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File: 247 KB, 636x637, xsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25194394 No.25194394 [Reply] [Original]

/comfy/ Boxing day edition

Previous thread: >>25189189

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial

>SEC lawsuit

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.25194434
File: 247 KB, 705x527, 1608758722464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25194471

0.04 for a week or 10 days then 2000$ in a blink of an eye

>> No.25194447
File: 680 KB, 1196x2048, FD6483CC-108E-41D8-AD0F-A4BEF6EAABFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25194466
Quoted by: >>25194579

Bless the baker !!
Never selling, forever comfy !!

>> No.25194471


>> No.25194480
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1594360214683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25194493

based image

>> No.25194515 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25194547

which nigger kicked me from the twitter tracking discord

>> No.25194518

damn that pic is awesome. Love scifi art like that.

>> No.25194547
Quoted by: >>25194582

Why were you on discord in the first place?

>> No.25194553

>scifi art
You mean the blueprints for the citadel?

>> No.25194579

Checked. Comfy af.

>> No.25194582

easier than reading twitter

>> No.25194608
File: 240 KB, 596x855, 20201222_172436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why happens when the riddle clock runs out?

>> No.25194618
Quoted by: >>25200397


is that "the citadel" you people are talking about? it looks like somewhere you go for an outpatient lobotomy before being sent to search the surface for scrap metal and organic material to be used in onions green.

>> No.25194636

it looks like it will run out for December 30th

what happens? a big move probably

>> No.25194648 [DELETED] 

I guess you are right all popular coins have youtube clickbait. What concerns me slightly is all those twitter niggers going XRP 2K baby hodl or die. Theyre basically doing the same we are here. You would think theyd jsut fomo and sell at 2$. I'm seeing them have diamond hands and hodl through the SEC fud too. Theyre like "nu uh baby aint nobody scaring this black momma queen here we the new standard and shiet ridin tis baby to the moon 2K mothafucka." I swear theres an biz schizo community and theres some kind of mirrored schizo nigger community somewhere. I guess blacks can be schizo too and it doesnt matter if its 70 IQ or 140 IQ.

>> No.25194663

my gains will come at the cost of your suffering and there's nothing more fulfilling to me

>> No.25194676

When you think about it, having a currency with an inherent value proposition is prettyy bonkers shit. Thats part of the reason they need the clarity and the SEC is going after them. Money is almost the oldest invention known to man. And yet its never evolved. Fiat is the same now as it was 4 000 years ago. Just a little token you trade with people.
Sure we made some inventions surrounding money. Banking, lending, insurance, derivatives etc. All those innovations changed the world massively and made it much richer (especially those controlling the money...).
This internet of money thing feels like the next big step forward now.
Think templars and crusades, think insurance and risk sharing and dutch global trade ships, think derivatives and modern capitalism.
This shit is going to be so huge. The world is changing. Pretty crazy stuff.
1st Industrial revolution was 300 years ago. 2d one 100 years ago. 3rd one 20 years ago. 4th one is now. This shit is going so fast and the whole world structure with it. Man at this rate its gonna be hard to adapt and predict the future, 5th revolution in 10 years at this rate. Wonder what it will be. Probably transhumanism and space revolution ?

>> No.25194691

black people are some of the most naturally redpilled people I know

>> No.25194704
File: 3 KB, 220x220, 1441444144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Counterpane

Upon waking next morning about daylight, I found Queequeg's arm
thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner.
You had almost thought I had been his wife. The counterpane was
of patchwork, full of odd little parti-colored squares and triangles;
and this arm of his tattooed all over with an interminable Cretan
labyrinth of a figure, no two parts of which were of one precise shade--
owing I suppose to his keeping his arm at sea unmethodically in sun
and shade, his shirt sleeves irregularly rolled up at various times--
this same arm of his, I say, looked for all the world like a strip
of that same patchwork quilt. Indeed, partly lying on it as the arm
did when I first awoke, I could hardly tell it from the quilt,
they so blended their hues together; and it was only by the sense
of weight and pressure that I could tell that Queequeg was hugging me.

My sensations were strange. Let me try to explain them. When I was
a child, I well remember a somewhat similar circumstance that befell me;
whether it was a reality or a dream, I never could entirely settle.
The circumstance was this. I had been cutting up some caper or other--
I think it was trying to crawl up the chimney, as I had seen a little
sweep do a few days previous; and my stepmother who, somehow or other,
was all the time whipping me, or sending me to bed supperless,--
my mother dragged me by the legs out of the chimney and packed me off
to bed, though it was only two o'clock in the afternoon of the 21st June,
the longest day in the year in our hemisphere. I felt dreadfully.
But there was no help for it, so up stairs I went to my little room
in the third floor, undressed myself as slowly as possible so as to
kill time, and with a bitter sigh got between the sheets.

>> No.25194712 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25194756

spoken like a kike jigaboo

>> No.25194729

That is true, theyre pretty redpilled and trad on a lot of stuff. Yet for some reason they still all vote for Biden and old white crackas though.

>> No.25194738

4 more days until we witness the annual biz xrupee suicide. When will retards learn that their insiders appear every year with a different name?

>> No.25194744

i understand what you are saying and as much as i love engaging in the schizo and $2k vibes i also have a very similar strategy like this anon has >>25193916 thats why i also buy as much as i can now that xrp is in this price range, so my initial % sell gets bigger, recovering the initial investment + some profits is always good and even the most radical non ironic schizo knows this, as always sell a small % and let the rest hold and see what happens

>> No.25194755

9 more days before it's $1

>> No.25194756

Ive been around black people working in construction sites. He is right, theyre pretty redpilled on beating up women and stuff. Got along better with them than your typical white onions college grad.

>> No.25194776
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x2268, 20201218_231852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a white man, I agree. Many blacks are unironically based.

>> No.25194797
Quoted by: >>25195297

Did you guys copy the $2000 eoy meme from linkies? What's the origin in that one? Something about thw gold standard if Shelton is confirmed for the fed?

>> No.25194803 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25194844

not falling for it kike, show uncut dick.

>> No.25194817

Amazing. Moby Dick is one of my favourite books, by far. Read it 4 times now. Truly the epitome of bromance.

>> No.25194837
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25195207

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

>> No.25194838

>1st Industrial revolution was 300 years ago. 2d one 100 years ago. 3rd one 20 years ago. 4th one is now. This shit is going so fast and the whole world structure with it. Man at this rate its gonna be hard to adapt and predict the future, 5th revolution in 10 years at this rate. Wonder what it will be. Probably transhumanism and space revolution ?

i know exactly what's going to happen in the future, and it's going to be like fallout lite. too few natural resources, a planet taxed by pollution and other human activity, heavy-handed authoritarian government that does not respect individual autonomy, mind-rotting propaganda, and lots of chinese people. i really don't want any part of it.

>> No.25194840

what are the insiders saying

>> No.25194844
Quoted by: >>25195221

Then the jannies would ban me and I don't know how to evade bans, I'm a retard who will not be able to post for 30 days or so if I do something wrong. But I am not cut, Thank God.

>> No.25194862
Quoted by: >>25194939

It'll reset or some other bullshit move so that it isn't wrong.

>> No.25194915
File: 80 KB, 656x340, 1520155369474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25195167

Yes, correct. We whites (most) are born and raised into believing the government are the good guys, good guys won the WW2, trust the gov't (plan) and experts while blacks think everything the government (white men) does is to enslave black people and get them back on the plantation.

>> No.25194939

pretty sure meme dates are stupid, I've never seen any project or plan ever happen on time anyway, theres always some bumps along the road and delays and unseen complications. It will happen when its ready, not a random meme date some guy has been hinting at for 6 months.

>> No.25194946
Quoted by: >>25194987

Based indeed

>> No.25194987


not music.

>> No.25195084
File: 123 KB, 1024x1280, andrea-instagram-model-butt-0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, does that say brapbox edition?

>> No.25195132

Reminder that 4 more days and you'll be getting shit on by every man, woman, tranny, and kid on /biz/ because of your delusional thinking


>> No.25195164

>he uses the gregorian calendar

>> No.25195165

what if this scenario will be the real "flip the switch"

>XRP gets delisted
>can only be traded via OTC by institutions
>price pumps 2k eoy
>will be relisted with price over 2000$

>> No.25195167

understanding that is unity

>> No.25195203

thats why im buying it at 5 cents before its delisted and moving to my wallet.

>> No.25195207

XRP to $666 wooooo

>> No.25195221 [DELETED] 

Post on Imgur or you're a kike

>> No.25195224
Quoted by: >>25195507

Which calendar do you want to use?, give me a date in whatever calendar you want, it still won't reach 2k, and I'll still screencap you and come shit on you.

