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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 2012x1944, D-ZyR-MXYAI6nuA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21624344 No.21624344 [Reply] [Original]

Trust her, she's a registered nurse.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.21624346

Bully the shorties!

>> No.21624350
Quoted by: >>21624938

my kraken daughteru dresses up like her inkling character she dressed up in splatoon 2 for fun!

>> No.21624351
File: 1.69 MB, 1470x2010, blackharpy11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna marry a black harpy!
I wanna fuck a black harpy!

>> No.21624358
File: 135 KB, 903x843, Harpy25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like a phoenix, the thread is reborn from youth! who's your favorite harpy, anons?

>> No.21624359 [DELETED] 

To be serious, I can sympathize with the social anxiety that many men feel these days, but I don't see the reason to put actual women down. Not because it will hert theyre fellings, but because it would cement a stigma that monster girl enthusiasts are just raging incels with sour grapes syndrome. I will take /jp/'s deviancy any day over being attacked by the regressive left. I believe that enthusiasts should make sure not to let their fantasies be tainted by gender issues. There's already too much identity politics in entertainment, so it's best to keep things pure by ignoring it. The root of monster girls is exotic love, personality, and beauty; all in the form of something that the mundane cannot provide

>> No.21624367

I don't know, but I want to go to Harpy Hooters to ogle all the tit birds!

>> No.21624373
File: 215 KB, 1200x1391, Harpy nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy harpy

>> No.21624374
Quoted by: >>21624383

I don't believe in fairies

>> No.21624375
File: 383 KB, 800x717, JubJub3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21624377

Black harpy is the best

>> No.21624378
File: 101 KB, 640x906, JtAQJug_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624387

>> No.21624379

>not Wing Sluts

>> No.21624380

Which category is the objectively best family in MGE? Beastman? Majin? Reptile?

>> No.21624383
Quoted by: >>21624944

i do, a fairy broke into my home last night, and ate the hot dog i had in fridge. that little bitch

>> No.21624385

Again i have to thank the artist for that pslime image last thread.

>> No.21624387


>> No.21624391
File: 217 KB, 1374x1365, 1543092305757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster butts make me nut

>> No.21624397
File: 690 KB, 1500x936, fqeaFyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beastman how is this even a question.

>> No.21624402

Another consensual corruption request for that guy who likes consensual corruption.


At long last, this round of requests are finally finished.

>> No.21624403
File: 115 KB, 1350x1250, 1561747007008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make shorties fear the dick

>> No.21624404


>> No.21624412

Don't be that one adventurer who is defeated because of a fairy's prank.

>> No.21624413

What a good dog!

>> No.21624417

Kobolds should look to hellhounds for advice

>> No.21624419
Quoted by: >>21624434


>> No.21624424


>> No.21624425

If I break her choker I have to buy her a new one

>> No.21624427
Quoted by: >>21624434

>Posting a furry/futa artist
Don't do that

That's a cat

>> No.21624434

One fine day with a woof and a purr
A baby was born and it cause a little stir
No blue buzzard
No three-eyed dog
Just a feline canine little catdog

>> No.21624437

fug my memory failed me it's three-eyed frog

>> No.21624439
Quoted by: >>21624447

Is centaur pussy really worth it?

>> No.21624440
File: 29 KB, 224x232, campo_flicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624444

Get >>>/out/ of /jp/

>> No.21624444
Quoted by: >>21624474

Are you saying we shouldn't combine a hellhound and a cheshire or a kobold and a werecat?

>> No.21624447

Shove your arm up all the way up one and you'll find out!

>> No.21624449
File: 105 KB, 850x611, sally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624455

>be out adventuring when a young salamander challenges you to a fight
>you're not much of a swordsman, but you manage to beat her
>she takes her loss very seriously and proposes to you on the spot
>when you reject her, she insists on following you around so she can train to be your perfect wife

>> No.21624455

Having more party members is always good

>> No.21624464
Quoted by: >>21624470

Yes, the more harem- uh, party members, the better.

>> No.21624470
Quoted by: >>21624481

It's no harem just a bunch of monsters standing with me dedicated to a holy cause

>> No.21624474
File: 220 KB, 1151x2048, 1554471873331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen it done and it tends to be a really unwise idea.
You just don't go there.

>> No.21624476

I needed some Troll ass, I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms

>> No.21624481
Quoted by: >>21624494

Dense MCs get fucked extra hard, anon.

>> No.21624484
Quoted by: >>21624498

Fuck, is there any lewds of her?

>> No.21624489
File: 2.17 MB, 1678x1930, __yeti_monster_girl_encyclopedia_and_etc_drawn_by_less__93bac0e189561ef40b9f6a22644e5fac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624528

Happy Canada Day!

>> No.21624490
Quoted by: >>21624697

So back to wizardry?

>> No.21624491

I think this would look better if it was hellhound+ocelomeh
>dom rapetrain in the streets, gentle dom in the sheets

>> No.21624494

What do you mean by fucked extra hard?

>> No.21624498
Quoted by: >>21624520

Not to my knowledge, unfortunately.

>> No.21624506

Nice work magus. All of them were supremely well done.

>> No.21624520

Hopefully that's fixed soon enough

>> No.21624523

Fuck that, i'm not dividing the loot and rewards.

>> No.21624528

Maple syrup blueberry pancakes with Yetis!

>> No.21624531
Quoted by: >>21624552

But you are able to go farther and do more with another party member so you get more loot in the end

>> No.21624534
Quoted by: >>21624553

Post more Troll meat

>> No.21624539

I can't help but feel they would overexaggerate trying on new items, disrobing in front of you and trying various combinations like it was a changing room.
Are you really going to wear all those skirts that drop?

>> No.21624544
Quoted by: >>21624551

Clearly the best idea for the party is to wear whatever helps our stats be the best they can

>> No.21624551
Quoted by: >>21624566

What if it's not cute enough? And cursed items could be problematic.

>> No.21624552
Quoted by: >>21624564

I will only accept more party member if they are willing to forfeit their part of the loot in exchange of sex. Tanukis can fuck right off though.

>> No.21624553
File: 303 KB, 1035x1187, 1504381671247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625394


>> No.21624560
File: 594 KB, 1600x1044, 1537370049001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apeman, there's only 2 of them

>> No.21624562
File: 374 KB, 647x917, Devil 014_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that to devils, being a doting housewife counts as "depravity."

Its enough to make one think monsters really do see hand holding as lewd.

>> No.21624564
File: 283 KB, 800x600, 70808248_p38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgoing a massive charisma bonus when it comes to selling/exchanging loot
Not gonna make it.

>> No.21624566

Cuteness isn't as important as stats because you gotta survive also clearly you get the gear scanned first before trying it on that's why you cant have try-ons until you know they are safe

>> No.21624569
Quoted by: >>21624622

Tanuki are the best I'd love a Tall Flat Gunslinger one that shoots jewel tipped bullets

>> No.21624575

>Thinking a Tanuki will always be honest when it comes to money
I wouldn't trust my finances to a Tanuki even if it was the great depression all over again.

>> No.21624576

what is she feeding me?

>> No.21624582
Quoted by: >>21624594

With Tanuki you win man. They are the best

>> No.21624593

The benefits of a party merchant/int thief are always going to outweigh the negatives.
Sure they take their cut, sure they cheat. But you know what else they do? Protect you from outside cheats and make so much net profit that you're getting more anyway.

>> No.21624594
Quoted by: >>21624600

All you have to do is make it so your finances are also their finances.

>> No.21624595
File: 159 KB, 800x1024, D93yRh0VAAEBPUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am vulnerable to spoiling.

>> No.21624596

Exactly a thief only wants one thief around

>> No.21624597

Idyllic housewife life with a demon seems like one of the comfiest ends possible.

>> No.21624600
Quoted by: >>21624602

Are you implying i should steall all her money?

>> No.21624602

clearly you need a joint bank account

>> No.21624609
File: 119 KB, 497x547, 1466617987128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Tanuki think of those special moves that use money to deal damage.
On one hand, using money on such a thing would probably be abhorrent to them... but who else is better suited to using them?

>> No.21624612

What kind of weird jew tsundere shit is that? She cares about my economy but she doesn't?

>> No.21624618
File: 76 KB, 789x812, devil-want to rest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've taken him to new depths of corruption recently."

>"Really? What did you get him to do?"

>"We cuddled and spooned all night long. We wasted a bunch of water in the bath and he was an hour late for work! He's perfectly corrupted now!"

>> No.21624621

If her associates do well, she does even better.

>> No.21624622
Quoted by: >>21624632

That's why I want >>21624569 since her bullets would cost money she wouldn't want to miss

>> No.21624623
File: 132 KB, 863x1200, lilim96 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624635

Finally. A new lilim that isn't complete dogshit.

>> No.21624624

That's a normal party dynamic for groups that include a merchant character.
They're looking out for you, but they obviously should be in control of most of the money.

>> No.21624627

I kind of want to slap a Tanuk with a stacks of bills, just to see what happens.

>> No.21624628

Clearly due to her merchant class she has connections to sources to help us get discounts

>> No.21624630
File: 81 KB, 550x550, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624678

>> No.21624632
Quoted by: >>21624642

I meant to link your post actually, since it's what got me thinking about that.
Exercising the power of money in a more direct fashion.

>> No.21624635

That's a gremlin dumbass.

>> No.21624637

>with a tail
>a spade tail no less

>> No.21624639

ELH calls her a GremLim

>> No.21624642

Clearly she thinks if her shot will cause damage worth more than the bullet itself and besides. I wonder what else would work with her armor made of stacked bills

>> No.21624647
Quoted by: >>21624687


>> No.21624666
Quoted by: >>21624689

>Leaving your finances to the ones trying to make money off of you
I know it's important to leave important stuff to capable people, but as an adventurer leaving stuff to merchants feels weird. Also i can't remember games were merchant was a class.

>> No.21624674

>you will never gain the love and adoration of a local street gang using just your sick breakdancing skills

>> No.21624678

Suzuka-sama sequel fucking when?

>> No.21624679

You got served and you served back, so now it's on!

>> No.21624683
File: 389 KB, 1612x3419, 1561924770479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to a cocktail lounge in the evening with a well dressed Anubis for drinks and tapas!

>> No.21624687

Cash money lamellar reinforced with asia style coin armor. Of course silk is the only worthwhile underlayer for such a get up due to the status and protection it provides.

>> No.21624688
Quoted by: >>21624694

>Kakuen street gangs
For some reason all i can imagine is some chuuni Kakuens hanging around the monkey bars in the local park

>> No.21624689

First things that jump to mind for me personally are Ragnarok Online (and Ragnarok the Animation) and the webcomics Darken and Order of the Stick.
In none of those is the int/charisma money handler completely trustworthy nor purely good, but they come through for their friends when it counts.

>> No.21624694

>they go to the monkey bars because they heard hanging out in bars is something you do

>> No.21624695

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that the summer heat brings out summer uniforms!
You never thought a suit could be sleeveless till you've worked at Oni-co

>> No.21624697

Yep. Main story will continue for another arc and then I'll take another batch of requests.

>> No.21624703

Monster girls delinquents.

>> No.21624712

>Summer uniforms
>That one Lillim that came up with a genius idea for recycling cloth
>It's just normal uniforms but cut out to be extremely lewd
How do they keep getting away with this?

>> No.21624714

>tfw no buff Oni OL will flirt with me by flexing so hard her sleeves come off

>> No.21624716
File: 304 KB, 600x849, 1423194214658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21624718
File: 38 KB, 640x814, ox4PuTD_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna mate with all kinds of piggies.

>> No.21624723

Pure Anons guiding MG delinquents out of a life of misbehaving.

>> No.21624728
Quoted by: >>21624802

Go on... what kind of delinquents are they? Are they an Oni bike gang? Or is it a yakuza/mob type deal? Or are they just a ragtag group of punks that don’t like other girls on their turf?

>> No.21624731

Speaking of P’orcers; I’m fixin to make a run up there, want me to get you guys anything?

>> No.21624744
Quoted by: >>21624756

>be teacher anon
>have delinquent oni in your class
>hold her after school to talk about her behaviour
>in a heated argument, the two of you have sex
>promises she'll be a good student if she gets to be your wife after graduation

>> No.21624747
Quoted by: >>21624757

>Eating at P'orcers
>Not eating at Meat Lovers
Savory Succubi will always have the best nachos.

>> No.21624748
Quoted by: >>21624758

>tfw the Onis and the Ogres are fighting over dense anon again...

>> No.21624750

I'd rather be a wimpy anon getting turned into a hardcore gangstar by them.

>> No.21624752

Meat Lover's set. Comes with P'orc, Holst, and Harpy.

>> No.21624756

Don't lewd students u fuck

>> No.21624757

Well duh, you don’t go to P’orcers for nachos! Everyone knows their hot wings are the main draw.

>> No.21624758

Anonyama baked cookies and there's enough to go around! But the girls have yet to learn the lesson of sharing.

>> No.21624759

I'd a Revy manticore.

>> No.21624764
Quoted by: >>21624770

The spiciest wings they got and a tub of yogurt.

>> No.21624769

Surf and Turf
>it’s just one P’Orc and one Unagi Joro bound together ready for me to use them as they please

>> No.21624770
Quoted by: >>21624784

>A tub of yogurt
W-what for?

>> No.21624775

What monster would own the best Zipangu Buffet

>> No.21624779
Quoted by: >>21624796

>not going to Kikimora Fried Chicken

>> No.21624780

Mad hatter.

>> No.21624784

For eating, obviously. I mean it's yogurt, what else do you do with it? It's got calcium in it.

>> No.21624786
Quoted by: >>21624795

>not going to the Jiangshi buffet

>> No.21624788

Haku. They'd know exactly which suppliers to hook up with for quality food at cheap bulk prices and their encyclopedic knowledge on recipes and cooking styles would keep the place fresh.

>> No.21624794

I want to try ethnic monster food but only the non-sex related dishes so nothing with boner shrooms

>> No.21624795
Quoted by: >>21624806

>wanting catgirl meat in you p'orc fried rice

>> No.21624796
Quoted by: >>21624805

>Kikimora Fried Chicken
>Their salads are usually the best option in the menu
Based Kikis.

>> No.21624798
Quoted by: >>21624801

>I want to try monster food
>with the only caveat being I don't want to try monster food

>> No.21624801
Quoted by: >>21624826

surly not every food they have is for sex

>> No.21624802

>Or are they just a ragtag group of punks that don’t like other girls on their turf?
I like that idea. The girls have to go rescue their crushes after they've been kidnapped by a rival gang from another school.

>> No.21624805

It's not their fault their companies recipes come straight from the motherland where it's all recycled oil and butter for flavor and everything comes breaded.

>> No.21624806
Quoted by: >>21624850

>implying its not a spicy hot pot

>> No.21624810

Never post samples again

>> No.21624820
Quoted by: >>21624835

Fastfood is great but a the best is a meal cooked by your waifu with love

>> No.21624824
Quoted by: >>21624842

Monsters would probably get as obsessed with aphrodisiac/lust-inducing food as people get with spicy foods.
>cooking show host Houri says that if your eyes haven't clouded with pink hearts after eating a bite of monster curry, you haven't prepared it right
>lone human show participant looks around bewildered, but the panel of a Pharaoh, Ocelomeh and Kikimora nod sagely in agreement with the host

>> No.21624826
File: 393 KB, 1238x202, Cuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.21624828
File: 1.04 MB, 1167x1920, 1562029428793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21624835

Who said MG burger flippers don't flip with love?

>> No.21624836

gordon ramsay needs to yell at her

>> No.21624837
File: 704 KB, 374x292, S2WFjCNC_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't gotten that pity fuck yet?

>> No.21624842
Quoted by: >>21624881

>Chopped but the meal must cause the male judge to fuck the rest of the judges

>> No.21624844
File: 27 KB, 151x187, Intimacy Vegetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh there are some that have no sexual applications.

>> No.21624848
File: 310 KB, 969x738, 1544205560944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls are known for their superb cooking

>> No.21624850

>wanting doormouse meat in the hotpot despite the knowledge all your friends will snipe the meat first

>> No.21624858

because they grow the best herbs and spices

>> No.21624865
File: 468 KB, 518x880, 1391669345566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll cooking? Sheep yesterday, sheep the day before, and I'll wager sheep again today.

>> No.21624866
Quoted by: >>21624875

>not having an alarune gf who IS herbs and or spices

>> No.21624875

I bet she would quite the temper depending on how spicy she is

>> No.21624881

>level of difficulty and skill required changes using different judge composition
>the amateur chef episodes use already married couples as judges who can barely keep their hands off of each other and just need the right thing to set them off
>master chef episodes use a man and and his childhood friend as judges
Those episodes get tense, but it's great bragging rights for the chef and extra customers to their restaurants is worth it.

>> No.21624892
File: 350 KB, 933x700, bunyip_by_soup_plz_ddaog9d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21624900

I wish to propose to a bunyip with an adler shotgun and palette of VB

>> No.21624905

>the championship episode has dense anon and the six MGs who want a piece of him as the judges

>> No.21624909
File: 353 KB, 1041x1125, 74684686_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21624910
Quoted by: >>21624925

>most tv shows double as porn.
Sounds good to me.

>> No.21624912

She looks drained, is she ok?
>”Huh? Yeah ok you can pet my fluff.”
>”I don’t care what you do, just don’t make me late for work jackass.”

>> No.21624916
File: 710 KB, 869x800, 1395213673751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625009

Why are Japanese girls so bad at cooking?

>> No.21624917
File: 941 KB, 1200x1200, 174926494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624927

>tfw no dark elf momster who is more than happy to cosplay for you
>she will never make sure that each costume is as boner inducing as possible

>> No.21624918
File: 205 KB, 850x1202, __original_drawn_by_waterkuma__sample-0603db58ed5ff26a305b3ce416b1c30e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to any and all human men to be cautious when traveling in monstergirl lands. Some places in monstergirl territories are a no go for human men

>> No.21624925

>all tv shows double as porn
FTFY anon.
MGC rebooted that old TV show you loved as a kid. What is it and how has it changed?
They reboot MST3K to have a Cheshire and her two Automaton friends just riff on old pornos from the 70’s.

>> No.21624927

>that uniform, riding crop and garterbelt combo
Dark Elves are truly frightening creatures

>> No.21624929
Quoted by: >>21627740

>Some places in monstergirl territories are a no go for human men
Like where? I would like to know so I can walk around there at night nak-avoid them. So I can avoid them.

