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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 1340x920, doomd5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5889752 No.5889752 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>5882006

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom, Quake, Duke, Marathon, or Thief:
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series

Launchers for Build Engine games



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.5889753
Quoted by: >>5894431

=== ONGOING ===

/vr/ Heretic Mapping Project
-Currently looking for mappers, testers, and anyone else who can help.
-Project Discord server: https://discord.gg/BBPnHM8

H.U.H. - /vr/ Quake Mapping Project
-Current release, final unless bugs are spotted

=== NEWS ===

[9-16] A new build of Slayer's Testament released

[9-11] SgtMark's first dev diary of VietDoom

[9-9] ZeroMaster completed MAP07 of Plutonia on UV Pacifist

[9-5] Could You Would You in a Box released

[9-3] Doom4 Vanilla updated to 1.1, MS-DOS version released

[9-1] Colorful Hell update

[9-1] Doom 4 Vanilla released.

[9-1] OTEX, a resource of textures and flats released

[9-1] Fraggle's 'Miniwad' released

[8-29] Joe Rogan interviews John Carmack

[8-27] Anon releases his unfinished project, free for cannibalizing

[8-26] Ion Fury devs claim upcoming patch is not censoring content

[8-25] Final Doomer 3.1 releases with Hellbound, Alien Vendetta, and Whitemare-themed weapon sets

=== PREVIOUS ===


== PROTIP ==

To submit news, please reply and anchor it to this post.

>> No.5889770
File: 132 KB, 640x480, shaking out the last drop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5889838
Quoted by: >>5890176

There's no vision separators for the outdoor part so none of it is culled whenever you are outdoors., which results in 10k+ sectors visible all at once.
This tanks FPS below 60 even on PRBoom+.

>> No.5889846

Is referencing brutal doom to learn modding doom a bad idea?

>> No.5889850
Quoted by: >>5889853

but not as bad as trying to learn modding from bd

>> No.5889853
Quoted by: >>5889865

I was going to ask for an alternative, but I just found the "script library" on zdoom.

>> No.5889863
File: 2.85 MB, 960x540, 1559928456287.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5889865
Quoted by: >>5889872

Never hurts to look at other mods, that's how I learned stuff, poking at resources on Realm667 isn't too bad.

>> No.5889867
File: 17 KB, 354x149, sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fucking circle

>> No.5889872

Depends, some of the stuff on there is literally a decade old so it doesn't apply perfectly to modern zdoom.

>> No.5889875

BD does a lot of shit in a verey roundabout and hacky way that results in unwanted side effects.

>> No.5889889


>> No.5889894

No seeders for the doom torrent?

>> No.5889937
Quoted by: >>5895430

GZDoom Cubemap support when?

>> No.5890012

What's currently the best way to play Blood (for the first time)? NBlood, BloodGDX or should I maybe just play Fresh Supply?

Also I heard the difficulty levels are weird there. Which one is like UV in Doom?

>> No.5890014

nBlood on well done

>> No.5890026

Fresh Supply, extra crispy

>> No.5890031
Quoted by: >>5890046 >>5890053

to kill the cyberdemon, shoot it till it dies

>> No.5890046

What a waste of ammo.

>> No.5890053

keep going in the direction you're going, and keep doing what you're doing.....


>> No.5890061
File: 28 KB, 509x400, IMG_20190511_125859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impressive how Duke Nukem Forever managed to be more outdated than Duke 3D.
Let me explain, I still love Duke3D but the humor in terms of references didn't age really well(OJ Simpson trial for example),same for some other joke.
DNF on the other hand takes the trends that were going strong with FPS games at the time with gameplay + jokes that aged like milk (Christian Bale freaking out).
The washed out colours managed to create the most lifeless depiction of Las Vegas yet, some goes with the models.
Duke3D has its limitations but the environment fits with the bombastic and over the top tone is going for. And the sprites still look really good to this day.

You can say that there are some fun parts but try to play Duke3D then DNF. It's one hell of a downgrade all around.

>> No.5890079
File: 238 KB, 1024x683, 37886063986_2f6feb48b5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm not too fond on how the demons are designed, even the new ones. I really like how they made the angels in Eternal. So far they seem to be closer on how they were described in the Bible(specifically Ezekiel).

>> No.5890087
File: 25 KB, 200x134, GeorgeBroussard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5890114

Also this guy, I guess.

>> No.5890114
Quoted by: >>5890156

Definitely also his fault. For being a feature creep who wanted DNF to be as advanced as possible and restarted development for over 10 years.
Which is pure insanity.

>> No.5890118
Quoted by: >>5890145

> the humor in terms of references didn't age really well
Fuck you you meme loving fuck

>> No.5890145
Quoted by: >>5890190

>Meme loving fuck
Bruh, some of the references in Duke3D are strictly things that happened at that time it came out.
Plus I said that DNF was worse because it actually had more outdated references, like Leroy Jenkins.... in 2011.

>> No.5890156
Quoted by: >>5890163

During 2000's being technically advanced was absolutely necessary for any big game to succeed

>> No.5890163

>2001 DNF
People would have bought that shit even if it came out in 2003. At least that's what I think. That trailer kicked so much ass.

>> No.5890176
Quoted by: >>5892638

Why would you make a map that struggles to run smoothly even on PrBoom?
I mean even when a guy like Lainos makes his big fucking adventure maps, they run fine there, and those aren't barebones in detail.

Yes, because it's a tangled ball of spaghetti. Impressive in some ways, but also confusing and inefficient, with lots of problems.
Unless you're looking at a simple actor or something, I wouldn't try to learn from it.

>> No.5890183
Quoted by: >>5890342

The only DNF 2001 exe we'll ever get. https://mega.nz/#!VGAxlIJT!fxwbVBBjYEWpBYt3tz8FGEz7aZNVn8f13Il_SY7EEHE

>> No.5890187
Quoted by: >>5890378

Wasn't that trailer confirmed as 95% fake?

Anyway. People who loved Duke and Doom all the way throughout 2000's wouldve bought it.
But by that time Unreal Engine 2 was a thing, Doom 3 and Source engine capabilities were revealed. People wouldve scoffed DNF off same way they did Daikatana (in a graphical sense the game was panned just as much as for everything else)

>> No.5890190
Quoted by: >>5890378

It's impressive how DNF managed to suck as much as it did, though it wasn't gonna be good with its fucky dev cycle.

Duke3D does date itself with some references, but A), the game is practically a period piece for what it matters, and B), just by the virtue of being a really good game, it's excused.

True, but it has some of its own jokes going as well.

I'd have bought that.

>> No.5890324

There's Simpsons Doom, but how about Family Guy or Bob's Burgers Doom?

>> No.5890327
Quoted by: >>5890353 >>5890369

>Duke Nukem 3D has Plutonium Pak and Megaton Edition
>Blood has Plasma Pak and Cryptic passage
>even Redneck Rampage has the Pak Suckin’ grits on Route 66
>Shadow Warrior has only Wanton destruction pak.
>WW2GI has Platoon leader
>Fate, TekWar, and Witchraven 2 have NOTHING.

>> No.5890342
File: 85 KB, 720x540, 1457522925898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5890353

Shadow Warrior has Twin Dragon too.

>> No.5890369

>Not including Legend of the Seven Paladins

>> No.5890378
File: 132 KB, 400x267, tumblr_o4t35mXcDM1qd4q8ao1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5890424 >>5898901

IIRC there's a build of that game somewhere and it's 80% functional.
The 2000s was a series of engine innovations.
If they just stayed with one engine and worked around it, would've been so much better and hence moved to other projects or new Duke games.

Duke himself is the fusion of several movie/comic book badasses. The cheesy one liners are part of the charm and honestly I love some of those old references(like early Simpsons ones).
DNF doesn't have that, it feels forced and out of touch for the most part.
Even worse the new lines in World Tour edition

Also you know that's bad when other games make fun of your dev cycle before the game even comes out.

>> No.5890424
File: 347 KB, 1280x697, troll pollem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894642

Too bad we don't get good action mans in movies anymore.

>> No.5890473
Quoted by: >>5890492 >>5890578

Daikatana on Unreal tech. Feels like that would have worked out way better. Possibly easier to work with and in my mind it's a more modular engine. What do you think?

>> No.5890492

Ironic. For a long time I actually thought Daikatana was an UE1 game and that was the reason why it was such a crashy, glitchy mess.

Seriously, in all my years working with that damn thing I can assure you that it wouldn't have turned out any better.

>> No.5890578

Maybe. The pathing was good once you knew how to handle it, which is incredible how they fucked it it so much on deus ex.

>> No.5890583

Any quake mod that let me remove all the HUH HUH HUH or pussy YARGRHHH everytime you get hit?
Most annoying grunts I ever heard.

>> No.5890627

You're a faggot.

>> No.5890665

maybe you just don't like first person shooters

>> No.5890679
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>> No.5890680
File: 26 KB, 320x200, tnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beaten TNT: Evilution. Unpopular opinion: It's not that good.
Most levels are 90% hitscanners (70% of which were chaingunners), and don't really have too interesting level design. Personally, I've enjoyed only a handful of maps, mostly the hell ones. The final boss is pretty lame - same as Doom II's but even easier somehow.

>> No.5890702
Quoted by: >>5890704

>Unpopular opinion
>It's not that good

>> No.5890704

I was looking online and most opinions I've found ranged from "it's okay" to "it's fucking amazing". Haven't found one opinion that outright said it's bad or boring.

>> No.5890715
Quoted by: >>5890739

open .pak file, replace grunt samples with empty dummy wavs

optional: take the cord of your comp and hang yourself with it

>> No.5890729
Quoted by: >>5890768

Most people on /vr/ are very indifferent about TNT, Plutonia on the other hand goes from "it's shit" to "it's fucking amazing"

>> No.5890738
Quoted by: >>5890768

I always thought people didn't like it. Although maybe I read too much /vr/.

>> No.5890739

Nice, thank you.

>> No.5890748
Quoted by: >>5897867 >>5897901


>> No.5890760

What's the latest news on Doom II 25th Anniversary? New Romero epiaode?

>> No.5890768
File: 74 KB, 634x617, 1411291097234_wps_5_https_www_facebook_com_pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891464

Most Doom fans agree that TNT is not that good and most prefer Plutonia. Me included.
TNT is a chore, the maps are too big, the level design is not even that interesting because it's a constant backtracking.
Also is so inconsistent with its difficulty. Sometimes is too simple, other times it goes all out and throws everything to you.

Plutonia is ball-busting hard it stays like that and it progressively gets more difficult, is consistent and the maps don't take too long to finish.
Sure it doesn't original songs like TNT but whatever.

>> No.5890782

Lots of people don't like TNT, and lots of people think it's pretty good but has flaws, particularly with the last third.

>> No.5890787
File: 354 KB, 960x1028, d-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5890845


>> No.5890791
Quoted by: >>5890958

Good joke.

>> No.5890845
Quoted by: >>5890847

I like this, although the bottom half seems to be less shaded/detailed that the top half

>> No.5890847

That's how WIP stuff works, yeah.

>> No.5890912
Quoted by: >>5890919 >>5890978

Figure this is the best place to ask: Should I get Doom 3, or Doom Classic for PS3?

Don’t care for Doom 3, so my question is strictly about port quality.

>> No.5890919
Quoted by: >>5890943 >>5891350

Doom Classic, I guess. Doom 3 BFG Edition came bundled with Doom Classic.

>> No.5890924
Quoted by: >>5891417

Does anybody here know of a BSP decompiler for Quake 1 that runs on Linux? I don't care if I have to build it from source (in fact that's somewhat preferable).

Most of the ones I see are closed source, and for windows. The one decent open source project I could find is written in C#. I'd really like to not have to spend time writing one from scratch if there's one that already exists.

