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File: 834 KB, 1125x2175, 1610004315500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25679709 No.25679709 [Reply] [Original]

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial


>SEC lawsuit

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.25679763
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previous thread

>> No.25679764
Quoted by: >>25679789

ok, i've actually gone full schizo

>> No.25679789


>> No.25679796
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>> No.25679808

Trump shills BTFO

>> No.25679811
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Quoted by: >>25681268

How it feels to hold XRP

>> No.25679836
File: 175 KB, 1024x958, 1610047022931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sold my XRP and buyed LCX

>> No.25679840
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Putting the financial system of the world on the blockchain is the ultimate control tool.
It allows for one world financial system. One world government is coming and so is one world religion.
You by no means should trust it, this is the end game for the world and it will occur.
I have seen things with my own two eyes you would not believe. This is beyond XRP and getting some money.
This is biblical and the scriptures cannot be broken. WW3 is around the corner. Famine, pestilence.
The coronavirus will be worse than you could possibly imagine, but first they will say it is "safe" and things will go
back to normal for a short while during the warm months.
A man will rise up claiming to be the God of all the religions of mankind.
He will be killed, head wound.
He will resurrect.
That is when it truly starts to hurt the world.
I suggest you all get saved before this happens. -UHNWI

>> No.25679887


>> No.25679889
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Ripple released a whitepaper on CBDCs yesterday:

and here's a Ripple paper from a few months ago about blockchain tech in cross-border payments, if'n you're feeling bored and want to read some stuff about what the system is going to look like after they roll it out here in a few months


the foundations have already been built. all that remains is to turn on the power.

>> No.25679901
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>> No.25679931
File: 905 KB, 1161x684, 1607910124343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare Finance's dFLR token is going to be distributed to your Metamask wallet, all at once (not 15% at once like FLR/Spark). saw it on twitter today

>> No.25679939

Come on bros sell your bags, it's over! Don't you see your coins can't even maintain +100% pump like other coins? Why do you hold trash? Come on sell it, SELL IT!

>> No.25679967

NGMI. Seriously NGMI. LCX? The fucking Lickmysteeze scam run by known scammers who have been called scammers by the scammiest of scammers? Repent while you still can.

>> No.25679981
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Is it really a deep fake?

>> No.25679985
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>> No.25679989
Quoted by: >>25680567

my resolve is further strengthened

>> No.25679995

Imagine reading this and go like, Yeah you got me, i'm gonna dump my 50k stack now

>> No.25680005

You know how people say nothing ever happens

i think its happening

>> No.25680009

my senses tingle when i view it

>> No.25680128
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>Come on bros sell your bags, it's over!

>> No.25680131
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>> No.25680289

Hi I recently bought 5k XRP. Can you let me know what to expect being part of this family.

>> No.25680319

Shills, trolls, fudders and bro posters.
Whatever happens anon DO NOT TAKE YOUR MEDICATION

>> No.25680330

Take however many coins you have and multiply it by 2k minimum. Ignore the fud + larp + trolls and get comfy. Welcome fren

>> No.25680397

Smoke more meth smoking meth

>> No.25680420

Higher T levels, being cool as fuck, custom Bluey memes and a bunch of dickhead fudders.

>> No.25680567
File: 81 KB, 748x806, I uhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insert bruno quote here

>> No.25680584

How does 10 million dollars sound?

>> No.25680641
File: 46 KB, 346x355, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like that to be true but i doubt it, if we do end up having massive amounts of money, i'll gladly toss a bone to people who have been nice to me over the years and have stayed by my side (hint, it's not many)

>> No.25680665

Learn to love it. XRP is like being edged and never allowed to cum, only it lasts for years

>> No.25680673 [DELETED] 
File: 647 KB, 1600x1415, 1583459421581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody will tell you to sell but never sell because they are all part of a one GIANT CONSPIRACY AGAINST YOU

>> No.25680684

How does 20 billion sound? PER XRP

>> No.25680698

Against us.

>> No.25680708

But do sell 100xrp at 2k so you can become a neet aristocrat.

>> No.25680723

Absolutely ludicrous. I'll see you on Mars fren.

>> No.25680751

I’m almost convinced that I’m the only one that has any actual ARP and all u guys r just shit posters

>> No.25680807
Quoted by: >>25680850

Shit I plan on selling 666 xrp at 2k

>> No.25680819

only if 1 loaf of bread is 20b

>> No.25680840


Is that like Armor Pen from WoW?

>> No.25680850 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25680883

I thought it was real until I saw 2k in ID. Now I know it’s photoshop, check em

>> No.25680895

I hold 2.5k XRP. DIAMOND HANDS. The NWO are doing all the hard work for me.

>> No.25681009
File: 2.19 MB, 785x998, DIRTYDEEDSANDTHEY'REDONEDIRTCHEAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25681057


>> No.25681057

It’s like quantum immortality you can never be in a universe where XRP is not pumped as if it at any point crashes you are transported to a universe sub consciously where it has not happened

>> No.25681120
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>> No.25681169
Quoted by: >>25681229

Anyone just constantly fantasize about the NWO giving us millions?

>> No.25681179

Gotta sell enough to be a neet.

>> No.25681184
Quoted by: >>25681224

ID: 2k sbI 3OY

i want to believe.

did you see Trump's schedule for tomorrow got wiped and now it just says "He will be in many meetings and taking many calls"

>> No.25681221 [DELETED] 
File: 937 KB, 1190x662, 1606193229886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>activate quantum pump intégral

>> No.25681224 [DELETED] 

>i want to believe.
>trust the plan
You niggers never stop.

>not having enough that you can afford to sell a bunch and still sit on a Scrooge McDuck style pile of zerps

>> No.25681229

they're not giving them to us- we're earning them, first for giving them the money to test and develop the technology which will be the backbone of the new digital economy, and then by trusting our intuition and doing the research necessary to not sell the XRP while they are trying to shake us out

>> No.25681268


>> No.25681325
Quoted by: >>25681353

Plan - not trusted
Show - not enjoyed

But DO believe in XRP fundamentals.

>> No.25681353

Based and gmi-pilled.