>> No.25195232
Quoted by: >>25195285

>he uses the Gregorian calendar <--- You Are Here
>he uses the Julian calendar
>he uses the lunar calendar
>he uses the Chinese Lunar calendar
>he thinks it's an actual calendar

>> No.25195233

checked and satan pilled

>> No.25195276 [DELETED] 


i don't see how the "switch gets flipped" with ripple holding xrp in escrow. it would be way too much money for them to have and doesn't make sense. either they'll destroy it, give it to someone else, or it will run out on its own and xrp will stay relatively cheap until then.

>> No.25195282

>you'll be getting shit on by every man, woman, tranny, and kid on /biz/ because of your delusional thinking
Implying that's not already the case...
You're literally coming to xsg right now to shit on us tranny.
Don't worry about us we can handle ourselves :)

>> No.25195285
Quoted by: >>25195367

>implying time even exists
EOY probably means end of life of the average human, which it still won't reach

>inb4 3/3 FUD by this ID
>inb4 just bought more xrp
>inb4 kys/stay poor/etc.

>> No.25195297
File: 544 KB, 671x671, 1608317324074~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25195342


>> No.25195312

Xrp gang till we die nigguh we finna go to the club with my hebrew Schwartz and make it rain

For what its worth alot of those twitter people are single moms or anime niggas who are like the high IQ of negros. But they only own like 1k xrp. I kmow a guy irl like this and he will mpst likely sell before 2k

>> No.25195335
Quoted by: >>25195387

sell signal

>> No.25195342


>> No.25195351 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25195534

Really, where are you getting this? Twitter niggers?

>> No.25195367

End Of Yourlifetime

>> No.25195380
File: 1.20 MB, 3336x2588, Ep97e5cXAAMjAp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are being told to look closer at this image anons. Take a look at the right side of the stone, can those be chart lines? Followed by a HUGE drop. If true, big.

>> No.25195387
Quoted by: >>25195499

I mean personally i believe in buyback as a possibility so ultimately it might only br xrp 100 dollars nigguh or xrp 500 dollars nigguh.
Moreover i think retail is smaller than we think, i think retail only owns about 10% of the supply but there's no way of knowing for sure

>> No.25195413
Quoted by: >>25195499

Yup im selling

>> No.25195488
File: 70 KB, 627x1358, dropfractal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stolen from a twitterfag on cugs timeline
Looks like the XRP hammer will break the "moon" while the red line represents the market collapse

>> No.25195499

Also there's the possibility of a mass hack of exchanges or something who knows there is a million ways incompetent people can get JUSTed out of their stack

>> No.25195507

Only one crypto can win, you already know that. No one knows when the winner will be decided or ultimately what the market cap of the winner will hit. I just know the winner is XRP.

Fastest transaction speed. Lowest transaction cost. Fundamentals matter.

>> No.25195534
Quoted by: >>25195610

What do u mean? That they will sell before 2k? Certainly not all of then will but my friend irl will because hes sold early alot since he doesnt really understand crypto or.its implications hes just mostly in it because hes broke

>> No.25195554
File: 8 KB, 283x178, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25195614

checked and schizobrainpilled. Great take.

>> No.25195585

That's not a moon. It's an egg.

>> No.25195610

Where did you get 2000 from? Because people spam it here? I'm bullish on xrp but what the fuck

>> No.25195614

I actually see it as a 'golden egg' being cracked open

>> No.25195635
File: 70 KB, 193x4096, 1BDDE821-9BA4-449E-BA0F-68765CFDEF3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196157

>why yes, i do hold XRP. how could you tell?

>> No.25195646

Thats what xrp niggas on Twitter believe because of babacugs. O loke jostling the figure around my head but personally yeah its quite hogh. I know even if xrp was used for ODL for all domestic and international transfers it would.still only be 100-200$

>> No.25195663 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 388x414, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the egg of the 'perfect world'?

>> No.25195698
File: 150 KB, 828x1278, EqGahjWXIAMr7vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25195760

the $2k meme wasnt just a random number that came out of nowhere, also the real number was slightly lower and then round up to 2k, xsg has been truly invaded by newfags

>> No.25195846

So they're going with the 'reasonable price' fud now.

But it's an improvement, the (((reasonable price))) used to be 1-2 dollars MAX.

>> No.25195865
File: 150 KB, 239x479, broken crown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25195966

the king's crown has been broken

>> No.25195902

May 5th, 2015, Department of Justice announces a criminal investigation brought by the IRS and FinCEN against Ripple has been settled, writing, "The agreement will resolve allegations that Ripple and its subsidiary failed to follow the law while engaging in the exchange of virtual currency and that the entities failed to establish and maintain an appropriate anti-money laundering program." https://archive.is/GhAAb

August 20th, 2018, SEC Chair Jay Clayton's public calendar reveals, "Meeting with Ripple, including: Brad Garlinghouse, CEO; David Schwartz, Chief Technology Officer; and John Roscoe, Special Assistant to the President, White House Office of Presidential Personnel." https://archive.is/SerU8

November 16th, 2020, NYT reports Jay Clayton will step down from the SEC by the end of 2020. https://archive.is/5TCqo

November 24th, The Washington Examiner reports that, "Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe wrote a letter to SEC Chairman Jay Clayton earlier this month, pointing to concerns the U.S. has about China’s sway over digital currency, as more than half the world's cryptocurrency "mining" operations are located in that country, and how the Chinese government is mulling its own state-controlled digital currency that would make it tough for U.S.-based companies and innovations to compete...The letter, which has not been previously reported, signals a push by President Trump's spy chief to convince the SEC to implement rules that make it easier for U.S.-owned cryptocurrency companies to compete against those based in and controlled by China." https://archive.is/kXvEv

December 3rd, Brian Brooks, acting Comptroller of the Currency, appears on CNBC's Squawk Box and says to expect "clarity" on cryptocurrency in the next six-to-eight weeks. "We're very focused on getting this right. We're very focused on not killing this...I think you're going to see a lot of good news for crypto before the end of the term," Brooks said. https://archive.is/MSE32

>> No.25195923

December 14th, Ripple hires former JPMorgan Chase Chief Regulatory Affairs Officer, Sandie O'Connor to its Board of Directors. https://archive.is/qfCSi

December 21st, Brad Garlinghouse preemptively announces that Ripple will be sued by Jay Clayton of the SEC. https://archive.is/JLs07

December 21st, Yoshitaka Kitao of SBI tweets, "Japan’s FSA has already made it clear that XRP is not a security. I’m optimistic that Ripple will prevail in the final ruling in the US." https://archive.is/pwbQU

December 22nd, the SEC files its lawsuit against Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, and Chris Larsen. https://archive.is/3uCRI https://archive.is/FqzHC

December 22nd, Brad Garlinghouse releases an internal memo on the SEC lawsuit in which he says, "Chris and I had the option to settle separately. We could do that, and it would all be behind us. NOT happening. That’s how confident Chris and I are that we are right. We will aggressively fight – and prove our case – through this case we will get clear rules of the road for the industry here in the U.S." https://archive.is/eiWEg

>> No.25195950

December 22nd, Ripple's general counsel, Stuart Alderoty tweets, "It’s easy to play amateur Twitter lawyer...Wait till you see the real pros in action - Michael Kellogg has argued 14 cases in the Sup. Ct. (ex. Liu v. SEC) and 100s more in Courts of Appeals nationwide. Check out Andrew Ceresney + the rest of D&P’s team as well." https://archive.is/OW0Bu It is worth pointing out that Ceresney served 4 years as Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement. https://archive.is/PeWGG

December 23rd, SEC's Hester Peirce tweets, "New guidance on custody of digital asset securities. Baby steps." https://archive.is/5tlvR

December 23rd, the SEC issues a statement that, "for a period of five years, a broker-dealer operating under the circumstances set forth in the statement will not be subject to a Commission enforcement action on the basis that the broker-dealer deems itself to have obtained and maintained physical possession or control of customer fully paid and excess margin digital asset securities." https://archive.is/msELj

December 23rd, Jay Clayton steps down from the SEC. https://archive.is/tJwm4

>> No.25195961
File: 41 KB, 800x450, 1608969791330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grug buy XRP at 0.72
>SEC FUD scare Grug
>Grug sell xrp at 0.21
>Bitcoin shiny
>Grug buy bitcoin
>XRP 2000$, nice, Grug buy

>> No.25195966
File: 1.47 MB, 1808x892, Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 8.52.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196025

remember the last 2 ms paint bullshit riddle pics?

all xrp has done since then is stagnate and lose value
no need to read into this dog shit

remember the ripple riddler? with the air balloon?
before all the bearableguy stuff?

and...didnt bearable guy tell everyone that ckj was his guy too?
that fucking retard just wanted to sell mugs and t-shirts

find your own way. these riddles have never been solved. not one clue has come to fruition.

