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File: 49 KB, 720x714, 1675611914071887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54173758 No.54173758 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.54173764

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Last time in BBBY:

>> No.54173801
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Quoted by: >>54173847

squeeze please

>> No.54173817
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>> No.54173829
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Quoted by: >>54175151

The only thing I have left is my desperate hope that GME and Bobby are indeed going to moon. It's not even a matter of investing cleverly, it's just desperation and hope.

>> No.54173847

I don't think so mate. I hope you can make your money back via wageslaving

>> No.54173851
File: 49 KB, 535x578, 8BBD2035-0741-4FC1-BE7E-5940EF666284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought more

>> No.54173876
Quoted by: >>54173984

you should buy more. Great time to average down.

>> No.54173886
File: 585 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20230317_145318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ... The copium

>> No.54173908
File: 1.02 MB, 743x762, 1678952301524088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where tf is the bottom? .90, .80, .70?

>> No.54173929
Quoted by: >>54173950

Same. Wrote some CSPs and got a handsome roi and then rolled the premiums into more shares. When this thing pops off my portfolio is going to swell up like I can't even believe. What in the fuck is even happening that they think $1 shares is supposed to be a bad thing for me to be buying?

>> No.54173950
File: 240 KB, 1284x1077, 36C65BAE-AFD4-49DF-967C-62C3CEE2D5F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s a good thing if it goes to $1

>> No.54173978
File: 23 KB, 400x399, 1678507743796590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you baggies are faggots

>> No.54173982
File: 12 KB, 313x100, 1665951717149134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it unironically is. You can trust me. Look at my captcha

>> No.54173984
Quoted by: >>54174047

>you should buy more. Great time to average down.
Imagine how much you can average down when it's $0.00

>> No.54174047
Quoted by: >>54174108

you can own the whole float for nothing. Then we'll teach those hedgies!

>> No.54174067

>baggies don't know that several other investments funds also participated in the deal via hudson
>baggies don't know why you'd create subsidaries and another companies when diversifying, for different markets etc
I'm starting to think baggies don't actually read the "DD", don't know shit about basic business and are idiots who bought into reddit hype after they missed the gamestop squeeze

>> No.54174108
File: 3.60 MB, 498x498, angry-tantrum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate those heckin hedgies so dang much

>> No.54174149
File: 42 KB, 460x338, Brrrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually make a pretty sizeable return for every PENNY this stock goes up. It's actually quite stunning if you believe this stock could easily return to $7 per share like it did back on Feb 6th when we spiked 120% in a single day. Just before they had to turn on the emergency-barcode-algo. Don't forget that BBBY is not going bankrupt and has been on REGSHO for days. All of the hallmarks exist for BBBY being naked short and a massive squeeze is imminent. Risk vs Reward. I plan on hitting a grandslam on this one. And the best part is the option chain is literally printing money. I can siphon out massive returns immediately selling puts and use that to slurp up cheapies as a way to continue investing and minimizing my risk.
Don't forget to read this, folks. Wallstreet is desperate for you to sell and let the shorts off the hook before BBBY gets bought out. Hence why the shillies are seething so hard these last few months. They know everything that we know.
haha, BBBY gonna go brrrrrrrrrr

>> No.54174164

So you’ve sold and realized gains?

>> No.54174165
Quoted by: >>54174218

same homie, same
how much are you losing when it goes down then? That must be nerve racking

>> No.54174170
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What in tarnation? Dag-nabbit you watch your gosh darn mouth there nigger

>> No.54174196

he's talking about selling cash secured puts

>> No.54174218
File: 51 KB, 1533x577, BBBY-FtDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. My average is now under $2.50 and I literally watch this stock rip 120% in a single day to $7+. I have no problem patiently waiting for the inevitable because the squeeze conditions still exist. Another month go by of allowing me to slurp $1 shares and I could very well wagmi this very year. I'm more excited than anything.

>> No.54174240
Quoted by: >>54174333

So you’re currently losing money. Got it.

>> No.54174263
Quoted by: >>54174309

how is any of that wrong?

>> No.54174266
Quoted by: >>54174333

>Not really. My average is now under $2.50
>im down 70% on shares...
>not crypto
>not even options
>but fucking shares
Kek baggie

>> No.54174267
Quoted by: >>54174333

It ripped because it was priced for bankruptcy and they had a chance of not going bankrupt. Now it dumped because bankruptcy is virtually guaranteed. Look at the 8K to see why it won't rip again and why a short squeeze is off the menu.

>> No.54174273
Quoted by: >>54174335

it might even be this month depending on announcements (at the very least RC should buy more GME otherwise what the fuck is he doing), archegos swaps blowing up etc


>> No.54174278
File: 156 KB, 543x1115, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took them a while to get here

>> No.54174309
Quoted by: >>54174359

Its complete schizo cope and he mixed up 2 different contradictory pieces of DD
>its not hudson its just a subsidiary of Hudson, that Hudson created and controls
>but it cant be them because they only have 300M
(this is taken from a different cope post about how HBC isnt actually Hudson Bay Capital but a different HBC out of texas)
>oh and even though its Hudsons subsidiary, created and controlled by Hudson, they cant use Hudsons money!
Kek baggies

>> No.54174333
File: 68 KB, 1427x789, ShortLifeSupport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only lose money if you sell. Go ahead and let's see it go down to $0. I will happily admit defeat and let you make fun of me all day long while I post some red-faced wojaks. For real.
Until that happens I am content to keep slurping. I only need to hit it big once and I am literally on the cusp of doing just that. All of the conditions are in place for a moon shot and I don't plan on missing out on this one.
Look at this price action. Do you think I am supposed to be scared of fud when the shorts are literally on life support? BAAAAHAHAHAHA

>> No.54174335
Quoted by: >>54174506

>(at the very least RC should buy more GME otherwise what the fuck is he doing
Buy more? He's probably trying to figure out how to dump his bags without getting minecrafted by some schizo like Marantz

>> No.54174350

There's only 2 ways:
> $1 is the bottom
> there is no bottom

We will find out soon enough. Good thing it's getting sunny and beautiful outside so I won't kill myself even if I lose all my money :)

>> No.54174355


>> No.54174358
File: 1.36 MB, 220x220, pedro-pascal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only lose money if you sell

>> No.54174359
File: 13 KB, 452x636, Pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think Hudson BASED capital is a benign investor who wants to profit handsomely from a turnaround. We are ALL going to wagmi

>> No.54174373

I will continue to run a balance on my credit card and continue to buy more

>> No.54174374
Quoted by: >>54174451

>Until that happens I am content to keep slurping
Dude the only think you're end up slurping is some guy's cock for rent money if you keep investing like this.

>> No.54174396
File: 8 KB, 318x159, MarginBuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorts can only profit when they close. And they can only close by buying back what I own. BBBY isn't going bankrupt anytime and I bet I can wait you out.

>> No.54174451
File: 1.66 MB, 3840x2160, Comfy_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortune favors the bold. I think BBBY is undervalued at $1 per share. The stock appears to want to rip higher to $7+ per share. Why shouldn't I be slurping up an easy ten bagger? This is what everyone on biz is looking for. Go look at the price action, it's 100% fake algo trading to prevent actual price discovery. There is literally nothing to fear about BBBY.

>> No.54174471
Quoted by: >>54174638

What’s your sell target fren? I’m kinda torn on my exit strategy

>> No.54174476

why does the chart look like a literal barcode?

>> No.54174489

>The stock appears to want to rip higher to $7+ per share
The baggies are now assigning personalities, wants and needs, to their bags
Kek baggies

>> No.54174506

RC is a serial rugger and I wouldn't doubt if what you said were true. He's going to get bored with GME too if he isn't already, and then dump his bags again for an 8x. It's funny because he talks a big game about executives leaving retail holding their bags and then proceeds to do exactly that.

