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File: 80 KB, 1024x612, jghgjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29033579 No.29033579 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>29016645

Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with XLM/XRP pair]
or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)

>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:

>Lawyer Explains:

>Flare (FLR) Overview:

>Flare vs Ethereum:

>Flare Finance Intro:

>Flare Finance FAQ:

>Flare Finance Website:

>Flare Finance GitHub:

>XRP Ledger:

>XRP Charts:

>XRP Richlist:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Insiders Threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor

>> No.29033769

What supplements do you anons take?
I have been taking D3 5000iu and Ester C for 3 years now but i think i need to switch it up because i've been taking them for too long.

>> No.29033800

We people over-complicate life, remember to take it easy.

>> No.29033829

its over guys, sell while you can

>> No.29033856

Now do the energy consume by ripple schizos posting about ripple

>> No.29033872
File: 392 KB, 710x805, blessedchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed be the baker!

>> No.29033875

Ashwagandha, Lion's Mane, and Reishi. Turmeric too. Ashwagandha can cause psychosis if taken over an extended period of time though

>> No.29033952
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x1394, 1594006031292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D3 8000iu, 50mg zinc picolinate, 2000mg omega 3, 2000mg vicamin c, 400ug selenium, 440mg magnesium citrate, psyllium husk fiber, 12,000ug biotin, multivitamin and 2 tabs of a blend of 8 mushrooms

Schizo stack for maximum brain protection from mind control rays.

>> No.29034068 [DELETED] 
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And obligatory

>> No.29034092

I don't take anything regularlly but I've been taking fasoracetam with alpha gpc for the last couple of days to try and fix this weird static flashes I get which I think I got from phenibut (or it could've been fake). Seems to be working since I haven't had any of those flashes since taking it.

>> No.29034123
Quoted by: >>29034413

>amerimutss waking up in 30 minutes

you better poomp you bastards

>> No.29034187
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>> No.29034280
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Quoted by: >>29048777

0.52-0.56 24h range. That's a very tight range in these market conditions.

>> No.29034309
File: 24 KB, 720x387, 1610331837480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the weather in Palestine, rabbi?

>> No.29034338
File: 291 KB, 640x494, schizo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy schizos only in this thread

>> No.29034351
Quoted by: >>29044280

Ripple owns like 60% of the coins in circulation. That alone should tell you everything

>> No.29034396
File: 926 KB, 720x720, XRP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29034413

>you better poomp you bastards
>80 percent of americans have no idea how to buy on something that isn't goybase
I got bad news for you

>> No.29034508

I just snort coke

>> No.29034525
Quoted by: >>29034708

That is a lot of supplements anon you should try to gain some of those from food so your asshole won't give up on you.

>> No.29034527
File: 517 KB, 960x540, -.. --- -.- .. -.. --- -.- ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for action today! lets POOPA

>> No.29034593
Quoted by: >>29034731


>> No.29034708
File: 178 KB, 500x949, 1591062890785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do, I eat very healthy and don't eat processed foods, look up Dr Rhonda Patrick's early appearances on Joe Rogan, the RDAs are what you need to not get sick from a deficiency. Requirements for optimal health and for those who work out a lot and eat loads are a lot higher.

>> No.29034715
File: 112 KB, 431x696, 1344747322055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mathis is still anti-kike.

>> No.29034731
File: 969 KB, 666x775, Shadowhouse XRP is the standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10:1 xrp / xlm

>> No.29034815
File: 61 KB, 918x785, 1606935044202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29034912

Based and shroompilled

>bunch of meds
No wonder your putrid brain is filled with natsoc propaganda

>> No.29034882

These daily XRP threads are terrible

>> No.29034912
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Really though fuck off you people make these threads terrible and you aren't convincing anyone with your lies.

>> No.29035040


They’re every 2 hours. I don’t understand who’s paying for this.

>> No.29035157

Are you paying for creating a thread?
I will be paid in tears once xrp hits $2k

>> No.29035168
File: 354 KB, 640x966, 1596687988702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ripple might be paying for marketing with these threads, but (((SOMEONE))) is upset about what's going on in them and paying people to ruin them.

>> No.29035508

How can one learn such power levels?

>> No.29035615
File: 39 KB, 735x448, Bitch you. came. here..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be a fuckwit.

at this point, we all know that shit is all set and we are just sitting on bags. its almost impossible for xrp to not go up. we just have to wait.
but at this point, we need to just hold each other because the ride has been so fucing nuts.

and between the haters and the riddles and the babas we have to just hold and make sure we all understand that we're watching a fuckign show.

so stop thinking you will get some critical info here this is the mental relaxation area of people who were told they are crazy for going after xrp...and now banks are jumping on to ripples systems and everyone is coming around to this idea of shit that solves problems...

though i do wonder if this shit here is a paperclip kinda deal... made by somebody pushing an idea.. but that's the risk of the net in general.

>> No.29036046

We're going to crab until 22/2 and then dumo, isnt it?

>> No.29036107

cheers fren, appreciate the sentiment and frankly I agree with the probability of xsg in total being a potential psyop, but as you say, this is the risk. Run the risk, keep moving forward, we are oh so close.

>> No.29036483
Quoted by: >>29036586

I missed the last few threads.
If you haven't noticed by now how easily the thread derails when talking about dot connecting in serious conversations like peterson etc you're in the wrong place. Peterson definitely knows, is able to dart in to double speak with a reporter, and laugh at them. He helped millions more than you or I, show some respect to the ruski asset from anti nwo Putin

>> No.29036586

And, I hope y'all have your bags packed because we're going to make it in a few seasons. Maybe some years

>> No.29036652
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>> No.29036715
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Quoted by: >>29037166

get back to link thread

>> No.29036811
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>> No.29036984
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>> No.29037014
Quoted by: >>29037166

See above for proof of my comment.
Thank you jdif for being so obliging. You are world class idiots who will never be a real man because you are cucks to your women. You played yourselves

>> No.29037043
Quoted by: >>29037975

dead shitcoin, dead general, gj schizos...

>> No.29037166

its funny cos LINK owners actually make money, XRP owners make mental illness

dumb retard ahahhahahah trust the plan right?

>> No.29037500
File: 80 KB, 591x697, christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29048344

Christ is King.

