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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 117 KB, 704x1031, 1684153911811307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6658642 No.6658642 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the stickies

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread : >>6655354

>> No.6658669
File: 224 KB, 425x482, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658671 >>6658690

Trying to learn to paint, did not work out this time.

>> No.6658671

looks great dude. Keep going

>> No.6658688 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20230517_151050_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I can understand what Perspective Made Easy wants me to do but by far it's the hardest thing to grok. I don't struggle with other parts of drawing but building a scene in perspective is nightmare mode and I never know if I'm doing his "problems" correctly.

>> No.6658690
Quoted by: >>6658697

is a robowoman cop?

>> No.6658691
File: 449 KB, 750x967, IMG_20230517_151402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658701 >>6658955

I feel like I can understand what Perspective Made Easy wants me to do but by far it's the hardest thing to grok. I don't struggle with other parts of drawing but building a scene in perspective is nightmare mode and I never know if I'm doing his "problems" correctly.

>> No.6658697
File: 42 KB, 564x789, 9f6944c94c4d5e8db00c059a4c568239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is from some show called Lady Battle Cop, never watched it, just found a random reference.

>> No.6658698
File: 554 KB, 1702x1678, 20230517_152123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659117

Short day today. Had only five or ten minutes to draw. Got time at home now. Might do more, don't know.

>> No.6658700
File: 358 KB, 1003x1416, 72639767_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total /beg/
>try to copy an entire diagram with 10000 lines
pick something more easy to copy(like picrel) and overlap to check your proportions, dont just copy blindly, you need feedback to improve.

sauce pic https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/65829

>> No.6658701
Quoted by: >>6658764

Is that word coming back around, or are you old? I've never heard it said allowed and have only read it in a pre-1980's context.

>> No.6658713

Should I even bother with art if I have aphantasia?
The only reason I even bother to ask is that I was okayish in my childhood with watercolor painting.

>> No.6658717
Quoted by: >>6658738

>Should I even bother with art if I have aphantasia?
You don't have aphantasia. YOU DON'T HAVE APHANTASIA REEEEEE

>> No.6658726
Quoted by: >>6658738

aphantasia is a meme. it's way blown out of proportion. too many retards, like (You), think that because they can't perfectly imagine something visually in their mind, then they got aphantasia.

the truth is that the mind is not like a monitor. our imagination and dreams aren't really understood how they really work, but the little we do know is that our mind doesn't really make perfect images of what we think we are thinking about.

>> No.6658727
File: 757 KB, 2048x1896, noc mergitur - Ferdynand Ruszyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658738

if you are making excuses already then just know you'll have to stop it if you want to do art.

Everyone can learn how to make art, some take longer than others but it's possible for all.

>> No.6658729
Quoted by: >>6658738

Yes it's irrelevant.

>> No.6658738
Quoted by: >>6658768


I have an extreme case of abstract thinking, like reverse autism. My imagination also works in abstract symbols/images (generic mountain like shape instead of specific image of mountain I want to imagine). The only time I "see" anything with my eyes closed is when something bright shines inside into my eyes.

Well. I guess I wanted to see if anyone else decided to take this hobby with similar issue. I know that some artists have it and still produce pretty decent pictures.
I had pretty good (for a kid) watercolor pictures of objects that I can see. I'll try to at least beat my "highscore". Thank you.

>> No.6658743
File: 223 KB, 894x1280, IMG_4586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t bother. I have aphantasia and impaired neuroplasticity due to my advanced age and so I still can’t do art after four years.

>> No.6658747
File: 65 KB, 640x495, IMG_4584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on this one

>> No.6658748
File: 196 KB, 894x1280, IMG_4585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658752

>> No.6658750
File: 110 KB, 575x696, Ez1ERCSPlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658834

>> No.6658752
File: 33 KB, 765x765, 1682205383880187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658784

hey can you make the guy look like chudjak i'm collecting /hmofa/ art of him

>> No.6658756
Quoted by: >>6658766

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and consider that this isn't bait for discussion. If you have aphantasia, you should see a therapist, there was a study that linked it with higher predominance of autism. Now, if you should bother or not with art, I am of the opinion that you should do what makes you happy, and if art makes you happy, you should do it.

>> No.6658757
File: 13 KB, 209x295, YbjY88Jqvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6658761
File: 61 KB, 645x522, 1hPu05fQLo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6658764

Nah I'm just old. 30 for sure but that's old enough. There's just no other word for grok that still means grok, or maybe I'm just dumb.

>> No.6658766
Quoted by: >>6658769

It isn't. It's my first hour of returning to drawing after 10y+.
>there was a study that linked it with higher predominance of autism
Why it's interesting. It doesn't mean much unless magic pills can give back my imagination. I'm pretty set in life (home, job, friends, etc.) I don't make sense to treat autism even if I have it.

>> No.6658768
Quoted by: >>6658778

>My imagination also works in abstract symbols/images (generic mountain like shape instead of specific image of mountain I want to imagine)
That's completely normal, your imagination and memory try to superimpose every single idea of what a mountain is and the result is an amalgamation. It's how you think also, imagine if you had a different image and thought for every single dog or house you ever saw, you wouldn't be able to think in abstract terms, but only in individual ones.

>> No.6658769
Quoted by: >>6658776

(I'm not dyslexic, fuck this keyboard)

>> No.6658776

My new phone's keyboard sucks. I had my old one trained to use all the naughty words, and not capitalize "jewish" or "chinese".
This one won't even let you say "sucks" or "sex" unless you hard type it.

>> No.6658778
Quoted by: >>6658795

Then how do you plan perspective and colors? This is the main concern. I know that it's possible to get it right with iterations (and most artists do it like this), but it'd be fucking helpful to have an initial draft ready instead of changing on fly.

>> No.6658782
File: 287 KB, 1000x1000, 20230517_155118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658783

Tried drawing a selfie. First thing I've drawn in a while.

>> No.6658783

I want to kiss you all over

>> No.6658784

wtf lmao

>> No.6658789
Quoted by: >>6658826

And I see you've paid for ArtWOD which is even worse

>> No.6658795
Quoted by: >>6658855

You simply break up the figure. If i have to think about a human my imagination will give me some amorphous looking ass shit that barely resemble a human, if i only focus on a single part like the eye or the lips the amount of details is way less to imagine and so are the variations for example, which makes it easier. Even that can be reduced even more, the eye in a single ball or and oval. The entire point of constructions and most perspective books is exactly that, to imagine a figure in all its details and shit in perspective is hard, make the figure a square or cube and it become way easier.

You are going to change shit on the fly so many times it will become second nature, if you draw on PC there is even less to care about since you can use layers, on paper just use very thin and not intense lines.

Aphantasia even if real wouldn't be a problem for a very simple reason: imagination is limited to the memory and recollection. Would you be able to think of a unicorn had you never seen a horse and a horn? Of course not. That's why all artists use references and had you aphantasia it would mean you have to use more references than someone else, hardly a problem in the age of internet.

>> No.6658826
Quoted by: >>6658832

Is artwod in the room with us now, anon?

>> No.6658832
Quoted by: >>6658838

Yes, it's likely that ArtWOD-taught art or ArtWOD students are here right now.

>> No.6658833
File: 225 KB, 1000x824, hidestudies2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hide master studies day2

>> No.6658834
Quoted by: >>6658894

Are those style studies?

>> No.6658838
Quoted by: >>6658843

I see. Where did artWOD touch you?

>> No.6658843
Quoted by: >>6658848

Nowhere really, I don't pay for it. Is ArtWOD like a meme here or are like you the ArtWOD guy or like why are you so horny rn?

>> No.6658848
Quoted by: >>6658858

I never heard of artWOD until you sperged about it. Just trying to figure out why it upsets you so much. Or are you just a retard?

>> No.6658855
Quoted by: >>6658863 >>6658892

>Aphantasia even if real wouldn't be a problem for a very simple reason
You are right, at least right now, it doesn't matter. I just spent a few hours on basics, and holy shit do I suck. Gotta buy pencils and erasers. I'm too shit for pen.

>> No.6658858

It seems like ArtWOD upsets you, the mere mention of it and you shat your pants. What's your real issue? You actually are the guy aren't you? Your pricing model is very Jewish.

>> No.6658863
Quoted by: >>6658870

I would suggest you The Art & Science of Drawing of Brent Eviston, the first few videos are basically hammering down the basic shapes, to break a figure in its fundamental shapes, to make clear lines and how much you are going to change those lines because they are not going to come right on the first try. Or Krenz 2 hours video with english subtitles, the first part is just that once again.

