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File: 719 KB, 960x960, 4pUG7nV_zVL__K3kqqsrir-dmpJt-X_Ou3sTUy1JMpU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19174102 No.19174102 [Reply] [Original]

How now brown spider-cow.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Content Aggregator:

Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk

>> No.19174106 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19174116

Maids are olev

>> No.19174109

>1 second and one number difference

>> No.19174116
File: 470 KB, 718x1024, 11324213_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174123

Lamias > Kikis and shogs

>> No.19174118

She looks so fluffy.

Also, I'm not proud of this but I wonder how dextrous she is with those legs.

>> No.19174123

Maids do not discriminate by species. It's all good.

>> No.19174125
Quoted by: >>19174162

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, prepare to be embraced by the schools new idol!
Magical Girl Tentacle-chan is her to grip your heart with her love!

>> No.19174137
File: 471 KB, 700x802, 1523097678944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"My lap is open if there are any takers"

>> No.19174138

You can take mine tiny one.

>> No.19174149

would you guys recommend a rising pornstar to get famous on SHOGGED.com or Naughty Wonderland?

>> No.19174151
Quoted by: >>19174173

Too aggressive. Just leave me a nice Alice who won't make me feel like the creep that I am.

>> No.19174152

what's wrong with her arm

>> No.19174154
Quoted by: >>19174167

>mfw you misread lap as a lab

Being a grad student is suffering

>> No.19174162
Quoted by: >>19174169

Thicc Kraken tentacles > skinny Tentacle noodles

>> No.19174163
Quoted by: >>19174171

It's only fair that big mutant Gremlin would discover a big matronly Automaton wandering some fertility goddesses ruined temple right?

>> No.19174167

Sounds like you need a gremlin

>> No.19174169

Maybe, but tentacles are still small enough to serve as backpacks even when fully grown!
They even have a nice floral scent.

>> No.19174171
Quoted by: >>19174179

>Big mutant
Is the mutation that she's HUGE for a gremlin?

>> No.19174173
Quoted by: >>19174366

>Perpetually acts & thinks like a child
>Knows nothing about sex
>Won't remember you raping her
>Somehow less creepy than Baphomet

>> No.19174179
File: 585 KB, 1041x1400, Depc_YCUcAMB4B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174190

They'd be to other Gremlins as Hobgoblins are to Goblins.

>> No.19174190
Quoted by: >>19174237

So ditzy and with massive honkers?
I'm game for them.

Gonna molest that chest from behind

>> No.19174192
File: 130 KB, 1024x629, anime_club_tg__part_2__by_12574749-dbvoli1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend MOFU'D.com

>> No.19174202

TAILED pays the most, but you need to be careful about getting addicted to the venom.
Some people look forward to that though, so.

>> No.19174203
Quoted by: >>19174229

Are apostrophes valid URL characters?

>> No.19174205
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1527382365440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174210

hey, minna san, if the greek zodiac were represented by monster girls, which monster girl would represent which sign?

>> No.19174210


>> No.19174229


>> No.19174231
File: 750 KB, 1022x724, 47522696_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183712

The Kraken Kuddle Klub is having a recruitment drive!

>> No.19174233
Quoted by: >>19174270

What happens if I type mofu'd.com instead? Do I get redirected to a loli fox site?

>> No.19174237

Despite appearances, they seem to have just as much of a knack for inventing.

>> No.19174238

>writing a story about a dude in post-portal Earth who works for the MEB
>Magical Enforcement Bureau
>he has a large amount of natural spirit energy which allows him to easily engage in sorcery
>constantly getting called up to deal with mamono as his sorcery allows him to handle threats that normal humans can't
>also running into extremists that use magic to try to exterminate mamono for different reasons (religious, feminist, etc.)
>halfway through a chapter involving an ushi-oni who's trying to escape with half of busload of shotas strapped to her back
>PC restarts to finish an update even though I'd scheduled it for 1AM

Fucking goddamnit. And of course, Word didn't save it. I've lost all my drive, anons. It's all gone. Why the fuck didn't I bother to preemptively save?

>> No.19174251
File: 522 KB, 650x919, 1518628399470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a caretaker for a porc horde! Clean their weapons and bake them sweets!

>> No.19174262
Quoted by: >>19174286

It was too ambitious, you were never meant for such shounen shenanigans.
I can understand such desires. Them's good galz.

>> No.19174267

What’s their favorite baked good you make for them?

>> No.19174270
File: 326 KB, 950x877, tumblr_p5425fEO311wji51jo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, but minimofu.com redirects to mofu'd.com's lolifox section.

>> No.19174283
Quoted by: >>19174294

My computer sometimes randomly shuts down, so I obsessively save everything. Needless to say, I still lose things now and again. I wrote half that nerdbird story two or three times.

Life is fleeting and ephemeral

>> No.19174284

I want to lead a group of virtuous celibate virgin warriors who get overtaken and taught the ways of the female form by a horde of porc.

>> No.19174286
Quoted by: >>19174292

It was more comedy than shounen. Most of the girls he dealt with were chuuni as fuck and even the extremists were Team Rocket levels of incompetent.

>> No.19174289

Whoop wrong person.

>> No.19174292

It cannot be helped.

>> No.19174294

I normally do so. Especially with my world building stuff for my D&D campaigns. I'd probably kill myself if I lost it all. All 392 pages.

Oh well, I'll just try to rewrite it over the next few weeks.

>> No.19174297
Quoted by: >>19174302

With how dominant dark elves are would they let you Touch and massage their sexy ears

>> No.19174302

Yes but you'd be heavily restrained to keep you from taking advantage of them when they're vulnerable like that.

>> No.19174352
File: 956 KB, 1054x1200, 1524963497969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174362

She looks so soft, but firm as well

>> No.19174362

Familiar paws are so intriguing.

>> No.19174366
Quoted by: >>19174387

>>Knows nothing about sex
>>Won't remember you raping her

That's temporary anon, as all alices are destined to at some point travel to Wonderland and "mature", regaining and retaining all their memories.

>> No.19174376
Quoted by: >>19174392

Are they actually mini-foxes or is it just a bunch of CC foxed pretending to be little girls? It's the only way those losers can ever hope to find a man.

>> No.19174382 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1024x1344, mecha_girl_by_akume_no_kame-dc63v0o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174384

>> No.19174384

Wow. A beautiful virgin Automation.

>> No.19174387
Quoted by: >>19175077

More arguing the point that having a girl who is both physically & mentally a child, even if temporarily, as well as giving you a free pass to do whatever is way creepier than a girl who knows you're a pervert, understands it, and goes with it.

>> No.19174392
File: 657 KB, 1200x1200, 32572833_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's definitely more oddballs into CC kitsune than there are single kitsune that old.
Lolibaba would have its own tag anyway.

>> No.19174406
File: 224 KB, 1184x1200, 1491228440342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180135

And hear the song of the Sea Slimes:
>I am the Monarch of the Sea, the ruler of the Queen's Navy~

>> No.19174415

Which species makes for a good “Killer Queen”?

>> No.19174421
Quoted by: >>19174465


>> No.19174422
Quoted by: >>19174465

You need some corpses disposed of?

>> No.19174442

But shogged.com isn't a real website. It's only available on computers that have a piece of a shoggo inside them. She might not be in your house just yet, but you should be expecting a visit from your new live in meido soon.

>> No.19174465

That fulfills the “playful as a pussy cat” and “let them eat cake”

Probably not

>> No.19174468
File: 117 KB, 600x706, c779685a3ae3891908c1259135c793885915e0445c18e9e59deef7f7688b41bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you paid tribute to your dragon today?

>> No.19174492

I watched a documentary on the Tulip mania of the 1600's and decided we need to use some foul magicks to travel back in time and obtain buds of Semper Augustus.

>> No.19174498
Quoted by: >>19174604

Would put more tails on her

>> No.19174552

Mousefag(s?) do your girls like string cheese sticks? How do they eat them?
>peel it apart
>bite it
>suck it
>grind it on their teeth
>eat it in one bite

>> No.19174564

>>eat it in one bite
Only the sluts do that!

>> No.19174578
File: 827 KB, 655x620, 1517007353573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only cheese stick my mice want is my 'cheese' stick!

>> No.19174581
File: 50 KB, 900x950, 0ae6f1acd4b1325d34ddcce6914e5d8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a man¿

>> No.19174592

Show me what makes a monster a monster, and I'll show you what makes a man a man.

>> No.19174596

The thing which fills the hole in you.

>> No.19174604
Quoted by: >>19174612

There are few beings more satisfied than a fox who just earned her second tail.
You just know that, first chance she gets, she's going to go and show it off to all her friends.

>> No.19174612

There was a GreenTeaNeko comic like this I think.

>> No.19174621 [DELETED] 


>> No.19174732
File: 88 KB, 715x1000, cmyua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with a kitten in heat?

>> No.19174734
Quoted by: >>19174741

Boot to the head.

>> No.19174741

What can't be solved with a boot to the head?

>> No.19174747
Quoted by: >>19174803


>> No.19174749
Quoted by: >>19174803

When Tasmanian Devil-chan gets into your trousers.

>> No.19174752
Quoted by: >>19174803

Tax fraud.

>> No.19174790

Sex if she isn't your daughter, if she is grab her friend she has a crush on and lock them in a room together.

>> No.19174803

Hit them so hard they pass out. Solved

Hit her with a boot so she gets out. Solved

Hit the tax man with a boot to the head. Solved

>> No.19174814
Quoted by: >>19174823

Is there perhaps a spell that can spawn an Unlimited Boot Works of some kind?

>> No.19174822
File: 284 KB, 544x800, 1473694631429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174909

Your developing influence is noticed even by the most DISTANT OF KINGS

>> No.19174823

I am the boot to the head.
Leather is my body and rubber is my sole.
I have thrown over a thousand boots.
Against their skulls,
Against their faces.
Have dealt with irritation by throwing many boots.
Yet, those idiots will never learn anything.
So, as I throw:

>> No.19174824

>A sleep disorder that causes sudden bouts of unconsciousness can be solved by a sudden bout of unconsciousness
u wot

>> No.19174825
Quoted by: >>19174828

This is the appropriate use of PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS if I've ever seen one.

>> No.19174828
Quoted by: >>19174832

They can't fall asleep if they're already asleep. Alternately, it works as an alarm clock.

Also comes with a lifetime supply of ice cream.

>> No.19174830

Yes. Every night you hit them with a boot to the head. Then they pass out, so they're asleep. problem solved.

>> No.19174832
File: 632 KB, 1280x1280, 1483510582795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174850

>ice cream
What flavor is it?

>> No.19174837

Ok enough with the boots

>> No.19174839

Serious question: Why aren’t you writing?

>> No.19174840
Quoted by: >>19174845

It's a funny skit you pleb.

>> No.19174845

Yeah, in 2008, its been 10 years, and its old and dead now.

>> No.19174850

Boot to the head.

And another for Jenny and the wimp.

>> No.19174851

Because writing commissions take priority

>> No.19174853

Because I'm watching a guy play Total WAAAGH and can't focus.

>> No.19174856
Quoted by: >>19174863

It's not dead, it's pining!

>> No.19174861

Oh crap! I forgot!

>> No.19174862

>Someone posted that cute catgirl from dungeon meshi
>Been meaning to read the manga anyways
>turns out she has a curse that makes her look like like a very very light version of a cait sith with mostly human face and limbs but the neck down is covered in fur
I mean i really enjoyed reading it but that was a real kick to the head.

>> No.19174863
Quoted by: >>19174864

This joke is no more. It ceases to be. It is an ex-joke.

>> No.19174864

There is always someone who has not heard it though.

>> No.19174873
Quoted by: >>19174891

No snout so I’m pretty fine with her

>> No.19174879

How about you take a boot to the head instead?

>> No.19174891

I know this is a controversial question but I'm curious, how far is MGT comfortable with fur on the body?

>> No.19174892

Hairy goat legs are totally okay.

>> No.19174896
File: 466 KB, 1600x900, 15351631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into what species would each be turned

>> No.19174897

The restriction seems to be around the face and in particular the nose. Snouts, regardless of what the rest of her body looks like, will get shot down immediately.

>> No.19174899

I've tried it and it's way too hard.

>> No.19174900

Gandhavaras, all of them.

>> No.19174905
Quoted by: >>19174914

Catgirl, not sure, Sheepgirl, Wight, Bunyip

>> No.19174909
File: 410 KB, 800x777, ochimusha protection services.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19174915

OHH MIGHTY LORD, the fates have surely selected you for greatness.

>> No.19174913

What happens when you try to grape a Shoggoth?

>> No.19174914

Eh, I don't see it.

>> No.19174915

>still no story about a man wandering the land with his Ochimusha buddyguard
Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.19174918

The likes of Thoth-Amon or Thugra Khotan may have attempted such foul transfigurations but no record remains of potential results.

>> No.19174930

As long as it stays only on the body part, I’m pretty okay with it

>> No.19174933

I'm not prone to autistic fits over fictional aliens so it's all k

>> No.19174948

>"I do like when these lesser material creatures try to infect our minds, master. It's rather cute."

>> No.19175013

If it looks good I don’t give a shit.

>> No.19175043
File: 989 KB, 1509x2094, 1461584692889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175060

It's so quiet in here the bats can't see nothin'.

>> No.19175060
File: 140 KB, 1187x860, mofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175061

When the noisemakers are away, the bats will play!

>> No.19175061

Flying mofu is the most prolific mammal in existence. Even rabbits and rats cannot compete.

>> No.19175063
File: 136 KB, 1040x1477, 812A68F4-B1DE-4F06-8EAD-9B1CFE5CBC19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more loli vampire stories

>> No.19175067


>> No.19175077


It's even worse than that because a man is only raping her on a surface level. In reality, the man is literally being manipulated by magic to want to violate her. That actually sounds like a horrifying experience from the point of view of both parties.

>> No.19175082

A typical giant mouse would do the thing where you peel it all into thin little strips first and then she'd hold them over her face and slowly lower them into her mouth while making silly noises.

>> No.19175084

Becuase i cant think of a good roulet gimmick at the mement that doesnt involve food
On a side note, Gideon Woodrow is a good name for a company CEO/engineer guy, right?

>> No.19175090

>sounds like a horrifying experience from the point of view of both parties

B-but manipulated into raping someone is my fetish...

>> No.19175091
File: 171 KB, 405x467, fxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only to the bystanders being "concerned" on their behalf.
Meanwhile they're both having the time of their lives.

>> No.19175093

Gideon Woodrow sounds like a Harry Potter character.

>> No.19175098

You mean like tony stark?
I dunno it could work, theirs weirder names out there.

>> No.19175103

I think it's on the safe side of names that would turn up in harry potter.
Compare that to the name of harry's son who might as well have "bully me" tattooed on his for head with that name

Anywho, lets keep this on topic, do you think the clash between you and your waifus name could get weird?

>> No.19175106

Not really, I chose her a name that's been part of western civilization since antiquity, though I rather dislike mine.

>> No.19175112
Quoted by: >>19175125

My surname transliterates into Japanese just fine, so it wouldn't be that weird for her.
She'd fuck up pronouncing my first name for a while though.

>> No.19175125
Quoted by: >>19175160

>name has two consecutive l's
How would the Japanese deal with that one?

>> No.19175134
Quoted by: >>19175136

Harry potter names come in 3 types
1. Actuall people names (tracy davis, dean tomas
2. Fantasy names, (rubeus hagrid, severus snape)
3. Drunken rohl dahl names (the long bottom surname, mundungus fletcher)

>> No.19175136
Quoted by: >>19175167

Severus is a classic Roman name though.

>> No.19175144
File: 240 KB, 728x460, foxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175147

small foxes are for bullying

>> No.19175147
Quoted by: >>19175152

Why do these threads attract so many sadistic psychopaths? Can't we all just play nice.

>> No.19175150

Probably. Unless she adopts a more western sounding name.

>> No.19175152
Quoted by: >>19175160

Although the Japanese 'r' pronunciation is kinda halfway between an english 'r' and an english 'l' to begin with,

>> No.19175160

>>19175152 was for >>19175125

>> No.19175167

I think it suns on the basid of how many people use it today?
For example
Tom, bill, augustus, harry, jullian, seigfreid
The names are normal enough alone, but amongst most names they stand out

>> No.19175179

Depends really
Most people here have normal named waifus
And unless you going to name you child something weird it should be okay

>> No.19175181
File: 416 KB, 583x920, 1468564248236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175193

Yes it suns on the basid, yes.

>> No.19175184

Names have strength
Its why video game charaters tend to have out their names for you to remember them better
Like Ignatius Blakward, or Ragna the bloodedge

>> No.19175189
Quoted by: >>19175215

Are you sure those aren't 1990's comic book characters drawn by Rob Liefeld?

>> No.19175193

I wish "Nah" was short for something

>> No.19175200
Quoted by: >>19175201

That is a good question, what is his sons name?

>> No.19175201
Quoted by: >>19175211

Albus Severus I think.

>> No.19175206

don't forget stick breitling

>> No.19175211

You'd think he'd have a better name than that
I mean, (to keep it relavent) thats like escaping lescatie during the invasion and calling your daughter williamaria merse

>> No.19175215

The roid-cap guy?
Jesus you could anime cut a building with the edge he put out
And thats not to mention his anatomy problems

>> No.19175216

There's a video where Stan Lee tells him to design a character and then keeps ribbing on him for how shitty he is at it, it's great.

>> No.19175222

>The roid-cap guy

>> No.19175228

Reference to an infamously terrible drawing of Captain America.

>> No.19175229

He's most famous to less informed comic people for his muscular men and incorrect muscular women.
most infamously is a pic e did of captain america, that look all kinds of wrong

>> No.19175241

>Asmodeus el diablo, Demon mistress of the middle realms.
>And her husband... Jackson bowler of New Jersey
I mean if you had to met HER side of the family it could be funny

>> No.19175242
Quoted by: >>19175243

Know the only thing better than marrying twin Kikimoras?
Marrying triplet Kikimoras.

>> No.19175243

Three little maids from school?

>> No.19175259

>Gideon Woodrow
Sounds good enough for fiction

>> No.19175310
File: 263 KB, 1044x725, 1521598707345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine a Southern belle succubutt playing with his name.
>Well, sah, I'd like tah gid on your woodrow.

>> No.19175362

There was once a shit girl and it's that one the end

>> No.19175367
File: 783 KB, 1139x1500, 1490668082244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175393

>Kid I need you to clear that turret so we can get a clear shot at their flag. You up for it?
What a thing to wake up to!

>> No.19175380
Quoted by: >>19175391

Not at all. It actually fits nicely with my surname meaning stone and her being a dragon.

You could say she'd be putting a gem in my stone.

>> No.19175391
File: 571 KB, 800x800, Burning rabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175449

Dragonsfags and their lovey-dovey romances!

>> No.19175393

With Windex?

>> No.19175418
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x1200, Remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175535

Loli vampires best mistresses

>> No.19175449

I feel for my dragon when I start being cheesy with her.

Also, doodle commissions soon

>> No.19175474
File: 131 KB, 1020x671, Runamander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175488

Time to run. Get out there fellas.

>> No.19175483
Quoted by: >>19175504

>Ignatius Blackward
So Beast has played nightmare creatures

>> No.19175488
Quoted by: >>19175500

I'll do ten pushups instead.

>> No.19175500
Quoted by: >>19175507

Just ten? C'mon anon, you won't be impressing monster girls like that!

>> No.19175504
Quoted by: >>19175574

I have
But I want to know how you came to that conclusion.

>> No.19175507
Quoted by: >>19175525

Twenty then.

>> No.19175520

Someone could have been 9 years old when mge came out and be an adult now.

>> No.19175525
File: 522 KB, 707x740, workout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are baby numbers. Remember, it ain't nothing but a peanut.

This pleases the Onee-Sabbath.

>> No.19175529

Reaper girl when?

>> No.19175532
Quoted by: >>19175538

Twenty is a lot of pushups.

>> No.19175533

If I was powered by magic I could for around 100 too or more.

>> No.19175535

I prefer oppai loli

>> No.19175537

I Want to commission a pic of Lich with Arthas armor from WoW. Just because it feels like it fits, you know?
The armor is going to be skimpy if I do commission it..

>> No.19175538
Quoted by: >>19175555

It's not that much. I'd say 50 is a good number.

>> No.19175555

I can do twenty.

>> No.19175574

>ragna is from a fighting game
>the other character from NC is called nadia

Speaking of NC, imagine a lich or dark mage taking Crowley's place.

