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File: 3.93 MB, 3150x4200, GreatAwakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24794781 No.24794781 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>24791581
======================GREAT AWAKENING======================
================THE SWITCH IS BEING FLIPPED================

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:
>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.24794817
File: 153 KB, 750x750, EboGiFRX0AAu6e-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24794946

>> No.24794839
Quoted by: >>24795047

Thanks just opened a short and sold 100k.

Opening a long now. Going to buy 300k with the 100k bag profit.

Going to rinse and repeat til I own all the xrp

>> No.24794842
File: 1.46 MB, 1668x1115, Screenshot_20201213-104458~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.50c stablecoin baby

>> No.24794848

guys, just had a vision. It told me to hold and not to take the vaccine. Never was into crypto but had an almost animalistic urge to buy xrp out of nowhere even though I didn't know what it was. Then I was drawn to this board. 2 weeks ago I didn't even know about crypto. Can you guys tell me more about this token? i am worried for my mind

>> No.24794865

Its just a jason parser on c++

>> No.24794868
File: 23 KB, 347x1023, 1604776935129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795266

with Christ, WAGMI

>> No.24794870
Quoted by: >>24794910

You were guided here by GOD or the source if you wish to call it that.

>> No.24794877

Same here, some synchronicity going on...Praise Jesus

>> No.24794878

lol are you serious no fucking way

>> No.24794880
Quoted by: >>24797981

Who is this Jason Parser? Where is c++?

>> No.24794892
Quoted by: >>24794917

It makes payments fast and cheap and scales. Send millions for pennys. Owned by a fat autistic jew with lots of connections to banks.
Lots of paid fud.
That's all you need to know unless you have a tech background to understand the technology in detail

>> No.24794893
File: 2.72 MB, 1956x3182, St_Ignatius_of_Loyola_(1491-1556)_Founder_of_the_Jesuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24800603

Holy digits.

>> No.24794903
File: 1.87 MB, 4000x3000, IMG20201214212244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24794910
Quoted by: >>24794934

Yeah i would have been really worried if I didn't had such a strong sense that everything would be alright after I dumped money into xrp. It almost felt like being just in time to board a train.
Not religious though, just quite spiritual.

>> No.24794917
File: 571 KB, 500x196, 1-04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24794933

where is my spark flare tokens

>> No.24794934
File: 88 KB, 848x960, 80099b27427440b1624cf4b28dc27a61a61a0976ad21925485690f9e15bf7deb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24794937
File: 98 KB, 652x409, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we all make it, I'm inviting all of you to an extravagant brap buffet. Cabbage, cauliflower and almonds will be fed to the fine women beforehand. Relax, enjoy our wealth and inhale the sweet braps. You won't need to imagine the smell any longer, frens, you can enjoy the smell.

>> No.24794946

Also damn fucking straight there is, shit has been getting stranger and stranger with my skitzo strangers and their wondering thoughts.

>> No.24794947
File: 633 KB, 686x534, botterinocheckerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24794951
File: 446 KB, 958x1057, 1602517718044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24796802

Some BOOBA for the POOMPA!

>> No.24794975
File: 186 KB, 1417x383, 1607940921397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So solarwind is fucked. How do we profit of this?
Short solarwind now?
I mean there's no way they are not going under. Theres no way theyll survive this, is there?

>> No.24794982
Quoted by: >>24795025


>> No.24794983


>> No.24794991

There are thousands of sealed indictments.

>> No.24794992
File: 275 KB, 1002x1729, chugs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795001

whos ready for another week of getting served nothingburgers?

>> No.24795001


>> No.24795025
Quoted by: >>24795123


>> No.24795030
File: 35 KB, 1122x431, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually interesting to look at

>> No.24795031

it was a scam

>> No.24795047

thats what you meant
you know you could take the 300k and crash the market with 2 accounts
then once everybody dumps on you you can pump with 30 million until you hit £5k and buy out spacex after nasa is finished using their money for nuke research

>> No.24795057

>Short solarwind
only if they go bankrupt in paying out SLA penalties
otherwise, their customers will stick around on the sheer fact that it is a bitch and a half to change out and configure systems

>> No.24795070
Quoted by: >>24795444

Same, no vision though

>> No.24795081

actually, disregard. i have no idea what i'm talking about, and have a fever coming on

>> No.24795085

This is very nice mr. frogposter.

>> No.24795088
File: 101 KB, 603x468, 1607931932077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795131


>> No.24795094

Checked and based

>> No.24795097

Official thread Theme

>> No.24795123
File: 99 KB, 746x512, 6123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24795129

2 weeks ago I didnt knew a thing about crypto
now im holding my life savings in xrp
i have no doubt
research it

>> No.24795131
Quoted by: >>24795214

this guy below is more on the ball than i am

>i'll shut up now

>> No.24795149

Thread images and themes are leveling up, based kino baker

>> No.24795204
File: 12 KB, 551x316, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24797973

If we go back to a gold standard we will go back to 1913 value of the $1 not the today's fiat value.

Lets say you had 100xrp at very low estimate $100 = $10,000

that $10,000 fiat today would actually be worth $262,900

>> No.24795214

Everyone's opinion contributes friend.

>> No.24795216
File: 337 KB, 1500x1000, wakey wakey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795268

lads what the latest hopium? I need a nice dose pls

>> No.24795231
File: 59 KB, 573x430, 1520637248920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am only here because one morning I was woken up by a voice very clearly and distinctly saying the word "RIPPLE".
I have no history of mental illness and have never heard a voice before or since so I decided to look into it and here I am.

>> No.24795237
File: 156 KB, 1848x1566, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795318

>it already happened
we can do what we want with it just crash the fucking shitcoin and start over

>> No.24795250
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

>> No.24795266

Amen, brother

>> No.24795268
File: 55 KB, 365x266, HHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795467

>All dates are FUD
>Flare is an unknown entity
>Solar Flare
>Trump will win

That fucking photo with the guy doing the hidden hand of history is all I need. If you look for it, you'll find it in all sorts of unusual places.

>> No.24795318
Quoted by: >>24795434

>26 trillion
Down to
>5 trillion

Price drops 0.68055555556
Golden ratio 0.61803551232

That volume is pretty unfathomable.

>> No.24795351
File: 572 KB, 1536x2048, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THREAD REMINDER (Based Schizo Edition)






most importantly



To those who betrayed God throughout spacetime:
You are headed for the void of nothing, eternal oneness with the darkness you so fondly promote awaits.



