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43824450 No.43824450 [Reply] [Original]

Reimu would make a terrible wife due to her controlling and abusive behavior. How do we fix her.

>> No.43824514

Sounds perfect for me

>> No.43824563

Hypnosis + breast expansion

>> No.43824927
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>> No.43827402

>controlling and abusive behavior
So just like my mum haha

>> No.43827434

It's insane how many /jp/ users would happily be Reimu's husband even if they'd get beaten up every other day for no reason. /jp/sies needs help!

>> No.43827492

a good rule of thumb is it's okay if a cute girl does it

>> No.43827570

Get her pregnant, it literally releases hormones to make her more motherly

>> No.43827653

You let her other thread die despite it not even hitting 200 replies yet, jaypee. Now you are the one who is going to be hit 200 times.

>> No.43827745

Reimu wouldn't be abusive.

>> No.43827920

I don’t care about your headcanon

>> No.43828062

I don't think you can say that it's just headcanon at this point.

>> No.43828068

Now she has both a husband and a daughter to abuse.

>> No.43828082
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Red is a bad color!

>> No.43828098

i mean, you're technically correct, it's the color with the longest wavelength and therefore lowest energy

>> No.43828271

unirnoically holospam killed it like some of the other fun threads

>> No.43828350

I just did, Reimu chan is a sweet dutiful(sort of) girl, i too would be pissed at everyone if my job was to babysit the whole place and then not even receive a thanks, Reimu chan just needs proper compensation and love

>> No.43828362
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The only good posts in this thread.

>> No.43828365

I dont like holofags but you cant really blame them when the thread was only people waiting for the writefag without any engagement, the other threads had a lot engagement like the Aya story one who had people discussing it every time a new "chapter" with 10 replies minimum.

>> No.43828398

You're right she is, but she has anger problems to. Ones only a real man who is also capable of pushing through that is worthy

>> No.43828830
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Reimu has beaten up most of her friends at some point. She just doesn't know how to properly navigate a situation where she's "more than friends" with someone.

>> No.43828878
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It's just Youkai propaganda bullshit, Reimu is a good person and would make a wonderful wife. She'd never abuse someone except for being a secondary, but we aren't, right ? So that's good

>> No.43829286
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rape correction

>> No.43829416
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I thought it was alright

>the paragraphs ran on to long and the pacing was generally quite poor

>kaisen had no reason to be in it, you could have just had marisa and had it be fine

>there was a rape scene that was fucking disgusting but i think that wasn't authored by op or smth

>the ending felt just like wish fulfiment for the OP

Other than those complaints, it felt like a pretty honest and (in some parts) suprisingly mature recollection of the experience of abuse.

What did you guys think?

>> No.43829515

Wrong, threads should last for days without having to worry about them sliding off the board. Holofags need to go to their own boards not slide off comfy threads by forcing us to compete with hyperactive 14 year olds and bots

>> No.43829620

Is this the one that MC ends with a harem? would have been better if it ended with him successfully killing himself at forest to be desu with you senpai

>> No.43829636

Anon the tengu thread is 18 days old, the sukusuku thread is 1 month old, they all have irregular posts and yet they are still there. All you need is a little interest in keeping the thread alive which clearly no one had enough with the last thread.

>> No.43829649

reimu doesn't have enough food to sustain a figure like this

>> No.43829653

i tend to only bump a handful of threads per year. i am something of a fossil, though.

>> No.43829654

Give Reimu a penis and frot with her.

>> No.43829774

idk i feel like that would have vilified the justification MC had that he had to 'stick by' reimu no matter what

a better ending would be MC leaving reimu (maybe for marisa) desu

>> No.43830272

I agree. Mods seethe whenever you remind the Holofags they have their own containment board.

>> No.43830645

Go on a picnic date with her.

>> No.43830884

been a while since i have read it but if i remember correctly he wanted to fix her, after that he went to the forest to suicide himself and make it look like a youkai attack so she would not know it was because of her, i think it would not vilify him because his goal was complete, specially if there was prologue showing she became a better person after his "accident".

>> No.43831008

maybe i could have worded it better

him killing himself would have villified the perspective that his worth was entirely hinged on reimu, which is the mentality that lef to him being abused in the first place

>> No.43831085

Oh i get it now. Honestly any ending is better than that one, i am surprised the writer did not shove Aunn on MC's harem too.

>> No.43831200

fr, it was so cringey to read, which is a shame because the sex scenes are S tier erotica desu

>> No.43835997


>> No.43837642

You may still fuck yourself as the inherent problem of holofags shitting up the board is still the easily preventable root cause of fun threads being unable to take it easy

>> No.43840003
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You're not wild enough for him

>> No.43841868
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I wonder if the writefag from the last thread will continue here.

>> No.43841943
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Not him but I did think of a story with Reimu temporarily becoming a semi control freak obsessive yandere.

>> No.43845261

She doesn't beat you for no reason, it's because you can't do something so simple as make a good dinner or maintain the shrine while she's out busting her ass. She'd stop hitting you if you stopped giving her a reason to.