>> No.19175599

For a succubus experiencing sex for the first time is probably an incredible experience, and she gets that every time. The magic just gives a needed push to onii-chans who would be too nice to fuck them. So actually they're both having a great time even though it's two-way rape.

>> No.19175664
File: 1.28 MB, 964x1190, 239802AC-CDDC-45F9-8025-CEF3EE9C68D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t bully your maids!

>> No.19175672

Catgirl, wolf girl, dog girl, wight, semen demo- I mean succubus

>> No.19175673
Quoted by: >>19175685

I want to leave my old cummed in socks all over the house for my newly hired loli Kiki to find!

>> No.19175684

i'd have my shog make a vagina so she could be a squirter and leave behind messes when she cums from me using her self-made spoon then have her clean it up

>> No.19175685
File: 3.50 MB, 3000x1649, sniffing the maids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19175699

Sniff them instead!

Soon you'll find your socks disappearing, with still-warm panties replacing them in your customary fapping spots.

>> No.19175699
Quoted by: >>19175707

Any panties I find will be roughly shoved in her mouth and taped in there.

>> No.19175707
File: 154 KB, 826x754, kiki in training.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how will she sing to you at night?

>> No.19175712
Quoted by: >>19175729

She can hum!

>> No.19175725
Quoted by: >>19175729

Gonna pull that mini maid into the bed

>> No.19175729
Quoted by: >>19175772

I urge you to reconsider: loli kikis can sing quite well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B51bLBdUt3w&t=5m8s

Prepare yourself for a multitude of mini-mini-maids.

>> No.19175751

I’m not too fond of lolis but I would love a mini maid. Especially if she grows up to be a shortstack with an enormous rack and an ass I can balance a tray of glasses on.

>> No.19175772

I’d love them too, and the mini maid, regardless of how mini she stays

>> No.19175790
File: 556 KB, 1270x862, gun cupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19175801

How very DMC-esque.

>> No.19175804

>Hitting a sleeping person with a boot will cause them to remain asleep
If that's the case, then they're not sleeping, they're dead.

>> No.19175807

Enjoy settling for shitty human pussy.

>> No.19175862

What's that? Rape the maids? Don't mind if I do.
Looks like she means business.

>> No.19175866
File: 499 KB, 962x1200, DragonZombie0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other undead even compete?

>> No.19175868
Quoted by: >>19175883

>Anon tries to do this to a Shog


>> No.19175872

Well I mean Wights have soft thighs and, uhh... yeah. Ghouls really dig heavy metal!

>> No.19175883
File: 880 KB, 1957x515, RQE1lvO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How silly to sally to sully a sillyslime, the sly shoggoth slowly slurred.

>> No.19175886

Wisps are cute and look great in booty shorts

>> No.19175899
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1000, 68317F7C-0841-4C34-98DE-83B605BBFBBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, best undead race coming through

>> No.19175903

If there are dragon zombies, then could there be zombie versions of other MGs as well?
>like a kuudere zombie Kiki
>or a zombie Cheshire with a much darker sense of humor
>or a zombie Hinezumi who wants to be warm again even though she’s covered in fire
The possibilities are endless.

>> No.19175909

By being vampires

>> No.19175922
File: 114 KB, 990x1400, Dc3wedMU8AAIMff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost any species that dies with regrets can resurrect as an Undead, which means there are bound to be some Kikimora out there that kicked the bucket without a Master to nurture.
>tfw no soft Undead Kikimora mom-wife

>> No.19175931
Quoted by: >>19175943

>zombie Cheshire with a much darker sense of humor

She’ll pounce at every opportunity to make a pun about death or corpses

I’d like to watch that

>> No.19175934


>> No.19175938
Quoted by: >>19175964

I remember Wighthorns.

>> No.19175941
Quoted by: >>19175953

Could she still lactate? I'd jump at the chance for a nursing handjob from her while she calls me a good boy, but I have to know if undead could do that first

>> No.19175943

>Cheshires with a full arsenal of skeleton humor

>> No.19175953
File: 632 KB, 1221x1400, tumblr_p42imuH9Bt1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by many previous discussions on the subject of Undead lactation, I'd say yes.
On another note, I hope KC clarifies if Zombified monstergirls can become Wights or not.

>> No.19175964


>> No.19175969
Quoted by: >>19175999

Well Warcraft 3 already thought me that winter setting and undead are the best combo but this certainly confirms it.

>> No.19175999
File: 988 KB, 1697x1099, 1484267601044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Anon? Do you let her in?

>> No.19176014
Quoted by: >>19176026


>> No.19176018
File: 126 KB, 661x940, 1525648832503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176021

Being delicious brown.

>> No.19176021
Quoted by: >>19176039

I want to help the Tomb Queens rise up and make their realm great again!

>> No.19176022
Quoted by: >>19176156

By being beautiful nobles that all the other undead races look up to.

>> No.19176026

Just treat her to a cup of warm milk and fill her belly with your warm milk later.

>> No.19176039

Go explore the tombs and hope you're her type. She'd awaken and trap you in her chambers.

>> No.19176044
File: 381 KB, 933x700, bunyip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176069

>> No.19176048

How would gladiators work in MGE? They fight with demon silver and the winner gets a free husband? It would be pretty cool to see a tournament with jinkos, lizardmen, and other monsters.

>> No.19176049

Beast pls.

>> No.19176055
Quoted by: >>19176069

I'm not beast, I like amazons

>> No.19176069

Bunyip on high alert?
I see. So tell me Tsaeb, what's happening with Amazons?

>> No.19176075

Probably as an oppotunity for prisoners to free themselves

>If you last 10 minutes against this Manticore you'll be freed!

>> No.19176077

Your PC couldn't handle keeping that shit in itself anymore.

>> No.19176129
Quoted by: >>19176139

I'd love to see a Bapho bellow 'Are you not entertained?' to the silent crowd after she single handedly beat all of the fighters

>> No.19176134
File: 373 KB, 595x842, 61560826_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176164

Real dead hours.

>> No.19176139
Quoted by: >>19176158

>’I’m not!’

>> No.19176156
File: 342 KB, 703x1200, wight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has intense passion and lust inside her, but is also smart and elegant
>perfect balance of beautiful, cute, sexy and class regardless of whether they're little girls or tall women
Not just best undead girl, but best girl in general.

>> No.19176158

Who keeps saying that?

>> No.19176164

I'm sorry Sapphiron but One Piece has some crazy spoilers this week.

>> No.19176165

Would you rather take a young fox's first time or make an older fox feel young again?
There is only one right answer.

>> No.19176168
Quoted by: >>19176423

Beast has the mansion all planned out.
Its a concept I wished he used more

>> No.19176176
File: 53 KB, 915x778, ara fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176181

Make an older fox feel young and loved

>> No.19176182
File: 149 KB, 700x908, That foxy old fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latter.

>> No.19176186

Gonna marry that old fox

>> No.19176191 [DELETED] 
File: 677 KB, 642x986, 67385966_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176379

>> No.19176192

Obviously. Didn’t you see? She’s been out there for ten hours! Get that poor girl inside!

>> No.19176194
File: 499 KB, 752x1062, DE7B6DB3-022F-4E11-9436-F1A496DC3094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176209

Former, obviously.

Loli foxes with only one tail should be appreciated more often

>> No.19176209


>> No.19176213
File: 552 KB, 751x1052, 68952292_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19176236
File: 273 KB, 503x600, Inari77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176245

Poor Vampire

>> No.19176245
Quoted by: >>19176258

What a slutty guy!

>> No.19176247
Quoted by: >>19176268

Which monsters will force me to sit on their lap?

>> No.19176255
File: 531 KB, 1000x1294, _m_g_e_____hellhound__chibi__by_msberhilda-dcbomf9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176379

>> No.19176258
File: 491 KB, 966x725, 68359534_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176316

It's not his fault all those girls are attracted to him.

>> No.19176268
File: 390 KB, 909x853, 61534566_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176289

This is just a dance lesson while the Wight is just trolling the Vampire.

>> No.19176296
File: 155 KB, 850x904, 14a6hiBKfnTNQNvtLzWGXHZWTWQ5gRxMbXplU43_J0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best plant.

>> No.19176316

>Cheating on your vampire
He deserves a lot of bites.

Chime noises are cute.

>> No.19176320

I'd prefer if she was a little greener.

>> No.19176326
File: 344 KB, 1057x1500, 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176343
File: 112 KB, 640x791, VHGI4TQ_sRB9WxIbPBEZGRaLvjk217PbU3MBRu_Gto0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstack succs deserve headpats.

>> No.19176348

That's a Draph, braindead spammer.

>> No.19176359

not a succ, but deserves headpats regardless

>> No.19176376
File: 42 KB, 821x1021, __hellhound_monster_girl_encyclopedia__9d3a9bf84cc9a42587a11d4f98d3f7a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you play ball with her?

>> No.19176379

Just woke up I see.

>> No.19176401

I only play moneyball.

>> No.19176416

I wish /jp/ moderation would actually ban spammers.

>> No.19176423
Quoted by: >>19176488

How does the mansion work?

>> No.19176450
File: 294 KB, 800x913, 60918227bc3ae791aa21ef613d7161fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can your dragon daugheru turn into a full dragon?

>> No.19176458
File: 1.31 MB, 700x1000, tumblr_nzqes3YTO21sk31cyo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching One Piece

>> No.19176466

But I don't. I read the manga, which is amazing.

>> No.19176470

Nope, she tries and ends up breathing some fire.

>> No.19176471
Quoted by: >>19176495

One Piece is trash, regardless of medium.

>> No.19176472

I want to hatefuck a lilim to the point the demon lord herself puts a 'cant be closer than 50 meters from my daugher' order!

>> No.19176482

Yes, that's how she transports various goods from their previous owners into her room.

>> No.19176488

Te arena is in the lower floors of her mansion (hence the name) and has rules
If memory serves right:
>Demon silver weapons only, if you don't have any, you can get a custom forged job
>Matches are of all kinds (human v human, monster v human, monster v monster)
>No outright forcing corruption on human females and treat them with respect
>Matches are until KO or deemed unfit to fight
>no sex on arena grounds, the mansion has fuck rooms though
>Arch succubus Lily and Selene herself are the main judges/referees, Selene's word being final
>Break Selene's rules, she breaks you.

>> No.19176495
File: 607 KB, 980x1034, Madam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a hot opinion you've got there.

>> No.19176500
File: 496 KB, 1000x1200, Dragon17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176503

>mermaid spammer likes shonenshit

>> No.19176503
Quoted by: >>19176511

Are you a schizophrenic by any chance? You might want to take your meds. Nobody is out to get you. Calm down.
Post more Dragons

>> No.19176504
Quoted by: >>19176514

Can't you just fuck off from threads forever?

>> No.19176511
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, Wurm20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176531

It's an anonymous imageboard. I can accuse anyone of being anything!

>> No.19176514

I have no clue why you're so upset at me. It isn't my fault your life is without the romance of adventure. I will delete my image to help you perpetuate your safe space now.

>> No.19176516
Quoted by: >>19176522

How long will it take you to get the hint that you're in the wrong place? Go back to the /monster/ mermaid threads, you seem to enjoy posting there with the same file names you use here.

>> No.19176520
Quoted by: >>19176537

it is if you're 17

>> No.19176522

I got the image off of a Google search like a minute ago. You have mental health problems. Please seek help.

>> No.19176531

Wurms would be proud of their wily ways, wouldn't they?

>> No.19176533
File: 430 KB, 1488x2105, d1d989c7fdb394e678011a80f9d55250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant we just all get along and talk about Vampires?

>> No.19176537

Which is the target audience, correct.

>> No.19176539
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x1811, tumblr_oj3qq51hah1rkn25go4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever posted mermaids until the spammer showed up. Put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.19176538

Remove bloodsuckers.

>> No.19176542
File: 1.07 MB, 2832x2160, 1369717490741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I have occasionally posted Muromis.

>> No.19176543

Except Sea Bishops have always been fairly popular.

>> No.19176545
File: 1.35 MB, 1241x1920, tumblr_oyhyl0iCvf1v2gw9ko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176713


>> No.19176546
File: 122 KB, 639x673, LeechWife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they do to you anon?

>> No.19176553
File: 225 KB, 700x800, 44133982_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176561


>> No.19176555 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x1844, 1528386075117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176560

I like vampires, they're my favorite subject of discussion along with Kumihos

>> No.19176556
File: 881 KB, 640x778, KtfXGlxQ8dG9eSZU-SOnHir7g01B6g03TzT8Clp9CiE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176563

It's Sea Bishop/Mershark > POWER GAP > Everyone else.

>> No.19176559


>> No.19176560
Quoted by: >>19176566

Somebody really likes to get bit in the lower body, eh?

>> No.19176561
Quoted by: >>19176581

Remember to NEVER EVER let a vampire bite your antenna thats a bad idea

>> No.19176563

Pretty much.

>> No.19176566

Lower, upper, I don't really care.

>> No.19176570

Unlike semen, I prefer that my blood stays inside me.

>> No.19176571
File: 588 KB, 690x1846, 1528050083815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fellatio only
What a loser.

>> No.19176576

I mean in general, you stick out like a sore thumb. At first you got were easily identifiable because your file names were obviously from reddit but after people called you out on that you started naming your images short descriptive things which has made you stand out even more.
In this case you didn't post it on /monster/ but generally you do.
Sea Bishops and Mersharks got posted occasionally but you're right about vanilla mermaids. They were never posted and completely forgotten till this guy shown up

>> No.19176581
File: 118 KB, 700x800, bitejob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not listen to this man.
this post paid for by the Association for the Advancement of Festive Fellatio

>> No.19176582

I always liked Merrows myself.

>> No.19176597 [SPOILER] 
File: 433 KB, 595x842, 1528386759163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in the club with your Pharaoh GF when this girl comes up and slaps your ass.

What do you do?

>> No.19176602

Asks her to grape my GF.

>> No.19176609

Bite her.

>> No.19176618

ask her if she wants to join us for some drinks

>> No.19176631
File: 65 KB, 227x567, Tenshi caught a fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176650


>> No.19176632

>Pharaoh GF

Sorry but i am married to the grapesnek

>> No.19176650
File: 379 KB, 551x816, 54809273_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176677

Guys how do I talk my phantom wife into doing sexy ghost busters? I only have a net.

>> No.19176679

The answer is obvious. You take a younger ones first time with the help of her older (but even less experienced) aunt and then after you turn the younger one into a convulsing mess on your bedsheets you take the aunt and do the same to her.

>> No.19176688
Quoted by: >>19176726

>sexy ghost busters
Bill Murray didn't die for this. Considering he's not dead.

>> No.19176689

I stopped reading that at the sanji wedding thing .

>> No.19176704
Quoted by: >>19176720

Would vampires make you eat a high iron diet?
Would they feel bad if they drank your blood till you feinted?

>> No.19176713

I am going to open the gates for my new vampire masters!

>> No.19176720

If you faint with a smile and came all over the place then probably not.

>> No.19176726
File: 268 KB, 900x870, 1520245954155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, Dan Aykroyd got a ghost blowjob. I think I'm entailed to quality time with my wife.

>> No.19176773
Quoted by: >>19176801


>> No.19176781
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x576, 47F133ED-2937-45B4-963C-AD92D1914314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a vampire as your mistress is getting old fast. How about smug cat mistresses?

>> No.19176801
Quoted by: >>19176812

>Try to surprise ghost gf in ghost busters outfit
>She runs away screaming
Bustin' makes me feel bad

>> No.19176808
Quoted by: >>19176887

All the grace goes out of the window when she sees a butterfly or a birb outside

>> No.19176811
Quoted by: >>19176937

Tall-flat pears are underrated.

>> No.19176812
Quoted by: >>19176836

You can get her back, we just need some clay, a potter's wheel, a gramophone and a Righteous Brother's LP.

>> No.19176820
Quoted by: >>19176824

Dark Elf mistress is better. Cheshire mistress could be interesting though

>> No.19176824

I don't know if I want the spoiler in the shortstack or chubby variety

>> No.19176836
Quoted by: >>19176839

I feel like she would make me make a lewd pot.

>> No.19176839
Quoted by: >>19176859

She's gonna make a penis Anon. Every MG would.

>> No.19176859

Why? She already has mine!

>> No.19176887

This would be both hilarious and adorable to watch

>> No.19176920

Does anyone remember the yandere holst mom story where she finds out you've been drinking a minotaur's milk?

>> No.19176927

How'd she find out?

>> No.19176929
File: 390 KB, 661x1153, __wight_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_cowfee__5a7939fdf0debe5e24bc23dab032e079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19176930
File: 454 KB, 1312x1912, Holst Motheru + Minotaur Bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19176933

Yep. I've had it capped for ages.

>> No.19176933


>> No.19176937
Quoted by: >>19176953

Tall girls with boobs and loli pears just fit too well. Tallflat looks kind of wierd and oppai loli is an aesthetics disaster.

>> No.19176947
File: 186 KB, 708x512, peeking vampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sees ___.

>> No.19176950

Pulsing veins.

>> No.19176953

Nyet, all are lovely!
Granted, I've become a degenerate but that's besides the point

>> No.19176965
Quoted by: >>19176974

Consider the following: gyaru krakens.

>> No.19176974
Quoted by: >>19176990

Well, sea creatures would have tans.

>> No.19176990
Quoted by: >>19177008

But only the slutty ones would have microbikini tanlines. All the good girls would have one-piece tanlines

>> No.19176995
File: 942 KB, 992x1403, Barblilim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19176999
Quoted by: >>19177019

A better guy than me

>> No.19177007

Nothing, because her husband drags her away while telling her to respect her daughter and their future son-in-laws privacy.

>> No.19177008
Quoted by: >>19177017

And that cute, polite sea-bishop that has no tanlines?

>> No.19177017


>> No.19177019
File: 74 KB, 667x729, Vampire41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177073

Don't say that.

>> No.19177033
Quoted by: >>19177082

she sees that the peeping hole is about to turn into a glory hole

>> No.19177045

Is that bear using a tail buttplug?

>> No.19177066
File: 164 KB, 992x1403, DZGJeSqWsAY-_rT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are succubi so perfect?

>> No.19177069


>> No.19177073

>Same shirt and hairstyle

>> No.19177082

Ocular penetration is a big pro for undead, but I don't think vampires are usually down for it.

>> No.19177085
File: 350 KB, 1409x1006, 1507322445684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just are.

>> No.19177103

>more barb-tan
Best bear.

>> No.19177110
File: 623 KB, 600x1125, tumblr_olrm7qSdqZ1vi2f7go1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177209

>> No.19177122
File: 352 KB, 1016x821, 1526349879322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ultra lovey dovey
>are know to disguise themselves as humans when they stalk the object of their affections
>they're the most common species, that means they have the most regional variants
>additionally, they can become Undead which is a fine bonus for me
>when there's a subject or medium they're interested in, they grow autistically obsessed with it

>> No.19177128

More like BEARB!

>> No.19177139
File: 400 KB, 944x1100, Devil_Bug_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177188

>most common species
I thought that large mice and devil bugs

>> No.19177164
File: 169 KB, 1059x1508, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177182


>> No.19177182
Quoted by: >>19177229

She looks hot. I'd fuck a succubus.

>> No.19177188
Quoted by: >>19177192

Large Mice and Devil Bugs don't have explosive breeding rates compared to the real life creatures they're based on.

>> No.19177192
Quoted by: >>19177205

>not reading the Q&A
Apply yourself.

>> No.19177201

Some nice succulewds including smug and pout.

>> No.19177205

Which is moot since almost all of them end up fucking dad.

>> No.19177209

Nice desu ne~
Hard dolljoints are the best, as a gothlolis.

>> No.19177225
Quoted by: >>19177244

I want to see a griffon blush

>> No.19177229 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1528394344147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would your succubus waifu react to you playing Succubus Prison?

>> No.19177244
Quoted by: >>19177265

What would you like to see a griffon wear?

>> No.19177250
Quoted by: >>19177259


>> No.19177256
Quoted by: >>19177273

Any videos of the game?

>> No.19177259

Someone suggested that Draenei should be allowed to /mgt/ a few threads back and caused a shitstorm.

>> No.19177261

She'd watch and maybe do some roleplaying.

>> No.19177265
File: 130 KB, 850x978, Griffon25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to say
I like the idea of them wearing a suit with sunglasses
But I also like the idea of a skintight skydiver suit

>> No.19177271
Quoted by: >>19177283

But nobody mentioned that

>> No.19177272

I want a griffon with that meat.
ALL that meat.

