Same here. If the bookstore I walk into is not staffed by an old guy or some wierdo, I'm not really interested. My real test is what is in their history sections and how messy and organized the place is. The good bookstores will have dedicated sections for WWI, Civil War, WWII, shit like that. I ended up in one of these woke independent chain stores in my city, and some guy working there told me that they didn't want to celebrate those conflicts, so they had a minimal selection. That just made my blood boil.
The other thing is when the bookstore cashier starts curating my selections. That happened a few times and I just don't go there anymore to places like that. "Oh, you're reading an autobio on civilian life in Nazi Germany? Why are you reading about WWI? Ooh a cookbook on sauces, got a hot date coming over?" The good stores will just process your sale and shut the fuck up.
The real OG place to get good books though? There's a guy at the gun show who sells legit ass older out of print titles, mostly on history or conflict, combat, military strategy, hunting. etc. I ended up with a mint copy of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich for 5 USD from that guy and I've been buying from him ever since like clockwork.
What is that, a Mexican Tianguis or municipal market or some shit? Looks cool.