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File: 586 KB, 850x734, 1482811119624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16326896 No.16326896 [Reply] [Original]

One eyed slugger.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.16326897
Quoted by: >>16326898

maids are olev

>> No.16326898

Your fast.

>> No.16326906


>> No.16326909
File: 1.21 MB, 1057x1500, __cheshire_cat_dormouse_jabberwock_and_march_hare_alice_in_wonderland_and_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__c0ce207493218b5b1cf51668d7f32ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a white Jabberwock?

>> No.16326912
File: 3.33 MB, 2273x2906, Shoggoth top meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16326948

Its an essential talent for a proper maid.

>> No.16326916

>No cute Mofu Yakuza waifu.
>You'll never get to admire her tattoos every time you have sex with her.
It hurts.

>> No.16326918

That March Hare has the biggest tits of all.

>> No.16326919

I like them as brown girls personally.

>> No.16326923

I'd rather stain a brown one white with my dick.

>> No.16326924
Quoted by: >>16326950

Is she missing a pinky.

>> No.16326925
Quoted by: >>16326960

You're too good for her.

>> No.16326926
File: 1.40 MB, 1819x1618, vamp mosquito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16326927

x is best girl

>> No.16326931


>> No.16326934

>easier to impregnate
>has broods of children

>> No.16326938

Those hips oh baby.
Will you ever draw more of that OC Shoggoth, or give some MGE girls the OC treatment?

>> No.16326941

I'm more to a chocolate man myself.

>> No.16326943

I would a Jabberwock regardless of her skin color.

>> No.16326945

Rolled newspaper girl when

>> No.16326948
Quoted by: >>16327104

Shogs are olev. Shogs deserve more appreciation. Pleasing mastah is hard work.

>> No.16326950
Quoted by: >>16326955

Nah, Monstergirls wouldn't do that.
They'd have it be a requirement to get at least one pleasure rune Tattoo instead.

>> No.16326951

Made for punching and kicking.

>> No.16326952

Now that's a mosquito I'd let suck me dry.

>> No.16326953

Stupid bug.

>> No.16326955


>> No.16326959

How am I supposed to look at a woman boasting such a large abdomen and not beg her to carry my children?

Barb nailed the wings effect, I'm hearing it just looking at them

>> No.16326960
Quoted by: >>16326974

But anon, she's so cute!
I want to brush her tails every day before cuddling her.
And if members of a rival Yakuza try to send goons to rape me while she watches over livestream, they'll get a harsh lesson when they find out I keep a baseball bat wrapped in chains lying around.

>> No.16326962
File: 325 KB, 800x1100, vampire mosquito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327004

>the translucent shoulders

Nice work.

>> No.16326964

Anon, get the newspaper.

>> No.16326974

Think of all the horrible things she's done. Drug smuggling, pimping, that one time with the screwdriver, she's simply awful.

>> No.16326979

Sounds like your average Otohime.

>> No.16327002

I want to date a gruff mafia yeti who "Oy"s and "Ora"s at me

>> No.16327004

Her shoulderpads are just for show instead of being a part of her biology I'd assume.

>> No.16327005

How would you Anubisfags keep up with two bossy girls if you had a daughteru?

>> No.16327018

I'd them all. Especially the rabbit.

>> No.16327025
Quoted by: >>16327075

That just makes her hotter.

>> No.16327060

I mean, sure I'd listen to the daughteru and do stuff she asks since I'm her father and all, but I'd do no more than what is normal for a father to do. It would be important to establish the fact that you only take orders from your wife, not your daughter, as by kneeling to her immediately and every time would lead not only to her growing up spoiled, but also to a possible Electra Complex. I would still have a tough time saying "No" to the daughteru, though. Especially after seeing her ears droop and her starting to frown.

>> No.16327075
Quoted by: >>16327268

Just think of all the people she's hurt. The people she delivered beatings to, the men that are forced to into prostitution, and everything else.

>> No.16327083

>You will never be a powerful, loyal enforcer to a monstergirl queen, who stands by her side ensuring her safety at all times, following her orders to silence dissidents and people she doesn't like without question

>> No.16327084
File: 1.02 MB, 1110x1553, 60606834_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16327091

That's a pretty strong tea.

>> No.16327096

How threatening.

>> No.16327100

The little ones are always the lewdest.

>> No.16327103

>Barb managed to make a flat girl thick
Bless him.

>> No.16327104

I think they get enough. I'm not saying that it's undeserved or unwarranted. Just commenting on the bountiful amount of love they get in general.

Easily my #2 girl, though in hot competition for #1

>> No.16327113
Quoted by: >>16327146

And who would be your first?

>> No.16327114

I'm not exclusively an anubisfag but she would be too young for daughterus and I'd also dom her

>> No.16327117

Shogs are also my second favourite girl.

>> No.16327122
Quoted by: >>16327125

Offer the cute Wurm next door some ice cream, anon.

>> No.16327123
File: 120 KB, 703x1036, C0hzbYDUoAAdubd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a loli fox they're much better than dumb tall ones

>> No.16327125
Quoted by: >>16327147

I work at a convinience store. I sure hope the wurmlings wouldn't cause any trouble.

>> No.16327130
Quoted by: >>16327158

Foxes are good alternatives to Holstaurs.

>> No.16327133
File: 381 KB, 1200x600, 1441338779163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chapter 8 of All's Fair in Love and War is up


Gave up on proofreading.

>> No.16327141
Quoted by: >>16327158

You couldn't take her on, could you?

>> No.16327146
Quoted by: >>16327152

Kikimora, if only for having someone who'd help provide the encouragement and emotional support I need to better myself.

Like I said, the competition between those two is extremely close. If I could get away with having both, I would. I like the whole light/dark dynamic. But I feel the proper thing would be to devote myself to just one; it wouldn't feel fair to split myself between the two.

>> No.16327147
Quoted by: >>16327165

Of course not anon. But be prepared. She'll come to the checkout with some chocolate bars and she'll dump her whole piggybank on the counter. She needs your help counting those pennies.

>> No.16327152
Quoted by: >>16327216

I see where you're coming from anon. You'd prefer the human like interactions with a Kikimora. It's understandable.

>> No.16327158

How does fox milk taste like? The only guess I have is soy milk since they eat all that fried tofu

Anyone could take her one, just look at that dumb face and how she spilled her food
Hell she's even wearing a collar

>> No.16327159
Quoted by: >>16327181

I want to burn Wurm-chan down to the ground!

>> No.16327165
Quoted by: >>16327181

It's actually pretty cute when a little kid comes and drops all his coins, looking as I count them with eyes full of hope that it'll be enough to bouy the stuff they want. As long as there is not much movement it's fine.
I wouldn't resist giving her one of those bonus candies just to see how happy she gets.

>> No.16327166

>SD card with monstergirl stuff keeps showing up as unavailable

>The only guess I have is soy milk since they eat all that fried tofu
Seems like a safe bet, and it'll probably have some palatable sweetness to it.

>> No.16327176
Quoted by: >>16327219

Yes, yes anon. I'm sure anyone could take her "one", including you.
It's okay though, the lolis will fit you perfectly.

>> No.16327181
Quoted by: >>16327206

Yeah ok buddy.

Oh no anon! You've just made a Wurm friend for life.

>> No.16327206

That would actually be pretty nice. She would buy the stuff and hang around the counter watching the time fly as we throw conversation up in the air. Hopefully she would show up everyday.
Since the school is over barely any kids show up, so I mostly talk with the old people and post here.

>> No.16327216

It's a bit personal, but you're pretty spot on.

I get discouraged pretty easily (and quite frequently), and I imagine that a Shog's solution for my woes would be a distraction: get me to go rest, and trick me into mating pressing her until I pass out. As appealing as that little bit of escapism sounds, I know it's not doing me any good in the long run. I'd prefer someone who'll help guide me in the direction of acts that warrant the devotion that a Kiki and/or a Shog could give. Though I'm aware that's more on me than anyone else.

>> No.16327219
Quoted by: >>16327229

Are you implying that lolis are bad?
I guess I can't change your tastes but you should be aware that some lolis overcompensate their lack of assets by being turbo lewd
If given the choice would you prefer a vanilla tall/stacked fox who only wants to do gentle lotus position or a wild loli fox who will do anything you ask her to?

>> No.16327220
File: 190 KB, 800x1000, oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW You spend the whole of the holidays every year trying to dodge your dad's Oni sister that's been trying to get into your pants since you were a boy.

>> No.16327227

Auntie Oni is not a woman to be trifled with

>> No.16327229
Quoted by: >>16327249

>Vanilla tall/stacked fox
>Slow, gentle and loveing sex in lotus

She is going to be the mother of my children.

>> No.16327249

You better time your showers perfectly, god knows what would happen if she heard you showering

But what about the wild loli fox? She can do that and so much more

>> No.16327268

The Mofu Yakuza just runs casinos and makes sure people understand the wonder of Mofu anon.

But anon, she loves me and I love her!

>> No.16327270

Doesn't auntie oni know I like them soft, although still strong?

>> No.16327273 [DELETED] 

It's it just me who's getting these dots?

>> No.16327275 [DELETED] 


>> No.16327278 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16327287

Those are the new (You)s anon.

>> No.16327279 [DELETED] 

because hiro a shit

>> No.16327280

Lamias > Dragons

>> No.16327283

Wurms are lamia dragons though

>> No.16327284

Lolis are just meh for really sweet love, or at least that's how I see it.
I would probably treat a loli just like a mere kid or at most as a daughteru. If she tries hard enough then I might get her as a cocksock, but as soon as she is used I would leave her alone.

>> No.16327287 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16327291

Wait what. Why? Is this permanent? Because this is retarded.

>> No.16327291 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16327298

Looks like you're going to have to learn how to 4chanX, Anon.

>> No.16327293


Wurms are the best of both worlds

How? Is it the tail?

>> No.16327294
Quoted by: >>16327299

They're dragons and worst than lamias

>> No.16327298 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16327313

Or just do this:

>> No.16327299


>> No.16327304
Quoted by: >>16327309

>being wrong
Was that part of your plan?

>> No.16327309
Quoted by: >>16327315

I'm not wrong. Vanilla lamia is already better than all the dragons together.

>> No.16327311
Quoted by: >>16327322

I agree with you but they're not strictly better

Lamias have a good number of traits to them that Wurms can't replicate

Oh well...
Go enjoy your stacked fox then, but at least make some donations to the lolis in the fox shrine they might feel unloved otherwise

>> No.16327313 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16327318

I wonder how long it will take for Hiro to remove the settings feature because of this.

>> No.16327315 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16327337

Your lust for (You)s has consumed you, not that I can blame you, with them being gone.

>> No.16327318 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter, you can make your own CSS-file and just upload them to the stile set.

>> No.16327322
Quoted by: >>16327361


I guess
>tight constricting
>smooth scales
Are quite favourable even by myself. But I like Wurms. It's a middle ground and a damn good one.

>> No.16327337
Quoted by: >>16327359

Literally no reason to go for a dragon when you can go for a lamia.

>> No.16327354
Quoted by: >>16327364

I just realized that I can make it says things other than (You) and I need an Anubis to stop me from going mad with power.

>> No.16327359 [DELETED] 


>> No.16327361

>Cold blooded
>Naturally possessive and jealous
>Snake tongue

And then you have species specifics like venoms and rattles

>> No.16327362
File: 607 KB, 2800x1979, yeti_fda__textless__by_phanaxial-dain9w1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell the cute busboy to bring more drinks or he's getting cuddled away as collateral

>> No.16327364

Just imagine that there's an Anubis standing behind you with a stern look on her face, that should do the trick.

>> No.16327372
Quoted by: >>16327384

>Cold blooded
>Naturally possessive and jealous
>Snake tongue
Are these supposed to be bad?

>> No.16327373
Quoted by: >>16327384

Yes. Lamias are great. This is the law of the land. But dragons are still great as well. Right?

>> No.16327375
Quoted by: >>16327401

If I had an Anubis standing behind me giving me a stern look I'd probably end up begging her to boss me around.

>> No.16327381

Great, now I'm imagining a tattooed Yeti with a fierce smirk and it's getting me going.

Too late, every reply to me now reads (BADA BING).

>> No.16327384

They're good, although the second point could put off some people

Of course
Saying otherwise would be like saying that wolfus are shit because undeads are great, that makes no sense

>> No.16327386


>> No.16327401

Me too, she would likely want a shoulder massage to make up for things.
>Too late, every reply to me now reads (BADA BING).
If there really was an Anubis, now would be when she opens a wine bottle and starts pouring.

>> No.16327403
File: 227 KB, 640x711, Penis Bullying Fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear the fairy.

No really, magic is complete bullshit.

>> No.16327405

Or snickers involuntarily at how goofy I'm being.
That'd be cute.

>> No.16327411

But I already filled her up and left her panting on the puddle of cum on the ground.

>> No.16327413
Quoted by: >>16327435

But would you deliver? Would you rub those tense muscles? She's probably tell you if you're doing it wrong. But mostly be indulged in some pampering. She doesn't get to relax often.

>> No.16327415
Quoted by: >>16327434

>Lolis are just meh for really sweet love
Now that's just not right at all.

>> No.16327417


>Anon takes overtime shifts over the holidays so he has a reason to be away from home most of the day.
>Gets home, takes off his boots, heads for his room.
>A massive hand claps down on his shoulder about halfway there, stopping him.
>Oh boy, here we go.
>"Hey kid, ain't cha gonna shower? You just got home, after all..."
>"Nah, I'm good. We got a shower in the yard at work."
>Her eyebrow twitches just slightly, clearly annoyed; He's been depriving her that ambush-opportunity for a few days now.
>She doesn't say anything or make a move on him though.
>Probably because the boy's ancient and overwhelmingly powerful Echidna grandma is in the next room, tucking his sister's son into bed and would absolutely lose her shit if she caused a ruckus and got him crying... again.
>No. Instead she just begins to sneer.
>"Well then, have a good night my dear... sweet... nephew..."
>With unblinking eyes and an evil smile, she manages to sneak in a quick peck on his cheek before she walks away.
>His blood turns to ice.
>A cold sweat covers all of his being and his pulse hammers in his skull as he watches her go.
>Deep down, in some primordial part of his soul, he knows.
>Some shit's about to go down.

>> No.16327426
File: 119 KB, 840x954, Doragon desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not coloring pics of your waifu
What have you done for your waifu today, Anons?

>> No.16327428
Quoted by: >>16327531

My waifu enjoys turning fairies into normal sized people, to watch them fumble with their surroundings.

>> No.16327434

The only type of lolis would get from me is a cute platonic one. If she tries to get lewd I'll just pat her on her head and tell the little thing to go play with her friends. Anon here is looking for a real monster.

>> No.16327435
Quoted by: >>16327450

I'd try my best, might as well go the whole way and brush her tail too.

>> No.16327441
Quoted by: >>16327448

I don't know how to color them

>> No.16327442
File: 19 KB, 376x320, CuK5JxJUsAAGWe_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327448

Woah, was not expecting that to be colored.
And that is MY waifu.

>> No.16327447
Quoted by: >>16327457

I-I didn't do anything. I'm not proud of that. I'm disappointed in myself.

>> No.16327448

Learn it, friend.

Fite me.

>> No.16327450
Quoted by: >>16327490

>brush her tail

This is starting to get lewd.

>> No.16327455
Quoted by: >>16327464

I've got both references for her right here, big boy. I'ma wack you with it if you're not careful.

>> No.16327457
Quoted by: >>16327466

Now just imagine how disappointed SHE is...

>> No.16327464
Quoted by: >>16327474

Very well, we shall duel tomorrow at dawn.

Unless you're busy that day, I guess.

>> No.16327465
Quoted by: >>16327508

Are there any writings, from here or other places, that feature the demon Lords husband?

>> No.16327466
Quoted by: >>16327473

That's not a nice thing to say anon. You might cause sadness.

>> No.16327473

True, but it might also cause growth.

>> No.16327474
Quoted by: >>16327489

No, dawn is good. I hope you are ready because I've also got some original dragon art and Inm not afraid to use it in private.

>> No.16327480

Despite how strong they actually are, I just can't take a Yeti seriously. They are too adorable.

>> No.16327489
Quoted by: >>16327505

Curses, foiled again!

>> No.16327490
Quoted by: >>16327501

It's only lewd if she wants it to be!

If she really wants the full pampering treatment I could always file her claws and shampoo her hair.
I wonder how much I could spoil her before she started to feel guilty.

>> No.16327500

I can't do it. I can't get into femdom.

Seeing beautiful, strong and cocky women like this only makes me wish I could choke-hold them, begging me for mercy. I want to see them groveling at my feet in shame and anger, knowing that not even with all of their supernatural strength they can beat me or the dick.

I want to make Aunty Oni. into my plaything. She'll pretend to be the proud and mighty oni warrior she once thought she was during family reunions, yet still give in to any requests I make of her.
Then, once everyone has gone to sleep I'd make her wear the most humiliating bondage doggie outfit I have in my secret collection and have her crawl around the neighborhood, inside the house and eventually towards my room like a bitch, and like a bitch in heat I'd make her spend the night: being bred by the nephew she now calls Master through her tightly fit gag-ball.

I'd love stay in bed with her massive body covering me as a blanket and her head in my arms, petting her, caressing her and whispering praises into her ear until we both fell asleep, but I know as much as we'd both love it that I can't allow the family finding us like that.
I'd undo her binding and order her to her knees. The size difference between us would be explicitly apparent, as her head would still looms over mine, her giant body dwarfs my own despite having her kneel as I stood before her.
With a long, loving parting kiss I'd send her to her room, not before promising her that next day we'd go on a date the two of us and I'd buy her something cute to wear as a reward for being such a good girl tonight.

She'd practically drag herself to her room, exhausted after such a agitated night. She'd throw herself into her bed, almost breaking ithe old thing from her enormous weight. Her muscles wold stop aching, her heart would slow down and her eyes would slowly close as she went to sleep with a dopey smile as she thought of her beloved nephew and how much fun they'd have tomorrow.

>> No.16327501

I think she starts feeling guilty when you start massaging her paw pads.

It starts getting maximum lees when you feed her grapes from your teeth

>> No.16327505
Quoted by: >>16327518

You know what you must do, Anon. Create some tasty Dragon art and make everyone happy including you wife.

>> No.16327508


>> No.16327510
Quoted by: >>16327950

>I can't get into femdom

You need to see a doctor then.

>> No.16327514


>> No.16327515
File: 103 KB, 226x256, 56756765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16327518
Quoted by: >>16327541

Seems as though I have no choice.

I'll get you next time, Anon!

>> No.16327523

Imagine trying to take care of a sick Anubis. Not only would she be upset with getting sick in the first place, but she would also detest the fact that you had to take a few days off work to take care of her. She would secretly love all the attention you giver her though, and surely would "reward" you when she begins to feel better.

>> No.16327526

>I can't do it. I can't get into femdom.
Me neither.

>> No.16327528
File: 532 KB, 800x584, 1482087603770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327950

Hold the phone buster.

>> No.16327531

But anon, that fairy enjoys turning people into fairy size.

Super dangerous.

Especially around Cat Girls.

>> No.16327539
Quoted by: >>16327567

>Learn it, friend.

>> No.16327541
Quoted by: >>16327579

I'll be waiting, Anon. Next time I want to see how strong your love is!

>> No.16327547
File: 43 KB, 530x428, 1431803056211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16327550

Maximum lewd.

Next you're going to suggest a full body massage, including THOSE places.

>> No.16327565
File: 261 KB, 800x484, 1482813006127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automatons need to be /fa/ in order to attain Mastahs of their own.

>> No.16327567

>get photoshop/Gimp/whateverwhogivesashit
>read/watch tutorial
>find the seven chaos emeralds
>colour away
See, it's easy.

>> No.16327569

I have to admit that I like the idea of making strong/smug/confident monster girls subs too but I'm a femdomfag at heart.

>> No.16327579
Quoted by: >>16327624

My love is strong. My purse and talent are not.

>> No.16327590

You guys are new huh? Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, but don't waste images on that shit.

>> No.16327593

That's my fetish.

>> No.16327595

But what kind of fashion fits an automaton?

>> No.16327603

Great, now I'm imagining an Automaton pinning a man against a wall in some ruin as he realizes the end is drawing near only for her to drop his pants and then kneel down and start sucking.

>> No.16327604

Maid outfits.

>> No.16327613

Sleeves Zeon and Nagano FSS styled stuff.

>> No.16327617
Quoted by: >>16327633

That's pretty scarousing.

>> No.16327621
Quoted by: >>16327633

It would be even better if she wasn't dressed, or made, in a sexual outfit. That contrast.

>> No.16327624
File: 267 KB, 1244x1658, Dragon 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need purse and talent, just pure something I guess?

The day I make nice dragons like this I'll stop requesting and draw some that are worthy of posting.

>> No.16327630

See, I can get in to femdom, but oh my damn this is muh fetish too.

>> No.16327633
Quoted by: >>16327640

She'd have this terrifying helmet that makes her look intimidating as hell, and then suddenly it's off and there's a surprisingly pretty girl sucking like a champ.
No hair either, just metal ridges that look like hair.

>> No.16327636
Quoted by: >>16327676

I never knew that Dragon image existed until now.

>> No.16327640
Quoted by: >>16327663

>No hair either, just metal ridges that look like hair.
Lame, the MGE Automatons normal bio-organic hair is the way to go since they're at least 3.5 on the female robutt scale.

>> No.16327642
Quoted by: >>16327676

Fair enough. It's not like I'm not practising, but it might take years.

>> No.16327650

Why are Automatons so damn cute?

>> No.16327652


Not liking femdom does not mean you have to be into the other extreme.

>> No.16327659

>onee san tier

Gee anon. I dunno.

>> No.16327663
Quoted by: >>16327675

Well she's been wandering around in an ancient ruin for god knows how long. You think she's been able to maintain all her systems?
First thing that should be done is take her to a Gremlin for repairs and upgrades.

>> No.16327668
Quoted by: >>16327743

Great job. Good vork. Pat on the head. Oh my god you are the most impressive human being I have ever met.

>> No.16327669

I feel like a lot of them, if taken out of their base area, would need help figuring out what to do with themselves. That's pretty cute. Also, >>16327659

>> No.16327675
Quoted by: >>16327695

The low battery ones are likely more aggressive and less polite about target acquisition and fuel extraction.

>> No.16327676

We are on the same boat then. May our love for our waifus give birth to some nice pictures in the future.

There is also the small dragon tailjob and my own, but I've posted enough dragons for now. Maybe later.

>> No.16327678

>not liking what I like doesn't mean you have to like the opposite of what I like

>> No.16327685
File: 666 KB, 1500x1353, 1479964595142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327716

This >>16327659

>> No.16327691 [SPOILER] 
File: 226 KB, 960x608, 1482968241862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automatons compete with other Automatons.

Fierce as fuck.

>> No.16327695

Hence the whole "pin against the wall and forcible blowjob" thing.

>> No.16327697

They are pure and nice robots.

>> No.16327703 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 587x424, 1482968350503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16327705

She looks smug.

>> No.16327712
File: 207 KB, 682x999, 1482881195998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328134

The best part about the MGE ones is that there are bound to be many blessed with plump simulacrum rears.
That Automaton's able to take it deep.

>> No.16327715

If I received an Automaton it would probably take a while for me to muster up the courage to ask her for sex
Can you imagine yourself asking a cute, innocent robot about lewd stuff?

>> No.16327716
Quoted by: >>16327729

How would that go down?

Why is she running away? Shouldn't she stay and protect mastah?

>ywn be princess carried by your tall Automaton

>> No.16327718

Give the girl a womb already.

>> No.16327721

No more 2B.

>> No.16327723


Poor thing. That's definitely nice, though.

>> No.16327727
Quoted by: >>16327771

It's not like she is going to react or say no. I would be completely carefree about it.

>> No.16327729

She realized that she didn't want to expend her ammo on a harmless rabbit, and buggered out of there real fast.

>> No.16327730

No way, fag.

>> No.16327733
Quoted by: >>16327748


>> No.16327739

>If I received an Automaton it would probably take a while for me to muster up the courage to ask her for sex
>Can you imagine yourself asking a cute, innocent robot about lewd stuff?
Don't worry, she'll take the initiative by licking you all over.

>> No.16327741

She'd probably do it on her own initiative the first night anon.
>"Sensors indicate you are feeling aroused anon. Initiating relief protocol."
She'd get a lot more teasing about it as her personality starts to develop.

>> No.16327743
File: 72 KB, 700x700, 1466391465980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327747

It's like you want to spoil me or something

>> No.16327747

I want to spoiler Deruella with affection!

>> No.16327748
Quoted by: >>16327754

She is too lewd.

>> No.16327750
Quoted by: >>16327752

Automaton Inititivemind

>> No.16327752

I'm a mess.

>> No.16327754
Quoted by: >>16327760

that's a bad thing?

>> No.16327760
Quoted by: >>16327787


>> No.16327771

I dunno man, even her blank stare would feel like she's judging you

That would be the best, especially if she can analyze to your tastes based on her analysis and do whatever you want without you having to shamefully ask for it

I'd rather jerk off in the toilets than have to ask one if she could step on my dick

>> No.16327779
File: 89 KB, 582x494, 1481924964527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327791

>I'd rather jerk off in the toilets than have to ask one if she could step on my dick

>> No.16327784

Just imagine one pinning you down and sucking your dick.
Then when you try to pull her off she grabs your hands and slams them down against the bed while increasing the suction.
You could swear she increases the speed and wetness when she hears you moan.

>> No.16327787
File: 2.94 MB, 2850x3000, 1482798263643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well to bad!

>> No.16327791
Quoted by: >>16327810

She probably stomps hard. With all those hydraulics.

>> No.16327793

It part of the Kuudere's Laws of Feel-O-Dynamics:

"Emotion cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred from one being to another."

>> No.16327798
Quoted by: >>16327807

Well they're more advanced golems right? The golem profile specifically says they can sense what a guy likes and tune themselves accordingly.

>> No.16327807

I hope they would know how to turn that off. The last thing I want is her to broadcast what I want to the world when we go out. Somewhat.

>> No.16327810
Quoted by: >>16327824

Automatons are capable of good motor control.

>> No.16327812

I want that ass on my face.

>> No.16327817
File: 973 KB, 1280x1811, tumblr_oiwi2c2yfY1rkn25go1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327855

Barb should draw more thicc bears.
And hell, maybe the MGE Grizzly some focus.

>> No.16327823
File: 343 KB, 1080x1920, 1471155214926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327832

Where can I get my own Dragon Zombie?

Can learn necromancy quickly on the web, or will I have to consult with my local Lich about it?

>> No.16327824
Quoted by: >>16327832

How good at edging blowjobs do you think an Automaton would be?

>> No.16327832

It would depend on how sensitive the pressure sensors are on her fingers, and in her mouth.

Whoooaaa there, buddy. Did that come out in the MGE2? What other book only ones were there?

>> No.16327833

Latenight please, you're spoiling me at this point with all this Automaton love.

>> No.16327835
Quoted by: >>16327840

Automaton is overrated

>> No.16327836
Quoted by: >>16327843

Anon, we've known about Dragon Zombies for a while now.

>> No.16327840
Quoted by: >>16327858

Opinion noted, and respectfully ignored.

>> No.16327843
Quoted by: >>16327848

I never saw art like that for one. There was always that one image. Keep in mind, though, I come and go for months at a time. Last time I was here was... last January? I checked in on writefags, and then left again.

>> No.16327848
Quoted by: >>16327863

You missed a buttload of new girls Anon.

>> No.16327855

grizzly has more art than i was expecting
she could use some more

>> No.16327858

Why go for her when you can go for superior monstergirls?

Like lamias

>> No.16327863

I know about a few. I checked the wiki now and then, since I have the category page for mamono bookmarked. If it has an actual profile, I've probably seen it.

Still, I'm really glad to see the Dragon Zombie. I didn't really care for dragons, but damn if that isn't good.

>> No.16327883

Lamia tail leg attachment. Automatons could have anything.
Lamias can't get vibrating tits either.

>> No.16327887
Quoted by: >>16327894

Speaking of new girls did the whole of dark mage get translated or just part?

>> No.16327891

I want more of this.

>> No.16327894

I think it might have been partial, but I'm okay with the slightly Yandere mayaderes we got.

>> No.16327898
Quoted by: >>16327917

>What other book only ones were there?
The other girls introduced in MGE 2 are Umi-Osho, Otohime, White Horn, Ice Queen, Griffon, Trumpart, Atlach-Nacha, Dark Mage, Gremlin, Automaton, Kamaitachi, Ochimusha, and Nurarihyon.

Atlach is next in line for a profile.

>> No.16327902
Quoted by: >>16327911

Okay, I know Ninja do this but what other idols would use "de gozaru"?

>> No.16327907
File: 128 KB, 900x666, 1452537245649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My fellow Patrician. I'm noticing a distinct lack of Snek love in these threads.

>> No.16327911

Idols? I meant monsters!

>> No.16327916
Quoted by: >>16327927

Did you miss the stuff about Apophis last thread?

>> No.16327917

Thanks, friend. Nurarihyon, huh. Looking forward to his take on them.

>> No.16327927
Quoted by: >>16327937

I did. Work has been a motherfucker this holiday season. Time to go back and catch up i guess.

>> No.16327937
Quoted by: >>16328011

Wasn't much, but it was there.

>> No.16327938
Quoted by: >>16327948

What is the likelihood that there's a super stronk Ace Trumpart-tier Automaton hidden somewhere in the MGE?

>> No.16327948

Monsters grow in strength the more spirit energy they absorb, since that is all converted into demonic energy
go make one

>> No.16327950
File: 176 KB, 700x600, 08f68c4afcfdbdd4bc1528270377a709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328104

Rude. There I go showing the keys to my heart to you and call them mean things.

>> No.16327951

That's because they're beginner-tier.

>> No.16327956

I think my first fantasies about Monster girls were about Lamias.

I think I was pretty young at the time too.

>> No.16327963
Quoted by: >>16327977

That doesn't make them any worse

>> No.16327967

I preferred catgirls desu.

>> No.16327970

I used to love wolfs. They were my first monster girl.

>> No.16327977

But they're not that great either.

>> No.16327988
File: 193 KB, 1000x1333, 1482930278931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds are for marriage!

>> No.16327989

>tfw no Momticore

>> No.16327991
Quoted by: >>16328000

>don't believe all monstergirls are best monstergirls
>thinks he isn't still a beginner

>> No.16327992

which mg would be into momdom?

>> No.16327996
Quoted by: >>16328017

Hellhounds are for impregnating and Hellpups are for cuddling!

Would she adopt you only to raise you into her own personal fuckbuddy?

>> No.16327998

They are

The ara ara ones

>> No.16327999 [SPOILER] 
File: 338 KB, 1000x615, 1482972367167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16328000

>he believes all monstergirls are best monstergirls
Enjoy your cait-sith, I suppose.

>> No.16328001


>> No.16328004

>That paw tatoo
That guy needs to hug her RIGHT NOW

>> No.16328006
File: 161 KB, 1000x800, 1474419944525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that yeti to femdom me

>> No.16328007

>She'll never notice my boner.
>She'll never drag me off to cuddlerape me all night long.
>She'll never keep me as her cumpump since there's no way I'm not addicted to her fluffiness now.
>No soft yet muscular Mofu Yakuza enforcer Yeti to make me hers.

>> No.16328008

Yeti's aren't scary.

>> No.16328009

MGC is a dangreous place.

>> No.16328011
File: 681 KB, 1367x629, Shirohebi book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328042

Shirohebi's book profile and extra art translation also got posted in the previous thread I think.

>> No.16328017

She'd adopt you because your real mother died and despite being a very distant relative, she's the only family member that could be located in time to prevent you from being sent to foster care at 1 year old.
She'd want to rape you, but every time she would think about making her move, she'd see an image of you as a baby, learning to walk and waddling towards her with a huge smile on your face while she waited for you with outstretched arms and it'd make her stop and bury those thoughts.

>> No.16328025

So would she push me to marry a nice Manticore girl then?

>> No.16328026
Quoted by: >>16328062

>She'd want to rape you, but every time she would think about making her move, she'd see an image of you as a baby, learning to walk and waddling towards her with a huge smile on your face while she waited for you with outstretched arms and it'd make her stop and bury those thoughts.

What would that kind of frustration do to a gal?

>> No.16328027
File: 672 KB, 2028x1384, Otohimom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Dragon aside from Wurms

>> No.16328032

If I nonchalantly pull her into a hug, would she return the favor?

>> No.16328033
Quoted by: >>16328059

Otohime's are cute.

>> No.16328034

>No Manticore, Vampire, Apophis, or any of the lewd dom girls

>> No.16328042
File: 291 KB, 900x1050, 1451085319838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Shirohebi to go full yan and reveal her fangs.

>> No.16328044
File: 725 KB, 1321x629, Dorome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorome to join the yeti club or to be a rival.? She just got posted on MGR.

>Kenkou's notes:

>It's Christmas, but the new race this time “Dorome”-san has nothing whatsoever to do with it! The encyclopedia world has a bit of a time difference with the real world, so the monster scholar couldn't keep up with it... (an excuse). When a gnome, which is a monsterized earth elemental, is being born, if the earth elements melt due to mamono mana, and it fails to become a gnome, then the resulting monster will be a “dorome”. Supposedly, being enveloped in their body is warm, pleasant, and restorative, almost like a mud bath at a hot spring...

>> No.16328051

I can't believe I forgot about her since I was one of many that helped bring that Yanpire momster thing to light.
Apomoms would also be nice if they make a lactation potion for themselves.

>> No.16328052

It's a strange feeling recognizing at least five posts in that image as yours.

>> No.16328059
File: 1.56 MB, 2992x4000, 1482414826466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Otohimom to make me resist her clawjob for a full minute before I can receive my allowance

That they are my friend

>> No.16328062
Quoted by: >>16328083

It'd make her go out into the world and get a husband I'd imagine. It'd probably make her violently protective of you too.
I'm just imagining her pulling some teenage monstergirl to the side and threatening her to keep her in line.
>"Listen to me kid. That boy? I was there when he was born. I watched my little sister hold him in her arms and say he was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. I remember going home with them and seeing them put him in his crib for the first time. I was there for his first words, his first steps, his first birthday."
>"What, you wanna fuck him too?"
>"I'm not done talking so shut up and listen you little shit. I sat that boy in my lap while he cried when custody got given to me. I had to tuck him in every night knowing that his mother, my little sister, was gone forever. I had to restrain my instincts for thirteen years because I knew my sister wouldn't want me to rape him. That boy is as much my son as any child I could have would be my daughter so if I figure out you've hurt him, or tossed him around with your girls like a party favor, or if you've broken his heart in any way, and it doesn't matter that you're a Manticore too, I'll pump you so full of venom that your heart will explode. Clear?"
>"C-Crystal Clear ma'am."
>"Good. Now be good to him, he really likes you."

>> No.16328065
Quoted by: >>16328068

>Doromes are comprised of DE enhanced mud
>Golems are clay dolls saturated with DE
>Clay is made from mud
What kind of Golem can be made from a Doromes mud?

>> No.16328067
Quoted by: >>16328126

When will Mono scan those deliveries?

>> No.16328068

An incredibly lewd one.

>> No.16328069
Quoted by: >>16328099

>You do know who I am, yes?
The cocky one who plays too much pachinko and would be the first Yakuza to die in an action movie

>> No.16328076
Quoted by: >>16328126

I want to tickle one.

>> No.16328083

What a nice lady.

>> No.16328099

So the Japanese version of Joe Peschi?

>> No.16328100

But boys her age don't even know how to play the game she wants to learn.

>> No.16328104

Don't let them get to you. I'm not necessarily into maledom myself, but I found the bed scene to be rather cute.

Also, you seem to genuinely seem to care for her, which is more than I can say for some disgusting degenerates is this thread.

Not naming names.

>> No.16328107
Quoted by: >>16328304

Actually one of my few fantasies involving lolis is to have one fall in love with me but I'd reject it because I'm not into them and one day it abruptly grows tall and curvy

>> No.16328118

Manticores seem too sadistic in bed for that

>> No.16328126
Quoted by: >>16328131

I don't want to repeat myself but for real though, Dorome are top tier waifus

I think he said one or two weeks, you can check in the archives if you're that curious

I wish I could tickle one until I go to far and push her to take revenge on me

>> No.16328129

Dorome cave sounds fun.

>> No.16328131

I believe it may have been one week.

>> No.16328134
Quoted by: >>16328146

I really need to download that demo...

>> No.16328141
Quoted by: >>16328179

Obviously she's the Serial Hugger.

Distinctive Tattoo gave it right away.

>> No.16328146

Do it. It has cute robots.

>> No.16328167
Quoted by: >>16328245

Manticores strike me as being the teasing sort of Dom though. A Momdom Manticore would probably be extra teasing.

>> No.16328176

I never noticed the thighs on this fine creature

>> No.16328179

Does she have a back tattoo?

>> No.16328183
File: 667 KB, 1054x1200, C0ymkbeXcAEeqpS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't involve myself with this automata if I were you, she doesn't even know decency

>> No.16328191

She just wants to touch cubes.

>> No.16328198

I think they fit right

>> No.16328208

>still no Automaton/2B facesitting stuff yet

>> No.16328212
File: 109 KB, 960x1200, 1482965657021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your welcome

>> No.16328216
Quoted by: >>16328217

Not much monstergirl facesitting in general.

>> No.16328217
Quoted by: >>16328228

Well then.
The Cheshire at least has one facesitting pic courtesy of Loen.

>> No.16328228

One isn't much. We need more.
It's scary how easily I'd let a powerful monstergirl use my face as a chair.

>> No.16328234

>No powerful Jinko to grind her perfectly round muscle ass into my face while growling and chuffing

>> No.16328235
Quoted by: >>16328249

If a monster sat on my face I would bite her butt.

>> No.16328236

What's the reason for a battle robot to have such a fat ass?

>> No.16328237

>It's scary how easily I'd let a powerful monstergirl use my face as a chair.
YBAs Nightflower is what gave me my facesitting fetish, so I feel the same way.

>> No.16328245
File: 26 KB, 278x253, 1457661027296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328264

>Momdom Manticore forcing you to sleep in bed with her
>It all starts with her snuggling you, telling you it's nice that she can embrace you as a 'son' again
>Then she ups the ante with making you smother your face in her feminine musk, fresh in her mane
>The day you get spotted by her talking to a Holstaur is when everything changes, though.
>She starts asking you if it's because she's an old hag that you want to go after the sporty, younger girls.
>Tells you she can't allow some lowing, bovine whore take her precious son from her
>That night, she lets you in on a little secret; She's been taking up the hobby of drinking Holstaur milk to further her bond with you
>Her breasts are full with middle-age plumpness, her nipples swollen from the dairy she's been ingesting
>It's a strange, nostalgic feeling, forcibly being weened on her breast milk even though you're at least eighteen and by all measures a grown ass man
>It becomes a nightly ritual to suck her breasts, eventually getting to the point that she she starts giving you pawjobs and tailpussy jobs
>Months have passed at this point, you no longer see her as your mother, but as the full-figured female monster she is
>That's when you finally ask her to relieve you of your virginity, her ears twitching, a small flush bringing a rose red to her cheeks
"Oho? Think you can keep up?"
>She edges you for at least three hours with her tailpussy, teasing you about how you've such an Oedipus Complex
>Thanks to her tail's spines, you're still rigid and ready to perform when she finally lets you inside of her real pussy, your sex lasting all through the evening and into the midday
>You're both laying there, covered in bodily fluids, the trash can overflowing with used tissues for the clean-up
>She smirks when you tell her you want to make her a mom 'for real', letting it widen when you admit that she's the only woman for you
"Of course I am, you silly, silly boy of mine. You had no chance of ever having another~"

>> No.16328246


>> No.16328249
Quoted by: >>16328257

She might find that pleasurable.

>> No.16328253

Extra protection.

>> No.16328255

>No haughty Lilim to tie upside down to her couch and sit on my face while watching a movie and using my boner for the occasional snack.
A Vampire or a Wight would work too.

>> No.16328257

Then I would nibble on it even more. Maybe even stop for a bit just to look at her with a smug face.

>> No.16328260

I want an Atlach-Nacha to sit on my face like a throne. I really do.

>> No.16328264
File: 782 KB, 1280x908, 1459724235921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328271

This was damn good.

>> No.16328271

The fuck she have so many arms for

>> No.16328275
Quoted by: >>16328290

Because RSanon.

>> No.16328284
Quoted by: >>16328290

Because RSAnon is a slut for girls with multiple pairs of arms. He's like the Quentin Tarantino of multi-arms. Can't live without them.

>> No.16328290
Quoted by: >>16328294

What a weird fetish, I don't understand the appeal

>> No.16328294

There's nothing to understand or judge about it. It just means she can hug you more or multi-task more efficiently. It's not even on the same tier of "weird" as that one guy who grossed even /d/ out, or the guy who masturbated to floor tiles.

>> No.16328296
Quoted by: >>16328303

I'm not sure if it's because of my femdom fetish or ass fetish but I agree completely. It's unfortunate that so many monsters don't have butts

>> No.16328303


>> No.16328304

That's a lame fantasy, a better one is giving her the dick and watching her grow tall and curvy naturally over time.

>> No.16328306
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x873, 1464233620270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this time these twelve thousand years I know I will write for you~

Hey everybody, I'm back from the dead again with the last chapter in this bit of the Mother of Monsters story! It took a while, but in return it's also freakishly long, so do enjoy! My next projects are all lighter so you should be seeing something else in a Seafoam SOON. Maybe. Anyway, the link's in the usual place.


>> No.16328335
Quoted by: >>16328740

I love you Seafoam
Slightly Homo.

I found your stuff through /gfd/ and wound up getting into Monstergirls because of it. Keep up the good work!