>> No.29037588
File: 269 KB, 596x615, So many new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29037877

>paid shill cannot comprehend that some anons like to talk about their investments in a consistent general which they can check periodically for updates.
One daily thread on the whole board MUST be a conspiracy! Some people do it for free? Unheard of!

>> No.29037931
Quoted by: >>29038291

this post is extremely low quality

>> No.29037963

You yourself personally have posted since at least xsg 400. You are the most consistently obvious shill of them all.

>> No.29037975

Yeah if XRP does nothing after the lawsuit and after flare, I’m out. I’m getting rid of 80% of my stack.

We’re going to be suffering the same fate of the silver bagholders, peddling false hopium for decades while the owners of xrp and silver endlessly racketeer profits off of shorting the manipulated price

>> No.29038169

>why hello fellow kids
Sounds like a true xrp OG hodler. We all secretly believe our investment is hopeless and truly shit, haha. You fit right in!

>> No.29038291
Quoted by: >>29038716

yours is a massive improvement though

>> No.29038329
File: 8 KB, 233x216, DCB2D851-CD2C-4A97-AB6D-162085E3D604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29040177


>> No.29038455
Quoted by: >>29048673

>1 post by this ID

>> No.29038716
File: 3 KB, 125x107, 1593748779665s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29039091

I can tell you have a refined eye for creativity and art.

>> No.29038819

$2k EOY

>> No.29039046
Quoted by: >>29046256

Just two grams C. NGMI.

Where you at GABA chads?

>> No.29039075
Quoted by: >>29049558

Is it a bad idea to put 3k on it now?

>> No.29039091
Quoted by: >>29039394

true, I can spot a reddit tourist from a mile away

>> No.29039157
File: 2.01 MB, 480x612, 56B02BFC-1821-4761-BA7F-9E11904C0C20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29039343

fudders are ngmi

>> No.29039178
Quoted by: >>29039282

Op Ed:
The Flare Module will vacuum tether's assets into it's platform while algorand does the same while sucking up hard assets

>> No.29039282
Quoted by: >>29039392

>tethers assets
should we tell him?

>> No.29039343

I remember when the coping lition bagholders shamed the "fudders" for realtalk on their shitcoin. Look how that turned out. Probably literally the only coin that hasn't pumped during this bull run

>> No.29039392

Read Algorand's use cases, Flare's six productslike flarewrap and flarewrap

>> No.29039394
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, 1597839974599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger, now you have gone to far.

>> No.29039545
File: 1.96 MB, 600x600, aaaaa_pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I hold 100k, as well as curio, which also dumped

>> No.29039547
Quoted by: >>29049792

>owners make mental illness
There's no "top" to a mental illness
XRP chads, we're all gonna make it. 35k EOY.

>> No.29039673

You're not schizophrenic, youre just a brainlet sperg who wants to get in on the "next bitcoin"

>> No.29039891
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>> No.29039974
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Slightly worried, it's not really good at the moment

>> No.29040177


never stop posting this

>> No.29040336

At least by end of April we’ll DEFINITIVELY know if Baba is a larp or not.

>> No.29040570
File: 533 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210218-162041~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what should we make of this news ?
The last part is bullish, but the first part is sketchy, does the first part means that the Central Banks are going to fork the ledger and screw us?

>> No.29040747
Quoted by: >>29040862


>> No.29040770
Quoted by: >>29040976

It doesn’t mean they’ll “create a new XRP”, that doesn’t make sense. XRP is the bridge between CBDC’s. A CBDC won’t have that use case, so it’s a moot point

>> No.29040862

Yeah right, so the first part means that the CBDCs backend will use RippleNet technology, but the actual bridge will still use the current XRP we hold right.
Am I right?

>> No.29040899
Quoted by: >>29040976

Central Banks don't trust eachother. Banks don't trust eachother. They make money from fucking people out of money. They need a third party to act as a bridge. Interoperability.

>> No.29040963

piece of shit.. see you at .25

>> No.29040976

WAGMI frens

>> No.29040989

The 2 i stated above are platforms that are centralized by ripple so banks have confidence in transacting within them and testing out the capabilities of XRP, once everyone is comfortable and ready they will switch to XRP.
Thats how i see it so don't take my word for it.

>> No.29041074
File: 340 KB, 800x807, B41A9E48-A56F-4E1F-8A4A-DCCAE42DCADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference is xrp has actual use case
Not to mention a lot of the fud is utterly brainless and is really just designed to get reactions out of people
Very little discussion is possible when you have an influx of
>dead shitcoin
>bro I’m trying to help bro
>ripple is going to get raped by SEC
There are more examples (just read this thread) but these are the most mainstream
Also I don’t actually consider any of those arguments to have any validity anyway
>inb4 cope
Truth is you don’t want to have a discussion about the possibilities, you just want to tell people
>the worst case scenario is going to happen
I mean, what do you expect from us? What kind of reaction were you hoping for?

>> No.29041213

They will not rugpull the world on xrp. You do not conduct business with massive institutional rugpulls. That article sounds like they are constructing a private institutional ledger that uses xrp and interfaces with the public xrp ledger. I assume this is for extra privacy, security and KYC features.

>> No.29041279
Quoted by: >>29041419

My ‘tism has noticed that Baba has been increasing his following amount by 1 per day. 329 currently so he’ll be at 333 on the 22nd. Possible breadcrumb?

>> No.29041344

>moons on May Day
he almost made it...

>> No.29041419
Quoted by: >>29042404

please let’s not talk about baba right now

>> No.29041490

Yeah, this would make sense
Thanks fren, WAGMI !

>> No.29041678
File: 32 KB, 461x545, En7vDDkWMAA2tRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29041863

1. Trump won.
2. Trump will come back into office shortly.
3. You're a faggot.

>> No.29041753
Quoted by: >>29042056

Is this not expected, XRP is the BRIDGE currency.
The national central banks will translate their own local currencies into crypto. The institutionals and the banks in doing business with each other will use XRP and the retail plebs will use their local crypto shekels.

>> No.29041790
Quoted by: >>29041959

it's literally over

>> No.29041863

enough, move on anon

>> No.29041939

have you watched all of Davids youtube videos at least 15 times like a proper schizo? the answer is there for you. He drops many such hints on what ripple is working on.