>> No.25195972

December 23rd, The US Treasury Department's 'President's Working Group' issues a statement on digital payments and stablecoins which reads, "The United States encourages responsible payments innovation. Digital payments, including U.S. dollar-backed and other stablecoin arrangements used as payment systems, have the potential to improve efficiencies, increase competition, lower costs, and foster broader financial inclusion. Digital payments systems, including stablecoin arrangements, should be designed and operated in a responsible manner that effectively manages risk and maintains the continued stability of the U.S. domestic and international financial and monetary systems." https://archive.is/Qn4nv

December 23rd, Brian Brooks, Acting Comptroller of the Currency, issues a statement in response to the PWG statement which says, "I am grateful for the opportunity to work with my colleagues on these important issues so that individuals, businesses, and communities can benefit from the tremendous innovation American entrepreneurs can create when we provide a supportive framework in which they can thrive." https://archive.is/P5li9

December 24th, SEC's Hester Peirce announces via Twitter that Elad Roisman is now the acting chair of the SEC. https://archive.is/ff78K It's worth noting that both Hester Peirce and Elad Roisman are seen as generally pro-crypto. https://archive.is/EeHnM

December 24th, SBI issues a statement regarding the SEC lawsuit which says, "more than 90% of Ripple's customers are outside the United States, and 80% of international remittance volumes made using the company's solutions occur outside the United States...we believe that the impact of this matter on the consolidated financial results for the current fiscal year will be minor." https://archive.is/ffOkI

>> No.25195980
File: 380 KB, 489x543, 1608309636982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based OoooOOOoochad.

when it moons I look forward to chad breaking his straitjacket almost as much as becoming wealthy

>> No.25195981
File: 138 KB, 969x646, hamilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay heres my vision: XRP is deflationary, so the eltites will finally be able to hold cash without worrying about losing purchasing power. meanwhile XLM is inflationary (1% a year I believe) so the poors will hold that and be kept poor. its a perfect system. Then I think Algorand will be used for utility. tokenizing the NYSE, for CBDCs, that kind of thing. does this make sense or will there be only one winner?

>> No.25196002

all of these things seem tied together in some way and lead me to believe that the SEC lawsuit will be won by Ripple and lead to regulatory clarity.

>> No.25196018
File: 420 KB, 1140x615, 1607053369823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the memes in /xsg/ are of unprecedented quality

>> No.25196025
File: 230 KB, 1115x894, 1609000748066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196043

you're in the wrong thread

>> No.25196038
File: 34 KB, 428x400, Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 8.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the 10th day of darkness ends on a New Year...


Silence on the case until a new dawn

>> No.25196042
File: 126 KB, 1125x746, 1607417135719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196104

Melvilleposter is quickly gaining on Marduk, ooOOooChad, and the Schizo Mushroom Shaman as my favorite /xsg/ regular.

glad to see you didn't jump out your window lad.

>> No.25196043

shut up scottie, you don't know about fiona

>> No.25196080

i think its this chapter or the next chapter where he says the thing about starting to feel the seeds of wanderlust and preparing to set out on an adventure. that's one of my favorite passages in the English language. I think Moby Dick and Don Quixote and the Decameron are my 3 favorite books. Been meaning to check out Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.25196104
Quoted by: >>25196200

Borges was a fan of Melville anyone he likes I like. sending you love anon.

>> No.25196116

i take issue with your interpretation and think you should pay less attention to cartoon bears

>> No.25196140
Quoted by: >>25200021

>30 cents
Back to 22 cents.
Better rest up for work on Monday, wagie XRPcucks

>> No.25196143
File: 667 KB, 900x662, 2501112025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still double suicide but shortened the rest xrp and put it into normie coins. This will crab until sec fucks are forced for clarity - months. Until then money is put somewhere else. If they happen to get their act together after being declared 'non-security' I will fomo back in.
>muh switch - get priced out overnight, swingies get roped

>> No.25196157

picrelated gets my brain hard idk about you guys

btw Japan's preparations for digital currency are in the news again. Tokyo is read y



keep in mind that PayPay and Line are linked with Ripple via SBI

>> No.25196177

don't sleep on tokenized securities. I really want to get a bag of SOLO for tokenized real estate and Mirror for tokenized stocks. NFTs are going to be fucking huge.

>> No.25196200
File: 47 KB, 854x442, 1605421837319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196307

hey, i know you. i was reading this the other day:
and thought of you

>> No.25196206
File: 20 KB, 512x362, 1601905633497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supply gets fucking power dumped on by Jewinghouse and jewy Jed every week

>> No.25196209

Will they finally come up with something universal so I can throw my Suica card away?

>> No.25196219
File: 247 KB, 414x9916, 1608394999769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.25196238
File: 23 KB, 528x352, 1608969791331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just keep your stack and buy Bitcoin on top until regulatory clarity?

>> No.25196241
Quoted by: >>25199514

wanna open a tokenizing business? we make official licensed NFTs out of your assets. (for a small fee of course)

>> No.25196256

>buying BTC at ATH

>> No.25196268
Quoted by: >>25196282

Its gunna go up until XRP breaks the market.

>> No.25196276
Quoted by: >>25196315

It's never going below $20k again.Not with all the big and smart money being dumped into it.

>> No.25196282
File: 282 KB, 705x686, F92E3008-D162-4706-A715-566DDD358B2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25196290
File: 32 KB, 600x419, Val buy back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS has responded to Val in the past, lets see what happens.

>> No.25196307
File: 1.18 MB, 1170x1058, 7A6E5104-973E-4C2E-AE35-0DFEAD5814CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers brother. the world needs more readers.

>> No.25196313

interesting idea but i dont see how a chartline could have a negative angle like this, unless time started moving backward.

>> No.25196315

>he doesnt know

>> No.25196334
File: 77 KB, 680x383, frenhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i have a finite moneysupply to yeet into crypto. 1. i need my suicide stack. 2. thought is, that it stays at its longtimeestablished bottom around $ 0.20-0.30 until sec stuff is done, this will take months. in this time normie coins will gain %. so every % other coins gain, i loose the percentage on the "dead capital" i have in xrp. but its basically me not knowing more than anybody and just betting on my guesses. well the same way i could just dump everything into xrp and expect the sudden mooning, sec-clearing overnight with instant higshot, that would price me out. its some procontra shit of what i expect will yield me the most. but in the end: i dont know. i dont feel anything fren

>> No.25196340

we're going straight to zero aren't we bros

>> No.25196345

yes, you should market dump your bags

>> No.25196355

You just bros posted.

>> No.25196404

yes, sell now

>> No.25196425

no 2k EOY fren, "this will take months" is fud. something unexpected will happen before January 20th

>> No.25196426

Never stop posting this

>> No.25196439

hello there fellow "bro"

>> No.25196441
File: 423 KB, 1000x454, spacexelonx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199538

todays ath will be tomorrows local minimum. it will never go down anymore. its just spiralling out of control with all the big money investors. they are already fomo ing into it like flies. the last pin will be shitlording elon musk will get into it and shitpost about it, like hes doing on dogecoin, probably the sec or whoever is constantly fucking him for stockprice shitposting, will stuff his butt again, but from then more and more money moves into. paypal and grayscale are already buying up more, than is being mined. and paypal just begun to bring the four big coins to normies... it has only just begun in murrica

>> No.25196449
File: 30 KB, 545x409, 1602733544086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196524

Under normal circumstances the SEC lawsuit would indeed take time to clear. But the events that led to this point have been everything but normal. It could get cleared sooner than you'd expect. I am going to hodl my XRP stack no matter what. I also hold a 20k XLM suicide stack but it's not going to see any action until XRP does. Currently thinking of investing in a third coin, just to keep myself busy until XRP moons.

>> No.25196452

Only midwits won't make it unironically

>> No.25196456
File: 312 KB, 2208x1242, 2EE07A24-BD4C-4F60-98C2-055A83B2D088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196602

someone is aggressively buying every dip below $0.294

>> No.25196522
File: 279 KB, 600x718, boggedtime3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. the biggest fud is the constant meme date posting of some lunar happening and then shifting the goalpost and just claiming some bag of rice dipping in china was the happening, but the real one is just coming along the other calendar. i cant take this anymore.

>> No.25196524
File: 93 KB, 750x669, 1600210632808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25196551

Damn, you can tell this meme was from early xsg, back when linkies still existed.

>> No.25196559
Quoted by: >>25196590

As soon as shit clears it will be $2000 before your fat fingers and slow mong brain put together the string of events leading to you clicking the buy button

>> No.25196587
File: 11 KB, 210x240, 1596350676026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not going down
>worried the FUD was unsuccessful and you won't get a chance to throw another 5k in at 10 cents a pop
Let them be successful damnit.

>> No.25196590
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, brainlet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25196648

>keep your stack
Reading comprehension level -9000

>> No.25196596

Always thought Jan 20 21 based on a 13 moon calander discussion many many XSG ago.