>> No.19177273 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 640x480, N2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177274

She'd be outraged that humans still depicts succubus as life draining savages, on the other hand she'd be very happy about how flattering the rest of the sex scenes are.
>Her eyes sparkles when she sees the scene where the boy cums repeatedly from a kiss alone

>> No.19177283
File: 526 KB, 733x1000, Professor Cheshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177286
Quoted by: >>19177453

Those suits would be good for a griffon delivery service

>> No.19177287

>Crying over a videogame race
Only an autist would want that here

>> No.19177299

What shithole did you browse before coming here?

>> No.19177301

Nobody in the earlier discussion, retard

>> No.19177304
File: 154 KB, 716x788, 1510157069783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177443

These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots will walk all over you

>> No.19177307
Quoted by: >>19177313

what would be the ultimate nerdy MG trpg ground
>Dragon gm with every mini, model, and splat book you can imagine
>oomukade who always stutters unless they are talking in character
>chubby succubus who tries to magical realm her hand holding fetish into the game at every chance
>lich who makes optimized builds but struggles to roleplay anything other than wizards.

>> No.19177313
Quoted by: >>19177332

Crow Tengu and Anubis are a must for nerdiness. Jinn-in-a-Jar is needed simply because she's unpopular.

>> No.19177332

Having one of those and a mimic at a table would be nice.

>> No.19177339
File: 963 KB, 1250x1250, Magical Girl Lilim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the Demon Lord plan to do with the Chief God once she's won?

>> No.19177350

The dreaded waggling finger of shame accompanied by the devastating tut-tut-tut of disapproval

>> No.19177355

The same thing an Apophis does after she graped a Pharaoh and took over her kingdom.

>> No.19177371

Introduce her to The Joy of Dickings

>> No.19177372
File: 547 KB, 1200x1600, __original_drawn_by_sorono__85196fc1562ecdabe7340f643be129f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177376

Chocolate succ best succ.

>> No.19177376
Quoted by: >>19177388

The succ tastes you, you don’t taste the succ

>> No.19177388

Nothing wrong with oral.

>> No.19177395

>Demon Lord wins
>Chief God monsterizes
>Except now the Chief God's domain involves the clothing and conservatism fetish, including traditional housewives greeting you with "bath, dinner, or me"
>At odds with the various scantily dressed factions, and has her followers go around spreading the fetish like it's a barely modified version of the old Order
>Basically fuckall changes
>Whitehorns everywhere rejoice

>> No.19177397

>that poorly shopped part of the profile art in the background
What is this traced over?

>> No.19177426 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 503x149, 1528396360175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180208

>Whitehorns everywhere
I'm afraid I have some bad news.

>> No.19177427

This picture infuriates me and I cant telll exactly why

>> No.19177431
File: 348 KB, 1252x1800, A cat is fine too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177526

Isutzumi is a cute though.

Plus her real form is a qt Kunoichi without her curse.

>> No.19177443

>that grin
All my yes

>> No.19177453

I receive so many packages for my family that some of the delivery people know me by name.
I could see a griffon getting curious about it, thinking that I am also a protector of items

>> No.19177454

None on the face or above the knees and elbows usually. I've seen some Dragons with a bith of scale on the upper arm and it looked nice, though.

>> No.19177475

Considering that gods can't get monsterizes unless thy want to, who knows?
Kc was asked this during one of his Q&A and his answer was more or less.
>"we don't know what the DL is going to the CG once she wins, but she has something planed. 100% she has something planed, the DL can't do anything wrong. She totally has a plan guys!"

>> No.19177487
File: 119 KB, 640x793, mFrgZ09Du_jTLnMY2Bw7qfh0C6ALhebGf-fCkGiHAuU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177496
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, Good news, everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They found some new organic molecules on Mars.

>> No.19177500
Quoted by: >>19177503

Great! Can we star harvesting for resources yet?

>> No.19177503
Quoted by: >>19177507

It's just methane and stuff, it's completely useless.

>> No.19177504
File: 352 KB, 1141x835, tumblr_oke3zzxn0g1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177507

All we found was cow fart

>> No.19177512


>> No.19177515

Vegans tried to push that if people when vegan then there would be less demand for cows/pigs and therefore a decrease in methane gas and it'll help save the environment

Pretty sure thats not how it works.

>> No.19177516

I prefer rabbits.

>> No.19177523
Quoted by: >>19177553

Spyro taught me to fear Saucer Cows.

>> No.19177526
Quoted by: >>19177545

>Flatter than a baphomet.

>> No.19177528

Did you know there is really one guy majorly responsible for fucking up the ozone layer?

He long since accidentally killed himself but the earth is only now healing from his actions

>> No.19177540
Quoted by: >>19177562

>accidentally killed himself
Was it a full on accident or an experiment gone wrong?
Or was he just stupid as theres that too

>> No.19177545

My autism is more triggered by her asymmetrical fur.

>> No.19177551
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1200, 68299827_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180221

Kitsune-bis deserve more love.

>> No.19177553
File: 672 KB, 1132x800, 3d0886f90cf72f073bfb5329294dd9a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna probe you, you know.

>> No.19177557
File: 42 KB, 238x207, Holstaur12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177591

I'm gonna probe her instead!

>> No.19177559

Cow cubes?

>> No.19177560
File: 3.50 MB, 1399x1684, 8199757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177576

Woah dude, stop fooling around back there!

>> No.19177562
Quoted by: >>19177573

He got polio and was beddridden
He made himself a harness and pully system to support him in bed, but wand day got tangled up in the ropes and pretty much hung himself.

Now if he had a gremlin that would of been safer.

>> No.19177571
Quoted by: >>19177583

I'm getting so sweaty

>> No.19177573

If he had a gremlin the DE would of cured his polio and wouldnt need ropes near his bed unless he got super kinky

>> No.19177576
Quoted by: >>19180234

Is that King Crimson I see?

>> No.19177583
File: 54 KB, 547x617, Dee1THpWAAAjzcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*excited Akaname noises*

>> No.19177584

How do you make money for potions etc?

>> No.19177591
Quoted by: >>19177594

But anon, she poops from there!

>> No.19177593

I wouldn't mind one after I run.

>> No.19177594
Quoted by: >>19177606

Cute girls don't need to poop.

>> No.19177606

She's got a really complicated gut to break down all that space grass she eats! If you cumflate her anus, it's going to ruin her digestion for days!

>> No.19177616
File: 403 KB, 640x905, 5n_YllFlmMbPlGf3bxW6hOoy_rmXtRwN5aJOhOFzbM8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177625

I want a Zipanguese succubus.

>> No.19177618
File: 563 KB, 689x691, 1527978253898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan scienctists should be treated like flat earthers
One tried to say that humans were not built to eat meat as we dont have paws/claws/natural killing strength
I want to take a haku to then so she can explain how full of shit they are

>> No.19177625

A Zipansucc

>> No.19177630
Quoted by: >>19177638

>Why would those Succubi drain him dry in one go? Keeping him alive is so much better!

>> No.19177638

>murdersuccs as the alkies or druggies of the succ world

>> No.19177640
File: 129 KB, 680x962, Praise be to them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy season at work, lack of discipline, lack of belief in my ideas being worth putting pen to paper for. Have some technically-a-Tritonia tits instead.

>> No.19177643

You'd never be able to tell a akaname by a glance, they could easily trick you into kissing them.

>> No.19177646

Easy. Avoid Majin-types and humans.

>> No.19177647

I dunno, seems like it'd be hard to keep all of their tongue inside their mouths.

>> No.19177652
Quoted by: >>19177672

I haven't had any really good ideas in about a year now. Not even greentexts.

>> No.19177665
File: 444 KB, 1332x1864, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177722

CC foxes: the natural predator of shotas.

>> No.19177670

Would you a hillbill cake?

>> No.19177672
Quoted by: >>19177691

Perhaps you should eat some hallucinogenic mushrooms for inspiration.

>> No.19177677
File: 408 KB, 600x900, 1491112286896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177739

Hick Shoebill?

>> No.19177691

Maybe I should start doing cardio on the ellipticals again instead of the bicycles, I remember having a bunch of good ideas while doing that.

>> No.19177706

>Dark Mage
Q: What do all these girls have in common?
A: They all make for top tier lolis

>> No.19177711

And shota hunters

>> No.19177714
File: 613 KB, 896x900, solange_by_metalbolic-dasrjw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177726

I'd a hellbilly cake.

>> No.19177720
File: 539 KB, 800x1280, 1434749084853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177841

My man.

>> No.19177721
Quoted by: >>19177722

Great lolis make excellent shota hunters.

>> No.19177722

Fuck off, this is mermaid spammer tier of annoying

>> No.19177726


>> No.19177728

Please control your autism

>> No.19177732
Quoted by: >>19177764

Chinkboatfag just has amazingly terrible taste is all.

>> No.19177739

Having finally getting around to watching kf , her voice and demeanor were not what was I expecting.

>> No.19177742
File: 1.40 MB, 1819x1618, 1483478362541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodsuckers are love

>> No.19177759
File: 106 KB, 773x803, 57CA67DD-8A7D-4DDF-B308-F4A783B1ADC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you drink from your wife?

>> No.19177764

Boatfag and mermaid spammer are the same guy, before he got fed up of people pointing out his images were from reddit they could all be traced back to /r/monstergirl and /r/kanmusu by searching for the file names.

>> No.19177765

>when they're lewd lolis they want an older guy
>at some point they flip over to wanting a younger guy if they get old enough while still single

>> No.19177776

kill it with fire

She would just get it back, right?

>> No.19177780
Quoted by: >>19177825

Probably just different retards cut of the same cloth.

>> No.19177784
File: 63 KB, 540x495, 98AB09B3-6B9F-4487-82FF-9641C837FBFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zika Zika Zii!

>> No.19177786

I bet she'll taunt you as you're itching from her bite.

>> No.19177788

Yes, but not like that.

>> No.19177793
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 66338568_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177825

I think you've got your boatslut games mixed up.

>> No.19177795
File: 41 KB, 561x599, 561px-Lilim65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the best demons and why is it lilim?

>> No.19177802
File: 301 KB, 1280x1707, Nereid3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best demon
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

>> No.19177808
Quoted by: >>19177828

That’s not Demons, Devils, Alices, vanilla Succubi, or Arch Imps.

>> No.19177811

Posting monstergirl images on a monstergirl thread on an IMAGEboard? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.19177817

You could at least post in moderation.

>> No.19177825

Seems awfully suspicious that they're both related to the ocean and a certain guy who replied to a lot of those images just happened to like monster girls a lot.
It wasn't an exhaustive list, you know full well what I meant.

>> No.19177826
File: 714 KB, 2622x2800, Lilim65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, an image for ants?

>> No.19177828

Night Gaunt is my favorite but the Alice is second for me.

>> No.19177837
File: 467 KB, 1151x734, 1521489867322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177840

You aren't obligated to post images. Why do you think the shitters spamming chinkboat, deviantart, wiki, and booru images are so reviled?

>> No.19177840
Quoted by: >>19177844

So go make your own image-free board.

>> No.19177841

Good to see a fellow appreciator of lusty lolis.

But Demon is the best demon.

>> No.19177844 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19177849

How about you go back to the places you used to browse instead of shitting these threads up with your faggotry?

>> No.19177847


>> No.19177849
File: 497 KB, 1040x1200, 1516757192371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u used to browse instead of shitting these threads up with your faggotry
I've been here since /a/ you mongoloid and nobody has ever complained about images until recently. If the option is here to post images then I will post images

>> No.19177854

Who are these cuties and can i have both?

>> No.19177855
Quoted by: >>19177862

>I've been here since /a/

>> No.19177858
Quoted by: >>19177862

>I've been here since /a/
It's not nice to lie.

>> No.19177860

You know who else has been here since /a/? /a/. And nobody likes /a/. Not even /a/.

>> No.19177862

Since these threads moved from /a/ to here? >>19177860
thats why I only come here now

>> No.19177866

/v/ likes /a/

>> No.19177869

Coincidentally /v/ is also a trash heap.

>> No.19177874
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1600, 1517017944210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueberry is the best flavor

>> No.19177876

I want to be bullied by these two

>> No.19177877
File: 270 KB, 800x1000, tumblr_ogxp0yNB9K1vdwcbco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, shit attracts shit.

>> No.19177881

Use IQDB you brainlet.

>> No.19177883 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19178337

Typical ESLnigger.

>> No.19177910
File: 213 KB, 900x900, monster_-_Its_Free_Real_Estate_anubitism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you take her offer?

>> No.19177912

would shog create a uterus for herself so she could have my shog corrupted child

>> No.19177920

I don't understand what you mean anon? You've always had a child with your shog wife?

>> No.19177922
Quoted by: >>19177950

Are you retarded?

>> No.19177924
Quoted by: >>19177928

>would shog create a uterus
>a utuerus
She'd turn into a writhing mass of uteri if it meant having your child(s).

>> No.19177928

>>/d/ out.

>> No.19177933
Quoted by: >>19178758

Can you imagine how many smiles she would have if you asked for a child?

>> No.19177950
Quoted by: >>19177964

she's a slime and has the ability to create any organ it didn't sound stupid in my head

>> No.19177956
File: 219 KB, 620x600, 26444216_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178194

Alright, which one of you bastards stole her tablet?

>> No.19177964
Quoted by: >>19177971

Shoggoths recreating organs and other bodyparts is pure threadcanon.

>> No.19177971
File: 192 KB, 768x454, firefox_2018-06-07_15-41-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177975


>> No.19177975
Quoted by: >>19177978

You could have at least quoted it instead of screencapping.

>> No.19177978
Quoted by: >>19177991

would you take my word for it or have gone to check yourself

>> No.19177991
File: 720 KB, 1327x629, Shoggoth_eng1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178007

You could also use the profile.

>> No.19177999
File: 340 KB, 700x767, shyfluffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better snek, I'll wait.

>> No.19178004

i like unagi but she counts as mermaid

>> No.19178007

>Shog finds out you have a bad heart
>Makes one from her body to give to you

>> No.19178015
Quoted by: >>19178043

I know about the "wet dog" smell but is there a "wet snake" one?

>> No.19178017
Quoted by: >>19178020

Are you sure you can trust your maid to not abuse that?

>> No.19178020

if you trust shog with your "heart" i'm sure you can trust her with your heart

>> No.19178041

i find hellhound more attractive but the love of a shog trumps it and makes better wife for pampering and security

>> No.19178043
File: 99 KB, 809x872, Bunyip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178049

Knowing KC, it probably smells good to their husbands.

>> No.19178049

too comfortable in magic fluff to care if bad anyway

>> No.19178080
File: 400 KB, 1842x1370, Dr. Flayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trust me, I'm a licensed shrink

>> No.19178096
File: 139 KB, 600x405, Mari_cheering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there more lilim art?

>> No.19178104 [DELETED] 

Why can't you comprehend the english language.

>> No.19178110
File: 264 KB, 472x1024, nereid_by_l4no_shiro-db9dnqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilims get plenty of art. It's nereids that deserve more art.

>> No.19178113

because not everyone is an amerishart

>> No.19178121

>Only americans speak english

>> No.19178123 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19178147

Nigger I don't see our resident britbongs and other euros typing in arabic.

>> No.19178132

I think your friends in /int/ are starting to miss you.

>> No.19178138 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1234423523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178141


>> No.19178141
File: 194 KB, 647x706, 62568396_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Off-topic image

>> No.19178147
Quoted by: >>19178158


>> No.19178155

I want to open a package my big buff jinko has bought for herself only to find its a yes pillow and a babydoll

>> No.19178158

Iron Beast and about 3 others

>> No.19178194
Quoted by: >>19178227

What's your offer?

>> No.19178195
File: 1.24 MB, 1254x885, IMG_0718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monohorns unite!

>> No.19178226
File: 148 KB, 850x870, Sample-55d367fab7731de52b3b898013bbf3df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19178227

Her hand in marriage

>> No.19178243

Just stop posting.

>> No.19178260
File: 1.21 MB, 1300x1330, 43460874_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178379

Why doesn't Ilassa have her own gallery on the wiki yet?

>> No.19178272
File: 154 KB, 992x1403, NnLenhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179685

Shogs are too pure for this world.

>> No.19178309
File: 221 KB, 958x550, Mershark5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants the H anons.

>> No.19178316
Quoted by: >>19178322

Herring? Hug?

>> No.19178322
File: 141 KB, 915x752, Mershark37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178338


>> No.19178337

There's nothing grammatically wrong with that post, except for a lack of a comma, which is permissible in casual discussion on an image board.

>> No.19178338

Hand pat?

>> No.19178345
File: 594 KB, 640x781, 7Fravf6PVHRZg-E7HOoOIFfjJ1BCJWqcSUx5OF_Kkko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19178379

She does
>Take off those boots
>I wanna see them piggies

>> No.19178498

Can you choose to have only 1 pig orc?
Or do you have to have the whole hog?

>> No.19178500
Quoted by: >>19178507

No matter how big and buff the girl, she just desires to use you as a daiki

>> No.19178504

You can go whole hog.
You just better be ready for the bacon

>> No.19178507

But Ochi's are proud and stoic, unable to love! Why would they want to make their cute aruji-dono their personal daki?

>> No.19178516

>Huge, strong ochi with a massive katana
>Stoic face hidden behind a blank, mirror like mask.
>Secretly wants to hug her master all night long.

Nah, that's too far out there.

>> No.19178520

because its the forbidden desire

>> No.19178525
File: 222 KB, 1754x1240, gazer dunceneygak sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New wife commission!
Also new wife picture from twitter

>> No.19178549

>I want Gazer-chan to hypnotize me so I can't move while she feels me up
>I want ger to slather me in her goo
>I want her to bully me
A Gazer with the personality of Nagatoro

>> No.19178557

By definition, all of /jp/ is already spam.

>> No.19178559
Quoted by: >>19178615

You're describing my commission ideas folder, anon.

>> No.19178567
Quoted by: >>19178614

I imagine sadistic Monsters are very possessive like her.

>> No.19178614

Yes. But how many of them are short, cute, and easily flustered?

>> No.19178615

>commission ideas folder
I should really do one one of those, number them and roll a dice when I can't decide.

>> No.19178634
Quoted by: >>19178699

Be careful anon. The second I get a concrete idea for a commission I'm already looking for/contacting artists. I know if I had an ideas folder like that it'd be a very dangerous thing.

Of course that's just me though.

>> No.19178643

I wanna cum on her eggs.

>> No.19178653

All sneks are olev but I'd pick the Basilisk if I have to choose one.

>> No.19178663

Just be careful. My folder gets really big really fast, much faster than I can actually commission the ideas.

>> No.19178699
Quoted by: >>19178708

Hi Miiafag.

>> No.19178705
File: 49 KB, 551x816, Deg8V3uW0AAWKpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like gnomes.

>> No.19178708

Guess again anon.

>> No.19178714

They're cute in alternate styles

>> No.19178721
File: 116 KB, 801x1000, Dda9IPxV0AAMr5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178727


>> No.19178727
Quoted by: >>19178732


>> No.19178730
Quoted by: >>19178796

Why like gnomes when there's mudslime or trolls?

>> No.19178732
Quoted by: >>19178734


>> No.19178734
Quoted by: >>19178745


>> No.19178744
Quoted by: >>19178750


>> No.19178745
Quoted by: >>19178750


>> No.19178750
Quoted by: >>19178756

Not them either.

>> No.19178756
Quoted by: >>19178765

Dragonfag then? Though I guess not since he barely has commissioned something.

>> No.19178758

would shogmom give kids regular spoons so she's not lewding them?

>> No.19178763

You guys it's KDF, come the fuck on.

>> No.19178765
Quoted by: >>19178801

No, anon.

You win!

>> No.19178772
Quoted by: >>19178781

What is this Gnome from?

>> No.19178774

It all depends really. If you only want one p'orc, you need to find a p'orc that's by herself and defeat her. This will make her submissive, and she'll be more than happy to become your slave or wife, whichever you prefer. However if she defeats you, there's a good chance you hauls you back to the tribe, and the tribe uses you for endless sex. The problem is that p'orcs are typically found in groups when they wander out. So there's a much greater chance that you'll be attacked by a group rather than a lone p'orc. All in all, it's possible to manage to get one p'orc, but it's unlikely

>> No.19178775

If shogs are artificial, I get the impression they can't reproduce. Given their endgame, I don't think they have any desire to.

>> No.19178779

Chapter 2 out, 3 soon

>> No.19178781
Quoted by: >>19178791


>> No.19178791

I cam't believe didn't recognize that as Mari's art.

