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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34116578 No.34116578 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>34031197

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries and niggers interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Nugget Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Continent names
- Chuubanite doc
- No timeloops

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts and Flags of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.
>Don't press anons on their identity if you are not willing to give yours back.
>Don't be a dick to other writers. If an argument does not directly concern you, stay in your lane and worldbuild.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.34116602
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here (preferably marked with the section you want the archive to be at) for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
- - -
>Notice: Watch out for the word "land *f“ where * is o.

Anchor post for events in the /vtwbg/ canon timeline.
Reply to this post or commentate directly in the sheet suggestions for events to add to the timeline.

>> No.34116622
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/usgxq (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.34116644
File: 309 KB, 978x1504, 1653081781614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

Also, be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
- - -
Tourist's Guide to Vitubia:
If you wish to contribute to this, please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.

>> No.34116665
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Anchor post for the Chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V83JR2IoI8k

>> No.34117593
Quoted by: >>34117641

Is there a list of all current forms of Chuubanite?

>> No.34117641

no. don't think there could ever really be one.

>> No.34117734
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Quoted by: >>34117819


>> No.34117801
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>> No.34117819
File: 37 KB, 1161x174, OG, it's been 2 hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34117871

So much for that...

>> No.34117871
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Quoted by: >>34117977

Ritualposting has always been a thing here newfag

>> No.34117977
File: 14 KB, 276x195, SureBud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34118018

Who you calling a newfag, nigger? Also, is it really a ritualpost if you only do it once in a blue moon and it changes every time?

>> No.34118018
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Quoted by: >>34118042

I havent done it in a while but fine. Pic related

>> No.34118042
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Quoted by: >>34118088

Not since I gave you that vacation, right?

>> No.34118087

I also miss the wordcloud anon, he was nice...

>> No.34118088
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>> No.34118113
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>> No.34118219
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>> No.34118492

Ok so im not the best at writing but my sapling story is done. Im posting this to get feedback and see where I can improve. I tried a few things different so bear with me. SAPLING STORY WILL BE MY NEXT POST UUU

>> No.34118618
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After months of sailing, the risuners have finally made it to their target site. Almost every Risuner was thrilled as soon as they saw the hooman port over the horizon. Sherah looked on, relieved that she had survived the entire trip. As she was approaching the hooman city, Sherah thought about the months at sea. How much she had learned and the friends she has made along the way. Most of all, she thought about Antoine and how nice he had been to her as well as how he was pretty damn good in bed.

When the Risuners were able to make landfall there was nothing but sheer excitement among them all. They all rushed to get off the ships and onto the port, to the slight annoyance of the hoomans stationed there. Luckily for the risuners they had their papers this time so there wouldn't be any trouble. Hoomans were probably expecting the risuners to behave the same as last time. When they say dozens of risuners pour out of the ship they quickly formed a line of guards to try to contain them. Luckily for the poor hoomans, Hamdani was able to calm them down and go ahead with the papers along Sherah. It took a while due to all the parties involved but eventually everything was sorted out and the hoomans were informed about the risuner interest in the saplings. Hooman facilities would be the main area where risuners could stay whenever they had to. There were lots of beds for us and the building was very big and spacious. They even had libraries around just incase we ever felt like using them.

Once we all got settled in, Hamdani took it upon herself to speak with Sherah in private about the matter of magic and the hoomans.

"Why the hell do we have to use the hooman routes instead of being on our own? They don't own the saplings. For fucks sake we should just set up a camp along the sapling border"

"Hamdani please relax. The hoomans are nothing to worry about. If they posed any real threat then they wouldn't have the need to check up on us. And let us not forget that these facilities will come in great use to cure ourselves of the conversion magic."

This only managed to piss off Hamdani who believed that hoomans only wanted to spy on the squirrels. At that moment she thought of a brilliant idea.

"Here is what we do. We just have to be ourselves. When we come back here we should encourage the others to have sex. Constantly, and as loudly as possible. If the hoomans are really letting us have these facilities to ourselves then it wont bother anyone. And if they really are spying on us then they are gonna fucking suffer for it. We all know how much the hoomans found our constant sex annoying last time. Its a win no matter what."

Sherah couldn't help but be baffled. In her mind, the hoomans were just normal people with reasonable intentions. But Hamdani had been here before even if it was years ago. And her priority was not maintaining relations with hoomans after all. She was there for the saplings. So it was a foolproof idea that she would eventually agree to.

A couple of hours later all the risuners met at the border. The forest was well within sight and Hamdani and Sherah took the front to address everyone. Sherah was the one to speak
"RISUNERS! We have finally made it and now we can begin our grand objective. We must obtain the powers of sapling magic. You all know the rules of engaging with saplings. DO NOT LEWD THEM UNLESS THEY WANT IT, WHICH WILL BE RARE! And most importantly just try to befriend them. We want them to like us after all and we are under no means trying to put pressure on them all. Now ONWARDS!"

With that the 100 squirrel people began their journey to the forest, spreading out in different directions to try and find the closest villages they could and even explore farther. The magic exchange was about to begin.

>> No.34118777
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By the way I will be going to work soon so it will take me about 6-7 hours for any response to happen as of this post. And a sidenote I posted this without showing anyone on /soc/ cord. I wanted to stay true to the thread since I saw so many talk about lore being made there so here it is you fuckers.

>> No.34118887
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Quoted by: >>34119362

You did well

>> No.34119075
Quoted by: >>34119362

>OG writing lore
Ah finally something good to come from his-
>You all know the rules of engaging with saplings. DO NOT LEWD THEM UNLESS THEY WANT IT
I take that back

>> No.34119362
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x4335, 1647044611505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34119507

Yeah sorry but I will not be gangbanging the saplings. The risuners are here for a purpose much greater than sex. If they wanna fuck (which they will) they can go back to the hooman bunkers and sex each other. The saplings have stated that squeebing is not welcome so risuners will not do it. Simple.
Why thank you :)

>> No.34119427
File: 159 KB, 400x400, 1661469881798348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respectful nanora

>> No.34119507

>The saplings have stated that squeebing is not welcome so risuners will not do it. Simple.
And here I had to basically cave your skull in with a hammer to stop you from having sex with Sanallites...
Still, good on you for improving.

>> No.34119706
File: 13 KB, 346x339, 1660055354945174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lewding.

>> No.34119893
File: 543 KB, 663x570, 1662979218251403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate and programming bros, what are the chances of us making a working weather system nanora? Would be pretty useful if it was ever possible.
Also I didn't realize it before but Ian might punch a hole through my area for a short bit so might be gone this weekend enjoying the ambience nanora.

>> No.34119919
Quoted by: >>34119966

What do you mean by that?

>> No.34119966
Quoted by: >>34120041

Probably meant a weather system simulation that one could run to determine the weather for a certain area at any given date.

>> No.34120014

Weather simulation is hard...

>> No.34120041
Quoted by: >>34120147

Feels a bit too specific for our use IMO. The climate and topography allow us to describe the general weather pattern, which should be enough for our use, as you probably will want to adjust the weather to your story's need anyway.

>> No.34120147
File: 848 KB, 800x450, 1663553559985369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be pretty exciting to have it be a factor that wasn't anticipated during battles that changes the tide, nanora

>> No.34120240

I mean there is a difference between the characters not expecting it and the writer not expecting it. Personally, I would just use a randomiser for that if you want to surprise yourself.

>> No.34120505
File: 75 KB, 513x627, happycomma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm heading to bed now.
Good night

>> No.34120778
File: 155 KB, 1007x1048, sipmei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, they're the ones that are going to have to deal with cleaning their own mess this time. If they care about hygiene that is.

>> No.34121131
Quoted by: >>34122273

Implying your little pink ass will ever see combat.

>> No.34121415

Weaponizing sex against the RID, what a stroke of genius, Hamdani. Nice work OG, love it!