No one ever dismisses 10/20/21 / 1/2/3

What happens in the US on Jan 20

>> No.25196602
File: 72 KB, 750x1000, CHAjx4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats me although it's the poorfag edition. WAGMI

>> No.25196623

The bear will leave the cave forever

>> No.25196648 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25196687

I'll ride this stack to zero like a 70iq sub saharan nigger if there's any possibility they pull this off

Also why do shills name their fud folders and their files? Kikes do this too

>> No.25196672
Quoted by: >>25196683

I have $300 to fuck around with, which shitcoin should i put it in to make gains and then flip it to XRP?

>> No.25196683

i need someone to redpill me on ALGO

>> No.25196684
Quoted by: >>25196712

thats the inauguration date. I think something gwill come out by then

>> No.25196687

Holy fuck you literally cannot read. You are unironically the biggest FUD in this entire thread.

>> No.25196712

brian brooks said we'd have regulatory clarity in the next 6-8 weeks, and that was on dec 3rd. so we should know something by mid-to-late january 2021

>> No.25196723


>> No.25196730

think for a moment. How would you feel if you were the only white person in a room full of blacks? Would you feel safe? No need to reply, I know how you would feel. They all turn to look at you when you come in the room. What are they thinking? "Devil" as they were taught by their mother. "This is who keeps me down." they think. They'll smile, be nice, and even cordial towards you. Especially if they know you have something that can help them. But you're the devil. Generation after generation has passed down this knowledge. And they'll kill you. And name the street of your birthright "Nat Turner Boulevard" or some shit like that before they tear it to pieces just to spite you. Then they'll come after your children (of you had any) "OH LAWDY WE ALL BE STUCK HEYAH ON NAT TURNAH BOULEVARD I WANNA LIVE ON ALEXANDUH HAMTON DRIVE" and if they can't live there, then they'll just rape, rob, and kill until everyone on Alexander Hamilton Drive sells their house and leaves for greener pastures.

A Black Plague.

>> No.25196737
Quoted by: >>25196877

trump or biden takes office

>> No.25196757

>many many XSG ago.

>> No.25196770
File: 81 KB, 347x288, 1608959438686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god-tier trolling

>> No.25196794

niggers, i asked you to redpill me on ALGO.

>> No.25196812

Wrong thread. However, it's bretty good. Buy.

>> No.25196857

>people here on losing thousands of dollars because of deviant art tier twitter larps
damn I had no idea it was this bad.

>> No.25196862
File: 83 KB, 227x247, comfyxrphell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those day´s passed fast.

Am I a part of this now?

so based, get´s my brain hard too.
can we make it with 7,1k

>also get trips6?

>> No.25196873
Quoted by: >>25196918

Checked and thank you. I'm going to look into NFTs. I wish you well in your endeavors.

>> No.25196877

Isnt that up to the Burgers?
Hopefully resolution finds balance.

These are interesting times.
Multiple states are sending duling electors on the 6th.

What do you think will happem?
The founders had some rather brilliant ideas.
Was it allowed to unfold as the founders saw it?
If so, why did it fail.
If no, where did happenings alter course?

>> No.25196893

you really need to get out of your house more when Covid is over

>> No.25196905
Quoted by: >>25196971

The marketcap FUD is meant for midwits.
If you fell for it you are one.

>> No.25196918
Quoted by: >>25199380


FinTech: Shaping the Financial World

>> No.25196963
Quoted by: >>25199380

One of the people associated with XRP is a dead guy who attended Hollywood High in the 1950s.

>> No.25196971
File: 86 KB, 800x534, 1606138884381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond hands fren. You're posts are refreshing, takes me back to the first /xsg/ threads.

>> No.25196983

>when covid is over
Don't worry. We will. :) Run Rabbit.

>> No.25197010
File: 22 KB, 615x343, 1609007645131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin fucking exploded this year
>several alts went thousands of percent
>I spent hours reading schizo theories about the IMF, XRP, Davos, the standard, etc. and decided to stack up for the meme
>it fucking dumps because of some lawsuit
Am I being a midwit or is XRP ded? I'm still ahead since I bought in at .23 but this crash looks bad bros.


>> No.25197018
File: 1.74 MB, 400x225, tumblr_9c708695447f26e90027a06d51074457_cff9fec2_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run rabbit run rabbit.

>> No.25197044

this is literally part of the prophecy

>> No.25197055
Quoted by: >>25197339

All international transfers would be 100-120. Domestic would be much, much higher. (See XSG 292)

>> No.25197129

7777 get for xrp in this thread. January 6th.

>> No.25197160
Quoted by: >>25197209

What's the honest danger of big government nuking my iron hands and stealing my zerps if I keep them on Exodus? Or Xumm? I'm neurotic about paper wallet generators being a pajeet scam, so I'm thinking of a ledger nano but of course the hack. How do I safeguard my zerps?!

>> No.25197180
File: 696 KB, 1210x597, 1595019871850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP $2k eoy.

>> No.25197209
Quoted by: >>25197445

I just got my Nano S in the mail today. Wrapped it in tinfoil and stuck it in a fire resistant bag in a microwave with the cord cut off. Feeling pretty comfy.

>> No.25197212

Wouldn't that be crazy

>> No.25197215
File: 213 KB, 828x1114, 1605292440034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25197419

Sup, my kings. Been out all day smoking weed, we feeling bullish?!

>> No.25197224
Quoted by: >>25199869

Real talk. This summer I was out in fruitland. There was a crew of Jamaicans in on visas for the summer picking fruit. Its an anual thing. My friend lives out there and helps them out when he can.

My cousin and I and his GF went and partied with them one night.
Lots of weed and booze.
Me and my friend were the only 2 white males and his GF was white. There were at least 40 Jamaicans there all partying. Not 1 work of anything that could even be interrupted as disrespectful was said to her all night.

>No need to reply
Not a given.
One must admit that there is much division within society surrounding race.
Currently it may be challenging for a white person to wonder solo into a black neighbourhood.

Is this real or media BS?
Why is even looked at using language
>a white person to wonder solo into a black neighbourhood.
like this to. Can there be any progress when this is what the conversation has been dumbed down to?

Not taking a shot at you anon. Be cool to know what sentiment is in Burgerland.

From non media

>> No.25197282

The symbol on his hammer represents the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in some parts of the British Isles

>> No.25197294
Quoted by: >>25197393

I don't get it.

What those tweets show?

>> No.25197339

Did it not get archived?

>> No.25197367
Quoted by: >>25197416

Thanks for these timelines

>> No.25197393
Quoted by: >>25197446

He is the leader of the Innovation Hub of the BIS. He also served as a member of the Executive Committee of the European Central Bank.

He also likes an XRP BOOM comment on Twitter from a random user. He doesn't do anything close to that for other cryptos.

>> No.25197397
File: 112 KB, 764x938, sissyphus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25198608

keep suicide stack. cut your rest losses. it is what it is, chasing some moondream in pursuit of a better future, we all do here, yet laughing at idiots playing lotto because of their retarded expected value gambling chances. its not like eternal leaving xrp, just cut bigger ties in this lawsuit, you can buy in later, as soon, as shit clears up.

>> No.25197414
Quoted by: >>25197548


Okay i get it : Benoît Coeuré has liked a "Xrp Boom" comment.

Nice catch anon.

>> No.25197416

Threadly reminder--stop shitting yourself and read the posts below:

>> No.25197419
File: 284 KB, 1170x754, 9F6AF445-DB9E-4ED6-9E79-960BC3A4A1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25197630


>> No.25197445
Quoted by: >>25197615

Why did you cut the microwave cord? The microwave cord is used to ground the microwave. You've reduced the EMP shielding effectiveness by doing this.

>> No.25197446
Quoted by: >>25197548


This is very bullish.

>> No.25197548
File: 166 KB, 946x2048, 1595358245955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199292

Also this pic. You know Judy Shelton, Trump's pick for the Federal Reserve?

>> No.25197598
File: 1.04 MB, 1299x914, wct1rgh837uz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly share with the NWO a certain distaste for midwits.
These people are...well, you feel sorry for them to some degree. They are like cattle.
You see, when it comes to our ability to think, and how we can tap into our neurons, we can definitely follow a logical, linear pattern, if a = b then b must = a you can build the blocks from there, much like a program in a software, you run linearly through the code with some ramifications that must have preceded by some command, but still fairly linear.
But there's another side to our thinking, that is completely opposite. Seems to come from nowhere. It's our "intuitive" sense, our ability to "go on a limb" or to simply follow what "resonates", even though it makes no sense to go there or there is no precedent to that.
A lot of inventions and discoveries start this way. A lot of things that people started to contemplate without no evidence but they "went on a limb" to discover.
The issue with midwits, is that they are completely oblivious to the latter and totally bound to the first, which is what makes them useful idiots.

