of all of it, he's tossed to the curb, the hulking musclemonsters satisfied with a good meal and going about their day, utterly uneffected by whatever it was he was trying to say
>Anon, dragging himself to the hospital in a mess of fluids and sore bones, thinks to himself 'b-but they were sluts!' before finally collapsing at the emergency room
Heaven forbid a rape be uncomfortable or not how you want it to go

>> No.16820879

My son you have two choices

You may have sweet, kindly Kiki whi cooks and cleans perfectly and speaks with a refined accent

Or you can have clumsy muscle Kiki who is inexperienced and speaks in bad Russian accent.

>> No.16820881
Quoted by: >>16820888

I'm in agreement with you on the whole "used goods" thing being blown out of proportion but MGE girls wouldn't do anything bone shattering or brutal that would leave you in hospital.

>> No.16820882

This is why I woud carry a rape alarm with me. Those muscle SLUTS are powerless against my ring pull alarm. I'll have them running in fear.

>> No.16820884
Quoted by: >>16820901

Whoa anon. It sounds like you're implying a sexual situation with a monstergirl happened that didn't end in a monogamous relationship with a happy end. That's very non-kosher.

>> No.16820886

Is it bad to secretly want this?

>> No.16820887

I never wanted to be part of this, but god damn man, pulling autistic shit like this is just throwing in the towel. The other guys are going to have to try really hard to top this flavor of insufferable.

>> No.16820889
Quoted by: >>16820905

It's a negative, and given the choice between two MGs where the difference was one had past partners, I'll go for the one with none every time.

>> No.16820888

Meh, nothing permanent anyway. If nothing else could have said they at least dropped him off at the hospital.
Not at all, just be prepared for the White Panties Brigade to tell you its wrong.

>> No.16820893
Quoted by: >>16820896

The answer is obvious.

I get myself a shog.

>> No.16820894
Quoted by: >>16820900

>White Panties Brigade

Who are they?

>> No.16820896

Very well, you get a clumsy yet competent muscle Shog with a refined accent.

>> No.16820899

It makes you a slut, but if you're fine with that then go for it.

>> No.16820900

Door to door Jehovah's witness-esque fellows who give stern talking-to's to Monstergirls who have had more than one sexual partner or are sexual predators in general.
Ironically, also the most effective way to end up as the anon in said situation.

>> No.16820901
Quoted by: >>16820907

Your just lucky their the 'catch and release' types. Others tend to snatch up men and they never appear again. Then their is the secret milking facilities in where a man could be pumped full of manticore vemon and humpty slime and milked by machines daily for up to 12 hours a day. Then some of the viler rich folk will often pay money for a shota, one shudders what happens there. MGC makes Detroit look like heaven in comparison.

>> No.16820902
Quoted by: >>16820904

I want to be a pure virgin boy who doesn't consider marrying sluts though. So that exact scenario can play out and I'll be crying to the poor nurses about muh virginity being stolen

>> No.16820904

See now there you go. Where there's a market, there's a supplier.

>> No.16820905
Quoted by: >>16820912

Then go for one with none, some people just don't give a shit either way and it's silly for people to jump down a guy's throat for his memearrow story on an Pakistani cave drawing forum not aligning with their personal fantasy.

>> No.16820906

I make them fight for the honor.

My bet is sweet kiki can hold her own.
>"You thought you could beat me with raw physical strength? You can't even iron his shirts properly!"

>> No.16820907

Barbaric, truly. The cruelty of monsters knows no bounds.

>> No.16820908
Quoted by: >>16820915

Is it full of unicorns?

>> No.16820912

Welcome to /mgt/, where opinions will be voiced.

>> No.16820914
File: 137 KB, 530x344, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hush hush

>> No.16820915

Its a male only organization, but Unicorns are almost always seen trying to dissuade them from going out on their 'missions' and instead convince them to just come home with them.
But they're unwavering in their holy quest. There are people being WRONG on the INTERNET.
The saddest part being, when they come back inevitably raped and dumped, sobbing about how 't-thats not how it works though', the Unicorns sadly can only help them get healthy again but won't be interested sexually anymore. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.16820916
Quoted by: >>16820921


I love purity and virginity I prefer it over a girl having previous partners. But I think maybe people go a bit too overboard when a girl isn't a virgin.

Hey man don't shit on white pure panties. I love white pure panties!

>> No.16820917

Precisely this.

>> No.16820918
Quoted by: >>16820939

I'm going to go to the MGC gym as a member of the White Panties Brigade to preach to the sweaty, muscular and tall monster girls about purity and virginity and how it should be valued.

>> No.16820920
Quoted by: >>16820939

If someone was to....happen to lock them with a number of unicorns in a gym?

>> No.16820921

>That tongue
Hey now, that's what I'm talkin about
I'm just messin around. People are just too funny when they get their knickers twisted.

>> No.16820925
Quoted by: >>16820932

>Hellhounds brought up
>thread goes to shit

>> No.16820926

>big puffy milky inverted nipples

>> No.16820930
Quoted by: >>16820939

Kinda makes me feel sad that those guys who get their virginity stolen aren't even loved or claimed by the MG who took it. She simply tosses him away.

Like someone stomping on your sand castle without even helping you build a new one.

>> No.16820932

People are mostly having fun now with one or two folks not getting it or thinking this is a sword to fall on, it's all good

>> No.16820933
Quoted by: >>16820938

Work on your fingers, man.

>> No.16820935

Yeah this. Just a bit of fun and games

>> No.16820936


>> No.16820938

Lemme tell you summin' buster, I'm trying ;_;

>> No.16820939
Quoted by: >>16820947

Pro tip: drink your milk. Builds strong bones. Don't ask why.
Then maybe it would be the Unicorns who finally take their chance to FORCE purity on them. They may not be expert rapists, but dammit, if they let these men leave, they'll end up like the guy who got into the situation at the start of all this!
Can't have monstergirls if at least sometimes they do something moderately monstrous.

>> No.16820943

>that tongue


>> No.16820945
Quoted by: >>16820956

Sure are a lot of people here who take things way too seriously.

>> No.16820947
Quoted by: >>16820952

But surely who will save the boys with their virginity stolen from them?

>> No.16820952
Quoted by: >>16820961

Thankfully, Monstergirls outside of the Unicorn give absolutely no shits about your sexual history and think it silly to even suggest such a thing or even bring it up.
The fiends.

>> No.16820954
File: 2.34 MB, 1470x2100, 47392341_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I release her? y/n

>> No.16820956

Goes for both sides of purity arguments, some people tend to act like greentexts are real and they're really going to be forced to have sex with a slut and people on the other side don't know when to just ignore the complaints and just enjoy the slut talk anyway.

>> No.16820958

A brown lactating Elf Succubus, I like.

>> No.16820961
Quoted by: >>16820963

I'm going to bring it up anyway to confuse an MG.

>"Don't you worry! I'm a pure virgin boy. Now what drink can I get you?"

Then again I do actually like the whole pure virginity thing. I know MGs don't care, but I do. Even if I sound stupid.

>> No.16820963

At worst they'll say 'Aw, thats cute' and at best they'll think its adorable and want to be the one to see you stumble through your first time.

>> No.16820965
Quoted by: >>16820989

I can totally see certain MGs like Dark Mages having those kinds of preferences...

>> No.16820966
Quoted by: >>16820989

I like that latter one, really makes me feel warm to imagine an MG saying that to me and wanting to do that

>> No.16820967
Quoted by: >>16821015

>do i release a yandere snek whos been tied up for a few hundred or thousand years

Release her only if you want a waifu who is going to rape you for a few months straight and keep you tied up because she's been that lonely.

All in all [y] because nothing is better than a obsessive loving wife who will keep you safe no matter what forever.

>> No.16820989
File: 440 KB, 769x1200, 319_dark_mage_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexy, sultry Dark Mage at a cocktail bar (where of course the cocktail waiters are all men/boys)
>Gorgeous legs, outfit on point, chilling with her girls, sipping fancy drinks and making eyes at potential meals
>Bring her her next drink, she smirks as she undresses you with her eyes, giving you a twice over
>As you turn around, her voice like smooth liquor oozes out
>"Boy. Come back here. Now."
>Gulp as you turn to face her again, putting on a hard-worker's smile as you walk back to her group, her Kitsune and Demon friends smiling devilishly and whispering to one another
>The Dark Mage crosses her legs from one side to the other, sliding slightly forward so her billowing breasts shift and hang a bit, offering you a full view of her creamy cleavage
>"...What's your name, boy?"
>A-anon, maam.
>"Anon. Have you ever been with a Monster before?"
>She emphasizes Monster with what you're certain is some sort of fell magic, her eyes glowing for just a second before settling back to their usual gaze
>Answer her nervously, telling her no, which draws more smirks from her friends
>"Ah. So you prefer the taste of human women, then..."
>That's when you make the decision of your life
>'A-actually, I've been with no woman, human or monster.'
>The glare you suddenly receive from the Dark Mage feels like it burns into your very soul
>Her friends go silent, looking almost nervously to one another as you gulp and feel them shift away from you and your predator
>She smiles a wicked grin, setting her drink down and raising herself to her full height- much taller thanks to her goes-to-heaven legs than you imagined
>She places her hands on your shoulders, gentle yet firm, and steps closer, to the point that you can feel her waist against your chest and are staring up at her around her hanging breasts
>That's when she leans down, bringing her lips right next to one of your ears, your nose getting a whiff of her perfume, no doubt magically enhanced to be extra enticing, and hear her whisper into you
>"Would you like to?"

>> No.16820995
Quoted by: >>16821039

How much do I need to pay to have something like this? Damn it's so perfect.



>> No.16820997

Where the FUCK is YBA then?

>> No.16821001
Quoted by: >>16821039

Am I gonna get gently dommed?

>> No.16821003

Aw yeah, now THIS is more my style.

>> No.16821005

Congratulations, you made me actually like a Majin-type MG.

>> No.16821013
Quoted by: >>16821037

Dark mages are my favourite human girl turned monster species.

They're so Ara Ara it's hard to comprehend. I'm scared she'd even steal my virginity by just giving me The Look.

>> No.16821015

I'd certainly do so, for all of the reasons stated by >>16820967
However, I'd have second thoughts if there were warning signs telling me not to release the sealed evil being. I would then proceed to ignore those second thoughts and release her, then beg for mercy.

>> No.16821018

He's dead, Jim.

>> No.16821023
File: 659 KB, 800x1131, snek is blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I return from the depths of the internet, i bring you this blue snek

>> No.16821028
Quoted by: >>16821031

I thank you for your donation. But why is the snek blue??

>> No.16821031
File: 406 KB, 800x815, Snek is drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know, but I have seen many horrors while browsing the depth, I now must drink to forget.

>> No.16821036
Quoted by: >>16822383

Okay, here's a bunch.

Might be a bit too expensive, full-body characters are around $70, waist up ones are $50-ish. Includes full colouring and shading, which the guy is great at. Might be able to draw what you're looking for.

Should be able to get a full-body character for $60. And as divine providence would have it, they're open for commissions right now. Personally, I think they're great at drawing elegant girls, so I'm going to be biased and recommend them.

I haven't seem them really go out of their way to draw elegant girls, but I think they could have it in them. The artist has a fair amount of skill and range, and they do full-body characters for $50.

I actually commissioned this guy myself, a short time ago. Colour sketches for $35, and inked for $55.
Pretty clean style. Simple, as far as details go, but appealing, and he draws female form well. I like how he applies lighting and highlights to his art.

They do soft-shaded full-body pics for $60, and they've done a lot of monstergirl stuff in the past.
I think maybe they could draw what you might be looking for, but I don't have 100% confidence in that statement.

Personally, not the biggest fan of their style, but their full-colour drawings go for $50, and they're a "monstergirl enthusiast". Again, doubts, but maybe they could pull off the elegant look you're searching for. I'm only posting artists here who I've picked especially from a list of over 100, after all.

I like this artist's style a little more, but again, no real specialisation in an "elegant" style. In most cases, I'm adding artists to the list by going through their works, and seeing a few which make me think "Yeah, they might be able to pull it off."
Flat-coloured full-body pictures go for $50 here.

This guy can draw elegant, and great outfits, too. Like real detailed dresses.
Only thing is, I don't actually know if they take commissions. Why are they on my list? I don't know. Maybe I added them from a list of artists APM posted who did stuff for him in the past. Maybe I just added them because I liked their art, and was planning on asking if they did commissions? I don't know. Can't hurt to try, I guess.

Good lineart, and nice style in general, especially with their soft shading.
They take commissions, but I'm not sure how much for. You'd have to message them directly.

They're not open right now, looking at their dA page, but the last update was a few months ago, so it might be worth messaging them.
With your price range, a full-body image might not be feasable, but this artist has a great traditional, high-detail style, and they draw great busts and headshots for $50

Closed or open for commissions? I don't know. I think they're open, but their dA journal about it is old.
Either way, another artist with a fantastic traditional style. They've got a good eye for detail, tone, and fashion. And they have half-body portraits listed at $35, so maybe they'll do full-body art for a little more? I wouldn't count on that old price being reflective of what they might charge now, though.

There's a few to choose from there, but I haven't exhausted the list. I can probably post a few more tomorrow. Hope those are at least helpful to you.

>> No.16821037
Quoted by: >>16821040

>dark mage sees anon on the street
>decides to tease him by winking and blowing him a kiss
>suddenly he's balls deep inside her, inseminating her fertile womb

>> No.16821039

>You don't know what you're thinking, you don't know what came over you, and you certainly think there's some sort of magic at play
>All these excuses are irrelevant, though, as you are now being forcefully walked away from the main lounge by this leggy, purple haired goddess, her breasts lightly bouncing with each step, your hand tightly clasped by hers as she walks ahead of you, her other hand on her hip as her ass sways seductively from side to side, her silk-thin cloak leaving nothing to the imagination
>Your co-workers all stare at you as she leads you away, and while you'd expect at least some of them would be giving you a happy thumbs up or something encouraging, what you see is all blank faces of dread and fear for your sake
>"You're wondering why they're staring."
>You snap your attention back to the back of the Mage's head, her hat nearly tall enough to scrape the ceiling as you enter into the hallway to the private VIP rooms
>Without turning, she wrenches you forward more before throwing open the last door in the hallway, talking as she does so
>"It's because of all the times I've been here, I have never taken one of them back to these rooms with me."
>She flings you forward, landing you on the lounge bed, surprisingly strong for her womanly frame- a reminder that this is not just a sexually exquisite human before you, but in fact a Monster
>Once she finishes locking the door, she steps towards you, her hands reaching up to her shoulders as she does so
>She slowly slides them down over her dress, running them along the contours of her body as she slides it off within two steps as she continues walking towards you
>Her breasts hang just the slightest bit, yet remain firm and perky despite being easily more than a handful, maybe two
>her waist is thin, flaring out into wide hips that house her round, large ass and her long, thick and juicy thighs
>her skin is immaculate, creamy white contrasted against her long and wild purple hair, without blemish and almost somewhat glimmering in the dim light of the private room
>Curiously, she leaves her hat on, but you don't have much time to think about it as she reaches you, in one fluid motion pushing you back down onto the bed with one hand and unbuttoning your pants with the other while crawling atop you
>Within moments, you're now naked from the waist down, her hand rubbing just once to bring you up to full mast as her legs separate and her knees come forward on either side of you, flanking you with her thighs as she suspends her hips above your towering erection
>"Do you know what that means?"
>You snap out of staring at her hips and look back up to her eyes, expecting her face to have changed into some sort of hideous beast's form or to have some wild eyed glare meant to incite fear or what have you but instead...
>Instead find her face to be surprisingly earnest, her lips pursed slightly with her head cocked to one side, one hand coming up to lazily rest underneath her chin as she smiles warmly
>You shake your head no, thinking that any of the myriad of reasons for why it could be that you're the first she's brought back are nowhere evil or sadistic enough...
>"It means you're not the only one having their first time."

>> No.16821040

I wouldn't even be able to contain myself if she winked and blew a kiss. I'd be addicted to her. I'd fall in love.

Damn dark mages doing this to me!

>> No.16821042
File: 159 KB, 872x632, 1491431528161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821104

Time to pop a Christmas Cakes cherry.
You better pastebin this by the way.

>> No.16821053

Now that's what I call a woman. Going to accept what's coming, I'd be happy to give my first time away to a girl like that.

>> No.16821054 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 322x308, 1491436362787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much just lurk, writing some stuff in the background. Finally got a little time to actually do so recently. No point in posting if I don't have finished stories or proper updates finished though. Have a little bit of setting background anyway. https://pastebin.com/NvxNSjXR

>> No.16821059

Christmas cake magic is scary!

>> No.16821067

Heavens above you're still alive! Wunderbar.

>> No.16821070

I'd care more about this dark mage thing if she was, y'know, actually a monstergirl.
Right now all I'm seeing is "femdom woman dressed as witch who wants the sex".

I guess the writing is good at making her generically sexy, but I'm not seeing any monstergirl appeal.

>> No.16821076
File: 3.11 MB, 1750x2250, Ember-SFW-LQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16821078
Quoted by: >>16821092

Aw man, I haven't seen a "You guys are enjoying MGs for the WRONG REASONS" guy in a good while.

>> No.16821079
Quoted by: >>16821137

I need my June fix. Please give me something.

>> No.16821082
Quoted by: >>16821092

Thanks for the insightful opinion that everyone cares about.

It's a Dark Mage, she's not a Manticore.

>> No.16821085

>Eat Cake

>> No.16821086
Quoted by: >>16821092

>woman dressed as witch
>he forgot about the woman cosplaying a seal
>he forgot about the loli dressed as a witch
>he forgot about cosplay tier

>> No.16821090

this makes my penis become the big penis etc

>> No.16821092

And I haven't seen someone misread a post that bad in a good while.
It's not about "enjoying monstergirls for the wrong reason", it's about "this isn't really a monstergirl greentext in the first place."
I could see this being written on basically any femdom writing platform, with no relevance to MGs at all.

You cared enough to reply. Apparently I struck a nerve.
And yeah, it's a dark mage. But she's not really a monstergirl in the first place.

The existence of other cosplayer designs doesn't really excuse the existence of this one.

>> No.16821104

>Flabbergasted- shocked- perturbed- disbelieving- words that should be describing how you're feeling right now
>Instead, the only emotion you can express comes out as elegantly as someone of your expertise and background in bedroom antics can muster
>She suddenly breaks into a pearly smile, her hand coming up to hide part of her mouth as she laughs like bells at a Sunday wedding, leaning back just slightly as she does so and setting her hips and ass down just below the base of your erection
>Finally, her laughter dies down, yet her smile remains, only this time with a smug cock to her eyebrows
>"Oh? Surprising to you, is it? Perhaps you think all Monsters are simply beasties waiting in the night to pounce on unsuspecting virgin boys, is that it?"
>She laughs again, which draws a smirk out of you, and you even begin to laugh yourself at how silly a notion it is-
>The lights go completely dark, her yellow eyes glow vibrant, and her outline shines with a faint purple fire with no previous warning, a strange groaning sound like metal bending ringing throughout the room
>The abrupt sudden change catches your laugh in your throat, and before you can scream she suddenly leans forward, bringing her face right above yours, her glowing eyes piercing into yours as her smile goes from smug to very, very sadistic
>"I'm not saying you're wrong, boy."
>She accentuates this by suddenly plunging her hips downward, impaling herself on your erection, the feeling causing both you and her to throw your heads back and scream, one in ecstasy, one in fear- and ecstasy
>As she starts pumping her hips, you can feel her pussy start to contract and bend in strange, unnatural ways, as if it had a mind of it's own and was working in tandem with her motions to maximize the efforts of getting you off
>her bouncing is so sudden and so vigorous that her tits bound and jump before you, barely visible by the now somehow even more pitch black room, the only light still coming from her outlined form and glowing eyes, which stare down at you with malice, her tongue hanging out lasciviously
>You want to cry out, worried that this may truly be a succubus of old, the type that rapes men in the night and takes their souls, but you find the only sound that can escape your lips are moans and gasps, the pleasure too much to bear
>She salivates over you, her hips not slowing down one bit as she begins talking raspily
>"Eeheheh- No, boy, no! You see, I may be a virgin, Eheh, yes, that may be true..."
>She leans back into cowgirl, sitting her ass on your thighs as her pussy suddenly spasms, working twice as fast as it did before, feeling for the life of you like it's a living thing devouring your cock, not painful but terrifying at how much a mind of it's own it seems to have
>"...But I'm still a MONSTER!"
>With that, even though you still felt you were some way from finishing, she suddenly throws her hands over her own abdomen, a runic circle of purple light appearing as she cackles, and instantanously you feel a burning in your dick
>A burning that bubbles up into cum, spewing forth in an eruption to her insides, coming out so fast it almost hurts, not to mention the voracious, ravenous sucking of her vaginal walls, gulping at your semen like she somehow had a true second mouth and throat down there
>To your horror, you find that the burning sensation of pleasure doesn't go away with just one load, and you cum again, and again, and once more, until you're screaming in the bed, the only other sound being the squelching of cum around her inner walls and her maniacal cackling as she draws rune after rune after rune over her abdomen while you stay erect and lodged inside
>You black out as your umpteenth orgasm hits you, the last thing you see being her bucking her hips again, dark flames still illuminating her outline, saliva drooling out of the side of her mouth while her glowing eyes roll back in lust...

>> No.16821105
Quoted by: >>16821115

It's hard to think that all of your stories are part of the same continuity.

>> No.16821108
Quoted by: >>16821118

Shoulda let me get to it first, but believe me I get your point. Enjoy.

>> No.16821114

Dark Mage stronk.

>> No.16821115
Quoted by: >>16821141

Not all, just a few major ones. The difference in tone is what's fun though. Just like good old earth, you can have knights jousting, men exploring ancient ruins and the daily family life of your mailman, all on the same rock.

>> No.16821118
Quoted by: >>16821123

Yeah, I see the magic stuff now, if that's the solution to my gripe.

Personally, and this isn't really targeted at your greentext, I still don't think just magic = monstergirl, which is why I'll never consider the dark mage an actual MG.
But that's my problem with KC's faults and shoddyness.

>> No.16821123

Fair enough. Cheers.

>> No.16821137

Too much spoilers for anything direct you haven't already seen. I can give you a little incomplete something from her mother and grandmother during the founding of the LMC Academy though. You can work out where and when it takes place from the context.


>> No.16821141

That's comfy.

>> No.16821143


>> No.16821157

This is not okay

>> No.16821168

Cute. Nice to see some Lamia variety now and then.

>> No.16821181
File: 353 KB, 2024x3149, 1491275056843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tease a dragon tail until she declares me her property!

>> No.16821186


Im cooking your fic right now.

>> No.16821187
Quoted by: >>16821217

Unrelated, but what music would your cheshire twins and jabberwock listen to?

>> No.16821195
Quoted by: >>16821431

So what do you do about bathroom breaks? I'd hope the guy has standards and goes outside for that. Bathing is easier to manage since she has lots of water reserves or there's a nearby oasis. A bath under the desert stars sounds tranquil as fuck.

>> No.16821200

She can't rape me if I have faith in the Emperor!

>> No.16821210
File: 111 KB, 723x617, tmp_24644-ss+(2017-04-05+at+08.20.20)-283338554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latenight Miia

>> No.16821211


Sorry, I meant to quote the guy that asked for the angry Hellhound stuff.

>> No.16821212

With a significant chest upgrade

>> No.16821214
Quoted by: >>16821236

Where else does he post his stuff?

>> No.16821217
Quoted by: >>16821222

Jack is a prog rock and synth girl, infected by her dad's tastes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsCdlX-5UjE
The Hearts are surprisingly into just about any kind of lovey dovey pop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFd0hmDYuzE

Though most of the exact songs we have don't exist for them.

>> No.16821222
Quoted by: >>16821245

There's still Rush, right?

>> No.16821224

Snek milk.

>> No.16821236
File: 112 KB, 721x626, Alternate Latenight Miia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821255

Imgur album (http://imgur.com/a/xL3SH))

>> No.16821238
Quoted by: >>16821246

I wish genie girls were real so I could wish for my fucking death.

>> No.16821245
Quoted by: >>16821248

I think a more important question is, would a universe without the pillars of rock be worth living in if they had monster girls? Would you bring the likes of Rush, Led Zeppelin, the Boss and such to the masses?

>> No.16821246

I would wish for the portal to open. My second wish is that I would be kidnapped by a lamia and never be seen again, as I became the communal husband.

>> No.16821248

>Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath becomes a love song to plant girls.

>> No.16821253
File: 132 KB, 697x1146, corrin_by_akairiot-da8drcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more half dragons around

>> No.16821255
File: 141 KB, 950x751, FdaaPlv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824554

It grows.

>> No.16821258
Quoted by: >>16821327

Pls no.

I can't get an erection from Femui in this public restaurant.

>> No.16821274
File: 522 KB, 1700x1457, 1481118157083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821286

I wish I knew what skills I could have my Femui inherit.

>> No.16821284


> A few days latter I knock at the door of the gang's house with a bouquet of flowers and give it to one of the musclegirls
> Can we do it again only that this time you wont let me go and you will bitchslap me each time I complain or try to stop the sexing?

>> No.16821286
Quoted by: >>16821305

I have never played the game,isnt the child the one who inherits skills and bonuses from the parents?

>> No.16821287

What happens to the MGE setting if you were to bring it into space?

>> No.16821294
Quoted by: >>16821296

Tannuki in Space flying Star of David shaped ships.

>> No.16821296
Quoted by: >>16821678

I thought they would be more for the Latium pressed gold bars.

>> No.16821298

That's the god damn spirit, anon. Where others complained, you persevered for that good end.
Now you'll wake up every day sore and aching with a different towering hulking musclemonster on top of you, slamming into you as soon as they wake up and milking you like the communal bitchboy husband you are. Their one and only cum dispenser and muscle lubricator. Congratulations!

>> No.16821300
Quoted by: >>16821310

Slime girls become more spherical.

>> No.16821305

It's a different case in the mobage.

>> No.16821306

Everyone dies due to lack of oxygen, cold, outer space bacteria, passing meteors at ludicrous speeds and lack of anything for sustenance, including magic.

>> No.16821310
Quoted by: >>16821315

Single Slime girls all collectivize into one Big Slimeball, soaring thorough the cosmos in search of fluids and husbands. If it encounters fluids, they are drained and used to increase the Slimeball's mass. If it encounters life that includes cute boys, it fires thousands of tiny slime cores in a "raincloud" at the planet in a carpet bomb approach, hoping that one hits liquid and can grow large enough to facilitate the development of others. These minislimes seek out liquid and when they get large enough, will assault a husband.
Basically, a liquid-eating, Husband Seeking blob.
It propels itself by firing off its mass in slime missles, either with cores to eventually seed planets in deep space when they eventually hit something, too simplistic for the idea of boredom, or launches its liquid matter without cores for ordinary movement.

>> No.16821312

Jesus Christ.

>> No.16821315

That's adorable in an existential kind of way.
"Why do we seek? Why do we persevere, drifting endlessly among the cosmos, passing into time immemorial? The answer is simple...
...To find cute boys~!"

>> No.16821318
File: 152 KB, 700x591, gc1qI1x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flayers are nice girls who just want to love and help you. If you don't let her touch you with her tentacles, she'll cry. You don't want that, do you?

>> No.16821320
File: 32 KB, 234x167, KpT3PYm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flayers are for squeezing

>> No.16821324

I'll make her cry if it means she doesn't reenact Tentacle Girl Violate, the 2003 hentai smash hit, in my ear canals.

>> No.16821325
File: 686 KB, 626x1200, Weedflayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821347

What happened to the unspeaking, knowing smile of a secretive mindflayer? Where's the mystery? Where's the horror? At least Shogs get some loving for their wyrd side.

>> No.16821327
File: 103 KB, 850x724, sample_0712d7fb6e44e7188ff50aba1d83d83c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821337


>> No.16821337

Because fuck you.

>> No.16821347

>Weed flayer injects THC instead of demonic energy straight into your brain

>> No.16821351

Your Monstergirl of choice can only have ONE area be amazing while the others are just average.
Muscle (Or chub if you prefer)
Mofu/Scales/Tail/Monstrous parts
Which do you pick?

>> No.16821362
File: 519 KB, 1181x1748, tumblr_ob0kgr6Ynt1r8ououo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse
I need both muscle and tits
I don't care if I'm greedy

>> No.16821368

I want to be winghugged by my vampfu huge wings!

>> No.16821380
File: 68 KB, 540x678, b8bf7daf8d6843bd024d6e4f1a77f14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to have the biggest, fluffiest nine tails she can. I want her to molest me in those tails while she goes out and do normal everyday stuff.

>> No.16821389
Quoted by: >>16821395

The booty is most crucial part about a monstergirl compared to those choices

>> No.16821395
File: 846 KB, 1416x1000, 59355205_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16821401
Quoted by: >>16821403

>The order gets replaced with the galatic federation, aka the fun police.
>The demon lord now has to spread LOVE across the galaxy against the tyrannical Federation who wants everyone to focus on their job and science instead.

>> No.16821403

>DL discovers Phazon
>Shit goes south really quickly

>> No.16821407
File: 317 KB, 781x1017, 1485009484485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16821408

>Phazon gets monsterized

>> No.16821409

>Deamon realms are planet size.
>Monsters generally spread from planet to planet using portals instead.
>Sabbath is used to corrupt the morals of galactic federation worlds.
>Space Druella manages to steal an entire ringworld from the federation.

>> No.16821410

Stay dead traitor.

>> No.16821411
Quoted by: >>16821414

>Empress Ing

>> No.16821414

>Luminoth are a nomadic group of Mothmen with psychic powers who travels the starts

>> No.16821418

>That awkward moment when you and your tribe are just trying to lift some poor guy's spirit, but he runs away like a bat outta hell because he thinks you all want to murder and eat him him.
>In retrospect, prooobably should've explained what a haka is...

Being an Amazon in the big city is hard.

>> No.16821419


I do enjoy writing but I don't enjoy disappointing the audience, and this is coming from a guy worse than Bob,

>> No.16821423

If she doesn't touch me with her tentacles I'll be the one that's going to cry.

I like my girls average though.

>> No.16821429

Big, juicy, succulent thighs.

>> No.16821431
Quoted by: >>16821495

Mamono mana pretty much supplants the need to eat and drink. You can essentially live by just screwing, so there probably wouldn't be much of a need to take bathroom breaks. So yes, she would need to let you out for that. But then again, how does she go to the bathroom? Her main body is the "tongue" of the beast. The shell is just a shell. It's got soft fleshy inside, and she can control it, but it doesn't have its own stomach or anything like that.

>> No.16821444
File: 422 KB, 1006x1920, 1484334345086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk laden mammaries

>> No.16821449
File: 438 KB, 917x1920, molest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821456

That reminds me, I almost forgot to remind everyone that I really want to molest and FUCK this cow

>> No.16821455


> Goes to the Jinko a night that by some miracle Il not being fucked by anyone ane wake her up.
> Sorry for waking you up but..... I heard that Order Knights are nearby hunting down monster husbands for heresy. Can I sleep with you tonight? Is just that I feel really safe in your arms, more than with the other girls. Dont tell them though.

>> No.16821456

I swear I see these mages spammed every thread.

>> No.16821460


>> No.16821461
Quoted by: >>16821479

I just really like that cow is all.

>> No.16821462

>cow mages
wonder what cow magic would comprise of?

>> No.16821468

Milk maidery.
Cowbell sonic weaponry.
Earthquakes caused by tripping.

>> No.16821471
Quoted by: >>16821485

Alchemoo is different kinds of grasses or cud that they chew to gain boons and boosts
Lactomancy involves altering the milk within oneself and others to manipulate their bodies
These are great too

>> No.16821478

>The 8th level spell, Meteor Mammaries
>The Cow Mage propels herself into the air, then amplifies her downward momentum to slam her tits into either her opponent or the ground around them, creating a massive explosion of Demonic Energy and cracking the terrain

>> No.16821479

You don't need to spam them every goddamn thread.

>> No.16821485

>Can create high pressure milk cannons from her breasts to push foes back
>Nearly drowns her husband when she accidentally casts it during a nursing handjob

>> No.16821486
Quoted by: >>16821498

>Butter up
>A spell that makes physical attacks slide off her through slickness caused by handmade butter made from her own milk

>> No.16821488

>Cow mage is ready to unleash some AoE spells

>> No.16821495

Well, the Encyclopedia does say that they feed on wildlife, and considering how big sandworms are, I sort of figured they have similar anatomy to real world worms, only moved further back.

Technicalities aside, it would be an interesting life.

>> No.16821498
Quoted by: >>16821503

>Bessy's Sacred Entrancement
>The Cow Mage magically amplifies her voice, then lets out an arcane Moo, lulling anyone within range into a stupor

>> No.16821503

>Revenge Tipping
>Tips over target through a forceful wave spell
>Gets stronger the more times the caster is tipped over

>> No.16821508

>Holstaur mage and fighter hubby are traveling adventurers
>She sleeps standing up gently holding on to her gravity-defying staff
>every night at least once since he goes to sleep after her, he tips her over
>she pouts but he actually always catches her right before she hits the ground

>> No.16821512
Quoted by: >>16821519

>Mega Milk
>Boost all stats by 600% for 10 turns through nutritious and nutritious milk

>> No.16821517
File: 343 KB, 1002x1280, Holstaurus_profile4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821521

Anything with sleepy Holsts is cute.

>> No.16821519

>Warning: The side effects of this spell may influence your worn equipment. DO NOT CAST IN ARMOR

>> No.16821521

since cows come in herds imagine sleeping in the middle of a whole pile of holsts

>> No.16821524

>Moo moo moo, moo moo
>C is for Cow

>> No.16821526
Quoted by: >>16821537

Are they warm and soft?
Do they lightly moo in their sleep?

>> No.16821527
File: 1.11 MB, 998x1274, 1439903995035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look! She's still playing with dolls!

>> No.16821529
Quoted by: >>16821540

This cow is pretty impressive with all those OP milk spells. Would invite to party.

>> No.16821532
Quoted by: >>16821538

Wait a minute... That voice...! Its the Wurm!

>> No.16821534

>more retard Wurm schlock

>> No.16821536
Quoted by: >>16821538

>C is for Cow
That's not how Alphabet Wurm works.

>> No.16821537
File: 553 KB, 514x905, 1479077510941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821548

of course, soft light sleep moos, squishy soft warm bellies

>> No.16821538
Quoted by: >>16821543

She is a master of disguise!!

She works how she wants to. It's her job.

>> No.16821540
Quoted by: >>16821545

Cow Mage is a hardworking, earnest lady.
And she's not, in fact, a Hakutaku, though her cousin is.

>> No.16821543
Quoted by: >>16821551

>It's her job
Wish she was my job.

>> No.16821545

Hakutakus may be smart but they are more of fighters actually.

>> No.16821548
File: 93 KB, 850x800, dingn dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821552

I've still yet to be presented with a more comfortable Monstergirl fantasy than lying down with a herd of Holstaurs and maybe some more relaxed Minotaurs.
Don't get me wrong, they'd be my wives too, but just sleeping and relaxing during the day with em. I'm thinking six total.

>> No.16821551

>Alphabet Wurm boss
>"You've gotta emphasize more and show more emotion! If you don't shape up YOU'RE FIRED!"

>> No.16821552

imagine the nearby weresheep flock joining in

>> No.16821554

They're too busy being stuck in the fence again.

>> No.16821555

Oh no, that can't be good. I've heard of weresheep flocks sending entire farms to years of comfy sleep.

>> No.16821556
Quoted by: >>16821561

>You're a loose cannon! The Mayor came all over my ass last night!
Am I getting a new partner then?

>> No.16821557
Quoted by: >>16821562

Life shouldn't be so comfy
Dammit, now I'll have to add them too. That's 12!

>> No.16821561
Quoted by: >>16821569

No, you're getting direct supervision.
From the boss herself.

Her stand in, a Wurm fumo, will handle things in her absence.

>> No.16821562
Quoted by: >>16821573

and dont forget the sweet smell of the nearby cluster of flower alarune

>> No.16821566
Quoted by: >>16821570

Wurms aren't even intelligent enough to get into pre-school.

>> No.16821569

It's been too long since she's been in the field.

>> No.16821570

It's all a facade.
They're actually cunning.

>> No.16821573
Quoted by: >>16821578

>Alraune and Liliraune walk their roots over and lay down with the ever growing nap pile, letting off sweet smelling air to waft over the group as they bask in the sun and at the same time provide some shade for others
We're creating a cuddle singularity here
It'll become a Sleep Demon Realm

>> No.16821574
Quoted by: >>16821577

Wurms are Claudius now?

>> No.16821576
File: 1.95 MB, 2000x2595, 1490318860664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscle. A nice, perfectly toned, athletic body is all I desire from my wolfus.

>> No.16821577
Quoted by: >>16821593


Wurms have been playing 86962D chess this entire time.

>> No.16821578
Quoted by: >>16821586

now the nearby satyros group needs to bring over some fresh wine and the barometz as well
>tfw nothing better than MG farm life

>> No.16821586

Harem haters be damned, I'd marry the whole lot of them and live the comfiest life ever.

>> No.16821593
Quoted by: >>16821610

Well at least she'll make a better ruler than the guy who made his Centaur daki a senator.

>> No.16821607
Quoted by: >>16821612


Well. I read that wrong.

>> No.16821610

Caligula did nothing wrong.

>> No.16821612
Quoted by: >>16821616

>They're actually cumming
>"A is for-"
>Cums hard with an ahegao

>> No.16821614

>This is the price of ending the sameface syndrome

>> No.16821616
Quoted by: >>16821618

What is P for? Pregnancy or Penis?

>> No.16821618
Quoted by: >>16821627

>"P is for-"
>Holds up a positive pregnancy test

>> No.16821627
Quoted by: >>16821629

In that case I guess D would be for daughteru instead of dick.

>> No.16821629
Quoted by: >>16821637

>"T is for Twins"

>> No.16821637
Quoted by: >>16821641

S is definitely for surprised instead of sex then.

>> No.16821641
Quoted by: >>16821667

>"S is for Sadomasochism!"
>"Quiet, pet. I didn't permit you to speak."

>> No.16821646

i wanna plant my face right in her underarm

>> No.16821653
Quoted by: >>16821674

No matter where you look, you'll end up staring at fit, strong Monster Girls working out!

>> No.16821667
Quoted by: >>16821669

Wurminatrix? Domiwurm?

>> No.16821668
File: 948 KB, 1426x2048, C8U0ZQsVoAIXbrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821679

>> No.16821669

Wurminatrix works.

>> No.16821674

If they all look like that then I may even fall for the boyslut meme, as much as I usually disdain it

>> No.16821678

>not getting the reference

>> No.16821679

Mmm, slick tentacles.

>> No.16821682
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1600, 1490928486257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16821697

Otters are very smart!


>> No.16821692
File: 25 KB, 400x400, rabid pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slimes are for

>> No.16821695


>> No.16821696

Hogging the bathtub

>> No.16821697
Quoted by: >>16821703

It helps that they have nimble fingers.

>> No.16821701


>> No.16821703
Quoted by: >>16821714

It helps that they have fat otter butts.

>> No.16821707


>> No.16821708

Relaxing/sleeping inside. Also for getting massages from.
Dark slimes really are the best. Great magical power, and very intelligent, yet still all the benefits of being a slime.

>> No.16821714
Quoted by: >>16821718

And tough otter abs that you can eat off of.

>> No.16821718

>tfw no ottermode otter girl.

>> No.16821735
File: 788 KB, 1420x2100, YB3N3Rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quenching your thirst.

>> No.16821742

>Monster Enegry Drink
>Momster Energy Drink

>> No.16821746


>> No.16821748
Quoted by: >>16821750

>Slimes breastfeeding shotas with soda.
Is there no end to the depravity?

>> No.16821750
Quoted by: >>16821763

Dorome waffle batter.

>> No.16821763
Quoted by: >>16821767

No. You don't do that with waffle batter, that's just disgraceful.

Cookie dough, on the other hand...

>> No.16821767

But waffle Dorome.


>> No.16821770
Quoted by: >>16821785

One does not consume the waifu anon.
Unless she's a slime, then she might spread her jelly on things you eat.

>> No.16821771

What a slut

>> No.16821773

No, that's just horrifying. What happens if you mix it up and she gets put in the iron? Bad things, that's what.

>> No.16821777

>"It's warm and tingly, Anon!"

>> No.16821780

It's effectively intermediate bondage play.

>> No.16821784

Oh no, hot mud. Never heard of that before

>> No.16821785
Quoted by: >>16821789

Beer slime.

>> No.16821787

This makes no sense. Soda dehydrates you, so soda should make Suu smaller.

>> No.16821789

You're playing with forces beyond your control anon.

I think the rule is "fluids make her bigger." not specifically water.

>> No.16821795

Please, it's the sugar that dehydrates, not the soda. Besides, we all know that soda fountain drinks are no less than 98 percent water. 97 in the case of juice-drank stuff.

>> No.16821794


>> No.16821803

It's not salt water.
Soda hydrates you, just not a lot. Oftentimes, not as much as the water you're exerting to respire or sweat, which is why people go out with sodas and end up dehydrated. Pouring thimblefuls of water into a bucket with a hole the size of a golf ball, basically.

>> No.16821875
File: 638 KB, 1106x1400, 55e0fc5b4b4490bc40b52e4278733876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fat bear booty.

>> No.16821881
Quoted by: >>16821883

Slutty bear.

>> No.16821883
Quoted by: >>16821885

She just woke up. She's still groggy.

>> No.16821884

Grizzlies must have great tasting honeypots.

>> No.16821885
Quoted by: >>16821892

She doesn't look groggy at all.

>> No.16821892
Quoted by: >>16821900

It doesn't show physically for them.

>> No.16821897
Quoted by: >>16821898

I can't stand Kemono Friends' quad-ears.

>> No.16821898

Don't like Orin-ears either, huh?

>> No.16821900

I don't believe that.

>> No.16821906

Masochistic wolfus who love it when you pull their tails!

>> No.16821907

Masochistic Catfus who love being pet roughly.

>> No.16821909
File: 240 KB, 961x1000, C8H3pJrUMAc4Yb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's cow?

>> No.16821915

Sweating man dot jay peg

>> No.16821940
Quoted by: >>16821942

That sounds better suited for a Kakuen.

>> No.16821942
Quoted by: >>16821946

Anon, you don't know what forces you're toying with.
A masochistic Kakuen might be something you can't pull out of when she starts begging you to make her pussy your personal onahole while you spank her and yank her tail.

>> No.16821946
Quoted by: >>16821948

Is this supposed to deter me from fucking a masochistic Kakuen? Because if so it's not.

>> No.16821948
Quoted by: >>16822020

But what happens when she collapses in pleasure with her fat ass hanging in the air anon?
Would you do the right thing and cuddle her to sleep while stroking her hair and whispering sweet things into her ears when it's all said and done?
Would you want to wake up with her plump tits wrapped around your dick and her kissable lips wrapped around the head?

>> No.16822020
Quoted by: >>16822035

Anon, any man that does not take responsibility when the act of love making is over is a man that does not deserve love.

>> No.16822035

I hope you're ready for an incredibly affectionate Kakuen to rub her face against yours in her sleep.
I hope you're ready to wake up to the happiest kakuen you've ever seen, happy to see that you're real.

>> No.16822041

I'm more than ready, anon.
The fact that I will never get to experience this is heartbreaking.

>> No.16822042
Quoted by: >>16822045

>A Chubby Kakuen will never crawl into your tent at night, while on your journey through a jungle.
>She will never slip into your sleeping bag and cuddle you throughout the night.

>> No.16822045
Quoted by: >>16822062

The only Kakuens that should exist should be petite, /fit/ and strongfat ones.

>> No.16822062
Quoted by: >>16822074

So you'd be okay with a tall strongfat Kakuen wrapping her thick thighs around your waist and giving you a big warm hug with her tits acting as pillows?

>> No.16822074
Quoted by: >>16822085

That is a hard bargain. Built in pillows on a very muscular girl is a fantastic combo.

>> No.16822085
Quoted by: >>16822094

And that's not even factoring in the lewdness of vaginal muscle control.
She could probably slip your dick inside of her and milk you dry without either of you moving at all.

>> No.16822094

That's the best part about muscle monstergirls, even on top of the natural ability for Monstergirls to use pussymilking techniques. But even better if there's that added softness.

>> No.16822095
File: 439 KB, 700x976, 1490560007324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else like red demons with black underwear?

>> No.16822099
File: 1.06 MB, 1501x2178, oc__myserra_by_splashbrush-db0m0x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822102

Of coursh

>> No.16822100
Quoted by: >>16822107

I prefer blue, but red's good too.
The nice thing with Demons is you can have both depending on how good she is at body changing magic.
Makes for some nice roleplaying fodder.

>> No.16822102

I require more red demons with black underwear and black lipstick. This makes my dick harder than diamonds.

>> No.16822107
File: 432 KB, 700x941, 1482641340243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's precisely how I imagine it too. Seems totally within reason for magic.
Batter up chief.

>> No.16822109
File: 507 KB, 700x906, Love Brunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16822112
File: 261 KB, 540x743, Tshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822127


>> No.16822122

Demons are scary, you would never be sure if what you're doing is going against her plan or playing right into it!

>> No.16822126
File: 240 KB, 540x743, Trick or treat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't suddenly die now, unless you want the Wisps claiming you and going through your internet search history.

>> No.16822127

I know these pictures are meant to give people boners, but all I can imagine is a monstergirl with a serious case of brand loyalty.
It's cuter than it is sexy.

But anon, that's half the fun of dating a Demon!

>> No.16822129
File: 213 KB, 540x780, Rut my Rudy Red Rump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822137

>She's actually paid to wear them

>> No.16822133
Quoted by: >>16822142

That's why you make your own plans. Since they're super scheming doters that try and always do what will make you happiest, if you have your OWN plans that they don't know about, it flusters them when they have to move on the fly to adjust and make you happier within your own plans.
Like when she wants to surprise you by taking you to a fancy restaurant one day but you surprise her by saying you've reserved a spot at the beach, and she has to call like 20 people to change plans and not let you find out.

>> No.16822137
Quoted by: >>16822145

>Not wanting to ask a demon why she has so many sets of clothes made by one designer only for her to sheepishly admit "They're just the comfiest."

>> No.16822142
Quoted by: >>16822152

If you're not playing Battle Tendency level mindgames with your Demon Waifu to try one up each other during your anniversary date then what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.16822143
Quoted by: >>16822146

Well I don't see any fun in it, having to walk on eggshells because you're never sure if she'll be disguised as a deliveryman asking you for your signature is no fun at all!

>> No.16822145
File: 264 KB, 540x638, Camwhoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822149

That or she likes the attention.

>> No.16822146

Anon, the only thing you can do is sign the contract, look her dead in the eyes, and then kiss her dead on the lips.
Fluster that cute demon anon.

>> No.16822149
Quoted by: >>16822157

Anon, trust me. The only attention of that sort a Demon would be trying to get is the man she wants as a husband.

>> No.16822150
Quoted by: >>16822156

Stop! These demons are doing things to my dick! Foul demonic beasts!

>> No.16822152
File: 213 KB, 750x1500, 6159defa90bba5baacf7e594eb53f137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, yet god damn right mane. To each their own, but the fun of such an intelligent Monstergirl wife is being able to banter and go back and forth in every area. Intellectually, physically, switching in bed, its the stimulation of it all. At least for me.

>> No.16822156
File: 1.89 MB, 1731x2000, 1355eda47d14d68cd3e79bc4ab4d0b49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor little human boy.

>> No.16822157
Quoted by: >>16822172

What if she's camwhoring for her husband over seas?

>> No.16822163

If I ever had the chance to waifu a demon, I think I'd go with red skin. Blue berry is still great though. I'm just more of a cherry man myself.

>> No.16822164
File: 424 KB, 800x1200, __original_drawn_by_mimizu_tokagex__65dd7b87467f9389cb365de8649071d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822173

This artist knows how to control my dick better than I do.

>> No.16822167
Quoted by: >>16822169

What about fruit punch?

>> No.16822169
Quoted by: >>16822170

Oh? Do go on.

>> No.16822170

Dark, deep red like wine, basically.

>> No.16822172

>"See darling? I got us reservations at a fancy restaurant!"
>I knew you'd do that, so I pulled some strings with a friend to get the most scenic table!
>"Aha! I knew that you knew I'd choose this restaurant so I made sure they would set out their most comfortable seats tonight!"
>I knew that you knew that I knew you did that so I hired a flash mob to perform outside while we eat!
>"And I knew that you knew that I knew that you knew that I chose here, so I hired a secondary flash mob to work with the one you hired!"
>And I knew that you knew that I knew that you knew that I knew you'd choose here so I got my friends to set off fireworks when I pop you the most important question of our lives.
And that my friend is how you outwit and fluster a demon on the most important date you'll ever have.

Anon, you're treading on dangerous ground here.

>> No.16822173
Quoted by: >>16822185

There's a whole rainbow to choose from and it's all goooooood.
Right? Dem hips.
Oh now hold on just one second there, I gotta try that.

>> No.16822178
Quoted by: >>16822185

You've officially piqued my interest

>> No.16822179

>Internally screaming in both agony at being truly outschemed as well as squealing in girlish bliss at being wedded
That's how you get that real weird back and forth sex goin on in bed that night. Where one second she's on her back wanting you to make her yours and the next you're on your back with her whipping you to tell you you're hers.
Ah, love in the truest form. Makes my heart ache.

>> No.16822184
Quoted by: >>16822187

Dangerous how?
She could be masturbating and lewdly dancing for her husband while he works in an office on the other side of the globe.
She'll constantly tease him, saying she'll do so many things to him once he gets back.

When he does, she will flat out jump him and get straight to business without undressing.