>> No.43850008

Reimu would never.

>> No.43854608
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never saw much of Marisa after that. She didn’t vanish completely, but she did her best to avoid us. It was clear she had gotten the message that it would be bad for us if she kept staying around. Whenever she couldn’t avoid us, like when she had business with mother the interactions were brief and to the point. She never asked how things were at home. Without the refuge Marisa gave us, Dad and I had nowhere to turn from Mother’s behavior. She was slow to forgive us for our perceived attempt to involve an outsider in her life. It took weeks for her to allow Dad to go off on his own, as she thought he would go running off and get someone else involved in “personal family matters” It was so strange that so could be so possessive of him one moment, but striking him the next. If she really wanted him so badly then why wouldn’t she treat him better? It made no sense to me.

As the years went on, Dad and I endured Mother’s temper and I slowly marched towards adulthood. Of course, this meant certain facts of life were made clear to me by my parents. This cleared up a few questions, but left me with many more. My parents advice differed. Mother told me it was best for me to find someone that could do their duties probably and wouldn’t get on my nerves. Dad said I should find someone that I enjoyed being around and would never try to hurt me or make or do anything that made me uncomfortable. Of course, he would know how bad those relationships could be.

That wasn’t the only lesson of getting older. As I grew up and my powers got stronger and more refined, I was being eased into my duties as a shrine maiden. Instead of being a bystander as she did something simple like wave away mischievous faeries or doing work did found tedious like creating ofuda, I was brought to actually deal with youkai with her. One of my first actual jobs with my mother was to deal with a cat youaki harassing a small farm. It wasn’t anything dangerous, it was just stealing supplies it use as its own and killing his chickens. Enough to be a nuisance but not dangerous enough to put me at any risk. We staked out the farm at night and waited for it to come, Mother wanted me to deal with it personally to get some experience. The plan was simple. She would wait near the chicken coop and chase the cat towards me when it appeared. I’d stop it, it would learn not to ruin the livelihood of others, and we’d be able to head home with a successful hunt under my belt.

I stood waiting, trying to pay attention and stay awake at night looking for any sign of the cat when I saw it. It was a small, scraggly, dirty thing. Just one of the many common beast youkai that could be found in the wilderness, nothing dangerous at all. I got ready, ofuda clenched between my fingers, ready to spring put at any moment. It slowly crept towards the coop. Then I heard the chickens raise a huge ruckus. Just barely over all the noise, I could hear my mother yell something and the cat yelp in surprise. It had bolted away and was heading towards where I was hidden. I breathed in, waiting for it to get closer as I steadied my aim. It closed the distance and I lept out of hiding and aimed directly for its chest. My aim was straight and true, but I did not predict it would weave slightly. My ofuda missed by a hair, and before I could aim another one it barreled into me, knocking me to the ground. By the time I got out and had another ofuda ready, it was gone into the treeline.

All the noise woke up the farmer and his wife and sent them and Mother towards me. After I explained what had happened, Mother made me apologize to the couple for failing to capture it properly and said we would come back to make sure it was gone for good. The couple seemed understanding of my failure and Mother and I headed home so we could at least get some sleep. When we were out of sight of the farm, she smacked me on the back of the head, sending me face first into the ground. “That was a real amateur mistake Hana, you won’t have any future as a shrine maiden if you can’t even deal with a mangy cat” she continued to scold me as I picked myself off the ground. “Now they think we’re idiots that can’t handle something so simple and we have to come back here again to make sure it left. Well, you just have to do it alone I guess. You’re going to have to learn how to handle these on your own sooner or later” She a sigh, she hurried down the path, not caring if I was being left behind.

>> No.43855540

Maybe Reimu should try to be a better teacher if she didn't want to end up with such a shitty useless daughter.
This is all her own fault.

>> No.43855613

what happens if you call her armpit shrine maiden

>> No.43855627

She'd ask why you talk about Sanae like that, completely oblivious to the comment.

>> No.43855870

1: give her hugs and headpats
2: give her books about how to be a good wife
3: prostrate yourself like she's your queen
4: present yourself like she's your mistress
5: help her exorcising youkais
6: ask marisa and yukari for help
7: work hard and give her money
8: compare her with sanae
9: threaten to kill yourself
0: cry helplessly
dubs: domestic abuse
trips: hypnosis
quads: correction rape
quints or more: make her jealous by creating a harem without her

>> No.43856067
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return the favor

>> No.43856211

the ending was bad
if you're going to tell an abuse story like this, odds are it won't have a happy ending, because these abusive stories in real life rarely do. The best you could hope for is probably anon leaving reimu as a somewhat broken person who could potentially love again at some point in the future
but the more likely one is even if you left, reimu could and probably would (as she is a psycho stalker in this) drag you back and beat you for trying to leave until you kill yourself out of despair

>> No.43856415

agree prolly

>> No.43856453

He probably should have left Kasen out and gotten Marisa to sort things out instead, but it was okay, I guess.