>> No.34122273
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Quoted by: >>34122621

/hlg/ will only be the first page in my many conquests nanora! Keep talking like that and your nation will be real knowledgeable about this little pink ass as I use your flag to wipe it!

>> No.34122621
Quoted by: >>34123995

Pfff... hahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. God you're cute.

>> No.34122743
Quoted by: >>34123995

How about using the monsoon to predict weather patterns? Course weather is more complicated. You also have shifting magnetic poles, atmosphere changes, ice ages, and other things. Weather unpredictability is not a meme. There's tons of factors that go into weather patterns. In the middle ages you could grow grapes in England. While in WW2 its too cold to grow anything but carrots and cabbages.

>> No.34123461
File: 2.18 MB, 2500x3331, aeg-pcg map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34123640

774bro, tell me if you like it so far.

>> No.34123640
Quoted by: >>34123744

I like it, you can name the cities except the capital if you wish. I would prefer to name it myself.

>> No.34123744

Ok! I will get to it tomorrow, will think of how to differentiate aeg, phase and you in names. Feel free to just tag my map with the name for your capital.

>> No.34123995
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Quoted by: >>34124291

You're damn right I am nora!
I will make the attempt to but I might also do my puter reps or see if a weather randomizer is possible, I like unpredictability nanora

>> No.34124291
Quoted by: >>34125833

Weather is weird. Its easy to predict long term weather patterns over a long period of time but you can never predict summer rains tomorrow.

>> No.34124423

retrosenpai, if we are meeting off cape leopold, it is safe to assume we stopped for whatever reasons because sailing is weird.

>> No.34125833
Quoted by: >>34126124

> Its easy to predict long term weather patterns over a long period of time
wdym? thought it was just as impossible.

>> No.34126124
Quoted by: >>34127917

You can get close with patterns but you can't predict the exact days its going to rain or heatwave. That said if atmosphere suddenly changes then all bets are off.

>> No.34127819
Quoted by: >>34128041

Oh boy, diplomatic incident time! Thanks for landing the squirrels.

>> No.34127917

so predicting iceages and what not? when i heard you say long term weather patterns over a long period of time, i didn't register the fact that you meant a ridiculously generalized timeframe. idk why i didn't, it seems pretty obvious now, but oh well. the atmosphere "suddenly" changes all the time, the time scale i think you are describing only factors in the average of all of those sudden changes. even in regard to stuff like climate change, the average weather is mostly the same, but more chaotic, and less predictable. the problems only come in as a result of how sudden it is, but things will balance themselves out one way or another. that's my understanding of it, at least.

>> No.34128041
Quoted by: >>34128200

Who is having a diplomatic incident?

>> No.34128200
Quoted by: >>34128326

Marina Stellar

>> No.34128236

Im going to predict that it will snow here in january.
I am a weather predictor.

>> No.34128319
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Quoted by: >>34128378

Deadbro, would the Black Fleet cooperate with the lunaitos in the occupation of /hlg/? Not asking for you to help per say but as our most powerful ally I would like to know, nanora.

>> No.34128326
Quoted by: >>34128521

a penny for your thoughts?

>> No.34128378
Quoted by: >>34129352

What is the casus belli? Moriji has a strenuous relationship with /hlgg/ to say the least, but there would have to be some reason...

>> No.34128521

I sort of made it clear that the matter of a ship of the line being there was a problem. No violence though, this is a interaction though!

>> No.34128573
File: 457 KB, 671x676, 1657876234001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to it!

>> No.34128851

ohh i thought you meant something with the squirrels, yeah i was already expecting something fun out of it^^

>> No.34129352
File: 455 KB, 2502x1729, 1660644641223205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34129631

Personally, I don't even see it as coming down to a war nanora, we're on their border and unless they have a spy amongst our generals, we'd be able to just camp outside and send a diplomat to give them the details of how /hlgg/ is a lunaito territory. That is, unless they want to try having a siege against a culture that specializes in siege warfare, which I'd say is a sign of criminally stupid leadership and grounds for a casus beli to free the people of /hlgg/ from the rule of stupid.

>> No.34129631
File: 108 KB, 798x658, 1663263195372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34130357

Ah, the "Rightful Ancestral Lunaito Clay" approach, I see you're taking a page from Russia. Do you envision a transfer of territory? How much?
For reference, picrel has the Candy Kingdom and /hlgg/ territories highlighted on the province map.

>> No.34130357
File: 896 KB, 2731x4096, 1663435078291864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34130485

I want all of it nanora, maybe not all at once but all of it. I will specify in what order soon and post a pic.
I sometimes forget geography nanora, perhaps this will come to some engagements of warfare...

>> No.34130485
File: 987 KB, 640x907, 1651236360369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, you can't very well have all of it. /hlgg/ still exists on /vt/, so it'll need to still exist in Vitubia. Speaking OOC of course, Lunaitos could want to conquer the whole thing, but the conquest will have to stop somewhere. Plus /hlgg/ is useful to have in the world for narrative reasons, we wouldn't want it to be absorbed into another country completely.

>> No.34130610
Quoted by: >>34130690

I mean, OOC, how would the comparatively tiny kingdom manage to successfully give siege to the most populated empire/whatever we decide /hlgg/ is.
I mainly disagree on this whole thing on the point that /hlgg/'s lore is not developed for these types of interactions

>> No.34130613
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>> No.34130690
File: 14 KB, 312x300, 1657172514633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the Candy Kingdom is quite militarized while /hlgg/ is a shadow of its former self. I could envision some kind of conflict that ends with some land changing hands, although probably not a whole-sale conquest.
Ohh let's read this...

>> No.34130865
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Quoted by: >>34131006

Very nice. Maybe I'll finally get to write another RID report.

>> No.34130917
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Quoted by: >>34131006

>Pietro, sick of arguing with Palmieri everyday replies
Kek, that was a really fun read, thank you anon. Love these characters already. I look forward to seeing where this goes. Do you have any questions for me regarding how the interactions might go? I'll help as much as you want.
>Should be more than enough to send the fear of death into these boners
Admiral, I...

>> No.34130928
File: 75 KB, 577x600, cutealice!57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34131006

Very... what is the right word. Fitting... I like the way they think, it should be fun!!!! How does this impact me????

>> No.34131006
Quoted by: >>34131433

Umm, idk yet. I want to see what you have planned.
Yes! That will be fun
Not at all, for your expedition is something that our states organized together and you will meet us at Principe Island. I haven't decided on the person there but considering the pedigree of your guy, probably some other young buck of the same caliber.

>> No.34131394
Quoted by: >>34131842

Oh yeah, and more has been added to the Ojousama.

>> No.34131433
File: 241 KB, 1200x848, 1637276652038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34131600

Alright, I'm currently writing a little something for the Deadbeats as they leave Infinitum, and their plan from there is to beeline for Port Here with two ships detaching from the squadron and heading to /vsj+/. The Deadbeats are pretty much just chilling at Port Here until the Risuners return or request something from them. A visit from the Marina Stellar will probably help break the monotony.

>> No.34131600

As I understand, Retro will be there too. I don't think we have an issue with that unless they brought a similar ship of similar size. Then they would be not as much trouble in our eyes, but some.

>> No.34131842

>Secretly rather skilled with her stiletto.

>> No.34131904
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x1600, 1659926641494789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAAAAA, I don't plan on cultural annihilation, I plan on cultural assimilation. /hlgg/ will remain /hlgg/ but recognized as part of the Candy Kingdom as a colony or vassal state. On the map it'd look the same except for maybe a pinkish tint or a small candy marker to note the influence of the Himedom and in universe I plan on maintaining the same systems already at play with a small lunaito touch to encourage honorable and knightly behavior and renevations made to improve infrastructure using our resources nanora.

>> No.34132000

Then why not just buy land? You could probably organize something using the sugar trade as a bargaining chip

>> No.34132298
File: 1.95 MB, 498x498, 1658576089112768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I forgot I could do that!

