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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24962035 No.24962035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>24952026

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial


>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.24962059


>> No.24962060
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>> No.24962108 [DELETED] 
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XRP $2000 EOY

>> No.24962139


>> No.24962165 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 1000x1333, dat key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say we reach 2k EOY. Would it be smart to convert it all to USD as soon as possible and just keep it in coinbase until I figure out how the fuck to do taxes?

>> No.24962187
Quoted by: >>24962226


>> No.24962226 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 486x296, daney hwych2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24962232

XRP will never reach $4. Fuck this earth. How the fuck can it with a circulating supply of 45.4B?

>> No.24962246

$13 by end of February is the best that you can hope for. Only use exchanges to cash out. If you store money there, then you're an idiot. If needed, convert to USDT (or a stable coin of your choosing), and then move it to your own wallet.

>> No.24962257

Hire a professional
There are firms that specialize in UHNWI with tax lawyers, accountants and even crypto experts who can cash out your XRP for you and save you 1%.

>> No.24962264
Quoted by: >>24962447

No, USD is approaching hyperinflation. I would recommend keeping it as XRP but change some to tether if you must.

>> No.24962273
File: 1.27 MB, 1201x652, IDareSay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24962296
Quoted by: >>24969990


here we can see a very fat man who also happens to be the director of a very important bank, basically the central bank of central banks, describing the need for a technology precisely like the one created by Arthur Britto and David Schwartz

If you have a certain type of eyes and a brain which has been conditioned a certain way, this is the most erotic possible thing you could see, because it means that your delusions are actually true, your circumstances will change (perhaps drastically) and you will finally have the wherewithal to change some of the terrible, terrible things about this world which you were formerly powerless to change

tl dr Ripple is being adopted by the BIS and IMF and we are all going to be filthy rich very soon 2keoy wagmi praise be to schwartz britto and the old and new gods it's really happening, let us be free finally please let us finally be free

>> No.24962300

>muh market cap
Imagine being perma-stuck in 2017.

>> No.24962316

I predict .50 by the end of 2021.

>> No.24962338
Quoted by: >>24962424

i'd probably talk to an accountant or tax lawyer about questions like these instead of asking a bunch of shut-in autists on an internet forum for cartoon pictures of naked japanese girls

>> No.24962373
File: 2.31 MB, 498x498, q9n7nntq98374t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Immediately diversify. Seek out a financial advisor with the small hat.

Real estate far away from a liberal nexus city
Retal properties with a property management company for low effort management and constant stream of income
Precious metals
Firearms and enough munitions to supply a battalion for a weeks worth of action
Fertile female with pre/post-nup
ETF's/mutual funds/robot investor accounts/blue chip stonks
in home gym
start growing weed but never smoke it - harvest for hemp and buds, participate in both industries
have the lambo but also the japanese shitcan car that never breaks down

I miss anything, moonbois and grills?

>> No.24962412
Quoted by: >>24962890

see: https://twitter.com/i/status/1339351878098964480
understand that this rotund fellow is the most powerful banker on earth, and he just said that if XRP did not exist it would have to be invented

then ponder the meaning of that person saying that thing

and you will understand why $4 with a circulating supply of 45 billion tokens is an underestimate.

>> No.24962416

Dont know I still trust mellon

>> No.24962423
File: 212 KB, 1125x843, 64C99344-C5F0-4B9E-8EEB-72366F910BDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24962676


>> No.24962424 [DELETED] 
File: 883 KB, 680x1388, Study methods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying I trust money Jews more than I trust the big brain hyper autists on 4chan

>> No.24962447 [DELETED] 

This seems like a good idea. If we hit big I'll just go to an attorney and say I'm a retarded 24 year old who just made a ton of money pls help. If I do this alone I'll goof and the IRS will rape my bum bum
If I kept it as coin, how would I use it to pay off debt?

>> No.24962466


>> No.24962471

>I miss anything, moonbois and grills?
This is all great advice even down to the Lambo/daily a Lexus bit.
I'd add in tell your Jew to get some passive income from a Vanguard and possibly looking into fine art as a store of value.

I would also invest in psychedelics and mushrooms but that's a personal choice.

>> No.24962528
File: 2.56 MB, 2000x1000, basedCorp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
you've been invited, sir

>> No.24962531

these are all shit plans anon

>> No.24962552

May want to start taking those Mellon threads out of OP...

>> No.24962558 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 796x974, skullknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have the lambo but also the japanese shitcan car
I hate cars, I'll just buy a truck in addition to my Dart and spend a lambo's worth of money on Berserk statues

>> No.24962561


In order to reach 2,000 EOY the US dollar would need to implode, which Im not saying is impossible, but I doubt you would want to buy that Zimbabwe toilet paper then.

>> No.24962648 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 960x581, 458 ducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24962687

Realistically how much XRP do I need to make it?

>> No.24962667 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24962748

>In order to reach 2,000 EOY the US dollar would need to implode
Oh that's disheartening. If Trump foils the plot of the elite to steal the country, do our XRP dreams die with them?

>> No.24962676
File: 157 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2020-12-19 at 10.29.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xrp was the aliens man
not gonna lie i've considered it. anyone who can watch a David Schwartz interview and not consider the fact that he's some kind of intergalactic messenger from an advanced civilization or the result of an extraterrestrial hybrid mating program must really be retarded, man

i really like this meme

is something that happened to me this morning and i figured i should share it with my /xsg/ bros- i imagine the jannies will get a chuckle out of it as well. basically i made a post about how I have some reservations about investing in XRP as it represents one step closer to the technocratic surveillance state that isn't an ideal vision of the future, and then i got a "warning" from the mods, which has never happened to me before...if you look at my post in pic related you'll see why this is funny i guess.
>big brother is watching
and i want him to know i love him very, very much and that Jesus loves him too

>> No.24962687 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24962747

Depends on how much of a nigger you are

>> No.24962696
Quoted by: >>24962724

>In order to reach 2,000 EOY the US dollar would need to implode

>> No.24962723
Quoted by: >>24962762

I would personally pay Miura Kentaro to stop fucking around with Duranki and start releasing Berserk chapters more often.