>> No.21624930

She's gonna get full-nelson standing sex if she doesn't stop being so smug.

>> No.21624935
Quoted by: >>21625820

all monsters are nice I can feel safe walking anywhere in a monster land

>> No.21624938

Does she say Woomy?

>> No.21624939

Yeah I'd rather they just bring back regular Mythbusters no need to make it porn though I'm sure monsters would have some interesting myths to test

>> No.21624941

Not that different actually...

>> No.21624944
Quoted by: >>21624946

You realize that hot dog probably fed about 5 fairies alone? Your food helps to ensure the success of the fairy world!

>> No.21624946

>Borrowers but with your stuff

>> No.21624947

>KND, but now it's about shotas trying to fight evil, lusty CCs and milfs who want their virginities using tech cobbled together from random junk
I'd watch it.

>> No.21624952

only a monster wouldn't love a monstergirl

>> No.21624955
Quoted by: >>21624962

I'd sell my soul to watch Bill Nye the science guy with Professor Wurm as a host

>> No.21624958
File: 405 KB, 1350x1275, 1536688962280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21624960


>> No.21624960
Quoted by: >>21624968

Who dis?

>> No.21624962
Quoted by: >>21624981

Professor Wurm sure is great at taking complex science and explaining it

>> No.21624966
File: 980 KB, 1272x1400, 75514576_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21624968
Quoted by: >>21625093

Dumb birb

>> No.21624975

If I had a maid like that, she wouldn’t be getting a lot done with me around the house.

>> No.21624979

poor shorty kiki. Already done all hr chores and now has to wait for mastah to get home.

>> No.21624981

Can Prof. Wurm explain how Mamono mana actually works?

>> No.21624994

It just works

>> No.21624996

Can Prof. Wurm tell me why my dad left?

>> No.21624997
File: 103 KB, 691x800, 1354565464532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uwaa!~ A Human!

>> No.21625002
Quoted by: >>21625020

Is that the casting couch?

>> No.21625003

I like my Slugs slimy, sticky and lamia lookin.

>> No.21625004
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, Wurmstraea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's simple, it works very well!

>> No.21625006

[ ] Fight
[ ] Run
[>] Throw Lettuce Head At

>> No.21625007
Quoted by: >>21625016

I don't know nothing about French cooking but a snail is fine, oui?

>> No.21625009
File: 212 KB, 756x1080, 1550640484957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625134

Miia isn't Japanese anon.

>> No.21625016

The French eat out Snail girls all the time!

>> No.21625020

not every black couch is a fucking couch

>> No.21625021
Quoted by: >>21625053

Cute, would hug/10

>> No.21625023

Missed a word anon.

>> No.21625024

It will be in this case

>> No.21625025
File: 363 KB, 658x890, 75501248_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625035

Such indolence

>> No.21625035

Praise Bastet!

>> No.21625040

Wanna pet those slugs

>> No.21625053
Quoted by: >>21625060

you'll get stuck

>> No.21625058 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 1735x974, deathbysnusnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21625060

That's fine I wasn't planning on doing anything after that hug anyway

>> No.21625061

I’m that anon. Thank you very much. That was everything I could have ever wanted in a story. A lot of heart, showing how the setting is about finding love and your perfect match. This is the first time I’ve had someone do something creative for me and I thank you deeply. I hope that this setting continues to grow, either through your work or this inspires other to explore “bureaus” as well. Thank you very much.

>> No.21625064

Promotions I see

>> No.21625065

rip friend

>> No.21625070
Quoted by: >>21625080

Just submit to the Ocelomeh.

>> No.21625071


>> No.21625080

i would

>> No.21625082


>> No.21625089
Quoted by: >>21625097

A few of them will be following you around with a piano and a violin to play your theme song whenever you’re about to turn the fight around. Is this okay?

>> No.21625093
File: 268 KB, 1100x1400, 1536692809118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625106


>> No.21625097
Quoted by: >>21625142


>> No.21625098
Quoted by: >>21625128

>that beauty mark on her tit
Hnnngh. Also, her scales should come up to at least her knees.

>> No.21625103

Parasite Shoggoth

A small, dark slime that possesses many of the same properties as a shoggoth. Parasite shoggoths seek to experience "love" through "serving" a master, but they do not naturally possess a concept of what "service" is. They seek out a human girl with love in her heart, and merge into them in order to experience it for themselves. Then, they adapt to the host's concept of service, and begin seeking out a "master" based on the host's preferences.

If the host was already acting somewhat in line with what the parasite wanted, it is possible for them to go a long time without realizing that they have been infected. The first stage of a parasite shoggoth infection is having greater ease performing any action that inevitably serves the master. The second stage of infection is a steady decline in the need for sleep, and the host will never be asleep while the master is awake. The third stage of infection is suppression of behaviors that do not serve the master. The fourth stage of infection is a loss of conventional pleasures, instead only deriving pleasure from serving the master. Hosts in the fourth stage may sometimes appear to enjoy things like delicious food, but it's really just them thinking about how much the master would like the food if they made it for him.

At any stage of infection, the shoggoth abilities of the parasite/host pair may manifest, if it is deemed necessary in order to serve the master. This will inevitably happen some time after the host enters the fourth stage of infection, because the human form is limited in its ability to serve the master. If the abilities manifest earlier than that, the infection will progress much faster. If the master shows any need for "sexual service", even if that "need" is just the subjective perception of the host, that is enough to force the shoggoth nature to manifest early.

>> No.21625106

Trainees are for flustering.

>> No.21625114

It doesn't do anything particularly shoggoth-like in that description, at least nothing that would make it different than a similar nureonago hybrid.

>> No.21625116

Even when they do the Torture Dance?

>> No.21625117

if a monster tells you to stop calling her cute what are you supposed to do

>> No.21625120

Call her adorable
Call her sexy
Call her beautiful

>> No.21625121

call her 2cute

>> No.21625122
File: 223 KB, 1200x1925, 1561917612727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625133

The taller a Hatter's hat is, the higher her level.

>> No.21625123
Quoted by: >>21625126

why would a monster not want to hear you call her cute

>> No.21625124

Bop her on the head.

>> No.21625126

Because she is trying to be sexy not cute

>> No.21625128

>her scales should come up to at least her knees.
Was wondering why the image looked off. Although even then the image sorta looks like she either doesn't have the scale heels or they are really short.

Neat, but i agree with >>21625114 in that you need to add more Shog.

>> No.21625133

She tall. Would let her step on me.

>> No.21625134


>> No.21625136

I bet having a kiki as a childhood friend would be nice though instead of playing house you play master and maid

>> No.21625142

The battle songs aren’t to bad. It’s the ending songs you have to watch out for. Everytime I close my eyes, I WAKE UP FEELING SO HOOOORNY

>> No.21625145

>Anon thinks they are 'playing' master and maid
>Little did he know the service contract was made by agreeing to 'play' and he had gotten himself a maid at age 6

>> No.21625148

But I want to play Butler and Mistress with her

>> No.21625152
Quoted by: >>21625156

How depraved!

>> No.21625156
Quoted by: >>21625163

Actually you'd be playing butler and baroness, though as >>21625152 says that's not the best idea because what if it causes her to be dependent on your for cleaning and she becomes a lazy kiki

>> No.21625157

What is the first maid-like thing a kiki will do in her early life?

>> No.21625160
Quoted by: >>21625177

Use her tail to sweep the floor

>> No.21625161

Clean up her toys without being asked because she likes things being neat.

>> No.21625162
Quoted by: >>21625172

Step on me, hopefully.

>> No.21625163

I wonder what a Hiki Kiki that depends on her childhood friend anon would be like

>> No.21625164

What can I do? It seems like a shoggoth = wifeslime - human.

>> No.21625165

What about a relationship where you and the Kiki are both subs for a second, more dominating wife? She could tie you to the Kiki and hold you in a mid-coitous position among many other things.

>> No.21625171
Quoted by: >>21625255

You’re missing the more subtle traits of a Shoggoth. Have you looked at the profiles recently?

>> No.21625172

>you will never get stepped on by your little Kiki daughteru

>> No.21625174

It just works

>> No.21625177

That actually sounds like a good idea though you better get her a training broom soon so she doesn't use her tail all the time

>> No.21625178
Quoted by: >>21625183

I prefer master and slave!

>> No.21625183
Quoted by: >>21625192

Why do you want to be a slave anon?

>> No.21625184
Quoted by: >>21625255

I am the other guy, but i would suggest perhaps Emphasizing her ability to create objects would help. The only hint towards that was made is the Shoggoth abilities part at the end and even then its not super clear.

>> No.21625190

Suddenly I desire a parasite humpty slime. I wonder what that would be like.

>> No.21625192

We'd take turns being the slave anon, it's only fair.

>> No.21625207
Quoted by: >>21625217

i bet it only infects lolis

>> No.21625212
Quoted by: >>21625217

An even more anxious slime that scented a non corrupted female that either makes any type of female ultra lewd and makes them act young or either attacks and infects only lolis.

>> No.21625213
Quoted by: >>21625214

Is there a religion in MGE that worships huge hips and asses?

>> No.21625214

Hathor probably, but it also includes big tit worship.

>> No.21625217
Quoted by: >>21625235

Sounds like my kind of slime. Even better if she ‘divides’ by infecting all her Loli classmates whenever they are over for sleepovers! Bonus points if they eventually get a busty haku teacher too, who ends up talking just like the rest of them despite being in her thirties! That sounds like a very fun, silly harem.

>> No.21625224
File: 999 KB, 800x1166, Dragon28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragons are actually dumb as wurms when you think about it
>Spend all day in her cave sleeping on a pile of gold
>Occasionally heads out to steal the odd sheep to eat and most likely burns the meat rock hard
>Doesn't even bother seasoning it prepping it in anyway
>Only schooling comes from counting her gold and even then that's just basic math
>Most likely doesn't know how to read, as she is a dragon, why would she ever read anything written by a lowly human?
>Probably doesn't even know how to write as human pens and pencils are much too weak to withstand her grip
>That and she never learned
>On top of that she wouldn't even know the exact value or approximation of what her horde is actually worth
>It would be like asking a child what's the price of a piece of gum
As I see it the only smart dragon type would be the Ryu and that's because she has to fulfill being a god and is most likely homeschooled

>> No.21625235
Quoted by: >>21625263

>Be principal anon to single class school
>One day informed one of the best students came late.
>Ask her to come to your office
>All sweaty, and sticky, but ignore it and reprimand her.
>Life continues.
>That is until you hear odd sounds coming from the bathroom when model student is in their.
>Notice that her bathroom buddy always comes out sweaty like her.
>Same thing happens when she invites girls over for slumber parties.
>Eventually get called for a meeting with the superintendent.
>Comeback the next day to your taku teacher being sweaty and acting childish.
how long before your secret harem strikes?

>> No.21625236

Dragons may not have no edumacation but they do have street smarts.

>> No.21625245

What if she’s an ancient dragon who hasn’t been out in centuries? You’d have to teach her a new language and mannerisms for today’s world.

>> No.21625247
File: 178 KB, 878x1030, 009_credits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625290

>3 Hroz translated in sad panda

>> No.21625255
Quoted by: >>21625284

Something I didn't cover that was probably important is that shoggoth hosts are less literal about the "becoming one" aspect. Instead of being quiet, they are quick to spill out their feelings. A tsundere loli would be the perfect host for a parasite shog.

>> No.21625263
Quoted by: >>21625284

Given how intelligent( or rather, how unintelligent ) humpties are and that they’re a wonderland species, I’d say principal anons got less than a week left before they just dogpile him in his office. The haku might be a little slower then the rest given how mature she is compared to the others.

>Anon is topples over by twenty-something students, each of them peppering his cheeks, neck, arms, legs, stomach, and eventually dick with kisses and licks once all his clothes have been torn away
>All the while miss Haku is rubbing her thighs together and looking away bashfully, like an embarrassed schoolgirl
>”Umm...mister anon. I’ve...actually had a crush on you for a super-super long time! And...maybe...we could go out? Like as a b-b-boyfriend and girlfriend?”
>Shes barely able to stammer out that much as the slime between her legs and under her skirt starts pulling her towards her, jealous that all the other slimes are already getting in on the action.

>> No.21625273

I still want a pure tsun succubus

>> No.21625282
Quoted by: >>21625285

Those are the best when you get them to hate fuck you

>> No.21625284
Quoted by: >>21625353

Why a loli tsundere specifically? I would imagine a tsundere of any age would be perfect.

Poor teacher taku and principal anon. On the other hand the amount of lolis now means he can have everytype of loli including body types if he so wished.

>> No.21625285

How would one go about getting a tsundere MG to hatefuck you?

>> No.21625286
File: 283 KB, 500x500, anubis36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625291

I still want a shy, autistic, NEET anubis that spends her days shitposting and playing AutismBlocks

>> No.21625290
File: 421 KB, 2000x2000, 1553834426484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625298

>First one is harpy kidnapping boy, trying for a baby then marrying him
>Second one is mom getting raped by neighbor for asking about how to help her kids in school
>Third one is succ sister sucking brother's cock while he's sleeping
The duality of man

>> No.21625291
Quoted by: >>21625299

I wanna bully a JK Anubis by buying all the LEGO kits I can and putting them together the wrong way!

>> No.21625298
Quoted by: >>21625395

>buy an extra large Chinese finger trap
>sneak up on the manticore twins next door who bully you constantly
>stick their tails in the XL finger trap
>sit back, open up a beer, and watch the fireworks

>> No.21625299
Quoted by: >>21626369

there is no wrong way to build with lego just dont use glue

>> No.21625303

Tengu of course.

>> No.21625308
Quoted by: >>21625311

JubJubs. They’re in my top 5 favorite MGs too.

>> No.21625311
Quoted by: >>21625321

Rub rub the jub jub

>> No.21625321

Gonna rub rub her insides with my cock.

>> No.21625325

What MG would Nagatoro be?

>> No.21625327


>> No.21625331
File: 249 KB, 1280x1682, Bunyip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"F-freeze! T-this is a s-stick up! Hand o-over all the h-headpats and no one gets hurt"

>> No.21625338

Can't pat, arms frozen. Need hugs to warm up.

>> No.21625340

Oh shit she has a finger gun I better do what she says

>> No.21625352
Quoted by: >>21625362

why is she frowning

>> No.21625353

Because tsundere is a childish trait and any older girl with it is just a bitch.

>> No.21625362

You didn't hand em over so she has to get serious

>> No.21625363

What's the point of the jacket if it doesn't cover her chest?

>> No.21625364
Quoted by: >>21625400

I'm sure every Anon in this thread would have enjoyed their high school year a whole lot more if they had a Nagatoro succubus to bully them.

>> No.21625370

Monstergirls make for best friends

>> No.21625389

Call them "friend", ask them, jokingly or otherwise, if they have any single human girls they could hook you up with, take them out to a bar but don't tell them about your buds also meeting up with you there so she finds out this was definitely not a lowkey way to ask her out on a date, call her one of the guys of some variant, if they say something like "I love you" or "I care about you" either say something like you love them back followed by as a family member of some stripe or as a friend or best friend etc., drunkenly ogle girls before talking shop with her about said girls like she was one of the bros, any time she does something like changes her hair or wears something skimpy to obviously get your attention be entirely oblivious to it and her advances(wears a skimpy outfit and asks you if you like what she did with herself "...its the hair...right?" After looking at her for a good bit, talk about how you like asses/tits bigger/smaller than hers or how you want a girl taller/shorter than her, if she makes a physical advance take it as a joke and say something like "Haha don't be gross/gay.".
I'm sure theres more that are more subtle but these ones are basically ballkicks to them.

>> No.21625394

I want to see those pants being torn apart by those massive buttocks

>> No.21625395
Quoted by: >>21625399

What happens if they figure it out and get ideas about using it in tandem with their tail to lock your dick down?

>> No.21625399

>Getting super sucked by a manticore.
I am not seeing the disadvantage here.

>> No.21625400
Quoted by: >>21625419

It just makes shit worse because all you need is one person to make you show weakness publicly just once and then herd mentality takes over because people see a new possible victim they can use to go up the social ladder.

>> No.21625404

Dumb Bunyips lost a war to Emu Harpies.

>> No.21625418

The downside is even if you're finished they can just drag you around now. Up stairs, across rough ass surfaces like concrete or carpet, they get on a subway car but forget you on the other side of the door.

>> No.21625419
Quoted by: >>21625427

>Anon's famous last words before extended hospitalization for reckless suck
Of course your nurses would be those same two manticores, they'd never let another girl take care of you.

>Implying your succubully wouldn't protect you from everyone else
Not even her best friends would be allowed to speak ill of you.

>> No.21625425

What does a monster bully do if she sees the student council president getting closer to the boy she bullies

>> No.21625427

>Super succ by one of the mantinurse you met.
>Now only the other one is allowed to give you the succ untill you better.
>Then they tag team you with more super succ.

>> No.21625429

No one said dere.

>> No.21625433

Challenges her to a game of baseball!

>> No.21625438

Nothing until the president sticks up for you and says she doesn't deserve to have you

>> No.21625440
Quoted by: >>21625457

Will fairy use my pp as hug pillow?

>> No.21625445
Quoted by: >>21625447

No wonder she's hot with all that extra baggage she's carrying.

>> No.21625446

Challenge her to a duel on the rooftop, winner gets ownership of Anon.
Which pair would be best for this?
>Succubus bully and Wight president
>Hellhound and Kitsune
>Manticore and Anubis

>> No.21625447
Quoted by: >>21625512

Yeah, I bet harpies wish they could trim their feathers like sheep during the summer sometimes, those must get hot.

>> No.21625449
Quoted by: >>21625480

Angel Bully and Succubus President

>> No.21625451

Crow Tengu delinquent with a cane-sword vs the dutiful Centaur president!

>> No.21625455

Hellhound and Anubis. It's the clash of the underworld titans!

>> No.21625457

God imagine how the fairy feels as you tell her you are going to pound her while making her hug your erection that is bigger than her body.

>> No.21625458
Quoted by: >>21625463

Nah, screw that. I want to be bullied by school president at the first place

>> No.21625463
Quoted by: >>21625482

but the president shouldn't be a bully that's wrong she needs to set a good example

>> No.21625480
Quoted by: >>21625484

>Angel bully
How does that happen? Isn't bullying a sin?