>> No.6658870

Will do. Thanks for the guidance.

>> No.6658891

Anyone know of any links to like, school coursework?

I really suck at picking subject matter to practice, and keep picking stuff so far above my skill level that it hurts my gains. I don't need lectures or anything, just like the list of assignments that students are given.

>> No.6658892

Just to complement what the other anon said, and to give you other resources, watch:
It gives you some mindset advice and some guidelines, then you could watch Proko's beginners course that he is making right now, it is modelled after Brent's book from what I saw, so it will give you some pretty basic stuff to learn.

>> No.6658894
File: 48 KB, 552x392, AW4YYt511x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drawing heads. Finding formula to draw them better and faster. I have reference at hand.

>> No.6658895
File: 2.52 MB, 1615x2197, kettu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6658904

better than what Warcraft is pumping out lately.

>> No.6658912
File: 20 KB, 373x696, qqqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658916 >>6658926

>> No.6658915

How old are we talking? Neuroplasticity is a meme if you're not like over 50 or something. And aphantasia? You can't imagine things in your head? But you can draw so that isn't hindering you, just draw more and take some lsd or shrooms, they increase neuroplasticity even in old people.

>> No.6658916
Quoted by: >>6658935

is he hanging himself? nice composition though

>> No.6658924
File: 235 KB, 750x1000, IMG_7548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6658926
Quoted by: >>6658935

they are on an springboard, small boy is too scared, fat baldy just doesn't care and will soon after smash little mans fingers and he will fall to his demise, the laying guy is scared of heights and regrets his decision to get up there

I honestly have no Idea where I was going with this I just wanted to try to sketch a dude from an birds eye view perspective

>> No.6658928
Quoted by: >>6658944 >>6658946

I had an idea for a 2koma comic. I'm too beg to draw it, so it's free.

>Panel 1: Beach scene. Girl, learning in: "Whatcha doing?"
>Panel 2: Guy, crouching down, dragging a pencil around a manta that washed up on shore: "Ray-tracing."

>> No.6658935

meant for Idid an oopsie

>> No.6658944


>> No.6658946
File: 545 KB, 400x250, R (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close up on girls face being extremely disappointed and tired of your shit

>> No.6658955
File: 479 KB, 1000x830, IMG_20230517_181947_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659032

The most I've understood is how integral the eyeline and VP is for sure. I developed a system where I have a string and beads taped to my desk and I use them to define the eyeline and VPs for the problems in PME, then track to the respective points with a ruler. It works (kinda) but it's a huge crutch so I hope I can do like 250 drawings this way and just add some wrinkles to my brain that track perspective naturally. Now if there was a proportion course I'd be good to go.
>Table has become a stool in relation to books
Next time for sure

>> No.6658958
File: 473 KB, 1852x1365, construction practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6658963


>> No.6658960
File: 722 KB, 1000x474, all fucked up and retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659475

Today I learned why warmups are a thing. This happened in the span of 5 minutes

>> No.6658963
File: 61 KB, 579x798, nigguh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659003

Use G-pen this soft brush gives my autistic brain a headache

>> No.6658968
Quoted by: >>6658976 >>6658985

is following hide channel or doing croquis any good? little worried its teaching bad habits or just over simplified.

>> No.6658971
File: 60 KB, 783x410, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659005 >>6659295

Is there a download/rip for all the poses on quickposes? I just want to have everything available offline I can access whenever I want.

Or any big archive somewhere with tons of poses?

>> No.6658976

Didn't watch him much, but being able to simplify is good. It allows you to tackle compex things (like human body) easier. If you are just starting out, and draw other things too, I can't see how he will be detrimental. It's not like you are getting married to him and his method, you can switch any time. Just get the feel of the workflow and proportions at the beginning.

>> No.6658985
Quoted by: >>6658994

This helped me as turbobeg immensely, I just slow down the video and try to do it like he does and try to really understand why too. My faces and poses improved 100x overnight,especially in different perspectives.T his guy is a pro and knows what he's doing, so it couldn't be a bad habit if it works for him. If it clicks with you then stay with it

>> No.6658994

>T his guy is a pro and knows what he's doing, so it couldn't be a bad habit if it works for him.

That's just not really how it works. You can draw like a caveman and get better eventually - the question is whether the practice you're doing is the best practice for you to be doing, at your current skill level. Like, the types of things that most benefit me, a shitter, are different from the things that most benefit a professional. (I don't know who/what we're talking about, this is general comment.)

>> No.6659003
File: 216 KB, 1011x746, 2023-05-17-185952568263168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope my soft brush makes you sperg out

>> No.6659005
Quoted by: >>6659027

idk about ripping quickposes specifically, but i found this


there are probably a lot of other stuff you can download from the pirate threads here

>> No.6659007
File: 2.18 MB, 1200x1600, CFDE9ADA-2D2C-4F20-A46D-1239FACAB19F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece is so frustrating but I want to finish it, any advice for improving what there is so far?

>> No.6659010
File: 265 KB, 655x823, wip 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659380

Thanks for the feedback, I cleaned this up a bit.

On a side note, how long should it take for me to finish a piece? This one has already taken me 2.5 hours.

>> No.6659012

composition of char + bg can be challenging at first don't worry about it. you can try to clarify a foreground/midground/background with your values, because as of now everything is sort of in that middle 55-65% value range, so everything feels flat.

i'm no expert on painting and composition myself, so i really don't know

>> No.6659027

Problem with the ones on that site is they all have the same people over and over. I'm looking for poses from a variety of different people so I can get a feel for how the body varies

>> No.6659029
File: 1.99 MB, 3056x3056, 20230517_191450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659105

About an hour, less erasing this time.
Mentally tired now. The arms really fucked me up. They look wrong, but that's really about how they look.

Also, I feel like instead of doing a light outline and filling in detail later, I seem to end up doing it like this. I'm drawing hair and shit and I haven't even done the legs properly yet.

>> No.6659032

no rules just tools, friend

>> No.6659034
File: 115 KB, 478x637, value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659036
Quoted by: >>6659038

Is the line tool cheating

>> No.6659038

yes. anything that assists you is cheating.

>> No.6659068
File: 482 KB, 1308x1599, skate park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i promised i was going to force myself to get out of my comfort zone...its gonna suck

>> No.6659073
Quoted by: >>6659138

you're a great artist, anon

>> No.6659078
File: 1.64 MB, 2600x2600, 20230517_190527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659082

Tried drawing a dog. I have hardly any energy anyway and it feels like drawing takes a lot out of me. Wish I had more energy.

>> No.6659079
File: 213 KB, 759x1015, tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New assignment: Draw this tree

>> No.6659082
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, 20230517_190527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659102 >>6660634


>> No.6659084
Quoted by: >>6659138

composition, pose, perspective, everything is nice here.

>> No.6659102

It's very RUFF!
But you made the noise and mouth comfy looking. Take your vitamins and get and some rest. It's a good doggo.

>> No.6659105 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6659119

Fuck, wrong one. That took a lot out of me mentally.

Anyway, is it weird I'm doing the details on this order?

>> No.6659106
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, FCotFscWUAgQF4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perspective is pretty hard

>> No.6659117
Quoted by: >>6660550

bro wtf am I even looking at? is this a prototype for a Caretaker album cover?

>> No.6659119

It's only weird if it comes out looking bad, so 99% of the time yes big first will help you be more accurate

>> No.6659137

do you usually repost what you post on /beg/ anywhere else?

>> No.6659138
File: 3.39 MB, 3301x2239, skate park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659462

i fixed a bit of the perspective, can someone help me with the values? i added my moodboard for the style of rendering i am going for too
thanks guys

>> No.6659151 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1909x1067, 1115812039125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659197

>> No.6659165

I haven't even started the rock formation from the last thread yet

>> No.6659183
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1593478087707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out onions are poisonous to dogs. I've been feeding my puppy onions...