>> No.16328397

I want to eat your heart and absorb your talent. But only after you force-feed a Wock snicker snacks.

>> No.16328410


>> No.16328452


>> No.16328457
File: 491 KB, 710x1000, pharaoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Pharaoh still love you if she knew all the horrible things you've done to protect her and her realm from the forces of Apophis?

>> No.16328465
File: 2.27 MB, 1807x1993, fwah - - you wanted to what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16328473

It doesn't matter.

Worth killing for.

Worth dying for.
Worth going to hell for.

>> No.16328481
Quoted by: >>16328491

Sorry but I'm on team Apophis.

>> No.16328489

I want to fuck that Oni.

>> No.16328491
Quoted by: >>16328592

>being a permanently drugged-up pleasure slave

>> No.16328492

Now that's a drunk I'd actually like to be around.

>> No.16328495 [DELETED] 
File: 476 KB, 188x174, sweatinguu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16328496

>that tittymonster Oni picture on the wall
Nice detail.

>> No.16328509

I'm not that into Egypt girls and I know a pharoh would never go for me in real life but whenever I see her profile pic it makes me want to use my face as her footstool.

>> No.16328510
File: 329 KB, 500x600, 1371951088751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329150

>you'll never make an attractive, middle-aged Oni aheago

Please post moar drunk Onis to ease my pain.

>> No.16328512
Quoted by: >>16328516

Do not lewd the Oni auntie.

>> No.16328516
Quoted by: >>16328519

>he doesn't know how incredibly grabby intoxicated, middle-aged women of any species get

We didn't start the lewd, Anon.

>> No.16328519

>We didn't start the lewd
She's been yearnin' since the world's been turnin'?

>> No.16328524 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 800x693, 1482980893099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329150

It's nice to see it isn't Closing Time for the MGC Bar yet Mr. Late.

Probably your best setting barring the Seasonal one offs.

>> No.16328532

>Boy's little sister somehow gets turned into an anubis
>While trying to comfort her, he finds himself unable to stop himself from repeatably touching her paw pads

>> No.16328534



>> No.16328538
Quoted by: >>16328551

>Keep touching a Manticore's paw pads
>She's getting more and more irritated because you're making it hard to rape
>Gets annoyed and leaves in a huff
>Misses the feeling of you fondling her paw pads later that night

>> No.16328545

Write more nigguh

>> No.16328549

I implore you to continue

>> No.16328551

>Get cursed by a Cait Sith you punted over the fence
>Feline MGs now know they can paralyze you just by rubbing their paw pads on you even through your clothes
>Your own personal heaven or hell continues

>> No.16328561

>Punting a Cait Sith
I chortled.

>> No.16328562
Quoted by: >>16328569

>"How about you try touching other parts of me, onii-chan?"

>> No.16328564

What if Gundam was an Automaton?

>> No.16328569

>You start rubbing her cheeks
>"Thash not wha I meanh!"

>> No.16328570
Quoted by: >>16329150

I would kiss her right there, with my beer/whiskey breath turning her on even more

>> No.16328573
Quoted by: >>16328589

what if automaton was an gundam?

>> No.16328579
Quoted by: >>16328589

You wouldn't a mecha

>> No.16328583

I want to buy a kitten for my Kobold daughteru so she can experience the joys of raising a pet!

>> No.16328585
Quoted by: >>16328633

and what if Metroid was Halo but we dont ask these questions.

>> No.16328589
File: 198 KB, 763x999, 1482184513485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't lie if I said that having more Gundam-themed Automatons would be the coolest shit ever.
Of course they wouldn't be pilotable giantess' thankfully.

>> No.16328592

All what I read is Pharaoh propaganda.

>> No.16328593
Quoted by: >>16328601

>feline MGs
does this include Jinkos and other big cats?
because I want this.

>> No.16328601
Quoted by: >>16328608

It very much does. And they can smell your preferences.

>> No.16328605
Quoted by: >>16328619

I imagine that there is some kind of magical beast that is specially suited to being the pet of monsters.

It's fluffy and cute and always gets into trouble, but is resilient against serious injury so it's owner gets to bandage it up and take care of it without it ever really being in real danger.

>> No.16328607

That does bring up the question; would piloting be considered intimate?

>> No.16328608
Quoted by: >>16328634

can they smell my fear?

>> No.16328619

I just like the idea of regular pets like we have now, but with some way to keep them from monsterizing. That could be a neat idea though, pets that are easier to take care of.

>> No.16328621
Quoted by: >>16328625

You're getting a kitty soon irl, right KDF?

>> No.16328625
Quoted by: >>16328644

Just brought the old lady home, yes. The loneliness was just too much man.

>> No.16328632
Quoted by: >>16328640

A witch who forces shy familiars to walk up to men and say lewd things.

>> No.16328633
File: 138 KB, 800x1161, Cal-141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if Metroid was Halo
>tfw no Spartan-II gf

>> No.16328634
Quoted by: >>16328676

It turns them on even more.

>> No.16328640

Does she force them to wear lewd revealing outfits too?

>> No.16328644
Quoted by: >>16328654

That's awesome, cats are the best! I'm sure your kitty is happy to be in a loving home now! I hate being away from my pets when I'm at school. They do wonders for my depression.

>> No.16328654

Well, from one loving home to another. My mom has too many pets so I offered to take her. I hope she'll do the same for me.

>> No.16328663
File: 321 KB, 161x169, 1477261470279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see this image I think of making fun of this Automaton by calling her "Fato" or "Fat-O".

I think I might be one of those Villains MG Moms would tell their daughters to stay away from.

>> No.16328671

>No 8ft tall Spartan gf that retires just to become your wife

>> No.16328673

Why do we even go on, Anon?

>> No.16328676
Quoted by: >>16328684

What about a group of big lioness girls that hunt me down and chufffuck me, only to make me the leader of the pride that bangs all of them multiple times a day?

>> No.16328682
Quoted by: >>16328740

What can I do to make you write faster?

>> No.16328684
Quoted by: >>16328719


>> No.16328689


>> No.16328690
File: 2.03 MB, 1138x1204, 1469325583513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328698

Would a Holstaur blessed with a plump butt give you a Full MOOn when undressing?

>> No.16328694
File: 443 KB, 399x219, 8eea1d0d79895b2b5d6edf712c56334b68749a81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a cheshire cat doing this.

>> No.16328697
Quoted by: >>16328703

>Survivor From War with Covenant
>Has the libido inhibitor removed but still has the rest of the augmentations in.
>She likes to do simple chores around the house in an attempt to try and get you to ignore the fact that she's an 8ft tall super soldier with super hard bones and massive muscles.
>Will even do naked aprons, although she does it because that what its sounds like guys like, ignoring the fact that you can see ALL her muscle.
>She rides you at night cow girl style and will take you to the shooting ranges sometimes so she can show off marksmanship and train you 'just in case'

>> No.16328698

>a Holstaur blessed with a plump butt

Isn't that kind of redundant?
Imagine the suffering of a flat Holstaur, though. Just thinking about it makes me sad for her.

>> No.16328699
Quoted by: >>16328706

y tho?

>> No.16328703
Quoted by: >>16328721


>> No.16328706

I could see them doing it.

>> No.16328719
File: 349 KB, 1064x786, 1409664284823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328748

I need art of 4 big Lion girls cornering anon with malevolent looks and then something like this as an after pic

>> No.16328720
File: 267 KB, 700x691, uaOsACU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328726

That Oni isn't classy enough!

>> No.16328721
Quoted by: >>16328739

>She gets 'inducted' into the PR program after the war because she's a hero for what she did, along with being one of the original Gen 2s.
>Get to deal with being stuck around military brass and spooks with shiny medals while all you can really claim is being a ground pounder on Earth for the last days of the war.
>That awkward moment when a drunk member of ONI lets it slip that she's still fertile, something that causes the spartan's head to snap over to you from half way across the room.
>The look leaves you wondering if the bed or your pelvis will break first.

>> No.16328726
Quoted by: >>16329150

The first oni, I would fuck in the bar bathroom after a bunch of stupid named shots
This oni, I would take home and make sweet love to after one too many (or too few) rye Manhattans

>> No.16328739
Quoted by: >>16328742

I hadn't planned on drinking tonight, but here goes that Christmas Six-Pack I had leftover. Thanks for the sad, faggot.

I enjoyed the writefagging alot. If you wanted to write a full fic to this effect, it would be fucking fantastic.

>> No.16328740
Quoted by: >>16328753

Set me up with a mountain retreat with decent internet, crates of chick drinks and a few hookers for inspiration. That'd probably get me up to, like, a chapter a month or something.

I'm still surprised Pretty Human got me on the map with the Gentle Femdom General. It's not something I'd consider to be femdom at all though I won't shun the attention.

>> No.16328742
Quoted by: >>16328751

I would but I must soon go to bed and wish everyone well.

>> No.16328748

>You'll never fuck an orc with soft mossy-green hair
I wish orcs weren't fucking piggus in MGE. Orcs are amazons but better becaue they're more monstrous.

>> No.16328751
File: 57 KB, 500x712, 1481744631496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328818

Don't leave us hanging faggot.

>> No.16328753

The last little bit of Pretty Human feels a little femdom.

Also if the drinks and the hookers are fine but decent internet? What do you think I am, Korean?

>> No.16328757

Monstergirl Thread booru when

>> No.16328766
Quoted by: >>16328784

MGE piggy Orcs are good in their own right.

>> No.16328776

No they aren't.

>> No.16328784
Quoted by: >>16328792

Fuckin, meant to reply to (You)>>16328766

>> No.16328792
File: 569 KB, 953x1050, 1472298374242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a mess.

>> No.16328797
File: 68 KB, 500x694, 1462682795472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically you just want thicc green musclegirls.
That's okay too.

>> No.16328808
Quoted by: >>16328816


dog fucker . jaypeg

>> No.16328811

These dotted lines are a fucking mess.

Yeah, but I fucking despise shaved head hairstyles. It's the trashiest thing, worse then tramp stamps and smoking

>> No.16328813

Aren't those basically just ogres in MGE?

>> No.16328816

Fuck off

>> No.16328818

Sorry anon but I'll have to leave you hanging.

>She'll never take you out on a 'camping trip' one week out in the rockies.
>It's there that it will quickly become apparent how physically different the pair of you are.
>A two hour hike in difficult terrain and high altitudes leaves you winded and sweating while she looks like she's up for another couple miles.
>'Hunting' turned out to consist of her waiting in a bush with a knife 'to make it difficult' while you stuck with a trusty rifle.
>By the end of the day you're eating some freshly cooking deer while sitting side by side by the fire, a happy smile on the super soldier's face.
>You're far beyond the 'swapping stories' phase in your life as you've heard pretty much all there is from her to tell.
>She's heard all yours as well, although the stories are far less impressive when the most 'memorable' moment for you was taking out a brute with a few lucky assault rifle bursts....Well, there is something else but you'll never share it with her.
>No one needs to hear about those mushroom zombie things that landed in New Mombasa and you don't want to do any more remembering than you have to, something made much easier by the girl next to you.
>You don't know if it was the stuff they put in her or the last remnants of what was supposed to be her natural body but your girl came equipped with some pretty nice ballistics.
>And those, those could brighten any kind of day for you.

>> No.16328819
Quoted by: >>16328832

Western green orcs are ugly as fuck.

>> No.16328832

Only when they're drawn to be ugly.

>> No.16328838
Quoted by: >>16328845

Thanks for what you did do anon. Goodnight. If you ever did want to come back and write a full-length something or other, I'll be here to give you a (You).

>> No.16328845

No problem.

Good night all and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that muscled girls can be good waifus too.

They can even do naked aprons just to show off.

>> No.16328866
File: 166 KB, 900x1500, 1460678069170-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall girls need love too.

>> No.16328867

Fighting the Flood and surviving without getting infected and purged is kind of an automatic entry pass to the bad ass club though

>> No.16328873

I want this
I also want this
He doesn't want to brag

>> No.16328885
Quoted by: >>16328940

I don't know how well I would fare with being the object of affection for a monstergirl that tall.

>> No.16328895

Fighting the flood is like earning a medal of honor in Vietnam. You won a fucking medal of honor, and you still don't talk about it.

>> No.16328899

>Perfect standing carpet munching height
Oh. Is this how it feels to be on the giving end?

>> No.16328901

I doubt that any guys who made it through want to talk about it, lots of drinking would probably follow.

It's like a zombie scenario except you get to watch it happen to your buddies in seconds.

>Spartan 2 waifu knows of the flood but never really fought them.
>Manages to get a few files through some old contacts to learn about them.
>Finds out that soldier anon, who only said he fought on earth, was in New Mombasa during the flood incident.

Now the real question is does she let it lie or investigate into why anon doesn't talk about it.

>> No.16328908
File: 97 KB, 707x810, jinko apron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more musclegirls in naked aprons
She probably would understand. She's seen some shit she doesn't want to talk about either.

>> No.16328919

Exactly, it would be like if anon asked about the kids who 'failed' training at the enhancement phase.

>> No.16328930

Now I really want to see the original run of RvB with monstergirls instead. Sarge would stay the same however.

>> No.16328932

>Anon, why don't you wear your medals? All of them, I mean.
>New Mombasa. That operation, you were-
>Anon, you made it out. You're a hero...
>All the heroes are dead. I'm just a survivor.

>> No.16328940

Plot twist: She's extremely submissive

>> No.16328943

Okay this is hitting too close to home now. Recently my dad has been opening up about his time in Vietnam, and we had an eerily similar conversation like this about his Tet Offensive medal.

>> No.16328945
Quoted by: >>16328995

And then anon starts drinking and is grumpy/depressed for the rest of the night.

Gets worse if she looks up some of the recordings from that fight and finds his.
I imagine learning that Anon had to burn his old squad with a flamer thrower after the flood took them would probably put things into perspective.

>> No.16328949

Oh, look at that, the midnight train to blackout drunkville. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.16328955


>> No.16328956


>> No.16328959

That's still super fucking hot!
Tall Submissive girl who act all strong and proud in public but is all sweat and gentle behind close doors is awesome!

>> No.16328960

That is fine too.

>> No.16328961

Yes. It's convenient for her.

>> No.16328974
Quoted by: >>16328979

I volunteer with the SNIB, and one of the fellows I help out with on a regular basis is a Korean War vet. I've known him for a few years now, and a couple of times when he's started drinking pretty seriously, he's hinted at seeing some shit (back when he could, I mean)

Anyway, buy your old man a shot for me.

>> No.16328975
File: 194 KB, 1286x621, 1482072268599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored, you're bored, pick one. Something may happen. But it probably won't.
What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.16328979


>> No.16328980

fine I pick Ming Xiao

>> No.16328981

Thereze. Is she a monster?

>> No.16328982

Speaking of enhancements
>Eventually she cashes in a few old favors some ONI spooks owed her from the war to get you SPARTAN-IV augmentations
>The procedure goes smoothly, and soon you're finished with recovery and slated to be released the next morning
>A presence in your room wakes you in the middle of the night
>It's her, standing silhouetted at the window in some kind of expensive-looking black skinsuit
>You're silent a moment, drinking in the way the suit shows off every ripple of her muscles and swaying movement of her soft teats as she stalks toward you
>"You can finally survive my full efforts, Darling. I've been waiting for this. I've been Practicing for this."
>For the first time since you met her during the war, she's breathing heavily
>"We're going to make a baby."

>> No.16328985

Velvet is the only good girl.

>> No.16328994

Going by that pic

Thereze > Ming Xiao > Velvet > Jeanette

>> No.16328995
Quoted by: >>16329108

>Anon still wakes up dreaming about it some nights
>Slipping out of bed so slowly and quietly that even his Spartan wife doesn't stir
>how he put all of his friends from Basic Training on to the torch
>imagining how they must have been screaming in the prison of their own minds as they burned
>listens to the crickets chirping on his front porch until the sun comes up
>Spartan-II playfully chides Anon for being an early bird even though he doesn't have to anymore

>> No.16329014


>> No.16329021

I have flashbacks looking at my left hand while brushing my teeth every morning, lost half a finger and a couple of really good friends near Ghazni during the remnants of the Afghan war. Hell I was a kid back then with just 20 yo and with a thirst of war after enduring mountain trainer. Also I'm not from the American army but an ally of the UN

>> No.16329025

Jeanette. The pigtails do it for me.

>> No.16329027

Velvet's the best girl in that game.
>Jeanette is a Malkavian and you should never stick your dick in crazy.
>Therese is the same Malkavian as Jeanette and a bitch.
>Velvet is a generally polite girl who happens to operate out of a strip club.
>Ming Xiao is a bitch and a disgusting blob of tentacles and flesh pretending it's not.

>> No.16329030

Oh look, how rare! A super tall big and physically dominating girl is actually meek and submissive. Who could have forseen this outcome? At this point, looking at a dominating girl and assuming she is actually dominant is the more unexpected otucome.

>> No.16329037

you don't sound triggered at all.

>> No.16329044
Quoted by: >>16329056

Damsel is nice but she' a commie,

>> No.16329048

>Being sarcastic = triggered
I know I'm a little late to say this, but if you keep using words you don't understand, you'll only devalue its meaning.

>> No.16329049

He's part right though.

>> No.16329056

>implying you couldn't coerce her into regular gangbangs "For The People"

>> No.16329074
File: 73 KB, 720x960, 1466953817562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it'd be pretty interesting to romance one of the longer lived species of monstergirls
>be dating a thousand year old kitsune
>she treats you more like a child than a lover
>decide to show her how much of a man you are in bed
>"Ufufu, you think you can pleasure me, boy? I have more experience in one tail than you have in your entire body."
>you pull her into bed, determined to prove yourself, but quickly get swept into her pace
>she flashes a grin when you loose your second load, confident that you're spent
>or so she thinks
>seeing the way she moves her mature, sexy body flipped a switch in you, and your youthful vigor spurs you on through three more of your own climaxes and four of hers
>near the end of it all, she's begging you to give her a break, but it's hard to stop after seeing her once smug face contorted with pleasure
>you finish two more times before finally sliding out of her
>her body exhausted and her mind overwhelmed with ecstasy, she quickly falls asleep
>just before she does, you hear her mumble "young people are scary..."

>> No.16329078

I thought she looked familiar.

>Recognize her VA
And here comes the boner

>> No.16329080

You're assuming the 'tists in this place dont mind an experienced woman.

>> No.16329081
Quoted by: >>16329119

This reminds me of that oneshot of that dark-skinned witch in the woods

>> No.16329095

>don't want someone who's already been around
>lmao fuckin' autists

I don't really care if that's your thing, but pls no bully, otherwise pls go

>> No.16329105

>being the first lover of a thousand year old Virgin

Write it.
Fucking Write it.

>> No.16329107
Quoted by: >>16329115

Nice buzzword

>> No.16329108
Quoted by: >>16329135

>Spartan Waifu thinks anon has a few odd, but cute, quirks
>Doesn't realize he's actually dealing with horrific trauma from the war

Kinda makes sense considering they reeeeeally went out of the way to brainwash them.

Heck, the overly saccharine stuff could be her trying to compensate for a lack of actual people skills

>> No.16329115

Im not bullying, just stating an observation about the average people here. The majority seem to really care about purity.
Thanks, and I'll take that as a real compliment, because my use of a buzzword is intentional when we're not arguing.

>> No.16329119
Quoted by: >>16329124

you mean this one? https://exhentai.org/s/287a247aac/932885-1

>> No.16329124

That's the one

>> No.16329135

Also, depending on when this happens, the Spartan Waifu would be in her 30s/40s if it is around the time 4/5 take place.

Master Chief himself is 46

>> No.16329144
Quoted by: >>16329167

>The majority seem to really care about purity.
You make that sound like a bad thing. the majority of mankind has always really care about purity.

>> No.16329150
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1683, are you trying to seduce me mr anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16329159
Quoted by: >>16329168

She's even equipped with pillows to rest your head on after coitus.

>> No.16329162

Could I get this but a tipsy ryu

>> No.16329164

No, I'm trying to impregnate you Miss Oni

>> No.16329167
Quoted by: >>16329188

>majority of mankind has always

>> No.16329168
Quoted by: >>16329174

And during!

>> No.16329174

They better be able to produce milk

>> No.16329180


>> No.16329182
Quoted by: >>16329235

>You'll never have a 7-8ft tall super soldier paladin waifu who went through the kind of training that by modern standards would be considered nothing short of mental and physical abuse
>Even to the point of having her body remade, angel blood running in her veins, Anders tier regeneration, every mucle sculpted to kill
>More monster than human only - it's the kind of abomination the church condones

>> No.16329183
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x1750, 1482988011977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16329188

Any society influenced by an Abrahamic religion does. Which is the majority of mankind

>> No.16329190
Quoted by: >>16333293

The only Giant Mermaid image I like is the one that gives her fuckhuge titties, and I don't even like giantess shit.

>> No.16329191

square-cube is a bitch

>> No.16329193

I want to shrink her

>> No.16329204

browsing /v/ are we?

>> No.16329205
File: 82 KB, 729x934, 1434382309040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because everybody has had to pay lip-service to certain religious ideas or get tortured to death doesn't mean they actually cared about those ideas. Regular people have always fucked like rabbits no matter what society is influenced by.
I blame this on being influenced by Elves.

>> No.16329212
Quoted by: >>16329228

I'm going to impregnate every elf.

>> No.16329216

>Religious loyalty and threat of social ostracization torture and in some cases death
>But regular people don't actually care about those ideas
Time to pull out your sources and show some evidence.

>> No.16329219
Quoted by: >>16329239

You first, Mr "All humans are well behaved, all the time".

>> No.16329225
Quoted by: >>16329239

So you're saying people didn't start having sex outside of wedlock until the 1960's when good Christian values were destroyed by the communists? I don't think what I said is in dispute, you're the one implying people spent thousands of years living without bumping uglies whenever they felt like it.

>> No.16329228

For king and country.

>> No.16329235
File: 301 KB, 724x1024, 1446624685669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329288

Anon, we've been Haloposting for half the thread.

I really miss when /gfd/ had a lot of Lady Knight posting, though.

>> No.16329238
Quoted by: >>16329247

>Im not bullying
>word for word referring to people that don't believe the same as you to be autists


>> No.16329239

I never said that, but you're the one claiming that the majority of mankind doesn't care about purity when I have literally almost every major current civilization backing me up. The west cared. Or did until recent years. The middle east sure as fuck cares. Japan cares. I don't know how indians or chineese feel about it though.

So go ahead and pull your your sources that demonstrate how purity doesn't matter when organizing your son's marriage. Show me all those stories where parents and society don't turn women into outcasts for being young, stupid and fucking some smooth operator who later fucks off.

>So you're saying people didn't start having sex outside of wedlock
Sure they did. But you or the other guy is claiming that no one really cared when they did that. When that is quantifiably false.

>> No.16329244

lets just agree to disagree.

>> No.16329247

Only victims feel bullied, anon.

>> No.16329249
Quoted by: >>16329283

>But you or the other guy is claiming that no one really cared when they did that
I'm saying THEY didn't care when they did that. The regular people. Of course the people who could write shit down condemned it because of their religious convictions, but were they really a good example of the common man? I don't think so.

>> No.16329255
Quoted by: >>16329283

Abraham pimped out his wife, and things just get crazier from there.

As long as my waifu loves me, I'll be happy

>> No.16329261
File: 627 KB, 900x1320, 1393781348768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me all those stories where parents and society don't turn women into outcasts for being young, stupid and fucking some smooth operator who later fucks off.
I think it's sweet that you actually believe this. You deserve a Unicorn.

>> No.16329263
File: 2.42 MB, 1800x2560, Gray Slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this clean-looking Slime.

She likes you.

>> No.16329268

She looks determined and focused.

>> No.16329269
File: 604 KB, 1000x1142, 4ae94bd2caecb6769db3fd2cd56a6630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a human who has a mr hyde thing going on where she switches in between human and monster forms.

>> No.16329270
Quoted by: >>16329304

Does she like like me or just regular like me?

>> No.16329272
Quoted by: >>16329304


But she still leaves a trail of slime everywhere she goes. How do I deal with that?

>> No.16329274

On ur dik.

>> No.16329277
Quoted by: >>16329289

>implying Muslim dominated countries don't still stone adulterous women to death

Islam can't conquer western civilization soon enough to be honest.

>> No.16329283
Quoted by: >>16329289

Those with loose morals don't care that their morals are loose no, obviously. but literally every one else looked down upon them, not just "the people who could write shit down"

He didn't pimp her out he told her to pretend to be his sister, so when the egyptians saw her and were like "Damn. We're taking this fine piece of ass" No one considered that she was already married. And so when they took that piece of ass and rode it all night long, god cursed them with plagues and then the Pharoah found out he kicked the slut out of his kingdom.
But this is irrelevant to purity because by that point she had already lost hers.

Not an argument. Have some dots.

>> No.16329287
Quoted by: >>16329378

Yes yes yes!
I want this!

Regular girl, but goes into these wild and crazy sexual romps every now and again.

>> No.16329288
Quoted by: >>16329305

I like those theads but some of the /r9k/ ree normies get out stayed with them when they moved to /d/

>> No.16329289
Quoted by: >>16329293

I thought we were talking about humans though?
>Not an argument
I don't like this meme, I'm keeping my Unicorn.

>> No.16329292

So I am curious, is there a clinic for headpat addicts in MGC?

>> No.16329293
Quoted by: >>16329308

You literally didn't present an argument. And keep your shitty horsepussy.

>> No.16329297

>this tired argument again
When people start arguing over the purity of historical religious figures it's time to move on.

>> No.16329299
File: 137 KB, 519x520, 1455678478898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329320

>tfw you'll never be a proud slime daddy

>> No.16329304
Quoted by: >>16329313

Thats the fierce intellect of the Gray Slime you've noticed.
KC plz.
She doesn't know but she's going to find out.
I like to imagine they can just absorb it up at their fancy.

>> No.16329305
Quoted by: >>16329323

The golden age was just under a year before the Robot was reinstituted. Lots of good content. Now it's just shit.

>> No.16329308
Quoted by: >>16329324

I WILL keep her, and I will take away her purity so there!

>> No.16329313
Quoted by: >>16329332

More like Metal Slime, pls.

>> No.16329320

Daughterus are such a sweet thing.

>> No.16329321

I'm getting a real combat-ready vibe from her, especially with the splashing effect at her feet, like she's getting ready for her ultimate attack.

Or just rape. I dunno

>> No.16329323
Quoted by: >>16329348

I tried the pastebins and although I have to get to the proper archives it looks like all the old threads are still there, although with a lot of broken images. Any time in particular I should start looking?

>> No.16329324
Quoted by: >>16329334

>I will take away her purity so there!
I don't know if you're fundamentally misunderstanding what I'm saying here, but there's nothing wrong with taking a girl's purity if you also plan to take responsibility after.

>> No.16329332

I'll admit its hard to tell if she's transparent in some places or just shiny. Gray Slimes are more fun though.

>> No.16329334
Quoted by: >>16329384

As if I care about her purity to the point of taking responsibility.

>> No.16329341
File: 278 KB, 559x676, Ehehe so how was your day anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still got room for drunk/tipsy onis?

>> No.16329344
File: 490 KB, 800x713, 1461817068686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329365

Damn straight we do.

>> No.16329347
Quoted by: >>16329354

My next-door neighbors are alcoholics who routinely almost burn down the house and the man has been known to walk around threatening people with a kitchen-knife. I really don't need that type of thing being glorified.

>> No.16329348

If I had to reckon, I'd say October 2014 to maybe the end of 2015. Those were good days.

>> No.16329354
Quoted by: >>16330609

>My next-door neighbors are alcoholics who routinely almost burn down the house and the man has been known to walk around threatening people with a kitchen-knife

Is your next door neighbor an Oni? If not, you're probably dealing with run of the mill white trash. Apply ammunition accordingly.


>> No.16329357

Fucking fantastic.

>> No.16329363
Quoted by: >>16329378

>corrupted and regular girl split into
I like this more than I should. And in more than just a sexual way.

>> No.16329365
Quoted by: >>16329374

Ah yes! The refined seductress, how I love her so!

Seriously though, how does sex work with bipedal hooves. Will they scuff up the bed? I love her personality so much but get held up on that detail.

>> No.16329366

good stuff Nav

>> No.16329374

A Satyros can just wear some Bacchanal provided custom slippers over her hooves during sexytimes.

>> No.16329378

Slime Carriers have a similar appeal in my eyes. They can still pretend to be human before they realize the lewd monsters they've become.

>> No.16329384
Quoted by: >>16329397

Well that's okay. There are no real consequences asides from pissed off family for you. You could roam the country side doing the same thing again and again, only, that unicorn is going to die alone and unloved. Especially if your one night tryst leaves her with a foal

>> No.16329397
Quoted by: >>16329405

>Especially if your one night tryst leaves her with a foal
>the Unicorn eventually meets a man willing to marry her and accept her past
>the only condition is that he won't accept the foal
>the foal is sent away to an orphanage as far as is practical

>> No.16329405

Sounds fair.

>> No.16329428
File: 620 KB, 800x1199, Pinkcubbus mutant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever have trouble identifying a monster girl?

>> No.16329429
Quoted by: >>16329432

Not at all, this is obviously Mina Ashida!

>> No.16329431

Whenever there's some kemonomimi chick with hard to identify ears and no visible tail.

>> No.16329432
Quoted by: >>16329435

thanks, Mr. Funnypants.

>> No.16329435
File: 292 KB, 540x650, 1441331896657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problemo, neighborino.

>> No.16329444
Quoted by: >>16330352

I also struggle with this.

>> No.16329445
Quoted by: >>16329451

>no snow queen + glacies art

>> No.16329451
Quoted by: >>16329463

Not too much Ice Queen at all really.

>> No.16329463
Quoted by: >>16329476

I want to make her heart warm!

>> No.16329476

I want to make her womb warm. I'd start by licking up those frosty thighs.

>> No.16329516
File: 120 KB, 769x1028, 1467479767537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line 327!
The fighting begins next part.
enjoy this mostly unrelated lizadgirl,

>> No.16329521
Quoted by: >>16329536

I've seen a few people take an interest in this story, what's it about?

>> No.16329529
Quoted by: >>16329541

so little yandere monstergirls
also there's a lizard, any yandere salamander?

>> No.16329536
Quoted by: >>16329544

Knights and dragons

>> No.16329541

Unfortunately no

>> No.16329544
Quoted by: >>16329563

That's not very helpful, but Dragons is enough.

>> No.16329546

I will never be loved. Monsters would see me as weird, boring, weak and a worthless mate too

>> No.16329549

You're just asking for some big strong monstergirl to swoop in and heal you and your smile.

>> No.16329552

Throw this man to the Matangos and be done with it.

>> No.16329557
Quoted by: >>16329578

You're good enough for P'orcs and Devil bugs.

>> No.16329563

From what I remember of the last parts
A knight captain dude fights a scalebound, in this sense scalebound is a woman with dragon based corruption.

the fight snowballs into a fighting event thing between the knight and SB's respective kingdoms.

>> No.16329570

>Mostly unrelated lizadgirl,
That should be a character in stories.

>> No.16329573
File: 542 KB, 1080x1387, Color try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do things on days i work cause I'm out of the house for 12 hours and go to sleep right away.

I color on weekends

>> No.16329578

>Devil bugs

Truly only the worst and most terrible of neckbeards and autists can handle a harem of them.


>> No.16329591
Quoted by: >>16329597

I've accepted the fact that ill commit suicide in January. Monstergirls or not i am still depressed with no redeeming qualities and that everyone i know hates me. Even monstergirls will hate me.

>> No.16329597
File: 189 KB, 700x1050, 1454264939053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329626

You can't commit suicide if your love murders you first!

>> No.16329617
Quoted by: >>16329683

I want to cuddle a Pharaoh/Sphinx/Anubis trio so bad right now.

>> No.16329626
Quoted by: >>16329634

>yandere Monoeye

She doesn't have the guts to stab me. I'd just tell her to have dinner ready by the time I'm back from the date with the Arachne I just met.

>> No.16329631
Quoted by: >>16329633

This is truly the worst MG. At that size the awful noise their wings make would be heard half a block away. I've gotten both MRSA and Malaria from mosquitoes and let me tell you they get no love from me. It doesn't matter what she looks like or acts like, I could never love a mosquito.

>> No.16329633

I just can't deal with the magical itchy bite thing. If a girl has to force you to stay with her she's not a good waifu.

>> No.16329634

Anon, that's how you wake up covered in severed Arachne legs with your tendons cut.

>> No.16329642 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1727x667, 1482997714231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related will never be my life
This sadness is profound.

>> No.16329671
Quoted by: >>16329673

>cucking your shoggoth

Sounds awfully cruel

>> No.16329673

Anon, did you miss the part where she's involved too? And the part where it's roleplay with a harem?

>> No.16329683
Quoted by: >>16329692

Feeling a Sphinx's fluffy body pressing against your back, an Anubis' round butt on your lap and the Pharaoh's feet on your face is the closest a mortal man can get to paradise.

>> No.16329692

It's more all three of them sprawled over me that I'm imagining.
I'm also imagining three way buttjobs and the Pharaoh stealing my first kiss while the Anubis and Sphinx take turns blowing me.

>> No.16329708
File: 188 KB, 895x893, 1d4bbf9506a1a50f5689b494f1b354d8c38c13799915b92bef54ac852ab28baa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329723

>three way buttjobs
You'd need a literal horse cock.

>> No.16329723

You don't need a huge dick to get it squeezed between their asses.

>> No.16329753
Quoted by: >>16329768

Top tier taste anon.

>> No.16329756
Quoted by: >>16329758

>Houtengeki-style Anubis doujin at C91
Fine Japan, just take my money.

>> No.16329758
Quoted by: >>16329762


>> No.16329762


It's only half Anubis though, sadly. Other half is just generic Dark Elf Rape. Yawn.
The Anubis half also appears to be /ss/, so if that's not your thing...

>> No.16329768

Honestly, the cuddles are the part I'm most into because I'm always a slut for genuine affection and warmth.
Being able to wake up to their smiles would make me a happy man.

>> No.16329783

Brown girls having their way with white shotas is the pinnacle of /ss/

>> No.16329784

Japanese web design never fails to impress me.
This is some 1999 Geocities shit.

>> No.16329799
File: 357 KB, 549x427, she&#039;s_wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At this point, looking at a dominating girl and assuming she is actually dominant is the more unexpected otucome.
It is though.

>> No.16329834

You should only have sex with your Shoggoth. Don't fuck other girls.

>> No.16329840

>it's a strong and capable female fighter actually wants to be protected episode
>it's a haughty dom growing love-heart pupils and begging to be fucked after the tip goes in episode
>it's a lewd senpai is actually a blushing virgin episode
>it's a shota slaps his nee-san's ass and says she's "mine" episode

I will fucking destroy you for this shit Japanese people.

>> No.16329844
File: 317 KB, 1307x528, another_one_bites_de_dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese people.
You mean real life.

>> No.16329849
Quoted by: >>16329852

>it's a lewd senpai is actually a blushing virgin episode
This doesn't happen enough. Anyone got any stories about a haughty, smug monster girl that gets put in her place by dick?

>> No.16329852
Quoted by: >>16329861

/gfd/ please, you already depress me enough.

How about I give you a story about my boot going up your ass?

>> No.16329861
Quoted by: >>16329881

>How about I give you a story about my boot going up your ass?
please be gentle anon-senpai~

>> No.16329881
Quoted by: >>16329903

>Story about an alp being that brutally bullied
Oh my.

>> No.16329890

>>it's a strong and capable female fighter actually wants to be protected episode
One of my least favorite things ever. There's a particularly egregious example straining at the edge of my mind, but I can't quite recall it. I think I repressed it out of sheer hate.

Also, this looks familiar. Sauce?

>> No.16329903

Don't bully Alps

>> No.16329906
Quoted by: >>16329932

Don't, bully Alps!

>> No.16329907
File: 289 KB, 1280x773, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean best taste, fag?

>> No.16329920

Isn't this one's moral that you can't win or lose against cocks, only love them?

>> No.16329922

I'm like, 90% sure these doujins are parodying the phenomenon.

>> No.16329925

Just like real life

>> No.16329932
File: 123 KB, 669x945, CzRA_rzUcAALw9a.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329936

Get bullied by alps.

>> No.16329936
Quoted by: >>16329953

How does that work?

>> No.16329953
File: 309 KB, 1000x1415, 60492825_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329964

The sluttier or more weak-willed an Anon is the likelier this becomes.

Or maybe it's the one-of-a-kind subversion of the norm. Who knows when Anon will realize he just bullied the wrong alp?

>> No.16329959
File: 936 KB, 1279x1370, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329964


>> No.16329964
Quoted by: >>16330006

When I was a younger man and these threads were still on /a/, there were two people who talked about the idea of pet-play and which girl they would want as their pet or as their owner.
There was one faggot who said they wanted to be a pet to an Alp because the creatures have the hearts of men and understand a man's limits.
This faggot went on to write no such thing
It feels so good to be knowledgeable of these things.

>> No.16330006
Quoted by: >>16330012

Wow, what a faggot.

>> No.16330009

I want to roll a soldier beetle on her back and poke her belly, who's with me?

>> No.16330012

Who would even want to read that kind of shit though?

>> No.16330048
Quoted by: >>16330057

Various people that lurk in this thread and aren't triggered anytime someone steps out of line as to what this thread deems acceptable content.

>> No.16330057
Quoted by: >>16330062

So you're telling me there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who would actually a read a story about Alpdom?

>> No.16330062
Quoted by: >>16330064

Yep, and you can never make them leave.

>> No.16330064

I guess the only choice left is to pander to them.

>> No.16330112
Quoted by: >>16330124

It sounds kinda hot

>> No.16330124
Quoted by: >>16330128

I bet you want to be held in a leash while an Alp wraps her spadetail around your neck.

>> No.16330128
Quoted by: >>16330132

Yea. It's making me diamonds thinking about it. What you don't?

>> No.16330132
Quoted by: >>16330139

Maybe. Who am I to judge?

>> No.16330139

Sounds good though doesn't it? The submissive one is actually dominant.

>> No.16330142

So do we like the mudpussy?

>> No.16330149

Who's "we"? I do.

>> No.16330154


>> No.16330165

If it feels like Shoggoth pussy and her black belly fills with cum then yes. Yes I like mudpussy.

>> No.16330168
Quoted by: >>16330174

>when these threads reach an all time low that people have resorted to fucking mud

This is a joke

>> No.16330171

She's okay. Maybe one day she'll find a husband.

>> No.16330174
Quoted by: >>16330247

We're absolute mud men

>> No.16330191
File: 563 KB, 1748x1181, 1447655236869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that even Gold Fish get bored and stressed without stimulus.

>> No.16330199

Fish pussy? Probably smells.

>> No.16330220
File: 134 KB, 400x400, 87412571653c8c56db7637f63b181d92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330249

I'd love to have a tiny mermaid to make me company around the house, but yeah, I do fear that she'd get bored and eventually depressed after a while.

I'd have to get her some friends to play with.

>> No.16330223
Quoted by: >>16330237

Strong, haughty and angry betta fish.

>> No.16330237

The size of an actual betta and stuck in a a tiny fishbowl? What beautiful combination. Where can I get one of these specimens?

>> No.16330241

Would Mercy make a good monster girl?

>> No.16330244
File: 13 KB, 354x522, Mercy Graves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Kikimora if you ask me.

>> No.16330247

If I ever meet you I'm going to give you a high five.
In the face. With my fist.

>> No.16330249
Quoted by: >>16330252

Let that little harpy go. Harpies deserve freedom.

>> No.16330252
File: 171 KB, 966x802, 1454519170832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters can't survive in the wild.

>> No.16330254
Quoted by: >>16330256

Is that why they always hide under children's beds and in their closets?

>> No.16330256

Yes. It's to be safe from the cruel facts of reality that don't allow for their existence.
Also access to /ss/

>> No.16330268
Quoted by: >>16330272

That poor plant. She has nobody to play with.

>> No.16330272

She's surrounded by plants though.

>> No.16330299

Valkyrie would be the obvious aesthetic choice, though she doesn't really fit the mold for the MGE-type.

Come to think of it we don't really have a "Healer" MG, do we? Any MG could play a nurse, but we don't really have one that has filling such a role as her shtick...

>> No.16330307
Quoted by: >>16330311

I want my Onee-San Automaton who is pure and non-lewd. Who's gentle and warm. Who is the perfect girl for lap sleeping.

>> No.16330310

>Come to think of it we don't really have a "Healer" MG, do we?
Unicorn, you dip.

>> No.16330311
Quoted by: >>16330314

Will Shodan-Automaton do?

>> No.16330314
Quoted by: >>16330320

She'll berate and rape you.
Gonna pinch her cheeks while she tells me how she's a god and I'm pond scum

>> No.16330320
Quoted by: >>16330326

>haughty onee-San

I like it. But I want mine soft!

>> No.16330323
File: 3.45 MB, 2622x2800, [fa]_Lilim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never raid a Lilim's residence with orders from the order
>tfw you will never sneak into her room and realize she is pure
>tfw you will never propose to a pure Lilim
Will 2017 be the year it happens?

>> No.16330326
Quoted by: >>16330343

But would Shodan do that or would she build a muscled one for better combat purposes?

Will nibbling her antenna confuse her enough to give you a chance of beating her?

>> No.16330329
File: 2.63 MB, 2790x3828, 1482350499467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330339

Possessive onee-san dragons that are really greedy and possessive about owning you

>> No.16330330

No but I promise you that 2017 will be the year of Renault.

>> No.16330339

>no dragon onee-san to hold you close and hug you making sure her scent is all over you so no girls from school try to hit on you

>> No.16330343
Quoted by: >>16330406

Why would Shodan have only one body?

>> No.16330350
Quoted by: >>16330360

Just because Latenight drew a Unicorn Nurse...

