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>> No.45422681 [View]
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>>45422676 (39/?)

The dolls were very helpful. They usually are, but there’s a certain precision to their actions that she never saw before. Could be the magic of this place or something? Either way, the tea comes out well and she even has time to make cookies to go along with it. As she returns to the living room with the tray Anon looks up at her before saying, “Oh, you didn’t have to-”

Perhaps it’s cheesy to repeat a line, but Alice is far beyond that as she replies, “No, but I wanted to. Oh! And they wanted to too.”

Anon shakes his head, “Twice now you’ve gotten me with that. Thank you, I appreciate it. And Thanks all of you, I can’t imagine it’s easy to bake when the tools are bigger than you.”

While Alice just blushes, the dolls own it with curtsies and gestures towards Alice along with all the basic motions that’d go along with making tea/baking cookies. Are they trying to say Alice did most of the work? That’s not strictly true, but…

Alice doesn’t correct them as she sets the tray down on the table. Anon is still deep in thought writing, so the two eat and drink in silence. Something about it is nice, being there with someone even if you aren’t talking. That’s not even mentioning the dolls nuzzling up with both of them.

Like all good things, the silence comes to an end after Anon rereads what he wrote for the third time. As he cracks his knuckles he says, “I’ve said what I’d like to say. Do have an envelope or?”

Smiling Alice answers, “Of course!” before pulling one out of her bag. As Anon carefully folds the letter and places it into the envelope, Alice asks, “Do you have a ummm seal? Something to press into the wax to show it’s you?”

Anon scratches the back of his neck, “It just occurs to me that, such a thing would be big here. To answer your question, no. This place is small enough that I’ve never had to write letters and beside Rei-”

Panicking as Anon has another weird look Alice says, “T-That’s fine! Would you umm like me to have anything imprinted into the wax? My umm seal for example is Shanghai holding a needle up like… like that.”

Shanghai very helpfully demonstrates what Alice’s seal looks like by proudly holding a needle aloft. Anon carefully reaches over to pat Shanghai’s head and not get poked as he replies, “To be honest, I wouldn’t mind using that. Maybe I’ll get my own someday, but…”

Alice replies “I wouldn’t worry about it” as she carefully begins collecting wax from the candles in the room with her magic. After sealing the envelope, she slowly begins engraving her seal onto the top, “This would be easier if I brought my signet but…”

Looking at her handiwork, Anon replies, “It’s beautiful for something you free-handed or… free magiced?”

Blushing Alice asks, “You really think so?”

Anon gives her a warm smile as he answers, “Absolutely. I could never do anything like this.”

Without thinking Alice replies, “Well of course not, you can’t do magic.”

Anon shrugs, “Fair point, you got me there.”

… It’s quiet after that. Finally, Alice picks up the letter and begins to leave despite all the dolls on her desperately trying to pull her towards Anon, “Well, I’ll get out of your hair now. It was nice seeing you.”

Anon reaches out towards her as if you stop her, “W-Wait! It’s really not a bother and it seems like your dolls aren’t ready to leave yet. I’d be happy to host you for a little longer.”

Alice turns to look back at Anon with a frown, “I-I’d hate to impose on your rest time.”

Anon blinked at that before laughing, “That’s your worry? It’s fine, I would just be reading now anyway. This is a lot nicer and if anything a better distraction from it all. I… could I show you something?”

She’s helping him recover? He’d like to spend more time with her? Alice gives an enthusiastic nod, “Yes! If you’d umm like to show me something, I’d love to see it. I'm sorry I didn’t realize that you wanted me to ummm… just lead the way.”

Anon shakes his head with a smile, “You worry too much Alice, it’s always a pleasure to see you. C’mon, I think you’ll really like this.”

>> No.45041192 [View]
File: 377 KB, 1311x2000, __alice_margatroid_touhou_drawn_by_erisauria__3313bb2e0289faab8aac9f2b769a0e3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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