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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27441044 No.27441044 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>27409456

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Magic is Everything edition

Interactive map:

- Maps!
- Maybe fire all the schizos too

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.27441104
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.27441135

I see, that was a whole waste of time then, cus that's already what chuubanite is. Well, at least that means we can sweep it under the rug.

>> No.27441156
File: 525 KB, 1499x865, 96180505_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448466

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.27441198
File: 222 KB, 850x602, kanai_608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Suggest and add to it!

>> No.27441339

Yeah but the current magic rocks have set powers depending on the nation they come from to represent thread powers and lose power when they leave the region. The new magic rocks are just general mana caches and the magic powers come from the nation's rituals/spells. This gives people more freedom to do what they want with the magic rocks and doesn't have the stupid boundary limitation.

>> No.27441346
Quoted by: >>27441503

Alright here is my proposal for a new Chuubanite system:

Chuubanite is a magical mineral that can be mined in every nation that works as magical "fuel".
Magicians can either through incarnations(verbal, somatic ect) or through magic circles invoke the energy within this ore for magical effects.
For example:
Risuners could use this Chuubanite together with gems to continue having their witches cast gemmagic.
vrt can have craftsman that can invoke enhancement magic on items to strenghen the effects of them in one way or another based on emotional attachment of peopel in the item.
Meatheads can have Fleshscribes that can use Chuubanite based ink to create magic circles in the form of tattoos that can enhance their natural healing.

these are examples based on old uses of Chuubanites, but unlike before it is not some innate characteristic of the Chuubanite that dictates the effect but the knowledge of the caster. This would for example allow a nation to develop more than one use of Chuubanite overall as well as evolution of magic based on understanding and experimentation of a nations magicians.

It would also allow a more freely use of magic that can more strongly differ from the general usage of magic of a nation.
For example: Risuners could use it in alchemy to brew potions that enhances a person's stamina. even if that got nothing to do with gemmagic.

Chuubanite would still degrade over time but this would be simply based on Chuubanite being exposed from the spots they naturally gather and happen at the sam erate regardless where in the world it is being brought. It would also degrade at an accelerated rate when actively used.
For example: Someone using Chuubanite to invoke a Fireball to throw might instantly deplete a handpalm sized piece of Chuubanite making it useless for magic from thereone.
while found all over the world in each nation it is still rare enough to not be in abundance and just be readily available to use in a near infinite manner and should instead still be considered something special.

While this might be similar to the old way of Chuubanite i feel the changes make its explanation to new people as well as its usage overall more easy and streamlined as well as actually opening it up for usage in more fantastical ways without having to worry if the usage of it is "the correct method" for the desired effect.

Plantlife gathering Chuubanite and through them animals eating them shoudl still be applicable, in theorie you could even have certain hotspots that gather into crystals out in the open or where you could store a Chuubanite based tool to have it recharge over time.

A magical Rod that the Risuner witches use to bless their forest once a year and then afterwards they put it back into its palce to have it recharge for the coming year

this could also be used to have a floating island for a city where the core of the island is a large chunk of Chuubanite that has been invoked to float there and that spot gathers just enough magical energy to have it recharge at the right rate to not deplete but if the island would be tried to move away via some propelling method it would deplete and come crushing down.

possible to add to it would be a belief base where the invoker of the magic does need some belief in the respective chuuba or a certain aspect of several chuubas

so a sapling with his belief in fauna could produce all kinds of druidic magic but probably never convoke a fireball

this would overall link Chuubanite more to Chuubas, it would need to be some passive side of the chuubas and not active will of them as to make sure that in situations of 2 sides that beleif in the same chuuba ther is no question of if the magic should active or not, as it would always do that

>> No.27441446

you said it would be sturdy. i took that to mean it was armored or something. my criticism of the blimp isn't over the fact that it isn't sturdy enough, it's over the fact that no matter how sturdy it is, it's still just a hot air balloon. what was the mechanism you were planning on using to improve it with chuubanite?
i've tried that before, but it never seems to work. i'll see if i can't do better in the future, but what should i say when the most descriptive word or phrase can be taken as an insult?

>> No.27441487
File: 485 KB, 685x426, 1650815946719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no, thread overall decided that old system sucks and we will have a vote to have it redone

/vrt/ anon says out with the old and in with the new... wait...

>> No.27441503

This means you don't have fauna-type, or meat-type, or mori-type chuubanite? If so that's an unworkable proposal, it would break a shit-ton of lore.

>> No.27441603
Quoted by: >>27441738

Just be a bit more clear and substitute less aggressive words. Like, instead of saying "that's retarded" about someone's idea, which is really easy to take as a personal attack instead of a criticism of the idea itself, say "(insert idea) is illogical" and then explain why you think so.

>> No.27441660
Quoted by: >>27441792

please explain how these chuubanites are not able to be replicated with the new proposal?

>> No.27441701

I like the idea of /nasa/'s gravity chuubanite being meteorites. That makes them rare enough that they can't be replicated.

>> No.27441738

but i thought that idea is structurally inferior in every way, how do i explain something like that without it being interpreted as an insult.

>> No.27441743
Quoted by: >>27441863

Don't you think people will get tired of having to limit themselves because of dozens of pages of old lore?

>> No.27441776
Quoted by: >>27443841

yes it would be armored but the armoring would be chuubanite reinforced to make it way more resilient than just normal plating as to not have it breached by the first cannonball flying its way

>> No.27441792
Quoted by: >>27441920

Fauna and Mori chuubanites have their properties intrinsically, naturally, and incontrovertibly, whereas any magic application of chuubanite in the proposal requires a human to do a ritual.

>> No.27441800
Quoted by: >>27443841

say: I think there's a few issues with that idea.
instead of going "yeah you're actually a fucking retard"

>> No.27441840
Quoted by: >>27442128

You still around cunt? I got a question about using chuubanite as a shortcut for engines.

>> No.27441863

I don't think they need to limit themselves, I think paragraphsanon is just a walking PR disaster for the magic system. What do people want to do? I'm 99% the current system supports it, it's very flexible.

>> No.27441908
Quoted by: >>27443841

Even literally saying "I think that idea is structurally inferior in every way" comes off less aggressively than the way you actually responded to that anon. When in doubt, preface strongly opinionated statements with some variation of "I think" or "maybe," this immediately helps make it clear you are offering suggestions and not trying to start a fight because you think you're somehow just inherently better at worldbuilding than whoever you're responding to.

>> No.27441920
Quoted by: >>27442118

have them perform rituals for newborn and you have the same ffect, except peopel technicly get to choose if they want their children to undergo the procedure

>> No.27441943
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Quoted by: >>27442019

Aight, might as well repost my own interpretation of Chuubanite from the last thread, since it was towards the end of it's life.

Is rock.
Found basically everywhere.
In it's natural, raw state, it basically just stores energy, like heat or kinetic energy.
Has a unique reaction when exposed to sentient beings AKA us.

>You sexy bitches
Are meat.
Have something akin to a soul.
This soul is a little pipeline connecting you to the "higher plane" AKA where the Chuubas reside.
Through this pipeline, raw "Chuubanite energy" constantly flows.
With your belief into a Chuuba, this raw substance gains an allegiance to it, making it do weird magicky shit.
This effect is extremely small, affecting just your meat suit, but can be amplified to affect the space around you with Chuubanite the rock.
Effect can further be amplified when a large amount of believers in the same Chuuba gather in one place. This way the moriji Fauna still retains it's calcification lore.

>So we end up with
Simple raw chuubanite that can be used for special lifeforms aside from us.
A person can always use the chuubanite of a select Chuuba, since only belief in that specific chuuba is required to allign the energy. Attaining enough belief to actually do something is the main hurdle though.
No need for weird, and retarded, weakening of chuubanite when you cross your borders, since you carry the main component with you at all times.
Idk, some other things probably, but I just woke up and my brain is still a littel fucked up, I need to get a cup of tea in me.

>> No.27441996
File: 295 KB, 1000x1000, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly word cloud incoming! Congratulations, your timelooping surpassed WAR anon's armies.

>> No.27442019

>No need for weird, and retarded, weakening of chuubanite when you cross your borders, since you carry the main component with you at all times.
We don't have that. Who said we have that? It just decays slowly, it doesn't arbitrarily get weaker.

>> No.27442038
Quoted by: >>27442058

it's been 20 fucking posts

>> No.27442044
Quoted by: >>27442295

Apparently it was decided in a vote in the past, hence why a lot of anons think the way chuubanite currently works needs to be re-examined and re-voted on.

>> No.27442058
Quoted by: >>27442123

This is the one for last thread.

>> No.27442118

But we don't want it to be a voluntary ritual, we want it to be an involuntary, forceful effect, that's intended. The current system supports both forced effects and ritual-like effects.
Again, what do people want to do eith chuubanite that paragraphsanon convinced them they couldn't?

>> No.27442123

Oh, my bad then. Now this is the classic /vtwbg/ experience

>> No.27442128
File: 66 KB, 850x785, UWAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27442450

Didn't we go with the more scientifically oriented lore? We already break the setting a lot with our tech, bordering on overpowered, and I would hate for us to basically get the best of both worlds by also using magic to even further develop ourselves. Idk, I think the idea would be nice for basically anyone other than ourselves, since we are already so far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of tech.

BUT, saying that, shoot it. I still wanna hear it. Ideas are meant to be thrown around.

>> No.27442295
Quoted by: >>27454501

That is a misunderstanding, chuubanite is clearly used outside of the borders of its country of affinity in multiple stories and lore entries. The vote was over chuubanite decaying over time when far from a region where it's concentrated, not switching to a weaker state.

>> No.27442328

Regional chuubanite was suppose to be unique chuubanite found in nature that only the natives know what to do with it in that form. I don't think chuubanite was suppose to degrade when it leaves the country's borders. That part of the system was dumb. Glad to see it go.

>> No.27442369

well for stuff like that we are talking about the proposals, places like the forest of uuuuuuuu could be a natural occuring magic circle that is always in effect due to being in a hotspot for Chuubanite to gather and thus always supplied with power.
same with the isle of morig

>> No.27442430

The fight started because the new /2434/ rep was asking whether they'd have tons of different kinds of chuubanite in their nation due to having lots of different chuubas. An argument then broke out among thread regulars about whether chuubanite powers were based on thread concepts or chuubas, and whether it's fair to allow one nation to have lots of different chuubanite powers.

>> No.27442450
Quoted by: >>27442871

We make things float by the power of SPEEN. We SPEEN meteorite. Any metal object with mass smaller than the meteorite floats to orbit SPEENing meteorite. Thoughts?