>> No.29041959
Quoted by: >>29042116

You're already an underground depth groveler while we the XRP chads will live in our multi tiered pleasure domes.

>> No.29041997
Quoted by: >>29042141

You will see soon enough anon. Mellon was right about events, his timing seems to be off however or it's some code I don't know.

>> No.29042056
File: 180 KB, 680x1483, ed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, they will fork XRP, create their own CBDCs from there (XUSD, XEUR), give this to the plebs and transact with XRP between financial institutions.
Makes perfect sense :)

>> No.29042116

sold 90% of my stack and actually feel great also liberated, you?

>> No.29042141

trump is gone anon, move on, stop wasting your life on this

>> No.29042182

Nope never watched this dude, where can I find him?
I'm still in the schizo metamorphisis process, but I'm getting there!

>> No.29042194
Quoted by: >>29042350

Anon, watch March.

>> No.29042211

Nice just bought 90% of some retards stacks.

>> No.29042228
Quoted by: >>29042469

>everything while keeping the price of XRP low
exactly what this anon said

>> No.29042282
File: 661 KB, 1521x2321, 1E4C87A7-2FFB-4B96-AA7F-CC68BAF48704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29042387


>> No.29042350
Quoted by: >>29042471

will you finally give up after march?

>> No.29042387
File: 110 KB, 1234x656, ENmlbHCU0AIrka8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29042536

oldfag detected, hey brother.

>> No.29042388
Quoted by: >>29043680

sell at least 3/4 while you still can and are able to get at least some out of it, maybe buy back later, after things clear up, the lawsuit can go on for years

>> No.29042404
Quoted by: >>29042696

>the absolute panty-fire whenever baba is mentioned
Yet here I am in this month of February watching Japan and Southeast Asia rally and support xrp like crazy and I knew it would happen because we are currently in ¥, just like he said. And would you look at that...$ seems to be right around the corner. “Many exciting things will be revealed in March.” Hmm I wonder. Then we have € and then moon.

>”Ripple Reveals Push To Expand Insitutional XRP Liquidity in Asia, Launches Hiring Spree for RippleX”

>“Ripple on a hiring Spree to increase XRP liquidity in Asia“

>“Japan Rallies Behind XRP as Ripple Faces US Litigation”

>”Ripple Expands in Asia Pacific Despite Legal Uncertainty”

Baba knows what he is talking about and was a popular /xsg/ source for the first 100 or so generals. Then all these people came in and gave him the ol’ deboonking. Look, baba is a Freemason, and Freemasons are obligated to LIE. They also use RIDDLES and NUMEROLOGY and CYPHERS and GAY MATH to obfuscate the truth. He called September 15th to the day. What is this latest push to “never speak of him he is a deceiver” bullshit? He’s just a faggot who tries to trick you but he’s got good breadcrumbs and some have been spelled out (the timeline).

>> No.29042461
File: 37 KB, 370x361, newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29042585

Lads we need some hopium injected

>> No.29042469

Yeah but they will only keep XRP price low while they are working on their XCBDCs in my opinion
Then Christine flip the freakin switch, and we're heading for a solar system escape trajectory

>> No.29042471
Quoted by: >>29042752

If nothing happens with trump, xrp 4 digits etc by April 25th then yes, I will give up and donate my entire stack.

>> No.29042536
File: 40 KB, 450x405, 5C211E5C-0F54-4BBC-8A03-EEAA744A2D65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fren

>> No.29042585

>there is no more hopium left in the tank, sir...

>> No.29042696

All I’m saying is let’s discuss baba later today which will inevitably happen anyway, not right now

>> No.29042703 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 600x420, 9145A5B7-69E7-4826-A62E-818D1FE0D2FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29045230

It’s unironically over

>> No.29042752

interesting date anon
xrp might go to 4 digits but dont think trump will return

>> No.29042889

heres to our hopes and dreams for 2025-2030, when we might moon to $1-2

>> No.29042932

Sell it bruh

>> No.29042934

He will return, when he does, "they" will crash the stock market, blame trump and his gang for it. As a counter move he will implement the beast system, blockchain, xrp hodlers become very wealthy.

Everything mellon said is correct, the timeline is different however but I cannot figure out why.

>> No.29043378
Quoted by: >>29043584

you have nothing to show for
xrp will moon and trump has nothing to do with it, just accept the outcome
theres nothing inherently wrong with a profitable loss

>> No.29043476

might go with it and sell it all desu

>> No.29043573
File: 3.20 MB, 2617x1920, 4985DA98-5FC1-4D4F-8FDD-E0869FEBABBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29043584
File: 37 KB, 374x421, 1590086248375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll see, trump will be back and he will play a big role in all of this. When you see it, remember me and my image.

>> No.29043594

Why? Because he has posted 'definite' moon dates in the past.

>> No.29043630
Quoted by: >>29043851

you really need to be a schizo to hold this crap and see it drop every 2 minutes...
holy fuck i'm dying inside

>> No.29043633

It's dumping.

>> No.29043680

It can, but it wont

>> No.29043831
Quoted by: >>29044367

Guys, look at the silver situation if this stuff is going to happen by or during the summer. We should have by then, hyper inflation of FIAT's and precious metal prices rising vastly. 1000%+ easily.

>> No.29043851
File: 184 KB, 680x696, 0B0FF030-077A-446E-BF49-346C1783689B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29044178


>> No.29044163

this is my brain on xrp

>> No.29044178

>hubbie where is the holyday money we are preparing for the post covid trip?
>i listened to schizos on a meme forum

>> No.29044280

thanks i sold

>> No.29044296

See i figured the markets would crash in the next few weeks, am hoping exchanges allow trading again before that.

>> No.29044367

This. I have bought some silver because it's happening. Physical silver is in high demand and bullion dealers cannot keep up with supply. This will make 2008 look like a joke.

>> No.29044512
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 1612276205618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29049487

A couple of months ago I sold XRP at 0.49 and some of you laughed at me.
Now it's still 0.52.

>> No.29045230
File: 40 KB, 442x442, BinLadenAnimeRoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting and blasphemous, delete your 4 chan account immediately and repent.

