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>> No.58616907 [View]
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I believe it

>> No.58482685 [View]
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GME made a run and so I bought myself the following:
100 bar silver (John Matthey)
2x kilos silver (pamp & valcambi)
10gram pamp gold assay
$50FV bag quarters
4x rolls half dollars
4x rolls 90% halves

Thanks Game stop. Since the calls I sold are back down under $34 I get the fun of coming up with $8700 these next few months. kek

>> No.57597290 [View]
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I love being a savvier trader than all of these "investment bankers" and "Wallstreet traders". I mean, come on, It was always this easy: Just buy and hodl some naked shorted stocks.
Checkmate hedgies.
inb4 seethies.

>> No.56801093 [View]
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The joke is on you. Who shows up in all of this M&A madness? Overstock, the formerly naked short company whose management's compensation was ruthlessly attacked. Sue Gove shows up as CEO elsewhere in the play.
Lots of funny things going on here, and I think the joke is on the hedgies. I've supposedly lost a fuckton of money but I am surprisingly zen. Most bankrupt company shares still exist. But where did mine go? Something very odd is going on here and I think it makes you far more upset than myself when at first glance it appears you won.
But why am I such a comfy boy?

>> No.56358157 [View]
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They can be in the green all they want. They still can't profit without buying.
The problem of naked short selling is ultimately this: ILLIQUIDITY.
Go read about Long Term Capital Management and get back to me about what an illiquid market can do to even the largest and most successful hedge funds at the time. The worlds first bailout happened because someone took multi billion dollar trades out on tiny markets and got their anuses opened up when they couldn't vacate their positions. The Fed literally convened all of the ibanks and got them to willingly step in to buy up their bags of Italian bonds at a loss to prevent their derivatives book from blowing up everyone else.
Pretty simple concepts here. Thank you for the writing prompts. Pretty simple fud to brush aside but it needs to be done.

>> No.55689836 [View]
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The problem with BBBYQ that silly shillies don't want to acknowledge is the pent-up short selling that occurred here. It is similar to walking up to the edge of a cliff and seeing a boulder teetering on the edge. Without the exertion of a single calorie of energy, you can unleash an ungodly amount of potential energy and convert it to kinetic.
That is what we are seeing. BBBYQ is not just a bankrupt retailer. It is a tightly compressed spring ready to explode. And whose names do we see all over this? RC? Pulte? Newel Brands (Icahn)? Overstock? What do all of these people have in common if not being victims of aggressive short sellers?
Short sellers are seething because their little plan makes them vulnerable and someone big enough just walked up ready to slit their throat. And the dedicated shareholders dedicated to GME and others are all sitting here holding up our cups ready for Citadel's blood letting.
And remember, GME was able to repair their balance sheet to 100% debt free on the back of a post-squeeze share issuance. What on earth could be stopping you from enacting the SAME EXACT plan? The short sellers that are attacking you can be used to recapitalize yourself and your newly enriched customer base.
It is only possible if the shorts compromise themselves, and it appears they have. If this goes down we are all millionaires. Are you hyped?

>> No.54968627 [View]
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>> No.54819746 [View]
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I think so too. By naked shorting the stock, we have been essentially unable to secure the funding to keep the company afloat. The court proceedings could be a great time for discovery to bring material facts to light. We didn't fast track to CH11 for no reason. This massive company is either being killed and it was allowed to happen or a fight is going on behind the scenes. Shorts need us to sell to get these liabilities off of their books. I believe the gameplan for cellar boxing is they all engage in the shorting, and eventually the hedgies can shift their short positions on to the market maker who is able to keep open the short positions using synthetics. Unfortunately, in the last two years naked short selling has become sort of a hot topic as banks literally implode. I think they are already underwater zombie financial institutions and their only hopes left was to find a new cellar boxing target for capital. A do or die fight is being waged here and now. And the shorts are DESPERATE for us to walk away from BBBY. We have essentially been defrauded by this cartel of saboteurs including Ken Griffin, Mark Tritton and BCG and Co.