>> No.27442563
File: 3 KB, 279x52, capture(292).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what i must do

>> No.27442600

Ah, fucking hell. This is super simple. Yes, the chuubanite has affinities based on concepts, and yes chuubas can be concepts. Thus, /2434/ just has chuubanite with affinities to a variety of concepts which correspond to chuubas, there, donezo. Fucking paragraphsanon can't even use his own system properly.

>> No.27442607
File: 38 KB, 483x561, TheMightySteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27442692

Replace "weakening" with "decaying" I guess, sentence would still hold up, since the main parts, the "soul" and your belief in the Chuuba are always with you, the Chuubanite is simply a catalyst for it to manifest outside of your meatsuit. If a Meathead picked up a rock in /nasa/ and ate it, it would have the same effect as if he did it in /meat/.

>> No.27442692

What if you change the chuuba you believe in?

>> No.27442719
File: 14 KB, 276x195, SureBud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27442753

Oh ffs this was all it was in the end? I got lost in the paragraphsanon's sea of not-capitalized words.
As >>27442600 said, fucking easy to solve. I second this.

>> No.27442735

idk maybe you just move countries, close to what we really do. although i know that's boring

>> No.27442753

Another thing anons wanted was for the archived docs on chuubanite to be updated, because apparently stuff like transmutation is no longer possible? And they also felt it was unclear, confusing newcomers to the project.

>> No.27442796

Good luck convincing your new chuuba to grant you their powers, you'll have to be extra faithful.

>> No.27442840

Can I start a vote to make nijiboys anon the official paragraphsanon translator?

>> No.27442871
Quoted by: >>27443057

There's more steps than just SPEEN. But I don't want to go into those unless you want to hear it.

>> No.27442886
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Quoted by: >>27442964

This would be the hard part. your belief in it would have to be strong and untainted enough for it to manifest even with Chuubanite amplifying it. Theoretically it would be possible, but it would involve a long process during which you would experience a period where you wouldn't be able to produce any magical effects at all, since your previous Chuuba left you and the new one hasn't accepted you yet. It would basically be switching faiths IRL, except it might have actual tangable consequences on you, example being Saplings, who would probably either die outright or go through a possibly extremely painful process of shedding their tree-like body.

>> No.27442964
Quoted by: >>27443422

Anon, what problem does this new system solve?

>> No.27443057
File: 3.02 MB, 1365x1733, 1656285648741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27443702

I might be a smooth-brained, squirrel-sex-denying, Sapling-forest-burning, down-bad-for-robutt-and-deadbeats type of neanderthal, but that first post was too simple even for me.

Gimme the deets. Now, remember what we talked about. Try not to overcomplicate it, but do expand on it. Godspeed, rep.

>> No.27443245
File: 19 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tags literally everyone

>> No.27443422
File: 491 KB, 1500x1657, Astrogirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27443705

None. None at all. Does it have to solve a problem? It's just my interpretation of the sytem and what I have been using in my writing. I'm just putting it out there for people to see. I would say it's simple enough for newanons to understand while having enough hard rules and at the same time be open enough for the more experienced writers to play around with.

>> No.27443544

Anons, I just wanna say the magic system was literally designed to be as flexible as possible so that new contributors can make it do what they want without having to create a new system which invalidates existing lore. If someone convinced you you can't do something, they either lack imagination, or you're asking for something truly retarded (the idea, not you)

>> No.27443624

In which case the docs still need to be updated if they're outdated enough to be causing confusion.

>> No.27443699
File: 413 KB, 1200x675, Absolute Fucking Chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH I NEVER, DID YOU JUST CALL ME TRULY RETARDED?!?! State your allegiance you knave, so that I might wage righteous war upon you barbarians for this most grave insult!

>> No.27443702

Chuubanite meteorites are very unique with how they form in space. Chuubanite meteorites have a vitubium dense "core" in the center. When activated the core's energy melts the inner crust of the meteorite forming a molten "mantle" (think of magma on Earth). When the core spins inside this molten mantle it creates a small gravity well that draws smaller objects to it like a planet in space. I know this is half bullshit. TL;DR is as long as the core spins under the mantle there's a gravity well that affects anything with smaller mass than the meteorite.

Also when the core runs out of energy it cools off the mantle. Which the mantle solidifies until the core stops spinning, ending the gravity well. Maybe we can use this for something practical if we can control the orbits of things around the meteorite chuubanite.

>> No.27443705
Quoted by: >>27444643

Okay, well if you want, nasa chuubanite (or anyone else's) can work like this, but it's fundamentally incompatible with how other types of chuubanite work, where their effects are completely independent from the beliefs of the user.

>> No.27443776

Well, I can't disagree with you on that.

>> No.27443824
Quoted by: >>27443902

well maybe someone should tell paragraphanon that so he can stop shooting everyone down all the time with their terrible ideas while at the same time pushing his own BS like its the only true thing

>> No.27443841

so it's still hollow and full of helium, but it's surrounding is both light and hard as steel? or are you asking us to allow it to be an impenetrable, indestructible, immovable object? if you can make a blimp indestructible, you can make everything indestructible. how would you make anything indestructible? a perfect kinetic reflection? perfect energy transfer breaks the laws of thermodynamics. something floating in air has only the atmosphere to stop it from moving, a canon could push it all over the place even if it couldn't dent it.
the problems with a hot air balloon isn't merely that they are deathtraps the moment anything hits them, it's that they are slow, ineffectual, and hard to maneuver. as soon as your society figured this out, they would stop using chuubanite on their blimps and start using it on literally everything else because it's completely worthless being wasted on something like that. imagine people in this setting with indestructible armor, and latter down the road, indestructible tanks. alternatively, if it wasn't truly indestructible, i can't imagine you making them viable just by making them sturdy.
making something sturdy has got to be one of the least clever ideas (not saying you aren't capable of being clever, in fact i encourage you to be) you could think of in terms of trying to make a hot air balloon not a flying piece of junk. you could make an actual tank float without any need for hot air, or you could make the chuubanite shift the way things move around it, ineffective at large-scale things like preventing it from getting hit by canons, but potentially capable of creating quantum invisibility cloaks later on in your advancement, and slightly shifting the air around the blimp to allow for slightly faster movement without the need to worry about drag. you could maybe even use chuubanite to apply force to certain parts of the blimp so it moves faster and is easier to maneuver, you don't even need a special chuubanite ability for that, you can just have glyphs, but you just wanted it to be able to tank more damage before the damage became too much to endure.
you know damage implies it actually takes a hit, and likely won't work as effectively even if it is still operational, there never was a genuine car crash that you would feel fine with just ignoring forever as if it weren't an issue. you can be cleverer than that, and chuubanite's true strength is revealed when you start doing so. if anything, chuubanite is overpowered in the way we have it now, which is why we need to constantly think of realistic disadvantages to keep things balanced, but people are all too ready to put it away because it's too hard.
do you think technology is so much better? do you want to know the reason why? it's because people have already done the heavy lifting as far as technology goes, whereas we need to get creative with our new system, assuming it isn't dropped, which i hope we don't do because chuubanite is really much more interesting than people seem to acknowledge.
how was my response? i tried to avoid any insults. the first idea you gave doesn't emphasize the fact that there isn't a single area where a hot air balloon can compete. it's not that there are a few issues with the idea, it's that the idea is so profusely full of issues that it becomes almost unrealistically impractical, such that no system would rationally stick to such an idea, in other words, i think they would have to be retarded. my way of making criticism seems to generally be that i state my problems with the idea, and if it's applicable i either state my alternative suggestion, or i try to negotiate reasonably between their suggestion and the one that existed before.
what is the structural connection between being outdated and causing confusion? physics causes a lot of confusion, is it outdated? you'r problem with it is that you think it's overcomplicated, not that you think it's outdated. i am willing to bet that any idea offered here would get just as complicated over time as chuubanite has gotten, especially if there are autists like me trying to keep everything consistent, realistic, and balanced.

>> No.27443902

I've been trying, believe me... You know, it's thank to me that he started using paragraphs, back in the day it really was always just massive walls of uninterrupted lower case letters. He's really improved a lot.

>> No.27444418
File: 185 KB, 480x480, 1656272828524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445196

Ooo, this could work! Could probably find some sort of a way to change the energy of the spinning core to electrical energy, creating a clean and plentiful energy source!

So we wanna anchor that /nasa/'s Chuubanite just SPEENs really fast? Honestly, it's so out there and random it would kinda fit Sana :D

>> No.27444439
Quoted by: >>27444505

If this is still too complicated then I'm sorry. I tried.

>> No.27444505
File: 114 KB, 379x270, Peaceful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangit, gimme time you fucker!

>> No.27444643
File: 72 KB, 850x478, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sowame_xx__sample-03ad4b24869b4f915d5b11233134cdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if we make ALL the Chuubanite work like this, hehe...

>> No.27444757
File: 73 KB, 961x1024, @panononi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This response is already a lot better than your usual! ...Right up until the part where you said "in other words, I think they would have to be retarded." That, right there. Those are the kinds of statements that make people misunderstand you. You could have ended the sentence on "no system would rationally stick to such an idea." and have been perfectly fine.

>what is the structural connection between being outdated and causing confusion?
The document is so outdated as to be riddled with statements that are no longer true. The cause of the confusion is that newcomers read the document, make lore based on their understanding of chuubanite from that document, and then when presenting that lore to the thread are told that their use of chuubanite is all wrong. This makes them feel like chuubanite is nonsensical and they give up on understanding it. I don't think the mere concept of chuubanite is too complicated, I think the documents are unnecessarily verbose.

While it's fine for the detailed explanation to exist so that chuubanite autists like you can have the detailed understanding of how it works and how to make everything fit in with the world, you have to understand that being confronted with a massive wall of text is off-putting to people who just want to write for fun. Chuubanite logic is fun to you, but not everyone thinks theoretical physics are fun. The doc must open with a simple explanation of chuubanite, taking up no more than perhaps one or two paragraphs. The rest of the document can then have whatever complicated explanation you want, but the important thing here is that the information must be both complete and factually true. Things that have been retconned, such as the transmutation system, cannot be left in the document. This is way to prevent simple questions like /2434/ rep's question on chuubanite affinities from spiraling in to timeloops, because then people could simply point to the document and say, "Yeah, check X section. Chuubanite has affinities for different concepts, and chuubas can be concepts, so your chuubanite can have lots of different affinities," without someone else chiming in to say, "Actually, section X isn't true and your chuubanite can't do that." Again, it's the mere fact that the documents are outdated, causing all anons to have incomplete and inaccurate understandings of chuubanite, that causes these timeloops. Updating the document will fix a lot of these problems.