>> No.25681378

will xrps moons heal the sins of my father? i have tried to get him to renounce his vows and find jesus christ again. will it begin to heal all the gaslighting, latent trauma or mental illness. i want to feel ok. i love jesus and i love god, but i cannot be responsible for the sins of an old man thats just not fair. i pray for him everyday.

will it heal the fact that ive never been able to find a sense of belonging, of wholeness, like im being looked after, like people actually care about me? they arent entitled to care, and I havent always been a good person. I can be abrasive, erratic, and cold. but i love people so fucking much it hurts. i love my dad so much i sob for him for days. i cant focus on anything anymore. all i have is this.

>> No.25681437
File: 171 KB, 700x713, 5E64DF52-4E2F-4138-AC3E-45709121AB06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made this

>> No.25681503
Quoted by: >>25681844

>will xrps moons heal the sins of my father?

>will it heal the fact that ive never been able to find a sense of belonging, of wholeness, like im being looked after, like people actually care about me?

It's a political and economic moment that is wholly devoid of spiritual meaning, despite what people otherwise say. You have to find meaning elsewhere. I recommend you do some soul searching, talk to a priest or spiritual advisor you can trust. I've found Orthodoxy to be very fulfilling and if you can find a church nearby, maybe give it a look. If not, do what you can to find someone who will give you the guidance and help you need. Do not look for it on a Massive Mammary Meiji Bulletin Board. Do not look for it in a piece of technology or a technological movement.

Hope things turn out for you, anon.

>> No.25681529
Quoted by: >>25681861

Get closer to God anon, it will get better. Don't stress too much with this shit, live your life and work on yourself

>> No.25681669

Sepultura? Based.

>> No.25681744

Awesome art

>> No.25681844
File: 604 KB, 800x792, Vitriol-2-basil_valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen man i think you are reading some things into my post that aren't true- i think Q is probably bullshit and definitely a psyop designed to manipulate morons into complacency, and there's a 99.9% chance that Biden is sworn in on the 20th but it simply would be more interesting and kind of funny if this were part of some kind of grand overarching spy novel plot conspiracy and Trump is actually about some kind of grand trap on the deep state satanic pedophile cabal.

if you can't see the spiritual implications of a technology that could potentially change the financial system by

a) bringing the untold amounts of off-the-ledger money (for example in offshore banking) into the open and

b) changing the structure of the debt-based fractional reserve banking system into something less blatantly oppressive

Nothing is devoid of spiritual meaning, friend, and if you can't see the spiritual implications of XRP and its part in the ongoing transition, then I don't know what to tell you, friend. Solve et coagula, ordo ab chao, these are very old phrases that apply directly to these things...

>> No.25681861
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>> No.25681881
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>> No.25681910
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Quoted by: >>25681930

XRP/XLM is Chad, came from 22 and 15 cents respectively to 30 cents and over.
I think XLM spiked because it was safer action than XRP but when it was time to dump people went for XLMs sister coin (XRP) hence that late rally moon.
already got some good sacks but will buy dips. XRP is comfy.

>> No.25681930

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.25681940
Quoted by: >>25682128

The elites work in that way, they dont value a person having money, they value how they got it and the unrelenting pressure to give up but still not doing it.
That is what they value in a person

>> No.25681949 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25682117

lol ok nigger

>> No.25682035
Quoted by: >>25682168

Just turned all my XRP into ETH. Not going to be bagholding through the lawsuit dump in 2 weeks.

>> No.25682078
Quoted by: >>25682609

How will the tether situation affect XRP?

>> No.25682094
Quoted by: >>25682609

Well said fren.
>be on the watch
>the gods will offer you chances
>know them
>take them

>> No.25682117
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>> No.25682128
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The only thing the elites value in us is the traits that make us good slaves. Their book says all property will be in their hands, not all property except the XRP holder's.

>> No.25682158
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>> No.25682168
Quoted by: >>25682211

Wrong board, you're looking for /hm/.

>> No.25682211
Quoted by: >>25682609

lol based. i assume its just some neural net because nobody sentient believes in ETH

>> No.25682253 [DELETED] 

are you getting upset by the word nigger
i don't think you're on the right website

>> No.25682286
File: 97 KB, 691x325, 1596474896269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683139


>> No.25682315 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25682374

It's just cringy and, ironically enough, pretty niggerish.

>> No.25682321
File: 802 KB, 903x1692, 1596281357823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a staff sergeant, you won't be cleaning latrines in the pleasure domes, but you won't be at the front of the line getting the freshest braps at the buffet, either. And you'll have to salute a 2nd lieutenant such as myself.

>> No.25682351 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 1024x776, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25682354

Might I ask what happens to the people that have 0 xrp

>> No.25682374 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25682447

that makes no sense, why would using the word nigger be cringy? if anything its great because it upsets actual liberals and nig nogs who would chimp out at it but are mad they can't

>> No.25682445
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>> No.25682447
Quoted by: >>25682464

Grow up anon.

>> No.25682464 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25682522

Use a real argument instead of a logically fallacy, what do you not like about the word nigger?

>> No.25682490

1k from master sergeant. Fuck it, imma buy 1k more rn.

>> No.25682522
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>> No.25682549

They live happy, stress free lives

>> No.25682582
Quoted by: >>25683029

go back to facebook you kike

>> No.25682609
Quoted by: >>25683106

unlike BTC and ETH, XRP's price has never been inflated by Tether. just like it's not produced by Chinese-controlled mining. for these two reasons, I think XRP is a little more insulated from a market crash.

thanks for these words, anon. i just experienced a bit of a setback today and I've been a bit down in the dumps as a result. but there will be other chances.

it cost me $10 to do a single transaction to pick up my 1inch airdrop, which was about $100. in order to convert the 1inch into ETH and send the ETH to coinbase, i'd have to spend another $50. fees are just ridiculous.

>> No.25682678
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1606231354381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread theme

>> No.25682814

Checked and saved

>> No.25682961
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1610088237255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683023

Can anyone confirm?

>> No.25683023

I seen something similar a few days back. Apparently the 15% drops are only for those getting airdropped onto exchanges. Anyone who self custody’s gets the full amount.

>> No.25683029

Facebook doesn't shill meme crypto to me. Not a particular fan.

>> No.25683106
File: 196 KB, 1242x798, 747456AA-58CC-4682-9B6C-651D39D44C1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re all in this together anon. We are here to help pick each other up. It’s okay to feel down sometimes. We’re human after all. Except riggers, fudders, and trannies.

>> No.25683139
Quoted by: >>25683235

Kek, funny if true

>> No.25683187
Quoted by: >>25684040

Interesting, too bad I never understood metamask, I guess I'll have to do my research then.