>> No.19178796

Maybe I just want an earth elemental girl that isn't retarded.

>> No.19178799
Quoted by: >>19178803

i never see anybody talk about the dwarves here are they as unpopular as siths?

>> No.19178800
File: 70 KB, 426x820, 1428206495970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178960

>Trying to write past 3 weeks.
>Keep scrapping what I have and going back to the drawing board.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna go back to doing the only thing I'm good at. Writing shitty bdsm greentexts


>> No.19178801


>> No.19178803

They can split like any other slime.

Mostly they suffer from being toddlercon in MGE.
Drawn otherwise nobody minds em.

>> No.19178809
Quoted by: >>19178824

i kinda like yordles and other shortstacks but yeah you right they have that feel thats going down a dark path further than loli

>> No.19178811

If we gave them beards would they be more popular?

>> No.19178824

As someone who has to deal with toddlers regularly I can't understand why in god's name somebody would ever find that shit arousing.

They're fucking disgusting little snot nosed brats.

>> No.19178848
File: 1.22 MB, 1067x1280, tumblr_o5jk8alzjx1sk31cyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me play you the song of my people

>> No.19178852

Speaking of commissions, what are all you waifu/daughteru fags thinking of or in the process of getting?

>> No.19178853
Quoted by: >>19178863

2D wipes away the ugliness.
And then the faceless old man sticks it in and she's crying like her face is melting off, and I'm just disgusted and add another artist to my list of those to avoid.

>> No.19178856

i used to have to be near retards that drooled chewed up cheezits out of their mouth and it was so fucking disgusting i wanted to hit him so much for being near me like that

>> No.19178863
Quoted by: >>19178875

>faceless old man
I have to say I've never seen that in hentai. It's always the average-build young men that get hit with the faceless stick, while the old man make you WISH they were drawn faceless.

>> No.19178865

Something with freaky faces, bodysuits with no apparent way to move on one's own, and of course, drool covered ball gags

>> No.19178869

Friendly reminder that monstergirls make toddlercon a-ok.

>> No.19178875
File: 122 KB, 1005x1200, Dc7-6ZXXcAAt4lU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*old men

>> No.19178880

No they don't, fuck off.

>> No.19178881

I've got a few things that I've been waiting on for a very long time (past the 6 month mark for some of them), so hopefully they're done soon. As for ideas, I've got a big folder of stuff to choose from, but I want to get something soon that's summer themed. Beach picture, sundress + ice cream, something like that.

>> No.19178884
File: 1.49 MB, 2358x2535, 827d445791407b0fd26ef3a42350414b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178909

Not everything he commissions is super pervy stuff.But more than likely that's what he's commissioned anyway.

>> No.19178885
Quoted by: >>19178901

A swimsuit picture, one of her in cosplay of a character from a certain video game series, and I'm thinking about getting one with her trying to eat a burger.

>> No.19178891
Quoted by: >>19178906

i like fullgrown adult shorties but making them look that chilidish is not attractive

>> No.19178894

One doodle in process, one on the waitlist and another one pending. No more for me in the next months though.

>> No.19178898
Quoted by: >>19178940

Mucus toads done like the battletoads cover.
Also Beast said his birthday was coming up so I was thinking of doing him a solid and getting him Selene art.

>> No.19178901
Quoted by: >>19178903


>> No.19178903


>> No.19178906
Quoted by: >>19178925

me not spellchecking before i hit enter like an idiot

>> No.19178909

Lies and slander anon, you stop that.

In reality though, I've got my most expensive one to date going right now from a really nice artist. By the sketch I received recently it's gonna be excellent. No bondage stuff either, for those of you who care.

There will be a tasteful latex version, but that's only one of four.

>> No.19178919

>tasteful latex

Like you could afford an artist that can do that

>> No.19178925
Quoted by: >>19178935

Don't worry anon, we forgive yo-


>> No.19178935

thank you

>> No.19178937

How rude. I'll have you know that things in the money department have been rather comfy lately.

>> No.19178940
Quoted by: >>19178955

Beast not getting art for his characters might as well be a fucking meme at this point.

>> No.19178941
Quoted by: >>19178959

What are the other versions?

>> No.19178947
File: 2.20 MB, 2500x3125, 1515374668761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this scary anubis

>> No.19178950

Juggling ideas between getting some more individuals/off profile designs done or some smut of one of my favourite races.

>> No.19178953
Quoted by: >>19179053

i'd let her capture and dominate me in sitting cowlgirl while she licks me

>> No.19178955
Quoted by: >>19178971

Why do people care about the is my question.

>> No.19178959

Maid outfit
Naked apron

>> No.19178960
File: 67 KB, 542x489, 1520480415912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19178978

>4 votes
I guess schedule wan wins.

>> No.19178967
File: 281 KB, 1605x2160, 3EzhZ5iZBY0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19178971

Selene is one of the few Steelims who's creator isn't an asshole.
And l like warrior women (even the MGE amazon)

>> No.19178972

Wait a minute, do Tanuki's count as doggos? I know they're supposed to be raccoon-dog hybrids but just as a technicality are they woofers?

>> No.19178978

Looking forward to it, would have loved any of those but Anubis seems the most appealing.

>> No.19178983

The real-life tanuki is classified as a canid.

>> No.19178989
Quoted by: >>19178998

How much debt would a Tanuki hit you with if you caught her wagging her tail?

>> No.19178991
Quoted by: >>19179006

pretty good lookin zappyboi but not boi because that would be gay

>> No.19178998

a lifetime of marriage

>> No.19178999

Would that mean they have a heat cycle?
Would a tanuki pay anon to help relieve her from estrus?

>> No.19179006
File: 497 KB, 1000x1169, 62753959_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19179011

Wouldn't the latex act as an insulator?

>> No.19179012

does she charge it herself and does that make it a sexual stungun

>> No.19179018

All stun guns are sexual when Raijus are involved.

>> No.19179026
Quoted by: >>19179033

All the gun does is establish a link between her and her target.
She then provides the zaps.

>> No.19179033
Quoted by: >>19179035

What about that zappy stick? Where does that go?

>> No.19179035
Quoted by: >>19179037

Her clit, probably.

>> No.19179037


>> No.19179038
File: 61 KB, 778x828, Pop_Team_Wonderland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19179051
Quoted by: >>19179231

But why

>> No.19179053
Quoted by: >>19179063

Imaging being captured by a whole platoon of them.

>> No.19179054

I've been waiting for this

>> No.19179060

That's more of a Seth than Anubis

>> No.19179063

i would hold the leader tightly so they know only she has claim to me

>> No.19179065

A gazer gf would be nice
>surprise her by holding her hand
>"W-what are you doing, you pervert?!"
>she's looking at you with contempt, but all of her tentacles have heart-pupils

>> No.19179070

Thick mice are best mice.
Also breast mice

>> No.19179075

>find a thicc mouse stealing cheese from your fridge late at night
Wut do?

>> No.19179083

Boop on the head.
Tie up
Inform her on why what she did is wrong while taking her anally

>> No.19179085

Tie her up and use her as a daki.

>> No.19179098
Quoted by: >>19179101

Mice are NOT for bondage.

>> No.19179099

i like this

>> No.19179101

Bullcrap, mice are very much for bondage.
Bondage and THICK

>> No.19179138
Quoted by: >>19179148

please don't ruin my dream of transparent pregnant shog tummy

>> No.19179148
Quoted by: >>19179162

Why transparent? So you can see the slime cores forming?

>> No.19179149

That’s exactly what Dormice want though.

>> No.19179162


>> No.19179190

Remember that meaty mice can't rob effectively!
Do your part and donate cheese.

>> No.19179204
File: 77 KB, 1157x1200, DCkKTr2XYAAarSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179213

I'd like to see more thicc matronly Giant Mice, ones that aren't waifufag OCs at least.

>> No.19179210
Quoted by: >>19179245

>cuddling up asleep with your mouse captive as the little spoon
>she's trying to wiggle free, but you're surprisingly strong in your sleep
>if that wasn't bad enough, your morning wood keeps prodding her butt
>after a bit more struggling, your dick manages to slip free of your sleepwear and slide right between her thighs
>now she's hesitant to move as everytime she does, you boner rubs against her crotch, making her feel good
>you wake up in the morning refreshed next to a horny thicc mouse

>> No.19179213

Its a bit of a DIY project, gotta do it yourself.

>> No.19179224
File: 503 KB, 618x595, 64489564_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179239

>> No.19179231
File: 644 KB, 1146x1200, DYQZfarWAAIwHam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179624

Because Wonderland.

>> No.19179239
Quoted by: >>19179377

The optimal bodytype.

>> No.19179245
Quoted by: >>19179382

make sure your captive is given a thick breakfast

>> No.19179252

Can we talk about THAT monstergirl? You know the one.

>> No.19179255

Really wishing I had my waifu here with me right now to hug me and tell me everything will be alright. Anyone else feeling this?

>> No.19179261
File: 275 KB, 1200x867, 1514386822120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19179267
Quoted by: >>19179294

Would a dragon ever let out of her sight?
Seems like the kind of girl that would hold you like a teddy bear when she sleeps or takes a nap to make sure you don't get hurt when shes asleep.

>> No.19179293
Quoted by: >>19179302


>> No.19179294

Maybe just for a tiny bit, but that's why you gotta step up your game and "flee", doing stuff on your own like going shopping, doing house work, fighting realm beasts bare handed, cleaning her hoard and such.

>> No.19179302

CGRascal is still a thing?

>> No.19179308

kind of weird to think that someone I was talking to on ustream 7 years ago got his own anime.

>> No.19179318
Quoted by: >>19179454

she's really cute but nobody wants her to have a husband

>> No.19179336

Heya, fellas! I'm trying to get myself back into this whole "writing" thing. I made another fake profile because they're short, sweet, and we still don't have a gawtdamn Lochness Monsta. Enjoy!


>> No.19179346

Are you immortal?

>> No.19179350
Quoted by: >>19179375

I'm going to guess that he never left

>> No.19179354
Quoted by: >>19179375

Noice, I missed you bro

>> No.19179370
File: 132 KB, 850x1113, __manticore_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_matilda_vin__sample-69b75edf0b3dd11fd7984ac72f2cc78c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's 1 AM, come to bed already

>> No.19179375

Just think of me as undead. Also: >>19179350, though I did take a break from the threads for a while.

Expect more Seafoam soon! There's actually another piece I need to write one more scene for and proof, but life's hell right now, so it won't be instant.

>> No.19179377
File: 439 KB, 776x980, 1523006495090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstacks truly are the peak of monster evolution

>> No.19179382
Quoted by: >>19179399

You mean a big sausage with lots of cheese that just explodes juices in her mouth?

>> No.19179393

Leviathan sounds nice and I can see the appeal, but personally not my type of monstergirl.

>> No.19179399


>> No.19179402

Liking it so far anon, keep it up!

>> No.19179405
File: 144 KB, 850x1259, dragalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pump a plump drag-alp

>> No.19179408
Quoted by: >>19179417

>I want to pump a plump drag-alp
Full of hot lead!

>> No.19179411
File: 351 KB, 850x1020, tumblr_orqi2n0O7p1v03hr5o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179646

>Unironically referencing the "tree-fiddy" meme

>> No.19179417
Quoted by: >>19179492


>> No.19179421

I hear you.
For impregnating

>> No.19179443
File: 795 KB, 786x969, 68050979_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179453

Anubii are for graping.

>> No.19179452

>seafoam is alive
What the hell, missed you around these parts.

>> No.19179453
Quoted by: >>19179487

I thought that was Pharaohs?

>> No.19179454
File: 383 KB, 1148x720, 1525359020770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she looked anything like Isutzumi I'd smash that shit like a semi-truck. Or a quarterback high on PCP and her holding every football ever made.

>> No.19179459

Better be tender loving you've got in mind.

>> No.19179462
File: 132 KB, 1000x707, DaJzaNYUQAEcI5I.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alps like this should be illegal

>> No.19179467

Was it intentional that he could make her sword any length they wished?

>> No.19179471

Better that than a bunch of gay dudes running around.

>> No.19179482
File: 139 KB, 768x1024, 68335092_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously to reflect the size of her pride

>> No.19179484
Quoted by: >>19179514

Hold your roll partner, we don't even how many nipples she has under that fur.

>> No.19179487
Quoted by: >>19179504

Anubis are more interesting post graping. Calculated, strategic lechery is preferred to ordinary hedonism.

>> No.19179492

>he doesn't ejaculate molten lead

>> No.19179504
Quoted by: >>19179533

I agree that Anubis have an excellent grape mode, but you don't get the same feeling of gravity you get from a powerful Queen who falls from grace.

>> No.19179514

you gonna say that when aliens find us?

>> No.19179516
File: 595 KB, 1260x600, 658fbd826fb5fa30963f1f0d3dcdac7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made an original monster girl setting. It's my first time trying it so criticism is appreciated.


>> No.19179533
Quoted by: >>19179544

Do NOT grape my wife!

>> No.19179535
Quoted by: >>19179556

that is really dickable and would snuggle

>> No.19179544
Quoted by: >>19179561

I didn't want to at first, but after KC did the extra art with that Pharaoh and Apophis dressed alike and pressed together...

>> No.19179551
File: 1.11 MB, 1063x1500, Jun_Kemonokko_Tsuushin_Uma_Musume_Felice_Page_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would your parents react to your monster waifu?

>> No.19179556
File: 449 KB, 1252x1800, 025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's prime bully material as well.

>> No.19179561
Quoted by: >>19179575

My wife is a dignified woman. She is NOT for bullying!

>> No.19179572
Quoted by: >>19179582

Does such a tank exist or has one ever been in development?

Because I can think of a pretty good reason why this is a bad idea.

>> No.19179573
Quoted by: >>19179584

>Everything in that image

>> No.19179575
File: 926 KB, 2390x4250, ApophisPharoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Apophis to train her graped Pharaoh into an oral slave, until she's like a mere Ghoul.

>> No.19179579

I wouldn't mind helping out on that task.

>> No.19179581

Yugu is a miracle

>> No.19179582

No. It doesn't exist. Nor has it ever been in development. The US military complex does some stupid shit (Like 'wooly' tanks) but they're not THAT dumb.

>> No.19179584

Oh yeah, isn't the magazine supposed to be on the front? What's the point of having four guns on your tank?

>> No.19179586

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please don't make fun of yetis going into their summer coats.
They have people not wanting to cuddle as much due to the heat already messing with them, they don't need to be called Sasquatches as well!

>> No.19179589

The nine tails part might throw them for a loop, but otherwise she’s human and nice enough that my mom would just be glad I found a good girl.

>> No.19179611

that artist does a shit-ton of diaper porn.

>> No.19179615
File: 324 KB, 833x1000, demon_girl_by_valldor-dc0ktvn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179636

Which MG has the best backstory?

>> No.19179620
Quoted by: >>19179632

>they can become Undead
I don't remember that, can you refresh my memory please?

>> No.19179624
Quoted by: >>19179630

That cheshire looks as if she wants a dick in her mouth

>> No.19179630

Nah, you must be imagining things

>> No.19179632
File: 857 KB, 2752x1971, Undead Kingdom Description.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19179636

Any who have a story mainly focused on them as central character

>> No.19179639
Quoted by: >>19179648

>"Come on anon, get nice and hard for my friend here~ She really wants to try this."
>"And when she's a cum drunk mess, I get my turn~"
>And then afterwards anon lays in the Apophis' lap while the Pharaoh lays in his and he strokes her hair.
>Tomorrow is his turn to pick their activity and he's going to cuddle on the couch all day with his wives and goof around.

>> No.19179641
File: 604 KB, 2048x1755, 1512279081742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a pharaoh in the top right position.

>> No.19179646

Seafoam is a known memester. He even referenced the "snicker snack" line from the original Jabberwock poem in his vampire story. He's a cheeky fucker.

>> No.19179648
File: 110 KB, 1024x744, Jabberwock143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lamia family MG
>ever sharing

>> No.19179649

This guy always does off-profiles, and they're great

>> No.19179651

All of the positions after the first one look perfect for helping the Apophis grape her rival.
>Top Right is prime for anon thrusting into her.
>Bottom Left is perfect for facefucking.
>Bottom Right is for thighfucking.

>> No.19179655

Big beefy dragon abs!

>> No.19179657
Quoted by: >>19179679

That's regular Lamias anon, Apophis isn't a jealous girl. Besides, imagine two rivals turned friends cuddling with their husband on the couch and playing video games.

>> No.19179679
File: 152 KB, 348x537, Bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC sez all members of the lamia family are possessive by nature.

>> No.19179685

How ironic...

>> No.19179690
Quoted by: >>19179705

If Shirohebis share then others would definitely do too if husband wanted it.

>> No.19179691

The little towels for the snakes always get me. So cute

>> No.19179700

Apophis are incredibly hedonistic and ok with fudking her slave rivals as long as you remember who owns your dick

>> No.19179701

>have drag-alp waifu
>she has the odd ability to make your 'sword' any length she wants
Now I want to make her a size queen

>> No.19179705
File: 343 KB, 769x1000, Bicorn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179712

>If Shirohebis share
They only do that when affected by cuckhorse magic bullshit.

>> No.19179712

Not really. If another girl falls in love with her man she'll have to share.

>> No.19179717

I headcanon sneks as being immune to that.

>> No.19179719
File: 1.69 MB, 1833x1548, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help my apophis wife GRAPE a pharaoh and turn that pharaoh into our personal slave. I want to then deny said pharaoh of any sex over and over again just to watch her squirm and beg for my seed. I want to force her to watch me and my apophis waifu fuck for hours on end to the point where she can't take it anymore and she forces herself on me, only for my apophis waifu to stop her in her tracks. My apophis waifu will then restrain and guide the pharaoh at a painfully slow pace on how to properly pleasure me, breaking any will she had left in her, allowing us to forever take full advantage of her without even the slightest amount of resistance.

>> No.19179722

He’s still getting burned.

>> No.19179728

Thank for your sacrifice.

>> No.19179735

I headcanon a lot of monsters not being okay with sharing.

>> No.19179747

La Puss- I mean, La Pucelle looks reminds me more of a dragon girl with that tail

>> No.19179758

I want big girls to break in for comfy times at night!

>> No.19179761
File: 1.76 MB, 1536x2560, 20180607_211909-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19179768

smol drunk lim

>> No.19179770

I missed the pic but yeah that sounds perfect. is it wrong that I want the Pharaoh to make plays for the alpha bitch position? Annoying the Apophis by pleasing her husband too well?

>> No.19179774 [SPOILER] 
File: 153 KB, 900x900, 1528426762836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best part of an apophis?
Her Nether Realm

>> No.19179778
Quoted by: >>19179783

It was a apophis milking a pharaoh

>> No.19179783

I dig it.

>> No.19179784
File: 42 KB, 687x323, Playing with your Pharaoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why go through all the effort of getting a nice toy to use with your wife if you're gonna just let it sit around? She's there for you two to share, anon.

>> No.19179790
Quoted by: >>19179801

I picked the wrong file. It wasn't blue board safe, so I deleted asap. Honest mistake

>> No.19179791
Quoted by: >>19179806

Not thread approved.

>> No.19179801

I didn't have that one yet so I appreciate the slip-up, anon.

>> No.19179806
File: 21 KB, 800x800, Bummer, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19179825
File: 1.71 MB, 1063x1260, tumblr_p3l0zy02oA1wrgj22o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179841

Bully the gorgon!

>> No.19179836
Quoted by: >>19179861

There's no point if I can't post it anywhere.

>> No.19179840

Work is taking up all my time.

>> No.19179841
File: 345 KB, 1000x1144, 1436911434549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179868

Gorgons just want someone to love them. Plz no bully.

>> No.19179847

Not him but I finished a full character design, came up with names for supporting characters, rework a small part of my draft and brainstorm some connecting plot elements yesterday.

I took today off, but will try to work over the weekend. Hoping for a draft by the end of the month.

I'm especially proud of that character design since it's the one of the few times I came up with a full wardrobe.

>> No.19179853

They are indeed, but still willing to be part of a harem under some circumstances. Still, more often than not I can see an apophis keeping her mate to herself.

>> No.19179854
File: 54 KB, 519x607, DdmGK8tUQAALu_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The head nurse will see you now

>> No.19179859

That's a sexy nurse! She seems trustworthy too!

>> No.19179861
Quoted by: >>19179908

You wouldn't know unless you post it here. Or you can just be a useless sack of shit like Bollocks and complain rather than produce.