>> No.5890943

So they’re the same? I’ll probably just go with Doom 3 depending on what prices I find.

>> No.5890958

Didn't Romero promise such thing?

>> No.5890960

is this official?
i know doom 3 mp had a lot of stuff had is poorly documented even on doomwiki

>> No.5890968
Quoted by: >>5892239

He's busy.

>> No.5890978

If you can get Classic Complete, that one's ok.

>> No.5890991
Quoted by: >>5892239

No. He said that if sales were good he would like to do more Doom stuff in the future.

>> No.5891039
File: 8 KB, 128x128, 386674289635622933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood 2 except they licensed the Quake 2 engine and released it in 1999 instead of trying to develop their own 3D engine and a full game in under a year

>> No.5891042
File: 422 KB, 2400x1600, John_Carmack_and_Tim_Sweeney,_GDCA_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891053 >>5891110

>I am you but stronger

>> No.5891053
File: 168 KB, 694x351, cardassians-e1554891565680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891056 >>5891424

Tim Sweeney looks like a fucking Cardassian in this picture.

>> No.5891056

He either looks like hulk or retard.

>> No.5891072
File: 71 KB, 576x1024, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The models would look much better and all around more polished and sins would be less bad:Like level design, enemies and balance.
It would go from below average to a 7/10 at best

>> No.5891083
Quoted by: >>5891603

I like how a giant metal angel with an exposed brain parallels the Spider Mastermind and that's how i think Heaven could work in Doom.
See what made Hell so good in the series and try to apply some of it for Heaven,

>> No.5891110
Quoted by: >>5891119

Which? Because the Unreal Engine had some features that Quake didn't, and Quake had some that Unreal didn't.

>> No.5891119

Tim is one of wealthiest people on planet, Carmack is yes man for lizard.

>> No.5891158
File: 479 KB, 640x776, IMG_20190331_015334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891173

Carmack is:
-An alien?
-A lizard man?
-A sex icon?
-An android?
-All above

>> No.5891159
Quoted by: >>5891180 >>5891184

Do you think they made their own engine because of the issues they had with Build when creating Blood? I remember hearing it was a hassle for them.

>> No.5891173

all above

>> No.5891180

It was shit Silverman's engine hold by glue and cum.

>> No.5891184
Quoted by: >>5891197 >>5891276

Blood is technologically superior to Duke and SW. The Build engine is also really janky, so it could be.
But even with those issues they should have stayed with the Build engine.
IIRC GT Interactive wanted them to use the new engine in order to compete with Half-Life.
We all know how it went

>> No.5891197

How is Blood superior to SW? In SW the enemies can actually see and attack you through room over room portals.

>> No.5891206
Quoted by: >>5891385

They didn't even want to make Blood 2 to begin with.

>> No.5891231

>build is janky
Where did this meme come from? Are you retards just parroting e-celebs again? Having spent some time playing with the sourcecode, the engine is perfectly fine. Build is a lot simpler and smaller than you think it is. The biggest flaw it has is lack of documentation at some points where it would be helpful.

Almost all of the bugs in build games are directly tied to shit that studios tacked on to the engine. Those are the facts.

>> No.5891234
Quoted by: >>5891278

>John Carmack and the devs of eDuke32 and Ion Fury are just clueless e-celebs

>> No.5891259

I really want to like Doom 2's city levels but holy fuck it's so easy getting lost in them.

>> No.5891269
Quoted by: >>5891278

Go to bed Ken. Go make another voxel engine no one uses.

>> No.5891276


>> No.5891278
Quoted by: >>5891292

>devs of eDuke32 and Ion Fury
Both working with the heavily modified 3D realms version of Build. I don't even think eDuke32 has an ounce of Build code at all. 3D realms treated Ion Fury like a third party mod, opting to abuse features of the engine to achieve results rather than extending the engine to support the behavior they were after. That's not what a competant development house does.

>John Carmack
There are a few issues with this:
1.) He only experienced the 3D realms modified version of the engine
2.) He later would rescind his "held together with bubblegum" comment and commend Silverman as the most talented 3D programmer, and the top of his list to hire.

Ken is too busy working on real-life voxels with an aussie holographic display company to post on the internet.

>> No.5891280
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1567026240204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. Come back when YOUR engine is done. Nibba

>> No.5891287

He'll go back to Doom whenever he needs another PR boost from the media. Empire of Sin + a few years and he'll do it again.

>> No.5891291
Quoted by: >>5891308 >>5891331

>Are you retards just parroting e-celebs again?
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard? You have shit like swinging doors instakilling you for no reason, to name the most famous, people have been making fun of that aspect of the engine since the 90s.

>> No.5891292
Quoted by: >>5891331

>with the heavily modified 3D realms version of Build
In which the good games for it were made.

>> No.5891308

This shit can easily be fixed today

>> No.5891331

>You have shit like swinging doors instakilling you for no reason
This behavior doesn't exist in the vanilla engine. It's explicitly a bug made by 3D realms.

For any game engine that's been extended, there's going to be an example of the extended version being a bug ridden mess because the developers lacked talent or didn't do QA for whatever reason. This holds true for all of the id engines starting with Quake Engine. Yet these are not considered janky engines... why the double standard?

And on that train of thought...
>In which the good games for it were made.
There are no good games on the Build engine in the first place. Though this no fault of the engine itself, just became overshadowed by Quake not long after it was finished.

>> No.5891345
File: 1.38 MB, 300x270, 0d5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891371

>No good games on the Build engine

>> No.5891350

it had its own versions of doom 1 and 2
classic has master levels and final doom
this is the kind of stuff that is on the doomwiki

>> No.5891353
File: 114 KB, 1070x866, hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891371

I will fight you motherfucker

>> No.5891357
File: 32 KB, 184x184, fireblu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5891371

I will concede that Shadow Warrior is decent. Duke and Blood are overrated slogs, however.

>> No.5891374
Quoted by: >>5891429

>ackshually; something about insisting on the strictly correct definition when nobody gives a shit about Build outside of the context of Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage, Powerslave, and Ion Fury, when in reality people only mean those games because they are the ones that matter
You're being too much of a nerd.

>> No.5891376
File: 44 KB, 254x252, hold me back bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5891378
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, i'm lookin good.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blow it out your ass

>> No.5891380
Quoted by: >>5892108

this isn't animated. How am I supposed to get a massive headache like this?

>> No.5891385
Quoted by: >>5891398

>They didn't even want to make Blood 2 to begin with.
is blood 2 the dmc2 of retro fps?

>> No.5891394
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1441307155781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891590

Man of taste.

>> No.5891396
Quoted by: >>5892108

I'm calling the cops

>> No.5891398

Ain't even retro, bud. It's just shit.

>> No.5891406

>There are no good games on the Build engine

>> No.5891412

Oh, so just money then. Nvm

>> No.5891417

No luck running under Wine? Also, have you checked if the source for the map you're trying to decompile is already freely available?

>> No.5891420
Quoted by: >>5891425 >>5891426

how tf did tim sweeney get more money than gabe newell?

>> No.5891424


>> No.5891425

24/7 prostitution

>> No.5891426
Quoted by: >>5891441

By making more popular game.

>> No.5891429

Where do you think you are?

In particular, this reply chain started with my challenging of the thread's popularly held opinion that Build is a "janky" engine. With my own experiencing playing around with the raw engine and it's source code, I have genuine ground to stand on when it comes to backing up that experience.

In fact, the distinction does exist and is quite important. It's why interoperability between games is extremely poor, and there will never be a ZDoom-style "does everything" sourceport for Build. The Build engine is open source, and virtually all complaints about "jank" don't exist in the compiled product. So calling the engine janky, rather than calling the games janky, is getting things backwards.

This is actually pretty ironic, because it goes entirely against the folk wisdom of the "If everywhere you go smells like shit" idiom. But the evidence is easy enough to replicate yourself, so there isn't really much of an argument there. Finally, that's a complete misrepresentation of how colloquial meaning propagates in this context. Consider that UE4 and Unity are very innately associated to be bad engines, because they are often used to create bad games. Despite the technology of the engines being fine to unremarkable, people will manufacture a view of them that's heavily informed by the shovelware they're used to create, and believe in an illusion that they're genuinely terrible game engines. For a more close-to-home example, Zandronum is a source port for autists and furries.

Really no matter what way you slice it, I'm presenting a well-informed, un-biased opinion that challenges popular public perception in order to create a more solid grasp of reality. That's always worth autistic verbosity and pedantry.

>> No.5891431
Quoted by: >>5891436 >>5892392

Aleph One > eDuke32

>> No.5891436
File: 208 KB, 329x445, picard_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891439


>> No.5891439
Quoted by: >>5891447

Aleph One's only real limitation is 30FPS
eDuke has plenty of limitations

>> No.5891441
Quoted by: >>5891442 >>5891445

Gabe owns steam. He sells every game and takes a cut. Woulda thought that would add up faster than licensing an engine.

>> No.5891442

I guess fucking fortnight nets them billions. Forgot about that.

>> No.5891445

Gabe also finances R&D. That shit's expensive. Also he orders and eats 9 gorillion tonnes of fat per hour.

>> No.5891447
Quoted by: >>5891448

You are retarded

>> No.5891448

no u

>> No.5891459
File: 152 KB, 1024x745, 0532D0DF-E440-4973-A85F-456BAEB2687D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891585 >>5891603

Imagine if they went with the other designs that that Angels were described as being like in the Bible.

>> No.5891461

Yeah the collision issues were absolutely why it works out that way. I almost want to slip a secondary hurtbox via Mikk's headshot mod and just make it be specifically for fillin in the rest of their model. The way I understand it, since its a warping separate entity it shouldn't cause mapping height issues like you surmised was the original reasoning. I just can't stand shooting through them because i aimed just slightly higher than the center of the sprite.

From what I've noticed, the popular opinion is that some maps in Evilution are good, and a lot of them are trash. How many maps fall into each category tends to very from person to person, but its generally regarded as "ok" overall.

>> No.5891464
File: 472 KB, 720x1280, 1498697985934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of music, there's also only a small amount of it, half of it is repetitive shit, and a lot of the good stuff is short. And it was all composed by four people. Four.
I wonder why Evilution in particular was chosen to be released commercially, Memento Mori came out a year earlier, and MM2 was released like a week after TNT.

>> No.5891472

>in an alternative timeline, we coul have had 3 final doom episodes
>one of them would have been memento mori
would have been neat, but i thought some secrets were made for co op only

>> No.5891476


>> No.5891478
Quoted by: >>5891508

You serious?
The HUH is one of the most iconic aspects of Quake, removing it would sacrilegious

>> No.5891479

People RARELY mean the original engine when they say Build.

>> No.5891480
Quoted by: >>5892596

maybe because it was made by team tnt? who knows, what wads would you guys pick if you had the chance to change them?

>> No.5891491
Quoted by: >>5891927 >>5892596

I disagree with you about the music, I think almost all of it is great.
For Memento Mori, it hasn't aged as well as some people imagine, I really don't think it's better than Evilution in any substantial manner, Memento Mori 2 is another question.

For that matter, without TNT, we might not just not have gotten Plutonia.

>> No.5891502

>developers lacked talent or didn't do QA for whatever reason
What they lacked is the actual source code for the engine. Only Ken could edit it, and he was quite infamous for being hard to work with

>> No.5891508

I don't like it. The great movement, combat and atmosphere makes the game iconic enough for me and I wish I could jump freely without earring a hundred repetitive HUH.

>> No.5891528

If you head it enough you stop hearing it.

>> No.5891538

So make a silent audio file. Damn.

