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File: 61 KB, 828x524, D30E6C4A-3C06-4D3B-93C4-96FE56875834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25529132 No.25529132 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>25523735 # # #


>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMGWE6dJiw [Open] [Open] [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvoaU44ngTY [Open] [Open] [Open]


>SEC lawsuit

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.25529204

never selling

>> No.25529228
File: 832 KB, 2700x876, 1609762111845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529234

im selling
fudders got very excited

>> No.25529243
File: 483 KB, 1280x809, BasedChainBacker and BabbyCucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have won.

>> No.25529273
File: 161 KB, 1165x1075, ayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529450

Reminder that if you're poor like me, it's a lot more fun to put in your 10 (20k) dollars and get a dopamine rush to your added stack than if you're throwing thousands of dollars into your zerp bag

>> No.25529291

holding on for dear life

>> No.25529295

Meme lines have never meant much for xrp, especially not now that we're in the middle of an sec lawsuit.

>> No.25529320
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1594360214683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530301


>> No.25529354
Quoted by: >>25529402

oh God that tweet. admitting to becoming loaded from crypto is a good way to get burgled or have a crazy ex from the past come after you. i'm not telling a soul besides my dad, he just found out about bitcoin today, bless him

>> No.25529357

Oh man, every fud campaign against XRP just makes me more lustful to use scorched-earth on /biz/, just the moment the XRP rocket lifts of start massive campaigns to lure normies to /biz/
pure... spite...

>> No.25529365
File: 74 KB, 554x554, 15985017514845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531810

I can barely feel these lumens anymore

>> No.25529372

Everyone get their screen caps ready once we start mooning to the cosmos

>> No.25529379
Quoted by: >>25529422

hello sirs how to buys sparks?

>> No.25529389
File: 1.08 MB, 261x293, green-wojak-riding-green-arrow-sideways.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529402
Quoted by: >>25533992

I can't wait to call my friend at like 4 am and tell him I'm rich and removing all his debt as repayment for being a good boy to me his whole life

>> No.25529403
File: 657 KB, 1759x594, xrp im out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529416

digits and I will tell my prophecy

>> No.25529422

there is SPARK on uniswap, it says ECR20 but it's the real stuff, I guarantee

>> No.25529430
File: 46 KB, 570x624, meme when no one believed but you were right smug gloat baby goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529450
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I put in 400 dollars, if this doesn't pay off i'll quit off crypto and know it was a bad choice

>> No.25529511
Quoted by: >>25529566

Wagmi boys, holding forever never selling..call the SEC I don't give a fuck

>> No.25529540

could this shit actually moon to 1,000? Iron grip on my stack atm, getting hyped up ove the OCC

>> No.25529566

Well worth it. If we moon you'll be a millionaire. XRP is logically the best choice to invest in, so whatever the outcome your decision to invest is a good one.


Double it, to start.

>> No.25529583


>> No.25529593
Quoted by: >>25529717

getting hyped anon. LETS GOOOOOO

>> No.25529617
File: 51 KB, 474x322, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25536012

>> No.25529626
Quoted by: >>25529717

Well i hope you're right, i almost just blew my brains out

>> No.25529631

Can somebody explain the appeal of XRP? What makes people have so much faith in it?

>> No.25529652

I implore you to struggle and contend even in the face of great adversity my friend. don't give up on your xerps during the likely coming hardships.
but yeah it's xrp or bust, fuck other coins besides my tiny bit of xlm

>> No.25529691

pray for friday

>> No.25529694
File: 156 KB, 600x600, 8EFCF81B-3736-4D01-93E4-240397BCC0D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does $2500 sound?

>> No.25529717

Just have to hold lads. NEVER sell before we moon, even then don't sell it all-that's the start.

We're at least 100 generals past spoon feeding. We don't need normies to buy it to pump it. DYOR, starting with the OP.

>> No.25529735

Has XLM ever been priced higher than XRP before? Because it's about to happen tonight.
Oh and need to remove the Mellon threads from OP

>> No.25529745

It takes 60 times longer for payments to settle through USDC than through XRP (5s vs 5m).

>> No.25529755
File: 54 KB, 287x400, AC277ACC-AF9C-4BD3-980A-EC891128DB9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It scales up.

>> No.25529781
Quoted by: >>25529940

Keep your filthy hands off Mellon

>> No.25529789
File: 1.21 MB, 500x7724, 1609236953348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25529804
File: 60 KB, 654x421, milin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529952

double checked
I can't wait to buy berserk statues

>> No.25529805

that not a fight worth fighting, the 3 coordinated Mellon-shills will waste another 150 threads derailing and whining like babies to get that back

>> No.25529818
File: 2.11 MB, 360x360, 1609594923299.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534095

I woke up, had a bunch of saliva in my mouth, opened my mouth because I didn't realize it and now there's just a tennis ball sized wet spot on my sheets.
I never do this. This is a sign. We are going to 2k, and beyond.

