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28261542 No.28261542 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>28243627

Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with USDC/XRP pair]

>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:

>Lawyer Explains:

>Flare/Spark Overview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChMGCtuibsA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Flare/Spark Distribution:

>Flare Finance Intro:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7UN3RboLM [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Flare Finance FAQ:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Rs_DyuAq8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Flare Finance Website:

>Flare Finance GitHub:

>SEC Lawsuit:

>XRP Ledger:

>XRP Richlist:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Insiders Threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance]

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor

>> No.28261580


>> No.28261705

Lets go lets go lets go

>> No.28261724
File: 247 KB, 636x637, 1612109065362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28261783
Quoted by: >>28261833

Fuck newfags
Fuck jannies
Fuck edgelords
Fuck fudders

Bless the real anons

>> No.28261798

Let's go XRP! OooOOOooo

>> No.28261811
File: 970 KB, 1280x1280, F41E82FA-72C9-4039-B62B-9DAFC76F7B6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ is King, my brothers. We must use our wealth to bring the Kingdom of God to as many as possible. Thank you Jesus for bringing it on my heart to finally read your word.

>> No.28261819

A te, de l’essere
Principio immenso,
Materia e spirito,
Ragione e senso;
Mentre ne’ calici
Il vin scintilla
Si’come l’anima
Ne la pupilla
Mentre sorridono
La terra e il sole
E si ricambiano
D’amor parole
E corre un fremito
D’imene arcano
Da’ monti e palpita
Fecondo il piano;
A te disfrenasi
Il verso ardito,
Te invoco, o Satana
Re del convito
Via l’aspersorio,
Prete, e il tuo metro!
No, prete, Satana
Non toma in dietro!

>> No.28261825
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>> No.28261833

And Fuck copypastas

>> No.28261880

yea i feel im making it

>> No.28261926
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>> No.28261939

blessed be the bakers

>> No.28261963

Is this it bros? Is financial freedom in sight?

>> No.28262014
File: 77 KB, 680x383, 1610344878676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28262133


>> No.28262015

You will all receive contacts into the order for holding this coin. Renounce your Christ or you will be cloned and replaced.

>> No.28262038


>> No.28262072
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, sandhagen heem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in an actual fight between XRP and XLM?

>> No.28262130
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>> No.28262133
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>> No.28262160

We’re about to pump again

>> No.28262234

Different weightclasses, they wouldn't be able to qualify.

>> No.28262480

Thread officially nuked lol

Delete it OP

>> No.28262670

Has anyone watched blockchain backers videos on XRP lately? He’s been very bearish. Last vid I saw he bluntly said XRP was looking to start a 1-2-3-4 formation that would take us back to .22
Is he just butthurt and bearish or does anyone have any other analysis to contradict him?

>> No.28262672
Quoted by: >>28276840


>> No.28262697

Reeeee reeeeee reeeee your salt gently down the reeeee merrily merrily merrily life is but a sneed

>> No.28262699

DS would destroy Jed not even close.

>> No.28262810

No. I don't watch youtubers. All of them are cancer.

>> No.28262829
Quoted by: >>28263088


>analyzing XRP based on chart reading and TA

damn you normies are stupid

>> No.28262965

that nigger had a breakdown in like december over xrp lol

>> No.28263002
Quoted by: >>28263106

well, depends on what you're looking for
ASMR is comfy if you can find non whores

>> No.28263073

lol this guy was totally believing the FUD and spreading BS when the SEC news came out.
he's either very emotional and uneducated on these subjects, or a fuddite in sheeps clothing.
either way his opinions are not worth anyone's time

>> No.28263088

I’ve been here long than you faggot. BCB is based and he probably does believe in 589 cosmo but he also says that looking at charts is looking into the past and predicting the future based on people’s emotions. He said that what’s actually going to send XRP to the moon will be some public narrative which will make everyone hold on and buy with no selling. The demand would have to be so high at that point, and it should happen at around .82 cents

>> No.28263106

my favourite is Canan

>> No.28263131

1 usd tomorrow

>> No.28263148
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1000, AE1A2C1E-92F4-4716-98A1-4E6F15EA70C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28263242
Quoted by: >>28263461


Seems like both of you are crypto-newfags and need to lurk before posting.

>> No.28263270
File: 214 KB, 600x718, bullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the XRP mainliners like Alex Cobb or picrelated don't believe that XRP goes past 1 or the low low 2 digits. Point is, Youtubers are fucking fags and know nothing

>> No.28263322

Its a shame christs existence is heavily criticised, 2k eoy never happened, trump lost, namefags are often the most chill.

Only faggots bots and larps hold this coin

>> No.28263386

Buying XRP is a pain in the dick, what's the easiest way in the US right now?

>> No.28263438

he constantly says he will sell most of his bag at $10, and laughs at 4 digit predictions saying that kind of content gets you lots of clicks on YT
The guy has been very accurate on crypto desu

>> No.28263461
File: 619 KB, 1125x2436, F3CE6DB5-A78A-4EA0-A687-669028CC5D09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you show me you stack you ripplet newfag

>> No.28263468

Defect to Canada

>> No.28263558
Quoted by: >>28263864

you're so lonely you come to threads full of fagbots and larps
missing your ex boyfriend?

>> No.28263606

Alex Cobb knows more than he tells, same goes with Digital Perspectives. They both got contacted in the past privately by Ripple, Alex Cobb couldn't keep his mouth shut at some point and Ripple got pretty upset about it, now he pretends to be "rational" when talking about prices. The guy in your pic is plainly retarded.

>> No.28263691
Quoted by: >>28265931


My account on BitcoinTalk was registered on 2010. Let that sink in, newfag.

>> No.28263864
Quoted by: >>28265900

Now kiss

>> No.28263997
Quoted by: >>28265080

elaborate? what did he say? how do you know ripple got upset?
Never heard that before
I saw a vid th eother day where he had like a 2hr interview with someone senior at ripple. years ago. found it odd that this kid got an interview like that lol

>> No.28264030

>Ripple enforced rationalism.

The end boss of fud.

>> No.28264039
Quoted by: >>28264186

As an Aus fag I hate this time of day
All of the burgers go to sleep and XSG grinds to a halt
The only relief is that when (((they))) flip the switch it will be "overnight" which means I will be awake and be able to watch it in real time.

>> No.28264186
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, comfyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nocturnal burger here, I'll be by your side fren.

>> No.28264205

>UK roadmap to lockdown revealed just after 22/02
>Sec lawsuit 22nd
>Bank of England working with ripple

>> No.28264278
Quoted by: >>28264528

lmao, you can’t understand what is scam and what is gem
why are u here lil boi? wanna try this shit? c’mon - go for it
I will be smarter and wait for playcent nft launch, my bags will be safe

>> No.28264418

Why does it dump

>> No.28264515

Newfag here with XRP. Recently bought a bag. I have a question regarding the usage of xrp coin and could be a retarded question too, but

XRP is meant to be used by banks to make transactions faster and cheaper, but as individual investors, how would the investors make use of the coin?

>> No.28264528
Quoted by: >>28264707

Could you write that again in English?

>> No.28264664
File: 51 KB, 520x512, 1601010259789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28264829

Calm your fucking anus

>> No.28264707

Now that you doomp posted, we're going even lower

Read about Flare in the OP

They get paid per reply.

