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File: 337 KB, 713x1000, wurms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15817199 No.15817199 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15817201

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15817200
Quoted by: >>15817204

First for Kobolds are the cutest!

>> No.15817201
File: 473 KB, 1102x1262, 1453928159741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15817215

Good call, I was just about to make a new thread.

>> No.15817204
File: 60 KB, 805x805, 1458985720998-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a winner!

>> No.15817215
File: 981 KB, 2000x1335, 1472011658918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a cute cat!
what if there were two?

>> No.15817219

I'm not sure which Cheshire sisters ass I want on my face the most.

>> No.15817222
File: 656 KB, 708x1000, 1401820240440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15817228

I want to take a bunch of Mouse Girl orphans who sing this as they do chores.


>> No.15817223
File: 484 KB, 809x917, 1445574077500-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want their cousin.

>> No.15817228

I want to sniff a bunch of Mouse Girl orphans

>> No.15817229
File: 1.58 MB, 1087x1512, 乳艶式・さんL_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15817232

Coolkyoushinja should give his hmanga girls a bit more emotion.

>> No.15817247
File: 141 KB, 879x941, meme cat wants to show you something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819068

smug one for the face sitting

>> No.15817291
File: 1.58 MB, 2400x3000, 1466087130686-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15817990

I need more monstergirls on their big day!

>> No.15817294

Why do I feel like I'm the only one who finds that translation to be trash?

That one, on the other hand...excellent.
I'm glad to have my own copies of both.

>> No.15817325
File: 254 KB, 500x739, 33699887525555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15817990

What's everyone's opinion about Orcs?

>> No.15817328

So here's the latest Kobold daughteru commission. It's ah... pretty spectacular in my opinion.


I was a little iffy on whether or not I should post it here, so I used imgur instead. Plus it's a big file.

>> No.15817331
Quoted by: >>15817350

Why does this terrify and arouse me so much?

>> No.15817344
Quoted by: >>15817350

well it looks like you found the right artist jesus christ man.

>> No.15817349
Quoted by: >>15817356

was this traced

>> No.15817350

There's no reason to be afraid anon, she's not gonna bite you or anything.

Yes, I think I did too anon!

>> No.15817356

What do you mean by traced?

>> No.15817361
File: 330 KB, 409x581, onedaythestarswillalignandishallhugthisloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witches are the best.

>> No.15817362
Quoted by: >>15817364

Bodysuit is nice, but really think you should've gone with a ring gag instead of a dental.

But maybe that's just personal experience talking.

>> No.15817364

That's actually supposed to be a ball gag anon, it's just really tight.

>> No.15817374

gross, human girls

>> No.15817376
File: 3 KB, 97x125, 1473129486712s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laboratory of Dr. Gremlin
South Jersey Shore
>"Gentlemen! BEHOLD!!!"
>"I have spliced the DNA of my roommate, Sarah, with that of a porkchop!"
>"Try and get in Anon's pants now Sarah! Muwahahahaha!!!"

>> No.15817395

What is this? A Gremlin for Ant Girls?

>> No.15817399

Oooooh. Mistook the ball for the inside of her mouth.

>> No.15817401

So you basically made her into a p'orc? I don't see how that will stop her. They aren't even bad.

>> No.15817403

oh. OH.

>> No.15817409

Reminds me of some kinda abstract manga like Blame! or the shoddier parts of claymore

>> No.15817417
File: 926 KB, 2390x4250, apophis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did anybody buy MGE2 and is willing to leak it? Because I want to know what any translators can get out of the new text. I was able to get Apophis's bonus art text without it being wrong, I think; Anybody willing to translate it?

>アポピスの毒に侵されたファラオの多くは、王では なく、ただ一人の女となり、踊り子に扮して男性を誘惑 する様な事もあるという。

>> No.15817419

1eq2's commission finished up? Nice.
There's lots of neat details to take in as well.

>> No.15817432
Quoted by: >>15817445

The thought of a pharaoh and an apophis getting along is horrifying. I pity the unlucky bastard that they're looking at because his dick is about to be destroyed.

>> No.15817433
Quoted by: >>15817441

This a preview for something upcoming?

>> No.15817436

Her limbs and the way the gag makes it look more like her mouth is just hanging open makes her look like a discarded doll whose limbs settled kind of haphazardly. Creepy.

>> No.15817441
Quoted by: >>15817464


>> No.15817445

Can't read the moon, but that image at least is less "getting along" and more "bad end" for the chocolate party.
This is what happens when Jafar wins. The pharaoh becomes her servant and bargaining chip while the kingdom descends into toxin fueled madness.

>> No.15817451

Those old hags and their floppy tits.

>> No.15817455
File: 55 KB, 204x184, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.15817457
Quoted by: >>15817471

Dancing with great vigor in the court of queen Apophis. Bouncing, swaying, jiggling.

>> No.15817459
Quoted by: >>15817471

Delicious an suckable, aren't they?

>> No.15817461
Quoted by: >>15817466


You're not the real YWNBBFBAH poster. Go away.

>> No.15817464

Oh, right. Thanks.
Damn, this is great, though. The way the artist draws delicious brown even in the greyscale format is amazing, and the brown oppai foxgirl stuff makes it even better.

>> No.15817466
Quoted by: >>15817477

Oh god. We have a copycat for that?

>> No.15817471

I want to tie their nipple clamps together so they are face to face, then have them engage in a paizuri team building exercise.

>> No.15817477

He's not posting with the spirit of the original. A newfag just imitating what he sees, not understanding the... whatever that French phrase was for the pain of not having something.

>> No.15817480

Such is the nature of memes

>> No.15817485
File: 679 KB, 2266x2039, dragon boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15817503

I wonder How far I could get in a monster company as a virgin?

>> No.15817487
Quoted by: >>15817601

>So did anybody buy MGE2 and is willing to leak it?
How do you think you even got that image? Not to mention the character art, and all the other bonus art.

But anyway, won't be leaking anything else. I only got one copy, and I don't want to wreck it to get decent scans, and I don't think I can hold a camera or the book steady enough to capture full pages of text clearly. I did try to get all the accompanying text for the bonus art in though.

>> No.15817497

Y'know, at times, I find myself pondering various things about the MGE.

Which does KC dislike more, yuri or futa?
Say he ends MGE in some 15 years, what might he do after that, if anything?

Tonight I found myself pondering what, if anything, he might do to celebrate the MGE's 10th Anniversary next year.
Perhaps an extra special profile?
Or maybe, given Baphomet's prominence, the Sabbath World Guide he plans to release next year is so timed to coincide with said anniversary?
Any other thoughts on this?

>> No.15817503

Quite far if you smart, but you might get sniped by the unicorns

>> No.15817507
Quoted by: >>15817580

Id say he hates futa more, Yuri is more of a necessary evil.

as for the anniversary? no clue.

>> No.15817511
Quoted by: >>15817580

Both are stupidly rare. One is likely as rare monstergirls giving birth to male sons and the other can only be found as temporary potions in wonderland. However the former, not in the sense of "pure love" happens often enough, whereas the latter has only been mentioned in Q&A. So if we take relevance correlating to fondness, then the answer is futa.

>> No.15817522

When did he say he ever hated either?
He said you can fantasise about either in his setting, but he won't write about it enough to give it focus. Obviously, that's because the purpose of his setting is straight, vanilla sex.

Though yuri shows up more than futa. Actually, I can't really think of an instance in any of the MGE books where futa is even alluded to.

>> No.15817523

>Most Pharaohs fallen to the venom of an Apophis, rather than kings, become mere women, and do such things as seducing men by dressing as dancers.

>> No.15817529

I don't see why he would dislike yuri. I get why he would rather write about a vanilla setting, but I don't think that translates into hating lesbians.

Futa though, is just abnormal perversion.

>> No.15817536
Quoted by: >>15817601

something like:
Many Pharaohs when attacked by an Aphophis' poison turn into mere women. It is said they disguise themselves as a dancer and seduce a man.

>> No.15817545
Quoted by: >>15817555

That's a silly statement to make

>> No.15817548
File: 170 KB, 599x590, 1458300153930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15817555
Quoted by: >>15817568

Maybe, maybe not. I don't pretend to be an expert on things KC has never come out about, but he seems like a reasonable guy.

>> No.15817558
File: 328 KB, 746x666, Nectar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it gets jobs done like monsterising women and gathering nectar, its not a issue.

>> No.15817568
Quoted by: >>15817586

Yeah but you don't really present anything remotely close to sound reasoning. I mean, with what you presented it is just as easy to say "I don't see why he would dislike futa. I get why he would rather write about a vanilla setting, but I don't think that translates into hating hermaphrodites."

>> No.15817576

je ne sai quois, literally "[a certain something] I don't know what."

And I get what you mean. The imposter feels like they're doing it because they've seen it in the thread and think it's funny. The genuine article reminds us that there is an anon out there who longs for fresh milk every SINGLE day. He's understandable, almost a friendly and familiar face and kindred spirit.

>> No.15817580

I really only mentioned that to cite that I think of random, inconsequential shit related to the MGE. Really should learn to just stay on-point when trying to discuss something I guess.

>When did he say he ever hated either?
>I don't see why he would dislike yuri.
The three big taboos in this thread are yuri, futa, and monster boys. The internet being a wide and varied place, there are of course fans of the MGE who like all these things to varying extents. They, of course, then ask KC about their relevance to the MGE's "Canon", as it exists.

Monster Boys he said he liked, but he doesn't do anything regarding them because, duh, his thing is the Monster GIRL Encyclopedia.
Futanari he offered no comment on regarding his preference towards it, but that he wouldn't include it in the MGE.
The entire MGE being meant as inspiration for others stories and the like, he offered the idea of Sabbath-made potions and such to those who wanted to write futanari and monster boys, regardless of their irrelevance to the MGE as he envisioned it.
Yuri he said he didn't really care for, preferring bisexual threesomes and the like. But he still includes female-only sexual content (Generally for the purpose of seduction), and though it's not his preference, has commented he could see the "Pure Love" yuri happened in his MGE "very, very rarely".

Thus my curiosity. Which is lower on his list of preferences? The thing he admittedly prefers an alternative over; but is fine with in his setting, or the thing he never, ever comments on personally; and doesn't care to have in his setting?

>> No.15817584 [DELETED] 

>Actually, I can't really think of an instance in any of the MGE books where futa is even alluded to.
Like actual monsterboys, KC doesn't think it fits the setting.
Anyone that wants either is going to have to take a trip to Wonderland or join the Sabbath. Normal rules don't apply in those cases.

>> No.15817586

Anon, there are many, many more lesbians in the world than true medical hermaphrodites. If you're interested, there's quite a bit of info on the study.

While you're absolutely right that the my argument could be used like that, I would find it incredibly difficult to believe that if forced to write one or the other, he would favor a condition (where both sexual organs function) that affects apparently has never been documented.

Though I really doubt he hates hermaphrodites either.

I think you answered your own question.

>> No.15817588

Yeah, suppose so.

Two points against versus one.

>> No.15817590
File: 273 KB, 600x1060, 1465021003127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly anyone who makes up a universe of literal rape machines who will reward you for being born a dude with mind blowing sex is going to have some major sexual insecurities.

The fact KC hates yuri and futa just reflects his fragile sexuality. He wants to exist in a world free of competition, and a woman being able to satisfy their own sexuality with another woman, a monster boy or a futa dick is a massive kick in the pants for that fantasy.

>> No.15817591
Quoted by: >>15817604

>If you're interested, there's quite a bit of info on the study.
Nah, like lots of fantasies, when it loses its magic in the conversion to 3D it becomes weird and ugly.

>I would find it incredibly difficult to believe that if forced to write one or the other, he would favor a condition...
'Course, and if you were to argue that one is more alien and less likely to be enjoyed or even understood I'd agree. You're right, yuri has a basis in reality.

Be probably only hates NTR in any true sense

>> No.15817595

This is bait.

Or the reason people hate yurifags.

One of the two.

>> No.15817596
Quoted by: >>15817604

This is why it's probably best to not even discuss the boogeymen. They inevitably show up with buckets full of bait, regardless of how civil the discussion is.

>> No.15817601

Such a shame, I don't blame you for not wanting to ruin your book. You are a good man for at least doing something nobody else was probably willing to do. Wished somebody would release the rest of the book.

I want to see a story of Apophis turning Pharaoh to behave and act like an Apsara and her disguising an Apsara as Pharaoh to rule. Apophis would be Apsara's Advisor to make sure her plans go through of controlling the kingdom without being the center of attention and carrying the stress of ruling a kingdom.

>> No.15817603

You are the scum of humanity

>> No.15817604

So why exactly would KC hate Yuri? Isn't it far more likely that he just wants to write a universe fantasy for himself and other guys? Is it a crime to not spend time writing for someone outside his target audience?

If KC hates anything, it's everything that spreads pain, suffering, or despair. NTR, murderhobos, and the like.

It's been remarkably civil so far. When the shitposters fuck it up we'll move on to something else.

>> No.15817608
File: 472 KB, 2250x1800, Jb0lsLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15818597

cuddly Miia
Color soonish hopefully, will post it as soon as i get it

>> No.15817610
Quoted by: >>15817616

Well the first person you linked was one of the said shitposters chumming the waters but as for your response to me, I think you misread it. I wasn't suggesting he hated yuri.

>> No.15817612
File: 365 KB, 500x706, 49366147_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15817616

>Is it a crime to not spend time writing for someone outside his target audience?
You'd be surprised at how many people actually hold that view.

>> No.15817616

Yeah, I missed his first sentence. His last part has an element of truth though that tied in with my point. Futa and Yuri don't contribute to the fantasy and its target audience.

I write here. I've been told I'm a shill because I don't write about girls I don't care for. I know how it goes.

>> No.15817618
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon. You'll marry your waifu one day. Just don't lose hope

>> No.15817620
Quoted by: >>15817622

>I know how it goes
I actually never came across anything like that

>> No.15817622

That got a much needed giggle out of me. Thank you. I try so hard to believe, but it's so hard to long for a fantasy.

the shitters come and go

>> No.15817623


>> No.15817627
Quoted by: >>15817631

Fuck off

>> No.15817629
Quoted by: >>15817635

KC's stated pretty clearly often enough that the point of the MGE is to be an escape for the average Japanese worker, consumed by day-to-day drudgery with nothing positive in their life. Given that this demographic is primarily male, his choice in content is hardly surprising. But he still tends to be polite and accommodating towards those with tastes outside this, who enjoy his content regardless.

Even those who like pain, suffering, or despair, he's generally fine with, long as it has a happy ending. Most stuff he really seems to just laugh off anyway.

I'd say the only thing he out-and-out hates, is NTR.
He's been pretty clear he hates that shit on multiple occasions.

>> No.15817631
File: 60 KB, 850x487, Sample_fe568bf263e4e9a7ccd59baad63f6c4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sounds like you need a hug

>> No.15817632
File: 680 KB, 900x1395, 41d58c1f40d1fc5452c42bd9ee3467f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Say my name'

>> No.15817635

>pain, suffering, or despair, he's generally fine with, long as it has a happy ending
That's probably accurate. I was thinking bad ends. I think he's less okay with dark things but realizes the world isn't a hugbox. That's just my impression anyway.

>> No.15817637

C-c-cutie <3

>> No.15817639
Quoted by: >>15817645

I've a story about this anon. It's an old Hindu tale I think, but I'll use monster girls to make it more fun. This is a story about perception.

>Three brothers are traveling through the realm, all separated by age. The first town they stop in is controlled by the Sabbath. When the little sisters see the three passing through, they seem deflated. "Look at those two older brothers, making the youngest walk! Doesn't it seem cruel that they aren't piggybacking the youngest on this journey?" Hearing this, the older pair both shrug and take turns carrying their brother around on their shoulders.

>In the next town ruled by dragons, they seem to get a cold reception as well. "Look at them, babying the youngest. Don't they know he will never grow into a strong reliable husb- er, man at this rate? He should respect his elders." Hearing this, the younger pair both shrug and buy a palanquin, that they might carry around their elder and not do insult to the next town.

> Arriving in the lake of slimes hoping for a warm welcome, they all receive their final disappointment. "Look at these dumb buys, walking around on legs. They should all be sliding around with a good wife by now!"

The moral dear anons is that you'll never please everyone, and that you should always just do whatever you and your waifu feel is best.

>> No.15817643

New web profile inbound.

Who'll we be getting a translation of now?
I hope it's Zombie Dragon.
Or Griffon.

>> No.15817645


>> No.15817646
Quoted by: >>15817656

Most likely going to be Otohime

>> No.15817647
Quoted by: >>15817652

You raped my father, and now I'm gonna rape you!

>> No.15817652

Incest is a no no anon. Unless it's a non blood related neesan. That's just destiny in MG terms.

>> No.15817656

Keeping up the thematic pattern. Very good point.

>> No.15817662
File: 2.04 MB, 1500x2627, 1471234239557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Gentlemen, behold!"
>Anon walks in
>"What is it Dr. Gremlin?"
>"I have created the worlds most perfect fleshlight! Capable of turning any man into an aheagoing mess in ONE. MERE. THRUST!"
>A large piece of PVC pipe lazily rolls into the room with Dr. Gremlin's ass sticking out one end
>Anon groans and walks away
>"W-Wait, I can't get out!"

>> No.15817665
Quoted by: >>15817667

No anon, that joke wasn't worth telling the first time. Bad.

>> No.15817667
File: 495 KB, 721x995, tumblr_npsgonE8Sx1unm603o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.15817673

and you can drop the fake stutter while you're at it

>> No.15817678
Quoted by: >>15817681

It's alright. Even more alright with that pic, really. But we have to know what's worth retelling! I'm sure you'll come up with something hilarious involving a gremlin getting her and her roomates stuck in a milking machine meant for cute boys eventually, so don't settle for refreshing old half chuckles.

>> No.15817681
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, 1472165279642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm thinking of Gremlin as Gimpy from Undergrads.

>> No.15817687

Somehow an agoraphobic running a semen milking ring seems all too plausible for MGC and the like.

>> No.15817688

I keep seeing Nitrine from Flaky Pastry.
She was a goblin, but the aesthetic and tendencies are there.

>> No.15817692 [SPOILER] 
File: 881 KB, 2390x4250, 1473498264988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys I got the Pharaoh's text. I want to get this stuff to be readable. So which girl should I try to get text from next? I don't speak moon so we'll need some nice Translator Anons to do it for us.

>彼女達の王の力は強大であり、彼女達が望めぼ 男性は婿々として男性器をそそり立たせ、彼女達の 面前へと差し出す事だろう。

>> No.15817700
Quoted by: >>15817704

Google translate says
>"The force of the girls of the king is a mighty , girls are expected pot men to Sosoritata the male genitalia as a son-in-law 's , will be hold out to her our presence ."

Taking all bets on what the fuck that means!

>> No.15817701

C'mon White Horn or Dark Mage.

>> No.15817704
Quoted by: >>15817717

C'mon Anon, don't you know about Sosoritata'ing your dick?

>> No.15817705

The evil that men do.

>> No.15817717

Last one was weirdly clearer.

>"Many of Pharaoh that were affected by poison of Apopisu , not a king , just become the one of the woman , that some things , such as to seduce the men dressed as dancers ."

>> No.15817732

God fucking damn do I love Pharaoh's bonus art. The way she's affectionately holding and gazing at that dick is just...unf, does things to mine.

But anyway, personal shortlist, would love to see Devil, Barometz, Tentacle, Hellhound, Griffon, Glacies, Kikimora, Bicorn, Slime Knight, Dhampir, Lich, Wight, Wyvern, Wendigo and Kakuen transcribed and translated.

All of them really, but those I'm particularly curious/hot over.

>> No.15817738

>The girls' Kings' power is mighty, if they wish their husband's thing will stand, and will be offered to their presence

>> No.15817741

So in other words, they can make their husbando get hard on command.

There is something oddly hot about that.

>> No.15817747


Finally a new profile today. I hope it's Atlach-Nacha or Nurarihyon

>> No.15817749
Quoted by: >>15817795

>On the presence of a Pharaoh
>You're scared out of your mind at her domineering presence
>She looks down at you and says one word
>Her voice rings through your ears and right into your mind. Your body feels compelled to obey her, it's as natural as breathing
>As you get to your feet you realsise your sporting the biggest erection of your life
>The pharaoh leans back in her chair and chuckles softly. Looks like she's going to have fun with you

>> No.15817751

>Has the power of a god
>Uses it to get her husband erect

That's to be expected from a monster girl

Yeah, I can't put my finger on it either, might be the feeling of powerlessness

>> No.15817754

Personally for me it's that she could get you hard as a rock with nothing more than a whisper.

I mean, sure, odds are most MGs could manage that anyway. But something about it being an explicit, undeniable power of hers just adds something to it.

>> No.15817757
Quoted by: >>15817759

i don't know if this 男性は婿々 means "husband" or simply "man"

>> No.15817759

Honestly given that the difference is just a matter of eventuality, I hardly think it matters.

>> No.15817761

> at a bar with a few friends
> anubis dragged pharoh along, felt like she was too busy working all the time
> things feel a bit awkward at first, she usually seems stuffy during job hours
> she gets a smirk when the first round of drinks come and go. "Hey, want to see a party trick?"

you KNOW they would abuse it like this.

>> No.15817762

It's the fact that she has such a domineering presence that even your very body is at her command. That she could ask you to rub her feel and her voice would make it feel like you've been given all you ever dreamed about

>> No.15817781

If there's an Anubis involved, count me in on these shenanigans.

>> No.15817785

How has this still not been taken down? Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.15817795
Quoted by: >>15817807

Oh sweet dicks, yes.
She can literally control every aspect of your body just with single commands, like the Word of God.

>> No.15817797
File: 548 KB, 4095x3651, CpLzOG5UsAIXc_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the mods know that the Pharaoh is a slut who belongs on her knees.

>> No.15817802

>Pharaoh sees you glancing at the anubis occasionally
>The Anubis is sneaking shy glances at you, too
>Neither of you notice the furtive looks you're giving each other, but the Pharaoh does
>With a sly smile, she turns to both of you, catching both your gazes with mere charisma alone
>You can't really explain what happened next to have the Anubis' lips, so soft and tender, playing with your own, but you're not complaining
>Probably because you physically can't

Yes please.

It's fine anon, it's censored.

>> No.15817803


>> No.15817807
Quoted by: >>15818282

But that if she makes you do humiliating things in public?

>> No.15817809
Quoted by: >>15817952

I find a Pharaoh that has gotten bitten by a Apophis to be extremely sexy but also disturbing.
Why does Apophis have to make my dick so confused by biting Pharaoh?

>> No.15817813

>literally just human girls
>still better than half of the encyclopedia
Sasuga Sabbath.

>> No.15817814

Can a Pharaoh make you orgasm with a command? Or even force you to hold it all in?

>> No.15817815

> you are now Pharoh's most recent romance story
> netflix ain't got shit on this
> lets hope this new interest passes soon
> you're really not sure if you and anubis-chan want to become her late-night voyeuristic entertainment as well
> plan on finding her a boyfriend as quick as you can before things get weird(er.)

>> No.15817817
Quoted by: >>15817826

That is a whole lotta yes in that greentext right there, mhmm, yessir.

I'm going to presume yes.

>> No.15817825
File: 738 KB, 1000x936, Nurenure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife slime, best slime.

>> No.15817826

>Pharaoh being a forceful matchmaker

Yes. Just yes.
>I'm going to presume yes.

That's really hot.

>> No.15817931

I'm going to say yes, she can.

>> No.15817952
Quoted by: >>15818051

It's the natural order of things. The grass is green, Pharaohs are sluts, and grapesnakes make dicks confused that something so perfect could exist.

>> No.15817970

Would you become a slave boy for a Pharoh?

>> No.15817975
Quoted by: >>15818000


>> No.15817981

I'd rather be the slave boy that she bought as a gift for her loyal, single, slightly work-obsessed Anubis assistant.

>> No.15817984
Quoted by: >>15818000


>> No.15817987
Quoted by: >>15818029

But what if the Pharoh lets an Anubis use you when shes busy?

>> No.15817990

I'm seconding this, bonus points for pregnant bellies.
That's not an Orc, that's obviously She-Hulk.

>> No.15817992


>> No.15817995
Quoted by: >>15818029

Wouldn't the anubis find it troubling at first and just use you for a personal assistant?
Eventually coming to rely on you to take care of her without realizing it?
Just one incident away from realizing how helpless she would be without you?
Well, wouldn't it happen this way?
Or would you be regifted to the aggravating riddlecat for her birthday?

>> No.15817996

I would gladly put her in a choker/chain leash combo, bend her over her throne and ream her asshole till she couldn't do anything but scream "I WUZ A KUHWEEN N SHIAT"

>> No.15817998

If I was loved and cared for, I'd become even a Matango tender.

>> No.15818000
Quoted by: >>15818014

Are you gay anon?

>> No.15818008
Quoted by: >>15818016

What's she like?

>> No.15818011
File: 548 KB, 1143x1417, 56370759_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but she's welcome to work for me and the wife.

>> No.15818013

What a lovely image.

>> No.15818014

No, I just refuse to be a slave boy

>> No.15818016
Quoted by: >>15818028

She can be very dominant and bossy at time. But if you're lucky she'll give you mercy here and there.

>> No.15818019

No pharoh should be treated like that

>> No.15818023

I'm going to free that Pharaoh and help her retake her kingdom.

>> No.15818025
Quoted by: >>15818032

Every Pharaoh should be treated like that.

>> No.15818026
Quoted by: >>15818032

I think you meant to say "No, Pharaoh should be treated like that"
Because Pharaoh is a slut that should be put in her place.

>> No.15818028

She sounds like she's really nice if you get to know her.

>> No.15818029


I would strive to answer "Yes" to those first four questions, so the spoilered one winds up a "No".

>> No.15818031

But that's one of the two correct ways to treat one.

The other is making her wear dog ears with a tail buttplug and only letting her eat out of a bowl.

>> No.15818032

This much heresy. Do not speak about the Pharoh goddess in that way. She will crush all that stands in her way

>> No.15818036

I'm the text Extractor anon, I'll be gone this weekend and going to bed now. I'll try extracting more text in my free time. I am working on trying to extract the Manticore's text. Hellhound and Griffin will probably come next. Hard to extract text when you don't speak moon and some programs are retarded and can't read a simple text. The Apophis one took me like a week to extract because of garbage text.

As I was of typing this, I don't know why I'm extracting text when translator anons could translate the text from the images themselves, perhaps I was thinking the text makes it easier for them. Eh I'll keep trying to extract moon speak.

>> No.15818043

You work is appreciated not.

>> No.15818044

I...wait, you're not just reading the letters, checking kanji, using GT to render the characters, and then writing them down?

How're you doing this then?

>> No.15818051
Quoted by: >>15818055

As someone who prefers green demon realms to the regular kind, grapesnakes don't hold a candle to pharaohs.
Also perfection doesn't rely on permanent mind-control toxins being used on all their subjects.

>> No.15818055
Quoted by: >>15818064

PIDF please.

>> No.15818060
File: 631 KB, 841x1187, ed081bbae55c6ed8b13e8f4b87660fe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15818073

Somewhere out there is a terrified anon right now.

And one day Bat-Ushi is going to swoop down and help him with his love problems.

>> No.15818064

I post no lies.

>> No.15818073
Quoted by: >>15818076

A Bat Cow?

>> No.15818076

Werebat carrying an Ushi-Oni.

>> No.15818080

Sounds troublesome.

>> No.15818098 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15818106

Delete this

>> No.15818106

Hey at least it's not the yandere Apophis image.

>> No.15818129

Don't forget the Bat-Ushi signal. It's 'I'm looking for love!' Only use it in the most dire situations.

>> No.15818130
File: 597 KB, 2631x1860, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Pharohs and Apophis possibly live in peace?

>> No.15818136
Quoted by: >>15818142

Sure they can. In the Glorious and Punctual People's Republic.

>> No.15818138
Quoted by: >>15818143


>> No.15818140
Quoted by: >>15818159

Boys, it's time.

>> No.15818142

Glory to Anubistotzka!

>> No.15818143
Quoted by: >>15818152

I guess you're right. Apophis need to be eradicated then.

>> No.15818148
File: 105 KB, 700x988, 1473489340995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I can't stop thinking about shortstacks.

>> No.15818152

That's a lot of snakeskin that would go to waste. We should use it to fashion a new royal attire to show the strength of the pharaoh when she wears it! Then we can grind the venom glands up and snort them for 'medicinal reasons'!

>> No.15818155
Quoted by: >>15818178

Why do you need help exactly?

>> No.15818159

I was rather surprised that this same artist did a series of extremely nice Dagashi Kashi doujins.

>> No.15818164

Only way to do so is if Apophis wins

Once the Pharaoh is corrupted she'll stop worrying about all these silly things like economical growth, expending her kingdom, building an army, etc... and learn the true value of life like having sex, partaking in intercourse, conceiving, breeding,etc...

Only then they can both peacefully live together, maybe even marry the same man

>> No.15818176
Quoted by: >>15818204

I fight for the Pharaoh.

>> No.15818178
Quoted by: >>15818197

Too many erections.

>> No.15818197

Stop thinking about doing perverted things with them then. Think about being romantic, or hanging out with them. Drinking, laughing, adventuring, and traveling together. There are plenty of wonderful things to focus on besides sex.

But if that doesn't work, just suck it up and fap harder like a man.

>> No.15818204
Quoted by: >>15818209

Have fun working 5h+ a day instead of spending your time with your family

>> No.15818207

The evil snake will fall under the rule of the Pharaoh

>> No.15818209

My nation is my family.

>> No.15818258

How many pharaoh stories do we have?

>> No.15818282
Quoted by: >>15818292

She can just say "Have fun", then you won't need to worry about it.

I'd like to say yes, that their power extends to complete bodily control. They can't make you do something physically impossible like fly. But make you hold it in, or instantly release, and feel literally the most pleasure your brain can process, and so on.

>You and your new anubis girlfriend are both sitting in bed reading
>You both adore each other, but you aren't quite sure how to act together
>After all, the pharaoh did basically mind control you into kissing before even the first date
>And she got you to grope each other on the first
>Now, you're both in the same bed like a married couple, just two months after meeting
>You glance across at the anubis, she smiles back at you over her reading glasses
>It's a genuine smile, but awkward
>After all, you're both not exactly ready to consummate your two month relationship
>But you think this is fine too
>You love each other, enjoy each other's presence, are stable together, and you're sure that when the time comes, you'll both be ready for each other
>Returning her smile and turning back to your book, you continue reading
>The Anubis looks over at you
>"Anon, what did you say?"
>"I didn't say anything. I thought you just said something."
>You stare at each other for a second before realisation dawns
>The Anubis attempts to cover her ears, but is a second too late
>"Have sex!"
>Her paws slump down, she stares at you with fire in her hazy eyes
>"Y'know, Anon, I've always wondered when we'd... Well, you know."
>"Yeah, me too." The primal heat burning in your heart, crotch and mind is impossible to resist
>Repressed emotions and feelings all welling up in a single moment
>Tenderly and lovingly, you embrace the Anubis, gently removing her glasses and letting her push you down onto your pillow
>As quietly as she can, the pharaoh sneaks out from under the bed, riding her snake out the bedroom window.