>> No.25529820

>this is the guy telling you to take your meds

>> No.25529833

if only XRP would moon the distance my sides have

>> No.25529893
Quoted by: >>25529952

damn I wish I had read this before putting $700USD into XLM and $300USD into XRP

>> No.25529906
File: 164 KB, 1440x1318, 20210104_204213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how many of you are serious about being a Christian and loving Jesus but those few who are serious I'm asking you to pray for me. I know I'm a sinner in the hands of an angry God. I am as sinful of a sinner as a sinner can be. I am a useless dirty muk covered sponge in the trash with no hope other than Christ picking me up out of my pool of sin and washing me clean. Please pray that I don't have to go to jail because I'm really really scared God is going to send me. Pray that God will use any other means of saving me from my sin. I want to love Jesus I want to stop sinning I want Jesus to replace my desire and lust for evil with His blood that He shed for me. Please pray that He lets me get better.
- 44k stack sinneranon

>> No.25529940

god-damnit, you've woken them

>> No.25529943
File: 443 KB, 932x973, brute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wyckoff Accumulation

>> No.25529949
File: 149 KB, 724x345, A3AD32F3-F22C-443E-BF86-271603C2E51B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mellon stays but after February he gets the delete.
Wow cool I love the fud of pathetic no lifers putting together a bunch of random bullshit, just like the “one world gas token fud” you’ll be debunked. Oh short terms gains is what you want? Ok Rajeev.

>> No.25529952

Some fella in /pmg/ has a solid silver Britannia statue, that'd be something to see.

Better sell low then!

>> No.25529965
File: 196 KB, 1200x800, wef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25530032

Christ loves you, anon. He isn't a vengeful God. He loves you. Love Him, and your heart will bend away from sinning out of desire to be like Him. Focus on loving Him, anon, and listen to the synchronicities He sends you. Patterns are the language of the universe. Spend a little time in nature and talk to Him, too. I'll pray for you, brother.

>> No.25530076
File: 94 KB, 903x597, its all coming together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530216

Posting again for schitzos in the back


>> No.25530090

so I currently have all my XRP on binance in the US as XRP/USDT
If tether fails this will fuck me, yeah?
my binance account also seems to have just froze today for no reason
so I'm thinking I use a VPN in a country kraken supports and make an account, that or bitstamp, and transfer it there and convert to XRP/USD
will this work, does this even matter?

>> No.25530121
Quoted by: >>25530652

100% guarantee this anon will rope if and when XRP moons to 4 digits. This type of behaviour is really sad. He obviously invested because of other people and not because of his research. NGMI

>> No.25530206

Get it off the exchanges.

>> No.25530216

Has anyone ever explained why the SEC was running a node even though they're reeeing about xrp being a security?

>> No.25530243

He's going to end up like that guy who sold eth right before the moonshot. Many such cases!

>> No.25530259

Thread theme


>> No.25530260

Put your shit in a wallet you silly shit

>> No.25530301

Never stop posting this. Sorry anons, I've missed a few threads. Anything newsworthy?

>> No.25530304

Is goybase a wallet?

>> No.25530328

i've been trying to accumulate more, my ledger nano is waiting
but OK i'll do that first
if binance won't let me buy anymore, is my OG plan reasonable?

>> No.25530337
Quoted by: >>25530382

Goybase is also an exchange but they do have a wallet and it's the one I use

>> No.25530363

Question for the thread, can I trust 1k xrp on xumm?

>> No.25530367

how much do you have?

>> No.25530382

Okay cool thank you, I use RH for stocks so I was confused.

>> No.25530430
Quoted by: >>25530568

With my wealth I'm going to help build the first off world farming operation in orbit.

>> No.25530432

or what
what happens if i just leave it in coinbase

>> No.25530435

>1 post by this ID
>asks how much of the standard you hold

>> No.25530449

>what are you tweeting?
"suck my dick niggers, im rich!"

>> No.25530479


>> No.25530481
Quoted by: >>25530529

>is my OG plan reasonable
Don't the exchanges ask for your ID so it matches your location. I'm not sure of the viability of that. I doubt XRP moons big before it's relisted anyways lad

>> No.25530488
File: 65 KB, 447x862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 4k at the moment
but I was just playing with funds for profit the past week so I could double my stack
I have 10k worth of XRP in in BNB/USDT It looks like i'll have to transfer elsewhere to buy
also wanted some more XLM but this is stressin me out

>> No.25530506
Quoted by: >>25530532

I don't think Twitter likes the n-word though.

>> No.25530513

do i need a wallet? im confused about it?

>> No.25530514

This is it.