>> No.25683235
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They tried to raid pol after the election and their site ended up getting BTFO, it was great.

>> No.25683244

What? No. The distribution is scattered. You’re telling me I’m going to get it all on my ledger?
Btw, there never was a way to set up flare through metamask. Did someone really try to set up flare airdrop on metamask? Jesus

>> No.25683285

Kek got anymore anon?

>> No.25683317
File: 616 KB, 4000x2247, 1608842116293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think there are a couple more but this is all I have.

>> No.25683334
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Oh no I do have more

>> No.25683366
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>> No.25683395
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This is my fave

>> No.25683494

fucking lmao, thanks for the Kek frens

>> No.25683568

When will they learn.

>> No.25683672
File: 372 KB, 839x679, watchingxrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683803


Blood, Toil and Pain.
>She will fuck you raw for months, but you won't care because the Devils Dandruff will be welting in your lungs, as you light up another shard for the next 48hour stint.


>> No.25683803
File: 116 KB, 431x535, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683832

If you're the guy who posts gay torture porn when we doomp can you please refrain? I don't like knowing you or that exists and that you'll be able to fuel that with millions of dollars when he hit 2k. Which looks more and more likely as I heard the escrow is getting BURNT

>> No.25683832
Quoted by: >>25684076

I should probably link the source.
Not a reliable source but when has that ever stopped us

>> No.25683870
File: 19 KB, 300x400, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought 270k XRPees at around 20c each

Will I make it this year?

Looking for 2 million to cash out, pay off debt, have 1 nice car and live off passive income

>> No.25683875
File: 30 KB, 540x526, 1609728521269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25683924
Quoted by: >>25683962

270K zerpies? really?
How does 540,000,000 dollars sound?

>> No.25683962

yeah its my whole bag from 2017, that I traded my DGB for

Also have a small XLM bag

Are you nuts? That's not gonna happen

>> No.25684004
Quoted by: >>25690298

>sued by SEC
>sued by big British company
>delisted on Coinbase
anyone explain why it went up 40% yesterday?

>> No.25684012

You'll make it this year.

>> No.25684013
Quoted by: >>25684120

>Are you nuts? That's not gonna happen
Where the fuck do you think you are faggot?

>> No.25684018
Quoted by: >>25684098

2k EOY :^)

>> No.25684034

XLM is a great investment

>> No.25684040
File: 129 KB, 1038x683, ErJDr-FXcAMJAhJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there's two different things. the Flare/Spark airdrop, the initial one, you get 15% of your supply right off the bat. this will (presumably) get sent to your Ethereum wallet, the one that you linked your Flare address too. You could have used MyEtherWallet, Metamask, or other Ethereum-enabled wallets (like Exodus for example). I was just using Metamask as an example.

So, you'll get 15% of your Spark- but, for dFLR (Flare Finance, not Flare) you'll get the whole amount at once. For every 1000 spark you hold, you'll get 1 dFLR, which you can then exchange for yFLR, one of the main tokens for Flare Finance.

did you set up a wallet for the Flare airdrop?

Picrelated is my source. Found https://twitter.com/ftso_eu

>> No.25684076
File: 2.00 MB, 436x335, 1610038192735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684113

If Ripple is going to be the SEC's bitch, that doesn't give me a lot of confidence, tee bee aitch. I'm banking on a price rise due to massive long term utilisation, so that escrow would be needed as tokens are burned. If it means short term profit, I'd probably take it, though.

>> No.25684098
Quoted by: >>25684118

I was told it would be 2k at the end of LAST year

well here we are

>> No.25684113
Quoted by: >>25684152

>If Ripple is going to be the SEC's bitch,
How new are you? Don't you know all the context behind the SEC thing? the node? the members?
I should have realized you were just a non believer tourist since you're brain is rotted by porn. Coomer be gone

>> No.25684114 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25684128

Moon date April 3rd 2021

>> No.25684118
Quoted by: >>25684154


2k EOY 2020 was accurate, the timeline shifted because Don didn't cross the Rubicon.

>> No.25684120

for real, bro

If it were to go to 2k, the chart will look like absolute shit

Looking at it tho, maybe 10$ is possible but not 2k

>> No.25684128

based on what?

>> No.25684135

There will be no pump until the trial verdict
Why hodl when you gain make gains on btc/eth until then

>> No.25684152

Where are the boobas?

>> No.25684154

>Don didnt cross the Rubicon

what the hell are you talking about bro

>> No.25684161
Quoted by: >>25684194

> maybe 10$ is possible but not 2k
Why though

>> No.25684181

You ARE a newfag wow. you just bro posted as well fudfag

>> No.25684194

I just dont think its possible
if goes to 2k,
Im a billionaire
and Im fucking nobody

and this board will have so many millionaires that probably all getting lambos

Not happening

>> No.25684200
File: 183 KB, 848x500, 1592951971653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684295


In the timeline where XRP hits 2k at the end of 2020, Trump arrested Biden and Harris the day after the election and had them waterboarded for 57 consecutive days.

>> No.25684233
Quoted by: >>25684277

>it can't happen because good things can't happen
I'm done with you

>> No.25684245
Quoted by: >>25684270

Most will sell by then

>> No.25684270
Quoted by: >>25684316

including him

>> No.25684277

Ayeo dubs of truth

>> No.25684295
Quoted by: >>25684617

well obviously its fake because it seems like Trump conceded

>> No.25684316
Quoted by: >>25684990

Well bro I will cash out 90% at $10 and leave the 90% to 2k then

>> No.25684365
File: 56 KB, 419x444, 33C5D820-C744-4E05-BFDC-780A3B9DACE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684469

Thanks for the laffs. Haven’t been on /pol/ since 2015, sometimes I feel like I’m missing out

>> No.25684398

>Looking at it tho, maybe 10$ is possible but not 2k

How very (((logical))) sell now and never return.

>> No.25684411
File: 3.77 MB, 800x533, 1610091795808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684473

what does this mean for ripple

>> No.25684469
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You aren't, it's all leftist shills and magatards. Any good threads get slid by a brigade of discord trannies who use the site 24/7.

>> No.25684473
Quoted by: >>25684513

Bitcoin won.

>> No.25684513
Quoted by: >>25684624

bitcoin is about to get btfo'd by tether taking china along with it

>> No.25684617

Nah, this will turn ugly, possibly a coup or some other major event. There is no way Biden is president. Worst case scenario the military takes over.