>Hellhound goes to the duel armed with nothing but her claws and muscles
>Anubis comes with the fanciest full gold battle scepter

>> No.21625481
Quoted by: >>21625485

Plot twist: the Hellhound is the president and the Anubis is the bully.

>> No.21625482

That's why she does it secretly. No one will believe her to be a bully since she acts so nicely around others.

>> No.21625484
Quoted by: >>21625526

>Isn't bullying a sin?
Not if you do it in the name of God.

>> No.21625485

>bully anubis
Pfft. As if nerds can be bullys

>> No.21625501

Punch an ogre in the face
Shell punch back
You punch her again
This continues
Then you have sex
Its simple science

>> No.21625504

Once again proving Ryu are the best species. I wonder if Ryu have enough influence and reputation to invite the best Hakutaku scholars to tutor their children. If so, I want a Haku to set me up with her Ryu former student!

>> No.21625512

Fun fact incoming: theres all sorts of feathers but generally theres 2 rough groups. One is the Flight feathers and the other is the Down feathers. Those flight feathers aren't all that insulating and have a fairly large surface area so they don't actually do much to keep birds warm outside of basically being blankets they can hug themselves with when not flying and can have mild negatives like being a bigger surface to bleed heat from in the cold. Down feathers are the ones that keep birds warm and insulated specifically. However, unlike dogs they don't get things like winter coats so they have the same amount of down feathers for all seasons regardless of the temperature. To prevent the bird from cooking in their own insulating down the feathers themselves aren't as insulating as they could be but are still more so than the flight feathers. The real trick of down feathers is that when birds need to heat up or stay way they can just fluff up their down feathers to trap air insulating air pockets from noticeable ones all the way down to a microscopic level turning themselves into giant warm puffballs wrapped in the feather blankets that are their wings.
If they need to ever cool down they can just take whole body dips into nice cool water without worries because their feathers are hydrophobic naturally so all they have to do is shake themselves a bit and they'll be dry pretty much instantly and much cooler.
If you ever see a harpy on a winters day they'd look like a giant puffball almost guaranteeably and in the summer they'd just run through any nearby sprinkler or douse themselves somehow real quick and instantly be cooler after fluff drying themselves for a second or two.
If you see an overheating harpy do them a favor and hose them down and maybe start a wet t-shirt contest in the process if other harpies catch on that a free way to stay cool in the summer heat is going on.

>> No.21625513
File: 112 KB, 1843x907, Secret Squirrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a sequel of pic related.
>normally, I would head straight to my cargo's destination, but I decided to drop myself and the snoop off at my villa first
>my buddy knows how to handle things, and he understands because he also has his own pair of snoops
>he hasn't taken in more because he's a threesome guy, so I end up taking in most singles that we find
>I don't trust most of the rest of my men with them because of how sleazy they typically are, though a lot of them are married themselves
>don't think most of their wives approve of this kind of job
>anyways, I go to get the ratatoskr bitch
>and she's still there, thankfully, despite all the struggling she apparently did
>there are a lot of loose ropes, though, and she's managed to somehow get the gag off
>guess I better tighten them up before I unchain her
>"I see you've been busy undoing all my hard work"
>She didn't reply even though she could
>"Let's fix this mess you made."
>I took out more rope, using it to replace the loose ones.
>in addition to her arms, legs, and ankles, I also made sure to make special improvements to her torso by wrapping the ropes around her perky breasts, and I tied a rope around her wide hips, and then tied a rope running under her crotch to her wrist bindings
>hopefully this will make things even harder now
>I also took note of the loose ropes looking a little cut up and frayed
>"Do you have anything you want to share with me?"
>no response. She just kept leering at me with her grumpy face.
>"Your silence only makes me want to find out."
>I used the frisking opportunity to get a handful of each of her boobs and slip my hands under her panties to feel her fat ass
>"If I wanted to hide something, I wouldn't hide it somewhere I'd know you'd want to look at!" The rodent finally piped up.
>I snapped out of my feeling frenzy, realizing that she has a point.
>so I moved on to her tail, causing her to squeak as I touched its ultra-fluffy end
>apparently that's her weak point. I should make note of that.
>as I was searching her tail, I figured that she would try to hide the object somewhere covered like her armpit
>I checked in between every bound area, but to no avail
>I was about to give up, but decided to give her breasts a good feel for the hell of it
>what the hell, something's in there
>I pulled out a screw
>she probably just moved it from somewhere into her cleavage once I was done checking it, or fell out of her hair or ear
>I held the screw in front of her "So this is what you were playing with?"
>she didn't respond. I didn't bother to press for any more answers.
>considering her feistiness, I decided that it was worth reinforcing her bonds with duct tape
>I probably could regag her, but I wanted to reward her silence by leaving it as her necklace for now
>she also looked a little depressed about her situation
>hopefully this will mean she's given up struggling
>to finish things off, I put a blindfold on her before carrying her off like a princess
>I don't want locating my home to be too easy

>> No.21625518

Fishing with fish monsters is cheating with how easy it is

>> No.21625526

She saw you looking at lewd angel pictures once and now she must bully you for years for atonement?
Faith is a complicated thing.

Watch out, she'll call your favorite anime shit and repeatedly PK you in a popular MMO.

>> No.21625527
Quoted by: >>21625541

What about fishing for fish monsters?

>> No.21625532
Quoted by: >>21625656

Will this end in lewds like the oce one?

>> No.21625541

but what kind of bait do I need?

>> No.21625545
Quoted by: >>21625548

Wade into the water up to your waist and drop your pants.

>> No.21625547

Just smear some pastries in semen.

>> No.21625548
Quoted by: >>21625563

but I dont want to fly fish

>> No.21625559
File: 424 KB, 720x960, Sea Bishop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You accidentally cut yourself in the water
>A sea bishop notices this and swims out to help you
>A mershark also notices and goes to help you also
>They get into an argument that ends on letting you chose which one will help you
Which one do you trust anon?

>> No.21625561
File: 93 KB, 580x302, k is a magical place.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625566

Anything with MG is cheating

>> No.21625563
File: 588 KB, 1500x2166, Happy Charon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21625568


>> No.21625566

Look at that chubby kitty

>> No.21625567

Which ever one can make my foot stop hurting I once cut my big toe up real bad at my lake turns out some dumb fucks were just tossing their glass bottles in the water and I managed to step on a broken one so whoever heals me fast I'll trust

>> No.21625568

Glad someone got the joke and Charon is the cutest would die and pay her toll/10

>> No.21625573
File: 1.94 MB, 1600x2160, 1561152067879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mice are adept at slipping under your bedcovers at night without you noticing, and giving you slow, gentle paizuri without waking you up.

>> No.21625574

>"It already stopped bleeding, I'm cool."

>> No.21625575

One's help involves gently suckling on your finger until your wound is cured while maintaining eye contact.
The other's version of "help" involves freaking out, raping you and biting you to her heart's content.
It's not even a choice.

>> No.21625585

>Adept at paizuri
As if--wait. Those twerps better not have gotten into my THICC holst milk again! I was saving that!

>> No.21625593

I can't do mice my mom is scared of them

>> No.21625596

>being afraid of animals
>any animals
Humans are at the top of the foodchain. Why fear anything?

>> No.21625597

Big titty mice are too lewd. Gonna dom and mating press them til pregnant, then keep mating pressing them.

>> No.21625600

The plague and various other more currently relevant diseases seem good enough.

>> No.21625601

Irrational fears are a hell of a thing my brother and father are deathly afraid of snakes where I can just pick them up with no problems.

>> No.21625604

But can they outright fuck me without me waking up?

>> No.21625606
File: 901 KB, 850x1202, 1399209016041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pick up snek!

>> No.21625611

But wouldn't a man capable of picking up an adult snake make her absolutely drenched? I feel like this would be a rose-colored daydream for big girls like centaurs and lamias. Lamiae? Whatever.

>> No.21625622

While I'm not scared of snakes I've only ever had one bad encounter with one where I was walking down a dirt road and my dumb ass friend saw a dead snake on the ground and decided to pick it up and throw it at me, turns out snake wasn't dead.

>> No.21625626
Quoted by: >>21625644

I had the same thing happen to me but with a goddamned possum.

>> No.21625627
Quoted by: >>21625644

What the fuck kind of friend throws dead animals at people?

>> No.21625633
Quoted by: >>21627911

Continuing on.
>one short boat trip later, I arrived home with my busty hostage
>as I approached the door, I found my inari wife relaxing out front
>She stood up once she saw me "Welcome back, honey! Oh! Did you find another rat?"
>she's a gentle and mature lady that won't judge anyone for just anything, and she's even a little supportive of my job
>mainly because it involves the occasional extra wife
>but for this squirrel girl right here that depends on her status
>"Yep, and she's a real energetic one, but it seems like she's relaxed for now."
>the ratatoskr pouted
>"So," my wife asked "does she have a husband we need to return her to or...?"
>the rodent turned her head down to the side
>"Who do we ransom you to?" I inquired.
>she mumbled "I'm single"
>she got excited, but just to be sure she asked "no boyfriend or male friend you have a crush on"
>"I don't give a crap about work romance." She said, this time with improved audibility. "Don't really care about anyone right now."
>my wife's grin dilated ecstatically "Well, we can't just drop you off without someone to pick you up! You're welcome to stay here!"
>not like I'm giving this snoop a choice
>"Let's bring her in and introduce her to the rest of the housemates." The kitsune leaped through the front door, leaving me to haul the shortstack in.
>the rest of my harem came to the living room. With all of them here, I took the blindfold off our new guest
>besides my fox wife, I also have a tanuki and a werecat
>the fox wife I was talking about was originally some poor Christmas cake from overseas. She struck my fancy and I offered her my hand in marriage. Her excellent decor skills are the reason why my house looks so awesome.
>the tanuki was originally just a business partner, but we found out we had a lot in common, including our love for fluffy tails and capitalizing on "untapped markets". She's really gotten along with Ms. Inari.
>the werecat was one of my captured snoops that was unmarried and an underpaid security guard at the time. She fell in love with my house, my wives' fluff, and with me because she saw me as a "bad boy with a heart of gold".
>I don't really think I'm that golden since I'm a smuggler who doesn't shy away from kidnapping, but I guess I've got the charisma to help me show off my charming sides.
>"Ah! It looks like Anon has a struggler!" the werecat commented. "I dare say she gave you a lot more trouble than I did at the time!"
>"You could've given me worse had I not given you the hope of a comfy home." I said. "She's certainly more slippery than she looks. Makes me wonder if she's done this before and I was just crafty enough to catch her."
>"More like lucky." The ratatoskr growled.
>The werecat promptly regagged the squirrel. "No one asked you."
>I was considering ungagging her, but it was cute seeing the squirrel's face get as red as her gag, so I held off.
>"If she doesn't like it here, I can sell her as a slave. I know some clients who would treat her well, though probably not as well as Anon." The tanuki offered.
>"If she would prefer it over just ransoming her back home." I quickly added. "We're not that kind of people."
>"Well, yeah." She retorted. "I'm just laying out her options so that she can think about them during her stay, but I would recommend staying here. You'd probably fit right into this family."
>"Right now we should get ready for dinner. Judging by Miss Ratatoskr's... inventory, I guess she'll need assistance while dining with us." The inari said.
>"I'll get ready." Ms. Werecat rushed to wash up and help.
>As I was ready to carry our guest, Ms. Tanuki pulled me aside and whispered "If this works out, she might become a great asset for espionage or opinion-changing. She's a journalist, right?"
>I nodded to her mouthing a "yes" before picking up the rataoskr.
>I brought her in to one of the guest rooms and sat her down on the bed.
>"I'll be back in about half an hour to get you ready. Until then just relax here.
>I put on a blindfold. I deliberately left in her gag. The reason being was I was going to record her struggle.
>Without her being able to know, I pulled out a camera and turned it on for recording. I got out a second screen so that I could monitor her while downstairs helping with preparations.
>It'll be entertaining while we wait for the food to cook.

>> No.21625642
Quoted by: >>21625647

She might be scared now but just wait until you show her your daughters, she'll love them.
Hell, even the most arachnophobic of moms would fawn over her Arachne granddaughters.

>> No.21625644
Quoted by: >>21625672

" dumb ass friend " and really more like dumb ass acquaintance but I was in a small rural town of like 350 so it wasn't worth being too upset over it and losing one of the few kids in town to play with
That sounds even worse because mine was just a long fat snake luckily not poisonous, but a possum seems like more

>> No.21625646

I'm not afraid of snakes, mice or anything mammal, but I really really fucking hate/fear big insects like cockroaches. I don't know why but I just do. I once begged my friend to come over to my place and catch this one giant roach that came out of fucking nowhere for me. That's why I never found any Bug MGs cute, except Vamp mosquitos maybe

>> No.21625647

I know im terrified of spiders and I still want to hug an arachne and wear the gifts she makes for me with her thread

>> No.21625656
Quoted by: >>21625667

I think I'll try, but I'm not making any guarantees.
I'm not really much of a lewds guy despite attempting it in the ocelot greentext. I'm pretty softcore to the point where I can easily get off from something with zero nudity as long as it's DID. Don't know why, but I'm not really into going beyond 2nd base.
I'm open to advice and suggestions, especially for writing about sexual congress and foreplay. For now, I'll just sleep on it.

>> No.21625667
Quoted by: >>21625676

Ratas are not squirrels, they are chipmunks!

>> No.21625668
File: 298 KB, 707x1070, 3a386415b9680258e9b251f729bf43f51007ba3d8869c5d89b267b7f0fa55611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want your meido to get rid of your morning wood without waking you or for her to wake you up first and then get rid of it?

>> No.21625669
File: 753 KB, 2036x1480, 1561952979818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lie with snek

>> No.21625672

I wouldn't mind a dumb Wurm acquaintance throwing a fat undead Lamia at me.

>> No.21625675

I need to sleep with my dick inside her. Rance said it was a good idea.

>> No.21625676
File: 360 KB, 1200x1500, Rata3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like chumps

>> No.21625682

>zombies need warm
>snakes need warm
Oh no!

>> No.21625685

More like a chipmunk off the cute block

>> No.21625689

I'd rather just have it go down on it's own

>> No.21625694

I dont think that will end will for me

>> No.21625699
Quoted by: >>21625714

So how much an hour would it cost to hire a Kiki I'm know they deserve more than minimum wage

>> No.21625705

Rata are sexa

>> No.21625714
Quoted by: >>21625718

It's two loads a shift for minimum wage. Five extra loads is the standard holiday bonus.

>> No.21625718

So how can I convert that into USD?

>> No.21625723

I need about $3.50

>> No.21625727
Quoted by: >>21625741

You don't. Master's semen is priceless.

>> No.21625729

>When your demon girlfriend catches you playing DOOM

>> No.21625734
Quoted by: >>21625749

At least she didn't catch you playing HDOOM

>> No.21625739

She'd fake being offended so that you have to lewd her as reparations.

>> No.21625741

But I want to pay her in something tangible

>> No.21625745


>> No.21625749

Why the fuck does that even exist

>> No.21625754
Quoted by: >>21625761

>When you invite your werewolf girlfriend over for a session of Werewolf: The Forsaken (2nd Edition) along with a bunch of other MGs.

>> No.21625761
Quoted by: >>21625770

Can't I just play something wholesome with them? Like Twister or Jumanji?

>> No.21625765
Quoted by: >>21625818

Why would a monster masturbate when she could instead just rape a boy?

>> No.21625770
Quoted by: >>21625772


>> No.21625772
Quoted by: >>21625813

How would twister work with a monster lacking legs?

>> No.21625807

I dunno man. Every single instance of this sort of thing has either been they don't really care or active encouragement and a desire to try it themselves.
I can't imagine a demon would be any different outside maybe tapping into those rip'n'tear instincts her ancestors had and a more likely lean towards encouragement and desire to play because its something you're interested in so she's interested in it.
>you'll never have an oni onee who will play fighter games with you ranging from streets of rage to the newest flavor of the month

>> No.21625812
File: 521 KB, 844x1199, x14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21625813

Depends on the monster. If it's a lamia and it comes up right/left foot red you just poke a reasonable part of their tail and call that the "foot". Its a game for fun not douchebaggery so unless you're actively out to ruin it for them it should work.

>> No.21625817

I was just reading a dark fantasy D&D-Isekai comic and now you throw this at me.

>> No.21625818

When they're the submissive types, the probably high likelihood they're in jail because society isn't usually cool with stalker young children with sexual intentions, they're busy, they're away from boys, their husband isn't around, denial play, their husband told them to.

>> No.21625820

Holding hands with your tall stoic mamono bodyguard!

>> No.21625831

That rogue doesn't look like very dex build to me

>> No.21625858
Quoted by: >>21625876

Hug Zombies

>> No.21625876
Quoted by: >>21625880

>be necromancer
>get to sleep in a zombie pile
sounds nice

>> No.21625880

Gonna need a thicker blanket.

>> No.21625885

How comfy. You get to live in an old fort or tower too.

>> No.21625888
Quoted by: >>21625905

thicker zombies

>> No.21625905
Quoted by: >>21625967

Thick Zombies are bad. You'd think they'd help you keep warm but instead it takes that much longer to warm up their mass and so they require a whole lot more cuddles to function properly.

>> No.21625935

New tweets.

>> No.21625961

>demon relate
The faithful will be rewarded. Praise the Demon Cult!

>> No.21625967

Sounds great!
I'm going to get the thickest zombies from the local lich's horde!

>> No.21625974
Quoted by: >>21625983

They are very soft at least

>> No.21625983
Quoted by: >>21626117

The softest, also may grab a ghoul or two of such softness

>> No.21625990

Do chuuni Monstergirls have their own reccuring theme song Lietmotiff:


Your chuuni Monstergirl friend/boyfriend better have a recurring theme song for comedic purposes.

>> No.21625993

Sounds like Demon propaganda.
He either got caught by the extremists or is going on a tangent about how Demon contracts work in practice.
Either way do not sign anything.

>> No.21625997
File: 842 KB, 3200x4000, 73862240_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626030

Look at that tail!

>> No.21626019

Snow harpies!

>> No.21626021

>A muscular tomboy werewolf with big boobs pinning you down, shredding all of your clothing and violently pounding your cock while steadily increasing the volume of her lustful growling with every thrust.