>> No.6659197
Quoted by: >>6659210

me taking my sentient electrical discharge on a walk

>> No.6659198
File: 276 KB, 600x764, tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659686

hope you're happy feng zhu

>> No.6659199
File: 1.02 MB, 3024x4032, 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659205

do these look flat, i'm trying cubes but I'm not sure if these are still flat and my eye is biased

>> No.6659205

just keep practicing, anon. Slow down even more. Spend 20 minutes on each drawing

>> No.6659208
File: 495 KB, 672x681, WIP Macintosh Lain WIP small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659258 >>6659986

This is definitely a WIP, but I'm mainly asking about the composition, color choices, and background

I know the brushstrokes are bad, I just slapped them on to make color choices

>> No.6659210
File: 1.19 MB, 1432x799, 11512421532624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659234
File: 714 KB, 1632x1456, IMG_20230518_043208 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659246
Quoted by: >>6660152

very good, anon. The outstretched arm is way bigger than the other arm, so you'll have to correct that

>> No.6659247


>> No.6659253

omg its akuma

>> No.6659254


>> No.6659256
Quoted by: >>6659261

>sketch is a bit messy
>"let's do a proper lineart on different layer!"
>lineart looks overly clean and souless
line breaks did help, but still AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa

>> No.6659257
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, chapter 80.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659258
Quoted by: >>6659264

How many days have you beeen working on this piece? It looks like you just started it. Just end it if you want to move on.

The text is corny. The circuit board backdrop is straight out of a screeensaver. The figure has anatomical problems. It looks retro in a bad way.
Study arms. Specifically, forearms.

>> No.6659261

ok, so I used fineliner brush to make lines thicker at various places. Looks better now.
We're back bros!

>> No.6659264
Quoted by: >>6659273 >>6659553

anon... i've been working on this for the past couple weeks

>> No.6659273
Quoted by: >>6659553

NTA, what do you consider finished? Go do that and move on.

>> No.6659290
File: 96 KB, 1000x1143, runescape_guthan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659303

>> No.6659291
File: 281 KB, 1280x1066, 1684383127323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing has been coming out right...

>> No.6659295
File: 32 KB, 627x279, 6511321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659303
Quoted by: >>6659540

I thought I saw you do one of Verac, can you repost it?

>> No.6659311

Looks more like an old man than a demon. Maybe change the eyes

>> No.6659372
File: 63 KB, 550x550, Fl-rKeUaEAEuU1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you envious of someone?
Not "I want to draw like this guy" or "I look up to this guy" I am talking about "I need to become better than this guy or I will fucking kill myself".

>> No.6659376
Quoted by: >>6659409

I'm envious of Curie Lu. We're both the same age, and applied to Calarts at the same time. She got in and I didn't. Now she's working on Japanese anime as a professional key artist while I'm wallowing in my parent's basement, a failure in everything I tried my hand at

She doesn't know who I am, btw. And this isn't some creepy stalker thing, I don't know what she looks like or anything about her. She could be overweight and ugly for all I know. I just see her as someone that I could be, if I hadn't made any bad decisions.

>> No.6659380
File: 420 KB, 810x890, Screenshot 2023-05-17 232607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659387
File: 247 KB, 471x542, 3w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659403 >>6659414


>> No.6659403
Quoted by: >>6659413

i love all your recent works. good compositions and form simplifications

>> No.6659409

It's not too late

>> No.6659413

aww, thanks

>> No.6659414

It's the blue ballpoint pen anon who draw anime girls in space suits.

>> No.6659422
File: 205 KB, 640x640, e76a6c20-6109-4462-961d-0992b7648005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom (as an illustrator in the 80s and 90s). At my age and with a similar level of skill, she was getting a job after another, be it comics for magazines, illustrations for ads, posters, books, all super cool stuff that doesn't really have a market now, and she was way more aspergic than me... I envy boomer artists a lot. It really was way easier back then

>> No.6659426
Quoted by: >>6659478

she sounds like an intimidating woman to approach.

>> No.6659441
Quoted by: >>6659478

i feel like getting a job is at least 80% networking desu. especially nowadays where people can pick any artist on the internet, why would they choose you

>> No.6659443
File: 244 KB, 766x988, haha ha..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659478

Not at all, she is very sweet. Now "Getting a job after another" sounds massive, but she wasn't famous at all, but yeah she's always a bit shocked when i tell her about stuff like AI or what they pay me for illustrations lmao

still better to hear than my father literally being paid today's equivalent of 800$ for writing 3-page articles in a fishing magazine as an ungraduated uni student LEL

>> No.6659447
File: 773 KB, 3496x2362, ms 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I am not fuvking anything up

>> No.6659452
Quoted by: >>6659478

your mom sounds really cool

>> No.6659462
Quoted by: >>6659463

last update before i finish it. How are the colors? i am terrible at colors and values and thats why i never get past the sketch

>> No.6659463
File: 1.38 MB, 2437x3198, skate park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659467 >>6659478

dropped the pic

>> No.6659467
Quoted by: >>6659469

I'd add an observer to be interacting with one of the bg elements, like sitting on the stones under the tree in the shade. Right now the bg and main subject feel disconnected. Not sure if it's a perspective thing since I can't identify an obvious perspective problem.

>> No.6659469
File: 691 KB, 1805x2560, 47034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659478 >>6660634

does anyone know how to give a drawing a texture similar to this? i use CSP
thanks that makes lots of sense! i felt something was off with the bg but since i never drew a bg before i just though it was me being hit with the realization i suck at them lol

>> No.6659475

This looks really fucking good anon! Better than the other garbage shit on this thread, you basically already won at life with raw fucking talent like this!

>> No.6659478
File: 354 KB, 1280x960, c9350ea5-30d3-4dbe-931b-817fa750fd27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659488 >>6659514

meant for>>6659426

yeah and i suck ass at it, these next days i'll focus on it (ic/posted for some time to force myself to draw lol)
yeeee more stuff (sadly i don't have full drawings)

bg is very barren as already said, the sky is completely empty and yeah she feels disconnected from the bg because she's skating on an uniform brown stain (dirt?) i mean you can't even skate on dirt, i'd try making it all more lively, it's waiting for stuff to be added.
The cel shading is prettygud, but the choice of neutral white light corroborates this feeling of emptiness. Honestly with some factories and building and some tin cans and yellow grass on the ground it would have a very nice melancholic mood (if you want happy mood make light yellow and shadows redder)

>> No.6659486
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, 1684238833510869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I implement perspective into my own drawings?
like yeah I can draw a cube from any perspective but what about the human body?
Every anatomy course I've seen when the artist draws a human, seems like he doesn't care, just draws the anatomy then gives it details by looking at a reference.
Also, what about the the proportions?
they say that men about 8 heads and women are about 7 or whatever, but they also don't mention them while drawing.
like only in the first lesson, they say "oh the heroic body is about 8 heads tall" and then they completely forget about it and just draw without ever mentioning it again? am I missing something here?
am I supposed to draw a line and measure the body every time that I draw?
some courses doesn't even mention them at all?

>> No.6659488

>posted his mom's works
>posted non of his own works
Now I see the different. You are adopted anon.

>> No.6659489
File: 12 KB, 320x400, 17634696_1363962497018875_8400142028245831648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659499 >>6659538

>like yeah I can draw a cube from any perspective but what about the human body?
Put the human in a cube

>> No.6659491
File: 77 KB, 736x622, 74ef216d3e9652515cd6ceabbb50245e--andrew-loomis-figure-drawing-1965240605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you definitely can measure everything all out with perspective grids and such, but yeah as you've said people tend to just eyeball it.

for me, i use perspective to keep ratios consistent at different foreshortenings, and i leave the overall proportions to the model/ref/design.

>> No.6659494
Quoted by: >>6659496

Is there a course for transitioning from traditional to digital? Whenever I try to draw digitally I want to kill myself.

>> No.6659496

Just do it more desu. If you’re using csp, Ruben Lara has great videos walking you through the hotkeys

>> No.6659499
File: 637 KB, 616x629, berds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk m8 here's birds

>> No.6659509

god i cant draw arms or legs to save my life, every single one looks like mangled chicken wings

>> No.6659514
File: 236 KB, 1077x1521, d68127c4bd9178d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659526

thanks! you understood the mood completly! i want the picture to be ''purposefuly barren'' if that makes sense. I dont know how to explain it, but takamichi gives me this feeling in most of his illustrations. gonna add the stuff you said. In my mind picture the sky is barren as well, but dunno how to translate it to the drawing, maybe i should add a gradient or something

>> No.6659517
File: 802 KB, 1297x953, 2023-05-18-045119012330152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6661739

simplify it to its core anatomical shapes, i like morpho for this type of stuff but any anatomy book is good.

>> No.6659518

Just like everyone else in this gen. What's the problem?