>> No.54174510

the stock is famished today, it's been a sassy week for her

>> No.54174537

For a lot of GME and BBBY retards the opposite is actually true:
>You only gain money if you sell

I will never admit how many times I could get out of these in profit or at a little loss.

>> No.54174540
File: 123 KB, 441x441, 1678930863109530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wont stop until every reddit baggie ropes

>> No.54174568

i honestly don't even know who's jewing who anymore

>> No.54174569
Quoted by: >>54174661

>I actually make a pretty sizeable return for every PENNY this stock goes up.
So you make a sizeable loss for every penny this stock goes down, which it does consistently.
>It's actually quite stunning if you believe this stock could easily return to $7
It won't.
>Don't forget that BBBY is not going bankrupt
It is.

>> No.54174610
Quoted by: >>54174705

On one hand it's pretty based, but there's no doubt he and the company have incited and entrapped baggies through cryptic (muh 741) and not so cryptic messages over the years (moass effect). If he fails to produce and dumps on them, some schizo like Marantz might snap.

>> No.54174631
File: 710 KB, 1724x1116, 1668097628574929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based King K fucking thanos snapping redditnigger baggies

>> No.54174638
File: 2.32 MB, 443x498, ManyExcite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little over a month ago, BBBY was ripping 15-25% DAILY and it culminated in a 120% move in a SINGLE DAY up past $7 per share. Ever since that day, the market makers had to turn on an emergency algo to tamp down the price to prevent a gamma ramp that would culminate into a short squeeze reminiscent of GME in Jan21. This is pure desperation because the company is 100%+ short, on REGSHO with MILLIONS of FTDs piling up. The options chain is so massive it could possibly destroy plenty of financial institutions.
No idea. I have some goals I want to reach for my immediate well being and depending on the strength of the squeeze I do want to peel off some money to pay off credit cards, secure a down payment on a house and let the rest ride the gravy train. I stopped paying my credit card because $1 shares have so much pent-up profitable price action that it is worth it to pay the interest and I have been doing so for months. Even as massive of a burden this is, it can easily be wiped clean with a move higher of a couple dollars. This isn't allowed because the option chain is a fatal liability for someone who is naked short.
Every time the emergency barcode algo stops and we see green candles we move parabolically higher. Without shorts providing infinite liquidity the prices moves up. It's not a theory but an observable fact. Your job as a shill is to make me disbelieve what I can see with my own two eyes. Hence you literally shill 24/7 and know more about a stock than I do and I am balls deep in it.
You excited?
>mfw we squeeze

>> No.54174658
Quoted by: >>54174754

It all started when I read this post from u/ApeDaveApeDave where he shared this article about M&A and Buyouts. I suggest everyone read this article, and you will learn a lot about how an M&A or Buyout works during the process.

It’s important to understand first how Long and M&A can take. According toInvestopedia, ”Market estimates place a merger's timeframe for completion *between six months to several years.** In some instances, it may take only a few months to finalize the entire merger process. However, if there is a broad range of variables and approval hurdles, the merger process can be elongated to a much longer period.”*

During that time period, information will leak, someone will talk, and at some point Wall Street finds out. Remember, this is one of their tricks to pay insiders for “Insider Information”. When they find out an M&A is coming, they want to Accumulate as many shares as possible. And they want to get them for as cheap as possible, because they probably know the Buyout price.

Don’t believe me? Let’s look at 2 recent Big Acquisitions, and see what the Price Action looks like….

First one, is the Horizon Therapeutics acquisition by Amgen for $27.8 Billion, or $116 a share.. In October of 21, the Price had peaked at an ATH of $119 (Acquisition confirmed). Then the share price continued to decline to $60 over the next 8 months. This was the WS accumulation process, they hammer the price, shake the tree, and Gobble up all the Cheap shares. Then Buyout is announced and price Squeezes from $60-116 a share. The Price was always $116 a share, they were just able to manipulate the price on the market for the Buyout. That was a an easy 100% trade in a Few months.

>> No.54174661
File: 495 KB, 168x130, tldr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54175199

Thanks for your particular posting style. I think it's funny to just skip over your posts on purpose and let you know I don't care what you have to say.

>> No.54174666
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because they are using shorts to contain the price action, while also sending orders to off exchange dark pools because if the price starts running then shorts are in major trouble.

>> No.54174704

Second we have the L3Harris acquisition of Aerojet Rocketdyne for $4.7 Billion, or $58 per share.. Here you have the share price trading easily at $52 a share in Jan 21 (M&A confirmed). Then a continuous decline for about a year while they shake the tree, price bottoms around $37 a share. But then all of a sudden, buyout is announced and the price corrects back to $56 a share. The price was always $56, they were just able to manipulate the price down to get cheap shares. An easy 60% trade in about a year.

Rinse & Repeat.

These are just 2 recent examples, there are many more. But the difference here with BBBY, there are No Available Shares….

SI is 82%. CTB over 100% with No Shares. 72% of orders being routed through Dark Pools, And the current FTD Data is Absolutely Insane. FTD are up over 1000% since the August Run. They CANNOT find Any Shares!

No one is selling, because if they were, those FTD numbers would be like before the August run. The Price is Fake.

With all of this information, I believe an M&A had been confirmed around the time of the run, Wall Street got word about it, and have been strategically suppressing the price in order to get $1 shares.

Now if the Hedge Funds are trying to get Shares, why aren’t they Buying? Well well, what do we have here: Hudson Bay Capital to buy $1 Billion in BBBY common stock. Hedge Funds are starting to go Long….

Also, if the Icahn M&A speculation is True, Brett Icahn resigns from BOD at Newell Brands is incredibly Bullish to that Theory. Why would Icahn’s son resign from the Board of his own company? Makes no sense…. Unless, he is joining the Board at another Company.

TLDR: We are witnessing a very coordinated attack on BBBY price. With the FTD, SI and Dark Pool data, it’s almost confirmed that an M&A is in the works, and possibly near completion.

>posted the whole thing specifically to spite shills

>> No.54174705

He will almost certainly flee to some bunker in new zealand after rugging GME so he doesnt get minecrafted

>> No.54174729
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Quoted by: >>54174754


Tongue my anus smiggas, I bought another hundred shares

>> No.54174754
File: 91 KB, 951x1023, 1679018893646983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether you sneed it or habeeb it, you gotta read it.

>> No.54174786
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Quoted by: >>54174938

Where did the shillies go?

>> No.54174833
File: 1.48 MB, 6000x4000, Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54174941

>A little over a month ago, BBBY was ripping 15-25% DAILY and it culminated in a 120% move in a SINGLE DAY up past $7 per share. Ever since that day, the market makers had to turn on an emergency algo to tamp down the price to prevent a gamma ramp that would culminate into a short squeeze reminiscent of GME in Jan21. This is pure desperation because the company is 100%+ short, on REGSHO with MILLIONS of FTDs piling up. The options chain is so massive it could possibly destroy plenty of financial institutions.

I just wanted to reiterate how obviously fake the whole thing is. Anytime you start feeling the fud, just remember that Jim Cramer literally admitted to using the exact same price action to make you feel bad. A long, slow, drawn out decline in price. This is hedge fund trickery 101. It's all fake and they can't hide forever, ESPECIALLY at these prices. It is only a matter of time until the shorts capitulate.

>> No.54174875

Mother fucker I'm in.
Bought 500 yesterday, transferring another 500 today. That will put me at 2000 shares.

>> No.54174889
Quoted by: >>54174905

I unironically have my life savings in this :/

>> No.54174905

nice you are a dangerous fellow

>> No.54174938
File: 190 KB, 1884x746, hudsonfloorshillsbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're running out of good arguments. No definitive proof of the dilution narrative - the most compelling argument they had was daily pumps then controlled dilution to the 10-day VWAP for HBC to maximize dilution. That theory went out the window on the 15th (<VWAP; lost profits) and the 16th (>VWAP; no price drop to improve next day's margin).