A lot of creative work starts from that also, some of the best creators make connections between two, almost entirely different stories and locations, but because it resonated with them they end up forging that connection from scratch making great pieces of work.

Ultimately this "resonating" or "intuitive" side of thinking is what connects us to a "higher self", or perhaps what creates the complete picture of the Universe we share.
A lot of the things I say requires more intuitive thinking than logical. If I say your world mirrors who you are, it's intuitive to think so, but logically you'd have to write down a moment to moment routine of your life and think about the actions you take and are likely to take on a situational basis, and you have to include your ancestry into the picture in order to follow what one could "intuitively" "just 'get'".

>> No.25197605
Quoted by: >>25199379

if you have money in this you can't afford lose, take it out and leave only the play money.

>> No.25197615

So it doesn't accidentally get microwaved.

>> No.25197630

this is 2keoy

>> No.25197652
File: 88 KB, 696x933, 1592436684052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25198066

>I honestly share with the NWO a certain distaste for midwits.
Implying the NWO aren't a bunch of midwits. They're bigger slaves to their desires and instincts than most of us, because they never built up the mental strength or fortitude from facing real hardships. Also they're not exactly geniuses. Often, they're just straight up stupid.

>> No.25197655
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, xrp bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25197709

Just sell already

>> No.25197709
Quoted by: >>25197737

your short feeling shaky?

>> No.25197721

>But there's another side to our thinking, that is completely opposite. Seems to come from nowhere. It's our "intuitive" sense, our ability to "go on a limb" or to simply follow what "resonates", even though it makes no sense to go there or there is no precedent to that.
I have a theory as to what this is. I believe time isn't linear. In the universe, all time happens all the time. Therefor, there is in fact no past or future, because somewhere in the universe both the past and the future exist simultaneously. However, consciousness can affect the timeline, therefor both past and future influence each other. The future you has already seen what happens to XRP, through quantum mechanics the current you, is receiving this information. However you still have free will, therefor the future you can only guide you, rather than force you to do something. This is what the "gut feeling" is. It's literally you from the future, communicating with you.

>> No.25197737
Quoted by: >>25197866

fudding on 4chan has so impact on the price. you're just being mocked.

>> No.25197767

i just dropped $200 on a bag of ALGO. already got 50k XRP, and just seems like time to diversify.

>> No.25197797

Xrp 2K eoy

>> No.25197808
File: 11 KB, 500x230, sdarko5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what Donnie Darko is all about.
Pic related

>> No.25197823

Except the self announced Glowie is calling xrp a shit coin. If there's a kaboom on Jan 6th then sec may very well fuck xrp

>> No.25197862
Quoted by: >>25198021

So you have people who are very self absorbed, and incredibly materialistic, and bound to logic, or group acceptance, or these "low vibration" needs that makes them at best useful, at worst annoying, specially when they are arrogant.
Because these people lack intuitive sense, they are bound to fall for non-religious antics, or atheism, or materialism, and become too self-absorbed to ever see the full picture. They become their own "wards" and are fully and completely spiritually dead.

For one to truly understand an intuitive notion of nature you must know to properly contextualize. To "zoom out" and see the big picture, to imagine and picture situations that are not part of a precedent.
This ultimately is what guides the world of 500 million. If the NWO came to me with a picture of all the midwits and said "Mansur, these people need to go",I would be hardpressed in saying "no", but still would not be part of that decision, understanding these people could eventually evolve out of their own "cubes".
Ultimately, they are useful for a plan, but not part of it. They are just "mass" to better steer a vehicle, but are not part of the engine, nor are the drivers.
So the market cap FUD is most effective to these people...if there's one people who are to be gatekeeped are said midwits who would fall for it.
They do not have the abstract thinking into imagining all of the unbanked folks who are not part of the system because it's too expensive to offer for them, nor are they capable of imagining the extent of the liquidity crisis and the price of its solution, nor able to imagine the value of money now vs money later.
They flock to ETH and BTC, which for me was more than enough to never touch these coins

>> No.25197866

i look forward to your liquidation

>> No.25197891

you'll be looking forward a long time

>> No.25197932

That guy is a faggot and hasn't said anything of value in the entire thread.

>> No.25197950

Oops here

>> No.25197967
Quoted by: >>25198248

does anyone have the video of DS going on about why XRP is better than bitcoin? its not that long and then he starts rushing at the end and then he takes questions

>> No.25197992
Quoted by: >>25198032

Would anons agree that here can be a switch flip until BIS has custody of most of Ripple Escrow?

Cant see it going down any other way.

>> No.25198021
File: 182 KB, 994x586, Esoteric vs Exoteric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25198066

Related to pic or something else?

>> No.25198032
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 1588622603099.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine gains escrow
>All nodes unanimously vote to burn it all

>> No.25198066


The masters are the ones understand the fruit, and are building their reality right in front of our eyes.
The midwits, or useful idiots, are the ones who make it possible however. Spiritually dead, easy to fall for the antics of the wolves in sheep's clothing. Their passivity, chained to logic, poor contextualized thoughts and lack of adventurous thoughts are what makes them prime targets for subversion and lies.

You see, reality in and of itself is a "fantasy", but because there are so many connections confirming this fantasy it's what brings a certain "truth" to it.
This is part of Kendra Hill's post of "creating the reality" of the ones assaulting the free people of the world. If enough people create consensus then it's enough to make the world a paradise for me, and hell to others.
I don't need all the neurons to fire, I just need more than enough, therefore, the midwits are useful for that.

Interesting, yes, linearity is not something that exists in nature. There are no straight lines in the natural world. Consciousness and convergence are the basics of how our own "eyes" creates order out of chaos.

Another interesting notion, the non-linear factor of consciousness is said to be a "spark of wisdom"...so to say, your ability to be "in touch with the infinite" (as per guide stones).
There's a name of a woman related to all of this.

I like that, probably is related.

>> No.25198111

Got like 1.5k stack of Xrp
And another 100$ to play with currently thinking I'll try to flip it between GRT, INJ, and SNX and put that into xrp

>> No.25198116

Came from here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jya5yRHV3U

Was posted a few ago.

>> No.25198121
File: 150 KB, 720x826, Screenshot_20201226-203844~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25198160
Quoted by: >>25198458

Imagine the whole thread was a psyop for XRP

>> No.25198212
Quoted by: >>25198260

That graph where there are low IQ Trump supporters, and high IQ Trump supporters are interesting for that fact.

They understand their own intuitive sense, and perhaps, the logics behind that.
Trump made it easy also, the concept of making "wealth" converge into the borders of the USA, to be more "human" and have human labor be worth more as "make america great again". The rich folks were quick to act, as usual, they only need "half" of the middle class voting for their candidate, hence, the eternal midwit.

Don't fall for their antics. The shills are targeting midwits you are all better than this.

>> No.25198245

having a hard told holding brothers, can we see the light at the end yet

>> No.25198248

You don't need a video to see xrp is better. Lowest transaction cost. Fastest transaction speed. All other metrics are cope. Only fundamentals matter.

>> No.25198260
Quoted by: >>25198563

Particularly, I love the "I'm not racist" graph of the midwit. Again, shows how they cannot apply their knowledge to different contexts for their own survival.

Ultimately they will vanish one way or another.

>> No.25198284

I swear to god. If my shit gets emp'd because I am waiting for a nano to be delivered...I may just go for a paper wallet. Anybody have a recommend generator?

>> No.25198308
Quoted by: >>25198652

Im using the meatspin paper wallet. check it out

>> No.25198410
File: 134 KB, 680x609, 1609008383849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigantic bull run
>xrp still at .29

>> No.25198426

You can use the ledger still, you have to keep the words safe for retrieval. Ultimately you will have to use a software wallet to do transactions, so if you'd like to keep a big part in a paper wallet, and a smaller in the ledger that's respectable. The key to the ledger is keeping your private key protected from any software though.
It should survive an EMP attack if the 24-words are written on paper/steel

>> No.25198458

I doubt it. It was probably just a larp. I was the first person to mention XRP and got the 7777, I was just surprised he even knew about it.

>> No.25198509
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1651, alex grey woman giving birth to child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I choose to believe that people are born with this "spark" of divinity, this intuition, but that it is easily diminished, conditioned, and expunged from our minds, and these useful idiots have had their sparks snuffed out through a wide array of situations and events
there is hope for anybody to be guided through an awakening and to find their soul hiding in plain sigh, it is the lack of faith in this truth that bolsters one's intellect and hubris and leads them to elitism and piety

>> No.25198563
File: 331 KB, 789x465, meme low mid high iq bell curve do you have a source academia replicatability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25198857

and thank you for your posts throughout the threads, filled in many gaps

question for you: why was the economy "on life support" after 2008? was Trump's economic revival just a rally/pump before the controlled covid demolition?

>> No.25198587

>>>OP (OP)
>7777 get for xrp in this thread. January 6th.