>> No.16330352
File: 917 KB, 1152x612, What type of MG is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they could fit their fingers into bottles

Surely you could tell me what type of MG this one is.

>> No.16330360

Are you pretending?

>> No.16330375
Quoted by: >>16330388

>Come to think of it we don't really have a "Healer" MG, do we?
While this >>16330310 anon is right, a mermaid into blood-play would be more interesting. Though it takes a bit of headcannon to work, I just re-red the profile and it only says their blood dramatically increases your lifespan.

> Since the new Demon Lord's assumption of power, they've continued to change and adapt so that having sex with human men is convenient and pleasurable. For that reason, it's not possible for them to lay eggs and then spawn the way ordinary fish do.
Was this always there? Or was this added because of a certain doujin?

>> No.16330382

>I will never have a pleasant chat with my Lilim
I would laugh if she accidentally called me father (adoptive)

>> No.16330385 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 722x670, 1483014489784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330391

Like so?

>> No.16330388
Quoted by: >>16330393


>> No.16330391

Uh yeah Anon, something like that.

>My lilim has fanart
Now she only needs a story.

>> No.16330393

All mermaids have magic blood. Rusalka's would be best though yeh.

>> No.16330397

What happens when you dick and marry a girl as powerful as a Lilim?

>> No.16330400
File: 3.56 MB, 1310x1870, Lap pillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330456

A safe, leisurely life awaits.

>> No.16330401

>ywn find and rescue a loli Lilim out in the woods while hunting
>ywn take her under your wing and teach her the basics of survival and minimalism
>ywn turn her into an operator daughteru that somehow has a grudge against the Demon Lord
>ywn reunite her with the Demon Lord and become bros with her husband
>ywn have an operator Lilim daughteru sneak back into your lowly cabin and beg for you to adopt her
>ywn force her to reconcile with her mother and father
When will the portal open, brothers?

>> No.16330404
Quoted by: >>16330413

Prepare to lead the Demon armies to battle in an effort to convert the remaining human settlements.

>> No.16330406
Quoted by: >>16330410

Depends on if she goes for the 'Perfect Goddess" body type or the "Many are one" method of godhood

>> No.16330408

Strong and protective waifu.

>> No.16330410
Quoted by: >>16330431

The sphere is the only perfect form, therefore it is meaningless to create a single humanoid body in an attempt to reach perfection. Many bodies it is.

>> No.16330413

Why can't MGs just leave the humans who don't want to be converted alone?

>> No.16330414
Quoted by: >>16330445

Because it's for your own good.

>> No.16330429
File: 776 KB, 2000x1600, kikimikora_remove_furry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like jihad, but more rape than shooty shooty

>> No.16330431

So basically she's going to be the automaton version of the Queen slime

>> No.16330439
Quoted by: >>16330454

Draw a picture of a confused Jihadist holding a Dullahan's head.

>> No.16330443

I don't like that grumpy Kikimora in that heavy armour. Kikimora's are pure and cute. But I agree with her message.

Isn't this the same guys who draws that grumpy Anubis smoking? I don't like that Anubis.

>> No.16330445
Quoted by: >>16330458

What if they want human girls?

>> No.16330446
Quoted by: >>16330478

You need to remove their grump.

>> No.16330452
Quoted by: >>16330471

I like that Anubis. She's had a hard life, first serial sniffer molested her and then her kouhai turned into Dickless-kun.

>> No.16330453
File: 90 KB, 615x850, C0tjvIsXgAEkDzq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese OC Roper guy drew a monsterized version of this game's main girl http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ143072.html/?unique_op=af

Do you guys have any girl in mind who would make a great monster girl?


>> No.16330454

Oh no, I'm no drawfag, I found some OC while lurking on /monster/

>> No.16330456
Quoted by: >>16330468

>tfw no kuudere dark mage to call you a princess

>> No.16330458

The Womb of Wonders can make humies too. Maybe.

>> No.16330468
Quoted by: >>16330485

>No kuudere dark mage to protect you against the sabbath

>> No.16330471
Quoted by: >>16330480

But she doesn't looks cute or pure. Smoking is bad for cute Anubi. She doesn't look like she has a schedule.

>> No.16330478
Quoted by: >>16330483

How does one do that?

>> No.16330480
Quoted by: >>16330530

She has had a hard life. People who have had hard lives should be allowed to smoke.

>> No.16330483

Some healing should be good.

>> No.16330485

>Sabbath acting like Saturday morning cartoon villains
>Dark Mage acting like a brave white knight

>> No.16330487

When I was a kid I had a crush on Princess Aura from the Flash Gordon cartoons. She'd probably make a good one.

>> No.16330496
Quoted by: >>16330533

I'd watch it.

>> No.16330526

This is good. The sabbath is perfect for that since all their members are little kids.

>> No.16330529
File: 1.68 MB, 406x227, c2b236b5d979188cd17f01e8127868f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right lads, who are we sacrificing to the Horse Pussies so the rest of us can go get good girls?

I know there aren't enough volunteers. There's never enough volunteers...

Should we pull straws or pick and choose who to toss their way?

>> No.16330530

She just needs to find herself a cute husband.

>> No.16330533
Quoted by: >>16330554

>All those young, impressionable boys and girls who sympathize with and root for the villains
>Now indoctrinated to join the Sabbath once they hit an appropriate age
Brilliant! Brilliant I say!

>> No.16330534
Quoted by: >>16330548

>I know there aren't enough volunteers
Plenty of animalfuckers here, what are you talking about? Just look at all the fans of White Horn. Just get a centaur to grow her coat out, done.

>> No.16330535

I'll take one for the team.

I volunteer.

>> No.16330540

Stop trying to force your ponies on us Horsepussywhisperer.

>> No.16330543

Not my first choice, sure, but I'd a Nightmare in a heartbeat.

>> No.16330548

I bet a bunch of centaurs actually do that, expecting to nab a white horn fan. Poor girls deserve some love.

>> No.16330554
Quoted by: >>16330558

Only retards like garou sympathize with villains.

>> No.16330558

We're talking Saturday morning cartoon villains here.

What kid didn't love Team Rocket and the like?

>> No.16330563

Did Jesse and James ever just admit their feelings and fuck each other silly?

>> No.16330566

I just found them funny and goofy.
If something like that happened I would probably laugh at a sabbath member if I ever saw one.

>> No.16330571
Quoted by: >>16330610

I call dibs on Whitehorns. Usually not a big fan of animals pussy. But white horns just do it for me.

>> No.16330574 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 572x804, 1483017198798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the manga

>> No.16330576
Quoted by: >>16330580

>sympathising with the villain
>not supporting Super Wurm

>> No.16330580

Super Wurm is a pretty meh hero. I like the wyvern more.

>> No.16330582

Childhood is idolizing Super Wurm. Adulthood is realizing Paladin Chaste makes more sense.

>> No.16330583

In one version of the manga seen here >>16330574 and then there was also a throw-away line in the Japanese version of the second movie where Meowth basically said they were.

>> No.16330584

Sidekicks are ok. But Wyvern isn't as powerful as Super Wurm. And not as cute

>> No.16330594
Quoted by: >>16330612

Slow, gentle loving is good loving. I would say she's more part of the Yeti club, than a rival.

>> No.16330609

>That fucking door

Oh my fuck.

>> No.16330610
Quoted by: >>16330615

See? Case in point. Just get a bunch of centaurs/ unicorns/bicorns and nightmares to grow their coats out and dress fashionably and modestly. Give them all cute fluffy hats and get them to grow their hair long and fluffy.

You'll rope the "I'm totally not usually into horsepussy but" crowd in by the bucketful.

>> No.16330612

>fluffy want hugs
>muddy messy hugs

I'm not saying that one girl is better than the other. But...

>> No.16330615
Quoted by: >>16330624

But what about just regular Whitehorns?

>> No.16330618
File: 414 KB, 1052x1500, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16330622

This heinous monster kidnapped a poor boy and is now lying to him about his past?

>> No.16330623
Quoted by: >>16330634

How are muddy messy hugs bad?

>> No.16330624
Quoted by: >>16330636

I doubt there's enough of them to go around. And even if there were, other horsepussy would react to the competition accordingly. And either beat them, join them, or grow aggressively rapey.

>> No.16330627

Oh, don't worry, Yeti is my second favorite of all the girls. I'm just saying they have similar intentions and styles. Somewhat. Dorome don't really go around saving people, but I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility.

>> No.16330631

Somebody save that poor boy from that dirty evil snake!

>> No.16330634
Quoted by: >>16330635

No. But they're messy. And you'll have to clean your clothes and wash after.

>> No.16330635
Quoted by: >>16330645

>wearing clothes to a mudpit
Silly boy!

>> No.16330636

I hope they join the white horns. I don't want to be raped by a gang of centaurs/unicorns.

>> No.16330645
Quoted by: >>16331707


That sounds lewd and sounds like a lot of molesting happens there.

>> No.16330649
Quoted by: >>16330651

Unicorns would only gangrape virgins and either keep their victims forever or move on to the next virgin.

>> No.16330651
Quoted by: >>16330667

Unicorns are pure so they'd probably husband the victim. Take care of him, nurse him back to health and then have pure sex with him.

>> No.16330664
Quoted by: >>16330668

Being raped by them sounds like a Nightmare. Wait... Oh well, at least it's better than being raped by dolphins.

>> No.16330667

They don't have to. As long as they keep raping virgins they won't have to taint their unicorn essence with another monster's.

I wonder it it even matters if other unicorn mana gets in their horns. A unicorn family probably expects you to be passed around because all you've fucked so far is unicorns do they don't turn into bicorns.

>> No.16330668
Quoted by: >>16330688

>mocking dolphin noises intensify

>> No.16330688

How can anyone love dolphins? I hate them more than Tanukis.

>> No.16330695

Is raping an MG a sure way to get married?
>you will never rape the first lilim your eyes laid upon

>> No.16330698

[Muffled nasheed in distance]

>> No.16330702

if she doesn't wan't it she'll just kick your ass

>> No.16330716

>rape Lilim

>> No.16330719

This is so contrived and awkward that I just can't get into it. Kudos for snake ass, though.

>> No.16330720

>you're out alone in the snow on Centaur Mating season
>you look behind you
>it's a white horn
>she's shaking
>you look up and she's completely flushed with heart pupils
>look down
>between her back legs there is something dripping and then sizzling when it hits the cold snow
>looks like it's coming from under her tail

What do you do?

>> No.16330721
Quoted by: >>16330854

>Do you guys have any girl in mind who would make a great monster girl?

>You will never corrupt Reimu into a monster girl

>> No.16330723

Yes, if you love a girl enough to rape her she will instantly mark you as her husband

Just don't try to rape a Dragon or a Vampire, they might hurt you

>> No.16330729

Well I suppose I'll just SPROINK that sopping wet doe cunt

>> No.16330740

I double check that I'm not responding to a cringe post from the MGE wiki

>> No.16330744

For Shirohebis, definitely. They want you to make the first move.

>> No.16330745

>Do you guys have any girl in mind who would make a great monster girl?
Oh boy where to start.
>Akane from flying witch as a Werecat or short Jinko
>Satella from Chrno Crusade as a Wight
>Yui from Trinity Seven as a Weresheep
>Mao from GJ-bu as an Anubis
>Lillie from pokemon as an Alice

>> No.16330754
Quoted by: >>16330810

tell her to assume her two legged form for better cuddles

>> No.16330762
Quoted by: >>16330780

Lilims are too strong to be raped.

>> No.16330774
File: 529 KB, 700x800, 1455316328635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that getting involved in the grudge match of two wolf girls you don't know is a terrible idea. All of that aggression needs to get out, and no man is capable of taking it sexually.

>> No.16330778

I've thought a couple of times what monstergirls would my waifu be, but that's it.

>> No.16330780

Can't Lilims "mindbreak" you with their mere presence if they want to?

>> No.16330786

They probably can considering how insane they are. Makes you wonder how powerful the demon lord is in battle mode.

>> No.16330794
Quoted by: >>16331031

I believe DL is as strong as a low-tier god in MGE

>> No.16330803
Quoted by: >>16330812

Even looking at her is probably dangerous.

Wonder how the quarrels between the demon lord and husband is.

>> No.16330804
File: 73 KB, 841x595, 1479482240565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16330806


>> No.16330810
Quoted by: >>16330912

Always keep those potions on hand

>> No.16330812

Definitely don't want to see that, though it probably ends up as a lilim.

>> No.16330816

I like that middle cow

>> No.16330836
Quoted by: >>16330857

That one on the end is just begging for some cuddling, and mutual milking.

>> No.16330839

Can NerdHolsts be a thing?

>> No.16330845
Quoted by: >>16330859

No. And stop trying to make it a thing.

>> No.16330846
Quoted by: >>16330859


>> No.16330847
Quoted by: >>16330859

Nerds are shit.

>> No.16330854
Quoted by: >>16330863

What would she even be?

>> No.16330857
File: 117 KB, 595x841, texan_wet_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330871

all cows are for cuddling

>> No.16330858

I guess so.

>> No.16330859

Okay. Forget I said anything.

>> No.16330860
File: 333 KB, 724x1024, ilassa_by_rocknroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever see mamonos in our lifetime?
please say yes

>> No.16330863
Quoted by: >>16330872

Kitsune would fit thematically I guess. There is probably a more interesting option though.

>> No.16330864

Almost anything can be a nerd.

>> No.16330867
Quoted by: >>16330874

2017 actually soon, fellow monster lover

>> No.16330871
Quoted by: >>16330881

Eh. Only the two on the right really appeal to me for cuddling.

Sure, why not.

>> No.16330872
Quoted by: >>16330895

>There is probably a more interesting option though.
Yeah, the actual shrine maiden monster girl: shirohebi. That's an even better fit thematically, isn't it?

>> No.16330874

1 (ONE) 7 isn't enough for the likes of Kek, dreamer. Prepare for bitter disappointment.

>> No.16330877
File: 170 KB, 289x984, hime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330885

Can spiders be cute?

>> No.16330881
File: 86 KB, 819x579, 1480888596226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, i miss typed, cows are for being cuddled by, being little spoon'd by a huge bovine(s) is best

>> No.16330882
File: 561 KB, 1000x1420, Mastahispleased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330961

The Multiverse theory is another option, though I doubt we would see extradimensional travel for atleast 9 centuries, but have no fear! The Demon Lord will find a way to get us into their realm!

>> No.16330884
Quoted by: >>16330889

If not this year, then surely the next.

>> No.16330885
Quoted by: >>16330887

If you're going to post the spider cosplayer at least post her when she's actually cosplaying a spider

>> No.16330887
Quoted by: >>16330890

What do you mean cosplay?

>> No.16330889

Some year for sure.

>> No.16330890
Quoted by: >>16330894

Where she sticky tapes the spider legs to her back.

>> No.16330894

I still don't quite follow.

>> No.16330895
Quoted by: >>16330915

She doesn't fit with a snake body

>> No.16330903

Spin the web?

>> No.16330908


>> No.16330912

i always think that any decent MG can polymorph

>> No.16330915
Quoted by: >>16330929

I'll admit to being a filthy secondary that's played part of two games and fapped to h-manga of other girls, but what about her role or character means she can't have snake cloaca?

>> No.16330921
Quoted by: >>16330933

I love Illassa and her boots. It's not ntr if I like her more than my lilim, right?

>> No.16330929

Just my opinion. It's hard to explain, but shirohebi/snake body just wouldn't fit her doing all that flying, fighting and so on.

>> No.16330933
File: 1.98 MB, 2080x1945, Ilassa_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not ntr until it gets intimate, also the whole 'Commoner' aesthetic she utilizes fits very well with her activities and personality .

>> No.16330937

Is it weird that I want her to give me a footjob with the boots on?

>> No.16330939
Quoted by: >>16330999

>Culture is how we share emotions [...] it transcends languages, races and all other barriers to bring us closer together
Nigger what is this pretentious shit? Culture IS a barrier that is INTRINSICALLY tied to race and language.

>> No.16330940
File: 301 KB, 420x420, smug_eldritch_abomination_shoggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's gonna' hurt though.

>> No.16330944

I want to cum inside her boots and have her walk around with them on, only stopping if she want to smell her own cum soacked socks.

>> No.16330953
Quoted by: >>16330956

Hurt so good.

>> No.16330956

Are you going to oversub Illassa?

>> No.16330959
File: 51 KB, 320x234, woke_arab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16330976

That is impossible, the human male cannot handle being oversubbed, let alone for his entire lifespan.

>> No.16330961
Quoted by: >>16330996

Why is he so scared?

>> No.16330970
Quoted by: >>16330976

I thought Illassa was a sub, she can't dom someone else.

>> No.16330971
Quoted by: >>16330987

>also the whole 'Commoner' aesthetic she utilizes fits very well with her activities and personality
As expected of a slut

>> No.16330976

I agree. The best way to treat illassa is to mating press her with your hands in her neck!

Indeed, that's why he'll have to oversub if he wants anything.

>> No.16330987
File: 1.07 MB, 1213x1500, M0opmCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is no slut! She is pure and wants to learn more and educate others of intimate practices!

>> No.16330995

Hotest lilim right there.

>> No.16330996

Because she said he wont get any dessert until he learns to reciprocate her love for him.

>> No.16330997

Gnome and Dorome are best girls.

>> No.16330999

>Culture IS a barrier that is INTRINSICALLY tied to race and language.

Ultra-ethno-nationalist lilim when

>> No.16331001

Subs are the biggest sluts.

>> No.16331003

So, she's a slut? Makes sense.

>> No.16331010

>wants to learn more and educate others of intimate practices

>> No.16331016


>> No.16331017


>> No.16331020

Do not bully the Ilassa, it's precisely what she wants

>> No.16331022


>> No.16331025


>> No.16331027

She probably has AIDS as well

>> No.16331031

there are quite a few beings that are on par with low ranking gods, including her own daughters
She's at least on par with mid rank gods but still below the chief god

>> No.16331033

Exactly! The Lilim feed off of sexual desire! They themselves want husbands who could pleasure them for eternity, which is nigh impossible as the human body could take so much!

>> No.16331040
Quoted by: >>16331051

>which is nigh impossible as the human body could take so much!

>> No.16331048
Quoted by: >>16331070

AIDS fear the mamono

>> No.16331051
Quoted by: >>16331070

B-But anon, you must retain your human self, as becoming an Incubi will result in you being shunned by society!

>> No.16331054

Are you really justifying NTR, cheating, and whoryness?

>> No.16331062
Quoted by: >>16331077

>She cut her hair


>> No.16331070

More like acquired irrumatio deficiency syndrome

When you have a waifu, who gives a fuck what society thinks?

>> No.16331072
File: 55 KB, 204x184, IMG_0218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.16331077


>> No.16331081
File: 232 KB, 750x1200, 1392003770742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alp promises to finish the guy getting raped by Elves by Boxing Day
>still hasn't
I'm angry. Angry about Elves!

>> No.16331087

Is not what a haircut is.

>> No.16331088
Quoted by: >>16331261

What does a Shogs hair feel like?

>> No.16331090

Fuck you Nisio.

Well, he did tell us we were going to be blue balled.

>> No.16331092

Those are some pretty un-elven and trashy tribal tattoos. Did she get that done by some amazons?

>> No.16331111
Quoted by: >>16331120

Amazon Tattoos don't look like shit so who knows where they came from.

Probably by a human! Scandalous.

>> No.16331120

If Dragon Age has taught me anything, it's that Elves have shitty tattoos.

>> No.16331139
Quoted by: >>16331154

You know, speaking of amazons, for the longest time I thought that was some kind of clawed gauntlet stuck in her head.

>> No.16331150

If Dragon Age taught me anything it's that the Templar are right.

>> No.16331154

You're silly. Now cook her catch like a good boy, men are better cooks.
If Dragon Age taught me anything, it's that witches are best girls.

>> No.16331164

That they are.

>> No.16331172
Quoted by: >>16331177

If Dragon Age taught me anything it's that most people want to ride the bull.

>> No.16331176

Is Dragon Age Inquisition any good?

>> No.16331177
Quoted by: >>16331182

And now you had to bring up that shit. Boo.

>> No.16331182
Quoted by: >>16331187

don't you mean moo?

>> No.16331185

>no pure Valkyrie onee san to let me rest my head on her soft lap

>> No.16331187

I'd an eye-patch Minotaur who likes cocoa and has an Alp friend, actually.

>> No.16331204
Quoted by: >>16331215

>no Anubis onee-san to be bossed around by
>no Oomukade onee-san to argue about anime with
>no Atlach-Nacha to comfort after cute boyfriend gets put off by the whole spider dickthrone thing

>> No.16331215

>"Anon! You're so lazy! Come on get up! You need to go to work! You'll Mrs sup he she schedule!"

Anubi onee-san a cute! Not sure about the oomukade. She sounds like the kind of oneesan to rape you and leave you in a pool of body fluids and centipede juices.

>> No.16331216

Is it possible for a Valkyrie to not end corrupted

>> No.16331222
Quoted by: >>16331231

Yes. By protecting them. Respecting their purity and holiness. And not exposing to lewdity.

>> No.16331231

I mean, for a Valkyrie with a husband

>> No.16331250
Quoted by: >>16331263

Probably. It would just be a matter of not going overboard with the lewdness and making them accept that while they reject the Chief God's teachings it doesn't mean they should jump right on the depravity train.
I wonder if you could get one 'picked up' by some other god like posiden or eros instead of the fallen goddess?

>> No.16331251
File: 696 KB, 2545x1800, BASEBALL IS ABOUT HONOR, NOT CHEATING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to marry a Bi-Corn!

Then I'm going to merry another Bi-Corn!

And then I'm going to merry 8 White Horns and deliver presents to all the Order controlled cities children!

And on particularly foggy days I'll let my 2nd Wife lead the sleigh!

>> No.16331253

You make sure she doesn't turn into a full monster. This means you limit sex with her and make sure she isn't exposed to demons or any devilish nature.

>> No.16331257
Quoted by: >>16331286

christmas is over dirtbag.

>> No.16331261
Quoted by: >>16331274

Surprisingly warm.

Like sticking your finger in warm apple pie.

>> No.16331263
Quoted by: >>16331539

Poseidon was allied with the DL or something like that.

>> No.16331265
Quoted by: >>16331286

What's are you going to deliver to those uncorrupt and pure shotas? A lewd onee-san?

>> No.16331274
Quoted by: >>16331278

So her hair tastes nice? So Shogs taste nice? So shoggoths smell nice?

>> No.16331278
Quoted by: >>16331287

Shoggoths smell like symphonies and taste like the colors Mantis Shrimp Girls see when they take acid.

>> No.16331286
File: 33 KB, 294x233, Weresheep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331300

Who said anything about Christmas?

Nope. Dark Matter bombs down the chimney.

>> No.16331287
Quoted by: >>16331292

thats stupid

>> No.16331292

It will make more sense once your senses are enhanced by the introduction of little pieces of Shog-chan into your body.

>> No.16331294
Quoted by: >>16331297

Absolutely fucking not.

>> No.16331297
Quoted by: >>16331303

But it's for your own good!

>> No.16331300
Quoted by: >>16331331

You sound like a horrible Santa. I'm gonna have a 100% concentrated pure unicorn purify your White Horns.

>> No.16331303

Take your faux monsterboy shit and fuck off to /d/.

>> No.16331308

Okay this is the point where you need to take a chill pill and look at what has been posted again so you realize your reaction is not reasonable.

>> No.16331309


That escalated fast

>> No.16331327

We're reaching some REAL Yandere levels here. I mean, I wouldn't mind it. Aslong as she doesn't go messing with my sex drive.

>> No.16331331 [SPOILER] 
File: 393 KB, 1200x675, 1483028982443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dare insult Santa?! I'm gonna shove coal so far up your stocking, you'll be coughing up diamonds!

>> No.16331337

Isn't that what all the Monsters do though?

>> No.16331338
Quoted by: >>16331361

Don't worry Anon. Everything is going to be great when you have Shogg cells inside of you.

>you'll be coughing up diamonds!
Anon what have you done? Look at how excited my dragon is, she is begging me to tell santa to fuck off.

>> No.16331339
File: 74 KB, 419x600, 1452922896612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got that lilim list?

>> No.16331341
Quoted by: >>16331349

Whaddya need a silly thing like that for?

>> No.16331345
Quoted by: >>16331363


>> No.16331349

Just keeping track

>> No.16331357


>> No.16331361
Quoted by: >>16331366

>everything is going to be great

It sounds like she's going to turn into full Mindflayer mode and make me only think of her.

>> No.16331363


>> No.16331366

Considering you'll have Shoggoth cells in your brain I don't think that's incorrect.

>> No.16331370

You have to understand, anon. The old masters forgot. They didn't care. They left their maids alone in the cold, dark Antarctic wastes for years and years and years.

>> No.16331383
Quoted by: >>16331399

>Deviant art lilims
When the fuck?

>> No.16331388

It all starts with the tea. She slips some Shog slime inside. Then the kiss. She slowly infects you to only think of her and to love all with all your heart. You get Shoggoth'd.

Poor shoggoths. All they want is a mastah to please.

>> No.16331392
File: 45 KB, 639x960, 1471041839391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331585

>reverse image search Loen's scylla pic out of curiosity
>someone's using it to ERP on twitter
Enough curiosity for today.

>> No.16331395

And suddenly I'm thinking the cause of their devotion is out of fear/paranoia of being cast out into the cold wastes for another generation

>> No.16331399

I don't know, but Laila screams sonic OC

>> No.16331412

Oh god she does.

>> No.16331419


>> No.16331437

>No interest in romance
>5 daughter
>runs around with the DL's husband's sword.
>Only turns women so the can defend themselves or voluntary

I thought we were the autistic ones...

>> No.16331442

Autism is an infinite spectrum

>> No.16331459
Quoted by: >>16331472

Druella and the Queen of Hearst.

Not that difficult.

>> No.16331465
Quoted by: >>16331481

In the vast spectrum of autism, we're almost normies.

>> No.16331472
Quoted by: >>16331505

>He missed the one in Baphomet Complex

Can't even shitpost properly desu

>> No.16331481

I was on /co/ when they storytimed this Crash Bandicoot fanfic comic made with paint or something, and I'm very much convinced that no matter what I do, I am a normie until the day I die.

>> No.16331486

I'm waiting for the day when you can just google search "your name" the lilim.

>> No.16331493

But I have a boy's name.

>> No.16331495

unlikely, seeing as most of us are men here

>> No.16331498

>no matter what I do, I am a normie until the day I die.
I thought that one day too.

>> No.16331502

But what makes a man?

>> No.16331505
Quoted by: >>16331629

>He considers the OC Lilims worth mentioning or canon

>> No.16331511

A man chooses!

>> No.16331512

>Pudgy Lamia Onee-san that can lactate when preggo
My dick.

>> No.16331517

Is it the power in his hand? Is it the woman in his arms, just because she has big titties? Or is it the way he fights everyday?
No it's probably the titties.

>> No.16331519

>ywn LARP Castlevania with your Vampire waifu

>> No.16331523

Tanuki pls.

>> No.16331527
Quoted by: >>16331577

>Have male name in native language
>It's female in english


>> No.16331539

Yeah but still less lewd then full on fallen god.

>> No.16331544

No mindflayer that implants "would you kindly?"

>> No.16331560
File: 3.17 MB, 1794x2560, FB_cover_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Merce's chapter of Fallen Brides won last week's poll, so here's another 2,500 words of that translation. The two stories that did not win will be on the next poll, which will happen when this story is finished. The next poll will not have a Fallen Brides chapter on it, for the sake of variety.

This week's update is a day late because I had no electricity most of yesterday. Next week's update will be on Wednesday again, as usual.

Enjoy alcoholic eye patch snake.

>> No.16331572

thank you man
seeing as merce is the one i was waiting for, I don't mind a change of pace atfer it

>> No.16331574
Quoted by: >>16331582

I used to think that, too. I'm a lolicon, though, so there goes that idea, huh?

You know, it's probably been more than ten years now, and I still occasionally slip that into a conversation. That was a game.

>> No.16331577

Whatever you say Leslie

>> No.16331582

>That was a game
Shame about Infinite being so shit.

>> No.16331585

I don't want to reverse image search the stuff I've commissioned for that very reason. I'll do it anyway, fuck it.

>> No.16331598
Quoted by: >>16331633

Oh gosh, seeing stuff I've commissioned pop up unexpectedly when I'm browsing images is the weirdest feel.

>> No.16331607
File: 221 KB, 722x733, 1479097219511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta get the daughterus ready for school
>they look too adorable to wake up
Sure is tough being a single father

>> No.16331613

Four kitty daughterus must be more than a handful for one man.

>> No.16331616
Quoted by: >>16331635


Alimony or standard ded waifu backstory?

>> No.16331623
Quoted by: >>16331661

What if they start wanting a mommy?

>> No.16331626
File: 849 KB, 957x933, 1435966822158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Lustria now?

>> No.16331629
Quoted by: >>16331733

Maybe he likes both the the canon and OC lilims?

Isn't Selene like this?

>> No.16331633

Well I looked up the 3 commissions I've had done and some requests. Thankfully no RP going on but one of them ended up on e621 for god knows what reason.

>> No.16331635

I can't imagine a monstergirl ever willingly leaving someone she's mated with. They strike me as one of those "mates for life" kind of species

>> No.16331638

We what now?

>> No.16331640
Quoted by: >>16331649

The DBZ one, right?

>> No.16331649

Yes, I think so. With all those OC characters and furry nudity and edgemesiter Crash.
The horror, the horror...

>> No.16331661
Quoted by: >>16331675

Then as a father, you gotta figure out what kind of monstergirl would make the best momster. Sure you could look for someone of the same species, but what about a tanuki to make sure the girls are taken care of financially if something happened to you, or a hakutaku so you know they will be well educated?

>> No.16331662

Other than one semi-autistic post on the wiki I'm not aware of anything bad about any of the 3 pictures I've commissioned either. It helps that they're all lesser known artists or ones that post behind paywalls.

>> No.16331670
File: 343 KB, 769x1000, Pretty nice girl, would be a great Automaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MGE World
>There are not one but TWO Santas
>Both of which are evil
>At the South Pole lurks Incubus Harem Santa, with his fleet of evil White Horn reindeer and corruption "presents"
>At the North Pole lurks the Incubus Robot Harem Santa, with his fleet of Automata White Horn's and Automata Elves
>Robot Santa's gifts, though lewd and aspires thoughts of debauchery, are not nearly as destructive as the other Santa
>Vibrators, Dildos, Artificial Vaginas, ect are certainly better than Dark Matter bombs after all
>Though some say the Automatons Santa has used to be real Elves and White Horns
>Jolly Saint Robotnik to the North, Jolly Saint Nick to the South

Honestly I would ABSOLUTELY CRUSH PUSSY if there were Automaton versions of White Horns and Centaurs in general.

Or anything Automaton really.

>> No.16331675
Quoted by: >>16331692

Or your daughters could choose for you leading to wacky hijinks.

>> No.16331690

That would be pretty cool.

>Anon would you kindly fondle my breasts

Damn mindflayers and their tricks.

>> No.16331692
File: 106 KB, 850x993, 1440063559445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331736

>So what makes you think you can be our new mommy?
>Life-time of ice cream.
>You make a good case, mom. Can we have some?
>Not until you finish your broccoli!

>> No.16331707
Quoted by: >>16331734

I would spend days in one.

>> No.16331722

There's not many requests for the pictures I got made. I'm a bit disappointed .

>> No.16331723
File: 260 KB, 888x714, 1442199178773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331751


>> No.16331733
Quoted by: >>16331772

>Isn't Selene like this?
No, Selene is tame compared to this monstrosity.

>> No.16331734

You'll come out a new man anon. You'll come out a slut for mud.

>> No.16331736

That's adorable.

>> No.16331744
Quoted by: >>16331844


It's hot, sticky, and the Skinks keep shooting darts at me

>> No.16331751


>> No.16331760
File: 473 KB, 1102x1262, 1453928159741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331795

Wait until they're older and more filled out.

>> No.16331772
Quoted by: >>16331847

Who the hell is Selene even?

>> No.16331774

Anon, you don't dick the daughteru
Unless she asks for it. Then you give her as much as she can handle. She is your special girl after all.

>> No.16331775

>Real life
In real life men have almost universally higher libidos and sensitivity and shorter fuses in bed. Cock only wins in hentai land.

>> No.16331782

How do you know if she's actually asking for it or if she's just wanting to be like mommy?

>> No.16331793
File: 2.05 MB, 2366x2154, 1481771216816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adoptive daughterus are okay for dicking.

>> No.16331795
Quoted by: >>16331802

Perfect soft oppai to grope and rest your head on. Raise your daughterus well anon. They'll pay you back.

How does she know what me and mommy gets up to?

>> No.16331798
File: 3.47 MB, 3113x2780, 1479045921924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331851


>> No.16331802
Quoted by: >>16331854

>How does she know what me and mommy gets up to?
She's a monstergirl anon, she knows there's something happening even if she doesn't know what it is.

>> No.16331815

ask her if her tummy feels itchy inside

>> No.16331835

>Deviantart sonic oc tier aberration gets more art than your steelim

God is dead

>> No.16331844
Quoted by: >>16331876

I prefer Kroxigor myself :^)

>> No.16331847

Iron Beast's take on the lilim. She apparently likes fighting and people strong in both mind and body.
Laila feels more like a badly done manga in comparison.

>> No.16331851

There is no way I would dick my dragon daughteru, even if she asked for it.

>> No.16331854
File: 338 KB, 839x717, DESIGNATED RAPING STREETS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monsters Girls can innately sense a disturbance in the Coital Force

I guess that explains why all of them can effectively be Jedi if they want to be.

>> No.16331875

>normal version is wearing corrupted suit and corrupted version is wearing normal suit
Nice touch. Makes me want a human and monster older sisters.

>> No.16331876

Kroxigor's are pretty nice but you'd probably just get swarmed by skinks before you ever reached them.

Then there's the fact that you may get tossed to a Slaan if you are (un)lucky enough

>> No.16331896

The human would be the lewd one.

>> No.16331900

So if I lived in a city with monster girls how much money could I make in a store where I give pedicures and foot massages to single monsters?

>> No.16331905

>Makes me want a human and monster older sisters.
Makes me want a corrupted imouto and a human onee-san.

Purely so the imouto can tease, molest and try to convince to rape me in my sleep. There's something really hot about a girl leading her older sister down the path of corruption.

>> No.16331908

All I know is that you'd get a wife quicker than you'd imagine.

>> No.16331911

What? A spa? A spa would probably make a decent amount of money.

>> No.16331920

Actually I sort of want to see human woman and monsters interacting in general. Mostly in scenarios where monsters are trying to convince humans to be more lewd without necessarily transforming them

>> No.16331931
Quoted by: >>16331973


you wouldn't make any money after those filthy money grubbing lamias sue you for not being inclusive.

>> No.16331955
File: 1.99 MB, 540x405, 1476352308550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to work on your New Years' Resolution, right dude?

>> No.16331958

Eh. Probably not.

>> No.16331962
Quoted by: >>16332020

fox in socks!

>> No.16331964

Yes. I do hereby solemnly swear to write lots, and only on 2 or 3 stories.

>> No.16331967

I'm going to watch more anime and play more video games.

>> No.16331968

I'm not your dude, homie.

>> No.16331973

Anon the spa has all sorts of places for all sorts of different monsters. There's a lamia tail massage place somewhere down the hall. I just happen to be a human boy who works on humanoid feet of single monsters.

>> No.16331978

>Enjoy alcoholic eye patch snake.
Oh boy this is going to be good

Big props to you for keeping up the translations during the holidays

>> No.16331993

I'm going to stick to something I can actually keep this year.

Like actually working on my game/anime backlog or learning to cook nice stuff.

>> No.16332000

No, I'll spend it with my waifu.

>> No.16332001
File: 300 KB, 1300x1576, &gt;You will never have a milky fox momster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16332668


>> No.16332011
Quoted by: >>16332015

Well aren't we spending it with our waifus? This is what I was promised.

>> No.16332015
Quoted by: >>16332039

Promises are cheap, Donald, let me tell you.

>> No.16332017
Quoted by: >>16333386

I'm torn. On the one hand echidna is great but on the other hand the story is about a tomboyish girl learning to be more girly which is utterly bottom tier

>> No.16332020

Are for foot worship and massages!

>> No.16332030


>> No.16332037
Quoted by: >>16332084

Chanta's Ran is a good cow. She's even comparable to Ginzake's milky Momiji.

>> No.16332039


>> No.16332050
Quoted by: >>16332084

Please don't bully. She's trying to work some of it off.

>> No.16332059
File: 260 KB, 800x800, 1459087495718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ara, back again? You must be quite the pious man to visit this shrine so often."
>"Or, is there perhaps another reason?"

>> No.16332061

I'm going to learn to draw for my favorite monstergirls

>> No.16332065

It's nice to see you again. I'd like to have another cup of tea sometime but I'm on my way to the Ryu shrine to drop of my offerings and worship.

>> No.16332066
Quoted by: >>16332075

You can't fool me with that cowbell, demon!

>> No.16332070

>cow horns
>cow tits
>cow tail
What is this I don't even?

>> No.16332075

Yes, those wings are too obvious.

>> No.16332084
Quoted by: >>16332109

She's a pathetic fatty that's what she is.

I bet she can't even defend herself. What's she gonna do? Sit on my face or smother me with her breasts?

>> No.16332088

You would get not so subtly hit on by Anubi and Yetis coming in for paw massages

>> No.16332095

>Anon answers with a simple yes then goes to worship as normal

I guess there wasn't another reason.

>> No.16332097
File: 296 KB, 697x800, 4ec1ebdf002e7dcc642f64c256701464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi are very adaptable.

>> No.16332102

How would a Lizardman react to a man the size of The Mountain?

>> No.16332109
Quoted by: >>16332237

Be careful what you wish for.

When I'm king of MGC all phat bullies like you will be tied up and given to single pudgy MGs to slowly brainwash you to love it.

>> No.16332112
Quoted by: >>16332119

which mountain?

>> No.16332119

A big mountain.

>> No.16332120
Quoted by: >>16332220

Im trying to think of a first of the north star joke to make but nothing comes to mind

>> No.16332150
Quoted by: >>16332768

>OC Roper guy
Link to that?

>> No.16332164

I like the art.

>> No.16332172

How well can you hide erections?
How well can you resist beautiful monsters raising their foot to your face and telling you to lick?

>> No.16332181
File: 122 KB, 700x1050, C0xYmjgVEAAia6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16332240

>Some dude draws Jack the Ripper with a Cursed Sword
>Doesn't giver her dagger-like blades in place of the Soul Edge one

>> No.16332191

>Telling you to lick

>> No.16332199
Quoted by: >>16332207

Any man who could resist that would Alp on the spot.

>> No.16332207


they just don't have a foot fetish.

>> No.16332220

>you're the only master of the fist of the south star in MGC
>one night while walking home, a manticore jumps out in front of you, intent on raping you
>you take your fighting stance as she lunges at you
>she stands there, confused as to what that was all about
>"You're already bred."
>she falls to her knees as a mind shattering orgasm overwhelms her, and her stomach distends until she appears nine months pregnant with triplets
Such a martial art is a fearsome weapon indeed

>> No.16332224
Quoted by: >>16332262

It's okay to be gay, anon. Come out of the closet, the Skeletons live there.

>> No.16332226

Why wouldn't you? A haughty vampire telling you, a low mortal, to pay your respects and lick her feet. You should feel lucky with the chance to give her a massage.

What I would give to work in the feet massage department of a MG spar. I would even work without payment.

>> No.16332234

I would rather a Viper Lamia react to a man the size of The Mountain.

>> No.16332235
Quoted by: >>16332262

This is an open and accepting environment anon. It's ok to tell us if you're gay.

>> No.16332237

Chanta-Ran isn't even really fat which is why it eternally confuses me that people say so.
Her belly is perfectly normal. The artist just goes for mega-thighs and tits that would drive a Baphomet to suicide.

>> No.16332239
Quoted by: >>16332297

But what if they offer to pay double?
What if they look the other way when you play with yourself while you do it?
This is about a position around foot service. I'd imagine only one sort of person works there

>> No.16332240
Quoted by: >>16333547

Jacky deserves better than this. She's an assassin, not a saber.

>> No.16332262
File: 71 KB, 500x618, IMG_0920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This from the people who fly off the handle when monsterboys are mentioned.

>> No.16332273

>denies being gay
>brings up monster boys
Freudian slip much?

>> No.16332280

Are you guys really gonna start fighting over this?

>> No.16332283

>T. Alp

>> No.16332284

i hope so

>> No.16332290
Quoted by: >>16332307

No. We're just simply trying to convince a fellow anon that feet worship is fantastic.

>> No.16332291

Nah, it's not worth it. I might chip a nail.

>> No.16332297

>Pay double
Fine, I'll give some massages and kiss it. Or maybe she can pay me another way too.

I'm only in for the money.

>> No.16332307

I don't think calling him a faggot is going to help with that.

>> No.16332313

We'll see how smug that desert doggo is after I mess up her schedule!

>> No.16332318

Think that's a cat.

>> No.16332320
File: 151 KB, 925x748, Probably a cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, there's something wrong with this cow, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

>> No.16332323


>> No.16332328
Quoted by: >>16332356

She looks embarrassed, I think she might not be used to men milking her. Ease her udders into it, use lotion.

>> No.16332332
Quoted by: >>16332354

I thought the job was voluntary. The benefits out way money.

>touch many MGs a day
>get to talk to cute single MGs
>chance to pick yourself up a wife

>> No.16332335
Quoted by: >>16332365

Makes me wonder. How long could one work there and remain single? I imagine other monsters would service the married girls, or else their husbands would.
Hell this is probably going to join my degenerate fantasies. Spending all day servicing different smug ladies, getting teased and edged by some while others just want to watch my expression as they milk me with their feet.