Polygamy doesn't tickle my nutsack either though, so that might be part of it.
It'd be more impactful if Reimu never did change, and the shunning of her played a more important role, but I don't think anyone can complain too much.

>> No.43857988


>> No.43858037

the hero we need

>> No.43859598

Anything else?

>> No.43859609

Autobots, lets roll.

>> No.43859617

damn that makes me sad.

>> No.43860292

Reimu is rather tolerant given that she has to run the shrine, as the only miko with no kannushi, all by herself AND police the youkai. That's three jobs she has to work. Reimu would fall in love with the first man that would bare some of her burden. Hell, she would turn gay for Marisa if she helped run the shrine.

>> No.43860326

the best kinds of relationships are those where both people argue very violently without escalating into physical violencee, and it's a plus if it ends up with very violent and passionate hate-sex

>> No.43860336
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this artist understands my vision

>> No.43861032

The big question is are you actually going to kill yourself

>> No.43861170

Its Gensokyo, i would do it if i ended up hating her that much due the abuse, since suicide is just changing adress i would not mind going to "live" with Yuyuko and Youmu.

>> No.43861179

>Reimu please don't hit me! I spent the entire day cleaning the house!
And then Reimu would hit me.

>> No.43861197

You deserved it, you would only take a hour or two if you had put effort into it instead of lazying around.

>> No.43863929

If Reimu's mom was alive I'm sure she'd beat you up for saying her daughter is an abusive monster.

>> No.43864778

I'm starting to understand how Reimu turned out the way she is.

>> No.43864852

One of the mangas said the mu was an orphan so I doubt her mom had that much of an influence on her.

>> No.43865884

Maybe abuse is a genetic predisposition in the Hakurei bloodline.

>> No.43865975

That sounds more like a curse than genes.

>> No.43866198

who even is that?

>> No.43866637

you would become a vengeful spirit. she wouldn't even blink before exterminating you.
"what a worthless husband, troubling everyone."

>> No.43868684

no! Reimu never did anything wrong, She is the one of the best touhou waifus of all time.

>> No.43870430

You would too.

>> No.43873942

Reimu's thread at page 10. While the youkais manage to maintain their thread for weeks, sometimes even months the 'mu cant maintain it even for a few days.

>> No.43874034

Akyuu is Angry...

>> No.43874463
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What are you looking at?

>> No.43874757

Husband ROLL

>> No.43874769

The world's cutest little shrine maiden.

>> No.43874882
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But Sanae isn't here.

>> No.43874901

I think Reimu wins the gold medal for it while Sanae ranks in at somewhere between gold and silver.

>> No.43875204

The donation box.

>> No.43875249
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I know.

>> No.43877382

Her thread is at page 10 again. Someone is going to be beaten extra hard today.

>> No.43877432

If you could take Reimu to anywhere for a vacation where would you take her? I think she'd probably like the Grand Canyon.

>> No.43877438

Moriya shrine.

>> No.43877441

But that's not really vacation worthy.

>> No.43878520
File: 21 KB, 480x360, Reimu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8h84pd.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43879246

what song is this?

>> No.43880012

Zion national park
Always wanted to go there and it looks pretty enough I suppose.

>> No.43880016

Taroko Gorge
VERY Gensokyo-like.

>> No.43880357

That's also a good choice and on my list. Reimu would love it.
After looking that up yeah she'd probably love that one too.

>> No.43880438


>> No.43880534

I hope I get something romantic :3

>> No.43880542

...that's not very romantic

>> No.43881684

Draw a dog from Hylics.

>> No.43883483

What sort of mood swings would the mu have if she was pregnant? Maximum grumpy Reimu, overly sensitive, or all over the place?

>> No.43887769

She would just beat you down if you ever did that.

>> No.43893704

Why cant she keep her thread off the page 10?

>> No.43896577

It's super hot and Reimu doesn't own air conditioning.

>> No.43897849

Reimu is a lazy that won't even maintain her shrine much less her thread!

>> No.43897926 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43901900

She'd be happy with being having a good reason to take it easy for once and all the donations for people happy for the child but the hormonal changes would hit her hard.

>> No.43902228

That’s what I imagine but I do think she’d be a little extra grumpy.

>> No.43903000

The miko will always be a grump, even with a bump

>> No.43903082

So she could merely become clingy and grumpy?

>> No.43904383

There will be lots of pouting and grumbling as she waddles through the shrine

>> No.43908853

I pray to the hypno gods and hope they bless this roll

>> No.43908872

Sory anon but only i can get trips.

>> No.43912393

Sounds cute.

>> No.43913378


>> No.43913911
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I don't want to fix her. I want to make her worse.

>> No.43913921

Yukari would laugh at your face if you asked help.

>> No.43913933

>I want to make her worse.
Anon, there's just so many beatings a hubby can take before he breaks.

>> No.43916623

I do not like seeing girls smoke. Dirty and unladylike.