>> No.16822185
Quoted by: >>16822192

Wait, is recolor guy going to do it?!

>> No.16822187
Quoted by: >>16822189

The term "camwhoring" has connotations anon.
Connotations that do not imply "sending her husband sexy videos".
There's a reason "whoring" is in that word anon.

>> No.16822189

True true.

What would her putting on a show for him with her single Hakutaku friend count as?

>> No.16822192

Son, someone talked about a different color for a Demon
The hell you think I'm good for if I don't stay up at 3AM on a work night doin requests like that? Gimme a minute.

>> No.16822194
Quoted by: >>16822196


Did you do the Cupid colored Lilim/Demon by any chance?

>> No.16822195

Oh thanks man. It's going to look great.

>> No.16822196

That one was really hard to make work with the Demon because her hair is so dark, so the pink wasn't comin out well. I'll give a try at the lilim part of it, but again it's kinda hard turning dark into light with just the real caveman methods I use. But I'll look at it this weekend(tm)

>> No.16822198
File: 302 KB, 637x900, 9ccade3417ea4db20f3762e1b89c75f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cow.

>> No.16822199
Quoted by: >>16822200

Boys should be taught that if they sign a Demon's contract that they should add in that said Demon cannot do anything lewd to them until they are of legal age and have graduated from a top level university.

>> No.16822200

>implying such a Ara Ara goddess of seduction isn't going to find loopholes

If you sign a contract with a Demon, no matter what contract it is. You're going to get raped. You're going to hell raped whether you like it or not.

>> No.16822202

Not rape if I want it and rape her first.

>> No.16822204
Quoted by: >>16822207

That's why he's going to have his Tanuki mother read the contract over for him.

>> No.16822206
Quoted by: >>16822208

>Ara Ara Demon spends time to grind her hips against anon when she's inches away from stealing his virginity.
>He grabs her by the hips and steals her virginity instead.

>> No.16822207
Quoted by: >>16822216

>raping the demon

Impossible since she wants it. You think shoving your dick down her throat is rape? Ha! She likes it!

Well then. That boy better be prepared for High Impact Virginity Swiping Sex when he's of the age.

>> No.16822208
Quoted by: >>16822241

Which virginity though?
I'd like it if he stole her anal first and made her a butt slut

>> No.16822216
Quoted by: >>16822218

I don't even want to imagine how hard a Demon would rape a man if she was blue ovaried for more than 12 years.

>> No.16822218

So hard she'd get pregnant with quadruplets.

>> No.16822227
File: 734 KB, 830x1200, Wine Demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ye go. No tweaks tonight unless its a quick eye color change cause I gotta sleep.
Looks very drinkable.

>> No.16822229
File: 272 KB, 868x1300, Babylon_c003_p006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reminder that this exists and that you should be reading it.

>> No.16822231
Quoted by: >>16822239

Holy shit muh fucking dick. Thanks for this demon fag, you're doing god's work.

>> No.16822234
Quoted by: >>16822252

Looks good, source though?

>> No.16822235

Mmm, scrumptious. Another one for the recolour album.

>> No.16822239
Quoted by: >>16822243

What a particularly funny turn of phrase, but thanks!
Thanks for making that by the way, it's quite nice to not have anything goin back to me.

Gnight thread.

>> No.16822240

Nipple spikes

>> No.16822241

There'll be time for both.

>> No.16822243

Night night

>> No.16822244
Quoted by: >>16822247


>> No.16822247


New wine colour is at the end of the red skintones, just before the blonde.

>> No.16822249

Jesus they're building an army

>> No.16822252

Filename/image search/you should know the artist regardless

>> No.16822255
File: 736 KB, 1024x768, Head pats make everything better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822259

This Demon army can invade me any time.

>> No.16822259
Quoted by: >>16822268

I want my Demon waifu to sit on my lap and just spend an entire rainy day cuddling me with her legs wrapped around my waist and her wings wrapped around the rest of me!
I want to feel the warmth of her skin against mine!

>> No.16822268
Quoted by: >>16822270

>Not smothering your dick with her super sweet mega cunt

>> No.16822270
Quoted by: >>16822283

Some days you just want something comfy anon.
You can't have days of sex and lust without the comfy days of cuddles and nose nuzzling.

>> No.16822273

I really like the very last one, for some reason reminds me of stereotypical sinster dracula or something

>> No.16822283
Quoted by: >>16822289

If your waifu breathes heavily and gives you that look you better spend all day having sex
Cuddles are nice and all but monster girls have their need

>> No.16822288
File: 683 KB, 1019x1208, 1454959599917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy thighs

>> No.16822289

Comfy rainy days are for snug anon.
Me and her fuck enough that she doesn't have to worry.

>> No.16822313

I want to see a March Hare struggling to ask Anon out because all she thinks about is how hard he is going to breed her afterwards

>> No.16822339 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 523x600, 1491470278825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Scanty variation


>> No.16822362
Quoted by: >>16822365

I want to bury my face in a Dorome's thighs

>> No.16822365

But that's just a facefull of mud.

>> No.16822383

Many thanks and sorry for replying to an hours old post, I ended up falling asleep.

>> No.16822401
Quoted by: >>16822420

I know a lot of people have a problem with Barb's faces. But I like them, they're kind of realistic but in a way done very well to make it look both fantastic and realistic.

I don't know why but they make me happy to see.

>> No.16822406
Quoted by: >>16823851

Did demonfag ever post the recolors he was going to work on last weekend?

>> No.16822410
File: 110 KB, 447x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anutha one

>> No.16822415


>> No.16822416
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x1400, ibises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822432


>> No.16822420

Most people seem to like them now, it's usually just one guy who will call it sameface like a broken record and shut up when people present him with an actual argument.

>> No.16822421
File: 987 KB, 1546x2000, anonmd_dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commissioner here
Damn good job melon

>> No.16822425

Thanks for that man

>> No.16822432

Stupid extinct birds

>> No.16822441
Quoted by: >>16822446

They won't be extinct with your help.

>> No.16822443
Quoted by: >>16822449

An evil Dragon!

>> No.16822444
File: 320 KB, 1117x1674, 61382388_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scarlet Ibis is not extinct!

>> No.16822446

I wonder how many monster girls use this excuse to get dick

>> No.16822449

I wonder what the life of a servant to a Evil Dragon is like.

I'd love to be her loyal and submissive servant

>> No.16822450
Quoted by: >>16822454

Only the rare ones.

>> No.16822453
File: 98 KB, 858x1300, Babylon_c003_p005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be the last human drifting through space to find a sweet alien womb and save your species

>> No.16822454
Quoted by: >>16822461

How would you react if a common Slime used it on you?

>> No.16822461
Quoted by: >>16822465

I'd agree and tell her we urgently need to repopulate her race.

>> No.16822465
Quoted by: >>16822469

Replace alien with monster girl and you've got a sweet story going

Good man, knowing how dumb slimes are she might actually believe it too

>> No.16822468

What would your life be with your waifu?
Would you go adventure or would it be more of a slice-of-life thing? Would you continue to live your life similar to how you are now or would there be radical chances?

>> No.16822469


Slimes are infact the most intelligent species. Prove me wrong.

>> No.16822471
Quoted by: >>16822540

Slice of life any day. I respect people who want to go on adventures, but a comfy relaxed life is more of what I want.

But I'd still go on a few adventures in my life with her.

>> No.16822475
Quoted by: >>16822478

Sauce pls

>> No.16822476
Quoted by: >>16822482

For the most part they're not too bright.
Dark Slimes are pretty smart though. They even get spellcasting.

>> No.16822478
Quoted by: >>16822541


>> No.16822482
Quoted by: >>16822497

If you look up the student statistics at MGC Universities you'll see that Slimes dominate fields like Math and Science.

Stop being so ignorant, slime a smart

>> No.16822489
Quoted by: >>16822540

Slice of life with yeti waifu in the mountains, helping wendigos and white horns in need of assistance

>> No.16822497
Quoted by: >>16822511

Then tell me why ALL of them only pass their classes because their tests are covered in goo and the teachers just won't bother trying to actually read them

The specifics of my waifu aside, life with an Atlach-Nacha is pretty straight forward
You either become one with her and spin the web endlessly
Or you live a constant power struggle where you alternate between her lolidoming you and you doming her
You can also break the cycles with some comfy times but it seems hard to convince a chaos spider that there are things in life other than spinning the web and having sex

>> No.16822508

No adventures but living in her home region would be nice. Patrolling the area, helping with her daily tasks and doing some cooking.

I just want a quiet life in the official setting.

>> No.16822511
Quoted by: >>16822525

>Then tell me why ALL of them only pass their classes because their tests are covered in goo and the teachers just won't bother trying to actually read them

That's racist. Stop being racist against slimes. They're smart and intelligent girls.

>> No.16822514
Quoted by: >>16822519

>Would you go adventure or would it be more of a slice-of-life thing?
Both. I wasn't just shitposting earlier when I said I wanted to build a railroad with waifu.
Fuckin' nothin' more comfy than chuggin' along on rails across the world in a big-ass house-train, toot toot'n away, chatting up people at every stop and making a swell time of it.

>> No.16822519
Quoted by: >>16822565

You make a good point because that does sound very comfy.

Is this a passenger train or a person house train? Or both?

>> No.16822525
File: 309 KB, 329x463, 212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822530

It's not racist to point out the obvious
Slimes have plenty of great characteristics and they make for lovely wives
It's not like being dumb makes them bad in any way, simple species are the best

>> No.16822529
Quoted by: >>16822540

Slice of life for maximum comfy

>> No.16822530

I guess you're right then. And that's true they do make great wives.

Simple girls a cute

>> No.16822540

That sounds so nice and comfy, the Wendigos would invite you to their BBQs as thanks and the White Horns would bring you gifts from their bits of travelling
You could also save the men who get lost and set them up with your wife's friends so they get to experience a comfy winter life too

>Slice of life
Are you ready for the beach and the summer festival episodes?

What species are your waifus? It's hard to visualize anything if you don't give out at least this much detail

>> No.16822541
Quoted by: >>16822556



OK. Reverse image search is giving me nothing and I don't recognized the artist. Babylon is not giving me anything specify. Any additional clues like the name of the artist?

>> No.16822546
Quoted by: >>16822578

>What species are your waifus?

Anubis. We'd live a comfy live in the Green Demon realm of the desert. The desert kingdom.

>> No.16822547
Quoted by: >>16822578

As for me, she's an Inari.

>> No.16822548
Quoted by: >>16822578

>What species are your waifus?
I was >>16822508 and she's an Oomukade. Hunting would also be part of the daily routine and with her body she would probably be a lot better at it than me but I would have to learn to use a bow or something.

>> No.16822549
Quoted by: >>16822578

A Wight who's never known commoner life for me.

>> No.16822556
File: 416 KB, 1095x1600, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822572

If you know where to search then Babylon is all you need.

>> No.16822557

>>you will never be the last human drifting through space and eventually die alone in your space coffin along with your species' legacy

>> No.16822565

It's a passenger train, primarily.
The first car is just a dedicated house car that looks like a little living room and a kitchen, with a small bathroom behind said kitchen. Basically one of those VIP lounge cars. The bed is up with the engine and folds out of the wall.
The caboose is the only real freight car, in case people are moving long distance and need a place to put all their shit.

>> No.16822572
Quoted by: >>16822581

Found it. Thankfully downloading the image and uploading the image to google search did the trick. Found it in a 4chan archive.

I am soo sorry for not having enough knowledge of the internet to know where to search. For anyone who doesn't know, search for 'How many light-years to Babylon'

I'm also guessing this pic is of a different artist. And the file name doesn't indicate the title so I don't fucking know where to fucking start.

>> No.16822578

Life with an Anubis in her native region doesn't sound all that comfy unless you're into hard work, self improvement and so on
She is going to give you a strict schedule to live by and she'll have to watch over the Mummies for the Pharaoh

If I was to guess, you and her would work on average 5 hours a day with a lot of variance (some days 8h+ other days 0h, etc...)

Living in Zipangu with an Inari has to be top 10 most comfy lives
Would you let her run the fox shrine, or do you prefer letting her retire and having no duty to worry about?

I never associated Oomukades with any sorts of activities, they seem like hikikomoris who do nothing but dwell in their cave waiting for a man to pass by
In fact they are one of the most troublesome species, they're clingy, they want to live in quiet dark places, they'll inject you with venom and rape you whenever, etc...

>Patrolling the area, helping with her daily tasks and doing some cooking.
You're planning on making her a proper, civilized wife?

>A Wight who's never known commoner life for me.
She'd have her own kingdom, castle, servants and everything right?
Life in such a luxurious environment does sound extremely comfy but you'd have to make an effort o variety and setup parties, balais, theater plays, etc... to keep it fresh and entertaining

>> No.16822581
File: 299 KB, 700x714, smug fennec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822583

>I'm also guessing this pic is of a different artist. And the file name doesn't indicate the title so I don't fucking know where to fucking start.
There's just no helping these newfriends.

>> No.16822583

Stop the smug mofu. They make me angry with how smug they are.

>> No.16822586
Quoted by: >>16822626

I live with a Lich. Undead kingdoms are the most comfy thing ever.

>> No.16822595
Quoted by: >>16822626

You think it doesn't sound that comfy? I never really thought of it as being not comfy, it always sounded nice and kind of relaxed to me.

I mean I wouldn't be "working" myself. But I can see my waifu doing about 5 hours and sometimes 8h+ like you said. Of course she'd get days off. And I don't mind living by a schedule where she constantly tries to help me improve myself. I'd do it for her, anon.

>> No.16822598

We'd spend many days in a SoL styled life in her castle, reading together and playing games together, training together eating, cooking and sleeping together. Some times she'd be called on to join meetings between those who manage the kingdom and sometimes I'd be present and some times I'd not.

And I'd spend most my free time in the persuit if perfection. First is swordplay and then it's magic, and then it's archery and then its literally whatever take my fancy.

Maybe on out 700th anniversary we'll take a vacation as I pursue the art of cooking, and we'll tour all the continent's dungeons and cook each monster we find within. All except for the ones with tits.

>> No.16822599
Quoted by: >>16822626

>You're planning on making her a proper, civilized wife?
Quite the opposite, I want to live the primitive life style with her in a cave. We could leave the cave to patrol the near by area for trouble, kill a wild boar and take it back to the cave. When I say cooking I mean simple stuff like making stews, roasting animals over an open fire and other basic meals. It's not much but I want to be useful to her.

Other than that I'm okay with her being super clingy because I would be too, as long as I could have lovey dovey sex with venom involved then I wouldn't need society or anything.

>> No.16822612
Quoted by: >>16822675

I would use the power of Demonic Energy to continually improve myself and our lives. Not to create a Demon Realm or anything, just to get stronger and smarter while my Inari Wife gains tails. We'd probably live in a large city and she'd own a hidden shrine in one of the parks.

I would live mostly my same life, except with the support of someone who loves me and the power to do anything with that love. Especially if that means protecting my Waifu. I'll fight with all my heart to protect her.

>> No.16822613
Quoted by: >>16822643

Nice lewd dragon.

>> No.16822626

Comfy and creepy
Does she do all the usual Lich experiment stuff? That doesn't sound all that comfy

>it always sounded nice and kind of relaxed to me.
Some people enjoy work and guidance in their lives, others just want to be lazy hedonistic fucks

>I mean I wouldn't be "working" myself.
She might want you to work out and study though
I hope you're ready for the day she order you to read "How to educate your Anubis daughter vol.1"

Life in the wild is very underrated,
With the demonic beasts, plants/fruits growing so abundantly and nature being pretty much devoid of any dangerous sickness it's pretty easy to enjoy a comfy life secluded in the wild and still have access to the comfort of a safe shelter and tasty cooked foods

>> No.16822643
Quoted by: >>16822667

I want a big, muscled dragon to try and care for me when I'm sick.

>> No.16822646
Quoted by: >>16822681

>She'd have her own kingdom, castle, servants and everything right?
Yep. In exchange for her teaching me high society etiquette I'd bring her to a fast food joint or an arcade

I'd also buy stuff like cup ramen or TV dinners. She seems to be fascinated by those for some reason.

>> No.16822649
Quoted by: >>16822681

>Some people enjoy work and guidance in their lives, others just want to be lazy hedonistic fucks

I think I fall under enjoying work and guidance, that's what I like to imagine with my Anubis atleast. Maybe not being the most active of people but I'm sure my Anubis will help me with that.

>She might want you to work out and study though

No doubt about that. It would be out of her species nature not to do so, I can imagine her giving me books and lessons in our spare time so she can't teach and make me work. Not sure what she'd want me to do physically for work though. Guess I'll give it some thought.


The day I shed a tear of happiness. That actually really cute anon. Thanks for making my day happier.

>> No.16822667

I want my dragon to panic when I get sick because her precious treasure is "dying".

>> No.16822672
File: 277 KB, 600x1000, 1478985059607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822691

kinda like this?

>> No.16822675

>Brother Vincent, look! That blasphemer is out in public again!
>He is only buying coffee. We face more pressing matters.
>Apprehending enemies of the Chief God is hardly unimportant.
>Yes, but we must pick our battles.
>You will allow heresy to continue unopposed?
>He has a habit of flinging our soldiers through walls, Vince. Seriously. We've lost a small army trying to purge him.
>WAIT! He only harms the violent ones, and nope that's another unconscious Paladin.
>You're paying for the damages.

>> No.16822681

It's weird how undeads are made for fantastic fantasy yet their best home is a modern setting
You definitely won't have to worry about keeping it fresh with technology and a whole culture to discover

>Maybe not being the most active of people but I'm sure my Anubis will help me with that.
It's hard to get going but once you are it becomes hard to stop, all you need is a little push from your waifu

>Not sure what she'd want me to do physically for work though
I'd bet nothing too hard, she wants you to be /fit/ enough to stay healthy and be able to princess carry her easily

>> No.16822683
Quoted by: >>16822691

>Husband gets a cold
>Big, muscled dragon wraps around the man, unwilling to let him go until he's better, and maybe a little after that.

>> No.16822688
Quoted by: >>16822700


She's a big girl, anon.

>> No.16822689

It would be a mix of adventure and SoL for us. Not adventure in sense that we'd be running around fighting things, but rather travelling, visiting different regions and seeing the world together. Eventually we'd settle down in a nice secluded area, and then start our family there and begin the maximum comfiness aspect of our lives.

>> No.16822691
Quoted by: >>16822696

Like I get a fever and cough a lot and she just jumps at me with wing hugs, cuddles and making me promise that I will get better. Then she starts learning "how to treat your sick husband" by a Lich.

Dragons a cute.

>> No.16822696
Quoted by: >>16822701

That they are, even when overly tall and overly muscled.

>> No.16822700
Quoted by: >>16822715

>fantastic fantasy
Meant medieval fantasy

For you
All the more reason to give it your all and make her proud

>> No.16822701
Quoted by: >>16822708

I actually prefer mine average. Huge buff dragons can be fun to tease but I just enjoy a normal one better.
Little ones are for cuddles unless they have big tails.

>> No.16822705 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 360x270, 1491482236846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Gremlin Waifu and I will protect the world together. With technology from a lost civilization that only we understand.



>> No.16822708
Quoted by: >>16822732

I'd want big ones, the biggest of dire dragons that I can lightly tease or do cutethings with.

>> No.16822713
Quoted by: >>16822718

>That gif
Are you aware that this is extreme gore in the eyes of Automatons?

>> No.16822715

>All the more reason to give it your all and make her proud

Of course. I'd build muscle and make her the proudest girl she could possibly be. I'll do it for her so I can princess carry her and make her feel like a princess. I'll do it so she can have a /fit/ body to cuddle at night. I want to be the house husband she can show off and be proud of.

And will come in handy when she's in heat

>> No.16822718

This is why you don't let Automatons discover 4chan. She might get the idea that humanity is unsalvageable and start arming herself with gas cansiters.

>> No.16822719

I agree. I want my wife to be challenging, more than capable of standing on her own, questioning what I have fallen to think as norms, the constant provocation between us improving both of us. Mutual smugness and arrogance making us quite a dangerous pair.

I just want a mature, intelligent monstergirl to work hard for.

Since all my life plans start with "once I get past this stage..." I would like to think I meet my wife earliest as I'm finishing my thesis. Adventure for sure, and while I prefer modern settings, it won't matter as much as reaching out for boundaries and going past them, to the unknown where we have not yet stepped, pushing the limits and taboos, seeking future at cost of taking personal risks.

I have lived silently and reserved my whole life, "once I get past this stage" I want to loud and bold.

>> No.16822721
Quoted by: >>16822744

That's odd. I always envisioned a Team Rocket/Doronbo Gang dynamic with my Gremlinfu as we "burninated" the countryside for shits and giggles.

>> No.16822722

Is there such a thing as a mech design which is more sexy and meaty as the Big O? I don't think there is.

>> No.16822727

>come home from work
>thread was overrun by demons while I was gone
Let me guess, everyone got whisked away and I was left behind.

>> No.16822732
Quoted by: >>16822737

I can see myself hanging out with a big one or two, but an average one already stole my heart. I enjoy them more too since I'm a switch and while I'm mostly in the sub side I do like domming my lizard and doing it to a huge one would look weird.

>> No.16822737
Quoted by: >>16822754

Thats an odd way of spelling 'the greatest.'
But that's fine.
I'm a switch too, I just happen to like big girls, no matter what kind of big it is.

>> No.16822740
Quoted by: >>16822756

>Does she do all the usual Lich experiment stuff?
Yes. All of it. Even the more extreme ones from time to time..
>That doesn't sound all that comfy
The experiments themselves aren't comfy, no. But it was draining on me or anything she always cuddles with me until I get my strength back. And I love kuu-dere cuddles.

>> No.16822744 [SPOILER] 
File: 982 KB, 500x281, 1491483142226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822813

There's always the heroic version of that! Travel across the country bringing destructive justice to evil, blowing things up as necessary.

Whether it's impossible or laughable, great beings open up paths of battle!

If there's a wall, we break it down! If there's no path, we make one with these hands!


We just asked you to take care of some burglaries! Stop yelling!

>> No.16822747

What MG would like anal the most?

>> No.16822749

A shirime girl.

>> No.16822750
File: 142 KB, 715x1000, 45942058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you gotta keep assking this?

>> No.16822753

I haven't fapped to anything not anal related in a month, please send help.

>> No.16822754

I just find it hard imagining myself making a big muscle dragon my lizard. Sounds hot on paper but imagining her all cutesy and stuff is not for me.
An average one though can go to all sides, so I prefer those.

>> No.16822756

>And I love kuu-dere cuddles.
Oh man that sounds heavenly, definitely worth all the weird stuff she'd make you go through

This >>16822750
Also Anubis wouldn't have such great asses if they weren't into anal I'm sure loli-anubisfag agrees with this

>> No.16822758

I love her outfit. It's both pure and seductive.

Those sandles are also very cute!

>> No.16822761
Quoted by: >>16822779

>Also Anubis wouldn't have such great asses if they weren't into anal I'm sure loli-anubisfag agrees with this

I wholeheartedly approve of this message. The anubutt is a magical thing and hard to comprehend on why it's so amazing. Whether you like it on a mature Anubis body or on a Lolinubis. It's great either way and in my personal opinion built for anal and worship.

>> No.16822762

I'd like to fall asleep with a Kitsune on the floor of her shrine, hugging her tails for warmth as the wind blows through the cracks in the wall.

>> No.16822766


It has sex woven into every fibre. Most of it is either string or transparent. Lingerie covers more skin than it does.
Nothing about it is pure.

>> No.16822767

The jingle of wind chimes gently swaying in the wind, the predictable clacks of the traditional japanese water fountain thing, the sun starting to set on the horizon while she gently strokes your hair with her fingers. It's enough to purify a man of evil thoughts.

>> No.16822770

>the predictable clacks of the traditional japanese water fountain thing
Do you hear that, Jinkos? It goes DONK.

>> No.16822771

I guess, I just got the pure vibe from it. The colour is just "clean" and quite beautiful.

>> No.16822772

Purely seductive

>> No.16822774
Quoted by: >>16822781

I can't tell whether you're making fun of me, jinkos, or both.

>> No.16822775
Quoted by: >>16822781

>Devil Bugs making cicada noises

>> No.16822776


>> No.16822779
File: 522 KB, 1320x2000, __anubis_original_drawn_by_houtengeki__4d98d6ad0811a3d7d5794ec4544ec960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You speak the truth! There would be nothing better than bending my Anubis over as we used the baths in the palace, and gently pounding away on her sizeable ass as I kissed and groped her from behind.

>> No.16822781

>Stop moaning on trees dammit

I'm just donking the jinkos, anon. Don't worry about it.

>> No.16822786
Quoted by: >>16822806

That's the colour white for you.
You're probably getting that vibe so much because the white is so visible against her skin.

There should be a day every yer where every anubis must wear nothing but white. White swimsuits, white dresses, white tops, white lingerie, white bodysuits and bodystockings, white pantyhose, and so on. Even the engineer and mechanic anubi, wearing white overalls, despite how easily it'll show up oil and dirt.
If they get seen not wearing 100% white in public during this day, it's a crime they need to be lightly punished for.

>> No.16822790

I want to tease the haughty, pudgy anubis in charge of the labor slaves!

>> No.16822792


>> No.16822795 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16822802

>Go to a shrine to make a donation.
>Cute human Kimos smile at you,
>One of them asks if you'd like a tour of the inside.
>You ask if that's okay. She assures you it is.
>Casually slides open the door. Fucking cute Inari inside, reading JoJo.
>"Like you asked."
>The Inari stares at you in disbelief. She has at least five tails.
>"He really doesn't have a wife? You asked?"
>"He's here alone. I couldn't believe it either, but I guess you lucked out."

>> No.16822799
Quoted by: >>16822816

>Go to a shrine to make a donation.
>Cute human Mikos smile at you, Not Kimos. What the hell is a Kimo?
>One of them asks if you'd like a tour of the inside.
>You ask if that's okay. She assures you it is.
>Casually slides open the door. Fucking cute Inari inside, reading JoJo.
>"Like you asked."
>The Inari stares at you in disbelief. She has at least five tails.
>"He really doesn't have a wife? You asked?"
>"He's here alone. I couldn't believe it either, but I guess you lucked out."

>> No.16822800

I can see what you're saying, the design and color somehow make it pure or cute even though it's lewd at the same time. It would be a perfect outfit for a lolinubis with a big butt.

>> No.16822802

Even houtengeki's anubis girl doesn't win me over when it comes to anal.
Sure, I'd worship that ass. But even when it comes to anubi, I can't find the thought of anal sex appealing, really.

>Fucking cute Inari inside, reading JoJo
She better not be some entry-level casual.

>> No.16822805
File: 899 KB, 635x903, 1392840720562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822825

>entry-level casual
What do you mean by this? Depending on your answer I might have to kick your ass!

>> No.16822806

Fine taste my man. Fine taste. I'd gently make anal sex to mine from behind while massaging her and kissing her back. The light giggle of her butt when I'd go in for slow thrusts would be something to savour.

It's another experience when she is smaller because I can hold her close, have free access to massage and grope her whole body, I can sit her in my lap and do it or I could gently lay her head into the pillows while her butt is in the air and I gently make love to it.

Or maybe when she feeds me a raging mushroom I give her a hard and rough pounding

Whatever way I don't mind, it's her call.

>There should be a day every yer where every anubis must wear nothing but white. White swimsuits, white dresses, white tops, white lingerie, white bodysuits and bodystockings, white pantyhose, and so on.

I have zero objections to this. Personally I think white on delicious brown looks god tier and my waifu would be wearing lovely white robes and clothes all the time. She knows how good it looks aswell.

And I know the other Anubisfag's waifu likes wearing white, she's proof that Anubi look great in it.

>> No.16822809

>She better not be some entry-level casual.
Her favorite JoJo is whoever yours is.

>> No.16822813

Nah, we'll be the nefarious ne'er-do-well duo that levels the candy shop because they closed an hour early.
And than we'll build a new one in it's place and sell cheap candy at ludicrous prices, wear really shit disguises like store-bought mustaches, and everyone would fall for it and be totally assmad that these shady strangers swindled them.
And when the would-be heroes show up, we'll jump into our silly bicycle-powered ultramech and pedal away into the sunset.

>> No.16822815

>Sure, I'd worship that ass.

Don't worry man. That's enough for me to respect you right there.

>> No.16822816
Quoted by: >>16822821

But I want to hang out with the Kimos. Learn about the things they do and what they eat.

>> No.16822821

How am I supposed to fall asleep without an Inari to cuddle? It's past 6 AM and I'm tired as hell, but I'm without a fox to cuddle.

Kimo turns out to be a misspelling of Kumo. Like Yukari Yakumo, who owns that shrine. She'll gap you new technology if you agree to guard the place while she's away.

>> No.16822825
Quoted by: >>16822829

I mean she better be into more than just JoJo and the big popular ones. If this kitsune is some nerd living in a shrine all day, she better have read stuff I don't even know about yet.

>> No.16822828
File: 94 KB, 800x600, ev605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love kumos.

>> No.16822829
Quoted by: >>16822834

What, like Kokou no Hito?

>> No.16822831

Oh. I don't like old hags all that much, so I would just play with Chen for a bit and go away.

>> No.16822834
Quoted by: >>16822835

Oh yeah, that's the stuff. This is a mountain-based shrine, right?

>> No.16822835

Well someone's got to climb those mountains.

>> No.16822841
Quoted by: >>16822855

Ain't no mountain high enough.
Ain't no river wide enough.
Not any Chief Gods strong enough.
To keep us from dating Inaris.

>> No.16822853
Quoted by: >>16822866

The thing is, I'm still deciding on what the punishment should be for an anubis who doesn't wear white in public.
Law enforcing magic users transmute the offending anubis' clothes into white lingerie in public?

I think my brain has some missing link in it that keeps me from liking the idea of anal, because otherwise, I love ass.
If there was an anubis in front of me who wanted me to do stuff with her ass, I would go all out fingering or sticking my tongue up there.
But my dick, in her ass? For some reason there's no arousal there.

>> No.16822855
Quoted by: >>16822858

Monsters living in Shrines won't try to eat you if you're nice to them.

>> No.16822858
File: 624 KB, 1280x1896, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822870


>> No.16822861
File: 1.88 MB, 2323x1800, relaxing [ittla].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: White robes make brown girls 1000x more appealing and divine.

>> No.16822866
Quoted by: >>16824618

How about having someone blow into their ears?

And there isn't a problem with not be turned on by anal. Ass worship is fantastic but not wanting to put your dick in it is fine. She'd understand.

>I would go all out fingering or sticking my tongue up there.

As would I. I'd massage the large cheeks in my hands, give it long licks and, if she's ok with it, a light little spank. Then I'd move onto eating her butt out and teasing the hole. Wetting it up with my saliva and blowing on it, stuff like that.

See, ass worship is amazing. When all is set and done I'd just rub my face against it and tell her how much I love her big anubutt, even actually calling it that to get her flustered.

>> No.16822870

Her face there is too great.

>> No.16822876

Some solid evidence right there. Robes look fantastic on Anubis and your waifu look adorable in them.

They've got that high class look to them while still staying true to the Desert's culture. I imagine because of the loose and baggy nature of them it's also good for letting air flow through the dress. And still the fabric is probably some super soft Egyptian cotton. That just ups the comfortable factor of it. So 10/10 would cuddle my Anubis in robes.

>> No.16822877
File: 1.51 MB, 1536x2048, C8uI-PWUIAA0v6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16822881

>> No.16822881

That arm behind her, where does it come from? The wall?

>> No.16822902
Quoted by: >>16822907

Thanks! Robes, dresses, and sundresses fit the desert aesthetic incredibly well in my opinion, so I'm surprised we haven't seen more art of those girls wearing them. Although I am doing my best to change that; there should be a new commission relatively soon.

>> No.16822907

True, all those dresses are personal favourites of mine and I think they look very fashionable.


I can't wait to see it!

>> No.16822915
File: 222 KB, 800x1000, 1450685072484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wake up from cryo-sleep and head to the kitchen for some grub when pic related, a Salamander and an Oni, all in their underwear, show up and tell you they're your buddies for this shift.
So what are you all having?

>> No.16822923
Quoted by: >>16822929

Always god damn space-paste.

>> No.16822925


And the salamander.

>> No.16822929

What about those buttered noodles Eddie said he'd smuggle aboard?

>> No.16822931
Quoted by: >>16822940

I want to get this reference. Even if there is one.

Anyway, those girls are all cutie tier species so that shift is going to be a lot of fun and worthwhile. I'd love asking one of them for help with whatever we'd be doing.

>> No.16822935

Spaghetti with little chopped up sausage bits.

>> No.16822940
Quoted by: >>16822943

There is no reference, this is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately.

>> No.16822943
Quoted by: >>16822947

Oh well it sounds really nice, anon. Story worthy in my opinion.

>> No.16822947

Yeah, well. I'm not the guy to write it, I ain't nothing but an old faggot.

>> No.16822951

Space life would be a hell of a lot more interesting. Well, the sex would be at least. Imagine fucking a monster girl in 0G while looking out at a nearby nebula your ship is passing by, and tell me that doesn''t sound amazing.

>> No.16822953

There's more to life than just sex.
Like, when you're in space you need to exercise a lot or the lack of gravity will atrophy your muscles, so you gotta hit the gym. When you're hitting the gym all the sweat droplets will float around. Now who's gonna clean that up then?

>> No.16822957
Quoted by: >>16822970

>There's more to life than just sex.
For some. For me, I want me and my waifu's life to be nothing but sex. The pinnacle of lewd and lascivious depravity.

>> No.16822962

Me: Coffee, yogurt, and whatever complex thing I can find in the Replicator's menu.

Everyone else: My Spirit Energy.

>> No.16822966
Quoted by: >>16822971

The world of Elite Dangerous would be extremely comfy with an Anubis co-pilot. Holy crap.

>> No.16822970

Ain't nothing wrong with that brutha.

>> No.16822971

My space ship would have a Mono-eye as the communications officer. Hers would be the tired-of-life voice to make announcements over the intercom!

>> No.16823007

Surefire way to get your Anubis wife wet: Start calling her Commander.

>> No.16823022

I wish I was at home with my head lodged between two giant, milky purple Demon tits, effectively sensory deprived of the whole world around me save for the sound of a heartbeat, lightly sloshing milk and an occasional contented sigh as she squishes me in tighter.

>> No.16823025

You mean she'd like it if I called her Commander Nub-nub?

>> No.16823027
Quoted by: >>16823036

As long as you don't suffocate in there anon, Demon titties are much more dangerous than they appear.

>> No.16823031

Oh I bet she'd love that. I'd love giving her names that would boost her confidence and stroke her ego. Considering her job she'd probably take such a nickname with pride.

This is also very cute

>> No.16823032

I wish I was fighting my Dragon's tail while she was polishing a treasure or something.

>> No.16823036
Quoted by: >>16823050

No, there'd be plenty of muggy sweaty air ripe with her scent to breathe. But if I did want to sleep (I do) I'd gladly let her knock me out cold by pressing them together around me until I pass out. A Marshmellow anesthetic, we'd call it.

>> No.16823038
Quoted by: >>16823068

Prepare to be disciplined for disrespecting an officer, stating with 100 brushies of the Commander's tail.

>> No.16823050
Quoted by: >>16823056

I'm not sure that's the safest way to fall asleep anon, but if it works for you then great!

>> No.16823056
Quoted by: >>16823093

Mumble mumble Mamono mana mumble
The point is: Demon waifu + heaving tits + sleep + not at work

>> No.16823062

Well memed

>> No.16823068
Quoted by: >>16823085

I can only picture this as an oppai loli anubis Commander complete with a neat hat for her little uniform.

>> No.16823085

With a little fang, squeaky voice and comically massive tits bursting the seams of her uniform?
Sounds adorable. Would get in trouble intentionally just to spend time with her.

>> No.16823093

I feel you anon, I'd give pretty much anything to be cuddling my waifu at home instead of being at work too.

>> No.16823094

She'd always be grumbling about the chest of her shirt being too tight and scold you for being so troublesome

>> No.16823095
File: 634 KB, 1000x2000, Anya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief, and I thought Anya was a hard-ass X-O.

>> No.16823104

Flagship of Desert Kingdoms spacefleet and the throne of Pharaoh being a massive golden deathstar-Pyramid?

>> No.16823105
Quoted by: >>16823115

I'm going to tie her up and stuff her in a closet so I can run around naked without consequences.

>> No.16823107

Even has an eye of Horus on the pyramid it can use to fire energy beams.

>> No.16823109

>"Anon, KREE!"

>> No.16823113

>"Private!! You said you retailored my dress uniform during your last remedial!"
>I did, Ma'am.
>"Well why then am I standing here wif my bra practically on display for everyone to ogle at?!"
>Maybe you've grown, ma'am.
>"May- Maybe I've gwown?! That's anudder wemediation! Insubowdination!"
>Ma'am, you're slipping into your lisp again...
>"Five hundwed brushies! In my owfice! On the dowble!"

>> No.16823114
File: 307 KB, 900x1200, C8uI-PWUIAA0v6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to fondle your Jiangshi on a regular basis to help her with her rigor mortis

>> No.16823115
Quoted by: >>16823125

Anon no!
Think of what the mummies will do!

>> No.16823118
Quoted by: >>16823149

The cutest commander!
I'll give her 600 brushies!

>> No.16823122
Quoted by: >>16823149

>lisp Anubis

Ugh, muh heart.

>> No.16823125
Quoted by: >>16823127

They'd help me tie her up of course.

>> No.16823126
Quoted by: >>16823176

How are you even supposed to "cure" rigor mortis? How would you cure an undead girl with it?

>> No.16823127
Quoted by: >>16823134

Only because they want to gangbang you on the bridge!

>> No.16823134

Joke's on them, since they used all their bandages to tie up Commander Nub-nub all I need to do is blow on them to make them all aroused to to the point of incapacitation.

>> No.16823149

>"Sniff... S-stawp anon, I-I'm a fiewce commanda! Stawp cawing me cute!"
>But you are cute, ma'am. The cutest, I'd wager.
>"Noooooo! Youwe just buwying me!"
>Ma'am, you're so cute I can't even understand you.
>"Mowe brushies! A hundwed hundwed hundwed mowe! W-waaah!"

The commander needs some private cuddling to calm down at times like these. She won't let anyone other than [you] do it.

>> No.16823159
Quoted by: >>16823175

I have an urge to headpat.

>> No.16823163

Lisps are shit, she should be wearing a ball gag.

>> No.16823166
Quoted by: >>16823175

Gonna give her a hug and scratch behind her ears.

The cuddliest commander!
May do lewd things to her that embarrass her.

>> No.16823169
Quoted by: >>16823173

You are shit.

>> No.16823173

How rude.

>> No.16823175

It's entirely within reason for a Commander to sit in her subordinate favorite private's lap whenever she feels like it. Really!
Only on shore leave. No gags on duty!
She'd 'protest' and 'threaten' you so much. Like what?

>> No.16823176

You don't cure it, Jiangshi are stiff and molesting them allows them to move freely but they go back to being stiff after a while.

>> No.16823177
File: 479 KB, 1171x1105, IMG_0101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baphonet Screetching

>> No.16823180

>no horns

>> No.16823182
Quoted by: >>16823215

Pop some manticore venom, fill her up so she shows it, plug her up so she has to go about the day with everyone looking at her.


Both are good

>> No.16823184

Hoo mama

>> No.16823185
Quoted by: >>16823215

>Only on shore leave. No gags on duty!
Rules are dumb, she's getting the ball gag.

>> No.16823188
Quoted by: >>16823197

Right is right as long as she isn't ruined by the caring onee-san personality.

>> No.16823194

>tfw Barb hasn't drawn a monstergirl that busty in years

>> No.16823197
Quoted by: >>16823200

Tall, busty imotous?
That's nice.

>> No.16823200

No, just a normal lewd girl. The dependent little girl thing that keeps screaming onii-chan would ruin her too.

>> No.16823201

Both bodies are incredible. There is no winner in my book.

>> No.16823205

Some loli bodies are done right. Some are done wrong.

This is done right.

>> No.16823207
File: 2.52 MB, 1748x1748, 6615867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823209

Hey, dude.

>> No.16823209
Quoted by: >>16823212

get those tities out i want some fresh milk

>> No.16823212

That's a bit rude don't you think?

>> No.16823215

>"Heeh... heeveryone, I'm... I'm here, ah- C-commander on deck!"
>"Commander- are you alright?!"
>"I'm fine, Navigator, n-no... uuuh... no issues here. Mmnf... o-oh Horus I... ah, actuawy, y-youw in chawge today Navigator, I- ooh, I gotta find Pwivate anon!"
>Silent murmurs as she slumps away, uniform wide open save a single hyper-strained button
Well it's not like she could stop you if she wanted to. She was bred to be bullied.

>> No.16823219

I'm more a fan of Oppai if and when I'm in a loli mood but otherwise both are great

>> No.16823221
Quoted by: >>16823226

>Commander Nub-nub has to go around wearing a ball gag all day because her paws can't undo the buckle

>> No.16823222
Quoted by: >>16823249

She's Asking for another round so she comes back bigger.

The scamp!

>> No.16823226
Quoted by: >>16823228

Ah, but what does Private anon do when OTHER shipmates start picking on Commander Nub-Nub?

>> No.16823228

goddamn landwalkers

>> No.16823231

Naturally. She receives extra loving care at the mornings to relieve her from the night stiffness.

>> No.16823234
File: 835 KB, 2604x3508, 1490208754580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823250

this pleases the heretics

>> No.16823236

It's SpAcE NaVy though
Embrace the off nomenclature and camp

>> No.16823244

He's a marine.
Marine's still have Privates.

>> No.16823249
Quoted by: >>16823256

>It occurs to you, after the fifth or sixth load erupts in a gurgling mess inside her, stretching her womb even further, that you may not be able to tell the difference between her "no's" that really mean "keep going" and her "no's" that mean "really stop or nothing will fit for a week and I'll just be a writhing bloated mess for days"
>"n-noo... anon... pwease no m-mowe..."
>Well, you figure you'll cross that bridge when you come to it

>> No.16823250
Quoted by: >>16823257


I would join a heretical oppai baphomet group!

>> No.16823256

I'll even carry her if I have too, although she's probably too proud for that.

>> No.16823257

Same. Oppai lolis are the bees knees.

>> No.16823262
Quoted by: >>16823281

What the hell is buii supposed to mean?

>> No.16823263
File: 3.80 MB, 3000x2774, 1392438446454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cease this at once. Say what you want about moose but he has good taste in character designs.

>> No.16823281

It's how the nips hear pig squeals
Like how our 'bark bark' is their 'wan wan' or how our 'meow' is their 'nya'

>> No.16823290
Quoted by: >>16823306

I'm fine with wans, kons and nyans, but buiis really annoys me for some reason.

>> No.16823304

Is it pronounced like booo-eee or boy?

>> No.16823306
Quoted by: >>16823315

I dunno, I think it's cute. At least more malleable than 'wruee!' or however Americans hear it.
Actually, I wonder what 'moo' is in Japanese.

>> No.16823307


>> No.16823311

I've heard it pronouced Booo-heee

>> No.16823314

The first. Like a 'bouwee!" Only the u sound sticks on the o for just a hair.
Just think of a pig squeal and put a B in front of it, and image a cute soft anime girl saying it.

>> No.16823315

Alright, you got a laugh out of me. But I believe most of the world goes with oink.

For cows I guess it's just moo everywhere, just like sheeps are Meehh or Bweehh. I don't know how to type animal noises.

>> No.16823316

When I've heard it said by japanese in anime it's more like bweee

>> No.16823319
Quoted by: >>16823419

Someone please do this.
>But I believe most of the world goes with oink.
Pigs go röh-röh though.

>> No.16823323

I don't get it though. Don't pigs say oink?

>> No.16823327

And dogs say woof. Ever wonder why some people use wan here instead?

>> No.16823328

It's not the 'oink' onomatopoeia though, it's the squeal.
And you'd be surprised anon. The anthropological history of language development in isolated cultures effects even the way people hear things. The world speaks in sounds with no set language, we as verbal creatures merely apply our own languages to it.

>> No.16823331

This is very cute.

>> No.16823333

They tend to snort and squeal like "wueeee" more than anything.

>> No.16823334
Quoted by: >>16823343

Welcome to the theory of language 101, Miss Haku will be here shortly

>> No.16823336

more like weee weee weee, all the way home

>> No.16823339
Quoted by: >>16823363

I'd 'eat' three P'Orcs if they blew my 'house' down afterward

>> No.16823343
Quoted by: >>16823354

Going to throw paper air planes at the old hag.

>> No.16823344
File: 140 KB, 404x600, orc00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine when you're screwing your p'orc waifu doggystyle and she kept going "wueee" every time you slammed into hard.

>> No.16823352
Quoted by: >>16823363

But I already imagine her doing that every night, the slutty meaty sow who I love very dearly

>> No.16823354

Prepare to spanked with a yard-stick in front of the class.

>> No.16823356

Kind of hard to think that after watching Deliverance

>> No.16823361
Quoted by: >>16823366

She thinks she's beaten me? I have a femdom fetish.

>> No.16823363

I'd love a trio of big, meaty P'Orc's to make into breeding sows.

>> No.16823365

>implying she wouldn't just keep you after class for some "disciplinary" action

>> No.16823366
Quoted by: >>16823368

Oh, is that so? Then you do the spanking! You hit her good so you learn!

>> No.16823368
Quoted by: >>16823379

Now she's just confusing me. I thought I was the one who did bad?

>> No.16823374

This is the correct natural state for those abusable fertile submissive pigs.
I don't know why I get such an abuse fetish when thinking of P'Orcs

>> No.16823377

Three is nice, but I'd personally like to have five p'orcs.

>> No.16823379
Quoted by: >>16823390

Yes, but you would enjoy being punished so to punish you in a way you won't enjoy she has to make you spank her, because hurting someone you care about is hard.

>> No.16823382

Me neither, all I know is that I want them big, meaty, and submissive to me.

I'd go no bigger than four.

>> No.16823384

I mean it says right in their profile that once you beat them they go full sub, to the point that even dying for you would please them
And all that stuff about loving their body just being used harshly just makes them feel like they're being even more loved

>> No.16823390

That's pretty clever of the clever cow.

>> No.16823392

>you will never let your daughteru drink cum from a sippy cup

>> No.16823396

good, that's fucking disgusting

>> No.16823402

>not letting her drink it directly from the source
This is why dhampirs go through an edgy phase.

>> No.16823403

I wouldn't do four though, because then you've got an odd number of people. And when sexy time comes, one p'orc is gonna be left out. Five or three gives you an even number of people when you include yourself, and everyone has a partner when it's time for sex.

>> No.16823407
Quoted by: >>16823413

She's too young for that anon. She's gotta have her SE supplement vitamins until she gets a boyfriend.

>> No.16823409

Would you make them walk around naked and draw on their plump asses in marker with how many times you've cum in them so you can see it throughout the day? Put tags on their floppy ears and collar them up to leash at night?

>> No.16823413


She can get her SE through her future husband.

>> No.16823414

One P'Orc rides crotch, one takes face, two take hands.

Four is perfect.

The naked portion I would and I'd rather plug them up so they can show how much they've been used that day.

The beds are for cuddling though.

>> No.16823416

Cum should go in their coffee and tea, like the good Hatter has taught us.

>> No.16823417
Quoted by: >>16823435

I'd just go with one myself, but I'd absolutely unload on her to make up for the lack of additional holes and bodies.

>> No.16823419

And sheep go bää-bää?

>> No.16823426

That's weird anon, if I was and I most definitely would be going to go as far as feeding her my cum i'd just do it naturally.

>> No.16823428

Mää-mää, I say.

>> No.16823430


I like to imagine there are actual black sheep, and that they're the sheep equivalent of a dark elf. Just more rare.

>> No.16823431

That's the stuff. Though I would make mine use a somewhat loose plug so if enough dribbles out I can berate her for making a mess and make her lick it all up.
But absolutely, of course. As ragged and beaten and red as she'd be, it would always be gentle cuddles to end each and every night.

>> No.16823435

I like that first idea. That way you know you're spreading the love around equally. Don't want one girl getting most of the love, otherwise all the other p'orcs will get jealous!

I never thought of it like that. Now I'm just imagining getting ridden by two p'orcs will the other two are masturbating with my hands.

I just want to be the leader of a giant family or tribe of p'orcs. It's a bit hard doing that with only one.

>> No.16823438

I want to deny an Alice her aftercare and leave her naked in a messy puddle of cum and sweat and juices!

>> No.16823440

Good. I'm not disgusting and I'm not a daughteru dicker. Although from posts like these I'm starting to think those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.16823449

Nonsense, you just have to breed her four times as hard!
Then once you have around twenty daughterus transition into comfy lovey dovey mode with your prize breeding sow wife who worked so hard for you.
BUT. Until such a time, the beatings will continue until production improves!

>> No.16823451
Quoted by: >>16823474

I really hope my daughteru wouldn't fall in love with a degenerate or disgusting people with a harem.

>> No.16823452

That's why four are the opimum harem number.

>> No.16823469
Quoted by: >>16823478

>not from the source
What kind of irresponsible father are you?

>> No.16823474
Quoted by: >>16823485

I wouldn't allow it. You're her father anon, take action.

>> No.16823478

Not that guy, but at least I'm not a daughteru dicking degenerate.
She gets her spirit energy from Gummy vitamins until she gets herself a boyfriend.

>> No.16823485
Quoted by: >>16823488

Well yeah, I'd tell her about how things would be with one of those, but I don't think I would need to worry about it too much actually. Daughteru is a smart girl.

>> No.16823486

>His monster wife's dad allowed him to marry her
>Faggot still wants to fuck his daughteru on top of that instead of fucking his waifu - the woman he wanted in the first place
How fucked in the head do you have to be

>> No.16823488

That's good anon. You teach her well.