>> No.25530524

No, you have to digitally download your XRP, print them out and put it in your physical wallet.

>> No.25530529

they only need your id for deposits and withdraws of fiat, so far I've been just sending coins between exchanges for the play money and then sending it back to my wallet

>> No.25530532

ill write it on a piece of paper and tweet that picture

>> No.25530544

It's just safe. We're talking about potential millions here

>> No.25530549

>the left cant meme

>> No.25530558
Quoted by: >>25530588

what exchange is that? coinbase pro?

>> No.25530559

yeah DS suggested xumm as a wallet so its pretty safe imo

>> No.25530568
Quoted by: >>25534201

I'll rescue the British primitive goat from near extinction.

>> No.25530588


>> No.25530590
Quoted by: >>25530624

hey can somone post that greentext from that guy about market makers and autonmous robots creating feedback loops etc. it was the one with shaggy hittin the joint.

>> No.25530617

so if now banks can hold money on private blockchains or even create own coins how XRP will fit to it? doesnt XRP was about to rule them all? and now banks could just create their own so what advantages ripple have?
Its much better for banks to use XLM which is the same technology as ripple and print whatever they want without risk of dumping the price by old holders

>> No.25530624
File: 891 KB, 847x2086, deus ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530744


>> No.25530640

I'll use my wealth to creampie Thai girls

>> No.25530651
Quoted by: >>25530819

well if you're right i'm glad i didn't blow my brains out earlier

>> No.25530652

Kill yourself Frank

>> No.25530683

They better be of age, you sexpest or i'll use my wealth to pay the local muay thai guys to beat your ass.

>> No.25530696
File: 75 KB, 369x583, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25530718
Quoted by: >>25530850

Yes exactly anon, we all sold XRP its over. XLM is the way, glad you figured it out

>> No.25530737

How does making the world a better place sound like ?

>> No.25530744


>> No.25530757


>> No.25530758


how do u put it in a wallet

>> No.25530806

Stellar (XLM) runs on Ripple. XRP will act as an interledger between banks.
Basically it will work like this.
USDC > US Bank > JP Bank > JPC

>> No.25530809
Quoted by: >>25531000

Will this be the final dip for xrp? BULLISH


>> No.25530819
Quoted by: >>25530927

there's so many true believers here throwing big bucks into XRP. Who knows if it'll go to 2k or even stop there but it's most definitely going to 4 digits. You're gonna make it

>> No.25530836
File: 163 KB, 1623x213, 5C1F674E-8260-4FB7-A2A9-537BBC99F29B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530850

What would you say to this person?

>> No.25530850

My stomach still turns when I read this sort of post. kek.

ya dun goofed

>> No.25530872
Quoted by: >>25530925

cmon man, you can figure that out. choose a wallet, make your wallet, then send from the exchange to your wallet address

>> No.25530879
Quoted by: >>25530976

what are reliable wallets?

is uphold going to cancel the coin?

>> No.25530897

so im actually DYORing
when idiots say xrp is centralized and its supposedly bad dont they realize the nodes themselves are decentralized and its an infinitely better system than something like BTC/ETH where the nodes are centralized to china

>> No.25530925
Quoted by: >>25530960

can a coinbase wallet take from lets say kraken or uphold

>> No.25530927

I don't know, hopefully it can buy me happiness at least

>> No.25530930
Quoted by: >>25531076

Download Xumm
Open account
Transfer minimum 20 XRP to activate said account
Enjoy your new account

**When you'll send from an exchange to your wallet, it's gonna ask you for a TAG, you won't need one since it's gonna be YOUR wallet.

>> No.25530959
Quoted by: >>25531388

Literally the only downside to xrp is the amount as the creators have. If that was somehow taken care of

>> No.25530960
Quoted by: >>25531076

yes wallets are wallets, no more spoonfeed

>> No.25530976
Quoted by: >>25534851

Search I think Mansur guide on paper wallet you can't go wrong with it, is the most secure option.

>> No.25530974

Bait but for all new schizos, you can buy zerps on an exchange then send your zerps to any wallet and cold storage is preferred like ledger nano but dyor x2

>> No.25530975
Quoted by: >>25531388

It's mad isn't it? Soon we'll hear:

'Bitcoin has no clothes'

And the rug will be pulled.

>> No.25530983
File: 209 KB, 641x680, Ei8q1bxWAAAy66X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531165


>> No.25531000

Explain in your own words precisely why this is bullish for XRP. I truly don't think you can

>> No.25531015
File: 156 KB, 2048x1103, 1609398202077tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531388

They're blinded by ego and "number go up". Once the market retraces/crashes, you'll see their true colors and then they'll start eating up the CCP narrative. For now they're on cloud 9 and nothing can bring them down...