>> No.15818292
Quoted by: >>15818331

>>As quietly as she can, the pharaoh sneaks out from under the bed, riding her snake out the bedroom window.
I don't know why this visual is so amusing to me. But it is.

Also I'd so very much want to see the Anubis' face when she goes into a meeting with Pharaoh the next morning, shooting her a glare that's half thankful, have outraged and embarrassed. I bet it'd be adorable.

>> No.15818331
Quoted by: >>15818345

As I wrote it, I just imagined the snake slithering out from under the bed like in some old cartoon, and the pharaoh holding onto it like a log going down a waterfall, arms and legs wrapped around it, head and body hugging low to the snake, even as it plops out the window.
It's a silly situation to imagine the pharaoh in.

I bet the morning after, the pharaoh would just ask the Anubis, "Sleep well?"
Then, after much stammering from the Anubis, the queen will ask "Would you like to do it with him again?"
The Anubis wouldn't know how to respond. "Well, uh, yes but- no, I couldn't possibly- but I, ah..."
Then the pharaoh would just smile, stare into the Anubis eyes, imbue her voice with Power, and say "You wil do it with him again tonight."
The Anubis eyes will sparkle, and her body shiver as that command settles in her heart, laying dormant until the night comes.

>> No.15818345
Quoted by: >>15818634

Not quite my imagination, but then that's solipsism for you.

Gets me onto the idea of Pharaoh's power being used for time delayed effects though. Also makes me wonder how the Anubis would deal with it for the rest of the day. Go on as normal, with the command integrating perfectly naturally, like her own thoughts and desires? Find herself fretting and embarrassed throughout the day up until it takes hold? Just forget about it completely until it triggers?

>> No.15818375
Quoted by: >>15818379

>Every unit in the Pharaoh's army is unbreakable.

Man, Pharaoh is OP as fuck.

>> No.15818379

That's just because you aren't willing yourself to break them.

>> No.15818386
File: 616 KB, 814x1200, 310_otohime_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15818388
Quoted by: >>15818398

Well that's the worst of the new girls out of the way and everything from now on will be worth looking forward to at least.

>> No.15818398


>> No.15818401

Really like all the translucent material in her outfit.

>> No.15818402

Her tail freaks me out

>> No.15818416


Dragon family, mermaid type

Habitat: Zipangu (seas)
Disposition: Selfish, cheerful, devoted
Diet: Meat and seafood

The monster princess of the Ryuuguujou at the bottom of Zipangu's sea.
While she's considered a Mermaid, she is a type of powerful Dragon that can manipulate the currents of the ocean to her whims to the point of causing tsunamis, and is in places revered as a god of the seas.

While they are egocentric and arrogant, there is also a kind of playful mischievousness to them deep within, that endear them to their subordinates.
In accordance with their hedonistic nature, they prefer nothing more than to spend every day in the most enjoyable manner possible, and also enjoy entertaining others and sharing her pleasures with the world. Those who live in the Ryuuguujou will never suffer boredom. It is a place where you can live a hedonistic life, and is widely known as an entertainment locale that openly accepts outsiders, and occasionally sends out envoys to invite humans.


>> No.15818419

Heeeeey, if there's a translatorfag about, could you be a pal and tell me what this all's about?


Figured I'd ask.

>> No.15818421

Sounds like the kind of girl that would have a nice ohoho laugh.

>> No.15818431

>While she's considered a Mermaid, she is a type of powerful Dragon
Nigga she's a fucking seahorse where is he getting this shit?

>> No.15818434
Quoted by: >>15818441

The Japanese consider dragons and seahorses closely related.

>> No.15818441

Seadragon is also a genus related to the Seahorse.

>> No.15818454



>> No.15818458
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1453586323637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear the coat anon, it won't bite

>> No.15818462

Day and night, the Ryuuguujou's welcomed guests can view its wonders unfold, and the many monsters inhabiting it will entertain them, and charm them with their beautiful dances and accompany them to the bedrooms. The Otohime, other than providing entertainment, are also excellent dancers themselves, and anyone catching even a glimpse of the beauty of their dance will be mesmerized to the point where they don't even notice the passing of time.
Their beauty and elegance, and nature of a dragon with power to rival even the gods, displayed during their dances, leave an impression akin to angelic perfection, and will inevitably leave one in awe.
But contrary to their almost mystical aura, they themselves only seeks pleasure, and their dances are merely for fun, and for the entertainment of everyone attending. and if they spot a man they fancy among their audience, completely disregarding their position as princess, they will spirit them away to a bedroom.


This is a longer one.

>> No.15818466

You're the nigger, at least cultural.

>> No.15818468

Her tail looks creepy and unpleasant to touch. I don't even care for the human section, either.
At least with the boring turtle and this one out of the way we've only got the good profiles to look forward to.

>> No.15818482

This is how I feel about nearly every dragon and insect type, so she's par for the course.
Looks pretty neat.

>> No.15818485

>actual worldbuilding
>vs girl in witch hat, girl with pipe, girl with machines, girl fucking a spider...
Fuck KC's cosplay streak

>> No.15818487

I'd rather take a sea matinee, these girls don't look nice to touch.

>> No.15818489

>The Otohime, other than providing entertainment, are also excellent dancers themselves, and anyone catching even a glimpse of the beauty of their dance will be mesmerized to the point where they don't even notice the passing of time
Now I want to see one lose all her riches and standing, ending up working in a cheap strip club to pay the rent.

>> No.15818494

But can she do the Mabuhi Shuffle?

>> No.15818501

Kunoichi has been dispatched.

>> No.15818512
Quoted by: >>15818529

Tanuki conspiracy to whore out seaqueens when.

Also, the one major squick bit about Otohime is the realization that those ridges on the seahorse part are the SKELETON. They have awesome looking skeletons that are like a semi-external cage of bone loops.

>> No.15818514

It's too soon for you people to turn her into shit.

>> No.15818517
Quoted by: >>15818523

But she's already shit, anything is an improvement.

>> No.15818522

It's just plain bone, and can't be moved much (except at the tail, which is very flexible), so an otohime caught on land wouldn't even be able to flop around. On the plus side, though, they're probably the fellatio champions of the monster girl world, given that seahorse mouths operate like vacuum cleaners.

Still, I'd have preferred the other interpretation that says the dragon palace's princesses are sharks.

>> No.15818523

Haha true.


>> No.15818529
Quoted by: >>15818536

Remove yourself from the premises

>> No.15818536

What, it bothers you?
I've been using that word for over a decade because "disgust" was an inappropriate term for being icked out by something you didn't enjoy.

>> No.15818544

竜の落し子 you retard

>> No.15818546
File: 172 KB, 1127x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love perfectly chocolate Egyptian/desert monster girls.

>> No.15818564

Oy vey Anon, how dare you talk unfavorably about us aristocrats of ingenuity of creativity doing nothing but charity for KC by breathing life into his pitiful ideas!

>> No.15818569

I'm finding it kind of difficult to translate the lewder stuff, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to skip that. But it's mostly just about them being a little teasing, and both trying to get good reactions out of you, and spurring you on to lust after her. She hates boring things, so she wants sex to be really active.

Many of the men that visit Ryuuguujou choose to live together as the partner of a monster, but in the case where one tries to escape to the surface, they are given a souvenir "treasure box".
A spell has been placed by the Otohime on this box, and if the man opens it, magic smoke will envelop him from within, and show him an illusion of all the pleasures he can relive in the paradise of the Ryuuguujou.
Furthermore, it can also show the man all the things he didn't get to experience the last time, and if he has a preference for a particular monster girl, he will also experience illusions of being with that monster.
As a result, men will find it difficult to return to a mundane life after tasting these pleasures, and will be likely to crave to return to the Ryuuguujou, and soon an envoy of the palace will appear before them once again...

And that's all on her.

>> No.15818572
File: 864 KB, 447x557, Otohime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through info on her original background has led me to some of those weird card-esque game(?) pics that show characters in their power level progression. Here's a neat gif.

>> No.15818578
Quoted by: >>15818591

>She hates boring things

That's rude! I hate her too, even if she is a dragon.

>> No.15818586
Quoted by: >>15818591

>She hates boring things
So a self hating dragon? So much for them always being proud.

>> No.15818591

So why don't you complain about dark mage, or ice queen, or the freeloader?

>> No.15818595
Quoted by: >>15818623

>and if he has a preference for a particular monster girl, he will also experience illusions of being with that monster.
What if the smoke makes him want the monster he likes instead of the Otohime?

>> No.15818597

Shame her booty is no longer present.

>> No.15818600

>She hates boring things
She'll hate me

>> No.15818601
File: 50 KB, 210x153, 1461024959947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15818635

>ice queen
>disposition: cold

Every fucking time

>> No.15818602

I wish he'd release the girls I like more.

>> No.15818604

No thank you, not with that tail.

>> No.15818606

dancing would look a bit weird.
but I like her

>> No.15818614

>no art of MGE girls with Granblue proportions

>> No.15818620

I think she is fine as a monster girl, Anon. It's just that I'm not an interesting guy, so I'm sure she'll hate me.

>> No.15818623
Quoted by: >>15818638

I think is so the man returns to the place in general, not just for the Otohime

>> No.15818624

>What is hobgoblin

>> No.15818630

I'd collect quite a few shortstacks and ensure their pregnant by the end of the day.

>> No.15818634

I like the idea of the first, where she just thinks it's perfectly normal, but then the closer it gets to the time the command activates, she gets hotter and hotter, and has no idea why.
Then, at the moment of truth, the pharaoh's words take over her body entirely.

>> No.15818635
Quoted by: >>15818646

You would be cold too if you had to deal with happy wendigos and yetis running around your mountain everyday

>> No.15818638

What if he doesn't like any of the aquatic girls? Would they have to move under the sea?

>> No.15818646
Quoted by: >>15818651

>Ice Queen yelling "fucking wendigos get the fuck off my lawn"

>> No.15818648

>substantial art

>> No.15818650
Quoted by: >>15818672

Then he walks away I guess.

It say that it's difficult for a man to ignore the effects, but living in a casino/amusement park doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.15818651

>Shouts this
>A bunch of wendigo heads pop up from their hiding places and all scurry from her yard in a tide, leaving foot prints and a few overturned sculptures in their wake.

>> No.15818660
Quoted by: >>15818662

latenight pls draw this

>> No.15818662

The ice queen needs to be in a robe and have a mug of cold coffee in one hand.

>> No.15818663

A girl who doesn't get nearly enough art.

I don't want to think about all the shit images of her I've saved because barely any good ones exist.

>> No.15818672

>he thinks free will exists in MGE setting
Enjoy your rape cave.

>> No.15818677
Quoted by: >>15818691

They're easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in greater numbers

>> No.15818684
Quoted by: >>15818728

I will, rape caves are hot

>> No.15818691

>Ice queen comes outside later that day
>Wendigos have surrounded her home with a snow wall and they're all wearing soldier helmets, cloaks now snow camo.
>A few girls on the wall see her and shout something to their friends
>Ice queen has a look of exasperation on her face as a few thrown snowballs fall far short of hitting her.

>> No.15818728
Quoted by: >>15818766

Rape caves wouldn't be hot, they're deep below water where almost no sunlight reaches, they would be cold

>> No.15818737

I wonder about succubi who where around before the change.
would they be bitter about them being considered plain compared to the other monster women?

>> No.15818740

It just say it's difficult to resist everything. As long as you have a strong will, living with monster girls without suffering brainwash should be possible.

>> No.15818751
Quoted by: >>15818827

>Story about regular succubus ranting about how unfair it is when?

>> No.15818756

They've risen to the top tier from somewhere around cannon fodder tier, they're far better off.

>> No.15818766

Please now, Otohime aren't primitive barbarians who will just push you into a ditch in the forest and rape you there and then. They're sophisticated, modern rapists who will ensure that their victim will have every comfort and freedom imaginable, except possibly the freedom not to be kept against their will in an abyssal pit by an insane seahorse woman who may or may not forcibly implant her eggs into your guts after you've impregnated her.

But hey, who cares about that freedom anyway?

>> No.15818803
File: 304 KB, 1280x1024, haikei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15818842

>> No.15818823
Quoted by: >>15818846

What if Wurms are more intelligent than they let on?

>> No.15818826

>one tries to escape to the surface
That sounds creepy as fuck. It's like you just go for a vacation and now you belong there.

>they are given a souvenir "treasure box".
This is why you should throw away anything a monster gives you.

>> No.15818827
File: 156 KB, 650x379, 1459903151150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon in bar listening to a succubus that's had one too many.
>"You like succubi don't you anon"
Anon nods
>"Of course you do, everyone likes us, I mean why wouldn't they, we started this monster shit."
She downs a glass of whiskey and continues.
>"One of our kind reached to the top, got herself a man and made the would what it is. Now all the other monsters can experience love the way we do, wonderful right?"
She pours herself another glass as she carries on.
>Its bullshit is what it is! Do you know how hard it is for one of us? People still think we want to bring the apocalypse and eat the souls of man. yet city plundering dragons and ship crashing mermaids get off Scott free!"
Before you could stop her she downs the glass in what looks like one gulp. her tail is starting to move erratically.
"Then theirs the excuses! "I'm into dragons!" "I cant be seen with you kind!" "I'm sure there are other guys you can get." Fools! If I wanted another man I wouldn't be asking them! and even if its rude, haven't they heard of "second choices"?

(Might continue)

>> No.15818829

Not the tamatebako thing again...

>> No.15818839


Succubutts aren't for sad.

>> No.15818842

Who is the cutie?

>> No.15818846

Then we have a bunch of busty scientists with super strength that have been spying on us for years.

>> No.15818848

Homer Simpson, sir.

One of your moe clones from Sector 7-G

>> No.15818849
Quoted by: >>15818853


>> No.15818853
Quoted by: >>15818869

I think he should carry on. whats wrong with it?

>> No.15818869

Anon doesn't want to feel bad for ignoring the succubutt.

>> No.15818873
Quoted by: >>15818877

There is no need for internet armchair psychology. Especially when it comes to fetishes.

>> No.15818877

That post is bait anyway. It uses the old fallacy that to hate or dislike something you must be afraid of it. Fetish fags love that one.

>> No.15818879

Best mom?
Best big sister?
Best little sister?
Best childhood friend?
Best teacher?
Best senpai?
Best friend on the sports team?
Best nerdy friend?
Best boss?
Best sectary?
Best maid?
Best mistress?

>> No.15818880
File: 433 KB, 387x566, TraptrixAtrax-JOTL-JP-R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, I just know it's by a yugioh artist who does god tier lolis

>> No.15818885

Some loving and a good dicking ought to cheer her up.

>> No.15818898

>Best mom?
>Best big sister?
>Best little sister?
Lich maybe?
>Best childhood friend?
>Best teacher?
>Best senpai?
>Best friend on the sports team?
>Best nerdy friend?
Absolutely no idea
>Best boss?
>Best sectary?
>Best maid?
>Best mistress?

>> No.15818909

She downs the whisky and all but slams glass down. Cracks form on the glass as she grips it tighter
>"But you know what hurts the most? what grates so much every time I hear it?"
You can see the anger in her eyes and you try to tell her to calm down but she cuts you off"
>"That as a monster my kind are rejected because we are BORING!"
With the last word the glass shatters in her hand as her body trembles with rage.
>"We were are the great seducers, know for our charm and beauty. men loved us no matter what. and now?"
Rage was giving way to sorrow.
>"Men prefer getting mounted the hell hounds, they prefer being wrapped in the purple scales of a apophis, they prefer going after the god-damn foxes on just because "They have more tails and their fluffier." and dint get me started on the sabbath."
>She grabs the bottle with her uncut hand and starts chugging. when shes done she continues to sob.
>"Anon, you said you like succubi right? I'm not boring right? You would want me right?"

>> No.15818926


>> No.15818937

>big sister
>little sister
>childhood friend
>friend on the sports team
>nerdy friend

>> No.15818945

I swear to god you better have a good ending to this.

>> No.15818967
File: 266 KB, 900x1200, 1473207548046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Girl?

>> No.15818975
File: 3.04 MB, 2443x3600, otohime_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15818977

i hate her creepy seahorse body and her teasing nature!

>> No.15818978

Dragon girls are cute.

>> No.15818979

That's a big girl

>> No.15818982
Quoted by: >>15819005

I want to see Apophis and her husband be invited Otohime's kingdom because Otohime still thinks Pharaoh rules the desert kingdom.
>Apophis brings Pharaoh, they enter Apophis orders Pharaoh to command everybody to willingly give themselves up to Apophis.
>Otohime tries to refuse the command but is bitten by grapesnake multiple times for a super strong dosage of Apophis venom.
>Apophis has Otohime be Public cum dumpster and Takes over sea kingdom.
>Venom corrupted Sea Bishops and Krakens are all over the sea

>> No.15818986

Otohime is a Dragon! You dragonsluts are supposed to love her! She's nice and rich and perfect! Love her!

>> No.15818989
Quoted by: >>15819142

Yes, though while that one would be good for full body paizuri and deep spelunking, I'd rather have a "normal" sized one which isn't extremely impractical almost all the time.

>> No.15818997
File: 535 KB, 1801x998, 1473131990915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gentlemen, behold! I give you... this thing!
>"Oh wow, Doctor Gremlin, what does it do?"
>Anon gets flung by a rainbow, lands on a massive bed with a freckled leprechaun shortstack
>"Hey there, good lookin'~ Would you like me to shalack your shillelagh?"
>"Wait, what?"

>> No.15819004
Quoted by: >>15819011

Nobody tells me what to do! Especially not sluts without wings or legs.

>> No.15819005

Since when did Pharaoh take orders from Apophis?


>> No.15819011 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 381x596, 1473526352032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819020

>Especially not sluts without wings or legs

Was that necessary anon?

>> No.15819012

Ehh, I don't know about her.

She looks like a cool monster, but there are a lot of things that will turn my dick away from her. Definetely last spot in the dragons list.

>> No.15819020
Quoted by: >>15819025

It's not like she even knows what those are.

>> No.15819025
Quoted by: >>15819036

Don't bully the Wurm

>> No.15819036

I'm not. I'm just saying her mental faculties are subpar at best.

>> No.15819043

So, 1eq2 was nice enough to do a minor edit to my Kobold daughteru's ball gag, so now there's this version too!


>> No.15819055
File: 98 KB, 535x339, smugvamp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819089

>MFW I'm turning into a massive smug lolifag

>> No.15819058
Quoted by: >>15819063

What an ironic code.

>> No.15819059

Hobgoblin with inverted nipples!

>> No.15819063

I thought so too.

>> No.15819068

I know I'm late to this but goddamn do I want a pair of Cheshire Sisters to love me.
Cheshire cuddles would be great at cheering me up.

>> No.15819070

>Best mom?
>Best big sister?
>Best little sister?
>Best childhood friend?
>Best teacher?
>Best senpai?
>Best friend on the sports team?
>Best nerdy friend?
>Best boss?
>Best secretary?
>Best maid?
>Best mistress?

>> No.15819072
Quoted by: >>15819085

Nice try Wurm, but you gonna have to be even more subtle...

>> No.15819074
Quoted by: >>15819085

Wurm-chan go home

>> No.15819080

>Best mom?
>Best big sister?
>Best little sister?
>Best childhood friend?
>Best teacher?
Dark Elf
>Best senpai?
>Best friend on the sports team?
>Best nerdy friend?
>Best boss?
>Best sectary?
>Best maid?
>Best mistress?

>> No.15819084

Oh dear.

>> No.15819085

I'm not a Wurm, I'm just the biggest Wurm fan.

>> No.15819089
Quoted by: >>15819104

Yupiel has a pretty fat butt for a loli.

>> No.15819095

>Best Mom?

>Best Big Sister?
Red Oni

>Best Little Sister?

>Best Childhood Friend?

>Best Teacher?

>Best Senpai?

>Best Friend on the sports team?
Werewolf. Smell ALL the spatswolves

>Best Nerdy Friend?

>Best Boss?

>Best Secretary?

>Best Maid?

>Best Mistress?

>> No.15819096

I can't fucking stand this superb taste in monster girl

>> No.15819102


Anon nods and takes off his tie, wrapping it around her cut hand.
>"What are you doing? it'll get dirty, you don't need to do that, we heal fast.
Anon tells her knows that. but she cant be bleeding all over the place till it patches itself up.
The alcohol is truly starting to get to her as she starts to sway,
>"I'm sorry anon, I just... don't like being boring..."
Anon says it doesn't matter and helps her out of her seat to take her home, paying both their tabs on the way out.
Clinging to anons back in her drunken state the succubus tells small stories but could never finish and she seems to pass in and out of consciousness.
Anon manages to get her home and even to her bed, just as he sets her down her tail suddenly wraps around his arm.
>"You want me anon...I'm not boring... I'll make sure you love..."
She doesn't get to finish as she collapses onto the bed, and looks to be down for the count this time.

When the succubus wakes up ad stumbles around with her hangover, almost tripping on her tail and getting her wings stuck.
even then she is able to notice a note the table.
Ignoring the tie still on her hand, she reads, its a phone number along with some words
>"you did finish telling me your stories last night, they must be interesting stories for a interesting girl. call me"
Tears roll down her face as she starts laughing she doesn't know exactly how to feel. all those years trying to seduce man and she nets one in a drunken haze.

Im done

>> No.15819104
File: 396 KB, 656x750, Swiggity Swoogity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819295

What can I say. I love lolis with Elin tier butts and hips. I'd go full Sabbath if I could just have a fat bottomed Baphomet sit on my face before a week of Polynesian style sex.

>> No.15819108

>Best mom?
Milky yandere Vampire.
>Best big sister?
Milky Wight or Arachne.
>Best little sister?
Milky Hobgoblin or JubJub.
>Best childhood friend?
>Best teacher?
Dark Priest.
>Best senpai?
Dark Mage.
>Best friend on the sports team?
>Best nerdy friend?
Fat-bottomed Crow Tengu.
>Best boss?
>Best secretary?
>Best maid?
Thick Shoggoth milkmaid.
>Best mistress?
Disguised milky Yanpire mom.

>> No.15819115
Quoted by: >>15819121

>Best boss?
>Not big sister
I respect you're opinion, but I'm a bit curious. Explain?

>Fat-bottomed Crow Tengu.
She can't fly like that!

>> No.15819121

Because Jabberboss can act like a oneesan when she wants.

>> No.15819124
Quoted by: >>15819168

Neato. He seems like a nice artist. From what I've seen, his English is pretty good too.
What was he like to get a commission from?

>> No.15819130
Quoted by: >>15820380

She's fine, even if she is boring and vanilla.

>> No.15819136

Fuck the haters, Otohime is cute.

Twintails on older sister types are GOAT

>> No.15819142

>not wanting full body paizuri

>> No.15819147
File: 127 KB, 365x765, 1472953986645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819171

>Milky yandere Vampire
>Goes full soft-yan when she notices that young ladies are beginning to fancy her adopted son
>Starts climbing into bed with him and having him suckle on her calcium cannons like he used to, making it a nightly habit of weening the one man she loves more than her own life
>Begins to notice that one of the servant thralls has begun to sneak off with him, gets maximum jealous
>Kabe-dons her son-husband, forcing her tits into his face and fucks him ragged against the wall, all while kissing and sucking his blood

>> No.15819150

She has pretty eyes.

>> No.15819168
Quoted by: >>15819339

Expensive, but polite and receptive and quite accommodating. Initially he said he didn't even want to draw a monstergirl, but once I showed him a reference he was down. There was a little bit of a language barrier and communicating was sometimes hard because of the US/Japan time difference, but he was quick and always ahead of his expected schedule. solid 8.5/10 or 9/10 for me.

I should note that he only draws lolis. It's a little unfortunate that I can't get a commission of my waifu from him, but oh well. This one came out beautifully!

>> No.15819171
File: 287 KB, 1800x2250, 1465626049547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819189

>tfw everyone forgets that MGE Vamps have wings
They'd be perfect for lactation stuff.

>> No.15819184

I bet she keeps the tie sround her hand as a memento

>> No.15819189

I didn't forget it. I just never mention it because it's kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Just like the fact that I can't write anything sober anymore

>> No.15819191

Fucking phone

>> No.15819195
Quoted by: >>15819199

Thats only if she goes yan anon

>> No.15819199
Quoted by: >>15819237

That's not yan, it's just a little piece of love.

>> No.15819204
File: 663 KB, 735x1000, slime carrier chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best mom?
>bakadere Queen Dark slime
Best big sister?
>any flavor of Titania
Best little sister?
>himedere VampMosquito
Best childhood friend?
>post-human chocolate Slime Carrier
Best teacher?
>undere Mindflayer
Best senpai?
>himedere Wight
Best friend on the sports team?
>tomboy genki Ghoul
Best nerdy friend?
>dandere Will o Wisp
Best boss?
>flat kuudere Lich
Best sectary?
>high class gothic Kikimora
Best maid?
>smug, sarcastic Shoggoth
Best mistress?
>mayadere Demon

>> No.15819207
Quoted by: >>15819212

What? I'm sorry that's a new one.

>> No.15819212

>Undere (ウンデレ) type refers to a character who says yes to pretty much everything the one they love says. They agree as much as possible to become as close as they can to their love interest.

>> No.15819214

Ah. Thanks.
Imagining a Mindflayer doing that is actually kinda cute.

>> No.15819219
File: 939 KB, 2500x2833, Mindflayer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly!

>> No.15819229
Quoted by: >>15819232

>Flay yourself

>> No.15819232

>forcing submissive Mindflayer to mindbreak herself for you

Hello boner my old friend.

>> No.15819236

>your momster finds out that you've been masturbating to pictures of her in lewd swimwear from 20 years ago
what does she do?

>> No.15819237

Sounds a little worrying to do that

>> No.15819239
File: 594 KB, 1012x1126, 1456718146519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know where this goes.

>> No.15819242
Quoted by: >>15819293

This shouldn't be turning me on

>> No.15819243
Quoted by: >>15819259

Wonderland potions.

>> No.15819247
Quoted by: >>15819293

Looks like I'm getting myself a sister.

>> No.15819248
Quoted by: >>15819293

She smugly calls you a pervert before revealing that she's wearing said swimwear under her clothes.
Then she rapes you while talking about how she expected that something like this would happen when she adopted you.

>> No.15819250

Thanks for the translation Anon, god bless you

I knew her profile would salvage her picture, she's a great girl just like all the other dragons

>> No.15819258

I just wish she had legs instead.

>> No.15819259
File: 155 KB, 718x722, smugvamp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smug loli Momster in her swimsuit again
Why hello there, my erection

>> No.15819266

They remind me of drug dealers.

>> No.15819292

>Best mom?
>Best big sister?
>Best little sister?
>Best childhood friend?
>Best teacher?
>Best senpai?
>Best friend on the sports team?
Blue Oni.
>Best nerdy friend?
>Best boss?
>Best secretary?
>Best maid?
>Best Mistress?

Alternatively, Anubis to all.

>> No.15819293

>Be the adopted son of a Black Dragon who's starting to show a bit of middle-aged plumpness
>Mostly her thighs and hips, but also somewhat of a muffin top
>You both live near the bayous and swamps of her homeland and have a simple lifestyle of 'pest control'
>Body is like ropes of muscle from years of wrasslin' wildlife and taking care of "Mom", your skin tanned nearly year 'round
>She used to have titles such as the "Queen of Carrion", "Scourge of the Wastes", and such but after 'I had my son, it was easier to be a Mom~'
>Be in her room one day, find an image that looks like it was burned onto the paper, Gremlins have called them 'photographs' before
>She's svelte, lean and mean in the image. Her scales a dark ruddy grey and face full of malice, copious bosom barely contained in a small string bikini
>The breasts you suckled and were weaned on
>Between her legs, she's got a simple triangular piece of armor, barely hiding her puffy vulva from view. You almost wonder what it'd be like to actually -love- her in her prime, if not a bit scary.
>Unconsciously, you begin to spank it to the idea of (s)laying the dragon and becoming a legend, a hero
>Hell, since you're the only person in the house, call out her name as you imagine painting her insides a pearly white with your seed
>Clean up, leave the room and fetch some dinner, a nice fat swamp gator. The meat's always been on a the fattier side but it's better than trying to fight a damned catfish again.

>While you're out, your momster finds the photograph out of a familiar place, her keen nose picking up the masculine scent trail you left behind
"Ara~ What am I to do with you I wonder?"
>Opening her closet, she finds an all-too-familiar piece of clothing, licking her lips as she whispers something about 'joining the hunt'

>> No.15819294
Quoted by: >>15820380

pastebin for those ho gave a shit

>> No.15819295
File: 285 KB, 606x691, Baphomet Ontop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a man of wealth and taste.

I'll take the same with a Sabbath Anubis pls.

>> No.15819296
File: 685 KB, 850x1046, sample_1eee08b3c3a461f129be92d1acab39e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyonyuu Fantasy translation is out, you fucking niggers

>> No.15819298


Lolidom feels both wrong and right at the same time.

>> No.15819302

What does that have to do with monster girls?

>> No.15819304

Hopefully momma Dragon appreciates having her plump bottom slapped.

>> No.15819306

Personally, it's just all kinds of right to me.

>> No.15819314

>Succubutts breasts become engorged whenever they're in the vicinity of a church
I'm totally not gonna apply that to demonic MGE girls or anything.

>> No.15819315

>you will never get lolidommed by a hellhound

>> No.15819316

Gonna pierce that dragon like the world depended on it.

>> No.15819319

I can't contain myself any longer

>> No.15819321
File: 251 KB, 700x696, Hot-Dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now wouldn't that be something great.

>> No.15819323

I want a fat bottomed baphomet!
I don't even comes with fat anything else.

>> No.15819334


I prefer an Imp or a Succubus myself.

Demon girls are made to dominate.

>> No.15819336

I now know how I can include one in my story.

>> No.15819339
Quoted by: >>15819376

Yeah he has this thing where he will literally only draw "dainty girls", or however he phrases it. But, hey, he fills a niche with a passion other artists will avoid like the plague.
I wonder how he'd feel about loli drawings of non-loli monstergirls. You might have softened him up a bit with your kobold commission.

>> No.15819341

>"What is this?! How can you be limp with a beauty like myself servicing you?! You better get hard fast damnit!"

>> No.15819346
Quoted by: >>15819350


>> No.15819350

>Both of them have lots of sex and daughters.

