I've stated in a few threads that, currently, as it is, the US puts "stability" above everything. This is why political parties would be divided in certain issues (illusions), but were the same on others (world governance, expansion of capitalism, expansion of the influence of the dollar).
Right now there are many who do not have access to capitalism, where blockchain seek to solve this and offer them access to financial products for very cheap. Africans, Iranians, Syrians and the such who have trillions to offer, but are denied access because of costs, and because of their governments.
XRP would be a stepping stone towards world equality, by removing the ODL currency from the hands of one single nation. The dollar and its power made the middle class America incredibly wealthy, and allowed globalization to happen at a huge scale.
But it leaves the middle class very wealthy, and makes other countries seek to pursue their currency to have the same status, thus could ensue further conflicts, and creates huge amounts of expense in trying to sway the american middle class one way or another as they are given too much power.
Ripple would make this currency neutral, increase speed and efficiency of the economy, and end the competition for the reserve currency and give a swift solution to the world's liquidity crisis, while allowing the inclusion large amounts of folks into the system.
In this way, this benefits not the people of a nation, but a globalized elite.
A lot of Trump's policies relied on the leverage America had when it comes to its own currencies. For that, XRP seems to side with a new world order of "homogenization", rather than one that benefits the middle class of one's nation.
The inability of the US to export inflation would lead to a bad future for the dollar, due to reduced oil and foreign exchange demands.
On that, seems XRP is a hedge for certain events.