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45407283 No.45407283 [Reply] [Original]

"I've come to retrieve your power! You can't handle it…" Yukari poses with the weird looking sword. Anon swings the baby up and down with one arm, the other holding steady the baby bottle. He bemusedly watches Yukari. "Foolishness, Okina, Kasen! Foolishness… Might controls everything. And without strength you can not protect anything. Let alone yourselves!" She slashes the air, muttering slashing noises. The baby giggles. Yukari looks proud of herself. "With this sword… I'll bury their light—"

last time on the HSE:
>Anon plays cool board games. Nice!
>Hana, after a lot of consideration, thought and clearly consice planning… goes straight into the mouth of the beast; extensively harass her grandma and immediately gets seduced by Yukari into betraying the woman that nurtured hear for years after Reimu's outbursts of rage and abuse and their group. Fucking incredible, Hana—incense too powerful and Yukari's broken charisma stat did that. Pls nerf—; now on Yukari's side she starts to learn from the Gap Youkai, sperging for attention once in a while;
>Yukari gets pummeled by Yuugi for 10 seconds, then turn the tables and pummels the oni. After that, she goes fucking nuclear on Kasen—TWICE—, and, to prevent Gensokyo from becoming Okuuland, together they fill a pond with their magic and the magical gap fetus' magic, transforming it into a womb for this cool magic sword that is made of cultists' souls, faith and sin, all coagulated… wait, what?
>After recovering from seeing Satori exploring this REALLY deep cave with her fingers, Kasen and Satori concoct a plan on how to see into Yukari's mind since she has a gap on Satori's mind-reading powers that make it unable to work on her, though has to be kept and is not passive. They decide to trick her and, using some willing subjects, manage to use Kasen's lust to fool Yukari. As Yuugi takes care of Yukari, Satori tells what are Yukari's plan in regard to all those cultists Kasen was beating earlier: they all were brainwashed, got their faith validated by Kasen's attack then used by Yukari as fruit for a sword blend. Kasen confronts Yukari, jobbs to petty nuclear threats and ends making a deal with Yukari, returning to her side by the end;
>Aya and Momiji play board games with Anon, get squashed—they let him win, trust them—, and Anon and Aya have a sweet moment. Anons delight in the coming end of the 7 Namek nights arc;
>Marisa comes to Aya for a camera, Aya spergs and jobbs finantially to a funny hatted midget; but at least is invited to Hana's birthday party! Nice!
>Kosuzu gets bullied by Mima, tells about the events of FS and gets herself a niche in the Jobber Squad—true, such niche equiparates to brushing the inside of a starving lion's mouth, but it's a niche anyway;
>Goro and Seija get dragged into the Trauma Dimension by Kasen after the latter is literally pummeled into the ground. After that, Yukari beats them both, they talk a bit by the Sanzu, try to fuck with the river and are about to cross it the natural way because they really pissed off Shiki 'middle manager' Eiki. And just after Goro bought a wedding ring. Tough times;
>Keine wakes up into the Eientei, turns into Female!Eren Yeager but without the genocidal tendancies (probably) and gets indebt; returns to the Human Village, forgets money is needed to buy food, but Aunn is kind enough to give her some rice balls—thanks, Aunn~—, Keine talks a bit about the shitstorm known as her life and Aunn listens, guaranteeing herself another mark for her therapy dog career;
>Yuugi serves Yukari a gourmet knuckle sandwich;
>Chiyari offers Toutetsu an offer she cannot refuse. Toutetsu refuses it;
>Yuuka bribes Tenshi to get herself smuggled into Heaven, there she climbs the mountain of enlightment, thinks about making Hana very happy and, with that, arrives at the summit, where a cool flower awaits her, which she'll give to Hana—so nice of flowermom~;
>Chen comes across a bully in the Underground, kicks her shin and feeds her some tasty shrimp. Parsee is now Chen's bride and they'll reproduce through mitosis;
>Eirin creates the God Emperor using Yukari's hax genetics. Gensokyo will NEVER be the same;
>the God Emperor itself thinks, yet is unborn. What a conundrum;
>Daiyousei is sad :(… but at least a kind stranger is there to cheer her up, r-right?

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Below is the entire story of Reimu and Anon's daughter:
>>/jp/thread/43744518#p43776208 | thread 1
>>/jp/thread/43824450#p43854608 | thread 2
>>/jp/thread/44478667#p44487729 | thread 3

last thread: >>45340894

>> No.45407307
Quoted by: >>45407311

if half of the finale isn't someone pointing out that Ran's basically manipulated Anon into loving her regardless of her intentions I'll riot

>> No.45407311
Quoted by: >>45407410

okay, the thread bumped properly
we're good, bros

>> No.45407358
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Entries of the HSE here in chronological posting order!
>>45324110 | part 1
>>45324120 | part 2
>>45324127 | part 3
>>45324134 | part 4
>>45324150 | part 5
>>45324163 | part 6

Last threads chapters! (from threads that were autosaged)
>>45324297 | 9-Kasen
>>45325125 | Thanksgiving Special
>>45326316 |
>>45326763 |
>>45339779 | 1-Yachie jobs seggs
>>45342013 | 1-Chiyari will maybe so something if she gets her lazy ass off the blood pools
>>45343203 | 16-17-Keine
>>45343211 |
>>45344895 | 85-86-Hana
>>45344903 |
>>45350515 | 46-Ran/Chen
>>45356011 | 87-93-Hana
>>45356024 |
>>45356035 |
>>45356047 |
>>45356057 |
>>45356067 |
>>45356079 |
>>45358365 | 1-Rinnosuke is a trillionaire after selling a brazilian coin
>>45363184 | 10-Kasen
>>45368864 | 1-Eirin is gonna create the God Emperor of Touhouland (Anon said it's not canon)
>>45369418 | 99-101-Yamashiro/Seija…?
>>45369427 |
>>45369434 |
>>45372193 | 11-Kasen
>>45372447 | 94-95-Hana
>>45372461 |
>>45373159 | 20-22-Rikako/Lemontene
>>45373194 |
>>45373213 |
>>45373508 | 96-97-Hana
>>45373512 |
>>45377000 | 12-Kasen
>>45380500 | 7-8-Yuuka
>>45380522 |
>>45381571 | 5-6-Yuugi
>>45381599 |
>>45387866 | 18-19-Keine
>>45387880 |
>>45389930 | 13-Kasen
>>45393014 | 1-Future God Emperor of Touhouland (Anon said it's not canon)
>>45398921 | 14-16-Kasen
>>45398930 |
>>45398938 |
>>45400457 | 8-Marisa
>>45401229 | 102-104-Yamashiro/Seija
>>45401232 |
>>45401238 |
>>45401306 | 54-55-Aya
>>45401815 | 12-13-Kosuzu
>>45404322 |
>>45404525 |
>>45406171 | 1-Daiyousei about to get fucking eaten
(559 entries)
sorry if I missed anyone or got something wrong!

for phoneanons that can't access the dead threads, here's all of them:
>>/jp/thread/44478667#p44783853 | starting point
>>/jp/thread/44802165 | first proper thread
>>/jp/thread/44846425 | second thread
>>/jp/thread/44889557 | third thread
>>/jp/thread/44930736 | fourth thread
>>/jp/thread/44991041 | fifth thread
>>/jp/thread/45037580 | sixth thread
>>/jp/thread/45076441 | seventh thread
>>/jp/thread/45122397 | eight thread
>>/jp/thread/45164037 | ninth thread
>>/jp/thread/45214506 | tenth thread
>>/jp/thread/45270851 | eleventh thread
>>/jp/thread/45324060 | twelfth thread
>>/jp/thread/45332185 | thirteenth thread

If everything fails, here's the entirety of the HSE's part 1 (506 entries)
https://files.catbox.moe/jo96iu.rtf | Part 1
https://files.catbox.moe/cxdwig.rtf | Part 2

>> No.45407410
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thank goddess…
we really sperged hard twice because of a silly funny pasta.

>> No.45407629
Quoted by: >>45407648

Phone posting at work, will post relationship chart later, in about 3 hours.
Last chance to suggest something for this threads edition of the chart.

>> No.45407648
File: 484 KB, 768x432, eirin about to fuck the world for good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phone posting at work
gambarena, Anon!
>Last chance to suggest something for this threads edition of the chart.
Eirin ultra experiments with the Uberchild, probably -- just another miniaturized collection of 2hus

>> No.45407708
File: 1.85 MB, 600x600, reimu singing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the flowchart!
for writeanons to guide themselves and readeranons to donate to the Bottom Chart Excavation Project!

>> No.45407725
Quoted by: >>45407753

can you add HRtP reimu to the bottom
I know you've got the yin-yang orb attacking konngara already but I think it would enhance the joke

>> No.45407753
File: 9 KB, 200x200, ezgif-1-b1d445a698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also thanks for the convenient excuse to post the .png and not the fucking .jpg

>> No.45407858
File: 310 KB, 672x936, 5feef053-6788-4124-8ec5-b3aca7139177-1617107545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I miss that little tombstone, it's been so long...

>> No.45408100
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Quoted by: >>45408141

>scrapped 2 Keine chapters throughout the day
>ended up with up nothing
I need to bang my head against something...

>> No.45408141
Quoted by: >>45408180

Write a mini one where Keine and Rikako eat lunch at an IHOP that got forgotten and fell into Gensokyo

>> No.45408180
File: 384 KB, 2400x2000, __komeiji_satori_slime_and_orange_mushroom_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_profitshame__790c09f20a7193f47934c9f33c6706c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds nice and light-hearted...
though what the hell is an IHOP?

>> No.45408228
Quoted by: >>45408262

IHOP on deeze nuts

>> No.45408262
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>> No.45408276
Quoted by: >>45408280

IIRC they were fairly popular until they went under due to COVID

>> No.45408280
Quoted by: >>45409022

I thought that there were still IHOPs around. I didn't think they actually went out of business.

>> No.45408303
File: 1.50 MB, 1510x1850, Okina_HSE_tree_wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't decide between either God Emperors for Eirin's child so I fucked with the brush settings.
Hope I didn't make any obvious mistakes this time, and ultimately I decided to include the emperor in the 1,000 years in the future timeline.

>> No.45408374
Quoted by: >>45408385

Now that I think about it, is it rape or sex if neither Koishi nor Anon knew they were even having sex at all? Anon didn't consent but he definitely didn't mind either. Mutual rape?

>> No.45408385
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Quoted by: >>45408398

>mutually consensual rape without outside interferance
is this one of those… 'moral' dilemmas?

>> No.45408398

Mutually non-consensual rape, Satori points the blame at Byakuren and Yukari because I like to write her as a bit of a sis-con.
But her perspective isn't entirely unreasonable, I would count it at least rape from Yukari's angle, but she doesn't factor into the child.
So I guess alternating green-red-green three pixel lines which then merge with a two pixel grey line is how it'll be depicted on future graphs.

>> No.45408422

You know I've had to disagree with this for a long while but I'd argue,the one not rape baby anon has is marisa's, he agreed to that shit pretty explicitly and it's essentially the only win she has had all fic.

>> No.45408432
Quoted by: >>45408454

I suppose its only considered rape as she did drug him with fertility pills, which he did not consent too.

>> No.45408434
File: 46 KB, 640x480, marisa couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45408454

he consented to sex, not to Marisa spiking his drink with uberpills—probably why there's the green and pink line connecting her to Anon

>> No.45408440
Quoted by: >>45408454

It's half-rape for the graph due to the drugging with fertility pills, I'll increase the pixel length of the consensual sex but the rape-green isn't being removed.

>> No.45408454

I'm gonna make the argument she would have gotten preggers either way and all it really did was cause the million rape babies to occur with other people, like mystia's jobabies.

>> No.45408463
File: 2.10 MB, 600x600, rancopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love start-of-thread discussion
you never know what it'll be about

>> No.45408475

Still non-con elements, 3/5ths consensual and 2/5ths is as far as I'm willing to go.
At the very least he did not consent to the child and lacked critical information while being in a vulnerable situation, a prostitute, and as shown in the Patchy chapters she's almost entirely dead inside.

>> No.45408513
File: 716 KB, 640x640, crying marisa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45408943

Nah, the setting was the fertility decreaser would work in preventing pregnancies as a form of male birth control. They can only be counteracted by Eirin's meds that increase fertility and allow him to impregnate anything on the first try.
Marisa wouldn't have gotten pregnant if she didn't spike him, and it wasn't the first time she got screwed by anon by that point. She made a willing choice to take Anon's child without telling him and took advantage of him.

There is no way in which it wasn't rape.

>> No.45408710
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When you're desperate, you meet the weirdest people.

To save funds for winter, my diet has thinned down to very statistics. I was never a forager or hunter, so though I can find edibles, I won't trust me to eat an odd mushroom or try to hunt game—I also learned the hard way why you don't hunt with Danmaku…—and my tainted reputation won't go away so easily. So, it's endure and scrape by with anything you can get.

"You don't know how many questions I have! So many~! It's almost impossible to get reliable information from the Outside world here!" The purple haired, white coat-wearing woman talks fast yet with cadence, though fails to hide her excitement. I ignore it, eating the pancakes and drinking juice calmly. The fairy to my side slurps on a straw, eyes droopy and wings not shining as much as usual for a fairy—not in a talking mood? All around us, the HSE's influence is felt. "But to have a teacher—one with an incomprehensible magic capacity related to history—to guide me is just so great!"

I raise an eyebrow… She's really excited. It warms that part of my heart that loves teaching, true, but it creeps me a little. Won't complain; she's paying my breakfast, after all.

"Okay… Let's say, hypothetically, that I want to prove that using asbestos in my lemonade is not a health concern—it really just improves the taste, really—is there any historical figure that just happened to make it work? If so: how did they do it?"

… Slowly, I stopped eating my pancakes, frowning. What the hell…?

"Look, I know how it sounds. But it's not THAT bad! It's really good, especially in powder form! I tested myself—didn't sell it!—and the zestness was out of this world—"

"… It causes cancer. Asbestos causes pulmonary cancer. Massively…" I pause, then look at my pancakes. She paid for them… "No historical figure beyond big names behind food chains and companies looking for cheaper alternatives defended it." Rikako ponders with a sigh, and I can't help but look at Tene; she looks so sad…

"That's a bust, then," she murmurs, pulling something from inside her lab coat and quickly glancing at it—were those notes? "Okay… What about… leadmonade?" There's a grin on her face, and I have yet again to pause.

"… Excuse me?"

"C'mon, the joke is obvious: lead and lemonade—"

"No, no, I got it—but why exactly lead…?"

"You see, there's this thing called: human adaptation of the genome." It sounds like she pulled that out of a top hat. "And, yes, I know what lead has caused on humans a century ago or so—but that's a long time! Humans have evolved, adapted, and have become much more resistant to lead! And what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"

"But… lead in any food will kill you."

"It won't."

"How do you even know that?" Rikako remains silent, then scratches her nape. I sigh, wide-eyed. "Don't do that again… Humans in the Outside have fought against the implementation of lead everywhere, even in the fuel of their vehicles—and, as you may guess, a rich and powerful elite indeed tried to keep it in use for cheap manufacturing, but it's simply too awful for humans… Actually, recalling that incident two decades ago, lead in Gensokyo’s food would be pandemic!" Though my hunger has vanished, I force the pancakes down my throat. Rikako mumbles, fixing her glasses, and I can't help but frown. "… Why not just sell plain lemonade? Everyone likes plain lemonade."

Rikako scoffs. "That's not science—to remain stagnant, not move just because now is comfortable. Testing, improving, trying to find news and betters—even if in something like lemonade—is what every scholar should strive for. It's no wonder Gensokyo lags behind every other developed place on Earth." Her tone is stressed, checking her notes again, leaving the book on the table. I… can understand—maybe—her point, but that's all just dangerous and hazardous. Huffing, a pointy smile rises on her face, a gleam there. "Okay, okay—heavy chemicals and metals aside, was there anyone in history that used a combination of ethylene and sulfur dichloride on food? The names may be threatening, but both are used in alcohol brewing, and an alcoholic lemonade should be a bestseller considering 100% of my clientele is made up of adults and…"

Rikako goes on and on, and her plan is quite solid. I don't understand much, but pulling my scroll and checking for such info should—? Tene, bored, picked up Rikako's notebook, reading the page she left on. I leaned to have a better glance at it, finishing the last of my pancakes…

… Most of it is lemonade ingredients, some graphs, and—a big chemical equation scribbled on top of the page—’(Cl[CH2]2)2S e Cl-CH2-CH2-S-CH2-CH2-Cl'…? Frown creased, I stealthily pulled my scroll, eating the information in my head about the chemical equation. It's eerily easy; was it a prominent part of his—

Oh. Oh…

"NO!" I yell, slamming the book against the table, scaring Tene.

"… Look…" Rikako fixes her glasses. "It's not—"

“You’re not adding mustard gas to lemonade!”

>> No.45408736
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Quoted by: >>45409025

just a non-canonical—no, Rikako is not eating heavy metals and chemicals infused into lemonade as to forward experiments—that I know—autismo fest since I fumbled Keine's chapter so much today.

>> No.45408808
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>> No.45408943
Quoted by: >>45409085

That's the tragedy with Marisa. She's one of the few people he genuinely consented to have sex with. The first time they did it Anon he trying to comfort her in the only way he could in his position. The other times were also consensual, it was Anon's way of getting a bit of genuine affection back into his life and Marisa enjoyed experiencing sexual intimacy as well.

But a moment of weakness made her throw that away. She wanted something more then fleeting visits to her friend turned whore. Where no matter how much they enjoyed themselves, it was always tinged by sadness knowing that when she left he'd be back in the darkness again. Time was running out for her to have to have this life so she made her choice. She drugged him without his knowledge so she could get pregnant. Things could have gone a lot worse. Anyone would feel betrayed by an old friend doing such a thing, but Anon forgave her, surprisingly.

>> No.45408984
File: 2.91 MB, 1800x1800, Reimu Kasen tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Today was a day of many firsts for Hana, Yukari had seen to that. Never before had she been inside a Senkai, never before had she met a hermit, never before had she met the elusive Kasen Ibaraki.

Kasen had been a friend of the family, she supposed. Her mother had told Hana of how much of a ‘lecturing busy body who needs to mind her own damn business’ she was, as well as her nature as an oni whose caused her a bunch of trouble back when she was a teen. Her father’s account had been much softer in contrast, telling Hana all about how Kasen was an upstanding woman that did her best to help the humans of this land.

She trusted her father’s account of Kasen much better and if Hana trusted her gut, then the women standing across from her in the courtyard of the strange dojo-like building was indeed a wonderful woman. Despite never meeting her after she became aware of her surroundings, something her father put down to her ‘being very busy as a sage’, Hana wanted to like her.

It was the truth that Kasen had been one of the many that turned a blind eye to her father’s suffering despite being friends. It was the truth that Kasen never sheltered or even contacted Hana when things were dark. It was the truth that Kasen was a youkai who once upon a time did terrible things.

It was also the truth that Kasen was doing everything to help Yukari fix the mess that her mother made.

Hana remembered the words Yukari used as she gave Hana ‘a small task she could only entrust her too’. Yukari spoke about how Kasen and her had some disagreements recently about how to fix Genoskyo in order to make sure something like what happened to Hana and her father never happened again. Hana did ask about the details, but Yukari liked to be playfully mysterious about things as always, and merely informed her that ‘the details aren’t important Hana dear~ simply meet with Kasen and keep her company’.

Bedraggled was the only word to describe to the women standing before her, and Hana didn’t think it was because of her intruding upon her senkai unannounced that caused her condition. Despite not knowing the hermit it was clear that her hair must not usually be so frizzled, nor did her outfit seem like it was designed to be so disheveled.

After heading up through the mountain while the noon-time sun beat down on her, sticking along an almost faded trail and reaching a false peak of the Moriyan mountain Hana had found what she’d been looking for. What Yukari told her to look for, an obscure path with traces of magic lingering. Hana had followed her instructions exactly, cutting through a field, taking a right at the 12th tree, circling back around to the large boulder, following an animal trail for 25 paces, then finally following the whisps of a barrier till it vanished.

By the time Hana had found her way through that seemingly nonsensical path, one that she was warned wouldn’t work a second time, she had been shocked to find the temperature of the air and shade of the sky turn into the picture-perfect spring day. Even more startling was how the trees regained their life and transformed from the oranges and reds of autumn to the deep greens of a verdant growing season.

Perhaps one of the reasons she looked so troubled was because right as Hana was taking off her scarf and mittens she was ambushed. Thankfully her senses detected her enemies first and her intuition told her that she needed to move quick. Hana had let the world lines relax, jumping ahead the small trail she was on right as she heard the air being cut around her. Her instincts activated she whipped around just in time to see a flash of orange and blur of black speed away from where she once was.

Her heart started pounding and fear wasn’t far behind from grasping her heart, thankfully she knew of the existence of these guards. Old stories her father told of his own journeys here in happier times, she didn’t remember the names of these sentinels, nor did she have time to remember as she felt danger beyond the brush that surrounded her.

She contracted the lines of the world around her instead now, heading ‘towards’ the danger instead which took her diagonally upwards and to the back of her current position placing her firmly in the air where again two blurs of orange and black attacked from the land and the air. If she could get further in the air she was confident that she could keep avoiding her avian adversary and travel fast as she pleased to Kasen’s dojo. Which seemed to be the large building off in the distance if she was any judge.

>> No.45408989
File: 263 KB, 650x1000, Kasen small reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


However, she didn’t need any misunderstandings now. Yukari herself trusted her with this mission and she had to postpone today’s training with Marisa with the excuse of a job coming up to exterminate some troublesome feral. She felt bad about that lie, and she didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with Kasen if she was to hear her problems. With that reasoning in mind, she reached into the small bag she carried with her.

Hana had pulled out her secret weapon, a steak rubbed with a mix of light spices, and fried dumplings with fish paste inside of it. The miko-in-training, having prepared these treats beforehand called out to the sky and concealing grasses, “Please wait a moment! I’m not a bad person, please take this and call your master for me!”

Hana placed the offerings on the ground, and neither her intuition or senses told her of an attack coming, yet she still quickly backed up from the two piles of food as the animals appeared before her. One a large and fearsome tiger who’s oversized jaws looked like it could bite her clean in two if it wished. The other was a large eagle the size a man and whose talons looked like they could rend a head of cattle with ease.

Both of which made Hana shutter to think of what could’ve happened if she had to fight them seriously.

>> No.45409022

So you forgot about them?
Sounds like just the place to fall into the land of forgotten things

>> No.45409025
Quoted by: >>45409937

>and the zestness was out of this world
Holy crap that was a good line. Loved it.
Also you say non-canon but hasn't she been putting chemicals in the lemonade the entire time?

>> No.45409085
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x705, 7350daf472acef250357d8dfca274902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45409272

>Anyone would feel betrayed by an old friend doing such a thing, but Anon forgave her, surprisingly.
I may not have been the writefag that wrote that chapter but I think I can help you get into his mind a little.
Think of it this way, Marisa is one of his only friends at that point and a romantic interest beyond that. What she did to betray him is go over one of the only lines he wouldn't cross willingly, making children. Normally he'd condem her, and if he were in more normal circumstances he'd give her a harder time before his paternal instincts forced him to reconcile for the innocents' sake.
Though now, she's his only friend from his old life. Sanae never visited, Hana was corrupted, Yuuka turned into a monster, Kasen is being manipulated, every single women he knew(which is a lot, including the humans) has used him by this point. The only friendly faces he has around is a fox, a cat, and a kappa.
Then his friend, the only one to give him a taste of true love comes forward that she drugged him to have his children. It hurt him deeply, but he also knows that if he rejects her there may never be a chance to make up with her. His future is entirely uncertain, all he can do is hope and keep faith that the women that love him can do anything to spring him from jail. Hence, despite everything, he finds it in himself to forgive her and pretend it doesn't matter. After all, he may have even wanted to start a new life with her before. Isn't this just an extension of that? Even if its not, its just another thing to surpress and bury deeply inside.

>> No.45409107
Quoted by: >>45411148

I do wonder if Kasen's Hijitsu would work in her corrupted form, Hijitsu is dependent of living and acting in a certain manner as well as holding certain beliefs, her arm or evil form also doesn't seem to be able to use Hijitsu either.
So she might not be able to talk to animals or use any of her other Hijitsu things like her Senki, of course she would still have her physical attributes.
Although it hasn't been confirmed her animal communication is a Hijitsu ability since the arm never has an opportunity to use it, but it is communication, not control so they might leave Kasen if they recognize her as a different person or don't trust her anymore.
It would be funny is this ended up being the weakest version of Kasen so far.

>> No.45409208
Quoted by: >>45409382

I miss reading silly stories about 2hus at voile or gensokyo.org .... Or it was shrinemaiden? Im sure it had chan layout, kek can't even remember the site.

>> No.45409272
Quoted by: >>45409420

As the writefag who did write that chapter, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Marisa's actions, while rather unforgivable under most circumstances, are tamer than the everyday crimes he's put through. While the fact that it was a betrayal from someone he's trusted hurts, I imagine he's grown rather numb to that now. He's grown rather numb to everything given his response to all this seems to just be to grit his teeth and endure it.

The only thing I'll add is that Marisa's crime is easy to rationalize, as Anon seems quite fond of doing. Something something, she just wanted a happy family. He's been making excuses for people for decades before all this began and this behavior is less rapey than how Hana was conceived somehow.

I was about to add a whole rant about how Alice is the ideal post-HSE wife, but I'll let the next update speak for itself.

>> No.45409382

I think your thinking of touhou-project.com.

>> No.45409420
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Quoted by: >>45409921

Alice is the ideal post-HSE wife only because doll marriage isn't legal in Gensokyo yet. Shanghai has the confidence and willpower to lead her dolls with all the warmth and kindness to look after their wellbeing. Perfect wife material. She'll even build a "wife shed" for Alice to sew in while Anon and Shanghai express the kind of love that can only exist between man and automaton.

>> No.45409550
File: 137 KB, 960x592, 20230719_023657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45410295

Where did the one guy who wanted to write something for Wriggle Nightbug go?

>> No.45409919
File: 151 KB, 768x1024, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_efukei__a227d0cdcd09e5597b001ff2c99e9842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari sent Hana to talk with Kasen...? Poor Hana, hope she doesn't show an inch of skin and awaken the oni, she's in extreme danger here!

>> No.45409921
File: 14 KB, 300x400, images - 2023-11-24T175626.598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this goddanm doll traumatized a generation...

>> No.45409937
File: 75 KB, 850x850, __asakura_rikako_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kaigen_1025__sample-6679acb3c6c3c46d35d0d6079ce7dc9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45410390

>Also you say non-canon but hasn't she been putting chemicals in the lemonade the entire time?
it's more non-canon because I don't remember anywhere she eating the toxic materials she'd use; also the things I used are so over the top -- fucking asbestos; lead and mustard gas --, that I doubt Rikako would actually use any of them in the lemonade

>> No.45410241

Nah, Marisa raped him just as much as any of the others. Anon simply is not in any position to give sincere consent to anyone after getting trapped in Yukari's Rape House.
At best he's all but numb to the act, with it having no more meaning to him, and at worst he thinks it's the only way he can get some kind of affection for others; that if he were to refuse it would mean pushing away one of the few people who he feels still care about him, and that it would only isolate him further.

He's just in no position where he actually has a fair choice in the matter, and everyone sleeping with him should be considered as taking advantage of him in a way that really should be considered rape.

>> No.45410295
File: 161 KB, 1536x2048, __wriggle_nightbug_touhou_drawn_by_ugif__00d088ba6171ea30f557c2b0bc69aa68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his pc bugged

>> No.45410387
Quoted by: >>45410453

Haha... totally doesn't have a plan in store for the silly gullible miko... nothing bad will happen... nope, not at all.

>> No.45410390

Good point, fucking hilarious chapter though. Poor Keine got traumatized.

>> No.45410394

I hope something does happen, there's been a serious lack of hana sexo lately

>> No.45410453
File: 451 KB, 610x800, hana and kasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45410711

>nothing bad will happen
phew, glad! Hana having a wholesome moment with Punished!Kasen will be a treat

>> No.45410711

I'm sure there will be lots of wholesome healing :D

>> No.45410783
Quoted by: >>45411216

This is going to be interesting. Kasen was close to her mother and is one of the few people that knows Reimu raped her husband that Hana might be the product of rape. She's going to see how much Yukari has twisted her mind when she calls Yukari "Mom"

>> No.45411148
Quoted by: >>45411299

Good point, though even armsen is able to have her own senkai with her hell dimension where she stores all her skulls

>> No.45411216
File: 17 KB, 189x196, kasensulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45411576

man, fuck Kasen's life; she can't get a second of rest…

>> No.45411299
Quoted by: >>45411316

I couldn't find anywhere where it is stated that her hell dimension is a Senkai, since Hell itself is infinite her personal realm in Hell might just be an infinitely sized space located within the infinitely sized space of Hell that she took over.
Although this would make full-Kasen scale to infinity, but Reimu, Okina, and Yukari already scale to infinite+ counting their feats and dimensional manipulation.
My personal headcannon was that the Ministry, one of the few factions capable of keeping her in check just gave her a spot to fuck around with and torture sinners, but she left that job after she lost the arm.
Though it would be funny if corrupted Kasen wasn't even able to use the Hell Senkai if it is a Senkai

>> No.45411316
File: 184 KB, 360x360, reimu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45411363

>I couldn't find anywhere where it is stated that her hell dimension is a Senkai, since Hell itself is infinite her personal realm in Hell might just be an infinitely sized space located within the infinitely sized space of Hell that she took over.
>Although this would make full-Kasen scale to infinity, but Reimu, Okina, and Yukari already scale to infinite+ counting their feats and dimensional manipulation.
>My personal headcannon was that the Ministry, one of the few factions capable of keeping her in check just gave her a spot to fuck around with and torture sinners, but she left that job after she lost the arm.
>Though it would be funny if corrupted Kasen wasn't even able to use the Hell Senkai if it is a Senkai
can anyone translate to layman's terms… please…?