>> No.34132307
File: 1.00 MB, 776x881, 1635794989168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34132657

They have a galleon which at a glance is probably less threatening than the battleship, though it has chuubanite enchantments that make it more dangerous than it seems.
Hmm, the issue is that in general countries don't allow themselves to be vassalized. /hlgg/ in particular, though it's not a superpower anymore, is still an empire with presumably an emperor. I doubt they would just accept this offer without getting something huge in return.
Idea: what if a princess of the Candy Kingdom was married to the /hlgg/ Emperor, strengthening the political power of the Himedom on the Empire? This would increase its soft power.
I don't think the we would go for having /hlgg/ be the property of a particular split, given its unique position as a neutral meeting ground for all the other Holo Nations.
Further idea, the Candy Kingdom could start a conflict with /hlgg/ over territory ownership, and the war is ended with a deal ceding some land t* the Candy Kingdom, and marrying a Himedom princess to the Imperial family, sealing the peace in holy matrimony. That isn't a completely uncommon unfolding of events IRL.

>> No.34132657
File: 628 KB, 2970x2100, 1663521481120469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34132799

Hmmm, that does sound good too nora. What if we have the territory claims+ marriage + buying more land? That sounds agreeable.

>> No.34132669
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1655477901093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34133058

Because that's not as fun of a story.

>> No.34132799
File: 346 KB, 1979x962, 1650828154245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, including a land purchase in the deal might help the treaty feel less like the terms of a lost war and more like a trade deal to /hlgg/, which would be more politically acceptable.
Plus, sometimes, everyone feels happy after an imperial wedding. Best way to end a war.

>> No.34132839
File: 96 KB, 922x1052, 1656975920897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking the thrill of conquest, the weeping of the vanquished and the lamentations of their women from my Lunaito bro, shameful display! HOLY WAY CRUSADE! FOR JERUSALEM

>> No.34133042

kek this sounds like a fun story, love the characters

>> No.34133058
File: 843 KB, 2480x3508, 1659918635195085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34133138

He has a point! We will make our land claims first and claim a fair amount through conquest, then we will find the amiable lords amongst our enemies and have them marry a lady princess of sufficient ranking, finally we will barter further land until we control enough of /hlgg/'s former territory to hold enough sway essentially to control all of /hlgg/. This emperor will only be an Emperor in name, nanora, and when the Hime Vessel calls upon him, he will damn well answer or be replaced!

>> No.34133138
File: 474 KB, 613x639, 1657999397567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34133262

Agreed! It is time for the Candy Crusade! If you want Pomeranians, we will send them at your wish.

>> No.34133241
Quoted by: >>34133273

We have an oversized galleon that is basicly a larger frigate or super small battle ship depending on how you wanna see it. a normal frigatte and a corvette

>> No.34133262
File: 169 KB, 445x589, 1662254388991504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34133436

The Candy Crusade has much work to do before it can expand into the primordial footsteps taken by the Goddess Before, the Crusade across the sea into the Nijilands is not for some time yet nanora!

>> No.34133273

That's no issue then.

>> No.34133436
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1657924732393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34133831

Was an offer for some of the worlds best men for your crusade actually!

>> No.34133831
File: 1.24 MB, 2896x4096, 1663527326522908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? In that case, future war dealings will be set aside using our Rosebuta contacts through the treatise of Pink Womanism for the eventual rise of a united global army of Candy Crusaders nora.
Right now establishing ourselves as a competent individual power capable of taking and controlling land is most important so foreign aid should be to a minimum until we move on another nation, nanora!
We can't really sack and pillage or rely on sackers and pillagers too much either in the early acts of our crusade in order to maintain the spirit of it to create the True Candy Crusade, nanora.

>> No.34133908
Quoted by: >>34134346

Makes sense, the honourable Luknights wouldn't want a reputation of letting foreign soldiers fight their battles.

>> No.34134011
File: 824 KB, 922x1052, 1657923884374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34134346

Who? Those silly plants? We know of the Rose Order, bad mfs.

>> No.34134221
File: 1.04 MB, 3183x3035, 1653364938314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34185538

Some anons have put together a little TTRPG session based on the universe of Vitubia, featuring Palustris the Rosebuta, Coyotl the Varangian Guard, Julian "Stom-stil" the Nasfaqian, and Ivan the Hooman Mercenary.
This is a transcript of this first session. The system used is World of Darkness.

>> No.34134346
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1288, Hoshikawa_Sara_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, same reason why Moriji isn't being called to aid us with the Black Fleet despite it essentially being an assurance of total victory, nanora! That and accepting the aid of a foreign blonde worshipping nijination might open old wounds and arouse unpleasant memories from times long past, cough cough pic related
We honestly don't know much about the Rosebutas aside from them being Pink and sounding knightish, nanora.

>> No.34134383
Quoted by: >>34134966

Lunaito, are your armies for hire privately owned or employed by the himedom itself?

>> No.34134414
Quoted by: >>34134463

Hoshikawa, the NTR queen... Too powerful...

>> No.34134463
File: 69 KB, 698x694, 1640376042918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her to /meat/

>> No.34134466
File: 91 KB, 600x600, 1658166437718087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34135294

Wrong Rosebuds, Lunaito. It is us, The Rose Order, who are knights!

>> No.34134621
Quoted by: >>34134754

>came back from work
>Lunaito now claims to be the heir of C̶h̶a̶r̶l̶e̶m̶a̶g̶n̶e̶ /hlgg/

>> No.34134754
Quoted by: >>34134851

>PP encourages him.

>> No.34134851
Quoted by: >>34135001

[incomprehensible turkish noises]

>> No.34134966
File: 1.24 MB, 2943x2894, 1659797223195981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himedom owns all of our army, all luknights, including Foreignaitos such as Lusquires, Impixies, and Pixie Dust Muskateers, are considered to be subject to the rule of the Hime Vessel and her appointed generals.
Some Foreignaitos do break away from traditional organization of the Himedom and act as Mercenary forces but they arent the same as other mercenaries, alot of them do so for experience to become better luknights and others gather together for a specifc purpose but need to fight in order to raise funds. Foreignaitos Mercenary Orders tend to organize under some sort of code of conduct due to their upbringing of honor and such but as foreignaitos you can expect a big difference between them and traditional luknights, kind of like Imperial Knights in WH40k.

>> No.34135001
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1655142791409s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually posted that.

>> No.34135043
File: 94 KB, 625x661, 1649429016569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34135152
Quoted by: >>34135278

/risu/ is about to cause a world war between moriji and hoshis.

>> No.34135183
File: 76 KB, 262x104, 1655604093753.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo OG!

>> No.34135278

why? All we did was see the saplings. We didnt do shit

>> No.34135294
File: 232 KB, 253x431, 1662217462901773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34135363

Na? I am lacking on my Rose Reps, nanora

>> No.34135328

You didnt, but indirectly caused it.

>> No.34135351
File: 752 KB, 2490x3742, 1658441756325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it, anon is just banting. Deadbeats and Hoshiyomis are gonna have a friendly chat while you chill with the saplings.

>> No.34135363


>> No.34135413

What the hell is all this talk about candy kingdom vassalizing hlgg?

>> No.34135480
File: 284 KB, 758x764, 1660648795191893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34135539

Exactly what it sounds like, more or less, nanora. Candy Crusade!

>> No.34135489
Quoted by: >>34135539

It's more of a dynastic claim.
You just gotta love european history and their succession wars

>> No.34135515
File: 318 KB, 1920x2155, 1648688566464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love the candy kingdom. We provide for them many sweet ingredients and they have DELICIOUS CANDY! Even if they wont take off their fucking armor for risuners to fuck their sweet little asses they are still very shiny valuable allies <3

>> No.34135539

Yeah but you know thats not going to pass right? hlgg will not be a vassal to anyone

>> No.34135620
File: 104 KB, 408x381, 1663347714580476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34135973

Exactly! That's the more or less part, nora

>> No.34135671
Quoted by: >>34135973

It'll be more like the Alsace changing hands than a complete vassalization. Maybe that bit of land could have a long history of changing hands between the Candy Kingdom and /hlgg/ to support their dynastic claim.