>> No.19179867

It wouldn't matter if the snake girl is immune though. Them "having" to share is more about them understanding that when a monster falls in love to the point that she considers a man her husband she literally can't stop and be with someone else.

Monsters understand the depth of this pair bonding, and none would be so cold-hearted as to condemn another monster girl to a life without a husband.

>> No.19179868

what that say

>> No.19179875
File: 112 KB, 730x515, DexqqQ7UwAAauK9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180013


>> No.19179882
File: 374 KB, 1130x957, 1428465310798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179896

Not entirely sure. Something about tsundere gorgon seeing the guy pulled out his own eyes to be with her.

>> No.19179887

Monsters denying other monsters sex with a man they love for such a length seems pretty unlikely. Apophis aren't that mean-spirited.


>The description of WG2 is not false. In Pharao`s case, please consider it like "regime change" from Pharao to Apopis. As always, "nothing other than sex" is hyperbolic expression. They get into their home and take much more time for sex, but they will not sever the relationship with others. The families and friends can meet her. They will give the throne to Apopis, but still they may assist the governance.

>(note:In English, there are expressions like "give all one's time to reading", and they should not be understood literally.)

>> No.19179892
Quoted by: >>19180025

Wait you're not a nurse!

>> No.19179896
File: 8 KB, 256x256, Medusa 12433616[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet as that scenario is, I'm glad the MGE medusas can control their powers.

>> No.19179905 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 1920x1200, 1528428703086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I usually ignore that bit. I find it way more romantic to find ways to work around it & be together, though maybe not to that extreme. Plus, sight deprivation during sex is kinky.

>> No.19179908
Quoted by: >>19182462

My post got deleted the last time I tried.

>> No.19179919

When I have a job that supports me comfortably I'll use my free time to do that instead

If you find a fantasy novel at some point that's a mix between early 20th century aesthetics and Ar Tonelico/Nosurge that's me

>> No.19179938
File: 657 KB, 658x583, The happiest sad story you'll never view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19179965

I love hobgoblins! They are cute girls with big cute horns and big cute boobs! I want to help a hobgoblin lead her imoutos until we form a bandit gang even more fearsome than the greatest of p'orc tribes!

>> No.19179941
Quoted by: >>19179949

She seems serious about the bottle.

>> No.19179942
File: 1.67 MB, 2059x1516, Basilisk 1512321943905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basilisk agrees with you.

>> No.19179944

Ah fuck it, I know all those kanji even though I don't know what it says, I'll dump it in the translator

>真っ直ぐ私と向き合える 愚かな男が私の変人
>”I can face straight with me A foolish man is my weirdo”

Why the fuck is 直 different depending on the font? That's some bullshit right there

>> No.19179949

Don't fuck with the bottlelim

>> No.19179965
Quoted by: >>19179971

I'd like a hobgoblin with a whitecap lackey. I need that mix of sweet and sinister.

>> No.19179968
File: 172 KB, 528x520, worried bunyip noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunyip is flustered by her lewd and kinky cousins.

>> No.19179971

Redcap, even. I get too fixated on sundresses.

>> No.19179972
File: 190 KB, 591x748, 1511684789999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basilisk a cutie, too. I just have a soft spot for classic Medusa. Snakehair and tsundere killed me.

>> No.19179981
Quoted by: >>19180000

I've yet to settle on a single on a single type, so it depends on what type of slut I'm feeling like when the portals open. I only have to deal with my mom.

>Unagi Joro
She'd wonder what to do with all the slime and a private discussion about my tastes would happen, but the waifu would be a nice girl so it'd be fine.

They don't look that weird so this one would probably be the easiest or second easiest to deal with. Not to mention that after a simple handshake the waifu would be more than equipped to talk circles around her in any discussion.

>[Terrestrial succ]
First, I'd have to convince her that I didn't marry a demon (well, even if I did, not THAT kind of demon). Yes, I still have my soul (unless I don't). No, she's not making me say that. After that probably long process, a pleasant talk would be enough to bring them together. I would have to coach the waifu not to be too lewd, though.

Dis-fucking-armed. The maid would probably charm my mom so hard she'd be begging her to let me take her hand in marriage

Yeah, I'd need to prep her for the purple snake lady. Tell her how great she is, describe her winning personality... then a few pictures before I visit. Can't drop that bomb easily. After the setup though I'd probably need to leave the room while mom talk happens. Also, LOTS of grandchildren.

>> No.19179985
File: 259 KB, 1771x1773, Bunyip embrace 1527562795293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which oddly enough can lead to her outperforming them in the passion department.

>> No.19179989
File: 132 KB, 712x561, 1526572038034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why, though. She can be just as lewd when it's Yipper Time.

>> No.19179998
File: 18 KB, 395x252, Wolfwood_Punisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180014

pic related

>> No.19180000
File: 393 KB, 623x1200, 299_Hakutaku_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180015

>They don't look that weird so this one would probably be the easiest or second easiest to deal with.

Just be sure to tell your mom ahead of time that yes, that eye on her forehead is real.

>> No.19180013

It'll never be scanned.

>> No.19180014
Quoted by: >>19180019

To be fair, if your dad can wield a giant machine gun cross, it might be worth listening to him.

>> No.19180015
Quoted by: >>19180029

Is it? I glanced at it and assumed it was makeup or the like. I'd headcanon that away.

>> No.19180019
Quoted by: >>19180021

i was failing to find a demon begone nun so i just thought of him

>> No.19180021

>Wolfwood before Andersen
Well, you didn't do badly.

>> No.19180025
File: 252 KB, 600x849, Checkup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she is! All of her credentials are valid.

>> No.19180029

Well all we have talking about it is in the Making Of that hasn't been translated beyond a machine translation, but it certainly indicates the marking is a physical part of her. It states something along the lines of that when a hakutaku is angry the yellow part of the eye-like thing will turn red (but that its a rare sight as they don't get angry easily).

>> No.19180043
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x2048, werebat_by_nanostar-dbgnxj1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180073

>> No.19180058
File: 441 KB, 1057x1500, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180060

At first they’d probably be surprised by her appearance but once they all sat down to talk they’d see that she can be trusted. Also my parents don’t discriminate so they’d be cool with her especially once they saw how well we get along with each other and that she truly loves/cares for me. Plus being an aquatic girl all of us wound end up in a conversation about the ocean, sea creatures, and just animal in general.

>> No.19180073
Quoted by: >>19180076

What a shiny bat. I'd feed her some fruit.

>> No.19180076
Quoted by: >>19180084

Would you support her career if she became an idol?

>> No.19180083
File: 73 KB, 640x905, rf_DGxlqTRyCse-u6v0dFgD2aagwKtbRL8-KTnVNiak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180084
Quoted by: >>19180201

Why wouldn't I? I'd always be spreading some pamphlets when her show was around the corner.

>> No.19180089
Quoted by: >>19180157

This one was great, but I really think it would have been even better if he didn't turn into a kid for no reason

>> No.19180090

Such a sexy lamia doujin, if only it didn't have the whole "tortured princess gets abandoned" aspect.

>> No.19180097

I'm surprised you remembered that over the extended Metal Gear reference.

>> No.19180110
File: 103 KB, 640x905, Hd2au7BSMn_uKWZ9Su-eLnJgIC6ZJ5GMEy105idaiZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19180119

Surprised that Erubetie slime expy hasn't been translated, looks quite high quality. Unless it only just recently got scanned.

>> No.19180123
File: 1.14 MB, 2009x2395, __anubis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_ignacio_penailillo__eee54c7b42f531d6f35c3d4699dc99dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180159

She just saw your ___.

>> No.19180135

>I thought so little they rewarded me...

And it all starts when you let Monsters polish doorknobs, if y'know what I mean...

>> No.19180152
File: 817 KB, 1688x2048, Morga The Heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me P'Orc Warchief names!

>> No.19180157
Quoted by: >>19180162

Well in that doujin DL wanted lamia to kill the hero but lamia had other thought and overpowered him by turning into a kid so she had her reasons

>> No.19180158
File: 208 KB, 1200x1448, AVibQKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do

>> No.19180159

That's right, I own many ships in Scam Citizen! The Tanuki tell me I just need to pay 30,000 more and I'll get even MORE ships!

>> No.19180162

He passed out from hunger and fatigue before she ever made a move, he wasn't exactly a danger

>> No.19180164

Would ghosts be scared of their experience?

>> No.19180166

Tuska Pelvis-breaker

>> No.19180173
File: 361 KB, 1057x1500, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you do if a harpy made you eat her eggs?

>> No.19180174

Would a shog assimilate parts of your body peace meal, part by part, or one impossibly long night? If the former, what parts would be the first to get an 'upgrade'?
>Wake up one morning
>Shoggy is positively bubbly with excitement
>"Master, no matter what happens, I always want you to think of me as your right hand girl ufufufufufufufu~"
>What a silly slime

>> No.19180178
Quoted by: >>19180182

All of them?

>> No.19180179
Quoted by: >>19180211

I suppose her family of Lovecraftian horrors is also attending the wedding.

>> No.19180181
File: 217 KB, 700x785, AlYLTdz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19180182

ALL of them

>> No.19180187

The ShogHand(tm) slaps any girl that it perceives is flirting with her mastah.

>> No.19180193

It would be strange, as one of those would would be our kid someday.

>> No.19180195

i would desire better eyes

>> No.19180198

B'orca Pain-lover

>> No.19180201

Would you accept acting as her boyfriend then? Her agency says that any good monstergirl idol needs to look like she's romantically involved so young monster will get inspired and find boyfriends of their own!
Of course the turnover rate of fake boyfriends becoming actual boyfriends is practically 100% so...

>> No.19180203
Quoted by: >>19180233

I'd join the Neo Order. Conservative appearances and proper attitudes/actions in public just make for a better lifestyle. Save those flopping tits for the bedroom and for her husband's eyes only.

>> No.19180208

I actually like those gaudy 80s ski suits. The bright colors make it seem more active.

>> No.19180211

As much as you don't want to see Hastur at your wedding, you Really don't want to see Him show up pissed from not getting a RSVP. F*king tentacles, spiders, and Elvis impersonators everywhere, man. I can still hear the bouquet's screams on especially cold nights.

>> No.19180216
Quoted by: >>19180256

Moira Flesh-Pounder, renowned for her roughness in battle and bed.
Dalka Milk-Laden, a motherly leader and desperate for an actual heir.
Jozha Ghoul-Mouth, whose oral skills make even Ghouls blush.
Hosna Lonely-Eye, who couldn't imagine any man-thing loving her because of her lost eye.

>> No.19180221

Ore wa suki kitsune-tsuki!

>> No.19180225

Pancetta or Prosciutto.

>> No.19180233

>The death of the old Order and birth of the new Order came when the Chief Goddess' newest champion fell defending her from being corrupted by the Monster Lord and the Fallen God.
>The next day, a wave of holy power washed over the land turning the Chief Goddess' forces to lewdness of a different breed.
>They would dress and act as they had before, but now as a fetish.
>Married couples in Order lands now engaged in lewd fantasies behind closed doors while acting as if they were hiding a secret.
>The Chief Goddess seemed like she was the same stuck up understudy prude as she had ever been, but in private she spent days, sometimes even months having sweaty passionate sex with her final hero.

>> No.19180234
File: 47 KB, 600x480, BE94B19C-AE4B-4B8B-B563-0EE701CD91AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180242

I hope onitengu draws a bunyip someday. Seems right up his alley.

>> No.19180243

Sandworms are Akaname Mechas. Prove me wrong

>> No.19180251
File: 341 KB, 719x1000, 1510698215124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Mmm~ Your cooking is always so heavenly, Anon. I'm so lucky to have a squire like you. You must teach me your secret one of these days."
>"Eh? Ah, sure thing, Onee-san."
>"Aren't you gonna have some?"
>"N-no, I'm not hungry."
>"Hee hee. Well then, more for me."
>she can't see the leftover demon realm boar meat, prisoner fruit, lamentation mushrooms, and semen sitting in a pot in the kitchen

>> No.19180256

Gonna love her until she's had enough daughters for a soccer team

>> No.19180276

Can anyone suggest some good writers from the listing?

>> No.19180279
Quoted by: >>19180539

>unexpected dragon bestiality and pseudo-ntr fox near the end

what the fuck

>> No.19180292

Ok anon, we all know mamono mana can do pretty much anything you and your waifu want it to after you get married.

What would those things actually be though? What about yourself would you want to fix or change, and what do you thing your waifu would want in the same department?

>> No.19180293

At least she isn't trashy or some negro or something so I've at least got the grandparents.

In all seriousness, I might be able to convince them I enjoy her intellectually and that she's a smart partner, not just a snekxy body.

>> No.19180295
File: 751 KB, 1161x1640, 1516571089578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean when onee-san does this?

>> No.19180299

I'd like my skin to stop hating me.

>> No.19180304

It would be nice if it fixed my speech impediment. It's not too bad anymore, but it would be nice if it was totally gone.

>> No.19180306

I'd want clearer skin, to finally lose this weight that won't go away, to purge my food addictions and to unfuck my spine.
She's perfect just the way she is.

It means get ready to start licking her pussy, because Onee-san's about to sit on your face.

>> No.19180309

My lack of ambition is problematic.

>> No.19180311
Quoted by: >>19180322

I want to become a career criminal who breaks into the homes of single women and monsterizes them with transformative items.

>> No.19180318

Well, the first thing I'd want is for my chronic illness and the scar tissue associated with it to be cured. Past that I'd want my skin cleared up and a tiny little bit more muscle definition, and maybe an inch or so of height. A fuller butt would be neat too. I also might add the removal of my hah reflex, but as things are going that's sort of working itself out already.

As far as my waifu is concerned, probably not nearly as much as me. I mean, I'd certainly hope she doesn't have as many issues. She'd probably just want small things, like slightly bigger boobs, a softer tummy and a squishier ass.

>> No.19180322
Quoted by: >>19180329

Do you at least do research and find out what their perfect species would be?

>> No.19180329
Quoted by: >>19180336

And then I turn them into the opposite.

>> No.19180331

kdf what are you doing

>> No.19180333 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 775x550, 5Oclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means it's 5 o'clock. Skull f*cking time.

>> No.19180336
Quoted by: >>19180387

You had me then you lost me

>> No.19180344

Sorry but how do you know that's him?

>> No.19180348
Quoted by: >>19180365

Satisfying my oral fixations anon, what else?

>> No.19180349

>not being able to tell who's who based off how they talk
Get good.

>> No.19180350

It's his stereotypical posting style and I've seen him mention his disease before.

>> No.19180355
Quoted by: >>19180358

>hah relfex

>> No.19180358

Gag reflex anon, you know what I mean.

>> No.19180363
Quoted by: >>19180374

>it's another KDF is a faggot episode

>> No.19180365
Quoted by: >>19180374

So what kind of dicks are you sucking? Should we be worried?

>> No.19180374

I'm barely half a faggot anon, not even that much.

No dicks anon, that would be cheating and cheating is no good.

>> No.19180375

For me all I’d want fixed about me is to lose my excess weight. I feel like everything else about me I already like or with help from my waifu can improve such as getting a bit more fit. As for her I wouldn’t change anything for I love her for who she is and she loves me for who I am, as we both have strengths and weaknesses/flaws. We each help the each other when one of us feels down or get too stressed for thats how you build a strong loving relationship.

>> No.19180387

I said I was going to be a criminal, not a charity worker.

>> No.19180398

I don't really want anything changed about her, she's perfect including her flaws, though I could never say no to an even longer snake wife.
I would just want to have hopefully my back issues fixed, and to become a shota.
/ss/ is my favorite fetish and i'm stuck in a tall body, though that doesn't matter much when compared to a lamia.

>> No.19180403

I want to be able to jizz gallons, but my waifu is perfect as is.

>> No.19180406
File: 136 KB, 704x1040, De28ac2UcAALXHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to check a girl's teeth before calling her cute, that will save you a lot of troubles.

>> No.19180410

shark teeth are cute though, and a patrician tier interest.

>> No.19180420
File: 266 KB, 1114x1450, tumblr_o16z4g9iwr1r8ououo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saying shark teeth are bad, anon?

>> No.19180428
File: 184 KB, 600x800, 56814916_p30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he meant that you should check to make sure they have them.

>> No.19180436
File: 261 KB, 800x547, 1433088035601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust her. Probably gives the gentlest, most loving blowjob that can edge you for hours.

>> No.19180445

I like this interpretation of an aquatic girl. You get a tail AND thick thighs! It probably shouldn't work anatomically, but it looks nice.

>> No.19180446

No, he meant you should make sure they're not old hags pretending to be young girls. Like with horses.

>> No.19180460

Good point, I wouldn't want to get tricked into fucking a woman who wasn't much older than me.

>> No.19180463

I thought that was for determining general health (of horses), not age. Guess not.

>> No.19180464
File: 111 KB, 728x1113, 05650072-D0AF-4B3D-8D2B-71A3D24F1AB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180473
File: 1.89 MB, 2455x3500, 1528418597862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.19180475

She's not blue, but brown is close enough.

>> No.19180477
Quoted by: >>19180563

>cow tits
>best performance

>> No.19180496

Her eyes still have white in them.

>> No.19180501
File: 116 KB, 503x1500, 1461587578470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180520

I agree, I can't call cute a girl without shark teeth

>> No.19180539

it just came up as album removed/unavailable for me

>> No.19180548

does shog dream of me when i dream of shog and do shogs even dream or do they never sleep so they can always watch me

>> No.19180552

>Not!elf cuter than basically every real elf

>> No.19180559
Quoted by: >>19180565


Attractive? Sure, and I could suffer the BDSM, but the mandatory incest ruins it for me. Don't nail your daughteru's dudes.

>> No.19180563
File: 735 KB, 800x1576, 1436723391435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180621

I'm insulted that you'd classify those as cowtits, anon.

>> No.19180565
Quoted by: >>19180589

She doesn't need to be a MGE elf

>> No.19180568

What do you imagine shog looks like while moving. I've never seen a slime in the middle of moving just the lewd things they do at destination.

>> No.19180589
Quoted by: >>19180600

She's not actually an elf at all, she just has pointy ears.

>> No.19180600

I know

>> No.19180621
File: 297 KB, 800x800, 1507947045898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call those mosquito bites cowtits?

>> No.19180628
File: 830 KB, 1000x1461, e1c28c424b3a09fbda5066819a1c30e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19180652

This one is.

>> No.19180652
File: 760 KB, 1200x931, 43801107_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily the most appealing of his girls. I wonder what kind of monster girl she'd be best as.

>> No.19180784
Quoted by: >>19180825


>> No.19180825
File: 383 KB, 669x571, Mad peach colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to wake up wIth TEA

>> No.19180831
Quoted by: >>19181255

Beast pls

>> No.19180849
Quoted by: >>19180960

>You will never have a stern kiki maid and ask her if she could be your daki for tonight

>> No.19180960
Quoted by: >>19180970

that seems like a nice thing to do after a bad day at work

>> No.19180970

>bad day at work

You probably wouldn't even need to ask if that is the case. She would demand you come to bed with her. Stern kiki knows what's best for Master

>> No.19180976
Quoted by: >>19180998

But I've already had two cups and I still feel tired.

>> No.19180998

I bet Wonderland tea can turn you into a rape machine with glowing eyes.

Then again, who knows what it'll do to you.

>> No.19181021
Quoted by: >>19181183

I want a shortstack, chubby devil to come home to.

>> No.19181183
Quoted by: >>19181231

Make sure you don't stay out for too long, she might get worried

>> No.19181231
Quoted by: >>19181375

I won’t.
Wouldn’t want a coupon of muscled demons to kick down the door while she follows behind, teary eyed and sniffling before she rubs up to hug me now would we?

>> No.19181255

Please what?

>> No.19181375

>Two huge baronesses of hell bedecked in full plate staring down a traditional game store
>Shortstack, chubby devil in a frilly apron runs past them while crying ‘oni-chan!’

May be an awkward way to have to forfeit a game

>> No.19181490
File: 125 KB, 990x1400, DdM_L6CV4AAMGGD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be an equivalent to office ladies in a setting like the MGE?

>> No.19181519

Anubis and Demons engaging in their species traditional manners?

>> No.19181531
File: 238 KB, 572x863, runa apron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to color the Mari Nude apron pic but till then, here's a kitchen helper.