>> No.28264801

Horde it like a greedy dragon of hebrew descent. Its use is nearly free and instant international transactions, which is a huge speedbump in the worldwide economy, not very practical in day to day life for the average joe.

>> No.28264829
Quoted by: >>28265065

Fuck i hate this coin
Why do I believe in it

>> No.28264878


>> No.28264949
Quoted by: >>28265192

Let's hear more about this. Very curious about it. What did cobb let slip? Also DP must have let it slip if we know both got contacted

>> No.28264969

As soon as one of you roodypoos sell it’ll go back up again

>> No.28265065
File: 310 KB, 656x564, 1612302663147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride, revenge, freedom... My only chance. Love it, hate it or love to hate it, just hold.

>> No.28265076
File: 267 KB, 640x830, 3EE5A00E-B7A5-4982-BE99-1B7D1D78286B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28277463

>> No.28265080

Can't remember pretty well since this was a couple of months ago but it was related to what Ripple was going to do regarding the lawsuit and some other plans for the future. If Ripple is giving you information in private and you go out and make it public it is only logical they would get upset and stop giving any further info. Then you have Digital Perspectives who went for weeks on a weird personal crusade to talk about how xrp is a security, when he himself in the first place never believed it, it's almost like he had a script. Another streamer with a lot of contacts is crypto Eri, I still remember weeks ago some anon mentioned her here and talked about how she seems to know a lot about SBI and the way she talks about Yoshitaka Kitao in an informal way, almost like she knows him personally. All this speculation of course. Personally I prefer Darren MooreJr, the true Squizo King. When I'm feeling down and I need some boost I put myself some videos of The Bearable Bull, pure unaltered hopium, in 1.5x speed of course.

>> No.28265126
Quoted by: >>28265543

Literally deposit USD from a bank account to a Bit stamp account
Transfer bit stamp ripple USD IOU to a XUMM wallet
Exchange bitstamp ripple USD to XRP at the current rate no fees
Move to a wallet or leave it on Xumm

>> No.28265124
Quoted by: >>28267001

well im certainly jelly at only 1.5k XRP

>> No.28265192


>> No.28265242
File: 468 KB, 543x756, RELAAXXXX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28265356

>> No.28265330

if you don't watch bearablebull videos at 1x speed yngmi

>> No.28265356

im glad this piece of shit died
he was a scam artist

>> No.28265368

His pace kills me.

>> No.28265543
File: 89 KB, 679x522, 1599869963871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28266893

This, I do bitstamp USD, send to my ledger and convert via xrptoolkit. easy peezee no feezee

>> No.28265561

Bruhs. I keep having dreams of people taking my phone in the attempt to take my xrp. Like I’m on a rooftop and they have guns pointed at me. I think Im scared of making a profit and it being taken away or then taking my ability to own xrp away and seeing others (govt) getting rich off of it. I’m crazy, right?

>> No.28265624
Quoted by: >>28265948

He has the weirdest cadence I've ever heard. He sounds relatively normal at 2X, at first I thought it was to get dat view time for youtube shekels, but every clip he plays is normal.

>> No.28265678
Quoted by: >>28265792

sold all my zerp

>> No.28265710
Quoted by: >>28265880

easy solution:

dont tell people about it.

"but ill be rich anon!"

so say you invested in stocks and saw the crash coming and decided to long it, lie, do something else.

how hard is this bros.

>> No.28265792
File: 490 KB, 382x498, 1469309071091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be back.

>> No.28265797
File: 1022 KB, 500x213, 1612907362161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of bank buybacks
You pop it ledger out
They transfer the money into your account at the bank
They pop a cap into the back if your done
Transfer the money from your bank account back to the bank
They have all it xrp
U are dead...
Thanks for playing lol

>> No.28265880
File: 159 KB, 1305x803, 2601c7df3f936971eb548afe21baade200331aec2bab0367a45f2a381d3a6133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like lying to people but yeah, if i tell people about my gains here i feel they'll just fuck me over like they always have
i have very few people in my life i can call "friends"
When we all make it i will give those few a luxury for the kindness they've given to me, that's a promise

>> No.28265900


>>28263322 stop making out with your boyfriennddd i can here it from hereeee... it sounds like SCHLOP SCHLOPP SCHLOP

>> No.28265931

so you have no xrp? go back!

>> No.28265948
File: 2.81 MB, 482x854, 1607264188634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny... I ain't no burguer, nor a anglosphere anon, so I don't mind his cadence, in fact I like it.

>> No.28266294
File: 28 KB, 1200x750, newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine xrp price like an envelope. Money gets sent across borders instantly in these envelopes. Are you going to get a million little envelopes that holds a one dollar bill each? No, you're going to increase the size of the envelope and make it as big as a mountain so that more $ fits into each (xrp token price), this way you don't pay as much transaction fees.

>> No.28266373

I like digital perspectives, reminds me of my dad.

>> No.28266478
Quoted by: >>28266568

averagely paced content.

>> No.28266568


>> No.28266585
Quoted by: >>28266737

i always wondered like, if these influencers like coinbureau, pomp, cobb et all are mega moon lambo crypto geniuses, why tf are they on youtube shilling for a living lol

>> No.28266737
Quoted by: >>28266875

lol same-fagging but desu i had never actually watched this cobb guy. zero charisma what is this...

>> No.28266857
File: 92 KB, 937x785, Et0XXfCWgAEmhaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Guuuuuuuuuyyyyyyysssssss"

>> No.28266875
Quoted by: >>28267099

Funnily enough he probably is the youtuber who knows the most out of all the ones I mentioned.

>> No.28266893
Quoted by: >>28267582

Wait you still need a bitstamp account as a onramp from fiat usd to xrp right ?
I just use xumm because I'm lazy to dig out my ledger and just transfer over the xrp to my ledger after the bitstamp USD is exchanged for xrp
FUCK coinbase fees for buying and selling wished known about this method earlier
And if I need to sell a little when it moons
Convert back to bitstamp USD at like 2000$ a coin lol
Send bitstamp USD back to bitstamp into my fuccccking bank account

>> No.28266894
File: 1.92 MB, 236x224, explaingoddamnit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is Ripple going to do regarding the lawsuit, as this YT personality said? Do you not recall? That is a pretty big piece of information there. You just casually don't post it?

Can you link us to the video in question or at least describe what this YT guy who you say was contacted by Ripple, said?

>> No.28267001
Quoted by: >>28267805

Is ok friend, you'll get there. I almost provoked a divorce by pulling money out of savings to buy up to my measly 5k.

>> No.28267099

i thought about doing something like this but putting your face to a moon beam coin sketched me out so i lost interest. do u know crypto eri and mickey b they are probably the most legit in the xrp space. this kid is cool tho down to earth seems like he prolly comes on here

>> No.28267582

if you have not already checked out xrptoolkit.com do so

>> No.28267617

Can't find the video, he talked about it briefly in one of his livestreams and they are usually 1-4 hours long, you can go check it out if you have time. But the point I was trying to make is not the information they gave him which is by now public already but the fact that they were feeding him information privately.