>> No.16332342
Quoted by: >>16332370

Be soft with her breasts anon!

>> No.16332352

Can Wurms burrow into the ground?

>> No.16332354
Quoted by: >>16332383

If you're not into feet there are all sorts of places you can work. In fact it'd probably be hard to find a job that doesn't put you in lewd situations.

>> No.16332356

You have awoken my inner farmer.

>> No.16332361
Quoted by: >>16332371

Anyone with hands and a shovel can.

>> No.16332365

Depending on what position you take. Average time is about 1 - 5 months

>> No.16332367
Quoted by: >>16332382

Yes, and they do. All the time. They have many techniques, such as the Mole (swimming through the earth) or the drill (placing their hands ahead of them and spinning).

>> No.16332369

They could probably burrow just fine. The real problem is breathing for long down there.

>> No.16332370
Quoted by: >>16332377

Not firm? This is way harder than I thought.

>> No.16332371

But I'm talking:
>Wurm gets into sticky situation
>Wurm throws a smoke bomb and burrows into the floor with incredible speed

I dunno. Just the idea of burrowing Wurms sounds cute to me.

>> No.16332376
Quoted by: >>16332427

We talk about Wurms burrowing all the time. We've talked about them burrowing through the air to fly or through the space-time continuum to invade pocket dimensions in pursuit of sweets.

>> No.16332377
Quoted by: >>16332396

She may be a strong and tough dragon. But her breasts are soft and need soft hands to softly handle them.

>> No.16332382
Quoted by: >>16332390

>You'll never watch Wurms do Synchronized Burrow Dancing

On the flipside it would remind me too much of Graboids.

>> No.16332383
Quoted by: >>16332392

>work on a beach, offer to apply sunscreen to girls
>work at a gym, offer to massage the muscles of girls who are done with their workout

>> No.16332384

Those udders tho.

>> No.16332390

I want to train a pack of Wurmlings to sing Diggah Tunnah!

>> No.16332391

M8 they plow through mountains instead of going around.
Digging a hole isn't going to be a problem.

>> No.16332392

>running your hands all over those tense sweaty muscles


>> No.16332396

Hm, I do enjoy handling soft things softly.

>> No.16332400

I want to play a fancy exotic instrument and have a Wurm dance from out a hole

>> No.16332404

>snake-charming in the MG world becomes more about providing music for belly-dancer Lamias
Lot more profitable though.

>> No.16332406
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, 1445817331467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting Wurm to dance

>> No.16332410

>"Wow, man, you're pretty damn gloomy. Are you really the shmuck who thought me up?"
I am glad I will never talk to my donut steelim.

>> No.16332416
Quoted by: >>16332431

I would love to hang out with mine. She's an easy-going person with a great interest in pathetic specimens like me or bug girls.

>> No.16332427
Quoted by: >>16332430

>Wurm-chan disappears in a portal one day
>comes back 3 days later with a pirate hat, futuristic glasses and "My friend went to Planet 183729-FX and all I got was this lousy shirt"
>bags of exotic and tasty candy in both of her hands
>tells you it's a long story

>> No.16332429
Quoted by: >>16332452

It's worth it to see a belly dancing Wurm.

>> No.16332430

>comes back 3 days later with a pirate hat, futuristic glasses
I'm pretty sure this is from South Park.

>> No.16332431

Mine is more optimistic than I am with my Archer tier cynicism, and loves sweets when I hate them.
I would enjoy a good adventure or expedition into uncharted regions with her though.

>> No.16332433

>Hey there pap- I mean uhh, Anon. I heard that you're pretty hot these days. Do you want some rain?

Other than just talking with her I would probably try to get some pantyshots.

>> No.16332435
File: 104 KB, 764x888, NO MANE, NO GAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you have to be paid to run away from Monster Girls as they hunt you for sport and pleasure?

Like The Running Man combined with Predator but in Job form, which means even the lame girls like Holstaurs will get handicap extras that hinder you like the occasional look at surveillance cams and a dart gun.

With the other extreme being super predators capable of hunting you without difficulty in the dead of night, at the height of Fall, and you get extra Camo gear so that when they catch you you have no one to blame but yourself for having your pelvis eviscerated.

>> No.16332445
Quoted by: >>16332592

I'd do it for one cent. But they have to remain smug and scary the whole time

>> No.16332448
Quoted by: >>16332465

Is it? I just thought of random things.

>> No.16332450
Quoted by: >>16332592

$500 per minute evaded. And only if they won't force marriage on me afterwards.

>> No.16332451

I feel like it's more a Futurama sort of thing.

>> No.16332452

I mean, if you don't have to pay the damages, I guess.

>> No.16332455
Quoted by: >>16332592

Can I do it for free? The excitement of not knowing which girl would catch me would be enough payment.

>> No.16332456

Man, she's like a daughter to you and you want panty shots?
Mine has set of robes on that, while they do have exposed hips, make pantyshots difficult.

>> No.16332459
Quoted by: >>16332467

>Lion girl
>Not muscled
Better than nothing

>> No.16332463
Quoted by: >>16332592

I'd do it with the caveat that no one who hunts me gets a dartgun.
I'm not good with needles.

>> No.16332465
Quoted by: >>16332470

When Timmy came back from his time-travel trip he had shit like that on him, the only part of his journey through time we saw was a t-rex chasing him.

>> No.16332467
Quoted by: >>16332484

Work out with her and you can fix that

>> No.16332468

You just need to teach them first.
Preferably in an open field.

>Do you want some rain?
She just hit on you.

>> No.16332470
Quoted by: >>16332476


>> No.16332472

Said this a few threads ago.

>6 virgin boys
>1 manticore
>1 forest

What a fun sport to watch. A manticore hunt and rape poor virgins boys. Breaking their purity.

>> No.16332476

Sounds fun.
Next you're going to tell me there were 72 original Star Trek episodes.

>> No.16332477

Of course, they are not called earth dragons for nothing
It reminds me of a story where a librarian got husbanded by wurm who dug huge tunnel from demon realm to order territory.

>> No.16332478
File: 1.08 MB, 1500x723, 7 sin lilims 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you please these monsters?

>> No.16332484

I kind of want to be intimidated from the beginning. Now she looks mildly tsun

>> No.16332487

I don't please shitty OCs with the exception of the good one at far right.

>> No.16332489

I wouldn't, remove lilims.

>> No.16332499

>the good one at far right.
Holy shit anon, that's a quality joke.

>> No.16332500

Offering myself as a slave cumpup.

>> No.16332503
File: 276 KB, 695x949, Deruella is for marrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deruella isn't an OC though.
And she's my waifu.

>> No.16332512
Quoted by: >>16332521

>Anon has changed his stance to you to enemy

>> No.16332514
Quoted by: >>16332592

It depends. I would need to be unaware of what's going on at the time. Maybe through some sort of memory editing via mindflayer. I don't think I could work up the energy to run if I knew what was going to happen. That would also work better for the types that want genuine fear.

>> No.16332520

I'd please Lani by feeding her freshly baked cake and using what's leftover of the money I got from selling my WiiU for gas/food money so I don't starve/lose my job to commission art of her from either Mono or Mari eventually.

>> No.16332521
File: 211 KB, 803x789, DERUELLA IS OBSCENELY CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like I care.

>> No.16332526

Your waifu is the shitty threadcanon version?

My sides

>> No.16332527

I feel monster girls would benefit the running of the bulls festival greatly. I'd run it for a t-shirt.

>> No.16332531
File: 866 KB, 2480x3508, d7a39e9b08943148685af940c8da1b9bdb11ad4b9bd034bb8fc430f94190c829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16332546

Deruella is for taking out for a night on the town, then spending the rest of the night cuddling in bed

>> No.16332534
File: 89 KB, 400x1038, DERUELLA IS TOO FUCKING CUTE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like threadcanon and Canon can't mingle at all.
I want to cuddle her after she's done bruising my pelvis.

>> No.16332535

>missing the reference
>acting like you don't care
Shameful display.

>> No.16332538

>my sides
Implying you have any left after Wurm ate them when you weren't looking.

>> No.16332542

Selene then?

>> No.16332543
Quoted by: >>16332556

I want to take Druella out on a date!

Coincidentally when the wheather ryu forecasted a big storm!

>> No.16332546
Quoted by: >>16332551

Okay anon you've got the right idea, but if you're not going to let her ride you senseless and then cuddle you then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.16332549

So what about none lilim oc's? I have one I probably will never do anything with. I imagine the original hero who joined with the current demon lord to overthrow the old one had a classic adventuring party with him. I imagine that this party included a busty mage lady. I imagine this busty mage became the worlds first dark mage, and is powerful and lewd enough to rival a lilim. Still don't know if I want to waifu her or not.

>> No.16332551

He should be pounding her ass until she's fucked silly them cum on her face before taking pictures.

>> No.16332556

>You'll never take Deruella to a cozy cafe for a date during a rainstorm.
>You'll never huddle up together beneath an umbrella as you walk back to the car to drive to her place and cuddle up by the fireplace for the rest of the day.
>She'll never beckon you to her bedroom to spend the night fucking like rabbits.
>You'll never collapse into her embrace and fall asleep cuddled up to her.
It hurts so much.

>> No.16332557

>Lilims writefagging paladin OCs and getting picked on for that

>> No.16332559


>> No.16332567

>Implying Deruella wouldn't be in charge.
>Implying that's not one of her fantasies.
If there's anything I've learned anon it's that lonely virgins have a lot of sexual fantasies.

>> No.16332575 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x1836, 1483042660015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16332671

I've got too many in mind with my shit.
A Fairy, a Golem, a Lich who needs help reclaiming her lab after her assistant schemed her out and can't do it herself because she only knows AoE spells and some of the materials in her lab can buy wole continents three times over, a short Anubis who puts up with a lazy Apophis that uses her as a guinea pig for alchemical potions when not using the Pharaoh's coffin as a desk or turning her gold into dirt just because she can, etc.

>> No.16332588
Quoted by: >>16332594

Getting drunk with an Anubis and then just cuddling after! All at home of course.

>> No.16332592
File: 391 KB, 1046x1500, ORCED.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Tanuki boss is the one who brokers everything up at the Hunting Lodge.

Dart Guy might be excused from "Beginner" MG hunts who could make use of it and there's a permanent "No forced Marriage" clause on all her employees but you don't get to make demands of her or the customers.

You have to give those girls a challenge, it's your job, even that cute rich Unicorn who cured cancer and doesn't actually rape any of the boys she catches and tips them based on their performance.

It's not a charity, there is no guaranteed happy pelvis eviscerating end for the MG clients, if you don't get caught by that Dire Ushi-Oni or that crazy human girl within the time limits you get off scott free.

You can walk off the Hunting Grounds a regular ole Wolf Creek WINNAH.

>> No.16332594
Quoted by: >>16332607

What if it's at a bar?

>> No.16332598
Quoted by: >>16332600

Buy Ilassa a chain set and fight selene

>> No.16332600
Quoted by: >>16332603

Leather would work better than chains.

>> No.16332603

Por que no las dos?

>> No.16332605
Quoted by: >>16332618

None of them are taking me without a fight.

>> No.16332607

Then I'll have to walk a big, tall, tipsy Anubis home. She might stumble quite abit.

>> No.16332608

>You have to give those girls a challenge
Might be a bit tough given how sub i am

>> No.16332611
Quoted by: >>16332621

as a cow expert that aint no cow, most likely a squirel

>> No.16332618

You can run.

You pick a fight and the only place you'll ever be able to work at is the Human Butler Parlor in the heart of MGC or the Brothels.

>> No.16332619 [DELETED] 

As much as I hate this shithole, at least you guys aren't nearly as bad as /monster/.

>> No.16332621

As a squirel expert, that is clearly a badger.

With awesome tits, but I digress.

>> No.16332624
Quoted by: >>16332685

>Mono's commissions are pretty pricey beyond simple sketches

What's the average price of Mari and the other guys minus .less?

>> No.16332627 [DELETED] 

What did they do THIS time?

>> No.16332630 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332642

Nah nothing of note, really. Just the userbase is fucking cancer is all.

>> No.16332633 [DELETED] 

What haven't they done?

>> No.16332635 [DELETED] 

Why do you hate this place?

>> No.16332639 [DELETED] 


>> No.16332642 [DELETED] 

Well, the site is mostly /pol/ and /v/ rejects.

>> No.16332645 [DELETED] 

Might get flack for this but Im okay with that place. There are some very weird threads but its good for image dumps and Im pretty sure someone over there is translating mge2

>> No.16332647 [DELETED] 

Because these threads are like tip-toeing around a minefield. You gotta be really fucking careful before you set everything off, and it's really just a chore and not fun at all.

>> No.16332653 [DELETED] 

>caring about setting off autists

>> No.16332656 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332667

It's like a screaming baby at a restaurant. It ruins everyone's time.

>> No.16332657 [DELETED] 

It's really easy to get certain autists boiling with rage if you so much as make a joke they don't like.

>> No.16332659 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332676

It's for good reason if you know our history and what other sites are like.

>> No.16332660 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332676

We have posting standards. This stops threads from turning to trash furry shit. It's /jp/, this whole board is basically tip toeing through a minefield.

Just checked /monster/ in a long time. And really. I don't see the problem. Probably because I didn't look hard enough. Also there is so OC art there I wish got posted here.

>> No.16332666 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332680

There's the buzzword again

>> No.16332667 [DELETED] 

That would be a good point, except it's really easy to ignore them here.

>> No.16332668

Is there an OCR program that could actually extract text from this? I'm curious about whatever spoopy things she's saying and I figured I could try to machine-translate it.

>> No.16332671

Oh yeah, it's gotten cold again so I can't finish my lolipophis doodle. At least there's a base to it, unlike that Kraken doodle.

>> No.16332672


>> No.16332675

Mini-Mari: Carefully back away, maybe buy her a new stuffed animal.

Lani: Don't know.

Mari: Get her a carefully wrapped box filled with Demon Realm Scorpions who'll shoot their jism all over her, then fucking run for the hills.

Victoria: Teleport behind her and stab her through the back while tipping my fedora and going "Argentina sucks"

Ilassa: Foot rubs, soft, platonic domination, cultivating new harvests and plants for her realm, idk senpai.

Selene: No idea.

Druella: Walk towards her slowly, legs feeling and wobbling like gelatin. Grab her wrists, playfully holding her arms above her head followed by kissing her from the hollow of her neck down to her breasts, her navel, and eventually her pussy. Bend her over on the bed and absolutely fuck myself ragged on that goddamned blackberry fuckmuffin, never stopping until I've put a daughter or two inside of her.

Followed by handholding and indulging in every hedonistic pleasure imaginable which may or may not include licking her tail whole she gives me a paizuri job. Fucking out of all the Lilims canon and not, I want to marry Druella. She's pure. PURE.

>> No.16332676 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332692

I mean yeah I can come here to shitpost and all, but if I want to have actual discussion I would probably go somewhere else.
Yeah it's true, the alternatives ARE probably worse, but in the end I don't think it's worth bothering at all.

>> No.16332680 [DELETED] 

>implying "buzzword" isn't a buzzword
Satan pls.

>> No.16332684 [DELETED] 

I use both, when I get sick of /mgt/'s shit I go to /monster/, and vice-versa.

>> No.16332685

Mono's worth the price if you ask me, he's a speedy worker and communicates well.

Mari's a bit more reasonable according to the spread sheet but good luck finding commissions open.

If you're looking for more manageable prices your best bet is hitting up sub, ittla or kuroonehalf. Oxykoma's prices seem reasonable enough too and I've heard good things about his speed but I've never got anything from him myself.

>> No.16332687
Quoted by: >>16332704

>That spoiler
This guy gets it.

>> No.16332689 [DELETED] 

You sound like one of those fags who got told to fuck off.

>> No.16332691

Druella sucks dick for fun.

>> No.16332692 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332712

>I'd probably go somewhere else

Well guess where you can go back to.

>> No.16332694
Quoted by: >>16332708

Post pics of flat-chested Whitehorns with long, thick braids.

>> No.16332698 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 650x653, 1482549007261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a couple vocal niggahs that hate anything that isn't normal platonic heterosexual relationships between cosplay Monster Girl and 100% human male whom takes the lead in bed.

Like that time we had a straw poll about whether Final Fantasy Naga / Lamia were furry or not because they didn't have normal human hair and it ended up something like 77% to 23% despite 20 posts of back and forth garbage saying they were furry.

Hyper vocal minority that will samepost shit post anything they disagree with.

>> No.16332704
Quoted by: >>16332759

I guess it's threadcanon Druella.

>> No.16332708

Flat Horns are for teasing.

>> No.16332712 [DELETED] 

I got told to fuck off plenty of times before, but I don't really care.
Lemme guess you're going to say Reddit.

>> No.16332713 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332912

Is it hard for you idiots to understand? Furry shit doesn't belong here. This isn't hard to get into your heads. Complaining doesn't change it. Go to /b/ or somewhere else to post furry shit.

>> No.16332717 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332739

>I got told to fuck off plenty of times before
See? Another mad fag.

What shitty fetish did you try to force here?

>> No.16332719

Well I might still have more than $40 after new shoes and another thing, so Mono is still an option. Too bad he's closed currently.

So even Mari is closed for now? Oy vey. I donct know if I want to try the others for what I have in mind.
Barb is great, but I'm not going for soft and sexual looking.
I can't go to Loen without thinking of a billion Wurm ideas that overtake my original one.
I do not know the others you mentioned. Do you have any examples of their art?

>> No.16332720 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332750

>Lemme guess you're going to say Reddit

Damn. You just read me like a book don't ya? I mean. You can fuck off to /monster/. Just out of this place.

>> No.16332723 [DELETED] 

I was wondering where all that straw came from.

>> No.16332724 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 827x1168, 1435201475932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW being one of those fags
I like to think I've mostly learned my lessons. Mostly. But at times it is a bit fun to be Naaaaaaauuughty.

>> No.16332726 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332912

>muh loud minority
>muh silent majority
This argument is older than the thread itself, and has never worked for you.

>> No.16332735 [DELETED] 

You're kinda proving his point reacting like that

>> No.16332736 [DELETED] 

>making freaky Fred references

I like you. At least you learn when you're told to fuck off.

>> No.16332739 [DELETED] 

>What shitty fetish did you try to force here?
Nah, I get told to fuck off because whiny faggots like you exist.

>> No.16332743 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332750

Yeah, sure.

>> No.16332746 [DELETED] 

You intruded on their safe spaces and are therefore in the wrong by merely speaking about nonexistent things.

>> No.16332747
Quoted by: >>16332763


Although it looks like oxykoma is closed, the spreadsheet from the wordpress is out of date. May want to check it yourself though, there's more artists than the ones mentioned.

>> No.16332750 [DELETED] 

You want proof? See >>16332720
I had an opinion and was basically told to fuck off. You guys will tell anyone to fuck off for any reason whatsoever.

>> No.16332759

Are you telling me that you wouldn't make Deruella feel like the conquering queen she is?
For fuck's sake anon, Waifus are for lavishing with affection and what would be a better show of affection for a monstergirl than an all night long fuckfest?

>> No.16332763

Former is gopd, but not what I am looking for. Latter looks somewhat similar to Mono's in my opinion for some reason.

This is becoming more trouble and difficult that I thought.

>> No.16332767
Quoted by: >>16332797

>Its another monster girls are serious business episode
Unrelated, do you think we get a new monster this weekend and the Christmas release was just extra or is this going to push the schedule back?

>> No.16332768


>> No.16332769 [DELETED] 

>Comes to 4chan
>Gets mad when people tell him to fuck off
That's like going to Australia and getting upset when someone says "Cheers cunt" to you.

Speaking of, what would monster girl Australia be like?

>> No.16332770 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332786

What a surprise, you call the place a shithole and you'll get those kind of responses.

Want me to call you a cunt and piss on the grave of your ancestors? We can go for a beer after, all water under the bridge right?

>> No.16332775 [DELETED] 

Emu war would be more rapey than before.

>> No.16332779 [DELETED] 

I really don't get why certain people here get so mad over what is basically a fetish. I get not wanting furry, futanari, etc., but it seems like some of those autists get genuinely mad at the smallest things they don't like. Like, it's to the point where they respond to the most blatant bait I've ever seen because of the 1% chance it might be genuine.
Damn bro I just want pictures of cute girls, not all this anger.

>> No.16332786 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332808

Nice false equivalence faggot.

>> No.16332789 [DELETED] 

Life drain aside, that guy's succubus are 10/10.

>> No.16332790 [DELETED] 

Not mad at all, was just addressing something earlier in the reply chain.

>> No.16332791
Quoted by: >>16332850

There's always Magnifire for cheap commissions too at 30 bucks per character but he's probably not the sort of style you're looking for either.

Talking of him, just checked for examples and I don't recall seeing this posted here: http://magnifire-art.tumblr.com/post/155107665669/manticore-commission-info-support-via-patreon

>> No.16332797
Quoted by: >>16332974

I'd hope we do. Chaos spider is one of the two mge2 profiles we know next to nothing about.

>> No.16332805

>Guy announces he likes /mgt/ better than /monster/
>Accidentally starts an argument
You guys are fucking hilarious. Also, proving that one guy's point about 'tiptoeing around a minefield.'

>> No.16332806

I want to work at MgDonalds and give happy meals to Wendigo kids with stretchy anime meat toys inside

>> No.16332807

I think that they're both good and bad for different reasons.

>> No.16332808 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332829

Oh it's you again, too retarded to tell when someone is blowing the scale up as a way of being condescending and resort to using logical fallacies you probably wouldn't know without a chart from /v/.

>> No.16332814

You forgot the next post which was already starting shit again.

>> No.16332820

Working it monster girls around would make everything cute, maybe sometimes sexual too.

>A monsters will never flash you when getting her money from her bra
This would be the best.

>> No.16332821

/monster/ works well for CYOAs with the slower board and dice roll function, but it's oversaturated with CYOA threads

>> No.16332827

I've commissioned from Oxykoma and his prices are damn good, mainly I think because he/she lives in Russia and the dollar to ruble is a little crazy right now. He did work pretty fast on it too as far as I can tell, gave some sketches too to make sure I liked the poses and everything.
This is what I got commissioned if you need an example: http://imgur.com/a/In39f
It was maybe $40

>> No.16332829 [DELETED] 

You act like saying a general is shit is such a big deal when it's really not. See the problem is you guys lack any self-awareness whatsoever.

>> No.16332842

I imagine kids like that would be what keeps some employees going through the day.
>Welcome to MgDonalds, home of the MgPounder. May I take your order?
>"I'll have four happy meals for the kids, and two MgPounders."
>That'll be $24.
>"Here you are. And what do we say to the nice man kids?"
>"Thank you mister!"
>There was no way you could let them know how little you hear a "Thank You"

>> No.16332843 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 850x654, It&#039;s how they choose their mates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sassy Emu Jub-Jubs with more bouncing tit action than a fucking Gainax anime. Extra rapey Cassowary Jub-Jubs who despite their estrus and inherent 'foggy-mindedness' are cruel enough to chase their future mates down and laugh about how they could drop him like a bag of bricks with their kicks or how they could outrun him for days.

Dingos would be hard /ss/ wild Kobolds or Werewolves, with Crocodile Lizardmen being extra lazy by capable of spurts of speed depsite their chubbiness. Then you'd have the Kangaroo. The most infamous and well-known of Australian animals, and maximum fucking bogan.

We're talking about the most scrappy kind of beast-girl with fucking huge thighs and powerful digitigrade legs that make a White Rabbit blush with envy. I mean, it wouldn't unusual to go down into MG Australia and see two 'Roos engaging in pugilism over who saw the bloke with the nice cock first. They'd also have extremely powerful sex drives, where they would have no problem milking you at least ten times in a day with their tight-as-a-tiger pussies and powerful legs in cowgirl.

But then, if you do manage to topple on in a boxing match, she'd just call you a cunt and pin you to the wall between her huge legs, suspending herself on her thick as a brick shithouse tail and force you to get her off with some amazing cunny before you fuck like rabbits.

We don't talk about the Koalas.

>> No.16332846

>retard comes in an starts complaining about people here getting angry about things without having any comprehension about it being for a good reason
>keeps arguing, spewing buzzwords and being a fucking retard
>"""accidentally""" starts an argument
The actual cases of someone getting angry about random insignificant stuff are isolated cases, like a few threads ago the two autists arguing about sword duels or some shit with giant tl;dr walls of text.

>> No.16332848 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332870

>calls this place shit to stir the pot
>continues to shitpost
>gets all bitchy when he's told to fuck off

So I'll say it again. Fuck off.

>> No.16332850

Not my thing, yeah.
I remebrred Luth as well, but the "100+" made me do an actual spittake. Jesus fuck.


>> No.16332852
Quoted by: >>16332881

Stop giving him dots.

>> No.16332855
Quoted by: >>16332888

Maybe Skelefuku?


>> No.16332861 [DELETED] 

Very adventurous. And probably used to heat. You can sit there with the radiators blasted on full and she'll just sit there in blankets.

>> No.16332865

That's the one I always remember him for.

I'd love to commission him myself when he's open, he's good.

>> No.16332870 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332884

Having an argument isn't shitposting.

>> No.16332872

>guy announces

Nobody really gives a shit.

>claims this place is shit

Ok why is he posting here then? Why doesn't he go somewhere else

>> No.16332875 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332882

>We don't talk about the Koalas.
Tell me about the Koalas.

>> No.16332881
Quoted by: >>16332908

>he doesn't have his (You)s back
What are you doing, sempai?

>> No.16332882 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332995

They eat more shit than an Akaname.

>> No.16332884 [DELETED] 

It is when you're trying to deliberately stir up shit. And your "argument" doesn't make any fucking sense. If you get yelled at for posting something that isn't MG or is furry then that's your fault. This place isn't going to fall down the cesspool with you.

>> No.16332888

Pretty good, actually.
Price is a bit much though. At least Mono's sketch is like $15+.

>> No.16332889

Why can't there be a single truly benevolent Lilim? I'm only targeting ELH's OC specifically as an example, but there doesn't seem to be a single powerful monster that doesn't appeal to a corruption/conquest fetish. The consensual corruption part is great, but the last two paragraphs try to sound mysterious and sinister.

KC has the same problem. Several profiles look peaceful and hugbox except for a paragraph or two to make it overly grim again.

MGs have a superior culture when compared to the shit humans have come up with. Why don't they ever capitalize on that?

>> No.16332890
Quoted by: >>16332899

Caleana is also good and cheap as well.

>> No.16332892

Damn. I guess Hiro was wrong. The dots won't stop faggots for fishing for (You)s. Anyway, just ignore that whiny bitch.

>> No.16332897

Because they're still monsters.

>> No.16332899
Quoted by: >>16332914

How's his art?

>> No.16332900
Quoted by: >>16332924

As you've pointed out, KC does it more often than not. I only emulated what he did when making the profile.

>> No.16332904
Quoted by: >>16332915

I'd like to think my steelim is benevolent, but she's not above forceful corruption if you bug her too much.

>> No.16332908
Quoted by: >>16332913

(BADA BING) is what I'm doing.

>> No.16332912 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1166x849, 1481671799856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork.

You're free to jump all over Polt and the like being furry all you please, most people here likely don't take issue with that.

But you need to shut the fuck up when a majority of monster girl browsing people call something "Not Furry" and deal with it.

Otherwise you're just a whiny vocal minority shitting up the thread.

No more (You)s, not this thread, hopefully not ever,

>> No.16332913

Not bad.

>> No.16332914

I just saw he's closed right now, so sorry about that.

>> No.16332915
Quoted by: >>16332928

You know what to do. Create a lilim.

>> No.16332916 [DELETED] 

That bat's probably smaller than my pinky.
I'm gonna bully that fairy for being so smug.

>> No.16332917 [DELETED] 

What are you even talking about, I don't have a problem with Polt or other "furries"

>> No.16332923 [DELETED] 

Just my two cents, but the whole thing with Polt is entirely the fault of Crabman in how he portrays her. He claims that she's covered head-to-toe in body fur but she's shown with a sweaty sheen in the latest chapter with her getting all hot and bothered on a sort of rodeo mechanical horse work-out machine. He either needs to just make her be furry 24/7 or fuck off much like this shit stirring because all it does is make people debate semantics.

>> No.16332924

Fair enough, that makes sense.

Up to the last two paragraphs, she's the type of MG that I would throw my support behind. I love her value of culture and nurturing attitude.

I think I've just grown to hugbox/balance over the last couple years here. I just want everyone to find happiness and love.

>> No.16332928
Quoted by: >>16332934

I already have one.
Two, technically, if I counted the shortstack villainous one.

>> No.16332933 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333030

>literally covered in fur
>button nose

Yup she's furry. You need to get the fuck out. If you want to go ahead and start accepting furry shit, prepare for the fucking wave that will hit you.

>> No.16332934
Quoted by: >>16332954

Two lilims are too much for me to handle.

I still think I should develop mine a little bit more, maybe even create a little profile for her.

>> No.16332944 [DELETED] 

Crabman is a faggot. It is known.

>> No.16332945 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333030

>talks about majority

You won't be saying that when the majority is furries and they say furry shit is ok. You need to understand that there is a line between MGs and Furries. Both sides are incredibly close to this line. Don't cross it.

>> No.16332953
Quoted by: >>16332956

Well I have the Pharaoh mayor of MGC that that had her previous kingdom crumble and and sees the city as her second chance.

>> No.16332954
Quoted by: >>16332978

I'm still working on mine, although I already have the basic character down and just need to word it properly in more than a couple sentences. The shortstack one can wait till later since she won't appear till much later in my shitty story.

>> No.16332956

>her previous kingdom crumble

Fucking Apophis

>> No.16332957 [DELETED] 

>fairy image
>whining about polt's furry status
Oh it's just shoggocks

>> No.16332960
Quoted by: >>16332969

It was actually a bunch of Wurms.

>> No.16332962 [DELETED] 

Funny you say that. Because I remember when some guy posted that white wolf crabman did for 12 beasts quite awhile ago. He got fucking berrated and told to piss off by most of the thread because of a button nose the wolf girl had.

Yeah. Um. No.

>> No.16332968

Well, given the setting corruption kind of is benevolence. Given that it's a porn setting it makes sure to go out of its way to make turning into a monster generally a universal improvement.

>> No.16332969

Oh. That's fine then. It's excusable for Wurms. They're just too cute to tell off.

>> No.16332974

Atlach-Nacha should be released around the 7th and then the next girl around the 21th

KC might release a new girl first and then Atlach-Nacha but I wouldn't bet on it

>> No.16332976 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332988

>most of the thread
Unless you can see IPs you can't know just how many there actually were.
Might have been 39, might have been just 2.

>> No.16332977

It was more that the Apophis toke advantage of a crisis and turned the country on itself.

>> No.16332978
Quoted by: >>16332989

I also have mine character's down along with a few gimicks, but what I need to write more about is her background.

>> No.16332988 [DELETED] 

The guy had about 9 replies telling him to fuck off. I doubt it's all the same person or just 2.

>> No.16332989
Quoted by: >>16333003

Background, eh? Like going into detail who she is in the setting and other things about her?

>> No.16332992 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333014

Because we're too civil to not tell someone to fuck off 9 times in 9 posts, right?

>> No.16332995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16332998

Actually, Anon. That isn't me. I've stayed out of the argument for the most part, but I appreciate you caring about me. The posts since the whole shit stirring started are:


Going from bottom to top. I could care less about "Walking in a minefield" as the instigator said when starting this whole stupidity, because even I know what is and is not allowed in here for the most part.

There's like 122 people in here and you think it's me when the only fairy picture I use is the one with her drinking the whiskey.

>> No.16332998 [DELETED] 

I use that same fairy image too sometimes.
It really goes with everything.

>> No.16333003
Quoted by: >>16333011

Yep. I feel like it would make it easier to explain things about her and even give her some more personality.

But as of right now, She's just the "Lilim with a Ryu."

>> No.16333011

Better than "Lilim with a flat chest and a betus realm".

>> No.16333014 [DELETED] 

Oh so nice. Instead of addressing my point of the guy who got shut down (I don't even think she has full body fur it was just the nose) because he posted a button nose. You decide to just blame it on some samefaggers?

What happened to these threads? They've slowly softened up. It went from anything with full body fur and a button nose can fuck off to "THE MAJORITY SAYS FULL BODY FUR AMD BODY NOSE IS OK SO THUS ITS ACCEPTABLE! WHAT MAJORITY YOU ASK? THE MAJORITY!"

>> No.16333019 [DELETED] 

button* nose

>> No.16333028 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333048

Well, gee, on a site where you can post and samefag anonymously to make it seem like others share your opinions, it's pretty safe to assume samefagging like it is to assume your That Guy roomate used your cookware last when it's just sitting in the sink.

>> No.16333030 [DELETED] 
File: 951 KB, 903x1395, 1476154831083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally said Polt is furry and it's fine to call that bullshit out.

The problem is a few of you thought the FF Lamia / Naga was furry and were wrong.

Listen m8, the whole issue was that 2-3 bustahs said the FF Naga was furry and shit posted it a decent number of times.

Then some anon made a strawpoll about it and it was something like 7 "Furry" votes to 25 "Not Furry" votes after 24 hours.

A few people can and will shit post something they don't agree with over and over again. That's a fact.

I don't know about the White Wolf thing you're talking about so I have nothing to add there.

>> No.16333031 [DELETED] 

Jesus, that rump is too big.

>> No.16333043 [DELETED] 

I can't even remember that FF Lamia / naga thing you're talking about. But I agree. Probably was some autists.

>> No.16333044 [DELETED] 

>Then some anon made a strawpoll about it and it was something like 7 "Furry" votes to 25 "Not Furry" votes after 24 hours.
Ah yes, the reputable source of facts and wisdom known as strawpoll.

>> No.16333046 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333054



>> No.16333047 [DELETED] 

I think it was the 11 one, since the ones in 2,3,4,5 were vanilla looking Lamia.

>> No.16333048 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333062

So it's ok to slide off a majority opinion as just samefaggery? So sure I guess this >>16333030 guy's point is irrelevant aswell because "oh you can just rig polls"?

>> No.16333050 [DELETED] 

Provided more evidense on opinions than the people claiming it was furry and said everyone in the thread agreed.

>> No.16333053 [DELETED] 

Not even remotely close to too big for an Elin.

>> No.16333054 [DELETED] 

Well that was rude. Anon was simply commenting on that sizeable rear. And to which I must say myself. Is rather large.

>> No.16333060 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 850x832, what a succubus!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mari's Daughter
Give her a Ruger 10/22 and a T-Shirt that doesn't fit her
Trump 101: The Way to Success and The Cheesecake Factory's Original
Find her husband and become bros
Pull a No Russian and get the US involved
Lewd teasing and eventual breakdown of her composure for conversion to waifu
Strictly platonic dinner dates at human operated restaurants

>> No.16333061
File: 398 KB, 850x592, 1482558589310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a wrestler in MGC, should I be worried about Muscle Girl Sandy Ravage snapping my Slim Jim?

>> No.16333062 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying you can slide off the majority, but you can't assume it is the majority on your side or against you because, again, anonymous korean brick porn board.
Sometimes when you see 7+ posts worded virtually the same within a short timespan it certainly looks samefaggy in my opinion.

>> No.16333063
Quoted by: >>16333075

What would a Dorome onee-san be like?

>> No.16333067

You should be more worried when she gets you on the ground and is over you whispering in your ear "you mine now boy"

>> No.16333069 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333072

>Trump 101: The Way to Success and The Cheesecake Factory's Original

>> No.16333071

Enough fighting! More Ryu worship.

>> No.16333072 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333088

>>Trump 101: The Way to Success and The Cheesecake Factory's Original
Well, she likes sweets, and has an illegal immigration problem.

>> No.16333075

Very protective and way too touchy
And she won't you let you in the bathroom alone because she's afraid that you will wash away if you take a shower

>> No.16333076

I worship Wurm, waterboy.

>> No.16333080
File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, 1454972423753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wot m8?

>> No.16333084

Only if you mess with her boyfriend.

>> No.16333085

Ryus worshipping the cock!

>> No.16333086 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 917x1062, Wurm Psychologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An IP locked strawpoll is significantly better than gauging an entire thread's opinion on a couple of angry posts.

I mean fuck man we're on an anonymous image board that has like 100 people on it, a 25 to 7 vote is like a third of the people here and that at least seems legit.

Now the fuckers saying that the "Majority" of people here are furries can piss right off though because that shit is baseless conjecture.

My mannnn.

>> No.16333088 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333094

Well, you'd best be careful when handling cheesecake. Regular women will shank you for it. Imagine what monstergirls would do for it.

>> No.16333093
File: 951 KB, 1000x1333, __hellhound_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kentchiro_souriyadeth__fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333098

Those eyes are too close together.

>> No.16333094 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333107

>women will shank you for it
I'd be half-tempted to as well. Cheesecake is delicious.

>> No.16333096
Quoted by: >>16333105

She's never even seen one.

>> No.16333098
Quoted by: >>16339075

So it should be wider?

Someone Hedemari this bitch up.

>> No.16333101

Where would a Dragon even live?

Like legit, they can't live in a normal house with fire and shit like that.

Well...I mean they could but I don't think they could have a kid or anything without fire proofing the house.

>> No.16333105
Quoted by: >>16333144

Mind as well slap her face with one.

Though this is probably not the best way to treat a Ryu.

>> No.16333106
Quoted by: >>16333116

No fire in the house. There, problem solved.

>> No.16333107 [DELETED] 

Female paladins will crusade their way to get it, monsters will kill each other over it, and your waifu will inhale it without sharing.
The richest thing is not a Dragon, but a man who makes cheesecake for a living.

>> No.16333110
Quoted by: >>16333116

>what are caves

>> No.16333111

>I don't think they could have a kid or anything without fire proofing the house
Rude! My dragon and daughteru completely disagree with you.

>> No.16333113
Quoted by: >>16333127

Cabves, mansions, temples, vans down by the river.

>> No.16333116

But the daughter might not be able to control that.

I mean like if they lived in MGC or something.

>> No.16333121
Quoted by: >>16333159

>But the daughter might not be able to control that
She better, or she'll get punished. And she knows that.

>> No.16333126
Quoted by: >>16333130

Caves of course. I heard dragon caves are actually very comfy and up to human standards they even have furniture!

>> No.16333127
File: 883 KB, 500x269, XS5LK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vans down by the river.

>> No.16333130
Quoted by: >>16333159

If there's no internet and bathroom, she can forget it.

>> No.16333134

Well, I would assume there would be purpose built mamono-proof furniture and whatnot. Things like fire retardant curtains, super strong chairs and stuff.

>> No.16333135

>Habitat Caves, mountainous regions

>> No.16333142
Quoted by: >>16333157

That is a very racist and offensive term to use against Ryu worshippers. I strongly suggest you delete it. I like Wurms too. But you don't have to be mean.

Why of course! Ryu worship is essential to life on this Earth! You bring her offerings and worship. She gives you water and rain. It's a good system. Also worshipping a Ryu makes me feel whole.

Poor misguided anon. Come join me in the Ryu temple. You'll love it. You can become one of us!

>> No.16333144

You can't worship cock if you know nothing about it.

>> No.16333145
Quoted by: >>16333161

The first thing you need to teach your daughteru is to control her flames.

>> No.16333153
File: 190 KB, 816x2336, 1395522431696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it time for you to stop praising those disgusting monsters and go for a nice human girl, anon?

>> No.16333157
Quoted by: >>16333176

>Why of course!
Anon you don't understand, without my dragon I will die.

>> No.16333159

How do you punish a dragon daughteru?

You don't need any internet when you have your dragon wife, silly. You don't want to give her attention or something? Also she'll make a toilet for you. Don't worry. The format marble for her precious gem.

>> No.16333161
Quoted by: >>16333206

My daughteru learned to do so easily while playing with her Spaceballs flamethrower.

>> No.16333163

>tempting me with MILF goodness
How dare you?

>> No.16333166


>> No.16333167

She does look nice and warm. I bet her lap feels nice. But I'm sorry anon. I'm all about dragons. Also humans aren't as good as monster girls.

>> No.16333168
File: 2.84 MB, 3720x5262, 1482373742641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Nah.

>> No.16333172

Remember the milf/cc monsters and you'll be fine.
Unless someone posts Meme.

>> No.16333173

>How do you punish a dragon daughteru?
I'll lock her hoard in the basement until she behaves. Failing that, her part of her hoard will be donated to charity.

I realize that this may be harsh, but strong MGs need to develop a sense of discipline.

>> No.16333176
Quoted by: >>16333201

I know. This is understandable. Once you go dragon there is no going back. But don't you like rain? All you need to do with worship the Ryu shrine with us at the temple! Can't you spare some time for that?

>> No.16333177

She's a cake at most.

Why is so difficult for people to understand the difference?

>> No.16333179

That's why you should teach her about it.

>> No.16333181
Quoted by: >>16333198

>You don't need any internet when
No. How am I to shitpost in a cave? Completely unacceptable.

>> No.16333185

She's a monster in disguise isn't she?

>> No.16333187

Why should I?

>> No.16333191

That design looks straight out of an ntr cg set.

>> No.16333194

Where's the Queen of Hearts, you useless philistines?

>> No.16333198
Quoted by: >>16333212

Every notice certain poster going missing anon? Ever remember those destined posters that made distinct posts in these threads? Do you remember them suddenly disappearing? Well, they've got dragon wives. They can't show or tell you guys because there is no internet up in the mountain caves.

>> No.16333201
Quoted by: >>16333215

I could, but I refuse.

>> No.16333202
File: 312 KB, 800x1200, 1428879060878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That's just your twisted mind, corrupted by those monsters. Every girl you see now is a monster in disguise?

It doesn't, and it isn't. Please don't bring that shit here.