>> No.19181539

Lewd lolim

>> No.19181540

I’ve invented a brand new setting for monster girl stories! It’s a bustling urban metropolis with cozy suburbs a few miles out and expansive rural farms even further out. I call it: Monster Girl Town! Or MGT, just like Monster Girl Thread!

What do you think? Ever heard of such a new and amazing setting? Just remember I invented it!

>> No.19181547

Smolims are nice

>> No.19181551

Cute thighs

>> No.19181554


>> No.19181565

She should wear more clothes.

>> No.19181566

Modern settings are kinda boring too.

>> No.19181582

What breeds would make for a good Himedere kobold?

>> No.19181587
Quoted by: >>19181591

She's still wearing panties, that means if anything she should be wearing less.

>> No.19181591

No u

>> No.19181596

Poodle or Chihuahua, or any of the small yappy breeds really.

>> No.19181601
Quoted by: >>19181611

Poodle springs to mind. Corgies too, because of the queen.

>> No.19181604

That face is horrifying.

>> No.19181605
Quoted by: >>19181615

You should have stuck with the expansive rural farms. It could be like Harvest Moon. Anon has to marry one of the girls within a year, or else he will be banished.

>> No.19181611

Would Corgis and fairies be friends? In the original myths, fairies used Corgis as mounts.

>> No.19181615

Naw, those are just brown pipsqueaks. Nothing regal there.

>Anon has to marry one of the girls within a year, or else he will be banished.
Greencard Quest: MonMusu Edition

>> No.19181616

I imagine so.

Poodles are also surprisingly buff if I remember right

>> No.19181619


>> No.19181639

I'd help her in the kitchen if you know what I mean.
She should wear less, I hope Leud draws her again soon,

>> No.19181642

Now that's a cute image.

>> No.19181661
File: 341 KB, 952x1453, Holstaur60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184081


>> No.19181669
File: 2.12 MB, 1600x900, monster_girl_encyclopedia___liliraune_entry_by_sexydragonqueen-dccoe5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19181688

>> No.19181671
Quoted by: >>19181733

Office ladies are basically women who put work first and neglected their private lives.
The medieval fantasy monster girl equivalent would be species with a lot of drive for something other than sex who also neglect themselves such as Dragons who are too busy building up their hoard, Salamanders who spends all their time training, Demons who are fully dedicated to corrupting human lands, etc...

>> No.19181688

I hope you get perma'd one day.

>> No.19181711
File: 901 KB, 772x1000, Sookmo_4.7_F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you and your waifu beating the heat anons?

>> No.19181733

Then they become Mere'd after getting the D.

>> No.19181738
File: 898 KB, 465x1242, FM_Succu_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19181763

>when the human version is better than the monster one

>> No.19181765

Nice meme.

>> No.19181771

She's definitely proud of that swimsuit. At least until another Wock shows up completely naked.

>> No.19181787 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck my waifu with a condom and then feed the collected cum to my daughteru.

>> No.19181789
Quoted by: >>19181795

>Wock brinksmanship

A dangerous thing

>> No.19181795

How would they feel when a loliwock shows up and does it doggystyle with her hubby under their umbrella for everyone to see?

>> No.19181799

Would jabberwocks be spooked by things that go snicker snack?

>> No.19181800 [DELETED] 


>> No.19181804

That's basically every time.

>> No.19181808 [DELETED] 

Not him.

>> No.19181814

Give her a warmer expression and a little bit fuller bosom, and she is a perfect New Order girl. I imagine New Order followers fight over wether it’s better to magic the horns, wings, and tail away, or just to hide them with clothes.

>> No.19181840


>> No.19181850 [DELETED] 

>Cucking your waifu

>> No.19181851
File: 623 KB, 800x800, take_responsibility_by_piddlepoddle-d64x1b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19181864

Yes. Obviously. Who on earth wouldn’t?

>> No.19181872
Quoted by: >>19181888

Are all the shirohebis bridesmaid?

>> No.19181875 [DELETED] 

This kind of thing is only good if the waifu gets cum too anon.

>> No.19181880

Do you want a bunch of wocks having sex on the beach?

>> No.19181888

They’d have to be. Who else, but her right hand maidens could help her on her big day?

Finding groomsmen could be difficult, however. Once you do, however, once one couple is wed, the next couple in line can just step up

>> No.19181894
Quoted by: >>19181948

Nah. I don’t like cranberry.

>> No.19181922
File: 383 KB, 1161x1640, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mofu addiction is a serious illness.

>> No.19181947

why am i more attracted to hellhound than i am shog but i know that shog is the one

>> No.19181948
Quoted by: >>19181953


>> No.19181953
Quoted by: >>19181974

Sex on the beach has cranberry juice in it.

>> No.19181957
Quoted by: >>19182007

Fuck off chinkboat spammer.

>> No.19181964

It is, and they take advantage ot it.

>> No.19181974
Quoted by: >>19181995

Was wondering if someone would make that joke

>> No.19181995
Quoted by: >>19182015

I don't get it.

>> No.19182002

>wock goes to the beach in a sexy swimsuit and is proud noticing the looks she's getting
>second wock shows up naked and taunts her knowing she's stealing the attention
>third wock's daughter shows up with an onii-san and starts having animalistic mere female lizard sex in public
>the first two wocks stare at the little brown dragon being railed from behind with growing envy and sexual frustration in their eyes

>> No.19182007

One thing I gotta admit is that having these foxes in that game has certainly increased the pool of high quality nine tailed fox art lately.

>> No.19182015
Quoted by: >>19182345

Sex on the beach is an alcoholic drink

Lolis are too lewd

>> No.19182020

Don't monsters prefer provocative clothing to total nudity?

>> No.19182037

In a shrine full of foxes who gets dibs on the first man to wander in?
Most tails?

>> No.19182041
File: 427 KB, 915x1200, 340_bunyip_L2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi do, indeed they seem to be rather particular about what constitutes sexy clothing, but a number of monster races tend to not wear any clothes at all.

>> No.19182056
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1683, 1510803466126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave bar with her after a night of drinking.
>Walk back to her place arm in arm, watching her massive tits jiggle in your face the whole way there.
>Open the door
>Get on the floor
>Barely inside her living room
>Surprise her by pushing her down
>She's stunned by your brashness
>Start manhandling her breasts
>Give her the clamps.jpg
>Pull up her shirt and pop a tiddy in your mouth.
>Motor boat them like they owe you money.
>Her tits are super comfy
>Too comfy
>Nestle your head between her pillows
>Feels so good.
>Actually pass out with your head in her cleavage.
>She hears you snore.
>Sits there wondering what the hell she's supposed to do now.

What does she do /mgt/?

>> No.19182074
File: 252 KB, 572x863, runa apron 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh why not, one more.

>> No.19182076

There's a demon realm plant that makes a monstergirl's skin look better when eaten. Eat enough and she'll want to show it off to everyone.

The best way for that is to walk around town naked.

>> No.19182078

I want to steal her away and do dirty things to her in a back alley!

>> No.19182080

10/10, would choke while raping.

>> No.19182085
Quoted by: >>19182342

>Leave bar with her after a night of drinking
I don't drink.

>> No.19182088


>> No.19182092
File: 470 KB, 848x1200, 1527453220721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184137

When it gets too hot just remove layers.

>> No.19182093

Gonna lewd
Must lewd

>> No.19182096
Quoted by: >>19182112

I'm calling the FBI

>> No.19182112

I'm calling the cunny police!

>> No.19182114
File: 131 KB, 640x853, 3y-l_kUaZ9ipHQer-_ndo-U2FkODAU0lLslsZA4l81c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19182117
Quoted by: >>19182141

I want o give her a milkshake but instead of milk it's my cum!

>> No.19182123 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 2942x1834, 1528473052586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19182155

Danger: do not open.

>> No.19182127

I want to grab her horns.

>> No.19182131

I want to confess my adoration for her amid falling snow! Then hug her soft, warm body to mine!

>> No.19182140

Makes sure you don't get a cold by sharing her body heat.

>> No.19182141
Quoted by: >>19182149

Friendly reminder that cum is much closer to eggs than it is to milk.

>> No.19182147

Fuck off

>> No.19182149

Fine, I'll give her scrambled cummies then!

>> No.19182155

Seems about right.

>> No.19182172

At least there's plenty of CC paladins with a good job looking for that special someone in their lives.

>> No.19182187

I fan her like a queen and sometimes she uses her wings to cool me off.

>> No.19182192

Would bob ross be a idol among Leanan Sidhes?

>> No.19182205
Quoted by: >>19182210

Ravioli ravioli dont mating press the dragon loli

>> No.19182210

Fine then, I'll lotus her instead!

>> No.19182215

Mofu addiction is a serious way of life.

>> No.19182217
Quoted by: >>19182232

I'm torn between wanting to protect and wanting to violate.

>> No.19182232

>I'm torn between wanting to protect and wanting to violate.
This is how I feel about pretty much any monster loli.

>> No.19182238

Flip you over and ride you until you cum or wake up, obviously.

>> No.19182248
Quoted by: >>19182345

Considering all monsters including lolis just want to be fucked by the man they love, violating her is part of protecting her.

>> No.19182259

Same for me but but Runa has that whole Alice style innocence about her while other monster lolis are quite lewd.

>> No.19182272

Curry pouty

>> No.19182280
Quoted by: >>19182290

the one he stares at the most

>> No.19182290
Quoted by: >>19182308

What if he's blind?

>> No.19182296

Elven Dark Knights.

>> No.19182308

Who’s voice he enjoys the most

>> No.19182315

Whoever captures his heart.

>> No.19182330

Didn't see it posted here yet but looks like the world guide will finally be at comiket this time.

>> No.19182342

i'm with you anon

>> No.19182345

They're lewd but also good girls, perfect match for lewd but gentle onii-sans.

>> No.19182349

I'm curious as to what new species he'll feature.

>> No.19182366

I want to force the most innocent Alice to watch hardcore bondage porn while sitting in my lap.

>> No.19182392
File: 34 KB, 483x604, Lrfnm5Zf478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19182502

It's world guide, I don't think there would be new species

>> No.19182393

It's shit

>> No.19182394

>World Guide written by a Baphomet

This is going to be raunchy as hell, isn't it?

>> No.19182419
File: 171 KB, 1400x1400, T2fBPpKE4HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19182434

why is this thread so full of pedos?

>> No.19182448
File: 257 KB, 640x357, 1487630988634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Sabbath territory.

>> No.19182450

>Entire sections of MGE promoting pedophilia
Hmmm, I wonder

>> No.19182451
Quoted by: >>19182459

why is /jp/ so fast today?

>> No.19182453

It's almost as if lolicons were a thing uh

>> No.19182459

There were times where the thread gets archived before even reaching 1k posts.

I'd say it's slowed a little since then.

>> No.19182462

If you post something that's not relevant to the monster girl thread of course it's going to be deleted. For wider smut perspective use /trash/ since that's where the Smut Thread from /tg/ got booted to.

Stop complaining.

>> No.19182496

is it wrong to want 2 monster wives

>> No.19182502
Quoted by: >>19182576

Is that succubus drawn by KC or just fan art using the style he used for Succubus Notebook?

>> No.19182503


>> No.19182506

Not at all anon, bigamy is the pinnacle of patrician taste.

>> No.19182508

There are times when 2 monstergirls fall in love with the same guy and decides to share.

>> No.19182509


>> No.19182511
File: 321 KB, 161x169, 1477261470279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19182579

I've seen through your deceptive innocence, you fat tailed smug Lolim.

>> No.19182515

Im gonna adopt all the elderly and disabled kobolds and give them a nice home!

>> No.19182531

Depends on the species involved. If I wanted a harem I would probably want a Khepri.

>> No.19182541
Quoted by: >>19182589

hellhound and shog

>> No.19182547
Quoted by: >>19182554

>Turns out it’s just filled with a bunch of lovey-dovey cutesy bullshit

>> No.19182554
Quoted by: >>19182571

>Head Baphomet tasks one of her cultists to write a lewd book that will subvert people to her cult.
>Instead she gets a book full of cuteness and gushing about how great love is while not making any one group look better than the others.
>Once again, the leader of the Sabbath sighs and readies her hand for another lonely night.

>> No.19182563

Trick question, the answer is all of them. But only if he's a mofuslut.

>> No.19182571

They can try and look as hardcore and lewd as they like, but deep down every Baphomet just wants her loving onii-chan.

>> No.19182572

How do you like your monstergirl fingernails anon? Long? Short? If she has claws instead, how do you like those?

>> No.19182576
File: 94 KB, 956x1081, RAD gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both, fan coloring of KC's pic http://mgewiki.com/images/0/02/Succubus_Extra0a.jpg

>> No.19182579
Quoted by: >>19182602

Well now I got to tap to yupiel again.

>> No.19182589

really want a meaty paws girl and the pampering of a shog

>> No.19182594

slime with not nails at all

>> No.19182597
File: 104 KB, 635x903, DfLFH2MU8AA2Pi-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be wrong if it wasn't.

>> No.19182600

Doesn't look like that to me-the pose is different.

>> No.19182602
File: 155 KB, 718x722, smugvamp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19182604
File: 753 KB, 2352x2160, 9iHlooU15yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, it's slightly different. Then dunno, probably original

>> No.19182610

I much prefer neatly trimmed nails, so my waifu and daughteru would have those when they're feeling like hands instead of paws. As far as their paw nails go, they'd probably files those down too.

>> No.19182615

What a disturbingly sinister tea party.

>> No.19182616

World Guides don't feature new monsters. You're thinking of the encyclopedia volumes he releases whenever he has 100 new girls.

>> No.19182623
File: 236 KB, 769x503, Girtablilu7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19182641

>More Girtablilu art
All of my yes.

>> No.19182625

Tofu sucks

>> No.19182630

>angry fox noises

>> No.19182641
Quoted by: >>19182664

Indeed, now if we can just get some good sex art, preferably with her in ecstasy over stinging him while riding him (the extra art by KC seems to be briefly before sex starts), though I fear many fan artists may be unsure how to depict how she looks where the scorpion body joins the humanoid body (especially since it seems to happen further below her humanoid rear than his other tauric arthropod monsters).

>> No.19182648
File: 1.87 MB, 1165x1900, 65369200_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back!

>> No.19182661

I feel like the dimensions of that background weren't considered

>> No.19182663

Is this the after part to that image with the Pharaoh getting graped? Seems like celebratory cake.

>> No.19182664
File: 73 KB, 248x166, 272df6ba-5b9e-4446-9f9d-0199418d4cf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the extra art by KC seems to be briefly before sex starts
The heart marks on her pincer suggests otherwise

>> No.19182674

True, in that case I mean briefly before the next round of sex starts.

>> No.19182702

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that's her stinger (you can see the "impact" on his flesh where she is stinging near the base of her mate's penis), it just looks a bit like a pincer because of the perspective where you can see a bit of one of her jointed legs underneath it.

>> No.19182722

Yes. You either have 1 only, or you go for the big harem, 5+

>> No.19182726

Monogamy and bigamy are fine.

>> No.19182739
File: 93 KB, 544x876, C-CFfaFUIAAAQVR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19182744

It's fine if it's her sister

>> No.19182745

I would consider an Alice in addition to my loli Night Gaunt wife.

>> No.19182748
Quoted by: >>19182851

Just be glad you only want two and you're not stuck wanting all of your top 10.

>> No.19182751

i'm not sure i could do a 5+ unless i incorporate some of the girls that give massive health benefits like unagi and even then i don't think i could give them all enough love

>> No.19182782
Quoted by: >>19182804

Just go balls to the wall, 5 manticores.

>> No.19182791

The vigor of an incubi automatically grows to make it so he isn't satisfied until he fucks his entire harem.

>> No.19182797
File: 519 KB, 600x558, smug3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World Guide by a Baphomet
>"Hora" everywhere
>Calling onii-sans sissies
>Reminiscing about how the first time she and her husband did it he was sobbing about how perverse and degenerate her Bapho-pussy's tightness was
>Until his first orgasm, not even three minutes into their sex after she decided to hold his hands from cowgirl position
>Starts rambling on about the joys of having her petite ass squeezed by big, good, strong hands and the feeling of her husband's cock stretching and dragging her pussy
>Stops suddenly mid-paragraph in a fourth wall break as if the editor had caught onto the propoganda
>Final pages are a two-page spread of a group of Baphomets, Witches, and Familiars all spread eagle with womb tattoos of Hearts, all of them wearing 'come hither' smirks

>> No.19182804
Quoted by: >>19182831

dear god no

>> No.19182808
Quoted by: >>19182842

Are you talking about sex? Because one of the basic abilities of an incubus is that his mana-output and stamina increase to accommodate however many wives he may have (as they grant him their own mana to convert into mana he pours into them), and that as far as boredom and satisfaction goes his mind and body will experience having sex with the whole harem as the equivalent of having sex once, so he won't get bored with it. There may be a limit but we don't know what it is.

>> No.19182815

its wrong to say i wouldn't want a lamia but in a top 5 situation bunyip is only lamia

>> No.19182819

Why are lolidomcons such faggots?

>> No.19182827

Would be funny if it was written by a baphomet without a hubby. The desperate tone and blatantly obvious propaganda of her trying to entice people into goat pussy would be amusing. And knowing a bapho, she'd probably secretly hide her address in some cryptic manner throughout the book, hoping some strong, smart anon figures it out and seeks her out.

>> No.19182831

2 ushis.

>> No.19182835
Quoted by: >>19182904

3 minutes anon, really? From the self-proclaimed best non-married vagina among monsters? I'd say the average man wouldn't last ten seconds during his first time, unless she deliberately kept him from cumming.

>> No.19182842
Quoted by: >>19182876

no i meant like cuddle time and talking

>> No.19182844
Quoted by: >>19182905

Unagi Disco: The floor is slimy. the walls are slimy. everything's slimy and you're falling down. your shoulder pads are soaked.
There are stains on your white suit.
Every time you fall down, there's another eel to pick you back up.
You're going to need new shoes when this is done.

>> No.19182851

>Wanting to be married to all of your top ten at the same time
I couldn't keep up. Even when I fantasize I'm usually just with one at a time; I wouldn't want more than two wives unless I was in a true harem situation like a sultan where I just fuck and spend time with whichever wife I want while the rest bugger off. That's really not fair to them, though.

>> No.19182876

Well there is that doppelganger potion. Sure you lose mental faculties in proportion to how many times you copy yourself, and the sense-sharing can be overwhelming, but I bet making one or two copies could leave you coherent enough to divide up the harem a bit between you for pillow talk.

>> No.19182904

Well I mean physical domination through not allowing the guy to cum is one of my biggest turn ons.

>> No.19182905
File: 138 KB, 620x877, UnagiJoro19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19182990


>> No.19182942

In what cases would MGE lamias share their husbands?

>> No.19182953
File: 622 KB, 830x1200, Bicorn7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When bicorns are involved.

>> No.19182957

With their daughterus.

>> No.19182964
Quoted by: >>19182973

Basically whenever another monster happened to fall for him to the extent that her body adapted/instincts recognized him as her husband. There would be no going back for such a monster, and the lamia would accept this. That and bicorn shenanigans, but neither scenario would be common. I'd say the vast majority of lamia family monsters never have to share their husband.

Also, even when they do share they would still likely try to compete to be the "top wife" in the harem.

>> No.19182973

I want to watch my two wives take out their sexual aggression out on each other!

>> No.19182987

Communal husbands? I mean, if I small group of lamias that live in the wild find a single guy I doubt they're not gonna all try to take the opportunity

>> No.19182990

How would a holstaur react to you faceplanting in her milkers?

>> No.19183022

Flustered, but also seemingly unable to stop hugging you further into her cleavage.

>> No.19183031
File: 379 KB, 588x640, Medusa8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Communal husbands
EMGfag out.

>> No.19183032
Quoted by: >>19183048


>> No.19183035

Given they are very possessive I doubt they would volunteer for that, rather they would compete to see who actually gets to claim him as a husband. Wild lamias know how to search for men after all.

>> No.19183036

>Ara ara~

>> No.19183048
Quoted by: >>19183067

Jealousy/possessiveness is apparently not a racial trait of the lamias in the Everyday Monster Girls manga. Rather, limited availability of men (lamia were kept secret from humanity at large and thus couldn't go out and look for men) led to their culture developing a communal husband way of life. That said, they seem to quite like the idea of getting a man they don't have to share with all their peers.

>> No.19183067
Quoted by: >>19183095

Well I was just saying that is not the same a lamia sharing with, I don't know, a couple of monstergirls she doesn't know that sharing with another three lamias she's been raised with.