>> No.24962724 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24963310

Baste and whitepilled. I am less disheartened now

>> No.24962742
Quoted by: >>24962856


>> No.24962747 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 2048x1536, i love being white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24967501


0% nigger

>> No.24962748

No, it just gets better if that happens.

>> No.24962762 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1080x916, void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically same and then I would ask him how much to know what's under Void's cape

>> No.24962783

I'm gonna smoke the weed, but responsibly since I have willpower. I prefer psychedelics but the laws on those are fuckier

>> No.24962830 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 585x585, 2girls1bong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weed is bad

t stoner for 15 years

>> No.24962856
File: 247 KB, 414x9916, 1608394999769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i am tripping on acid right now and this is exactly what i needed to hear, thank you kindly

>> No.24962868

I'd say "damn, what happened to them" but I guess they were braindead from the start

>> No.24962885 [DELETED] 

All my friends who have been smoking since highschool are now like legit retarded and it makes me sad. There's a reason why the powers at be want you to smoke weed 24/7 and it's probably to make you into nigger cattle

>> No.24962890

How do we know he's referring to XRP?

>> No.24962953
Quoted by: >>24963051

I agree that it's bad if you can classify yourself as a stoner.
I, however, have willpower and consume weed no more often than a couple of times a month.
It depends on how you use it. If all you're going to do is veg out and eat garbage then avoid weed. Use it in nature, to boost energy, or to aid meditation.

>> No.24962970
File: 115 KB, 1000x678, we7nsn8 84s8ns4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963039




>> No.24962974

Have a safe trip anon

>> No.24962977

Yeah people shouldn't start smoking in highschool, and I agree that frequent/every day users definitely become retarded. But no worse than people who drink everyday from a young age.
Moderation and willpower are the keys to using mind-altering substances.

>> No.24962978 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 450x450, Negan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963097


>tfw never met a psys dealer in my entire life and I'm too much of a pussy to order online

>> No.24963028

this, weed makes you unmotivated and lazy
whatever, the people I've met that are stoners always turn out like shit especially the ones who started really young in highschool

that being said i do still sometimes smoke weed but only a tiny bit off the vape at night before bed when im chilling on my phone, everything in moderation is fine

>> No.24963030

Do you really think they're going to come out and say
"Hey we're going to be using XRP!!!"

>> No.24963039 [DELETED] 

Because I don't care about cars and it was cheap and easy to get. Some manlet in his chink mobile crashed into me and his car was obliterated and mine was just fine comparatively. fuck car fags and suck my dick

>> No.24963044 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 850x400, Nixon weed jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you seen that episode of house where the guy was taking some drug to make himself stupider because it was too depressing being surrounded by morons? That's what I was doing. Wage slaving without being braindead is too much.


Women should never go near weed. It just fucks them up a special kind of crazy. I seen it too many times.

>> No.24963051
File: 1.18 MB, 1336x1980, wn54847w6o71135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon's, I humbly extend to you the secret. The weed bit is at the bottom, but read it all.

>> No.24963073
File: 216 KB, 736x1022, 2375e207d062fb671f46063766cda563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963137

All the most successful people I know smoke a LOT of weed. Go figure.

>> No.24963078 [DELETED] 

Alcoholics have SOUL atleast. Stoners are most definitely nigger cattle. That being said Alcohol sucks and weed makes me schizophrenic

>> No.24963088
Quoted by: >>24963126

all of you faggots could have bought GRT instead you bought this shitcoin.
>b-but I'm arleady up 2-3x!!
>this is going to hit $1!!

>> No.24963097
Quoted by: >>24963167

Just grow your own shrooms. Incredibly easy to get seeds, even legally depending on where you are.
If not legal, there are very easy to find in nature.
Failing this, continuously order pizza and ask your delivery driver where to get shrooms/acid.
If you do find acid, for the love of god test it before you consume it. Test kits are cheap and legal. Some fuckhead dealers will replace acid with a dangerous substance. If it tastes bitter, immediately spit it out.

>> No.24963126
File: 154 KB, 500x526, 1606339386878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963169

You best be zoomin' outta this thread

>> No.24963137

I highly doubt they smoke "A LOT" of weed, unless you're talking about your soundcloud rapper buddies kek, and if that's what you constitute as "successful" than God bless you

>> No.24963146
File: 61 KB, 296x508, DECF6287-0468-4D94-98C6-E7178600C56C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoying thread aesthetic while I hold a good chunk of Xrp (first lieutenant reporting in)

>> No.24963167 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24963227


I can find some sometimes at the right time of year, but it's a small woodland area in a huge city and retard niggers grab them long before they're ready so they can't drop spores for next year.

>> No.24963169
Quoted by: >>24963249


>> No.24963182

I've seen some pretty soulless alcoholics, but I agree everyone should avoid dependence on weed or alcohol.
Moderate use of both is fine, though if weed actually gives you schizo tendencies definitely avoid it as it can exacerbate pre-existing issues.

>> No.24963184

> weed makes me schizophrenic

Good. Maybe you already were.

>> No.24963196 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24963282

Probably why Midget Rogan blasts himself full of roids so much that his organs are the size of a cow's. I honestly have NEVER met any successful stoner that was a respectful guy with morals

>> No.24963222
File: 46 KB, 300x460, 1600381979160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963358

i'm talking about A list hollywood/multi millionaires, but alright. Live your life.