The end

Such a beautiful story, yet such a dark meaning

>> No.15819352

>Be in the swamp, vaguely see the old son of a bitch gator staring at you with those lifeless, doll eyes
>It's like he's taunting you to get into the water so he can death roll you faster than a swede can børk børk børk in the kitchen, start limbering up
"Yeah, you're going to be nice and spicy tonight, shitbird."
>That's when you see it go under, as if it got pulled from beneath. You're starting to get a bit worried when the water starts going a red and the gator floats back up on its back, severe burns on its underside as if... As if...
>Start to panic a bit since that means there's probably another Dragon and you don't feel like seeing your mother get into a catfight with a younger specimen
>Then your world goes sideways as the boat capsizes, leaving you sputtering and keeping yourself afloat with arm strokes
>Black hair and horns start to rise out of the water, brace yourself for the worst. Then you notice the full, plump breasts of pale porcelain skin and a familiar smile
>It's your mother, and she's wearing the bikini top you remember, start to go hard before you even realize it
>Ask her what brought her out here
"You see, there was a smell at the house and all around here... a very... nostalgic smell."
>She starts to salivate a little bit, the air getting acrid
"You're hard, aren't you? A pervert like you couldn't possibly hold yourself back, could you?"
>Sirens blaring, you start to swim to one of the nearby Cypresses, but she's faster than you in water
>Miles faster, even.
>Circles around you and smiles, pressing her breasts into your chest as she sidles up to you
"Oh nonononono~ You're not going to run away this time, my little quarry."
>One clawed hand reaches down and cups your pants where your eager erection is waiting
"Is this for me, Mm?"
>Prattle out something stupid like 'It was always for you'
>She just smiles and kisses you, her acidic saliva more antiseptic and tingly in your mouth, almost citrus-y. Time seems to slow down as she props her tail against your back, thick and ruddy, guiding you back towards shore.
>It's not until you're on solid land again that you notice that she's gone full bottomless, the pale slit of her vagina winking at you lustfully
"Are you sure you're okay with an old Dragon like me? I'm afraid I've let myself go a little~"
>She pinches the side of her muffin top, smiling smugly at you. Her every move is calculated.

Then they had lots of rabbit sex. The end.

>> No.15819358
Quoted by: >>15819408

>Best mom?
>Best big sister?
>Best little sister?
>Best childhood friend?
>Best teacher?
>Best senpai?
>Best friend on the sports team?
>Best nerdy friend?
Crow Tengu
>Best boss?
>Best sectary?
>Best maid?
>Best mistress?

>> No.15819372

>Acid Black dragons

I was wondering who else could it be.

But how many daughters can a beautiful woman like that have?

>> No.15819376

>he fills a niche with a passion other artists will avoid like the plague.
So much this. It makes me a very happy anon.

>I wonder how he'd feel about loli drawings of non-loli monstergirls. You might have softened him up a bit with your kobold commission.
I might have, I don't know, but I do think he'd be willing to do loli versions if he were to do monstergirls. I probably won't be in a position to find out for quite awhile though, my commission funds are basically gone and I want to get something done of my waifu next.

>> No.15819386
File: 23 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet baby Jesus, this made me more erect than I should be.

>> No.15819391
File: 1.19 MB, 3264x1836, 0910161145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this for a retarded thread on vg, but it fits here too.

>> No.15819407
Quoted by: >>15819421

>you will never dom a loli hellhound

>> No.15819408

>>Best sectary?
>>Best maid?

>Best sectary?
>Best maid?

Im so torn. There are pros and cons both directions.

>> No.15819409

This is what I need. Fluffy Dragons.

>> No.15819410
File: 269 KB, 1262x667, 1437620960057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819424

First, I'm not Alpy-kins. Secondly, as many as she wants, because I like to headcanon that once they become of breeding age, certain variations of Dragons can develop a penetrable cervix without the pain associated with it. That way, being as embraced as they are by their beloved they can essentially trap their glans inside their womb while muscular contractions of their vaginas 'milk' their husband.

It'd be the perfect way to ensure insemination and due to the fact that sex is AMAZING cardio, she'd be back to being svelte, or at least matronly levels of THICC, and since Dragons would lay eggs you could give her ALL THE CLUTCHES.

>> No.15819413

Hail the Fluffy Tail!

I really do hope the new DLC does actually have something to do with her.

>> No.15819421

That sounds pretty nice too.

>> No.15819424
Quoted by: >>15819536

>trap their glans inside their womb while muscular contractions of their vaginas 'milk' their husband.

Holy shit that got me hard. I would do anything to fuck an old sex-starved black dragon like that.

>> No.15819435
File: 984 KB, 3264x1836, Shog cleaning solutions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819449

reminds me of this. cute as always.

>> No.15819449
Quoted by: >>15819472

Probably should have done a "This is fine. Everything is fine" thing with the Doll from BB, now that I think about it. Of course that's been done already.

>> No.15819453

Cute, is she from Dark Souls?

>> No.15819461

Are you from kindergarten?

>> No.15819462

Yep. Priscilla the Halfbreed. a fluffy dragon.

>> No.15819472
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x1836, will o wisp kill urself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819490

I mean, we could always use more of that. She is a monstergirl after all.

>> No.15819480
Quoted by: >>15819530


I can't believe I missed her, makes me want to play that cursed game again

>> No.15819481
Quoted by: >>15819530

>Priscilla the Halfbreed. A lying whore.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.15819490
Quoted by: >>15819502

Oh yeah, living dolls. Of course, KC...

Now to remember the worst of these threads...

>> No.15819493
File: 584 KB, 707x1425, 1454958061652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819506

>Best mom?
Ara ara Pharaoh
>Best big sister?
Overprotective Wight
>Best little sister?
Shy Doppleganger
>Best childhood friend?
Kuudere Lich
>Best teacher?
P.E. Jiangshi she heavilyemphasizes the importance of stretching
>Best senpai?
Tomboy Ghoul
>Best friend on the sports team?
Kendo club captain Ochimusha
>Best nerdy friend?
Occult fanatic Ghost
>Best boss?
>Best secretary?
Vampire boss' Dhampir daughter
>Best maid?
Accident-prone Mummy
>Best mistress?
Dragon Zombie

>> No.15819500

Those feels when school takes over life and you can't find time to finish your story.
Don't worry. I'm working on it.

>> No.15819502
Quoted by: >>15819517

There is nothing wrong with living dolls. Same goes for automatons, ittan momens, mimics, any of the other magical substance girls etc...

There may be something wrong with pot devils though.

>> No.15819506

God damn it, now others are thinking of them. Soon Latenight or Barb will start drawing Mummies in wrapping covered maid outfits.

>> No.15819513

If I had a Mummy maid I would grope her constantly while she is in the middle of cleaning/cooking

>> No.15819517
Quoted by: >>15819532

Nothing wrong with them at all.
I am kind of hoping for actual living swords from him that can turn into human forms and switch back when they please.

But yeah, living Doll/BB Doll trying to assume nothing is wrong when in a burning thread as idiots complain.

>> No.15819519

good. i want that. they are prefect maids because they already have the rags they need to start cleaning.

>> No.15819529

Whats a good lewd scene without sex having to do with JubJubs? What would you all like to read?

>> No.15819530
Quoted by: >>15819604

To be fair.

She probably never went into the crypt under the castle.

>cursed game
Git gud scrub.

>> No.15819532
Quoted by: >>15819559

Oh i get it, I thought you were implying a bad time when living dolls where shitposts.

Im glad we can celebrate artificial girls in all their glory.

>> No.15819536
Quoted by: >>15819553

Stop encouraging the faggot

>> No.15819537
Quoted by: >>15819552

Lactation stuff + wing hugs
That fat Jub butt getting ravaged and spanked.

>> No.15819538

Brush them wings.

>> No.15819540

Rubbing herself against your leg while you try and eat pizza and play Super Metroid.

>> No.15819552
Quoted by: >>15819590

Facesitting! Brilliant! A very under utilized lewd.

>> No.15819553
Quoted by: >>15819562

Do it Anon. Surrend yourself to the glorious Dragons.

>> No.15819559
Quoted by: >>15819609


I want a big, strong Pike onee-san to protect me.

>> No.15819562
Quoted by: >>15819577

No I mean stop encouraging that greentexting faggot with his shit headcanon

>> No.15819572

Would you buy tickets to watch the Demon Lord give birth?

>> No.15819577
Quoted by: >>15819599


>> No.15819578
File: 1.39 MB, 2485x3557, Nureonago bonusart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819594

Reminder we had a nice meido type monster before Kiki and Shog arrived.

Slimes really seem to like maid stuff.

>> No.15819583

>Sabbath anubis
>Works at the forefront of the Sabbath R&D cause
>Values her intelligence and maturity over other members of the Sabbath, and is quick to point out that she'd older than she looks (despite still being 12 years old)
>Still writes letters to her Pharaoh from the Old Kingdom
>Months of heavy self testing has left her with a body who's softness is on par with a slimegirl's
>Long hair in a hime cut, falling to the backs of her knees, almost as silky and blissful to touch as a kejourou's
>Needless to say, she's quite enticing
>And she likes to spend most of her time in the library, floating overhead through the aisles reading tome after tome
>At least when she's not resting with you
>Her favourite position is lying prone on your chest in a lazy 69
>Tail wrapped around your head, huge rump covering your face so you can eat her out
>She can read a book, suck your dick, do both, or nap peacefully on your abs, rising and falling with your breathing

>> No.15819590

Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.15819594
Quoted by: >>15819625

That's the mother of all Shogs.

>> No.15819596
Quoted by: >>15819602

I hope he is because I wanna see some JubJub facesitting.

>> No.15819597
Quoted by: >>15819606

No. No sarcasm.

>> No.15819599


>> No.15819602

he isn't*

>> No.15819604

I need a nerdy Hakutaku to help me git gud

Man, now that I think about it learning a video game with a monster girl would be great

>Meet a nice Hobgoblin online
>Her sisters and she all play the same MMO
>Get invited over to their house to learn how to play
>Become their healslut
>Do a shit ton of raids with them
>Accidentally let the tank die
>Fail the raid
>Get gang raped as a punishment for being such a bad healslut

>> No.15819606
Quoted by: >>15819650

Oh. Kind of read like you were.

>> No.15819609
Quoted by: >>15819632

A cursed pike instead of a sword? I didn't realize other weapons could become monster girls.

>Cursed bow girl with army of cursed fairys who follow her like a Titania.
>The fairys become the cursed arrows.

>> No.15819610
Quoted by: >>15819869

>Her favourite position is lying prone on your chest in a lazy 69
>Tail wrapped around your head, huge rump covering your face so you can eat her out

>> No.15819620
File: 37 KB, 276x475, 1456166315516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jubjub absentmindedly dryhumps everything, especially (You)

>> No.15819622
Quoted by: >>15819869

She sounds like absolute perfection.

Dear God I'm screencapping this just for reference because of how much "YES" I get off it.

>> No.15819623

Remember: Wurm eggs are harder than they appear, and are on par with adamantium in durability.

>> No.15819625
Quoted by: >>15819647

The Queen Shog is actually just a quiet, totally down-to-earth waifu type, who is confused why her daughters all ended up crazy.

>> No.15819630

I kinda want a goblin horde to just hang out with.
Imagine them just lazing on the couch with you as you play a game.
Imagine them getting hype as all hell when something cool happens.

>> No.15819632

Not a cursed one, but it could work. Curses aren't limited to swords after all.

I was talking more like a living weapon.

>> No.15819641
Quoted by: >>15819654

I'm gonna use a wurm egg as a bowling ball!

>> No.15819645

>imagine them tearing your place up out of excitement

You're going to need a strong paddle for that wild horde.

>> No.15819647

I can recall reading in some Enty posted here that Shoggoths rebelled against their Chaos Monster masters after the new Demon Lord took power.
Makes me wonder what the Shog leader(s) of that revolution are doing now.

>> No.15819648
Quoted by: >>15819655

I'd watch out, you know what they say about lazy goblins.

>> No.15819649
Quoted by: >>15819655


>Play Continent of Clashcraft
>Be healslut in a raiding guild full of Monster Girls
>On a particularly difficult fight
>Get to the burn phase
>Tank dies
>Off tank dies
>They start balming you
>Gremlin Doxxes you and gets your address
>A few nights later several monster girls break into your house and rape you as punishment for fucking up
>This happens every other week almost
>You purposefully let the tanks due because you enjoy being punished so much

>> No.15819650

Now, do you like the dominant facesitting, or more of those types that like getting a full view of her ass as she sits on you?

>> No.15819654
Quoted by: >>15819665

Hope you are ready to use a wmd then.

>> No.15819655
Quoted by: >>15819666

They're great cuddlers?

So what happens if they catch on anon?
I'll tell you what, they'll occasionally make "mistakes" that cause the raid to wipe and then blame you so they can all go gangbang you.

>> No.15819658

Gimme dat aggressive grinding stuff

>> No.15819661

Cleaning while cooking pasta.

>> No.15819663
Quoted by: >>15819678

I don't care whether I'm eating ass or eating pussy. Just give me something to eat.

>> No.15819665
Quoted by: >>15819691

I'm going to strike the world!
Is this how someone becomes a super villain?

>> No.15819666
Quoted by: >>15819694

They can't raid due to balance issues.

>> No.15819670
Quoted by: >>15819901

They were probably powerful enough to become Queens, and became haunted mansions, ghost ships, and flying whales.

>> No.15819678

Would you eat those hypothetical chicken nuggets?

>> No.15819682
File: 508 KB, 2000x2594, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hours do you think you could hug her for? Remember, she could do it for days and still be fine. It's all down to your endurance.

>> No.15819685

Months. I could easily beat yetis.

>> No.15819691
Quoted by: >>15819715

You may have always been one.

>> No.15819694
Quoted by: >>15819706


You mean too many DPS/Tanks and not enough healers?

>> No.15819697

That's why you softboil them first.

>> No.15819698
Quoted by: >>15819714

Long enough for a good night's sleep, she has to let go at some point to make more tea

>> No.15819706
Quoted by: >>15819724

It's not that kind of balabnce.

it's the poor balance that comes with overly large rears and too thick thighs.

>> No.15819707

Wurmlings like hot baths.

>> No.15819714
Quoted by: >>15819743

Yetis are my biggest weakness, I'd submit to any hug after a few minutes and then we'd have unprotected sex leading to her getting pregnant and me becoming a father who leads a quiet family life

Yetis are all about that hot chocolate, they need the extra calories to keep them warm and thick to be able to give an optimum hug experience

>> No.15819715
Quoted by: >>15819731

I guess not even super Wurm can stop me now.

>> No.15819724
Quoted by: >>15819761


There's no such thing.

I suddenly want to play an MMO again and be shamed into being the guild heal slut by a bunch of monster girls.

>> No.15819728

You could throw a wurm egg in a volcano and not damage it. You'd have to launch it into the sun to do anything to it.

>> No.15819731
Quoted by: >>15819778

In the end you'd do more to the sun than the egg.

That what the MGC super friends are for.

>> No.15819733
Quoted by: >>15819741

But then a Sunlight Wurm will be born. And she would be the ultimate wife

>> No.15819740

You could jetison one into a black hole.

Also, by your logic, an adamantium pick could crack one.

>> No.15819741
Quoted by: >>15819773

So Ammy is really a Wurm?

>> No.15819743

>adding dough to his Yeti wife

Good thinking

>> No.15819746

Super gravity does not affect those to naive to understand it.
A pick will hard the egg though.

>> No.15819750

It ain't my logic, I'm a different person. And throwing it into a black hole will probably just make a Black Hole Wurm, a Wurm with an enormous gravitational pull that will hug the entire universe at once if not stopped.

>> No.15819759

Thats how wurm holes are made.

>> No.15819761

you say that now but then your goblin rogues start getting out of breath and can't fit in their leather armor.

>> No.15819770
File: 168 KB, 542x520, 1436528734310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW turning into a lolifag and it's all ELH's fault with that absolutely sex-able Lady of Change, even if she's more of a shorstack

>> No.15819773
Quoted by: >>15819781


Sun Wurm is like a wurm that absorved parts of Ammy's power.

>> No.15819778

What are friends going to do with a villain that has a wurmball?

>> No.15819779

I want to love the Doll.

>> No.15819781
Quoted by: >>15819794

Sun Wurm sounds like a Wurm that was born of a Sun that turned into a Wurm egg

Or just an entire Sun that became a Wurm

>> No.15819786

You can pick up your complimentary "Baphomet wants YOU!" poster at the kiosk.

>> No.15819787
Quoted by: >>15819790

ELH does loli smut?

>> No.15819789
File: 348 KB, 761x980, Doppelheadtilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819829

Dont know what ELH or Lady of Change is, but all that sounds a lot like my waifu.

Shapeshifters are just great.

>> No.15819790
File: 469 KB, 1280x1665, 1437193749725-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this and tell me you don't want her thighs around your dick. Just try.

>> No.15819794

Maybe the egg that was throw at a sun somehow absorved it. So she basically is the reincarnation of the sun.

>> No.15819810
File: 42 KB, 600x811, 58880535_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titania nursing hj

>> No.15819815
Quoted by: >>15819837

>nursing hj
why not paizuri?

>> No.15819816
File: 46 KB, 640x627, 1468361768234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fetish.

>> No.15819829
File: 560 KB, 496x702, 1436875554582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819843

>Not knowing Tzeentchian Demons

>> No.15819831
File: 78 KB, 704x396, 79t90Ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15819832
Quoted by: >>15819842

Ya'll seen nonsummerjack's Anubis cosplay right?

>> No.15819833
Quoted by: >>15819841

Eugh, W40k nurglette > that.

>> No.15819836


>> No.15819837

You can't suck Titanias tits while titfucking her. Also
>brown Titania never

>> No.15819841
File: 487 KB, 570x599, Beyond heresy, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819858


>> No.15819842

Please no.

>> No.15819843

Ah. Warhammer shit. Not impressed, and Nurgle is better.

>> No.15819847

She looks so calm. It makes my dick explode.

>> No.15819848
File: 555 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_o4hhp2oUr01r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15819855

Stupid sexy oni

>> No.15819854

One of the best girls for Nursing Handjobs.

>> No.15819855
File: 104 KB, 768x1142, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this oni always look so disappointed?

>> No.15819858
Quoted by: >>15819862


>> No.15819861
Quoted by: >>15819868

>What if he doesn't like any of the aquatic girls? Would they have to move under the sea?
This was my thought. What if it was an undead or a jinko that he liked. Would that monster suddenly get kidnapped and brought to the underwater palace?

>> No.15819862

But that's heresy

>> No.15819864
Quoted by: >>15819870

Probably because shes tall, and can only find manlets to date.

>> No.15819865
File: 563 KB, 922x1307, tumblr_nyxfri6iTC1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's pure and not used to lewd things like headpats

>> No.15819868
Quoted by: >>15819879

>"Hey kid, come underwater. We have your favorite monster here."

>> No.15819869
Quoted by: >>15819941

She likes it so much because of all the different applications the position has.
The big bad wolf (her affectionate name for you) getting particularly "ravenous"? She'll lie down atop you and ride, hold on for dear life as you eat her out, clutching at her brown marhmallow butt and arching your back, bridging her into the air. If you like, she can even slip you some enhancers so that fully erect, your dick reaches well past your navel. Easy to thrust into her mouth and let her deepthroat until you release and get her to swallow it all.

Not in the mood for that? Don't worry, it can be used for mutual relaxation too. While she lays atop you, she'll nuzzle your firm abs, rocked to sleep by the rise and fall of your chest. She can even drink a potion to alter her pheromones, and give them a soporific effect. By resting her little pink slit atop your face, she'll be flooding your lungs with her calming scent. Even as you lick at her you'll feel your eyelids getting heavy, until you finally drape your arms down over her back and drift off under her warm, comforting weight.

And of course, if you both just want to read, she can rest a book on your abdomen, or your thighs, idly sucking your dick while her eyes scan over paragraphs.
Her butt makes quite a nice butt cushion when you want to rest a book on her and read too.

Shucks. You'll embarress me like that.

>> No.15819870
File: 737 KB, 1158x1920, tumblr_o9z3hzJOAY1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're taller than her by an inch

>> No.15819872

She doesn't seem that tall for an oni.

>> No.15819873
Quoted by: >>15819877

Can seahorses even move? Aren't their bodies rigid, and don't they just kind of float about?

>> No.15819874

Three for me.

>> No.15819877
Quoted by: >>15819912

Can you imagine how shit her dance must look? The only reason people probably turn into slaves is because of the mamono mana and dolphins.

>> No.15819878

>tfw 6'3", but fetish for tall high heels, so If I dated her, she would get another four to five inches.

>> No.15819879

>Do they float?

>> No.15819885

Surprises me with lewd swimwear and plays it of like a dream. As eternally beautiful and un-aging, I may not even realize. I hope I don't say anything embarrassing to the dream-figment of my wight motheru like a confession.

>> No.15819886

I'd probably have to stand on a stool to be head height with her. What is she from?

>> No.15819888
File: 26 KB, 739x643, 1207616355822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this heresy

>> No.15819891

I want to lick her abs, lick her cooter, lick her armpits, lick her all over

>> No.15819899

She's a manlet between Onis.

>> No.15819901
Quoted by: >>15819990

>They were probably powerful enough to become Queens, and became haunted mansions, ghost ships, and flying whales.
You'll never just go about your day as a dude in MGE and stop to gawk as you spot a HUEG ocean-bound silhouette in the distance, or look up after your crops are covered by a deep black shadow, only to see some kind of monolithic flying contraction slowly glide overhead, half-hidden by the clouds

Truly shogs are an awesome sight to behold.

>> No.15819904

No fag, your deviant decline has nothin t odo with this... oddly proportioned picture.

>> No.15819912

>It's an unspoken rule that every one pretends to be entranced by her dance, because their ojou-sama has a mean temper, and when it goes off, it's more pitiful than anything to see her listlessly float about wailing on any one who gets within range.

>> No.15819921
File: 187 KB, 500x342, 1454341427432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dire Wolfu in school tells you that she's chosen you to be her life-mate
>You're a manlet compared to her at 6'5 to her 7'2
>She's on the track team as well, and tends to have you smell her sweat covered spats in her nethers, her armpits, the crook of her neck, all over
>'To strengthen our husband-wife bond'
>TFW you get caught with her in a rut, face first in your well-endowed package and taking huge gaping whiffs of your cock stink
>The Elf class president in her buruma just staring at both of you, going red as a beet from ear to ear while Wolfu's tail wags

>> No.15819940

Anon no. Not today

>> No.15819941

Having a loli Anubis cuddling on your chest, facing either direction, sounds simply heavenly.

>Shucks. You'll embarress me like that.
Too bad![?]
I need to keep that permanently archived.

>> No.15819944

I wouldn't resist becoming her life mate. She sounds perfect


Only problem I have
Even in fantasy land. I don't think I'd ever be that tall

>> No.15819949
Quoted by: >>15820036

>>She's on the track team as well, and tends to have you smell her sweat covered spats in her nethers, her armpits, the crook of her neck, all over
>>TFW you get caught with her in a rut, face first in your well-endowed package and taking huge gaping whiffs of your cock stink
Big girls are generally not my first preference. More into petite personally.

But this? This shit right here is my fetish.

>> No.15819963
Quoted by: >>15819994


>Wolfu will never pin you to the ground and sit on your face after a long day of sweating

I have to go to work in like five minutes. I don't want to be horny the entire time I'm there damn it

>> No.15819965
Quoted by: >>15820036

Those fucking huge, sweaty wolfus with spats makes things with my heart.

>> No.15819970

>I don't think I'd ever be that tall
That's the point, no?

>> No.15819977

>tfw 6'6''

When will they ever learn

>> No.15819984
Quoted by: >>15819988

I think wolfu's would prefer manlets. They wouldn't struggle asmuch.

>> No.15819988

>not enjoying the struggle

>> No.15819990
Quoted by: >>15820015

Like we discussed in the last thread, the implications of a Queen Shog are immense.

She could become a fully furnished/fully staffed structure of any kind, and if she could make things with moving parts, even become vehicles. Of course, I doubt burning gas in a combustion engine would feel too good, but she could always just move on her own anyway, as long as she wasnt a plane or rocketship. A shog could definitely get away with a blimp though, as long as you could find enough natural gas to generate lift.

>> No.15819991

>tfw 6'9"
Any one shorter should just kill themselves desu

>> No.15819994
File: 303 KB, 1600x1127, 0818+-+animal_ears+ass+blush+brown_hair+horo+kawakami_rokkaku+long_hair+nude+red_eyes+spice_and_wolf+tail+towel+water+wolfgirljpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faceful of musky, sweaty, puffy vulva

>> No.15820003

>You will never take wrestling lessons from your Oni friend so you can tease the Dire Wolfu while she's in heat.

>> No.15820010
File: 103 KB, 850x1086, 1443960481311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15820015
Quoted by: >>15820081

I never actually thought about the actual travel. It's probably just magic propelling her.

>> No.15820016
File: 1.30 MB, 1274x1920, tumblr_o89n820mAm1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an original character donut steel from somebody's dumblr.

>> No.15820020

>Big, busty, fluffy titty monster familiar
>To a big, busty, milky titty monster Dark Mage
Would make 10/10 bedmates to study with

>> No.15820021
Quoted by: >>15820026

Lifting your arms doesn't count as height mr manlet

>> No.15820026

Looks like I made some manlets uppity, heh.

>> No.15820027
File: 218 KB, 500x625, 1457014613983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tomboy wolfus in spats is my fetish

>> No.15820028
Quoted by: >>15820047

>tfw 10'10"

Give up.

>> No.15820029
Quoted by: >>15820034

That's a risky crop. Still not sure if I prefer that one or the one with the stomach bulge though.

>> No.15820034
Quoted by: >>15820062

>Stomach bulge
Share plz?

>> No.15820036

>Get Dire Wolfu to sit on your face, she's really getting into it, her tail going fwup-fwup-fwup-fwup
>Starts smelling your junk, tail starts going ballistic
>Between trying to breathe you smell her, it's the same, tangy smell of sweat you're used to, but there's something else
>Smell harder, her female musk making your mind get hazy, jerk when you feel her tongue on your rock hard cock
>She starts sucking you as you smell and lick at her through the spats, she chuffs and gives off moans
>Suddenly, your cock and face are free
"It's... *hah*... Dangerous... during... heat... *hah*"
>Hear the sliding of fabric off of her derriere
>She sits on your face again, the plush velvet of her vulva spreading for your tongue and nose letting you lap at her feminine nectar
>You ejaculate into her mouth after she keeps sucking you off, eventually covering your face in fem-cum when you get her off
>You're both sweating and panting in the gym equipment shed
>She's grinning at you
"I want... *hah*... Babies... *hah*"
>Go down on her again and again, turning her into a trembling, ahegao'ing mess. Took three sessions of cunny and fingering her to calm her heat down.
>Hakutaku coach just "Ara Ara"s at the springtime of youth but tells you that next time she goes into heat you better be ready
>Ask her why
"Ara~ Wolves love the chase, Anon~ With you refusing to give in it'll just get her dander up~"
>Next heat comes around, her teeth seem longer and sharper, her claw nails longer
>Her hair is erratic when she pins you to the ground in front of the entire track team, rips off your and her clothes and fucks you like a beast, only sated when you've fucked her full of twins

>> No.15820040

uncropped plz?

>> No.15820042

>tfw 8'5"
Goddamn manlets get out of here

>> No.15820047

Shit. I hope a Wisp will want a 6'9" manlet like me.

>> No.15820054
Quoted by: >>15820066

Damn, she looks good. Those abs need to be licked.

>> No.15820059
File: 1.16 MB, 2250x1800, 67925bfa4b85c9fea415bfb804a040eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We talking heights now?

How about Monster Heights?

>> No.15820062
Quoted by: >>15820126


>> No.15820066
File: 454 KB, 846x1467, tumblr_o1ag6z62QI1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820076

Yes she does and yes they do.

>> No.15820073

My dick is diamonds

>> No.15820074

I like the idea that a wolfgirl's feminine scent can make a guy just as horny and bestial as cum makes the wolfgirl.

>> No.15820075

7ft. is the best height for Wights and Vampires.

>> No.15820076

Shame that guy's girls fuck monster boys.

>> No.15820077
File: 757 KB, 1598x774, 1431420839812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more things like this.

>> No.15820078

The image of her going crazy on the smell of my dick, her smell making me go crazy, cunnilingus, facesitting, all of it. I want to do it with a rough wolf.

>> No.15820081
Quoted by: >>15820115

Yeah probably. She could spin her propellers manually on an airship if you kept her and her whole family sated with enough spirit energy.

A pirate Shog has an easier time of it, seeing as you could just sail normally. Also, the sails and rigging would all be animate so it would just sail itself no problem.

A Queen Shog could become a horse drawn carriage for overland travel, with a driver, shotgunner, and carriage full of himedere lap girls for fun.

>> No.15820087

Can find her on Pixiv too.


>> No.15820089

Big dragon girls are best

>> No.15820090
File: 2.02 MB, 4469x750, mge_height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone else saved that thing I never finished
I'll put them all on here one day

>> No.15820091
File: 1.89 MB, 1300x1800, 1457371420626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are spats so sexy?

>> No.15820096
File: 55 KB, 242x276, A tiny crawling chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820123

Doppel is 4'3", and 55lbs.

The runtiest of EMG

>> No.15820104
Quoted by: >>15820107

The big girls there are way too small.

>> No.15820107

There's a lot of adjustments that need to be made. First step was getting them all on the board.
Plus some of them have weird angles that are hard to make work, like Alraune.

>> No.15820110

Nice stuff.

Gonna carry that below-average height Barometz home.

>> No.15820111

>and not a single undead was had that day

please make an undead one.

>> No.15820112

All this talk about big girls and scent is making me really horny as fuck.

>> No.15820115
Quoted by: >>15820152

Some kind of horse drawn carriage is too small for the grandure of a Queen Shog. It would need to be a huge, multi-decked carriage vehicle like a huge train or something similar. Because in all her forms, I imagine her as a moving kind of castle. A huge manor. A galleon that would put today's luxury cruisers to shame. A giant airship that is basically a floating manor, similar to the kinds in Order 1886, only larger.

>> No.15820119

Because they perfectly highlight the part of a girl's thighs your head should be

>> No.15820123
Quoted by: >>15820158

>Acting like any of a shapeshifter's measurements matter
She can be literally anything she wants. Taking her height is a moot point.

>> No.15820126

That bulge is in a really awkward location. Somewhat disappointed.

>> No.15820129

They go especially well on wolfus.

>> No.15820139


>> No.15820145
File: 570 KB, 615x1200, 1458209817823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.15820152

A train that lays its own tracks down in front of it as it goes would be pretty wild. Literally a crazy train.

I like to imagine a Queen Shog varries in size depending on age. A brand new Shog turned Queen may be tank sized, or aforementioned carriage sized, and can make five or six individual meidos. Then as you continue to give them spirit energy, they grow in size to proper houses and large sailing vessels, until finally the Elder Queen Shogs are what you imagine, moving castles with full battalions of trained Shog battle meidos, and covered in eyes with a giant gaping maw made to eat entire houses.

Imagine, if you will, a giant Shog tsunami, rolling across the countryside while a team of Shogs and her Husband ride the wave on eldricht surfboards.