>> No.16823489
Quoted by: >>16823516

You could go full KDFsilver and fuck them both

>> No.16823492

I don't understand it either.

>> No.16823502
Quoted by: >>16823516

Right? Imagine if your daughter married a daughteru fucked and you had live knowing that the guy fucking your daughteru is also fucking your grand daughteru.

>> No.16823508

Harems are a thing and in a lot of cases the guy's dad isn't even in the picture. Not every relationship needs to be the same.

Besides incubus/monster logic is different, the guy probably wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.16823511

>Besides incubus/monster logic is different, the guy probably wouldn't give a shit.

But you're wrong. You still keep your mind as an Incubus.

>> No.16823513

>guy's dad
I mean the girl's dad.

Besides monster girls value freedom in love and incubi probably do as well, the whole "allowing" to marry thing likely isn't a thing in MGE.

>> No.16823514
Quoted by: >>16823522

Nope, becoming an Incubus means you gain a monster's way of thinking.

>> No.16823516

Fucking your daughteru makes you:

>An NTRfag for choosing her over your waifu
>A sex-craving slut for being unsatisfied with just your waifu
>Mentally unsound for wanting to fuck your offspring
>A greedy, spoiled faggot
>A bad parent

And yet there's people who try their hardest mental gymnastics to justify it. They're no better than the bad people out there who don't deserve monstergirls.

If you want to fuck a loli so bad, marry one, not your own offspring.

And this shit? >>16823392 /d/ tier. Going into detail about how your own daughteru drinks cum? The fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.16823522
Quoted by: >>16823552

Care to show me where it says that?

>> No.16823523
Quoted by: >>16823535

You keep your mind sure but some values and ways of seeing things slightly change.

Even if they didn't, years of living with a monster girl family would cause their way of living to rub off on you. Remember it can take decades for some girls to even get knocked up once.

>> No.16823527


>> No.16823528
File: 41 KB, 520x1054, 1392004470884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sperm donations save lives!

>> No.16823530
File: 458 KB, 1920x2716, 1491032676695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823558

Open your heart to the power of green, superior to their inferior normie skin color counterparts.

>> No.16823532
File: 396 KB, 1189x817, 1473218526535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with daughteru fucking provided it's on the adoptive side, but that's just repulsive toddlercon shit.

>> No.16823534
Quoted by: >>16823566

>Literally a lanky dude with tits and retarded gloves

>> No.16823535

If that is true.

Then fuck that. I'd say nah and avoid becoming an incubus at all costs then. Because fuck having my daughteru marry some degenerate or harem fag.

>> No.16823541

>he's angry

>> No.16823543

>An NTRfag for choosing her over your waifu
It's not choosing her over anyone, it's choosing both. You can call harems NTR if you like but most people into doujins and lewd material from Japan don't see harems as being anything close to NTR.
>A sex-craving slut for being unsatisfied with just your waifu
I don't think the kind of people into fucking more than one girl will deny being a slut.
>Mentally unsound for wanting to fuck your offspring
It's mentally sound in the setting.
>A greedy, spoiled faggot
That's just personal opinion and subjective, you're getting emotional rather than trying to argue with facts.
>A bad parent
By human standards.

There's also the way you're shoving "waifu" in there like everyone has one, as much as it seems to be the norm here at times not everyone has a waifu.

>> No.16823549

I'm not going to shout at daughteru fuckers or anything. Because it doesn't affect me. But to me a lot of this is true.

>> No.16823552
Quoted by: >>16823571

After one has changed into an incubus, the mind also changes so that one's values become nearer to those of the monsters, but compared to monsterization, even if only a little bit, human-like values from the period when one was a human will remain. However, the values and thoughts of an incubus, a being that became a monster's prisoner so much so that it altered the nature of his mind and body, will change to become eager to have sex with monsters. One's lust will swell up like that of the monsters, and disgust towards monsters and sex, etc. will have long since disappeared, and one will change so that he aggressively desires sex with monsters.

>One's lust will swell up like that of the monsters, disgust towards monsters and sex, etc. will have long since disappeared, and one will change so that he aggressively desires sex with monsters.

>> No.16823555

>the way you're shoving "waifu" in there like everyone has one
So you don't have a waifu but you have a daughteru? "Adopted" one to use as sex relief when you could just marry and fuck a loli mg?

Well if waifuism doesn't apply to you, then I guess all that's left is fetishism. Now that tells a lot.

>> No.16823558


Going by stature, that's a goblin, yeah? What a cutie. Small girls bring out the good in me.

>> No.16823559
Quoted by: >>16823567

A monster you have a sexual relationship or marry isn't a waifu, it's people like you who warp the definition of the word.

>> No.16823560

It's just as bad as mommyfuckers or oneeshit but I don't remember you bitching about it
Remember how oneefags said shotas should be "taught" from age of 3? Now that's some fuckery

>> No.16823565

>being this mad
>Well if waifuism doesn't apply to you, then I guess all that's left is fetishism. Now that tells a lot.
People are into a porn setting for the porn? Oh the horror.

>> No.16823566
File: 34 KB, 500x644, 6e7168260287d3f5bda0aa9a04832db3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823587

That's an SMT Lilim.

>> No.16823567
Quoted by: >>16823588

>A monster you marry isn't your wife
>The term "waifu" is only applicable if she doesn't exist

>> No.16823571
Quoted by: >>16823591

Well shit then. Guess either I can splash some headcanon on that or just not become and incubus. Even then I'd have to headcanon that because being married to an MG basically means becoming and incubus is inevitable.

Shit man I just want my daughteru to marry a normal guy who treats her right. I could just say normal childhood friend then.

>> No.16823572

Make no mistake, I hate that shit too. Telling you right here and now.

>> No.16823575
Quoted by: >>16823588

>"Adopted" one to use as sex relief when you could just marry and fuck a loli mg?
>implying a human male adopting a monstergirl isn't likely just an alternate path to marriage

>> No.16823578

While I definitely don't agree with this >>16823543 angry guy, I do think that's the incorrect definition of waifu.

>> No.16823586

I want to teach little Kikis to dance.

>> No.16823587

Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that this >>16823528 looks just as feminine as bruce jenner

>> No.16823588
Quoted by: >>16823596

Wife and waifu are different things you nignog. If you're playing a JRPG and you marry a girl in game, is she your waifu? If you answer yes to this you may be an actual retard.

Imagining yourself in a relationship with a monster girl doesn't make her your waifu either, waifufags are an entirely different thing.
He keeps trying to apply human standards to a porn setting based on monster girls with an entirely different moral code so the thought likely never hit him.

>> No.16823590
Quoted by: >>16823592

What kind of dance?

>> No.16823591
Quoted by: >>16823600

You don't need to. If you love your daughteru like a normal person then it will stay like that. The only thing that changes there is that you won't feel disgusted to thoughts and the act of fucking her.

>> No.16823592

A dance to entertain me around the house.

>> No.16823595

I'd flop my little Kiki's ears so much that they would flop by themselves.

>> No.16823596
Quoted by: >>16823609

>JRPG and you marry a girl in game, is she your waifu?
If the player gives enough of a fuck to marry her with his self-insert character, then yes, you goddamned inbred.

>> No.16823597
Quoted by: >>16823612

Man I'm not a fan of shota at all, don't automatically associate people who like older girls with that shit.

>> No.16823598
File: 135 KB, 2184x1356, _01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy sheep in sweaters

>> No.16823600
Quoted by: >>16823607

>The only thing that changes there is that you won't feel disgusted to thoughts and the act of fucking her.

Even if that stuff happens I still ain't doing it.

>> No.16823602


She looks so content.

>> No.16823607

Then you don't need to worry about it. Live on and raise your daughteru properly.

>> No.16823609
Quoted by: >>16823617

Congratulations, you're legally retarded. In game marriage is a gameplay mechanic and all it means is that you picked her over the other options the game presented to you.

If you play another game with such a mechanic and marry a different girl there are you cheating? Of course not. Waifufags are the kind of people who live and breathe one girl regardless of what they're watching or playing. Waifu is not simply "2d girl that I like."

>> No.16823612
Quoted by: >>16823634

You already associate yourself with that shit when you use "onee"shit. Just use women/cc or whatever

>> No.16823615
Quoted by: >>16823618

How many layers of comfy is she on?

>> No.16823617

If the player didn't like any of the "options", he wouldn't take any romantic route in the game at all, because it's OPTIONAL, you chromosome burglar.

>Waifufags are the kind of people who live and breathe one girl
You underestimate the flexibility of some waifufags. Good job on showing your new.

>> No.16823618
Quoted by: >>16823624

More than humanity could ever comprehend without experiencing it firsthand.
So why don't you give her a hug?

>> No.16823624

I'm going to need a safety line for this. If I tug it 63 times, it means I'm out of air, 64 and it means I found the Hellfish treasure.

>> No.16823628
Quoted by: >>16823641

>flexibility of some waifufags
Then she's not really their waifu then, is she?
Unless we speak of something like the blunderous adventures of not-harem-Anubis anon

>> No.16823630
Quoted by: >>16823641

See, proved yourself wrong again.
>If the player didn't like any of the "options"
Like does not mean love, you don't have to legitimately love a girl to find the idea of clicking on a marriage option for her in a video game to be cute.
>You underestimate the flexibility of some waifufags. Good job on showing your new.
This coming from the guy who uses the reddit definition of waifu.

>> No.16823634
Quoted by: >>16823643

So to like incest with an older girl you automatically have to like shota too? Nah, I'll carry on using onee-san.

>> No.16823638

Could you get any more assblasted

>> No.16823641

I meant that some people change waifus. Yes, it does happen.

>Like does not mean love, you don't have to legitimately love a girl to find the idea of clicking on a marriage option for her in a video game to be cute.
Then why would you even do it if she didn't captivate you and become your waifu? What do you not understand about that? Are you even capable of understanding?

>> No.16823643
Quoted by: >>16823650

You're kinda setting yourself up for the comparisons, though.

>> No.16823650

Onee-san stuff can be a teenager and his CC Onee-san though. The only real thing with Onee-san stuff is incest where the sister is older.

>> No.16823654

Just drop the fucking arguments and unrelated discussions.

>> No.16823655

>Yes, it does happen.
Yeah, it can. But if it happens more than once, I'd have my suspicions about just how sincere they are.
Then it just smacks of FotM-ism.

>> No.16823661
Quoted by: >>16823666

Incest is cancer in general, whether it's mommy/ daddy or sis/bro

>> No.16823662

Daughteru fucking disgusts me aswell.

>> No.16823665
Quoted by: >>16823667

>Yes, it does happen.
And people get mocked for doing it and called out on their bullshit.
>Then why would you even do it if she didn't captivate you and become your waifu?
You're taking video games too seriously if clicking on a marriage option has to have some deep, heartfelt emotion behind it.

>> No.16823666
Quoted by: >>16823675

Exactly, it can even be an adult and his onee-san.
You heard the guy, vanilla only.

>> No.16823667
Quoted by: >>16823673

>You're taking video games too seriously if clicking on a marriage option has to have some deep, heartfelt emotion behind it.
You're doing the exact same thing, I'm just debating it on the level you set.

>> No.16823673
Quoted by: >>16823681

I'm taking video games too seriously for having a casual approach to playing? What kind of brain problems do you have?

>> No.16823675

>Vanilla only
No. I'll marry a cockroach or something and I'm going to fuck my entire family.

>> No.16823679
File: 218 KB, 895x1068, 1477090944142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Automaton that wears pantsu.

>> No.16823681
Quoted by: >>16823690

If marriage in videogames is something optional, why would anyone but waifufags do it? In a JRPG, no less? What kind of brain problems do you have?

>> No.16823683

Everyone shut the fuck up and talk about what monstergirl you'd like to bend over and fuck doggystyle until her pussy's stuffed. For the sake of procreation of course.

>> No.16823690
Quoted by: >>16823692

You are aware that even normies go after romantic relationships with characters while playing mass effect right?

>> No.16823691

K. I'd do it to a dragon and then she would ride me cowgirl.

>> No.16823692
Quoted by: >>16823712

>Mass Effect

>> No.16823695

>Devil Bugs over Khepri
Irredeemable shit taste.

>> No.16823697

One of the reason I detest KC's setting so much is the easy attitude towards sex.

Despite the fact that's it would be as common and socially acceptable a field of work as hospitality, despite the fact that the two would even be blended, as a man who could one day be a father to a cute little daughteru it would tear my heart apart to see her become a stripper, or use her body in any way to make a living.

>> No.16823700

Fuck off /v/

>> No.16823702
Quoted by: >>16823714

Bugs are all the same.

>> No.16823707

This is what I also fear, and I had some trouble a while back trying to overcome it.

I know deep down in my heart that I trust my daughterus not to lead a life like that. Although they are monsters, I think me and my waifu would atleast want my daughteru to settle down with her childhood friend.

I trust my daughterus not to make me sad.

>> No.16823711
Quoted by: >>16823738

Anubis. While I'm hopped up on raging mushrooms. If I'm honest I'd only see myself doing it the way she wanted while on raging mushrooms.

>> No.16823712
Quoted by: >>16823726

A game is a game, it doesn't matter what type and JRPG was an example of a genre because it was convenient.

I'll let it drop because other people are getting annoyed at using video games as a way of debating waifuism but it really ticks me off to see people using waifu like it's some casual term that can be applied to any fictional character they happen to like.

>> No.16823714

Devil bugs are disgusting wenches who revel in filth.
Khepri are beautiful queens of the desert who make you their king and restore a lost kingdom.

Not all bugs are created equally.

>> No.16823715

Yeah but you're posting in the monsterlady thread on the anime nerd board on four channel.

How do you know you won't also fail as a father?

>> No.16823717
File: 193 KB, 850x850, 0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not mouse grills

>> No.16823724
Quoted by: >>16823736

If she is not from a slutty species then you should be fine.

Three anubi?

>> No.16823726

>it really ticks me off to see people using waifu like it's some casual term that can be applied to any fictional character they happen to like.
You haven't been here in the past 2 years then.

>> No.16823728
Quoted by: >>16823741

You speak the truth and it hurts. Anon I'm not sure how I'd become a good father or even if I will succeed, but I never know unless I try. And besides, my waifu would probably give me a whole trolley full of books that say how to be a good father. I'd probably also need a lot of support from my waifu to handle the pressure

>> No.16823729
Quoted by: >>16823741

Honestly it's not that hard if you just don't drink habitually and don't more or less ignore the kids.
Apparently that's too hard for some people.

>> No.16823736
Quoted by: >>16823759

>three anubi

Yup, and I've come to accept now that's it's ok for them to fuck and marry their child hood friend. Me and my waifu would probably even give them tips and advice on how to dominate her childhood friend in bed.

Because that was I ensure that she's happy, doesn't make the wrong decisions, marries a good man I trust and I get granddaughterus. Lots of them. I'm talking ATLEAST 6.

>> No.16823738
Quoted by: >>16823757

Would you want her to caress your face as you start coming down from the raging mushroom boost and tell you you did a great job before pulling you in close to fall asleep in her arms?

>> No.16823741

>Anon I'm not sure how I'd become a good father or even if I will succeed,

I dunno, lots of ways to fuck up a kid. Like dicking them.

>> No.16823743

>One of the reason I detest KC's setting so much is the easy attitude towards sex.
That's the entire point of the setting, it was made as a way of escaping the oppressive day to day life of being a japanese salary man, a fantasy about a land of sexual liberation with an easy day to day life.

It's not meant to be something you think about too hard and worry over though because that defeats the point of him making it. If you want your daughteru to be pure then she's pure because she only exists in your head anyway. Just enjoy the lewd thoughts about your chosen monster girl and the cute thoughts about your would be daughters.

>> No.16823750

Well, in MGEland if you're dicking them you've already accepted that they will be living the rest of their life dependent upon you.
If not, papa is shortsighted AND stupid.

>> No.16823751
Quoted by: >>16823765

Just like your waifu, your daughter would be a monster too. She might fall for an older guy because MGs get lewd so much faster than humans, or grow up into a turboslut, or become a part of a harem, or something else that monsters consider normal. Atleast at that point you would be an incubus and not care that much.

>> No.16823753
Quoted by: >>16823784

We've come to the point where being fetishistic in the Monstergirl thread is considered 'telling' in a negative light
You guys are fucking hilarious sometimes

>> No.16823755

Daughterus, adopted or otherwise, are for hugs not dicking.

>> No.16823757
Quoted by: >>16823763


Fuck anon you're hitting really hard at my heart. I'd absolutely love for that. My waifu is good at hitting my weak point like that.

What I'd give to have her tell me I did a good job and she was proud of me while stroking my face.

>> No.16823759
Quoted by: >>16823775

Well, just keep in mind that things might not go as planned. Sure it would be a good guy but it may not be their childhood friend and all of that. Be careful with nasty fetishes too.

>> No.16823760

Fucking this
What the fuck happened to make this one of the most puritan threads on 4chan

>> No.16823762

>it was made as a way of escaping the oppressive day to day life of being a japanese salary man
This is true
>a fantasy about a land of sexual liberation with an easy day to day life.
This is not. The escape is a 10/10 exotic and interesting waifu who loves you and will literally get addicted to your dick. This pleases the heartboner and the penis, and is what a lifeless salary man needs.

Sexual liberation is just fetish garnering.

>> No.16823763

Just do your best and make it clear to her you love her. She'll love you right back.

>> No.16823765

Yeah no. Stop pushing your shit. If they don't want it, they don't want it.

It's their fantasy and changing something that small is fine. Otherwise see >>16823743

>> No.16823767
File: 394 KB, 3000x1755, 1485126952828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823778

>One of the reason I detest KC's setting so much is the easy attitude towards sex.
You can fuck right off then.

>> No.16823770

Nigga there are Blowjob practice plants
For children
Eat a dick with that 'it's not about sexual liberation'

>> No.16823773

>all in their underwear
>I'm on a spaceship
>oni in her underwear
I assume I have morning wood, I'm going to point it at the oni and waggle my eyebrows suggestively, hopefully we'll feed each other

>> No.16823775
Quoted by: >>16823787

Aslong as it's someone I trust and I know will treat her right. If not then there's going to be problems.

>> No.16823776

Ok, you really need to stop that shit
Check out new lewd pics http://imgur.com/a/glmaf

>> No.16823778
Quoted by: >>16823792

I'm legit shocked how anyone could hold his opinion

>> No.16823780
Quoted by: >>16823802

>Suddenly people enforce KC's shitty canon as if it were law
l m a o

>> No.16823784
Quoted by: >>16823799

It's because fags don't see MGE as just quick fap session anymore, they see it as legitimate real place they want to live in and get triggered by "haram" fetishes

>> No.16823785
Quoted by: >>16823800

The sad part is they actually exist. You know, the more I actually come to accept KC's canon. The less I actually want to have daughterus.

>> No.16823786

Yes because we all come to this thread and discuss how much we want to suck on blowjob practice plants, Mr."I don't know what garnishing means"

>> No.16823787
Quoted by: >>16823791

That's why you gotta meet them and see for yourself.

>> No.16823791

I sure as hell would. Going to test if they're husband material for my daughterus. I'm not letting one detail slip trough the cracks.

>> No.16823792

He's probably a lefty or some shit.

>> No.16823795

Depends on what mealtime it is.
Flapjacks and sausage if it's breakfast.
Turkey sandwich, strawberries and chips if it's lunch.
Mozzarella stuffed Burger and curly fries if it's dinner.
Then I guess I'll hang out with them, shoot the shit about our families back home and how excited I am to get back to mine once this space station construction is done.

>> No.16823796

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.16823799
Quoted by: >>16823818

If it were solely made for quick wanks, there'd be no reason for MGs to settle down or for KC to throw in loads of anti-cuck rules.
MGE is equal parts escaping a strict society and waifu stuff.

>> No.16823800

You were probably never meant for daughterus. With that many insecurities and nor believing in yourself they would surely turn out broken.

>> No.16823801

Self-fulfilling prophecies and all that.

>> No.16823802

Only if it supports their own personal argument.

Still hilarious.

>> No.16823803

>a fantasy about a land of sexual liberation with an easy day to day life.
>Forgetting the dystopian ending where both races fuck to extinction

>> No.16823804
File: 468 KB, 1886x1762, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wedding dress kelp

>> No.16823806

It's not being a bad father for wanting your daughterus not to turn out like turbo sluts.

>> No.16823807
Quoted by: >>16823813

>I can have a daughter who isn't doing what literally all the other girls her age is doing
>I can have a daughter who is mentally healthy and adjusted
Pick one.

>> No.16823809

Good. Great girls deserve happy lives.

>> No.16823812
Quoted by: >>16823823

>This is not. The escape is a 10/10 exotic and interesting waifu who loves you and will literally get addicted to your dick. This pleases the heartboner and the penis, and is what a lifeless salary man needs.
Except KC himself has said on multiple occasions the escape is meant to be a lewd one.

If it's more about the cute waifu idea to you personally then great, you found something in it but it was primarily intended to be for the sexual fantasy.

>> No.16823813
File: 368 KB, 640x600, zombo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823824

>mentally healthy and adjusted

>> No.16823815

Oh cool it's another "your daughterus will become sluts :^)" episode.

>> No.16823816

>bio-luminescent flow kelp
she could light up her lake and make it look like space

>> No.16823818

Anti cuck rules exist because only the mentally ill want to be cucked, same goes for why mamono mana fixes gays.

>> No.16823820
Quoted by: >>16823826

>it's another "I don't know what monster girls are :^)" episode

>> No.16823822
File: 239 KB, 1495x2048, sweet_sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823866

sheep are incredibly comfy and infinitly cuddleable

>> No.16823823
Quoted by: >>16823842

Maybe it's because I failed to make myself clear when I first posted, but there is a difference between having a lewd escape with your adoring, eternally beautiful wife in your own home.

And having a sex-saturated "Sexually liberated" society as well where little girls are riding the buss driver's lap on the way to school because they "forgot" their money. And their panties. And the cock is inside them. And the only reaction is a faint hint of jealousy.

One is a comfy escape that pleases the dick. The other is "nope" tier.

One doesn't require the other.

>> No.16823824

>People have a fetish for girls dying without ever finding love and then being resurrected as undead with broken minds just to get dick
Do I seriously have to point out how ridiculous this is? This is some somber /d/ shit.

>> No.16823826
Quoted by: >>16823838

Policing fantasies is what it is. Who gives a shit if someone doesn't want their daughteru to be a turbo slut?

>> No.16823827

Buddy, I think this thread might not be for you.
Nobody said YOU had to fuck the squishy dragon.

>> No.16823828

Why are you even giving them attention anon?
Let them starve and do what needs to be done.
They'll go away eventually.

>> No.16823830
File: 403 KB, 638x900, 1464738012820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, this whole thread and mgs in general are on a wide spectrum of fetishes right?

>> No.16823831
Quoted by: >>16823841

That's not what this is about, it's about people worrying too much about porn.

If you don't want your fictional daughter to be a slut then she's not a slut because she's the creation of your mind but saying the lewd side of the setting ruins it is like saying strawberries ruin strawberry cake, sure you can take the strawberries out of it but then you might as well have ordered a different cake.

>> No.16823835

>This is some somber /d/ shit
This may come as a shock to you but monster girls are /d/.

>> No.16823837

You're in the wrong thread mate.

>> No.16823838

>Policing fantasies
Where do you think you are? You every tried discussing anything that goes against the norm? Go ahead, give it a go.

>> No.16823839
File: 875 KB, 1000x848, three headpat moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823852

Remember to pat your waifu and daughterus regularly.

>> No.16823840
Quoted by: >>16823870

>monster girls are /d/
Here we go

>> No.16823841

The lewd site of the setting doesn't ruin it. But when you say "oh the setting is lewd thus your daughterus will be sluts" is just fucking annoying.

>> No.16823842

>little girls are riding the buss driver's lap
Hello boner.

>> No.16823847
File: 332 KB, 550x440, 1471663349858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all know there's a whole lot of methods for MGs to get husbands that aren't "sucking every dick until one doesn't leave," right?
It's up to you to ensure your daughters get proper education in other tactics, though.

>> No.16823851

I don't quite remember which ones those are supposed to be, so I've no idea.

If I've missed any demon recolours link 'em to me and I'll add them to the collection.

>> No.16823852

Daughterus are for headpats after they come home and show your their A+ they got on a test. If she's got monster ears then they're for rubbing. If she's got horns they're also for rubbing combined with the headpat.

>> No.16823856
Quoted by: >>16823870

Fuck off

>> No.16823857
Quoted by: >>16823862

>Y'all know there's a whole lot of methods for MGs to get husbands that aren't "sucking every dick until one doesn't leave," right?
But that's the only one they every use.

>> No.16823858

But what if your monster daughteru turns out like yourself? My monster daughteru would be bringing home C's and the rare B.

>> No.16823860
Quoted by: >>16823868

You're right anon. I should look into schools for them so they can learn all they'll need to know.

This is the correct answer at all times. Though I'd be proud of my daughterus no matter what their grades were.

>> No.16823861
Quoted by: >>16823877

What are the other tactics? Have sex with a guy until he's addicted?

Still I agree with you. Not daughteru of mine is taking the "sucking every dick until one doesn't leave" route but instead is finding herself a nice boy she loves and loves her back so she can fuck and marry him.

>> No.16823862

Here you go, don't spend it all in once place.

>> No.16823864

Be proud of her anyway anon. You know the struggle, so make sure she doesn't get overwhelmed with it.

>> No.16823866
Quoted by: >>16823871

even regular sheep are great to hug, one hugging back would be perfect.

>> No.16823867

A lot of the people bitching about this would make terrible fathers. The majority of girls are highly susceptible to social trends. I doubt many of these fucks could raise a daughteru who isn't a raging club-slut. That means my daughter's peer group is going to be full of the "sucking every dick until one doesn't leave" caste.

I know what I'll do. I'll school my daughter in an undead kingdom, and pay for her class to be undead "kids" who are actually respectable adults and some centuries old.

They'll teach her to be a cultured and respectable lady.

>> No.16823868
Quoted by: >>16823886

Then you still give her headpats because what matters is that she tried her best.


That is also the correct answer. But still encourage her to do her best.

>> No.16823870

I'm not saying they literally belong on /d/ but you have to admit that women with the lower half of their body replaced by a snake/horse/spider and with mindsets distinctively different from humans are a pretty out there fetish compared to vanilla.

I know it's easy to forget when you've been into monster girls for years but they're not really normal in any sense of the word and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, they're just different.

>> No.16823871
File: 113 KB, 1096x1004, 1473222887570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16823910

I see you understand

>> No.16823876
Quoted by: >>16823895

Nope. I'll raise mine right. I know I will.

>> No.16823877
Quoted by: >>16823906

>(human) traditional courting
>throw him over your shoulder and take him back to your rape cave
Just off the top of my head.
All of which work just fine so long as you encourage them to stick with the one they pick.

>> No.16823882


>> No.16823884

That's also why you raise your daughteru somewhere nice.
MGC is not a place to raise kids.

>> No.16823886
Quoted by: >>16823906

I'd teach all my daughterus to do their best, but not get sad when they don't get the best, if that makes any sense.
I want to give my wurm adopteru a big hug when she comes home with her first A+.

>> No.16823893
Quoted by: >>16823903

That won't end very well, but sure.

I mostly got Bs, so that would be nice.

>> No.16823895

If you're fine with KC's canon setting, I highly doubt you will. In fact I will state definitively that you won't.

On a side note, are you saving up money to chip in for the revolving door she'll operate on the street corner at night?

>> No.16823901

C'mon mate, you're trying a little too hard there.

>> No.16823902
File: 547 KB, 2069x1455, Lesser_Succubus_extra_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice to have sex with a monster while she figures out what she can do.

>> No.16823903

>That won't end very wel
I was joking, but what makes you say that?

>> No.16823906
Quoted by: >>16823928

I like all of those. I know I'll raise em right. And I will make it my priority they know to stick with the one they pick.

Good man. A daughteru who's father encourages her to do her best while also not getting angry when she doesn't get the best is a daughteru raised well.

Yeah like >>16823901 said. You're basically throwing the hole rod into the water.

>> No.16823910

I'm from sheep farm not the Welsh-kind. It's in my blood to hug cute and comfy sheep.

>> No.16823913
File: 156 KB, 1098x739, C8j9CDKU0AAMOV-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this thing and why did KC retweet it? Because it looks like a rejected Bloodborne weapon.

>> No.16823916

I don't get it. I honestly have no faith in your ability to raise a respectable daughteru.

I'm not baiting or anything.

>> No.16823918
Quoted by: >>16823962

Where do you even hold it?
Does it attach to your arm?

>> No.16823921

He retweets practically everything.

>> No.16823922 [DELETED] 

I'm not giving you another one, buddy.

>> No.16823928

I know what it's like for homework to stress me out, so I want to make it easier for my daughterus.
Gonna pick up my biological Demon daughteru when I notice her starting to get too stressed and carry her over to the living room to decompress with some vidya.

>> No.16823930 [DELETED] 

I literally just said that I wasn't looking for them though.

>> No.16823931 [DELETED] 

His game is weak. He needs to reel in and recast.

>> No.16823938 [DELETED] 

Hard to reel in when you just chucked the whole rod into the lake.

>> No.16823942

Luckily my daughterus wouldn't really get stressed that easy and are quite capable of handing school work I imagine. Just due to the nature of their species. But still, a good parent always keeps and eye out and I'd be there to support them all the way, making sure they're not being pushed too hard, not only by their mother but by themselves.


Damn anon that sounds really nice of you.

>> No.16823950 [DELETED] 

Maybe if he's lucky a mermaid will come get it for him.

>> No.16823952 [DELETED] 

While you're playing this game, I've another question. What's up with the attempt to convince yourself that any one who holds a different opinion to you is being insincere and is looking for attention? It's like "It's bait" is a meme at this point, but meme's at least have a sense of self awareness.

>> No.16823961
Quoted by: >>16823969

You gotta remember to have them exercise too. Don't want them to be failing PE.

>> No.16823962

I guess you can swing it around like the Orphan of Kos' Yo-Yo placenta blade.

>> No.16823964

>anons move to MGE land for easy fugs
>teach their daughterus to pick only the best
>second generation mg are 3dpd chad only
The irony

>> No.16823969
Quoted by: >>16823999

Their mother has that sorted. Jeez she'd be really hard on them aswell.

Gotta do your exercises though.

>> No.16823971

Whatever, I got mine.

Fuck 'em.

>> No.16823972
File: 339 KB, 812x1185, 1489367280691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can i make a tall dominatrix vampire addicted to my blood and semen?

>> No.16823975
File: 602 KB, 2529x1795, time to take my spoils back to the rape cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the ushi-oni profile: "Normally they live deep in the mountains, but sometimes ushi-oni come down from the mountains and attack human settlements seeking men. At that time, if they find a man who strikes their fancy, they’ll shoot out webbing that is almost like a rope, tie him up, and take him back home deep in the mountains. . .Once they’ve gotten a hold of a man, they (and presumably the victim) never show themselves around humans again."

Must be terrifying for the nearby villages subject to sudden ushi-oni raids.

>> No.16823977

Not sure about other anons. But all I want for my daughterus is someone who will treat them right and love them. I don't think I'm asking for much.

>> No.16823981

>Settling down with the first man they run into = 3dpd super-picky
If anything, I'm doing anons to come a favor.

>> No.16823983

>The best
Only in looks. I'm teaching mine to only seduce rich young men with significant ability.

>> No.16823984

That's the stuff anon, though I agree with >>16823942 in the fact that my daughteru wouldn't get stressed very much at all. She is very prone to getting overexcited though, so removing her from whatever situation and carrying her over to where she'd sit in my lap while I play video games or over to the bedroom to just cuddle and listen to calm, happy music would be one of the best fatherly duties.

>> No.16823986

When you're stressed out, you're not going to get anything done. Decompressing is important.
When it's all said and done though,
I just want to be there for my daughteru.

>> No.16823988

Blood and wine, lad. Blood and wine. Then, coffee or tea with 'cream.'

>> No.16823991
Quoted by: >>16824003

>Town gets invaded
>Nice girl next door crush gets turned into a monster
>Pins you down and ties you up as she experiments, figuring out all the ways she can get you off and the things you seem to like the most.

>> No.16823993

Learn your body and learn to cook. Learn what foods make your blood taste the best.

>> No.16823995
Quoted by: >>16824009

So chad but with money.

>> No.16823999

That's good to hear. School will be a breeze to them.

>> No.16824001

Ordig and darh? Can anyone read that english text?
Also apparently its SSS tier

>> No.16824003
Quoted by: >>16824028

>Crush next door sees you always trying to get a look at her feet
>She gives you a foot job


>> No.16824004

Those big fluffy side ears are just too cute
I wonder if they'd look better if their color was the same as her hair

>> No.16824005
File: 499 KB, 1100x854, 1485183970695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824038

i find it scareousing

>> No.16824009

Chad with money, most of which her earned through his own displays of resourcefulness and adaptability. Then I'll rest easy and focus on making another daughteru.

>> No.16824010
Quoted by: >>16824015

Oh, it must be an OC lilim!

>> No.16824014
Quoted by: >>16824017

>I'm teaching mine to only seduce rich young men
And you wonder why women love money so much.

>> No.16824015

>Also apparently its SSS tier
What do you expect from what is more or less the japanese equivalent of this:

>> No.16824017

I've never wondered. It's financial and social security.

>> No.16824024

So this is what Saphirette does in her spare time? I mean, she is cute and I would really spend some nice quality time with her, but damn.

>> No.16824025
Quoted by: >>16824029

>comfy listening to music with daughterus

Underrated as fuck.

>> No.16824026

This man speaks the truth.

>> No.16824028
Quoted by: >>16824032

Well of course but she has to make sure she tries it all out.
>How does he like it best? Should I pin his cock against him with one foot and simple stroke up and down? Or maybe between both soles, or both arches. Or maybe I could stroke it between my toes. Should I sit on his face while I do it? Oh, maybe rid him with my feet on his face! Well only one way to find out

>> No.16824029

What are you even supposed to play for daughterus?

>> No.16824032

That kid is in for the time of his life

>ywn have this

>> No.16824034
Quoted by: >>16824045

So something most anons hate in this world and sole reason they want to move to mge land?

>second generation of beta anons in mgeland rrreee about fucking feminists and chad only whores
>create super monster girl land
>move there
>teach their daughteru to fuck chad only
Eternal circle

>> No.16824035


>> No.16824036

Not him, but my daughteru prefers classical music. Sometimes she'd listen to classic rock because it's what her mother and I like most, and sometimes she'd listen to music from her favorite TV shows, but classical would be her all-time favorite.

>> No.16824038

If a ushi uni came rampaging down to me i would be scared diamonds

i just hope she doesnt break me too quick, i wanna make her happy with lots of spidercow daugherus

>> No.16824040
Quoted by: >>16824092

BFG Division.

>> No.16824042

Good parenting right there. Daughterus should looked after by their daddies and their daddies should make sure their daughterus are always alright.

>> No.16824044

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

Stop complaining about fetishes, that is all I'll chip in to all this. If people want it, let em have it. Moreover if someone does dislike your jam, whether it be super vanilla or corruptionberry, deal with it and agree to disagree.

>> No.16824045

I don't want my daughter marring some faggot who can't make her life comfortable.

>> No.16824046

The memeiest most cancerous songs you can find.

>> No.16824048

*unless it's futa, yuri or NTR

>> No.16824049

>Automaton daughteru listens to dubstep
>automaton waifu immediately takes away her headphones and scolds you for letting your daughteru listening to porn

>> No.16824053

I'll take it. Liliraune's get a pass though. Deal?

>> No.16824054

Monster girls naturally have a very liberal idea of sex, and through incubization so will you. You won't care if your daughteru goes nuts when she comes of age because to your and your waifu: it's natural.

And as much as I wish monster girls were real, they're nothing more than fantasy. We will never be with our waifus or have daughterus together. But because it's nothing more than fantasy, your fantasy can take on any form you want. If you want you're daughterus to be pure and lead wholesome lives, then they will. If you want your waifu to be pure when you meet, then she will.

Besides, if monster girls ever did become real and make it this world, it's pretty much a guarantee that you won't get the type of species you want. You'll most likely end up with the first or second one that proactively dates you.

>> No.16824055


>> No.16824057

That's why the ultimate dream is to go to them.

>> No.16824058

Consider me in agreement.

>> No.16824059

>"But what about X that I don't like"
>"It's okay, you won't care."
>"But I do."
>"I'll make it so you can't."
Worst way to solve anything.

>> No.16824060
Quoted by: >>16824066

There are some MGs that will come if you think about them hard enough. It's a gammable system.

>> No.16824062


Doubt people will listen but really, it's fiction for crying out loud.

>> No.16824066
Quoted by: >>16824100

The ol' Shog loophole.

>> No.16824068
Quoted by: >>16824099

>they're nothing more than a fantasy

October, anon.

But really I don't think I'm asking for much when I just want my daughterus to settle down with the first person they meet. They can fuck them to their hearts content but just aslong as they're in a loving relationship, then I'm fine.

>> No.16824074

Good to see some reason return to the thread.
I blame the Hatter posting from earlier. Damn butt-tea.

>> No.16824075
File: 1.52 MB, 2899x976, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros and Cons of a undead harem?

was thinking something like:average Wight,tall lanky Vampire and shortstack Dullahan

>> No.16824078

It's kind of funny how many neurotic or "shotgun dad" daughterufags we have here. MGE isn't exactly the optimal place for having a cute family or pure daughterus, considering how the monsters are.

>> No.16824079
Quoted by: >>16824083

Would marry and let her cling on me til death do us apart
She looks extra cute with human limbs but I still prefer kelp arms and feet

It's an OC cursed sword, the artist has been working on it for a while I remember seeing sketches of it a while back

>> No.16824082
Quoted by: >>16824096

cold feet in bed.

>> No.16824083

I guess it's a matter of time before we see it attached to a host?

>> No.16824088

It's undead
It's a harem


>> No.16824091

This is a landing place for a lot of other things that lead someone to fantasize about a non-harmful ideal family life. And that's fine, so long as everyone understands it's a shared space.

>> No.16824092

From over sized speakers that peel wallpaper of the walls?

>> No.16824094

>obvious pros to having a harem
>Cuties who will all be hugging every inch of your body for warmth
>because they're Undead, feeding them isn't a necessity
>undead girls a best

>obvious cons to having a harem
>You're going to have a lot of rigor mortis to deal with
>good luck getting up in the morning where all those girls don't want to let go from their personal heat source.

>> No.16824095
Quoted by: >>16824103

Undead harem

>> No.16824096


>> No.16824099

>October, anon
I wanna believe! But I know I'll be let down.

>> No.16824100
Quoted by: >>16824115

precisely the one I had in mind!

>> No.16824102
Quoted by: >>16824111

>all those girls don't want to let go from their personal heat source.
You mean their communal heat source.

>> No.16824103


>> No.16824104

Fine. But I won't like it.

>> No.16824105

But not all monsters end up sluts and neither will daughterus? I hate how this is constantly being forced down our throats. It's a shared space like anon said, just let us be.

>> No.16824107

That Jiangshi is cute.

>> No.16824111

Yeah, s-sorry.

>> No.16824113
Quoted by: >>16824133

I want a Wisp, Phantom, and Ghost for spectral harem shenanigans.

>> No.16824115

Interesting choice of words Mastah.

>> No.16824116
File: 1.43 MB, 1268x1624, 61378006_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824125

>You're going to have a lot of rigor mortis to deal with
Only Jiang-Shi have that issue, but I wouldn't doubt that Wights and Liches appreciate good massages and ass smacks.

>> No.16824120
Quoted by: >>16824179

How angry would a Dullahan get if you ductaped her mouth and leaved her head out of the room you are making out with her body with?

>> No.16824122

>If people want it, let em have it
Hah no

>> No.16824125

I would love to give a Lich a massage after a long day of experiments.

>> No.16824132

Not my fault you're all bad at parenting.

>> No.16824133

please i cant handle jumpscares

just imagine getting home from work,house is totally empty then out of nowhere your three waifus pounce on you

>> No.16824135
Quoted by: >>16824147

The demon spider's gonna get ya!

>> No.16824137

I just treat them as selfcest or enticing masturbation and it's fine.

>> No.16824144

Anon I think that's exactly what a lot of anons here want to happen to them.

>> No.16824146

Part of me really wonders out of all the material people who are judgemental about fetishes could be drawn to, why they would willingly choose to follow MGE if they get upset by so much stuff.

Sure futa, and NTR are okay to dislike for obvious reasons, one is pretty gay and the other is extremely unpleasant but apart from them just do whatever. It's not like anyone around here is asking for hyper inflation or guro.

>> No.16824147
Quoted by: >>16824166

Not if i mate press her before she presses me!

>> No.16824158

>Zipangu is arguably the most peaceful region
>They still have rapist spiders and exhibitionist weasels

When will monster girls learn about consent?

>> No.16824162

>It's not like anyone around here is asking for hyper inflation or guro.

Give them an inch and they'll step a mile. Also from the "degenerate fetish" post I believe we had last thread. There's a lot of degenerate stuff people would post if we let them.

>> No.16824163

>tfw no matter where you go, your waifus could follow.
>sitting on toilet, waifu comes through wall behind you to lean on your shoulders.
>taking shower, other waifus face begins to appear in the reflection in the mirror

>> No.16824166
Quoted by: >>16824186

You're right, we're gotta get her before she gets up.

Let's round up all the men in the village, find her cave and subdue her, then a brave man can creampie her until she's satisfied.

>> No.16824168
Quoted by: >>16824252

I'm not sure. Try organising a class at your local MG school to teach about the importance of consent.

>> No.16824170

Again, there are a lot of people who have ended up here for very different reasons than sexual fantasies. And that's fine, but everyone just needs to understand that there are some people here who just want a good taboo fetishistic nut. Just as it should be respected the other way around.

>> No.16824171

Within reason obviously, /d/ exists for a reason.

>> No.16824173
Quoted by: >>16824252

The minute they can conceive fertile sons.

>> No.16824176

>monstergirl island game is getting a monsterboy

>> No.16824179
Quoted by: >>16824204

Maximum mad. But if it's a tsundere it's justified

>> No.16824182
Quoted by: >>16824211


>> No.16824186
Quoted by: >>16824195

>ushi oni dries up every men and shes still not satisfied

nice job now we are screwed

>> No.16824187

Sadly it usually doesn't play out that way and nobody respects each other.

>> No.16824195
Quoted by: >>16824218

Plan B.

We seal her away as an ancient evil, only for her to be unleashed 10000 years later, very vengeful and sex-crazed.

>> No.16824199
Quoted by: >>16824214

>Just as it should be respected the other way around
Exactly, I can agree with that. I'm not going to say to a guy that his daughter is off to join a harem and get fucked while chugging multiple wonderland potions and if they don't tell me that I'm a faggot for wanting to do that with a harem of Cheshires completely unrelated to them then we're cool.

>> No.16824202

Reminder that taste is subjective, and that you really shouldn't get mad at others posting things that conflict with your standards and morals. You know it's going to happen regardless. Either scroll past or contribute for those who share your values.

>> No.16824204

its a bitchy tsundere

the kind of waifu that cooks your meals at the wrong temperature

>> No.16824206

I think one takeaway from that experience is that there are plenty of people with 'degenerative' fetishes here that are mature enough to not bring them in the thread. I believe it's reasonable to expect that in turn, if someone happens to be very vanilla they can accept and not berate those who are trying to discuss other fetishes that are perfectly canon.

>> No.16824207

Thank fuck I don't play it.

>> No.16824209
Quoted by: >>16824220

Wait why is it still called monstergirl island then if there's a boy?

>> No.16824211

Already called the dev a fag elsewhere.
For a start it's monsterGIRL island and he's added a fuckable guy, despite previously saying he wouldn't. He's selling out to vocal faggots with money like CoC did before, next will be the furry with a barbed dick.

>> No.16824214

Exactly this.

Let's all be friends and respect each other.

>> No.16824218
Quoted by: >>16824227

thats worse,after she wakes up shes gonna drag every man in a 100KM radius and make them her dispenser bitches

>> No.16824220
Quoted by: >>16824328

It's a trap. Traps count as girls, just like alps

>> No.16824222

Again, so what? You don't have to play it. And even if you do, you don't have to fuck him. Seems like an easy problem to avoid.

>> No.16824227

But it won't be OUR problem

>> No.16824230
Quoted by: >>16824242

True but we can also complain about it if we like.

>> No.16824237

Dammit people, this is how ancient evils are born

>> No.16824242

Sure, I'm just sayin'.

>> No.16824246
Quoted by: >>16824259

Source on that?

>> No.16824252

>Teacher Anon tries to teach horny, hormonal teenager MGs about consent
>Gets raped less than 10 minutes into the class

That's MGE's good end where the Chief God will get BTFO and the DL will reign supreme
I think MGE as it currently is is more interesting and attractive as a setting and maybe even as a hugbox
You need bad to contrast with the good

>> No.16824254

well thats true

Perfect plan! nothing could go totally wrong!

>> No.16824259
File: 81 KB, 399x405, _01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically asking what's wrong with monsterboys
/monster/ pls go

Patreon, discord. There is a shitstorm on discord right now

>> No.16824262
Quoted by: >>16824277

That body is getting impregnated and the head should get splashed with love juices.

>> No.16824263

>you don't have to fuck him
That's the problem, previously there were plans for a harem end where you got everyone. Guess what, if he adds a guy then your harem end will now involve a homosexual and you'll likely have to fuck him to unlock the harem in the first place.

It seems like a very odd move to include guy on guy action like that when it's going to chase off more people than it will attract as gays are a small minority.

>> No.16824270

Into the trash it goes

>> No.16824271

>unironically triggered
I guess nobody gets to cast the first stone here.

>> No.16824272
Quoted by: >>16824294

>There is a shitstorm on discord right now
Is the guy being stuborn about it or is he seeing other people's points at least?

>> No.16824273
File: 214 KB, 800x503, Jiiiii~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-When a man and a woman love each other very much...

>> No.16824276
Quoted by: >>16824284

Every harem should get an Alp. That way they can stop existing.

This wasn't a solution that I was expecting.

>> No.16824277
Quoted by: >>16824296

Even if shes beet red of fury the next morning?

>> No.16824280
File: 351 KB, 933x1000, space-anubis_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16824282

Hm, if that's true that would be shit.

>> No.16824284

Eh, I'd take an alp.
You can probably do some pretty kinky things with them.

That and you can't tell the difference once they're far enough along.

>> No.16824287

I think I'd try to get raped by teacher a class on consent. But I'd make it hard for them, I'd wear a chastity cage. And I wouldnt consent

>> No.16824289

I want to see this Anubis with that cute helmet on.

>> No.16824291

If Raijus are Sith who are the jedi?

>> No.16824293

One final thing: some of y'all need to recognize when a post is a joke or clearly just a lighthearted troll or shitpost. The whole argument started out of someone clearly saying something that shouldn't have been taken seriously or even if so was utterly benign, yet it got taken at face value yet again and blown up into shitflinging.
Chill sometimes. Use yer noggin and think if what you're replying to isn't actually just someone messing around. And even if not, is your angry response really necessary.

>> No.16824294
Quoted by: >>16824312

>I said no futa or gay but traps aren't gay
>kek, triggered, homophobe? :D

>> No.16824296
Quoted by: >>16824343

Just have her body shuush her down. Maybe by having her suck on your cock.

They hire better teachers than thaqt, c'mon.

>> No.16824299

I do a good portion of the time and in a way it's quite fun. I'm chill like the cool kids.

>> No.16824301

I have recently developed a taste for grapes. I want discuss and taste different types of grapes with Satyros. It would be even better if she has small vineyeard.
Maybe one day she invites me to taste very special, well aged wine from her cellar.

>> No.16824304

You're an annoying faggot.

>> No.16824305

I want to build a containment suit for an Ice Queen so she can go outside without freezing everything!

>> No.16824308

I thought this was going in a different grape-related direction. Shame.

>> No.16824312
Quoted by: >>16824338

Does it he want to lose money? Treating potential customers or patreon backers like that is a fantastic way to do that.

Plus he previously turned down adding a trap.

>> No.16824313
Quoted by: >>16824418

>I recently developed a taste for grapes
I imagined a Demon and a Apophis biting their lips before realizing you were talking about grapes grapes.

I bet they are off pouting somewhere now.

>> No.16824314
Quoted by: >>16824366

>That copyright symbol at the bottom
My sides are in pain.

>> No.16824315
Quoted by: >>16824338

i would

>> No.16824318

Nobody likes your snakes.
They got tossed aside like old rags for Demons.

>> No.16824320
Quoted by: >>16824418

i expected blueberry demons or jiangshi

>> No.16824321


Oh? I see where you're getting at. Nice, anon.

>> No.16824325
Quoted by: >>16824340

Be honest, how were they even able to compete from the start?

>> No.16824327

>like CoC
I distantly remember seeing some warning signs long before this happened, but I disregarded it back then.

>> No.16824328
Quoted by: >>16824337

Fucking anything that has either the body, genitals or mind/past of a boy is pretty gay desu.

>> No.16824331

Mass Effect with MGs, could it be done?

>> No.16824334
File: 237 KB, 1024x1376, the_next_woobie_by_cerberus123-db4nxol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16824335
Quoted by: >>16824413

That head is going in a box and is getting stuffed in the bottom of the closet. She can come out once the isolation has made her desperate for affection.

>> No.16824336
Quoted by: >>16824447

ayylmao's are pretty much MGs already, aren't they?

>> No.16824337
Quoted by: >>16824350

Trapfaggots are a cancer that needs to be gassed.