At this point, we're all waiting to see what happens next.

>> No.54174941
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Quoted by: >>54175098

The bell will toll for them sooner or later, with or without a catalyst

>> No.54174994

*maximize profit, not dilution. Multitasking right now.

>> No.54175098
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54175372

That's what I am thinking. Even though it seems like an eternity, they can't keep the price this low forever. The people slurping up BBBY are doing so for the squeeze and that is not the kind of buyer you want to see move in while you are naked short. I think someone is already underwater and effectively a zombie institution trapped in a short position. I literally can't even believe they could do this again after seeing what happened to GME. My personal theory is someone was already fatally short GME and their last-ditch-effort was to try and find a cellar boxing target. They went for BBBY and were outmaneuvered. The Feb 6th 120% was a squeeze and a regulatory body turned on the emergency barcode algo in order to buy time while they sort out how to fix the problem. And sure enough, literal fucking banking collapses this month too. Makes you wonder, huh? Someone was naked short and they came up short on some counterparty derivatives and the whole system is now fucked in the ass while they orchestrate some swaps/bailouts from the Fed.

>> No.54175126
Quoted by: >>54175414

>No definitive proof of the dilution narrative
yep, surely you baggies are right this time
>No definitive proof of the RC sold narrative
>No definitive proof of the potential bankruptcy narrative
>No definitive proof of the hudson bay narrative
what did I miss?

but you're right, we're all waiting for when the company releases the updated share float number. only then can we 100% know there is actual dilution going on. meanwhile as long as the stock price stays over $0.71 hudson bay basically can't lose

>> No.54175151
File: 68 KB, 524x468, 1678835656304205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54175192

At least you're honest.

I was on the train for a while too, but this reeks of converted shares. I really think a lot people are going to be surprised when the 10Q is filed how big the float has actually gotten.

If you hold a lot of shares now, I'd just be hoping that the company's latest 100M fundraising effort, and downsizing is enough to keep the company afloat for the year. If it staves of bankruptcy PERMANENTLY, your most-likely-reverse-split shares would increase in a few years. Not the short squeeze you were looking for, but you'd get something out of the deal.

If the company goes full on bankrupt, there's gonna be a lot of ropers.

>> No.54175183
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1000, bbby moon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awaiting the mythical 8 hour-long barcode.

>> No.54175192
File: 300 KB, 1536x1025, 1674082779390762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54175342

Post the 8k that shows the conversion

>You can't

>> No.54175199

Using greentext as quotes is a "particular posting style"? Go back.

>> No.54175231
Quoted by: >>54175297

Why is volume so low?
Hudson finished converting all its shares?

>> No.54175297

Percolating. Liquidity. Issues.

>> No.54175341
File: 991 KB, 498x268, cookie-monster-pendulum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 mil

>> No.54175342
File: 83 KB, 600x388, 1676240398591553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SEC requirements for showing the public float are murky for a brainlet like me, I can't seem to get a straight answer no matter what I look at it. Even ChatGPT gave me conflicting answers.

There is no SEC filing that says they have to file an 8k for converting into COMMON stock and adding to the float, otherwise they'd be filing 8ks any day. That's the way I understand it at least. Tbh, there seems to be no way to figure it out until the 10Q is filed to see who's right.... but the price action heading to sub-1 dollar levels doesn't make me feel very good, anon.

>> No.54175343
Quoted by: >>54175754

we finna gonna break out fr fr on god no cap

>> No.54175349
File: 262 KB, 1080x1216, Screenshot_20230317_161206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies turn to manifestation to save them

>> No.54175372
File: 59 KB, 1024x913, 1654013542596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54175612

I honestly think this is exactly what is happening.
Their old strategies just don't work anymore because of GME.

>> No.54175414

I'm sure Hudson not losing is exactly why they took on this deal. Given the stock is over-shorted and volatile, it's possible they would hold their convertible debt until after a pop to maximize profits from share conversion. It's also not impossible that they are facilitating a merger or acquisition deal, which would probably see a significant jump in share price, also leading to a pop due to the short positions.

>> No.54175479

If there is indeed a buyout what might the share price be? $15 or higher?

>> No.54175507
Quoted by: >>54175570

Why would they buy the company for $15 when they could buy it for $1.04?

>> No.54175527
File: 158 KB, 1788x1002, c200e9d6-1e60-4312-ad6a-086d22200182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54175540

>> No.54175533

1 GME stock dividend

>> No.54175540
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1653401626962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real
holy fucking shit

>> No.54175570

You buy a shitload when it's this cheap, most of what you need, then you announce the acquisition and state a price well over what it's currently trading for and it rockets up and you don't give a fuck about having to acquire the last piece of the puzzle at a higher cost because you just made a shitload and made your investors a shitload and made your company way more valuable and took a big steaming diarrhea doodoo dookie in bears mouths as the cherry on top.

>> No.54175612

>Their old strategies just don't work
Exactly. The usual mantra for retail investors is to buy indexes and never pick stocks. They aren't used to retail being able to piece entire bull theses together like this, ESPECIALLY now that we have had a taste of gains offered by squeezes. There is a new market participant, and it's the predatory retail trader looking for investors who are comfortable managing leveraged portfolios conjured up from massive short positions. With all of the talk about a market crash, many investors likely think it is good to be short, especially a dying retailer. I think people piled in not knowing the full scoop, and the dumb money are actually retail/small shorts. People can see Bed Bath and Beyond closing stores, but they might not know the profitable subsidiary Buy Buy Baby is still operating profitably. The problem for them now is capitulation by smaller shorts can blow out all of their assholes once the gamma ramp kicks off. The option chain is like a loaded gun pointed right in their face.

>> No.54175683
Quoted by: >>54175804

guys it's literally mooning rn

>> No.54175754


>> No.54175804
Quoted by: >>54175828

cue ze doomp

>> No.54175828
File: 71 KB, 868x600, 576cb32f05aae_louisette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doomp cue'd

>> No.54175923
Quoted by: >>54175982

I’ve had this erection for four hours now.
What do I do?

>> No.54175942

Quick turn the algo back on!

>> No.54175956

Ranjesh, my office NOW!

Serial rugger? That's not in your script. It's also retarded even for an Untouchable like you Ranjesh, you can say he's a rugger, that's in the script but serial? When RANJESH did he do this on multiple occasions?

>> No.54175982
File: 137 KB, 1024x789, 0a601a59-d619-44fd-83d9-bcb750dece27-or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some dry ice so you can avoid temptation

>> No.54175997

Up 3.8% last hour, if this continues only for the next 2 weeks constantly, we will hit $21!!!

>> No.54176009

Hudson! Turn the fucking dilution machines back on right now

>> No.54176014
File: 4 KB, 160x160, 5C909EE7-0E80-4F82-8A5C-77F4943E038D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idle hands spend time at the genitals and we know how god feels about that.

>> No.54176021
File: 29 KB, 200x200, sneedies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudson BASED Capital

>> No.54176023
File: 370 KB, 1040x1779, 167826556621788679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck wagmi

>> No.54176042

icahn't believe it

>> No.54176046

lmao it's not even funny how obvious it is. The barcoding, letting it go up a little bit from time to time. So this is the power of dilution?
Only thing I'm curious about now is why they don't have to update the outstanding shares.

>> No.54176058

explain for the children in the back

>> No.54176089

What the fuck am I looking at here??? Praying the USA is turned into glass.

>> No.54176096

CI's son recently resigned his board seat at Newell, possibly because according to this, it was blocking M&A

>> No.54176106
Quoted by: >>54176151

brett icahn resigned from the newell board of directors
speculation that BBBY M&A is delayed by anti-trust concerns
>someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons
>CHINA's High Speed Rails

>> No.54176107

>only thing I'm curious about now is why they don't have to update the outstanding shares.