>> No.5891576
Quoted by: >>5892108 >>5894647

One day I will have a Fireblu pattern as my carpet.

>> No.5891585


>> No.5891590

We don't take kindly to yer ilk 'round these parts feller.

>> No.5891603
File: 194 KB, 587x3450, 1568798740461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depictions of demons in media can be absolutely nightmarish.
But angels in the Bible I find them scarier. Sometimes they don't really have a shape and go beyond human comprehension. Like Lovecraft elder gods.

Bayonetta kinda went into that zone where angels were far more monstrous.

I didn't expect them to be so consistent with the artstyle. They clearly don't belong in Hell but don't look out of place either.
I'm excited to see the angels than any new possible demon.
Not a fan of the Marauder and Doom Hunter

>> No.5891604
File: 164 KB, 800x1022, ShadowCaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892392

Opinions on ShadowCaster?

>> No.5891608
File: 142 KB, 512x512, 1480882512858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891726

Holy shit you're a huge faggot

>> No.5891609
Quoted by: >>5891725

quake sucks, unreal is better

>> No.5891636


>> No.5891639
Quoted by: >>5892913

So summoners are fallen angels?

>> No.5891665
Quoted by: >>5891685 >>5892605

>Not a fan of the Marauder and Doom Hunter
I thought they were alright, even if overdetailed as usual or too fantasy like.
I do wonder more about the gameplay they carry because the worst that can happen is focusing too much on giving Doomguy really cool alt fires and little on making enemies feel different or strong.

>> No.5891681
Quoted by: >>5891686

I will be happy if eternal has hellish angels, maybe they are worse than demons

>> No.5891685

I don't dislike them I just feel they could be better. The Marauder aside being overdetailed is also quite incoherent.
The Doom Hunter has too much going on.

That being said, I also want to see what the angels are capable to do. The worst thing it could happen is them being reskins of the demons.
Maybe even more powerful with different patterns compared to the demons

>> No.5891686
Quoted by: >>5891696

doesn't that kind of deviate from the whole point of doom, though?
i mean, making them evil is one thing but worse than hell is kind of a stretch

>> No.5891695
Quoted by: >>5891765

They pretty much were Lovecraftian Elder Gods. Some parts of the Bible say that some people died when looking directly at an Angel. And since Demons are just fallen Angels, I think it makes sense for Angels to also be terrifying.

>> No.5891696
Quoted by: >>5891713 >>5891723

Doom's demons are just savage beasts pursuing their instincts. They aren't more evil than a spider laying eggs inside a living caterpillar.

Now I imagine Doom's angels and god as truly arrogant evil creatures that takes pleasure in watching inferior creatures (humans and demons) suffering.

>> No.5891713

>"What you interfere with now is bigger than you can imagine. If you continue, you will bring down the Heavens' wrath. It is written: it is their time to give penance. You are but one man. They are no longer your people to save."

>> No.5891723
Quoted by: >>5891746

I imagine demons as being power hungry but chaotic evil. Angels are probably some kind of mindless soldiers obeying god even if his will is to perform evil things. Good and bad make sense only in human mind. Things we consider evil might not be so evil through the eyes of a god.

>> No.5891725


>> No.5891726
Quoted by: >>5891735

>He said while trying his damn best to defend a low quality male audio file

>> No.5891735

>he said while talking shit about Trent Reznor

>> No.5891745
File: 24 KB, 199x181, ranger angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5891746
Quoted by: >>5892126 >>5892254

Great. Doom is now darksiders.
Or another bland "evil" god amazing twist.

Poor Teleology.

That said making angels evil is the coolest inversion seen even in fucking anime for the past decades, and it can be cool so bring those ebil angels.

It would actually be a cool story going all Iraneus in this, think, angels are just servants of the evil demiurge, Yaldabaoth etc you guys who know myth know the deal, and Doomslayer is the actual avenging agent of the one true God. making Doomslayer the sort of the second coming.

>> No.5891765
File: 98 KB, 640x850, ud22w37ptje21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5891771

Makes me wonder if they will actually go for that route.
Creatures that cannot be seen by mortals, not even the Doomslayer.
We only see their figure far away and you can't still tell how they might look like even when they attack you from a distance.
It can be too much to ask but would be cool to have more eldritch horror in Doom.

>> No.5891771
Quoted by: >>5892913

Since most of the power ups in 2016 kill a normal human, I don’t think Doomguy will have much of a problem with looking at an Angel. Though that does sound like a good idea for a Doom mod.

>> No.5891925

>Unpopular opinion: It's not that good.
Not that unpopular of an opinion. While I wouldn't call it bad, Its very much a product of 95 era map-making, and not many wads have been influenced by it.
Compare to Plutonia, which was ahead of its time, and you can see plenty of its influence in many wads.
>Most levels are 90% hitscanners (70% of which were chaingunners)
Theres actually a lot more shotgunners (1041) than chaingunners (601) in TNT, funnily enough.

>> No.5891927

IMO, the best maps of Memento Mori are better than the best maps of TNT. But it does have a few more outright bad maps than TNT, I'll give you that. And it doesn't help that a few maps are gimped in single player, due to being heavily designed with coop in mind.

>> No.5891940
Quoted by: >>5892596

TNT was actually on track to release before Memento Mori by a couple months, before id snagged it just before its intended free release.

>> No.5892013
File: 25 KB, 480x273, aaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892104

Most speedmaps suck, but Quake has almost 200 collections of them for one of its jams

>> No.5892104

>Most speedmaps suck
It depends on the mapper, I'd say.

>> No.5892108
File: 157 KB, 660x660, fireblubox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892272 >>5892316

Get a fresh shipment of totally legit FIREBLU delivered right at your front door!

>> No.5892126
Quoted by: >>5892254

Honestly I can imagine God as less 'evil' and more apathetic, perhaps even generally disinterested or uninvolved in anything at large. It's totally plausible to see something like, say, Samuel trying to ascend to becoming a new God, but ultimately falling from grace as a result of his powerful ambitions and creating a great schism that forces the Slayer to have to bash both sides.

>> No.5892151
File: 62 KB, 230x460, brutal doom hulk toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892681

>Doom 1 ends with Hell letting you loose back onto Earth only to find it invaded
>Doom 2's manual starts with you apparently having saved Mars from an invasion instead of just getting stuck in hell, and then taking a drop pod back to Earth to find it being invaded
>some fans suppose the 1&2 Marine may be different characters as a result of this inconsistency
why am I only just now finding out about this

>> No.5892156
Quoted by: >>5892160 >>5892382

I continue to be perplexed at people caring about a semblance of a story in Doom

But you do you, I guess

>> No.5892160

once you've killed shit so much that it's become routine until the next big map mixup, you tend to ponder about things other than more dead demons

>> No.5892221

New Carmarck sourceport

>> No.5892239

Romero's busy being fucked in the ass by Paradox.

>> No.5892245

I reckon hes gonna wait until Doom 2's 30th anniversary before doing it.

>> No.5892250


Sonic Mayhem > Kelly Bailey, Alexander Brandon.

>> No.5892254

I recall there being a confirmation for the heaven stuff being a couple rogue angels and that's about it. I'm not so sure.

>> No.5892272

Name of wad please?

>> No.5892316

Is it heavy? Man, I just want one of the small boxes if it is.

>> No.5892358
File: 27 KB, 700x512, thinking about keks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892368

But what if... Keks Quest.

>> No.5892368
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5892382
Quoted by: >>5892405

It's less about story and more about the overall identity
I also wonder how people would view Doom's story had Carmack never made that story in games comment

>> No.5892392


>> No.5892404

i wonder if eternal will have possessed night sentinel people considering doomguy might not just be a representative for humanity who dealt with zombified humans
because if he doesn't come from earth anymore, he would think of saving his other people besides just earth

>> No.5892405

What story? You punched the wrong son of a bitch and got sent off to Mars duty. Bad things happen and then you kill things.

>> No.5892596

>maybe because it was made by team tnt?
I wasn't around back then, but what were they even at the time? Evilution was supposed to be the first WAD they released, and after the deal that would be Icarus. Eternal Doom and Boom happened later.
I don't really like MM myself, I only used it as an example of a bigger fan project going on at the time. But yeah, I wrote it and then looked up what >>5891940 said, so I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

>> No.5892605
File: 138 KB, 1148x997, meymey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892620

I wish they didn't make Archvile look like an armored tank. The scorched look is alright, and I like the design overall, but I would've preferred something a bit more similar to the original, skinny and creepy.

>> No.5892620
File: 36 KB, 520x416, 1459664949367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even finished Doom 2016, but i am going to give Dum:Todd Howard's Revenge a shot because its only AAA game to have any kind of hope for in this age.

>> No.5892638

>Why would you make a map that struggles to run smoothly even on PrBoom?

Run smoothly on what? A 2003 Dell laptop? A 2010 PC? A tricked out gamer rig? Doom runs on an incredibly wide spectrum of computers. nuts.wad was literally an unplayable joke until computers got fast enough that now it is a novelty.

>> No.5892673 [DELETED] 


there is literally a meme speedrun of duke3d where duke repeatedly passes through walls and kills himself through the janky collision code

>> No.5892674
Quoted by: >>5892685 >>5893608

Doom 2016 was a lot of fun imo. Not as replayable as the original. Maybe not even as replayable as Doom 3 in some ways. The monsters are maybe *too* mobile. So setting them up in interesting ways ends up with them scattered all over the area, crawling up walls and shit, anyway... Which ruins the distinction of the fights, save a few specific examples.
It's a good game, just not one you can dump a shitload if hours into.

>> No.5892680


if you are autistic then: people dislike long autistic word diarrhea nonsense. no one is convinced by it. if you were truly an autistic logical robot, you would take this information and change your behavior.

>> No.5892681

>he doesn't play coop

>> No.5892685

>The monsters are maybe *too* mobile.
True, monsters were busy running FROM the player not actively chasing him.

>> No.5892691

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.5892697
Quoted by: >>5893387 >>5894282

Civvie's gonna do it

>> No.5892713
File: 1.61 MB, 288x288, 1528169583768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5892734 >>5893318

hello frens. Does anyone know how to turn off horizontal autoaim for the gzdoom? It's annoying as fuck

>> No.5892734
Quoted by: >>5892743

No one knows. It's a matter of speculation and debate even to this day. Some philosophers claim that there is a Player Setup menu in Options. Some madmen even attest to having seen an Autoaim slider there. But they are surely barking mad.

>> No.5892743
Quoted by: >>5892750 >>5892797

so at what point do I leave the slider to turn off the horizontal autoaim without messing the vertical, oh sarcastic replier in a imageboard?

>> No.5892750
Quoted by: >>5892758

There's only one autoaim. It's not separated into vertical/horizontal anywhere as far as I'm aware. Is there even a sourceport that separates them? And why is it even relevant? If you find autoaim screwing you frequently just turn it off. If you want to play vanilla style, then leave it on and deal with the side-effects.

>> No.5892758
Quoted by: >>5892762 >>5893375

just one more question, why you insist on replying if you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about?

>> No.5892762

Where do you think you are

>> No.5892797
File: 10 KB, 369x300, huuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so at what point do I leave the slider to turn off the horizontal autoaim without messing the vertical

The fuck am I reading? There's only one option for autoaim in gzdoom under Player Setup. Just turn it off completely to the left.

>> No.5892913
File: 611 KB, 707x1000, hellboy_angel_of_death_by_itickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a mod on Zdoom Forums that kinda does that:

But a mod where a random angel-like creature spawns in the map and attacks the player but cannot be seen or you die.
You can push it away by shooting at it but still doesn't die.

Pretty much. But funny you're saying this because that's the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2.
The Summoner creates life by summoning new enemies and is a demon, while the angel takes life away.