>> No.45411363
Quoted by: >>45411399

There are different sizes and scale of infinite, an example is Burning Godzilla whose about 5 dimensions worth of infinity deep and would probably be able to kill Heca who if we can only scale to three infinite dimensions at most.
Reimu is able to cross infinite spaces and manipulates dimensions, causality, and use gaps, but at most we could scale her to two infinite dimensions which is stretching it.
Yukari has a lot of busted feats and is strong than Reimu so is probably 2 infinities deep with her gap and boundary manipulation.
Okina than scales equal or above Yukari, the both of them can also clearly manipulate dimensions of variable infinite size.
This would be easier to scale if we knew if the 2hu universe was finite, finite expanding, or infinite in size.
But it's not really important to the HSE though.

>> No.45411399
File: 69 KB, 84x128, flanflee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45411462

thanks for the effort, anon, it was a valiant effort…
>But it's not really important to the HSE though.

>> No.45411462

It should also be worth noting the Yukari, Okina, Sakuya and Reimu have all to varying degrees shown the ability to manipulate time, so up to 4 dimensions at once.
But if we're talking about infinite dimensions worth of power see above, this is part of what makes them so strong since they can make attacks which hit angles most people can't defend from.
But all that really matters is that current Kasen, post-corruption, probably won't stand a substantial threat to them, although she can also manipulate gaps to a degree so she can make 4d attacks.
But I'm rambling again.
For Godzilla, even non-burning base Heisei and the final Showa era godzilla have durability that works up to 5d so trying to harm them with 4d attacks would be ineffective.
Also attack potency doesn't translate to destructive ability, so while Reimu could probably hit through and infinitely durable piece of armor, it'll still take her time to tear through a mountain.

>> No.45411473

Now this is autism

>> No.45411509
File: 387 KB, 498x498, chen-touhou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

… I think I'll go back to writing

>> No.45411543

So legitimate question, how close is the HSE to being a hakurei shrine replica? Like does it have all the little shrines about it? Did Yukari just wholesale steal shit from there and throw it in her whorehouse? Is it all just random eyeballed stuff kappa and yamawaro made with some brand of approximation of the shrine?

>> No.45411554

The shrine itself has been mentioned to be fairly accurate, but other things outside of the shrine range from being imperfect to cheap.

>> No.45411556

going from here >>45407708, it's pretty close to the real thing, though the extension of that is vague for creative liberty of authors, like adding a big garden; a mini-gravestone and so on

>> No.45411562

Current iteration of the HSE is it being a proper replica down to the kappa stealing the topsoil of the area near the shrine.

>> No.45411576

Kasen would want to help Hana,but she simply entered Hana's life too late to do anything. Even in the original fic Hana was a bundle of complexes by the time Kasen offered to help. With everything Hana has gone through here, Kasen is going to need a miracle to even begin to get her to recover.

>> No.45411995
File: 1.83 MB, 1152x1728, Hana when human-youkai couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is so much unused protentional about Hana's ability that can add a lot of catharsis in finale when she could awaken her powers completely
so to break it down if we agree that her powers work by making herself and the space around herself Non-Euclidean(hyperbolic and elliptic) to move around there will be 2 applications of her ability

Hana sees the world getting distorted but from others perspective she is the one that gets distorted and goes funky so
1. Hana sees the world getting smaller and crumple inward and perceive the world as a hyperbolic one but in contrary she herself and the space around her is becoming an spherical object
in this scenario from others point of view she starts to become bigger and bigger and towering over everything but spherically with the curve towards them like an inverted sphere, and if she continues to extent ability farther, she gets so big that light travels through her and her opacity drops
if she extent her ability to infinity she becomes invisible and practically she becomes a 3 dimensional object where length of one of her dimensions goes to 0 so technically, she becomes a 2D object but her volume does not change therefore the other two dimensions goes to infinity
that means she become as big as whole universe covering everything and everywhere like a shadow and can be everywhere at the same time.

2. Hana sees the world gets bigger and inflate outward and perceive the world as elliptic one, but in fact she is becoming hyperbolic
this time people see her crumble inward and get smaller and smaller
if she extents her ability to infinity she becomes an object that her three dimensions go zero but her volume does not change therefore she gets an additional dimension and become a 4D object that only an infinitely small part of her can be seen.

so ultimately, she can go to infinity and become as big as universe, or small as smallest possible particle and her particles stacked on top of each other via an additional dimension.

this can be used in finale where this is parallel to Reimu's ability to float over everything to go even further beyond to not come back anymore.
I bashed my head against window and threw my brain in toilet so Hanaanon can be spared of this madness
I will curse the anon who suggested non euclidean movements for Hana's ability, I taught the ability to reject fantasy would fit her
PS: I fucking hate my autism that forced me to read 22 fucking pages of paper about navigating in higher dimensions using hyperbolic geometry

>> No.45412138
File: 120 KB, 850x1001, hana yakumo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45412618

we'll bury you with the highest honor in autism, soldier. You deserved it.
damn, the AI got even the brooch right, and this shit is a 39x39… these things are potent.
cool gen I guess that's the term?, powerlevelanon!

>> No.45412177

So Hana's power is completely broken but also confusing as hell.

>> No.45412307

I have only skimmed wikipedia for hyperbolic movement and remember jack shit about infinite curves from Calc so I'm just going to assume Hana's ability is like that They Might Be Giants song.
1. Is Universe Man, size of the entire universe and 2. Is Particle Man, smaller than a dot or a speck.
I guess that makes Yukari Triangle Man and Anon Person Man if you replace "hates" with "rapes".

>> No.45412424
File: 611 KB, 2598x2534, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_iesonatana__071489b1d2ece0b40d35674e1147de0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45412618

Hananon here, yes I've though about it as well and it is possible. Her mass will not change but her density could when it comes to her spreading. For the purposes of her power she would not 'tear' when she expands and merely spreads out as a singular being. This works in reverse as you well know and the only limit is that her atoms needs to maintain a planks length from each other or she'd cease to exist properly, I don't think she'd have enough mass to turn into a blackhole but it is possible. And if she could, while normally such small black holes would instantly vaporize under normal physics if Hana were to have an extreme grudge(or extreme teenage angst and hatred) she could sustain and grow to destroy gensokyo and the planet itself.

Note on being a 2d object: its technically impossible as experiments with graphine sheets have shown, once you get a 1 atom thick material it will start 'wobbling' on its own. This is because this universe cannot handle 2d objects and a bit of constant motion prevents proper 2d objects from forming. Though if Hana were to spread out she could infinity expand as large as her container and if she does, forget merely being anywhere at any time. Hana would literally gain omnipresence.

Another note on 4d objects: this is a little metaphysical, but if you prescribe the idea that 'enlightenment' is a state of realizing the truth which allows you to transcend this reality and leave it behind along with the wheel of reincarnation. Then Hana can, at any time ascend and become a being which exists at all points in time. She can achieve enlightenment at any time she so wishes.

When you combine both, spreading herself out to a state of omnipresence, and a state of existing at all points in reality... well I think you get the picture.

Fortunetly our adorable retard is not smart enough to do either and both spreading and contracting makes her feel 'uncomfortable' so she doesn't like going too far in either direction. Let us pray she doesn't realize the truth. Maybe Yukari realizes this, maybe she doesn't fully realize the extent of it. Either way, it is infinity broken in the truest sense

>> No.45412451
File: 148 KB, 850x1200, Fy1GKEHakAEQCi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kishin Sagume always walked through the streets of the Lunar Capital on a Thursday night. It was a Thursday according to the schedules of the filthy, impure Earth, but that schedule had seemingly become of some import to those who dwelt on Luna's surface as of late. It was in the whispers, those half formed conversations that she could catch fleeting murmurs of to accompany her steps across the paved streets of the Lunar Capital. It was in the heated conversations, the ones that the Watatsuki sisters partook in when they had forgotten - as they often did - that either their own rabbit servants or Sagume herself were in the same room.

And it all concerned the same topic. What would be happening in the impure land of Gensokyo tonight, and how would it concern that seemingly innocuous building that the youkai just couldn't seem to get enough of? The Hakurei Shrine Experience, it was called, or so Sagume had gathered from the many arguments she had been unfortunate enough to listen to on her walks, to say nothing of the arguments that she heard during those times that she wasn't walking the streets.

And so it was today, too. "It'll be the fox!" She could hear a rabbit shouting at her friend. "She's done the most for him, so why should any of the others get a shot!?"

Sagume rounded the corner and saw that one of the rabbits, crooked eared and with hair that went in every direction, was on her feet with clenched fists, staring at her companion, a tired looking male with floppy ears and even floppier hair. "Yeah, sure...Between all of the dependency, the fact he can't actually go anywhere, and the fact that she emotionally manipulates him daily? Yeah, she definitely deserves it. Not the crow who's had to learn a life lesson and admit to herself as well as his daughter that she loves him and carries his children. No, definitely not. That would be the height of lunacy." The male's voice was as tired as his appearance, and - Like usual - their conversation ground to a halt

when they spotted Sagume approaching. "S-Sagume-sama!" Both of them cried in unison, launching to their feet with a salute. "My apologies for discussing the impure Earth!" The male continued. That, too, had become a very common part of the vocabulary. It had started with Sagume doing her best to reprimand the rabbits, but it had gone on for so long that it was just another meaningless line to her now. "We'll get back to work immediately!"

Sagume rarely spoke. It was a habit that had long since become ingrained in her, because fate twisted and seethe around her accursed tongue, and careless whispers invited disastrous consequences. Still, she had learnt where the limitations lied. "...Break?" She murmured from behind her hand, which covered her mouth. Fate growled and clawed, but was unable to change the meaning of the simple question.

Happily, it seemed that the rabbits had also gotten used to interpreting her short words. "Our break doesn't end for some time, Sagume-sama, but we're ready to work now!"

"...Break." Sagume repeated, eying the rabbits sharply. "Lest fate take your energy." If the rabbits decided to work when they should be on break, they'd be on break when they should have been working.

"U-Um, yes Sagume-sama, thank you, Sagume-sama!" The girl stopped saluting, seemingly just so she could start again.

"At ease." Sagume told them as she brushed past. Truth be told, she wasn't entirely sure if even the machinations of her ability could overcome a rabbit's natural inclination toward laziness. It seemed too deeply built into the fabric of reality. Once she'd turned the next corner, her mind was already cycling back to her current vexation. The Hakurei Shrine Experience. The obsession of most of her fellow Lunarians. She had a distant, vague understanding of the place. A den of debauchery, a whorehouse. Words that were so out of place on Luna's surface that Sagume felt dirty just thinking about them. And yet, it had enveloped the filth of Gensokyo easily.

She wasn't sure where everyone was getting their information from. It all seemed to come from somewhere without focus, and on one Thursday night, on a tour of the barracks, Sagume had definitely spotted some kind of book, and the name on the cover had carried the name of the building. That concerned her. Impure materials like that were ending up on Luna? Or worse, were they pure versions, constructed specifically to sell to the denizens of the Moon?

The streets of the Lunar Capital's rabbit distract were paved with large slabs, but the streets of the Lunarians were smaller, made of white breaks that gleamed in the Sun. Built by the rabbits, of course, for it was work that they suited to. In that, the Lunarians and the rabbits of the Moon couldn't be more different.

>> No.45412458
File: 1.14 MB, 787x1280, __hakurei_reimu_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_ookashippo__0e76344045461139133683ae5b831450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45412624


"—and then I gave her my prized set of daishogi… Hope she doesn't destroy it or something," Aya huffed, perched on top of the statue. I smiled a bit—Marisa…—, hands resting on my thighs and eyes closed, concentrating, sat by the donation box with my back to the shrine. "But that's the essence of it: they're planning on throwing Hana a birthday party… You should do something."

I negated with my head, though it just made her sigh, ebony brows likely frowning. "I don't want to exert the pressure of my presence on her, Aya."

"I know, I know—and I respect that… But you've gotta do something, Reimu. It's your daughter’s birthday party! I can't think of a better way to start healing than this.” My smile falls, her words permeating my head and not leaving, brewing restlessness… which leaves me through a sigh, eyes opening. Three hours of uninterrupted meditation. It confuses me how younger me never could achieve barely a full hour—I pick the bamboo bottle without looking, sipping the fresh water and nodding to Aya. "Just think about it—you don't even need to be there if you don’t want to… but do something to tell her you're still alive, that you think of her and, above all, that you love her."

An ounce of rage arises, but it's quickly killed, the scarf around my neck draining it and releasing it to the wind. The idea rubs me the wrong way, but to live deaf to others' words is a path I don't want to follow again. "… Like a present?"

"A present would be nice! Any idea?" I stop, looking at the sky. An idea… What would Hana like to gain? I've never been the type to indulge her in the material world; Anon was much better at that… My gifts were new lessons, a free day, maybe taking her around for a walk… I sigh with frustration: I really failed miserably at every facet of motherhood—

A slim hand claps my shoulder, and I turn to see Aya has a soft smile. "Get that frown out of your face, trying to get front-page'd?" She giggles and, spontaneously, I take on that expression I had when we first met and had that talk. Aya shivers, I silently giggle. "Gladly memory isn't hereditary; my kids would be born traumatized…"

No more giggling; I just laugh. She huffs.

"There we are, not the gloomy miko anymore—my best suggestion for a gift? Don't think what she'd like to get; that's a rabbit hole worse than one dug by Tewi. Think about what YOU would like to give her… Sometimes, just getting something nice from the people we love is enough."

My shoulders drop, and I scratch my nape. "That'd require Hana to love me still." It comes out with a prolonged sigh—oof. Aya elbowed me. "What was that for?"

"Taking the trash out; still think she doesn't love you?" Puzzled, I raise a brow. Aya smirks. "Heh… Hana's a troubled girl, WE made sure of that. Yet, deep down, beneath all we put her through, Hana is just that: a girl. A lonely girl seeking motherly affection and approval." Stretching her arms and wings, Aya continues, eyes warm. "You can provide those, Reimu. Don't expect easy or immediate returns; you know better than I do you don't get those from a feisty one like Hana… but if you show her you've truly changed for the better and give her a piece of your heart—" she gently touches the fabric of my red-white scarf, smile growing kind. "—then who knows? She might sew it to her own heart~!"

The reporter finished, and I had to take a moment to recover, dazed by her words… Hugging myself, I couldn't help but grin. "Already giving those advices? Sheesh, I can't even fathom what it'll be like when they come out." Aya laughs out loud. "… But thanks. Truly."

"No need! Good luck, 'Mu~gotta go, now!" We shared a hug before the crow tengu rose flight and, by the next second, was already far on the horizon. I watched in silence, looking up as the night started to take over and the stars pop in. Behind me, the shrine was spotless, so no need to sweep tonight—eyes, however, never left the cosmos…

… The idea to go there and stay away from those I love so much resurfaces in my mind, roots I don't think I'll ever manage to cut…

Yet, soft arms, small body, pointy ears, and two fluffy tails anchor me and my sins back to this land with palpable hope.

I sigh, smile, and kneel to restart my meditation, eyes closed…

… Hana's face appears in my mind—not what I think she wants, but something out of my heart…

I wonder what this withered heart could give a girl like her, a girl so fierce yet easily impressionable—oh, I don't think I'll ever forget those shining eyes when I killed that snake~—with a golden heart, but whipped by the terrible darkness of miko work—haunted eyes, scared and sad, after she failed to kill the rat youkai…

Her giant baby eyes, eyes full of life, full of tears, hatred, confusion…

… Eyes like mine; hair like mine—it made her so mad when the scarce visitors would sometimes call her 'Reimu Jr.'…

Eyes full of joy when Anon gave her that little Hakurei clover brooch…

And, just like that, an idea. I giggled all giddy.

>> No.45412465
File: 3.06 MB, 2894x4093, FxIxWiLakAAHzjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Shrine Maiden's daughter would never side with that gap bitch!" And yet, Sagume thought to herself as she spotted a flash of purple hair followed by a second flash of blonde hair through a window, in some things, the Lunarians and the lunar rabbits were exactly the same. "It's a trick! She's just using her to free her father, then she'll-"

"Oh, come off it, sister! Hana's a whole bundle of mental problems and that gap bitch took full advantage of it! She's already calling her 'Mama', and it won't be long..." The voices trailed off as the pair disappeared past the window. Sagume watched the empty space for a moment before shaking her head. No one seemed to hate the filthy earthlings more than Watatsuki no Yorihime and Watatsuki no Toyohime, and yet no one seemed quite as engrossed as they did either.

It was quite a sight. And it was beginning to affect Sagume's thoughts. Twice, she had caught herself idly wondering what drama was unfolding on that blue planet. What was the crow tengu doing? Had the schoolteacher's friend apologized yet? Had the magician and the martial artist ever emerged from the building again?

No, it could not go on. She needed distraction. She needed a break from the omnipresent conversation. She needed a nice dream.

Accessing the Dream World was a strange affair. It was slightly metaphysical in a way that Sagume suspected only Eirin Yagokoro herself might have been able to truly explain, but after Sagume's negotiations with the ruling entity here several years prior, she had finally picked up the knack for it and could cross the boundaries that divided one realm from another easily. The Dream World itself was conceptual.

Things didn't exist, until they did. They existed, until they didn't. The world was flat, and it was concave and it was spherical all at the same time, but eventually, Sagume's mind began to take control and guide her toward the dwellings of the entity known as Doremy Sweet, the Ruler of Dreams. Doremy Sweet could take on many forms, and could exist in many places, but today, she existed in a strange castle, built as if by the fractured patterns of shattered glass, with wings extending in every direction seemingly at random. Regardless, the logic of the dream world pulled her through and guided her to the one lit window at the very top of the castle. Finding a balcony to land on, Sagume strode in.

And there was Doremy Sweet. The Ruler of Dreams was usually smug. She knew everything about everyone, and she loved having that information. She was always composed and always knew what to say next. The Doremy Sweet that Sagume saw as she entered the room was not this. She was half collapsed at a table, a large bottle of sake clutched in her weak hand, the sake cup having fallen to the floor long ago. The room itself made little sense, but she spotted the Journal of Dreams, Doremy Sweet's book that chronicled the dreams of every living thing, thrown underneath the table. Her curiosity piqued, Sagume stepped forward, then crouched and retried the book, which she placed on the table in front of Doremy, who's listless eye flickered to her for a moment. "Doremy." Sagume murmured. "What happened to you?"

"Sag'me...?" Doremy slurred, her face pressed against the table still. "Place is a mess... Should've told me you were coming..."

"This is an unimportant visit." Sagume replied, then paled and slapped a hand over her mouth. Too late. Already, she could feel the twisting coils of fate laughing, cackling in the back of her mind as they took her words and twisted them, flipping them on their head and reversing their meaning until all that was left was a very purposeful visit.

>> No.45412471
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"They won't stop dreaming." Doremy muttered into the table miserably. "Why won't they stop having these dreams?" She finally managed to push herself back upright, only to drink what had to be half of her bottle before slamming back into the table with a 'thunk'. "Every single night, every single day, weeks and weeks and months and months and I can't take another second!" She looked like she would be crying if she had any tears left to cry. Left at something of a loss for words, Sagume awkwardly reached over and patted her on the back. It wasn't exactly her favourite thing to do, but she still felt like she somewhat owed Doremy for allowing the Lunarians to take refuge in the Dream World, even if the whole thing had eventually gone completely wrong.

"What are these dreams?" Sagume asked. Sniffling, Doremy pulled the Journal of Dreams over, then flipped it open to a random page. Sagume blinked and felt her jaw drop open as the writing appeared, which she noted was miniscule and barely readable.

"Hana Hakurei." Doremy said by way of explanation. "Her dreams have always been erratic and symptomatic of a damaged mind, but they've become...Obscene. Erotic and lewd, directed at the worst possible targets. Her own father. Her faithful komainu. The youkai sage. Her mind teeters on the brink of no return." Sagume wondered if Eirin Yagokoro would be dealing with that, in her little Gensokyo clinic. She then wondered if it was even worth dealing with. Surely even now, the Brain of the Moon would still consider the degenerate minds of the impure Earthlings to be beneath her? "And here, Kasen Ibaraki. She's become nothing but despair in her dreams. All she dreams of is a world where she can save the man that she thinks she failed and make up for all the sins she's committed. Except, then she'll have a stray thought and her dreams will veer into even worse territory than Hana Hakurei's. Please, Sagume, tell me. What the hell is going on down in the waking world of Gensokyo?" Doremy looked up at Sagume. "What is the HSE?" Sagume sighed and buried her face in her hands. Truly, there was no escape from this hell. "Is it that bad?" Doremy asked her. "Want a drink?" She pushed the bottle across the table, and after debating with herself, Sagume took it and the sake cub that Doremy had given up on. Whatever she was drinking was strong, "It's from...Some dream an outsider had about the strongest alcohol he ever drank. Some guy named...Uh, Anon." Sagume stared at Doremy, then knocked the whole cup back before coughing harshly. "Yeah. That's how I felt on the first attempt."

She chose her words carefully. It wouldn't do to accidentally wipe every Lunarian and Lunar Rabbit's favourite show from existence before they'd wrung all the enjoyment they could from it. Even so, Doremy's face twisted into more and more mounting horror the longer Sagume spoke. "-So, the schoolteacher-"

"Wait, no no! I've seen her dreams, they're all her trying to apologize to someone who's always just out of reach. Is that what that was?" Sagume nodded. Really, she didn't know much about it, but apparently that's what was happening. In fact, she was learning far more about the whole thing than she'd ever wanted to. Truthfully, she just wanted to - Not - hear about it, for a long while. "That place is infecting everyone." Doremy muttered. "Everyone's dreams are revolving around it. That sort of thing has power..." She looked down for a moment. "I'm pretty drunk, so feel free to ignore me, but that much attention...That much focus and energy and belief..." She shivered slightly. "That's the sort of thing that births a new youkai."

"A building turned into a youkai?" Sagume asked. Fate tried its best, but couldn't twist her words.

"I don't know. It's not my area." Doremy's head fell back into the table. "Will it stop any time soon?"

Sagume didn't answer. She couldn't without influencing events. So, she did the best she could do in that situation.

She just reached over and patted Doremy's back again.

>> No.45412554

>Had the magician and the martial artist ever emerged from the building again?

>> No.45412613
Quoted by: >>45412649

Wasn't expecting a sagume chapter any time soon, I can't believe the HSE show is now canon. How large must the betting pools be now?
Also, ruined Doremy is max cute

>> No.45412618
Quoted by: >>45412726

I added the brooch myself, but yeah this AI thingy is getting more sophisticated by day.
good thing is that all these speculations come from physics and geometry but Hana's power stem from fantasy and magic, so yeah you can write her ability with any conditions and restrictions you want and with some explanations it would totally fit.

>> No.45412624

I wonder if the only one that could rescue Hana from gappy's clutches will be able to do it before it's too late. She has her work cut out for her, that's for sure.

>> No.45412649
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ever since the idea of doremy having to see all this shit unfold in the dreams, I've been thinking about writing it

>> No.45412660
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Quoted by: >>45414496

Sagume chapters, now that's a surprise; also I can't believe the HSE show—or rather book here—-, is fucking canon. Bettingmaxxing on Ran/Aya/Yukari must be a hell on itself, kek… At least Doremy didn't talk about Eirin, that'd have fucked Sagume hard.
great chapters! Thanks for them!

>> No.45412726

At the very least I'd keep it thematic, any sort dramatic use of her abilities would only be after some really fucked up shit happens

>> No.45413111

Anon sighed.
>"Hana, why couldn't your powers just be announcing when sping has come or something?

>> No.45413201
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In the following days, my life continued on, but it felt like a balancing plate act. Running the Suzunaan and being a mother was already plenty of work, but now I had to make occasional visits out to discuss things with Marisa and her compatriots. There wasn’t much to do. It seems that they already made up their plan and my input wasn’t needed to tweak it. Most of the time we just sat around and talked. Advice for Marisa for the upcoming months, a potential party for Hana who made missed her birthday during her disappearance, and other small talk like that. Of course, Mima and Shinki always made sure to remind me of my duty as a spy. They made it sound so simple. Just go into the HSE and find something that looked important and bring it back to us. They assured me that they wouldn’t pay attention to me and if they caught me, they probably wouldn’t kill me, Which was a weird way of assuring me.

But what really washed over me with a typhoon was everything that happened with Keine. I had expected the truth behind her lack of pregnancy to come out, but never would I have expected this level of vitriol. In just a few days, horrible rumors spread over the village like a sickness, growing worse with each retelling. A man at the teahouse said Keine had an affair with a married man, and he made her get an abortion to get rid of the bastard. It must be the Hieda’s patriarch, they claimed. She was always close to him and he was never quite the same after his daughter’s death. He’d he the influence to make her have an abortion. A woman visiting my library claimed otherwise. She said that Keine was spotted around the HSE. Oh yes, it was so scandalous, but Keine was single for so long of course she would have to go to a place like that. She must have gotten knocked up when she visited and his birth control failed, not that she would know anything about how that place worked, she was only telling me what others told me, of course. So when she got pregnant she had to get an abortion out of shame. There were other rumors, but as they got progressively disgusting, I did my best to ignore them.

It infuriated me. Keine was the one that taught their children. She was a great teacher that always did her best to help them learn and grow, although she wasn’t forgiving of those who missed homework. When Reimu was pregnant and nursing, it was Keine who stepped up and offered to take on more duties to keep the village safe, all while still doing her day job as a teacher. Years of kindness and goodwill were killed in just a few days. All because of some rumors nobody bothered to verify. She was fired from the job she loved and she excelled at because of them. She she ostracized from the village, treated like a lame animal slowing down the pack when just weeks ago, she was beloved by all. It made my blood boil.

But then her future changed quite literally overnight. It was the night where she collapsed in front of Alice’s home, two newborns in her arms. When she recovered, she had explained it all to me. How they fell out of the sky into her arms. How she fought like hell to save them, and how she wanted them to be hers. She had taken them home with her, but it ate away at me. Normally I would have trusted her to care for them with just a bit of advice from me. But here she was was without a job and all treated like a leper by the village. She had already turned down my offer of a job. Even now she was more worried on opposing on me then herself. Geez, this woman. She needed help, but I had to do so in a way that wouldn’t make her think I was offering too much.

I struggled to hold the box in my hands as I knocked on the door with my foot. As I wobbled to keep my grip, the door opened a few moments later. “I brought some old baby stuff” I announced as I wobbled over to a free spot on the floor and dropped it “I went up and got some baby formula, I also have some diapers; we can go over how to use them today. I have some old blankets you can use for them and some toys when they got older, I don’t have much in the way of clothes but with all the pregnancies going on some of the women were talking about getting together and making a bunch, so I can get you some when they’re done..” I take everything out of the box to show Keine.
“This is quite a lot” Keine said. Even now, she was concerned about charity. She had no reason to worry. I didn’t dip into my families fund for all of the new stuff, I dipped into my book fund. Sure it was painful having to hold off on buying some books I had my eye on for a while, but in this world there were two or three things more important then books, and friends were one of them.

>> No.45413226 [DELETED] 

“I’m sorry for not having more, we gave a lot of it away when my children grew up” I said. I knew I shouldn't feel guilty for it, but Keine deserved a lot more then I was able to give her.

“No, No. Don’t worry about it. Thank you for all you’re doing. How are your children?” she asked as a small smile appeared on her face, seemingly eager to hear something about her old life.

I sighed, as I tried to think of the best way to phase this without ruining her mood. “They miss you, you know? Lots of the kids there do. I know they believed all the rumors and helped spread them, but they don’t understand what was going on. I tried to explain to Daisuke and Fumiko the truth, but I don’t think they got it. Kids can be so stubborn, you know?” I feel guilt weigh down on my shoulders. If I was just a little more proactive in telling my children not to believe in the rumors, if I had pushed Keine to tell the truth earlier, then maybe none of this would have happened. Supporting her now is all I can do.

The awkward air hangs between us for a bit longer. “I understand, I was a teacher after all. You can’t always predict what they’ll do. They were just kids, I don’t blame any of my students for what happened” Keine reassured me, doing her best to lift the cloud of guilt off of my heart.

“So, can I see the babies? We still need to go over a few things” I changed the conversation to something more positive.

“In here. I’m still getting things ready for the, so excuse the mess” Keine went off to her bedroom and opened the door. It was indeed quite a mess. Clothing pulled out of dressers to make space, a stack of wood and tools in the corner, and two old frayed baskets laying near the middle of the room, next to her futon. I approached the baskets, and they they were. Two little babies, fast asleep, looking so peaceful as they slumbered. Keine had tried to covered their modesty with two smocks sewn together from old clothing. I made a note to get them clothing as soon as I could. One of them, the girl, fluttered open her eyes and saw me. Maybe she was wondering if she should be afraid of the stranger or not. Regardless of that, she started to mewl and move her little limbs around, demanding attention or food, or just about anything. I reached a pinky down and she grabbed it it. So cute.

“They might be a little hungry. Why don’t you make the formula while I watch them, okay?” I said as I hear Keine step away to the kitchen. I look at the little things. Despite being the children of a youkai, one that never truly became civilized, they seemed as innocent and delicate as my own babies. “Hey, you like your new mommy? She’s the best. She’ll make sure the both of you will grow up happy and cared for, so you don’t have to worry about a thing” The baby stared at me as I talked. I knew she didn’t understand, but it felt good to explain to her. It eased some of my worries.

There was one worry I had that I never told Keine about so I wouldn’t give her more to worry about. Someone like her would have realized it by now anyways. Eventually it would be found out she was caring for children and the rumors would start again. They would say she stole them from their rightful mother, no doubt. If they found out they were born form a youkai things would only get worse for them. But with the sea of babies in Eietei, they might just believe her when she said she adopted them. She’d still have to hide their heritage , but maybe if I asked Aya to publish a positive article they would accept her again. But Keine might not want that attention and I hadn’t seen Aya for a while. She must be busy.