>> No.16824338

The vast majority of normies and anons are totally fine with traps. >>16824315
Only very small minority will get triggered over this

>> No.16824340
Quoted by: >>16824368

They were basically the only option for purple fetishists who didn't want to fuck a loli. (Devils)
Then Demons showed up and, well, why would anyone stick with the girl whose entire profile has nothing to do with how she acts once you actually fuck her? Grapesnakes were a mistake.

>> No.16824342
Quoted by: >>16824392

>Anubis in white dress
>Splash water on her
>Dress becomes translucent as it clings to her tan brown body
Nothing finer.

>> No.16824343

>Implying teachers are anything more than rapebait for students

The only teachers worth a damn are Hakutakus

>> No.16824344
Quoted by: >>16824371

Now now. Black sclera sisters gotta look out for one another.
Even if my grapeberry corruptionmuffin is superior.

>> No.16824348
File: 371 KB, 620x913, 4851ce71347f955ce5a13f6d8eac65dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824411

What kind of TV programs would certain MG have?

>1000 Ways to fug

>> No.16824349
Quoted by: >>16824376

Vast majority are totally fine with futa too.

>> No.16824350

This honestly.

>> No.16824351
Quoted by: >>16824364

Was this hostility really necessary? Couldn't you have at least tried to be humorous about it?

>> No.16824356

>this faggot thinks he speaks for everyone here based on the post of one resident ESL faggot

>> No.16824357
Quoted by: >>16824435

>The vast majority
Citation needed. One guy being a homo and saying he would isn't proof of a majority.

>> No.16824363

>Start playing Persona 5
>For some reason Succubus, who is normally level 25, is level 10
>Lilim, who is normally level 11, is level 32
I am confuseled.

>> No.16824364
Quoted by: >>16824390

The truth is harsh.

>> No.16824366

Fuck dude what if 4chan gets sued and goes under all because he posted that here?

>> No.16824368

Eh, I din't know. Grape snakes do seem more agressive and delicious than demons.
They have that really long hair and naughty face going, plus she is pretty nasty with her poison and we all know how many sluts there are here.

Demons are more vanilla.

>> No.16824371
Quoted by: >>16824409

This. They need to unite.

You're telling me that I could possibly get turned down at an MG school for being male, just because they think students wouldn't be able to concentrate? That school has a lawsuit for sexism on their hands!

>> No.16824376
Quoted by: >>16824426

If the majority of anons were fine with futa it would be allowed on /h/ and not banished to /d/ where it belongs.

>> No.16824380

It's like those dudes that fall for smug and dominant lolis. Such a shameful thing.

>> No.16824381
Quoted by: >>16824395

You still have a point but why did you have to type it out like some drunk redneck?

>> No.16824390
Quoted by: >>16824427

No, I'm being real here, sir. Do you just enjoy putting other people down because they think differently from you? I wasn't even insinuating anything, it was just a stupid "ha ha I thought you meant" post and you come waltzing along trying to turn it into another stupid internet slapfight.

Like, what do you get out of that? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.16824391
Quoted by: >>16824412

My biggest gripe with this is that it's shoddy linework doesn't make it look pointy enough to poke people with.

>> No.16824392
Quoted by: >>16824439

Now that's delicious. I'm not a big fan of purposely making my Anubis confused and uncomfortable. But it's nice to imagine splashing her with water and her body getting exposed under the wet translucent robes, only to go into confused "sex instinct" mode and violently rape me or bend over and offer herself to me.

I wouldn't do it but it's nice to fantasize.

>> No.16824395

Probably brain problems.

>> No.16824402
Quoted by: >>16824430

The shame makes it better though.

>> No.16824409

They wouldn't turn you down, in fact they'd pay you even more than your female counterparts because of the dangers you will be faced by on a daily basis

I was thinking more about high school
MG middle schools would definitely have plenty of rapists too, anything younger than that would be pretty chill and relatively safe depending on the species of your students

>> No.16824411

>Potions of the world
>It's just a Lich and her husband traveling the world testing traditional potions from all the countries of the world
>kinda like all the food shows that travel but every episode is 50% drugged sex.

>> No.16824412

its shoddy*

>> No.16824413

that sounds cruel anon,if i ever saw my waifu cry my heart would break

>> No.16824414

I hope Anon gets caught staring at Nile Crocodile Girls sunbathing topless, while visiting Egypt.

>> No.16824418

Well, I do like that kind of grapes as well. Have liked them for a long time actually. Just that I bought edible grapes again recently and have been hooked to them.

>> No.16824420
File: 513 KB, 771x1100, New golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like t see when a golem carves my name into her arm

>> No.16824421

>implying they even appeal to the same crowd as demons
Sure there's some crossover with people who like "evil" girls but their body types and way of going about things are entirely different.

>> No.16824424

Well, Asari, Quarians, Turians and Angara kinda count. I'd say Krogan but I think that crosses a line.

>> No.16824426
Quoted by: >>16824441

>If the majority of anons
He said normies. And there's a lot of futa shit being generated by them.

Also, /h/ is for vanilla, so that's a bit unfair. Tentacles are a pretty vanille fetish in relation to how deep the rabbit hole goes, and that goes on /d/ too/

>> No.16824427
Quoted by: >>16824464

I'm simply making a laconic observation of what happened to all the (former) Apophis love.

>> No.16824430
Quoted by: >>16824448

It's weird to even call you a man. At least you aren't into crossdressing like I know some people here are.

I can see them being really agressive to teh teachers, but that's why they should hire prefessionals.

>> No.16824432

what if i feed grapes to a grapesnek?

>> No.16824434
Quoted by: >>16824491

I demand compensation if I ever lost my virginity.

>> No.16824435

I don't mean some bunch of autists here but majority of anons in general. Re zero catboy, trap from oresenshi and other anime traps are always well received and loved

>> No.16824439
Quoted by: >>16824463

Very nice fantasy indeed.

And I agree, I wouldn't just randomly splash a bucket of water on my waifu. But there are other ways by which that dress could get wet, clingy and see-through. Getting caught in the rain, for example.

>> No.16824441
Quoted by: >>16824457

>The vast majority of normies and anons
That was the exact copy and pasted quote, he said anons.

>> No.16824444
File: 1.14 MB, 2480x3344, MG-4-eng1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824734

does anyone read monster girls on tour?

>> No.16824445
Quoted by: >>16824491

>anything younger than that would be pretty chill and relatively safe
>when they start wanting to fuck at 8 or earlier

>> No.16824446

Vocal minority, gays don't get much love in anime so when they do faggots who are depraved of content are extremely loud about it.

>> No.16824447

Yeah, that's right. I answered my own question about two seconds after posting.

Hmm, never pictured an MG species being alien visitors until now. Abduction story turning into a cute romance? I like the sound of that.

>> No.16824448

There's just something so arousing about being overpowered and bossed around by a Loli though, and the shame factor makes it better. Especially if she overpowers me.

Don't worry I'm not into cross dressing.

She's assumes her ultimate grape form.

>> No.16824455

Anon, it's not normies who are watching those. At all.
And the majority of anons haven't even touched those.

>> No.16824457
Quoted by: >>16824476

Go ask /a/ or /v/ what they think about traps and see for yourself

>> No.16824462
Quoted by: >>16824469


>> No.16824463
Quoted by: >>16824470

I don't know if I'd be able to contain myself if we got caught in the beginning of the rain season in her homeland. I'd see her wet brown body and I'd have an urge to just start worshiping it.

>> No.16824464
Quoted by: >>16824473

u wot

Well keep on being ironically confrontational to make a statement, my dude. More power to you.

>> No.16824467
Quoted by: >>16824477

There is no if. You will feed your Mistress grapes while pampering her other ways.

>> No.16824469


>> No.16824470

As well you should!

>> No.16824473

And you are free to continue tilting at windmills.

>> No.16824476

/a/ had plenty of fetish chart threads at one point were people filled out their likes and dislikes, traps and futa were nowhere near as popular as they would seem if you were just going by thread OPs.

Loli was consistently popular but traps were not.

>> No.16824477

Such as rubbing her purple scaly tail and warm her at night?

>> No.16824478

Corruption is not nice.

>> No.16824480
Quoted by: >>16824490

That's good and all but I still think calling normally would be wrong. Maybe "little bitch" would fit you better or something.

>> No.16824487
Quoted by: >>16824503

I think that it all depends on the context really.

>> No.16824488

Whatever happened to that faggot who made all those pretentiously worded posts and claimed he was going to be a writefag anyway? Did he get tired of having to open a tab to a thesaurus every time he posted?

>> No.16824490
Quoted by: >>16824518

>he thinks that doesn't make me more aroused

I'd love to be teased by her and given degrading nicknames. I can't help I love getting bossed around.

>> No.16824491

You say that now but I bet you'll willingly losing it to that Holst who goes to PE without a bra on and keeps leaking milk because her tits bounce too much when she runs

That's just the age they reach sexual maturity
Unless you got Ushis in your classroom you should be ok, though they might rape you still if you're visibly asking for it

>> No.16824497

Corruption is hot.

>> No.16824503

The only context that is acceptable is if the person being corrupted is 100% willing and has not been manipulated. Rape however is never acceptable for a monster girl to do.

>> No.16824507
Quoted by: >>16824659

I still say its a shitty thing to do to someone, but at least one of the most vocal guys on this subject now understands some anons feel this way.

>> No.16824508

>You say that now but I bet you'll willingly losing it to that Holst who goes to PE without a bra on and keeps leaking milk because her tits bounce too much when she runs

Fuck you're right. I'd willingly lose it to a Holst like that. Jesus christ I'm diamonds just thinking about it.

>> No.16824510

Is good joke comrade!

>> No.16824515
File: 2.52 MB, 3200x2400, 1405195926466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's just something so arousing about being overpowered and bossed around by a Loli though, and the shame factor makes it better. Especially if she overpowers me.

This is my fetish. She has to be smug too.

>> No.16824516

Sometimes people don't know what's best for themselves so it's a neccesary solution.

>> No.16824518
Quoted by: >>16824529

Yeah, no return for you. The best end I can see for you is a loli using you as a chair while periodically grabbing you by the hair and calling you her little bitch or nasty whore. Maybe even stepping on you a few times.

>> No.16824523

>You say that now but I bet you'll willingly losing it to that Holst who goes to PE without a bra on and keeps leaking milk because her tits bounce too much when she runs
Fuck man I'm not even much of a tit guy and even I think that's pretty damn hot.

>> No.16824528

That is not something that should be done, if people want to be left alone and uncorrupted then it should stay that way.

>> No.16824529

Sounds perfect.

>> No.16824535

My issue with corruption is that you're just forcing someone to think in the way YOU find acceptable. I'd wager corruptionfags wouldn't like something like this done to them if it was a mindset like chastity.

>> No.16824538
Quoted by: >>16824542

/monster/ is outraged by this shit too.

The dev is a confirmed faggot.

>> No.16824542

>/monster/ mad
>people here who wanted to play it aren't happy
>his own discord isn't pleased
>patreon are probably cheesed off too
>but nah it's just a minority of his fans who are bigots

>> No.16824550
Quoted by: >>16824561

As shitty as it is, 99 of every 100 fans could be pissed but if that 1 fan is happy AND supporting development with donations or Patreon, they're always going to be favoured.

>> No.16824551
Quoted by: >>16824561

He's not actually calling people bigots is he? Because that's going to piss off moderates.

>> No.16824554
Quoted by: >>16824560

I don't recall this being posted by Latenight earlier, in what thread did he?

>> No.16824556

The Sabbath section of the world guide was rather lewd now I go back and look at it. Especially the Baphonet's quotes.

>> No.16824560

He likely drew it on the Discord IIRC.

>> No.16824561

Apparently he was and saying people were triggered according to someone earlier in the thread.
Problem is if the people who were supporting his patreon and aren't happy with this pull their support he's going to feel it.

>> No.16824564
Quoted by: >>16824605

I'm glad that, no matter how much stuff KC adds, Monster Boys are still a hard no. Even the Siths are more tolerable than Monster Boys.

>> No.16824568

Can confirm, he just sketches stuff based on what people say and no one can predict when, much like here.

>> No.16824573

His discord in favor of it though. It ranges from "FUCK YEAH" to "not my taste but all fetishes are welcome"

>> No.16824577

That's because Discord is trash.

>> No.16824578

Did he actually call them bigots? this guy deserves a helicopter ride.

>> No.16824581

Probably because anyone arguing otherwise got banned.
That's how it usually goes.

>> No.16824586
Quoted by: >>16824623

Would you play a monster girl game if the protagonist was a futa

>> No.16824601

There's a discord?

>> No.16824605

He added alps and siths, and shoved incubi in the setting too. Don't you think he's dangerously close?

>> No.16824613


KC is dumb but he's not that dumb.

>> No.16824615


>> No.16824618
Quoted by: >>16824658

>having someone blow into their ears?
Volunteers who are given the right to act as law enforcers and blow into offending anubis ears with impunity? Sounds like an idea.
Alternately, portal spells right on top of the anubis ears so they can be blown into from anywhere.

The great thing about soft, baggy anubis robes?
There's enough room in them that you can get under her robe and share it with her. It's like a couple sharing a really big sweater, or wrapping up together in a blanket.

>> No.16824619

Alps are genderbend (and technically remove gay, which is nice), already commented on siths (Cait Sith is cute, in a cute mascot way. Cu Sith is bleh though.) and incubi is just getting a minor super power to fit your waifu better, like water breathing or fire proofness.

>> No.16824623
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824635

That game has been out for a year already

>> No.16824626

>Cait Sith is cute, in a cute mascot way. Cu Sith is bleh though
Cait sith are shit pets, you nigger.

>> No.16824627

>(Cait Sith is cute, in a cute mascot way. Cu Sith is bleh though.)
Caits are basically massive shitheads. At least Cu are useful.

>> No.16824635
Quoted by: >>16824639

Fuck off with your faggotry.

>> No.16824639

There's a proper way to deal with shitposters that involves 2-3 easy steps.

>> No.16824641
Quoted by: >>16824645

>remove gay
>by adding trannyshit
I would rather have fags just fucking in backgrounds than having trannyshit. Ideal and easiest gay removal would be DE curing their fagginess

>> No.16824645
Quoted by: >>16824651

Why is KC appealing to gays anyway?

Why does everything have to fucking appeal to gays too

>> No.16824649 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 1181x1748, 1491512123613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824766

Friendly reminder that Aquatic Ladies are the best.

>> No.16824650

>Alps are genderbend
That's true but some will disagree and call them trannies when it's not the same, both their body and mind are warped by magic to the point where it's female both inside and out.
>Cait Sith is cute, in a cute mascot way. Cu Sith is bleh though
I can fully agree with this.
>and incubi is just getting a minor super power
Not even powers in a lot of cases, just living longer.

>> No.16824651
Quoted by: >>16824657

He's not appealing to gays. Why would gays want to be girls?
It's a japan thing.

>> No.16824657

because thats what the profile says

>> No.16824658

Robes are just perfect, I think the other Anubis fag's waifu in robes solidified my positive opinion on them.

>It's like a couple sharing a really big sweater, or wrapping up together in a blanket.

That's my fetish.

>> No.16824659


>> No.16824661
File: 27 KB, 533x340, JFe74XYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16824676

To be completely honest, I don't have an issue with the Cait or Cu Sith. I mean, I'd never dick one because that'd be like fucking the Snuggles bear with an actual vagina. But so long as the people who like them (As I'm sure at least one writefag doesn't hate them, or one lurker/poster) doesn't try to force them down people's necks they're pretty ignorable and/or fine in my book.

The entire point about MGE is escapism and if you want to fuck furries you can, or commit yourself to a mental institution, or watch CSI/Read Yellow Pop since apparently fur feels better on the skin (According to furries).

So unless you're a certain, unnamable faggot and try to justify literal pseudo-penis penetration on a Gnoll or being on the receiving end of a futanari cock as not being gay because it's a chick with a dick, you're pretty okay in my book.

Especially since Male x Trap and Male x Futa is just trying to justify your fascination with homo-erotic encounters by going halfway so you can basically be an attention whore who never commits.

>> No.16824667
Quoted by: >>16824680

Is incorporating spells, foods and potions into sex with an MG considered "normal" to them?

I mean the way KC described it they sounded like fun little ways to boost sex to incredible heights. But then again that's exactly what they are.

>> No.16824669

All right, come clean, how many people in here originally thought she had 2 eye patches and she was going full Blind Beard the Pirate for funnies?

I mean look at that smile. That's the smile of happiness.

>> No.16824676

>that'd be like fucking the Snuggles bear with an actual vagina
There's an image I don't want but is not imprinted in my mind

>> No.16824677

I want to make and stare in my own consentecle porn.

>> No.16824680

I imagine MG like to use those during their honeymoon or some special occasion

unless you are married to the MG that provides said thing like manticores or basilisks,then they will be using those any time they feel like it

>> No.16824684
File: 1019 KB, 1685x1750, 4289805aea57e4d0872869ce5b683282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big and tall do you like your undeads?

>> No.16824688

Strongfat and nine feet tall.
Those are my limits

>> No.16824692

These are all reasons why I'm fairly certain I've got a 0G fetish of some sort.
Floating sex with an anubis set against the backdrop of space, watching her hair fan out and her breasts bounce would be my personal heaven, straight up. Then there's being able to slowly lick up droplets of her sweat and stuff, with her able to follow a cumshot through the air, line herself up with it, and drink up all the globules.

>> No.16824693
File: 3.37 MB, 1300x2481, 1486269112754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7ft. of soft Undead tiddies and ass.
YUGE Lich when Latenight?

>> No.16824707

Sometimes all the canon to MGE is overwhelming.

>> No.16824721
Quoted by: >>16824740

>Is it related to Order?
>Then it's purity
>Is it related to Monsters?
>Then it's corruption

It's not that hard anon.

>> No.16824724

>and through incubization so will you
>it's natural

It's almost a week past April Fool's, you don't need to make jokes like that any more.

>> No.16824725
Quoted by: >>16824740

Most of it's pretty straight forward, the only concrete rule is to not being an edgy faggot and the rest is pretty flexible.

>> No.16824726
Quoted by: >>16824740

Think of the MGE as a buffet.

Sure, there's a shitton of food, but you're not there to eat all of it. You just pick and choose what you like until you're full.

>> No.16824727
Quoted by: >>16824739

>How big and tall do you like your undeads?
Smaller and shorter than me.

>> No.16824730
Quoted by: >>16824741

Well you're in luck, it looks like translations have come to a dead halt ;_;

>> No.16824734

Tell me about this.

>> No.16824739
Quoted by: >>16824800

So you only like to bully shortstacks?

>> No.16824740
Quoted by: >>16824746

I guess I'm just stupid then.

>edgy faggot

I don't know how it's possible to be an edgy faggot in a setting like MGE. Unless you want to become "super MG slayer order ass kissing mega faggot".

Very true but I like to make my setting as close as possible to the canon because I like the canon. Some parts are a bit much for me and I just sprinkle a small pinch of headcanon on it but other than that is pretty much all vanilla.

>> No.16824741

>MGE translations stops
>MGE content slowly grinds to a halt
>The thread moves on, focus drifting away from MGE until it's barely mentioned more than once or twice a thread in passing

God, if only.

>> No.16824746

>I don't know how it's possible to be an edgy faggot in a setting like MGE. Unless you want to become "super MG slayer order ass kissing mega faggot".
Basically that yeah, don't be Grigori and you're cool.

>> No.16824751

I like to imagine a scenario like in that game, where a human girl gets corrupted and then 'taught' by the monster who did it how to best rape the man she likes.

>> No.16824760
Quoted by: >>16824820

Sex in 0G is uncharted terrain. You could get Monstergirl Space Agency to fund it.

>> No.16824763

I want the girl next door to turn into a cute lewd Succubus who has an obsession with sitting on my face.

Where can I go to see this being done?

>> No.16824766

This kind of sleek design is so great, it looks so soft and pleasant to the touch on top of being extremely visually appealing
That Zelda fish is cute but her body proportions are messed up, I'll stick to Mershark

>> No.16824767
Quoted by: >>16824772

You're delusional.

>> No.16824769
File: 928 KB, 1387x1136, 1476589369053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never experience "The Expanse" but with monster girls
>You will never work hard to make an honest living in the belt
>You will never have zero g cuddles with your space anubis after a day of mining ice

>> No.16824772
Quoted by: >>16824799

Well, it's only a dream of a paradise that probably will never be.

>> No.16824774

See >>16824280

Truly it is what I aspire to more than anything else.

>> No.16824786

I really really like big meaty paws!

>> No.16824790
Quoted by: >>16824809

MGE is the only good monster girl setting.

>> No.16824793

It's fun to imagine having a comfy space exploring life with my Anubis.

>> No.16824799

A paradise with a dead thread because no one gives enough of a shit about other settings.

>> No.16824800
Quoted by: >>16824829

Undead are not for bullying. Also shortstacks are lame

>> No.16824804
Quoted by: >>16824812

He's probably the sod from earlier complaining about the MGEs focus on sexytimes.

>> No.16824809

MGE is a garbage setting. It just does the best job it can at pandering and being a substanceless den of escapism.

I'd like to think that people would be able to talk about other monstergirl setting given the abscence of MGE, but who knows.
I get the strong feeling that a considerable amount of posters here aren't in it so much for the monstergirls, but the lewd and comfy fantasising.

>> No.16824812

Can you like stop assuming every shitposter is the same person? It's like you're convinced that it's some organized attack on the thread or someshit.

>> No.16824815
Quoted by: >>16824851

What other settings though, most of them are anime/manga and would be booted off /jp/ faster than you could say posting standards if they were the focus.

That leaves visual novels and lets face it, we have enough visual novel readers here to count on one hand at best.

>> No.16824816
Quoted by: >>16824824

Ever thought that maybe MGE is the best setting we have that doesn't include bullshit like furries and monster boys?

Because there is a very limited amount of settings for monster girls that aren't garbage. You're free to talk about those settings. Nobody is stopping you. Stop complaining and actually make discussion.

>> No.16824819
Quoted by: >>16825029

>complaining about escapism on a Siberian Curry forum

>> No.16824820

If you wanted to do it completely unassisted, you'd need pretty damn good upper body strength, too.
You might not need to cope with weight, but you'd still need to overcome mass and inertia.
Say you've got your space anubis in your arms, and she's wrapped her own arms around your neck to keep herself steady as you enter her. With nothing you push off of, you'd need to manually "pump" her entire mass up and down repeatedly.
For those people who couldn't pull it off, it'd be easier to do with a smaller girl.
But a regular sized anubis could still help by wrapping her legs around you for leverage, and pumping with her own arms in sync with your movements. And honestly, if you're an anubisfag, and you're not working out to improve yourself and get stronger: what the hell is wrong with you?

Forget using the onboard resistance machines. If you want to avoid muscle atrophy, just go through the entire space karma sutra with her.
I like to think I've put some level of thought into this.

>> No.16824823
Quoted by: >>16824942

>Complains about MGE having no substance
>Gives zero alternatives
If you just want to be a whiny bitch then you should have picked a different topic.

>> No.16824824

>that doesn't include bullshit like furries and monster boys?
But it literally does though. If you're going to make the argument that a piece of monstergirl media isn't worth talking about because it has unsavoury elements in it, then you have to say that MGE isn't worth it either.

>> No.16824829

Shortstacks are literally built for bullying and impregnating

>> No.16824836

Answer the posts asking what settings you would rather talk about, you're tiptoeing around the issue and not giving any alternatives, it's looking like you just want an excuse to bash MGE and have no real argument for a better setting.

>> No.16824838
Quoted by: >>16825204

True statement.
Just as tallelegants are made for seducing you and teasing you for popping a boner just looking at them.

>> No.16824839
Quoted by: >>16824883


H-Heh, yeah. A-Amiright?

>> No.16824842
Quoted by: >>16824942

What other? EMG? kek
And having no setting at all would be even worse, constant donut steel OCs bitching and "my headcanon should be threadcanon fuck off"

>> No.16824844
Quoted by: >>16824867

Come on anon. What setting do you want to talk about then? Let's have a discussion together.

>> No.16824845
Quoted by: >>16824867

Not an argument.

>> No.16824851
Quoted by: >>16824867

Not him but this has always been the monstergirl thread, everything monstergirl from everywhere. Hell, the only reason stuff like EMG died down in discussion here was because a bunch of fags didn't want to leave /a/ when the rest of us did back in 2014. And look at them now.

>> No.16824853
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x972, TIgoDNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does space life with an Anubis sound so perfect?

>> No.16824859
Quoted by: >>16825945

Don't remind me... I was already having existential quandaries last night about personal determination and how it relates to deserving love or not last night. I don't need you reminding me too.

>> No.16824867

And here's the part where he stops replying.
And what other setting are talked about? None, random pixiv art of generic girls doesn't count as a setting.

>> No.16824883

Just do it Anon. Hell, just bodyweight exercises will do.
If you don't want to be a strong, dependable husband with arms an anubis can be safe in, you might actually be more retarded than me. Or, y'know, get stronk so that when an anubis dominates you, she feels even better about it. I'm not gonna judge you, except I will, if you don't get stronk for an anubis in the first place.

>> No.16824884
Quoted by: >>16824902

Dude I'm asking you if you want to talk about any settings. You seem so inept on bashing MGE and complaining that no enough other settings are talked about yet you refuse to talk about them yourself?

>> No.16824895

I want a Minotaur with so much height, tits, hair, and especially muscle that she looks like someone turned all her body settings to max to confide in me her troubles and let me roll with her greaser-esque gang as someone under her protection
Then I want her to fall for me and rape me silly while confessing, afterward being twice as protective of me and treating me like a prized delicate piece of fine China. Except when she's fucking me, cowgirl or reverse cowgirl every time.

>> No.16824899

>And what other setting are talked about?

Used to be whatever monstergirl media was coming out at the time, not even the setting. New season of Bahamut is coming out. That should have a few fair girls. Granblue too. There's a Z-ton Hentai coming out next month, not based on any of his comics.

People were memeing about some of the Japari Park girls just last thread.

Those sort of things.

>> No.16824902
Quoted by: >>16824914

What? I'm on your side and saying he's going to stop replying because people asked him for settings he likes.

>> No.16824907

I ain't going to blog post too long.

>Just do it Anon. Hell, just bodyweight exercises will do.

I'm lazy man. Really lazy. I couldn't get off my ass for shit.

>If you don't want to be a strong, dependable husband with arms an anubis can be safe in, you might actually be more retarded than me.

Now that's just making me feel sad. I want to be the perfect husband I can possibly be for her. But wanting and doing are different things. I've tried in the past but I usually gave up or slowly stopped and went back to my old self.


Like I said, I want to give her that pride and happiness in me being a better person. I need her help, I need her to smack be over the back of the head and tell me to stop being such a lazy shit.

>> No.16824910
Quoted by: >>16824916

>monstergirl setting

>> No.16824914

Oh, well shit sorry man.

>> No.16824916

Did I call it a setting? No. I said it had some girls in it.

>> No.16824918

Any one watching Clockwork Planet? Pretty interesting so far. Automaton falls out of the sky and into a dude's home in a giant coffin. She's shut down, so he opens her up and sticks his long hard thing inside and screws her.

She immediately calls him mastah too.

>> No.16824920
Quoted by: >>16824940

People post Dorafs all the time in here, what are you talking about?
Come on dude.

>> No.16824922
Quoted by: >>16824934

>Used to be whatever monstergirl media was coming out at the time
Most of it isn't board friendly.
> New season of Bahamut is coming out
Anime, belongs on /a/ and has a monster boy in the main cast.
>Granblue too
/jp/ related since it's a mobage, gets a little talk now and again.
>There's a Z-ton Hentai coming out next month, not based on any of his comics
Talking about him in a positive light here is asking for a shitstorm and it's not by him, he just provided designs. Animated hentai is usually poor quality anyway.
>People were memeing about some of the Japari Park girls just last thread.
/a/ related, posting images here is fine but in depth discussion of it belongs elsewhere.

I'm all ears if you have stuff that actually belong here and isn't shit though.

>> No.16824926
Quoted by: >>16824994

>wasting time on exerting flesh that will rot away in the end for someone who will never exist

>> No.16824927

I'm not him, but I bet your Anubis would make you a neat schedule that helps you get fit once you meet her.

Personally, I'm in the same boat as you with the laziness, so I'm just waiting for mamono mana to give me the easy solution.

>> No.16824934
Quoted by: >>16824949

>implying /a/ shit isn't allowed here
It's like you don't know that this place is literally called /a/-in-exile.

>> No.16824935
Quoted by: >>16824941

I have a feeling that the scene isn't nearly as lewd as my mind imagines it to be.

>> No.16824936
Quoted by: >>16824941

Haven't seen it although the Automaton girls do look pretty good. How is it?

>> No.16824938

I saw key art posted on /a/ mere moments ago. Didn't think much of it.

You convinced me to pick it up. So thanks for that.

>> No.16824940

I was giving examples of non-MGE stuff that is current and relevant to the thread. I never said it wasn't posted.

>> No.16824941
Quoted by: >>16824944

She sucks him off and swears her life to him. And I'm only 16 minutes it, it's pretty great so far.

>> No.16824942
Quoted by: >>16824963

Hell, there was a list posted literally last thread of all the various things. Games, VNs, anime and manga, whatever. If you can't find it I could probably link it. But I one post saying "That leaves visual novels and lets face it, we have enough visual novel readers here to count on one hand at best", which kind of proves my point. People don't seek monstergirl content for the sake of monstergirl content. They flock to MGE because it's safe and easy.

To be honest, I shit on it a lot, but I don't hate MGE entirely. Sure, I'll join in on conversations about it, talk about MG designs I like. But it's all there is in this thread. It's samey, and like I said earlier, it's substanceless enough that 50% of a single thread is just going to fit one single post template.

>And having no setting at all would be even worse, constant donut steel OCs bitching and "my headcanon should be threadcanon fuck off"
Pretty sure that wouldn't happen, especially when you get posts from the perspective of a "generic" or undefined setting that isn't MGE, like some greentext or scenario post that's blatantly original. You'd see more people defining stuff ("So in [x] scenario, what would [y]?" for example), but only shitposty faggots would push OCs or try to force personal canons onto the thread, and they'd get chased off in the traditional /mgt/ way.

>> No.16824944
Quoted by: >>16824947

>sucks his dick in the first 16 minutes

Oh so it's like MGE then?

But seriously I should consider giving it a watch then.

>> No.16824947

Yes... His dick.

>> No.16824949

>/a/ in exile
>when at least half the thread were crossboarders from /tg/, /v/ and other boards and not /a/ natives
Do you have any idea how many people here don't even go to /a/ any more now the thread got moved? The meta poster back on /a/ used to call us all crossboarders and it was one of the few things he was right on.

>> No.16824951

315 cm is where I draw the line

>> No.16824957
Quoted by: >>16824969

I would love that and her support is what would make me actually do it. Also the thought of it being For Her.

The easy solution does sound tempting and I can respect you for wanting it. But I feel like I'd get more from working towards it, also it's quality time with my waifu and I'd always love that. I hope you find Mamono mama soon then you can get stronk. Would you prefer the "instant pillarmen transformation" or a slow "growth of muscle" kind of way?

>> No.16824958

Point is, this was never some /jp/ native thread and has stuff from everywhere. We're not limited like that guy implies. Hell, the natives were so mad when we got shoved here, the mods had to babysit the place for over a month to delete the trolls starting threads with furry shit and stuff.

>> No.16824959
Quoted by: >>16824982

I wandered into these threads from /jp/ itself a year or so ago.

>> No.16824963

>But I one post saying "That leaves visual novels and lets face it, we have enough visual novel readers here to count on one hand at best", which kind of proves my point. People don't seek monstergirl content for the sake of monstergirl content. They flock to MGE because it's safe and easy.
It's not because of that, it's because visual novels aren't a desirable medium to most people. There's also rules that translated visual novels belong on /vg/ and /jp/ janitors actually enforce that.

>> No.16824966
Quoted by: >>16824982

There are apparently a few /jp/ natives that were attracted to this place.

>> No.16824969
Quoted by: >>16824979

I'd prefer the slow growth of muscle stuff for sure. I wouldn't want to be Pillarmen-tier at all though, I'd just want enough muscle to be able to carry my waifu around comfortable for long periods of time for when I pamper her.

Even though I don't think my waifu would join me as she and I both like her on the softer side, I definitely like the idea of working out and getting sweaty in workout clothes together being quality waifu time.

>> No.16824972
Quoted by: >>16824990

The thought of an Anubis helping to compliment my weaknesses and helping to improve my personal management is one of the reasons why I like them so much.

Then I get into the thought that that line of thinking is selfish and pathetic and I get depressed at my own worthlessness and question why anyone, even an otherworldly supreme beauty that supposedly runs on selfless love, would want to bother.

>> No.16824979
Quoted by: >>16824990

That's very understandable, wanting to princess carry and pamper your waifu with the muscle to do so without going over the top is a good thing.

Also, muscle differences in couples is cute anon. So having a softer waifu while you're more hunkier is adorable.

>> No.16824982
Quoted by: >>16824993

I'm a /jp/ native who used to crossboard on /a/ for these threads.

>> No.16824990
Quoted by: >>16824997

>Then I get into the thought that that line of thinking is selfish and pathetic and I get depressed at my own worthlessness and question why anyone, even an otherworldly supreme beauty that supposedly runs on selfless love, would want to bother.
I don't know anon, I feel like some girls like that would love to help you heal and become a better person whether you feel like you deserve it or not.

>So having a softer waifu while you're more hunkier is adorable.
Right?I'd kind of like mamaono mana to increase my height a little bit as well, even though as it is now I'd be 8 inches taller than my waifu.

>> No.16824993
Quoted by: >>16825000

I can now recall that way back on /a/ there was an anon that mentioned he was a /jp/sie.

>> No.16824994

I bet I'm lazier. I'll stay in bed until 5PM if I don't have any obligations.
Despite that, I still find the discipline to get of my own ass. Who knows where from, but there's probably a bit of anubis lodged in my brain from all the anubis posting I do. You should have it too.
Also, to be honest, it just feels good. Until some time ago, I was stick-thin with the upper-body strength of a kitten. But being able to get to that point where you can surprise yourself with your own strength is a great feeling. And I don't feel like I'm trash any more. Just high society garbage.

>wasting time exerting brainpower that will rot away in the end, in a thread for beings who will never exist
I know I'm an autist for saying what essentially amounts to "do it for your waifu." And I'm a huge hypocrite (I mean, a MASSIVE hypocrite), because even though I hate a lot of waifu culture, I still basically just added to it with my posts.
But that level of nihilism is just kind of dumb. You could apply it to anything and say that anything is a waste.

So if a guy wants to improve himself for his waifu, I'll retch at the autism, but encourage it anyway. In the end, guy's having fun getting strong and being happy fulfilling a self-made goal. Which are the most important goals.

>> No.16824997

>I don't know anon, I feel like some girls like that would love to help you heal and become a better person whether you feel like you deserve it or not.
Y'know there's a reason that girls who get into a relationship to try and "Fix" a guy are presented as pitiable.

>> No.16824998

Plump, feathery maids with butts so big that you could never hope to fit them in your hands!

>> No.16825000

That wasn't me, I stayed quiet about it back then because our resident shitposter was using the crossboarder thing to try and get the threads kicked off /a/ but I do recall the guy you mean.

>> No.16825002
Quoted by: >>16825009

This looks like trash.

>> No.16825007
Quoted by: >>16825014

This series sounds like an interesting premise.
>automaton is named RyuZU YourSlave and becomes enternally loyal and loving to the MC the moment she activates
But this sounds like trash of the highest degree. Am I judging a book by it's cover here? Is it worth it?

>> No.16825009

Did I say it was pretty interesting, or did I say it looked good?

>> No.16825010
File: 319 KB, 850x832, d9a6425cb3b81cf497ab7b478fc1d0a924f2ee9a70ccee04703739aa299241ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that pure succubi are perfectly justifiable because they're symbols of sexual counter-culture and being pure should be their logical response to the degeneracy of our age.

Reminder that blood-sucking vampires are a meme created by Bram Stoker after he learned of the existence of vampire bats and wrote Dracula. 'Traditional' vampires that lived in the minds of the masses prior to the release of the book had more taste for sexual fluids(!) or esoteric concepts such as the aura.

>> No.16825012

Calling a work of fiction "interesting" is like calling a kid "special."

>> No.16825013
Quoted by: >>16825032

Any more reminders?

>> No.16825014

I dunno. Not a sourcefag. There's probably a reason? But there's also a lot of bitching about pacing so maybe the anime won't be so good.

I mean there's only really one question. Do you want to watch an anime about automaton waifus or not?

>> No.16825016
Quoted by: >>16825026

I trusted you, anon.

>> No.16825018

Nothing wrong with improving yourself anon. I haven't tried it but it's good you have.

>> No.16825025
File: 3.99 MB, 2788x3464, 1480477345173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825032

There's a bigger version of this image now.

>> No.16825026
Quoted by: >>16825038

I saw automatons, I saw lewd banter and fellatio, I saw love hotels and lap pillows.

I reported. What do you want from me?

>> No.16825030
Quoted by: >>16825053

I enjoyed it.

F.A.G is my favourite Automaton anime of the season though, they're tiny things and it reminds me of Busou Shinki.

>> No.16825029

Pretty par for course for a faggot like Shoggocks

>> No.16825032

Reminder to remember reminders whenever appropriate.
Thank you kindly.

>> No.16825038
Quoted by: >>16825041

An apology for leading me on.

>> No.16825041
Quoted by: >>16825046

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16825042

>You could apply it to anything and say that anything is a waste
Well yeah. Everything is a waste.

>> No.16825046
Quoted by: >>16825054

That's pretty rude, eh.

>> No.16825053
Quoted by: >>16825065

Isn't Frame Arms literally the successor to Busou Shinki? Or are there different creators behind them? I know Konami was responsible for Busou Shinki.

>> No.16825054

Well it's not like I like you or anything. You thought I'd say "baka", didn't you? Kill yourself.

>> No.16825056

You're acting like a bitter cupid, anon. I think you'd make a good husband for one.

>> No.16825061

Stop being tsun anon.

>> No.16825064
File: 968 KB, 4000x3000, 1445488456312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many monstergirls in cities populated primarily by humans would almost be considered to have superpowers
>Not having more monstergirl superheroes/crimefighters
>Masked Oni with super strength stopping bank robberies, catching muggers, flirting with any cute guys she saved
>An Arachne prowls the alleyways at night for evildoers
>An amorphous slime who's relatively weak but she's completely immune to gunfire and can non-lethally subdue at least one bad guy until the cops show up by submerging them in her fluid

>> No.16825065

From what I can tell, the brains behind Busou Shinki jumped ship from Konami and FAG is a spiritual successor.

I enjoy it either way, I love the thought of tiny automaton helpers assisting me around the house.

>> No.16825070
Quoted by: >>16825085


What manner of being is this?
How does she achieve locomotion?
Can she actually use the legsmouth to eat? It doesn't look like there's a throat for food to go down. What's up with that?
Is her hair a snake? At what point could you trail your fingers through her hair until you were trailing them through snake innards?

So many questions.

>> No.16825071
Quoted by: >>16825083


>> No.16825074

Damn those monster girls for stealing super heroes from humans

>> No.16825077
Quoted by: >>16825086

How can they be superheroes when everyone around them has the same powers? It's the Syndrome problem.

What you need are monstergirls with powers that are unique even among monstergirls, that set them apart from their own races.

>> No.16825083

I don't have an image of Ryu with a good resolution.

>> No.16825085

This is taking leglocking to a whole other level.

>> No.16825086


See 'Many monstergirls in cities populated primarily by humans would almost be considered to have superpowers'

So, let's say an MG immigrates to a city that has a 95% human population.

>> No.16825102

Will-o-Wisps have nice fashion sense and I'd love to admire one.

>> No.16825106
Quoted by: >>16825123

If it was just one MG, then sure. But any significant population, even 5% monstergirls introduced to a city of millions, would be way too many for the usual superhero formula.

You'd still need another factor to it, I think. Like the "unique even among other monstergirls of their kind" I mentioned before, or something else to make the superhero MGs special at all.

>> No.16825107

I don't like Wisps, if I died alone and sad then I want to stay that way in the afterlife.

>> No.16825109 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825116

That's fine because at least 50% of Washington, DC isn't human

>> No.16825114

Will-o-wisp and 2B clothing swap when? They basically wear the same style of clothes, but maybe that just means it's a pretty pointless clothing swap which doesn't have any real merit.

>> No.16825116 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825144

Anon you can't say that black people aren't human anymore, it's illegal.

>> No.16825121
Quoted by: >>16825165

But Wisps have that dumb cage attached to them at all times, you would never be able to fully appreciate it.

>> No.16825123
Quoted by: >>16825140

>would be way too many for the usual superhero formula.

Nahh. That's just enough to have an active superhero/supervillain community. You could have multiple hero teams and villain groups operating within the same metropolis.

Only a small number of that 5% would even go for it anyway. You'd still have plenty of Monstergirls who aren't really suited for crimefighting. An Akaname or even the average Centaur wouldn't have much going for them.

Powerful ones like Onis and Dragons would flock right to it though.

>> No.16825124
Quoted by: >>16825128

Why be sad and lonely when you can have an undead girl who never leave your side. Ever. Like never ever.

That would look nice indeed

>> No.16825125

Don't know why, just had a random thought as I was going about my business right now.

>Come home from work to dragonfu
>the lights are all off
>she set up candles like torches on the walls
>They lead to the living room, just up the stairs and to the left
>You look at the living room, the furniture has been rearranged
>Pillows and heavy comforters lead to an opening, creating a cave
>You see the dragonfu under a comforter on a bed of pillows
>only her head is visible
>she looks at you half sweetly and half lewdly
> 'Dare you enter the dragons lair?~'
>You enter the dragons lair, and feel cool coins around you
>You pick one up, it doesn't retain that cool feeling very long
>It's chocolate. These are those chocolate coins.

>> No.16825128

Wisps scare me, I don't want to be with a girl that scares or intimidates me. I had enough of that from my parents.

>> No.16825134
Quoted by: >>16825145

>chocolate coins
God that would get everywhere.

>> No.16825138

Your waifu sounds like a dork.
Cherish her.

>> No.16825140

Eh, then you'd just have a bunch of oni and dragon superheroes and villains. It'd get boring.
You say there's monstergirls who aren't suited for crimefighting, but I say an interesting superhero MG would be one who, normally, would be exactly as unsuited as you said.
A rabbit girl hero who can take down an oni villain, an alraune that can successfully take on a dragon who intends to burn her into literal ash, etc. Now those would make for interesting superheroes.

>> No.16825142
File: 77 KB, 1554x629, drunk oni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Have a whole super sentai-esque team of 'Oni Rangers'
>Oni Blue, Oni Yellow, and then three Oni Reds because they all wanted to be red
>They show up occasionally to do flashy transformations, beat up petty criminals, and then go drink at the nearest bar
>Their good deeds are usually offset by massive amounts of collateral damage that has to be repaired with taxpayer dollars

>> No.16825144 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825152

I was talking about the rats and pigeons. City's fucking full of them. Hell. The rats even use the crosswalks.

>> No.16825145

Yeah, but then you could lick it off her. So it's okay. Just sucks for laundry.

>> No.16825152 [DELETED] 

Those are some polite ass rats.
So you're saying in a post monster girl Washington DC would be full of gossiping Pigeon Harpies and crowds of commuting Giant Rats?

>> No.16825156 [DELETED] 

>crowds of commuting Giant Rats?
That sounds pretty cute.

>> No.16825163
Quoted by: >>16826185

>Dying alone and unloved earns you an eternity of never ending unrelenting rape instead of peace and goddamn quiet
What the fuck was KC thinking.

>> No.16825165
File: 542 KB, 832x1200, will-o-wisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cages Will O'Wisps do their yandere thing in.

On another note, cage bits like the ones on the profile Wisps dress would look pretty /fa/ on an Automaton.

>> No.16825175

Do you think it's quite cramped in there?

>> No.16825186 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825201

>"Hey boss, why do we have to walk in this spot?"
>"Because I've been on this side longer, and this is where it's safe to walk. Now c'mon you want to see the spy museum or not?"

>> No.16825188

They can probably adjust its size at will.

>> No.16825193

>Yandere Wisp traps you in her cage
>"Hahahahaha! Now you'll be with me forever!"
>Tries to walk out the door
>Gets stuck

>> No.16825201 [DELETED] 

Speaking as a person who goes to DC on the regular, can confirm. Just like I can confirm The Exorcist Steps are fucking spooky even during the day and I had a dream about a Wisp the night of.

>> No.16825202

You mean they can adjust it at Will no pun here.

>> No.16825204
Quoted by: >>16825210

You don't need shortstacks, if you're a big enough guy so normally proportioned girls are still noticeably shorter.

>> No.16825210

I like shortstacks because they make me feel taller and I can put them in my lap. Also paizuri and milking.

>> No.16825211

I like to imagine they can either make it appear as a dress and live normally in a house, or a powerful one could make a house out of the cage and have metal bar/fire furnishings.

>> No.16825212

I don't think space is a concept when you're just a soul stored inside. It's like a Pokeball. You can fit a wailord in there, or a skitty, whatever.

>> No.16825213
Quoted by: >>16825228

Compensating for being a manlet probably shouln't be your motive, anon.

>> No.16825216

I want to use a Lich as a teddy bear despite her protests.

>> No.16825219

Her protests probably involve some kind of demi-god tier sorcery.

>> No.16825220
File: 344 KB, 1065x1209, tumblr_o8yicvoXqq1r8ououo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Megataur to use me as a teddy bear

>> No.16825222

I doubt that, I would imagine it would be more like monotone pleads to let her continue her work.

That sounds nice too.

>> No.16825224

I want to be reduced to a sentient, loosely cohesive mist of my constituent particles by a nice lich.

>> No.16825225
File: 152 KB, 475x800, 1491333425698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel conflicted about Tio. She has a body made for snu-snu, but she's too kind and gentle to do that, which is what I like about her.

>> No.16825228

Still, I like shortstacks. They're adorable. I just want to sit one in my lap and milk her into a tray for my consumption. All while gently massaging her breasts and kissing her neck.

>> No.16825229
Quoted by: >>16825242

Would she call you cute petnames?
Gentle loving snu-snu.

>> No.16825234

Gentle snu snu?

>> No.16825235

Trick her into snusnu. Convince her that rough, bonebreaking snusnu is kind and gentle to you.

>> No.16825240

>EMG shit

>> No.16825242

>Would she call you cute petnames?
Absolutely. The most saccharine, marshmellow-mouthed singsong rhyming petnames imaginable. And squeeze me so tight while doing so with her massive muscles it would break me in half if not for the Mamono. Waking up utterly squashed and enveloped in her scrunched up form as if her life depended on maximizing skin contact with me.
Fuck man. That would just be perfect...

>> No.16825248
Quoted by: >>16825250

Tio is good you nigger

>> No.16825249

Don't be a baby.

>> No.16825250

Nowhere near as good as Lala and Zombina.

>> No.16825251

I know some of you guys probably dislike this stuff. But this girl just released some comfy late night ASMR.

You wouldn't have a drink with a centaur in a tavern? https://youtu.be/EciKnqjlOnM

>> No.16825252

Sounds like the perfect life. Muscle monsters being lovey dovey is heavenly.

>> No.16825255

She's the best after Lala and Manako.

>> No.16825256

Yes, I wouldn't.

>> No.16825267
Quoted by: >>16825271

>when will they learn

>> No.16825269

She will snu snu you unconciously

Tio and Miia are best

>> No.16825271

Atleast I'd be the perfect man in my shortstack's eyes!

She'd fawn over my body and everything.

>> No.16825273
Quoted by: >>16825274

Miia is shit.

>> No.16825274
Quoted by: >>16825278

Your waifu is shit

>> No.16825275
File: 145 KB, 593x900, 1487387666539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825336

A man of taste I see

>> No.16825277
Quoted by: >>16825288

>desperately clingy titan-mode Minotaur
>Still has a minotaur's libido, but comes off as near constant cuddlesex
>still just as painful because she's that fucking huge and stacked
>Finally one day you somehow let on that you want to make actual passionate love to her
>With heart pupils in her eyes she obliges, her face blissful as she slowly and gently mounts you and rides you while looking down lovingly
>Or at least, by her standards
>To you, it's the most pelvis shattering, dick milking heavy slamming sex imaginable that has you cumming like a firehose and the bed easily obliterating around you from just the first few pumps
>ends the night cuddling you even tighter as she falls asleep whispering how much she wuvs her wittwe wubwubwub etc
>You'd give yourself a thumbs up but you're pretty sure your limbs aren't functional any more
>Worth it though

>> No.16825278
Quoted by: >>16825284

I don't have one.

>> No.16825283

>Selfish snake who cant cook or go 5 minutes without breaking darling's shit

>> No.16825284
Quoted by: >>16825286

Your future waifu is shit

>> No.16825286
Quoted by: >>16825293

I don't think I will ever have one.

>> No.16825288

That it is, that they are.
It's not fair! Why can't I have this

>> No.16825293
Quoted by: >>16825298

Youre nonexistent waifu a shit

>> No.16825298

Now that's just too far mister.

>> No.16825299
File: 444 KB, 1110x1296, 1491333425700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825305

Tio is the comfiest of monstergirls

>> No.16825305

Not as comfy as Lala.

>> No.16825308

Isn't ASMR supposed to be relaxing or something?
I laughed like fuck when she started speaking in that. It sounds just like a fucking D&D session.
It's so amazingly cheesy and cringe, like some kind of roleplaying podcast. I'm legitimately asking: what's the appeal?

>> No.16825313
Quoted by: >>16825326

Lala is shit

>> No.16825318
Quoted by: >>16825438

I don't know myself. There's a good way to do ASMR and a bad way. I feel like this maybe tipping on the bad side.