>> No.29045259
Quoted by: >>29045514

The retard who wrote this has some 3rd grade writing skills lmao and doesn’t even understand what he’s talking about, then proceeds to cancel his first statement with another one.
What’s he’s trying to say is that banks will have their own centralized shit coins. They’re called CBDCs. XRP is the bridge asset to link all those shitcoins and gives them liquidity for cross border payments and many other use cases including loans and IOUs.

>> No.29045404
File: 1.06 MB, 1025x822, 1613215491732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tranny fudders are back to test the weak among us

>> No.29045423
File: 90 KB, 327x483, George the Janitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29045695

Stage one is getting people and banks used to cryptocurrency and laying the foundation. Getting everyone on board to join etc.
You have until 2030 to cash out
>Agenda 2030
After that they will probably fork it. Everyone that isn't marked by the beast and tokenized on blockchain will get hunted down and killed.
At least that's what I think about it.

>> No.29045514

I understand now :)

Thanks for the love!

>> No.29045550

Serious replies only.

Is the price being artificially kept between 0.51-0.55?

Are we going to miss this bull run?

22/2 is pre-trial, can we still expect some good news?

>> No.29045695

Cool story Mansur.

>> No.29045703

Remember what all the "insiders" said.
>they want you out

>> No.29045751


>> No.29045880
File: 1.48 MB, 2259x1268, tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retard-tier anons need hopium at this point. >Know what you own, faggots
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.29045918

dump on 22nd cap this

>> No.29046022

Tbh I don’t even think people are buying XRP. At this moment XRP should be .20 and dumping hard but it’s above its 200DMA. Because of the bullrun, I’m sure Schwartz has the same opinion too, it’s just speculative price action based on bitcoin. I wouldn’t be surprised we dump again and actually miss the whole bullrun before XRP takes off because the world needs it right now

>> No.29046120

Alright, since many of you are crazed XRP holders... good people who want to do something with the help of crypto, I'll share with you the huge eye opener about XRP in the next 24 hrs. I am waiting for my fundamentals' analyst to finish, because I know you don't trust without hard proof when it comes to tell you that your baby is retarded. XRP is retarded. And I'll prove you why and how. It is the worst big cap coin you can have, and dethroning it from 3rd position by marketcap to 7th is just the beginning... and it has NOTHING to do with SEC.

I've shown you how we make profits. Not through pumping. Not through bullshit. But through superior fundamental analysis. See XVS today. See XRP today. Compare.

What I will reveal to you, I will reveal with heavy heart because I have mad respect towards XRP for being such an amazing part of 2017 rally.

I have also respect towards elterly lol and xrp is the old guy.

However, according to our thorough analysis it is a borderline-scam at this point (it didn't start this way!)... and I will update you on the new developments on XRP.

XRP in 2017 was a promising idea that got you together. It's only fair that together, while it's not too late you find out the factually-backed data about it.

Give me 24 hrs, then wikileaks will be a joke to what you'll discover about Ripple lol.

As much as any coin, ripple will have some positive time in this bull run, but it will be OUTRAN by better, younger, more advanced projects. And once this myth is dissolved... about what Ripple truly is NOW vs in the 2017... I believe you will want to find another love child (and another chick for that matter) lol.

Stay tuned.

>> No.29046208
Quoted by: >>29054079

Two more weeks
>you’ll see
Two more weeks
>you’ll see
Two more weeks
>you’ll see

>> No.29046256

i take GABA, L-Theanine, and cycle Yohimbe. just started keto as well. i want to take different mushroom powders but theyre a bit expensive for me right now.

>> No.29046282

>I am waiting for my fundamentals' analyst to finish
>I'll prove you why and how
what exactly is it that YOU do? Repost the stuff of your gay analyst friend? GREAT WORK

>> No.29046425

Yeah right central Banks an huge financial institutions are partnering with a scam
And we're the schizos x)

>> No.29046447
File: 3.66 MB, 1334x750, 21069FFC-0C52-4BB3-A965-54EFFDA7B53A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29046486

xrp schizos, question:
there are only two possible outcomes for this sec shitstorm: 1) ripple wins, xrp skyrockets the moment results are announced - you become gods, destroyer of worlds.
2) sec wins, xrp price plummets - you become the permanent, ultra mega bagholder chads.

am i wrong i analysis?
whats your stop loss?

>> No.29046530

it's more than over, it's fucking done, sold the rest of my stack

>> No.29046546

time to sell i guess

>> No.29046618

Fuck me you could of just said I'll update you in 24 hrs, We didn't ask for your FUD life story. That wording is similar to how a high school student tries to meet word counts.
>Right here officer here's the larp-igger.

>> No.29046626

Stop loss: $0
Sell target: approximately $2k USD

>> No.29046685
File: 24 KB, 543x199, af5b5a0db69a476c13dac0d575531d96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29050026

>Is the price being artificially kept between 0.51-0.55?
Yes. Even normies on Twitter know.
>Are we going to miss this bull run?
Seems like it. Diversify a bit
22/2 is pre-trial, can we still expect some good news?
In theory yes. However I've been holding xrp for over a year now, so I'm kinda skeptical and suspect the worst like usual. At this point I just see xrp as having buying a lottery ticket rather than a rational investment..

>> No.29046728

Checked. Based. Snorting your enthusiasm and confidence to the moon my friend.

>> No.29046746

Fuck off newfag pajeet larping as some crypto influencer, we already know exactly what you’re going to say and we’re still holding.
>XRP in 2017 was a promising idea that got you together. It's only fair that together, while it's not too late you find out the factually-backed data about it.
The facts have been solid since it’s inception. The news has always been bullish and everything we’ve predicted has come true. Remember when CBDCs was a conspiracy theory? Remember when banks would never hold crypto?
>Give me 24 hrs, then wikileaks will be a joke to what you'll discover about Ripple lol.
Nigger do you think you’re on Reddit?

>> No.29046763
Quoted by: >>29047070

High effort fud. Respect. But I can tell by many subtleties of this post that you’re a bullshitter

>> No.29047038
File: 9 KB, 300x400, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any institutions buying bitcoin including elon will sell en masse when the designated FUD is released into the public so they have a cover story, which will anally rape bitcoins price back into the earths core. Ripple will steal the show thereafter. I mean shit man do you even DYOR?