(Welcome; zoomer schizo autists, we made you, now you will help make the memes for the next generation of based schizo anons)
>No you didn't reeeee!
>we made the memes you grew up with
>....... loud and clear anon.

>Newfags arguing:
4chan has you. Welcome, you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave. You're one of us now.

>Incoming solar flare EMP FUD
Its actually an event that culls all lower vibrational beings from the solar system.

>XLM, XRP relationship
XRP will make you wealthy, it is the quantum interledger protocol.
XLM will make you rich, it is the quantum hyperledger fabric.
Pick one or do as a based anon says and have 10:1





>> No.24795377
Quoted by: >>24795688

Welcome, anon

>> No.24795434

crash xrp now

>> No.24795444

hope we were drawn to this for a reason. Whatever powers may be, they are playing their pieces in this lifetime, and so we must do our duty when the time comes.

>> No.24795445


>> No.24795457

They want you out before it happens, level 60 diamond hands are needed to last

>> No.24795467

Whats the significance of that photo? Isn't he just reaching into his pocket for something?

>> No.24795483
Quoted by: >>24795718

He's not even reaching into his pocket. The lighting is just bad in the video and his glove blends in with his pants.

>> No.24795488

I never watched the video but pretty sure he kept his hand there the entire time, it's what kicked off all this BLM thing.
They were both masons.

>> No.24795492

>pornhub is still up

Love our brave new world

>> No.24795497
Quoted by: >>24795565


>> No.24795518
Quoted by: >>24798105

i always pray to god to make me an instrument of his will, that I am at his disposition to bring his will into this world, this is what he wants from me and im nothing but his servant
i can see it all so clearly now
ive read over 12 books on economy and blockchains in the last 20 days ive never felt so good in my life my mind is expanding and I want everyone to go to the moon with me

>> No.24795540
Quoted by: >>24795610


>> No.24795565
Quoted by: >>24795610

I guess something crashed in Google cloud platform and it's taking all services depending on it with it. Something very similar happened around US election time.
Once again the timing of thid outage is really fishy..

>> No.24795610
Quoted by: >>24795645

Is the supposed Chinese cyber attack psyop happening?

>> No.24795630

ccp names leaked. censorship.

scrubbed from gitlab

>> No.24795645

i wouldnt rule it out
even if its a techinical error, a hack or a falseflag it gonna call worlwide attention to the vulnerability of our current system, then the treasury hack fiasco, the election fraud, its all leading up to the call for a more stable, trustworthy blockained system

>> No.24795678
Quoted by: >>24795738

holy shit

>> No.24795688
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1607721108741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24795714

Thank you friends. Juicy digits.

>> No.24795714


>> No.24795718

You are correct, hand isn't in pocket. Although still hidden. I'll have to check if still relevant to the shit I posted.

>> No.24795738

This is exactly what we've been waiting for.




>> No.24795756

Why is there two xrp 360 and 361 generals?
I was confused as fuck looking for my posts, turns out I've been posting in all 4.

>> No.24795780
File: 856 KB, 828x1030, 1607931593591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under Emergency War Powers Act. The President has virtually unlimited powers and has the ability to sidestep congress and the House.

>> No.24795843

youtube still works when logged out
theyre taking all our data

>> No.24795848

derailer thread?
The other thread was posted 45 minutes after this one.

>> No.24795877

CCP shills trying to derail us

>> No.24795879

I haven’t watched porn in a month.

>> No.24795911

Godspeed anon. We are proud of you.

>> No.24795923

God bless

>> No.24795935
Quoted by: >>24796031

This is fucking bullshit, there putting us under hard lock down til January, all non essentials, schools and business Wil not be allowed to open, these politicians and traitors should be publicly hanged

>> No.24795959

guys silicon valley is getting bombarded

>> No.24796001
Quoted by: >>24796181

This looks cool, but explain what I'm looking at pls

>> No.24796017
File: 111 KB, 768x1024, v3imagesbin98c9118e31aef4684e3ecc1d23d2fed0-kn1pmb6ut6wgvhykbu2_t1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24796031

I've never been more nervous but so at peace in my entire life than I am right now

>> No.24796034
File: 436 KB, 1202x1270, 1607934661248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Excuse to lockdown internet and censor.

>> No.24796060

China using European proxies or the deepstate is attacking.

>> No.24796178

Why Ireland attacking the US?

>> No.24796181
Quoted by: >>24796210

a massive amount of server intrusion
im thinking all the data stored on people by google and their derivates is being leaked

>> No.24796197 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x576, 1607943990015m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contact us upto December 21st
What does CDProject Red know...

>> No.24796210
File: 43 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24796239

so what does cured mean? exonerated?

>> No.24796278

Fuck, I'm not being the first one.
Any brave anons?

>> No.24796282

dude youre really freaking me out

>> No.24796306
Quoted by: >>24796531

It feels like some shit is about to go down. Being here since primordial XSG, I am ready and have been expecting this. Mellon warned us. Get your shit off exchanges like right now to be safe. WAGMI. Contact Christ, he is a free, open source spiritual resource for you. All you gotta do is talk to Him. Again, WAGMI.

>> No.24796328

All your other posts are fucking based, please explain sir

>> No.24796375
Quoted by: >>24796381

what does this mean?

>> No.24796377
File: 46 KB, 680x708, rage wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24796381
Quoted by: >>24796506

Check his other stuff linked to the acct

>> No.24796413

Did anyone have a look at Flare Finance source code in the sticky?
Any thoughts?
Isn't it weird also how only a few people are pushing it hard at specific time of the day but the rest of the time nobody mentions it?
Definitely doesn't feel like shilling, r-right?...

>> No.24796420

December 14, 2020: Total Eclipse of the Sun. This eclipse is not visible from North America. (The eclipse is visible only from the southern Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands, and parts of South America, Antarctica, and Africa.

>> No.24796458
Quoted by: >>24796523

we're still many months away from Flare Finance, so everything should be clear by then

in other words, stop worrying and unnecessarily fudding

>> No.24796471

Nigger it's a direct product of ripple labs. Flare itself shills flare finance.