The Chesire one was pretty nice though.

>> No.16825322
Quoted by: >>16825328

ASMR has gone far, far away from it's actual intent, both in people describing it and the people who make videos of it (or think they're making videos of it)

>> No.16825326


>> No.16825327 [DELETED] 

Is this a raid?

>> No.16825328
Quoted by: >>16825338

Man I just want my waifu to whisper and nibble on my ear. Is this too much to ask?

>> No.16825335 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825340

You may be surprised to find there are plenty of people who still like or don't get upset by EMG content even if they don't regularly post it

>> No.16825336

>The post-life chapter with lala

>The innocent date with Manako

Excluding Tio, the contrast those scenes had with all the crazy/stupid shit other girls put darling through really show how simple moments of normality with monstergirls beat all mango/animu tropes. This is why Lala and Manako are God-tier.

>> No.16825338

Not too much to ask at all. That isn't ASMR, but it is lovely

>> No.16825340 [DELETED] 

I was actually referring to the posting of said content, not the reaction to it.

>> No.16825351 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825355

Right. Someone posted something about it and people talked about it. Don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.16825352
Quoted by: >>16825358

I am a sucker for ASMR, and hell, I'll even listen to Ppomo on occasion. But just outright calling it "waifu asmr" is a little on the nose.

Listening to it through, it's not that great either.
The intro is too loud and jarring for an ASMR vid. 5 minutes is way too short for a proper relaxing ASMR session. The mic quality isn't great, and the sound is a little grainy. Her voice acting and accent is cringeworthy. The script is pretty awful too.

Maybe I'm a weeb for saying this, but if you want good ASMR, go on DLsite and get some voice works, or see what you can download from a voice thread. /h/ has one as a general, but I've seen them here on /jp/ too.
Just avoid the ones her the speakers have higher voices. There's nothing more hateful than Japanese ASMR where the speaker has a shrill, girlish high-pitched voice, or decides to go "EEHHHHHHH" out of fucking nowhere just to see if they can give you a fucking heart attack. Seriously, fuck that shit. Low voices best voices. Debate me.

>> No.16825353
Quoted by: >>16825365

I've got other situations which I think are ASMR with my waifu. What exactly do you count as ASMR?

>> No.16825355 [DELETED] 

Of course not...

>> No.16825357 [DELETED] 

>People talking a monstergirls from a non-MGE setting is a "raid" now
What has this place become.

>> No.16825358

Your love for ASMR is respectable.

>> No.16825361
Quoted by: >>16825368

>A literal fujoshi
Can't tell if bait or not

>> No.16825362
Quoted by: >>16825387

But what about Kiira? She's the best in my opinion!

>> No.16825363 [DELETED] 

Welcome to current /mgt/.

>> No.16825365

Ever bothered to look the meaning up?

>> No.16825368

Everyone has flaws.

>> No.16825371

It's ASMR if they get those shivers from it. Whispering and nibbling totally can be ASMR.

>> No.16825376 [DELETED] 

So general threads really do turn into shit given enough time

>> No.16825381 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825552

Free to leave at anytime remember.

>> No.16825384 [DELETED] 

You say that like it hasn't been this way for years.

>> No.16825387
File: 1.97 MB, 500x281, It's How Keira spreads her pheremones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825393


>> No.16825393
Quoted by: >>16825401

I'd let Kiira mark me with her pheromones

>> No.16825394 [DELETED] 

>He's acting like it's only recently that EMG shit has been disliked

>> No.16825401
Quoted by: >>16825402

I'd mark her with my pheromones.

>> No.16825402
Quoted by: >>16825409

I prefer to be marked rather than to mark.

>> No.16825403 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825440

Post-exodus early days were better. Sure, they were more volatile with all the shitstorms, but those were fun too. Times of war bring the greatest creations (i.e stories). It was more active and creative too with all the people that came with it to /jp/. If it was a monstergirl that didn't look like tumblrshit, it was fine.

For a while, I felt like it was 2007 4chsn again.

>> No.16825405
File: 224 KB, 425x708, Miia Miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how miiafags shrine is going.

>> No.16825409
Quoted by: >>16825418

Why not both?

>> No.16825418
Quoted by: >>16825425

But then you'll have to take responsibility and marry her.

>> No.16825425

That's fine.

>> No.16825437 [DELETED] 

When a thread just happens every so often, you don't get people who freak out at the slightest thing.

When a thread becomes a general, it becomes "established." Suddenly, it becomes a fixed point where certain individuals feel the need to police and protect it, to "preserve it as a thread." That's why you'll see people freak out so much at things they perceive as bad for the general. You'll never get that overblown reaction in a normal thread which just comes and goes.
It's also why you get people, who, when they see EMG content, will go full autist on it, because of some perceived superiority complex, and who don't want the precious general tainted with it.
That's not even mentioning the other problems general threads have. When they're made with no content worth talking about, they stagnate. When they exist for too long, they become (for lack of a better word) imbalanced. Certain factors take up a disproportionaly huge presence in the general, while others shrink, either by being chased out, or they die out because of that imbalance in the first place. When people get too invested in the threads over the content the threads should be about, autism is born, arguments are had which can end up lasting for hundreds of posts.

It's not just this place. It's all generals on 4chan. When you don't allow something to die naturally, it rots. It's just a matter of how long it'll take.

Nah, not for years. The /a/ threads weren't always perfect, but they were mostly fine. And when we were new on /jp/, things were pretty bright. This whole thing has started happening noticably within the last year or two.

>> No.16825438

>Chesire one
You wouldn't happen to have that would you?

>> No.16825440 [DELETED] 
File: 752 KB, 1264x1920, [ Sproink Intensifies ].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing too is that places like TFT like to brag about the numbers of unique views they get a month compared to 4chan, but have little to no quality control over there, and people wonder why predominantly writers who were told to fuck off post their stories there.

>> No.16825442 [DELETED] 

>all about a minute apart
Nice samefagging retard. You keep complaining about how you think the threads are shit literally every single day, for any excuse you can grasp.

>> No.16825443
Quoted by: >>16825456

You do know MissShadowLovely was a creepypasta bronyfag right? She's just jumping on the ASMR/monster girl hypetrain like she did before; she's a trendhopper

>> No.16825456

>she's a trendhopper
Just like every woman doing this kind of thing.

>> No.16825457 [DELETED] 

Exactly this. Shame some dimwits will take this as some kind of personal offense and spout their kneejerk "hurr fuck off"s.

>> No.16825459 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 1383x443, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825470

You should find a stronger argument than "I don't like what I'm reading, so these guys must all be one samefag."
Maybe the reason you're so aggresive is because you don't want to admit there might be truth to it?

>> No.16825468 [DELETED] 

You constantly keep making these posts and whining about the same things, like not being allowed to post /d/shit.

Why are you still here if you hate it so much? That's the question you always refuse to answer when you're called out on your faggotry.

>> No.16825469 [DELETED] 

You're a retard to think it's just one guy. Maybe because you don't like what you're reading.

>> No.16825470 [DELETED] 

Nice Paint skills.

>> No.16825486 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah and if you wanted any more proof of why EMG is aids and shouldn't be allowed here, there's a thread up on /a/ right now and it's hundreds of posts of nothing but shitposting and people talking about horsecocks. I wish I was fucking kidding.

>> No.16825490 [DELETED] 

>you're a samefag
>here's proof I'm not a samefag
>nah, you must've edited it, you samefag

You are baffling. Of course every image proving you wrong is edited. Everyone who disagrees with you is one person. Things you don't like are untrue. The thread should be exactly the way only you say it should be. The entire world revolves around you. You're the only correct person on the internet.

Get over yourself.

>> No.16825495
File: 1.29 MB, 1885x1405, Cute slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825790

Guess it that time of the day, good night lads, try not to burn down the thread any more than you already have.

And remember that slimes are always there for you

>> No.16825499 [DELETED] 

>EMG girls are shit because some homos in /a/ like it
>Hating something because someone else you hate likes it
Literally the worst argument to give. I bet those fags like monstergirls too, should we hatemo monstergirls then?

>> No.16825501 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825514

You're mixing me up with someone else. Seems to be a trend for people like you. As far as I care, /d/ shit can stay on /d/ where it belongs.

>Why are you still here if you hate it so much?
That's what you don't get at all. I don't hate the threads. In fact, I like them a lot. That's why I'm bringing attention to the bad stuff which happens to them.
Though maybe that's hypocrisy. I literally spoke about how general threads make people care about them too much, so they police them autistically. I'm the other side of the coin I described there, I guess.

>> No.16825503 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825517

>everyone who disagrees with you is one person. Things you don't like are untrue. The thread should be exactly the way only you say it should be. The entire world revolves around you.
I got a feeling that MGS2 context vs. content picture would be relevant here

>> No.16825505 [DELETED] 

You faggots still haven't given a reason for why you still hang around here, if you hate the thread so much that you have to constantly shitpost and start arguments with your pretentious bullshit. How about YOU get over yourself.

You keep complaining about how the threads are bad constantly, even though right now you retards are making the thread bad with your meta shitposting and baiting. That's not very logical. What do you still want from here if you think it's so bad and insist on making it worse yourselves every day? Fuck off.

>> No.16825508 [DELETED] 

>This thing is shit and shouldn't be discussed here because, in another thread, on another board, there's shitposting
Are you fucking serious? Who gives a fuck about that? The EMG stuff posted here is completely normal, enjoyable monstergirl content.

You'd be the kind of idiot to throw a tantrum over a perfectly normal monstergirl image because some faggot on /d/ made a futa edit and posted it in a thread over there once.

>> No.16825514 [DELETED] 

If you claim you're being honest while your posting reads like textbook concern trolling, it's time to look into a mirror.

>> No.16825516 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825548

He pointed out how this place's getting too acid in reaction to anything, even fucking monstergirls from different media sources.

And you keep proving him right.

>> No.16825517 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825552

Again, if you hate this place so much why do you come here?

>> No.16825518 [DELETED] 

>People in a thread on a different board posted a thing I don't like, I must now boycott girls from an anime
Go outside or something.

>> No.16825519 [DELETED] 

If memory serves me correctly that has actually happened once or twice. the fucker even refused to believe that the non-futa one was original

>> No.16825530 [DELETED] 

>You'd be the kind of idiot to throw a tantrum over a perfectly normal monstergirl image because some faggot on /d/ made a futa edit and posted it in a thread over there once.
Boy you have no idea.
Remember what bob did to chesires?

>> No.16825532

Last I checked Snekfag was bartering with Quetzacoatl to make his snekfu grow

>> No.16825547 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825565

And don't forget thread celebrity cancer.

>> No.16825548 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825559

There's been a massive increase in the "the thread sucks now because I say so" shitposting recently.
They offer nothing constructive. They refuse to answer why they stay if they think it's so bad, and why they keep shitposting if they actually care about the quality of the thread. Yesterday or the day before, some of those thread sucks wall of text faggots even completely showed his hand by whining about how he isn't allowed to roleplay or post his fetishes here. At this point you should have no doubt about those people and why they keep concern trolling and chanting that the thread sucks.

>> No.16825552 [DELETED] 

The entire root of this argument is purely due to a couple of fags who got triggered because people were talking about EMG monstergirls like Tio and Zombina.
Before they kicked off, everything was fine. One fucker even thought the thread was being raided because there was simple talk about EMG girls.
Then people went on to explain why it happened, that shit like that is just what happens to generals, and people reacted by going "oh if you don't like it, just leave." Which is what you're doing now.
Nowhere in >>16825437 does it say "I don't like this thread", and yet the second reply to it assumes "they hate it". If that isn't being overly defensive, I don't know what is. And it's all you people can seem to say. Repeating, again and again. Your one defence against this criticism is to retreat into a shell, and parrot "well why are you here if you don't like it?"
Sorry for calling people out when they say we must be being raided because people are fucking posting monstergirls from a series they personally might not like. Fuck the people who just want to post a pic of Tio or Suu, right? They must be what's wrong with the thread, right? They must hate it here, so they should fuck off and leave, right?

>> No.16825559 [DELETED] 

I dont get it. Its supposedly hated, but people like that thick ran guy do it and nobody bats an eye

>> No.16825563 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825582

>so they should fuck off and leave, right?

>> No.16825565 [DELETED] 

What celebrities? A bunch of Shia LaBeoufs?

>> No.16825572

>This entire thread
I guess returning to writefagging might not be a good idea right now

>> No.16825582 [DELETED] 

Wrong or baiting? If we flip a coin to decide which, it makes about as much difference anyway.

>> No.16825589 [DELETED] 

Don't try to change the subject. What logical reason do you have to take every possible opportunity to make the same exact posts about "muh general", "muh policing", "muh threads are shit now"? I'm not even asking you because I know you have no answer that wouldn't expose your ulterior motives.

I'm asking the people reading this to consider the answer. Why would someone who says they care about the thread's quality and don't want it getting worse, shitpost daily putting by putting it down, doomsaying, trying to get content creators to leave and starting starting arguments out of nothing with his metashit?

>> No.16825590
Quoted by: >>16825594

>People used to make fun of "thread police" for reeeing at people who had the guts to say what's wrong and what could be improved
>Now it's "forbidden" to speak your mind
How times have changed.

>> No.16825594
Quoted by: >>16825719

Do you see any of them actually posting anything constructive? The closest someone has gotten to a suggestion was a faggot that wants RP and /d/ fetishes allowed here.

They just keep repeating their mantra of the threads being bad and people arguing too much, when they're the ones starting arguments and then claiming they're right. How is that anything but shitposters purposefully undermining the thread?

>> No.16825600 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825626

>trying to get content creators to leave and starting starting arguments out
Not him but when did he do any of that here? The argument started over one retard who hated EMG because /a/ likes it.

>> No.16825622
File: 236 KB, 850x613, 1485660049012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, thief!

>> No.16825623

I wish someone would translate the second encyclopedia bonus pages so at least we had something to talk about.

>> No.16825626 [DELETED] 

They've been doing it nonstop for atleast a week. It's always the exact same tactic, they grab onto some random argument and start rambling about how the threads have become shit, how they're not allowed to post what they want, how people are arguing and angry all the time, how we're supposedly driving out content creators and nobody should bother to make content, and so, and so on.

It's always the same posting style, the same kind of grabbing onto something and derailing it into their own concern trolling "baww the thread sucks" bullshit, always the same "hah I told you so you're always having shitstorms" when they're called out.

>> No.16825636

Though to be fair we'd just move to talking about how the extremist faction is shit over some offhand line wouldn't we. That or there's a good chance the wonderland section brings up some too far fetish again.

>> No.16825643
Quoted by: >>16825659

Did the dragon world guide get scans? I can see the second encyclopedia up on sad panda but not that.

>> No.16825645
Quoted by: >>16825672

It almost makes me want to return to translating again, just for this.

>> No.16825646

soft warm gentle inverted missionary

>> No.16825659

Wasn't the dragon guide a fanbook or something? It's probably really obscure.

>> No.16825672

Go for it. Hell you don't even need to do a full translation. A simple 'so this is basically what this paragraph says' is usually good enough for the thread.

>> No.16825676

>inverted missionary
>Huge girl with huge tits laying on top of you hugging your head into her chest as she gently and rhythmically milks your cock with you unable to move
Fuck that made me hard quick.

>> No.16825689

even better if shes golden brown

>> No.16825691

Its called amazon and it is on par with normal cowgirl position as its the best way for being gently dommed.

>> No.16825693

I want that with big, busty, muscled demons!
Or jinkos!
Or both!

>> No.16825708
File: 1.59 MB, 1013x1430, Corn_Fed_Beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825730

call it what you will i just want a huge golden brown girl on top of me

>> No.16825711

Isn't the amazon position the one where you're on her back and she's piledriving her pussy onto your dick?
Sounds more like anon just wants Tio on top of him.

>> No.16825715 [DELETED] 

>What logical reason do you have to take every possible opportunity to make the exact same posts about "muh general", "muh policing", "muh threads are shit now"?
Again, what is it about you thinking there's jut one person calling out certain shit in the threads?
When you completely reduce the points made to "muh x" it basically proves you're not willing to even have a discussion. You just rephrase everything to fit your own narrative.
If there's no answer, it's because the question makes false assumptions.

>Why would someone who says they care about the thread's quality and don't want it getting worse, shitpost daily putting by putting it down, doomsaying, trying to get content creators to leave and starting starting arguments out of nothing with his metashit?
When someone calls out faggots who say "you can't post those monstergirls", that's shitposting to you? Because that's just one aspect of the excessive, high-strung autism that's taken root over time here. Are you defending that?
And explaining the natural process of a general, with reasons why it goes through the changes, is doomsaying?
And please point o the exact line where I said I want content creators to leave. You can't, because you jut made that up.
You're just as guilty of keeping te meta argument up, so that's not a point you can use in your favour, either.

>> No.16825719

Why do you keep focusing on RP and /d/? Nobody's even talking about that. It's a completely different matter.

>> No.16825730
Quoted by: >>16825736

So you want a big busty brown oni to pin you to the bed and slowly slide your dick inside you while gently praising you and calling you all sorts of cute things?
You want your face pressed between her tits?

>> No.16825736


>> No.16825764 [DELETED] 

>when you die in a nuclear apocalypse before the portals open

>> No.16825771 [DELETED] 

Eh, I'm fairly indifferent about death so what happens will happen.

>> No.16825773 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825781

With the bullshit the CIA and the FBI are pulling, it's happening any day now.

>> No.16825778 [DELETED] 

Well, our ancestors will get their deathclaw waifus at least.

>> No.16825781 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825787

They're always pulling bullshit. What's new now?

>> No.16825782 [DELETED] 

>ancestors will get

>> No.16825787 [DELETED] 

Accusing russia of hacking the baguette election even though vault 7 revealed that they did it themselves years ago.

It's hilarious, really.

>> No.16825788 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825848

>Ancestors from the future
Gotta get back to da past.

>> No.16825790

It's true. They are very reliable and devoted.

>> No.16825802
File: 51 KB, 581x822, 04bc04eebce2d5de314687785e08cdbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BIG brown girls discussion
Fuck yes

>> No.16825808 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825828

>Anon wakes up out of cryo in the post-apocalypse to find a pair of smug muscular lizard girls have released him.
>Snu snu until they're pregnant in the brave new world awaits anon.

>> No.16825809

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that Jinko's are fearsome creatures who totally do not want you to scritch their ears.

Seriously, they'd never, EVER want something nice like that.

>> No.16825813
Quoted by: >>16825816

What would you rather a gentle big brown girl milk you with? Her ass, her thighs, her hands, her mouth, her tits or her holes?

>> No.16825816
Quoted by: >>16825833

One after another

>> No.16825820
Quoted by: >>16825829

Big cowgirls are just truly the best.

>> No.16825828 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16825840

>Hello, human.
>Your friends are dead
>Your family's dead
>Your pets are dead
>Your species is gone
>Your world is dead
>You'll be dead from age someday too
>Let's fuck lol
Doesn't sound very appealing.

>> No.16825829
File: 177 KB, 774x1104, AffectionateCow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big and brown cowgirls are apex girls

>> No.16825833
Quoted by: >>16825864

Do you want her to pump your dick with her big brown tits while she cheers you on?

>> No.16825840 [DELETED] 

Anon, it's a Fallout style setting. Humanity still exists, and there are mutantgirls and monstergirls.
Besides, a pair of barbarian sisters aren't going to really care much.

>> No.16825847
File: 857 KB, 691x950, 1487423579913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825891

Big brown and fluffy all over

>> No.16825848 [DELETED] 

Funny enough, I just watched the episode of Samurai Jack with the sirens. They weren't that cute, but I like the idea of the Scotsman resisting their hypno-song just because of how tone-deaf he is, and how much he loves his wife.

>> No.16825858

>ancient evil ushi oni is immune to raging shrooms

>> No.16825863
File: 1.12 MB, 635x977, New daki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going ok.

Since there hasn't been too much new merch besides the fig since the anime ended it's kind of at a stand still and hasn't been growing besides the fig new books, and a trinket here or there.

Instead I've been focusing on expanding the pit and have two dakis coming in soon. Pic related and Loen's 7 meter one will soon be joining the pit, and I will be an even comfiest man to exist.

>> No.16825864
Quoted by: >>16825888

Yes, and with her abs

>> No.16825879
Quoted by: >>16825882

> and I will be an even comfiest man to exist.
I seemed to have used up all of my good typing/English skills at work.

>> No.16825882
Quoted by: >>16825893

And how many dakis in total will that make?
So comfy you can't speak right.

>> No.16825888
Quoted by: >>16825895

Anon, she can't pump your dick with her abs.
She can grind on your dick with her abs though.

>> No.16825891
File: 306 KB, 800x1000, 1488049393103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16825912

That face bothers me

>> No.16825893
Quoted by: >>16825905

Total is going to be seven, with two being 7 meters long. The 7 meter ones take about 5 normal daki pillows to fill.

>> No.16825895
Quoted by: >>16825901

You're not trying hard enough

>> No.16825901

Pumping requires it be squishy and malleable anon. Her abs can only pump things if they're flabby.

>> No.16825903

Sheesh, that looks more like a honeymoon dress than a wedding dress.

>> No.16825905

Damn, you're gonna need a bigger bed.

>> No.16825906
File: 424 KB, 788x1200, kakuen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrote a short thing of smut about a smug Kakuen, featuring facesitting and footjobs. I originally had it much longer but I realized that the rest of it was melodramatic and kinda dumb, so I just scrapped most of it and kept the smut, since it would be a waste not to put it up. Enjoy!

Also, any ideas for stories you guys would like to see done? I'd be willing to hear out a few suggestions.

>> No.16825911
File: 197 KB, 777x1087, 02adfef92a51de2428e6a6070e7d1174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night anons,remember that deep inside your wife loves you despite her harsh ways of showing affection

>> No.16825912

It's trying too hard to look cute and moe, and the droopy eyes just make her look kind of retarded. Same problem Clannad and stuff has.
The yeti you posted looks pretty lovely, though. Her face has the perfect amount of angular definition to it to give her that refined, confident air, without coming off too strong.

>> No.16825921
File: 82 KB, 865x948, C8fL7gXWsAAMXKv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that even the Undead can cry?

>> No.16825945
File: 1.56 MB, 1308x1138, Ganbatte!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16825946

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite brothel on the Citadel.
I should go.

>> No.16825953
Quoted by: >>16825986

Some cute stuff between a Fallen Knight and a Demon maybe?

>> No.16825957

I quite enjoyed it, but I'm probably biased since I've got a footjob fetish.

>> No.16825979
File: 181 KB, 1280x1600, tumblr_o0pr678wkn1v4f63ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godammit why is that mechanic tomboy anubis so cute?

>> No.16825980
Quoted by: >>16826009

Oh I know, do this>>16822915

>> No.16825986
Quoted by: >>16825993

I haven't got a clue what that is, is it from Dark Souls? I've never played it, but I could do my research and take a stab at it if that's the case.

>> No.16825989

Because it's like you fused Winry with a dog instead of Miss Tucker.

>> No.16825993
Quoted by: >>16826009

I'm talking about more a disgraced knight from some order kingdom meeting a Demon while trying to die and then cute lewd things happen.

>> No.16826001
Quoted by: >>16826046

She's basically like an Egyptian Polt with slightly less fur, and an overflowing passion for machines rather than fitness. She's an endless font of selfless cheer and supportive energy, the kind of person who makes the world bright by presence alone.

Now what makes the anubis you posted so lovely?

>> No.16826009
Quoted by: >>16826016

That sounds enticing, could be something I run with instead of just a short. Thanks!

Ah, I see, that sounds rather nice. Lots of room for healing and cute stuff, but it could be serious at the same time. Thanks as well!

>> No.16826016

>could be something I run with instead of just a short.
Don't play with my heart.

>> No.16826028
Quoted by: >>16826030

April fools.

>> No.16826030
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>> No.16826035
Quoted by: >>16826041

Well there's just a lot of things I could do with it, I suppose. I could do a bunch of cutsey day-to-day shorts with the girls trying to win over Anon's heart, or something more serious like rescue missions or something like that. I'll definitely put some thought into it, since I've always really liked sci-fi settings.

>> No.16826036

Flow Kelp drifting in the sea while Ittan Momen drifts in the sky.

Also, who touched the big, old, lonely Ryu the improper way? My bus became a submarine.

>> No.16826041
Quoted by: >>16826050

Slice of life with the occasional dramatic turn?

>> No.16826046
File: 194 KB, 600x510, 1465679042178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her cute expression and soft looking paws!

Goddamn why are tomboys so objectively perfect?

>> No.16826050
Quoted by: >>16826059

That's probably the best way to go about it, thanks!

>> No.16826057
Quoted by: >>16826100

Not only tomboys are bros but they are also pure and way too marriable. I do like mine with a tint of teasing flirt and long ponytail though.

>> No.16826058

I want a pear shaped megane Kakuen with an ass that could shatter concrete.

>> No.16826059
Quoted by: >>16826082

I once had this idea of people picking up a frozen block of Slime in space, that could be fun.
You do you though.

>> No.16826062
File: 863 KB, 1332x1950, 02 - 9YNWoYa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826066

A day late on this topic, but in addition to the possibility of the sandworm in the profile art not having a full-grown shell, its also possible that she is simply drawn after having shrunk her shell down substantially.

Shrinking the giant shell is something any sandworm can learn once she gets strong/smart enough (KC says both attributes can be increased over time once she is married). Given the true size of her worm shell is stated to be "enormous" it does make sense that it'd be bigger than the profile art.

Indeed, according to MGE when KC first posted her his remarks referred to the inside as being the size of "a room." Tweets and Q and A sessions gave further info, including:

1. Sandworms emit a magical light for visibility inside them.
2. They can control how wet their insides are, and even create dried spaces closed off with walls of flesh to store things like the husband's belongings.
3. To provide further comforts for their husband, they can even form bed and couch-like structures from their flesh.
4. A baby sandworm is hatched and raised inside the mother's shell until her own shell has hardened and grown larger.

All these prove that the inside of a sandworm shell is indeed much larger than in the profile art and probably closer to what we see in SlapStickStrike's doujin (I wouldn't be surprised if they asked for KC's input on their sandworm lore or if KC adopted it himself afterward).

>> No.16826061

>you will never rest your head on her large Anubis milktanks

>> No.16826064 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1136x640, IMG_4675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post unusually reasons why you like a particular girl.

>Shared love of Vidya.
>Tell her you're into VR. She is too.
>Builds you a crazy looking motion simulator.
>Promises it'll only rape you when you've gone a few days without sex.

>> No.16826066

Damn it, I meant according to MGR (Monster Girls Redux), not MGE.

>> No.16826076

I like too many girls to have a single wife. What happens in MGE when someone feels like that?

>> No.16826077
Quoted by: >>16826091

Harem, do you even need to ask?

>> No.16826081

You get too many girls.

>> No.16826082
Quoted by: >>16826092

That sounds like a pretty unique idea.
I always thought a slimegirl would make a great companion in space. They could act as a clothing layer beneath a spacesuit during EVA, keeping you comfortable, even saving your life if you get a puncture.

>> No.16826091
Quoted by: >>16826095

Pretty much all the profiles in MGE say something like "Once they have sex, they are happy together forever." Harems do exist, but can you have that happiness with multiple girls?

>> No.16826092

But she'd float all over the ship without either a body-suit or artificial gravity.

>> No.16826095

No, it's a different kind of happiness but it's happiness nonetheless.

>> No.16826100
File: 708 KB, 1348x1500, 1461421435515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboys are like bros you can fuck. I want a tomboy hellhound, they're basically perfect for the personality.

Hellhounds are basically perfect, really.

>> No.16826106
Quoted by: >>16826133

So you'd want a childhood friend Hellhound who ends up banging you one day?
>Anon is bullied in preschool.
>Hellhound sees it happening and comes to his defense.
>The two of them become almost joined at the hip.
>As time goes on they get closer and closer.
>Finally on anon's 16th birthday it happens.
>She pins him down and he becomes acutely aware of how tightly her chest stretches her ripped T-shirt
>He notices how much of her muscular thighs and her plump ass her daisy dukes show off.
>"I've felt this itching for so long anon. I can't imagine satisfying it with anyone but you~"
>The next morning she sets up the TV and the game consoles in the room so the two of you can laze around and play games while your pelvis recovers.
Would you take responsibility anon? After all, a Waifu is the best friend of all.

>> No.16826113

>bros you can fuck
Alps, Alps everywhere.

>> No.16826119

Yeah, hellhounds are naturals at it with their bold attitude and all of that, but their bodies lie. Too hot.

>> No.16826133
Quoted by: >>16826138

>become almost joined at the hip.
Literally later in life.

>> No.16826138

That's what it'll be like when she wants to try for kids. Days of slow, passionate comfy fucking.

>> No.16826185
Quoted by: >>16826226

Its not something that happens to everyone who dies alone, but the lore of ghosts in general has to do with people who for one reason or another (usually regrets and/or dying in a certain way) can't pass on to the afterlife or reincarnate. Monster mana just enables these wayward spirits to become physical again and live out their unrealized desires.

>> No.16826203 [DELETED] 

Made an album with a bunch of evidence against Redamz. http://imgur.com/a/GaVzX

>> No.16826215 [DELETED] 


So he's basically doing the whole, "clever" wordplay thing to try justify it. He's not doing a good job.

Saying that fucking a dude isn't yaoi. Wow.

>> No.16826218 [DELETED] 

Redamz is a cunt, and to think I once had faith in this game.

>> No.16826221 [DELETED] 

Eh, I don't think anyone here liked it that much anyway. It's /monster/ who was shilling it

>> No.16826226

So would you comfort a Ghost who was traumatized by her death before waking up centuries later as a spirit?

>> No.16826229 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16826245

I never watched the development of this, but I always had hopes it would turn into something decent. Sad to see a moron is involved.
The title of the album is confusing, though. What did Yandev do that's comparable to this?

>> No.16826245 [DELETED] 

He sperged out of 8ch/v/ when he couldn't handle criticism.

>> No.16826279
File: 205 KB, 728x723, 1489813715247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16826284

I want to float lazily in the water with my ryu

>> No.16826286
Quoted by: >>16826294

I wanna show a Monkey my big banana!

>> No.16826289

What a nerd.

>> No.16826291

>Lich daughter takes her mother grimoire
>Can't understand a single thing in it
>Later that day
>"Mama, what is semen efficiency?"

>> No.16826294

>A Small, petit Kakuen is crawling all over you.
>Ends up with her legs and tail wrapped around your neck, hanging upside-down so her face is in your crotch.
>"Watcha got in here huh?"
>She presses her face into it. Rubbing her cheek against the growing bulge.
>"Feels like a banana! Why's it in your pants? You're an odd one, outsider."

How do you break it to her?

>> No.16826301
Quoted by: >>16826305

Anon, small she may be but she's not a little kid.
She knows exactly what's in your pants.

>> No.16826305
Quoted by: >>16826314

Damn Monkeys.

When it comes to teasing, a gang of them can be worse than Cheshire Cats.

>> No.16826308


Where's latenight or less. I want this dammit.

>> No.16826314

Even a domesticated Kakuen who has been trained since a young age will eventually hit puberty and sexually tease her owner
You'd wake up to a facefull of her ass thinking she doesn't know what she is doing when in fact she is 100% aware of it

>> No.16826315

>"No, that's not a ba-"
>You hear an unzipping sound.
>"Oh wow, it's thicker than my arm! Wonder what it tastes like?.."
>"Hey! Cut that Ou- ahhh!~"

>> No.16826324
Quoted by: >>16826331

How do you get her off of you afterwards? She definitely won't leg go on her own

>> No.16826325
Quoted by: >>16826353

And then anon spent the rest of the day with a lewd shorstack Kakuen sucking his "banana" for the "juice" inside.
The "Gluk-Gluk-Gluk" of her swallowing his cum would be burned into his mind as something that would instantly get him hard.

>> No.16826327
Quoted by: >>16826778

>Monster girl island is going to have a trap AND NTR
>After he promised that nither of those would be in the game
There is no justice in this world

>> No.16826331
Quoted by: >>16826336

You're powerless to resist while she's slurping on your bonita banana!

>> No.16826336
Quoted by: >>16826353

There is one way to escape anon.
You've gotta make sure to use your weight when your knees start buckling and start piledriver facefucking her.

>> No.16826340
Quoted by: >>16826344

>NTR used as a slur

>> No.16826342

Monstergirls in swimsuits!

What sort of swimsuit best suits your waifu/favorite MG?

>> No.16826344
Quoted by: >>16826378

Bait bait, go away, come again never.

>> No.16826346

who else has a raging erection from the finger sucking robot animu?

>> No.16826353
Quoted by: >>16826356

Poor Anon, now he has to live with a Kakuen who can get him instantly hard by eating a banana in front of him

Don't forget to pin her for the 3 count to prove your domination

>> No.16826354

There's no way my Demon Waifu would wear anything other than a slingshot bikini.
She'd also spend most of her time laying on me while I lay on a beach chair.

>> No.16826356
Quoted by: >>16826374

>A Kakuen will never smugly show off how many bananas she can shove into her mouth at once.

>> No.16826367

Well, my waifu would prefer one-piece swimsuits most of the time because she's a little too shy for bikinis, but she's still quite alright with latex suits as long as the material is thick enough.

My daughteru would like one-piece suits too, she'd prefer a school style one or something like a pink polka-dotted one with a little frill skirt. And yes, as long as the material is thick enough to not be too revealing she'd wear latex swimsuits too.

>> No.16826370
File: 591 KB, 1500x1100, 1458164156708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holstaurs are for bikinis, nothing more.
I'm just gonna assume you're THE demonfag, meaning the one guy who waifud Demons early on and started a cult following with how much you talked them up. Well congratulations you got another one, not my favorite, that spot will always be occupied by Holstaurs, but definitely in the top five now.

>> No.16826374
Quoted by: >>16827470

>Anon's been bullied by a tall /fit/ Kakuen with big jiggly tits ever since he got to college.
>One day she forces her way into his dorm room with a bunch of about eight bananas and locks the door behind her.
>She pins him to the couch by sitting on his lap and begins grinning lewdly as she peels a banana and shoves it into her mouth.
>And as anon watch, she shoves another banana in past her lewd, plump lips. And then another, and another, and another until all of them have been mashed into her mouth as a gooey mush.
>Then with a huge gulp, she swallows them all and opens her mouth wide so anon can see that there's none of the banana mush left.
>And a he's gawking she starts grinding her hips against his crotch and leans in right next to his ear and whispering into it.
>"I'm going to drink at least twice as much as that from your dick~"
>And then a full day and seven manticore spikes later, anon was a twitching pleasure mess and the Kakuen's mouth had a big stiff "banana" stuffed into it as semen leaked out of her almost vacuum sealed dick sucking lips.

>> No.16826377
Quoted by: >>16826404

Bovine Beach Babes!

>> No.16826378

Check yo fidelity privilege.

>> No.16826380

How nice of her to protect you from sunburns with her whole self like that!

That'd have to be a sturdy beach chair though.

>> No.16826382
Quoted by: >>16826404

Depends, do you think I'm the one with the childhood friend or the baroness/
Because it's the first one.

>> No.16826383

A custom one piece that shows off her belly and most of her cleavage

Traditional Japanese school swimsuit but with the back exposed for her spider legs and dyed black

>> No.16826385
Quoted by: >>16826397

Isn't thick latex tighter and more restrictive?

>> No.16826397

Yes anon, it certainly is. I don't think the restrictiveness would make much of a difference for a one-piece swimsuit, but that and the tightness is what my girls would be all about.

>> No.16826404

I can't decide if I'd rather rub sunscreen on a Holstaur or let her tan for delicious brown.
I actually don't know, I'm not very good at reading the thread, all I know is there was a time where it seemed like there was only one guy who waifud Demons and he, and obviously some others I assume, got it to the point where they're pretty popular now. I know of the baronessfag in the way that I've seen a bit of discussion about it, pretty sure I've seen you talking about your waifu before as well. I'm sure you're to blame as much as any of the others for my desire to sin now.

>> No.16826417
File: 742 KB, 826x1800, Shoggoth maidkini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Slime
Just a simple, sporty bikini made from her own slime. It's the wizard hat that needs to be waterproofed.


>> No.16826420

I don't know what a dark mage would wear. Micro bikini maybe?

>> No.16826425
Quoted by: >>16826441

Just a one-piece.

>> No.16826430
Quoted by: >>16826449

>You will never volunteer to teach a class of 19-20 year old Monstergirls how best to please a man.
>Every part of your body shown off and explained in terms of the pleasure it can bring.
>Made to orgasm, edged, sucked off, and fucked in front of a captive audience.
By the end of the class, none of those girls are looking for husbands. They're going to share you.

>> No.16826441

One piece swimsuits are the most lewd style of swimsuits.
This is indisputable.

>> No.16826444

I want to say a sexy one piece swim suit, because that's my favourite. It just doesn't really expose her abs though.

>> No.16826446
Quoted by: >>16826523

>Traditional Japanese school swimsuit but with the back exposed for her spider legs and dyed black

Aww that's cute. I can just imagine her getting really flustered and insulting when you start to check her out in it.

>> No.16826449

That definitely sounds like one pleasurable life. But I prefer to teach a class on how to be a house husband.

>> No.16826453

Shoebill Harpies are intense!


>> No.16826457

Why do you think her stare is so intense? Why isn't she so serious all the time?

>that Jiiiiiiiii....

Adorable. Simply adorable. Kuudere girls may be creepy by they're very cute.

>> No.16826484
File: 110 KB, 630x1008, C6vTXLJU0AAY2X0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16826486

>decide to keep doing gesture drawings for half an hour before head to bed
>keep thinking this is the night I get to draw something post worthy
>40 drawings later says "lol nope"
>want to give up but stuff like this
>keeps making me want to keep trying

To the anon that dared me to to this, I sure hope this actually is worthwhile instead of you just fucking with me.

>> No.16826490

You can do it anon! I have hope in you.

>> No.16826494

Ah! Cute!

>> No.16826500
Quoted by: >>16826503

Melon is streaming again.

>> No.16826503
Quoted by: >>16826507


>> No.16826507
Quoted by: >>16826510


>> No.16826510

Neat. Thanks anon.

>> No.16826511
File: 1012 KB, 1500x1304, 1490412011417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Monster Girl would enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-9c-ePKtSI the most?

I was going to go with a different classic but then the answer would have all been Undead.

>> No.16826521
Quoted by: >>16826533

Any monstergirl who likes dancing honestly.
MJ's tracks are great for dance numbers.

>> No.16826523
Quoted by: >>16826528

Nachas in swimsuits are for sexually bullying while they tell you how much of a pervert you are

>> No.16826528
Quoted by: >>16826541

Like groping?

Anon that's going to look weird groping a little girl in a traditional Japanese school swim suit. I'm calling the police.

>> No.16826530

I'm feeling really down today. How would your waifu make you happy when you're feeling down?

>> No.16826533
Quoted by: >>16826542

Apsara and Otohime are the obvious ones. The caption art for Pharaoh and Apophis also mentions them dancing.

>> No.16826538
Quoted by: >>16826543

I want to make love to that Succubus in the leotard.

>> No.16826539
Quoted by: >>16826559

Good old smothering my face in her paws.

>> No.16826541
File: 312 KB, 1488x2105, 1487693766475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826548

Nothing weird with molesting a loli spider especially when she is that cute

>> No.16826542

Man, just imagine a Pharaoh coming over to our side through the portal and finding MJ's music.
And then the human she's homestaying with catches her dancing in her room to Smooth Criminal.

>> No.16826543

Leotards are great for face sitting

>> No.16826544
Quoted by: >>16826559

She constructs a happy little fantasy for us to enjoy and uplift ourselves from a dour mood. It ain't escapism if it's with a Phantom after all.

>> No.16826547
Quoted by: >>16826559

Neck Kisses, cheek kisses, cuddling, nuzzling and vidya.
On the lewd front, smug paizuri and assjobs

>> No.16826548

Very true, I wouldn't be able to resist molesting one aswell.

>> No.16826553

You might as well give up now, it seems like you hate doing it so why bother?

>> No.16826558
Quoted by: >>16826577

The same thing I'd do.

Come up from behind, place her forehead to the back of my head and very slowly, gently wrap her arms around. One arm would go around the waist, and the other hand would rest on the collarbone.

Without a word, she'd let us stay like that, and just knowing that she's there, not asking questions, not acting like nothing's wrong, but just being there and knowing that you're with someone who loves you back makes everything else seem like it can't matter that much.

Once I start to move again, she brings her head over my shoulder and presses her cheek against mine, and I can feel her breath rolling down my neck. She guides my hand up to her face, and I get a glimpse of her eyes past her hair before I get pulled in for a short kiss. This usually ends either with her pressing me against a wall in a bear hug or laying around together with some music playing.

and then we have some sandwiches.

>> No.16826559
Quoted by: >>16826569

>Anubis smothers your face with her paws until you smile.
Sounds nice.

It would be nice to have a perfect world just for you and her to retreat in when things are feeling bad in real life.

She sure knows how to make you feel good again.

>> No.16826561
Quoted by: >>16826577

Who is your waifu, anon?

>> No.16826569
Quoted by: >>16826577

>She sure knows how to make you feel good again.
She sure does. That damn demon knows how to push all my buttons. Thankfully I know her weak points too.

>> No.16826577

If there ever was something that shows just how much she loves you it's that.
I just love the idea of them showing that they love you in more ways than just fucking you.
What sandwiches would you do?


>She starts to rub against your weak points.
>So do you
>The two of you just stay there while making one another more and more horny.
The question is who would give away first.

>> No.16826584

It's her anon. It's her every time.
However much she knows my weak spots, teasing her nipples will always get her ready to go faster than even her plump thighs squeezing my dick.

>> No.16826594
File: 216 KB, 884x893, 60113080_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny dipping

>> No.16826596

Being in love is knowing that your best friend in the whole world is always there when you need them, and understanding each other well enough that words can be superfluous. A touch can say a lot, and being able to just enjoy the quiet with each other is always special.

If I've got leftover venison, that's our go-to. Otherwise spicy chicken on an egg bun for me and roast beef with tomato on ciabatta for her.

>> No.16826597

But thats lewd

>> No.16826600

>Anon gets dragged in his swimsuit to a hellhound's house and thrown into a big tub of water.
>Before he can protest, the hellhound climbs in with him buck naked, her fat tits,
tight abs, and thick muscular thighs on full display along with her naughty holes.

>The water starts bubbling around the two of them as she starts leaning in uncomfortably close.
Would you let the Hellhound delinquent rape you in her makeshift hot tub anon?

>> No.16826602
File: 175 KB, 785x1049, 54p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826605

It's not rape if it's exactly what you want!

>> No.16826604
Quoted by: >>16826609

Damn right I would. No resistance at all.

>> No.16826605

Good man. Maybe if you, in her words, "pump her steaming hot cunt full" then she'll let you get a few shots off in her tits.

>> No.16826609
Quoted by: >>16826614

>"Oh? Not even a cry for help? You're more of a slut than I thought anon~"
>"I bet you wanted this so bad the first day we met. You wanted me to take your cock and make it my toy. You wanted to feel my red hot pussy eat up your dick and squeeze every last drop out of your balls~"
>"Well, you're going to get all of that and more~ By the time I'm done you'll be addicted to every part of my body~"
>"Now first thing's first. Start sucking on this tit while I sliiide you in, Ah~! There we go. Now let's get started."

>> No.16826611
File: 1.85 MB, 500x281, 5335830-2275176654-tumbl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826623

>A Phantom starts hitting on you.
>Eat a Raging Mushroom.
>Carries over into the simulation.

>> No.16826612
Quoted by: >>16826619

>Your Kikimora maid is quiet, polite and impeccably well mannered
>Have sex with her for the first time
>It's as slow and tender as you imagined it would be
>As you begin to near climax, she wraps her legs around your waist, digs her nails deep into your back and begins shaking her hips like a woman possessed before throwing her head back and shrieking "Make me a mother!"

>> No.16826614
Quoted by: >>16826628

This Hellhound knows exactly what I want and she sounds perfect. I'd be her little sub chewtoy if she let me.

>> No.16826619

This is normal for a maid. Sometimes they can't hold their urge in for mastah to breed them and give her his babies.

>> No.16826620 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, 1491553927209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what you have been through, but look, she's cheering for you. Show her a smile and be strong, do it for her.

>> No.16826621
File: 776 KB, 3600x5709, BTZ6SZv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a big buff gymhound to make me lick her hot, sweaty abs before having her way with me in the showers!

>> No.16826623

This is why I think a phantom could be really damn fun as a wife.

>> No.16826624
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, 1464493366180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized at the last second that that was a lewdhound picture! I don't need another vacation!

>> No.16826625


They're always there to comfort their beloved test subject.

>> No.16826626
Quoted by: >>16826632

Are we the same person?

>> No.16826628
Quoted by: >>16826632

Just do everything she says anon, and she'll reward you with intense pleasure.
And then she'll make you her little cuddlebuddy afterwards, stroking your hair and praising you on a job well done.

Do you want her to high five her Oni gym buddy while she cunnilingus facefucks you in the shower stall?

>> No.16826631

Seeing her give me that smile would make me be able to go through hell and back. Thank you.
There's always a bright spot even in dark times it would seam. Thanks for making me smile.

>> No.16826632
File: 737 KB, 1158x1920, tumblr_o9z3hzJOAY1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826636


Yes! Double the tomboy double the fun!

>> No.16826636
Quoted by: >>16826685

Oh? Do you want the Oni to get in on it?
Because that means two soft but muscular asses hotdogging your dick, two tight /fit/ pussies to pump full of cum and twice the warm and calming cuddles.

>> No.16826639
Quoted by: >>16826657

>Heya Anon, wanna throw a beach BBQ?

>> No.16826657

A beach BBQ with a hellhound, my friends, and her friends mingling? Sounds like a good time. She just needs to promise to send her ogre friend after that asshole Chad.

>> No.16826669 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 147x109, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16826673
File: 12 KB, 147x109, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16822410 (You)


>> No.16826680

Jesus fucking Christ that is the lewdest bit if art if seen in some time. Thank you water melon.

>> No.16826685
File: 1.30 MB, 1274x1920, tumblr_o89n820mAm1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826691

Nothing like some fun with your bros!

>> No.16826691

You'd better take responsibility and marry those cute /fit/ girls anon.

>> No.16826695

Didn't KC say something about evil girls marrying evil guys?

>> No.16826701

I have no memory of this.

>> No.16826704

No, monster girls in MGE won't go for evil people at all, they can sense when someone is like that and avoid him.

The closest you can get to "evil" are girls like Druella and Demons who still want what's best for humanity even if they're forceful about it. Demons aren't too picky about what kind of man they go for apart from that.

>> No.16826706

The beauty of MGE is that even the intended """evil""" girls are infact trying to do good for the world. It's like an antagonist who's motives you really can't see fault in.

>inb4 this start and argument

>> No.16826714
File: 154 KB, 768x1024, 59995528_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826721

Hey I'm not going to argue with this.

I want to be saved by a demon.

>> No.16826721
Quoted by: >>16826737

May the DemonLord and her army save us from our misery.

>> No.16826727
Quoted by: >>16826737

Since there are no truly evil monster girls that wouldn't make any sense
I could see why the kind, submissive and gentle species would avoid any sort of criminal though

Only the most villainous of scum can't get a monster girl, I recall KC even saying that bandits often get raped straight by wild MGs

>> No.16826737

I just want a comfy life with a demon, they've really been growing on me lately.
>I recall KC even saying that bandits often get raped straight by wild MGs
Probably the kind that steal and shit but don't kill anyone and now I'm having mental images of a camp of tough looking guys getting completely steam rolled by goblins.

>> No.16826746

You're right, even chaos species who want to turn the surface into an abyss of madness and sex just want to make the world a better place

Bandits in medieval fantasy tend be bastards who steal and rape without hesitation, but yeah they don't kill without a good reason

>> No.16826778

>Monsterboys and NTR.
Well lets be honest here. There were only a handful of us who actually cared. I checked it out once, lost interest quickly. It's not that great a loss.

>> No.16826784
File: 44 KB, 640x480, ScRR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16826798

>Love all of the horribly dangerous monster girls:
>Giant Onis
>Dangerous witches.
>Breeds of Arachne.
>Bulking Minotaurs.
>Apophis and company.
>All members of the dragon family.
>Demons & other devilish creatures.
>Muscle liches
>Etc, etc.

>Want to do nothing but everything that there weren't designed for:
>Bully them.
>Demean them.
>Dominate them.
>Forcefully impregnate them.
>Make them cum over and over until they pass out or break.
>Cuddle them in my arms afterwards until they go fast asleep.
>Repeat until Mamonomana Stockholm Syndrome sets in.

>All despite the different in power levels or the MGs purpose.

>> No.16826787
File: 786 KB, 1280x960, 74ee4f8702fc1350dc564b8fe11be374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A goat to commemorate the end of the world.

>> No.16826790
File: 1.65 MB, 2800x1977, gobble_gobble_by_phanaxial-daj3zqa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16826791
Quoted by: >>16826800

would use the horns as handlebars while mounting her. And then polish them afterwards.

>> No.16826793

That ass was built for _____

>> No.16826794

Slapping with sloppy dildos.

>> No.16826798

That's just called having shit taste. The sad part is that it's basically a meme.

>> No.16826799
File: 418 KB, 1024x445, diana_slingkini_by_liveforthefunk-day8q4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funk is a god among men.

>> No.16826800

Stylish hooves and muscled ass

Polishing horns is one of the most intimate thing a man can do with a monster girl

Assjob where she squizzes you so tight that you can barely move

>> No.16826803
Quoted by: >>16826810

His curvy girls are very breedable. Shame he's a degenerate.

>> No.16826810
File: 910 KB, 1024x1556, sweater_bunny_by_liveforthefunk-d9uvlkt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shame he's a degenerate.
Uh huh.

