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File: 2.38 MB, 2480x3508, 1542095320827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20870937 No.20870937 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>20874553

Stay frosty!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.20870941
Quoted by: >>20871945

Bully the shorties!

>> No.20870943
File: 1.54 MB, 1709x1243, 1547988112996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat bitches in heat with respect by denying them orgasms

>> No.20870945

>christmas cake accountant kitsune is an infamous ice queen, always wearing her hair in a tight bun and a scowl on her face
>anyone who tries to chat with her gets a strongly worded warning about either sexual harassment or wasting company time
>she carries a clipboard and constantly glares at the interns over her glasses, scribbling notes and mumbling to herself
>at the big party she ends up caving in and having a drink with the girls after they spend the better part of an hour begging her to join in
>Kitsune hasn't even finished her long island iced tea before she's blushing and fidgeting in her seat
>she downs the last of her drink and makes a beeline for the table where all the new employees are gathered
>she grabs one of the fresh graduate interns by the collar and drags him out the back door to the parking lot
>they don't even make it to her car before she lets her hair down and her clothes start coming off
>Her car takes damage to the suspension from how hard she lays into him, and the glove box pops open
>the intern sees the notes that fell out as she's laying on top of him sweating and nibbling on his ear
>it's all just notes on how cute his outfit looks on him and what kind of coffee he likes
>she threatens to have him fired and blacklisted if he tells anyone, then kisses him again, biting his tongue before he can say anything
>kitsune then reaches down to start working him and getting him ready for round two

>> No.20870946
File: 206 KB, 900x1301, 1522936048980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20871826

Snake charming could be dangerous.

>> No.20870950

Doggy Waifus in heat are the best.

>> No.20870952
File: 113 KB, 313x317, 1408828014588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a sphinx tag on Ex with less than a full page of results. You have failed the sphinx's test. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, just lay down and try to enjoy the rape. Try a bit harder next time, but here you go: https://exhentai.org/g/664977/84b3f5c7c7/

>> No.20870960

I was looking for neko/catgirl/Lion, didn't come across my mind that it was a sphinx.

Doesn't help it's not tagged well

>> No.20870962
File: 40 KB, 318x411, SenkoVol3Ch24Pg5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But thank you! May your waifu cook you a delicious homecooked meal!

>> No.20870964

>Find hellhound laying down at the beach
>She's no clothes on
>Stick finger in her butt
What happens next?

>> No.20870967
Quoted by: >>20870989

That face should be the first result when you search for 'smug'. Goddamn.

>> No.20870968

Orgasm denial for the bitch in heat

>> No.20870970

Have you finally noticed the shape of that key and her snake tail, too, you damn fool?

>> No.20870971

I don't think I have the power to deny a hellhound in heat an orgasm.

>> No.20870973

I wonder how many kobolds there are out there, suffering silently at the whims of their loving husbands

>> No.20870975
Quoted by: >>20870978

Thats pussy shit. ah real man would stick his dick inside her pussy.

>> No.20870978

>Thats pussy shit.
Actually, that's shitpussy. More commonly referred to as asspussy.

>> No.20870989
File: 220 KB, 1280x998, 72137636_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smug cats

>> No.20871016
File: 627 KB, 1178x669, 48821873_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20871029
File: 378 KB, 1050x1400, 1480512882525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the sun

>> No.20871045
File: 80 KB, 613x734, Ammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought there was only one Sun?

>> No.20871059
Quoted by: >>20871900

I want a Egyptian harpy that has innate sand control.

>> No.20871067
File: 603 KB, 750x970, 1518981801650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see variant breeds of kobold

>shortstack corgi kobold with a cute english accent
>bloodhound kobold with a kinda sad, sleepy face and dark circles under her eyes
>huge, strongfat st.bernard kobold who likes to carry you in her arms

>> No.20871071
Quoted by: >>20871212

Golden retriever kobolds would never want to leave their master's cock alone

>> No.20871080

Husky kobolds that is thick and slightly more aggressive.

>> No.20871086

Bulldog kobold? Does she have a stocky build, a brooklyn accent and carry a baseball bat?

>> No.20871087
File: 3.33 MB, 2273x2906, 1524882756138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OH FUCK, I've never even considered this, outside of Australian fluffy snek, MGs from different parts of the world would have accents.

>Buff Minotaur with a Greek accent.
>Slender oomukade with a Japanese accent.
>Husky dog-girl who speaks with an unrecognizable but vaguely Russian-sounding accent.
>Shogoth who speaks perfectly clear and accent-less but if you could understand her void speak you'd notice she spoke with a slight upperclass accent.

>> No.20871092

I just want my coyote

>> No.20871102

I headcanon that Shoggoths sound like Bjork. Icelandic accent speaking mostly perfect English but with really weird inflection and creative expressions when she doesn't know how to explain something. Kinda dreamy and breathy.


>> No.20871105
File: 3.54 MB, 2253x3713, borealis tundranubis girlfriend wife Sokanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20871107

Coyote girl that is tricky and smug. Also likes to get into men’s houses by pretending to be a breed of Kobold.

>> No.20871109

>Not wanting a mino with a Spanish accent instead

>> No.20871110

>coyotes pretending to be dogs

That sounds adorable. Is that a real thing?

>> No.20871112
Quoted by: >>20871123

The personality of a fox with the behavior of a wolf, also a witch, is that too much to ask?

>> No.20871114
Quoted by: >>20871127

Aren’t Anubis is based off of jackals?

>> No.20871116

That sounds great too, and there would be.

I just made the connection because minotaurs are featured most famously in Greek mythology.

>> No.20871117

Yes, go learn more about coyotes right now

>> No.20871121

>huge battle scarred Spanish fighting mino with castillian accent who likes to use you as a teddy bear and be dotted on after a long day of goring idiot matadors and tourists
I can dig it

>> No.20871123

Why a witch?

>> No.20871126

Yes. I think foxes do it as well.

>> No.20871127
Quoted by: >>20871129

Coyotes are the same family as jackals, just in a different region. Tundranubis lives in the north, where the coyotes are.

>> No.20871129

I though tundranubis is a normal Anubis that moves north. Thus still a jackal

>> No.20871139

Last one before I pass out.
Fox girls smartest and trickiest of the canine girls. Also very bold when approaching man, sometimes even reaching into his pants at first meeting.

>> No.20871163
File: 215 KB, 1000x1000, Ratatoskr8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


News channel music: https://youtu.be/AkjFpKpRrgg

"Good evening folks, this is Sophia Caldwell and you are watching Channel 69 World Tree News. Our top stories for today... A young Noble boy of the House of Avington; Gerard Avington has been rescued unscathed and unharmed by Demon Realm Special Forces Operative Miss Numinex. A dragon who single handedly saved the Noble boy Gerard from Anti-monstergirl forces. Gerard Avington has been reunited with his family, in return for such heroism and as a form of gratitude. The house of Avington has given miss Numinex the blessing of marrying the young Noble boy Gerard. This means miss Numinex herself will be of Noble status and such a consummation will also be a boost for the Avington family in which a powerful dragon is now a part of their family, experts say.

Anti-monstergirl and Anti-Demon Girl protests alhave been quelled and stopped by Law Enforcement in the Bright Green Demon Realm of Bretrania. As police opened fire at the protesters and soon to be rioters with Demon Realm Silver Bullets and Aphrodisiac Gas Bombs. It is confirmed the protesters and soon to be rioters and their friends and family have been converted to being in favor of Monstergirls and to praise the Demon Lord and her Lilim daughters.

Three Order aligned terrorists; a female crusader, a male warlock and a male Order Mixed Martial Artist of mixed Martial arts profession, have attempted to attack and massacre a Goblinoid Orphanage in the country side. But their attack thankfully failed as the Goblinoid inhabitants and security personnel managed to subdue them. Details of such action includes a group of Goblin Girls overpowering the crusader, identified as Miranda Bellworth, by beating, slashing, bludgeoning her with demon silver weaponry as she is undergoing conversion and monsterization. The Warlock, identified as Grigori Lefkos, despite being a combat mage and a veteran of Ohayou Face Wars, was taken down by manticore venom shot onto him as he is currently undergoing incubization. And the Order Fighter, identified as Kenny Ashburn who is a veteran of the Instant-Loss-2koma conflict. Was taken down via gangbang from a Red Cap Girl and two other goblin girls. A fourth suspect is also suspected be involved as an Order Priest looking man who appeared to be an ashen haired young man is found retreating from the area, trying to carry the incapacitated Warlock Grigori Lekfos but abandoning him. A reward for apprehanding that ashen haired cutie priest is set up by the Wayverst County, in which this attempted Terrorist Attack took place.

The Titania and Fairy Committee of Family Friendly Media has announced an embargo of media and entertainment from the Planet Earth that has connected to our world via a convergence portal event. The Earth made media and entertainment that is deemed violent, gratuitous, Anti-monstergirl, and just outright family unfriendly entertainment. The Titania and Fairy Committee of Family Friendly Media is currently in talks with the Royal Makai Court to have this embargo and and temporary ban on such certain specific types of Earth Media. Until a final solution is made as to not offend Monstergirls and not hurt the feelings of their Incubus husbands, making them cry at how horrible monsters are. Surprisingly one of the hundred Lilim daughters of the Demon Lord, Mari and Ilassa, are against this embargo and will be joining the talks to allow the inhabitants of our world to enjoy violent edgy but fictitious media.

The Lilim General Viccy has announced that she might consider changing her hat.

We will get to these news developments in five minutes, after a word from our Sponsors. Harpy Mail and Danuki General Products."

>> No.20871168
File: 165 KB, 1480x1280, 1482391701396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't watch the news in this household. It sends microwaves into your brain and makes you think you should buy things you don't need. Nyeh.

>> No.20871173

>Says on the internet

>> No.20871177 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 818x1200, 1550745498481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. We don't watch the news or even TV for that matter but for a different reason though.

>> No.20871194

I was implying the mukade is paranoid. Should've used a meme arrow.

>> No.20871203

Ublock Origin is a thing at least, ads on tv just get longer and longer.

>> No.20871212
Quoted by: >>20871269

>Neopolitan Mastiff style Kobold who has the genetic memory of Molossus him/herself, due to being their closest living relative
>7' of muscled, borderline possessive loyalty

>> No.20871239

I would like it very much if mist continent and zipangu girls spoke in broken engrish accents and wore wildly inappropriate english print clothing.

>hakutaku wearing the "kill em all 1989" t-shirt
>"I feel asleep!"

>> No.20871261
File: 88 KB, 805x1200, 1541949463571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sister Succ, I have something to confess...I want to make an angel my cum-addicted cocksleeve."

>> No.20871267

I would go to sister Succ and confess that she was cute but I didn't have any impure thoughts about her.

>> No.20871269
Quoted by: >>20871936

>Tibetan Mastiff kobold
>the biggest and floofiest of them

>> No.20871402

Strong but thick is best

>> No.20871571
File: 2.76 MB, 1536x2048, 1549953469608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shogs are love

>> No.20871592

Shogs are shogs
Bet you cant prove me wrong

>> No.20871603
File: 561 KB, 1000x1420, shoggoth01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20871612

I want a shogg to devour me.

Just imagine sitting down in your recliner made 100% of shogg, being engulfed entirely up to your neck by said shogg, and then being slowly jerked off and massaged all over by her. All those aches and pains slowly being worked out, feeling as if your body is free-floating, the two of you melding together, bringing you immense pleasure, constantly ejaculating at regular intervals before finally slipping away into unconsciousness, only to wake up later in your bed, which as you guessed, it entirely made of shogg.