“You know, if Akyuu was still here, she’d be freaking out right now” I said more to myself then to the baby. Akyuu was always against anything that made waves, and two youkai babies being raised in the village would give her so much to worry about. Well, she’d also be worried about a acquaintance of hers being held in a youkai-run brothel that had a surprisingly large influence, but I didn’t feel safe telling the baby that. You know, it was funny how stressed Akyuu got when the rare topic of youkai and sex came up. She never explained herself but it always upset her. Just seeing all the youkai babies in the maternity ward would probably send her into fits. I still missed her, but there were some things she just couldn’t handle

I’m startled by the sudden noise of footfalls behind me. I turn and see Keine is back, two bottles in hand. “Ah good” I said as I rose up and took one of the bottles, testing the warmth. “This is fine. We’ll see if they’re hungry, and then I’ll show you how to fold diapers and then I’ll clean up the house while you look after them” There was a lot to do, but I was ready for it. Caring for babies wasn't easy, but a lot easier then daring to go against one of the Sages.

>> No.45413230
File: 1.13 MB, 600x850, crying hana over ice cream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, poor Hana, not even her father understand her hax powers

>> No.45413242
File: 203 KB, 1494x2048, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_tohoyuukarin__d14c0185e003274c071374dd2fa786e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I’m sorry for not having more, we gave a lot of it away when my children grew up” I said. I knew I shouldn't feel guilty for it, but Keine deserved a lot more then I was able to give her.

“No, No. Don’t worry about it. Thank you for all you’re doing. How are your children?” she asked as a small smile appeared on her face, seemingly eager to hear something about her old life.

I sighed, as I tried to think of the best way to phase this without ruining her mood. “They miss you, you know? Lots of the kids there do. I know they believed all the rumors and helped spread them, but they don’t understand what was going on. I tried to explain to Daisuke and Fumiko the truth, but I don’t think they got it. Kids can be so stubborn, you know?” I feel guilt weigh down on my shoulders. If I was just a little more proactive in telling my children not to believe in the rumors, if I had pushed Keine to tell the truth earlier, then maybe none of this would have happened. Supporting her now is all I can do.

The awkward air hangs between us for a bit longer. “I understand, I was a teacher after all. You can’t always predict what they’ll do. They were just kids, I don’t blame any of my students for what happened” Keine reassured me, doing her best to lift the cloud of guilt off of my heart.

“So, can I see the babies? We still need to go over a few things” I changed the conversation to something more positive.

“In here. I’m still getting things ready for the, so excuse the mess” Keine went off to her bedroom and opened the door. It was indeed quite a mess. Clothing pulled out of dressers to make space, a stack of wood and tools in the corner, and two old frayed baskets laying near the middle of the room, next to her futon. I approached the baskets, and they they were. Two little babies, fast asleep, looking so peaceful as they slumbered. Keine had tried to covered their modesty with two smocks sewn together from old clothing. I made a note to get them clothing as soon as I could. One of them, the girl, fluttered open her eyes and saw me. Maybe she was wondering if she should be afraid of the stranger or not. Regardless of that, she started to mewl and move her little limbs around, demanding attention or food, or just about anything. I reached a pinky down and she grabbed it it. So cute.

“They might be a little hungry. Why don’t you make the formula while I watch them, okay?” I said as I hear Keine step away to the kitchen. I look at the little things. Despite being the children of a youkai, one that never truly became civilized, they seemed as innocent and delicate as my own babies. “Hey, you like your new mommy? She’s the best. She’ll make sure the both of you will grow up happy and cared for, so you don’t have to worry about a thing” The baby stared at me as I talked. I knew she didn’t understand, but it felt good to explain to her. It eased some of my worries.

There was one worry I had that I never told Keine about so I wouldn’t give her more to worry about. Someone like her would have realized it by now anyways. Eventually it would be found out she was caring for children and the rumors would start again. They would say she stole them from their rightful mother, no doubt. If they found out they were born form a youkai things would only get worse for them. But with the sea of babies in Eietei, they might just believe her when she said she adopted them. She’d still have to hide their heritage , but maybe if I asked Aya to publish a positive article they would accept her again. But Keine might not want that attention and I hadn’t seen Aya for a while. She must be busy.

“You know, if Akyuu was still here, she’d be freaking out right now” I said more to myself then to the baby. Akyuu was always against anything that made waves, and two youkai babies being raised in the village would give her so much to worry about. Well, she’d also be worried about a acquaintance of hers being held in a youkai-run brothel that had a surprisingly large influence, but I didn’t feel safe telling the baby that. You know, it was funny how stressed Akyuu got when the rare topic of youkai and sex came up. She never explained herself but it always upset her. Just seeing all the youkai babies in the maternity ward would probably send her into fits. I still missed her, but there were some things she just couldn’t handle

I’m startled by the sudden noise of footfalls behind me. I turn and see Keine is back, two bottles in hand. “Ah good” I said as I rose up and took one of the bottles, testing the warmth. “This is fine. We’ll see if they’re hungry, and then I’ll show you how to fold diapers and then I’ll clean up the house while you look after them” There was a lot to do, but I was ready for it. Caring for babies wasn't easy, but a lot easier then daring to go against one of the Sages.

>> No.45413385
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Because I introduced the idea of hyperbolic geometry and like a virus it has spread.
Things will only get more esoteric as time goes on, entropy increasing until this project finally concludes.
Should be fun!

>> No.45413395
File: 563 KB, 715x1000, __fujiwara_no_mokou_kamishirasawa_keine_hieda_no_akyuu_and_motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_kousei_public_planet__979e690b07f7dd6edd7d792c5c9a3941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, my fucking heart, Suzu and kids is a combination that won't bode well with my dentist… Nice to see her caring side and have a chance to unwind a bit; dealing with the Jobber Squad and always be under pressure must be a fucking hell for Suzu
thanks for the chapters!
also, thanks for the immense help! Was stuck on the next Keine chapter since yesterday, these two chapters helped me get a grip! Thanks again, suzuanon!

>> No.45413653

Suz is such a good girl. I can't wait for her to clutch the entire HSE teardown by bringing some seemingly irrelevant piece of info to the jobber squad's attention

>> No.45414262
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x1696, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_tenhi_tsukitori__57a122b8c51a98ffdec9b63ad0bcf9e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon picked up two tiles from the board, a grassy field surrounded by 3 forts and bisected by a river, placing them at his vanguard in a stack. “I tribute 7 seals to my channeler, activating her Polymerization spell! This allows me to combine my Gold General and Incense Chariot into Ruxor, the Fragrant Mage! Now, I activate the Akashic tome so that Ruxor can cast a spell immediately after summoning: A Firebolt aimed at your monk and ox!”

“Not good enough, Anon! Your Ruxor is in my jizo’s sights! I sacrifice a stone general to nullify Firebolt and disrupt the Polymerization!”

“Thanks a lot, Momiji! The higanbana planted behind your jizo reacts to the tribute! Now I can summon three carrion crows and send your jizo to the Sanzu river! By the time it comes back, you’ll already be dead!”

The players were in fierce competition, alliances forming and breaking each turn. Anon’s army of druids commanded by the fey king had stockpiled enough resources to begin summoning their veterans and casting artillery spells. Momiji’s forces led by a bodhisattvas met them in battle, utilizing Buddha’s teachings to weaken, nullify and destroy their materialistic desire for power. All the while, Aya’s necromancer princess took their dead as his own troops, his loyal crows protecting him from harm while sowing the seeds of chaos. Any chain-reaction could decide the rest of the game.

When Anon’s turn concluded, he collected a few tokens before Momiji’s turn. All he needed was another two turns to summon his hero. On the wolf’s turn, she continued her brave offense against the sorcerer's forces before he could amass power. Yet, Aya continued to thwart her advances, preventing the wolf from making any meaningful advances.

“Anon, I have a proposition for you: We’ll crush Aya now, then face each other. By then, you’ll have enough mana to do whatever you want to. Just don’t open a portal until she’s defeated!” For Momiji, there was no shame in losing to Anon and his foreign tactics. To lose against Shameimaru’s passive playstyle would be humiliating.

“No deal. It’d give you way too much time to position your units within my ranks. If I need to face someone in the endgame, I’d rather face Aya’s mindless forces instead of your nullifiers!” Anon knew his wizards had a favorable match-up against the undead forces. What’s more, convincing him not to summon his hero could be a form of mental warfare! Trusting in the heart of the tiles, the human decided to defeat both tengu with his own strength.
“… And now I move my shinigami to the river’s eastern end. Alright, your turn Anon!” This was it. This was the move that win her the game. All she needed was for Anon to open his portal-!

“First, I’ll have Weissman of the Dunes salt the river, preventing any units in or near it from activating their effects!” It was a safe move, negating Aya’s envoy between the living and dead and many of Momiji’s adherents. “With 30 tokens as tribute, I open the portal to the Fey Plane, summoning Setanta, Hound of Culainn!” On the board, a bright blue light shone as a large, tall tile bearing the hero’s name materialized. Capable of multiple attacks and movements in one turn, it was a game-changing piece, especially supported by Anon’s spells. Aya smiled at his achievement. Momiji simply shook her head and moved a tile into her fort.

“That’s nice and all, but I don’t think we need a fey portal. I’ll go ahead and change that for you!” Aya moved every one of her crows into the river tiles in one turn. The board tiles flipped to accept each offering. The gears inside rumbled as board decorations took on a red shade and the shimmering portal turned black. “With the sacrifice of Death’s envoys, the barrier between the mortal planes is merely a suggestion! Now that the river runs red with blood, your salt is worthless to staunch the flow of death! Now, Shinigami, waylay the passage between realms to bring forth a TRUE monster!”

“Wait a minute, why didn’t the salt work?” The board flashing between sinister shades of red, black and purple only served to confuse him further.

“I told you not to open a portal. The crows technically went to Hell and died in the blood river, bypassing the salt. It’s not over yet, but now we have to deal with her boss monster.” Momiji waited placidly for Aya to deliver her inevitable monologue.

“’Boss’ monster? I think you mean ULTIMATE monster! Behold, the forbidden harbinger of destruction, sealed away for ten thousand years! The murderer of mortals, the shearer of souls, the duke of desolation! Arise, my champion: Gashadokuro, the Creaking Skull!” The tengu was beyond words: Wind whipped from the board, extinguishing a nearby candle as Sentanta’s tile disintegrated, instead forming five tiles that bore the giant skeleton’s name.

(Part 56)

>> No.45414291
File: 299 KB, 500x500, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou_drawn_by_fuente__f433f920851a5506b3ee90e65c9ba956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Over three turns, Aya wiped out half of Anon and Momiji’s armies, adding them to her forces. Thrust into the depths of Hell, Momiji carefully positioned her troops to avoid Gashadokuro’s wide range, weakening her own defenses. Anon retreated, waiting to see how the tengu conflict would play out before risking his remaining spellcasters.

“Give it up, Momiji! Your disciples have never beaten my champion before, and they never will!”

“What, all three times you managed to summon him between dozens of games? Please, Gashadakuro is just a “win more” monster and you know it!”

“Then you never should have let me summon him in the first place. Calling him a ‘win more’ condition just means you were losing anyways! Now, crush the southern walls of her fort!” Obeying his mistress, the five-piece monster removed a piece of Momiji’s defenses. Her boddhisvatas was completely exposed.

“That’s far enough! You took Setanta from me, now it’s time to for some payback!” Picking up six tiles, he began his convoluted ritual: “First, I’ll cast Polymerization to bring Ruxor back! Now, tributing my horned falcon, I can give Ruxor access to the Necronomicon, allowing him to take control of Gashadakuro for three turns!” Making his plan clear, a black aura surrounded his stacked pieces and the skeleton’s web of limbs. However, a red light enveloped both Aya’s shinigami and her monstrosity.

“Fufufu, how adorable. That may have worked in the land of the living, but my shinigami holds supreme control in the merged realm!” As she gloated, a bolt of fire burned the Shinigami to cinders, coming from another stack adjacent to Ruxor.

“You’re haven’t seen everything yet! I had enough mana to cast a second fusion, bringing forth Caldera, Student of Flames! She can cast Firebolt every turn for free, destroying your shinigami!” Now that she’s gone, I can finally bring Setanta out of the fey planes. And with that, I end my turn. Ote.” Two veteran spellcasters, a hero of legend and a yokai of myth filled Anon’s board. He felt ebullient in stopping Aya’s designs in her tracks. Looking around, however, he just saw the tengu scratch their necks awkwardly, trying not to make eye-contact.

“Well… I think you should make your move Momiji. Let’s get this over with.” The crow had a flat tone.

“Very well. I move my nirvana mortar in file with the exit of Aya’s fort.”

“Wait, isn’t that illegal? Your king-I mean boddhisvatta would be in check.” The move did leave her primary piece open to attack with no hope of escape. A perfect tsumi.

The crow tengu spoke up instead. “Look past the river. Since we’re in Hell, her jizo statue is here too. It died more than five turns ago, reaching enlightenment and becoming a Buddha. So, it acts as a secondary king, meaning she isn’t in check.” A look of guilt flashed across her face before she announced her move. “Since I can only move my necromancer to this tile, I’m on a diagonal file with a free space in your fort, next to your king… And I can summon all of your sacrifices at once.” With a flick of her wrist, Anon’s tributes surrounded his king, leaving no room for escape. Even a spell from his mages would either do too little to save him or destroy both his enemies and king alike. “And that’s tsumi! Better luck next time!” In a puff of smoke, Anon’s troops evaporated from the board, leaving behind only Gasahdokuro, whom blocked Aya’s necromancer inside her fort. It offered no protection from Momiji’s powerful artillery.

With a smirk, Momiji picked up a tile and moved it next to her cannon, which had a direct sight-line to Aya’s necromancer. “We know how this ends.”

“You’re supposed to be merciful, right? Just finish me off already.”

It was wolf’s turn to be proud. “Using my disciple’s prayers as ammunition, my nirvana mortar aims, guided by the forces of the universe, to deliver your necromancer instant freedom from the cycle of reincarnation! Go, Nirvana Annihilation!”

With a single shot, a small ball of pure light shot in an arc toward’s Aya’s forth, bursting in a bright pillar that engulfed the fort. Without the necromancer’s influence, the skeleton crumbled away and the land returned to it’s lush vibrance. The war was finally over. So was the night. A chime played, commanding the tengu to leave after what should have been a night of sensual delight.

With the press of a single button, the board returned to its plain appearance and folded itself up, ready for travel. The tengu moved the room amenities back to their original places before bidding farewell to their gaming companion.

“I had a fun night with you girls tonight. You better bring that board back soon, or I won’t let you back in!”

With a smile on their faces, the girls giggled and left, promising to show another Anon another night of fun.

(Part 57)

>> No.45414310
File: 325 KB, 600x800, __hakurei_reimu_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_dadamori__41cc6f9ed0265028d27ac004d0b7a9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that Anon was taken care of, it was time to take care of the daughter. The tengu made a stop at the HSE’s kitchen again, while a few odd yamawaro gave them concerned looks.

“Don’t worry about those dirt kappa. They know the risks of jeopardizing Yukari’s connection to the tengu.” Momiji briskly gathered ingredients, giving any short yokai she passed a wide berth.

“I think they’re more worried about me.” One girl in particular had brought a roll of gauze and other supplies, leaving it on a counter nearby. They were normally so sterile. It was nice to see them acting friendly. Maybe she could use that…

After setting a pot to boil, Aya waved one of the more adventurous girls over. “Hey kid, I appreciate the concern. You seem to care a lot about people, right? Such a kind and generous person you must be.” The yamawaro nodded, blushing slightly. “You know, I’m very careful about the people I make deals with. Only kappa with stellar reputations. But I think I can trust you.” The little girl’s eye’s glistened at the word “deal”.

Hook, line, and soon, sinker.

“Listen, I’m trying to help out a lot of people in the Youkai Mountain. It’s something big, but it needs to be kept quiet for now. After I’m done, it should provide a lot of business opportunities! Something that might even allow the yamawaro to ingratiate themselves with the tengu, form some client relationships, you know what I mean? I’m not sure how much of it I need, but if you can find me a discreet, reliable source, I think we can do business with each other.” The girl was hanging on every word. She just needed to know what Aya needed.

“Alright, write this down carefully. I need some tinder wood, lots of scrap metal—the sharper and smaller, the better. The kind you can really pack together. Also some fertilizer-the mixes rich with postassium chloride and phosphorus. Also…”

Once Hana’s meal was finished, the little yamawaro had a full list of ingredients for Aya’s plan. She just hoped that the girl wouldn’t ask the same person for suppliers. Anyone smarter than this girl would figure what the whole list of volatile materials could be used for. At the very least, Okina didn’t hear about it. Perhaps her surveillance would kick in after sunrise.

“Alright Momiji, you ready to go?”

“Give me a minute, these yamawaro say one of the tengu guards saw your wound and assumed I attacked you! I must clear up this misunderstanding posthaste!” Knowing how long Momiji took to lecture someone, especially another tengu, the reporter chose to go on ahead without her. Hana’s food might get cold, after all! Tearing off the bandage to redress her cut, the cheek felt completely smooth. The wound had closed up completely! Odd, considering how it opened up during her bath. Nonetheless, it meant she didn’t have to cover her face anymore.

Leaving the HSE, the tengu waved farewell to Ran and idly though about the best way to approach Hana. Maybe she inherited her father’s dormant enthusiasm for board games! With Hana’s meal in one hand, arrived at the girl’s door and gave a single knock. In an instant, she felt a presence familiar to the Hakurei Shrine’s appear behind her. Not Reimu, not Hana. Oh, maybe Aunn was-

(Part 58)

Now read:

It’s good I swear

>> No.45414377

This was some good dorking. Didn't think all this was happening before Hana's bird abuse session. It makes the whole interrogation that much more hilarious.

>> No.45414496

>the HSE show—or rather book here—-
Funny thing is that the moonies could literally just watch them somehow, like in SSiB where they had Yukari under surveillance for months on end.

>> No.45414498
File: 452 KB, 1583x2036, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_satellitedragon__8c103d3733a0836f5157d69c2d13bdf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45387880 (20/-)

Suzu has been an angel in my life, one I don't deserve—she has her life to take care of; piling my responsibilities on her shoulders is cruel—but one I won't turn away from. Feels nice too to be on the other side of a lecture, and trial and error with these two bundles of joy has been… something. Who'd have thought making clothes for winged babies was so hard? At least Suzu seemed to enjoy it. Though I can't keep taking so much—her time, presence, knowledge, charity—and not giving back.

Breathing in and out, I scan if I'm far away enough from the village… Yeah, seems safe. Gently I descend, landing by the shore of a river that crosses the Forest of Magic, humming a cute lullaby as I place down my backpack and pull out the 'lid', giggling when I'm welcomed with a yawn. "Sorry, Kuramochi—should've expected night sparrows like you and your sister would enjoy a peaceful flight…" I poke his nose, the mumbling making his sister roll over, trying to use her small wings to cover herself from the sunlight. "… And sorry to you too, Aki. Didn't mean to disturb~"

As I talk to them, I carry the backpack to a nearby tree, cleaning the area before leaning it on the bark. Pulling my scroll, I raise a magic circle of protection around them—would've been useful during that night, but the ten-second cast is not ideal…—making sure they're warm and comfortable.

"Sorry again—last time, I swear—for not getting Aunt Suzu to take care of you; we don't want to be a burden on her, right…?" My hand caresses their faces, my slight smile dying a bit as Aki's soft and tiny fingers envelop my index. "Was I egotistical…?" I ask no one in particular, shoulders down. Saving them was a thing, but then adopting them? Without a job, funds rapidly drying—I frantically swing my head, giving small slaps on each side of my face.

It's not time for that!

… It's time to make money.

Mother Nature gives and takes: farming is impossible so late in autumn; foraging is possible but too risky—I can't even fathom what would be of me if I'd to sell something poisonous…—; I'm a terrible hunter, too: one day to catch a malnourished rabbit is bad. Really bad.Winged-game has already migrated also and is nigh impossible to find reliably.

Which leaves me with one good option: fishing.

Of course, many think like me and a lot are great fishers; hogging all the best spots, equipment is also far too pricey, just as I don't have any skill in fishing. One entire day of normal fishing got me less than hunting, and exploding the water with Danmaku burned the fish to a crisp—bad price, but food for us, at least…

… So, I strip my heavy clothes.

The frostbite chills my skin and my body jolts, but I go on anyway. I won't turn to crime, I won't use my powers irresponsibly—I won't taint these babies lives with such marks of shame—, I won't be a burden to one of my best friends and I won't let this world destroy my life. I'll retake all of it, change things… And I'll do it right.

My heart pounds as I place the heavy clothes around the babies, creating another layer of warmth. The circle will resist and keep them warm and safe—and if something threatens them, I'll have enough time to return and defend them.

I look at them again, my smile tender, and brush my fingers against their cheeks…

… Hope to never give up. Responsibility to keep moving forward.

Breathing in and out deeply, I get up and—trembling—move towards the raging shore of the river, a basket in my left hand. Gravel hurts the sole of my feet; hair in a massive ponytail; breasts bandaged and shorts to keep my decency. The cold and wind are harsh against my skin, even after I create a pellet of danmaku inside my stomach to warm the inside of my body.

… I glanced at the babies one last time, held my breath… and jumped into the raging, freezing river without hesitation.

It's like hell.

My body temperature goes crashing down, and I'm certain I'd be dead in seconds if not for the ball of danmaku inside me, even so humane panic installs and my brain tries to trick me into going back to the surface, scrapping my leg on a sharp rock amidst the confusion, blood tainting the water… Yet, as a melodic crying echoes in my head, hands clench, and I struggle to ignore every wordily pain, gulping buckets of desperation, heart on fire with a strong desire, finally recomposing myself enough as to swiftly swim to the bottom of the freezing river, magical senses stretched thin and—there! Fast and at my absolute limit, I swim towards the shoals and catch what I can with my basket before they desperately swim away.

Mother Nature gives and takes…

I stay two minutes there before resurfacing, gasping for air, body chilled all over, eyes wide with tears welled there. Having a hard time controlling my limbs, I look inside the basket, feeling terrible: thirty plus fat, glimmering fish, looking healthy as horses and, certainly, with a nice price tag to them. I grin through the suffering

… Time to fucking take.

>> No.45414520
File: 74 KB, 850x531, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_akashio_loli_ace__sample-b312e7d0a3d8859978b70af03022180d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember, guys! The only thing you need to not die of terrible hypothermia is a light missile inside your stomach!

>> No.45414557
File: 705 KB, 3000x3000, Cirno fishing hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Which leaves me with one good option: fishing.
Keine is joining the club, alright boys its TIME to unveil what Cirno's real domain was, FISHING.
By fishing in the river in winter Keine has given cirno her first bit of faith!

>> No.45414707
File: 848 KB, 800x972, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_rome35793562__d330971a6dd581d14eab87b9035cd0e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, can't fuck believe Anon fumbled that win after casting Firebolt. Goddamn heresy!
so silly and cut man, read all with a big smile; you can bet these three will be playing those at EVERY single family gathering, that's for sure
thanks for the chapters!

>> No.45414716
File: 674 KB, 1320x1080, __cirno_and_kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_kasuya_baian__b544f1951d85190819a63fb865d15569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good God, it's all connected! That's how Keine is going to recover her life and change the Human Village!

>> No.45414750

So Tengu Shogi is just Yu-Gi-Oh meets Dominions. It sounds really fun.

>> No.45414773

Can I read this thread without having read the rest or i will understand nothing?

>> No.45414776

you'll understand less than nothing

>> No.45414787

It will actively hurt your head to just pic up here

>> No.45414793
File: 297 KB, 1200x600, hanaintervention2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

… anon, there are 560 chapters before this thread
but try anyway, the first chapter is a meme entry, so there's at least that.

>> No.45414796

It's funny that Cirno and the fairies FTL and MFTL speeds still have them as pretty slow when compared to the casual infinite speed some other 2hus have.

>> No.45414903
Quoted by: >>45414979

You should read this from the start. You won't understand anything otherwise. Keep in mind this is a spinoff of another story (Hanacfic) Which is a spinoff of another story (Shrine Husband of Paradise). You don't have to read those as HSE became its own thing but there are a few references to them.

>> No.45414979

I think that the Hanafic is required reading, since it directly leads into the HSE and Hana is both an OC and major character in HSE. Shrine Husband of Paradise less so, just because Hanafic spins off starting from around Chapter 2 or so. It still has important info like Reimus's pattern of abuse, the Yukari promise, Aya's first coverage of the Shrine Husband incident and Anon life before being forced into selling his body and later, emotional support. To be fair, Hanafic does cover that well enough that to serve as a launching-point alone.

>> No.45414994
Quoted by: >>45415023

Speaking off, will the og hanafic resume once this one is over?

>> No.45415006
File: 348 KB, 320x320, Yukari head sway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the real question, do we read it in subs or dubs???

>> No.45415023
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Hanaanon said he'll resume after he finishes here, so yeah

>> No.45415034
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Quoted by: >>45415052

I put it through sugoi

>> No.45415042

there was an anon in the KMS threads who said that he reads that through google translate

>> No.45415052
File: 125 KB, 1464x2048, Tenshi swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats it, i'm bopping tenko on right on her funny hat!

>> No.45415488
File: 296 KB, 1344x1000, Reimu pants kasen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana bowed to the sage she had met for the first time in a good while, after the animal guards she employed ate her offering. The eagle ate his steak quickly and took off first, the tiger ate his slower and by the time the eagle returned he was finished and there she was. The sage of the senkai and hermit, Kasen Ibaraki was before her just down the trail from where she stood.

Hana couldn’t help but fail in suppressing a smile as she waved and trotted up to her, avoiding running if only to save face. It was true that Kasen was distant till recently, but if it counted for anything she did help them find shelter in the village and gave advice to help her when her mind was troubled. Hana knew that in truth they weren’t that close, for some reason Kasen has kept her distance in past couple of months. On top of that, her demeanor wasn’t the most welcoming with her face being as neutral as she could make it.

With a terse word of ‘come’, that rang out before Hana could even get close enough to properly greet her, the hermit turned and walked towards her home. Confused but not wanting to raise a fuss Hana followed along behind the back and tail of Kasen and the tiger, the eagle perched on Kasen’s outstretched arm.

Kasen had stopped her walk in the courtyard of the gigantic dojo she called home, spinning around on the spot before dismissing them with a stroke of affection and a whisper of a kind word. Now that Hana could get a good look at it under the bright sun of her senkai, she realized that Kasen’s face was a cracked mask of placidity. Under that nonchalance there was strong emotion brewing, she looked tired and frustrated; perhaps she was even angered, though by what she had no clue.

Snaking panic rose up in her chest, was she mad at her…? Did… did Yukari tell her about her actions with father?! W-was that why Yukari sent her here… did mama…!? Hana took a moment to gulp down her fears, it would bring nothing to question Yukari’s motives. Even if she did leak what happened it would’ve been for a good purpose!

Instead, with a calm bow Hana presented her gift of sweets from that really good shop, “Thanks for having me Kasen-san, its been awhile since we last talked but I apricate everything you’ve done!”

Still bowed respectfully, Hana didn’t rise until she felt Kasen take the bundle from her hands. With a muttered “Of course…” Kasen responded in kind, prompting Hana to return to her standing position. Hana stared at Kasen expectantly, she had much to say to the hermit. Everything from how she’s been doing, to how her father has been doing, her new power she unlocked, the other day when Marisa, Aunn, and her were able to meet down at a local restaurant and the waiter slipped up and spilled soup all over her… Much more too!

Despite Hana’s enthusiasm the hermit seemed to be gathering her thoughts, it felt like a minute or so had passed by now. She knew she was intruding and all, but Hana was somewhat surprised that Kasen didn’t even invite her in. Still, it would be rude to speak further without letting her host get a word in edgewise, and Hana did owe Kasen for helping her leave her mother’s shrine…

Another minute passed, Kasen stared into her eyes deeply, irritation seemed to be mounting in on the sage’s face… Hana was growing nervous, she heard hermits didn’t like being intruded upon and all. Isolation was the whole reason they sequestered themselves away into their little worlds, intruding upon it unwelcome like she did…

Hana squirmed under her gaze before bowing again, this time at a near 900 angle. Hana was unable to keep the panic from her voice as her hair swung out from the force of her bow, “I-I’m sorry if I made you mad from coming in uninvited, b-but It was important that I come by and all… You see its cause I-“

Kasen’s cold voice cut her off, “I know, Yukari-san sent you didn’t she…?”

Hana raised her torso cautiously, why did it sound like she spit out the name of her mama like it a bite of gristle? Hana nodded, she was confused; Wasn’t Kasen helping them? Didn’t Kasen understand Yukari’s plan like she did? Weren’t the sages friendly with each other? Kasen eyed Hana, was that disgust in her eye…?

Kasen eyed Hana up and down before she spoke, a single word crossed the air between them, “Why?”

Disclaimer: I made a fucky wucky in stating that they hadn't met. I forgot that they were acquainted and auntie Kasen had helped out Hana in the OGhanafic. Consider those sentences stating they haven't met to be retconned

>> No.45415580
File: 103 KB, 850x630, __hakurei_reimu_and_ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_lad_der__sample-71e0f2e64e9825c10ba211fb24bb3712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you shouldn't have done this; you'll make anons here fucking lecherous: look at those kneecaps, for God's sake!
man, Kasen gonna give Hana a hard time, though it's hard to find fault in Kasen's treatment and Hana's confusion; everything is just so messed up between them… hope it doesn't go as bad :(
it's okay man, it was a simple doo-doo, a woopsie-daisy, if you will. No worries

>> No.45415582
Quoted by: >>45415630

That damned hypocritical (former) hermit is that it again!
Being so mean to her..
Well they aren't married, but they're having a child together... So?

>> No.45415630

don't question the Uberbaby genetics, otherwise half of Gensokyo would be having a baby together

>> No.45415716

You see I tried to argue this same exact thing with the guy operating the AO3 upload but he just brushed off everything I said soooo I guess you actually aren't required to read the Hanafic

>> No.45415734

I didn't brush it off, man; it's really Hanaanon's work, and though I really want to link it on AO3 so readers there have a better reading experience, I won't do it in detriment of Hanaanon's getting credit for his work.