What's 7777?


>> No.25198605


>> No.25198608

if the prophecy is real, by the time shit "clears up" it will be $XXXX.00 a coin.

>> No.25198621
Quoted by: >>25199188

>It was probably just a larp.
>~le sekrit inseyedur /pol/ thread~
>gives zero proof of status
>posts jewy mcjewertonstein OP pic
>lists off generic NWO democrat president conspiracies and habbenings
That was the most obvious (You) farm I've seen in a while.

>> No.25198652
File: 1.99 MB, 400x225, 3oEjHKvjqt5pssL99C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okaaayy, lemme just put that into the 'ol internet machine aaaand...

>> No.25198712
File: 40 KB, 363x378, 1608229112852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25198925



>> No.25198760

Bro posting.

>> No.25198857

After 2008, the west saw itself crumble on its knees, and could never really recover completely because of the shift of productivity to other countries, such as China, and south east asia. It focused a lot on outsourcing and spending cuts.
It all coincided also with the "rise of China", which became popular in 2013, the "Obama recovery" was one on terms with globalization that did not employ much of the middle class and overwhelming rewarded rich investors.
Some of the craziest things we've come across American companies are things that would never been allowed to happen before that period. The boeing crisis was due to the outsourcing of its engineering to people paid $9/hr for one. So the 08 crisis coincided with a lot of these things...

The "Trump boom" was very simple, it meant to create an economy that rewarded the middle class and gave middle class folks leverage in negotiation and he tackled the three of the main attacks that the middle class were facing
1- Slow boil immigration
2- outsourcing of labor
3- the usage of slave labor in poor countries

All of that devalued the labor of all of the middle class, in the entire world, but as long as the United States did nothing, everyone would stand to suffer.

So Trump made his policies of the such "Be here, or be screwed by the world's leading consumption power". If you want the best access to said consumption power, you have to be physically here, you have to employ citizens, or green card holders, and the such, and these are to remain scarce...
Once all the workers are punished for not being here to some degree, there is "inherent value" in being American, thus the exported inflation that would go to the rest of the world would return home, and the rest of the world had to give much of its own shares to have the dollars come back...and for that to happen these countries would have to employ their own "Country First" policy cont

>> No.25198889
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 15965876_1792990337630225_2350822054558990847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199115


>> No.25198922


does this work?

>> No.25198925
File: 203 KB, 795x1024, 848F12E9-8E01-4254-9C26-9FBBA012C09B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph Campbell and the monomyth. does history repeat itself or does it occur simultaneously? our existences frequent on the harmonic resonances of the all. the same story of entropy. the part leaving the all. the Big Bang, Lucifer from heaven, the chicken from the egg, you from the womb, the i from the I, the atom splitting... I believe there are mathematical truths to these elements or better yet frequencies. we see their order in sacred geometry, in fractals, in Pi in Phi in Fibonaccis work in Euler, if we can tune into these fundamental vibrational truths, I think we can better harness the material realms. where does the observational effect end and the quantum super state begin?

>> No.25199006

This was inconceivable, of course, because this meant American wages would increase, as a result of having more jobs than people who can fill the spot, and now people have more money thus they are the prime target of more sales who have to be here if they want to access them at the best rates...

The inconceivable nature that other countries would have to, now, become "hyper competitive" in order to compete with the US was not something that any NWO-style-suit would ever allow.
These countries would have to punish even harder tactics that punished their own middle class, give their own middle class tax breaks in order to become competitive in the world stage, essentially mimicking Trump's policies.
Ultimately, if China opened its own consumption to the world, this would also benefit the world's middle class as it unlocked more value to them, but China would resist the trade deals as they were seeking to protect their own markets while being able to export and flood the international market.
The result of Trump's policies would be what capitalism was meant to be and what governments are meant to be, the extension of the will of the people, where governments, like corporations, heavily advocate for their customers.
The US was doing this under Trump, and boomed, and the only way other countries could compete, and not see their wealth return to the US was if they played ball, and become competitive also.
The problem was this would terribly harm the investor class, allow the middle class to move up in life, and terribly delay the world the NWO folks want to build for themselves.

Corona was a thing that came at a very..."appropriate time" to end his plans. Almost as if God himself hated the middle class of the world...
but we all know the chances of this being organic is very low, obviously. It was an attack on the middle class, obviously, a counter attack to Trump and the world order he was about to create.

>> No.25199030

>XRP is dead
I think it's holding pretty good considering it got pretty much the worst news a cryptocurrency could get. The other Anons are right though, a "Great Shakeout" with catastrophic FUD was foretold.

>> No.25199057
File: 195 KB, 825x561, E,F,V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199511



>> No.25199060

Can any Americans comment wether they have heard stuff about the digital wallets ALL banks are required to give you by 1/12021? Considering its only 5 days away I thought there would be more news.

>> No.25199076
Quoted by: >>25199164

Have any other coins in the past been put into the same ordeal of waiting for the SEC to decide them as a security?

>> No.25199111
Quoted by: >>25199240

It's very simple to see the plans they have for the normal folk/middle class folk.
You see the midwits and their solution to the wealth gap is by "taxing the rich".
But doing so does not translate in people being able to live better *on their own terms* which is what Trump's policies would lead.
So Trump's policies translated into wealthier middle class folks, who would be able to live life on their own terms.

What do Bernie midwits say? No, we need to fund the government with more taxes. If you're going to live, you have to live on the terms of the government.

They are pretty much primed to be against Trump, as they cannot conceive a life in which they have the means to fight for their own independence and live on their own terms, and instead, advocate to live on the terms of others.

Obviously, living on the terms of others would ultimately mean how many children they could have, and being the Bernie boys they are, obviously, we would put "0" right in their contract. They'd accept, and live life freely, to eventually free the world from their ineptitude.

>> No.25199115
Quoted by: >>25199186

Very interesting insight anon.

>> No.25199131

Nope, we haven’t heard anything besides some politician making a bill requiring everyone to have their own digital wallet. And this bill was drafted earlier this year.

>> No.25199159
Quoted by: >>25199216

Latest news was middle of the year. No passing or movement so its not going to happen

>> No.25199164
Quoted by: >>25199679

BTC and ETH both have been declared currencies by the SEC. EOS was also fined for selling unregistered securities.

Never the less Ripple and XRP are in a unique situation where they have ties to so many high level players that this all comes off as theatrics rather than a genuine lawsuit.

>> No.25199186
Quoted by: >>25199463

Yep, this is what was noted in occupy wall street, the wages stagnate but cost of living increase and things became cheaper...
That's because investors could not agree in paying a guy $25/hr when he could do the same job much cheaper in China for $2.
When Trump punished this, it "created value" back to the hands of the middle class. Now it wasn't only "costing $25", but it was "worth paying $25". People had to charge this because that's the wage that could allow them to live a middle class life, but investors did not see the "value" in that.
When Trump said "you wanna sell them your products? you have to make'em here" that "created the value" back into the hands of the middle class, thus the economy boomed.

>> No.25199188

Checked that shit thread. QRD:
> buy bitcoin
> sell xrp
> posts bitstamp FUD
Absolutely pathetic lmao. I guess fudders are beginning to understand that reposting the same FUD in XSG is pointless so they fucked off to pol.

>> No.25199216

Yeah, introduced and made it to committee but that's it. No votes or anything so it's not dead but it's not doing anything.

Even that is being generous. It just reads as /pol/ larp thread #435679458. That shit gets posted all the time by /xpol/ faggots that want to larp and play pretend.

>> No.25199240

It's a battle of nature, the inferior will choke and die in the new system. Only the strong will thrive. Also checked

>> No.25199282
Quoted by: >>25200207

There's a very interesting wording there friend.
"I choose to believe".
It's important, as the NWO would come to world's jury, and they would get a midwit, show you the heritage of the midwit, the beliefs of the midwit, his accomplishments, and NWO would say "vote for that person's disappearance".

Your "choice to believe" is ultimately what could save that person, or that person's heritage. It's your "intuition" that enables you to imagine a future in which, perhaps, that person's child would deny the parents and find its own path to growth. There's no evidence in this, but it's a choice we make!

Just like believing you will be successful is a choice you make, even if there isn't any evidence of such, choosing to believe in something that empowers you is your way out of the prison! Go on a limb and believe in what empowers you or what betters you, there's no evidence of one way or another, but there's no downsides to believe in what resonates with you. For good and for bad, there's only growth to be found.

>> No.25199283
File: 6 KB, 284x177, 1414582128391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price of XRP crashes
>Price gets rejected at 31 cents over and over again
>Cripple openly admitting XRP is a fraud to make execs rich, and nothing else
Cripples are without a doubt the dumbest people in the entire crypto space. Basing their investments on horoscopes and twatter LARPfags.
Fuckin LOL

>> No.25199292
Quoted by: >>25199643

Will she get the 4 votes needed for confirmation? How much sway would she have on tbe board?