>> No.29047070

sure, anon - I'll meet you again here in ~24 hours with a detailed analysis, just be sure to set a stop loss until then

>> No.29047295

You won’t provide shit

>> No.29047479

As a burger how do I sell?

>> No.29047607
File: 1.27 MB, 1437x2897, SmartSelect_20210218-175804_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not post the source pajeet?

>> No.29047770
File: 275 KB, 1535x1857, 1606687404000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates jews
>buys and holds their bags

>> No.29047858
File: 33 KB, 482x649, 1612715372452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of high effort FUD don´t do shit to schizos no more man though I applaud your enthusiasm

>> No.29047878

I've already made back what I put in so if it crashes and burns it won't make a difference to me. At $0 I'll hang on to some as a keepsake in memory of these threads.

>> No.29047934

It’s spelled “elderly” Rajesh, and your FUD makes me more bullish

>> No.29047963
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, 1611762799543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story bro

>> No.29048088

how unbelieveably gay

>> No.29048109
File: 1.50 MB, 218x218, 1612412530508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no the bullshit insider has hurt feelings after we called his bullshit.

>> No.29048194

>in the next 24 hrs.
why not two weeks?

>> No.29048243

>can't even devil post
you are and will forever be denied entrance to heaven. You will never be a woman and you will never be welcome.
Dilate or dieyoung just gtfo

>> No.29048244

Thread Theme:

We're getting the gold on the ceiling lads.

>> No.29048256

kek copying and pasting things from muh seekrit chatroom

>> No.29048344

checkt, baste and blest

>> No.29048372

>Listen to me, you don't know how to make money, the assets that you are invested in, they won't bring you money and here is it the analysis that I will show you in a bit... Now if you want to make money do as I say...

Kek, just one look at that advertised telegram group made me cringe.
Honestly the best financial decisions that I had is by listening to myself and trusting my gut feeling.

>> No.29048374

>XRP consumes less energy
jeez, I wonder why

>> No.29048421

If you really think about it logically, XRP losing or making a deal with SEC would be the peak bullish maneuver for XRP. Cut out the retail retards and let the sophisticated institutional investors take over.

>> No.29048506
Quoted by: >>29049148

>selling at 2k
>instead of 35k.

>> No.29048546
File: 70 KB, 630x630, 1596999105973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, destroyed.

>> No.29048582

>the absolute state of the fud'ders.

>> No.29048673
File: 257 KB, 424x412, maga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29049070

checkt and baste

Jannies, trannies kikes and shills get rock hard if given (yous), so only do it when it is funny. Don't feed the trolls unless you want enjoy fucking with them. WAGMI, 50k EOY, ALL THE MONEY, trains gon train

>> No.29048777

Good point. Means at least a good amount of people are holding strong.

>> No.29048837

kikel on suicide watch

>> No.29048933

selling 90% of 0 =?
FUD = gay
Are you gay?

>> No.29048986
Quoted by: >>29049185

I'm a coinbase xrp hodler. I get high off bad decisions and want to buy more, but not being able to is highly triggering.

>> No.29049069

>stop wasting your life
>telling others not to waste their life
The only logical reason for you to post this shit is because you get paid to

>> No.29049070
File: 792 KB, 632x486, 2F09B54B-88BD-411E-8F11-C74223D3F73E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not even a joke dude. I don’t want to end up like the silver bagholders sitting on a “manipulated gem” for DECADES.

Look at what years of silver bagholding did to Greg Mannarino.

>> No.29049148

>ever selling
>instead of staking with flare and reaping dividends

>> No.29049181

I know he's a vampire from oblivion but that silver has made him immortal and ageless. Though he will combust on contact with sun light.

>> No.29049185

Send your zerps to a Xumm wallet. Then transfer USDC to the wallet and buy your xrp right off the ledger. Don't let any institutional blackballing keep you from your spastic, manic purchases fren

>> No.29049263

you are retarded, as proven so many times in this thread. Stop larping as a schizo you tranny

>> No.29049423

Anyone that was here long enough knows that this is bullish as fuck for us.
Fudders trying to level up.
Sorry but you have to try harder ranjish.

>> No.29049487

>lost out on gains
>claims to be happy
How can someone this dumb even navigate their ass over to xsg?

>> No.29049521
Quoted by: >>29049641

Evening all, finished my time at the toilmines for the week

>> No.29049558

Tbh Fren I don’t think anyone can tell you what to do with 3k. Personally I would invest it in a very promising shot coin that costs under a few cents each. But that’s just my level of risk I’m down to take. I’m a ripple chad from before 2018. I’m still 2x and comfy on my 2.5k stack and I know it isn’t shit but I myself wouldn’t spend 1.3ishk for the amount I have right now. Hell no. I’d rather have a shit ton more coins that have more volatility. I don’t ever mind seeing red. I hold because that’s how the risk I take pays off.

>> No.29049634
File: 843 KB, 1242x1132, 1613667722316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems there is another win for Mellon guys:


He warned us of a huge solar flare event, more than a year ago.

>> No.29049641
File: 295 KB, 596x615, randy blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29049690
File: 51 KB, 512x512, wondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frens I have been doing so well since I started taking my meds (even if they make my heart struggle).

I'm more productive now, barely played any vidya this week. Not even worried that XRP has dropped a little, I'm confident WAGMI.

How's your week been anons? Your investments going well?

>> No.29049693

Real talk is the fact most of XRP holders are sitting on bags that you didn’t get to in time.

>> No.29049747

>pajeetposting during euro hours
>caste system mentality so strong
So many words to say so little

>> No.29049792

I fw the vibes
Introduce yourself

>> No.29049831

XRP is the standard, why do you think in binary ways? Do you enjoy limiting yourself?
50k EOY, wAGMI

>> No.29049917
File: 975 KB, 653x1666, 1613168112037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking meds

>> No.29050026

imagine still thinking in terms of bull runs and diversifying. Fucking faggots
XRP is the standard, we are at the cusp of adoption and these niggers still don't fuckin understand.

>> No.29050187

Lost alot of money i put the remainder in this coin I hope its give me a bit back

>> No.29050439

i urgently need some hopium im having withdrawal symptoms

>> No.29050481


>> No.29050495
File: 43 KB, 800x500, lightwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29054499

we are at the cusp of global adoption. The riggers are going to hang. God wins and light prevails. Don't worry about anything except living a moral and just life in the pursuit of truth.