>> No.16333204

That or will become one later like that childhood friend in Galzoo if you take your time catching galmons/grinding/fapping to Valkyrie.

>> No.16333206
Quoted by: >>16333218

My waifu taugh my daughteru, though my waifu still let's it escape when she cums really hard. Good luck for her childhood friend if daughteru does the same thing.

>> No.16333208
Quoted by: >>16333221

This. I knew her design looked abit iffy.

>> No.16333209

With a tempting CC like that, might as well. She certainly looks nice.
I hope >>16333185 isn't right, though.

>> No.16333212
Quoted by: >>16333228

Well, if she loves me so much, she can live in a normal house. Or are you saying that her cave is more important than me? I didn't think so.

Checkmate caveists.

>> No.16333215

But you like the rain? Don't you? E-Everyone loves rain!

>> No.16333218
Quoted by: >>16333249

God help them if they melt their game consoles from getting to worked up.

>> No.16333221

She's an original design from an artist who doesn't even make NTR or included her in anything. Stop already.

>> No.16333225
Quoted by: >>16333237

I live in WA, the rainystate with a WaterWurm as it's national bird, and I want to live in a desert again.

>> No.16333226
Quoted by: >>16333237

No, I detest rain, and all it's followers.

>> No.16333228
Quoted by: >>16333238

Well don't you love HER? It's hard for her or move about in a normal house. And if things break she feels guilty. This is fault of your selfishness. It's Internet or your waifu anon. You decide.

>> No.16333229
Quoted by: >>16333240

>It doesn't, and it isn't. Please don't bring that shit here.
It totally does though. The "perfect housewife" with the mole under her eye, the plain dress sense and copy/pasted smile, it looks straight off the front page of one of those CG sets on panda that means it's something to avoid at all costs.

Not saying she's from there but that sort of design has been ruined for me.

>> No.16333232
Quoted by: >>16333253

>Red eyes.
That's no human girl, boy.

>> No.16333234 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333245

If you're referring to the Lamia without hair and a cobra hood, then that's either FFXI (If her skin is an inhuman colour like violet and blue), that's Final Fantasy XI. If she's a Lamia/Naga with a cobra hood but has a near-human skin tone and a somewhat of a snout, that's Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

The Lamiae in FF IX, XI, and Tactics Advance are definitely within the territory of being scalies, given they've gone over the 50-50 monster to girl ratio. They're just basically lovelier-to-look-at Ayyy Lmao Sneks at that point since the only reason they cosmetically appear that way is their charm magic.

FFXI Lamiae are on the same level of "Not Monster Girls" as Ayy Goats from WoW. Now fuck off and stop trying to stir shit up, since you're making people mistake you for fucking me and I don't appreciate it.

>> No.16333237
Quoted by: >>16333452

Well. That's ok I guess. I mean. Your always welcome back in the rainy places!

I guess that's ok aswell. The Ryu goddess always told us to respect others. Even if they hate us. So I still love you anon!

>> No.16333238
Quoted by: >>16333259

She doesn't get to turn this around on me. I'm not asking for much. Hell, she can even bring all her shiny garbage. But I refuse to be housed in a goddamn cave.

>> No.16333240

Blame Japan for it. Thankfully some japanese artists don't fall for the meme.

>> No.16333242
Quoted by: >>16333253

Show me a nice human girl

>> No.16333245 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah! That thing. Yeah she's not furry. Doesn't she look like Apophis with just a cobra hood? I wouldn't say I personally liked her design. But she's definitely not furry.

>> No.16333247
File: 133 KB, 485x721, bzHU01u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333257

I wish I had the courage to ask my pretty Hellhound classmate out!

>> No.16333249

Or if she snorts while taking a nap. That's bad too.

>> No.16333250

What if you die, but are resurrected thousands of years later by your monstergirl descendant who has a massive yandere crush on you over mere stories about you?

>> No.16333253

She is.

The one I posted already is.

>> No.16333257
Quoted by: >>16333268

Chesthair is not attractive on women.

>> No.16333259
Quoted by: >>16333278

>doesn't want to go live in a comfy cave with his dragon wife.
>doesn't want to move in with his dragon wife
>prefers internet over his wife
>prefers his wife to feel uncomfortable in a human home
>shiny garbage

I'm going to say it anon. I wish I'd never say this, but I have to.

You don't deserve a dragon wife

>> No.16333268
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1463204475923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not chest hair, it's cleavage mofu! It's soft, and great for resting your head on!

>> No.16333271
Quoted by: >>16333290

It's chesthair.
Just in a non afro shape like it would be on a man.

>> No.16333277
Quoted by: >>16333287

>"He resorted to wishing he could be with an imaginary dragon girl wife? SO CUTE!!"


>> No.16333278
Quoted by: >>16333294

She's free to look for somebody else then. I've made my terms clear.

>> No.16333285
Quoted by: >>16333316

Shorthair hell hounds a cute!

>> No.16333286
Quoted by: >>16333302

>mortal dares to summon me
Would a "Fuck off" suffice?

>> No.16333287


>> No.16333290

>TFW you will never have enough chest hair to shave into the shape of a heart and drive MGs ballistic

>> No.16333292 [DELETED] 


>> No.16333293

>The only Giant Mermaid image I like is the one that gives her fuckhuge titties
G-go on?

>> No.16333294
Quoted by: >>16333335

You disgust me. I spit on you.

>> No.16333297

That means I was in the afterlife with my wife, so I kill myself again to go with her.

>> No.16333301
Quoted by: >>16333328

How does she use a tiny pen to take notes with those big paws?

>> No.16333302

Only if you talk like Aku.

>> No.16333311
Quoted by: >>16333315

If I died right now?
>"He died while he was studying in university and didn't do anything of importance before that. I just want to love him"
I'm not seeing it.

>> No.16333314

Why wouldn't I? What's the point of being dead if you don't?

>> No.16333315
Quoted by: >>16333325

Maybe she gets off to pethetic or pitiable relatives?

>> No.16333316
File: 371 KB, 2048x1556, 1472578081694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to see a Hellhound with a pixie cut. A very tomboyish Hellhound, maybe with a pair of spats.

>> No.16333325

Well, if she did I wouldn't complain.

>> No.16333327
Quoted by: >>16333341


Worst haircut.

>> No.16333328
File: 572 KB, 2048x1536, 1479591011138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By using a comically large pen

>> No.16333330
Quoted by: >>16333344

>Long ago in a distant land, I, Anon, Shitposting master of NEEThood unleashed an unspeakable stench!
>But, a foolish monster stepped wielding the power of the vagina stepped forth to oppose!
>Before the final orgasm could be milked, I tore open a portal in time and flung her far into the future where I was bound to have passed peacefully!
>Now she seeks to return to the past, to undo the NEET that is Anon!
"Actually, Mom said she'd just wait here for me to resurrect you, Dad. She said she has three thousand years of pent up lust she has to fuck into you, and doesn't think being dead is an excuse for 'giving his woman blue ovaries'."

>> No.16333335

If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. I don't give inches.

>> No.16333336
File: 103 KB, 500x625, 1455991218436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are too good to us sky
Arigato desu senpai

>> No.16333337
Quoted by: >>16333360

I hope she's /fit/. Not really a big fan of tomboys though. Well specifically the over-exaggerated "GUNS, BEER, MANLY STUFF" ones.

>> No.16333341
File: 884 KB, 1221x1920, tumblr_o4tfzjAtMA1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, best haircut. Your opinions are wrong.

>> No.16333343 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 1280x1180, 872c49e279424c3f39687edf22b05dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333437

>Teleport behind her and stab her through the back while tipping my fedora and going "Argentina sucks"
You funny guy, you get stabbed last.

>Pull a No Russian and get the US involved

>> No.16333344


>> No.16333351


>> No.16333357

monster instincts

>> No.16333358

>Pixie cut
Aw yeah. MGs with pixie cuts sound good.

>> No.16333359
Quoted by: >>16333365

That hair style is pretty bad. Maybe if she grew it to shoulder length a bunch of boys would be over her.

>> No.16333360
File: 352 KB, 900x1200, 1472412186997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ is basically a requirement. She would have the most lickable of abs. She likes explosions, guns, wrestling with her best friend Anon and secretly letting him win just because she likes to feel him on top of her!

>> No.16333362
Quoted by: >>16333378

Monsters can't be dykes.

>> No.16333364

>pixie cut
Rule #6 of Kemonomimi: Never leave the mastoid area exposed.

>> No.16333365
File: 429 KB, 768x1142, tumblr_o9hr5qHhcD1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333401

It's cute, CUTE!

>> No.16333368

But it looks cute on the purple Oni!

>> No.16333378
Quoted by: >>16333381

They can look like them, just like reverse traps look like men.

>> No.16333381
Quoted by: >>16333388


>> No.16333386

God I hope we get some story about a straight tomboy monster.

>> No.16333388
Quoted by: >>16333394

They look bad.

>> No.16333390
File: 2.67 MB, 2504x3638, uOp2Qo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would your waifu do if your daughteru ask how she was created?

>> No.16333394

You look bad.

>> No.16333396
Quoted by: >>16335392

I fucking love that russian spider.

>> No.16333401
Quoted by: >>16333506

I want to lick that tomboy Oni's abs.

>> No.16333405

Tell her she came from a basket carried by a stork. I refuse to taint my daighterus purity.

>> No.16333408

I'm sure younger monstergirls are lewd enough to realise for themselves.

>> No.16333412
Quoted by: >>16335392

>forced impregnation

My fetish

>> No.16333415

That Russian spider is killing me.

>> No.16333416
Quoted by: >>16333421

I want to marry with an Apophis and a Shirohebi

>> No.16333421
Quoted by: >>16333431

Hope you can handle whitesnake's sick burns.

>> No.16333425

Say something about daddy and mama going on really crazy adventures in search for the biggest treasure of our lives.

>> No.16333426

What if I were to hold hands with five Shirohebis?

>> No.16333431
Quoted by: >>16333453

But they're sisters

>> No.16333437 [DELETED] 

Woops, might've drank too much eggnog on that one, I mean pull a Reverse No Russian and get the US pissed off against the opposition.

>> No.16333452
Quoted by: >>16333461

You sound like one of third guys on the street corner handing out flyers about the religion of Ryu and the Ryu temple.

>> No.16333453
Quoted by: >>16333463

Echidna mother?

>> No.16333461


>> No.16333463

Yes. Her mother only gives birth to lamias.

>> No.16333466

I want to wear armor made from a Dragon's scales, a cloak woven with Yeti fluff and pieces of Yeti coats, and travel the work with my waifu doing odd jobs and slaying villains.

>> No.16333470

Wendigo coats*
Seems I have too many Yetis on the mind.

>> No.16333473

>That second panel
>The implication that he impregnated every girl in the harem.
Yes, this is good.
Is there a source or was this made in a thread?

>> No.16333477
Quoted by: >>16333483

And how are you going to get these costs, scales and fur? You better not be harming any wendigos, dragons or yetis or you'll have me to deal with.

>> No.16333483
Quoted by: >>16333488

I may be stealing coats from Wendigos.
It just makes them stalk me and scream at my window to return their coat. I don't even know how thet keep finding me.

>> No.16333488
Quoted by: >>16333500

I'm calling the police anon. Do you realise how mean that is? Wendigos need those coats! You big mean bully!

>> No.16333493
Quoted by: >>16333505

Show her the video.

>> No.16333496

But she already knows all about that!

>> No.16333500
Quoted by: >>16333509

I buy them stretchy meat as compensation.

>> No.16333504

Big, muscled Imotous

>> No.16333505
Quoted by: >>16333539

This is a good point.

Do you anons film sex with your waifu? Does she film it? Does she film it secretly? Does she use the footage as blackmail?

>"Oh anon? What? You've want to go out with some friends tonight? Without me? What a shame it would be if our parents and your co-workers saw the footage of you mating press me"

>> No.16333506
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x1542, tumblr_oe2uqb1nRm1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333514

Is it still too late to talk about drunk Onis?

>> No.16333509

No. I demand you give their coats back. They need it more than you. And you can give them stretchy meat aswell.

>> No.16333514
Quoted by: >>16333560

Nope. If anything it's too early. Moar Onis!

>> No.16333516
File: 127 KB, 780x1200, 1475273698803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That flustered Lala
Adorable. She's truly best MonMusu.

>> No.16333518

Tharja from Fire Emblem as an Anubis.
Noel Vermillion from Blazblue as a Nightmare.

>> No.16333523

She isn't even top5

>> No.16333524

She would probably bud off another child real quick to show her, and then re-absorb it.

>> No.16333527
Quoted by: >>16333545

only good for creative sex.

>> No.16333528
Quoted by: >>16333543

Have people here really done anything to warrent having a Monster Girl be lovestruck and yandere over?

>> No.16333532
Quoted by: >>16333536

Not a fan of chunni. I sort of hate it. But hell, I'd have a great time raping the Chunni out of Lala.

>> No.16333536
Quoted by: >>16333554

>Raping Lala
>Not tenderly loving her
>Not lovingly teasing the Chuuni out of her

>> No.16333539

She would probably film it. She'd tell me and I would be totally okay with it.
After all, she need it to study the results of the experiments. Yes... "Study."

>> No.16333543
Quoted by: >>16333569

Not like anyone else will love them.

>> No.16333545

That and pouring potions down her neck hole.

>> No.16333547

I think Berserker fits the aesthetic of the Cursed Sword more.

>> No.16333551
File: 575 KB, 3264x2448, 1470619619347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're about to explain to your daughteru the miracle of sex and birth and stuff when your waifu speaks up
>"It was nothing special really, he said he was ready to have a daughter, so we fucked pretty much immediately after he brought it up. It was kinda cute, he was gettin' all lovey-dovey, wanting it to be all passionate and such... That got boring pretty fast, so I just kinda forced him down and rode him until I could get every last drop outta him. He couldn't go to work the next few days simply because he couldn't walk to his own car. Anyways, that's how you're here."

>> No.16333550
File: 15 KB, 242x208, HUGE EVIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333557

>reading Blood knight quest
Now this was interesting now I want more, but not murderous, just an openly hating human male realizing not all MG are evil.

>> No.16333554

But anon! That takes time! And it means I have to deal with her chunni for some more time until it rubs off. I condo rape her and get it over with.

>> No.16333555

Fuck the haters, Lala is for dating, watching chuuni media with and raising a family.
Best monmusu by far.

>> No.16333557

does that have a male tsundere?

>> No.16333559

I feel sorry for you anon. Daughteru making should be passionate and intimate.

>> No.16333560
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1475, tumblr_oh7sriihMS1r6u72yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333566


>> No.16333562
Quoted by: >>16333588

That's not a nice way to have a daughteru.

>> No.16333564

>best monmusu
>Kiira exists
>Miia exists
>Rachnera exists

>> No.16333565

Really, any character in any given writefag story would probably qualify as an "OC" someway or another.

As far as MGE-related stuff goes, the most "OC" character I probably thought up was a catgirl...without fluffy paws.
That or the Wurm Blacksmith. Or maybe the Dragon Queen given MGE doesn't have a Winged+Serpentine Dragon species yet.

>> No.16333566

How do they drink/eat so much and retain that stronk figure?

>> No.16333568

You forgot Tio

Who's Kiira, the bee?

>> No.16333569
Quoted by: >>16333576

Who? The girl or the anon?

>> No.16333572

>You'll never be aggressively ridden by Kiira
>Rachnee will never take full advantage of her book lung while tying you up
Now I'm sad.

>> No.16333574
Quoted by: >>16333581

Rachnee is the woman you have wild, we-can-never-tell-anyone-about-the-fucked-up-shit-we-did sex with during college.

>> No.16333575
Quoted by: >>16333585

Yeah. The most beautiful girl in EMG. A goddess.

>> No.16333576


>> No.16333577

Anyone's individual waifu would count as an OC anyway. Mine included.

>> No.16333580

They lift alot of weights that human men cannot even begin to try and lift. Oni are also made of alcohol in equal parts people are made of water.

But the true terror, is when you see an Oni break the kegelcizer at the local gym.

>> No.16333581

Oni bodies are designed to take in a lot of calories.

Rachnee could probably use her thread to make you piledrive her mouth, among other kinky positions.

>> No.16333585
Quoted by: >>16333592

Yes, Tio is really good.

>> No.16333586
Quoted by: >>16333591

well, not really, but I want to read something with a pally male tsundere now.

>> No.16333588
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x1418, 1471564640142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe for you.

>> No.16333590

Agreed anon. Most certainly agreed.

>> No.16333591
Quoted by: >>16333598

but does it end in tender, loving sex?

>> No.16333592
Quoted by: >>16333648

I-I meant "the bee" as you so simply put her.

>> No.16333593

Maybe you've been reading to many of those because I don't see it.

>> No.16333595 [DELETED] 
File: 573 KB, 1610x910, Lady of Bliss - Lakshmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all're faggots.

>> No.16333598
Quoted by: >>16333615

yeah a nightmareish one

>> No.16333599
Quoted by: >>16333625

But wouldn't you want to tell your daughteru who you got your waifu in the mood with smooth talk then lewd body licking, and then hot passionate sex combine with compliments and affection?

Instead of the rough "this meant nothing to me" sex with a hellhound.

>> No.16333601

Indeed. Maybe I shouldn't judge how people have their daughterus as long as she is happy.

>> No.16333609

Yeah, I quit reading that stupid shit around the time she got introduced, but she was definitely the best.

>> No.16333610

Tito is everything a big girl should be.

>> No.16333614
Quoted by: >>16333625

>"Heh. Talking about that really takes me back huh anon? Remember all those costumes you got me to wear?"
>Yeah, why?
>"Take 'em to that Arachne from work and get 'em refitted. She's got my measurements."
>"Because I want another one anon. Maybe two or three. And don't forget the "suppliments" while you're at it."
>By "I want another" do you mea-
>"Yes. Yes I do~ Hey sweetie! Your remember how I was thinking about that sleepover with your friends from school? You have my permission!"

>> No.16333615


>> No.16333623

I hate how 12 beast change the MC from a male tsundere in the pilot chapter to some generic harem guy in the actual series,
never read past chapter 1

>> No.16333624
File: 1.97 MB, 500x281, It&#039;s How Keira spreads her pheremones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333642

Kira is a good girl who got angry at spooder for being a cunt.

>> No.16333625
File: 1.99 MB, 2670x1439, __cheshire_cat_hellhound_and_manticore_monster_girl_encyclopedia__1a72b1391d0e3b4de05f45ddfebb1c10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to think the Hellhound would be the one to use smooth talk and lewd acts to get me in the mood.
>Starts giving you gentle love bites on the neck and ear
>Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, feeling her hot breath against the side of your head
>Says she wants all of it deep insider of her while caressing your crotch through your pants with one of her big meaty paws

Hellhound waifu embarrassing her daughter by having loud sex with dad?

>> No.16333640
File: 844 KB, 1920x1080, OKTTOOOBBAAHHFFEEESSSTTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333655

Is it time to get wasted yet?

>> No.16333642

>ywn be tackled to the ground by Kiira and then have her abdomen pulse and run up against you. Spreading pheromones all over you
>it's to make her territory

>> No.16333647

>>Says she wants all of it deep insider of her while caressing your crotch through your pants with one of her big meaty paws

I never knew meaty paws against crotch action would get me this erect.

>> No.16333648
Quoted by: >>16333658

No, you used the words "most beautiful" and "goddess"

It's obviously Tio.

>> No.16333649

Right before she embaresses her daughter further by walking down with a great, cumfilled stomach while her daughter plays games with her friends.

>> No.16333651
File: 679 KB, 735x1000, 1468323820453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an elf in the woods. I can keep it, right?

>> No.16333653

No, she's sending her daughter over to a big sleepover at that kind Vampire girl's house so she can fuck her husband senseless and get pregnant.

>> No.16333655

Never, just let me fuck those tits sober and in peace.

>> No.16333658

But Kiira is also those things!

>> No.16333662

No? Of course not. You should return her to her parents. That or consult the MGC police department. They'll get her home safe on no time.

>> No.16333666
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 1446203699407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If elves do it is only fair you do it too.

>> No.16333671 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16333718

What are you talking about Satan? Those elves were trying to comfort the poor boy and stop him from crying. It's not his fault he's lost and it's a good thing those nice forest elves are always there to help lost traveler. They will help that boy get back.

>> No.16333674
Quoted by: >>16333691

Being tenderly romanced by a MG that very easily could just take what she wants is my fetish.

>> No.16333677
File: 202 KB, 660x796, __pharaoh_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__3003f7d5fc79a1a640ccc44e72d416b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a bossy imouto?

>> No.16333681

No. But I would a bossy childhood friend.

>> No.16333685

Of course. I'd worship her feet. Enjoy her every bossy command and become her footstool/chair.

>> No.16333686


>> No.16333687
Quoted by: >>16333710

>Forest elves ever hurting a child
You sicken me with these lies

>> No.16333691
File: 186 KB, 850x560, 1435627685777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a Hellhound squeezing you in tight with her strong arms and legs, her soft fur keeping you warm, feeling her breathing gently against your neck, mumbling about how much she loves you into your ear while she slowly gyrates her hips with you deep inside of her.

>> No.16333693

I cannot tell a lie, fellow degenerates. I find the erotic applications of alcohol and wine to be far too potent to ever not use in a story in some way shape or form.

>> No.16333698

But that's lewd!

>> No.16333699

What a store remark.

>> No.16333703
Quoted by: >>16333772

That actually depends. Is she young enough she looks like that pic? If so no. Outside of sexual I would do anything she says to make sure she stays bossy and smug that way when she grows up she can boss me around however she wants and step on me as a reward.

>> No.16333706
Quoted by: >>16333774

So what kind of alcohol play are we talking? Drinking wine or alcohol from the belly button or lewd elves pouring alcohol on their breasts?

>> No.16333709

Do you hear that, Anon? It's a Satyros masturbating furiously to you.

>> No.16333710
Quoted by: >>16333745

Who said anything about hurting? I'm saying elves keep any boy that enters the forest.

>> No.16333716

Anon no, my heart can't take this.

>> No.16333718

>Elves have a reputation for being aggressive and cruel towards humans
>Parents tell their children that if they don't behave, an Elf will come and kidnap them in their sleep
>Little boy lost in the woods runs into two Elves
>He starts crying and hyperventilating because of how scared he is
>They try to comfort him and lead him back towards town, but he resists because he thinks they're taking him away
>They finally manage to calm him down by showing him tricks they can do with magic
>Bring him back to the edge of town and whistle loudly so that everyone looks as they slink back into the trees
>No one sees the Elves, just the little lost boy
>He's reunited with his parents
>No one believes his story, his parents tell him to stop telling lies to people
>Grows up to be an Elf rights activist
>Returns to the same area of the forest to ry and find the two Elves who guided him home as a boy
>Little did he know that they were tracking him from the second he set foot past the treeline
>They kidnap and rape him

>> No.16333719

Oh gods. My poor heart.

>> No.16333720
File: 115 KB, 700x446, 1461984939397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Give her an Avelyn, they said."
>"It's a good idea, they said."

>> No.16333745

>the emotional trauma of losing parents isn't "hurting"
okay, anon

>> No.16333758

>They kidnap and rape him
Way to not fall into the stereotype.

>> No.16333772

Actually now that I think about it, seeing bratty type on that dom chart made me alot more open to monster imoutous. If only to see them grow up a bit

>> No.16333774
File: 1.06 MB, 211x203, 1454859872860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some ideas I've almost put to pen and paper in the past and may do in the future:

- Dwarf and her human lover/workwoman's seat downing flagons of mead only to end up in the lotus position on the floor of her ramshackle workshop, letting each other drink from their mouths or flagons.

- Oomukade pouring sake down her front, focusing on her venom sacs and telling her future husband to 'lick it off'

- A Satyros showing her lover the true power of a child of Bacchus; The ability to lactate a sweet, flowery white whine from her teats as she jerks him off

- Oni dunking her hubby in a huge barrel of sake only to pin him to the ground and slurp and lick all of it off of him, focusing especially on his throbbing cock, taking care to not let any into his urethra

- Apophis making the waters run red, and be as of wine. Bathing in wine, having sex in wine with her husband in a sort of cleared out circular area similar to Moses in the Nile

Or, my personal favorite:

- Yakuza Kitsune throwing open her yukata, showing her subordinate how powdered and naked and absolutely ready she is to have him fuck her like an animal since they'd been keeping it strictly anal before the trip.

Only to take a droplet of sake, and pop it onto an erect nipple, offering him the comfort of a breast that he was denied by his newborn sister when he was but a child. Followed by carnal, baby-making and confessing-love sexual cuddling that lasts all through the night.

>> No.16333779

I'm not going to lie, but elves keep getting higher and higher on my list. They're just too arousing for their own good.

>> No.16333781


Really anon? That was a cute heartwarming greentext and you had to ruin it?

>Little did he know that they were tracking him from the second he set foot past the treeline
>They invite him for a cup of tea to catch up on good times and the current Elf Activist movement and show their support*


>> No.16333796
Quoted by: >>16333939

Saw that gif on /a/'s Buyfag thread, and I'm gonna say what it made me think of there.

Imagine an Albedo doujin, drawn by Hirame. How wonderful would that be?

>> No.16333797

>- Oomukade pouring sake down her front, focusing on her venom sacs and telling her future husband to 'lick it off
> Apophis making the waters run red, and be as of wine. Bathing in wine, having sex in wine with her husband in a sort of cleared out circular area similar to Moses in the Nile

This is making me diamonds

>> No.16333806

>A Satyros showing her lover the true power of a child of Bacchus; The ability to lactate a sweet, flowery white whine from her teats as she jerks him off
Double yes.

>> No.16333822
Quoted by: >>16333842

>That spoiler
How intricate are her tattoos?
And how many of them are pleasure runes?

>> No.16333834
Quoted by: >>16333844

Who knew that NEET centipedes could be so lewd?

>> No.16333842
Quoted by: >>16333856

Her entire back is covered in an expansive tiger tattoo, while his has a full-fox Inari. He's missing the ring finger on his left hand, just like she has an eye missing with the eyepatch and gets flustered when he implies she got the tiger tattoo because she can fuck like a tiger.

>> No.16333844
Quoted by: >>16333848

NEET centipedes are far lewder than normal.

They're sedentary lifestyle has left them with far more meat than the average centipede

>> No.16333848
Quoted by: >>16333852

>more meat t

>> No.16333852

Yep, they're thick.
In all the right places and maybe around the middle but they prefer to use their huge rack to draw their attention away from it.

>> No.16333856

Perfection. If you're going to have a Yakuza monstergirl it'd be a waste not to have her have some ink.
Though I'd personally prefer to have started off as a prostitute in one of her group's casinos until she took a shine to me and got me out of there.

>> No.16333863
Quoted by: >>16333869

I wouldn't mind drinking sake off a a thicc oomukade.

>> No.16333869
Quoted by: >>16333896

And I'm sure that she wouldn't mind you doing so.

>> No.16333896
Quoted by: >>16333913

Oh anon. But what if she's not used to affection by a human male? Wouldn't it be cute to pour sake on an Oomukades tummy and then watch her squirm as you lick it up?

>> No.16333913

They shy act is overblown, most of them are gloomy but lewd, trying to get you to drink it from their soft bust or navel.

You get them squirming if you starting moving lower though.

THAT is something they aren't prepared for.

>> No.16333920

>Thicc centipede stretching out her Wombfiller band shirt.

>> No.16333921

I know the wiki isn't liked around here but this is one of the few nice writers I found

>> No.16333932
Quoted by: >>16333984

It's especially nice when you comment on her large venom sacks and it takes her a second to realize you meant her chest.

>> No.16333939

Does Hirame even draw anymore?

>> No.16333972
File: 914 KB, 3390x3300, 2016-12-03 - chirstmas whitehorn update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated whitehorn, gave her antlers

>> No.16333981
Quoted by: >>16333998

Very cute! That tree needs some presents

>> No.16333984
Quoted by: >>16333988

She'll just think you're calling her fat.

>> No.16333988
Quoted by: >>16334010

Well, she does have a wee bit of pudge but she's not anything that's too heavy.

>> No.16333998

She is the present

>> No.16333999
Quoted by: >>16334017

She looks comfy

>> No.16334002
Quoted by: >>16334023

The only reason why the wiki is treated with any disdain is because they have autists like Grigori.

>> No.16334010
Quoted by: >>16334016

No, she's paranoid and sensitive about her breasts so she'll think you hate them.

>> No.16334016
Quoted by: >>16334041

Then how are you going to assure her that its not the case?

>> No.16334017
Quoted by: >>16334031

she'd be comfier if you were there enjoying a hot cup of cocoa next to her

>> No.16334018

Huh. Both pretty creative and also something I could actually see being in the encyclopedia. Rest of the guys stuff looks pretty good to.

>> No.16334023

If you mean the user Father Grigori, he's been banned from the website

>> No.16334031

Next to her? I want to be snuggled up in her lap!

>> No.16334041
Quoted by: >>16334049

It'll be hard. Everyone made fun of her for being an ugly cowbug, and it's hard to find clothing that fits, and they make her back hurt. She'll think you're out to bully her.

>> No.16334044

it probably feels nice in the embrace of a Oomukade. All those legs wrapping around you. And I don't know if you've ever seen a Centipede with eggs. But they look super cute. For that reason alone I would marry, impregnate and take full responsibility.

>> No.16334049
Quoted by: >>16334112

Then you just gotta make her feel good with them.

Massage her chest and do what you can to make her feel special.

>> No.16334051

Oomukade are truly best bug

>> No.16334075
Quoted by: >>16334081

Once you get used to all the legs skittering on your body it becomes very conformable to be wrapped by an Oomukade

Make sure to show her your love, she might get the idea that you're with her only because she pumped you full of venom otherwise

>> No.16334081

Oomukades don't deserve the shit they get. They're actually very nice girls.

>> No.16334085

I hope to god she keeps the muscles.

>> No.16334108

>ywn have an Oomukade's antennae tapping against your face in the morning

>> No.16334109

That they are plus gloomy/depressed girls are rare
I'd love nothing more than to make one happy

>> No.16334110
Quoted by: >>16334125

One of these days I'm going to cave in and just write a big long monster girl footfic.

>> No.16334112
Quoted by: >>16334116

Trying to milk her like a Holst? That's harsh.

>> No.16334116
Quoted by: >>16334149

It's also the best way to get her squirming and moaning while you straddle her from behind.

>> No.16334125
Quoted by: >>16334216

I bet you wont you pussy.

>> No.16334143
Quoted by: >>16334149

Is this a reference I'm missing.

>> No.16334149
Quoted by: >>16334231

So just because she was cursed with a fat chest, you think it's okay to just grab them?

I just thought it would to a good name for a monstergirl band.

>> No.16334165

2017 is the year I probably get back into writing, and guess what's on my top priority list? Stinkpede.

>> No.16334170
Quoted by: >>16334202

You get that dank meme out of my face.

>> No.16334202
Quoted by: >>16334250

She's only stinky because it's the stench of copious, loving sex!

>> No.16334216

I gotta work through my other writings first

>> No.16334231
Quoted by: >>16334244

If its to make her understand the bounty on her chest than yes

>> No.16334238
File: 474 KB, 1200x1756, Birth of a Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves and Elf accessories.

>> No.16334242
File: 294 KB, 1200x1000, Booba Fett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dangerous would MG Mercenaries be?

They'd be motivated by money and someone has to see them as capable enough to worth a paycheck.

>> No.16334244

She knows about it and wants it gone.

>> No.16334250

I will accept this.

I'd imagine pretty dangerous, though mostly assigned to capture missions.
I want to work with one.

>> No.16334256

The warrior types would be very dangerous.

>> No.16334265

What do they do?

>> No.16334307
Quoted by: >>16334369

They would fulton every male in the battlefield

>> No.16334327

its the year they cross over

>> No.16334347

Be careful if you plan on writting about certain monster girls. They might go for you.

>> No.16334361
Quoted by: >>16334380

>Dawn of the second day.png

>> No.16334369
Quoted by: >>16334416

Kaz "If you fulton a mon she's going to be done" "Most of MGE2 is filler" Miller won't be happy about that

>> No.16334380

I can feel my waifu creeping up on me.

>> No.16334382

If they read my stuff, there will be a spider and a tiger after me
I might be ok with either

>> No.16334389
File: 56 KB, 249x666, lolioni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334395

>That new doujin about the oni who uses her immense strength to prevent pulling out during sex

Let this be a lesson well learned, anons.

>> No.16334394
Quoted by: >>16334433

>tearful union with waifu
Please. I don't want to think of these things.

>> No.16334395
Quoted by: >>16335546

I'm not into lolis, so I'll be alright. I'm perfectly fine with a grown woman doing this with me

>> No.16334405
File: 294 KB, 850x1133, 1467989495950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes elves so rape-able? Is it their sexy, fertile bodies that look ready for breeding? Or their high and mighty attitude that you just want to break?

>> No.16334416

>You'll never fulton an entire town of monstergirls to help them escape the Order meat grinder.
>You'll never help them set up a new home in the shadow of your mother base.
>Your band of mercenaries will never be considered myths by the Order and the Demon Lord's army.
God damn it, I want to be an unknown hero!

>> No.16334431

They are not

>> No.16334433
Quoted by: >>16334439

I will try my best to not cry into my waifu's arms when we first meet.

>> No.16334434
Quoted by: >>16334476

They've been using media and pop culture to condition us to find them sexy and rapeable. They're playing the long game and we've all fell right into their hands.

>> No.16334439

Oh there is no way that I will hold my composure when we meet. I hope she understands.

>> No.16334451
File: 187 KB, 1024x720, corset elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute, that's why.

>> No.16334476
File: 2.87 MB, 1700x1850, ItsNotRapeIfItsAnElf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334521

> They've been using media and pop culture to condition us to find them sexy and rapeable.
This anon WOKE

>> No.16334480
File: 1.22 MB, 896x1280, 71546e613ae57ac4ed5493a7c74d941f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no irish jinko to sing songs with and challenge to drinking contests

cheer my night please

>> No.16334484

i want to fill a elf with semen to the point where they start begging to their high tree god for a resistance boost

>> No.16334515
File: 10 KB, 295x370, Orc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because there is nothing more gratifying than fucking a girl who think she's the creme of the crop or the top shelf liquor and bringing her down to your level as a "lesser race".

>> No.16334520

What if that's what she wants?

>> No.16334521

With that said, I also find elves irresistibly lewd. Whenever I look at an elf, I'm filled with nothing but pure lust. So it's probably too late for me.

>> No.16334528

Of course it's what she wants. Why do you think elves adopt such a haughty and proud demeanor? Why do you think they wear such lewd outfits as they insult humans for being such a primitive and uncultured race?

>> No.16334551


>> No.16334552
File: 108 KB, 397x487, so stubborn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, where's the fun in that? Elves are only fun if you break them first. Make them realize how perverted they actually are, then make them revel in their sluttiness. An elf who's slutty from the word go is boring.

>> No.16334555
File: 1.51 MB, 2192x3127, 1391646205884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's nothing better than being fucked by a girl who thinks you're a rough, horny dog ruled by his lower brain, and wants to get down and dirty slumming it by gyrating her million-dollar hips on your pleb dick.
> You should be proud that a mongrel like you gets to feel the silky warmth of elven pussy; this is probably the greatest thing anyone in your species will ever achieve, being my booty call.
> Do try not to come all over my hands when I'm fondling you. These gloves predate your discovery of fire. :^)

>> No.16334558

She's gonna get face fucked until she cries.

>> No.16334570

So is there any good MG stuff at Comiket not based on a fucking mobage?

>> No.16334578
Quoted by: >>16334613

I'd rather hold her down and pump as much semen into her womb as possible, while accusing her of being a slut who gets off to being creampied by human dicks.

So pretty much the usual.

>> No.16334585
Quoted by: >>16334592

mge elves rape just as often as they get raped, its why I like them so much

>> No.16334592
Quoted by: >>16334602

Nobody ever remembers it though. I would be happy if at least dark elves weren't used the meme way all the time.

>> No.16334597
File: 586 KB, 698x1105, 1479902270525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anons,
Elves are for carrying you away to their village after you wander into their green realm. What kind of forest guardians would they be if they didn't take care of poor healthy men that ate the delicious fruit or get caught in a pollen-laden breeze? It's not their fault if you want to stay as their treasured husband.

>> No.16334602
Quoted by: >>16334608

>I would be happy if at least dark elves weren't used the meme way all the time.
whats the meme way
enlighten me

>> No.16334604

Truly the finest taste. Elves are for loving and walks though the woods.

>> No.16334605

If they so much as try that on me, I'll knock up their entire village.

>> No.16334608


>> No.16334610

>No amazonian wood elves to find me dying in the woods and nurse me back to health.
>They'll never tie me to a bed and make me pay them back for their hospitality by gently gangraping me until they're all pregnant.
>I'll never choose to stay with them and live out the rest of my life in comfortable bliss.

>> No.16334612
Quoted by: >>16334763

>short hair

>> No.16334613
Quoted by: >>16334628

If 2017 does happen be careful around them anons. Internet memes don't apply to actual elves and you might end up in trouble

>> No.16334628

What are they going to do, rape me?

>> No.16334633
Quoted by: >>16334648

Call upon Eros to curse you for not treating them with love

>> No.16334639

I want to constantly compliment an elf and drive her smugness to new heights while she dominates me

>> No.16334641

Do you really think she would get raped unless she truly wanted it? She's hundreds of years old and strong, if you push her down and pound her, it's because she wants it.

She'll just thank you for the meal. Humans might be ugly, brutish and stupid, but they are good for sex.

>> No.16334645
Quoted by: >>16334654

>You've been in this village for days now, maybe longer.
>Since you got here you haven't been able to stop fucking elves, you think you're on your eighth of the fifty five elves in the village.
>You can barely comprehend the world around you, all you can focus on is the caramel brown skin of the deliciously curvy elf before you.
>Everything about her is mesmerizing, from the swaying of her breasts to the jiggling of her ass. Hers is a body meant for breeding like all the others in this village.
>Occasionally another elf will saunter in to the tree-home you've made your home in and lay a plate of food and drink by the bed.
>Otherwise all your time is spent balls deep in elven pussy. They tell you it might be months, even years before you impregnate them all as you said you would but you don't care.
>You don't want to ever leave this paradise, and they don't want you to either.
>Years later you would be known as the father of the village, leading your harem of elven wives and the fruits of your loins to create highly desirable trade routes.
>You would forever go down in history as the one who helped keep their village alive for thousands of years.
>Of course eventually you and your wives retired from the world, retreating to deep within the Feywild to live out the rest of eternity in hedonistic bliss.

>> No.16334648

That would probably be the shittiest reason to get cursed, ever. Frankly, Eros would probably be insulted by the very request.

>> No.16334652
Quoted by: >>16334671

Guess I'll just call up some pig faced orcs I know to go to town on knife ears with some barbed dicks.

>> No.16334654

God wills it.

>> No.16334660

Yes. Elves are alot stronger than they look.

>> No.16334668
Quoted by: >>16334722

You know what would really get her to lose her haughty disposition? Cold Iron.
I wonder how it would feel for her to know that she couldn't stop me from using her holes as much as I want with Cold Iron bracelets slapped on her wrists.
Who am I kidding, she'd probably love it.

>> No.16334671
Quoted by: >>16334676

What are you doing

>> No.16334676
Quoted by: >>16334685

Breaking an elf. It's more out of spite than any kind of lust.

>> No.16334685

Don't care. Don't mention orcshit here.

>> No.16334689
Quoted by: >>16334698

>Hiking through a peaceful forest.
>Find juicy fruit.
>Munch happily.
>Thirty minutes later you're barely able to keep from dropping to your knees and getting yourself off.
>Stumble on a naked brown elf doing stretches on a fur blanket in a small clearing.
>You watch her in a haze as her stretches become ever more exaggerated and revealing.
>She turns her head to you and beckons with one finger.
>Wake up in a hut with your new waif cuddling you.

>> No.16334698
File: 250 KB, 850x1275, sample-2954b7eda51b1e07878fd017023f57fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334711

sense some elf trickery afoot.

>> No.16334711
Quoted by: >>16334723

I'm sure she wasn't following you that afternoon and eagerly watched as you ate the fruit. I'm sure she didn't run ahead and get herself in position before you arrived.

Elves aren't devious, yet loving waifus.

>> No.16334722
Quoted by: >>16334734

Oh no,she'll be powerless to resist the hours of sex you'll give her, how awful.

>> No.16334723
File: 1.26 MB, 750x1000, 1431018901135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely not.

>> No.16334731
Quoted by: >>16334747

What non-sense.

I shall live between the borders of the Amazonians and the Elves then hunt the mighty game of the land gaining the hatred of both.

Then we shall see who strikes first.

>> No.16334734
Quoted by: >>16334740

Oh I never said that she wouldn't enjoy it, I'm just saying that she can't stop me.

>> No.16334740
Quoted by: >>16334754

That's why she enjoys it.

>> No.16334747
Quoted by: >>16334873

>I shall live between the borders of the Amazonians and the Elves then hunt the mighty game of the land gaining the hatred of both.
But that makes no sense. Becoming closer to nature is part of their cultures. If anything, they'd invite you to their villages to surrender to your body's needs and make love under the stars.

>> No.16334754
Quoted by: >>16334789

But anon, the best part is when I remove the bracelets and sit down with my legs spread giving her the chance to run.
But she can't, she's already addicted. The second she kneels down and starts sucking she'll know in her heart that she lost.

>> No.16334763
File: 127 KB, 560x800, 1468323247025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best hair

>> No.16334764
File: 79 KB, 409x923, bb0f3bbfed00abd0de29ed72270a1cb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334838


>> No.16334765
Quoted by: >>16334767

Elf rape is pleb tier and you should feel bad if you like it.

>> No.16334767

It's certainly one of the more shitty memes.