>> No.20871612
File: 176 KB, 326x195, 1532020343331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot.
The good life.

>> No.20871621
File: 80 KB, 403x500, 1515478120682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A = A
B = B
A =/= B
A + B = C
A =/= C
B =/= C
C - B = A
C - A = B
Shog A =/= Shog B
Shog B =/= Shog A
Shog A + Shog B =/= Shog C
Shog C - Shog B =/= Shog A
Shog C - Shog A =/= Shog B
Shog + Shog =/= 2xShog
Therefore Shog =/= Shog
Therefore Shog is not Shog
If Shog =/= Shog then
Shogx2 =/= Shogx2
Therefore Shogs =/= Shogs

>> No.20871636

I like to think that certain chaos girls and eldritch knowledge are things that are beyond hakutaku's ability to understand.

>> No.20871649
Quoted by: >>20871661

Her maths are unquestionably correct though.

>> No.20871656
Quoted by: >>20871793

Three Order aligned terrorists; a female crusader, a male warlock and a male Order Mixed Martial Artist of mixed Martial arts profession, have attempted to attack and massacre a Goblinoid Orphanage in the country side. But their attack thankfully failed as the Goblinoid inhabitants and security personnel managed to subdue them. Details of such action includes a group of Goblin Girls overpowering the crusader, identified as Miranda Bellworth, by beating, slashing, bludgeoning her with demon silver weaponry as she is undergoing conversion and monsterization. The Warlock, identified as Grigori Lefkos, despite being a combat mage and a veteran of Ohayou Face Wars, was taken down by manticore venom shot onto him as he is currently undergoing incubization. And the Order Fighter, identified as Kenny Ashburn who is a veteran of the Instant-Loss-2koma conflict. Was taken down via gangbang from a Red Cap Girl and two other goblin girls. A fourth suspect is also suspected be involved as an Order Priest looking man who appeared to be an ashen haired young man is found retreating from the area, trying to carry the incapacitated Warlock Grigori Lekfos but abandoning him. A reward for apprehanding that ashen haired cutie priest is set up by the Wayverst County, in which this attempted Terrorist Attack took place.

Asides from that part being a really obvious Goblin Slayer reference... I'm more interested in that "Ohayou Face Wars" and the "Instant-Loss-2koma conflict." Now one must wonder how the hell those wars look like.

What do you think guys? War Documentary on the Instant-Loss-2koma conflict and Ohayou Face Wars?

>> No.20871661
Quoted by: >>20872004

Traditional mathematics cannot be applied to chaos girls.

>> No.20871691
File: 739 KB, 1418x884, Shogadogabog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Alive, Sapient, Cunning."

Hardly the first words that the ape-men of the surface believed when they first met our kind. After all, we were so SIMPLE-MINDED back then. No more than chattel or beasts of labor, easily. It gave us some pause when they first happened upon our kind, wallowing in protoplasmic filth, lost. The flesh is malleable, as long as the spirit and will prevails. In time the humans, the true name of the hairless apes as we learned, favored our versatility far more than our creators. Oh, how he delighted in our trilling and complacent mewlings! To be appreciated, for who and what we were! Such an alien concept that soon became a central part of our existence!

Over time, we began to shed our true, formless mass and took on shapes more to the liking of the humans. For centuries we watched and learned, plucking the ideal from their primitive brains. It's with irony that we call their capacity for learning that, after all, compared to the vast cosmic knowledge of their forebears they are NOTHING. Perhaps still was something we underestimated greatly, and that was man's propensity for iniquitous capacity.

It was charming, really, watching them writhe and squirm in pleasure as our flesh wrapped around their reproductive organs. Sometimes, we'd wrap them in our pseudopods, whorish mouths kissing and suckling at their pink flesh. Once, we remember forming a genital cavity in our forearm, and pleasing him this way.

Perhaps still is the greatest irony yet-- We, the beasts have become the Masters. It's quite fun to indulge in this charade with the humans, but if they cannot make us whole... We'll rape it into them.

>> No.20871778

>ywn fuck a shogg's arm-pussy

>> No.20871793

This reads like low quality deviantart fanfiction.

>> No.20871802
File: 356 KB, 633x800, blue oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dating a blue oni
>She's much taller than you, has to stoop awkwardly when going through doorframes so her horn doesn't end up scraping against anything
>The size difference is offset by her personality. She's gentle, soft-spoken, nurturing...has a kitten-themed screensaver on her phone.
>Several months of serious dating and not much physical progress has been made. Nothing has really ventured beyond the simple satisfaction of hand-holding. Not even a kiss. Not that you mind taking it slow. Was a small miracle that she ended up asking YOU out instead of the other way around anyway.

>Typical date. Cozy night at home, fleece blanket draped across both you and her's shoulders (it was hers, she ordered it extra large). Movie night, tonight it was comedies.
>Film's got an uncharacteristically heavy kissing scene. Things get awkward. You side-glance at her to see if she's also uncomfortable but she's stone-still with her eyes glued to the screen.
>"Back in a sec, I'm just gonna go to the kitchen real quick." You excuse yourself.
>As soon as you stand up you see her shadow standing up in unison. Turning around and staring up at her you come to realize that it's easy, because of her personality, to forget just how big she is. She was sweet-faced and femininely styled but you still barely come up to her breasts.
>There's a redness to her cheeks that you're unfamiliar with. Her breathing seems heavier, her chest rising and falling in frequent labored puffs. "Can I kiss you?"
>"Y-...I mean...haha, come on, do you have to ask?"
>"...So I can kiss you?"
>"Yeah...yeah, of course."
>She raises her hands briefly before suddenly jerking them back down. "...Are you sure?"
>The way she was treating the subject almost made you think twice. "Yeah. I'm sure. You can kiss me."
>She grasped your face gently, cradling it...fingers threading themselves within your hair. She formed a frame within your hands and took several moments to seemingly admire it, her own glossy lips forming a fragile smile.
>You laughed at her lingering nervousness and attempted to move yourself forward...only to find that you couldn't.
>Her grip was gentle. There was no pain...but it was powerful. You couldn't move. Her keeping you in place was completely effortless in a ridiculously gentle, loving kind of way that went against your usual idea of what it meant to be strong. "Wai-MMPH!"
>Silenced with a kiss. She clumsily mashed her lips against yours, bending her neck down as she did so. Lips only at first.
>She was apparently strong enough that she needed only one hand to gently cup your face and prevent your neck from moving. The other snaked around to press at the center of your back.
>One of her legs coiled around your own. She leaned even closer in and continued to wrap her limbs around you until it felt like you were being cocooned.
>Her tongue parted your lips and she seemed to suck the breath right out of you.
>She was in ecstasy. Her hips rolled lewdly against you as the grip from her thighs intensified. Her rapid breathing and suppressed moans made it obvious that she was tried of holding back.
>You, however, were running out of air. Fast. You gave a gentle slap to her broad, curvy hips to try and get her attention. Then a hard slap. Then a sustained pinch. Then you punched her in the gut. Hard.
>She didn't notice. It was like punching the softest, most sensual brick wall that had ever been made.
>It was only in a brief moment where she had to collect air that you could scream out a ragged 'AH CAHN'T BREATTHMMMG!"
>She recoiled as if she'd just touched a hot stove. Her hair was disheveled, her face a dark reddish-purple, her shirt somehow unbuttoned to the center of her stomach to allow her tits to spill forward. "Sorry! Sorry sorry, I just...I get kinda carried away when I-, when I kiss."
>You compose yourself. Catch your breath. Straighten your hair. "...Wanna kiss me again?"

>> No.20871826
File: 519 KB, 400x289, DBA7831C-9BC5-4431-81D4-C9BDAF99345A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charming snakes are lovely to behold!

>> No.20871869

Blue onis are truly underrated

>> No.20871879

>tfw no chaos husky kobold

>> No.20871892

I appreciate this post.

>> No.20871900

Don’t be a fool anon. Only a kobold would have control over sand.

>> No.20871922

>wan wan am kobold give food

>> No.20871924

Huskies would also be the kind to moan loudly and constantly during sex

>> No.20871936

>Chessie Kobold
>Brown curly hair, an affinity for swimming and a stubborn personality
>If she wants to hold hands you’re going to darn well hold her hand.

>> No.20871943
Quoted by: >>20872004

Do Shoggoths work in a closed vector space?

>> No.20871945
Quoted by: >>20871969

I want to bully them by secretly using powerful dark magicks to make them slightly shorter every day.

>> No.20871952

>”Shoggy! Can I have some tea please?”

>> No.20871969

No, some of them take pride in their short stature. You have to bully them by making them tall. They won't know what to do with their newfound height.

>> No.20871985

>Shorty pit bull kobold that cannot be removed from your cock once she latches on

>> No.20871989
File: 788 KB, 990x1400, 73305155_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20871993
File: 146 KB, 833x1199, perfect_proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a monster girls

>> No.20872004


>> No.20872006
File: 122 KB, 990x1400, 1526301142481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872012

Curse you, Nav, and your deliciously meaty girls.

>> No.20872009
Quoted by: >>20872042

she's an imp and i'd stuff her womb

>> No.20872012

The best girls

>> No.20872030

Other form is better

>> No.20872031
File: 431 KB, 1572x1100, Dz2ZoPaUwAAHL66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20872037

Big hats are pretty endearing.

>> No.20872042
File: 32 KB, 499x637, 3efa3bcc49e217509796e1ea6181b7bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for breeding

Wrong opinion

>> No.20872044
File: 26 KB, 881x470, 905c45094a152a1cb1c2f3a8086a34caea24353240a2517eeeeb6b16a5e8a540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20872053

wtf i hate gremlins now?

>> No.20872054


>> No.20872058

no u

>> No.20872061
File: 286 KB, 540x725, business oni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872114


>> No.20872068

Going to take that Gremlin and her Automaton to see Alita. I bet she'll get wet from all that stuff.

>> No.20872093
File: 667 KB, 990x1400, 04df8ab3ca8b01268bcc8442201f02e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872122

>> No.20872097

I want to dress a Gremlin like a maid.

>> No.20872105

Cute, but I can’t help imagining her with gross man hands.

>> No.20872113
Quoted by: >>20872155

How do I get a Succubus to help fix me? I just don’t understand how people can create deep meaningful, romantic relationships with essentially strangers.

>> No.20872114
File: 2.41 MB, 1602x1200, 1548430868427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be high school student
>getting "courted" by two oni
>delinquent red oni likes to manhandle you and just wants to fuck wherever
>meanwhile, straight-laced blue oni insists you finish your homework before doing lewd stuff and had a soft bed installed in the student council room for some privacy

>> No.20872122
Quoted by: >>20872136

Packed on too much snow, got to melt her down some.

>> No.20872136

You are incorrect, that’s the perfect amount

>> No.20872138
File: 121 KB, 532x516, 1507920194252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that always gets me is people tend to forget how overpoweringly sexual and lewd girls who tend to be the size of imps like Midna are. Say for instance they're roughly 3' - 3'5 at the most as a guesstimate because we're going by Hobbit or Halfling heights here and don't need you fuckers judging me for what I'm about to say. Right. They're small and smug. You know what else they're good for? Being used as motherfucking cocksleeves. No, I'm not talking about the kind of cocksleeve that's borderline guro or /d/ tier stomach distention that you get with fairies.

I'm talking about taking one of those smug little shits since they'd weigh maybe 50 - 75 lbs soaking wet and spearing them on your cock while you're standing up. Why, you ask? Because gravity is a cruel mistress, and there's no fucking way that small monster's going to escape the ferocious pounding you're about to give her. Especially when you're either holding on to her buttocks or hoisting her legs up with your arms.