>> No.25531034

their description of usecase is the exact definition of ripple and only ripple
like read the tweet
then go to the ripple website
damn that was hard

>> No.25531076


thank you i appreciate it

>> No.25531096
File: 750 KB, 1664x1404, 5E6AB37A-11A2-4B26-BD14-997BA041FFDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top: Definition of XRP from Ripple’s website. Bottom: From the OCC tweet.

>> No.25531109

They were hoping nobody would notice if they didnt mention it.

>> No.25531165

can i make her my gf

>> No.25531174

mother of god. if this is real, i have made the gamble of a lifetime.

>> No.25531175
Quoted by: >>25531214

where can you find that xrp live ledger info site with the good UI and shows where money is coming from and where

>> No.25531199
File: 843 KB, 680x950, 1606089262422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531230


>> No.25531214


>> No.25531221

Checked and because if the banks start upgrading and leave the old system by using blockchain then they can start using and trade cypto and convert usd to usdc. Xrp is the fastest and Ripple has already partnered with major banks and that will lead to competition and then all the banks are going to want xrp so we become the new bankers. Stupid easy money desu. Trump will win and take 30 billion zerps to kill the debt and then kill the jews.

>US Treasury OCC, the largest US banking regulator...

>new guidance allowing US banks to use public blockchains and dollar stablecoins as a settlement infrastructure in the US financial system...

>> No.25531230


>> No.25531281
Quoted by: >>25531640

with the coinbase wallet, when they delist xrp, does it get removed from ur coinbase wallet

>> No.25531300
File: 853 KB, 674x601, Screenshot 2021-01-04 at 9.14.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535441

I will be able to add a breeding pair of these beauties to my collection

>> No.25531301

Every sect of BIZ is currently claiming Allaire's tweets as being bullish for their respective cryptocurrency.

The ETH clan suggests ERC20 will be used by the govt, and suggests the recent pump in price comes from insider trading.

Others suggest this is best for XLM holders or even ALGO

I'm not fudding, but why are we so sure he is talking about XRP here

>> No.25531341
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20210104_212120654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all those saying XLM & Stellar

Read this article


>> No.25531346
Quoted by: >>25532046

how about you read the thread

>> No.25531358
Quoted by: >>25532046


>> No.25531374

You can't really that's why it's best to diversify. I have enough in XRP and XLM to make it, and enough in ETH to probably break even since I FUCKING HATE ETH

>> No.25531375

Pretty clear when combined with the nations and international entities already committed to Ripple et al.

>> No.25531388

When is the tether thing again?

Imagine the look on Schiffs face when BTC crashes to zero.

When the vast majority of the crypto space realizes they're infested with normies now and have effectively become normies themselves.

Could tether failing somehow cause silver moon/XRP 2k use case instantly?

I thought this last stimulus could be bad, and now they're going to print more. And more, slowly UBI seeming like a topic, the market still lives in high IQ normie space. They think that the bankers really can print to infinity now without any problems for hundreds more years because of the XRP Ledger.

So technically, there is no inflation not because they're not printing it but rather, the negative, the consequences that term implies have been figured out by the system the market has created.

Instead of eliminating the printing of money..... they said and what are you going to do about it? Wait for a mistake? We figured out our biggest problem, the liquidity problem. And all other problems the market will provide for with smart contracts and such.

So the market will have true price discovery at some point. When, who knows. Hopefully tether dumps btc or stimulus halts the economy.

>> No.25531424
Quoted by: >>25531578

Fudders real fucking quiet now. Unfortunately they are accumulating right now because they finally see what's happening.

>> No.25531578

SAD! Imagine buying a coin that you laughed at for the longest time. Hopefully they'll laugh at themselves in the mirror to bring balance.

>> No.25531598
File: 85 KB, 819x462, 1609809310769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531846

This is it

>> No.25531640

Probably not but I'd recommend transfering it all to Xumm

>> No.25531665
Quoted by: >>25531711

Whos spending the rest of their money to buy xrp? I dont know if I should buy or wait to see if it'll dip

>> No.25531711
Quoted by: >>25533385

This is THE dip.

>> No.25531744

I had around 3.2k in my XUMM wallet during the snapshot, should I transfer them to a ledger? Or will I lost the flare tokens since I'm supposed to essentially hold them in escrow.

>> No.25531756

aside from xumm, uphold seems to have a wallet built in?

>> No.25531786

Just read the whole OCC letter (https://www2.occ.gov/news-issuances/news-releases/2021/nr-occ-2021-2a.pdf))

How does Ripple fit in this? They primarily focus on stablecoins. Deflationary currencies like XRP are only mentioned implicitly.

>> No.25531791
Quoted by: >>25532620

I think the Friday pump is real guys. Only 4 more days

>> No.25531792

dios mio....

>> No.25531797
Quoted by: >>25532707

Can i still cash out XRP from coinbase after the middle of this month?