>> No.54597714 [View]
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Based chart. Unfortunately we all need to come to terms with the fact that glowniggers and Co. are fucking up real discourse.

>> No.54474345 [View]
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We shall all be rewarded for our dedication.

>> No.54174833 [View]
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>A little over a month ago, BBBY was ripping 15-25% DAILY and it culminated in a 120% move in a SINGLE DAY up past $7 per share. Ever since that day, the market makers had to turn on an emergency algo to tamp down the price to prevent a gamma ramp that would culminate into a short squeeze reminiscent of GME in Jan21. This is pure desperation because the company is 100%+ short, on REGSHO with MILLIONS of FTDs piling up. The options chain is so massive it could possibly destroy plenty of financial institutions.

I just wanted to reiterate how obviously fake the whole thing is. Anytime you start feeling the fud, just remember that Jim Cramer literally admitted to using the exact same price action to make you feel bad. A long, slow, drawn out decline in price. This is hedge fund trickery 101. It's all fake and they can't hide forever, ESPECIALLY at these prices. It is only a matter of time until the shorts capitulate.

>> No.54159819 [View]
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I am actually happy for people to be jumping on the bandwagon. We can all make it and we can defeat Wallstreet at the same time. The sooner this thing pops off the better and I don't begrudge anyone for making money on this. The more the merrier

>> No.54139248 [View]
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>shillcels seething over squeezechads

>> No.53969396 [View]
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What's there to be embarrassed about? The fake price is moving lower so I am so supposed to panic sell?
I will have you know I was slurping up speculative mining stocks in 2021 so I am quite comfortable with my account being blood red, lol. I am actually curious to see how low they can push this fake price before we inevitably move higher.

>> No.53897009 [View]
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It's amazing how this stock just skyrockets higher. This stock is a pressure cooker.

>> No.53837167 [View]
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I think the price is going to rise because the hedgies don't want to deliver on all of the puts that are outstanding. Today is going to be a classic walk to max pain.

>> No.53812144 [View]
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What is moass? I just like the stock.

>> No.53809694 [View]
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Bond investors are typically more sophisticated than equity investors. Lots to be bullish here for BBBY. You chose....wisely...

>> No.53720506 [View]
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We are green again! Time for your wedgy, hedgies.

>> No.53696554 [View]
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You have to hand it to them. They are definitely making this feel like a very risky trade. All you have to do is step back and take a peak at these blatant criminal manipulations and know that there are very serious reason for this to be happening. If this thing can rip and has so much pent up interest, why not hop on the long side? What is the with the desperation in trying to kill this company's share price?
I for one, simply do not believe the fud. The shorts must close sooner rather than later per the borrow costs and they are desperately trying to shake our confidence because the longs stand the profit off of the shorts' losses. The trade is dangerously crowded and time is on our side.

>> No.53692279 [View]
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2-4-8. Your investment will also double many times over. Prepare to wagmi

>> No.53602888 [View]
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Guys, its finally happening.

>> No.53525306 [View]
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It's quite stunning how crowded that trade is. There are all kinds of people wanting a piece of the action. Crowded trades never work out well. And to reiterate it's the shorts who have to time the trade perfectly. They're ass fucked and they know it. They can even be right about BBBY going bankrupt but they cannot be too early. And if they have to close then we squeeze because the longs are also crowding them out. The only problem is the longs are in the same trade but we are standing next to the windows and exits and have all the fresh air to breath that we want. The shorts are squished, sweating, choking, gasping for air and are dehydrated.
I, for one, am a comfy boy with a cool breeze blowing through my hair, a pretty view of the landscape with sun shining on my face with the sweet scent of flowers wafting past my nose with a window ledge to rest my beverage on.

>> No.53513611 [View]
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Speaking of time sensitivity, there were people who bought credit default swaps before the 08 crisis who were literal weeks away from hitting billionaire status. It's just too bad. You can be completely right about a trade but if you put your cards down too soon you still lose. Shorts cannot sustain themselves until and the flight to the exit could even destroy many of them.
Not my problem though. I'm just gonna sit back and have a little snack.

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