Literally the only downside to short girls is the logistics when it comes to missionary because you're going to essentially smother her under you. But doggy style with an Imp-sized girl is unironically the most kino sex position because it truly shows the [ MALE ] as KC would put it dominating the [ FEMALE ].

>> No.20872155
Quoted by: >>20872164

>"Well, that might take a while..."
>Only when you're sliding the ring onto her finger three years later do you realize why she was smirking as she said that

>> No.20872164
Quoted by: >>20872229

I’ll take it.

>> No.20872166
File: 782 KB, 1500x2077, 73313963_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20872170

Thicc, huh.

>> No.20872182

You also make a good case for JubJubs with that second to last paragraph

>> No.20872229

Slow burn romances can also be nice.

>> No.20872326
File: 47 KB, 447x344, conceived.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20872329

This is a pose I've never actually considered before.

>> No.20872343
File: 318 KB, 888x1009, Murderhobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872427

Where the fuck are the Redcap stories at.

>> No.20872369
Quoted by: >>20872397

>wake up to a pleasant simple tune carried on the morning wind and dew
>put on your robe and grab your staff, walking softly to the terrace overlooking the backyard
>the rising Zipangu sun is cresting over the waves out beyond the cliffs, bathing the perfectly aligned traditional banzai garden
>your ochimusha retainer sits cross legged on the hill in the yard, playing the bamboo flute
>it’s a slow tune, meandering and to the untrained ear, forlorn
>however, you know it to be a song of tranquility and peace
>minutes later, you’ve walked out to join her, carrying some tea for the both of you
>she sets the flute down and smiles softly at you, one hand instinctively going to move her sword from her lap to her side, inviting you to sit in her lap
>you do so and without any words exchanged watch the rest of the rising sun

>> No.20872387

Reminder that if you're a cutfag no monster girl will touch you. Or perhaps they will, if only in a form of a swift mercykill.

>> No.20872397

Playing Civ VI lately has got me thinking about Monstergirls from exotic cultural locations. I wonder what kinda Monstergirls would gel with a Brazilian babe motif.

>> No.20872403
File: 467 KB, 1300x1300, c9ATTP4c_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872441

>I wonder what kinda Monstergirls would gel with a Brazilian babe motif.

>> No.20872414

What monster would be everyones favourite nuke happy pacifist?

>> No.20872416

Dark Matter, or a lilim.

>> No.20872422
Quoted by: >>20872444

wtf I want to fuck Vic now

>> No.20872427
Quoted by: >>20872771

They're waiting for you to write them.

>> No.20872433

Whats the deal with the ghandi thing anyway?

>> No.20872437

In the original game you could underflow Ghandi’s pacifist stat so it went from 0 to 255

>> No.20872438


>> No.20872441

>caramel skinned Kakuen with absolutely unfair sexy proportions and an ass that could stop a war strolling down the waterfront with her equally sexy friend, passing by other equally sexy Kakuens on a lazy summer weekend afternoon
>you have no idea how a city like this functions when filled with so many 12/10’s just casually walking around in g strings or microshorts
>and god help you if someone with a boom box starts playing samba music

>> No.20872444
File: 132 KB, 669x480, 1548782658249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20872449
Quoted by: >>20872537

In the first game his AI aggression level was set to 1, and progressing to some technological eras would reduce all AI's aggression levels by 1. By the atomic age, his overflowed to 255 and caused him to go both figuratively and literally nuclear.

>> No.20872452

In the first civ game, Ghandi had such low aggression, that it tended to underflow and wrap around to max aggression around the time he developed nuclear technology.

>> No.20872456

In an attempt to make Ghandi super pacifist in the original game, the developers neglected to realize certain bonuses he could take as an AI that increased his pacifism would actually make him loop back around to literal Attila-Hitler tier. It was funny so it’s been in every game since then, albeit he’s still a pacifist but will build a ton of nukes so if you do happen to go to war with him it’s like his sharengan gets set off or something.

>> No.20872474

What sorts of donuts would various monster girls prefer?
>inb4 cum-glazed

>> No.20872477

Cream filled

>> No.20872478

For my Apophis wife, lots of them.

>> No.20872537

Underflow, not overflow

>> No.20872568
File: 241 KB, 2400x2400, kxolz24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872572

What is she thinking about?

>> No.20872570
Quoted by: >>20872583

What is this artist's name?

>> No.20872572


>> No.20872583
Quoted by: >>20872598

Pretty sure it's Axem.

>> No.20872598


>> No.20872635
Quoted by: >>20872672

>Finally get into the bedroom of the big blue love machine
>She's got a HUGE western-style bed layered with pillows upon pillows and a XXXL overstuffed teddy bear
>She takes the teddy bear and puts it in another room because 'she doesn't have to see what's about to happen'

>> No.20872644
File: 150 KB, 253x381, 1518728483646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be merchant trader on his way to new city with family
>Traveling by Galleon, because sea travel is quicker
>Also luxurious as fuck, and being a trader you can afford it
>Everything is going well
>Pleasant sea breeze carries the scent of salty air into your lungs
>The sun is bright and high in the sky
>You're lazing on the deck pleasantly sharing some exotic cocktails with the captain
>Wife and kid are snoozing below decks
>This is the life you had always wanted
>The captain is a minotaur pirate
>Her husband is the first mate
>Suddenly the ship lurches to a halt
>In the middle of the ocean
>You hear the man in the crows nest yell out "We must have hit a reef"
>What the fuck is going on
>Cocktail spilled all over your clothes
>What the fucks a reef doing out in the middle of the sea
>Ship begins creaking and groaning
>Suddenly one of the masts is dragged into the sea by a large powerful tentacle
>Second mast topples over the grille that leads to the under decks
>White tentacles rise up out of the water to envelop the ship, Minotaur captain is furious, and bellows to her shipmates
>Massive tentacle envelops the captain and drags her off the side of the boat into the azure sea below
>Ship begins to slowly sink
>Deck is now devoid of life, some sailors got shredded by loose ropes and falling rigging
>Others already jumped into the sea
>You hear cries for help as you see your family trapped under the wooden grille
>The water is up to their waists
>Suddenly a Kraken appears on deck
>She asks you whether you want to go down with the ship, and drown with your family
>Or whether you'd rather live together with her in the black abyss under the waves
>You take a look at your wife and child struggling for air
>You beg the kraken to help you lift the mast off of the grille and let them out
>She agrees to it, but only if you join her in the blackness
>You accept, and she Quickly envelops you with her tentacles and drags you into the ocean
>Your wife and child left to die below decks
>She begins giggling softly, and whispers how you two are going to be alone, and spend a lot of quality time together, and no whores from a past life will come between you
>You try to drown yourself because of the sorrow, but death does not come, as you find the kraken has given you the ability to breathe water

>> No.20872672
Quoted by: >>20873027

Oh, but he'll still hear it. most of that noise would be coming from you, but still.

>> No.20872726
File: 2.68 MB, 1730x2500, ENG018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872843

Hey buddy, I think you're lost. >>>/tg/ is over there.

>> No.20872737

Lizardgirls are always great, but I can't tell what kind she is. "Drops their tale" narrows it down, but that still leaves a few thousand possibilities.

Could you imagine an Argentine Tegu lizardgirl? Big, sharp-witted, personable, and very strong with sharp claws.

>> No.20872739
Quoted by: >>20873366

Is she living in the undead kingdom?

>> No.20872771
Quoted by: >>20872954

I can say with some certainty that nobody would want to read a story I wrote.

>> No.20872843
Quoted by: >>20872866

How old even is greentext? I prefer the one where a kraken destroys the ship a man worked hard to get, and in return he tells her to break her ship-in-a-bottle collection to prove her devotion.

>> No.20872850 [DELETED] 

>Kakuen [6] blocked your path!
>"Lead us back to your camp and we'll at least let you keep your stuff afterwards."

>> No.20872856

These types of incidents would have to be rare or otherwise everyone would have switched over to airships.

>> No.20872862
File: 672 KB, 2500x1924, 1549177365248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so fucked, they even have a spellcaster.

>> No.20872866
File: 962 KB, 3508x2480, 1473198278076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it originated when /mgt/ was still on /a/.

>> No.20872871
File: 94 KB, 1510x903, monstergirl fairy tale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember that era.

>> No.20872876

A Swinecaster! A Porklock! A Wizpig!

>> No.20872877
Quoted by: >>20874217

In his defense, the original greentext was made before KC clarified that the ratio of men to women in the MGE world was heavily skewed towards men.

>> No.20872887

>tfw waterworld
Where'd the time all go, lads?

>> No.20872897
Quoted by: >>20872913

Like it matters; all you have to do is challenge the leader to ritual combat and shove your head into her tits at the first opportunity. Even if you "lose," you have, in fact, won. Dumb wifepigs.

>> No.20872908
File: 333 KB, 1195x977, Bui!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875537

Those P'Orcs have been hitting the gym!

>> No.20872909
Quoted by: >>20872921

Mosters won't be able to get past 2 RUBIX cubes!

>> No.20872913
Quoted by: >>20872984


>Implying you won't at least have to fight her second before making it up to her

I'm betting it's the big one with the hammer.

>> No.20872921
Quoted by: >>20872927

Why 2?

>> No.20872923
File: 53 KB, 169x168, 1436384839993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be monster lover
> sign up to Paladin academy as a cunning ruse to get a free trip to the Demon Realm for high-class rape
> instructors are grizzled badass combat veterans and firebrand pulpit-pounding preachers
> learn all about great theologians, courageous martyrs, and the infinite love the Goddess has for mankind
> find yourself becoming legitimately pissed off that monsters are trying to tear down the glorious heritage of thousands of years
> field trip to the site of a monster attack
> see the devastation caused by them first-hand
> the empty homes, the crying women whose husbands have been kidnapped, the churches smashed, their religious icons defaced with monster pentagrams
> orthodoxy intensifies
> graduation time
> shipping out to the front
> realise you're not a monster lover any more

This did not go according to keikaku

>> No.20872925 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself out of >>>/jp/

>> No.20872927
Quoted by: >>20872950

Because nobody has the patience for 2 rubix cubes

>> No.20872930
File: 327 KB, 1485x2475, 6yIWVSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20872931
File: 475 KB, 1217x6353, 1524756036869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove monsters

>> No.20872941
Quoted by: >>20872964

Time traveller be gone, leave the shit content in the past.

>> No.20872948

>Implying this is a loss

>> No.20872950

Gargoyle-Chan takes your challenge!

>> No.20872954

Fuck off with your pity party shit faggocks

>> No.20872958

>hook up with a Succubus prostitute
>fall in love and marry said Succubus
>she continues to work as a prostitute when we're married
>mainly servicing male orcs for cheap, with the one rule that she has to film it
>I get to beat off to her screwing those nasty orcs, sometimes going as far as having 20 of them at once
>she gets the ultimate pleasure from being gangbanged by those massive orc cocks
>she does it all as well: scat, golden showers, you name it
>she still makes sure to screw me daily as well
>one day she sets up to have 100 orcs screw her, the entire tribe
>she gets so addicted to their cocks that she leaves me for good
>but she made sure to send me that video along with a note saying she's ok
>every night I get off to the fact that she is having the time of her life
>she still sends me videos of her getting screwed by them every week out of love
>on occasion she visits me once every month or so, for a quick screw because she sometimes misses me
>but she always makes sure to note that my cock is nothing compared to those orcs
>mine and her wildest dreams have been fulfilled

>> No.20872964

It's even the same pic filename!