>> No.25531810

Didn't Ukraine announce they're using lumens as a cdbc

>> No.25531819
Quoted by: >>25531970

your reading comprehension is as shit as your level of fud

>> No.25531846
Quoted by: >>25532054

i almost felt for the bait he only mentioned USDC

>> No.25531854

what advantage does Xumm have over something like Exoudous?

>> No.25531861

xrp is barely deflationary and it is only that for stabillity of operation purposes

>> No.25531970

Intentionally bad reading comp is one of their ultimate fud tools since xsg1.

>> No.25532046

I did read the tweet.
It's nice, but Jeremy Allaire does not work for the US government and thus his tweets do not confirm anything.

>> No.25532054

Well he is the CEO of Usdc so that's why he mentions that one...

>> No.25532084
Quoted by: >>25532244




>> No.25532160

I love when the only fud they have is
>they will just print more xrp

>> No.25532219
Quoted by: >>25532338

Wow this has to be some of the worst fud I’ve ever read, how can someone put so much effort into something so innacurate

>> No.25532244

>bros posting

>> No.25532338

>how can someone put so much effort into something so innacurate
autism and a couple of sats

>> No.25532520
Quoted by: >>25532551

I think ETH, LINK and XRP are solid.

>> No.25532551
Quoted by: >>25532641

Flare will destroy it.
An actual scam

>> No.25532556
Quoted by: >>25532607

Why not 6k?

>> No.25532589
Quoted by: >>25532947

once you have it on a cold storage, how do you get it back if you intend to sell

>> No.25532607

I just bought $2k worth, dudes. I'm feeling it.

>> No.25532620

4 more days wait a moment? 4 more years? This is a sign. XRP 2k in 4 days, Trump leaves Oval Office in 4 years.

>> No.25532641
Quoted by: >>25532715

Speaking Flare destroying ETH, do you reckon a FLR coin will have the same use as an ETH coin does now? And if so do you think it'll have a similar trajectory to ETH?

>> No.25532700
Quoted by: >>25532882

Damn, son. 17 million. It's stacks like that which makes me want to fedpost since the government is going to sit on their ass and take 3mil of that

>> No.25532705

Then the whole sec thing is a big conspiracy to fud XRP hard and accumulate XRP at cheap prices? Just like ripple said why did the sec act now and not in those past years?

>> No.25532707

No it will be untransferable, put it in a wallet.

>> No.25532710
Quoted by: >>25537953

Thinking about getting shadowlands to pass the time, that or I'll roll another character in classic.

>> No.25532715
Quoted by: >>25532875

ETH's trajectory has absolutely nothing to do with it's use which is pathetic compared to FLARE
there's no telling what the price will be, but considering it'll enable passive income...

>> No.25532816

Such a fascinating article

>> No.25532872

keep it quiet frens i still want to buy another 5k or so

>> No.25532875
File: 48 KB, 600x800, 2u6A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and not have 100$ gas fees holy kek
how do people no see how trash it is yet
'oh me oh my look at all these other coins using eth backbone!"
let them all burn together!

>> No.25532882
Quoted by: >>25533148

Make it $3k, and if this takes off like /biz/rael says it will, I almost don't even care about tax.

>> No.25532918

cold storage? does it work for uphold

>> No.25532922
File: 41 KB, 374x374, 1607205507402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will a 3.5k stack be enough?

>> No.25532947
Quoted by: >>25532995

You send it...

>> No.25532953

I thought goybase was a wallet

>> No.25532957


>> No.25532977

Enough for what? Checked btw.

>> No.25532995

is uphold itself a storage?

>> No.25533001
Quoted by: >>25533203

Dropping by to say hello to reddit. XRP 2KYS FAGS

>> No.25533113
File: 239 KB, 339x504, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533191

all the denial I get when talking about jews
talking about modern medicine
talking about the illusion of politics
the illusion of social justice
they call me crazy with no argument
xrp is just another on the list
XRP is the chance to jew the jews
shrill you faggots because I dare speak against your mindless narrative
it only validates me, because you're fucking monkeys who will be marked by satan and eat bugs the rest of your lives
or just fucking able to read
idk whatever

>> No.25533148
Quoted by: >>25533226

It's the principle of the thing for me. Faggot government does nothing for me and can't even give me medicare yet now when I make myself 7 figures they're gonna take more than 500k to give it to niggers and single mothers? If I was single I'd bug out to thailand and then figure it out from there

>> No.25533150

XRP will not benefit from the US Treasury OCC fomo when it still has the SEC to deal with. By the the time that is over, this bull cycle will be long over and all the cryptos would have crashed.

>> No.25533169

how does 7 million sound?

>> No.25533191
Quoted by: >>25533219

Were those lights green anon?