>> No.29050705

I'm not, but I wouldn't mind another bearablebull video.

>> No.29051199

>D3 5000iu
Why 5000? I'm taking 2000. Supposed to do twice per day, but usually only do once.

>> No.29051381

You fuckers told me XRP and XLM where the good coins and ADA and MIOTA were shit! You fuckers really are schizos if you think they are better when they’re literally doing fuck all in a bull run.

>> No.29051418

before bull run BTC was 15k, XRP was 15 cents.

Now BTC is 51k and now XRP is 51 cents.


>> No.29051548

you been chatting to the wrong schizos then bud, many of us hold ADA and IOTA. More spoonfeeding: ALGO & XDC
youre welcome

>> No.29051582
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>> No.29051595
File: 500 KB, 1262x1130, flip it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speculative market

>> No.29051681

who told you that?
the general consensus here is to hold XRP XLM ALGO ADA with XRP being 50% and rest distributed equally.

>> No.29051833

One question guys.
I'm a stacklet with 2000 xrp. You are saying it goes to 2k, so it would be 4M.but how is that possible? You all have 10x,20x my sum. How is it possible to have 100 millionaires so suddenly?

>> No.29052030
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1200, 1613118471491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 millionnaires is fucking NOTHING
10000 millionaires is FUCKING NOTHING

>> No.29052216
Quoted by: >>29053538

I'm pretty new and wanna see if I understand the big deal on XRP

So ripple made a way to transact -flare- that is faster and cheaper than anything out there so far for banks to make transfers anywhere they want

XRP is made to be used on said program as a back and forth for these transactions and can be easily switched to other currencies

On flare you should also be able to use XRP/SPARK and some others as a pool to be borrowed from by others called staking while making interest on said pool.

Now, I've only got a 1k stack. Is there going to be a minimum to participate in this staking thing?

And the flare stuff is not out yet and spark is unable to be purchased yet but has been given out to XRP holders, but for this you would need to put your shit into a wallet.

What wallet will be the best way to get ready and prep for this Flare network? I've watched some videos, I'm trying to go through lots of the XRP threads and try and do my own research but this globohomoreset shenanigans is exhausting

>> No.29052265

if you invested 1k into btc in 2009 you would be a billionaire 30 times over now.

bitcoin cash was an airdrop for btc owners, 1 btc cash is worth like 300 bucks now.

its a new time anon, wake tf up

>> No.29052488
File: 1.91 MB, 1168x6048, 1589567685026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29054849


The real rich people are trillionaires. They need a lot more millionaires and billionaires to take the heat off them in case people start noticing that again.

>> No.29052558

Because millionaires are made relatively easily, even if it's just through dumb luck. To become a billionaire is reserved for only a few.

>> No.29052916

A millionaire is nothing. You are basically guaranteed to become a millionaire by wage slaving at a company with a matching 401k.

We're just going to get there quicker.

>> No.29052934

Bros please.... When is it happening?
A fellow friend / HODLr has passed away and I have a funeral to get to but have no money to go.

>> No.29053133
Quoted by: >>29053857

How much did he hold?

>> No.29053142
Quoted by: >>29053857

If he didn't will you his wallet, he wasn't a true fren

>> No.29053241
Quoted by: >>29054826

Everyone in xsg listen to this

watch the green flow.


>> No.29053317

I’m curious where I stand in the schizo cult. What size XRP bags are you all sitting on?

>> No.29053448

I only have the bare minimum suicide stack, 1,000,000

>> No.29053538

You’re about 4 months behind bro the flare thing happened in November, we’re just waiting for our airdrop now.
Btw you’re wrong about XRP/FLR, the XRPL and the flare network are separate. Flare exists inside the XRPL and XRP is one of its first tokens that you will be able to use for DeFi. The importance behind it is that even banks and financial institutions got ready for the airdrop. Everyone who signed up will be getting it except the dev team.

>> No.29053728
Quoted by: >>29053908

The minimum suicide stack is 100,000 for the next few years. After 2025, we should start seeing some institutional adoption and price movement which will make 10k enough to live comfortably.

>> No.29053857

Idk must be around 6-7k XRP

I doubt he had a will. He passed suddenly in a blaze of glory.

>> No.29053908
File: 139 KB, 492x474, 9839842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>years posting

>> No.29054079

one day until scotus meets

>> No.29054377

what a shit coin

>> No.29054499

this, cheers for spreading the word anon

>> No.29054823
File: 53 KB, 400x370, 1613612984401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who missed it:
a couple of threads back some anon made a connection to the saturn and jupiter orbital patterns and the Ripple logo: >>28998907
an astrolofag said they are in opposition until May >>29003249
no clue if it's relevant but just interesting tidbit

>> No.29054826

yes yes
more more more

>> No.29054849

Checked and truthpilled.

>> No.29054937

Reads like bearablebull

>> No.29055144


>> No.29055633
File: 868 KB, 326x326, 1612691915918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got the best fud

>> No.29055889

Pattern recognition bros: any one else notice XRP is following SPY today? Is that typical?

>> No.29056021

There are no coincidences.

Saved. Thanks anon

>> No.29056566

Fly agaric.

>> No.29056624
Quoted by: >>29056888

At the rate Jed is selling, he will run out of coins to dump on us by May as well.

>> No.29056888
File: 8 KB, 587x206, jedbalance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooner than I thought https://jed.tequ.dev/

>> No.29057072

Lmao, didn't know there was a website

>> No.29057113
File: 71 KB, 828x612, 5EDCD769-F61F-48E8-BDFC-AB6728B3ACAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked trips meaning balance. It’s only a matter of time.

>> No.29057367
Quoted by: >>29057538

where's garlic

>> No.29057492
Quoted by: >>29057650

so when taco stand runs out of business what suppresses the price? DS bots go full terminator?

>> No.29057538

garlicman? from ~xsg#80-120 ?

>> No.29057644

Ok Mr. Soros.

>> No.29057650

DS bots are Jed

>> No.29057736

there is only one

>> No.29058201

Just two more weeks

>> No.29058223

i wonder if it's this:

which incidentally reminds me of EF Schumacher's original proposition of a multilateral clearing platform in this paper, which got him famous and led to him being Keynes' assistant at Bretton Woods after Keynes got caught plagiarizing from it lol


one of the footnotes mentions a supranational currency. interesting stuff.