>> No.6659520
File: 3.60 MB, 3840x2160, graphosoma_lineatum_c_heethoff_schmelzle_dinarda_e.v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arms and legs are hard af if low /beg/ because of a lot of difficult curves and volumes and proportions m8, you have to feel some form and 3d first. Drawing insects while trying to think in 3d is a very based exercise imo (feng zhu [crazy good concept artist] talked very often about this being a good exercise for beginners)

>> No.6659524

Ahh a fellow FZD enjoyer. Remember to draw 10 pictures / day for gain.

>> No.6659526

well, in the pic you posted there are
>sun rising
>water puddles (recent rain)
>some clouds
>dried up, dead bushes
>factories, an electric post, a sad industrial fence, lights from the city
it gives a lot of information about where she is, what time it is, what is she doing, her status, how it feels to be there... put there some cans, some trash bags, a cat walking by, some industrial buildings in the background, a sign, missing dog post, some bricks scattered here and there, electricity cables, graffiti on the ramp... stuff like that would give credibility to the scene and set the mood you're describign

>> No.6659538
File: 338 KB, 680x681, wipPNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which, should I learn anatomy first or perspective?
because from what I've heard is that anatomy comes first, but when I was practicing, I wasn't able to draw the reference image no matter how much I tried.
when I asked for help, they told me to work on my perspective?
please pay no attention to the shitty arms, I'm practising upper body and legs here
here's the reference: https://files.catbox.moe/sqct7k.jpg

>> No.6659540
File: 106 KB, 990x902, runescape_man1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660309


>> No.6659553

I've only been working on it for a couple days when I have time out of classes, pretty weird that you responded for me anon?

>> No.6659554
Quoted by: >>6659675

practice observation and accurately measuring angles/proportions first

>> No.6659563
Quoted by: >>6659675

>speaking of which, should I learn anatomy first or perspective?
Whatever you feel like studying right now, in the end you have to learn both anyway

>> No.6659564
Quoted by: >>6659675

>anatomy first or perspective
neither, learn to copy first.

solid perspective and anatomy are a requirement when you are drawing from imagination. you could do a photorealistic drawing without even knowing what perspective and anatomy is.

get confident at drawing straight and curved shapes, understand what negative shapes are, learn proportion techniques and train your eye to see what you see, not what you know. many books cover that stuff.

>> No.6659574
Quoted by: >>6659675

What you need is figure drawing and perspective, anatomy comes later. I would separate figure drawing from anatomy, because you don't need anatomy to draw a simple figure, so you should train proportions, gesture, three masses and mannequins.

>> No.6659577
File: 608 KB, 1000x774, file052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659612 >>6659613

>try to draw a box
>last line won't connect because all the verticals are crooked

>> No.6659607
File: 366 KB, 550x588, mouse_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660634

old mouse painting i did a while ago

>> No.6659612
Quoted by: >>6659615

>taking the krenzpill

>> No.6659613

good study

>> No.6659615

isnt it just perspective?

>> No.6659628
File: 752 KB, 619x848, the criaturas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659638 >>6659668

i always feel like my digital coloring and shading are off and janky. Can you guys figure out the core flaws in dis?

>> No.6659638
Quoted by: >>6659936

It's kind of an awkward middle phase between having no real shading and just a bit. I think you should either go flat colors like a cel shaded cartoon, or look into actual rendering.

Right now it just looks like you took an airbrush and did a little gradient of shadow.

>> No.6659649
Quoted by: >>6659666

Why's it always these annoying natural shapes? It's such a hassle to work through, like, roots.

I feel like that when I see people who are worse than me overall but better at drawing from imagination. Also when I see people who are better than me, but whose style I find horrendous.

>> No.6659666

>Why's it always these annoying natural shapes? It's such a hassle to work through, like, roots.
Lost soul.

>> No.6659668
File: 1.92 MB, 1857x1893, 1684407476384551-x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool stuff, i'd say the main problem is the tail creating an unwanted focal point.
you could try to adjust the saturation/value.

try yo apply the theory i added on the bottom so the color doesn't punch you in the eye on unwanted areas, but don't overadjust too much, the psychodelic color thing you are doing is kinda nice.

>> No.6659670
Quoted by: >>6659671

source on the bottom?

>> No.6659671

"Fastest Way to Improve Illustration" (Naoki Saito)
probably can find it on the book thread

>> No.6659672
File: 239 KB, 540x780, tcwx68bqmfmy-705281953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659676

60-30-10% rule strikes again, this time in colouring

>> No.6659675
Quoted by: >>6659689 >>6659708

I see, because some artist say that perspective should be the first thing to learn
so I should practice basic shapes first, right?
what courses do you guys recommend for understanding proportions?
I hate reading books to learn art in specific, it gets boring really quick, I tried loomis, but I couldn't keep going

>> No.6659676
File: 54 KB, 500x500, galaxy-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.”
big, medium, small.

>> No.6659686

very good, gondola made it perfect

>> No.6659689

>so I should practice basic shapes first, right?
>what courses do you guys recommend for understanding proportions?
"the art and science of drawing" (Brent Eviston), has a book and a course, both are great on teaching all the basics. (including shapes)
"keys to drawing" (Bert Dodson) is a an easier introduction, but it's only a book.

>> No.6659690
Quoted by: >>6659692 >>6659693

A work in progress...

I plan on coloring it in Photoshop once it's done,but how does one go about it? I want to preserve the shading of the pencil, yet not have the color "eat" the line work, leaving them black,trying to get color in the white and lighter parts.

>> No.6659692
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x4032, 20230518_074710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long night of box tossing.

>> No.6659693
File: 58 KB, 1100x825, jens-haaning-take-the-money-and-run-2021.-photo_-niels-fab-k-kunsten-museum-of-modern-art-aalborg-1--f71e82082ca511d8b1aa74e167daa3a3eb91d650-s1100-c50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pic bro

>> No.6659699
Quoted by: >>6659720 >>6659737

are you jewish?

>> No.6659706
File: 3.11 MB, 3024x4032, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659779 >>6659915

new layer, paint color, mess around with blend modes.
used "soft light" on the example.

>> No.6659708

Any plate or sight sizing course should work if you only want to learn proportions, but really, it's kinda of a boring subject, it's a fundamental though, just practice it a little everyday and you will get better.

>> No.6659709

How do I get faster at copying? It takes me like an hour just to get a rough and inaccurate version down, let alone refine it.

>> No.6659713

>How do I get faster at copying?
by doing it more and it's not like your copy needs to be 100% accurate anyway

>> No.6659717
Quoted by: >>6659795

if it takes you too much it's probably cause you don't have any process or tools ingrained in your mind.

>identify subject, use mid-point technique.
>shape simplification sketch, big to small.
>make sure proportions are correct.
>fill shapes with outer & inner contours, add basic shading, light to dark.
>add details and final touches.

just grab some good books / courses and keep practicing.

>> No.6659720
Quoted by: >>6659732

No. Why say that?

>> No.6659722
File: 2.12 MB, 4000x3000, garbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659729

low effort garbage but i kinda like it

>> No.6659729

that creature on the right looks pretty sick

>> No.6659732

idk looks like jews escaping auschwitz

>> No.6659734

are you jewish?

>> No.6659737

I don't know, it looks like 9/11 to me

>> No.6659742
Quoted by: >>6659745

What's the rating on draw a box? is it any good?

>> No.6659745
Quoted by: >>6659747

If you want to waste your time, yes then it's good

>> No.6659746
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, uh_oh_stinky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659791


>> No.6659747

k then, what's a good way to learn to draw and see 3D for a total /beg/?

>> No.6659749

open your eyeballs, the world is 3d

>> No.6659750
Quoted by: >>6659773



>> No.6659754
Quoted by: >>6659768

keys to drawing

>> No.6659760
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659915 >>6660028

It's an iconic moment of the story that I am gearing up to produce by pencil drawings of separate elements of the panels forged into panels in Photoshop, and I want full color as well. This is the storyboard it came from,and in a marijuana fueled bolt of inspiration, I did the pose,then decided to go further and add the background and other poses. I am debating whether or not to draw the road tiles by hand or whip one up in Photoshop, and the sky as well.

What I was trying for in the portrait was to capture the incredulity, then the catharsis.

>> No.6659767
File: 79 KB, 368x575, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna draw anime and the likes, thing is I've been struggling to actually draw something off of reference instead of just copying people's stuff

>> No.6659768

KTD does not touch volumetric drawing at all.