>> No.15820157
Quoted by: >>15820185

Kakuens are at just the right height for surprise kisses on the mouth to break their cheekiness!

>> No.15820158

Im aware, but thats her favorite form, and those are the dimensions she chooses.

>> No.15820172
Quoted by: >>15820217

>Roiling surge of purple that the purple metal-beast steamrolls through, leaving distinct purple tracks in its wake that dissolve within the hour.
Pretty cool idea.

And while I like the fantasy styled huge masions, I'd probably want my Shog queen to keep a small staffing of no more than eight or ten.

>> No.15820185

A Kakuen only comes up to my chest, they're so short!

>> No.15820198
File: 671 KB, 1231x1162, 91f914245b1f3211ac2856af09f8393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820217

>Queen Shoggoths creating organic mechs from their own mass

>> No.15820199
Quoted by: >>15820218

Yeah, they might need to stand on their tippie toes actually.

That or be lifted up a bit.

It's the best way to show a group of rowdy Kakuens you mean business.

>> No.15820202
File: 245 KB, 844x924, 1453400436445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anubis' ears barely break the 6' mark
Perfect height for surprise ear nibbles.

>> No.15820204

She'll climb your body like a tree and plant a kiss on you.

>> No.15820208

The taller an anubis ears', the better.

>> No.15820213

>Fairy is the perfect size to break with my dick

Ijust hope her whole body is an onahole.

>> No.15820215
Quoted by: >>15820235

Oh no! Lewd Monkeys are out to steal men's first kisses!

>> No.15820217
Quoted by: >>15820226

I actually agree. I like a more intimate setting, so eight or ten Queen Shog buddings is a great number. As they develop more intelligence, they would gain their own personality quirks and identity, so you would have your own small family of crazy maids.

And the best part is that no matter what structure the Queen became, it would be self operating so you wouldn't need any more staff to run it manually. Im dont know why Tanukis aren't trying to capitalize on this, though to be fair, im sure queen Shogs are far more rare and elusive than normal Shogs themselves.
I have always been partial to the idea of wearing my Shog girlfriend as an ever adaptable environmental suit.

>> No.15820218
Quoted by: >>15820235

Kakuens were made for the Stand & Carry position.

That sounds pretty cute, especially your Kakuen daughter is the one doing it.

>> No.15820225
File: 94 KB, 620x877, 1473163739524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna touch those ears!

>> No.15820226
Quoted by: >>15820259

>im sure queen Shogs are far more rare and elusive than normal Shogs themselves.
Natural ones are definitely found only within the deepest reaches of the most frozen and forgotten lands. But I like to think that after enough practice, energy and time, a normal shog could turn into a queen like a zombie turns int oa wight.

>> No.15820235

Be careful with morning woods if you have monskeys around, because they will try to climb it.

Would you do a T-stance so your monkey daughterus could use your arms to swing?

>> No.15820253
Quoted by: >>15820294

I want to whisper how cute she is into those ears

>> No.15820256

>Would you do a T-stance
Of course I would, why would I deny my daughters that?

>> No.15820259
Quoted by: >>15820307

I agree, and I like to think so for any Slime.

>tfw after ten years of marriage, your Shoggoth waifu says she's been working on a new trick
>On your anniversary, she splits into three, and tag teams you all night long
>The next morning, she says she can't recombine because she's worried she'll look fat.

Thus a Queen was born.

>> No.15820263
File: 85 KB, 566x793, Zoboomafoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travelling through a Kakuen jungle in the Mist Continent would be tricky once a group of Kakuens have picked up on your prescence and have started following you.

You'd pitch a tent up for the night. Only to wake up early in the morning with them sitting inside next to you, staring at the 'other' tent you've pitched.

While you're still half-asleep, trying to pull yourself up, they'll be poking it and giggling.

That's when you realize your clothes aren't where you left them, in fact one is wearing a shirt that looks awfully familiar to you.

>> No.15820270
File: 463 KB, 1000x2920, 58857279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adaptive Automatons

>> No.15820275
Quoted by: >>15820293

That's one thick lemur. Someone's been gorging on garbanzo beans.

>> No.15820278

I bet that monkey would be going crazy because of the shirt's scent. She would either be masturbating furiously or attempting rape while the others wait for their turn.

>> No.15820289

I want to know how tall a yeti is, but KC has only drawn her sitting down

>> No.15820290

God damn lewd Kakuens.

>> No.15820293

That and food from lightly-guarded merchant caravans, gone straight to her thighs.

>> No.15820294
Quoted by: >>15820326

Anon, do you realise just how sensitive she'd be in her ears?
Just think about the reaction a cat or dog gets when you blow into their ears? They get all twitchy and completely unable to contain themelves, because of the focused gust completely overstimulating the delicate guard furs and sensory hairs.

Now imagine an anubis, with ears even bigger and taller, and therefore even more sensitive. Just a single puff would be like a surge of lightning coursing from her ear to her brain, making her whole body spasm.
Her ears would become one of the most guarded parts of her body, and she'd let only her soulmate have access to them.

>> No.15820298
File: 857 KB, 1149x1920, tumblr_oaj3f9Tvww1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820308

I like this oni instead of his other oni. Hair covering an eye/eyes are love

>> No.15820299

Jack a cute.

>> No.15820300

Ha, that little shit deserves it for bullying that poor automaton girl.

>> No.15820301
File: 120 KB, 1080x602, Griffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys! Think about it, would a happy griffon purr/chuff or coo/chirp? Or both/all?

>> No.15820304


>> No.15820307
Quoted by: >>15820360

>Starting with two
Nah. Needs to be one. This is a monumental moment for the shog, second only to when she first met you. It needs to carry that weight, there needs to be an element of fear there, as she realizes the clone she made for a little sexy time won't return, and begins to move on its own. It would be like a second puberty as her body begins to do things she can't understand at first. Her first off-shoot might scare her, and she may entertain ideas of it replacing her, until the thing's immature mind begins to form, and the neural links between her and her offshoot begin to solidify and she comes to realize that it's another part of her but not. Then she'll come to care for it like a little sister, and its mind shifts and bends and it begin to develop as its own being within her. You'll try out a whole bunch of things together and you'll find that whereas your waifu doesn't really care for X as a hobby, the offshoot loves it.

And then at it matures mentally even further it'll go through its teen rebellion, and sneakily molest you while sending the sensations through to your wife while she's doing something else. Then her little prank will be returned with your waifu's own prank as she takes direct control of half the off-shoot's body and you find yourself lewding it up with two aspects of your waifu in the same body.

Then in the wake of it all, the three of you will realize that there are indeed three individuals sharing the one bed, and that while the offshoot is still her, at the same time your family has gained a new member, a new facet. And both you and your waifu will realize that this offshoot needs a name, an identity. And she'll take her place as head maid to the new Queen

>> No.15820308

Oh wow, look at those sweater blueberries.

They're huge!

>> No.15820309

A combination of a lion's roar and an eagle's cry, that'll echo through the whole sky and shake the earth itself.

>> No.15820311

She would moan.

>> No.15820315
File: 331 KB, 887x499, 1444496164431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820322

Why does Suzu's voice work so well for Iris?

>> No.15820318

Well harpies don't really make bird noises, so the eagle part of a griffon may not factor into it at all. Probbly a deep rumbling pur

>> No.15820321


Also is that Jack-chan?
I feel like I'm missing some context...
Also Ilya best Golem.

>> No.15820322


>> No.15820323
File: 491 KB, 710x1000, Pharaoh_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making of Pharaoh!
>Key words: "Mummy Lord", "Boss of Anubis and Sphinx", "Plump Desert Queen", "Brown"
Pharaoh is fat! Look at her breasts, her thighs, her calfs. Even KC admits it.

Pharaoh is a fatty! Apophis is the only option.

>> No.15820326
Quoted by: >>15820353

>bullying an Anubis

I like this

>> No.15820327

Illya's a homonculus

>> No.15820333

That is indeed Jack.

>> No.15820336
Quoted by: >>15820781

They're both fatties.
Just the way I like it.

>> No.15820338
File: 261 KB, 750x1061, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's doughy, but that means more of her to worship. Better than the dirty snake witch.

>> No.15820341
Quoted by: >>15820507

She looks so fucking cute and fluffy, I just want to hug one and nuzzle her face while brushing her feathers. That underboob looks really pretty too, makes you want to shove your face in there.

Why are girls like her Dragon so good? I can't understand.

>> No.15820342
File: 501 KB, 1000x1000, 1469710995122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820376

Monsters, not even once.

>> No.15820348
Quoted by: >>15820459

All I can think of is her commanding me to cum multiple times in front of her.

>> No.15820349
Quoted by: >>15820354

I want to see an apophis ass get stuck in a window frame while trying to run away after raiding the pharaohs kitchen.

>> No.15820353

Bully her with overstimulation until she's drooling until the pillow, panting with glazed over eyes? Or give her the ASMR bliss of her life with gentle blowing, kissing the tips of her ear furs, and tender ear cleaning until she's laying on the bed, smiling with her eyes closed in a state of ultimate relaxation?

>> No.15820354

There's already a story with that though.

>> No.15820356
Quoted by: >>15820388

Reminder, if your Wolfu doesn't have the courage to beat you up for no reason. She isn't a real wolfu.

Real women give good bruises

>> No.15820360
Quoted by: >>15820406

Oh god, that's a much better look into the whole thing.

Even after she Queen grows used to having created a sister from herself, she would grow even more anxious when she realizes that she can't stop making more of them, as long as she has sex with her husband. She would grow into a hive body of shared sensation that even she wasn't prepared to handle.

>> No.15820376

Fishnets and garters under her church approved battle uniform.
She's already corrupted.

>> No.15820380

It was nice and short.

Sometimes boring and vanilla is more than one could ever want.

>> No.15820388
File: 47 KB, 482x401, 1461386846652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least use fresh bait.

>> No.15820400
Quoted by: >>15820409

>buy a beer because it has cheshire in the name
>it tastes like shit
This is the last time I'm trusting Cheshires, even if they are sexy.

>> No.15820406
Quoted by: >>15820470

I mean it's by no means a quick process and it may be years between her first offshoot and realizing that she can't stop making more, (Though I do sincerely hope there's something she can do with all that power and mass outside of making a new offshoot because between 8 and 10 is the perfect limit for me) but slowly she'll come to terms with it and she'll focus her energy on trying to help the offshoot grow into a fine and matured individual who receives help from the offshoots that came before her, when it comes time to confront something you can only understand having gone through it yourself.

And in the end you'll have a tight knit family of interesting and fleshed out individuals who all have their own ambitions and aspirations. Even if most of them revolve around you. Dreams like "I want to be the greatest cook, for darling" "I want to weave and ow the finest, more stylish and protective clothes, for my husband" "I want to become the strongest fighter, to protect my master"

>> No.15820409

The problem was trusting a beer.
Pretty much any other form of alcohol is better.

>> No.15820416
File: 95 KB, 445x404, 1463536579686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gazer mocks your vidya prowess.

How do you fire back? Or will you take it like a bitch and do nothing!?

>> No.15820418
File: 237 KB, 1079x1300, 1472038286214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>challenge and lose to your hinezumi rival for the 99th time in a row
>she says she will only let you fight her one more time because she's getting tired of beating you
>you go off in search of a master who will teach you just the martial arts that will steal her heart
>you eventually come across a dojo run by a single older kakuen
>after telling her your story, she agrees to train you, saying she was moved by your determination
>a couple of months later and your master says you're ready
>you confidently stride up to your rival and tell her that this time you'll win, or you'll fuck every girl watching
>she accepts and rushes at you
>you pull out your new technique and get floored immediately
>your realize you've been Wimp Lo'd as you see your master first in line for your penalty

>> No.15820421
Quoted by: >>15820741

I vaguely remember the new profiles gettting a date of the 15th. Is that right or is it some other time?

>> No.15820422

1v1 me newb. Im unbeatable at several popular games.

>> No.15820428
Quoted by: >>15820445

>>challenge and lose to your hinezumi rival for the 99th time in a row
>Telling lies.
For shame, anon.

>> No.15820429
File: 490 KB, 800x713, 1461817068686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820491

>talking shit about beer
Nothing beats a good dunkelweizen.

Although I do like disaronno and whisky. I just wish I had a nice Satyros to share them with.

>> No.15820434

>Sorry, I didn't feel like spending $400 on one game.

>> No.15820445
Quoted by: >>15820458

what lies?

>> No.15820451

Mock her for not knowing I was just pretending to be bad because I didn't want her to feel sad.

>> No.15820458
Quoted by: >>15820552

Nobody is that bad at fighting.

Firerats are easy enemies.

>> No.15820459
Quoted by: >>15820469

>You're called up to the royal chamber of the Pharoh
>as her personal butler it is your duty to fill her ever need
>you rush up to find her sitting in her throne alone
>no guards
>no attendees
>only her
>"Come closer anon, come right here, Now."
>"Y-Yes ma'am"
>"Tell me, do you think it's funny to steal grapes from the royal gardens"
>"But ma'am, I never did such a thi-
>she interrupts you with a swift "Shh"
>"On your knees"
>you kneel to the heigh of her crotch
>she moves her foot toward your crotch and begins to run it with her feet
>you can barely contain your raging erection
>"First you steal grapes and now you're hard in front of the royal Pharoh?"
>"Jeez, you really must be this pathetic just to get my attention"

>> No.15820469
Quoted by: >>15820520

I may not be able to restrain myself from kissing her feet.

>> No.15820470

I like everything you say.

Meanwhile, you and your wifes actual Shog daughterus don't know how to handle an ever growing collection of mothers and aunts.

Your first daughter has started rebelling, and only chooses to appear as a Kikimora in protest. Your second daughter is younger, and has started calling all of them mother, to which the newest Queen offshoots are having mixed feelings.

This whole dynamic is just plain fun to imagine.

>> No.15820475
File: 383 KB, 1174x1488, 1467412743564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodbornes aesthetic is the coolest shit.

>> No.15820491
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1446328456089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit-talking beer
>Shi-talking alcohol in general
>Insulting the based badass that is Bacchus
>MFW people triggering me on a fucking anonymous image board

>> No.15820507
File: 432 KB, 700x990, 29895827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy nobility and being based on awesome mythological creatures, that's why.

>> No.15820519

>Your first daughter has started rebelling, and only chooses to appear as a Kikimora in protest

Even going so far as to use man made tools instead of her own, for fear of growing too powerful and beginning to split herself.

>> No.15820520


Pharohs are for worshiping

>> No.15820522
File: 173 KB, 800x500, 1465185635243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>challenge and lose to your hinezumi rival for the 99th time in a row
>she says she will only let you fight her one more time because she's getting tired of beating you

Tfw I had an almost identical idea for a Lizardman to lose against a male Paladin.

Except it was a heinously long serious training time alike to a decade or more and it was mostly a sub-plot for the male character's main one that eventually would have been part of the conclusion to the story.

Lot of good things written into that story but ultimately gave up because writing a novel's length worth of stuff in the MGE universe for a couple hundred people at most wasn't appealing enough to me.

>> No.15820529
Quoted by: >>15820536

I'm not shit talking alcohol in general, I'm shit talking beer.
Because anything else is superior.

>> No.15820532
File: 1.59 MB, 2100x2000, 1392141481880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we were talking about it in the least thread, tell us what hairstyle does your waifu/favorite girl have.

If it is not in the image post an example on imgur.

>> No.15820536

>Shit talking liquid bread
Well fuck you too, guy

>> No.15820546
Quoted by: >>15820611

>Shoggoth daughter gets married and leaves home
>Few decades down the line she returns home scared out of her mind with a twin version of herself smiling blankly and a confused husbando in tow
>Talk her through it all, let her know we're here for her should she need anything
>Waifu is weeping with joy and pride now that daughteru has become her own queen
Imagine the family reunions.

>> No.15820552
Quoted by: >>15820568

are you saying you would use underhanded tactics such as water against your rival? that's not showing them the respect they deserve, both as an opponent and potential love interest

>> No.15820555


>> No.15820563
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1463204475923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9. Short hair is best hair.

>> No.15820566

I will feed you to the matangos, heretic.

>> No.15820568
Quoted by: >>15820653

Of course not, I would just use her ears and tail to my advantage.

Monster girls aren't that hard to fight when you know their weaknesses.

>> No.15820572

So many lovely styles.1, 3, 5-9, 13, 18, 26, 29...I'd love to see her with any of those.

26 being the closest to her norm I'd say, but I'd really like to see her with 5, 13 or 8. 9 too. Love me the short hair.

>> No.15820574
Quoted by: >>15820582

I'm going to get this video shown in schools so young Monster Girls will learn not to rape!


Monster Girls must learn that rape is wrong!

>> No.15820576

9, 13, 14, 24 and 29 are the best.

>> No.15820582

This is satire, right?

>> No.15820586
Quoted by: >>15820604


>> No.15820592

I think she's got 11.
Man I am bad at identifying these

>> No.15820594

She's a vampire with 13

>> No.15820604

One would expect 26, but 29 is an interesting choice for an anubis. What would she be like, personality-wise?

>> No.15820611
Quoted by: >>15820638

Id say you would need to rent out a whole royal hall for such an occasion, but then remembered your wife could just become one as needed.

That would be a lot of Shoggoths in one place. Somehow it seems both dangerous and fun.

>> No.15820615
Quoted by: >>15820634

I want to put this Anubis in spats and make her sit on my face

>> No.15820618
Quoted by: >>15820655

26 is basically what Anubis wears in her character art.

>> No.15820621

I wonder if the followers of Bacchus have some special ritual to convert non-drinkers/alcohol haters

>Be edgy straight edge teen
>Go to the bar to pick a fight with drunk people
>The bar is pretty much empty aside for two 7ft tall muscled Onis and a Satyros
>Whatever happens I'll at least get a good story out of it
>Start shit talking alcohol
>The Onis are visibly pissed off, one of them shouts something about "raping me in half"
>Satyros calms them down
>She drinks a glass of wine and walks towards me
>Swing at her when she comes in range
>She avoids it and pins me to the wall
>She forcefully kisses me and makes me drink a bit of wine she had in her mouth
>Get drunk from just that mouthful
>Wake up 10 hours later in some crude bedroom
>Sandwiched between the two Onis
>Everything reeks of alcohol me included
>My memory of last night slowly comes back
>It was the best night of my life
>Fuck being straight edge, getting drunk is too much fun

>No tentacles hair

Is this discrimination against Mindflayers yet again?

Hime cut is top tier

>> No.15820628
Quoted by: >>15820655

shes tomboy more or less

>> No.15820634
File: 780 KB, 1280x1268, 1453762762833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this? >>15820615

>> No.15820638
Quoted by: >>15820657

30 is the closest to how she would casually wear it.

>but then remembered your wife could just become one as needed.
I dunno. If its for meeting other people, I think I'd rather have an actual house to do it in. I don't know if its just me being weird and possessive, but if your home is made out of waifu, letting some one inside is letting some one inside your waifu. The only people who isn't me or my wife's off-shoots I'd let do that are my daughters.

>> No.15820642

My waifu? Maybe 15 or 12.

23, 29, 27 and 31 are really good too.

>> No.15820649

Like that. But on my waifu

>> No.15820653
Quoted by: >>15820662

you think a skilled fighter like her doesn't also know her weaknesses? her swift movements will make sure her tail and ears are forever out of reach

>> No.15820655
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, Anubis pout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820686

Might as well post the description of the anubis that was in my dream once

>She only showed up towards the end of the dream.
>I think she was a least a head taller than me and had short hair and maybe was weaing casual cloths, maybe a tanktop and shorts.
>Possible had average breasts and green eyes

>I know for a fact she had a great ass

Guess I can say she grew her hair out longer

I saved that description from a post I made several threads ago.

>> No.15820657
Quoted by: >>15820687

Nah thats understandable, though personally I'd allow my daughterus loyal husbands because i'm a jovial sort.

Still, depending on how my waifu feels about the matter, it would indeed probably be better just to go out camping or something. Then everyone could just have private Shog tents.

There's no way a reunion like this doesn't draw the attention of the chaos Gods, let alone other chaos monsters.

>> No.15820659
Quoted by: >>15820666

I want to politely turn down a Satyros' offer for a drink.

>> No.15820662

Then I will just have to use the power of the human brain to outsmart her.

>> No.15820666
Quoted by: >>15820677

That's how you get a Satyros to force feed you her drink via a kiss!

>> No.15820677
Quoted by: >>15820714

But Satan, personal experiences has led me to not want anything to do with Alcohol!

Surely she would respect my wishes and not force me to become a drinker, right?

>> No.15820681

How about them succubi paladins?

>> No.15820686
Quoted by: >>15820695

>Anubis with average breasts and green eyes

Are you me?

>> No.15820687

>There's no way a reunion like this doesn't draw the attention of the chaos Gods, let alone other chaos monsters.

>Boistrous warlike chaos god keeps getting drunk and laughing loudly about all the wars she and your ancient queen shoggoth waifu fought against otherworldy beings back in the primordial days
>Wifu gets all embarassed and flustered, trying to keep her past hidden

>> No.15820689

Double the boring!

>> No.15820692
Quoted by: >>15820749

No doubt you've read the story with the succubus paladin Dalia right?

>> No.15820695
Quoted by: >>15820716

no, I forgot to mention that she has 6 arms

>> No.15820714
Quoted by: >>15820717

Goats have difficulty restraining themselves. I hope you like the taste of hard liquor!

>> No.15820716

Oh, right, I remember that.
Perfect for hugging, stroking, cheek cupping and a pawjob all at the same time.

>> No.15820717
Quoted by: >>15820747

I won't, I'll just spit it out.

>> No.15820741

Guess not.

>> No.15820747
Quoted by: >>15820763

But that'll make her cry and run away! Spitting out liquor offered to you by a Satyros is horribly offensive!

>> No.15820749

I'll just post it, If you like succubus, Paladins, and forbidden lewd, you can't do much better than this.


>> No.15820763

But she did something offensive to me first!

>> No.15820781

Pharaoh is a fatty and a loser. Why would you ever like her?

>> No.15820786
File: 342 KB, 762x893, Hoof Pussy Kingdom coming in cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing, smells just like baking.

>> No.15820792
Quoted by: >>15820845

But she's bipedal.

>> No.15820793

I want to drink hard apple cider with a White Horn.

>> No.15820796

What do monstergirls think of prudes?

>> No.15820800
Quoted by: >>15820845

Stop liking your horse.

>> No.15820815

She's just a little chubby. That's a good thing. You think all that royal treatment isn't going to add THICC? And Pharaoh is the queen of the desert. She crushes all that challenges her rule, that's sexy. Pharaoh is for having her feet kissed and being worshiped.

>> No.15820817

Because the alternative is even worse in those departments, along with murdering property value.

>> No.15820837

>Out of curiosity, google "Ancient Egyptian Sexuality"
>Read random first result essay
>Girls reaching adulthood would join respected "Dance" troupes, advertising their sexuality there-in
>Other ways for sexually open women to advertise themselves included fishnet dresses, and tattoos on the breasts and thighs
No idea how much of this is bullshit, an anthropologist I'm not (Nor even a good fact-checker), but shit's givin' me ideas regardless.

>> No.15820839
Quoted by: >>15820862

Pharaoh is for becoming a submissive toy for myself and my Grapesnake waifu.

>> No.15820845
File: 335 KB, 1080x1920, LFI6AOr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it.


>> No.15820847
Quoted by: >>15820863

>queen of the desert
More like "queen of the dessert," amiright?
But seriously, though, I would constantly make her the most delicious sweets made with holst milk just to plump her up

>> No.15820858

She looks really fucking pretty, like, way too much.

>> No.15820859
File: 382 KB, 1187x1800, IN THE MOUNTAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15820860
Quoted by: >>15820899

she is /fa/ as fuck

but Barbs bipedal version is infinitely better.

>> No.15820862
Quoted by: >>15820883

She has an army of mummies, Anubis and other sand shit. How do you plan on doing that with a rotten snake girl and yourself?

>> No.15820863

>Queen of the Dessert
This makes me think more about covering her delicious brown body in chocolate and fruit syrups, sliced fruit, whipped cream and ice cream, then licking and suckling it off every inch of her until all that's left is a coating of sweat and saliva.

>> No.15820872

Because I enjoy such a thing

>> No.15820883
Quoted by: >>15820895

I become the Pharaohs "loyal vizier" and then poison her with Apophis venom.

>> No.15820884
File: 65 KB, 600x633, 1460550964423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820888

A Wendigo would look cute in a hooded version of the White Horns winter wear.

>> No.15820888

Wendigo are always cute.

>> No.15820895

No. Pharaoh is for worship. Not "Submissive toy" fetishes.

>> No.15820899
Quoted by: >>15820911

No /fa/ waifu for you then.

>> No.15820903

Thats just like, your opinion man.

>> No.15820911
Quoted by: >>15820924

My waifu is Will o Wisp, and is already /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.15820916
Quoted by: >>15820947

But that royal quality enhances the submissive toy experience. She has so much further to fall.

>> No.15820921

All I see is KC's shitty fanart of Barb's based bipedal girl. What are yo utrying to prove?

>> No.15820924
Quoted by: >>15820940


She literally died alone because she wasn't /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.15820932

On the one hand, deer pussy

On the other she's so god damn beautiful.

>> No.15820936


>> No.15820939

I want to marry with an Apophis and a Pharaoh, but I want the Pharaoh to not be corrupted and still have the ojou-sama behaviour.

>> No.15820940
Quoted by: >>15820953

She became /fa/ when she became a monster girl.

>> No.15820947
File: 152 KB, 620x877, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it. You'll face her wrath.

>> No.15820953
File: 76 KB, 615x481, Sproink!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15820986


>Literally has to wait for lonely virgin men to die so she can rape them

Basically she's as un/fa/ as one can get.

>> No.15820958

I cant stop reading her sentences in the voice of professor farnsworth.

>> No.15820959

Wisps a shit

Let me die in peace.

>> No.15820967

I feel the same way about unicorns. For all the things they do to my heart, I'm just not interested in that horse pussy.

>> No.15820979

Wisps are dumb.

>> No.15820983


>> No.15820986
Quoted by: >>15821002

Don't be a hater, wisps are so damn cute.

And death is more of a status effect than anything in the MG universe.

>> No.15820987

Really dumb

>> No.15820990
Quoted by: >>15821000

Pharaoh is for cuddling and making feel like the most wonderful woman in the world.
Pharaoh is for corrupting to nerdy habits with the help of her Anubis best friend.
Pharaoh is for building Gunpla with.

>> No.15820996

This. A man's duty should end with his death.

On a different note, what would monstergirls think of the phrase "until death do us part?" how would your waifu react if you said it during the marriage ceremony?

>> No.15821000

>Egyptian gunpla made from sandstone


>> No.15821002
Quoted by: >>15821038

Wisps a shit, I don't want to spend eternity with a psychopath that refuses to act like an adult and listen along with stuffing me in a fucking cage.

I hate Wisps so much nothing they do would get me hard.

>> No.15821013
Quoted by: >>15821059

She would flick my forehead and say "Do you seriously think death can take you away from me?" followed by a cute and innocent smile.

>> No.15821015


>> No.15821031

>A man's duty should end with his death.

Walk it off.

>On a different note, what would monstergirls think of the phrase "until death do us part?" how would your waifu react if you said it during the marriage ceremony?

Probably take it as a challenge for the other to go to the underworld to take him/her back from the dead. You know, like a set-up for them to say that not even death can do them part.

And now I reminded myself of that lizard story.

>> No.15821038
Quoted by: >>15821053

No accounting for poor taste I guess.

>> No.15821043
Quoted by: >>15821069

>Pharaoh and Apophis eying the same man
The only way to improve this is to add a Dragon to the mix.

>> No.15821051
Quoted by: >>15821055

>Walk it off.
What if you went out in a gruesome way, like getting a limb blown off by a 20mm?

>> No.15821052
File: 971 KB, 1200x1400, 1344631709214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821116


Honestly, I usually prefer longer hair, but sometimes everything just synergizes so well. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and all that.

>> No.15821053

The only one with poor taste is you for liking Wisps.

>> No.15821055
Quoted by: >>15821072

Walk it off

>> No.15821059
File: 60 KB, 559x524, 1447546453354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821095

I can just imagine a Lich blushing as she says that

>> No.15821069

I pity the man with three powerful monstergirls working together to get his dick.
His pelvis will probably be aching all day after they're done with him.
But the post sex cuddles might be worth it.

>> No.15821072

What if you lost your legs?

>> No.15821074

Have a lich put them back and walk it off

>> No.15821075

Walk it off

>> No.15821076

Crawl it off.

>> No.15821081

Roll it off.

>> No.15821088

iirc setting says that the afterlife is real and you can and will spend eternity there with your waifu

>> No.15821095

>Lich tries to flick your forehead
>Her undead nerd body is too weak
>She hurts her finger

>> No.15821102

Dumb nerd.

Cute nerd.

>> No.15821116
Quoted by: >>15821136

2hus make short hair look good

>> No.15821136
File: 131 KB, 555x1000, 1469996746548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821369

Short hair IS good.

>> No.15821137

That tummy needs to be licked.

>> No.15821138


How about dem Arachnes with French accents and berets?

>> No.15821142
File: 121 KB, 550x533, 15485469546654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821178

Lich-chan is such a klutz!

>> No.15821146

>You will never go up to a French spider and whisper into her ear "omelette du fromage"

>> No.15821162


>> No.15821177
Quoted by: >>15821214

I know that reference. James and the giant peach?

>> No.15821178
Quoted by: >>15821182

I want to like liches

>> No.15821182
Quoted by: >>15821188

I already like Liches.

>> No.15821188

How do you do it?

>> No.15821190

>she hurts her finger
>you can't help but chuckle
>looks at you with a cold stare before walking off
>hope she's not mad
>she comes back hours later and tells you she has an experiment she wants help with
>it has to do with magical tattoos, she says
>she pulls back her cloak to show an intricately detailed heart-shaped tattoo where her womb should be
>it drains semen 3x faster
>enhanced fertility is a minor side effect

>> No.15821194

I like Kuuderes, so that really helps.

>> No.15821199

Laughing at a girl's pure attempt to be cool and a nice wife is way too evil.

>> No.15821203
File: 950 KB, 992x1403, 1470322448809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am an undeadfag. thrown in stuff like pic related and they're pretty easy to like.

>> No.15821210
Quoted by: >>15821238

oh come on. your waifu doesn't do anything adorably funny that you just can't help it?

>> No.15821214

Precisely my good fellow.

>> No.15821220
File: 953 KB, 1400x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any girl that is able to physically restrain you is good in my books.

>> No.15821222
Quoted by: >>15821230

>No French Arachne transfer student with long blonde hair who could honestly be a glamour model.
>She'll never hit on you for god knows what reason.
>She'll never turn out to be a master shit talker who can dish out insults and disses that would make the most hardened school bully cry.
>She'll never cuss out the bitchy Dragon queen bee of the school in English and French when said Dragon insults you.
>She'll never grab your hand and walk off in a huff leaving a very shocked Dragon and her laughing Tomboy sister behind.
It hurts.