>> No.29058302
File: 281 KB, 1920x1200, garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29058619

Garlic was that long ago already?

>When was #1 started?

After moon it would be comfy to have a locked thread on another platform for all the OGs, since I feel we have been infiltrated for quite some time.

I imagine there would be a timed questionnaire to fill out in order to gain entry.
i.e. 5 secs per question.
If fail, YWNBAW

>> No.29058363
File: 39 KB, 480x286, 1610206599825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also uses the metaphor about finding alien tech and figuring out what it can be used for a weird amount. like in probably 3 or 5 interviews he uses the same example.

>> No.29058370
File: 10 KB, 236x214, 1613057818603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29058869

If suddenly there was an announcement and volume increased, Jed would be able to finish selling his stack even sooner than May

>> No.29058515
Quoted by: >>29059021

i used to take a consistent stack of fish oil, 5000iu d3, turmeric, b12+methyl folate, magnesium and ashwaghanda. stopped because i just didn’t care anymore

>> No.29058523

Checked. I'll check this daily for the next 90 days

>> No.29058574

What are your realistic price predictions for EOY? Personally, I could see the lawsuit getting resolved in October which means we'll miss the bull run but I do think we'll see a bounce up to $1 for a cool 2x from where we are now.

>> No.29058619
Quoted by: >>29059177

What thrives in darkness, doesn't deserve to live.

>> No.29058639
Quoted by: >>29059410

Can you send any USDC to XUMM? For that matter, what cryptos can you hold on XUMM other than xrp?

>> No.29058843
File: 1.97 MB, 540x303, muscle girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exchanges still have Ripple that I can buy/trade?
I want to dump $3000 into it as a turbo risky bet.
I have a six figure portfolio, so 3K is pocket change

>> No.29058869
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1920, bullish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29061571

only issue is Ripple would need to increase the amount his wallet receives on March 1st
right now in his sell wallet, he only has 250M XRP left.
at current rate of 38M sales a day, he will be run out of XRP to sell and have nothing to sell the last couple days of Feb.
so let's see what is allocated come March 1st, hopefully this is doable.

>> No.29059021

Did you notice any differences to your health after you stopped taking them?

>> No.29059025

You'd be better off putting that money elsewhere for now because XRP will miss this alt season. The lawsuit is only just starting and a quick settlement looks incredibly unlikely.

>> No.29059041

another passing day passed by fisting my asshole to the XRP price chart. life is pain

>> No.29059067
Quoted by: >>29059177

Is there actually a theory around, that ripple just hates Jed and is trying everything to keep the price down until he's out? :D

>> No.29059102
Quoted by: >>29061691

>didn't read the OP
>inserts his gay little fetish into the post
you're a fucking moron and not gonna make it

>> No.29059159

go to coinmarketcap.com => click on XRP => click on "markets" => pick the one you like.

>> No.29059170

Count Dagola/Nosferwoptu there seems like his heart is in the right place and he has a good level of schizo- kinda reminds me of Jim Rickards in terms of doom prophet investment niche- but thus far, they're just the guys on the sidewalk with a sandwich board that says "the end is nigh"

but soon the black swan will rear its ugly head...and then we will laugh.

>> No.29059177

If you are talking about XSG after midnight, I agree with you. That's when the brainlets come in and wreck our juju.

Baba said a couple days ago that XSG is wack now and he's right. We got totally shafted by pol, glowies, and newfags like this guy >>29059067

>> No.29059410
Quoted by: >>29059581

you gots to make a Bitstamp or Gatehub account, purchase USD IOUs (tokenized representations of $$$) then send them to your XUMM account. Then you can trade them directly for XRP from your XUMM app on the XRP Ledger. there's a little option in XUMM to allow you to do this. You have to pay 5xrp extra to enable your wallet to hold USD tokens/IOUs.

>> No.29059462
Quoted by: >>29060335

You're talking about this "baba"?
Biggest scam in the whole xrp community

>> No.29059527
Quoted by: >>29060335

Really wish cugs would make his profile public. Really don't want a twitter.

>> No.29059581
Quoted by: >>29060186

Okay, makes sense, thanks

>> No.29059592

checked. cool site.
has it occurred to anyone else that Jed's XRP must be getting bought up at a pretty good rate for the XRP price not to have crashed? Asian/middle eastern banks strike me as the likeliest candidates, no way in hell is retail buying it all up without even moving the price out of a 10 cent price window.

>> No.29059743

>have little tiny stack
>need to transfer fiat to other exchange
>can't wait
>awake the kraken, take xrp, send to honkong
>0.1XRP fee

for now I can live with it but once XRP hits the 100 ATH I will need another way to invest in crypto

>> No.29060007

What if jed was the preallocation?

>> No.29060096
File: 90 KB, 851x695, gratefuldead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29060540

im still somewhat of a newfag so "bear" with me here
on ripple's site when you hit a 404 page with grateful dead "Ripple" lyrics
this is a 50 year old classic song, so a company run by boomers - this is cute but maybe unsurprising
days before the SEC, the grateful dead Youtube channel releases a video RIDDLED with Tarot imagery
Here is the video:
In this video we see much of the imagery riddlers and decoders have been posting for years....and it even ends with the "wheel of fortune" Tarot card
can this confirm that Ripple is in fact working with the riddlers?

>> No.29060186
File: 82 KB, 1024x494, 1611797429221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29060580

sure thing. good luck! trading directly on the XRPL is pretty cool, the first time I figured out how to use it, it blew my mind. no fees, decentralized, it's just sitting there like a UFO in our backyards, or an ancient pyramid or something. when it goes active, the world is going to change.

heyyyy so I'm the anon that was talking about making an /xsg/ coin as an issued token on the XRPL. i got everything set up so that i could do that pretty easily, i figured out the process and it would take me about $10 and 15 minutes, plus the time required to whitelist the addresses as i send out the coins. the only thing stopping me is paranoia- because, holding these /xsg/ coins would mark those wallets as 4chan users, and whats more, a very specific niche of 4chan user/XRP holders- they might function as a kind of red flag for whoever cares enough to look for that kind of flag.

this could be beneficial (we get recruited by the illuminati and chosen to be MiB secret agents and get to have hot alien girlfriends or whatever) or it could be detrimental (we get targeted by the NWO and our funds get shut down or killed in what looks like an accidental death a la Matthew Mellon) or neither of the above, we just have a nifty little souvenir coin.