>> No.45415934

I made the collection itself, fact is that I can't upload it without his permission. It's his fic, at least we have the links to to the old threads

>> No.45416212
File: 327 KB, 769x1000, Reimu sitting on the Hakurei god's balls (singular).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.2k words in and I've still got another post or two worth of stuff to write for the Alice/Shanghai update.
I have a terrible feeling that the birthday post is going to be loooooong.

>> No.45416542
File: 362 KB, 650x850, Kasen reimu peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That question had caught Hana off-guard, it confused her. Why? What did she mean why? Why did Hana help her new mama? The confusion must have been obvious, not like Hana was keeping her face in check, because Kasen spoke further with a frosty tone underneath the calm and collected words, “I know you’ve started working with Yukari-san, though I don’t understand why. Do you not remember who started this?”

Did Kasen not know…? Did she not want to know…? Why is she helping if…? Hana realized that unlike a lecture she seemed waiting for an answer so she obliged, “I… Why wouldn’t I help Yukari-san? She’s been helping me and father so much and-“

That anger flared to the surface, making Hana wince, “That women is helping you?! Have yo-“ Kasen recollected herself, “Hana-san, I don’t know if this is some kind of joke, if it isn’t then I can only ask if you’ve lost your mind”

Hana could practically see the rage radiating off of her, it was only barely held back. Why was she so angry at her? Hana barely realized that she took a step back, but she had to keep her ground and explain herself. Kasen deserved that much and mama was counting on her, now she saw why.

Her voice was wavering a bit but Hana was able to clear her throat and speak, “I know Yukari-san seems like she’s h-hurting father, but its for the best! Really! She’s kept mother at bay, she’s taught me a bunch about my work, and she promised to release father once this is all over!”

Kasen looked at her as if Hana had just sneezed on her sweets, “Are you so dumb to believe her lies? She’s using you for her idiotic goals and you see fit to swallow the drivel she spouts?!”

Both of the women were nearly shouting now, Hana was shocked Kasen’s accusations. Mama would never use her… Kasen was simply wrong but didn’t know it, “It’s not a lie! Yukari is just misunderstood, no one wants to give her the time of day so she has to act like she’s the villain just to help me when no one else wanted to!”

It was known hermits were masters of self-control, that’s what Hana had been raised to know despite her mother’s comments about how there wasn’t a single sane hermit around. It was that lesson that she realized the truth of as the sage in front of her fumed. It terrified Hana to see such a powerful being, much less one that she respected and hoped she could be as good as friends with as her father once was. She knew that she was having a bad day, it was obvious with one look at the women who normally didn’t have a single hair out of place.

Still, to insult mama like that… accusing her of using the affections Hana fostered after she had spent so long under the same delusions Kasen had… It irritated her like the dust in her eye causing her to tear up. Hana had to shout out in frustration, “Kasen-san, that’s too much! Ma-Yukari was the only one to actually bother coming up with a plan! You never helped us like she did, you never even showed your face once during that time! You just don’t understand anything! Where were you at any time when things were bad, I barely even knew you till you bothered showing your face when it was easy for you to do so!”

Hana trembled as it recalled the pain of all those years, “She would hurt him… and hurt him more and more, you just pretended to not know! Everyone knew, but you didn’t bother lifting a finger even once! Mother told me about how she could barely stop you back then! She told me and I knew you were strong, you could’ve stopped her if you wanted too, you and everyone else! Nobody did anything till I bothered too…!”

There was a lot of dust in her eyes, enough to obscure her vision as her tears blurred Kasen into a blob of pink, “Everyone left me and father…!” Hana hugged her arms against her chest, trying to shake off a chill that wasn’t in the air, “Up until I got him out myself nobody was around to help… Not you, not Marisa-san, no one…!”

>> No.45416549


Hana heard a voice call out to her, but she was past the point of listening. She shook off the hand she felt on her shoulder and didn’t even hear anything but a false placating tone. Hana could only mutter out, “No one helped… and then Yukari came and I thought she was just a weird woman trying to taunt me… I thought she was just following up on those threats and making my life a hell for fun, but she was the only one trying to help in her own way and-”

Hana suddenly felt her legs give way from under her as she let out a yelp of surprise, only to feel an arm supporting her under her knees. She was being carried…? Hana blinked away the tears and looked up at the hermit who lifted her with an incredible ease. She was about to break out of her hold, flying away or maybe using her powers, but Kasen’s face stopped her. The rage was gone, and what was left was a complex expression of… sorrow and… was it guilt?

Finally, she heard Kasen’s voice as she carried her across the threshold of her home, “I’m sorry… for not being there so… I’m here now, alright?” Kasen placed her on the ground in front of a small table in a rather spartan excuse of a living room, “Just relax for now, I’m sorry I snapped. I’ll make us some tea so… just rest for now.”

Hana tried her best to clear the dust from her eyes as the back the hermit vanished beyond a corner.

>> No.45416719

It's kinda funny how people have been going out of their way to help 'mu more than 'ana.
At this rate Ran is going to end up married to 'mu instead of anon.
When she was with 'mu people avoided them both, but now people are going out of their way to help 'mu due to how relatively lax yukari's surveillance on her is on 'mu while they don't go out of their way to interact with 'ana.
Also I just realized but yukarin 100% counts as a groomer in this fic due to purposefully isolating and taking advantage of 'ana.

>> No.45416768
File: 585 KB, 700x817, 1696299138637695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, I quickly reread the Hanabanana fic and skimmed through it to make sure I don't fuck up any more relationships. From the start everyone abandoned Hana from the time she was ten and people only stopped by for business, literally only Aunn was a companion. Though not even Aunn got many mentions.

As I wrote her breakdown I realized that Yukari was the only one to go our of her way to contact Hana under her own initiative. Despite her cryptic bs she was actually warning Hana of things to come and trying to make her better.
Mamizou made an appearance to goad her into start training under Marisa but thars about it. Poor girl was entirely abandoned by everyone and only Yukari seemed to care in the slightest.
One could say that in typical gappy fashion her taunting Hana was really her way of showing that she cared and wanted to help... well thats what Hana believes anyways

>> No.45416835
Quoted by: >>45416857

It's really sad that mamizou has been left behind by the HSE plot, she's my favorite 2hu even eclipsing cirno, okina, and ran.
Hopefully she steal's Anon's heart in the hanafic.
At the very lest she hasn't raped anon and is smart enough to not pick a fight she can't win and even in cannon is generally one of the few 'hus not to job regularly.

>> No.45416857
Quoted by: >>45416891

She is helping staff the HSE with tanuki though. Though its probably more of a power move to not be irrelevant.
Its a shame no one wrote her in as one of 'anna's moms. The amount of highjinks and beefing she could be doing with Ran and Aya would be legendary

>> No.45416872
Quoted by: >>45416936

What the hell is going on here

>> No.45416891

I forgot the Tanuki even existed in the HSE, when were they last mentioned?

>> No.45416936
File: 1.94 MB, 1192x802, Secondaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45416988

>What the hell is going on here
The Hakurei Shrine Experience!

>> No.45416937
Quoted by: >>45416951

Earlier in the Hanafic, before that the Takane sections

>> No.45416951
Quoted by: >>45416962

Huh, guess everyone else also forgot about them, maybe they lost their jobs to the kappa?
That reminds me, suwako had a forma de kappa that she uses once in WaHH, I'm suprised nobody ever did anything with it here.

>> No.45416962

Lack of writefags willing to tackle certain certain characters. I know I personally have my hands full with Hanabanana alone, plus the occasion side story.

>> No.45416975
File: 1.64 MB, 1151x1151, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I was the first to reference Mamizou after the HSE Epoch here: >>44967465
As for Tanuki staff, I threw in a secondary that was introduced in this Takane chapter: >>44955880

>> No.45416988
Quoted by: >>45416994

Elaborate further.

>> No.45416994
Quoted by: >>45417152


Read the older threads, the relationship chart >>45408303 and >>45407708
Flow chart explain the rest.

>> No.45417152

What the fuck

>> No.45417457
File: 61 KB, 400x400, 1696941560064204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so the short version: This is a spinoff of the OGHanafic which is a spinoff of another fanfic. You see in the OGHanafic, the story takes place in the 'future' of the Touhou timeline. Reimu had gotten married to an outsider called Anon and gave birth to a daughter, Hana. But Reimu's abusive behavior caused her now teenage daughter to flee the shrine with her father in tow. The HSE splits off from here. Yukari captures Anon, rapes him, and forces him to live and work in a one-man-brothel which is all part of an elaborate plan she has, seriously. The impact of this causes tremors that might shake the entire foundation of Gensokyo.

You see, it's all very simple and wholesome.

>> No.45417473
Quoted by: >>45417543

>One-man brothel
Does he at least get to re-hydrate?

>> No.45417504



>> No.45417532
Quoted by: >>45418359

That's one of the issues I had while writing the original story. Shrine Husband of Paradise was fairly compact, around a year or so I think. So while Anon doesn't receive much help, it does make more sense. But since my story takes place well in the future where Reimu's behavior never changed, I had to come up with excuses for why nobody stepped in especially when they have a daughter. I never got around to explaining it, but my reasoning was that Reimu was still powerful and an important figure in Gensokyo even as an abusive middle-aged woman. It would have been tipping their hand to step in and try to change things and they would have gotten Reimu angry at them. Why make an enemy of the shrine maiden when her daughter will step in a few years down the road? For some like Marisa it would have meant destroying the last shreds of friendship they have with Reimu and potentially being forced in a situation where things turn violent. As for Aunn, things moved away from the shrine so I didn't have many opportunities to write her and I actually forgot about her at first.

>> No.45417543

The Eientei drugs help.

>> No.45417670
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This is not good for the heart, damn
thanks for the heartache

>> No.45417735
File: 511 KB, 2200x2781, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_shangurira__707baf0dc24b0110c77c423982daa6dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana is weirdly less approachable than Reimu here. She's very secretive about her traumas; have many connections already; is under constant surveillance and, since so much of the cast is youkai, interactions hardly seem to go a good way. Though, at least the Jobber Squad is making a conscious effort to integrate her and make her happy -- Yuuka just went to goddanm heaven to get a flower, for example --, and Eientei therapy is transporting her trauma to Eirin
Reimu actually talks about her feelings and is much warmer to other people after Ran canonized Osana Reimu PTSD and did something about it, so it's easier to help her.
Poor Hana, if only the cat could get to her; Hana would be fucking steel and hellbent on destroying Yukari within three chapters

>> No.45418359

SHoP took place over about 3 - 4, at the timeline divergence it was around 2½ years into the future

>> No.45418416

It's gonna be funny when yukari shows up at the party and totally destroys what little human connection hana has.
After that everybody will be actively avoiding hana until the party, i'm hoping she won't have even aunn for maximum suffering.

>> No.45418430
File: 220 KB, 753x491, yukariwhiteroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shitposting, Yukari

>> No.45418712
File: 2.49 MB, 1748x2481, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_gunnjou_yosio__8eed90fbeda29c3ea12ff1802b69d33e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Hana is fun to write. Shes a little bundle of trauma and complexes combined with teenage spazziness. Much like a teen she's trying to balance her selfish nature with proper morals, but she can't help but view things in a me vs others mentality that crops up in the worst times.
She has the obvious, her Electra complex that she rightfully thinks others will condem her for(humans would at least, she doesn't entirely realize yooks probably wouldn't care as much). So she isolates herself and feels extreme guilt at being found out despite that she longs to get the guilt off her chest and if someone were to accept her for it she'd warn up to them asap.
She has something of a victim complex and again, rightfully so. Everything has gone wrong in the most literal sense. Nobody ever rended her aid during her important teenage years and now that she's at the tale end of her 16th year, chronologically, all the help she gets feels false. She has a hard time trusting anyone at this point given how happy they were to turn a blind eye, even Marisa ghosted her afterwards.

Now my favorite part, her massive mommy issues. She is actively seeking literally any positive female attention no matter how destructive it is for her. Marisa was great and she does love her, she even deeply cares for Kanako, Yuuka, and anyone willing to show they care. But then she also has her sin kink, and her female caregiver fetish caused by neglect and the harsh abuse from her mother.
Guess who fulfills all the above criteria while also being a previously neutral party that she hasn't been burned by?
You guessed it, its gappy!

Any of her moms trying to take over as primary mother is gonna have her work cut out for her.

>> No.45418733
Quoted by: >>45418744

obviously things have already spiralled out of control in the HSEverse, but I hope when the original hanafic comes back, some of this stuff about Hana getting no support comes up again, and gappy (but not creepy rapist gappy) does try and help her a little

>> No.45418744
Quoted by: >>45419095

Hanaverse she doesn't have a sin kink at least, so there's hope as long as no one exploits that. All the other complaints are very valid though, no matter when Hana is in for some suffering

>> No.45418965
File: 79 KB, 800x454, Yukari did your mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hope for that is simple, Yukari arrives as normal and puts Hana on the spot for if she can join them. Hana will stutter out a yes, clearly flustered. For the rest of the birthday party Yukari is hovering around Hana, not even hinting at their true relationship but making it a point as to how Hana never pushes her away and seems to try to include her in everything.
Ideally by the end of it Hana slips up and calls her 'mama' causing Yukari to dote on her and they end it with Yukari and Hana giving each other a peck on the lips like they're family.

Hana is then forced to confront the jobber squad and the beans get spilled in typical Hana fashion after she uses her true ability [absolute sperg]

>> No.45419068 [DELETED] 
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>Hana is then forced to confront the jobber squad and the beans get spilled in typical Hana fashion after she uses her true ability [absolute sperg]
considering what Hanaanon said here >>45418712, that seems like the perfect set-up for one of Hana's massive problems to be fixed, or at least begin to heal:
she's cornered by the people she's been lying to, the lie that she's tangoing with the absolute enemy out, sperging her heart out and thinking it'll be like always, where she'll be shunned and left her alone—probably what Yukari plans by showing up, so certain of everything going her way she won't even be watching over Hana after leaving—, but instead of that, Yuuka since she's the most motherly and courageous of the bunch; but Mima or Marisa work too[/spoiler comes forth and just hugs her and starts to talk about the terror Yukari has put her through for things to end up like this, saying she felt throughout the whole party Hana's true feelings of fear and sadness; one by one, all the Jobber Squad + Aya, Suzu and Aunn join the hug, telling her things will be okay; together they'll win, that they are here for her and appreciate her, and so on
a new year of Hana's life starting with this would be poetic.

>> No.45419074
File: 152 KB, 850x602, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_and_ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_kyouda_suzuka__sample-ad600c684c64b7cb49596a9935cc3976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hana is then forced to confront the jobber squad and the beans get spilled in typical Hana fashion after she uses her true ability [absolute sperg]
considering what Hanaanon said here >>45418712, that seems like the perfect set-up for one of Hana's massive problems to be fixed, or at least begin to heal:
she's cornered by the people she's been lying to, the lie that she's tangoing with the absolute enemy out, sperging her heart out and thinking it'll be like always, where she'll be shunned and left her alone—probably what Yukari plans by showing up, so certain of everything going her way she won't even be watching over Hana after leaving—, but instead of that, Yuuka since she's the most motherly and courageous of the bunch; but Mima or Marisa work too[/spoiler] comes forth and just hugs her and starts to talk about the terror Yukari has put her through for things to end up like this, saying she felt throughout the whole party Hana's true feelings of fear and sadness; one by one, all the Jobber Squad + Aya, Suzu and Aunn join the hug, telling her things will be okay; together they'll win, that they are here for her and appreciate her, and so on
a new year of Hana's life starting with this would be poetic.

>> No.45419095

I recall in the early days of the HSE that the sin kink was supposed to be in the OG Hanafic but was agreed upon by other anons that all the degeneracy would be better left here.

>> No.45419102
File: 1.19 MB, 1135x1041, junko and hana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45419105

that's for the best, it wouldn't work there

>> No.45419105

Nah, sin kink is HSEverse exclusive. OGhanafic was supposed to build up to an electra complex being expressed as per the og prompt. Though it morphed into a proper Anonbowl and Hana fighting her demons. At this point, theres no telling if OGhana will get any sort of proper electra complex.

>> No.45419576
File: 116 KB, 850x822, __shiki_eiki_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231__sample-5850ffa3e6c5839c1fc21b0e27e2acbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Seija", the Yama began, not bothering to wait for any words on our part "You should temper your greed. Performing your role as an Amanojaku is admirable, but you've crossed the line more then once now and the results are becoming more devastating."

As expected, Seija merely replied with an offensive gesture.

"What will you do when it causes you to lose the small collection of people you care for? The man at your side now might've thrown himself to oblivion, will you also endanger your child in the same way?" She preached in a level tone.

At this, the Amanojaku crossed her arms and turned away, the sermon having a small effect.

"As for you Goro, you should no longer associate with Youkai and forsake your service for Yukari Yakumo as much as you're able. I cannot grasp what flight of fancy or indulgence caused you to embark down this path, but know that a terrible fate, worse then all you've suffered, lies in wait if you do." She judged.

I breathed deep and exhaled from my nose. "And that will save my soul?" I smiled.

For a moment the Yama closed her eyes and was quiet. "It will not, but at the very least you can live your remaining life with dignity."

To my surprise, I felt a small, seething rage creep up within me. Who was she to judge me? To judge anyone? By what standard but her own had she measured everyone in the world while she stood at the lever of punishment? And what good had it done? Crisis loomed and the world was teetering on collapse and what, we should be less greedy? Live our lives with dignity?

"Just a self-righteous judge using others for your own gratification." I muttered under my breath as the Yama continued to talk in that even tone of hers.

I ignored what she had to say and quickly fed Seija, who eagerly awaited my signal, a series of targets.

In an instant, the sands and muck of the shore were thrown upwards and we were behind the judge. Seija struck at her with an attack that just managed to graze her, shredding some of her uniform.

"And another thing." The Eiki said, summoning her fae servants and preparing for battle "The both of you should make peace with your weakness, or you'll suffer forever."


To validate her message, Eiki threw the whole farm at us. Hails of bullets, platoons of fairies, and jabs with enormous rods of remorse that she effortlessly materialized. But by far the worse was her ability.

Where Yukari thrived on orchestrating chaos, Eiki was capable of establishing absolute order on it. Such a thing wasn't alien to me, since my deals also had the same 'absolute' principle, but this was her territory in more ways then one and it was the best I could do to keep up.

'Stop trying to be fancy and just give me a route to smoke her!' Seija's thoughts screamed.

'Her defense is ironclad, we can't commit until we're sure.' I replied, sending her the fulcrum of one of the massive rods that she subsequently flipped into another, buying us some precious space. Eiki remained unperturbed.

Damnit, it was happening again, the jaws of defeat were closing in on us just like with Flan, Hana, Yukari, and we didn't even have a go at Kasen. I gnashed my teeth at the prospect with what little room I had to while searching and feeding Seija data. Were we really just fodder? Bit players on a board set hundreds of years ago by these insane matriarchs?

'Become Yukari.' Satori had told me. The idea made me sick, using people, it would only come to haunt me. But what if there were people that weren't destined for autonomy, what if they were too deluded to see things for what they are and act of their own accord? I could only enter contracts on good faith, so who could in their right mind would refuse me?

I looked at Seija and how her black hair twirled and bobbed around her horns. I looked at the bracelet and perceived the small life we'd planted. I looked at Eiki and her placid expression.

Using others to gratify your own justice? You want to be the fulcrum on which good and evil sit? Then how about we use you just as intended.

A smile crept onto my face.

>> No.45419587
File: 62 KB, 696x446, __shiki_eiki_and_onozuka_komachi_touhou_drawn_by_midori_misuriru8__5c4735a5de33515421998c6c2c31d3c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I knew it! I always knew it!' I thought, overjoyed at the series of instructions Goro sent me.

You think I'm so greedy don't you shitty Yama, but what you don't know is that I can also be very fucking patient. I waited for what felt like an eternity for Goro to finally understand, lent myself to him, acted with such restraint, because I knew one day he'd finally come around!

The man shuns others worse then me you know? Despite being well-liked, he chose to live secluded, even though he had connections to squeeze he chose not to exploit them, he hadn't even slept with a woman until I came along! And because of that he held back, suffering fools, never acting cruelly, fighting with mercy, hell, maybe that's why he let a lowlife like me get close to him in the first place!

You fight to win, that's the rule of Danmaku, of any conflict! At the point where a battle's begun reconciling becomes impossible and any means is on the table! So throw your orderly little pellets at us! Send us your feeble little servants! Toss those gaudy golden rods in all directions! Watch us swerve past them all, cut straight though your defenses right until there's one of us in front and behind you.

"What?" The Yama said, a crack appearing in her composure as Goro placed a hand on her chest and I put another on her back.

Goro twirled his finger, first pointing up, then pointing down and the Yama, the fulcrum between the living and the dead, shuddered.

"Flip" I commanded.


Without ceremony, we arrived in New Hell, appearing at the top of some volcanic cavern to the notice of a few onlooking spirits and fairies who didn't give us much thought.

"Well," Goro began, "That was anti-climatic. Feels like crossing infinity would've been more..." He mimed a sort of explosion with both his hands.

"Eh? Is eking out a victory on the Yama after a long streak of losing not enough for you? Be grateful fool, we've upended order itself." I cackle, poking him on the cheek, then remembering "Is our brat okay?"

He raised his hand and gazed into the bracelet and I felt the observations he sent me. The sound of a slow, murmuring, but consistent heartbeat slowly became my world, if only for a moment.


Komachi's snoozing was interrupted by the brash opening of the office door. Quickly she fumbled to grab her scythe before it clattered to the floor and was infinitely grateful she had managed to when she saw the intruder was Eiki Shiki.

The Yama did not address her however, and made her way to the large desk and sat down, wide eyed and clutching her rod of remorse in both hands.

"Uhm, Eiki-sama, would you perhaps like me to fetch a towel?" The Shinigami asked, noticing she was dripping wet.

Eiki-sama didn't say anything. This did not bode well for Komachi as a Yama was nothing if not quick-witted and deliberate. If she was taking her time, it was to magnify the punishment or, perhaps more terrifyingly, something so unexpected had happened that she was struggling to put it into words.

"They flipped the river." Eiki-sama stated without emotion.

"Pardon?" Komachi uttered, quivering.

"They flipped the entire River Suzan." She repeated, her left eye twitching.

"Uh, surely you jest Eiki-sama!" Komachi struggled to say, although the Yama was not one to joke about such things. "Oh, did you perhaps find a new stall on the shore? Those shop owners are really coming up with all kinds of crazy cuisines today aren't they! Yesterday I-"

"Komachi." Eiki-sama interrupted plainly. "How did you sleep through that?"

"Ehh, sleep through what exactly..." The Shinigami said, trying to delay the inevitable.

A clipboard thrown squarely at her head was the reply.

"How did you sleep through the entire Suzan River being upended! They're remains of at least five whale spirits that exploded outside this office alone!! Did you obtain enlightenment and no longer acknowledge such disturbances! Pick up a mop and start cleaning this instant or I'll rake you over Hell's coals and make what I have planned for Yuakri look like a nice party!!!" The Yama screamed, while tossing several more objects directly at the Shinigami's head.

>> No.45419651

Not that anon but when was this started and is this a /jp/-only thing or does it have links outside?
Also is this trying to be giga autistic hyperdimension wormhole like Cookie or just a fun group fanfic project?

Also >>45417152

>> No.45419684

That's pretty funny, flipping an infinitely wide and long river, although Seija is actually one of the latter stage bosses who doesn't scale to infinetl.
She's multi-continental, probably planet level at her best, also I thought Eiki was out of character in her chastisement of Seija. She chastises youkai for being friendly to humans and would probably fault Seija more for calming down than stirring up shit.
Also Eiki has infinite speed I thought she was just going to follow them across the river and continue her monologueing unphased, just slightly miffed they got to the other side and making them clean up their mess before sending them on their way.

Some stories have been posted to ao3, look up Hakurei Shrine Experience in the search browser.

>> No.45419688
File: 150 KB, 1244x968, Reisen drinks juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45419738

just a /jp/ thing, and its just a group fanfic project. No one has any desire to turn it into another cookie

>> No.45419738
File: 66 KB, 810x992, Janitor Eiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then, carry on
>No one has any desire to turn it into another cookie

>> No.45419765

It's mostly /jp/ but some of the story has been posted on A03. Which includes the original abuse fic that spawned everything. The HSE story has been going on since late September. This is just a group writing project where the authors try to keep things consistent.

>> No.45419778
File: 601 KB, 706x691, reimu angy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45419857

damn, they broke danmaku rules in the middle of the duel and flipped the Sanzu river because… they sperged about losing a lot? Kek, Seija's incelrage corrupted Goro hard; though now Reimu will be onto them for flipping the fucking river… Well, at least they can say they defeated the middle manager of New Hell before the 'Mu bonks them, so that's nice! :D
hope Goro asks her for marriage before death by gohei

>> No.45419792

Who is Goro? Is he an OC too or he appears somewhere in the series?

>> No.45419796
Quoted by: >>45419945

He's an oc, he's basically Byakuren's rebellious shitter of a kid.

>> No.45419814
File: 56 KB, 547x720, READ, MUKYU, READ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45419821

OC from the Yamashiro plot: He's a human villager with the power to make deals people that act in the other person's best interest. Seija attacked him in the forest, stuck a spritual bomb to his wrist and raped him before Yukari forced both of them to work for him.
He had a dream where he turned into Yukari and sex with Anon. Make of that what you will.

>> No.45419839
Quoted by: >>45419852

It's notable that the dream sex did result in double male-impregnation, on the relationship graph >>45408303 which is tracking the children the m-preg babies are marked as being the result of procreation with the magical evil bracelet.
So yes, m-preg is canon.

>> No.45419852
File: 82 KB, 539x626, reimu shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's notable that the dream sex did result in double male-impregnation

>> No.45419857
File: 3.11 MB, 1240x3508, FamilyFued.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45420730

>She's multi-continental, probably planet level at her best,
I definitely took some liberty with it, but she's not just suddenly able to do Yukari/Lunarian-level nonsense, rather she needed Goro's analytics as well as Shiki being there to pull that stunt off and even then, it's really only a victory in that they got to New Hell.
>also I thought Eiki was out of character in her chastisement of Seija. She chastises youkai for being friendly to humans and would probably fault Seija more for calming down than stirring up shit.
I believe that's taking her conversation with Yuuka too far. In the greater context, Seija's out of bounds in that she tries punching far above her weight class despite being a weak Youkai, which screws with the order of things, which she's still doing. Although what Shiki would judge people for is highly subjective and probably changes depending on who you talk to.
>Also Eiki has infinite speed
They're reasons she didn't follow them to New Hell I swear
>flipped the Sanzu river because… they sperged about losing a lot? Kek, Seija's incelrage corrupted Goro hard;
Yes. Seija schooled Goro in the Yukari school of 'I'm going to use people and their stuff to achieve my ends' colors. Think of it as hijacking abilities by treating people as fulcrums(objects).
He's my pincushion and will continue to suffer.

>> No.45419892
File: 192 KB, 630x700, __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_wool_miwol__b47120e68ee8e9d262276147ca7a5d32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, will the new Onikirimaru make into the chart? It's the combination of Kasen, Yukari, the cursed bracelet and therefore the magical fetus' magic and is gestating inside the womb-pond as Yukari called it using the energy of a bunch of coagulated souls and so on…
don't take this seriously, just shitposting

>> No.45419897

I am waiting for this to end so i can read it all at once but man this is going on for forever. Will you guy even archive this somewhere? I am starting to regret it i should have continued to rrad as its made. How many threads has it been already? I stopped at second one.

>> No.45419903

The Cirno story was finished and uploaded on AO3, but it still has some crossover elements with the other stories, like Yuugi's story is interweved with a couple chapter of Cirno and Kokoro's adventure to the underworld.
Everything else is toll ongoing and will be finished sometime around the winter solstice, or maybe before.

>> No.45419905
File: 236 KB, 768x768, 1700373474288686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45419916

14 threads counting this one (2 autosaged because of silliness); archived the first 506 entries out of 560, and we're archiving on Ao3

>> No.45419906

Goro is an OC yes, basically he started as rando dude who went to learn under byakurens temple, has this ability to enforce absolute deals provided they actually benefit everyone involved, also is a massive fucking chewtoy for this story, particularly for seija, who basically has spent all story bullying and abusing his ass into Stockholm syndrome full blown retardation. Basically yeah he's cool, and his life is suffering, also his one hand is 30 kinds of fucked up, because seija is an asshole.

>> No.45419916

I guess you could archive this entirelly as one fic and seperate everything by chapter. Is that what you are going to do?

>> No.45419924

The threads are being published as one fic, the Myouren and Cirno story were removed and published as finished side stories, and the original prompt of Yukari kidnapping Anon was also publish as an induvidual fic, the name of the collection on ao3 is The Hakurei Shrine Experince.

>> No.45419929
File: 28 KB, 365x313, to use: aunn beating hana with bat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seperate everything by chapter
the consensus was 1 chapter = 1 thread worthy of chapters, so that's what we're doing. Easier to archive than the already individual 560+ chapters.

>> No.45419937

Well i never used ao3 much so i do not know much about it, i did not even knew it had collections.

>> No.45419945
File: 469 KB, 948x988, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhh might as well get autistic and clear some things up.
>He's an oc, he's basically Byakuren's rebellious shitter of a kid.
Correct, but not directly related mind you, just effectively raised by the the Myouren Temple since his Mom died when he was young and his dad was a borderer who also got smoked early in his life.
>before Yukari forced both of them to work for him.
It wasn't forced, they sought her out and struck a bargain because he concluded that nothing would actually improve in the long-term if Yukari was curb-stomped and it was a good way to learn about the HSE's construction and weird barrier nonsense to hopefully dodge whatever horrible fate awaits him after death.
>He had a dream where he turned into Yukari and sex with Anon. Make of that what you will.
That was non-canon and Hana's dream, unless the next therapy session has Hana talk about it. In which case, God have mercy on me.
I'm slowly throwing my stuff into Obsidian, and will put it up on the Ao3 later. Solstice is in 2 1/2 weeks so that's probably when things will conclude.
I actually was planning on breaking at the point Seija/Goro swapped to Yukari's side weeks ago, but then one of the Kasen chapters came out where she bickers about Yukari giving her all the shit work and none of the rest of her crew, so I got the idea to send them to hell, twice, with a nice surprise at the end. Needless to say, I'll be done in 3-4 parts.