>>"the art and science of drawing" (Brent Eviston), has a book and a course, both are great on teaching all the basics.
you probably can find other good learning material that covers that, but it's important they talk about linear perspective, "volumetric drawing" and how to combine, cut and deform volumes.

>> No.6659773

What I got from the first video could be sumarized as angle changes but I guess he didn't know to explain it better. Still this helped me a lot unironically.

>> No.6659779
File: 671 KB, 1540x1718, 1683025876471676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it this way with other works,and was dissatisfied with the results. See how the color clings to the lines,especially on the noses? I would like to keep the lines black,as if I was physically painting india ink lines with water color,like this.

>> No.6659791

the eternal excrement eater...

>> No.6659795
Quoted by: >>6659807

>just grab some good books / courses

>> No.6659807
File: 3.72 MB, 3024x4032, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

> layer order:
> TOP - drawing layer, remove saturation and adjust brightness/contrast. then, set layer to multiply.
> MID - add color.
> BOT - keep it blank.

lol, i'm gonna recommend this 20 times today.
>"Keys to drawing" for total begs
>"The Art and Science of Drawing" book or course (very good)
>probably can find decent stuff in youtube or elsewhere, but only if you know what you want to learn. too many crap to filter.

>> No.6659811
Quoted by: >>6659939


>> No.6659819
File: 178 KB, 1024x512, 2s0nvr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659824

Other than the grey tones disappearing, that's a lot closer than I have achieved. Here is what I got using Color Burn,or Soft Light,I forget. The black lines get colored and turn muddy.

>> No.6659824

if you want to keep more line midtones play around with the brightnes/contrast on top layer.
process is the same.

>> No.6659825
Quoted by: >>6659828

NTA but try this. Put your black and white line work on one layer, and then do your color in a "screen" blending mode layer ABOVE it.

>> No.6659827

I've been through keys to drawing, I was just too lazy to mention it.

>> No.6659828

Correction, should be "multiply" blending mode on the top layer.

>> No.6659852
Quoted by: >>6659893 >>6659938

>start sketching
>put down, like, 90 seconds worth of lines
>completely, abysmally off-model
>close program

Just hit a frustration brick wall. Why's it gotta be so hard.

>> No.6659855
Quoted by: >>6659893

>start sculpting
>spend, like, 90 seconds molesting the clay
>completely, abysmally shapeless
>throw it out

Just hit a frustration brick wall. Why's it gotta be so hard.

>> No.6659879
Quoted by: >>6659893

>be sculpting clay
>spend, like, 90 seconds being molested by retard
>completely misshapen horror
>get thrown out

Just hit a brick wall. Why's it gotta be so hard.

>> No.6659893


>> No.6659899
File: 36 KB, 788x595, mantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get into drawing anon? I started when I was about 1 year old with drawing with my own shit all over the walls.

>> No.6659903
Quoted by: >>6659908 >>6659911

I remember drawing inside the walls of my mother's womb.

>> No.6659908
File: 14 KB, 136x201, cad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why, i remember drawing inside the walls of your mother's womb too

>> No.6659911
File: 71 KB, 480x660, 1676557586118544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659912

I bet you can't draw the mantis.

>> No.6659913
Quoted by: >>6659927

Can you? It's literally just a stick figure with a cylinder attached to the back

>> No.6659915
Quoted by: >>6659976

are you being molested irl? be honest.

>> No.6659927

You can't and that's why you posted the photo and not the picture.

>> No.6659936

tru dat, i think yeah
>relatively low value range wiith a super white area is a punch in the face
>no real palette planned
i probably also fucked myself in the moment i decided that should be white hair kek
also this, honestly it's because i want to do something that looks like a render without really committing to the full 3-4 hours needed

mogs 90% of the board

>> No.6659938
File: 129 KB, 605x807, construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659945 >>6660571

>start laying a brick wall
>put down like 90 seconds worth of bricks and mortar
>completely, abysmally off level
>knock it down

This is gonna be some sketchy construction. Don't lean on it too hard.

>> No.6659939
File: 678 KB, 1844x1393, snowglobe47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Boris,and he was my first character,created when I was just 14.

I had always been drawing as a kid,but two influences pushed me into taking it seriously. The first was Cerebus the Aardvark,an independent comic book whose title character intrigued me by being portrayed as a cartoon while his environment was realistically rendered. The second was some anime movie that somehow made it to air from a local New York City station. I remember that it was fantasy,titled The Princess and the Goblin,or something. The Goblin had the Princess's kingdom ensorcelled in a dream state,and all the servants were transformed into mice,but the clothes wearing kind. I took a huge sheet of paper and started doing comics,because the mouse girl head maidservant was,um,very cute,so I had the start of the adventure Boris just waking up at being a mouseman,remembering being a human being. In later comics,I refer to all species of human as Trueborn,who had subjugated the anthromorph races for eons. But with the introduction of Chaos Magic,a metainfluence that trumps conventional magic that only anthromorphs can wield, a revolution started,and I envisioned a world set in the slavery South where the slaves voodoo suddenly WORKED. We can make Massa's leg fall off if ah waves dis chicken foot! And expotulated from that point : the practitioners were few and far between, and once Massa's leg falls off,he gone be HOPPIN' MAD,Y'ALL! So they became secretive, and looked out for their own. My next character was a female wizard anthromorph named Cassandra, who wound up expostulating all the background material that I needed to explain, and even I found it a boring read. So I made a third character.

Jeremey Prickles.

>> No.6659943
Quoted by: >>6659966 >>6660634

Is it normal to struggle with drawing boxes? holy shit what the fuck. I mean I always drew them isometrically until I realized that perspective exists and not I am incapable of doing them.

>> No.6659945

I don't think that's safe

>> No.6659948
File: 103 KB, 700x625, 20230518_190553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659964 >>6660009

I drew the mantis

>> No.6659955

>deep furry lore
I'm not gonna read all that shit, but it's good if you're having fun with your setting.

>> No.6659964
Quoted by: >>6659973

Look like shit!

>> No.6659966

It's normal to struggle with anything you're not used to drawing.

>> No.6659973
File: 221 KB, 691x1000, 20221029_212013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6659984 >>6660344

It's just my style! Why don't you post your mantis? Fucking faggot crab.

>> No.6659975
File: 526 KB, 594x663, 5-17-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660347

didn't have time to finish the feet before I went to bed, sorry footbros

>> No.6659976
File: 932 KB, 1097x798, snowglobe164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660010 >>6660019

Actually, I do try for a gut reaction to the situation I am trying to illustrate, because I feel deeply for my characters,and if my readers sense these emotions, then I have done my job as a comic storyteller. The rabbit and muskrat anthromorphs were members of an espionage team that toured as a licensed folk band as a cover. Star the rabbit was the singer, and Daisy the muskrat was the gadgeteer,low tech but innovatively employed. Now,with the truce following the official granting of human rights to anthromorphs unilaterally around for over a decade, Daisy is still a radical, but peace is bad for business, there is no need for her kind of McGyvering,and this situation exposes her like an open wound. But all is not doom and gloom. I like screaming Jimmi Eric Slash guitar squeals of emotion of all sorts,and I enjoy delivering catharsis that both haunts and inspires,traumatizes and elates.

Let me show you an example...

>> No.6659982
File: 178 KB, 1200x934, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660009

this is how far i got before csp ate my toolbars and made me too mad to continue working on it

>> No.6659984
Quoted by: >>6660472

Just as I expected. Beglet who love to meme but can't draw for shit.

>> No.6659986

there are anatomic issues but the other anon obviously doesn't love lain
composition and colors make it feel nostalgic in a good way, like I could have found this on a 2000s bbs
her bangs are a different color and that does bother me, it stands out and doesn't look like shading

>> No.6659998
File: 37 KB, 742x684, mantis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660009

here, i did it

>> No.6660009

Reverse pyschology works everytime.

>> No.6660010
File: 174 KB, 1024x1001, Moers-Augenwurst-BM-Berlin-Venice-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660076

kinda reminds me of walter moers, epic

>> No.6660014
File: 1.62 MB, 3024x4032, 20230318_092539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660019 >>6660023

Take these two characters.

Lissanna and Peter.

Lissanna lives in this rural backwater helping her mother run their inn. She dreams of adventure, and likes to pall pal with Jeremey and the Professor, where some will be around eventually.