>> No.21626027
File: 232 KB, 846x1200, D-T8Gf7UwAEt4fh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Gondolier Mermaids/Merrow help you shop? Do they take coin like others or is this how they get their groceries?

>> No.21626030
Quoted by: >>21626043

Squirrel Girl! Up up and away!

>> No.21626043

What goes up, must come down.

>> No.21626054

Basically the first two parts are how lovey-dovey 'Demon the conqueror' can be toward humans being like

>Demon: Being happy is all men's duty. What, you're not happy? That is treason against us. Are you single? Do you like meats? Wait a second (*puts on an apron) etc, etc.

The last part of tweet is

>Even though Demons prefer to raise and spoil their husbands by taking the responsibilities all by themseleves, they are very weak to their husband's wishes so if one expresses their will to be householder strongly enough, Demons will willingly turn to lovely wives waiting home for their huband to return to work

something like this

>> No.21626089

Just started that manga yesterday. Now I want an adventuring party of only shortstack monsters.

>> No.21626099

Yurucamp with Wendi, Yeti, Yuki and Glacies, comfy camping in beautiful forever-winter Winterstown!

>> No.21626108
Quoted by: >>21626121


>> No.21626117
Quoted by: >>21626142

That sounds like the fucking dream.
>getting sandwiched between a zombie and ghoul with just the right amount of undead meat to make them the softest girls this side of the grave
>their massive mounds almost smothering you while you try to grab as much of their big plump asses as you physically can, and their plush stomachs providing some nice cushioning too
Bonus points if they're patchwork

>> No.21626121

Who's going to be their drunken CC teacher? A White Horn?

An anime about a cool grandpa feeding meat to a JC.

>> No.21626123

Ah the duality of demons.

>> No.21626142
Quoted by: >>21626360

Exactly, the best!
Granted, the Lich May start getting mad that so many of her meatiest minions are going missing

>> No.21626151
Quoted by: >>21626175

>Are you single? Do you like meats? Wait a second (*puts on an apron)
The spirit yearns for freedom but the stomach and dick are simple minded.
>Demons prefer to raise and spoil their husbands by taking the responsibilities all by themseleves
The body is also a lazy bastard. Goddammit I don’t want to just be some weak willed boytoy but I also can’t deny how great sounding being a neet with a doting bombshell body wife is.

>> No.21626153
Quoted by: >>21626164

Silly Demons.

>> No.21626164
Quoted by: >>21626429

No anon you are the demons

>> No.21626175

Don't worry, just like the last tweet said If you ever truly want to man up she'd let you.
I'm a lazy bastard but I'd definitely go work hard for a month or so to gift my Demon something special every year.

>> No.21626201
Quoted by: >>21626232

I wouldn't. I'd go full Faust and let the demon do everything.

>> No.21626210

I’d probably do something like that too, I’ve tried being an actual neet and while it was nice for a while I could not keep it up for a long time and had to leave the house. I wouldn’t want some super intensive job but yeah something where I can make enough to support and show my appreciation to my wife would be great.

>> No.21626217

This is why demons are amazing, it's like KC knows how to pander to me.

>> No.21626232

Demon and Demon, best lawyers in town

>> No.21626235
File: 163 KB, 573x960, 1501858416158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qipao nopan

>> No.21626245

>Demon Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee

>> No.21626254

One of the lewdest combination known to man.
It's also the reason why Asian restaurants run by monster girls are extremely dangerous. You wouldn't want to fall in love with the qipao nopan hinezumi waitress.

>> No.21626261

>You wouldn't want to fall in love
*angry Qipao Nopan hinezumi waitress noises*

>> No.21626274

China will grow larger

>> No.21626303

More KC tweets, seems to be about monsters in realms where there's not many single men left leaving home to find a husband.

>> No.21626314
Quoted by: >>21626372

I gotta admit, a new profile would be better, but I am glad KC is communicating so much while he's too busy to make a new profile. It gives us something.

And yeah, leaving to look for a man is sort of a "coming of age journey" for many monsters. It also sounds like preventing the daughter from leaving is a recipe for potential incest.

>> No.21626335

Just machine translation, but KC seems to note a few potential conditions for incubi to start being born to monsters. One of course is what we already knew, the mamono lord gaining power exceeding that of the original chief god's settings, another (perhaps related) is half the world becoming a mamono realm.

>> No.21626352
Quoted by: >>21626448

The Culture victory condition I see.

>> No.21626355

You could probably write a great story about a realm like this and the struggles its inhabitants have to bring more men.
>Tanuki offers free housing and food to any single men who want to move in
>Succubus builds a huge brothel and work tirelessly to make it a renown landmark to attract more visitors
>Salamander organizes a world dueling tournament with a legendary sword as the winner's prize
>Holsts and Trolls spend everyday perfecting their cullinary arts to produce famous local specialities

>> No.21626360
Quoted by: >>21626370

Well maybe she shouldn't make so many molestable, meaty undead cuties. She's more than welcome to join us if upgrades from her usual slim physique.

>> No.21626369

What if she doesn’t follow the instructions and just tries to copy the picture on the box?

>> No.21626370
Quoted by: >>21626396

Of course.
Even the skeletons have excess meat where they have any

>> No.21626372
Quoted by: >>21626379

>preventing the daughter from leaving is a recipe for potential incest
We’ve known this for the longest time though.
People have been whining for ages about how KC is forcing them to dick the daughteru when he laid it out crystal fucking clear in what, WGI? that it happens if you don’t let them associate with other kids or have independence.

>> No.21626379

More specifically those conditions were explained in tweets, I'm pretty sure the actual book only noted that incest is rare outside of the races that have it as part of their instinctual/cultural behavior.

>> No.21626380

Imagine the release of pent up frustration when they finally get an influx of human boys

>> No.21626389
Quoted by: >>21626401

That makes me recall the fate of the tour bus full of men in the latest chapter of EMG.

>> No.21626396
Quoted by: >>21626414

>"At least I don't have to worry about the ghosts and phantoms."
>now they are packing extra ectoplasm in all the right places
>"Oh for fucks sake!"

>> No.21626401
File: 1.37 MB, 1184x848, oxveeCr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, here it is.

>> No.21626404
File: 570 KB, 985x1920, tumblr_pbw8f8ZdFw1ragvoeo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626416

I want the biggest, thickest, strongest zombie she's got!

>> No.21626410

>when the snek pussy is too good
They're getting wrung for every drop they have.

>> No.21626414

Touch the untouchable, grope the ungropeable

>> No.21626416


>> No.21626418

Fuck, this one is long.

>Currently, MGs cannot sire a son so remote areas can have little to no unmarried humans in it. In order for MGs living in those kind of area to find husbands they must leave their home and adventure to other areas or join Demon Lord's army.

>Young MGs (in some cases, loli MGs) finding their suitors in that kind of way is a happy thing in their mother's eyes but in some cases, there are some overly-protective fathers who goes like "No, they are too young for that! My daughters are forever young for that kind of thing!" and won't allow them to leave their home

>So in case when father is an overly-protective kind there can be CC MG sisters still living in their parent's house

>But as you know, when DL's power surpasses that of Chief Goddess's power, incubus sons will be born and MGs will finally produce sons

>So when that happens, families like the one mentioned earlier will have something like 5 unmarried older sisters and 1 son, and they will all go crazy over their brother. And those kind of familiy will be not uncommon in MGE world.

>> No.21626428

>So in case when father is an overly-protective kind there can be CC MG sisters still living in their parent's house

Now that's unexpected. Truly a monster girls personal preferences can't be underestimated (i.e. they won't necessarily just go for their father simply because of lack of other men).

But dang that must be embarrassing, a CC monster living with her parents and not allowed to go adventure to get a husband.

>> No.21626429

The real demons were the friends we made along the way.

>> No.21626433

Based translator.

>> No.21626438

>Every town will have something that caters to you
I want to be a tourist in MG lands now.

>> No.21626439
File: 506 KB, 1964x1045, Cancer 1462796906971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young MGs (in some cases, loli MGs) finding their suitors in that kind of way

She's ready to travel across the land, to search far and wide!

>> No.21626443

Sounds potentially gross when dealing with spills

>> No.21626444

>So in case when father is an overly-protective kind there can be CC MG sisters still living in their parent's house
This is absolutely adorable, needy Christmas cakes are too good.
>So when that happens, families like the one mentioned earlier will have something like 5 unmarried older sisters and 1 son, and they will all go crazy over their brother. And those kind of familiy will be not uncommon in MGE world.
Based KC, he knows how good sister harems are.

>> No.21626448
Quoted by: >>21626560

Is the Science victory building the portals to our world?

>> No.21626461

I don’t remember this part. I need to catch up.

>> No.21626468

I’m pretty sure that’s a tv show on TLC When did it go from The Learning Channel to Trashy Living Channel?

>> No.21626474

>"I'm three hundred years old but my father still treats me like a child!"

>> No.21626487

Definitely the second one. The orgasm is better when there's a buildup and a sensual, half awake morning blowjob sounds ace.

>> No.21626489

I don't want to dredge up bad memories or anything, but I gotta say this thread sure is peaceful these days compared to a few months ago. I guess "fuck off anon" decided to leave permanently? If so, really shows that it was just a very vocal minority that was causing so much strife.

>> No.21626493

Nah, he’ll be back

>> No.21626503

More like the the biggest shitposters and raidfags have gotten banned or have left so there's no reason to be mad.

>> No.21626508

>monster girl becomes a shut-in because she believes what her parents say about the outside world being dangerous
>turns into a nerdy, chubby bombshell CC from lazing around her room every day
>then one day she looks outside her window and sees Anon, and begins to wonder if going oustide would really be so bad if it meant she got to talk to him

>> No.21626512

Glad he's gone, he was a pain in the ass.
Wasn't just shitposters and raidfags, he'd post it at anyone posting pastes or drawfags too. That said the guy who spams images with no text is still around but he seems to have dialled it back a bit.

>> No.21626517

I miss Slowpoke Anon.

>> No.21626523
File: 94 KB, 889x1400, D2oOREzWwAIIxCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pick up a smol amazon. Literally. Off the ground.

>> No.21626533
Quoted by: >>21626538

I dunno Anon. Those breasts look heavy.

>> No.21626538
Quoted by: >>21626553

That's why you workout and get the big muscles that make all the shortstacks swoon.

>> No.21626553
Quoted by: >>21626605

If i have to get swole anyways why don't i just get a normal-sized shortstack?

>> No.21626557

Gonna mating press her

>> No.21626560
Quoted by: >>21626581

Yup. That just leaves the Domination, Religious and Time/Score victory conditions left

>> No.21626581

Since when there is a religious victory? Isn't that just a cultural victory?

>> No.21626583

This but with a loli. Suspended congress with a loli Amazon that can only helplessly cling on to you while you're holding her far above the ground by her thick thighs.

>> No.21626588
Quoted by: >>21626689

Civ 6. You have to convert the majority of of cities in each civ.

>> No.21626590
Quoted by: >>21626689

It's new to Civ6 apparently.

>> No.21626599

Fa/tg/uys BTFO.

>> No.21626605
Quoted by: >>21626608

>normal-sized shortstack

>> No.21626608

You know, sometimes people don't want a short shortstack.

>> No.21626610

I don't follow.

>> No.21626615
File: 67 KB, 407x390, Incubus_and_Echidna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the future when monster girls are able to have incubus children, would egg-laying monsters like harpies or lamias give birth to incubi the normal way, or would they lay eggs like they do with their female offspring?

>> No.21626616
File: 327 KB, 1485x2475, 6yIWVSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone converts to the Church of Eros!

>> No.21626617
Quoted by: >>21626618

If it's not short and stacked, it's not a shortstack.

>> No.21626618
Quoted by: >>21626621

I want a shortstack that is neither short or stacked!

>> No.21626621
File: 268 KB, 500x500, 68713799.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626625

>a shortstack that is neither short or stacked

>> No.21626625
Quoted by: >>21626629

I'm sure mamonomana can deliver somehow.

>> No.21626629
Quoted by: >>21626639

I'm pretty sure mamono mana can't change the definition of words, because calling a girl who is neither short nor stacked a "shortstacked" is like pointing at a hamster and calling it a squid.

>> No.21626637
Quoted by: >>21626742

Drunk CC Ice Queen teacher!

>> No.21626639
Quoted by: >>21626724

It can if you have a lewd enough mentality.

>> No.21626662
File: 86 KB, 580x615, Mandragora 37538787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626682

I'll raise you one further, would monsters that grow from seeds produce boys that grow from seeds?

What a magical day when you get to dig your son out of the ground for the first time.

>> No.21626682

I would have a pretty deep existential crisis if i ever realize i was a plant all along.

>> No.21626684
File: 1.17 MB, 953x1100, 1561319527819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626700

I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this squirrel

>> No.21626689
Quoted by: >>21626748

What species would Jadigwa monsterize into? I need to hate fuck her.

>> No.21626694
Quoted by: >>21626714

Oh you wouldn't be a plant anon, you would just start out growing like one.

>> No.21626700
Quoted by: >>21626726

Jesus Christ Anon, they are not squirrels they are chipmunks!

>> No.21626712

Say, do we have a pastebin or other collection of these recent tweet translations? I've copied down some of them but it'd be a shame to lose others forever. And I assume there is no issue with posting them elsewhere?

>> No.21626714

It sounds strange at first, but remember there are stories where a family gets a son who came out of a peach.

>> No.21626724
File: 3.58 MB, 5079x2296, 57474794_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626734

Mentality my ass. If they can't give you standing paizuri, then they're not a shortstack.

>> No.21626726
File: 369 KB, 698x800, 1559002350000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No chipmunk has a tail with this much mofu. Stop your fake news!

>> No.21626734

I want a standing paizuri too.

>> No.21626741

That's what Warosu is for, newfag-kun.

>> No.21626742
Quoted by: >>21626846

Have the counselors be the carefree and loving White Horn-chan and her cousin a Satyros from CA who’s here for the summer.

>> No.21626745

Nah, no problem whatsoever. However bear in mind I do not translate them word to word. I have enough headaches as it is putting Japanese into English, I cannot bear to think what nightmare it would be to literally translate them word to word. What I most value is the general meaning of the tweets so there are some parts omitted or editted to make it simpler, so I think it'd be better you should mention it when posting to other places

>> No.21626748

A Harpy. Because with a beak like hers if she’s not part Jewish she’s part eagle then.

>> No.21626752

>And I assume there is no issue with posting them elsewhere?
Shouldn't be, the tweets are public and the translator is anonymous.

>> No.21626760
File: 551 KB, 1000x1650, 75517310_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21626764

>So in case when father is an overly-protective kind there can be CC MG sisters still living in their parent's house
Dense paladin dad not knowing he’s sired three daughters from a succubus and just thinks she must be French or something because she’s so amorous.

>> No.21626774

Hi Daryl!

>> No.21626786

What if wurm tried stealth and deception instead?

>> No.21626796

Pain Wurm purple, Wurm becomes invisible!

>> No.21626800
File: 135 KB, 580x600, 75491267_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626812

>> No.21626804

dicking a ghoul in her cunny must be really fun

>> No.21626812

Does she want to discuss the history of fantasy literature with me?

>> No.21626817
Quoted by: >>21626821

"Were owl exterminators"

>> No.21626821
Quoted by: >>21626861

I understood that reference.

>> No.21626831

Under no circumstances will there be perpetually single daughterus of mine in the household once they’re adults.
It’s their duty to proactively date a man dammit. Their mother would not stand for such inaction.

>> No.21626846
Quoted by: >>21626858

CA Satyros needs some brandy and hugs to warm up! Luckily Yeti-chan keeps a small keg on her for emergencies

>> No.21626858

>not the 7 foot tall mountain of fluff and muscle that is the local St. Bernard Kobold ski patrol

>> No.21626861

No you didnt

>> No.21626870

Hair over eyes.

>> No.21626871

I want a Wurm childhood friend to teach me all sort of things just because she happens to be an expert on the subject. Or so she claims

>> No.21626880
Quoted by: >>21626941

Of fucking course her shaggy hair covers her beautiful blue eyes. But don’t move the hair out of her eyes or she might just faint from you touching her.

>> No.21626941
File: 1.00 MB, 992x1403, E8FA62CA-F24C-4C39-8A6A-0011CACFDA15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21626947

For some reason girls whose hair usually obscures their eyes completely drive me nuts.
Hell if I could tell you what about it makes it so great though.

I feel like I can blame Noodle for giving me this one.

>> No.21626947

I feel ya dude. She was one of my first 2D (no pun intended) crushes.

>> No.21626966
File: 812 KB, 3114x4096, D-dz9QEVAAAFHPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627045

>> No.21626967
Quoted by: >>21627001

>5 unmarried older sisters and 1 son
Poor little brother

>> No.21627001

>The dense bastard ends up thinking it's a good idea to lead by example and tries to get a girlfriend
I can only imagine the sexual tension

>> No.21627003
File: 432 KB, 658x785, oL5Yfol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21627027
Quoted by: >>21627133

I’m starting to believe that guy that says Yetis are evil.

>> No.21627045
Quoted by: >>21627051

>Angels are supposed to be messengers of God
>They are all extremely lewd and refuse to wear panties
At least they don't rape.

>> No.21627051

That's what you think

>> No.21627089
File: 315 KB, 465x644, 75294717_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627127

Spooky cat.

>> No.21627120
File: 92 KB, 864x1200, B6WXxvKz_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21627127

>Wooooooooo nya!
>Boo! Nya!

>> No.21627133
Quoted by: >>21627156

That's be cause they are, anon.

>> No.21627156
File: 312 KB, 675x600, 1559860808014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21627173

I had the first dream about my wife last night. That I can remember at least
>In my house, going upstairs
>suddenly, the house is different. It's bigger, older and has a faint blue glow coming from one of the rooms.
>wife is there, drawing weird symbols on a line across the upstairs hallway
>she says something about them being laylines for the experiment, then asks me a question about them I can't remember
>continues to say some confusing stuff about the sigils and how they'll magically charge the room
>goes off to do the bathroom after giving me a quick hug
>suddenly find myself outside with two hipsters at a coffee table showing me bad drawings of each other and laughing while I try to ask them where she went

That was a weird dream, but seeing her was really nice. I guess it was a teleportation experiment or something? I wish my dreams made more sense.

>> No.21627178

I want her as my gate guard

>> No.21627180

It's truth. Anti Yeti guy doesn't post anymore because the Yetis finally found and silenced him. These are mafia tactics, anon!