>> No.19183095
Quoted by: >>19183109

Its possible, but its also important to note that many monsters don't go for the first man they see. Hence why so many profiles say something like "spot a man that strikes their fancy." The setting also refers to how many monsters do have preferences in men, and even an ideal sort of man they seek (and of course there are monsters noted for being very indiscriminate, like wurms).

Its true that said preferences and ideals aren't usually enough to stop them from accepting a man that truly wants them (as such a trait can be considered the ultimate ideal for monsters), but at the same time it means that there are many men a monster girl wouldn't target on her own volition.

>> No.19183103

I spent way too much time thinking about Atlach-Nacha nails
>Just long enough to stick out a bit
>Hard and somewhat sharp
>Naturally the same color as her spider legs
>They don't grow nor need to be cut
Something about lolis with dark nails is simply too good

>> No.19183109

>there are many men a monster girl wouldn't target on her own volition.

I should have worded this better, to clarify I would say there are many men that a given individual monster girl wouldn't target on her own volition. Obviously for a given man there are likely to be a number of monsters whose fancy he would suit, provided he wasn't an irredeemable villain.

>> No.19183115
File: 629 KB, 1923x2052, Kikimora159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19183127
Quoted by: >>19183154

Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you have two maids?

>> No.19183144

Damn that's lewd, who's the artist for this one?

>> No.19183154
Quoted by: >>19183187

Never mind, found them. Kinkymation on HF.

>> No.19183161

best duo

>> No.19183178


>> No.19183187
Quoted by: >>19183194

>The size of their commission picture
What is this? A commission for an ant?

>> No.19183194

The full-size pic is here:

>> No.19183214

The best part about having two maids.

>> No.19183215

>Watch as this Kiki is thoroughly punished by a Shoggoth with the help of their master
>Now with 300% more teke-lili!

>> No.19183216
Quoted by: >>19183226

100 for animations? That's quite cheap compared to some of the prices I've seen in the past. 60 bucks for 3 characters isn't a bad deal either.

>> No.19183218
Quoted by: >>19183244

Nice. Thank you.
Now I just need to figure out what I want to commission. Any suggestions guys?

>> No.19183226

>100 for animations?
That's really cheep. But I don't like their animations. Doesn't have a nice "feel" to them.
But they have really good prices on all levels.

>> No.19183233

>Wondering why KDF and Faggocks are faggots

>> No.19183244

Going for smut? List your top girls and price range and I'll fire the recommendation hose.
Can never go wrong with Salamanders getting dominated, gentle femdom with noble girls or threesomes with girls that pair well together though.

>> No.19183268

>Going for smut?
>List your top girls
>price range
Depends. 80, with the possibility for 100 if I really want something.

>> No.19183276

And also half dragons (ie. Dragon girls but with unnatural skin color)

>> No.19183280
Quoted by: >>19183698

is your problem with loli or is this more of that insecurity shit about not being alpha af

>> No.19183296
File: 1.16 MB, 1320x1480, 813b1c6ec1b1f2512a1d3d286fcd12cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183369

Chocolate horsepussy best horsepussy.

>> No.19183343

>that taste
Oh hey a lot of those are in my list too.
69, maybe using her powers to levitate herself or the guy or maybe just straight forward.
Mating press or PoV missionary while pinning her arms down.
PoV reverse cowgirl or hand holding cowgirl.
Paizuri, blowjob or maybe both in one.
Anything you like really, lots of succ art out there already so follow your dick.
>bonus suggestion
Lich/Wight threesome.

>> No.19183349 [SPOILER] 
File: 225 KB, 1620x2048, 1528486536806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183377

Please DON'T open.

>> No.19183369

while i wouldn't turn down almost any mg waifu centaurs are at the bottom

>> No.19183377

i regret everything

>> No.19183390

Medusae would petrify all of your body except your head and dick and will rape some sense into you if they catch you being unfaithful.

They're not Shirohebi tier possessive but they're close.

>> No.19183391
File: 886 KB, 1167x1500, Lich and Wight cencored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lich/Wight threesome.
Already commissioned https://i.imgur.com/n4R6HZ7.png So I don't know if I want/need another one. Or maybe I do...
Never been a fan of 69. It's still good. But I just think it's a bit boring.
I do like that one.
Maybe. I feel I can do something more interesting tho.
Basically just a solo version of the pic I already commissioned.

I did get some interesting ideas from this.

>> No.19183399
File: 56 KB, 832x900, JYhE1FROUzM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183461

>The full-size pic is here:
Where? Can't find it, that link only lead to info page and that pic is not in gallery either

>> No.19183430

Which monster girl would have the highest population?

>> No.19183433


>> No.19183447
File: 193 KB, 1200x1000, 41665914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183450

>tfw you will never operate with your waifu
Feels bad.

>> No.19183450

What a rude fox!

>> No.19183453

Read the fucking Q&A.

>> No.19183461
Quoted by: >>19183492


>> No.19183464
File: 580 KB, 900x1259, 左藤空気 - みんな、シスター・クレアをすころう。 (69136225) .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which monstergirls make the best slutty nuns?

Hard mode: no Dark Priest

>> No.19183479
File: 694 KB, 539x751, 28962759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19183487


>> No.19183492

Eh? I thought there was high res/animated version of that kiki and shog pic

>> No.19183496
Quoted by: >>19183531

Kobold or Titania. Pure and innocent enough to really nail the whole nun aesthetic, but monstergirl enough to be undeniably lewd and sexual no matter what they do.

>> No.19183498


>> No.19183505

You know, that lich/wight threesome didn't sound so bad. What sounds best
1. Them scissoring with anons dick between
2. Rides his dick, the other rides his face
3. One laying on top of the other. With anons behind them, and his dick pressed against their pussies. (Them kissing is alternative.)

>> No.19183513
Quoted by: >>19183523

>Or maybe I do...
If it helps this was the inspiration for that thought
Although that Salamander idea is probably the one I like the most.

>> No.19183514

One* rides his dick. God damn. All my blood is going to my dick right now.

>> No.19183523
Quoted by: >>19183588

Oops forgot the link there https://i.imgur.com/VFXTjrs.jpg
So I guess 3?
You madman, go for it.

>> No.19183531

>Kobold nuns
Yes anon. You nailed it head on, at least as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.19183549
Quoted by: >>19183581

>I'll never be princess carried by a momster
I dont like this.

>> No.19183581

>I have to go out and mow.
This is why the world needs magic

>> No.19183588
Quoted by: >>19183603

Or I could buy the comic thing and just have all three and a "after" page where they all lie in bed, one of either side of him, both having cum dripping out if their pussies...

>> No.19183590
File: 846 KB, 1122x849, 1513802522353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a monster girl school teacher prefer, dry erase markers or chalk?

>> No.19183603
Quoted by: >>19183653

That actually sounds like the best idea of the lot.

>> No.19183606
Quoted by: >>19183621

Markers. Chalks don't go well with paws and claws.

>> No.19183618
File: 428 KB, 595x842, DELETE THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/monster/ image

>> No.19183621

Markers are for plebs, they write like shit and dry out. I bet all the teachers with normal hands like to tease those losers for their grimy looking white-boards.

>> No.19183630

>Complaining about a where an image comes from.
Hell I even got it from this thread.

>> No.19183632
File: 162 KB, 850x1349, !!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183645


>> No.19183645

That's how she moans when you get her pregnant.

>> No.19183653
Quoted by: >>19183702

Yeah, I'm gonna do that.
Should they have womb tattoos that in the final panel glows with some purple magic or something?

>> No.19183654

>I even got it from this thread.
It's not nice to lie anon.

>> No.19183665
Quoted by: >>19183673

/monster/ art is so distinct because it's spammed here so often, especially the shitty anti-condom meme art you posted: >>19183590
Seriously, the guys artstyle is terrible.

>> No.19183668
File: 374 KB, 898x561, 1523485901096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183673

>Not even looking at the file name

>> No.19183673
Quoted by: >>19183677

Read >>19183665 you faggot.

>> No.19183677

/monster/ schlock is /monster/ schlock, the filename is irrelevant in that regard.

>> No.19183698 [DELETED] 

Not him but lolidom is literally the most pedestrian of fetishes. You're being physically dominated by based on outward appearances is a pre-pubescent girl in most cases. You're literally not only debasing yourself to the same level of pedo fuckery of the Prophet Muhammad but are also in denial of said pedophilia.

Loliniggers like you, KDF, and Shog need to take a long walk off a chair with a rope in hand.

>> No.19183702

Whatever tickles your pickle, dude. It does sound like a good idea to me though.

>> No.19183707
Quoted by: >>19183729

Get out of here normie.

>> No.19183712

>recruitment drive
>not recruitment dive

>> No.19183714
Quoted by: >>19183782

are you open at all lately?

>> No.19183729
Quoted by: >>19183802

How do these normiefaggots keep finding this place?

>> No.19183748

thats really cool and all but that mindset has no place in mge

>> No.19183752

>being this anti-loli on /jp/
>in a thread that mostly talks about a porn setting with a loli cult and perma loli races
Not liking it is fine but acting this offended by it is hilarious.

>> No.19183764
File: 927 KB, 925x1233, 61569030_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183779

I'm fond of lolis, but KDF/Quicksilver is pretty cancerous.

>> No.19183779

Lolidusa is for lewds.
All 3 of her are

>> No.19183782

I have one more commission to finish and I should be open again not too long after that.

>> No.19183785
Quoted by: >>19183841

Best girls the ones that you can punch in the face and the can punch back
Like ogre

>> No.19183802
File: 756 KB, 1024x768, Elf butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183821

You mean fa/tg/uys.

>> No.19183808
Quoted by: >>19184072

You have a price sheet, do and don'ts?

>> No.19183815

>the joys of having her petite ass squeezed by big, good, strong hands and the feeling of her husband's cock stretching and dragging her pussy
If someone like the wandering scholar interviewed a man x loli pair about what turns them on, they'd give matching answers from different perspectives.

>"I love running my hands all over her soft, petite body and the way her small but plump ass and thighs feel in my grip" / "I love how much of me he can hold at the same time with his big strong hands and how they firmly clutch around my butt and thighs"
>"Slowly stuffing my wife's cute and tight holes is the best" / "Husband filling me to my limit and stretching my pussy and butthole is the best"
>"Making her feel good and seeing all the cute faces makes me happy" / "Serving his big cock until I'm exhausted makes me happy"
>"I like kissing and holding hands with her" / "I like kissing and holding hands with him"

>> No.19183816
Quoted by: >>19184072

Ok! I sen't you an email a bit ago but you never responded so I figured you were busy

>> No.19183821

Whatever they are, they need to go back.

>> No.19183841
File: 290 KB, 862x711, 1527775384431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19183886

Nothing like a good punch up to get the blood flowing

>> No.19183854

What monsters make the best cool nee-chans.

>> No.19183868
File: 604 KB, 1500x1554, grimgrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a loli monster girl would be strong and lewd enough to dom and rape you. That's what makes lolidom so great with monster girls, it's the most authentic and purest form of that fetish.
I'd also argue that it's even better when your pride gets shattered from being violated by such a little girl, but being confident in yourself enough to maintain self-respect no matter how much a MG loli doms you is fine too.

>> No.19183877

I love loli and personally i'm a switch. Whether I would prefer lolidom or loli maledom depends on the species. For Lolidom I like Redcaps and Nachos and for maledom I like Alices and a loli Night Gaunt.

>> No.19183879


I read that as 'grimgrin', and had some unsettling flashbacks.

>> No.19183885

I prefer nee-san type doms.

>> No.19183886

Whats be best music for a decent fist fight?

>> No.19183905

>get riled up about loli
>more people talk about it
Was this part of his master plan? Is he just a huge tsundere?
Nachos work great for both roles, that's what makes them so great. I've got a weakness for loli salamanders and anubis for maledom with Pharaohs and Baphomets for femdom.

>> No.19183916


>> No.19183931


>> No.19183954
Quoted by: >>19183989

Personally I like femdom in human form for Nachos then switch to the spider form for maledom.

>> No.19183963
Quoted by: >>19183989

It's easier to just ignore him since if you're as autistic as I am it's easy to tell who it was who wrote that

>> No.19183965

Nachos taunt you and call you worthless so you would be angry enough to shut her up with your dick. This is how Nacho husbands become spiders.

>> No.19183971

theres got to be nothing more frustrating to a mg than their crush having a disorder that hasnt been cleared up by mana yet

>vampire has a crush
> its on a anemic anon with haemophilia
>wants to bite but is scared it might actually hurt him

>> No.19183977

Patrician taste.
I'm usually against switch relationships because the hierarchy between you and your monster girls should be clear.
That being said I make a big exception for lolis because no matter how hard one doms you, she is still a cute little girl who deserves to be spoiled.

Atlach-Nacha is the species that warmed me up to the idea of being a switch mostlybecause thanks to their venom you don't have to go against your nature to rape her silly, you do it because you're under her venom's influence and can't control yourself.
Alices are great in that regard too but it's harder to imagine yourself suddenly snapping and raping your adorable imouto because of magic.

>> No.19183989
Quoted by: >>19184062

Nothing wrong with that either, spider I form isn't my thing personally but that's just me using silly headcanon.
Oh it's okay I'm pretty autistic with that kind of thing too.

>> No.19183991


>> No.19184005
Quoted by: >>19184061


>> No.19184031
File: 189 KB, 800x800, d264f250dea9e5d1206052e46016aee7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are for :
Ear rubbing
Consensual cuddling
Impregnation via mating press
Raising daugheru with
Live a happy long life with

>> No.19184033

How disgusting!

>> No.19184040

I mostly just want to dom them all. The ones like salamanders and anubis that even have clauses in the profile for defeating physically or mentally, the possible switches or either-ways like nachos, and the ones that don't understand surrendering to cock yet like hellhounds too.

>> No.19184041
File: 485 KB, 272x251, 1446071072496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184061


>> No.19184044
Quoted by: >>19184427

the hell is with people's need to have site rivalvires?

>> No.19184047
File: 156 KB, 1024x1280, DfK6n4uVAAAQEO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget:
Feet licking
Getting enslaved by

>> No.19184054

>Getting enslaved by

P-pardon? getting enslaved by elves? are they just gonna feed me leaves?

>> No.19184061

Please do not preform heat moves on monster girl crime families.

>> No.19184062

That being said he's a passive-aggressive shitheel versus being tsundere

>> No.19184072

Oh sorry about missing that.
I sent it a reply if that was the right person.
I do, yeah.
Softshade full body will essentially go up by 15 but that should be it for now.

>> No.19184075
File: 2.97 MB, 2508x3541, 69087772_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184353

What if I want a thick, virginal Elf-mom that's unaware of how DE has changed her body?

>> No.19184081

I just got home from work and I've always wanted cute monstergirls to visit me while i'm working. It would make my day everytime.

>> No.19184082

Good taste.

>> No.19184137
File: 236 KB, 500x500, tumblr_owjlnpYYGr1r3ngf6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184141
Quoted by: >>19184179

Fucking a young elf so hard her single mom feels jealous and gives in to the desire would be too good.

>> No.19184146

my parents would just be happy I brought a girl home.

>> No.19184150

cum chum

>> No.19184156

can she drink from herself?

>> No.19184166
File: 516 KB, 781x1500, dude with earth spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that with the elements at your command you can do some awesome stuff like create diamonds and stone gauntlets

>> No.19184171

Thanks senpai! Been shoppin' around for good monster girl artists to comm, and you've always been one of my favorites

>> No.19184170
Quoted by: >>19184253

or fight pollution themed super villains.

>> No.19184179

She'd start masturbating while listening to all the lewd noises but then she'd realize that that just isn't enough and she'd come ask for the real thing.

>> No.19184220
File: 86 KB, 1081x910, DdBo2--VMAANWeT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather lift some skirts.

>> No.19184235

This song literally inspired me to add an additional fight scene to a story I'm working on. Not a shoehorned fight either. Just thought a last fight would help solidify character development.

>> No.19184250

Is it about a real estate agent who won't give up when it comes to his job?

>> No.19184253

P'Orcish Greedly did nothing wrong.

>> No.19184292

It's about a former troublemaker who's searching for a way of life they can be proud of, and is fed up with folks trying to drag them back into the life they left behind.

>> No.19184315
Quoted by: >>19184326

Why is bigamy with two differing body types so great?

>> No.19184326
Quoted by: >>19184335

Spicy lives is why.

>> No.19184335
Quoted by: >>19184522

Spicy lives?

>> No.19184353
File: 534 KB, 800x1177, 1432044321645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you covered, boss.

>> No.19184365
Quoted by: >>19184403

What if a short where Shub-Niggurath only takes the form of a Baphomet loli because it takes less energy and calories to do so?

>> No.19184403

So just a loli version of Ane Naru?

>> No.19184410

>page 10 confessions

>> No.19184427


>> No.19184432
File: 2.57 MB, 828x1200, Sasha_DPriest1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184441

That's now how you do it, the proper way is
>We're about to be archived. If you've got a confession to make, better do it now.

>> No.19184441

I'd have no problem with dicking a MG toddler.

>> No.19184458 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1645, 1528500251946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184491

I wanna marry a MG (preferably a lilim, demon, or inari) who has fucked thousands of men, animals, and feral monsters (monsters who have yet to fall under the DL's influence). Bonus if she has video of her encounters, especially the raunchier ones with gangbangs, abuse, used as a public cumdump, and her outright getting raped.

I want her to organize a few one-night-stands or gangbangs (without me involved) once every couple weeks and video tape it while we're married. So I can watch it later.

>> No.19184470
Quoted by: >>19184482

>no (you) for the cuck bait

>> No.19184471
File: 566 KB, 974x750, 3352236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19185071

I actually can't remember if it was Atlach-Nacha or some more Arachne-type girl, but whoever talked about spider waifu having a job making clothes and underwear was onto something.

It's an extremely fitting idea to drag the Nacho out of her eldrich hobo cave to live with you, and give her work she enjoys and doesn't finish in local spider ruining everything. It's easy to imagine her making lacy mastercrafted lingerie in loli sizes while bitching about how all the "depraved scum like you" will be stripping them off little girls in the future, and getting redder in the face and more aroused the longer she keeps going on about it.

>> No.19184476

Exterminate yourself.

>> No.19184477
File: 870 KB, 1200x1600, Lilim105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184486

Yep that was me, shall respond momentarily!

I love lilims
and baphos

>> No.19184482

Nigga's using the same image he used last time he tried to pull this shit. Fucking Shigy.

>> No.19184486

Nice taste.

>> No.19184491
Quoted by: >>19184496

/trash/ ntr thread is where you want to be for that. Being serious.

>> No.19184496
File: 430 KB, 850x1077, Shoggoth38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving him a (you)

>> No.19184498
Quoted by: >>19184516

Thanks. I want to be sandwiched between the two

>> No.19184504


>> No.19184516
Quoted by: >>19184523

One either side while on your back or the lilim being the big spoon with the bapho as the little one for you?

>> No.19184523
File: 256 KB, 800x1000, Baphomet38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The later.
Even better if the bapho calls the lilim her little sister as well

>> No.19184522

"Variety is the spice of life."

>> No.19184524

I want a modular automaton gf, that's just a head, that can be plugged into all sorts of robot bodies for all sorts of weird sex

>> No.19184532
Quoted by: >>19184560

>Lilim with a onee-san or motherly Bapho retainer

Why does this work so well?

>> No.19184549
Quoted by: >>19184560

>bapho acting line an onee-san
Are you my twin? A Baphomet very close to my heart acts a little like one even though she's a loli.

>> No.19184560
File: 265 KB, 3000x2774, Baphomet27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find it cute as heck if she acts a bit older but still likes your opinion and thoughts too.
And a lilim little sis who praises the other two.

>> No.19184564
Quoted by: >>19184571

I want to sign a gyaru demon's contract!

>> No.19184569
Quoted by: >>19184582

I’ve been away for the past 8 hours. Did I miss anything besides shitposting?

>> No.19184571
Quoted by: >>19184610

>This just says “succ”

>> No.19184582

Just some shog x kiki art but it should be easy enough to find with ctrl + f imgur.

>> No.19184599
Quoted by: >>19184605

I lack the discipline to write anything anymore so I spend my days wallowing in liquor and cheap hentai. Usually involving lolis.

>> No.19184605
Quoted by: >>19184628

If you need work, most places will pay minimum for anyone who can show up on time, sober, and not high.

>> No.19184610
Quoted by: >>19184619

>"Huh? You, like, got a problem with the terms?"
>"Naw, this is just the first time I read a contract all the way through."