>> No.25533198
Quoted by: >>25533251

Sell and buy Eth or Link.

>> No.25533203

Go watch star wars

>> No.25533219

XRP does not care about bull cycles
you have to be JIDF to waste your time like this
we obviously just do not fucking care your clown car is getting attention atm
they were green for me

>> No.25533226

Nah I get it man, it's why I said almost. If we had healthcare and shit I wouldn't even be mad.

>> No.25533251

Porn addict alert.

>> No.25533334

We ready for the run up to $2k now boys?

>> No.25533353


>> No.25533378

Yeah, on the brightside though I can say what ever I want and buy a nice plot of land and tons of meme guns so I can have a blast. Maybe our faggot government isn't that faggot afterall

>> No.25533385

kek no

>> No.25533386

Officially yes as of >>25532607

>> No.25533427
File: 35 KB, 358x450, _27_2710_L87ND00Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all sinners, I am just a forgiven one. You can be too if you simply believe the gospel.




>> No.25533536

What sorta stuff do you get up to?
Posts like this make me think im not as bad a person as I think I am.

>> No.25533566
File: 30 KB, 1305x385, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did xlm flow on the xrpl spike on the 21st? obv that was the sec suit announcenemtn, but why to xlm specifically?

>> No.25533567

Fuck niggers
Fuck riggers

>> No.25533569

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA xrp fags are literally losing money during the biggest bull run of our lifetime HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA my grandma makes more gains than you niggers on social security HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking losers I honestly don’t understand how you haven’t necked yourself yet you literally blew your last chance at making it you’re going to be in poverty forever just grab the rope and end it

>> No.25533574 [DELETED] 

I'll let this leak this once, and I'm deleting this post. XLM is the winner. It'll be announced March 18th

>> No.25533604
Quoted by: >>25533775

champion always wins at the last second otherwise it won't be a good story
have sex

>> No.25533624


>> No.25533626

Well delete it then faggot?

>> No.25533635
File: 411 KB, 1170x1134, 6A720AAC-7DCA-49F6-9441-ABE60F0552CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this news got me ina dizzy

>> No.25533638

Wow, the fact that you will delete this post on this retarded board makes it so legit,and only once on top of that ? you must be an insider of some sort

>> No.25533657
Quoted by: >>25533775

this is why nobody loves you

>> No.25533669
Quoted by: >>25533701

You’re right but you have to go back faggot

>> No.25533689
File: 240 KB, 666x768, UK paki doctor baby decapitator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we had healthcare
As a Bong I can tell you that it's quite overrated. You can NEVER get an appointment and their solution to everything is to cut it out/off. They have no concern at all for your wellbeing, only costs and time (even though the public pays their wages!) I know first-hand accounts of them pressuring men into getting their organs removed because of cancer, and the (((cost))) to the NHS of continued treatment, then they've gone through with it and the cancer turned out to have cleared up! The tax stays the same though!

We had a Paki doctoress do pic related. Still practicing.

>> No.25533701

>iT wIlL bE tHe wInNeR
>You're right !
the winner of what ?
this is not the same usecase

>> No.25533775

Ya you’re really the Rocky type underdog holding your corporate jew banker coin kek it’s so fucking sad how retarded you all are
Does your mommy know you lost your allowance money on a literal scam? Top fucking kek

>> No.25533820

are you gonna delete this one as well?

>> No.25533856


>> No.25533898

Niggerish behavior

>> No.25533920
Quoted by: >>25534678

Why are you here then?

>> No.25533922

Not him but my mommy likes easy money as much as I do.

>> No.25533924
File: 67 KB, 614x768, beautiful girl portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the next baker, please include this link:

Or, I can bake the next one at the correct time...

>> No.25533992
Quoted by: >>25534958

me too man, i have a friend who's crushed under the weight of the medical debt he's incurred as a result of his cancer and i'm looking forward very much to calling him and telling him he's free

>> No.25534062


>> No.25534065

I'm sorry anon
I know things can get hard sometimes but they'll get better I promise
Sending you lots of light and love

>> No.25534095
Quoted by: >>25534311

that's the best video of ball lightning I've ever seen. one of my favorite books, "Mysterious Fires and Lights" by Vincent Gaddis connects ball lightning with other unexplained phenomena (spontaneous combustion, weird electrical phenomena surrounding UFOs) to the electric universe theory and comes to some interesting conclusions, check it out if you are into /x/ shit, it's also a quick read with lots of interesting case reports from a lot of different sources historical and modern


>> No.25534107


>> No.25534109

hope everything works out in whatever you invest and dont rope yourself when we reach 4 digits, good luck anon :)

>> No.25534163
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1040, mellon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mellon only faggot

>> No.25534164
Quoted by: >>25534266

Is there a telegram schizo group?