Any thoughts on this matter? I'm kinda on the fence, leaning towards not making it, because obviously I'm a paranoid schizo.

>> No.29060335
File: 135 KB, 1252x577, Capture8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to watch Nasa's billion dollar tinfoil car land on Marsvada in 1 min!


Ya he's the one! <3

Twitter is the way, fren. So many juicy infos

Been like that since yesterday. I reckon a fat redildo is comin... maybe when we "land" on "red planet"?

>> No.29060412
Quoted by: >>29060735

i've been saying this for months!!! Jed and Ripple are obviously working together, XLM is intended for retail use and XRP is for institutions, this is obviously kabuki theater just like the SEC suit, and Jed's XRP was probably all spoken for before the suit was even settled. not saying Jed isn't a manchild narcissist asshole, but these guys wouldn't be dumb enough to fuck up trillion dollar profits over a petty spat involving a BPD Asian chick.

Similarly, I think Brad and Larsen's settlements with the SEC were probably planned from the start, as their billions of XRP will be custodied by the USG/SEC/Fed/Trasury, whatever

>> No.29060540
Quoted by: >>29060905

yes. now look into the tarot imagery in the video- because the stuff shown in the video is a little different from the cards.

(i haven't done this in detail yet and probably should because i'm a huge Ripple/tarot schizo so this is uniquely targeted at my very niche demographic. why haven't i done this already. fuck)

>> No.29060580
Quoted by: >>29060946

Best to leave no trace. Otherwise we'll be tracked down very quickly. I suggest quartz crystal laser data storage coins instead, with /XSG/ etched into the back.

>> No.29060640
Quoted by: >>29061083

that red logo looks a lot like the Flare and Flare Finance logos. probably a coincidence.

>> No.29060735

Here's a thought I had earlier with regards to the SEC. people thought about the escrow being gifted to an intranational institution or burned. What if the SEC forces ripple to sell their remaining xrp? Would crash the price and people would think its dead, then all the various banks or w/e "flip the switch" and essentially market buy at the same time?

>> No.29060806
Quoted by: >>29061305

XRP will be a tough hold for the next few years. I'm not expecting much with the lawsuit going on. I think the SEC will drag it out and they have some damning evidence on Ripple. I might convert my stack into something with a better ROI for the bull run and then buy XRP again when it's over.

>> No.29060850
Quoted by: >>29061083

>Can't wait to watch Nasa's billion dollar tinfoil car land on Marsvada in 1 min!
I am astounded that people still believe NASA's shenanigans

>> No.29060905
File: 1.83 MB, 1050x1004, asabovesobelow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29061256

thanks for the tip. honestly this just shocked me because I always thought the riddler stuff was just fun/entertainment.
seeing this essentially just confirms something is going on.
do you have a recommendation on where to start researching?

>> No.29060946
Quoted by: >>29061801

but maybe being tracked down would be fun and good? maybe we'd get to meet Schwartz and Brad and Britto and they'd finally give us the attention and affirmation denied us by our emotionally stunted parents who just NEVER UNDERSTOOD

this space propaganda stuff is weird. it's targeted at kids who are like 5-15 years old right now, which means that, well, basically NWO incoming and mankind's entering a space age. Space Force!

>> No.29061058

> The women do the interviews and take the credit while the real engineers do the work

>> No.29061083
File: 75 KB, 802x417, dome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29061463

>Let's count how many coincidences there are in this program.


So far:
>13 cameras...

They could save so much fiats and just buy a Nikon P900!

>> No.29061256

oh geez. good question. if you like to watch videos and are interested in the geopolitical underpinnings of the digital currency project, I recommend watching videos by Darren Moore Jr on youtube. Crypto Eri is also good.

A lot of info is shared on twitter for XRP- i like Digital Asset Investor, Bank_XRP.

Honestly you could do a lot worse than going through the /XSG/ archive in OP, there's a lot of bullshit in these threads but it's also a good place to find links to important information.

looking into Ripple's partnerships with banks

and the connections of their board of directors (for example, Yoshitaka Kitao, Craig Phillips, Michael Barr) are very significant.

>> No.29061305
Quoted by: >>29061360

There is a strong possibility of a settlement before or around September of this year.

>> No.29061322
File: 337 KB, 1096x2026, Screenshot_20210202-191156_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babacuck on the xsg discord said that he doesn't actually know the date... It could still all be the Q of crypto, watch out. Fuck the jannie cisco

>> No.29061360
Quoted by: >>29061412

I personally think we'll have to wait until October.

>> No.29061412
Quoted by: >>29061556

most likely October 2025 though

>> No.29061447
Quoted by: >>29061873


Serious question: Why do people ignore the fact that he is talking so much BS since years now? I mean: https://twitter.com/DerEineFranz/status/1354936995634667528?s=20
everybody can even see it. I don't get it.

>> No.29061463

the fact that all students went back to in-person education this past week and are probably all watching this right now (see: "stream for students") seems significant. mass propaganda aimed at youth. predictive programming decades in advance.

>> No.29061556

I could see $5 by 2025 EOY

>> No.29061565

new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.29061571

He has 2.7 bil left

>> No.29061691
File: 521 KB, 705x645, 1584710588137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a house and still have over 100K in my portfolio.
My passive income is growing and is now 1/3 my monthly expenses.
I'm already well on my way to making it

What passive income do you have?

>> No.29061801

What are you, retarded? Never reveal your secrets. And get over your parents, the need for emotional gratification makes you seem like some BPD tranny. Thought all schizos had selective sociopathy...

>> No.29061873

hopium is one hell of a drug

>> No.29061909

Post wife's feet... then we'll talk

>> No.29062695

Can you send an invite anon ?

>> No.29062929


>> No.29063019

good guess james bond makes sense

>> No.29063159
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1599401750724s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and by solar flare you mean a nuke from the direction of NK detonated bary bary high in da air above da (((united states of america)))