>> No.5892947

Now the dust has settled, can we all agree that Ion Fury is an utterly mediocre game with zero replay value and just Build porn (read: Build fat) as its only selling point?

>> No.5892954

>Now the dust has settled

The game was just released people were already saying that. Its pretty I guess.

>> No.5892957

I enjoyed it and have played it three times

>> No.5892963
Quoted by: >>5893227

Replace garbage Shelly with Elexis from Sin and you got a game.

>> No.5893027

>because its only AAA game to have any kind of hope for in this age.
Same. I'm afraid of microtransactions being shoved in, but if they only touch the multiplayer Battlemode, I don't really care.

>> No.5893043

>TFW waiting for either a hacker or a former Lucasarts employee to release the source code to the Jedi Engine.

>> No.5893048
Quoted by: >>5893056

>John Carmack claims that the Build Engine is janky overall
>Implying he actually touched the Build Engine beyond at most a few swipes of the keyboard

>> No.5893056
Quoted by: >>5893085 >>5894027

His Rogan interview was kinda boring. But I liked when he specifically said he is a strict materialist. I always love to see these creative types denying free will while being so excited by their work.

Applied AI sure its possible, but real conscious AI? Nah Carmak.

But he is really the type of person I thought he would be in a more relaxed interview.
Very cool dude.

>> No.5893085
Quoted by: >>5893143

I was talking about his remarks about the build Engine. He's a developer, sure, but idtech 1 and 2=/=Build.

>> No.5893143

He was talking about Duke Nukem 3D specifically when he said it was held together by chewed gum, and that's true, the game IS held together by chewed gum (but it's still a great game and I love it).
Carmack has otherwise stated he's really impressed by Silverman and would have loved to have worked with him.

>> No.5893162

>held together by chewed gum.
How can you be so sure that he was being 100% literal and not saying that as a partial reference to Duke's line about kicking ass and chewing bubblegum?

>> No.5893164
Quoted by: >>5893260 >>5893420

He's a fuckhead and so are you. Fuckhead

>> No.5893227
Quoted by: >>5893662

>replace Shelly with a character
>replace enemies with something remarkable
>replace weapons (bar Loverboy and the Bowling Bomb) with proper weapons
>replace levels with clean design, not scatterbrained Build porn

and you got a game.
The music and the comic book art style is the only good thing about it.

>> No.5893260
Quoted by: >>5893448

A fuckhead who fucked your mom.

>> No.5893318


>> No.5893326

But he's all outta gum

>> No.5893359
File: 40 KB, 400x402, 1477662648992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no we won't all agree because it's a great game

>> No.5893375
Quoted by: >>5893425

he's right though, you can't have vertical autoaim without the horizontal autoaim
go dig through the source yourself if you don't believe me, because that's what I did

>> No.5893387
File: 1.60 MB, 480x368, AffectionateSpectacularArcticseal-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait.
Speaking of which, do you feel DNF deserves all the hate it gets? It would've been better if they just gave up and didn't released it?

>> No.5893407

>todd having any involvement with the creative design of doom
>being this assblasted over bethesda that you somehow think developer = publisher

absolutely disgusting

>> No.5893418

Bethesda Game Studio was said to influence Id in Noclip faggot.

>> No.5893419
Quoted by: >>5893445

they should've learned from daikatana's mistake and just pressed forward on the tech they had instead of constantly changing engines and scrapping everything
even if it was an initial disappointment, it wouldn't have gone down in history nearly as bad as it did

>> No.5893420

wow rude

>> No.5893425
Quoted by: >>5894824

Well, that's a bummer
>He's right though
He didn't even know there is a horizontal autoaim

>> No.5893431
Quoted by: >>5893445

Apprently, Doom 64 was meant to tackle on different cultural visions on Hell, hence the Mayan pyramid from that one screenshot.
Out of any game in the series, Doom 64 may have had the biggest losses in cut content besides Doom 3 having Trent Raznor doing sounds.

>> No.5893432

Did you say fat?

>> No.5893445
File: 13 KB, 266x380, IMG_20190205_131339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that kinda sucks. But at least we got an amazing depiction of hell.
Reminded me of Quake in certain aspects.

Btw imagine if Quake 3 had a soundtrack by Trent Reznor.

Daikatana was a trainwreck but at least the community improved it.
The game affected Romero's figure but not nearly as bad as Brussard. He's barely involved with gaming anymore and for good reasons.

Just go for one engine and work around it, many games kept using the same engine for other entries of the series.
>TFW they literally had to keep Brussard away from other upcoming games in order to not restart DNF all over again

>> No.5893448

You have to be 18 or older to post here

>> No.5893457
File: 10 KB, 246x260, 1568618792025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nibba u gay

>> No.5893461
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, smoosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5893468
Quoted by: >>5893556

The door problem is a simple code fix

>> No.5893474


>> No.5893475

dragons in the concept art aside, that's an expected thing to happen with doom now
which parts of the game are from the actual devs or zenimax execs telling them that they gotta do this for some odd reason?
with older id, everything in their games was either what they wanted or things they still went through instead of publisher execs meddling with a project

>> No.5893485

>do you feel DNF deserves all the hate it gets
Not all of it. Some of the game is pretty fun, and some of the combat is pretty punchy. Other parts are like slamming two bricks together.

>> No.5893524
Quoted by: >>5893607

Then again I think it's pretty apparent how Bethesda influenced the development of QC, so concerns for Eternal are not so out of place...

>> No.5893556

It was fixed in IF.

>> No.5893593

>Now the dust has settled

>> No.5893607
Quoted by: >>5893707

Don't forget New Colossus. The game was clearly rushed and tried to put it out as soon as possible because of the political climate going on at the time.

Again,for QC the fact the game doesn't have an update since forever, confusing development + Bethesda being Bethesda, basically doomed the game.

The less about F76, the better.

So yeah,being owned by a crap greedy company has terrible consequences even if they're not the devs. Look what happened to Dead Space 3.

>> No.5893608
File: 585 KB, 892x672, IMG_20190606_220427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe not as replayable as Doom 3 in some ways.
As much as I liked 2016 and am hating on 3 and its modding scene currently (because after romping through it, its expansion pack, and a handful of custom maps, I can attest to the fact that it plays like hot garbage and is a complete disservice to the action shooter genre and its foundations), I'm gonna have to agree.

For all its faults, Doom 3, in contrast to 2016, DOES have a sensible approach to its story, its characters, and its worldbuilding is actually pretty okay even. I can appreciate the sense of adventure, the overall pacing which allows for things like careful exploration, and I like that the game FEELS like it has proper substance to it beyond 'here's a bunch of guys, go kill' and the handcrafted nature of the combat can at least shine through. They certainly did put effort into making sure every enemy could hold its own against the player, and there's certain moments in the game that can be genuinely challenging to sort out.

2016 on the other hand, you start out strong against hordes of baddies, and remain strong throughout. The game greatly suffered from the dreaded 'you first go here, then here, then you're back out here again' type of progression and while combat is its strongest suit, you can't attain to an aspect of your game and ditch everything else. I honestly can't say I blame people for dropping 2016, just as I can't blame people for dropping 3, same for 64 of even classic Doom. But I like them all, flaws and all, so maybe I'm only bias.

Hyped for the new game.

>> No.5893617
Quoted by: >>5893696

It has some interesting and funny ideas. But 90% of the game is just mediocre or outright blad. It has no vitality.
Maybe it would never live up to Duke3D, but it came out at a terrible time, it has terrible models, greasy dark look of the era and its just not fun.
Then again I felt the same for shadow warrior.

This is Borderlands disgusting jokes era.

A true Duke game, light but at the same time with the trinity of gory, violent and weird sexy would be impossible to make today.

Making Duke old like some anons said some threads back would be an awesome idea.

>> No.5893652

hey term check your dw inbox it has warts
yours truly

>> No.5893662

The levels are actually fucking great. Especially the first third of the game.

>> No.5893669

It's below the Trinity, but I think it's fair to place it on that sort of "2nd tier Build Engine list of games" like Redneck Rampage and PowerSlave. Totally worth playing, arguably in the top 10 releases of the year, but not anything that I expect to be seen as an all-time classic.

>> No.5893672



>> No.5893696
File: 13 KB, 234x234, FaceApp_1568931436552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5893743 >>5893745

I think it's still possible. But in modern day is still difficult to make a Duke game with the same tone as the classic ones.
You need a dev team that gives a shit only to those who love FPS games and not those who could find it problematic.
In other words people who truly give a shit.

DNF kinda fell flat on the raunchy humor. Felt like it was trying way too hard at times.

>Making Duke old like some anons said some threads back would be an awesome idea.
Believe it or not, many actually like that idea.
A Duke who way past his prime, because there hasn't been an alien invasion for like 20 years and people generally don't find him as appealing.

Duke still has the same body because lifting weights, training etc. are the only thing that makes him forget that he's part of the past.

>> No.5893707
Quoted by: >>5894803

weird that new wolfenstein's marketing tries to hard to mix both fantasy and real history nazis with modern right wingers when doom eternal's only "controversial" thing was some random joke that doesn't even feel political, but it doesn't seem to want to stir shit at christians and catholics for the inclusion of a possible antagonistic heaven and just the sanatic imagery alone
maybe it's because doom's potrayal of hell is not that close to traditional imageries but normally, i thought the christian/chatolic/etc religions were related to the political spectrum that right wingers are a part of

>> No.5893742
Quoted by: >>5893945

Yes. I think it's genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played.
They should have released Duke Nukem Forever back during 2003 at the latest, dated graphics be damned.
I mean Duke Nukem 3D wasn't the cutting edge of graphics at its time either, you had Quake, a fully software 3D game coming out around the same time, and it sure didn't stop people from buying it.

>> No.5893743
Quoted by: >>5893996

Steel is stored in the balls.
Meme Creamem.

>> No.5893745

Don’t forget Steroids.

>> No.5893752

Doors = whores

>> No.5893936
File: 996 KB, 2300x1584, THE-BEAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5893996 >>5895857

how jelly are you of this rig?

>> No.5893945
Quoted by: >>5893975

I would also rather play a quake 2 engine, hl or kingpin anachronox style fucking duke game with low poly strippers instead. If it had good levels and charm.

>> No.5893948

I do think the weapon design and enemy design is weak.

>> No.5893959
Quoted by: >>5893990 >>5894803

I think it deserves it. Duke Forever is as generic as you can get with the mid-late 00's era style of linear shooter gameplay, and put too much emphasis on the crass humour and babes, when they were only a small part of 3D.

>> No.5893975

The unreal dnf build still looks great to me, to this day.

>> No.5893976

>try to play Doom 2 again
>get tired out by M4
Why do the maps in Doom 2 feel like such a slog compared to Doom? I can replay Doom and Heretic all day but I always get exhausted playing Doom 2. Is it the general map philosophy of just having non stop action? Is it the fact that it isn't broken up into digestible episodes?

>> No.5893987
Quoted by: >>5894078

I thought the city levels would be amazing.
They're not.

>> No.5893990
Quoted by: >>5893996 >>5894040

>crass humour and babes, when they were only a small part of 3D.
that's all 3d was about

>> No.5893996

I'm here to kick ass and eat viagra and I'm all out of viagra.

That Shambler is adorable

DNF focuses more on those than gameplay.
Same with interactivity, it's still impressive but spends more time showing off that than get into action.

>> No.5894004
File: 16 KB, 246x318, FaceApp_1547286932559~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894023 >>5894454

>> No.5894023


>> No.5894027

>he specifically said he is a strict materialist.
Of course he is, the dude is quite smart after all.

>> No.5894040

>that's all 3d was about
No it wasn't. Most levels were generally joke-free outside of a movie reference here and there. And the amount of levels that focused on babes can be counted on one hand.