>> No.25684624
Quoted by: >>25684905

Not gonna happen if Trump steps down

>> No.25684641

Aren't the military leadership all unironically gay?

>> No.25684662
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I hate Biden as much as the next non retarded guy, but it's over. Trump wasn't the man we were looking for. He pussed out and the US will become the people's republic of America.

>> No.25684677

So even if you have 20k, which I assume would be like the average xsg schizo has, you'll get 20 dFLR? That's like nothing. What is the supply for it?

>> No.25684835

avg person has 10k
look at xrp ledger

>> No.25684888
Quoted by: >>25685050

Actually holy fuck. Some ugly himler looking chink and the rotschilds bitch. I'd never sell this shitcoin

>> No.25684905
Quoted by: >>25684962

it's not over until it's over

>> No.25684962

I really hope so, fren... I do...

>> No.25684990

You guys are seriously demented thinking this has any usecase at all, no one ever even speaks about technical jargon anymore and all this bullshit is just talk about xrp going to 2k since over a year ago now and nothing has happened, people were saying xrp is already 2k per token it just hasn't hit the public yet. WHat the fuck are you on about? Insanity... You guys are room-temperature IQ imbecils feeding off each others own bullshit and only the dumbest unsuspecting noobs get fooled by this.

>> No.25684994
Quoted by: >>25686579

dFLR is just used to switch for yFLR

imagine yFLR is worth $10 (conservative imo). if you saw a guy on the street holding a sign that said "free $200 inquire here" would you talk to him or no?

i think Flare and Flare Finance are going to be very big indeed and you should do everything you can to get involved with them early on

>> No.25685050
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checked, show me another crypto company that has even been in the same room as people of that caliber of power in the financial industry let alone partnered with the institutions they represent

Ripple is going to be so fucking huge mang (pic related)
Ripple:Crossborder payments::Amazon:Books

>> No.25685082
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>> No.25685105
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>> No.25685112
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>> No.25685141
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Quoted by: >>25685198

you are like little retarded baby pooping in ur pants







>> No.25685145
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Quoted by: >>25685175


>> No.25685166
Quoted by: >>25685297

what can you tell me about these companies, friend?

>> No.25685175
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Quoted by: >>25685189


>> No.25685189
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>> No.25685198
Quoted by: >>25685272

>Baited into spoonfeeding
Come on man, spoonfeeding season is way past us, just tell them DYOR

>> No.25685224



so it's the company in charge of incorporating businesses in Delaware, which is notoriously corrupt and lax to the point of being a tax haven within the US?

i assume this has to do with the Biden family, as Joe is the boss of Delaware and president-sort-of-elect and his son Beau was the Attorney General or whatever, Secretary of State.

but what more? United States of America, inc

why is this registered to "ernest rauthschild?"

>> No.25685272
Quoted by: >>25685525

nah friend i want everyone who comes in these threads to see that XRP is the best opportunity to become wealthy that they will probably ever have, and time is running short. i got bored the other night and spent an hour spamming threads around /biz/ and /pol/ with some of those links. if even one anon reads them and decides to invest and gets wealthy off of it, it would make me very happy.

but what the fuck are these incorporation documents? these companies have weird names. social security? CIA? USA, inc? incorporated in Delaware, Joe Biden's home state?

>> No.25685297
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The United states is a religious non-profit corporation.

there are 2 constitutions.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a foreign incorporated corporation with the crown of England with its own constitution, its territory is the district of Columbia in Washington DC, and territory of Puerto Rico, it was founded after the gettysburg address in 1864

The United States of America was founded in 1776

>> No.25685334
File: 239 KB, 638x826, royal-family-asset-settlements-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25686368

what the fuck is this?

picrelated is the craziest shit i've ever seen! truly schizo material- Golden Wonder Boy/Spiritual Wonder boy tier shit. NESARA/GESARA shadow economy bearer bond Golden Lily hoard shit.

>> No.25685380
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Quoted by: >>25685440

>> No.25685400
Quoted by: >>25685419

Best place to buy xrp?
I fucked up and bought on etoro meaning If I want to take profits I have to sell all my holdings

>> No.25685419


>> No.25685423
Quoted by: >>25685502

The whole point of XRP/crypto/Flare is to provide a new form of staking to tokenize power as a central structure.
The reason that fallout is imminent is that power structures will have to merge in the upcoming wars.
Providing trustless contracts is going to revamp our entire hierarchy.
This is a collusion of several psychopaths that bind through Ripple.
I'm not sure how much the Masons assert spiritual/consciousness dominance, but this is the narrative of this timeline.
Majority of us are not going to survive, nor the current lower orders of the Masons.
Do what you will with this information.

>> No.25685440
File: 311 KB, 638x826, royal-family-asset-settlements-3-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The last 70 year agreement made with The Royals was in Bretton Woods conference in 1944"


prime schizo material here fellas. these are basically the contracts binding the keepers of Earth as a prison planet, if i understand them correctly.

>> No.25685453

What video is that from?

>> No.25685470
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1608136537804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White hats and Trump are taking down their millennia power structure.


>> No.25685502
Quoted by: >>25686051

How much time left to leave the USA? Where is safe to go and live low-profile? Thanks!!

>> No.25685525

Fuck you. I have 130k of these tokens that I bought to swing trade at .53 cents and I am down almost half my investment right now. I need to almost double from here to break even. I shoulda just held bitcoin. I wasted 3 bitcoin on this piece of shit.

>> No.25685528
File: 2.21 MB, 1300x1800, GESARA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is our planet, and their wealth is confiscated.