>> No.25199326

Oh, and we are to believe the world is going to rely on the dollar for the rest of its days, and the need to solve the liquidity crisis, and decopple the reserve currency from the stability of a country crying "cross the rubicon" on twitter isn't urgent?

I'm sorry, what was the FUD again?

>> No.25199332
Quoted by: >>25199446

is there anyone else out there that agrees with the schizo's that Ripple is gonna be $2,000 but also agrees with all of this FUDder's points lol

>> No.25199337
File: 94 KB, 1024x736, 1598997053526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199446

Lmao thank goodness, dogbrain pajeets are still here to some degree. Maybe come up with a better fud for next thread tho because muh 30 cents is comically bad. Nobody in this thread even looks at the charts.

>> No.25199349
File: 54 KB, 512x1024, 1608866408845m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199446

you know the rules

>> No.25199367

are any of the insiders credible at this point? 5 more days until mellon debunked

>> No.25199372


>> No.25199379
Quoted by: >>25199446

How about you suck mt dick, you weak little bitchboy.

>> No.25199380
Quoted by: >>25199622

i started this, seems cool.


>> No.25199397
Quoted by: >>25199521

I'd be very careful in believing posts on /pol/ promising "big happenings", "sweeps" and "multiple arrests". The game is a "slow boil".
The US and the world found itself after slowly increasing the temperature all the way where it is, and to reduce the temperature must be done in a way that is slow also, where replacements can be found, and does not cause instability in the government.
The /pol/ "insider" was clearly fishing.

>> No.25199404
Quoted by: >>25199446

Nobody is traditing on margin.

>> No.25199429

Post nose.

>> No.25199446
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 101595.1499645436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll lose everything and have no one but yourselves to blame. Thank you very much for all your money.
I am and my liquidation price is three times higher than XRP will ever be again

>> No.25199460

DYOR but it's got heavy ties to MIT and the Boston Fed, with a development team including multiple Nobel Laureates in the fields of cryptography and economics, is massively scalable (to the point where it matches Visa and Mastercard's processing speed) and is the backbone for USDC, which will replace Tether as the official USD stablecoin once Tether gets BTFO by regulations




check this guy's profile out for more ALGO breadcrumbs https://twitter.com/Bmorecmore

but basically CBDCs are going to be run on XLM and ALGO (ALGO is already running the Marshall Islands' CBDC, one of the first in the world, which is significant bc the Marshall Islands occupy a weird legal niche where they are like a protectorate of the USA, so both legally associated and independent of US financial jurisdiction i.e. perfect for a sandbox CBDC real-life testnet)


Similar to XLM powering some of the other CBDCs that have already been lowkey rolled out:


>> No.25199463
Quoted by: >>25199584

So where we at?
Seems like there are happening happening.

>> No.25199480

Yeah I figured. Chances of getting the 7777, that'd why I said imagine, like a 5d psyop. If he's in the know, of course currency reset would be obvious to them but it's obvious to us too and more than likely a larping channer

>> No.25199511

Based and redpilled thanks anon.

>> No.25199514
Quoted by: >>25199723

my cousin was talking about starting a tokenized real estate business. cutting title companies out- you realize they make like $5k just for stamping a few papers and making transfers "official" right? if it's done on the blockchain using smart contracts...no need

here is a great article which touches upon the possibilities of this: http://galgitron.net/Post/DeFi-Defined

>> No.25199521

They've all been LARPs. Every single one. Vcat one though I thought maybe but the quantum computer was retarded and obvious. Then there's the self proclaimed kekistan Glowie cia but he's never shilled a coin.

This waiting is doing my fucking head in

>> No.25199523

That's what the Bretton Woods agreement was. The "new Bretton Woods agreement" Shelton wants would use a global "virtual currency".

>> No.25199538

Mt Gox bitcoins just started to move, and there are rumbles about Tether/Bitfinex news. I wouldn't be so confident fren

>> No.25199539
File: 286 KB, 510x836, 1232131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw OP uses your meme

>> No.25199547

xrp is one of the most fudded coins on here you stupid faggot. Anyone holding doesn’t care about a meme date it just tanked 60% + use ur brain cause we know you don’t research your crypto

>> No.25199549

Did you read the Trump speexh at WEF?

>> No.25199567
Quoted by: >>25199612

>The dollar
Lol nobody here believes that shit, but nice strawman.
I'll tell you this, the world certainly won't rely on some no-name company with no actual product to survive. If you believe that XRP is going to be some huge $2k miracle, then you are absolutely retarded and have no idea how market cap/supply works.
It's the American equivalent of a pajeet PnD scam, but worse. Because Cripple actually tried to appear legitimate, when it reality they're nothing but a bunch of conmen.

>> No.25199577

It's called ID2020. You can't even get unemployment benefits without it now

>> No.25199584

We are at a dispute of two world orders.
Trump's, that seeks to empower the individual and allow that person to exchange her labor for a wage in which she can sustain herself and grow, and there is peace in the world

Or the other world order where the individual is powerless, and his means of survival comes at a multitude of terms, and comes from a centralized power, and this system is meant for everyone, including those who are not aligned with the rest of the world (sanctioned countries), this means war with with some of them eventually.

This is what it means to be at a crossroads for humanity.

Honestly, all of the riots this year does little to make a person support Trump at a high level. They see the midwits, the unimportant, the unevolved and are very very keen on thinking "why can't we have all these people gone?".

Such is why there is so much resistance to Trump's way.

>> No.25199609

its over we lost, the alpha Chads invested smartly and we got stuck holding a bag of garlinghouse's virtual diarrhea, how will I face my family and friends after this?

>> No.25199611
File: 53 KB, 403x458, 1609003415863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25199869

ah, those were the days. simpler times.

lmao you are clearly a shut-in. if you actually lived in the real world and interacted with people you would know that most of the racist shit on /pol/ is propaganda, and this post indicates to me that it's working on you. black people tend to be nice. if you are in a room full of blacks you are probably at a party, and you are probably going to get made fun of a little bit but if you make fun of them back and show that you aren't terminally autistic you will be accepted and have a great time, just like with any other ethnic group. you won't get robbed or raped or whatever. chill the fuck out and spend less time on the internet.

>> No.25199612

Behold /xsg/, a shill, or a midwit, or both

>> No.25199615
Quoted by: >>25200488


>> No.25199622

Epic gift for biz anon. Ive been sharing. Hope that doesnt offend?

>> No.25199627
Quoted by: >>25199736

Yeah I take responsibility for my own decisions and actions. Nobody needs a little twink to tell them that.

>> No.25199630

I haven't actually, I'm watching it right now. What do you think of it?

>> No.25199643

see >>25199460
Algo is good, get a bag.

shelton's been put on the back burner for now, it seems, but Chris Waller (the other nominee who actually got confirmed) is also very pro-crypto, having served as a digital asset advisor at a university in switzerland and head of research (aka crypto) at the St Louis Fed

>> No.25199650

Is this nigger a parody or something?

>> No.25199652

Which side is XRP on?. Honestly

>> No.25199668
File: 91 KB, 768x1024, B6F1AF67-58FA-45B3-9F42-783D6D856491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25199676

is Mansur your real name?

>> No.25199677
File: 76 KB, 500x268, VWrPDpnn3haOGX28MF2r9AhR6YS6Qf43FigkkGawWxM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25200439


>> No.25199679

>Ripple and XRP have ties to so many high level players
You mean the "high level players" they were throwing worthless tokens at in a terrible attempt to drive the XRP price up, but NONE of these players actually even used it, some even dumping and selling them the exact same day they received them?
Those "high level players?"

>> No.25199686
Quoted by: >>25199905

cool post

>> No.25199710

Do people couciously want "the other"?

>The Others could be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWplcUlQfFU if people woke up.

>> No.25199711


>> No.25199723

You don't need a blockchain for smart contracts. It's a scam.

>> No.25199736
Quoted by: >>25199861

smells like insecurity

>> No.25199748
Quoted by: >>25199868

>More XRP tripfag fuckery
You kikes are to blame for all these dumb people losing their money.
I bet you think Q is real too.

>> No.25199773

Skip the jobs for blacks part. Best speech he ever made. Defining.

>> No.25199802
File: 482 KB, 320x227, 00c0f75d1b76db1c-just-when-you-thought-feminists-could-not-get-more-ridiculous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25200372

>imagine thinking in the year 2020 that Trump gives a shit about anything else in the world besides lining his own pockets lol

>> No.25199806

He is disgusted. He never went back.

>> No.25199857

based. i'm now holding 50k XRP and 3k ALGO. now just going to wait and see what happens.

>> No.25199861

Smells like your brain is rotting.

>> No.25199868
File: 16 KB, 457x524, 1601071042733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time you spend here can never be gotten back, your life is running out one fud post at a time.