>> No.28267805

Married and holding XRP is the worst.
I was stupid enough to sign my wife up to Coinbase and do all of the courses over the last year and convert them to XRP. With some swinging she has a little pool of 385 XRP.
Unfortunately she also sees the price fluctuate up and down and so she knew immediately something was up with the SEC lawsuit.
She now asks regularly why xrp doesn't go up like BTC...

>> No.28267925

best one

>> No.28267936
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>> No.28268100
File: 352 KB, 1000x727, columbine-wallpaper-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know Jags guy graduated from Columbine in 99

>> No.28268284
Quoted by: >>28269794

i don't know what causes a price to go down or up either, but in this case its obvious

>> No.28268324
Quoted by: >>28269794

have u stopped to consider maybe you were brought together to help her understand xrp so she makes it?

>> No.28268328
File: 202 KB, 961x462, 1599740015585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all of the Blessed people who have shared blips of truth through out the 678 and counting threads of XSG - threads that I've been lucky enough to read since September of last year.

Everything is a house of cards, and stamped upon each card is a Lie which keeps our system turning.
If I have been psyop'd, then it has been a wild success.
The strings are on everyone now.
This is the freedom I've been craving for the last ten years, and finally do I begin to taste it - how stupid I once was, oblivious and drooling.

Thank you again - to those that do not understand, you will in time.
XRP is the standard; but please remember, this is absolutely meaningless compared to the larger schematic.
It's terrifying what is in store, there's still so much more to understand.
You must understand this is far, far, far, larger than one could possibly hope to imagine.

God bless and good luck to all of those who prepared to survive.

>> No.28268403

explain to her that diversification is a luxury for wealthy or risk taking individuals to take advantage of speculative timing. it's impossible to time the market.
since you didnt have much principle to invest, you went all in on fundamentals which was the responsible thing to do

>> No.28268407

That was fucking great!
He should have done ExtraVOD too!
Him & BB annoy the P outta my XR.

>> No.28268464

WHAT IS XSG exactly. Long time XRP holder but im lost on that. Ok not that long but long enough.

>> No.28268509
Quoted by: >>28268658

just explain crabbing and how they want normies to fomo into btc eth and doge. if shes not a total leaf shell get it even if she doesnt get the schizo theater. what i did with my lady

>> No.28268553
Quoted by: >>28268671


>> No.28268592

It used to be a place where schizos talked about esoteric fabric of reality but now its just shills "dead shitcoin" and newfags saying "hurr I have 500 xrp"

>> No.28268634

kek this was good.

>> No.28268658
File: 155 KB, 667x498, theywantyouout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she understands the shakeout theories, she'd be a keeper for sure

>> No.28268671

don't respond to derailers.

>> No.28268730
File: 35 KB, 225x225, 412974189272391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28269095

Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom

>> No.28268884
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, z blurry (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in a paid group with kevin cage (xrp youtuber) which says the same. it's what i'm looking for too,. big dip everywhere before moon. bcbacker is the most legit charter ive seen, and it lines up with

super based he is, on point calls

>> No.28268965

with what my other guy said

>> No.28269095

I've also seen anxiety described as Having to act and not knowing what to do. It's the in between of what's desired/wanted and what's demanded/asked.

>> No.28269135

Based Auron.

>> No.28269209

Whats the most recent larp?or was it usda fag? Want something new to read frens.

>> No.28269232
Quoted by: >>28270968

>chart-fagging the standard
thats what we call NGMI

>> No.28269453
File: 526 KB, 1290x1290, sacredeconomix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28269828




>> No.28269794



This was precisely why I did it
I got into crypto because I realised we are heading towards a digital economy and having a handle of the basics will be tremendously important.

I think we take for granted the fact that we know so much more about how digital economies work, even though we are just a group of schizos, and this knowledge will help us transition into the new world.

I tried explaining what gas fees were yesterday to a friend and I could tell he had no interest in understanding, he just wanted to go onto Coinbase and press buy.


This is a good explanation. I will use this if /when I have to. XRP has the best fundamentals, it'd just sad to not see the price catch up

>> No.28269828
Quoted by: >>28270328

lol nice is that metasynth in the background? like your style

>> No.28269879

other than usda fag there was an insider like 5 threads ago that wouldn't even. provide feet pics as proof.

>> No.28269974

All those larpers probably don’t understand that everything is getting crazy because we are preparing for war with China. Biden is re evaluating supply chains, warships are in the South China Sea, and we’ve accused China of genocide. He was probably being told that the rationing would be for a market crash when the rationing will be due to world war 3.

>> No.28270070
Quoted by: >>28270144

Was it any good or just a low effort larp

>> No.28270093
Quoted by: >>28270169

idk if usda fag was a larp, he was just saying that the gov was preparing for the worst. that kind of shit. but yeah if he wasn't a larp, maybe war with china

>> No.28270144

desu, didn't seem like a larp. answered a lot of questions, mostly about farming n shit.

>> No.28270169
Quoted by: >>28270261

Well I think he was right about there being a happening coming but he was probably being told the cover story. They won’t tell USDAfags about a war with China when they can give a cover story that is just as plausible.

>> No.28270173
Quoted by: >>28270337

why you at me

>> No.28270208
Quoted by: >>28270294

didnt read

>> No.28270261

yeah, makes sense.

>> No.28270294

Doesn’t matter who the president is. The MIC wants to use their toys.

>> No.28270328
Quoted by: >>28270602

I built a weird plate reverb and then lots of weird stuff. I’m an audio engineer that went back to school and ended up getting obsessed with bitcoin whoopsies. appreciate the kindness. just want to help share knowledge I have been lucky enough to snack on.

>> No.28270337
Quoted by: >>28270721

Because I like your style

>> No.28270602
Quoted by: >>28270738

Nice! Similar story here. It's great that there are other music/artist anons lurking.

I noticed that a lot of the other threads on /biz have been aping memes/ slang from /xsg. These threads are legendary. They can FUD all they want its comfy in here. WAGMI

>> No.28270721

well thank you

>> No.28270738

just your local schizo former namefag at your service. sending lots of love anon.

>> No.28270968
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1463136546_final-fantasy-x-hd-luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28279482

i wouldn't sell anywhere close to all my xrp when it mini moons this alt season, but if you have the opportunity to buy at $10 and it retraces back to even $1-2, why not take it?

fact is, nobody knows when the switch will be flipped, and chances are it's later rather than sooner

i think it's good to strike a balance between schizo and normie rationale

>> No.28271013
Quoted by: >>28271853

Every day we don't moon my gf likes me less and less. She doesn't even know about xrp, she can just sense my spirit energy waning.

Waiting for Flare is unbearable.

>> No.28271046

hey guys....uh...
EverestID...Microsoft's alternative to the mark of the beast I guess...Are we winning?


>> No.28271151
Quoted by: >>28271222

>logo is a literal jew pyramid
for fucks sake.