>> No.27444864
File: 26 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr durr pic rel

>> No.27444899

IT NEVER WAS ABOUT MAKING THE PERFECT WEAPON FOR WAR!!! its not supposed to be indestructible its jsut to be able to tank a good amount of damage whiel dishing out some before being downed

it is supposed to inefficient and an absolute waste of resources

it is not supposed to be the most clever or effective way of our chuubanite

if you had EVER read even A SINGLE story that i have written you would know that onobots are a bunch of bumbling fools that get an idea stuck in their head and then just go with it.

it was just supposed to exist because "a battle blimp must be cool and impressive"

an onobot has established the biggest slave trade route of the world to impress people at a barbecue, around 2 dozen of them have been sitting at a port for roughly a year at this point probably because they think risuners will show up any minute now ect.

/nasa/ gets to get away with the biggest BS ever "because they explained it better" meanwhile the sheer thought of a single fucking blimp not being able to be shot down by a single shot is so mind boggling to you that you feel the need to shit on it.

>chuubanite has infinite uses

well appearintly "stronger than steel" steel is not on that list of infinite uses

and all these restrictions on chuubanite to stop the "magical armsrace" meanwhile /nasa/ alone gets to push the technological armsrace as much as they want because "we are only 5000" "our space station is so totally useless since it is broken from the crash and we totally don't get to have basicly anything function that we want to anyway, oh no we don't have automated factories yet, what a setback" ohh but sure enough at least youa re abotu to fix your engines now too thanks to your chuubanite because luckily your gravity well falls into stuff chuubanite should be balanced to do.

>> No.27444955


but yes i agree it was less offensive than usual

>> No.27445042
Quoted by: >>27445093

I'm expecting half of /nasa/ to drop dead from an outbreak of the common cold any day now desu.

>> No.27445093
Quoted by: >>27445310

Risuner STDs will kill them.

>> No.27445196
Quoted by: >>27445275

All you need to generate electricity is a wheel and something to push it like wind, water, or steam. There are a few complications.

1) We have to figure out a way to recharge the cores once they go dead. When the cores stop spinning the meteorite is effectively dead.
2) The meteorites when active produce a ton of heat. When the meteorite creates a mantle it creates magma. So we need to figure out how to channel the heat away from the core so the crusts don't melt.
3) The crusts break apart around the meteorite which creates volcanoes and eruptions. Most natural crusts of meteorites already have fractures that break when the mantles melt.

That said I think I may have a few ideas. The first idea is to extract the vitubium core from the meteorites. As long as the core's structure is not compromised we could transplant it into an artificial planet. If the meteorite cores do take electricity and heat like other chuubanite then it should start heating up the mantle. The crust needs to be made from a heat resistant material so it doesn't crack for fracture. It also needs to have points where pressure of the mantle can safely be relieved to extract heat. The last problem is hanging up the artificial planet so it doesn't come into contact with surfaces. Once we solve the erupting mantle problem to prevent molten iron and nickel from spewing everywhere we can move onto figuring out how to rig the machines around the meteorite using gravity. Though I think first we need to build factories capeable of making micro-parts.

>> No.27445262
File: 309 KB, 2048x1504, E9fVnM5UUAAi9P7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/nasa/ gets to get away with the biggest BS ever "because they explained it better" meanwhile the sheer thought of a single fucking blimp not being able to be shot down by a single shot is so mind boggling to you that you feel the need to shit on it.

Oi oi oi mate, don't drag us into your arguments! I, for the record, love the idea of your blimp, if for nothing else so we can have "you call that a knife? Nah mate, THIS is a knife!" moment when we both fly next to each other.

>> No.27445275

How big and numerous are you imagining these meteorites to be?

>> No.27445310
File: 190 KB, 1080x1920, Activating all kinds of neurons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why we won't dick them. Only the deadbeats.

>> No.27445380
File: 81 KB, 850x850, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_dolphenry__sample-1fd553d116577bc9413d97feb8357b18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As big and numerous as Sana's streams...haha...ha....sigh.

>> No.27445470

Best case: Bowling balls. Average case: baseballs and golf balls. And that implies you find them with their cores still in tact.
We found about 237 meteorite pieces so far. Out of those 28 had vitubium cores. Half were useable. While the discovery is ground breaking we're still better off burning coal and petro for energy.

>> No.27445487
Quoted by: >>27445800

yeah well it ain't gonna happen, i have been thourougly soured on the battle blimp and anythign to do with it and just don't care anymore

in fact have 9141 and do with him and the story what you want, i just don't give a fuck anymore

i am just tired right now of it all

>> No.27445488

I'm glad you asked! We have a rentry for our resource: https://rentry.org/deiphagymining

>> No.27445712

Ban railguns.

>> No.27445800
File: 409 KB, 2048x2048, 1655969857987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, fuck you not wanting the blimp, Imma drop it on your shores in like a century or so, when we get our shit together, whether you want it or not. And it's gonna have all the ancient relics on board you would ever want and all the fucking railguns you can shoot to boot! Your onobots will fly goddamit!

>> No.27445945

that last part was me explaining my reasoning for calling it retarded. i'll avoid it from now on, but between the fact that i said the society was retarded, or the fact that i said "i think" before the statement, or the context of the statement, i hoped that my reasoning would have been clearer. if someone uses a descriptive word, i tend to use it as well to make it easier to tell what i am referring to. if someone uses a distinct phrase, i sometimes like to angle my response around that phrase to make it easier to make a point regarding it.
the document is outdated, yes, and it should be updated, but he said it was outdated enough to cause confusion, implying the extent of the outdatedness was directly linked to it's confusion. furthermore, he said "in which case" implying the context mentioned by >>27443544 is directly causal of the need to be updated, further explaining the context as it being outdated. with that being said, i agree that we should update the documents, i just may have misunderstood what anon was implying with that comment.
it wasn't about making the perfect weapon for war for you, but in universe, natural selection is king, and a thriving society would avoid unnecessary losses. dumb, blind processes naturally lead to to complex, efficient results if the inefficient ones that can't compete are destroyed and repurposed. do you have a way to effectively avoid that process, and if so, do you have a way to keep your system from falling to ruin. if it means anything, i apologize for any offense i may have caused you.
as for the chuubanite stuff, i never said it couldn't be stronger than steel, i said 1) it couldn't be impervious to damage, and 2) being as strong as steel wouldn't be enough to make it viable. chuubanite can't break the laws of physics, but it can control them to allow for effectively anything, but that just means that the chuubanite can have any attribute, i gave you a few ideas of how to use chuubanite more creatively to achieve your goal, if your goal was to make hot air balloons viable, but you wanted to make them sturdy so that they would survive a few cannonballs.
desu, i have read your work, but i haven't memorized your thread name or writing style. if you want to use hot air balloons despite the fact that i think they aren't viable, that's fine, i just hope you have an idea of how to make sure your system stays viable.

>> No.27446069
File: 1.10 MB, 3709x1925, Creation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446378

Oh so hey, rep, if you are still here, wanna just retcon our entire existence on this planet? We break the setting too much.

>> No.27446120
File: 46 KB, 504x575, @goat1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446482

Buddy. >>27443624 was literally me. Yes, the extent of the outdatedness IS directly linked to its causing confusion, for the reasons I explained in my previous reply. Up-to-date rules are the first step in making any cooperative project like this function without hiccups.

>> No.27446378
Quoted by: >>27446557

You joke right? Half of /nasa/'s shit is going to be unusable in 5 years.

>> No.27446482

in that case i misunderstood what you were implying with the word choice, i agree with your sentiment but i explained why i disagreed with the structuring of the sentence. maybe i'm completely wrong about the context, in which case i apologize, but otherwise it seems strangely structured to me.

>> No.27446557
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1656909289028s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am completely serious. If us being in this setting causes too much trouble for too many anons, it's better to just boot us 2 /nasa/ autists and be done with it.

>> No.27446700
File: 183 KB, 1200x1188, @ally_yours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanalites. Please don't have another menhera moment. I am working on a society that literally comes from the future and nobody has complained about me breaking the setting (yet! I suppose there's still time), please don't be chased off by this latest timeloop. People would miss you and your bread dogs.

>> No.27446751
File: 195 KB, 1200x1200, 1655910395094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446782

Give it time...they will come for you eventually.

>> No.27446782
File: 235 KB, 780x774, @kuneho_wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure they will, especially since schizos keep coming over from /nijien/. I won't care because as I said in the last thread, I am just here to write mongolian basketweaving fanfic. You, too, can reach enlightenment anon.

>> No.27446813

No one had a problem until railguns and machine guns. Railguns are quite useless in this setting. Atmosphere only gives us 5 shots before the gun gets destroyed. Other than battle blimp what else do we need to shoot at? Coast is too far away to hit any ships.

>> No.27446824
File: 119 KB, 850x601, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ardenlolo__sample-e095cb1363cfc89a797ca4895285f4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446854

Also, since I have you here... What's your opinion on FulgurXSana ship? This WILL affect our future relations if we don't dissapear.

>> No.27446854
Quoted by: >>27447007

I have no real opinion on it. It's amusing when people shitpost with it, I suppose, but Noctyx is already an orgy. I am full up on Fulgur ships.

>> No.27446938
Quoted by: >>27447054

We should make a superiority state meme with /nasa/ since we lead to some controversy.

>> No.27446945
Quoted by: >>27447281

Do they come from the Era After future by chance?

>> No.27447007
File: 144 KB, 1111x1111, You are all so precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447281

Hmmm, a safe, inoffensive, not leaning either way cop out answer I see... You're good at this diplomacy thing...real good...but I'll get my real answer eventually, comfydant...

>> No.27447054
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, Wassup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, we're space aussies. Ofc we are superior.

>> No.27447281
File: 154 KB, 1448x2048, @shark_bonewink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. The idea of the Era After regressing to a sort of Dark Ages tech-wise didn't work with the lore I wanted. I wanted to come form even further into the future than "the Era After," into a distant future when technology has not only recovered but advanced significantly. Chuubas are a distant myth almost nobody believes in any more, but in the ruins of an ancient civilization, the fragmented data of a single online blog, titled Legatus 505, was left behind... And then Comfydants promptly formed some very strange ideas about chuubas and Vitubia's old world religions based on those fragmented stories.
Fuuchan is Ninisani's god of diplomacy, after all! I'm not joking about Noctyx being an orgy, though. Just the other day Fuuchan released a voicepack where it sounds like he's getting violently raped by Alban. Opening that was a shock, let me tell you...

>> No.27447376

Right. So you wanna nerf /nasa/? Put it through a vote. Want to reboot /nasa/'s civilization? Put that through a vote too.