>> No.24796481 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1156x1600, IMG-ef3d50c1955742660d906289a7405fec-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With such btc pumping more people try to find reliable platforms and alts
Recently came across DuckDAO, did you try to play there? Seems like it is the first crypto incubator with a well-build tokenomic

>> No.24796506
Quoted by: >>24796554

trippy, not sure how much of it is accurate

>> No.24796509
File: 91 KB, 1153x1080, PicsArt_12-14-08.02.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24796523

Well not so many month since it's supposed to be fully functional at least 1 month after mainnet goes live.
Completely false statement really easy to verify. https://twitter.com/FlareNetworks/status/1313760501495730177
Are you that retarded or blindly shilling?

>> No.24796531
File: 83 KB, 521x695, 6ba69e5f7226697dacb42763199eb1c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI, Jesus has overcome the world so we could have peace

>> No.24796532

Oh really? Give a source of that. Flare dont shill Flare finance. They made atweet that it looks interesting but that people should DYOR. Sketchy. If it was a direct product of Ripple dont you think it would be more official?
Go back to the hut Pajeet.

>> No.24796554
Quoted by: >>24796669

Check the synopsis of the movie

>> No.24796566

Is there any moroccan schizo girl here i want to make babies with a based girl

>> No.24796567

You get it in January

>> No.24796568

In this video Hugo from Flare talks about FlrFinance bringing Defi to Flare


Flare itself has been under the radar, flare finance is super low key.

>> No.24796579

my guess is after regulation gets released in the upcoming weeks, the team will release who they are as well as more details on things

we're at least 3 months away from having to worry about Flare Finance and by then things should be clear

>> No.24796589
Quoted by: >>24796633

We're talking about the end of the banking cartel scam here. They aren't going to talk about Flare Finance on fox business. I was amazed that CNN anchor brought up flare when she was talking to Brad.

>> No.24796602
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1594360214683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24796606


>> No.24796607

Fuck I wish I bought more
Defi will be so fucking big and disruptive, I don't think many fully understand.

>> No.24796633

The more I look into it and the more I see people spewing loads of bullshit to defend the project the more it feels like a scam to me.
I'm legit tring to find interesting info about it but all I get in return is retard sperging out.
Thanks for the link I'll have look.
I'm not talking about info on MSM but info on the internet. the github link is from their whitepaper. You would think it would be more than empty repos...

>> No.24796639
Quoted by: >>24796658

90% of crypto hodlrs are male

>> No.24796650
Quoted by: >>24796736

Jesus christ dude how much are they paying you. It can't be that much because of how fucking retarded you are

>> No.24796658

And 99% of hodlers are not moroccan

>> No.24796669

>Professor Andrew Patterson (Glenn Ford) returns to his alma mater, the College of St. George in San Francisco. He is attending the initiation of a new member into a secret society, the Brotherhood of the Bell. The man who initiated Patterson 22 years earlier, financier Chad Harmon (Dean Jagger), is presiding at the ceremony. Harmon gives Patterson an address and instructs him to go there to receive an assignment from the society; Patterson has been selected to prevent Dr. Konstantin Horvathy (Eduard Franz) from accepting a deanship at a college of linguistics. The Brotherhood wants this post for one of their own. Patterson is given dossiers of people who helped Horvathy defect to the United States, and he is to threaten to reveal these to the government of Horvathy's homeland if Horvathy accepts the new post. Against Brotherhood policy, Patterson consults Harmon about the legality and ethics of his assignment. Harmon tells Patterson to do it and be grateful that more is not asked of him.

Patterson returns home to Los Angeles and immediately contacts Dr. Horvathy. Unable to persuade him to decline the position, he presents him with photostats of the dossiers. Horvathy, who is a lifelong refugee from Fascism and Communism, commits suicide. Remorse causes Patterson to confide in his wife, Vivian (Rosemary Forsyth), and his father-in-law Harry Masters (Maurice Evans), and he announces a desire to reveal the Brotherhood's actions to the public.

In taking Patterson to see a certain Thaddeus Burns, a supposed agent of the Federal Security Services (the film's fictional version of the FBI), Masters is secretly helping the Brotherhood to recover the Horvathy dossiers before Patterson can use them in his plan to expose the Brotherhood. Burns takes the dossiers from Patterson, and Masters subsequently denies taking Patterson to see Burns. Patterson is alienated from his father-in-law and his wife, who then leaves him.

>> No.24796678

you can't get scammed when you're not putting anything in, you're getting airdropped free shit LMAO

>> No.24796701

just look at how insane defi is running on ETH network
now imagine it much faster and with much lower fees

>> No.24796705
File: 158 KB, 1915x513, russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax guys, it was probably Russia just colluding with drumpf again.
It will be so sweet when he's finally prosecuted for his crimes

>> No.24796708
Quoted by: >>24796775

oh no a second airdrop im so scared!

>> No.24796736

You're right I porbably shouldn't say scam for now. But at the very least an unfinished project trying to use XRP hype around snapshot date to get undeserved attention.
If they start selling their tokens in advance because "trust me bro" it's gonna be huge then I will consider it a scam.
You're exactly the kind of retard I was talking about.

>> No.24796775

wait until he learns that the second DAOflare airdrop has to be converted into Yield Flare in the subsequent 7 days period before they are burn
its gonna melt his brain

>> No.24796785


>> No.24796802



>> No.24796803
Quoted by: >>24796949

So holding coins on ledger is safe? Or should I move them to xumm?

>> No.24796818

What is a make it stack?

>> No.24796826

One of us, one of us, one of us

>> No.24796842

suicide stack is 1k
at least for me

>> No.24796844

888 XRP

>> No.24796867
File: 322 KB, 1715x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets incoming to FUD

>> No.24796887
Quoted by: >>24796951

Mate if the Internet of Money isn't reliable then frankly I don't know what to believe

>> No.24796939

Why does anyone care what these people say? No one with a platform will give out good advice, they'd just apply it to their own investments and fud everyone else.

>> No.24796949
File: 454 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20201209-152650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably safe. You can never really know for sure with proprietary software. XUMM is open source and is funded partly by ripple along with members of the xrp community also working on it

>> No.24796951


>> No.24796958
Quoted by: >>24796996

He is another
shill, or changed his vpn.

>> No.24796977
File: 171 KB, 1023x682, Eo3MxldXUAAOPPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my bags feel so heavy when I'm still up ~100%

I confess to being a little disappointed with the pre-snspshot pump despite being in for the long haul. I think I'm just finding it all so tiresome

>> No.24796996
Quoted by: >>24797009

you might need to re-align your criteria on who is full of shit. 1PBTID isn't the only metric

>> No.24797009

When 90% is bad I can miss the 10%

>> No.24797010
File: 132 KB, 426x500, 1607225605063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need a little hopium.