Along comes Peter,a young conventional magic wielder, on the run from bounty hunters sent by an archmage he escaped from a few years ago. Every romantic entanglement he ever dared let develop has led to seemingly horrible deaths, or so he thinks he witnessed. In a much later storyline, all these seemingly dead girls somehow show up ,wanting to kick his ass for not trying to help them, because he sincerely believes that he saw them die. When they are all together badmouthing him,Jeremey goes outside to Peter,and sees him crying. Jeremey attempts to console him, but Peter is crying because he didn't kill them and this guilt wearing him down has freed them. And he suddenly ambushes the next bounty hunter,and demands to be taken to the archmage. Until this time,far in the future,Peter is deathly afraid of getting involved with anyone, because of this threat hanging over him that destroys anything that he cares about. Reason enough, and noble,but Lissanna isn't convinced. She will love him anyway. And in this pencil grind,I tried to capture that argument.

>> No.6660019
Quoted by: >>6660063

Cool, but who asked?

>> No.6660023
File: 1.70 MB, 1383x836, pyw, now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660724

heya sorry if i keep (you)ing, but have you considered something like an illustrated novel for children-tennagers or maybe even a board game? I feel like comics might not be the best medium for such a complex lore and the intricate illustration style you have

>> No.6660025
File: 338 KB, 865x804, 23.5.18.bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660041 >>6660045


Kinda annoying that I stopped and made a copy to stretch out the abdomen(?) only for it to have been closer in the original.

>> No.6660028
Quoted by: >>6660071

You’ve got something here…. The color drawing reminds me of the art for Quasimoto (the music group). Comic is a mess, wayyyy too much text, but cool

>> No.6660041

accuracy comes with time and practice

>> No.6660042
File: 51 KB, 375x445, ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660124 >>6660634

How is this?

>> No.6660045
Quoted by: >>6660061

should've used the pincer or whatever you wanna call it on the right to measure where the wingtips end or just go full bargue plate autism

>> No.6660061
File: 141 KB, 657x611, 23.5.18.bug2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660126 >>6660282

Drew this bug too

What I should've done is recognized the overlap of the frontmost leg over top of the abdomen, plus the fact that it's basically vertical, but instead I was trying to figure out how the torso(?) connects up and couldn't make sense of it so the whole area suffered.

>> No.6660063
File: 430 KB, 1178x861, snowglobe90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stoned and I felt like it. And to point out the complexities of the characters. What people saw as a cry for help from some misery in the first picture was actually the other rabbit girl Beatrice realizing she didn't screw up the relationship with the first new people she ever met,and they really care about her. To someone who has spent centuries wandering around in this nation sized castle exploring the halted lives of the inhabitants and the only other two people in your world either ignore you or hunt you down to punish you, new people are hard to assimilate. So a little context is required, so no one panics and sends the FBI to rescue me. Excuse my pot babble,but I sometimes have shit to say, especially while I am smoking, and exposition flows out of me,with a few turds of wisdom bobbing along with the rush. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.6660071

That isn't the comic,but a storyboard that I will build the comic from. I am learning pencil drawing again, and I popped in for advice on how to color this portrait. It invited comment,and no I am not being molested just by myself.

>> No.6660076
File: 74 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.2018824257_dn6q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus H Christ on a pogostick,you're RIGHT!

>> No.6660089 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 683x666, mantiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660093

original poster of the pic here, you made me do it.

>> No.6660093
Quoted by: >>6660098

See? a little bit of shit talking and we now have 5 mantis pictures.

>> No.6660098
File: 169 KB, 1368x1418, mantisf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660113

Sorry had to delete missed something, yes, truly amazing. We need to do that more often, otherwise /beg/ won't get to drawing it seems

>> No.6660113


>> No.6660119
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1524, CrabsGoAway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660634

What's your most brutal and honest critique, /ic/?

>> No.6660124

Almost activates the neurons. Almost.

>> No.6660126
File: 44 KB, 759x717, mantis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660313

naisu y dont you try cel shading the dude

>> No.6660139
File: 355 KB, 521x606, D001a_waifu2x_art_noise3_scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660169

trying to make my sketches look better,

>> No.6660152
File: 682 KB, 1636x1436, 1684435306705 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I painted it with acrylic, but i don't know if I made it better or worse, what do you guys think

Thank you, i cant easily fix it because i used some ink, so i guess thats the way it's going to stay

>> No.6660159
Quoted by: >>6660341

Definitely like it with the color.

>> No.6660164
Quoted by: >>6660341

looks awesome dude

>> No.6660169
Quoted by: >>6660334

is that guy falling down or leaning on something? perspective seems off

>> No.6660200
Quoted by: >>6660341

Skin shading is great in terms of shapes, but some areas differ in shading (right/abs have a core shadow, left/face don't). I feel like you started hair and clothes with a too dark color

Awesome anyways m8, trad is unforgiving

>> No.6660265
File: 479 KB, 1536x2048, FwbtpsBXoBMbm8W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660271 >>6660634

I painted some weird towers in gouache. Kind of fun to experiment with the clouds. Would love some feedback.

>> No.6660271
Quoted by: >>6660350

comfy SOVL

>> No.6660282
File: 632 KB, 1027x893, 23.5.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660625 >>6660909

Drew this lady

I can feel myself slowly getting better at 3D forms, forcing myself to start shading stuff was a good idea. Proportions are iffy of course (because I'm bad) but I realize now I really quite dramatically undersized her hands.

>> No.6660288
File: 63 KB, 447x802, fwap shit again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Loomis make his stuff look solid with just lines? I don't get it. I really want to get into line drawing. drawing digitally and drawing from imagination but I have no idea how it works.

>> No.6660290
File: 895 KB, 762x1000, New Project (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660393

Pic related is something I made from observation (sadly a shitty picture with lots of shadows, my picture of the drawing is also bad, sorry). Do I just need more fundies before I go to Loomis or what should I do?

>> No.6660294
Quoted by: >>6660301

>make his stuff look solid with just lines?
you would benefit from watching Will Weston's courses

>> No.6660295
File: 786 KB, 1000x640, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660408 >>6660634

>> No.6660301

Which ones? All of them?

>> No.6660304
File: 205 KB, 1302x679, 2023-05-18-160043667000084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna try tree soon


>> No.6660309
File: 1.67 MB, 3024x4032, 70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a break from wintertodt

>> No.6660313

nice, i had trouble expressing form with that ref. i like how you emphasized the shape design to better convey a 3d form and add gesture.

>> No.6660334

I might need to re-arrange the body parts since I don't want most of that to be visible.

>> No.6660341

thank you guys, im happy that the painting worked. I will continue practicing in this style because it's way more fun than digital for me

>> No.6660344
Quoted by: >>6660469 >>6660472

>prebeg makes up a signature for himself

>> No.6660347

Fokken nice job anon.
Head looks a bit too small in my opinion. but I love your lines

>> No.6660349

I have a weird ego thing where I refuse to draw of reference. I will never improve, it's over.

>> No.6660350


>> No.6660351
Quoted by: >>6660353

How do you get an ego over something you can't do? Do you feel like you're entitled to being a skilled artist?

>> No.6660353

No I just feel like a cheater when doing it

>> No.6660354
File: 244 KB, 569x699, imagen_2023-05-18_153438434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else i can do to this drawing
I should slap some highlights and call it a day?

>> No.6660355

I think "What is the purpose of drawing when I just use reference all the time" It's like photobashing light

>> No.6660357
Quoted by: >>6660362

Were the masters cheating when they used references?

>> No.6660358
Quoted by: >>6660401 >>6660938

remove her clothes also shaven hair looks painted on

>> No.6660360

>I'm a cheater when I use a cookbook to make a recipe
>I'm a cheater when I use sheet music to compose a song
>I'm a cheater when I follow the instruction manual to assemble something
Stop being an idiot.

>> No.6660362
Quoted by: >>6660364 >>6660368

I know they weren't but as as I said it's a weird autism thing or something

>> No.6660364
Quoted by: >>6660372

It's time to get over it.

>> No.6660368
Quoted by: >>6660372

I understand because I was the same way, but you should realize that before you can draw from imagination (= memory), you need to study reality first, and to do that you have to look at reality.

Even Kim Jung Gi would sit down and draw scenes around him. If you don't practice drawing with references, your drawing from imagination will suffer

>> No.6660370
Quoted by: >>6660401

I'd change the bar color or add one of those brass things to make it more readable

>> No.6660372

aaaaa okay I will drink a bottle of wine now and do it

>> No.6660379
Quoted by: >>6660380 >>6660381

Do you have to have a niche? I don't want to just paint portraits or plants all the time But also sometime I'd like to paint those. Is it possible to gain a following even though you paint different subjects? Say a bird one day, a portrait one day, some weird giger-esque architecture one day, a robot another day, then a bird again. Or do you have to be the bird-guy, or the portrait guy? It seems people have very narrow choices of subjects. Or is that perhaps a consequence of them eventually focusing down on what they enjoy the most?