>> No.24963227

Just grab them first and start your own closet shrooms farm

>> No.24963248
File: 137 KB, 622x578, FF4156F7-D326-4AB1-953A-41B861CF4EB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WRONG WRONG WRONG for long term holders. That’s a “trade” so you will pay short term Capital gains when you sell your tether. Have a fucking plan NOW with sell targets that make sense to you. If it’s long term then sell it for actual dollars. Don’t get double kiked. US anons have to be smart about any cashing out.

>> No.24963249
Quoted by: >>24963283

lol you got epic owned

>> No.24963258
Quoted by: >>24963325

Every transaction to USD or another coin is a taxable event in the US. The idea being that “cashing out” to something relatively stable like bitcoin after a shitcoin pump and dump, functions as a risk protection just like cashing to USD.

>> No.24963282

There are stoners and there are people that smoke weed occasionally.
The former are generally useless, the latter are on par with people who drink liquor occasionally.
My T levels are above average as of my last test (about a year ago), so either I'm an ultra testosterone Chad or occasional use doesn't affect it as much as the anon in that cap said.
That said, Rogan is definitely fucked as an everyday constant user.

>> No.24963283
Quoted by: >>24963330

yeah you're right I'll come back when GRT hits $1 before xrp.

>> No.24963291
Quoted by: >>24963431

what's the best way to cash in on realized gains?

>> No.24963310

Good! I don't understand that argument anyway:
>for XRP to be valuable the worthless fiat must be even more worthless!
Something can be valued at X dollars, that doesn't mean it is entirely liquid. Most XRP would be reserved for the banks' own use, and tied up in their service provision, so the actual number of XRP that could be sold in a real scenario is far less than 45 billion.

Also, take the situation in Venezuela, regarding silver:

1oz: 27, 096, 354.06 VEF
avg salary: 1,590,000 VEF/annum
1oz=17 years wages in Venezuela.

The Venezuelan silver holders benefit in this scenario, because silver is judged in relation to the present standard: USD, rather than what most Venezuelans hold; depreciation necessarily causes gain elsewhere. When XRP is the standard we will see similar gain in real terms.

>> No.24963325 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 199x212, NegativeIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Financial brainlet here just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly, if you aren't able to cash out for whatever reason (don't know how to do taxes yet etc), to secure any profit the play would be to move your takings into bitcoin until you get everything sorted? Pic related its me with finances

>> No.24963330
File: 10 KB, 237x212, 1606792142798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHHAHAHHAH oh shit he replied, he is in fucking literal TEARS bros

omfg, he can't fucking hold it together, watch, watch, he'll do it again

>> No.24963338
File: 988 KB, 1600x900, ryqe6uaas6yk4n 4wis6r6w1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Trades between different coins are taxable transactions.

>> No.24963344
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1602188409552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw we have to watch Bitcoin hit new aths just for XRP to get back to what it was 2 weeks ago

>> No.24963358
File: 4 KB, 205x246, wojak1597012451283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963387


>i'm talking about A list hollywood/multi millionaires
>he expects me to believe that some autist on an obscure back alley section of 4chan knows anyone whos multimill, let alone anyone from Hollywood

Anon, I...

>> No.24963382

number please go up....

>> No.24963387
File: 49 KB, 561x440, dec8cd134b1999c042c0315c5ef9cc1a--gandalf-aragorn-lotr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the beauty of this basket weaving forum. You don't know who you're rubbing keyboards with.

>> No.24963431

It’s different for everyone. I’m paying long term cap gains in mine (personal preference I know we have a bunch savvy tax bandits on this board, I’m not one of them) Move the money to an exchange and if you want fiat don’t tether first if your intent is to sell anyway. That’s a taxable event and will be subject to short term taxes even if you had the Xrp for years.

>> No.24963432
Quoted by: >>24963505

Everything is taxed. If you bought $100 and that increases to $10,000 and with that you bought $10,000 of BTC, leaving you with 0$ xrp, $9900 of gains are taxable. Only, the IRS doesn't accept btc

>> No.24963437
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 2034u tq80 835098262yegigeygew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shredded XRP Wizard Chad reporting.

>> No.24963470
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>> No.24963472
File: 10 KB, 269x188, pompeeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you get here. if you ask for a solid proof for that xrp is referenced in this kind of vague vids, you will get: 'muhh they would explicitly call it by its name you dumdum, but its what he means t. trustmebro'. this kind of shitposting somewhat related stuff is big fud, camoflaged as bull. most just dont even watch or listen to the vid, they just assume, that its true what has been said:
' and he just said that if XRP did not exist it would have to be invented' its just simply not the correct description, of what the dude said.

>> No.24963488

>sell targets that make sense to you

>> No.24963494 [DELETED] 

I second this, I'm an ultra dummy and I hate finance shit but I'm trying to be a good boy

>> No.24963505 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24963702


Is this just an american thing because I'm not american.

>> No.24963524

well in that case ill refer you to this anon >>>24963282
>There are stoners and there are people that smoke weed occasionally.
>The former are generally useless, the latter are on par with people who drink liquor occasionally.
that's literally my argument, sure there are exceptions like Toe Rogaine but generally speaking stoners are fucking useless

>> No.24963532
File: 1.04 MB, 1125x1181, 9B38B5AF-3CBB-4D81-AFB4-E92182CEB602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they need to say it? they are discussing private digital currencies solving a problem that the most powerful banker admitted the legacy system could not. no other project comes close to having the official connections that ripple does
>suppress the price while making partnerships with over 300 financial institutions in over 40 countries
the board members nearly all have ties to legacy finance
>Mr. Kitao, President and ceo of SBI holdings
>Craig Phillips, black rock, Morgan Stanley, and credit suisse
>Sandie O’Connor, former J.P. Morgan and g20 leader
>Chris Larsen, billionaire former ceo of prosper and e-loan
that is literally only the board because I do not want to take the time to lay out the other connections. really too many. but keep in mind that many people left jobs at the top of traditional finance to come to ripple.