Then just laugh because you're happy and she makes you happy.
Nothing wrong with laughing during sex.

>> No.15821228

>hurts her finger
>gives herself wombtattoos

Not sure im following her train of thought but ok bud

>> No.15821230
Quoted by: >>15821296

>Tomboy Dragon
...attention, caught.

Transfer Spider sounds nice too.

>> No.15821234

she's gonna wring you dry as payback is what I was going for

>> No.15821238

I said it was evil, not that I don't do it.

It's the small things that makes me love her.

>> No.15821267

Honestly that sounds like a natural progression for any MG.

>> No.15821290

>Try to attack Demon Lord, feel invisible hands holding you in place as she offers you to one of her daughters, her husband too busy acting as her dickthrone
>Call her out on her galaxy level bitchiness, she just smirks, disrobing you with a thought
"I am many things, little man. But here, I am God."
>Get taken into her daughteru's room, and instead of being raped stupid or corrupted into an ahegao'ing boyslut mess by the Lilim she simply sits there and gets starry eyed when you tell her stories about the outside world

>> No.15821295
Quoted by: >>15821382

Stop it with the goddamn Darkseid shit.

>> No.15821296

That Tomboy Dragon would probably be the type to take what she wants, even romantically.
As in she'll Kabe-don you to the wall with a huge grin and ask if you're doing anything.
Keep in mind she's pretty tall, so your face would probably be at chest level, and she has a six pack.

>> No.15821302

>and she has a six pack
I'd probably wind up glancing down at it, reaching up to poke her chiseled stomach while she has me to the wall.

>> No.15821306

>Lilim has a naked human boy in her room unable to do anything to stop her.
>Instead asks him about what it's like outside her mother's lands with wide-eyed wonder
Cute. Too fucking cute.
Her mother would probably come to check up on them only to see them cuddling.

>> No.15821310
Quoted by: >>15821322

I give it a Betelgeuse out of Darkseid, completely creatively bankrupt.

>> No.15821316
File: 312 KB, 850x1200, 1465168725993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might even lick them if she asked me to!

>> No.15821317
Quoted by: >>15821336

>reaching up to poke her chiseled stomach while she has me to the wall.
That's how you get her to grin even wider and grab your hand so she can make you feel her abs with the whole thing.
She might even guide it up to her firm but soft breasts and let you grope them.
And then she'll make you go on a date with her to "make up for groping her".
She'll make sure to pass by her still single bitchy sister to rub it in.

>> No.15821318
Quoted by: >>15821342

>Kabe-donned by a /fit/ tomboy dragon
How can she know my weak spots? Damn, I would beg her to be my wife right there.

>> No.15821321

Trust me anon, she wouldn't be nearly that bashful.
It'd be more like she lays back and lets you lick her abs before grabbing you by the back of your head and gently pushing you down lower while pulling down her spats with her free hand.
All with bedroom eyes and a huge lewd grin.

>> No.15821322
File: 526 KB, 1600x1300, 1435539531153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821331

If I wanted to be creatively bankrupt I'd just rip off the premise of Frankie the Manticore

>> No.15821326
File: 154 KB, 600x450, 206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821402

>that image
>tfw I requested it and won

Still smug to this day

>> No.15821330
Quoted by: >>15821340

>ahegao'ing boyslut
This never fails to sound fucking stupid.

>> No.15821331

soooo, pic-related

>> No.15821332
Quoted by: >>15821349


>> No.15821334
File: 117 KB, 600x706, 1455168701829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821349

I would be totally okay with that.

>> No.15821336
Quoted by: >>15821349

Well, I suppose that I'd have no choice but to accept her demand, and take her on a nice date.

I wonder if she'd prefer a sports bar, or a more upscale lounge?

>> No.15821340
Quoted by: >>15821354

Ahegao is a dumb word.

>> No.15821342
Quoted by: >>15821346

She'd tease you about how you're going to fast before suggesting she take you out to dinner instead so she can get to know you better.
She'll have you eating her out while she sucks you off that night.

Can you believe this started out as a side character in my French Arachne fantasy?

>> No.15821343
Quoted by: >>15821356

>while pulling down her spats
Oh, no need for her to make the effort.
I like how she looks in them, I'd be happy to do everything while she keeps them on, nice and snug...

>> No.15821346
Quoted by: >>15821356

What are spiders near something as a dragon?

Gonna pay that dinner for her using all my money. Gonna prove myself to her or die trying.

>> No.15821349
Quoted by: >>15821371

She'll do that too if you beg.

Her abs and pussy aren't the only thing she'll make you lick anon. She'll also make you lick her tongue.

Take her to a showing of MGC Wrestling Federation.
Nothing gets her blood pumping like monsters and humans grappling in the ring with a roaring crowd.
You're practically guaranteed to get laid that night. Brace your pelvis.

>> No.15821354

It's pretty dumb, but it's even stupider when applied to a man.

>> No.15821356

Anon you can't eat her pussy if you can't reach it.

You misunderstand anon, she's going to pay for it. The fact that she's hitting on you means you've already proven yourself.
And I just like the idea of a Long haired blonde Arachne flirting with me in french and loving seeing my flustered reactions.

>> No.15821362
Quoted by: >>15821368

Doggy style with a Dire Wolfu.

>> No.15821368
Quoted by: >>15821375

Dragoon style with a Dire Dragon.

>> No.15821369
Quoted by: >>15821373

>Short hair IS shit.

>> No.15821371
Quoted by: >>15821381

Hrm...never been one for wrestling to be perfectly honest. But if that's what she likes, I'll happily pay for the best seats I can.

>Anon you can't eat her pussy if you can't reach it.
I don't understand. Why wouldn't I be able to?

>> No.15821373

Fight me.

>> No.15821374


>> No.15821375
Quoted by: >>15821385

What does that look like?

>> No.15821377

Wendigos, Yetis, and Yuki-onnas must get jealous of their nice coat and hat

A Wendigo could easily steal her hat and hide it in her coat to wear later

>> No.15821381
Quoted by: >>15821463

>never been one for wrestling
Trust me anon, she'll guide you through it.
She knows who to cheer, who to boo, and when you should be freaking the fuck out. You might get your face shoved between her boobs when she's happy at a match's result though.

>I don't understand. Why wouldn't I be able to?
Your tongue cannot penetrate if she's wearing spats. There are spats in the way.

>> No.15821382

What, that dyke looking bitch that gets posted often?

>> No.15821385
File: 68 KB, 500x409, Dragoon_concept_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It usually involves spears and jumping for entire turns.

Dragon fetishes are weird.

>> No.15821394

I guess that's what happens when you isolate yourself in a cave for centuries.

>> No.15821395
File: 156 KB, 840x1200, 1469350592389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821406

>> No.15821398
Quoted by: >>15821423

You lay down your dragon, aim yourself on top of her and jump. If all goes right she will be going crazy with pleasure.

It's like an advanced mating press.

>> No.15821402
File: 85 KB, 512x501, hehehebi smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15821406

Wyvern onee-san is stronk.
Hebi onee-san is smug.

>> No.15821408
Quoted by: >>15821414

If I've already proven myself and dated her does that mean marriage and raising a family is now available? Gotta make sure that dragon is the happiest in the world.

>> No.15821414

It'll be available once the two of you graduate together. The day you get out of college is the day she pins you to the bed and rides you until she's pregnant. No matter how long it takes.
All with half lidded eyes, a smug grin, and a huge blush.

>> No.15821423

Well you know that most classes are basically one form or another of fetish for monstergirls, right?

>Fighter: vanilla hero type. has a useless sword and no magic, but all the misplaced confidence she wants to break.
>White Mage: caring, attentive type. Doesn't put up much of a struggle, but will be the sort to remember and do things for her. Healing personality.
>Black Mage: the sort that goes all out without too much common sense. Good for intense bursts of fun, but doesn't have the enduring attitude or innocence of the fighter. Best for mindbreaking.
>Rogue: tricky sort that can actually cause some problems if you don't pay attention. Best for girls who like the chase.
>Monk: Focused on self improvement and training. Possibly insecure due to lacking equipment, but also the quickest to get into disciplined regiments.

most advanced classes are usually subcategories of this.

>> No.15821441

I hope smug Hebi's have big butts.

>> No.15821450

shirohebi onee-chan may be smug, but at least she comforts me whenever my girlfriends dump me after I bring them home, saying they weren't good enough for me anyway. I wonder what the problem could be? Do they not like the way I decorate my room or something?

>> No.15821463
Quoted by: >>15821470

>Your tongue cannot penetrate if she's wearing spats
You would do well not to underestimate me.

>> No.15821470

Anon, she wants to feel your tongue directly.
Are you going to let her down?

>> No.15821481
File: 188 KB, 834x1393, 1465330826745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Get taken into her daughteru's room, and instead of being raped stupid or corrupted into an ahegao'ing boyslut mess by the Lilim she simply sits there and gets starry eyed when you tell her stories about the outside world
>Next day, DL finds her daughteru walking around the house with a smile on her face
>"So, how have you been enjoying anon last night?" She asks, thinking they fucked enough to start a demon realm had they not been in one already
>"Ah, it was blissful, I can't wait for next time."
>"Next time? Already arranging for another meeting, are we? So, tell me, how was it? Was he good?"
>"Good? He caught me unprepared, that's how good he was! It was unbelievable at first, and yet he kept coming with more whenever I thought he had given everything he had. He never gets exhausted."
>"Ara~ I don't think he'll object to having another go with you."
>"He'll come around soon, I'm dying to see him again, and so is he apparently."
>"I see both of you took a liking to each other." Says the Demon Lord, thinking the lilim broke him beyond repair. "Do you think he'll mind staying here for a while? Who knows, maybe something nice will happen between you two."
>"Oh, I'd keep him all for myself if I could, but I can't because he's the one who first started with the idea of staying! That night... I want that night to repeat itself over and over forever- No, I want him to come up with new things to catch me by surprise every time~"
>And the Demon Lord will never know that anon was just that good of a storyteller

>> No.15821499

That sounds cute as hell. Monster girls showing interest in things other than sex is pretty good sometimes.

>> No.15821502
Quoted by: >>15823009

Scheherazade can vouch for the strategy.

>> No.15821628

sounds like a yokkora doujin

>> No.15821635
Quoted by: >>15821644

Mommy issues tard pls.

>> No.15821644

>10 hours later
This is advanced autism.

>> No.15821651

It's never too late to fuck your momster, so it should never be too late to post a reply too

>> No.15821653
File: 2.36 MB, 2354x1972, fufu you want to see a party trick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imgur gallery has been updated (http://imgur.com/a/xL3SH).).

>> No.15821656

I didn't see it first and only got linked by the previous post, gtfo.

>> No.15821659


>> No.15821661
File: 18 KB, 160x160, 1428378478106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah motherfucker!

>> No.15821667

>Go to a coffee shop in Monster Girl City.
>Notice they offer shots of cum as well as espresso.
>Wonder how they manage that. It sounds kind of gross.
>Ask barista.
>She explains that the cutest men are put in restraints and injected with Manticore venom. Then they're edged and their orgasms are ruined into the cup.
>They've gotten good enough at it that they can offer cum latte art.
>They're hiring, by the way!

>> No.15821670
Quoted by: >>15821694

Latenight, have you ever drawn things that you forgot you ever drew?

>> No.15821678

aaand I'll just bookmark this, thank you.

>> No.15821679

Waifu is 29

>> No.15821683

Kinda reminds me of that genki bubblegum succubus coffee shop story.

>> No.15821691

>>She explains that the cutest men are put in restraints and injected with Manticore venom. Then they're edged and their orgasms are ruined into the cup.
That...that sounds like legitimately the worst thing I have ever heard.

Next to NTR shitposting and the like, I think you may just have conceived the single worst idea in the history of our thread's

>> No.15821692

Extra lewdness

>> No.15821694

I'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.15821699

>Be postman anon in MGC
>Come home at end of day to hellwan wife and triplet daughterus
>Daughterus are lined up in the bay window barking their little hearts out at "postman"
>They don't recognize you in uniform
>Take off your hat in front of the window and suddenly papa's home
>Their eye's go wide and tails go ballistic, whipping back in forth
>Put hat back on and suddenly you're "Postman" again
>Barking continues
>Repeat this a few times
>Always cheers you up at the end of the day
>Your wife's standing there in the living room with a camcorder getting the whole thing on tape

>> No.15821706

This is prime parental bullying material for when they're in middle school and start bringing home boyfriends.

>> No.15821711
Quoted by: >>15821720

>Hellhound mama does it too sometimes

>> No.15821720

Yeah, but in her case it probably involves the kids being at grandmas place, a 'chase,' and a 'bone.'

>> No.15821726
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x972, TIgoDNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing anubis mechanic! I missed that one, so cute.

>> No.15821735

>Pharaoh nibbling on Anubis' ear

Also, I wish I could have such an adorably supportive shoulder fairy.

>> No.15821737
File: 211 KB, 819x614, 134584354534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See you tonight, handsome.

>> No.15821772

I love that one Kikis MMA gloves. She looks ready to deal some damage.

>> No.15821801
File: 617 KB, 2000x2500, __gremlin_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_monorus__8e7bb57b92e2d577de52000fabe7eb6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Gentlemen, BEHOLD!"
>Dr. Gremlin stands proudly in front of a large box like thing covered in a sheet
>"What have you done this time, Dr. Gremlin?"
>She grins, and whips the sheet off to reveal a large cage with a rather docile looking Hellhound inside
>"I've done it! They called me a fool, but I've done it! I have tamed a Hellhound, I am a god among men! Also I named her Peanut."
>She swings the metal door of the cage open, the Hellhound doesn't react
>"She will obey my every beck and call! Observe!"
>She points at the Hellhound.
>"Peanut, bring me a can of Dew!"
>The Hellhound lunges at Dr. Gremlin and begins violating her, before escaping out the window.

>> No.15821810

sasuga gremlin-chan

>> No.15821813
Quoted by: >>15821821

>that mindflayer therapist with the old man

fuck. didn't ask for this feeling.

>> No.15821821
Quoted by: >>15821831

>Kikimora with legs blown off, putting on a strong front
Me neither.

>> No.15821831

>Kikimora with legs blown off, putting on a strong front
She actually cut them off.

>> No.15821833

> you can vaguely hear "My name is Seri. you crazy green bitch!" from out the window
> stare at the gremlin for a moment before walking out yourself
> she probably deserved that for kidnapping a drunk girl
> even after a mauling you know she'll come back with another "good news, everybody" in a day or so
> heck, you wonder of maybe you should suggest a more sadistic monster next time. The hound probably hadn't done enough to end this endless stream of shit ideas...

>> No.15821838
Quoted by: >>15821878

Oh shit. backstory?

>> No.15821839

That was a pretty nasty story.
Yandere isn't always a good idea.

>> No.15821849

>Yandere is never a good idea

>> No.15821851

There are many varieties of Yan out there.
Some are good. Other are best described as "Retard-Yan."

>> No.15821856
Quoted by: >>15821863

Retarded yanderes makes me want to kill myself

>> No.15821860
Quoted by: >>15821923

Any funny examples of retard-yan out there? Feel like it could be hilarious if done right.

>> No.15821863

Thats how the Wisps get you.

>> No.15821878
Quoted by: >>15821926


>> No.15821923
Quoted by: >>15821946

Would retard-yan be the kind of girl who gets upset with you if you close your eyes during sex, because it makes her think you're pretending to shag another girl?

>> No.15821926

Huh, that gave me some confusing feelings.

Thanks, but I think I need a flayer now.

>> No.15821945
File: 184 KB, 453x668, aussie feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15821976

>tfw kangaroo oyakodon
>tfw NTR

>> No.15821946

Yes thats retard yan.

>> No.15821976
Quoted by: >>15822024


>> No.15821980

>tfw mine fluctuates between 27 and 29 over the course of the day

Hers is definitely 24. Shaggy and wild but still out of the way and under control.

>> No.15822024

Kangaroo oyakodon

>> No.15822046

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember to not let your elves get addicted to mana.

Crazy things happen when they do.

>> No.15822049
Quoted by: >>15822078

I honestly wouldn't put it past elves to erect semen fountains, anyhow. Do not trust.

>> No.15822050

go back to >>>/gif/ to your shitty 3dpd femdom threads

>> No.15822061

It's like asking how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Only, you know, instead it's sex with elves, and instead of consuming their candy you're draining their sanity meter. Might still involve licking though. Probably involves plenty of that.

>> No.15822078
Quoted by: >>15822094

Semen wells from the dick dimension.
You're underestimating the depravity of starving elves.

>> No.15822094
Quoted by: >>15822099

>You'll never have a fine, noble and refined cum elf who turns into a bit of a junkie behind closed doors if she hasn't had her fix for the day.

>> No.15822096
File: 250 KB, 850x1275, sample-2954b7eda51b1e07878fd017023f57fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to corrupt a pure white high elf!
I want to fuck her until her skin is a deliciuos golden brown!
I want watch her hair turn the same silvery-white as the cum she's eagerly lapping up!
I want to pump her full of baby batter until she's pregnant with our lewd half-breed!
I want to suckle on her massive, milk-engorged tits!
I want to watch her ever thickening ass and thighs bounce & ripple on my cock for days on end!
I want to take responsibility and have a happy marriage of lewd bliss!

>> No.15822099

>Refined Ojou-sama in public
>The moment she gets home, she pins you to the bed and starts sucking wildly.
My dick hurts now.

>> No.15822104
Quoted by: >>15822140

Lady in the Streets, Slut in the Sheets. Nothing better.

>> No.15822107

How are you this london morning?
did you sleep? I didnt
Now i want to write about gagging foxes so i can slepp

>> No.15822121
Quoted by: >>15822140

>Her refined common drops away into a needy, rapid-fire thalassian pillowtalk about your cum and what she'll do with it/to you
>You don't understand a word, but your balls evidently do, by how tightly they begin to churn.

>> No.15822126

See you say gagging foxes and I imagine an early bird impatient kitsune placated with a cock in her mouth. Like she was bugging her husband to wake up and go do something way too fucking early so he just kind of slides down his short clothes and guides her head to it. So he's half asleep and she's slowly settling down, a little mad at being ignored but also now with morning wood to entertain herself with.

That's the first thing that comes to mind.
I might need help.

>> No.15822130
Quoted by: >>15822132

Fuck you, its an Alaskan bed time, and I'm tired as hell.

>> No.15822132
Quoted by: >>15822137

There's another Alaskan here?
Thought I might be the only one.

>> No.15822133
Quoted by: >>15822156

Of course you, being a Englishman, would be up for fox hunting.

>> No.15822137
Quoted by: >>15822150

Nome here.

>> No.15822140
Quoted by: >>15822155

That's not even getting into the potions she'd have you drink to make sure she has plenty of your cum to drink.
And the fact that she wouldn't stop until you ran dry.

>> No.15822150
Quoted by: >>15822174

I don't get it. I've never once met someone randomly online who also claimed to be from Anchorage, when the statistics suggest otherwise.
You've got like a 45% chance to be from this borough on population alone, and even more so when you consider that the villages have nearly nonexistent internet service.
But no. You're always from Fairbanks, or Bethel, or Juneau, or Kodiak, or Nome.
I'm flabbergasted.

>> No.15822154
File: 362 KB, 1626x2048, 1465431849587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are cute!

Here is proof!

>> No.15822155

>Sucks and fucks you all the way into the night using mixes of her own magic and potions she mixed
>The sun begins to rise and she's glowing like she just got ten hours of sleeping like a log and woke up to an orgasm
>While you're run ragged
>She takes an odd pride in seeing how exhausted you are, and spends the day pampering you through all your duties, and letting you rest on her shoulders or lap in your downtime.

>> No.15822156
Quoted by: >>15822168

Gonna hunt for some fine britsh foxgirl anon?

>> No.15822157


>> No.15822162
File: 291 KB, 1280x836, 1473577477099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15822166
Quoted by: >>15822193

That's pushing the line of what I'd call a monstergirl, anon.

>> No.15822168
Quoted by: >>15822181

All I can think of for British foxgirls is that old Disney version of Robin Hood.

Surely they have more thread-appropriate examples I don't know?

>> No.15822174

Yeah, I have no good explanation. Its possible people in smaller AK cities just have more free time to post online. I know I do.

>> No.15822175
File: 777 KB, 800x1052, 1437422128203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd look even cuter topless & smothering my dick between their chests.

>> No.15822176

I see you too are browsing /v/

>> No.15822181
Quoted by: >>15822205

not unless one of the artfags gives us one to kill the mental image

>> No.15822193
Quoted by: >>15822213

>Human Face

Not cosplay enough for ya, eh, kiddo?

>> No.15822194

Wakfu had some pretty good monstergirls.

>> No.15822196


>> No.15822205
Quoted by: >>15822229

I would like the idea of a brit fox greentext, but I got stuff to do

>> No.15822213

Human face and tits is about all it has. All the proportions are clearly non-human, it's back legs are 100% animal, and it is clearly covered head-to-toe in fur.
>B-But no button nose! Checkmate, scrub!

>> No.15822219
Quoted by: >>15822234

woah, so it's like she's a monster and a girl, a "monster girl" if you will.

>> No.15822221

>just like horse pussy girls.

>> No.15822224
Quoted by: >>15822239

>Implying horse pussy isn't shit either
Not him, but come on man.

>> No.15822229
Quoted by: >>15822274

I dont like them
They keep me up at night with whatever that noise is, they rip open rubbush and leave it everywhere, and then there's the staring match that feels like im being judged
British foxes can fuck off and take the MG foxes with them

>> No.15822234

So that thing gets a pass even though it is literally a human face plastered onto a lion, but dozens of other things get crucified despite being far more human?
Centaurs are still human from the waist up. That is a lion with a human face.

Just so I'm being clear, I don't have a problem. I'm just saying that for how mouth-frothing autistic this thread gets over far more humanoid characters, for it to be cool with this and actually try to defend it seems very hypocritical.

>> No.15822239

Nah I agree HP is shit, but they are included because they are monstergirls. What the guy >>15822162 posted is no different than say a Kraken, or Tentacle in level of monstrousness, and seeing as this is a monstergirl thread, not a KC hugbox thread, his girl is on topic.

>> No.15822245
Quoted by: >>15822257

>What the guy >>15822162 posted is no different than say a Kraken, or Tentacle in level of monstrousness
Nonsense. A kraken isn't covered head to toe in fur. Nor is it just a girl's face with tits on the body of a squid. It's a full blown torso with arms.

What this is, is polt, but furrier, because it isn't even bipedal or humanly shaped.

>> No.15822246
Quoted by: >>15822257

>Thread is one person

>> No.15822256
File: 1.02 MB, 700x1000, Kuddly Kraken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully the Krakens, Kuddle the Krakens.

>> No.15822257

>Only one person loses their shit in the thread when furryshit gets posted
This guy >>15822245 gets my point. Pretty much every Crab design for a beast-girl gets driven out and called furryshit because of a nose or fur. This is an actual animal with a female face on it, about as furry as you can get without fucking an actual cat, but that's apparently fine now?

>> No.15822262

It's a human head and torso and an animal body. It's debatable that she's even entirely furry considering the spade tail and feathers are the same shade of blue.

It makes no sense to debate what level of "monsterness" is or isn't okay. She isn't a furry. If all you're okay with is a bitch with snake-butt or fuzz, then you might as well reconsider your interests.

>> No.15822264

Nah, it isn't fine or you wouldn't have what are probably multiple posters deriding it.

Whoever posted that image just reposted without even a filename or line of text, so if they were intending to troll at minimum effort then mission fucking accomplished.

I personally think furry is included in monstergirl quite naturally, but for the sake of this thread it never should be. Even the most mild ones get rejected.

>> No.15822269
Quoted by: >>15822290

Polt is an actual furry. The thing posted is a woman's torso with animal parts. This is a pretty clear distinction.

>> No.15822274

>story about tacking trashy britfox and making her fuckable when?

>> No.15822275
Quoted by: >>15822291

>It's a human head and torso
That's not a human torso.

>> No.15822290

>Debatably furry
>Fur tufts on elbow in same color
>Hands show blatant two-tone
And if you think that that's a humanoid torso or proportions, you need to go back to drawing school.
>Polt is an actual furry
>Completely humanoid proportions barring hands
>Only animal features are nose, tail and ears
If Polt is the bar for furry, that thing has cleared the bar and the stadium the bar is set up in.

>> No.15822291
Quoted by: >>15822307

>2 big ol' tiddies
>human shoulders
>Human ribcage

It is though.

>> No.15822297
File: 41 KB, 312x432, rajyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about something comfy, like oni.

>> No.15822300

A more curvy rajyaki in her adult form would be perfect. the other forms a little "meh"

>> No.15822304
Quoted by: >>15822313

google "furry" and you will find literally nothing that looks like the pick in question. Polt is covered and fur and doesn't even have a human face.

If you consider that a furry, that implies like half of the bitches in MGQ are furries too.

>Debatably furry
>Fur tufts on elbow in same color
>Hands show blatant two-tone
You're debating artstyle. She has eyebrows, which wouldn't show if her face was furry, for one thing/ Her tongue and spade-tail are blue too, are those furry as well?

>> No.15822306
Quoted by: >>15822313

>Only animal features are nose, tail and ears
Polt is literally covered in fur, you realize.

>> No.15822307
Quoted by: >>15822316

>Human ribcage
The fuck does your ribcage look like, freak? Tits and shoulders do not a human torso make.

>> No.15822311
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1734, 1dfb647da25f6aa5801668d62db1ff32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15822313

So is that thing! If you're going to judge whether something has fur or not by the same criteria as what works on Polt, that thing is covered in fur!
That's grasping at straws and you know it.

>> No.15822316
Quoted by: >>15822342

Goggle "torso," because apparently you're having some trouble. Her torso is entirely human, the rest of her isn't.

>> No.15822319
Quoted by: >>15822326

Am I supposed to drink that? B-but that's unsanitary!

>> No.15822322

>If you're going to judge whether something has fur or not by the same criteria as what works on Polt
What the fuck are you talking about?
Polt has been officially depicted with body fur. Not "body is fur colored," but actual lines drawn to show that yes, there is indeed fur.

>> No.15822326
Quoted by: >>15822333

Let's be honest, anon. You'd probably drink far less sanitary fluids from her body if she asked.

>> No.15822329
Quoted by: >>15822374

I got somethin for ya

>> No.15822332
Quoted by: >>15822361

Even if she was literally covered in fur, that wouldn't make her a furry. "Furry" entails certain things, all of which Polt has.

The other pic is clearly a Sphinx or manticore style creature, you know, monsters.

>> No.15822333

It's probably sterile given their drinking habits.

>> No.15822338
Quoted by: >>15822343

Devil Bug hijack!
This thread is now infested with Devil Bugs!

>> No.15822341
File: 67 KB, 640x362, oni hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking demon form Rajyaki

>> No.15822342
Quoted by: >>15822354

>Her torso is entirely human,
You can repeat this as much as you like, it doesn't get any truer

>> No.15822343
File: 37 KB, 180x533, raid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822352


>> No.15822347
Quoted by: >>15822353

I forget, was she pregnant in that ending?

>> No.15822352
File: 306 KB, 1024x1280, devil bug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822363

You can't stop them anon, it's too late!

>> No.15822353

I'm pretty sure that was the implication.
She was overweight from stress eating in the flashback, but that might have changed.

>> No.15822354
Quoted by: >>15822381

what about the torso is unhuman? You're being a wee bit of a dip.

>> No.15822360

I dislike brick shithouses
her and raijin need to go

>> No.15822361
Quoted by: >>15822367

So what are these 'certain things', then?
>Animal parts
Barring the tits she's animal from the neck down
Debatable at best if that thing isn't because apparently it takes a signed fucking note from the artist for people to admit that something's fur

Polt's proportions are completely human barring her hands, and the only animal feature she has that that thing doesn't is the nose. And so help me God if you're about to drag out the fucking nose argument again.

>> No.15822363
Quoted by: >>15822370

And that day, the Kikis and the Shogs united with the Bubble Slimes and Liches to work on a new chemical weapon capable of eliminating the 'do not want bugs' once and for all. The aftermath of the Third Maid Wars can still be seen to this day, with many a master still tucking in their precious meidos at night to ensure that no memories of bed bugs will ever bite away at their sleep.

>> No.15822367

Google "furry" and you'll see things that look like Polt and not things that look like the thing we're arguing about. It's pretty simple.

>> No.15822370
File: 35 KB, 383x404, devil bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly they didn't work hard enough because there are still bugs about!

>> No.15822374


>> No.15822381
Quoted by: >>15822392

Firstly it's entirely covered in fur, secondly, it extends down to where the forepaws of a tauric creature should be, except those have been moved and grafted onto human-like shoulders. It ;eaves this long elongated looking thing that is in no way indeitifieable as a human toro. Are there two ribcages in that thing or just one really fucking long one? What about sternums? are there two or one bent one?

Like, seriously, if you remove the human head and the tits, literally all that is is a blue lioness with a fucked up back

>> No.15822384
File: 44 KB, 680x433, furry-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822388

Reminder to know your limits

>> No.15822388
Quoted by: >>15822432

Funny how much we can fight over shit in between 1 and 2.

>> No.15822391

I mean, I'm not saying you're making me want to commit genocide on trash monsters or anything. Incidentally though, Japan still uses red armbands in their student councils and disciplinary squads, right? So the uniform wouldn't necessarily look like something offensive, huh...?

>> No.15822392
Quoted by: >>15822408

It's a human torso with animal-like lower body. No different than a centaur.

>> No.15822397

>And Anubis
>Ear nibbling
>One eye closed, blushing, evocative looks
>Both of them lounging on a pharaoh's plopsnake

I can't put into words how much I adore this picture.

>> No.15822401
File: 95 KB, 351x464, 1408666044902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Instant breasts!

>> No.15822407
Quoted by: >>15822412

would use horns as handlebars

>> No.15822408

Even if we ignore the fact that centaurs aren't covered in fur, or that horsepussy is still shit. Centaurs have the lower half of a horse and the torso of a woman. And the arms of a woman. If they didn't have fore-hooves on their horse half, but had nothing instead, and replaced the human arms with fucking horse legs, I'd complain then too.

>> No.15822409
Quoted by: >>15822413

>Adding huge breasts to Chun-li thighs
>Still keeping that twig waistline
She's gonna snap in half from that weight.

>> No.15822410
File: 3.98 MB, 1732x2979, wingfox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822415

Being comfy in a lolioni.

>> No.15822411
Quoted by: >>15822414

If I was ever infested by Devil Bugs I'd serve them some pizza crust and maybe a few cookies, surely they'd kindly leave after being welcomed with such hospitality?

>> No.15822412

Hot, sweaty, alcohol-soaked, Oni paizuri?

>> No.15822413
Quoted by: >>15822416

>chun-li thighs
Shit nigger. If those are your Chun-Li's thighs, you better feed her better and get her to do more squats

>> No.15822414
Quoted by: >>15822420

>Surely they'd leave after I've shown that I'm both willing and able to accommodate them!