>> No.43916638

Reimu would still have the total strength of a small woman, so instead of bruises and broken bones her husband would have burn marks from magic and scars from needle stabbings.

>> No.43917079
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Reimu is a refined girl and very lady-like!
That's just how she shows affection. It's cool

>> No.43917089
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Yes she is.
>it's cool
I think she needs to learn to show affection in less harmful ways. Hugs and kisses work better than fists.

>> No.43921517

I want a picture of this

>> No.43921654
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Mother eventually forgave me and let me continue doing field work. My next outings were not nearly as disastrous. My reflexes got better, I became more aware of the little clues left behind in an investigation, my ability to channel my powers grew and grew. It wasn't soon until Mother graduated me from “Dead Weight” to “Someone who can do all the annoying minor jobs” I had hoped that having someone lighten the workload she had would improve her mood, and it did to some extent. But she was still unpredictable as always. Sometimes she would just get in a bad mood for one reason or another and take it out on us. We endured as always. Dad always dad a smile and an excuse for whenever she hit him, but I could tell his resolve was wavering. I was no longer a child and he didn’t have to stick around her for my sake. I guess he still felt like he had a duty to be by her side, no matter how many times she hurt him.

With my growing freedom to explore the village and world on my own, I came to confirm something. Everyone knew. It wasn’t just Marisa and Aunn, who still stuck around but learned to not interfere much after Mother caught her cuddling up to Dad after she’d beat him one day. But it was everyone. The people in the village were always quiet when she walked by and whispered when she wasn’t around. I got sad looks from them occasionally and they occasionally pressed gifts into my hands to take home after I helped them deal with youkai, obviously feeling sorry for my home life even if they didn’t say it. The youkai knew it as well, and they feared my Mother much more then me, and not just for the gap in power we had. They were mostly kind enough not to not speak up about this, but not all of them.

I remember one of those times very well. I was sixteen, investing reports of s strange large flying shadow in the sky. The mystery would be solved when a Kappa crashed her glider into a house on the village’s outskirts. I was there on the scene, making sure everyone was alright and making the Kappa swear she would pay for the damages. As I confiscated her manuals and made a note to check in on things to make sure the kappa wouldn’t build this troublesome thing again. I heard her mutter something. Asking her to repeat herself, she turned to me with a grimace. “I said maybe you should be back at home looking after dad instead of ruining my fun. We all know he needs to more” I would have merely been upset at what she said if she hadn’t smirked at me. In a second, the Kappa was on the ground, gasping in pain from the blow my gohei made to her ribcage. I stood above her, ready to beat her again when I saw her smug face melt into one of fear. I had a reason to be angry at her, I was stronger to her, I could easily teach her a lesson. But I paused. Something about this situation seemed too familiar to me. I couldn’t go through with it. I let her go and watched as she scrambled away before heading back to the shrine. I had a lot to think about on the way.

I came home to find it quiet. Not even Aunn was there to greet me, she must have been patrolling around somewhere else. As I went inside, I saw empty dishes and a sake jug were left on the table. Mother had clearly eaten dinner without me. I sigh and clean things up, wondering why Dad hadn’t done it. Not cleaning up messes was one of the things that always sent her off. As I finish up and head further into the shrine, I heard the noises coming from their room. Of course, I wasn’t naive. If the door to the room is closed and the two of them were muttering, then one conclusion came to mind. But it was the nature of the noises that upset me. “Dear, don’t you think you should lay down, You drank at the stall in the village, then you drank here. You’ll get sick” I heard Dad say.

“I’m fine, I’m fine” I heard Mother slur. “I’m not drunk, I know my limits, Jeez. Hana is going to be gone for a while so why don’t we...” The rustling of clothes and the grunting of Dad. Then a loud slap, and another one. “You’ve been so cold to me lately, come on...” The rustling continued. Dad sighed and muttered something I couldn’t hear. A pause came, then the movement of bodies and Mother’s moan. “See, you like this. No need to act like you don’t like this” She giggled. I tore myself away from the door, not wanting to hear anymore. It was just another crime my mother committed to my dad on top of all of the other abuse. I felt disgusted, this surely wasn’t the first time she did this.

Wait. If she did this multiple times before and they had me, then that meant that I possibly was…

No. No. No. No. I felt my stomach tie into a knot. I couldn’t stay here. I had to leave. The thought of bursting in and saving Dad surfaced into my mind. But I pushed it aside. I wanted to avoid what was going in that room. I just had to think things over. Without looking back. I took into the sky and flew far away, trying to hold back tears.

>> No.43921740

Holy shit, poor Hana.

>> No.43922161


>> No.43924688


>> No.43925334

a damn fine artist on the gram... the touhou x topgear posts were a treat.

>> No.43929846


>> No.43930476

How do I stop Reimu from hitting me every day? :(

>> No.43930634

Rolling to save Reimu chan

>> No.43932063

What would happen if i roll 8?