>> No.5894045
File: 90 KB, 680x1528, 1568943059497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894174

>> No.5894049

Not enough John Romero. Hes the only mapper where I can say I liked all of his doom 2 maps.
American McGee, I only like Underhalls and Inmost Dens
Shawn Green's Bloodfalls is mediocre compared to his E4 maps.
Sandy Petersen is very hit or miss overall

>> No.5894068

Quality overall is a bit of a mixed bag, and weak levels stack closer together usually, but I think the first 11 maps are pretty fun, and some of the best maps are in the last third.

>> No.5894078

The city levels mostly make up the weakest parts, Doom 2 has good levels, and they're mostly the base levels and some of the hell levels.

>> No.5894174
Quoted by: >>5894594

Who's the artist?
I came across that pic once and forgot who it was

>> No.5894282
Quoted by: >>5894290

Do what?

>> No.5894290

your mom

but it's gonna take FOREVER

>> No.5894352
File: 138 KB, 798x598, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5894376
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, Base Profile Screenshot 2019.09.20 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894397

It always feels like somebody's watching me.

>> No.5894397
Quoted by: >>5894407

by Azathoth, how brown!

>> No.5894407
Quoted by: >>5894412

It's underwater.

>> No.5894412

That's a suspiciously brown water
I doubt Dagon would be pleased

>> No.5894431
File: 7 KB, 106x118, CRUO_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5895731

Name me some good storyline wads to play with DoomRPG+DRLA

>> No.5894440
File: 6 KB, 170x188, ion_fury_angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894759

They finally fixed the weapon reload animation canceling glitch in IF

>> No.5894454
File: 101 KB, 480x360, romero-just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.5894484
Quoted by: >>5894496 >>5894546

Two of the likely main game-related sources of influence for "Blood" were "Spear of Destiny" and "Earthworm Jim".

>> No.5894496
File: 26 KB, 200x202, 9579086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894532


>> No.5894532
Quoted by: >>5894546

For "Heretic" (1) - "LOOM" and "Wizardry VI".

>> No.5894546

[citation needed]

>> No.5894594
File: 865 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190218-123046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5894642
Quoted by: >>5894772

that looks like the meme kid who gives the thumbs up while on a 'puter

>> No.5894647

oh shit this is the best idea I have heard in a long while maybe a wall carpet

>> No.5894650
File: 268 KB, 1274x1626, tumblr_ov87ifC0Pv1rkrwaco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5894653 >>5894815

>> No.5894653

ha HUH

>> No.5894703

Trying out DTWID. Now at E2M5. When does it become bad? So far I'm having a very good time, but I saw people here say that it sucks.

>> No.5894716

People here say a lot of things suck.
DTIWID is highly regarded as a solid wad, it starts to get worse with episode 3 but the final boss is actually a challenge.

>> No.5894759

Not entirely. You can still cancel the reload by switching to another weapon.

>> No.5894769

Doom 2 the game where the secrets are easier to find than the levels' exit

>> No.5894772
Quoted by: >>5894793

Someone out there has that Duke model stored away. Infinite possibilities.

>> No.5894793
Quoted by: >>5894807

unlikely, after almost two decades

>> No.5894803

The first part of the game after the Cyclod Emperor battle is nothing but a series of exposition trying to shove as much raunchy and dumb jokes as possible.
You get into action much later.

It happens in other games where the first part you don't kill anything but serve as build up.

Nah. I feel that the joke itself wasn't controversial at all. It's simple satirr overblown at the time it was shown.
The secret about politics in games is never trying to shove anything current in. It will be extremely outdated. Especially now where trends die in less than a month

>> No.5894807
Quoted by: >>5894823 >>5897802

You never know with workstations. People have been finding all kinds of old treasures. Stored away and never wiped.

>> No.5894812
Quoted by: >>5894825

You have a shitty sense of direction.

>> No.5894815
Quoted by: >>5894821

I can see Yoshi and the Shambler being best friends for some reason.

>> No.5894820
Quoted by: >>5894951

>When does it became good?

>> No.5894821

That's actually a fiend but yeah that would be somewhat cute.

>> No.5894823

I know from personal experience(VFX for one and a half decade) how companies treat their data safety. Let's say that it was non-existent in most studios I worked at and we often made our own backups of projects.

>> No.5894824

I think you may lack reading comprehension

>> No.5894825
Quoted by: >>5894976 >>5895273

I don't, especially with the minimap. I mostly miss switches because sometimes you need to activate things that aren't doors or switches. That was pretty rare in Doom 1. That and the levels aren't really straightforward anymore, especially the maps full of little houses to explore.

>> No.5894838
File: 137 KB, 1080x1350, 1553028719736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5895426

Whats your favorite combination of wads?

>> No.5894951

>lol fixed

>> No.5894965

I thinks it a great wad. My only problem is that some maps kinda blur together.

>> No.5894976
Quoted by: >>5895273

IMO, Doom 2's levels were generally easier to navigate compared to most Tom Hall maps from 1.

>> No.5895078
Quoted by: >>5895420

I love BloodGDX. It has everything fresh supply has, but it isn't broken to shit. I literally played some this morning because I'm on my second playthrough, this time on Well Done.

>> No.5895150

Quake sucks.

>> No.5895153
Quoted by: >>5895579

Quake > Doom

>> No.5895159
Quoted by: >>5895418

quake is objectively a game

>> No.5895269

Never, in my experience, I think DTWID and D2TWID hold up fantastically. Also check out DTWID Lost Episodes.

>> No.5895273
Quoted by: >>5895280

I bet you get lost inside a gas station.

>because sometimes you need to activate things that aren't doors or switches
I can only think of one instance when Doom 2 does this, Map 28.

I think those maps are pretty straightforward an easy to navigate.

>> No.5895280
Quoted by: >>5895360

In any case the level design is really different from doom 1 and it's not an improvement. I had less troubles in Doom 1's labyrinth levels, in fact. It's not a matter of being lost, but critical switches and paths being much more hidden.

>> No.5895360

>the level design is really different from doom 1 and it's not an improvement
It's different sure, but I wouldn't say it's all a downgrade.

>but critical switches and paths being much more hidden
Like which?

>> No.5895406
Quoted by: >>5895432

>nightmare imps/spectres get their names from the fact they represent nightmare difficulty speed in non nightmare modes

>> No.5895418

hang this man

>> No.5895420

Just realized weapon animations in gdx are at lower frame rate than in fresh supply.

>> No.5895424
Quoted by: >>5895443

DTWID and its sequels are typical "anon tries to understand how the big guys do it" mapsets. They try hard, but eventually their "work" is just a weak parody of the original.

>> No.5895426

Choose a different pic next time
Cats are no longer attractive to 4chan

>> No.5895430

>Cubemap support
Is this guy crazy or what

>> No.5895432

but nightmare specters go just as fast as any other demon?

>> No.5895443
Quoted by: >>5896486

Didn't you get laughed out the last time you said this?

>> No.5895461 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 300x180, 1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopping around nonchalantly in the mech
>somebody fucking headshot snipes me mid-air in one of the smaller repeated 'hops'
accuracy of the gods

>> No.5895463
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190918_150723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5895502

Are there any maps that use animated skies like in a few of PSX doom's hell maps? It's really atmospheric.

>> No.5895502
File: 994 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Chex_20190920_223746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chex Quest 3 uses it pretty well.

>> No.5895547
File: 766 KB, 1920x1080, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>die 3 quarters of the way through a slaughterfest sandwiched between a million gorilla retards because the only weapons you have that deal decent damage are all explosive

10/10 music
10/10 visuals
5/10 gameplay

>> No.5895557

Get the damage up and just position yourself so it blows you back toward a vent.

>> No.5895578

i wish i was sandwiched between shelly, ha ha

>> No.5895579
Quoted by: >>5895582

Apples and Oranges

>> No.5895581


>> No.5895582
Quoted by: >>5895759

rivets and nails

>> No.5895667
File: 48 KB, 422x422, 1448664613425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5895709

for some reason the end cutscene for Infermo isnt playing, does anybody know why?

>> No.5895686
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x2712, Screenshot_20190920-232145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nay y'all niggas wanna buy a stone slab?

>> No.5895709
Quoted by: >>5895728

What source port? What version (if a release, try a devbuild and vice versa)? Are you using mods? Are you making a mod?

>> No.5895725

Looks neat,Doom 3 did something like that as an Easter egg
Be sure to charge that phone,anon

>> No.5895726

CHex Quest but it got a port to the N64!

>> No.5895728
Quoted by: >>5895757

lzdoom/gzdoom vintage, sorry I didnt say first

>> No.5895730

Any monster sound mods for Hideous destructor? Most don't seems to work
I'd like doom 3 type monster sounds

>> No.5895731


>> No.5895738
Quoted by: >>5895779 >>5895781

Good to see the Flinstones can now play Doom.

>> No.5895741
Quoted by: >>5895757

Hey, when did LZdoom get released, and what happened to QZDoom?

>> No.5895757
Quoted by: >>5895771

Hm, release download works for me, but the devbuild just resets the map after the text screen. Make a bug report post on the forums, I guess.
QZDoom was integrated into GZDoom, you can now choose between hardware, original software, true color software, softpoly (like polymost) and true color polymost renderers, with varying degrees of feature completeness like models and dynamic lights. LZDoom is based on an older fork of GZDoom for Albanian computers. No idea about the timeframe of this.

>> No.5895759

Shamblers and Viles.

>> No.5895771
Quoted by: >>5895791

>Hm, release download works for me, but the devbuild just resets the map after the text screen. Make a bug report post on the forums, I guess.
yeah I'm using the dev release, where exactly do I make the bug report, here?

>> No.5895770

>retro stone slab
I'll say. What's the idea here? It's a slab of stone, which they painted the original cover on? Why get this over a framed poster?

>> No.5895779
Quoted by: >>5895886


>> No.5895781
Quoted by: >>5895794 >>5895797

>the SSG is replaced with a tiny pterodactyl with really violent acid reflux
>shoots out in several pellets that buns its victims to death
>as Fred loads two more shots in its ass it says "Eh, it's a livin'."

>> No.5895791

Make a new topic here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=334
Mention the devbuild version and that it works in the release.

>> No.5895794

Sounds good to me.

>> No.5895797

it's probably a bit late to make a straightfoward mod based on flintstones and most people expect siivagunner references from it

>> No.5895857
Quoted by: >>5896278

Seeing that I just realized that now we have supercomputers from back then in our houses

>> No.5895886

They're the Hellstones
From the
Town of Dis

>> No.5896001
File: 5 KB, 370x550, BULL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw shelly gangrape

>> No.5896153
File: 89 KB, 358x285, 1456341315850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5896278
Quoted by: >>5896289

Pretty sure super computers from back then fit in our phones.

>> No.5896289
Quoted by: >>5896293

I can fit my phone in your mom


>> No.5896291
Quoted by: >>5896302

What actually is a wad.

>> No.5896293

you still use a razor?

>> No.5896302
Quoted by: >>5896304 >>5896310

it's basically just a bunch of files grouped up into one file thats got some data at the beginning listing what files and how big and such are in it

>> No.5896304

So basically it's a bunch of Data?

Well, Where is All of it?

>> No.5896310

So just a pack that activates the files inside counts as a wad?

>> No.5896356

D4V with Chocolate Doom looks pretty good.

>> No.5896363
File: 1.51 MB, 780x1168, 76GBadd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896365
File: 219 KB, 1600x900, 20190920144906_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ion Bow actually fucks. You can one-shot those guys with the half charge or mow down a handful with the full charge.