>> No.24963534
File: 1.48 MB, 1884x4100, 1608396030457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24965262

thanks, have this image I got from /pol/ in return.
I've actually ordered a water distiller to reduce the hormonal load from drinking tap water and I avoid plastic bottled water because of microplastics.

>> No.24963568

>hates cars
>drives dart
>doesn’t hate himself

>> No.24963578 [DELETED] 
File: 1001 KB, 400x560, Acid frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reveal to me your secrets o great wizard

>> No.24963611
Quoted by: >>24963826

Thank anon, that's a really nice output there, I see your point

>> No.24963643
File: 171 KB, 1024x956, 1024px-Triple-Spiral-Symbol.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963939

And how is that any more or less credible than my claim? We're all just searching for affirmation anon. You're allowed to believe whatever you want, no point in arguing.

>> No.24963689


>> No.24963702

its a thing in most EU countries

>> No.24963715
File: 24 KB, 509x484, D-i2ZgMXoAAd3ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blumpf loses reelection
>xrp stagnated an
it's like a dream come true. two birds with one stone

>> No.24963739
File: 47 KB, 1080x608, 29738621_354263168424291_754885105507368960_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interviewer: "So Brad some people say you are the devil, what do you have to say to them"

>Brad: *nervous laugh* "Heh. No. But I AM working with the feds!"

*audience erupts with laughter clapping and cheering*

>> No.24963768

Should I buy stocks, XRP, or GRT?

>> No.24963823

I’m here to repent lads.
In the last week, I’ve tried to take my mind off my xerp obsession by (1) swinging some of my stack (the most awful fucking experience of my life - I took years off my life for a 100 xerp gain), and (2) trading shot pins for quick gains (currently 10% down).

It was stupid. It was all stupid. I’m coming back, cap in hand, humbled and reminded of just how comfy it was being 100% the standard, merely waiting for the inevitable moon.

Forgive me lads. I’m back now and won’t stray again.

>> No.24963826
File: 128 KB, 1280x719, 06FF7326-3636-4D9E-AEE7-51AA3CBE99E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and ripples general counsel Stuart Atderoty, the man who handles everything legal has 30 years experience in regulatory compliance in legacy finance.
>general counsel and senior leadership at CIT Group and HSBC North America Holdings
>managing counsel at American Express
>started a huge private practice
there is a blockstars episode with DS where Stuart talks about how happy he was to come to ripple and what he does and his experience

>> No.24963892
Quoted by: >>24963925

Your tax obligation crystallises the moment you trade out (whether to USD or to another crypto). I’d suggest keeping it in XRP until you have an efficient way of cashing out sorted.

>> No.24963925 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 512x448, $100 + interest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24964095


I bet the Jews did this. Gay as fuck.

>> No.24963939
File: 19 KB, 268x268, henlo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24963956

well I'm not trying to argue I'm just giving my two cents, people reading can decide for themselves

>> No.24963947

How do I get my Flare? I had all of my XRP in Exodus when the snapshot occurred and I had signed up from the wallet.

>> No.24963956
File: 85 KB, 852x440, us-stole-trillions-of-oil-and-gold-from-iraq_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked friend

>> No.24963982
Quoted by: >>24964005

>he didnt claim
Topkek, you missed it

>> No.24964005
File: 21 KB, 357x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24964085

I claimed before the snapshot.

>> No.24964038
Quoted by: >>24965849

I sold my 11k stack today

>> No.24964046
Quoted by: >>24964385


Ragie wagie

>> No.24964068

Read the OP its there for a reason hint 15Q1

>> No.24964085
Quoted by: >>24964121

No, you registered for flare. You missed the claim period, better luck next time faggot

>> No.24964095

Possibly. But they also set up the loopholes that’ll let you cash out efficiently (if you hire the right one of them to tell you how)

>> No.24964121

WHAT are you talking about? flare hasn't even launched its network yet, there is nothing to claim, stop lying anon

>> No.24964123

This. So fucking much this.
Just look at the board of directors.
How can any other coin even compete?

Imagining these giga brained bunch of super chads left their positions in their respective institutions to join ripple makes me so fucking nervous.
Also Schwartz patenting DLT in 1988 and his NSA past is just mind-blowing.
Ripple is fucking unbeatable.

>> No.24964190
File: 1.23 MB, 363x250, 52C14525-E3FA-4D8B-B62F-B8C9B24456A1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me biz, tell me we’re gonna reach $5 by February

>> No.24964197
File: 898 KB, 1602x1067, D-2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24964745

And this is why I'm fud proof

>> No.24964229
Quoted by: >>24964745

>This. So fucking much this.
stop speaking like this you fag

>> No.24964294
File: 37 KB, 694x530, 1912-so-much-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24964385 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 837x501, Wage cage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24964389
File: 38 KB, 398x599, ripple-office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only think I have to do to get rich is wait.

> .t 70k XRP holder

>> No.24964437
File: 128 KB, 751x1024, 19EE50E6-D747-4B99-BD48-4D8A26892371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24964745

and when you realize that putting the entire legacy financial system in blockchain is only the most robust usecase for xrp at the moment. it’s like trying to determine all the ways the internet will be used when it was first created

>> No.24964562

EoY is in like 12 days so there will be one 24h green dildo to 2k or there will be some shake outs?