>> No.19184619
Quoted by: >>19184623

I bet that's a turn on for her.

>> No.19184623
Quoted by: >>19184668

Especially after she spent all night writing it.

>> No.19184628

>on time, sober, and not high.
No wonder my e-pals struggle there.

>> No.19184638
File: 1.71 MB, 2610x2180, 11vin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184643

Always exercise caution when swimming this time of year.

>> No.19184643
File: 86 KB, 850x1187, 1523129363455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or don't and enjoy your new wife.

>> No.19184648
File: 1.57 MB, 1196x1564, 69080477_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184751

I'd like to make a confession at a corrupted monastery.

>> No.19184649
Quoted by: >>19184671

>Your email service is hotmail
What a loser.

>> No.19184659
Quoted by: >>19184663


>> No.19184663

Madagascar will never ever get Monster Girls

>> No.19184668

Must have been the most she's ever written ever.

>> No.19184669

It may be the sweet song of alcohol but I unironically want strongfat jinkos.

Soft but buff cat is a must!

>> No.19184671
Quoted by: >>19184675

cock.li doesn’t look so hot on resumes.

>> No.19184675

Depends. Where are you applying?

>> No.19184681


>> No.19184683
Quoted by: >>19184697

doesn't matter.
I must molest it.

>> No.19184687
File: 285 KB, 992x1403, bunyip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184698

Peak snek.

>> No.19184690

A coyote?

>> No.19184697
File: 1.94 MB, 1900x2781, Inari12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184698

Fluff snake, your time is now

>> No.19184702
File: 150 KB, 420x700, 1510366032127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184717

Beware their cleavage, it's been the untimely end of a great many men.

>> No.19184704
Quoted by: >>19184723

Pervert foxes for pervert people.

>> No.19184705
Quoted by: >>19184723

You can't stop me.
Muscle mofu, chub mofu, loli mofu, and more.

I will molest that mofu!

>> No.19184708
Quoted by: >>19184723

Dear Diary, I want to cum on a fox girl's face while she's sleeping.

>> No.19184717

Good ends, that is.

>> No.19184719
File: 369 KB, 698x800, 1490533374276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like small girls with one big mofu the most.

>> No.19184723
File: 837 KB, 1440x2194, 1528499273625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184725



>> No.19184725

There will be no biting, only breeding

>> No.19184728

Loli MGs make me uncomfortable. Mostly out of shame/hurt of having a poor track record with others my own age.

>> No.19184743
File: 992 KB, 640x948, ZKzjUV0hL8LB4Q8go3P6tSNaC8frBxPjoSrJOG4hp0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184816

>FLAYED.com is hiring now!

>> No.19184751
Quoted by: >>19184765

That picture is simply too lewd.

>> No.19184757

Don't you tell me what to do.

>> No.19184759
Quoted by: >>19184767

>graped.com is available
>Minimum bid 3000USD
Who wants to donate to my kickstarter?

>> No.19184765

What's more lewd?
>Glory hole where you stick your penis
>Regular hole where she whispers directly into your ear as you confess your sins.

>> No.19184767

Give me the snek.
I desire snuggles, and I'll get them if I have to take them.

>> No.19184769
Quoted by: >>19184826

Both simultaneously?

>> No.19184782
File: 405 KB, 1024x768, 50382331_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19184787

Male mindbreaks and energy drain ryonas turn me on like crazy

>> No.19184801

I have fantasies about monstergirl assassins who use sex to kill men.

>> No.19184805
Quoted by: >>19184818


>> No.19184809
Quoted by: >>19184818

Well, they certainly end their (single) lives.

>> No.19184816

What's the most popupar video?

>> No.19184818

Succubus Prison is game of the year all years to me for this.

>> No.19184823

Neither. It's a hole that you stick your mouth inside so that you can whisper your sins to her. The penance is paid in kisses.

>> No.19184824
Quoted by: >>19184832

I actually finished playing that game just yesterday

Vinum best girl

>> No.19184825
Quoted by: >>19184842


>> No.19184826
Quoted by: >>19184831

Is she a Cheshire? Or is the whole confession booth Shog?

>> No.19184829
Quoted by: >>19184842

Everyone knows that it's better to keep a man around as a food source than to kill him.

>> No.19184830

Which girl is (wo)man enough to cuddle me while I'm drunk?

>> No.19184831

I was thinking it'd involve two Nuns. Or maybe she gives you a handjob/thighjob while whispering to you.

>> No.19184832
Quoted by: >>19184840

They're all trash anon.
They're all trash.

>> No.19184838
File: 108 KB, 752x1062, 00DC58B7-B6CD-4151-B2CC-CC1D7E85EDC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184843

We need a dog nekomata.

>> No.19184840

Death by energy/soul drain has always been a guilty pleasure to me

>> No.19184842

How come?
The MGE succubi are smarter in that regard, yeah.

>> No.19184843
Quoted by: >>19184858

An inumata?
A wan with two tails?

>> No.19184844

I just realized something. We have a canadian anon with an anubis Waifu. That means that it is highly likely for their daughteru to grow up with fluent french.

>An anubis will never talk dirty to you in french while giving you a foot job.

>> No.19184849


>> No.19184853

>Feet fetish
I dont have the words to describe how disgusted I am

>> No.19184854

But it's Quebec French. Also, like 1/3 of the thread is Canadian.

>> No.19184857
Quoted by: >>19184910

il ne parle pas le francais

>> No.19184858
Quoted by: >>19184865

Double the tails mean they’re twice as happy to see you when you come home! Plus, it makes the humping and burying her nose in your crotch more understandable.

>> No.19184859
File: 244 KB, 1300x982, Yeti122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fluent French
Nobody outside of Quebec bothers with that shit

>> No.19184860

Fuck the french.

>> No.19184861

>Quebec French
>fluent French
Good jokes mate

>> No.19184862

Yes, I would fuck a French monstergirl.

>> No.19184865

I guess.
I'm more a cat-man myself though.
Big and buff or small and soft, give me the nekos!

>> No.19184867
File: 144 KB, 895x893, Whitehorn5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quebec French is actually closer to classical French then European French.

>> No.19184869
Quoted by: >>19184910

Why? They'd speak gibberish and stink.

>> No.19184871
File: 32 KB, 400x455, 1522022407310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is that gross though? I thought people liked french. Also just because the thought of a girl stepping on your dick is arousing does not necessitate a foot fetish.

I'll just see myself out.....

>> No.19184874

The problem is moreso with the type of people that French Canadians are.

>> No.19184875


Can somebody explain this shit to me now, I'm confused as hell.

>> No.19184880

If a Canadian MG appears in front of my house, mofu or not, I would fucking rake her, and if she starts talking in French I would bring the fucking salt

>> No.19184882
File: 500 KB, 700x952, 27158882_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184893

>Umm... Why are you sitting here alone? Are you hurt some where? What can I do to help you?

>> No.19184884

Calling them people is a stretch.

>> No.19184887
Quoted by: >>19184910

French as a language is over rated and not sexy. I have no idea why so many people think it is.

>> No.19184889
Quoted by: >>19184906

>She just apologizes and leaves trying to hold back tears.

>> No.19184891
Quoted by: >>19184900

I'm enjoying MGQ Paradox

>> No.19184893

Fuck off I bet your French
But really, I don't care for the ocean monsters. I'd rather have a nice undead instead.

>> No.19184897
File: 99 KB, 700x700, 8226B294-ADB7-4B25-BE35-D4B510BC462B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my online buddies is a French Canadian and I keep catching myself thinking he’s a BR.

>> No.19184900

I've only just started playing the OG MGQ

>> No.19184906
Quoted by: >>19184915

Those canadian monster girls are for enjoying the end of the playoffs with.
Caps just won me 65 bucks

>> No.19184909

I thought it was closest to Normandy French.

>> No.19184910
File: 292 KB, 1015x1185, 1511108775677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And another story goes into the trash. I'm on a roll!

>> No.19184915
Quoted by: >>19184923

Is that a lot of money for you?

>> No.19184917

Don't let tired /int/ memes keep you from your dreams.

>> No.19184921
File: 432 KB, 640x768, t9wbCDwMgIOP1P55mJ-g1KBqH2r0epLhvcRrZoqg2rA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184974

diaM sihT tsurT t'noD

>> No.19184922
Quoted by: >>19184927

Mate if you can’t handle page 10 mgt bants I don’t know what to tell you.

>> No.19184923

Nope, made back my money and a little extra.
Fun times

>> No.19184927

no u.

>> No.19184928
Quoted by: >>19184941

Do it anyway anon, don't let it bother you.

>> No.19184933
File: 156 KB, 795x785, Whitehorn34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do anons?

>> No.19184935
Quoted by: >>19184941

I demand tundranubis, no matter the context. Get back to work so I can enjoy your writing.

>> No.19184938

I build robots for a living.

>> No.19184941


but yall are a bunch of meanies.

It's not tundranubis, the idea was that she was a french teacher.

>> No.19184946

Never mind then.

>> No.19184948

>but yall are a bunch of meanies.
Hey I didn't take part in that, french and french canadians are fine in my books.

>> No.19184950
Quoted by: >>19184959

Well, I'm a network engineer so mostly fixing fax machines.

>> No.19184953
Quoted by: >>19184973

What if Im the hunter?

>> No.19184956
File: 245 KB, 783x886, buffValk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184961

Dark Valkyries are olev.

>> No.19184959
Quoted by: >>19184966

It's a thankless job, but at least you'll always have work.

>> No.19184961

I prefer the vanilla flavor myself.

>> No.19184963

Same here.

>> No.19184964
Quoted by: >>19184988

I work in a shitty pallet factory where I clear out jams from an automated wood stacker machine and contemplate suicide while disapproving gazes glare daggers whenever I turn my back because I have little to no control over a machine that is never serviced or maintained and all the stacks keep coming out crooked and I can't fix them because it's 400 pounds of wood pressing down on one fucked up board so all the hammering in the world can't fix it and I just keep trying to fight back the urge to cry.

>> No.19184965
File: 85 KB, 552x816, DFbeYITXoAAJygx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184966

Yep, although I do enjoy the actual networking portions.
The Landline/POTS stuff? Not so much

>> No.19184970

Engineering. I sit at a desk and mess around with charts, lists, and drawings until the match other charts, lists, and drawings.

>> No.19184972
Quoted by: >>19185100

Depends on which part of Canada you live, here in Alberta, you might not ever learn french.

>> No.19184973 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 792x891, 1528509367783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184974
Quoted by: >>19184982

Tekeli-li, tekeli-li...

>> No.19184982
File: 995 KB, 1280x1530, Shoggoth76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19184987

>You called mastah?

>> No.19184983

I'm a secret agent rockstar rocket scientist.

>> No.19184987
Quoted by: >>19185001

Why does the sink have a vagina?

>> No.19184988
Quoted by: >>19184994

Please don't off yourself.

You have the making of a great suspense writer.

>> No.19184992

CS student

Most of the work involves trying to solve problems I created while I tried to solve problems

>> No.19184994
Quoted by: >>19185002


What do you mean? I'm not particularly familiar with that genre.

>> No.19184995
File: 948 KB, 933x700, mMCaFwM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a meido.

>> No.19185001

Soap play?

>> No.19185002

You described a very stressful and unnerving situation in a deeply personal and authentic manner.

Take those feelings and channel them into art.

>> No.19185003

>No tall gothic Dark Mage to fuck me slowly in the lotus position until I pass out.

>> No.19185007

Middle. I like the subtle look.

>> No.19185010

>26 going on 27
>Feeling old

God damn, I need a CC or something

>> No.19185011

Red is for the bed, Blond for the bond, and blue because sometimes I need a little help getting a clue.

>> No.19185016
Quoted by: >>19185017

none of those are a shog i can't pick any

>> No.19185017

How do you know that? Silly slimes can make themselves look however they want them to.

>> No.19185018
File: 1.91 MB, 1872x2376, 1511267799376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19185024

I would work more on my nerdbird story, but I'm already working on my other story. Also, I haven't planned out any scenes with the bird in them.

>> No.19185025
Quoted by: >>19185029

>Was gonna post a recently finished picture

>> No.19185029

Post it in the next thread when we inevitably 404.

>> No.19185030
Quoted by: >>19185039

I love nerdbirds more then any man on the planet.

>> No.19185039
Quoted by: >>19185041

Good, because otherwise you run the risk of Alping.

>> No.19185041

Not him but I would an alp. It's basically just a succubus

>> No.19185043

Yeah, its not a boy anymore if their dick falls off.

>> No.19185044

Alps are basically a man that was so gay they wrapped around to being straight again.

>> No.19185045

If it has breasts, a womb, and no dick, I'm fine.
Would I actively seek them out? Probably not.

Would I be fine with one? Yes

>> No.19185050

as long as alping removes human personality issues and i didn't know i'd prolly do one since you wouldn't really know

>> No.19185051
Quoted by: >>19185056

Which makes it fine.
It's a chick.

>> No.19185053

I think “Alps” were mistakes. He could’ve just said in passing that any living being that wanted to become a monster and loved a man enough could become a succubus, taking care of elves and the rest too.

>> No.19185055

What's wrong with elves?

>> No.19185056
Quoted by: >>19185063

Why couldn't MAMONO MANA just make gay men straight?

>> No.19185063

Because there are worse things than that

>> No.19185064

But heterosexual sex is still 50% gay.

Gotta get those trap fags in on the deal. KC just wants to please everyone and shove a boot up the ass of NTR fags.

Plot Twist: KC has been trying to use some kind of human consciousness manipulation to make a world where lolicon is allowed. If enough people subscribe to the idea, it will eventually become a reality.

>> No.19185068

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure not to mix up a shortstack with a loli, they get quite poutey if you do.

>> No.19185071

I think it was an Atlach-Nacha making underwear for lolis, though it works with any arachne type species except maybe Ushi-Onis
>give her work she enjoys
That's a big part of it. Atlach-Nachas spend most of their time endlessly spinning web to try and complete it but they never get the satisfaction of actually finishing it.
By making underwear she gets to enjoy a lewd activity, complete multiple works and please both her husband and her customers in the process.
I especially like that it works no matter current state:
>Fully envenomed Atlach-Nacha
>She makes a pair of panties while calling you a perverted lolicon for convincing her to craft such a debauched piece of clothing
>Venom negated Atlach-Nacha
>She happily makes a pair of panties while humming and frequently asks you if she should modify it to better suit your taste

>> No.19185072
Quoted by: >>19185081

Mice look all the same, how can I tell?

>> No.19185073


>> No.19185076
Quoted by: >>19185081

I never can understand the difference. No seriously, what IS the difference? Like 5 inches? An extra notch on the belt? What is it? WHAT IS IT?

>> No.19185078

Unemployed by the moment but I'm a mines engineer starting a mining company in a small copper vein that I got, If only my Troll waifu was here to keep me company a give me strength during this lonely process

>> No.19185081
Quoted by: >>19185112

Pick a show or movie from your childhood.
Those that remember are shortstacks.

Breasts also help.

Breast and hip development

>> No.19185086

Forget trolls, marry into a dwarf clan

>> No.19185088
Quoted by: >>19185090

Is that even profitable anymore?

>> No.19185090
Quoted by: >>19185093

Not him but its a decent metal you still see in wiring.

>> No.19185093
Quoted by: >>19185099

True but the only thing an entire house worth can get you is 20 bucks. Trust me, I uh, know a guy.

>> No.19185099

I think its like $2.17 a pound.
Not great but not bad.

Still a necessary metal

>> No.19185100

I swear these threads are filled with Albertans and Texans

>> No.19185103

I know we have a combination of both, although I think there's one or two Michigan-fags here aside from me.

>> No.19185106

I know there’s at least one other Arizonan here too besides me.

>> No.19185111
Quoted by: >>19185134


>> No.19185112
Quoted by: >>19185118

But oppai AND supreme butt lolis exist.

>> No.19185113

Mexico for sure

>> No.19185114

Well, take heart anon. I'm from Kentucky!

>> No.19185115

Army Signaller in the Canadian Primary Reserve, but I'm also working as an Intern for the US Foreign Commercial Service.

>> No.19185118

If they've got the chest, dicking them is best.
Sporting a rear? A dicking is near.

>> No.19185120
Quoted by: >>19185134

Am Texan, can confirm.

>> No.19185133

This game is a great reminder of the darker side of monster girls.
MGQ had a lot of darker scenes but they were of such mixed quality that they end up forgettable.
Succubus Prison struck a nice balance by having only 3 quality girls and focusing really hard on how each bad end is enjoyable.
I fapped to that game so much that it single-handedly cured me of my porn addiction. Truly a masterpiece.

>> No.19185134

Are cows as darling as we make them out to be? I remember I went to a farm once when I was little, but have never been since.

>> No.19185136

T2 Mac+ Technical Support for Apple. Currently trying to develop an AR app in my offtime for use with TTRPGs like D&D or Shadowrun that works on iOS. Also trying to worm my way into doing actual tech work with Apple instead of tech support.

>> No.19185145

I'm a licensed insurance agent but all I really do at work is shitpost and play runescape.

I don't really know anon, I've lived in a big city all my life.

>> No.19185148

Yeah pretty much. Also, Ponies are assholes, and Horses are retarded.

>> No.19185154
Quoted by: >>19185156

I'll have you know I hail from the land of cheese and beer.

>> No.19185156
Quoted by: >>19185158


>> No.19185158


>> No.19185160

That’s about what I expected. Horses always seemed like the most janky animals.

>> No.19185163

We have a few brits

>> No.19185164
Quoted by: >>19185183

Close enough.

>> No.19185168

Like cows, they smell funny but are warm.

That's all I remember.

>> No.19185169

Some, cows can jump at you, they can actually recognize people without problems

>> No.19185174

Yeah, I have a massive hate-on for horses. Which probably explains why I don't like centaurs much.

>> No.19185176

Anon from Kentucky here. This is spot on. Cows are adorable if a bit dull though sometimes they memorize who you are and in that case will come running over when they see you to just chill next to you.

Ponies are assholes and retarded. Horses are also retarded but in an endearing kind of way and tend to be friendly. Goats are goats. Pigs are deliciously adorable.

>> No.19185179
Quoted by: >>19185192

God damn cheese heads.

>> No.19185180

Some are, some aren't. About what you'd expect. They seem capable of recognizing individual humans.

>> No.19185183

No it isn't.

>> No.19185186
Quoted by: >>19185209

>Deliciously adorable
>Nervous P'Orcs

>> No.19185192

Stay mad Steeler fag.

>> No.19185193

>tfw you will never get a large mouse hooked on cheese curds

>> No.19185209

@=(T w T)=@

>> No.19185214
Quoted by: >>19185224

I've only ever met one pony that wasn't an asshole. He would follow me around when I'd clean up his field and would freeze up whenever I looked at him, but occasionally he'd get close enough to tap me on the back with his nose and then run away. It was cute. I still fucking hate any sort of horse with a passion though, he was the one exception.

>> No.19185224

I've only ever handled a horse once, it was terrifying and I was ankle deep in shit.

>> No.19185247
Quoted by: >>19185260

I’d like to get these kinds of cutesy texts from my monster girl wife.

>> No.19185260
Quoted by: >>19185304

I'd post Bunyips text messages, but we hit image limit.

>> No.19185274
Quoted by: >>19185303

Eat out the piggies.

>> No.19185303

That turns a horde of nervous piggies into happy piggies.

>> No.19185304
Quoted by: >>19185310

Please don’t forget to post them next thead.

>> No.19185310

Its just a pic from new drawfag. He already posted it.

>> No.19185312
Quoted by: >>19185341

Once upon a time there were three little pig sisters named Huffy(The haughty eldest), Puffy (The especially voluptuous middle child), and Stuffy (The youngest who suffered from a severe pollen allergy)
>One day they had come of age and so they decided to head off into the world to make their fortunes.
>Their mother packed them some food for their journey, and waved them off with tears in her eyes.
>They traveled down the long road for several days and came to a fork in the road that split into three paths.
>One to the east, one to the north, and one to the west.
>The three sister's decided to split up and go their separate ways.
>Huffy puffed out her chest and went to the west where she had once heard was rich with minerals and excellent farm land waiting to be cultivated for profit.
>Puffy with her flabby breasts and hefty rump, headed down the path to the north laughing away the cold winds.
>And Stuffy, having once heard that the east was highly urbanized and had little in the way of plant life, decided to save herself some trouble and headed that way.


>> No.19185341

Sounds cute. I can’t wait to see how it ends.

>> No.19185359

Florida represent.