>> No.5896367

>champions ranger

>> No.5896381

>name on every picture
That's not gonna work

>> No.5896390
Quoted by: >>5896471

everytime its nuwang wtf. did all of these artists get together and agree to not draw the classic lo wang in these group pictures.

>> No.5896394

is caleb drinking milk?

>> No.5896406

Never played an FPS before and I wanna make Doom my first. Don't like using mouse. Can someone suggest a good key binding layout?

>> No.5896413

Replayability: Nah/10
Feels bad, man.

>> No.5896416

git gud

>> No.5896417

>never played an FPS before
>don't like using mouse
ok have fun making it far more tedious than it needs to be
the default keybinds in the DOS version work fine without a mouse

>> No.5896420

W for up, S for down, A to strafe left, D to strafe right
arrow keys for looking around
shift to shoot
space to interact

>> No.5896449

Quake might be the closest thing to a perfect game that I've ever played. It's like a 9.9/10

>> No.5896451
Quoted by: >>5896837

Too many gimmicky funhouse-esque levels

>> No.5896459
Quoted by: >>5896467

Are Spawns the missing 0.1?

>> No.5896467
Quoted by: >>5896837

No, it's the "bosses". I never had too much trouble with Spawns, outside of that one maze level with far too many of them.

>> No.5896471
File: 351 KB, 1280x871, 1558653552911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not like the old lo wang had buck teeth and glasses or anything, i dont get what the issue is

>> No.5896476
File: 352 KB, 256x256, 1517971603328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896484 >>5896487

You always see people praise Ion Fury's level design. Now im not gonna say its bad. Its actually universally good. But is it really GREAT? The texturing, detailing, & effects are certainly better than any original Build game. But if you actually compare the level layouts, Ion Fury is just okay. It never reaches the heights of levels like The Overlooked Hotel. Most levels are actually pretty linear and straight-forward. And the seamless levels / hub system seems really underused, you literally only ever have to revisit a level once.

>> No.5896484

to me the only flaw is Sandy's levels. Fuck that guy.
Everyone knows what you're trying to do. You won't change anyone's opinions..

>> No.5896486
Quoted by: >>5896506 >>5896842

Who cares what basement dwellers who know shit about video game design and live in their ivory towers laugh at?

>> No.5896487

IMO, Iron Fury can be a bit overdetailed at times.

>> No.5896493
Quoted by: >>5896495 >>5896496

Sandy's levels were the most interesting out of Quake, in my eyes. If they didnt have the spawns, I'd actually call E4 my favourite.

>> No.5896495
Quoted by: >>5896512

To me they're ugly, confusing, and uninspired. Just a series of long hallways, corridors, and weird ass ugly rooms. I know he was aiming for something much more 'abstract' but, damn, it was executed so badly. I got no problem with Spawns though.

>> No.5896496

t. Sandy Petersen

>> No.5896497
Quoted by: >>5896524

>to me the only flaw is Sandy's levels. Fuck that guy.
The fuck is wrong with you? Sandy's levels are great. He was the only dev who actually expected the player to be more skilled than a blind mole rat and the only one whose levels were designed and placed in a specific order instead of all being made and tested from a shotgun start and placed willy-nilly. Loads of cool set-pieces, too.

>> No.5896506

>who know shit about video game design and live in their ivory towers
Are you projecting?

>> No.5896512

That describes pretty much all of Tim Willits levels, IMO.

>> No.5896513
Quoted by: >>5896551

Shit on Sandy's levels all you want, but you can't deny that the fake pool in Tower of Despair got you good

>> No.5896521

Theres no conspiracy m8, just voicing my opinion. I feel the general public's view on the level design is colored more by the visuals and scale than the actual layout.

>> No.5896524

Massive, braindead hallways with nearly no incentive for dynamic movement sure require a lot of skill, mate. Can dodge all enemy attacks really easily. Episode 4 is only difficult when Sandy Shiterson spams Spawns and Shamblers with no cover.

>> No.5896551
Quoted by: >>5896556

It would get you better if Romero hadn't liked it so much that he made it the entrance to episode 4 in the start map, ruining the surprise.

>> No.5896556

damn, good point

>> No.5896691
File: 650 KB, 1200x1500, 1567412159182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896774

Hello, new quakeworld player here.

Does anyone know how to make my LG beam a straight line? Not fakeshaft (LG on crosshair), but the actual texture of the beam itself. The lightning sperging around is fucking ugly and distracting and I'd like something like one of the vq3 options which just looked like a straight laserbeam.

>> No.5896702

>most opinions I've found ranged from "it's okay" to "it's fucking amazing"

Were you looking at newsgroup posts from 1997 or something

>> No.5896763

I like two out of two but TNT has that atmosphere that gets me going and fills me with nostalgia. It's _______comfy.

>> No.5896767

Which maps/mappers are the closest to Romero's E4/E5 style?

>> No.5896774
Quoted by: >>5897736

It's a lightning gun, not a laser gun. Are you sure you're playing the right game? I'd learn movement and map control if I were you.

>> No.5896795
File: 85 KB, 1018x784, id_ranger_by_johnmueller-d8i8oj6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5897224

I was listening to certain Nine Inch Nails songs in movies and found this.
Is it me or are those Ranger's HUH around 1:48?

>> No.5896816
File: 637 KB, 693x693, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Into the trash

>> No.5896820
Quoted by: >>5896832 >>5896839

What is this user agreement shit in hideous destructor? I can't use my rifle??
this is taking realism a bit too far

>> No.5896827

Honestly you want a gamepad.

>> No.5896831
File: 45 KB, 400x264, 1526856756830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896853

I'm loving the story Marathon has going for it, especially with Durandal, but I don't think I can handle its clunky gameplay or level design much longer. Does 2 improve on it or am I better just skipping it all?

>> No.5896832
Quoted by: >>5896845

from what i gather, unsealed mags mess up the guns ammo counter
enjoy your space-age piece-of-shit

>> No.5896837

I agree. It really is phenomenal, particularly for being such a rushed compromise that left everyone with a bitter taste in their mouth at the time.

Those are the best parts of Doom 2.

I agree, the only thing that Quake really needed was some more proper bossfights.

>> No.5896838
Quoted by: >>5896859 >>5896875

isn't nu-ranger just old-ranger with a two tone helmet?

>> No.5896839
Quoted by: >>5896845

It's a joke, essentially, how in a dystopian future even a gun might have invasive bullshit DRM.
To get rid of the problem, throw your current ZM66 away next time you find one, and then try to stick to magazines which visibly show a red seal on top.

Optionally, go find a Vulcanette, it doesn't give a fuck about DRM or anything, or the condition of the magazines, and gladly just eats and spits out dud cartridges. It's heavy, though.

>> No.5896840

Fuck you, Sandy's great.

>> No.5896842


>> No.5896845

I see it now, thanks

>> No.5896846
Quoted by: >>5896875

I like the new Lo Wang better.

>> No.5896853
Quoted by: >>5897176

2 and 3 are a big Improvement.
Less claustrophobic and better pace

>> No.5896859
File: 963 KB, 480x480, 63f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896875

I prefer Nu-Wang design. Much more recognizable.
Old Wang is like a stereotypical old Martial Artist.
I still prefer old Wang personality.

What's wrong with Nu-Ranger? He's still the same guy and overall design is still good.

Yes.His Gladiator armor looks closer yo the classic one in terms of tone.

>> No.5896869
File: 1.03 MB, 320x180, Auipi77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read discussions about Doom Twitter in previous threads
>Fans being r/Doom levels of bad
>I don't believe it
>Decide to go in there
>Holy Fuck it's true
>It is even worse than I thought

>> No.5896872

/v/ is way over there, man. Wrong door.

>> No.5896875


Typical /vr/etards

>> No.5896876
Quoted by: >>5896968

It's really quite atrocious.

>> No.5896880
Quoted by: >>5896896

You sound fat.

>> No.5896881
File: 236 KB, 2152x1181, EE-t5scWkAAXJKB.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896895


>> No.5896889
File: 147 KB, 584x482, tumblr_inline_p86y2xcDhO1vnabws_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896929

If I a new Quake game comes out I really wish they put more Lovecraftian Gods.
Which one would you pick?

>> No.5896892
File: 102 KB, 969x739, IMG_20190409_190001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896896

You seem to really dislike it when someone has a different simple opinion than you, anon.

>> No.5896895
File: 261 KB, 985x1080, IMG_-6wgmzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty atmospheric. I like it.
Maybe there's way too much Bloom but good

>> No.5896896
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1567026240204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5896947

Stay ass mad you little pleb

>> No.5896906
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 1455211833442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896929
Quoted by: >>5896947

Todd Howard

>> No.5896947
File: 753 KB, 388x200, dcpsd24-7a764c7b-ecae-48c8-b4c8-de01e9160051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He lies about his powers.

>> No.5896968

what is "r/doom levels of bad"

>> No.5896980 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 200x200, 87K3Yb2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it might sound like the usual "Reddit bad" but bear with me:
-Imagine posts with latest memes and jokes with Doom shoved in
-Imagine the contrarians you might find here and other boards but worse
-Imagine an almost complete lack nof interest for the modding scene
-Imagine a legion of people who can't do the easiest setup for a source port or launch a mod
-Imagine people following a thing because it's popular and not because they're genuinely into it. In order to get points and followers.

That's how bad it is

>> No.5896982
File: 32 KB, 301x379, IMG_-1d4zb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it might sound like the usual "Reddit bad" but here you go:
-Imagine posts with latest memes and jokes with Doom shoved in
-Imagine seeing said joke regarding a certain aspect of said game over and over again
-Imagine the contrarians you might find here and other boards but worse
-Imagine an almost complete lack nof interest for the modding scene
-Imagine a legion of people who can't do the easiest setup for a source port or launch a mod
-Imagine people following a thing because it's popular and not because they're genuinely into it. In order to get points and followers.

That's how bad it

>> No.5896983
File: 524 KB, 1899x579, CyberdemonS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5896987

Damn, that's silly. I love it.

>> No.5896990
Quoted by: >>5896994

What's a reasonable and fair Hideous destructor difficulty? I didn't die once so far on Homely, feels like the health regenerate all by itself

>> No.5896994
Quoted by: >>5897030

Depends on the map. Try one without any potions.

>> No.5897001

>several dozens of posts of "Hey Bethesda, you should include Brutal Doom in the Switch port!" (in their defense, these people usually do play different mapsets and stuff and look for the gameplay they like)
>"Hey, hey, have you guys heard of H-DOOM?!! lololol!"
>endless parroting and reposting of the same memes over and over
>nobody EVER talks about playing the game, nobody talks about their favorite mapsets, nobody even talks about what they like about the base game

I mean granted you can't have very deep conversations with Twitter's faggot character limit, but the place really is a desolate wasteland for any good discussion on Doom.

>> No.5897013
Quoted by: >>5897069

>almost complete lack of interest for the modding scene
> bd
> hdoom
>nobody EVER talks about playing the game

i see
my morbid curiosity has been sated

>> No.5897030
Quoted by: >>5897067

I'm just trying to beat doom 1

>> No.5897046

To add to that: anything that is not flavour-of-the-week trend/popular enough is sinking into obscurity never to be seen or found
which is the main problem with reddit - it's a platform designed for people who follow trends, decided by a majority vote

>> No.5897060

You can't have a discussion on Twitter.
>character limit

Not a great place at all.

>> No.5897067

Well at least try Grotesque or Hideous. Homely doesn't give the same kicks.

>> No.5897069
File: 453 KB, 680x503, a8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I don't understand what's the big deal HDOOM honestly.
We get it, is a mod where you fuck demon anime girls.
The animations are smooth and well done but that's it.
The mod gimmick gets old really fast. Isn't the worst thing in the world and far from being a great.
Also the creator completely dropped it so is done.
In fact I even forget I follow him on Twitter. He has some cool pixel art to show off and genuinely chill dude but he loves to kiss ass to the artists he follows.