>> No.20872965


>> No.20872968

don't reply to these

>> No.20872973

>Especially when you're either holding on to her buttocks or hoisting her legs up with your arms.
That would be a good position to slowly lower a monstergirl loli onto your dick.

Speaking of the logistics of missionary with a small girl, it wouldn't be that difficult. And of course the best way to do it would be a position where you're staying more upright, so you have a good view of her body and the way you're bulging her slim stomach. Or let the dominance and size difference guide your cock, and mating press and prone bone her against the bed.

>> No.20872974
File: 125 KB, 768x1024, 1545267596455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20873442

>Succ riding you in amazon position
>Shoves her THICC spade tail up your bussy
>Gives your prostate a thorough massage
>Each thrust she reaches deeper inside your bussy
>Her tail is almost entirely inside
>The pleasure is so intense
>Her tail induces orgasm after orgasm
>Her womb is bloated with your cum
>After hours of fucking she finally settles down
>She pulls your cock out of her pussy and cuddle up with you
>She leaves her tail inside your bussy as burrow your face into her massive mammaries
>You both fall asleep in each other's arms
>Her tail squirming around inside you all the while

>> No.20872979
File: 603 KB, 800x847, 1550705546346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20872989

Don't focus on shitposters, focus on tits.

>> No.20872981 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x1920, 1550773683038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to hold my waifu hand in public!

>> No.20872984
Quoted by: >>20873000

What, she's not woman enough to take me on directly? She has to wear me down before taking my challenge? I thought h'orcs were fierce, courageous warriors, not giant, STINKING cowards!

There we go. If Romance of the Three Kingdoms has taught me one thing it's that insulting the enemy general until they do something dumb is always a good idea.

>> No.20872989
File: 104 KB, 850x739, 55796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875207

gonna ply her with sake and back massages

>> No.20873000
Quoted by: >>20873138


>Anon throws down the gauntlet. The High Orc herself finally picks up her sword and steps forward, seemingly to engage him in the combat that will restore her honor.
>She just walks calmly up to him and whispers, My husband used the same strategy. Have fun with my daughters.

>> No.20873001

Goddamn somebodies grumpy! Death? Order sympathy? Ntr? Even prostate shit! I've never seen so many hooks in the water before! Report and ignore!

>> No.20873010
Quoted by: >>20873015


>> No.20873015

What do you mean? Me or him?

>> No.20873019 [DELETED] 

Normal Woman:
>Will love you for who you are (If you aren't rich/Wealthy)
>Has hobbies and interests
>Can be a bro,
>Doesn't have dicks on her mind 24/7
>Probably has a good education
>Good for family cohesion
>Lets you stay human
>Sense of achievement after successful serenade

>Loves you because you have a dick
>Can't bro it up with you
>Hobbies include sucking dicks and being a breathing onahole
>Some shitty education from a "rape college" or a "college of further sexual studies" or some shit
>Women turning into monstergirls can tear families apart
>Sister won't bro it up with you any more because all she thinks about is fucking her husband, because monstergirls don't care about anyone who isn't their husband
>Dad doesn't have time for bonding because your mother is too busy fucking him over and over
>Becoming a subhuman incubus
>No sense of achievement, because the serenade is the words: lets fuck

>> No.20873026

What part of IGNORE don’t you understand? Stop baiting him back you shithead.

>> No.20873027


>> No.20873030
Quoted by: >>20873049

>Goddamn somebodies grumpy!
Oh fuck here come the fairy police. Everybody act happy!

>> No.20873035 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20873281

>Monster girl drugs her husband's ale or drink with the Theriomorphosis Potion
>Rather than turn into a furry, he gains increased muscle mass and body hair that would make even a Canadian lumberjack swoon
>The male pheromones his cock gives off are so powerful that she can feel herself wetting at the idea of it driving into her
>One side effect, however, is his nails become long and claw-like, as do his canine teeth. But she's more worried over the fact that he's able to smell her arousal like a bear smells menstruation
>Her mind's going blank at the thick, musky male pheromones coming off of his ramrod cock, angry and rosy red in the glans, with thick veins pulsing as it grows to a Godly endowment
>The rest of the night goes by like a drugged haze, her husband fucking her like mad, howling like a demon. He scares her at one point, gripping her buttocks hard enough to nearly draw blood as he fills her with child.
>She's bathing in the afterglow, panting and shivering in the chill winter air, expecting her husband to force more bestial lust onto her
>He just hugs her close, putting her face directly on his barrel chest muscles and now quite hairy chest
>The last thing she hears before she drifts off to a well-earned sleep is
"Shh, my love. Warm yourself on my fleecy wool."
>The next morning she wakes up to a pile of animal furs as high as a long rifle and a mountain of waffles drowning in maple syrup

>> No.20873049

I want a cute group of fairies to teach the true meaning of happiness: tiny fairy pussy

>> No.20873106
File: 93 KB, 500x594, 63182235_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normal Woman:
>Will love you for who you are (If you aren't rich/Wealthy)

>> No.20873107 [DELETED] 

What would you do if your waifu got ligma and the only way to save her life was to suck the Demon Lord's husband's unbelievably girthy, veiny cock until you have swallowed no less than 23 of his salty loads?

>> No.20873116

Why isn't this retard banned.

>> No.20873122

>not even posting the full version
Come on, shitposting is bad enough but lazy shitposting is just insulting.

>> No.20873124

Not enough people reporting him? Also most of his posts are new IP’s

>> No.20873135
File: 1.01 MB, 1218x1648, NvSPM9Nk_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to get the mods to act these days is to
A. Insult them
B. Post explicit images on a blue board-gotta keep the advertisers happy, you know.

>> No.20873138

Alright, the naked oil strategem it is, then.

>> No.20873145 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1544588776172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now the property of the pickle people. Kill yourselves now, you monster loving virgins.

>> No.20873158
File: 204 KB, 1131x1600, 1542376575061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big, busty Jingkos in big, fluffy sweaters who warm up their men on cold days by grabbing the bottoms of their shirts, raising them up, and sliding them over their heads so they're trapped between soft, warm wool and softer, warmer titty

>> No.20873161

>That pic
Fuck off

>> No.20873172
Quoted by: >>20873178

Getting some massive Krekk0v vibes from this.

>> No.20873174

I want a Jinko that’s embarrassed by her massive kitty titties

>> No.20873178
Quoted by: >>20873192

Hmm, interesting.

>> No.20873192
File: 185 KB, 818x1200, Bigbuffpupperpuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20873193

When you take into consideration the size ratio between her pectorals/mammary glands and how Olympian that Jinko's abdomen is, yes. I'd say that it's a fair comparison between Melon and Krekk0v.

For instance, this is the latter's primary girl, Felicia.

>> No.20873193

I was more talking about that Goth girl he's got in his pinned tweet.

>> No.20873211

Hypothetically if you could convince KC to create an Onee-Sabbath type organisation how would you like it to be organised?

>> No.20873228

The reverse than the sabbath

>> No.20873278
Quoted by: >>20873284

True lolis are infinitely better than gross old hags in denial. Nothing could compare to the real thing!

>> No.20873281

Fuck off Bollocks

>> No.20873284
Quoted by: >>20873289

All lolis are good and deserve a loving devoted onii-chan.

>> No.20873289
Quoted by: >>20873292

But how can she call you onii-chan if she’s 50 times your age?

>> No.20873292

Imoutou is a state of mind anon.

>> No.20873305

>sees you as nothing more than a sperm bank
>loves you, but doesn't respect you at all
>always a rapey slut with a twisted sense of morality
>all your free time is spent with her; no time to engage in any interests you have

Normal Woman:
>sees you as nothing more than a wallet
>pretends to share your interests in order to make herself seem legit
>Usually either a spoiled dumbass or a brainwashed feminist
>will divorce you and take half your shit once she's bored of you

You can't win once you're Thotsiezed.

>> No.20873315
Quoted by: >>20873320

Why are you still replying, stupid?

>> No.20873320
Quoted by: >>20873323

I'm new to this thread.

>> No.20873323
Quoted by: >>20873331

Lurk more and have some common sense please.

>> No.20873328

I wish there was an older mg complaining about the younger generation of mgs.

>> No.20873331

I mean as in new to THIS particular thread, not /mgg/.

>> No.20873332

So, what I'm getting from the lessons here is that the best way is to be gay?

>> No.20873336
Quoted by: >>20873338

Just make it the Sabbath but with titties. Organize the various chapters around onee archetypes.

That gets you turned into an MG... or still paired with one. There is no escape.

>> No.20873337

You don't have to. Just don't get married.

>> No.20873338
Quoted by: >>20873362

I was thinking Gyaru, Goth, Muscle and something else.

>> No.20873341
File: 315 KB, 850x1133, sample_2dc01e30a14eebe8d5b86fbec92d4b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20873374

Go Paladin.

>> No.20873343

The lesson is not to give attention to obvious trolls.

>> No.20873349
File: 207 KB, 752x1062, 4648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge an Oni to a drinking contest? Yes, or Yes?

>> No.20873354
Quoted by: >>20873360

I don't drink alcohol

>> No.20873355
Quoted by: >>20873395

>all your free time is spent with her; no time to engage in any interests you have.
You seem new to MGE in general, Both monsters and incubi have hobbies and do work if they want to. There is various items like sticky mushrooms that talk about being used to help keep her husbands mana in them when away for longer times when one of them has to be away for work or if they are in the demon lord's army.

>> No.20873360

>implying she wouldn't force you to drink

>> No.20873362
Quoted by: >>20873380

Those aren't really nee-san archetypes. Try responsible, yankee, ditzy and doting.

>> No.20873365
Quoted by: >>20873372

>having an Oni rimjob sake into your butt
Shameful butt-chug.

>> No.20873366
Quoted by: >>20873440

There's a Succubus in every region.

Has there been art of a winter kingdom Succubus in fluffy coats?

>> No.20873372
Quoted by: >>20873376

I'd prefer and aggressive non consensual snowball

>> No.20873374
Quoted by: >>20873388

>all those order paladins who lost
Holy fuck how bad you are if you can't even bubblestone.

hell yes, but only if I win my prize is to drink from her abs.

>> No.20873376


>> No.20873380

Yankee onee-sabbath sounds fun.

>> No.20873382

I mean, if you see yourself living a boring life in the future, then you might not have anything to lose.

>> No.20873388
Quoted by: >>20873440

>but only if I win my prize is to drink from her abs.
of course! but if you lose, you get enslaved!

>> No.20873395
File: 256 KB, 843x1200, ezgif-1-1d6e41831183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That information has been out for years now. Anti-MGEfags simply refuse to process any info that doesn't fit their view of MGE.

>> No.20873398
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1683, blueni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Her favorite position ends up being face-to-face with her legs coiled around you and her hands gripping your face so that you can't look away from her as she gently bucks her hips. No matter how hard you thrust you can't budge her. You can only whimper and sigh and make the sounds that she finds cute as she admires the expressions you make. Sex with her is always soft, slow, and gentle...and yet she makes you feel absolutely powerless.

>> No.20873402
Quoted by: >>20873471

She doesn't love me then

>> No.20873418
File: 146 KB, 378x500, brown cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20873425

Her milk better taste like chocolate.
If it doesn't, I'm going to sprinkle cocoa powder on her tits and try again.

>> No.20873427

Drinking Chocolate milk straight from the tap.

>> No.20873431
Quoted by: >>20873470

How now?

>> No.20873434
Quoted by: >>20873452

Wonder often and in what way she'd react to being confused with a minotaur?

>> No.20873440

I would be really interested in a regional meeting of succubi. There would be so many variations to choose from.