>> No.25685559
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So I searched for "Ricky Nathaniel," one of the names in this document...
Graciously accept the offer to preside as the Chairman of the U.S. Capital Private Bank Corporation Beverly Hills California, the United States of America starting with immediate effect as mandated in your Corporate Resolution. To this effect, there are certain priorities that I want to list down while we set up all the operations in the U.S. Capital Private Bank Corporation Beverly Hills, namely: Adjunct settlement and clearances of the Philippines Stores with 17 Million Metric Tons of Gold and 30,000 ancestral heritage historical royal imperial sovereign family heirloom assets, worth in excess of Euro/USD 1700 Trillion Quintillion and

Prestigiously Royal Imperial Sovereign Judge ID and Barrister Judicial Bar Authority number ICKIRQL-AK15432-445-AM01 and the NATO OTAN Adhoc NC31-C3-AM-01 position to assist and help in the postulated scheduled Rallidex Realms ocular jocular Senatoris Royal Imperial Sovereign Chancellory Saturn-Earth IPCC-International Criminal Courts (ICC) and the IPCC-International Court of Justice (ICJ) Regulatory Clearances and Settlements of all the long held Saturnstar Heavenly Overlords and Saturn Senatoris nominated and appointed Presidents for Life, the Lord Edinburgh C3-AM-01 (Retd.) White Spiritual Boy Kul-El the Senatoris-JN-666-Television Media-Loksabha Mantrimandal

I knew it! White Spiritual Boy shit. Fun, but ultimately bullshit. Or is it...

>> No.25685585
Quoted by: >>25685712

quit your bitching and wait like a month, dumbass. XRP went up .10 in an hour last night. in order to fulfill the purpose it was designed for (and for which it has partnered with institutions like Bank of America, Bank of England, and the Swiss National Bank) it would have to be worth at least $10, if not $100 or more. So

quit your your bitching and wait like a month.

>> No.25685589 [DELETED] 
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holy nigger these guys are at parity!

>> No.25685593

i have 100Gazillion in XRP alone. my HUGE dick is hard for another drop. I will -200% it again and catch another -500k ticket. you are doing this crypto shit HELLA wrong. yes hold spot for sure, but if you haven't been tweeting @babacugs and solving internet riddles by certifiable schizos you're an FUCKING idiot.

>> No.25685630

the Title of Nobility was the 14th amendment that was secretly removed from the constitution. slavery is the 15th amendment.

this amendment strips you of your citizenship if you accept titles of nobility from foreign powers, this also makes you ineligible from being president, and makes congress members ineligible for presidency.

>> No.25685679
File: 374 KB, 720x720, 1606256309692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol His Royal Highness Ernest Rothschild the prime minister of North America has an instagram, go figure


and his quora:

literally schizo delusions. but entertaining ones. much like Q, i will say that there is a 99.9% chance they are fake. but that .001% chance that they are true is entertaining indeed. (it would also be entertaining if there was really a shape-shifting race of reptiles which survived the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs by inhabiting large caverns inside the earth and which impersonate humans in order to occupy positions of power and influence the course of politics and history)

>> No.25685693
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>He didn't buy more at .17

I bought a bag at the top but then bought loads more at the dip so now I'm even again

>> No.25685712

It only went up because occ greenlighted banks to use blockchain even though it already was unconventionally using blockchain
Don't get me wrong I believe in ripple but nothing is going to happen with the price till we get a verdict on the trial

>> No.25685733
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Quoted by: >>25685757

are you serious? so the two points that XLM and XRP have been at the same price are .333 and .322? come the fuck on

bit heavy handed with the symbolism. but then again these arrogant weirdos always are, because they know that 99% of people are blind and 99% of the remaining 1% are too powerless to do anything about it, all the world being a game board and all.

>> No.25685734
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Quoted by: >>25686076


>> No.25685757
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>> No.25685830
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Quoted by: >>25690251

Back up to .33? what's going on.

>> No.25685861 [DELETED] 
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>589 digits too
Look at us nigger, we are the skull and bones now

>> No.25685887

asteroids didn't wipe out the dinosaurs, the oxygen supply of Earth was about 30-40% while today its only 21%, the larger animals suffocated to death.

>> No.25685929
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Quoted by: >>25686081

yeah but would you make a dinosaur your wife?

>> No.25685948
Quoted by: >>25686164

they evil ones hate trump.

>> No.25685964

XRP/XLM is the chad underdog pair. You fuck with one coin and the other just goes ahead and increases in value.

>> No.25685981

Thx stinky pajeet bro

>> No.25686016
Quoted by: >>25686114

Either the Rschilds are trolling us with epic cryptic shit for their keks or theyre dropping hints like a drunk slut on coke because the midwits will fall for the FUD

>> No.25686051
Quoted by: >>25686273

There is going to be nuclear and bio-chemical warfare.
The blackmail market is falling apart, which is the lower-form power structure that determines feudal collectives of human assets.
Find Christ and stock up when you feel it in your gut.
God bless.

>> No.25686054
Quoted by: >>25686103

The problem when done of you is you believe only evil exists when a force of good also does

>> No.25686076
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Quoted by: >>25686176

so the smaller saurians evolved, and figured out that they could train the monkeys to be their slaves?

wonder how that particular conspiracy would interact with the conspiracy that mankind/homo sapiens is actually the result of genetic experimentation/engineering by advanced races from other parts of the galaxy (which iirc is advanced as an explanation for certain periods of accelerated evolution like the rapid expansion of cranial capacity, which still have not been explained by science)

in a related story, check out this neat scholarly article I found earlier tonight:

Title: A Search for Alien Artifacts on the Moon
Authors: Arkhipov, A.
Journal: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 74. Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life. 1993 Bioastronomy Symposium, held in Santa Cruz, California, August 16-20,1993. Editor, G. Seth Shostak; Publisher, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, California, 1995.

late night XSG is the best. Real Schizo Hours

yeesh. thanks for the post but i got seriously bad vibes from that photo, stopped reading. the same thing happens to me with his dad, and michael aquino. terrible what they did to that poor girl- and all the other 'suicided' celebs/would-be whistleblowers like Bourdain, Bennington, Cornell, Kate Spade, Natacha Jaitt...but they can't kill all of us

we should start a secret society. but no pooping and peeing on each other in coffins though

>> No.25686081

no, but maybe a Lyran or Pleiadian

>> No.25686103
Quoted by: >>25686273

I'd like to believe good will always win over evil but it's hard to do that recently.
when you have people equating protests where nobody is assaulted and minimal damage is done to people burning down buildings and shooting others, it all feels pointless

>> No.25686114
Quoted by: >>25686233

no one would believe them even if they went out in the streets and shouted it.

>> No.25686150

who what?