>> No.45420184
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>>45414498 (21/-)

The worst thing about being stabbed in the back when you are an immortal is that you can't die. You have to live with the constant pain… Can’t get properly drunk either, just tipsy, which is a major annoyance—you're drunk AND can't forget her smile; the feeling of her belly against your fingertips; the warmth of her words; her disheveled hair in the mornings…—yet, it’s all you have. So here I am! Mighty Immortal, Fujiwara no Mokou, hands inside my pockets, emotionally drained and looking at the sky…

It's full moon; Keine shouldn't leave tonight…

At first, the anger was nuclear. Being lied to, cheated out of a beautiful thing after putting in so much effort, hoping for a change for the better after millennia of stagnancy… Then all comes crashing down on you, and it hurts—it hurts like crazy—attacking everything and everyone feels okay; acting senseless feels good—like reassurance: as if you have control over your life…

Then you find yourself standing on a pile of nothing, feeling nothing. Man… it's bad. It's really bad. All you have is a 'why?' you don't want an answer to.

I kick an empty sake bottle as I walk down the street; nightlife much more active than regular. Big, weird builds are erected all around, with people flocking to them for whatever motives, dressed weirdly and selling weird shit. The HSE towers close as the epicenter of change, a branding iron called 'jealously' on my mind: apparently Keine goes there to get freaky with the miko's ex-husband… Or so say the rumors. Rumors about her are so confusing; what’s with getting an abortion? Sleeping with Akyuu's father? Have these people lost their goddamn minds? Nothing makes sense!

I feel like I should look into it, but… Just thinking about dealing with Keine again or anything related to her raises the acid in my stomach and I feel sick. The knife is still there, the anger has bled out, and only the numbness of the wound remains.

… I wonder if my words are also a knife for her. Unlike me, a knife would kill her, wouldn't it? I come to a halt, eyes drooping, and the full moon above feels judgmental… Frowning and suddenly filled with rage, I kick the glass bottle into the stratosphere. So what if it hurt her?! If she was on the ground, crying and begging for me to let her explain her crimes—so what?! She also hurt me! Toyed with my feelings and…

Angrily, I clean the tears; the rotted feeling inside of me going through another of many loops since that night.

Growing overwhelmed by the cacophony of the Human Village—happy couples everywhere…—, I take flight and leave for the Bamboo Forest, seeking anything to calm the relentlessly haunting thoughts. Though bamboo, as I've come to learn, doesn't talk, and all I found is more loneliness… Should be getting used to it already.

Solitary with my thoughts in the middle of the shifting stalks and greenery, I sit down on a small rock by four jizo statues—two big, two small—sadly sober under the strangely heavy moonlight, and sink my face onto my hands…

Another night of regrets, of confusion, of rage, of pride too bloated—heart too hurt—to do anything about it.

This is torture. It's torture…

"You seem rather sad." Kaguya softly speaks, probably dramatically descending from the heavy moonlight.

I sigh. It had to get worse.

"Just kill me, Kaguya; rip my head off—I don't want to think tonight anymore." I ask, not in the mood to hear the princess talking. Rather, Kaguya simply hums, landing on top of one of the Jizo statues, the one that looks fierce to protect the other three.

"Don't wanna. Whatcha doing?" I growl and remain quiet, face on my hands, just expecting the rain of Danmaku to finally quench my thoughts. "Hm… You know: that schoolteacher you talk so often about was at Eientei recently." My gaze whipped to her, surprised. What the—what were Keine doing at Eientei…? Kaguya's slight smile and calm eyes don't give a clue, turning them towards the massive moon embroidering the skies.

She wants me to ask. Ugh… "Why was she there?"

"I dunno. The rabbits were concerned about her health, though—said she looked like she got out of a slaughterhouse." W-What the?! Keine got hurt…? B-But how?! She's a great fighter; almost defeated me once when I went all-out! There's no way she'd… What the hell happened?! My insides feel like a glacier as I weirdly get up, my eyes unfocused; hers, however, sharpened as if reached a conclusion. "So she's the catalyst of your bad humor… What happened between the two of you?"

"I…" I gulp down something, hands sweating, eyes wide and wild. "S-She lied about everything, played with my feelings… Did the rabbits say anything else?" Kaguya kept her eyes on me; something imperceptible shone in there, and she denied it with her head. I wanted to move, see for myself, ask what happened—hold her in my arms—, yet…

I felt cold, my trembling feet rooted in the ground. Why won’t I move…?

"Wanna tell me?" She asked.

I paused. Then, feeling desolate, nodded.

>> No.45420189
File: 2.54 MB, 2112x1188, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_jiege__7b38d2de8330519577f9143cce40ff2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retelling the blissful days of a beautiful lie just to then elaborate on its implosion hurts like Marisa's Master Spark. My heart clenched throughout everything, and Kaguya didn't speak a word as I went on, dislodging the knife and letting the slurry of feelings leave me with potent pressure. It felt… good—yet, sober and telling that to a 'friend', I could feel each word growing this weird feeling inside of me, a feeling of great impotency, of imminent truth… which blossomed as the coldest of flowers when I reached the part where I left Keine, choosing to be deaf to her plea, blind to her haunted, pain-ridden eyes… I couldn't go past that point, rapidly cleaning the stray tears from my face—they were plentiful…

And why?

To my side, Kaguya had lost her smile. "I see…" She nodded slightly, floating from the top of the jizo statue to my side. Gently, she patted my back. "There's more to this." It's an easy affirmation, one that looms over my back: There's more to this. More I didn't see, so quick to anger, to point fingers…

"I was so hurt; still am, but…" Together with the looming shadow of pain come Kaguya's words about Keine being on Eientein—fear. "… I'm not the only one, right?" Kaguya simply nodded.

Realization dawned, and I was again standing on a pile of nothing, though I felt everything.

"… W-What should I do, Kaguya? She must hate me for being so blind—a-and all those rumors I've been hearing about her, she should already have someone else; I'd be a stranger, and—" my wild thoughts go on, sapping away the strength of my immortal brain. "I blamed her… said she killed my heart, accused her of something so stupid: 'playing a prank on the immortal'?! What was I thinking?!" The bamboo, Kaguya, and the Moon hear those painful words… none respond.

I babble on for some more time, the bleeding wound sensitive and jaded, limbs weak all over and mind filled with guilt, throat aching, mouth dry…

Yet one last sentence leaves me, and it encapsulates all my pain: "I just wanted us to be happy."

"… What is stopping you?" Kaguya said, and my eyes rushed to her, rage inside flowering; hadn't she heard a single word of what I said?! I laid my heart to her; let everything out! How can she be so insensitive— "Mokou." Her voice had… something to it: experience. "What will you be thinking of when, together, we watch the last star die?" The question is one of perplexing nature, a sad certainty that I have buried deep. It's quite a while until the heat death of the universe…

Still, I can’t help but think about the sudden question, the moonlight washing over us… I can only think of big, red eyes; platinum hair; and a strong yet stubborn personality. It makes my heart ache. Why not father? Why not my many battles? The sights I saw? The worlds I'll travel too… why her?

Kaguya giggles, a veiled sadness there. What the…? "I wish I could be the same; to think of love as the universe dies must be a poetical thing." I freeze, taken aback. Love…? "Though not all of us will be there when it happens. Everyone else will die naturally, maybe on their beds or on the battlefield, not too far in the future. Some will cry at that, some will laugh in delight… Most will remain silent—because life goes on, especially for us immortals." She pauses, turning her eyes to the Moon. "… Yet, to lose this cherished time mulling over quarrels before your precious short life ends; or to have many regrets as you stare at the collapse of entropy itself—both are sad ends." As she speaks and the words start to make sense, my heart bleeds and cries of necessity. "You drank the Hourai Elixir when you were little, but you have grown since then, Mokou. You're an adult. Go get answers, and though you might end up with just a broken heart, you'll be making sure you leave this existence without the bitterness of one more regret." She steps back, her smile… Indescribable.

I? I… couldn't speak. Did I understand everything correctly? The stream of tears said I did, as did the guttural fear growing in my gut. I laughed anyway, pained. "All that just to tell me to get off my ass and talk to her?" Kaguya kept smiling. "… Thanks, Kaguya."

She hummed. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow." She started to graciously float. "Be ready—I won't announce my presence before exploding you~" Without even awaiting an answer, she was already gone, probably still with that smug in her face.

I get up, stumbling a bit, dazed still, but firming myself. Looking up at the moon, I manage to clean any remaining strand of tear, filling my lungs with air…

The wound is still there, hurt and ugly.

Kaguya removed the knife, bandaged the wound… I can let things be as they are.

A bandage is good enough and, if it falls, just patch another one over it…


Grinning and blushing I explode to the skies, vaporizing clouds and staring at the full moon, arms up. “KEINEEEEE!” I yell, determined. “HEAR MY VOICE! GET READY—FUJIWARA NO MOKOU WILL BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!” I laugh.

… Love, huh?

>> No.45420281

I finally got my invitation, testing stuff out now.
Name: evilanon
Posted a test work to the collection to see if I got formatting and stuff right.

>> No.45420364
Quoted by: >>45420665

Poor Akyuu, her lineage will be in shambles by the time she reincarnates all because her dad fell for a dream prank.
I cannot wait for Mokou and Keine to reclaim their place in the Human Village by cornering the market on grilled river fish, forcing the villagers to acknowledge them and their economic power.

>> No.45420421
Quoted by: >>45420665

It's nice to see Kags and Mokou being good friends, hopefully Mokou isn't somehow manipulated into killing the only other person she cares about just like that time she stole the Hourai elixir.

>> No.45420665
File: 205 KB, 768x768, best fisherman of all gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old man Hieda needs a good ol' phantom punch in the gut by Akyuu to get his marbles back
>I cannot wait for Mokou and Keine to reclaim their place in the Human Village by cornering the market on grilled river fish, forcing the villagers to acknowledge them and their economic power.
they'll face hefty competition…
>hopefully Mokou isn't somehow manipulated into killing the only other person she cares about just like that time she stole the Hourai elixir.
that'd never happen in such a wholesome environment like the HSE

>> No.45420730

Seija is the batman of Touhou power scaling, she wins with prep time and counting equipment.
I'd call her a jobber but stronger opponents job to her so she's an overperformer.

>> No.45420759
Quoted by: >>45421425

Keine's life is finally looking up. Mokou has a lot of work to do to help her.

>> No.45420773
File: 1.35 MB, 400x627, dancing hana at the birthday party after getting a group hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully this lil' retard's life gets better someday…

>> No.45421425
File: 26 KB, 250x255, __hakurei_reimu_komeiji_satori_kaenbyou_rin_reiuji_utsuho_kaenbyou_rin_and_1_more_touhou_drawn_by_chamaji__eb25db5ff985b5c26eada279c100deeb~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45421443

don't say that next to writeanons!! These sadistics see things like these and think "damn, too happy; time to pump the suffering to eleven!"

>> No.45421443
Quoted by: >>45421540

there's always the possibility that mokou and keine becomes the new chen arc

>> No.45421540
File: 16 KB, 249x263, koishiclueless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45422646
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>>45400457 (36/?)

The unthinkable has happened, Shanghai is bored of her spinny chair. It was something for those brief moments of downtime in the chaotic rush while the departments were being formed. She’d almost never be able to reach max speed before a doll would come in with some problem. Now, she has more than enough time, but she just… doesn’t.

It’s sad. When she lacked spins she truly desired them, but now that she has an abundance of spins she feels no urge to spin. In theory, she should be happy that each department is running so smoothly that they don’t ever need her help, but what is a foreman to do when her dolls don’t need her anymore? She’s made herself redundant.

Logistics, Personnel, Operations, Security, and the Executive. There was a time when these were just loosely defined teams of dolls. She’d have to resolve fights, organize a chain of command, and remind dolls which department they were in. She’d even pitch in sometimes so that a teatime rush could be completed right before noon, or help paint a particularly tricky section of the shrine. Theoretically, she could still get involved, but that’d require pushing another doll out. There’s never a need for a quick-thinking boss or even an extra set of hands as it seems like there’s always a doll who has been preparing for that exact moment. It would be wrong to deny them their place in the sun.

Still, that reasoning is the reason why she’s lethargically spinning in her seat with a sporadic kick here and there. She’s in this state when a doll hurries into her office. Immediately straightening up, Shanghai tilts her head at the doll. In response, the doll hurriedly waves her over.

Following the doll, she soon sees a great commotion near the entrance to the Shrine. There’s a considerable number of security dolls and cottage dolls crowding around Alice who's talking to Big Sis.

As Shanghai draws close, Big Sis turns to her and says, “There she is. Hey Shanghai, we were talking about… actually, Alice should be the one to explain it.”

Alice hums, presumably in agreement, “We are throwing a party for Hana, Anon’s daughter if you’ve forgotten, and I was going to visit him and potentially take his doll along so she can be there in his place. Would you like to come?”

Is that even a question? Shanghai nods enthusiastically before perching on Melancholy’s shoulder.

Alice smiles, “I imagined you would. I’m sure he’ll be quite happy to see you again.”

As Alice and her escort begin flying to the village, Big Sis says, “You never did answer my question, Alice. What’s your interest in Anon?”

Alice shifts so neither Shanghai nor Medicine can see her face as she replies, “Well, the entire point of this alliance is to help Anon. So it should be rather obvious.”

Medicine shoots back, “It is rather obvious, but I want to hear you saying it. Now when you say help him, in what ways? This seems a bit beyond just helping Marisa break him out for some magic secrets. What’s the real reason?”

Alice begins to cough, worrying Shanghai greatly until her creator regains her composure, “He’s… He doesn’t deserve this. No one deserves this.”

Medicine looks a little sad at that so Shanghai gives her a hug. With a noticeably less sad but still serious tone she says, “I can understand that much at least. No one should be treated like a toy, not even a human.”

Not even a human? That would… that would imply that humans are worth less than other people, which is ridiculous because everyone deserves respect and fair treatment unless they are stinky idiots like Rumia. To show her displeasure, Shanghai hits Medicine, but Big Sis doesn’t seem to notice as she continues, “But still you were about to say something else, what do you think about it?”

Alice sounds guarded as she replies, “I don’t know what you’re implying, but Anon is a kind man who was placed in awful circumstances. Despite his circumstances, he tries to help anyone he can. He is a remarkable man.”

Medicine replies, “So a remarkable but tortured soul who needs a caring young witch to help him with his trauma. Of course, if anything happens from there, well…”

That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. If they could get a caring young witch to help Anon, he’d be happier and she could use magic to protect him. Still, Shanghai can’t think of any young witches in Gensokyo. If you got rid of the young requirement (which doesn’t even seem that important of a requirement to Shanghai), Alice would fit the mold perfectly. Shanghai needs to tell her!

As Alice glances over, Shanghai excitedly points at her, hoping that she’d get the message. Unfortunately, Alice must not have understood her as she turns away with a huff and the rest of the trip goes by in silence.

>> No.45422660
File: 207 KB, 1000x700, Alice's oldest daughter is a brat!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45422646 (37/?)

As they approach the shrine, Medicine whispers to Shanghai, “I’ll go look for clues regarding that poisoner. Go make sure Alice doesn’t do something she’ll regret and/or make her do anything she’d regret not doing. Can I trust you with that, little sis?”

Shanghai proudly nods. She doesn’t think Alice really needs a minder. It was only that one time that she… w-well there was that other time… and that other time… and that- Maybe Big Sis has a point.

She certainly thinks she does anyway as she calls out to Alice, “I’ve other stuff to do around here. You go have fun with Anon and remember that no matter what you do, Shinki will find out.”

At first, Alice seemed like she was going to get angry at Big Sis, but as soon as Shinki was mentioned she winced. Without another word, She heads into the HSE.

Turning back, Shanghai gives a hug to Bis Sis before following her creator like the rest of his sisters.

The building isn’t scary when she’s with Alice, much less when she’s with all her fellow dolls, so when everyone in the building stares at them she just waves. There are a lot of Youkai in here and even some humans. Are they all going to see Anon? If so, at least he has lots of friends in this nasty place. Still, it’d be better if he could hang out with all of his friends somewhere else.

As Alice approaches the front desk, Ran eyes her doll entourage questioningly, “I take it they’re all with you?”

Alice frowns, “Obviously, they’re my creations.”

Ran gives a drawn-out sigh before deadpanning a response, “I’m just following procedures, ma’am. Now for 29 patrons that’ll come out to-”

Alice quickly interrupts, “You can’t seriously charge them as patrons. They’re dolls! They… They couldn’t even…”

For some reason, Alice begins to blush. What couldn’t they do? They definitely can hang out with Anon and cuddle with him, so it’s neither of those. Maybe it’s about talking? The dolls can’t talk to Anon, though they also couldn’t pay so it might be that. Well, they could pay if this establishment wasn’t biased against doll currencies, but alas.

Ran’s expression begins to waver until she eventually begins chuckling, “That was a joke, You couldn’t come in even if you wanted to. It’s currently a rest period for Anon so he won’t be seeing customers.

They… they couldn’t see Mr. Anon? D-Does he not want to see Shanghai? Did she do something wrong? She just wanted to-

Unbeknownst to Shanghai, every other doll was having a similar reaction. Faced with more than two dozen quivering dolls, Ran’s heart begins to break. After a quick scan of the room, she leans in and says, “I-I can see if Anon is willing to take you as a visitor. Just keep quiet about this and make sure he isn’t doing anything too strenuous, he’s supposed to be resting.”

Immediately, every doll perked up at that as if they weren’t about to cry moments ago. Alice for her part just replies, “Of course. Thank you.”

Ran nods before poking her head through a gap. A few moments later she pulls her head out and loudly says, “The maintenance team is ready to see you miss Margatroid.”

Shanghai tilts her head at that, wondering if gaps make people hard of hearing and forgetful or something. It’s only until Ran winks at her that she realizes the truth. It’s a secret! They have a secret with Ran. Doesn’t that mean that they’re friends now?

But if it’s a secret that means Ran is doing something she isn’t supposed to and she’s doing it for them. That means they’re super good friends! Now if she could only do something to repay the favor to her super good friend… Wait!

Flying over, Shanghai embraces Ran’s hand. After giving it a good nuzzle, she looks up to see Ran that weird look some people make when she hugs them. They smiling, but they aren’t not smiling. It’s like they want to smile but want to not smile, but that doesn’t make sense since who wouldn’t want to smile?

Eventually, Ran’s desire to smile wins out. After taking a breath she mutters, “I know I need to arrange a playdate with Chen, but could I survive that?”

Shanghai tilts her head again at her strange fox lady friend, why wouldn’t she survive? Shanghai only fights bad people and Ran isn’t bad.

Upon seeing her tilting her head, Ran coughs before saying, “You should go catch up to your creator. I wouldn’t want you to get lost again.”

Huh? But Alice is right… Where’s Alice? Oh no, not again!

>> No.45422676
File: 271 KB, 850x1243, I'm sorry for cutting wriggle from this update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45422660 (38/?)

It’s less scary the second time. Since this is supposedly personal time for Anon, Alice doesn’t bother changing into that awful outfit and instead goes straight into the fake shrine.

It’s night in the shrine, which isn’t too surprising since the entire place is artificial anyhow. The flowers are pretty, as they were last time, but Alice doesn’t let herself get distracted. She’s not going to be surprised by Anon this time.

Moving with a purpose, she marches up to the shrine proper before taking another deep breath and entering. She will not do something stupid in front of Anon this time. Scanning the room she says, “Hey Anon, Have you seen Anon? I’m looking for-”

Catching herself, Alice blushes profusely as Anon smiles, “You’re looking for Anon? Boy, do I have news for you.”

The response Alice musters is a sound akin to the noise a raccoon would make while being crushed by a hydraulic press after most of the air has already left its lungs.

Her dolls begin to comfort her as she stares at the table, a glance up reveals that Anon is similarly being swarmed by overly affectionate dolls. A third group of dolls seems to have dispersed to go explore Anon’s ‘home’.

Chuckling as he begins idly playing with the dolls, Anon continues, “I’m sorry if that was a little mean, it was just too tempting. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Clearing her throat and thinking very carefully about her next words, Alice replies, “We’re… we’re planning a little something for Hana. A late birthday party to hopefully get her mind off of… I-I wanted to see if you umm wanted to write anything for her. A note or something. I could deliver it on your behalf since… since…”

Anon stares at the wall for a moment, something indescribable in his eyes before he snaps out of it. With a smile that seems just slightly off he says, “I… thank you. It’s a weight off my chest to know so many people are there for Hana when I can’t be.”

It-it’s not fair. Anon shouldn’t have to go through this, he’s so kind. Even if he was going to be taken prisoner, he should be locked in a tower rising above the clouds until the heroines come and save him. To be raped, to be demeaned every day for what? This is supposed to be a world of fantasy, a place where mankind’s dreams are made manifest. Why is it so different from the stories Alice read in Makai?

As tears begin to form in her eyes, Alice begins to speak unconsciously, “I wish I could do more. I wish you didn’t have to go through-you don’t have to go through this! It’s all so senseless. Hehe, here I am crying for your sake while saying things you already know. I wish I wasn’t so weak.”

Before Anon can get up, Shanghai flies in front of Alice and lightly taps her forehead to get her attention. As Alice looks up, Shanghai points at her before pointing at Anon and making a hugging gesture. She wants Alice to… why not? She’s already failed everything she intended to do here. Turning to Anon, who was already moving towards her to presumably comfort her, she asks, “W-Would you like a hug Anon? I’m afraid that’s the only solace I can provide.”

Anon freezes in place for a moment while staring at her, presumably in confusion at her ridiculous proposal. He slowly nods, “I-I’d like that. But don’t put yourself down like that. You caring means a lot to me. Even if you can’t stop this yourself, that someone knows it’s wrong and says something… it-”

Alice cuts Anon off with a hug. It’s admittedly an awkward thing and rather loose, as she’s still not comfortable with giving a tight hug, but such things matter little when twenty dolls join in.

After a few minutes, Anon slowly pulls back. The second Alice realizes what he’s doing, she leaps back away from him, “Sorry! I didn’t meant to-”

Stupid, stupid! Of course, Anon’s going to be uncomfortable with physical intimacy and here she is giving an extra long hug like a creep. Anon, however, doesn’t seem annoyed or creeped out as he raises his hands, “It’s fine. I’m sorry, I thought I was the one dragging it out. If you didn’t quite get your fill we could…”

We could… hug more? Does Anon really want to… no, he probably just doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Feeling heat rising in her cheeks, Alice replies, “No, I’m alright. Do you umm want the letter now?”

Anon nods, “Yeah, if you would. I think this may take a while, so I may as well get started now.”

Upon receiving the pen and paper, Anon slowly begins to write. Should Alice leave now? Ah… no she needs to get the letter so she can deliver it to Hana. Still, in the meantime, she should get out his hair. She could… make him some tea like he did for her!

>> No.45422681
File: 377 KB, 1311x2000, Best wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45422676 (39/?)

The dolls were very helpful. They usually are, but there’s a certain precision to their actions that she never saw before. Could be the magic of this place or something? Either way, the tea comes out well and she even has time to make cookies to go along with it. As she returns to the living room with the tray Anon looks up at her before saying, “Oh, you didn’t have to-”

Perhaps it’s cheesy to repeat a line, but Alice is far beyond that as she replies, “No, but I wanted to. Oh! And they wanted to too.”

Anon shakes his head, “Twice now you’ve gotten me with that. Thank you, I appreciate it. And Thanks all of you, I can’t imagine it’s easy to bake when the tools are bigger than you.”

While Alice just blushes, the dolls own it with curtsies and gestures towards Alice along with all the basic motions that’d go along with making tea/baking cookies. Are they trying to say Alice did most of the work? That’s not strictly true, but…

Alice doesn’t correct them as she sets the tray down on the table. Anon is still deep in thought writing, so the two eat and drink in silence. Something about it is nice, being there with someone even if you aren’t talking. That’s not even mentioning the dolls nuzzling up with both of them.

Like all good things, the silence comes to an end after Anon rereads what he wrote for the third time. As he cracks his knuckles he says, “I’ve said what I’d like to say. Do have an envelope or?”

Smiling Alice answers, “Of course!” before pulling one out of her bag. As Anon carefully folds the letter and places it into the envelope, Alice asks, “Do you have a ummm seal? Something to press into the wax to show it’s you?”

Anon scratches the back of his neck, “It just occurs to me that, such a thing would be big here. To answer your question, no. This place is small enough that I’ve never had to write letters and beside Rei-”

Panicking as Anon has another weird look Alice says, “T-That’s fine! Would you umm like me to have anything imprinted into the wax? My umm seal for example is Shanghai holding a needle up like… like that.”

Shanghai very helpfully demonstrates what Alice’s seal looks like by proudly holding a needle aloft. Anon carefully reaches over to pat Shanghai’s head and not get poked as he replies, “To be honest, I wouldn’t mind using that. Maybe I’ll get my own someday, but…”

Alice replies “I wouldn’t worry about it” as she carefully begins collecting wax from the candles in the room with her magic. After sealing the envelope, she slowly begins engraving her seal onto the top, “This would be easier if I brought my signet but…”

Looking at her handiwork, Anon replies, “It’s beautiful for something you free-handed or… free magiced?”

Blushing Alice asks, “You really think so?”

Anon gives her a warm smile as he answers, “Absolutely. I could never do anything like this.”

Without thinking Alice replies, “Well of course not, you can’t do magic.”

Anon shrugs, “Fair point, you got me there.”

… It’s quiet after that. Finally, Alice picks up the letter and begins to leave despite all the dolls on her desperately trying to pull her towards Anon, “Well, I’ll get out of your hair now. It was nice seeing you.”

Anon reaches out towards her as if you stop her, “W-Wait! It’s really not a bother and it seems like your dolls aren’t ready to leave yet. I’d be happy to host you for a little longer.”

Alice turns to look back at Anon with a frown, “I-I’d hate to impose on your rest time.”

Anon blinked at that before laughing, “That’s your worry? It’s fine, I would just be reading now anyway. This is a lot nicer and if anything a better distraction from it all. I… could I show you something?”

She’s helping him recover? He’d like to spend more time with her? Alice gives an enthusiastic nod, “Yes! If you’d umm like to show me something, I’d love to see it. I'm sorry I didn’t realize that you wanted me to ummm… just lead the way.”

Anon shakes his head with a smile, “You worry too much Alice, it’s always a pleasure to see you. C’mon, I think you’ll really like this.”

>> No.45422688 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 720x509, Alice and Anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45422681 (40/?)

Hesitantly, Alice follows Anon out the back of the shrine. As soon as she crosses the threshold, she pauses, transfixed. The scene outside is almost otherworld, as the full moon illuminates the shrine’s pond and the flowers that give way to full bushes on the edges of the clearing. There’s a peaceful stillness to the place, a sense of detachment from all the worries out outside.

That stillness is of course broken by the flood of dolls entering the clearing to explore and play. Anon doesn’t seem to mind however as he leads Alice to sit on the edge of the pond. Looking over at her with a grin Anon asks, “Pretty nice, ey? The dolls like it at least.”

Alice once more looks over the little clearing with an appreciative smile, “It’s… wonderful. The kind of place where you could lose yourself in a book for hours. I just uh-”

Stealing a glance at Anon’s jacket she continues, “I should have brought something warmer.”

Anon blinks, asking, “Oh, you’re cold?” Before Alice could respond, he reached out and wrapped his arm (and therefore jacket) around Alice, bringing her in close.

Alice squeaks, her face burning bright as she feels Anon’s warmth. To make matters worse, her dolls all seem keenly interested in all this. She feels a fight or flight response forming, but… but she wants to stay in Anon’s arms. Forcing herself not to squirm, she stares directly at the pond, hoping to stay like this for as long as she can.

Seeing her plight, Anon asks, “Ah, I should have asked… are you fine with-?”

In a shriller voice than she intended, Alice replies, “YES!”

There’s a silence after that, starting awkwardly until it becomes more pleasant as Alice regains her composure. The dolls serve as an interesting distraction as they attempt to traverse the pond through various means. The most successful are the ones who just fly, but Alice can’t help but feel for the ones trying time and time again to stand on the lilypads. As for the ones trying to make boats, well… an A for effort and an F for execution.

Suddenly Anon breaks the silence with, “With the exception of Hana, this is what I miss the most. I suppose it’s not the sense of freedom because I still don’t have that, but the sense of not being trapped. It’s nice to just be able to not think about it for a while.”

Any response Alice could think of falls flat in her mind, eventually, he poses a non-sequitur, “Why do you do what you do? Why are you in Gensokyo.”

W-Why is she in Gensokyo? I-Is that a problem does he-no, there was no hostility in his tone, just curiosity. “I felt suffocated by my family. I love them all (even YuugenMagan) of course, but…”

Anon humms thinking about simpler times, “It felt stifling and you wanted to strike out for yourself?”

Alice nods, “Yeah, I felt… I felt like I’d always be in the shadow of my sisters and mother if I stayed in Makai.”

Anon interjects, “Makai? You came from a place called Makai? Were there…?”

Alice replies, “Demons? I suppose it depends on your definition. That’s one of those poorly defined magical catchall terms. I was created through magic by a renegade Goddess in an underworld she named Makai, so I suppose you could call me one.”

Anon rubs his chin, “Alice the demon… it doesn’t work. No offense, but you’re too gentle. I couldn’t imagine you terrorizing the realms of man to aid in your mother’s great rebellion.”

W-What’s that supposed to mean? She can be firm! She scolded Shanghai the time she knocked over a vase and-and how many times has she told Marisa that ‘this was it, I’m not helping you if you come begging again-’. Maybe he has a point. Rapidly shifting the subject, Alice says, “You have my apologies if you ever have to meet my mother, by the way. She can be… a bit much.”

Anon shrugs, “I feel like you warning me that the devil is a bit much is unnecessary. I’d say that’s a given for someone who created ‘Makai’. I mean what does she rule from Pandemonium or something?”

H-Huh? “How did you know?”

Anon blinks, “Is… is your mother literally Lucifer?”