>> No.25199869

In >>25197224 this example. it worked because my cousin met with the "leaders" of the group. There is a cool dynamic in a work camp full of men. Its in the bush so they had to self govern (sort order).

Go out with the top guys; smoke some gonga. They bring you back and introduce us to the crew.
Established an understanding as men. There was no stress bringing the female with us.

Most sensible people with connect with others on the merrits of a bond (whatever it might be). The race and LB stuff shouldn't be such an issue.

Not saying there arent issues out there. Think there is a lot more sense in people than we are led to believe.

Would there be less "midmits" if the environment they were born into was

>> No.25199905
File: 394 KB, 955x682, A01FCD16-DB9A-44BE-B8E9-54D62751DBB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read Demian by Herman Hesse? that’s where I caught the fish about the chick destroying his world to be born. creator, destroyer. planter, harvester. but there are “constants” in the resonance. pic related.

>> No.25199907

Is that Klaus?

The digits in this thread are

>> No.25199939

Meanwhile, I'm making money while your stockholm syndome with a jewish company who scammed you laughs all the way to the bank.

>> No.25199954

will my shit be safe on XUMM?

>> No.25199960

I don't think Waller has spoken about cryptocurrency has he?

>> No.25199981

>your life is running out one fud post at a time
at least it's not running out of money because he bought xrp LMAO

>> No.25200014
Quoted by: >>25200046

All my crypto are pumping atm and with XRP I'm still x2. But thank you for your genuine concern.

>> No.25200021

>7 posts in a xsg board
Lol you think anyone is listening you’re autistic

>> No.25200042

You’re an idiot it’s being haulted for sales and when the news breaks you won’t be able to trade your shit coins for gold

>> No.25200046
Quoted by: >>25200186

Lol thats so cute!
Maybe in 10+ years you'll be lucky to get a 2.25x!

>> No.25200067

Digibyte is better than xrp get rekt faggots

>> No.25200169

I've stated in a few threads that, currently, as it is, the US puts "stability" above everything. This is why political parties would be divided in certain issues (illusions), but were the same on others (world governance, expansion of capitalism, expansion of the influence of the dollar).
Right now there are many who do not have access to capitalism, where blockchain seek to solve this and offer them access to financial products for very cheap. Africans, Iranians, Syrians and the such who have trillions to offer, but are denied access because of costs, and because of their governments.

XRP would be a stepping stone towards world equality, by removing the ODL currency from the hands of one single nation. The dollar and its power made the middle class America incredibly wealthy, and allowed globalization to happen at a huge scale.

But it leaves the middle class very wealthy, and makes other countries seek to pursue their currency to have the same status, thus could ensue further conflicts, and creates huge amounts of expense in trying to sway the american middle class one way or another as they are given too much power.
Ripple would make this currency neutral, increase speed and efficiency of the economy, and end the competition for the reserve currency and give a swift solution to the world's liquidity crisis, while allowing the inclusion large amounts of folks into the system.
In this way, this benefits not the people of a nation, but a globalized elite.

A lot of Trump's policies relied on the leverage America had when it comes to its own currencies. For that, XRP seems to side with a new world order of "homogenization", rather than one that benefits the middle class of one's nation.

The inability of the US to export inflation would lead to a bad future for the dollar, due to reduced oil and foreign exchange demands.

On that, seems XRP is a hedge for certain events.


>> No.25200180
Quoted by: >>25200301

Should I put some on xlm or algo already have a small 1.5k Xrp bag

>> No.25200186

What’s cute is you stopped using your name because no one here would give you the time of day you needy ass bitch

>> No.25200207
File: 189 KB, 900x706, Earl-Nightingale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25200619

Not many years ago I listened to an audiotape from the 50s by Earl Nightingale called the Strangest Secret, this changed many of my mindsets and attitudes.
I know that these people can be woken because I was once among them in the fog, so to speak.

thank you very much for this

>> No.25200225
Quoted by: >>25200289

Another theory is that Trump is using Ripple to fend off China's dominance in crypto...
It relies on the gold standard theory that will be attached to XRP, and end the dominance of central banks.

I don't subscribe to this theory, but it's interesting I guess.

>> No.25200228

>5x short xrp with 1/5th of your xrp portfolio
>never sell your xrp.
If it’s the standard, your short gets liquidated, and tour xrp massively offsets the loss. If it goes to zero you make money also. What could go wrong?
>inb4 scam wick

>> No.25200235
Quoted by: >>25200372

XRP is globalist?
WTF I love Schwab now!

>> No.25200289
Quoted by: >>25200339

trump doesn't even know what cryptocurrency is he probably doesn't even know how to use gmail wtf is wrong with you people lol

>> No.25200301

XLM would only moon after XRP, you'd have a window to buy xlm post moon.

If you have cash burning a hole in your pocket go with algo or some other coin for a while.

>> No.25200321

We'll never be your friends.

>> No.25200339
File: 56 KB, 805x241, Screen Shot 2020-12-27 at 12.39.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25200406

dude literally put Rudy Guiliani as head of Cybersecurity Adviser lmao. i swear i can hear my brain cells popping reading the dumbass LARP shit on here sometimes

>> No.25200346

>black is based
>lowest global IQ
>highest crime rates
>skin is literally mark of cain according to melon
>will use xrp to buy gold chains and sneakers
>blame whitey for everything
>first slaves in America brought over by black man

>> No.25200372

You're definitely hedging events holding it.
There's a certain person who's a very interesting individual who lurks and browses this general, said something about "wishing for the success of XRP while holding it is to wish for the world to become a desert while holding a gallon of water".
A very, very interesting poster who seems to understand the fundamentals.

If Trump was truly in it for himself, he would not have antagonized China, and certainly would not have scrapped the Iran deal.
Without further comment, it's not as black and white as you wish it was.

>> No.25200397
Quoted by: >>25200541

Citadel is and always has been the brap buffet newfag

>> No.25200406
Quoted by: >>25200473

these guys act as if they're secret shizo geniuses because they a bought a literal scam coin known for being dumped on normies.
I hope they're only losing their own money.
Every dumbass minimum wage coworker I've known is way smarter than most people in this general.

>> No.25200424

Trump was never about going to war with other countries and bombing them unlike most Presidents. His war was with China and the trade deals that he fubar'd at every opportunity. dude managed to bankrupt his own casino he's fucking clueless with this shit and has failed upwards his whole life

>> No.25200435

The problem with FUD posters is that the logic behind my posts speak to their intuition much more loudly than their FUD does.
Hence the powerful ones ITT are bound to listen to me than to them.

But their target is the midwits, it's why they will continue regardless, I suppose.

>> No.25200439
File: 176 KB, 1010x1024, 1581842657060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25200459

Who said that? I missed it, very jaded wish. You're right however, just hedging the end of the world as we know it. However I thought Trump was the pro XRP candidate and Klaus was shilling Link. Gates advocates for Ripple, maybe they both go up so I hold both anyway.

>> No.25200473

>being this clueless
You’re brainlet kek, you’re the butt end of the joke and don’t even know it

>> No.25200488


>> No.25200510
File: 384 KB, 1125x742, stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread


New thread


New thread

>> No.25200541
File: 26 KB, 200x202, thumb_hn-espn-randoms-after-dark-nothing-like-some-snow-bunny-booty-22422143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the case, depictions of the citadel require a cloud of that sweet, earthy aroma floating overhead

>> No.25200560
Quoted by: >>25200731

Klaus was highlighting possible resoot tech when he was talking about LINK. the resootists will use anything they can to resoot us.

XRP is good to go regardless of Trump or Biden, Money always wins so if XRP will serve the money people at the top it will be adopted regardless of all other factors.

>> No.25200574

Well, all I can do is give you the logic behind XRP and the reserve currency and the need to make it a neutral currency where no country is able to issue it.

If there is a way that Trump could somehow influence XRP through government policies, and if XRP becomes a common salary in the US, that is to say, if somehow US citizens have a leverage on XRP over other countries in some way then it would be an America First position to support it somehow.

As it stands, the best policy for America would be to further increase the demand for its currency and make more countries adopt capitalism and be able to export inflation to other nations.

If the US government (or any government) does not have any control over Ripple/XRP in any way, I do not see how it could benefit them or why the would support it.

The gold standard theory is interesting, but again, I don't subscribe to it as it'd imply US citizens would really use XRP on their day to day lives and I don't want to go there. lol.

>> No.25200599

Smells like insecurity.

>> No.25200619
File: 1001 KB, 400x560, 1580945005082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Earl Nightingale on biz


>> No.25200643

Can confirm.

>> No.25200663
File: 184 KB, 728x1024, 1607066874936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25200667

great thread boyos and goirlyos

>> No.25200731

Interesting indeed. Thanks for the information

>> No.25201387

Would it be more feasable / doable if BIS held the 50+ billion XRP