>> No.34135810

>Dynastic succession
Oh fuck no someone will be making a dynasty map of claims and pretenders for the entire hololive continent

>> No.34135905
File: 6 KB, 180x200, 1633034796896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moriji having no nobles or aristocracy
Easiest map I have to make.

>> No.34135973

ah, carry on then. assalization just makes me feel alarmed

>> No.34136028
File: 329 KB, 1200x1200, 1654830822429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanciest wins nanora, simple as

>> No.34136492
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sapling. I have set the stage for you. Risuners are coming in and they are ready to be your friends. No lewding or squeebing. We want to learn your magics! I await what you have in response to our arrival.

>> No.34138074
File: 1.23 MB, 909x996, hfzluna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was not aware that there existed people that did not know about luna's rightful claim to the bel- i mean throne

>> No.34138588
Quoted by: >>34138809

/meat/ hasn't had a thread for a while since the last one reached bump limit. are the rest of you guys busy at the moment? i don't want to make a new thread during dead hours.

>> No.34138809
Quoted by: >>34138927

Minori on catalog

>> No.34138927
Quoted by: >>34138993

ty, i guess they didn't post it where i figured they would.

>> No.34138993
File: 562 KB, 744x484, 1650815883793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34139372

missed a cute akira stream if you weren't there

>> No.34139119
File: 299 KB, 1818x1047, 1661728805374452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scene Two and yes there will be fireworks.

>> No.34139276
File: 434 KB, 2300x1292, 1634520665507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woooo let's see 'em!

>> No.34139301
File: 42 KB, 188x180, 1656963460704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Santísima Trinidad clone
>Massive squadron
>No negotiations
This will be fun!

>> No.34139372
Quoted by: >>34162244

i'll have to watch the vod. i don't usually post much, anyways. i'm am having irrational thoughts regarding my apparent failure to notice the existing /meat/ thread that is, for some reason, causing me to want to wait a while before doing anything there, and i'll be busy in a few hours or so anyways, so i guess i'll save posting anything more than bumps for some time later.

>> No.34139392

>Lunaito Crusade
>Hoshiyomia preparing for a show
I smell in the water boys. Think the Hoomen will finally get to see what they have wanted to see for a long time.

>> No.34139472
File: 193 KB, 848x1200, 1661539156517606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to leave it here for now, wait for Deadbro to get his things in order. This is not going to turn into war, yes there will be literally fireworks and star shells. It will be in the middle of the night too. We will figure it out later, consider this just an appetizer.

>> No.34139567
File: 289 KB, 1200x989, 1657998908258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34139640


>> No.34139640
Quoted by: >>34139700

Yeah, the admiral isn't a genius, and he wants to push boundaries, but he isn't a fucking imbecile either. Going to have congreve rockets too. I hope the Risuners are around when this happens just for shits and giggles. I want those fuckers to be scared to death if nothing else. And yes, Hoomen love to watch so they will enjoy the show.

>> No.34139700
File: 163 KB, 887x297, 1656521175536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually know where the
>Hoomen love to watch
Meme came from. Holobros, Explain.

>> No.34139989
File: 653 KB, 725x1016, fog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it, Mumei's just a very observant girl.

>> No.34140150

They like to watch, thats all. You can put two and two together.

>> No.34140242
Quoted by: >>34140340

And yes, I want our first interaction with Risu to be us firing a bunch of guns and rockets into the air. I hope it is something those primatived dont forget. I am on team Artillery is Everything. Learn this Risuners!

>> No.34140340
File: 234 KB, 736x1058, A42F3D0B-0B5B-46F0-B05F-ABB33E2438BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is on this team?

>> No.34144948
File: 464 KB, 474x686, 22_560_Vinkhuijzen_Book_illustrations_of_Historical_description_of_the_clothes_and_weapons_of_Russian_troops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34145043

And up she goes!

>> No.34145020
File: 182 KB, 800x607, CF61BB76-C328-484C-8D6E-EFE6E2BD1E97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34145272

>> No.34145043

Nice space program, bro.

>> No.34145272
File: 136 KB, 799x581, 1639595132540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taps the sign

>> No.34148741
File: 156 KB, 500x500, 1661875388114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last chapters of my story’s almost done. Maybe I can finish it by the weekend

>> No.34149973
File: 1.97 MB, 322x294, 1645358214078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34150029
Quoted by: >>34150241

>Open Lofi stream
>Immediately told "Kill yourself"
It's just like home...

>> No.34150241
File: 211 KB, 500x500, 1659937536820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ssg toxic gamer gaki it’s funny given what’s going on in my story

>> No.34151034
File: 254 KB, 1000x1000, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word cloud for last thread.

>> No.34151165
File: 5 KB, 142x49, 1660296988983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, interesting proposal, Mr. Cloud.

>> No.34151467
File: 4 KB, 123x47, 1656325990508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, thank you Word cloud! You're cute as well!

>> No.34152624
File: 21 KB, 560x163, Screenshot_20220928_063321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34152684

He sure did. To Ri2ner no less...

>> No.34152684
File: 689 KB, 498x498, 1637551358795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34153312

Goodnight gentlemen. Cant wait to see how sapling responds.

>> No.34155378


>> No.34157274
File: 544 KB, 854x480, 1658664684376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34158186


>> No.34158186
File: 314 KB, 635x622, 1644573772371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I'd join the shit out of Liora's gundam club...

>> No.34159376
File: 8 KB, 80x88, 1651274715618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34170286

The forest of the UUUing Woods thrum with anticipation. The Shamans foretell guests most welcome to the forest and new knowledge to soon be discovered. With the Shamans speaking of exciting prophecies, the Saplings await for what things may soon come. On a day seemingly like any other, a patrolling party’s attention was drawn to the horizon by a gentle whisper of the winds, and out amongst the grass plain was a sight the saplings of that region have never seen before, beings that embodied both squirrel and humanoid features.

Word has spread of natural and understanding beings such as them from their brothers from the Mire and the captain of this party, Visus, recalls the words of their Shamans, “guests most welcome”. Visus assuringly nods his head to his friends and suggests, “Guests most welcome? I have a good feeling so”.

Visus takes the initiative and hollers out to this particular group of Risuners, waving his arms to get their attention, and is happy to see that they reciprocate his welcome with smiles. As the two groups approach one another, the patrol gets a deeply familiar feeling as if a shaman is nearby. “Impossible”, Visus thought to himself, “shamans never venture out into the plains” but as they approach it becomes more and more clear that this magical aura is coming from one of the Risuners amongst the group.

How interesting, they have never heard of Risuners with magical abilities before. By the time the groups are face to face with one another, Visus realizes that he and his friends instinctively bow their heads out of respect in the presence of such a deeply mystic being. Visus proceeds to introduce himself, “Welcome to the domain of /uuu/, the forest has expected you and bids thee welcome”. Visus then steps to the side and makes an open-palm gesture to the forest behind him,” I will be your guide henceforth to our people”.

>> No.34160850


>> No.34161905


>> No.34162244
File: 1.45 MB, 400x400, aaakiiiiwwaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34163688

Hey, PG. There there.

>> No.34163688


>> No.34165032


>> No.34165992
Quoted by: >>34166092

kek redbeard is gonna enjoy a fine barrel of ale to this show

The Royal Navy is not gonna interfere except for Elaine probably boarding the BF battleship too when she sees the hoshi's going there to properly introduce herself and give over escort as the per the Pact of the Star. Gonna give your guy some audience for the talk down^^

>> No.34166092
Quoted by: >>34166747

What do you see as the outcome? I think the BF will be humiliated by this honestly, the admiral doesn't seem willing to negotiate.

>> No.34166747

The Black Fleet will have to take this humiliation, they went overboard with the escort, even if with good intentions, and brought them into the space of the hoshis even tho our escort agreement said we would hand that duty towards the respective nation.