>> No.27447432
File: 1.83 MB, 1000x1200, WOOOOOOOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy it brings a tear to my eye I tell you what... they grow up so fast! You go rep, sweetie, show those fuckers who's boss!

>> No.27447590

i just don't care anymore, you win for what its worth to you

battle blimp won't be a thing

and retro chuubanite will never be a thign i will touch either if i ever come back to write again

and if i don't then it doesn't matter how a repless nation survives anyway

have fun

>> No.27447604
Quoted by: >>27447717

I'm lorebanned until July 25th. So you want me to fix lore? Just going to have to wait until then.

>> No.27447717
File: 135 KB, 630x635, TheCutestLittleThingEver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah mate, In honesty, the whole "wanna retcon us from the world" was just me shitposting as usual. Don't worry about it, I made my stance clear on others nerfing and changing shit for us here >>27437755

>> No.27447774

and do the fuck whatever you want /nasa/ i msotly just ranted because i jsut wanted to justify my blimp, i just wante dit to be a funa dn cool thing

>> No.27447780

Please don't leave, vrt anon. We'll miss you.

>> No.27447794
File: 183 KB, 1500x1500, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck. If that's really how you feel and it's not just a spur of the moment decision, godspeed to you, onobot friend! Imma miss you something fierce.

>> No.27447844

similar to how the /nasa/ rep responded, i think you might be overexaggerating a problem that didn't need to exist in the first place, save for your own response to every step of the process forcing it to get as bad as it did, but if this one problem caused you to quit so easily, i suppose it's for the best. sorry anon, hope you come back one day, i enjoy your content for what it's worth.

>> No.27447855
File: 3.41 MB, 2560x1653, 1649447596489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell happen here. I'm gone a couple hours after the stream to play some rounds of deep rock with friends and /vrt/ is taking a break?

>> No.27447925
File: 626 KB, 1414x2000, @chikenbeergood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it's worth, even though we barely interacted at all I always liked seeing you in the thread and I thought your stories were fun. The short story about the /vtwbg/ embassy got a chuckle out of me when you wrote it. There's nothing anyone can do about it if you genuinely feel burnt out on the project due to all the arguments and timeloops, but I do hope this won't be the last time we see you.

>> No.27447947
File: 47 KB, 850x386, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rakku_rkrmz0n__sample-ff552cf760c83165d3f2c91f28af083c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



There, that solves that debate, now fuck off in your corner and learn to capitalize your sentences!

>> No.27447951
File: 70 KB, 237x222, meimei4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447961

Magic rock autism happened, and to be honest, I can't blame /vrt/bro for wanting to take a break. Rest well and godspeed, anon >>27447590

>> No.27448033

they brought up chuubanite again

>> No.27448048

a sanalite saying he would shoot the blimp down with a railgun was the start of this. if you're going to throw stones at me, at least don't do so while posting from /nasa/.

>> No.27448072

Its 2AM. I wanna suck a real woman's titties and fall asleep. But I can't have everything I want. Spent way to long on this. And I'm gonna get bitched at for not doing yard work today.

>> No.27448080

I mean, I don't think paragraphsanon was saying that it couldn't work, just that it wouldn't be a good use of their resources. If /vrt/ anon doesn't care about that, then there shouldn't be any problem with building it anyway.

>> No.27448150
Quoted by: >>27448357

anon... cunt sanalite is a shitposting cunt. Don't take the things he says seriously.

>> No.27448155
File: 811 KB, 2896x4096, Sananana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me what? There are rep and me here, and I am pretty sure rep isn't the kind of cunt to shitpost like that. Provide post.

>> No.27448313

/nasa/ you can pick 1 and only 1.

You can keep the railgun but your food processing plants burst into flames.

Or you can keep your food processing plants but the railgun has to go.


>> No.27448357

i was responding half humorously, but according to him just from last thread
>the very moment i came up with the idea to use retro chuubanite to outfit a battle blimp thats actually supposed to be sturdy and not just some hot weather balloon the first thign that greeted me was "yeah but its shit because we can actually shoot it down with our railguns in one shot form several kilometres away before you can even scratch anything from us"
so maybe it was ris2ner or some schizo playing as a sanalite, but according to his memory, which is ultimately what informed his decision to start the conversation and leave, it was a sanalite that started that conversation in the first place.

>> No.27448466

Cast a vote.

>> No.27448602

I think >>25812139 is where the battle blimp was first brought up.

>> No.27448827

now that i think of it, it wouldn't matter if he said his use of it was special since onobots are as he described them. he used that as an argument for why magic wasn't allowed to surpass technology, yet his idea was criticised because it had to be buffed to be viable, not because it had to be nerfed to be balanced. all i did was extend that logic to explain to him that his interpretation of why his idea was rejected was faulty, thus showing him that chuubanite being too weak wasn't the problem there. even the arguments i used were an extension of the logic of whoever made that first response claiming they would shoot it down with railguns. i'm not sure if you can say that i played much more of a role than devil's advocate here, not that it exactly removes me of much blame.
what's a good archive site to use, now that wakarimasen is down?

>> No.27448908
File: 265 KB, 500x500, padumpadum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27449026

Probably a falseflagger then. Something like that would be out of place, even for me. I usually keep my war-mongering shitposting somewhat apparent, and as I said, rep isn't the kind of person to just shot down an idea while also making us more overpowered in the same sentence. But I would have to see the actual post to really make sure.

>> No.27448911
Quoted by: >>27448968


>> No.27448968


>> No.27449011

>no results found

>> No.27449026
File: 542 KB, 3035x2104, 1656496578900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>27448908 (me)
Yea, definitely a random schizo. I basically never greentext. Hell, we didn't even establish we had railguns before that, aside from sorta-railgun-ish rifles we carry.

>> No.27449029

See >>27448313

What matters is the metagame. If /nasa/ insists on having a superweapon then they must take a dramatic loss with the destruction of their greenhouses and food processing plants. No more space rations. No more medicine. Does /nasa/ want to make that sacrifice for railguns? They can have one or the other. Not both.

>> No.27449075


>> No.27449087


>> No.27449108
File: 102 KB, 1112x1106, Smile more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ups, the response to that post WAS however our rep, so I guess Sanallites are not blameless after all.

>> No.27449140

i like this balancing philosophy, but it's generally a good idea to be open with the options wherever possible, except where the combination of two specific attributes that would be fine in isolation is what causes all the problems.

>> No.27449223
File: 753 KB, 1200x946, 1656201633857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are you rep? If not, see >>27437755

>> No.27449310

>What matters is the metagame
Does that really matter that much, though? It's not like this is a game where there are winners and losers. I'm just curious what kind of narrative use /nasa/ wants from its railguns

>> No.27449392
Quoted by: >>27449740

/nasa/ is a agriculture station/ship right? Just put a hard limit on the number of shells they possess and have their fabricators unable to create more for the foreseeable future. It depends on how their guns work exactly but it's better world-building than "you can't have both A & B". We are not balancing a game here.

>> No.27449539
Quoted by: >>27449641

Goodbye sleep.

After some heavy testing with our railgun canon defense systems we have reached a conclusion: The railgun systems are so damaged that they send an electric surge throughout the station. The surge was so out of control that it sparked a fire in the food processing plant. Fortunately we were able to put out the fire. One thing is certain: it is too high risk to keep the railgun systems online without repairs. And because we do not have enough spare parts to dig inside the walls and replace circuitry NASA has decided to decommission the railgun canon. The railgun canon will be disassembled and moved into a vault. Our hope is that our other defenses will be enough to survive until the next age.

>> No.27449641
File: 660 KB, 3724x4096, 1656240062532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27449788

Rep coming in clutch. Good job mate.

>> No.27449740

this is a pretty elegant solution, desu. /nasa/ has a good explanation in so far as the crash destroyed a bunch of their technology, but the same solution repeated can get repetitive at times. regardless, it's their decision i suppose.

>> No.27449788
Quoted by: >>27449882

The gun draws power from the whole ship. Its made to shoot other space vessels as a last defense, not battle blimps. The ship's internal wiring is so fucked up that we can't stop surges. Rather than fix the super weapon we need to focus on survival. If I have to choose between food and a broken ineffective gun then I choose food. I want to sleep now.

>> No.27449882
File: 97 KB, 850x1020, __tsukumo_sana_kaniko_and_usaslug_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_snowcie__sample-a715ca4d1ae71d84c4295071bcd1a4b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27449973

Go to sleep. You need it. Also don't worry about that pajeet trying to start a vote, us just storing it away for now is good enough for a solution.

>> No.27449973
Quoted by: >>27450161

We'll put the gun back after we fix all of /nasa/'s internal wiring in 50 years.

>> No.27450161
File: 51 KB, 850x478, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chan1moon__sample-b74f62bb8e1eb3ebb2c3533532baf0ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea, deginitely. and even then, Lamington is probably gonna stay grounded, what with a settlement(by then probably a full fledged town) growing around it. So we can write it as a "don't even try to fuck with our capital, cunts" type of weapon. No flying space fortress dominating the skies that can blast cities of the maps. At least not from /nasa/.

Well, smaller ships developed in time would have scaled down versions of it on them, for protection of course, but those wouldn't be nearly as lethal.

You know, now that I think about it, we really get a lot of shit pushed on us from randoms just making greentexts about us, huh? The whole "he fucked the robot" thing that kinda sparked the civil war was one as well, wasn't it?

>> No.27451512

No-more-railguns bump

>> No.27451928

Anyone up for the task of organizing points made in regards to chuubanite? In light of what happened I'm sure most people ITT don't want another timeloop.

>> No.27452910
Quoted by: >>27453153

I don't think anyone outside paragraphsanon is autistic enough about chuubanite to want that job.

>> No.27453020

i've been looking around trying to think of ways to properly detail chuubanite. as i said, i might not get back to you guys until a while. worst case scenario, if i have nothing by the end of the week, you can do what you want without me i suppose, but hopefully i will not be too busy this week.

>> No.27453088

Magic is everything

>> No.27453153
File: 125 KB, 500x500, Fluffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27453253

And he is unfit for the job as well...for obvious reasons.

>> No.27453253
Quoted by: >>27468562

Nijiboys anon is decent at understanding him. Maybe when he's awake again we can ask of he'd be willing to edit paragraphsanon's work into a format that's readable for sane people.

>> No.27454501
Quoted by: >>27454764

Wait, but that decay is completely fine, as long as its not too fast. What are we voting about again?