>> No.16334789
Quoted by: >>16334941

You know all the anons here that say they want to let mostergirls rape them? This is the same thing. Now she's got some young stud to fuck her and give her delicious semen.

>> No.16334837

>Shadowverse got a entire archetype of big titty vampires
>artists just keep drawing the loli vamp


>> No.16334838

She doesn't look very nerdy to me.

>> No.16334873
File: 1.05 MB, 1984x2372, 1473607159411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334886

>Liking a Human killing off the Woodland critters


>Liking a Human male fending for himself instead of being cared for by superior female hunter / fighter

Double Niet.

I'm a villain to one and an aberration to the other sitting on a potential powder keg border dispute.

Also I guess the other anons would be mad jelly of my Huntan skills.

>> No.16334886

I don't know, I thought most elves weren't vegans? Of course the amazons would prefer you to be husbandod and safe in their village, that's why they keep trying to get you into one of their huts.

>> No.16334889
File: 264 KB, 850x1202, __original_drawn_by_missile228__sample-0a54a2f2c1cb5f2da547ab0565741a54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334952


I think you mean

>Flat is JUSTice

>> No.16334904
Quoted by: >>16334952

Nice to see nips having good taste for a change.

>> No.16334941

You act like that's a bad thing.

>> No.16334952
File: 2.95 MB, 1555x2175, 1446944634189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli lovers leave. Voluptuous vampires only.

>> No.16334962

What about a muscle vamp who drinks blood from guys at the gym she frequents?

>> No.16334966
File: 121 KB, 700x763, r132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16334998

Who says lolis can't be voluptuous?

>> No.16334968
File: 321 KB, 1080x1516, 0b96fd010e6a9c33c3aeb20c814c40a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppai piggu go home.

>> No.16334974

All vampires are good in my book so long as they are proud and will use your face as their throne.

>> No.16334983
Quoted by: >>16335007

>their high and mighty attitude that you just want to break?

Fuck elves.

>> No.16334994
File: 410 KB, 850x601, sample_1a9dd3b683e5885cb574394a2d5220e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335008

>Do you really think she would get raped unless she truly wanted it? She's hundreds of years old and strong, if you push her down and pound her, it's because she wants it.
Most accidents regarding guns happen to inexperienced handlers or highly experienced handlers who get overconfident around their owns guns.
It's a statistical fact.

>> No.16334998
File: 648 KB, 842x1115, SCIENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppai loli is the best creation known to man

>> No.16335007
File: 707 KB, 800x1496, 1468080910973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck elves.

That was the plan.

>> No.16335008

>that body
>that facial expression
Wherever I am I must also rape elves

>> No.16335012

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be careful so that you don't end up the 'toy' of some buff minotaur princess or Oni queen.

They're typically the biggest and the strongest of their species and may use you as a practice dummy for speechs regarding the importance of trade with the neighboring kingdoms and suggestions of new mining rights from the dwarves

>> No.16335022
File: 154 KB, 767x999, http___65.media.tumblr.com_2e08f23aba354658e907361f59f3db36_tumblr_nzlw7yWbnS1ucsq76o1_1280_sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstack > Oppai Loli
A small, curvy woman is infinitely preferable to a child with comically over-sized tits.

>> No.16335024

Oppai is an abomination, a tragic evolutionary misstep.

>> No.16335034

>sold out in twenty minutes

>> No.16335052

This man has the exact right idea. Plus all monster girls regardless the species make great short stacks, adding even more to their appeal. Short stacks also are great to cuddle with and make the perfect little spoons if you ever feel in the mood to do so.

>> No.16335055
File: 272 KB, 1024x900, 1445969944164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah! You thought you were going to get bunny? It was a fox!

>> No.16335061

>Buff minotaur princess
>Oni queen, probably also buff
I would like this very much

>> No.16335065

Can't I negotiate with the Dwarves myself? I understand their culture well.

>> No.16335069 [DELETED] 
File: 505 KB, 536x943, 1482714444172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>range banned so I have to use my pass on my phone
Hiro you fucking heeb, I swear to Ilias I will fucking go to Zipangu and feed you to a swarm of irate beelzebubs you fucking shitstick nigger
These elves will help me

>> No.16335073 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16335080

>Trusting elves

>> No.16335080 [DELETED] 

>not trusting people in short shorts and Rhodie camo
I know they hate commies like I do.

>> No.16335087 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16335102

Can you feed me to a swarm of beelzebubs instead?

>> No.16335088 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16335102

Those Elves will at best tease and deny you.

>> No.16335102 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16335162

I'll just go to the range with them and admire their weapons handling

>> No.16335133

This is fine.

>> No.16335154

Even better.

>> No.16335160
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Voluptuous vampires
They literally don't exist
All anime vampires are the best types aka lolis
>tfw pic related is still getting translated
At least the guy is tweeting stuff so he is not ded

>> No.16335162 [DELETED] 

>tfw no monster girls to go shooting with
>tfw no beautiful public land to shoot on
>tfw "scurry black rifles" are effectively banned in my state

Feels bad man :(

>> No.16335165
Quoted by: >>16335169

Are Automaton butts soft?

>> No.16335168
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Seras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all anime vampires

>> No.16335169
Quoted by: >>16335172

They have the best robutts.

>> No.16335172

But how nice are their robutts?

>> No.16335181
Quoted by: >>16335186

Depends on cushioning. Mod your Automaton yourself!

>> No.16335183
Quoted by: >>16335186

On a scale of 1 to robutt they're a solid robutt and a half.

>> No.16335186

Damn those Automaton's for being so perfect.

>> No.16335190
File: 628 KB, 1123x794, sexbot sentai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a robutt.

>> No.16335191
File: 612 KB, 1280x1880, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! That jewnuki is fat! Look at her and laugh!

>> No.16335194

Top right, Catherine?

>> No.16335196
Quoted by: >>16335200

Robutts are cool!


>> No.16335200
Quoted by: >>16335211


>> No.16335207


>> No.16335209
File: 471 KB, 1200x804, Tanuki has wares, if you have coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335272

I want to squeeze those rich curves.

>> No.16335210

Would rather bum.

>> No.16335211
Quoted by: >>16335215


>> No.16335215


>> No.16335248

is your waifu allowing you to keep an elf__ pet?

>> No.16335254
Quoted by: >>16335346

Well if our daughter can keep a Maus, why not?

>> No.16335255

>They literally don't exist
The best for of Shinobu says hi, fag.

>> No.16335257 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1024x1000, 1483079409153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335304


I hope y'all are having a nice night o/

Jesus Christ how divine~
Make /fit/ Kingdom Great Again.

>> No.16335272
Quoted by: >>16335276

Can I get a source or is there some bad shit you're not telling me about?

I still maintain that Desert Tanukis and their haggling merchant ways are one of the best things this thread invented.
We need to come up with more monstergirl variants.

>> No.16335276
Quoted by: >>16335281

>Can I get a source
This is one of the few times where Google will actually give you the source.

>> No.16335281
Quoted by: >>16335390

Didn't work.

>> No.16335287

My waifu is the elf and I am the pet.

>> No.16335304
Quoted by: >>16335319

Somebody save that poor girl, she's being fultoned.

>> No.16335317
File: 191 KB, 1024x1000, tumblr_oizjk8Gwar1tks7kwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335326

>Snib drew more Kobold
Oh yes, I do like. Very much so.

I hope he finishes it.

>> No.16335319

Who is being fultoned?

>> No.16335326

Ah, I see. She's getting fultoned.

>> No.16335346

Well, why would you keep an elf when YOU could keep a maus?

>> No.16335351
Quoted by: >>16335361

Why would I keep a Maus? I'm not Nyanon, may he rest in peace.

>> No.16335358

Only Werecats get to keep Mice. Then Kobolds get to keep Werecats and Succubi get to keep Kobolds and Lilims get to keep Succubi.

>> No.16335361

I miss Nyanon. I miss Mausposting. Only sort of though, if Mausposting were still around I'd never have met my waifu.

>> No.16335390

not him, but here you go https://exhentai.org/g/1010987/fbc770658d/

>> No.16335392

Was Rachne supposed to be russian? Somehow I completely missed that
My fellow of similar tastes

>> No.16335401

he means the little french spider.

>> No.16335407

For maximum sexiness, why not have her slip from one accent to another?

>> No.16335408
Quoted by: >>16335851

Rachnee isn't Russian. Look at Lala's kid. The spider plush is speaking russian and has a bottle of vodka.

>> No.16335453

What is your waifu's favorite outfit, /mgt/?

>> No.16335462
File: 1.18 MB, 2940x1791, 1447731408522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from her birthday suit?

>> No.16335466

Traditional kimonos.

>> No.16335469

She's not too keen on fashion. I'm the one who wears the dapper clothing. Like what The Count wore in Gankutsuou.

>> No.16335470

Husband semen.

>> No.16335471
Quoted by: >>16335502

lacy thigh-highs with heels, a giant wizard hat, and occasionally a Dark Mage style revealing robe for errands.

>> No.16335490

There's no way she could pick just one to be her favorite anon! Just from what I think though, it'd have to be a rather modest latex leotard under a thick, ribbed woolen sweater. It's what she wears the most, especially in the wintertime! My daughteru's favorite outfit is her latex bra and a pair of latex panties, and not much more.

>> No.16335502
File: 876 KB, 1045x1650, tumblr_o12edlOqfD1tu52bjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335521

Does she just strut around your house in nothing but her lacy leggings? Because as hot as that sounds, I don't think my dick could take that.

>> No.16335521

That's all she wears neck down, and she does it for that very reason. I'd say she was a nudist, if she wasn't made of slime.

>> No.16335534

Weird eldritch clothing that leaves most of her body exposed

>> No.16335546
Quoted by: >>16336276

Except she isn't a loli for long

>> No.16335554
File: 174 KB, 1006x1199, C0wzsUmUkAAweLb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should stop joking about centipedes, some of them are really scary

>> No.16335556
Quoted by: >>16335596

I really just want to marry a bunch of monstergirl sisters and fall asleep in a cuddlepile because I'm a slut for monstergirls and affection and I don't want to be an actual slut.

>> No.16335563

Gropey hands for groping?

>> No.16335568
File: 152 KB, 369x521, 1458299538508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon be a new year. Gonna make a fresh start and work on that creativity?

>> No.16335596
Quoted by: >>16335601

Cuddlepiles can be very hot and uncomfortable.
Why yes.

>> No.16335597
Quoted by: >>16335607

Do you think male prostitutes in MGC have to put up with a lot of blowjobs in their line of work?

>> No.16335601
Quoted by: >>16335607

Don't care, slut for affection.
Plus with a Hellhound, Cheshire, Gremlin, Manticore, Kakuen, Anubis, and Apophis in the sister harem I'd be the comfiest man in the world.

>> No.16335607

Put up? More like nut up.
>fat-ass 'pophis is sleeping with her tail on your leg
>leg falls asleep
>can't move to a more comfy position or she'll wake up and suck you off
Have fun I guess?

>> No.16335611

Sprinkle me, little fairy. Sprinkle me with creativity, inspiration and motivation.

>> No.16335614

Why are you assuming that the Apophis goes on top of me in this equation?
It goes
>Big girls on the bottom
>Medium girls and Me in the middle
>Small girls on top.
So basically
The Cheshire, Hellhound and Apophis on the bottom, me the Kakuen and the Anubis in the middle and the Gremlin, the Manticore and the Vampire I forgot to mention on top.
And then the blankets.

>> No.16335635
Quoted by: >>16335637

Wow rude, the Apophis isn't fat!

>> No.16335637

If EMG taught me anything, it's that Lamias are big girls.

>> No.16335642

Well the Apophis I have in mind is a thirteen foot long Dire one, so...

>> No.16335644
Quoted by: >>16335645

A name for a boy and a name for a girl, quick!

>> No.16335645
Quoted by: >>16335649


>> No.16335646
Quoted by: >>16335654

St-Still not fat! Don't believe Pharaoh propaganda!

>> No.16335649

That's a lot of snek. And how big is a Hellhound or a Manticore?
Now a name just for a boy.

>> No.16335650
Quoted by: >>16335652


>> No.16335652
Quoted by: >>16335653


>> No.16335653
Quoted by: >>16335656


>> No.16335654
Quoted by: >>16335656

Dude, she's my waifu. You don't need to defend her.

The Hellhound is seven feet tall, same as her Cheshire twin sister.
The Manticore is barely five feet tall since she's a shortstack.

>> No.16335656

Joe it is.
What a little lioness!

>> No.16335657
Quoted by: >>16335660

>Joe it is.

>> No.16335660

Well I'm the one writing it so you shut up! Gonna be some Alpdom up in this shit

>> No.16335665

A little Lioness with a big thick tailpussy.
Being short does not make her a less effective dom.

>> No.16335670
File: 149 KB, 840x1020, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading a fuckton of writefag stories, I gotta' wonder, what would it be like for the modern soldier to be randomly thrown into the mamono realm, donned in camouflage, armed with modern weaponry and armor. Would a passing paladin be dumbfounded by one's choice of weaponry and attire? Would a mamono be scared off with a pull of a trigger?

>> No.16335675

You know how in the first chapter of Dragon Ball Bulma tries to shoot Goku?
That's what would happen.

>> No.16335681
File: 172 KB, 900x400, 1385558265309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335695

>13ft long

Seems pretty smalltime to me, buddy.

>> No.16335687

I think you've been reading the wrong stories if you're asking questions like that, boy.

>> No.16335691
Quoted by: >>16335700

>No one knows where he came from, who he is, or what he wants.
>Everyone has a different name for him, but the most popular one comes from the Order.
>The "Grey Death".
>His weapon can pierce any shield, any armor, and rings out with the sound of a thunderclap.
>He can strike from far away, without warning, killing instantly.
>He only shows up if the Order's on an extermination mission, and he always either eliminates them all or buys enough time for the heretical village to evacuate.
>Monstergirls who have fled such villages tell stories of a man in drab clothing, carrying a long staff that deals death from afar.
>Many have tried to find him to thank or "thank" him.
>None have succeeded. You can't find him unless he wants you to.

>> No.16335695

She's only 23 anon. Hasn't had all the time she needs to reach her full length.
Once she hits her stride she'll be 28 feet long, at least.

>> No.16335700

Kindly remove yourself.

>> No.16335707
Quoted by: >>16335717

For what reason?

>> No.16335713
File: 764 KB, 1275x2091, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to bicker, it could serve as an inspiration for writefag shit, and besides, a gunfighter will run out of ammo some way or another.

>> No.16335717
Quoted by: >>16335722

Because that violent wet stool of a post reads like something off of the wiki.

>> No.16335722
Quoted by: >>16335741

Anon, I'm trying to set up a quest for a monstergirl to find the man who saved her mother and thank him.

>> No.16335741
Quoted by: >>16335751

And I'm trying to tell you that you take to writing like a Jihadist takes to empathy.

>> No.16335743

I made a kind of introductory teaser, just checking if anyone would be interested in this type of thing.


>> No.16335751
Quoted by: >>16335763

It's one in the fucking morning anon, leave me alone.

>> No.16335763
Quoted by: >>16335768


>> No.16335768

No I need to talk about my waifus.
Do you think they'd shove me into bed and make me get some sleep while I'm trying to talk about how much I love them?

>> No.16335773
Quoted by: >>16335778

>That title


>> No.16335778

Very well then.
After I finish the Elf story

>> No.16335785
Quoted by: >>16335786

I hate you, you piece of shit. I hope you die in an unnecessarily long and painful way. But we all know we need to see it now that you started it. It doesn't matter how bad or good it might be, you have to go all the way now. ALL THE WAY

>> No.16335786

Why the hate bro?

>> No.16335793
Quoted by: >>16335798

No. I was already scammed into trying both writing and drawing and I hate both.

>> No.16335798
Quoted by: >>16335810

You paid for it? I know a guy who got his parents to pay for some kind of course where you wrote short stories when he was in middle-school.

>> No.16335810
Quoted by: >>16335813

No, it was just a waste of time.

>> No.16335813
Quoted by: >>16335824

I feel so bad for you. Self-expression soothes the soul when you can manage it.

>> No.16335824
Quoted by: >>16335827


>> No.16335827
File: 63 KB, 450x500, 1457015665203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16335828


>> No.16335828

But at least everyone else is going to be writing and drawing so I don't have to.

>> No.16335836

It's currently 3:47 in the morning where I am, but here's a story about a big bad Lich (who is actually a big sweetheart).


Good night, anons.

>> No.16335837

>Would a passing paladin be dumbfounded by one's choice of weaponry and attire?
Probably. I mean why would you shoot metal pellets at an enemy wearing blessed plate armor designed to offer protection from manticore barbs and dragon claw? The bullets would bounce off, and that's assuming you aren't using magic to create force field against projectiles.
>Would a mamono be scared off with a pull of a trigger?

>> No.16335847

Sounds sweet!

>> No.16335851

Ok, now I see it. That's pretty funny.

>> No.16335859

You aren't kidding about it being FUCK in the morning. Saved for tomorrow, though.

>> No.16335881

Erika is a meanie. I guess that's what happens when a girl doesn't get the D.

>> No.16335887
Quoted by: >>16335899

I love that everybody forgot about the oni.

>> No.16335899

I'm pretty sure she can just lift the door off its hinges.

>> No.16335938
Quoted by: >>16335961

Are dullahan children born pre-decapitated?

>> No.16335961

I don't know. Maybe their necks get cut along with the umbilical cord?

>> No.16336025
Quoted by: >>16336084

I want to go around to human nations with my Tanuki wife in her human form, adopting young boys to be groomed and sold to wealthy monmusu families.
And they when some enterprising special agent comes after us, we capture and convert them too.

>> No.16336062

Finally gonna muster the courage to try write fagging

>> No.16336075
Quoted by: >>16336099

Don't, unless you actually enjoy writing.

>> No.16336084
Quoted by: >>16336113

>Using a shotafication potion on a special agent
>Using monster magics and potions to wipe his mind
>Setting him up to be happy in a new family
>It all comes back to him twenty years later
What sort of scene would break out from that?

>> No.16336099
Quoted by: >>16336101

Why would he try if he couldn't possibly enjoy it?

>> No.16336101
Quoted by: >>16336182


>> No.16336113
Quoted by: >>16336225

>ibn4 catgirl rape and my mama isn't really my mama

>> No.16336144
File: 588 KB, 1045x1500, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16336227

>> No.16336182
Quoted by: >>16336213

You mean dots

>> No.16336213
Quoted by: >>16336245

>not having your (you)s back
It's just a simple piece of cod away.

>> No.16336225

I strongly desire a group of shortstack werecats, along with a nekomata and/or sphinx

>> No.16336227
Quoted by: >>16336276

Sauce me gently.

>> No.16336238
File: 426 KB, 689x1020, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one acquire a Lilim waifu? Must I accomplish various challenges and tasks to ask her hand in marriage?

>> No.16336245
Quoted by: >>16336757

It's not the same dude you can bring back the (you), you can get rid of the dot. But you can't ctrl f. Fucking stupid cunt management.

>> No.16336276

come on now

>> No.16336281
Quoted by: >>16336401

the challenge probably depends on the lilim
like pleasing a masochist one with high quality shibari, or fighting one that likes fighting.

>> No.16336326
Quoted by: >>16336359

Remember to be gentle when rubbing your waifus ears.

>> No.16336351
Quoted by: >>16336373

I want a Gnome and a Dorome to get me off using just their hands!

>> No.16336359
Quoted by: >>16336421

Don't worry anon. I'm a master in horn polishing.

>> No.16336365

You are not prepared.

>> No.16336368 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x1054, TURTLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone help the poor girl

>> No.16336371

I think we should keep her on her shell a little longer. Just to enjoy the view.

>> No.16336373
Quoted by: >>16336518

Bye-bye Anon Junior.
I'm going to elbow-drop her into the water!

>> No.16336377
Quoted by: >>16336389

I want to kick her into a bunch of other turtle girls.

>> No.16336389

Fucking Italians.

>> No.16336390
File: 1.79 MB, 1336x1100, UmiOsho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you help Umi to get back on her feets or ravage the area ?

>> No.16336395

not fast enough

>> No.16336401
Quoted by: >>16336418

Why were those the two examples you came up with first?

>> No.16336405
File: 50 KB, 365x337, 1482622922306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lower resolution than >>16336390

You're both failures.


>> No.16336406

Apply dairy directly to the mouth

>> No.16336407
Quoted by: >>16336413

I bet I can balance a turtle on my dick.

>> No.16336411

Upset fish is upset.

>> No.16336412

Slow and steady

>> No.16336413

Speaking from experience I bet you can't.

>> No.16336416
Quoted by: >>16336426


>> No.16336418
Quoted by: >>16336447

I want to push shibari as a fetish.

>> No.16336420

Well it doesn't hurt to try.


>> No.16336421
Quoted by: >>16336437

Are you sure? Just remember to use the lotions and oils.

>> No.16336422

I deleted my post out of shame

>> No.16336426
Quoted by: >>16336434

Explain what?

>> No.16336431

You said you would remove the stupid turtle when it was finished.

>> No.16336434
Quoted by: >>16336442

Your experience, duh.

>> No.16336437

Of course. Her horns are going to be shinning and smooth as a baby's butt. Then i'll move to the rest of her body.

>> No.16336442
Quoted by: >>16336444

That would be off topic. You should always try your best to stay on topic when posting in a thread.

>> No.16336444
Quoted by: >>16336448

Pretend it's about an Umi-Osho, then.

>> No.16336447
Quoted by: >>16336467

Fair enough. Really I was just hoping you were referencing something I wrote.

>> No.16336448
Quoted by: >>16336457

I'm not really a big fan of Umi-Osho.

>> No.16336455

Do we have more musclebugs like >>16335554 ?

>> No.16336457
Quoted by: >>16336462

Why bring up your experience in the first place? Jerk. I bet you'd even bully Wurms by telling them stories and the stopping right in the middle of a se

>> No.16336462
Quoted by: >>16336464

Not too big on Wurms either.

>> No.16336464
Quoted by: >>16336474

What do you like?

>> No.16336466

I'll rape her and not take responsibility.

>> No.16336467
Quoted by: >>16336472

link me
I have trouble remembering what ive read sometimes

>> No.16336468
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, 1479578196210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16336470

Their daughter is pretty cute, though.

>> No.16336469

Can I tickle her a bit and help her up after? I wouldn't bully her that's for sure.

>> No.16336470

I'd go home with her.

>> No.16336472

This one. Antagonists sort of fit the lilims you described, and are never mentioned here so I thought I'd ask. I know it's crap with poor pacing that I should finish already.

>> No.16336474
Quoted by: >>16336477

Lots of things.

>> No.16336476

Wait, you're alive? Good to see.

>> No.16336477

YOU! You're still alive!
You're just pissing me about now.

>> No.16336484

>she can't roll herself over
Low energy, SAD!

>> No.16336485
File: 341 KB, 956x1930, Prekiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your new maid, treat her well

>> No.16336489

I will kissu my meido's feet.

>> No.16336491
Quoted by: >>16336498

Is this the original design for Kikis? Have to say I do love it, looks lovely and kuu.

Kinda wish this is what we got from KC.

>> No.16336493

Why is she wearing those fancy gloves? I hope her masters cums in them so she learns her place as a maid
Also those ears are way too perky

>> No.16336495
Quoted by: >>16336499

Does she talk in prose pounded violet? I can't get an erection to a Kikimora unless she tells me that my 'testicular fortitude is most pleasing' while fondling the twins.

>> No.16336498
File: 125 KB, 481x400, Kikimora WIP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337625


>> No.16336499
Quoted by: >>16336506

Kikis are Slavs, not silly writers.

>> No.16336500
Quoted by: >>16336603

She looks kuudere. I like it.

>> No.16336506

Still though, Kikimoras talking in archaic "ara ara~" language makes my dick diamonds.

>> No.16336518
Quoted by: >>16336529

>Bye-bye Anon Junior.

>> No.16336529

Poor thing got buried alive in a mudslide.

>> No.16336548
Quoted by: >>16336595

Looks great. It's nice to see art of the proto-kiki.
Not like I needed a maid, however. Barely got room for myself, let alone a maid. Where would she sleep?

>> No.16336563
Quoted by: >>16336572

There is this Cheshire who's been sitting on my front garden wall. She keeps coming back. Should I be worried? How do I get rid of her?

>> No.16336572

It's probably just waiting for a wizard there, Vernon.

>> No.16336595

Put a pillow and a blanker under your bed and shove her there.

>> No.16336597

>prototype kikimora fanart
Barb you are the absolute madman.

>> No.16336603

"Master, this is inappropriate."
>You're hugging your Kikimora from behind, one hand lifting her dress and yanking her panties down
>She squirms against you, letting out a soft 'no'
>It's her fucking manna driving you to do this as you gently stroke against her vulva to try and get a reaction from her
>All she does is coldly glare back at you, bracing herself against the small table, shit, you can't do it
>Aim higher and penetrate into her ass, the muscles tight and trying to push you out at first, but quickly sucking at you as you find your rhythm
>Grunt, releasing a nice thick load into her anus, she's letting out a soft keening sound while you pull out
>Her face is still mostly emotionless, but she still efficiently cleans your cock with a kerchief and her mouth afterwards
"Please refrain from such illicit relationships with your maids, Master."
>As you retire to the dining room for dinner, she whines softly to herself, biting her lower lip, rubbing her swollen and enflamed pussy along the edge of the table's end through her panties
>Imagining to herself the feeling of your cock spreading her lower lips and making her yours
>Little did you know the beast you had just awoken within her

>> No.16336611
Quoted by: >>16336616

This pleases my boner for kuu maids.

>> No.16336616
Quoted by: >>16336626

Tease kuu maids until they snap and go full yan

>> No.16336626

Not quite yan, but thirsty enough to mount you in your sleep and try to suppress her moans so she doesn't wake you.

>> No.16336631
Quoted by: >>16336640

I was merely pretending to be asleep!

>> No.16336637

>Drugging Anon so he's in a really deep slumber
>Yet his second brain is still fully awake
>Mounting him in his sleep, suppressing her chirps and moans as she feels him poking deeper and deeper into her
>Squirms and shivers when she feels his cock twitching and shooting his scalding hot semen into her deepest parts
>The faintest of smiles on her face when she murmurs to herself she loves him
>Master waking up strangely refreshed
"Perhaps the Gods have seen it fit to gift you with a good night's sleep, Master."
>Laughs it off, thinking she's being uncharacteristic
>Meanwhile, semen still pools inside of her lady bits, the silicone mold of her master's cock she used as a dildo keeping it from leaking out
>Her tongue poking out of her mouth as she smiles
>Having Master's daughter could also be fun

>> No.16336640

>her face when she releases you were pretending
Seeing a kuu panic and try to explain her actions would be adorable.

>> No.16336642

That's going to be one hell of a surprise when the bump starts showing.

>> No.16336644
Quoted by: >>16336649

Kikis are too good. Especially proto-kiks.

>> No.16336645

She'll justify it as merely satisfying your needs so you don't wastefully masturbate, but she just has a thing for stealthily assaulting him and seeing his cute sleeping face crinkle as he cums.

>> No.16336649
Quoted by: >>16336658

Always watch out for Kikis! They looks nice and friendly. But they're a Yandere no mortal has ever seen.

Don't get me started on Shoggoths

>> No.16336651

The three laws of Monster Girls

1. A Monster Girl may not injure a human boy or, through inaction, allow a human boy to come to harm.

2. A Monster Girl must obey the orders given it by human boys except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Or if she's a haughty dominant species.

3. A Monster Girl must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws

>> No.16336658

Some kikis aren't yanderes, but they might turn into one depending on what you do.
I like my kiki gossipmonger.

>> No.16336662

Ok. This is cute. Is it hardwired into all MGs brains? But...

1. This is cute. I love protective girls. But I have a little bit of a roughing up fetish.

2. At least it compensates for haughty dominant girls.

3. Like I said. I like protective girls. Everyone does.

>> No.16336673
File: 45 KB, 131x212, Perfect Sized Ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16336675

Fucking love me some big ole ears.

>> No.16336675

>big ole ears
>big ole paws
Why is Yao so perfect?

>> No.16336677
Quoted by: >>16336682

I love Kiki's natural high heels. Really does it for me.

>> No.16336682

I wish KC made monster parts look like clothes more often.
Natural high heels, natural ZR, natural long gloves. Raiju's natural tabi socks are great too.

>> No.16336685

I guess he wants to see girls in casual?

>> No.16336690
Quoted by: >>16336700

No thanks. Keep that sort of thing in moderation.

>> No.16336700
Quoted by: >>16336785

Why? Is it bad?

>> No.16336702
Quoted by: >>16336705

That only goes for sub girls

>> No.16336705

Dom girls wouldn't violate those laws either

>> No.16336706
File: 104 KB, 319x600, Ogre_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. A Monster Girl may not injure a human boy or, through inaction, allow a human boy to come to harm.
Failed step 1.

>> No.16336713

Didn't read the last part of the second line.

Doms are not always haughty though.

>> No.16336715
Quoted by: >>16336719

What happens if they violate the laws?

>> No.16336716
Quoted by: >>16336725

Thanks for this lazy contribution to the thread. Anything else you want to rip off Asimov?

>> No.16336719
Quoted by: >>16336731

It's not harm if the human boy likes it though.

They can't though. A monster girl is physically incapable of violating those laws.

>> No.16336720
File: 453 KB, 599x732, wan wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I don't like these.

>> No.16336725
Quoted by: >>16336728

You contribute nothing while posting this. I think he's making a joke of the 3 robot laws.

>> No.16336728
Quoted by: >>16336735

So replacing the word "robot" with "Monster Girl" passes as a joke now? Fuck off.

>> No.16336729

Tell that Chesire to get off that cute hellhound.

>> No.16336731
Quoted by: >>16336747

Half of the species are dom so they won't follow the law.

>> No.16336733

>"Well they're more like suggestions"

>> No.16336735
Quoted by: >>16336743

It's a fucking joke. Why are you so angry about this? Who the fuck pissed in your cereal?

Do you have anything to contribute or you just going to whine like a bitch.

>> No.16336743
Quoted by: >>16336756

they are tense becaus 2017 is in 2 days

>> No.16336747
Quoted by: >>16336753

What dom monster girl hurts their human boy? Doms should be protective and loving, not abusive.

>> No.16336753

I was more talking about the second point but given we have people here wanting to abuse monstergirls, it's only fair they can do the same.

>> No.16336756
Quoted by: >>16336761

You'd think people would be relaxed since our waifus are almost here.

>> No.16336757
Quoted by: >>16336765

Just get 4chan X you fucking caveman.

>> No.16336761

that's when people are most tense

>> No.16336765

You don't even need that. Just use the site's own Custom css function.

>> No.16336785
Quoted by: >>16336804

It just shouldn't be on every single girl.
On a "domesticated" girl like the kiki it makes sense. On others not so much.

>> No.16336804
Quoted by: >>16336819



>> No.16336819
File: 122 KB, 405x383, RarePepe_RapePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16336848

Kikis live indoors, and tend not to just jump you and pin you down for rough babymaking rape at first sight.
Most monsters are less... restrained

>> No.16336834

Describe each dragon with exactly three words.

Zombie Dragon:

>> No.16336839

Dragon: The fucking best
Jabberwock: Ok I guess
Otohime: Don't think so
Ryu: But legs tho
Wurm: Who was phone?
Wyvern: Is pretty gud
Zombie Dragon: Ay hold up

>> No.16336848
Quoted by: >>16336916

Kikis are pure. Water is wet.

Also anon. Don't you want your Kiki maid to come with you shopping? To tell you what you should and shouldn't get? To tell you what's healthy? To pick out ingredients for her to make you the most perfect meals for you? To show you which clothes you look cute in?

>> No.16336850
Quoted by: >>16336876


Dragon: Stuck up bitch
Jabberwock: U fukin wot
Otohime: Nyotaimori party prawn
Ryu: Exploitable shrine girl
Wurm: Endearing retard porn
Wyvern: Dat underboob, hnnnnng
Zombie Dragon: Bitchs' just desserts

>> No.16336853

Dragon: Shit
Jabberwock: Shit
Otohime: Shit
Ryu: Shit
Wurm: Shit
Wyvern: Shit
Zombie Dragon: Shit

>> No.16336861
File: 164 KB, 800x790, 60630889_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selkie's selkies

>> No.16336862

Have a few ....., for your effort.

>> No.16336866

Dragon: Big strong cutie
Jabberwock: Thicc lewd Onee-san
Otohime: rich sugar mommy
Ryu: goddess for worship
Wurm: super fucking adorable
Wyvern: tsundere to cutie
Zombie dragon: claws too small

>> No.16336873

Strange to see artwork of the ProtoKiki, but I like it.

>> No.16336876
Quoted by: >>16336883

>exploitable shrine girl
>endearing retard porn
>stuck up bitch

Fight me.

You can fight me aswell.

>> No.16336883
Quoted by: >>16336885

Eh, one's bad taste, the other bait.

I don't think fighting those gives you any exp.

>> No.16336885
Quoted by: >>16336895

But it gives closure.

>> No.16336895
Quoted by: >>16336906

Closure is like coming on a girls face: Sure, it feels great, but boy is it messy, and now you need a towel.

Or something like that.

>> No.16336896
Quoted by: >>16336938

I-is there an original?
Seal-girls ought to have killer tits, it's where all their blubber goes

>> No.16336898

Oh no the selkie lost the tail part of her outfit

>> No.16336906

But he was talking shit about Ryus, Wurms and Dragons!

>> No.16336914
Quoted by: >>16336934

And? We know they're great.

>> No.16336916

Then she makes meals that increase endurance and semen production in the hopes you'll make her kneel in front of you and make her deal with the backup, and all that clothing is getting sniffed for your musk as she touches herself.

>> No.16336929
File: 111 KB, 849x1122, Ryu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like exploitable shrine maidens, so in the ryu's case I meant it positively.
But I always disliked dragons and threadcanon has ruined wurms.

>> No.16336933

Dragon: Old but gold
Jabberwock: Delicious brown dragon
Otohime: Would dance with
Ryu: Want to dominate
Wurm: Ruined by thread
Wyvern: The best dragons
Zombie Dragon: Scary but arousing

>> No.16336934

Would you let a man talk shit about your waifu like that? And I know they're great.

>> No.16336935

Dragon: My cute waifu
Wock: Weird wonderland stuff
Otohime: Dumb sugar mommy
Ryu: Big, old, lonely.
Wurm: Degraded to retards.
Wyvern: Cute but forgettable
Zombie Dragon: Needs dire healing

>> No.16336938


>> No.16336947

>ruining Wurms

It's merely improved them! They're double extra super cute!

>exploitable shrine maidens

This is sick and disgusting. It doesn't matter if you like it. You are wrong because I said so.

>always disliked dragons

And they've always disliked you!

>> No.16336952

Tricking a naive ryu into doing funny things!

>> No.16336968


The comic to sum up sluts for Kikis and hoofed girls.

>> No.16336986

Don't tell me you don't have a fetish for a Kiki's high heels? Don't you just want her to step on you?

>> No.16336994
Quoted by: >>16337002

>implying it isn't because she's a mild-mannered maid who supports you no matter what

>> No.16336997

I don't get it

>> No.16337002

The fact they're mild mannered just makes me want to ask them to step on me more.

Can you imagine the reaction of that good natured girl when told that I want her to step on my crotch and insult me? She would probably blush, agree to it and stutter through her lines which don't come out as insulting at all.

>> No.16337007
Quoted by: >>16337017

>step on me
No. Get a manticore or a hellhound if you're into that.

>> No.16337008
Quoted by: >>16337117

It's cute but also arousing.

>ywn start out with a cute maid who tries to please your fetishes but acts too innocent
>ywn slowly train her to dominate you

>> No.16337017
Quoted by: >>16337021

But why? Don't get me wrong. I'm a slut for big meaty paws. But I'm also a slut for high heels stepping on me.

>> No.16337018

The only thing that bugs me is the weird 'heels'. Otherwise, looks great. Excellent rendition of the proto-kiki

>> No.16337020

>Have kuu proto-kiki meido
>Hear the distinctive *klak klak klak* of her natural high heels on the wooden floors of the house
>You're starting to picture her in the crotchless garters she usually wears for easy access to her anus and pussy, depending on how frisky you feel
>Putting on the corset that keeps her perky, youthful breasts snug to her body beneath her maid uniform
>You're trying to act natural, but you're also trying to hide the growing erection as her tail swishes behind her like a giant feather duster
>She pauses, ears twitching
"Master. If I may, it would be most inappropriate for you to walk around the grounds fully stimulated. It is your duty as the heir apparent to keep your lust under control."
>Steal a kiss from her before her lips even have time to firm up, giving her booty a soft squeeze
>There's a faint flush to her face as her ears twitch in opposite directions
"I'll be awaiting you in your bed room in five minutes. Please, do not be tardy."

>> No.16337021

Being stepped on is for people with inferior taste.

>> No.16337028
Quoted by: >>16337030

Actually I'll have you know that sophisticated men who enjoy being stepped on are men of culture, class and fine taste.

>> No.16337030
Quoted by: >>16337039

What absolute prattle. Just for that, I'll step on her.

>> No.16337034
Quoted by: >>16337065

Kikimora's are way too lewd. They look so pure and innocent on the outside. Who knew they were sex beasts on the inside.

>> No.16337039

I see a low, inferior, barbaric Mongrol such as yourself would never understand the art of high heel stepping. I bid you good day and urge you see a doctor to fix that atrocious taste.

>> No.16337052

Here's how:
Mari's daughter: take her to Subway.
Lani: prove you like exploring, have a sense of humor, and are not a door mat for life.
Selene: beat her off like a man.
Illassa: say your into anal and other kinky things.
Victoria: serenade her with politics and other dorkish things.
Alp's Lilim: call Alp an Alp.
Treehugger Lilim: make a group of singing monster children called "getting gay with kids" that sings about saving rainforests. Alternatively: get her Ryu bff to put a good word in for you.
Drubella: act like you donct care at all for her.
Qoh: explore her wonderland with your mad hatter.

>> No.16337065

So like that maid from Dear Maid?

>> No.16337075

Sometimes I wonder if a Lilim is actually a fount to tell what kind of weird fetishes their creator has. It'd almost be funny to assign them to the shittier writers just to poke fun at them, too.

>> No.16337081
Quoted by: >>16337087

I just want to raise two Kiki children with my loving Kiki wife. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.16337086

Of course it is, that's why they're shit

>> No.16337087

>having 3 kikis in the house
What a clean place that must be.

>> No.16337090

It's perfectly fine to be stepped on by Ice Queen or Dark Mage.

>> No.16337095

What about lizards and dragons?

>> No.16337096

>like lioness type women, motherly ones, and yanderes the most
>make a Lilim that eats sweets, is playful, and has mountains of gator plushies in her room magically sealed off in another pocket space
Well, I can't speak for the others.

>> No.16337099

>Red Dragon stepping on you
My mind's telling me no, but my body is screaming "YES"

>> No.16337104

Gold Dragons?

>> No.16337105
Quoted by: >>16337133

>Sometimes I wonder if a Lilim is actually a fount to tell what kind of weird fetishes their creator has
That pretty much it. I do remember one of them more making a lilim for the corruption aspect then just her quirk cant remember who.

>> No.16337106

>Selene: beat her off

>> No.16337108
Quoted by: >>16337113

What does that even mean?

>> No.16337113
Quoted by: >>16337128


>> No.16337114

Considering what lilims do, I would not call it that weird.

>> No.16337117

>she starts to get a rush off being praised for doing a good job
>starts to become more convincing
>in dom mode she's commanding and strict
>out of the bedroom she still remains polite and apologetic
A good girl knows what's an act in the bedroom and what's real.

>> No.16337122

>Treehugger Lilim
Poor girl will be forever stuck with this. Even the Ryu mocks her for it.

>> No.16337128
Quoted by: >>16337132

Call me a newfag if you will, I don't know what that means either.

>> No.16337132
Quoted by: >>16337137

Beat her off
Beat off
Jack off

God damn anon it was supposed to be a quick stupid joke

>> No.16337133

If I remember it correctly, It was either maritan or Beast

>> No.16337137


>> No.16337138

Salamanders and Dragons can step on me as much as they want.

>> No.16337140

Mere female lizards aren't for that

>> No.16337144

>Beat her off
Funny, I figured Bob would be the faggot to have a dickgirl Lilim.

>> No.16337162

So which other lilim wud Selene fug

>> No.16337167

Selene is not a dickgirl

>> No.16337172

She is now

>> No.16337179
File: 307 KB, 900x1072, 1451231522955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if she likes taking dick she's a dick girl.

>> No.16337182

This nigga

>> No.16337190
Quoted by: >>16337256

I'd dick that monoeye.

>> No.16337195
File: 771 KB, 700x1000, Amazonian Titania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one please the Amazonian Lilim?

Is she the type that likes her men to be "fighters" that need to be tamed and shown that women are the only true fighters?

Or is she like a Jojo, where she desires the most plane jane of men who have no interest in fighting or hunting whom make naturally good house husbands without much fuss?

Maybe something degenerate like only men who could defeat her instead?

Perhaps she prefers "veal" as her choice?

>> No.16337200

Monoeye NO! There's pee on it!!

>> No.16337223

She's pretty kinky with that in her mouth.

>> No.16337255
Quoted by: >>16337264

Cute as fuck.

I love monoeyes with heart pupils.

>> No.16337256

Seconded. I know the design is supposed to imply creepiness, but it's always come as a turn on for myself

>> No.16337264


>> No.16337271

How does MGC tackle Mindlfayer brainwashing?

>> No.16337272

Since he is referring to multiple monoeyes it is acceptable to say pupil in the plural form. To do otherwise would sound awkward.

>> No.16337274

Hey. Fuck you. You know what I meant, man.

>> No.16337279
Quoted by: >>16337285

What brainwashing?