Retro Reich chose a more postiive route towards it due to a bit of selfishness of Elaine but Hoshis are right to be pissed about this.

>> No.34167974

bump... bump... bump...

>> No.34169070


>> No.34169454

Here is the man himself, nasty sob.

>> No.34169914
File: 633 KB, 2048x1536, 1663182198233760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic goals of the Candy Crusade:
>Populate fertile land with Candy Kingdom Chuubanite for the cultivation of new candy plants
>Establish land claims through royal heritage of lunaito nobility and spread the influence and political connections of the Himedom
>promote and support aristocracies across the eastern hemisphere
>grow the Lunaito Military to capabilities of global defense of the allies of the Candy Kingdom

>> No.34169959
File: 399 KB, 800x600, 1662283148742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal jelly...

>> No.34170286
Quoted by: >>34171738

HOLY FUCK SAPLING! We were welcome all along and even expected? Hell we were PROPHECIED!? That actually made me frickin tingle. And we even get a guide now? Kino stuff. Ill make sure to work on the next part after work. Hope this is fun for you as much as it is for me sapling <3

>> No.34170314
Quoted by: >>34173511

i was gonna say. if we plant candy in /risu/ would it be affected? Candy isnt plants so i don't think so. Feelsbadman.

>> No.34171738
File: 6 KB, 346x339, 1657636908035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34184551

I did say that Shamans could give prophecies, though it is always cast in wording like this that could be considered extremely vague. Something as vague as this could've meant new caravan of Hoomans with new technology as the Saplings of the UUUing Woods are more accustomed to seeing them.
Also yes, this is fun. I understand I'm pretty slow at story building though. I feel like this shouldn't have taken this long for me to respond.

>> No.34173511
Quoted by: >>34173701

You need the chuubanite to grow the candy nanora! I need to hash out the specifics of Candyification with Artic Naito when he comes round but Candy Kingdom chuubanite is definitely necessary

>> No.34173701
Quoted by: >>34174065

How many Luknights are there in this general?!

>> No.34174065
Quoted by: >>34174868

Only 1, he's just a schizo.

>> No.34174868
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, 1662183677495139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One lunaito, two lunaito, me lunaito, you lunaito

>> No.34175596
File: 332 KB, 523x812, Louis_d-Elbee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter VI, fun chapter!!!!!!

>> No.34176320
Quoted by: >>34176612

>alice wrote a sex scene
it's the END TIMES!

>> No.34176396

wow, Louis is sooo cool

>> No.34176612

>ignores the whole smut her and pp wrote
Alas, young child, you have forgotten.

>> No.34178262
File: 760 KB, 885x1254, 14312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guyss!!!

>> No.34180198
File: 454 KB, 676x1200, glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
Cult of reason

Many figures in the Republic, be it political, scientific, or in other areas of importance, have recently taken a liking to the Cult of reason, while it is called a cult, it is more of an intellectual movement.
This "movement" originated from a combination of the temples embracement of humanist rethoric and various researchers of multiple fields getting together in coffee shops to discuss their findings, while the temples have no political influence, they have plenty of cultural one, and many researchers based themselves off this existing culture of belief in the human being to find ways to improve upon their work and society.
The movement itself discusses certain ideas, the main one being that of "Cultural, technological, and human advancement", where those involved will often discuss how to best forward their ideas to such a goal. Often think tanks and large reunions are planned in universities, coffee shops, temples, and wherever it is seen as a good idea to do so. Nationalist ideas, while commonly floated around, are not a main point of the movement, as it is a humanist one. Efforts to combine nationalism and humanism have been mildly recepted.
The temples often have a variety of opinions on the Cult of reason, while some temples, mainly those that prefer the peaceful development of the Republic, argue that it takes away from actual worship of the true religion, other temples are much more involved and highly support the movement, linking together both the stories and myths of the common religion to the goals of the Cult of reason. As a result, temple leaders tipically get completed educations in a variety of subject in order to better host the movement.
Many of the military, political, and economic class support the movement, and the working class is receptive to the ideas proposed by the Cult of reason.
The impact on the arts has been interesting, with many artists choosing to represent humanity and a variety of animals with their own ideas of progress. A famous painting is by an eccentric artist who instead imagined the potential horrors by painting a citizen sitting alone on the moon. The use of sharp lines, pencils, and gradients is common in this new movement, but it is still being changed by many of the artists involved.
International scholars and researchers are also ocassionally invited, thought, due to the waryness the government has towards foreign governments and the RID's care for the mantainance of technological secrecy in important sectors, it is quite a bit difficult for some belonging to more neutral contries.

Currently, there is tought about formalizing the Cult of reason and its reunions into a more official seminar hosted by the university and a variety of temples.

Been wanting to get this written for a while now. I also have a character concept for the Admiral of the fleet now, but I need to complete the structure of the navy as a branch first.
As always, subject to change.

>> No.34180749
File: 491 KB, 493x561, 1664218294488057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34180876

Running into the Hooman problem of naming things.

>> No.34180876
File: 81 KB, 631x632, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply don't name things.

>> No.34180900
File: 612 KB, 1500x827, hoshiyomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least i have spots for cities.

>> No.34180978
Quoted by: >>34181057

My inner mind would go nuts not doing that. At least you have Port Here.

>> No.34181057
Quoted by: >>34181227

well, the capital is named Victory, too. I haven't named any characters in any story I've written either

>> No.34181227

I applaud the ability to even keep track of things without names. I will see what i can do, probably not try to force things and overthink.

>> No.34181986
Quoted by: >>34182579

With Halloween around the corner, you think we should have our first event or something?
Like a creepypasta cookoff?
Write anything horror themed that tajes place in-universe. A folktale, urban legend, your nation's version of Edgar Ellan Poe or Mary Shelley, or an occultic experiment gone wrong

>> No.34182579

I'm expecting a new surge of meat fics

>> No.34182788
File: 78 KB, 441x448, 1650509727216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after all, the deity we worship literally doesn't have a name.

>> No.34183379
File: 631 KB, 1500x827, hoshiyomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being fed up, opted for google maps approach, capital aside.

>> No.34184497
File: 1.60 MB, 1488x2105, 1652058524527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use random name generator. EZ

>> No.34184551
File: 217 KB, 850x662, sample_26325fd77104fc2177339cd81a2031c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34184642

nah to be fair i took long as well so dont worry about it.

>> No.34184642

How are risuners going to react to the 400 gun salute we are about to give?

>> No.34184713

Shit their pants. Likely have never seen guns that big fire, let alone hundreds of them with rockets. At night too.

>> No.34184821
File: 1.52 MB, 1113x950, 1661629755343267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34185197

Unrespectable nanora

>> No.34184853

Can you not fuck with the risuners.

>> No.34185123
Quoted by: >>34185197

Fucking with risuners is literally an international passtime

>> No.34185197
File: 100 KB, 1316x790, 1661291849048445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking risuners is an international past time.
fucking with them is not.
I was respected before so i guess it evens out.

>> No.34185202
File: 266 KB, 341x402, 1661806362938324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and now especially I will make sure I write them pissing and shitting everywhere.

>> No.34185261


>> No.34185380
Quoted by: >>34186921

Oh, can I write the Deadbeats' reaction? I think it might not be what Martinelli expects, though he'll still get what he wants. Hopefully I'll finish the Infinitum chapter today.

>> No.34185538
File: 771 KB, 624x847, mori short hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34185807

It was a pleasure to be the storyteller for this campaign so far. I'd want to ask others if there's any interest in reading the proceedings of the adventuring party, since later sessions might be done by voice.

Also, the system used is Chronicles of Darkness aka. nWoD, but in bare-bones form.

>> No.34185807
File: 135 KB, 840x1200, 1660017242462361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34186146

I will not be tempted to Freaky Fernando's Fine Dinery through tabletop kino, nanora. Why must you taunt me deadbro?

>> No.34186146
File: 183 KB, 850x1205, mori smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why there's a Rentry with the last session.