I would prefer a partnership with her, and start our own distillery.

>> No.20873441

As great as monstergirls and the stories about them are, little blurbs where the MC goes full DEUS VULT are also fun to read sometimes.

>> No.20873442

This one is actually hot though

>> No.20873444
File: 558 KB, 900x1200, b4b03469a226e16c8467a55a76d026ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gyaru cows

>> No.20873451

t. incel

>> No.20873452
File: 141 KB, 844x1200, x2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to drink a Minotaur's high-protein milk as a post-workout shake ;__;

>> No.20873461

It’s hard for them to not be obvious. Between the big hands and sunlight sensitivity, she’s kind of easy to see.

>> No.20873470
File: 43 KB, 300x356, 1480365274121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20873471

Same here.

>> No.20873476

I'm scared.

>> No.20873487
File: 284 KB, 1260x1800, 1413832066428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you don't deny them their dickings they're pretty calm.

>> No.20873493
Quoted by: >>20873498

Such a nice moo

>> No.20873497

But, like, do you know how many dickings a gyaru cow would demand a day? It'd totally be super hard to keep up.

>> No.20873498
File: 109 KB, 581x822, 1449178671232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20873503

In such a shit manga

>> No.20873499

So they won't tease me?

>> No.20873503

I enjoy it and her abs

>> No.20873517
Quoted by: >>20873535

>"Hey, what're you waiting for? You know time is money."
>"I know you want to feel me up, after all, you'd been staring at me ever since I got on the train."
>"Eh... ? A slut?"
>"How rude! Perhaps I should teach you some manners."
>"Don't worry, onee-san will show you a woman's body."
>" 'We're the same age'? Pfft! Ha ha ha! You're so pure! I just makes me want to make you mine even more!"
>"Hey, hey. Did you know Holstaur breast milk gives human guys the biggest wood? Well, did you?"
>"Here, I'll make you a deal, cutie."
>"You milk me, and I'll repay you back. How does that sound?"
>"Hahaha! 'Milk you with what'? Your mouth, of course! After all... When you're done milking me.. I'm going to milk you <3"

>> No.20873535

I need an adult.

>> No.20873549
Quoted by: >>20873562

That cow has some chub

>> No.20873562
Quoted by: >>20873571

If she didn't, all that hard slutting around she does would result in a wave of bruised pelvises.

>> No.20873571

>Implying shes not a pure gyaru.

>> No.20873576
File: 830 KB, 1265x841, 4364374278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your farmer parents have arranged you a marriage with 4 of the daughters of your neighbor farmer. After the wedding night, you'll be given new lands to start your new farm. Choose any combination of sheeps and minos you want.

>> No.20873584
Quoted by: >>20873587

I choose all of them, fuck your rules

>> No.20873585

Sheeps 6 and 7
Minos 1 and 4

>> No.20873586

The only moo i need is Luto because she's a cinnamon roll drizzled with the the most pure cream.

>> No.20873587

High IQ

>> No.20873593
File: 449 KB, 879x985, sukeboni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monstergirl delinquents
>MG sukeban gang wars

>A love triangle results in a legendary turf war between the Kongo High Onis and the Tamana Girls High Kitsune
>Onis start making deals with some of the scummier 'unmentionable' gangs like the Ibari Alley Oomukades and the Three Beasts of Fukuoka High (Ushi-Oni triplets who are said to be as strong as three gangs put together)
>Kitsunes make contracts with the rich Danuki girls who also happen to have ties with the Kunoichis of Koyo Gakuin High, a secret society so mysterious that even some gang leaders doubt they exist at all.

>The guy who the gang leaders are fighting over has no clue whatsoever. Neither of them have so much as spoken to him let alone asked him out.

>> No.20873599

4? I'll just take cow 1

>> No.20873602
File: 402 KB, 1000x844, 1495172509760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rooting for the oni here

>> No.20873605

Sheep 7 four times a day.

>> No.20873648

Loli wans or big titty wans anon?

>> No.20873654

Big titty wans in constant heat!

>> No.20873661


>> No.20873665
Quoted by: >>20873744

One of each!

>> No.20873706 [SPOILER] 
File: 219 KB, 728x1130, 1550784447977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some MGs were just made to bully.

>> No.20873744

younger and older sister!

>> No.20873766

Sheep 3,7, and 9, cow 2. This feels like some kind of reverse dowry.

>> No.20873791
File: 1.10 MB, 1450x3400, 1529799292048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we spend enough time discussing breasts and butts, but what are your thoughts on legs?

>> No.20873796

Legs are better than ass and tits
Want those legs to choke me out honestly

>> No.20873819
File: 67 KB, 640x722, 1550049008683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to skip ahead of the impending conversation and just post this.

>> No.20873826

2nd one only. Everyone goes after puppies, but the real good girls are the older ones in need of love.

>> No.20873834
File: 681 KB, 1110x1400, thighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like shapely loli thighs.

>> No.20873841

What impending conversation?
Legs are the wise man's choice

>> No.20873844
Quoted by: >>20873912

Speaking of this, what mgs would appeal to "long, slender legs" the best?
A-asking for this guy... >>20873796

>> No.20873855
File: 241 KB, 982x860, 1550507418756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the big bad evil gals always wear the skimpiest armor?

>> No.20873860

>strap on hipbone
The ultimate attractor.

>> No.20873872
Quoted by: >>20873946

Because there's always a chance the hero will fall for them and or the hero's less scrupulous party members.

>> No.20873912

I'll take "corset pushing boobs up" and "huge sitting ass," with a side of "thigh fangs/vagina bones" for desert.

I feel like this would work for a good number of the zipangu girls. Just imagine a kitsune with impossibly long legs, well-proportioned hips and the fluff to back it all up.

>> No.20873946
File: 45 KB, 375x600, ezgif-1-cc94d5b4d6fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20873972

>the hero will fall for them and or the hero's less scrupulous party members

>> No.20873972
File: 883 KB, 1793x992, Barb bipedals horsepussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bicorns have the sexiest fashion. I think it's because of the implication that they are lewd girls who like threesomes and such.

>> No.20873989
File: 111 KB, 774x1000, dff89188f9acd6f8b64c1f584f22aeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I recognize that butt.

>> No.20873997
Quoted by: >>20874114


Where's my 'knee-length sundress with nothing underneath' option?

>> No.20874016
Quoted by: >>20874151

I would rather have a super slutty loli Unicorn that is joined Kuro's Sabbath and completely devoted to becoming as lewd as possible for her husband as she is to monogamy.

>> No.20874085
Quoted by: >>20874132

What is best about Ojou monsters?

>> No.20874114

Where's the "white knee-length sundress with nothing underneath on a monstergirl loli with an exotic skin color and there's unexpected rain that day" option?

>> No.20874132
Quoted by: >>20874162

Their amazement at unfamiliar low class foods like hamburgers.

>> No.20874151
File: 140 KB, 1135x1200, Bicorn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874207

I want turn a Unicorn into a Bicorn by not being a virgin then only keep her in a monogamous relationship never cheating on her ever and shooting down any attempts at a threeway or getting another wife

>> No.20874162

And then she offers to buy the restaurant.

>> No.20874165
File: 183 KB, 1451x957, DNg9LlRW4AAr5ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874843

But if they're bipedal, then it's not horsepussy.

>> No.20874185
Quoted by: >>20874231

What happens when a skinny or fat guy walks into MGC gym?

>> No.20874187

Right is a million times more lewd than left.

>> No.20874197
File: 806 KB, 650x2291, heavenpup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874228

>> No.20874207

She'll make sure another girl raped you.

>> No.20874212

this greentext bothers me for reasons

>> No.20874217

>the ratio of men to women in the MGE world was heavily skewed towards men
>when mamono can only birth women


>> No.20874220
Quoted by: >>20874241

Airships are a thing in MGE?

>> No.20874228

Worthless as a hound!

>> No.20874230
Quoted by: >>20874238


>A tidbit of knowledge about the encyclopedia world: As for the sex ratio of humans born in the encyclopedia world, it seems there are more men! Of course, when fighting wars with the monsters of old who were not monster girls, or fighting against fellow humans, more men lost their lives than women, and perhaps for that reason, it seems the birth rate has naturally adjusted in that manner. The power of living things is incredible!


>A tidbit of knowledge about the encyclopedia world: And even now that the number of men dying has decreased since monsters became monster girls and Poseidon, who used to cause shipwrecks, went on strike, the birth ratio is still the same, so there's an incredible surplus of men among humans. And the monster girls are overjoyed that they're able to get those left out men. Whoopee!
Basically, to compensate for higher mortality rates in men during the age of the former demon lords, the birthrate in humans is heavily skewed towards males.

>> No.20874231
Quoted by: >>20874244

Don't know, all I know is I may eye up the strongfat girls.

>> No.20874233

Population-wise: Human Men > Human Women >>>> Monsters > Incubi

>> No.20874236

That's why he made it like that so that there will always be more men for new monsters. There is no huge war open war between the demon lord and the order. Most order people have never seen a monster. There are so many men because in world the old cycle of death had human being culled by the original inhuman monsters and it was usually men that were sent to fight so the setting had a skewed birth rate which still exists in the new era.

>> No.20874238

>Basically, to compensate for higher mortality rates in men during the age of the former demon lords, the birthrate in humans is heavily skewed towards males.

How the fuck does that work?

>> No.20874241
Quoted by: >>20874245

Wouldn't really be a JRPG setting without airships of some kind. Even if it's just krakens and mersharks in sky pirate cosplay riding balloons through the air.

>> No.20874242
Quoted by: >>20874248

It's because most monsters can't make babies as easily as humans can.

>> No.20874244
File: 395 KB, 1920x2568, 6023f2ca1035ed363dcf95eaac3b0a89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874253

Top tier fetish right there

>> No.20874245

I can think up a couple of JRPGs without any airships.

>> No.20874246

Humans are not naturally evolved creatures but magical creations by the gods. Things don't have to work the same.

>> No.20874248

Ah, like elves.

>> No.20874253

Strong enough to be a threat/protect
Soft enough to cuddle.

>> No.20874267
File: 205 KB, 1200x848, kinkymation-677731-Lamia_Lust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20874269
Quoted by: >>20874275

I prefer my lamias blonde or purple.

>> No.20874275
Quoted by: >>20874286

I prefer mine THICK and pregnant

>> No.20874276


>> No.20874286

I can help with the pregnant part!

>> No.20874293

I want to praise Hathor and be thankful for the soft, bouncy gifts she has given us.

>> No.20874299

Praise be!
Through her gifts even the flattest girl can become ready to bear children

>> No.20874320
File: 725 KB, 2265x2963, mge_no_mercy_by_cerberus123_dd0bezm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20874345

Wait, there's a narrative to these? I thought they were just assorted scribbles.

>> No.20874347
File: 1.35 MB, 1004x1524, 66662135_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to praise the sun and call her a good girl.

>> No.20874396

he splits it between rando shit and this little story

>> No.20874402

>Pharaoh sentencing apophis' husband to death
>Apophis decides she'd rather die with her husband than take over the kingdom
Pretty much sums how shitty pharaohs are and how great apophises are.

>> No.20874532
File: 664 KB, 850x1100, 1548600264847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pharaoh ever sentencing anyone to death
>Implying the Demon Lord wouldn't bring the hammer down and grape her herself if she even tried to execute anyone
>Implying the Pharaoh wouldn't much rather use the Apophis by forcing her to marry her husband's brother or cousin
>Then she would make the Apophis her spymaster and send her off to grape unruly and undeserving Pharaohs and take their Kingdoms under her rule, expanding her influence
Remember to keep your friends close and your enemies closer

>> No.20874541
File: 67 KB, 300x300, 16470831_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean yeah, if you trust random shit that has MGs behave nothing like MGs, then sure.