>> No.25686162

I gave your mum a 100% pump last night

>> No.25686164
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yeah i'm very much a Bernie bro, or even to the left of Bernie (big fan of Rojava and the Zapatistas) but I like Trump and refused to vote for Biden because I can tell the establishment is doing everything in their power to get him out of office. I think he was never meant to be able to get elected, it seemed very obvious that Hilldawg was the anointed one. I heard a theory that the Russians interfered with their election software via DDOS but the Dems couldn't expose them because they were altering the votes too and it would have been too damaging to their reputation or whatever, which is a fun theory. But yeah. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Trump's huge hardon for selling off national park land for oil and mining companies and stocking his cabinet with the worst people on planet earth, nor his enthusiasm for cutting taxes to the richest of the rich, I still vastly prefer him to these Cabal members like Biden.

(I think they replaced Biden with a clone- when I try to "read" him I get a literal blank. Interestingly, this also happens when I try Neo-Chappelle and Post-jail Gucci Mane, and most recently with Mick Jagger)

>> No.25686176
Quoted by: >>25686477

the reptilians are not in control, they are a slave race to a 5th dimensional being that looks like humanoid spiders.

Humans are special in that we have the soul of the creator the supreme being, we are made in his image. the evil ones feed off our fear like in the Pixar movie. they love creating chaos.

zionist were given financial powers to do their bidding and they get to be the top. the Nazi's and the Zionists are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.25686187

Ha, he's >25686162 saying he fucked your mom loser.

>> No.25686192
Quoted by: >>25686387

Googled a bit but couldn’t find your theory (some stuff about suffocating from volcano ash but nothing about oxygen), link?

>> No.25686195
Quoted by: >>25686241

whats the best version of the bible

>> No.25686194
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>ended in 2014
XLM spawned in '14

>> No.25686233

Exactly, its hilarious. Like when Nixon just devalued USD to Gold they just devalued votes to an election. They've reached singularity if I'm using the term correctly

>> No.25686241

I read the Orthodox Study bible to, it's pretty good.

I'm not a KJV only purist but it is the best.

>> No.25686256

MetaMask wallet? I didn’t use that to claim spark. Dafug do I get the Dflr?

>> No.25686273
Quoted by: >>25686718

hope it doesn't come to that but i agree with you that it seems to be falling apart at an alarmingly fast rate. i do agree that there will probably be some kind of reset, that much has been obvious for months if not years- /xsg/ lore tends to hold that it'll be an EMP or powergrid cyberattack (which, remember that SolarWinds hack? that's still hanging over everything ominously)

I just really hope they don't set off nukes in large urban centers. But my instinct is that it will be something like that. A while ago on /pol/ they had a fed crowdsourcing autists with psychic powers and the consensus was nukes in shipping containers or air freight in Chicago, Seattle/Tacoma, port of LA, Baltimore and/or Philly and somewhere along the gulf coast.

I really, really hope that doesn't happen.

we already know how the story ends, anon, the good guys win.

that capitol building shit glowed so incredibly hard. They fucking opened the gates for them! I bet at least 1/4 or 1/5 of that first wave to bust through the windows and get into the chamber were intel agency assets or undercovers of one kind or another. I bet that chick didn't even really get shot and it was all stage makeup and fake blood!

>> No.25686368

Maybe its real but looks like a retarded fake to me though its in line with Icke

>> No.25686387

trump goals have a lot similar to Bernie and Bernie people would easily support trump if they didn't have tds.
Bernie is a sellout and a traitor.

trump is not part of the establishment, he can't just go out and add whoever he wants in government, even pence the vice president was an enemy the whole time.
he has to make deals and pretend to be for the establishment until he strikes.

We are still in the last ice age, the ice age is at its end and the earth is warming again. the animals like mammoths overheated to death because they were evolved to thrive in the cold. 90% of the plantlife on earth was wiped out naturally the oxygen supply went down.

North America used to be a rain forest jungle, camels originated from north America, the Entire north American continent went up in a firestorm due to decaying plant matter, methane and coal, burning due to an asteroid that hit the gulf of Mexico killing most of the plant life and animals.

>> No.25686420
Quoted by: >>25686470

That video where he was outside telling everyone to go home looked deep fake as fuck.

>> No.25686422

By self custody does this also include software wallets do you know?

>> No.25686430

He just means it will be dropped to the wallet you tagged for your spark. Most people used MetaMask but any ethereal address works

>> No.25686470
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Trump is in texas, not DC. fake video.

>> No.25686477
Quoted by: >>25686567

that freaks me the fuck out because I've had some pretty pretty pretty weird experiences while on psychedelic and while astral projecting that involve the humanoid spiders, specifically with the idea that they are sort of the architects of this reality at the base layer, like the operating system, and they appear to be interested in me or examining me or something. fairly uneasy. i think i visited their city while on ayahuasca possibly. their face looks something like a katydid, mantid or grasshopper, with mandibles and expressive eyes. they don't seem necessarily good or bad but more...dispassionate. at one point i had a vision of a huuuuge armada/fleet of insect ships heading towards earth and when Oumouamua buzzed Earth the thought definitely crossed my mind that it was a scout ship for the bug fleet.

Jesus christ if anyone ever found my posting history on this site I'd get locked in a psych ward for the rest of my days lol.

But yeah, the idea that humans are being farmed for their "loosh" or psychic/emotional energy is one of the best explanations I've found for the way they are and why people are made to suffer so much. Energetic parasitism is definitely real. I think nowadays they utilize technology, smartphones and social media play into this harvesting system 100%.

The Nazis and Zionists worked together, with American oil/tech companies providing material and banks providing funding to the Nazi war effort. The Rothschilds/affiliated Zionists were the ones who came up with the idea of the Final Solution and sent poor jews to their deaths so that they would have a get-out-of-jail free card for the rest of the century to do whatever the fuck they wanted as they took over the world.

whatever you used to claim Spark (MyEtherWallet, etc) will be the wallet you get your dFLR in. there's a picture i posted earlier in the thread when we were talking about Flare Finance that explains it

>> No.25686493

We had to sacrifice Trump for XRP, he was our golden calf

>> No.25686567
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They lie to you

>> No.25686579

Thanks for all the info.

So dFLR will be useless to us and has to be exchanged for yFLR? Why does it come to us as dFLR if that's not used for anything?

>> No.25686623
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Quoted by: >>25686735

a platform based around economic populism will be what destroys the corrupt cabal-owned two party system. something like 85% of all voters support a single-payer healthcare system and the $15 minimum wage got huge bipartisan support in Florida this election cycle, more people voted for it than for any candidate in the country iirc.

that's a good point about Trump not being in control of who gets appointed- I read yesterday that McConnell was actually the one who installed most of the cabinet. (Which is weird because his wife is the Transportation Secretary)

So is about to strike, or what? Time's running out. (I know the answer to this question, in my gut I feel that Joe is not going to be inaugurated on January 20 even though I know it's absolutely batshit insane for me to believe this) You seem like you know things. What do you think the timeline will be?