>> No.24797018

Yes goy give up your bags, they are too heavy in the long run

>> No.24797037

Can someone please d/l this and report back?
I'm too scared.

>> No.24797050

Yeah no I'm not touching that.
I was also waiting for a brave anon to report back.

>> No.24797097
File: 116 KB, 1205x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24797119

Like hell I'm downloading that
Supreme leader Xi Jinping Number 1 the best
I love China
CCP is best

>> No.24797101
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, xrp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24797119
Quoted by: >>24797148

Oh shit so that's the leak they were talking about??
Imma spin up a VM to check that out.

>> No.24797122

they basically doxxed all the members of the CCP, the attack on google at my opinion is payback by doxxing us and western citizens

>> No.24797148

Naw man

I'm in a third-world country, offshore and shit, and I can use TOR,

But hell no, I'm not touching that

You're probably an American or European, soooo...

If you have people you care about, I'd recommend not doing so

>> No.24797188
File: 181 KB, 1035x793, Screenshot_20201214-154754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24797189

Figured you can see the contents of the zip

>> No.24797205

Yes quick quick sell before the pump!!! you wouldn't wanna risk making profit would you?
I'll be fine.

>> No.24797216

We were literally at 0.20 a month ago and went up to 0.80

fucking chill, 0.49 from 0.50 doesn't fucking matter

hold or you'll literally suicide from blaming yourself later on

>> No.24797234

I see you guys figure it out too.
>But hell no, I'm not touching that
I hate that 10 years ago I would be downloading anything and everything that tickled my curiosity and now I have to hesitate what I click.

>> No.24797272

manage your emotions friend
youre never going to make if you get shaken out so easily

>> No.24797279
File: 718 KB, 599x880, 1604679482524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate that 10 years ago I would be downloading anything and everything that tickled my curiosity and now I have to hesitate what I click.
too real, man. too real

>> No.24797288

I mean I get the Russiagate bs, but it's very naive of the right to believe that Russia is a benign actor. Russia's entire existence is predicated on its opposition to the "west".

>> No.24797303
File: 28 KB, 326x348, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24797320

Same. I used to see some amazing shit. Now I don't wanna see anything or touch anything sensitive.

I just wanna be a good goy and be another brick in the wall, so I can eventually be able to immigrate to a nice place, get a good job, get married, pop out some kids, and die.

Sad as fuck, I know.

>> No.24797320

what countries are you envisioning?
i got NZ, estonia, Switzerland and japan

>> No.24797358

I'm from Switzerland and it is cucked, as every other country is

>> No.24797373
Quoted by: >>24797788

Anywhere with free healthcare, quiet, peaceful. I'm aiming for Canada. I like the cold, there's a lot of land.

My dream is to basically get a nice teaching job at a smallish university, eventually get a ranch, with a barn, have some barn animals, a few dogs and cats, grow old and die peacefully.

As I'm growing older, I just want to settle down, I don't want any action, running around, or anything "exciting" like that.

>> No.24797461

I just watched the full video and there was literally ZERO mention of Flare Finance.
You just made my suspicion even worse.
That's the 3rd someone tries to lie about a partnership between Flare Network and Flare Finance or that Flare Network (this time via Hugo) is endorsing Flare Finance.

>> No.24797505

Fellow schizo and I was drawn here after not coming for 3 years just in time to buy XRP, first time i put money in anything.

>> No.24797641
Quoted by: >>24797689

Just had my third flat tire last night. Just had another one go flat like three weeks ago, and another one before that about a month before. I hate my life

>> No.24797682

ngmi this way

>> No.24797689
File: 174 KB, 967x1369, 1603272123826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24797790

Darkest before the dawn, anon. Everything happens for a reason.

>> No.24797730
File: 213 KB, 597x1178, 1603418206690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24797810

Tfw we are in the ideal timeline and the emp fud in this timeline just refers to the solarwinds hack. EZPZ

>> No.24797788
Quoted by: >>24797798

Me too anon I just want a farm in the mountains with a lot of land. Where I can finally be left the fuck alone and stay away from the greater part of society.

>> No.24797790

I feel like this is all a test. I stopped working when I refused to wear a mask and then shortly after my car starts running worse, I get all these flat tires. I was on track to have a new car by now, but I was forced to dig into my savings and only have like two months before I'm out. I will probably move back in my parents, I just don't know how I will cover the rest of my rent until April though.

>> No.24797798


>> No.24797810

some anon yesterday told everyone to be cautious at 11am GMT
I wraped my shit in tinfoil and then this morning this crap happens to google and my workplace internet connection starts acting up at about 11:30

Solar Winds...
godamnit im going full schizo

>> No.24797922

I think this whole year was a test for everybody. Perhaps you need to be humbled or put in a desperate situation in order to attain the spiritual growth you sought in coming to Earth. If you haven't yet been doing so, try reflecting on your actions and attitudes over the past year, and consider what you can learn from how it turned out for you.
Anyway, I'm sorry for the stress that's been put upon you, I don't like seeing anyone suffer. It sucks, but there's no need to worry. WAGMI, almost certainly within the next two months.

>> No.24797973

Why would we go to the 1913 valuation and not lime the 1970 valuation? ‘71 is when we went off the gold standard

>> No.24797981

C++ is a halucinogen

>> No.24798008
File: 50 KB, 750x750, 1607543347078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24798100

>godamnit im going full schizo
Congratulations, anon. It can be a difficult process to start but ultimately it's a lot of fun.

>> No.24798015

I almost took my own life during the summer time. Glad to be here with you guys.

>> No.24798070

I’m here because I had a slight breakdown about getting my life in order and God told me to check out biz for financial advice and XSG was the first thread in the catalog and something in my head said “look no further”. Praise Jesus

>> No.24798076

I was at my lowest point in life I have ever been few months ago.
Well you know, what they say, when you hit rock bottom, the only way is up.
Anyway, I havent been happier since then.

>> No.24798077

Just wrapped all my usb and hard drives in ALUMINIUM foil. Thinking of covering one of the bathrooms in foil as well in case of Solar or HAARP storm, I'll just schizopost from the toilet.