>> No.28271222

strong buy signal lmao
in GRT for these reasons too

>> No.28271249
Quoted by: >>28272807

>it'd just sad to not see the price catch up

look at the history fren. it was the last to run because it sources liquidity from every other coin. smart money knows where to take their profits

>> No.28271454
Quoted by: >>28271662

Where do I buy

>> No.28271567

we about to break Fitty Cent

>> No.28271653
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1267226437909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking jinx it nerd

>> No.28271662
Quoted by: >>28271762

only on kuybar. i dont think institutions have gotten in yet, the liquidity has been extremely low for even small purchases

>> No.28271762

I’m going to move some XRP profits into this other NWO coin

>> No.28271853

S. Das?

>> No.28271864
Quoted by: >>28272042

no wayy
i was reading that IOTA was gonna be used for vaccine rollout...
revelation talks about the mark, but what do yall think the Bibles view is on investing on it? I kow "You cannot serve two masters. Cannot serve God and mammon"


>> No.28272042

looks like we are going into a compromise or something.
it wont be a physical device in us. I'm not really a devout christian, but if I understand it correctly there is no power that could ever over ride christ's sacrifice.
seems like a NWO larp to me, rather than us actually having rice sized chips in our bodies

>> No.28272233

>seems like a NWO larp to me, rather than us actually having rice sized chips in our bodies
You WILL get the mark or you'll be killed.
Get right with God.

>> No.28272245

Yo I invested 10 grand a few months ago and I have more than you.

>> No.28272717
File: 186 KB, 880x1880, Jemma Smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jemma Smith, What an interesting name.

>> No.28272807

Hi fren
You and I both know XRP is worth more than 49c
It's just annoying to see it crushed whenever it almost starts pumping.
Cruel new world order elite overlords.

>> No.28272856
Quoted by: >>28272992

god fucking damnit
I hate this shit. I wish I could be a bluepilled normie. I've been aware of this shit my entire adult life, starting in highschool 10 years ago.
I don't know what I believe anymore, but I know the people with power and control believe in and its fucking bizarre.
I just wanted to play video games

>> No.28272992
File: 9 KB, 300x400, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28273972

>I just wanted to play video games
soon, fren.

>> No.28273076

u just had to get the double digits with the 33 huh.. just had to

>> No.28273377
Quoted by: >>28273433

The Everest Foundation is also interesting.

>> No.28273433
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Forgot pic

>> No.28273660
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Jinxed it

>> No.28273972

This but with a sword

>> No.28274273

Literally not happening.

Or, you already have it and you don't even know it.

>> No.28274402
File: 384 KB, 300x225, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28274878

we break .50 tonight!

>> No.28274431
File: 264 KB, 766x389, 1612471082184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28278659


Look up:

MK-ULTRA subproject 119

Stimulus determinants of behavior - 1961

Evolution of the physical control of the brain - Jose M.R. Delgado

They've been working really hard on this for a long time. You will have the chip.

>> No.28274445

I think they wanted it to happen, but its not going to anymore. They are settling for $ID

>> No.28274453

C'mon XRP you cunt
Let's go and hit 50

>> No.28274527

probably not until the morning

>> No.28274540
Quoted by: >>28275682

>being this naive
It's already happening, bub.
You can't see it being made mandatory?

>> No.28274609

I agree.

They wanted it, but the normans have begun to question too much and are too riled up, it won't go as smoothly as they'd like.

>> No.28274878
Quoted by: >>28274950


>> No.28274926
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Quoted by: >>28275244

Unrelated, I know, but this is an active sub. Is GME actually about to fucking moon tomorrow?!

>> No.28274950
Quoted by: >>28275259

well the chart wants to go either way, it can't make up it's mind. and it's being extra wild today

>> No.28275192
File: 106 KB, 828x587, 1601286333896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28275262


It doesn't matter if they question it. When they're ready to roll it out, it won't be optional. They're being careful about pushing too hard because they need everything in place so they can lock it in permanently. Throughout history when they've flipped the switch on control (Russia / China etc) they never had the technology to keep it in place, so eventually it crumbled due to various reasons relating to their lack of total control. The entire point this time is they have the tech to make it irreversible. The illusion of freedom will remain until it doesn't.

>> No.28275222
Quoted by: >>28275740

It's .655 aud here, which is .50 usd.

>> No.28275244


>> No.28275259
File: 77 KB, 1052x835, RISE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28275354

we're nearing 50. again

>> No.28275262
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Quoted by: >>28275876


>> No.28275281
File: 67 KB, 750x396, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it won't go as smoothly as they'd like.
Do you not think that resistance has been factored in?

>> No.28275354
File: 480 KB, 206x196, 1266388117387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28275467

yeah maybe this time

>> No.28275355
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I find it so ironic they have the gall to put "perpetual balance with nature" on their guidestones when the idea of natural law scares the living shit out of them on account of them being subhuman and knowing it.

>> No.28275456
Quoted by: >>28275578

they know
they need us

>> No.28275467
File: 19 KB, 357x275, 1270632393430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28275510


>> No.28275547

You have to ask nicely

>> No.28275578

Ironic and moronic.

Gross inbred swine. Fancy being a supremacist for something nature itself knows is corrupted.

>> No.28275584

oi! haff you gawt an ova fifty pence loicense?

>> No.28275615

So what’s going on with flare?

>> No.28275626
File: 106 KB, 1096x1027, metroid token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28275744

pwease gwo abwuv fewfty ownegayshimasu :3

>> No.28275630
File: 1.43 MB, 170x123, 1353041378463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28275825

dont even care im skroomin

>> No.28275672


mrs xrp miss could u please go over .50 :))) thanks!

>> No.28275676

shit comes out in like, april

>> No.28275682

Nope. There's no reason for it to be mandatory.

However, I will say this, my great grandfather was very anti government, I remember stories of my uncles of how he didn't want to even have birth certificates for them when my great grandma was pregnant because he thought that birth certificates were basically like ownership.

And technically he was not wrong. Thing is though, you need a birth certificate for basically anything. So of course it had to go through.

So merely an example of slowly making something mandatory by closing off the best or most convenient routes for getting stuff done.

And on that note, being honest my grandpa was being a but ridiculous, I mean if ALL people thought like that, it'd be based but the world is not going to wait for anyone.

Thus, looking at things now, you have to admit that central banking at the very least brought us the internet, thus blockchain, thus its own undoing and solution.

Now think of all of th great things that have come of this, sociocultural fuck ups aside, the quality of life has massively increased and most nations that have internet access have such a vast amount of knowledge available at any time it'd be almost unfathomable to say, someone like my great grandpa.

So yeah, it's not going to be mandatory. In some years it'll just be old fashioned to carry a phone and wallet, when you can just wear your Apple EyePhone Glasses or Googles Necklace Assistant.

Then decades it'll be old fashioned to have those and not want Elon Musk brainlink which could still turn out to be bad. And some years after that it'll just be weird and "boomer" tier to not have a 666 tier bill gates chip lol.

>> No.28275740

Yeah I know
I stopped looking at AUD because it's easier to fit in with the yanks
Come on you good thing, stone the crows and punch some darts
Let's hit 0.50 Yankee doodle dollars

>> No.28275744

I will fuck this

>> No.28275825
File: 1.48 MB, 257x193, 1609898593055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28275868


>> No.28275868

holy shit thanks
the gif i had was from 2009

>> No.28275873

God I can't wait for test-tube-grown sex slave housemaids you can just order off amazon. Fucking imagine.

>> No.28275876

Absolutely stupid analysis

How many malls and shopping centers don't look like that? A fucking lot lol.