I'm already all stocked up on food and supplies, but what do you think the timeline will be like for possible unrest?

Have a picture of Bill Clinton aboard the Lolita Express

>> No.25686644

Where does dflr get dropped. Is it an eth token too? Fees involved in swapping. I hear we have a week to complete it?

>> No.25686665

This is something im thinking about too
I signed up using my ethereum address on my ledger

>> No.25686699


>> No.25686718
File: 1.15 MB, 1405x1047, holycrimsonshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope good wins

>> No.25686726

checked. good question, and i don't believe that has been made clear by the devs yet, but it seems like because Flare makes use of the Ethereum ERC-20 system, then it is likely that to some extent it will be similar to ETH (at least, we know it uses Metamask). I hope gas prices go down by then because holy shit they are ridiculous right now.

>> No.25686735
File: 3.98 MB, 270x314, 1604395994443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch January 20

Our timeline will be this.

>> No.25686807
Quoted by: >>25686944

You know your alien babes bro. Good picks.

>> No.25686942
Quoted by: >>25687096

So flair goes to a flair wallet, not my eth wallet, it has a different address and ledger will release software for the flair. Dflr I imagine will go to the eth wallet address. Wondering about fees. I’m skint right now. It I guess I will make it happen.
I’m more interested about passive income on the features of flr finance, and if maybe worried it’s also a rugpull

>> No.25686944

i prefer much more exotic looking aliens, as a xenophile myself

>> No.25686955

Look guys I'm going to be honest here, I was reading into the tripfag's posts from previous threads and he is right... Changed my view in somethings.

If you're going to have a family at some point you have to let go of hope and be effective in acting towards your survival. You can "sit down and enjoy the show" all you want, but you have to understand there is no law on Earth that stops "evil" from winning.
Its as he says, you may see them as evil and yourself as good, but they see themselves as good and you as evil for holding back the creation of their utopia (through depopulation and AI), so what is important is to know they can and may win, and the world will continue like nothing happened.
But if you do nothing to prepare, simply seeing you as righteous and keep hoping that the world will side with you eventually is not a good way to go about it.

But at the same time, you can listen to that guy or not. In the end, nobody but your maybe yet to be borne family will care if you make good decisions or not. Your poor wisdom affects no one but you and the ones close to you.

>> No.25687009
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Quoted by: >>25687175

Had enough of your "you are fools, but i won't explain why" shit in the last threads, Mansur, kindly fuck off

>> No.25687096

yes im also skint lol (you from UK too i take it?)
Only reason ive signed up to flare was the passive income aspect. We really need more information on this and there hasnt been much out of flare finance except schizophrenic videos.
I really hope they bring something else out that is more substantial before they give out dlfr so we actually know what to do instead of frantically searching youtube videos in the week we have to change into yflr

>> No.25687121

It's strange to look at an xrp pump chart and think that this pullback and recovery actually looks healthy.
Kinda suspicious, like with what will they hit us next...

>> No.25687154

See? Even the ancient ones were holding bags :^)

>> No.25687175
Quoted by: >>25687251

No one can teach you the meaning behind the all seeing eye/eye of providence. It's something you earn. I saw your discussion with him and I told you he could not do more than what he was doing.

And no, you fuck off.

>> No.25687177


>> No.25687208
Quoted by: >>25687629

Yeah there is no spoon feeding. I take it you want to accumulate Yfin. I understand maybe by staking yflr. But is it like uni when you need to put in f
XRP or FLR on the other side or perhaps? Again this seems yflr to be completely seperate from regular flair use as described on the flair website.

>> No.25687222

Oh an I’m not a bong. Just in the Commonwealth

>> No.25687251
File: 8 KB, 226x223, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687288

I never had any discussion with him, bold of you to assume things

>> No.25687264

ok, so buy some extra groceries, candles and batteries, do some pushups, learn how to fix your bike, figure out a place in the countryside to stay in case of emergency. what else are you going to do? find like-minded people, buy land, start becoming self-sufficient i suppose.

check out their twitter, they have some information coming out, and telegram too

>> No.25687288

>missing the point and minding trivial shut
Literally ngmi

>> No.25687388
Quoted by: >>25687455

What happens when this shit delists? Negative value?

>> No.25687455
File: 177 KB, 612x612, 1592689331034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687511

Massive amounts of fear and the price dumps.
Some days later the price pumps back up and once again a number of weak hands has been shaken out.

Never selling btw.

>> No.25687511

already priced in

>> No.25687611

Imagine if sirgay was in that room. Linkers would cum all over their keyboards

>> No.25687629

Yeah YFin
Im not sure what the ration for YFlr to YFin is either
Idk i'm sure we will sort it out

>> No.25687645

Should I take the loss and immediately buy back actual xrp?(right now I have holdings on etoro -- mistake)

>> No.25687665
Quoted by: >>25687708

hey guys how do i get this sort of UI?

>> No.25687687

I'd not do that my man. Honor your choice and invest in other coins

>> No.25687708

hypnotic, isn't it?

>> No.25687733
Quoted by: >>25687791

Dude if the lawsuit is settled I want to sell a few hundred coins
Can't do that on etoro, have to sell all at one go

>> No.25687750
Quoted by: >>25688030

i respectfully disagree
as they say, "not your keys, not your coins." if i were you, friend, I wouldn't feel safe until I had my XRP in a wallet that I held the keys to. if you are in a financial position to do so, I think buying XRP and holding it yourself would be a good thing to do.

>> No.25687759

i got an old shit tablet i might just dedicate to this

>> No.25687791
Quoted by: >>25687907

There's no guarantee for that and no way to talk when it'll be settled. Opportunity cost will make you sell again and you'll just turn into another bitter shit poster. I stick with my suggestion to you

>> No.25687841

brainlet here. What is this showing me

>> No.25687907

Wdym no guarantee?
I'm as normie as they get for trading, I'm pretty broke so all im doing is day trading btc/eth, saw xrp explode and put my cash on that (700usd)
Only after I made the trade I learned more about ripples potential on here
If ripple succeeds I will definitely be needing to take out some money but FML I'm not sure what to expect today
The way I understand it is that the price won't change until we reach the verdict of the trial, might as well get out in that case then obtain a real xrp wallet

>> No.25687979
Quoted by: >>25688023

Okay my loss went from 120 to 60usd
it might pump today
What to do

>> No.25687980
File: 34 KB, 941x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the hook up, gonna set the good news alarm and 0.40.