>> No.43932108

either the beating of a lifetime or reimu killing herself, though i'll argue your 3 is far worse

>> No.43934337
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Rolling around at the speed of sound
Christ that's depressing. The thought of Hana being a rape baby never even crossed my mind.

>> No.43934568
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I landed somewhere on Youkai Mountain, far in the wilderness. I needed to be alone. Nobody could be seen in the wilderness around me. Perfect. I still couldn’t relax, so I stared at the trees surrounding me and closed my eyes. No. I was surrounded by enemies. I channeled the power though me and let loose. There was a hungry and feral looking beast youkai. I sent a blast out, splitting my target in half. A tengu, always plotting and snooping around. Another blast, and my target went down. My next target was a human. One I knew my entire life and one I hated more then any youkai. I aimed at my target and obliterated it and effortlessly dodged the wood fragments. As I catch my breath, I here a voice. “You know, there are better uses of your powers then blowing apart trees”

I spin around and see a short pink haired woman approach me. After a while, her name clicks into my mind. Ibaraki Kasen. For such an important figure, we never saw much of each other, only talking to each other briefly a few times over the years. I had my suspicions why this was the case. “You should learn to control your anger more, you can’t do your duties probably if you’re using this kind of force when you get upset” she scolded. I grit my teeth, the implications of what she said, intentional or otherwise was enough to anger me even more. Her face gts a bit more serious. “Did something happen? You’re all alone out here, and I only found you because of all the noise. What’s wrong?”

Internally, I mull over telling her to go away. If she really cared, then she would have stepped into my life before. But I’m quote ready to outright refuse her “You never offered your help before, you know. It’s nice for you to help me now” I scoff, trying to see what she would say.

Kasen frowns and thinks for a bit “Well I’ve been very busy these years, you know. Lots of things going on that need my attention. It’s hard to find the right time for these more, er, delicate matters you see” Kasen looked away flustered. She was such a bad liar. “But please. If you’re willing just tell me what’s bothering you. I’ll help you now” She looks at me, almost eager looking as if she was ready to go on a long lecture.

I sighed. I dreaded the sort of answer she would give me to my question, but I had to find closure or it would eat away at me. “You knew my mother since before I was born, so tell me, was I wanted?”

Kasen face melted into one of confusion “Come again?” She says.

“I know her abuse of my dad goes much further then I thought now. So answer me.
Did they both want me, or did she force him to...to...” I let he implication linger heavy in the air, unable to be to choke out the rest of my sentence. I saw my vision become blurry and I wiped my face with a sleeve.

Kasen catches on and she brought up a hand to her mouth as her eyes widened. “I had no idea. He....He never told me, how could she do something like that?” She stands silent for a few moments, letting it sink in before she spoke again. “I know both of your parents were ecstatic when they realized she was pregnant. Your father never gave me any indication that you were the product of something he hated ” She stares up at the sky “We thought that things would be for the better when she had a child to look after, you know? Everyone was so thrilled to hear the news” a small smile appeared on her face “I’m sorry I never helped you before, I never knew the full extent of what was going on and interfering would have been difficult, you’ll understand this when you take over for your mother” I remain silent at her excuses for as I controlled my anger. “For now, maybe you and your father should live away from the shrine for a while. I can get a place in the village for you two. You shouldn’t need your mother’s supervision anymore. I won’t tell anyone a word of what you told me, I promise you. Just concern yourself for you and your father’s safety now”

My anger at Kasen for not doing much of anything is somewhat mitigated at her offer. I thought about it. Just me and Dad being able to live without tiptoeing around my mother. I could handle most of the youkai extermination requests handed to me, and Dad could probably find work somewhere in the village, so money wouldn’t be much of an issue. The thought of moving away had crossed my mind a few times before, but I never had the means to get a place for the two of us. I wasn’t going to let this chance slip by.

“I agree, I’ll just have to get things ready”

>> No.43934635

Yes, Hana was 100% a rape baby
Is there even any question about that?

Also I wonder why Kasen seemed largely ignorant of what was going on, even if she didn't come around much after the abuse started or stopped visiting because of that she'd know rather well about what was going on I'd think

>> No.43934677
File: 797 KB, 1355x1821, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_nihohohi__f9b42f9262651a8faa277c003c3693a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Gensokyo is gonna have to function with only two sages soon.

>> No.43934796

Anon is still in denial that Reimu will come around to loving him again so he never told anyone about the occasional struggle snuggle. If anyone suspected, they knew better to poke around in such private matters and find proof.

>> No.43934821

Yeah but still Kasen's surprise seems strange here, it'd make more sense that she knew about it. Even after the story diverged from the OG she'd probably know full well about what was going on even if she didn't inquire.

>> No.43934855

Well probably. Let's just say it's her willfully ignoring the truth so she can think that Reimu hasn't crossed that line.

>> No.43934868

Makes sense, Kasen is rather optimistic about her after her. Though its hard to say she's the type that would simply butt out if she thought Reimu was fucking up I suppose if she was just willfully ignoring it she'd be surprised that nothing changed.