>> No.34186921
Quoted by: >>34188008

Yeah sure, I am sort of waiting on you to see how you will have your characters before I jump in.

>> No.34188008
Quoted by: >>34188307

Alright, my idea is to write their reaction when the sentries see ships approaching under the starlit sky, and ending before the first shot is fired.
What's the phase of the moon during that night btw?

>> No.34188307
Quoted by: >>34188590

Moonless, deadreckoning and starlight are the guides. We are experts at Night Fighting.

>> No.34188590
Quoted by: >>34188660

Sounds good, that's what I thought you'd want, but it's better to make sure agrees on the moon phase. ty.

>> No.34188660
Quoted by: >>34189356

Will be just impossible to see them, that's Martinelli's plan. not only that but he wants to scare the Hoomen and Squirrels because he finds it funny

>> No.34189356

Star light is enough to see a ship's sail on the open sea for a watchful (IE has been in the dark for 10 minutes) sentry, to be truly invisible you'd need cloud cover or fog, or some other weather effect. Risuners probably don't have night guards though, so they'll be taken by surprise. Not sure about Hoomans, this port is quite out of the way, do they have any military assets Here?

>> No.34190046
File: 160 KB, 343x551, meimei15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ports should be expected to be pretty heavily fortified especially as it sits at the opening of the Gulf. It's also a pretty important port for the access of the North Sea which I presume has some pretty rich aquatic resources namely fishes and whales.
It's probably one of the biggest naval bases in /who/ aside from the free port and the islands north of the Peninsula.

>> No.34190083
File: 1.48 MB, 1302x720, THEWINDOW[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgf9eal.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34190179

>do they have any military assets Here
It'd be an important base for our navy, that and all the coastal forts there due to being a siege focused nation.
Since we trust the hoshiyomians, I think we'd see it (or at least note that the 4° has started to move) and let them do their business, but, you know, the coastal cannons will be cleaned up just in case we also need to make a statement

>> No.34190179

Then there'd be night sentries there as well, but the cannons opening up will probably still surprise everyone.
Also, good soundpost kek.

>> No.34190250
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HEHEHEHE I couldn't help myself.

>> No.34190392
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Quoted by: >>34190500

>Risuners stopped winning that night.
I love this so much, that's actually more impressive than I expected.

>> No.34190445

>cumming themselves
kek, maybe they liked it.

>> No.34190486

Alright, I'll get on that RID report soon enough

>> No.34190500

Just updated it to say that at the end! hhahahhaha

>> No.34190659
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>> No.34190702
Quoted by: >>34190742

ohh i was expecting your ships to intercept the escort before they landed not do this afterwards, this kind of throws me for a loop i must say.

>> No.34190742
Quoted by: >>34190874

I sort of wanted to do it like this, unfortunately, Risuners were hit by accident and /who/ is pissed likely because we broke windows and caused a ruckus. Well, Squirrels will have to deal with it!

>> No.34190782

>OGsuner mobilizes all of Risu at once to destroy Hoshiyomis for "Just a prank, bro.
Love it.

>> No.34190874
Quoted by: >>34190980

nah it is fine for me, i was just not expecting this and was udner the impression that our grand admiral elaine would get to interact and see the humiliation happening but at this point it means only our frigatte with redbeard would be left behind who does not really got any authority to interact in this and probably drinking on his ship with his crew enjoying the fireworks while also lamenting the shit he once again got dragged into.

>> No.34190894

This is an act of war.

>> No.34190964
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the shitpost warmongering begins anew, nora

>> No.34190980

Poor guy!
The Piss and Shit war.

>> No.34191003
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Quoted by: >>34191027

Nice, should have the reaction soon-ish.

>> No.34191027

Good, I am enjoying this too much kek.

>> No.34191239

>Risuners actually Pissing, Shitting and Cumming themselves
>One catches fire and jumps into the sea.
Risuners have just stopped winning.

>> No.34191346

they certainly have

>> No.34191521
Quoted by: >>34191674

Think the lesson here for them is to not just surprise people anymore.

>> No.34191674
Quoted by: >>34191802

Hoshis are the ones that fucked up tho.

>> No.34191802

Tell that to the 600+ guns they have waiting in outside.

>> No.34191955

Martinelli is going to get flogged to death

>> No.34192006

For what? Getting his mission done?

>> No.34192067

>Martinelli saw this and nearly laughed himself to death at the sight of the squirrel jumping from the building on fire.
But anon, he is already almost laughing to death!

>> No.34192239
Quoted by: >>34192346

For attacking risuners.

>> No.34192333
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Quoted by: >>34192573

Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
RID Report No. [REDACTED] A.K.A. "Star alignment"

DATE: 1132, December, 13th

-Giancarlo Martinelli, vice-admiral of the marina stellare, commander of 4º Squadrone da Battaglia.


Following the deadbeat arrival to Port Here, it was considered a violation of the agreement by the Hoshiyomian navy, it is thought that Rodolfo Palmieri, first prince-admiral of the Marina Stellar decided to send Giancarlo "Il Bruto" Martinelli to intimidate the deadbeats out of the port.
When informed about this the Admiral of the fleet made plans to go check out the fireworks, while also telling the various ports to get ready for counter fireworks, giving himself a laugh about it.
About a month later Martinelli would arrive to the port using the mist from the north sea, AAR note the use of "screamers" to provoke a bigger response, the night before the Admiral of the Fleet informed the batteries of the coastal fort to load blanks and flares, while pointing 70° into the sky.
Principessa delle Stelle began the fireworks and caused a ruckus, effect on the port was of general confusion and damage to the risuner warehouse, 4 risuners died of shock and 15 more suffered various injuries.
5 sailors have sued for damages of their ships.
Effect on the city was of confusion, to admiration of the fireworks in the night sky, to a drunken public brawl in about 10 minutes of considerable extent, as was tradition for national holidays.
Current reports are that some of the batteries joined in the fireworks and shot their own pieces at the sky. Most naval personnel had been informed of the potential chaos and had taken the opportunity. The admiral of the fleet had sent a few ships out to encircle the 4° Squadrone da Battaglia, for diplomatic capital. While outgunned, the batteries had instructions to reload actual munition after any incident, ensuring superior firepower.
It is known that Martinelli is prone to reckless behaviour, responsibility would likely fall on Palmieri first for the incident, whether Marinelli is used as a scapegoat is unsure, in any case, if it does happen we'd gain blackmail on Palmieri.
Current goal is to obtain repayment for damages caused, and ensuring our non-involvement in the affair if it comes to skirmishes.

-Various unexploded shells have been found and taken for study, currently being analyzed for any particularities in the affair.
-A risuner had been found with severe burns and broken legs, interestingly, still alive.
-A few naval commanders wanted to take out some of the experimental ships and test them out on the 4° Squadrone da Battaglia, this was rejected by the Admiral of the Fleet, on the grounds that "it either works, and we shit on an important part of one of our allies national defense, or it either doesn't work, and we waste all that money away"

>> No.34192346
Quoted by: >>34192501

And hoomen

>> No.34192479
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no price too big for kek, nora
You did well comet

>> No.34192501

They already were going to be informed and told about any damages would be paid.

>> No.34192573
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Damages paid in full, and then some. We will allow you to even test our shells.

>> No.34192848
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Thanks, but I do need someone to take guilt and punishment, you know, satisfy the people.
You get to choose who takes guilt and whether Martinelli gets caught, no combat thought, just manouvers, we wouldn't fire on our allies.

>> No.34192976
Quoted by: >>34193189

Our high admiralty takes full blame, however, we wonder why the Black Fleet was there to begin with and if you knew?

>> No.34193011
File: 110 KB, 850x576, __himemori_luna_and_luknight_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_jun_wei__sample-536c7ebba74c5be3448ffd1e0051c6d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave for a week and you're taking over hlgg, nanora? Nnaaaa....