>> No.6660380

It's the latter.

>> No.6660381

If they have a common thread (style, feel, etc), I think you can do different things, because they are not really different

>> No.6660393
File: 75 KB, 447x802, 1684439646439093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660412

You kinda have to decide where to put the lines, and also wing it a lot with quick strokes Also use line weight. You kinda get the hang of it. Your pen for the loomis thing was waaay too thin for the drawing tho
Line weight was probably not the factor tho i did picrel with mouse and paint but yea it changes a lot
this is prettygud, are you sure you aren't just psyopping yourself to suck in the loomis exercise? If so another course would be the last thing you need

>> No.6660397
File: 452 KB, 1080x916, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660402 >>6660422

Did the tree

>> No.6660401
File: 407 KB, 670x760, imagen_2023-05-18_160501562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty, i think it looks better now
a what?
I should adjust the saturation?

>> No.6660402
Quoted by: >>6660414

Very cool
Add some hard edges and blend the lines a little to make it pop

>> No.6660408
File: 369 KB, 3621x1934, layers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot that atmosphere is a thing
even if the village isn't that far away adding some fog/lowering the contrast will help you add depth
pic related

>> No.6660412

I have no clue how how line drawings work. I don't really know where I want my lines because I don't know which ones would communicate what I want. With the pelvis I have hatching and what not to indicate form, but I have no idea how you use lines to emphasize forms like Loomis does. I find it very discouraging because this is within the 1st couple pages and I already feel like the book is far beyond me.

>> No.6660414

Aw gee thanks anon! I'll do my best

>> No.6660421

You learn that stuff by practice.

Loomis' drawings in the book are way more advanced than what a beginner is capable of, that's true.

>> No.6660422

i like

>> No.6660431

i'll post example in a sec

>> No.6660466

Do you really need to learn fundies? Is it not a meme? Like copying bridgeman twice, what the fuck for what? It's all literally just drawings of people. Whats the difference to just copying anime?

>> No.6660467
File: 313 KB, 320x240, lllllllllllllllllll_out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660480

aright, the result came out kinda cursed but you get the idea
my 5 cents on lines:
>cartoon lines are very much more difficult on graphic tablet, maybe try very soft pencils like 7b or markers
>i first started using more dynamic lines by pressing really hard on paper and trying to really scrape the pencil or marker quickly on it before being able to make them more loosely
>cartoons like loomis teach you dis very quickly
>learning to line is building up some sort of "Library" of automated lines, like very curve, elyptical, straight, jagged etc that you make by instinct. The author of chainsaw man has like a ton of those and so he has epic linework
>use thicker brush m8

50 hours sleepless rn feelsbadman

>> No.6660468

copy morpho simplified forms

>> No.6660469
Quoted by: >>6660478 >>6660483

>he doesn't have a signature
lmaoing at your life
good luck filing your taxes, unperson

>> No.6660472

fucking plebbit rejects

>> No.6660478

>filing taxes
Grandpa, I

>Do you really need to learn fundies?
Well yes, but that's not the same as saying you need to study them explicitly per-se. If you just drew buildings in your neighborhood for fun for a month you'd learn the gist of perspective.
>Like copying bridgeman twice, what the fuck for what?
>Whats the difference to just copying anime?
Anime consists of extremely stylized and reduced forms. It's sort of like learning a language by studying slang - it's not useless, it's just kind of the wrong way around. It's harder to wrap your head around the 3D forms and to comprehend the decisionmaking behind each line. But if it makes the difference between studying and not studying, it's best to do the thing that gets you motivated enough to study. In the end you just need mileage.

>> No.6660480

I still don't really think I understand much about line drawing, but thank you for trying. I have to go to bed now, I'll look at this again when I wake up and see if I can glean anything then.

>> No.6660481

if all you want to draw is anime girls and nothing else you're in ngmi territory

>> No.6660482
File: 1.37 MB, 1414x800, Sun Ken Rock Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I would do something besides doodling, so I'm copying a manga page right now. Love this dude's art.
I haven't really copied anything before besides that upside down Picasso, so I'm pretty satisfied. Besides honing observation skills, is there any other purpose to copying other people's work? I feel like it's more for the fun of drawing something way out of your league.

And now I see I gotta redo the right collarbone. whew

>> No.6660483
Quoted by: >>6660500

chill pal, I'm just poking some fun at signing your prebeg scribbles like they're finished art. No need to lose your mind over it lmao

>> No.6660487
Quoted by: >>6660506

my suggestion is don't worry about hatching and shit for now. just focus on proportions

>> No.6660489
Quoted by: >>6660506

I like that you're committing to actually doing a big piece. It's something I'm still working up to

>> No.6660490
Quoted by: >>6660506

damn, this is way past /beg/, looking good

>> No.6660494

Work out your subject's form in sketchbooks, then use these studies to draw them in a serious work.

>> No.6660500

Yeah, I mostly just want to date them, and not signing them at the same time feels weird.

>> No.6660506

>don't worry about hatching
It looks so good though. Hatching always impressed me.
>just focus on proportions
Any pointers? Personally I feel the right eye is off ever so slightly because I made the nose bridge a bit too wide.
I feel like these things are best done with a light heart. You're going to hate noticing mistakes after working yourself up to finally do it. Just do it brah.

Thanks friend. Don't be deceived though, it took me like 8 hours to draw what I have now.

>> No.6660547

Based, should have done a sketch first to nail proportions, but you went tryhard, I respect that.

>> No.6660550
Quoted by: >>6660673

It's a hood ornament. I had very little time, and I was standing.
I didn't have time to do the shadow dark, I had to go.

>> No.6660552

Nice. One of the eyes is drifting off to the side, though.

>> No.6660571


>> No.6660578

Color is better. Other was good but this is a clear improvement.

>> No.6660598
File: 833 KB, 2915x2230, 20230518_192935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660616

I used to think like you.
Left is one of my better drawings trying to construct from imagination.
Right is the sketch I started last night but am too tired to work on today that's from a photo.
You can call it cheating all you like. Trying to sketch without reference as beg is a waste of time. I only draw a few hours a week and sometimes not at all. There's four months between left and right.
It's not cheating. Your only cheating yourself by trying out your way. I wasted months on it. Trust me, switch to drawing from reference.

>> No.6660616
Quoted by: >>6660623

left: sovl
right: sovless

>> No.6660623
File: 657 KB, 1784x2334, 20230518_195344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660628 >>6660633

Okay, scary so you think of this? It was one of the last times I was high before I quit weed. It was supposed to be SC exercise where I draw four circles in four corners and make four heads, but I kept making the first head smaller and smaller until it turned into a snap back miter and I decided he was niggerbishop and now the other four circles are some thot he's peeping on through a window.

God I miss weed sometimes.

>> No.6660625
File: 354 KB, 988x331, 23.5.18.bargue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6661024

I sat down to start Bargueing, but after like ten minutes the references have already stopped looking like eyes and started looking like random lines, like when you say a word too many times and it stops sounding real.

Anyways I'm developing a bad habit of using short sketchy lines with my wrist to find where things are supposed to go but I don't really know with what to replace it.

>> No.6660628

>what do you think of this*

I fucking hate samsung keyboard. The Google one was better.