Already noticed cyber attacks at Post Office and Pharmacy past 2 weeks. Some systems down others very glitchy.

>> No.24798087

I'm glad you were strong enough to make it here with us. In 2019 my commute mainly consisted of me repeating a mantra of "I hate my life" over and over. But now I've never been more at peace and ready to spread the joy.

>> No.24798100
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Quoted by: >>24798155


>> No.24798105

What books did you read?? I love reading and want some great suggestions ples fren

>> No.24798111
Quoted by: >>24798158

Put a cardboard or plastic buffer between the device and foil.

>> No.24798116
File: 83 KB, 609x540, 1607199608059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO what the fuck. Are you me?


>> No.24798133

the "solar flare" was actually the solar winds hack

>> No.24798151
Quoted by: >>24799316

So are you not gonna explain to me why you lied about Hugo supposedly endorsing Flare Finance?
Flare Finance looks more and more like a scam to me because liars like you...

>> No.24798155
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed b00ba

>> No.24798158
File: 177 KB, 1500x1000, 1607716629018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did put some other cushion wrap and paper. We'll see. Thinking about a box with water filled walls for maximum security.

Pic rel from Vatican

>> No.24798173

Penthouse Letters Archive Edition vol. iV

>> No.24798197
File: 104 KB, 510x360, 1596669185070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24798253

Scratch that it's not from Vatican but from Denver I Airport same as Blucifer.

>> No.24798253
File: 834 KB, 740x981, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24798418

I got a load of Mission Darkness faraday bags/cases last month. Work well and not too spenny.

>> No.24798301
Quoted by: >>24798371

I'm really not even joking, this is exactly what I've done too. I can't even tell if this is all fake or larp but I keep reading this and I've genuinely done the same.

Either there is mass brain washing or we've all gotten a connection to some spiritual awakening.

>> No.24798329

Is CZ Binance (Changpeng Zhao, the founder), on the leak???

>> No.24798371

>Either there is mass brain washing or we've all gotten a connection to some spiritual awakening.
It's both. See PM2020 of you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole.

>> No.24798414


Why did you refuse to wear a mask?

>> No.24798418
Quoted by: >>24798609

Interdasting, need to get some for phone and while traveling, probably next year if Covid-21 doesn't hit.

>> No.24798427
File: 635 KB, 1172x862, Screenshot at dec. 14 15-41-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Brain talking about big tech censorship and the SPLC who want to regulate crypto and to blacklist anons for 'wrong think'

>> No.24798493
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>> No.24798547
File: 264 KB, 1500x844, reisemobil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a rape van and staying mobile next couple of years. Too risky to be bound to one place, things can change very quickly, also HAARP might fuck up your area, melt your house or destroy crops via Hurricanes and Storms.

>> No.24798609
File: 280 KB, 1200x800, The Resurrection (Fazzini).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have some kino duffel, bergen and molle bags.

>> No.24798622

Welp. I'm done accumulating now bros.
Let me take off my Bobo mask and we can start pumping again.

>> No.24798677

O, based OP, would you give your advice?

>CCP leak
>Bitfinex lawsuit would probably be affected, maybe it's ruled and USDT crashes taking everything down with it
>Binance CZ is Chinese, possibly on the list, who knows what he'll do, or what will happen to BUSD and funds on Binance
>Coinbase is Cuckbase, who're also shady, owns USDC basically
>DAI (MakerDAO) seems okay, lead investor is Andreessen Horowitz LLC, doesn't seem to be too shady

Is DAI the best option to keep part of portfolio to buy dips with?

>> No.24798723
File: 99 KB, 761x759, 1607229171979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's based? I also quitted my job cuz of this BS.

>> No.24798773
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>> No.24798779

i think USDC is going to be the digital dollar

>> No.24798795

It'll crash along with cuckbase

>> No.24798799

I hope everyone is paying close attention to how whenever someone raise legitimate concerns about Flare Finance you get small group of people jumping in screaming fud and shill then use lies to try to legitimize the project and when you call out their lies they either scream fuds even more or simply go quiet....

>> No.24798825
Quoted by: >>24799509

Small is Beautiful by EF Schumacher!

>> No.24798838

Because it's obvious this doesn't just end with a mask.

>> No.24798902

i love that /xsg/ is literally going full tinfoil (for the record i also wrapped my phone and ledger in aluminum foil and put them in the microwave when i saw the news about the Solarwind hack)

glad you're here as well.

>> No.24798903

>Is there any moroccan schizo girl here i want to make babies with a based girl
Morocco is full of retards, women are more likely to be so.
Just avoid moroccan women and go for foreign girls, khoya.
And if you do don't tell her about your true networth.
Nasi7a mn wizarat si7a.

>> No.24798972
File: 122 KB, 860x484, 1607873956291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24799000

1% stack holder here. Goys I've been out of the loop recently. Is the switch almost ready to be flicked? Anything new?

>> No.24799000

How much to be 1% anon

>> No.24799018

Checked and wise to be skeptical. I'll be keeping an eye out for further development, but my intuition tells me it will be a big part of our path. Time will tell.

>> No.24799026

It's less than 2%, but generally more than 0%.

>> No.24799053



Leafs explain yourselves.

>> No.24799126

Ive you are from aryan hyperborean decent its your duty to save a white women from zog and marry her and make white babies

>> No.24799158

trips checked
I'm over 80k xrp. I wanted 150k but I couldn't put the money together in time. I wish I had gone full retard.

>> No.24799170

Good thing its a lot harder for them to pry xrp from you.

>> No.24799198

i would be putting everything i had in crypto if i was a canadian

>> No.24799232

based. I have a thing for asian girls but I've accepted I'll have to end up with a White girl. Our women have become incredibly difficult and psychotically treacherous but gotta keep those German genes pure. I refuse to have hapa children.

>> No.24799264
Quoted by: >>24799530

>Ive you are from aryan hyperborean decent its your duty to save a white women from zog and marry her and make white babies
I would love to do so.
Planning to marry an aryan woman and make Christian babies.

>> No.24799281
File: 95 KB, 620x879, 1587392805018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ID

>> No.24799307
File: 1.64 MB, 1222x917, 1607955362497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really happening isn't it

>> No.24799316
Quoted by: >>24799440

I must have misremembered, been a while since I watched that vid

>> No.24799440
Quoted by: >>24799787

Uuuh... Is that so?
You were pretty quick to defend them though. And you seemed pretty sure of you.
>Nigger it's a direct product of ripple labs. Flare itself shills flare finance. >>24796471
>In this video Hugo from Flare talks about FlrFinance bringing Defi to Flare >>24796568

>> No.24799473

Sweating bullets right now and need assurance. I'm moving all my funds (10k+) to cold storage.