>> No.16826816

I'd love to have that ass sat on my face. Then later fondle those ears.

>> No.16826846
File: 98 KB, 849x1200, C8uHDTkUAAImuVk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16826849
Quoted by: >>16826854

Is it normal to have an urge to lick the shoebill's abs?

>> No.16826854
Quoted by: >>16826856

She's gonna look down on you licking her with her angry eyes
Is that really what you want?

>> No.16826856

I don't know if she's actually angry, but yes it would be intimidating. I refuse to stop licking though. That is really what I want.

>> No.16826859

I want to rape shoebill!

>> No.16826860

I want to rape Shoebill.

>> No.16826865

Rape hivemind.

>> No.16826866
Quoted by: >>16826869

One of these was more serious than the other

>> No.16826869
File: 1.11 MB, 998x1216, 61639416_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them was by the person who has been posting it in every KF thread he could find since he picked up the show.

>> No.16826872
Quoted by: >>16826876

>Anon rapes a Shoebill
>She gives him the most pissed off look
>He violently pounds her to show dominance
>She actually enjoys it and gave consent through a small nod of the head
>Years later they are happily married
>Anon still thinks he kidnapped her against her will

Just because she looks angry doesn't mean she is

>> No.16826873

KF is cute and I want to headpat shoebill.

>> No.16826874

The first one was by me and I don't even lurk KF threads that much. That glare makes her way too tempting to molest though.

>> No.16826876

Rape isn't good anon. Always ask for consent.

I demand consent and so should you.

>> No.16826877
File: 148 KB, 540x400, 1485697469982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight.

This is the show everyone has been talking about and referencing here?


>> No.16826882
File: 646 KB, 787x1365, 62233723_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16826884

What's the problem?

>> No.16826885

What monster girl is best for kidnappning, raping and turning into a sex slave?

>> No.16826886
Quoted by: >>16826903


>> No.16826887
File: 111 KB, 850x1241, a9874efa8318bbc28185c01e9fb0738c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is the same girl, holy shit she's soft.

>> No.16826889

Hinezumi, make sure you cheap shot her via chloroform or something too, denying her a loss in a fair fight only humiliates her further.

>> No.16826890

No monster girl.

>> No.16826892

Let it not be said that anons have taste, anon.

>> No.16826894
Quoted by: >>16826913


>> No.16826898
Quoted by: >>16826905

And here we have the man who will be kidnappad, raped and turned into a sex slave.

>> No.16826900

Don't use Lala to shitpost.

>> No.16826901

There's several monster girls designed for this and that's MGE alone, outside of that MGs getting raped is fairly common.

>> No.16826903

I didn't know birds could have breasts that soft
Glad to see someone find his waifu

Dragon Zombie
Or if you enjoy the whole process of breaking the girl yourself you can go with >>16826886

>> No.16826905
Quoted by: >>16826912

That's mean. Whatever happened to romance?

>> No.16826909

It's nice that actually raping an MG is impossible and they wouldn't get hurt by it. That's what keeps me sound at night.

>> No.16826912
Quoted by: >>16826928

No romance for you. She'll sit on a chair and shove your head down and force you to lick her pussy.
She'll grow closer to you after awhile and take you out on "dates" and such.

>> No.16826913


>> No.16826918

>raping an MG is impossible
Except it's possible, Alice and Dormouse are a thing.

There's also more than just KC's setting where monster girls getting raped happens at least half the time.

>> No.16826923

But due to SE they'll like it anyway. So it's not really rape it's more like forcing yourself on a girl who wants it. And true MGs outside of MGE get raped.

>> No.16826927

Just beat them up and you got a sex slave for life.
I'd make her beg for me to cum inside of her and get her pregnant with my child.

>> No.16826928

I can take that. I like face sitting anyway.

>> No.16826931

It's not rape if they want it.
And every MG wants the D.
Even if they don't know it yet.

Unless you're trying to push NTR faggotry.

>> No.16826936

Never understood the appeal of this. But I'm not going to shit on other people's fantasies.

>> No.16826942
Quoted by: >>16826945

True, there's also raping stuff such as Manticores who would prefer to be seen as scary. She's going to enjoy it but she's not going to be happy about being in that position.
>And every MG wants the D.
Depends entirely on the setting.
>that spoiler
Please lets not bring that up.

>> No.16826945
Quoted by: >>16826963

>raping manticore

Shit meme

>> No.16826947
Quoted by: >>16826953

It's still rape if they don't consent to it
Enjoying it ≠ consenting

>> No.16826953
Quoted by: >>16826960

MGE monster girls would still consent anyway. Unless she's already taken obviously.

So I can see it being possible for non-MGE girls.

>> No.16826960
Quoted by: >>16826974

That's a valid argument, I don't see many species who would refuse sex

Among those who'd refuse you have powerful species, fighter species and species like Mantis who disregard sex until trying it

>> No.16826963
Quoted by: >>16826965

Not everything you dislike is a meme.

>> No.16826965
Quoted by: >>16826985

I like male dom before you say I don't like it. But even I'm not stupid enough to completely disregard an MG's whole gimmick and personality.

>> No.16826972

What are some of the ways human infantry would protect against other human mages and monstergirls with powerful magical affinities?

I'm just thinking about armour right now, but how about some form of plate armor that is riddled with magical circuits. Each soldier can be rationed with some form of crystal or essence that they can kind of "plug in" to their armor to imbue the circuitry with resistance to that type.

So your scouts would perform reconnaissance, and would tell your troops what they think the enemy casters specialize in, and you can take the into account before hand and if your elements don't match, before you sortie, you could swap them out for the applicable resistance.

Taking cost into account, rather than some super rare and expensive metal that can resist all magic and is strong, you could just equip your troops with common metal that is exceedingly conductive to magic, and use that to imbue the armor with defense against one particular attribute.

>> No.16826974

I can see the fantasy of wanting to break a powerful species. Although it would be very, very hard.

So fighting species makes me sense to me.
>ywn be a Paladin who defeats a Lizardman and then claims his prize while she's on the floor weak and vulnerable
>ywn get yourself a Lizardmen house wife who's addicted to your monster dick

>> No.16826979
Quoted by: >>16826987

I imagine that this metal could be put in a small plate on their shield and it would absorb/conduct a lot of the magical energy blasted at it.

>> No.16826984

Remember kids, do not rape the unicorn after you get a monster wife. That's forced corruption and you are an evil person if you do that.

>> No.16826985

Just because she's scary and dom it doesn't mean she can't be taken by force, Manticores aren't unbeatable and their personality being a cruel and sadistic one would make forcing one of them to be on bottom the closest thing to "rape" you could get in MGE.

It's not disregarding a personality at all, it's taking it into account. She's not going to be an ahegaoing sub making double peace signs but instead give a glare that could kill and swear to eat you when she gets free to try and keep up the man eater act.

>> No.16826987

I didn't think of that. Far better to equip your footmen with really good shields than it is expensive body armor that probably only a fulltime soldier or noble could afford.

>> No.16826990
Quoted by: >>16826995

>I can see the fantasy of wanting to break a powerful species. Although it would be very, very hard.
KC said in one of his Q&A's that its pretty much what you said. if you want to break/tame the more dominant females you would need to put a lot of work into it

>> No.16826993

Manticores are also good for rape because you can go straight for hee virgin pussy instead of her tail.

>> No.16826995
Quoted by: >>16827000

>Anon spends long years of hard work to become a high level paladin
>He doesn't try to save the world or anything
>All he wants to do is turn a Dragon into a mere female lizard

>> No.16826998
File: 52 KB, 420x599, Lizardman_extra_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827007

Lizards are said to become domestic fairly easily if you beat them.

>> No.16826999

Oh of course. You being the average man could definitely defeat a manticore and hold her down to fuck her. That's definitely not going against the whole theme of them being scary, incredibly strong monsters with a passion for dominating and raping men. Manticores may not be unbeatable but you can bet your ass there's a very slim chance you'd ever actually beat one.

>It's not disregarding a personality at all, it's taking it into account. She's not going to be an ahegaoing sub making double peace signs but instead give a glare that could kill and swear to eat you when she gets free to try and keep up the man eater act.

That's what Hellhounds are for.

>> No.16827000

Priorities motherfuker

>> No.16827001

I personally think it's the pose. Just look at how she's sitting like that, legs drawn up to hide all but those eyes, giving you the most overt "come hither" look possible, as she showsoff her paws, her legs, and her crotch all at once.
She's just begging to be love-tackled and pinned to the bed by you, arms under her knees to keep them pulled up as high as she can stretch. In that position, she's completely open to being overwhelmed by kisses, as you stare into her eyes and hilt in her.

>> No.16827004
Quoted by: >>16827011

And suddenly you were an MMO raid group.
"Ok everyone, capped fire resist tonight!"

>> No.16827007

That's actually quite nice to think about. Living the gritty warrior life and then settling down for a comfy love life with your Lizardman wife.

That's one of the reasons I really like manticores, ironically they're actually quite "pure".

I want a Manticore to dominate me and make me her submissive little chewtoy and when she thinks I'm worthy enough, she penetrates herself with my dick on her normal pussy. I'd feel the most honour a slut could ever feel.

>> No.16827011
Quoted by: >>16827017

I think a lot of MMO aspects would infact be realistic in a fantasy setting. I mean think about it. If the opposing nation's prided fire mage battalion is on the field, you would stack fire resist gear, trinkets and buffs.

>> No.16827012
Quoted by: >>16827015

Exactly. They protect their virginity so taking it would be like claiming a prize. Just take responsibility after.
>it's the "you could never beat one" argument again
They're possible to defeat in the setting and not real so it's stupid to limit yourself to being an average person if you're fantasizing about things anyway.

If you want to be an average guy go ahead and knock yourself out but getting mad because someone wants to be a powerful mage or warrior is a little silly.

>> No.16827015

So is the idea of domming dom girls. It's stupid and leads to trashy thread memes.

>> No.16827016

Not him, but I work under the belief that one other ways to beat fear is to punch it in the face.

True, monster strength and all that, but making the scary thing not so scary is a thing I live for.

>> No.16827017
Quoted by: >>16827024

>They all just use water magic instead.
I mean, being a one-trick-pony is kinda dumb when you realize there are beings that are naturally just immune to fire.

>> No.16827022

Having the victim fight back is hot. Even the monsters know that.

>> No.16827023

That's just your feelings talking, no one's saying it has to be the norm and again you're calling things you don't like memes.

>> No.16827024
Quoted by: >>16827036

Yeah, but you don't want jacks of all trades in your army, do you? To my understanding, highly specialized forces and top tier co-ordination is preferable to a generally superior, but no really excellent anywhere army.

Plus magic is hard. I find it hard to believe that some one who devoted his studies to mastering fire magic could so easily start lobbing ice javelins.

>> No.16827026

Anything can become a thread meme depending on the day. It's a coin flip weather it spews or not.

>> No.16827027
Quoted by: >>16827038

Pretty much this. There's no fun in dominating a girl who's just going to lay there like a fish and cry like a japanese porn star.

>> No.16827029
File: 963 KB, 2512x1956, Horse Automaton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can improve upon the Centaur, pushing from Flawless status into Perfection status.

They alone shall stand within the perfect tier.

>> No.16827030

Yeah, all you have to do is make them bipedal

>> No.16827031

I just ain't a fan of horse pussy.

>> No.16827034

Not ever monster. I dunno kind of seems boring to me.

>> No.16827036
Quoted by: >>16827043

>I find it hard to believe that some one who devoted his studies to mastering fire magic could so easily start lobbing ice javelins.
Really? Because someone with high proficiency in fire magic should be able to easily form ice through magic. It's just common sense.

>> No.16827038

But anon-kun. Its no fun dominating a girl anyway

That was a joke

>> No.16827040


>> No.16827041
Quoted by: >>16827060

This kind of fixes the problem of horse vaginas being disgusting, actually. Probably one of the rare few times I'll like a non-loli centaur design.

>> No.16827042
Quoted by: >>16827048

Please name a girl who;

Is intelligent, friendly and kind.
Is mostly equal, but with a dominant side.
Has emotions.
Is great at sex.

Now explain how to win her heart.

>> No.16827043
Quoted by: >>16827068

It's only common sense when you look at it through a modern scientific perspective, and rationalize it as the control of heat. But lots of fantasies take fire and water as two opposing and incompatible elements.

If any two magics were to be paired it would be something like fire and wind, lightning and water.

>> No.16827044
File: 544 KB, 677x1000, 7be23dab6de663577560e10adf8c4db6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827061

>want a bicorn wife and centaur harem with one of every type of centaur
>including a unicorn would automatically corrupt her
Loving Centaurs is painful at times.

>> No.16827046
Quoted by: >>16827054

Go ask a hellhound why she likes to dominate.

>> No.16827047
Quoted by: >>16827058

>Literally the mentality of a rapist
L a f f

>> No.16827048


Charm her with stories of places she's never been to and knowledge outside of her area of expertise while throwing in a little flirting.

>> No.16827054


>> No.16827056

>that second spoiler
Almost had me, you joker.

>> No.16827058
Quoted by: >>16827066

You must be new here.

>> No.16827060
Quoted by: >>16827096

It doesn't. The problem with horse pussy is where it's located. Even canonicaly MGe centaurs don't have animal pussy. It's human pusy back there.

The issue is you're fucking the ass end of a horse.

>> No.16827061
File: 128 KB, 328x574, Like anyone could say no to this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always go for multiple Unicorns and become the Unicorn King.

They only specifically go after virgins to avoid being corrupted, which means multiple Unicorns would work if you could manage it.

Automaton Unicorn could handle anything though.

>> No.16827062

>Implying power struggles between monsters and humans don't make it more enjoyable
It sure is better than the stale "I get overpowered like a wet paper bag the end" meme.

>> No.16827063

>ctrl+f 'NTR'
>45 results
>half of them are just letter combinations though
Good. Get accustomed to the word, let it start feeling harmless.

>> No.16827064

Unicorns don't join harems.

>> No.16827066
Quoted by: >>16827076

He's fucking with you, dumbo.

>> No.16827068

Wouldn't a battle mage just have a certain control of mana in general and get taught all the most effective combat techniques?

Unless they're an entire elementally affiliated nation a la Avatar:TLA, it would be more difficult to find a cadre that all had the same nature than it would be to create a standardized spellbook of Novice, Adept, Master, etc. based on the amount of energy required and complexity of the ritual.

Because it's an army, they'd learn a sequence of spells that had range, benefit from mass use, or speed/ease of casting. That way you'd teach everyone has to cast lightning bolt and ice javelin, or how to contribute some energy into a siege spell or giant shield.

In 1v1 fighting creativity and speed would win over everything, but even the greatest adventurer can't fight an army*

*you can totally fight an army if you employ anti-field scale magic that can't be counterspelled

>> No.16827069

That's the struggle, I love bicorns, nightmares, whitehorns and vanilla centaurs too.

I guess an automaton unicorn is the best option since she wouldn't be corrupted like you say.

>> No.16827071
Quoted by: >>16827075

Yet when corrupted they are the controller of harems.

You just have to unlock it without corruption, it's in there deep somewhere.

Real deep.

>> No.16827073
Quoted by: >>16827085

That's what we said about Shirohebi too.

>> No.16827075
Quoted by: >>16827093

>Real deep.
Ready? R-R-R'Ready?

>> No.16827076
Quoted by: >>16827099

I know, Pinocchio. It's just I saw him repeating that phrase and don't recognize it from anyone I've seen here before.

>> No.16827079

Honestly, it depends entirely on how you implement your magic system.
Look at elemental bending, alloymancy, furies, alchemy, whatever.
In the end though, what makes it interesting is how you define it through rules and limitations of what one can achieve with it.

>> No.16827082

I don't know about you, but I consume a lot of fantasy shit, albeit most of it is nip, but all-round casters who are actually good are heroic entities.

Vast majority have a magic they specialize in.

I mean let me ask you a question. In your mind, what exactly goes into learning a new spell with an element you're not familiar with, much less you are diametrically opposed to?

> or how to contribute some energy into a siege spell or giant shield.
Well this is a given. You'd have a few archmages specializing the spell and then every other magical runt would jut be funneling pure mana into them. But I'm talking about anti-personnel magic, as no army is going to sit there and let you cast that spell.

>> No.16827085

That's true. Maybe they would just hang around the guy trying to have him choose just one to take as his wife or something like that.

>> No.16827086
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x1584, bad5e5194964f4a5e68c37e8f3d8d7fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go on a one man crusade and defeat as many Lizardmen and salamanders as possible. Doing this I will create a battle harem. And will have them fight over who get's to have sex with me. And every now and again I would just show their heads down in the dirt and fuck them.

>> No.16827089
Quoted by: >>16827105

The way I see it. I probably couldn't overpower an MG in question. But if I were to dominate one and she wanted to punish me back. I'd want to get a good punishing. Like bondage, ball gags and blindfolds kind of humiliation.

>> No.16827093
Quoted by: >>16827105

You could always pay a Mindflayer to unlock a Unicorn's Harem Reactor Unit.

On the flipside a flayer could probably make that work for any MG anyway.

>> No.16827096
Quoted by: >>16827107

Nah, that's just your personal issue with it.
It might limit the positions, but I don't see anything wrong with fucking a centaur from behind. It's a novelty specific to that monstergirl. If you can't deal with it, find another monstergirl.
Her being a robot/cyborg centaur means that the rear view can look attractive, unlike actual horse pussy, which looks like a fleshy bomb site.

>> No.16827099

You're a slut.

>> No.16827100
Quoted by: >>16827131

You know what happens to the guy who fucks all the girls? He gets stuck, stuck on a boat.

>> No.16827102
File: 87 KB, 608x512, 71aXBoO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barrier between universes is extremely strong.
>No one can break it except the most powerful girls.
>Any girl who breaks through to find you is going to be determined and able to defend you.

How happy will she be to finally see you?

>> No.16827103

>A manlet. The goddesses sent me to a manlet.
I don't think she'll take the cruel joke too well.

>> No.16827105

You are just a slut. We are talking about domming domming a monster, not just being a tease to get her pussy musk on your face.

Mindflayer vs Hellhound. Can she do it?

>> No.16827107

Well sure. I bet you're also the kind of guy who'd have no qualms with fucking a mechanized sith either. It's a "novelty specific to that monstergirl".

I take issue with your idea that I'm not allowed to state my distaste though. I can't stop you from wanting to fuck something that looks like a horse, and you can't stop me from telling you your taste is shit. Live and let live, yeah?

>> No.16827113

So happy it's hard to comprehend. Although MGs are too pure to come to this world.

It's better if we go to theirs.

>> No.16827116
File: 297 KB, 600x1000, mammaryzou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can defend me from the yawning abyss of devalued human endeavor that is the age of automation.
And then I can join the 1% who actually matter.

Also, if the amount of desire we have is proportional to that of our waifus, ecstatic.
There will be a snuggling session of legend, followed by every kind of lewd play.

>> No.16827117

Definitive Victory is impossible.

It would be a DRAW in that Flayer has to come in once a week to reflay away the Hellhound instincts that cannot be permanently repressed.

>> No.16827118

>"Who is this weak chubby short man with insecurities?"

>> No.16827119

Ok then I'll pop a raging mushroom. That'll do the trick. Then I get her really angry and she'll punish me.

It's a win win.

>> No.16827124
Quoted by: >>16827133

Mechanized sith? No way. They're still basically just cats/dogs walking on their hind legs, with weird muzzle faces. I'll fuck a robot horse if there's a nice girl's torso and face attached to it, but I won't fuck Puss in Cyberboots.
And I never said you weren't allowed to state your distaste. I said it's your personal issue, and went on to say "but I don't see anything wrong with..."

>> No.16827125

Yo where all da Easter Bunnies at?

>> No.16827126

>mechanized sith
You know what, I would an cait sith automaton if her face had no muzzle since she's no longer covered in fur.

Robotic nyas would be adorable.

>> No.16827131
Quoted by: >>16827134

One day they'll unite their power to defeat you and you will be made into a mere male primate

That's only if you don't take responsibility with a yandere though

>> No.16827133
Quoted by: >>16827141

The sentiment of "If you can't deal with it, find another monstergirl." Is awfully similar to the sentiment of "If you don't like it, shut up and fuck off."

Ultimately the source of our distaste is different. You're fine with fucking a horse so long as it's not fleshy, but robotic. It's the whole shape of the horse that puts me off, regardless of short hair and flesh, or shiny metal.

>> No.16827134
Quoted by: >>16827186

I'm too smug to just turn into a male primate.
They can't win against the dick.

>> No.16827139

>Hey Anon, want to do anything before we leave for my world.
>Yeah! We already have all the technology, history, and medical knowledge. Let me take a picture of you and send it to some people.
>"What for?"
>A lot of people would be happy if they knew Gensokyo is real.
>"That's not where I'm from."
>If you exist, it could too.

Would anyone on /jp/ take time to do this if Monstergirls existed?

>> No.16827141
Quoted by: >>16827157

No, you're just taking it that way.
Literally, if you don't like that monstergirl, there's others for you. That's all it means.

>> No.16827144
Quoted by: >>16827146

I'm unfamiliar with this bullet-hell game you speak of.

>> No.16827146

But he didn't say...what?

>> No.16827149

Big plump spider rump.

>> No.16827153
Quoted by: >>16827154

Is for worship?

>> No.16827154
Quoted by: >>16827164

That's one of the things I'd do to a fat spider arse.

>> No.16827157

Well I admit that I may only be reading into it, but you have to admit that the action of finding another girl implies you leave or forget the one you don't like, and in doing so, stop voicing your distaste of it.

>> No.16827161
Quoted by: >>16827168


>> No.16827164

Care to list the others?

>> No.16827168
Quoted by: >>16827170

what did he mean by this ?

>> No.16827170


>> No.16827172

really fires the neurons up

>> No.16827177
File: 657 KB, 1200x1200, 32572833_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know foxes aren't really the most unique MGs. But I like them. I can imagine living a comfy life with one.

>> No.16827179

they would give up on me for being too depressed

>> No.16827184
Quoted by: >>16827188

>monster girl jk
>anubis in an unbuttoned school uniform with the tie dangling between her breasts

>> No.16827186

>Implying monster girl vagina isn't 10 times more powerful than the dick

>> No.16827188

>anubis in an unbuttoned school uniform with the tie dangling between her breasts

You have my attention.

>> No.16827190

Tremendous trickling Tanuki tanks.

>> No.16827195

Someone come up with a reason for Kitsune to be unique so people can talk about them again.

>> No.16827197
Quoted by: >>16827223

They can breathe ice and fuse with dinosaurs to become badass knights.

>> No.16827202

Multi-tail traps.

>> No.16827204
File: 109 KB, 845x1199, C8ukUelUIAIhJSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827223

Winter foxes are the only good foxes

>> No.16827205
File: 517 KB, 1000x1077, 1398035178437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine her blushing when she didn't know you were in the room when she started undressing, flustered schedule dogs are cute.

>> No.16827207

I wouldn't risk it for a second. I'd be through that portal even before anyone emerged from it in the first place, no matter how stable it may have looked.

>> No.16827214
Quoted by: >>16827231

traps r gay

>> No.16827219

>>anubis in an unbuttoned school uniform with the tie tucked in between her breasts

>> No.16827222

I want to draw dicks in her schedule.

>> No.16827223
Quoted by: >>16827231

>Vandals are trashing the shrine!
>Kitsune steps outside, exhales.
>The criminals are frozen in a solid block of ice.
>She calls her Dragon friend.
>"Hey, want to scissor in front of some honorless men and kick their ass dressed as knights?"

A higher number of tails means they're cuter. A trap with one tail is just a cute guy, but if he has five or more tails he's basically a girl. Nine is perfection.

Their tails are great for cuddling in the Winter!

>> No.16827225

Flustered Schedule Dogs are indeed incredibly adorable.

And this image is very nice, anon. I like to imagine being commanded and bossed around by an Anubis like that.

>> No.16827227
File: 2.60 MB, 2000x2000, booby lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been playing Blazblue and something occurred to me: they don't wear what we'd consider socially acceptable clothing.
Men and women both are chronically under-dressed.
The only times they seem embarrassed are when they go entirely to pasties.
Bodysuits, low cut pants and high cut shirts with no underwear, exposed lingerie and fundoshi, nothing else seems to phase them. It's all pretty normal.

How far would monsters get before they commented on your lack of, or excessively fetishy clothing?

For those of you who don't play it, pic related only adds the furry paws. She looks exactly like that in game including the pole.

>> No.16827231
Quoted by: >>16827234

Nigga I'm talking about an actual trap you get stuck in not a girl (guy)

>> No.16827232
Quoted by: >>16827239

They canonically get flustered when you fuck them. Which is great.

>> No.16827233
File: 96 KB, 640x727, IMG_0674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827238

Big billowing bovine boobs
Massive meaty mino muscles
Burly bouncing beef buttocks
Mega milk-filled muskox mammaries

I seek the BEEGest Holst or Minotaur you got.
Anything less than TITANIC won't do.

>> No.16827234

Well don't get me so excited, my man.

>> No.16827235

Trapping you in their tails, then fucking you? That's Waifu tier.

>> No.16827238


>> No.16827239

>when you fuck them

I thought it was when you confuse them? Oh well, its really cute anyway. I'd love to make one flustered by kissing her neck in missionary.

>> No.16827246
Quoted by: >>16827260

Full face blush, covering her breasts with her paws and telling you not to look. But that only makes looking more fun.

Being bossed around by an Anubis is the best though yes.

>> No.16827247

We're both right. Sex confuses them.

>They're normally calm, but they also have another face. They're extremely vulnerable and get easily confused when something unexpected happens and things don't go as planned. If a man actually assaults them, then they get confused and aroused, and will end up seeking pleasure according to the wolf family's instinct. When this happens to them, everything they had planned in advance in their head goes someplace else and disappears, and the schedule in their head becomes filled only with having sex with the man.

>> No.16827249
Quoted by: >>16827272

It depends on the fighting game if the women are reasonably dressed.
Street fighter and KOF do a good job, so does guilty gear (or at least it did till ram and el)
Tsubaki is dressed OK

>> No.16827250
Quoted by: >>16827260

I think it's if you fuck them when they're not expecting it, they're weak to their husbands being forceful.

>> No.16827256

Oh I remember now, they can take the lead and be perfectly fine but if you're the one to initiate sex unexpectedly they get overwhelmed.

It means they're good as both subs and doms.

>> No.16827258
Quoted by: >>16827263

>Do something they didn't plan on
>They spill their spaghetti and have to rely on pure instinct

Even in a non-sexual context, that's pretty cute.

>> No.16827260
Quoted by: >>16827296

That's cute, but I wouldn't be able to look away from the delicious brown body. It's almost impossible.

I should've known this. But hey atleast I know now.

>> No.16827261

>Anon sees a flower-like spread of fluffy tails on the floor
>He can't resist the mofu and jumps in
>They close down him immediately
>"Ara ara"

This is how marriages start

Depends on the species
Gentle species would be ashamed at about the same level as Blazblue girls
Aggressive species would be flustered if you made them wear anything cute
Seductive species would only be flustered in a wedding dress

>> No.16827263

Would be fun to teach an anubutt how to survive without a schedule.

>> No.16827272
File: 118 KB, 850x1062, BulletHellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827286

Ram was wearing decent clothes for the duration of xrds story,
As for KOF, mai is a bit skimpy

need more fighting game monster girls

>> No.16827274
Quoted by: >>16827279

>Why is his room so messy
>He's even got books just lying on the floor
>I thought he'd be more clean-shaven
>This place is so cramped. Is it a cupboard?
>What does he mean, this is where he lives? How am I meant to live here with him?
>And what does he mean he doesn't think he can support me financially?
>He's still a student?
>Why is it so cold and dreary here
>I think I miss my desert
>I crossed the void and risked dooming both worlds to a total metaphysical collapse for this?
>There's probably a Grotesquerie Queen trying to enter through the breach as well
>I'm starting to think maybe this wasn't worth it
>But why do I feel so warm when he touches me so carefully? Like he can't believe I'm real?

>> No.16827279


Atleast they'll probably find some redeeming qualities about us.

>> No.16827280
Quoted by: >>16827343

Intense winghugs and tail wraps, making me unable to move for at least a day as she cuddles me while also showering me with confessions.

>> No.16827286
File: 2.23 MB, 2000x3500, BulletJinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827325

Is it her idle pose?
It has to be that. And the fact that her belt looks for all the world like a tail.
For a fleeting moment I thought she was a catgirl.

Which wouldn't be out of place in a game that already has several catgirls, a squirrel girl, and Mr. Mutsuki's fucktoy fox.

>> No.16827296
File: 784 KB, 500x1500, 15d3c4c7b18efffc06106daa1eb75efd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's impossible to look away, a man who adverts his eyes from a half dressed anubis in front of him is no man at all.

The real question is if you would act on the sight in front of you or show a little mercy.

>> No.16827305
File: 403 KB, 833x1000, 1397158617102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry a nerdy Oni. They're truly the ultimate girl: the perfect mind in a perfect body.

>> No.16827306
Quoted by: >>16827332

Although, like any man, I'd develop a need to breed. I'd like to hold out just to see what happens. She'll get flustered and confused and maybe, just maybe she'll be the one to act first.

>> No.16827308

>The real question is if you would act on the sight in front of you or show a little mercy.
You do both, by teasing her beyond all sense and reason.

>> No.16827313

A man that does not rape an anubis like that is not a man at all.

>> No.16827314

That's a high tension japanese goblin though.

>> No.16827320

That one is sort of a high mark, don't you think?
She's an epic level character with maxed wisdom.
And the ultimate body. Svelte Oni are the absolute best and the world is a better place for so many of them existing.

>> No.16827323
Quoted by: >>16827336

Now now anon. Not everything has to be so forceful.

>> No.16827325

.less ruining characters

>> No.16827332

It would be cute if she ran up and wrapped her arms around you. If her body is pressed up against yours then you can't see it. Touching her tail in such a situation and seeing her look up at you with an aroused yet frustrated expression would be fun.
Doing both is cheating, yet also nice.
You wouldn't push her up against the lockers and steal her first kiss would you? That's cruel.

>> No.16827333

That's why I love Anubi with all my heart. They're just such cute girls. It hurts how cute they are.

>> No.16827336

Nope it has to be that way.

I would and I don't even like schedule dogs all that much. Depending on what happen I wouldn't take responsibility.

>> No.16827343
Quoted by: >>16827359

>It's the dead of Winter. The thin walls of the shrine are rattling gently in the wind, threatening to wake you from a well-deserved sleep.
>Your Waifu feels you shiver. She wakes up immediately, looking over her shoulder at her cold husband.
>This will not stand.
>She lays her tails over your side, curling them so they make contact with your back.
>You smile in your sleep.
>Your Waifu is almost happy enough to get heart pupils.
>Goes back to sleep and plans to fuck you in the morning.

>> No.16827348
File: 77 KB, 593x664, d85fa89cb1f7e75fd9984a36c08208ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need more than just ears and tail.
Give them slender, pawed feet, and clawed, furry hands with the same proportions as a human's. And they need sleek, almost fabric-smooth black fur on their extremities to make it look like they're wearing black socks and arm-gloves all the time.
Their hair, wherever it's blonde or red, should have natural stripes of black and silver in it to match a fox's coat.
A whisker-like design on their face would be good too. Similar to the marks on Ahri's cheeks, except they look more like a facial feature, less like make-up.

Foxes also have a pretty distinctive dividing line across one half of their faces. The top half has orange fur, and the lower half has white fur. I think it'd be neat to reflect that design element in a kitsune somehow.
Plus, you can see that on pretty much all red foxes, they have an area around their eyes where the fur is noticeably darker. So think of a kitsune who has naturally red/dark orange eyeshadow. I think if you had that, the whisker marks as a dividing line across her face, and maybe a mane of white fur around her neck to create the illussion of that high orange/low white appearance across the face, then you could come out with a pretty great kistune monstergirl design.

>> No.16827349
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1291, 1456337821666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a big dumb lummox like you running around with toast in your mouth for anyway?

>> No.16827353
File: 252 KB, 338x467, Anubis and sphinx maids crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll even dress up for you! Though they may be tsundere about it.

>> No.16827356

I'd be very grateful and respecting about it. And I'd compliment how good she looks!

>> No.16827359

Waifu doesn't have fluffy tail, she would just bonk me with it and wrap around so she can hug me closer in the comfiness of her wings.

Maybe I should buy her a tail glove or something.

>> No.16827362
Quoted by: >>16827441

That's cute as fuck. I really like it. You should commission a Kitsune like that, or find someone to write about one.

>> No.16827372
File: 719 KB, 700x907, rapeface kitsune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, thank you for giving me the opportunity to repost this.
Doesn't have all the attributes you suggest, but does show the dainty alternative to wolves big meaty paws.

>> No.16827374
File: 759 KB, 1000x1360, 1443058967516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I talk about them I end up sperging, I don't usually think of them as my favourite race but I tend to have a lot more enthusiasm when talking about them than most girls. They really are wonderful.
Man, going to a maid cafe ran by monster girls would be lovely. Do you think Kikis would look down on the girls who work there as fakes though?

>> No.16827378
Quoted by: >>16827416

>Kitsune, shapeshifting master of darkness
First thing I thought when I saw that.

And gangly hands like that are gross compared to delicious, big meaty paws.

>> No.16827380

Okay anons, a portal has finally opened and your waifu is in this world with you. She says that the two of you have 24 hours on this side before the portal opens back up before closing forever.

What do you do with your 24 hours, or do you decide to stay here with your waifu?

>> No.16827383

Kikis would be the bosses of maid cafes, teaching her subordinates on how to be true maids.

>> No.16827384


>> No.16827390

Sometimes this feels like the Anubis general

>> No.16827393
Quoted by: >>16827415

>anubis general
>anubis in a general's uniform
Hello boner.

>> No.16827394
Quoted by: >>16827413

You're free to discuss a different girl any time.

>> No.16827399
Quoted by: >>16827410

Why do you feel like that anon? It's ok to talk about other girls if you want.

Like automatons!

Maybe they're growing on you? It's ok to accept your love for something.

>> No.16827404

We've established that it makes sense why they're the most neurotic of the bunch, so it stands to reason they'd be the ones most vocal as well, or most likely to bring their waifus into conversations that would otherwise be unrelated

>> No.16827407
Quoted by: >>16827471

Gather up my clothes, charge my phone, get my toothbrush and paste, get my shampoo, my violin and maybe some books.

>> No.16827410

>Maybe they're growing on you?
They really are growing on me.

It doesn't help that if I close my eyes and think what monster girl would be the best wife for me realistically, Anubis is always the first one to come to mind. I'm usually a slut for hellhounds and other scary girls.

>> No.16827412
Quoted by: >>16827471

Well I'd definitely be going back with her, that's just a given. As for what we'd do, I'd want to say goodbye to my family as it'd be really scummy of me to just up and disappear on them. I don't mind just disappearing one day, but I'd still feel bad about it. Anyway, I'd also post a picture of my waifu and I together on here, faces and all.

Other than that, I'd be more than ready to leave this place forever.

>> No.16827413

Many times when I try one of them says 'I can totally see my Anubis doing that' and they just turn it into another 'I would brush her paws and wouldn't dom her unless she wanted me to' talk

>> No.16827414
Quoted by: >>16827442

If one person drags their anubis into a conversation the other anubisfags come too. Her and robots are probably the most talked girls now.

>> No.16827415
File: 205 KB, 944x966, 1414451705524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827442

Laura-Anna of Arabia?

>> No.16827416
File: 711 KB, 671x918, shape shifting master of darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827446


>> No.16827417

>'I would brush her paws and wouldn't dom her unless she wanted me to' talk
I laughed.

>> No.16827422
Quoted by: >>16827471

Fuck like crazy with her for a few hours, have a meal together then get packing essentials such as items with sentimental value or books that might be useful to show people in her world.

Maybe I could take some of my manga collection to show an art fairy and start a business there, or take some cook books with modern recipes and try and open a store that sells those meals.

>> No.16827425
Quoted by: >>16827434

>'I would brush her paws and wouldn't dom her unless she wanted me to' talk
While I don't think it's too big a deal this did get a chuckle out of me
It does seem to be a very common statement by at least some of the Anubisfags

>> No.16827433

>Lilim into loving, cute relationships, research, cosplay, and actual justice appears from a portal.
>World around her immediately starts turning into a Demon Realm based on the Unknown Civilizations that Gremlins base their technology from.
>She's pretty much a Gremlin herself. Just slightly taller and with Shortstack proportions.

>Hugs me.
>That turns into a kiss, followed by sex.
>I'm filled with Demonic Energy, which I immediately use to fuck her. Increasing how much energy I have.
>Eventually we finish.
>She tells me we only have a few hours until the portal opens and closes again.
>We gather as much technological, historical, medical, and cultural knowledge from humanity as we can. She teleports us around the world to speed things up.
>She doesn't like the oppressive, purposefully technophobic policies of the Chief God. At the same time, she doesn't like how so much of the world is ONLY focused on Lust.
>The Demon Lord agrees, viewing the betterment of humanity as a worthy goal.
>She plans to start increasing the tech level of MGE, starting with where we live.

>I'm happy that I had such a detailed idea of what my Waifu would be like.

I also let my family know that I'm leaving for a crazy fantasy world. They're sad to see me go, but they support my decision. They can't physically stop me anyway.

>> No.16827434

It's only one person, anon.

>> No.16827441
Quoted by: >>16827452

Maybe I could commission Sub-res. He has a passion for foxes. Critnuke too, would do a good job with the eyeshadow detail, and general expression.
I don't think I'd actively ask someone to write about it though. Maybe I'll give it a shot myself. But anyone else is welcome to try.

Yeah, that's the right sort of idea with the hands. Fur so sleek and fine that, besides the claws, maybe potential pawpads too, you'd think they were a human's hands in form-fitting gloves. Not too sure about the long tufts of fur where it ends at the elbow, though.

>> No.16827442

Anubis is popular but Automaton still has a way to go. A quick ctrl + f of this thread shows that Lich, Dragon, Hellhound and a few others are talked about more than robutts but their popularity for a new girl is really surprising. It's nice to see some recent releases get love.
I'd follow an Anubis like that to the ends of the earth.

>> No.16827446
Quoted by: >>16827492

But that's not Aku.

>> No.16827447
Quoted by: >>16827464

You have to be specific about your discussion and state the race you're talking about, if you just say "monster girl" while talking about a situation then the popular ones will come up without a doubt.

>> No.16827448
Quoted by: >>16827530

I wonder why they have that effect on people? Myself included.
Doesn't really matter what the talk is about them, it makes me all warm inside regardless, and I can't help gushing paragraphs about them.

>> No.16827449

A lilim that totally isn't like the other lilims and has unique views that are convincing to the DL herself to get her to change her ideology a bit because they're so unique and smart
Who Would Have Guessed

>> No.16827450

Yeah, I am pretty annoying.

>> No.16827452

Those are obviously hairy elbows but I'm sure a more elegant Inari could pull off the same look and have you think they were fur trimmed gloves.

I really do love the idea of subtle incorporation of the animalistic aspects. Somewhere between a human form Tanuki and Yao.

>> No.16827463
Quoted by: >>16827474

Steelins are just the best.

>> No.16827464

Not him but certain X-fags do try and bring up their waffle even if the conversation was specifically about a different species

>> No.16827470

Reading this makes me hope there will be more monkeygirls in the MGE.

>> No.16827471

The portal doesn't open for 24 hours, how are you going to pass all that time?

What would you bring? No other living things allowed.

Would you be going to a medieval setting? Or one very different from ours?

>Lilim starts monsterizing people the second she gets here
You better be careful. Taking all that knowledge back with you sounds very noble though, you'd be doing her kingdom a great service.

>> No.16827474
Quoted by: >>16827499

Teasing aside, it's good there's a race that specifically serves that purpose for people who can't help but want it

>> No.16827476
Quoted by: >>16827479

Saphirette Spherica thinks basically the same thing. Her profile talks about her being a genius scholar, adamantly supporting everyone getting educated, and establishing a formal educational system. She turned her home nation into a Demon Realm to protect that ideology, and she's not even a Lilim.

Is the Demon Lord explicitly anti-tech? I thought she was mostly anti-Order and Chief God, both of whom are trying to keep humans from making technological progress.

>> No.16827479

>Saphirette Spherica thinks basically the same thing. Her profile talks about her being a genius scholar, adamantly supporting everyone getting educated, and establishing a formal educational system. She turned her home nation into a Demon Realm to protect that ideology, and she's not even a Lilim.

Do the Japanese understand the concept of "Mary Sue"?

>> No.16827483
Quoted by: >>16827566

Shopping and maybe gathering some stuff for her hoard.

>> No.16827485
Quoted by: >>16827566

Let her flay and corrupt a bunch of people so it starts a chain reaction that won't end until every woman in the world has been turned into a Mindflayer
Then go back to her world, it will be much more comfy than the mess we will leave behind

>> No.16827487

Do you?

>> No.16827490
Quoted by: >>16827566

>Would you be going to a medieval setting? Or one very different from ours?
Ideally the canon MGE setting since that's where she's from.

>> No.16827492
File: 585 KB, 671x918, improved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16827499

I guess. Even I made an OC to fit my way of corruption.

>> No.16827501

Extra thick.

>> No.16827502

God dammit, Anon.

>> No.16827503
Quoted by: >>16827566

>What would you bring? No other living things allowed.
Probably just everyday things like my computers, a few select items from my sex toy collection, and a backpack full of essentials like extra changes of clothes. That way my waifu can't keep me cooped up in the house in just a collar and a chastity cage because I've got no other clothes!

>> No.16827504
Quoted by: >>16827582

Only if she still has MAKO's voice

>> No.16827511
Quoted by: >>16827566

Why the hell would i stay here? This is not a world where i would want my children to grow up in.

I'd say goodbye to a few friends pack up everything i need and go.
Its not like i could do much myself to stop her, while dragons are obsessive mine is a little more than usual.

okay shes borderline yan but i like it.

>> No.16827512
File: 598 KB, 857x1100, 1466560315168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm going to do it. Today, I'll rape my husband!"

She tries to work up the nerve to do it, every day. To 'rape' the man that fell in love with her, confessed to her. Perhaps one day, she will actually succeed.

>> No.16827530
File: 140 KB, 800x1000, 1424308536569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what it is about them that does that but I'm not going to question it.

>> No.16827531

She's a turbonerd, not a Mary Sue. She's not invincible or perfect, and she still doesn't have a husband. Despite having a ton of elemental pussy. I don't think it's unreasonable that a Lilim could also be into technology and education, since they all have their weird fetishes.

Also the Demon Lord is apparently aware of the "Eventually Humans will die out" problem.

>A number of problems remained that the demon lord hadn't foreseen. Although their objective changed from killing and devouring flesh and blood, to mating and milking semen, the setting “monsters assault humans” remained. Additionally, since the setting “monsters are biologically superior beings to humans,” also remained, nothing but the monster girls who are both mothers and superior beings actually ended up resulting from the coupling of humans and monster girls, even though the demon lord had expected that the incubi, who are the males of the unified race, would also have been born. Because of this, the racial unification that the demon lord seeks is impossible. Instead, the humans will probably eventually die out gradually just the way the present gods and chief god insisted it would be. And now more than ever, the chief god and demon lord's powers are locked in a bitter struggle.

She'd be interested if one of her daughters said, "Hey, this other world was looking into artificially creating humans. Also, they have a worldwide knowledge and porn network. Should I look into it?"

>> No.16827537

>The top half has orange fur, and the lower half has white fur. I think it'd be neat to reflect that design element in a kitsune somehow.
You can do this via a long fringe.

>> No.16827541
Quoted by: >>16827569

>jumps on his back and wraps her arms around him
>tall twitching like crazy, heart going a mile a minute
>Husband turns to look at her
>she's looking up with the most frightened, nervous 'uwaah' face ever
>'Aww. It's okay honey. I'm here for you.'
>kisses the top of her head and scritches her ear before walking off to do manly husband things
>she swoons and scurries off
>"N-next time!"

>> No.16827545
Quoted by: >>16827566

I spend the first 12 hours fucking her hard, and then I spend the last 12 settling my affairs before hopping back through the portal with her.

>> No.16827560

What's the best item to bring to a new world to demonstrate our advances in technology?

I'm thinking a passive electric guitar. It demonstrates our knowledge of electricity and magnetic fields.

>> No.16827563

The only thing that is getting raped is her smug mouth

>> No.16827566

Would you feel any need to be careful with taking a Dragon out in public?

That's messed up my man.

Who is your waifu?

Why would you need more than one computer?

Would she be worried about getting separated from you in the 24 hours and keep hold of you the whole time?

Just make sure you don't sleep through the portal occurrence, 12 hours of sex is a lot.

No idea man, that's up to you.

>> No.16827569
Quoted by: >>16827754


Equal parts cute and inspiring. I admire her gumption.

>> No.16827582
Quoted by: >>16827654

>You better be careful. Taking all that knowledge back with you sounds very noble though, you'd be doing her kingdom a great service.

Thanks! It'd be great to bring the best parts of this world to MGE, and improve the lives of everyone by upping the tech level. Plus I'd still get to play Vidya.

I have no idea how we'd stop her from Monsterizing everything, but she'd probably be able to put together a device that stores Demonic Energy for later use before anyone is corrupted. It's a high stakes game. I live near my parents. In the meantime she'd run her sex toys at full power to use the extra energy.

>> No.16827586
Quoted by: >>16827642

>Who is your waifu?
She's a Lich. Thinking about it the items I take with me might be of great interest to her too.

>> No.16827590
Quoted by: >>16827609

It depends on how good you are at demonstrating how they work. A modern rocket or a VR headset attached to a powerful computer would be incredible.

>> No.16827609

Yeah but that's the thing. With a guitar I can accurately describe how it works an describe the properties of electricity, magnetism and how to harness it to generate power.

I couldn't begin to explain a computer

>> No.16827610
Quoted by: >>16827642

I'd just tell her to use an incognito spell or mamono hide her monster parts.

>> No.16827613
Quoted by: >>16827642

>Why would you need more than one computer?
Well, there's my laptop which I use for most of my daily computing needs, and then there's my desktop that I use for games and my massive porn collection.

While we're on that topic, I'd love to share commissions with my waifu and see what we've gotten of each other.

>> No.16827617

>That's messed up my man.
Don't you think people will be happier if every woman was a flayer and every man was flayed? There'd be nothing but love, sex and madness in the air

>> No.16827622

There would be nothing but nukes and squids.

>> No.16827630
Quoted by: >>16827642

>Would she be worried about getting separated from you in the 24 hours and keep hold of you the whole time?
She would, and i wouldn't resist. Actually i'd tell her i feel protected and loved for the first time just to make her heart pupil. while trying to cuddle with her.

>> No.16827642

I'm sure they would, how fascinated would she be with our technology?

I always thought that was a bit of a cop out, but this is your fantasy. What kind of stuff would you shop for?

Would our computers even work in a monstergirl realm?

Sure, but its not like that would be an instant transition. People her would see it as a zombie apocalypse tier event.

That's a wonderful thing to say to a yandere, you'd have a hard time convincing her to let you go even after you went back through.

>> No.16827648
Quoted by: >>16827685

Considering my waifu's nature. She'd probably be pretty confused by what's going on, not bringing a schedule with her and all. So we'd probably fuck, a lot.

Then again I really don't know what I'd do. It's such a short time to make decisions. I would really prefer to go into her world and live with her.

>> No.16827654

>Would our computers even work in a monstergirl realm?

I'm not that guy, but Automations are AI. It's hard to make AI without any knowledge of computers. You could run them on Demonic Energy if regular electricity doesn't work.

>> No.16827658

I meant to reply to >>16827642 .

>> No.16827663
Quoted by: >>16827685

>Would our computers even work in a monstergirl realm?
They definitely would in my setting as it's just an alternate reality version of my current city but it's been with monstergirls. Also see >>16827654

>> No.16827665
Quoted by: >>16827685

Fuck like rabbits I'd reckon. That and cuddle with one another.

>> No.16827666
Quoted by: >>16827685

>that was a bit of a cop out
I mean, it's either powerful dragon or people going crazy because there is a monster walking around, and I don't want to see a city destroyed because someone tried to kill me and her. If people were cool about it then I would just hold her hand to make sure she doesn't wander off to pillage or act smugly around earth humans.

For shopping I would just get some utensil and things that would make life more convenient. Clothes for both of us too.

>> No.16827668

>Would our computers even work in a monstergirl realm?
Only if magic couldn't work on earth.

>> No.16827669
Quoted by: >>16827685

Every time something like this has come up in the past I've always said I'd want to stay here with her because I've honestly got a pretty good gig going on, but I just don't think there's any hope left any more so I'd try and convince my parents to come with me and bring our absolute crap ton of books, tools, valuables, other assorted items that could be useful or of value, and see if we can bring at least some of our animals with us. Like a lot of others have been saying 24 hours isn't a whole lot of time but I think its enough and depending on how long the portal is gonna stay open and what time period the monster girl world is in we could bring invaluable knowledge with us.

>> No.16827672

Post a photo of me and her to the thread, minutes before departing.
I'll tell you that even though I got mine, none of you will never get yours, and I'll make sure that a portal is never opened into this world again.

>> No.16827674
Quoted by: >>16827704

T. Sadist

>> No.16827675
Quoted by: >>16827704

People would call it a photoshop.

>> No.16827684

This is the correct answer. I'd hope I would score a suicide or two from some of the more desperate fucks too.

>> No.16827685

You'd just have to wait those 24 hours, then you could go back with her.

I see your points.

Again, make sure you don't sleep through the portal.

I understand your point.

Only 2 may go back through the portal.

You're a bad man, anonymous.