Deadbro, I believe I have the premise for a Luknight visit to Moriji:

On an official Luknight Monster Hunt, the Lunaitos are tracking a vicious giant pale sea salamander who has attacked Lunaito shipping boats. After a naval battle that has wounded the beast's eye, they have tracked it to Moriji, where they believe the beast has retreated into a cave using a tunnel beneath the sea, and burrowed deep into the island nation's land. The Luknights wish to dock and consult with the Morijian authorities on how to proceed with the hunt.

What do you think, nora?

>> No.34193189
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Deadbeats just came in and said they were part of the convoy.
OOC, I don't actually know why the deadbeats were there or when they wrote themselves in, I think I explicitly said no deadbeats in the one agreement I wrote a few days ago

>> No.34193292

Let me know if those Hooman maneuvers happen before or after the Hoshis meet the Deadbeat Vice Admiral.
Giant sea salamander? Holy kino. Like a white Godzilla. Yeah, we're in business. My hands are a smidge full writing-wise in this very instant, but I'm up for doing this. I guess it landed somewhere on the West coast?
The deadbeats were the only ones in there at the start, it's everyone else who wrote themselves in kek.

>> No.34193309
Quoted by: >>34193679

>OOC, there is a reason why I sort of did this, it's to get things in order long term for us.
Well, then you might not be surprised at our desire for a little shock and awe, despite the problems it caused you. We cannot allowed ships of the line from foreign powers that are not part of our pact to sail in our waters.

>> No.34193341
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>I leave for a week and you're taking over hlgg, nanora?
It's their fault for looking like prime invasion territory nanora! Besides, we'll be able to have a southern fleet harbor and nice knightly trips to the beach now free of charge!

>> No.34193384
Quoted by: >>34193431

You mean that OGsuner asked you guys to do this, you said yes and we had to react kek.

>> No.34193431
Quoted by: >>34193590

nta, but you didnt have to react, you wanted to

>> No.34193590

No regrets!

>> No.34193679
File: 105 KB, 500x500, smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manouvers are supposed to take place immediately after the fireworks, but I'm letting the Hoshiyomi decide whether they result in the capture of Martinelli or not.
Also, I do remember >>33214287 First to react, baby! You fuckers were the ones that involved yourselves there
Yeah don't worry, I do get it.

>> No.34193696
Quoted by: >>34194183

I'm not sure where it should land, desu, only that it should give us an excuse to explore a lot of Moriji. Would you mind posting the latest Moriji?

>> No.34193796
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Quoted by: >>34194183

>>34193679 (me)
Further proof. >>33217093
Don't try to fuck with me here, mate.

>> No.34193805

Why would they result in his capture? You remember we have 600 or so guns out there in the harbor right now.

>> No.34193912

>>34193805 (me)
Closer to 1000 actually.

>> No.34194007
File: 237 KB, 264x365, void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are also in the line of fire of our coastal forts, too, regardless, it isn't coming to combat since we're allies, so naval maneuvers would take place to try to box Martinelli in, you decide how Martinelli escapes, if he does escape, once out of the coastal forts firing line he'd have free reign to go back home

>> No.34194104

Well, our big ships are further out. Would be hard to box us in because of that. Probably escapes because of that and the frigates patrolling

>> No.34194183
File: 514 KB, 4096x4096, general_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, here it is.
Fair, then you know since when and why we were involved.

>> No.34194206
Quoted by: >>34194439

>>34194104 (me)
Also remember, we are going to tell the Black Fleet to get lost. We have an order to deliver to them.

>> No.34194225
Quoted by: >>34194352

Yeah, you get to write it, do remember we do want someone responsible to punish, not sure how we can get any potential punishment into Hoshiyomia's high admiralty, so either choose a scapegoat or make one up.

>> No.34194278

god i wish i was autistic enough to do a map like this

>> No.34194309
Quoted by: >>34194439

Also this post tells us all we need to know about your opinion of us telling them to fuck off.

>> No.34194352
Quoted by: >>34194439

Mazzano can take the fall for you guys. He was the «handler»

>> No.34194439
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's alright. Then we're satisfied, I'm not going to involve myself in deadbeat affairs either.

>> No.34194574

Well our base line is this, nothing on this list can be change.
>BF apologies for sending a ship of the line
>BF withdraws and agrees to never send a Ship of the Line into our waters without our permission.
>Risuners can find someone else to take them home.
Sorry Risuners, should have asked!

>> No.34194706
File: 108 KB, 900x694, letsmakeadeal4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moshi moshi, this is the Imperial Tsukindo Navy. We will gladly, with the Royal Navy of the Retro Reich, take care of the Risuners on their return voyage with Louis d'Avranches' squadron.

>> No.34194775

I am fine with this since you are already here!

>> No.34194984

Bateman is inevitable.

>> No.34195437
Quoted by: >>34195558

Define "your waters"

>> No.34195533

Redbeards view of the Events:


>> No.34195558
File: 1.36 MB, 6000x3000, waters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34195640

this, at least.

>> No.34195574
Quoted by: >>34196074

As an outsider, to me this seems that hoomen cannot keep their ports safe. How can a foreign nation assure the safety of their people overseas if they can be attacked and killed by hostile actors for no reason at all? Sending one's own ships of the line seems to be the only answer.

>> No.34195640

thats absurd

>> No.34195661

that's the point

>> No.34195701
File: 531 KB, 579x594, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We of the Royal Navy Neptune had already planned for some basic preparations for a trip back home for them and would gladly work together with
the Marina Stellar and the Imperial Tsukindo Navy to make this as proper and clean a procedure as possible.

>> No.34195752
Quoted by: >>34195775

Reminder that the BF has no problem sending Ships of the Line anywhere without informing people.

>> No.34195775
Quoted by: >>34195811

yeah, and?

>> No.34195811
Quoted by: >>34195847

And? And some nations will not tolerate this.

>> No.34195847
Quoted by: >>34195892

wanna set up kenzokuphones so you can be ringed in advance?

>> No.34195892
Quoted by: >>34195928

Think it would be wiser for the BF to consider other options of deployment. If you cannot trust other navies to uphold the laws of the seas against pirates and schizos alike, then idk.

>> No.34195928
Quoted by: >>34196049

whats wrong with ships of the line?

>> No.34195992
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Also, if any map autist want to help with organizing /hlgg/ our of their own free will, it would be much appreciated, nanora. Making up any lords or ladies and just throwing them out there as a factor sounds like a fun thing to do and I'll probably do some of it during ma hurricane break, though I don't want foreign aid for the nation I'm totally fine with hearing some of the enemies potential firepower from other world leaders out of character to make for a more interesting conflict.
No better time for worldbuilding for /hlgg/ than right before a war, nora!

>> No.34196049
Quoted by: >>34196168

Let's see. They are the most powerful vessels at sea and are used to project power... Frigates can get the job done with and without stepping on the toes of other nations who may not appriecate such large and aggressive warships in their waters. Would also help the BF in their own problems at home.

>> No.34196074
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Quoted by: >>34196268

That's why we're getting a scapegoat, you see. Getting one of your allies doing some fireworks in your port is a pretty wild surprise, and quite a lot of people and politicians would be quite pissed, it could just be considered a war declaration. Little ol' Mazzano's head will unfortunately recieve the public guilliotine.
Still, our navies do work together, and we essentially feed Hoshiyomia, getting a little blackmail here and there on the First Prince-Admiral is pretty good, too. While sending in a few experimental steel ships along with the rest of a few ships could give them a scare, getting diplomatic capital on them and forcing their hand to accept our demands is far more convenient to our overall diplomacy, their navy is pretty good after all.
I did forget to mention it in the RID report, but the nation did enter limited mobilization.

>> No.34196168
Quoted by: >>34196321

Have you considered that maybe they want that problem at home to persist?