I'm using https://iancoleman.io/bip39/

I'm choosing a 24 word mnemonic, and that will be my private key that I can access the wallet with.

I'll choose XRP as the coin, and down at the bottom I'll choose 1 row (to generate one address)

And that will be the public address I'll be withdrawing to.

Good to go?

>> No.24799509

Gonna check that one out, thanks fren!

>> No.24799513

Also, should I store on one wallet and memorize the key to it?, or multiple wallets in case of a hack?

>> No.24799530

Thats the most based thing to do, I plan to live a farmerly life away from the control grid, with crops, animals and christianity

>> No.24799560

Don't use any generators. Come up with something yourself.

>> No.24799576
Quoted by: >>24799616

and how will I know the public key nigga?

>> No.24799583
Quoted by: >>24799718

It's amazing how cringe FUDers are. I made the decision this year to hold for 5 years MINIMUM. Why would i give a FUCK about a month to month basis when im in it for the long haul.

>> No.24799586
Quoted by: >>24799876




>> No.24799608

this is what taking medication looks like

>> No.24799616
Quoted by: >>24799876

Watch the video!

>> No.24799686
Quoted by: >>24799876

Yes just pick the first public address on the list in case you want to restore into a ledger later not number 43 or it won't show up because ledger software is stupid. If you want multiple wallets better to use different seeds for each one. Ideally use raw entropy (dice rolls etc) 8f you can.

>> No.24799718
Quoted by: >>24799924

The vast majority of people are retards incapable of thinking long term.
All they care about is short term gain.
If you ask them if they would rather get $1M right now or get a penny and double it everyday, most of them will choose the $1M right now ....

>> No.24799728
Quoted by: >>24799876

Download the bip39 html directly from GitHub or the ledger website and run it offline, ideally on an airgapped laptop running Tails OS. Don't make your own mnemonic, humans are not good at generating entropy. We generally subconsciously build patterns. If you're going to make your own, do it based on coin flips or something else.
Use multiple wallets. Memorize if youre autistic enough to do that, or you can record the mnemonic on paper/metal, or you can write a story containing the words in a specific order that you know how to reorganize into the mnemonic.

>> No.24799769
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based id


>> No.24799787
Quoted by: >>24800018

I've talked to the devs in discord, they are solid. Not much is revealed about the platform aside from their shortpaper. Join their discord and ask them yourself.

>> No.24799790

Your ID

>> No.24799835

based anons, should I pay a large percentage of my credit card or buy more zerps with my EOY bonus
i know long term is more profitable to buy a small bag with it but I just dont want to be in debt anymore

what do

>> No.24799868
Quoted by: >>24800018

pointing out that this is XSG not FSG, if you want flare specific talk start your own general.

>> No.24799874
File: 66 KB, 1200x744, 127934218_2124496864347723_560249379077084386_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all coming together...

google shutdown...


>> No.24799876
Quoted by: >>24800042


Thanks everyone, I'm using an airgapped laptop without a wifi chip that's in a room far away from any other electronics too (just in case)

>> No.24799924

I know that sounded really smart in your head but it was actually really fucking stupid.

>> No.24799927

>The United States of America
>Arguably the worlds only Superpower
>Largest, most successful economy in the world
>unarguably the worlds only military superpower
>Britain’s favourite child (though the Aussies are also close)

Using a cuckbase coin as their national currency.

>> No.24800008

HSBC has 600 ccp members
HSBC is one of the major Ripple partners.
Im not trying to fud but this is worrying

>> No.24800018

>I've talked to the devs in discord
>Join their discord
hahaha yeah sure I'm gonna join all the discord trannies.

So let me get this straight, you're so involved with the project that you are on their discord but somehow the only arguments you have in their favor is easily debunkable obvious lies ?
They only have a shortpaper with not much information in it, but somehow they will be fully ready to operate on mainnet and do an airdrop in only just a few months?
Their devs are publicly participating in discord but their public github repo (mentioned on their website) is empty?
Yeah nah sorry man I'm not buying it.
I'm not the one who started pushing this shit project hard on /XSG/ I'm just making sure anons hav all the information they need to make their own decisions.
haha are you one of the retards who would have chose the $1M
Stay poor and clueless faggot.

>> No.24800042

Based ultra schizo
Please explain? I know I'd rather hold more than the entirety of the world's wealth in a year than have $1 million right now.

>> No.24800125
Quoted by: >>24800514

>you're so involved with the project that you are on their discord
Im in the flare and flr finance discords. Not like im in there daily. Its also 10am and I havent slept so my info is spotty. Not a shill just someone whos following these projects. If you think its a scam just dont worry about it then. They only want serious people involved anyway.

>> No.24800155

You’ll go far in this world

>> No.24800169

So why is everyone fudding Flare all of a sudden?

>> No.24800188
Quoted by: >>24800514

You’re doing good work anon. I appreciate it.

That’s not to make any comment on the legitimacy of flare finance. It could well be the future. I appreciate you pressing the issue though and you do have a point about the anger when questions are raised.

>> No.24800331

Basic economics Thomas Swell
bitcoin the future of currency
history of money
cryptocurrency 4 books in one
Don tapscoot Blockchain
Economic in one lesson
intellectuals and society
5 elementes of effective thinking
seneca on the shortness of life
seneca on tranquility of mind
marcus aurelius meditations

>> No.24800336

Theres Flare and there’s flare.
Flare Network is the ripple labs connected project that ran the recent snapshot and will airdrop sparkies.
Flare finance is a new defi project that has announced a separate airdrop (it is a separate project and not connected to flare network)

Nobody is fudding anything. Flare finance has rather come out of nowhere so anons (one based anon in particular) have been asking questions about it. The responses to these questions have been somewhat seethey.

Ultimately DYOR. Flare finance could be the greatest thing to ever happen to you. Or it could be a rugpull. Or anything in between. It’s your responsibility to decide where on that spectrum you think it is.