>> No.16827695

>Only 2 may go back through the portal.
Fuck the rules.

>> No.16827701

>implying you would be able to control where portals happened and when
Besides if I could control them I'd make sure they opened for most people here, then taunt the wiki and MGU.

>> No.16827703
Quoted by: >>16827734

Then your mom and your waifu go through the portal and you stay here with your father.

>> No.16827704

The greater despair is knowing that the possibility of hope exists, but that you'll live your life never seeing that hope come to fruition.

I'm sure some would. But there would always be doubts. Clawing, nagging, gnawing doubts.
"What if it's not a photoshop? What if they really do exist, and I missed the one chance in my lifetime to be with them?"

I don't think I'd want to directly cause anyone to kill themselves over it. But I suppose I wouldn't be around to know either way if people did. If people are that broken over it that they kill themselves, I guess that's their choice.

I'm the worst.

>> No.16827706
Quoted by: >>16827725


Who's your list of people who aren't allowed to have a portal?

>> No.16827712

Ok then, how do you explain monsterization and rape and all that to them?

Yes but WHY though?

>> No.16827715
Quoted by: >>16827792

Why not?

>> No.16827723
File: 197 KB, 500x801, 1469768874657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have a cute, genki, sporty Fruitbat Onee-san!

>> No.16827725

The guy who shitposted the wock onee-san guy with ntr, if he's going to cuck people with rp then he gets cucked out of a portal.

Other than that everyone else would get a portal, no one deserves to get put on the same level as ntr.

>> No.16827726

Instead of getting portals to open into this world, I'd get them to open up to an identical alternate universe, so monstergirls seeking husbands go to that world and still find their ideal partners, and the people here end up alone.

Being an asshole for the sake of the joke, though, I wouldn't do that in reality. Maybe I'd post the photo, but it'd be to show people there's a chance. And I know there's at least one person from this very thread I'd specifically request gets brought along.

>> No.16827734
Quoted by: >>16827739

Nope, all of us if I can convince my parents.
Well I'm like halfway sure my dad either goes or used to go to /pol/ so I don't think it'd take much convincing for him to leave this world, though then again he's got three kids other than me and I don't know if he'd just abandon them like that. My mother on the other hand would be tricky, I think if my dad was already going my mom definitely would but I think I'd still have to try and show her how crappy this world is while playing up the other one then explaining it all once we're already there, besides my waifu is a Holstaur and we'll be living in a pretty rural area so we wouldn't see very much of that if any at all.

>> No.16827737
Quoted by: >>16827753

I like bats. I like to imagine they are a bit orally fixated, and thus are perfect for throat fucking while they hang upside down. There would certainly be one in my Halloween harem.

>> No.16827739
Quoted by: >>16827784

What about your siblings?

>> No.16827745

Is it me, anon?

>> No.16827746
Quoted by: >>16827757

I hear they can pull off the sad puppy look exceptionally well

>> No.16827751

You can't just spoiler that and not tell us who my dude.

>> No.16827752

It's obviously me

>> No.16827753
Quoted by: >>16827762

Are you strong enough yet that you can hold up a bat girl by the legs while she gives you a BJ?

>> No.16827754

I guess she's too proud to just eat a raging mushroom?

>> No.16827757

I hear they often use that to pressure their crushes into sex.

>> No.16827758
Quoted by: >>16827766

I don't know, are you Anonlich?

>> No.16827759

Fair enough. He can't ntr if there are no anons d their waifus.

>> No.16827762

Only if she's a tiny, perflat mojyo Vampire Bat.

>> No.16827766
Quoted by: >>16827783


>> No.16827768

It warms my heart to see justice like that.

>> No.16827772

Who doesn't deserve their waifus?

>> No.16827774
Quoted by: >>16827792

everybody on this board

>> No.16827776
Quoted by: >>16827789

What about those guys with human waifus. I know there are some here.

They clearly don't deserve anything.

>> No.16827777
Quoted by: >>16827821

Anyone with more than one waifu.

>> No.16827783
Quoted by: >>16827804

Then are you Snibako or one of the various anubisfags? Because they're also high up on my "Cool enough for portal" list.

>> No.16827784
Quoted by: >>16827793

I love all of them, I honestly do, but they're part of the problem and they're all already married anyway, I'm obviously already stretching it with bringing my parents so as harsh as it is to say I don't think it'd be worth it to try and convince them and get them to drive half the day just to get to us and then it not even work.

>> No.16827789
File: 961 KB, 1000x1000, 9072445dc79989400806f199737e148f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys with human waifus
>They clearly don't deserve anything.
You're making my waifu very angry with posts like that. Please stop.

>> No.16827790


>> No.16827792

Guys like

>> No.16827793
Quoted by: >>16827799

Are you an oldest child anon?

>> No.16827796
File: 843 KB, 867x1200, 1489983137636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 days later i showed up to tell you i agree with you

>> No.16827799
Quoted by: >>16827803

The opposite.

>> No.16827800

you just can't handel the truth

>> No.16827801
Quoted by: >>16827806

I don't get it. Where are her fangs? Her ears? Is she hiding her fur or scales?

>> No.16827802
File: 284 KB, 661x980, Baby sandworm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its one thing to have a unusual monster girl as a wife, she may have a bunch of extra parts and such but her humanoid portion is still roughly human-size (omitting fairies and such).

But ever think about how strange it must be to have a baby with the various egg laying species? Pics like these show you can end up with infants less than half the size of a regular human baby. For the fathers who likely grew up with regular human babies it must take some getting used to.

Course the sandworm is an extreme example, but it shows my point well. One would assume they grow fast of course.

How would you adapt to raising such a tiny baby?

>> No.16827803

That's just as understandable.

>> No.16827804

No, but I've chatted with anubisfags a numerous amounts of times.

>> No.16827806
Quoted by: >>16827809

No, anon. She's a paladin.

>> No.16827809
Quoted by: >>16827816

Pah-luh-deen? Is she like a living armour who can assume tangible form?

>> No.16827814

Human girls are dumb.

>> No.16827816
Quoted by: >>16827825

Yes, she has meat inside the armor.

>> No.16827818

I mean, you're going to need a teeny tiny spoon to feed them. Unless they eat on their own. They're MGE girls so they mature fast.

Guess you're going to have to watch their diet to make sure it's not too much. And by the way that little sand worm daughteru is adorable.

>> No.16827820

>How would you adapt to raising such a tiny baby?
I wouldn't need to. I have an undead waifu.

>> No.16827821

>Haremfags need to choose only one girl so they can be together

>> No.16827825
Quoted by: >>16827837

Why would she have meat inside her armour? That's just going to make it smell. Remove the meat from it so she's just a nice living armour.

>> No.16827826 [SPOILER] 
File: 682 KB, 1065x1400, 1491581378711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hear a knock on the door
>See this

What do?

>> No.16827827

You are dumb

>> No.16827828
Quoted by: >>16827918

Surprised that she knocked

>> No.16827830

Some Human girls are pretty smart. Not as smart as a Lich or something, but about the same as a lot of fluffy girls.

>> No.16827832

And you're one innocent little shit eh? Surely yours' waiting you just around the corner then ;^)

>> No.16827833
Quoted by: >>16827927

Tell my waifu that I'm going to get raped if this keeps going.

>> No.16827837
Quoted by: >>16827843

She uses the meat to eat and lewd. If I removed it, I couldn't have sex with her.

>> No.16827839

How would a Kitsune wife coax you into bed? I'm up late shitposting and should probably sleep.

>> No.16827841

Let my big sister in of course. Not sure why she'd be outside.

>> No.16827843

That's not how a living armour works. She's a lie.

Use her shapeshifting powers to turn into a fox-themed, fur-lined heated blanket.

>> No.16827849
Quoted by: >>16827862

If you have a kitsune wife and you need convincing to get in bed with her then that's on you, pal. Get your shit together man.

>> No.16827852
Quoted by: >>16827862

If she started touching herself I wouldn't resist.

>> No.16827857
File: 466 KB, 1000x712, 66294_M_Fox_inari_POSTED_M_8195565_9158_123_67lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slide a silky soft tail against your face or hand as she passes by, pressing just hard enough to pull you slightly in the direction she is going. Then looking over her shoulder with a smile as she goes to the bedroom.

>> No.16827859
Quoted by: >>16827870

>She's a lie.
That's a mean thing to say about my waifu. She's very cute!

>> No.16827862
Quoted by: >>16827881

>Turns into a blanket.
>You get in bed, instantly warm.
>She turns back.
>You're wrapped in her tails.

I don't have one, which is the problem. Imagining things like that does make lying in bed alone more fun though.

I meant for sleep, not fucking! Although falling asleep after great sex is one of the best feelings in the world.

The result is the same when fluffy tail touches you. I think "Have loving, comfy sex" is the perfect answer.

>> No.16827866

Tiny egg babies would be cute so I'm fine with it.

>> No.16827870

Where are the cute monster parts then?

>> No.16827881
Quoted by: >>16828003

It's a shame people don't talk more about a kissune's ability to shapeshift.
I don't have it saved, but I know there's a picture which exists of one who's even transformed into a TV and game console. Now imagine a fox girl with that level of complex transformation magic.

>> No.16827884

This, pretty much: >>16827857

Barring that, the old mofu ball approach seems to work as well. Taking you for a roll before a roll in ze hay.

>> No.16827895
Quoted by: >>16827899

Invite her in for a cup and tea and cookies
Also start a timer to see how long it takes for her to rape me

>> No.16827899
Quoted by: >>16827935

As soon as you open your mouth.

>> No.16827901
Quoted by: >>16827911

Kill it before she took out her dick or called her furry friends

>> No.16827905


>> No.16827909


Childhood is believing harems are the best thing ever.

Adulthood is realizing love is best shared between you and one waifu.

>> No.16827911


>> No.16827918

It's easy with such big knockers

>> No.16827922

This is mostly true. I was a haremfag when I first got here, but now I only have one waifu and a daughteru.

Harems are just too chaotic for one me.

>> No.16827923

Adulthood is realizing that it doesn't matter and as long as the people involved are happy is fine.

>> No.16827927
Quoted by: >>16827956

But anon she is your waifu.

>> No.16827933

What about bigamy?

>> No.16827935
Quoted by: >>16827956

Dragon Zombies are gentler than that, she'll hold it in for a bit before jumping at me

Not with monster girls, you're actually doing a good deed by marrying multiple ones
They'd lead sad lonely lives without (you)

>> No.16827936

No choice but to let her in. Doubt the door will hold of a Zombie Dragon.

Pretty sure they keep their strength after reviving.

>> No.16827952

If I want a waifu that will protect my smile and will make me feel safe and protected when I walk with her and hug her. Which one would be better?

A Hellhound, a Jinko, a Minotaurus, an Oni, a Kunoichi, a Dragon or an Ochimusha? I dont include Lizard Girls and Hinezumis because their fetish for similar warrior men make them shit smile protectors.

>> No.16827956
Quoted by: >>16827978

My waifu is a dragon but she is alive. I know that ZDs have a sad past, but my waifu is still going to shoo her away.

One second or so?

>> No.16827958

Dragon I'd say. Who wouldn't want to be wing hugged by a big scaly beast who loves you more than anything in the world.

>> No.16827959

Find yourself a Yeti

>> No.16827965

Is there a story of an Anon smuggling himself to Dragonia because he loves Dragons so much?

>> No.16827967

You don't choose a waifu, a waifu chooses you.

You'll know when she's the one, don't try to force it.

>> No.16827973

That baby sandworm is so adorable!

>> No.16827974


Yetis are shit as bodyguard waifus anon.

>> No.16827976

I don't think so. But that does have potential for healing.
Just imagine a young dragon seeing a boy drag himself across the border, beaten and bleeding.
Imagine her rushing over to him and scooping him up in her arms before rushing back to her mother's home shouting for help.
Imagine the two of them growing up side by side and eventually falling in love.

>> No.16827977
File: 861 KB, 1122x1600, f_118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827990


>> No.16827978
File: 110 KB, 552x552, dragon_zombie_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16827989

Look at this adorable face, is this really the face of a ruthless rapist?

She'd wait a good 4 minutes if you avoid physical contact and any lewd gestures

>> No.16827980
File: 118 KB, 542x611, Mock Laughing Slut Dragon and or Slut Lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you're too much of a wimp to get Dragon or Hellhound. Not important enough to be assassinated by a Kunoichi. Ochiturkey is too Samurai-esque and you have no pride so that's a no go.

I guess the Cat, Cow, or the Alcoholic would be your optimal only choices. Except you probably wouldn't run into the Cat out here...

Cow or Alcoholic, your choice. Alternatively man up and go Centaur.

>> No.16827985

Yetis are for protecting, not being protected by.

>> No.16827989
Quoted by: >>16828019

Lower the camera and then we'll see the rapist. At most 1 minute.

>> No.16827990

Those arms are toned after years of hugging anon!

This is exactly the kind of shit I want my Demon waifu to do to me. It's A+ material with any monstergirl honestly.

>> No.16827991

>Well you're too much of a wimp to get Dragon or Hellhound
That's not true, Hellhounds aren't picky so he could probably sill get one. Dragon you're right on though.

>> No.16827992
Quoted by: >>16828055


Maybe a story about an anon fapping so hard to Dragongirl porn he ends up in Dragonia.

You know, similar to how Palpatine used his sheer hatred to rip wormholes in spacetime to teleport and destroy shit.

Similar, but this anon accidentally does it with his sheer thirst of Dragon pussy into Dragonia.

>> No.16827994
Quoted by: >>16828037

Come on. No need to drop a truth bomb on us.

>> No.16827996
File: 36 KB, 703x487, gazer butt goo max sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16828011

New quick wifebutt picture.
A few older commissions are close to finishing as well, recently.

How are you all lately?

>> No.16828003

Would you blow in her cartridge?

>> No.16828005

Yetis are stronger than you think, don't underestimate their hugging and protecting power to save the one they love

>> No.16828007

>Not Picky

All right, let's say they aren't, how many do you think would live within Anon's vicinity?

>> No.16828011
Quoted by: >>16828013

Oh god I had the nasties there before I realized it was just goo.

>> No.16828013

That's fuckin' weird anon.

>> No.16828015
Quoted by: >>16828031

They're likely a good deal rarer than werewolves, but assuming there is suitable habitat, maybe two or three?

>> No.16828018
Quoted by: >>16828035


Dude, Hellhounds get off specifically to wimpy guys they can protect.

Dragons have pride, but this is MGE, all they really need is a love confession and they will melt.

They will probably feel their pride aroused by the fact that you recognize superior dragon pussy and strenght and that she can protect your smile better than any of those "lowly creatures"

And why would I have any problem running into a Jinko? You just need to go into a Jinko hotspot.

>> No.16828019

Have some faith in her nonexistant intelligence
Maybe if you make some loud noises it will confuse her enough to save your virginity for a solid 2 minutes

>> No.16828020
Quoted by: >>16828402

She'd probably disguise herself just so she could transform back when you start blowing into the cart.
What would you do when the game cartridge in your hand turns into 20 pounds of pussy and ass with 130 pounds of cute fox girl attached to it?

>> No.16828031

They show up around graveyards, so presumably there'd be potential for them to show up almost anywhere in the world.

>> No.16828035

Hellhounds will literally fuck every guy they see, smell, or sense is nearby. The trick is to just get her to keep you instead of running off after she's had her fill of spirit energy.

>> No.16828037


Applying 3DPD standards to superior waifus is fake news.

The few monsters that do care about how wimpy you are, are specifically identified as such in the encyclopedia.

>> No.16828038

Graveyards are common so all he would need to do is go wandering around one of them at night.

You seem to doubt them not being picky but there's nothing in their profile to imply they are.

>> No.16828040

bait bait, go away, come again never.

>> No.16828044
Quoted by: >>16828052

>Even giving him a (you)

>> No.16828052

"This time it's the fierce dog of hell, “Hellhound”-san. Their body and fur are both black. Anyhow, they're as ferocious as they look and they'll attack men as soon as they spot them! They never become tame around humans, which is rare among the wolf family of monsters."

Quote directly from KC's twitter

>> No.16828055

Does this work with any species of Monstergirl?

>Spend an entire day in VR.
>Take off the headset.
>In an Unknown Civilization full of smart, inventive Gremlins who ask what your re wearing.

>Visit the Inari Shrine in Japan.
>Pray for love.
>A tail wraps around your arm, pulling you into a hug.

>> No.16828061

I wouldn't bother, some people don't want to accept that monster girls fucking before marriage is canon, even Lilims engage in that sort of activity but forcing it on people who don't like it isn't going to win them over.

>> No.16828062
Quoted by: >>16828073

They thoight you were talking about ntr.

>> No.16828063

Does not say they will drop a man after thet fuck him.

>> No.16828066

>Anon goes to an old abandoned Inari Shrine and jokingly prays for love.
>Suddenly a bunch of fluffy tails erupt from the shrine and drag him in.
>When he wakes up he's in Zipangu being aggressively cuddled by 170 pounds of Kitsune with a big cute smile on her face.

>> No.16828073

I'm not. I hate NTR as much as the next guy.

Depends on the girl anon, some may be satisfied with the first guy they catch, others might not.

Your waifu is pure though. She's yours and only yours, and you're her one and only male.

>> No.16828074

He doesn't need to specify that since it's normal behaviour for a monster to pump and dump unless she takes a liking to a man.

Your ideal monster girl can still be a virgin but that's how things are canonically.

>> No.16828077
Quoted by: >>16828090

You need to be clearer about that in the future.
Especially since that once asshole is going on about pump and dumping being canon now.

>> No.16828080

So do I, but of any hints are shown they go for it.

>> No.16828085

Would using a Manticore's tailpussy while she's in bed with you wake her up? It's supposed to work like an Onahole anyway.

>> No.16828090
Quoted by: >>16828111

It's always been canon but quite often a monster girl will still keep the first man she fucks. It's up to you and your imagination if the monster girls you like do or don't act like that since it's left open like that.

>> No.16828091
Quoted by: >>16828118

She'd probably pretend to be asleep until you were close to cumming. Then she'd clench down and tighten it to keep milking you.
She'd probably giggle and pull you into her embrace while stroking your hair and talking about how cute you are when you let your lewd thoughts show.

>> No.16828093

None of you deserve your waifu. You need to open the portals wider and let monster armies through to corrupt a new world

>> No.16828097

She can feel it, so you'd have to be very gentle. Unless of course she's a heavy sleeper.

>> No.16828106
Quoted by: >>16828128

>Anon wishes he had a big sister and prays for it every night
>Goes to bed
>Wakes up to a Kraken smothering him

>> No.16828111

This. It's always been implied, even in some profiles that they don't always stick with the first guy that they find. However, many of them who go in with the attitude "this man means nothing to me. I just need a feel of spirit energy," end up staying with that guy. Because for monster girls, spirit energy tastes so good that once they get it, they can't do without it anymore, and that guy that thought was unimportant is a perfect source of spirit energy, and they develop feelings for them and stay with them.

>> No.16828118
Quoted by: >>16828125

Do you think she ever sleep rapes? Like you just wake up one morning and it's on your dick.

>> No.16828125

Is it really rape if you want it though?
But yeah, sometimes her tail will creep into your pajama bottoms and get her a little midnight snack or twelve while she's sleeping.

>> No.16828128
Quoted by: >>16828159

>Kraken Oni-Chan

That's adorable! I would love something like that.

>Anon sees some asshole trying to mug a girl.
>Throws something at the mugger, nails him in the head.
>Anon expects the girl to run, but she gives him a thumbs-up.
>Lizardgirl wearing a hoodie.

>> No.16828139

I want to transition from being kept as a battery to being kept as a husband.

>> No.16828144

It can also make for some fun situations.
>tsunhound rapes you
>talks a big game like you're some kind of stepping stone to her, just a snack before she goes on to find better guys
>half way through sex she's starting to moan a bit too loud and trying to keep her composure
>you grab her hips and start pounding away at her from below causing her to orgasm and collapse onto your chest
>she looks at you with a smug grin
>"well now, I take back what I said, it looks like you're a keeper~"
>with that she plants a kiss on your lips before getting her revenge and fucking you till you pass out

>> No.16828148
File: 1.31 MB, 772x1275, Battle_of_Pinnacle_Base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16828186


I dont see why not, as long as your thirst is huge enough. Just having a boner is not ebough anon, you need to burn with thirst for your waifu, enough it becomes a tangible force, like turning gas into plasma.

Of course this always happen by accident, those that become capable of mastering this art to the point of being able to do so at will are called names like "wizards" free from the chains of residing in a single world, the doors to all waifus opened up to them.

That is the secret behind the "30 year old wizard" analogy, it doesnt mean automatically becoming one just by being denied pussy for 30 years it means "having the thirst and determination of a guy that got cockblocked for 30 years".

This is why you were born in a world full of cockteasing 3DPD and not in a world of monster waifus. So that you may break free from your chains, only here, is this art achievable.

>> No.16828159

>Anon is treated awfully by his family. Starts imagining elaborate escapism and revenge scenarios.
>One day, imagines something minor happening nearby. Like a piece of garbage catching fire and exploding.
>It happens.
>The next second he's visiting The Culture.
>The Phantom floating next to him is happy she picked the right guy.

>> No.16828164

That's the minotaur

>> No.16828171
Quoted by: >>16828194

I get that, proving you're worth being kept is nice and helps form a special bond of sorts.

>> No.16828174

That was a mistranslation

>> No.16828179
Quoted by: >>16828181

They don't ever treat you as a battery. That's more Vampires.
They find humans just adorable, really.

>> No.16828181

>tfw ywn be a Hellhounds cute little husband

>> No.16828183

Please remember to be nice to cows. They are good girls.

>> No.16828186
Quoted by: >>16828314

If I knew something like this was true, I would fit that criteria. Not even because of one specific Waifu, but because I feel that way about Demonic Energy.

>Know that if I have a burning passion for something for long enough, I can break the laws of physics and achieve it.
>Because I have that knowledge, I never doubt myself.
>Live for 30 years knowing that I can escape this world, learn magic, and do pretty much anything in a world much greater than this one.
>Eventually wake up in MGE with a ton of magical power.
>Go fuck Spherica before someone else does.
>Continue building Demonic Energy until I can do Getter Ray stuff with it.

>> No.16828187

Hellhounds all just have major cases of cute aggression.

>> No.16828191
File: 627 KB, 1231x1000, 84991434bb7d65185a29928f7c709925a0b27728bdc4e14099366fedf3be1918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more eels in my life, how about you?

>> No.16828194
Quoted by: >>16828208

It's not about my worth, it's about a power hungry monster succumbing to her base desires to the detriment of her previous ambitions.

>> No.16828196

I need more self-worth in my life.

>> No.16828199

Same man, I'd fake being sick just to have her take care of me

What's better, eel moms or eel sisters?

>> No.16828206
Quoted by: >>16828214

I know some people here feel like they don't deserve their waifus, but does anyone feel like they do deserve their waifu but because they feel like they deserve her they'll never be allowed to be with her like I do?

>> No.16828208

You definitely want a Vampire. That's essentially what they cater to.

>> No.16828209
Quoted by: >>16828226

I need a comfy life in Zipangu with a unagi Joro wife right about now

>> No.16828212
Quoted by: >>16828226

Eel little sisters.

>> No.16828213
Quoted by: >>16828226


Why not both? That way you'll get double the cuddles!

>> No.16828214
Quoted by: >>16828224

That's an odd way of putting it. I don't think I don't deserve my waifu but neither do I think I "deserve her". I'm not really up to her standards so I'd want her to fix me.

>> No.16828224
Quoted by: >>16828281

I guess it feels a little like this too. I mean, I do feel like I deserve the happiness she'd bring me and would absolutely do my utmost to reciprocate that happiness and love, it's just I feel like even if I did have that life it'd be too good to be true.

>> No.16828226

Would you run a small food shop where she'd sell soups on the go to nearby workers?

I dunno about little sisters, they'd be extra genki and demanding of your attention
Eel big sister on the other hand are the gift of the gods

Nothing tastes better than eel okayodon

>> No.16828231
Quoted by: >>16828294

Eels in latex.

>> No.16828243

Nah, I'm good.

>> No.16828251

>That horrible feeling when you want to write again but all you can think of are plant or bugfus

>> No.16828254
Quoted by: >>16828345


Its easy to waifu a Minotaur. Just go to a plain wearing red, gat raped and as she rapes you kiss her muscles and lick her abs, tell her how safe you feel in her strong muscled arms. She will embrace you while sleeping and you become her husband.

>> No.16828256

then write about plant or bugfus dummy

>> No.16828262
File: 389 KB, 595x842, oomukade_by_butter_t-dajzbra How unfortunate for you to lose your way this deep into the cave...and become prey to someone like me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why is that a horrible feeling? They deserve to be written about as much as any other monster girl type.

>> No.16828281

That's because it is too good. Shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to be happy with your waifu.

>> No.16828284
Quoted by: >>16828370

They're gross.

>> No.16828294

Would you want a busty Unagi Joro to give you a massage while she's in a latex catsuit?

>> No.16828303

>translation in the file name
I should start doing this.

>> No.16828313

Oomukades are actually very cute and lovely girls.

>> No.16828314


Just be careful about not letting your spirit energy exude from your body, your transformed spacetime shattering spirit energy is most delicious to monster girls and if you are not careful you will have an army of monsters after you.

I even heard about a case of a guy stumbling upon a Lizardman guard, she found it so delicious, that she dropped her male warrior standards, jumped on him and claimed him immediately.

>> No.16828345

>new Minotaur waifu rapes you violently on a regular basis
>but if her friends or anyone else even jokes about you or hurting you she beats the tar out of em
I need it.

>> No.16828370
File: 141 KB, 895x893, Mantis wah... 1484255279400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gross.

>> No.16828375

>"Waifu" who's just a violent bitch to everyone, even you

>> No.16828377

Less than bugs.

>> No.16828386
Quoted by: >>16828450

I'm gonna swat that bug.

>> No.16828389 [SPOILER] 
File: 523 KB, 1278x850, 1491588804960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cows a best

>> No.16828401

I feel like this picture is poster every thread
I wasn't aware that Anon wanted to get BEEFED that hard

>> No.16828402

I'd pour my flux all over her circuit boards.

Can I have the 20 pounds of pussy and ass with a fox tail and ears on top instead?
I want to see what kind of sex toys a kitsune can turn into. Imagine what she'd feel if she turned herself into one, too.

>> No.16828405
File: 366 KB, 638x900, __small_breed_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_drawn_by_kouda_tomohiro__73b421b96bed92e1cff16ffe82f64ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your cows, it's time for bugs to rise up.

>> No.16828420

This image is posted too often.

>> No.16828430

100% beef on 100% threads.

>> No.16828432

>Posts an arachnid
You fool.

>> No.16828435

Post Bugs you'd Fug!

>> No.16828437
Quoted by: >>16828487

If you get claimed by an Inari.

Is there anyway to have her get Minotaur-Jinko level muscles, learn martial arts and become your waifu bodyguard?

Or its just too out of character for Inari?

>> No.16828440

Small spiders who cling on your back are cute but BIG spiders are much better

>> No.16828441
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x2115, demon_by_wlper-db4u26a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this guy is having a pol on who to draw next with Dark Mage, Kitsune-tsuki and Kitsune-bi in the running
But I doubt any of you have account in Russian facebook to vote for it
FF15 Cindy is winning with 9 votes btw

>> No.16828443

you imbecile

>> No.16828444
Quoted by: >>16828465

Reminder that contrary to popular belief, molesting a mantis MG is NOT against the law.

>> No.16828450
File: 2.47 MB, 3000x2595, VCvhe3S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to swat a kuu bug with my dick!

>> No.16828453

>Not including insects and arachnid

>> No.16828456
File: 2.10 MB, 692x1060, Revolver Ocelot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you accepted death into your hearts yet?

You'll awake from that eternal slumber in the arms of your Undead MG waifu.

And though your waifus are good not a one of you will be happier than me and my Undead Unicorn.

>> No.16828457
Quoted by: >>16828472

"Bug" is a general slang for insects and earth-based anthropods. It's more than just "insects".

>> No.16828461
Quoted by: >>16828471

I get the feeling that if a big busty Mino walked up to you and told you to drop your pants you'd do it.
You wouldn't even resist her when she throws you over her shoulder after inspecting your dick so she can take you home and moo-snu you would you? You're probably that much of a beefslut.

>> No.16828465

Does this extend to penetration, too, or just groping and maybe dry humping?

>> No.16828469

Chief God help me resist this temptation! Jesus just look at those hips and that hourglass figure. Those sex eyes. Dear God.

Filthy Demons don't tempt me!

>> No.16828471
Quoted by: >>16828502

you are correct

>> No.16828472
Quoted by: >>16829256

Not him but bugs are a subset of insects. They're their own group like beetles or flies.

>> No.16828474

Nope, instead of going zombie me and my waifu will comfly go to the after life together. Or live eternally using other means.

>> No.16828480
Quoted by: >>16828496

Having the flu sucks when you don't have a monster wife to take care of you.

>> No.16828481

That's a fantastic looking demon, seems the Russian fanbase have good artists.
>FF15 Cindy is winning with 9 votes btw
Fuck this gay earth, there's already mountains of images of her.

>> No.16828484
Quoted by: >>16828494

This position has to be the most emasculating gay shit ever.

>> No.16828485

I'm pretty happy with my waifus, atleast one of them is undead.

>> No.16828487

Depends on the fuckin' character, obviously.

>> No.16828494

How's it feel to be so insecure in your own masculinity that you consider a big busty girl riding you senseless to be "gay"?

>> No.16828496

Do you think they'd probably just say "eh, Mamono mana will fix you" or will they go full "dress up as a nurse and tend to hubby(fug him) mode?

>> No.16828502

Good man. Not many people are honest enough to admit they'd be a huge slut for their waifu.

>> No.16828507

Oh fuck yeah, new for the collection

>> No.16828508

>Waifu dresses up as a nurse and gets all kinds of toys ready, making sure that everything goes right
>She is really excited because it's her first time taking care of hubby
>Mamono mana already got the job done while she was preparing
This makes the girl sad.

>> No.16828512
Quoted by: >>16828525

It's the Afghan Code, dude. It's gay to get fucked by a girl, but not gay to fuck a dude.

>> No.16828514

They'd probably do the latter.

>> No.16828517
Quoted by: >>16828525

I'm not insecure, my ring and pointer fingers have different lengths. You're the one who's certain about your own femininity.

Enjoy your (You).

>> No.16828521
Quoted by: >>16828533

Bugs creep me out

If an insect or arachnid monstergirl tried to do anything with me I would scream in fear

>> No.16828523
Quoted by: >>16828537

Who says she still can't roleplay? She'll tie hubby to the bed if she has to.

>> No.16828525

That doesn't make any sense.

This might just be the most confusing post I've ever encountered. I can't make heads or tails of this shit.

>> No.16828526
File: 514 KB, 749x543, 55905954_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16828544

While Demons are on the mind, would anyone happen to have the full version of this?

>> No.16828533

Then they'd cuddle you in their breasts while giving you headstrokes of reassurance.

>"Shhhh... see? It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I love you anon."

>> No.16828537
Quoted by: >>16828566

Taking care of a healthy person doesn't have the same effect.

>> No.16828538
Quoted by: >>16828560

Gayness is not a matter of wanting sex with the same sex, it's a matter of whether you're top or bottom.

>> No.16828540
File: 431 KB, 800x600, 1465966907025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16828557

but that's scary

>> No.16828542

Would bite their nipples and escape.

>> No.16828544
Quoted by: >>16828574

Unless someone leaks it I doubt we'll see the non-paywalled version for a while.

>> No.16828545
Quoted by: >>16828557


It would be especially bad with oomukades or arachnes or any girl that can wrap around me

>> No.16828547
Quoted by: >>16828560

>He doesn't know
Of course. It's all I needed to hear.

>> No.16828552

Will Minotaur snusnu allow you to fall asleep/pass-out when you had enough sex?

Or will she bitchslap you awake for maximum fuck time until your body just plain cant remain awake no matter what?

What will Mino waifu do when she catch you eyeing at those Jinko's muscles?

>> No.16828555
Quoted by: >>16828582

Why would the mana fix him immediately and without any contact with the source? If anything, it should be cuddling and pampering and maybe even a bit of riding that irratiates him with it and heals him. If you went to the hospital you'd get a lot of hugs as your treatment. No need to have trained medical staff, and it's a good dating service, too. You really get to know each other while she blows on his broken leg and rubs her cheek on his and lays on top of him for hours.

>> No.16828557

You'll change your mind when you're in an Jorou-Gumo's embrace.

I'd love to get coiled by an Oomukade or legged locked by an Arachne.

>> No.16828559

Stop ruining Minotaurs.

>> No.16828560

That makes zero sense anon.
If I'm on my back and I've got a busty beauty riding my dick with her tight pussy then I'm straight.

That does nothing to prove your argument anon. It just makes you look like an idiot.

The answer to the first question is, she's going to ride you until you pass out.
That's the answer to the second one too.

>> No.16828564
File: 437 KB, 595x842, Alraune_and_Liliraune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're out hiking in the woods and then you smell something sweet and delicious. Next think you know, you're balls deep in a flower.

This is how capturing men should work. Leave rape to the girls that aren't good enough to make their husband come to them willingly.

>> No.16828566
Quoted by: >>16828582

This is the disadvantage of Mamono Mana. But eh, you can still roleplay. I'd roleplay with my waifu and I imagine it feels the same as the real thing.

>> No.16828568

Does anyone happen to have the uncensored version of this? I can't seem to find it anywhere

>> No.16828570

You're talking about seduction I guess

>> No.16828574

Yeah it's been around for a few months but in that time the leaked versions of butter-t images shown up so I figured it was worth asking at least.

>> No.16828578
Quoted by: >>16828609

>That makes zero sense anon.
That's literally the way these people think. I keep trying to explain to Afghan Code to you people but you just won't understand. Nothing you say will change the fact that he thinks straight equals dom. Nothing.

>> No.16828581
Quoted by: >>16828592

If you won't search and find out yourself, I'm not spoonfeeding you either.

If you think having your legs spread and lifted while getting fucked is not emasculating, then you got some serious problems in your head.

If you're gonna go cowgirl, at least do it the normal way like someone with a drop of dignity would do.

>> No.16828582

She gave him a pat before getting ready.

I wonder if I can drug myself with magic or something and maybe with a flayer so I can get sick.

>> No.16828586

True. Seductive girls do it best. That's why I like demonic ones like Demons and Succubi. Hell maybe they'll even tease me to the point where I can't hold back from trying to bend one over and impregnate her.

>> No.16828592
Quoted by: >>16828606

But it isn't. Because I'm doing it with my waifu so I'm not insecure.
Besides, like that I can leglock her so she can't stop me from cumming inside.

>> No.16828596
File: 237 KB, 600x600, tumblr_of0m0x5rYq1uqwrkgo9_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clumsy nerd!

>> No.16828597

When I see so much Holstaurus art and nearly none Minotaur, I die.

>> No.16828601

Why are you taking the bait, moron.

>> No.16828603
Quoted by: >>16829437

I'd go up to the clumsy nerd in the library. Call her a cutie and ask her on a date. Going to give her the most romantic date of her life.

>> No.16828606
Quoted by: >>16828626

Are you going to scream that you are cumming and how much you love her? Maybe while she calls you her cute little slut too?

>> No.16828607
File: 59 KB, 175x400, buffcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with glasses is my ideal girl.

>> No.16828609

Are you saying this is the work of an enemy t*rkroach?
Pretty sure you guys are just getting memed on

>> No.16828613

Ahh, I want to fuck her kneepit so bad...

>> No.16828626
Quoted by: >>16828650

I'm not much of a screamer anon.
I would pull my demon waifu in close and start hugging her while muttering out of breath "I love you"s.

>> No.16828628
Quoted by: >>16828655

Would a lili waifu make me smell great?

>> No.16828631

Who has more delicious muscles and abs, Minotaur or Jinko?

>> No.16828639
Quoted by: >>16828656

I don't know anon, why don't you get between them so you can judge their abs for yourself?
Don't blame me if you end up with one of them riding your face while the other one rides your dick.
Then it becomes a contest between fat minotaur tits and fat Jinko ass.

>> No.16828642
File: 122 KB, 800x1130, Medusa is cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I return from the depths once again with a quality snek

I cant believe I missed this one on the first pass

>> No.16828649

I think that's more for a case-by-case assessment. That, and whether your tastes are for tenderized steak or some pounded tuna.

Seriously, it's that difficult to tell without falling back on personal taste.

>> No.16828650

Not really scream, just moan a lot in pleasure.

>> No.16828654

Why not settle for both? Have to Jinko lay on top of the Minotaur, abs to abs and stick your dick between them.

>> No.16828655

After she was done with you, you'd smell of sex, sweat, and honey.

>> No.16828656

Jinko abs are better BUT Minotaur arms are superior
And they'd argue while doing this >>16828639

>> No.16828657
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x1888, tumblr_o4oq27TK1G1r6u72yo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16828668
Quoted by: >>16828675

You know what they say about snakes with perky tits

>> No.16828675
Quoted by: >>16828687

actually I do not, would you care to enlighten me?

>> No.16828682
Quoted by: >>16828691

I want to rub her legs through that pantyhose and princess carry her to places she could've walked anyway.

>> No.16828684

Remember to slap snake ass.

I think I prefer Mino.

>> No.16828687
Quoted by: >>16828700

They are great at breastfeeding
You know what to do next

>> No.16828691

That's a good way to get that nerdy anubis all hot and bothered.
You'd better take responsibility and pound that jiggly nerd ass all night long.

>> No.16828698
Quoted by: >>16828719

Jinko is better because you get the muscles and fluff at the same time. I want to bury my face inside a Jinko ear while humping her abs and navel and take big huffs of her with every thrust.

>> No.16828700
Quoted by: >>16828714

Have babbies with her and know that they will grow nice and healthy?

>> No.16828714


You will know true joy when you're daughter's snake her coils around your fingers and won't let go

>> No.16828719

Anon, the real question is do you want the pale skinned Jinko with her fluffy coat, Chinese accent and huge face encompassing ass, or do you want the caramel tanned Minotaur with her warm skin, Dixie accent and her huge head enveloping tits?
Or maybe you'd like both?

>> No.16828734
Quoted by: >>16828746

How can I get both? I either go to the Tiger Jungle in mating season or the Plains wearing red.

>> No.16828742

What problems do you think you'd help your daughterus out with as a good parent?
As an example, I'd comfort my cuddlebug Apophis adopteru when she thinks no boy would ever want a chubby snake like her.

>> No.16828744


Hmmm which tend to be taller, Minos or Jinkos?

I want the taller one.

>> No.16828745
Quoted by: >>16828750

>it's on gelbooru
>it's tagged MGE on pixiv
Kek. Depths is untagged pic on tumbrl, furaffinity or random foreign site

>> No.16828746

Wear red, taunt the minotaur and hope you can run to the jungle without your legs giving out

>> No.16828747
Quoted by: >>16828792

They're both seven feet tall.

>> No.16828749

Because plant and bug girls are a shit, especially Oomukade.

>> No.16828750

I wasnt browsing gelbooru for it

>> No.16828753
File: 587 KB, 993x1200, giant_ant_by_haelequin-db4u4y6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16828756

I want a herd of big delicious golden brown ankole watusi girls with their mighty sets of horns

>> No.16828758
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1280, 1440789678154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oomukades are too pure for this world, I'd give so much to be wrapped in her coils and hugged.

>> No.16828762

>caramel tanned Minotaur with her warm skin, Dixie accent and her huge head enveloping tits
Don't know about the other guy but yes fucking please

>> No.16828764

>someone bothered to draw giant ant
What a saint.

>> No.16828768

I'd take responsibility. I'd gently pound that fat giggly butt while saving all the little giggles. If I'm feeling especially lewd I'll kiss her neck and whisper things in her ears.

>> No.16828779 [DELETED] 

See, all she needs is a way to remove souls from human bodies and place them into monster bodies that just so happen to look like humans. In other words, artificial incubi that do not physically retain any of their human attributes, and are immune to the setting's rules. 'Course, I'm pretty sure Nier already tried something like that...

>> No.16828792
Quoted by: >>16828798


Fuck. There is just no way to choose.

I guess the Jinko, martial arts skill on top of a tall muscled body is better than the same strenght without martial arts skills.

Plus the hot of being pinned down repeteadly, being put in a variety of holds as I resist rape and being striken in specific points that estimulate pleasure and give me an ultra boner.

As well as giving her lots and lots of "thank you I love you" sex each time she painfully applies those martial arts skills to Order Paladykes that want to hurt me for being a heretic monster husband.

>> No.16828797

And they said the DL did nothing wrong, huh.
Thanks DL/Chief God.

>> No.16828798

I'm just putting it out there, you don't have to choose.
If you're willing to admit you can't choose they'll both take you.

>> No.16828800
Quoted by: >>16828834

>dragon daughterus ask how do they get treasures like their mother.
>waifu says to just "Kidnap the weak ones who need to be protected."
>I tell them to just "Tell them you love them and rape them, it worked for your mother!
>Turns out they just ment a hoard

They will learn that the Hoard is secondary eventuality.

>> No.16828834

If they want a hoard of their own, the best thing to do to start for girls their age is to make a lemonade stand.
They've gotta get affordable ingredients and undercut all the competition while still making a profit.

>> No.16828841
Quoted by: >>16828872

Becoming a househusband for a cute Giant Ant has to be one of the most comfy life you can lead in MGE

>> No.16828855

If someone weird tries to touch her in a weird way she is free to burn their dick.

>> No.16828859
Quoted by: >>16828863

>daughteru stressing over being th beer she possible can and working the most in school

I'd try my best to comfort them. Pampering them and making sure they relax. When they're overworking and stressed I'd stop what they're doing and give them a nice relaxing bath.

>> No.16828863

Being the best*

>> No.16828872
Quoted by: >>16828913

Becoming a house husband usually really is comfy. Just remember to show her all your love when she comes home dirty and tired. And bathing her is essential.

>> No.16828876
File: 363 KB, 707x1000, tumblr_oo1bquHXeP1rdtkjuo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Come, come. You said you wanted to hunt with me. What are you staring at?"

>> No.16828884
Quoted by: >>16828908


>> No.16828889

Well, I mentioned yesterday that I'd help my daughteru calm down from being overexcited by cuddling her and listening to music or letting her watch me play video games. I'd help her learn how to express her feelings too, just because her mother and I always have a good idea of how she's feeling doesn't mean others will too. She's not great with words so me helping her try to explain stuff while she sits on my lap would be the best.

>> No.16828891

>top two panels
Now that's just too fucking adorable.

>third panel
Dude, you should know that answer. Hers, obviously.

>last panel
Author, I really, REALLY want to kick your teeth in...

Also, would it kill to have a cute story like this with an MC who doesn't look like he's still in middle school?

>> No.16828892
Quoted by: >>16828908

Also [x] lick

>> No.16828897
Quoted by: >>16828908

I'm probably not a good hunter. But I'll go along so she can teach me

>> No.16828900
Quoted by: >>16829556

>Also, would it kill to have a cute story like this with an MC who doesn't look like he's still in middle school?
Wow wow
Careful there, buddy. You gonna trigger oneeshitters

>> No.16828906
Quoted by: >>16828917

>Bow and arrows
Y'all orks are in some dire need of technology.

See this here? This is a rifle.

>> No.16828907
File: 58 KB, 254x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hush hush

>> No.16828908
Quoted by: >>16828932

The forest Orc is confused by your actions, but not unwelcoming to them.
She'd do so fairly yet firmly.

>> No.16828913
Quoted by: >>16828983

Bathing her is great
Licking her clean is phenomenal

You also need to massage her, cook her food and take care of all her other needs

>> No.16828916
Quoted by: >>16828919

Those arrows are too tiny for that quiver.
She should at least be packing some Dragonslayer Arrows, good lord. Learn from Gough woman!

>> No.16828917

She's a forest Orc anon, don't taint her people's traditions

>> No.16828918
Quoted by: >>16829343

Got a link to it? I've never actually read.

>> No.16828919
Quoted by: >>16828927

You use Canoearrows for hunting boar? There's such a thing as picking your caliber you know.

>> No.16828921
File: 476 KB, 600x580, bcffd0c28e8e2739a08d5e46abd93637474a30080bfaa829ffc3957c02b8ac90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16828944

That was unexpected, good to see the fluffy plant get some love.

>> No.16828926
Quoted by: >>16828970

I went to Tricoromille shop and I traded my phone to a Mamono Army commander for write-in forms to get muscle warrior waifus at your home.

You just write the species, how buff you want her, her height, boob size and the army will get you the waifu most approximate to what you are looking for. You can even specify shit like having martial arts skills, sword fighting or Succubus pleasure training.

What do you write in?

>> No.16828927
Quoted by: >>16828955

Then bring a more fitting quiver or pack more arrows! That's just going to cause needless noise when the time to move comes!

>> No.16828931
Quoted by: >>16828937

I never expected that Baphomets would get lactation porn.

>> No.16828932
File: 949 KB, 1280x960, 1488689212361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orcs have a certain appeal, for licking, but where to lick first...

>> No.16828937
Quoted by: >>16828942

That's sheep fruit

>> No.16828940

Jesus. How the hell is melon so damn lewd?

Lactation and milking is my damn fetish.

>> No.16828942

I meant Barometz, I somehow mixed the names up.

>> No.16828944

i wonder if she can leave the fruit, or if i can get in it with her, like all the way in the fruit so we are both just lewd sillouetes

>> No.16828955

Quiet, human. The prey is near.
You can't go wrong starting with underarms or abdomen.
And if you did she may get a little bit flustered and silently pull you back in when you try to stop

>> No.16828959
Quoted by: >>16829024

You can get in it, that's the point of them. You get trapped in the springy gel and have endless sex with her thanks to the perpetual motion.

>> No.16828966
File: 1006 KB, 1330x619, Heart Shaped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16829029

I've heard of a "Heart-Shaped Ass" before but this is ridiculous... I fucking love it.

>> No.16828970

Obscenely Buff and Beefy
9 Feet
Greco-roman wrestling
Axe proficiency
No sexual training or experience whatsoever, even especially inexperienced and in need of guidance for it
How much do I need to pay?

>> No.16828983
Quoted by: >>16828993

Licking dirt clean? I mean, sweat I can understand but dirt?

>You also need to massage her, cook her food and take care of all her other needs

The kind of life I'm prepared for as a house husband.

>> No.16828993

Oh right, licking clean should only be reserved for special occasions or after workouts

>The kind of life I'm prepared for as a house husband.
Can you do all of that AND take care of the daughters too?

>> No.16828996
Quoted by: >>16829032


No payment needed, the forms are to help muscle warrior girls ger husbandos that like muscle warrior girls. I already paid by giving up my phone. Tech that can take photos and videos of a waifu with her husbando for fapping purposes is invaluable in monster society.

I got 20 of those forms and I likely sold it very cheap, I only need 1 to get a waifu, so Im giving away the rest to you guys.

>> No.16829006
Quoted by: >>16829032

So you want her to tell you it's time for her to rape you only for her to just grab onto you and lightly shake you around a little bit because she hasn't even so much as masturbated before and has no idea what sex is?
Do you want to be the one to give her her first orgasm and watch her face go wide eyed as she screams out from how good it feels?

>> No.16829011
Quoted by: >>16829033

I would like to teach a succubus how to use a phone

>> No.16829017
Quoted by: >>16829372

I know KC said "Guns don't work against monsters" (Not sure if it's the guns they have in the setting or guns in general) but could you make Demon Realm Silver bullets?

>> No.16829021

I think I'm becoming immune to thoughts of licking a sweaty hellhound clean. Maybe I'm 100% clean now and can move on.

>> No.16829023

That's no Orc.


Now this, THIS is an Orc.


>> No.16829024
File: 1.94 MB, 1488x2105, 1491183211026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, i wanna jump in, get completly enveloped and never leave

>> No.16829029


>> No.16829032

Then sign me up for my Massivetaur.
Yes, fucking exactly that.
>Tell her to lay down on the bed
>Hoist one of her thighs thicker than my all of me up and drape her leg over my shoulder as she twists her hips to the side
>Penetrate her and feel her instantly clench up and gasp in confusion and pleasure
>pump into her for just a bit as she comes to a quick orgasm almost crushing me between her legs in the process, yelling out and slamming her fists against the headboard and wall behind her
And then we go from there, always ending with me either suckin on or lodged firmly between her titanic titties as she grasps me tighter than need be against her chest.

>> No.16829033

Do you think it'd be adorable seeing her reaction to being able to hear your voice so clearly from so far away?
How soon until she starts taking lewd selfies and sending them to you?

>> No.16829034
Quoted by: >>16829040

>That's a good way to get that nerdy anubis all hot and bothered.
>You'd better take responsibility and pound that jiggly nerd ass all night long.

I'd take responsibility by carrying her up to the bedroom, gently undressing her until she's wearing nothing but the translucent pantyhose. Then rubbing her through that fabric between her legs until she can't stand it anymore.
Then that pantyhose is coming off, and she's getting thrown under the covers so that I can kiss her on the cheek, cuddle up with her, and fall asleep.

>> No.16829040
Quoted by: >>16829147

And that's how you unleash a nerdy monstergirl's repressed instincts.
Hope you're ready to go all night long.

>> No.16829045
Quoted by: >>16829093

Same anon. Id be licking clean on special occasions. It's that rare intimate kind of thing that should be reserved.

>Can you do all of that AND take care of the daughters too?

I sure hope I can. Because I'll be dealing with 3 of them. My goal is to be the best house husband I can be. I know it's going to be a hard but I will not stop until I'm the best for my waifu. And I know you're going to be the best for that cute ant.

>> No.16829048

I'd do the same anon. I want to get that ass sat on my face and I won't stop until it's firmly planted on my face.