>> No.24964666
File: 178 KB, 800x800, 1586533121684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24964721


>> No.24964714

>this guy doesnt know how the world works

>> No.24964721
File: 110 KB, 600x600, R-2756628-1319254295.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24964745 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 1598x1801, 1607465442732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24964918


Oh fuck off nigger. It's just a way to second an opinion one agrees with. And if it triggers your reddit gag reflex, the better.

Another great point my retard brain cant even start to comprehend. Its all too much, can't process it really. The possibilities are limitless.

>> No.24964809

also, not to mention the spook angle you just brought up
>nsa advisor throughout the 90s becomes your cto
>government and chief advisor at Microsoft who is a professor at Harvard, Stanford, MIT becomes a board member
>Co-Founder and Partner along with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, in Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel LLC, a strategic consulting firm that helps US companies navigate international markets becomes another board member

>> No.24964918

>Another great point my retard brain cant even start to comprehend. Its all too much, can't process it really. The possibilities are limitless
you aren’t alone because even DS said he can’t begin to predict what will happen once the infrastructure is built. this is why projects like eth will ultimately fail, because the currency is built on the network. the founders wanted a faster profit. but companies like google, who now control and created an entire ecosystem, become the most profitable in the long run. DS has been clear that he’s in it for money too but that’s where the big money is. when you built the ecosystem.

>> No.24964997 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 987x986, Gov conspiracies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just threw some floss in the toilet and it landed in the shape of the XRP logo, god of piss confirms 2k eoy

>> No.24965081 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24965231

>flushing floss
You're gonna have to spend all your gains on plumbing, dummy

>> No.24965097

never selling and diamond hands, been buying since last winter every single week. but I have to say I’m feeling impatient because I’m just very excited to see how this all plays out.

>> No.24965231 [DELETED] 
File: 3.86 MB, 3614x2326, NEET king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24966463


I live in government housing I don't have to pay for that shit. My apartment is bigger than my friends and he pays some retarded amount of rent. Feels good.

>> No.24965262
Quoted by: >>24965369

Do you have an archive of this thread? These are good questions and I would like to see what the responses are from people in /pol/

>> No.24965291
File: 8 KB, 179x282, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24965392

>down 83% from all time high

>> No.24965298

It's hovering at .589c
Is this a sign from David?

>> No.24965369
Quoted by: >>24965420

Initial thread with some replies:
Here are the added questions but no replies

>> No.24965378


>> No.24965392
Quoted by: >>24965443

wow that's some weak fud you got there fren. Wanna try that again?

>> No.24965420
Quoted by: >>24965640

Thank you so much anon!

>> No.24965443

Not fud. It's just funny because of how undervalued this coin is, we're all going to be filthy rich.

>> No.24965451


>> No.24965470

check em

>> No.24965607

Is /XSG/ really 95% Americans?
Greek here.

>> No.24965613
File: 595 KB, 550x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, in /xsg/:

>> No.24965615
Quoted by: >>24965630

hello neighbor

>> No.24965630
Quoted by: >>24965637

Hello . Turk?

>> No.24965637
Quoted by: >>24965709


>> No.24965640

No problem! I think many of the questions are good, some can be improved though.

>> No.24965641 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24966177

Yes. Will you finally pay denbts with your millions, greco friend?

>> No.24965647
Quoted by: >>24965709

US/Germanon here

>> No.24965677

Irish anon here. Doubt there are any more of my kind.

>> No.24965702


>> No.24965707


>> No.24965709
Quoted by: >>24965752

Nice to meet fellow schizos

>> No.24965728


>> No.24965736
Quoted by: >>24969617

589 in jewish gematria = Donald Trump

>> No.24965752
Quoted by: >>24966177

Bulgaria but i live somewhere else luckily

>> No.24965797

what is the make it stack?

>> No.24965827

It's going to build up and you will have to walk outside/into a store in order to use a toilet?

+ Why would you create a scenario where there are not enough funds to instantly repair something of use to you?

I feel like you lack foresight, chess can help you think differently.

>> No.24965833
Quoted by: >>24966177

serb here, my orthodox brother

>> No.24965849

dude at least wait until the memedate

>> No.24965851 [DELETED] 

>bix NRLOO
Depends on how much of a nigger you are

>> No.24965879

There was a demographics convo a couple xsgs ago
> 100 burgers
> 5 leafs
> 5ish Ausies
> 20-25 western euros
> 1 morrocan
> 10ish asian third worlders
> 5ish s. american third worlders

No pajeets or nigs.

>> No.24965971
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24966569

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

>> No.24966005 [DELETED] 

I bet a majority of the burgers are based Germanics

>> No.24966059
Quoted by: >>24966111

Not Irish, but living in Ireland

>> No.24966111 [DELETED] 

Are you one of those many Brazilians who are moving to ireland and then getting irish gf's and making them mad

>> No.24966162

I'm a Scouser, if that adds a 0.5 to the count.

>> No.24966177

We are not so much in debt as it is made out to be if you compare us with other countries. Its just a Jewish plot to keep us in line because they are jealous of our laid back med lifestyle. (See Spain Portugal and Italy, exactly the same situation.)
Bulgaria is a beautiful country. I love your cave systems and fauna but damn most of your villages look like 60's USSR recreations for a cold war film
Hello brother. WAGMI
Sounds like what I expected, Glad to see more fellow europoors here tho

>> No.24966201

(however much money you need)/2000

>> No.24966441


>> No.24966463

>live in government housing
>taking money from the state
Classic loser. No different than a nigger or refugee. Imagine being proud of this.

t. "neet" for over 10 years and never got a dime from the state, nor would I ever take any. UBI yes but only to get back the taxes that have been stolen from me involuntarily, like VAT, gasoline, fines, etc.