>> No.43940130
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Since this thread is still alive I'll tell what my story is about here >>43841943
>mc is at a summer festival with Reimu and Sanae
>Marisa comes by with a potion she made and assures the mikos it would make their sake taste better
>it doesn't and when they land their eyes on the mc it puts them into "holy fug I need to have his baby/ies" mode and makes Reimu as described here while Sanae becomes very clingy and needy towards him for a month
>if he cums in them they're stuck like that for life

>> No.43941616

What do they feed these fucking mikos?

>> No.43941739

/jp/ anon's cum

>> No.43943242

>if he cums in them they're stuck like that for life
So basically it's permanent five minutes after Reimu drinks it.

>> No.43943499

Why would Marisa do that?

>> No.43943549

If they're both too busy being baby crazy than Marisa can become youkai witch

>> No.43946857

Oh sure, that sounds like a great idea, distract Reimu with babies and she won't have time to stop Marisa.
But I don't think she really took into account how this means that she'll inevitably have to face a dozen little mikos at the same time, all of whom are not only empowered by the Hakurei god, but also Gensokyo's newest fertility goddesses. She probably jeopardized the existence of all of the youkai, since I don't expect them to last long against the combined might of the Hakurei-Kochiya clan, finally putting an end to the humans' oppression.

>> No.43947089
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>“I’m fine, I’m fine” I heard Mother slur. “I’m not drunk, I know my limits, Jeez. Hana is going to be gone for a while so why don’t we...” The rustling of clothes and the grunting of Dad. Then a loud slap, and another one. “You’ve been so cold to me lately, come on...” The rustling continued. Dad sighed and muttered something I couldn’t hear. A pause came, then the movement of bodies and Mother’s moan. “See, you like this. No need to act like you don’t like this” She giggled.
W-why did I find that hot? still, poor Hana

>> No.43947368
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Kek. I did have the baby craze for Reimu to be in stages as the month goes by.
>oh did you see that newly wed couple in the village? Their kid will be so cute we ought to do the same.
>I want your baby. Now.
>Impregnate me. This is a demand.
>I love you but you forced me to do this.
She wanted to show off her potion making skills. But ended up making a potion both Yukari and Kanako haven't seen in centuries and got them to make a bet on which miko gets dicked first.

>> No.43948497

>have in mind

>> No.43953520

The mu.

>> No.43955005

They see me rolling

>> No.43959169
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Kasen was able to find a small home in the village. It was good enough for our needs and I could make the payments on it, so I began the process of secretly preparing to move. The most difficult part was to convince Dad to come with me. I waited for an opportunity when the two of us would be alone to discuss things. One day when Mother left for business, I made my move. He was out doing some gardening when I approached him. “I found a place in the village to stay, I’m going to live there and I think you should come with me.”

Dad looked up from his work, a concerned look on his face “You’re leaving? I suppose you’re old enough, and there’s not much more that your mom can teach you, but I can’t just leave her behind. There’s just too much work to do around here, and she’s my wife. Living apart just wouldn’t work for us”

I knew it would be like this. He always denied there was a problem in his marriage. I had to push things further. “Dad, I’m not a kid anymore, you don’t have to deny that she hurts you or stay with her for my sake. I know she abuses you. Everyone knows she abuses you. Nobody is going to judge you for wanting to stay away from her. You could just live apart from her for a while and see if things improve. She can handle living on her own, the shrine isn’t going to fall apart just because you’re not here. ” I didn’t exactly tell him everything I thought. I wanted him to leave Reimu for good, to never see her again. I wanted him to know I thought that he was too forgiving of her, after all she put him through. I wanted more answers on just who she became this way. But I kept silent about all of that. Directly confronting him like that would only make him shut me out.

He mused on my words as he tried to keep his face serious. “Maybe It would be for the best if I tried something new and we lived apart for a while” He sighed. Dad was still so optimistic that the marriage could be saved. That or deep into denial. “She has been in a bad place lately” I bit my lip, having some idea of what he was talking about “Maybe if I were to give her time alone to think about our relationship, she could reflect and find a reason to improve” I doubted this would be the case, but he agreed to move out of the shrine and that was all that mattered.

“I’ll show the place. You might have to find a job in the village to help me pay for expenses but I’m sure you can find one. Just get packed up and leave when you’re ready, and don’t tell her about any of this, understand?” Dad nods. “Don’t tell her goodbye or where to find you, just leave. Don’t make it easy for her to find you before she put in the effort to improve” He looks like he wants to say something for a moment, be he rains silent. “Do you need any help with the garden? I can help you finish and we could leave today” I wanted him to leave right away. If he had time to think about his decsion, then I feared he would make up an excuse to stick with her.

Dad pointed to a pile of old brush and branches he made. “I could use help with moving all of those out of the way, and there’s some weeds growing in the pathway that need to be pulled out, It shouldn’t take too long, I could get packed up after that”

I got to work hauling the branches out of the way. The prospect of finally being able to have a good life for me and Dad motivated me to work hard. It didn’t take too long at all, and with a bit of pushing for Dad to stop dawdling , he packed up some clothing and other belongings and followed me out of the shrine. Despite my fears, we never ran into Mother and were able to arrive to our new home . I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I thought we were free.