Either way, a Wurm would be key since they're too simple to be brainwashed.

>> No.16337282
Quoted by: >>16337290

They're employed as therapists. Used to heal the sickest of human minds.

>> No.16337285

>what brainwashing

That's exactly what I'm talking about

>> No.16337290

Like those people with a hand holding fetish?

>> No.16337298

Genestealers + Mamanobama = ?????

>> No.16337302


>> No.16337313
File: 251 KB, 1294x736, 1404867979063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337347

> Genestealers
> Already want to steal your genetic material
> Add the mamonobama lust to steal your genetic material...
Those are going to be some VERY hungry wombs

>> No.16337314

Waifu xenos

There are pics of that already though

>> No.16337318 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337325

Ayyys aren't monstergirls, Shoggocks.

>> No.16337325 [DELETED] 

So eldritch girls aren't either since they arenct from earth?
Time to remove Shogs and other chaos girls.

>> No.16337328 [DELETED] 

They're from the bottom of the ocean

>> No.16337329 [DELETED] 

Fine by me.

>> No.16337330
File: 504 KB, 1280x1842, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16337331 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337335

Shoggothes and Ithaqua ( The creature that Wendigo is based on ) are both native to Earth. Shoggothes exist on other planets, yes, but were almost entirely cultivated on Earth as a servitor race to the Elder Things as cheap labor.

>> No.16337335 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337342

Still originates from space and is therefore still alien.

>> No.16337342 [DELETED] 

And Cait-Sith is furry but we still allow it. It's from the MGE. It's an exception.

>> No.16337346 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337353

>we still allow it
hold the fuck up

>> No.16337347
Quoted by: >>16337382

I'd an Alien, provided the baby doesn't literally burrow into my chest. I wouldn't mind her hunting me.

>> No.16337353 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337363

Well yes. We can't be cherry picking from a book that 90% of the thread evolves around.

>> No.16337358 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337380

Stop moving goal posts.

>> No.16337363 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337365


>> No.16337365 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337369



>> No.16337369
Quoted by: >>16337371

>He doesn't know

>> No.16337371

Realised what he meant after I posted that. Though he was doing one of those "... omg so speechless" things. But I realised instead he just really had no argument or rational response.

>> No.16337373

>A Hellhound will never ride you while a Cheshire eggs her on.
Damn it.

>> No.16337380 [DELETED] 

My point still stands. Nobody is going to stop posting shoggoths. And people aren't going to appeal to your alien shit.

>> No.16337382 [DELETED] 

>Xenomorph MGs maintaining the eusocial structure similar to ants or termites, able to communicate via pheromones and empathic telepathy in the Queen's case
>Rather than planting the fetus to gestate inside of the host body's chest so it could violently erupt like in the Ridley Scott film, they plant eggs that act in a similar fashion to a Roper
>A human woman's corruption is a traumatic experience at first, the exoskeleton forming and her tongue becoming a sort of pharyngael jaw used for pleasuring mates and hunting
>The Drones' first and primary directive is to secure more human women to bring into the fold of the Hive, or to procure adequately strong male subjects to be used as mates for themselves or the Queen
>Fellatio from a Xenomorph is anything but normal, often times resulting in her pharyngael jaw latching onto the man's penis, pumping back and forth like a fleshy piston. The friction of the pumping action is similar in perspective to an onahole extending out of her mouth, I suppose.

Welp. I'm out of ideas before heading out.

>> No.16337384

Dragon: A perfect Jewel
Jabberwock: Wonderland's priceless Onee-san
Otohime: Undersea casino queen
Ryu: Needs a hug
Wurm: Deserves a hug
Wyvern: Best Childhood Friend
Zombie Dragon: Deserves the Dick.

>> No.16337395

>Deruella: act like you don't care at all for her.
Okay, but that might be cute as hell.
Imagine how flustered she'd get at someone just flat out ignoring her.

>> No.16337397 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337407

This, basically. Ayyys are far more /d/ than anything related to MGE or /jp/ by proxy.

>> No.16337401 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337416

>people aren't
Oh look, he's speaking for the majority. Again!

>> No.16337404


Update line 834: Little bit of sparring, the ritual is underway and the antagonist reveals herself. I was hoping to have this done before newyears. Look like that won't happen. Sorry. Any way, hope you guys enjoy.

>> No.16337407 [DELETED] 

MGs are /d/ in their own right you twit.

>> No.16337416 [DELETED] 

>>>/d/ is where you can post it. Not here.

>> No.16337418 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16337439

MGE ones aren't.
>mostly cosplay-like designs
>mostly only do vanilla stuff
And the few exceptions are banned here.

>> No.16337422

Everyone start arguing and start talking about how cute your waifus are.

>> No.16337429

I meant to say stop, but that works too.

>> No.16337431
Quoted by: >>16337445

My Kikimora is cuter than yours!

>> No.16337439 [DELETED] 

MGE isn't the golden fucking standard or something we should strictly adhere to for every little thing.
Even then a good handful are /d/ tiered.

>> No.16337445
Quoted by: >>16337470

There's no way your Kikimora is cuter than my Anubis.
Especially not when she's actually wearing her glasses.

>> No.16337447

My Anubis is the best cuddler and hugger in the world! No one can top her!

>> No.16337451

I bet your waifu could beat up my waifu! Am I doing this right?

>> No.16337457

Given I'm a huge slut with eight waifus, yes. Yes you are.

>> No.16337460

My dragon looks pretty cute.

>> No.16337461

Honestly the noise would probably get a lot of them. Besides that depends on the species, undead for instance won't be to threatened by bullets

>> No.16337464


>> No.16337467
File: 161 KB, 818x1157, 91026235290dad112d5a71c59d6c9d55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337483

How can i turn a dragon into a seed dump?

>> No.16337470

No! Your waifu may have beautifully soft meaty paws! But my waifu has hands as soft as cloud and a voice like a goddess! And she has natural high heels! How can you beat that!?

>> No.16337476

My Wolfu is adorkable.

>> No.16337477

Are you running a fighting ring or something? Do you need that many?

My waifu could beat yours at chess!

>> No.16337478
File: 650 KB, 2575x2023, 1471143413564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now a question I don't remember being asked here.

How's your waifu's voice? Give us her species and an example of she sounds like (more or less), if you can.

>> No.16337480

I think lilims are trash, they're garbage!

>> No.16337483

You don't anon! That ruins her purity! Especially pure strong blacksmith dragon like her!

>> No.16337486
Quoted by: >>16337494

It's okay though, I'm not about to let any harm come to her.

I mean maybe she could, but my waifu is pretty clever.

>> No.16337488

She sounds like Christy Mack.

>> No.16337489
File: 296 KB, 700x897, Pally Patrol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if your MG waifu is a criminal?

>> No.16337491
Quoted by: >>16337520

Shes an Anubis. So I'd like to think she sounds Egyptian (if that's even an accent?)

>> No.16337493

Echidna daughters man.
And as previously mentioned: Huge slut for affection.

>> No.16337494
Quoted by: >>16337514

She probably has the IQ of a wurm! Haha! Dumb dumb!

>> No.16337502
Quoted by: >>16337506

What could a Yandere Kiki possibly be wanted for?

>> No.16337505

Do crime together as a duo.

>> No.16337506
Quoted by: >>16337512

Kidnapping you and making you into her sex slave.

>> No.16337512
Quoted by: >>16337521

That isn't a crime. That's called being the woman of my dreams.

>> No.16337514

Come on, that's just rude. You can go ahead and insult me, but my waifu is just going too far.

>> No.16337516
File: 2.55 MB, 2033x5175, c7de1d8da881dcfd4a86c148b19a7fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16337520

I would think the NotEgypt girls would have accents like that. It would be pretty funny hearing a normally proud and regal Pharaoh getting frustrated by a difficult to pronounce word.

What kind of voice does your Anubis have? My Anubis has a rather deep voice, but it's still incredibly smooth.

>> No.16337521

Anon, if getting tied to a bed Misery style and ridden day in and out by a lewd maid who refuses to let you do anything by yourself is your idea of a perfect relationship then I don't want to imagine how your kids would turn out.

>> No.16337528
Quoted by: >>16337543

Would you cuddle a Pharaoh when she gets embarrassed over flubbing a word?

>> No.16337532

Kiki daighteru fucker.

>> No.16337535

She sounds like a nice mistress.

>> No.16337538
Quoted by: >>16337553

Anon, I don't think your waifu would approve of that.
She'd want her daughters to go out into the world and find their own masters.

>> No.16337541

Great taste.

>> No.16337543
Quoted by: >>16337551

Of course! I'd even teach how to say the word properly as we cuddle.

>> No.16337545


>> No.16337551
Quoted by: >>16337571

Do you think she'd sit on your lap and look smug about it?
Do you think she'd share you with her Anubis and Sphinx attendants?
Think about all that plump, soft desert girl ass.

>> No.16337552
Quoted by: >>16337559

Id say mine has a smooth slightly monotone deep voice. The kind of commanding voice.

>> No.16337553
Quoted by: >>16337561

Or they want to serve their papa.
You never know how this shit turns out with kids.

>> No.16337559

So, kind of like a woman's version of Dan Green's voice?

>> No.16337560
Quoted by: >>16337567

In order to save the world of men, I shall travel to the north and seduce the Wight-Queen of Angmar!

>> No.16337561

Well their mama doesn't want to share, and she doesn't want to kill her kids.
They need their own masters.

>> No.16337563
Quoted by: >>16337590

She's an Oomukade, I imagine her sounding something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YTvsWAGvpo

>> No.16337567
Quoted by: >>16337591

Anon, she's not doing anything to harm the world of men.
She's just a lonely CC who's died and was powerful enough to come back as a Wight.

>> No.16337571
Quoted by: >>16337583

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that she's only pretending to not be able to pronounce some words, since she enjoys the private lessons. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if she did. Nor would I be upset.

>> No.16337572

This sound perfect to me. Does it not to you?

>> No.16337579

>Arresting a Yeti
Did she hug without a proper hugging license?

>> No.16337583
Quoted by: >>16337603

No, she's really not that good at english. It's embarrassing for her.
But she's at least happy that she gets to learn from you.
And don't think she hasn't noticed your boner when she sits her plump ass in your lap.

>> No.16337588
Quoted by: >>16337607

Huh. Sounds pretty different from the other Ghoul story. I still need to finish the other one, but it's good to see you're still writing, Peny.

>> No.16337590
Quoted by: >>16337622

I'd prefer my Oomukade to have a nerdy stutter and or lisp.

>> No.16337591

Assuming that's true, it changes nothing. I'm going to marry that mayadere Wight-Queen!

>> No.16337595

She hugged a guy which caused him to spill his coffee all over his crotch and burn his junk badly.

>> No.16337597
File: 461 KB, 850x749, 1481684880763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppaires are the way to go.
Yandere tittymonster Liches are also grand. Good stuff Yananon
Those pesky party crashing Elves.

>> No.16337601
Quoted by: >>16339371

I want to see ProtoKikis of assorted bodytypes, hairstyles, and dispositions.
I'm rock hard.

>> No.16337603

Imagine getting hired by a Pharaoh to teach her servants English. The bossy Anubi at first being adverse to being taught by a lowly human, before coming around to truly enjoying learning a new language. The Sphinx's changing from hating your lessons, to looking forward to them everyday. The Kephri's struggling at first, but then banding together to learn in order to impress you.

Then the Pharaoh commissioning you for nightly private lessons in her chambers. First starting off as innocent, but eventually devolving trying to get you to teach her lewder and lewder words as she sits in your lap.

>> No.16337605
Quoted by: >>16337854

What about shortstack Liches who like to sit on your shoulders and rest their tits on your head as they read a book?

>> No.16337607

>Sounds pretty different from the other Ghoul story.
I'm using the word very lightly

>> No.16337610
File: 739 KB, 1327x629, 1438271921428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337615

We have kuudere ProtoKikis, but what about Cave-Shoggoths?

>> No.16337612

>pharaoh tries to learn the words for sex moves
>she can't describe them
>asks to act them out

>> No.16337615
Quoted by: >>16337625


>> No.16337622

Those kinds of Oomukade are nice too, I prefer mine more on the gloomy, clingy but otherwise romantic and forward side though.

Variety is what makes things fun.

>> No.16337625
Quoted by: >>16337637



>> No.16337631

1. It's not rape if he orgasms.

>> No.16337637
Quoted by: >>16337639

So Kikimora's with straight ears? Aren't they part of the Harpy family? Still, I can dig it. I want to rub those ears. But what did you mean by Cave-Shoggoths?

>> No.16337638
Quoted by: >>16337807

Serial Hugger.

The real one that's still on the loose in MGC, not that "Based on a True Story" movie where she got busted in the end.

Not safe in the city I tells ya.

>> No.16337639
Quoted by: >>16337646

>But what did you mean by Cave-Shoggoths?
Because some Shoggoths reside on caves.

>> No.16337645


Almost sounds a bit like Aya Hisakawa

>> No.16337646

Yes. This is very depressing and saddening. I want to adopt all those lonely creepy shoggoths in caves.

Every heard of those caverns going missing? Well guess what. Now they have a nice cave home and a very smug shoggoth maid.

>> No.16337649

That moment when her ears perk up when she's excited/aroused.

>> No.16337659
Quoted by: >>16337707

>That spoiler
When's the part where the other girls burst into the room shouting "no fair!" and demanding that they get a turn too?

>> No.16337684
File: 230 KB, 852x792, 1436810054993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337686

Flat succubutts are for blue ovarying every night

>> No.16337686
Quoted by: >>16337698

>Posting a cheating slut

>> No.16337698

Wasn't the cheating only a dream/delusion? That said the gangrape scene was cheating too after she started to go along with it.

>> No.16337707
Quoted by: >>16338321

Are they going to shout "no fair" in english? Because that would be pretty cute.

>> No.16337711
Quoted by: >>16337721

Succubi are already cheating sluts. They have sex with multiple men. They're used goods.

>> No.16337721
File: 1019 KB, 900x1251, 9042364390ba6ad2a1fc126a16cb4231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337726

Cease this stereotyping.

>> No.16337726

But it's true. It's their lifestyle is it not?

>> No.16337734
File: 226 KB, 1000x1100, C0zzkYxXUAA4Lid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that Phantom that Nav drew back in November?

>> No.16337746


Ai Kayano

>> No.16337749

>you will never be a lvl one hero who gets captured by a dark mage

>> No.16337767
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1694, 60643186_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337776

>> No.16337769
Quoted by: >>16337819

I'm surprised you haven't commissioned art of Saaya as a monstergirl yet.

>> No.16337772


When I thought I'd never see a person with such shit taste. And you come along.

>> No.16337776

Lewd fox!

>> No.16337782

It's not cheating if it's a threesome/gangbang with you involved.

>> No.16337788

The wight is the best thing he's drawn yet by far

>> No.16337797

I remember bringing up Elin proportioned Wights in that very thread, but I never once expected it to be drawn.
Bless Nav.

>> No.16337807
Quoted by: >>16337823

MGC needs to make an Unsolved Mysteries episode on the Serial Hugger, put a blue scarf and white fluff on some other non-yeti monster actress to play the Serial Hugger

>> No.16337811

I have no idea how to explain it, but my Kobold waifu's and daughteru's voices are most beautiful voices ever! I also love their yips and whines and whimpers and barks, those are lovely too!

>> No.16337819

I don't have much money and it all goes to food. Student life without your family helping you is not easy.

Thank you anon.

>> No.16337821
Quoted by: >>16337828

I prefer the Golem.

>> No.16337823

They need to make an episode about the floaty ghost wendigo coat.

>> No.16337828

The Automaton loli is superior.

>> No.16337848
File: 89 KB, 700x886, dc1a0b1000e7b5d8a46eaa981484106a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you have to pound a dragon until she starts yelling how much she loves you mixed with pleasure roaring?

>> No.16337850
File: 1.11 MB, 921x2014, 60113080_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry the wolfu!

>> No.16337854
Quoted by: >>16337900

Shortstack Liches are for bending over their work table and pounding their plump Undead booties.
Or milking like Holsts since I'm into that sort of thing.

>> No.16337857


>> No.16337864

I don't because I want to keep my dragon pure.

>> No.16337869
Quoted by: >>16337899

No, thank you.

It sort of is. Also, it makes them a slut, so, there's that too.

>> No.16337870

Wait, so the story ends with him being enslaved and mind-controlled by the Lich who had his family and friends tortured and murdered? What the fuck?

>> No.16337873

Give me a C

>> No.16337874
Quoted by: >>16337945

Not too much. What really matters is how you do it.

>> No.16337890

I'm gonna insult my way to that masochistic turtles womb.

>> No.16337899
Quoted by: >>16337923

Not really. Though it certainly is slutty.

>> No.16337900

Make her milk into milkshakes to feul up for more fucking.

>> No.16337923
Quoted by: >>16337926

It's not slutty, it's being a whore.

>> No.16337926
Quoted by: >>16337955

If she's getting paid she's a whore, otherwise she's just a slut.

>> No.16337945

How i have to do it?

>> No.16337948
Quoted by: >>16337968

Sounds tasty.

>> No.16337955

It's still unacceptable

>> No.16337968

Monshakes are heavenly I bet.
Imagine a bunch of busty MGs serving sering you some made from their own milk at a food joint.

>> No.16337981

The only milk i'll have is from a holst, on-tap.

>> No.16337989

Would you not dragon milk? It makes you strong!

>> No.16337992

>Red Dragon childhood friend invites you to her home to meet her mom and dad.
>Learn her dad's name is Caim

Will Anon-kun learn a wonderful lesson?

>> No.16338002
Quoted by: >>16338015

The fuck kind of a name is that.

>> No.16338008
Quoted by: >>16338015

I'll nope the fuck out of there

>> No.16338010

I don't get it. But I'm glad I'm dicking a red dragon. I hope she's tsun! Or maybe a little haughty!

>> No.16338015

Come on, he seems like a pretty cool guy.
He may even show you how to sword fight!

He'll even practice with you!

It's the name of a guy who kills death.

>> No.16338020
Quoted by: >>16338042

sounds like some chuuni shit

>> No.16338024

What if milk from other mons taste better? You must try them all, starting with an Elf.

>> No.16338027
Quoted by: >>16338042

>her dad's name is Caim
Her poppa's a Welshman?

>> No.16338032
Quoted by: >>16338042

>the guy who kills death

Nothing personal kid

>> No.16338035
Quoted by: >>16338042

Do I walk in on her dad stomping a kid to death as her mom and sister casually banter and not notice anything?

>> No.16338037
Quoted by: >>16338044

>people here haven't played Drakengard
That doesn't surprise me. They don't deserve to play Nier Automata.

>> No.16338042
Quoted by: >>16338061

And yes, she'd be haughty, her mother Angi-something is pretty haughty herself.

To be fair, the man also killed a country's worth of people on the back of a dragon, had to deal with an incestuous sister, and a crazy man who wanted to bang said sister, along with an psychotic man-child bound with an earth elemental, a cannibalistic elf woman, and a pedophilic priest.


He's so cool he's mute.

Its that kid's fault for breaking into his tool shed anyways.

>> No.16338044
Quoted by: >>16338051

The only Drakengard game that's even worth a second of time would be the first one.

2 and 3 are irredeemable trash.

>> No.16338051
Quoted by: >>16338060

I agree with 2, but 3 was pretty good.

>> No.16338060
Quoted by: >>16338083

>3 was pretty good
If you're retarded.

>> No.16338061

Good. I love haughty.

>> No.16338083
Quoted by: >>16338086

Ah, a heavily disgruntled fan who was disappointed with 3 and lashes out at anyone who likes it or shows any positive view of it.
Your opinion has been noted and is akin to foul cat litter.

>> No.16338086
Quoted by: >>16338105

Shut the fuck up, Liam.

>> No.16338105
Quoted by: >>16338113


>> No.16338106
File: 193 KB, 847x1200, C0w2IBMUUAEW5gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you declare your love to your waifu?

>> No.16338113
Quoted by: >>16338127


>> No.16338117
Quoted by: >>16338161

With two root beers, a nice steak dinner, and a freshly conquered country (Three if in Africa)

>> No.16338120

I'd rather my black dragon, though spending time with the childhood friend is nice too if it doesn't include lewds.

>> No.16338121

Grabbing her ass like he is doing.

>> No.16338126
Quoted by: >>16338161

calling her cute and fucking her with my eyes. Anything to trigger her adorable tsun.

>> No.16338127
Quoted by: >>16338130


And on the subject of Nier/Drak, would a Cheshire cosplaying as Kaine be going TOO far as a joke?

>> No.16338130
Quoted by: >>16338136


>> No.16338133
Quoted by: >>16338161

Take her on a date and buy some jewels along with making her have the best day she ever had. After that I'll confess my love to her while looking deep into her eyes.

>> No.16338135

With a ring and proposal

>> No.16338136

I'll keep that in mind then.

>> No.16338137
Quoted by: >>16338191

>my love for you is like a truck...

>> No.16338140

Surprise kiss in the right place at the right time

>> No.16338144
Quoted by: >>16338191

Killing an elk and presenting it to her.

She's a Wendigo.

>> No.16338148
Quoted by: >>16338191

I don't know how to.

>> No.16338149

>I gotta' wonder, what would it be like for the modern soldier to be randomly thrown into the mamono realm

Nigga, if you haven't read The Spider and the Fly...

>> No.16338161

You peeked my curiosity, what's the story behind this?

>adorable tsun.
You mean the kind where she's heavily blushing and shows her love physically but still refuses to admit it?

This is how you end up in the hoard room

>> No.16338167
File: 1.12 MB, 1240x1754, 1454037853086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whisper into her big fluffy ears how much I love her, and then be entertained by just how fast her tail can wag.

>> No.16338168
Quoted by: >>16338191

Well, as long as she feels the same for me I don't mind ending up anywhere as long as she is with me.

>> No.16338177
Quoted by: >>16338191

A black scaled ryu laughed when I said I'd be her husband.

She was really haughty and said she wouldn't just marry 'any man'.

Turns out she just wanted a good dinner, the countries were unnecessary.

>> No.16338180

Being a dragon's slave > being her precious treasure

>> No.16338191
Quoted by: >>16338197

I'm sure that cheesy lines work on 90% of monster girls

Depending on her personality you could always just poke her with your boner or ask for sex, she'll understand your feelings

That's spooky and so are Wendigos

Treasures belong in the hoard room and you're her most precious treasure

Haughty Ryus are the best, do the black scales make her kinda evil?

>> No.16338197

A little evil, and more than a little smug.

Still doesn't make her immune to teasing her while acting lovey-dovey

>> No.16338200

By letting her know I don't mind if she seals me in her phylactery with her, to be bound together for eternity.

>> No.16338207

I can see where you're coming from. But for me, being her most precious things in the world is just too mushy and I love it.

>> No.16338231
File: 287 KB, 1004x848, Phantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want it here you go.

I have another old picture, I tried making a shortstack lich but she ended up looking more like an oppai loli.

>> No.16338233

Courtship in the deep demon realms where no humanboys are born looks much like the old English idea of 'hunting,' I'd imagine. A few wild men caught in their villages and towns are brought back to a summer homes of noble lilims and wights and the like. Many gather for the seasonal 'hunt,' where all the men are released on the grounds of the estate to be chased down and claimed by the many ladies in waiting.

>> No.16338236
File: 1.91 MB, 500x308, 1479678425797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338906

>If you want it here you go.
Many thanks Nav.
>I have another old picture, I tried making a shortstack lich but she ended up looking more like an oppai loli.
We've discussed oppai lolis Liches in these threads before, so I wouldn't mind seeing what you interpretation of one was.

>> No.16338253

I want to be part of a Phantom's musical.

>> No.16338255
File: 123 KB, 928x694, 1479976358622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338280

>tfw to /k/ to have a Kikimora around the house

Do you think she's be alright with me eccentricities?

>> No.16338259

You could just draw a loli lich without the oppai.

>> No.16338262 [SPOILER] 
File: 851 KB, 897x1464, 1483135043764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338276


You'll never escape her love for more than a month before she recaptures you again and the cycle repeats.

At least it keeps those two plumber girls employed...

>> No.16338264
Quoted by: >>16338906

>I have another old picture, I tried making a shortstack lich but she ended up looking more like an oppai loli.
Go on...

Fully agree with >>16338259 though, a loli Lich with nice thighs would be amazing.

>> No.16338276

What if I want her to kidnap me?

>> No.16338280

Her Slavic genes will come through.

>> No.16338305
Quoted by: >>16338336

Putting a collar around my neck

>> No.16338316

Don't bully Saayafag

>> No.16338321
Quoted by: >>16338338


Well to be fair, the other two guys forced their way in while she was fucking her boyfriend and she's tied to his desires so she started enjoying it after he subconsciously desired her to stop being in pain.
Also she flat out stated that she could only really enjoy sex with the MC and that the other two involved tasted disgusting.
Also she gets really panicky during the last segment where the MC thinks she's cheating on him and tries to dump her only to learn that she was actually trying drink blood to ease up on him. She's half vampire, remember.

>> No.16338328

She'll tell you she loves you without any pounding.

>> No.16338336
File: 253 KB, 475x700, 1451328624087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never get lazy and procrastinate on cleaning your guns after a range trip, only to find them immaculately cleaned and oiled the next time you pick them up
>your vodka stash will never slowly seem to deplete itself, only to be replaced with a better brand
>you'll never be unable to track her down to give her the grocery list, only to hear a quiet "A nuuuuu cheeki breeki" echo through the house

Fuck me, I never knew how much I wanted this. I may be doing some writefagging for /k/'s /wfg/, and maybe crosspost it here.

>> No.16338338
Quoted by: >>16338370

>She's half vampire, remember.
Dhampirs again confirmed a shit.

>> No.16338341

meant for >>16338280

>> No.16338349
Quoted by: >>16338356

So everything she wears will be ftom Adidas?

>> No.16338356

>tracksuit-striped ankle-length maid dress

>> No.16338365

>/k/ has a thread dedicated to writing

What a strange place.

>> No.16338370
Quoted by: >>16338383

Anon, she starts using her vampire half as a means to make the MC's life easier and avoid a situation like the worst part.
She's terrified at the idea of the MC leaving her and considers him the only one for her, so she uses her shapeshifting to show off that there's infinite ways for her to please him.
Though I am a bit salty that they went with the Catgirl instead of the chubby transformation.

>> No.16338371

>What a magical place.

FTFY. If you like Upotte, you'll love the writing over there. Lots of cute Gun girls doing cute things with heavy doses of feels from time to time

>> No.16338379
Quoted by: >>16338408

I love maids (they're olev). But I'm not so comfortable with guns. Yeah guns and maids are sexy but I'm more of a Maids with knives and martial arts.

>> No.16338383
Quoted by: >>16338392

She's still a slut

>> No.16338385
Quoted by: >>16338405

What kind of stories do they right? Gun stories? I don't get it.

>> No.16338392

She's a slut for getting raped?

>> No.16338405

Most of the stories are centered around Waffengeists, or the spirits of firearms manifested as cute girls. Kind of a roundabout way of /k/ justifying fucking their guns, but many of the stories are incredibly endearing.

They're are also people who write more reality based war stories, and some decent science fiction too. Of course there are a couple writers pitching in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fanfiction as well.

>> No.16338408
Quoted by: >>16338420

>But I'm not so comfortable with guns

It's never to late to learn more, comrade. Learning how to shoot could be a good skill to invest in for 2017.

>> No.16338409
Quoted by: >>16338433

That sounds really weird. But I can't really judge, I haven't seen it.

The guns into cute girls sounds alright. But how do you convert the characteristic of a gun into a girl?

>> No.16338420
Quoted by: >>16338460

Anon, I'm poor and Welsh. Also my waifu always comes first. I don't need shooting skills for 2017 when I'll be spending it with my waifu.

>> No.16338421
File: 181 KB, 1200x900, C07R-MfUUAAtUPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can't simply have TWO Demon onee-sans.

>> No.16338426
Quoted by: >>16338455

I'm jealous of that shota

>> No.16338427

So kinda like kancol but with guns not boats

>> No.16338430
Quoted by: >>16338437

If I can have two meidos, why not demon onee-sans?

>> No.16338431

who says!

>> No.16338433
Quoted by: >>16338453

>But how do you convert the characteristic of a gun into a girl?

It varies from author to author, but characteristics like overall length can translate into height (if you like tall girls, there's a great story about an anti-tank rifle girl for example) magazine capacity translating into bust size, shape/length of the buttstock translating to hips/butt, colow/materiel of the furniture translating to hair/eye color and clothing, and optics becoming glasses.

>> No.16338435
Quoted by: >>16338445

You're right.
You shouldn't settle for less than FOUR Demon onee-sans.

>> No.16338437


It may be hard to deal with all the lewdity. But atleast I can have 2 warm tall girls hugging me instead of 1.

>> No.16338438

Those are some nice lines and brighter colors for kloah

>> No.16338445
Quoted by: >>16338450

Nah, bigamy is nice. Three girls are already too much unless they're petite girls like mouses or devil bugs.

>> No.16338450
Quoted by: >>16338513

I respect you opinion, but still consider you a coward for not embracing as much plump onee-san flesh as possible.

>> No.16338453
Quoted by: >>16338481

This is starting to sound real hot.

>if you like tall girls, there's a great story about an anti-tank rifle girl for example)

W-Wow. So do the girls shoot guns? And are there any vintage gun girls? I think might check this out.

>> No.16338455
Quoted by: >>16338478

Just take your pick out of seducing, chloroforming them or getting them drunk. They're his onee-sans not his wives so it's not ntr.

>> No.16338460
File: 265 KB, 869x1273, Merino&#039;s Merinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338469

>he's rather a Sheep than a Raifu

Well, I can't entirely fault your taste, my man.

>> No.16338469

Merino is top tier. But I don't get guns in general. Not trying to start shit but I just don't see the point.

I'm pretty sure you anons would start forgetting the real world anyway when you're with your waifus.

>> No.16338478
Quoted by: >>16338482

Anon please we all know how this works.

>> No.16338480
Quoted by: >>16338557

I want a demon and a dark mage as big sisters

>> No.16338481
Quoted by: >>16338505

>So do the girls shoot guns?
Occasionally, but most waffengeists are pretty opposed to being picked up by anybody else but their shooter.
>And are there any vintage gun girls?
Quite a few, those are some of the best stories actually.

Here's our sticky: http://pastebin.com/5yG5C9ek

Just look up /wfg/ in the /k/ catalogue if you feel like joining us after doing some reading.

>> No.16338482
Quoted by: >>16338493

What's wrong with fucking someone else's onee-chan?

>> No.16338487
Quoted by: >>16338541

I don't understand, is there a difference?

>> No.16338490
Quoted by: >>16338523

Dragon: Would make damn good Momsters
Jabberwock: Plump brown Onee-sans
Otohime: Would also make for good Momsters.
Ryu: Another good Momster.
Wurm: Irredeemable retards.
Wyvern: Untapped potential. Would make good daughterfus
Zombie Dragon: Soft Undead CCs. Probably have the best tasting milk of any Dragon

>> No.16338493

With Kloah and this thread an onee-san is pretty much a synonymous of gf/future gf

How new are you

>> No.16338504
File: 227 KB, 919x1280, 1439878598200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338652

You know what outfit a Gremlin would look very good in?

>> No.16338505
Quoted by: >>16338514

Give some a good read. Probably won't get a lot of the gun talk but still. That anti-tank gun girl has peaked my interest.

>> No.16338513
Quoted by: >>16338549

It's better to not have many onee-sans so you can give them all the attention and love they deserve.

>> No.16338514

>anti-tank gun girl
read all of the "Anon gets an AT random Mischief ensue " parts

You mentioned you like vintage firearms, so check out this story about an Anon refurbishing a old single-action revolver. It's some Top-Tier healing/feels- Read all the Touching Feeling parts

(he's also done some work for /mgg/)

>> No.16338523
Quoted by: >>16338546

So I've been thinking for a while trying to decide on what a Zombie Dragon would even seek out in a husband. For the sake of later writefaggotry, I feel like I've found a reasonable answer.

If there was a healer in a village and he was using his spirit energy to fix people up, or even using it to help medicinal plants grow, then wouldn't that area be positively saturated with his sent? So supposing that there were a dragon living in the mountains overlooking the village, a particularly proud one denying the nature the DL placed in her, then woundn't it be as if he had been unknowingly taunting her for years with the smell of his SE? Now suppose that same dragon died in a fight she picked with some gryphons seeking treasure to assuage her frustration,

It's they only reason that has cause enough to make sense to me, anyway.

>> No.16338528
Quoted by: >>16338534

>an onee-san is pretty much a synonymous of gf/future gf

Yes, and?

>> No.16338534

You're dense or a NTRfag, I'm not sure.

>> No.16338538

>DILLAWF still lives
I guess that also explains that small amount of /k/ oriented stuff in his Married Anon story.
I don't know why the fuck I never thought to check up on his Pastebin. Maybe because I legit thought he stopped writing.

>> No.16338541

>No mayadere dragon to take you as a sacrifice to spare your village.
>She'll never brutally rape you whenever she feels like it with no regard for if you're up to it or not.
>She'll never ram your face into her pussy and demand you lick.
>She'll never pin your arms to her bed and shake her hips to wring load after load out of you, looking down at you with her lustful eyes.
>You'll never start to notice her getting gentler with the rape as the years pass.
>You'll never notice her starting to whisper lewd things into your ears, and on rare occasions genuine encouragement.
>She'll never eventually start to caress you while thrusting her hips, and surprise you by actually kissing you deeply and passionately.
>She'll never always seem on the verge of telling you something before choking it down and increasing her pace to rapidly bring you to orgasm.
>She'll never be repelling a group of adventurers from her lair when one of them finds you and tries to rescue you.
>She'll never violently repel them while screaming about how they'll never take you away from her.
>She'll never clutch you close, bruised and bleeding, after managing to drive the adventurers off while sobbing and finally admit that she's fallen in love with you.
>She'll never bring you up to her bed that night and let you top for the first time ever while telling you she wants your children.
>You'll never mating press her for hours while her powerful legs wrap around your waist to keep you from pulling out.
>You'll never hear her moans and cries of pleasure as her pussy milks you dry.
>You'll never fall asleep still balls deep in her as she strokes your hair and calls you her "Beloved Treasure"
>You'll never return to the village you were born in years later, your wife and daughters in tow.
>She'll never personally declare the village part of her new kingdom, and appoint your parents as the Duke and Duchess of the village effective immediately.
>You'll never watch as your Mayadere Dragon waifu becomes the empress she was born to be and smile as your daughters begin winning the hearts of the populace.

>> No.16338546

That sounds perfectly plausible.

>> No.16338549

You act like I can't show all of them a ton of love.
Seven Demon Onee-sans is optimal. Get one for every color of the rainbow.

>> No.16338557

I want a dark gnome and a dorome as onee-sans

>> No.16338562

Huh. Did kloah change his style? The colors and lines look alot different. Also
>Your big busty monster sisters will never walk around the house in string bikinis

>> No.16338563
Quoted by: >>16338586

I'm already liking this girl.

But I don't get the "ATannie" introduction and namefag on the thread. Who is that?

>> No.16338564
Quoted by: >>16338583

>With Kloah and this thread an onee-san is pretty much a synonymous of gf/future gf
Doesn't mean it has to be, not every case has to be the same.

Kloah a shit anyway.

>> No.16338566

>a dark gnome
Little Big sisters are patrician as fuck.

>> No.16338571

You're gonna get feed alot of home grown fruit
Bet they'll even help you deal with the side affects.

>> No.16338576

There have been a lot of boner inducing Greentexts lately.

>> No.16338581
File: 183 KB, 1000x1399, dfc57f1a604489aefd536bea45a03a85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather work in a normal cafe with a mixed staff of humans and monstergirls or in a butler cafe where the only monstergirls in the staff are the manager and the security?

Note: The pay, risks and stress are way higher in the butler cafe.

>> No.16338583
Quoted by: >>16338605

>Doesn't mean it has to be
We both know that's the 90% of the cases here.

>> No.16338586

ATannie is the author. Over in /wfg/ we have a couple of tripfags who pastebin all of the writing that happens in the threads, there are only a couple of authors who run their own pastebins.

>> No.16338589

butler cafe realistically. i need the money

>> No.16338591

I'd probably still go with the normal cafe, I don't need that much money to live on.

>> No.16338593

A cute!

>> No.16338595
Quoted by: >>16338602

>a butler cafe where the only monstergirls in the staff are the manager and the security

I mean, you might as well just sign up to work in a human boy brothel. At least the rape won't be a surprise then.

>> No.16338602
Quoted by: >>16338613

There's no rape. Sometimes you get touched on improper places but that's it.

>> No.16338605

In Kloah's case the shota doesn't even see them that way most the time and they just force themselves on the poor guy. If anything taking them before they can do that is saving him.

It's only NTR if he felt for them that way at the time they went with someone else.

>> No.16338608
Quoted by: >>16338641

So what's a butler cafe? It's like a maid cafe for monster girls? I understand how the risk is high, but how is the stress? Also I don't need that much money. It's nice but other MGs deserve it more.

>> No.16338613
Quoted by: >>16338665

>There's no rape

Are you trying to trick me again, Manager-sama?

>> No.16338621

Honestly? The butler cafe. I feel like I'm decently personable so I could just talk to the patrons. Wear a more casual uniform and everything.

>> No.16338641

>So what's a butler cafe? It's like a maid cafe for monster girls?

Welcome to these threads by the way.

>> No.16338646
Quoted by: >>16338656

what does a reverse scale look like anyway?

>> No.16338647
Quoted by: >>16338714

I'd say the butler cafe but Im not that great around people honestly.

>> No.16338652
Quoted by: >>16338677

Sling Bikini.

The answer is always sling bikini or some variant of it.

>> No.16338654

Butler for sure.

>> No.16338656
Quoted by: >>16338664

Like a light pink scale

>> No.16338663
File: 1.26 MB, 1844x2589, lvl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338694

This is fantastic. The Kiki preart could very easily been the Kiki we know now, so it's great to see some actual art of the Kiki who could have been.

>> No.16338664
Quoted by: >>16338690

Light pink heart shapped.

>> No.16338665
Quoted by: >>16338679

I am not.

Although I admit butler cafes have some similarities with male brothels, like private rooms and having VIP clients who can ask to be served for certain butlers, but that's it.

>> No.16338677

With a utility belt of tools and gadgets around her waist?

>> No.16338679
Quoted by: >>16338706

Then where does the risk come in? Why is the pay so high if I'm just entertaining clients? Do you properly vet your security? I mean, I can smell the booze on that Oni from here.

>> No.16338682

>green shortstack Quiet


>> No.16338685
Quoted by: >>16338702

I hope you're talking about her hair anon.

>> No.16338688
File: 602 KB, 2000x2500, 1471590594915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE Gremlins aren't green. Though the profile Gremlin has green hair.

>> No.16338690

What happens if you try to remove it for jewelry?

>> No.16338692

I want to sit a shortstack Gremlin in my lap and fuck her while whispering about how cute she is in her ears until she loves herself.

>> No.16338694

What is that Kiki? Pioneer Kikimora?

>> No.16338697

>Even attempting to touch a Reverse Scale
Say goodbye to your pelvis anon, it's about to be dust.

>> No.16338700

Does you maid sleep in your bed? Or does she have her own separate temporary room?

Shoggoth-bros need not apply. Your bed is her.

>> No.16338702
Quoted by: >>16338712

I started drinking early today, forgiveness please

>> No.16338706

Sorry I am not forced to tell everything to non-employees

>> No.16338709

I mean sure.

So long as it doesn't interfere with the Sling Bikini.

Hopefully it fits in a manner where the straps on the back aren't actually touching her back.

Also Gremlins being green like Goblins would be pretty banging.

>> No.16338712

You're a mess

>> No.16338713

The Ryu will be stuck for the rest of her life in rape mode. And you, the person who tried to get it, will recieve all her attention.
You'll probably need a pocket dimension or else the whole place is getting flooded.

>> No.16338714
Quoted by: >>16338721

Maybe monsters would like a cute shy boy serving them

>> No.16338716

>Does you maid sleep in your bed?

Have some dignity, Anon. The Help is for dumping a load in before you retire to your empress-sized bed that you have all to yourself.

>> No.16338719

I'd work at the butler cafe, but only if I'm regularly fucked by customers.

>> No.16338720
Quoted by: >>16338730

The only one who sleeps with my is my waifu. The maid sleeps in her room.

>> No.16338721

I'm pretty sure some of them would love it. He would certainly have a name between ogres and onis.

>> No.16338725

how about putting pleasure runes in it?

>> No.16338730

I never understood this. How can you have a maid and a waifu? Those should be the same damn thing.

>> No.16338739

She has her very own cage to sleep in.

>> No.16338750
File: 873 KB, 1844x2589, lvl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An adventurer Kiki

At some point some months back somoene posted a serie of three pictures involving a Kikimora tracking down an abducted boy and essentially becoming an adventurer in time.

She found him eventually
He had however grown up and found love elsewhere. The now experienced adventurer Kiki accepted that and simply went on with her life of adventure.

>> No.16338752
Quoted by: >>16338775

Not really.
Waifu is the girl I love, maid is the girl that takes care of our house. Just because she's there doesn't mean I have to make a mess out of her.

>> No.16338756
File: 1.23 MB, 1844x2589, lvl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the second one in the serie.

>> No.16338765

>How can you have a maid and a waifu?

How can you, in good conscience, allow your children to have commoner blood in their veins? Do you have any dignity at all? The family line must be continued properly, Anon. You must marry a girl from a respectable family.

Now, what a man does with his property outside of family business is noone else's concern.

>> No.16338769
Quoted by: >>16338810

Something about maids being rejected after pleasing their mastahs really makes me sad and angry. I know it's just a fucking drawing but please it's really tugging at the heart strings

Trying to light up the mood. I like that Kiki's feet.