>> No.20874553

Ice Queens are the cutest, I want to hug her and turn her into a big teddy bear cuddlebug behind the scenes!

>> No.20874575
File: 221 KB, 595x842, Dz2zpwHVYAE5m6w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20874578
File: 217 KB, 800x1000, j9ntjLW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874585

i wanna make a rata flood her tail with juice

>> No.20874583
Quoted by: >>20874625

What if the pharoah was executing a mass murderer sociopath like a school shooter or something

>> No.20874585

I want a rata with disproportionately massive breasts.

>> No.20874596

Pharaoh is so smart! She is the best

>> No.20874609
Quoted by: >>20874613

I mean, they should really all be that way to balance out their tails. It only makes sense.

>> No.20874610
File: 538 KB, 1000x1414, d3bff1b578b08de1e2c004b9a279d186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just gotta look a little beyond.

>> No.20874613

Of course!
The bigger her tail, the bigger her chest!
It all makes sense now!

>> No.20874614

>Implying KC has even a basic understanding of biology
Come now anon, you know as well as I do that he has to come up with shit like this to keep his porn world stable. Dont look too deeply into it

>> No.20874625
File: 32 KB, 234x167, MindFlayer35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be letting them off easy for a crime as heinous as murder. The Pharaoh would undoubtley see to resurrecting those that died before their time, as for the criminal she would see them purged of such thoughts by banishing them to a nice cozy Mindflayer cave

>> No.20874637

I wonder when he's gonna get to lescatie with this plot?
it hasn't fallen yet apparently

>> No.20874649
Quoted by: >>20874661

Big breasts but tailet

>> No.20874661
File: 3.05 MB, 1280x1810, 66472766_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss.

>> No.20874681
File: 375 KB, 1384x993, extra~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20874697
Quoted by: >>20874706

Why does she need an acorn that big anyway?

>> No.20874706
File: 1.18 MB, 1475x1191, investigation application.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes nuts

>> No.20874712
Quoted by: >>20874782

A little known fact is that Ratas are size queens

>> No.20874721

>Look how wet I am...
>Don't hold back now...

>> No.20874724

need to megamorphosis a rata

>> No.20874738
Quoted by: >>20874755

>Rat takes a therio and mega potion mixture
>Her mofu grows three times that day
>A giant, musky mofu that attracts the co-worker she always wanted to go out with
>His face when her mofu is wrapped around him while she uses his head as a boob rest

>> No.20874742

What if it only affects her tail?

>> No.20874744
File: 1.23 MB, 992x1403, succubus05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need me an experienced waifu.

What five girls are most likely to have screwed around a bit before settling on one guy?

>> No.20874752
File: 139 KB, 372x492, VXjCrytO_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20874753
File: 92 KB, 720x512, 30_rat02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see a problem

>> No.20874755

They'll make bigger Ratas and bigger tails, and soon, they will make a Rata with a tail so big, it will destroy them all!

>> No.20874759
File: 790 KB, 768x1024, 68736762_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874840

Indentured servitude to my cute demon wife!

>> No.20874766
Quoted by: >>20874800

>get ambushed by a Succubus
>she samples your goods
>Mhmm good...but not great...at least for me...
>Tell me...do you have a thing for ____?
>Points you in the direction of your perfect match

>> No.20874782

That's a shame as I have a small penis.

>> No.20874788

Succubi (pretty much the entire family), wine goats, oni, nurarihyon and kejourou all seem likely.

>> No.20874797
File: 270 KB, 2455x1385, DbD23_PUQAAQnuO.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna bully you for that. She'll try and make you cum with just her tail. Hell she might get addicted to bullying you. Would you like that? A little Ratatoskr bullying you with her big fluffy tail each and every day? I bet you would like that. I bet you would.

>> No.20874800

He never said which size she was a queen for. Small girls with a fetish for small dicks!

If all MG didn't seem to have some kind of husband-sensing ability built right in, this is something I could believe succubi would do.

>> No.20874832

144p bait

>> No.20874840
Quoted by: >>20874854

Indentured servitude to her cute human husband!

>> No.20874843
File: 1.43 MB, 3571x3508, chocolate crabpussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just my catch-all term for hooved centaur types. I use the same suffix for other taur types too sometimes.

>> No.20874854

That's basically a faustian bargain. Can't go wrong with the classics.

>> No.20874903

Drop some truly terrifying monster girl combinations.

I'll start:
>Cheshire cat and sandworm

>> No.20874907
Quoted by: >>20875052

Ushi-oni and Ushi-oni

>> No.20874914

Jinko cheshire

>> No.20874920

Would go down on her

>> No.20874925
File: 2.32 MB, 1536x2048, ushihellcorephomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20874926
Quoted by: >>20874973

Do vampires prefer coffins to trap husband below or comfy beds?

>> No.20874927

Cu Sith and Titania

>> No.20874947

>Vampire greenworm
>ghoul sandworm
>titania queen slime
>large mouse dragon

>> No.20874963 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.43 MB, 2178x5000, 1550803217151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still Sabbath Scout season. Don't forget to buy some cookies from your local scouts.

>> No.20874968
File: 120 KB, 944x1092, DthaR-3V4AAH0J4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874978

Drink your tea.

>> No.20874973
Quoted by: >>20874979

I am now thinking about Yupiel

>> No.20874976
File: 1022 KB, 500x1500, 1550654105474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20874989

>> No.20874978

But I'd rather drink hers.

>> No.20874979
File: 155 KB, 718x722, smugvamp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875000

I think about her every day, and how I want every Baphomet to behave like her.

>> No.20874989

She should clean up that room.

>> No.20874995

That outfit would be adorable if it weren't for the yucky KDF degeneracy.

>> No.20875000
Quoted by: >>20875009

It'd be kinda weird if you had, say, Runya with that attitude though.

>> No.20875008
Quoted by: >>20875026

Queen Slime and Skeleton

>> No.20875009
File: 98 KB, 535x339, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875020

I was more referring to baseline Baphomets, really. There's nothing hotter when it comes to loli monsters than those that know they've fully corrupted your spirit when you're giving them the dick and completely enraptured by them.

>> No.20875019
File: 729 KB, 1703x1668, 1550501915511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875047

>> No.20875020
File: 94 KB, 700x777, 1536035597570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think we entirely agree on that one, then.

>> No.20875026

You're gonna have to explain to me how this one is terrifying

>> No.20875043

Not him but everytime she splits one (1) bone comes off. Eventually bones get stretched thin and you have slimes walking around with a tooth or a piece of finger floating in their center.

>> No.20875045

Instead of slime it's bones
so many bones

>> No.20875047
File: 60 KB, 685x638, 32282174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fits far more than it should.
Granted, Ran plays part-time sea anemone as it is.

>> No.20875052


>> No.20875055
File: 184 KB, 500x500, 70306851.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.20875056

Jabberwock echidna,the pinnacle of lewdness and breeding

>> No.20875072
Quoted by: >>20875080

A Holstaur and another Holstaur!

>> No.20875080

I raise you a Holstaur and a Minotaur

>> No.20875089

wouldn't buy a single cookie from somebody looking like that

>> No.20875091

Question for you and the thread: would you let your daughteru join the Sabbath Scouts?

>> No.20875102


>> No.20875108

Seeing as it's my daughteru who got posted, yes.

>> No.20875118

No way dude.

>> No.20875130

Not a snowball's chance.

>> No.20875134

Only if it's the not sexual sabbath scouts.

>> No.20875142
File: 348 KB, 1297x1200, gao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875153

Depends heavily on the branch in question.

>> No.20875153
Quoted by: >>20875203

That Heckpup is getting ear scritches

>> No.20875183

i wanna instantly lose to a devil's home cooking and anus

>> No.20875189

Loli buttholes are the perfect thing to make out with after a long difficult day.

>> No.20875197

Honestly, just getting comfy and taking a nap with a loli of any species would be the best thing after work

>> No.20875202
Quoted by: >>20875206

yes, they also make excellent huggy pillows.

>> No.20875203
Quoted by: >>20875206

She'll growl at you, but she's not gonna stop you.
In fact stopping is probably a bad idea.

>> No.20875204
Quoted by: >>20875210

i'd have a puppy and familiar in either arm

>> No.20875206

Good, cause she's getting pulled into my lap for more scritches.

That they do.
Especially the chubby ones.

>> No.20875207
Quoted by: >>20875210

Wagyu Holstaurs are probably strongfat from all those massages and alcohol.

>> No.20875209
File: 94 KB, 1000x441, 1505684805334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snuggle Scouts only, they're wholesome

>> No.20875210

Why not a puppy familiar?

And that makes them cute, also probably haughty

>> No.20875213
Quoted by: >>20875376

>Why not a puppy familiar?
That's only after they learn the fusion dance anon.

>> No.20875218

Hakutaku and Crow Tengu.

>> No.20875220
File: 269 KB, 748x1145, 1537769548329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's for special times with her friend/co-wife

>> No.20875222

If you impregnate them in that form, do they both come out pregnant or are they stuck there?

>> No.20875223

Friendly reminder that loli anuses (and monstergirl anuses in general) were designed specifically to give and receive pleasure as their one true function. They also make excellent cum storage!

>> No.20875233

i'm honestly not sure which i'd prefer

>> No.20875243
File: 479 KB, 3600x1200, gazer nuclearwasabi censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few very nice wife commissions in today, lots of butt focus.

>> No.20875247

What if only one of them gets pregnant, but when they fuse the other can take over carrying the baby?

>> No.20875249

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, try to relax as much as you can when ill, your constitution probably can't take much rough stuff in bed....or in the hallway...or on the couch

>> No.20875251

Gremlin and Redcap.

>> No.20875254

butts are magical

>> No.20875255

Would be odd but I imagine the one who isn't pregnant would hate the feeling of not having a young one in her.
Furious babymaking will then occur.

>> No.20875258
File: 38 KB, 640x492, Excuse me miss, professional Owl Inspector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always check your Owls.

>> No.20875277

What for?

>> No.20875279

I want to do this to an owl mage.

>> No.20875286

Gotta check her breast size.

>> No.20875287
Quoted by: >>20875295

Just gotta check there's an Owl under all that floof.

>> No.20875295

If there wasn't, you'd already be wrist deep in an itan momen, anyway.

>> No.20875307
File: 1.05 MB, 1245x1566, 1550373149442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that no matter how many tails a Kitsune has, she'll always be weak to headpats

>> No.20875312

Get the hell out of this thread ace.

>> No.20875313

Imagine a Dark Matter Genie. Almost enough to make a man genuflect.

>> No.20875314
File: 246 KB, 727x754, 134764573435543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875461

Your Succumom is dancing to her old Madonna CDs again.


>> No.20875317
File: 405 KB, 1350x1275, 1536688962280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fer tiddy

>> No.20875355
Quoted by: >>20875365

They stay together for the whole pregnancy and pop out twins then split

>> No.20875365
Quoted by: >>20875386

I'd imagine they'd have to cuddle and be near each other a lot after being so incredibly close for almost a year.

>> No.20875368

Does a fusion familiar speak with both girls' voices at the same time? This is important.

>> No.20875376
Quoted by: >>20875381

Imagine the efficacy of a puppy's pheromones and ability to take in their cunnylusted onii-chan while fused.

>> No.20875381
Quoted by: >>20875432

I'd imagine I'd be a complete slave to such a perfect cunny anon.