Doom_txt brings something cool sometimes but is not what it used to be anymore.
At least it remains humble and didn't have a meltdown like current gimmick accounts and Quake_txt, that has an hate boner for Dusk.
(I don't care about that game I'm there for Quakeposting)

Me and anon we just scratched the surface.
You have legitimately amazing Doom art that gets overshadowed by "meme artowrks" and other garbage like that.
There was art shipping Doomguy and Samus Aran which was cute and funny at first but then they got obsessive about it,same for the lewd stuff.
It is 90% trash.
Maybe except the Cookie Demon who's kinda cute and with that design I can dissociate her with Doom

So yeah,if you're into this kind of stuff and want to find a reason to despise it. That's the place for you.

>> No.5897089
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>> No.5897103

I like to think this is the result of the Doom community still having many active long-standing forums, like Doomworld and ZDoom forums, for discussing the classic games and modding.

>> No.5897134
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>> No.5897176
Quoted by: >>5897186

I'm on Level 16. Is it worth playing through the rest of 1?

>> No.5897185
Quoted by: >>5897192

what's that short doom mod where you shoot some ovaries and then a fetus kills you?

>> No.5897186
Quoted by: >>5897206

Are you having fun? If not then it gets little better through the end.

>> No.5897192
Quoted by: >>5897459

Rootpain? Believe there was a parody called Buttpain as well.

>> No.5897202
Quoted by: >>5897208 >>5898539

Is Memento Mori (and Memento Mori 2) still worth playing in its own right? (ie not just for historical appreciation)

>> No.5897206

Eehhh. I got burned out after an hour last time I started it up. I'll try it again in a bit to see, maybe lower it from Major Damage just so I can breeze through a bit quicker.

>> No.5897208

Kinda, yeah. MM2 is MUCH better though, there really is some crap levels in the first one.

>> No.5897213
Quoted by: >>5897228 >>5897234

Who is the main protagonist in ROTT?

>> No.5897215
Quoted by: >>5897225

Source? Been on a lookout for good wads to play Naku-Naru with.

>> No.5897216
Quoted by: >>5897221

wow, I forgot how pretty 2013 shadow warrior was, even in GZDoom it looks good.

>> No.5897221

I never played shadow warrior but wait, you can play it in gzdoom?

>> No.5897224


>> No.5897225


>> No.5897228

Nobody and everybody, the team members are interchangeable in that sense.

>> No.5897234

You are

>> No.5897280


>> No.5897292

I'm usually not a fan of custom monsters but I do like the goat Cyberdemon.

>> No.5897327
File: 15 KB, 183x239, 1528712810473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5897351

Those look pretty terrible.

>> No.5897354


>> No.5897391
Quoted by: >>5898102

Sandy's levels are the best in the game, even with the Spawns

>> No.5897423

Blood is the best build game and if you disagree, fuck you.

>> No.5897424
Quoted by: >>5897429

Why would you even think that somehow you could play a full 3D game, ported to GZDoom? Are you out of your mind? Look at the post I originally commented on:
That's just the opening area REMADE in GZDoom. 2013 shadow warrior was made on a completely different, far more advanced engine. There's no way in hell you could port that entire game to GZDoom.

>> No.5897429
Quoted by: >>5897434

GZDoom is now a fully 3D engine you know
even if you have to fuck around to get 3D shapes working, you can.

>> No.5897434
Quoted by: >>5897465

It still uses sectors, nodes, and linedefs, like always.

>> No.5897459


>> No.5897465

GZDoom transforms them into fully 3D environment on loading, which is why BSP manipulation trics linguica discovered do not work on it.

>> No.5897516
Quoted by: >>5898940

/v/ doom fans are funny because it's pretty much entry tier shit from r/doom but with contrarianism or edge instead of actual insight or care
there's being a secondary, then there's elitist secondaries
what a fucking combo

>> No.5897651
Quoted by: >>5898009

Most of r/Doom's problems is just typical Reddit shit combined with Doom becoming relevant again but what is kind of weird is, even though these people are more casual/surface level fans, they act like they're more devoted to Doom as a brand, hence the "polite" attitudes and the Slayers Club promo posts that feel like they're bot generated.
I can see another reason being that despite its flaws, Doom fans were kind of special.
I mean, the source ports, mods, maps, expirimentations with the games, bringing Doom 64 to pc, how people documented stuff and preserved it, the switch from Wikia to the new wiki platform, how some of its inside jokes and memes even somewhat affected Doom's popularity...
For better or worse, the fans seemed like they had some major influence on the series, as if they owned it or at least were the ones giving it life when the series was dormant with Doom 4 in development hell and other games defining FPS.
You look at what makes the Doom fanbase/community interesting and you can see why "Redditor who replies to twitter Doom's tweets with stale, stolen memes" shouldn't be seen as a definitive Doom fan.
None of these people would have thought of making a source port to keep their games alive or even their own usermade maps.

>> No.5897696
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190921_163313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZScript is pretty fun.

>> No.5897713

Why is nash gore so bad?

>> No.5897718

>have set up and know how to use editors for doom, quake, and hl
>absolutely zero ideas whatsoever
how do i make myself have an imagination

>> No.5897725
Quoted by: >>5897734 >>5897756

Literally just came here to bitch about it.

Why do people love it so?

>> No.5897726

Get a lot of sleep 6/7 nights and stay up late the final night.

>> No.5897727


>> No.5897734
Quoted by: >>5897968

No idea. I hate the blood sound when it hit the ground in particular, and some corpse are so bad I almost think it's a bug.
Like unironically brutal doom had better looking gore for a long time already, not to mention project brutality, except they started migrating to Nash Gore too, and it's really disappointing
I'm just forced to using nash gore with Hideous Destructor right now and it's just bad. Maybe no gore mod at all would be better at this point

>> No.5897736
Quoted by: >>5897743

>I'd learn movement and map control if I were you.

my movement is fine and control is getting there, the real issue is my shit aim

>> No.5897743
Quoted by: >>5897748

my bowel movement is fine. *takes a huge shit in your mouth*

>> No.5897748


>> No.5897753

Just start blocking in random room shapes in the 2d view, don't even think about what you're going to do in them yet, just start laying down shapes. Then go into those shapes and design each room one at a time. Then find interesting ways to connect them together. And don't let yourself get married to any one idea, allow yourself switch up what you're doing as you go along. Finally, remember to put in room windows that allow you to see into other rooms as a final touch, it really adds perceived complexity to your level.

I can repost some lessons from Romero if you want.

>> No.5897756

I like it, the classic one. I prefer the pixely low res look of it to the newer gore effects people do, which look abjectly out of place with all the other sprites.

>> No.5897767

Think about a few maps that you like, and then consider why you actually like those maps, and consider doing something that's a little bit like that.
Don't copy it straight, but like imitate the base ideas. Be upfront about your inspirations too, btw.

>> No.5897795
Quoted by: >>5897825 >>5897841

> figured out how to get my genesis bsp engine running significantly faster
> tfw can't find the motivation to work on it lately

>> No.5897802
File: 330 KB, 1152x1536, 0cf4260a41984b56a7836236221217a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People have been finding all kinds of old treasures.

>> No.5897825
Quoted by: >>5899768

Oh, you're still tinkering on that? I thought you had given up, nice to see you still have some steam.

>> No.5897837

imagine being one of the fags who was seething over that thing

>> No.5897838
File: 48 KB, 620x316, 1378788281134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5897841
Quoted by: >>5899768

Oh dude. Post webm. I was wondering where you went. Archive that shit on a cheap blog or something.
Was super interesting.

>> No.5897860
File: 531 KB, 2518x1024, 1569102719765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheer comedy

>> No.5897867
Quoted by: >>5897901

Damn, he does a good HUUH

>> No.5897901


>> No.5897910
Quoted by: >>5897931

Shit Ion Fury is so fucking bland. It reminds me of liking a pretty girl but knowing inside she is a complete utter vapid boring shit to talk to.

>> No.5897931
Quoted by: >>5897936 >>5897963

Still better than Fate, NAM, Extreme Paintbrawl, Witchraven 1 and Witchraven 2, and maybe also TekWar.

>> No.5897936

Its better than tekwar. Great.

>> No.5897939
Quoted by: >>5898554 >>5898646

What's a good completely vanilla megawad? I wanna load one up in freedoom and study texture differences/similarities

>> No.5897963

>it's better than shovelware so it's good

>> No.5897968
Quoted by: >>5897986

Droplets is good with hideous destructor, the blood mist in particular is quite nice.

>> No.5897986
Quoted by: >>5898026

>Homely is too easy
>ugly is too hard
Damn you Hideous. The constant bleeding is a bit too much and I feel like some zombies just manage to shoot you instantly sometimes, what's the trick?

Thanks, I'll try that

>> No.5898009
File: 1.27 MB, 381x319, 54d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a combination of social media and brand legacy.
When I got back in Doom I was so excited to discover the wads and mods by the fanbase and the history behind them.
I admit that even I was obsessed with making Doom memes and shit for a while but it got boring.
On places like r/doom and Twitter you will get people who make content for it not because they legitimately love it but because is popular,it's the hottest shit at the moment.
Let's hypothesize Doom Eternal turn out to be a disappointment,these people will most likely move to something else because is simply "not cool" anymore, proving they're a bunch of posers.

>> No.5898020
File: 889 KB, 400x300, 1481549675_5465546565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898042

>> No.5898026
Quoted by: >>5898043

the trick is playing the stable release for now, because matt just overhauled how bullets inflict damage and hasn't gotten around to adjusting player survivability to compensate

>> No.5898040
Quoted by: >>5898045 >>5898096

Fucked up part about Eternal flopping is people misunderstanding why it would flop, so they'll tell you it's about the HUD or cartoonish designs but overlook actual gameplay flaws or bugs.
They'll always forget the "Why".
But at least OG Doom mods based off Eternal will be good.

>> No.5898042
File: 1.92 MB, 420x252, tumblr_na2ydqH0Qn1s3uawvo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5898043
File: 2 KB, 79x20, 1548032156393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898081

I'm pretty sure I'm playing the stable release
I hope the game isn't entirely about bandaging yourself for 20 seconds each time you get unavoidably shot in 0.05 sec by hitscanners.

>> No.5898045
Quoted by: >>5898047

That’s only if Eternal flops though.

>> No.5898047

I know, i was thinking about the IF scenario too.

>> No.5898081
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, stop getting hit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898090

oh, okay
are you wearing armor? it'll stop most bleeding from gunfire, though there's still a small chance for any given shot to bypass it and really mess you up
zombies are also pretty stupid as long as you don't just stand still and wait for them to shoot at you
you can dodge their shots on reaction and literally run circles around them
use a medikit to patch wounds properly, bandaging is for emergencies only

>> No.5898090
Quoted by: >>5898152

I'll keep trying, thanks. Still I've been shot immediately while carefully leaning on multiple occasions.. but that may be due to a bug with an ai mod I have, now that I think about it.

>> No.5898096
Quoted by: >>5898191 >>5898489

Yeah and honestly I don't want that they ignore the criticism with "go back to Fortnite" or shit like that.
I want Eternal to be good even with its red flags, I want Doom to be a big franchise again.
I want a fanbase of people who are truly passionate about it and not driven by attention seekers.

Eternal mods will be awesome, I fell in love with D4T.

>> No.5898102

said no one ever

>> No.5898110

>I admit that even I was obsessed with making Doom memes and shit for a while but it got boring.
Memes are all well and good as long as you do other things.