Go away doomer. Read this>>28275682

Even though I still think that it might take even longer because there's so much questioning from normies. Don't gaslight lol, I know normies, they're doubting covid like the most passionate of conspiracy theorists, don't let people trying to control everyone tell you otherwise. They don't really get what exactly is going on, but they're definitely not "fuck my shit with a chip bro."

I mean come the fuck on, that fat comedian dude on Joe Rogan months ago called Bill gates the devil and mentioned the 666 patent. Cat's out of the bag, the "illuminati cabal deepstate etc" has lost, they went a bit too hard. The counter to them, the "elites" that don't want chaos death and destruction, have "won" by basically by merely redpilling the normans to the point they don't trust anyone.

They did make the calculations to add that in, as you say, but that failed too lol.

>> No.28275927

Cmon euro bros pump it

>> No.28275945

>pumping anythings price at all
get ready for unforseen dumping.

>> No.28276017
Quoted by: >>28277388

The straw was when she joked about the $65 in interest we made last year. I said to myself you know what fuck this. Pump the stack.

>> No.28276122
File: 151 KB, 396x400, 1611005873445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay bongs

>> No.28276152
Quoted by: >>28276881

not trying to doomer but the quality of life you speak of, that has so improved? it could be drastically better if it wasn't for artificially mandated scarcity, negativity, etc etc. control system just is more noticeable when you are HD and wired. so much of this shit seems factored in. wouldnt let the guard down in minecraft just yet

>> No.28276160
File: 76 KB, 966x715, what the fuck is it doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28276232

>MASAKA. How are you even still above $.49?!?!? WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE?!?!?!
>Heh, you forgot something, bitcoin-san.
>n-nani kore?!!
>I'm... The Standard(tm)
>[teleports behind him and flips switch]

>> No.28276183
Quoted by: >>28276226

When do they wake

>> No.28276193

Away, from this thread. You are not welcome here.

>> No.28276226

most should already be awake, it's 08:37

>> No.28276232
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>> No.28276313
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Naive take. The illusion of freedom of choice will remain until it is convenient for them to remove it. Your opinions tell me you know nothing about these people or the psychology behind what they're doing. Sure a lot of malls don't look like that. Those are the ones not purpose built. It will remain optional while it's convenient for them. Once things kick off, there will be no choice. These are the same people who murdered 20 million Christians in Russia, then god knows how many millions more in China, put everyone with a decent IQ into Gulags. If they'd had the technology back then, do you not think they would have chipped the people in the Gulags?


>Go away doomer, read my uninformed take on the matter

I read it, and it's nonsense. It makes no sense to force people to have email addresses and birth certificates. Sure you need them to do anything, but it's possible to live without them. This is different. Go and look at all the references to the goyim being cattle in their books. You chip cattle. You own them. You underestimate how many people are "redpilled". They are the minority. Just go on social media and mention any of these plans and watch as they don't even need to ban you, because the NPC patrol will laugh you off the platform and call you a tin foil retard. In fact it's better for them that lots of people know. Normies will think they're crazy, and have already been programmed to disregard anything "Trump supporting Qtard conspiracy theorists" believe. It's part of their plan that the people normies see as completely insane know what's happening. It provides them with another layer of cover.

>> No.28276350
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>> No.28276377
File: 76 KB, 572x417, 1609449316950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28276497


>> No.28276497


>> No.28276509
Quoted by: >>28276547

Should I exchange for bitcoin?

>> No.28276521
Quoted by: >>28277071

I need it to crash so I can buy in

>> No.28276547
Quoted by: >>28276603

I work for a suicide corpse disposal company. I fully recommend you exchange for bitcoin, friendo :)

>> No.28276585

>230 million xrp moves by whales
Are they preparing to doomp on us again when the price reaches high enough? I’d like to swing and increase my baggies again

>> No.28276603
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>> No.28276698

eh no disrespect but you are being kind of an annoying doomer. handful of normie acquaintances of mine i can think of off hand, half are teetering on red-pill, other half i think are literally just 3d generated, hylic bodies or something along those lines. anyways every esoteric school says to always consider both perspectives and you are being black and white here

>> No.28276705
Quoted by: >>28276737

I almost thought I might've bought a little more too soon, by adding more at the then-top of 49 flat. Tonight, I am seeing that I was actually right to have done so: It could have blown yesterday, tonight... Most likely, the second we get any more crypto news (probably tomorrow or the day after,) this shit is flying back up to .80. You can NEVER go wrong by buying more XRP.

>> No.28276737
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, 2001-a-space-odyssey-original_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is edging so hard right now

>> No.28276792

>In a speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on Monday December 3 2012
12/3/12 -> 12312 -> 21321 -> 2/13/21

>> No.28276803

is it time to sell?

>> No.28276840

X.R.P. to the moon

>> No.28276881

>but it could be so much better
Well duh man, if you really think that the militaries around the world and their covert compartmentalized R&D, especially the United States, haven't made or have working ideas on tech that would make us borderline immortal possibly etheric and maybe even fucking time or space travel...... then you're just plain wrong hahaha.

>so, so its evil!
>it could have been so much better!

Kys doomer idiot at least you're blackpill shilling is white pilling me.

You're a brainlet trying to pretend you understand shit, just like how you told me, fact of the matter is, if they wanted everyone dead and reduced to 500 million, they would have made covid as deadly as they made it seem.

No, it is YOU who doesn't understand the minds of psychopaths, they stand to lose more than you.

>but I'm literally losing my life, how can lose more?

Idiot, if what you're saying goes down, its instant global war, which could lead to instant thermonuclear war, at the very least with no nukes, it'd be the greatest loss of humanity ever sustained ever.

Do you really think people are going to forget the name for example, Rothschild? And when it's all said and done, all these old families that just so "happened to survive" are just going to be welcomed with open arms to lord over everyone....

While you lose your life, they lost all their cattle, power, influence and it might also kill them. They stand to lose more, Tyan anyone else.

This is why the economy is not going to crash and if it does, it'll be saved by XRP

You're either a doomer like I said, or a fud shiller.

>> No.28276923
File: 2.09 MB, 2654x1490, m81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many are talking about BAEX(#baex) now, but I started using the exchange just today. Can defi binary projects be profitable and transparent? Because this one looks nice with yahoo finance quotes source, a mathematical algorithm. There are too many stock indices as for me, hard to choose what to use

>> No.28276946
File: 71 KB, 834x814, boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cumming!

>> No.28276980
File: 1002 KB, 1602x1308, 1597139670621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28277245


I'm not being a doomer, I'm being a person who studies revolution and the people behind it. None of what's happening is new. The signs are all there. Only difference is technology.

>> No.28277029

Guys Australia shut down one of its refineries and the company told workers sorry tough shit. Ow there’s only two refineries and we’re going to have to import a lot more petrol. Probably going to massively spike the price of petrol, perhaps phase 2 of the great reset is not just keeping people from travelling internationally but also keeping them from driving around too.

>> No.28277046

Post yours then niggerfaggot. At least I put mine up
anna get coins by playing and use top nft?
I will advise you with it if you are smart enough
Visit Playcent and gimme some respect!