>> No.15822415

That damn Fox is at it again.

I'm going to go to her shrine and give her a lecture about her bad behavior.

>> No.15822416
Quoted by: >>15822424

If you look at the proportions of her legs in the first image before the breasts got shooped on. Those things are thicker than her body!

>> No.15822420
Quoted by: >>15822470

I wouldn't want to be mean, but I'd imply that they should leave once they are done eating

Devils Bugs infestations must be handled with care or you'll end up getting raped to the point of no return

>> No.15822424

Right you are.

>> No.15822432

All because of another rainbow spectrum.

>> No.15822450

She's just playing matchmaker, man.

>> No.15822459
File: 85 KB, 249x300, dancing suzuka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing but this

>> No.15822462

What a lewd dance, swinging those hips like that.

>> No.15822465
Quoted by: >>15822475

Still the weirdest way to control a mech

>> No.15822470
Quoted by: >>15822477

>implying there is any way out of a devil bug infestation that doesn't result in copious amounts of daughterus

>> No.15822475
File: 49 KB, 560x262, big lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822480

>he hasn't seen mech of the decade

>> No.15822477
Quoted by: >>15822478

moving to my sky frotress, no bugs there

>> No.15822478
Quoted by: >>15822481

Devil bugs have wings.

>> No.15822480
Quoted by: >>15822487

> Mech powered by the pilot's erection

... so a mundane gremlin build, then? dull. Does it at least have a catchphrase? "My drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens," something with some innuendo?

>> No.15822481
Quoted by: >>15822485

Wonder how they feel about bleach.

>> No.15822484
Quoted by: >>15822491

Anyone have any gifs of Kaguya dancing like this?

>> No.15822485
Quoted by: >>15822489

They think that it had a TERRIBLE ending

>> No.15822487

Finger Beam

>> No.15822489


walked into that one, I did. ( And I'm a little sad he wasted his time on so much filler, but the series should have ended with Aizen, so w/e.)

fuck you.

but good job.

>> No.15822491

The Robot Wars Kaguya had more boring animations.

>> No.15822498

Try spanking her.

She doesn't have a fetish for it, don't be ridiculous!

>> No.15822509

>Found a great succubus comic
>Translator is constantly adding unnecessary TL notes that are really cringey
Why must they make me suffer like this?

>> No.15822510

the skill "rosy red Kata" disagrees with you

>> No.15822514
Quoted by: >>15822518

What is it?

>> No.15822516

all according to keikaku
TL's note: keikaku means plan

>> No.15822517 [DELETED] 
File: 553 KB, 1589x440, punished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15822518
Quoted by: >>15822526


I really like it.

>> No.15822519

>that moment when you use the skill and here her yelp

>> No.15822526
Quoted by: >>15822529

>web manhwa
Is it some kind of korean fetish to leave 80% of page blank and actual pics just in a reaaaallyy small frames ?

>> No.15822529
Quoted by: >>15822537

I wish I knew. I just powered through it. Witch wouldn't be so hard if the comic didn't start so slowly.
But hey, at least this one doesn't have a shit ton of NTR in it. Unlike most manhwa.

>> No.15822537
Quoted by: >>15822555

>But hey, at least this one doesn't have a shit ton of NTR in it. Unlike most manhwa.
Are you sure?
Top comment is
>Loved it until the "ntr" chapter, and the translators interrupting to tell us how much they love that fetish. Please stop."

>> No.15822542


>> No.15822555
Quoted by: >>15822590

I've read the whole thing. And that chapter is really not NTR if you ask me. Yes it has NTR themes, but it's not NTR.
I mean, it's not even tagged ntr. It's a bit of a spoiler but more or less they're trying to conquer his dreams and at one point try to do it by ntring him in his dream. It fails when he basically goes “okay, I’ll just fuck you instead” and they go “Ehhh…. Fuck, no! We’ll ntr you again so that you’re now fucking the first girl while the other one is getting fuck by someone else”. That fails for obvious reasons and then the chapter ends.
It's not a perfect description but you get the idea.

>> No.15822566
Quoted by: >>15822609

How do you even punish a masochist fox?
There is no winning.

>> No.15822590
Quoted by: >>15822600

That sounds fucking stupid.

>> No.15822594

Happy 9/11!

>> No.15822600

I'm really bad at explaining though. It makes a bit more sense in the actual story.
But all porn logic is stupid. Still, it got good art and a decent story so I like it.

>> No.15822604

Happy National Hot Cross Bun Day!

>> No.15822608
File: 1.89 MB, 1684x2452, 1434966812397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a happy 9/11 to you too.

>> No.15822609

You punish her by denying her. No treats, no spanks. Just solitude.
Once she starts behaving she can have spanks back.

>> No.15822613 [SPOILER] 
File: 607 KB, 1074x1518, 1473589055992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 9/11, yanks!

>> No.15822637
File: 98 KB, 1280x1024, ALLAHU SNACKBAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822641


>> No.15822641

MGC was born, thus.

>> No.15822644

Gotta keep the houri away from WMD (Whores of Mass Demonization)

>> No.15822659

No, the 2nd Gulf War began, thus.

>> No.15822687
File: 1.45 MB, 1283x1636, star butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822706

>"Dude! Let me in! I'm a fairy.
>Don't you believe in fairies?"

>> No.15822706

No! I let a Titania in and now she's eating all me sweets!

>> No.15822712

This is why my reputation is shit. Everyone who likes Black Dragons is automatically Alp.

>> No.15822719
Quoted by: >>15822723

we alp now

>> No.15822723
File: 674 KB, 1000x862, Dragon fetishes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it kind of makes sense if you're a faggot who likes to dress up as a princess that you'd also like Dragons.

>> No.15822776
Quoted by: >>15822823

Since when did liking black Dragon make somebody an alp?

>> No.15822788

I want to be feminized by a dominant dragon

>> No.15822793
File: 1.15 MB, 2124x862, implying your daughterus will ever be this good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822810

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.15822810
Quoted by: >>15822921

Tamamo is the best of those anyway.

>> No.15822817

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be dressed up cutely by a dragon.

>> No.15822823

Ever since he started liking them.

>> No.15822829
File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, Sahu fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post this every thread until you like her!

>> No.15822831
File: 940 KB, 480x270, dragons do it better.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is going to like your silly fish in a school swimsuit.

>> No.15822839

That looks nothing like a Dragon.

>> No.15822842
File: 430 KB, 516x501, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% human appearance
An absolute disgrace.

>> No.15822863


>> No.15822877
Quoted by: >>15822897


>not knowing the shapeshifting draconic goodness that is Frederika.

No Anon, you are the shame.

>> No.15822878
File: 2.21 MB, 549x295, Freddy knows how to have fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822897

Because that's not her real form. She's really a legit dragon and takes human form to blend in.

>> No.15822897
Quoted by: >>15822908

Maybe if she had some scales she'd be acceptable.

>> No.15822908

She can be whatever you want her to be since she's a shape shifter. She also appears as an adult woman and a cat, making herself a dragon girl form would be no problem.

Not that it matters too much, her personality makes her more monster than elves and kitsune.

>> No.15822916
File: 245 KB, 640x1440, 1437993736094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822928

Do you know the difference between a butterfly and a moth?

>> No.15822921

>not Alma


>> No.15822928
File: 109 KB, 531x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823047

It's real moth hours

>> No.15822936
File: 716 KB, 1280x720, freddy best girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15822940


>> No.15822940

Stop posting this human.

>> No.15822944
Quoted by: >>15822959

No matter how many times you say it, it won't be true.

Even in her "human" form she has vampire like teeth. Are vampires humans now too?

>> No.15822951
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 1de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824343

It's just a different sort of 'trap,' anon. We tried to warn you.

>> No.15822958

I like her.

>> No.15822959

>what are moe fangs

>> No.15822973
File: 2.14 MB, 640x360, alien freddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop this already.

>> No.15822988
File: 1.24 MB, 1477x1600, Moth-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823013

We're putting the band back together. Get in the car.

>> No.15822998
Quoted by: >>15823015

Something cute, now don't make me post dark mage out of spite.

>> No.15823009

Since I'm awake again, Arabian Nights was basically the inspiration to what you're replying to.

Fucking love One Thousand and One Nights.

>> No.15823013
Quoted by: >>15823032

.... alright.

Here is the mission, dudes. You've got a Volkswagen, instruments, and about 300 tanukibucks for food and gas. What four monstergirls are you gonna grab for the greatest band tour, traveling across 12 MGCs and ending in the capital to fight in a rock-off for a chance to perform for the demon lord herself?

Remember: those that you chose will need to be ready to keep the show going through thick and thin. There will be parties, sorrows, and more than a few drunken 'incidents' along the way, so you must choose a team prepared to stick together and work toward victory and righteous musical prowess.

>> No.15823015
File: 226 KB, 1280x1807, IMG_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823048

Gonna post cosplay-tier monstergirls now.

>> No.15823026

>How does the story begin?
>With a demon, too old to be an Imp
>Too young to be a woman
"What did she do?"
>She called... for a husband

>> No.15823032
File: 116 KB, 393x600, 1436797976303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a Dark Elf for the drums because the movement of the drum sticks is like the use of a whip which comes off naturally to her.
I'll grab a Matango for the bass because she has nothing better to do than to practice and will do it for cheap because she's finally got friends now.
Our lead guitar and vocalist is a 190cm Salamander who is my childhood friend.
I'm the roadie and play the triangle. Our band is called Sticky Road to Release, and we play bawdy power metal ballads.

>> No.15823036
Quoted by: >>15823099

tfw no pure succubutts waifu

>> No.15823047

>Go to the club with a bunch of friends
>Party for a solid 6 hours
>Everyone goes home with a monster girl except me
>Too drunk to drive home
>Decide to walk, it's only about an hour away
>It's past 3 AM and all the street lights are off
>A Moth bumbs into me
>Got her fluff everywhere on me because of the impact
>She apologizes and asks I need any help
>Suddenly get a very strong urge to breed
>End up having sex with her for 3 days straight
>She got pregnant
>Have to take responsibility

Never step in the streets during real moth hours

>> No.15823048
File: 338 KB, 800x1060, 93d7eb7f80737f477e17731f1703398d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823062

>posting cosplay-tier girls
>not posting THE cosplay girl
I expect better from you anon.

Who's the artist for that one anyway? She's cute but IQDB and saucenao both come up with nothing.

>> No.15823061
File: 70 KB, 1200x500, 1416566386346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need you to settle a dispute, anon!
Uh-oh! Looks like you're in for a whole lot of bad luck and trouble today!

>> No.15823062
Quoted by: >>15823097

I think this guy.
It's from this artbook

>> No.15823074

What is my assistance needed with?

>> No.15823076

Whatever it is, you're going to make an enemy for life.

>> No.15823078
File: 131 KB, 900x750, 1463774610067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see....
I'd have to grab an automata to manage lights and electronic audio effects.
Course that means bringing her Gremlin friend along, and chances are she's good enough with her hands to figure out lead guitar.
Then I'd fucking cheat with a Gandharva at the vocals. At least that would be the plan until I find out that she's narcissistic and won't work with the group, the blonde featherbrained little-
... anyway, with that option out of the way I'd get a raiju on lead vocals instead to sync up with the electronic theme. Mostly though, I'd hope her dancing and stage presence makes up for the autotune we have setup.
I'd just play manager / roadie, moving equipment and dealing with the venues.

"Feel:Vibration" would be the name, the logo being an 'f' lightning bolt breaking into a metallic 'v.'

>> No.15823084
Quoted by: >>15823085

What if I find a neutral position?

>> No.15823085
Quoted by: >>15823096

Make that two enemies.

>> No.15823091

I think I'd rather not make enemies with a Dragon, but without knowing what the dispute is, I can't make an informed decision.

>> No.15823094
File: 335 KB, 550x693, taylie__the_selkie_monster_girl_encyclopedia_by_gabrilux-d9z4l1v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like seals

>> No.15823095
Quoted by: >>15823120

What's the actual dispute? There might be a way I can work it out. Preferably by getting them arguing about something else and escalating against each other. resulting in the both of them leaving me alone.

>> No.15823096
Quoted by: >>15823120

But I love Anubis and Dragons. What is the dispute? And why is it so extreme?

>> No.15823097

Can't they just settle this by watching super robot shows together?
Thanks, shame his pixiv is so empty but at least there's some doujins to go through.

>> No.15823099
File: 73 KB, 495x636, 1441343560375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823111

>No different factions of Succubutts in the Demon Realms who while they still pay face to the Demon Lord, have their own agenda
>No Dreamweavers who influence humanity in the Dreamlands in tandem with the Chaos Demons, often times husbando'ing a poor soul who wanders too far into the wilderness
>No Crestfallen who're the gentlest assassins with their bodies, when in reality they're a religious order who believes that all who're terminally ill or mortally wounded deserve a final pleasure before their bell tolls
>No Succubi who instead pursue the Light, and are thus clothed in the sun, their skins a porcelain white while they can barely contain the light of a thousand suns from their bodies
>No Khornette, Nurglette, Tzeentchette style Succubi
>No Succubus who rather than fucking you stupid the moment you make the mistake of summoning as a Warlock insists on not having sex with you
>Rather, she simply wants to know what it's like in the human world, and acts like she's genuinely amazed that the world functions the way it does
>Which confounds you to no end because as a Succubus you'd imagine it's like throwing a sausage down a long hallway with all the guys she's probably screwed
>When in reality, despite being deliciously plump and having the skill to fit ten bratwurst into her mouth at once she's never given her body to a man at all, instead using fleshlights to get her masters off in the past.
>TFW falling in love with such a pure, free spirit over time and when you finally lose control and throw her onto the bed due to her Succubutt nature she just smiles and hugs you close
>Whispering into your ear that she's been watching you from birth and had made up her mind long ago to be your wife, she just had to make sure that you loved her back

>> No.15823101
File: 327 KB, 675x1100, Umi_Osho_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like turtles!

>> No.15823104

>super robot shows
Anubi only like real robot shows.
Whores in a half-shell!

>> No.15823107
Quoted by: >>15823131

If I pull that shell off, will you die?

>> No.15823111

I'm pretty sure there are one of each of those, anon. Kunoichi counts for the assassin one. They are literally succubi.

>> No.15823113
Quoted by: >>15823120

What are they even arguing about?

>> No.15823120

It doesn't matter why they argue or what about. What matters is that there can be no compromise or surrender.

>> No.15823131

It would be extremely painful.... fuck you.

>> No.15823134
Quoted by: >>15823142

Ok then, how do I make them stop? Have them battle it out or something? Have a competition? Flip a coin?

>> No.15823137

put her on her back and spin her!

>> No.15823142
Quoted by: >>15823149

Show them how they're not living their lives correctly!

>> No.15823145
Quoted by: >>15823175

How would you deal with a turtle who insisted on taking you to Ryugujo?

>> No.15823149
Quoted by: >>15823159

... and how do I do that? What is even the right way to live?

>> No.15823156

That's stupid. You're making them both out to be stupid. You're stupid!

Here, I'll show you.

> "Anon, which of us has the cuter butt?"
> Hmm, I don't know, why don't you show me so I can make an informed decision?
> Dragon certainly works out, very well toned, muscular, healthy.... ok.
> Anubis eats properly and maintains her body strictly despite working office jobs. Very impressive...
> You know, a practical demonstration is in order. Why don't we go to the beach and let the swimsuit contest decide?

There. They have something to focus on until friday, I've made plans to get out, everyone is happy.

>> No.15823159
File: 252 KB, 1324x1500, 1409838398464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well pilgrim, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

>> No.15823164


A better decision can always be made

>> No.15823175

By making turtle soup.

Dropping her on her back into a hot tub and molesting the shit out of her before mating pressing that lewd turtle while her shell keeps us afloat and giving her all the babies.

>> No.15823177

Would red shelled umi osho stalk you?

>> No.15823187

>let the swimsuit contest decide
See? This guy gets it.

>> No.15823202
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, 1444243951400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid, sexy loner Kitsune GILF next door, always asking for help to move furniture.

>> No.15823211


Every time I see that fucking image I end up thinking of this doujin and I blame all of you fucking faggots for that.

>> No.15823213
Quoted by: >>15823254

She's looking good for a grandmother

>> No.15823254

Not all grannies are particularly old.

>> No.15823279
File: 565 KB, 600x848, 1428916554078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need you, anon. Just this one last time, and you'll be out of the game forever.

>> No.15823280

So anon,

How would your childhood friend monster girl react to you going away for a week?

>> No.15823283
Quoted by: >>15823290

She'd be relieved I wasn't around to make trouble for her, but also worried I'd get in over my head somewhere.

>> No.15823290
Quoted by: >>15823295


>> No.15823295
Quoted by: >>15823302

No, a Salamander. This one>>15823032

>> No.15823302
Quoted by: >>15823310

You wouldn't wake up one morning on vacation to see her busting into the hotel room to make sure you're OK would you?

>> No.15823305
Quoted by: >>15823310

>setting a death flag like that
I'm gonna fly off to the tropics for this one. I didn't quit for nothing, and I know how the game goes. In MGC you'll only fail once, then it's off to some manticore's basement cell where you won't recognize one night's guest from another. There's no reason for me to take that risk when I've already won and gotten out in the clear.

>> No.15823310

Of course I wouldn't, I'd be staying in a tent inna woods with my dad.
They got Billy, anon.

>> No.15823311
Quoted by: >>15823315

So she'd just camp out in a tree and make sure you're doing ok?

Thats fine.
Just make sure a grizzly doesn't happen upon you.

>> No.15823315
Quoted by: >>15823319

There are no grizzlies in my country. Our bears don't attack people. Neither do our wolves. This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind.

>> No.15823319

Oh, so you just have to watch out for harpies and crazy skeletons.

Whatever you say man.

I hear theres a dragon in the tower at the center of the woods.

>> No.15823323

... those smug bastards. I could handle the condescending grins, and I was even fine with them taking over the old places after the gang broke up.

Get in the truck. It's time to make some superior sluts ahegao. For Billy.

>> No.15823326
Quoted by: >>15823341

See how easy it is to be fooled into your own downfall?

>> No.15823329
Quoted by: >>15823341


Billy x Goat?

>> No.15823330
File: 15 KB, 502x384, Let’s see how strong you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823622


>> No.15823341
Quoted by: >>15823347


Alas, I'm but an escapee from MGC coming back for my friend. We might get Billy-chan out safe, and in fact she was probably only taken to lure me back in the first place. The hellwan / cheshire smugthug gang leaders wanted revenge, and I'd hand it over to them and go down for the sake of loyalty. But that's just how it goes on the streets- you can only protect so few things, and I had to choose between the old crew and my pelvis.

When it came down to it, I didn't even need to think about which one had to be left behind.

>> No.15823347
Quoted by: >>15823354

So is this Billy-chan a Billy-goat?

>> No.15823351
Quoted by: >>15823364

If she is able to, she would come with me.
If she can't, then she'll just demand that I keep in contact with her over the week.

But what's the worst that could happen if I didn't answer her just one time?

>> No.15823354
File: 1.46 MB, 1300x1950, 1473352475128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823359

Oh, of a kind. we used to watch out for her as the youngest of the group. But we weren't really aware of how scary a kid(!) could get when you took away held old gang boss. Her... oniichan.

>> No.15823359

So when are you going to turn this into a proper mob story?

>> No.15823360
File: 955 KB, 360x360, 1449624894253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823374

>MFW starting to have dreams of stuff like Shub-Niggurath as an MG
>MFW having some pretty deviant corruption ideas
>MFW it's so /d/ that not even a hive of villainy like TFT would tolerate it

>> No.15823364

>Forget to answer the phone one time because your batteries dies.
>Wake up the next morning to see a bear loli, a few harpy chicks, and a wandering elf tied up in the middle of your camp with salamander childhood friend asking them if they were trying to take you from her.

>> No.15823370

I'm in pastebin right now. It just wrote itself in the thread.

>> No.15823374
Quoted by: >>15823432

Last night I had a dream winter had come and there was snow on the ground.

>> No.15823390
Quoted by: >>15823405

When I finish the five other stories on backup. This one kind of leans toward ntr, requires a contrived bapho that nobody knows is a bapho, it's hard to get everything out when I'm also drawing anon and I don't have an art fairy.

>> No.15823394
Quoted by: >>15823404

And this is why salamander childhood friend is the best.

>> No.15823404
Quoted by: >>15823412

Best bit is she'd be wearing a full-specops suit she got from her mom

>> No.15823405


>> No.15823408

> monstergirls eyeing all other monstergirls with suspicion

This meme needs to stop. Everyone knows DL deprogrammed that shit, as husbandos are sacred things.

Besides, a nice Yeti will simply keep you within cuddle's length at all times. No issues here.

>> No.15823412

Her mom used to be a combat diver you know.

>> No.15823419

But she hasn't 'claimed' me yet. So for other MGs I'm still fair game.
Not that they'll ever succeed. I want to make my salamander where skin tight spats.

>> No.15823432

No you don't get it Anon, i'm talking about a corruption method like giving birth to a mass of tentacles and eyes that the victim swallows while the burning corruption either turns her into a Daughter of Shub-Niggurath (i.e. black furred Baphomet with some tentacles for the sake of consistency) or any of the Chaos Demon girls.

>> No.15823440
Quoted by: >>15823537

A nice Yeti would want to live with me high in the mountains and conveniently "hide" my parka, snow pants, scarf, and other winter clothes unless I'm outside with her and I need them, she makes sure I can't run far without her warm hugs

>> No.15823446

Way I see it you've got two options, anon. Either seek help, get therapy, and attempt to live a rather normal life forgetting what you've seen, or embrace madness and seek the truths that will ruin you from the inside, knowing you pain as a step to something well beyond you.

>> No.15823454

Would you a yandere Shoggoth?

>> No.15823458
Quoted by: >>15823479


>> No.15823479
Quoted by: >>15823501

Explain yourself

>> No.15823486
File: 788 KB, 1000x1600, Something is wrong with this kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanderes are the best

>> No.15823494
Quoted by: >>15823514

>TFW there's only like two good Shoggoth writers
>The third is a massive faggot

>> No.15823496

By command.
Through a curse.
Or with pleasure rune enhanced mummy bandages.

She might even punish you by using all three.

>> No.15823501
Quoted by: >>15823522

its too dangerous

>> No.15823514

I could write something involving a Shog in the future if I ever get out of these woods.

>> No.15823522

Only if you talk to other women. You would do that for your Shoggoth wife right?

>> No.15823524

I want to transform a Shaggoth into a mistress

>> No.15823529
File: 977 KB, 1984x2372, Mofflancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streamed a little today and i came up with this random moff lancer

>> No.15823537
File: 494 KB, 800x1131, 1470596904062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823638

>yeti turns off the heat in the cabin and opens a few windows
>"Would you like some hot cocoa? I hear it's going to be below -30C tonight"
>you're too cold to speak or move
>only a shaking mess on the couch with a tshirt, shorts, and one of her scarves she generously gave you
>"Please don't shiver, that's one of my warmest scarves you have on"
>she's wearing one of your beanies to keep herself a little warmer
>yeti has to hold the cocoa while you sip it slowly
>snow is already blowing in through the windows
>"We'll have to cuddle all night long in this terrible weather"
>it takes a few minutes to stop shaking in her embrace
>fall asleep as you can't do anything to escape her hug
>next morning cabin is filled with a foot of snow
>yeti has wrapped you up in many blankets and layers to stay warm
>she's happily playing in the snow inside the cabin and making snow angels
>wake up to a snowball to the face and a soft giggle
>walk over to your boots and slip your cold feet in
>take a deep breath, close the windows, and grab a shovel
>another day with a yeti waifu

>> No.15823542

I hate seeing how much better at drawing you are compared to me.
Good drawing, though.

>> No.15823550

The snow was pretty.

>> No.15823558
Quoted by: >>15823560

I'd give her my Gáe Bolg if you know what I mean.

>> No.15823560
Quoted by: >>15823566

Would you penetrate her Rho Aegis?

>> No.15823566

With the bone of my sword, but of course I'd lap at her Chronos Rose before I penetrate her with my Caladbolg II.
Also, it's Rho Aias.

>> No.15823567
File: 1.33 MB, 992x1403, __momotarou_and_original_drawn_by_puca_rasu__64ed2b4d927b8b0f6d88a06342573d81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no oni gf

>> No.15823574

Raw anus.
Gay buldge.
Cow mold.
Enema anguish.

>> No.15823576

But that's not how it was spelled! Everything I ever believed in was a lie!

>> No.15823578
Quoted by: >>15823585

I would cross the streets if I saw her walking on the same sidewalk as me.

>> No.15823585
Quoted by: >>15823589

You won't be able to run away from her loving embrace.

>> No.15823588

Probably not. I like my sanity, and yanderes tend to ruin a lot of things, including careers.

>> No.15823589
Quoted by: >>15823603

And she won't be able to run from the japanese truck. We all know what happens when someone blinded by love tries to cross the streets.

>> No.15823590
Quoted by: >>15823593

Th-Thanks, doc.

>> No.15823593
File: 105 KB, 500x600, Creepy crawly colored as sexily as possible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15823603
Quoted by: >>15823621

They get splatted.
And then she forms into numerous mini-roomba Shogs that chase after you at lightning speed.

>> No.15823606

That's a lot of fluff, looks like a nice girl.

>> No.15823621
Quoted by: >>15823630

All I have to do is tip a trash can, hopefully that is enough to stun them. Even if that doesn't work, I'll just hide in a meido cafe and ask the nice Kikis to get rid of her.

>> No.15823622
Quoted by: >>15823632

What kind of monster girl waifu would Van Darkholme have to fulfill his fantasies, his DEEPDARKFANTASIES?

>> No.15823629

>Liking meme monsters who're so boring they don't even have writefaggotry about them

>> No.15823630

The Kikis are all Shog sleeper cells.
And only Kikis are stunned by random trash.

>> No.15823632

Raiju+Thunderbird Bigamy.

>> No.15823638
File: 490 KB, 750x1062, 1437585702147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a crafty busty ball of fluff.

>> No.15823646

Kikis? What's a Kiki?

>> No.15823659

I wish I was that boy.

>> No.15823660
File: 1.02 MB, 900x1140, 1418333578632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, we can rebuild her. We have the technology.

>> No.15823672
Quoted by: >>15823755

A waste of space.

>> No.15823687
Quoted by: >>15823755

A waste of time.

>> No.15823688

Are you saying that Kikis will clean the Shogs? I'll would just have to go to the maid central to get rid of the trash that's following me then.

>> No.15823753
Quoted by: >>15823771

Someone finally done the snowflake hymen.

>> No.15823755
Quoted by: >>15823885

What about Shoggoths? What are they?

>> No.15823758
File: 973 KB, 900x1274, 1400151204059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're at the beach, minding your own business when this crab builds a mound in front of you and starts dancing on it.
What do?

>> No.15823771

Smooch her cheek.

>> No.15823802

Nice design, I'd make her shoes and leg armor thinner to add to her feminine look

Sounds like a mating dance, time to create a bunch of crab daughters

>> No.15823834
File: 913 KB, 960x720, 1430114677742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15823899

Fire Fox is loose!

>> No.15823841

I play the harmonica.


>> No.15823867

Walk away.

>> No.15823873

Play her a song.

>> No.15823880

Aren't shaggoths yandere by nature?

>> No.15823885

Masters of time and space.

>> No.15823890
File: 561 KB, 1000x1420, 1473314422053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt.

>> No.15823898

Is she dancing to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vECHOv0NL88
This is importnat.

>> No.15823899

Suddenly flash makes her crash unexpectedly!

>> No.15823901

All this picture does is remind me of the Matron from the Garden of Hellish Delights.

>> No.15823908
Quoted by: >>15823970

>No busty Shoggoth maid who's been with you since you were a small child to guide you into manhood.
Damn it.

>> No.15823921
File: 583 KB, 968x1000, 1437330557879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other night I had a dream where I was in a town I'm not sure exists, with lots of rain. I was supposed to go somewhere to meet someone, but I idled around to watch the sea churn instead.
Do you think I disappointed her too badly?

>> No.15823928

I had a dream where I was being chased by a blind lion. It was pretty spooky because it could sense where I was by the sounds and smell.

Blind jinko waifu.

>> No.15823929

I've had plenty of dreams like that recently. One that sticks out in my head was walking along a seafront I've never been to and talking to a Scylla in a sweet shop. I don't even care for them, but now you're making me wonder if a monstergirl in some distant universe met her husbando that night and woke up wishing it was all real.

>> No.15823933

She was probably watching you from a distant pier, silhouette hidden by the downpour.

>> No.15823970
File: 376 KB, 1221x1667, 1470876663931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shoggoth Maidmom
>knows she comes across as creepy. but still tries her hardest to win your heart

>> No.15823973
Quoted by: >>15823990

M-mommy no!

>> No.15823977

>Shoggoth Maidmom

I would rape random monsters on the streets just to keep her away from me.

>> No.15823983

You guys have really coherent dreams. I mean I recently dreamed of a pool/Aquarium run by Kirk Cameron but it turned out to be a pet sop type thing where they fed frogs to huge turtles.

>> No.15823986
Quoted by: >>15823995

>dreaming of Kirk Cameron
This is just what we needed, a creationist Alp!

>> No.15823987

The less time you spend exposed to a computer screen, the more coherent your dreams will be.

>> No.15823989

Sure thing, old wife.

>> No.15823990
File: 2.05 MB, 1488x2105, 1469485341376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no escape.

>> No.15823995

That was probably the weirdest part.
Well fuck that.

>> No.15824000

Wasn't there something mge related on 911? Like it was a girls creation date or something?

>> No.15824002
Quoted by: >>15824023

Why do you hate Cute shaggoths so much?

>> No.15824014

It was when KC released the Houri profile.

>> No.15824016

Gazer, I think.

>> No.15824023
Quoted by: >>15824036

I don't know. She goes on the list of "Monsters I hate for absolutely no reason."
Maybe it's her smile, maybe it's her natural yan, maybe it's her feet or whatever those things are. I just hate her.

>> No.15824026

I'm going to go watch the 89 Batman now. Which girl will cuddle with me as I enjoy nostalgia?

>> No.15824028

I was thinking more "Onee-san".
Not that she can't look like that. She could probably have a whole lot of bodies for different fetishes.

>> No.15824034
File: 53 KB, 500x615, gazer windpianist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824040

It's wifeday today

>> No.15824036
Quoted by: >>15824042

It's not healthy to hate for no reason

>> No.15824040
Quoted by: >>15824052

Stylish wife.

>> No.15824042

But I can't love them no matter how much I try. You can't force yourself to love something, I think.

>> No.15824052
File: 107 KB, 774x1032, gazer quadrinaros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife is stylish, wife is adorable.

>> No.15824059

Are Gazers likely to have fat butts and thick thighs as a common bodytype?

>> No.15824074

I don't imagine the girl KC depicts is an abnormal individual
So that seems likely.