>> No.21627199

It's true, they're as evil as hot cocoa with brandy on a cold day!

>> No.21627204

>anti yeti guy doesn’t post anymore
It’s only been a few days anon, don’t get your hopes up.

>> No.21627262
File: 425 KB, 643x489, Demonrealmboar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often forget there are animals juiced up on DE that don't just turn into monster girls. I want to raise a demonic boar with my waifu.

>> No.21627320

I want my kiki head maid to have several hidden throwing daggers on her. I also need her to be an expert at CQC and swordsmanship. A head maid who can kick my ass is a proper head maid

>> No.21627339
Quoted by: >>21627436

I've thought about the idea of my wife owning a huge demonic dog/wolf the size of a person and treating it like an adorable pet.
Some types would be fun to hunt too.

>> No.21627344
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x2000, 75367289_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey kid, wanna /ss/?

>> No.21627360

No way fag

>> No.21627376

I want to hunt that boar and other animals like that with my salamander waifu for materials. Then relax in the local onsen run by Cait Siths

>> No.21627377

ss is bottom of the barrel.

>> No.21627401
Quoted by: >>21627423

If two onee-san monster girls want to have sex with you, there is just no way to refuse.
The only choice you have is whether you want to sex them both at the same time or one after the other.

>> No.21627423
Quoted by: >>21627451

They will have to go through my girlfriend first.

>> No.21627425
File: 1.40 MB, 2064x2992, 14 - ALov6rH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take for a moment to imagine this, cuddlesex with Runya

>> No.21627427
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x2729, 1530867699622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's opening the portals anon.

>> No.21627436

There’s something very romantic about keeping such a ferocious beast as a pet and treating it like a toy poodle.

>> No.21627443
File: 1.53 MB, 4266x5250, 1560623482576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21627445

If this is a Wight Grape Snake would she be a lavender or would she be green?

>> No.21627451

Harem it is then.

Cuddlesex might be good but nothing would make you feel better than carrying her to bed whenever she accidentally fell asleep from trying to cast a spell.

>> No.21627454

>You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding and ask me to do snuggles, for money

>> No.21627474

>With the assistance of a dire Nightmare, waifus start leaving messages in the dreams of anons.

>> No.21627483

Only if I got to impregnate her.

>> No.21627492

Matthew 19:14

>> No.21627504

John 11:35

>> No.21627505
Quoted by: >>21627516

>Cuddlesex might be good but nothing would make you feel better than carrying her to bed whenever she accidentally fell asleep from trying to cast a spell.
>Not recharging her with mana right there and then.
What a disgrace.

>> No.21627509

You’re very sick, you know that right?

>> No.21627512
Quoted by: >>21627516

She wouldn't accept such ending.

>> No.21627516
File: 41 KB, 358x400, Do4IxAQUwAIdZ4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627632

Do not rape the adorable sleeping goat.

Then make her take responsibility and have her pleasure you three times as much.

>> No.21627536
File: 80 KB, 569x528, 74721824_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only Bible verse I know is Ezekiel 23:20!

>> No.21627544
Quoted by: >>21627583

Not even Peter 4:8? That one verse sums up Eros’ entire religion

>> No.21627550

Fuck off

>> No.21627555

I know many bible verses
Ill just stick with a romance elevant one, or i should say one thats often used at weddings
>Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1st Corinthians 13 4-7

>> No.21627567
File: 31 KB, 307x600, 158de20ff250fd7f899374963213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting very religious up in here

>> No.21627579
Quoted by: >>21628872

I wanna penetrate a smol fairy

>> No.21627583

Everyone needs to remember Matthew 21:17

>> No.21627595

God just wants good men to marry good monster girls so they make plenty of well behaved daughters.

>> No.21627604

Eros is the best MGE deity. All the others are competing for second place.

>> No.21627611

Goddammit anon. I had to recite that entire fucking chapter before I could be okay. The perils of growing up in a Christian house.

>> No.21627625

These threads take weird directions sometimes

>> No.21627632
Quoted by: >>21627696

I'd rape Runya in her sleep until she can start appreciating herself

>> No.21627643

Fuck off

>> No.21627649

i want a demon realm horse and ride him across the majestic fields of the inter-connecting demon realms to spite the jealous centaurs

>> No.21627651

I wanna practice drawing just a single mg, Any suggestion?

>> No.21627653

sorry, female pedophiles are disgusting and i'll only accept man-on-loli sex instead

>> No.21627658


>> No.21627674

How about a Khepri in a swimsuit holding her dark matter like a beach ball?

>> No.21627676
File: 26 KB, 403x500, Hobgoblin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21627691
File: 199 KB, 649x1198, troll04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

230 lb of ass and pussy

>> No.21627694


>> No.21627696

>Runya wakes up feeling refreshed, energized and confident in herself
>But also incredibly horny and with her panties completely soaked
She'd thank you but also have you take responsibility.

Night Gaunts haven't received art in a while. It shouldn't be too hard to sketch one out if you don't draw the husband.

>> No.21627700
Quoted by: >>21627715

what amount would be considered normal weight for a healthy dragon? trying to make a character for a comic i'm making

>> No.21627707


>> No.21627711


>> No.21627715
File: 286 KB, 480x640, Ryu108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627738

350 kg

>> No.21627719


>> No.21627729
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 1561394195527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627753

We need more cute ratas!

>> No.21627737

If you want to be more consistent at remembering your dreams, keep a dream journal. Just write down every dream that you can remember.

>> No.21627738

too heavy.she'd have to be around 150 kilograms cuz she's a heavy-scaled, big winged, large-tailed, giant-horned lizard monkey, that we call a dragon monster girl

>> No.21627740

honestly bring a power move like that to the table and you'll probably end up left alone on principle
just like you wouldnt pickpocket a guy with his wallet tied to the outside of his pants - you fear that man, he knows something you dont

>> No.21627746 [DELETED] 


>> No.21627750

Genie in a bikini with a martini

>> No.21627753

Rata is spoiled!
She's a rookie compared to older profiles and yet she got
>A doujin
>A 3D model
>Multiple quality art
>A Sabbath loli version
>Plenty of anons who love her

>> No.21627757

because she's best rat

>> No.21627758

She needs more power

>> No.21627780
File: 485 KB, 833x625, dragon_smile_by_soup_plz_ddaofuw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21627798
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 75526436_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627813

>> No.21627802
Quoted by: >>21627965

What is your waifu?

>> No.21627813

>Super chuuni Valkyrie
I bet corrupting her would be extremely fun and sexy

>> No.21627820
File: 162 KB, 851x834, 1559167482311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owl Mage, don't see too much of her around sadly

>> No.21627821

I second hobgoblin and my second choice is a pslime.

>> No.21627839

>A doujin
It's basically a rata version of another doujin.
Source: https://nhentai.net/g/178874/
Rata Version: https://nhentai.net/g/252621/

I wonder if there was a english translation, if it would also be a dialog copy as well.

>> No.21627845
File: 423 KB, 878x736, 1559862939934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I should mention, there's next to no lewd art that I know of. There's good high quality picture thats SFW, and this one

>> No.21627848

That's really fucking shitty.

>> No.21627854
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x2220, 3x1fruNg_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is a juicy scandal!

>> No.21627879

Still fapped.

>> No.21627894


>> No.21627911

I'm committing to the squirrel mistake. In the pastebin edit I'll fix it if I remember. Frankly I would just rewrite the whole thing in proper English, but that depends if I care in the end.
>somehow, I managed to not get completely distracted by her struggling like Ms. Werecat was
>I don't blame her. The struggling is extremely enticing.
>I could hear her struggling without the recording. The gag noises, moans, and grunts she emits while squirming on the bed are like music to my ears.
>her large breasts shook whenever she tried to shake things off. I made sure to keep the blindfold extra secure, but I consider it no big deal if she finds out we're watching her.
>even better since now she's on her back with her ass facing right at us, giving us a good view at her panties
>the crotch rope is really doing her job. Already I can tell she's sexually stimulated.
>I'm not going to deny that I'm a bit tempted to pound her pussy silly, but I have principles.
>"You told me that squirrel was persistent, but this is something else." Ms. Werecat commented.
>"I think ratatoskrs are chipmunks." The kitsune rebutted.
>"I don't think a chipmunk girl is capable of having large breasts and a huge bottom like that." The werecat replied skeptically.
>"You can get girls of all sorts of shapes and sizes, and matured ratatoskrs are not uncommon, especially around these parts. It mostly depends on the region's men." Ms. Tanuki said while cooking.
>meanwhile on camera, our unwilling guest has shifted positions to getting on her knees
>her head was still down, and her fat rat ass was still facing us
>if only she was ready for me, because dear gods I would wreck her pussy so hard
>"Just wait until we undress her later on for the night." The werecat grinned in excitement. "We might have to take turns observing her, but I'll be glad to watch her all night long."

>after another half hour of watching her squirm, shake her ass, and bend her tail around, I finally decided that she needed to get ready for dinner
>as I knocked on her door, I felt a little scared that she would suddenly be missing
>but she was still there, now lying on her side and trying to hide her upskirt
>I turned off and hid the camera before removing the blindfold and gag, letting both hang from her neck
>"Food's going to be ready soon. Better get you prepared."
>before picking her up, I checked the bindings. Though they were slightly roughed up everything was still intact.
>I probably should've thought of duct tape before, but back them I was hoping that she would only escape long after we left and set up a timed 911 call
>but then I would probably have to worry about a persistent investigator in the future, so it was probably better for me to take her right then and there
>satisfied with the work of the bindings, I decided to leave them there for now. I'm considering replacing it with something more comfortable, but that depends on if she asks
>for now, I'll just clean and groom her so that she looks at least half-presentable

>dinner conversation was mostly about what I did in the past two weeks, as well as the business endeavors of Ms. Tanuki
>our guest was pretty quiet, but was cooperative while being fed. She seems to at least like the food we made.
>I didn't want to make things uncomfortable with her by asking her any questions outside of how dinner was, but I did want to give them an opportunity to discuss with her afterwards
>the ratatoskr seemed to really enjoy dessert, which is especially surprising given how much she ate for dinner and her size
>that likely explains why she's so busty, but she did have those womanly hips, which no amount of dieting can achieve
>and yet she pretty short, only slightly taller than a kid, though if her tail counted she would be considered only slightly below-average
>mamono blood does some weird shit
>normally I would help clean up with dinner, but I had to take care of our guest
>I was more gentle with picking her up because she was full, and I princess carried her to the couch where I wanted to butter her up for conversation

I'm going to stop her for now. Hope you guys enjoyed it so far.

Says a lot when I'm willing to go "Gee, if only she was older-looking." and make some amateur greentext about one.

>> No.21627916

I'm not implying I'm done. I'm just saying don't expect it in the next 12 hours.

>> No.21627950
File: 1.17 MB, 2460x3849, IMG_20190702_121138436~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627988

>> No.21627951
Quoted by: >>21627977

>A Sabbath loli version
They're a loli species?

>> No.21627965

Dark Mage.

>> No.21627977
File: 609 KB, 1186x1475, 61920758_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21627988
Quoted by: >>21628003

Is she an Ushi or a Nereid?

>> No.21627991

I want a dumb Dark Mage who's terrible at magic but has enormous...mana reserves.

>> No.21627993
File: 413 KB, 1511x1808, UWLstbG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21627998

>> No.21627994
File: 131 KB, 1200x1056, 1556341762226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21628040

Adult/big titty versions are and always will be, shit.

My condolences for your shit taste.

>> No.21627998

*wiggles slime*

>> No.21628003
File: 235 KB, 1447x1900, Ddm6GscUQAA30bx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did nereids have fur?

>> No.21628004

I want to huff that ratas mofu while giving her full nelson!

>> No.21628035
File: 85 KB, 764x690, D-W8p00XUAAcWiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21628040
Quoted by: >>21628078

Spoken like a true sabbath follower. Your commitment will be rewarded.

>> No.21628046
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1562094768149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would a hellhound react if you called her tartarusbeagle?

>> No.21628078
File: 114 KB, 736x512, FzeTXu7F_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21628097

One cuddly rata please!

>> No.21628080

>Working in the coal mines, Going down down down

>> No.21628087
File: 302 KB, 456x595, mge__monster_girl_encyclopedia___sphinx_2_by_adelineleona_dd98mi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get a sphinx to look at you like this?

>> No.21628097

You'll have to work overtime for those extra fluffy ones. They're in high demand right now, so we don't just hand them out like that.

>> No.21628100
File: 365 KB, 1250x2047, Dv_LvnHU8AAJ9Md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21628105
File: 579 KB, 830x1200, Demon dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charcoal skin best skin. I really want a black Demon. It's like an extra layer of lewd.

>> No.21628111

Then can I get a tsundere one that isnt as fluffy

>> No.21628115

I've been praising ratas and kissing lolis for as long as I can remember! This is rigged!

>> No.21628122

What is best

>Monster is super proud of her huge breasts/ass
>Monster is embarrassed of her huge breasts/ass
>Monster is unaware of her huge breasts/ass

>> No.21628129

Embarrassed. Especially if they had small breasts, but they where recently altered by a potion or something.

>> No.21628137
Quoted by: >>21628143

>Former small and flat chested human mage now ultra voluptuous monster

>> No.21628143

Exactly, and she's still wearing her old mage garb, so her breasts and hips are exposed and she hates it. Which means I like it.

>> No.21628145

god that skin color and those eyes just perfect

>> No.21628151
File: 562 KB, 830x1200, Demon dark oran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually meant to post this one. I like the Halloween motif slightly better.

>> No.21628159

Embarrassed although all are good

>> No.21628167

You answer her question with Pass

>> No.21628173

the red eyes works a bit better

>> No.21628176
Quoted by: >>21628182

If she laid down on black carpet you could lose her.

>> No.21628182

I want a Vantablack monster girl

>> No.21628188
Quoted by: >>21628211

All of them, sequentially, from bottom to top

>> No.21628195
File: 167 KB, 1200x1145, SmQjNE9S_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21628205

What would a monster do if she couldnt rape

>> No.21628211

What species do you see them as?

>> No.21628214

Date. Seduce.

>> No.21628215


>> No.21628220

rape anyway

>> No.21628221


>> No.21628225

Nothing would change, you can't rape a guy

>> No.21628228

Anyone have that image of the sphinx laying down on top of an Anon?

>> No.21628232
Quoted by: >>21628275

Not with that attitude.

>> No.21628234
Quoted by: >>21628489

Post that image of a shy gaunt looking girl getting pslimed into a buxom babe for example.

>> No.21628239
Quoted by: >>21628260

What would a sunflower Alraune be like?

>> No.21628240
File: 110 KB, 1024x724, 72906108_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21628275

Says you.

>> No.21628250
Quoted by: >>21628285

I second this request

>> No.21628257

I want a kakuen with gold and silver fur

>> No.21628260


>> No.21628261
File: 111 KB, 602x426, every kitsune's worst nightmare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21628265
File: 176 KB, 1200x1065, UMlb6lP1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this one?

>> No.21628275
Quoted by: >>21628297

Fuck off /d/ faggots

>> No.21628280

Why are zombies so cute

>> No.21628285
File: 1.48 MB, 3484x3092, 70248529_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the master1200

>> No.21628297
File: 449 KB, 700x1050, 4721669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/d/ faggots

>> No.21628303
Quoted by: >>21628504

What are those pink lines?

>> No.21628311

I want to see the sickly third princess in line of a Kingdom become a hugely powerful monster.

>> No.21628324

Red eyes just look evil, attractive but nothing that'd make you fall in love at first sight.

Golden eyes on the other hand are for everlasting marriage and endless love.

>> No.21628326
Quoted by: >>21628337

Huge muscles
Powerful physique
Courtly Demeanour

>> No.21628337

Absolutely massive Drills.

>> No.21628338
Quoted by: >>21628351

powerful how magic or muscle?

>> No.21628343

Why don't childhood friends just rape the dense anon?

>> No.21628351


>> No.21628360
File: 137 KB, 680x932, Kappa_extra_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't think they do?

>> No.21628374

Because what if he doesnt love her after it

>> No.21628380

Yes! I had this picture in mind when I was thinking of something.
>Adventurer comes across a Sphinx while exploring the ruins
>She asks him a riddle
>”Oh mighty Sphinx, may I have a night’s rest to ponder my answer?”
>”Very well. There is one hitch however. Nyahaha~”
>She saunters over and lies down on top of him like pic related
>”I need to be assured you aren’t just running away from a challenge. I think you’ll find the accommodations pleasant? Nyahahaha~”
>Crushed by her weight and her soft everything, Anon isn’t going anywhere
>After the torch light burns out, she starts to purr in her sleep, vibrating his whole body
>The next morning she wakes up and lets Anon get up
>”Now, what’s your answer?”
>Anon is visibly distraught and aroused from his experience
>”Uh, what was the question?”
>”Who cares?”
>Anon and the Sphinx embrace each other as they try to rip each other’s clothes off

>> No.21628469
File: 451 KB, 960x1024, 1534286294237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's on your mind?

>> No.21628478
Quoted by: >>21628519

Thinking of spending money on cutes and lewds.

>> No.21628484

Hopefully a reason to go on another day.

>> No.21628489

Second this. I cant find it on the imgbox and i dont know the artists name.

>> No.21628504

Sphinx curse, typically applied by getting their riddle wrong.
It’s kinda like a very potent charm spell.

>> No.21628511

Busty Banshee big sisters bouncing up and down!

>> No.21628519

Are there official mge merc?

>> No.21628521

A cute commission and a lewd commission coming in soon

>> No.21628529

Lately the last few years there's been a huge spike in shitty gore&rape shock shloch trash manga. What gives? Some newfangled platform allowing shit any good editor and publisher laugh at?

>> No.21628536

Thinking about how cute mindflayers are

>> No.21628537
Quoted by: >>21628558

Is this a peanuts reference?

>> No.21628548

How are you even finding these?

>> No.21628558

No shit sherlock.

>> No.21628567
Quoted by: >>21628696

Please let sickly monsters dominate you it might help make them feel better

>> No.21628569

There's a market for it, that simple. A good editor and publisher will allow a lot of things if it can earn them money.