>> No.28277071
Quoted by: >>28277176

>I need it to crash so I can buy in
>Ha told you it'd crash schizos imagine buying XRP

>> No.28277125
Quoted by: >>28277765

Where do I begin? How about 1863? Think I've been waiting long enough? 37 plus 100 plus 21.... that's 158 years that Americans have been waiting for their military, particularly the United States Army and later, the United States Air Force, and when on the land, the United States Marine Corps, to do their jobs and protect us from "all enemies both foreign and domestic".

I think we've all waited for them long enough. Okay? I am not waiting for them anymore. I am showing up myself to settle my own hash and I highly recommend that you all do the same, each and every day.

The whole Civil War was a set-up by the British Territorial Government. Lincoln was substituted for election as the "President" of the Territorial United States, because as a Bar Attorney, he was prohibited from holding any office in our actual government. That should put up some red flags, shouldn't it?

And then, there's the strange story of Ulysses S. Grant, or, as he is known, U.S. Grant --- like "Grant of the US" --- which is what happened under his endlessly corrupt administration. Now, add the fact that Grant's actual name was Hiram Grant, and he picked up the nickname "Ulysses S" at West Point, and it doesn't seem that his politics as a Queen's Man was exactly a secret, does it?

What you are looking at is a 158 year-old coup d'etat staged against our lawful civilian government by our own dear military and commercial mercenary interests operating under color of law and fraudulent misrepresentation and Breach of Trust.

The U.S. Army has been overtly in charge since 1863 and we've got what we've got here. These awful things literally could not have happened to our country if our military had been honest and acting in our best interests to protect us.

Could not. So stuff that down and believe it, because that's the facts, Ma'am.

For all those standing around "hoping" and "waiting" for the U.S. Military to do jack diddly, I suggest you stop waiting and pay attention.

>> No.28277157
Quoted by: >>28277765

I've also been hearing rumors about "global resets" and "currency exchanges" and all sorts of other currency-related speculation for the past ten years.

I get regular emails about all these "tiers" and exchange rates and preparations being made and protocols to be followed when you trot in to exchange your Zims or your Dinar or whatever else ---- for a decade. And it is always the same story---- it's going to happen!

It's going to happen next Tuesday. It's been delayed. It's going to happen this weekend.... there was this trouble, there was that trouble.... Saudi Arabia farted, a computer system failed, a Beta Test went sideways.

There is always some excuse. And there's always a new date, right around the corner, when all the pipedreams will come true. Well, folks, I really hope they do. But my Mama taught me that someday never comes. She also taught me to observe what is right in front of my face, and what is right in front of my face is ten years of talk, talk, talk that is completely devoid of walk, walk, walk.

And now we've got another version of this same schtick going on --- the Military is going to save us. There's going to be a big announcement via the Emergency Broadcasting System and all of a sudden it's all going to be clear ---- except, of course, the Military's part in all this heinous crime and breach of trust. It's going to happen January 19....no, no, it's going to happen January 21st..... no, no, it's going to happen February 6th.....

And it's all part of a brilliant plan to entrap the members of Congress and the Media Moguls and the people like Bill Gates so that they face prosecution for Treason, or, alternatively, all the Bad Guys including Joe Biden are already dead and we're just watching a movie..... a distressing, ugly movie that we don't need and don't benefit from, for no reason at all.

>> No.28277176

If it crashes I’ll post the bag I buy

>> No.28277177

Oh, the Military is going to save us. They've only had 158 years to do so, and it's right around the corner. Oh, yes, really, for sure. Our heroes are out there rescuing tortured children from underground bunkers and tunnels all over the world. They are protecting us from China, Six Foot Tall Rabbits, and stale beer. Nobody knows the wonders and #@%% blunders of our military....because most of it doesn't exist.

But I observe that they've had 158 years to get off their butts and actually do something to protect the American States and People from the British Bounders and European Bankers and American Industrialists that have been robbing us blind and illegally conscripting and taxing and pillaging us for six generations.

And they haven't done so.

I'm sorry, but I am done "hoping" or "waiting" for all these miscreant Employees to do the right thing. The only White Hats I know are actually Gray Hats with lots of grease spots on their lapels.

I want to see it. I want to smell it. I don't want to hear about it, and I certainly don't need any more excuses about softening up the American Public and trapping more rats in more legal snares.

All I am seeing is John Roberts booking for England and taking the powder he so richly deserves. And Joe Biden pumping out Executive Orders for all his Municipal Slaves to keep them wearing masks so they don't offend the sensibilities of his Arab Investors.

Great Almighty, please spare me the drama---- and the rest of you, look at the facts.

This entire country has to wake up and stop waiting and stop hoping, gather all the common sense you ever had, and get off your rumps. There's nobody here but us chickens and what is left of Public Law and Decency. Hike up your skirts and unbutton your shirts and bring your mops and buckets.

>> No.28277245

>the only difference is technology
>only difference

Are you implying that the advancements in technology since nazi Germany had concentration camps is merely casual and non important?

Really? While we have this conversation here? You're not going to minimize the technological advancements to suit your point are you?

So from the first nuke, to allegedly reality altering patents filed.... this is inconsequential and should be dismissed?

Lol stop fucking around dude.

>> No.28277335
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beautiful read if not a pasta
what a way to hit 50 cents

>> No.28277353
Quoted by: >>28277409


>> No.28277365
Quoted by: >>28277826

>since nazi Germany had concentration camps

>> No.28277388

You did the right thing.
You will be on the right side of history.
Just remember to keep a stack for yourself on the side. You can never truly trust a woman. She's not yours, it's only your turn.

>> No.28277390


>> No.28277391
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Very low IQ take. Corona wasn't supposed to be deadly. It was supposed to demoralize people. This is the early stages. They needed to break people so they accept what's coming easier. I do understand psychopaths because I study them. Do you know what the parasite stress hypothesis is? The higher the rates of transmissible disease in an area, the higher the acceptance of totalitarian government is. Simple reminders to wash your hands placed around cities has been shown to increase support for totalitarian government measures. Ever heard of the frog in a pot saying?

Global war between who? Who controls the countries that would be a threat in a global war? USA? Them. China? Them. Europe? Them. They aren't going to declare war on themselves. No they won't "just accept it". They might fight, but at that point, they'll have their armies. They'll have everything and the people left will have nothing. Look what happened when Germany fought back. They don't need 7 billion cattle. Do you not think they'd have the foresight to make themselves a real cure / vaccine before they do something like release an actually deadly virus?


No, not sure where you got that from. The difference in technology is the most important factor. Their takeovers have failed in the past because they didn't have the technology to keep it in place. Now they do. Where did I say it was inconsequential? I said it's different, i.e, worse. Look up the samson option. The second they feel control is out of their hands, every city on earth gets glassed. Stopping their plans triggers global mass extinction. They'd rather the planet burn than ever lose control.

>> No.28277409


>> No.28277436


>> No.28277439


>> No.28277456
File: 23 KB, 634x476, 1267226561998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no way the EU can be responsible for this

>> No.28277463


Do you think there will be any delays to 22nd of Feb because of this?