Because there’s no dilution.

>> No.54176108

You would think for how long these meme stock shit has been going on one of you baggies would understand market mechanic and not just conveniently label everything as manipulation

>> No.54176151

explain these anti-trust concerns to me like I'm a nigger

>> No.54176175
Quoted by: >>54176230

It's to prevent companies banding together to create a monopoly (which they conveniently failed to do with amazon)

>> No.54176193
Quoted by: >>54176230

>I want to buy a company / do a merger
>government : Naooooo it will hurt our paypigs, you can't do that because "insert reason"
>Ok, I'll fix that, now can I do it?
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE no this new reason is why you can't

>> No.54176195
File: 144 KB, 680x458, 1678459045937137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54176215

>> No.54176201
File: 59 KB, 500x735, 1633897405869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54176218

can this thing just jump to $100 already so I can move on with my life

>> No.54176215

Cam on bobby score some fackin gains

>> No.54176218


>> No.54176226
File: 400 KB, 616x1163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54176303

where the fag that said this was not as big as it's being made out to be kek

>> No.54176230

So to apply this to our situation, they're concerned that the BBBY M&A will create a complete monopoly on... bedsheets? What exactly is the issue here when something like Amazon exists?

>> No.54176247
Quoted by: >>54176252

Why don’t you guys just buy weekly SPY options or trade bitcoin on margin? Much more fun and there’s actually a small chance of making it

>> No.54176252
File: 690 KB, 546x497, 2023-02-22 22_15_09-Jim Cramer on Twitter_ _What does landlord Federal Realty have to say about supe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54176293

thanks for telling me what to buy Jim Cramer!

>> No.54176270

read the twitter thread, it explains it

>> No.54176293

I just don’t understand the mentality. The GME fiasco was over within weeks and 2 years later you’re still frothing over shitty retailer stocks. One things for sure, if the market tanks, these meme stocks will go to zero before any shorts are liquidated

>> No.54176294
File: 55 KB, 643x555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and as usual the meltdownies are poised to attack anything that BTFO's them

>> No.54176303
Quoted by: >>54176339

From an unbiased point of view is this good DD or just hopium

>> No.54176334
File: 118 KB, 1200x675, 1321451df141243124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54176339
Quoted by: >>54176573

it explains what Cohen means by shooting down his balloons, in so far as anti-trust measures and that why Brett Ichan stood down and sold his Newell Stake, why 2% mentioned is important and other things. It's confirmation that it's being delayed because of these rules which are now being applied and is looking like it's happening

>> No.54176373

Kek baggies

>> No.54176380

Apparently the current FTC members are just throwing spanners in the works wherever they can, but yeah reead the thread/that guys entire twitter.

>> No.54176432

enlighten me o wise one

>> No.54176508

20 mil

>> No.54176521
Quoted by: >>54176999

Low volume today

>> No.54176567

Still gonna be on Regsho? Does it even matter?

>> No.54176573
File: 8 KB, 203x248, FatElvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very astute, anon.

The entire reason for M&A is that you can create more efficiencies by combining already established assets such as creating more economy of scale. BBBY has existing infrastructure that could be of interest to someone who needs to expand their capacity. Buying these assets could be better than trying to build your own from scratch. Especially when you have a company that is in trouble financially, finding an investor willing to buy your company is a sometimes necessary function of management if you are running into financial difficulties. I think that is EXACTLY what is happening here.
RC has experience in online retailing from Chewy, and he wants to expand. We may very well be looking at the precursor to an eventual competitor with Amazon. That's the peak-hopium straight off the tinfoil. But is it really even all that absurd? Bezos is the richest man in the world, why not build a competitor if you could and take a little piece of his pie?

>> No.54176652
Quoted by: >>54176703

>if we combine 6 unprofitable companies that will compete with amazon!
kek baggot

>> No.54176678

>why not build a competitor if you could and take a little piece of his pie?
Amazon has already peaked, the quality has nosedived and the shipping/convenience is the only thing keeping customers there.

>> No.54176703
File: 67 KB, 634x423, SneedChungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54176756
Quoted by: >>54176788

it;s just an ebay now, their main earner is AWS. Why not steal what remnants there are of it by having a distribution centre & network of chains across the country and sell things via, oh I dunno an online market like NFT's where smart contracts are the future of all purchases. Ichan gets BBBY and Cohen gets BABY, but they work together like you do with certain shops within shops

>> No.54176780

Find me a stock that have the same barcoding as BBY with the same volume. Go ahead. Ill give you and entire day.

>> No.54176788
File: 132 KB, 1327x483, Reverse Triangular Merger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54176802


>> No.54176802
File: 1.07 MB, 3084x2856, KEKSHILLIESYOUSODUMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54176949

Where did those silly shillies go? When you show up and bully them incessantly they really do sort of fuck off and disappear if you go hard on the bull thesis. Without the red price action to give them some sort of "i told you so" to back up their fud they really do lack in terms of countering the bull thesis.
The emergency barcode algo is not something anyone expects to last for very long. It's literally only a matter of days.

>> No.54176981
Quoted by: >>54176995

I think this is gonna go tits up and I want you to buy more and lose more money. I want you to pour your entire life savings into this. Come on pussy, I’m just a paid shill. Do it.

>> No.54176995
File: 217 KB, 1080x1043, Sonichu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54177049

There you are, you silly shilly. Go on then, say the line and I'll buy some more.

>> No.54176999
File: 11 KB, 194x259, 1678396790022495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? They can't run out of fake shares, can they?

>> No.54177017
Quoted by: >>54178926

someone tell me why i should or should not sell 100k worth of gme to buy BBBY

>> No.54177049
File: 51 KB, 695x720, 2609B191-9AC4-4AE6-B41A-84D1DCD058F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54177063

Buy more and show proof fggt

>> No.54177063
Quoted by: >>54177136

post short .

>> No.54177071

Laughing at retards loses its luster after awhile. Need some more news to come out so I can laugh at you all over again.

RC won't sell cope was hilarious, but this Hudson Bay Shit was even funnier after you BBBY shills swore up and down that no dilution was happening.

>> No.54177114

>BBBY shills swore up and down that no dilution was happening.
Post the 8k that shows it is, because they need a 8k to show a material change. You have yet to provide one

>> No.54177128
Quoted by: >>54177524

Tell me what you invest in. I would really like to know.

>> No.54177136
Quoted by: >>54177227

I’m neither short nor long, just paid by hedgies. Buy more fggt

>> No.54177208
File: 60 KB, 294x361, BAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are laughing? I legit think you guys are red-faced seething with frustration. You don't even sound like you are having a good time, I get the impression you fantasize about torturing Ryan Gosling and Pikachu baaahahaha

>> No.54177227 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54177356

The way you type. I see you are not from around here little nigger faggot. What about you go and polish some shoes or clean the sewer like a good little sandnigger, dont forget to wash your hands. Oh who i am i kidding you dont even own soap.

>> No.54177325

Announcement after hours.

>> No.54177356

>calls others new
>doesnt even know racism isnt allowed here
Uh oh stinky

>> No.54177524

I've been accumulating ASTS. It's also a high-risk extremely speculative play, but at least the bull thesis isn't dependent on conspiracy theories being true. It also doesn't hurt that they have support from the biggest companies in the telco space (with tangible proof unlike the BBBY/GME tinfoil theories)

>> No.54177544

had some spare change so bought another 200, gonna buy more though when I actually get paid

>> No.54177614

Kek red baggies

>> No.54177660
Quoted by: >>54177756

Red baggies red baggies red baggies
Red red red red red
We wont stop shorting till you put
A bulllet in each of your heads

>> No.54177661
Quoted by: >>54177681

>25.5m volume

wow very cool

>> No.54177681

Check again, red baggie
Red baggie

>> No.54177756
File: 8 KB, 279x181, Sonicu, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54177885

Short Sale Short Sale Short Sale
Sell sell sell sell sell
You keep digging your graves
that you will soon reach hell

Hedgie ledgie hedgie ledgie
green green green pump
Think about what you've done
on the way down from the jump

>> No.54177885
Quoted by: >>54177959

Post red bags

>> No.54177934

Thought the Hudson floor today was .90?