>> No.27454709

nta, but
>outdated and causing confusion
I still don't understand what parts of the long chuubanite proposal are canon and what parts are not and It certainly is not due to me not understanding the physics of chuubanite proposed there because I wrote that god-forsaken rentry

>> No.27454764
File: 944 KB, 2687x4096, 1656658065637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See here's the thing, none of the autists arguing about it actually know, they just like arguing for the sake of it.

>> No.27454853

stop listening to the autist and just make the blimp, it sounds fun

>> No.27454889
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27455174


>> No.27454997

Great reference

>> No.27455065

I want to try to get something written but itll take some time

>> No.27455174
File: 344 KB, 2048x2027, 1656413227422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 posts....what happened to you WARanon? You were so fast and powerful back in the day, now look at you. A feeble shell of your former self. Enough of this, I think it's time you set down your sword, renounced your war-mongering ways and joined us, peacefully admiring the fattest chocolate titties this side of the galaxy.

>> No.27455483
Quoted by: >>27455767

WARanon is now WISEanon. He offers insight and expertise on tactics but never once has he been seen swinging his blade. If so then he would have caused war a long time ago. He had a good run. But who knows, maybe another WARanon will come by.

>> No.27455767

Reminder that WARanon thought spears are better than swords for equipping an army

>> No.27455943
Quoted by: >>27456073

NTA but they are unironically. There is a reason why the spear was the standard weapon of war for thousands of years. It works better in formation fighting too.

>> No.27456056
File: 42 KB, 474x526, mitoglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27456106


>> No.27456073
File: 222 KB, 500x500, E-iY2E_VIAQD5vD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27456119

God damn it I derped it's swords are better than spears

>> No.27456106
File: 95 KB, 721x935, average_chumbud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27456119


>> No.27456168


>> No.27456337
File: 218 KB, 639x638, 1656713999521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the old man's defense, the question was which is more based.

>> No.27456508


>> No.27456513

Halberds and Greatswords.

>> No.27456906

i'm going to bed, but i guess kyusai noticed /meat/'s absence. it's nice. too bad i'm too stupid to figure out how to use a proxy to post in the current thread, still. one day i'll learn, i hope. bye.

>> No.27457270
Quoted by: >>27457434

Ah shit. Anons, the #1 rule of /vtwbg/ is to never quit /vtwbg/ over paragraphsanon being annoying. If he's the only one left to argue with and you're getting annoyed, just leave for a while until more normal anons are around; you will *not* win the argument, unless you can outdo his autism, I've seen that happen only a couple of times.
Anyway, the blimp is fine, it was always fine (I remember saying it was fine like a month ago). Get back in here /vrt/ and never argue with that guy without my authorization again.

>> No.27457331
Quoted by: >>27457495

Is this what having a /here/ goddess feels like?

>> No.27457434
File: 179 KB, 1062x1080, 1655662296562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27484458

Well, there is a reason I told him last night that I do not care about anything he says nor will read any of it for that exact reason. I know he typed something huge about me, but that's no matter anyways. Life goes on and so does my Saga.

>> No.27457495

Damn /meat/'s own chuuba misses them

>> No.27457922

sex with railguns

>> No.27458668
File: 306 KB, 1211x1287, tumblr_mgqu0iXpPY1rorovwo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will side with no one

>> No.27460707
File: 478 KB, 768x1152, 1650081141760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27462936

I may have done a little squeebing in sapling threads and in rosemis general

>> No.27462623
File: 696 KB, 696x840, Great Pomeranian War, 1112 VTE Situation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter XXIX: Order of Battle and Plans for 1112

>> No.27462936
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1680, cutealice!1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lost hope in understanding chuubanite. it seems like trying to understand causes everyone to get mad because of what they think it should be and that's not fun at all. I would rather not think about it or talk about it since i am having more fun talking about trades and figuring out how my economy works. it is ok to be autistic about something, but lets not fight over small things!

Hey! Are we ready to conclude the deal?????

>> No.27463261
File: 19 KB, 299x432, FSKB8WCaIAEymMu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27463480
File: 90 KB, 366x400, risumentlegen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27463668


>> No.27463552
Quoted by: >>27463734

Pomerlanesenpai, I want to create my own map now with /2434/ and nijiboys. just download it and use paint right?

>> No.27463668
File: 300 KB, 1597x1528, FRUyVOOWYAAs4JH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be honest, I'm becoming increasingly partial towards the "magic is everything" school if it means we don't have to speed through a whole thread of magic rock autism
That said, anything you want to buy from us?

>> No.27463694
File: 177 KB, 603x614, FVYyZmpUUAU8cMj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27463731
File: 793 KB, 1200x1200, ca7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome and thank you for being based

>> No.27463734
File: 1.97 MB, 1645x1518, mapproposal for nijilands without DSW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27463822

Yeah, do it how you want since you are reping both. You can go off of this to help.

>> No.27463822

well... I have been looking into economics and I have to redo it so lets wait.

>> No.27463934
Quoted by: >>27464200

Awesome, feel free to ask if you need any help!

>> No.27463955

morning to you pajeet bud

>> No.27463957

ah yes. come on over and we will have your large sack of lovely nuts ready. did we mention theyre MAGIC nuts?

>> No.27464115
Quoted by: >>27464200

If you plan on redoing the cities, make the paintbrush at 4 and just plop a dot btw.

>> No.27464200

Soon... I need to remake the map.... and figure out economics.... but you will have your nuts.
Thank you! after reading some other economies, plates, and climate i think i understand it better...
THANKS I was wondering how you did that!

>> No.27465165

>I was the anon that recommended /kson/ being in the north of the Holocontinent.
>Kson joins Vshojo.
Never expected to be the responsible for /vtwbg/ version of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Who are the best warriors of the Holocontinent? They soon will find themselves deployed in the /ppt/ border.

>> No.27465562

/kson/ and /rushia/ are now in an extremely interesting position, they'll most likely be forced to exodus across the ocean or risk being the ground zero for the first holo/vsj+ war

>> No.27467177
File: 1.04 MB, 220x220, noraneko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so excited to present this! This is the first thing I have written thats seems up like it can hold up with everyone else. TELL ME HOW I DID! lol

>> No.27467310
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1655142791409s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27467440

Holo has an alliance? I was told otherwise the other day.
> Allegedly, there is a secret weapon that the Empire has developed using this substance.
Alicechan, great work. You have really improved since you started and its showing. Great work on the maps!

>> No.27467440
Quoted by: >>27467549

THANKS I woke up at dawn to research economies how things work. I cant tell you what our secret is though just because we are friends...hehe XD
Wait... we don't want your nuts. Don't you want our nuts? we have rare ones like Brésil... i am confused.

>> No.27467549
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh forgive me i just kinda woke up. yes we want the nuts. we have pretty gems and stuff in exchange. Have you heard of grape agate?

>> No.27467584
Quoted by: >>27467722

no, what's that? Have you ever had Brésil noytes?

>> No.27467674
Quoted by: >>27467970

Who said there has to be a war? /morig/ is on very good terms with a major faction within vshojo (the mousey people), and we're friendly to both /kson/ and /mikeneko/. If holo wants to fight this war, I'm not sure who our fleet would end up fighting for...
Wooo a natural resources breakdown! Check out /morig/'s and let us know if anything catches your fancy. We're always interested in steel and fancy alcohols.

>> No.27467691
Quoted by: >>27467939

i also have a proposal. how about as part of deal we get trade quarters and help you build ships at Demeter in your lands. i would like an exclusive port that will help bring us closer together.

>> No.27467722
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, grapeagate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is fucking pretty

>> No.27467939
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1647423605994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468013

demeter? Thats more /inf/ central and Kenkerto is closer. But if you wanna do it there then thats fine with me.

>> No.27467970

I read over our lore and we have good relations with vshojo so /2434/ will look at this with war with interest as we are not in favor of vshojo being destroyed. furthermore, we have no desire to hurt our friends in hololands that we are making.

I looked over your lore and we are pretty similar.. We offer Sake and Rice wine. I think we can make a deal considering how similar we are and be good friends...

>> No.27468013
Quoted by: >>27468058

but wait, i am /2434/ and its closer than kenkerto on the map. confused.

>> No.27468058

I HAVE AN IDEA. What if we founded a trade settlement ourselves!! It could be like crossbranch ID lore together.

>> No.27468099
File: 354 KB, 604x609, 1647021689835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468224

a whole new city? where would you want it?

>> No.27468142

We are very rich and have a growing population and merchant class. i desire a land route to avoid the tolls.

>> No.27468224
File: 813 KB, 2048x1536, 4yh9bj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468320

i was thinking here since that is closest to us. we will help build a road as well and if someone wants a city on the other end, that can be arranged.

>> No.27468320
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468368

im a fucking derp. demeter is closer i just thought otherwise. Yeah demeter makes sense kek

>> No.27468368
Quoted by: >>27468578

well, I don't know if i want it now... i circled where i thought a city might be good but if you think of another spot, go ahead. I think us founding a fresh city would help us both and prevent conflicts with other nations.

>> No.27468400

You did well! Most of them seems pretty reasonable. That said, I assume the strange black liquid is petroleum, but the geology of /2434/ makes that unlikely - it's mostly shield and platform. They're generally geologically stable without significant deform, which makes them unlikely to have large oil traps (that are easily accessible). That said, while geologic shields tend not to have a lot of fossil fuel (maybe some coal, but I doubt they would be of high quality without some orogeny - you might want to consider importing coal to help your steel industry), they tend to be fairly mineral-rich (see Canadian Shield for the most well-known example), so the other parts of the rentry checks out.
Also why are the a bunch of regions named after ships?
As for trade with /meat/, I guess a lot of our natural resources overlap, which makes sense given the similar climate. I think the main natural resources we can trade with each other would be due to us probably being in different ecoregions, as well as some crops that can only grow in high altitude (for /meat/). That said, /meat/ does have a pretty decent derived product industry for trade...

>> No.27468485
Quoted by: >>27468746

>Also why are the a bunch of regions named after ships?
I was researching the IJN and thought it would be fun lol. I was told last night that the resources would be similar to the ones in the climate areas, so i was thinking of indonesia. I think we can import coal for steel then.

>> No.27468518
File: 59 KB, 463x454, 1656790044735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468608

Alice is starting to scare me...

>> No.27468562
File: 291 KB, 1668x1668, @zoleyin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my hands kind of full with 10 chuubas but given how many extremely avoidable timeloops chuubanite has caused, I wouldn't be opposed, assuming paragraphsanon is alright with that.
This is very well put together! Your research definitely shows.
>age of industrialization
...No widespread use of fossil fuels. Luxnoc will fight you.

>> No.27468578
File: 79 KB, 536x682, 1647442872859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468682


>> No.27468608
File: 47 KB, 424x600, cutealice!22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27468796

Why? We are friends Pomerlanesenpai!