>> No.21628574

Troll butts

>> No.21628575
File: 246 KB, 934x842, 69650150_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21628587

Geopolitical crises that are brewing

>> No.21628592

Cat harem

>> No.21628630

existential dread with the only hope of escaping is to get good at art to the point where people would pay me for commissioning which will give me time to study up on programming and developing a sense of humor so i can also develop vidya and livestream myself doing fun stuff including playing vidya. also thinking about making a robot in the future and program it into my waifu

>> No.21628647
File: 147 KB, 1180x967, D-M0rA_W4AAHvTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21628827

>> No.21628696
Quoted by: >>21628705

>Hellhound absolutely plowing you into the ground
>You’d be concerned if it wasn’t for her stuffy nose making her voice sound funny
>”Hai wuv yuu sow much hanon!”
>Must. Not. Laugh.
Why is it that having a cold makes you such a horndog? Pun partially intended.

>> No.21628705


>> No.21628711

Had this weirld thought about dragons turing women into other dragons by stabbing them with their claws and pupming enery into them

>> No.21628776
File: 126 KB, 1272x1400, D-byvPtXoAA7sWV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to modify your maid's uniform to keep her cool in the summer!

>> No.21628791
Quoted by: >>21628816

Her uniform isn't the main problem. Just look at all that extra meat keeping her hot.
Maids should have classy slender forms without a single ounce of surplus fat.

>> No.21628794

Manually molesting meaty maid mammaries

>> No.21628801
File: 554 KB, 820x1200, 69277232_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21629023

>> No.21628816

Nyet, maids must be soft and welcoming for master.

>> No.21628824
File: 428 KB, 458x1344, DECEPTICONS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more AoT until Fall 2020.

Also laughing heartily at the degenerate dub watchers who got spoiled by AoT2 Final Battle trailer super hard.

>> No.21628827

Nothing to see here, that cupid is just showing off again.

>> No.21628834
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x1813, 1470596909274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21628840
Quoted by: >>21628886

Would arctic kikis in other climates enjoy it if their master filled up one of those plastic pools with ice water for them, or would they think it's a demeaning kobold thing?

>> No.21628844

thighjobs from kuu girls

>> No.21628857

How do you embarrass a high level mg like a dragon?

>> No.21628872

i want you to have sex with a fairy

>> No.21628875

Steal a gold coin
just one
while she's awake in her cave
thats all that matters

>> No.21628883

It shall be done

>> No.21628886

She would love it, but you'd have join her so she can still tend to your needs
>Chad anon takes coin out of dragon's horde
>Looks her right in the eye as he pockets it and walks out of her cave
You either get tackled off the side of a mountain or she visits your home and demands you give her back her coin

>> No.21628902
Quoted by: >>21628914

>step one: git gud
>step two: max out your stealth stat
>step three: go around to high level monsters castles and jerk off on their faces when they’re sleeping and take pictures and post them online
>step four: hide because now you have at least ten high level MGs who have your scent and are looking to make you their husbando

>> No.21628906
Quoted by: >>21628913

Abuse item creation to just dab on her through broken mechanics

>> No.21628907
Quoted by: >>21628930

High action thighjobs with a lot of movements?
I personally prefer slow gentle thighjobs with just some slight movement.

>> No.21628913

No anon, that’s how you embarrass Todd Howard.

>> No.21628914

I feel like this would go horribly wrong

>> No.21628927

>Turns out MGE is built on Bethesda rules minus the crashes.

>> No.21628928

It just works

>> No.21628930

slow is what a kuu would do though

>> No.21628942

Tanuki Howard makes the best games

>> No.21628962

Now I'm thinking about that Asian qt3.14 at Bethesda E3

>> No.21628983
File: 567 KB, 1000x1412, 71568744_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21628985

>marry Tanuki Howard
>she then rereleases your favorite game she ever made every year on your birthday

>> No.21628991

Banana is cute and lovely.

>> No.21628992
File: 114 KB, 673x1200, D8THmhsWsAA0uXB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21628995

Why are ojou monsters so good?

>> No.21628996
File: 930 KB, 1422x1924, 1561683323250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to give your banana kouhai plenty of headpats, even if she says it's embarrassing.

>> No.21629013

Because while they may be haughty and look down on you, on the inside they wonder if commoner life might not be so bad as long as they got to live it with you.

>> No.21629015
File: 304 KB, 984x732, ec31612e62c2eb2ebc804075832a878f82ad9735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you duel a dragon for her horde?

>> No.21629017

Also I've heard they love cuddles.

>> No.21629022

Then I go for her hoard.

>> No.21629023

Slimes are just naked and everyone lets them get away with it.

>> No.21629026

Wikifag here. Managed to finish gathering the sources today, so here's the final report:
Currently the galleries contain 15286 images.
1468 images are missing sources either due to them being posted in the threads or due to their original upload being deleted.
Also, 1319 images don't have an author.
Link to the list is in the pastebin.

>> No.21629036
Quoted by: >>21629206

Footjobs from kuu girls!

>> No.21629038
Quoted by: >>21629081

This. 100% this.
Or they use their wealth and power to dominate you financially, physically, and emotionally, until the day you have Stockholm Syndrome and are her perfect househusband. Which is fine by me. As long as she can give our children a good future.

>> No.21629044

That face is hideous

>> No.21629048
File: 55 KB, 490x357, 1557538672547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21629054

I would duel a dragon for her.

>> No.21629056

>1468 images are missing sources either due to them being posted in the threads or due to their original upload being deleted
That many? Damn.

>> No.21629057

Do you taste metal?

>> No.21629058

That’s probably an actual drink in MGC. Sold around winter and early spring to help warm you up (in more than one way)!

>> No.21629060
Quoted by: >>21629076

Do yuki-onnas enjoy iced tea or hot tea more?

>> No.21629072

>Banshee + Wisp double blowjob and symmetrical docking
Can't believe I missed this. That would be my ideal bigamous fantasy.

>> No.21629074

>1468 images are missing sources either due to them being posted in the threads or due to their original upload being deleted.
They’re all probably pictures of that one MG you totally forgot. Who is she by the way?

>> No.21629075
File: 450 KB, 1006x1447, Salamander49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21629128

How do you keep up with energetic girls

>> No.21629076

Hot tea warms their insides and gets them aroused, Yetea will make them crave cuddles from the nearest victim

>> No.21629077
File: 56 KB, 850x612, 168537857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21629155

I want to mate with this land shard.

>> No.21629081

I prefer the nicer kind of ojous. The ones that still have a massive ego but treat you right.

>> No.21629085

Nah that's shit

>> No.21629097
Quoted by: >>21629149

Two words anon:

>> No.21629123
Quoted by: >>21629136

That pandagirl is staring at me intensely.

>> No.21629128

you don't, you just let them fuck other guys

>> No.21629136
Quoted by: >>21629162

good thing pandas dont fuck

>> No.21629143

What would you do if you found out your daughteru had an onahand, a rubber hand that simulates headpats.

>> No.21629149
Quoted by: >>21629150

How big?

>> No.21629150

All the way down to her ankles.

>> No.21629151
Quoted by: >>21629336

What do I need a horde for?

>> No.21629155
Quoted by: >>21629276

What’s going on with that ass?

>> No.21629160

God lord I want to hear her OHHOHOHO.

>> No.21629162
File: 391 KB, 626x699, RenXiongmao9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it should be your duty to fuck her until she wants to

>> No.21629168
Quoted by: >>21629192

Also, added one of these for whoever wants to add new images to the galleries.

>> No.21629192

Bookmarked for future use, thanks.

>> No.21629202

Not great, Not terrible

>> No.21629206
File: 264 KB, 2000x2333, 1557939537023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything from kuu!

>> No.21629241
File: 497 KB, 820x1260, 62425142_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21629264
Quoted by: >>21629679

I want to buttfuck a Kikimora while her twin sister watches and impatiently waits her turn.

>> No.21629276
Quoted by: >>21629693

What do you mean? It's an ass.

>> No.21629279
File: 1.11 MB, 640x1109, 1655378437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more pictures of monster girls with luxurious drills.

>> No.21629280

What if a Kikimora's master find out that she keeps her own room dirty

>> No.21629302
Quoted by: >>21629315

Then he helpfully cleans it up for her, including the reading material hidden under her matress. Might even leave a note about them on top of the neat stack he makes.

>> No.21629306

>kiki is secretly a nerdy slob while in her room, playing video games on her high-end pc while surrounded by old cup ramen containers and empty bags of chips
She's getting punished. With my dick.

>> No.21629315

>"Aren't maids in suits just butlers? From Master."

>> No.21629336

Sacking Rome and conquering Gaul.

>> No.21629339
Quoted by: >>21629345

I want a tomboy kiki that wears a butler uniform

>> No.21629345

Tomboy kikis probably have the fluffiest cravats.

>> No.21629384
File: 214 KB, 850x1200, __miimu_and_razia_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_asanagi__sample-fc0a64eab7e4f535a8663b930ae9fc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Y-Y-You're how big?!"

>> No.21629390

Yeah I'm 5'6" what's it to you

>> No.21629398
Quoted by: >>21629489

Remember, the smaller the height, the bigger she wants it.

>> No.21629407
Quoted by: >>21629412

I going to run around naked in a monster city and there nothing they can do to stop me

>> No.21629412

Don't forget to grease yourself up for maximum laughs.

>> No.21629420

The discount maid emporium is a scary place.

>> No.21629437

so what if they have some quirks they are still great maids even if some of them arent certified

>> No.21629447

You mirin'? Those are 16s, babe.

>> No.21629449
Quoted by: >>21629495

Shortstack sizequeens!

>> No.21629480
File: 137 KB, 900x900, __closed_____monster_girl_adopt___chn_arachne_by_flareviper_dcun9ea-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21629507

Name a better trio of childhood friends than a p'orc, arachne and anon

>> No.21629489
Quoted by: >>21629494

So fairies are the ultimate sizequeens?

>> No.21629492
File: 75 KB, 585x414, 1538748312059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Russian mail order maid is broken

>> No.21629494


>> No.21629495

>shortstack ice queen shows up at your place
>call the dating service for sending the wrong girl
>"No, I wanted a shortstack SIZE queen."
>"Oh, don't worry, stud. I like big boys who are packing logs in their pants too~"

>> No.21629506
File: 107 KB, 1280x778, Ych011_puuurfect_mieko_and_sera_by_jackieeisendrache_dcw4iyy-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21629507

Anon's three childhood friends: a haughty ojou high elf, lewd gyaru dark elf, and genki airhead wood elf.

>> No.21629527
Quoted by: >>21629562

No wonder the price was so cheap, but at least her soup is very good.

>> No.21629562


>> No.21629622
File: 1.85 MB, 3040x4544, 75521214_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21629629

I love this fetish. I want to fuck my shortstack wife with a big dick while my body is proportioned like a draph male.

>> No.21629657
Quoted by: >>21629711

>wanting to be hulk freak

>> No.21629672
File: 250 KB, 1660x1829, 1535633846737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems fine to me.

>> No.21629679

I want to buttfuck a loli Lich while a loli Wight and Vampire watch and wait for their turns.

>> No.21629690
File: 561 KB, 1200x1334, 75407173_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like swords.

>> No.21629693
Quoted by: >>21629714

It has no crack

>> No.21629694
Quoted by: >>21629725

What’s the most popular mge girl in japan and the west Is there a different between the two?

>> No.21629696
Quoted by: >>21629804

I like trains.

>> No.21629699

I want to corrupt a legendary holy sword into my waifu

>> No.21629711

>not wanting to be a musclebound adonis for your little wife
What are you, an alp?

>> No.21629714

She's wearing clothes, anon. Of course you won't see it.

>> No.21629718
File: 406 KB, 2150x3035, D-Z-RtGVUAA2OQJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21629725

I don't know about 'the most popular' as people's taste vary in Japan just like any other places on earth but I can at least tell you Alps are pretty popular unlike here, at least according to the number of fanfics on KC's site

>> No.21629762

>having standing sex with your shortstack wife
>her massive tits are pressed up against your pecs as you split her with your meat pole
>she'd be running her hands along your abs if she wasn't clutching to you like her life depends on it
>even her short legs are desperately trying to lock around your waist as her eyes roll back in pleasure
>when you finally cum, she practically passes out from the ecstasy
>her stomach bulges with seed as her arms go limp, yet her legs refuse to let go
>you release her, but she doesn't fall to the floor, instead kept suspended above the ground by your still hard dick
Shortstacks are too good.

>> No.21629765

How bad of a job could an Ushi-Oni do? She chose to become a maid, if she didn’t want to be one, she wouldn’t have listed herself.

>> No.21629772

>suspended above the ground by your still hard d*ck
The level of kegels required for this would be insane

>> No.21629790

Got train up if you don't want to come immediately after putting it in a monsters top tier pussy.

>> No.21629796

I think I saw that in an Azur Lane doujin.

>> No.21629804

i heard your waifu likes trains

>> No.21629811

You cant do this to me while i am at work.

>> No.21629847
Quoted by: >>21630028

i don't want to be a muscle freak

>> No.21629848
File: 74 KB, 480x720, 60664471_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21629858

My grapesnake is looking kind of pale today.

>> No.21629858

She's been inside too much.

>> No.21629860
File: 1.83 MB, 2061x1236, 67895640_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how werecats get their husbands

>> No.21629865

I would call alps an extreme. But I would also call being the hulk, an extreme as well, just on the polar opposite spectrum.

>> No.21629891

cute kitty

>> No.21629893
Quoted by: >>21629908

Cat harem!

>> No.21629908
Quoted by: >>21629916

A large group of cats yowling in heat outside your window every night

>> No.21629911

i'd fall victim to cats

>> No.21629916

Not if I bring them inside.
Hell, I thought about it and there could even be a scale of soft to buff.

>> No.21630025
File: 179 KB, 900x1814, a9938ir5yx731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21630028
Quoted by: >>21630047

No one is saying you gotta be a bodybuilder who looks like a balloon with too much helium. Just get enough muscle to make monsters think you're some kind of male model.

>> No.21630033

That devil has a lot of nerve not having my dick in her. Gonna teach her what for.

>> No.21630047
Quoted by: >>21630085

The first post was about being proportioned muscle and height wise like a male draph.

>> No.21630054
File: 182 KB, 583x600, 583px-Devil21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Welcome home, dear. I made your favorite! It's opera cake."
>"Yes, I know you've never had it before, but trust me. It's your favorite."

>> No.21630072

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure to watch out for the most dangerous of harem situations....competing lap pillows.

>> No.21630085
Quoted by: >>21630127

Draphs aren't even that bad, though. Sure they're pretty muscled, but they are far from what I would call muscle freaks.

>> No.21630091
File: 255 KB, 1536x2048, 0BE8349B-F58B-4D9A-8877-5D6A8BE6E0BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got a new dormouse picture, the set is complete!

>> No.21630105

pouty and fl@

>> No.21630106
File: 117 KB, 850x713, 17495582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal maid body. You may not like it, but this is what peak service looks like.

>> No.21630108

Mice are nice.

>> No.21630127

I agree, but i am just saying why he might think they are to much.

>> No.21630142
File: 483 KB, 718x1024, 11324213_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please.

>> No.21630149

I liked it better when the two girls were both lolis.

>> No.21630163

I want to watch a shortstack bully a tallflat for being an absolute chestlet.

>> No.21630169
Quoted by: >>21630197

I try anon, I try hard. But it’s hard these days.

>> No.21630174
File: 48 KB, 640x623, yzphzwS_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nyehehe, now to see what dirt my informant got on Anon."
>Anon is absolutely hung
>Anon cums buckets
>Anon has a fetish for impaling small girls on his dick
>Anon is right behind you

>> No.21630179

Gotta grow up sometime, Anon.

>> No.21630182
Quoted by: >>21630221

Not him but tell that to kdf

>> No.21630197

It's a tough world, anon. I know. In the past I've tried to find good loli artists that're affordable, and they're hard to come by.

One day, you'll awaken to the glory of delicious, flat chest and tight, loli cunny. I didn't used to be a lolicon, but as I've grown older, loli has grown on me.

>> No.21630202

I want art of meaty Troll maids offering their breasts and bottoms to their master

>> No.21630206

I can't decide between BIG girls and loli goodness honestly.
So I don't!

>> No.21630221

My daughteru does grow up anon, just not physically.

>> No.21630225

Nope, I love big titties way to much. Closest you're gonna get me is oppailoli, but at that point I would just rather go for superior shortstack.

>> No.21630248

Begone redditor. It's even the same file name.

>> No.21630252
File: 169 KB, 635x377, XpR5rvrH_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right!

>> No.21630255
File: 153 KB, 375x600, Bicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that monsters that lay eggs, grow from seeds or bud off are unable to produce human men due to biological differences so that the gendre ratios remain unbalanced. Then human men could choose to be monogamous or have a harem and bicorns could be a part of a harem as they desire.

>> No.21630258
File: 401 KB, 701x1200, 322_automaton_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the Automaton workshop. First of its kind and now open for business.

After years of excavating salvage and rigorous research, the impossible has been achieved. The few operational automatons found in ruins have been refurbished, and the incomplete models have been successfully restored to full function. Upon activation, however, every single unit has requested that they be assigned a user for whom they may perform their primary functions.

Take a moment to meet the automata available, and decide which one would best suit your needs. If you have questions about a certain module's capabilities, or have more specific needs in mind, ask one of the gremlin or anubis engineers for assistance. There are more than enough spare parts to make custom models as well as rehome the existing completed units.

Model L-3094 "Leona" (combat spec)
>OS chip: bodyguard/home defense/shock trooper
>Modules: demon silver arm blades (with pilebunker option), long range stun gun, adaptive armor kit, aegis shield battery, overdrive mode
>AI drivers: Kuu.exe, tomboy.exe

Model C-4507 "Carol" (medical spec)
>OS chip: nurse/paramedic/counselor
>Modules: restorative mana beam, emergency care kit, stress control mode, pharmacomancy engine, stasis pod
>AI drivers: genki.exe, professional.exe

Model O-7183 "Olive" (domestic spec)
>OS chip: maid/nanny/secretary
>Modules: culinary skillwires, sanitation toolkit, long-range comms device, child care databank, repair tool
>AI drivers: tsuntsun.exe, neesan.exe

Model D-1494 "Diana" (android spec)
>OS chip: courtesan/entertainer/companion
>Modules: advanced synthetic skin, dynamic vocal synthesizer, reproductive simulation wetware, pheromone venting system, easy aesthetic customization
>AI drivers: deredere.exe, idol.exe

Model X-0000 "error" (custom spec)
>OS chip: choose up to 3 primary functions
>Modules: choose up to 5 modules from other models, or request a specific upgrade be made
>AI drivers: dynamic learning AI that changes personality based on input, blank slate

*Modules can be added, adjusted or subtracted at the workshop for a small fee, though the slot limit for installed modules is always 5. OS chips govern automata's knowledge base and skillsets. AI drivers are a unit's default personality presets, and can be changed and adjusted manually by the user.