>> No.54177959
File: 326 KB, 1000x955, MadeUpRetardNumber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54177968

Its $0.96 but they need it above that for a profit margin
Theyve been making around 10% every time theyve sold a share today

>> No.54178018
File: 517 KB, 498x376, 1673470485610971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54178189

>muh dilootion

>> No.54178029

Prove this is what’s happening.

>> No.54178084

prove it's not
checkmate baggies

>> No.54178189

>believes reddit schizo "DD"
>doesnt believe companys own sec filings
kek baggies. It will all be over soon
21st I get to kek gme baggies when DRS numbers go down
3rd I get to kek bbbaggies when share count multiplies
glorious few weeks to be a shill

>> No.54178318
File: 55 KB, 500x364, Justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't make the news by jumping off a ledge, stop by the let us know that you were a shill before you shoot yourself in the head. It's been fun these last few years and I will actually miss you guys.

>> No.54178360

kek you’re gonna seethe so hard when this pumps immediately to $30 on buyout news

>> No.54178371
File: 621 KB, 712x606, 3546345353643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow day today. not that i was expecting much to happen but still.

>> No.54178376
File: 14 KB, 659x219, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh short and stinky

>> No.54178582
Quoted by: >>54178599

Lol, it’s red.

>> No.54178599


>> No.54178660

25 mil

>> No.54178766

Hudson to dump this bitch under a dollar right before close, just so we can laugh at baggies all weekend
The funniest outcome is always the most likely

>> No.54178815

Yep, here we go

>> No.54178841
Quoted by: >>54178854

Kek baggies my gold and silver did great today, what did your meme stick do? Thats right, continue to dump.

Anybody who holds bbby shorts right now could close them and make a fantastic profit.

>> No.54178854

>even shiny rock tards are kekking baggies
Its truly over

>> No.54178880
Quoted by: >>54181043

We can make a deal, if it goes under 1 dollar today I'll leave these threads forever, if it stays above then you will have stop posting in these threads, fair?

>> No.54178926
File: 240 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230317-153243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we were getting diluted then short interest would of went down not up.

>> No.54178988

your figures are using the old share count to calculate %
the fact the total shares shorted went to ATH while the CTB didnt is proof of dilution
kek baggie

>> No.54179004
File: 96 KB, 1843x947, bbbaggotowned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179345

bbbaggot got owned last night
kek baggies

>> No.54179009

kwab, ignoring my post

>> No.54179038
File: 381 KB, 255x225, Cheesed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179051

Look at this guy seethe.

>> No.54179051
Quoted by: >>54179084

Post your bags

>> No.54179084
File: 183 KB, 855x481, Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179102

post blood pressure seethie
top kek!

>> No.54179102

Too embarrased to post your red bags?
Kek baggie

>> No.54179107

Shill on sewerslide watch. Don't pay attention to FTDs. Don't pay attention to the short interest. Don't pay attention to the issues banks are having. Don't pay attention to credit suisse taking out 56 billion in loans. Don't pay attention to who took the most losses on Archegos's GME short position. Don't pay attention to the history surrounding the information on naked shorting.

Pay attention to the shadows on the wall. Pay attention to the shills that are here 12 hours a day. Pay attention to the opinions of people that don't like you. Pay attention to the people that want you to fail. Doubt your research and effort. Doubt your internal monologue. You don't see behind the curtain.

>> No.54179125
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1679064423852518[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these stubby little shill fingers and that flabby arm, tubby can barely grasp the cup lmao

>> No.54179143
File: 39 KB, 460x614, 1678134008538890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54179192

>muh dilootion
>muh fake price go down
They are literally raging at how easily they are laughed off. You can tell they aren't even having fun or joking/meming. These people are literally about to kill themselves in frustration.
I remember how much fun 2016 was when people were having a blast meming trump into office. These shills are despondent and you can tell.

>> No.54179213

they are the same shill farms

>> No.54179339

Well would you look at that, still above 1 dollar. What happened shills?

>> No.54179345
Quoted by: >>54179448

This whole BBBY play glows like the fucking sun. Their own goddamn 8K shows they have 95 million shares of common stock in that dilution NOT INCLUDING the preferred shares that get converted to common. Why would people pretend like that has to show up immediately on yahoo finance or it isn't true? Couldn't be Hudson shills right?

>> No.54179375

Switching IDs again? Boooo get better material

>> No.54179416
File: 115 KB, 828x693, image_2023-03-17_210451496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54179448

I think it looks like a bear trap. Probably someone who already owns a company that is heavily naked short (GME) and wants to set up a plan to deliver them a death blow. You know how you do that? You pretend that there will be SIX MILLION PERCENT dilution and watch as the stupid "storm troopers" all flood into the trap and you let them short and short and short only for them to find that the dilution they need never shows up.
I think the emergency barcode-algo is a bandaid authorized by some regulatory body that now needs to unwind a tangled web of derivatives and obligations before the ENTIRE system implodes. Something is seriously going wrong right now and I think naked shorting is the catalyst this time.

>> No.54179454

>closing just 2 cents above ATL
Kek baggies

>> No.54179455
Quoted by: >>54179611

Honestly this dude kinda gets on my nerves. He’s like MrBeast for boomers

>> No.54179474

It is - for this theory to have made sense, HBC was dilution selling intraday peaks and then hammering the price down EOD to their floor to maximize profits for the next day.

Looks like they're just going to move goalposts to say "see, it's still theoretically profitable for HBC so we're right"

>> No.54179515
File: 1 KB, 221x40, volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what? Where did this number come from? We were below 30 mil

>> No.54179533
File: 43 KB, 973x421, bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179557

Marketwatch is showing 56 mil???

>> No.54179549

it was me anon, I injected 10 million more volume at super sonic speeds to make it look like

>> No.54179557
File: 27 KB, 524x562, wtf volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179780

Reminds me of this "glitch" earlier in the week where 4.7M shares were bought with no price difference...

>> No.54179611
File: 89 KB, 1077x821, Citadel Balance Sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I think it's great, if wealthy Americans who earn their livings through operations was to take down predatory short sellers then we should be embracing whatever involvement he may have. None of this mess is happening on accident, if you haven't noticed. Something bigger is brewing behind the scenes imo. Imagine pouring your life's work, blood, sweat and tears into a business that provides tangible goods for everyone only to see some FAGGOT nigger short seller balloon up a leveraged portfolio at your expense. All while the banking system is shoving 10% inflation down your throats. I have no doubt that plenty of wealthy people want to see the banks get utterly destroyed. They burned enough people to extract their ill gotten gains only to have their throats slit the second they did it again.

>> No.54179615
File: 156 KB, 1016x185, nasdaq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179780

Nasdaq is showing 45 mil? Am I having a stroke?

>> No.54179665
File: 48 KB, 571x519, 117142B0-75AF-4915-AD7D-1890D784522D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah obviously I hope you’re right. I just want this to turn into six figures, I’ve had such a rough past year

>> No.54179675

Baby spin-off.
BBBY here we come!

>> No.54179776
File: 46 KB, 475x524, mt2frziovcoa1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally dumped 14 million shares and the price didn't even flinch lmao

>> No.54179780

There was a 14M candle the second after market close
Probably due to monthly options getting exercised and MMs selling the shares they were holding for options that ended OTM

>> No.54179794

Holy shit lol

>> No.54179799

See >>54179780

>> No.54179854
File: 233 KB, 620x640, 1679040475845262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54179892

so is this the kinda of fuckery that happens on the witching days?