>> No.24800340

Because they’re desperate to get us to believe lies
>b-but people just started talking about flare a few days ago!
This has been debunked, we’ve been talking about it forever
It’s honestly pathetic why these people are so concerned what schizo’s do with their money
Who cares just sit back and laugh if you fudders are so sure we’re wrong
Don’t (You) me fudfags

>> No.24800363

Ripple must operate like a ditchpig and partner with every bank they can to maximize use cases and interoperability. HSBC must operate like a legitimate bank seeking partnerships that bolster their reputation.

>> No.24800460

Bank of America aren’t similarly compromised.
So there’s US and Chinese interest here.
Id say that’s pretty bullish.

>> No.24800486


>> No.24800514
Quoted by: >>24800623

>They only want serious people involved anyway.
Right by bringing people in with giveaway on Twitter?
They're definitely only gonna get people involved enough to do their own due diligence and shit. Not just retard who want free tokens ....
>I havent slept so my info is spotty.
No your info isn't spotty it's outright lies.
>Nigger it's a direct product of ripple labs. Flare itself shills flare finance. >>24796471
>In this video Hugo from Flare talks about FlrFinance bringing Defi to Flare >>24796568
This is straight up lies. Especially the one about affirming Flare Finance is a direct product of ripple labs
Thanks. I would love free tokens as well. Who wouldn't. Especially since this airdrop is not as mainstream as the Flare snapshot, we're kind of (((privileged))) for knowing about it already.
But when I started looking into it I saw a lot of weird stuff and the first time I mentioned it on here, I had 3 or 4 anons starting to scream fud and shill and only offering misleading info or straight up lies to defend the projects.
I'm still looking into it on my side but none of the answers I'm getting on those threads so far are reassuring..

>> No.24800524

One last question guys:

The ian coleman thing doesn't generate a tag, only a public key

Is it fine to withdraw from binance without a tag?

>> No.24800556
Quoted by: >>24800639

I don't know but I'm curious as well. Be the testpig we need but don't deserve.

>> No.24800603
File: 11 KB, 206x300, t_500x300-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24800623
Quoted by: >>24800796

Keep us updated anon.
For me, it boils down to: is there any risk that they will tamper with/steal/fuck my sparkies or Xerps? If not, then the legitimacy of the project is almost irrelevant (free shitcoins are still free coins). If there’s any risk to me sparks and xerps whatsoever, I’ll give it a pass.
I guess we’ll have a better idea on the answer when we see exactly what they are proposing.

>> No.24800639

Well, I already tested using XUMM, imported the secret words into it, and withdrew without a tag, and it went through, and used it to deposit money back into binance successfully.

So yeah, it works, I'm just being super paranoid and careful. (I'm sending like 30% of my net-worth in one transaction)

>> No.24800643

Yes if you withdraw to a self custody address.
Sending to an exchange require a TAG because they use the same address for everyone. the TAG is to differentiate which account to send to.
I wasn't sure either so I made a first withdrawal of 40 XRP just to make sure then transferred the rest when I was sure of me.

>> No.24800652
Quoted by: >>24800944

HSBC is from Hong Kong which is the part of China that is "allowed" to have "free" economy and trades, it's even a former UK colony, so China uses Hong Kong to connect the financial communist regime with the capitalist world, this is why there is a lot of western financial instituitions in HK and also why HSBC is a major bank on the west

>> No.24800662

Yes only exchanges need tags as they use one wallet and service lots of clients with it. Think of it as an exchange wallet being an apartment with each tag an individuals unit number and a self custody non tagged wallet as a house whose address belongs to one person only.

>> No.24800683

>sending like 30% of my net-worth in one transaction
Send 30 Xerps first, then check it worked, then send the rest.

>> No.24800726

Send the minimum possible first anon, don't be a derp

>> No.24800743
Quoted by: >>24801228

Why no hardwallet like ledger or trezor?

>> No.24800744

Thanks for the advice fellow moroccan schizo

>> No.24800796
Quoted by: >>24801024

Well I didn't see anything so far that would indicate they plan on stealing our XRPs.
Just that this seems to be a rushed project using the hype of XRP/Flare and shitty Twitter giveaway.
The most concerning part to me right now is the huge pushback I'm getting on /xsg/ by a few anons. It doesn't feel right.
The only kinda scammy thing I can think of is tricking people into thinking this is the future and dumping a bunch of money when they go live to buy useless tokens.
Like you said we'll see how the project progresses but right now I have a lot of concerns about it.

>> No.24800840

Yeah so we do not like ledger anymore?

>> No.24800885
Quoted by: >>24801002

I still got muh nano S since 2017 no probs ever encountered but other xrphizos make me errie

>> No.24800944
File: 46 KB, 650x596, dovvnload (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>former UK colony

>> No.24800997

Can we have a programmer thread on /biz/ please? I want to simply learn how to deploy tokens, connect them to a frontend and deploy the frontend without any serious modifications.

>> No.24801002

send it to a po box and get a burner number to order it and you shouldn't have to worry

>> No.24801024

I could see a group recognizing the power of DeFi and XRP combined and jumping in to be the first DeFi project on Flare. First mover advantage is huge, so just to get the name out there ASAP makes sense.
As a schizo, I could also think that Flare was always planned, and Flare Finance is Satoshi/DIA/whatever and is a tool gifted to us to be able to be completely sovereign individuals.
If it's a scam, it's a means of getting us to put our FLR/FXRP into their system so they can rob us of our birthright. I don't think this is the case yet, but we will see. It's good to be skeptical, I think the people that are mad at you are just easily scared and haven't done much of their own research.

>> No.24801042
Quoted by: >>24801062

Just to be clear it's safe now to move my XRP out of the wallet I used to sign up for Flare Tokens to somewhere else, right?

>> No.24801062

Yes, you're all set now that the snapshot is done.

>> No.24801067
File: 92 KB, 1573x489, 1607963376723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24801171

>> No.24801112
File: 114 KB, 1000x602, EpNV1PJXIAACZs7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16.3 billion coins on exchanges.
that's $8 billion at the current XRP price.
Bitcoin alone has a market cap of $355 billion.

Exchanges order books will eaten through effortlessly.

Expect a dump very quick as the switch is flipped to knockout stop losses and liquidated leveraged longs.
Instructional Money Incoming
2k EOY

>> No.24801171

No fuckin way really?

>> No.24801228
Quoted by: >>24801324


Paper is the safest/cheapest. Trezor is ok but their base model doesn't support xrp making it expensive. Ledger was a necessary evil to get the airdrop. Some people are ok with closed source hardware that leaks their customer's address and name but I'm personally not.