>> No.27468643
Quoted by: >>27469215

I just found out we have no fossil fuels. I think we use chuubanite instead.

>> No.27468682

what do you think? If you want it some where else, thats fine too.

>> No.27468746
Quoted by: >>27468854

Well, it's true that your climate determines a lot of your natural resources like trees, crops (and by extension, animals), and even some minerals - a lot of your soil is probably laterite, which apparently can be a source of iron and, later, aluminium - but there are also some resources that stem from geologic process independent of the climate. As it happens, fossil fuel is one of them, and while Indonesia is also in the tropics, it also has a very active geology, which helps with the formation of high-quality coal (as they need some pressure and heat from the tectonic plates crushing into each other), as well as traps to make petroleum accessible.

>> No.27468764
File: 220 KB, 1277x637, co2-graph-final---lo-res---no-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although they didn't specify it for the general tech level of NijiContienet it would be a while before fossil fuels would see widespread use in powering of machinery in 2434. Water, wind and good old animal(including human) power would be the most prevalent. Though you should expect a lot of wood to be burnt and chopped. Ships ain't gonna build themselves.

>> No.27468796
File: 300 KB, 357x358, 1656703556622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joking, It's just ridiculous to think how many dedicated reps we have in Nijisanji right now.

>> No.27468854

Thanks, it makes more sense to me now. Was I wrong to put rubber in there?

>> No.27468920
File: 210 KB, 900x647, ships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27468972
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems just fine to me actually. It would be a hotspot for any other niji friends coming along so keep that in mind. But sure I approve. Risuners have gained a new found love for new people ever since the kronies. COME ON IN!

>> No.27468981
File: 56 KB, 424x600, cutealice!17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27469419

What crops do you grow since we are mostly at lower altitude, i think? just noticed this.

>> No.27469060
File: 63 KB, 424x600, cutemyamya!11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LETS GOOOOOO. how did the others plan their cities, i like city building myself so

>> No.27469077

No rubber had quite a long history. Just because irl Europeans only discovered its use in the mid 18th century doesn't mean a bunch of native living there for a millennium wouldn't find a use for them . Although that's assuming rubber is already native to 2434. We didn't really have a Colombian exchange event in Vitubia (or at least have written about it), you see.

>> No.27469112
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1655477901093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the general idea of a Niji trade port is good for all of us considering we are all on good terms (well, except when we are killing each other in the south)

>> No.27469215
File: 372 KB, 2048x1363, @kirintukuyomi01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27469305

Ah, very good. No mutually assured destruction for us today, so long as those trees are being replanted. Which I assume you do have plans for, Alice? At least some restrictions must be placed on your logging industry unless you're okay with eventual total deforestation completely destroying your local supply of wood, which would have rather disastrous consequences for for your ship-building.

>> No.27469305

that is an awful idea for us because we need the wood for everything. i dont know how logging was done but i think we would know that we shouldn't chop everything down. We just have a lot of trees too.

>> No.27469307
File: 582 KB, 1649x1115, 1647618489632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27469552

well kronies built their road in how it would be efficient but not be too close to the temple. To be completely honest I just placed a few cities randomly on the map kek. but i did build lore around them based on location. Note again that Ceres and Demeter were /inf/ created while the rest was my design.

>> No.27469419
Quoted by: >>27469552

Rubber's fine. It comes from trees that thrives in your climate, so with some effort to organise the harvesting effort, it stands to reason that you can be a major exporter (having a lot of land to grow them helps). If anything, the more questionable part is its use - rubber erasers weren't used at this period IRL (although you can argue it's more a discovery thing, but well), and personally I'm not too sure about its use in turpentine. I would suggest that maybe rubber is used to waterproof textiles (which you'll definitely want given the heavy rainfall) plus latex clothes look hot af

Well, what you have in the rentry is about right. In terms of food crops, you can't really beat rice if you have the manpower (and plants) to work them, although there's also cassava and maize (which /meat/ also have) if you want some variety. As for other edible crops, citrus, banana, and coconuts should work well in lowlands, as well as some tree nuts. As for less edible plants, tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton should grow decently well in /2434/ too, although some are more labour-intensive than others.

>> No.27469552
Quoted by: >>27469782

ok! I think we should be fine since connecting to the holoID road helps us in the future so we want it to connect to Panrong going out through Sabatangan.

I think we are going to build the biggest port on the east coast because this is for all nijis and we have the resources. if you think your docks at other places are big, wait till you see what we do!
i just saw turpentine on wiki, so i will remove it. I forgot we live in a place where it rains all the time time too... with second one, was asking what you have but that information is good to have! thank you!

>> No.27469708
File: 46 KB, 275x337, 1655143369526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what the secret weapon is and, yeah, I think you misunderstood what the word "solvent" means.

>> No.27469773
Quoted by: >>27470065

>>27469708 (me)
Though you do have the resources to use actually make what you want...

>> No.27469782

Well, you can check our rentry for that: https://rentry.org/deiphagymining
But I guess our plants probably would be fairly similar, barring ones that are separated by ecoregions (which are still a thing even if we don't have a New World apart from Old World). I guess as far as what /meat/ can sell to you, the main ones would be cacao (which grows better in highland) and some of the dye (which depends on specific local flora/fauna and, in one case, dry land). Personally, I think it would be more interesting if you focus on some of the specific plants and stuff you have as major export instead of just having them all, both for making things more interesting and because, well, you probably can't focus on everything.

>> No.27469789
File: 83 KB, 1510x969, Woodland_as_a_percentage_of_land_area_in_England.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to any country that's undergoing industrialization. Unless you have a lore reason why there's a widespread practice of replanting trees you probably shouldn't add it IMO. And most likely they would be doing it out of profit, not just the goodness of their heart. Of course, that would depend on many factors including your government type, religion and culture

>> No.27469890
File: 360 KB, 468x567, 1656520916669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27470418

They are shinto so it could make some sense and there probably is an understanding of that they need a natural reserve of timber in emergencies.

>> No.27469930

I mean, /2434/ has a pretty significant navy, so it would be in the interest of the government to control logging. If nothing else, it would really help to have a constant supply of high-quality wood to maintain and expand said navy. You'll still see significant deforestation (although being in the tropics helps in that regard), but you probably won't log yourself into a desolate wasteland like Ireland or Iceland.

>> No.27469983
Quoted by: >>27470065

They probably also have agreements with other nations with a lot of lumber that they import too (they just started but I know that will be the case).

>> No.27469999
File: 419 KB, 1448x2048, @jam8366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27470165

Yeah, you'd think that, but historically people weren't that smart. "Lots of trees" also never stopped anyone from running out.
It'd be a combination of shintoism, government interest and...well, Luxnoc would fight them. We're allies and communication between us isn't limited the way it is between eastern and western Ninisani given Luxiem territory goes right up to the edge of southern /2434/. They have plenty of reason to have received many long, strongly worded rants about the dangers of deforestation from the local eco-terrorists.

>> No.27470065
Quoted by: >>27470418

CRAP. Well, at least I know we can make it
Couldn't we use chuubanite to grow trees faster? although i am sour on it...

>> No.27470165
Quoted by: >>27470545

couldn't we come to an understanding about limited use of coal? it shouldn't be black and white...

>> No.27470273
File: 2.55 MB, 225x224, 1656613894911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why, but as time goes on I'm starting to feel like the crazy old guy that the other Niji reps just have to put up with because I have seniority.
Also good morning, progress on the rework is going well. Projected completion date should be sometime next week.

>> No.27470326
File: 47 KB, 474x474, cutealice!10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27470798


>> No.27470418

Yeah I just don't want everyone to go all-in on eco-friendly mindset. It's a widespread thing in the current year but unless you have an explanation and developed it, it's kinda iffy to add it into the lore.

> it would be in the interest of the government to control logging
That would still depend on a lot of factors. Unless there had been a crisis I doubt a policy like that would just emerge.
The supply of wood would most likely be dictated by the current and near-future needs, not people hundreds of years later. Although that's getting into extreme autism territory. Having paragraphs on hpow the forest policy of 2434 evolved through the ages isn't the most exciting or relevant thing. I'd just say that you should probably de-emphasize on the replanting part since it's not such an integral part of your lore.

Unless your chuubanite has the effect of it then no. Are there any chuuba that's frequently discussed or posted in 2434 that's nature/plant related? If so there can be limited use of some kind of chuubanite growth accelerant.

>> No.27470545
File: 228 KB, 2048x1431, @emlauii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was never about stopping the use of fossil fuels completely (for now). Comfydants would want it but the rest of luxnoc would have already been using things like coal on arrival and wouldn't have been particularly keen to stop. Hence the threat of aggression only applying if fossil fuels begin seeing widespread use. In the long-term we probably have some conspiracy-theory looking flowcharts about the transition to renewable energy, but I imagine given the world's general knowledge of science at this point in Vitubia's history, most of our allies just roll their eyes at us and nod along.
Good morning, senpai. Don't worry, if you're a crazy uncle you're at least the fun one the rest of the family likes.

>> No.27470669

As one of the niji reps has been explaining to you, they have ecoterrorists from the future living right next door. That's their strong lore reason for it.

>> No.27470794
File: 273 KB, 447x474, 1656951170874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27471778

Everyone won't go all in but you have to remember this is a shinto nation after all. This is one of my problems with chuubanite, Nijisanji is filled with chuubas that are just JK. Elu works I guess for that but how are they even supposed to use Chuubanite for Mito and Deron for example? That's just not balanced in my opinion.

>> No.27470798
File: 107 KB, 1100x1253, 1656561264784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27470874

I'd be willing, sure. What kind of encounter are you thinking of?
That's good then, I often hope I give off a positive impression.

>> No.27470874
Quoted by: >>27471063

Elu is one, and we have Eli too but she is with flowers... i dont understand this well..
OK! glad to have it explained.
Since we love ships, lets say a few warships got into storm and crashed at rose

>> No.27470887
File: 222 KB, 850x1050, risusex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27471063


>> No.27470896
File: 302 KB, 1430x2048, @knt_n0n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan itself, which 2434 is heavily based on, had extremely strict regulations about logging due to a combination of religious beliefs and the need to maintain the quality of the land. Yes, really. Widespread deforestation didn't become a problem for them until the onset of WWII increased their need for wood. Given 2434 isn't undergoing anything similar, I'd argue an uncontrolled logging industry with no emphasis placed on the maintenance of its forests is actually less logical than the reverse.

>> No.27470965

oh and risunersenpai, how do you want me to make the city? should i draw it (i don't have my notepad so it will be awful) or just tell you what it is like?