>> No.28277478
File: 21 KB, 333x333, 66a9c7e442315d62aa59a8a3887f2c4db0b05a3226bd865db1c9d23f850cba67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank me

>> No.28277484
File: 169 KB, 1125x1099, 1607448832457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you faggots seeing the chart spaz out? It's going fucking nuclear

>> No.28277496
File: 26 KB, 568x320, yuri bezmenov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound really bullish on the future and that makes me happy, but I can tell you right now that at least 50% of the world population is flocking to the jab, including the required military.

There might be a 30% undecided, who would take the jab if coerced.

That leaves approx 20% that might not get it, but more like 10% that will def not get it.

Most of society is CONtrolled by fear.
Why do you think the name CONspiracy theorist is so popular?
In reality, we are as rare as the illuminati.
We are the 1% all-seeing ones.

Based. Of the 1%, we then have the Qtards who think they're "woke" and are basically gullible as fuck.

>> No.28277511
File: 89 KB, 720x720, 1607807529821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are, hehe.

>> No.28277520
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>> No.28277527
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>> No.28277532
File: 68 KB, 986x796, UNLIMITED POWER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys w-what the fuck

>> No.28277592
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It's really so tiring being told by bluepilled people who clearly know nothing about what's really happening and think they're redpilled that everything is going to be fine.

>> No.28277602
File: 123 KB, 1280x655, Ripple-Cryptographer-David-Schwartz-About-Malleability-In-Bitcoin-YouTube-1280x720-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how long before David's bots kick in
Maybe they're rebooting the system or something

>> No.28277608

What happened? I just got in the thread.

>> No.28277639
File: 220 KB, 1024x783, 1287556229256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a squirter, that's what

>> No.28277645

Here is some recent larp happenings in clown world outside of /XSG/ but will ripple through here quickly.

"Have you ever heard of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation? What about Cede and Company? If those names are foreign to you, then you don't really understand how the core of our financial system really works. A lot of people are blaming Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev and the heads of other major trading platforms for the stock trading restrictions that we witnessed last week, but it was actually the DTCC that suddenly jacked up deposit requirements ten-fold. Robinhood and other trading platforms were put in a vise-like grip, and they had no choice but to act. Someone needs to investigate how these decisions were made at the DTCC, and if laws were broken those that were responsible for the decisions need to go to prison."

>> No.28277668

Why won’t this shot crash

>> No.28277700
Quoted by: >>28277756

Nothing, we are finally pumping with the whole market.

>> No.28277738

It’s me, anons. I wanted it to dip and my shit luck made it pump. You’re welcome.

>> No.28277756
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>> No.28277764
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>> No.28277765
File: 231 KB, 451x466, 1612085534292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's strange... I've been researching the fraud of liberty for the past two hours and along comes you all who also are thinking of it.
I'm not a smart man, I can't predict much, I'm not sure what code of law the elite really hold onto, if it is in fact the Bible - I'm not sure if they'll ever take it away, and yet I read testimonials and court cases that show they will.
People locked up for just trying to maintain some sovereignty.

The only thing I can take away from all of this is the absolutely strange bends between the Law of the Jungle and the Law of God.
I'm not even sure who is fighting anymore, what wars there are.
It's terrifying when you begin to comprehend the shadows around you, yet people will call you insane.
I feel insane compared to who I was 6 months ago.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.28277768
File: 2.13 MB, 587x311, XRP_Endgame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28277773

Thanks bro

>> No.28277789
File: 119 KB, 766x517, 1611945276157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28277867

Fuck anon, why did you do this, we all wanted to buy more.

>> No.28277815
Quoted by: >>28277849

now for the doooompa

>> No.28277826
Quoted by: >>28278078

They did have them, pol has fucking ruined you, you absolute retard.

There was a lie though, and that was all the exaggerating in terms of them being gassed. The nazis were lacking fuckimg food for their soldiers, fighting on 2 fronts is what did them in, a strategic nightmare.

Most jews died of disease and starvation, not being gassed and turned into soap and lampshades, although they did conduct a lot of secret experiments of the consciousness studying variety, thus its safe to say that they probably did some satanist tier torture and other such experiments.

Yes, the amount of people shilling the frog in boiling pot theory is evidence that you average fucking normans are catching on, it's not going to work lol, covid is fucking done and everyone knows it's bullshit now.

Let me put it to you this way, you're a doom pilled idiot that needs to take a break from 4chan, the more you tell me doom the more optimistic I become, I am a contrarian, and you are my indicator.

2020 January there was already rumors of some disease, I was spooked so I started to set up a decontamination room near my front door, started buying UV lights.

Fast forward a couple months before lockdowns and every fucking normie was an accredited virologist crying DOOOOOM!!!!

That was when I knew it was bullshit.

>> No.28277828
File: 648 KB, 1296x730, BORNTOSCHWARTZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are born again schizo
never change brother

>> No.28277849
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>> No.28277867
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 4E5D5390-9292-4307-B1E9-9AF183954883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28277994

I only have like 100 xerpies you tell me.

>> No.28277893
File: 739 KB, 1000x563, borntohold2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong schwartz

>> No.28277914
Quoted by: >>28278455

Yeah it's pretty ogre out there. Shadow Gate worth a watch:


>> No.28277933
Quoted by: >>28277955


>> No.28277955
File: 603 KB, 600x473, yuzan1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28277994

You had over six years

>> No.28278019
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1612157425433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait season
wish I believed that, must be nice
>3d generated, hylic bodies or something along those lines

>> No.28278025 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 588x650, 8C0879DE-5184-4631-999F-5C4BDFF96198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28278897

>suddenly thrust awake at 3:10, roast a bowl / check my XRP stack...

>> No.28278026

Lads, do you think there could be a dip for increasing my pitiful 500xrp stack, I’m a poor fag

>> No.28278034
File: 23 KB, 500x500, 1610301514124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28278114


>> No.28278078
File: 67 KB, 1291x365, 1585056420078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been looking at this for a long time, which is why I'm so blackpilled. It's demoralizing, but the more I learn the more I know how to fight it. The problem is waking up everyone else.


This is a fucking retarded post. I don't go on pol, pol is dead. The normies have ruined it. You think the Nazis were the ones doing the experiments? You think the experiments stopped after WWII? You think MK-ULTRA, that was discovered by mistake and is only public because of that mistake, is the only experimentation going on? You think we've been able to clone sheep for decades, but everyone just stopped working on it because cloning humans is unethical? Wake up man.

>I am a contrarian, and you are my indicator.

So you're a retard who just goes against the people who have done the research, got it.

>> No.28278100

>Samson option

Jesus Christ get off pol for a while, wtf is wrong with you, as a kid, my barber was fucking Jewish and he was chill as fuck, loved guns smoked tons of weed, always cut hair great.

He was more of a Jesus tier fag minus the weed than most. He was like a more based so yboy hipster.

Not every jew is some ultra greedy central banker type anon lol. Stop fantasizing about Nazi Germany, to put it bluntly anon, if God wanted it to be so, it would have been so, they tried, they really tried, and during the time of the greatest generation.

So if those "superior German whites" weren't capable of killing all the "evil greedy kikes" then it surely won't happen now, and has no hope of even commencing again.

It just wasn't meant to be anon, sorry.

>> No.28278114

I think it's being suppressed for a later date. Don't think they want it above .50.