>> No.54179859

Isn’t that just darkpool volume

>> No.54179861
Quoted by: >>54179907

kek burnies

>> No.54179892

You can check most tickers on most fridays for high AH volume as options get sorted out
This was particularly large, probably due to the massive GAMMA WAAAAAAMP that didnt do anything

>> No.54179907

Setting fire to paperwork I bet

>> No.54179918
File: 28 KB, 1464x271, redditards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the money bros

>> No.54179956

Based short king

>> No.54180085

Damn, a hundred dollarinos!? We did it reddit!

>> No.54180172

get ready to pay all that money back

>> No.54180309 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 960x720, pepe conquistador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a 17 year old wagie please understand

>> No.54180325
Quoted by: >>54180392

Shorting BBBY is like swimming into an underground cave to pick up nickels off of the cave floor. Good lord LOL

>> No.54180338

uh oh stinky

>> No.54180392

i dunno it looks pretty bearish to me, i'll hold and see if it breaks $1

>> No.54180627
Quoted by: >>54180666

>530k calls expired worthless today

Lol lmao even. Imagine not buying shares instead

>> No.54180666

I'd imagine part of those are short hedges

>> No.54180890

this is written porn but its too good to be true

>> No.54180899
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1647, Screenshot_20230317_213012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54180928


>> No.54180962


>> No.54180970
Quoted by: >>54180989

I’m out

>> No.54180989

>Prove this is what’s happening
Theres your proof :) you shouldve listened baggie

>> No.54181013

Holy shit you posted within a minute of release, I’m buying more.

>> No.54181043
File: 416 KB, 598x800, Slurp Slurp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy we closed above a dollar you gonna leave these threads?

>> No.54181056
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

>> No.54181087
Quoted by: >>54181162

I need some new hopium. I feel like this destroys 99% of the theories out there

>> No.54181150
File: 311 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20230317_214507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.54181156


>> No.54181162
File: 130 KB, 577x335, 1676752722641516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares

>> No.54181182
Quoted by: >>54181508


>> No.54181188
File: 47 KB, 634x165, 9d1387b1a78d656121647fd494ad70a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181508

You need to be 18 years old or older to post on this honeypot.

>> No.54181249

They still havent even noticed the updated float on r/bbby hahahahaha fucking idiots

>> No.54181251

Shill plant. Look at all his other post
>I unironically have my life savings in this :/
>What’s your sell target fren? I’m kinda torn on my exit strategy
>I will continue to run a balance on my credit card and continue to buy more

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.54181268

pretty easy to spot

>> No.54181272

Seethe baggie seethe!
Thoughts on the new 300M float?
Tbh I thought it wouldve been even higher

>> No.54181273

Baaaahahahaha. The hedgies want to frighten you. They are not happy about BBBY getting ourselves well over $1 via a reverse split and the fact that if you want to vote you have to RECALL your shares. This is basically our management team fucking shorts in the ass and they are absolutely SEETHING. They want you to panic this weekend because on Monday they want to give you a little "exit pump" that they hope you will desperately take. Remember folks, so long as you hold you are in control. The shorts are over extended and completely fucked.

>> No.54181275

I'm not feeling so good bros

>> No.54181285


>> No.54181303
File: 353 KB, 1290x1993, 276174A2-5CE0-44CE-A61F-38AC91256653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181308

Happy st Patrick’s day!!

>> No.54181308
Quoted by: >>54181342

How many ID's have you had today?

>> No.54181325
File: 51 KB, 805x735, BBY cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAH total meme stock hodler death.

Should've just worked hard and averaged into gold and silver.

Anyone who has shorts in BBBY can close them and make an amazing profit.

>> No.54181336

You retards are never getting your money back lmao

>> No.54181339

hooly shit

>> No.54181342
File: 266 KB, 1290x1864, E8D0B14A-DF97-4138-87A5-762793A2B370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two. But if you want to talk about today; I had a nicer day than you. Could probably buy all your shares if I wanted

>> No.54181348
File: 58 KB, 640x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181415

Can you guys share the shill discord links with me?

>> No.54181354

reverse split is never good.. reddit will just cope and justify why this is needed. fuck this, I'm out

>> No.54181370

Reddit still hasnt even noticed the new float lmao. They think this is just because of the RS
they are the biggest retards imaginable

>> No.54181377
Quoted by: >>54181661

Hey all you MotherFucking BBBY Retail Lite Cocksuckers!

We took you Fuckers down to 1.01 briefly today before you put all buys forward you had left even to still finish red today! Hepcats, this is a Fucking DUNK GALLERY! I tell you what MotherFuckers, you better wrap the Fucking stock up in a tight little ball and put that Shit on the market, because we are selling the Absolute Everloving SHIT out of this Fucking stock! We coming to collect our Fucking money, so you better start sending them Duckets down over here. I'm going open you Fuckers up like the Russians getting opened up at Bahamut! Come on put it MotherFuckers, come on put it! You want some business well come on down to the real market and we will show you a little bit of AssWhoppin! Wrong Fucking number MotherFuckers!

Next week we taking this Fucking stock down below $1 U.S. dollar per share and you on your way to being Delisted! Once this stock is delisted it's Fucking over! Most of you will have no idea how to even Fucking trade it at that point!

>> No.54181383
File: 285 KB, 640x923, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181474

>Is never good
ok kek you lot are fucking pathetic

>> No.54181382

The warrant holder has to pay bbby for the shares they create and they do so at a discount. This just shows that they’ve converted a lot of shares but this doesn’t mean they’ve sold them into the market. RIP shill team six, hedgies on ledgies. Spin-off incoming wallstreet knows about it so their just taking depositors money ahead of time.

>> No.54181391
File: 72 KB, 750x896, 1627314516396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh. I'm finally free from memestocks. I can forget about the stock market and go on with my life. And most importantly I can never come back to this shit hole.

Good bye lads! Take care and remember it was only money.
Unless you put your life savings into it. In that case have fun making it back.

>> No.54181397
File: 18 KB, 254x320, eb88d3a9dfe5ebc07207eafd3e836670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 5k worth more today
Feeling good bros. We will squeeze those hedgies.

>> No.54181398
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1635166782016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181478

I wonder if there are still people holding from the august pump, or if they sold and bought back in later

>> No.54181402
File: 90 KB, 613x309, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


leads to

>> No.54181411

>ok weve been diluted but they havent actually sold yet
Kek baggie. They have

>> No.54181415

Remember when the shill narrative was bankruptcy? Remember when the sky was falling two weeks ago?

>> No.54181428

Look bro I want to believe but I’m pretty much done with everything.

>> No.54181438

Baggie bros what's the new cope? I'm scared

>> No.54181449
File: 67 KB, 680x515, 768999232232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our time is coming bros

>> No.54181460
Quoted by: >>54181473

Link the fucking source you monkey. why the fuck isnt it on there website or sec filing?

>> No.54181464

Fuck everything fuck Reddit fuck the shills I’m so done. I can’t do this anymore.

>> No.54181474
Quoted by: >>54181488

pure copium. what happens when they dilute again after reverse split? how many more theories can we keep shitting out.. can management share a plan for justifying RS? we didn't even trade below $1 until this news dropped. so fucking stupid

>> No.54181473

It is on the sec filing. You have to scroll down. Or just ctrl+f

>> No.54181478

hello. It will take me 6 months to make this money back. But I will never put a single dollar in US stock market again lmao

>> No.54181488

>what happens when they dilute again
Post the 8k showing they diluted


>> No.54181492

bro, relax.