>> No.43959885

I love her silly optimism, can't wait till it all blows up in her face

>> No.43960147

She just needs to be a bit more forceful with her dad.
I'm sure he'll see the light soon enough.

>> No.43960207
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>How do we fix her.
Just make sure she's fed everyday. She'll let you put a ring on her and even mating press her if you keep her belly full. Mainly with food, her belly will also be full with kids as a side effect to the mating presses.

>> No.43964998
File: 136 KB, 750x420, Reimu are you retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is NOT my Reimu, my Reimu has the smallest hitbox and is FLAT on the chest and butt!

>> No.43972501

I can't wait till Reimu drags him back and Hana realizes the only way to keep father safe is to claim him herself.

>> No.43976206
File: 214 KB, 1500x1800, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_corporalblake__63f1cffe7f22781cba350a09c53d89d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu taking out the youkai trash hanging around her husband

>> No.43977190
File: 114 KB, 1000x776, bedcc25506dfa9f54ef354f29e75fe71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We spent the next few days settling into our new home and life when we heard news of Mother. It must have taken a few days for her to realize we weren’t coming back, but once she did the rumors spread fast. Soon everyone knew that the shrine maiden had wrecked up her shrine in a rage, yelled at visitors and stormed into the village demeaning to know where her family was before being convinced to leave. I was doing my best to ignore all of this when I heard the knock on my door

After a moment’s hesitation to ready myself in case it was her, I opened it to see a woman with short black hair dressed in a jacket and a cap. She was holding up a small basket of food. She flashed me a smile. “Ah, hello there, I brought you two a house-warming gift, so could I come in and ask a few questions?” I shut the door. The last thing I wanted was to talk about my mother and have details about us plastered all over the Bunbunmaru. A few seconds passed, and the knocking resumed. “I’ll just stick around then until you change your mind” she said from the other side of the door. I guess there was no beating her stubbornness, so I opened the door again and waved her inside. Aya found a seat and sat down, giving a curt nod to Dad as he came in wondering who had visited. Taking some time to place down the basket and prepare her notepad and camera, she turns towards me. “I’m sure you’ve heard the news about your mother by now. What caused your move to the village?” She leaned forward expectantly, pen and notepad at the ready.

I didn’t want to give up any details to her, as it could only make things worse. “I was old enough to live on my own, so I moved. Everyone knows what goes on in the shrine, so there’s your reason. My dad decided to follow me instead of staying with her” That was all I had to say on the matter. Aya looked disappointed, clearly expecting something more dramatic that she could spin into a story that would sell. She tapped her chin and spoke up again.

“There has to be something more then that for the two of you to pack up and leave without warning. I doubt it was a family decision considering how poorly Reimu has been taking it” She says. I see her eyes glance over to Dad and I her followed them. Dad was starting to look a bit concerned. My head snaps back to Aya. I see a small smile on her lips. Oh no, she had figured out her angle. “Oh yes, I’m sure you’ve heard that she took her anger out on the shrine and chased away some worshipers, and how she made a huge scene here in the village demanding that they tell here where you two were, but that’s not all. She’s been going around everywhere throwing around accusations , she thinks there’s some grand conspiracy behind you two leaving, and I certainly got an earful of it. I can’t even repeat the things she said about me or you in my newspaper” She suddenly took on a more serious look. “She’s not taking it well. You really ought to at least tell her where you are and why you left so she might return to normal. Things can’t continue like this”

I had suspected that my mother wouldn’t react well to us leaving, but this was beyond what I thought. I still wasn’t going back, even if she was earning up half of Gensokyo. I take a moment to think of my reply “You tell her she knows why we left, and it was our decision to do so. Tell her that the only way she’ll see us again is if she changes her ways completely and apologizes for all she’s done. We’re staying here until then”

Aya frowned, she might have been expecting more juicy details. “Well, If that’s how it’s going to be, then fine” she sighs and stands up, picking up her things “I’ll find someway of telling her all of that, but I doubt it’ll make her feel better. Until next time, goodbye” She walks out of the door.
I turn to find Dad trying to follow her and hold an arm in his way. He looks at me “You heard her, Reimu needs me. If I just talk with her, I could calm her down a bit. If I get her to understand then she’ll recover and things can improve, just let me by” His will was already wavering. If he meet up with her again, she’d sink her claws back into him, or worse. I didn’t think she’d have a happy reunion with her husband that abandoned her without warning.

“Dad” I say “You told me you wanted to spent time away from her so she could think about your marriage, correct? If she wants it to be better, then she’ll calm down on her own and seek you out to talk things out. Her acting like this means she hasn’t improved at all, and seeing her in a bad mood, well...” He looks away, realizing what might happen if he goes and sees her. “If she gets too bad, then someone will put her in line, just forget about it for now, okay?” I felt a bit ashamed, lecturing my own father about his relationship, but he needed someone to remind him how bad things were.