>> No.15824079
File: 1016 KB, 1123x1094, 1473313626020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kikimoras and shoggoths should work together for the sake of their masters
>be living with a kiki and shog for about a year now
>they can't seem to stand each other
>the only thing they can agree on is that they'd do anything for you
>one day you're coming back from grocery shopping with them
>they're busy squabbling in font of you when you feel a tug at your shoulder
>you're suddenly getting picked up by a ushi-oni missing her seal talking about snu-snu
>you'd call out to your maids to save you, but there's nothing they can do, right?
>watch in amazement as shog envelops kiki in a sailor moon-esque transformation sequence
>hair lengthens and ends in slimy tentacles, sclera turns black, and feathers turn purple
>the finishing touch is a skimpy, writhing maid uniform with several glowing eyes
>"Claws off our master," your shog/kiki (shiki?) says in a synthesized voice
>she forms a wicked broom out of slime and deals a devastating blow to the ushi
>the force of the strike causes your attacker to release you and fly back several feet
>she gets back up to charge your maid, but you notice the eyes on her aberrant clothes shine brighter
>there's a flash of light and the ushi is engulfed in a large explosion, falling to the ground unconscious
>you're still having trouble understanding what just happened when your maid asks "Shall we return home?"

>> No.15824083
Quoted by: >>15824209

Is this a new picture?

>> No.15824089
Quoted by: >>15824092


>> No.15824090

Aside for the loli-only species like Alice and Baphomet there isn't any limitations on body types

A CC Gazer would be very intimidating

>> No.15824092

It seems they bonded over both being Chuuni.
Or just really liking magical girl anime.

>> No.15824096
File: 329 KB, 2500x1598, 1466537508516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering Gazers are on the higher end of the power spectrum, they probably don't physically age, or at least age slowly.

She'd still be short I'd bet.

>> No.15824100
File: 803 KB, 810x1080, 1458361004528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824107

>CC Gazer
>Puffy nipples that nearly protrude through the tar-like substance covering her tits
Yes please.

>> No.15824107

I'm going to masturbate at the mouth of a cave containing a CC Gazer and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.15824110

This is why you don't do drugs.

>> No.15824127 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.23 MB, 2952x3543, 1473617850903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is only one answer.

Go ask the fox for a date.

>> No.15824134

Kiki and Shog are what make life worth living

>> No.15824135


I woke up from a nap and I had a dream where a succubus she had white hair, so it could have been a Lilim was straddling me and grinding her pelvis into me. She was just talking sweetly and made constant eye contact.

Girls can't get pregnant with eye contact, right?

>> No.15824140
Quoted by: >>15824212

They can have soulbabies from eye contact.

>> No.15824156
Quoted by: >>15824212

They give birth to heart pupils.

>> No.15824187

>Girls can't get pregnant from eye contact, right?
things monoeyes believe

>> No.15824204

>We are meido!

>> No.15824209
File: 258 KB, 937x1031, gazer ramenwarwock abyssal color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15824212
File: 217 KB, 1000x1000, 1436222391702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824229


>Have Nightmare waifu, start having strange dreams of a woman singing lullabies and telling stories
>You'd almost think she's Scheherazade, but the voice is unmistakable. Your waifu's sitting there cradling a ball of violet light, barely a flicker of a flame in her boudoir.
"I can't wait for you to join us, little one. After all, you'll be more loved than you'll ever know."
>She sees you, and the wisp seems to tense up and fly behind her as if afraid. Waifu just smiles.
"Come on out, he won't hurt you. He's a friend. Aren't you, Papa?"
>Sit there, with so many questions in your mind. But your waifu just shushes you before you can ask.
"She's dreaming."
>Look at the wisp, back to your waifu, back to the wisp. Her smile just grows wider and she mouths the word 'Papa' to you
"Go on, tell her a story."
>Start to spend nights with your waifu in the Dreamlands, spinning tales that feel more like epics, becoming more and more emotionally connected to the small wisp
>Then one day, it just... vanishes
"It's time."
>You're contemplating her words when you're woken in the real world to your waif in the stable with several of the villagers, they're telling you to be ready
>The mid-husband is grasping onto two violet legs, yelling at your wife to push before a small Nightmare infant is born, blinking her eyes and steadying herself on uneasy legs
>She sees you and totters over, slowly and much like a human infant's first steps
>Grasps onto your pants leg and nuzzles her face into it, remembering you from her dreams
>Wife just 'ara ara's and relaxes
>Now whenever you're within the dreams, there's no more wisp
>But another Nightmare in your group, one whom you love, very much

>> No.15824223

>Eye Tentacles are now Mouth Tentacles
She's acting like a Wock now

>> No.15824229

I love the idea of people with the ability to perceive and interact with souls actually being able to do that with an unborn child. I fucking love ideas like that.

>> No.15824296
File: 783 KB, 1053x900, 263a820454da34213d9a030138e9278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824301

>Abyssal Gazer
That's ultra rad.

>> No.15824301
File: 460 KB, 1200x1689, Dock in her port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824315


>> No.15824315

I want that port on my face.

>> No.15824316

If you could add one trait to any monster girl. Be it physical or personality. What would it be and what monster girl and why?

>> No.15824330
File: 271 KB, 600x1000, 1467162334136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you would just be a burden

>> No.15824332
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1237841310123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824412

My very existence would drive Leanen Sidhes to become alcoholics.

>> No.15824335

I'd add extreme yandere to a Yeti. Just to see what would happen.

>> No.15824338
File: 153 KB, 800x614, 1470549667662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824347

This is why you work hard. Make your waifu proud. Be the man she knows you can be!

>> No.15824343
Quoted by: >>15824357

Make Doppel taller and giver her bigger tits and she would be perfect.

>> No.15824345
Quoted by: >>15824412

>No Cheshire twins who grew up with a Yeti aunt who appears out of nowhere to cuddle the boy they like when they notices he's feeling down.
God damn it, I could use smug cuddles right now.

>> No.15824347

I do everything I do, for my waifu.

>> No.15824348
Quoted by: >>15824365

But Kobolds are already perfect anon!

>> No.15824357

Well good for you that she's a shape shifter huh?

>> No.15824365

Then just pick another monster girl?

>> No.15824377

>tfw mom taught me how to clean the house and cook

At least I can be a househusband

>> No.15824381
File: 595 KB, 600x800, Scylla 2 sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.15824385
File: 169 KB, 550x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824412

>>tfw you would just be a burden

I would

>> No.15824397

If only that booty was thicker.
Still, excellent work on Mono's part, especially with that atmosphere.

>> No.15824404

Shit, I thought Mono closed really big commissions. Nice man.

Upload your image to something not imgur though, imgur compresses images. Use mixtape or something.

>> No.15824412

>Anon realizes yet again what a pathetic loser he is from a post on 4chan
>He sighs and looks around his pathetic room at all his pathetic hobbies.
>He types "You're right, no monster girl would want me. They'd all hate me anyway"
>He sighs again as he wonders why he even bothers anymore
>Something was bashing against his bedroom window
>He was about to get up and open the curtains when the glass shatters and the windows are town open
>Anon stares at the form in his windowsill
>It's a Yeti, her paws wide open and her eyes wide and near insane looking
>Her breathing is heavy, making her impressive chest rise and fall
>Her mouth is practically drooling at the sight of you
>She begins to walk forward

>> No.15824413

Sure thing.


>> No.15824418
Quoted by: >>15824441

You can't compress pngs (in a lossy manner) though.

>> No.15824421

Tough question, I like the idea of Chimaeras switching eyes color when they switch personalities but that's such a minor detail

I guess Mucus Toad as a species are lacking a personality trait other than "they are rapists" but I don't know what would fit them

>> No.15824424
Quoted by: >>15824436

Please anon.

>> No.15824425


>> No.15824426
File: 363 KB, 2048x1442, 1470227829351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A faceful of a Yeti's milktanks would brighten the day.

>> No.15824429

solid work, i remember you saying a while back that you struggled with them
the night sky and moon look stellar

>> No.15824432

My dick can't take this.

>> No.15824436
Quoted by: >>15824448

Was it that bad?
I know they'd brighten mine.

>> No.15824439

>Weresheep/Yeti combo
Ah yes.
The ultimate cuddle duo.

>> No.15824441
Quoted by: >>15824452


Imgur autoconverts large files into jpgs. Just compare them and you'll notice artifacts quickly in the imgur one.

>> No.15824444

Give dragons and lizardgirls more scales.
Give hellhounds manes.
Give shoggoths a less shit fetish niche to fill.
Give succubi dream incursion powers.
Give gazers different subspecies focusing on the different senses, including the nontraditional ones.
Like the Sniffer, where she has earstalks, or the Proprioceptioner, where her stalks are just tentacles, but she's really good at manipulating them and perceiving where they are around her. And the Hygroreceptionist, who's stalks all end in some weird, fleshy porous membranes, and she has the ability to manipulate the amount of moisture in the air around you.

>> No.15824448
Quoted by: >>15824457

No, just made me sad because it wouldn't happen, ever.

>> No.15824452

Oh wow, that's actually really fucking noticable. You can just straight up see the square patterns around the blush on her cheek.

>> No.15824454

More Scylla stuff is always nice

>> No.15824457

You gotta believe Anon.

>> No.15824475

>even monster girls can be improved by turning them into Abyssals.

>> No.15824483
File: 455 KB, 453x858, 1449106149468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15824518

>yeti buys a body pillow
>no longer has a use for you
>leaves you for a stuffed pillow
>you continue living your pathetic exsistance knowing your Yeti waifu prefers inanimate objects over you

It just doesn't get any better

>> No.15824524
Quoted by: >>15824531

>Implying a body pillow could replace the warmth of a human body
>Implying a Yeti would be content with not making someone feel good with her hugs.
0/10, you didn't even try.

>> No.15824526

You must become the body pillow.

>> No.15824530

Yetis are scary.

>> No.15824531

She can just buy a heating blanket

>> No.15824532
Quoted by: >>15824551

So is this the part where I wake up the next morning naked in bed with her with a sore pelvis and a feeling of warmth caressing my entire being?
Because I'd be okay with that.

>> No.15824539
Quoted by: >>15824666

>Summon Pit Lord
>She's more of the fusion of a Dragon-Centaur-Ogre looking fuck
>Hates the Demon Lord with a passion
>Sees you staring at her MASSIVE Calcium Cannons
>Offers you ultimate power if you suck her tits, they're filled with Mountain Dew

>> No.15824547

>No matter whom their companion is, these girls have a strong desire to hug those around them and will get their cuddles one way or another
>Implying artificial unfeeling heat can satisfy the cuddlelust of a Yeti
-5/10 somehow you managed to try even less.

>> No.15824551
Quoted by: >>15824563

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.15824563

I think I'd just spend the rest of the day cuddling her. Maybe having slow gentle sex too.

>> No.15824589
File: 101 KB, 540x540, tumblr_oa2ihwvliz1rcs9gvo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saiyan girls

>> No.15824625
File: 556 KB, 782x1150, f4b392b96d17a1c74ae34f51d636834a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot what the G stood for.

>> No.15824628

Apparently it stands for ghost.

>> No.15824632

Pillows don't hug back.
They especially won't cuddlefuck back.

>> No.15824635

I could hug a Yeti for days. I just want to be loved by her.

>> No.15824642
File: 2.58 MB, 2480x3508, kerio hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824648

I want to hug a Kej

>> No.15824646
Quoted by: >>15824660


>> No.15824648
File: 855 KB, 1500x1000, 1465098016260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Kowjourou.

>> No.15824656

I work hard but I have incredible, this-only-could happen-in-a-sitcom, luck.

I swear if say, a tanuki decided to hang around she would be absolutely broke in a few days because of a oh so coincident market crash.

>> No.15824660
Quoted by: >>15824678

To be fair, maybe 3% of Tumblr's userbase actually understand what image resolution and quality is.
And hell, with the absolutely FUCKED custom blog skins and completely FUCKED layout of Tumblr, clicking through to an image won't always mean you're being shown the highest-rest version of that image available.

>> No.15824661

Old hag with saggy breasts!

>> No.15824666

That's what she said to those orcs, and we all know how that ended, now they are pink and chubby.

>> No.15824671
Quoted by: >>15824683

Is that a young boy or a very tall Kej?

>> No.15824678

Could be worse.
Could be twitter.

>> No.15824683
Quoted by: >>15824698

He's getting a haircut and is therefore seated.

>> No.15824695

Twitter's easy enough to get around.

Just click "View Image", and then edit the URL with either ":orig" or ":large", and you'll get the best you can.

>> No.15824698

I see.

She seems to like his hair a lot.

>> No.15824699
Quoted by: >>15824728

so the ban on encyclopedia profiles gets lifted this week right?

>> No.15824700

[filename].[extension]:orig is the solution to that.
But I have no idea how much they compress even the original uploud anyway. Given the nature of Twitter, I imagine it's significant.

Orig is better.

>> No.15824711

>Orig is better.
Yes, but it doesn't always work.

>> No.15824714

You've fallen for the :orig meme.
Twitter compresses the FUCK out of images EVEN IN ORIG.
The only thing orig does is give you the original resolution, but it's still going to be compressed to hell and back.

>> No.15824715

Billy knew the risks

>> No.15824716

Kakuens from outer space!

>> No.15824722

>tfw had hair just like that some years ago
>even got to the point where some girls in school liked playing with it

Now I'm just a practical, short-haired miser like anyone else.
I want a kejourou hairdresser. Not to waifu, but just because I would pay out the ass for her hair-styling services.

>> No.15824728
Quoted by: >>15824750


>> No.15824733

>random moff lancer
I got excited until I realized you meant to spell moffu

>> No.15824743
Quoted by: >>15824766

This guy knows what he's talking about. Twitter is the worst possible site an artist could host their work on. DA and Pixiv are the best for image quality, tumblr in second even with the low res and twitter is dead last.

>> No.15824750
Quoted by: >>15824763

The profiles that came out as part of encyclopedia 2. I thought this week sometime they get released to the general public

>> No.15824763

KC is already uploading profiles.

The ban being lifted means people can freely discuss them, as well as anything in MGE-2 and Dragonia.

>> No.15824766

It's better than nothing.

Honestly in my experience, Pixiv has some image size restrictions too. Unless they've removed them more recently? So far as I know, dA really is the best image hosting site.

>> No.15824768

I had a dream where I was back and school and it was a fate stay night kind of affair where we had to summon historical figures and armies and pit them against another summoned historical army in a randomly generated battlefied. You had to lead them to a tactical victory, but if you couldn't communicate with them you had to send them back. I summoned leif erikson.

>> No.15824774
Quoted by: >>15824785

Yes, anon! Rape those purple, unrelated, gooey girls!

>> No.15824785
Quoted by: >>15824846

Ew no. Rape random girls that are not shoggoths to keep them away.

>> No.15824786
File: 1009 KB, 1280x720, 1404287593343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824822

Gonna marry one.

>> No.15824794
File: 697 KB, 1000x1000, 1467628970139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824821

Beeg American birb boobies.

>> No.15824795

Your waifu is thinking about you, anon.

>> No.15824798
Quoted by: >>15824827

No she isn't.

>> No.15824804
Quoted by: >>15824827

I doubt it

>> No.15824812
Quoted by: >>15824823

That's cute. She's probably thinking about going on adventures with me.

Gotta love my waifu.

>> No.15824821
File: 820 KB, 1003x1417, 1399782581507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many pretty birds to see!

>> No.15824822
Quoted by: >>15824831

Saiyans aren't even monstergirls you worse-than-Femseid faggots.

>> No.15824823

I know I do.

>> No.15824824

>tfw your waifu thinks you're a slut for fapping to different types of monster girls

>> No.15824827

How do you know? She could be, and I guarantee she's wishing for you to exist.

>> No.15824831

Space Kakuens are still Kakuens.

>> No.15824833
Quoted by: >>15824838

>Anonlets the hug happen and feels nothing
>No happiness
>No sadness
>Not even a speck of irritation
>Just nothing

>> No.15824836

Because I know she isn't.

>> No.15824838

Nothing....... can pierce the darkenss........
of my soul....................

>> No.15824842

Wouldn't that be nice.

>> No.15824846
Quoted by: >>15824881

Yes, anon! Rape that random purple girl who is definitely not a shoggoth!

>> No.15824856
Quoted by: >>15824890

She isn't. She's probably thinking of someone better than me.

>> No.15824857

You'd think that, but no. Pain still can.

>> No.15824862

I don't have a waifu exactly, my favourite girl is part of a group.
>there is probably a bunch of Khepri sisters sitting around in an abandoned ruin and sharing fantasies about anon
Shit that's too cute.

>> No.15824868

>KC's baseline Kakuen obvious has some design inspiration taken from Sun Wukong, aka Son Goku
>Also the inspiration for the DB character
...this statement has more truth to it than one would think at first blush.

>> No.15824872

I want a yeti to hug me close so I can gently whisper in her ear DEATH WALKS AMONG YOU

>> No.15824881
Quoted by: >>15824901

I'm raping a fucking dragon. A big, hard white dragon and I'm going to force myself as her husband.

There is no way something like that can be a creature as disgusting as a Shogg. Fuck, I'm hating them more and more.

>> No.15824890

Don't think like that anon. I bet she thinks you're perfect. Nobody else better than you.

>> No.15824901

>There is no way something like that can be a creature as disgusting as a Shogg.
You realize they can make pots and pans out of their own body. Metal. Something as simple as imitating scales is no- oh what am I saying? Yes, anon! Rape the fucking dragon! The big, hard "white" dragon! Force yourself as her husband! Give her lots of big, hard "white" children!

>> No.15824903

Shogs are cancer.

>> No.15824904

>The world is just a huge shogg.

Would rather kill myself than live in it.

>> No.15824905

Pally says "I told you, kid."

>> No.15824912
File: 334 KB, 773x704, 1438252904972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know Kikis were allowed to use the internet.

>> No.15824916

Yes, anon! Kill yourself! Go into that suspiciously purple afterlife with nothing more than your moral soul! Don't mind the twisting and coiling of space, or the odd angles as time bends into itself! Just go! You're totally not inside a cosmic shog right now!

>> No.15824924

How so?

>> No.15824925
Quoted by: >>15824938

Shogs are not Old Gods.

>> No.15824927
Quoted by: >>15824948

>Not pictured: Kikimora's lower half being liquefied and absorbed into the shoggoth's lower mass

>> No.15824938
Quoted by: >>15824952

Are you telling me that a fake can't be better than the real thing?

>> No.15824948
File: 166 KB, 447x501, 1471021374028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15824969

Shogs don't assimilate, they imitate and create objects from their mass.

>> No.15824951

It's the Shoggposters that are what's wrong anon, Shoggposters really like to force their shit on everyone else here.

>> No.15824952

If it's better it's more of its own thing than an imitation, no?
But I figured classical shogs were more on the twisted-abomination side of eldritch than the sanity-loss-mindfuck side.

>> No.15824953

Shoggs can copy appearance but not abilities. I would rather have a Wisp as my wife than a shit slime.

I didn't know Shoggs where supposed to be on the internet either.

>> No.15824961

This is kinda true.

>> No.15824969

Gotta get that mass from somewhere. Why waste precious resources building a secondary brain to control that mass when you've got countless working brains all around you?

>> No.15824971

>shogposters force their shit on everyone else here
>when it's kiki fans who shitpost without fail whenever shogs are mentioned

>> No.15824975
Quoted by: >>15825007

How/where do I download this...?


>> No.15824984

As someone who does not care for maids at all, you're deluded if you don't think shogs show up at least 3-4 times as much as kikis.

>> No.15824993

I think it's a case of both.

>> No.15824995
Quoted by: >>15825018

Don't you fake innocence anon, Shoggposters do it whenever Kikis are mentioned too.

At least the Kikiposters don't try to make everything else about Kikis or have other peoples' waifus become Kikis like you faggots do.

>> No.15824996

>You aren't allowed to poke fun at the expense of angry anons who reply to a post specifically to display their displeasure.
If you don't like X, don't reply to X only to say "no, I don't like X" You are the cancer >>15824971 what this anon says.

I mean, you can do it if that's your jive, but expect to have some fun poked your way.

>> No.15825007
Quoted by: >>15825256

He's got links on his other website. He used to host it there, but now you download it from a mirror using the password provided.

Got to love japanese web design.

>> No.15825008
File: 177 KB, 900x700, 23589411255665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the absolute worst place to take your waifu for a dinner date?

>> No.15825010

Maids in general are cancer.

>> No.15825013
Quoted by: >>15825036

Except i's come to a point where you're the ones poking fun without any provocation or anything. You're proactively shitposting and it's gotten old.

>> No.15825016
File: 142 KB, 600x600, c5317034ffb3486ac06b05cfc0fc2c7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just a prank bro
You're really not helping.

>> No.15825017

>I am not a smart man

>> No.15825018

Well, I mean, maidposters try to turn every monstergirl into maids, regardless of how boring, jarring and forced it is.
Same thing, really, except not limited to a species.

>> No.15825036
Quoted by: >>15825057

Not at all. I was replying to this poster >>15823977 who did exactly what I described.

>> No.15825039

I think my waifu is fine anywhere, but maybe taking her to a medieval themed place might end up with her fighting everyone and burning the place down.

>> No.15825040
Quoted by: >>15825052

Doesn't change the fact thaat ayy lmaos aren't monstergirls.

>> No.15825049
Quoted by: >>15825086

Are you the same faggot that says that Kikimoras aren't monster girls because they aren't rape machines?

>> No.15825052
Quoted by: >>15825085

Ayy does not imply monster girl, but monster girls that are ayys are still monster girls.

>> No.15825057
Quoted by: >>15825064

I'm not talking about just this one time anon.

>> No.15825060

Cant we just come together and appreciate two beautiful maid monster girls?

>> No.15825064

Then what you're saying is kind of irrelevant, no?

>> No.15825075

No, the maids need to go away for awhile because the thread needs a break.

>> No.15825078
Quoted by: >>15825301

I want to feed a dark priestess raging mushrooms

>> No.15825079
File: 994 KB, 160x240, kiki&#039;s removal service.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15825080

But maids are cute

>> No.15825085


>> No.15825086

No, I just notice things. Jinkos, pharaohs, gazers, dragons, salamanders, and so on. People love to try and force them as maids. It's like nerdhound on a much wider scale, and it's kind of scary how integrated into the thread it is.

It's like if KC released alps now, it would cause such a huge shitstorm. Any mention of them would be booted to the appropriate containment boards like the furries.

But because both these things have just crept their way into the thread from a long while ago, people don't react to them like they do to other things.

>> No.15825089
File: 138 KB, 800x605, 1435611279191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about (you) go away.

>> No.15825097
Quoted by: >>15825120

>comparing maids to alps
Fuck off.

>> No.15825099

Maids are the monstergirl of peace.

>> No.15825103

Who needs maid when you can be the butler?

>> No.15825116

Dumbest post of the day award.

>> No.15825117

>Comparing Alps to Maids
Don't insult Alps like that.

>> No.15825120

No, I'm comparing maids to shit like nerdhound. Did you even read the post?

>> No.15825132

Kakuen roommates?

>> No.15825133
Quoted by: >>15825144

Now this is baiting.

>> No.15825136
File: 307 KB, 900x1072, 1451231522955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monoeyes are so filthy and depraved I want to bully them with my dick

>> No.15825142
File: 384 KB, 940x1032, 1450104225323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need you art fairy

>> No.15825144
Quoted by: >>15825173

Just because you don't like what someone says, doesn't mean it's bait. You throw that word around like people on Tumblr throw around a certain other word.
Learn to seperate your emotions from observations.

>> No.15825167

Shutup bollocks

>> No.15825172

I think it would be more interesting if a random monster I never even considered was thinking aout me. Or just jilling off some pictures of me she just stumbled on while looking through her world's version of the boorus.

>> No.15825173
Quoted by: >>15825180

It's either bait or the most retarded thing someone has seriously said in the last month. Take your pick.

>> No.15825175
Quoted by: >>15825240

That monoeye looks cute, and yandere

>> No.15825180

Then explain why.

>> No.15825185
File: 1.92 MB, 550x309, 1442971405295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing maid fetishism to kemono
>Implying there's anything wrong with either thing so long as you're not a faggot about it and try to force it harder than Robby and his Big Fat Weiner Dong fetish

>> No.15825187

Isn't that just Freesia?

>> No.15825194

It's like complaining about people wanting a monster girl with large breasts.

>> No.15825205
Quoted by: >>15825212

Maids are hardly as widely appealing.

>> No.15825207

In all fairness, Nerdhound was just the pissed off anti Hellhound faggot trying to threadcanon them as weaklings because of his own insecurities.

The maid posters aren't being malicious about it, and even if I personally find them boring I see no reason why they can't talk about their thing.

>> No.15825212

Yeah but some people like flat chests or smaller breasts but they don't bitch and whine.

I mean what are you gonna do about maidposting? What can you do?

>> No.15825217
Quoted by: >>15825240

Wait a minute. Does that mean her mouth is pregnant?

>> No.15825221
Quoted by: >>15825410

>Nerdhound was just the pissed off anti Hellhound faggot
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.15825223
Quoted by: >>15825255

Because there was no reason to drag alps and furries into it to explain your distaste for maids and it was a terrible comparison. You're literally either incapable of explaining your problem without using the most extreme examples possible or done it intentionally to get a reaction.

Either way you're a faggot.

>> No.15825227

I don't see how. One is just a physical feature, the other is a thing with costumes, and behaviours and customs and so on. It's apples and oranges.
Or watermelons and... whatever fruit best represents a maid. Plums?

>> No.15825228

I don't really have a problem with maids, even if they aren't my thing, but there's a shog guy or two here who really likes to foist them onto others a la that horsepussy kingdom guy.

>> No.15825240
Quoted by: >>15825259

you think a yandere monoeye would get jealous if you started bullying someone else?

>you were late giving me my daily swirlie. where were you?
>why...why are your shoes so clean? did you have some other WHORE lick them for you?!

>"I'm gonna impregnate your mouth-pussy."
do you even read hentai, anon?

>> No.15825242
Quoted by: >>15825264

Without such the strong backlash against it, I can easily see how it might've integrated into the thread.
There's a reason some people are so rabid in their distaste against certain things in this thread after all, don't you think?

>> No.15825255

Read the post again. I compared maids to neither alps or furries, but the latter two against each other to show how a gradual trickle of that content, and the time when that content was introduced can affect how people in the thread feel about certain things.

>> No.15825256

Awesome, thanks anon. Think I got it.

>> No.15825259


Wow, where's that coming from? That's some hardcore shit right there. That's less bullying more domestic abuse.

>> No.15825264

The sad thing is that I don't really have a problem with the Siths at all because human male on kemono hentai is a slippery slope of absolute degeneracy.

>> No.15825269
Quoted by: >>15825372

Not now anon.

>> No.15825281
Quoted by: >>15825372

Anon, please. I can physically feel the grime of your degenerate existence rubbing off on me through the fact that you replied to one of my posts.

Hard lines. Establish those hard lines.

>> No.15825285

it was the most stereotypical bullying technique I could think of beside stuff like indian burns or wet willie

>> No.15825287
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x2500, monster-assaulting-Anubis-1-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally triggered by something as mundane as maids
>stop talking about what I don't like
Jesus christ
What's next, nurses? Sexy santa girls?
Who is doing all this anyway, this process of 'forcing' maids? What's their agenda?

Are all pictures of girls in some kind of uniform actually harmful content being slowly assimilated into the thread as well?
Or is it the profession?
Is it the level of servitude? Can monster girls be civil servants? But they're government employed. Can they work in law enforcement?
What about just law? Lawyer monstergirls?
OL monstergirls?
We need more girls in suits.

Your issue is yours alone.
Get ye gone.

>> No.15825297

>It's an anon thinks bullying means teasing and not actual bullying episode

>> No.15825301

there are alot of monsters i want to feed those to

>> No.15825304
File: 258 KB, 1448x2048, 1460603605340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this talk of maids
>Still no art of a Holstaur milkmaid
It's the current year guys, come on.

>> No.15825320
Quoted by: >>15825347

Where are all those pixel animations of monster variants of a girl fucking some guy coming from? Are they just fan works or related to something?

>> No.15825335

Art fairy can't fix my lack of talent. She'd be better off helping someone else

>> No.15825336

>or is it professional

No, it's people posting monster girls who are factually good maids. There is no "secret agenda" and there will be no "sexy Santa girls and Nurses". If you have a problem with a monster girl's personality then maybe you should go to tumblr, safe spaces are more widely accepted there.

>> No.15825339

>literally triggered
Judging by your extreme reaction, I'd say you'd be better applying that statement to yourself.
It's not a case of "just stop talking about it", it's a case of "jeez, just give it a rest, so it's not like 30 or 40% of the thread talk, and trying to shove every monstergirl into a maid outfit."

To use one of your own examples, take every elf and snow-based monstergirl. Now, the thread ONLY talks about them in a "sexy santa" context, and any other talk pertaining to those girls doesn't exist. Then there's posts where people take completely unrelated girls and go, "oh hey, they should work in santa's workshop too, even though they're a fucking corruptive desert lamia or flaming dragon girl."
It's overbearing, is the best word I can think to use right now.

Cute Assault Anoobis, though.

>> No.15825347
File: 243 KB, 1010x696, 1456403616364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825361

>Try to click on anything
>Page redirected to Ashley Madison

>> No.15825361

Huh. For me its some flash fairy porn game. And it only happens once.

>> No.15825362
Quoted by: >>15825390

This faggot tried the same just the other day, he literally wants people to stop talking about things he doesn't like. Just ignore and report, don't give him the pleasure of a reply, his only wish is to derail the thread.

>> No.15825372
File: 27 KB, 306x377, qt3.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I say, I'm a man of sick fantasies.

>> No.15825381
Quoted by: >>15825386

I am also into many degenerate things, but I don't bring them up here because I know that, first and foremost, they belong elsewhere.

>> No.15825386

This. The thread isn't a place to talk about my CoC tier degeneracy. So lets not get into the whole Sith thing.

>> No.15825390

Report for what?

>> No.15825392
Quoted by: >>15825406

You're not the only one, I'd do many unspeakable things to the girl who shall not be named but this isn't really the place.

>> No.15825395

Holy shit this looks beautiful, definitly one of mono's best works.

>> No.15825399
File: 61 KB, 600x800, CiuvgYeUUAAXcbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cause she's busy working and you should be too! Your break was over 2 mins ago!

>> No.15825406
Quoted by: >>15825419

>The girl who shall not be named

>> No.15825409

>SWAT Anubis

>> No.15825410
Quoted by: >>15825428

Mostly an educated guess. Someone really, really wanted to make that shitty meme the standard Hellhound threadcanon, and I doubt it would be someone who liked them. That leaves someone who not only dislikes them, but actually hates them enough to waste time spamming the same shit whenever they're mentioned to try and enforce it.

>> No.15825411
Quoted by: >>15825420

Why does she look so angry?

