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>> No.41632486 [View]
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>Moshi moshi, this is 2434. What do you wish to speak of? Need to formalize a deal?

>> No.40096228 [View]
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Mosh Moshi (Bateman)

>> No.39100377 [View]
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>Moshi moshi, this is bateman calling moonafic. Are you interested in buying a steam engine for steam river boats?

>> No.38716548 [View]
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>Ignore the squirrels, they have no way of providing you with food. Play with the KAG and you will have all the food you need. (think we have a deal already but we make a ton of food)

>> No.34194706 [View]
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>Moshi moshi, this is the Imperial Tsukindo Navy. We will gladly, with the Royal Navy of the Retro Reich, take care of the Risuners on their return voyage with Louis d'Avranches' squadron.

>> No.33507205 [View]
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>Moshi Moshi, this is Bateman calling Hoshiyomia and The Owl Republic to discuss this squirrel affair. Let's make a deal. I understand your points and I have a counter offer just for you! No black fleet, the KAG escorts them to the border of where you want them and transfer them to you? We also will give reparations for our words of offense.

>> No.32670318 [View]
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This picture is attached.

>> No.32318574 [View]
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/2434/ votes:
a. yes.
b. yes. and option 2, which is what they wanted. rule of cool and lore!!!

>> No.31741581 [View]
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>Play cute, act tough and be "nice". These losers will give you the world on a platter. This is the winner's mentality.

>> No.29859276 [View]
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>Moshi moshi, this is 2434 calling with the K.A.G. on the same line. To answer your question, we have all of those things because we have a long tradition of alchemy and universities within our nation. Check this out, the P.I.O. doesn't know that we are making this deal and they can't touch you anyways. City of Katrina, is a center of alchemist teaching, chemistry, science and learning. Let's set up your deal, you have the word of the K.A.G.

>> No.29619602 [View]
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>Go ahead, write it yourself for your first rentry into lore :)

>> No.29540624 [View]
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>Naturally, we have our own means of greasing his economy too. We shall be vessel for the demise of these silly treerrats.

>> No.29458248 [View]
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>Moshi Moshi? This is 2434 calling Inf.

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