Just double down

>> No.54181500
File: 618 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20230317_220118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggie

>> No.54181508
File: 319 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230317_180056_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Elon knooooows

>> No.54181518
Quoted by: >>54181541

boys, we have entered the long haul.

>> No.54181528
File: 119 KB, 1139x899, Look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181590

BBBY is $0.92 U.S. Dollars per share! Look at the Fucking scoreboard right now!

You Fucking Retail Lite or NGMI!

>> No.54181541

It was always a 5 year play bros...

>> No.54181559

Oh my god that 1 year chart in a few days is gonna be so sexy

>> No.54181582
File: 50 KB, 585x511, 1678633472021237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills flooding reddit and here, AND THEY WANT US TO THINK THEY DO IT FOR FREE KEK

What do you think happens to locates when there is less of a float? Bye Bye Shorties!

>> No.54181590
Quoted by: >>54181708

And you know what I'm doing Monday?

Buying more.

>> No.54181594
Quoted by: >>54181695

Damn it is really crazy to see how blatant the shilling is. Sometimes they do a good job of hiding their push on the narrative. Right now it is so obvious it is crazy to me. Like there are people on the other side of the screen being paid to try and prevent retards like me from buying it. Truth really is stranger than fiction. WAGMI

>> No.54181596

>less of a float?

>> No.54181609

If the lenders of the security wish to vote, they will need to recall their shares. Otherwise it's retail's vote. Looks like they will be recalling their shit

>> No.54181610
File: 471 KB, 666x666, pink void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel too good about this to be honest

>> No.54181611

relax fucker, I'm a bagholder too. clearly they want to reverse split because the float is big now..

>> No.54181648
File: 415 KB, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20230317_220730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit finally noooootices

>> No.54181651
Quoted by: >>54181673

>16 posts by this ID
gentlemen, I present to you the worlds most dedicated indian digital sweatshop lackey

>> No.54181661

Hey boomer. You forgot to say “HepCats”. Yes, we know who you are. Yes, we see you.

>> No.54181673

Gentlemen I present the worlds biggest bagholder
300M shares! Kek baggie

>> No.54181684

Reverse split is good when your company is being attacked by short sellers trying to bring you under $1. We are 100% short, on REGSHO and there are 7M FTDs piling up. Seeing management begin the process of defending the share price is like tossing matches at a can of gasoline. The shorts are fucking SHITTING themselves right now.

>> No.54181695

>stating facts about reality = pushing a narrative

This is how cultists always act.

>> No.54181708

Based as fuck. Im going to unironically drop my whole cash reserve monday morning, were going to fucking make it

>> No.54181710

>there are 7M FTDs piling up
And the new float is 300M

>> No.54181721
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1670417334808505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying this flood of retarded shills trying quickly to change narratives in realtime

>> No.54181727


>> No.54181728
File: 526 KB, 500x352, Checkem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54181729
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>> No.54181733
File: 50 KB, 2504x1175, i wonder whats happening here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54181805

Jee wizz i wonder whats going on in the back offices of wallstreet.

>> No.54181785

What's stopping the shorts from shorting more after reverse split? thats what happens 99% of the time, I've played BIOC,TBLT, DRYS, all trash companies with the same fate after reverse split. how is this different? the stigma behind reverse split scares off new investors, only predatory investors will take part in future warrant deals. I'm tired of delusion, $10k down the drain with this meme

>> No.54181803


A 4:1 reverse split led to 1700% short squeeze.

They are nuking.

>> No.54181805
File: 73 KB, 461x469, 1676242449267086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would imagine they think they can keep shorting it, even up until the point they spin off BABY to Cohen for Teddy and Ichan takes over. Right up until that point and then they will be contemplating rope or leap?

>> No.54181822

even gme did a fucking forward split.. reverse split is a death curse, I don't know what management is planning but this is not good news no matter how it's spun with copium

>> No.54181833

This is shills trying to spin bbby not going bankrupt as a bad thing for the company. In their defense, they have an impossible task of preventing the truth from full actualization.

>> No.54181845

Fucking BBBY thank you for offering more shares! We Fucking snatched those shares up as quick as we could get them and are selling the SHIT out of them! Just please keep those shares coming! This is Fucking free money and it is absolutely amazing!

>> No.54181847

The tanking isnt due to the split
Its just to the fact they just confirmed the float has 200M extra shares in it
Kek baggies

>> No.54181858


Bankruptcy and meme stock retard suicides INCOMING.

2023 is a glorious year.

>> No.54181861

My favorite part of spending time here is slowly gaining the ability to identify posters who come here daily. Their dialogue. Their timings, their schedules, and their emotions. They become transparent. There’s a few I would say, 6-8 individuals, some more passionate in their shilling, a few on the fence, their rhetoric getting soft. Then about 5-6pm ET their supervisor logs on, throws up a few very long posts as to rally the shills. Same cue words, signaling to them his arrival. Really quite pathetic. The more they continue, the more vicious they become, I feel I’m buying the correct stock.

>> No.54181865
Quoted by: >>54181935

Sometimes I wish I'd never got into the fucking stock market. It's impossible to do anything correctly. It all feels like blind luck, unless you invest like a boomer and get +3% after 18 years.

>> No.54181867
File: 481 KB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20230317_221747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a long term turnaround play now, baggies

>> No.54181872
File: 7 KB, 200x168, CatFail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54181877

Are the Apes starting to sell BBBY to buy HOOD?

>> No.54181885
File: 17 KB, 250x228, 1666887575027809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a shill I just come here to laugh at you. I'm a bully

>> No.54181912


>> No.54181917
File: 85 KB, 884x786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this will be amazing

>> No.54181923
File: 105 KB, 1036x909, r02rl1h7ywla1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME chad here.
Y'all just got diluted from 117M to 335M.
The board knows the price can't stay above $1 for long, a reverse split is needed.

>> No.54181935
Quoted by: >>54181955

its blind luck for us. you only win with insider information, which politicians use scot-free and we get jailed. I thought I could make it with this play but I am losing faith, everyone just wants fuck over retail..

>> No.54181939

Post the 8k showing dilution


>> No.54181942
Quoted by: >>54181959

>The bonds were paid!
>Its not Hudson!
>Its not dilution!
Kek baggies

>> No.54181948
Quoted by: >>54182010

holy shit their taking exact comment templates that are FLOODING the bbby subreddit. It really is going down as we speak, WAGMI.

>> No.54181955

>you only win with insider information
Or you couldve read the filings the company published a month ago saying dilution was going to happen
Kek baggie

>> No.54181959
Quoted by: >>54182001

>cohen would never sell his shares/calls

>> No.54181974

What do you mean change narratives? We told you there was dilution, you denied it, now the company's confirmed that it happened. Oh look, you yourself in this very thread insisted that there was no dilution.
Now the company has confirmed that there is dilution
>As of March 15, 2023, we had 335,404,588 shares of Common Stock outstanding
Looks like you're the one who needs to change narratives retard.

>> No.54181988

I’m not sticking around for this. Wish I just listened to Burry

>> No.54182001

Forgot that one

>> No.54182003
Quoted by: >>54182039

>PRE 14A
>A preliminary proxy statement providing notification matters to be brought to a vote
Page 13
>As of March 15, 2023, we had 335,404,588 shares of Common Stock outstanding and 46,957,040 shares of Common Stock held in treasury

>> No.54182010

dude shut the fuck up. not everyone is a shill, some of us aren't orgasming over being down 95%. holy fuck this board is a psy-up

>> No.54182018

didn't gme already approve dilution years back? seems like thats only a matter of time too

>> No.54182029


Please livestream your suicide if you do decide to do it.

>> No.54182038
Quoted by: >>54182126



There is no confirmation whether the warrant holder has actually sold shares into the market. So far they have just exercised warrants and gave the money to BBBY. pathetic fud attempts.