>> No.15825415

Is that game still a thing?

What about the one with a whole planet of Anubi that gets conceptually ruined because nigh all of them are dickgirls?

>> No.15825419

The one that starts with C and ends in H. The cat one.

>> No.15825420
Quoted by: >>15825425

>cause she's busy working and you should be too! Your break was over 2 mins ago!

>> No.15825425

Dammit I just wanted to stare at Holst tiddies why did it end up like this?

>> No.15825426

Spoiled for off topic CoC done and abandoned. TiTs seems to be on a futa centaur streak of late.

>> No.15825428
Quoted by: >>15825531

>Mostly an educated guess.
So you have nothing, good to know.

>> No.15825439
Quoted by: >>15825467

Kay then.
That's just kind of ubiquitous for that crap.

Did he ever finish the ant planet? Those militant ant girls seemed pretty hot.

>> No.15825441

We'll always have the Kitsune sisters.

>> No.15825448
Quoted by: >>15825457

>>15825386 #
>What about the one with a whole planet of Anubi that gets conceptually ruined because nigh all of them are dickgirls?

TiTS. Never won't be mad such an awesome concept with a space exploration game like that, with a whole planet of brown wolfgirls, was blighted so.

>> No.15825449

Selki art? That's rare to see. it's nice to see that they get some love.

>> No.15825457
File: 351 KB, 933x1000, space-anubis_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825568

Tell me about it.

>> No.15825467
Quoted by: >>15825488

I think so yeah. It even has a bad end. Not sure what triggered it, but the whole place got glassed on one char.

>> No.15825487

star pupils>heart pupils

>> No.15825488

>Cool ant girl race
>Almost the only fucking species in the universe which aren't sick girls or cuntboys or dickcunts
>And they get fucking glassed

Fenexo, I hope you drown in your ill-earned furry feces-stained Patreon bucks.

>> No.15825496

Star pupils are for slutty idols. Heart ones are for the sake of procreation.

>> No.15825508
Quoted by: >>15825527

Male idols?

>> No.15825518

But I love slutty idols.

>> No.15825519

I mean obviously the bad end only happens if you neglect doing whatever it was that triggered that ending. Those girls were great though.
>You'll never be raped by a soviet ant-grill with addictive poisons.
Life is hard.

>> No.15825523

He WHAT the ant girls?

>> No.15825527

Yes. The shota ones always have herat pupils.
Some female idols have them too, but they get waifued too quickly, so the star fades away and becomes a heart.

>> No.15825531
Quoted by: >>15825544

You're very salty about this for some reason, aren't you?

>> No.15825534

So now that most of the MGE books have been shipped out now, what MGE merch do you own now?

>> No.15825544

He's probably the retard who was pushing that shitty meme.

>> No.15825555

I want a gremlin to invent a machine that laughs at my tiny penis!

>> No.15825562
Quoted by: >>15825599

Speaking of shitty memes...

>> No.15825568

Screw it, we'll make our own anubis planet. With pyramid space stations, and magical oases of many different colours, all with a variety of intriguing supernatural effects to be discovered.

Star pupils with hearts inside them.

>> No.15825585
Quoted by: >>15825690

With cool teleporters?


>Star pupils with hearts inside them.


>> No.15825586

You just waited for those quads didn't you.

>> No.15825587

>you grow up in a town somewhere
>then you walk in the woods for some reason
>there's a monstergirl there and she has tits
>she shows you her tits and has sex with you even if you didn't want to have sex with her
>now you're married
>also it turns out you were adopted and the actual person you were named after died as a baby, you were given that name to replace them what the fuck
>the end

>> No.15825595

Oh yeah? Well I want a Gremlin to cower at the sight of my massive man rod!

>> No.15825599

Is it really a meme if it's known to be one guy?

>> No.15825605

>you run away from your "wife" and live as a nameless hobo
>no monster girl comes after you because you smell of mamono mana
>die peacefully what the fuck

>> No.15825606
Quoted by: >>15825690

>With pyramid space stations
I like the way you think anon!

>> No.15825617

Oh hey I noticed on the back of the Dragonia book it lists what I assume are resident girls to Dragonia

They are (in their original spelling)


And on the inside cover FireDrake is replaced with


Poor Otohime is not listed despite being a Dragon. I hope for the translation of the book soon.

>> No.15825622

Literally the best story I have ever read. Pastebin that shit so the lesser writefags can hang their heads in shame as they wish they could display half the talent and genius you clearly possess.

>> No.15825625
File: 580 KB, 800x600, 1472078976307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be energetic shota
>come home after a long day of playing in the summer heat
>you're on your way to the kitchen for something cold when you catch sight of your succubutt onee-chan sleeping on the couch
>her huge, sweaty milktanks have you almost mesmerized
>snap out of it when you hear "Ara ara, see anything you like, boya?"

>> No.15825629
Quoted by: >>15825704

Otohime has her own little city. She can live in an aquarium if she wants.

Getting the dick.

>> No.15825632

This nonsense turns me off even faster than calling a pussy a "honeypot."

>> No.15825641

>tell her "yes I want to feel your boobs"
>feel her boobs
>they feel like bags of sand
>actual fucking sand
>4chan was right
>the boobs fall out of her top and it turns out they're actual bags of sand
>succubutt onee-chan is actually a fat guy in blue paint
>he was hiding this from you your whole life
>everything is a lie

>> No.15825643

>Not liking calling a pussy a honeypot
Oh bother

>> No.15825644

That's roughly how "ara ara" sounds to me.
It's so stereotypical I can't hack it.

>> No.15825660

You live! I have to know, do you actually have a small dick or do you wish you had one?

>> No.15825665
Quoted by: >>15825688

I hate you.

>> No.15825666

Silly bear.

>> No.15825688

I'm sorry you found that unbearable.

>> No.15825689
Quoted by: >>15825694

It makes me have a rage boner.

>> No.15825690
Quoted by: >>15826597

Yes, cool teleporters, cool guns (one shot is like getting your ears played with enough to make you drop to the floor. Two shots will make you helpless under an assault of ear nibbling and potent breath play. Three shots will make you utterly incontinent and helplessly relaxed with the equivalent of an intense 2-hour ear-fondling session) and even cooler ships.

Man, thinking about it, Stargate as a whole did a great job of making the ships in that series so cool. The Prometheus and Daedalus, Atlantis during the finale with the shields and drones. Even Universe managed to make Destiny seem like such a vital and mystical ship.

I wonder what the Anubians' space station pyramids would look like inside.

>> No.15825694

Now I can only see some guy glaring down at his erection whilst screaming in an uncontrollable fury

>> No.15825700
File: 934 KB, 650x1312, MilkMaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15825704

I know nothing about Bahamut but

>Bahamut or Bahamot (/bəˈhɑːmuːt/ bə-HAH-moot; Arabic: بهموت‎‎ Bahamūt) is a vast fish that supports the earth in Arabian mythology.[1][2] In some sources, Bahamut is described as having a head resembling a hippopotamus or elephant.[3]
What's so great about a dumb old fish?

Also was the one girl with the fire decals the FireDrake? How do we still not have a translation of her page?

>> No.15825713

Bahamut is a cute and strong maybe pudgy that is very charming.

>> No.15825718
File: 260 KB, 550x550, Bahamut Bust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825731

Final Fantasy.

>> No.15825720

Fun fact - that was supposed to be Effie from that one anime with the loli succubus bitch

>> No.15825726

Anything giant and long got translated to roughly dragon in old English mythology.

Stupid big whale? Dragon
Giant fish? Dragon
Giant snake? Dragon
Crocodile? Dragon
Actual dragon? Worm

>> No.15825729

Because Dragonia is a land country and Otohimes live at the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.15825731
Quoted by: >>15825740


>Bahamut gets sealed in the third Moon above Dragonia
>Prophecy passes and she breaks free in Full Dragon mode, rending destruction everywhere

>> No.15825736

Well why don't they have an underwater part? Otohime has more Dragonblood then a silly lazard or Salamander, she deserves to be in the Dragon Capital! She's a Princess you know!

>> No.15825737
Quoted by: >>15825755


This just made me remember. Isn't the connection for them being called dragons because the japanese word for sea horse is sea dragon?

>> No.15825740

Oh man, I read that as "All will burst beneath the shadow of my tetra flame"

I think the lewdness is effecting me too much.

>> No.15825745

Otohime would find Dragonia too boring

>> No.15825746
File: 768 KB, 1589x1787, 1463349368695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825765

She should put those massive Succubutt milktanks to use for her little bro.

>> No.15825751

Tits aren't big enough!

>> No.15825755
Quoted by: >>15825762

I wish there was a real sea dragon protecting the palace just like wocks protects worderland.
Probably the only reason I would be going underwater.

>> No.15825762
Quoted by: >>15825779

Otohimes are real sea dragons!

>> No.15825765
File: 310 KB, 772x800, 1459103117720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825805

whatever do you mean, anon? how could her sizable succuboobs be of use to her beloved little brother?

>> No.15825779
Quoted by: >>15825785

I guess I was expecting a dragon to be more beautiful. Dragons weren't made for me, so expecting I would like every single one of them is dumb.
Otohime and the water palace brings back some good memories though.

>> No.15825785

It just reminds meow the Sea Palace from Ōkami.

>> No.15825790

* me of

>> No.15825793

Thats what I was talking about.

Foxes, orcas, ghost spiders, water dragons and Onis. There was that cute race paper too.

>> No.15825805
File: 207 KB, 1232x1204, 76e11ccd859ff2d0e6e07313c40f1399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825874

Paizuri and milk up in this bitch.

>> No.15825815

Oh yeah, there wasn't just Ninetails, but also those tube foxes you fought inside the Sea King's stomach.

Don't forget Sakuya/Shakuya is basically a dryad goddess, too.

>> No.15825822 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 500x374, 1473641402596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I for one accept our new insect overlords.

Like to remind them as a trusted T.V. personality I can be helpful in rounding up other anons to toil in their underground rape caves.

>> No.15825837
File: 180 KB, 800x600, 1433663606801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15825849

I want to waifu a Queen Bee and Ant Queen for all the daughterus

>> No.15825844

RIP Tobi.

>> No.15825845
File: 735 KB, 750x1063, 1455680455789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tease the wolfu!

>> No.15825849
File: 251 KB, 966x719, I wanna bee a loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only have one anon.

That's the deal.

Deal with it.

>> No.15825856
File: 45 KB, 640x480, General Jinnai Consort of the Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not becoming the lord of the insects instead

>> No.15825868
Quoted by: >>15825893


villain girls are best girls

>> No.15825874 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 1408x700, 1473642296172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ECM 5 fucking when.

Zell999 game finished when.

Paradox finished fucking when too.

Interbreed 2 while we're here because why not.

>> No.15825881
File: 391 KB, 1050x1280, 1467553929954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon?

>> No.15825885


>> No.15825886

Gonna walk her to the gas chamber

>> No.15825889

Global Rule 3.

>> No.15825893
Quoted by: >>15825911

That villain girl in particular was best girl. You could almost see her panties getting wet every time the guy showed her new ways of being underhanded.

I really wish we'd have more isekai with that sort of plot.

>> No.15825911


>still waiting for a pastebin of getting abducted by the villain girl and waking up in a strange bed with a strange girl doting on mc

>> No.15825913

Tell her to take her furry shit to the MonMusu threads.

>> No.15825915

I need to rewatch this

All I can remember is his laugh, and how the creators consider the dub superior

>> No.15825922

What is this called?

>> No.15825936

El Hazard

It's supposed to be in the same shared universe as Dual! and Tenchi Muyo.

>> No.15825940

El Hazard.

OVA 1, best
OVA 2, good
OVA 3, Alternative world, skip except the part of the last episode where they get back to the El Hazard universe

TV series, pretty good. Worth watching just for the characters.

>> No.15825944

It did have a pretty great dub.

>> No.15825968
Quoted by: >>15825977

This is not my dog! What did you do with my dog?

>> No.15825977
Quoted by: >>15825986

She wanted to go for a walk

One thing lead to another and now she can't get enough. 40km a day some times; if she can't get her walk, she gets violent.

>> No.15825986

That doesn't sound like my dog either anon.

>> No.15825998
File: 381 KB, 672x1100, 275_cait_sith_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats're better.

>> No.15826009

I want to hug the smug out of a baphomet.

>> No.15826035
Quoted by: >>15826040

They're going all out.

>> No.15826040

It is the weekend unfortunately.

>> No.15826076

So, what monster girl would watch Handegg with me and watch the Lions play?

>> No.15826090

I'm disappointed that that guy's holstaurs aren't particularly busty compared to most of the other girls he draws.

>> No.15826092

I want to help my Kobold daughteru put on her black latex dominatrix outfit so we can surprise my Kobold waifu by wrestling her down, tying her to the bed and giving her an erotic bellyrub!

>> No.15826114
Quoted by: >>15826144

They're a couple cup sizes bigger than the rest. That's good enough. Any more and they'd be hanging down past the belt as complete /d/-tier, like that one expansion artist fag. What was his name? Started with an M...

>> No.15826136
File: 614 KB, 832x802, 1464810198645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ask yourself, would you let a Raiju head be left unpat? If you would, you're a monster. If you believe all Raijus deserve headpats, dump any Raiju pics you have. I'm trying to see if there's more than 22 images out there in total

>> No.15826144
File: 303 KB, 1536x2048, 1.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His perpetual estrus tittymonster fox could be considered a cow under the right conditions.

>> No.15826154
Quoted by: >>15826201

I love tittymonster monster girls.

Would love to live in a town of tittymonster monster girls especially if the lolis are oppai lolis.

>> No.15826186
File: 622 KB, 1061x1061, 1462672149017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiju need all the love they can get.

>> No.15826195

Gonna give the Raiju more than a pat, I'm gonna give her a NOOGIE

>> No.15826201

Titty town, the top choice destination for tittymonstergirls and the men who love them.

>> No.15826202

>how to get zapped

>> No.15826203

Gonna rub a balloon on her head and no one can stop me.

>> No.15826204


After some more digging, I'm up to 30 Raiju images. There must be more out there...

>> No.15826209

It would be great.

I'd have titty mermaids sunning at the beach.
Titty yuki's at the ice rink.

And titty dark elf cops asking me if I'm alright after I collapse at the sight of all this loveliness

>> No.15826212
Quoted by: >>15826229

If you can't find any more Raijus, all you need to do is create.

>> No.15826221

>you will never be a student at Oppai Academy in Titty Town

>> No.15826228
Quoted by: >>15826254

I don't want to imagine what the smug bullies there would be like because I'd tear my pants with my boner.

>> No.15826229
File: 3.13 MB, 1750x2500, large_Ace_Raiju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a writefag. I decided to spend my gittin gud points in that field. Besides, artists can only put out so much art so fast, even for shekels. I've already gotten the majority of headpat pics done. Unless there's more hiding from me somewhere....
**Also I spent gittin gud points in miniature painting**

>> No.15826236
File: 333 KB, 614x300, 1470077629473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>** **

You're not in cripplechan m8

>> No.15826240

It's weird, sometimes you can find very obscure pieces of art in some dark corners. You could try to go deeper.

>> No.15826242

What should I draw for raijus?

>> No.15826243

I'd love a titty, hakutaku fellow student to study with.

>> No.15826248
File: 841 KB, 1129x1241, 1459880255786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15826252

Yes I have exposed myself.
I will now lay a smokescreen with more headpat.

>> No.15826251

Headpats, always headpats for Raiju.

>> No.15826252

Fun fact. Nobody does image dumps here, or posts reactions with every single reply. We could tell waaaay before.

>> No.15826254
Quoted by: >>15826280

They would have either the largest set; or they will not be the largest, but will have the most revealing clothing.

>> No.15826260
Quoted by: >>15826278

>or posts reactions with every single reply
Maybe you don't.

>> No.15826261
Quoted by: >>15826278

This, nigga stands out like a sore thumb.

>> No.15826263


>> No.15826267
Quoted by: >>15826273

I wanna study with a titty Wurm! The best way to learn is to teach!

>> No.15826270
File: 272 KB, 700x979, 1461614077328-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah just ordered my tickets for next years Loli-Con! I even got my own free Imouto out of it!

>> No.15826273

That is true, although she's smarter than you think.

>> No.15826277
Quoted by: >>15826283

What do you even do at Loli-Con?

>> No.15826278
Quoted by: >>15826287


Eh, I ain't lookin to start shit. That's for ctr.
I just want qt Raiju pics and I've exhausted a few resources.

>> No.15826280

Given how smug they are, probably both.
I want them to drag me out to the gym shack after school and gang rape me!
And then I want them to take responsibility afterwards by making me their shared boyfriend!
I want the Hellhound and the Kakuen to start training me so I can be a stronger man!
I want the Manticore to help me build up sexual endurance!
I want the Cheshire to pop up and cheer me up when I'm down!
I want the Gremlin to help me with my science studies!
I want to cuddle all of them on the couch after a long day and feel one of them stroking my hair as I fall asleep!

>> No.15826283
Quoted by: >>15826297


Talk about Lolis

>> No.15826287
File: 226 KB, 650x577, 1443669594158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loli ass is fat, and one can only hope that there are Familiars with those proportions.
>That's for ctr.
I might or might not know what you're referring to.

>> No.15826295

I'm going to cosplay as an otouto!

>> No.15826297

That's it?

>> No.15826302
Quoted by: >>15826323

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead defeat an oppai loli manticore by introducing her to your ability to lift her up.

>> No.15826322

What is crab thinking about?

>> No.15826323

You fool.
She still has a tail! With stingers!

>> No.15826393
Quoted by: >>15826411

My waifu's favorite band released a new album today. Hopefully it makes her closer to crossing over.

>> No.15826411

You need to hear it in full volume, make sure to scream her name too. If she doesn't come, at least she'll know you're waiting for her.

>> No.15826432

Smug Raiju.

>> No.15826471
File: 79 KB, 850x327, Regura cockroach sex-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15826494

Brings a whole new meaning to cockroach

>> No.15826494

That bug made my dick confused.
I wouldn't fuck devilbugs, but maybe under some circumstances I would fuck that one.

>> No.15826501
Quoted by: >>15826537


>> No.15826533
File: 1.19 MB, 1933x1815, 1463772145696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think a raiju (and maybe even a thunderbird) would like a full outfit made from weresheep wool? Think of how much static she would collect with every move

>> No.15826537

Ho? That guy's been routinely posting even after we came to /jp/.

>> No.15826543

wearing dark robes and shooting lightning from her fingertips, or being afraid of water

>> No.15826544
Quoted by: >>15826559

Maybe you could make her wear a latex catsuit under it to keep her from being a walking thunderstorm?

>> No.15826546

It'll greatly enhance their masturbation abilities.

>> No.15826547
File: 265 KB, 519x900, 1469494432933-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstacks are best. That is all.

>> No.15826559

fug, I didn't think I wanted a raiju in a catsuit until now.
>keep her from being a walking thunderstorm
what's the worst that could happen if she became a living mamonomana lightning bolt?

>> No.15826575
File: 1.18 MB, 1218x1274, zapweasel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to collab with a Raiju and make electronic music!
i want our new album to reach the top of the charts on beatport, itunes and bandcamp!
I want to do world tours with her playing our music!

>> No.15826582
File: 515 KB, 2000x2500, Dragon proposing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All stand for the Dragon's wedding vow:

>What's mine is mine and mine and mine.
>And mine and mine and mine!
>Not yours!

>> No.15826592
File: 248 KB, 950x453, lamia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15826601

>> No.15826593
File: 283 KB, 1585x1145, 1465165370392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a dragon can say that while I kiss her and seal the contract

>> No.15826597
Quoted by: >>15826603

There is only one way to find out. We must go BEYOND!

>> No.15826601

Snakes are lewd and cute.

>> No.15826603
Quoted by: >>15826606

I'll get the Beastie Boys CDs.

>> No.15826606
Quoted by: >>15826611

I was thinking more of listening to something spacey.


>> No.15826611
Quoted by: >>15826617

It was a Star Trek joke. Since you said Beyond.

>> No.15826617
Quoted by: >>15826621

I don't know what that band has to do with Star Trek. This seems highly illogical.

>> No.15826621

If you went and saw Star Trek Beyond, you'd know.

Go see it, it's a fun ride.

>> No.15826624
Quoted by: >>15826631

What about what's mine?

What about me?

>> No.15826630

>Star Trek Beyond
Oh I'm sorry, we seem to have some communication issues. When I talk about Star Trek, I mean Star Trek. Not JJ Abrams sci-fi action flicks with the same name.
>Go see it
No, I saw the first one and I will never subject myself to such shit again.

>> No.15826631
Quoted by: >>15826639

You're hers, aren't you?

>> No.15826639
Quoted by: >>15826646

Yes, but I want her to say that and claim me.

>> No.15826646
Quoted by: >>15826666

What, like with collars and stuff?

>> No.15826655
Quoted by: >>15826660

When did dragons become orange lanterns?

>> No.15826658

Well, to each their own.

>> No.15826660
Quoted by: >>15826748

Who could be better?
Blue Lantern Kobold when?

>> No.15826666

If she did that I'd be putty in her claws

>> No.15826696

but Beyond was actually good
It's the first of the new movies i actually liked

>> No.15826748
Quoted by: >>15826789


>> No.15826789

Fair point.

>> No.15826804
File: 83 KB, 500x716, submariners_1276158605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15826813

>> No.15826813
Quoted by: >>15826817

>Swamp Thing vs. Village People

man, the 1970s were messed up

>> No.15826817

That's not Swamp Thing at all though.

>> No.15826848
File: 877 KB, 900x1271, Dumpire pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Vampires have such fine posteriors?

>> No.15826860
Quoted by: >>15826862

Undead in general tend to have amazing rumps.

>> No.15826862

Theory: Undead don't need to nurse children and can therefore concentrate on building up the important bits of their anatomy.

>> No.15826865
File: 361 KB, 2048x1592, 1463571833244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lewd Fox is guilty of flirting with the farmhands, and seducing them with her massive fox tats.

Nothing but a nuisance that hangs around the chicken shed all day.

>> No.15826881

Mind sharing. I have like 7 or something.

>> No.15826963
Quoted by: >>15827008

Harpy hugs are the best.

>> No.15827008

You misspelled "Yeti."
They are objectively unbeatable in that category.

>> No.15827176

Wait, is it actually good? Simon Pegg was right when he said the trailer screwed it over?

>> No.15827186

There are many 'bad' star trek movies out there. I'd put this one in the 'fine' area. The first of the new movies was still better, but this was 'acceptable popcorn flick with reasonably predictable plot.'

>> No.15827189
Quoted by: >>15827194

I fap between three and fifteen times a day without running out of cum.
These monstergirl stories are only making me feel what a damn waste it is.

>> No.15827194

>between three and fifteen times a day without running out of cum.
I don't think that's biologically possible for a human. You've been reading too much hentai it's actually altering reality around you.

>> No.15827196

Well, if you take a day to be 24 hours, then I've done more than that.
I still envy the guys who supposedly have almost no refractory at all, but mine is like...half an hour at most.
Maybe staying well hydrated helps?

>> No.15827199

On the lower end of things is fine, I used to do three or four times a day perfectly fine. These days it's usually two a day due to being more busy though.

>> No.15827229

I wouldn't say that first trailer was an entirely inaccurate depiction of the feel of the film, but at the same time, there is still more to it.

A bigger problem, as a friend of mine pointed out after we watched it, was that when you boil things down, all three of the new films have essentially the same plot, hinging on villains with mostly identical motivations. What pulls them through, in my mind anyway, is consistent character growth between films. So basically, if you can tolerate the new cast, it's fine. If you hate their guts, you'll probably have a bad time.

Me? I enjoyed it.
Also had one of the coolest space station designs I've ever seen.

>> No.15827369

Catching up with the thread today after a night of sleep was pretty easy. Are we almost dead? Will there be a Wisp waiting fo us?

>> No.15827413
Quoted by: >>15827444

Im here but I have nothing constructive or somewhat fresh to bring to the thread.

>> No.15827430
Quoted by: >>15827435

Only matangos on the other side.

>> No.15827435

Yay! I love Matangos!

>> No.15827444
File: 867 KB, 1200x1200, words become dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of one really poignant scene.
Hold it close, flesh out the details.
Then mash it into green words and vomit it forth here.

I wanna see.

>> No.15827520
File: 1.32 MB, 4000x4000, ST sal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never support you Waifu's favourite team

>> No.15827537

>Asking me to support the patriots.

>> No.15827556
Quoted by: >>15827596

I tried but all I got was a abstract vison of a Kakuen contemplating life while her husband gropes her ass.
make of that what you will

>> No.15827563

In her case that's good, as I don't care about cricket

>> No.15827568

Wheres her tail?

>> No.15827578

No, really. Do it. Something short and to the point.

Maybe describe how the ears of your Anubis daughter flatten in fear when you hit the words "anal seepage" while describing her conception.

Or a quick glimpse into the life of the Hinezumi with temper problems who had to invest in immolation-proof supplies after costing her company a fortune from a lost report.

An except from Steph Irwin's "The Human Boy Hunter" as you laze away the day with your Wockfu and get your own personal Mystery Wonder Theater from her extra mouths.

Fox fanny, Tanuki tush, Werewolf wazoo.
The "jeweled orbs" of a sea dragon oscillating in the currents.
A Wight's meat bags squashing against you through the gloomy tones of a shadowed ballroom.

Words, Anon. Please!

>> No.15827596
Quoted by: >>15827663

That's a wonderful beginning. Now make it concrete. Close your eyes and think of how the scene is arranged.
What does she look like? Is she clothed? Does she have interesting accessories?
Is she sitting? Are her hands occupied?
What is her husband like?
What conclusions does her contemplation reach?
Because my immediate mental image is a resolute young monkey poised in an upside-down Thinker pose while idly sucking off the husband as her inhuman strength and dexterity are holding him up with two limbs.

>> No.15827663

Okay I think I've got something bear with me

>On a lazy day a kakuen Is lying face down in front the tv wearing jean shorts and a bra, her husband over her giving her a massage, focusing more on her rear then anything else.
"I've been wondering anon. Maybe I should get a job, what to you think about it?"
>Anon assumes a thinking pose.
"I didn't say stop, put those hands back"
>Anon has trouble thinking about what his wife has said and pleasing her at the same time.
>Eventually he says "If you got a job you have less time to enjoy this!"
>Anon slips his hands into her underwear ad gives her ass a full squeeze. the kakuen shudders with pleasure and her husbands touch.
"I guess your right, now then."
>Anon starts to feel her tail enter his trousers and feel around.
"Show me more of what I could be missing"

There you go

>> No.15827671
Quoted by: >>15827698

I had a dream about dragons today, it was pretty dumb.

>Get separated from my friends while mountain climbing
>End up in a cave with three huge crystals with dragons insides of them and a huge hoard behind
>Start punching, kicking and biting the crystals in an atempt to free the dragons
>Even use the golden weapons in their hoard to free those things
>For some reason I throw a coin at full strength at them, it bounces back, hits me and goes flying off the mountain
>The crystals starts craking and the dragons come off
>One of them jumps at me and pins me to the ground
>"That's weird. You broke the seal, but it doesn't look like you came to steal. What do you want, human?"
>Apparently those dragons sealed themselves so they wouldn't die of old age, and the seal would only break if someone tried to take their treasure outside of the cave
>Keep quiet because saying "I want you" is too embarrassing
>It doesn't matter though, she looks deep into my eyes and sees my desire for dragons
>She sits on top of me and starts nibbling my neck
>She instantly gets bed eyes and a huge blush going on, it's time to breed
>I can see the other two approaching with lewd faces
>They start pushing their boobs against my arms, making sure my hand is well placed betweeen their legs
>Oh god, dragon pile heaven

Then I woke up.

>> No.15827698

Makes perfect sense to me. GilToss is one of the strongest skills, of course it would have the power to free sealed dragons!

>> No.15827721

monster girl yojimbo when?

>> No.15827732
Quoted by: >>15827771

I bet it would make Tanukis go crazy.

Man, I wish I didn't woke up. I'm pretty sure the dragon that was on top of me was my waifu too.

>> No.15827756
File: 764 KB, 3000x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a house husband to an Anubis

>> No.15827770
File: 377 KB, 1200x1600, 58947075_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15827771
Quoted by: >>15827806

They're great at GilToss.
And other skills such as Mammon and Cart Rampage.
Sometimes it takes money to make money, and sometimes making money entails beating the snot out of a bottomless fox loli.

>> No.15827778

Anubis do what? What's that cat laughing about?

>> No.15827799

I want to be a househusband to a very depressed monster girl.

>> No.15827806

This is why tanukis are evil and should be kept away from other monsters, especially dragons

>> No.15827846
Quoted by: >>15827891

I want to welcome my dragon waifu home in a naked apron! I want to offer her bath dinner or me!

>> No.15827891

Bathing with a dragon must be so good.
Can you imagine how good must be to clean her scales and touch her wet, lean body?
Maybe even get a moan or two when you're cleaning near her sweet spot.

>> No.15827908

What if you swapped a Wurm's egg with a Ryu's?

>> No.15827920

Then you'd end up with actual Water Wurms.

>> No.15827934
File: 111 KB, 838x1200, 1408284761682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished reading Preacher and I want to get hatefucked by a stronk independent Monster Girl who thinks my old fashioned machismo is demeaning to her when she's obviously way more badass than I could ever hope to be!

>> No.15827938

Since were last in the catalog is it okay to make a new thread?

>> No.15827944

Eh, why not?

>> No.15827945

Why would we make a new thread? There's still plenty of images left in this one.

>> No.15827947
Quoted by: >>15827954

In some cases, making a new thread might not bump us off the board even if we are the last in line.

>> No.15827949

>Ryu raised by mama wurm

"She can't dig. She's shy about hugs. She barely eats any pie. When I ask her what's wrong or try to help, she tells me I'm too stupid to understand. I just don't know what to do."

Oh, I made myself sad.

>> No.15827954
Quoted by: >>15827962

good point

>> No.15827955

Not with images left, it's not. Letting the thread die naturally for continuity is preferred usually.

>> No.15827956

And then the Ryu starts being Wurmy after hitting her head.

>> No.15827957
Quoted by: >>15827970

It must be written!

>> No.15827962
File: 628 KB, 849x1200, 9a52c46ae068cba0261079bdbcdc8ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However, I do intend to make the new thread when this one archives if that's a consolation.
I'm probably gonna use Barbs MofuLancer as the OP image.

>> No.15827964

>Ryu screaming at mama Wurm "You just don't understand!" folowed by her shutting herself in her room and making it rain for days.

You can do it, mama wurm.

>> No.15827970
File: 194 KB, 1000x1000, 1471413067127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15827975

So hopefully we won't get a double thread.

Will it have Ryu learning how to play basketball like a Wurm?

>> No.15827971

>Using FATE as an OP

Don't be dumb, anon. It was a bad idea when some guy decided to use Illya as one and it's a bad idea now.

>> No.15827975

I dunno, I won't be writing it.