>> No.34196268

Don't think you are getting off the hook that easy, my friend. Because from our perspective, you failed to uphold your own sovereignty as a nation by allowing a ship of the line to dock in your harbors without prior knowledge. It has shown that you are rather weak and indecisive as a naval power and that we might need to take more proactive steps in protecting our combined waters. You made no efforts, in our eyes, to prevent this from happening despite your fleet being more than capable of this task. Allowing the Black Fleet to send a whole squadron to your port without even a whimper? Weak... ;)

>> No.34196321

I know.

>> No.34196347

Hmmm... I think the west coast is pretty accurate to where it would go. Into a tunnel and resting in one of the three lakes. Now, for where the Lunaitos would land...

>> No.34196422

>>34196268 (me)
We would like to inspect your admiralty for it's obvious flaws...

>> No.34196423

To be fair, if there is no hostilities between the nations and the ship of the line doesnt show any hostile signs, why not let them stop by at a free port? There is no weakness there.

If something, it is hoshiyomia being unable to control their men and ships which resulted in multiple civilian deaths and an international diplomatic incident that is a sign of weakness

>> No.34196465
File: 71 KB, 1280x1280, angler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34196576

Hey buddy, it was up to you to enforce the naval demands, I've got all my goals already.

>> No.34196527

Incorrect and in fact bullshit. The matter is the Black Fleet has no intentions of respecting other naval powers in how they conduct operations and that their insistence on maintaining their place as the police of the seas is worthless. If they cannot police their own waters, why should we trust them there? No matter the instance, a ship of the line being in this is inexcusable and foolish.

>> No.34196560

squirrels shit, piss, and cumming another war into existence.

>> No.34196576
Quoted by: >>34197052

So I assume that your fleet is now under our command for now? Good. ;)

>> No.34196665
Quoted by: >>34196813

incorrect how? Bullshit how?
The matter is that hoshiyomia has attacked foreign nationals on /who/ land and from the looks of it the blame will be pinned on a rogue first officer. How the hoshiyomi navy could have ever let a man like that into their force is alarming and a sign of their men being of questionable stock, at best, and murderous lunatics at worst.

>If they cannot police their own waters, why should we trust them there?
>No matter the instance, a ship of the line being in this is inexcusable and foolish.
Thats up to the hoomen and deadbeats, not you.

>> No.34196813
Quoted by: >>34197103

>Thats up to the hoomen and deadbeats, not you.
Who has 1000+ guns ready to blow you out of the Black Fleet out of the water? Look, I really don't care how this is percieved. The Black Fleet will leave our waters because we said so. This isn't a debate, it's a demand.

>> No.34196819
File: 131 KB, 265x327, 1653745877337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34196879

One very important factor to consider in this is also that the Retro Reich, Hoshiyomi and Moriji did came to an agreement to take care of escorts for the respective other nations in their sphere of influence. Black Fleet should have negotiated with the Royal navy Neptuna and Marina Stellar for where each one would have taken over the Duties proper instead of forcing themselves along the full way.

The Retro Reich might have elected a more peaceful approach due to Elaine's personal desire to meet with the Black Fleet and set up personal connections with their Navy but that does not change the fact.

>> No.34196879
File: 338 KB, 1378x2039, cometwithaxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also ignored this, which is why we are pissed.

>> No.34197024
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-you-don-t-reason-with-intellectuals-you-shoot-them-napoleon-bonaparte-36-71-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34197052
File: 111 KB, 768x1024, grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34197132

Of course, we aren't afraid of no deadbeats here. Our navy simply does its own tasks, at no point did Hoshiyomia ask for Hooman support in the enforcing of the naval treaty. In fact, they simply went and assumed whatever is more convenient to them.
Hoshiyomia should have communicated their request if they wanted us to help them out, we are good friends after all, it would've been considered and accepted, but to act as if we have done anything wrong? And to hire unreliable officers to lead their fleets?
The Hoshiyomian fleet has acted too rashly. Don't push your hand. We collaborate a lot already, it'd be a shame to destroy that goodwill.

>> No.34197103
Quoted by: >>34197205

I dont care about your guns. I am simply voicing how incredibly incompetent and frankly dangerous the hoshiyomia "navy" looks like to be. I for one wouldnt trust them to protect anything after this fiasco.

The BF on the other hand appears to be quite competent. They brought the risuners to port here safely, up until they scared the shit out of some locals enough for one of their officers to go schizo. If a single BF ship of the line can invoke such fear from a nation state, I'd trust them to keep pirates and schizos at bay.

>> No.34197132
Quoted by: >>34197348

>OOC: To be fair to both of us, we had a deal with the deadbeats that they just ignored like Retro said. We acted this way because of the deal being breeched. Don't worry about our relations, we are sending a message to the world.

>> No.34197139
File: 137 KB, 1000x1000, 1651235579201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'suners, what is the state of /risu/'s literacy? Do you guys have a library and stuff, nanora?

>> No.34197205
Quoted by: >>34197260

Good, then you will be blown to pieces assuming you are involved in this. (I presume not) We really do not care how we look at the end of the day. If the BF is smart, they will leave now and remember to respect agreements.

>> No.34197260

Hoshiyomia is becoming a rogue nation, like the watamelons? Interesting development.

>> No.34197291

>rogue nation
What does this mean?

>> No.34197327
Quoted by: >>34198776

Oh no, we aren't going to bomb the port. If this is the deadbeats talking, we will just force the Hoomen to evict you and sink you at sea. Civilian losses are tragic, but a consequence of not upholding agreements.

>> No.34197348
File: 119 KB, 224x224, burger.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34197406

Ah then there'll be no issue with all our deals.
Alright, that's the realpolitik of the day

>> No.34197406

>OOC: Good good, I am playing the bad guy on purpose

>> No.34197544
File: 911 KB, 640x360, 1649661140519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34197585

I've got a fresh bread in the oven, nanora.
Deploying at page 9!

>> No.34197585


>> No.34198776
Quoted by: >>34198862

btw from what i understand this was not actually 3beat

>> No.34198862

Great.... I was wondering why the tone changed.

>> No.34199090
File: 1.19 MB, 4056x4800, OFF Mumei (black and white ver)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8fku1j.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzjnb2o.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
Baseball in the Republic

A sport brought from the nation of hawks, baseball became popular in the Republic to the papers a hooman reporter did on the results of the game during his breaks, generating enough interest in the Republic for him to go back and decide to become a teacher for the sport in various cities of the Republic.
Soon enough a variety of university and amateur baseball clubs formed in various places, these teams would then have games played with each other and attract audiences if it was considered a game between good teams.
The game is popular with the army and the navy too, the 2 branches will organize their own leagues and then will have their winning team face off against the other branch.

Currently there is only a single organization attempting to standarize the sport across the Republic, the "Republican Baseball Federation", their main apports have been the standarization of the ball shape and bats used, and the standarization of a good playing field. Wooden bats are in use and the current ball has 108 stitches on the cowhide leather, used to cover the core made of cork and made to weight about 150 grams.
Thanks to the efforts of the RBF a few factories have popped up that do game materials to the standards established, cheapening their price heavily, as before the factories it was quite expensive.
Game reports get checked into the library by a few aficionados of the sport working under the RBF.
The game gets played by children and adults everywhere in the Republic, tipically with handmade balls and wooden bats. Access to regulation balls is still too expensive to spread to the common population. But the wooden bats can be well carved by local lumberjacks.
Due to the grassroots nature of the RBF they often enlist the aid of local aficionados that enjoy the sport to have everything marked down, and invite clubs to help discuss official rules and techniques. This has made some in the RBF dream of a future where everybody can enjoy the sport at a truly professional level, such dreams are still far away thought.

>> No.34199259
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Extra notes, there's no /holoX/ lore, so I just put nation of hawks and refrained from mentioning any more.
Currently no professional leagues, too hard to organize, but the RBF sure is working on it. maybe in 50 years they'll do it

>> No.34199442
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Quoted by: >>34200013

Tsukinode's nation sport is Baseball. We will play each other one day!!!!!

>> No.34199500


>> No.34200013

That'd be neat. I do love me some baseball.