>> No.25534201

because it's literally all for show and everything is playing out in a fashion that has been determined beforehand? not to sound paranoid and schizo but that's the best explanation i've been able to come up with

and i, a welshman, will make love to your goat

>> No.25534266

fuck telegram and fuck you

>> No.25534281

Whats up fren?

>> No.25534283


>> No.25534311
Quoted by: >>25534493

wait til you see this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-93Ij5WIcok

>> No.25534347

i didn't know Kurson was involved with the Observer. didn't he just get arrested for stalking or something and removed from Ripple's Board of Directors? call me paranoid but that whole thing reeked of being a set-up, either Ripple found out that Kurson was a snake and were using a weird backhanded method of getting him out, or they were making it look like that, or something. call me paranoid but i think MeToo-style cancellings can provide cover for corporate maneuvers

>> No.25534387

Buy now before exchanges delist and it moons

>> No.25534491
File: 107 KB, 750x1079, Eq8FxA6WMAEiqAl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25534493

literally shaking rn...groundbreaking

>> No.25534580
File: 39 KB, 908x512, ayuwoki-michael-jackson-meme-kZBE--1024x512@abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534679

whats wrong with you anon, be nice

>> No.25534678

It’s entertaining and gratifying seeing the biggest faggot cucks on all of 4channel lose their money on a jew scam. Nobody deserves the financial loss more than you losers and I’m really enjoying watching you cope with your depression by talking about Jesus and astrology and other low IQ shit that only broke desperate niggers and women believe in because their lives are so sad and empty they need a literal miracle to happen. How long before you admit that you got scammed not only by the jews that sold this unregistered security to you but also your cult leaders (paid discord shills) that create these threads every day?

>> No.25534679

binance blocked me and wasted hours of my night battling the jews when I just wanna game
i'm annoyed
also fuck you
fuck the jews
and fuck telegram along with every other developed social manipulation platform

>> No.25534746

>low IQ shit
>literally every event in history in sync'd with astrology and jew numbers
pick an event and I'll show you the premediation of the jews

>> No.25534770
File: 31 KB, 501x618, 1609289077869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534805

Coinbase fag here. Before CB suspends trading should I convert my 2500 stack to BTC, ETH, Link, or hodl?

>> No.25534797
File: 230 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210104-192948_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I must know, is this based?

>> No.25534805

external wallet as stated repeatedly

>> No.25534819

Wish it would drop.
I just want one last big pile of xrps before all the delistings.

>> No.25534832

If we got scammed why are this threads still here and why is the coin still at .25? Im very confused

>> No.25534839

assuming ledger hard drive

>> No.25534845

What's an easy one to use?

>> No.25534847
Quoted by: >>25534996

That's about as much as I got now.

>> No.25534851
File: 98 KB, 1795x342, wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535571


>> No.25534920
Quoted by: >>25538005

What is this Friday bullshit? Who originally said that?

>> No.25534922
File: 80 KB, 400x418, 21961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534958

That's beautiful, anon. You're a good friend.

>> No.25534964
Quoted by: >>25535039

Why though?

>> No.25534996
Quoted by: >>25535262

all of them just pick one
hardware wallet is supposedly safest but I doubt you own one or want to wait
so xumm on phone, atomic on PC, whatever just get it out of an exchange

>> No.25535039
File: 105 KB, 750x536, 3467832779_927dd08419_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because exchanges can lock you from withdrawing at a whim and you can do nothing
its gone
there the jews win
no schitzo is surprised

>> No.25535054
Quoted by: >>25535163

Damn man, may God help you with whatever is happening in your life lol you sound really angry. Stop projecting and start acting like an adult.

You do realize most of us bought XRP back in 2017 or even before...go see a therapist or something man this is not healthy for you

>> No.25535093
Quoted by: >>25535291

how do i cash out from a wallet?

>> No.25535122
Quoted by: >>25535461

Why would this happen though?

>> No.25535134
Quoted by: >>25535256

Obvious new fag, should have used coin base pro and set a buy order for .2155.
You bought the top

>> No.25535163
File: 1005 KB, 1920x1080, all women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, pathetic, your embarrassing yourself .

>> No.25535211

Both of you are pathetic

>> No.25535256

Whoops, balls...thanks. Is it based otherwise though?

>> No.25535262
Quoted by: >>25535291

is xumm safe and easy to use

>> No.25535279
Quoted by: >>25535834

Bros is Exodus better than Coinhold?