>inb4 use PO box and fake name to order

>> No.24801238

so how many claimable flares per xrp?

>> No.24801312

Latest estimate I heard in xsg was 1.9:1

>> No.24801324

I have trezor model t and you need a third party app to move it to exchange. It is what it is, I still use it and I'm glad I didn't get a ledger.

>> No.24801348

21.9 based on the photo
Accounts have 6 months to claim though.

>> No.24801351
Quoted by: >>24801384

1.9:1 SO FAR

we cant know for certain until the actual airdrop

>> No.24801384

So what's that 1=1 on the bottom right?

>> No.24801398

1.9 *
the 2 was a typo

>> No.24801410

What's the exact time for the solar flare?

>> No.24801423
File: 49 KB, 496x487, 7AD2EBDF-5FF1-473E-9355-939ADF0D7EC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24801432

Let me ask..

>> No.24801446

only 23.5b of the 45b has been claimed
if all 45b is claimed then its 1/1

>> No.24801486

I think we'll get at least 1.5 ratio

>> No.24801567

That wouldn't change anything. Unclaimed Sparks are burned, not re-distributed.
probably just some placeholder illustration.

>> No.24801653

>10 million XRP
>At $2K that's $20 billion
From one wallet, that's a multibillionaire agent that's able to inject that liquidity into DODL if they so choose.

>> No.24801717

XRP won't make us rich, but the Spark Tokens and Flare Finance Tokens will?

>> No.24801721

>tfw can't send shit from uphold for another 40 days
Son of a bitch

>> No.24801760

Could someone answer me this FUD?, sorry...

that fag Jed has 4.4 billion xrp, if at $2k, that would make him have about 8 TRILLION USD

Jeff Bezos, the world richest man, is at 180 billion.

That's a 4000% difference. That would make Jed literally one of the rulers of the world.

What now?

>> No.24801781
Quoted by: >>24801871

Also, another FUD, why do people ignore that he's responsible for MtGox., if not an accomplice?

>> No.24801808
File: 1.80 MB, 1284x1642, new-the-economist-yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That would make Jed literally one of the rulers of the world.

>> No.24801871
Quoted by: >>24801956

Jeff Bezos knows what's going on. He also holds XRP, he will still be the world's richest man. Where else would he put his money when he sells billions worth of his Amazon stock?
Mt Gox happened after he sold the website. And even if he was involved, it ultimately doesn't matter.

>> No.24801882

As far i know exchange accounts are only eligible for 1:1 spark, that means they get their 16.3B if they claim, then on self custody you have also 1:1 from 7.1B claimed in graph on the left plus almost non used to snapshot 22B circulating xrp to be splitted only for self custody wallets which gives 22/7.1~3.1 spark per xrp plus 1 i mentioned before that gives about 4.1 spark per xrp for xumm or ledger wallets. Am I correct anons?

>> No.24801903
Quoted by: >>24801956

>he thinks the bezo has 180 billions of disposable cash

>> No.24801908

>Jeff Bezos, the world richest man
He isn't.

>> No.24801941
File: 1.72 MB, 1089x4677, 1605836791309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a good point. It's all a game.

>> No.24801955
File: 1.31 MB, 2031x3137, IMG_2110855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo Check

>> No.24801956
Quoted by: >>24802098

Thanks Anon. Didn't know that Mt.Gox happened after he left.
That makes it worse though
Who is though?, the Roths/elite?

>> No.24802018

You should put it inside metal box.

>> No.24802019

I'll try to ignore your constant faggot reddit spacing and give you a real answer.
>That's a 4000% difference. That would make Jed literally one of the rulers of the world.
Yeah what's the issue?
>inb4 MuUUh HE Would bE tHE 10Th RICheSt cOUNTRy
Yeah so?
>Jed has 4.4 billion xrp
No, last I checked he has 3.4Bn
Also both Bezos and Jed don't have billions of $$ in cash sitting in their home. They have billions tied to assets on the market. If the market crashes so does their net worth. If he tried to sell his whole stack in one go the market would dump like mad and his position wouldn't be worth anything.
In any case, fiat will be dead soon so all of that will be completely irrelevant soon.
This FUD is so old and boring, can you please come up with something else?

>> No.24802045

18-25 december

>> No.24802064
File: 31 KB, 353x512, 1607958725417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work, Bill.

1776 will commence again

>> No.24802087

New Thread

>> No.24802093

I am tired telling to newfags to use only XUMM or paper wallet.

Avoid closed source garbage like ledger, exodus, atomic etc

>> No.24802097 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24802489

Put it in a metal box.
I have no. Wrapped in plastic, then aluminum foil, cocky box, and then inside a ln old microwave.
Step up your schizo game, amateur.

>> No.24802098

>Who is though?, the Roths/elite?
The Luciferian.

>> No.24802110

New Thread

>> No.24802135
Quoted by: >>24802186

>No, last I checked he has 3.4Bn
He's acting as though it's not hard for his Bn XRP to be bought at current market price.
Ripple execs/Luciferians aren't /biz/ faggots looking for a PnD.
Money isn't everything for them, power is.
Controlling the money is much more profitable than having so much.

>> No.24802136

I seriously wasn't trying to "spread FUD", I'm just asking about my personal FUD, I wasn't attacking you, I wasn't attacking XRP, if you see from my other posts, I have 30%+ of my total net-worth in XRP. Genuine “Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt”.

As for the spacing, posts that take a large space catches the eyes more, thus getting me replies to questions I have.

Anyway, thanks for answering my question.

>> No.24802186
Quoted by: >>24802241

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if Jed refuses to sell at current market price, and hypothetically an accident happens to him, and his balance is gone forever. (assuming he hasn't given someone close instructions on how to access them in case that happens, which they themselves could be monitored and hypothetically get into an accident too)

do that?

>> No.24802241

>what would happen if Jed refuses to sell at current market price, and hypothetically an accident happens to him, and his balance is gone forever.
That's close to impossible, you don't get as high as Jed without being devoted to the cause of Luciferaianism.
There are measures to prevent apostasy and disloyalty.
The elite don't play dice.

>> No.24802421
File: 84 KB, 740x1080, watashiwasbanditdesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where are you getting this flair date from.

>> No.24802489

>put microwave in large fireproof safe
>bolt safe to floor