Alice shakes her head, “I… don’t worry about it. My mother is a lot of things, just be ready if she ever comes to visit.”

Anon replies, “Noted, be ready for your mother to challenge me to a fiddling competition.”

Fiddling… what? Feeling heat rise in her cheeks once more she croaks out, “Please don’t… ‘fiddle’ my mom. What does that even...?”

Anon facepalms, “That’s not… don’t worry about it.”

Alice is more than happy to purge any thoughts about that… as she once more rests her head against Anon’s shoulder, still blissfully unaware of that fact.

>> No.45422712
File: 119 KB, 850x1133, Too much of Alice's art is just her being shipped with Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45422688 (41/?)

While looking up at the stars Alice says, “Did you know I was terrified of the night when I left Makai? In Makai, there is no sun or moon. A place is either dark or it’s red or blue or… you get the idea. When I left Makai and the Sun disappeared for the first time…”

Anon provides, “You thought it was some major catastrophe?”

Not quite sure why she’s sharing this embarrassing secret, Alice nods. “I umm was crying when I called on Shinki to save me. She… really milked the next few hours by explaining how the solar system works.”

Anon chuckles, “I can’t blame her. It’s admittedly a nice feeling to help your kid when they’re terrified of something very inane. Hana was scared of vines because she thought they’d try to get her when she wasn’t looking. I still don’t have any idea where that came from, but having her refuse to move forward because there was a vine in the general vicinity was… an experience.”

There’s a silence after that. She can’t quite say how long it lasted, but given it didn’t last for an eternity, it was all too short.

Anon, after staring at her face for who knows how long, stirred finally by leaning slightly towards Alice, before she could ask what he was doing he suddenly frowned and returned to where he was originally. “Alice would you… would you like a kiss?”

W-Would she… Being very deliberate to not squeak again, she replies with a cough this time, “Y-Yes… I would… I-”

Alice’s stammerings were cut off by a light peck on the lips. She could barely savor the moment for a second however, as soon as Anon pulls back all the dolls begin to celebrate.

Alice can’t help but redden and puff up her cheeks as the dolls begin embracing and high-fiving as if she were some spectacle! Even Shanghai betrays her as she exchanges a look with the doll Alice gave to Anon and fistbumps her.

Anon laughing at her, or no… he’s not, he’s laughing at the dolls. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry it’s just seeing all of them act like their team just got a tiebreaking score at the last second, it’s… But, that was nice. Thank you for everything.”

Alice feels tempted to look down, but forces herself to maintain eye contact with Anon, “I should say the same. I… w-when you’re free from this place, I’d like to... see you more. You’re very pleasant company.”

Anon smiles, “I’ll look forward to it.”

This went on longer than I intended it to. I hope it isn't a drag to read.

>> No.45422739

>Looking at her handiwork, Anon replies, “It’s beautiful for something you free-handed or… free magiced?”

>Blushing Alice asks, “You really think so?”

>Anon gives her a warm smile as he answers, “Absolutely. I could never do anything like this.”

>Without thinking Alice replies, “Well of course not, you can’t do magic.”
Oh, Alice, you poor, retarded, social autist

>> No.45422748


>> No.45422878
File: 151 KB, 850x1191, __alice_margatroid_and_shinki_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_chisen_maimai__sample-50f1bdbb0fe06514d2044671020e0c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man, had to pull up the silliest playlist of my compendium for this one; it was worth it. Fucking bliss here, kek. Alice is so retarded somehow she can make her dolls seem more capable than her, though both instances are mega cute. And she really made a turn around, didn't she? Until few threads ago we were laughing at her because she couldn't even enter the shrine, and here she is now, getting kisses and hugging. She's officially set herself for her own ending!
it didn't drag at all, was pleasantly autistic, cute and had solace to it. Very tasteful with a side of water~
thanks for the chapters man!

>> No.45422896

Very sweet, took just the time it needed to, Alice really is best girl.
Extra points for having the highest dexterity in the series.

>> No.45422906
Quoted by: >>45423461

I always welcome more cute Shanghai stories. Thank you for the Shanghai updates.
Oh yeah Alice getting the mail was neat too. Anon tipping her with a kiss felt too American, Yukari is probably somewhat of a bad influence on his understanding of intimacy at this point.
I'm proud of the girl surviving both fox and Anon teasing and holding an actual conversation. She'll be the dorkiest same-height mom Hana has at her birthday but she's earned her place.

>> No.45422947

>Without thinking Alice replies, “Well of course not, you can’t do magic.”
>… It’s quiet after that.

>> No.45422970

>Anon replies, “Noted, be ready for your mother to challenge me to a fiddling competition.”
>Fiddling… what? Feeling heat rise in her cheeks once more she croaks out, “Please don’t… ‘fiddle’ my mom. What does that even...?”
>Anon facepalms, “That’s not… don’t worry about it.”
I see Anon is pulling a Yukari and doing one too many outsider references

>> No.45422981

It's funny how Anon's conflated Shiki with Satan, although Christianity in Touhou has likely done the same thing, but apparently Satan is on Venus and might through the transitive property of being the same celestial object might also be Aphrodite.

>> No.45423461
File: 461 KB, 1652x1560, __hakurei_reimu_yakumo_yukari_gordon_freeman_and_g_man_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_nyztsune__4c0ae4ff21bfe3c4ab5949f4bb1324aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hana and Anon are taking on Yukari's habits
oh no...

>> No.45424053 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 850x957, snails pace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45425651


>> No.45425319
File: 462 KB, 2190x2190, GAikfn5aYAACaBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45425421


Guess who's late with uploading the Hanafic to A03? This guy. Sorry if I caused any delays or troubles by not uploading it, but it's up now.

>> No.45425421

Don't sweat it. Thanks for the upload

>> No.45425527
File: 572 KB, 768x1024, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_hammer_sunset_beach__1c212400b5aa326c00942864cbf1da05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now realize that I may be doing something bad with Kasen, I may be treading a bit on some toes. I may be going to far, depending on how the kasen writefag wanted to take things.
But I'm also 13 pages and the number is growing, I'm not sorry. Though I will be greedy in asking for your forgiveness either way.
I shall also ask Kasen's forgiveness, as futile as that may be.

>> No.45425532

Kasen sexoooo

>> No.45425586
File: 64 KB, 701x507, __yakumo_yukari_ibaraki_kasen_and_matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_arong__0fe4233b889fd416198a7c58ea3577ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45426052

if it's in line with her fucked up oni lust, no much problem there. Kasen is the embodiment of suffering here

>> No.45425651
File: 162 KB, 850x1048, __daiyousei_touhou_drawn_by_don_tiruchoco41__sample-b3f79362ea69dacc275786e6c8c4ee7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spare Dai from suffering, pls

>> No.45425699

Oh no, Kasen will suffer even more.

>> No.45425870

Former Hermit!
Unlocks sex Cultivation!
The Sex Hermit!

>> No.45426010
File: 924 KB, 1280x720, kasen eren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, Kasen, don't listen to him! Don't fuck the non-euclidean funny girl!

>> No.45426052

Aside from a hook you may choose to use, it is nothing but sperging and creeping.
I had to ask myself, "how lewd" the answer was, 'yes, no matter what'

>> No.45426824
File: 159 KB, 850x1266, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_negita39__sample-907bc31843066a1605fffe40f1e88f0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45426850

For now i sleep, it will drop once I wake up and proof read the 14 pages I wrote.

>> No.45426850
File: 39 KB, 211x199, sleepy head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep well, writefren~

>> No.45428693
File: 724 KB, 2500x1625, __kamishirasawa_keine_and_ex_keine_touhou_drawn_by_satellitedragon__d6b5e36d31c449c6e88c7af8921bf4d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45429251

>>45420189 (22/-)

The gazes were unimportant; questions were ignored.

All that mattered when I sat down on my couch in the coziness of my home, the sun dying on the horizon and ignoring the horrid feeling padding every inch of my skin, imploring me to resurface—out of breath, too cold, too cold—was that I had funds.

I glanced at Aki and Kuramochi, all warm and snuggled together in the makeshift castle of pillows—so they wouldn’t roll off—, wings folded like blankets over them leaving only half their faces exposed. I gently caressed their heads, giggling as Aki tried to pull her wings up even more. Such a sleepy girl…

Ah, the many things I'll teach you two: how to read, arithmetic, walk, talk… The cold fingers of death slowly rescinded with the lovable warmth.

Though, it was with a sigh that I turned my gaze to the coffee table, eyeing my purse full of yen. Another sigh and I leaned forward, grabbing a notebook and pen. “Better get this over with already.” I whispered, rubbing my eyes.

… This amount should be enough for baby food; gladly already have the clothes and paraphernalia I and Mokou bought—I gulp down venom—then taxes; timber…? No, that's a cut: can get it from the forest. Food? Only essentials; I can survive from exploded fish for some time. It's not sustainable, true, but good enough. Cut, cut, cut… I can survive without that, that too… And the rest goes to savings.

It's disheartening so much effort got me what, at first, seemed a lot of money, yet now it feels so little—Kuramochi giggles, a heavenly sound. "What's so funny, you little devil? Charity is noble, but paying kindness with kindness is what keeps the world spinning… Hm, Suzu should be arriving in two hours or so." I sealed the envelope containing a hefty sum of money, Suzu's name labeled on it. "When you two can speak, remember to thank her a lot, okay? Be grateful!" I give them a toothy smile. Kuramochi laughs, Aki rolls over.

Rubbing my eyes to ward off tiredness, I keep making notes, counts and recounts and playing with the night sparrows when they demanded attention—it was often, very often—humming lullabies to try putting them at ease… There's an old saying that states there's beauty in the mundane, and though such locution is ludicrous in a land like Gensokyo, this peace that washes over me as I poke their tiny hands, watching entranced their unconscious attempts to grasp my index, seeking safety and nurture… it’s something I’d easily call beauty… Yeah…

Before I noticed, I was asleep…

… No… I'm sinking.

Desperately swimming towards the surface, yet sinking anyway, body weak and weary, the glacial water entering me through my nose and mouth, which I couldn't protect, hands bound by lies, omissions, alone in the dark—and it depleted my strength, losing my senses, freezing still my skeleton and cartilage—sinking—too cold—mind going numb—sinking—it's dark—shaking—sinking—help—

My body suddenly jolts awake, eyes broad at the aghast face staring at me. "… Suzu?" I ask as I look around, assessing: home, Aki and Kuramochi asleep—salty water on my face.

"Keine! Y-You were struggling and crying… I think you were having a bad dream." I recall the cold fingers of death, poking and prodding… I slowly nod, squeezing her hand after noticing it was on mine, her warmth pulling me out of the frigid depths.

"T-Thanks… Sorry you had to see this." Suzu squirmed, bells softly ringing, unspoken curiosity in her eyes. "It was just a bad dream; don't worry about it." I forced a smile on my face. Believing it or not, she mumbled, ‘Okay, then…’ Gladly dropping the subject as she glanced at the sleeping babies.

"Get yourself used to sudden naps. The many I took when Dai and Fumi were that tiny…" The fondness was coupled with a sweet giggle, though my heart sank: I miss all the children I used to teach; Dai is a troublemaker, but very applied; and though Fumi needs guidance more often than others, she always keeps trying… I miss teaching so much…

Suzu squeezes my hand a tad tighter, and I can't help but open a genuine smile on my face. It's good to have friends—oh!

"Almost forgot," I pull my hand out of hers and pick up the notebook resting on the coffee table, Suzu watching all with puzzled eyes. It’s not long before I find the heavy envelope with her name on it. "Here~for everything you have done for us!" She narrows her eyes, takes the envelope, and looks inside of it—then her eyes broaden.

"Keine, n-no, I can't—"

"You can. I have everything covered already, so no worries."

"Really? Fishing for a single day covers everything?" The suspicion tried to poke a hole through me, but I remained resilient. She doesn't need to know the type of fishing I'm doing—she'd lose her mind, heh…

"Yep! Not many people go as deep into the Forest of Magic for fishing as I did!" I got up, avoiding eye contact as I moved to the kitchen, intending on preparing some tea— "HEY! No slipping money out of the envelope!"

Suzu yelped, and Kuramochi giggled.

>> No.45428700
File: 279 KB, 897x1519, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_stella_pokopokobanana__9b8a6d5c99d3783d873bd2fdef6db7df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That's a… dangerous plan, Keine." Suzu remarks, eyes tense and mouth plain, cogs twisting behind her eyes. In her arms was Kuramochi, face perched over her towel-covered shoulder, slowly but rhythmically Suzu taps his back, careful as to not disturb the wings; in my own hands lays an already asleep Aki, which I clenched ever so slightly, looking out of the kitchen's window—clouds hid the full Moon.

"I know, but might also be my best alternative to kick-start this—it all started with rumors, people talking to each other… if even one person reads this letter, Suzu…" We glance at the letter resting on the table—something akin to a clarification. Not overly big so it’s not a chore to read, yet not too small as to not pass its message, such message being the truth. A simplification of events, but with all cores, mainly the starting lie; the societal peer pressure and Mr. Hieda’s sole motive to fire me being thinking I'd birth Akyuu, then the spread of false rumors of abortion. Made to generate as much empathy as possible while keeping to the truth, though it lacks a lot of information and many details are rather vague—which is intentional: it'll make people want to know more, preferably from the source. "… If even one person reads, the rest of the village will know. And if they know, they'll question it."

My face was calm, but my heart raced. The moment I go out to spread this letter, will be the moment things go down: questioning will begin and with people coming to me for answers, Kuramochi's and Aki's existence will be known… and though there'll be rage, quenching it with their story—half-humans abandoned because of something they can't control, then adopted—should be easy… Or so I hope. There's also Mr. Hieda. He won't take what may be seen as slander lightly and will try to get satisfaction from me.

And that's the moment I’ll attack.

He has to come to me and, what may seem justified to his mind, won't be for the rest of the village. No one can ignore a dire truth when it's rubbed in your face, and the fact will be that Mr. Hieda's grief prompted him to make harsh decisions with zero backing. He won't be anymore the endearing and harmless old man who loved his daughter too much; he'll be the village's chief who fired its guardian and one of its few teachers because of mere delusion.

When this letter is out, things will need to change.

… True, it's all speculation. Much will not go as planned, much more will be improvised on the fly, and violence is expected. While I'll fight for mine and thes—and the lives of my children, I'll strive for an approach with less combat.

I sigh, holding Aki as if to keep myself anchored.

When this letter is out, it all starts.

"Suzu…" I call her, and she seems to be taken out of deep thought. "I don't expect you to be by my side when this go—"

"Keine, please, stop—I understand the concern you might have… I'm also nervous. Defying the Hieda clan so openly is not something I have ever thought before, and I'm sure my husband will be scared." She pauses, my heart clenching. Dragging Suzu into my rebellion is putting her family in danger and under scrutiny just by association. If things go awry, I don't know what they’ll be put through… "But." My attention goes back to her. Her eyes are iron-clad. "This is not the Village I want my children to grow in, where people will turn blind eyes to stoning; discredit all that the books teach us about and that are okay with lies… I know that if she were here, Akyuu would've done something, even if it's against her father."

Her words impossibly warm my heart, and hearing all while watching her nurse Kuramochi… To not be alone, to not sink in this dark, cold water…

I hear her giggling as I struggle to clean my tears, and Suzu is gently patting the top of my head. "… And I also know, Keine, you'd have done the same for me and my family."

… It's good to have friends. It really is.

"If y-you…" I sniff, and her warm hand is air, sweet air, to someone drowning—oh, sorry, sorry, Aki! I didn't mean for these tears of mine to disturb your dreams… Mother is just really emotional right now. "… If you ever need help, Suzu… Come to me, please." In her eyes, I see… something. It lasts a moment before she nods, and the smile that takes over my face threatens to rip it in two—a determination of fire rising just as big as the shrieking fear and anxiety.

Because to carry on with a plan like that, to defy the command of the Human Village… I'll need allies.

… And one of the people I trust with my life is named Fujiwara no Mokou.

I don't know if she'll want to talk to me or hear my words, but I will try my hardest: I want her by my side if I succeed in bringing down the lies and recovering my life, making this place better, laughing with me in victory… Or to be the shoulder I'll cry on if all fail…

Looking at the full moon, I know that above anything, I want her to hold my children, to smile, laugh, cry of joy…

… I want us four to be happy.

>> No.45429251
Quoted by: >>45429271


>> No.45429271
File: 145 KB, 850x743, __hakurei_reimu_and_lily_white_touhou_drawn_by_hater_hatater__sample-594d2c0d8e8032db04d387c0ad7a91c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon was never seen again

>> No.45429280

Kosuzu met Satan herself and now Keine is going to Martin Luther the fuck out of the Hieda clan. The meek truly shall inherit the earth.

>> No.45430054
Quoted by: >>45430137


>> No.45430078
File: 116 KB, 609x993, Kasen side glance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The next hour passed in relative silence, Hana’s hics and sniffs passed by long ago leaving only the sound of the windchimes and nibbling of crackers as the two snacked and sipped at their drinks. Hana was embarrassed with herself, why did she always have to get so emotional? Why couldn’t she be more like her father, or even Marisa? They never broke down like this, not so easily anyways.

Hana was holding the now empty earth-colored tea cup in both hands, simply watching the thin layer of liquid at the bottom do its best to keep itself placid. She was doing anything she could to avoid looking at the disheveled hermit in front of her. She drummed her fingertips on the sturdy and simple wooden table, played with the fabric of the burnt orange cushion under her, stared at the tasteful decorations that dotted the walls and shelves…

Occasionally, she’d glance at the hermit like a scolded child trying to get a read on their parent. Fortunately, Kasen was feeling some awkwardness as well, or so it seemed, as she seemed more interested in how the breeze blew between the large circular windows that lined the building rather than engage the young Hakurei in front of her.

Hana was reminded that silence can be as heavy as anger when left to your own devices. Hana didn’t hate Kasen, not really, she did swoop in at the last minute and pretend to be a friend only to once again abandon her. However, she did help them greatly in getting settled in the village, and even now she was helping Yukari… though it seemed not willingly. Hana forcefully cut off the debate in her head of, ‘if she could get away with falling back onto the tatami mats and pretending to be asleep’ by opening her mouth.

The sound of Hana’s voice seemed to surprise the hermit slightly, in her peripheral vision Kasen seemed to shift as if bringing her own attention back to the situation by force. Hana’s voice was as soft as the smell of the tatami under her, “Erm, thank you for the tea and all Kasen-san… Sorry for saying those terrible things earlier…”

Silence reigned again for a moment too long and Hana’s eyes flicked up to Kasen despite the perceived danger. Kasen’s eyes are down and to the left, there’s almost a scowl on her face which alerts Hana. However, after a second, she realizes that her expression is deeper than that, Kasen seems guilty like she did earlier, and was busy collecting herself.

Call it greed at not wanting another spell of silence, but rather than let the silence drag on Hana spoke up again in the same tone, “I know you couldn’t interfere easily… I was taught the rules well, and I know sages don’t get involved easily. It’s just… father used to talk about how close you and mother used to be, that you were like a mother to her-“

“Sister, err older sister…” Kasen suddenly blurted out, Hana was surprised at the sudden outburst but didn’t touch on it as she continued, “Y-yeah, older sister…” Hana cleared her throat, “It’s no excuse, but I couldn’t help but think that maybe someone like you could stop her. I… It was selfish of me to think someone else should stop her when mother took out her anger on us. I hope you can forgive me; all I can do is apologize…”

Hana bowed her head to the hermit, she felt like such a fool for snapping at her over such a thing. As Hana raised her head again Kasen let out a sigh, “You’re right that I should’ve tried harder… I’m a hermit and one who calls herself an ally of humans, yet I chose to stop supporting the ones that needed me most.”

Shifting the cup around in her own hands before setting it down the hermit continued her thoughts, “I don’t have much of an excuse, your mother… she refused to listen, she refused to compromise, and worse yet she increased her vices as a way to cope with the stresses of her life. By the time… by the time I turned my attentions to my own business she was set in her ways, I wanted to believe that she changed after she had you… and for a time she did seem to have recovered.”

A small smile crested her lips, “I know I’ve said this before but, she really was happy to have you. Both your parents were. Regardless of the circumstance, they both welcomed you into this world and fussed over you even before you were born.” Her smile wavered and faded with her next words, “Yes, I knew what happened afterwards. I was there along with her other friends after all, we all saw how she quickly became possessive again as the years passed by and you grew old enough to move independently. You are right, everyone knew that Reimu-san was going back to her old ways.”

>> No.45430096
File: 92 KB, 600x600, Kasen stressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kasen put her elbows on the table, and rested her head on them. A resigned expression drifted onto her face, “Again, I have no real excuse… I saw as she grew jealous again, possessive of Anon-san and started isolating everyone from you and your father. I could’ve tried harder; I could’ve kept going over despite the rage in her eyes… but I knew that she’d just take it out on your father after… No, she would’ve hurt him anyway. I should’ve just weathered her anger, but I didn’t. For that Hana-san, I’m sorry for failing you.”

Hana knew she was genuine; she knew that the past should be just that: The past. Still, it did hurt, and nothing could change that, yet Hana did want to move forward. She didn’t want to become her mother; she didn’t want to fall into the rage and desperation she saw all around her growing up.

Hana crept her hand across the smooth surface of the small table, hesitated once she saw Kasen’s gaze fall upon her timid hand, then continued as she uttered with a slight blush creeping across her face, “I know that things aren’t the best and all… but I want us to be friends! Father would always talk about how he trusted you and you were a good person, so…”

A strange look ghosted over Kasen’s face, that guilt lurked, and something deeper, just behind her eyes despite the smile that lifted the ends of her lips. Kasen nodded, “You’re right, things aren’t the best but…” her real hand grasped Hana’s firmly, it’s warmth and underlying strength felt reassuring, “I want to get to know you properly, and when this is all over, I’d love to make up for lost time”

After that little conversation, Kasen seemed better. She told Hana to feel free to explore around while she freshened up. It was with a slight tone of embarrassment in her voice that she admitted that she wasn’t expecting guests and didn’t bother looking as proper as she should. So, like a weight was lifted from her shoulders Hana walked around the dojo on a whim.

The dojo itself was rather spartan outside of the living area, the hallways lacked much in the terms of artistry. Especially when compared to the trendier designs you’d find on the paper and wooden walls in some of the richer establishments. Compared to what Hana saw when she visited the spice merchants’ trade hall last time they contracted her to exorcise a still forming youkai that turned their spices to ash, the building was much less artistically inclined.

That said, despite the plain halls and bare wooden flooring the scale was hard to beat, the number of rooms and the scale of the dojo itself that made up the heart of the building was nothing to sneeze at. Though she wasn’t a good judge, the construction itself seemed a reflection of Kasen as well, there was never a squeaky floorboard or out of place panel to be seen.

Before Hana knew it, she was in the upper level of the dojo and Kasen was still no where to be seen, it’d only been around 10~ minutes if Hana was any judge. So, she wondered onwards, the second level was much like the first in many ways. Though if there was one difference, it was that the rooms that had their doors open were much more well-furnished. Hana realized with a bit of subdued interest that these must have been the guest rooms, judging by how each one was decorated with a different theme this must have been a hobby of hers.

Finally, she found herself at the end of the hallway, past many different rooms whose purposes were unclear considering hermits didn’t exactly take many guests. At the end of this hallway, there was one room that stood out, the sliding doors were wider than the others… and there was a bright pink doormat with the words, ‘a clean mind keeps their feet clean!’ laying outside them.

It was as Hana was wiping her feet that she realized that this must have been Kasen’s personal room, its decorations were certainly more… bold. The other rooms were traditional to put it nicely, archaic to it another way. Their ‘themes’ and decorations were carefully decided, well organized and tasteful, but also seemed like the way a granny would organize things. It reminded her the backroom that the granny at the bathhouse maintained when she showed off her collection of old scrolls and trinkets said to predate the barrier.

Kasen’s main room was a different beast entirely. She didn’t know what compelled her to enter, after wiping her feet, of course, but here she was. The room itself was… different, yes it had a traditional feel to things, the desk in the corner felt normal enough as well as the wardrobe and mirror that hung next to it. That was about the end of that though, in a corner of the room was a recliner similar to the one father had when she was young, was it also Kappa made? Along with that their other oddities. That wasn’t to speak of the haphazard placement of posters and other memories on the walls.

>> No.45430107
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Hana knew she should leave now, but that overwhelming sense of curiosity compelled her forward. Kasen wasn’t around so…

On the walls there was the occasional scroll of some panoramic drawing, but between them there were other stranger kinds of posters. She couldn’t tell what material they were made of that made them so shiny, but there were posters of the famous prismriver trio; the image of them jamming out under a large cherry blossom tree. There was another poster, showing the winners of the war of faith in stylized poses and outfits. There was yet another poster next to a display case showing a black silhouette between a green and pink one, it seemed they were carrying some sort of tools in their hands with the words, ‘Last show of the famous ‘Oni Pink’ get tickets NOW’. There were many more, too much to take in all at once.

Hana had felt like she’d seen too much, but in a display case were all sorts of little odds and ends, figurines of some kind made out of unusual material… A strange noh mask or two… A hexagonal pillar with a shimenawa draped around it sitting next to a stylized version of a curiously familiar straw-hat with eyes, and a green leaf with a stylized frog and snake making up its veins; it was a strangely familiar shade…

It’d been a while, and she needed to go. Last thing she’d want was Kasen finding her here like this, to break the small trust she’d built up so quick. As she turned to go however, something caught her eye, something she was subconsciously trying to ignore till now. A simple chest of drawers by the wardrobe, the dark varnished set of drawers was unassuming and plain. That said, something about them made her uneasy, some kind of energy that she wanted to avoid. It was a sort malice she’d never felt before, it was deep and vicious, the kind that a mortal would never be able to match.

It frightened Hana, terrified her. If she didn’t feel something holding it back, she’d have run out of there screaming. She felt a whisp of the divine blessing of the Hakurei god suffusing the malice, yet even then she could feel the malice notice her.

Hana took a step towards the drawers… No… what was she…? Her vision started going dark just as her mind raised its alarm bells. She wanted to run but something made her take another step forward, no! She didn’t want to get closer! She felt terror she hadn’t felt in a long time, she was utterly powerless as her mind faded. An inky blackness overcame her vision and the last she felt was the sensation of a smooth metallic handle in her hand.

>> No.45430116
File: 1.66 MB, 2240x1260, Reimu Kasen kareoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Hana came too, she was leaning over the table in the living area of the dojo, there was a thin blanket on her back and Kasen was humming a strange tune while having her eyes fixed on a small book. What was she… when did she…? Hana felt like she was missing something, she was walking down the halls… then… then she… It was a bit foggy, but she started feeling… tired, yeah that must have been it, she was feeling tired so she returned to the living room and… Kasen was taking forever so she closed her eyes for a second and…

Her recollection was cut short as Kasen’s voice sang out into her ears, “Ah, finally awake? You’ve been out for about half an hour now”

Hana raised her head and scrubbed her eyes, to wipe the sleep from them. She was a little embarrassed, and as she muttered, “Sorry, didn’t know I was so tired…” that inconsistency in her memory faded like a nightmare.

Kasen giggled a little, “think nothing of it, I suppose I did take a while getting freshened up after all.”

Now that she mentioned it, Kasen did indeed look much better. Her hair was as proper as Hana remembered it being, her dress and tabard were different now as well. Her dress was a light and simple piece colored a darker red that seemed easy to move in, her tabard hung over it adding a nice accent to it just as her flower and ever-present hair buns did.

Hana yawned, stretching her back and legs before folding up the cover into a neat square and placing it at her side on the tatami mat. Kasen placed a marker in the book before setting it down on the table in front of her, the mood seemed to shift somewhat as Kasen’s smile returned to a neutral expression. Hana knew why, or at least thought she did, after all she came here on business and not for pleasure.

Kasen’s eye was discerning now, she looked at Hana not like a friend, but as someone who’s interests she couldn’t quite feel at ease about. Hana didn’t blame her; Yukari’s interests were convoluted at the best of times and Hana rallied herself as she sat up properly. Kasen’s voice wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t friendly either, “Now, it’s about time we got to business, isn’t it?”

Nodding at her words Hana got the last of the slouch out and tried her best to dispel the last bit of sleep from her mind. Her own voice was lacking any joy in it as she used her business voice to respond, “Yes, its about time. We’ve spent enough time on pleasantries.”

There was no sound but the sound of the wind chimes until Kasen spoke again, “Yukari-san has sent you here for some purpose. It’s concerning how she already knew the path to my senkai after I changed it, but not an issue at the time.”

Kasen locked eyes with Hana, as if to read something on her face, but Hana gave no ground. She was used to such things, and not finding what she needed out in the open Kasen let her question flow, “For what business has Yukari-san sent you for, it could be considered an insult for a sister sage to not take her business up with her peer directly.”

This time Hana knew what to say, “Yukari-san of course expresses her gratitude at seeing me, and her own regret for not being able to see you herself, but I assure that it was a task she could only entrust me too”

Narrowing her eyes Kasen let her words lash out like a thorn, “It is quite a statement to say that Yukari-san needed you to do something that she could not” She leaned forward as if trying to push Hana back, “I will ask again, for what purpose”

There was a pressure in the air that made Hana want to flee, even if it was Kasen… or maybe because it was Kasen giving that pressure, but she couldn’t back out now. With gravity in her voice Hana mustered up all her courage, “I am here too… Cheer you up!”

Like a gust of wind, the pressure exited the room as Kasen blinked thrice at Hana before she chuckled, that chuckle turned into a laugh, and that laugh was long lasting and hearty. By the time Kasen had recovered Hana was red in the face and fidgeting slightly, was it really that ridiculous?

>> No.45430127
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Finally collecting herself after coughing lightly in into her bandaged hand Kasen asked, “Do you seriously expect me to believe that?”

Hana was confused as she responded, “What do you mean? Yukari-san told me to keep you company, it’s the truth!”

Kasen started at her for a second before asking, “So you’re telling me, that the youkai sage herself, a woman that couldn’t scratch her back without a master plan lasting centuries has asked you to put a smile on my face?”