>> No.24966469 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 265x231, beass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who wanted me to invest his 2k for him into XRP in exchange for 30 percent and now he says he's just going to buy truck tires with it. How dum is he?

>> No.24966488

pretty retard

>> No.24966543
File: 12 KB, 828x120, 20201220_093028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go boys

>> No.24966566

>tests his shitty friend with outrageous broker fee
>friend fails
>go ahead and spends his money as he was planning all along
pretty smart

>> No.24966569

>or the number of his name
>digital ID
>can't buy anything unless you have a digital Id to pay with

>> No.24966579 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24966632

Chekt, it's not my money so I can't be mad at him but would have been nice to get 3 million dollars from my take if EOY hits

>> No.24966588

>1 Moroccan
Hey I know that guy

>> No.24966591
Quoted by: >>24966617

Maybe he finally understood how he can buy crypto on his own and doesn't want to give you 30% so he cut you off with a believable lie.

>> No.24966617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24966689

No, he's got CTE and doesn't know how to computer. I didn't ask for 30 he said 30

>> No.24966620
Quoted by: >>24966694

Polak here

>> No.24966632
Quoted by: >>24966670

> truck tire money.
> 3mil end of year from return(s) on truck tire money.

Yeah ok

>> No.24966642
Quoted by: >>24966816

save the texts/email, there was some anon who had a friend that asked him to buy $1k of chainlink when it was 20c, but never went through with giving anon the money
later when it mooned he tried to hit him up for his "share" of the profits minus the initial $1k that he never paid for
if you're not careful with what you say or type to your friend, he could end up hiring a lawyer and spinning a different story to get at your zerpies

>> No.24966670 [DELETED] 

I don't get what you're getting at

>> No.24966689
Quoted by: >>24966721

>I didnt ask to take advantage of the brain damaged person, he simply gave me the opportunity

>> No.24966694
Quoted by: >>24966722

Ty kuhwo ile masz xrp?

>> No.24966710



>> No.24966721 [DELETED] 

>take advantage

>> No.24966722
Quoted by: >>24966793


>> No.24966744

I don't know how draconian US taxes are but you would probably get taxed on the gains you made on that trade. So if you trade USDt for USD the tax will be about a couple hundred bucks for every million depending on the rate and current price. And I live in a tax hell.

>> No.24966792
File: 210 KB, 950x639, 02734978234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else anticipating another dump?

>> No.24966793

gz, ja tylko 5k, jakies inne crypto oprocz tego?

>> No.24966816

>believing link larps
you must have missed the other 9999 larps

>> No.24966838

when moon

>> No.24966860

So mega whales continue to accumulate the XRP that others sell? Wouldn't this balance things out?

>> No.24966880

I hope so
I want to stay in the 1%

>> No.24966946
File: 36 KB, 620x384, 9731B16F-E529-4C27-B888-314740D4225F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending love to the anons and blessings to the bakers.

>> No.24966959
File: 11 KB, 200x237, Spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping is a spook.

>> No.24966992
Quoted by: >>24967066

today is the last time sleeping before the last time sleeping before the great conjuncture

>> No.24967066

based and conjuncture-pilled. is it going to make the full symbol as they separate?

>> No.24967084
File: 618 KB, 999x925, poollarp 1219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did pool mean by this?
also is chugs officially discredited like mellon?

>> No.24967103
Quoted by: >>24967516

all twitter fags are to be disregarded

>> No.24967168

im from canada bro. I work with an older immigrant from greece hes a really cool guy.

>> No.24967189
Quoted by: >>24967516

>also is chugs officially discredited like mellon?
Yes, Nobody in /xsg/ believes Mellon anymore
Fucking newfags

>> No.24967211

The leaflet is fake and off topic. Giving him attention only makes him hornier.
Mr Pool is debunked Jan 1st.
BG123 is debunked Jan 1st.
Ripple Riddler is debunked Dec 22-23.

>> No.24967291 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24967558

Is the monday EOY price based on these guys

>> No.24967297
Quoted by: >>24967558

are we disregarding lunar year?

>> No.24967340
File: 428 KB, 1440x1750, Screenshot_20201210-130840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has Mr Pool actually predicted?

>> No.24967353

farmland and cattle
pastures with pigs, chickens, ducks, cows etc
wells and meat

>> No.24967451
File: 63 KB, 588x476, AD642FA8-D124-42B8-8CD4-461A286D2A16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24967468

Mr. Pool's posts are on a delay
The purge mask post happened a few days after. The ripple wave a couple weeks after
The Stim/National Emergency could still happen.

>> No.24967478

How many transactions would it take to diminish the supply by 10billion?

>> No.24967494


chainlink, xdc and algo dates.

pool is the same person as bearableguy123

>> No.24967496

why did they do this

>> No.24967501


>> No.24967516
File: 322 KB, 1200x1167, DSiEaO8U8AA_A74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck off with your whining
I bet you guys look like the ones from the pic related.
Have fun watching your wife's get destroyed by BBC

>> No.24967558

Dec 21st was our conclusion based on all sorts of info in early xsg.
The 'insiders' contribution to xsg was the 2020 deadline, without their input xrp will go to 1-2k 'when it's ready'.
I still believe in 2k eoy but we need to not give baba meaning in these threads anymore, screencaps of his tweets have been used as 'bros posting' fud since early xsg.

Yes, you can give them till March 1st if you like but at some point we need to hold them to a date and not let them squirm.

Mr Pool is the most legit, whoever it is has a lot of connections.