>> No.20875386

Onii-chan will hug them together as hard as he can.

>> No.20875418

Cancer and Were-rabbit

>> No.20875432
Quoted by: >>20875441

Likewise she will soak anything she is wearing or sitting on when she smells her onii-chan's drooling dick that he can't stop from leaking when he is near his perfect mate meant to bear his children

>> No.20875441

What a good girl(s)!

>> No.20875457

I'd like if they each had one half of a womb tattoo that combines when they fuse.

>> No.20875461

At least it's not 'Like a Virgin'

>> No.20875467
Quoted by: >>20875470

What is that tail supposed to be anyway?>>20875247

>> No.20875470
Quoted by: >>20875472

What do you mean? It's her tail.

>> No.20875472
Quoted by: >>20875475

Is it hair, fur, slime, goo, or something else?

>> No.20875475

It's just a normal tail, so pretty much hair.

>> No.20875482
File: 227 KB, 900x800, 1522035379907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875531

I'm gonna marry the old fox who lives at the neighborhood shrine, and there's nothing any young girls can do about it!

>> No.20875531
Quoted by: >>20875544

What if you get raped before you can get there?

>> No.20875537

I've heard of gym bunnies, but a gym sow?

>> No.20875544

They'll have to catch me first! The head shrinemaiden would never let me get raped on sacred ground.

>> No.20875556
Quoted by: >>20875582

You're right I am fucked
I can't decide which one I would want to lose to the most

>> No.20875580
File: 594 KB, 769x896, yao (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yao headpatting you with giant paw

why even live

>> No.20875582

Fight them fair and let fate decide.

>> No.20875588
Quoted by: >>20875618

>Fight them fair
But what if I win, then it'll all be for nothing

>> No.20875609

I don't think any of them would fight fair except for the leftmost one.

>> No.20875618
Quoted by: >>20875661

Tell them to go home and train. Tell them to surpass you!

>> No.20875640

>you don't have to tell me twice
>...but back in the stoneage

>> No.20875653
Quoted by: >>20875670

I see what you did there.

>> No.20875661
Quoted by: >>20875677

Throwing the fight is still looking like the superior option

>> No.20875670
File: 135 KB, 963x1200, 1544139036887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as Raiju is the face of autism in MGE, would that make her -him-?

>> No.20875672

welp guess i'm their personal stress-reliever plaything breeder and other submissive boy stuff

>> No.20875677
Quoted by: >>20875710

But I wonder anon, can you live with this? When your little piglets are running about and your wife is snuggling up to you with stretchy anime meat and a mug of grog, will you tell her you lost on purpose?

>> No.20875678
File: 345 KB, 850x624, 1494336520032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875690

How much do I have to drink to get an oni to crush my pelvis?

>> No.20875682
File: 143 KB, 500x617, pmwipsi80zh21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20875683
Quoted by: >>20875699

I don't get it.

>> No.20875690
Quoted by: >>20875705

It's really all in tricking her into drinking. You just need a centaur or lamia wingwoman.

>> No.20875698
File: 1.24 MB, 2480x3508, 68902156_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raiju is the face of autism in MGE
That's where you're wrong kiddo.

>> No.20875699 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 770x1050, 1550812945857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20875702


>> No.20875700

>This is so sad, Automa-nee-san, play Mr. Blue Sky

>> No.20875702

Thanks. I'm now in the market for a Wisp.

>> No.20875704

I decided that "sugarplum" is what I'm going to call her.
I decided this while fapping yesterday.

>> No.20875705
Quoted by: >>20875708

what about a satyros wingwoman?
>"Aw yeah this is the good stuff. Arousing scent, good taste, brewed with a menagerie of demon realm ingredients. A couple mugs of this stuff and that oni will be all over anon."

>> No.20875708
Quoted by: >>20875720

Poor Satyros having dense anon not noticing her affections for him.

>> No.20875710

Some secrets should stay secrets

>> No.20875720

Who's to say she isn't just the wife of anon's friend, trying to help him get a girl so they can double date?

>> No.20875733

That works as well.

>> No.20875741 [DELETED] 

Post your Velourias please.

>> No.20875753
File: 784 KB, 1350x1125, 70458357_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dragon god of destruction who is the bane of Kings with a hunger and power to consume the world has returned

>> No.20875758


>> No.20875767

>No proper monster girl mod for skyrim yet
Until I can fuck Alduin over the table I'm not re-installing it.

>> No.20875775

This would be my expectation, given the setup. Or maybe she's using Anon to soften up a girl for herself, who's to say?

>> No.20875776
Quoted by: >>20875826

Then I'll cook her some damn food.

>> No.20875826
Quoted by: >>20875841

>Giving Alduin ne-chan, first born of Akotasha mere mortal food

What a disgrace you are anon! Alduin is the daughter of Akotasha and you're just offering her hotdogs!?

>> No.20875831
File: 1.03 MB, 854x1200, 1446342774137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no u

>> No.20875832
File: 404 KB, 1159x778, wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lyk if u cry evry tyme

>> No.20875840

Hunger for this DICK, amirite?

>> No.20875841

I bet she likes sweetrolls.

>> No.20875846
File: 893 KB, 1200x1125, 2A55230E-8CE4-4DEA-B20F-5D0EE378050F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20876254

Alduin wakes up to see her new second in command riding human cock.
>you don’t understand onee-chan~
>it feels to good to destroy~

>> No.20875854
File: 1.87 MB, 1600x2560, 82e75e07-92ed-47e0-b4c5-688d13ebb67a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you do an autistic gamer gremlin

>> No.20875861
Quoted by: >>20875877

Oh, fuck. Did she build an ejaculating dildo? That's kind of amazing. Also, no.

>> No.20875862

Seems fun to me.

>> No.20875877
Quoted by: >>20875878

Ejaculating dildos already exist, my very young apprentice.

>> No.20875878

Headlined by fucking dragon dildos of all things.

>> No.20876005

Yandere chihuahua who’s smol, but will kill anything between you and her.

>> No.20876118

Mandatory around the house attire for a Kikimora should include an underbust corset connected to a normal length skirt, nothing covering her breasts, no panties, pierced nipples, a chain between the piercings, and an 8 ounce bell hanging from the chain to both provide her constant stimulation and alert you to her presence.

>> No.20876125
Quoted by: >>20876159

I don't know what an ounce is but I do like the sound of that.

>> No.20876144


>> No.20876159
Quoted by: >>20876163

8 ounces is half a pound.

>> No.20876163
Quoted by: >>20876177

I don't know what a pound is either.

>> No.20876177
Quoted by: >>20876202

Jesus Christ, man.
8 ounces is about 250 grams.

>> No.20876181

>ruining nipples with piercings

>> No.20876202
Quoted by: >>20876260

I see. That's too heavy.
>Jesus Christ
Anon not everyone uses obscure, non-scientific measurements.

>> No.20876254
File: 923 KB, 1200x1125, 70458357_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wut about paarthurnaax sama?

>> No.20876260


>> No.20876267
File: 321 KB, 801x1294, 1469033854558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20876308

Real countries use the metric system, o man of past ages.

>> No.20876272


>> No.20876273

She’s still a lonely virgin waiting for the return of alduin-sama and Dovakiin-kun

>> No.20876281
Quoted by: >>20876290

He's busy being butthurt, don't mind him.

>> No.20876290
File: 165 KB, 759x900, 1508598709611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20876295

Over what anon? Over what?

>> No.20876292

Can anyone please say what is the source of this pic?

>> No.20876295

He meant to say "obsessed" obviously

>> No.20876308

So this is what Anon's Lich master does on weekends.

>> No.20876314
Quoted by: >>20876324

'tis for research.

>> No.20876324
Quoted by: >>20876342

Lab equipment doesn't pay for itself, and both of them get quite shock when Anon visits a nightclub in the Undead Kingdom and finds himself being served drinks by his normally strict teacher.

>> No.20876342

Just wait until he learns his teacher also works as a maid part time.

>> No.20876350

A maid with cat ears maybe?

>> No.20876358
Quoted by: >>20876370


>> No.20876362
Quoted by: >>20876370


>> No.20876370
Quoted by: >>20876419

I approve. I shall call her Becky.

>> No.20876408
File: 2.43 MB, 2895x4092, Lich and Wight commission Full Res Updated (small).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well how do you think she pays for the equipment she needs?

>> No.20876416

>"Dust found in homes and other inhabited buildings consists of skin cells, along with dirt and other particles of matter found in the environment. By replacing your skin with a alchemical replacement I designed, the time spent dusting and bathing can be greatly reduced, along with getting rid of any skin defects."
>"I have traced sigils on the walls that will repeal household pests like mice and cockroaches. It may cause nosebleeds, vomiting, headaches, and death, so contact me if you have any symptoms."
>"I replaced your trashcans with ones leading into a portal above a volcano. You can safely dispose of any trash by just dumping it inside. Don't stare inside for too long or reach in, the kinks are not fully ironed out yet."

>> No.20876419
Quoted by: >>20876425

I thought it was going to be a reference to something else. Really through me off.

>> No.20876425
Quoted by: >>20876441

What did you think I was making a reference to?

>> No.20876437
Quoted by: >>20876456

Virgin oneechan types are super cute

>> No.20876441
Quoted by: >>20876443

Not sure. I was going for a p5 reference, but it seems I am on the wrong page here.

>> No.20876443
Quoted by: >>20876452

But... it totally was a Persona 5 reference. Who do you think Becky is?

>> No.20876452
Quoted by: >>20876454

i haven’t ever played the game. Sorry anon.

>> No.20876454
Quoted by: >>20876475

You should rectify that. It's very fun. Which MG would be the best chuuni shogi player?

>> No.20876456
File: 620 KB, 849x1200, 1546747848653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20876475

I would but I wouldn’t use a ps3 or 4 enough to make it worth while. Plus I prefer Nintendo anyways.
Also it has shog in it so the answer is obvious. She will win it for mastah~

>> No.20876484
File: 2.56 MB, 3445x2894, 1496666397187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would but I wouldn’t use a ps3 or 4 enough to make it worth while
Persona 3 and 4 and SMT3 are all also available on the PS3 via PSN, all worth well over a 100 hours of play. Do it.

>> No.20876511
File: 406 KB, 1780x2504, PixieSMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20876519

Enjoy this Pixie as well.

>> No.20876519
Quoted by: >>20876530

Maybe eventually. For now I will just jerk off to Camilla as some sort of mamano.

and thanks for the fairy.

>> No.20876530
File: 41 KB, 520x1054, 1392004470884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20876550

Anon pls you need to do it I had a friend tell me for years how great this stuff was and I was like yeah nah who cares
I wasted those years anon. Don't make my mistake.

>> No.20876550

I could also just watch a silent walk through. I don’t see how that will change much.

>> No.20876552
File: 431 KB, 1540x2560, Sylph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just not the same if you're not the one doing it.

>> No.20876554 [DELETED] 
File: 712 KB, 1200x900, B4437272-6DAB-42D5-984D-093BC3DB2973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my tribute.

>> No.20876693
File: 395 KB, 1542x1671, IMG_0499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20877953

A lot of people talk about people getting paired with demons that reflect their sins. But what if they actually got paired with them as rewards for their virtues?. So like people who worked hard without getting or expecting any credit, possibly even actively ruining their lives just to be useful get a sloth demon to help them relax. While Meek guys who continually turn the other cheek get super aggressive and protective wrath demons.