>> No.5898152
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, six shots.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898236

despite appearances, movement is still very important in a fight, because while the bullets are hitscan or close enough, enemy aim doesn't perfectly track the player like in vanilla
leaning also doesn't work the way it would appear, because you can't tilt hitboxes in gzdoom (or couldn't as of the stable release)
your hitbox is simply moved over entirely and your camera is all that's tilted, it's not really ever better to lean around a corner than it is to walk around it upright

>> No.5898191

>Eternal mods will be awesome, I fell in love with D4T.
I guess that's what's interesting about these sorts of mods, you could hate the games they're based off or how they associate with Doom but you'll still like some of these ideas.
A perfect Doom game would be later games' ideas in the "base" of classic Doom, so you can alternative fires, bosses with more attacks and maybe some of the advanced movement but without the arena lockdowns being used too much or the weird rpg grindyness.

>> No.5898236

Interesting, thanks, they better update then

>> No.5898390
Quoted by: >>5898404

Lunatic Fringe in Duke Nukem 3D is confusing the shit out of me, and I'm pretty sure for the wrong reason. I killed every enemy on the map, and there's nothing else. The center of the level has a glowing wall that LOOKS like a switch, and which a walkthrough I checked every says IS a switch, but I cannot use it at all. Is there a bug in DN3D that doesn't let you use switches or am I just extremely retarded?

>> No.5898404

I'm just really retarded and the thing I thought was a switch wasn't a switch at all. It's my fault for not using the night vision goggles to see the actual switch.

>> No.5898489
Quoted by: >>5898943

Which version of D4T is the best? The original, Crucible or Crucible: SE?

>> No.5898539

The best maps of MM1 are definitely worth playing. But its also similar to TNT in that it has a fair few duds (map12 and 25 are especially bad).

MM2 is much more consistently well designed. There's only one map I'd call outright bad (map20).

>> No.5898554

dtwid and d2twid.
They're 100% vanilla compatible, and Outside of d2twid's secret levels, use only stock textures.

>> No.5898646
File: 30 KB, 367x771, doomwarudo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898797

A good list was in a recent Doomworld thread

>> No.5898707
Quoted by: >>5898752

>That minimap
Please give me a link senpai, I want it now

>> No.5898752

IIRC the minimap was made by the DoomShock guy and he never finished it (it does not show doors, door colors and some other things).
He havent posted here in a while.
I'm sure damn hope he or someone else can finish the minimap and healthbar mods of his.
Here's the link to the map mod. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=64867

>> No.5898797
Quoted by: >>5898841

>there are more notable vanilla compatible megawads in the 2010s than there were in the 2000s

>> No.5898841
Quoted by: >>5898975

In 2000's rarely anynobody saw the point of NOT going for Boom compatibility.

>> No.5898895
File: 121 KB, 700x1200, dnf-holsom-twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898961 >>5899043

DNF was already dated when it was released, most of the jokes that weren't hastily rewritten by gearbox just fall flat or go by unnoticed because they reference stuff no one even remembers like the Olsen twins. Then the new jokes are somehow even worse.
Referential humor is always bottom of the barrel but Duke 3D at least put it in a context where it was amusing little gags found by the player, not a set piece where they make a joke about Halo's armor after the series at that point had officially ended.

>> No.5898901
File: 288 KB, 1024x768, Char_DNF_BossHog04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5898961

>The 2000s was a series of engine innovations.
desperately trying to catch up with the competition and breaking the game with each update is not what I'd call 'innovation'

>> No.5898905

ah yes because enemies constantly falling off ledges was a feature

>> No.5898916
Quoted by: >>5898961 >>5899859

how did doom_txt get taken over by bethesda?
it is clearly not the same people any more and just shills their products

>> No.5898940

pretty much like every community about anything in this universe

>> No.5898943


It works with modern GZdoom versions and adds some extra features too and removes the bad ones.
Like Crucible had that horrible camera shake whenever you get hit. In SE is gone.

New sprites for the Cyberdemon and Mastermind, ledge grabbing and better glow effect for a glory kill.

>> No.5898961
File: 221 KB, 1200x1018, DGTE2flVYAA1SHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By innovation I guess it means like graphical improvements and features like physics and bigger environments. In terms of functionality that's a different can of worms.

I'm convinced that the devs had no idea what made Duke3D good in terms of humor.
DNF humor was right in your face and felt incredibly forced to the point of being obnoxious, even the raunchy stuff and innuendos.
And about that Halo reference, it was really hypocritical as well. DNF took heavy inspiration from Halo in terms of mechanics.

Let's not forget the whiplash in terms of tone, the fucking Hive level was the worst part of the game.

Something I noticed too. Feels odd because there's already Bethesda and Doom accounts for that.
Even other content got more stale and overall less about quotes and modding.
Hope they won't have a mental breakdown or seeking for clout like most gimmick accounts on that Hellsite.

>> No.5898975

ZDoom mapping was even bigger during the 2000's.

>> No.5898998

That's funny.
I wouldn't have praised Overlooked Hotel though.

>> No.5899043
Quoted by: >>5899056

>they make a joke about Halo's armor
>"Power armor is for pussies"
>dies really easily to anything and has regenerating health

>> No.5899056

Not just that but regenerating health encourages you to take cover more,which is what a pussy would do because DNF has no hitscanners.
The only times you need to do it in Duke3D is when you fight Battlelords.

>> No.5899061

>DNF humor was right in your face and felt incredibly forced to the point of being obnoxious
I bet that's Gearbox's fault.
They turned the subdued semi-serious dark humour of BDL 1 into lolrandumb memefest that is BDL2. And the "critics" loved it to bits obviously.
I wouldn't put it behind them to purposefully inject their "jokes" into the script.

>> No.5899184
File: 2.77 MB, 2771x2225, 1460424728960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5899203 >>5899957

>See anons here comparing DNF to Duke3D
>DNF is getting slaughtered in every aspect
>I think it wasn't that bad
>Remembers the Hive level

Good god, that map was horrible and just tasteless.
In Duke3D it wasn't that bad when you saw the babes begging you to kill them, especially with the low poly graphics and the "horror" ended there.
But the Hive takes it to a whole new level and is just not funny at all.
Doesn't help that Duke goes out of character and comes off as an asshole.
What were they thinking?

>> No.5899203
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1473783129017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5899223

Wasn't the hive meant to be taken seriously, more or less? The whole point of Duke 3D and Forever was that the aliens wanted to take the women of Earth and breed with them. I only ever saw walkthroughs of Forever but I got the idea that it was supposed to be more "scary" than funny.

>> No.5899223
Quoted by: >>5899237

The girls go "help us Duke, abort the kids, we dont wanna become fat" before exploding.
30 seconds later Duke slaps the wall mounted triple tits, goes "Huehehe", and gets an ego boost (HP upgrade) from that.
DNF doesen't know what it wants to be so it tries to be everything at ones, and comes off as a deformed monstrocity.

>> No.5899237

Even then, that's just an admittedly bad joke in one section of the game. I meant that the hive conceptually was meant to be taken seriously. But yeah that segment with the girls could've been done much better, goes against the whole point of the hive in retrospect.

>> No.5899264

hi tehmiz.

>> No.5899292
File: 777 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190921_021523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5899321

I like it when combined with universal gibs
nothing is worse to me than the fucking hi-res blood splatters of brutal/bolognese.

>> No.5899312
File: 785 KB, 814x659, 1541979225937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5899324

Anon that looks fuckin awesome! Your fundies are on point and your style adds unpresidented levels of charm

>> No.5899321
File: 650 KB, 1920x1080, 1549341413294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5899365

64 maps + HD is super atmospheric

Doesn't it already gib?

>> No.5899324
Quoted by: >>5899338

he didn't make it

>> No.5899338

Still look cool though

>> No.5899365
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190429_234854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5899621

>Doesn't it already gib?
It does, yeah, but not in a dramatic enough way for my tastes, so I threw universal gibs in with it for nice pretty framerate destroying gore explosions whenever i launch a rocket into a group of imps. Also, it adds more variety to the gibs that end up on the ground, so it doesn't end up looking like that ancient aliens screenshot.
Also, which HD weapon textures are those?

>> No.5899370

Game felt like it had no effort or just bad designers.

I would not mind a dark tone in the hive I dont give fuck, but even the girls models were absolute trash.

>> No.5899418
Quoted by: >>5899424 >>5899687

How much does Final Doomer+ fuck with balance? I just finished Doom 2, I'm not exactly bored by the weapon kit but I'd like to mix it up

>> No.5899424
Quoted by: >>5899487

the original two (plutonia and TNT) are closer to vanilla balance than the later ones - one of the later ones has pistols that put out damage on par with the chaingun, a shotgun that can put out 300 damage in half a second, and a fucking nuke launcher for a BFG - but even then they're noticeably more powerful than vanilla

>> No.5899487

Thanks. I guess I'll play through Plutonia and TNT with em, I just need to mix it up a lil

>> No.5899621

Oh nice
>which HD weapon textures
It's just the first one from here

>> No.5899687
Quoted by: >>5899708 >>5899745

Is there an enemies and gore only version of Smooth Doom? >>5899418 here, and I wanna use it with Final Doomer

>> No.5899708
Quoted by: >>5899720

Wouldn't using Final Doomer on top of it simply override the smooth weapons?

>> No.5899720

Placing it in front or behind Final Doomer seems to wipe all the Final Doomer options out. I guess I'll have to just unpack and edit the weapon elements out of the .pk3?

>> No.5899745

You can make it yourself by deleting the weapons code from smooth doom.

>> No.5899768

mostly i just saw that amiga engine a guy made and starting thinking about it again, if an amiga 500 can do it, a genesis probably can too.


no updates yet, a blog is a good idea if i start again
it's probably gonna be a from scratch rewrite though, as the previous one was really hacky and basically just a pile of tweaks until shit worked

>> No.5899859
Quoted by: >>5900001

some tweets and retweets do feel like doom_txt is trying to look "polite" for bethesda while the doomwiki twitter is excited for the new movie
if something worries me more than new fans with little interest taking over is older fans losing interest or changing their ways
i mean, it's one thing to get worried about grah zahl or even sgt mark or some forum drama affecting bigger things
but what's going to happen to source ports and wad/mod hosting sites?
what about wikis and documentation and history?
what about these threads and the occasions when some link to the wrong previous post or don't update the news?
i wish it was possible to train the right kind of people to carry these legacies when the old blood is gone
i also remembered that bethesda technically controlls the subreddit since i've seen one or two mods that are officially tied to bethesda

>> No.5899935
Quoted by: >>5899972


>> No.5899957

>Good god, that map was horrible and just tasteless
It kind of is, but honestly I would have excused it if the game had just been good, Duke 3D did allude pretty heavily to this stuff, just not showing it.

>> No.5899972
Quoted by: >>5899991


>> No.5899991
File: 1.00 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_20190922_123005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5900000 >>5900007

Here's your imp bro

>> No.5900000


Isn't that just the Doom 64 imp except with a mouth?

>> No.5900001
File: 53 KB, 500x552, Marine-Quake-video-game-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that there will always be mods and wads. The community is showing no signs of slowing down.
About the Source Ports, more people will take the mantle and make their own.
As long passionate people exist, this community will keep going.
We got projects that were totally abandoned being remade and the Speed running scene is still strong.
So no I'm not worried, the levels of drama we had in 25 years were pretty tame compared to other fanbases.
There's nothing to be really worried about.

Places like r/doom and Doom Twitter will eventually get smaller and show their true colours.

Look at Quake. Not nearly as popular as Doom nowadays and mostly known for the multiplayer but the single player side and source ports never died.

>> No.5900006

New bread

>> No.5900007

obligatory edit in 3 2 1