>> No.16338774
Quoted by: >>16338804

>cheating on your waifu
You're scum

>> No.16338775
Quoted by: >>16338797

But what if that maid gets lustful? Or wants a mastah who isn't taken? In a way it's sort of cucking the maid.

I ain't going to shit on your journey man. But I just don't get it.

>> No.16338784
Quoted by: >>16338804

>cheating on your waifu

That's disgusting!

>calling maids common scum

Love is more powerful than class!

>> No.16338797
Quoted by: >>16338809

If she finds a mastah for herself then I'll give her a pat in the head and wave her goodbye, I would probably invite her and her boyfriend over in special occasions too.
I could either take over or get another maid. It's not that hard, think of her stay as just training.

>> No.16338804
Quoted by: >>16338841


There is no sin. A man does as he pleases with his property. I find your attitudes an affront to Nobility.

>> No.16338809

Seems like a good system. By I feel sorry for the maid when she has to wash the same bed sheets you fucked your waifu in and covered in body juices.

>> No.16338810
File: 551 KB, 542x708, kiki babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16338823

See it this way.
She searched for him for many years, but in that she also explored other places and wrote many tales of her own, with her own friends and people she grew to trust. The story doesnt describe her as broken down from discovering the fate of the boy, after all, she has quite a life of her own which she built up. Seeing the person she once cared for living his own proper life surely didnt make her feel worse.

Now have a miracle of the universe to cheer up.

>> No.16338814

>you walk by the laundry room and catch The Maid huffing the bedsheets, her face a deep red blush

How do you respond?

>> No.16338823
Quoted by: >>16338839

I wonder what that cute little daughters my is watching.

>> No.16338827

Well, if she really wants to clean it she can do it herself, but in order not to taint the maid I can clean it myself.

Blush harder than her.

>> No.16338831

Give her a taste of the real thing.

>> No.16338839

>flicking through channels
>land on a cartoon show and let it run
>"N-no Dad, turn it back!"
>go back a channel and your daughteru smiles as she watches Martha Stewart

>> No.16338841
Quoted by: >>16339344

A maid isn't property. She has feelings and emotions. It is a grave sin to cheat on your waifu. I will be contacting the department of Maid health and safety about this violation and use of objectifying terms against a maid!

>> No.16338846

Cute Kiki is always cute.

>> No.16338850

Be careful not to die of little kikis. They are extremely dangerous.

>> No.16338864

>Kiki daughteru does something bad
>She gets grounded, meaning no helping mommy with chores, no home cooking channel, no cleaning her room and no visiting the nice boy down the street to clean his room

>> No.16338886

How would you punish your daughteru /mgt/? Regular or something special based on their species?

>> No.16338892

I put her in "the jar"

>> No.16338894
Quoted by: >>16338916

>does something bad

What did she do?

>> No.16338906
File: 261 KB, 741x1141, oppai lich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an old picture, but here it is. I'll try one without the oppai after I'm finished with loli apophis

>> No.16338908

Species based. Its much cuter.

>> No.16338916
Quoted by: >>16338938

She used extra strong cleaner without her mom's permission.

>> No.16338922

Liches with emotions are the best.

I'm ready.

>> No.16338924

>that startled expression
This is priceless. Keep on being awesome.

>> No.16338927
File: 215 KB, 1731x1092, LichRabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine she's shocked because she accidentally oppai'd herself, and now her nipples are too sensitive as she tries to pull her cowl closed.

>> No.16338937

She's adorable on top of having nice milktanks.
>I'm finished with loli apophis
About time you drew some sneks.

>> No.16338938
Quoted by: >>16338951

Doesn't she realize that was dangerous?!

Good thing Mama Kiki was there to stop her. Poor little Kiki was only trying to help. But atleast she knows now. She's got her punishment. Such a good little Kiki.

>> No.16338951

It's okay, it's only for three days.

>> No.16338955

Depends on what she does. If it wasn't much then she is just getting grounded, if it ws something serious then she is getting some good old I'll use her hoard to repair the damages.

>> No.16338960
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x993, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_chamaruku__67dbd305858cd2d51fa7c522eeb37d36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you like your Vampire bites?

>> No.16338971

the third on the top but with less blood. Kinda have a thing for aggressive girls

>> No.16338976

Passionate, gentle and without my consent!

>> No.16338978

Fourth one, where she looks a bit embarrassed. After she get's used to it, then the eight one.

>> No.16338980

I like my vampires to be cool and confident at all times.

>> No.16338981

From the top left. Number 2 and 3

From the middle left. Number 2

From the bottom left. Number 3

Although I wouldn't mind being violently sucked dry like a empty blood bag being tossed away.

>> No.16338984
Quoted by: >>16338988

Lock her favorite doll in the freezer for an hour so she can't hug it back to warmth and tell her it's freezing inside there

>> No.16338987
File: 574 KB, 1800x2250, 1476069233253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4th or 5th one.

>> No.16338988

Delete this now.

>> No.16339000
File: 267 KB, 500x593, c45bb48bad24430442415236cc3258dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which are the best kind of foxes?

>> No.16339004

A mixture of both. She gets her one treat a day taken away, she loses her TV privileges, she has to sleep in her cage with the door closed instead of with me and her mother, she gets spritzed with the squirt bottle.

It all depends really, if her bad behavior is something bad that a dog would do, I'd be more inclined to treat her like an actual dog with her punishment.

>> No.16339006

The short stack pudgy ones.

>> No.16339007

I like black foxes with a sinister side, and anywhere from 5 to 9 tails.

>> No.16339019
File: 107 KB, 535x800, 7ce91d6bd0cae0e7cd04543b8c631c6fb5f2b21e5da4912aae3cf338a375ec41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Anon! Where are those TNA reports I asked to be finished by today? Come to my office, we need to have a little chat."

>> No.16339023

Why do you need reports on that? You're a lady!

>> No.16339040

I just mop the floors though.

>> No.16339042

>oppai loli Lich
Today was a good day.

>> No.16339054

>"ANON! I messed up the potion and look what happened!"
>"Wait, why are you taking off your pants?"

>> No.16339075
File: 216 KB, 884x893, hellhound2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like so?

>> No.16339076
File: 645 KB, 1748x1224, 1480280113888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been selected by an ancient fertility goddess (who totally isn't some crazy elf who's been stalking you since your birth) to help bring back her religion!
You just have to fuck her senseless and give her daughterus and take responsibility.

>> No.16339083
Quoted by: >>16339100


>> No.16339089

That sounds fishy but allright.
She better call me names and act smug while we do this though

>> No.16339090

Perfetto, not the OR of course.
C-Could you try doing a long haired Automaton?

>> No.16339097

That looks so adorable. Straight to my hellhound folder.

>> No.16339100
Quoted by: >>16339112

hammershark wide?

>> No.16339102

>(who totally isn't some crazy elf who's been stalking you since your birth)
Among the multiple varieties of yandere there are, that kind makes my dick the hardest.

>> No.16339112
Quoted by: >>16339346

I'm not telling you to do it anon, Chancellor Palpatine has already willed it.

>> No.16339121

Religion is not my thing lady, but I am in the market for a wife/bondage love-slave.

>> No.16339123


>> No.16339145
Quoted by: >>16339157

will she scold me if i use her womb as a semen dumpster?

>> No.16339151

I want to be sexually exploited by my shortstack Tanuki boss!
I want her to lock me in her office with her and her Kitsune secretary and rape me until I cry to keep my job!

>> No.16339153
Quoted by: >>16339155

Where's the first one?
Alright, but she has to keep the pantyhose on during, and get a lot more pairs, preferably with the crotch already cut out.

>> No.16339155


>> No.16339157

I'd be more open to this if she was a delicious brown Dark Elf.

Anon, I think that's what she wants.

>> No.16339172

Demon - Lewd onee-san
Titania - Kind onee-san
Ice Queen - Kuudere onee-san
Dark Mage - Mayadere onee-san

>> No.16339178
File: 524 KB, 1748x1224, 6fcabd72931801b2339de6c72e42ce5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339250


>> No.16339181
Quoted by: >>16339203

Yup, about right. But no automaton onee-san?

>> No.16339190

What about trolls? Lich? Yeti? There are so many more which could be good sisters.

>> No.16339196
Quoted by: >>16339285

the moment she complains her womb is too full i will start pumping nonstop inside her until her race is repopulated

>> No.16339203
Quoted by: >>16339263

I'm following a certain pattern.

>> No.16339208

I just realized that was the badly upscaled version, if anyone wants the original resolution for the lich here it is. http://imgur.com/a/E7ful

>> No.16339218
Quoted by: >>16339549


Nah, more momster than onee-san


Not even close


Not even close

>> No.16339235

I want my dark mage big sister to catch me sniffing her leggings

>> No.16339242

I want her to catch me sniffing her shoes

>> No.16339250
Quoted by: >>16339268

Welp, time to impregnate an Elf.

That's a good way to end up tied to the bed with leggings with her ass on your face.

>> No.16339254

>no mention of Wock

>> No.16339263


>> No.16339268
Quoted by: >>16339275

Would it make her more or less mad if my erection got even harder?
Man I have it really bad for dark mage. Is this what having a waifu feels like?

>> No.16339270

what is this from?

>> No.16339273

It's because an otouto with a Wock Onee-san doesn't really get the chance to post about it

Wock Onee-sans can be very overbearing in many ways

>> No.16339275

She wouldn't really get angry if you got any harder considering she's already got the whole thing in her mouth.

>> No.16339285
Quoted by: >>16339296

>Haughty elf, mother of fifty, not so haughty after getting more than she bargained for.

>> No.16339288

I don't believe there's any context.

>> No.16339296

>mother of fifty
She just yielded a ton of thicc fertile Elves that easily monsterize like she has.
DE is some awesome shit.

>> No.16339299

I think it's an edit of a panel from a Pacific Rim thing where the Jaegers are cute girls.
The chinese one was lewd and Cherno Alpha was a flat girl in a school swimsuit for some reason.

>> No.16339307

The yandere ones.

>> No.16339310

Well, it's not like I have anything better to do with my life. So why not?

>> No.16339315
File: 67 KB, 600x800, 59418898_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339336

The thick milky ones.

>> No.16339316
File: 1.26 MB, 1672x1702, 683d5ba0cc60c922be19021dabfbc1ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ara ara dom ones.

>> No.16339326
File: 991 KB, 1222x1476, __kiri_original_drawn_by_sub_res__5b3ecb6a926ee63357f0d56681c3944c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yamato Nadeshiko ones.

>> No.16339336
Quoted by: >>16339341

That girl's clothes were made for Paizuri.

>> No.16339341

It's a miracle that cross-shaped hole can keep shape under tension.

>> No.16339344
Quoted by: >>16339390

>Implying servants are more than furniture


>> No.16339346
File: 285 KB, 1100x800, In an alternate Universe with MGs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16339355

Just a few more days and it's finally 2017, the year humans take their place under monstergirls where they belong.

Or on top... if that's your thing.

>> No.16339360

>Oh anon you noticed my new stockings!
>They were rather hard to come by. They're made completely from arachne silk. They feel nice and smooth don't they.
>Hey anon, did you know? Silk like this has a couple of other special properties that make it so desired.
>For instance they keep in spirit energy very well. The scent stays around no matter how many times you wash them
>You know I miss you terribly when I have to go out right? You don't want your sis to feel lonely do you?
>Of course you don't, you're such a good brother. So how about you lay down and give sis something to remember you with when shes out

>> No.16339361

Frequent and loving

>> No.16339363
File: 353 KB, 491x800, 1449681938603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16339367

Sinister, malicious, and possessive.

>> No.16339368

Not going to happen.

>> No.16339371
File: 138 KB, 1024x918, 1435507012160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339404

I know this probably doesn't mean much to you Anon, being as there's at least 170 unique people in this somehow functioning Mos Eisley cantina of otakus and waifufaggots, but you liking my greentexts made my night a little better.

Thanks, now have a free fox that you can return and exchange for something not as yandere if you so choose it.

>> No.16339374

Personally I hope they just abduct the people from these threads and take us with them.

I don't want monstergirls in this shitty world.

>> No.16339377

My nigga.

>> No.16339381

Kumihos will love you

>> No.16339386
Quoted by: >>16339396

But everyone deserves healing.

>> No.16339390
File: 269 KB, 457x325, She thinks she&#039;s people!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16339395
Quoted by: >>16339402

>yfw 2017 actually happens

>> No.16339396
Quoted by: >>16339407

No, fuck them. And not in the good way.

>> No.16339398

I've been saying for a year that our calculations are off. 2018 is the actual date.

>> No.16339402

>yfw its just as shocking for the MGs

>> No.16339404

Now that I think about it, it would probably be a bit awkward talking about the music played there with a MG.

>> No.16339406
File: 556 KB, 540x1248, Mermaid fishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be some fun things you would go and do with your waifu?

>> No.16339407
Quoted by: >>16339424

who hurt you

>> No.16339418

we both hate going outside though

>> No.16339424
Quoted by: >>16339434

They don't deserve monstergirls, and they will corrupt monstergirls into being like 3DPD.

Also why the fuck would I want 3D monstergirls.

>> No.16339434
Quoted by: >>16339444

>corrupting monstergirls
That's the complete opposite of how it works.

>> No.16339435

Dueling, mountain climbing, "flying", sight seeing, cooking and well, anything would be fun with her.

>> No.16339444
Quoted by: >>16339471

You underestimate how shit we are.

We have to be kidnapped and sent to their world. It's the only way.

>> No.16339449
File: 225 KB, 1150x1600, Rapetrain coming through.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339468

Generally evil mischievousness.

But make no mistake it's definitely "evil".

Like some legit debauchery shit.

>> No.16339452

I'd probably be the guy sacrificed to fuel the portal tbqh famiglia.

>> No.16339457

They can resurrect you later anyway.

>> No.16339461

I'm pretty sure you'd be fine seeing as they don't kill people.

>> No.16339464

My waifu and I spend almost all of our free time working together on magical projects, for her almanac.

>> No.16339468
Quoted by: >>16339511

like sticking slimes in the freezer evil or asking cc mgs how the husbands and kids are doing

>> No.16339471

Nah, we'd just need a tsunami of sex energy to put everyone under for a couple of weeks. When everyone wakes up, they'll be happy husbands. I'm sure they've been building up the reserves on their world for decades in preparation.

>> No.16339480

Unless those reserves also turn us all 2D, I refuse.

>> No.16339511
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x779, Best Wife on the Left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339523

From stupid shit like putting a bucket of water above a door, to making bets on how fast we can make all the bar patrons cum, and turning virgins into Succubi and Incubi.

You know, the usual sort of thing.

>> No.16339523
Quoted by: >>16339547

>on the left
But anon, that's not literally everyone to the right of her!

>> No.16339533
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x1360, tumblr_oj11reYPzT1vxgw0io1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. More Raiju rubs

>> No.16339543

Not lewd enough. Raijus are masturbatory freaks.

>> No.16339547
Quoted by: >>16339559

>That electrode braided on

At some point we need to slut shame Raijus for liking electricity too god damn much.

That's the point?

>> No.16339549
File: 494 KB, 800x1131, 1470596904062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeti onee-san brings you hot chocolate and makes sure you're bundled up enough to go out in the snow

>> No.16339550

Raijust are too dickable. I want her to shock me up.

>> No.16339554

Yeti onee-san sounds meh at best. If anything we have White horn for that.

>> No.16339559
Quoted by: >>16339714

Anon, I'm saying your waifu's shit.

>> No.16339560
Quoted by: >>16339653


>> No.16339576
Quoted by: >>16339604

>that flat belly

she needs some good pounding or two

>> No.16339599
Quoted by: >>16339874

See, this guy gets it? Not to mention how she'll always be there when you're young, and get scared in the middle of the night, with a warm hug.

>> No.16339600
File: 75 KB, 230x300, Charon_pun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339611

>Raiju in military fatigues
Is she a shock trooper?

>> No.16339604

I imagine with a raiju you wouldn't need an ultrasound. Just rub that belly and it'll light up like a lightning ball. Healthy for the baby too, just don't do it too often or she'll be a little sparkplug.

>> No.16339611

I swear, one of these days Charon, one of these days! Bang! Zoom! All the way to the elbow!

>> No.16339653


>> No.16339714
File: 512 KB, 768x700, Christmas Best Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't anyone learn ya not to insult another anon's waifu?

>> No.16339718
File: 274 KB, 1002x1416, 1479838776909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my waifu can birth me a son!

>> No.16339725

Anon, all the other Knights are far better waifus.

>> No.16339756

My daughteru can beat your sonu.

>> No.16339759

Diablo-sama can birth me a son as well so long as she goes back to her human form!

>> No.16339762
File: 70 KB, 200x200, Alma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insulting the girl who could turn your Paladin Waifu into a Succubus within 8 minutes or less or your money back

My waifu would literally kick your waifu's ass so hard that people would think she was trained wrong as a joke.

None of the other Knights are evil enough for my taste.

Which makes them inferior Waifus to me.

Alma is the sexual tyrannosaurus of the group anyway, how can the others even compete?

>> No.16339774

Eh. I don't really care if I have a son. The blood will continue, either way, even if the name doesn't. Besides, who doesn't want to pamper and spoil a cute daughteru.

>> No.16339786

Used goods, all four of them.

>> No.16339798
File: 63 KB, 599x494, B04gfVuCEAEt_Oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339806

>ancient fertility goddess (who totally isn't some crazy elf who's been stalking you since your birth)

>> No.16339806


>> No.16339819
File: 216 KB, 441x553, 1435710619490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339823

The sex goddess ones

>> No.16339823

Pfftt. She's no sex goddess! She's like 600!

>> No.16339830
Quoted by: >>16339862

The ones that don't want to actually eat you, unlike that one.

She has a pretty nice bum, but not much else going for her. I think I'll politely decline, and send a friend her way.

>> No.16339833
File: 149 KB, 700x908, 1453763004273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339915

And? 600 is barely 40 in fox years. She's still got plenty of pep in her.

But I'm sure she wouldn't say no to you helping her feel young again.

>> No.16339835

Just like most MGs.

>> No.16339842

In comparison to Alma Elma they're great waifus.
In comparison.

>> No.16339846
File: 1.23 MB, 1604x2158, 1480292632351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Master, this new uniform isn't MGC Maid Central regulation..."

>> No.16339847
Quoted by: >>16339853

What if you waifu became a dark mage? (Not Dark Mage like the monster girl)

>> No.16339853

I don't see the problem here.

>> No.16339854


>> No.16339858
Quoted by: >>16339864

>Posting MGQ shit
She eats people anon. Vore. Disgusting.

>> No.16339860

Maid central can blow me.
Speaking of which...

>> No.16339862

>The ones that don't want to actually eat you, unlike that one.
She gives you regenerative powers though.

>> No.16339864
Quoted by: >>16339886

Granberia, Tamamo and Alice are superior waifus from that game.
In that order.

>> No.16339874
Quoted by: >>16340098

I need her to hug me on cold winter nights and rub my back when we sleep, I want to be her daki pillow

>> No.16339876
File: 429 KB, 875x1148, 1447795270079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339889

>Doesn't even fill out the top on her uniform
I didn't realize I was paying for an inferior maid. Someone get me central's number, I need to upgrade my maid.

>> No.16339886
File: 72 KB, 264x193, 1479138035967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339898

>Not only is he a granfag, he's also an alicefag

>> No.16339889

Hellhounds would 100% be dominant teasing maids.
>"What a perverted master I've been saddled with. Look at this uniform, my tits are spilling out of it you dirty perv!"
>"I can think of why you'd want this though. C'mon master whip it out, I'm gonna please you with these tits you wanted on display so badly!"

>> No.16339898
Quoted by: >>16339907

My reasoning anon. In order.
>/fit/ dragon. Doesn't eat you. Cute during sex.
>Either small or Ara Ara. Doesn't eat you. Semen Demon.
>Has the most scenes, only vore scene is completely avoidable if you don't choose a stupid option in part 1, Virgin.

>> No.16339899
File: 927 KB, 1429x1910, 1482806407030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute! I bet playing with the fluffy ears of any beast type monster girl would be enjoyable.

Also, is it all the same guy who's requesting these ear rub/head pat images of Raijus? Not that I have a problem with more Raiju, I just wonder how much he's spent on them.

>> No.16339907

Presenting the man with excellent taste.

>> No.16339910
File: 615 KB, 900x1050, 1461758215847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dire hellhound maid
>Wags her tail when master is home
>Straddles you while you lay back in your recliner after a long day

>> No.16339912
File: 1.78 MB, 3188x1793, Miia Shrine 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16339924

Due to USPS being complete fuckups, it took an extra 2 and a half weeks to get my Miia figure.

It was well worth it though.

It's been almost a year since anything besides books have been added to the shrine, stuff has been busy, but this felt big enough to warrant a new picture since it's a new set up as well.

Have a happy new year everyone, I'll be out collecting blood for the Blood God to make sure 2017 happens for real.

Also here's a picture of it not as close, I'm happy with the way the dakis look here since I'm just using the 7 meter one in bed at the moment https://my.mixtape.moe/vkdokt.jpg

>> No.16339915

>Pillowing with a 600 year old Fox
'Ara ara~ This must be some kind of cradle robbing in other cultures.'
>Look at her, she's just smirking at you
>Sure, her body is sagging a bit in mid age plumpness, but she's also delightfully soft
'I'm six-hundred, love. A goblin fox like me's been around since before your grandfather's grandfather was a twinkle in his father's eye'
>Pop the question if she's ever had other lovers, or a husband
'Is that some youthful jealousy I sense? Fufu, don't worry. The men I've bedded were only doing so to receive the kami's blessing. I took no pleasure from it.'
>Tell her you want to embrace her as a woman, getting a slight flush to her cheeks, squinting her eyes, and letting you see a bit of crow's feet
'A child like you should never speak so selfishly. It's unbecoming, besides. I'll out-live you.'
>Tell her you want to give her a child, that you'll offer your Qi to revitalize her body and make her youthful again, like she must surely ache to be again
>Kiss the hollow of her neck, embracing her sore body to yours, sweat cooling in the midsummer evening air, the smell of fresh rian permeating all around you
>You'd laid her on the pretense of it being a 'fox wedding', but the more you kiss and tell her how much you want to treasure her and your daughter for the rest of your days the more her voluminous grey tail starts going berserk
'Ar~a, fine then, you needy boy. Break my hips, fuck me harder than you've ever fucked a human girl. My heart belongs to you now, but know one thing. You're not pulling out until I can feel a new life blossoming in my stomach.'
>A week has passed, it's been non-stop, slow, sensual polynesian sex with the foxy lady for the past seven days
>She's straddling you in the lotus position, her body having regained it's youthful appearance
>Her skin is positively radiant and glowing, long golden hair flowing down to the small of her back
'Just a... Mm... Bit more. Fufu... You did good, boy.'
>Your testes draw close as she arches her back, the last salvo of semen shooting deep into her, the fur on her fox tail matting wildly
>You're both wheezing and sweaty as she leans forward, huskily whispering into your ear
'With this... I am yours, and you are mine.'

>> No.16339917

I want to lose my virginity to my Cheshire Childhood friend!
Specifically when she hands me a present on my 16th birthday and tells me not to open it until that night when my parents are out for the weekend.
What's inside is her plump ass and dripping pussy with a bow on top and a picture of a Yes Pillow on the lid.
After the first load I can pull the rest of her out for a full weekend of lovemaking.

>> No.16339924

Hot damn.

>> No.16339926
File: 2.04 MB, 6400x4200, 1433224304963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I want to be teased and talked down to by a stacked hellhound maid. She'll clean my house, making sure to catch every lewd look I give her with a teasing reply & naughty gesture, then claim me at night as her payment.

>> No.16339930

Oh baby

>> No.16339934
Quoted by: >>16339957

Just imagine coming home only for her to pick you up and princess carry you to your recliner for your afternoon blowjob session.
>"Fufufufu~ Just lay back and enjoy it master~ There's no stopping me now that I've got your scent!"
Even though you're holding her neck chain, you definitely don't feel in control.

>> No.16339944
File: 156 KB, 720x880, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winning an old fox's heart and fucking the youth back into her
That's so lewd, anon. I approve.

>> No.16339950
Quoted by: >>16339974

She'd probably give you a striptease right above your face after tying you down.
>"Not yet master~ Not yet~ Just watch. I want you to see how wet I am. I want you to see the holes that are going to violate you all. night. long~ I want you to understand that every last drop of your cum is mine to take in any way I can imagine."
>"You might be my master during the day, but at night you belong to me. Now lick~"

>> No.16339954
File: 240 KB, 480x270, 1442150842420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more!

>> No.16339957
File: 826 KB, 1985x2806, 1458158424083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hellhound maid is finished for the night
>You're going through your wallet to get her pay
>Suddenly she comes out of nowhere, and kabedons you
>She stares down at you with a wicked grin on her face
>"Money won't do... I think you'll cover my bill just fine though, master~"
>She scoops you up in her strong arms and carries you off to your bedroom

>> No.16339974
File: 147 KB, 478x510, 1417483275795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't want to be this much of a slut for my hired help, but god damn if I wouldn't want to be used by her every night.

>> No.16339979

>Suddenly she comes out of nowhere, and kabedons you
The perfect foreplay to femdom stuff.

>> No.16339984

But what happens if I get her pregnant?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be roughly loved by your Hellhound Maid. Especially if she has sisters.

The Kabedon really is the perfect femdom starter.
>It stops you from running.
>It shows how strong the dom is.
>You get a face full of tits.
>It can transition immediately into fellatio or penetration.

>> No.16339992

>It can transition immediately into fellatio or penetration.
Or forced breastfeeding.

>> No.16340001
Quoted by: >>16340017

>or penetration
Why does the idea of reverse wall-pinning sound so attractive?
This is also a good option.

>> No.16340010
File: 563 KB, 2048x1862, 1461454792433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femdom is what Hellhounds are for, it's also why they're the best. Who doesn't want to be doted upon from time to time?

>But what happens if I get her pregnant?
Then she will be your live in maid, who also happens to sleep in the same bed as you! She may ask you to help out with chores from time to time though when she's busy dealing with the kids.

>> No.16340017
Quoted by: >>16340035

I'd imagine forced breastfeeding and Sumata are a good combination.
I wouldn't mind being squeezed between those warm plump thighs.

See, now I'm just imagining her deep kissing me before turning around while I'm still dazed and pinning me against the wall with her ass while forcing me to fuck her doggystyle.

But anon, it takes a lot to impregnate a monstergirl!

>> No.16340035
File: 175 KB, 785x1049, 54p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But anon, it takes a lot to impregnate a monstergirl!
She's well aware, which is why she intends to milk every last drop out of master! Gonna have a whole litter of hellpups!

>> No.16340043

I'm still pretty mixed on hellhounds, but heckpups are definitely top tier. The more of those the better!

>> No.16340049
Quoted by: >>16340066

Is there a lot of steam emitted when a hellhound cries?

>> No.16340059

Would she make me drink Sticky mushroom soup to make sure she gets pregnant and give me reinvigorating items like Holst milk and Manticore venom to keep me going?
Because if so she could keep going for days on end, even weeks!

>> No.16340062
Quoted by: >>16340071

>Hellhound stuff doesn't make me a slut anymore
Finally. Now I can be 100% for my waifu.

>> No.16340063
File: 283 KB, 829x1200, b4abf271e6751fdb7086a1cd6ce11eaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi aren't that bad after all.

>> No.16340066
File: 674 KB, 1280x1802, tumblr_o735h1owSB1qh9xwzo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16340082

>Hellhound maid is cutting up a bunch of onions as part of your dinner
>You go into the kitchen to see how she's doing
>It's steaming, you hear sizzling
>"What are you cooking?" you ask her
>Tears are just barely rolling off her cheeks before they cook off from the heat of her body
>She has a knife in one hand and a half cut onion in the other
>You seeing her like this makes her flustered
>She claims she hasn't even started cooking yet

>> No.16340071
Quoted by: >>16340119

No, you're still a slut.

>> No.16340082

She's getting facefucked later to help her get the residual taste of onion out of her mouth!

>> No.16340087
Quoted by: >>16340117

>succubus detected

>> No.16340098
File: 1.01 MB, 1970x1130, yeti daki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's snowing outside and it's time for bed, she turned the heat off so you have to hug each other tonight

>> No.16340105
Quoted by: >>16340157

>Have two hellpups
>They keep fighting on who gets to do what, eventually grows into a natural rivalry
>After learning how to do the laundry, they start wondering why hellmom takes far more time to do it than them, even with so many delays over them fighting over it
>One day they see hellmom leaving the usual laundry basket in a room, leaving to get the second basket
>Hellpups take the opportunity and sneak into the room to search the laundry for whatever keeps hellmom so busy, perhaps she does the hardest laundry herself or something?
>After much rummaging, they find nothing, other than piles of dirty clothes
>Irritated with finding nothing, they start talking mean to each other before fighting with loud words
>Until it hits them, shutting them up with eyes wide open
>It's papa's dirty, used clothes, underwear included
>Only papa's, none were hellmom's
>Added to the fact that hellmom never let them wash HIS clothes
>The smell started to become noticeable
>Apart from that, there's absolutely nothing that'd make laundry difficult or time-intensive
>In slight shock, they can't help but imagine hellmom sniffing his clothes, it's the only possibility
>Door creaks open behind them
>Despite being so aggressive all the time, they end up as frightened and meek as a kobold surrounded by vacuum cleaners
>"What are you doing with papa's clothes...?" They hear hellmom asking

>> No.16340108
Quoted by: >>16340148

>Those pesky party crashing Elves.
They need to jut get married already

>> No.16340117
File: 810 KB, 800x1000, a3226ecd9c29e6e308841c187a85f697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. I just realized that, since they're the most common species out there and have to compete with the rest, they're probably the most devoted ones when they get a man.

>> No.16340119

Just for my waifu. No monster girl can take her place now as the number one.

>> No.16340124

Can't they just attack men in their sleep and drain them there?

>> No.16340132

That's Nightmares.

>> No.16340134
Quoted by: >>16340192

>You'll never wake up and see your dick sandwiched between those tits.
>You'll never immediately surrender to the pleasure when she starts squeezing and sucking.

Why do it in their dreams when they have so much better reactions awake?

>> No.16340136

That would just be pure lust. Now they need a man at their side. Things have changed.

>> No.16340148

>back on page 9 again
What's going on?

Since they're in Peny's universe, they're all bound to be thick in the right places.

>> No.16340157


>> No.16340159

by that logic, Human women would all be goddesses.

>> No.16340164

Well, some things never change.

>> No.16340166

They're the wrong type of monster

>> No.16340170
File: 1.42 MB, 1455x1809, 1433219978135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Hellhound maid looms over you
>Your back is to the wall, her heaving chest inches from you
>'Fufufu. Is it getting you wound up? Having the tits you've been ogling all day shoved in your face?'
>You can't do anything but stare
>'I thought so. Such a perverted master.'
>She reaches hand behind her back, undoing a tie
>her top falls away, her plump tits now swaying freely in front of you
>'Ahhh, so much better. It's so stuffy trying to fit them into that dress all day. Especially when they start to get full.'
>You notice a drop of milk beading up on her nipple and audibly gulp
>'Dear me. Guess I really need to release some pressure
>She hefts a tit up into your face, forcing the nipple into your mouth
>You begin to suckle, partly from fear, partly from your now uncontrollable arousal
>She moans deeply as you drink each warm mouthful, patting your head like a child's
>'Mmmmm, fuck yes. That's a good little master.'
>'How about your maid gives you a reward for doing so well?'
>You feel her powerful paw rubbing your crotch through your pants
>'Master's perverted cock must have been aching all day, thinking of all the dirty things he wanted to his poor... innocent... maid.'
>Your belt comes undone and your pants fall away, you cock already throbbing at full erection in the open air
>'Ufu, already so hard, master? Well, we can't leave you like that, can we?'
>Her paw wraps gently around your pulsing member
>'Perhaps I should do my job and service my naughty master? Is that what you want me to do? Jerk off your perverted cock as you suckle on your maid's tits?'
>You nod weakly
>'What was that, master?'
>She pulls her chest away and comes face to face with you
>'You'll have to speak up. I want to hear master say it. I want master to beg me to jerk him off until he cums.'
>'Yes, what, master?'
>'Yes... p-please rub your master's perverted cock.'
>A devilish smile crosses her face
>'Ufufu. As you command, master.'
>She pushes her chest back into your face as her paw begins to pump your shaft
>It's starts out slow, almost agonizingly so. Enough to keep you hard, but not cum
>She slowly picks up her tempo, working you more and more vigorously
>But she always stops right at the edge, bringing you back down before building you back up
>Your cock is twitching with each slow drag, pre-cum drooling from the tip
>Buried in her chest, your mind is in a haze, desperate for release that just barely never comes
>'Is master finally ready to cum?'
>You release her nipple, milk dribbling from the corners of your mouth
>As you wish, my perverted master.~'
>Her grip suddenly tightens as she pumps you like a piston
>Your head goes blank from the sudden change
>It's too much and you're finally pushed over the tipping point
>A pearly white blast of cum erupts from your cock
>She still doesn't stop, each vice-like stroke coaxing another jet from your balls
>She eventually stops and releases your member, and you slump to the floor
>Her dress has splatters of cum across it, and her paw is soaked
>'Did it feel good, master? Letting out all of your dirty thoughts on your innocent little maid?'
>'She raises her paw to her face, lapping the cum off of it
>'Mmmmm. Master's tastes so strong. I could become addicted.'
>She curtsies to you, her stained dress hanging halfway off her body
>'Thank you for your generous payment, master. I look forward to tomorrow's. Ufufufu.'
She turns and walks away her uniform's heels clicking against the floor

>> No.16340173 [SPOILER] 
File: 862 KB, 1500x1243, 1483159253737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16340177

The 2D ones are.

>> No.16340182

fully erect

>> No.16340183

Nah. There would still be plenty of people who think having a son matters, and sell their soul and happiness for it.

Oh fuck.

>> No.16340187
Quoted by: >>16340228

I never once considered the possibility of an assertive Hellhound milkmaid. Good work.

>> No.16340190
Quoted by: >>16340221

And yet despite their frequent raids to mortal realms and their thickness they're still single. Must be a lot of elf spirits out there who died aeons ago without knowing a dick

>> No.16340192
Quoted by: >>16340227

This is how I want to wake up January 1st

>> No.16340201

She's pretty stoic despite having a dick up her butt.
Oh the wonders of kuuderes.

>> No.16340212
Quoted by: >>16340221

We've been going back and forth for most of the evening. Figured someone is dicking around on the first page.

>> No.16340221

>Must be a lot of elf spirits out there who died aeons ago without knowing a dick
I wouldn't mind seeing a thick grunt-tier Elven invader somehow find romance with a human kid since I love age difference stuff.
I wouldn't mind if this thread would get archived gracefully so we don't have to suffer for eons at page 10.

>> No.16340227

I want to make January 1st and find myself being used as living daki by semi-yandere fox.

>> No.16340228
File: 2.09 MB, 3600x5709, 1433279161315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16340293

To many monsters just turn to mush once the milk starts to flow. I figured I'd have fun and put the girl in the driver's seat for once.

>> No.16340237
Quoted by: >>16340247

grunt tier? As in body type or standing?

>> No.16340238
Quoted by: >>16340242

Neat! Now where's the second part where shes rubbing on the table?

>> No.16340242

He's probably got to draw another penguin before he posts the link to it.

>> No.16340247
Quoted by: >>16340283

Standing, as thickness is necessary.

>> No.16340252

Never stop being you. Because you're the greatest.

>> No.16340262
File: 2.32 MB, 1280x1600, f9e098c941c53adcdd8ac6db997e2256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the ideal body type for your waifu? Ninja related.

>> No.16340265

you just posted my ideal body type.

>> No.16340276

Sekiyu, Methoniums, or Space Jins.

Though Methonium and Sekiyu draw their girls doing stuff I'm into while fucking Space Jin has them crush dudes nads almost all the time because fuck him.

>> No.16340277

Muscley with a big round ass. Taller than me

>> No.16340282

Thick thighs, a little bit of chub and short hair. Good lips preferred. I've spent plenty of time thinking about this, but that would take too much time to type out.

>> No.16340283
Quoted by: >>16340290

>No humble warrior elf who draws her knife when she's told to and shoots at what she's told to.
>Who just wants a simple man to come home to with a meal and some tender words

>> No.16340290
File: 297 KB, 693x852, operator elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16340298

like this?

>> No.16340293
Quoted by: >>16340311

>File deleted
Godammit, I need that image though.

>> No.16340295

Currently masturbating.

>> No.16340296
Quoted by: >>16340315

Someone get those greentexts to a pastebin first

>> No.16340298
Quoted by: >>16340308


>> No.16340305

>(You)s are back suddenly
Did Chink Moot realize that dotted lines was a fucking stupid idea?

>> No.16340308
Quoted by: >>16340314

>optic mounted on carry handle of CAR-15
nigga that's early 90s Delta Force. Everything else I have is Elves with FALs, some in Rhodie camo and short shorts.

>> No.16340311

Deleted for the sake of exposed nips. Here you go, sir.

>> No.16340314
Quoted by: >>16340317

It ain't bows and arrows pal.

>> No.16340315
Quoted by: >>16340333

I saved the ProtoKiki and Hellhound Milkmaid greentexts.

>> No.16340317
Quoted by: >>16340338

>shoots when she's told to shoot
should have been more specific

>> No.16340333
Quoted by: >>16340341

Link for the hellhound one?
I like to archive my work.

>> No.16340334
Quoted by: >>16340339

Miyabi best Senran.

>> No.16340338
Quoted by: >>16340350

It trikes me as more or less the same amount of specificity. You know that when you fire an arrow it's also called "shooting"

>> No.16340339

That's not Ryona.

>> No.16340341
Quoted by: >>16340345

This post right here >>16340170

>> No.16340344
Quoted by: >>16340422

Ryona is a filthy, slutty whore.

She's also really cute, but not as cute as Miyabi.

>> No.16340345
Quoted by: >>16340353

I know it's right there. I wrote it. I thought you saved them as screen captures? I'll cap it myself, but I thought I lucked out and someone had saved me time.

>> No.16340350
Quoted by: >>16340355

Not everyone thinks of bow and arrows when they read the word shoot

>> No.16340353

>I know it's right there. I wrote it.
Ah, I'm retarded then.
Alright, here they are via imgur.

>> No.16340355

In the context of elves, though.

>> No.16340367

Screenshot for ants

>> No.16340370

Nigga they're perfectly readable unless you have the eyes of an 80 year old.

>> No.16340373
File: 875 KB, 1009x889, Milkhound Maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can work with that.
Slapped them together.
The hell are you talking about? I got the full size image from that.

>> No.16340415
File: 36 KB, 1000x1000, Beast&#039;s thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16340426

It is said that if you post something related to the writing, they will arrive.
More burning edge when?

>> No.16340422
File: 85 KB, 640x800, d14fc5d9f0a186e689642daa59af8b55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you could at least try to stay semi-relevant?

>> No.16340426
Quoted by: >>16340443

Man Made update when?

>> No.16340432
Quoted by: >>16340471

This thread has opened my eyes to the wonders of dom maids.

>> No.16340433

Spiders are the cutest!

>> No.16340435

Spiders a shit!

>> No.16340443
Quoted by: >>16340461

Man made?

>> No.16340448

Spiders are very qt!

Any and all qts are the best desu.

>> No.16340461

Silent II wrote it.

>> No.16340462

Amorphous, translucent, and squeezed into some cute stockings or something.

>> No.16340471

You're welcome anon.

>> No.16340578
File: 528 KB, 742x1050, 49441102_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16340587


>> No.16340587


>> No.16340653

I want an Automaton that has an unconventional design, but still retains plenty of features that make it identifiable as an MGE Automaton.

Kinda like how a standard Gundam compares to the Arche Gundam or Kimaris Trooper..

>> No.16340713

Deep sea girls > shallow water girls

>> No.16340726

Hear hear
t. diver

>> No.16340739
Quoted by: >>16340753

Seriously. Can you imagine anything worse than a Sealgirl?
Everytime you fug. Scylla FTW

>> No.16340753
Quoted by: >>16340763

But octopuses are usually found in shallow water.

>> No.16340763
Quoted by: >>16340770

>not wanting a giant squid version

Smol girls are shit. They're fucking shit.

>> No.16340770
Quoted by: >>16340773

You're thinking of a Kraken.
Also you're wrong.

>> No.16340773
Quoted by: >>16340777

Loen needs to calm the fuck down.

>> No.16340777
Quoted by: >>16340795


>> No.16340782
Quoted by: >>16340802

>Deepstaria sea slime will never hug you

>> No.16340795

anon there's nothing sexy about Picaso-esque bone structure.

>> No.16340802

>Image Limit

I can't post it but... I wanna poke that hole. Do you think she'd be ticklish?

>> No.16340803

To you.

>> No.16340881

If Raita can get away with boob skeletons, I'm sure Leon will be just fine with butt skeletons.

>> No.16341009

>When everyone wakes up, they'll be happy husbands.
What about the women?

>> No.16341014

>What about the women?
I'm sure the Ropers will enjoy them immensely.

>> No.16341018

What about them?

>> No.16341036

Personally I find the salt smell is impossible to get out of clothes. >>16341031

>> No.16341288

Flat but incredibly thicc. Just how I like em.

>> No.16342102

Good ole Sling Bikini Variants.

>> No.16342259

Some women will transform into MGs and have happy husbands.
They will probably not transform them all since the Demon Lord still haven't find a way for MGs to have male children.

>> No.16342963
Quoted by: >>16343010

4 minutes until new years! It's going to be 2017 and as always with no monstergirl besides you!

>> No.16343010
Quoted by: >>16343038


>> No.16343038

? I live in korea