>> No.25535291

well you own it as a defined asset
depends what happens in the next few months
>xrp loses, exchanges will buy it for hella cheap, pretty much where its at now
>xrp wins, exchanges don't get to hold it and it's worth $2k to institutions and you can trade to anyone you want wallet to wallet or you it to stake for interest as the institutions will using the flare system available to anyone with flare, spark, xrp
you need to fuck off and start reading, there's 500 xrp threads with TL;DRs at the first post archived

>> No.25535349
Quoted by: >>25535461

so I did all the things till I got to not being able to send my BUSD to kraken and binance won't let me trade with it because of this error
so they're just holding me 2k hostage in their decent coin that I can't trade or send anywhere?
holy fucking jew'd

>> No.25535372
File: 38 KB, 480x360, 7F0872AD-3633-41A6-A7D8-1AA450D61FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes very based anon

>> No.25535426
File: 1.60 MB, 320x180, 1608604259728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535625

Hope your wife likes to be facefucked

>> No.25535441

That's a pretty spider

>> No.25535442

Do it yourself you lazy bastard

>> No.25535451

Hey so, bros, why isn't XLM better than XRP?

>> No.25535461
File: 12 KB, 1307x60, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535636

to further this my test attempt to withdraw xrp to ledger via binance was rejected
holy fucking hell
idk man why is it happening to me right now

>> No.25535462
File: 1.86 MB, 1198x1040, 1600761931469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard.

>> No.25535494

>100 posters
Totally not discord trannies

>> No.25535505
File: 2 KB, 113x52, BEGONEFUDUCANTHURTME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25535510

Everyone here owns XLM and XRP, it does seem like XLM is going to be the pick for global money transfers though so I'm stocking up on some more

>> No.25535547

Nice lol. I want just bros spamming.....

>> No.25535571

Yes that is pretty secure unless you run into a hacker with Quantum computer

>> No.25535581

Algorand is also being used for this purpose.

>> No.25535592
Quoted by: >>25535834

Bros posting twice in a row.

>> No.25535625

i was siding with you retard

>> No.25535628
Quoted by: >>25535865


>> No.25535636
File: 22 KB, 964x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535673

i can't even do this
like seriously
what can I do?

>> No.25535673
Quoted by: >>25535710

Are you sure that your XRP balance has cleared? Did you purchase it recently with FIAT?

>> No.25535710

i've had that XRP balance in binance for over a month and have been trading with it until this lock as of today where i can't trade shit or apparently withdraw anything other than USDT

>> No.25535735
File: 18 KB, 801x171, quitmyjobafterseclawsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535786

Pic related: these are my quick sells after XRP moons after the lawsuit FUD ends in a few weeks. It's enough for me to quit my job as it's my salary after taxes. I still have my other XRP in reserve to live off of forever. The XRP @ 1k is a w/e sell order that ill probably forget about until the future when i receive an email that i made 79k

>> No.25535767
Quoted by: >>25535803

It sounds like Binance is up to something fishy. Is that binance proper (like the non usa version). I was posting the other day that Binance quietly removed XRP from their listings and their API.

>> No.25535786
Quoted by: >>25535850

Yikes, should all be set at 1,000

>> No.25535803

it's the same binance desktop app I've used for months without issue, i.e binance proper
i'll restart my PC, launch VPN, and try the web service I guess

>> No.25535806

If ur using binance and not binance.us that might be ur issue

>> No.25535834

But, bro.....

Lol this poster started. I wanted to do it too lol.

>> No.25535850

I'm a burger with a moderately high salary. I'll get railed on taxes if that were to occur. I'm not trying to deal with that kind of headache. This is just left over XRP that's in my CB account, I have plenty of other XRP stashed away.

>> No.25535865

Bro, you sell the coin yet? Its the mark of the beast you know.

>> No.25535919

Really the mark of the beast? I’ve heard it all but this is the worse thing I’ve ever heard, just sold my 1k stack!

>> No.25535921
Quoted by: >>25535946


>> No.25535935

No, I'm not selling until I have enough $ to buy the firepower to kill the devil

>> No.25535946
Quoted by: >>25535979

Fuck you faggot I had a new thread baked and everything.

>> No.25535979

lets have two

>> No.25536012


>> No.25536025

Bake next one :)
I wanted to ensure that the SEC lawsuit analysis made it into OP

>> No.25536066

i keep crypto on 2 different exchanges what's the worst the can potentially happen?

>> No.25536892

Sup bros

Are we gonna make it, bros?

>> No.25537953

It's absolute dogshit.

>> No.25538005
File: 172 KB, 1121x822, larpfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25538070
Quoted by: >>25538192

d-does he mean this friday or Jan 15th, hear a lot of shit is going down the 15th

>> No.25538156
Quoted by: >>25538192

No, he means this Friday. Don't do that stuttering anime herbivore shit, it's fucking gay. Also, if he's wrong we are going to mercilessly shit on him in thread.

>> No.25538192


>> No.25538499
File: 352 KB, 640x821, 4A9196D1-209B-4432-B65B-1E1C779A20D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the SEC psyop legal issues resolved? I want to buy the bottom before goyimbase shuts it down on January 19th.