>> No.24967560
Quoted by: >>24967705

I was being sarcastic
Mellon and baba belong in /xsg/
Anons trying to censor baba are faggots who are trying to control the narrative
"reee baba can't be right only fundamentals matter"

>> No.24967674

when lambo

>> No.24967689

never, its taking a giant shit now wtf

>> No.24967705

Mellon will always be part of xsg even if it turns out he's totally wrong. I take the Nov 20 pump as him being correct about some things tho.

>> No.24967927

holy fuck someone put a lot of work in that document

>> No.24968108


One of the few twitter schizos

>> No.24968164
Quoted by: >>24968251

>BTC explodes past its ATH yet again
>XRP still stuck on .57
and you idiots still believe it's a good coin?

>> No.24968173

hes not retarded like the others.
if nothing happens EOY hes done decoding the twitter larps

>> No.24968181

pure unfettered autism

>> No.24968220

Wow that’s a lot of Brian posehn clones

>> No.24968251
Quoted by: >>24969962

BTC will backtest support at 19k meaning we will likely go in the .54. area. After that we moon

>> No.24968700

So december 21st is another meme date, nothing happens until eoy

>> No.24968812

the only bet left is brian brooks coming through with his regulations by the end of jan 20. safe to say that if nothing happens by jan 20th then its time to sell and take profits because this coins going nowhere.


brian brooks is trying to push regulatory clarity so USA banks can start to use xrp, but none of that matters when hes publicly stated that biden's administration will just dismantle the regulations that he's pushing

>> No.24968926
Quoted by: >>24969064


>> No.24968981

Damn, absolute schizo level document.
I'll have a read tomorrow.

>> No.24969064

Hope you’re doing well.

>> No.24969099

we dump until the 21

>> No.24969115

Every day is a meme date, until it’s not.

>> No.24969136
Quoted by: >>24969164

Wait a minute. Mr Pool posted 16, 21, 30 which are very clear dates. On the 16th, xrp moved by 21.69% (haha funny sex number). I think on the 21st it will go up by 30%

>> No.24969150
File: 363 KB, 1400x1400, 160902_12-55-55_5DSR4035.0.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would still hold if I were you, the issues XRP is trying to solve is vastly more than just what it claims. It's needed, as soon as possible, and there's no competition.

The world desperately needs to unify all currencies into a global commodity that is not tied to any country. They even named the currency after this fact, understand what this means and you understand what you're betting on and you will never sell this coin.

>> No.24969164

>21.69% (haha funny sex number). I think on the 21st it will go up by 30%
Is there a significance of 21.69 to 30%?

>> No.24969219
Quoted by: >>24969289

Mr pool posted 16, 21, 30
16th - 21%
21st - 30%
30th - ??????

>> No.24969289
Quoted by: >>24969337

what he said
Also 2112 in jewish gematria translates to a bunch of things but most importantly.
>Your life is scripted
>The new jupiter

>> No.24969329
Quoted by: >>24969670

The election fraud is circus. Trump will be president. Relax and enjoy the ride.

>> No.24969333

yes, 30% is higher than 21%

>> No.24969337
Quoted by: >>24969670

2169 also is "Great news on vaccines", "Last day on earth moving to the moon"

>> No.24969382
File: 4 KB, 706x55, Annotation 2020-12-20 002957 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24969670

Nothing can stop what's coming

>> No.24969467

it's over...

>> No.24969574
File: 160 KB, 736x1041, 1517012083984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24969658

So what's the next date we're waiting on?

>> No.24969603
Quoted by: >>24970076

imf and ripple using specific images

>> No.24969617
File: 312 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20201003-131134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When trump got covid
EVERYONE tweeted "a speedy recovery"
"A speedy recovery" = pic related

>> No.24969658

who cares about some retarded memedates done by larpers? the only thing you have to wait for is the regulatory clarity which will happen in january or february, anything else is pointless

>> No.24969670


>> No.24969772
Quoted by: >>24970069

I haven't spoken too much about this, but if the class war is to end with the middle class defeated, it's likely that we'd move on to a new type of warfare between rich families.
It's one of the reasons I want to stretch this out, and I feel a lot of the more wealthy would like to have kept the status quo for some time also.

Being wealthy is really just a prerequisite to this new conflict, and nowhere puts in you in a favorable position. It's all about memes and information from here on.

>> No.24969800

Holy shit that meme

>> No.24969803

I don't think that is relevant at all, most people say speedy recovery without knowing about gematria

>> No.24969815

Well boys I just got fired from ye olde cuckshop. Wasn’t npc enough for them. Xrp better moon quick

>> No.24969849 [DELETED] 

I dont see it
It was certainly bizarre, I just dont think ut connects to rfkjr

>> No.24969880

>>24969617 #
I dont see it
It was certainly bizarre, I just dont think it connects to jfkjr

>> No.24969901
File: 1.13 MB, 1170x2208, EED287F0-5FE0-4446-9AC4-A95F624AB951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending thoughts m8.
soon enough, moon enough.

>> No.24969921

Guys I need a tax specialist who will tell me how to setup a shell company in the Virgin islands and pay myself a business salary. Where do I find a based loophole jew?

>> No.24969962
Quoted by: >>24970017

"After that we moon"
How many times has this phrase been uttered in an XSG thread lol

>> No.24969990
File: 156 KB, 519x696, IMG_20201214_095037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is why we are all here

>> No.24970017

the prospect of mooning will continue until morale improves

>> No.24970026
File: 220 KB, 960x549, 1608190080399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2k eoy

>> No.24970028

Was anyone else just seemingly "called" here to buy XRP and schizopost. I knew about XRP all summer but I have no reason to really be here and as invested as I am now

>> No.24970069

Will the plebs know about these family wars or will it be convert and ‘conspiracy’ theory stuff. Will it be reported in media like two football teams.