>> No.16829051

>tfw just found the best piece of holst art in this entire planet

>> No.16829052

Care to share?

>> No.16829053


>> No.16829060
Quoted by: >>16829064

You and her could completely sink into it until you're both suspended. It'd be like being underwater, except in a pool of jello that actively moves to make you thrust into her.

>> No.16829063

Same, living in there with her would be a comfy life. The only thing is that I can't decide if I'd rather be stuck in front of her or behind.
You can't just tease like that.

>> No.16829064

precisely what i want

>> No.16829068

>if I'd rather be stuck in front of her or behind.
i want to be under her suspended in that jelly

>> No.16829072

Prove yourself right then.

>> No.16829074
File: 798 KB, 1059x1599, 32b659f2fce3d04b47b8c09c96707b8932fcf2baa34e795136f3d41aac357c9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go into a monster girl bar, the bouncer is a super muscled at least 2 meters tall Jinko with an "I will fucking kill you face"

You hear she is extremely pissed because her mating season just passed and she couldnt get a husbando because guys hid from her or even ran to the arms/paws of other monsters when they saw her coming. Of course she could easily overpower the other monsters, but her tiger pride keeps her from getting a husbando so not into her that he gives himself to another monster.

How do you approach her and make her happy? Do you even dare?

>> No.16829075


>> No.16829078

No, I went to the bar to do something else.

>> No.16829081

Anon, blue board.

>> No.16829093
Quoted by: >>16829155

Pounding fruitsheep pussy on repeat would probably break you within 2 days
By then you'd only want to lick her and reproduce all day long

Good luck friend, I know you'll be the best for your (?) too

>> No.16829094

You know those red claws on Demon's gloves? What are they used for?

Because I sure hope it's something like teasing it maybe a little bit of marking. Or what if they're made from demon silver and are used to mark your body during sex? That's hot.

Also, I know it says that the pact goes both ways. But can they still be good mistresses?

>> No.16829105
Quoted by: >>16829172

>"H-Hey cutie. Mind i-if I buy you a drink?"

I don't know how it would turn out but that's probably what I'd say if I had the courage.

>> No.16829114

Anon, you're a mess.

>> No.16829118
File: 187 KB, 425x548, __demon_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_qnu9o8__b2f9d3bb4075d0089ccb8e60a7f701ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine they're actually her own claws just poking out from sort of 'nail-less' gloves. As such they're part of her body, and though she can probably use her high magic ability to make them have the effect of Demon Silver she could probably still use them as natural and mark you if you're into that which you should be, cause its hot as hell
They can absolutely be good mistresses. They're switches in the sense that they're down for either being the dom or the sub, not that they feel the need to one day be one and one day be the other. If you entirely just want her to be the dom all the time she'd be just as delighted as if you'd always want to be the sub all the time. So by all means if you want her to be your mistress and treat you like a right little bondage slave, there's no issue. Though she'd still subconsciously buy clothes that she knows you'll like (or in your case dom outfits) and will still cook meals that she knows you love.
They're extremely versatile like that. And if for some reason you ever did truly change your mind, even centuries later, and decide you wanted to dom for a night, she'd do it as if she had been an expert at it the whole time and be the most submissive little slut ever.

But, of course, I might be biased.

>> No.16829129
Quoted by: >>16829136

>You know those red claws on Demon's gloves? What are they used for?
They're either there because they look cool, or a Demon can write stuff with them.

Then again, this is the profile art Demon we're talking about. so naturally attire will very depending on the individual.

>> No.16829136

Damn. Demons are actually quite perfect. They've really bumped up on my favourites list recently.

Thanks for answering trusty demonfag. You're showing me the pleasure of demons.

>contract signing one built into the claw

That's got to be handy.

>> No.16829147
Quoted by: >>16829297

Nah. Not that meek office worker anubis. I'd just keep an arm around her, and we'd have a nice, relaxing sleep.

>> No.16829151

Good... let the blueberry flow through you...

Also sheeeit we're cashed on images early this thread ain't we.

>> No.16829155
Quoted by: >>16829202

imagine being in there during a seismic event

>> No.16829170

Is Druella single? Think I might try to waifu her when the portals open.

>> No.16829172
File: 124 KB, 605x900, C80BdWYU0AEcHaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16829291


She smiles, takes her weapon and tell her boss she will leave early.

"T-thanks anon! I asked a break to be with you..... so what do you want to do?" she cheerfully says as she pats your head.

The problem? Now that you take a closer look, you realize how fucking big and buff she really is. No wonder so many men felt so intimidated by her.

Congratulations on trying to back away from this without giving the word "beating" a new meaning.

Now you will have to take responsibility.

>> No.16829177
Quoted by: >>16829192

More people to the demonfag's army.

>> No.16829184
Quoted by: >>16829208

KC has stayed silent on it intentionally, he knows she's popular and doesn't want to ruin it either way.

>> No.16829192
Quoted by: >>16829208

They dance like ants in my palm, muhawhaw
It's intentionally left open at the end of Fallen Brides so that you can self-insert as who she ends up with, so you're gucci.

>> No.16829195

He also draws nice feet

>> No.16829197
Quoted by: >>16829218

I think the advantadge of demons is that you can mould them into the ideal waifu. Her body is meant to please you per contract.

However, wouldn't a Dark Angel be better for this?

>> No.16829198

It's hinted she's married

Also she's nothing like the shitty meme the thread has turned her into

>> No.16829202

Instant mindbreak for both of them

She is married to [YOU], take it as you will

>> No.16829208

KC did something right. Good on him.

Although being Druella's husband is probably quite the responsibility and hard job. You'd have to have your dick inside her 24/7 and be constantly pumping SE into her womb. Still I'd have zero problems becoming Druella's throne.

>> No.16829215

What has the thread "reduced" her down to? I don't see it.

>> No.16829218

Technically all monstergirls in MGE's bodies and fetishes will to a large degree change over time to suit your idea of perfection, Demons just get kind of a head start because you can force.Dom or force.Sub them whenever you want, or anything sexual for that matter as well as like you said being solely designed to please you. They also have an hourglass figure to start so could most easily change their body through the incubization process to whichever bodytype you want most since they've got so much to work with. Again, biased, but that's how I see it.
But what do you mean by Dark Angel? By what reasoning? Curious.
Its just stuff in various artworks and writefag stories, nothing really relevant outside of those things.

>> No.16829224

>Also she's nothing like the shitty meme the thread has turned her into
That's a good thing, she's extreme as it gets for the setting and that's her appeal. I'd gladly be the husband of canon druella.
A daki hugging dork who blushes at the thought of romance.

>> No.16829232
Quoted by: >>16829259

Versatility is an extremely underrated trait.

>> No.16829235
Quoted by: >>16829258

Same, I much much prefer canon Druella.

>> No.16829239

How would you feel knowing an anon married Druella and therefore you and your waifu would have to answer to him as members of the extremist faction?

>> No.16829242
Quoted by: >>16829259


The Dark Angel reads your heart and immediately changes her body and personality according to your fetishes.

>> No.16829247

The thread tends to ruin a lot of things. Some of them worse than others. But at least you have decent quality control in telling people who need to fuck off to do just that like the wannabe internet celebrity writers who do shit to piss this place off.

>> No.16829254

I think its mostly because A) pictures with girls on top like that are super rare and B) that happens to be the only MGE one around.

>> No.16829256
File: 166 KB, 800x503, Mantis undivided attention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both this and the post you replied to are true. In common usage "bug" can refer to any land-based arthropod (and sometimes even aquatic ones), while in more technical usage it refers only to a group of insects with sucking mouthparts also commonly called the "True Bugs."

>> No.16829258
File: 987 KB, 716x872, 1391561413589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It warms my heart seeing people accept the canon side to her, "evil" girls need love too.

>> No.16829259

It's the thinking man's appeal.
Memes aside, I wholeheartedly agree. Its a very large part of what attracted me to Demon in the first place, as it became clear (at least to me) that that's what one of her major draws was. And personally, I know my tastes are very different even from day to day, so having someone who is entirely and totally willing to try literally anything and be literally soulbound to enjoy it and be prepared for it is just perfect for someone like me.
Some may call it indecisive, but fuck em, right?
Can't say I'd considered it, but I'd have no problem with that. We have our own goals we'd be pursuing, and would respect him as Druella's husband but ultimately would follow her word and our own desire above all.
Just to be clear, are you referring to the Dark Valkyrie? I don't remember reading that, though it has been a while since I've looked at her profile.

>> No.16829265

What is this? You guys are making me really start to be convinced by the DemonLord, her daughters and the army. I think I love them.

>> No.16829275

>"Oh Anon! I didn't realize you were so kinky! Here, lets ride some of that extra energy out of you!"

>> No.16829276

I'm not entirely convinced Baroness Demonfag isn't actually a Demon fucking with us across space and time to spread corruption before the portals open.

>> No.16829278
Quoted by: >>16829302


No, Im refering to the Dark Angel. She reads your fetishes and immediately changes herself to suit them.

>> No.16829284
Quoted by: >>16829302

No he's talking about Dark Angels, they can literally change themselves based on your fetishes and make themselves into your perfect waifu.

>> No.16829291
Quoted by: >>16829314

If she's even more muscular then that's just a win for me. I'm a huge muscle slut and I plan on taking responsibility to hopefully get myself a big STRONK Jinko body guard.

I can't even describe how amazing it would feel to have one hold me in her arms while telling me she's here to protect me.

>> No.16829297

Demons are cute! I wanna make mine blush!

Stop blue-ovarying her and just stick it in anon.

>> No.16829300

That is quite a nice-sized egg she is holding there. Like elephant bird sized.

>> No.16829302
Quoted by: >>16829310

Oh jesus fuck I plum forgot about them, damn. I'm really not a fan of Pandemonium or the Fallen god so I tend to forget about it's denizens more often then not.
Yes though, they seem like they're meant to be something of the premiere 'fit your fetish' race. Though they're 100% sex all the time (or lack of time given their habitat), whereas Demons are implied to do other things according to one's desire as well like cooking and buying clothes her husband will like.
Haha, good one anon, real funny!
The cue-tist.

>> No.16829305
Quoted by: >>16829321

This is a good thing. I feel genuinely happier now that I've come to be less skeptical of the DemonLord and her army. Because now I know I'd be ripe for corruption and ready to be given some demon army wife.

Call me weak willed. But the convincing was all I needed.

>> No.16829307

You act like turbolewd girls who get flustered by romance aren't amazing.

>> No.16829310
Quoted by: >>16829321

I'd be indifferent considering my waifu and I are in the Eros faction by technicality.

Gonna sit her on my lap and wrap the two of us in a blanket so we can play vidya during a rainstorm!

>> No.16829312
Quoted by: >>16829323

So I was looking at the Q&A for Druella info and seen this.
>6) Does Voodoo style group exist. Witch doctor, zombie powder etc?
>There are the communities that make much use of occult arts, though may not be literally Voodoo itself. They do have the tools like zombie powder, but it will create lustful zombies instead of submissive slaves.
I wonder when we're going to see this.

>> No.16829314
Quoted by: >>16829329


She will protect you from anything, as you can see she even has magic to get human hands and feet and fight better, both with her hands or her sword if needed.

But the question is, who will protect you from her?

>> No.16829319

Such hard workers those girls, they say in only a week a group of them can construct a tunnel big enough for wagons to pass through under a river.

>> No.16829321
Quoted by: >>16829365

Brings a tear to me eye, it does. Hopefully we get more races that are meant to be members of the Extremists besides Devil and Demon in the future. Though I imagine members from other races still join up based on what they think they can get out of it/ideology.
That's -hella- comfy. I can see her horns poking up to make a perfect hood out of the blanket for you to rest your head under. I know you usually go into lewd stuff from there, but it's really cute to imagine her falling asleep against you from that position too. Then denying it later.

>> No.16829323


Imagine a ghoul/undead with the dress style of a Mad Hatter.

>> No.16829329
Quoted by: >>16829385

Why would I need protecting from her?

>> No.16829330

We need Voodoo or African-tribal motif monstergirls, it's got such potential for such a cool style.

>> No.16829343
File: 802 KB, 1333x887, Sandworm size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a travesty, most all the SlapStickStrike doujins deserve a reading! Here's a link: https://exhentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=1&f_non-h=1&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=1&f_asianporn=1&f_misc=1&f_search=slapstickstrike+english&f_apply=Apply+Filter

But if you get sadpanda'd then try looking up Slapstickstrike.

>> No.16829345
File: 166 KB, 850x765, 1460055556703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Apophis alchemy gone too far?

>> No.16829354

That's just a fancy desert Lamia, no need to panic

>> No.16829355

Thanks anon

>> No.16829356
File: 57 KB, 1200x911, 13244367324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16829376

What do you do if the pack leader is wearing a top hat?

>> No.16829359

>Dem tits
Homina homina

>> No.16829360

Okay so...... does this mean if I had a Demon waifu, I could ger her to develop muscles that would put a Minotaur and Jinko to shame, become a martial arts expert and grow to 7ft and then do a sexy naked dance showing off her muscles and combat skills?

>> No.16829365
Quoted by: >>16829381

Some days are for snug anon. It doesn't always have to go lewd.
It's going to get to the point where she and my daughterus associate rainy days with comfy things. That might end up confusing for their future husbands.

>> No.16829372

Presumably so, you can even make alloys with other metals using the silver and the alloys will retain the capabilities of the mamono realm silver.

>> No.16829375

Mate any girl can hit the gym.

>> No.16829376

>Ghoul in a top hat, a well tailored suit and skull facepaint
You'd better bow to Baroness Samedi, The Loa of the Dead. She'll reward you with all sorts of voodoo spells and a nice ghoul wife.

>> No.16829379
Quoted by: >>16829454

I like to imagine the author was joking with that sandworm daughteru panel.

Dear god I hope he was joking.

>> No.16829380
Quoted by: >>16829412

If that was your taste, you'd probably be targeted by one that already was close to what you wanted.

>> No.16829381

What I'm tellin you, anon, is that if you go through the incubization process, that can happen with ANY MGE girl you get with.
Demons will just be one of the most gung-ho about it because they live to tempt and please. So she'd do everything in her power to do just that for you and speed the process along.
But yes, disclaimers aside, she would do just that and then some to make sure you're getting all that you desire and more.
It must be a universal truth then, rain = comfy. But that does sound like an exquisite way to spend the day with all your adopterus, your daughteru and waifu just chilling around in a well lit home. Great stuff.

>> No.16829382

>The only thing is that I can't decide if I'd rather be stuck in front of her or behind.

The "stuck" aspect is mainly to keep the guy from escaping. Once she's sure you won't try to get away you should be free to try all the sex positions you want.

>> No.16829383

>Are you ready?

>> No.16829384

It'll be well worth it for the hearty laugh alone

>> No.16829385


Because of rape time.

>> No.16829388

>Rain = comfy
I would slap a ryu for what she did last night.

>> No.16829391

Keith fuckin David. God damn made this movie worth the price of admission, this scene alone.

>> No.16829401
Quoted by: >>16829414


Not necessarily. While most monster girls could ger buff and tall, it would probably take extra effort beyond incubization to become buff enough to put "to shame" a natural musclegirl like the Jinko.

Then let alone on top of that learning martial arts on top level. Which wouldnt be granted by incubization.

>> No.16829403

That's how mamono mana works yes.

Maybe not the martial arts part, she would need to practice that herself but the body she could develop through sex.

>> No.16829405

>When her entire insides turn into tongues and smother him
A very serious case for the Sandworm being underrated.

>> No.16829407
File: 586 KB, 1280x1440, 1465122054097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a Nerdhound's childhood friend and have a cute, awkward crush on her in primary school. Then, when she hit puberty, she'd become unable to control herself at my sight.

Our first time would be playing video games at her house. She'd suddenly go quiet and wide-eyed and start wildly rubbing her crotch on me immeadiately after releasing her first egg. Eventually she'd manage to guide me inside her and force me to shoot an immature, spermless blank deep inside her.

After that every time we me she'd use me as a meat puppet that has no other purpose than to fill her with my cum. When she ran into me at school, her eyes would flare up and she'd chase me down and force herself on me. She'd come ring my doorbell and the brutally take me right on the doorstep.

Eventually I'd stop crying and just lie there with empty eyes as she violated me. I'd remember the times, more distant with each rape, when we were just friends. Neither of us would be able to study with all that rape, and she'd quickly learn to make porn films of herself raping me to support us.

Living with me non-stop would finally let her calm down for a bit. After each rape she'd have a few hours clarity that she'd use to try to be friends with me again. But it would never be the same again. I couldn't relax as I lived in constant anticipation of the next rape. I wouldn't even be able to sleep through the night without being violated.

Eventually she'd graduate from taping the rapes to streaming our life online. Our viewers would love making bets over how long we'd manage to get in the game before she jumped me, or if she'd notice the salty taste when she lewdly licked my face while riding me.

>> No.16829408
Quoted by: >>16829447

Did the enty info ever get translated? It mentions the claws and google translate makes it sound like they are could be meant to be accessories rather than real nails but it'd be nice to know for sure. Either way it seems like KC drew them that way to make the demon look more aggressive.

I do like the idea mentioned by another anon of them playing a part in the contract signing though.

Enty text below:









>> No.16829410
Quoted by: >>16830048

Someone, get the OC lilims!

>> No.16829412


No, because there are likely very few or possibly none, demon monster girls that are already above Minotaur muscles and 100th dan black belts.

>> No.16829413
Quoted by: >>16829425

You can't blue-ovary a meek office anubis like that. And she's too small and nerdy to try and rape successfully.
If she tried, I could just hold her back with one hand. Or pin her down on the bed and kiss/nibble until she calms down.

>> No.16829414

The martial arts could be learned but I'm fairly certain there weren't any major limitations to the degree to which a Monstergirls body would change through the process. Outside of the usual restrictions like how KC has said a Holsts breasts cant get bigger than her body or things like that.

>> No.16829417
Quoted by: >>16829436

Minos and Jinkos can't even martial arts. They just bash things.

>> No.16829421
Quoted by: >>16829463

If Baronessfag can have a 10 foot tall Demon, I'm sure you can have a super muscular one that took a liking to martial arts early on.
It's a fantasy, after all.

>> No.16829425
File: 44 KB, 429x750, 1468017071556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16829586

I, too, want to forcibly use an Anubis as a plush toy.

>> No.16829428

Why the fuck is black sclera so lewd?

I just want to imagine waking up in the middle of the night to see an Apophis's or demon's glowing pupil and black sclera in the dark. Because I know exactly what I was in for.

If I threw off the covers and exposed my wood I can imagine the Apophis's pupils going narrow and alert at the sight of cock. I'd just accept getting coiled and graped at that point.

>> No.16829429


Minotaurs and Jinkos main appeal is to be musclegirls. Where would be the appeal if any non muscular monster could get even buffer than them just through incubization?

>> No.16829435

It makes the cum stand out when you jizz inher eye.

>> No.16829436
Quoted by: >>16829530


Jinkos are martial artists.

>> No.16829437

That sounds perfect. I bet shes the kind of girl who keeps her true beauty hidden, revealing it only to you and you alone.

>> No.16829438

Because it's exotic and otherworldly.

>> No.16829441

I didn't write the rules, chief, just saying that it seemed to be let loose enough so people can relatively do what they want.

>> No.16829447

>Did the enty info ever get translated?
Nope; if it has, I don't have it in my archive.

>> No.16829449

Minotaur's main appeal is intended to be that she's a strong girl who eats, sleeps and fucks but doesn't do much else. That can be done regardless of her body type and the one in the profile is just an example of a Minotaur the scholar could talk to without getting raped.

Jinko's main appeal is that they're stoic beast girls who don't want sex at first but get overwhelmed by their instincts to breed, again that can be done regardless of body type.

>> No.16829454

According to KC canon basically by default monster girl babies who can't feed themselves will feed on mother's milk.

So probably a joke. Or the sandworm was thinking that in a sense it is husband's milk because she puts his mana into the milk that she feeds the baby.

See the below from World Guide 1:

>The children of many races of monsters grow by suckling mother's milk during infancy just like humans. Even monsters of races that feed primarily on mana basically grow on mother's milk while infants. After that, during early childhood, many of them eat normal food and thrive on mamono mana shared by their mother.

>> No.16829455
Quoted by: >>16829477

This. Despite people being into those races because they like musclegirls, ultimately there is no definitive 'musclegirl' race. Well, maybe Amazons.

>> No.16829456
Quoted by: >>16829466

It's the lewd abyss.

>> No.16829460

Eyes are the window to the soul, and black sclera just tells you right up front these races aren't hiding the fact that they're lewd and into sinful stuff.

>> No.16829463


> 10 foot waifu

Tell me more.

>> No.16829466
Quoted by: >>16829486

Galaxy eyes are the lewdest black sclera eyes.

>> No.16829476
Quoted by: >>16829490


KC said Jinko and Minotaur are muscle fetish. So yeah, members of those races are naturally musclegirls.

>> No.16829477

Pretty much, there's no set body type for most races.

You can have a muscle demon, a perma loli jinko, an adult Redcap or whatever.

>> No.16829480

Its important to understand that the basic body modifications KC speaks of seem to mostly relate to changes in the genitals so that sex with her is as pleasurable as possible. Can anyone point to any specific changes that have been mentioned beyond that?

That is by default you'll come to love how your monster girl wife looks anyway, so there is little reason to include functions to change further. Not that I'm saying it wouldn't happen but at even the most extreme you wouldn't likely have major changes.

>> No.16829485

Well, she's 9'9 actually, though at that point I suppose to most people it wouldn't matter, but yes, she's a very tall Demon. Just kinda my personal taste for my own reasons. I'm rather tall myself so it's not as jarring a difference but yeah.

>> No.16829486

Demonfag's waifu is a colossus.

I know they are lewd, but I still prefer normal ones.

>> No.16829490

Muscle fetish as the norm for them, exceptions are still possible just like other races can have an exception that has muscles too.

>> No.16829493

Tell me, why does everyone seem to neglect amazon? Why can't my waifu be more popular

>> No.16829499

You're tall man. Taller than my waifu I thought she was a tower.

Go on do it. Call me that oh so delicious word and bring back that past you so desperately try to run from.

>> No.16829500
Quoted by: >>16829512

Man, you'd have to get custom ceilings when you finally move in with her.

>> No.16829512

You no good swell fellow who's at a perfectly acceptable height
She's a high ranking officer in the DL's army with her own palace and everything. It stands to reason the place would be built with her height in mind, and worst comes to worst she could polymorph herself shorter to be more discreet/when visiting places not set for her height/for sexual shenanigans.

>> No.16829513

The only thing I remember about them is that one plants beans.

>> No.16829523

Amazon used to be talked about a fair bit but got memed to death by husband beating accusations and shitstorms over house husbnds so people stopped talking about them.

>> No.16829527
Quoted by: >>16829554

>"but your funds are low"
>shows The Tower

Should've 'nope'd right the hell out of there, but then we'd miss a fantastic number.

Personally, it's the whole glowing in the dark appeal for me.

>> No.16829530
Quoted by: >>16829581

They're just tigers with big claws, idiot.

>> No.16829532
Quoted by: >>16829542

How exactly tall are you, because you say you're fairly tall yourself but to have a 9'9'' waifu and it not to be a huge height difference is something.

>> No.16829537

I love amazons and I prefer it this way, so the thread doesn't turn them into shit

>> No.16829541


>> No.16829542

3'3" shorter than that.
I mean it's still a big difference but I like it that way.

>> No.16829553
Quoted by: >>16829642


Blame KC, he should had given the Amazon a muscled body.

>> No.16829554
Quoted by: >>16829564

You act like some rich asshole from across the pond would know what the Tower means.

>> No.16829556

Heh, well sibling stuff is a bit different I guess.

I'm just saying I connect better to "boy meets girl" stories when the guy is around the same age as I am, both in looks and smarts.

>> No.16829563



>> No.16829564

Considering the overuse/misuse of the Death card in media, you're probably right.

>> No.16829576


>> No.16829577

How does this man keep getting away with it? These are absolutely fantastic.

>> No.16829579

Poppin off today

>> No.16829581
Quoted by: >>16829587


The profile says they are "fighters", she has a warriorish bikini armor, no weapons, she comes from the mist continent where every monster is a martial artist or potentially one.

Jinkos are very obviously martial artists.

>> No.16829583

Thanks a ton melon, well worth the shekels.

>> No.16829586
Quoted by: >>16829617

It's the best. Actually, this is another reason to get strong for anubi.

So that you can hug one like plush toy, and she can't do anything about it. Imagine waking up in the morning, and just reaching over to wrap your arms around an anubis lover's waist from behind. She wants to get up early and do stuff, but no matter how hard she tries, how much she pushes, pulls, strains and tries to squeeze out of your arms, it's like she's pushing against a statue of solid stone.
Eventually, maybe she'd give up and resign herself to spending a few more minutes under the covers with you.

>> No.16829587

>The profile says they are "fighters"
Anyone can be a fighter.

Just raise your fists and throw punches and kicks at people on a daily basis. There, you're a fighter.

>> No.16829592

Those lewds are too nice. Are there more?

>> No.16829617
Quoted by: >>16829933

That sure sounds really nice. I guess getting stronk for an Anubis is worth it.

>> No.16829623

He's got a few more commissions lined up but two of them aren't really thread friendly.

There's still slots open if anyone's interested, I hate to sound like a tanuki but the guy works fast and does nice lewds.

>> No.16829626

>two of them aren't really thread friendly.
Are they monstergirls?

>> No.16829633

>Is this it?
>is this a joke?

>> No.16829642

To be fair onis don't really have muscle in their profile.

>> No.16829643
Quoted by: >>16829655

I actually just ran out of loods in the list, rest is MG OC making, futa and furries

I got like 5 empty slots left

>> No.16829654

Like fuck she'll find me. I don't live anywhere near cold climate.

Fucking hell.

>> No.16829655
Quoted by: >>16829661


Are you inviting me?

>> No.16829661


>> No.16829704

I actually prefer thinking of those claws as part of the armor. Soft hands are best for cuddles.

>> No.16829715

>perfectly acceptable height
>he's probably -6ft
>perfectly acceptable

Do they even stand a chance?

>> No.16829719

That's cool too. Wish the enty info was translated, I'd ultimately be fine with either way.
Now now.

>> No.16829720
Quoted by: >>16829731

You don't have to compensate for your penis size by pretending that manlets are a thing anon.
My waifu's about two inches shorter than me anyway, so what's it matter to me?

>> No.16829729
Quoted by: >>16829759

Even if they are part of her hand, magic to remove the claws should be simple for accomplished shapeshifters like demons/succubi (they're among the monsters most noted for taking on human form and living hidden among humans).

>> No.16829731

What I don't have in height I have in dick!

>> No.16829759
Quoted by: >>16829799

>Waifu is pissy for reasons
>Ask her to transform
>She becomes a huge world destroyer dragon in the middle of the city
>She is gives off a "hump" with smokes from her nose

>> No.16829793

Short and Tall


>> No.16829799
Quoted by: >>16829805

Another reason why dragon family monsters are great, they can transform into their former forms. You'll never get stuck in traffic again!

>> No.16829800

wock angry

>> No.16829805

Yeah, life gets pretty easy with drag drags. Unless you go dragon slayer route with her.

>> No.16829808

I still want to make out with a wock's tentacle while we're spooning, and she's giving me a reach-around.

>> No.16829837
Quoted by: >>16829847

I hope the lescate world guide gets translated. I still really like it.

>> No.16829847

I want to see it in its former glory. Must've looked so nice.

>> No.16829862
Quoted by: >>16829870

>Must've looked like a dark ages shithole
fixed it for you.

>> No.16829866

I'm still just a sucker for cute human couple going through corruption. Probably an extension of my fetish for two people.being forced to fuck in general.
>That cute nerdy girl you stood up for a few times is now a busty dark mage prettier than any girl you've seen who just wants to watch your face as you cum over and over

>> No.16829870

Now now anon. I know corrupting it saved a lot of monsters and it's now a happier place but the purity from it must've looked really nice.

>> No.16829877
Quoted by: >>16829900

I'd imagine a really pristine area where heroes and nobles live walled off from the general population.

>> No.16829878

Would your waifus make it mandatory that you never wear underwear?

>> No.16829900

The slums would be filled with death and rot but the higher places would look amazing.

Sounds like a very cute story with lots of comforting and mush. Just the way I like it.

Not really.

>> No.16829901

>happier place

>> No.16829905

No anon, that's silly. My waifu would be just fine with me wearing underwear and even encourage it in some situations. She'd like when I wear nothing but underwear sometimes, and she'd like it when I wear latex underwear too.

She'd just love it when I wear nothing but latex underwear!

>> No.16829906

Real nice for the nobles and church heroes maybe. But for the average citizen? Shithole.

>> No.16829910

Sounds great if she's also super yandere for you as well

>> No.16829933
Quoted by: >>16829989

It's always worth going the extra mile in any situation for an anubis.
Sure, she might be able to bind your body with magic bandages to the point of immobility in a second. Sure, she might have eighty ways to beat an opponent in her fight when you consider her spellcasting abilities. And sure, during the full moon, her full strength as a wolfgirl might come out, and she'll become strong enough to lift four times her own body weight.

But sometimes, it's nice to ignore reason or sense, and think about what it'd be like to wrap your arms around an anubis. To do your best to make her feel safe and secure, to treat her like royalty and act like her knight in the most idiotic and unnecessary ways. Or to pin her back to a wall, and lean over her for a kiss that lasts minutes and leaves her with legs like jelly. Maybe even go the extra mile and lift her up by her ass, so she's suspended between you the wall.
It doesn't even need to be lewd. You could do something as simple as carry her on your shoulders everywhere. Would she love the feeling of superiority while riding above the heads of everyone else, and start to direct and steer you around? Or would she get embarressed when you do it in public because of all the people turning to watch a grown anubis getting a piggyback ride from a guy?

>> No.16829940

Not saying Demons are not good waifus is just that..... well.

Okay, I will play. I want a musclegirl at least as buff as this tigergirl, 7ft, martial arts skills and wants to protect me.


Why should I pick the Demon? Why should I pick her over lets say a Jinko, Hellhound or Hinezumi?

>> No.16829943
Quoted by: >>16829963

>Human girl who's repressed her emotions goes into overdrive when she corrupts.
Always amazing.
Would you want a girl to start sprouting her monstrous traits as she rapes you?
Because imagine it. Imagine the tall blacksmith's daughter ahegaoing while riding you as bull horns erupt from her head and her tits swell.
Imagine the cute beggar girl you shared your food with kissing you deeply as her arms change into batlike wings and her ears change shape.
Imagine the haughty duke's daughter pinning you, the boy she made into her manservant down and howling in pleasure as you cum inside while a pair of majestic scaled wings erupt from her back.

>> No.16829948

Look mate, you're the one who brought it up in the first place before already. If that's the extent of what you want it sounds like you probably just want one of those races instead.
Unless there are factors about the Demon in particular that you ALSO want, which you could discern from reading her profile. But that's really on you.

>> No.16829957

I prefer musclegirls that have soft gropable bits while having decent amounts of muscle.

>> No.16829963
Quoted by: >>16830011

Hell yeah, those each sound amazing.
>Town gets Dark Matter Nuke'd
>Total bedlam, lewd chaos
>Shy girl that works in the marketplace jumps you all of a sudden with a wild look in her eye
>Starts slamming her hips into you hard
>So hard as you look down in horror it looks like it's smashing her skin into jelly
>Then you realize as her skin starts changing color that its not just her hips that are liquifying, but her whole bodies
>Wait, bodies?
>A second and a third copy of her ooze out in horrific fashion from the middle
>They start molesting you as a crown forms on the main girls' head
Lil bit of body horror, lotta bit of lewd. And a free shoehorn in for Slime Queen, which I find fun.

>> No.16829989

You just put the reasons why I'm making myself better for my Anubis better than I ever could, so thank-you for that. Ever since I've fallen in love with her, I've strived to make myself a better person in every way I can, because I know that is what she would want me to do. Hell, I've actually made a day-to-day schedule for myself as well, and I've found it helps me a lot with staying on task and getting things done, I can see why Anubi like them so much.

>> No.16830002

Don't get addicted to schedules like anubi. You'll become a even bigger autist.

>> No.16830011
Quoted by: >>16830053

Just imagine being in the aftermath.
>Anon wakes up the day after his town was hit by a Dark Matter bombing in his bed.
>After climbing out he looks out the window to see that the damage done by monstergirls hurling their bodies through things has been repaired.
>The sky is a gentle purplish blue and clouds are passing by like nothing happened.
>Humans and monstergirls are walking the streets hand in hand. He recognizes some of them as townsfolk he grew up with transformed.
>Suddenly he hears a noise behind him and a pair of muscular arms wrap around him.
>"Anooon~ Come back to bed~"
>The Blacksmith's daughter, his childhood friend, is standing behind him, holding him close to her engorged tits.
>Where her ears once were are a pair of floppy cowlike ones, and a pair of gently curved horns were jutting out of her cute pigtailed hair.
>Before he can protest she drags him back under the covers and holds him close like a teddy bear.

>> No.16830019

It was a random example but yes save less violent and more prone to sexual domination instead. If she thinks you're acting uppity rather than do something violent she just summons DE tentacles to hold you down and undresses. With her new body generally you're too aroused to talk before shes even halfway done

>> No.16830040

Might be a bit late for me, I'm afraid.

>> No.16830048
Quoted by: >>16830070

I'd rather ferociously breed a Cu Sith than take you seriously.

>> No.16830053
Quoted by: >>16830064

>She's now feet taller than you with gargantuan tits to go with her enhanced muscular frame
>a firm yet bubbly big booty with a lazily swishing bovine tail coming out of her from above it
>fuzz begins halfway down her powerful thighs and continues to her hooves
>And yet, despite it all, it somehow feels like its the way things should be
>Spend the whole morning lazing around with her, occasionally suckling from her milky tits while she moos softly and takes you between her legs, slowly 'milking' you back
>It only becomes awkward when you both finally get up mid afternoon and realize she has absolutely nothing that fits her anymore
>You look to her to see what she wants to do about it, to which she just grins and firmly grabs your shoulder, dragging you back to bed with her, her other hand conspicuously starting to tweak her nipple
>"Well, we'll figure it out some other week~"
>Wait, week?!

>> No.16830058

No problem. If I can help by talking about anubi, it'll be the one thing I'm good at that'll actually benefit other people.
Maybe I should make a day-to-day plan as well, in that case.

>> No.16830061
Quoted by: >>16830070

>Anon who regularly ignores schedules and deadlines
>Gets paired up with an Anubis for groupwork

What would the poor Anubis do?

>> No.16830064
Quoted by: >>16830111

>An already huge girl gets even huger.
And this is why big girls becoming Minotaurs is a good thing.

>> No.16830070
Quoted by: >>16830239

Set him right.

Wanna hear about mine?

>> No.16830078

Again I find myself wishing MGE orcs weren't p'orks.

They are only ever the butt of a 'lel raep' joke in nip media and you just can't take them seriously. I mean they're fucking pigs.

Greenskins a best. Be it amazonian savages or green jesus tier noble savage.

>> No.16830083

I prefer canonically renditions of MGE girls in almost every case except porky pig.
Green skinned muscle orc is definitely the superior version.

>> No.16830086
Quoted by: >>16830101

>Greenskins a best. Be it amazonian savages or green jesus tier noble savage.
That's what Ogres fill the niched for.

>> No.16830101
Quoted by: >>16830104

Ogres are too base. And I played a lot of warcraft in my youth, so the idea of shamans is pretty ingrained. Plus Ogres don't exist in tribes.

Really saying Ogres fill the niche is shortsighted. Like saying trolls and orcs are the same because they both have the purpose of being bigger and stronger and more brutish than humans.

No, ogres aren't for orcs. Powerful are the powerful owners of mountains which orcs build their settlements around the base of, and keep their heads down when ogres fight for territory and offer captured boys who hadnt' already been husbando'd yet when the new victor comes knocking.

>> No.16830104

>Powerful are the powerful owners

>> No.16830111

Wholeheartedly agreed.
>Have to widen your house's doorframes and make the ceilings a bit taller to accommodate her
>Bed never stood a chance, if she sprawls all the way out on it (which she does when she's feeling lazy post sex) she can touch all four corners at the same time
>Her ass is so big it's cramped on your small couch if you try and sit side by side (which typically doesn't matter as she always sits you in her lap)
>Tits are in a word BEEG. Sometimes feels like you'll get lost in them and buying clothing for her is an absolute nightmare because of it
>Yet through it all she earnestly and gladly helps with all of the remodeling and is strong enough to perform superhuman feats with a smile and without a single drop of sweat

>> No.16830123
Quoted by: >>16830142

She is getting all the daughters and all the milkings for being so best.

>> No.16830129
Quoted by: >>16830142

What would you do if you found her practicing her father's craft in a big leather apron and nothing else?
Would you fuck her long and hard while she's sweaty from working in the forge?

>> No.16830138
Quoted by: >>16830147

I think knowing the husband of a submissive Ogre would be pretty cool
>Young noble takes a commission to take out a powerful Ogre who scouts warn is beginning a warband of orcs to go raiding
>Alone he strides into their camp, returning some months later with the savage in tow, confusing every one
>Town guards to go draw their swords, but are scared stiff by a glance from him
>He takes her home, there's the sound of screams of pleasure and furniture breaking
>He returns some hours later with her in tow, only now her hair has been hastily brushed and she's in a noble-lady's dress
>She goes with him as he claims the land and titles for defeating the warlord, while announcing his new wife and plans to hold a ceremony
>Unbeknownst to him, their daughter is raised with the goal of finding a strong hero to submit to.
>She's a terror to the young nobles, always playing the villain to their knight.

>> No.16830142
Quoted by: >>16830197

I bet all the children in the small town would love her. They'd all run up and want hugs whenever they walk by her fixing up the house when school gets out. Which would make her immidietly afterward bound inside, the floor cracking under her heavy hooves in the process, grab you wherever you are, throw you into the bed and start pounding you like a madwoman while shoving a leaking engorged tit in your face, rambling about how she wants (more) daughterus and that children are just too cute
I'd pull her tail, a new sensation for her, and hopefully get a startled yelp out of her, then use that as leverage to get her bent over so I can tug it while taking her from behind. She'd never quite be able to resist being put into that position when her tail gets pulled, even long after she'd monsterized.

>> No.16830147
Quoted by: >>16830169

Taming ferocious monsters is my fetish, especially if they keep their intimidating personality when in public.

>> No.16830169
Quoted by: >>16830179

I like it better if they keep their intimidating personality in check.
>Neighborhood kids love her because she's a real mean cook
>After a few years, she's as refined and polite and ara ara as all the other noble mothers, her white hair tied back neatly
>The only discontinuity being her large muscles under her dress.
>She bends in so well they almost forget what she is
>Until one day on a trip the nobles are attacked by bandits and she pulls a man-sized axe from out of nowhere and they suddenly remember she's an ex-warlord tamed by a hero.

>> No.16830179

Something like that is too cute.

>> No.16830180

Musclegirls legitimately disgust me.

>> No.16830188
Quoted by: >>16830192

Get ready to be bombarded with "no u" from fags who can't take a different opinion.

>> No.16830192

Arguably, I'm being that sort of fag by even bringing it up in the first place.

>> No.16830197

And I'd happily give her more children, so many that half the school is our spawn.

>> No.16830204

It's cool. Funnily enough they used to for me too but now they're my top bodytype.

>> No.16830207
Quoted by: >>16830219

>A whole herd of bovine daughterus come home from school and bumrush their momma
>You come home and find her on the floor laughing completely covered with them hugging her and playing with her
>She notices you come in and then grins maliciously
>"Look girls, daddy's home!"
Do you run from the literal stampede as they come towards you or accept your fate of being trampled in squishy hugs?

>> No.16830219
Quoted by: >>16830233

I stand my ground and attempt to hug as many as I can before they overwhelm me, I'm not going down without a fight and they know it.
I'm not saying I'll win but years of living, and breeding, with their mother have made me at least able to take what lesser men couldn't so I'll survive the pile.

>> No.16830222

>after all this time I still can't decide on a waifu
There are too many great girls. Does this mean I'm a boyslut?

>> No.16830223

No, it just means that your waifu hasn't found you yet. Patience is key!

>> No.16830224

How can you a slut if you never got laid?

>> No.16830227


>> No.16830229
Quoted by: >>16830291

It's pretty hard to make it work. What that dude linked doesn't really work. The abs are fine and so are the thighs to an extent, but the legs and arms are a little too ripped.

>> No.16830230

What are is your most favorite of your waifu's monster bits?

>> No.16830232

Muscle can be pretty weird. It's why I just like lean.

>> No.16830233
Quoted by: >>16830246

>Under a veritable hill of daughterus, their momma finally stomps over and pulls them off in swaths using her big arms, tossing them aside (to which they giggle when landing, too powerful like their mom to suffer any real harm and treating it like a game)
>Finally she pulls you out from underneath, winded but ultimately just fine
>still your youngest daughteru snuggled up against you, who momma gently pulls off and puts on her shoulder as she helps you up
>As she does so, the daugtheru asks 'How come papa never gets hurt, mama?'
>Before she can answer, you cheekily reply 'That's because I drink lots of milk, sweetie.' while slyly brushing against your mino wife's colossal breasts as you walk past to get to the living room
>Wife goes beet red in the face

>> No.16830236

Her gigantic, heaving, milky, tits.
Also her super cute ears, horns, tail, legs, hooves, basically all her monster bits are my favorites.

>> No.16830238

I love every little thing about my waifu. All of her bits, monster or not, are my favorite!

>> No.16830239
Quoted by: >>16830252

Yeah, sure. I don't really hate any OC's outside of Bob's and Chowder's Lani because HE STILL CAN'T DELIVER YET.

>> No.16830241

Tail, especially the underside. Followed by horns.

>> No.16830242

If I had to choose one, I'd have to go with her tall ears, although the little tufts of fur on her elbows are amazing as well.

>> No.16830246
Quoted by: >>16830250

I already know she's gonna make me drink extra milk that night. Just another benefit to marry a HUGE cowgirl.

>> No.16830247

I don't know. Her big wings? Her cute talons? I like them both.

>> No.16830249

Fluffy tail.
Though I really like fluffy ears too.

>> No.16830250
Quoted by: >>16830268

Can't argue with that. Probably takes hours to drain those things. Good that you're up to the task.
Shit, can you imagine sucking on one of them for an hour as she rides you while doing so only for her to smirk when you collapse and tell you 'Now the other one~'?

>> No.16830252
Quoted by: >>16830269

She smells like flowers and dirt after a rain.

>> No.16830256

I can't just pick and choose her bits like that anon, that's not how it works.

I love my waifu's paws, they're soft and fluffy and wonderful to hold and massage!
I love my waifu's ears, they're floppy and she loves it when I pet them and play with them!
I love my waifu's tail, brushing it and grooming it and watching it wag like crazy when I kiss her on the nose are all just lovely!
I love the naturally deep and inexplicable emotional connection I have with my waifu, we just get each other!
I love my waifu's instinctive inclination to petplay and ownership, she is mine and I am hers!

Picking just one thing is way too hard.

>> No.16830268

I can and its giving me a pretty strong erection, this is the only concern I have with marrying a cowgirl, between her body as a whole and her invigorating and nutritious milk I don't know how I could ever not be hard. I've got no problem with spending long periods of sexy times with her but it can't just go on forever.

>> No.16830269
Quoted by: >>16830277


>> No.16830275

Her long ears and spectral claws.

>> No.16830277

She wears leather pants, a wool jacket an cow girl bikini sometimes.

>> No.16830278
Quoted by: >>16830306

That's why you gotta go after her as hard as possible to try and at least somewhat tire her out. Ultimately, if you time it right, her urge to lazy cuddle will win out over her urge to go for round 57, and you can rest peacefully for however much of the night is left.
Tis a burden, but one men must bear!

>> No.16830283
Quoted by: >>16830306

>frequent erections during the day just being around your wife's big booty
>leads to her frequently whisking you away for quick paizuri or blowjobs (her tits are far too big for both at the same time)
>which leads you to get even hornier when around her
>which makes her just do it more often
Incubus life is a harrowing prospect.

>> No.16830291
Quoted by: >>16830326

Heck, even most men who are too ripped look rather disgusting/unnatural, perhaps because in reality muscles sculpted to that degree (i.e. bodybuilder competiton degree) are more about form than actual function.

Lets all remember that six pack abs don't equal greater strength, just less fat.

>> No.16830306
Quoted by: >>16830342

What a noble sacrifice I make by containing such lewdness to our household, I need no thanks, just for the damn portal to open up already so I can live this life.

>> No.16830326

Yup. That's why it's far better to just have a soft girl with muscular and thick thighs that are only obviously muscular when she does something like squat low, a solid core with the abs lightly defined and modestly big but still soft looking arms, but nowhere near as muscularly developed as her legs. Girls aren't about that upper body strength anyway. Plus you want the shoulders slim and the neck graceful.

You know who's a nice musclegirl? The ant from Terraformars.

>> No.16830339
Quoted by: >>16830386

>half the school is our spawn.
It would be a nightmare to make sure all of them were home in time for bed.
Unless you had a way to get them back.

>> No.16830342
Quoted by: >>16830386

Truly selfless.
I want that same life too, dammit.

>> No.16830380
Quoted by: >>16830399

I want to come home after an extra long day to a muscle dragon cuddle bug.

>> No.16830386

Reminds me of that picture of an anon playing a violin for a pair of Holstaurs, and I already know how to play the cello too so I'm already one step there.
Until then we must prepare our bodies, sure years later we'll be able to take it but that first night will be a hell of a ride.

>> No.16830399

You know what my dragon would do to me? Winghugs.

>> No.16830403

She can hug AND wing hug.
All while cuddling.

>> No.16830410

Any girl with wings can do that except Werebats and Wyverns.

>> No.16830415
Quoted by: >>16830422

Proof of superior evolution.

>> No.16830420
Quoted by: >>16830428

And leg lock while also tail wrapping.

At that point I would just throw myself to the ground and nuzzle her until both of us are sore.

>> No.16830422

Anon, the list of girls who can give hugs and wing hugs while cuddling includes Demons and Vampires.

>> No.16830428
Quoted by: >>16830436

They can actually do both at the same time!

Indeed, maximum over hug right there.

>> No.16830431
Quoted by: >>16830448

Neither of which are reptiles. Checkmate

>> No.16830436
Quoted by: >>16830444

No, not enough. We'll be hugging using out tongues as well!

There are also Griffons who are fluffy.

>> No.16830444

I want to cuddle a shortstack or oppai loli griffon while she gives a little pout.

>> No.16830448
Quoted by: >>16830478

I always thought that dragons were more warmblooded than reptilian. They just have scales that resemble reptiles.

>> No.16830478
Quoted by: >>16830492

>a fire lizard isn't a lizard because it's hot
Anon, salamanders.

>> No.16830492
Quoted by: >>16830508

Still a reptile, just with an adaptation to generate fire through a chemical reaction in their skin. Dragons are still warm bodied even if they aren't fire breathers.

>> No.16830508
Quoted by: >>16830531

>through a chemical reaction in their skin
That is not where the fire comes from. You can't biologically produce insulation against 600F+ continuous combustion. And it doesn't burn their clothes or even men. That's magic fire.

>Dragons are still warm bodied
That's never said anywhere for MGE. Even other fantasy stuff uses descriptions like "Their inside is a raging inferno, but their skin is so cold, it burns."

And warm-bloodedness does not make something not a reptile in any case. There's plenty of extinct warm blooded reptiles.

>> No.16830531

Well, you win this round anon. But I'll get you next time.

>> No.16830602

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, watch out for loli griffons who decide you need protecting.

>> No.16830608
Quoted by: >>16830618

I want a loli griffon that hangs on my back like a backpack

>> No.16830610
Quoted by: >>16830618

Not much I can do about it, she perches herself on my roof after school every day until her parents call her home. She keeps stray dogs off the lawn but Mamono Lord forbid I have a unexpected guest come over.

All I did was thank her once for noticing I was about to cross the street when the crosswalk sign was malfunctioning. Now she thinks I'm helpless!

>> No.16830618

She'd even growl a little bit whenever one of the girls gets close.

Now you're stuck with her.

>> No.16830619

Another adopted daughteru?

>> No.16830621
Quoted by: >>16830639

Incorrect, she's there to be your protector.
Maybe something else as well, a girl who will protect you from a bad marriage.

>> No.16830624

Cute little Lionbirds.

>> No.16830627

I've got a lot of adopterus, but I'd be willing to take on another if she won't take no for an answer.
It'll take some work to get her social skills up to snuff though. I might have to let her new Wurm Onee-san teach her a thing or two.

>> No.16830631

Loli griffons a cute. I wonder what kind of happy noise they make. Chirping? Lion noise? A mix?

>> No.16830633


I don't think I could handle that. I'm the one who is supposed to protect, it's ingrained into me.

>> No.16830634

maybe I'll give her snacks to thank her for "protecting" me

>> No.16830639

Oh yes, my dragon daughteru also says that I'm part of her hoard and she'll protect me. Though I feel like the kiki being part dog and part bird might strange her a bit.

I don't think my daughterus would get along with her very well.

>> No.16830642

I don't need to be protected from stray animals. I don't even know how she managed to integrate into my life with none of my relatives having a problem with it. Unless my supply of happy pills gets cut off I'm safe and sound.

>> No.16830665

She is a cute little thing, I think she has a crush on me. She told me its fine to stare up at her on the roof to appreciate her underboob, and I made the mistake of noting she doesn't really have any.

She let out an angry screech so loud it left my ears ringing, then yelled to the sky that in just a few years she would have as stonkin great a rack as her mom, and she'd be taller than me too, and then I'd be begging to stare at and fondle her underboob. Then she turned around and refused to talk to me for a few days.