>> No.6660633
Quoted by: >>6660646

I think the one on the right is definitely better anon, I was just doing the /ic/ meme of calling prebeg drawings soulful compared to much nicer drawings.
I enjoyed reading the tale about that drawing though. I can tell you're a tit guy by your drawings

>> No.6660634
File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1440, 296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660641

Hello beg. Yesterday i didnt draw because i was archiving old youtube videos before they remove inactive accounts. Today i drew.

i kneel
observation, perspective, line control, feeling the form, gesture, figures, color theory, rendering, composition, appeal... there are many different fundies and you kinda need them all to get anywhere.
render the bar she is lying her hands on lmao. like this it looks like she is hovering in space. it is okay to blurry background but her hands are literally touching a table. That table cannot be "background"
the rabbit is dope. the background not so much
this could outright go into some comic or video games. pro tier
i kneel
there arent enough value differences on the forms. the contour hatching is saving it but you want the values to work as well. Look at how dark the outline is. Why isnt a single surface on her as dark as that outline? You drew the hair as it is a solid form, you probably dont want to do that, do some studies of hair.
yes, they are very easy to fuck up and even easier to spot the mistakes
the comic has too much text for my taste but art wise i like it a lot
you get slightly faster every time you draw
superb! i kneel
when you are drawing humans in 99% cases all you need is to make them proportional to the bakground. Aka if there are doors or windows or car somewhere, you need to use perspective to find out the height of the figure relative to the door height. Like this https://archive.org/details/PerspectiveMadeEasy/page/n99
If you want to be hardcore about it, look up framed perspective volume 2, there they put whole body into cube
all i see is noise. i believe CSP has multiple noise generators. just put the noise into new layer and make it like 80% transparent
PYMW (post your moms work)
happy and soulful doggo

>> No.6660641

>was archiving old youtube videos before they remove inactive accounts
They will only remive inactive accounts who never posted videos though.
Thanks fir the feedback btw.

>> No.6660646
File: 1.35 MB, 2538x3056, 20230429_210212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6661028

Actually I'm an ass man. (pic is me learning you cant use gel pens like colored pencil) But it's pretty close. I like any sexy part, really. I can even see how guys can be into feet.
Also, I just went to play store and downloaded google keyboard. I can't take that wonky shit anymore. This is so much better! Now I have to retrain it to type swear words!
I'm glad you liked the story. I've had a rough day and these little interactions help.

>> No.6660659

Think of the fundies like a representation that some old masters came up of how they did stuff, meaning they are the closest we artist have to objective feedback, because after all, art is subjective. Now, you have a lot of options inside this, you can reject fundies, and do a Picasso/Modern art stuff, you can learn them the classical way, you can learn them through the art you like, and a lot of other shit.
>Is it not a meme?
It is in the classical sense, of the Carl Sagan definition and whatever. If you meant that they are a joke, then no, it is just a way for we to explain art.
>Whats the difference to just copying anime?
Well, it really depends, if you are happy with a generic moe style, then sure, just copy anime, but Bridgman serves to drill you anatomic shapes and forms, so, if you wish to draw muscles, you should study Bridgman some time.

>> No.6660673

That explained absolutely nothing. So what I see is a dog with a Darth Vader mask riding on a tempura shrimp.

>> No.6660724
File: 331 KB, 1000x1500, IMAG002 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally planned on newspaper sized strips that would be cobbled together in Photoshop, so I can produce them efficiently by recycling imagery where I could and consistently have a weekly update. But life dragged me to waiting rooms,and I christened a new sketchbook with a drawing of a demon head, and that spawned an epic 180+ strips so far. These started out very crudely, since I was just idly doodling, and building a premise through dialogue and scenery,inviting the viewer to speculate about the backstory of the events depicted. So my current project is to retell the story in this Photoshop forged way,but not until I grind enough pencil drawings of my characters to be able to capture their look distinctively and consistently. I am just exploring, and then I need it full color. Once I recreate 20 or so strips,I will shop them around and get it syndicated. A lot of work ahead of me,but the results will be...mine.

>> No.6660757
Quoted by: >>6660773 >>6660778

Is buying a "digital artschool" like the course of marc brunet? I have the feeling it's a scam, or underwhelming. I mean I could torrent it, but lets say I could get any course I want, which one should I get? I need stuff that has a study plan, assignments etc.

>> No.6660773

You haven been asking stupid questions as a form of procastination for far too long. Just fucking download a beginner course and start watching and drawing along. Why are you so lazy?

>> No.6660778

You like the idea of drawing but you afraid of putting in the actual work to get good at it or even to start drawing at all.

>> No.6660877
Quoted by: >>6660903

I hate linearting so god damn much. Having to redraw the entire line because one spot got wonky and the whole thing looks bad, this is masochism!

>> No.6660903

personally i just draw shapes

>> No.6660909
File: 209 KB, 981x782, 1678713948735195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6660921

Cool reference Anon, I'm looking for advice as well so figured I'd try it to get an idea of where to go next. I pretty much just did gestures for a few months and feel like I need to study construction/perspective/anatomy. Should I do Drawabox next?

>> No.6660921

Yes, study construction/form/anatomy. No, don't do drawabox. You should get into figure drawing. A good progression is Hampton -> Bridgman

>> No.6660923
Quoted by: >>6660946 >>6660996

Thanks, I'll look into them. Why do you disrecommend Drawabox?

>> No.6660929
Quoted by: >>6660936 >>6660996

>tell beg to draw human while they can't even feel the forms
Crabby lead people astray.

>> No.6660936
Quoted by: >>6660939 >>6661031

>uhhhh you didn't do the 2000 cylinder challenge? the 500 dodecahedrons? you can't even feel the form, have you even done the 359 escherian stairwell challenge? go back to grinding kid you'll never make it

>> No.6660938

um based

>> No.6660939
Quoted by: >>6660940

translation: I can't feel the forms! And I'll pull everyone down to my level by posting "X fundies are meme"
Beglets like yourself are pathetic.

>> No.6660940
Quoted by: >>6660942

I'm feeling your mom's forms right now

>> No.6660942

Still can draw what you felt in 2d paper and make it look 3d. Shame.

>> No.6660946

Seconding this question.

>> No.6660975
File: 3.81 MB, 2048x2783, skate park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it, i finished something thats not a sketch for once. Man, even if its not great it feels good to finally get out my comfort zone. Thanks everyone that helped me.

>> No.6660976

it's charming anon, good job

>> No.6660977

Congrats anon, looks cute.

>> No.6660996
Quoted by: >>6661001

you want to do figures, right? Get into figure drawing.

at his level he can do fucking figure drawing, my crab

>> No.6661001
Quoted by: >>6661029

>tell people to learn the basic first = crab
>want to draw figure? just do it lol.
What a retard.

>> No.6661024

I think that's the point. You gotta stop drawing eyes, and just copy the lines exactly.

>> No.6661028

Maybe you should just get a PC and type your posts on a real keyboard.

>> No.6661029
Quoted by: >>6661033

>Want to ask out a girl
>Read 50 repill pua books and never leave your bedroom
Congrats, retard

>> No.6661031

Post your cubes

>> No.6661033
Quoted by: >>6661034 >>6661059

>having girl friend
>on /ic/

>> No.6661034
Quoted by: >>6661036

I can't help you with a gf, true, but I can help you draw a gf. And if you want to do figure drawing, you have to fail, and fail, and fail again. It's part of the process bro. Stop dancing around the issue and tackle your problem head on.

>> No.6661036
Quoted by: >>6661039 >>6661089

You are truely delusional. Sad.

>> No.6661039
Quoted by: >>6661089

how? Are you stupid?

>> No.6661059

>no counter-argument
Concession accepted

>> No.6661062
Quoted by: >>6661103

>triggered beglet still seething
Damn. Beglets playing gurus in this gen is a wild thing to see.

>> No.6661080
File: 180 KB, 800x879, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6661089

happy friday /beg/

>> No.6661089



>> No.6661096
File: 1.10 MB, 1382x872, 20230519_120256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6661098 >>6661138

I am trying to learn to draw so i can learn anatomy or perspective fundamental but i'm struggling with understanding 3d shapes/spaces, I keep trying to draw a 3d box in a certain angle but i end up drawing a flat mess, should i stop using a white blank canvas and switch to grid books for practice? I can't study anatomy nor perspective until i train my 3D intuitions.

>> No.6661098

put a tissue box on your desk and look at it while you draw

>> No.6661103

>this gen
What? What gen? Generation? Speak English, motherfucker

>> No.6661138

>I can't study ... perspective until i train my 3D intuitions.

anon what do you think the purpose of studying perspective is

>> No.6661172
File: 612 KB, 1500x1800, 2023-05-19-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some quad studies

>> No.6661185


>> No.6661392
Quoted by: >>6661734

>underboob gone
still very cute anon, great work

>> No.6661734

its a boy, baka

>> No.6661739
Quoted by: >>6662615

anyone know where this is from?

>> No.6662615

That's from one of those "Morpho" books. I bought them, bit they helped only a little. What helped me more is actually drawing as well

>> No.6663077
File: 1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 20230520_095154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6663093

I am digging into a bix if my old art,and here is the very first picture of Boris,done when I was 14.

>> No.6663093
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 20230520_100145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Boris comics from then.