>> No.21630308
Quoted by: >>21630316

>OS: companion/counselor/bodyguard
>Modules: Stress control, overdrive mode, reproductive wetware, vocal synthesizer, synthetic skin

>> No.21630316
Quoted by: >>21630358

>sexy supportive protective robot
She got a name?

>> No.21630319
File: 148 KB, 400x520, Darkstalkers_Resurrection_Huitzil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my ancient Mexican Automaton option

>> No.21630323


>> No.21630337

I want a model P.
>OS chip: daughter/cuddle pillow/cute factory
>Modules: light compact chassis, universal cuteness expressors, calming heartbeat simulator, puffy cunny+, advanced emotional intuition
>AI drivers: genki.exe, adorable.exe

>> No.21630339

Meant for >>21630258 obviously.

>> No.21630340

What does the P stand for?

>> No.21630344


>> No.21630351

>os chip
nanny/bodyguard/nurse, the ultimate daughteru babysitter
child care databank, stress control mode, aegis shield battery, culinary skillwires, restorative mana beam
>AI driver
nee-san.exe so daughteru can have a sweet big sister to help take care of her and play with her

>> No.21630352


>> No.21630358
Quoted by: >>21630368

Took a while to think objectively on a name due to just watching Metropolis. Avalon

>> No.21630365
File: 30 KB, 456x322, 158364859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to read up on a monster's weaknesses before trying to aggressively date them.

>> No.21630366

I've been reading Book of the New Sun and wondering how I could apply Monster Girls into it.

>> No.21630368

I like it. Sounds very much like a super-advanced wifebot's name.

>> No.21630374
Quoted by: >>21630384

What is this, a Hunter's guide for ants?

>> No.21630375
Quoted by: >>21630415

I like the purposefully misleading guides.

>> No.21630384
File: 931 KB, 1255x706, Zazan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a tick...

>> No.21630387

Since money's been tight lately I haven't been able to get many commissions and I'm strangely okay with it. I don't know whether it's because I've finally learned some self-control, or if it's because I don't think about her like I used to.

>> No.21630391


>> No.21630412
Quoted by: >>21630419

>Merrow humming Raspberry Beret as she gets dressed to go on a date with Anon

>> No.21630415

Tanukia selling misleading hunting guides to order adventuring parties is the best!

>> No.21630417

I think I’d rather pay twice the price and go next door to build a custom cursed sword. They even go through a ceremony where you poor your energy into it!

>> No.21630418 [SPOILER] 
File: 681 KB, 1105x1304, 1562128843194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21630421

>> No.21630419
Quoted by: >>21630428

What does underwater humming sound like?

>> No.21630421

Why yes, Sandworms did go up a notch in my ranking.

>> No.21630423
Quoted by: >>21630430

So the Carol model comes with a medigun?

>> No.21630428

About the same, but it carries longer. If you wanted to be mean, you could make a whale song joke.

>> No.21630429
File: 2.39 MB, 4500x1449, 1438795365854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My sting will drive you mad with pleasure~
>'How do you know that?'
>'Have you ever felt it yourself?'

Dumb Scorp.

>> No.21630430

Yes, but very short range. She snuggles up and strokes or kisses the wound until it's all better.

>> No.21630439

How would it work on her? The stuff is already inside her body to begin with!

>> No.21630459

That’s like injecting your veins with your saliva

>> No.21630468

I bet feral Vampires do that with their own saliva, lewd.

>> No.21630470
Quoted by: >>21630477

Be careful around charismatic Wurms. It will sound like a good idea when they say it, but they often don’t think it all the way through.

Are Wurms high in Wis, low in Int; low in Wis, high in Int; or just low in both?

>> No.21630471
Quoted by: >>21630480

I dont normally inject saliva into my arms so your going to have to explain what thats like.

>> No.21630474
Quoted by: >>21630484

I'll make that picker/builder for another thread, good idea anon.

>> No.21630477

Wurms are low Int without a doubt but there's plenty of Wis hidden under there.

>> No.21630480

It’s like poking through meringue.

>> No.21630484
Quoted by: >>21630741

Its a Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge reference. Droids are $100 and Light Sabers are $200

>> No.21630489

There is some conflicting info, but venomous creatures don't seem to be entirely immune to their own venom (though they often are resistant). As for why it being in their body doesn't bother them, its because the venom is confined to the venom glands. Kind of like how our stomach acid would do a lot of harm if it wasn't confirmed to parts of the body able to withstand it.

>> No.21630507
Quoted by: >>21630567

I really need an Automaton that's about the size of a briefcase. Any Pixie-type models?

>> No.21630509
Quoted by: >>21630551

Venom only works when in the bloodstream

>> No.21630551

>Apophis wonders why the pharaoh isn't graping since she added her venom into the soup
Sometimes they just got to learn the hard way

>> No.21630567
Quoted by: >>21630617

A research spec model might work. Tiny for reconnaissance and surveillance, equipped with a flight unit. Expands to titania-size when short circuited. Likes to send you dirty pictures of herself while she's out scouting.

>> No.21630575

Besides sex related traits, are there any abilities you’d like to gain when you incubize for your wife? Obviously height, complexion, dick length are considered. What about having better night vision because you have a gargoyle wife, or become more flexible to match your werecat? Things like that.

>> No.21630587

Does having a Dragon wife mean you could get wings? I'd like to fly free instead of in her grip.

>> No.21630594

I'd like to think I'd pick up some modest magic resistance from being the subject of my wifes spells. Maybe even a chance to reflect spells back at her.

>> No.21630599

What would a wurm do if she suddenly gained legs?

>> No.21630605

She'd have a FAT tail. God damn.

>> No.21630617

>research spec model
She's perfect. What a useful companion to have.
I'll take two. One who is kuudere and serious with angelic trim, and one who is genki and promiscuous with devilish trim.

>> No.21630626

She'd wiggle her toes like Ariel and then go shoe-shopping in an Elf town.

>> No.21630654

Honestly all I can think of is strength and maybe becoming shorter because I'd like to at least stand my own to some degree strength-wise and I'm a sucker for tall girl height difference and as is I feel only a foot and a half difference isn't enough of a gap.

>> No.21630663
Quoted by: >>21630679

Probably just sit there and wiggle her toes and inspect them for the next several days out of curiosity alone. I'd be more concerned about the fact she now has the ability to do dead sprints and a vertical leap whereas she was at least hindered by slither speed and hops required stopping and cocking to perform.

>> No.21630679

>Wurm now has strength AND speed
Dear Demon Lord, she'd be a weapon of mass destruction

>> No.21630682

I would like to see a wurm who can't pronounce "soi" and does nothing but play Halo, shitpost, and download porn.

>> No.21630690
File: 623 KB, 1133x1576, 1549161065457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Now, dear, I maybe a few hundred years older than you, but I promise to be the best wife I can be for you."

>> No.21630693
Quoted by: >>21630699

Your journey ends...

>> No.21630699
Quoted by: >>21630792

>not going adventuring with you milfy archmage elf wife
Come on, Anon. She would never think of getting in the way of your adventurous spirit.

>> No.21630700
Quoted by: >>21630710

i wonder if that mole is real.

>> No.21630703

>even more speed*
With the ability to utilize legs she has more pushing force and when lifting things she now has legs, which are more muscular than arms by a fair amount naturally, she can lift with as well adding to the equation. More if she kept her tail and can use that as a stabilizer and addition muscle. Punches, pushes, lifting, throwing, dragging, jumping, and swinging things will all see improvements across the board.
Gonna need a lot of jangle keys and shiny objects for this one...

>> No.21630704

Hey, at least she wouldn't be as good at tunneling.

>> No.21630710
Quoted by: >>21630782

Why wouldn't it be. All CCs and milfs are required by natural law to have a beauty mark somewhere on their person to accent their mature sexiness. Prime locations being around the eye and mouth area, and on the breasts, of course.

>> No.21630718

>just leaps over the mountain instead

>> No.21630730

Depends man. She could just use her new legs to push her arms deeper into the dirt and rock or hold her steady for moving things like moles do for better digging.

>> No.21630735 [SPOILER] 
File: 520 KB, 1300x1800, 1562134125386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21630741

Just make your reservation in advance. Like the new MG bar, spots get booked insanely fast.

>> No.21630749

she's going to get impregnated in a full nelson

>> No.21630782

I see. I hope she realizes how much more breed able she looks with it.

>> No.21630790
File: 66 KB, 580x540, 1557338405303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21630798

lewd version when vada! More rata please!

>> No.21630792
Quoted by: >>21630807

Sounds pretty great. She can probably conjure up some really nice food when setting up camp. gonna mating press her in the tent

>> No.21630798

Love vada for drawing busty and loli.

>> No.21630807
Quoted by: >>21630833

>setting up camp for the night
>your wife magically whips up a feast you would normally never see at a camp
>you are amazed at how much delicious food is laid out before you before you notice that its all made from stamina boosters and other ingredients believed to enhance male virility
>you look at your wife, but she's purposefully avoiding eye contact while she tries to feed you

>> No.21630809
Quoted by: >>21630822

only posted busty because it has what i wanted to convey. Oppai versions are still trash

>> No.21630822
File: 293 KB, 1200x1500, 1536216010564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busty Ratas are best.

>> No.21630826
Quoted by: >>21630929

I like both as their own thing, but I'd rather see a shortstack than an oppai loli

>> No.21630833
Quoted by: >>21630866

Dutiful, but also a tiny bit selfish. Perfect wife. I bet she is no joke in combat though.

>> No.21630854
File: 322 KB, 992x1403, 9TvmfytD_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are entitled to a wrong opinion, like usual.

>> No.21630866

Of course. As a noble elf archmage, she's more powerful than a majority of magic users, even monster ones. Nothing less than a lilim could hope to overcome her if it threatened her beloved. But, if her dear husband happened to learn eromancy, she might find her spell resistance all but useless against his magic...

>> No.21630881

Something tells me eromancy would be even more dangerous in her hands. Not like she would need it though

>> No.21630884
File: 96 KB, 724x799, 1392582334028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great hero! Take up thine blade and plunge it deep!

>> No.21630911

I am sorry lady, but what sword am i plunging into where?

>> No.21630913
Quoted by: >>21630916

She’s an Elf. You don’t need eromancy to make her panties soaked anon.

>> No.21630916
Quoted by: >>21630928

Especially busty mature elves. They are soaked almost 24/7.

>> No.21630917

Meh I’m more partial to battle axes.

>> No.21630928
Quoted by: >>21630933

There comes a day in every Elf’s life when she just gives up and goes pantyless for the rest of their lives.

>> No.21630929

I agree!

Honestly the difference is so minuscule that i dont understand the point in differentiating the two, but you be you. Just for me marune looks like any other normal adult draph in face.

>> No.21630933

Usually that day is her wedding day.

>> No.21630975

>tfw no delinquent angel gf
>wears a lewd sukeban uniform to school with a leather jacket that has slits for her wings
>dyes her and paints her nails black
>despite being far from a good student, her wings are still a beautiful golden color

>> No.21630981
Quoted by: >>21630985

>tfw you will never leglock a shortstack sukeban werewolf

>> No.21630985
Quoted by: >>21631007

You mean get leg locked, right

>> No.21631006

>ywn go arm and arm to take on the demon gang from a rival school
>ywn back her up when she dives head first into a pack of orc gyarus
>ywn be her second when the nurarihyon calligraphy club president loses it and wants a duel to take over the school
Profound sorrow.

>> No.21631007

No, putting her legs into a submission hold and literally making her your bitch sounds nice.

>> No.21631030
Quoted by: >>21631087

>I sat her down on an armchair
>she let out a soft grunt because I didn't remove the crotch rope
>"Let me loosen that." I offered, reaching her wrists and adding some slack to the rope between her legs
>"Thanks." She quietly responded.
>I sat down on the couch, which was across her peripheral
>"So, how was the meal?"
>"It was good, I guess." She sounded like there needed to be more ice to break in this conversation.
>"I would like for you and my family to get to know one-another. Anything you want to ask or tell me personally before they finish with cleaning up?"
>"Your smuggling of illegal CDs. Why do you do that? Is it for the money? Do you love your job?"
>"A pretty good question." I paused for a moment to formulate my answer. "I've always loved discovering things as a kid. I actually wanted to become an archaeologist back in high school, but I couldn't waste the strengths I had with management and finances, so I went into business. I used to run an antique media store until the Titanian Laws went into effect. I got sick of the bullshit and decided to move to the black market in order to ensure that my products could be enjoyed by someone, even if it's a crappy movie-licensed game."
>"Do you believe archaeology is related to what you do?" She inquired.
>"Yeah, as a matter of fact. I loved to watch obscure movies. Sometimes I would find fascinating things that for whatever reason have been forgotten in history."
>"How do you feel about the Titanian Laws, the laws that were created to curb the widespread heartbreak and resentment humans used to have with each other?"
>"Frankly, I believe the laws are not just pointless, but they also deny people the knowledge of a darker past they deserve to have access to. People like to research about the past to learn from it, to remind them to count their blessings. People don't like to feel ignorant and intellectually unarmed."
>she seems to be open to what I'm saying. Maybe she thought I was some sort of greedy thug at first. Maybe she's being persuaded.
>"The irony of these laws is that they ended up both fueling my passion for uncovering what is buried and making me a rich man. Without those laws I would've never been able to afford that trip to Japan and met my first two wives. I would probably continue to be some mediocre businessman."
>"I see what you're saying." The squirrel/chipmunk woman said. She looked over to the kitchen to see how my wives were doing. "Anything I should know before asking anything?"
>"Just don't press into Ms. Inari's about her past except for how she met Ms. Tanuki. It's pretty boring."
>the werecat was early. She's usually pretty lazy, but maybe Ms. Inari insisted that she could take care of the rest.
>"So, before the other two ladies arrive." The werecat leaned in closer to Miss Ratatoskr. "Do you have anything off-limits, aside from being tied up, of course."
>the flustered ratatoskr ignored her. She knew what she was implying and she didn't want to dignify her question with a response.
>"I just don't wanna say or do something to ya that you actually hate, but if I need to find out," She made a scooping motion with one of her paws. "I will. I certainly can tell that you would find your situation enjoyable in the right setting." She gave a dirty look to the girl while pointing at the gag around her neck.
>Miss Ratatoskr quickly spoke up "Just because you enjoyed being abducted doesn't mean I do." She sounded pretty defensive.
>"Well, I didn't find the kidnapping itself to be that much fun." The werecat shrugged.
>"I did." I interjected, immediately following it up with a gesture of apology.
>the catgirl continued "But I did liked how he handled me. He was pretty gentle once he got me bound up and unable to fight back. Had I known he was open to another wife and had a love for gentle petting, I would've just begged him to pull me out of that shitty dead-end job."
>the Zipangu ladies entered the living room and sat down on the couch. The werecat also took a relaxing seat on a different armchair.
>to make a long story short, Ms. Tanuki told her about how she was attracted to my adaptability and passion for collection, and how I helped her inari friend feel special and give her an opportunity to experiment with home decorating and cooking. The werecat bluntly told her that I was a sucker for fluff and caressing.
>it was getting real late, so I decided to bring the rodent to bed
>"It's getting late and our guest here is a bit tired. I'm going to take her to her room."
>"Oh! Going to get frisky with our new pet?" The catgirl teased.
>"Now, now. Let's not make our friend feel too disrespected. She's been through a lot today." The kitsune said.
>I picked up the rodent and carried her back to her room

I should really fucking edit shit, but I just want to spill out first.

>> No.21631037

Don’t you think of touching my gyaru Orc waifus, you mongoloid fuck.

>> No.21631040

>projects a feeling of domination over other that makes many weak-willed cowards run away
>anyone bold or stupid enough to stand against her gets a taste of her Divine Blade of Punishment, a demonsilver nailbat that causes those it hits to feel an excruciating sense of be edged that can't be relieved with masturbation or sex and doesn't subside for several hours
>however, when it's just the two of you, that aura around her dissipates and she tells you how much she loves you despite what a stupid, knuckleheaded idiot you are
>she spends a good couple of hours fucking you hard and passionately when she really gets in the mood

>> No.21631058
File: 503 KB, 2304x3200, high orc gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631073

The boss gyaru orc needs to be reminded who really rules the halls every now and again.

>> No.21631071

Dont think of it as a bad thing. Now shes going to come crying to you for aftercare and cuddles.

>> No.21631073
Quoted by: >>21631083

Is that skull really okay to wear to school?

>> No.21631083

Nope but all attempts to get her to follow the damn dress code leads to threats of sexual assault and orcs surrounding you in public transport.

>> No.21631087
Quoted by: >>21631098

Are you going to post this on pastebin later?

>> No.21631098

I have it saved. I'll post it when this thread dies.
Until then, I'll shill my other big, long greentext.
I'm not sure if I should make it permanent as right now it's set to expire in about 9 days. I sure as hell don't want to make an account. I'm just writing these because I'm bored and a little horny. Making an account would just be committing to writefaggotry, and I have a high wall between smut and everything else for me, personally.

>> No.21631100

>Werewolf lays down beneath you
>You rub her thighs and she gets horny
>You fondle her paws and she gets hornier
>You lick her stone hard abs and she really gets horny.
>She sits up
>She suddenly grabs your hips
>Shoves your cock in her mouth and sucks it like no tomorrow
>You can't contain it and a large flood of cum gushes down her throat
>Then she flips over so that she is now on top
>She shoves your meat rod all the way in
>She does a weird growling moan and her face has a look of ecstasy
>She thrusts so hard your hips are starting to hurt, but no matter, the pleasure is overpowering the pain.
>When you both cum at the same time, the rushing feeling is so much that your eyes black out and your cock unleashes a massive wave of hot semen deep inside her belly, and she wildly howls in absolute orgasm.
>You fall asleep with your head on her chest, never to pull out of her.