Nodding while now realizing how ridiculous it sounded, she couldn’t help but respond, “T-that’s right! She said that you needed some company, so I traveled up the mountain from home and stuff, I got you some sweets cause father always said you loved; the ones from the old shop at the corner of the plaza. I even brought a fun board game Aunn found in the market the other day!” A troubling look came over her face, “Well, I forgot the board game… but I got some stories to tell and stuff, like the other day when Aunn and me wer-“

Kasen put up a hand while the other rubbed the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes, “I get it, I get it…” Kasen sighed as she looked at Hana, “So, you at least came over here to with the only goal of putting a smile on my face…?”

Hana nodded, “I know it sounds silly but, really its true! When I was sad it always made me happy to have someone to listen too my problems, and I want us to be friends so I’ll be happy to listen to anything you have to say!”

As Kasen sighed Hana risked the next sentence, “I-I know Yukari-san has probably done some terrible things, and I can’t imagine that she’s been very nice to you either… But I think she was sincere in having me come over!”

Wanting to make a good impression she thought as to what her father would’ve done, she walked over on her knees and linked the real arm of the hermit in hers. With a broad smile, like the kind that always lifted her spirits when her day was bad, she spoke, “How about this, you tell me a story and I’ll tell you one back?”

>> No.45430137
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did we pass the test?

>> No.45430142
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Hana’s plan seemed to be working, she’d get Kasen to ramble about something while she listens and gives the occasional ‘Oh?’, ‘is that true?!’, or a ‘Wow… really?’. Hana remembered a lesson her mother told her long ago, one that she now used to its fullest effect, ‘Never get one of those old granny youkai blabbing, no matter how they look they’re all old ladies at heart and if you give them the time of day they’ll blab on and on about their boring lives’.

Hana gambled on if it’d work on Kasen, after she told her a story about the time Aunn and her found an outside world steel tower that was some hub for fairies. She decided to play a prank on them by putting bitter leaves in the unguarded teapot of the fairies that played there. That short little story set Kasen off into a world of her own, her rambling story consisted of everything from an old incident where the oni of new hell were all up in arms over a gaggle youkai who bribed some shinigami’s to ferry them across so they could plunder some human souls. Going to a side story where the Yama, Shiki Eiki, and her had to band together the first time the now goddess of hell tried pushing her clothing line on the rest of Gensokyo. She even started going off about how Okina tried recruiting Suika as a backup dancer before the oni drank her under the table claiming that ‘she’d never serve someone that can’t handle a little sake’, before she vomited all over her chair.

Kasen was sitting in front of her still rambling on with stories of the past as Hana adjusted her position on the cushion. Sitting and listening was a task in of itself, Hana tried to be a good listener, but sometimes her mind wondered. She couldn’t help but focus on how warm it was, the sun was at its highest point in the sky so far and despite the cool breeze Hana was dressed for winter.

It might have been rude since Kasen was getting into the high part of her story, about during an incident a few years ago when a near army of vengeful spirits broke out of old hell after a major blowout and she and Sanae worked together to push them back, but it was getting stuffy in here. Still nodding along, and giving the occasional reaction Hana made quick work of the thick vest she wore, stripping off the crimson cotton outer layer and leaving her in a thin white blouse made to let her skin breathe.

She already felt better even before she loosened her detached sleeves letting the breeze grace her forearms. She folded the outer layer before placing them to her side on the ground, not noticing how Kasen was slowing down her story right as she spoke of tearing through the final boss and mastermind, mizu-something or other.

Hana was stretching again, keeping her legs from falling asleep under her when she finally registered Kasen’s voice, “Ah, are you too warm?” It was a simple question, yet Kasen’s demeanor seemed a little strange. It was like she analyzing her again as a threat.

Offput by the subtle change Hana nodded, her voice cautious, “Uh… yeah, I am. I didn’t think that your home would as warm as a spring day and… I’m not troubling you, am I?”

Seeming to catch herself, Kasen blinked and just like that the piercing gaze vanished like it was never there. Shaking her head lightly she muttered, “No, its fine… I can’t change the temperature on such short notice, but…” She said something else that Hana couldn’t hear.

Hana scooted a little closer despite being a bit self-conscious about how the light perspiration from her skin must have been obvious. Leaning over she asked the taller women, “Sorry, I couldn’t hear that. What was it again?”

Strangely Kasen seemed to lean back a bit, her eyes focused on Hana’s and a faint blush creeped up on the edge of her face, was she feeling a bit warm as well? Kasen seemed to clear her throat, “I was… H-Hana-san if you’re feeling warm you could take off that long dress too, It uh… can’t be comfortable in this warmth right?!”

Nodding she leaned back, which seemed to relieve the hermit as well. She breathed a sigh of relief, well if that’s all then she was just being considerate! Nodding Hana smiled, thankful that she didn’t upset her host, “If it isn’t a problem then sure! This thing is way too long and all!”

>> No.45430158
File: 563 KB, 1280x1440, Kasen gets consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana stood up and quickly undid the buttons that secured the long skirt that draped down to her ankles, it felt nice being brought down to the light under layer that barely hit her knees. It might have been a bit embarrassing, to strip in front of someone you barely knew, but Kasen was a friend and its not like she should feel weird for being in her thin underlayer around other women or anything, even if the material was as thin as her blouse.

As she dropped back down and folded her skirt, she noticed Kasen scooting closer, she ignored it at first, but once she saw Kasen’s hand inch towards her she couldn’t help but ask, “Kasen-san, is something the matter?”

Kasen’s arm shot back to her side, “A-ah its nothing, really! It’s just uh… I couldn’t help but remember when you were only so tall!” She leveled her hand out to the size that a child barely beyond a toddler would be, “It’s just… I was amazed at how strong you’ve gotten; humans really grow fast and all!”

Sometimes it was easy to forget that she was an oni and a hermit, Hana nodded, “You think? That’s what father and Marisa would say sometimes, but I always felt like it was too slow and stuff”

Kasen nodded, “I guess that’s true when you’re still growing, but for me I think you’ve become a lovely young girl!”

Hana couldn’t help but blush a bit at that earnest compliment, it really wasn’t often that she was praised like that, “Hehe, don’t think I’m so weak to flattery you know, but thank you!”

Leaning her side against the table Hana used it as an armrest, before she noticed it Kasen’s hand had snaked its way forward and grasped hers. Kasen’s hand was warm, it was like that blush on the edges of her face was heating up her whole body, and something about the way her fingers and palms held the back of her hand felt…

She let the sage hold her hand as she pleased, she was here to make her happy and become friends after all. Besides, there wasn’t a single sane hermit according to her mother… Kasen seemed struggling with something, her voice was sounding a bit strained, as if she was deeply conflicted about something, “S-so Hana-chan, have you ever… do you have anyone you like, romantically?”

W-what?! The question caught Hana off guard almost as much as Kasen’s strange pant did as she choked out that last word. Hana had rarely had girls talk before, Marisa was always more of a mentor and Aunn was well… Aunn. She didn’t have any friends her age now that she thought about it, so she was rather unprepared as she stammered out, “U-uh, well I don’t… I’ve never really…”

Kasen giggled; her eyes crossed Hana’s body as if she was searching for the slightest lie in her body language. She seemed to get a bit closer, “There’s no need to be shy, it’s just between us after all.”

Hana’s blush deepened, was she just reading too deeply into it or was Kasen’s tone and body language seeming more… sensual…? Of course not, Kasen was a sage and Hana was just reading too much into it so… Though it was a little strange that Kasen was interested in romance given of what she’s heard of her, Hana pushed those thoughts as she replied with some confusion, “N-no, no really, I’ve been so busy and now that father is… working and all; I just haven’t had the time too…”

Kasen nodded, some kind of guilt seemed to flash across her face, but it vanished quickly. That guilt was replaced by… “I see, you’ve been so worried about your father you haven’t had time to bother with romance. Have you…” Kasen seemed to make up her mind, “Have you, ever felt another’s touch before…?”

That light flush on Hana’s face exploded as she felt her face grow hot, w-what was Kasen saying?! Had she… she had but… could she tell?! Mama knew, and Kasen worked with mama… but if she was asking then…?

Kasen’s fingers lecherously ran up and down Hana’s forearm and her voice purred, “Which is it Hana-chan? Something tells me you aren’t as pure as everyone thinks you are. Am I wrong…?”

That heat, that godawful head spread from where Kasen’s fingers stroked her forearm. It was such a small thing but… it activated memories upon memories, s-she was here to keep Kasen company, right? If Mama sent her here with that in mind then… It wasn’t wrong to feel this way was it…?

>> No.45430168
File: 264 KB, 800x600, Kasen consents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana shook her head, she couldn’t say it! “Y-you’re wrong, I haven’t…” Kasen’s bandaged arm grabbed her by the cheeks, her grasp was gentle but the lust behind her eyes was anything but, “Hana-chan, there’s no point in lying. I won’t tell anyone, you can trust me~”

Still hesitant Hana darted her eyes away from the fierce lust that Kasen displayed with just her expression alone, this was her deepest secret, if she… “Kasen-san… I-I can’t, if you knew you’d hate me…”

A wide smile graced her lips, brightening her face, yet somehow the words only sullied that expression, “Ah, I knew it~ Tell me, did Yukari take you with her agile fingers? Did her delightful lips hold you captive? Did you become entranced with her breasts and suckle them like your life depended on it?!”

Panting now Kasen unleashed her torrent of questions, each word brought up memories. Thick and fleshy memories of how Yukari would tease her, prod her, bring her to orgasm after orgasm while Hana desperately tried to please her in return before her legs gave out. Hana nodded at Kasen, and with a ‘yes…’ Kasen kissed her deeply.

Hana’s lips parted on their own her own mouth greedy to accept this sinful pleasure, greedy to relieve the memories and make new ones. In her bliss Hana barely even noticed how Kasen tore at the thin underlayer of clothing, and when she did notice she didn’t care.

Kasen parted from her lips, leaving a trail of salvia between them and Hana’s mouth unfilled, though she suspected that wouldn’t last long. Hana grasped at Kasen desperate to tear off her clothing but the oni put her hands on her shoulders, keeping Hana’s lust at bay. Kasen purred as she stood up, “There’s no need to rush Hana-chan~” Her dress was tossed off in one swift movement, revealing a thin underlayer that left little to the imagination.

She stood above her, the thin underlayer was almost sheer in appearance and made her lack of any proper undergarments quite apparent. Her breasts were like the foothills before a valley, imposing and challenging, yet gentle and attractive. They complimented the rest of her body, who’s slight musculature did nothing to get in the way of the eye-catching curves barely hidden by her remaining clothing.

All of it, every line of her body, every hint of her light musculature, every soft looking parcel of flesh waiting to be kissed; it all lead Hana’s eyes down to her practically exposed thighs. Hana gulped, seeing that the color of her bushy, yet maintained garden perfectly matched what lay above. She wanted it, she could practically taste it, smell it, she could barely hold herself back. She wanted to know every sound and face Kasen could make.

Yet Kasen’s words were what she got first, they were dripping with lust, “Yukari-san sent you to me to keep me company, yes?” Hana nodded quickly, “Then let’s enjoy this to the fullest~ I want to see if you’re as generous as Anon is”

Hana should’ve resented her for that, the mere implication that she took advantage of him. She should’ve said no, she could’ve gotten away, she could’ve questioned her and refused to give Kasen her body. She could’ve escaped or even confronted her, but instead she let flashes of flesh run through her head, visions of her and her father locked together in endless passion.

It only served to excite Hana further. She wanted to see them go at it, to taste their union like she lapped at the remains of her mama and father’s lust after they’ve spent themselves. It caused her eyes to become locked on Kasen’s delicate peach, “I-I want to lick it, where father and you… where you took him and had him cum inside you…”

Kasen raised an eyebrow before a devilish grin spread over her face revealing her teeth, she laughed as she lifted Hana by the legs causing Hana to grasp her shoulders as she placed her on the table. Kasen laid Hana on her back, Hana’s torso could barely fit the length of the table with her legs already parted and draped over the sides. Hana saw it, as her thighs quivered and her barely concealed pussy ran hot, those bandages that made up Kasen’s arm, they spread out like a snake brushing lightly against her thighs causing Hana to shiver.

>> No.45430184
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The bandages roped around her calves and tied them to the legs of the table underneath her, they were near endless as they perfectly restrained her and denied Hana the freedom of closing her legs. The thought of being so helpless before Kasen’s lust excited Hana, filling her with anticipation at the pleasure to come.

Kasen’s arm clutched at Hana’s waist before it slid down reaching her bloomers, she tore it off entirely with force and violence. It terrified Hana, but it was a good kind of fear; it was the kind of thing that sent her into a spiral of endless excitement. Seeing Kasen’s head come up between her thighs, licking their way up from her knees sent pure jolts of electricity up Hana’s spine. Just a little further and…!

That hot and pink tongue stopped just before it reached her inner thighs, that heat was building and demanded to be released, it was all Hana could do look down in confusion. A near sadistic smile had spread across the oni’s face, “Hana-chan, be honest with me and I’ll reward you… You’ve visited your father for his cock, haven’t you? You and Yukari-san have done the same thing I do, you visit him and run him ragged over and over again~, don’t you?”

A teasing peck right on her most delicate spot caused her to try to grind against her lips, but she was denied as the amorous women beneath her moved her seductive lips back. It was already enough to break the miko’s mind, all she wanted was that sweet feeling and didn’t care who heard, “Y-yes, I did, I love father and I want him as a man! When mama takes me to him, I don’t care about anything else and I just want him to love me again and again!”

A tittering laugh hinted at a strange satisfaction, like some kind of justification has been made. With another kiss to where her clit is waiting to be coaxed out Kasen whispers just loud enough to be heard, “So my sweet Hana-chan is just like me…” Her voice seems to falter as a pang of guilt seems to rip through the lust, but Hana is beyond caring such things, “I’ll make sure that I’ll take care of you just like I do for him~”

Anticipation was the only thing on Hana’s mind as Kasen’s deft tongue attacked her, Hana couldn’t wait to return the favor.

>> No.45430213
File: 56 KB, 872x828, Kasen toot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One lewd pink segment 4 u
Our little lewd crimson slasher jr is quite fun to write, did you know that you can take 9/10 Hanas by merely getting her to consider you family? Its true! I'm happy for Hana finally making a friend and patching up some of her trust issues, Yukari is truly a saint.
It only took me about two days of most of my free time, it was like an addiction. I opted out of hanging out with friends, playing vidya, and doing some important side things. But now it is done and I can rest.

>> No.45430511
File: 218 KB, 1254x1325, kasen book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 fucking chapters
holy macaroni, man here wrote the second bible.
the moment I scrolled down and saw that Hammer, I knew what I was getting myself into. But man, Hana got knocked by 2 out of 3 sages; who in Gensokyo can say something like that? And that sin kink is now pairing with a MILF kink. Hana is officially a /jp/ dweller considering her taste for 2hags
Doremy will need a lot of that strongest sake to ever exist to get the nightmares Kasen will have after this one
also, what was inside the chest that put Hana down?
Thanks for the chapters!

>> No.45430534
Quoted by: >>45430595

not the writer, but the description reminds me very much of how sealed arm-chan was described in the KMS threads

>> No.45430544
Quoted by: >>45430595

Here's hoping for Okina to enter the fray, it totally won't be a convoluted set up...
It may or may not be the chest of drawers where armchan is sealed. If kasen anon wants to make anything of it he can feel free

>> No.45430595
File: 90 KB, 850x850, __matara_okina_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_rotte_1109__sample-5a230b4db22e335f7b026f4be88f3c27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45430613

>Here's hoping for Okina to enter the fray, it totally won't be a convoluted set up...
yuck, Okina would never fuck a 17 years old hag
>double spoiler
oh, thanks!

>> No.45430613

It's okay, Hana is still technically 16

>> No.45430631
Quoted by: >>45430640

16 is at least four years too old for okina
maybe she'll force herself through it for the sake of fucking with yukari though

>> No.45430638

Six years too old already.

>> No.45430640

Maybe as part of a bargaining chip Yukari will alter her age and toss her to the cripple... you know that's actually not a bad idea.

>> No.45430661
File: 399 KB, 474x498, hana spinning finger thing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45431747

these fucking hags man…

>> No.45430764
Quoted by: >>45431098

Hag Hana will probably have Misato vibes but even worse, Misato just had problems with connecting with men in ways other than sex and almost raped her ward.
While all of current and futures prospective relationships are almost entirely 100% sex with the way she's ending up she'll have trouble speaking to people or interacting with ways that don't involve sex.
I wonder when she'll try to fuck Kaguya or Eirin?
People like Hana and Kasen now also tend to end up rapists due to sex being normalized as a way to control someone and being denied their autonomy by someone who raping them.
No wonder the Hakurei clan goes extinct and their final living heir is Koishi Yakumo-Komeiji.

>> No.45431078

You know, I can't help but think Hana is greeting an unhealthy idea how sexual relationships work.

>> No.45431098
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Quoted by: >>45431204

though Hana is a victim in all this, and in a good ending where her therapy concludes and she gets the help she needs, I doubt she'd end like Misato. Kasen is also a victim, but solving her problem is relatively straightforward: just reseal the oni lust, though it'd be a bandage and one more repetition on the cycle

>> No.45431102

I don't think she had much hope in that regard from the start

>> No.45431110
File: 135 KB, 850x1100, __hakurei_reimu_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_xian_qishui__sample-806dcd4834d4ffb0841154c0311df735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45431747

Yukari's influence at work

>> No.45431204
Quoted by: >>45431301

Honestly I don't either of them ending up as relatively well adjusted as Misato was, at the very least Kasen can have her lust and/or capacity for sex entirely removed from her conceptual being, though that wouldn't remove the trauma and scars and just make it impossible for her to rape or ever have sex again.
But even with therapy the choice to improve and heal is entirely on Hana, and I don't think Hana even knows what that looks like or want it.
I mean we already know what Hana wants, and it involves being impregnated by her father.

>> No.45431301
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the Hana part probably will come with her understanding such relationship is not what makes Anon happy, and true love is to know when to grasp and when to let go. That in the good ending would be a major step up in recovering and letting the sin kink in the past; helps she'll have a lot of support in Redeemed!Reimu; Marisa and her jobbabies; Yuuka; Aya and the other momhus. True, that's speculation for the good ending… the bad ending should be a doozy
Kasen it's a more pronounced problem. She'll probably internalize and heal overtime, something alike the sins of Douji, though never properly if the merge doesn't happen, and she doesn't cast aside the guilt from actions not hers. It's hard to know how that'd affect someone effectively immortal, and she's too particular with afflictions to let others in.
sadge situation for both of them, but that's the HSE—just keep moving forward with the pain…

>> No.45431509
Quoted by: >>45431553

I can't believe Gensokyo will fall to ruin all because Gappy lacked the social skills to get laid the normal way.

>> No.45431553
Quoted by: >>45431615

Yukari is a modern day Paris of Troy, Ravana of Lanka, Morgan le Fey of Avalon, Bowser of the Koopa Kingdom, etc.

>> No.45431615

Bowser had consensual sex which resulted in at least one son, not to mention the Koopalings who are adopted(?)
Yukari is jobbing in love and parental ability to an evil manchild turtle.

>> No.45431747
Quoted by: >>45432527

Imagine being Hana.
You are so excited that Kasen is working with you to help the only women you think is truly helping. You think that, "I can finally have a friendship with someone my father so respected. I don't have to feel guilt in knowing that I'll betray them by spying on them"
So, excited you meet with her. After clearing the air and getting past your legitimate and imagined greviences you two make up and you start moving towards a true friendship. Alas, it was a spring day and you were wearing winterized clothing.

>> No.45431940
File: 375 KB, 850x1051, Hana loves seggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45422712 (42/?)

The walk to Alice’s house is quiet. It’s been quiet ever since Hana got back from Senkai, though there wasn’t much opportunity to talk. She came back, washed, and went to bed. Aunn was there to cuddle in bed of course, but she didn’t ask any questions nor did she try to get more intimate.

This morning was the same. Hana wanted to sleep in, but Aunn put her foot down around nine and dragged into the bathroom to get ready. She then dragged her out of the bathroom around ten. She’s still a little bitter about that. While she did blow off the last few training sessions with Marisa, she can still feel dirty spots she didn’t get to beyond the limits of sight.

Idly Hana wonders who will be there. Mima has been 50/50 recently, apparently, she’s getting her magical projects off the ground again and needs to devote more time to them. Alice is a given. Yuuka has been very consistent recently, sort of the opposite of Mima.

She probably should tell Mama about Mima’s projects. It’s really for everyone’s best. It’s not like it could ever work, beating Mama that is. E-Even if it was, that wouldn’t solve anything. It’s cruel to say, but Mima and everyone need to lose so they can see the error of their ways. When everyone stops resisting, Mama will be able to complete her plans and everyone will be a lot happier as a result. Everyone just can’t look past their biases and see the picture.

It’s frustrating, why can’t anyone else see the good in Mama? They always try to look for malicious intent. L-Like when she visited Kasen, they’d say Mama sent her there so Kasen could have her way with her, but that’s not true at all! She could have said no and Yukari didn’t even send her to have sex with Kasen, she just wanted her to cheer Kasen up. Really, it happened because she wanted it. Going to Senkai dressed for winter? What was she expecting?

It’s the same with Dad. If she ever admitted what she did with Dad, they’d be outraged. They couldn’t understand it. It’s the same issue as with Mama’s plan, everyone in Gensokyo is too blinded by their prejudice to see the beauty in her relationship with Dad, everyone but Mama that is.

They’ll understand eventually. What a wonderful day that’ll be. She can picture it now, licking every spare drop of Anon’s love out of Marisa as she lays there out of breath from riding Anon. He might even turn his attention to Hana’s available holes and sandwich her between her father and mentor. Sadly, Marisa isn’t ready for that yet. She’s too blind, too ignorant. Like Hana was until Mama showed her the truth. Thankfully, Mama will show Marisa the truth too when the time is right, but for now, Hana needs to hide it from Marisa until she’s ready.

That’s not to say she only hopes Marisa is enlightened. Yuuka deserves the truth too, and Hana would love to finally see how those breasts taste. Alice… would she want to hold onto a stuffed animal her first time? Oh, and Mima. Always refined and aloof Mima. Hana wonders what she’d look like with a cock in her mouth or squealing as she’s being railed.

Her eyes drift to Aunn. Hana is particularly eager for the day Aunn learns the truth, maybe she could even be enlightened earlier than the others. It would be a weight off of Hana’s chest to not have to hide everything from her closest friend, and to see Aunn be taken from behind for the first time…

“I can’t wait to see Marisa again. It’s been a while, last time she promised to get me a treat if I was able to last four minutes. What do you think she’ll get? Maybe some ice cream or a pastry or maybe something exotic from the outside world.”

Startled, Hana finally realizes her furious blush that only pushes her to blush more. Choking out a response she answers, “Y-Yeah, haha I wonder. Maybe she’ll give you a lic-licorice candy. I hear she umm likes those.”

For a second Hana thinks she sees Aunn frown, but that’s ridiculous. The only reason she’d have to frown is if she knew and she can’t know. “I… I don’t like licorice. I hope it’s not that… unless you like licorice and then I can give it to you. Then I hope it’s licorice.”

Finding the cottage up ahead far more interesting than looking at Aunn, Hana replies, “Well, I just want you to be satisfied. W-With the gift. M-Marisa’s gift of candy I mean.”

Thankfully not catching Hana’s slip up, Aunn replies, “Right… well Alice’s house is right there! Let’s go find out! C’mon, race you!”

Hana breaks out into a sprint to chase Aunn to the cottage, unwilling to lose yet another race to her friend.

I wrote this up quick to stake a claim for the day after the Kasen incident. It's written in one sitting, but I'm rather happy with it. In particular the subtext around what's she focusing on for her fantasies about each of her friends getting raped.

>> No.45432032
Quoted by: >>45432065

Not bad, maybe a little too thick. Hana is the kind of girl try being serious until the slightest lewd thing trips her up.

>> No.45432065
Quoted by: >>45432074

Fair, though A large part of that is Yukari using magic to inflame her lust as well as that this is a day after she got taken advantage of by lewd pink and there's been nothing to really take her mind off of that event.

>> No.45432074

Damn horny slasher

>> No.45432513
File: 443 KB, 688x1014, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Heya Champ! Been a while, hasn’t it?”

Oh my goodness! It was Cirno! Daiyousei was so utterly flabbergasted. What took her so long? Was she trapped somewhere or was she just stuck in purgatory for a while after losing a danmaku duel?

“Cirno?!? Oh my goodness! Is it really you?”

“Chet Ubetcha. I’ve been spending HOURS of my life stomping.........PIXIES…at the Komakusa Gambling Den. Now I’m tenfold stronger!" the lovestruck tomboy replied. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She didn’t even know there was a Gambling Den in Gensokyo but WHO CARES!?!?! CIRNO WAS BACK, and better than ever!

Except the longer Daiyousei looked, the more the seed of doubt grew in her stomach. Dai-chan started to notice all kinds of weird oddities on this… thing. Cirno didn’t have a horn. Nor was her skin THAT saturated. And what the heck is a Pixie? This is clearly some kinda phony!

“Oh… nevermind.” Daiyousei wept. “You’re not the one.”

“Whatdya mean? It’s me, Sirno! You baka, Don't you remember the time where we-”

“No, I’m not stupid. I know you’re just one of those Tanuki. Or potentially from that “Bawck-ooh-danae” species they told us about in health class. Whatever prank you’re planning, just do it already. I don’t really have a lot left to lose today.” Daiyousei turned away from the weird doppleganger. Fully expecting either a cold bucket of ice water or a classic pie to the face. If Daichan understood normal human money, she’d bet 5 dollars on it.

“...Well if you insist.” That odd faker said. Daiyousei could barely even register what was said before she felt something sharp stab her upper chest area. Guess it was a sword or blade of some kind, that’s a new one. Ouch.

Okay, Daiyousei has seen fairies get sliced and diced by up & coming samurai living in the human village more times then she’d like to admit, but usually they’d poof away like they usually do when killed. But for some reason, this time Daiyousei could swear that instead her skin started to shift to a dull grey. Kinda like in that one picture book she read. What on… the hell… is…


>> No.45432527
File: 93 KB, 850x1196, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_kn001215__sample-6d41462b8f2488da4703b978b36fea27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should've known what she was getting into joining Yukari.
Kasen is a collector and she won't stop until she gets an HR complaint from every one of Yukari's employees!

>> No.45432540
File: 402 KB, 1000x1414, __daiyousei_touhou_drawn_by_asutora__2d2bc2ecdb778400dc24a3d1b7a099d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45432543
File: 576 KB, 1176x1200, __kicchou_yachie_and_son_biten_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_syope__fcc691d1f91027706c233b17d260c52a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45435477

“ “Ability to quickly teleport anywhere within a 12 foot radius” huh? Well, I can’t say I didn’t expect this from someone no stronger than a mere cockroach. You did not disappoint.”

Konngara stood over the monochromatic corpse of Daiyousei. Had to admit, even small fry like fairies being able to see through her disguise was a little embarrassing. Even if this annoying metallic spike of a horn wasn’t forever embedded onto her head, People would likely still sniff her out via her subpar acting skills. Bah! Whatever. She got what she came for anyway. It's been so long since she’s ever ventured out of her temple, of course you’ll be a bit rusty. She’ll have more than enough time later to practice. But right now, it's time to usurp Gensokyo's-

“Hello? Hey Konngara, you there?” asked Yachie. The Astral Knight had almost completely forgotten she was carrying one of these new fangled communication devices 24/7 per request of the people helping operate business for the Hakurei Shrine Experience™.

“Yes, I’m here. What do you need?”

“Where on earth are you right now? One minute you’re busy raking the leaves like I asked you to, then the next minute you’re completely gone! What gives?”

“One of the many annoying runts with wings stole my rake and ran off into a forest. I’ve only now just gotten it back-”

“THEN JUST GET A NEW ONE FROM THE BACK, YOU NITWIT! Are you trying to make me angry? Cause you won't like my otters when I’m angry.” The Lizardtailed Chick squawked with enough vitriol to level an entire building. “*sigh* Anyways, I was just calling in to notify you that Yukari and Kasen have arrived back from their abrupt exposition of the Old Capital. I think it was the first time I've ever seen Yakumo have a nose bleed. I’d seriously recommend using this as an opportunity to introduce yourself to them since you work here now. Whatdya think?”

“Depends. Is Kasen still a lobotomized animal lover?”

“I uh… I’ll take that as… We’ll be waiting by the Pond inside of the building. See you later.” Yachie said as she hung up the phone, facepalming. “...who the hell asks that kind of question? Is she trying to imply Kasen didn't always like animals?” The reptile mumbled.

“Hey, you alright? You got a little heated back there. Who the heck was that on the other side of the walkie?” The unnamed kappa who was just chilling next to the Jidiao questioned.

“It’s Konngara, the new guy with the dumb hornhead. Can barely even look at her in the eyes anymore without giving myself conniptions. I'm not sure what’s going on with her exactly, but some screws are missing in that thing’s head. I think I might need to start figuring out a plan on how to eliminate her from the premises soon.”

>> No.45432677
File: 186 KB, 850x1228, attention grabbing image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45432772

Everybody give a round of applause to Daiyousei for being the first on-screen death of a major character! Yahoo!!!!!!!

Okay jokes aside, time to elaborate a little on what happened because it's kinda important to Winter Solstice. Apologies for any mistakes as I am currently writing this in bed on a phone when I should be sleeping.
Any powerful deity worth their salt have several powerful abilities and Konngara is no exception to that. As seen by her not-so good attempt at shapeshifting. However Konngara's greatest gimmick is that via impaling the heart of a living being, she is able to forcefully abduct it's soul (and thus ability). This explains why daiyousei got all the color drained out of her body. Her soul is now currently stuck inside Konngara, constantly boosting her power level and transferring the ability to teleport 12 feet to the cunt in shinning armor

Of course this isn't permanent (that's too ballsy I don't think I could ever do that to you guys) as simply beating the shit out of her hard enough will free any spirits from her containment, allowing them to go back to their normal bodies. But this doesn't change the fact that it's a very dangerous skill to have period.

