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>> No.7432234 [View]
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7377098 [View]
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An iconic moment in the story. As I plan on redoing this storyline in my new art style, I thought of how many years it would take to reach this point,and wept.

>> No.7332679 [View]
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>> No.7209355 [View]
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one especially.

I will eventually make a full color remake of this story. But not anytime soon. I wanted to make this iconic moment, and after lamenting the years it would take,had the inspiration to do that panel,and I added the castle afterwards.

My Pieta.

>> No.7056582 [View]
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an iconic moment of the story I was telling. My La Pieta.

>> No.6964473 [View]
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through writing about their lives,putting them through shit just for your audience's amusement, you connect with them. That extreme of feeling is what you want to convey.

>> No.6812243 [View]
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience with making this story was profoundly religious.

It started with a random drawing of a demon head, and finding myself thinking about how it could exist in the World,and 180+strips later,I have been as amazed at how the story played out. This scene was so Iconic to me,I spent 3 weeks drawing the I Forgive You panel full page with the castle looming in the background, and I call it my Pieta ,Michelangelo's statue of Mary cradling her dead Son. The story leading up to this moment would explain the magnitude of the emotions in play for these characters, and I felt compelled to capture the moment in monumental clarity. "She deserves what I am going to do to her."

Doing this story has been like being a spectator of my own work,the story bouncing around in my head as the pen struggles to catch up. And what I could call wisdom somehow pops out of the mouths of my characters because that is what they would say then and there. My wisdom,or,to be fair,theirs? Through them it came and only through them will more come. For the world needs wisdom.

Even the song that I consider J___'s theme is quasi-religious, at least I interpret it in J___'s case:


>> No.6686368 [View]
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Not a love story at all.

I was going for an epiphany, where a character expects to be punished for her actions, but received understanding instead.

>> No.6659760 [View]
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It's an iconic moment of the story that I am gearing up to produce by pencil drawings of separate elements of the panels forged into panels in Photoshop, and I want full color as well. This is the storyboard it came from,and in a marijuana fueled bolt of inspiration, I did the pose,then decided to go further and add the background and other poses. I am debating whether or not to draw the road tiles by hand or whip one up in Photoshop, and the sky as well.

What I was trying for in the portrait was to capture the incredulity, then the catharsis.

>> No.6644930 [View]
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One more.

A moment that I am looking forward to reillustrating,just to capture those looks.

>> No.6629254 [View]
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To tell stories.

To let a bunch of characters be themselves, and marvel at their lives even as I am giving them life.

>> No.6416457 [View]
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Also,exploring the Delusion aspect of the writing and world building, and am I succeeding in conveying a world unto itself, with art and plot and will the details be retained long enough to support the Lore of it all. Am I telling my story competently? The art isn't Mcfarlane, merely "me": a headlong rush into the unknown, stumbling momentum of Art inspiring Writing inspiring Art. I feel compelled to tell stories, and have jlimited free time due to a long commute. So,I started another sketchbook comic,the full telling of the OyOy. I realize that I have limited time, and I would serve Mankind by creating as much of this story as I can. Even I sit amazed at what my characters say,and what turns out is as much as a surprise to me as my readers. So,even if the art is not grade A,maybe the writing will make up for it.

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