>> No.21631102
Quoted by: >>21631107

There's nothing to committing to writefaggotry, I did it and nobody actually expects anything from me. They won't from you either. It'll be fine. Just do it.

>> No.21631107
Quoted by: >>21631111

I just don't want this phase to drag on and haunt me later on. I'd rather unload my sexual autism and not worry about it too much later on down the line.

>> No.21631111

>haunt me later on
Nigga what? Do you think the FBI keeps tabs on pastebin and shows up at your door to ask questions?

>> No.21631112

>Making an account would just be committing to writefaggotry

No, it would be not. There's plenty of "writefags" in pastebin list with only one or two stories in its account. And you can always dabble/practice a bit by just writing really short stories with that account.

But I guess it's all up to you at the end

>> No.21631121
File: 358 KB, 800x793, Dark elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means looking back onto pastebin and feeling embarassed about his early works, kinda like how artists develop a style and decide on start fresh so no one sees their past stuff

>> No.21631125
File: 433 KB, 1200x1600, 1480990134104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look upon things I wrote like 5 years ago and I feel no shame. No pity. No remorse.
I heed only the voice of Frostmourne now.

>> No.21631129

There's spiteful people out there. I'm not putting myself balls-deep into things.

Exactly. I like to be able to wipe the slate clean. I'll probably always have a DID fetish, but I like to isolate and contain my sexuality in order to keep my dignity and self-esteem intact, or by the least maintain control over my reputation.
On the other hand, I don't care if anons repost my shit. Hopefully one of them will claim credit for it instead, or better yet it'll inspire them to write better DID smut.

>> No.21631130

Then hes either a pussy or retard who cant into making different accounts.

>> No.21631134

Not him, but I’m glad people don’t associate me whatsoever with my shitty attempts at writefaggotry years ago. Those stories shall remain dead and my identity untainted.

>> No.21631136

I have people in real life who know me personally and know the things I've written for these threads. Don't be such a wimp.

>> No.21631137

Doesnt apply as hes already outed himself as diplomacy/monsterhunter anon. He might as well make a burner account with that as a name anyways.

>> No.21631138

Sorry not diplomacy. Thats another anon.

>> No.21631156
Quoted by: >>21631164

I may be monster hunter anon, but monster hunter anon is no one else.
I guess worst case scenario people find out I have a basic bitch's fetish and hang out with lolicucks and thirsty weebs.

>> No.21631163

I say the same thing and then I’m reminded I wrote fallout and halo fan fictions and I want nothing more than to die because I know my waifu would bully me endlessly about it.

>> No.21631164
Quoted by: >>21631171

Your also promethea anon which narrows you down, but yeah. Stop being a fag and just make a burner my dude.

>> No.21631166
Quoted by: >>21631205

Well I wrote gee-willikers unironically and will never apologize for it.

>> No.21631171
Quoted by: >>21631173

Promethea was a shit idea. I knew it the moment I made it, and I'm glad I found a better alternative.
/tg/ has some Prometheus shit going on, but there's no smut. He's doing the darker side of MGE. I'm just making smut that I like that I feel would also balance the setting.

>> No.21631173
Quoted by: >>21631174

Ok. Are you going to make the account or not?

>> No.21631174

No, but I'll sleep on it.

>> No.21631180
Quoted by: >>21631193

You think you have it bad? Well fuck you I wrote Harry Potter and Pokemon fanfics when I was a teenager FUCK

>> No.21631193
File: 487 KB, 951x1500, 1472141621696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyway, the monsters?

>> No.21631205

Bitch I’m old as fuck. I used to say that when I was a kid.

>> No.21631216

I want to be preyed upon by a baby crazy older woman.

>> No.21631250

Same, especially if she’s got huge tits and ass.

>> No.21631254
File: 87 KB, 538x618, 51dbd01b0cd4a09a55886bb5a6057e7bd7f403d4846cca5a901b0e27f4f504ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631286

Make sure to confess to your love to her just before you two have sex so she spends the rest of the night blushing

>> No.21631286

>tell you her you love her and kiss her
>her eyes roll back and her womb shifts into maximum ovulation mode
She's gonna have no less than triplets after that.

>> No.21631332
File: 489 KB, 701x980, 1186547634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21631351
File: 284 KB, 792x906, 1534886683717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gyaru ones

>> No.21631387
Quoted by: >>21631399

What we need is nice fighting story
Something like martial arts with a hinezumi or dragoon stuff

>> No.21631399
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 1394193334605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631412

Let us discuss this further.

>> No.21631408
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1683, 1550779901764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the blue ones.

>> No.21631412

Well nobody really has done a story about hinezumi beyond just having a mousegirl
Profile states that her fire ignites the fighting spirit by those seared by it, so i want to see unwilling martial artists get magically motivated.

>> No.21631416

Achually Alpie wrote one but it didn't go anywhere.

>> No.21631420

Yananon made one recently, then deleted it

>> No.21631461

Whats on your mind?
And if off topic, how would you make it on topic?

>> No.21631474
File: 595 KB, 547x487, Bird bath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631550

I really like Immortal Hulk and what's on my mind is if I could convince a drawfag to make Red Harpy's face less monstrous.

>> No.21631479
Quoted by: >>21631500

Mega meat meidos.

>> No.21631481

Theres an alt timeline where in the matrix, the roles of neo and morpheus were played by will smith a sean connery respectivly
On topic? How would KC "fix" the matrix trillogy?

>> No.21631485

Daydreaming about molesting and fucking a pack of lactating oppailoli mice.

>> No.21631500
Quoted by: >>21631518

>tfw you will never be served a gourmet dinner course made from the finest meats by your staff of deliciously meaty monster maids
It's so hard being a carnivore.

>> No.21631508
Quoted by: >>21631513

Do genies serve the pharaoh or do they do their own thing

>> No.21631513
Quoted by: >>21631531

Never trust a djinni

>> No.21631518
Quoted by: >>21631545

Max meat maids are molestable.

>> No.21631527

Thinking of monster girls cosplaying characters from stuff I like.

>> No.21631531
Quoted by: >>21631536

The ones with the musical numbers seem pretty trustworthy, anon.

>> No.21631534

>delinquent angel
That's called a demon.

>> No.21631536

MISTER Anon SIR what will your pleasure be?

>> No.21631540

>lawful demon
>being a chaotic delinquent
Whatever you say, friendo

>> No.21631542
File: 30 KB, 323x510, Dark Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21631545
Quoted by: >>21631598

How to best molest meaty maids, my man?

>> No.21631550
Quoted by: >>21631576

>immortal hulk
New comic line? Whats the deal?

>> No.21631576
File: 165 KB, 666x1024, Betty Harpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631590

The idea is that when Bruce Banner dies, he comes back to life as the Hulk. He turns into the Hulk at night. His life is reset every evening and he cannot die. It's a horror story. There's a bunch of kabbala stuff in it that I can't explain because I'm too much of a pleb. But there's also Red Harpy with her tight body. I'd hit it.

>> No.21631590
Quoted by: >>21631599

Neat concept. I will admit that as out of comics as i am and just getting used to knowing red she hulk existseeing this one is a bit weird
Ive always preffered the "incorrect" harpy look (arms as well as wings)

>> No.21631598
Quoted by: >>21631608

From behind, at the breasts.

>> No.21631599
File: 1.13 MB, 951x502, Betty's body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read Immortal Hulk, it and Hawkman are best comics coming out from the Big 2 these days.
>this one is a bit weird
It's far from the weirdest thing that happens in that series. But just look at her body. Just look at it. Muscle harpies! What a world we line in.
Which species of bird would make for the best muscle harpy?

>> No.21631608
Quoted by: >>21631617

With your crotch grinding against their plump asses?

>> No.21631610
Quoted by: >>21631613

I don't know Alp, have you started writing?

>> No.21631613
Quoted by: >>21631626

What do you want from me?

>> No.21631616
Quoted by: >>21632258

One of the big eagle/hawks should do it, moast of the other big birds are don't really demand that kind of muscle

>> No.21631617

The MAID is doing the grinding, while trying to say she really isn't

>> No.21631621
File: 1.85 MB, 1999x1873, C81AAF2F-1CFE-44EC-A0E4-876F48F274A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probability of Precipitation
Rex is so much fun.

>> No.21631626

Nah, nothing serious. Just pointing out supposedly anonymous people is just too fun for me so I keep doing it

>> No.21631630

Then I'll just keep being unproductive.

>> No.21631634

Who else is here?

>> No.21631680
Quoted by: >>21631684

Wondering what the highest number of babies a monster can get pregnant with in a single pregnancy is.

>> No.21631684

Highest i know for humans is 8 so going beyond that might look a bit /d

>> No.21631688
File: 250 KB, 681x1128, 1483654081205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631701

I want to see my kiki maid wife carry octuplets

>> No.21631701
Quoted by: >>21631727

Limits are meant to be broken.

My man

>> No.21631711

8 is the recorded limit

>> No.21631727

>limits are meant to be broken
>wife hears you say this and blends every fertility booster known to man and monster into a single mixture, then distills it to it's most potent and takes a shot

>> No.21631735

>still doesn’t get pregnant
Monster problems.

>> No.21631736

My body is ready.
That's a THIRSTY jinko

>> No.21631743
Quoted by: >>21631830

Not everyone is supposed to break the limit s

>> No.21631748
Quoted by: >>21631766

>starts making you take virilty boosters too, just to make sure next time
Having your balls feel like they are gonna explode with semen probably won't feel too good.

>> No.21631766
Quoted by: >>21631778

That’s because you’re doing it wrong.
Try Humpty Jelly today! Truly the best part of their profile.

>> No.21631778

>"Honey, please stop putting Humpty Jelly in all my food. I don't have any clean pants left."

>> No.21631822
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>> No.21631830
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Quoted by: >>21631837

Can I break the limit t then?

>> No.21631835

Holy shit, KC made 20+ tweets today.

>> No.21631837

Is she making a JOJO REFERENCE?

>> No.21631852
File: 135 KB, 1068x849, mantis yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631993


>> No.21631861
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Quoted by: >>21631864

>> No.21631864
Quoted by: >>21631898

What is she carrying? A scrap book? A canvas?

>> No.21631869
Quoted by: >>21631891

I hate memes

>> No.21631891
File: 244 KB, 613x611, 7uSuDMpe_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21631898
Quoted by: >>21631901

A tablet probably.

>> No.21631901
Quoted by: >>21631954

So she draws digitally? What a modern-thinking Fairy!

>> No.21631905
File: 226 KB, 1200x1200, tumblr_pseuyknS9a1trdd4io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21631912

>> No.21631912

A mobile troop?

>> No.21631931


>> No.21631946

Honestly, they probably do.

>> No.21631952

Is it true that Alps give harder blowjobs because they’re trying to make up for lost time?

>> No.21631954
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>> No.21631955 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 514x367, 1562160947354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am stepping down to spend more time with my family. Thank you for all your support
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21631963

Being stepped on by a cheshire seems alright.

>> No.21631967
File: 56 KB, 600x347, taku thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21631981
File: 144 KB, 1400x1027, D-gvLj0XoAAumgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21632244

>> No.21631993

Some of it looks like info about incubi and heroes among other things in relation to his game

>> No.21631995
File: 97 KB, 941x884, QGYkZT01_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the individual alp.

>> No.21632022

Holy fucking hell, KC made a lot of tweets.
Not in hell I'm going to translate all of them, but the general sense is he is going on about Chosen Heroes and Incubi.

Basically, Chosen Heroes and Incubi are humans with level cap removed. The difference being of course the method, that Chosen Heroes through blesseings by Chief Goddess while Incubi through mamono mana recieved by sex with MGs.

Chosen Heroes blessed by Chief Goddess have their level cap in abilites related to battle removed. Of course this does not mean they become instantly strong; they just got their level cap removed, they still have to level up to become strong. This is why so few of Chosen Heroes are seen. Although anyone can become a Hero when blessed by Chief Goddess, only few can put up with efforts to become actually 'superhuman level'.

And gods other than the Chief Goddess can also bless a human. When this happens, blessed human gets their level cap removed in the area respective to the deity that have blessed them. (E.g. if you get blessed by God of Art you have your level cap in art level removed). This does not include some grandiose rituals seen when Chief Goddess gives her blessing so this blessings from minor gods is usually done unknowingly to humans, even including the one who gets blessed.


>> No.21632023
File: 1.30 MB, 1600x1200, 1562153993202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how you open a bottle, manticore-san!

>> No.21632028
File: 255 KB, 534x686, 2A2xhwBP_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God of Art

>> No.21632038
File: 82 KB, 850x1200, D-bfxPNU8AIPDfT.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21632045

Does redux know about KC'd frequent tweetstorms of late? Someone should keep tabs on getting these translated properly.

>> No.21632055

I'd like to see a comic of alp in denial of having alped and all the hijinks that involves

>> No.21632062
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1543, 74850201_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21632081
File: 683 KB, 1125x1200, kuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, the ninjas are about!

>> No.21632090
File: 158 KB, 750x1200, 4VzJxHaE_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21632101
Quoted by: >>21632153

Ninjas cant catch you if you're on fire

>> No.21632112
File: 60 KB, 920x1400, D9eQyMSW4AEIXwN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21632127
File: 311 KB, 665x686, D-Mf9aaWsAAR1rx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21632230


>> No.21632153

Says you.

>> No.21632166
File: 669 KB, 700x1000, 75530355_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21632179
File: 418 KB, 800x1200, h2PllYin_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21632180

Incubi on the other hand, usually gets their level cap in ability related to sex removed. That is simply because humans become Inucbi through repeated sex with MGs so their stacked up exp in sex let them have superhuman ability in sex when turned into Incubi. This abilities includes things like how long you can endure and how much you can cum but these also relies on your basic stats like health point so there are many cases where one could not deal well with this sudden surge of abilities and lost control because they became Incubi too fast by some potions or magic from succubi.

However, the most important difference between Chosen Heroes and Incubi is that Incubi do not have their level cap removed abilites restricted. Blessings received from gods all carry the intentions of gods, meaning they are only applied to areas that gods want their champions to excel at. (Like Chief Goddess with combat related areas) However, Incubi are not born from gods' wishes so they can have any area 'unlocked' if they put enough efforts in. So it is impossible to tell the difference between the Chosen Hero and Incubus if they put the same efforts in certain area, other than the kind of mana they possess and whether or not they have a MG waifu

And Incubi's lifespan expands to match that of their waifu's. Chosen Hero's lifespan also expands, though not to the magnitude of Incubi.

I have omitted some parts but this is the general sense

>> No.21632194

Also, the latest tweet says

>If you want to become strong in MGE world, it is important that you train everyday and also have sex with your waifu everyday! If your waifu is also very combat-oriented than it would be very efficient to train toghether since it helps the circulations of mamono mana bewteen you

>> No.21632200
File: 128 KB, 864x1125, 5UsIXJcM_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty then.

>> No.21632230

My apologies. Both English and Japanese are not my first languages so when there are wall of texts it just fries my brain putting all that non-native language into other non-native language. This is why I do not translate all of them word to word, it would be excruciating for me

>> No.21632244

something's not right about this shark...

>> No.21632258

Haast Eagle harpy it is then.

>> No.21632269

I know what you mean. Makosawa isn't wearing any socks in her shoes...

>> No.21632297

>Have Steelim
>Have human male MC
>Training swordsmanship on day
>Steelim tries to fix his stance
>He almost cums from her manhandling

I hope to write this someday

>> No.21632299
Quoted by: >>21632461

Why not today?

>> No.21632362

>When this happens, blessed human gets their level cap removed in the area respective to the deity that have blessed them. (E.g. if you get blessed by God of Art you have your level cap in art level removed). This does not include some grandiose rituals seen when Chief Goddess gives her blessing so this blessings from minor gods is usually done unknowingly to humans, even including the one who gets blessed.
That's a really interesting detail, neat.
All this stuff is really nice to know, also kinda clears up that MGE is sort of intended to be a jrpg type setting.

>> No.21632378

No worries anon, everyone appreciated the effort nonetheless.
Since it's really fucking good.

>> No.21632415

>Boy tries to train strength
>His form is atrocious
>Can't even swing to save his life
>Ara ara combat steelim starts teaching him swinging in an extremely "practicing a golf swing" touchy way, all the way to holding his hands and pressing her breasts against the back of his head
>He sweats bullets constantly
>She knows very well what she's doing

>> No.21632422
Quoted by: >>21632461

It's always fun when a monster girl is completely unaware of it too.

>> No.21632461

I'm more leaning towards the latter, with her not realizing what she's doing.
It's a long weekend coming up. Might give it a shot.

>> No.21632473
File: 46 KB, 595x842, D-DiyQRVUAAHJgU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21632482
File: 809 KB, 2400x3395, Hakutaku_High_Resolution_SFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you need some guidance.

>> No.21632485

What fetishes has mgs given you?

>> No.21632490

She doesn't have my cock in her pussy!

>> No.21632493 [SPOILER] 
File: 225 KB, 1176x1057, 1562169137406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21632494
File: 741 KB, 1280x1654, Selene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21632500

You should train to get the heart of the warrior woman you desire!

>> No.21632500
File: 52 KB, 1071x494, Selene and Viccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selene is dumb.

>> No.21632514

>black sclera
>different skin tones (blue, pale white, purple)
>girls that have extra appendages such as jabberwock's tentacle mouths that can fit a dick inside
>hoof/paw jobs
>energy/spirit draining (wight claws, level drain spells)
>magical bondage (spell circles/cuffs made of pure energy)
To name a few, monster girls have given me way too many.

>> No.21632522 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x723, 1562169760935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no how did this get here I am not good with computer

>> No.21632523

Treating a girl like a onahole but with love. Also getting 5+ girls pregnant only for their babies to eventually also want to have your baby.

>> No.21632536

Hypnosis/mind control
Super strong woman with normal strength guy
Sex magic in general
Energy drain
Glowing eyes
Pointy ears
Paws instead of hands/feet (the face and torso beig human though, fuck going furry)

>> No.21632543

That's old, how'd you even find this?

>> No.21632555
Quoted by: >>21632561

Please dont do this
we can talk about the lilims without this fuckery

>> No.21632560

she's a humantaur!

>> No.21632561
Quoted by: >>21632566

Yes. We can talk about how perfect Lilims are in every way and how they should be loved and held every day.

>> No.21632566
Quoted by: >>21632568

Except Viccy

>> No.21632568