>> No.28278141
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>> No.28278153
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>> No.28278168
File: 9 KB, 228x227, 1597062854979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28278217


>> No.28278172

Dumb dumb dummy dumb.

>> No.28278184
Quoted by: >>28278217

Fuck another god damn David Schwartz bot cocktease anticlimax

XRP gives you blueballs

>> No.28278209
File: 41 KB, 611x616, post nut clarity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post-nut clarity phase.

>> No.28278217
File: 67 KB, 564x751, 1606782694920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

business as usual, welcome

>> No.28278239
File: 274 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210210-011409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28278414

I dream xrp went up again. Again I woke up to le pomp. Pic rel is 4h

>> No.28278330
Quoted by: >>28278659

Those stats are lies you idiot, go out and talk to people for a change. Almost everyone I've been able to mention this to has agreed in normie terms that "the world is crazy right now, something is going on."

Normies translation: "I'm doubting covid and lockdowns but I don't know what's going on and I don't feel like I trust anyone"

Which ends in..... ding ding ding! The covid vaccine/concentration camps blackpilled FUD is completely NULL and VOID.

>> No.28278385

Hmm has any news happened with Jed?
Every day, as long as he's been selling, at 8:02 GMT he sends XRP to Bitstamp. So far at 8:20GMT he has yet to send. Ideas why? https://bithomp.com/explorer/rEhKZcz5Ndjm9BzZmmKrtvhXPnSWByssDv

>> No.28278414
Quoted by: >>28278586

keep dreaming for us... we go beyond moon

>> No.28278455
File: 141 KB, 800x450, 1278979235679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shame waiting on the other end
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

This looked layered under the Q-directive: it leads to an "awakening" among the people to overthrow the "shadow" stand-in, and the tools paired with it, that the ultra-powers deem no longer necessary.
When dealing with absolute power, it's improbable that they'd ever let you get close to dismantling it. It's a play.
This is just my preview; I will watch it another time and bookmark. But I refuse to believe there's a salvation for those who wait around.

I don't know if the vaccine-control theory is accurate. There must be something more significant, control through energy fields - Tesla talks about a force that exerts upon man, a lifeforce.
I believe the Rothschild are trying to get control of this force.
I'm not sure why we're a "battery" in this world, who the Rothschild are brokers for, but they're brokers of our energy. And the current system is inefficient compared to new methodologies waiting.
If they can demand submission only though force of air, then it's terrifying to think. Might unironically start wearing a tinfoil hat. I need to read a lot more.

>> No.28278489
File: 926 KB, 720x720, XRP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28278532

>> No.28278532
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>> No.28278559
File: 8 KB, 230x250, 1604434940867s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engaging the resident pol-nazitard ever

>> No.28278571
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>> No.28278586
File: 33 KB, 450x250, 97960207-cielo-notturno-con-stelle-d-oro-su-sfondo-nero-modello-di-spazio-astronomia-oscura-carta-da-parati-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will and we will.

>> No.28278623
Quoted by: >>28278662

Mr. Schwartz if you’re here, flip it so we can prove the doubters and fudders wrong.

>> No.28278659
File: 1.22 MB, 1919x3130, 1606776829572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Jews started to catch on that that Germans were waking up so that means the idea of camps are null and void

I don't want to waste any more effort trying to spoonfeed you any more because it's obvious you aren't going to open your mouth no matter how much I say "open wide for the airplane!"


You're on the right path. Look into the things I mentioned in this post >>28274431 You have the basic idea correct, and at this point I don't fully understand it yet because I haven't looked deep enough but what you're describing is in the information in this post. Essentially remote control of humans via activation / deactivation of parts of the brain using some sort of force, might be what 5G is about.

>> No.28278662
File: 1011 KB, 1600x1259, 1612845024079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was actually here I'd hope he, if anything, give some assurance that absolute-slave control is something one can opt out of.

>> No.28278663

Literally trying to educate me on conspiracy theories in a fucking schizo thread





Kys doomer you know nothing lol

>> No.28278677


Why isn't Jed doompa?
He usually starts doompa around now (8am UTC)


>> No.28278723
File: 216 KB, 736x1022, 2375e207d062fb671f46063766cda563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably just waiting for you to notice

>> No.28278742
File: 681 KB, 720x1932, image(6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering the same thing. Is jed is buckled up and ready for a moon mission?

>> No.28278744

It's worth a watch since it sheds light onto the vast intelligence network. How real the "awakening" is, is yet to be seen.

>> No.28278757
File: 440 KB, 633x758, 1600765868452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28279043


>> No.28278778

He unplugged on xsg! Welcome brother.
The laws are completely meaningless.
You'll realize that you're one of the few sane ones soon enough. One of us one of us one of us!!

>> No.28278807
File: 78 KB, 625x415, 1583444502475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't use pol you absolute brainlet, I've seen you posting that gay nazi gif in almost every thread since you got schooled by one of the nazis you hate so much. Try contributing something instead of just going >pol >pol >pol like a moron.


Educating you won't work, you need to have an IQ above room temp to be educated. I've given you logic based on research and sources. All you've given me is "stop being a doomer, I'm a contrarian so I'm just doing the opposite of the people who are educated on the matter". Fuck off, you deserve to be chipped.

>> No.28278872

0.6 toniiiiight

>> No.28278886



>> No.28278891

this pump is rather uncomfortable. whens dump bros. i like status quo.

>> No.28278897

Also was awakened at 310...

>> No.28278957

>conspiracy theories

>> No.28278967
Quoted by: >>28279086

Yeah you're right lol but it's fun.

I literally argued against every single point you made, and BTFOed you with logic while you responded with nothing but skepticism and lack of understanding.

It's safe to say
You will never be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.

Samefagging pol nigger ;)

>> No.28279043

Why is that

>> No.28279086
File: 65 KB, 751x418, 1600588332102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I literally argued against every single point you made, and BTFOed you with logic while you responded with nothing but skepticism and lack of understanding.

How can you be this retarded? Read the thread again. You posted uninformed nonsense, I posted logic contradicting you, with sources. You posted 0 sources. You're sticking your fingers in your ears and going LALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING I WIN. Childish. Link me the posts where you used logic, because I definitely can't see any. Who's samefagging? Not everyone on the internet is the same person.

>> No.28279184

No, it's going to crash


>> No.28279230

dont come to the next thread. at least dont post on it. fuck off.

>> No.28279273

Ah, I get it now. My little bro sold 2/3 of his stack expecting it to dip and now it's poomping. He was sacrificed so it could pump. Pray for him.

>> No.28279279
File: 1006 KB, 256x199, 1595781151951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You being right offends me, don't post in the next thread

I'll post just for you.

>> No.28279295

Seethe, tranny.

>> No.28279374


>> No.28279376


RIP anon's onii-chan.

>> No.28279396

i should have been in bed by now and now i'm not going to be able to sleep

>> No.28279437
File: 30 KB, 752x408, FF32EDF1-0F7A-4D56-AFD9-460F5F4B4E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28279482

nice pic

>> No.28279628
File: 389 KB, 772x551, 30EB369B-BBA1-4FAC-BDD9-0A4CB9C1B2C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28279680
File: 79 KB, 768x432, FB032EC2-1D16-4D2D-982F-E8EC71D7A752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28279752

EOY predictions?