>> No.27471056
File: 641 KB, 3840x2160, cutemyamya!3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for explaining it for me, i had trouble putting that into english...

>> No.27471063
File: 924 KB, 1700x1000, 1656869427090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crashed ships sounds a-okay to me. Rosebutas have a fondness for taking care of stranded people, apparently. Must be their protective instincts.
Hey Risuner. How are you doing?

>> No.27471114
Quoted by: >>27471332

i still do not understand how to do a writing collaboration... lets do that.

>> No.27471257
Quoted by: >>27471342

Wait, how WOULD Chuubanite even work for a JK Oshi? Being good in school???

>> No.27471332
File: 226 KB, 2100x2100, 1656857482201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27471965

Writing collaborations are relatively simply. One person writes an update log, then the other writes an update log of their own. I highly suggest looking at the /rose/-/risu/ story in the lore document for a good example. It should be under the "cross-thread" category, if I remember correctly.

>> No.27471342
File: 95 KB, 769x1200, @ally_yours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yeah. 2434's nation is based on shintoism and they have kami for literally everything. "Doing well on your exams" or "being able to study well" are both very common types of omamori you can purchase from shrines. In-universe these omamori probably have small pieces of chuubanite in them to give them a bit of actual power. Of course they have a lot of JKs, so you'd want at least some of that chuubanite to have powers based on their personalities instead of just on them being JKs.

>> No.27471428
Quoted by: >>27471965

>>27471342 (me)
Also, Alice, if I could give you a bit of advice here. Given Mito's status as dai-senpai and how often other members of NijiJP have expressed their deep admiration for her, don't just make her "a highschool girl" in your pantheon. She probably takes the place of Amaterasu as the highest of all deities for you.

>> No.27471497
File: 295 KB, 850x2065, sample_d448015ab8e84cffb9a54aba5626f5c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eating burgers atm. feels fucking good man

>> No.27471778

Solution is simple just stop debuting chuuba with no lore. Jokes aside the use of chuubanite doesn't have to do with the chuuba themselves. Just having a nation who favors chuubanite lamps over candles due to their geography is also world-building. For the JK chuubas, instead of their lore the characteristic of their chuubanite can be related to their personality or thread memes I guess. 2434 can also just have a more widespread use of "mundane" chuubanite.

Read up on a little on forestry during the Tokugawa shogunate, interesting. Though their policy was also provoked by widespread deforestation causing problems. Adding a bit on how the policy gradually shifted from largely uncontrolled to regulated would make more sense imo. Just the eco-terrorist explanation is a bit lacking not just because most ordinary people would oppose something that would affect their livelihood but also for reasons you stated yourself >>27470545.

>> No.27471965
Quoted by: >>27475579

i never planned on making them just JKs anyway, that would be boring! lol
i am awful at dialogue. this scares me. given I am an ESL but do I just type this on rentry and you add? or can we just type it in the thread and one person puts in it rentry.

>> No.27472193
Quoted by: >>27472901

NTA but starting a war with a neighboring country would also affect their livelihood.

>> No.27472208

I was told that all of luxiem and notcyx would attack me over industrialization I am confused...

>> No.27472338
File: 75 KB, 258x273, 1656877378793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27473860

Wait what? I can see Comfydants doing it but Why all? Is it in their interests too?

>> No.27472405
Quoted by: >>27472481

I'm awake. I have to get cheese for burgers later. Other than that I'll try to write a thing with squirrels.

>> No.27472481
File: 69 KB, 578x811, 1648185742717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27472747
Quoted by: >>27472949

Its American Independence day where I live. Burgers and hot dogs are on sale.

>> No.27472882
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27472949

Same. I'm literally eating burgers right now.

>> No.27472901

Are they really going to kill a hundred of thousands just because le deforestation bad? If they are really so hell-bent on it then I'd say actually go ahead and write a story about a series of (very) violent encounters which led to a radical change in forestry policy in 2434. Though it would also make them a sort of pariah, they only matter due to their relative advantage in technology. Once their neighbors sense their decline there would be hell to pay. Starting a war with your neighbor just to force them to change their lifestyle isn't very wise in all honesty. You need wood for cooking, warmth and construction. People's lives depend on it. Most rulers would be reluctant to change it radically unless it's really needed. And when a bunch of strangers came and just ask you to give up or greatly wind down something so important for your country would you accept them trampling on your sovereignty?

>> No.27472929


>> No.27472949
File: 484 KB, 3840x2140, 1647279043599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong tag kek

>> No.27472987

im more interested in why all of the en boys decide to join one group.

>> No.27473080
File: 1.64 MB, 958x2048, 1656950784102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27473388

Going to make tacos later instead of burgers because I like them better.

>> No.27473106
Quoted by: >>27473270

In Callifornia and New York celebrating Independence Day is a hate crime. Thanks I guess.

>> No.27473273
File: 1.77 MB, 1800x2400, 1647375853162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro. MA loves their dunkin donuts. Fun fact MA has the second highest amount of dunkin donuts out of any state in the US with only new york having more. I believe we have around 1100-1200. Anyway I will lorepost actual shit later on. For now theres people over so i will see you all when i get back.

>> No.27473270
Quoted by: >>27474267

WHAT! Well i guess its fair since Québécois like me do not celebrate canada day... (my family and i don't celebrate it.) i do not know why new york and california would have a reason...

>> No.27473388
Quoted by: >>27473761

You are a traitor.

>> No.27473761

I am still going to drink AMERICAN beer and Tacos are an AMERICAN dish btw.

>> No.27473860
File: 1.69 MB, 1800x2050, @ltlydiavart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27474169

It wouldn't immediately escalate to war, for the record. There would first be increasingly strongly worded letters and then, if you insist on continuing anyway, a diplomatic contingent and espionage agents sent directly to your capital for negotiations. War is very much a last resort, aimless massacres aren't exactly the goal here. But regardless, that anon isn't suggesting that deforestation be a problem for you now. Rather, they're saying you could've had issues with it in the past that have caused you to both be more careful and more receptive to the lectures about avoiding it in the present time.
I was saying "luxnoc" because it's easier than listing out a bunch of people every time, but in general, it can be assumed Noctyx's forces move together. The only real combatants are Comfydants and Briskadets, and Briskadets will essentially take any excuse for a fight. If it came down to something like an existential threat to the alliance's continued existence, Takaradachi would also throw their weight behind it in the form of wealth and hired mercenary troops, but for something like this that they don't care about they'd just wave off participation with the excuse they don't have a standing army. As far as Luxiem goes, in this specific instance, forests are sacred to both Quilldren and Kindred. They would also be strongly opposed to completely unregulated deforestation. I do feel the need to emphasize that the issue here would only be totally uncontrolled logging, because >>27472901 is making it sound like Comfydants would have an issue with anyone chopping down any trees at all, which is not the case.

>> No.27474169
Quoted by: >>27474250

I really do not think that anyone on our continent would actually want unregulated logging because of how important the forest is to Pomudachi and Rosebuds for one. Now coal is a different story that will provoke some future war in ninisani. But 2434 is likely to not deforest that bad because they have a long tradition in shipbuilding (which they need the wood for) and they are shinto.

>> No.27474250
Quoted by: >>27474353

I'm aware, which is why I'd pretty much already stopped this line of thought further up desu. I'm not the one who kept pushing for them to have a deforestation problem.

>> No.27474267
File: 163 KB, 887x297, 1656521175536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27474528

Wait, Alice chan, I didn't know that quebecois dont celebrate Quebec day. I think i know why but can you explain?

>> No.27474353

Oh i know, I just wanted to understand the logic behind luxnoc attacking all of them (which came out wrong.) It's not that we are being eco-industrialist in nijisanji, its that forests are really important to most of our cultures. (You know, just saying it for everyone else.)

>> No.27474528

beyond the obvious if you know about canadian history, some of us believe it overshadows our own national day Fête nationale which is a week before. thats all i will say

>> No.27475579
File: 108 KB, 345x575, 1656846048183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476137

We can have two different rentries or just post in the thread itself, I'm fine with whichever you prefer. Me and Risuner did it by posting in separate rentries, then we let the thread know whenever we updated it.

>> No.27475932
Quoted by: >>27476137

By the way to the rep wanting to make a new city that would connect niji and holo ID continent you, like the kronies are free to give it a name. So tell me what you would like.
T. Risuner phoneposting

>> No.27476137
File: 57 KB, 478x600, cutealice!24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I will start
>Admiral Fuzuki Togo was leading his ships along the coast of the Ethyrian Confederacy on patrol when a great storm blew him and his 5 frigates off course completely. for two days the storm ravaged his squadron. torn apart by the storms, the remaining 3 ships were forced on land to save his men. However this was the most terrifying part of the entire continent, where viscious monsters and cannibals were rumored to live. forming a palisade out of broken sails and planks, the imperial seamen began prepares for the long term repair of at least one ship that would take them back home. It was then that the plant people appeared.

Tell me if you want to change it rose senpai
Alstroemeria after Layla from our ID.

>> No.27476366

I'm not rose senpai......I'm the risuner.

>> No.27476420
Quoted by: >>27476475

Holy shit I really am a massive fucking derp today. Ok i will keep this in my notes for later use. Thanks

>> No.27476423

i know silly, i replied to rosesenpai with first post!

>> No.27476475

its ok! I do it all the time. i need to think about what the town should be like but it will have drydocks and strong defenses because i don't trust the kroniis who seem to be sus.

>> No.27476527
Quoted by: >>27476673

>don't trust the kroniis
Good choice. Never trust a clock

>> No.27476585 [SPOILER] 
File: 484 KB, 415x719, FA8AC8B4-CB6F-42B9-B2ED-F98CE9534842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476918

Are you trolling him kek. Phoneposting rn

>> No.27476638
Quoted by: >>27476816

Your pretty far away from them. But yeah like most coastal risuner cities you will be essentially building on the beach with the forest to your back and possibly a bit in. You will encounter small risuner tribes who think the forest is insanely sacred and tree cutting is highly regulated and trees get replanted as often as they are chopped down. Since they're not from the big cities they will mostly be unga bunga tribals. Also you won't know their language (based off Indonesian)

>> No.27476673

oh i just realized you do not actually have dry docks yet so this will end up being very important for you (and us, for repairing ships)

>> No.27476816
Quoted by: >>27476895

we take care of trees too so the tribals will like us. i still don't trust the sus clock people because they seem to have caused issues and our attitude is "screw with us and find out what happens"

>> No.27476895
Quoted by: >>27477041

Kek. Unironically some risuners love them due to their willingness to 'exchange nuts' which is a VERY popular past time and culture thing.