If you’re rich but not REAL rich and connect are left alone or do you need to pick a gang?

>> No.24970076

So he is a graphic designer?
It would explain his stock photo fetish

>> No.24970262

I heard somebody say ‘ripple is american’ on some website, I was compelled to find out what a ripple was and market bought my whole stack of xrp. This was around when Xsg started. I then had my mind blown constantly by all the breadcrumbs and ‘schizo’ stuff surrounding it.

Before that I had a negative opinion of crypto and never owned any.

>> No.24970280

Seriously though who drives a lambo?
You would have to live in a gated community just so your house isnt broken into, and you still run the risk of being xxxtentacion'd.
Furthermore, its a seemingly little dick thing to buy when you could be making actual changes in the world with those hundreds of thousands or millions.

It is one of the only pussy magnets in the world that works as a literal magnet so I will give playa's a pass but in terms of an investment, good luck with the money drain $10000+ everytime you need a new tire or a repair. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands down the road when gas/petrol is banned and it needs a whole new electric motor. Oh and if you crash it you're probably dead because its so fast, and if you survive you probably wont survive the million dollars you just wasted...

>> No.24970385

Kek. Oil isn’t going away. It’ll just get expensive. Lambos are pure status symbol but it doesn’t take much to know most women don’t give a fuck about cars. They notice it but they’re not that into it. Look at how women drive cars until the oil is gone and go “idk what the light meant”.
The exotic car market is all over the place and particular cars appreciate or keep their value simply for rarity. Fags who buy run of the mill lambos don’t know shit usually

>> No.24970414

Lambos are for ‘lottery winner’ xrp normies. It’s to make sure they’re poor again in 6 months.

McMansion + lambo + brand name clothes + cousin who needs to borrow some cash.

>> No.24970453

As much it would be fun to announce to everyone you're now a multi millionaire and buy a tesla/lambo i agree. Getting
xxxtentacion'd by some random nigger is not a way you want to be remembered
I unironically liked some of his music but my god that kid was retarded

>> No.24970455
File: 69 KB, 853x643, they want you out kekw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they want you out kekw
what did chugs mean by this

>> No.24970471

And I*. Fuck me, title is literally a secretary and this is the best the country has to offer?

>> No.24970549
Quoted by: >>24970708

Take the weed as a psychedelic pill
(1) Only use weed at a maximum over a weekend every fortnight preferably month
(2) Either buy a volcano vape, make a bucket/bath bong or learn to make edibles/buy a magic butter machine or buy a dabrig
(3) consume a massive amount ontop of no tolerance

This is the way Terrence McKenna recommended one use weed, though he never came down from a marijuana high since he was underage so he didnt take the advice himself

What I'm sayin' is xrp 2k eoy

>> No.24970560

Out of the closet, chugs is an lgbtqi+ twitter influencer.

>> No.24970572
Quoted by: >>24970692

This is the very reason for the fight to reduce the population to 500 million...
The age of reason is to eliminate those who do not abide to such.
What drives poor decisions is weak memes leading to the embracing of unhelpful, "non-nutritious" illusions, and eventually the genes break down, because the memes are insufficient to sustain continuity and attract elements of survival.

Ultimately, all of the people who embrace illusions that make no sense, such as owning a lambo = higher status or better than someone, must eventually be gone from this world so we can have a peaceful utopia where you can drive a lambo to the grocery store, and leave the keys on the ignition.

>> No.24970600
Quoted by: >>24970740

How long do we think we have?
I swung a bit into GRT hoping it would keeps it moment to $1 and dump it just before to put back into XRP. (Which it doesn't look like it's doing anymore). I still have 3k though so if we hit $2k I'll still be reasonably happy but was hoping to get into the ~10k range

>> No.24970692
Quoted by: >>24970785

This 500 million, is it multi racial do you think? I can't imagine any larg amount of Africans not resorting to gibs me dat

>> No.24970708

I've been eating strong edibles 24/7 for weeks
xrp 2k eoy

>> No.24970726

Don't worry, bud, we're gonna make it. You'll laugh about it this time next year.

>> No.24970740
Quoted by: >>24970858

It won't be enough. I had 1k, and I thought if I could just get to 3k id be ok. Then 4k, then 5k, then 10. I've had to tell myself to stop or I'll never be happy with what I have

>> No.24970741

Dont vape man who knows whats in that shit smoke herb as god intended

>> No.24970744
Quoted by: >>24970798

I was on /x/ in july and someone said buy xrp to secure your place in the future
I did it a couple days later and here I am

>> No.24970785
Quoted by: >>24970830

The stones are written in multiple languages, one of which is Swahili, but no, if the people made it that far, it's likely they have a certain gift.
It will likely most people living will be on "gibs" to some extent, the idea of exchanging your labor for value is quickly being phased out as it is.

>> No.24970798
Quoted by: >>24970856

Some schizo on poll got me into xrp. He posted some Simpson episode that mentioned xrp and i bought £20 and started to research. If you're here anon thank you

>> No.24970830
Quoted by: >>24970926

Also how big is your bag?

>> No.24970856
Quoted by: >>24970939

That was finkcoin anon haven’t seen him in a long time.

>> No.24970858

I'm currently in your footsteps. At 5.2k, a few months of grabbing will let me acoomulate to 10k

>> No.24970926

Google the first words until the first comma, then it's the first hit.

My bags are not as big as I wish they were to be frank with you... 10.2k, at a fairly high average of 54 cents.

>> No.24970939

Finkcoin? Was he a tripfag? I hope he didn't get vanned or rona'd