>> No.25688007
Quoted by: >>25688074

Because we don't know when anything will happen while the market is pumping. /xsg/ may give me shit for it, but you already sold the bottom once and you're looking to get in again, if this crashes again while everything goes up, and it might if we get bad news, you will sell again but now you will aid the job of all shills and shitpost this general for them.

>> No.25688023

hold like youve never held before you dumb kike.
even with all the delisting and other shit were still going strong.

>> No.25688030

How did I not get a (you) for this post
Yeah Ill try to break even if there is a pump then buy a wallet asap

>> No.25688074
Quoted by: >>25688095

Like the other guy said if I don't have real ripple it's not mine
And in the uk I'm only insured up to 85k
I'm getting a wallet no way to convince me otherwise

>> No.25688095
Quoted by: >>25688111

Do whatever your want then

>> No.25688111
Quoted by: >>25688157

I will hodl for years to come dont worry

>> No.25688142
File: 36 KB, 728x322, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25688599

R8 M8s
Im a wagie and this is the best I could do.

>> No.25688149

When was this pic taken?

>> No.25688157
Quoted by: >>25688204

What wallet are you using?

>> No.25688204
Quoted by: >>25688223

I was suggested to use kraken not sure on the reputation
Looking for more options right now

>> No.25688223
Quoted by: >>25688261

Exodus or kraken should be fine

>> No.25688261

K thanks

>> No.25688270
File: 194 KB, 675x922, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like korea is going nuts on this

>> No.25688368

Why is it so popular in south korea?

>> No.25688402

i.... really dont know, guessing its real time and they are awake right now.

>> No.25688466
Quoted by: >>25688490

What site shows this kinda of image/chart?

>> No.25688490

nice dubs, i just asked earlier in the thread and this is what anon sent me.


some comfy godly shit.

>> No.25688567

Curious to know as well, they were responsible for the trading last bull run which saw XRP at ATH

>> No.25688574

i'm not sure, but Korea has been the most active country aside from the US on this site everytime I've checked it except during pumps, when Japan England and Europe seem to pick up, especially Europe

>> No.25688599
Quoted by: >>25688652

i think you will make it fren.

considering taking out an unsecured loan to buy XRP. this is a bad idea and i still might do it. what do you think /xsg/ should I do it? at 15% APR its ridiculous but I really think XRP has a chance to take off and do at least a 10x in the next few months

>> No.25688619
Quoted by: >>25688663

To I need to verify to log in to kraken from the app
Every time I login with the api key it shows a loading screen then puts me back to the login page

>> No.25688634

ppl buying/selling XRP

>> No.25688652
Quoted by: >>25688708

Try taking a loan from a friend or family member for ripple desu

>> No.25688663

i never used the kraken app but when i sign in on my computer it makes me do 2FA, maybe set that up and try again?

>> No.25688702

You guys are fucking insane.

>> No.25688708

Yup, much better idea.

>> No.25688847
File: 49 KB, 457x494, 1609629141784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe paycheg just arrived, about to buy more rippel :DDD

>> No.25688864
File: 233 KB, 596x615, bakerdustoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25689206

>> No.25688872
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1602757304231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25688925
File: 233 KB, 866x547, xrpmadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25689262


>> No.25688933
File: 229 KB, 859x960, 954gcji3tjv41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.25689206

thanks for the reminder fren i will start combing through my meme folder in search of the perfect image to set the tone for a productive and cheerful continuation of our unmedicated lil community

>> No.25689262

Holy shit, absolute truth.


>> No.25689272
File: 64 KB, 682x1024, 1601501817837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said that?

>> No.25689734

Just bought 420 XRP time to hodl

>> No.25689794

Morning Chads, WAGMI soon

>> No.25689812

Ripple riddler updated his profile pic again.

>> No.25689878
File: 37 KB, 472x780, 9C0E76241B7D4A938A19E4E4DA6BAE0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25690064

>I only hodl 1000xrp at 40cents avg
Ngmi, am I?

>> No.25689942
File: 103 KB, 1357x960, 1589827749167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How could you tell?

>> No.25690064

I have 1k at .23 avg. By the way we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.25690088
File: 145 KB, 1200x900, 1556712666906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the sixth Aragorn and 250k men and women of Rohan marched to the black gates of Mordor. The battle was lost and Aragon declared his surrender shortly after. Sauron now seems to have complete and unchallenged rule over middle earth. Is this it? Has the world of men ultimately fallen or is Aragorn giving his enemy a false sense of security by announcing his surrender, but is still scheming behind closed doors? We can't know for certain, altho what we do know doesn't look good.

>> No.25690089
File: 402 KB, 1125x1202, E77FD243-322A-436F-9384-D0B0BA9CFA51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s actually Japan, look at dex

>> No.25690210
Quoted by: >>25690258

Checked, I legit hope you’re right I really fucking hope Trump is pres for the next 4 years. If fake Biden really gets in its fucking darkness.

>> No.25690212
File: 51 KB, 280x440, orindancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25690238

Only thing biden is going to do is swing on the end of a rope.

Q is real not psyop. there is a difference between complacency and being redpilled. Q doesn't want you to go out and shoot up congress, that's what the glowies want. Q wants you to redpill Normans. an awake population will not accept anything the globalist have planned. their plans are falling apart and even some of the leftist see the election was full of fraud.

>> No.25690246
File: 1.08 MB, 1591x640, 1581836505019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25690251
Quoted by: >>25690275

>Back up to .33? what's going on
The pump begins.

>> No.25690258

Trump will be president for the next 4 years, Pence will be arrested, this will shock the world.

Who is your next vice president? General Flynn.

>> No.25690275

new thread
new thread
new thread

they're sending signs

>> No.25690292
File: 694 KB, 787x525, ONE PIECE PEPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25690298

Because of The pump.

>> No.25690321
File: 74 KB, 683x1024, bogclone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25690629

We are one of many

>> No.25690629
File: 616 KB, 500x500, 1578710545147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