>> No.27476918

No? I don't undersand.

>> No.27477041

It took me a while to understand but now I see. Those clocks must be broken.

>> No.27477895

>Risuner posting in the /rose/ thread.

>> No.27478108

Maybe it's Ri2ner playing Among Us again

>> No.27478117
File: 29 KB, 739x415, 1656787221870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cute reference. I'll whip up a response in a bit.
He's been doing it for a while now, it's adorable to watch.

>> No.27478215
File: 44 KB, 405x600, mya2!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27478249
File: 308 KB, 1668x2224, 1648263360785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27478336

IKR rose senpai made me like rosemi so i post there. Shame Mika is in general nijisanji and isnt talked about too much because shes the niji I first watched and i really like ESPECIALLY when she collabs with risu. Meme degens are the best.

>> No.27478336

There are reasons why IDfags aren't too fond of Mikamika, she gets talk about a good bit in EN general though

>> No.27478379

For those late to the thread. /nasa/ no longer has railguns. You're welcome. Maybe the /vrt/ rep can come back now.

>> No.27478919
File: 274 KB, 850x1202, sample_27a1e8a224264af7dc3890966d3434c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








Ok holy shit there really is a lot so I don't wanna go into future projects for now. I have plenty to do already but it's fun.

And yes this all came to me after i nutted in the shower. Post nut clarity is great.

>> No.27478927
File: 167 KB, 1100x810, 1650975660984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27481127

and /meat/ got shot down again

>> No.27478992

wtf is wrong with /rose/.

>> No.27479106

I will pull a lot of weight for the city! it will be easy with my help!!!

>> No.27479128
Quoted by: >>27479190

Anchoring /wg/'s premier translation company. Since this is an international operation, I'd also like some input from the other nation reps on whether you would be okay with Babel opening locations in your country.

>> No.27479190
Quoted by: >>27480203

you have our permission in 2434

>> No.27479336
File: 145 KB, 300x300, 1656356822467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27479429

Welp, I am never posting there again. I have in the past several time because I do like Rosemi but if everything comes down to a boogeyman, ain't much better than EN General

>> No.27479360
File: 218 KB, 1444x1444, 1656352246051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27479531

We have a dedicated schizo. Also a Pomudachi posted in there talking about being an ex-Rosebud and that riled the buds up further. I believe I've said it before, but Rosebuds hate it when you just come in and say that sort of stuff.

>> No.27479429
File: 19 KB, 182x171, IMG_1509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27479531

Ah, I had a bad feeling it was you. I mean no offense when I say this, but the last thing you should do in our general is what you just did. The only use that served was angering them further, especially with that smug Pomu image attached.

>> No.27479531
Quoted by: >>27479704

wtf is wrong with giving my honest opinion. If the argument was about old vs new, I as an Old one should give my take. Maybe the image wasn't the best, but I said nothing controversial. I praised her a lot in my post.

>> No.27479665
File: 94 KB, 625x661, 1649429016569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna have sex with Rosemi. and Fauna. oh god I just realized I wanna fuck both the plant themed vtubers I know. Kek

>> No.27479669
Quoted by: >>27479807

Fanbase wars. Keep them out of the worldbuilding thread.

>> No.27479704
File: 280 KB, 370x334, 1656731208082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27479809

It was mainly the image, I'll be honest with you. The image just soured the tone of the whole post, made it seem more condescending than impartial. But they also are pretty touchy towards criticism, I can't deny that. There's a reason I made them so hyper religious compared to other nations.

>> No.27479807
File: 948 KB, 946x1300, 1656811964694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, wasn't thinking.
In any case, Rosebutas are pretty cool. Very religious bunch, very dedicated. It's part of the reason I like writing them. Sort of funny too, since I consider myself agnostic.

>> No.27479809
Quoted by: >>27479954

nta but he always posts smug pomu with every post. I think he just likes smug pomu and i don't blame him, it makes me laugh a bit too.

>> No.27479826
File: 41 KB, 400x400, C_GwdVOC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way guys this actually is all true and yeah i know i posted this while fucking super horny but these are plans and ideas i have. just saying

>> No.27479954

>he knows me too well.
Yeah, I like smug pomus too much. I even asked for more today.

Is there serious a major war breaking out that isn't because of me?

>> No.27480203
Quoted by: >>27480364

Thanks! I took a look at your economy stuff and it really seems like you're figuring all this rep stuff out. I look forward to seeing more from you!

>> No.27480327
File: 286 KB, 395x838, 1648748999935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok im out. I will see you all later. Ill make sure to re post my list of amazing ideas (re done so it doesnt look like a horny rant/shitpost) in the new bread for everyone to see. Later everyone

>> No.27480364

thx!!! I feel like i understand this a lot better after Pomerlane senpai helped me with the navy last night and i read a bunch about how economies work this morning.

>> No.27480610

I'm going to write a thing at the camp before we leave for /nasa/. I want to introduce squirrels to smores. Also for the deadbeats still around can I get a name of your military officers with the Risuner's group again. I forgot to write it down last time.

>> No.27480677

Biggus Dickus

>> No.27480703
Quoted by: >>27481186

Quoted from >>27311685
They do, here's the roster.
Lieutenant Desuvius Akai
Sergeant Kimiko Aurus
Valena Shiki
Dictus Horum
Hugor Shiro
Kimiko is the really charismatic one, while Desuvius is the brains of the operation. Valena, she just backs up Kimiko in whatever she does or say, Dictus is kind of macho man, and Hugor is older, wiser, kind of a quiet type.

>> No.27480831
Quoted by: >>27481032

Pomerlane anon, why is every leader charismatic?

>> No.27481032
Quoted by: >>27481311

>why is every leader charismatic?
They aren't Count-Pal. Karl isn't charismatic nor is Cato. But the new guys? Well, only Agrippa is charismatic as I described. That's why he was sent to Aquileia. The others like Demetrius, and Hyazinth are likely above average in charisma but its their other attributes that make them desirable. Hyazinth is a folk hero type character, for one.

>> No.27481127

Is there an archive of it? When will the next one be up?

>> No.27481186

Thank you. I saved the post this time for reference.

>> No.27481311
Quoted by: >>27481409

Oh ok, I am confused about what ethnicity Hyazinth is though. what is Rosenknospe?

>> No.27481409
Quoted by: >>27481469

He is a Pomeranian Rosebud. Many of them are known for their expertise as hunters and worship both Pomu and Rosemi together.

>> No.27481469
Quoted by: >>27481671

>Pomeranian Rosebud
Now I am even more confused.

>> No.27481671

Don't worry, there is a simple explanation. Rosemi is a Goddess in the EN pantheon but nobody actually knows about Rosebutas yet. Because of this, Rosemi has a sect of Pomeranians who worship her as an equal to Pomu as according to their mythos, Rosemi is the Daughter of Pomu. These people are mostly found in clusters across Pomeranian, with concentrations around areas like Greifswald and in the north at Grünewald. Rosebro doesn't like the idea of them but the truth of the matter is that these guys aren't the weaklings he might think of them as, but rather tough rugged frontiersmen. Hyazinth is from one of the noble families of this extract. This wasn't said but his father snipe a Dragoon Commander and that's why he was executed.

>> No.27481812
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1654124369188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these guys aren't the weaklings he might think of them as
Bud, I don't think you could write up a weak army on your side if you tried.
To clarify, in case some people think I'm being serious, this is a friendly jab.

>> No.27481818

>>27481671 (me)
Pomerlane doesn't considered them to be heretics like Inapuff worshippers because he grew up with them and respects them a lot. He will even more with Hyazinth's tale.

Should also mention that because there is a degree of Pomudachi diaspora, these guys can be found in many places in the Empire.

>> No.27481891

>Bud, I don't think you could write up a weak army on your side if you tried.
See Famelira, lmao. They are changing though but they performed awfully previous year. I know you are joking.

>> No.27481948
Quoted by: >>27482019

nta and i know you are joking but it makes sense because everyone is fighting all the time. also the ryuguards are just Corrupt idiots that need to be lead by Pomudachi kek.

>> No.27482006

Pretty accurate representation of us, I think.
t. Famelira lurker.

>> No.27482019
File: 26 KB, 367x321, 1653440741272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27482144

Fair enough, just saying that I'm aware almost all of your fighting forces are designed to be top notch. Simply means I need to put more effort into knocking them down.
I know you know, but I feel like if I don't explicitly state it, someone in the thread will complain about "the Nijis fighting over stupid shit again".
That's understandable.

>> No.27482144

Kek, but think about it. Pomudachi are always in fights, even against each other. There is a reason why they survive in general so well.

>> No.27482212

>>27482144 (me)
if the pentomos weren't off in who knows where, I would have made them the master of espionage.

>> No.27482275
File: 564 KB, 463x727, 1656964619314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27482364

Honestly I feel like the whole of the Nijicontinent is just serious infighting. Most of it over dumb shit, but still making them overall more sturdy and combat hardened. Ironically, I'd say the Nijicontinent would have a smaller but individually stronger fighting force when compared to the Holocontinent.
There's a few Pentomos hiding out in /rose/, I know that much.

>> No.27482364
Quoted by: >>27482466

Agreed, I think we understand our general and all of the fanbases rather well. All i will say is i couldnt turn Dragoons into the massive concernfags they are in their general and tried to remember back to the old days.

>> No.27482408
Quoted by: >>27482550

Isn't your boys lore poster already doing that with one of his groups? But even as I type this I realize you're basically different countries so I guess it wouldn't matter if you had two groups specializing in intelligence.

>> No.27482466
File: 124 KB, 1280x1280, 1655593186812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing the same with Boars and the old buds, so I can't fault you there.

>> No.27482550

Well… There i do have Famelira doing well with spies for the same reason. They both lurk. But both also have their nasty sides (also part of the evil Pentomo) meme that I dont think anyone gets besides anyone who spent time in our general.

>> No.27482793

As someone who has lurker in Nijien. I think the portrayal is accurate and it is definately true that nijifags probably are stronger as a culture. Its lawless in there compared to hlgg

>> No.27483394
Quoted by: >>27483665

Has anyone encountered a boar in real life? They're vicious as hell. They're tough as hell too. If you don't kill them with the first shot then they'll keep coming. They even resist weaker bullets. Don't underestimate Rosebutas.

>> No.27483665

Dont underestimate anyone in NijiEN, except Ryuguards unironically

>> No.27484070

new bread doko?

>> No.27484458

basically "we're the same, you and i"
enjoy making the rest of your saga, i'll be looking forward to it, even if you don't care. next thread should be soon enough.