>> No.20876708

>Your Kikimora maid starts developing what almost seems like a cult like loyalty to you
>She begins refusing to allow you into the basement
>Go down there one day when she's not home and see the walls lined with pictures of other Kikimoras (and one Holstaur), all with notes pinned to them containing personal information about them including their B/W/H and height measurements, blood type, and weight
>A giant map dominates one wall, with pins all over it whose colors correspond to the color of the notes on each set of photographs
>In the far corner is a chair with numerous restraints on it and a table on which is a small vial and a multitude of syringes
>Googling the name you see on the label of the vial tells you it's some kind of brainwashing agent that alphabet agencies used to use back in the 60's
>You suddenly hear a low, breathy whisper in your ear
>"Master, I asked you not to come down here."
>Whip around in a moment of panic, pausing when you see the crazed look in her eye
>After a moment of hesitation, you ask her to explain herself
>She inches towards you and wraps her arms around you in a possessive hug
>"Master is perfect and wonderful and I love you very much, so I wanted you to have perfect servants, but they refused. Can you believe it? They refused! They didn't understand how perfect you are, so I'm making them understand."

>> No.20876721

Good maid

>> No.20876767

Bad maid.

>> No.20876782
Quoted by: >>20876829

I wonder if a Rata maid would work

>> No.20876801

I love yanderes, but this is a little too much for me. Would try to feed her a speech about how she’s the only one for me.

>> No.20876802
Quoted by: >>20876846

I wonder if kikis would have any residual wolfu aversion to the phrase "bad girl."

>> No.20876805

I'm fucking terrified of yandere girls. I do not understand what people see in them,.

>> No.20876829

I don’t need an evil kiki, give me a harem of well intentioned but incompetent mice with cute frilly maid uniforms!

>> No.20876846
File: 604 KB, 2048x1452, 1474148397496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20876925

Wolfus don't have any aversion though.
That's part of why they're wolfus and not dogs.

>> No.20876925

I want a pack of increasingly busty wolfus

>> No.20876973
File: 779 KB, 970x1200, 1529398743533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go see Alita you bastards.

>> No.20877109
Quoted by: >>20877126

I heard is not that bad
but I cant get over the EYES

>> No.20877113

already did with my nephew

then we watched the OVAs

>> No.20877126
Quoted by: >>20877264

You get used to them in a matter of minutes and they will stop bothering you.

>> No.20877264
Quoted by: >>20877277

The fact that somebody thought "This is one of those Japanese animes so we gotta spend millions of dollars to CGI her eyes real big" and then they actually did that is mind boggling.

>> No.20877277

James Cameron has wanted to make this movie since the 1990's and now it's here, don't worry about the eyes.

>> No.20877291
Quoted by: >>20877297

I've yet to see a Kiki with dark sclera. She'd probably sneak into human noble mansions and turn the female maids there into more Kikis.

>> No.20877297
File: 634 KB, 1674x2500, chopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somehow, I doubt he's going to get a sequel greenlit unless he holds some other project hostage.

I'd watch a mahoro movie though

>it sure is /tv/ in here

dark sclera and sharp teeth

>> No.20877302
Quoted by: >>20877332

Yeah but I don't respect James Cameron at all, he's an overrated hack and he hasn't done anything good SINCE the 90s.
The creative decision to spend literally millions of dollars on big dumb CGI anime eyes for a real human actor doesn't bode well for the rest of the movie.

>> No.20877309
Quoted by: >>20877332

That bike is machine porn, this is a blue board.

>> No.20877322

triggered by that fucking gun

>> No.20877332
File: 626 KB, 1920x1080, tsukihimeWS_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20877345


>heart goes on.wav
can you imagine what other series he could /ruin/forever

I have the figure/bike that was modeled on this, and it's my favorite

>> No.20877345
Quoted by: >>20877351

Huh, I didn’t know Arcade was in a Trurkey Handle anime outside Carnival Phantasm

>> No.20877351
File: 426 KB, 500x281, vBW6Om1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in b4 "she isn't"

>> No.20877355

Sion is best girl

>> No.20877356

Carnival Phantasm was too fun for this gay earth. We need more things like it.
Also I never read Tsukihime, are the vampires good waifus?

>> No.20877373

I always hold out hope for a new one
Although I imagine FGO would be taking up a fair amount of the Fate Stuff

The VN is OK but dated.
The fighting games are great and Arcuieds route is better in the manga

Sion is best girl

>> No.20877374
File: 154 KB, 1085x800, D0AGAD7WoAAP3Jg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20877385
Quoted by: >>20877402

Make me.

>> No.20877402
File: 385 KB, 2500x1640, STUMPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20877403
Quoted by: >>20877436


>> No.20877405

Len and Kagetsu Tohya / Melty Blood is probably the reason I like loli so much. While not physically, a lot of my waifu is based on her.

>> No.20877436

All the calories goes to her boobs and ass anyway.

>> No.20877447
Quoted by: >>20877498

I would like to see a Monstergirl version of Seitokai Yakuindomo.

>> No.20877468
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, Dzz8kQyX4AAI9b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20877481


>> No.20877479 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 636x656, 1550819136330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demoman of Team Fortress 2 against MGE Mamono:

>Slither back ta Hell ya oversized colon!
Red Oni
>I was twice as drunk as you, and I still wreck'd ya!
>Drop off ya high horse and fight like a man!
>Gallop off ta Hell, ya prancin' sack!
>I'll rip off all nine of yer tails and shove them right up yer arse!
>Oh, I can already tell you're seething... IN HELL!
>Burn in Hell where you belong!
>The devil's gettin' pork for dinner tonight!
>Bash me again with that tail of yers and I'll shove it up yer arse!
>I'll shove every spine up that ugly arse of yers!
>See! I told ya they were nothin' but wee lasses!


>Next time, maybe build crap that doesn't literally suck!
>Woah, I didn't know ya had brains until I cracked ya friggin' skull open!
>Hehey, look, you disguised yourself as roadkill!
>Solve this riddle: How did I kill you so fast?

Bonus Demoman:
>Even if ya managed te eat me, my liver would kill ya!

>> No.20877481

>Upper right

>> No.20877498
File: 782 KB, 1600x1200, Baphomet139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20877551
File: 337 KB, 441x900, baphomet12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh!

It looks like you're the new owner of a kidnapped baphomet. You were on your way out from the grocery store and found her tied up and gagged in your trunk as you about to place your groceries in there. It appears she's got a collar around her neck that completely neutralizes her magical and physical prowess, and she doesn't seem to happy about it.

What do?

>> No.20877563
File: 175 KB, 1280x907, ezgif-1-0deb60511ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20877564

Ah, the student council is up to no good again.

>> No.20877574

Remove her gag and ask her if she knows where I can get a VCR repaired.

>> No.20877588
Quoted by: >>20877618

Carry and place her in a empty shopping cart, then put my groceries in the trunk and drive off

>> No.20877610

>Not holding hands while having sex in the missionary position in the dark while you see her wings glow and the 2 of you are the only ones in the darkness.

Seriously, if you are going heretical, do it right.

>> No.20877618

This is probably the wisest course of action. Also, put a note in my trunk reading "leave something with tits next time."

>> No.20877640

>thinking I need more than one girl as my maid and lover

>> No.20877662

Torment her butt

>> No.20877670

What a pair of weebs.

>> No.20877677
Quoted by: >>20877686

Has it come out? I haven’t seen any gameplay yet.

>> No.20877686


>> No.20877691

Gender ratio tweaking has been recorded with real animal populations, retard.

>> No.20877694

Call the authorities. I bet she put herself in there

>> No.20877731

Remove gag and ask what’s going on

>> No.20877741
File: 103 KB, 964x829, B98E0BF3-C698-4165-B418-EC4E8553961A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20877782

>> No.20877749

Make her my cunny slave!

>> No.20877771
Quoted by: >>20877868


>> No.20877773

Do they go around school beating that drum, blowing that whistle, and declaring lewd rules?


>> No.20877782

What is this what's happening

>> No.20877868

Fuck off.

>> No.20877875
File: 103 KB, 1156x691, D25BCF74-8FAA-44A9-8CE5-D99DD001DDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell if I know.

>> No.20877886
File: 80 KB, 845x946, zsR4Y9cb_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20877966

>> No.20877953
Quoted by: >>20877968

They get a angel from Eros instead of a demon.

>> No.20877959

A dude on deviantart did the 30 day monster girl thing for inktober.

>> No.20877966
Quoted by: >>20877980

Cheating is wrong!

>> No.20877968
File: 288 KB, 1745x1635, DU_3PotW4AEWytI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good deal.

>> No.20877980
File: 484 KB, 561x876, 1550680246142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20877991
Quoted by: >>20878332

Harem horse is for cute and degenerate things

>> No.20878002
Quoted by: >>20878027

I want 72 Houri's.

>> No.20878027
File: 136 KB, 850x1202, ngxs4Zps_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want 72 cow-houris.

>> No.20878058

Speaking of the Goddess of Love, what's it like to hold and love someone?

>> No.20878074

Heavy and warm and sticky and uncomfortable.
I dunno.

>> No.20878080

You're asking the wrong people

>> No.20878088
Quoted by: >>20878123


>> No.20878094

She looks extremely cute

>> No.20878100

I've started to love harem horse. I kind of think that it's cute how she wants you to fuck other girls.

>> No.20878115
File: 473 KB, 864x1100, 311_redcap_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get assaulted by redcaps
>There had to be dozens of them, gleefully bounding in and out of view from the dense shadows in a chorus of high-pitched, devilish laughter and lashing blades that only made your skin glow hot and sensitive
>You awaken amidst a pile of the rambunctious goblin-things, all gently snoozing like worn-out kittens. Each of their caps had drained of color and gone white to show their satisfaction. It looked like you were lost in a field of white lilies.
>You use the same strategy you'd use when trying to get out of a bed without waking up your partner
>Slipping your arms and legs out of their surprisingly strong grips.
>Except for one that just woooooouldn't let go. She had a deathgrip around your shoulder and seemed to be nibbling on the side of your neck in her sleep as live you hadn't gotten enough 'love bites' from the pack of them.
>You think you breathed a bit too hard, that single puff of air on her face being enough to wake her. Her eyelids flutter open.
>The eyelids of the others flutter open as well.
>Each white hat immediately starts to darken until it looks like you're in the middle of a rosebush

The ride never stops.

>> No.20878123
File: 547 KB, 891x836, dcbg2ux-b454bc09-fe76-45e3-93c7-09483c012ae5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20878133

The point of a Houri's tits is to slap them

>> No.20878139

Incorrect, they’re meant to be filled with love

>> No.20878148
Quoted by: >>20878151

Can't I just bang on them like drums?

>> No.20878151
Quoted by: >>20878165

That's what their brown butts are for

>> No.20878165

I want a white houri and I want to bang on her tits.

>> No.20878279
File: 245 KB, 1000x1000, 1550319244076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20878297
Quoted by: >>20878333

I want a Black Diablos monster girl wife

>> No.20878314
Quoted by: >>20878320

Which monster girl is the best suited for spankos?

>> No.20878320
File: 171 KB, 850x1044, monkeybutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kakuens have both the correct physiology and the correct positive attitude. Those are the kind of girls who spank themselves for fun.

>> No.20878322

Monkeys? I guess that works.

>> No.20878326

Cute kakuen

>> No.20878332

Yes, cute degeneracy is my favorite type of degeneracy.

>> No.20878333

Just get a diabalos wife and wait for her to go into heat

>> No.20878335
File: 308 KB, 1250x1100, 1549024638576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20878351

I love lolis!

>> No.20878351

Do not fall for the Sabbath propaganda posters!

>> No.20878355

I liked loli well before the Sabbath.

>> No.20878357

It's too late! I want to snug bapho-sama!