If the wrong assortment of tools gets into the Astral Knight's hands, it could very well be Doomsday for our beloved Gensokyo. Tick Tock, Big Four of the Mountain.

>> No.45432772
File: 420 KB, 800x800, __konngara_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_fushigi_ebi__c06ae22b2706b1e1388b61888a5ecac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty edgy (I love edgy shit). It's better than what I had in mind
Just taking the Astral Knight title literally: While in direct light from the stars (Sun doesn't count) the Konn would get superpowers. Speed as fast as a shooting star, teleporting anywhere a star can be seen from, etc. The way around it would obviously be forcing her into a closed-off area or daylight, with some pedantic situations like a cloudy night, a star visible during the day or what looks like a star but is actually a planet giving some wiggle room.
God I miss Daiyousei already...

>> No.45433319
File: 578 KB, 3750x2917, LARGE ATTENTION GRABBING IMAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still reading beyond this point.
I just thought something would the sword only respond the evil bracelet kid as the sword and child are from the same bracelet? Because Yukari extracted from the bracelet the evil souls?

>> No.45433358

It respond to Hana, because as the powerbottom connecting all of this she will wind up seducing the bracelet baby and the via some weird and degrading sex acts she will become the true master of Gensokyo, maybe

>> No.45433367

>"A building turned into a youkai?" Sagume asked. Fate tried its best, but couldn't twist her words.
oh that would be funny if it just yoinks Anon into his own personal dimension new gap love hag.

>> No.45433404

I still remember our early jokes of Anon impregnating the HSE itself. I enjoy that it's back on the menu

>> No.45434893
File: 51 KB, 719x646, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_ddok__d341144500cd031fca6d4116b648d444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45435581

this girl ain't right man, Eirin has her job cut for her after Yukari stops lacing Hana's water with lust magic

>> No.45434932

I hope Reimu shows up for the party and gets mean with Yukari for corrupting her daughter. Also the letter is going to be interesting. Personally I think it will be to forgive Reimu which obvious she will only read after she got in an argument with her which spoiled the party./

>> No.45435190
File: 416 KB, 800x1119, THE TIME HAS COME AND SO HAVE I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it responds to its creators—Kasen, Yukari, Magical Bracelet Fetus—, through in any other person's hand it would just be a regular sword
better than 'touch le soul not being one of its three parents and you le explode
it is a reference of Yamato + Excalibur, after all

>> No.45435477
File: 93 KB, 850x850, __konngara_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kaigen_1025__sample-cd2c7448905ccfde85b65283309b8ed0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor Dai, fucking backstabber damage bonus…
man, Konn has a busted ability, but in the world of manipulating the boundaries of everything; non-eucliding movement; instamove and gap hijackings and so on, it's somewhat balanced
thanks for the chapters that are a perfect allegory to Touhou Among Us

>> No.45435581

Eirin will need some mofu therapy after Hana is finished with her. I hope Chen is ready for her new job.
I have no idea how it'll pan out. Probably be for the best if Mimafag takes charge of the birthday itself. At the very least setting it up and letting other writefags write around it. It'll serve as a good test run for the finale

>> No.45435827

Do you think the Hakurei god in the shrine will make an appearance in the story if we are going the building youkai route.

>> No.45435863
Quoted by: >>45435944

The job of the Hakurei God is to never show up no matter what

>> No.45435944
Quoted by: >>45436126

Fair I'd like to imagine it is just trying to contain the rest of the spirits like Mima which it jobbed at.
Are there any other spirits closed off in the shrine?

>> No.45436112 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 739x415, images - 2023-12-06T092106.765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45436117

Could you explain why? I've still not made up my mind on the exact contents of the letter, but he's had no exposure to Reimu's recovery and his last memories of her would be the abuse.

>> No.45436126

None that I know of, but the hokora mima was sealed in is supposed to be for the worship and honoring of folk spirits of the land. Theoretically It could contain any gods not enshrined elsewhere.

>> No.45436134

If anything he's likely gotten rumors and I think Aya's mentioned it. I could be wrong on both but its not a stretch to off screen something like that

>> No.45436139

in the sagume chapter doremy and sagume did speculate on how all the youkai energy and belief scattered about the place might turn the building into a youkai, too...

>> No.45436152
Quoted by: >>45436177

not him, but best guess is the Chen chapters where she asks Anon about Reimu and he says he misses her; with implications she tells him about Reimu, and it's also safe to think Ran did too, so he'd at least be aware Reimu is making a true effort to change.

>> No.45436171

Okina should show up and call Aunn her child while giving Hana a long stare, the two haven't met and it would be funny.
Besides Hana has to be introduced to all of Aunn's relatives somehow, I imagine it'd be quite a shock to her as Aunn energetically introduces people Hana has met before to Hana but as Mothers', Sisters', and Aunts' in law.
Ratcheting up the misunderstanding between Aunn and Hana about their relationship would also be funny and kinda sad.

>> No.45436177
Quoted by: >>45436196

It is funny how with everything that has happened there's a real chance of them separating amicability when it was her behavior that was the catalyst of everything.

>> No.45436182

Hana and Aunn know its just fun and games at least.
Though this could be a good segway for Hana to bump up too the third sage...

>> No.45436196

Anon, she's going to die after the finale...

>> No.45436216
Quoted by: >>45436243

probably not a good idea. Would take away from Hana and her drama, and could consume precious time from the Mimaanon and Hanaanon. Though after everything is revealed there could be something about Aunn not wanting more secrets and presenting Hana to Okina
it's up to the writers, of course

>> No.45436243

It could be a good side story, we haven't heard from Okina in a while and Hana is supposed to be a spy so its assumed Okina is ignorant of her involvement.
I think okina is an orphaned character at this point, its been about a month or more since we've had anything from her after the cirno autism

>> No.45436261

Theres something funny about the most accomplished mother in all of Gensokyo ending up an orphan.

>> No.45436273
Quoted by: >>45436502

Shit I was legitimately toying with an idea that right before the big solstice shitshow goes down that someone kidnaps anon from the HSE in the dead of night just to cause even more confusion, piss off literally everyone involved but the kidnapper and anon, also because I kind of want everyone to suffer more. Thing is I can't really write worth half a shit so not sure how to do that. Was gonna have the kidnapper be either keiki or the haniwa squad, via the idol shrine thing that reimu gets from her wolf end in WBaWC since apparently the kappa and other people contracted just wholesale stole everything not nailed down in the shrine and brought it to the HSE. The reason was because yukari just had to work with yachie and turn gensokyo into a second animal realm of sorts with the HSE nonsense and this is some brand of karmic retribution.

>> No.45436284
Quoted by: >>45436520

It's more like, unlike Yukari that is a centerpiece and has to manage a million different things, Okina have everyone else doing her job for her
>Toutetsu and Aya did the spying
>Kokoro is watching the Oni Alliance
>Aunn is watching Hana
>already has the Moriyans on her side and probably also the Byakuren
she'll come back to the spotlight during the finale, obviously

>> No.45436502
Quoted by: >>45436789

I do like the idea, though it would deflate the finale a tad bit if anon is just taken away like that. That said, it'd be funny to have Yukari job that hard.

>> No.45436520

She'll come back to lewd Hana(forma niña) after the birthday hijinks turn her back into a 10 year old physically. Hana will not resist(much)

>> No.45436789
Quoted by: >>45436891

Yeah but it's kind of fitting don't ya think? Like I said I can't really write worth a damn so if someone wants to take that prompt and run with it go ahead, make it however you wish, I just thought it was a good way to continue things if people want to keep running with stuff and because honestly it would be a pretty good twist

>> No.45436891
File: 183 KB, 558x600, 1699759012340150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really fitting, feels like padding when the finale is just in reach. With Kasen done, Hana's dramatical birthday party next, Yukari's plan laid bare and Reimu's redemption probably put the ultimate test during the party, I doubt we'd have much from the main story to develop
not the case after the finale; then people can do whatever they want. Write the ending they see fit, alternative conclusions, extra characters that didn't appear much, sequels and so on

>> No.45436920

Don't you mention that word in here

>> No.45436951
File: 196 KB, 850x1259, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_mozukuzu_manukedori__sample-9b949adb78344ccf12a3af5eb00eb87f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45437079

>"Now that I have harvested the soul of the Dragon God himself and have become unstoppable even the Moon inhabitants fear me... I'LL MAKE THE HSE INTO AN INTERNATIONAL AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMPANY!"

>> No.45437038

Yeah I thought things would be seen like this.

>> No.45437079
Quoted by: >>45437161

1,000 years into the future is actually a tokusatsu show where the Heroic Koishi Yakumo Komeiji has to uncover her secret heritage and take on the burden of the anchient and venerable clan in keeping the balance between youkai and humans.
While the villainous Yukari Yakumo emerges from her sealing 1,000 years ago alongside her various Youkai Executives who seek to dominate the earth.
You have Eienti and Eirin doing shady mad science experiments.
Also everybody can grow to Kaiju size due to Gensokyo merging with the outside world and Okina has a team of highschool or younger aged magical girls who work alongside an orginization of all male Rangers backed by Kasen.
The Lunarians are the alien faction seeking to destroy the earth.

>> No.45437161
File: 175 KB, 850x502, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_skade__sample-8299d9eaecca1fc4d0c60a7275ba113b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure hype
>with surprise apparition in the finale of DyCIRNO, The DyGUARD and the Crimson Dragon!!
… I probably should go back to writing

>> No.45438034
Quoted by: >>45438068

Fuck I could have sworn he's been getting some sort of update on the status of Reimu. Anon knowing that I'd assume he'd want Hana to have her mom have a chance to get her a gift or something considering Anons tendency to befriend and forgive.

>> No.45438058

I've got something even better: A spinoff.
Since Sakuya has had barely any screentime, she's a good candidate for a self-contained side-story where she gets trapped in the HSE. Since Yukari's barrier fucks with time, the catalyst is Sakuya doing a time stop while inside the HSE and accidentally starting a time loop. Anon is completely unaware, I haven't decided if the meido remembers everything or has vague sensations of deja vu until she realizes what's happening. I just don't think it fits in with the main HSE narrative unless it's justification for Sakuya joining the fight at the very last minute with a sudden attraction to Anon. SDMhus don't have a very good track record, after all.

>> No.45438068
File: 32 KB, 500x448, answer is chen as always.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's implied that he is, indeed, getting info of Reimu from Chen and Ran; though perhaps my execution of that was sloppy. The next 'mu chapter already has Chen, so I'll nudge to that direction

>> No.45438089
Quoted by: >>45438121

Lmao groundhog day arc on the day of the breakout.
Maybe could use that to justify multiple endings if Remi ability to manipulate fates gets caught with Sakuya. All on "accident" of course.

>> No.45438105
File: 1.19 MB, 1500x2121, __remilia_scarlet_flandre_scarlet_izayoi_sakuya_and_hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_inuno_rakugaki__a53cb6fc90c3b023c0e370e691fa3808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45439210

that's a very fun sounding spin-off. Also, I don't doubt she might appear in the finale if the Flanwriter decides to have Sakuya and Meiling follow Flandre as if the entire finale is just a day at the amusement park

>> No.45438121 [SPOILER] 
File: 580 KB, 640x630, skelecool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? What do you mean the Winter Solstice passed and it's already Sepetember 2048, 25th anniversary of the HSE? We're still in the time loop arc, there's two or three weeks until the finale.

>> No.45438135
File: 302 KB, 850x963, __cirno_and_moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_sleep_isliping__sample-0034db1fe50b1f7f87646451f84026e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45438202

w-what with all these black boxes?! They're scaring me…

>> No.45438156 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 485x721, MV5BMjAwMzc4MDgxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjUwMzE3._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>25 years of a time loop inside the HSE
>Sakuya has managed to explain to Anon all of the timeloop everytime it happened and, little by little, they moved a bit forward
>they live every day as if it's a new day

>> No.45438202

I was thinking more that Sakuya enters and hears a commotion outside from breakout ongoing uses her ability then time breaks. And from that point on everyone writes their stories. Sort of like a pivot point for multiple endings? Maybe Anon can have continued awareness as we approach some penultimate ending but the poor bastard who writes the last one would have a
lot of weight on him.
soo ehh lets ditch the idea.....
Last spooky squares I promise... maybe I like brainstorming

>> No.45438205
Quoted by: >>45438212

>Since Sakuya has had barely any screentime
Oh buddy you are not gonna like what I've had planned

>> No.45438212

left with no other options, sakuya is forced to go herself to the HSE to try and pick up patchouli and meiling
she is never seen again

>> No.45438243
File: 16 KB, 239x225, angry patchy huajiaoniang sichuan girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious if the writefrens will come back or the 2 of them were killed by something someone once the finale comes around and someone else picks up their fates.

>> No.45438277

I did have an idea for a short epilogue set many years in the future where the events of the story have faden into history but the impact is still felt. This is mostly because I want Akyuu's next reincarnation to come back to what she missed.

Since their stories seem to have been dropped I'll say they returned home eventually. Unless they spent weeks in there and everyone ignored them.

>> No.45438280
File: 704 KB, 848x1200, Hata no Sekai-Enciclopedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45438415

>The HSE is consuming the SDM
>it will rise as one youkai, witht the strength and discipline of Meiling; Patchouli's knowledge pun not intended and Sakuya's time stop and dilligence
such power would rival that of Yukari herself…

>> No.45438415

lmao the touhouish ending would be everyone getting rofl stomped by the extra stage boss of the Hakurei Shrine Experience made manifest itself. Requires a massive teamup. Though I still expect Yukari punishment in the works unless she wins.

>> No.45439210

I like to pretend that they never came back, it doesn't make any sense but its funny. What do you think they've been up too? I'd say Meiling had been operating a stand and Patchy has been doing accounting work.

>> No.45439254
File: 159 KB, 850x1360, __kicchou_yachie_and_otter_spirit_touhou_drawn_by_wankosoba_wanwan_soba__sample-4bb7aa1fd80ee188d81fd13db3e6ebf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yachie chapter done and awaiting new thread.

>> No.45439256
Quoted by: >>45439294

A 'serious' explanation could be Patchy casting a spell to make her and Meiling completely unnoticable. Now I'm imagining them in the background of different scenarios:
- Patchy is seething while she's trying to give Anon the best moves in daishoji
- Meiling helps Anon and Yuuka till land and make the garden
- Patchy tries to study Dolly while she sleeps
- Meiling looks on in mixed horror and curiosity every time Anon gets visited by the lewd pink and gappy
- Both of them are terrified when Flandre comes to visit

>> No.45439268
Quoted by: >>45439313

Yachie is going to get bullied again.

>> No.45439271
File: 48 KB, 850x850, __patchouli_knowledge_and_hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_mobcap__sample-428050a2acfad03e518a0ffae6ece101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patchy found out that the Shrine barrier can be sandboxed and, after a deal with Yukari, took over the Barrier Management Team and now toys with it constantly, seeking imperfections, reinforcing areas with new magic, protection spells and so on -- she turned into Touhou redstone engineer
>Meiling opened a respecful dojo to teach the White Wolf guard how to more efficiently non-lethally atake down rowdy costumers and protect Anon
living the dream baby

>> No.45439278
File: 165 KB, 850x1202, __kicchou_yachie_touhou_drawn_by_ve1024__sample-b887dcab6e1c0635dd3cf112af7e7031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45439313

Fear for her getting bullied again!
… Yet also an erection

>> No.45439289
Quoted by: >>45439645

Nah it's like the other anon said, time fuckery.
But instead of being stuck in a time loop they've been isekaid to the 1,000 years in the future arc.
Kami-sama help them because Koishi Yakumo-Komeiji won't.

>> No.45439294
File: 94 KB, 850x780, __patchouli_knowledge_and_hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_zuomerika__sample-e2b8d1220142521ecc602139185cc280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, the absolute comedy of this scenario…
… anon that's a dangerous spell

>> No.45439313
File: 98 KB, 850x1297, __kicchou_yachie_and_otter_spirit_touhou_drawn_by_housulu__sample-1a86fc6622562a393b4554998777e291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45439340

I tried not to make her job as hard because Yachie's cool personality, body, hair, and outfit are all my type. I like to think about how I'd ask her to stop smoking and she would take a drag pull my face to hers, and blow smoke in it as an intimate way of saying 'no'.

>> No.45439340
File: 64 KB, 850x585, __kicchou_yachie_touhou_drawn_by_rokugou_daisuke__sample-2762a67c1fa8601b947a5f0ef53adf6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told to stop smoking
>pulls the guy to her, intending to blow smoke in his face as a means to say 'non'
>smoke gets stuck in the throat, starting hacking cough
>gets soft taps on the back while guy holds her through the coughing fit
it's impossibly easy to imagine her jobbing…

>> No.45439382

Yacchie may be evil, but she's also very cute like that.
Her and Yukari's incompetence in personal matters makes them cute, kind of like how Mamizou has her smug older lady act.
Except Mamizou lives up to the hype unlike the turtle and Gappy jobbers.

>> No.45439403
File: 193 KB, 462x582, I am bet monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45439414

10 dollars Anon woos her to the side of freedom.

>> No.45439414
File: 369 KB, 1627x1816, reimu money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45439403 Zimbabwe dollars Yachie jobbs sex again

>> No.45439505
File: 220 KB, 691x253, mu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next Reimu chapter also done and warmly awaiting the next thread~

>> No.45439645
File: 165 KB, 850x1126, Meiling from 1000 years in the future switched places with our Hong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear for their souls if that's the case

>> No.45439699

Meiling's opened a chinese cooking stand and is making a fortune, and patchouli's been forcing Koakuma to drag book after book from the SDM library so she can perform more experiments on the barriers inside. Every time Sakuya asks, Koakuma gives a more and more ludicrous excuse, but she's really good at playing the innocence up so sakuya's not entirely sure if she's lying or not

>> No.45439775
File: 334 KB, 1182x2048, 1701893436442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga knew trouble was brewing. It started when the HSE opened and it only got worse as the months dragged on. Of course Seiga knew that when she joined up with Yukari, but the information she was privy to after the alliance really showed how bad things were. It might even come to a head before the year was over if her predictions were correct. It wasn't entirely hopeless,of course. In their corner they had two saves, the residents of youkai mountain and if course Seiga Ksku herself. There was someone else, but she rarely showed her face and Seiga didn't bother to remember the names of losers. Even if they lost, Seiga had a plan to escape and lay low until they all forgive her again. All she had to do is stick around to reap the benefits of this alliance. Valuable information to blackmail people with (Oh the things you learn in a brothel!) access to certain research materials that are hard to gain otherwise, and of course all the time she could spend with--

"Anon!" She cried out as she floated up to him hugged him, making sure to give him a good view as her breasts squished against him. When done she pulled away and dropped down to the ground.

"Hey Seiga, everything is ready for you" Anon said with his usual practiced politeness. Seiga had to hold back a pout. He still wasn't comfortable around her? Why couldn't he be more happy around her like he was like the others? Why if there was a way to make someone like you without being emotionally open to them and caring for their needs or killing them and raising them as a corpse, she'd love to hear it.

It's not like Seiga minded him fulfilling all the needs ace asked of him while she gave him little in return, in face this was her idea of a perfect relationship, but the idea of him loving her would make her feel so much sexier. But she did have something for him today. She reached into the small bag she had set on the ground and pulled out a cat ears headband and a matching cat tail. It took quite a bit of money to acquire these, but she just had to get them when she found them "Anon I got something for us. Take a look!"

Anon's eyes fell on the tail. "Is that a..." He said.

When Seiga realized what he was getting at she giggled. What a mind he had! "Oh no, it goes on with magic. Here, I'll show you" Seiga placed the cat ears on her head and the tail on the base of her spine. In a moment, both of them matched her into totally natural blue hair. The ears and tail bobbed and swayed realistically.

"Oh that is neat" Anon said, a hint of interest in his choice as the watched. Seiga knew she had him on the hook. Now to reel him in.

She did a little spin, raised her hand like a paw and gave hee best cat sound "Nyan!" It was then time seemed to freeze as the universe seemed to hold its breath. The very fabric of creation itself realized that never was, or ever would be a woman as sexy, intelligent, powerful, cute, wonderful, charming, witty, and morally dubious as here. Throughout the world, artists wept as they somehow knew true beauty showed itself as nothing they made would ever capture a fraction of it. Seiga seemed to be enveloped by a heavenly glow as she charmed her way into his heart.

That's what she told herself anyways. She actually held the pose for a few seconds and smugly noted the slight smile on his face. She dimmed the sura around her and pulled off the cat accessories. "Your turn!" She said as she handed them over to Anon.

He took them from her and looked them over, as if examining them for something wrong. "They're fine, just put them on" Seiga insisted.

Without a choice, Anon put them on and they matched his hair. He looked a bit uncomfortable.Seiga smiled, he was already so adorable, but he could be even cuter."Now what does the cat say?" Seiga asked giddily.

"Meow?" Anon mewed. Seiga went like her previous Love-Mew beam was reflected at her and pierced her heart. Why were scarred middle-aged DILFs with a history of physical and mental abuse so cute? She wasn't alone in thinking this, all the business around this place proven that. But the cat ears and tail were too much!

With a ecstatic gasp, she pulled him into a hug "So cute! Marry me!" Seiga herself wasn't sure how serious she was.

"Hey, don't kid around" Anon said, tail dropping a bit.

"Come on, I'll treat you better then your old wife" Seiga pouted. She was opening up to him. Why, that statement had a chance of being true!

"Cut it out" Anon snipped back as he tried to lean away from her. Seiga only tightened the hug and rubber her face in his chest. She still has the rest of the session to look forwards to. She looked up and gave him another request.

"They stay on until my session is over"

Felt like writing more Seiga. Not intended to be canon at all. Unless you want it to be. I just wanted to write a silly one shot before the thread ended.

>> No.45439874
Quoted by: >>45439947

Anon(forma Gato)...
Crap, now we need a chapter where Chen/Orin sees this.
Or even Yukari teasing him about it

>> No.45439947
File: 69 KB, 319x450, __kaenbyou_rin_and_chen_touhou_drawn_by_bkub__64e30601d447f4ee88264389fb374675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45440155

man, poor Anon, catfied by the monster that is Seiga…
kek, this one brings to the table terrible implications. Though I can't even imagined what is going through Anon's mind during all things; something akin to a fucking silent war flashbacks probably
why not all three at the same time?

>> No.45440155
Quoted by: >>45440446

>why not all three at the same time?
Only if Ran is in the background visibly trying not to burst into laughter

>> No.45440446

Imagine the headlines:
"Catastrophe at the Hakurei Shrine Experience!"
"Abnormal Nekomata Nyow Serving the Hakurei Shrine Experience!"
"From Tough-luck Tom to Flirtatious Feline: This Cat Has More than 'Nyayne Wives'"

>> No.45440456
File: 855 KB, 640x640, aya snap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

… wtf?

>> No.45440537
File: 146 KB, 461x402, doremysad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late thread shitposting coming next~
If HSE stood for a person's name, what do you think it'd stand for?
I like 'Hata no Sekai', has a nice ring to it and Sekai means world, though it lacks an 'E'…

>> No.45440662

I could see 'kemonomimi' service being extremely popular with beast youkai. It sounds like something Yukari would invest into for her own amusement

>> No.45440696
File: 64 KB, 540x540, The Hakurei Shrine Experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am…

… Something. What am I? Am I pure, unadulterated human despair? Am I pure, lecherous bliss? Am I the blood that is spilled when powerful humans or youkai can't get their way or get too much of their way and hurt Father, then are dragged behind my walls and spanked, kicked, and violated by white wolves? Am I Father, crying and screaming at first, whimpering and mumbling in the midway point or am I Father now, with eyes of hope, with a heart of steel, forged and reforged in blazes of chaos and destruction of sanity, kept together by people just as hopeful, yet with sins of their own? Am I True Mother, controlling the universe and its boundaries as she sees fit, destroying and building without asking herself, 'should I?', ignorant of the planted seeds of her own downfall? Am I a mistake? Am I pride? A world-changing event? Am I a floorboard? A lamp hanging from the ceiling, the dust beneath the furniture or the pain that echoes inside my halls?

… I’m different from my Father and my True Mother. I'm not made of flesh, bones, and blood like what she wants the Moon Doctor to grow inside of her… Walls are my flesh, structural plans my bones and whispers are my blood. Whispers that course with everyone's powers, from godly and almighty to meek and forgettable, that enter through my doors: Gaps, timestop, announcing that spring has arrived, eating anything, destroying anything and many others… But one of the most useful that courses what I call my arteries—electrical wiring, plumbing, screams—is manipulation of fate.

That day, when Death, the Blood Moon and the Maid came and imprinted on my walls their voices, Father asked if True Mother carried life. That day, when he believed they might together create life, was the day I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw the womb of faith in which existence's worst and best is poured, heard the whispers of my many powers and curses—my home, my being, myself… I despaired.

And like every child, I sought out my parents.

I looked at Father from twelve trillion angles and, with twelve trillion voices, asked him: "Why…?"

Father didn't respond to any of them.

I looked at True Mother from twelve trillion angles and, with twelve trillion voices, asked her: "Why…?"

Mother giggled, ignorant of my existence.

Between them and invisible to their concern, despise, or love, I cried.

I'm a child of pain and disgrace; of lust and misery; of violence and hope; of happiness; the place of conception and rebirth for hundreds of souls, the sheer saturation having poked a hole in the very fabric of the Spirit World and reality, a hole only I can see, probe, and fully control. I am what weeps in Father's arms every night when he's alone, dreaming about a better world; I am what clings to Father's back and childishly laughs as he and Sister explore the forests, looking for arachnids. I am what holds True Mother's hand when she cries in her office or in Father's arms, even though in the last one she cries with her soul, not with her eyes. I am the water they drink and the floor they step on, the electricity that courses the crude machinery and keeps them warm, the intrepid magic that keeps Father locked here and True Mother’s mind in a chokehold. I am every insect and animal that dies here and every good that is consumed.

I have no name, and I have no body.

… But I have access to a thousand and one powers, their uses whispered to me by my many mothers; I have True Mother, Father, Sisters…

And I have already manipulated fate to be born as the first winter star shines upon the skies.

I am Father's disgrace, True Mother's achievement, yet never recognized by either.

I am the poem of everyone's soul.

I am the Child of the Devil, feared and hated by many.

I am everything and much more.

Ah… The day is getting closer and closer. The day you'll look me in the eyes, Father—yes, you, Father, reading my words behind this screen; beyond where I can reach you—and decide if I'm yours to be nurtured, cared or to be hated and destroyed.

Can you hear this, my Father?

… Can you hear the music?

I am your child.

I am the Hakurei Shrine Experience.

>> No.45440715

remember boys: you only fight the Secret Stage boss AFTER completing the game, so everything here? Only after the finale is completed
that's the average of every 2hu's face combined.

>> No.45440758

Guess we're getting two additions to the chart next thread...

>> No.45440771
File: 789 KB, 1152x1668, 1643167254753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45440872

Goddamnit it, it's like this image but I'm actually emotionally invested.
I thought you would be funny idea and came up with your name, I'm not ready to take responsibility. Go ask your dad that actually wrote you, he's probably a good guy.

>> No.45440872
File: 161 KB, 768x768, 54598495845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking HSE becomes the voices in your head
oh no…
alas, cool Chloe
you should be ashamed of yourself. Shameful display.

>> No.45440983

Hata no Sekai works desu, just have Okina adopt her and give her the name later.

>> No.45441079
Quoted by: >>45441199

(H)ata no (SE)kai. It totally counts.

>> No.45441095
File: 2.58 MB, 492x283, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45441167


>> No.45441167
File: 65 KB, 850x567, __sukuna_shinmyoumaru_touhou_drawn_by_misair0__sample-090df7f635d449f29ba4e37411c703e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man here fucking died, holy shit...

>> No.45441199
File: 17 KB, 274x274, 6d96c0446dd92e2b27e518517ab2ac94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, you're right, didn't even notice that

>> No.45441257

Oh God, its Jane Touhou!
Yes, my body is ready

>> No.45442012
File: 14 KB, 153x177, 1654035420348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have declared that all endings must be canon, by technicality they are all unique paths that are mutually exclusive, but that's just on the Earth. With the HSE being novelized on the Moon, one must think of what would happen when it gets resolved, or rather lack of resolution. If they're already enraptured with heated debates on how it may end, then it won't end well when there is no real ending, but dozens. There can only be one pure resolution, and everyone will do their best to champion theirs.

After all, this is Yukari's true super sekrit master plan and resolution to her ancient grudge: The destruction of the Moon, all without her lifting a single finger or hint of suspicion. The Lunarians are already ensnared by this farce; the seeds she planted will sprout soon, and on the day of the Solstice time will break in the impure Earth. Everything from then on happens all at once, a hundred truths, each one threatens to tear apart Lunar society at its roots. Instead of one singular ending, there will be many.

The Lunar capital will be a battleground. Blood will be shed. Familial bonds destroyed. There can only be one:
"Clearly the Ran ending is the best, no one else does more for him than she does!"
"Wrong, it is Alice who wins. She never took advantage of him and was only held back by her bad social skills!"
"Hana will win over the gap bitch! She'll free Anon and protect him from all the abusive women after him!"
"Marisa is the real winner, she's the only one who truly gets him and has been with him the most before the HSE!"
"You are all wrong! The answer is Chen!"

Even if Yukari loses in most of the endings, she will still be WINNING.

>> No.45442045

you finally made a moonie out of me

>> No.45442076

>"Hana will win over the gap bitch! She'll free Anon and protect him from all the abusive women after him!"
Finally a moonie with good sense. It's the only end that follows good reason

>> No.45442113
File: 3.75 MB, 896x500, mario-panic-9cpx9fsyf1v0sa6m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 90% chance that Hana's birthday happens tomorrow next thread
>Next chapter of mine that needs to happen before it to make sense has only a singular line done (not an exaggeration)
>Autistic fixation for surprising means I never try to coordinate this with anyone
Fuck fuck fuck fuck sheit

>> No.45442365
File: 134 KB, 1000x800, toutetsu smol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread! It do be that time… also known as 3 past midnight