>> No.54182039

What do you reckon, do you think they'll abandon thread, or try and spin the dilution they were just denying as somehow bullish?

>> No.54182043

>a matter of time
Cope. BBBY has been diluted, GME has not been diluted after june 2021.

>> No.54182047

>Ok he did, but its fine
>Ok they werent, but its fine
>ok it is hudson but its fine
Kek baggies

>> No.54182057

response to >>54181974

>> No.54182067

BBBY is the titanic after it hit the iceberg, it's fucked. GME is a boat with a hole in it small enough you can empty the water out with a bucket. fucked but they'll stay afloat for a while

>> No.54182113
File: 60 KB, 688x419, Screenshot_91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the New CUSIP Number from the reverse split mean naked short positions must be closed? page 12 of filing


>> No.54182126

Actually there is confirmation that they've sold shares into the market. The terms of the offering prevent them from at any one time owning more than 9.8% of the company. As the offering has thus far tripled the float, they would now own 2 thirds of the company had they not sold. Therefore, they must have sold to dilute to this extent.

>> No.54182133
Quoted by: >>54182161

New cusip number coming. That's the deathblow for shorties.

>> No.54182148
File: 118 KB, 529x395, 1666482026941052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54182194

This aged well

>> No.54182158


Bankruptcy next week CONFIRMED

>> No.54182161
Quoted by: >>54182347

CUSIP Number

new catalyst/cope just dropped. what reddit thread did you read this one in? surely this one is it!

>> No.54182166
File: 120 KB, 1124x1105, Chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure whoever diluted is still holding the shares and they will profit handsomely from the squeeze they are about to initiate.
I think the shorts just got mother fucking trapped big time here.

>> No.54182168
File: 15 KB, 400x400, EYVrJ10U_400x400 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I changed my opinion on the company so I sold
>No reasonable investor would invest in BBBY
You shouldve listened to him

>> No.54182170


>> No.54182172
Quoted by: >>54182214

>We are 100% short
Which would be 33% short with the new float.

>> No.54182186

post loss porn

>> No.54182194
Quoted by: >>54182251

I know lol. I'm still not all that concerned. I'm honestly more excited to see how it all plays out.

>> No.54182207

No, when there is a split or reverse split, those new shares are attached to a new "stock ID"

So they get a new ID for their ticker for when it applies.

>> No.54182214

That still does not mean shorts have access to the new shares. The bottleneck for shorts to close still exists.

>> No.54182216
Quoted by: >>54182309

Its time the memesters learn what death spiral financing is

>> No.54182221

You retards need to sell bbby and just buy GME, you might actually make it then if you're not too late

>> No.54182240
Quoted by: >>54182263

>New CUSIP Number. After the Effective Time, the post-Reverse Stock Split shares of Common Stock would have a new CUSIP number, which is a number used to identify our equity securities.

Last remaining hopium for the bull thesis. Huff away bros.

>> No.54182251

got a hot spoiler for you: you lose money

>> No.54182263

I remember people saying this about muh gme splividend

>> No.54182309
Quoted by: >>54182335

60pbtid. Surely after you’ve won and BBBY is done for, your job is done and your shill employer will have no reason to continue paying you for THIS job. That means you won’t be here Monday, right? R-rrright? But you will. Because this is far from over, and you know that.

>> No.54182335
File: 332 KB, 1080x952, Screenshot_20230317_224032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54182381

Im here to laugh at baggies
Why would I leave right as it gets funny?
Kek baggie
Also kek peepeeseeds

>> No.54182345
File: 40 KB, 750x422, Jimmy-Chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening, folks! It's your favorite host, Jim Cramer, and tonight, we're going to talk about one of the most atrocious investments I've seen in recent times: Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) stock.

Now, listen up, because I'm not going to sugarcoat this. If you've been foolish enough to invest in BBBY, you've been played like a fiddle. This stock has been on a downward spiral for years now, and I don't see any light at the end of this tunnel.

But some of you may be thinking, "Jim, BBBY has been around for decades. It's a household name. How could it be a bad investment?" Well, let me tell you something. Just because a company has been around for a long time doesn't mean it's a good investment. In fact, it could mean the exact opposite. Companies that have been around for a while often become complacent, and they fail to adapt to changing market conditions.

And that's exactly what's happened with BBBY. They've been slow to embrace e-commerce, they've failed to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and they've been losing market share year after year.

But some of you may still be thinking, "Jim, I've heard that BBBY is a value play. It's trading at a low P/E ratio, and it pays a dividend." Well, let me tell you something. Value investing is dead. The old rules don't apply anymore. We're in a new era of investing, and companies that don't innovate and adapt will be left behind.

And as for that dividend? Don't make me laugh. You're going to lose more money in capital losses than you'll ever make in dividends.

So, if you've been foolish enough to invest in BBBY, it's time to cut your losses and move on. Don't be like those investors who held onto Blockbuster stock until it was worthless. Don't be a sucker. Invest in companies that are growing and innovating, not ones that are stuck in the past.

This has been Jim Cramer, and remember, there's always a bull market somewhere.

>> No.54182347

you seem upset, Todd. You must be short.

>> No.54182376


>> No.54182375

We moass monday
Chk em

>> No.54182381
Quoted by: >>54182441

Sure. See you Monday. And every week after that.

>> No.54182402
File: 239 KB, 1080x924, Screenshot_20230317_224353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smartest baggie

>> No.54182407


>> No.54182434

So wouldn't this be the ideal time to close short positions?

>> No.54182441

Yep, ill still be laughing at you every day until the end of time
See you then, baggie
Make sure to bring your red bags

>> No.54182512
Quoted by: >>54182554


>> No.54182533

They will have ZERO choice but to close their short positions.
Hedgies r fucked.

>> No.54182541
File: 105 KB, 550x367, Not-Closing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54182553

Why would we Fucking close!? This stock is going to zero!

MotherFuckers I done told all you all already! We're not Fucking covering and closing!

>> No.54182553
File: 19 KB, 341x432, ILoveDunkposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back to bed, Dunkie. You're drunk again.

>> No.54182554


>> No.54182607
Quoted by: >>54182675

65 post

>> No.54182675

65 cents (stock price by monday)

>> No.54182734
File: 1.85 MB, 1707x1280, jesus-christ-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intense poster, have a (you), glad to see youre making so much of this opportunity. If drama persists like this, i trust your family can eat good rice all this month. God bless, use some of this money to buy BBBY.

>> No.54182807
File: 15 KB, 319x479, YouWishYouWereMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54182960

It's pretty obvious what's going to happen if you ignore the pathetic shills.
Pulte tweeted AGAIN today "Only the Young."
BBBY does reverse split
Spins of Baby
New Cusip
Shorts are decimated from space.

>> No.54182960
Quoted by: >>54182987

I don’t need anymore copium bro. I’m done. FUCK

>> No.54182987

Buh-bye shillie

>> No.54183021
File: 56 KB, 1000x1000, 514LTdf+9cL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the last /BBBY/ general?

>> No.54183022


>> No.54183038
File: 763 KB, 2604x2802, 91E36048-827F-4BB2-B019-9DFE1F1DE424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66 pbtID
Why do you always spam 40+ posts gavinder do you realize how bad it looks?

>> No.54183243
File: 154 KB, 960x712, 1666816890529016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where you at big boy? What you got to say now that it's so confirmed even a retard like you can get it and your stock went off the cliff

>> No.54183284
Quoted by: >>54183395

Yeah I'm already down $200k so I might as well ride it out at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.54183369

kek no bake baggots
dead thread
dead stock
soon to be dead baggies

>> No.54183395
File: 266 KB, 2000x1500, ChadCatto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54183427
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x720, 1678511421828306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54183733

why did that shill just delete his post

>> No.54183891

So where did share dilution go? were the new shares were sold onto the open market? or is it being held by one of the warrant buyers?