He muttered out an agreement and went to pick up the gift basket. Even if I had convinced him for now, I could still see how worried he was.

>> No.43977301
File: 46 KB, 500x500, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_niyaururu__f4860b24625110c501c916ee75ce0612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Hana never learned the proper way of dealing with tengu inquiries.

>> No.43977487

It would've been interesting of Anon-kun took a bit more of a role in the interview but it is Hana's story after all

>> No.43984361

Which one of these fixes her?

>> No.43988576

She filled out after having a kid.

>> No.43988668

Haha lol lmao rofl

>> No.43989984
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>> No.43990788

she can lift a huge palladium chunk

>> No.43990794
File: 569 KB, 1400x2000, 20230711_225959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.43991612

damn, aya will open her mouth and ruin everything to that poor family.
tengu should not be trusted. tengu should not be spare. tengu should be purged.
contact your local "tengu odoshi" specialist for details.

>> No.43995106

You attempt to soothe the anger in her heart by giving her all the hugs and headpats you can muster. It works to some extent, even Reimu finds it hard to keep abusing you while you're being so warm and cuddly with her. She tries her best to control her anger.
You hope that by giving her everything she wants, she'll have no reason to hit you anymore. You submit to her as a servant. All it means for you is that you do more work and she has a boasted ego.

You submit to her as a mistress. You thought this was a bad idea, and to some extent it is. But despite everything she puts you through as Mistress Reimu, she now has an outlet for her aggression and has a safer way to express it. Doesn't make it any less embarrassing for you.
You help her with her job. To be honest, as an average untrained human you're only there as a supportive sidekick, but you do learn a few things that can make the busywork a bit less tedious for her. As long as you stay out of danger and don't screw up, she'll appreciate all the work you do for her.

Marisa and Yukari (mostly Marisa) have a talk with her to convince her to stop her behavior.Reimu agress to do along with their plan to ease her abusive behavior , but only because Yukari says she''ll keep finding ways to mess with her until she improves.

You pick up more of the work around the shrine and take on jobs to earn more money. With more financial security and less chores to be bothered with, Reimu is overall less stressed out.

You bring up the topic of Sanae and casually mention how she doesn't seem like the type to abuse others. Reimu gives you a few divinely powered backhands for your trouble.

You do end up killing yourself to escape her. But this is Reimu, so as she'll floating about in the afterlife waiting for your chance to reincarnate, she tracks you down beats you up again for causing her so much trouble.

>> No.43995600

and what happens if i roll 2 or 0?

>> No.43995767

I need more reimu abuse and I need it NOW

>> No.43997810

You get the help of Kosuzu to pick out a few books on relationship advice and anger management and leave them around where Reimu can find them. She quickly picks up on what you mean. You return the books to the Suzunaan later that day with a black eye.

You curl up in a ball and cry pitifully whenever Reimu gets violent. She can't bring herself to hurt you when you're this pathetic, so she stops when you do this. She loses almost all respect for you, however.

>> No.43998387

And what would happen if i tanked her hits with a stoic face and no reactions at all? Would that make her even angrier?

>> No.43998409

Congratulations, you are now playing Mensur (but without swords) against Reimu. First person to flinch loses. You can't beat her back, just hope she is shocked by herself at some point.

>> No.43998447

I am a cool stoic chad that flinches to no one, Reimu would kill me before she would get any reaction, and i would pass happily to the afterlife knowing i won the mental battle.

>> No.43999013

Anon the last time you felt pain was when you burned your finger on a chicken tender
No, you wouldn't

>> No.43999033

That's very cool, anon. I'm sure she'll be impressed by you and then reward you with rough animalistic breeding sex.

>> No.43999209

Why would you fix Reimu when there's girls like Kogasa right there?

>> No.43999587


>> No.43999633

anon, no! it's a trick! you can't be stoic and enjoy debased sex with reimu at the same time!

>> No.44000949

Why not spank the womanly hysteria out of Reimu?

>> No.44001069


>> No.44001119

Is that the sound spanking Reimu produces too?

>> No.44001589

Back when the modern dildo came onto the American market it was advertised as a way to treat your wives' hysteria and insanity. So maybe commissioning the kappa to make a really good one would go a long way.

>> No.44004238
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when she sees you talking to a youkai

>> No.44004265

I never knew I wanted Reimu with thick eyebrows till now

>> No.44004305

Anon, it has to be done the old fashion way. Reimu has to be spanked until her butt is redder than her bow.

>> No.44004320
File: 553 KB, 850x1200, 101998982_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violence is only one way to achieve your goals; consider lewds and the merits of perversion

>> No.44009706
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>You pick up more of the work around the shrine and take on jobs to earn more money. With more financial security and less chores to be bothered with, Reimu is overall less stressed out.
With less stress, things should return to some level of normalcy... right?
